#the bloopers would be insane
rockingtheorange · 1 year
We don't talk enough about the lit murdering expression on Alex's face as Henry arrives driving in his James Bond manners
(And then calls him out for being drunk at the wedding)
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sampilled · 5 days
😒😒😒😒 i understand all of the bitter samgirls...
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evellynssocbrainrot · 2 months
I'm just saying, the Six of Crows Spinoff would have made big money for Netflix. Likely even more than the first season of Shadow and Bone, just look at how highly rated Six of Crows is on Goodreads with a "95% liked this book" average score. As well as how hyped it is on BookTok and the fuck ton of fanart and fanfiction.
Constantly, I also think about how Freddy Carter, Amita Suman, Kit Young, Danielle Galligan, Calahan Skogman, and Jack Wolfe would have had a blast filming the Ice Court scenes. Just imagine the utter chaos in the bloopers and interviews. The insanity of the six of them (plus Kuwei!) clinging onto the side of a tank, four of them soaking wet, two covered in bits of glass and one in purple silks, and they're just storming through the snow while screaming "WE HAVE A TANK" at the top of their lungs.
I will cry now.
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foodfightnovelization · 5 months
ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight
Holy chips! It's an exciting time to be a Foodfight! fan, because ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight is finally out! This really is THE definitive documentary on the insanity behind the movie, and it finally answers the question of just what was going on behind the scenes during production. Since I helped out with research (and I even get a short line of dialogue at 45:19) I've already seen everything that was shown off, but had to keep quiet until all the interviews were conducted and the documentary was finished. But now it's out and everything has been made public, the cat's out of the bag (the Fat Cat Burglar?) and I can talk about all the production material that's been shared.
Before I get into any of that though, I'd highly recommend you watch the documentary for yourself. It's insanely well researched and put together, and having worked together with Ziggy Cashmere (the documentary's creator) I know how hard he dedicated himself towards making this all possible. If it weren't for him, the most interesting Foodfight! discovery would've been finding the novelization, and we would have never gotten any real insight into how this movie came to be. It's also a documentary that really speaks for itself- I don't want to say too much about what it reveals since it's all expressed far better through its narrative and the interviews with people who actually worked on the project. My favorite is the interview with texture artist Mona Weiss- she tells such horrifying stories about how she was treated by Larry and other crewmembers, yet does it all with a sense of humor that makes it clear she's enjoying getting to talk about her crazy experiences. It's clear Foodfight! was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish, and there's nobody to blame for that but Larry Kasanoff himself. The movie was rotten from the top down and despite the countless talented animators and artists working on it, nothing could fix the fact that it was fundamentally mismanaged in the worst way possible. I think the quote from producer George Johnsen summarizes it best: "Foodfight! was a good idea that unfortunately lost its way during production. The technology, the art, and the direction were not in sync. Many very talented people gave their all to make the picture, but more understanding of process from the top was needed for it to succeed."
But if you saw the documentary, you already know all that, right? So instead, let's talk about the behind-the-scenes material that's finally been shared! You can find everything I'll talking about HERE on archive.org-
It's worth following the link and checking it out for yourself- there's so much it'd impossible to discuss everything. Artwork, storyboards, bloopers, models, a nude render of Lady X, an interview with Larry Kasanoff, the list goes on and it's still being updated! Despite the documentary already being out, people who worked on the movie are continuing to share new material! It's pretty incredible- for the past year I've ran this blog all I've really had to discuss are two tie-in books, and now there's so much Foodfight! material I can't even keep up with it.
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I mean LOOK at all this, isn't it fantastic? The character art by Jim George showing off just how much better these designs originally were, the countless environments showing off just how stunning Marketropolis could've looked as well as the strength of the core idea "what if a supermarket came to life at night", and insanely detailed storyboards for a 7-minute pitch reel that was used to sell the movie to investors. Normally, I'd be ALL OVER this because it's all just incredible, but there's something far, FAR more fascinating than any of it.
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There are even multiple drafts of the script (one from 2005 and one from 2007 respectively) and normally I'd be insanely fascinated by those too, making extremely detailed posts explaining the differences between the drafts and how they compare to the novelization, but there's something else that was found that blows ALL of this out of the water and is easily one of the most monumental lost media discoveries of ALL TIME.
That's right, a rough cut of the ENTIRE movie from 2005 has been found, containing nearly ALL the completed animation from earlier on in production. I mean, that's mindblowing right? We first got sent this around a month ago, a little while before the documentary came out, and I literally stopped everything I was doing at work to just sit and watch this. This is the closest we're ever going to get to the "original" version of Foodfight! after all- only 7 minutes of footage was ever actually made before they switched to mocap, made solely for the aforementioned pitch reel, and this workprint contains practically all of it! On top of that there are some great storyboards in here, as well as some truly hilarious ones cobbled together from 3D renders, and the plot is far better than what we ended up with, a lot of the more inappropriate jokes being absent. This rough cut is actually pretty similar to the novelization in that regard, and it also contains scenes that we'd previously only read about in there.
