#the dark pictures fanfic
qusok · 1 year
Jerin need more fics, so here I am. There's also a bit of Markate! Hehe.
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It was a long, horrible night. So much stress, fear, panic and no place to rest. But hopefully, soon this night, this dread, would come to an end. The crew members were already at their finish line, at least that's what they called it, right near the lighthouse. They spent so much time and energy and finally reached it. Well, not all of them yet. Kate was still out in the woods somewhere after she was separated from the other girls, but she would make it. She is tough, she is smart, she knew the plan.
Speaking of the plan, the lighthouse was right here, it just needed to be turned on.
"Hey! Are you coming?" Jamie distracted her friend, who was totally absorbed in his thoughts, with a few pats on his shoulder. Mark didn't even notice that the others had already found a way inside. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just..." Mark didn't tear his eyes away from the woods, "I think maybe I should stay here to see Du'Met if he shows up? So we won't be caught off guard." Even though it sounded like a great and rational plan, Jamie knew it wasn't about Du'Met. Well, at least not completely about him. Obviously it was Kate, and Jamie couldn't blame her friend for that. She probably would have done the same if it was Erin.
"Okay, great idea. Maybe Charlie can stay with you? It would be safer together. Erin and I can turn on the lighthouse." There was no need to pressure Mark to tell the real reason. Well, of course Jamie would have teased him about it at any other moment, but definitely not today. She could do it later, if they get out of here alive. Jamie noticed Mark grinning a little at her last phrase, but decided not to ask because it might have been his turn to tease her if she did. Of course, Mark was happy for his friend getting together with a girl she had liked for so long.
"Yeah, good luck." Mark replied with the same grin, which was growing wider, subtly nudging Jamie with his elbow. Yeah, he probably implied a bit more than just the light.
The men stayed outside, and Jamie took Erin's hand to go to the entrance they found. This gesture was totally accidental, but no one complained, really. The path to the door was blocked by the fence. It was possible to get there, but it was just easier and faster to go through the hole Erin found.
Jamie went in first to make sure everything was safe. She wanted Erin to be okay. She needed it through the whole night, without exception.
After looking around a little, she gave Erin her hand so that she wouldn't fall. The landing was even softer, as Jamie literally caught the younger girl by her waist, making her blush and giggle. The moments when they were together (except for the moments of being immensely scared for each other's lives) during this night were like rays of light in the midst of impenetrable darkness. Everything would be so much worse without these glowing sparkles that they were for each other.
"Hey," Jamie broke the silence (that was always comfortable and never awkward) as they walked through the lighthouse, "I realized I never got to answer you," she continued after knowing that she had Erin's attention, "I think I do too. I think I love you too."
Jamie has never been the one to just open up like this, to be so sincere. That's why she couldn't look at Erin right now, but even without looking at her, the older girl knew that she was beaming like the most beautiful and warm sunshine in the world. Jamie would never regret saying that, ever.
"Or... something?" The older girl added with a chuckle, remembering Erin's confession so clearly, even after everything they had been through.
"I never thought there could be something good about this night," Erin sighed with a smile, taking Jamie's hand in hers again and intertwining their fingers.
After getting to the top of lighthouse, the girls were met by a console, which didn't seem particularly working. After trying to press the buttons, it became clear. No power. It had to be restored manually.
Erin followed Jamie outside to see where the power supply was. But, of course, they were separated from it by a huge gap with only narrow section of the floor. Jamie took a step towards this gap.
"Jamie, no." Erin grabbed the older girl's hand, preventing her from going any further, "You're not going through this."
"Well, then what should we do, genius?" Jamie raised an eyebrow. They had to launch the lighthouse, and there was no other way. However, Erin had other plans. She yanked Jamie back inside.
"Do you still have your screwdriver? We can just break the window and get out without falling and dying."
"God, Erin... You really are a genius," with Erin smiling at her, Jamie took her screwdriver (damn, she almost lost it earlier).
Fortunately, no one got hurt by the shreds when the window was crushed. After getting rid of the remaining glass parts on the window frame, Jamie crawled outside.
"See? Much safer," Erin was glad that after Jamie saved her so many times that night, she was able to really help her too. Of course, there was no competition or anything like that, she was just happy that her lover was safe. Well, at least safer than she could have been.
