#thats why you need to educate yourself so you know it when you see it
hindahoney · 1 year
If a "new" form of antisemitism ever surprises you, you don't know enough about antisemitism. I can promise you that every single form of antisemitism, both from the left and the right, all share at the very least several centuries (if not millenia) of history. It's all the same stereotypes repackaged to appeal to whoever the target audience is and dressed up in modern terms to reflect whatever values they're trying to sell you.
Pagan antisemitism is the same as Christian antisemitism. Christian antisemitism is the same as Muslim antisemitism. Muslim antisemitism is the same as new age antisemitism. New age antisemitism is the same as Nazi antisemitism.
It is all the same, it hasn't changed in over three thousand years. You need to educate yourself on the origins of antisemitism or you won't know something is antisemitic unless it's someone screaming "Death to the Jews." If you fail to recognize the antisemitism in front of you that is dressed up in language you agree with, you will fall for it.
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vampirememory · 2 months
quality ✧ do you need to lower or raise your standards? [Love PAC]
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Hello! I believe this is my first pick a card of 2024, I hope you appreciate the topic I chose. This is something that I recently had to recognize and deal with myself, so hopefully you find this reading helpful.
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Pick a photo or a number one through three and continue reading to find your reading.
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No, absolutely not. If anything, your standards are too low. You are like me, at least myself a few weeks/months ago when I did not value myself. You need to understand that you are 100% valuable and loved, and that there is nothing that can depreciate your value. You may have been overconsuming readings, questioning as to why you continue getting into toxic relationships or completely lack a relationship and it's because you have a negative sense of self. Listening to self-worth or self concept subliminals may help you. You are worthy of a healthy, happy relationship but you need to be healthy yourself first. Now keep in mind, healthy does not mean without illnesses. I know from my experience with depression, I will never be healthy, but you CAN have a healthy outlook on life and a healthy sense of self, which is what you are looking for. Especially for my mentally ill friends, no one (not here, at least) is expecting you to be 100% healthy but to be as healthy as you can be, if that makes sense.
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Girlie, I hate to tell you but your standards are high as fuck. But is that a bad thing? You tell me. To be clear, when I say girlie I am 100% being gender neutral, this reading is for everyone ^-^! You're giving boss bitch energy, but are you actually a boss bitch? One thing about having high standards is that you also need to meet those standards yourself and you need to ask yourself "would someone like that want to date me"? For example, if you're really aiming for a basketball player or the top CEO, are you actually in a mental and physical space where that will happen? Are you out on the courts, networking and integrating yourself into sports environments? Are you working your way up to the top, making connections with higher ups and building a good reputation? I think you may have good standards, but you aren't reaching them yourself or not putting yourself in environments where you'll meet said person. Also make sure you are actually maintaining those standards too. If you think education is important, and you're actively in education and want someone else who is too, why settle for someone who hates education or isn't looking to educate themselves? Things like that make all the difference. If you want to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk too.
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This pile gives me much softer vibes than the other two piles. Your standards and romantic requests may be more traditional, you may want the house and the kids and the white picket fence and that's totally fine! I think you're doing well in terms of your standards, you uphold them and you aren't putting yourself in situations where you are with people who are against that dream or against those standards. I do need to warn you, however, that there are a lot of exploitive people out there, especially when it comes to wanting a more traditional homelife. Waiting is a completely fine thing to do. Don't jump at the first person that looks nice and ticks all the boxes because they may be lying. I don't see terrible things happening for you but I feel like I needed to include a warning. Just be careful and you'll get your wishes <3.
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Thats all for today my friends! Check out my masterlist for my previous readings and remember to stay safe in this crazy world! Feel free to send asks with any topics you would like to see in the future.
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rin-and-jade · 5 months
Welcome to the World! : A Starting Guide for Alters
This guide's purpose is to help either new formed/split, or those recently risen from dormancy, or the unregistered/unrecognized alters to get one step closer to functioning at the outside world!
It'll be one long rundown, click below to start right away, see you on the flip side.
From here on, what will be mentioned are things to assess some potential problems, questions, and self-discovery prompts. It is recommended to follow the flow of the guide, but if you necessarily need to skim to a certain section, this table of contents will help you:
table of contents
The beginning - Introduction
Things to look out for - potential problems to assess - Mobility - Gender & Species unalignment - World confusion
Starters - self discovery questions
How a system works - lite educative version
Closing - last notes + extra materials
The beginning
Nice to see you here, in the flip side! Now i know you have lots of questions on hand right now, and why you might be reading this as first thing's first; it's because i am here to help prepare yourself in many different aspects that cannot be learnt/figured out in such a short amount of time unless it is assisted with an experienced person.
If you haven't know what's going on up to this point, along with the kind of situation you're in, first off, you're a system.
Yes, thats right, system is a word for a collection of many parts within one body and you are also a part of it. This can mean you'll hear other kinds of accent inside head, and feeling + liking fully different things, as well as possessing different levels of certain skills and memory. More or less, this belongs to the qualities of a Complex Dissociative Disorder,, where there are types like DID, OSDD, Polyfragmented, etc.
This happens because of how dissociation can wall up barriers between other facets of yourself that stops some level of communication or complete it's integration when bad things happen in early years, leaving them mainly separated and self-autonomous; they're known as 'alters' but i personally love calling them as 'parts' or some might go with words like 'headmates' or 'facets' or even 'members'.
This isn't enough to explain the disorder itself, but i hope it suffices in explaining your situation! Feel free to check some extra system details if your gang has one, let's get to the next section.
Things to look out for
Just a quick warning and a reminder, if you are rather new or have not been actively out,, there is a high chance of having issues with limb coordination, control, and balancing. Other than that, the off-putting sensations you feel such as wrong type of species, height, gender, or even the world being foreign from how you perceive it can make things scary and overwhelming.
Fear not, as i also have the solutions for all these:
Handling poor mobility: First off, take a good moment to recognize your length of the arms, legs, learn the shape of your palm and fingers, and to every corners of your body. Start holding some simple objects like mugs or pens, remember how it feels to grab something with your fingers and gauge your grip strength, experimenting when you squeeze or loosen it. Then start interacting with the objects with both your hands, attempt to twirl it, or hold it in different positions and turns. You can also go for a test walk and sway all your joints to get a better picture of your movement range, practice makes perfect in easing your balance and momentum, it is normal to stub or be wobbly or clumsy at first, so take it easy okay?
To manage unalignment: It is hard to feel comfy if it is not the right height, especially for non-human aligned parts, so using props or any equipment or accessories can give you some sense of comfort (you can even walk on toes if you do need to feel a bit more tall, but don't over do this). Since fully eradicating this is impossible, doing anything in your power to lessen the discomfort is the best thing you can do,, there are also phantom limbs which basically means the extra body parts you identify with does not exist. This can be remedied by applying some gentle pressure to think that it is attached to your main body or use your imagination to satisfy that missing limb. for those not being aligned with the gender, if the body is feminine but you are masculine; try investing or search for a binder. If a binder is out of reach, wearing oversized, or baggy clothes, or hoodies will do the trick. And a boyish clothing style and short hair style if possible too. If its masculine in a feminine instead, using more girly oriented clothing style and do your nails, or any activities that affirms feminine aligned gender. I am very sure there are silicon chest pads but not in terms of where it is being sold at, so try to find them if it's available in your area. When neither and is androgynous instead, try searching for gender neutral clothes that are also neutral colored like grey/black/brown. There are many inspirations of this type of fashion so use the internet to gain inspirations on making your own androgyny look, you could even use make up to contour your shape of face. Now, for the ones who walk in hind-legs, get some platform heels/shoes/sandals/boots. You can find a flat one or the slanted one to match your needs. The idea is the slanted part of the shoe and the thick base gives an impression of canine/feline foot balance and for those who have hooves, respectively. (honestly, paw printed socks will do too, i hope) And to manage claws, or fangs, try using fake nail art of your color, or attach a fake vampire teeth guard, respectively. For symbolic means, you can even consume foods that are juicy and red, like meat cooked in medium,, or if you want the more vegan option: watermelons, or gummy that represents meat or grubs or just by being red to represent blood. Lastly, for the avians who have a pair of flaps--multiple wings, or in unusual spots (arm, face) can be eased by applying constant pressure points (any adhesive and items like tape, cotton, band aids, tissue, or plastic wrap) or a cloak/mantle/loose jacket or vest can give you that comfortable enshrouded sensation that comes with wings. Making flap sounds from cloth or any fabric will also give you a stable sense of input for having a 'functional' one, although phantom.
Getting used to the world Start learning how technology works--phone, laptop, kitchen tools, vehicle if any, and anything else that are often used. Make sure you practice enough to easily operate them, and learn how to use the internet and helpful plural apps or websites such as Lighthouse or start using Simply Plural. Try many foods to enhance culinary awareness, identify lots of other objects and the geography of your area to navigate and understand better. Touch many kinds of materials to train your sensory processes. You could also invest in watching shows and try a variety amount of activities to deepen your understanding of life. Explore different kinds of subject that you are particularly interested on, and lastly, never be afraid to do and try new things! This will guarantee you to seamlessly function with anything the world has to offer.
For starters - Self Discovery
Do you have a name?
do you what's your age?
What's your gender?
What are your pronouns?
Do you remember anything, and how much?
Do you seem to retain some past knowledge?
Can you describe what you look like? (Includes species)
Do you find the outside world familiar or foreign?
Can you state your bio name, family, or any important info?
Is it possible to describe yourself identity/vibe wise? (crucial part to tell apart fragments from splits and from holders that do not embody a personality)
What role could you fit as? (a host, protector, etc. Search for alter roles)
Do you like the outside world? Will you have a chance of being out more often? (to gauge how often one will front)
Have any likes and dislikes or preferences/hobbies?
