#the dynamic of them obviously dating while everyone is oblivious to it until they say something will always be hilarious to me XD
Small lil suggestive Tw? I think?
I think Virgil fell first while remus fell harder
But when he left the darksides they both tried to repress their emotions
But when you they both see each other again? It all comes flooding out
They even had to redo a few scenes because Vee kept getting flustered and forgot in his lines
Eventually they ‘spend the night together’ and start dating again
But the others don’t know that !! So they keep trying to set them up. They think it’s funny
They only start when they find them asleep in Remus’ bed
- Vee 💜
Those spooky bitches are G A Y and in L O V E Your Honor <3 Even after Vee left no matter how hard they tried to repress those feelings anything and everything kept reminding them of the other but when they saw each other again those feels came stronger than ever before because H E L L O??? New look??? Who told you you can be hotter??? So once Ree and Vee start dating again the others notice how close they've gotten (Seeing them sleep in the same bed definitely has them a little suspicious) And a certain dramatic Prince can sense the romance in the air from it and he's absolutely gonna play matchmaker for the two (Anything to stop his brother from causing chaos and Vee happens to be the perfect leash for the chaotic Duke) So the Prince drags everyone into the plan making sure the others get the two as close as possible like making them always sit together on the couch, having them always be on the same team during game night, and even secretly inviting them to double dates but of course the spooky beloveds keep up the close friends act and much to Ro's frustration nothing's working he's been at his plan for years and is slowly starting to lose hope that is until Ree announces him and Vee are getting married and come clean about knowing what everyone was doing since the day they got back together XD
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fabuloustrash05 · 7 months
ROTTMNT Love Interests Headcanon
If the Rise boys were ever given love interest, here’s who I headcanon they should’ve been and what their dynamic would be like:
Note: Raph and Mikey's love interest are my OCs/HCs of a Rise version of existing characters.
Leo’s love interest would be Yuichi
Leo met Yuichi through Hueso, who Yuichi works for as a new waiter for his restaurant in the Yokai city
Suddenly Leo constantly wants to go to Hueso's restaurant for lunch/dinner and his brother quickly figure out it's only because he wants to gawk at the cute new waiter.
Leo is overly flirty but Yuichi doesn’t notice him, not that he’s uninterested, it’s just he has lots of admirers, so sadly Leo in the beginning blends into the crowd.
It’s not until Leo takes a more forward approach by hitting on him with a cheesy pick up line, then proceeds to trip over himself and be humiliated by everyone, except Yuichi. He found the act endearing and Leo has now caught his eye.
Yuichi finds Leo annoying at first, but also charming/endearing thought he hates to admit it
*flirts* *flirts back* “I was not expecting this outcome, tf I do now??”
Leo tells a dumb joke and Yuichi thinks he’s a comedic genius.
They spar together, exchanging sword fighting tips/techniques
Hueso is their third wheel
Raph’s love interest would be Mona Lisa
My HC on how they first met (I guess you could say she really FELL for him ;D )
Mona is obviously in love with him but Raph is painfully oblivious. Everyone knows she likes him except Raph.
“She’s just a really good friend!” *said "friend" is wearing a shirt that says "I <3 Raphael"*
Raph would be very obvious to Mona's flirtatious actions towards him and not realize he's being hit on. Everyone knows Mona likes him, except Raph himself.
It took Raph a whole year to realize he liked Mona too. His bros can't comprehend his obviously stupidity when he asked his bros if he should ask Mona out and says he's worried she doesn't like him back (Raph end up freaking out and nearly faints when his bros tell him Mona has liked him the entire time)
She fell first, but he fell harder
For a while, Raph is conflicted with asking her out for a few reasons:
1) “What if she lost interest in me and I’m too late?!”
2) He feels he’s too busy as the oldest to have a relationship but his brothers encourage him to ask her out because him having a GF does not mean he’s being selfish for doing something for himself that makes him happy.
3) Mona’s got an overprotective father who hates the idea of his daughter dating. He liked Raph better when he was just her friend, but when Raph started having feelings for Mona he became a threat.
Eventually Raph does asks Mona out and she says yes! They become boyfriend and girlfriend shortly after their first date.
Everyone feels a wave of relief and satisfaction when these two FINALLY get together! "IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!" But everyone soon realized that they are annoying as a lovey dovey couple, "Stop shoving your happiness in our faces!!"
Donnie’s love interest would be Kendra
Partners in crime, on again off again romance
Fake dating trope in the beginning with them both having plans to steal each others tech, “I’ll woo him/her and when they’re off his/her guard, I’ll robbed them!”
They actually start to fall in love with each other, but then the truth comes out and they “break up”
Now constantly bicker anytime they see each other, blaming the other for the betrayal and “break up”
Check out my post on how I HC they first started “dating”
*Cue “True Love” by P!nk*
Argues then proceeds to make out then argue again
They are the first couple to get together, but them being really officially together is a secret. They secretly date after their first "break up" and everyone doesn't find out about them until much later on, to which Donnie just mentions he's actually dating Kendra so nonchalantly while everyone just looks on at him with shock. This is after Leo x Yuichi and Raph x Mona became couples.
Mikey’s love interest would be Renet
Renet is a human orphan who grew up in the Yokai City and is practicing to become a witch, specifically a time witch!
They met when Mikey was in the Yokai city and came across Renet when she was practicing her magic spells (aka she fell on top of him when practicing a teleportation spell)
Everyone struggles to figure out if they are dating or just REALLY close.
Best friends, goofy dummies who eventually fall in love with one another slowly over time
Innocent young love. A playground crush.
Mikey hangs out with her a lot because he likes her. He doesn’t realize he likes her and no one tries to tell him cause they thought he knew he liked her
Act like a couple loooooong before they even become a couple.
“Are you two dating or just friends?” “Yes”
That tweet of that girl asking her bf if they are dating (they are living together and have a kid) cause they never confirmed they are boyfriend and girlfriend, so when she asked the bf he responds by fist pumping his chest, giving her a peace sign and saying "we're just Bros"
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Listen, I understand that canon Nancy is straight. And I know that there's lots of headcanoning and fic writing with her bi and I thoroughly enjoy that
But I would just like to say that I relate a lot to Nancy as a lesbian who dated guys before she knew she was a lesbian (and as an anxious over-achiever in school, but that's unrelated)
I mean, I can definitely relate to the whole a guy you're dating says I love you first and you say it back because you're supposed to and he's standing there looking at you and you've convinced yourself that romantic love is what you're feeling because you're dating and like his company so obviously it's not platonic love
And Nancy's whole our relationship is bullshit, loving you is bullshit, everything is bullshit drunken speech and then her brushing it off after and being like that wasn't a big deal but still not being able to say she loved Steve definitely reminds me of comphet having me dating a guy and thinking I was into him but not knowing why I'd randomly feel uncomfortable and the point when the relationship gets more serious suddenly my brain would be like oh no, do we even like him? Do we even like guys? And then immediately backtrack and be like of course I do, I'm just being dramatic or of course I do, I'm just not into him anymore so better end things while having no idea the real reason was that I was into guys at all
And with the guys she dated we have Steve who was King Steve and everyone talked about and dreamed of getting with and was the hot and popular conventional choice like when you just decide you don't know you're gay and just decide to have a crush on someone known to be appealing to other girls to have something to talk about when the subject of guys comes up
And then there was Steve again when he apologized and tried to fix things after the end of season one and Nancy just wanted to pretend things were normal so she got back with him and pretended until she couldn't anymore and they broke up
And then there was Jonathan, the guy friend that she was close friends with who already had a thing for her and who she had shared experiences with. AKA every guy I dated and was sure I was so into because I was so sure I must be into guys so if I was then obviously the ones I liked spending time with the most must be ones I wanted to date and not just spend time with platonically. And the way she moves on so fast and the way she would have switched to Jonathan if he had asked during the time she waited before she got back with Steve feels like having a boyfriend because you feel like you should and especially with the added context of Nancy's trauma after season 1 where she was just trying to get by and pretend things were normal but it wasn't working
And then there was season 4 when she was still dating Jonathan and into him, but deciding not to go visit him when she was going to and then her seeming into Steve again but only after he was making it clear he was still into her. And to me, it felt like she wasn't really into either so much as she felt like she should be and again her interest was sparked based on who was showing interest to her
And I feel like that wording is coming off judgier about her than I'm intending it to, but I don't really know how to word it better? Like I don't think it was a conscious thing she was doing at all or that she was aware she was doing it, I think just on a subconscious level that throughout the show she's tended to gravitate to guys who have the combination of being in proximity during everything and who are clearly into her and going after her like there's that combination first and then she likes having them around so she goes along with whatever dynamic they seem to be going for if that makes more sense? Which wow I have been there several times while totally oblivious to what I was doing so girl, same
And then there was Nancy's friendship with Barb which we didn't get to see a lot of but they were obviously very close and a little on the codependent side and it seemed like it was always just them until the Steve thing interfered which is also gay girl culture (and Barb's apprehension and jealousy around Steve and kind of rolling her eyes at Nancy acting different to impress Steve is less about Nancy but also a pillar of queer girl friendships where neither of you realizes that you're gay yet, but you just feel really strongly about the other and get jealous)
And comphet is a hard enough thing to tackle in modern times, it would be even more difficult to try to sort out in the 80s
And I am by no means saying that Nancy is a lesbian and doesn't actually have feelings for Jonathan and didn't actually have feelings for Steve. I'm well aware the representation I'm seeing was not even remotely intentional. I'm just saying I can relate for non-heterosexual reasons that the writers didn't intend to come into play and I'm strongly thinking of playing around with the idea and her figuring that out in a fic
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orangepanic · 11 months
(Asking politely) directors commentary on The Uniform Bet?
In response to this ask (I'm slowly working through my asks y'all, thanks for your patience!)
Thank you for asking! This is a fic I rarely get questions about so I'm delighted.
I wrote The Uniform Bet as a gift for my friend @chiefbeifongcanrailme. She's maybe the #1 Lin Beifong fan ever, so right away I knew Lin was going to be the center of the fic. I also knew I wanted it to be fairly NSFW because, well, Lin deserves it. But I couldn't really settle on a ship. Lin and Commander Bumi? Lin and Mako? Lin and General Iroh? All worthy relationships that don't get much attention. Then I remembered my audience, and her brilliant fic, Chaos, in which Lin is hot and everyone wants to bang her. And I thought, why re-invent the wheel?
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After that, the pieces fell into place mostly on their own. While I don't have quite as much of the "the Gaang were all one big happy family and they all married each other" headcanons as some folks, I do like the idea that Lin and Bumi have known one another a long time. I love them as a 40-year friends-to-lovers arc that starts with them each thinking it's a joke until it's somehow not a joke anymore, and pretty much always write them that way. They're dynamic ships itself.
Of all the characters in this fic, I obviously know General Iroh the best. Because I've largely made him up. And while I love him to death, his style is the exact opposite of Bumi and Lin's sarcastic teasing. Even in a good mood he's too serious. So right off the bat in the first chapter I had Lin and Bumi yukking it up and Iroh having none of it. The rest of the plot sort of fell in around this dynamic. So, what situation would Bumi and Lin let roll off their shoulders that Iroh would take too seriously and pout about?
Going alone to a wedding.
I headcanon Iroh as the romantic. He wants to date someone. Badly. He wants to throw flowers at their face and shower them with kisses and love them forever and ever and ever like the dork that he is. A wedding he's alone at is like a knife in his heart. Lin and Bumi, however, would I think care a lot less about the context. Neither married. A wedding wouldn't mean as much as not having a specific person in a specific relationship. This quickly became Lin and Bumi thinking thoughts about a relationship with each other while Iroh makes lonely sad faces at the world. Which brings us to Mako. Guess who else would be alone at a S4 wedding? This is too easy.
And that was largely it. Combining the principles of a) Lin is hot and everyone knows that, b) Lin and Bumi are thinking thots but won't say them, c) Iroh is sad and annoyed, d) Mako is single and oblivious led me to both the idea of the bet between Lin and Bumi about which pathetic single firebender they could get a date for first as well as Iroh's counter-plan to get the two of them off his back. Mako, who had zero to do with the set up, is mostly along for the ride here. Lin wants to walk with him? Hot. Lin wants to get fucked against the wall of her hotel room? He's not complaining. Share Lin with Bumi? Weird, but he could get used to it. He's a nice guy, and it's better than not getting laid at all.
But because it's me my hand slipped and Iroh wound up with a love match of his own at the end. Completely unintended side plot.
Ask me for a Director's Cut commentary of any fic.
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shotorozu · 3 years
i feel like im annoying lol but here i am again 🥴
🥴 how do da boys react to a super bimbo mc like shes busty, sweet, innocent, helpful as much as she can be and doesnt really realize when people are hitting on her, she just thinks theyre being extra friendly. (Tamaki, izuku, shoto, denki, bakougo) or any of ur choice
Sorry if I’m being annoying ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)? and tysm
bimbo s/o
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, amajiki tamaki (bnha)
probably (?) part one // ?
legend : [Y/N = your name] female! s/o, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack (x reader)
note(s) : sooo 🤩 it’s my birthday tomorrow, not excited about that?? not sure! but im definitely gonna post more tomorrow, just because
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bakugou katsuki
you didn’t seem like his type tbh. you’re kinda an airhead, and you’re sweet and helpful to everyone
and awfully innocent,,
so, you seemed like the person that bakugou would try and stay away from, but nope!
not in this case. i’m not sure what conspired in this explosive blond’s head, but he had a oddly specific attraction to you
he used to hate being around you, but it’s also quite entertaining being around you but why, you may ask?
not only are you super nice, and helpful, but you’re very likable too! which caused you to get secret admirers, and fanboys
but you also so happen to be clueless as fuck, so katsuki would always stick around— obviously very amused, only to tell you what their true intentions are
“what do they mean, go out? like,, outside?”
“no, dumbo. they wanna date you.”
“..like the calendar?”
“hah?? are you dumb?” he actually hated how oblivious you were at first, but he just got used to it
but this clueless airhead trait of yours is what he also hates, because when he developed feelings for you— he’d have to tell you
and,, he’s not the best with being direct with romantic stuff. so— you can see how that went.
he ended up confessing you in the most direct way he could’ve said it, but you still. didn’t. understand.
“fuck sake, i want to be your significant other. your fucking lover, the bitch that’ll be with you until this dumbass brain of yours stops working.”
okay, he was a little too direct, but at least you know his feelings!
when you both finally get together, everyone is shocked. like,, you, the sweetheart that likes helping people— dating thee bakugou katsuki??
everyone thought you were threatened to date him, because you didn’t understand other people’s advances— but in reality, katsuki just told you what he felt
straight from the heart.
also, since you’re also quite busty, katsuki loves sleeping on them— he literally won’t sleep, until he has his head resting on those milkers of yours
“maybe this is all you’re good for, huh? a fuckin’ head rest. there might not be anything up there, but at least it gives me some good fuckin’ sleep.”
he,, doesn’t mean that. you’re useful in so many other ways, but he loves pretending that he thinks that way, because of your replies
“ah, yes! i’m fine with being your head rest, katsuki. rest well, love!”
you’re not hurt, because he makes it a point to tell you multiple times a day that you mean lots to him.
but he gets super mad when people tell you that you’re stupid. because he can only tell you that!!
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todoroki shouto
you also didn’t seem like you’d be his type,, everyone thought he would’ve wanted someone that’s smart as momo, or something similar
but he’s very content with being with you, for reasons he can’t seem to figure out.
he has his habit of watching you help people from afar, and he couldn’t help but smile whenever he engages in conversations with you
yeah sure, you might be more of an airhead than most people— but you have a heart of gold! and that’s what gathered his attention
sometimes, he’s quite clueless to some social cues— but even he can connect the dots
which you can’t seem to do. but you’re in luck! shouto’s usually the one that tells you what they mean
it’s something he loves and hates, only because of how popular you are with people in general.
sometimes, shouto debates if he should even tell you what they mean— because well,, he likes you.
usually, shouto would interpret things to you like this
“,, they like you,, romantically.”
“shou, are you sure? they look like they wanna be my friend!” he lets you call him by his first name, just because of how content you look by calling him ‘shouto’
he ends up whispering something into your ear, and your eyes light up in realization. “oh! so how princess bubblegum likes marceline?”
“,, yeah.”
but being shouto todoroki has it’s advantages. he isn’t afraid of being as direct as he could possibly be.
“may i have the honor of being your lifelong partner?”
“oh, romantically. i’d love to be your lover, Y/N.”
“..oh! that’s what you meant.”
the way he sees you stumble with your words, as you pace back in forth— completely flustered by his words
makes him smile
and it all ends well when his friends see that his wallpaper is literally him laying down on your chest
which is something he always wanted to do
“shouto,, did you finally confess?!”
“yes. they said yes.”
they’re not really surprised that you understood, courtesy to shouto’s bluntness.
he is your protector against all of the people that make you seem useless. man literally lashed out when his father asked him to date someone with ‘more intelligence’
“Y/N may not be the definition of being book smart, but Y/N’s not useless!”
in short— he’s the bimbo protector! he’ll always be patient around you, and he would never dare to dumb you down.
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amajiki tamaki
oh lOrd, please help him
you’re so kind, sweet, and helpful. you’d help anyone— regardless of their personality. and that’s what made tamaki interested in you
but you’re also very popular. which he could see why— since you’re attractive in a unique and special way.
tamaki absolutely disliked the idea of your kindness being taken advantaged of. i mean,, the guts of some people!
but he also hated being the one to break the news to you good or bad
he’s not good with the blunt stuff either, and he might’ve been worried about being around you— because well,, you look like you wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
“tamaki, what do they mean by ‘coming home with them for a nice time’ do they.. want to play mario cart with me?”
he looks like he needs to pass out, but he ends up telling you anyway. he’s just lucky that you could hear him.
but he sighs in relief when you end up kindly declining
nejire and mirio are SO amused by this pairing. i mean, it’s an interesting dynamic! how could they not be invested?
yet, they refuse to even explain things to you, especially when tamaki’s around to do said explaining
because apparently, ‘it’ll help you socialize more, especially with Y/N!’
but remember when i said that tamaki wasn’t great with the blunt approach? yeah— he’d have a heart attack, just trying to explain his feelings
“i— uhm how do i say this,, would you like t-to go out for some dinner with m-me?”
“oh sure! i should go tell mirio and nejire” you’d say that with a smile, and it felt like he was going to pass away on the spot.
nejire and mirio were the ones the tell you that ‘no, tamaki doesn’t want to be friendly with you, because he wants to romantically date you.’
and it felt like forever when they were explaining how and why, while tamaki was sitting in the corner.
but thank GOD! because you like him too!
super hesitant on resting on your chest, i mean,, to him, it looked like the nicest pillow for the deepest sleep! but he wasn’t sure if that’d be okay
because no!! to!! taking!! advantage!! of!! Y/N’s!! kindness!!
speaking of that, despite the fact that he’s socially awkward— he will not hesitate on defending you from any haters!
like, when people say that “tamaki and Y/N are such an awkward couple. tamaki’s super awkward, it looks like there’s nothing in Y/N’s brain. maybe she’s brainless”
because how dare they. not everyone is book smart— but that doesn’t give people the right to call you stupid!
