#the good thing about a book is that the sexy bits will still be there waiting for you later
teddybeartoji · 3 days
sooo about hybrid stuff... idk if that'd fit into what i've seen so far but i saw two videos on twitter with cages..
so my question becomes would it work with pup!reader? to be locked up as training? as punishment? as safety? by who? why and how exactly? would there be a full immersion into a puppy lifestyle or would it just be the cage and overall behaviorisms?
OKOKOKOKOKKKK HII HELLO NONNIIEEE:33333 first of alll i just want to link this godly piece of work for suguru by my beloved @mossmurdock!!!!! this is so fucking sexy so i am making you read it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
second of allll!!!! so while i myself am not that into cages and being locked up, even like restraints and collars are a bit eeh for me just bc.. i'm a little claustrophobic lmao BUTTTT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M NOT GONNA BE HERE BRAINSTORMING WITH YOU NONNIEE:333
soo just like the work i sent you - i think cages and restraints and training goes sooo well with suguru. like ooooh my god it fits him so well. he fucking loves it. he loves the power, he loves seeing you all needy and desperate. loves seeing you panting for him, tongue lolled out of your mouth as you just blatantly eye his cock. it drives him maddddddd. aaaand i also think he would fucking love having a pup. the best type of hybrid for him imo!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think puppy!readers tend to get sooo worked up so easily so the training part is very needed. can't have you humping his leg all day now can he? he has work to do, so he has to train you to hold back on your urges just a little. oh and he loves when you whine. when you're in the cage, all locked up, looking up at him with theee prettiest teary eyes, crying out for him:((( that gets him so hard.
the cage definitely works as a punishment too!!!!!!!!!!!! if you just won't let him do his job or read his book, if you make a mess on the bed. if you steal his underwear:((( he's gonna call you a bad puppy with a low purr. it's sooo demeaning. he's soooo mean. but he still has his signature grin on his lips and that makes it so much hotter. you're getting wetter by the second and he knows it, he can see you clenching your thighs but ahh that just won't do. he's gonna lock you up and he's gonna leave you in the room alone. he knows you're just gonna get off by looking at him and that's not really a punishment now, is it?
he listens to you whine and whimper for him from the other room with a smile on his face. he's gonna resume reading his book, his cock hardening in his slacks. he's patient, horribly so, and he wants to break you. lovingly of course<333 you know better to touch yourself though, you know if you did that you'd just end up staying in the cage for way longer. you won't get a treat if you misbehave even more:(((((( you want to be good, you want to be better for him:((((((( and suguru fucking looooooves it he loves his pup he loves you:3333
ohh and as for whether it'd be a full immersion thing or just the cage and some behaviours mmmmmm i feel like that is so up to you yk? bc i guess full immersion would mean being a puppy in the public too right? eeh maybe i'm taking this too literally. for me the hybrid stuff is more just like mannerisms and behaviour and i don't really think abt any further than them staying at home hehehe
ANYWAYYY I LOVED THIS QUESTIONN AND I LOVE SUGUU:3333 my favourite brat tamerr!!! he's so fucking hot jfc. i need him. i need to brat tame somebody with him:333333 OH AND I JUST WANTED TO ADD THAT YOU CAN STILL ALWAYS TALK TO ME ABT CAGES N RESTRAINTS!!!! it's just not a topic i'm gonna bring up i think yk?? but my inbox is always open and very waiting!!! hehehehe i love youu!!
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
anyway, jin guangyao's situation with qin su is not remotely comparable to his situation with mo xuanyu because:
1. jgy only becomes aware that qin su is his sister after they are engaged, have been sexually intimate, and she is pregnant with jin rusong;
2. there is no way for jgy to extricate either himself or qs from their betrothal and subsequent marriage without creating tremendous hardship for qs, her family, and drawing undue scrutiny to jgs' assault of madam qin. given what qs ultimately chooses to do of her own volition in the novel and the drama, I think it should be clear why jgy would have zero expectation of jgs facing any repercussions for his actions;
3. prior to discovering the truth of their relation to each other, jgy and qs's relationship was one based on consent, mutual attraction, and affection. they cared about and wanted to be married to each other.
in contrast:
1. mo xuanyu did, in fact, sexually harass jin guangyao. this isn't a rumour. he confesses to sexually harassing jin sect cultivators at the beginning of the novel in the screed of notes he leaves behind for wei wuxian. jin ling is the one who reveals later on that the identity of the cultivator mo xuanyu harasses is his half-brother, jin guangyao;
2. jgy knows that mxy is his half-brother. mxy knows that jgy is his half-brother. the only 'mutual understanding' they have here is that they both know that they are brothers;
3. there is zero textual support for jgy making sexual advances on mxy, and plenty of textual support for jgy exiling mxy from jinlintai specifically because the last thing he needs is to be surrounded by rumours of incest while he is trapped in an incestuous marriage himself;
4. in the novel, jgy is not on mxy's list of people for wwx to kill on his behalf when he enacts the sacrifice ritual. in other words, jgy is not a target of mxy's resentment at all--only the mo family is. if jgy had concocted this insidious lie as part of a smear campaign to discredit mxy (???), it seems like jgy would be at the top of the 'fuck you' list that mxy leaves behind for wwx. but he isn't.
tl;dr jgy is not a hypocrite for wanting to distance himself from a half-brother who won't take no for an answer, just because his father's sexual violence (and inability to keep track of the women he has assaulted, apparently) has trapped him in an incestuous marriage.
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Hand Print
Carlos has these big strong sexy hands. He uses them to grip her ass in sex, leaves a hand print seen by Lando at the beach.
Warnings: smut, P in V, biting, marking
@biancathecool had the idea, I brought it to life lmaoooo
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It made so much sense that he was strong enough for this, now. With all of the cycling he did, Carlos had been in the gym, working out his arms. Keeping his proportions the same.
She loved it. Loved the way it felt to have his strong arms wrapped around her. It was a turn on, actually. Cuddling with Carlos never lasted long when she could feel his muscles against her.
Fuck, she just wanted to bite him. Bite his strong, tanned arms. The joys of having an athlete boyfriend.
Where she liked biting her boyfriend, leaving gentle, consensual bite marks on his skin, Carlos liked to hold her ass.
Well, not just hold. His grip on her, on her hips, thighs, anywhere he could get a hold of. The way his tight grip left her skin with delightful bruises was just the cherry on top.
This time around, Carlos held her ass. He gripped the flesh as she rode him, her moans filling the room. "Fuck," he grunted and squeezed tighter, matching the way she was squeezing him, cunt gripping his cock.
It wasn't often their time away coincided with Lando, Carlos's best friend on the grid. They knew they were supposed to be going to the private beach with Lando and his new girlfriend, but the minute she put on that bikini, he had to have her.
And the feeling of her cumming around his cock was so fucking worth it. Even if she had to take a few extra minutes to fix her hair and makeup before they headed to the beach.
She didn't notice the handprint Carlos had left behind as she pulled her new bikini bottoms over her ass. Carlos just caught a glimpse of it as she pulled her beach skirt over the top. Damn, she was so fucking delectable.
Carlos held her as they made their way down to the beach. His big strong arms around her as he carried their things in his other hand. There was, quite literally, nothing better.
"Bit fucking late!" Lando called as they walked over.
Carlos sat their stuff down with a grin. "Got a bit... distracted," he said as she laid out the blanket. He watched as Lando rolled his eyes and she hit his chest.
The beach day started off normal. She laid in the sun, read her book and basked in the feeling of the warmth on her skin, as Carlos laid beside her, tracing patterns across her stomach.
There was no keeping this man away from his girl.
But then Lando had him up and playing football as she chatted to Lando's new girlfriend, getting to know her (it wasn't the first time they'd met, but the first time they'd met she hadn't been serious with Lando. So, Carlos's girl hadn't bothered).
She laid on her stomach as they talked and laughed, hand cushioning her head. "Oh, just wait until they try taking us golfing," she said and the other girl laughed. It seemed she had found a friend.
But this story isn't about friendship. This story is about Carlos and his big, strong hands.
After a good and probably unfair game of football in the sand (knowing the two of them, there was definitely some cheating going on), the boys wandered back over. "Here, baby," she said, handing Carlos a bottle of water. He downed it in one go.
"Thank you, Hermosa," he said as he leaned down to kiss her. It was pure bliss, just like every day with Carlos. But there is always something that interrupts that bliss.
"What the fuck is that on your ass?"
"Why are you staring at my ass, Norris?" She called back, immediately on the defensive. But, as she spoke, she was glaring at her boyfriend.
But Lando was still looking. Defensively, she pulled down her bikini bottoms to cover more of her ass, but in that moment, she only showed off more of the handprint on her ass.
"You guys are freaky as fuck," said Lando as he said beside his girlfriend.
"You haven't seen nothing, Norris."
It was only muttered as she pulled Carlos closer. "What the fuck is on my ass?" She hissed in his ear as she kissed the spot just beneath it.
Carlos flexed his fingers.
"You asshole, that's hot as fuck."
She ended up with a few more that night.
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ithebookhoarder · 2 months
Could you write an Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader fic? They are newly weds and the reader wishes to pamper Anthony while he is bathing. He’s a bit cautious about it at first because he is not used to such affection. Thank youu I love your writing a lot especially the truth or dare fic.
In Your Hands (Anthony Bridgerton x Wife!Reader)
A/N: First of all, thank you so much! And I hope you like this. Thanks for sending this ask in, luckily I was already toying with a few Bridgerton ideas thanks to the new trailers so this came surprisingly easy.
Also, if any of you guys enjoy my work, or just feel like it, then consider buying me a cup of coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/ithebookhoarder ☕️
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Warnings: Nudity references, the start of sexy-times, alcohol 
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Anthony was someone who hated routine. After all, as much as he was devoted to the day to day duties that came with being the head of his family, if he had his way he would escape the city and the ton, choosing instead the peace and tranquility offered by the countryside, at Aubrey Hall. He dreamed of being able to be just a brother, son and - as of recently - a husband. 
Only married a few months, your new husband was keen to seize each and every opportunity to escape his duties when they appeared - whether it was sneaking off for long rides in the countryside, or making an early exit from whatever social gathering you both had been forced to attend as the new Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton; Whatever allowed you both to be alone and back in one another’s arms (usually sans clothes) as soon as possible, was a good idea to him. 
It was no surprise then, that there was one part of his daily routine that Anthony actually relished: bathing. 
Oh, yes. There was little more in the world that could bring your fully-grown husband such child-like joy as being able to soak in a tub of steaming hot water for an hour or two. The sight always made you smile as you entered your bedroom: Anthony, half asleep, looking as if the stress had physically melted away. 
It was your favourite sight - and not just because of the exquisite view it granted you of his sculpted form - but because of how calm and peaceful he looked. It was as if he had transformed back into the mischievous and carefree boy you’d first fallen in love with all those years ago. Back when your only concerns had been not tripping on your skirt at your presentation, making sure you were actually asked to dance at a ball, and surviving the social season without embarrassing your family or getting yourself roped into some scandal. 
Whilst you knew neither you nor Anthony would ever change a single thing about your life together, you knew it came with a cost. In fact, today it had been enduring hours of talks with local tenants, the family’s book keeper, estate managers, and even several possible suitors looking to secure some kind of marriage contract with one of his younger sisters. (You’d been informed by several members of the household staff that those meetings had been remarkably swift, however, with each unfortunate man looking rather dejected as they were shown from the house). 
If you’d been able to spare him the pain or share his burden you would have, but unfortunately you’d been occupied with matters of your own. Being the lady of such a grand estate came with duties of its own, and you were quite done looking over seating arrangements, replying to correspondence, and paying social calls for one day.  
Still, at least you’d both survived to tell the tale - no wonder Anthony looked half asleep. Then again, maybe it had something to do with the open bottle of whiskey that sat on the table beside the tub. You knew without looking at the label which bottle it was, having smuggled it out of the library yourself to enjoy together. 
“Anthony Bridgerton!” A fake gasp of horror escaped your lips as you appeared in the doorway, a hand pressed to your chest. “You are a sneak and a traitor. That whiskey was for me too, you know.”
“And a good evening to you too, my love. Never fear, there’s plenty to share,” he teased, head relaxed, tipped backward as he took a sip from the glass in his hand. Your eyes were transfixed on the hollow of his throat, watching his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “Besides, I would apologise but I simply couldn’t wait a minute longer. Not when I couldn’t feel my back from sitting at that desk all afternoon.”
The moan that escaped his lips was almost sinful as he sank a little lower in the water.  
“Well, you’re forgiven. You look far too content for me to even dream of being mad,” you sighed, drawing close and perching on the rim of the tub. Anthony handed over the whiskey glass with a soft smile, letting you take a sip of your own before you placed it back onto the table. 
You could feel the warmth seep into your bones immediately, even if that was also likely in part to your proximity to the tub and your naked husband. 
“Do you want me to wash your hair?”
Anthony’s eyebrows rose at the question, the surprise written across his face. “What?”
“You heard me,” you teased, reaching up to run your fingers through the soft strands of hair atop his head. “I can wash your hair, and get your back for you. Unless you’d rather do it yourself, or I can ring for someone?”
“What? No, that’s uh, that’s not necessary,” he chuckled, visibly flustered - which was amusing and perplexing. After all, it wasn’t as if you two hadn’t seen and touched every single inch of the other in the weeks since your wedding. However, he looked almost confused at the idea that you would offer such a thing. “You don’t have to do that.”
“But I want to,” you soothed. “Let me take care of you, for once. Husband.”
It was probably below the belt to purr his title like that, but you knew how that one little word had the power to reduce the great Viscount Bridgerton to a puddle. That, along with the warmth of the water and the buzz of the whiskey, made him almost pliant to your every whim. Still, you knew him well enough to recognise the lingering hesitation in his eyes as he nodded in agreement. 
He very rarely let his guard down or allowed anyone to assist him in any way. You sometimes believed that had the servants not been dependant upon their work to make a living that Anthony would have dismissed them long ago and tried to run the entire estate single handedly just to prove he could. That he was worthy of the title he bore, and that he was every bit as great a man, brother, and husband as his father. 
It appeared he was the same way when it came to letting himself be taken care of and it made your heart ache for the man you loved. 
