#the lovers grim
olivieblake · 1 year
Hello! I am a very big fan of your work and have read almost all of your publishings !! I was looking for my own copy of The Lovers Grim but found that the paperback was not available anymore on Amazon! Will it once again be available sometime soon? Or do I need to get the book on another platform? I’ve spent two hours looking for it and can’t seem to find an affordable option 😭
hi! it is no longer available, I'm sorry. kdp (amazon's self-pub platform) raised their printing costs and I wasn't interested in raising the prices of my paperbacks, especially now that there's such a huge gap in quality between my tor books and the indie editions that always needed a lot more production effort than I gave them back when I thought nobody would ever read them except for my five best tumblr friends. I'm really sorry you missed out on the paperback! those stories aren't necessarily gone forever, but I didn't feel good about having works out in the world that were less polished, especially if I had to raise the prices on them
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#592 ADOPTED-
How I think Yuu became an instantly favorite student on day one of being allowed to be a student, even after hearing all the chaos you committed-
Trein*Has been Lecturing for five minutes about what he will do if you act up*-You better get yourself ready because I'm about to kick-
Grim*Pops head from your backpack, yawning from his nap and into the desk...looking curiously at Trein*???
Trein*Freezes and looks at Grim*...
Yuu: I-I know he isn't a cat-cat but the head mage put me and him as one student but he is really well-behaved once you offer him some treats-
Trein*Holds hand up to stop you from smiling looking at grim*No nono no, Say no more...a Parents love knows no rule~
Yuu: I didn t know you were a cat man, sir
Trein: Do I have a brain in my head? Do I have a heart in my chest?WHO is this stunning creature?*Is already letting Grim sniff his hand for him to get used to him*
-Soon Trein can't keep it together and grabs Grim to hold him and coddle him-
Yuu*Panics but then sees Grim is...allowing it and even purring*Oh-my god...
Trein: What? Oh, Does he prefer the left side?*Moves grim to the left side*
Yuu: No...He doesnt normally let anyone touch him but me...
Trein: I happen to have a way with those of the Feline persuasion~
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bibliosims · 2 months
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life's a circus ✨
for the Grim Reefer's Server CAS Challenge
August: Clown O'Clock
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akemifoxuk · 3 months
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due to work and blackouts, there is not enough time for drawingr😓
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kiwibongos · 3 months
honestly i definitely think it wasn't *just* teruteru who dabbled in tasting human flesh while in despair and i dont see anyone talking about that
like i really think akane, gundham, mikan and perhaps ibuki, definitely got into that stuff
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Silent Reverence (Rollo x GN!Reader)
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Content Warning: Mild injury, light angst (arguing), Glorious Masquerade event mentioned Note: Can you spot the two movie references in this fic?
Your heart jumped at the sudden sound, then sank when you realized it was one of pain. “Do you need me to walk slower?” you asked, stalling your pace for a moment. 
The man, whose arm was slung around your shoulder for support, practically hopping on one foot with you as his crutch, scoffed the suggestion. “You think me too weak to keep up such a undermanding pace?” 
“That’s not what I-”
“I do not require such coddling.” Those dark, cold eyes stared ahead as he took one clumsy step - hop - forward. “Come - we are close to a seat.” 
He said it as though he were the one leading you. Honestly, when did his audacity end? You kept your frustrations to yourself as you guided him along, right up to an empty bench near the pool. Thankfully the area there was shaded, or the concrete below your feet would have scalded both your heels by now. With zero grace, you both slumped onto the long bench; a sigh released from you two as the weight of the other was lifted as you separated. For a brief minute, you simply sat there and caught your breath. Before that respite was even over, however, you rolled your head to the side to look at the one beside you. 
“Rollo,” he hazarded you a glance as you spoke, “do you want some water? You can sip on it while I go get some bandages; I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”
There was a flicker of irritation in those gray orbs, but he didn’t voice it for the time being. He just sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall behind the bench, sun hat now slumped to one side, and answered with, “If you would.” 
Though your legs protested as you stood, you went out in search of the refreshing beverage. While you had to shell out eight madol for the small bottles of water, you didn’t complain. Instead, you quickly went back to Rollo and handed him one of the plastic bottles. He opened his eyes to greet you, and gave a small nod in what you supposed was thanks as he took it from you. You watched him hastily, yet elegantly open the bottle and take three big gulps. Just like that, half the water was gone - a third of yours was to follow as you drank from your bottle. After a deep exhale, you closed your bottle and spoke to Rollo again. 
“I’m going to go to the lobby and ask the receptionist if they can lend me a first aid kit. I’ll be right back - don’t move.” 
“Tch,” Rollo clicked his tongue with a roll of his eye. “As if I were fit to do anything more.” 
So, off you went to get those medical supplies - all whilst trying to suppress the irritation that grew within you. 
“Ah!” Rollo’s sharp yelp was followed by a hiss as he glared down at you. “That hurts!” 
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt if you’d stay still!” you shot back, tone just as cutting. 