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For example, in the novelization there's a snowmobile chase through the mountains, with Brand X soldiers on snowmobiles and a heavy avalanche close behind. This scene was completely left out of the movie itself, but in this workprint it's here! ALL the previously novelization-exclusive scenes are included, and this rough cut is seemingly based on an even earlier draft of the script than that- here Brand X are still defeated by a flood, whereas by the time of the novelization it'd been changed to a lightning storm. There are SO many exciting differences in this workprint, the snippets of original animation we get to see are SO good, and it's SO much better than the movie itself that I think it by far deserves the crown as the DEFINITIVE version of Foodfight! There's so much in it I want to discuss, that there's no way I can fit it all into this one post...so stay tuned, because in the next few days I'll be doing a FULL analysis of the 2005 workprint, pointing out all the extra brand mascots not in the finished film, and generally just gushing about how amazing it is.
I mean, this is it. Just take it all in for a second- the original footage was considered lost media for over a decade, and now it's practically been found in its entirety, embedded in an early cut of the whole movie...isn't that just phenomenal? All the mysteries have been unraveled, all the questions have been answered, and now we can relax, take a deep breath, and watch Foodfight!...the REAL Foodfight! Make sure to enjoy it, and join me next time for my analysis!
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whirlybirbs · 1 month
lowkey imagining the All Might Agency Social Media team organizing videos with All Might and Derecho, just different ones like " All might and Derecho read thirst tweets", "Derecho answers questions while in a room of kittens/puppies" "AmA w/ All Might and Derecho while they are attached to a polygraph".
Honestly endless, but the shenanigans between them. The clips of either one of them breaking their persona for even a millisecond, more fan edits of them together. Sure they might hate some of them, it's pr more than anything, but memories and inside jokes from them probably last a life time.
Bonus points if during the polygraph, Derecho asks if he put his name into the raffle for that charity calendar and he has to choose to either try and lie, tell the truth, or take a shot as a "I plead the 5th" move.
derecho is definitely the only one who can come sort of close to doing some trending dance right, but she’s hellbent on maintaining her quickly eroding “stoic bad girl persona” so refuses until all might is the one who begs on behalf of the social media team
the youtube compilations of “all might and derecho being the funniest hero duo for twenty minutes” but it’s just them dissolving into laughter over AMA questions, various news interview bloopers, and a bunch of supercuts of derecho making faces at toshinori when she thinks he isn’t looking
the “plot twist” fan edits where it’s making all might seem like he’s the strongest then it cuts to derecho’s Most Feral Moments
the fanfiction. need i say more.
the All Might Agency tiktok is a gem of content
the social media take-over that was a one and done because why the hell did they ever trust derecho to make family appropriate content when she swears like a sailor, and then an audio clip of her going “this would be solved a lot quicker if all might had a gun” during a hostage crisis goes viral
those romantic edits to the arctic monkeys that are just all their tender eye contact gala moments stitched together
the shipping wars. all might x derecho vs. endeavor x derecho because they interacted ONCE and the internet went insane over the way derecho sized him up (read judgmental elevator eyes) on live television.
derecho’s anon private twitter where she leaves hate comments under endeavor news stories
— a reference to this fic here ;
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meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Bloopers: A fucking list on the neck kissing scene because what the fuck
Incoherent ramblings of the neck kissing scene in the bloopers because I've gone to sleep, woke up, and I'm still insane over this
This is a scene. Not a shot. It's a fucking SCENE. It could be 2 minutes for all we know. What the fuck.
Alex/Taylor's wearing the same outfit as he did on the plane from Paris back To the US. (blazer, purple-grey shirt, no tie)
Henry/Nick's in a fucking bathrobe.
This looks like the Paris hotel room, and it looks like morning
This looks like they're starting something: Henry/Nick's in the process of being lowered onto the bed
Neck kisses, enough said, I want to cry
Is this the shot or B roll? It's kind of a weird angle to shoot such a scene? Or is that just me?
Again where the fuck was this scene gonna go? Make out? Morning sex? Alex is fully dressed though? The fuck?
The way Alex/Taylor's fulling covers Henry/Nick makes me weak
I love kissing bloopers so much
This makes the "you're such a cretin" scene look more improvised and natural???
This blooper would work in character!!! Obviously it's Taylor and Nick but it would also be something Alex and Henry would do!!!
Again I just fucking love how they're comfortable enough with each other to make jokes like this it's so fucking sweet
This is what Taylor talked about in the GQ interview, isn't it? "One of us would say something stupid"
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musashi · 2 months
You said in one of your youtube videos I think that the aa anime had your favorite characterization and I was wondering if you'd like to elaborate on that a bit more? I haven't watched it yet kother than the bloopers video lol) and I'm just curious as to what it does differently than the games
it is true to the games in every regard, but it has extra time to add character flourish that the games cannot.
just some examples: maya moves around erratically in every space she's in, the foley work is amazing so you can hear her wooden sandals on the ground and the clink of her beads hitting themselves. she barrels through crime scenes, accidentally smacks phoenix all the time because she isn't paying attention to what she's doing, and just has room to be more 'maya-like' because she's in an animated space and not stuck in a VN with mostly-static screens.
phoenix's internal monologue is replaced by long, lingering shots of him silently studying evidence as he finds it. moments where he connects everything come as instant revelations and you are left on the edge of your seat waiting to hear what he will say, rather than having to piece it together yourself. his character is incredibly pronounced in the anime especially--the core tenet of him is 'faith' and this is shown wonderfully time and time again.