Turning the power on wasn't so safe though. The humid air electrified the top of the long-unused lighthouse. A small amount of electricity hit Jamie's hand directly, making her jump back. Erin's heart jumped, too. If not for the rickety fence, Jamie probably would have fallen. Erin couldn't help but got outside too to hold Jamie closer to her. She was so scared for the girl.
"Careful," the younger girl mumbled into Jamie's shoulder, while the latter patted her head and hugged her with her other arm.
"It's okay, I'm alive, we just have to go in and get this thing working." She didn't want Erin to be worried. They had already gone through a lot of horrible things, and now no one needed extra stress.
"Okay, there we go," Jamie pressed a button on the finally powered console, turning on the light. Soon it became impossible to look at it, so the girl turned away, covering Erin's eyes with her hands. There was something so soft and intimate about this gesture that made the younger girl smile widely. It almost felt like for a moment all the horrors could be forgotten, leaving Erin with only a feeling of joy and Jamie's warm hands. Erin couldn't help herself, so she pulled one of Jamie's hands away for a moment to find her face, and kissed her, bolder that the first time. Jamie was surprised, but definitely enjoyed the kiss. Well, it can hardly be called a kiss, because both of them were smiling too much.
At this moment, they knew. They have to get out of here. Together.
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vocallywritten · 16 days
Luke Newton is out there providing all kinds of Polin Modern AU fodder with his Instagram lately and I thank him for his service. Between that and the press tour, Modern AU writers are gonna have a field day.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 9 months
Pretty As A Picture
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Title: Pretty As A Picture
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader
Fandom: The Gray Man
Word Count: 2.2K
Summary: What started as a hobby day in the park turns into Lloyd Hansen showing you why taking photos of strangers is a bad idea.
Warnings: Murder Daddy, gun, murder(not Reader), chase, knife play, kidnapping, pet names(gumdrop, princess), slight dacryphilia, Sir kink, blood, language, head injury, bondage, cutting clothing with a knife, DUBCON, unprotected rough p-in-v sex, pussy slapping, hyperspermia, slight aftercare, implied captivity
A/N: This is my late submission to @the-slumberparty’s Naughty or Nice Challenge. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist
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You sit on the bench in the park, digital camera resting against your sternum as it dangles from the strap around your neck. The sky shines above you and illuminates the world around you as you look for something to capture. It’s been so snowy and the park’s surfaces are covered in white fluff. You had to wipe off the bench considerably to be able to sit down on the old wooden seating.
Your knee-length puffer coat is zipped and buttoned, but you still cross your arms to retain heat when the wind sweeps through, blowing snow in your face. You’ve taken about a handful of photos of empty swings and the slide that has become an ice luge. You hear voices nearby and turn toward the sound.
Two men are talking in the front seat of a town car parked on the edge of the park. Strange that they would pick here to have a casual conversation, but you can’t blame them. You came here for the peace too.
Curiously, you raise your camera and point it at the men. You zoom in, trying to read their lips, snickering when you see the younger man’s mustache. That was a choice. You catch little snippets here and there. But you can’t put all the pieces together. You are just about to lower your camera when movement surprises you.
You freeze when you see the man with the mustache on the passenger side bring out a pistol with a silencer on the end of it. He points it at the man in the driver’s seat and pulls the trigger. The mustachioed man then proceeds to wipe down the interior of the car and exits.
He turns to face the park, putting his hands in his pockets. He closes his eyes, tilting his head from side to side to relieve tension in his neck. When he notices you, you lower the camera slowly and wish upon wish that you can make it back to your apartment before he catches up to you. 
You let your camera hang around your neck and rise from the bench. Turning on a dime, you race between the swingset and head for your building. You are barely past the seesaw when you feel the man’s body crash into yours. Air escapes your lungs as you hit the ground and your camera is whipped to the side of you. You are disoriented for a second before you are turned around and grabbed by the front of your coat.
“Well, what do we have here? A little spy, maybe?” The mustachioed man removes one hand from your coat to reach into his pocket and withdraws a butterfly knife, holding it to your neck, “Who do you work for?”
You squeak when the point of the knife meets your skin, the sharp poke keeping you from moving. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just taking photos of the park. I didn’t see anything.”
He turns the knife slightly, the tip penetrating your neck. You feel the sting of the cut as a drop of blood slowly trails down the blade. He watches as you plead with your big doe eyes for him to let you go.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh, gumdrop. Anybody who says ‘I didn’t see anything’ most definitely saw something. The question is: What do I do with Little Miss Photographer?” His tone could have been considered sweet, if not mocking.