“Y/N’s not brainless! she’s kind, helpful, and the sweetest p-person i have ever met. i suggest you take that back!”
in short— it gives him heart palpitations just having to explain things to you, but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it, if he can be with you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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describing the dynamic of every major friendship in acotar pt 1?
mor x feyre- when the big sister and little sister legitimately become best friends. Like they love each other and they will tell each other everything but the fact that one of them is older is a factor in their relationship. so mor will always give advice and occasionally insensitively pulls out the age card
feyre x cassian- the “I can bully you but no one else can.” they tease and bully each other all the time especially cassian to feyre but if anyone else tries it he’ll hurt them. in a platonic she’s my best friend back the fuck off kind of way of course
mor x cassian- I’m calling this the “will and grace friendship.” where they dated/had sex when they were younger but now their just best friends who are each others family and they get into all these shenanigans and are probably a little too close but like who gives a fuck? they flirt a lot but there’s a very clear mutual understanding that they are going to stay friends. but in this case obviously mor is will (gay for those who haven’t seen the show) and cassian is grace and their vibe is the exact same
azriel x mor- the “I’m in love with my ‘oblivious’ best friend”/”the duo in the friend group is who isn’t allowed to be alone together.” I feel like this ones self explanatory but they’re the duo of the friend group that actually can’t be left alone and constantly needs a third or more for it to be allowed
feyre x azriel- the underrated comfort friendship. like you wouldn’t think they compliment each other but they do. they can be alone together and when they are with each other they are always very comfortable, stable and predictable. they love each other but they will never be the others first choice. 
azriel x nesta- the platonic version of “I see you and I will not walk away” or in other words “I see you but I’m also shitty but in a different way so your shittiness doesn’t bother me.” simplified to “when two shitty people find each other” very very chill and lowkey friendship, doesn’t need a lot of words. will always be a drinking buddy for the other. 
the bat boys- when two conflicting extroverts adopted an introvert against his will. I also think this one is very self explanatory. 
the valkyries- the human equivalent of gasslight, gate keep, girlboss. nesta is our gasslight as she is the one with venomous words. gwyn is our gatekeep she works in a library so I feel like this is fitting, and emerie is our girlboss, while they are all girlbosses emerie is the one who is a female running her own shop (a literal girl boss) in one of the most misogynistic, sexist colonies ever. 
gwyn x azriel- I’m a hopeless gwynriel stan what can I say. they are the kind of friends who are always in a competition and highkey act like their dating or at least in love with the other one but you can’t tell if they’re actually together until finally they just say fuck it and make out in front of everyone
gwyn x rhys- this is me manifesting but I hope that their friendship will be like cece and winston from new girl where they are always getting into shenanigans and are incredibly silly together 
there are more but i’m tired so that’s all for this post
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savemesomenachos · 3 years
Congrats on 200!! Can I request smut 3 and angst 2 for Stucky??? I imagine it’d be tough working out dynamics for dating two super soldiers who’ve known each other for years and I feel like these prompts would really fit 🥺🙏
Thank you so much!!! I completely agree. They’ve know each other for so long and it would be hard to figure out the dynamics until they fuck the reader🤷🏽‍♀️
You can find the link to my drabble list here
Drabble #2
Smut🥵 3. “Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
Angst💔 2. “It’s my fault, I didn’t listen to everyone saying this would be a mistake!”
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, almost smut (MInors DNI), insecure! Reader
Word Count: 904
Y/n’s POV:
I freeze in my spot at the entrance of the bedroom where I hear moans pour out of the door.
“Fuck Steve…” I hear Bucky whine as I push the door open an inch.
“So fucking impatient huh?” Steve taunts as he shoves his hand through Bucky’s hair and tugs.
“I need you to touch me, please!” he whines once more while Steve only chuckles.
My fists clench as I force myself to turn and walk away as I realized I wasn’t invited to this particular rendezvous. I enter the living room with a scowl on my face and flop down on the couch, face down. Lately, I had started feeling left out with Steve and Bucky. I knew they were still getting used to the idea of a third in their relationship but it hurt. The way they’d gravitate toward each other and forget that I was there. I know it wasn’t intentional but it hurt nonetheless. Obviously, Captain America, a WWII trained soldier and the Winter Soldier, an assassin for over 70 fucking years were oblivious to the pain they caused.
“Why aren’t you with your boys?” Natasha asked as she sat on the back of my legs. “Thought they’d be all over you by now.”
“That makes two of us,” I mumble into the couch seat.
“Trouble in paradise?” she asks, twisting off the cap to her beer and throwing her legs up on Tony’s expensive centre piece.
“I think they just forget I exist sometimes. I know it’s not on purpose but…”
“It stings anyway?” she completes.
I shrug as much as I can in my position as Natasha sighs.
“You tried talking to them about this?” she asks, taking a long sip of the beer as the condensation from the bottle slides down to my leg.
“Not really,” I say. “But you know what,” I say, shoving Natasha off me, “I fucking will,” I decide.
“GET IT!” she screams after me and I only laugh in return.
When I get to the door this time I push it open this time and their gazes snap to me immediately.
“Y/n!” Bucky announces, surprised as he scrambles to cover himself.
“Hey, whatcha doin’ doll?” Steve asks, pulling the sheets across his lap.
“Why didn’t you come see me when you arrived?” I ask, ignoring his question completely. The confusion on his face only works to fuel my anger.
“I guess it slipped our minds,” Bucky says, sitting up straighter against the headboard.
“Did it also ‘slip your minds’,” I say as I air quote, “that you have a fucking girlfriend?”
“Woah doll, don’t you think it’s a little unfair?” Steve asks dragging my attention back to him.
“No I don’t think it is. We’ve barely talked in the past few weeks. You’ve barely kissed me or touched me or even looked in my fucking direction,” I say as their jaws drop at my angry tone.
“It’s my fault, I didn’t listen to everyone saying this would be a mistake,” I mumble under my breath but their super soldier hearing picks up on it anyway.
Bucky gasps in surprise while his eyes widen.
“Baby, you don’t mean that,” Steve pleads as he makes his way across the room to me.
“I don’t know anymore Stevie. Do you even love me? Or was this just some sex adventure for you both?” I ask shakily, tears escaping the corner of my eyes.
“Of course not. We’ve just been assholes. We were actually planning something for you and I guess we got carried away,” Bucky says as he comes to stand beside me and fiddles with the hem of my t-shirt with a blush on his cheeks.
“Planning something? Like what?” I ask, my hands raising to my face to wipe off my tears.
“We were gonna ask you to move in with us but Bucky was nervous,” Steve says, a smile making its way onto his face.
“You were too punk! Don’t try to blame this shit on me,” Bucky exclaims exaggeratedly.
“You want me to move in with you?” I ask, my eyes widening and tears threatening to escape again.
“Yeah,” Steve whispers, raising his hand to cup my cheek in his warm palm.
Bucky wraps his arms around my waist from behind me and rests his chin on the top of my head.
“So…” he asks. “Will you?” he whispers in my ear as his vibranium fingers make their way under my t-shirt and up my stomach.
My stomach clenches at the coldness of the metal and his insistent kisses on my neck don’t help either.
“Y’know, jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you,” Steve whispers in my ear before he kneels on the floor in front of me.
“Shut up Steve,” I pant between laboured breaths as Bucky cups my breast in his palm. His fingers tweak my hardened nipple and my back arches in desperation.
“Say you’ll move in with us doll,” Steve whispers against my thigh as he undoes the button on my pants and rolls them down my legs. His lips press against almost each inch of bare skin.
“Yes,” I moan as Bucky peels my top off and works on unhooking my bra.
“That’a girl,” he whispers against my ear as Steve lifts me by my waist and deposits me on the bed.
“Let’s show our girl how much we missed her huh?”
“Yeah, let’s.”
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Stucky: @spookyparadisesheep @marvelatthisone
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
Hi hun! Hope you’re doing well! Could a request a Shikamaru fic! I was thinking maybe it’s obvious to everyone that Shikamaru and Reader like each-other (except themselves of course). But a mission where they have to pretend to be a couple and they finally confess.
Pretenders (Shikamaru x Reader)
A/N: another request. Im not super proud of this one, i really got stuck halfway through and i think that shows here. Thanks for requesting though, and hopefully you still enjoy. Trigger Warning for sexual assault.
word count: 6500
“So, you two set out on a mission tonight right?” Ino asked, leaning her cheek in her hand, nodding toward her two friends across the booth.
“Yep. Supposedly 3 weeks,” Y/N told her. “I won’t get to see you guys for so long.” The girl took a quick sip of her lemonade and sighed. It was a substantial amount of time. It’d been a while since she’d gone somewhere so intensive.
Shikamaru and Y/N had only a couple more hours before they were to be briefed on the details of otheir next mission and whisked away to a far away land for yet another tedious job. Y/N was perfectly fine with the premise of going on a 3 week mission, she’d been home too long and longed for some kind of adventure. She still wasn’t sure the caliber of the mission, nor did she even know where or what they were doing, but she was excited nonetheless.
Shikamaru, of course, wasn’t too fond of the entire idea. Yes, he was more than happy to find out his mission partner was Y/N L/N. Out of all the people he could have been paired with, she was most definitely the least annoying. He really felt like Kakashi had his back lately with missions, giving him ones that were semi decent, and sending him out with his friends. He was certainly grateful for the Hokage’s assignments.
Choji added from his spot near the wall, taking a second away from munching on his lunch. “It won’t be so bad. You guys have each other, after all. How could things get boring when you have your little girlfriend with you, Shikamaru, am I right?”
“Choji…” Shikamaru groaned, pressing his fingers to either side of his temples. These sorts of things borhered the hell out of him. The constant teasing from everyone, not just his teammates, but literally teachers, other squads, his mother, her grandmother. They weren’t dating. They never were dating.
Yet every person in this damned town was under the assumption there was something going on between them. Really, he was just trying to live his life.
Did he want to date her? Yes, a million times over, yes. She was literally perfect, he couldn’t imagine himself with anyone else. But was Y/N at all interested? Definitely not. She was more oblivious than Naruto was with Hinata, and that’s saying a lot. She seemed to ignore everyone when they made jokes, she thought all his measly attempts at flirting were just normal conversation even when he treated Ino completely differently. She wasn’t a dumb girl either. She was smart in her own right.
That’s why he’d begun to think she was maybe avoiding his advances on purpose. That she didn’t like him and she was trying to let him down easy. It was stupid really, and he wished she would just come out with it already, tell him to his face that she just wanted to be friends. It was frustrating, to say the least, but he kept trying.
He could safely say he hadn’t felt this way for another girl in his entire life, and he wouldn’t give up that easily. He really just wanted other people to mind their business. That’s the reason he shot down all the jokes and comments from his friends. They didn’t need to know about his lovelife, that was personal.
Ino smirked, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder and letting a laugh leave her lips. “Come on, Choji. You know how Shika feels about you teasing him.”
“Fine. But you gotta admit it’s funny.”
They continued on with their conversation, Shikamaru groaning at their jokes and the other two laughing the entire time. That was how it usually went. Y/N just listened quietly, sipping away at her lemonade. Those two, his teammates, they always made jokes, it was normal. She was constantly labeled Shikamaru’s girlfriend, and each time he denied it. Over and over again. He didn’t let a single instance slide by.
That’s how she knew to avoid the subject. To keep her feelings to herself. There was no point in confessing to him when he was already so adamant at keeping their relationship out of other people’s mouths. She was a troublesome girl, anyone who thought he saw her as anything different was delusional.
So she kept quiet, just listening.
Each time someone joked, her stomach would turn and she would wait for him to say something, for him to admit they were right, for him to get flushed in the cheeks, for him to reach out and hold her hand and confess his feelings, and each time she was let down brutally. After enough times getting her heart broken, it was only inevitable she give up this false hope. There was no digging her way into his cold heart. He was so closed off, to get inside...it seemed like an impossible feat.
She wasn’t willing to fight for him anymore. It was tiring, and they never got anywhere.
After enough time, she stopped crying herself to sleep. She stopped talking about her crush with Hinata and Ino when the boys weren’t around. She still looked at him with all the love she had to give. He was the best man she knew, how could she not. She just stopped wishing for something that wasn’t going to happen. She stopped investing so much of her time and energy into a useless, pointless dream.
She was tired of running endlessly in circles, over and over again. All because of his dumbass.
Maybe with time, she could try and get over him. With time she could learn to like him the same way as all their other friends. It was always just the little things that would pull her back in every time. It was the walks home at night when she was tired, or she had too many drinks and he’d wrap his arm around her waist and hold her so tight to his side she could feel his heart beating. It was the times he’d lay beside her in the grass and run his fingers through her hair splayed out over the ground. It was the times he would hold her silently as she cried for her mother and father who’d died, and he would rub her back until she could breathe again.
Every single fucking time she got close, the moments she felt she might not be desperately in love with him anymore, he came right in and stole her heart again. It wasn’t his fault, he was just being a good friend, but God, did it hurt sometimes.
And it wasn’t Ino and Choji’s fault for talking about it. It was so fucking obvious she liked him. Y/N followed Shikamaru around like a lost puppy half the time, what else were they supposed to think? They were just wrong in their assumptions that she was anything more to Shikamaru himself. That the boy thought of her as anything more than a troublesome friend who was always needing help with something or another.
She drank the last bit of her drink and set down the glass. “We better be heading to the Hokage tower soon. It’s almost time, and he still has to debrief us and all, “ she told the boy at her right.
“Yeah. I’ll go get my bag from home first and we’ll meet up there?”
“Got it,” Y/N slid out of the booth and waved to her friends. “See you when we get back.”
“Bye, Y/N!” Ino called as the girl left the restaurant with her book bag over her shoulder. She sighed, sinking down into her seat and glaring over at the pineapple head across from them. “You gotta make your move on this mission, Shika. Stop being such a scaredy cat.”
“Listen, you guys don’t know anything about anything, okay? She doesn’t like me that way. She never has.”
“I never thought I’d have to say this, but you’re dumb, man,” Choji laughed. “She obviously likes you.”
“Yeah, yeah. All of you seem to think that but you don’t see how she is with me. We are purely friends. That’s it.”
“Whatever, man,” he waved off the boy’s stern reply and added, “ Have fun on your trip with Y/N. Hope you get lucky.” Those words caused Shikamaru to heat up from his neck to the tips of his ears and he promptly slid out from his seat, straightening his vest as he did so to try and calm himself. That was unnecessary of his friend to say, for sure.
He turned to them once more and nodded his head. “See you around.”
“See you!”
Now all he needed to do was get his things together and meet up with the girl of his dreams for their weeks long mission. Fun times. Especially now that his friends made him annoyed and frustrated with the entire situation again. He’d have to calm down before seeing her soon.
“We’re doing what?” Y/N asked, staring down at their Hokage in disbelief. He’d been detailing their mission and everything seemed normal so far, infiltrating and learning information about a budding coup in a far away nation just on the edge of the Land of Earth and The Land of Wind. It seemed easy enough at first, but then he kept going.
Kakashi sighed. “I said, you two are to be disguised as a princess and her consort from the Land of Sunflowers. The leaders of this land are expecting these royal visitors and you will be taking their place.”
“So, like, he’s gonna be my husband?” she asked for clarification again. It wasn’t that she didn’t understand his words, it was that she didn’t want to believe them. This was her worst nightmare. They would have to pretend to be in a relationship? Shikamaru was going to hate this more than anything and it would be uncomfortable the entire time.
Why did Kakashi have to pick them two, of all his shinobi? Why?
“Yes. That won’t be a problem for two close friends such as yourselves. After all, that’s why I picked you. You have some kind of dynamic going I feel your targets will find believable.” Shikamaru cursed the heavens. Even the fucking Hokage thought they were involved. This was ridiculous. Now this long ass mission he was already dreading was made ten times worse with this awkward situation. “We’re not gonna have a problem, are we?”
It would be okay though. He just had to take a few deep breaths. That’s all.
“No, sir, of course not. I’m ready for anything you throw at me,” she declared, straightening her back and letting the heat fade from her cheeks. She was embarrassed, obviously, but she couldn’t let the Hokage know. It was easier talking to Kakashi though, much easier than Tsunade. Kakashi watched them grow up, he knew them personally from helping them train. That didn’t mean she couldn’t be flustered.
“You’ll take those bags with you. They have some more suitable clothing for royalty. Put them on when you get close to the village. Throw out any indicators you’re from the Leaf as well.”
“You’re dismissed. Leave as soon as possible,” the gray haired shinobi told them. She nodded and threw the bag over her shoulder, tossing the other one over to Shikmaru who caught it and slung it onto his back. He definitely wasn’t happy about any of this, but maybe it was a sign.
Ino and Choji told him to confess his feelings to her on this mission. Kakashi just told them they would be pretending to be a married couple. As he watched her walking in front of him down the Tower stairs, her head just barely dipped as she absorbed all the information running through her mind, he wondered if maybe this was his opportunity. A make or break type scenario. He had three weeks to figure out how to tell her how he felt in a more direct way than he’d tried before.
He worked out all the scenarios and their outcomes in his head millions of times and every time they ended in disaster. For someone so great at strategy, he sure did struggle with this one.
“So, I guess we’re married now. Should we start kissing or something?” she asked awkwardly as they reached the bottom of the stairs, shifting back and forth from her toes to her heels. He stopped, more like froze, in his path and stared at her.
“Now you're just making it weird,” he replied. “We aren’t even there yet.”
“I know, I was kidding. Trying to lighten the mood, you know,” she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. Of course he would reply like that. He didn’t like her at all, he couldn’t even take a fucking joke. Had to get all upset over it like a baby, all because he was so set on never dating her ever, never even entertaining the thought. She rolled her eyes, “You don’t have to be so rude about it, geez.”
She kept walking before he could reply. He had a feeling this trip was going to be a lot worse than anyone had anticipated. He was nervous, grumpy, and preparing for the worst. In fact, what he really wanted was a nice long nap.
The dresses that Kakashi packed for her were...extravagant to say the least. They flowed all the way down to her ankles, thick heavy hoop skirts embroidered from head to toe with symbols of the land of sunflowers. She felt strange with her shoulders exposed and her body on display in these outfits which were so unlike the pants and t-shirts she wore when she was back at home or on a normal mission. She wrapped a shawl around her shoulders and sighed, feeling at least a little covered.
Shikamaru had nice clothes, but they were nothing in comparison to her wild dresses and all the bright colors of the fabric. He looked semi-normal. She was jealous, admittedly, that he still got to wear pants and shirts. He said she looked good in the dress, he actually told her about a dozen times, reassuring over and over again that she looked fine, but she didn’t believe him. She wasn’t dainty, how could she look beautiful when she clearly didn't belong in something so delicate?
Still, when they walked up to the gates of the Land of Shadows, they were greeted like the royalty they pretended to be. They were swept away to the main castle to meet with the King and his wife. It was nearly dinner time, and they were to eat with them as a greeting. It made sense, but Y/N felt herself growing more nervous with the second. She didn’t know the first thing about being a princess, or acting like a monarch. All she knew was fighting and joking with her friends.
Not only that, but how could she convince them that she and Shikamaru were in a relationship? Y/N wasn’t sure they possessed the right dynamic and even if they tried, it would be obvious they were uncomfortable with each other. It was all making her heart race, and she had to take a few deep breaths as they entered the dining room.
But her companion...he knew what he was doing. He was going to put on quite the show, take advantage of the situation. If this week and a half was his only chance to hold Y/N in his heart, than he wouldn't let any opportunities slip by.
Without warning, she found that Shikamaru had reached over and wrapped her hand up in his bigger one, clutching at her shaking fingers. He was so steady, she found herself sinking into his touch. It was comforting, more so than she thought it could be, given the circumstances. His skin was just so warm and soft against hers, it was only natural she felt safer.
“Ah, Princess Ayaka, Duke Hisashi. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” a man called from his place at the table. His wife was sitting beside him, her soft smile only reaching her lips not nearing her eyes. Y/N caught that immediately. Her distance. Silently, she took note of that as the King approached them, extending his arms for an embrace.
“It’s an honor to meet you, your highness,” Shikamaru replied with a smile, an obvious fake one, but damn was he good. She watched as he hugged the man so earnestly, as if he’d sunken right into the role of consort without an issue. She’d have to ask him tonight how he was so good at acting.
“And your beautiful wife,” he extended his hand to the girl and she raised it hesitantly, receiving a soft kiss to the back of her palm. “Come take a seat. Dinner will be served soon.”
The pair took their seats beside each other on the opposite side of the table, Y/N directly across from the Queen, who looked up at her for merely a moment only to sigh and go back to fiddling with the curve of her wine glass. "Your highness," Y/N hummed to the woman who nodded.
"Oh what a dream, to be young and in love," she said. "I remember the days."
"Please dear! To me, you will always be my beautiful young wife! We share a love to last a lifetime," the king cheered, placing his hand over that of his wife's as he took his seat at the table. "I apologize for her gloom. She's been going through a rough patch. We are more than overjoyed to have you here."
"It's fine. We all have our bad days," the girl replied softly.
After a few minutes of small talk, just dipping their feet into the conversation, a couple servants brought out plates of food and wine bottles full of vintage drink truly meant for the highest of royalty. Compared to the plain sake she had drank at home, this was liquid gold dripping down her throat. Shikamaru sent her a warning look. Y/N was known to be quite the lightweight, and even a couple glasses of wine could send her into a tipsy stupor. He really knew her too well, so hyperaware of the things she did.
"So, how did you two meet?" their host asked, taking a moment away from the chicken in front of him. "It's said that you married for love, not arrangement. That's true?"