For the bullet points you couldn't answer, take this as a sign to start searching! It will take some time, but you can ask help from anyone and even me when needed.
How a system works
A system works in communication (be it internal or external) and switches that also often have a specific trigger to call out someone else. Sometimes, though not a must, will have an innerworld that facilitates as a place for everyone to meet and interact.
These things are crucial for cooperation, because you'll definitely need that in order to navigate the world and adapt accordingly.
There are many kinds of communication styles, sometimes a mix of some or have all of the above,, whatever style you have, make sure to use it to the maximum. There are: via images, via abstract vibes, via emotions, or via direct (verbal) internal thoughts. Some do not have any internal communication, so external ones would be things such as keeping notes or write in a diary or any app for text editing.
Keep in mind that the clarity of communication fluctuates due to various factors, stress as one of them. So it is important to know that it will not work in a constant 100% at all times, use this awareness to strategize if, somehow, you have lost contact with the others.
Trigger & Switches
It is something that elicits a feeling that belongs to a part, which in return, can 'wake' or call one to co-con or front. There are negative and positive charged triggers, and i suggest you to explore what are your potential triggers.
The relationship with trigger and switches is, depending on how strong it is, can cause a switch to happen, where you will be swapped out by another one who got 'called' upon. This mechanism is for adapting to different kinds of situations, and these certain triggers are the key to ensuring the right part handle it's respective job as needed.
Switches can be very subtle, or slow, or obvious, or in a snap. This fully depends on how your system is made to handle problems on hand or when in stress, as sometimes it can cause rapid-switching, or the opposite, being stuck or locked in front. Sometimes, they also cause physical symptoms.
System terms - Basics
Fronting - the alter who has full control of the body, and performing tasks. Co-front - the alter, who have awareness between the outside and inside world, as well as able to control the body though not as complete as the fronter. Co-conscious - the alter who have awareness of the outside world, and spectates, and does not have any direct control of the body. Passive influence - when an alter's specific traits or likes/dislikes leaked to others and/or at front, that changes the initial reaction to be more blended with the other one. E.g. A like fries, B is there and likes spicy sauces. So now, A is craving to eat the fries with something spicy, even if A has no interest when it comes to spiciness or sauce.
For closing
Practice makes perfect, this is everything you need to know to hone your knowledge before finally stepping outside with complete freedom, where you can start anywhere you'd like, and to resume your collective's path to functionality and well-being. It's okay if things didn't go well at first try, and remember to reach out to people who you could trust as it'll help you progress faster!
I am aware that this guide still have a lot of room for improvement, so any requests or feedback will be added here for future viewers! This guide will be subjected to constant updates with even more sections being discussed on, or added touch of details. I will also add on my own posts here to serve as additional knowledge that is related to this topic:
Types of amnesia
Are you a Shard, Fragment, or Alter
Types of subsystems
Front-stuck, and how to deal with it
Physical switches
Being blurry
Starters to system foundations
How comorbidity affects plurals (ADHD & Autism)
Dealing with the sense of faking
The person who needs to give their back a break, - j
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
Hello, if it's alright, could I request a Toby, Slenderman, EJ, and Jane the Killer x reader (separately) in which the reader (in most cases) doesn't know that they're injured until they look down at the injury? Not exactly to the extent of cipa, but more like they don't feel the pain or even notice it until they look down and see the injury.
If not that's ok too. Either way, have a good day!
Various crps x injured!reader who doesnt realize theyre injured
idk if theres a term for it but this happens to me sometimes </3 the amount of times id randomly find bruises or cuts and start feeling the pain as soon as a acknowledge the injury hisshiss characters: ticci toby, slenderman, jane the killer, eyeless jack notes: reader is gn cws: mentions of injuries
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he almost has a sixth sense when it comes to you, so its likely that he knows youre hurt before you do... though to be fair, with how long it takes you to notice that isnt... very impressive/lh
he does not wait for you to actually notice the damage, he goes into caregiver mode- taking you to clean the wound if its open and wrapping it if needed
does not have any answers for why you dont notice the pain at first but thats mostly because hes not skilled or educated in that sort of thing- you can only learn so much by observing others from far away and living in the woods
you both passively lean into one another to keep track of the others wounds; you dont notice yours for a while, and neither does toby- though your scenarios arent exactly the same, you help each other take care of any nasty wounds that could get nastier if left untreated
in a way he finds himself relating to you on some level, because even temporarily you dont feel pain- you both may end up talking about your experiences
that being said, the two of you may not take cuts and bruises as seriously as you should because "well i can still function/i didnt notice the pain before- so its fine!" mentality, its... not the best way to go about things...
headcanon that he was into medical stuff before getting all goopy and cannibalistic, so even if he doesnt immediately know whats going on he can cook up some theories-
that being said hes going to get onto you for leaving wounds uncleaned and uncovered, and will make it a habit to check over you every now and then to make sure youre not hurt... looks in places that are hard to look (back, neck, stuff like that)
always keeps a pack of Band-Aids/bandages on him at all times for general use, keeps other stuff at his place for worse injuries- disinfectants and needles to stich things up- hopefully it wont ever have to come to that, though
if youre the type to joke about your wounds to make the atmosphere lighter, its not going to work on jane... not because shes worried (okay... she is....) but because shes just.. not amused by that sort of humor
like jack, shes going to be stern and make sure youre taking better care of yourself and taking the time to look over yourself, as well as teaching you basic first aid if you've decided to skip over that
does not try to control you, shes not going to stop you from getting into a fight or doing something a little risky (within reason, if the situation seems too.. intense... itd be different), because even despite your little... situation... she has enough trust in you not to get mortally wounded
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bluegalaxygirl · 3 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P12
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Medical stuff, family issues, abuse and Violence.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part .... Next Part >
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A voice calls out to you, the voice of your mother sounding concerned and slightly panicked soon turning into anger when another voice, Kids voice speaks up, you can't make out what their saying until the room becomes clear. Its only been a few seconds since you zoned out but it feels like you've been out for days by how groggy you feel. "Y/n, sweetie, there you are" Your mothers smile comes into view as her hand gently guides your face to look her way, blinking a few times to get yourself to focus, reaching up to place your hand over hers thats presses on your cheek your relieved to feel she's real. "Hay, you ok?" Kid asks still leaning on the bed with one arm this time making no attempt to touch you or even lean your way, your eyes travel over to look him over with suspicion, that memory although pleasant sparked alarms bells in your head. They needed your skills, thats what your father said, is this what he meant? They needed your smarts? "Y-you let me handle the money?" You ask looking at Kid with knitted brows, when they first told you about being in charge of the money you thought they were lying but its clear now that it is the truth, there's a couple of problems with this though, it still doesn't confirm weather you stayed by your own will or not. Why did Killer let you do it? You were a stranger, sure you helped them out and did work around the ship but looking through someones fiances is different,your suspicion grows wondering if thats why they kept you around.
They were struggling with money at the time and having someone do the work for them and having a rich man's daughter on board would benefit them but how did they know? Did they figure it out or did you let something slip? Its clear from your actions that you had a good education especially in business, you should have realized sooner, in the south blue education comes in two forms, the cheep version, which only the average person can afford, only contains basic Reading, Writing, History and Geography, anything more than that the price goes up so only the Rich can keep climbing the ladder, maybe that's how they knew. "Yea, like we said your in charge of the money and how we spend it" Kid states his look of concern soon turning into a frown since your face hasn't changed, he thought this realization would make you believe him more maybe even agree to come back but it seems to have the opposite affect making you grow suspicious of him "See i told you" Your mother growls wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into her with no resistance, in fact you uncontinuously move closer to her trying to get your mind to make sense of it all, Kid's shoulders slump as his hand grips the sheets, seeing the look of dread on your face makes his heart break "W-what? What the hell are you talking about? What did you tell her?" Kid growls slowly becoming angry and turning his gaze to your mother who strokes your hair holding your head close to her shoulder "The truth, you only wanted her for the money and her brain. You took my daughter away from me, from her family who love her and appreciate her" Your mother growls making Kid see red, the captain goes to yell at your mother only to hear a small laugh leaves your lips leaving both of them looking at you confused.
Pushing away from your mother she lets you go while raising an eyebrow unsure of what your doing or what your thinking and in truth neither do you but you can't help it. "You can't be serious?" A strange smile forms on your face one that portrays disbelief, something brews inside of you but you can't tell what it is, all you know is what ever is about to come out of your mouth is something that needs to be said, no matter how cruel or rude it is. "Love me? Ok maybe i can believe that but… appreciate me? I've been nothing but a disappointment from the start, you and father have made that perfectly clear" Your mothers face drops but her brows knit together in hurt and anger, she goes to say something but you cut her off by holding up at hand showing your not done yet "I did everything i could to please you and it wasn't.. I will never be enough, I'll never be pretty enough, skinny enough, fair enough for you. I was cast aside the moment you found out i was girl, for god's sake mother, Do you realize how insane you are? How far you went? What you did to me? You hurt me, held me down, watched me bleed and beg for you to stop and at the end of it all, all you could say was how pretty i looked in earnings. You know maybe, just maybe if i was captured by pirates it would be a better life than coming home to you" Your voice shakes as it gets louder unable to control the words flowing out of your mouth and the tears forming in your eyes, Kid's eyes widen taken aback by your words, he heard it was bad but this was some psycho shit, he's proud of you though seeing you stand up to your mother, this whole time you've ether been too scared to say anything or acted prim and proper, your acting more like the woman he knows which brings a smirk to his face.