(see, the scene in episode 2 where maya says she doesn't want him defending her, so he bikes in the rain all day to the office of every single defense attorney in the county begging for their help. the flashback scene in episode 13 where larry is insisting that miles has abandoned them and is about to crush miles' keychain under his foot, and phoenix dives for it and lets larry smash his fingers instead.)
miles in game is described as being sad-looking and watery-eyed, always kind of holding pain in his body and expression. you get to see that in the anime, instead of just having it told to you, and it does an amazing job at softening his character and endearing him to you in an instant
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the anime supplements tons to established relationships. i talked in that video about how i love what it does to the prosecutor family, it shows you miles as a teenage boy and surrounds him in imagery (flower language, the clothes he wears, wide shots of him stuck at a fork in the road) that tells you he does not know what to do or who to be. and it shows you how the von karmas take care of him, and how it is miles' choice to be a prosecutor.
in the anime, franziska never has her 'miles was like a little brother to me' line because the anime shows you instead of telling you.
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the anime offers insight into manfred von karma's thoughts on miles, which are notably remorseful and kind. it offers flashbacks to a time when franziska was protective and loving toward miles, doing everything in her power to pull him out of his trauma-induced depression and help him process grief.
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the AA anime loves using symbolic storytelling. flower language is a big one, light is another. light is constantly used to convey truth, enlightenment, joy. this shot where franziska is literally in miles shadow as her father begins the process of choosing him over her, but she smiles with her whole face because she finally got him to smile for the first time since they've met, is literally a fucking masterpiece to me. i could write my dissertation on this scene alone.
the anime shows us everything we do not get in the games, all the little things we wish we could be privy to. it shows us mia giving maya the best day she possibly can, before asking maya--with the full expectation that maya may say no--if she would be willing to head the fey clan.
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the anime gives us the progression of miego's relationship, literally SHOWS them falling in love
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the anime gives us the fucking hospital scene that everyone is insane about!
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and, of course, the anime gives us the little tiny baby signal trio, all running around and playing pretend as their favourite toku heroes.
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these keychains that larry wins the three of them are a thruline throughout the whole show. phoenix keeps his on his briefcase, exposed to the world just like his heart, its paint chipping from years of love.
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miles keeps his hidden away, close to his chest, pristine after all those years. even as the demon prosecutor, he never gets rid of it. even when he chooses death, he takes the memory of his two best friends with him.
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the ace attorney anime is a fucking masterpiece. it takes these pre-established characters and breathes new life into them without losing sight of their original intention. every choice it makes is beautiful, rich with depth and nuance and love. it is genuinely no wonder the fandom hates it so much, which how much it clashes with their often black-and-white views of these characters who were never intended to be that way.
obviously, as a new medium, it does have to make some changes to adapt properly. but i have decided i am no longer speaking any problems i have with those changes, because i am sick to bastard death of negativity on all sides of me and would rather just publicly profess my love to this anime forever.
watch the aa anime.
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(hey, dipshits in my notes! read the above banner, and then read it again! read it a third time, for good measure! are you typing a tag that starts with 'the anime has it's problems, but--' or 'the anime did a lot of things wrong, but--'? consider: no one fucking asked! not everything in the world needs your opinion, person with severe main character syndrome who doesn't know how to shut the fuck up! stop using parroting other people's opinions as a personality replacement and log off this website. take up a hobby. don't reblog my post. ten thousand whip lashes.)
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is-on-its-way · 6 months
Post-Fight the Future
A moment in Scully's recovery from Antarctica after being released from a Buenos Aires hospital.
Inspired by this insane "blooper" video. and a tweet asking for a fic about said moment.
There was a soft knock at the door and Mulder said “Scully?” through it. 
“Come in Mulder” she called. 
There was a pause and she yelled out again with a smile “Im not indecent”. She was covered in bubbles after all, he wouldn’t be able to see anything below her shoulders.
He opened the door and slid his face through it apprehensively but when he saw she was covered completely, he relaxed and moved halfway across the frame.
She smiled up at him as she swallowed a retort of “Nothing you haven't seen before”, not wanting to make him needlessly uncomfortable. He had seemed like he’d been held together by a fine thread, under constant threat of loosing what little composure he’d been keeping together for her since she had woken up in the hospital in Buenos Aires. 
They had been in an airy third floor walk up on a street full of colourful buildings, with bare trees lining the cobble stones, since she’d been released from the hospital a couple of days ago. She’d been throughly enjoying wandering around Palermo with him, looking at the old architecture that rivalled DC, listening to live music in the evenings, sitting at a corner cafe sipping wonderful warm coffee, not thinking about work for what felt like the first time in a long while. 
He hadn’t mentioned anything about what had happened yet, letting her take the lead, but she could tell he was itching to. He had so much on his mind and she would have to get the full accounting eventually. But here in this cozy old stone building, in a bathtub from at least 1920, with a weathered door that wouldn’t lock, she felt like she was in a different lifetime. A sanctuary away from the x files and what they would have to return to in Washington in two days. 
“Hey” he said eyes lingering on her face, no chance of impropriety there. She loved him for it.