Y/N and Shikamaru hadn't been versed very well on the details, just on the basics. Her heart beat increased, stress building up. Her lies would have to be good.
"Yes. You've heard right. He was my friend before anything else. We met as children." That much she knew for sure after reading the mission summary.
"Oh wow. Childhood lovers. Very sweet," the queen sighed, resting her cheek in her palm.
Y/N would be lying if she didn't feel a bit of similarities between her own story and that of the real princess she was pretending to be. Shikamaru and Y/N grew up together, for as long as she could remember. She started to love him before she even really knew what love was. It only made sense she pretended to be a princess in the same situation.
And when he held her hand again, this time under the table, his thumb brushing over her knuckles so softly she thought she might melt. Her cheeks began to heat up under his touch and she smiled. It was so nice holding his hand, pretending to care about each other this way. Not that she needed to pretend.
Dinner droned on, and she continued to hold his hand the entire time, besides when they were spooning at their food. For once on a mission, it felt like they were completely at peace. Of course, they were both supposed to be analyzing the movements of everyone around them to make sure no one was planning a coup like Kakashi told them. But she couldn’t held but cherish the moments of calmness and warmth between everyone.
The King and his wife were genuinely some of the kindest people she’d ever met, whether they were just acting that way or not. It was a pleasure to have dinner with them, talking and laughing like an uncle would with his nieces and nephews. It had that same energy, talking to him.
“Hisashi, you wouldn’t mind accompanying me to my library? I have some books I think you might enjoy,” the man said, standing from the table. The rest of them slid out of their chairs after him, and she had to brush down her skirts to make sure everything was in line. It was tedious, wearing these outfits without any prior warning. She felt like a clown. The Queen was so effortless in her movements, how could she not feel stupid standing beside someone so regal?
“That sounds great, your majesty-”
“Not necessary. Call me Shoto, that’s my name after all, and you are an honored guest,” he laughed. He reached over and gave his wife a gentle kiss on the cheek before turning on his heel and heading toward the door. She really expected Shikamaru to just leave with just a simple goodbye, or a “I’ll see you tonight” kind of thing.
Definitely not this.
He was gonna go all out this time around.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he whispered, just loud enough for only her to hear, over her shoulder into her ear. When his warm breath hit her skin, shivers ran up and down her spine. Her eyes widened and she turned to stare up at him, cursing herself when she felt heat rise up in her cheeks and burn the tips of her ears. Was he serious, or just teasing her? He always liked to crack jokes like that.
But when she felt his rough hand pressed to her cheek, lifting her face ever so carefully to meet his, she knew he wasn’t messing around. His eyes met hers for a split second, and she could have sworn he winked down at her before pressing his lips to hers.
Honestly, she thought she might have a heart attack right there in the dining room. Shikamaru was kissing her. It felt even better than she dreamed it would. Chapped lips running against hers, heat pooling in her stomach, heart pounding in her chest.
As soon as it started, though, the kiss was over, and he took a step back. "See you tonight, Princess."
She was keen on catching the smirk on his lips, and the way he laughed to himself as he walked out of the room with the King before him.
Y/N stood there silently, her fingers pressed to her lips, breath caught in her throat. The boy she’d wanted for so long just kissed her like it was nothing, and she was left all alone to deal with this predicament, all the feelings that came rushing in after. All she knew for sure, whether he was serious or not, was that she really, seriously liked him. She liked him a lot more than she thought.
And now they had a whole week and a half of fake kisses and hand holding to endure. Jeez.
“You know, you’re nothing like the other princesses I’ve met,” the guard said to her as she waited for Shikamaru to show up. He was still out with the King practicing archery. Apparently that was a hobby a lot of these rich country men had. So far, she wasn’t suspecting a thing out of the King or any of his closest acquaintances. They were nice as could be and seemed sincere in their intentions toward the village alliances. She had no reason to suspect them, and was beginning to think a coup was just as Kakashi thought, a mere rumor.
That made things a lot easier.
She sighed, tapping her fingers on her wrist. She wasn’t a fan of having a guard watching her every second of the day, especially not the talkative ones. This one was strange. He gave off this energy she couldn’t describe as anything other than creepy.
“Yeah? That’s nice,” she muttered.
“It’s just, usually princesses are pompous, full of themselves, spoiled women. You aren’t the same,” he continued, even if it was obvious she wanted him to shut up and go about his business while she did hers. She felt uncomfortable being alone in this land, without any of her weapons or the ability to fight back if someone was acting sketchy. She was forced to sit by like some little, ditsy princess just watching and observing.
Honestly, though, Shikamaru was probably having a great time. All he had to do was eat with the royalty, play board games, shoot some arrows, and then go to sleep. There was no extensive fighting or thinking going on, just sitting around observing and waiting for something suspicious to happen.
The queen would normally hang out with the female guests but thanks to her bouts of depression she stayed in her room, leaving Y/N completely at the mercy of time. So much time passed, and she was bored of it.
“I’m honestly just another princess. You’d be surprised though. Many princesses are just as modest as I am, it’s not all that uncommon,” she commented, taking a peek over at the man, only to quickly look away. He had quite the hungry look on his face, and if her eyes hadn’t deceived her, his own were trained right on her breasts. Damn these dresses.
Y/N wrapped her arms across her chest and slumped down, trying to hide herself from this weird man watching over her. Only, it seemed impossible. He was so much taller, could just look over her shoulder. She couldn’t run away and raise suspicion. She had to sit here and wait for someone else to break the tension.
She was scared.
“I meant that as a compliment. You say thank you when someone compliments you, yeah?” he mumbled, a firm hand reaching out to snatch her wrist. It hurt, his grip on her arm, and she winced at the feeling. “Say thank you.”
She bit her lip and refused to meet his eyes, instead focusing on his hands. If she needed to, she would defend herself but only to a small extent. She couldn’t blow her cover just because some guard was manhandling her. Take a deep breath, Y/N. It’s gonna be okay. Just calm down.
“T-Thank you,” she gulped, hoping he would drop her wrist. But he didn’t. He only held on tighter.
He smiled, yellow teeth showing through his thin lips. “See, you are a good girl, aren’t you?” he questioned, and she felt his other hand run up her waist. All she could do was whimper, shivers running up her spine and any skin this man laid his hands on. The only hope she had was that another guard come walking around and see them.
It was unlikely, but she prayed for a savior to make their appearance.
His hand worked its way down to her ass, and she felt him squeeze. Vomit rose up in her throat and she squirmed away, pressing herself against the wall as tight as she could so his hands had nowhere to go. Instead, he took to fondling her breasts in his hands. She could only bite her lips and feel the tears bubble up in her eyes as he pushed down the fabric of her top and pressed his filthy palms against her skin.
“What the fuck?” a voice cursed from behind them. The guard was torn off of her form and she brought up her hands to cover herself, tears still dripping thickly from her eyes as she cried, little breathy sobs leaving her lips. Shikamaru stood there, hands shaking at his sides as he glared over at the guard. “What’s going on here?” he demanded. Y/N watched as her friend turned red in the face, burning up with an anger she rarely saw from him, if ever.
“You tell me, your highness. Your wife seduced me!” the guard cried, clearly lying to cover himself and his sins.
The eyes of all three men, the guard, Shikamaru, and the King standing near the footwell of the stairs, turned to her. She just cried harder, shaking like a leaf in front of everyone. “He grabbed me and started to touch me, and-and I couldn’t do anything,” Y/N told them all through her pained cries.
The King marched up the steps and grabbed his guard by the arm, yanking him toward the doorway to enter the castle. He appeared worn from his workout, tired and sweaty, but he was awake enough to realize the severity of the situation. He bowed low to Y/N and her companion.
His apology ran thick from his mustached lips, “This is unacceptable. Honored guests, I apologize for everything that’s happened. I will take care of this, I assure you. Please, don’t hesitate to ask for anything you need tonight.” Shikamaru nodded, and they watched as the pair of men walked into the castle, no doubt to find another guard to incarcerate the guard in question.
Shikamaru turned to her and winced, seeing her dress pushed down below her breasts and the tremors running through her hands desperate to cover them. He watched as hot, heavy tears ran thick down her cheeks and her lips quivered and shook with fear and trauma. Gently, he moved her hands to the side and brought her dress back up to cover her chest. He worked carefully, making sure not to startle her or make things worse.
The woman sunk into his touch, leaning her head against his shoulder and sobbing. “It’s gonna be okay, Y/N. You’re safe now.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tugged her close to his chest, pressing a soft, gentle hand to the back of her head to stroke her hair. “I’m so sorry. I won’t leave you alone again, okay?”
“Shika, “ she whimpered, “I’ve never felt so helpless in my entire life. I couldn’t do anything to defend myself and there was no one else around to help me. I-I didn’t know what to do.”
“I know. You must have been so scared,” he whispered. She just nodded against his shoulder, crying deeper into his chest. He hugged her tighter and swore to himself, even if he couldn't make it happen, that he would protect her. This kind of thing would never happen to her again if he had any say at all. “I promise this won’t happen again.”
"I've just never been in that position before. I always have the upper hand. It was awful. I was so scared and I wanted to cry for you to come help me but I didn't know where you were."
"God, I'm sorry," he mumbled, hugging her tighter in a desperate attempt to calm her shaking. He just wanted for her to be better, even if he knew that wasn't an option right now.
He felt so hopeless, knowing the only thing he could do was promise, to say things without any actual basis behind them. He was just whispering words to the wind hoping they would stick and he was right. He cursed himself for not being there in the first place to protect her, to make sure something like this never happened in the first place. He really was useless when she needed him the most.
He wouldn’t even argue if she said she wanted to go home, if she never wanted to see him again. He let her down. For the first time ever, he let her down in the most terrible, awful way he could think of. And now she was crying and he didn’t know how to make it better. He was really trash.
For now, all he could do though was hug her and promise her the world, all these things that might make her feel safe and comfortable, make her feel less alone and scared. It was the least he could do.
Finally, after a long evening of socializing and another huge dinner literally fit for a king, Y/N found herself stripping off her gowns and heavy undergarments, switching into something much lighter and comfortable for the night.
She was tired from the day. From being left alone for the good part of the morning just sitting in the sun waiting around. She was tired from the assault on her body by the guard whom was supposedly in jail right now for his actions. She was tired from all the crying and the shaking. She was just tired.
Shikamaru was out, finishing up drinks with the King and some of his subordinates for the time being, so she sunk down into the mattress near the far wall, curling up under the down covers and pulling a book from the table beside her. Anything to ease her mind for a while. She felt safe being alone in the confides of the bedroom, knowing that her friend was right down the hall if she needed him.
She scanned the pages of the novel quietly, humming each time she turned a page, leaning on her elbow so the pages would be illuminated in the candlelight.
After about an hour, the door slid open and her companion entered, shutting the door silently behind him. "You aren't asleep? I expected you to be after such a long day."
"I'm tired, but I'm not in the mood for sleep yet," she shrugged, still skimming through the pages of her novel. "Did you have fun?"
"Nah. It's such a drag having to hang out with that old man. He's nice but he never stops talking." He took off his coats and tossed them onto a chair, kicking off his heavy boots and thick socks. "Annoying, having to wear all this fancy shit too."
"Trust me, I know." She shifted over in the bed so he had more space to lay himself down, kicking out his legs and crossing his ankles. "Do you know what's on the agenda for tomorrow?"
He nodded, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side to peek at her face. His eyes slid down to the novel turned over in her hands and smirked, "Yeah. You've got book club. Have fun with that." She tossed her book back on the table beside her and instead curled further into the blankets.
His eyes caught hers and he smiled, one of those undeniably handsome intoxicating smiles she loved so deeply. "You know, you look kinda cute like that."
He shrugged, "All curled up under the blankets like a little baby. It's cute. I'm just calling it how I see it."
If she wasn't flustered before, she definitely was now. He was undeniably making her feel some sort of way, and she was loving the attention. He was being so bold, so unlike him. She questioned what had compelled him to act like this, to say such things. They weren't in character anymore, it wasn't like he had to say these things.
"Thanks, Shika." She felt dumb but what was she supposed to say? She was overwhelmed. "But we're alone now. You don't have to act all lovey-dovey."
He crossed his arms beneath his head and sighed, eyes gazing up at the canopy. He mumbled, just loud enough to reach her ears, “When this is all over, I’m gonna miss you being my princess.” She peered over at him in the candlelit room, making out his faint silhouette in the darkness. Her heart fluttered in her chest at his sweet words. She never imagined in a million years Shikamaru would say these things to her, and now that it was happening she didn’t know how to react.
She dreamed of this moment for a while now. The thoughts of Shikamaru confessing his feelings and then her falling into his arms dramatically. It was a fantasy of hers, a guilty pleasure. Far too dramatic to ever be a reality.
That's why she was too shocked to meet his eyes. His princess. Those words made her woozy.
"What are you talking about?"
"You're not stupid. You know what I'm talking about," he said calmly.
"You don't want things to go back to normal?" Y/N asked, hesitant. She felt nervous, diving into these waters. Each words felt like it held so much weight. It was a puzzle, just finding the right thing to say, how to reply to his statement. "Just friends, like before?"
"Is that what you want?"
And when she really thought about it, he was right. She didn't want to go back to normal. She wanted to continue holding his hand, kissing his cheek and his lips, loving each other with their words and their gazes and all the little touches. She wanted all of this to last and as the mission came to a close, she found herself worrying for the future empty of all those things.
She shook her head, just barely able to bring her eyes up to meet his. He looked bored, but she knew he cared. He cared a lot, actually. "I-I think I'd like if we could stay like this."
"Falling in love with you, Y/N, was one of the easiest things I've ever done. Finding the right time to tell you, that's been troublesome," he confessed, blowing a stray piece of hair from his eyes. "You never seemed emotionally available, really."
"I always was. I was always waiting for you, Shikamaru. Ever since we were just teenagers, I've been waiting for you," she told him, letting her heart finally come out with her words. "I just thought you wanted to be friends. Before this mission, I had completely given up on being with you, but then everything seemed to fall into place on this trip."
"When Kakashi told us we would be married for this mission, I have to admit, I got excited." He rolled onto his side to face her. She was still curled up in her blanket, and he felt like he was melting. The most beautiful woman in the entire world right in front of him, his heart playing right into her hands. He was okay with that. He was okay with this girl having his entire soul if that meant he would see that smile and those eyes peering up at him.
He wasn't a romantic man. Far from it. But she brought out a side of him he'd only heard about from love struck novelists, such kinds Kakashi sensei would read.
"I just knew I'd have to shoot my shot with you," he finished, sending a wink her way. She truly was swoon, like putty in his hands. Her words came faster than she could think to stop them.
"Shikamaru, I think I love you. When you kissed me for the first time, I knew it was true. All these feelings for the past few years weren’t in vain. I love you."
"The feeling is mutual."
The girl crawled out from under the blankets and over to him on the other side of the mattress. Her arms wound around his neck and as best she could, she curled into his chest. Her ear pressed to his heart, beating loud and constant in her mind. He was more than happy to let her cuddle up to him, in fact, he relished in the feeling.
This is what he'd been missing out on all this time. The hugs. The cuddles. The looks in the dark full of love and longing. It was nice, to lay there with someone he knew for sure, without any doubt, loved him to the moon and back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter to his tired form, letting her sink further into his touch.
Kakashi knew what he was doing sending them. Two lovers with a mask over their emotions, straight into a game full of dancing around their feelings and pretending to be something they always wanted to be. Everything played out perfectly, a happy ending for a couple of worthy shinobi.
He was happy. That's all he could ask for.
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kalimagik · 4 years
Not A Movie...Right?
Harry Potter x Reader 
Word Count: ~7,400
Warnings: Some cursing, mentions of sex, but that’s the only time the word is used.... 
A/N: Soooo, here’s a fic I wrote that isn’t based on a song! (Look at me trying to expand!) It’s got angst, tears, strong women standing by each other, oblivious Harry, and then fluff at the end cuz I love me a good happy ending... If you enjoy it, like, reblog, comment, or follow! You can also send me a message if there is something you’d like to see me post! still new on here, so I’m open to pretty much everything! Happy reading <3<3
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*not my GIF - credit to owner
The corridors were empty, the classrooms were quiet, and the students were busying themselves outside, well most of the students. Y/N dragged her feet down the hallways, avoiding the windows, she didn’t want to be seen by the other students. Why be lost in conversation when she was lost in the thoughts that had been consuming her brain? 
Had she made a mistake? Was it stupid to get everything off of her chest? It had been four years after all, right? It was okay to feel these things. She’d hid them for as long as possible, she tried to at least. Maybe she shouldn’t have told him, but maybe he shouldn’t have kissed her after the quidditch match. Didn’t he know that would completely scramble her brain? He knew her! At least, she thought he knew her. 
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Hermione called from a little bit ahead. 
Y/N looked up for her eyes to meet her best friends’ right away. The brunette knew something was wrong, she’d barely seen Y/N in the last week. 
“We’ve been outside all day. It’s so nice and you told Ron that you were going to meet us out there. I didn’t even see you this morning. What’s going on?” she prodded, knowing that there was something more happening with her friend. 
Y/N couldn’t look at her. She knew that tears would start rolling down her face the moment she did. Yes, Y/N normally told Hermione everything, but she hadn’t told her about this yet and she’d been dealing with it all herself. So, maybe she should tell her? 
“Y/N/N…Please talk to me!” Hermione’s voice begged. Y/N finally looked up to see the concern in her friend’s face. “Oh common!” Hermione rushed to Y/N and pulled her hand until they were at the Gryffindor Common Room and climbing the stairs to their shared dorm room. Of course it was empty, everyone was enjoying one of the few nice days that Hogwarts saw. 
Once in the comfort of her own room, Y/N started to sob. How did she start to explain what had happened? Before she had to, Hermione spoke up. 
“Y/N/N. I know this has something to do with Harry. You never act like this. You’ve been up early for breakfast every morning and leave by the time I get down there with the boys. Sometimes Ron gets there early enough to see you, but then you leave before he can have a full conversation. You don’t speak during lessons and you’ve been sitting in different seats. Y/N/N, you sat with the SLYTHERINS the other day! You’re obviously avoiding him!” 
Y/N just looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap. 
“What happened? Please? You normally tell me this stuff. We’ve talked about all of your other boys before. I know that you like him. You may have not told me, but I am observant. I did notice. Just talk to me!” 
Taking a deep breath before she started talking, Y/N began the story. 
“It has been going on all year, ‘Mione. Remember when we first got back to school and we had that huge party after quidditch tryouts? Well, Harry and I just went and got some air. We were talking like we always do. You guys became my best friends in our second year, so it was easy. And it was probably the fire whiskey, but Harry started talking about how great I was. He was all of course I’ve had a crush on you before! You’re exactly my type and fun and cute. And I just sat there listening and thinking. And it was just nice to hear, but then I realized something. I could have always fallen for Harry so easily, but I always kept myself from doing it. I didn’t want to because I knew it would be too big for me. But, he, he opened the gates. It’s his fault, ‘Mione!” Y/N could feel her voice raising as she thought of how stupid she had been. 
Hermione looked at the 6th year girl, whose eyes were puffy and red, whose lips quivered as she thought about everything. Hermione didn’t want to push her anymore, but she knew that Y/N needed to get it all out. She’d been holding it in for too long and it was affecting how she was in school and with her friends and as a person. 
After giving Y/N a few moments of silence, Hermione spoke up. “So, what happened then?” 
“Well, I started letting myself fall. I was such a git! And I wanted to spend so much time with him and be around him. I mean, I always was, but it just felt different now. I wanted to be close to him and touch him and it just felt different. And he was different too! He was attentive and seeking me out and yeah…” Y/N paused as she thought. Thinking about what happened. 
“‘Mione,” Y/N whispered, “we snogged. A lot. And it went further than that. And – and I thought we were on the same page, but then he said he just wanted to stay friends because he didn’t want to ruin what we had…” 
“HE DID WHAT?!” Hermione howled. Y/N could see the rage building up on her face. She knew maybe she shouldn’t have said that.
“ ‘Mione, please don’t get mad. Don’t yell. Don’t get mad at him. It’s already happened. I made the same decision he did. Plus, I told him it was okay. I told him I was fine, so I messed up. I didn’t check and make sure we were on the same page…” Y/N tried to explain. 