Your mother's mouth opens and closes a few times a look of shock covering her face as tears form in the corners of her eyes, you can't tell if she's sad about what she's done to you or that you've outed her. A huff of a laugh makes you turn your attention to Kid, your eyes glare at him as your face twists in anger seeing that stupid smile on his face, a proud one, as if he's won something "What the fuck are you smirking at? Your no different" The smile instantly drops from the captains face, its very rare that you get angry and sometimes your anger can rival his so it unnerves him when you direct that anger at him. "Storming in here, demanding things, taking over just like they do. I may like having you and Killer around but for all i know it could be some form of Stockholm syndrome. I mean i shouldn't like having you around, all you do is argue and fight with everyone around you, resorting to violence when you don't get your way, you know the names fitting. Just a Big Kid who throws a tantrum when ever his toy get taken away" Your yelling gets louder as you slowly get up from the bed standing in front of the tall red head with your fists balled up at your sides, you don't know where this anger is coming from but its overwhelming and the need to hit something is strong but you won't hurt either of them. "I'm trying here N/N, I've held back for you and your not a toy, Y/N i-" Kid growls threw gritted teeth his anger starting to boil over at your words, you've never spoken to him like this before, yes you've had your fair share of arguments and fights but you've never insulted his character before, you've called him hot headed once or twice but nothing like this, he also can't believe you'd think of yourself as his toy or his property.
Stepping closer you poke his chest stopping the captain from continuing, but he makes no move to stop you or throw hands with you "Trying? You call this trying? Even with a compromise you still find something to fight about, to yell about. Heck neither of you nor the other two even considered what i would have wanted or maybe waited until i was wake to talk with me about it, you only thought of yourselves" Pushing past him you grab your sling and wrap it around your arm and neck making sure its tight enough before heading to the door "Where are you going?" Kid turns anger and worry mixed on his face while your mother quickly stands up taking a step closer to you "Sweetie please, your hurt, you can't leave" Gritting your teeth you turn to the two a warning glare in your eyes making the two stop in their tracks "I'm going for a walk, I'll come back when you both short your shit out. Leave me alone" You sneer glaring at the two before leaving the room and slamming the door behind you, those two are doing your head in, fighting over every little thing even with a compromise in place and it's a stupid one too, what you don't get a say in the matter? You don't get to make a decision in your life? With a sigh you stop walking and take in a breath trying to calm yourself down, it felt good getting all that out but at the same time your heart feels heavy and your mind is still all over the place, taking in deep breaths you managed to get your breathing back to normal and your shoulders to relax, your surprised that with all the tension your shoulder isn't hurting but that could just be the adrenaline.
Looking around the dim corridor only being lite by a few small lights on the wall and the moon light coming through the windows of open rooms you start to notice that all the room are empty, its strange but then again it is a privet hospital on a resort island, it must cost a lot to get here and then even more to get treated. The halls don't look all that different to your room, same color scheme, paintings and a few tables outside rooms, each room is an exact copy of the one your staying in and its at that point you realize how lost you are, you didn't look where you were going and don't remember how many turns you took or how long you've been gone. The sun was almost set when you woke up and now the moon is out "Whatever, just keep walking, i'm sure I'll hear their yelling soon and it'll guide me back" You mutter to yourself starting to walk down the halls wrapping your arm under your sling as a way to comfort yourself, you don't want to go back to your room but maybe you can hang around the area until they leave. How did things get so complicated? You believed your parents, then you believed the pirates and now your stuck in the middle trying to figure things out. You don't know who to trust, you can't trust your parents because their known to lie to get what they wan, you can't trust the pirates because well… their pirates and you can't trust anyone who works for the hospital since your father differently owns a part of it. There's no one else you can turn too, well maybe the nurse, she seemed ok with telling your farther off and standing up against the pirates, she doesn't seem like the other doctors here, and she has your best interest in mind.
Speaking of the angle in white her voice calls out to you from down the hall making you turn to see her running over to you "Y/n, what are you doing out of your room and alone? Are you in pain? Do you need anything? Come lets get you back" The nurse whispers with concern placing her arm around your waist lightly guiding back down the hallway not waiting for an answer, you don't resist instead walking alongside her starting to study her face and body language. Its strange you don't even know her name but you trust her "Can we talk? In privet" You ask stopping in your tracks suddenly, the nurse looks at you with confusion but nods guiding you into an empty room and helping your sit down on a chair before pulling over her own to face you "Let me guess, their arguing again? I'm sorry Miss Y/n i really thought a compromise would help" The nurse sighs her eyes glazing over with a sad look, you don't blame her for suggesting a compromise, it's a good idea just too bad it didn't solve the arguing problem. "It's ok, i just had to get away, try and figure things out.. also, please just call me Y/n, i never got your name, I'd like to call you something other than nurse" You ask letting out a nervous laugh feeling bad for asking since you've seen her everyday since you woke up and don't even know her name "I'm Melody Blackburn but everyone just calls me nurse, even the staff, I've honestly just started introducing myself as such" She lets out a laugh while rubbing the back of her neck seeming shy about it, which is strange for someone who seems so confident. "So what is it you want to talk about, i promise what ever you say will stay between us, patient confidentiality"
You nod explaining what happened before and how angry you got, she listens close nodding along giving you reassuring smiles when you look up at her from playing with the fabric of your shirt "I'm no psychologist or therapist but i can try and help you sort out your thoughts, even if it doesn't solve anything i'm sure it will at least help you to relax" with a small smile you nod feeling tears starts to form in your eyes but you hold them back refusing to cry at her kind gesture and hope of relief. "Thank you but I don't know where to start" Your heads a mess of concerns, facts, feeling and something else you can't quite describe, its like your mind and heart are fighting each other while also fighting themselves making you even more confused. "How about we start with feelings, leave facts out of it or actions just… tell me what you feel towards your mother" The nurse smiles hoping to bring you some comfort, at first you shrug feeling unsure of how you feel but Melody gestures with her hand for you to take your time. "Dejected, Regretful but hopeful that she can change" You sigh unable to think of anything else, it's hard to put words to your feeling towards her. "And your farther?" The nurse asks but is slightly taken aback at how quickly and easily you respond, its easy to describe how you feel towards your father even though you hate yourself for feeling that way "Hate but I admire him and there's this need to please.. i hate myself for it" Your words come out as bitter practically spitting them out behind a clenched jaw.
Melody nods taking in your words before asking about the next person "Ok.. Captain Kid?" She's almost hesitant to ask, words pop into your head but their not the right ones to describe what your feeling, maybe what your feeling doesn't have a word to it "Nervous yet safe, excited and there's something else but i don't know what its called… I feel it around Killer too, he makes me feel calm, protected but cautious along with that other strange feeling" Melody nods thinking for a second before leaning forward looking you over with conflicting emotions "Could you describe it to me?" Gulping you shrug unsure of how exactly to describe it but there's no harm in trying so you try your best to answer "I feel my chest tighten but its warm and it doesn't hurt, my stomach feels weird and sometimes i hear my heart pounding in my ears… some times i can't look away, I end up studying their faces or mask" A smile forms on your face as a laugh escapes your lips thinking about the two, its strange, you were and still are mad at them but the thought of them makes you happy, the nurse leans back with a smile admiring your face as the sadness and anger it once held disappears. "Your memories may be gone but feels can still remain, i'm hesitant to tell you exactly what your feeling only because i don't want to freak you out. Do you want me to tell you?" Thinking for a second you take in her words wondering whether you should know or not, is it something you should figure out on your own or is it better if you know? "Once were done I'll decide, is that ok?" You ask still not sure yet.
Melody nods giving you a reassuring smile before continuing on "How about you tell me what their like, for example how your parents used to be and how they are now" It doesn't take you long to get going on that, you remember the time with your parents, well except for your 18th which is still a mystery "They have changed but flip back and forth between the new loving version and their old selves. My mother can still be her controlling self, make comments on how i look and not care if something is causing me pain, only prioritizing my face and how i look, but now she hugs me, hold me, cry's over my injuries, tells me how much she loves me and misses me, she's always quick to be at my side at the slightest flinch of pain, she's never done that before." It brings the tears back just thinking about it, despite all the things she says and the fight's she starts with the pirates she still seems to care. "My farther still doesn't seem to care, always reading his newspaper and ignoring me, but he fights for me and stand up to pirates for me, he got the marines to drop the charges and brought me here to a privet hospital on some resort island, he even forced a smile for me, not even my mother gets that" You sigh trying to catch your breath after the long rant, leaning back in your chair you look out the window at the still rising moon "But i don't know whether all of it is real or put on, their good at acting like everything is great and amazing when it's not. They've lied in the past and i still can't tell when they are and when they aren't so i don't know what to believe" You whisper almost scared to say your thoughts and feeling out loud but you have too in hopes to actually get somewhere or get some help.