“Please, let me go. You can have the camera. Just please don’t hurt me, Sir.” Unshed tears blur your eyes and you try to blink them away but they fall down your cheeks.
He bites his bottom lip, shaking his head slowly. “Calling me Sir and crying for me? I just may have an idea of how to...take care of you, princess.”
He pockets the knife, the pressure of it releasing from your neck. Standing you to your feet, he turns you to start walking to the left, away from the direction of your apartment. With one hand on your coat, he reaches down and grabs the camera as you walk, his long legs moving faster than your shorter ones.
Once you get to a car, he tries to put you in the front seat but you get the sudden urge to fight for your life. You let him open the door then you kick it closed, turning in his arms and scratching at his face. He jerks away when three nails make contact with his forehead and slide down to his temple.
“Fucking bitch!” Blood wells to the surface and starts to trickle down his face. He grabs you by the skull, bringing you toward him before he smashes your head into the passenger door. It slows you down and your head pounds. Your legs are out from under you as he picks you up bridal style and takes you to the back of the car. 
You are barely alert while he speaks to you. “It didn’t have to be like this, gumdrop. All you had to do was get in but no, you had to be a brat,” He sets your feet down on the ground so he can grab a key fob from his pocket. The trunk opens and you are lifted inside, the zipper on your long coat being pulled down to reveal your clothing underneath. “Well know this. I don’t tame brats, ok? I correct them. Now, you get some sleep. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He taps the end of your nose and winks down at you.
Your vision swims but you register him leering at you while licking his lips. He’s kind enough to not close the trunk too hard. You hear his steps crunching in the snow as he walks around the car. A door opens and closes, the engine turns over. You lurch toward the back of the car when it starts to move away from the curb. The darkness of the space and the steadiness of his driving lull you to close your eyes, falling asleep soon after.
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"...you there, Gumpdrop?” 
You hear a voice that feels distant. Slowly, you pick your head up and open your eyes to see the man with the mustache sitting in front of you on a bed. He has two flexi-strips holding together the scratches you gave his face. Your coat is off, you are left in your fuzzy green sweater and black skirt. You try and move but you only wince when you look up to see your hands cuffed to the framework of the headboard. Your thigh-high sock-clad feet are left free and his hand idly moves up and down your shin.
When you try to move your leg away, he holds it back and squeezes your ankle as a warning. You don’t want any more head trauma so you resign yourself to doing whatever he wants.
“I am so glad you’re awake. You have no idea how hard it was to keep my hands to myself. Well, I did take these,” he reaches into a pocket and pulls out the familiar white panties, and waves them in your face, “Oh don’t worry, I didn’t play with that pretty little pussy. Wanted you awake for that.” He winks at you and stands. 
You watch as he walks away, listening to his footsteps going and then coming back. In his hands is your camera, safe and sound. He brings it up to his face, the lens moving forward and back before you hear the snap of the shutter.
“God, you are too damn sweet, gumdrop,” he coos, kneeling on the bed between your legs. He lifts your skirt and snaps a few photos of bare pussy. He hums, letting the camera dangle from the strap around his neck. The butterfly knife is back out, you shudder and he puts a hand up. “Calm down, pretty girl. Just gonna cut these pesky layers off you so don’t move unless you want me to cut you.”
You shove fear down and nod, following as he cuts through your skirt and sweater like butter. When he gets to your bra, he hooks a finger between your sternum and the fabric, cutting into the center of the material. When you are laid bare in front of him, he cups his crotch and groans. He raises the camera again and snaps away.
He takes the camera by the strap off of his neck and sets it on the nightstand. As he moves his hand back, he takes the opportunity to squeeze your tits. Pinching your nipples, he chuckles when you whine.
“Please...um, Sir?” you blurt, a mix of pain and pleasure radiating through you. You wish you could close your legs to get some friction but he is back between them.
“Lloyd,” he offers, still tweaking your nipples, “You can call me Lloyd, gumdrop.”
“Lloyd…um, please… uh,” You subconsciously begin to twist your hips and he gets the hint.