Pressing a triumphant kiss to his lips, you swiftly manoeuvred yourself, pulling up a stool and grabbing a jug from the dresser.  
“Just relax… trust me,” you murmured, waiting until he did as he was bid. The gesture alone said volumes, more so than any words ever could. 
Waiting until his eyes were shut, you reached for the soap, tilting his head against your chest as you began to massage the mixture into his scalp. Yet again, your husband seemed to transform into a cat, purring with every touch in a way that made it suddenly very difficult to resist the urge to strip off and join your husband in the water instead. 
“Enjoying yourself?” You giggled as Anthony barely managed more than a groan in reply. 
It was taking every ounce of your self control to focus your attentions solely on Anthony, and not on the way his body seemed to be reacting to your ministrations. Thankfully, you were able to last long enough to finish the job, using the jug to rinse the water through his hair, making sure to angle his head upwards so the water ran off him instead of into his eyes. 
But you were only human; the minute you were done washing the last suds from his scalp you made your move. Sliding off the stool, you knelt beside him and reached out to caress his cheek, causing him to open his eyes almost sleepily. Leaning forward you planted a soft, delicate kiss to his lips, causing him to groan in response.
Without saying a word, his hands rose, twisting their way into your hair as he deepened his kiss. It was clear what he wanted next. 
“Now, wife,” he growled, pulling back just long enough to reach down and tug teasingly at the tie of your dress-robe. You could feel the warmth of his touch as his wet body began to dampen the material. “I think it’s your turn to let me take care of you… so you’d better get in here, before I drag you in here.”
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amourane · 2 months
innocent girl
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pairing: sirius black x fem!reader x remus lupin
genre: smut, pwp
w/c: 1.8k
summary: you're so pure, so perfect, so innocent and sirius and remus just can't help but ruin you.
warnings: explicit sexual content, degradation, praise, oral (m. receiving), fingering, orgasm denial
a/n: please enjoy also haven't written smut in ages so i'm a bit rusty.
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Sirius was so fucking horny. He didn’t know why. Maybe it's the short skirt you were wearing or the sleeveless top but something about you radiated sexy. There were times you would stretch your arms giving him a glance at your lacy baby pink bra. Even though you were too absorbed in the book you were reading to notice him staring, you were still beautiful. The thought simply drove him wild. 
Quite literally. 
"Siri, you okay?" Your voice was sugary sweet, the innocent smile on your face was so cute. If there was one thing he loved, it was you. You and your adorable virgin ass. He knew that you hadn’t slept with anyone. He’d heard you touch yourself only on one occasion and god did it make him hard. The fact that he knew was what drove him crazy. He knew he shouldn't be thinking these thoughts. But he couldn't help it. 
"Y/n," He whispered. "You're such a fucking tease you know that?" 
Your cheeks flushed red and you closed your book. "W-What?" 
"You heard me right, you're such a fucking tease, dressing like this." He thumbed your top, his hands slowly caressed your skin. "You're just begging to be fucked." His voice ghosted your skin and you shivered involuntarily.
“S-Siri w-what are you doing?” You nervously stuttered, not used to his actions. His warm palm rested on your knee. A warm feeling shot to your core. You gulped, not daring to move. 
Sirius kissed you. His plump lips moving against yours. It wasn’t soft. You could practically feel how needy he was. How much he wanted you. Your ex had only kissed you like this on one occasion and it wasn’t the best. But with Sirius it felt right. So right. Both of your tongues tangled with each other. You grasped at his shirt desperately. Sirius smirked, fingers threading through your hair. Your body felt as if it was on fire. Your core was burning and you clamped your thighs shut, rubbing them together. 
When you finally pulled away, your heart was racing. Sirius licked his lips. Your cheeks were flushed and your lips were cherry red. 
“Come here baby, I got something for you.” Sirius tugged you closer to him, you gasped when you felt his bulge through his jeans. You felt your panties beginning to grow wet. The thin fabric started to stick to your dripping folds. Sirius swiped his thumb over your pink lips. “Let’s see what your pretty mouth can do, hm?”
You watched, enraptured. The sight of his cock springing free and slapping his toned abdomen had your mouth watering. You looked up at Sirius on his bed, all he did was raise his eyebrows expectedly. Hesitantly, you slid your hands up his thighs, stroking his cock. A groan leaves his lips. You wrap your pink lips around the head, sucking gently. The moans that you managed to elicit from him had you sucking harder, a desperate determination to make him feel good.
“Fuck! Didn’t know you were such a slut for my dick huh Y/n?” He grinned wickedly, pushing you down on his cock. His eyes darkened. “Now, suck you brat.” The tone he used had your pussy clenching and you whimpered. 
You bob your head up and down taking him deeper. He thrusted harder while you tried not to choke when the tip hit the back of your throat. The feeling of his hips jutting upwards almost had you gagging. You look up at Sirius beneath your lashes, tongue swirling around. His eyes were shut, head thrown back, multiple curses leaving his throat. He looked so pretty and you couldn’t deny it when your heart raced faster.
You tried to pull back but his strong arms grabbed your head, shoving you deeper. You choked at the sudden movement but stayed where you were. Tears had started streaming down your face and you forced yourself to breathe through your nose. Sirius shouted a loud curse when your throat constricted around him. He stroked your hair, pushing you so your nose grazed his pubic bone. 
“So fuckin’ messy, look at you, dribbling on my cock like some desperate bitch in heat.”
The lewd sounds that filled the dorm made you feel hot. The heated pool down between your legs seemed to only grow. 
“Take me so well don’t you baby?” Sirius wiped the tears away from your face. His hips stuttered as your throat tightened once more. He could feel his high coming closer. He inhaled deeply. “You’ll be a good girl won’t you Y/n?” The innocent doe eyed look you provided him had his cock throbbing. You nodded, unable to say anything. 
Sirius smirked as he felt your tongue flick. The warmth and comfort of your mouth was fantastic. He gripped your head closer, moaning out your name. 
“F-Fuck, you’re so good at this. Fuckin’ filthy whore.” Sirius growled as he felt his stomach begin to coil. His cock twitched in your mouth. Hot white cum shot into your mouth and Sirius inhaled shakily, pulling on your hair. He jerked into your mouth a couple of times. You swallowed obediently. He pried open your jaw, satisfied when he saw it empty. 
“Such a good girl aren’t you? Swallowing and I didn’t even need to tell you to do so.”
“Having fun without me?” Your head whipped around. Quickly you scrambled off the floor, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You tried to dart away but Sirius grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap, your skirt riding up. Remus stood, leaning against the door with a smug grin on his face. He raised his eyebrows.
“Was just about to invite you, Moony.” Sirius traced patterns across your exposed skin. “Little Y/n here just couldn’t keep her hands off me, hm?” 
You didn’t have any words. “I-I...” Instead you looked down, not wanting to meet any of their gazes. You did have a crush on Sirius and Remus but you’d thought it was wrong, that it was disgusting. You had dismissed it as a platonic feeling for such a long time. They were your best friends after all. 
“Didn’t know you were such a dirty whore Y/n.” Remus smirked, kneeling down in front of you. His long fingers tilted your head to face him. “Does our little Y/n want me too?” 
Even though your throat still hurt from the blowjob you just gave Sirius, you nodded, too nervous to say anything. 
“We’ve got to make it quick, wouldn’t want Tom to catch us now would we?” Remus spat venomously.
You vaguely remembered telling your new friend that you had a charms assignment that was busting your ass and he had graciously offered to help you. 5:00 was the time both of you had arranged to meet in the library. You glanced at the clock on the wall. 4:50. 10 minutes. You gulped involuntarily. 
“What time were you meeting dear Tom again?” Sirius gripped your waist tightly, a sly smirk spread onto his face as you felt his fingers inch upwards. You mumbled under your breath. “I can’t hear you baby, you’ve got to speak up.”
“Five.” You shivered when his fingers ghosted your thigh. 
“We can get a lot of things done in ten minutes can’t we Padfoot?” You felt Remus’s arms wrap around your waist, his head nuzzling into your neck. “And we’ve got plenty of time after you come back.” His hands trailed down and up your skirt. You gasped when you felt his fingers press against your clit. 
Sirius tilted your head up to him. He pulled you forward into a searing kiss. Both your tongues fighting passionately. He grinded up into your hips. You squeaked into his mouth when you felt Remus push your panties aside, sliding a single finger through your folds. 
“Sweetheart you’re so wet.” He began to probe, slowly fingering you. “Aren’t you just a fucking slut.” He pumped his digits inside you easily.
You moaned. The names both of them called you had you dripping. Sirius’s lips moved faster against yours and you struggled to keep up. The feeling of Remus’s long slender fingers against your heated core, rubbing ever so gently, had you shuddering. You hadn’t ever felt this way, you’d only touched yourself a couple of times. 
Sirius broke away, plush lips ghosting your delicate skin. He traced his warm hands up your shirt. A little squeak of surprise left you when he cupped your breast. You didn't realise he had stripped your bra off until the cold air hits your skin. Remus curled his fingers and your reaction was immediate. You let out a breathy moan when you felt Sirius suck on your collarbone. Leaving a blooming red mark in his wake. His hot hands massaged your bare breasts.
“T-Time…” You resisted the urge to cry out in pleasure when Remus went faster. He reached the places your own fingers could never. You felt so overwhelmed, the first time having someone else’s touch on you. A gasp left your throat when you felt Sirius’s lips latch onto your nipple. 
“Love, we're not gonna stop until you cum.” Remus sneered, rubbing circles against your clit. “You better hurry, you wouldn't want to be late for Tom? What would he think of little sweet Y/n getting fucked by her two best friends, hm?” 
Your voice seemed to have disappeared, all you could manage was a bunch of blissful moans. 
“She doesn’t deserve to cum.” Sirius lightly nipped on your sensitive skin. “Been ignoring us for that no-good prick.” He sucked harder, rolling your nub between his tongue. You grinded down on Remus’ fingers, determined for your release. His fingers curled inside you as he scissored your tight cunt open. 
“P-Please...please.” You sobbed, senses overloading. A hot coil began to wrap itself around in your stomach. “I’ll do anything. Need to cum, please ‘m gonna cum.”
“Needy whore. Such a nasty cunt, you’re so pathetic dripping around my fingers.” Remus felt your pussy squeeze around your fingers. He smirked, licking a long stripe up your neck. “Like it when we call you names, isn’t that right?” He taunted, pinching your clit, plunging another finger inside you. The two of them kept their relentless attacks and you felt yourself coming closer to the edge. It would only take a few more seconds for you to fall. Just a few more.
Everything’s gone. 
Remus and Sirius grinned smugly at your worn out body on the bed. Your whole body was tingling with the newfound sensation. Every single part of you felt like it was about to burst and it was taken away from you.
“Gotta go meet Tom now, pretty girl.” Remus chuckled as he licked his fingers. “A shame when we could’ve taught you everything you needed to know.”
You opened your mouth in protest but their harsh gazes were too much and you gulped your words back down, pulling your clothes back onto your body.
“Hurry back to us, little one.” Sirius muttered as you left their dorm and he delivered a firm smack to your ass. “Can’t wait to finish what we started.”
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keyotosprompts · 5 months
sweet nothing ₊˚⊹♡
domestic prompts
⇴ person a being mad at person b, so person b gives them some alone time. only to find person a trying to drag them back to bed bc they miss person b’s presence.
⇴ ^ "i thought you wanted some space?" "i don't need space, i need you" (died)
⇴ going over to family dinner with either person a/b and their sibling/younger cousin is IN LOVE with their partner. like they follow them everywhere and get mad when you guys act like a couple.
⇴ "are you jealous?" "of a child? no way." and person a SMIRKS.
⇴ person a wakes up earlier than the other, but person b is latching on so tightly and their sleeping face is just so cute that person a just falls back asleep anyway.
⇴ that thing when you guys are in bed and your legs wrap around each other. but you're also so close that your head is resting on their bicep and you're caged in their body.
⇴ grocery shopping with their partner. "we do not need those." "but they're so good!!"
⇴ target shopping with their partner. there's something very domestic and sweet about just hanging out in target for an hour or two.
⇴ i'll do you one better: IKEA SHOPPING WITH YOUR PARTNER. the furniture shopping banter. "does this match our living room or do you think it's too much?" followed by "well if we get that coffee table we'll have to get that rug." holding hands throughout IKEA while looking for home decorations.
⇴ person a is blasting music in the shower and person b is singing to it outside the bathroom. person b is so used to it by now and they know all of person a's favorite songs by heart.
⇴ staying beside the other when one of them is doing something. person a is working relentlessly hard on this one task. person b is just sitting there next to them on the couch/bed holding their hand.
⇴ "do you think this looks reasonable or should i change it up a bit?" "maybe switch that up a bit babe" [followed by a kiss on the hand for moral support]
⇴ cooking a meal together in the kitchen with fun music in the back, with occasional messes on the other person's face. person a smears flour on person b's face and person b flicks water on person a's face.
⇴ reading a book together and person b is providing commentary while person a keeps shushing them. person b continues the commentary, because deep down person a enjoys their voice.
⇴ ^ "shh. it just got good." "which is why i have to gasp and voice my opinion!"
⇴ watching tiktoks while the other person is around. (is this niche?)
⇴ having a routine together. like, person a & b are brushing teeth together while person b wraps their arms around person a and leaning into the nape of their neck (they are tired and they want to go back to sleep with a).
⇴ ^ bonus points if person b is extra groggy and still has their sexy morning voice. "i think i'm already missing you," person b says while their head is literally resting on person a's neck. "you're literally right here with me."
⇴ OR alternatively... person a & b are both doing their skincare together, except person b's skincare routine is entirely based off of person a and person a was their "dermatologist"
⇴ sleeping in the same bed, except person a is a blanket hogger and person b is sick of it. so, as a solution, person b literally just holds person a so close to their body so that the blanket isn't stolen in the middle of the night.