The nurse listens on keeping quite until she thinks your ready to move on, her face doesn't show any disbelief, in fact it shows more of a hidden understanding making you wonder if she's gone through something similar but before you can think too much she's asking about the pirates "I know you don't fully remember Captain Kid and Killer so just tell me what their like now" a slight frown forms on your face while crossing your arms over your chest the argument from before coming back and what you said to Kid, you still feel bad for saying those things but to be honest it was something that needed to be said. "Their pirates, and like you said their ruthless, its easy for them to lie and get what they want. Kid always picks a fight with one or both of my parents, he's abrasive and rude, he hovers over me like i'm gonna up and run at any minute and yet… i find myself leaning into him, he's careful when touching me and lends me his coat when i'm cold, today he held my chin and when he pulled away i had to stop myself from pulling him back." A sight leaves your lips as you run your hand through your hair trying to get your head straight, you shouldn't want them around but you do, you want them to hold you but you shouldn't, its starting to make you dizzy as your mind goes round and around in circles. "Killer's sweet, he seems the calmest and is the first to notice when something is wrong, weather it be physical or mental but its easy to lie when the person can't see your face, I don't know what he's thinking or feeling, he's seems smart and calculated, what if he's making all this up? Making it seem like my parents are the bad guys, and he's just the sweet caring boyfriend? He may be calm but i can sense he's just as bloodthirsty as Kid"
Thinking your finished Melody goes to say something hoping to help only for you to look down at your hand and continue in a whisper, she has to lean closer in order to hear what your saying "I'm scared of making the wrong destitution. Once i'm better i have to decide weather to go with my parents or go with the pirates." You didn't mean to say it out loud, not wanting the fear to be true but it is and you'll have to deal with that, the nurse scoots closer being careful not to touch your legs with her own while taking one of your hands in hers, she squeezes it gently prompting you to look up at her seeing the sweet smile on her face "I understand your scared and there's no problem in being scared but you still have time to decide on what you want to do. I honestly think your thinking too much about this, trying to make everything fit perfectly into place and its just going to make you more stressed. I know you want hard facts, i can see it but trust me when i say your gut knows more than your head" Squeezing your hand she stands up making you raise an eyebrow, her kind smile never leaves her face as her other hand reaches up to wipe away a stay tear you didn't even know had fallen "Trust your gut, trust your feelings and thinks will soon become clear. I will make sure you have a day off tomorrow, no visitors, no conflict, just time for you to rest and let your mind settle. Wait here until i come back, I'll make sure everyone is gone so you can rest" With a nod of approval form you, the nurse removes her hands from your heading to the door only to stop when you call out to her "Wait… What's that feeling called?" You ask finally deciding that you do want to know, the nurse turns giving you a much bigger smile making her eyes shine in the moon light "Love"
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
I was just catching up on your most recent fic after a busy week and saw your AN and came here looking for more clarification.
I guess I don’t understand why you felt the need to take it upon yourself to write something that you knew would get the attention of the people you were satirizing. Your whole stance on fan fiction (based on your own personal statements in both your asks and your ANs) seems to be that if people aren’t doing it the way you personally like, they shouldn’t be doing it at all. You keep saying you want people to just talk to you about it but why should they when you haven’t extended that gesture to them?
Also it’s very odd of you to be speaking for an entire group of people you yourself do not identify with. To what end exactly? So you can pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you fandom correctly while everyone else doesn’t? Did someone come to you and ask you to advocate for them? It just doesn’t make sense why you felt like this was your responsibility to correct or something.
It kind of reeks of moral (and fandom) superiority, like you’re just doing the most to educate people (which is. Not a thing we need in fandom spaces) and keep them on your straight and narrow instead of letting fandom works be what they are which is, for most people, a fun, exploratory way to engage with the source material. Your GOTCHA attitude towards readers who were enjoying your “bland” fic was very shocking. It does come across like you just want to embarrass people who enjoy those types of stories and tropes and make yourself feel enlightened and better than them because you thought outside the box.
I don’t know. The idea of using these tropes as a tool to spring “THIS WASN’T REAL” on readers is fun but I think it would have been much better if you hadn’t actually been making fun of other people. That kind of spoils the whole experience of your fic. I’ve been a fan of your writing and art for a long time and I do genuinely understand the desire to have people write more of what you want to see/write things that feel more in-character, but the approach here is confusing and off putting and it’s pretty disappointing to see you openly hurt people just because you like dicking around and can’t just scroll past stories/ideas/headcanons you don’t agree with.
Anyway I doubt any of this will change your mind about what you did and I doubt you’ll even care about what I have to say about it. It’s hurtful and upon deeper inspection and reading and rereading the fic and your AN and asks, I’m pretty sure I’m one of the intended targets. This is kind of word vomit at this point as I try to get my thoughts out but you asked for the people you were criticizing to reach out so here I am. Discouraging and disappointing but I hope you found what you were looking for I guess.
see thats like. completely antithetical to the point ive been reiterating for like a week. i CANNOT stop anyone from writing and i dont want to this is not the take away and it never has been. if they want to write fifteen fics like that to spite me then good on them i really just
cannot keep saying enough that i dont want anyone to STOP writing. this was just me kind of screaming in the dark because i see the exact same patterns repeated over and over. you should never ever stop creating because some fucking nobody is frustrated with the content produced en mass for free as a hobby. there is no actionable Thing that can take place here i cant stop anyone from writing any of this i just kind of wanted some people to Think about what they were reading. ive gotten messages from people saying they didnt like the initial tone of the story before chapter 4 but kept reading it because they were desperate for content. thats nuts to me! but i also understand that those people just have very little to choose from. if anything i want MORE people to write
like i keep saying again and again i do not want and cannot stop anyone from writing whatever they want. im not your mom! and to a certain degree, this did come out of nowhere there was no big thing that set it off, it was just me being obscenely frustrated.
and what i am REALLY frustrated about is how presumptuous youre being! i do feel bad that i hurt people and i decided basically a day after i posted the chapter i would never do something like this ever again. theres just too much room for misinterpretation. you are actively reading me as malicious like we can just talk in dms. "im so disappointed in you" YOU DO NOT KNOW ME. THAT is the shit that is getting to me youre acting like i am incapable of acknowledging how i know this fic could have been interpreted. its up now i made my bed im not going to plug my ears and pretend a public vent wouldn't catch people unawares. i am no stupid and do not treat me as such
i am actively choosing not to post most of the asks i get in FAVOR of this because they are dumping on the kinds of fics i dont even necessarily like and i think that's just adding on. again this is why i spoke about braid tropes used, shit that could basically be applicable to any fandom, and not a particularly fic. i didnt want to go into someones comments or dms and say hey! your fic is personally, to me, bad and hard to read, might you explain yourself? like theres nothing TO explain its aet it just exists how it is. there was no nice way of doing this kind of thing, but itd be so sweet if people didnt call me a friendless clout chaser and do some "you'll never work in this town again" shit.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
can you please tell me what is satellite jeon?! 😭 im so confused please help this poor out
Are you serious? I'm not patronising I'm genuinely asking how can one not know what satellite Jeon means?? Are you new? Because that's the only way you get a pass, anon
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Link to Urban dictionary
If you search for that key word on my blog you will see all the other moments I've shared. But here are some links with this one being my fav
Sometimes anon its Teleport Jeon. We don't see him moving..all we know is that the camera cuts and then Boom! He's next to Jimin
One minute here.
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Next minute....
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One minute here.
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Next minute....
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What they don't tell you though is that its actually satellite/teleport Jikook. Jimin does it too its not just JK. If, JK doesn't find Jimin and stand next to him, alot of the times Jimin will bridge that gap..or call him over.
Like for example Bon voyage season 4 was full of satellite Jimin. Its mostly coz JK had just gone through some shit but yeah, loads of satellite Jimin in sn 4. Like that one time they were eating. JK was all the way across the table standing next to Jin.
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Off Jimin goes
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Jimin gets so close because personal space, what's that?
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And voila! Satellite Jimin
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There was also when Jimin saw Jhope putting a flower in JK's hair so off he went
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If u ask me I didn't see a reason for him to touch JK but thats his man so I dont think he needs one 🤭🤭🤭
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I've talked about this moment before but I didn't have the clip for it at the time. See the thing with JK is, he will try to be subtle when he wants to sit next to Jimin. And sometimes he gives up when he can't make it. Like the moment on this post. But Jimin, Jimin has no chill. If he wants to be next to JK he will make it happen. Here he is yeeting Jin off "his" chair.
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That always makes me smile 🤭🤭 he was like move bitch, that's my seat 😂😂
One last moment from ITS where I have no clue why JK looked like he was 12 years old???
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Anyway anon. I hope you understand now. Satellite Jeon/Jikook is my number one reason why I believe that Jikook is real. So please educate yourself on the subject because these two are legit. They're the real deal.
Even if you search for BTS on Google like 80% of the images are Jikook next to eo. You can't make this shit up. They have ruined the official line up so many times its hysterical 😅😅
I love my partner but I don't have to sit next to him or be around him all the time. But these two... it honestly blows my mind. But honestly, I love this for them
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I know Geto is like a big sore spote in the whole fandom and i might be a bit insane, but i do love his story specifically because i dont think there is a way to fix it
We are being shown that well, he got really depressed and went into self isolation. In most cases, the best course of action would be to remove him from distress and have time to heal. The issue is that Geto couldnt just leave — he believes he needs to kill curses, and to become stronger he needs to eat them which distresses him further, and if he leaves people will die, and he cant ignore that just to keep himself sane. For a man like him if he head a specific goal to become strong for, i dont think the eating process would have been such a big issue, but we have to have a big distinction that jujutsu sorcerer is, at the end of the day, a profession. You’re not a chosen superhero to save the world. Those growing up in clans may have a worse childhood, but growing up with understanding that yes curses exist its part of nature does make it easier to bear. Which is one of reason why Gojo, even while having all the trauma, didnt have such gripes with reasons or goals — this is a life he was born into.
Thinking of sorcery as more than a job makes you perceive yourself as more of a hero, and heroes are good and just and get recognition. Non sorcerers dont know about them. Geto fell into a trap of doing something for others and despairing. Its easier not to think about that shit when you’re naturally good at it, and you have fun — which is why Amanai situation and Gojo becoming stronger was so bad. Now he went on missions alone, which meant no company to distract him, and now it was no longer all fun shits and giggles, its a job full of tragedies. Considering Gojo was targeted since birth, we can assume he killed people before Toji, death is, unfortunately, familiar to him. Not for Geto — not seeing someone you care about die right before you, and certainly not being that close to death himself. He’s not longer the best at it, and its no longer fun, and he gets no recognition. Tobe precise, those are not bad thinks to want — we all want them. But if you dont get them here he would have been better to ya know. Find another job probably
Like the worst part about this whole thing is that some shit like that would have happened eventually one way or another, they’re not invincible. Childhood would eventually end, and in a way Geto spiraling is inevitable. The system is inherently flawed, and the issue they deal with is cruel. Some jobs are much more dangerous and have a detrimental effect on your mental health — its just that no one thought to give jujustu sorcerers some help, which is another problem. Adding the fact that he’s neither a saviour being thanked by everyone, or a strongest, yeah, he can’t figure out how to do this shit.
