#the lighting and backgrounds really help set the atmosphere
your-friend-bram · 11 months
Has anybody seen the Red and Black ballet? It's based more on Coppola's Dracula film more than the book, but it's still gay as hell and has an amazing sense of horror.
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lynk-zee · 29 days
hey lynkzee!
you know how in Exclusive Tutorial (mild spoiler) Zayne says "provocation doesn't work on me?" What if the reader takes that very personal, as a challenge.... Doesn't have to be within that card's context either.
Spicy but marked NSFW to be safe!
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It had been bothering you for months. Ever since the exclusive tutorial Zayne gave you at the billiards table, you couldn’t get his stupid words out of your head.
“Provocation doesn’t work on me.”
By who? Was that a challenge? This sentence kept repeating itself over and over in your head, even as you sleep. Did he really think you weren’t sexy enough to be persuaded?
Maybe sexiness wasn’t the issue. Zayne clearly loves your body. He wouldn’t be fucking you every day if he didn’t. Maybe it was the fact that he wouldn’t break…Even if it was you. Maybe that’s what bothered you.
So, you made it your mission tonight. Provocation doesn’t work on him? So you’ll make him beg. Tonight he has another dinner party with his co-workers at a luxury club. This time, you were going all out.
Red fabric dripped off your skin in sultry waves. You were the sexiest you’ve ever been, you felt like a sensual deity. When you opened the door for Zayne who was going to pick you up for the party, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you. His face blanked, a hot flush filling his cheeks.
“You like?” You did an innocent twirl for him, your scent wafting into his flared nostrils. Was that a new perfume? And— god, the oil you glazed your skin with smelt like honey. You countenance was downright sexual. He felt like he could barely breathe in your presence.
“You’re gorgeous…” He murmured. You fought down a smirk as his hands drifted up your forearm in light grazes. Your skin against his was magnetic. And there was faint music in the background he could discern. Was that to set the mood? He cleared his throat. “We should go…”
You pout, your tantalizing red lips making him lick his own as his throat dried. You fluttered your butterfly eyelashes. “I don’t want to anymore…”
It was only then he realized the room was dimly lit by candles, red petals scattered on the floor. He swallowed thickly. “Were those the roses I bought for you last week…”
“Yes…They were wilting…I wanted to repurpose them for something better…”
At that point he knew it was a trap. But he couldn’t help but be drawn in.
You hummed. Everything was set up perfectly. Dimmed lighting, sensual music, a romantic atmosphere. And you, the grand feast. You pouted up at him again and whispered, “I don’t want to go anymore…”
Zayne’s lips parted as he sucked in a breath, the surrounding atmosphere blurring until he could only see you, your pouty lips, and your salacious outfit. Your voice oozed sex as you whined how badly you wanted to stay home. With him. His icy demeanor started cracking under the heat.
You stepped closer, making him gulp audibly. With a dainty hand, you smoothed out the expensive fabric of his tailored vest, your fingers making their way up to graze his neck. “The party will be so boringgg…” You whine softly, your desperate voice turning his ears pink. You caressed his jaw. “You’d have so much more fun here…With me…Come on, I’ll show you where the rest of the rose petals are.”
He gripped your hand, trying to steady himself through the dizzying lust. Zayne closed his eyes to regain his composure and he looked at you. “The others are waiting…”
“But I’m here right now…” You pressed closer, chest to chest as you leaned your head against his shoulder. “I’m here…” You whispered. “I’m much more interesting than your co-workers…”
“You are..” He gritted out. Zayne tried to ignore how dangerously close your hands were to his hips, tracing circles. “Come. We made a promise.”
“You made a promise to me…To show me you love me, that you want me with every fiber of your being, until the end of time…” You bit your lip, fluttering your eyelashes at him with doe eyes. “Isn’t that more important…” You pull him down by his necktie as you lean up, whispering hotly into his ear. “…Sir?”
At that moment, he kicked your front door shut and threw you over his shoulder to head to the bedroom. You silently cheered, but your celebration was cut short by a slap to the ass.
Turns out provocation does work on Zayne.
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itaipava · 5 months
— domestic mornings with f1 boys.
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waking up around the same time. sleepily tugging and poking at each other until one relents and turns over to switch the alarm off. him talking about how you both have so many things to do and should get up soon, but holding you tighter and refusing to let go. doing your own morning routines at your own pace. exchanging playful grins and teasing words when you pass by each other. music playing in the background. random little duets or dance-offs in the living room before going “okay, stop, we don’t have time.” occasionally bickering when he blasts loud his favorite songs, disturbing the peaceful morning. always remembering to give each other ‘have a good day’ kiss and saying ‘i love you’.
actually waking up early but spending about an hour in bed, being lazy together. very playful and light-hearted mornings. lightly kicking or pushing each other and accusing the other of stealing the covers or taking up all the space. ruffling each other’s hair to mess it up even more. changing cuddling positions every minute. watching tiktok or youtube videos while leaning against his chest. fighting about who showers first so that the other gets extra minutes of time to be lazy on bed; eventually deciding to settle it like adults — by playing rock-paper-scissors.
waking up to the smell of breakfast that he’s making. making your way into the kitchen and giving him a back hug while he cooks. ending up having a short nap against his back. him intentionally leaning his head backwards to lightly bump your head with the back of his head when he knows you’ve fallen asleep. small talks in the kitchen while listening to jazz. eating breakfast together; him giving you more from his plate when you seem like you’re enjoying the food. more chitchat about your day ahead. the kitchen and the little breakfast nook being your bonding place in the morning; afterwards, doing your own things, the atmosphere soft, peaceful, and filled with blissful quietness.
him setting the alarm on vibration mode so as not to disturb your sleep. him pressing a soft kiss on your forehead or shoulder before beginnning to move away, and you gently reaching for his hand, still half asleep, before letting him go. sending each other texts even though you’re in the same house/apartment. him coming back into the room with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee for you. reminding each other things throughout the morning: “did you take your vitamins?” “don’t forget it’s going to rain later!” “i put the extra charger in your bag.”
him waking up earlier and making sure to adjust the covers over you so that you’re warm. waking up to the sound of him returning home from a jog or gym. him greeting you with a ‘good morning, baby’ and a quick kiss on top of your head. taking a shower together. having really good talks in the shower while rubbing each other’s backs with lather and getting carried away before realizing that you’re going to be late, so now you’re hurriedly rinsing yourselves. him offering you a towel first and instinctively holding your hand so that you don’t slip while getting out of the shower. quick but lingering little nose rubs before leaving the house, already looking forward to coming home to each other.
taking turns to snooze the blaring alarm at least six times before even considering waking up. him reaching out to cuddle you closer, telling himself it’s just for five more minutes, but dozing off again as soon as he’s comfortable with you in his arms. soft, languid kisses on each other’s bodies. sleepy ‘i love you’s.’ offering suggestions when you’re having trouble picking outfits. helping each other with zippers and buttons while dressing.
being naturally in sync in the morning. waking up together to the sound of the alarm set for you both. him giving you a one-handed neck massage when you sit side-by-side on the bed, while also trying to shake his own sleepiness away. making the bed together and both plopping on the freshly-made bed for one last brief morning cuddle and kiss before really getting up. brushing teeth together and making funny faces at each other in the mirror. then proceeding to bicker about whose turn it is to do the dishes or laundry for the day.
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dreamscribee · 17 days
⚝Comfort in Love⚝
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✮ Husband Nanami Kento x grumpy wife reader
✮ Sumarry: After a long, challenging day, Nanami returns home and goes above and beyond to bring comfort and happiness to his beloved wife, demonstrating the depth of his love and care.
✮ Word count: 627 (words), 3,587 (characters)
After a long day at work, Nanami finally arrived home, his heart yearning for the warmth and comfort of his beloved wife. As he stepped through the door, he was met not with the anticipated embrace of his partner but with the sight of his grumpy wife on the couch, your expression filled with frustration and exhaustion.
"Hello, love. Rough day?" Nanami asked softly, his voice laced with concern as he approached you.
Without lifting your gaze, you responded with a curt, "Don't want to talk about it."
Understanding your need for space, Nanami offered a sympathetic nod before wandering into the kitchen. Despite his own exhaustion, his thoughts were consumed with your well-being. He knew that your happiness was more important, and so he set to work, preparing your favorite meal in an effort to make his grumpy wife feel better.
The aroma of the cooking filled the air, a comforting scent that made the tense atmosphere of the house more tranquil. As he prepped the food, deep thoughts took hold of Nanami, considering other ways to improve your night.
With the food finally ready, Nanami carefully plated the dish, arranging it with precision and care. As he made his way back to the living room, hopeful that his efforts would bring a smile to your face.
"I made your favorite, darling. Hope it's to your liking," Nanami murmured softly, his eyes filled with love as he offered you the plate.
Though your demeanor remained somber, a flicker of gratitude shone in your eyes as you accepted the meal. "Thank you, Nami," you replied, your voice tinged with warmth as you took your first bite.
Determined to continue lavishing you, Nanami began to bring his thoughts to life. He knew that a delicious meal was but a temporary relief.
Nanami drew a warm bath, infusing it with your favorite bath salts and lighting candles to cast a soft, ethereal glow.
Once everything was prepared to perfection, Nanami approached his wife with a gentle smile, his heart brimming with affection. "Come on, my love. I've prepared a bath for us to take," he whispered, his voice a tender caress.
A spark of curiosity ignited in your eyes as you looked up at him, a hint of excitement dancing in your gaze. "Really, Nami? That sounds perfect," you replied, a soft smile gracing your lips.
With a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins, Nanami led you to the bathroom, his hand clasped firmly in yours. As they stepped into the warm embrace of the water, a sense of serenity washed over them, washing away the troubles of the day.
For a blissful moment, they simply existed in each other's presence, their worries and cares fading into the background. As the water lapped gently against their skin, Nanami felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over him, thankful for the gift of your love and companionship.
"Thanks again, Nami, for making me feel better. I really needed this," you murmured softly, your eyes brimming with affection as you look up at him.
"You don't need to thank me, darling. It's my job," Nanami replied, his voice a gentle whisper as he reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from your face.
And so, they lingered in the warmth of the bath, their bodies intertwined in a silent embrace. After helping you into your nightclothes, Nanami tucked you into bed, his touch a tender caress against your skin.
"Goodnight, my love. Tomorrow will be a better day. I love you," he whispered, his voice a soothing melody in the darkness.
"Goodnight, Nami. Love you too," you murmured softly, your words a promise of tomorrow's light. A kiss was shared, and with that, they drifted off to sleep.
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sebstanaddict · 7 months
The Prettiest Girl
Sebastian Stan x Reader One Shot
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Summary: When you interview Sebastian Stan but all he wants is to flirt with you 🤭
A/N : I've been wanting to write this for a while. It's just a little something I wrote for fun. Hope it brings a smile to your face 😊
Warning : just pure fluff and maybe A Different Man spoiler although the movie isn't even out yet, so 😆
Word count: 2.9k
My other one shots >
Soho, New York - November 11th 2023 - 3.50 pm
Millions of soft icy particles fell from the heavens down to the earth on that fateful Saturday afternoon in Soho, New York. They covered everything from trees, buildings, pavements and the top of people's heads. Some had stuck on one particular window of an apartment and created beautiful patterns.
Y/n looked out the window and smiled. It had been snowing all day and it didn't look like it was going to stop soon. Everything looked white and the atmosphere felt serene and beautiful. Despite the cold she had always loved looking at snow and playing with them. She couldn’t wait to go out and make some snow men at the nearest park once the snow had stopped falling. But now she had a job to do.
She sat at her working corner in her bedroom and turned the laptop on. Moments later she opened the zoom application and started setting up her webcam so it showed her clearly with one of the walls in her bedroom as the background. She tidied her hair a little and fixed her white buttoned up blouse so that she looked presentable. Satisfied with how she looked, she entered the empty virtual room in the zoom application.
Her heart rate started to rise as she looked at her laptop screen. As a senior editor at one of the world’s top entertainment media, she was used to interviewing many celebrities. But that afternoon she was scheduled to interview the Hollywood A List actor and Marvel star Sebastian Stan, someone whom she had been in love with for quite some time. Despite having worked at the entertainment media for ten years, it was the first time she got the chance to interview Sebastian and she couldn’t help but feel very nervous about it.
She picked up the paper which had a list of questions she was going to ask him as well as some facts about his upcoming movie. Yes, one of the reasons for the interview was for him to promote the new movie. She had seen the movie and it was quite an interesting movie. She couldn’t wait to hear from him more about it.
She was re-reading the third question when the screen in front of her flickered and Sebastian’s face was shown on the screen.
“Hello!” Sebastian smiled wide and greeted her, making butterflies fly around in her stomach. How could someone look so gorgeous? She pondered as she stared at the screen and admired his beautiful face. Sebastian had let his hair grow but not that much. It was short but fluffy at the top. He had a very light layer of stubble like he just shaved yesterday. But of course it was his ocean blue eyes that mesmerized her the most.