“Aww, my little princess needs some attention on her little pussy, huh?” You’re only turned on by his mocking tone and condescending words. He leans in to kiss and nip at your neck while he grinds his covered dick against your now slippery folds. “Alright, alright. I won’t tease you anymore. I know you need this much more than I do, gumdrop.” He uses one hand to unzip his pants and pull out his stiff dick. 
Although it is obscured from your vision, by the way he has to tilt his hips, you can tell he is packing a sizeable length. Covering the tip in your juices, he taps it against your clit. When he enters you, the stretch has you hissing along with Lloyd. He tilts his hips away from you and then comes back, going a bit deeper inside you. Adjusting his arms, he wraps one under your head and the other hand goes to hold your side while your legs wrap around him.
By the time you are used to his size, his hips are slamming into the backs of your thighs. His hand is sure to leave bruises on your hip and you don’t give a fuck in the slightest. He’s already restrained you and cut your clothes off. Might as well be fully debauched, right?
“Shiiiiit, this pussy is squeezing my fucking dick so good. I can feel you holding back, gumdrop. Let go for me.” He lets go of your hip and uses his thumb to pay attention to your clit. While he leans on his other hand, he clutches the bedspread as his hips continue their onslaught.
Your climax was just out of reach, like a word caught on the tip of the tongue. Lloyd locks eyes with you and lifts his hand, bringing it down to slap your puffy folds. You squeal and it only makes Lloyd slap it again. And that is how you discovered that this was a kink for you.
The tight band that held together your resolve snaps and on the third slap, you lose all control of your body. You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in a long moan, your legs clamping around Lloyd’s waist. Your walls flutter around his cock and your orgasm washes over you like a warm summer rainstorm, refreshing and necessary.
“That’s a good girl! Fuck, you are clamped around me like a goddamn vice. Oh, shit. I’m gonna cum, princess. Shit, shit shit!” Lloyd thrusts into you a few more times before pulling out and fisting his dick until he’s shooting thick, white ropes across your belly, chest, and neck.
You stop counting the spurts of cum after eight, watching as you essentially get glazed like a donut. He squeezes the head of his dick, pushing out the last dregs of his orgasm. He grabs the camera again, his eye lining up with the viewfinder. “Smile pretty for me.” 
You’re so fucked out that you smile when he asks. He snaps the photo and puts the camera back down. He leaves the bed and walks off, you hear him go down the hall and come back. He carries a wet washcloth and wipes you down, cleaning off the sticky substance before tossing it over his shoulder.
Lloyd opens a drawer in the nightstand, retrieving a small key, and unlocks your handcuffs one by one. He doesn’t offer to check your wrists for bruising, but you don’t expect him to. You’re more than surprised that he wiped his cum off of you, you didn’t want to push it.
“Now, gumdrop. So we’re clear, I’ve already made up my mind. I’m gonna keep you here with me. You’re gonna be my little playtoy. Whenever I need to take out frustration, I’m gonna take it out on this little pussy of yours. Or option B: I could kill you. Your choice.” 
And just like that, your fate is sealed. 
“Option A,” you mumble, tears line your eyes as you yawn.
“I knew you were a smart girl.” He pets your head and your eyes lose focus as you drift off into a dreamless sleep.
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A/N: I really wish Lloyd would give me a break sometimes lol. I think I got this posted literally on the last day of the challenge.
**Tag List**
@cakesandtom @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @sweetandgentlecreature @foxyjwls007 @art2emily @titty-teetee @princessaxoo @gummydummy19 @posiemax @motivation-idontknowher @buckysteveloki-me @magnificentsaladllama @gyusbrownie @milknhonies @peyton-warren @raccoon-eyed-rebel
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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andeptus on tt
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saneijeijei · 6 months
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"While they hugged she thought about how it would go. Since Dark Choco was only a tiny bit older then Red Velvet they might get along just fine. They would be able to play and grow up together. It could work if hopefully nothing went wrong" (c) Cracks in Stained Glass by AngelInChains106
I read fanfic and couldn't get past the idea that the author voiced, sorry, but these boys are the best🤧💕
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savs-sims98 · 10 days
Ascended Astarion & Sylvannah set to Legend 1985🥀🌹
AA has always given me Darkness meets Doctor Frank-n-Furter which is fitting since they are both played by Tim Curry ✨🤌🏻
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caelusproject · 26 days
Eric: Corporal Mosson, would you please give Lieutenant Jones a tour of the camp?
Mosson, pointing at a vampire-infested tunnel: Here's the exit.