In AUs, I do think there are ways he could have handled it. Like if Gojo wasn’tin school, maybe he took his whole education with the clan? Or my au where he’s in a prison realm for centuries? Like yeah, sure, if Geto was the strongest, the only person here, i do think he would have probably felt invaluable. Youre great for your profession, you were born for it, why would you leave?
This may be projecting, but i do think his way of thinking about it is inherently flawed, a very slippery slope. People need a goal, a meaning, but looking for it outward is a sure way to get yourself into a slump, I went through this shit in a nasty manner when everything i did revolved around other people. Basing your decisions on what others would think is an easy way to pretend like its not your responsibility. This is why Gojo tells Megumi to be selfish and this is why during the entrance exams Yaga says that others wont appreciate your actions and you cant base your motivations off others.
Thats the ultimate tragedy, the fact that thinking like Geto did is ridiculously easy. You go into uni on the same course as your friend just to be with them and when something goes wrong your first thought would be that you did that for them, even thought its your life choices and decision. Yeah.
I have no conclusions for you, just some ramblings. I like my Geto mean and fucked up and insecure, makes him so real and relatable as a person.
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lubotomies · 5 months
ok this has happened multiple times now so i gotta be blunt about it
if you are going to use my art and post it places the ONLY thing i ask for is permission or credit. Truly. thats an OR, not an AND. if you ask permission, i dont need credit. if you give credit, you dont need permission. if you are tracing my art in private for educational purposes and not posting it anywhere, you dont need either. i only want to be aware of it. im INCREDIBLY open about my art being used, reposted, edited, copied, traced, etc so long as im in the know (this is also to save YOU - when other people see your work and recognise it as MY work, telling them you have permission or having credit listed in a noticeable spot can save you from a lot of grievance). if you are being shady and secretive about it, it may become a problem because that is just bad practice in the art community PERIOD.
i try to be very lax and understanding when it comes to these things, im truly always flattered when such an issue comes up, and im not one to post about it publicly and cause a witch-hunt or make a callout or anything. i like to deal with these privately and quietly because when you are caught plagiarising or stealing in the art community it can GENUINELY end your career and be a PERMANENT black mark on your reputation, and i do not want any artist, young or experienced, to be forced away from art because they used MY work in one way or another. but this is also why its important to credit or ask permission! if you did this with an artist that WASNT okay with this, IT COULD END YOUR CAREER IN THE ART INDUSTRY!! please follow the etiquette in the art community just to keep yourself out of trouble if nothing else.
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acesolaris · 2 years
Education in a Solarpunk World
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. ~ Socrates
I'm very passionate about knowledge. I'm extremely curious and love to share everything and anything. As you might notice when scrolling though this blog, I love to deepdive into topics and pile and sort the informaton I find, both for me but also for others.
I'm also living in a western european country and my school system is terrible. So bad in fact, I gave up my wish to become an schoolteacher and followed another passion. There are other well articulated and better researched sources that go into the why our school sytem is this way. I'll only talk about my vison to make it better.
The whole plan is creating an individualized curriculum for each student with a focus on creating citizens who are mentally-balanced, socially well-adjusted and know how to think, so the teaching would differ for each student.
My Solapunk version of education, has three pillars.
The first is free education. Free acess to the Institutions, but also the knowledge through libraries, free acess to the Internet, free acess to academic studies. Free acess reagardless of age. there is a minimum time you have to spend in education, but lifelong couriosity, learning and exchange is encouraged, even after you started doing your chosen daily labour in the community.
The second pillar is the fact that the concept of general knowledge is a construct by the society and state you live in. So let's completely revamp this. I strongly believe that general knowlede should be considered everything that helps you taking care of yourself when you don't have acces to the help of others. Examples out of my head are cooking, basic maintenance of your home/prosessions/garden, first aid, but also how to get and revaluate knowlede you need and don't have. That, and a basic understanding of numbers, reading and reading comprehension to evaluate what you are reading and be able to apply it to your life. To properly form arguments and comunicate in a non-vilolent way. Thats the basic curriculum, the shell so to speak. It doesnt matter how you learn it, via games, from your parents or classes you take. You can't leave education untill you have proven to function in those in your way.
Ok, so the kids earn those skills in peer groups of around five or six people for as long as they need in their own pace, but what about, you know, everything else? They get let loose. There might be some age restriction on topics, but what I envison is pure interest and passion driven learning. There's no classes or grades, just develloping skills and knowledge. Every day there are three or four discussion pannels or lectures to a weirdly specific topic, like the manuscrips of Timbuktu, the life and times of Ghandi or how to best craft a basket out of different plant fibres. And anyone who wants can submitt a topic, and if it interests you, you go, otherwise you stay and work on your linewight in your drawing or solve math problems. Depending on your learning style, there 're videos, audiobooks, texts and writings in differnt lengths in differnt formating from bullet points to tomes. There are workshops, and studygroups, games and media that cover every topic you possibly want to learn about. It doen't matter when you do it, it matters that you do it. If you are a night owl, you come at 9pm, if you only can focus for 30 min before having to switch the topic, you can, if you leave with 15 because you are sick of learning you can come back with 21 when you regrett dropping out. Time doesn't matter.
There is a third pillar which is the treatment of children as actual people. Up until I was 18 years and suddently an adult my no was never respected, unless I gave an essay on why I didn't want to. Simply because I was a child and my parents knew better- every adult knew better. Which I see everywhere, and people are wondering why consens is such a dificult concept to establish as we have to learn that No is adequate. No justifications, just a No. So the learning Institute has scientists and social workers present, who are accessible as someone the students might go to for advice when needed with whatever neeed might come up: assist in finding resoures or give input and correction on fake news, or they may act as mediators in case-you know- kids being kids. Overall however, there is the understanding that children have a certain autonomity they can adjust themselves to give up or keep. Children are people and are treated as such.
The students keep a portfolio of their skills, both as a resource of knowlege and memento. Plus, after spending a specific minimum time depeding on how easy you learn the "general skills" you would be allowed to submitt this portfolio to a council of scientist chosen by you who will certify you for your chosen field of studies. You don't need to, but from my own experience having a ceritficate of your skills is damn sattisfying. And you can do it immediatly when you are free to or wait five more years because you don't feel ready. Again, the choice is yours.
Remember, you can stay as long as you want and even after shifting your focus away to the application of your skills in the community, you are free to participate in the discussions and give lectures. Everyone is allowed to give them, after all. Scientists are conducting their reserach at specific research centres that are connected to the education centres and the students are allowed there after a certain age or reaching a level of knowlege deermined by the scentists working on the project.
There are questions up for debate of course, especially how we want to teach history, tackle the things we did to each other and the planet. My country is prized for how selfreflected we are but our political climate sugests otherwise so, it's still open.
A small Linkspam on topic:
@safety-net-did muses about what should be considered general knowledge which inspired this post as well as @queerspacepunks contribution.
one of the many tumblr discussions on how children are a repressed class
another one on the same topic
a post of @missmentell on resources to learn basic life skills of adults
this reddit discussion on how to remember history.
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helloitshaley · 8 months
Job Interview Tips
look, this isn't my niche thing, I'm a horror babe, but I've noticed recently that a lot of young people really just do not understand the job interview process, which is really REALLY hurting their chances of being hired, even if they could do an amazing job IF hired so I'm gonna help as best as I can here.
Your resumé is basically a way to show your prospective employer what skills you have and what you can bring to the table. There are websites where you can look at how a resumé should be formatted, and google docs provides you with a free format as well so please use it.
What you SHOULD put on it:
First and last name, phone number, email. You can put your address if you want but that may do more harm than good if you live further away than the employer wants.
Your school experience. Even if you have only graduated high school, put that on there! Also the date that you graduated as well. Most jobs don't care about your GPA, but if you feel like the education section is looking a bit sparse, put it on there, it can't hurt.
Previous jobs. Outline how long you worked at each job, if you can provide an accurate start and end date please do. Outline your responsibilities for each job as well, employers want to see your experience.
If you are fresh out of high school and don't have any job experience, list your extra curricular activities and what responsibilities you may have had for them. As you gain job experience, remove this from your resume, but its good if you need to beef it up a little bit.
What you absolutely SHOULD NOT put on it:
Don't just write a paragraph about yourself, again, find a free resume format and use that.
Don't make jokes!!!! It is a professional thing and should be kept professional. I once saw a resume where this person wrote "I be about that money." DON'T DO THAT!!!!!
Basically you can't go wrong as long as you stick to a format and use spell check. Type-os happen, I do them constantly, thats why spell check is your friend! And if you really aren't sure, get a friend or someone to proof read it for you.
How to dress for an interview:
No matter what the job is, look professional for the interview! Try to avoid jeans and leggings, and never wear sweat pants or a sweat shirt. My best piece of advice is to buy one outfit that is your interview outfit. You don't have to splurge, you can find professional clothing at a thrift store. So long as you look well put together they do not care where your clothes came from.
What I recommend wearing is either a nice skirt, or a pair of slacks, a button up shirt, and a blazer type jacket. This goes for whatever gender, you can't go wrong with sticking to that! If you're someone who wears a tie, wear a tie. As for shoes, avoid sneakers if possible. Flats, heels, loafers, oxfords are all good. Do NOT wear flip flops or slides.
Brushing your hair is also a good idea. Makeup is never necessary but if you do wear it, its best to keep it to a minimum. Bright green eye shadow may look amazing, but if you have Mr. Fuddy Duddy bank owner interviewing you, he isn't going to like that. Understand your audience when it comes to your appearance. Make sure your teeth are brushed and that you showered and put on deodorant.
How to present yourself in the interview:
Be early!!!!!!!!!!