Rollo’s face morphed into a scowled as he practically growled in anger. “Well, you and those you call housewardens should have kept a closer eye on your students. If you had, I would not be in this predicament!” 
It took all your strength not to throw the roll of bandages in his face. “You were the one running around the edge of the pool, where a ‘No Running’ sign was plastered on every wall. Riddle was just about to take care of Ace, and I Grim, when you came stomping over. As the president of your school’s student council, I thought you would pay more attention to bright white signs with big black letters and a slipping stick figure on them.”
Just as you were about to finish the tie on Rollo’s bandage, he suddenly stood. His hands were balled into fists, teeth grit so hard you thought they might crack. Despite that angry look, his tone was level, authoritative - he spoke to you as if you were some child. “I have had quite enough of you. Step aside - I will seek care else-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you shot up in front of him, face mere inches from his. Your eyes were like knives as they bore into him, pierced his very soul. So, too, was your voice level and demanding, though it came with a pointed edge that, if you were calm enough, would shock even you. “Sit down and shut up.” Rollo’s scowl melted into a stunned look, likely because no one had spoken to him in such a way before. He said not a word as he kept your stern gaze and slowly lowered himself back onto the bench. You followed him down, and when you knelt before him again, you threatened, “Move out of that seat, speak to me like that again, and I’ll give you something worse than a sprained ankle.”
There was a long silence between the two of you after that. In that time, you finished wrapping Rollo’s ankle, which had now begun to bruise. You were tempted to tie the knot a little tighter than what was required, just to get back at him, but you refrained. Despite how he spoke to you, Rollo was injured - you couldn’t be too petty. When you made sure the knot was secure, you quietly packed the bandages and pain relief ointment back into the little bag the receptionist had given you. As you closed the bag with the snap, you said, “Your ankle will probably swell a bit for a few days. Just keep off of it as much as you can; if it gets too painful, or if the bruise becomes worse than normal, you might want to see a doctor.” 
You didn’t even look up to see if Rollo heard you; his eyes had been upon you since he sat down, so you knew you had his full attention. As you stood from your spot on the ground and dusted off your knees, you added, “I’ll tell you vice president and assistant where you are. You said they were by the lazy river?” 
“...yes.” Rollo’s voice was hushed, as though he were hesitant to answer. 
“It shouldn’t take them too long to get here and help you up then.” You still refused to look at him as you turned to leave. “Hope your ankle heals soon.” You took a step away from the bench -
You froze at the sound of your name - of Rollo calling you by name. In the past, he only called you Prefect, or some other formal title you couldn’t recall. Sometimes you even wondered if he knew your name; his utterance of it just answered your suspicions. For the first time in the past several minutes, you glanced over at him. His expression appeared monotone, the usual for him, but there was a distinct…softness about it. In those dark gray orbs was a plea for forgiveness - a hidden respect. Well, that was something you never expected, especially in your direction. 
“Thank you,” his gaze flicked down to his ankle, “for your care.” 
You pushed the surprise to the back of your mind as you gave a shrug of your shoulders. “There was a possibility no one else would, at least when it comes to the ones from NRC. While you did apologize at the end of the masquerade, there are many who don’t hold you in a high regard.” Your eyes narrowed in a show of warning. “Unless you start treating the students like you would your own, instead of dogs or, as you put it, ‘heathens’, that opinion will never change.”
“If you will permit me to ask,” your gazes locked once more as he questioned, “why is your opinion any different?” 
You thought it over for a moment… “Honestly, I don’t know,” you admitted. A light chuckle fluttered at the edge of your words as you suggested, “Maybe I’m a sucker for punishment? It would fit for all things I’ve put up with since enrolling at the college - since I got there.” Although some of that previous frustration still lingered within you, a smile twitched at your lips. “Or maybe because, like me, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves. You said you would repent for your mistakes, right?” 
“That is my intention,” Rollo affirmed with a small nod of his head. 
“Well, you have your chance.” You turned to leave, but not without a final warning. “Don’t screw it up with your ego.” 
Then you walked away without another word. Rollo also remained silent, though you could feel his eyes follow you until you disappeared back into the hotel. They did not cut into your back like a knife, as they had many times before; instead, you felt as though it was out of something else. You couldn’t say what, however. For now, you simply let it slip from your mind as you went to inform Rollo’s cohorts of his accident. Maybe, just maybe, you could also convince Ace and Grim not to gossip about Rollo’s fall. 
“Henchmen!” Grim called out from beside the door to your hotel room. “There’s a lady here - she’s got something for you.” 
Your face scrunched in confusion as you approached the door. A bit of dread lingered in your heart as well. You really hoped it wouldn’t be something from Crowley, likely asking you to take on some task while you were supposed to be vacationing with the others. This was a school-wide trip, after all, and that included you. You swore, if this was yet another chore, you’d-!
“Can I help you?” you asked the lady at the door, in the most polite way despite the plots of doom that swirled in your head. 
“These are for you.” The lady, one you recognized from the hotel lobby, presented a bouquet of flowers with a smile. It was huge! To prevent it from falling to the ground, you had to cradle it like a baby! 