“This is not your fault! Why is he so daft! Why would he do that! He did that AND THEN said he didn’t want to mess up the dynamic?” 
“Well yeah, but he’s a boy, it's fine. Seriously.” 
“Fine. I won’t yell at him yet. When did this all happen?” 
Y/N bit her lip, thinking. Everything seemed to always blend together. “Two months ago, maybe…”
“Y/N! It’s April now…What happened next?” Hermione asked, knowing the story wasn’t over. 
“Well, you know the quidditch match two weeks ago? When they beat Hufflepuff?” Y/N asked, wiping her eyes. 
“Well, I thought I had come to terms with everything by then. I went on that date to Hogsmeade and even though Zacharias Smith was an ass after, it was still nice when we went.” 
“Okay? I knew that. He was an ass…” 
“Yeah, exactly. Well, then the match came and they won and I didn’t get to see Harry because the people were just crowding and I couldn’t get to him. So, I waited for everyone to come out of the changing tents so I could congratulate our friends.. Well, Harry was the last one to come out and he was so excited that he kissed me. And I pretended I was fine because I couldn’t go through the ‘we’re just friends’ talk again. But, I couldn’t stop thinking about it after that. All the feelings that I gated off flooded right back in because it just felt right! He held me in a way that no one ever has and his lips just felt right. I couldn’t stop it!” Y/N was gasping, reliving what she had been avoiding. 
“But, you’ve only been acting strange for a week. What changed between then and now?” Hermione asked. She’d been nodding along since Y/N started. She was thinking a lot and felt pretty angry, but she was keeping her anger at Harry hidden for Y/N’s sake. 
“Well, I became overwhelmed. It’s all I could think about. It didn’t feel fair because I didn’t get to say what I really felt. I just took everything in. So, I worked up a little bit of courage and I told him how I felt last week. I said everything. I wrote it down and I just told him! But, but, but he didn’t say anything back. And when I saw him the next day, he just acted normal and as if nothing happened and I couldn’t do that! I couldn’t, ‘Mione…” Y/N felt the tears begin to swell up along the edges of eyes. 
“Wow…he hasn’t said anything?” 
Y/N shook her head. 
“And you’ve just been dealing with it and acting as normal as possible?” 
Y/N nodded. 
“But, you’ve still been avoiding him and he hasn’t said anything.” 
“I don’t think that he noticed,” Y/N said. “Of course, I haven’t seen him to know whether or not he has.” 
Hermione thought for a second. She knew that Harry hadn’t said anything to her about Y/N not being around, so either it wasn’t bothering him or he didn’t notice. Ron was always slightly oblivious, so he didn’t completely understand what was going on, but he knew Y/N hadn’t been around as much. Hermione could tell Y/N this, but she didn’t want to be the one to break her friend’s heart, no matter how honest she wanted to be with her. She couldn’t do it. 
“Do you want me to ask him what he’s thinking?” Hermione asked timidly. 
“NO!” Y/N spoke louder than she had in a while. “I don’t want him to know I told you. ‘Mione, I’ve been thinking a lot. Harry not saying anything to me is an answer. He doesn’t want me… I can’t keep walking around here thinking that he’s just going to run up to me and tell me that he loves me. That only happens in the movies and this isn’t a movie. I need to just move on, but I needed a little bit of time before that. I needed to come to that decision myself.” Y/N tried to explain, with pleading in her eyes. 
“I get that, but it isn’t fair to you…You deserve to be so happy!” Hermione argued. 
“But, it doesn’t look like I’m going to get that from him…” 
Hermione couldn’t hear it. This whole situation was ridiculous! Harry couldn’t just not say anything. If she had been in that situation, she wouldn’t have taken it! But what could she do? Y/N didn’t want her to get involved. 
Y/N spoke up, breaking Hermione from her internal thought process. “I told you ‘Mione, I just need to give myself some time to move on and I can’t do that when I’m seeing him every day.” 
“That makes sense, but I miss you! Can you please just be around more. I can stay away from him. Plus, we have to start studying for exams soon anyways. I just want to spend time with you!” 
“I’m sorry you got caught up in all of this. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
“I’m always going to worry about you!” Hermione assured her friend, fighting the internal struggle about what to do. She could do what Y/N asked and just leave it be, but that didn’t feel right. Boys this year were just messing everything up.
“I know. But we only have like two months of school anyways. It’ll be fine.” Y/N waved off whatever she was feeling, wiping away the few stray tears. 
Hermione nodded, knowing there was nothing else she could do in that moment. So, she spent the rest of the day with Y/N. She convinced her to walk around and go out to the courtyard for a bit. Everyone else was on the grounds, so it was clear. They did run into a few Hufflepuff girls, but it was fine interacting with them. 
Being a Sunday evening, the girls knew that they had a busy week, so they headed to the Common Room after a short dinner. A Harry free dinner of course. 
“You go up, I need to gather some books from the Common Room,” Hermione said as Y/N went to the steps for the dormitory. 
“Okay!” Y/N waved as she went up to their room. 
Hermione looked around. She knew it wouldn’t be long before the boys got back from dinner. Hermione noticed on her way out that Ron and Harry ate with the other boys in their dorm tonight. She waved, but only Ron saw her. Y/N was walking out of the Great Hall so quickly that she didn’t have time to stop and say hi. 
She dawdled picking up what she could, taking her time. She’d just tell Y/N that she realized she had to finish an essay if they took much longer. But, as if on cue, the portrait door swung open and in walked 5 boys. Seamus, Neville, and Dean stumbled up the dormitory stairs while Harry and Ron walked towards where Hermione was standing over her books. 
“Where have you been?” Harry asked casually. 
Hermione felt the fire inside of her flare, but she responded as calmly as possible. “I’ve been with Y/N for most of the afternoon and evening.” 
“Blimey! So that’s where you went! We sat by the lake forever and figured you just went to do an assignment,” Ron shrugged as he turned. 
“No, I went to find our other best friend. I haven’t seen her nearly at all this week and Ron said she was coming to the lake, but when she didn’t, I went to find her unlike you two blathering gits!” Hermione raised her voice. 
Ron and Harry looked at her confused. “What are you talking about, ‘Mione?” Ron questioned. 
“Have you two noticed nothing?! She’s never at breakfast with us, she skips meals, she hasn’t sat with us in lessons all week! We haven’t had our best friend! Ron, you’ve been so caught up with your break up and you, Harry, with that stupid book! We’re losing her!” 
Now, the boys looked concerned. Hermione did raise her voice at them quite often, but something about this was different. 
“What is wrong with you, Hermione?” Harry spoked up. 
“You of all people should know!” Hermione spat before picking up her books and heading towards the stairs. 
Ron looked at Harry with so much confusion in his eyes. “What’s she talking about?” he asked. 
Harry stood there for a moment before he called after Hermione. “Wait! Come back here!” 
Hermione stopped at the bottom of the stairs, taking in a deep breath before turning around. “What?” she responded sternly. 
“Can you just tell us why you’re so angry?” Harry asked, trying to get a little more information out of her. 
“It’s not my place,” Hermione barked. “Besides, it could be more efficient for me to just not say anything at all. Then I’ll just act like everything is normal!” With that small jab, she stomped up the stairs to her bedroom. She promised Y/N she wouldn’t say anything and she didn’t really. Not out right. 
Hearing the door slam, Ron turned to Harry aghast. “What was she blithering on about? Bloody hell!” He ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Fuck!” Harry cursed, when it dawned on him why she was so angry. 
“I mean, I know Y/N’s been out of sorts this week, but she gets like that sometimes. I figured it was just that thing that happens to girls every month.” Ron rambled on, not hearing Harry. “Sure, she seemed a little more rushed and like she just wanted to be alone. I didn’t think it had anything to do with us.” 
“It didn’t have anything to do with us, Ron. It had everything to do with me,” Harry flopped onto the couch as he slapped his hand over his face. 
“What are you talking about?” Ron asked stupidly. 
“I was an idiot! How couldn’t I have noticed that she was avoiding me?” 
“What?” Ron asked again. 
“Whenever you were at breakfast early this week, did you see Y/N?” 
“Yes? But..” 
“And did she always leave right before Hermione and I got there?” Harry cut him off. 
Ron sat on a chair near Harry, thinking about the past week for a moment. “Now that you mention it, I guess she did. I thought she just had assignments to get ahead on. You know how her and Hermione can be…What are you thinking about, Harry? Come off it!” 
“I’m an idiot!” Harry stood up quickly and rushed towards the stairs. 
“Harry, you know that’s not going to work…” Ron called as he heard the stairs turn into the slide to keep the boys out of the girls’ dormitory. 
“But, I’ve got to get up there! I’ve messed up Ron!” 
“You could send her a note. It's only 7:15. I bet you could make it up to the owlery before curfew,” Ron suggested, getting comfortable. 
“Ron! That’s brilliant!” 
Before Ron could continue, Harry was out of the portrait hole again. 
“OR!” Ron tried to call after him, “or you could wait until one of the other girls comes back and give them a note for Y/N…” Ron finished. “What the hell is going on with everyone?” Ron wondered as he placed his hands behind his head and relaxed in front of the fireplace. 
“What took you so long, ‘Mione?” Y/N asked when she came out of the bathroom to see Hermione just putting her books down. 
“The boys came in while I was gathering my things,” Hermione responded truthfully, not knowing how her friend would respond. 
“Oh…” Y/N faded off. “Did they have a good time at dinner?” Y/N asked, trying to be as normal as possible. 
“Yeah, they did. We didn’t say much about dinner though.” 
“Oh? What did you all talk about?” Y/N questioned as she moved around the room, pulling on her pajamas and hanging up her towel. 
“Well, they asked where I went and then I kind of got angry with them…” Hermione tried to look innocent. 
“Mione?” Y/N was now getting worried. “Why would you get angry?” 
“I just, they asked where I went and I said to find you and then I got mad that they hadn’t noticed how you had been acting all week and…and _ I –” Hermione cut herself off to look up at Y/N just in time to see a horrified face. “Don’t worry! I didn’t say anything about what you told me! I can hold my tongue at least that much. But, I may have made a slight comment just to get him thinking…” 
“YOU DID WHAT?” Y/N yelled, dropping everything in her hands. 
“I don’t know if he got it. Ron was blabbering like an idiot when I came up the stairs. I just think that he owes you something! You are friends, at least! Maybe he just didn’t realize how he felt about you…” Hermione tried to explain. 
“Mione! Now he knows that I’ve been sulking over him all week! He may be daft, but he’s not THAT daft!” 
“But, you deserve to get something!” Hermione yelled out. 
Luckily, it was early enough that the other girls weren’t back to the room just yet, so Y/N had a moment to compose herself. She really despised whenever Lavender tried to act like her best friend and comfort her. It was really the worst and just awkward. That all started when Ron and Lavender dated and Y/N wound up around her more often than she would have liked. Whenever she was with Harry and Ron and Lavender always popped up to be with Ron. It was the worst. 
“What am I going to do now? I was so close to moving on, Hermione! Common!” 
“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry, Y/N/N! But, someone needed to do something. He needs to talk back so that you can actually get some closure!” 
“What did I tell you earlier! This isn’t a fucking movie! Merlin! I just wanted to move on before being around him all the time again, okay? Now I’m going to need to keep doing what I’ve been doing for a week!” Y/N ranted as she paced back and forth across the floor. 
Hermione sat there silently, realizing how what she did may have been stupid, but she was going to continue to defend her actions. “Y/N/N, I’m going to tell you this again. He needs to say something. You can’t just let him off the hook. He’s being an idiot! And –” 
Hermione was cut off by a light tapping at the window. The two girls turned to see a white snow owl. 
“Hedwig?” Y/N was startled as Hermione went to open the window to let the owl in. 
“She has a note tied to her leg…” Hermione noticed. “It’s for you.” 
“He wrote me a note?” Y/N questioned. 
“Maybe he realized that he was being an idiot. What’s it say?” Hermione asked as she handed Y/N the note and sat down next to her. 
Hedwig flew over and hooted happily as Y/N unconsciously petted her, holding open the letter to look at Harry’s tiny, scribbled handwriting. 
“What’s it say?” 
“Give me a second! I need to decipher his writing,” Y/N trembled. 
Y/N looked down at the note. It wasn’t long, it was straight forward. 
“He wants to talk to me…” Y/N sat the note down and stood up suddenly, pacing around again. Hermione picked up the note and quickly scanned it. 
“Y/N/N, he’s pretty much pleading for you to come downstairs right now. I bet he just ran all the way to the owlery to send this and get back in time.” 
Y/N stood there thinking, not sure what to do, but before she could speak anymore, the dorm door flew open. 
“Why was Harry so out of breath?” Parvati wondered out loud as her and Lavender discarded their things onto their beds. The two were giggling. 
“What’s going on up here?” Lavender asked, trying to read the room. 
“Nothing!” Y/N blurted quickly, knowing that Lavender wouldn’t ask Hermione for any details. The two hadn’t spoken in weeks. Before she knew what she was doing, she swept to the still open door. She didn’t know why she was going so quickly, but she forced herself to slow down when she was about halfway down the steps. She couldn’t seem too desperate. She had “moved on,” remember. 
As she went to take the last turn, she practically stopped. She could hear the soft voices of the boys that she knew so well. 
“Do you think Hedwig got her attention?” 
“Mate, you haven’t even told me what’s going on,” Ron pointed out. 
Y/N inched a little further down, trying to hear better. 
“I’ll tell you once I know what’s going on!” Harry practically exploded. He’d gotten better at that from last year, but his temper still spouted from time to time. 
Y/N felt her heart constrict. Was that good or bad? She moved forward just a little bit more as Harry had lowered his voice again. But, she must’ve gone a little too far and her foot slipped off the edge of the step. She felt her torso follow quickly after, tumbling down the last stairs and onto the Common Room floor. 
“uhhh, hey guys…” Y/N felt her cheeks heat up. Thinking quickly, she added, “I just left something down here…” Maybe she couldn’t do this. She’d already poured her heart out over a week earlier. She couldn’t go through the pain again. 
 When she finally stood up, she realized that her fall must’ve caused both boys to jump out of their seats. 
“What are you guys doing?” she tried to ask as normally as possible. 
“Ummmmmm…well, look at the time! I’m going to go to bed!” Ron spit out quickly, lifting his arms and pretending to yawn. “Goodnight!” 
Y/N watched helplessly as the only buffer in the room left. Now what was she going to do? 
“Y/N?” Harry spoke up, Y/N still looking at the stairs Ron had just ascended. 
“Uhhhh, hi? I’ll just grab that thing that I forgot and get out of your way.” Y/N looked around, trying to find something in the Common Room that she could claim as hers. 
“I can help you look. What did you forget?” 
Shit! Y/N thought to herself. Why was he so helpful? 
“I didn’t forget anything, Harry.” Y/N sighed. “I – I got your note. Hedwig popped in upstairs…” 
“Oh? You did? Good. That’s good because I wanted to talk to you about the other weekend and this week.” 
“You really don’t have to, Harry. I know Hermione put you up to this. It’s fine. I told you that last week. There’s nothing to talk –”
“Y/N, will you just let me say something?” Harry interrupted. Y/N closed her mouth and nodded. 
“Hermione didn’t put me up to this. I should have realized that something was wrong all week. I’m just blind and an idiot and I’ve been busy and…” Harry looked up to see Y/N looking at the ground. “That’s beside the point and not an excuse. I should have said something last week when you opened up to me.” 
Y/N lifted her eyes from the floor for a moment, waiting to hear what else he had to say because as of that moment, she did not have any words that would fit in quite yet. 
“I did the worst thing possible for that situation. I’m sorry, but I thought everything was normal between us, at least, I let myself think that.” 
Y/N couldn’t handle the rambling anymore. “What do you want to tell me, Harry? I should really get back upstairs. I can’t go through this  again. Stop dragging it out!” Well that was courage that she didn’t know she had. 
“Right, I’m sorry. I guess what I want to say is that I really didn’t know what to say then. You caught me by surprise…” Y/N stared at him. She obviously already knew this and at this point, the situation was just getting irritating. Was he going to break her heart or not? 
“In reality, I’m just scared. We’ve been friends for so long. How do you stop being friends and begin being more than that? I don’t know. No one I know seems to be figuring it out,” he added in, rolling his eyes. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle. She knew he was talking about the undiscussed feelings between Ron and Hermione. 
“And you’re just amazing at everything you do. I’m not. You deserve so much more.” 
Y/N’s heart panged at his words. Of course he was going to break her heart. Why did she bother getting her hopes up even slightly? 
Harry must’ve noticed the sudden change in demeanor of the girl standing a few meters away from her. He knew he needed to change his tactic. “You care so much about everyone that you love. I don’t know if I could be enough for you.” 
“HARRY!” Y/N just couldn’t take it anymore. “These all sound like excuses and ways for you to soften the blow. Just tell me that you don’t want to be with me so that I can go back to moving on like I was trying to do for the past week, for the past two months really!!” Her heart raced and she could hear the blood pounding in her ears. Couldn’t she just go back upstairs and flop on her welcoming bed? 
Harry stood, speechless for a moment too long. Y/N huffed and turned to go upstairs. This really wasn’t a great way to start her week, so why prolong it? But, before she could reach the steps, a hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her back. Y/N closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was not going to cry. 
“That’s not what I want though!” Harry blurted once Y/N turned to face him. “Y/N, I care about you so much. And I told you! I’m scared! These feelings scare me. What if something happens to you? It will all be my fault! I could never forgive myself.” 
Y/N instinctively bit her lip, taking in his words. What could she say to that? She still wasn’t sure about any of this. Why had he waited a whole week? 
“Say something?” he asked, eyes wide and looking at her hopefully. 
“Oh? Say something? Maybe I should just nod and walk away. It seems to be really effective in avoiding situations,” Y/N scoffed. She could feel her walls going up. She knew she had avoided these feelings for so long and this was why.
“I was an idiot, Y/N! How was I supposed to tell you that? It would’ve just been easier to pretend that there was nothing between us. Then I wouldn’t have to think about what I’m feeling, let alone how I could potentially hurt you.” 
Y/N could hear the sincerity in his voice. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say now, Harry. You hurt me. You played with my heart all year. You had me thinking there was something when we were ‘just friends’ according to you. That hurts!” Y/N felt her voice waiver, but she was still set on not crying. She’d done more than enough of that.
Harry looked shocked. This was not what he was expecting obviously. Just a week ago, the girl of his dreams told him that she had feelings for him and he was too daft to say anything back. He screwed up, badly. 
“My thoughts exactly,” Y/N spit as she began to pull away from him. 
“No, wait. Don’t go.” 
“What else is there to say?” Y/N asked, throwing her hands out to the side. 
“Say, say that you still love me like I know you do. You may not have used those words, but I know you do. So that I can tell you that I love you and didn’t mean to play with your heart. It wasn’t fair of me because I didn’t know what to do with my own heart. And then I could pull you in and kiss your lips like I’ve wanted to again since two weeks ago, but didn’t.” 
Y/N looked right into Harry’s green eyes. They looked as desperate as she had felt coming down the stairs earlier. 
“Please, Y/N/N?” Harry asked again. “Please, because I love you…” 
Y/N felt every time her chest rose and fell. She wanted this. She had wanted this for so long and now, here he was, fighting for her. It was literally like something she would see in one of those muggle movies, but why couldn’t she do it? 
“Harry, I want to say it. I want to be in this moment with you. I haven’t wanted anyone like I’ve wanted you in so long, but you broke me. How can I  trust that you aren’t going to want to be ‘just friends’ again next week?” 
“You can trust me. I’m your best friend. You’ve always trusted me. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you went out with Smith. I did. And it made me so mad that it wasn’t me!” Harry continued to argue and explain. He realized that he should have said this all to you months ago. 
Y/N sucked in a large amount of air, pulling her mouth muscles into her usual thinking face. What should she listen to? Her heart or her head. One telling her that this would be great and that they would be great together. The one telling her that this was what she had been wanting all year. Then there was the other side warning her that this could end in her hurt in just a few days. He didn’t seem so sure a week ago, why was he so sure now when he didn’t even realize how she was acting throughout the week? 
Y/N looked down to where he was still holding her wrist. This wasn’t right. He should have found her days ago and said this. Or he should have said this when she poured herself out to him. He had every moment to do that! 
