#the jazz cats
biggreenstache7 · 1 year
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Posting my compilation of Siiva drawings i did once every day for a month (until the channel’s 7th anniversary)- Week 4
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lackadaisycats · 1 year
Starts in five minutes! We hope you’ll watch and enjoy! And if you feel like saying anything about it online or sharing the link, please use the #lackadaisy tag! The more exposure this gets, the more likely we’ll be able to make more!
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deadsetobsessions · 2 months
Danny stared at his nemesis, slowing his walk to a complete stop.
“Don’t,” he pleaded.
The devil incarnate glared back at him, somehow conveying its disdain, disinterest, and malicious intent in one cold stare.
“I swear to Ancients-!”
Mr. Muffins, Jazz’s college cat, meowed loudly and slapped the glass off of the counter.
“No!” Danny dove at the glass, skidding across the tile just in time to catch Jazz’ favorite cup as tipped over and plummeted towards the cold hard floor. “Oh my- you little devil! Mr. Muffins, you little shit!”
Mr. Muffins flicked a tail and sat down calmly as Danny sprung back up to place the cup into the sink.
“You stinky bastard, Jazz would have killed me!”
Danny picked the cat up and held him by the armpits, dangling the cat. Mr. Muffins, no longer simply disdainful, meowed loudly and tried to wiggle away.
“Listen, here, Mr. Muffins- ah! No, you’re not allowed to run away! You have to take responsibility for your actions,” Danny slipped into Ghost Speak as he lectured Mr. Muffins, a rather harried look smushed across his face. He didn’t hear the door open, but he did hear Jazz call out to him.
“Danny, stop bullying Mr. Muffins!”
“Maybe if you parented Mr. Muffins right, he wouldn’t be trying to knock your favorite cup all over the place! If it weren’t for me,” Danny swayed Mr. Muffins, who had become docile as he caught sight of Jazz, like a fluffy and long pendulum. “Your cup would be pieces all over the floor right now!”
Jazz tossed her keys onto the table. “Right… and that definitely didn’t have anything to do with you putting your cup too close to the edge like I told you not to?”
Danny stared at her, mouth gaping in offense. Alright, so it did have to do with that, but it was offensive how fast she came to that conclusion. Danny said as much to Jazz, who smirked and plucked her cat from his grip.
“Have you considered that you’re easily predictable, dork?” Jazz cuddled Mr. Muffins, who was purring up a storm, and walked towards her room.
“Rude! Are you calling me basic?”
“If the shoes fit, Danny-O!” Jazz hollered back. Mr. Muffins mewed as if to punctuate her sentence.
“I hate that cat,” Danny grumbled, grinning fondly. “Now that you’re back, I’m gonna go visit Tim and Tucker! They’re over at Tucker’s for a project!”
“Kay!” Jazz yelled back. “Don’t run into to much trouble and be back before three A.M.!”
“Yes, mother!” Danny put on his shoes and started walking.
Danny, along with a handful of dumbstruck civilians, stared down at the unconscious clown. Then, they stared at Danny’s hand in shock and awe. Danny too, stared at his own hand, but in abject betrayal.
“Shit. Jazz is gonna kill me.” He mumbled, pulling out his phone.
“Hey, Tucker. Yeah, sorry, I’m gonna be late.” Danny paused, glancing back down at the clown, up at the still shocked goons, and sighed. “I- uh, knocked out the Joker by accident. Maybe broke his nose.”
Danny heard Tim’s muffled “WHAT?!” and silently concurred because what? He thought villains in Gotham were made of sturdier stuff?!
“Can you tell Jazz? I gotta,” Danny held up the phone, so it could pick up the loud sirens approaching his position. “Deal with the cops.”
Danny pouted as Tucker laughed at him.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 days
Prompt 319
Ghosts can retreat to their core when they’re hurt enough. Really, when they’re close to a second death, or in such distress that they risk shattering themselves. They, for lack of better term, hibernate until it’s safe for them reform, and continue on their way. 
Halfas are a little… different. 
See, technically, they can’t die. One half will end up healing or reviving the other. But, they can still retreat to their core. The issue comes from well, the living half, that is, the half still made of flesh and bone. Which unlike ectoplasm, cannot shift and meld at will, and in fact? Most if not all of it is, once more for lack of better term, shed. 
Meaning that halfas, should they retreat to their core emerges with the body noticeably… smaller. 
Now of course they keep their memories, their core would never forget after all, unlike the brain which relied on more… fleshy means. Not that the current halfas were exactly aware of that fact when they instinctively did so in self preservation. They are… not pleased upon their emergence. 
The woman who stole their cores- which were apparently sold as gemstones what the fuck- is… definitely not happy either. And- okay that is not their english, where the fuck did they end up- 
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vintage-tigre · 2 months
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onebadnoodle · 7 months
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funky feline fella
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demonic0angel · 7 months
Cat burglar! Danny (click for clarity)
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I had an idea where Danny gets adopted by Selina and becomes another cat burglar. Jazz would accidentally die while Danny was gone from Amity Park and then she would get revived, Jason-style, and mindlessly roam Gotham to find Danny. Cue angst and found family.