“Skinner called, he’s glad you’re out of the hospital and he said to call as soon as you can, so…”
“No dilly dallying?”
He smiled at the term and said “Right, I don’t think we should keep him waiting he’s uh… well, annoyed would be a generous interpretation”
She laughed, “Okay, Ill be out in a minute.”
He turned out of the door then back to her “I was going to order some late breakfast, what do you want?”
“You can order in Spanish over the phone?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Well…” He shrugged throwing his hands out. The bottle cap he’d been playing with slipped from his fingers, hit the water, and sank with a tink to the bottom of the tub. 
“Sorry” he said quickly, passing all the way through the threshold and stooping down over the tub. Before she could think to move, he slipped his arm between her legs and was fishing on the bottom of the tub for it. She swallowed the gasp in her throat as his arm brushed her inner thigh and her back straightened imperceptibly in response.
She followed his arm down with her eyes and shifted her legs open so he could reach it, where she could feel it had fallen, under her leg. She looked up at his face, lips parted, in surprise. He seemed truly concentrated on finding the thing. Was he just so comfortable with her now, almost kissing her in hallways, and carrying her half naked across the arctic that this was just what their partnership had evolved into? She wondered what he would do next, imagined what he would do next, hoped at what he would do next. 
“Got it” he said and looked up at her, his hand dripping over the water. Their eyes met and she swallowed as she saw him register the desire she had been too slow to hide. She could see the moment flicker behind his eyes as he realised what he had done. His cheeks burned red as he leaned back, closing his hand around it in a tight fist. “Im sorry Scully, I don’t know what I was thinking doing that.”
She shook her head, setting her face in a casual expression, and ran her tongue over her dry lips. “Thats okay Mulder.” 
They both waited for the other to speak and when neither did, she decided to end his agony. Her mouth spread in a wide smile and then she was giggling. He looked at her and chanced a smile. 
“Mulder” she said sweetly. The water sloshed as she put her hands up in front of her, resting her fingers on the hollow between her clavicles, covering her breasts. She leaned onto the side of the tub, closing the distance he'd put between them. She looked up into his face. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before anyway.” She said it as a comfort, not in jest.
Mulder’s face was flushed but he smiled at her with such gentle affection, she could’ve stood up and thrown her arms around him in a sudsy wet hug. 
Instead she said “Can we go out to that cafe again? I think I need to get the blood flowing with a walk.” Not that that wasn’t already happening right now, but she wanted to be outside, she’d felt slightly suffocated being inside since Antarctica.
“Of course, anything you want, Scully” He said in that stoic tone she loved, as he stood and made his way out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
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itgirl-cad · 8 months
I kept seeing tiktoks about an AU where the characters are actors and what their blooper reel would look like… so I made a lil fic from the idea :) lmk if I should make this a mini series cuz I have so many ideas!!
Valentino was sitting on his couch, waiting for the scene to start. It had been 5 takes deep into the first few lines of his scene and he had to continuously restart. As soon as they had the greenlight, they started the scene. He sat up with rage.
“Fuckin’ finally!” He smashes the sugar glass cup he was holding right on the floor. He finally managed to hit it on the spike they put on the floor. “Kitty, another drink!” One camera followed the extra Valentino was interacting with, the other stayed focused on his close up.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did?” He held out his hand without moving his head to look. The extra placed it in his hand but Val got a bit too into character and moved too quickly. The drink hit his hand and was tossed onto the ground below. “Hijo de perra!” Val swore as he picked the prop up and sighed.
Vox chuckled from the other side of the room “This scene is never gonna end.”
Take 6.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did? The ungrateful whore!” He yelled and fake threw the glass. Vox had to laugh. He was trying to stifle it but it ended up bursting out of him. “I’m sorry but you look so stupid.”
Val rolled his eyes, “You try fake throwing something.”
It was take one of Lucifer and Alastor having their first scene together. They have had the most success with their lack of mistakes. Charlie was watching them, almost in awe when she heard her cue line and made her way towards her father as he turned to speak to her in an unimpressed tone.
“Who is this? Are you the bellhop?” He gestured his cane over to the taller man.
Alastor let out the most perfect fake and sarcastic laugh ever. He really did amazing with sarcastic roles. “No! I am the host of this hotel! You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast.” He leans on his cane, slightly bending down to his level, just even to make a point.
“Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
“Ha ha ha…” His last ha dragged out for a bit then the radio effect was gone from his voice, “What the fuck’s my line?” He asked and started to chuckle.
Charlie let out a laugh as the crew told him his line.
“I do apologize, your performance was rather captivating.” Alastor adjusted his tie and his ears moved a bit. He was getting a bit frustrated working with Lucifer. Usually he makes no mistakes.
They ran the scene again.
Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
His laughing got cut off by Alastors fake bullshit retort “Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea.” nHe looked at his nails like a sassy ‘mean girls’ like character.
Lucifer’s eyes got more bloodshot as his laugh got more insane and his dialogue speed up “Haha well it’s not very clever-”
Ha HA…” Alastor got down to lucifer’s level and up in his business “Fuck you”
Charlie got in between the two of them “Anyways.. Dad, look at this lovely parlor!” She dragged him away to carry on the scene.