Be pleasant, smile! Smiling will get you very far. I know eye contact is a challenge for a lot of people, but do your best. I know that you'll be nervous out of your mind, but if you can fool your interviewer into thinking you're not, that can get you pretty far.
Don't appear too relaxed, however. Make sure you're sitting with good posture, not slouching in your chair. Be attentive, nod along with what the interviewer is saying. Try not to yawn if it can be helped.
Be sure to answer every question to the best of your ability. Responding with 'I don't know' and nothing more is going to put you at the bottom of their list. Even if you have to bullshit an answer, do it as long as the bullshit is eloquent and coherent.
Look up frequently asked interview questions and prepare an answer for them ahead of time. Most interviews follow the same script. They want to know your strengths and weaknesses blah blah blah.
Always thank them for their time once the interview is over.
Sending a thank you email is not something a lot of people know about, but has become and expectation in the professional world. Once you get home from your interview, send the interviewer a short email thanking them for their time and consideration. I know this is weird and kiss ass like, but it is expected. This is more so for the corporate world, however, so if you're applying for a food or retail job, this isn't necessary.
A lot of places expect a cover letter with the resume, ugh. Basically this is just a quick paragraph of you outlining why you would fit the role. Keep it short and sweet, don't beg for the job, keep it professional. Outline how your specific skills would fit the job.
Don't be too basic. What I mean by this is, you can embellish a little to make yourself sound better. This can apply to your resume or in person interview. IE: Your last job was washing dishes? Turn that into 'you were in charge of kitchen sanitation and organization.' Don't over embellish, however, don't make it seem like you were the CEO when you were the bartender, right?
When it comes to references, make sure you're putting down someone who will back you up and make you sound good. If you were fired from your last job, its probably best not to list that manager as a reference. Also, unless you have a ride or die bestie that will commit to the bit, its best not to list friends as references.
If the interviewer asks why you left a job that you hated, or maybe you were fired from, DO NOT BASH THAT COMPANY OR MANAGER!!!! That is going to make you look immature and also like you are hard to work with. Say something along the lines of 'I just didn't see myself as a good long term fit there, I have different goals and aspirations that I would like to explore in an environment that more fits the career I want.' again, bullshit until you make it. But whatever you do, don't say, 'oh that job sucked, my manager was a bitch, they weren't fair ect.'
RED FLAGS on their side:
A company should never ask for a picture of you prior to an interview. They also can't make you submit a video either. They should never ask your age, unless that is relevant to the job (like an 18 year old can't be a bar tender). They can NOT ask if you are pregnant. If you are clearly pregnant and they tell you they won't hire you because of that, you could have a suit on your hands.
Hiring you on the spot (when its not fast food) could be a red flag. Tell them you would like to think it over for a day or so.
Not being upfront about the salary is a no-no.
If anyone want to tack anything onto this feel free! I just felt compelled to make this post because I see so many people getting passed over for jobs when it doesn't reflect on them as a worker. Also, a lot of people just do not know this stuff. I think there needs to be an interview class in high school. Anyway, if this helps just one person I will be very happy!
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reotacchii · 1 year
Jiro Yamada x F!Reader | Pt. II After School Distraction
Pairing : Jiro Yamada x F!Reader
Genre : Fluff (click here for pt. I)
Synopsis : A studious girl from a wealthy and privileged family, escaping the education regimen she faces at home which lead her to a bond with a certain boy through an arcade game.
Author Note : HYOOHHH!! Reo dropping another part and featuring the Ichiro yooo! (Deny the fact this part wont be about them competing in a game). And i'm rushing this because I'll having a trip, so enjoy this rushed part 💗
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“ My world is now full of color. Through this encounter, I'll "Continue" on... ” - Houkago Di(e)stra(u)ction
₍ᐢ. ֑ .ᐢ₎ Y/N POV :
A day after the fateful encounter between you and Jiro, you began to took a notice of Jiro in class. Before, you never put any attention on this person, but ever since your defeat, you just can't help but to analyze your own enemy.
Jiro is like an open book, you can write a full description of him in just a glance. He wasn't the best at academic nor the brightest, not even as studious as you. His grades are lower than the average salaryman sales these days. You began to have an assumption that Jiro is probably stupid — or maybe he is, considering he's a literal opposite of you in school.
However, he's surely an outgoing person. He's able to open up to many people and you can see how genuine his act is, very much way honest than you ever thought. It's very intriguing... You can't help but to feel... Envy.
As soon as the school bell ringing across the room, the student will rush off to pack up their things. It's very natural that some wanting to go home as quickly as possible and some would also began to walk home with their friends. Only if you have a friend to walk you home from school, but you can't deny the fact that you always being pick up with your personal car — you wondered how do it feel to walk with a friend after school. Well, talking about walking with a friend after school . . .
"Oii, L/N-san! You'll be waiting for me, remember?" Jiro asked, practically screaming across the class to caught your attention. Oh right, you'll be waiting for him to finish his soccer match before you able to have a rematch with him. In which, you'll reply with a little nod to his question, though deep inside you wish to erase your existence out of embarrassment due to Jiro screamed at your name.
"Hold up, since when did you befriend with L/N?" "Never thought you'll hangout with a quiet kid, that's so unusual of you," his friend said clearly that you can hear across your place too. As you waited for Jiro reply to that one, in which you aren't sure it'll be a good one, you began to think to yourself. You didn't interested on befriending anyone, your tutor consider it as wasting your time when you can study and get very much a high grades and be succesful in the future — but when it comes to Jiro... You can put a lot of thoughts on that.
"What do you mean? I befriend everyone! Now let's go, we need to find our club before the match," Jiro said as he heading off out from class, before so, he would flash you a quick smile and a hand wave. You thought, that answer earlier were so Jiro-like. Not so biased towards the other and treat them all equally. Nothing to lose anyway, with his outgoing demeanour he would surely befriend anyone.
Now fast forward to his soccer match, you'll sit on the spectator seat. Another thing you learnt from him, Jiro have a LOT of fangirls. Each time Jiro scores or shoot the ball, those fangirls do be screaming like crazy. You were able to understand it anyway, who wouldn't act like that if you knowing the fact he is one of the IKB rapper representative and a soccer player for your school. Even though, poor and RIP your ears at this point. Thats why you sat on a seat couple metres away from them.
The match itself is very predictable, with your school soccer club teamwork and some of Jiro hardwork, your school get to achieve the win. Soon as the match ended, those fangirls began to crowding at the soccer field and surrounding their favorite player, but Jiro being the one who gets surrounded the most. You wouldn't joins the crowd, however you able to appreciate the end of the match from afar by clapping both your hands, good match you thought.
₍ᐢᵕ ༝ ᵕᐢ₎ Jiro's POV
Jiro another achievement and well, he's on a roll today! He get to scores quite a lot, bringing his school to finals, and one of his strike were so fast and accurate! It made him wonder if Y/N also see that, even a baby could notice how fast it is.
As soon as the match ended, Jiro would walks slowly as he began being crowded by either his classmate, his juniors, or probably another girl from other class. He didn't see you in the crowd, which quite predictable of you since you aren't fond of being inside it. But noticing how the fangirls are crowding the soccer field, it would be mean the spectator seat would began to clean up by itself, there he would notice you still sitting on the same position — clapping both of her hands. Guess she probably likes the match, eh? Saw her does that would instantly make Jiro scratching the back of his hair coyly.
Fast forward to after match, you would wait for him infront of school gate. Why would it reminds him to a certain romance manga... But the roles are reversed. It usually the boy main lead who would wait for their love interest, not the other way around! Why on earth he thinks that way — gosh, he read too much manga these days . . .
"I hope you aren't waiting too long for me, L/N-san," he spoke letting out a little laughs at the end. Honestly, a bit less of a man he is for making a girl waiting. However you assured him that you don't mind by shaking off your head calmly, it also made Jiro lets out a sigh of relief.
You would pull off your phone, probably chatting to someone. Jiro wasn't sure who would you text at this hour since your lacks of friend, so he assumed you texting your parents or siblings. But you didn't, you rotate your phone back and put it infront of your face to show the text to Jiro. 'Do you feel hungry?' the text on phone said. If it were a game, a pop-up bar notifications would said, 'New Achievements Unlocked : New Way of Communication!'.
Now it reminds him that, he felt so hungry. It can't be helped especially after he work himself off on the field earlier.. Then you'll type another text and show it to him again, 'I feel hungry. I don't bring any lunchbox'. This would creates a laugh out of Jiro mouth, processing your text and thinking of a reply.
"Then, how about we grab some food down the street? I recognize some shops here and can recommend some to you, if you want!" he excitedly said. You'll soon nod your head to his saying and following his lead in the back.
Somehow, walking with y/n made him calm and gives him some sort of comfort. You rarely talks, which make him curious of your voice. However, your lacks of respond made you seem so intelligent because you won't need to respond on many stuff and only respond if you actually needs to. You are quite opionated yourself, Jiro knows it once he read your text on phone, your way of communicating with him. It made him feel less indecisive when it comes to decisions making and Jiro would also know that you have your own life and your own likings. You may be quiet, but you don't want people to taking over you nor controlling your own decisions. It took a lot of courage to be not sweep off by others and he admires you for that He wasn't sure why he felt like this, but today he gets to notice and learn a couple bit more of Y/N each day.
Both of you would get an onigiri and a taiyaki together. It was your first time on eating a taiyaki, to be honest it look like a fish-shaped waffle. But you find it cute anyway, as it reminds you that your family is very strict when it comes to sweets. You definitely would use today time effectively, as you began to devour every of the tastes of it until it last. Jiro noticed and he can't help to giggling at the way you eating it, it look like a baby nibbling on a pancake.
"So, do you like it, L/N-san? I swear this is the best taiyaki shop to exist here, glad I could recommend it to you!". To reply to his question, you'll soon pull out your phone and write 'it's my first time eating taiyaki, it became my favorite food. Thank you :D'. Upon seeing that text, Jiro can't help but to smiles gleefully.