“Hello Y/n.. earth to Y/n. Can you see me? Can you hear me?” Sebastian asked and she blinked several times, finally snapping out of being drowned in his gorgeous eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I can see you. I can hear you. Sorry.” She blushed as he smiled again at her.
“Oh okay, that’s good. I'm sorry but I'm currently traveling and I'm stuck in traffic right now. So if I get disconnected or something it's ‘cause I'm on the road.” He said as he turned his camera around making her see that he was in a car.
“Oh okay. You know if it's a bad time, we can do this later.” She suggested.
“Oh no, it's okay. I mean as long as it's not two hours long. You know.” He chuckled.
“Oh of course not. Depending on your answers this could take half an hour to an hour at most.” She replied.
“Alright. I'll try to keep my answers short.” He said.
“Well, if you need to elaborate please feel free to do that.”
“Yeah.. yeah.. of course.” He smiled and for a second she could see like he was really seeing her for the first time.
“You look great by the way.” He winked and she felt like her heart leapt out of her chest.
“Uh.. thank you.You look great yourself.” She blushed yet again that she was sure she looked as red as a tomato.
“Oh, thank you.. “ He smiled shyly and she could see that he was blushing too. She loved how he could sometimes be uncomfortable when people compliment him. It was so endearing to her.
“Anyway, how are you? How is Atlanta?” she asked. As it happened, Sebastian was in Atlanta to shoot the next Marvel movie.
“I’m good, thanks. Atlanta is, well, it’s been cold but not that cold. We’ve been shooting indoors a lot with wires and stuff. It’s been hard and exhausting. But, you know, I shouldn’t complain. I really shouldn’t. It’s been great fun.” He replied.
“Can you tell me if Anthony is there?” she asked with a small smile on her lips.
“You know I can’t tell you that. I signed an NDA! I can’t.” He chuckled.
“But.. maybe off the record I can tell you. Later on.” He winked again and she felt butterflies yet again. She couldn’t believe how flirty he was to her.
“Okay, anyway, are you ready?” She asked.
“Yes, of course. Go on.” He smiled and she felt butterflies again in her stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea. She thought as she tried to compose herself.
“Good afternoon, Sebastian.” She finally greeted him after hitting the record button and smiled at him.
“Good afternoon!” He answered, smiling wide at her.
“Thank you for doing this for us and giving your time amidst your busy shooting schedule.” She said.
“Oh no, thank you for allowing me to do this.” He said and she nodded.
“So, Sebastian, you have a new movie releasing soon called A Different Man, directed by Aaron Schimberg starring yourself, the Norwegian break out actress Renate Reinsve and the British actor Adam Pearson.” She said and this time he nodded.
“I had the privilege to see it yesterday thanks to you and the director Aaron, and I must say that it is a very interesting and out of the box movie. Could you tell me how you got involved with it?” She asked.
“Oh yeah. My agent sent me the script and I think it was such an interesting script. I mean, it’s very rare to see movies with this subject matter. The director Aaron had done another movie before this called Chained For Life that had a similar subject matter. In that movie he also cast Adam. And I watched the movie and I fell in love with it. The way Aaron told the story was very unique. I haven’t seen anything like it in a long while. And yeah, I thought that the movie was something that I would love to be involved in.”
“Aside from being the main actor, you are also a producer in this movie. Is that correct?”
“Yeah I am. It’s the first movie I ever produced.”
“What made you decide to be involved not just as an actor? But also as a producer?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about producing for a while but never got anything I was excited about until this one came. Aaron needed some help and seeing his talent and his previous work I decided to jump into it and help him out.”
“I see. So, in this movie, you play someone with neurofibromatosis, and you had to change your face completely. How did it feel to be under all those prosthetics and looking in the mirror and saw a completely different version of you?”
“It felt surreal of course. It took a long long time to get the prosthetics on correctly the first time. I think it took almost a whole day. But then they figured it out and the next day I basically just had to put on like a mask and then they added some more stuff on my face to blend it in.”
“Oh, that’s really interesting. I’m sure it helped a lot in your performance looking completely different.”
“Yeah, yeah. It helped a lot in that I just needed to look in the mirror and just like that I felt like a completely different person.” He said as he snapped his fingers.
“And it showed. Being someone who have seen your work a lot over the years, I must say you have done the best job of your career.”
“Oh my gosh. That’s.. really?” He asked, his face reddened and he put one hand on the side of his face.
“Yeah. Really. It was your best work in my opinion and I wouldn’t be surprised if you get an Oscar nomination for it. I really wouldn’t.” She smiled.
“That’s.. wow.. it means a lot, coming from you. Really.” He smiled and she couldn’t help but blush again. She couldn't believe he would say something like that.
“Umm.. yeah. Anyway, could you tell me how Adam and Renate got involved?” She asked, deciding to ignore what he said. She was just going to cut that part out and pretended he never said it.
“Oh yeah, with Adam it was a no brainer really. Aaron had cast him even before I got involved. Adam was actually involved waaay before I did. As for Renate. I had seen her movie The Worst Person In The World and I loved her performance in it. It was so real and raw. I knew when I read the script I wanted someone like her to play Ingrid. So I suggested her to Aaron and he agreed and I sought her out and well, the rest is history.”
“I can see why you wanted her to play Ingrid.”
“Yeah, she possesses this instinct as an actor that I haven't seen in a while. It was really a pleasure to work with someone who can keep up with you and even challenge you in their own way. You know. It was very rewarding as an actor to be able to work with someone like her. She was really something else. Kind of like you.” He winked.
“Excuse me?” She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
“Yeah.. I'm sorry but.. umm.. I really have to say this. I have never seen any girl looking as pretty as you are, especially when you blush. You’re quite literally the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He said and her heart seemed to leap out of her chest as she heard him. Once again she couldn’t believe how flirty he was to her!
“Oh stop it, Sebastian. I will definitely edit this out.” She chuckled as her face continued to redden.
“Oh no, don’t. I want people to see that.” he teased again.
“But that has nothing to do with the interview so I will definitely edit it out.” she insisted.
“Fine, I’m just gonna repeat it along the way, on the record and off the record, later on.” he winked and she just shook her head.
“Okay, back to the topic of your movie.”
“You’re so serious. I like that about you.” He teased her again and she felt herself blush yet again.
“There it is.. the blush. I love it.” He chuckled.
“Sebastian, please.”
“Please what, Y/n?” he asked as his voice suddenly changed to be huskier, as much as she didn’t believe it.
“Please stop flirting with me. I’m trying to do my job.” she protested.
“I'm sorry. I'm being really unprofessional aren't I?” He sighed and she nodded.
“Okay, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more professional as long as you promise me something.”
“Okay.. promise you what?”
“That you'll go out with me.”
Her heart seemed to stop as she heard him. This couldn't be happening, she thought in disbelief.
“You're in Atlanta and I'm in New York. How are we going to do it?” She asked, suddenly feeling courageous enough to tease him back about it because she was certain he was just joking with her for whatever reason.
“You know I go back to New York every weekend. So, we can go this weekend!” He said excitedly.
“Okay. Sure. I need to ask my husband's permission first though.” She said as an idea popped into her head and his eyes widened.
“Your husband's permission? I should have known someone as gorgeous as you is already taken. I'm too late aren't I?” He said dejectedly and she couldn't help but chuckle. He looked so cute pouting like that.
“Well.. yeah. You are too late. I'm sorry. But, he's quite an open minded person so maybe I can ask him.“ she said teasingly.
“Oh good! Where is your husband? Let me ask him myself.” He challenged.
“Wait here.” She chuckled and she stood up. She went to her bed and picked up a life size human shaped pillow with Sebastian's face on it then brought it back to her working desk.
“There he is. Sebastian say hello to pillow!Sebastian.” She said, showing the pillow to the webcam and the real Sebastian on the screen threw his head back and laughed.
“Oh my God! Hello pillow!Sebastian! I would like to ask for your permission to ask your beautiful wife out, please. I can't stand looking at her being so pretty like that. I must have her. Please. Could you do me a favor and divorce her?” He asked and she laughed.
“He said over his dead body.” She replied after her laughter subsided and he pouted again, making her laugh again.
“Hey pillow!Sebastian, I literally bought you for her and now you have the audacity to steal her from me?! Unbelievable!” He protested.
“He's sorry but he said he loves me and he can't divorce me.” She teased him again and he pouted yet again.
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I can’t do this and sit here miles away from you when you look so amazingly beautiful like that just teasing me with your pretty face. You have no idea what I'm imagining right now.” He said, gazing at her with eyes full of love and dare she said it, lust.
“Oh, what are you imagining?” she asked. Despite knowing this was very unprofessional of him, she couldn't help but be curious about it.
“I'm imagining being there with you and placing my hands on the sides of your face and just.. kiss that pretty lips of yours.” he said slowly, his voice low and husky.
She shivered as she listened to him and felt butterflies again in her stomach.
“I miss you, sweetheart.” He continued, staring at her with longing and she smiled.
“I miss you too, Iubirea mea.” she replied, making him smile.
“There it is. I love when you call me that.” He smiled.
“I love calling you that too.” She smiled.
“So, go out with me this weekend?” He asked and she of course couldn't answer with anything else.
“Sure. I'd love to go out with you, my darling husband.” She winked and he laughed.
“Glad to hear that my lovely wife.” he replied making her smile.
Just then his camera shook and he turned to the side.
“Oh, great! We're here!” He said excitedly.
“Sorry, I have to go, sweetheart.” He turned to her.
“Oh okay. Yeah. I'll talk to you later?” She asked.
“Wait.” He said as the camera continued to shake. She could hear the sound of a car door opening and closing and then the camera turned to show the sky as Sebastian continued to move.
“Seb? Sebastian?” She called out.
It seemed he didn't hear her as his phone's camera continued to shoot at the sky and then it showed a ceiling as Sebastian seemed to be entering a building. She studied the ceiling and thought that it looked familiar. Then it seemed like he was entering an elevator. A familiar ding could be heard as the elevator stopped and Sebastian got out of it. She continued to watch with a smile on her face as Sebastian seemed to be walking. Then he stopped and turned his phone's camera back on his face.
“Sweetheart. There's a surprise for you at the door.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes.
She laughed and immediately ran out of her room and towards the front door. She opened it wide and there he was, Sebastian Stan, staring at her like he saw the sun for the first time.
“Hi.” He smiled as he switched his cellphone off and put it in his pocket.
“Hi.” She smiled back, her heart beating so fast in her chest.
“I was right.” He said as he walked slowly closer to her.
“About what?” She asked, feeling like she was going to faint seeing him so close to her.
“You are.. literally.. the prettiest girl.. I've ever seen.” He smiled as he gently placed both hands on the sides of her face and gazed at her with longing.
“Oh shut up and just kiss me.” She said and he laughed.
And with that he pulled her closer to him and gently kissed her lips, causing fireworks to explode in her chest. She pulled him into her apartment and closed the door behind him as her plans obviously changed that afternoon. Interviews can wait. Snow men can wait. At that moment all she wanted was to be with him. Sebastian Stan. The love of her life.
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jammingjaem · 4 months
dream store
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15. my music career is saved
PAIRING | lee haechan x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS | rising up in the music industry as a young songwriter and producer, you wouldn’t think that you’d get hired by sm entertainment and write a song for your favorite group. although there was one downfall: you don’t think making music makes you happy anymore. but the endearing and charismatic lee haechan has swept you off of your feet. and here you’re asking yourself— what are you waiting for in life?
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as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the han river, haechan and y/n sat side by side on the riverbank, watching the boats glide effortlessly across the water. the city lights reflected in the gentle ripples, creating a serene atmosphere around them. they had been there for two hours, lost in easy conversation and comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.
for haechan, these moments with y/n were precious. he had been courting her for about three weeks now, ever since the release of "broken melodies," pouring his heart into both the music and his pursuit of her. each interaction, each smile exchanged, fueled his determination to win her over.
tonight felt different, though. with the tranquil setting of the river and the soft hum of the city in the background, haechan found himself hesitating. he had rehearsed the words countless times in his mind, but now that the moment was upon him, he couldn't shake the nervous flutter in his chest.
glancing sideways at y/n, he admired the way the city lights played across her features, casting her in a soft, ethereal glow. she seemed lost in thought, her eyes tracing the path of the boats as they sailed by. haechan took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do.
just as he opened his mouth to speak, y/n turned to him, her gaze meeting his. for a moment, they simply stared at each other, the unspoken tension hanging in the air between them. haechan's heart pounded in his chest, his words caught in his throat. but then, without warning, y/n broke into laughter, the sound light and melodious against the backdrop of the river. haechan blinked in surprise, his nerves momentarily forgotten as he watched her.
"something funny?" he asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
y/n shook her head, still chuckling softly. "no, nothing. it's just... i can't believe you were about to ask me something, and then i looked at you, and you looked like you'd seen a ghost."
haechan felt a flush creep up his cheeks, embarrassment washing over him. he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "yeah, well... i guess i got a little nervous," he admitted, his voice tinged with self-deprecation.
y/n's laughter faded, and she regarded him with a warm smile, her eyes softening with affection. leaning closer, she rested her head against his shoulder, her hand finding his and intertwining their fingers together.