Alastor appeared behind them as Charlie spoke his name. He never missed a cue. He made his way over to her, minding the spot on the floor that is spiked with red tape, for him. “Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests.” He rests a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, thank you, Alastor.” She smiles sweetly and places her hand on his. Lucifer was fuming. Alastor looked back over to his face and his shit eating grin got bigger.
“Quite an impressive young lady,” He placed a hand on her chin. Charlie decided to be a prankster and gave him a kissy face and puckered her lips. Alastor, not expecting such an action, drops his hand from her chin and the radio static picks up. Charlie roared out with laughter, Lucifer following suit.
“Al! Your fucking face!” She had tears in her eyes.
“You traumatized him!” Lucifer was having too much fun with this.
Alastor just looks right into the camera with a traumatized smile and pained eyes. The director yelled cut and Alastor’s smile immediately drops. He frowns and his radio effect is gone from his voice.
“Awh no he's frowning!” Charlie felt kinda bad, but it was a funny prank.
“It was worth it.” Lucifer gave her a high-five.
In the recording studio, Vox was recording his lines for “stayed gone” alongside Alastor. They both had their scripts in front of them and stood in front of microphones.
Vox started his lines “Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been Who has been spotted cavorting around town After a seven-year absence. Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight's program So, the Radio Demon is- holy fuck I talk a lot..” He exclaimed, running out of breath.
Alastor chuckled, “I have been telling you that.”
“Oh literally go fuck yourself” He rolled his eyes and started from ‘top of the hour’ once again
They tried different callouts between the lines to see what would fit best. Most of it was improv because Vox couldn’t remember the actual script. He was too engaged with yelling at alastor and looking at the cocky son of a bitch in the booth beside him.
“Yes, I know it's been a while Since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast Sinners, rejoice!”
“What a stupid voice!” Vox yelled. Vox just did a string of those, looping Alastor’s track so he did have to repetitively sing the same cue line. “Such an irritating voice!” “What a lousy voice!” He could’ve gone all day long if the sound director let him. All those shower conversations had prepared him.
“Instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast” Alastor sang and let Vox have multiple retorts
“Come on.. No, that one is so boring. Lemme try again” Vox sighs and thinks of better retorts, “Oh piss off!” “Excuse me?” “up yours!”
“Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?”
“Ignore his chirping!”
To be honest, Vox could have written a disstrack.
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My delulu coming in hot with a theory. The chaos of today got me thinking about this past week's happenings. A lot has gone on, but I've been thinking a lot about why J's sister unfollowed L's private account. We know he didn't unfollow her because his following count didn't go down. She stuck it out following him through his break up with J, his HBS and then his relationship with A. What could possibly be the breaking point for her now? The only thing that makes sense would be N. There would clearly be bad blood/feelings about N and L getting together because of the history with J. So, what has L either done on his page to run her off (we know it's not a grid post) or what has she heard from mutuals that would make her unfollow?
There have been an awful lot of coincidences this past week...L comes out of social media retirement to share a Bton blooper reel, A posts at SF w/ her group of friends proving one of them has a membership therefore they don't need L to be there, N has started posting regularly again, A has broken her pattern of posting for attention immediately after N (so far). This all speaks to something changing...and that's without acknowledging some of the real insane delulu things people have been theorizing the last couple of days.
Something is afoot and I am dying to know what it is.
oooh i like this kind of delulu
more please....
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evenmoreofadisaster · 9 months
One: You can’t do this you- (forgot lines) you can’t eat my CHURROS.
Draxum: wait we had churros on set, holy cow no one told me this-!
One: usagi..
Usagi: one..
Big mama in the bg: kiss god damnit
Splinter: if I knew my sons were going to accept draxum as their temporary father figure-
Draxum: I am not temporary rat I am permanent!
One & two: YEAH! Toxic dad Woop Woop!
Splinter: temporary!
Two: getting our make up done because Leo decided he wanted to make me cry today on set because he made me think he was literally about to die. Great start of the day :D
Mikey, one, and Raph: super calafragalists, my ex be on some hoe shit-
Two: these bitches on drugs and we haven’t even made it half way into the season.
oh my god I love this au idea the blooper reel would be insane
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Retired Dream AU except instead of dealing with the horrors of a weak, wretched human body, he's still a little bit superhuman. He has the same immortality deal as Hob, but he has the premium subscription. Human Plus. Excellent immune system, bruises heal exceptionally quickly, he doesn't get sunburned...little bonus features like that. You know how people say toddlers are made of rubber, like they can fall and bonk their heads and get right back up and keep playing? Dream is like that, but kind of literally--he's very flexible and elastic, he just bounces back after any small injury.
Another fun thing about this new human body of his: he's like, super into butt stuff. He liked to bottom before, when he was Endless, but it's different now--the sensations are so much stronger and he can't get enough. He and Hob are both very excited about this discovery, as well as the fact that Dream is a total size queen. Hob has a big dick, but Dream wants to go bigger. At first Hob was worried about Dream tearing and getting hurt, but he just stretches so nicely and easily when Hob fists him. And afterwards his hole goes back to being nice and tight, but it doesn't hurt the next time Hob stretches him open. Another perk of being a little bit more than human.