@katzenprinz @thunderwhenhepurrs I hope you don't mind me making memes for your fanfic, I will delete this if you want me to-
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caramelparrotcz · 7 days
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Hi everyone 🤍🕯️
The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me 🤍
💛Hector Munday/Granthem Du’Met 💛
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taygetuspositive · 1 year
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local serial killer has difficulties reintegrating into civil society
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biocrafthero · 2 months
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Something about love.
What kind of love, though? I (OP) like the platonic angle the best :)
King 810 - eyes / William Giraldi - Hold The Dark / anonymous - I'll Find Him (Pursuit AU) / Wikipedia - Obsessive love disorder / Discovery of an Afterlife - I Know I'm A Wolf / Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray / Air Traffic Controller - This Is Love
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tk5reader · 4 months
Guys! I need your help finding an AO3 fic so so SO much! I know it’s been deleted cause it’s no longer in my bookmarks and I’m dying to read it again!
If anyone’s downloaded it or saved it any way I would so appreciate it to the max! Or if they know which author it was I’d love to know!
I don’t know the title nor the author myself, but I know plot points and some tags for it.
Fandom: Dark Pictures Anthology - House of Ashes
Main ship: Jason Kolchek x Salim Othman
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega; Omega Jason Kolchek; Alpha Salim Othman; etc.
Plot points that I remember:
- They use the concept of the Alpha Voice and Jason learned to ignore it from a beta woman at a college (?) party that his horrid alpha step brother forced him to go to : his immunity is shown a few times like when his superior in the army tried to call him out on the “impossible” ability he put in his military application, and when Merwin is being himself later on.
- Salim finds himself protective of and strangely jealous towards (lol we all know why) Jason in spite of enemy status and him thinking Jason is a beta (Jason is hiding his status)
- After they get out of the temple, Jason goes with Salim to England, but is later threatened and kidnapped/attacked (I can’t remember which) by his step brother who tracked him down.
- Rachel, Eric, and Nick became a trio with Rachel & Nick being Alphas and Eric being an Omega (he was actually pregnant at the time too I think)
- Clarice was also an omega, but she still died.
- All 3 Omegas were hiding their status, but they recognized each other for what they were (omegas) due to the same chemical scent of the
- I think the fic was completed by the end there.
- I also have some dialogue I saved from the fic for story idea purposes if that’ll help any
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qusok · 2 years
Cherry-flavored beer. (Ch.1/2)
The Dark Pictures: The Devil in Me (Video Game)
Jamie Tiergan/Erin Keenan
Additional Tags:
Sharing a Bed; Sharing a Room; Eavesdropping; Charlie definitely ships Erin and Jamie; Misunderstandings; Drunken Flirting; Pillow Fights; Fake Proposal
"Maybe if we have to double up like last time we'll be married by morning." Oh, Jamie, you have no idea how right you are...
Or 'Charlie's overhearing again'.
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running-with-kn1ves · 6 months
This is so strange but I'd really like to know what other creators/ readers think about writers on tumblr using AI generated art for their posts? I've been seeing it happen more and more on here and I don't really know what to make of it.
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Now officially announcing The Flickers Saga
Picture photoshopped by my bestie @shadowfalllen
Edit done by yours truly.
I'm going to finish the other half of Part 3 and then we'll be shifting gears to to focus on a prequel that better explains what Tav went through and why Dark Justiciar Shadowheart is doing what she's doing. From there, I'll be treating Flickers like a full story and not a series of shorts that connect.
What is posted now will still be considered canon, but I'll be considering it more of a bridge between the prequel and the full story.
The prequel will be co-written and outlined with her - @shadowfalllen and if you don't know, she has a fantastic YouTube channel of cataloged Shadowheart content. Which is perfect for either ogling at Shadowheart or... writing Shadowheart content 👀. Her YouTube is the popular and beloved Shadowrisen.
To celebrate she made a cover for the story. And I decided on a whim to take some music, add some effects and make this little thing.
I don't have an artistic bone in my body, nor do I have great photoshop skills so none of this would be possible without her help. Make sure you show her some love. Otherwise we'd forever be fanart-less for Flickers.
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I started to write this post almost a month ago, but some bad stuff happened and I was… really not okay. But I'm getting better, kind of, so here are some (a bit angsty) night thoughts for you.