"it's okay, haechan," she said softly. "you don't have to be nervous around me. i already know what you were going to ask." haechan's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widening in surprise. "you do?"
y/n nodded, her smile widening. "yeah. and the answer is yes." for a moment, haechan could only stare at her, disbelief washing over him in waves. but then, as her words sank in, a wide grin spread across his face, his heart soaring with joy.
"really?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. y/n nodded again, her gaze steady as she met his eyes. "really. i'd love to be your girlfriend, haechan."
haechan's heart swelled with happiness, and he couldn't help but pull her into a tight hug, holding her close as he whispered words of gratitude and affection into her ear. and as they sat together by the han river, bathed in the soft glow of the city lights, haechan knew that this moment would be etched into his memory forever as the night he finally found the courage to ask y/n to be his.
as y/n leaned against haechan, she felt truly content. with him there, she rediscovered her love for making music come alive again. haechan didn't just win her heart; he brought back her passion, making her life feel whole and inspiring her every day. she was grateful for his love and the joy he brought into her life.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE | she’s finished omg?? thank you guys for reading and staying until the end?
TAGLIST (closed.) | @celestialsluvrs @cosmicwintr @suzayaaa @polarisjisung @lovefolder @jinsoul-gf @fullsunahceah @renjunniex @wonkivrse @en-gelic @tywritesstuff @jenodreamer @haechansbbg @miyawwn @n0hyuck @222brainrot @ur-purin @dinonuguaegi @replayenthusiast @i6renj @giaccolo @nanawrlds @multifandomania @jeongintwt @luv4jeno @lelengerine @gomdojun @yeppietennie @jaeimjaemin @thisisnotjacinta @hugs2doie @mystverse @jjaeyuns @rksbae @x-jaehyunluvr-x @bunchofroses07 @darlingz99 @yv72s @lixizpixi @ggukkiedae @cupidsmoons
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byeuijoo · 5 months
winter things 𐀔 &team
genre : mostly fluff ⋆ warnings : none ⋆ word count : 0,9k
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k ⭒ dance around the living room to christmas songs
while soft music played on the stereo system, the room's subdued lighting added to the festive ambience. the room's subdued lighting added to the festive atmosphere after the hot dinner you'd just enjoyed — yudai looked at you with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes. and suddenly, he rose from his chair, approaching you and holding out one of his hands. « do you wanna dance? » he asked you sweetly. and offering him the prettiest of your smiles, you grabbed his hand as you stood up, before he pulled you into his arms, making you dance slowly to the music, stealing a subtle kiss or two now and then.
fuma ⭒ decorate a christmas tree together
even if december had just begun, you'd already pulled out all the boxes of christmas decorations to put up around the house. and unsurprisingly, fuma was more than determined to help you set everything up with a playlist full of christmas songs playing in the background. after decorating the walls, the windows and the fireplace, the two of you set to work on the christmas tree, which would be the centerpiece of the decorating scheme. rummaging around for baubles and tinsel, he found nothing better than to wrap one of them around you — whispering to you that it was you he wanted to find under the tree on christmas morning.
nicholas ⭒ drive around the city to see the christmas lights
one winter's night, when tb programs couldn't take away your boredom, nicholas had the brilliant idea of taking you for a drive. he saw the way your face lit up when he talked about taking you to see the christmas decorations on the city streets — nothing had warmed his heart more than the smile on your face that night. driving slowly, glancing at you from time to time, he watches you stick your head out the car window to get a perfect view of all the city lights. and he can swear that seeing all the lights reflected in your eyes is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
euijoo ⭒ get caught in the first snow of the season
it's a quiet evening, when night falls softly on the city, and the winter wind tingling on your fingers that are clinging to euijoo's arms. you're both busy talking about anything and everything, your eyes shining under the streetlights when suddenly a snowflake enters your field of vision. stopping in your tracks, you look up at the sky to watch the snow fall from the stars — the first snowfall of the year makes your rendezvous even more magical than it already was. especially when you see a snowflake gently settle on ej's chestnut hair.
yuma ⭒ holiday shopping dates
he didn't want to go — but who is he to resist your puppy dog eyes? so, of course, yuma finally gave in and followed you in your holiday shopping. and against all expectations, he kinda enjoyed strolling through the mall's aisles, especially when he saw your cheerful face and radiant smile. the boy is so in love with you.. he even ends up carrying all your shopping bags, suggesting you buy this or that for this or that person — he's more invested in christmas presents than you are.
jo ⭒ watch a christmas movie
you can see the snow falling through your living room window, while the colourful lamps give the room a cosy, festive atmosphere. jo finally joins you on the sofa, slipping silently under the plaids to snuggle up to you — with a tray full of snacks and two scorching hot chocolates, you're ready to watch your first christmas movie of the year. and even if he doesn't really find them exceptional, he loves watching them with you and look at your star-filled eyes like a child facing his christmas presents.
harua ⭒ baking sugar cookies together
you know very well that the kitchen will end up in a pitiful state, that the flour will probably end up on the floor and that a pile of dishes will accumulate in the sink, but it doesn't matter : you want to make your sugar cookies with harua's help, whatever it takes. so, even if you follow the recipe perfectly and carefully, one sudden movement and the packet of flour spills at your feet, creating a small cloud in the center of your room. laughing as you look up at the boy beside you, you finish the cookies without making any more mess. or at least — not too much. (and the sugar cookies taste just about right)
taki ⭒ build a snowman together
as you step outside, you're greeted by a soft winter breeze and a white carpet of snow covering the ground in your parents' garden. there's nothing like perfect snow to make a snowman in front of your house — but you need the help of your long-time sidekick to pull it off, which is why taki joins you directly after seeing you roll a ball. and even though the cold makes you want to go home in the warmth, seeing the boy working with you makes you smile widely. a few finishing touches : a red scarf, pebble eyes and a carrot nose, and you're done.
maki ⭒ have a snowball fight
when you left school, you didn't expect to see so much snow during the day. but guess all that snow gives your best friend some crazy ideas — as soon as you step through the school gates, a snowball hits you hard on the back. pestering as you swivel to look behind you, you narrowly avoid a snowball to the head, facing maki who is laughing his head off. but this moment of inattention gives you the opportunity to make a ball between your cold fingers, and reach his cheek in a fraction of a second under his astonished eyes. followed by a merciless snowball fight... who's going to win?
reblogs & feedbacks are highly appreciated !
taglist ౨ৎ @wtfhyuck @yuma-is-mine @ivain8
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vixensbrainrotts · 6 months
Young and Beautiful — Hanma Shuji
Content: Imagines
Warnings: vaguely sexual tension, nothing nsfw though
Summary: you decide to take boudoir pictures, and pleasantly surprised by your (very) hot photographer.
Vixen’s two cents: hello! This started out as an imagine but i realized i dont really like writing imagines (it feels so unstructured), so have this little scenario instead. Also, whilst rereading this i realize that Shui seems a little creepy and i swear i dint want him to come off like that?! It was a hot idea in my head, idk how well that that translated, lmk about it! Remember my REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! Also im still on the hunt for moots for proofreading and triangulation in case anyone is interested please contact me!!
When your auntie told you to go and take boudoir pictures, you thought she was talking crazy and waved her off with a polite smile, but she wouldn’t let up. “You’re as young and beautiful as you’ll ever be! Take them for yourself when you’re old like me! It might seem awkward but it’ll be worth it!”
If you would tell yourself from a week ago that you were had booked an appointment to the nearest place, you would have fainted. And if you would have told yourself from 4 hours ago, when you booked that appointment that you would eventually have to step INTO the store too, you would have freaked out. Screw that, you were freaking out now.
You had considered turning around and running about four or five times, but that little voice in the back of your head going pussy wouldnt leave you alone. In a burst of confidence you entered the shop and were met with a surprisingly comfortable atmosphere, and a cozy interior.
You scan the shop for a few seconds, deeming it good enough not to run out of right away, before a tall, slim figure emerged from one of the Backrooms. He wore a lazy smile when he came to you, clicking away at the computer on the desk before asking “Are you my boudoir at 4?” In a smooth, low voice.
You nod shyly in response, fidgeting with your hands a little. He chuckled in response “Don’t worry love, I won’t do anything- this is my job after all.”
He led you to a studio type room and handed you a robe. “Over there.” He said, and a long index of his rose to gesture to a little changing cabin in the corner of the room. “Ill go get everything set up for us.” And with that, he left you to freak out in the changing rooms because fuck he’s hot!
When you emerge again he’s already handling some sort of lenses to the end of the cameras, lights and props set up and ready to go. When he looks to you, you grow shy again and tug the robe a little tighter around your body. He sees this and nods reassuringly “It’s normal to be nervous, sweetheart.” Which only makes you more nervous.
He notices, but chooses to ignore it as he guides you to one of the chairs that are set up. “Now dont worry too much about anything. Just do your thing, ill do all the magic.” You sit, admittedly a little more relaxed but still stiff and he huffs with a smile. “Relax girl! You dont want these looking like pass photos do you?” And that makes you giggle a litte, finally loosening up again.
“There we go. That’s better already. Want me to talk you through it, distract you a little? Do you think that would help?” Eyes are soft but his gaze burns straight through you. “I think that would help, yeah.” And that makes him smile a little.
“How old are you anyway? You look very young- I don’t normally get a lot of girls your age.” He lifts the camera and clicks something on a little machine that begins whirring lightly in the background, producing little qualms of smoke. “I uh, im twenty two. Don’t get me wrong I would have never done this on my own accord, but my auntie, she said that id regret it my whole life if i don’t do this and all such things.”
Whilst you had been explaining, your robe had started slipping off your shoulders. You had noticed but found it the most natural transition into the inevitable. Getting more comfortable, you decided to throw your legs over one of the seat’s armrests, leaning back a little, getting comfortable, as he had advised.
“Thank your auntie for me then.” He whispered underneath his breath, the shutter clicking softly.
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blossom-works · 8 months
From Ms. to Mrs. Kennedy
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» Let's start with how Leon proposed: It was a simple proposal. It was after the two of you moved into a house with a lot of land. he proposed after you two shared your first meal at your shared home.
» Your engagement ring is a simple silver, solitaire band with an oval diamond.
» The two of you already knew an intimate wedding is the most ideal. Leon strikes me as the type to like a foresty, woodsy type of wedding. Like Bella and Edward's wedding.
» The time frame between engagement and the wedding is about ten months.
» For some reason, Hunnigan took it upon herself to be your wedding planner. She did multiple background checks on different vendors and gave you and Leon a list of secured vendors.
» Somehow Hunnigan is able to free up Leon's schedule for two and a half consecutive weeks. The two of you head off to your honeymoon a few days after the wedding.
» You asked your dad to officiate your wedding and he immediately agreed. He not only gets to walk you down the aisle but to marry his daughter.
» Leon pretty much lets you do whatever you want within reason. Like, don't go crazy and rent an elephant or whatever. Leon knows you are sacrificing your dream wedding to fit his comfort level, so he wants to make up for it by expanding your options. But you told him that he forgot what you really want: to marry him. Everything else like the flowers, decorations, and outfits just helps make marrying Leon more special. The DSO agent was pretty much putty after that.
» Leon decides to wear a white suit with black accents. He even trimmed his hair to make him look put together. You told him not to shave though. The man looks good with his scruff.
» You hate white-on-white weddings, so color is a must. You dislike bright colors, so you opt for a darker color palate (think jewel tones). The dark palate also adds to the intimate atmosphere of the wedding.
» Buffet style. A small wedding doesn't call for servants or anything like that, but that doesn't mean that you and Leon go cheap on the food. You both prefer great food over an expensive venue. You have a graze/snack table set out before dinner is served.
» Your wedding is alcohol-free. Leon still drinks, but mainly when he wants to numb himself from the pain. He doesn't want to associate that with the day he gets to call you his wife from then on.
» No bridesmaids or groomsmen. Just some flower girls and a ring-bearer. Oh, and Leon also walks down the aisle with your mom.
» The ceremony is at 2 p.m. and the reception starts at 4, but doors (trees?) open around 3:30 p.m.
» You and Leon agreed that only close family and friends would be at the ceremony, and everyone else would arrive for the party.
» You chose to put your hair in a low bun and your makeup is the Pinterest "Natural Glam" look.
» You cried. No surprise there. Leon could not stop smiling though. Like actual smiling, not his smirks or grins (no matter how charming they are).
» The ceremony only lasts for about thirty minutes. After it ended, you and Leon went somewhere private so he could tell you his vows. The two of you did the general vows and private, personal vows. It was Leon's idea to do this. He only wants you to hear his vows.
» Claire also helped Hunnigan plan the wedding for you. The two of them are so surprised that you want to marry Leon, that they won't let anyone ruin their friend's chance at a lifetime of happiness.
» First Dance: How Would You Feel by Ed Sheeran. It describes how Leon feels about you. The man just loves you so much. No special dance too. Just swaying your bodies to the lovely music. Leon feels like he has conquered the world when he has you in his arms on that dance floor. The lights illuminate your beauty and Leon is just the luckiest man on the earth.