Hob is extremely horny about this and starts buying Dream various XL monster dildos, all of which Dream thoroughly enjoys. And he just takes them so easily! Hob jokes that he should show off his talents and start an Onlyfans, and Dream just smirks and gives him The 1789 Look. Turns out Dream is also a bit of an exhibitionist, and it would also be an excellent way to piss off Desire. Hob and Dream end up being one of the most popular couples on Onlyfans (they don't show their faces, of course, for their own safety) while Desire is furious and desperately trying to ignore all the people who suddenly desire to see more of their brother's asshole.
Retired Dream becoming an onlyfans creator is truly the most galaxy brain thing I've ever read.
Hob could honestly quit his job and become Dream’s full time social media manager and camera man at this point. Their page is free to view, since they were never really doing it for the money, but Dream gets so many tips and requests for custom content! He's absolutely raking in a fortune (which also ticks Desire off - not only are people thinking about Dream’s arsehole, they're actively PAYING for it).
Dream really enjoys posting reviews for toys, partly because brands have taken to sending him their biggest and best models to try. He'll show the audience the toy in detail, make remarks about the flexibility and the weight, and of course the girth. Dream has the perfect voice for porn and even if his toy reviews don't have as much sexual content as the other videos, they get insanely popular just because Dream talks so nicely. There's a solid portion of viewers who use the videos to help them sleep at night, which makes Dream feel such a lovely connection to his former function.
Dream's human(plus) body has insane flexibility, so Hob also brushes off his shibari skills and they make a whole series of videos where Dream just gets tied up in insane ways. At the end Hob usually puts a monster dildo in him, cause he deserves it. They get so many comments speculating about Dream’s workout routine because he can do these insane things, and every video has to have a DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME disclaimer.
Also they have a whole blooper reel of Hob trying to bend himself/stretch himself into Dream’s favourite positions. Needless to say, Hob may be a slut but he's going to leave the extreme stuff to Dream. The one time he got stuck home alone with his feet around his head and a XXL dildo stuck inside him was MORE than enough to put him off trying again (that one DID make Desire laugh, tbh).
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mercymermaid · 2 months
dark remains dark remains dark remains dark remains (spoiler alert)
my live reaction + ramble
first off, live reaction, copy and pasted:
okay they changed the actor for lizzy but that’s okay that’s okay
a little off-put by the voice-over for the stuff between songs but that’s okay
“… or you can marinate to death in a trash can. Not even I can make that sound cool.”
also the afton angst is wild not him singing about how insane he is
also rip alexandra we loved you o7
i love just how non-canon this entire mess is this is an entirely different fnaf universe like dsaf
like alexandra and eggs (miyh and gz) sharing the Benedict last name, lizzy (wol) being afton’s niece but also being siblings with eggs, this is all such a web (of lies) i love itttt
afton being a psycho >>>>> “furry, one eye, RAAGAGAHAHAGFGDHEHAHSGD-👹”
anyway now my after-thoughts
dark remains (the song) actually slaps, i am so so glad they finally let matpat go true theater kid and actually sing (although his acting is genuinely amazing, he in actually one of my favorite aftons) (I’VE RUN ALL OUT OF PATIENCE TO TAKE IT ON THE CHIN, SO NOW THE WORLD IS PAYING FOR MY SINS is a banger fucking lie)
his part jumpscared me because he was the last person i expected to sing, also he sings a lot lower than i thought he would
still cackling about how he’s still on board considering that this is literally as divergent from actual fnaf as something like dsaf, but that’s the magic of it, it’s completely it’s own story
i didn’t really like how random encounters did voice overs for some of the speaking scenes but then the others weren’t voice overs? i liked it voice over-less but be consistent 🙏🙏
i really hope they bring back older characters for the last few parts, i wanna see eggs (cg5), nate, mark, and aj/purple guy in one room (yes eggs and aj are dead but it’s fnaf let’s be so honest)
actually speaking of the timeline is so confusing - is blood and tears and everything after that a prequel to the original fnaf musical? because isn’t the pizzeria burnt down and the animatronics work at the news place? i feel like this has been mentioned before and i’m stupid enough to forget (if this is true, we’re not getting any aj, nate, or mark content as their characters)
that would make aj’s death the second chainsaw death rather than the board director’s death
okay yeah no everything being a prequel would make sense since bb dies as well in the original musical, same with springtrap (btw poor guy didn’t deserve to be marinated #justiceforspringtrap)
the interview with alexandra was actually so sick she genuinely looks so asylumy, rest in pieces bro (i need to rewatch monster in your head)
lizzy bonding with bb tho 🫶🫶 wait until she sees what happens to him in the musical
that technician disguise was extremely realistic guys you guys are awesome (pls don’t hang yourself)
also the fucking “are you ready for freddy” and the stuff we’d pull with fnaf movie memes was amazing
that cliffhanger wants me dead and i’m not forgiving random encounters until they release the next part
time to go rewatch all the musicals and also the bloopers because those are the best thing on earth
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notsosmug87 · 4 months
Ive had this Au idea in my head for a lil while and after doing some work on it i have decided to share it with you guys.