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yesterdaysprint · 10 months
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Evansville Press, Indiana, February 24, 1919
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soupinaboot · 4 months
Fuck it. Every Steve Harrington headcannon I have because I've been rotating that boy in my head like a pig on a stick
- Has had glasses since he was young but mostly wore contacts throughout high school due to being bullied in middle school for looking like a nerd
- Plays the piano or the violin, your pick
- In addition to the piano, he mostly plays jazz cause thats my favorite genre and I think it would be his too
- Has ALWAYS had horrible migraines but have since been a lot more difficult to deal with due to you know all that other shit that's been going on
- Does not know popular culture, I know it's very popular within the fandom that he only listences to what's on the radio or watchs only the recent released movies but that boy could barely name a single movie he does NOT know popular shit (this also goes with my jazz headcannon that he mostly just listenes to jazz in the car or at home)
- Surprisingly amazing at chess, no one in the party has managed to beat him
- Horror fan(books,shows,movies,etc)
- His best subject in school was math and I will die on this hill
- Between him and Eddie, he is the black cat
- Bisexual obviously, but a really do like the headcanon that he kinda knew he liked boys when he was younger and doesn't need Robin or Eddie to tell him(he was the one telling Robin that Vickie could like both just saying)
- Also asexual maybe
- Can cook
- SMOKER!!! He smokes in the first season, and in the third he makes a reference to smoking marijuana, he is NOT new to this
- Has really bad bedhead
- I can see him as having some form of OCD or ADHD
I'm forgetting most so be prepared for a part 2
Part 2
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satoshy12 · 7 months
Fenton the Neko/Cat family in DC.
Fenton the Neko/Cat family. They have the Ears and Tail (can be any cat from Lion, Sabertooth tiger or Cheetah) and rest is human. It lead to the comedic moment with Catwoman and Cheetah as they meet the children. Danny was easy to learn about as Model, Dani meet Cheetah as he hunted her down to explain how to take care of her nails and Jazz meet Selina in Gotham while visiting her boyfriend Jason Todd. The custody battle of 3 Cats. As they learned no person who can take care of them, in this universe where they were send by a mad scientist groups invention (THE GIW). Selina Kyle enlists the assistance of her ally, Bruce Wayne, to navigate the complexities of the legal dispute. Meanwhile, Cheetah seeks support from her old friend and nemesis, Wonder Woman. In the courtroom, Cheetah passionately argues:" Judge, she wants to domesticate them! They deserves freedom to roam and hunt with me!" Catwoman retorts, "Release them to become prey for dangerous creatures? How could you be so reckless? They need to be home and be save!" Diana, observing the exchange, sighs and interjects, "Really, you two?" Batman:" I never wanted any part in this, Diana."
++++ Batman after a talk with the Cat family, kind of liked the family and had no problem with them staying in Gotham. The 2 Cat twins don't want to be Heroes or similiar! Stay civilians! From their older sister Jazz going to Collage, Danny model carrier and Dani just want to have fun, food and games. Only reason why Bruce didn't Batdopted them was because of Jazz. Jazz was dating Jason, and he talked about marriage. Bruce was already with Alfred planning a wedding.
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lackadaisycats · 1 year
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Lackadaisy Rhapsody ~
The Official LACKADAISY Pilot Soundtrack is now up on YouTube, accompanied by animations of the Lackadaisy Speakeasy house band!
Watch it here!
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abrielarnold · 1 year
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Been reading Ghosting by Night_Fracturer (danny+trust issues+ persistent friends=every chapter is an absolute delight)
(no one knows, feral danny, really really good reveals. danny can like being phantom more than fenton. as a treat.)
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mostly-him · 1 year
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"We don't have a cat" 😱
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puppetmaster13u · 23 days
Prompt 305
So. Uh. Danny feels like laughing hysterically, because? Ghostwriter was doing a thing, and one of Pandora’s curses escaped and erm, well, now the six of them are in a whole other dimension. At least this place has a lot of abandoned warehouses but still. And well, he guesses he’s no longer the only ‘monster’ now? 
But seriously they all need to find a way back home sooner rather than later, even if they might now be stuck in this world… Fuck.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Beans 🐾
As soon as Danny arrived in Gotham he noticed something very curious about it vigilantes: Although they were called "bats" and their leader seemed to be "Batman" they used toe beans on their costumes!
From what Danny could make out, they were used to reduce the impact when they fell from ceilings or high places. But it was still quite shocking to watch! Even though they all had different types of suits and sizes, they still seemed to include the beans!!
Honestly, Danny couldn't take Red Hood very seriously when he asked him who he was and pointed his adorable gloves at him (he looked like a kitten!!!), the halfa couldn't help but say aww to the bat-cat.
For their part, the bats had added toe beans under Selina's influence. They found them useful, although they seemed to be distracting the meta that recently settled in Gotham! How were they going to ask him questions if he was always imitating kittens and getting distracted when talking to them!?
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aubryjoi · 4 months
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Retro long cats 💜💙
Available now for a limited time! ⭐️
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