» Leon hasn't taken his eyes off you since you walked down that aisle. You were already beautiful, but seeing you all dolled up, Leon might as well be looking at a living goddess.
» To Leon's disappointment, you didn't want to do a garter toss. You have always thought that it was weird to force family and kids to watch a man stick his head up a woman's dress. No way were you going to do that in front of your parents. You did make up for it when you got home though. Except, it isn't a garter that Leon takes off with his teeth...
» Leon only dances when you pull him on the dance floor. He prefers watching you dance your hair out, but because he loves you, he'll indulge you. Your husband is the one to drag you to the dance floor when a slow song comes on though. For that two or three minutes, the world just seems to slow down.
» Leon finds himself playing with his ring during the reception. He saw you do it when you first got engaged and he found it weird until now. It becomes a habit of his. Twirling the silver band around his finger to distract him from something, or just absentmindly doing it.
» String 👏 Lights👏
» You watched a lot of "What I would do again" and "What I would do different" wedding videos. This leads you to put disposable cameras on the tables.
» One of the main elements you wanted for your wedding was a mirror greeting sign and a mirror seating chart. The mirrors add an enchanting element to the wedding.
» Most importantly, the wedding cake. Leon doesn't strike me as a sweets guy so the cake is all you, baby. Black forest cake. C'mon, you couldn't let the opportunity pass. Forest wedding, black forest cake, woodsy, ya get the drift?
» Leon is so excited to start a new chapter with you. The dream of having a wife died when Raccoon City happened, but it got dug up and revived when he met you. Leon will always be thankful for the life you have restored in him. One way Leon can show his appreciation is by taking care of you and loving you till death do you part.
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unpopularwriter25 · 4 days
Baked with Love
Summary: Hajime Umemiya frequently visits a local bakery where Y/N, a sweet and caring worker, has captured his heart. Despite his nervousness, Hajime continually finds excuses to see her, often bringing friends who know his true intentions.
Warnings: None
Note: Hi, I started watching the new anime called Windbreaker, so I'm going to be writing for some of these cuties.
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The bell above the bakery door chimed softly as Hajime Umemiya pushed it open, the scent of freshly baked bread and pastries wafting out to greet him. He inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet aroma that never failed to lift his spirits. The warm, inviting atmosphere of the bakery was a stark contrast to the bustling streets outside. Soft music played in the background, and the gentle hum of conversation filled the air.
“Man, this place really does have the best treats,” Hajime said, a little too enthusiastically, as he ushered his friends inside. They exchanged knowing glances but said nothing, familiar with the real reason for his frequent visits.
You stood behind the counter, your eyes lighting up as you saw Hajime enter. “Good morning, Hajime! It’s great to see you again,” you greeted warmly, your smile as sweet as the confections you sold.
Hajime’s heart skipped a beat at your words, and he felt a blush creeping up his neck. “Morning, Y/N. Got any new treats today?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
“We do! We just started making these new strawberry tarts. Would you like to try one?” You held up a perfectly golden tart, the strawberries glistening under the soft lights.
“Absolutely! I’ll take one. And, um, the usual for my friends,” Hajime said, his eyes never leaving yours.
As you prepared their order, Hajime couldn’t help but admire the way you moved, so graceful and focused. The way your hands worked, deftly and efficiently, made his heart swell with admiration. He wondered how someone could be so perfect, so effortlessly kind and beautiful.
“You know,” his friend Suo said, nudging him with an elbow, “you should just ask her out already. It’s obvious you like her.”
Hajime shot him a panicked look. “Shh, not so loud!” he whispered urgently. “She’ll hear you!”
Suo chuckled. “Honestly, I think she already knows. Everyone does.”
You returned with their order, setting the tray on the counter with a smile. “Here you go! One strawberry tart for you, Hajime, and the usual for your friends. I hope you all enjoy it.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I’m sure we will,” Hajime replied, his voice softer now. He handed you the money, and as your fingers brushed briefly, he felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him.
As they settled at a table near the window, Hajime took a bite of the tart. The sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberries, perfectly balanced by the flaky crust, was a delight. But even more delightful was watching you as you interacted with other customers, your cheerful demeanor never fading.
“Man, you’ve got it bad,” Haruka teased, biting into his own pastry.
Hajime sighed, his eyes still on you. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
The sun streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the bakery. The combination of sunlight, the smell of freshly baked goods, and your presence made the place feel magical. Hajime knew he couldn’t keep coming here with the same excuse forever. He needed to muster the courage to ask you out, to see if there was a chance you felt the same way about him.
As they were getting ready to leave, Hajime lingered by the counter, waiting for a moment when you weren’t busy. Finally, you turned to him with that same sweet smile.
“Is there something else you need, Hajime?”
He swallowed nervously, his heart pounding. “Actually, Y/N, there is. I was wondering if… maybe you’d like to go out with me sometime? Like, not just here, but… somewhere else?”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and then a radiant smile spread across your face. “I’d love that, Hajime.”
His heart soared, and he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. “Really? That’s… that’s awesome. How about this Saturday?”
“Saturday sounds perfect,” you replied, your cheeks tinged with a soft blush.
“Great! I’ll see you then,” Hajime said, grinning from ear to ear.
As he left the bakery, his friends congratulating him and patting him on the back, Hajime felt like he was walking on air.
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k-slla · 4 months
You'll forever be my always
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A/N: So this was supposed to be posted for Valentine's day, but here we are, almost week later😅
This also turned out differently than I had initially planned, but I still hope you'll like it! 🩷
Big big thanks to @nescavaneck for helping me choose the song for this fic! 🤍
Warnings: smut, bit of language, food foreplay (nothing major, just a little cream and cake), fluff and that's it I think
WC: 2.6k | My Masterlist
All mistakes are mine!
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You had a plan. An ironclad plan to make Dean love Valentine's day. You were 99% percent sure that it would work, because Dean loves you and Dean loves food. Maybe even a bit more than he loves you. He had done some shady things for a piece of pie before that you'd rather try and forget. But right now he was not a fan of the aforementioned holiday and you wanted to change that.
Everything had been set already in the Dean cave - you tried to create a romantic atmosphere with small string lights and a couple of candles and you even put on some music in the background.
You kept it simple and light on the food side, since you weren’t really sure how Dean would react to this and you still wished to get to the “main course” later on without feeling too full - so onto the table you had chosen strawberries & whipped cream, mini raspberry cupcakes and finally couple of mini champagne bottles. It was still a night of celebration.
Sam had agreed beforehand to leave you two alone in the Bunker and went to a motel nearby. You felt bad about driving him out, but you knew you couldn't fully let yourself go, knowing that Sam was home. So he was just dropping Dean off after the hunt before leaving.
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You had just gotten changed into your dark red lingerie and a matching robe and were waiting for Dean to come home, when you heard the door close with a loud thud.
“Y/N? Where are you?” Heavy stomps followed his call-outs for you. You knew he'd check for you first in your bedroom, so you left there a little note “follow the kisses” and lead the way across the Bunker with Hershey's kisses to the room, where you were waiting for him with all the desserts. You knew it was cheesy, but that's what tonight was all about. After a little time, you heard Dean getting closer to you.
The anticipation was sky high as he stood on the door, eyes darkening with immediate desire as he saw you half-naked on the plush carpet. “I thought we agreed..” he started protesting, but you cut him off quickly. “I know, babe, but I still wanted to do this for you. Us. It's for both of us.” You said with a sweet smile on your lips. “It's nothing much, just some snacks.”
He looked around the room, biting his lip, before throwing the bag off his shoulder before lunging towards you, pushing you down to the floor. He hovered above you, eyes running all over your body. “You are a snack, Y/N.” You bursted out laughing. “You're so cheesy.” He lowered himself down, catching your mouth into a slow, sensuous kiss, making you dizzy immediately. When he finally pulled away, you felt like you could breathe again. “Yeah, but you love it.”
You smiled up at him widely. “I do.”
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He looked at the table you had set up, clearly planning something for you, or more rather for himself. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he pulled open your robe, revealing your lacy lingerie. Goosebumps traveled along your body with his fingers moving over your breasts, pulling down the thin fabric covering them and squeezed lightly. “Hmm…a snack indeed. And all..” he kissed your left breast. “For me.” Soft pecks landed on the other. He really wasn't wasting his time.
Humming quietly, he reached for the whipped cream on the table, picked up a dollop with his finger and smeared it onto your nipples. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he slowly moved down, nibbling and sucking on your skin on his way to lick the cream away. “You're so beautiful, baby.” Lewd moans escaped from you as his tongue circled on your breasts. With a sigh you raised yourself up onto your elbows. “Dean..oh, fuck!” A quick bite from him, sent a surge of arousal straight through your core, making you arch your back reactively. “Dean..” you tried to speak again. “You're wearing too many clothes.” He didn't let him be bothered and continued on sucking on your breasts. You closed your eyes in pleasure, feeling his tongue flick on one nipple while your other tit was messaged by his large palm, cupping it perfectly. “Mmm, but I'm still enjoying my little perfect snacks.” He whispered against your skin.
You locked your fingers into his hair and yanked him up from you, making him grunt. Looking straight into his eyes, you smiled and locked your legs around his hips, quickly turning yourself over, so you'd be straddling him instead. You hovered above his face, whispering close to his lips. “You had your snack.” He had them parted, waiting for the kiss, but you moved down to his neck instead. “But now it's my turn.” Your lips were softly brushing against the sensitive spot under his ear. Without breaking the kisses, your hands started to blindly unbutton his shirt. Getting the final button opened, you sat up in his lap, quickly ordering him to remove his flannel and the t-shirt underneath it, before you moved onto his pants, removing them, but leaving his underwear on. “Shirts, off.” Dean pulled you into a heated kiss, before following your orders. As soon as there was nothing but his boxers left on him, you pushed him to lay back back down on the carpet.
You sucked on his bottom lip hard before slowly moving downwards on his neck and chest leaving a hot trail of kisses on his body. His breathing got deeper the more down you moved.
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But you took your time, kissing every inch of him before stopping at the waistband of his boxers. You looked up at him and watched the muscles in his neck strain before lowering yourself down again to peck his erection lightly through the thin fabric of his underwear. “Fuck..you're such a tease, babe.” He said, slowly exhaling as you moved back up to his face. “Mmm, I know...” You kissed him softly and whispered against his lips. “But you love it.”
“I do.” He pulled you back into the kiss.
You sat back up on top of him and your lips curled into a lopsided smile, when you reached out for the champagne bottle. You saw Dean's eyes, darkened with lust, following your every move as he laid there under you. You popped it open and took a swig. “I need a taste of that.” Dean sat up, but put his arms around to keep you in his lap. Just one look at him and you could feel yourself flooding with arousal, pure carnal need for him clouding your mind. He didn't even have to do anything, that was almost like your default setting around him. Aroused and needy for his touch. Dean didn't break your eye contact when he took the bottle from you. “Open up. Don't swallow.”
“Don't swallow? First time I've heard that from you.” Your laugh turned quickly into a mewl when he pinched your nipple. “Hey, don't sass with me.”
You then happily complied and opened up. He poured a little Champagne into your mouth and pulled you into a sensuous kiss, relishing the taste of it he got from your tongue. It dripped down on your chin, but Dean quickly licked it off, not letting anything go to waste.
Both of your hands were roaming all over each other. Dean's fingers dug deep into your hips, holding you in place while he slowly started to move his hips back and forth. “Oh, fuck..” You moaned loudly and pulled on his hair, while his cock pressed against the drenched lace between your legs. “Mmm, Dean..” You panted out heavily. “I want to say “fuck the foreplay”, but eating the cupcake off you, sounds just so divine. But..aah..fuck..” you couldn’t decide whether to keep going or whether to tell him to just fuck you right there. “There's no rush..We have the whole night.” He whispered softly against your neck, his warm breaths lingering on your skin.
You picked up a cupcake from the table and turned Dean's face up from your neck. “Mm.. cake it is then.” You bit your lip and gently pushed him back down to the floor. He looked at you, waiting for your next moves. With a playful look on your eyes, you started to break off small pieces of the cake, leaving them on various spots on Dean's body. A little piece under his jaw, on his chest. “It's cold, babe!” He laughed as watched you move downwards. “Mm, I'll take care of it in a second.” You kissed his stomach before smearing a little frosting just above his navel. With a low hum, you added little pieces onto his hips, where soft v ran down to his pelvis.
You sat up in his lap, admiring him covered in pink frosting, eyes sparkling with anticipation. You felt like a kid in a candy store, unable to contain a happy squeal. “Mmm..you look just scrumptious! Want a little taste of that?” Your eyes found Dean's as he nodded eagerly begging you to feed him. “Yes, baby, give it to me.” He breathed out heavily as his eyes followed your finger breaking off another piece.
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You decided to tease him again and lifted your finger up to your own mouth with intention to lick it clean yourself, but Dean suddenly grabbed your arm. “Uh-uh. Not letting you do this to me this time.” He pulled your hand towards him. His eyes never left yours when he slowly closed his lips around you, sucking and moaning loudly at the same time. “Mmm.. that is delicious.”