⇴ trying to figure out how to defrost a car (i struggled my first time and i would have really enjoyed for someone to HELP)
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urfavleo777 · 1 month
What about Joost catches the reader reading a smut fanfiction about him! Needy fem reader please, and dirty talk and praise kink if you can please <3
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warnings: unprotected sex, bad language, smut
joost klein smut
you wake up early in the morning. although to say it's early morning isn't entirely correct. the sun has not yet risen above the horizon, the sky is just starting to take on morning colors. a pleasant warmth envelopes your entire body, making you feel like you are in your own cocoon of comfort and security. you blink a few times to clear the haze of sleep from your eyes. your head rests on joost's hard chest. his chest moving steadily, his warm breath spreads down your neck, soft snores escaping from his nostrils and his strong arm wraps around your waist. his cheeks, covered with stubble, are slightly pink, and his full lips are parted. his blonde hair is messy and you find it extremely sexy.
a smile appears on your face at this lovely sight. 
you untangle your hand from under his head, quite carefully so that he doesn't wake up, and stroke his cheek with the palm of your hand. you don't want to make any noise so as not to accidentally wake him up, but you can't just force yourself to fall back asleep. making sure his eyes are still closed, you grab your phone from the nightstand and begin your guilty pleasure in peace. let's skip the fact that you almost get blinded when you unlock it.
reading fanfiction about your boyfriend makes you feel like you're committing some sort of crime. there are many book titles scrolling on the phone screen that aren't really about a cliché bad boy and good girl, where the biggest 'wow effect' is their kiss. sometimes authors are so carried away by fantasy that you choke on your own saliva while reading their works. 
it never even crossed your mind to tell joost what you do in your free time. and that's how it should stay. he certainly wouldn't be mad at you if he saw a fanfic on your phone in which his character was fucking another girl and readers were thirsting over it, but you yourself would feel extremely embarrassed. besides, why should he find out what thoughts are running through his girlfriend's imagination? well, it's called imagination for a reason.
finally, you find a book that interests you so much that you devote half an hour of your time to it. you giggle a few times while reading, but quickly cover your mouth so as not to wake joost. all in vain. you don't even realize when he's staring at your screen, a wide, lazy smile spreading across his face.
“you wrote it about me?” his morning voice brings you back to reality. an unexpected scream escapes your lips. you place your hand on joost's chest to stop him from grabbing your phone, but it's way too late. he is much faster and stronger. no matter how loudly you beg him to stop, he reads the words on the screen with a smirk on his face. “he sucked and licked every sensitive part of my neck until his lips reach my chest. i bit my lip. i know i was already wet. with joost’s body stapled on me, i just can't help but feel aroused.” he reads aloud, from time to time looking at your embarrassed face, which now you hide in your hands. “baby, why do you read such things when you have me here all for yourself?”
“i—i don't know. fuck, you weren’t supposed to see that.”
joost chuckles quietly while putting your phone back on the nightstand. then puts his head on the pillow and streches his arms out towards you. “c'mere.” coaxing you towards him as he gently pulls you by your hands onto his warm body again. he places your head on his chest and makes you listen to the steady beat of his heart. joost strokes your back with his hand, sending a pleasant shiver through your body. “how often do you read fanfiction about me?”
“not that ofte— everyday.” you answer honestly, closing your eyes from embarrassment. “whenever you're not looking.”
“and you just read? or..?” he murmurs, tracing his hands over your ass.
“both. uhm, i’m doing both.” a short, throaty laugh escapes his lips as amusement appears on his face at the same time.
“desperate for my dick even at six am.”
“i— please, kiss me, joost.” not a millisecond passes and he already obliges. shoving your tongue into one another's mouths before slowly exchanging slow, messy pecks. the sounds get louder and louder as you hum into each other's lips. as you do this, the thin area of ​​your panties rubs against his legs. grinding the bare flesh of his thighs. whatever you need at the moment, he will make it happen. slowly but surely, you work yourself into a frenzy, whimpering into his ear.. that's when he notices these gentle cries as well.
“isn't this better? now you can finally feel my touch, not only imagine it. my naughty girl.”
he starts rubbing furious circles, and you suddenly feel a hard slap against your right bum cheek. you whine as pleasure and pain intermingle, making you squirm around. his breath tickles your ear. “you love it when i'm rough like this, don't you?”
you nod, desperately humping faster to find your release.
“joost, can i ride you, please?” he just chuckles at how desperate and gone you are for him.
all but pleading to climb atop his dick. “of course, beautiful. here.” so without a moment more of hesitation, you take off your pants. easing down gently, you acclimate to his shape almost immediately and the both of you release loud gasps. 
“joost...i—oh fuck..”
“just keep going, baby. you're so pretty like this.”
“joost,” you whine and reach between your bodies to rub your fingers against your sensitive bud. you title your head back, losing yourself in the sensation, and he begins to trail kisses up your chest and to your neck. mouth searching for yours as your hips match his pace.
“so fucking perfect. that feel good, yeah? that what you like?” he questions, perhaps with double meaning.
as you try to speak, you have trouble choosing words. thus, all you can do is nod emphatically. you feel him chuckle against your throat at your nonverbal response. clearly, he's enjoying himself as much as you are.
“this messy little cunt's fuckin' gushin' all over me. think you're ruinin' the sheets, pet,” he teases.
“joost, ‘m so close,” you moan and he begins to encourage you between kisses. 
it is an ecstasy you've never experienced before. your head is buzzing and it's as if the whole world disappears around you as the orgasm takes over, coursing through you in violent waves as joost continues to worship you. you repeat his name like an old prayer you once knew; over and over with conviction.
“sweetheart, where do you want it?”
“fill me,” you plead, his seed coating your walls as he groanes your name.
the two of you still, his labored breaths warm along your chest and you look at him with a wide smile. his cheeks blossom a bright pink. eyes hooded and body spent.
so beautifully human.
he helps you off his lap but keeps you close, holding you next to him as you lay on the bed. your legs slotted between his, long nails grazing along his chest as he presses kisses to your forehead. “next time you're feeling horny, just come to me, schatje.”
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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you’d always been a nerd, there was no doubt about that — it’s only now you were older, you were known as a nerd who was filling out her bikini top, and jiggling in her bikini bottoms. now, unlike yourself — you sit on a little boat out on the water with the infamous pogues.
it was jj who invited you here. it was always jj — he’d been enthralled to see the sexy little thing you’d grown into adulthood as. he’d spotted you whilst working at the library, frowning over a file book of library card entries with cute pouty lips and reading glasses that he wanted to cover in cum. hed always thought you were cute at school, but now he just had to have you. he’d used his charms on you, and now you were nervously tucked into his side, ‘making friends’ with his friends as he’d described it. “gotta get ya out there, there’s a whoooole life to be lived outside these books, you know that?”
he was burrowing through his backpack, leaning over on the boat beside you to find the weed he’d packed, clearly set on corrupting you for fun.
“its the best of the best— like, perfect for a beginner—” he rambles, dumping things out his backpack struggling to find the small baggie of prerolls he’d prepared.
“jesus, jj do not corrupt the poor girl.” john b bites back the entertained smile, lifting his head from where he lounged in the sun to look at you. “you sure you’re okay with this sweetheart? can totally… you know, stick to what you know.” he shrugs, sympathetically and you shake your head, wide eyes finding the blondes.
“its okay, told jj i’ve always wanted to try. he said he’d hook me up.” you smile politely, still a little shy around the group.
“yeah but he’s being weird about it.” kiara glares at her friend with her nose turned up, nudging him with her foot nearly knocking his balance off. “dont be a creep.”
“look i’m not being a creep, alright! ‘said she wanted to try, and i’m being a good citizen and simply helping this sweet young lady out dabbling in just a lil bit of herb okay so i don’t wanna—” he dives headfirst into another one of his rants, but is quieted by your gasp when a couple of items fall out his backpack, including a gun.
“nice work.” pope shakes his head and your eyes widen, looking around wondering why no one else is concerned.
“why do you have a gun, jj?” you scandalise and he picks it up casually, flipping it in his hands making you shuffle away, jaw agape.
“gotta protect my people, what’s wrong wi’that? look i’m a pro at usin’ this thing— set up a little target practice in john b’s backyard and lemme tell you, i have quite the aim.” he waves it around making you stiffen up, touching his bicep to stop him from being so reckless.
“god, you must be careful with that thing. they’re dangerous jj! i read that these pistols just go off at random all the time, you could seriously hurt someone and i don’t wanna be the person who gets shot by accident! do you even—” you freak, and he turns his body to you shuffling closer and silencing you.
“shh, shh, shh, shh — hey. it’s all good. i would never accidentally shoot a pretty girl. trust me, i’m so careful.” he smirks, bringing the tip of the barrel to your lips making you freeze with wide eyes. to keep you there as he speaks, an arm slings over your shoulder, his clammy hand gently grasping the back of your neck. you know you should be scared, the boy seems reckless and unhinged — and worst of all, his friends seemed used to it which tells you he does this shit all the time — but something about it made your cunt throb, dampening your bikini bottoms and subtly pressing your thighs together as you felt your skin heat up.
maybe it was all the books you read, but you’d always loved a bad boy.
“seriously bro? you’re scaring her.” kiara complains, leaning across and yanking the pistol out his hand and shoving it back into his backpack.
fast forward a few hours, and you’re back at the chateau, the only ones inside in john b’s bedroom. you’re looser, high and relaxed from the joint jj had talked you through smoking — and now you were laying your head on his bicep, his free hand down your panties rubbing your copious juices into your swollen clit.
“cant believe you’ve never been touched like this, mama. been missing out on heaven, right?” he grins, leaning down to kiss at your cheek when your eyes flutter closed, so out of it and blissful.
“mm… wanted this since…” you trail off, lips parting and brows furrowing when he curls his finger inside you.
“nah, go on. since when… tell me how long this pretty pussy’s been horny for papa j.” he dirty talks so well you clench hard around him, working up the courage. it didn’t take much, the intoxication and lust making you brave.
“since you put the gun to my lips.” you admit quietly and his jaw drops gleefully, speeding up his fingers.
“seriously? damn i knew you were gonna be a freak. it’s always the quiet ones, always dude.” he celebrates to himself before staring down at you adoringly. “man, i’m gonna have so much fun with you, pretty girl.”
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badbtssmut · 6 months
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After Namjoon’s special tutorial, the guys have a go at fucking you.
Jungkook | Taehyung | Jimin
Contains: Freeuse, y/n gets fucked in front of her boyfriend Namjoon, missionary, pussy praise, rough
“You are really wet, y/n.” Jungkook said in awe as he stroked the tip up and down your soaking folds, his eyes fixated on the way your essence clung to the mushroom tip. The smell of your arousal filled the room, mingling with the musky scent of his.
“She was really excited to see you, Jungkook. She couldn’t stop talking about you, isn’t that right, babe?” Namjoon cooed, looking up from his book. Your boyfriend was monitoring the two of you, making sure that you were always having fun and that none of his friends went too far, and to guide the guys incase they had any questions.
“Yes.” You answered truthfully. You couldn’t stop fantasizing about the three guys, and now that this day was here, you couldn’t believe it. You could feel your heartbeat between your legs as the young man slowly slid the tip of his cock between your folds. The sensation made you whimper. It was both nerve wracking and exciting to have another cock besides your boyfriend’s inside of you.
Jungkook slowly pushed his cock in deeper, slowly taking it inch by inch, filling you up so completely. You bit down on your bottom lip, feeling his length slide against your walls as he buried himself deep within you.
“Ah shit!” Jungkook cussed, pausing as he furrowed his eyebrows together, his eyes shut. “Fuck, fuck, hyung, is she supposed to be this tight? Fuck! Oh shit, is she really gripping me like this or am I just imagining things because it’s the first time I’m doing this shit?“
Namjoon chuckled, his voice deep. He was obviously amused. “I think it’s a little bit of both, but yes, she really is this tight. Feels good, doesn’t it?”
Jungkook nodded. He didn’t say anything, he was still trying to adjust.
Jungkook slowly started to thrust in and out of you, his hips moving at a slow and steady pace, his face scrunched up.
“She feels incredible, she feels even better than I thought she would…ah shit! I want to fuck her hard, hyung, can I do that? Can I fuck her really hard like she does with you, hyung? Please?”
The desperation and eagerness in his voice was evident, and it was clear that he was holding back.
You felt a wave of arousal hit you at his words. This was all so surreal, but you weren’t complaining.
“Do you want Jungkook to fuck you harder, y/n?” Namjoon asked.
You nodded.
“Then you have my permission. Fuck her hard, Kookie. Give her a good fucking. Make her cry out.” A devilish grin appeared on his face, his dimples making an appearance. He looked so sexy.
Jungkook looked down at you, his eyes gazing over your lips, at which you pulled him closer and pressed your lips against his, kissing him softly.
His thrusts became faster and harder, his hips meeting yours in a loud slapping sound that filled the room. The sound of his skin hitting yours echoed along with his deep groans.
You moaned against his lips, breaking the kiss, as he thrust in and out of you.
“Jungkook!” You cried out. His name falling from your lips.
“You like that? Do you like me fucking you like this? Do you like how my cock fills you up?”
You were surprised at his words. He sounded different, a side of him you never got to see. He was always the quiet one around you, but this side of him, his dirty talk, the way he fucked you, you were enjoying it a lot.
“Yes, just like that, keep doing that.” You whispered, and he leaned in for another kiss. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pushing down on him everytime he thrust forward, and your hand tangled in his hair, tugging on it.
Jungkook moaned against your lips, and you felt him shudder as he fucked you harder, his hips moving faster and his thrusts more erratic.
“Pussy so good, so warm, so wet, feels amazing, it’s like you’re giving my cock a massage, so fucking good.”
The way he was praising your pussy and the way he was fucking you, his hips slamming into yours, his cock filling you up, hitting all the right spots, you could feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm.
He kept whispering dirty things to you, things that drove you wild.
The both of you didn’t talk, instead letting the moans and groans that escaped your mouths speak for themselves. The room filled with the sounds of heavy breathing, creaking, slapping skin, and moans.
Both of your eyes were closed, getting lost in the dirty pleasure, thoughts only on each other’s genitalia, Jungkook thinking about how good it felt to have your warm soft pussy clenching around his cock and you thinking about how good his cock felt stretching your pussy.
As he pounded into you, the bed moved and rocked beneath the two of you. Your hands gripped onto the bed sheets, trying to keep your body in place as his hips thrusted forward, his cock slamming into your wet pussy, his balls hitting your ass with each movement.
Jungkook’s pace slowed down, pausing as he panted, his chest heaving up and down, his breathing uneven, and sweat dripping from his forehead.