I proudly present:
The fractured Jay Au
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(Huge shoutout to the very talented @sketchalicious. not only was this drawing based off one of their own but they were also one of the biggest inspirations for this Au. Go check em out they make awesome stuff) After the ninja Recuse Jay, his entire mental state collapses from the stress of flashbacks and visions after which, he goes into a comatose state. The ninja must now enter his mind to help him wake up. There, They find not only Jay, but six different versions of him. all of which represent their own guilts and traumas as well as Jays own too. The Ninja (now separated) must fight the one that represents them most and try to get every Jay to accept themselves.
The ninja also find out about the events of skybound through this whole ordeal; In Nyas case, having to relive it while also seeing what Jay went through on the Misfortunes keep.
The idea is that, Out of every ninja Jay holds the most baggage but does not show it, instead keeping it hidden very deep in his brain and I’m tired of people pretending like he doesn’t 😔
I will now Explain them in detail. Starting with:
The chosen one "Guilt ridden"
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Fun fact: According to an old blooper reel, Jay was originally gonna be the green ninja; But the writers changed it to lloyd for a better surprise. Doesn’t take away from the fact that Jay looks good in green however.
This Jay is supposed to be a Representation of Lloyd, more specifically The weight lloyd has on his shoulders. Having to be the savior of ninjago (now the merged realms) can take a toll on a person; Lloyd is also now a sensei in training which has not helped his mental state at all; eventually bound to snap one way or another. And at one point there will be a battle he cannot win no matter how hard he tries.
From jays side, TCO is supposed to be a representation of His thoughts about how he has failed Lloyd and the others on several occasions (Releasing aspherra, Prime empire, letting Nya die twice, etc.) and how he solely Blames himself for it. All his self doubts telling him he’ll never be good enough, Among other things, in the forms of Twisted/Tainted visions of the other ninja and his parents. Making him go insane and he eventually snaps, succumbing to the delusion that in order to ever be good enough for Anyone he has to take over being the green ninja. But deep down he knows that the others will always care about him no matter what.
Worst case Scenario (CC for short) “The Sacrifice"
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This one’s design wasn’t based off anything too important, I just think that Kai would be the second Ninja to become Undead.
CC represents Kai’s inability to let others sacrifice for him. While Kai is a hero through and through and will do anything for his family, he’s also selfish in the way that he doesn’t want the others to do the same for him Always insisting that it should have been him instead. CC looks like someone who has sacrificed too much without letting others help them. (Bit of a stretch i know)
In terms of Jay, CC is supposed to represent Denial. His skeletal remains are the Result Of what happens to someone who thinks “it should have been me” over every situation, Someone more... Expendable. A repeating memory of Nya dying in his arms keeps playing in his head. Losing flesh and organs after sacrificing himself to Defeat the Overlord; His skeleton Gains a fraction of his power that keeps him alive. But in the end it does not matter because he couldn’t save the one person most important to him, Nya. Jay knows no matter how many “What if” Scenarios happen in his head, the past is in the past and he must look on to the future, but can’t bring himself to after the many losses he’s Endured.
Agent walker "left to rot"
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Design of course was based off our very own amnesiac Jason Walker, The current Manager of the administrations realm of reassignment.
Agent Walker is Everything Zane Dreads about himself; Becoming Cold and mechanical with no emotion. Agent Walker is Essentially a repeat of the Ice emperor. A once heroic individual Who forgot themselves and Changed because of Evil influence. Zane dreaded being the ice emperor and does not want any of his family to go through what he went through. Unfortunately, Jay is already halfway there. while we do not know if Agent Walker is truly corrupt due to the administration, Jay is Very much morally Gray, As out of every Ninja his moral compass is the weakest.
Having severe abandonment issues, Agent Walker Represents Jays Fear of being Forgotten about by his family, Essentially becoming a memory. that fear is realized once he spends a long time in the administration and no one has found him yet. Hence the Tagline, “Left to rot”. Having everyone Move on without him (especially Nya) Hurts So Badly that He Forces himself to forgot about the others and hoping the pain will eventually go away. Jay of course knows that His family and Yang could never forget about him, But doubts plague his mind telling him otherwise.
The Infiltrator “No Destiny"
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Based off the (now very official) Evil Jay Figure which was recently leaked. The shirt was too hard to get right for me, so I decided to use my own design for it.
The infiltrator, A Strange Figure Who wields lightning powers. Hired by lord Ras; The same person who Went for Coles second family. This adds insult to injury in terms of their friendship.
This Jay pulls the same type of act that Cole does in DotD; By Doing something as drastic as Teaming up with a person who he knows has bad intentions just to be recognized outside of his feats at the administration and to be able to freely use his powers.
Representing Coles guilt, This Jay Has cemented himself as an enemy to the ninja and no longer an ally Forcing The battle to be painful for the Ninja. Especially Cole. However this Jay is not tethered to his relationships with them and will not hold back against those who oppose his leader
(Note: Not much is known about Jays motives or really anything about his evil character in part 2. This part might be rewritten later once we get a more clear view of his character.)
The infiltrator Is a manifestation of Jays fears about him going rouge/ Evil, So far almost all of the ninja Have Gone through their Evil “phase” and eventually, Jay must walk down that path. He feels hopeless however as without his memories he feels trapped; fettered to always serving a higher power Having No destiny To achieve thus Staying evil indefinitely.