You smiled as he lowered himself back to the floor, watching you move onto his neck. Dean’s sighs and low groans made you feel the arousal pooling between your legs, wanting nothing more than him just to take you right there. To make love to him like he deserved to be loved. Slowly. Passionately. You felt him tremble slightly under you when you were kissing your way down to his hips to finally sink your teeth playfully into his hips and lick off the frosting. As soon as you pulled away from him, Dean turned you over to pin you under him, again, while he peppered you all over with kisses.
“I love you, Dean.” You murmured into his ear. “So much.” He turned your face back to him to capture your lips. This time the kiss was slower, sweeter, full of love for each other that your words just couldn’t express. “I love you, too, sweetheart.” He locked his green eyes with yours and whispered. “I have to do something.”
There was a sudden shift in the mood when he pulled away and walked to the shelf where you had your phone connected to the Bluetooth speaker. You sat up, looking at him curiously. “Hey, what are you doing?” He typed something into your phone before turning back to you. “You know how much I love you. I try to tell you that every day. But sometimes..” his words trailed off. Dean reached for your hand, to pull you up from the floor. He suddenly seemed so nervous. So vulnerable. Dean kept his eyes down on your hands linked together.
“Sometimes I have a hard time telling you what I see for us in the years to come. And I want you, Y/N. I want us to grow old together. As long as our hunter life allows us. That's all.. That's just all I've ever wanted. To have you next to me.” He continued softly and finally looked up at you. “I think this song gives you a better idea.”
“You're going to make me cry, Dean.” You said, listening to the song he had chosen.
I see forever when I look in your eyes
You're all I've ever wanted
I always want you to be mine
Let's make a promise ‘til the end of time
We'll always be together
And our love will never die
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You and Dean hadn't really talked about your future together before. You were taking just one day at a time. But seeing Dean open up to you now..it just really meant the world. Both of you were only in your thirties, but even that was so much longer than you both had expected to have. You would've never thought that you'd find someone who loved you for who you were. A hunter - never fully healed from everything that you'd gone through in your childhood. But that's who Dean was, too. Just as broken and messed up as you.
He deserves to be happy. You deserve to be happy. And you knew that as long as you're together, you will be the happiest you could ever be.
What you had planned to be a fun, messy date night, had turned out to be something so much more powerful. You were not expecting to end up crying in front of him. That's what made it perfect though. That openness with each other where you didn't have to hide your feelings, emotions, tears that were brought to your eyes from his declaration.
“Dean..I-” you sniffled. “I love you so much. We have a lot to talk about our future, but I know one thing. I want to spend it together. You are the only person who I could ever imagine next to me. Only one who I'd want next to me.”
You stood up on your toes and kissed him again. Dean's hands rested on your hips as you stood still in the room, in each other's embrace, surrounded by the melody of the song. He lifted you up in his arms and instinctively you locked your legs around his hips. Dean started to walk out of the room.
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“Where are we going?” You asked between the kisses.
He took some turns in the hallway and you saw where he was leading you. “I'm taking you to bed.” He broke the kiss quickly. “Not that I wouldn't have loved having sex with you in there, but the cave? That's just for quick fuck. I'm going to make love to you.” You laughed at his bluntness, but he just continued. “I'm going to show you how much you mean to me. How much I really love you. Over and over and over..” He murmured into the kiss again.
Dean opened your bedroom door with one hand and walked inside. Sofly he placed you onto the bed, your head comfortably resting on the pillows, hair fanned out. Your breaths got caught for the short moment you and Dean were apart, both of you taking each other in, inch by inch, running your eyes all over each other. Not wanting to spend another second away from you, he climbed back to the bed, closing the distance between your lips.
The way you both spent it exploring each other's bodies made it feel like your first night over again with Dean. But at the same time you both already knew how to get one another to the absolute peak.
All through the night you got lost in each other's embrace, letting the desire, passion and your love for each take over your minds over and over again until the early morning hours. When you finally snuggled closer to him, entangling your legs, holding Dean as close as possible when you slowly fell asleep in each other's arms, feeling happy and loved, both of you knew it would last longer than just for the night.
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Tags: @jackles010378 @cevansbaby-dove @deanwinchestersgirl87 @alternativeprincess94 @il0vebeingdelulu @suckitands33 @nescavaneck
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prince-kallisto · 5 months
Crowley’s Night Classes Analysis
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I cannot BELIEVE I never knew about this until today!!! THANK U @moonlightequin1 😭😭😭💖💖💖🐦‍⬛ I have lost my Crowley theorist card for not knowing this, everyone 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。...anyway, this is a JP exclusive feature for the lessons, which we may get in the EN’s 2nd anniversary. In JP TWST, Crowley gets his own class type, where you can essentially play the Special Lesson mode (aka more EXP and items) on repeat. But unlike average Special Lessons, Crowley’s class changes the atmosphere entirely.
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The Diasomnia-like lighting is very notable, where the lights turn from yellow to green, and the purple (instead of a blue like Crowley’s outfit 👀) becomes far more prominent. Crowley’s concept art featured him wearing purple instead of blue, by the way. This is a common occurrence at Night Raven College, where nighttime changes the color of the lighting fixtures. But it’s interesting it happens during Crowley’s classes, no? This entire room feels like a game of spot-the-difference lmaoo. The purple draperies and candles are very interesting and extravagant- I can imagine Crowley frantically setting them out to make his night classes look fancy 🤣 The clock becomes far more ornate, for example. Or I wonder if this is case of that magical projector Vil mentioned in Book 6?
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But I couldn’t help but feel intrigued by the night sky in this background too, with the purple color and the star-dotted sky feeling very reminiscent of Meleanor’s dress. Mind you, I believe Crowley’s class was brought right after the Book 7, Chapter 2 update👀
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The owl on the clock raised my eyebrows when I first saw it. Since it’s a night class, the whole “night owl” theme makes perfect sense haha. But this is the first time an owl has ever made an appearance at NRC, especially inside the classroom. And again, regarding the release date, Crowley’s class having a owl appear right before the section of the “Silver Owls” is 👀
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On the desk, a golden scale with purple and aqua-ish jewels has prominence over the normal lesson items like books and apples. I love the golden scale being a motif for Crowley actually…What really caught my eye was how the vases in the background was replaced with two treasure chests- one locks, and the other open revealing what seems to be a golden necklace, golden coins, and a large green jewel? I mean, all the treasures feel fitting for Crowley, but at the same time, why did you bring this here? (*゚∀゚*) to show off? Or specifically for me to panic and theorize about?
One final note is that Crowley’s class gets an entirely new BGM! I made an analysis before for every single Special Lesson BGM, as I find TWST’s dedication to their music quite fascinating. Instead of reusing one of previous Special Lesson themes or the “Dire Crowley” BGM, this class has a new song. In a future post, I will also analyze this song in depth. I’m just really quite shocked at this, I can’t believe I didn’t know about it! \(//∇//)\ I’m happy to learn something new about Crowley every day haha. Crowley is quite responsible and resilient to hold night classes after his long day of hard work as Headmage 🐦‍⬛
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My thoughts on The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie
I don’t know if I liked it as much as the original films (maybe Mockingjay 1 & 2 as they are pretty emotionally draining), but I still enjoyed it.
I think where it fell a little flat for me is 1. The beginning was a bit slow (tbh I only really started getting interested when Lucy Gray stuck that snake down that girl’s dress & even then I enjoyed the story more when the setting changed from the Capitol to the district) 2. I knew Snow would survive 3. I’d already been spoiled online for a lot of stuff that happens & 4. while I know the director did his best to make Snow as “likeable” as he could for as long as possible, even before he started getting “a little too comfortable” with killing & snitching I didn’t find him as sympathetic as Katniss or Peeta (but that is probably again down to the fact that I know what he goes onto do & there’s no real way around that), this made engaging with him difficult for me.
The world is fascinating. Getting to see all the new locations we never had access to before as well as old locations now in a totally different light (for example district 12 which, while still clearly suffering, seemed like such a bustling industrial town compared to how it is in Katniss’s time). It might have a much more retro aesthetic but there's also just a more vibrant, natural, wild & lawless atmosphere to this movie compared to the others in the franchise. The whole scope of the film just felt more cinematic then I remember the others being yet also weirdly intimate. Maybe because it was one contained story & we knew the main character’s fate from the start. I also loved the title cards signifying the start of each section of the story like from the books & wished they'd done something similar for the other films. It just added a certain flair to the whole thing. Almost gave it the vibe of a tragic play.
The costuming was great. The bright red of the academy uniforms.  Flickerman’s snazzy suits. Snow’s dapper black & white outfit. Both peace keeper uniforms (despite one of them giving very ‘1930’s Germany’ vibes) looked great. Grandma might have been a bigot, but at least she was well dressed. Everything Dr Gaul wore (except the top that looked like a used tampon, lol) was exquisite. The main ladies of fashion, Tigris & Lucy Gray slayed. Our Future Capitol stylist looked like some regal yet exotic bird & Miss Survivor was giving Bohemian, country girl realness the entire time she was on screen. Even the extras were serving (like that random couple Snow walked past on his way to the reaping ceremony).
The music was amazing. Every song that played was fantastic (shout out to Olivia for her end credit contribution). The lyrics & instrumentation were beautiful & my god does Rachel Zegler have pipes! Anyone who says the singing scenes are cringy is just stupid like I’m sorry you can’t appreciate art. Also, the words ‘ballad’ & ‘songbirds’ are literally in the title. Plus, Lucy Gray is from the poorest district, so what exactly do those people want her to do in her free time? She can’t exactly hop on an X-box for a few hours. Not too mention that (as the offspring of someone who’s musically inclined) I can tell you, it’s completely realistic for a musician to use their craft to help them deal with trauma & Lucy Gray clearly had more than her fair share of that.
The Grandma'am helped to paint a sadly very realistic background for Snow. As who among us hasn’t met at least one delusional old person who thinks that their/their group’s suffering (regardless of the severity of it or the reason behind their former/newer status in society) means that no one else are deserving of even the tiniest shred of humanity & there are some people who are unlucky enough to not only be related to these people but be raised by them.
Hunter schafer as Tigris is clearly the superior Snow when it comes to things like empathy & overall mental stability but I do kind of wish they’d been more for her to do. Credit where credit is due though her & Tom did actually look like they could be related & I did buy their familial bond (which makes her appearance in Mockingjay so much sadder in hindsight).
Peter Dinklage as Casca Highbottom was a bit of a mix for me just due to his purpose as a character & the limit of film as a form of media. Like sure the audience know that Snow’s going to become an irredeemable monster in the end but without a window into his mind it really does just seem like the Dean is just out to get him & even when we find out why it seems kind of unfair. Like sure his dad sucked but haven’t the Games shown that blaming children for violence caused by others is unjust (& like ok he hates Coriolanus & probably the grandma but Tigris hadn’t done anything to deserve living in poverty, as she can’t control who she’s related to)? Plus, it felt like he could have at least tried taking Snow under his wing at some point to try to hinder Dr Gual’s influence. Saying all of that, though, Peter Dinklage is great at playing an addict with depression & the idea that some drunken rambling could lead to such long-lasting suffering is terrifying. Also its pretty realistic that living with that kind of guilt & in such a cruel environment for that long would make most people jaded & bitter, even if they did have good intentions.
Omg we finally get a Mayor family on screen & they’re assholes! Madge would be so disappointed 😭. It was interesting to see how harsh & overall “boot licky” the mayor & his family seemed compared to decades later, which makes sense as the war wasn’t that long ago for them so the dad probably felt more incentive to align himself with the Capitol as well as not feeling very connected to the district people as 12’s decline probably didn’t fully set in until they really started running low on coal & Snow became president (oh I just know he wanted to blow that district off the map 😆). I also wouldn’t put it past Billy to come up with some sob story of how he really does love Mayfair but wicked Lucy Gray is somehow preventing them from being together. Still no excuse to try to send her to her death twice in one week, though. Definitely not a girl’s girl.
Ok, so a liar. Cheat. Drunk & someone who hits women. Is there anything good about Billy Taupe? Also, trying to get your ex back, while your current girlfriend is literally standing right next to you? Dude, have some god damn back bone! You made a choice, now stick to it. Also, fumbling Lucy Gray, for a girl like that? What’s it like having no brains or taste? Well, too bad, coz you’re stuck with her forever now, lol.
Viola Davies, the actress that you are. What else is there to say? Dr Gaul is almost comic book levels of insane. Like she is how the Right see women in STEM, on crack! I don’t know what she did to get into character, but whatever it was, it worked.