Your eyes were half-lidded, your chest also rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath.
Jungkook grabbed a pillow, placing it under your ass and lifting your hips, before he started to pound into you again.
“O-oh!” You shivered, feeling his cock hit a whole new spot, a deeper angle.
He kept going, his hips moving in a rhythmic motion, his thrusts hard and fast, his hands gripping onto your ass tightly, his nails digging into your flesh.
His eyes were glazed over, his jaw clenched, his hair sticking to his forehead and his muscles tensed.
He looked so sexy.
It turned you on, seeing him look like this, a completely different side to him. You glanced over to your boyfriend who was looking at you with a smirk, his cock pressing against his pants as he watched you have fun.
You moaned, your back arching and your toes curling, as he continued to fuck you, the pleasure building up in the pit of your stomach.
It took a few more minutes of silently fucking, until Jungkook spoke up first to break the silence.
“I’m going to cum, pussy is too good, can’t hold it any longer…” He growled, his eyes darkening.
Before you could say anything, you felt his cock throbbing inside of you, before he let out a long drawn out moan.
You could feel him twitch inside of you, before a rush of warmth filled your womb. His cock pulsating inside of you as his warm seed filled you up.
He groaned, his eyes rolling back, and his mouth opened, as he let out a string of curses, his body trembling.
Your walls clenched around his cock, milking him, and making him squirt out more of his semen inside of you.
As he came, his hips continued to jerk, his body shaking and his arms quivering.
Once his orgasm passed, he pulled out, panting heavily. His body was glistening with sweat and his face flushed, his chest rising and falling.
After that, Jungkook stayed for a few more minutes before you and Namjoon bid him farewell.
Your boyfriend wrapped his arms around you and kissed you against the neck.
“You didn’t get to cum, y/n. Do you want me to help you out with that?” He asked.
You giggled.
“Yes please, and maybe after, we can take a shower together? I’m all sweaty and sticky.“
"I’d love to.”
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jeanbie · 4 months
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pairing: eren x reader
genre: best friends-to-lovers-au, actor au, fluff mostly | warnings: fem!reader | wc: 2.6k
note: hey. i still love u guys and i am still pining over aot. will never stop probably. anyway, this was an older fic i wrote but i'm handing it down to eren! title is taken/inspired from chasing cars by snow patrol (my fav song)
⏤ Eren has had enough - it's been four months since he's last seen you, and he's not going to let his fame status keep him from seeing you any longer. He just hopes that you feel the same way when you see him again.
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Eren was taking a pretty big risk, he knew that.
It was risky taking any step out of his apartment at any moment; he’d think he was safe until he made it to the end of the road, earphones snug in his ears, and the flash of a camera behind the bushes in the corner of his eye blinds him back to his front door in a twisted shame. 
Granted, he’d expected it to be worse now that he'd booked a plane ticket and made a rather hasty, in-the-moment journey to the airport and on a plane with no layover. Usually when Eren takes a journey overseas, there’s at least one or two fans hiding in the corner of the suites waiting for him, or someone on the plane who’d recognise his face.
For this, he’d suck it up and take a photo. It was better to have good PR and be a little bit pissed off that he’d been discovered, than to have bad PR and to be known as the actor from Attack on Titan who didn’t give a damn about the people who essentially made him and his friends famous.
But Eren thought the risk was worth it this time. The plane touched down in a different country, and from there, it was an hour long train journey to a station he didn’t know anything about to meet a friend of yours he’d only seen in Instagram pictures.
You were at university now, a face he saw on a screen rather than a face he quite literally saw every day months before. It had been four months since Eren had seen his best friend, and fuck anybody who was going to make him wait a second longer before seeing you again.
You were his greatest risk, but it was worth it. You were worth it.
“Fuck, it’s insane to actually be meeting you right now.”
Frank is a good guy, ginger with circle glasses resting on the end of his roundish nose. He led Eren out of the train station, offering to pull his suitcase for him. “I mean, I’m a huge fan.” Followed by a sigh and a quiet, “Who isn’t…?”
Eren smiled at him, squinting in the sun as it hit his eyes in the direction of Frank’s face. “Thanks. I hear a lot about you, too.”
Frank grinned, whipping his head towards Eren. “All sexy and scandalous things, I hope. You know, none of us believed Y/N when she said she knew you. We thought the pictures were Photoshopped, you know how she is.” They both paused by the side of the road waiting to cross, “Shit, she’s gonna freak out when she sees you.”
That was three minutes ago, but Eren's still playing that sentence on a loop in his head. She's gonna freak out when she sees you.
He walks alongside Frank down one of the streets, past a redundant furniture store that quirks his brows. He’s missed it here, and how unbelievably, shockingly awful it all looks when you’re not looking at picturesque photos of it online.
“I thought you’d know that Y/N’s my best friend,” Eren says thoughtfully. He pauses as Frank does as a car zooms past when they’re about to cross. “I mean, people know. The photos got leaked, all of them.”
“Hey, give me a break,” Frank says dramatically. “I only really became a super fan three months ago. I'm more into Levi, you know how it goes. And yeah, I figured it out eventually. Finally, I understood why so many people at this uni wanted photographs with her and to be her best friend…”
Eren frowns. “Is it bad? She doesn’t tell me this stuff on the phone. I mean, they go crazy online when she posts pictures and we interact, but I didn’t…”
Frank shakes his head and grins at Eren as the words die out in his mouth.
“Nah, don’t panic. It’s not that bad. If anything, she might get a kick out of the fame. Trust, there’s always gonna be the girls who hate her because she’s friends with you and that’s like, what, threatening to their fantasy? But she loves you a lot, and a friendship like yours…it’s kinda like family, you know?”
Eren feels his stomach flip, butterflies going haywire. These butterflies are bitter and relentlessly fast, his heart racing that extra bit quicker. He likes the sound of family. He doesn’t like the way Frank implies it, because if Eren is ever going to consider you as family, it won’t be as his sister.
You’ve never been his sister, even when you became part of his family growing up on special occasions, or even just on a daily basis when you came to visit. There were times his family called you their own, but you were never his sister. It was different than that; you both knew it but never dared acknowledge it.
Frank makes small talk until they make it to the student accomodation you currently live at, and because Frank knows basically everybody, a student comes to the gate to let them both in. They’re nice and tall, wearing an Aston Villa shirt that Eren remembers looks a lot like your dad’s back in the day. Might be the same kind, might be a vintage.
He smiles at him, because maybe this guy knows Eren, but then the guy just turns back into the common room and doesn’t come out again. Frank doesn’t live here - he lives in a flat of his own around the corner, but Frank might as well be a resident here. He lets himself in towards the lift and shoots a text to one of your flatmates.
“Apparently she’s in the shower,” Frank says casually. He locks his phone, taps his foot as the lift rises, “Let’s hope she doesn’t stride out completely stark naked as you’re in there.”
He almost blushes, “Ha, yeah.”
He declines to mention the times you two have showered together, the time you went skinny dipping together when you were seventeen. Those were things that might end up getting misunderstood, and those are his memories he’d like to keep a secret. He says nothing, nothing but a thank you when he enters your flat with Frank and takes a different turn to the left whereas Frank goes right, towards the kitchen.
Your room is at the very end, your name on the door in stickers from a set you got from the market, and from inside, he hears the music in the bathroom. The door opens silently and closes with the same volume, and Eren manages to wheel his suitcase to the end of the bed and plonks himself down.
As expected from pixels on the screen, your room looks better in person - white walls and a bed set that’s white and covered with little peonies. Above your desk, Eren recognises all your photos together, new polaroids of you and the friends you’ve made at university who Eren always felt kind of threatened by. He smiles to himself, and rests his head against the wall your bed is attached to. From here, he can see the bathroom door in the mirror on the opposite wall, but he knows you’ll only see his feet when you come out.
Speaking of which; the song playing in the bathroom ends suddenly and the shower water has stopped running. Eren hears the toilet flush and his heart starts to race.
Four months of falling asleep on Facetime and texting when there was no time left in the day, and now, here he is, on your bed, waiting for you to step out and… And, then what?
Maybe you wouldn't even want him here. Maybe you were happier now that Eren was travelling the world with his other friends and film crew while you were still here, in a new city with new friends and a new life. Maybe the memory of Eren was burdensome to you. Worse - maybe he was something you felt you had to remember but didn’t really want to.
Eren's always been scared of the rejection he might receive from you. He might be a dream for fans across the world, but there’s a split second where Eren feels like he might not be good enough for you. He’s the world to other people. But you deserve the whole galaxy, and he’s afraid that’s something that he might not ever be able to give you, even with all the money and the fame.
The bathroom door opens and in two seconds, the light is shut off and he hears you sigh.
“Jesus, Frank, you gotta stop letting yourself in here without telling me,” your voice says. “Good thing I’m semi-decent. Usually I’m not.”
“No fun,” Eren teases, and silence follows. There’s a pause, and Eren cocks his head, his left cheek on his shoulder, waiting for you to click and appear in front of him.
Suddenly, he hears small but quick thuds across the carpet and Eren feels his chest tighten with a nostalgic feeling when you come into view with wide eyes, damp hair and nothing but a bra and those stupid black worn leggings you refuse to throw out.
The grin that reaches Eren's eyes now aches as he laughs at you, at the way you gape at his presence. It takes a moment, a moment of what feels like could be the rejection that Eren absolutely fears, but then you smile so wide that Eren feels it in his stomach.
“Holy shit!” you exclaim loudly, bringing a hand to your mouth as you hurry towards the bed. It dips beneath your knees and Eren rises up to a more comfortable position. “What the fuck!”
He laughs out loud, and when Eren wastes zero time in bringing you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
“Careful, my hair’s all wet,” you squeak.
“Don’t care.”
He really doesn’t. There’s probably going to be a damp spot on his clothes after, but that’s okay. You groan loudly with happiness as you hug him in return as tightly as he is hugging you, your weight on his lap and your arms around his neck.
Eren smiles so wide, sighing with content into your neck. Here, he smells the marshmallow body wash on your skin, the fragrance of your hair that kind of reminds him of Cabbage Patch babies.
“You smell good,” he mutters. You laugh quietly, squirming when his nose sniffs across your neck like one would kiss. “I don’t.”
“You do, you always smell good,” you reply. One sniff, he laughs, “See!”
“Mmm,” he plays along, “the sweet smell of planes and trains and jet lag.”
That makes you laugh, and at the mention of jet lag, Eren realises he could probably fall asleep like this given the chance. He has missed this, missed you, so fucking much. The emotions are overwhelming. 
Eren kisses behind your earlobe, and then just underneath your jaw. That’s new. Eren was always a cheek-kiss kind of best friend, but never this.
You’re not complaining. Your head drops to one side, almost giving him more access to the space free, and he occupies it. Those fucking butterflies; Eren feels sick with nerves as he kisses you, under your chin and across your neck, on that spot on your collarbone you found out tickled after Seven Minutes in Heaven in Year 8.
Maybe your fingernails in his hair are a way of you telling him to stop - it’s something he can think about tonight if he can’t fall asleep, something he doesn’t care to think about when he kisses on your actual jawline, to your cheek and the corner of your mouth, your cupid’s bow.
He moves away with a blush that matches your own, but maybe you can’t see his in the colour of your fairy lights. He plays with the dazed confusion on your face as he moves the hair from across your face to around your ears, smiling and raising his eyebrows.
“Your hair is so fucking wet,” he sniggers boyishly.
“I told you,” you shrug. You shrink, relaxed, “Fuck, why are you here? I mean, I’m literally so happy, but… Are you gonna get in trouble for this?”
“I dunno,” he admits. “Maybe, probably. I mean…the guys know I’m here. Jean drove me to the airport with Armin.”
“That’s not what I mean, though.”
Eren sighs loudly. “Yeah, I know. Frank told me all about the girls.”
“Little fucker. Is he here? I’ll punch him for mentioning it to you. It’s honestly fine. It's only a few. Most are really nice!”
“You’re my best friend for life, it’s important to me that you’re not uncomfortable by--”
“I’m not,” you assure him, hands trapped in his hair. You frown and try to change the subject, “Damn, this got long. Didn’t look long over the phone.”
“I've been growing it out,” Eren replies. “Heard you fancied Keanu Reeves, couldn’t handle the competition.”
“Ha!” you retort. “Simp.”
“For you,” frowns Eren dramatically.
Conversation fizzles comfortably, to the point where you both forget that Eren's underneath you and your legs are wrapped like a koala around his middle.
The fact that this is normality for you both is ignored. You’ve done worse things together. Eren even knows that the bra you’re wearing now is one he bought for you, half as a joke, half not. That could be why Eren feels the way that he does, why the confusion wraps around his body and traps him.
Eren knows that the butterflies in his stomach don’t just appear because you’re his best friend he hasn’t seen in a while. He knows what they mean when they flutter when your name pops up when you’re calling him, when an interviewer tries to catch him out by bringing you up in another interview that you don’t need to be mentioned in.
Eren knows that coming here was worth the confusion, and the nerves, and the fact that this will be a headline when it gets out. EREN YEAGER GOES TO VISIT HIS BEST FRIEND…BUT ARE THEY MORE? Or worse, NETIZENS HAVE PROOF THAT A.O.T EREN IS DATING HIS BEST FRIEND Y/N…
He doesn’t want to hurt you. That’s why he feels scared. For you to be scandalised by an article online that caught him out in his feelings, he knew it wasn’t fair. Eren might be too afraid to say he’s in love, and too afraid to find out if you feel it too, if all those years of confused relations and flirtations meant anything, but he’d risk those feelings and the headlines if it meant being able to spend one more day with you.
Eren's got a week and a half with you. Something’s gotta give within this week. He doesn’t want to go back to filming with more regrets than he came here with, and so for now, he’ll just have to swallow those butterflies back down when they pour out of his mouth.
Right now, he can’t afford to be caught out. It has to be said on his own terms, when the timing is perfect. It has to be perfect, because it’s what you deserve. It has to be perfect, because if it isn’t, then Eren doesn’t think it will be worth it.
Losing you to a headline and a butterfly is out of the question. You hop off him and shrug on a jumper from out of your wardrobe. If you noticed his unease, then you didn’t mention it. He almost wants to cry, wants the confusion to go away for the night so he can enjoy being here.