"Aahh, Jiro! What are you doing around here?" the unknown voice called, making both of your head turns into the source. A tall man figure standing infront both of you, bringing some sort of shopping grocery, a wired headphone clinging onto his neck, and a heterochromia eyes that similar as his. What's more remarkable is that the mark under his left eyes and Jiro soon recognize it as his own brother.
"Aniki! Just y'know, hanging out with a friend... By the way, this is L/N-san and L/N-san this is my big bro, Ichiro!" Jiro exclaimed happily as he introduce you to his brother. You swore you don't need to be introduced, Ichiro is literally so famous in IKB and may as well the leader of Buster Bros!!! group that consist his brothers under his wing. Though at the end, you only able to reply with a bow to his brother as apart of your own politeness.
"Haha! That sounds great, I was thinking both of you as something else... But I guess I am in the wrong. Enjoy your hangout there and Jiro, don't come home late. I'm planning to cook curry as dinner," Ichiro said which gained interest from Jiro. Ichiro cooking especially his curry is his favorite! He could go ranting for hours about his brother cooking that he loves, it shows how much he appreciate his brother cooking.
"On it, aniki! I'll makes sure to come home before the sunset," Jiro assured which Ichiro replied with a soft smiles. After a short conversation between the brothers, Ichiro would soon take his leaving. Jiro looking back at you and you already type something on your phone, 'is your favorite food curry?', the text said.
Guess you were also curious about his favorite food, but since this is a new topic, it would clicked onto Jiro and he began to show his excitements through his eyes. "Hell yeah! Curry is my favorite food of all time. The tastes of homemade cooking always been the best though, because you'll know how much cares and love being pour into the cooking. You should try my big bro cooking, he's so good at it — L/N-san, am I bothering you?" noticing how your mood to drop slightly, he couldn't help but to worries if his words bothering her.
₍ᐢ. ֑ .ᐢ₎ Y/N POV :
It must be feel nice to have your own family members to cook you food, isn't it? Everytime you hear Jiro stories, your jealousy arising but the next hour it suddenly disappear away. His family are truly caring, they doesn't sees the individual values through academic scores and taking care of each other. The thought of having Jiro life is so bothering, you can't help but to wish to switching lives with him.
As Jiro put you back to realization, you turn your slight frowns to a soft smile, politely shaking your head off to refusal. You don't want to make him worry, not to your pathetic life at home which you almost accidentally brought it to daily life activity.
After your reply, both of you went quiet. The mood suddenly dropped down to awkward situations, you hate how the mood suddenly changed this way. As soon as you noticed it, you began to type on your phone then showed it to Jiro. 'Let's go to the arcade, i'm already full'. Jiro read through your text and approve of the message by standing up on his chair, waiting for you to walk beside him.
As you both walks through the streets, it reminds Jiro to something. "Yo L/N-san, you never tell me your phone number so... I think I'll be the first one to asking that. Figuring out that we both should have a way to communicate from affar," Jiro suggested. Maybe it were a bit odd for him to be the one to ask that, since most people being the one who ask his phone number — however you sees it positively, you were ecstatic to have someone you could chat with! As both of you exchanges each other number, you would looking down on your phone, staring at the name Jiro on your screen.
Unconciously smiling to yourself, you appear to be very genuine about your own happiness. Jiro who walks beside you can't help but to admire the smiles. It's perfect on his view, your figure standing with an innocent yet very soft smiles — a face you never shows to everyone exceptional for him.
"Young lady L/N, time to go home!" an unknown voices shouted, causing your face to dropped down from smiles to a neutral face for once again. Why would a happiness doesn't last long as it appear? Noticing the unknown voice, you instantly knew it was your personal driver voice calling you, demands you to go home. It must be your tutor noticing you were away and gone for too long, you don't have an options but to go back home and end today.
"I guess you'll back home sooner, L/N-san," Jiro said with a bit of sour face. He surely was having fun as much like you do, which you only can reply with a sad nod. "I guess... We'll meet eachother again by tomorrow, see ya L/N-san?".
Within the goodbye, you'll gave him a smiles. Very much excited for tomorrow and another fun that may waits for both of you. You'll going inside your car, texting on the phone and began you first conversation with Jiro. The first message that appear from you were,
" I have a good time today. Thank you, Jiro ".
₍ᐢ. ֑ .ᐢ₎ Timeskip to Nighttime | Y/N POV :
However, once you back home, you cannot have a breath for a second. Your tutor await for your arrival and all your tutor does were ranting and lecturing you of how spending times outside only made your succesful rate drop. Like, really? Do your tutor needs to pull a speech on you for an hour straight?
How much you wanted to be a rebel itself, you are nothing but a controlled doll of your family. There's no option left but to obeyed to them and practically spending your lives to meet your family expectations.
Those thoughts are like a cycle inside your mind, same matters will happen over and over again. Quite tiring, isn't it? And so, you brush off your thoughts by laying on your bed for a bit, thinking of another memory you can be happy of.
The memory was specifically about today, your time hanging out with Jiro. That was one of the moment, a simplest act from just eating and walking on street together made you genuinely feel so happy. You swear to yourself, you wish everyday could be like that — going outside, getting some sweet cake, and walking beside someone you feel precious to you.
Your thoughts was being interrupted with a sudden notification ringing on your room. Wondering on who's texting you this late, you'll rush off to take your phone and open the notifs. It happened to be Jiro texting you on the conversation, :
Hey L/N-san, care for a hangout this weekend? :)
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huellitaa · 9 months
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🍮 self-reliance
𐙚 ₊˚. ok maybe this is an important thing for me because im a more introverted person with immense trust issues but self reliance is so so important.
leaning on others is important. trusting others is important. opening up to others is important, all of that is important for maintaining healthy relationships, healthy mindset etc because humans are social creatures (even if it doesnt feel like it) and we need that connection.
but the thing is people often lack the communication, the time, the effort, the love they put into others in themselves. a huuuuuge amount of people on this earth do not try to learn more about themselves. do not try to heal themselves. do not try to invest in themselves. do not try to be comfortable with themselves and love themselves. thats a huge reason why the world is so full of shitty people. dont do that.
you are the only person who has been there for you through everything. you are the only person who has, does and will ever know everything about you, be there for you through every hardship, every achievement, every failure, every success, every problem, every victory, so please for the love of god start acting like it!
this post came into my head because i was watching a show with my mum and there was this woman who kept complaining about how she needed to go see this person needed go see this person because "hes the only one who could help" when all the stuff he gave her she couldve got herself. she put him so high on a pedestal and expected him to give her the things she needed because she didnt have the trust in herself to even try do that for herself. it was such, such a simple problem but she lacked that trust in herself and relied on other people so much when the only person when she needed was herself. do not be like her. she pissed me off so bad i was ranting abt her the whole time
of course please please please reach out for help if you need it, if you cant deal with the problem yourself like any type of health troubles etc; the main point is to go to yourself first for evvvverything. stop relying on other people all the time.
conclusion - be your own best friend! laugh with yourself! look to yourself for advice! help yourself! learn about yourself! prioritise yourself! love yourself! educate yourself! treat yourself as someone you love! you are the center of ur universe! start acting like it!
i love u MWAH<3
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rawro · 1 year
i dont really *know* anything about schizophrenia, and the concepts that i do associate with it are obviously harmful stereotypes, like thats so easy to see. so i guess my question is why do you think schizophrenia is still so stigmatized while other mental illnesses are getting far more publicity and understanding then ever before? And how do you deal with having a taboo like that hanging over your head?
all of this is with a genuine intrest in learning how i can support people with schizophrenia better, so please point out anything that i said thats inaccurate or could be offenive. ty!
so it's actually a very real problem that bothers me a lot that schizophrenia is being left behind in the mental health awareness movement. the reality is like you pointed out that people only know the stigma and nothing else. they see a homeless person yelling at nothing having a mental health crisis and think "that person has schizophrenia and they're dangerous" rather than just thinking hey maybe this person needs some help from a professional (a cop is not a professional) and the system has failed them by making mental healthcare inaccessible for them and forcing them onto the street because our society does not take care of our disabled. they're not thinking maybe if they were getting the help and support they need then they wouldn't be going through this, they think "how can i get away from this as fast as possible so i can stop thinking about it and feeling afraid and move on with my day". and something i want to emphasise when it comes to psychotic episodes is that they are a lot scarier for the person going through them than those around them. oh they're yelling and acting erratic? okay i'll admit that's unpleasant to be around. however, what would your reaction be if you truly believed something like aliens were currently laying eggs inside your brain and taking over you from the inside (a real example from my life). and i don't mean you are thinking "what if this happened" i mean that in that moment you truly believe that that is what is happening to you and you are trying to think of anything to make it stop. a psychotic episode is not a failure of character, it is when we are at our most vulnerable and when it is so visible it is a cry for help. it is terrifying and truamatising for us going through it but people see that happening and think "that makes me uncomfortable" as they walk by and make themselves the victim in the situation, ignoring the humanity of the person having a psychotic episode.
essentially the thing about schizophrenia that makes the stigma stick around so hard is because this is people's only interaction with schizophrenics and they don't see the humanity and they see us as a nuisance and a bother and something to be feared because we dare have a problem that affected them in the slightest. generally, things like depression and anxiety are very internal and do not affect those people around them in such an "incredibly negative" way that people view their interactions with schizophrenics. anxiety and depression are something to be pittied because the person going through them is suffering. people don't see schizophrenics as suffering they see us as dangerous. and if you actually educate yourself and look at the real world statistics, schizophrenics are more likely to be the victims of violence than the general public, especially at the hands of the police during such criseses. did you know that if you call 911 and report that someone is having a psychotic episode then in the majority of places (well in the us) a cop with a gun is required to be dispatched either with other cops, or if the schizophrenic is lucky in where they are, then with social workers trained in deescalation. no matter what, a cop with a gun will be there and i assume the people on this site are at least educated enough to understand the dangers a cop with a gun are to a person seen as less than human. the stigma out there is all skewed and warped in a way to diminish empathy and raise animosity towards schizophrenics.