Jason Schwartzman as Lucretius Flickerman is a very interesting addition to the story despite playing such a small & seemingly insignificant role. He is strange in how unthreatening he is while also extremely blasé about the abhorrent violence he witnesses that it’s as funny as it is disturbing. Making him come across as  more human yet harsher than his son, who at least pretends to care about the tributes (in a very Capitol way, obviously but still). There’s also a polish & confidence to Tucci’s performance that I think Schwartzman did a great job of avoiding copying (despite knowing what audiences were probably expecting) because not only are their characters in entirely different stages of their careers but the whole ethos of the Hunger Games is different in Snow’s youth than it is in Katniss’s. Caesar is a well established presenter & during his time, the games have always been a success (minus the year with the tundra) that the entire Capitol is invested in & seemingly in support of. On the other hand Lucretius had the unique task of not only coming into a job like this with zero experience (I mean imagine going from announcing the weather to presenting the fucking hunger games) but also there were no vibes to try to emulate let alone guidelines to follow because he truly was the first person to do this. On top of that, the "event" his presenting has been panned for years as both boring & unethical. Schwartzman brought a slightly awkward, experimental, yet try hard vibe (like a comedian who's desperate to get a laugh) that I think worked wonderfully for the character.
Tom Blyth's performance was great & he was visually perfect for a young Snow (the power of a good wig! Who knew lol). Even having the cool, analytical stare of Donald Sutherland, down pat. While his appearance was very Eminem during his peacekeeping days, his realisation in the cabin and subsequent breakdown in the woods were crazy. There was so much tension between him & Rachel in that scene that for a second, it literally felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room. I could almost hear the record scratch for both of them, & all that building paranoia finally coming to a sudden crescendo in the way that it did? Pure cinema!
Josh Rivera, as Sejanus, was honestly a mix for me. Obviously, I agree with his morals, but his way of going about it did seem a little dumb. However I do think it’s pretty realistic that a teenager, especially a rich one, would be rather naive. Also I’ve heard that he’s smarter in the book & I think at times my frustration with him is more just down to the fact that I’m seeing him from Snow’s point of view. Meaning scenes that would be portrayed as noble in any other film instead come across as almost painfully inconvenient because the focus is always on how they affect Snow rather than the actual victims of the situation. Lastly, sorry, Snowjanus shippers, I just don’t see it (especially on Snow’s end), but whatever floats your boat.
Rachel Zegler played Lucy Gray with the perfect mix of natural charm & emotional vulnerability with clear pride in her culture & a refusal to let the world around her change who she is. Yet there was also an air of mystery & a subtle resilience to her that makes her potentially surviving out in the woods for years without being detected actually believable (though I don’t buy the theory that she went on to become president Coin). Definitely the highlight of the movie for me.
PS. I'd love to know what you think of my review in the comments/tags & am open to criticism (as long as it's respectful) just remember that I'm only talking about the movie so please don't reference anything spersific to the book.
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neontokyoo · 11 months
Hi hi! May I take inspiration from the last post with that Kunikida break-up but instead of going to port mafia the moment they break up Dazai immediately shoves himself in the picture getting together with us.. You can make kunikida regretfully or jealous or happy it's up to you!!<33
As long as you ask and give me credit I really don't mind if you're inspired and choose to write/draw something based off of something I already wrote, just give credit where credit is due, and don't copy me completely (if that makes sense).
Anyways, the first few parts are going to be the same as the original post, it'll just have a different ending because I'm too lazy to rewrite it
Pairing: Osamu Dazai x GN!Reader Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort (I think. Maybe if you squint you can see it.) Summary: Being in a similar situation as you before, Dazai decides to step into the situation. Warnings: Mentions of death and/or suicide, let me know if I missed anything else.
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The sun had set, casting its warm glow over the agency, but the once vibrant atmosphere felt tainted with unease. You and Kunikida had shared two years of cherished memories, laughter, and passion, but a new presence disrupted the delicate balance. Akiara Ishikawa, with her enchanting presence and seemingly perfect allure, had captivated not only the attention of the agency members but, more notably, Kunikida's heart.
As days turned into weeks, you tried your best to maintain composure while the weight of insecurity gnawed at your soul. Each time you caught Kunikida exchanging glances with Akiara, a pang of jealousy tore through your chest. You wanted to be everything he desired, but reality dealt you a hand that fell just shy of perfection in his eyes.
One evening, you stood together in the dimly lit living room, the air thick with tension. The flickering candlelight cast haunting shadows upon the walls as Kunikida struggled to find the right words. "We need to talk," he finally said, his voice strained.
Your heart clenched at the premonition of his words. "What's wrong, Kunikida?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He hesitated, the internal conflict evident in his expressive eyes. "I can't ignore how I feel, and it's not fair to you," he confessed. "Akiara, she's everything I've ever dreamed of in a partner. I can't help but be drawn to her."
The admission hit you like a crushing blow. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over, but you fought to maintain your composure. "So, what are you saying?" you managed to ask, your voice quivering.
"I'm saying… I think we should end things between us," Kunikida said, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I don't want to hurt you, but I can't deny this connection I feel with Akiara."
It felt as if the world had crumbled beneath your feet, leaving you standing on a precipice of heartbreak. "But, Kunikida, we've shared so much together," you pleaded, trying to salvage the love you believed was still worth fighting for.
His expression softened, and he reached out to touch your cheek gently. "I know, and I'll cherish those memories forever. But sometimes, love isn't enough," he whispered, his voice laden with regret.
In the aftermath of the heartbreak, you withdrew from the agency, seeking refuge in the tranquility of your own space. It was during these dark days that Dazai emerged from the shadows, his enigmatic aura calling to you like a moth to a flame.
Once a mere presence in the background, Dazai now became a guiding light in your life. His playful grin, sprinkled with mischief, held the power to make you smile even in the depths of despair. His quick-witted banter could lift your spirits, even when your heart felt like an anchor, dragging you down into the abyss of pain.
Under the shimmering moonlight, you found yourselves standing together, the weight of unspoken emotions heavy in the air. Dazai, ever perceptive, finally broke the silence. "You know, heartbreak is a tricky thing," he said, his voice gentle and knowing.
Your eyes met his, searching for solace and understanding. "What do you mean, Dazai?" you asked, your voice laced with curiosity and caution.
He smiled, but behind the smile, a hint of sorrow lurked. "I've experienced something similar a few years ago," he confessed. "Though I didn't go through a breakup, I lost my best friend, and that memory still haunts me. But looking back now, I realize that without that loss, I wouldn't be where I am today. Sometimes, heartbreak paves the way for something unexpectedly beautiful."
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ you’re it for me ↰
➘ summary : this is a Hobie head canon that showcases all the little aspects happening in your relationship with him amongst other things. Keep in mind this will be a lengthy journey of reading and it’s based off of this post that I made a while back
➘ a/n : I’m making a part two to this headcanon because I feel it’s a bit too long lol and I don’t want you guys strolling for ages, so here it goes, part two
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Listening to Rock Music Together and Him Creating A Playlist For You :
Hobie Brown's cozy apartment was bathed in the warm glow of soft lighting. The sound of punk music played gently in the background, its melodic notes filling the room with a sense of tranquility. Hobie sat cross-legged on the couch, a small assortment of nail polish bottles spread out on the coffee table in front of him.
Beside him, his girlfriend (y/n) reclined comfortably, a content smile gracing her lips. She watched as Hobie concentrated on the task at hand – painting her nails with the precision of an artist. His brows furrowed in concentration, he dipped the tiny brush into the nail polish and carefully applied it to her nails.
"This color suits you, (y/n)," Hobie remarked, his voice soft as he continued his meticulous work.
(y/n) chuckled softly, glancing down at her nails. "Yeah? I like it too."
As the music continued to play, Hobie's fingers moved with a gentle rhythm that matched the beat. With each stroke of the brush, he seemed to be creating more than just pretty nail art – he was crafting a moment, a memory to be cherished.
Absently, (y/n) tapped her fingers against her thigh in time with the music. A soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to become immersed in the soothing melody. The sound of the punk song enveloped her, blending seamlessly with the cozy atmosphere of the apartment.
"I like how this song sounds," (y/n) mused, her voice a mere whisper.
Hobie's fingers paused for a moment, the brush hovering just above her nail. He looked up at her, a fond glint in his eyes. "Yeah? You have good taste, babe."
They shared a brief, tender smile before Hobie resumed his task. The atmosphere was serene and intimate, the outside world fading away as they embraced this moment together. The punk music played on, acting as the backdrop to their quiet conversation and the soft swishing of the nail polish brush.
As Hobie's artistic endeavor neared its completion, (y/n) opened her eyes and admired the intricate designs on her nails. "You're really talented, Hobie."
Hobie chuckled, a hint of bashfulness in his expression. "Thanks love. It's just something I picked up over the years."
With the last brushstroke, he set the nail polish aside and gently blew on her nails to speed up the drying process. The two of them sat in companionable silence for a moment, the music continuing to play softly in the background.
As the song reached its end, Hobie leaned back and stretched his arms above his head. "Done!"
(y/n) held up her hands, admiring the artwork on her nails with a satisfied grin. "Wow, you really outdid yourself."
Hobie's smile was radiant as he reached over and gave her a quick kiss. "Anything for my favorite gal.”
Their cozy evening continued, filled with laughter, music, and the simple joy of being together. The punk music remained a constant presence, weaving through their interactions and the thoughts of creating a soundtrack for the cherished moments they shared stayed heavy on his mind.
And as they relaxed in each other's company, (y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for the little things – the music, the artistry, and the love that colored their lives.
A few weeks after the cozy evening in Hobie's apartment and the creation of their shared playlist, he found himself inspired once again. This time, he had a different musical idea in mind – one that he believed would resonate with (y/n)'s spirit and new found love for punk music.
Late one evening, as the city's lights twinkled outside his window, Hobie sat down at his desk with determination. He opened his laptop, his fingers tapping the keyboard with purpose. He knew that this playlist had to be different, edgier, and perfectly aligned with (y/n)'s taste in music.
The words "Punk Anthem" flashed across the screen as he named the new playlist. With a grin, he began scouring his music library for different songs that he believed would resonate with (y/n). Each track was a nod to her vibrant personality, her sense of independence, and the free-spirited energy she brought into his life.
Hobie added songs that had rebellious lyrics and energetic beats, all designed to capture the essence of punk rock. The playlist was a tribute to (y/n)'s unique spirit and the way she lived life on her own terms.
As he carefully curated the songs, Hobie's mind wandered to the moment he would share this playlist with (y/n). He imagined her reaction, her eyes lighting up with delight as the first chords of a punk anthem blared through the speakers.
When the playlist was finally complete, Hobie leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin on his face. He had poured his heart into this gift, hoping it would convey his deep understanding of (y/n) and the unique connection they shared.
A few nights later, Hobie and (y/n) found themselves in his apartment again. The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable, much like their previous evenings together. They were sprawled out on the couch, wrapped up in each other's presence.
Hobie cleared his throat, his fingers drumming lightly on the arm of the couch. "Hey, so I've got something for you again darlin.”
(y/n) turned to him with a curious smile. "Oh? Another surprise?"
Hobie smirks, reaching for his phone and pulling up his music streaming app. He handed the phone to (y/n), his eyes dancing with excitement.
On the screen, she saw the title: "Punk Anthem."
Her heart raced as she tapped on the playlist and saw the list of punk songs that Hobie had curated for her. The rebellious energy of the tracks spoke to her soul, and she couldn't help but be amazed at how well he knew her tastes.
"Wow, Hobie," she exclaimed, her voice a mix of surprise and delight. "You really nailed it."
Hobie chuckled, a touch of pride in his expression. "I knew you'd love this."
As the first song started playing, (y/n) couldn't help but bounce to the beat. She looked at Hobie, her eyes shining with excitement. "This is awesome! Thank you!"
Hobie's arm found its way around her shoulders, and they leaned into each other, soaking in the energy of the music. Together, they listened to the punk anthems that spoke to their souls and celebrated their connection.
In that moment, Hobie and (y/n) felt the music pulse through their veins, a reflection of the vibrant love and understanding they shared. The playlist wasn't just a collection of songs; it was a testament to their journey, their bond, and the way they continued to learn and grow together.
As the last chords of the final song faded away, Hobie and (y/n) exchanged a glance that spoke volumes. The punk playlist had brought them closer, celebrating their uniqueness and the beautifully unconventional love story they were writing together.
Helping With Your Usual Hair and Skin Routine :
On a lazy weekend afternoon, the sun cast a warm and gentle glow into Hobie's apartment. Hobie and (y/n) found themselves lounging on the couch, their comfortable silence a testament to the ease of their relationship. As they flipped through a fashion magazine together, (y/n) suddenly looked up at Hobie with a mischievous smile.
"Hey, you know what would be fun?" she said, her eyes sparkling.
Hobie raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's that?"
"What if you helped me with my skincare and hair routine?" (y/n) suggested, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "I'll walk you through the steps, and you can be my partner in beauty crime for the day."
Hobie chuckled, the idea sounding both amusing and oddly appealing. "I've never done anything like that before, but I'm up for the challenge."
With a grin, (y/n) jumped to her feet, leading Hobie towards the bathroom where an array of skincare products and haircare tools awaited.
"Okay, step one," she began, holding up a cleanser. "This is a gentle cleanser that I use to cleanse my face. You just need to squeeze a little onto your palm, mix it with water, and then massage it onto my face in circular motions."
Hobie followed (y/n)'s instructions, his fingers working the cleanser onto her skin. He was careful and attentive, his touch gentle as he followed her lead.