For now, he thinks as he follows you with an arm around your shoulders out of your bedroom and towards the kitchen to meet the others, he’ll just have to fake it 'til he makes it. Just like always. Put on a face, put on a show, until it all feels worth the spillage. He can’t let the butterflies escape yet.
It has to be perfect, and until then, he’ll just have to be patient, even if it breaks his heart more by pretending.
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coffeetank · 9 months
When you're writing romance, you need to have TENSION. Your characters need to pull your readers into the story with not just their dialogues, but also their chemistry. What is tension, you ask? It's quite simple. When two people are attracted to each other, or like each other, or are in love with each other, it causes a certain shift in the air. When these two people come together, they seem to outshine everyone else in the room and make it just about themselves (in a good way ofc). This shift in the air which hooks you into the scene is called tension. The chemistry that your main characters carry, will infact carry the whole story --- if you're writing romance, i.e.
How do you write this romantic tension? Well, as someone who's been writing romance for 4 years now, here's a few things I do to show the chemistry between my characters.
Show, don't tell: This is probably the most common advice you'll ever receive. And spoiler alert: IT IS TRUE. Any scene that includes an emotion will require you to show it, visualise it for the crowd instead of just writing it down. Romance, love, is a sensitive emotion. The readers need to SEE it happening, instead of just reading about it. Eye contact, long stares, switching their gaze from the eyes to the lips & back to the eyes, coming close for a few seconds, banter-turned-flirting are some ways you can show the chemistry.
Intimacy is key: Proximity. Closeness. Coming together. Put your characters in situations where they have to work together. Show their differences/similarities in handling tasks and make them argue or slightly quarrel if there's any differences and show them rejoicing if there's an agreement. Intimacy lies in more than just the body, bring out a quality in your characters, preferably a good one, in your characters when they're together. Make that quality their strong suit that drives them closer.
Words are sexy: Dialogues can create tension better than anything else (in my opinion). Notice how every time your ships/pairings are bantering, one of them ends up saying something sexual or romantic in a frisky way and we end up blushing like crazy? Yep, that's the goal. We absolutely love it when the guy says "oh yeah?" or ends up calling the girl a cute nickname while bantering. Dialogues can reach out to readers in a more personal way because they are the direct interactions between your characters. Make your OTP interact and have fun (pun intended!)
Add restraint: Sometimes, when the characters are almost about to kiss and someone interrupts them, we feel like throwing the book away. But at the same time, we want more because we want to see our characters kiss, or confess, or even get down dirty ;). You have put your characters in each other's close proximities, given them a driving force and added a razzle-dazzle with the dialogues and flirting! Yet, something is missing and the romance feels too....predictable? Put a constraint. This is especially important for slowburns. Personally, I love me a slowburn - it creates higher tension, emphasises on a foundation between characters and makes the kiss/confession/sex even more hot (again, my opinion). I suggest, a hint of a barrier won't do any harm. When you've reached the level of tension where it's normal for your characters to kiss or make-out, your readers are more focused than ever. Adding a restraint will make them crave the romance more and hence, stay hooked into the story. HOWEVER, DON'T STALL THE PROJECT. Just because your characters got interrupted in chapter 7 doesn't mean they can't kiss till chapter 15 or something. If they don't kiss in this chapter, they kiss after maybe 2-3 more chapters. You want to delay the romance only by a tad bit, so that your readers are still interested.
That's all I have for today! I hope these help you guys! - ashlee.
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devnmon · 8 months
The Staring Contest // D.D.
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Summary: Daryl tries to convince you to rest in bed with him, but when you refuse, he finds another way to try and convince you.
Warnings: suggestive content, 18+ | wc: 2.5k
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Daryl was bent over his bike in the garage of your shared home, tightening a bolt on his bike for what seemed like the 10th time of the day. He hadn’t realized time passed as swiftly as it had, noticing the light from outside had dwindled down to darkness.
There were two things Daryl looked forward to when the day came to an end: relaxing for the night, and falling asleep next to you.
His fatigue from working throughout the hours only sparked one thought: where the hell were you?
All desire to finish tinkering on his bike washed from his muscles. Finding you in the home you two shared was the only thing he could think about now.
His tools clinked together as he shoved them away in a random drawer of the workbench he’d been using, before turning to leave the garage.
It was nighttime, which meant you wouldn’t have watch shifts or be caught up doing anything else around the community for the rest of the night. Daryl wondered what kept you away from him for so long, recalling the very moments you’d search for him endlessly on days you were apart for even more than an hour. He knew in his heart, no matter how long each of you spent separated, that you never stopped thought about him throughout the day. His earth-like scent, and the way your skin littered with goosebumps every time he was in the room was so familiar and safe.
I keep you in the front of my mind, always, you've told him before.
Daryl sauntered into the kitchen, immediately spotting you at the table, nose stuffed in a textbook. His steps were silent as always, which was normal for Daryl. On a day to day basis, he was able to enter a room silently and unnoticed, unless he made it known.
But somehow, you always knew when he was around.
“Hi, Dare,” you spoke, without looking back at him.
"Oh, hey, sunshine. What's gotcha down here this late?"
“Just trying to memorize what we need for the garden, so I can help Maggie tomorrow. Wanna know these by heart so I don't have to keep looking back in here. Ugh... this small text is giving me a headache already…”
You didn't have to turn around to know Daryl was right behind you. His voice drifted, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, sensing him step closer to you.
You gasped lightly at Daryl’s presence surrounding you, his warm breath brushing the back of your neck.
“My girl,” he whispered in your ear, “Smartest in the whole world. D'ya know that's so sexy t'me?”
A chill ran up your spine from his gravel tone of voice. It was intoxicating, almost enough to pull your thoughts away from the very interesting plant content.
“Daryl, you’re distracting me.” you chuckled, still staring down at the textbook in front of you.
“Mm.. why don’tcha drop that book an’ come t’bed with me.. It's late, babe.”
“Cause if I don’t know this information, our crops won’t do as well and-”
Your breath hitched as his hands had traveled up your back, massaging your shoulders, thumbs pressing into your stiff muscles.
“Yer tense..” he picked up the soft sigh you let out, and continued, “Like that?”
You sighed, “Yeah… takes the stress out of memorizing all these facts just a little bit.”
Daryl could feel the heat rushing over your skin in waves, realizing so obviously that he was the cause of it.
“I could help ya take out more’a that tension. Happen t’know a few ways, babe..” he pressed a kiss behind your ear, beard hairs tickling your skin.
“N-No.. no, I can’t. I’ve gotta be at Maggie’s early to help her and.." his hands continued, "Oh god that feels good, keep going..”
In your train of thought, you’d forgotten how firm Daryl’s hands were; how they could always bring you pleasure, no matter how he did it. The paired silence between you two continued for a few minutes with his hands and fingers firmly pressing into your back, until his southern drawl broke the silence, focus breaking once he realized your attention wasn’t pivoting from the book.
“Can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but I’m gettin’ jealous of yer damn book right 'bout now.”
Finally looking up from the pages beneath your eyes, you chuckled. The obvious boyish smirk on your boyfriend’s face was evident as you turned your head.
“You’re telling me you're getting jealous over some plants? I hate to break it to you, but I’m not sure anything in this world gets to take your place.” You stated, almost turning back to the book for a second, before cupping his cheek to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“You gon’ lose sleep over this? Some silly plants?” He murmured, close enough for you to hear him.
“Hey!” you poked at his chest lightly, “Those silly plants are what’s gonna help Alexandria and Hilltop thrive. It’s not my fault I was blessed with a green thumb. Now, can you please go get some rest? For me?”
He shook his head lightly, scrunching his nose at the idea of not having your full attention. Daryl knew what you were doing for the community was important. He knew that.
But maybe in those end-of-day moments of alone time with you, was when he decided to be selfish.
His intimate time with you was one of his favorite times of day; lips pressed to some part of your body in absolute worship, even if there would be a mark the next morning. Perhaps in favor of a mark being there.
“Nah. Nothin’ better than watchin’ my girl be a genius. Even if I’ll be damn tired t’morrow.” The slight groan in his voice hints towards the fact that he’s probably, definitely been up for way too long hunting and running around Alexandria all day. Straining all those precious muscles of his.
“You’re cute when you're being stubborn. You need to get some rest, too. Can’t have those bags under your pretty eyes.”
“Oh, my eyes’re pretty, now? Saw you avoidin’ em when you kissed me b'fore. Tha’s how I know ya get distracted when ya look at me..”
Of course you got distracted looking at him. He was so perfectly Daryl with that mop of wavy brown hair, piercing eyes that shone as the sea does, and his rugged figure.
“Tell ya what, you win a starin’ contest with me, an’ I’ll go to bed so you can study. But if I win, you gotta drop the books an’ come to bed with me.”
It was then Daryl’s hands left your shoulders, thus your aches returned. He took a seat backwards on a chair across from where you sat you, while you glanced up at him.
“Now Daryl, you’re just being silly. What are we, teenagers?”
Being around you certainly made Daryl feel like a teenager, even in his aged life, which brought a smile to your face.
“If ya don’t wanna see my eyes, jus’ keep starin at that book, I guess.”
You scoffed under your breath, still staring at the book. Only his soft breathing could be heard from across the table. He could’ve sworn you were blushing, but your head was tilted downwards too much to be certain.
“Look at me, sunshine,” he drawled, while you sat too flustered to face him, “C’mon..”
Your eyes trailed up the leather on Daryl's figure, then the tips of his brown hair, the scar across his left cheek, meeting his blues softly. He’d registered the rose tint on the apples of your cheeks immediately afterward.
"Mhm.. So, staring contest?” he lowered his head, making sure you kept eye contact with him.
“I don’t get what the point of this is…” you replied pointedly, shaking your head, a bit amused with the whole thing.
“Point is… ya do this with me or else I’m gonna drag your butt upstairs to bed."
“What’re you gonna do if I refuse?”
You knew Daryl was absolutely capable of carrying you upstairs. There was no doubt about it, he was strong enough to lift you and it wouldn't take much effort on his part.
"When's the last time you weren't workin' yourself overtime for this place, huh? I think you're the one who deserves rest, sunshine." His arms crossed against his chest, muscles practically bulging from under the cloth of his shirt.
"So do you, Daryl. You're just too stubborn to admit it."
The archer sat in silence for a moment, knowing you were right, putting up a stubborn front.
"Fine. I'll participate in your little staring contest. What happens when I win, again?" You both know what'll happen, and Daryl scoffs.
Placing the book down in front of you, your arms rest on the table and he leans in a little further. His scent of pine surrounds your senses, faltering your gaze from him for a minute.
"This ain't gonna work if you don't look at me, sweetheart." It's like you can hear the shit eating grin on his face, and when you look up again, it seemed you were right.
"Let's get this on with, shall we? First one that blinks, loses." You tilt your head in the same fashion as his, lowering your voice a bit.
"Gladly. Ready whenever you are, sunshine." Daryl's drawl had gone from his normal volume to a gravel one. You can tell he tried to throw you off track with it, but nonetheless, the staring contest was on.
Your eyes met his, deep and dark in the lighting. How did everything about him compliment those damn irises of his? Just one glimpse of his gorgeous aura from across the table had you pulling away from your book for more.
"You're infuriating, you know that?" Your nose scrunches as the words come out in almost a whisper, delicate with the way you're letting your thoughts drift from just his eyes.
"Hun, you're not much better. Gorgeous, but stubborn as all hell. Think ya might be more stubborn than me." You hear the chuckle, and it takes almost all of your stamina not to steal a glance at his lips. If you did, there was no way you'd be able to contain your eyelids.
You know exactly what he's doing, playing on the way you melt at his every compliment. But you focus on his eyes and what you can see of him in your peripherals. His broad shoulders are scrunched, eyes studying your face.
"Are you trying to intimidate me? Cause it's not going to work.."
"Dunno, think I have a couple ways. You jus' keep on starin' at me."
You huffed a breath and continued looking into Daryl's eyes. He was intimidating enough that you had to find other things to think about rather than his. Because they were so... tantalizing. Electrifying. A simple glance of his would usually bring you, figuratively yet literally, to your knees. Ones that were met from across courtyards of Alexandria, or from the corner of a room during a community meeting. How you were able to hold off on crumbling under that same look now? You had no clue.
To your concern, you hadn't realized the falling of your mind into such deep thoughts about the archer. Your eyes focused back on the wisp of his eyelashes, before realizing his bottom lip was caught between his teeth. Giving his features a once-over, you peeked at the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.
"Are you smirking?" Your arms folded across the table and inched closer to him.
"What else am I supposed t'do? You're too pretty. Happens when I look at’cha for a long time." His elbows propped up his chin in those rough palms of his, and began inching closer as well.
“Speak for yourself, handsome.” It was almost a whisper, but still the tones of your voice caught him off guard. Daryl’s eyes dropped from yours, swiftly to your lips and back up.
“Wish you’d just let me win so I could kiss ya right now.” His deft fingers tapped on the wooden table now, eyelids heavy with impatience and a sultry gaze being shot your way. You want him to lean towards you, within just the proximity to plant your lips on his, but he sits back in his chair instead.
You whisper, “You make me wanna go back to my books and leave you hanging on this damn contest.”
Daryl shrugs, “Ya blink, ya lose. Them’s the rules.”
“I’m not breaking.. do with that what you will, pretty boy.”
“Mhm..." Daryl chuckled to himself for a moment, then stood from his seat. Whatever composure you were trying to keep from showing while gazing at him only overwhelmed you as he rose from the table. No matter how hard he tried, Daryl came off as intimidating, especially when he stood over you, like he was doing right now.
"We're having a contest here.." you began, "Or does you leaving the table mean you forfeit?"
Daryl's fingers dragged along the table, slowly stepping towards you with the same intimidating glare.
"Nope." He stepped behind you, grabbing your chair with both hands to pull it out from the table.
"Daryl- what're you doing?" You giggled, letting the book of plants fall onto the floor, while you were dragged backwards by Daryl's strength.
"If you're not gonna let me win, I'm just gonna have to take you myself." let go of the chair, and immediately knelt down to grasp your body from your seat.
"Hey!" Daryl's large, warm hands grasped your body, while you wrapped your hands around him in surprise. Upon your hands grasping at him, he got a face full of your chest, which he didn't mind at all.