Y/N shook her head. She had been right to tell Hermione earlier that this wasn’t a movie. It just wasn’t. He broke her trust and he broke her heart. But, she wasn’t going to do to him what he had done to her. She was going to tell him. She was going to break her own heart. And most importantly, she was going to give herself the chance and the opportunity to finally move on. Only she was going to be able to make that decision for herself. 
“Harry, I just can’t do it. I dreamed about you coming to me, but it just doesn’t feel genuine. If this is how you actually felt, you would have said it last week. You aren’t that oblivious. You knew that was your chance if you wanted it too. I can’t just take you and pretend that you haven’t hurt me. Our chance is over. I’m sorry.” 
At the end of her words, she looked up to meet Harry’s watering eyes. She’d seen so much joy in them in the past, but now all the pain in them was because of her. She couldn’t do it anymore. She needed to get out of the Common Room, but go where? All of her roommates were upstairs and it was well after curfew. Honestly, leaving and facing the possibility of detention sounded a lot better than a room full of girls. 
“I– I have to go.” She pulled her wrist out of Harry’s grip and darted sideways towards the portrait hole. She flew out, not even stopping to see if the Fat Lady saw her, and climbed the stairs. She found herself in a 7th floor corridor before she even stopped to look around. 
With eyes threatening to spill tears at any moment, Y/N fell to the floor. I just need somewhere to cry – she thought to herself as she began to sob. That’s when she felt the wall behind her start to shift. A small door appeared and without looking Y/N crawled inside. Once the door closed, she let her head rest against it and the tears fell in steady streams. 
Rushing out of the Common Room so quickly, Y/N hadn’t seen Hermione and Ron emerge from their hiding places on the stairs. They found a stunned Harry, who was already beating himself up for how that went. 
“Do I go after her?” he asked, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. 
Hermione shook her head. “It’s after curfew and you have no idea where she went…”
“She’ll have to come back eventually mate,” Ron encouraged. “You could always just wait here.” 
Harry nodded as he let Ron and Hermione direct him to the couch. Why had he been so impulsive? Why had he waited to begin with? 
He sat there, staring as Ron and Hermione attempted to cheer him up. He knew that wouldn’t work. The only person who could make him happy ran from him. He blew it. He’d have to find a way to accept that, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to for a while. Not until she was at least his friend again because he couldn’t lose her all together. 
Y/N cried until she didn’t have any tears left. Once they ran dry, she only felt numb. She couldn’t go back to the Common Room now. Knowing how stubborn Harry is, he would still be sitting there, wanting to try all over again. Y/N couldn’t take another round of that tonight. I wish that this room had a bed – She thought to herself, finally looking around. Then, there in the corner, she saw a folded up cot. That would do. On one of the shelves, next to some tissues, she found a blanket and pillow. Okay. Now I just have to wake up early enough to sneak back in and get my books in the morning. 
Feeling completely drained from the day, Y/N fell asleep quickly. She dreamed of nothing, which was a relief and in the morning, she decided that today was the day to start moving on. She would do it no matter how hard it was because this wasn’t a movie and she wasn’t going to wait around for someone who didn’t truly want her. 
With that attitude in mind, Y/N quietly left the small room of requirement and tip toed back towards the Gryffindor Common Room. It was maybe 4:30 in the morning, so she hoped no one would be up for any reason. Giving the Fat Lady the password and receiving a slight scolding for waking her up so early, Y/N shut it silently behind her. Once in the Common Room, she could see that the coals of the fire were nearly burnt out, but there were three forms resting in the chairs in front of it – asleep. 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile to herself? Had her friends been there all night? Did they really try to wait up for her? Okay…maybe seeing Harry sleeping there tensed and cold would make it a lot harder for her to move on. It was really sweet. She could only guess that Hermione was the one that kept the three from going to look for her. Y/N tip toed over to the three lumps as she summoned some blankets from the other side of the Common Room. She placed a blanket on both of them and took Harry’s glasses off his face. Then she saw the old piece of parchment open and clenched tightly in his fist. 
Of course he’d pulled out the Marauder’s Map. She could now see where she was standing next to the three of them, but his finger was stationed at the entrance of where the room of requirement usually popped up. How did he know she would wind up there? 
Y/N carefully pried the map out of Harry’s hands, so that she wouldn’t wake him up and mumbled “mischief managed” in order to make the parchment erase the lines of the castle and appear blank. Folding it and setting it next to his glasses, Y/N left the three and headed towards the stairs. But before she could get there, she heard movement. Not wanting to be noticed, she froze in her spot, hoping whoever it was had just been moving in their sleep. 
“Y/N?” a soft voice rang out. 
Y/N closed her eyes and scrunched up her face. So much for not being seen. Why had she gone over to her friends? Why hadn’t she just gone right upstairs? 
Not knowing what else to do, Y/N turned back towards the fireplace to lock eyes with Harry’s, albeit sleepy, green eyes. He looked concerned and worried, but also happy and relieved at the same time. He picked up the glasses she had just taken off of his face and put them back on. 
“Where did you go? Are you okay? We were worried when you didn’t come back,” he whispered, being mindful of the other two in the room. 
“Uhhh, yeah. I just had to get away for a while and didn’t want to face a room full of girls…” she drew out, matching his soft voice. 
“I understand. I wanted to come find you, but Hermione wouldn’t let us. I was going to sneak out after she went to bed, but then she stayed. Plus, she thought you may have gone to the room of requirement and said we wouldn’t be able to get to you if you didn’t want anyone bothering you…” Harry explained, recounting his night as quickly as possible. 
“She sure does know me well,” Y/N replied, brushing one arm with her hand. When had it gotten so cold in here? 
Harry must’ve noticed instantly because he immediately took off his jumper and tried to hand it to her. 
“No, Harry, it’s okay. I’ll just go up to bed.” 
Harry lowered the jumper, looking defeated. Now Y/N felt bad. 
“Harry,” Y/N sighed. She had really wanted to avoid this. 
“No, you don’t have to say it again. I heard you the first time. But, just let me say something?” Harry asked. 
Y/N nodded in response. 
“I don’t want to lose you. If you don’t want to be more than friends anymore, I understand. I was a complete prat, but I can’t lose you in my life. I still want you to be my friend. Of course, I won’t stop trying to prove myself to you, but that’s besides the point. I just need you with me in some way.” Harry’s eyes widened, begging her to understand. Of course she understood, that’s why she didn’t want to tell him how she felt to begin with. Why had she done that again? 
“Of course I want to be in your life, Harry. I can’t imagine mine without you, but you might have to give me some space.” There she goes, continuing to put distance between them. Harry hated it. 
“Well, how much space? Because we could keep that space to just the meter in between us across at the dinner table or…” Harry moved a little bit closer. Y/N was frozen in her spot. “Or, I could drop out of school and pretend not to go here for a month. I’ll go back to the Dursley’s if you need that much space.” 
He moved towards her again. Y/N felt her heart thump in her chest. It was too early for this. She wasn’t in her right mind because it would just be so easy to give in to him right now. Why did his eyes have to melt her insides every time? 
“Or, the only space could be the short distance when we sit next to each other in potions. Please, don’t go sit with the Slytherins again. Draco looked way too smug.” Y/N couldn’t help but smirk at that comment. He moved a few steps closer to her again. “Or, we could just forget the space…” Why oh why did he do this to her? By this point, Harry was towering over Y/N, pretty much daring her to look up at him and meet his eyes. 
Y/N could feel his breath near her skin. It was warm and slow. She knew that he was waiting for her to do something. Common Y/N, just do something! – she thought. Shit! She gave in, she looked up to meet his eyes. There was a determination she had never seen in them before. It bared into her soul. She instinctively bit her lip, she couldn’t help it. She always did it when she was nervous. 
She watched as Harry’s eyes wandered down her face and to her lips, then back up to her eyes. Damnit, she was going to give in. 
Softer than she had ever spoke, she whispered, “Maybe, space is a little overrated…” 
That was all he needed to crash his lips onto hers. His hands found their way to the nook between her face and neck and he pulled her closer to deepen the kiss. It felt like so much more than any kiss they had shared before. 
Y/N was the first to pull away, breath heavy. “This is not what I had in mind when I told myself I was going to move on,” she whispered. 
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “No, probably not, but this way is definitely better for me,” he smirked. 
Y/N let her hand move up to hold one of his, both of which were still holding her face. No, things that happen in movies don’t usually happen in real life, but maybe this was the exception. Maybe, this was her movie. 
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xaharadesert · 4 years
Oblivious MC - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 5) x MC
*Nadia in an upcoming post*
A/N: Yay, more headcanons! I know these are slow but the new school system is kicking my butt. This next one is for the amazing @genderless-plant-likes-thearcana! They come up with lots of cool ideas for prompts to send to various writers, so you should definitely check out their profile! They came up with a super cute prompt this time; an MC who is super oblivious to their LI’s romantic interest in them! I really appreciate the specifics added in the request, they really helped me out! Thank you! While you’re reading you may notice the headcanons get a bit goofier as they though ;) my bad, but this prompt was too fun. Another side note: I ran out of bullet points and couldn’t fit Nadia into this post, so she’ll be getting her own! As always, I recognize Asra’s non-binary gender orientation but will be using he/him pronouns :) Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! Requests are open :)
He’s so in love with you
Like, more in love with you than he ever has been with anyone else
But he’s also insecure as heck
So when he starts dropping obvious hints about wanting to be in a relationship with you, and you just don’t get it...
He starts to think that maybe you only like him as a friend
I mean, he’s not being subtle at all
He flirts with you constantly, he sends you winks in the middle of a theatre rehearsal, he almost always has a hand on your should or back to guide you through the busier parts of Vesuvia...
Once he even stood up on a table in the middle of the Rowdy Raven and sang you a love song at the top of his lungs
You just thought he was being dramatic, as always
To you, Julian was an incredible friend
I mean, you maaay have had a teeeensy little crush on him, but he was such a sweetheart that you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you two had
You went on adventures together, you attended his theatre performances, and he did his best to support you in all your magical endeavours
Overall, the dynamic the two of you had was already incredible
And neither of you really wanted to ruin that
When Julian started thinking that maybe you only liked him as a friend he decided to be “selfless” and simply keep his feelings to himself
Of course, that would never work for long
Julian was a man of passion and, possible consequences be damned, he wanted you to know how he felt
So one day, when the two of you were at the Rowdy Raven together and he was tipsy enough to do something stupid, he stood up on the table and loudly announced his undying love for you
Believe me, even for Julian it was dramatic
It was a long speech about how amazing he thought you were, including vivid descriptions about each and every thing about your personality, appearance, and hobbies that he loved
So needless to say you needed cut him off a bit early so that the two of you wouldn’t be there all night
Unfortunately the first thought in your mind upon hearing this was “oh my stars he’s under some kind of spell”
You immediately dragged him out of the tavern and back to the magic shop to find some sort of cure, muttering theories under your breath the entire way
Julian, of course, was not under a spell and was feeling rather put out by your response to his confession
He wasn’t entirely sure where the two of you were going because you hadn’t bothered to share your suspicions with him (why would you? You thought he was being influenced by magic)
When the two of you reached your shop and you started skimming through books he finally asked what you were doing, seeming understandably surprised by the turn of events
You hesitated a bit, not knowing if it was worth explaining this to him, but settled on a brief explanation of “you’re under some kind of love potion and I need to break it” with a side of “please don’t do anything dumb while I try to help you”
Julian of course was, again, fairly shocked to hear this
A spell? What spell? He had been in love with you for months! There was no way it was a spell!
With his mind racing a mile a minute he finally realized what was going on
You were just really, really, REALLY oblivious to his feelings
This revelation caused him to laugh out loud, likely startling you out of your searching
When you looked at him in confusion and a bit of concern he only laughed louder, bending over and wheezing a bit
It took a while for him to calm down, even with your panicked response to his sudden change of emotion
When he was finally done laugiinh and had wiped the tears from his eyes he gave you the biggest grin he was possible of giving
He did his best to explain that no, he was not under a spell, no, he was not joking, and yes, he really did love you as more than a friend
He swears, the look on your face was worth the emotional rollercoaster he had been through that night
And you? Well, you probably needed a minute to process everything that he had just revealed
Of course, the feelings of love were mutual and you said as much when you could finally form words again
Julian was thrilled to hear that you loved him back
The two of you would be happy for many years to come, and even if Julian occasionally teased you about your obliviousness you could never truly be mad at him for it
She’s super open about just how much she loves you
Portia sees no reason to hide her true feelings, so she’s often very blunt about them
She’ll drop a “you’re gorgeous” or “I wanna kiss you” into a casual conversation like it’s nothing
But you somehow manage to not pick up on it
So of course, Portia doubles her efforts
She bakes you cookies in the shape of hearts, bring you nice flowers on her days off, and take you on what she considers dates, just waiting for you to pick up on her love for you
And yet none of this gets through to you
You think this is how Portia is with everyone
She was cheeky from the moment you met her, so when she tells you she wants to kiss you you just assume she’s joking
Everything else seems to just be an awesome friendship
Obviously Portia is super cute, and obviously dating her would be tons of fun, but there’s obviously NO WAY she could ever be interested in you like that... right?
Portia eventually starts to think you’re just messing with her
There’s no way you could be that oblivious
You definitely had to know she was into you, and you were just playing hard to get
She knows you have feelings for her too, the two of your wouldn’t be as close as you were otherwise
But, no offence, she’s getting a bit impatient
So she decides to just do what needs to be done
The two of you were walking through the market near your shop one day when she grabbed your arm to stop you in the middle of the crowd
She turned you so that you were facing her, looked you straight in the eye, and told you she loved you with the most serious expression you had ever seen on her face
As oblivious as you may be, there was no way for you to misinterpret this as anything other than the truth
Except there was
You assumed she was under a love spell
After the initial shock of finding out your friend was being influenced by magic was over, you immediately dragged her back to your shop without a word
Portia kinda thought you two were going home to make out and she was totally down with it
But when you entered the shop and started digging through your supplies, looking for something, she realized that maybe SHE had misinterpreted
She asked you what you were doing and nearly burst out laughing at the response
You thought she was under a spell? Seriously? You were actually that oblivious the whole time?
She thought it was the most hilarious thing she had heard in a long time
Eventually she managed to calm down enough to reassure you that, no, she was not under a spell
But of course you didn’t believe her, and thought that it was the spell talking
You went back to searching for an antidote while Portia continued trying to prove to you that she was genuinely in love with you
She listed the first time she realized she loved you, the first time she had said it to you to no response, the first time she had wanted to kiss you
She talked about how much she loved every part of you, from your personality, to your hobbies, to your insanely cool magic
Portia was nowhere near as dramatic as her brother could be, but she was very open about her love for you
Finally, you seemed to realize that she was telling the truth (no magic involved)
In turn, you confessed your feelings toward her as well
She gave you a bit of a sly grin and asked how she could be certain you weren’t under some magic spell
To this you responded by kissing her
So I guess she was right when she assumed you two were going back to your place to make out
The two of you were happy from then on, although Portia never let you forget just how dense you were
It’s hard to imagine anyone could be so oblivious about his feelings
Lucio is the most in-your-face about his love for you
He leaves absolutely no room for doubt, which means it’s even more incredible that you don’t seem to get it
He has asked you to marry him about half a dozen times and you keep??? Laughing?? About it????
Doesn’t understand what’s happening
Nobody has ever done this sort of thing to him before, so his mind just blanks if he thinks about it too much
I mean there’s no way you could dislike him, right? You definitely return his feelings... RIGHT?
He’s insecure, but he’ll never admit that
Instead, he chooses to continue his over-the-top dramatic proposals and confessions until you say yes
On the other hand, you don’t really know what’s happening either
You know that Lucio’s a bit... strange, but this is a lot even for him
You start to think that maybe it’s his way of dealing with his feelings now that Nadia’s left him
So you decide to keep being a great friend to help him get through it!
And if that means wading through a bunch of strange emotional obstacles, then so be it!
(Lucio’s in the background banging his head against a wall in frustration)
It’s not like he doesn’t enjoy just being friends with you; he loves having someone around who genuinely cares about him
It’s just that he wants more
He hires people to build giant statues of you (which may be in poor taste, but who cares), he buys or sponsors all of your favourite shops, he always makes sure you get the best of everything
To you, this just seems like Lucio overcompensating for his previous “oopsies”
But one day it occurs to him that maybe you don’t understand his feelings because he’s going about it the wrong way
You’re pretty much immune to his dramatic proposals, so maybe he should try the opposite
So he put together a little plan
It wasn’t a particularly special night; no big occasion to be celebrated
He took you out to the balcony and leaned against the railing, looking oddly serious for someone who had no concept of emotional maturity
He took his time to prepare himself before speaking rather slowly and quietly in comparison to his usual tone
Lucio told you that he loved you, and he left no room for arguement
He didn’t embellish his words in any way, knowing that something simple would be the most likely way to get your attention
And boy did it work
You immediately assumed he was under some sort of spell
I mean Lucio? Acting like a normal person?? No way
You panicked right away and made a run for it, leaving Lucio behind on the balcony in your hurry to leave
Lucio, of course, was shocked, and more than a little offended to have been left so abruptly
People didn’t just leave him places without a good explanation
So obviously he chased you, yelling after you as you did your best to navigate the palace on your way to the library
Unfortunately for you, Lucio is surprisingly athletic and managed to catch you before you reached the door
He untactfully grabbed your arm, which caused you to scream, which caused him to scream, which caused everything to become even more of a mess than before
The two of you were just standing in the middle of the hall, screaming at each other
You wanted to find a way to free Lucio from whatever spell he was under, and Lucio wanted to know why you were running away
When you both calmed down (you being the first, of course), you explained your theory, which wounded Lucio’s ego even more than before
Lucio in return, replied in a not-so-polite manner, asking if you really thought he was stupid enough to be put under some dumb spell
Yes you did
Lucio had to explain his entire thought process behind confessing in such a normal way, which was pretty embarrassing from his perspective
But to you, it likely came across as sweet as it finally dawned on you that yes, he really was in love with you
The two of you probably had to immediately follow up the confession with a talk about whether or not he was serious about getting married
He was, but he didn’t want to make you feel awkward so he denied it
You two agreed to take things a little slower than he originally planned
The relationship was slightly awkward for the first few days, because neither of you quite understood what had happened the night of the confession
But either way, the two of you were happy, and that was all that mattered
(Although, when Lucio eventually asked you to marry him again it was just as chaotic and messy as the first time)
Oh no, this won’t end well
Muriel is almost the epitome of insecure, so flirting is pretty much impossible for him
He tried a couple of times to be more forward, but when you didn’t respond to his advances he quickly backed down
He didn’t want to overstep, and immediately assumed you just wanted to be friends
Although, admittedly, he has seen other people flirt with you, and you don’t respond to them either
So maybe you’re just not interested in relationships? Or maybe you’re just as bad at flirting as he is
Either way, as much as he loved you, he didn’t push
From your perspective it would seem like Muriel just wanted to be friends
And frankly, anyone else around you would think the same thing
There was nothing particularly romantic about how Muriel acted around you
Arguably the boldest thing he was doing was spending so much time with you
But to you, this was simply a friendship
And of course, you greatly valued Muriel’s friendship
Once you had gotten past the rough exterior, you found that he was a giant sweetheart
He carved small wooden figures for you, and didn’t seem to mind spending time with you
Inanna loved you too, so that was a bonus
Your friendship with Muriel probably lasted much longer than it would have if either of you had any sense of romance
Neither of you tried to take things further because both of you were terrible at flirting and being flirted with
Eventually someone (Asra) had to step in and give Muriel a little push
Asra had known you for a long time, so he alerted Muriel to how oblivious you were and how to best confess his feelings
Muriel didn’t really want to confess at that point, because he didn’t want to make things awkward between you two if something went wrong
But his love for you outweighed his anxiety and he decided to do it anyway
It was a rather cold night, and the two of you were in his hut
You were both curled up by the fire (plus Inanna, of course), and you were telling Muriel a story about a particularly annoying customer from the day before
When you finished the story, a comfortable silence fell between you (which was something Muriel had always appreciated; silence with you was never awkward)
That was when Muriel took his chance and quietly told you he loved you
Except he said it too quietly and you didn’t hear him over the sound of the fire
I mean, you saw his lips move, and therefore asked him to repeat himself, but it was still quiet
Muriel hadn’t anticipated this, and accidentally repeated it in a voice that was much too loud for such a peaceful night
He immediately winced in embarrassment, only to be startled from it when you screamed
He had been anticipating rejection, but he thought a scream may have been a bit dramatic
But of course, you didn’t see it as a rejection; you thought Muriel was under a love spell
Why else would your quiet, anti-social friend suddenly confess to something you had never even seen him hint at before?