"Next, we use a toner," (y/n) continued, showing him a bottle of toner. "This helps balance the pH of the skin and prepare it for the next steps."
Hobie watched as (y/n) soaked a cotton pad with the toner and then held it out to him. He mimicked her actions, gently patting the toner onto her skin.
As they moved through each step of the skincare routine, (y/n) explained the purpose of each product and the benefits it offered. Hobie listened attentively, his focus solely on (y/n) as he followed her lead.
"Now for the hair," (y/n) said, leading Hobie back to the living room where she had laid out haircare products and tools. "I usually use this heat protectant spray before styling my hair."
Hobie held the spray bottle, reading the label. "To protect your hair from heat damage, right?"
(y/n) nodded with a smile. "Exactly."
With (y/n)'s guidance, Hobie expertly sprayed the heat protectant onto her hair, making sure to cover every strand. He marveled at how much he was learning, and the way (y/n) explained things made it easy to understand.
As they moved through the hair routine, from blow-drying to styling, Hobie found himself enjoying the process. The atmosphere was light and playful, and the fact that he was doing something new and different made it all the more enjoyable.
When they finally finished, (y/n) turned to Hobie with a satisfied grin. "You make a pretty good beauty partner, you know."
Hobie laughed, a warm feeling of accomplishment washing over him. "I have to admit, I didn't expect to be doing a skincare and hair routine today, but it was surprisingly fun."
(y/n) leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Well, now you know more about my daily rituals. It's a little part of my world that I wanted to share with you."
Hobie's heart swelled at her words, a reminder of the depth of their connection and the way they embraced each other's interests.
As they settled back on the couch, (y/n) snuggled against Hobie's side, her head resting on his shoulder. The fashion magazine lay forgotten on the coffee table, replaced by the memory of a lighthearted afternoon spent exploring each other's worlds.
With Hobie and (y/n) sitting cozily on the couch, enjoying each other's presence as they exchanged story feeds and shared laughter with one another. The warm ambiance of the room created a comfortable atmosphere, one where they could simply be themselves. As their conversation flowed, Hobie found himself becoming increasingly intrigued by the idea of experiencing his girlfriend's skincare routine firsthand after helping her with hers that morning.
He glanced at (y/n) with a playful grin. "You know, all that talk about skincare earlier has got me curious. How about giving me the same treatment?"
(y/n)'s eyes lit up with amusement. "You want the full skincare experience, Hobie?"
Hobie nodded, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Why not? I want to see what all the fuss is about."
“Oh you’re tots gonna love this!”
With a delighted giggle, (y/n) agreed, and they made their way to the bathroom. (y/n) walked Hobie through each step, just as he had done for her. She demonstrated a whole new way for him how to cleanse, tone, moisturize, and even go as far as to show him how to apply a face mask both a clay and wet version. Hobie followed her instructions diligently, a mixture of curiosity and amusement evident on his face.
As they reached the final step of the routine, (y/n) applied a moisturizing cream to Hobie's face, her fingers moving with a practiced touch. She studied his features, noting the smooth texture of his skin.
"You have great skin, you know," (y/n) commented, her tone affectionate.
Hobie grinned, his eyes twinkling. "I've never really done anything special for it. My skincare routine is pretty simple."
(y/n) arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? Do tell."
Hobie chuckled, leaning back against the counter. "Water and a bar of Dove soap. That's pretty much it."
(y/n) burst into laughter, her joyous peals filling the bathroom. "Water and a bar of Dove soap? That's it?"
Hobie shrugged with a sheepish grin. "Hey, it's been working for me so far."
With the moisturizing cream applied, (y/n) stepped back and surveyed her handiwork. "Well, you're a natural, Hobie. Your skin looks amazing."
Hobie's cheeks tinted with a hint of pink as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess I've been underestimating the power of an actual skincare routine”.
As they returned to the living room, (y/n) leaned against Hobie, a satisfied smile on her face. "See? Skincare isn't just for girls. Guys can benefit from it too."
Hobie wrapped an arm around (y/n), a contented expression on his face. "I never said it was but I’m starting to believe you love,” he says feeling the tingling sensation on his face.
As the evening continued, their lighthearted conversation flowed seamlessly. The memory of their skincare adventure added another layer of shared experiences to their relationship – a reminder that even the simplest moments could become cherished memories.
You Cook Him Breakfast so He Does The Same For You :
The soft morning light filtered through the curtains as (y/n) tiptoed around the kitchen, moving with a sense of purpose. She was up earlier than usual, her excitement bubbling over a plan she had concocted. Today, she was determined to surprise Hobie with a homemade breakfast in bed.
With careful consideration, she gathered ingredients and utensils, creating a delicious spread that she knew Hobie would enjoy. As she moved about the kitchen, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, wrapping her in a comforting embrace.
However, her focus was momentarily interrupted by a sound from the bedroom. (y/n) glanced over her shoulder, her heart skipping a beat as she saw Hobie standing in the doorway, shirtless and rubbing his eyes.
"Hobie," she exclaimed softly, a mixture of surprise and delight in her voice.
Hobie's lips curled into a sleepy smile as he walked over to her. "Good morning, love. You're up early."
(y/n) grinned, her cheeks tinted with a touch of pink. "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed."
As Hobie wrapped his arms around her from behind, (y/n) felt a rush of warmth, her heart fluttering in response. She could feel his bare chest against her back, the steady rise and fall of his breath as he held her close.
"That's incredibly sweet," he murmured into her ear, his voice a soft caress.
With her head leaning slightly against his chest, (y/n) continued to cook, feeling his presence envelop her like a comforting embrace. She could sense his quiet appreciation for her efforts, his gaze fixed on the food she was preparing.
Hobie's chin gently nudged against the crook of her shoulder, and he dropped a tender kiss on her temple. "You know, you're amazing," he whispered.
(y/n) turned her head slightly, her lips brushing against his jaw. "And you're incredibly distracting when you're shirtless in the morning."
Hobie chuckled, his arms tightening around her for a moment. "Can't help it if I'm irresistible."
Their playful banter filled the air as they continued to share the intimate space of the kitchen. (y/n)'s heart swelled with affection for the man who stood behind her – a man who had walked into her life and filled it with joy, laughter, and unexpected moments of tenderness.
Finally, the breakfast was ready, and (y/n) carefully plated the food. She turned around to face Hobie, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of love and gratitude.
"Breakfast is served," she announced with a smile.
Hobie's eyes sparkled with appreciation as he released her, allowing her to move to the dining table where she had set up the food. As they sat down to enjoy the meal, their fingers brushed against each other, the simple touch a testament to the connection they shared.
In the soft morning light, as they savored their breakfast and shared stories of their day ahead, (y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for the moments that brought them closer together. From surprise breakfasts to tender embraces, their love was a journey woven with warmth and affection, a journey they were more than willing to embrace, one sunrise at a time.
The next morning arrived, and Hobie was filled with excitement as he prepared to surprise (y/n) with breakfast in bed, just as she wanted to do for him. He moved around the kitchen with a sense of purpose, selecting ingredients and carefully crafting a meal that he hoped she would enjoy.
With a smile, he began to cook, his focus solely on the task at hand. The sizzle of bacon and the crackling of eggs filled the air as the aroma of food began to envelop the room. Hobie hummed softly to himself, eager to surprise (y/n) with a delicious meal.
However, his concentration was shattered when he heard soft footsteps behind him. Turning around, his eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. (y/n) stood there, wearing one of his shirts that fit her in an oversized fashion. The shirt fell just above her knees, and her legs were bare.
"Good morning, Hobie," she greeted, her voice laced with sleepiness and a hint of mischief.
Hobie's gaze traveled over her, his heart racing at the sight of her in his shirt. He couldn't help but admire the way it draped over her, creating an effortlessly alluring look.
"Morning," he managed to reply, his voice a tad breathless.
With a playful smile, (y/n) hopped up onto the kitchen counter, crossing her legs as she sat there. "I woke up earlier than I thought, and I couldn't resist coming to see what you were up to."
Hobie's attention snapped back to the food on the stove, realizing that he had become so distracted by (y/n) that he had forgotten about the eggs. He rushed over to the stove, quickly turning off the burner and assessing the damage.
"Uh, I might have burned the eggs a little," he admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
(y/n) laughed softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, it looks like we're even now. Remember the last time I got distracted by you while cooking?"
Hobie chuckled, a rueful grin on his face. "Yeah, fair point."
As they shared a lighthearted moment, Hobie's heart swelled with affection for the woman who sat before him. Her playful spirit and effortless beauty never failed to leave him captivated.
(y/n) hopped down from the counter and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Don't worry about the burned eggs. I'm just happy you wanted to do something sweet for me."
Hobie's arms encircled her, drawing her close. "I wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine."
She grinned up at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, it's definitely a memorable morning."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the breakfast mishap became an inconsequential detail. The love and affection they shared far outweighed any culinary mishaps, and the simple joy of being together was more than enough to make their morning memorable.
In the soft embrace of the moment, Hobie and (y/n) knew that their love was a beautiful journey filled with laughter, surprises, and the sweetest of mornings, where the simplest gestures held the power to create cherished memories.
When He’s Jealous But He Makes It Clear You Two Are Together :
The day was bright and full of promise as Hobie and (y/n) found themselves in the midst of a bustling street in the Spider-Verse. They had ventured to this unique dimension, a place where various versions of Spider-People coexisted, with the intention of experiencing something truly extraordinary.
As they marveled at the sights around them, from towering skyscrapers to masked heroes swinging through the air, Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, approached them.
"Hobie," Miguel called out, motioning for him to come closer. "I need to discuss the upcoming mission with you."
Hobie gave (y/n) an apologetic smile before following Miguel away to talk, leaving her standing amidst the vibrant Spider-Verse crowd.
As Hobie and Miguel conversed about the mission, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the novelty of the environment. She looked around, taking in the different Spider-People and their unique costumes, each a testament to their individual stories and experiences.
Lost in thought, she didn't notice the arrival of another Spider-Person until a voice brought her back to reality.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" a smooth voice purred, and (y/n) turned to find a man leaning against a nearby wall. He was dressed in a black and red suit, his stance oozing confidence.
(y/n) blinked, caught off guard by the newcomer's presence. "Oh, um, hi."
The man grinned, his expression flirtatious. "I must say, you're the most intriguing sight I've seen all day."
Feeling her cheeks flush, (y/n) shifted uncomfortably. "Oh, thank you. I'm just visiting with my boyfriend."
The man's grin didn't waver as he raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend, huh? He must be a lucky guy."
Before (y/n) could respond, a wave of relief washed over her as Hobie returned, his expression serious. He noticed the interaction between (y/n) and the stranger, and a flicker of jealousy flashed in his eyes.
"Hey," he said, his voice firm as he approached (y/n).
She turned to him with a small smile, grateful for his return. "Hey, everything okay?"
Hobie's arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. He shot a pointed look at the man who had been chatting with (y/n), a clear message in his gaze. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just needed to discuss about the mission."
The man chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Hobie's protective stance. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you both. If you ever change your mind about that boyfriend of yours..."
Hobie's grip on (y/n) tightened, and he met the man's gaze with a steely look. "She's taken."
The man raised his hands in mock surrender, a smirk on his lips. "Fair enough. Enjoy your time in the Spider-Verse."
As the man walked away, Hobie released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He turned to (y/n), his expression softer now.
"Sorry about that," he said, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I didn't mean to leave you alone with him."
(y/n) smiled, her heart warmed by Hobie's protectiveness. She reached up to gently touch his cheek. "I appreciate it, Hobie. But you know you have nothing to worry about."
Hobie's gaze softened, and he leaned down to press a tender kiss to her lips. "I know. It's just hard to see you talking to other guys, especially someone like him."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the vibrant Spider-Verse surroundings faded into the background. The Spider-People and their extraordinary stories no longer held their attention; instead, all that mattered was the connection they shared and the love that continued to grow between them.
As they walked away from the encounter in the Spider-Verse, the vibrant surroundings gradually began to fade into the distance. Hobie's arm was draped over (y/n)'s shoulders, and though the atmosphere was lighter now, he couldn't help but mutter under his breath.
"God, I hate that guy."
(y/n) couldn't help but chuckle at Hobie's display of jealousy. She leaned her head against his shoulder affectionately. "You know, it's kinda cute when you get all protective."
Hobie's lips curled into a faint smile, his gaze softening as he looked at her. "Protective, huh? Well, I just don't like the idea of anyone else flirting with you."
She tilted her head up to meet his eyes, her expression warm and sincere. "Hobie, you have nothing to worry about. I'm happy with you, and no one else matters."
His smile grew more genuine, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I know, (y/n). And I'm grateful for that."
They continued to walk, their steps in sync as they navigated their way through the dimensions. The conversation flowed effortlessly, a mixture of laughter, shared stories, and moments of comfortable silence.
As they reached the portal that would take them back to Hobie's dimension, (y/n) looked up at him with a soft smile. "You know, even in the wildest dimensions, you're the one I want by my side."
Hobie's heart swelled with affection, and he cupped her cheek, his touch gentle. "And you're the one I choose, too."