Grunting at your weight in his arms, you turned to him, spotting the faint blush on his cheeks at the view he was currently getting. You chuckled, getting flustered yourself, but still pressed against him. He began towards the stairs, with you easily grasped in his arms. It was during these rare moments that you realized just how strong Daryl was, how easily he could pick you up and carry you without breaking a sweat.
"This what you're gonna do every time you can't convince me?" Your arms wrapped around his neck now, watching his face while he walked. You pressed a few light kisses to his neck in response.
"Nah, I'll let ya win sometimes. But this, you're gonna wanna be there for." The smirk on his face created a warm feeling inside your chest, one you wanted to give him, too.
Daryl continued up the stairs, down the hall towards the bedroom you shared with him. Your arms wrapped around the nape of Daryl's neck, lips peppering kisses across the expanses of his chest. Once he'd walked to the bedroom door, he kicked it open and made his way towards the bed.
He softly placed you down on the edge of the mattress, waving you to lay back on the bed with his hand. Daryl kicked off his boots, undoing his belt before crawling towards you on the duvet.
In a moment he hovered over you, smirk lingering on his lips like liquor.
"Now, I dare ya, take your eyes off me. See what happens."
You were in for an especially long night.
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A/N: Thanks for reading:) If you enjoyed this fic, please show support by reblogging!
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missmatchablossom · 2 months
Gojo x Reader Royalty AU | Part IV.
summary: you are a princess in an arranged marriage with the crown prince of the country, satoru gojo. after a long, stressful day, gojo somehow ends up at the door to your room at 12:04 am
a.n.: I'm not sure if anyone is still following this series, but if you are, enjoy part 4! I switched it up and made this chapter gojo's pov :) enjoy the slight angst + sweet fluff
tags: @lysaray @sad-darksoul
Gojo POV
12:04 am
I was exhausted. 
Weary to my bones after all the meetings and speeches and royal bullshit I had to deal with as crown prince. I rubbed my temple as I strode towards my destination, not knowing what I was gonna do or say. I just knew that I needed to see her, even just for a second.
It bewildered me how I could live so many years of my life just fine before she came into my life, and now I suddenly can’t stand a week without her. She pops into my head when I’m supposed to be focusing - in the middle of an audience, during a meeting, while I’m working - then suddenly all I can think of is her smile.
I released a sigh of relief once I saw the light still on in her room. She was still awake, even if she should be asleep by now.
I shook my nerves off as I knocked on her door softly. The one line we’ve yet to cross is visiting each other’s bedrooms. She’s practically moved into my study, and I’ve grown so used to seeing her on my sofa immersed in her work or buried in a book that I struggle to focus when she’s not around. But coming to her bedroom is something I hadn’t dared until now.
“Yes?” she answered quietly. I’d give over my entire kingdom just to listen to her voice. 
“It’s me,” I said, lingering by the front of her door.
“My prince? Come in,” she said, sounding alarmed. My sweet girl, always concerned about me. I didn’t know what it truly felt like to be taken care of until I met her. How happy it made me feel that she remembered my favorite desserts. How safe it made me feel when she never pushed me to share what I wasn’t comfortable with. How vulnerable and relieved it made me feel whenever she could see how I was feeling before I even know what I was feeling.
I carefully stepped inside, admiring how cozy she made the room feel. The fireplace lit up her space with a soft glow, and she had a book face-down on her comforter. I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with her, but we weren’t there. Not yet.
The tension on my shoulders eased as the ache in my chest grew when I saw her. She sat on the edge of her bed wearing the crewneck I loaned her yesterday, with a pair of dangerously short sleep shorts.
For once, I felt a loss of words as I wondered how someone could be so adorable and so sexy at the same time. Thinking about her wrapped up in my crewneck did things to me that I wasn’t sure I should ever voice aloud.
“You okay?” she asked, concerned etched into her beautiful features as she walked over to me. 
Lord, was she beautiful.
I’ve spent hours wondering how eyes could sparkle like hers. How her lips could look so soft and shiny. How someone could smell so sweet, like strawberries and jasmine and everything good in the world.
“Satoru?” she repeated, and I wondered how long I’d been staring. If I didn’t feel like shit, I’d be celebrating how good it felt for her to call me by my name. 
“I just wanted to see you,” I admitted, watching as her eyes softened and she gave me a shy smile. I felt like the richest man in the world when she looked at me like that.
“Bad day?” she asked. I knew she would accept whatever answer I gave her. She was easy to talk to. She made me feel safe.
I decided to be brave, and let her in a bit.
“I saw Suguru today. For the first time since he abdicated,” I admitted. Her hand immediately joined mine, squeezing it gently in unspoken support. I couldn’t look at her as I continued.
“The things he said…I could barely recognize him. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now, but it's a lot,” I said, not feeling ashamed at how my voice cracked ever so slightly. I still struggled to articulate my feelings, but somehow she always understood exactly what I needed.
She rubbed her thumb over the back of my hand soothingly as we stood in silence. 
“Thank you for telling me,” she said, her warm voice washing over me as I felt my chest tighten again. I don’t know how she managed to make me feel good about unloading my problems onto her, but she did.
I nodded, squeezing her hand back. I was suddenly overwhelmed with the emotions I’d been forcing myself to keep in check throughout the day. 
She looked at me as if she understood. And I was glad she did, because I didn’t have any more words in me. 
She released my hand, taking a step back and opening her arms out widely. 
“Would you like a hug?” she asked sweetly, and I did nothing to hide the shock on my face. I couldn’t remember the last time I hugged someone because I wanted to, let alone a time someone ever asked me if I wanted one.
I was scared. I imagined the weight of my problems and stress taking her down, driving her to madness. But she patiently held her arms out to me, and I wanted nothing more than to be in her embrace. 
I nodded and stepped towards her, my heart feeling like it could explode out of my chest. She wrapped her arms around my middle, pulling me in close. I felt the warmth of her head press against my chest, and I felt like crying. I could die a happy man if I could have her this close to me at all times, if I could smell her strawberry-jasmine shampoo for the rest of my life.
I carefully wrapped my arms around her shoulders, afraid of hurting her. I felt rigid, fearing I sucked at hugging and was probably making her feel like she was hugging a statue.
She didn’t say anything, though. She just held me close, rubbing up and down my back with her palms wordlessly until she felt the tension in my shoulders dissipate. 
I felt myself finally relax, and I leaned down to rest my chin atop her head. I dared to press a quick kiss to the top of her hair. 
I didn’t know how long we stood there embracing, I just knew I could stay there forever.
“I should probably let you get to sleep,” I murmured into her ear, and I felt her shiver at the contact. I smiled to myself, fighting against thinking about all the things I wanted to do with her beyond hugging. I made no move to release her from my embrace, though.
She pulled away first, and as I watched the way the firelight illuminated her face, I felt like dropping to my knees to worship her.
“Or, you could stay tonight,” and I felt my heart stop, while other parts of my body suddenly seemed wide awake.
My eyes must have been widened to saucers, because she immediately blushed and shook her head. 
“I’m not, I didn’t mean…” she trailed off, puffing her cheeks. Something she did when she felt shy, I noticed. And thought it was adorable.
“My bed is enormous. You could just sleep next to me,” she said, daring to peek up at me. I thought I was a flirt, but this girl could teach a class.
“And, you look like you could use the company. I could too, actually,” she said. I didn’t want to return to my cold, empty room to be left alone with my thoughts. 
“Are you sure?” I asked. I know she offered, but I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. We’ve never spent the night together before.
“I’m sure,” she said, giving me one of her devastating, full smiles. I knew she was telling the truth.
“I have popcorn, and movies!” she added, and there was nothing more that I wanted in this world than to spend the night snuggled up next to this girl.
“And, I have mint water. I know you're a royal pain in the ass and can’t drink regular water,” she joked.
I laughed for the first time the entire week, and the sound of her matching laughter made it feel as though I had no problems in the world. I didn’t have the entire kingdom of my shoulders. I wasn’t the crown prince. I was just Satoru Gojo.
I slipped my hand into her fingers, lifting the back of her hand to my lips.
“Thank you. You always know how to make me feel better,” I said truthfully, trying not to think about how hard I was falling for this girl.
That beautiful blush dusted her cheeks once again, but she recovered quickly and tugged me by my hand towards her bed. 
We settled under her comforter, and I was in heaven to be surrounded by the smell of her. She set the first movie to play, and when I extended my arm out to her, she gave me a brilliant smile before snuggling to my side. 
I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so much peace.
Here is the link to the part before this!
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gyuwoncheol · 4 months
Man On A Mission
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Pair: Joshua x f.reader
Genre: Fluff, very slight angst
Summary: Plans are made and the surprise is all set, but what happens when you’re suddenly refusing to be Joshua’s Valentine’s date? Will your boyfriend get your sweet yes in time for the big day or will he have to force it out of you? Good thing this sexy gentleman has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Warning: slight angst if you squint, lots of playful teasing, Shua and oc being menaces to each other, making out, suggestive content.
WC: 2.8k
Author’s Note: Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day! This is my piece for @svthub Cupid For You Collab - Valentine’s Gift Exchange. This is very much dedicated for my Valentine @shuadotcom 🩷 I’m so sorry this is late 😭 I would’ve really wanted to publish this on the 13th but your valentine has been very sickly these past few days. I hope you enjoy this as much I enjoyed writing the antics I wrote for you and your beloved Joshua. I love you so much!!! To the moon and back 😉 The biggest thanks as well to my dearest @wongyuseokie for being so patient with me and helping me out with all my questions AND for organizing this event! Ily 😘
Svthub’s Cupid For You Collab Masterlist
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“You can’t be serious right now,” you frown in shock.
“SURPRISE!” Your boyfriend exclaims.
You turn around fully to face him, “babe… I thought we agreed on no surprises? And no extravagant gifts?”
A cheesy grin flashes on Joshua’s face but when he notices how serious you actually are, his once excited expression starts to fall.
You really should’ve known that when you both agreed on a simple staycation for Valentine’s, your CEO boyfriend would do anything but. However, when he mentioned to you about how busy he would be this week trying to close a merger deal, you thought perhaps simple would be possible. So when he asked you to join him for a lunch with business partners in a fancy hotel the day before Valentine’s, you didn’t actually think it was all a trap to just get you both checked in in the presidential suite for an overnight stay.
Joshua observes you a bit more before answering, suddenly feeling embarrassed and scared, “do you not… like it? I mean, I can still cancel the booking and then we can go do—“
“Baby, no,” you interrupt, “it’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just… not what we agreed on.”
“Well you said you wanted a staycation, right?” Isn’t this what that is? A nice place just less than an hour away from the city, perfect view, nice amenities, a good looking boyfriend. But I mean, if you’re not into it, I might still be able to get us those Bali tickets I canceled last week.”
“You what?!”
“Mr. and Mrs. Hong?” The small voice of the hotel receptionist calls you both and Joshua is thanking the heavens you were given no time to further interrogate him.
“It’s Miss y/l/n,” you immediately correct her and Joshua frowns at how quick you were to dissociate from him, sweat starting to bead on his forehead as he ponders how his extravagant surprise might have really upset you.
“Oh, my apologies miss y/l/n. Anyway, I just wanted to inform you that your suite is ready. Here are your room keys and you will be assisted to your room.” You kindly thank the receptionist and make your way through the hotel lobby.
The elevator ride up to the top was silent and awkward. Joshua consistently bounced on the balls of his feet from nerves. However, when the doors to your suite open, your jaw drops and your feet automatically lead you towards the floor-to-ceiling windows that boast a 180 degree view of the city. You didn’t even notice the bell man wishing you both a pleasant stay or hear your boyfriend carefully approach you. You could see the concrete jungle of the business district yet so beautifully backdropped by the sprawling mountains in the distance. You never thought much of your city, it wasn’t exactly a tourist destination in itself, but now that you’re looking at it from hundreds of feet above, you realise it has a charm of its own.
“I take it you want to stay?” Joshua asks as he observes the glimmer in your eyes.
You finally peel your gaze from the view and turn to your boyfriend who’s carrying an apologetic look on his face.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he grabs your hands and sandwiches them between his, “I just thought this would be nice and I know you didn’t want to do anything big but I also know you like surprises and I just really wanted to give you the perfect Valentine’s I could pla–“
“Who said I’d be your Valentine’s?”
At that very moment, all color drains from your boyfriend’s face. His mouth is agape, eyebrows raised and eyes are round as ever. Complete and utter shock wash over him and then you see pain, his eyes show early signs of wetness and he starts to blink hard and that’s when you burst out in laughter.
“I’M KIDDING!” You laugh loudly, hands cupping his face and you just hear him take a deep breath.
“Babyyyy,” he whines and you’re completely melting at the pout etched on his face.
“Aww, babe,” you peck his lips before embracing him tightly. He takes a few more seconds wrapped in your arms, trying to let his heartbeat stabilize from the prank you just pulled. “I was just kidding. I think.”
“You think?” He pulls back and catches the mischievous smile on your face. “What does that mean?”
“Hmm… well for starters, you just assumed, you didn’t even ask me, and then–“
“Okay so will you be my Valentine?” Your boyfriend rushes out and if you just weren’t feeling playful, it would be a definite yes right then and there.
“I’ll think about it,” you shrug. “This wasn’t exactly how I thought we’d spend the holiday, you know. I thought we’d only meet with Mr. Min today.”
“Well, I had to find a way to get you to come here with me.”
“Yeah, but what happened to no surprises, Josh? Didn’t we agree on a simple Valentine’s, just a staycation? No fancy gifts and just our favorite food?”
“If you think about it, we’re still in the city, so it’s still a staycation. And we can still have our favorite food!”
“And yet… what was that I heard awhile ago? You had plans to take me to Bali? Hmm??”
“Okay, fine…” your boyfriend slumps in defeat, “but that was honestly booked before we even agreed on anything. And then I canceled when you said you didn’t want anything too extravagant. C’mon baby,” Joshua prods, his arms wrapping around your waist, “I’m still somewhat following the agreement. I just… I really want to make this special for us. Please let me?”
“Okay, I’ll let you,” you smile at the sincerity of your most loving boyfriend. You truly appreciate the effort he’s putting into this, but just like the dynamic of your relationship, what’s a romantic holiday without a little fun? “But I’m still not saying yes to being your Valentine… not yet.”