schizophrenia can often be an incredibly disabling illness (it is for me) and society already does not care about disabled people and then on top of that schizophrenic people are an incredibly vulnerable population that people so often mistreat and you add that on top of each other and you think about how stress and anxiety can lead to more and worse psychotic episodes and it just confounds factor upon factor against schizophrenic people. we are so often put into the worst situations such as poverty and homelessness that antagonise our symptoms and make our psychotic episodes more visible and then also makes people's desire to help us all the less. it is a true tragedy.
and the language so often used just in general everyday conversation furthers the stigma. how often every day do you hear someone describe someone they don't like as "psychotic" or "schizophrenic". it is deeply ingrained in our culture that schizophrenia = bad and ableism against it is incredibly normalised.
it is a horrible burden to carry this stigma and see how it affects not only me but my fellow schizophrenics and know that there is so little i can do about it. i educate my friends and when i confide in them how much the stigma hurts and how i hate being viewed as scary i am time and time again met with the same reassurance from my friends and that is "you are one of the least scary people i've ever met". and they say this because they know me deeper than my illness, and honestly i've dealt with this stigma so much of my life and i know what it is like to be feared so i absolutely overcompensate myself to be less threatening. but they can see past the surface of what society has painted me as, but so many schizophrenics are not so lucky. i am privileged enough to have a life full of love and empathy from the people surrounding me, but i hurt for my siblings who only know the pain and loneliness that often comes with this illness.
so my advice to you when it comes to supporting people with schizophrenia is this: advocate for our care, emphasise the human behind the illness, and show love to those you may meet who have to live this life. we are people just like you, please treat us as such. society may paint us as monsters, but remember that inside all of us is a soul.
sorry this is a wall of text and maybe not the most coherent but it is something i am very passionate about because it affects me every single day. if you have any further questions or clarifications please feel free to send another ask and i'll do my best to explain
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
(1/2)The man came inside after a cigarette break, jumped right into 2x14, saw Justin dancing on the bar, paused the episode and went outside for another smoke. So i think he is handling it well. He is now back and his immediate reaction is ‘THIS IS BULLSHIT! Why are they making him do this, i know its his own doing BUT COME ON.. OH SO THEY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? My dudes, my bros, my mens..why aren’t we throwing punches yet?..oh Brian is pissed off! Why doesnt he say something? what is that freak of a fuck giving him? JUSTIN DONT TAKE ANY DRUGS FROM HIM’ *pauses the tv on Brian* ‘see the problem is that he looks very pretty when he is in a bad mood’ *throws his hands up in the air* ‘PICKLE GUY!!!!!!!! Oh pickle guy and Emy are going on a world trip!! I can’t wait! Theyre gonna have so much fun…oh she’s still being a bitch to Ben? Man fuck her, i thought she was better with him?’…’oh Brian knows about his classes! I swear i am totally normal about this! But like, i didnt even know my own classes but Brian knows Justins? Oh Brian is angry.. good for him! I like this! I mean I don’t like the Justin part but i do like Brian being all for his education and shit. That’s nice! I want more of that but less of that other shit.’ ‘I thought we wrapped up with cop bullshit? Why the hell is he here? Yeah, what are you doing her- SAY WHAT NOW? HE ASKED WHAT NOW? exactly debbie! Tell him! WE *points to her and himself* do not date or fuck cops!’ He high fived debbie on tv bc he’s happy she turned doen the cop..’brian actually showed up for Emmetts going away at work? I LOVE EMY AND BRI BRI!!! Oh for fucks sake justin! Just take the fucking money! You arent doing a very good job at looking out for yourself right now, that man is an evil evil little freak! And Brian clearly knows it!’ And the scene with Vic and Debbie is up. ‘exactly Debbie, he is a homophobe!! VIC MY BOY WHAT? HE DIDNT MAKE A TINY JOKE HE MADE A BAD JOKE! He doesnt need enlightening, what he needs is my foot so far up his ass his own mom can feel it! Why is vic being dumb? At least debbie knows he’s a homophobe. VIC STOP THIS MADNESS!’ ‘Oh look Justin remembered he has a school! Its Brian! I like this, i would like more of them hanging out. Justin doing his homework and Brian being with him. AFTER HOURS PARTY?! Absolutely not! Oh Brian knows this is bad news. Brian please stop this madness! *pauses tv on Justin* dude, me and Brian are trying so hard to get to you and you won’t listen to either one of us and honestly, it’s not cute!’ And now he is groaning loudly because Debbie is going on a date. ‘The problem i have is, this would be a cute moment if he wasn’t a…you know *said in a very disapproving way* a cop. OH THE FUCKING IRONY OF MIKE AND OH MY FUCKING GOD I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT OH MY GOD OH MY GOD SHE IS A HYPOCRITE OF A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. Oh fuck her times 70.’ And now the plane scene is up and i am not ready ‘AHHH PICKLE GUY AND EMY ARE ON A TRIP!! I need them to give me a cute little montage of them having cute moments all over the world! Like some italian music that’s upbeat and just random snapshots of them! YES I WANT THAT! Ohhhh they are gonna get down and dirty in the bathroom!! Gross but have fun babies, you deserve it!’ He is currently scoffing at everything Carl says ‘Debbie.. come on. You cant even look at Ben and say hi to him and you see nothing wrong with Car- oh thats why she said into him, theyre the same. Assholes!’ I am not ready for whats about to happen, i always get sad but i am not ready for this. ‘Oh look at them going at it! Hell yeah Pickle Guy and Emy live your best lif-*he is genuinely on the verge of tears* pickle guy?..pickle..? Is he. noooooooooooo PICKLE GUY! *he is actually crying at this point* PICKLE GUY NO! What about the world trip! And italy! And cute montage! Pickle’ He is genuinely sad and honestly same.
OH POOR BROTHER ANON, mourning the loss of Pickle Man (do not let him eat a pickle in his memory).
Your brother is right - We Do Not Fuck Cops in this house. ACAB. He’s going to be very disappointed in Debbie (again)
I love that he and Brian are now a team trying to get Justin to listen to reason.
Okay… let’s get to the next one because a couple of us have been wondering how Brother Anon was going to respond to Justin topping…
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theres a lot of different ways people have illustrated the greed and evil of billionaires from visual portrayals of how big a billion actually is to comparing their philanthropy and how much money they have to highlighting the sufferings of those theyve exploited, and theyre all great demonstrations in of themselves.
but one i dont see quite as often is comparing the charitable works of every day people to that of billionaires. i think part of it is that a billionaire can donate more money to charity in one click of a finger than i can in my entire life, but i think another part is a combination of not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth while also not wanting to rock the boat.
a great example of that is the fact that you cant criticise mr beast/jimmy donaldson without people pushing it aside with the notion of "hes helping people" or "the guy could cure cancer and youd find something to criticise about it", which are endlessly frustrating and engaging with your criticism in bad faith.
but outside of him, youll see versions of it across the board for any philanthropic rich person. people automatically assume your criticism is coming from a cynical point of view, and often that you dont ever take part in charitable acts yourself.
and it is endlessly frustrating to run into that attitude every damn time like youre a dog running into that same glass door. because there is very valid criticism to be made about it.
because most of the time, these people could use that money to make lasting structural changes. i mean, the UN estimates you could end world hunger with $6billion, but no billionaires attempted to. on a smaller scale, you can build shelters or youth hubs or rehab facilities, or you could invest in ongoing work to help people out of poverty or improve local education or help people get better healthcare. or even just put your money where your mouth is and financially back the people trying to make these structural changes.
but these so-called philanthropists dont because systematic changes arent what they actually want. theyre this rich because of the system.
and their philanthropy is a form of propaganda; they want you to think the system is unchangeable and that your only options for improving your life is working yourself to the bone or for some kindly rich person to take pity on you and just hand you the money you need. the system is fucked, but the rich are good people who just want to help. this isnt some hot take, ro ramdin made a great video about mr beast specifically regarding this sort of thing. müne cat also has a video about it which is basically a 30 minute rant from her stream.
i know why you dont see the comparison of billionaire philanthropy to every day charity that often, and its because you have to preface the entire thing with the explanation that i just had to make, because most people dont want to think further than "give money to charity is good". i think part of that is people not realising everything is political, but thats a discussion for a different post.
originally, i started writing this just to get something out of my head. two days ago, i asked my mom if she still had the trumpet i accidentally stole from school (long short story) because id been thinking about the fact like, i could flog that for £200 and £200s a good bit of money. during the conversation, it came up that one of our neighbours had bought an empty guitar case from a charity shop for a fancy dress party, and all thoughts of flogging it were suddenly gone from my mind.
because it reminded me that i could donate it to a charity shop or find a local musical program aimed towards giving poorer kids a chance to learn how to play an instrument. and like, how could i flog it when i could do just a little bit of good with it.
a similar thing happened with these big marvel pictures i had in my room as a teenager. idk how much money theyd go for but they werent cheap when we bought them. but then my mom found this local charity where you could donate items that theyd then auction off and that money went directly to the local foodbank, and so thats where they went.
and this isnt for me to be like hey how good of a person i am; i do not give a shit about that. its about the fact that this mindset is directly opposed to that of billionaires and to neoliberalism in general.
you cant earn a billion dollars by being a good person, we all know that. but i do think a great illustration of it is to compare those billionaires with the people who run your local food bank or run charity drives or the people who put free period products in public bathrooms or the local deli owner who lets unhoused people eat for free.
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