Jay of the storm "Shameful woes"
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This Jays design was inspired by some of the Seabound Aus I’ve seen and read. Much like Nyas design, He has Semi-lightning shaped hair and Lightning related body marks all over. he looks like a painting to show his coping mechanism When Nya was gone; Which was painting Portraits of her and him to ease his pain.
This one’s quite simple, Even after Becoming human again, Nya still harbors guilt for what she caused her family to go through And how much her sacrifice meant to everybody in ninjago. This Jay is supposed to represent her feelings about the whole situation and showing her a different perspective; one where Jay sacrificed himself instead of her. Of course in this made up timeline, Jay thinks of his sacrifice as Meaningless compared to Nyas. Thinking that the team moves on very quickly from what happened (Yes even Nya) and it eventually gets swept under the rug.
Further from the truth, Nya tries to convince Jay that this would never be the case. her words fall on deaf ears however, as Jay continues to lament in his own self pity.
Jay of the storm Is the personification of his shame and worry about him being a bad partner and an even worse teammate; Thinking of himself as worthless and nothing more than a deadweight To his family and his Yang. He thinks this way due to his biggest mistakes and how they led to so many bad things happening. (Especially Nyas deaths.) “I wish I could sacrifice to you as much as you have for me.” Nya has done so much for him and he thinks that he has done nothing in return. So maybe sacrificing himself could make him seem all noble and heroic once and for all. But he knows that he has done incredible feats and cannot blame himself for everything bad that has happened in their lives.
Nya will always love him And He’ll always love her, no matter how much the universe wants to seperate them they'll find each other eventually.
??? “Fractured beyond repair”
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This design was based off The common trope of an alternate version of someone being their own shadow.
The real Jay (or At least a part of him), hidden deep inside his own Brain. living in denial of himself and being incomplete as his Whole Soul and memory was split into 5 different pieces representing his Repressed Thoughts.
Black as ink with a texture of tar, This Jay Is barely humanlike. Shutting himself out from anyone or anything trying to interact with him preferring to Wish it all away instead of Trying to fix all the issues he has caused. They say that when the Other 5 Make amends and come to terms with themselves, he will be let out of his cage like a wild animal. for better or for worse? Well there’s no clear answer for that. (Codeword for if I plan to expand this and write an actual fan fic)
Thank you for reading my hyperfixiation. while i do think this Au could never work in canon, Its very fun to think about it as jay probably has the most repressed trauma of all the ninja. plus its an Au for a reason.
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cod-dump · 2 years
Modern Warfare Bloopers and BTS PART 4
AQ baddie: There’s a shark in the water
AQ baddie, pointing at Gaz who was doggy paddling towards him with the prop knife between his teeth: Oh my god dude you look insane!
Gaz, taking the knife out of his mouth: *laughs*
(Between takes)
Price: *doing a dad pose without even thinking about it*
Gaz: *looks at him before mimicking him, even putting a grumpy face on*
Price, without looking: You think you’re funny, don’t you?
Laswell during a closeup: *stands there silent, looking serious*
Laswell: Would be great if I remembered my line
*extras snicker as Laswell dramatically opens the script disguised in a folder on the table*
*Soap is on his phone, recording Price from a distance*
Soap, whispering: Look at him
*zooms camera to focus on Price’s waist*
Soap: Why his waist so god damn slutty? Bro’s snatched!
*Soap moves to camera to focus on Shepherd*
Soap: That’s the opposite of snatched
*they’re outside shooting a scene when a strong gust of wind suddenly snatches Price’s hat*
Price: MY HAT *chases after it while everyone laughs*
*soon enough multiple crewmen and Price are running around trying to catch this hat. Gaz is recording while laughing*
Soap: Definitely post that with circus music playing
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riotlain · 1 year
Batboys Playing Mario Kart
mario kart 8(?) deluxe specifically
little in between hc just tk get something out but i have stuff in the works i swear
Dick Grayson
He either plays DK or Luigi
Maybe Rosalina idk
He's very cocky about winning and usually comes in 6/7th place
Bets and always loses the bets
Will cheat in the older brother way yknow
Fav course is Toad's Turnpike
Jason Todd
Shy guy player
Blue shell 24/7 like he always gets it
Insanely competitive
Gets 4th place a lot
Bowser Castle enjoyer🔥
Tim Drake
Plays as Link
Wins most of the time just barely
Also competitive and is there to win
Is the one making bets with Dick (and Jason too probably)
Hardly talks when he plays. He's in the zone
Fav course is Moo Moo Meadows
Damian Wayne
Always takes Bowser no matter what
Im not saying he would throw a fit if he didn't but like you just can't be Bowser only Damian can
Satisfied as long he's higher ranked than Tim
Has broken a controller or 2
The 1 rainbow road enjoyer
Bruce Wayne
Plays as Mario because he's a simple man
Not good at the game at all !!
Sometimes wins on sheer luck
The maps confuses him
Likes Dolphin Shoals
Duke Thomas
Plays as inkling
Competitive but not as much as Jason
Gets the blooper thing a lot
Targets Dick bc its funny to him
Fav course is Thwomp Ruins
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