With a sense of anticipation and the knowledge that they were embarking on a journey back to their own world, Hobie and (y/n) stepped through the portal, their hands intertwined. The Spider-Verse's unique landscapes and characters faded away, replaced by the familiar sights and sounds of their home dimension.
No matter where they went, or what challenges they faced, their love remained a constant anchor in their lives. As they left the extraordinary behind and returned to the ordinary, they knew that the bond they shared was anything but mundane – it was a love that transcended dimensions and was stronger than any obstacle that came their way.
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writtenonreceipts · 7 months
Hi friend! How are you? I hope this sparks some ideas for your secret santa: N.12 for Elorcan, please?
Hi! I've been alright, I survived my holiday weekend and am back to the usual grind! I hope you're doing well! Thanks so much for sending me this, I really did enjoy this one!
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from this prompt list
Prompt: "H-how long have you been standing there?” - “Long enough.”->I tweaked it just a little.
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Tear In My Heart
The gritty scent of cigarette smoke was the first thing Lorcan noticed when he entered the bar.  Being this far out in the middle of nowhere Colorado led to no one caring about enforcing the law about indoor smoking, especially not the owner.  Mort never seemed to care about that sort of thing and it showed.  Lorcan doubted any sort of deep cleaning would ever rid the place of the stench so there was no use banning smoking.  Especially not when it was accompanied by the sharp tang of alcohol and vomit.
Unfortunately, there was nowhere else to get a decent drink around here unless you sat out on your porch with your own.  And even Lorcan didn't drink alone.
But there was another reason to come to the bar.
Eighties rock played through the speakers adding to the grungy atmosphere.  Dim lights over the counter set everything in an orange haze.  Even the neon lights of the different beer logos and other paraphernalia didn't add anything.  Two pool tables sat in one of the back corners along with a dart board.  No matter how few people were seated at the bar or various tables, it always felt overcrowded and tonight was no different.
All Lorcan focused on, however, was the woman behind the bar.
Her black hair fell around her shoulders in loose waves, framing her face.  He'd always found her beautiful, striking really, with her onyx eyes and pale skin, that sarcastic twist of her lips when she made a quip. 
She hadn't noticed him yet, which was good, he didn't need to be caught starting.  Instead, she was focused on pouring out a drink for the man across the counter from her.  She laughed at something he said, though he didn't know what.
Lorcan felt his own blood heat at that and he strode across the hardwood floor in just a few quick steps.  When he approached the bar, Elide finally noticed him and a smile lit up her entire face.
"Well, well," she said, sliding the drink to the other customer.  "If it isn't Salvaterre."
"Lochan," he said.  He took a seat a few stools down from the other man.
"Let me know if you need anything else, Dan," Elide said to the other man.  She moved down the bar until she reached Lorcan.  With her arms crossed she leaned against the polished wood so she could properly examine him. "You look like hell."
Lorcan rolled his eyes.  It was true enough.  This past week had been miserable.  The small shop he ran had been struggling a bit and things at the ranch were not better.  It shouldn't have surprised him, things always slowed down this time of year, but summer had been slower as well.  And then there was the fact that he had feelings for the girl he could never have.
"I always look like this," he said.  And because he was a bastard, he leaned forward, drawing closer to her.
"Yeah, you should do something about that," she said.  Her endless black eyes stared directly into him as though she could see to his very soul.  Then with a laugh she pulled back. "You want your usual?"
"Yeah, sure," he said.  He watched her go as she turned for a new glass, a bottle of whiskey. 
Elide had always been the sort of woman he knew he could never have.  She was good, first off.  She came from a good family with a good background.  She'd graduated high school with honors even though she had pretty bad dyslexia.  Then when her dad got sick she'd dropped out of college and left everything to move back home and help her mom out with bills by working at a crappy bar that probably doled out even crappier tips.
As she assembled the drink she glanced over her shoulder at him. "Just you tonight?"
"Nah, the twins'll show up eventually," he said. "And Rowan if he can drag himself away from another fight with Galathynius."
Elide snorted a laugh and she turned back to him with the drink. "Aw, upset your best friend actually has a life?"
"You know how annoying that woman is," Lorcan groused.  He accepted the drink.
For the last year and a half, Aelin had been working at the Whitethorn ranch as a trauma specialist in youth and children for kids needing help in various forms of therapy.  Rowan had inherited the business from his parents and for some reason thought it was a good idea to keep it running.  Even if he and his lead psychologist did not get along.
"Yeah, that's why she's my best friend," Elide said drily.  "She's a good person."
Lorcan doubted that but he'd shut up.  There would be plenty of other chances to put his foot in his mouth tonight.
"I'll take your word for it," he said instead.  He took a long drink, ice clinking gently in the cup.
"Well I am a very reliable source," she said. 
And then she was gone to fix another round for a couple at one of the far tables.  Lorcan watched her go, unable to look away from the sway of her hips or the sliver of skin that peeked out between the edge of her shirt and her jeans.
He only managed to tear his gaze away when the door of the bar opened and Fenrys Moonbeam entered.  Lorcan knew it was him without even looking because Fen, annoying as hell, always made sure his presence was known.
"Lochan!  How's it going?" Fenrys called, looping over to Lorcan.  Behind him was the more subdued Connall, eyes glued to his phone.  Lorcan had the sneaking suspicion that Connall was about to start dating someone.  But being who he was, wouldn't talk about it until it was an actuality.  Even quiet and distracted, Connall still managed to balance out his twin.
"Hi Fenrys," Elide called back.  She kept with her current task of drink refills and checking the kitchen on a food order.
When Fenrys dropped into the stool beside Lorcan he smacked a hand on his shoulder.
"You know you're getting obvious, right?" Fenrys asked.  "What's this?  Three nights in a row?"
"He's not that much of a psychopath," Connall spoke, he dropped into the seat on the far side of Fenrys. "He puts a day between the visits."
"Shut up," Lorcan growled.  He took another sip of whiskey, relishing in the bite as it slid down his throat.
Somehow, in some pathetic and sad twist of fate, his friends had learned of his crush on Elide.  He blamed it on a night a few months ago involving too much tequila and spur of the moment round of truth or dare.  It was pathetic enough that he was a thirty-year-old man playing truth or dare but to follow that up with the admission of having a crush?  Pathetic. 
He really had to get a life.
"You should make a move 's all I'm saying," Fenrys said.  He snagged a half-filled bowl of pretzels from down the bar and dragged it closer so he could snack.
"He's right," Connall added, finally looking up from his phone. "She's not going to stay single forever.  I heard Archer Finn wanted to ask her out."
Lorcan couldn't help his scowl.  Finn was best described as being a player.  One night stands, ghosting, playing games.  He wasn't a good person.  It was the one thing he could agree with Aelin Galathynius about.  He certainly didn't deserve to even talk to Elide.
"Yeah, the scowl's real convincing about your feelings," Connall said.
"Archer's an ass," Lorcan said.
Fenrys laughed. "So are you and she still talks to you."
Lorcan kicked his chair. "Shut up."
"Man."  Fenrys shook his head, brushing his blond curls from his eyes. "You've been obsessed with her for years.  At this point it's your own fault if she gets picked up by someone else."
"I'm not--" Lorcan began.
"You have her shifts memorized," Connall said, "know her birthday, her mom's birthday, dude you got her flowers on her dads anniversary."
Lorcan was never telling Rowan anything ever again.
"Didn't you fix her car for free too?" Fenrys added, mouth full of pretzels.
In the last five years of knowing Elide, having moved to this town on a whim after school, Lorcan had indeed done all of those things.  There had just been something about Elide and the first time he'd met her.  It had been at this very bar, just a few months after her dad's passing.  He hadn't been in the best of moods, admittedly that was usual for him, and she'd called him out on it.
Their friendship slowly developed from there where he'd learned all those things and more about Elide.  He'd been in love with her as long as he could remember.
He couldn't say anything of course because he was Lorcan.  He was the town miscreant who usually stayed on his property unless it was to come in for a drink.  He managed the stables for the Whitethorn ranch and ran a side mechanic shop.  Really, the jobs weren't stable and would likely only get worse from here.  His father was an alcoholic, his mother gone since he was eighteen--he wasn't good enough for someone like Elide.
"She's going to figure out you're in love with her eventually," Connall said, "and what are you going to--"
Connall abruptly cut off with a rather colorful curse and Lorcan felt his blood freeze.  He abandoned his drink and spun in his stool to find Elide standing behind them, half empty tray of drinks and plates in her hands.
Her eyes were too wide and her lips parted in shock.
"I-" Her gaze bounced between the three of them before settling on the floor. "I'll be out with drinks in a minute."
She dropped the tray on the nearest table and immediately left through the front door of the bar--not through the kitchens.
"Hell,” Lorcan muttered.  He stood and punched Fenrys' shoulder for good measure. "Thanks for that."
"Connall's the one that actually said it!" Fenrys shouted.
Lorcan ignored him and launched himself out and across the bar to the door.
The cool air of the night immediately washed over him, clearing his senses of the heady scent of the bar.  Overhead, a waning crescent hung in the sky with patches of stars filling the inky darkness.
He spun, looking for where Elide had gone.  He knew she was still on shift and wouldn't take off without a replacement.
It didn't take long to spot her.  She'd walked down the length of the sidewalk outside the bar a few yards away.  Overhead, a streetlamp burned with pale light, illuminating her as she paced with quick, uneven steps.  She tugged one hand through her hair, holding it out of her face as she muttered under her breath.
When Lorcan's boot scraped on the ground, she looked up.  Her eyes were still wide and shock remained cleanly written on her face.  Lorcan kept enough distance between them so that if she really wanted she could skirt around him and head back to the bar, but close enough that he could reach out to her too.
"How much did you hear?" he asked, because really that's all he really cared about, how much damage control he needed to do.
If there was one thing that Lorcan knew about Elide it was that she didn't shirk away from a problem.  Even if she didn't like the situation or what may come with it.  Just like now.
Her dark eyes met his and, for once, he couldn't read her.  He'd gotten so used to knowing her little quirks that the radio silence unnerved him.  Or maybe that was how it was supposed to be.  Maybe he didn't actually know her and everything he thought he did know was more or less a facade, an illusion.
"Is it true?" she asked, voice soft and far more vulnerable than Lorcan was used to hearing from her. "Or were they just talking shit, I know how they are."
"I--" Lorcan scrubbed at his face, looking away.  He didn't know if he could tell her the truth.  If he did there was no guarantee of how she would respond.  And he didn't know if he could take the rejection.  Because something like this?  It would ruin any semblance of friendship between them.
She wouldn't let him get away with the silence or the pretending to ignore what she had heard.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" he asked.
"Yes."  The hard line of her voice drew him back to her.  With hands on her hips and the way her hair swept over one shoulder, Lorcan knew he wouldn't get away with delaying any longer.  
The thing about it was that he didn’t like not being able to control the outcome of a given situation.  And he knew more than anything that there was no controlling Elide.  She was exactly who she was and would yield to no one.
Lorcan often put his foot in his mouth over so many things--especially when he had been younger.  It simply became easier to act.  Which was what he did then.
In two sweeping steps, he reached her.  Lorcan cupped her face in his hands, feeling how soft her skin was against his own calluses.  Her dark eyes gleamed in the streetlamp overhead, her full mouth opening in surprise.
Lorcan acted without thinking when he kissed her.  All he was really focused on was wiping that look of mixed hurt and confusion from her face--to show her exactly how he felt.
A part of Lorcan thought she would shove him away, but instead her hands gripped the front of his shirt, fingers digging into the fabric to pull him closer.  Her lips were soft against his, soft and warm and everything he’d imagined in all these years.  And when she exhaled a soft moan, Lorcan nearly broke at that sound alone.
One of his hands slipped into her hair, the thick locks like silk in his fingers.  His other hand went to her waist as he tugged her closer.  He could feel her warmth and her soft curves and all he could think that he wanted more.  More of her and more of what they could have.
“Lorcan,” Elide whispered against his lips.  She broke away only to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling heavily as she met his gaze.
He leaned in close enough to press his forehead against hers even though all he could think about was kissing her again and memorizing the way she felt against him.
“I’m in love with you,” he told her, voice soft.  He’d never said these words to anyone before and they felt strange on his tongue.  But he knew they were true and he knew that he had to say them at least once.  And it would only be for her.
He felt her tremble in his arms and listened to the sharp inhale of breath she made.  When she didn’t try and pull away from him, Lorcan felt a bit of hope rise in his chest.  Instead, Elide tilted her chin until her lips brushed against his.  The touch was barely there and hardly even a kiss but Lorcan swore he came alive with that simple act.
“It took you long enough,” she replied.  Her dark eyes stared into him with a spark of that same fire that had first caught his attention five years ago.
When she kissed him she held nothing back.  Her mouth was firm and insistent, her hands moving with determination until her fingers curled over his shoulders keeping right where she wanted.
And for the first time since he’d moved to this town, he felt like he’d finally come home.
tagging still is not functioning properly, so if you'd reblog/comment I'd really appreciate it! Y'all are so great <3
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