And more importantly, who had out the spell on him? Most people didn’t know about him, so it was either someone close to him, or someone EXTREMELY powerful.
You didn’t know which one was worse
You leaned forward, cupping his face in your hands and staring into his eyes, promising that you would help him
This only succeeded in confusing him, the poor man
He didn’t know what you were talking about, and you were starting to freak him out a little
When he asked if you were alright, you started to look confused too
You reminded him that he was the one under the spell, not you
Cue a chorus of confused “what?”s being exchanged by two confused people
In the end, Muriel realized that you had thought he was under a spell when he suddenly confessed
He blushed as red as a tomato and did his best to string together enough words to explain to you that he wasn’t
He genuinely loved you
He also quietly cursed Asra for making him confess, which suddenly helped a lot of pieces fit together for you
You nodded along and agreed that Asra’s meddling was problematic in this case
In the end the two of you spent a fair portion of the night just talking out your feelings and realizing that maybe you would like to be more than friends
Both of you were blushing a lot throughout the entire thing, and years later when the two of you were happy together, you mutually decided to never bring up how you had gotten together in the first place
Asra, however, had somehow found out, and was determined to never let either of you live it down
Subtlety? Never heard of it
Asra is the absolute best at letting you know just how much he loves you
Even despite your obliviousness, you are fully aware that he loves you
And of course, you love him back!
How could you not?
Except, the way you see it... it’s platonic love
And Asra is 100% okay with that!
You two share a heart, so he fully understands that you view the live that you two share as platonic
This doesn’t really bother him; as long as you’re alive and happy, that’s all that matters
He’s perfectly content to pursue a strong friendship with you
But of course, being the cheeky legend that he is, he has to slip in some flirting and teasing once in a while
He’ll wink at you in the middle of work, casually brush against you while passing you in the shop, and hold your hand as often as possible
But of course, you view this as friendship
Who doesn’t cuddle with their best friend literally every night? That’s totally normal
You couldn’t ask for a better friend than Asra; he’s always there when you need him and he somehow always seems to know how you feel
You’re incredibly grateful to know him, and you feel safe and comfortable living in the same space as him
Yep, definitely only friendship feelings
He shows his love in little ways to you every day
The two of you live together, so of course you will occasionally have a petty arguement and try to stay seperate for a while, but that doesn’t stop him
He’ll “forget” which chores are yours and do a couple for you, he’ll make your favourite drink “by accident” and then claim he isn’t thirsty, and he’ll casually send Faust into the same room as you if he thinks you’re crying
Overall, just a great partn- I mean friend
He doesn’t really feel the need to confess to you, but if he notices that you’re starting to feel a more romantic attraction toward him then he’ll definitely take advantage of that
If you only wanted to be friends, then, well, that was one thing
But if you wanted to be something more... then he was definitely more than okay with that as well
Asra didn’t exactly plan out how he would confess to you, and instead waited for what he felt was the right moment
He knew it would come eventually, and there was no real rush
So when the two of you were travelling together, and you were both stargazing late at night, the feeling struck him
You had just settled down from laughing at a joke when he gently tilted your chin so you were looking into his eyes
He told you he loved you, but there was certainly something more personal this time
But of course you were incredibly oblivious so you just grinned and said it back, not really thinking about it too much
Of course Asra knew you had missed the point, so when you went back to looking at the stars he propped himself up so he was leaning over you a bit and repeated it
This probably confused you a bit, but you said it back again, thinking that maybe this was some kind of game
He held back a laugh and tried again, this time putting more emphasis on the “love” part
You missed it, and repeated it back
At this point he was trying not to laugh, and knew that he had only one more try before he wouldn’t be able to hold it back
This time he tried explaining more thoroughly
He told you he loved you romantically; as in, a love that was more than platonic. Romantic, soulmate kind of love. Not friendship. Please get it this time.
Your mouth formed a perfect “o” as you finally got his point
For a brief moment, Asra felt relief, thinking that he had finally gotten his point across
Instead he received immediate and extreme panic as you quickly shoved him away. While screaming.
This certainly hadn’t gone as planned
He was desperately trying to calm you down while you rambled about every place you two had been on your trip, trying to locate a time where Asra could’ve been put under a love spell
Asra, of course, found this hilarious, and started laughing harder and harder while also trying to calm you down
This only caused you more distress, and soon there were tears streaming down your face while you tried to convince him that no, this wasn’t funny
He knew you were genuinely concerned about him, and he genuinely was trying to stop, but this had come out of nowhere and he didn’t really know how to respond either
Eventually, you both managed to calm down (but only the kind of calm where he would occasionally look at you and burst into giggles again)
He did his best- between giggle fits- to explain to you that he genuinely did love you and he definitely wasn’t under any spell
He told you that he had loved you for years, and that he always would
He also subtley pointed out that he had been flirting for years and you had just been completely oblivious
No confession would truly be complete without a bit of teasing
You probably felt a bit embarrassed, but he reassured you that it was just a part of your charm
Of course, you told him you felt the same, and the two of you went back to watching the stars, this time just a bit closer than before
From then on, not a whole lot changed in your relationship
The two of you were practically in a romantic relationship already, so really all that was different was a few more kisses and a slightly different intention behind the “I love you”s the two of you shared
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kristoffs-lullaby · 4 years
A Guide on How to Not Confess to Your Best Friend
(Hi!! This is late I’m so sorry ;; but here’s my part for the exchange! @ninjago-valentine-exchange) [ Plasma B | 2.9k words]  Kai was awful with feelings.  He might have played himself off as cool (or at least tried to) but when it really came down to it.. he was a mess. He could dish out flirty comments all he wanted but that didn’t mean that he knew what to do with them if the other party ever decided to retaliate. And that’s not something he figured about himself until Skylor. Maybe that’s why he’d liked Skylor so much. No he didn’t entirely enjoy the moments where his brain staggered and he looked like an absolute fool, but it made him want to try to keep up. If there was one thing he hated, it was being stunned into silence because that just meant he was losing. And Kai didn’t lose. 
While things didn’t really work out with Skylor relationship-wise, he still learned something about himself. And maybe their whole dynamic and the loss of it was what led to the chain of events that he still couldn’t quite believe even as he was living through it. 
Kai didn’t think much of it at first. That’s just how he and the other three Were. They teased each other. Poked fun at one another. Cracked jokes. And sometimes it would be at one another’s expense. Sometimes they’d take it too far and one of them would get pissed and the other wouldn’t understand Why until they had a much needed conversation about limits and boundaries. 
But that never came up when this particular brand of teasing and banter kicked off and maybe it should’ve been obvious way back then that he didn’t mind Jay crossing  this one specific boundary. But Kai was stupid and Kai was oblivious. 
It started as an off-handed comment about how maybe Jay had chosen the wrong sibling to date when Nya refused to side with him in a very heated debate about cake. Like the traitor she was, she took Cole’s side on the whole thing. Kai was at least glad to see that there was no bad blood between the three of them when Jay struck an, admittedly, low blow by bringing up how Nya was backstabbing him for Cole again just like in their former relationship.
That didn’t mean he didn’t want to witness SOME sort of drama. So he sided with Jay. Which led to an uproar. Which led to Jay saying what he did. 
And it was a joke. Kai knew it was a joke. Nya and Cole knew it was a joke. And Jay had obviously meant it as a joke. There was that buffer though and he couldn’t understand why. 
He reasoned with himself that he was having trouble keeping up with all three yelling at each other. All the while he was stuck in the middle and that was why he didn’t say anything immediately and instead took a swig of his soda. But even those few seconds he bought himself apparently weren’t enough because he didn’t even have the time to register the words he planned to say before his mouth had made the decision for him. 
He was playing along apparently. 
“Obviously. I’m much better looking than Nya anyway. Don’t know what you ever saw in her.” Kai hung his head and shook it in disbelief. 
It’d been months now and that one moment had spurred on their little unspoken challenge. A competition of sorts. 
Really what they were doing was full on flirting with each other but they’d play it off as if it were a game between them to see who could fluster the other first. Until it wasn’t a game anymore. But neither of them was willing to admit that it wasn’t. And it grew to be a frustrating occurrence because everyone else knew what was up except those two idiots apparently. 
Kai was currently winning though and that’s all that mattered. Yup. All that mattered.
“Hey Romeo!”
Kai’s head snapped up at the nickname. (There was something to be said about the fact that they’d gotten used to using them but he wasn’t about to be the one to bring it up). He watched as Jay jogged up to him before the blue ninja leaned over to catch his breath as soon as he was at a closer distance. Kai wanted to laugh at the fact that the guy was a whole Ninja and still ran out of stamina a lot quicker than Dareth. It was kind of sad, actually, but he couldn’t help the fond eye roll it got out of him. 
“Hey Sunshine.” Kai supplied as he draped an arm over Jay’s shoulders lazily when the other boy finally stood his full height. “I’m guessin’ you have some big news. That or you’re dying to see me and I just took your breath away.” 
Jay snorted and shoved at his chest before ducking under Kai’s arm and side-stepping away from the touch. 
“No. And if you’re about to detail whatever daydreams you have about me it’s gonna have to wait-” 
“Shit. Is there danger?” Kai’s face dropped instantly as a million and one bad scenarios ran through his head. Geez being a ninja was hard.
“No, no, no.” It was sort of cute the way the blue ninja waved his hands around frantically. He was so animated when he spoke and it wasn’t something that was lost on Kai. If anything it was something he found endearing. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. How could he? Jay made it incredibly hard to ignore him. That’s probably why most people he came across labeled him as ‘annoying’. And maybe Kai had used the word against him in the.. not so distant past. But it wasn’t exactly right. Jay just had that sort of presence that demanded attention and sometimes it was a bit overwhelming but.. it wasn’t exactly a bad thing either.
Jay tapped a finger against his chin and looked him up and down. ”Your fashion sense might be a danger to society.. but other than that?”
“You take that back. You’re just jealous I rock everything I wear.” Kai crossed his arms over his chest and squinted. The absolute nerve. This brat was asking for a beatdown during training later. 
“Not jealous. Buuut. I do appreciate the view you’re right.”
“Why you-”
“Here.” Jay interrupted and shoved something in his direction. 
It was wrapped haphazardly. It reminded Kai of something he’d whip together when he was like nine. Back when he hardly knew how to use scissors and the tape dispenser was one of the greatest enemies in his life. Ah the good old days. The longer he looked at it the more ridiculous it looked. It didn’t even look like it had been wrapped with the same wrapping paper all the way through. More like Jay had scraps of various different ones and decided to stick ‘em together. Which.. Actually suited him. This very much screamed JAY. But why was he giving this to him..?
“C’mon dude I know your favorite person in the world just gave you a kickass gift but  you don’t gotta stare at it like it’s the best thing you’ve ever seen in your life when I’m standing right here.” Jay sounded nervous. It was subtle and he played it off well (too well. Since when was Jay good at hiding it?) but Kai could tell in the way his voice rose just a decibel above its usual tone. It was also in the tic. Jay had a habit of looping one of the drawstrings of his hoodie around his finger when he was anxious. 
“My bad. Hold on let me get a good look at you,” This was totally payback for earlier. “Yeah. How could I even question it. Nothing compares.” he determined with a wink to send it home. 
Jay scoffed and was bordering on the edge of giving up this round too if the light pink dusting his cheeks was anything to go by, but in the end it looked like he was going to stand his ground this time. That was fine. This little exchange wasn’t over and Kai had plenty of time to sweep up a tally for the score from right under him. 
Or so he thought. 
Nothing could have prepared him for what happened next. 
Which sounded a lot more dramatic than it really was but what the hell was he supposed to do with this? 
Kai had spent that night restless. A restless night wasn’t foreign to him in any way. From time to time the red ninja had trouble sleeping. If he spoke out about how occasionally he’d lie in bed and just mull over every little detail from the past week, one of the other ninja would make some smartass remark about how Kai only found time to actually use his head at the worst possible time. Or maybe they wouldn’t and they’d understand. But he wasn’t going to try his luck. He’d rather protect himself than be vulnerable in a way he knew would hurt if they didn’t take him seriously. 
But this time he wasn’t lying in bed thinking about all the morbid things that came with being a ninja. This time he was glaring daggers at the stupid red bracelet tied neatly around his wrist. Because what the hell? 
It was so nice  and sweet and yet.. Still the most sinister gift he’s ever received. Because while it left him with this feeling of hope and joy, he was also afraid that the same hope that was so innocently sitting on his wrist would burn him. He was the fire ninja and he was afraid of getting burned. How ironic was that?
Kai draped his arm over his eyes. 
..And the smug look on Jay’s face when Kai couldn’t fight back the rising heat in his cheeks. Ridiculous. 
It was fair when they stood on equal ground. When they met on a mutual battlefield. But now Kai’s gone and dug himself into a trench. No. He’d fallen into it. He liked Jay. Dammit. And he let him win. 
Kai kicked his legs in the air in frustration before sitting up. That’s it. If Jay thought he was going to get away with this he was sorely mistaken. It was on and he was going to go all out. Go big or go home right? Right. 
And a month later the plan was kicking into motion.
“Can you remind me why we have to dress up again?” Jay asked. 
“We’re going undercover, I already told you.”
“Oh okay.” 
Kai wasn’t sure if Jay actually believed him or not but he was going to take it. On the one hand that could’ve read as a sarcastic remark because no Kai wasn’t the smartest tool in the shed and didn’t think this plan all the way through BUT Jay was also the type to just take things as they were.. For a bit. At least until it finally settled in that he didn’t actually know what he was doing then he’d start questioning again. Which Kai was banking on it not being for a while. 
“Well are you ready?” Jay looked up at him expectantly. 
Kai would have loved to say ‘Yes’. He really would have. Except.. 
“I just realized I don’t know how to tie a tie,” his lips drew into a thin line. What he’d done certainly wasn’t right. He knew Jay wanted to laugh. He knew it. Kai didn’t even have to look up at the dumb amused smile on Jay’s stupid face to know that. But he did anyway. And sure enough there he was trying his hardest to hold one back. 
Kai rolled his eyes and looked down again, the embarrassment washing over him just a little too roughly. 
“What, really?”
“Yeah. Never really been invited to events and stuff growing up and well I mean who was gonna teach me anyway even if I had been?” his mouth snapped shut as soon as the words left his mouth. Sure he had a streak of not knowing when to hesitate but god damn since when had it gotten this bad? Probably a while ago. This was not the time to bring up his fucked up childhood and admittedly he wanted to move away as quickly as possible before he could get any sort of response dripped in pity. 
But in true Jay fashion, the comment was the last thing he was worried about. And in true Jay fashion.. he was also full of surprises. 
Before Kai could even apologize or change the subject, there were hands slowly guiding themselves around Kai’s neck. They were Jay’s, that much he could process before his brain started buffering. He couldn’t say anything or even react to the extent that he was internally. Which was absolute chaos. 
Kai’s eyes flickered to the red fabric of the tie and lingered there for a second as he watched it being carefully tied in a way he knew would take him a while to master. His eyes wandered to the soft hands at work and he briefly wondered how they weren’t rough and scarred considering all the tinkering Jay did on top of ninja work. And then finally his eyes landed on Jay’s face and the way it was too adorably scrunched in concentration with his tongue sticking out and all. 
It took him far too long to realize when Jay was finished and he begrudgingly added another point to Jay’s side of the scoreboard in his head. 
Kai had to stop letting him stun him into silence. 
..Some other day. 
Because now they were staring at each other with Jay’s hands frozen in place on Kai’s chest and suddenly Jay was leaning in too close and- It was a kiss. It was a little messy and not at all how Kai imagined this going if it ever happened at all. But it was a kiss. And it was still perfect. 
Kai had wondered before if he’d feel a spark of electricity or if Jay would be able to feel the hot fire that burned Kai’s body without mercy on his lips. Now he had the answer. Or at least half of one. But suddenly it wasn’t important anymore. Suddenly it couldn’t even come close to it being his first thought when he could taste the sweetness of Jay’s favorite banana yogurt on his tongue. Or when he tried to imagine literally anything softer than this moment but only came up short on that end as well. Or when his hand cupped the other ninja’s freckled cheek and it fit there like it had always meant to be there. 
They pulled away after a few beats and Kai’s eyes snapped open and all too suddenly he was pointing an accusatory finger at Jay.
“You ruined it!”
“..Huh?” Poor Jay looked so lost and a little dazed. 
“Your ruined it!” Kair repeated as if that helped any. “I was supposed to trick you into this whole “mission” thing,” he threw up air quotes “but really I was GOING take you to this very nice dinner that the whole team helped out with and surprise you!” 
“And.. why can’t we still do that?” Jay looked at him like he was crazy and like he didn’t understand a damn word Kai was saying. Which.. fair.
“Because the whole point was to eventually tell you how I feel tonight and you were supposed to be so shocked by it and I’d get to see the look on your face and revel in it and finally get my revenge!”
“Huh..? Revenge for what?”
“THE BRACELET!” Kai held up his arm and pointed at his wrist where, sure enough, the red bracelet was still clinging to. 
It took Jay a second or two but soon enough the realization was starting to dawn on him. And he laughed. The bastard laughed while Kai was fuming and beat red from the whole thing. 
“But you beat me again,” Kai dragged a hand down his face and clasped his hand over his mouth trying to hide his blush as much as possible. “You got me. You beat me. I’m the most flustered and I-” he choked trying to form a coherent thought. Feelings were hard, how did he ever think he’d be able to push out an actual confession that night? 
“You were one step ahead and I look like the fool again for letting this affect me so much.” In true Kai fashion he didn’t understand immediately that Jay having kissed him first meant something very very important. He wasn’t smart and he never claimed to be in his defense.
Jay looked like he was considering something before eventually huffing a breath of air through his nose and shaking his head in disbelief.
“You know I gave that to you on Valentine’s Day right?”
Jay pointed to the bracelet.
“Valentine’s Day. I was goooing to ask you out but. You kinda just stormed off like the whole thing pissed you off so.” 
Oh.. OH. Kai was an idiot. He didn’t know how many times he’d have to repeat to himself that he was just flat out stupid until his braincells got the memo and actually did their job.
“I’ll give you twenty bucks if you agree to never talk about this again.”
“Throw in a kiss and you’ve got yourself a deal.” 
“Now how about that Dinner?”
Jay would later make fun of Kai for perfectly timing his whole scheme to fall on White Day. To which Kai would slide him another twenty to have the blue ninja pretend like he thought Kai had done it on purpose.
 Next year he would get him back on purpose. 
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List of all prompts with descriptions that will be available on the BINGO form. More will be added eventually!
- 5+1: Five times your character/pairing did or experienced something and the one time it was different. ex. 5 times *character* failed a test + the 1 time they passed.
- Adoption fic: A fic involving adoption in some way.
- Afterlife: A fic involving the afterlife.
- Age Difference: A fic involving age difference, usually between a couple but you can interpret it however you like.
- Agent/Assassin/Hitman/Spy: Where the character or their love interest is an agent, assassin, hitman, or spy.
- Aging up: Taking a character and aging them, so say there a character who is fifteen in canon but age is an important part of the story so you age them up.
- Alpha/Beta/Omega (ABO): A fic involving the omegaverse where humans take on wolf-like qualities such as but not limited to mating, heat cycles, knotting, and scenting.
- Amnesia: Where a character suffers from amnesia wether there is a medical reason or they just woke up one day with no memory.
- Angels/Demons: A story in which the main characters are either angels or demons. Love interest are usually opposites.
- Angst: A story that invokes feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity
- Apocalypse: Any story involving any kind of apocalypse, think The Walking Dead, World War Z, Resident Evil, I Am Legend, Legion, etc. 
- Arranged/Forced Marriage: A story where a character(s) are in a forced/arranged marriage. Usually by their parents but can sometimes be for political or social reasons.
- BDSM: BDSM includes a wide range of practices and role play. Can be used in a sexual context but it is not always a sexual dynamic.
- Baker/Chef/Personal Chef: Where a love interest is a baker, chef or personal chef.
- "Bareback Mountain" AU: Alternate universe inspired by the film Brokeback Mountain, usually in m/m fiction.
- Based on a movie: A story based on a movie.