He sees the wink you just gave him as you walk away and he rolls his eyes. “So that’s how you wanna play it, huh?”
You dramatically turn around before letting yourself fall on the large couch by the living room, “oh whatever could you mean, my love?”
Sometimes, Joshua just hates how you may just be as mischievous as he is, if not more. But he also adores your playful side, especially when it makes him think outside of the box. When he sits beside you on the couch, he’s immediately pulling you onto his lap, hands roaming up and down from your waist to your thighs. “I’ll get you to say yes,” he answers confidently.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm… before midnight.”
“A deadline, I like that,” you nod in approval, “let the games begin, babe.”
Joshua scoffs, “they already have.” A searing kiss is delivered to you that you almost fall over if your boyfriend hadn’t had his muscular arms supporting your back. When you’re finally responding back, Joshua is surprisingly the first to groan, but could you blame him? Your lips were full and soft and it didn’t help at all that your hips have decided to grind against his crotch. He’s sucking on your bottom lip and when they part to grant him entrance, the CEO wastes no time in exploring with his tongue. He hears you moan once, twice, and then he’s pulling your pelvis down as he bucks his hips to meet yours.
“Will you be my Valentine?” He asks in a muffled rush while trailing down your neck, hoping you’d be caught off guard. But Joshua should’ve known, you took your games just as seriously as he did.
“Not so fast, baby.” You giggle, pushing him back against the couch. “You’re not gonna get me in one try.”
There’s a genuine laughter shared between the both of you but when you feel Joshua’s hand begin to pull down the strap of your blouse, you gasp in shock, scaring the man beneath you, “what is it?”
“Babe! I don’t have clothes!”
“Even better,” he smirks.
“No!” You swat his hand away when he attempts another kiss. “I mean, we’re staying the night, right? I didn’t pack anything. Oh my god! I don’t even have my skincare!”
“Okay, calm down,” he rubs your arms, “I have it under control. I’ve packed for you, yeah? Clothes, skincare, even some accessories. Just… except maybe underwear.”
“What? You won’t really need it anyway.”
“Joshua!” You scold louder this time.
“I’M KIDDING!” He laughs like a maniac, “I brought you… a few.”
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To be very fair with your boyfriend, he stayed true to his promise of a staycation. While the hotel you were at had a luxury shopping center directly below it, he knew you just wanted to laze around in the comfort of your suite. Room service was ordered for your lunch, you both watched your favorite movie on the large built-in flat screen on the wall and now, you’re sighing happily sprawled out on the bed wrapped in the hotel’s fluffy bathrobe.
“Someone’s happy,” Joshua notes, settling beside you.
“Are you kidding me? That was the best massage I’ve ever had in my life!” If you were being honest, your whole body felt like jelly, in a good way, it’s as if you could still feel the masseuse’s skillful hands kneading away the knots on your lower back. “I think I might just marry her.”
“Wow, okay???” Your boyfriend takes offense.
“If she asked me to be her Valentine, it’s a yes,” you stick your tongue out at him and before you know it, you’re smothered in tickles from your boyfriend.
“What did you just say?!” He challenges and you want to trigger him more but you’re simply reduced to a fit of squirming giggles underneath his muscular body.
Your wrists are conveniently pinned down above your head as you try to squirm away, your body encased between his legs, and a pair of scrunched up brows and pursed lips are staring you down, “Not until you say yes to being my Valentine!”
“No!” You deny him, “the more you tickle me, the more I’ll say no.”
This actually catches his attention and he lets go of you. “Wow, I didn’t think that would work.”
“I’m just nice,” he proudly grins, “and that’s why I’d make the perfect Valentine’s date.”
“Mhmm, probably. You are a gentleman, after all.”
Joshua wiggles his finger at you disapprovingly, “I believe the exact term you’re looking for is a sexy gentleman.”
You both share a laugh at the inside joke that began a few years back in his workplace and has simply stuck until now. “Speaking of,” his tone turns a bit more serious, “I know you just wanna be lazy in bed all day but if it’s okay with you, will you let this sexy gentleman take you to dinner tonight? It’s just going to be in the restaurant downstairs and I made sure to ask the staff to place us where it’s more quiet and secluded.” Big doe eyes stared at you and while you did want to tease Joshua a little more, the sincere look on his face proved too difficult to even playfully deny.
“Okay, I’ll go, but I’m still not your Valentine date. There’s still a few more hours to woo me, Joshua Hong.”
He scoffs and then smiles, leaving a kiss on your cheek before hopping out of bed, “I’ll get that yes before midnight.” It’s cool and confident, and somehow, you’re beginning to lose your resolve.
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“What is this?!” you gasp as you open the small hand carry luggage that your boyfriend had packed for you. It was the first time you had gone through it, completely trusting him when he said he had brought all your essentials. You also didn’t feel the need to go through the bag earlier as you had no plans but to live in the fluffy robe the hotel provided.
“What?” Joshua snickers.
You squint your eyes at him, knowing his agenda a little too well. “This,” you mutter coldly, raising up the lingerie with your hands. It was skimpy and it was lacey, and most of all, it was your boyfriend’s favorite. He tries to act innocent but a cheesy grin breaks out on his face anyway and you just roll your eyes at his antics. However, rummaging through the rest of the bag for underwear that had more coverage proved to be unsuccessful. “Just three pairs of lingerie? Nothing else. Really?”
“Hey, no! I packed four. Four pairs of lingerie. All of which are my favorite,” a boyish grin on his face.
“You couldn’t even bring me at least one comfy pair of panties for sleeping?” You pout.
“Not when we’ll be sleeping naked, no. But your nightgown is there,” your boyfriend earns another roll of your eyes and now he’s really giggling with mischief. “C’mon babe, don’t pout. Any of those four will fit perfectly with…” he runs to the closet and then quickly comes back with a huge white box in his hands that had a big black ribbon tied around it.
“Babe,” you gasp silently when you manage to open the box and pick up the beautiful dress that was folded neatly inside. It came in your favorite color and in a style that complimented your curves well. “This is too much,” you say just above a whisper, “I thought no more gifts?”
“Well, this isn’t really a gift. It’s more like… hmmmm…” your boyfriend purses his lips, “giving you something to wear for dinner. I can’t have you walking in the restaurant in just your lingerie! That’s only for my eyes to see!”
You should’ve been annoyed really, he was coming up with the most mischievous excuses to break the agreement you both made, but the way Joshua was pouting and huffing towards the end of his sentence had you smiling like a love struck teenager.
“I love you so much,” you smile and wrap your arms around your boyfriend, planting a kiss on his lips.
“I love you too, baby.”
And you both did, you really loved each other so much. Mischief and jokes were common between you and Joshua; he was equally playful as you are, but no matter how much you teased each other, every single ‘I love you’ that came out of your mouths was always said meaningfully.
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“Baby?” your boyfriend asks in the middle of your scrumptious dinner, “do you think Valentine’s is overrated?”
You’re slightly taken aback by the question, especially since the topic before this was how Joshua managed to win the chubby bunny contest during your friend group’s Christmas dinner.
“Uhmm.. “
When you realize he looked dead serious about his query, you give it some thought before answering him, “I see why it could be. It is quite a capitalistic holiday and well, Saint Valentine did die a gruesome death on this day, but I do think that if your Valentine is the right person, it doesn’t really matter if it’s overrated or not.”
Josh is listening intently to your words, his thumb slowly rubbing the back of your hand, “So… you don’t think all my surprises today are overrated, right?” There’s a curious look behind his eyes and your heart physically squeezes at the sight of it.
“Oh, love…” you sigh and scoot your chair right by his side, cupping his cheek and giving him a kiss that you hoped would wipe his worries once and for all, “You could’ve surprised me with a trip to the moon and I would still hop on that spaceship with you volunta–”
Joshua gasps loudly, “Now, how did you know that’s where we’re going tomo–”
“Babe!” you laugh and shove him lightly, “Even if you weren’t kidding, I’d go with you. I told you, even the most possibly overrated thing you could think of will not be overrated as long as it’s with you.”
“Ohhh, so I am your Valentine tomorrow, huh?” The proudest, most obnoxious smirk breaks out on your boyfriend’s face, his chin is held up high and one brow raised approvingly. It takes a few seconds for you but when you realize what he’s done— falling perfectly into his trap— your jaw simply hangs low.
Your boyfriend is quick to tuck his hand below your chin, “close your mouth babe, else a bug might fly in.”
You scoff at the remark but honestly, Joshua isn’t able to hear you amidst his cackling, and you absolutely abhor how he’s gotten you to slip so easily.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t,” the laugh is evil and confident, and you want to punch his stupid annoying grin away, “you loooooove me, quite literally to the moon AND back.”
Damn him, you thought, because he’s right, you love him, to the moon and back.
As if he wasn’t proud enough, your boyfriend seals your defeat by grabbing your neck to kiss you fervently only to then raise his fist in victory, “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, AND a Valentine’s date for Joshua Hong!”
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st-el-la-luna · 4 months
Syrupy Sweet: Nasty Baker! Soap x Reader
tumblr deleted the orgininal for whatever reason. Luckily I tracked down a reblog. Edited and added some new stuff (love tumblr for deleting my most popular post, rip my 600+ notes 😔)
NSFW 18+
Soap is forced into an early retirement. He gets a job at a small bakery. And that's where he meets you
➔ gn!afab!reader (described as having boobs & wearing a bra), creepy soap, pervy soap, obsessive soap, lust at first sight, non/dub-con cum eating, dirty thoughts, fantasizing, humping inanimate objects, coming in panta
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After so many years working in the military, serving his country. Protecting the people of the world from danger. The last thing Soap expected waas tyo be discharged so suddenly and with so little warning.
Too much time working with explosives has affected his hearing. A bad knife wound, or a torn Achilles tendon. A bad break that never healed right. A couple of head injuries too many. 
"An early retirement," they'd called it. Forced retirement more like it. They won't even tell him why, just that he's, "no longer fit for active duty," and that he should be grateful that they, "got him such a nice deal. That he gets to keep his pension."
He’s bitter about it, understandably, He likes his job. He’s good at it. They can’t be serious about this! His performance hasn’t been hindered. 
Regardless of the reason, in spite of his arguments, Soap is benched, permanently. Price is apologetic, Ghost is... Distant, though that's to be expected. Gaz promises to keep in touch. And he does keep in touch, they all do. 
But it’s ot the same. Soap still feels lonely. Bored. He doesn’t know what to do with himself or all the time he suddenly has on his hands. Doesn’t know how to operate without the adrenaline rush, without something to occupy his hands and minds. He figures that, maybe, he should get a job. A civilian job. Not one of those cushy desk jocky jobs Price had offered him out of pity, Soap wants a job far removed from the military. Really reintegrate himself into normal, civvie life. 
After a bit of searching along the drizzly cobbled Glasgowian streets, Soap finds a little coffee shop and bakery nearby. A tiny, quaint little thing, run by a sweet old woman who just doesn't have the energy to keep the doors open on her own. 
The place is situated on a street corner, tucked away from the busy traffic-filled streets. A soft bell jingles when the door opens. The sign is hsand painted. The place, though clearly aged, is well looked after, loved. The wood floors and counters shine; the tables and chairs, though antique, are comfortable, well made; plants hang from the ceiling; and a couple bookshelves line a wall, a leave a book take a book community library. 
Soap applies for the position and despite his lack of experience, he gets the job. Something about him reminding the old woman of her own son. 
At first, Soap worked there with her. Learning the ins and outs of the trade. How to make meringue and bread and macrons and creme brûlé. It's not easy, not at first, but with practice and time, he gets the hang of it. 
He figures it's because of his experience with explosives and chemistry. Baking is... Kind of the same thing. 
Eventually, he's left to tend to the day-to-day affairs of the bakery. The woman still writes all the recipes and makes some of the breads. But he's the one managing the front of the house. 
It's where he meets you. 
Sweet. Kind. Polite. Breathtaking. Irresistible. Sexy. You. 
You come tumbling into the warm bakery on a day when the weather is particularly bad, even for Scotland. Strong winds, cold rains threatening to turn to hail, thunder rumbling in the distance. 
You're soaked to the bone. Hair dripping. Shoes leaving puddles in your wake as each of your steps is announced by a wet squish. Your full cheeks bitten by the cold, fingertips numb, you offer him a blinding smile. 
He's more focused on your tits though. And your bra. Visible through your thin, now see-through, shirt. Black lace. He can see how your chest rises and falls with each breath you take. He can even see a small mole, or maybe a birthmark, on the swell just above the cup of your bra. He wants to sink his teeth into you. Wants to suck that mark into his mouth, chew and lick at it, make it bigger. Make it his. Make you his.  
He's drooling a little, he realizes absently. 
"Hey," you say softly, wiping at your nose with your sleeve. Hands curled into adorable little sweater paws as you try to wipe your wet hands off on your equally wet pants. 
Soap just stares at you, mouth opening and closing like a fish. Shell shocked. He... He’s never... You’re so... He... Holy fuck. 
Eventually, he clears his throat and manages a smile, stepping a bit closer to the counter so he can hide the growing tent in his pants. He forces himself to meet your eyes, rather than stare at your chest. 
But they’re staring at me, his innermost thoughts whine, wanton and airy in his mind. So desperate for attention... for love... ready to be suckled and bit and groped and pinched... 
Johnny leans forward, elbows resting on the counter and chuckles, flashing you an easy, charming smile. "Hey... Looking for something to warm you up?" 
Please say you've already found what you're looking for. Please say you want him to warm you up. With his hands. His mouth. His cock. Please say– 
"Yeah... Do you guys do hot chocolates?" 
"It's not on the menu, but I've got my own stash in the back," he says as he looks you up and down. But how could you blame him? What with your... everything! This is your fault, honestly. Dirty, dirty, little thing, wearing a white shirt in the rain. You know what you’re doing. Something sinister and heated bubbles in his gut. A thick, molten, syrupy desire, a primal need. A sort of instinctive pull, a fish lured in by the soft glow of an angler fish. A moth to a flame. Helpless but to stare, slack jawed, and fighting back drool, as you stare up at him expectantly, He smiles, his lips spreading further as he notices your flustered state, how you shift under his stare, biting your lip as he looks you up and down. Logically, it’s a nervous reaction. But, in Soap’s quickly spiraling mind, it’s a clean indicator that you want him too. "I'll make one, special for you, darling." 