I share the fandom headcanon that Jason's father was not, you know, exactly the "father of the year" type. So, when Jason and Salim start to live together (because, as we all know, that's how the game ended, that's canon, right?), Jason sometimes becomes… overprotective of Zain.
He doesn't even realize that. It's just small things. Taking the blame for the glass that Zain accidentally broke. Trying to convince Salim that in Zain's age it's totally normal to come home late and a bit drunk, even if Salim is understanding and not actually angry. Stressing out when Salim and Zain argue, even if they both mean it as a joke. Stuff like that.
Jason doesn't realize that's the thing. Salim and Zain do.
"You know I love my son, right?" Salim asks one night.
"Yeah, I noticed,” Jason chuckles. “You've said that, like, a million times in the first hour after I met you."
"And you know I will never hurt him."
"Yeah, you'll probably hurt yourself first. Why?"
“You seem to… protect him from me.”
Salim can see that Jason genuinely doesn't understand what it's all about. Salim tells him about all those small moments, about his obvious nervousness — and Jason is visibly embarrassed.
"Do you want to… talk about it?" Salim says.
"I'd rather not."
"Okay. And it is fine, you know. It is kind of cute."
"Fuck off," Jason grumbles, rolling his eyes.
Salim just smiles and changes the subject.
It's Jason who brings it up again in a couple of days.
"About… me being overprotective."
"I wanted to make it clear… it's not about you being a bad dad or anything. It's just…"
There's a long pause as he is trying to find the words. Salim is waiting patiently.
"I had a fucked-up childhood, alright?" Jason says finally. "And my father… I mean, he meant well, I guess, but I do still have a couple of scars. And… well," it gets really hard for him to say that, "I guess, l myself wanted to be… protected. And, I guess, it'll stick with me for the rest of my fucking life."
He stares at his hands as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Salim doesn't interrupt.
"And about Zain, it's… what's the clever word, projecting or something? I'm projecting this stuff on him, probably. I mean, I don't know shit about psychology, but that's a thing, right? It's just… not easy to stay chill when you two start arguing. Even if I know that it's really alright."
He sighs as if it was physically hard for him to say. He seems relieved that it is finally put into words.
"So, yeah. You're a great dad, and Zain is far better than I was at his age. And I'll try not to do that shit you told me about. Sorry."
It's Salim now who is trying to find the words. Jason never really mentioned his childhood; Salim did not expect this.
Salim could never understand how it is possible for a father not to love his own kid. Salim is not an ideal dad, of course; but it feels impossible for him to hurt Zain. Even to think about hurting him.
"I did not know about your father," he says as calmly as he can, even if something inside him is furious. "I will try not to raise my voice when you are around."
"No, that's… fine." Jason shrugs. "You don't have to. I mean, it's your family, your rules, you are both fine with that, and I'm just intruding."
"You are a part of the family too. Have you not noticed?"
Jason mumbles something unintelligible and moves closer on the couch. Salim puts his hand around Jason's shoulders.
"I love you," he says. "And Zain thinks of you as the cool dad. Or, at least, the cool big brother."
"Yeah, that's all I lived for," Jason grumbles sarcastically.
He is smiling — he just can't help it.
It's all going to be okay.
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thefanficmonster · 4 months
Mutual crushes Daniel x Taylor hcs pleaseeee
Comin right up, bro! Hope you enjoy 💌
Just Daniel and Taylor being oblivious idiots in love...
Crumbs so thick a duck would choke
That's how obvious these two are with their immense crushes on each other
It's truly an enigma how they have remained oblivious to each other's feelings for so long
Had Andrew not been friends with both of them for literal years and had he not been aware of how smart and insightful they both are he'd think they're idiots
It's quite hard defending that 'insightful' part when they've been pining for one another since freshman year in college and they still haven't made any official moves a year and a half later
At this point, Andrew is not even worried about graduating
He's more concerned over whether or not these two are gonna finally have their long overdue movie moment of love confession or not
What good is a degree if he still has to put up with them making heart eyes at one another across the table with nothing to show for it
He deserves a whole separate award for that extra curricular - putting up with two people so clearly in love they've blinded themselves
Speaking of awards...
It's hard to say who'd get the one for the most oblivious dummy in love between Daniel and Taylor
Let's just hope they get their shit together and their ducks in a row before graduation day or else Andrew will have to start plotting
And trust me, you don't wanna see Andrew plotting
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