- Based on a painting: A story based on a painting.
- Based on a poem/quote: A story based on a poem or quote.
- Based on a song/lyrics: A story based on a song or song lyrics.
- Bodyswap: In which two (or more) characters switch bodies. Often to be taught a lesson but that isn't always the case.
- Break-up: A story revolving around a break up or maybe beginning with a break up that leads into a happy ending.
- Car accident: A fic involving a car accident.
- Character Death: Major or minor. Character death is just that, the death of a character.
- Childhood/Highschool Sweethearts: A story about childhood or highschool sweethearts.
- Coffee Shop AU: In most cases, one half of the main pairing is the barista and the other is or becomes their favorite customer; in some stories the whole cast works at a coffee shop.
- College: A story taking place in college.
- Confessions of Love/Lust: One character confesses feeling of love or lust.
- Confessions of Love/Lust--Under the influence: One character confesses feeling of love or lust while under the influence.
- Crack: Crack Fic is any story whose premise and events would be completely implausible in Canon. Also usually a fic not meant to be taken seriously.
- Crime/Mystery: A story involving or revolving around a crime or mystery.
- Cross-dressing: Where one character dresses as the opposite gender. Usually used in NSFW fics but doesn't have to be written in a sexual context.
- Cross-over: Where one fandom crosses over with another fandom(s).
- Cuddling for warmth: Where two love interest have to cuddle together due to coldness and usually results in the confession of feelings.
- Dance AU: Any story that involves dance. Could se something like Step Up or Dirty Dancing.
- "Dear John" AU: An AU based on the move Dear John where one half of a couple is away in the military and the other is in their home state waiting for them to come home. Can be written many different ways.
- "Didn't know they were dating": In which two character are basically dating or show all of the characteristics of a couple who is dating but they are both oblivious to it until someone in their lives points it out.
- Domestic Life: A story showing the domestic lives of two characters, usually in a relationship.
- Doppelgänger/Evil Twin: In which a character has a doppelganger or evil twin who wants to take over and ruin their lives.
- Dub-con: Dubious Consent, usually in a sexual context. Can be written many ways but one examples is two people having sex while under the influence of alcohol or other substences.
- Elf AU: Where one or all characters are elves.
- Enemies to Friends back to Enemies to Lovers: Where two people start out as enemies, become friends, revert back to enemies and then become lovers.
- Enemies to Lovers: Where two people start out as enemies and become lovers.
- Episode tag: A fic based on a particular episode.
- Fake Dating: Where two characters pretend to data and usually end up developing feeling for one another.
- Fantasy AU: And story that takes place in a fantasy world or involves fantasy elements such as but not limited to magic, faries, and witches.
- First Time: A fic about someones first time. Usually in a sexual way but could be first time doing anything.
- Fix-it: A chance to fix a scene you just know could have/should have turned out differently.
- Forbidden Lovers: In which two characters are forbidden from being together, usually by a parent.
- Forced break-up: Two characters who are forced to break up, could be because of a parent or to protect their love interest.
- Found Family: Where characters who are mostly unrelated bond together and form their own family unit, relying on each other for love and support.
- Friends to lovers: Friends who become lovers.
- Genderswap: In which one or more characters are written as the opposite gender.
- General AU: The opportunity to write in any AU such as but not limited to soulmate AU, sex worker AU, etc.
- Ghosts: A fic involving ghosts in some way.
- Hate sex/Enemyslash: Where two people have angry rough sex. This could be a couple who is mad at one another or a hero and bad guy that give into their sexual tension.
- Highschool AU: AU that takes place in highschool.
- Historical AU: AU that takes place at a point in history that is not the present.
- Horror Movie AU: Story based on a horror movie/book.
- Hurt/Comfort: Where one character is hurt and another comforts them.
- Hurt on the job: Where a character is hurt at their job.
- Hybrid: A fic involving or revolving around hybrids of any kind.
- "In denial": Where a character is in denial about something wether its feelings, a break up, grief or loss.
- Isolated/Trapped: Where a character is isolated in some way or trapped.
- Kidfic: A fic that involves kids.
- Kidnapped: A fic that involves or revolves around kidnapping.
- Kink: Any NSFW kink of your choosing.
- Knotting: Part of the ABO universe, used in a sexual context.
- Left for dead: Where a character is left for dead in someway.
- Loss of parents: A fic that involves or revolves around a character losing their parents.
- Lovers to Enemies: Lovers who become enemies.
- Mafia/Mob: In which a character or their love interest is involved with the mob/mafia.
- Magic AU: Alternate universe in which magic is prevalent.
- "Magical healing cock": In which a characters cock is able to heal their partner in some way, shape or form.
- Marriage: A fic involving or revolving around marriage.
- Merpeople: A fic where a character or characters are mermaids.
- Missing scene/Deleted scene/fill-in scene: A chance to write a scene you feel was missing, deleted, or needed to be filled in from a time gap.
- Modern AU: A fic that take place in modern day times.
- Mourning/Grieving: In which one or more character are grieving the loss of something/someone.
- Mpreg/Fempreg/Magical Pregnancy: Any kind of pregnancy fic that did not happen naturally.
- Mutual Pining: Where two people are pining for one another.
- Next Generation: A fic that focuses on canon characters kids.
- Non-Sexual Kink(s): A story involving kink that is not inherently sexual.
- Nostalgia: A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
- Oblivious Pining: Where one or both characters are very obviously pining, well obvious to everyone else but oblivious to one another.
- "Only one bed": In which two characters much over come the sacred obstical of sharing a bed and usually results in confession of feelings or smut.
- Original Character(s): A fic involving or revolving around original characters.
- Pastfic/Backstory: A story that focuses on the past or back story of a character.
- Pining: Where one character is pining for another.
- Pirate AU: AU involving pirates.
- Porn/PWP: Self explanatory, shameless smut.
- Pornstar: In which one or more characters are pornstars.
- Pre/Post series: Taking place before or after a series started or ended.
- Presumed Dead: Where a character is believed to be dead even though they really aren't.
- Prison: A story that takes place in prison.
- Requited/Unrequited Love: A story revolving around if love is being returned or not.
- Roommates: In which two characters, usually love interest, start off as roommates.
- Royalty: Where one or more characters are royalty.
- Secret Dating: When two characters are secretly dating.
- Secret kid: Where a character had a kid that the never told anyone about or someone shows up with the news that the character has a kid they didn't know about.
- Secret Virgin: Where a character hides the fact that they are a virgin.
- Sex Compulsion: Heat fic, fuck or die, sex pollen, etc.
- Sex Kitten: In which a character uses their sexual appeal usually to corrupt their more innocent partner sexually.
- Sex Magic: Sex involving magic.
- Sickfic: A fic involving someone being sick.
- Snowed in: Where two characters end up snowed in somewhere, usually leading to confessions of feelings or smut.
- Songfic: Fic based around a song.
- Teacher AU: In which one or more character are in a teacher roll in a school setting.
- Theatre AU: In which one or more characters are in a theatre setting.
- Threesome/Foursome/Fivesome: A smut fic involving 3-5 people.
- Vampire/Werewolf: A fic where the character or characters are vampires, wolves or humans.
- Wedding: Fic involving or revolving around a wedding in some way.
- Whump: Where a character is hurt, be it emotionally or physically.
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bubblesuga · 4 years
Oblivious To Adoration - 3
Summary: After an intense night of drunken sex, Jungkook realizes he wants more. When he suggests an idea to you, you were shocked. However, who were you to say no to Mr. Jeon Jungkook?
W/C: 2,394
Prev Part - Next Part
Warnings: angst, mature language, mentions of sex
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Panic coursed through your veins while you quickly climbed off of Jungkook’s lap. You were furious, more at yourself than anyone else because you let yourself get caught up in Jungkook without realizing just how public this parking lot was. 
“(Y/N), I-” Jungkook starts, watching while you struggle to clean yourself up as best as you could in the small space of the passenger seat. 
“What the fuck was Namjoon even doing here?” You yell out to no one in particular, crossing your legs and resting your head in your hands. Jungkook carefully zips his pants back up, reaching forward to put a hand on your knee. However, you were quick to move away from him. The last thing you wanted was to be touched right now. 
“I know he moved into his own place a few weeks ago. I didn’t know it was here,” Jungkook sighs, swallowing the hurt as he sees you curl your legs to your chest, “I- I’ll talk to him.” 
“What good is that gonna do? He already saw us fucking. God damn it this was exactly what I was afraid of.” You speak the last bit quietly, feeling frustration fuel your words. 
You already could tell what people’s opinions were going to be when you started this arrangement so that’s why you pushed so hard to keep it a secret. You could already sense the judgement radiating off of Namjoon. What would he think of a girl who’s using her best friend for her own personal pleasure?
“Baby...” Jungkook whispers, “it’ll be okay.” He was careful to keep his hands to himself, watching you warily. 
“No you don’t get it, Jungkook,” you speak softly, pushing a hand through your hair while you tried desperately not to let the frustration build into tears, “I’m already the only female in a group of friends. I already get comments thrown my way about how I ‘probably already fucked half of them’. I didn’t want- I don’t want people to think badly of me.” 
Jungkook takes a deep breath of understanding. That had never been a concern of his, about having other people speak badly of him. He remembers Jimin praising him when he found out Jungkook finally had the balls to ask you.
He gnaws at his lip, “You can’t let other people’s opinions stray you away from what you want to do.” 
“Easy for you to say,” you laugh bitterly, “you don’t get called a whore for having friends that are girls.” 
“You’re right, I don’t. But do you really think Namjoon would think any less of you because you and I are having sex?” Jungkook questions, turning towards you in the car. You loosen your posture, pondering over the question. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Yes you do, no one is going to think any less of you just like they won’t think any less of me. Fuck everybody else, the only people whose opinions matter are yours and the people you love.” Jungkook was upset now. The fact that you thought so highly of other people’s opinions was news to him, he didn’t think that you’d ever have to worry about what other people would say. 
You look over to Jungkook, feeling your anxiety ease slightly, “When did you get so poetic, Kookie?” You reached over and ran your fingers through his hair, seeing his eyes flutter at the contact. 
He gives you a sad smile, leaning into your touch, “I just want to make sure you’re okay.” 
“I’m okay, thank you.” You whisper, leaning forward and giving him a kiss. You hesitated before making contact, but decided you needed it. He smiles into the kiss, a soft and delicate peck that was much different to your previous kisses, but it felt right. 
As you pull away you open your eyes to see Jungkook’s eyes still shut, his lips still puckered. Slowly, he opens his eyes and watches you carefully. You nod, “I’ll see you soon, yeah?” 
“Do you want me to walk you inside?” 
“I’ll be good. Text me when you want to hang.” You nod, patting Jungkook’s thigh while you open his door. Giving him a pat on his thigh, you climb out of the car and quickly walk towards your building. Hearing Jungkook’s engine roar to life, you turn back and wave to him as he drives away. 
As soon as you see him turn the counter, you pull out your phone and call Namjoon. 
He answers quickly, “Hey (Y/N), what’s up?” 
“Where’s your apartment?” You speak quickly, looping your bag haphazardly over your shoulders while you walk through the breezeway of your building. Namjoon chuckles on the other end, his cocky persona evident in just his laugh. You resist the urge to glare at your phone, waiting somewhat impatiently for the answer. 
“What? You and Jungkookie looking for a third party?” 
“Alright, Jesus,” you had a certain tone you’d use on him when he was being particularly difficult, “Building 3, Apartment 208.” 
As fast as you could, your feet carried you through the apartment complex until you reached building three. Rushing up the stairs, you ball your fist and begin to pound on the door. It takes way too long for your patience and you open his door, letting yourself in. 
“Namjoon, come to your living room!” You call out, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Namjoon walks out of his kitchen and stands in front of you a smirk across his smug face. You roll your eyes, “Listen, can you-” you suddenly realized exactly what he saw, and your face goes bright red, “can you just keep what you saw to yourself?” 
“Oh believe me, I won’t tell a single soul, Miss (Y/L/N). That image is going to stay,” he taps a finger against his temple and winks, “right up here.” 
“Don’t be weird. Seriously, this stays between us.” 
“Why don’t you want anyone to know? Y’know, I’m surprised it took the two of you this long to start dating. I figured Jungkook would have admitted he liked you ages ago.” Namjoon says, shrugging while he leans against the wall beside his TV. 
You raise an eyebrow, your throat going dry at Namjoon’s words. Jungkook doesn’t like you like that, that’s ridiculous. He wouldn’t want to actually date you. 
“He doesn’t like me like that.” You say incredulously, tapping your foot while you feel your eyes staring through Namjoon. 
“Obviously he does, otherwise he wouldn’t be boning you like that.” Namjoon gestures wildly, as if he wasn’t giving you information that would both flutter your heart and implode your brain. With a few short sentences, Namjoon had flipped your entire interpretation of this situation with Jungkook completely upside down. 
“Wait,” Namjoon tears you out of your thoughts, “if he didn’t tell you he likes you, why were you guys fucking in his car?” 
“I feel like that’s none of your business.” 
“I feel like it is,” he laughs, “I heard you moaning from a mile away.” 
You swallowed, “Jungkook and I just wanted to have some fun for the summer. Then when classes start back up it’s done, we’re done.” 
“Good luck with that,” He snorts, shaking his head, “don’t you like him too? Why else would you agree to fuck him?” 
“Jesus, Namjoon can we stop using such vulgar language when talking about this?” you cringe inwardly at the bluntness of Namjoon. Even two years into this friendship you still had yet to get used to it. 
“Answer the question.” 
Looking up at the ceiling, you press your hands against your forehead to try and subdue the quickly forming headache. Namjoon stood in front of you patiently, his hands now folded behind his back while he waits for you to sift through your thoughts. 
Interestingly enough, you weren’t sure what to say. Telling Namjoon that you loved Jungkook more than a friend, especially after everything that happened, could be bad. It could throw off the whole group’s dynamic, and if for some reason you and Jungkook didn’t work out, you didn’t want to be the one to ruin it for everyone. 
One the other hand, it could work out. You and Jungkook could be happy together, and everything you dreamed about could work out for the best for everyone. You were both adults, and you could learn to navigate this new plane of existence together. But you were scared. So damn scared at potentially ruining your friendship. You’d rather have Jungkook as just a friend than not have him at all. 
“I love him.” You settle with, watching Namjoon’s expression warily. 
He grins, “Thought so.” 
As you were about to retaliate with something snarky, Namjoon’s phone rings.
He reaches into his pocket and stares at the screen, “Speak of the devil.” 
Jungkook’s name stretches across the screen, and Namjoon laughs at your expression while he slides to answer, immediately pressing the speaker button. You keep your hands over your mouth to try and silence yourself as much as possible, Namjoon’s grin widening. 
The smug bastard was enjoying being in on this secret. 
“What’s going on?” Namjoon answers, holding the phone in between the two of you. 
“Hey, can we talk about what you saw back there? (Y/N) would really prefer that no one else knew.” Jungkook’s voice was soft, concerned. It made your heart flutter. You looked at him in such a different light now that you had been so intimate with him. 
Namjoon looks at you, eyebrow raised, “Why’s that?” 
“Something about not wanting to be seen as promiscuous,” Jungkook explains, “I don’t want to upset her, so please don’t tease her or whatever you plan on doing. Please.” 
His sincerity struck a cord with you, and you realized just how much he cares about you. You smiled underneath your hands, but it quickly dropped when Namjoon met your eyes. 
“Well who else knows so I know who I can slip up in front of?” Namjoon asks, looking at you. 
‘No one’ you’re about to mouth towards him, but Jungkook stops your movements, “Jimin, but that’s only because this was his idea. I’m pretty sure Tae has an inkling because he almost caught her leaving the apartment.” 
Your eyes go wide, and Namjoon holds back a laugh, his jaw dropped in a wide grin. Before you could silence yourself, you yell, “What?!” 
“(Y/N)?!” Jungkook’s voice was so loud the speaker cut out momentarily, “What are you doing at Namjoon’s-” 
“The same thing you were, dickhead. When did you plan on telling me that Jimin knows about us?” You grab Namjoon’s phone out of his hand, seeing him throw his hands up in question. You put up a finger and turn off the speaker, putting the phone to your ear. 
“I wasn’t going to tell you,” Jungkook answers truthfully, “I didn’t want you to know that I had to have a friend convince me to ask you to have sex with me.” 
“But if you knew from the beginning that I didn’t want anyone to know, why wouldn’t you tell me then?” You ask, watching Namjoon wave you off and turn around, letting you speak to Jungkook privately. 
“I thought that would be an issue.” Jungkook seemed defeated. 
“It is an issue. What happened to talking about the issues we have to make this work?” You try your best not to let your anger get the best of you. It was a complicated situation for the both of you, and if you were being entirely honest you shouldn’t have been surprised that Jungkook asked advice from one of his hyungs. It wasn’t unlike him to talk openly about his sex life with his friends, even you. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do. I- I just really wanted this to happen between us.” 
“Why?” You press. You had to hear him say it, to either deny or confirm what Namjoon said. 
“Because ever since you walked me into that bedroom and kissed me, I’ve been a fucking mess. I can’t stop thinking about how good you feel, in both ways. I love when you’re around me and I can’t help but want you around me all the time, in more ways than just as a friend,” Jungkook spoke fast and his stutter had completely diminished, “fuck, (Y/N). I want you, all of you. I want to wake up beside you and make you breakfast, I want to walk you to class and have the whole campus know that you’re mine and only mine. Ever since I met you I’ve wanted more and after that night, I couldn’t help myself.” 
You feel your blood run cold as he finishes his speech, your ears ringing while you became completely overwhelmed at the words Jungkook was using. It was everything you wanted to hear yet you know it’s only the circumstances that made him tell you. You couldn’t help but wonder just how long it would have taken him to tell you had he not been pushed. 
“Okay.” You whisper, forgetting you were in Namjoon’s apartment entirely. It was like the Earth had melted around you and you weren’t sure whether or not to cry of happiness or frustration. 
“Okay? Is that all you have to say?” Jungkook’s tone was incredulous. 
You don’t respond. 
“(Y/N)...I just poured my heart out to you.” Jungkook says after a few beats of silence. His tone had shifted, and you could tell he was upset. You didn’t want to upset him, but you felt numb. Like the whole world had frozen and all you could hear was the soft breathing on the other end of the line from a man who’s heart is about to get crushed. 
“I’ll call you when, uhm- when I can think straight. Does that sound good?” You let him down slowly, not wanting to hurt him. 
“O- okay.” He sniffles, your heart breaking while you end the call. 
Namjoon steps out of the kitchen, walking towards you when you reach your phone out to him. “Everything okay?” 
“Uh, yeah. It will be.” You say softly, giving Namjoon a tight smile. Namjoon nods, “Let me know if you need anything.” 
“Of course, Joonie.” You stand and pat his head, thanking him for allowing you to use his phone then walk out the door, beginning the long descent down the stairs and towards your apartment. 
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forestwater87 · 4 years
Hey! It's the one who wanted fanfiction writing advice and how to sorta join the fandom. So, I am currently writing a werewolf! au for Gwenvid, and I was wondering if I could ask you something (well, multiple somethings lol)? One, what are things you would like to see in a Gwenvid fic? Two, do you have any advice for writing a good first chapter? Mine is kind of short and not too good, but yours are super good. Three, how would Gwen react to becoming a werewolf? Scared or excited? Thanks!
Oooh, fun! I don’t know if I’m the best authority on this, but I think I have a couple followers who might also have some good insights. Let’s see . . .
Things I personally go feral for in Gwenvid fics:
That UST. Pining, longing, yearning -- whatever you wanna call it, all those little glances at each other then looking away when they get caught staring, getting distracted by a brush of skin against theirs or the other one looking amazing just out of nowhere, standing too close without realizing it and then awkwardly coughing and backing away . . . all of it. These two goobers in love with each other and completely oblivious is just . . . idk, it’s obviously personal preference, but that will-they-won’t-they dance is one of my favorite things about pre-established-relationship Gwenvid, and something I never get tired of. (Also, just saying: werewolf transformations have the distinct side effect of the werewolf waking up partially or completely naked in the forest. It’s a scenario ripe for awkward and/or hilarious situations.)