Your eyes sparkle, your smile tears the breath from his lungs. "Really? Oh my god, thank you." 
Soap grabs a mug from the shelf and twirls it around his finger. He pulls up his sleeves, bunching them around his mid biceps. He flexes, purposefully, showing off the hard-earned muscles in his arms, the scars, the prominent veins, his big, strong hands. Hands that would look so perfect around your neck. Or holding your wrists. Or deep between your shaking legs reaching deep and good, far past anything you could reach on his own. He wonders if you’re a crier. He hopes that you are. 
Soap notices the way your eyes fall to the newly exposed skin. The way your jaw drops a little. The way you close your mouth. The way you glance away before quickly looking back. The way your throat bobs when you swallow... 
Holy shit. 
He can give you something else to swallow if you'll let him. Please let him. 
He rolls his hips against the counter and lets out a stuttering breath through his nose. His lips part. His tongue feels thick and leaden in his mouth. 
A moan bubbles in his throat, he disguises it as a cough. "Can..." He swallows another noise as he shifts his stance, achingly cock pressed against the teeth of his zipper. He makes a show of dusting the counter off, acting like he's tossed something into the bin so he can adjust his pants. "Can I get you anything else?" 
Your eyes, gorgeous eyes, scan the menu and the display. "A cinnamon bun?" You ask, pointing to the delicacy through the glass case. "Please and thank you." 
"You're in luck," he says, rutting against the counter again, as quick and harsh as he can without drawing attention. A part of him thoough, a sick, twisted, part of him that quickly spreads his mind like a weed, corrupting and poisoning, wants you to notice. Wants you to catch him. To punish him. "Just made a fresh batch... I've just got to head back and ice them." 
"Oh, I'm fine with one of them from the display, you don't need to trouble yourself." 
Oh, and how sweet you are... 
You keep chewing on your bottom lip. Part of him wants to stop you, tell you that that’s his job. Wants to bite your lips until they’re raw and swollen. 
He's fucked. Well and truly fucked. 
He smiles. You’re blissfully ignorant of the darkness lurking in his eyes. "No trouble at all... It's my pleasure." 
And it is his pleasure. Very much so. 
He comes out a bit later, a little out of breath. A little red in the face. A couple buttons undone on his shirt. 
"Hot in there," he says with a smile, setting the mug and a cinnamon bun on the counter in front of you. He sets another little plate down, a doughnut. Chocolate frosting with a cream filling, the sticky white substance still pouring from the hole. 
"I uh, I didn't order that," you say with a little, awkward laugh. "The doughnut." 
"I know you didn't, sweet thing... It's a new recipe I've been trying out. Trying to get right... Mind telling me what you think? It's free of charge, promise." 
"Oh," you blink, staring up at him with those wide eyes. God, how he wants to see those eyes watering. How he wants to see those eyes tearing up as you choke on his cock. How he wants to see you cry as he fucks you. You smile. "Thank you!" 
You pay for your drink and dessert and blink up at him from under your lashes. Your smile turns shy as you chew your lip. Stop it. Stop it. You’re going to make him lose his mind. You have to know what you’re doing to him. You have to. "Keep the change." 
He smiles. "Thanks." 
You find a seat in the corner and settle in the corner with a book. Soap keeps an eye on you the whole time. Watches you as much as he can without attracting unwanted attention. 
His cock throbs in his pants when he sees you take your first bite of the cinnamon roll. When you wipe at the icing with your thumb and lick it clean. He watches with delight as you eat and drink, rolling his hips against the counter in time with the bobbing of your throat as you swallow. 
Soap watches you with rapt attention as you enjoy the desserts. His lips parted, jaw slack, drooling. He wonders if he could convince you to lick it away. He is so glad that he stopped by the office to record the security footage. He’s going to be watching this over and over and... Fuck! 
With a final grind of his aching cock against the counter, his boxers are flooded with a wet, sticky warmth. He mourns it going to waste like that. His cum belongs in you. Your tight pussy, round ass, past your full lips. 
"How was it?" He asks, breathless, when you return your dishes to the counter. He shifts his stance, hiding the wet spot in his pants. He's not embarrassed that he came in his pants just from watching how your throat moves as you swallow. At watching the way that you lave your tongue over your fingers, licking the thick glaze away with a spit-slicked tongue. 
He just doesn't want to weird you out. 
"It was amazing," you say. "I really liked the balance of the sweet with the salty... Sometimes the sugar is just... Too much." 
"I agree," Soap says, breathless. He swallows a lump in his throat. "I agree." 
You become a regular from then on. He always gets you freshly baked items, from the back. No matter how busy. 
He's not supposed to alter the recipes. But he doubts the lady will mind that he made a change. All he did was put a little love into the recipes. A little bit of himself in the sour cream glaze. 
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Keep your eyes peeled for a part 1.5 involving what soap did in the back room!
Comments and reblogs help motivate!
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
PAC18+ Who Is Your FS? ❤️‍🔥🔥💎
💋take a moment to breathe 🧘‍♀️ Before I start this reading, I would just like to take a moment and say that I’m really going through it financially being unemployed and shit, I would love some bookings for readings even tips anyway that you can help I’ll truly appreciate guys thanks. Center yourself and choose through the photos. Choose the pile that pulls you in the most!
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👉🏾9 Of Swords, Page Of Pentacles, and King Of Cups.
Pile 1: It seems that Your FS negatively self-talk themselves. I won't say that they don't have any confidence but they just need to pushher on themselves. It seems that your FS doesn't have good friends around them. They got bad negative people surrounding them that just wanna tear your FS down. I can feel them wanting to cry but they can’t. So they cry in silence. They have the 9 Of Swords Rx. I’m sorry to them. Now they are curious and adventurous. I think that your FS can be a Sagittarius or a Pisces. Either way, they love to travel. But people stump on their hearts and they will still forgive these friends. I can see them trying to balance their emotions. But few of your future Spouses are well-balanced with their emotions. A few of you. But some of you, your FS are having nightmares. They just wanna wake up from these bad nightmares. I'm not surprised that they are drinking. Probably partying too hard. They are manifesting new opportunities in their life and wants a new beginning. Ahhh!! I'm gagging yes. The Sun card. Wow, they are moving forward. They are slowly moving. Either way, I'm guessing that they are a Capricorn ♑ Moon or Sun. Probably because they are workaholics and they drown themselves in their work. Like that shit sucks. I'm sorry. See! VAMPIRE! Like OMG! I wanna cry for them. They are getting drained. I can hear them say “Nowhere I can't escape.” I feel so bad for them. I can see them go through a dark place. So they talk bad about themselves saying “They ain't shit”. That shit is fucking wack. I don't want to say this but whenever your FS is in a dark place these vampires come in and take advantage of them. They are wounded. They are such caregivers. They don't like to disappoint anyone. No one they'll sacrifice their own life if they have to. Make sure that their Friends are good. That's sad because they don't check up on themself. They are an extrovert. Yes! Their personality is out of this world, you probably never thought they can do those adventurous things. They would always keep surprising you. Ahh, what did I say? Achievers wow. They are workaholics. They will get the work done on that day. It seems that your FS is aggressive and dominant too. I think that when they are confident, Their Friends be scared 😱 of them. Don't know what to say to them. Even when they are mad, your FS gives people the cold shoulder and yes they can be childish and petty. But they don't like to get mad 😡. That shit cuts them to the cord. Your FS had once loved someone before but they had hurt them. Yes, they are a bit of a control freak. They like things a center way. They are romantic as well. They would draw you a bubble bath or they like to draw themselves a bubble bath. Light up some sexy candles 🕯️ and just relax. Ahh! Your FS is your star family 👪 you both come from the stars. You guys are spiritually connected. This FS is an old man not like Grandpa but older than you. Wow, again False Disguise. Again these fucking pretenders! See they are walking on eggshells with them. These friends don't want your FS to see them as fake ass friends but they are fake. They lied to them, steal from them, and gossip about them. It's like they drained their energy. Fucking asshole friends. Your FS has karmic debts with their friends and business partners is what I feel. They got a lot of karma with these partners. See! I was right. Co-workers, business partners, friendships, and lovers your FS got karma with these people. These lovers, business partners, and friends are wearing false disguises. They are very passionate lovers. I don't think they are Italian but they fuck like one. They are always horny. Always. The second they see you dirty thoughts run through their minds. I was right. Karmic Friends they got a big lesson with these friends. I was right, Drug Abuse! Geez probably popping pills or again they are partying hard. They love to take things slow. When you guys are together. It's a very slow pace with them. Very slow.
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🔅7 Of Wands, Queen Of Pentacles, 4 Of Wands, and Judgement.
Pile 2: I can see that your FS is spiritually grounded or at least trying to be. I see that they are such nurtures, they like to comfort you. They like to be relaxed. So they'll keep you safe and secure. Wow, I think that they think about marriage or have a whole different perspective on marriage. In my opinion, Everything you do they wanna celebrate they love to be happy. Even for their enemies, they would be. They don't have enemies but they do have some bad people around them. I don't know if they know that they do. I can see that they do meditate a lot. I can see that when you both meditate you guys connected. Let me explain that. You guys visit each other while meditating. Ahh! What I say they are well-balanced or at least trying to be. I can see them manifesting you. I can see that they trying to avoid bad energy 🔋. I don't know if people using them. Yes! This FS is waking up. So again I believe that some people are waking on eggshells with them. This is a little tiny bit similar to pile 1. Wow, they probably are an Air sign. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. OR They have these placements in their chart. You knew them before in a past life and you guys have past life karma. I can see that. Lilith this makes me feel that they are probably a Lilith-dominant. They are sexy and they are not afraid to show off their beauty. Some of your FS is a pretty man. Or they got a body of a God. Very built they are. Works out a lot. I was right! People are walking on eggshells with them too. Their Friends are intimated by them. So they are aggressive and dominant. They don't play any games. They will confront issues if they see the issue is getting out of hand they will confront it. They are a bit of a control freak, I also sense a Taurus vibe from them. This FS is older than you. If I had to guess probably like 5-8 or 10 years old then you. They are dealing with a lot of false twin flames 🔥. Pretending that they are their twin flames but they are not. See they are draining their energy. Maybe some of you are probably not experienced. Some of you are virgins or not but you are going to lose your virginity to your husband. They are freaks in the sheets like they have sex outdoors. Probably lose your virginity outside. It won't be in the morning but at night I believe. They do have a romantic soulmate but in my opinion, you are their romantic soulmate, and vice versa. I think that your husband went through a lot of difficult situations in their life. Probably had a bad addiction or still going through an addiction. They don't feel like a man. I don't know what happened in their past. I will not dig into it but they probably suffer from depression. They emotionally eat. They are heavily passionate. They are heavily attracted. They would want that eternal love ❤️ but they have plenty of soul contracts with these false ass twin flames and other soulmates including you. For some of you, they probably are a big-bone husband. But they are good-looking no matter what size they are. Didn't I say that they are spiritually connected? Higher self. They are practicing self-control. Accepting the truth of what it is. They want a deeply happily ever after marriage. I believe exactly they want that. Solving issues, I think that they are making amends with these old friends and family too. They probably get cyberbullied by the media. Because of their platform, I believe that they get tease not in a good way. Maybe because of the way they look. Some of them might be too feminine or masculine or skinny or too big. People in the media are rude. I don't think your husband pays them no mind.
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👏🏽3 of Wands, 2 Of Swords, King Of Pentacles, and 7 Of Pentacles
Pile 3: I can see that your FS got a lot of money. I think that they can be indecisive. Sometimes for them, I believe that they like routes to keep them grounded. I can see that they are slowly growing their abundance back up. They lose focus quickly so they stick to a routine to keep them focused. I don't blame them. It's hard for me to keep myself grounded as well. Yes, they have money. See they are older than you. But not far old I don't feel it for this one. With the 3 Of Wands, I can see them waiting for their creation to flourish. They are always planning something amazing and they wanna share. Look at that! 9 Of cups, I can see them waiting for their creation to burst out. They are so excited to make it known to the world. But they are being patient about it. They are manifesting. Death card makes me feel that they are rebirth themselves. The Sun ☀️ card I can see that they are so positive and they have their arms open wide. I sense that they are strong believers. Page of Pentacles I can see that they are adventurous and curious too. They are making plans for their new reality. Wow, they are a hot nerd and also good-looking. They got hot bodies👏🏾. Awe Cancer ♋ Maybe they are a Cancer Sun, Moon, or a Rising. Awww such a sweetheart. Yes, they are highly intuitive. I can see that they are visionary they can tell something will happen. This shadow Queen is very draining to them. She is dark! I can see that this lady or whoever she is. She is toxic to them and I can see she wants your FS and wants to drain them. Once they have you, they will cling to you instantly. High Roller! They are drop-dead GORGEOUS!!. Geez!! They are an Aries Sun, Moon, or Rising. For some of you, your FS can be an Aries and for a few of you, your FS can be a Cancer. Erotic, they are highly sexual. They are horny. I can see that they wanna be your Daddy. Lol 😆. Didn't I say that they would wanna be married? Their whole perspective changed about marriage. I can see people might be scared of them. Walking on eggshells it seems like all the piles of people are walking on eggshells doesn't mean that they ain't doing any sneak shit behind their backs. They made some mistakes and they are trying to make up for it. If some of you haven't gone to prom they'll make a prom for you or vice versa. They probably haven't gone to their prom. Ahh! Right now they are a fuckboy. They are a player. They are very charming and good-looking. I told you that They have a new perspective on things. Changing their mindset, seeing things as they are. Taking a huge step back and looking at things with clear eyes. They are healing their inner child. Watching movies, probably Disney movies, and doing childhood activities. They've isolated themselves from people. They don't like people who are not honest about their words. They go through depression 😭. Once they fall they fall hard. With all the false promises people lied to them or they are the unreliable ones. I believe that when they are depressed they neglect their wounds. They don't like to face their truth😒. It's hard for them to admit the truth. They would love to make their own family. They would want everything on their own. Their kids, their own friends, and their own businesses. They just want everything of their own. Nothing else. They wanna raise their kids how they want to. I believe that they are probably a rebel. They are a homebody. They love being at home. I told you that your FS is older than you.
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