If they’re in an established relationship already, it’s all about those little domestic things. I mean, there can be domestic things even before they’re dating, because they live together for like 3-4 months out of the year so they have a routine going, but things like one of them keeping the light on for the other without thinking, making coffee/tea and leaving everything laid out just the way the other one likes it, communicating (or even arguing) with just a look, all the casual lil touches of two people so comfortable with each other that it’s automatic at this point. It’s an essential part of fluff that I sometimes feel is overlooked in favor of more dramatic hurt/comfort (which is also excellent, to be clear).
BANTER! It’s not so much a canon thing as a fanon one, but the artist formerly known as Ciphernetics basically established flirty teasing and back-and-forth as a staple of Gwenvid’s charm in their earth-shatteringly beautiful fanfiction (that I can’t link because tumblr softblocks posts with links, but if you look at my blog for like 10 seconds you’ll be able to figure out what I’m talking about), and I think everyone’s writing, including my own, needs more banter. They’re so different, after all; why not have them butt heads in a fun way?
Please please please don’t do NSFW if you’re uncomfortable with it, but there is nowhere near enough of it in Gwenvid-land. Just because we’re wholesome doesn’t mean we can’t also be kinky! (Oh man, I just realized I have no idea how old you are. Uhhhh if you’re not an adult just skip this one on by! Or if you are an adult and this ain’t it. It’s like it wasn’t ever here! Poof! I should probably just delete this, but maybe it’ll awaken a spark of inspiration in someone. Lord knows I haven’t been driving the smut train for a while, so I’m just hoping someone else will do my job for me. Plus Gwen would want me to include this suggestion, especially if there are werewolves involved.)
You know, there’s not a lot of action-hero Gwenvid out there, is there? Most of it’s relationship melodrama and domestic fluff, which I love -- obviously, I write it literally all the time -- but with a werewolf AU you have the opportunity for gratuitous violence, and both David and Gwen have proven they can kick a whole lot of ass and deal out (or take) a lot of pain. If you need two people fighting monsters -- or fighting as monsters -- you could do a lot worse than those two. It’d be a fun change of pace that’d work well with their character dynamic.
Writing a first chapter:
I don’t have a ton of advice here that isn’t pretty common, but the biggest thing is to start in the middle of action. This can range in terms of drama: a camp activity going horribly wrong, a nightmare, maybe even David discovering Gwen’s a werewolf. Your story doesn’t have to go in chronological order, after all, so if you have to backtrack in later scenes or chapters that’s not a bad thing in the slightest! 
It’s much better to start with a really exciting, gripping situation and then backfill in the information that matters than starting off with all that boring worldbuilding and exposition. Don’t get me wrong, that worldbuilding and exposition are necessary, but they’re also like . . . I dunno, salt. It’s essential to the recipe, but no one would say it’s their favorite part of a meal, and having to eat a whole pile of it before they get to the good stuff wouldn’t be enjoyable at all. It’s better sprinkled throughout to add flavor to your story as needed.
I like that metaphor! It’s kinda cliche, but I think it still gets the job done.
So yeah, start with something exciting and know it’s okay for your readers to go, “wait, what the fuck’s going on?” That’s kind of a great thing, actually; it establishes mystery and introduces higher stakes, and just gets your readers going. It’s also more fun to write, which is good! (For example, I just read a really great book call The Chill, which opened with a woman tying a bag over her head, weighting herself down with chains, and throwing herself into a river to “join the work.” Who is this person? What work? Did she know she was going to die -- it definitely doesn’t feel like a suicide, but what else did she think was going to happen?? I’m instantly on board, even if the next few scenes were focused on establishing exposition and actually kinda boring. It’s all about that hook.)
To be fair: I don’t do this all that often in my own fics. For every “starting the story with a botched assassination attempt,” we have “starting the story with waking up.” It’s important to have a first chapter that matches and sets the tone of your story; if it’s going to be a rip-roaring action/horror adventure, you’re going to want to start things off with all that stuff I mentioned before. If you’re writing cute fluff, there’s nothing wrong with your in media res chapter opening being an adorable fluffy scene. Compelling doesn’t have to mean scary or action-packed, but more serve as a teaser for what the rest of the story is going to bring. I’ve been leaning on action or thriller stuff because a werewolf AU implies some level of creature-feature monster spookiness, but any tone works as the start of a fic, as long as it’s not “here’s a laundry list of the universe’s rules,” because that’s boring and you can weave that into the rest of your story later. 
As for your other comment, short isn’t bad at all; in fact, if you want to make your first chapter a really short, compelling scene, that can be a great way to draw people in. But I also am a proponent of writing until it’s done, and couldn’t stick to a page or word count to save my life. My chapters are all over the place, and sometimes I’ll randomly chop them up if I feel like it’s going too long but usually I don’t bother. The more you write, the more you develop a feel for when the story, chapter, or scene needs to end, but as you’re starting out you might wanna snag a beta to help you find that stopping place.
Wow, this is long! Awkward! Sorry about that! I’ll make this last one short:
Gwen the werewolf:
I can’t imagine any universe in which she isn’t psyched as hell. I think she desperately wants to be more special and important than she is, and having a sexy monster superpower would only be a good thing to her, regardless of whatever its drawbacks may be. She might get tired of certain aspects of being a werewolf as the honeymoon phase wears off, but in the beginning I think she’d be excited and maybe even relieved.
Anyway, I hope that helps! It’s a lot of rambling, but I imagine you’re used to that by now. :)
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momentsofbllove · 4 years
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So after rewatching Until We Meet Again (because why not?) I finally picked Where Your Eyes Linger as my next drama to watch.
I picked it because it's very short (just 8 episodes, about 10-15 minutes each) and because I had seen a lot of posts about how great it is.
My dudes... I am three minutes into this show and already losing my mind! I'm going to liveblog while I watch it because I'm bursting with feelings and if I wait until the end I feel like my only response will be ASFJDGSHSAAAFHUAA!!, you know?
Anywho... spoilers ahead, obviously.
Literally the first line Kang-gook speaks makes me love him. That unspoken menace of 'if it was you that hurt my friend, I'm going to beat your ass for daring to touch him'.
'I was wondering why you didn't appear.' We are 2 minutes in and establishing that these two are always together. It's just a fact and apparently everyone knows it. Yes. Yes, good.
The ICE in Han Tae-joo's eyes when the asshole calls Kang-gook a servant... even though Kang-gook admits it easily Tae-joo goes from 'this is all fun and games' to 'i hate this guy with a passion' in .003 seconds.
Yeeeees! I LIVE for the 'hurt me all you want but don't lay a hand on him' dynamic.
And now we're following up that by finding out that Kang-gook is basically a whipping-boy?! What?! 😧
Oh god, and that sweet look of reassurance that Kang-gook gives Tae-joo when his dad threatens to send him away. These two are killing me!
And now we have taking care of each other when they're hurt. This show is hitting all of my favorite tropes. I can't.
We go from oblivious flirting to gay panic to rolling around on the floor together... and end it all with Tae-joo gently stroking Kang-gook's ear to win the fight. Just... 😳
What?! Who just walks up to two random guys at a restaurant and asks who's the top/bottom?!! Like... ask if they're a couple MAYBE if you have no sense of boundaries, but that? Good grief!
Okay, I like this girl. Her clear dismissal of Tae-joo is boss energy. She has no time for spoiled rich boys who think too highly of themselves.
Tae-joo is so pleased that Kang-gook didn't give her his number. I see you, boy.
Wait, so they're just sharing a bed? Do they sleep together every night? Or did Kang-gook crawl into bed with Tae-joo in the middle of the night? Tae-joo tries to wake him but didn't seem surprised that he was there. What is happening?
Ooooh! Kang-gook is jealous! That ear stroking is for him and him alone, Tae-joo!
Well gosh! What a first episode. They packed so much into 12 minutes of screen time.
On to the next one!
Tae-joo's devastation at Kang-gook playfully suggesting he shouldn't be his bodyguard any more. Dang boy. Be more obvious!
Oh no! Kang-gook thinking he can never be with Tae-joo because of class status... that's always the best part of these master-servant dynamics, but it still always hurts!
It's such a small line, but it speaks volumes when Kang-gook says there's 'no need' to check his phone. He's here with Tae-joo... why would he need to talk to anyone else?
And then to find out that Tae-joo gave his number to that girl and is telling him to 'experiment'? Tae-joo... why are you stupid?
I feel bad for this girl. She really needs to listen to her (weirdly invasive) mom.
The fact that Kang-gook only feels like they can act as equals when they're sparring...
Did Tae-joo just say he strokes Kang-gook's ear to calm himself down? Boy, that is NOT heterosexual behavior.
Did Kang-gook just hurt him for real?! Boy, why are you stupid?
Girl, seriously... listen to your mother.
Oh god, he's got a sling and everything! Kang-gook, what did you do?! The poor boy just wanted to admire your muscles. Smh.
‘What do I do about washing up?’ Hmmm. I wonder... 🤔😆
'I really don't want to.' Kang-gook, you are a lying liar that lies!
Kang-gook... why? You know you don't care about this girl. Don't be dumb.
This boy... you hurt your wrist not your brain, you cannot possibly be this useless!
But if it means we get Kang-gook undressing you, it's fine. Be as useless as you want.
And hair washing. What is it about hair washing? It is good every single time.
Alright, well this just keeps getting better and better. Good thing this series is short because I'm definitely going to need to watch it a few more times.
Repeating the undressing and hair washing from the last episode. I am okay with this.
And Kang-gook letting himself get a little indulgent, bless.
Oh NOW you're worried about him dating and 'neglecting' you? Where was that worry when you were handing out his number to random girls? You've played yourself, Tae-joo.
Yeah, I don't think Kang-gook wants to take dating advice from you, you idiot. You're a player. 😠
And poor Kang-gook has to watch you be a player... uhg. Get your shit together, boy!
What... what are you doing, Tae-joo? Are you... pretending to be on a date with Kang-gook? This is not how you teach someone to date! 🤦‍♀️
'Isn't it a bit boring when it's just the two of us?' BOY! How are you THAT oblivious?!
Oof, Kang-gook has found his limits. Poor thing. He desperately wants all these things that Tae-joo keeps doing. The ear stroking, the touching, pulling him in so close. But you can see it's killing him to have these things when Tae-joo doesn't mean it the way he wants him to.
Uhg, these episodes are so short! I know it was originally supposed to be a movie and they had to change things up thanks to shut downs (edit: I maybe was wrong about this? was it always supposed to be a mini-series but then they recut it into a movie? idk.), but I feel like hardly anything gets to happen before we're moving on. I wonder if I could find it somewhere in one long cut. I did.
Okay, Tae-joo is cute in his glasses.
And Kang-gook being a worried mother hen. Precious.
What?! The injury was fake?!! You had him wash your hair and cook for you and FEED you for nothing?! Boy, explain yourself!
'He's really going.' You pushed him into this! God you're so stupid. 🤦‍♀️
Oh child! This is not what you tell a guy on the first date! 😬
Oh, haha. She was joking. Still... I don't think this girl knows how to date any more than Kang-gook does.
Han Tae-joo, are you really crashing the date you forced your friend to go on in the first place? What is wrong with you?!
Wait... why does that guy want to hang out with Tae-joo? Because he's handsome? But not in an 'I want to date him' sort of way. I'm confused.
Tae-joo, stay out of their date! I want to root for you here, dude, but you are going about this all wrong.
Aaand now he's insulting them. Boy... why?
He's making... Kang-gook... walk home. Because he's a whiny baby that doesn't know how to handle his own feelings. I can't with him.
Okay, I'm actually kind of glad that this is a short series. Because you know that in a full BL series this nonsense would last at least another 5-6 hours of screen time. Lack of communication seems to be the #1 BL drama trope.
I'm going to stop for now, it's past midnight. I'll finish the series tomorrow. Episodes 4-8!
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lonelyandlovelorn · 5 years
A/N: I’m kind of putting my feelers out to see if anyone wants any Pietro Maximoff content, because I love and miss him and I just think sibling dynamics are always fun additions in these stories. 
Genre: straight fluff, my friends
Warning: Did I swear in this? Idk, here just in case
Word count: 2000
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x fem reader
Summary: Wanda is so tired of watching her brother and her teammate pine after each other. 
Wanda made a point not to actively pick through her teammate’s heads. Whatever she found out passively from knowing what people felt or perhaps projected too much was not her fault and she could not be held responsible. That being said, Wanda had found out something very interesting. It wasn’t so much new information as a realization based on compiled data. She had noticed that her brother and Y/N had grown close to each other very quickly. However, what she had slowly observed over time was a spike in positive emotions from Y/N each time Pietro entered the room, or sometimes even at the mention of his name. While it could have just been happiness at seeing a close friend, there was always an undercurrent of something else. It wasn’t something she would have labeled as lust, it was much softer and shyer than that, but it was a certain sort of attraction. After realizing that this was happening and what it meant, Wanda began to watch Y/N, hoping to witness this reaction and see what she gave away on her face. Since she hadn’t been a spy or secret agent before joining the team, she wasn’t assumed to be a good actress by default. With low expectations, Wanda was impressed to see that there was nothing to outwardly give her away. She had the same expression on her face to greet him as all of her other teammates. 
As his sister, Wanda had been aware of how Pietro felt towards Y/N since they met her. He had immediately been attracted to her, and had been in no way subtle in hiding it. Wanda was aware though, how oblivious people could be when in regards to their love lives. Pietro flirted with Y/N, which she took as a joke, and Wanda had always assumed that she hadn’t returned his feelings before noticing this reaction from her. For her brother’s sake, she was grateful it was mutual; for her own sake, she knew she was in for a world of frustration. Pietro was a flirty guy, but when he truly liked a girl, he was bashful and stupid around her. In short, her brother was an idiot most of the time, but he was even more of an idiot when feelings were involved.
Having only known Y/N for about two months, Wanda wasn’t certain what to make of her yet. The two didn’t hang out together on their own, just with the team. From the way she treated her teammates and her brother, Wanda was inclined to like her, but she didn’t want to make up her mind just yet. She decided to get to know her before trying to play cupid. She also hoped she could get her to admit her feelings with little-to-no difficulty. Wishful thinking, of course. 
Wanda invited her to have a girls night with Nat. She considered letting the spy in on the information she had, but she figured she probably already knew. Natasha and Y/N showed up at her door in pajamas, bringing a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of wine. That was good, maybe the alcohol would loosen her up a little bit. She welcomed them both into her room and couldn’t help but notice that Y/N looked nervous. She smiled gently at her in hopes of calming her down, and it seemed to work, at least a little. She still had an air of nervousness around her, but she explained that it was mostly because she didn't want to intrude on their normal bonding time. Nat and Wanda quickly put that out of her head by reassuring her that they wanted her there. After they had spent about half an hour together, painting their nails and sipping on wine, she seemed to loosen up fully. 
Wanda made sure to inconspicuously keep her glass topped off. The more alcohol she had in her, the more likely she was to be honest. 
As can only be expected at something called girls night, conversation turned to gossip and relationship. Natasha was pretty tight-lipped about how her and Bruce were doing, but Wanda wasn't afraid to gush about Vision a little. After a moment, their eyes both turned to Y/N who had obviously been hoping they wouldn't ask her about her love life. A coy smile painted Wanda's face as she spoke.
“So, Y/N, do you have your eye on anyone?” It was interesting for Wanda to watch her reactions, because even though she could feel the wave of embarrassment and fondness wash over her, her face betrayed almost none of it, save for a little warmth high in her cheeks. If it wasn't so frustrating, Wanda would have been impressed. 
“I guess I do.” Wanda and Natasha waited for more, but quickly realized that was all she intended to say on the matter. Wanda was impatient and already too frustrated from watching the two of you everyday to dance around the subject.
“You mean my brother.” She didn’t state it as a question, there was no room for denial. For a moment, she felt guilt at the way anxiety spiked through the girl across from her, but she spoke before Wanda could say anything.
“I don’t see why it matters,” she said, almost sounding defeated. Natasha and Wanda exchanged a look.
“It matters because you guys are practically in love and you’re not dating.” Completely unconvinced, Y/N quirked a brow at her in disbelief. “I didn’t realize before that you were completely obtuse,” Wanda said, exasperated. 
“Pietro isn’t in love with me.”
This time, Natasha spoke up. “Oh come on, Y/N. You might have been able to hide how you feel, but Pietro didn’t. I thought for a long time you weren’t interested, but now I see you’re just an idiot.” Y/N almost looked hurt at being called an idiot, but quickly squared her shoulders 
“I’m sorry that you guys think I’m an idiot, but there’s nothing there. He’s always been that way, flirty and a little dumb. It’s been like this since the day I met him.” She sounded like she was arguing, but Wanda could feel how defeated she was inside. Thankfully, she had a counterargument. 
“Have you ever considered that he’s been interested since he met you?” It was obvious she hadn’t by the way her eyes widened. It would have been funny if Wanda wasn’t so tired of witnessing this mess. 
“What are you expecting me to do about it?” Y/N was out of arguments but definitely still wasn’t convinced. 
“Stop the pining and put me out of my misery.” At the confused look she received, Wanda continued, “I’ve been able to feel your guys’ feelings since forever and I’ve just had to watch absolutely nothing happen for way too long.” 
For the first time in front of her teammates, warmth spread up Y/N’s cheeks and her expression was clear as day. She looked to Natasha, who only nodded at her in agreement with Wanda. “Well, I’m not going to do anything right now.”
“That’s fine, but soon,” Wanda urged.
Nothing happened. 
It had been two weeks and nothing at all had happened. The only change was that now the rest of the team knew about the ridiculous romance. They made a point of making vague joking remarks at both of the idiots in question. Still, even though at this point it was completely obvious, nothing changed.
Pietro had a habit of zooming around the tower. He dashed through the halls in a blur of silver, endlessly annoying certain members of the team. Sometimes he did it simply for the opportunity to look around and see what was happening in the building. That was the cause of his trouble today.
He was running through the halls, looking for the most interesting group of people to spend time with. He came across the common area, where most of the team was gathered. It seemed like people were gathered to watch a movie, as Sam, Bucky, Steve, Wanda, and Nat were all sitting on the couch chatting as Y/N bent over to look for a movie in the media case under the TV. No one was even aware that Pietro had entered the room until a loud thunk was heard. Six sets of eyes swung to see in sitting on the floor next to a wall, rubbing his forehead. 
Sam and Bucky guffawed at the dazed look on Pietro’s face, but Y/N rushed to him in concern. Wanda sent Pietro a look of disgust while also laughing at him quietly. She knew immediately what had happened. 
Poor, innocent Y/N had no idea that her team had quickly gathered from how she had been standing, and where his eyes had been drawn, what had happened. “Are you okay? What happened?” The question seemed to draw out more laughs from Sam and Bucky, even pulling a chuckle from the good Captain himself. Y/N looked around at her teammates in confusion as they watched embarrassment take over the speedster’s cheeks. 
Sam called out to Pietro after his laughter died down a little, “Yeah, speedy, why don’t you tell her what had you so distracted you ran into a wall.” 
Pietro could only bring himself to answer, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
This time, Nat piped in, “Guys, be quiet, his fall had absolutely nothing to do with how she was standing.” A barely-there smirk on her face showed that she was having her share of the teasing. 
Y/N whipped her head back to look at him, only to see him looking down in embarrassment. In that moment, Wanda could feel the way her heart warmed along with the surge of confidence that went through the woman as she looked over the man she loved. A grin overtook her expression as she looked him over once more. “Is that so? You should at least have the decency to ask me out before staring at my ass.”
Pietro nearly gave himself whiplash with how quickly he met her teasing eyes. Realizing she had just flirted with him, he quickly asked, “Would you like to go out with me?” Even though she had suggested it, everyone in the room could see that those words had stunned her. After a moment of staring at the man blank-faced, as his confidence visibly waned, a delicate and shy smile calmed him in the way only she could. 
“I would love to. Just don’t run into any more walls.” They had obviously forgotten they were being watched, as Pietro surged forward to press his lips against hers in his excitment, moving so fast that she didn’t know what was happening at first. They broke apart as they finally heard the whoops and cheers coming from the people on the couch. They both looked over at them, broad smiles on their faces. After watching the other Avengers laugh and cheer for their happy moment for a few seconds, Pietro stood up, pulling Y/N with her. In the blink of an eye, he had scooped her up and sped out of the room with his girl in his arms. 
None of the team was quite sure how to react until they heard a loud groan and a sigh from Wanda as she leaned her head against the back of the couch. Her muttered and exhausted, “Idiots,” sent them all into laughter once more. 
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