“U-Um…thank you?” You felt a little awkward at the whole situation. “Why am I receiving these?” 
“A young man asked for them to be delivered to you,” she replied. “You can check the notecard in the flowers.” She gave you a small bow before she turned to depart. “Have a good day!” 
“Y-You too.” You had to kick the door to close it - you didn’t want to risk dropping the flowers. Thankfully, Grim stepped out of your way as you headed to your bed, but he followed close behind.
“Why would someone send you flowers?” Those big blue eyes narrowed as he placed his paws on his hips. “What did you do?” 
“No idea,” you answered to both his questions. Now sitting on the bed, you examined the bouquet closely. There were various types of flowers: pink roses, lavender, blue hyacinths, lily of the valley, white tulips, forget-me-nots. This was certainly an expensive bouquet, a well-crafted one as well. You were sure there was some meaning to them; not too long ago, Rook had expressed to you the language of flowers. You made a note to visit him later for an analysis. You plucked the notecard the lady had mentioned before and added, “But we’re about to find out.” 
Grim hopped up onto the bed and took a seat next to you. You could feel him peek around you to try and get a look at the card - the one that now had your mouth agape. “What? What is it?!” Grim struggled to get a better look. “Let me see!” 
His words were like whispers in the wind. The message was not exactly what froze you on the spot - it was the signature below it. The identity of the sender of this generous, meticulously crafted bouquet, specially made for you. 
I hope this bouquet is not ill gotten by you; that it is sent at an inopportune time. I pray it finds you in good health, that it may express my gratitude for your service the day prior - and my deepest apologies for my behavior. I realize you are not one to be taken lightly…not one I should look down upon. These flowers are ones I grow in a garden back on my campus. Let them spell out the words I am unable to utter in your presence. Pray, too, that they are to your liking. May the rest of your days on this trip be filled with respite and peace. 
-Rollo Flamm
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magicalshopping · 4 months
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♡ The Grim Steeper ♡
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valentine-cafe · 8 days
May I have some churros and egg tarts, please!!
[Afab reader]
Just thinking about Jingyi coming home to Alessio fucking you stupid!!:( With his hand effectively pushing your chest and face smooshed into the couch and your ass up in the air. Alessio just can't seem to get enough of you, of your wines and cries and barely their words of you begging for papi to give you a break!! He'd tell you to speak up and only smart girls get what they want!! Couldn't stop watching the way you tremble, the way your rear slaps back against his pelvis and the way your cunny keeps swallowing his cock!!:(( He'd hear the familiar jingle of keys and the unlocking door before you. His husband, walking in on the two of you, could feel the wave of excitement coursing through him!! And you'll hear his voice speak up.
"Oh, so this must be why no one was answering me~" that's when you realize Jingyi is home. You'll pathetically cry out for him, too fucked out to make out words. Jingyi will saunter over and give his overly confident husband a deep kiss while giving you a pat on the head!!:( You'll whine out at how aroused Alessio sounded asking if Jingyi was going to have a turn. But ofc Jingyi will want more than a turn, he wants to see you cry and squirt all over him. He wants to spank you so hard that it'll hurt to sit. He wants to see you choke, whether it's with his tail or his hand, he wants to see the loopy look on your face when he squeezes the sides of your throat. He wants to claim you as his by sinking his nails and teeth into your precious skin. He wants to put you into every position imaginable while you take his cocks. And Alessio would love to watch.
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ verse 1311 alessio & jìngyí
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍮 ꒱ rockstar x reader, enigma x reader, villain x reader, mercenary x reader, villain x reader naga x reader, grim reaper x reader, mechanist x reader, cw: rough sex, choking, overstimulation ꒱
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oh and did alessio love watching each and every moment of it. jìngyí’s tali snaked around your throat. his body twisting and turning while his two pulsing dicks fuck into you frantically.
one cock pumps and squirts with seed into your greedy cunt, which swallows it all. and with the heaps of load that shoots into you, a small knot has begun to form. the bulge in your tummy no longer being his cock ramming into you.
while the other, takes your ass. slapping against the plush skin, while sending pangs of pleasure through his stomach and looping it up into his brain every time he feels the clench of your tight hole against him.
“take it, — c’mon baby, stop whining s’much you wanted it so bad didn’t you? s- fngh— saw the way you looked at me when I came in” jìngyí would pant, squeezing at your throat with his hand, switching places with the tail.
a deep, raspy groan reverberate off of the the walls when his milky white eyes catch sight of your tongue sticking out of your mouth. saliva dripping off of it each time he squeezes his hand down on your throat and watches the way you squirm and squirt.
“jìng— j— jìn— nhg— m—mah-hhangh”
“reduced to— fuck — spluttering, what a beautiful sight.” he chuckles, gulping down the lump of excitement that had built in his throat.
his cocks pulling out of you before his tail wraps around you and pulls you into a mating press. tail tip swirling around your clit.
all the while, alessio dies a bit each time he has an orgasm. hearing your cries and moans. hand pumping agressively at his throbbing cock that stubbornly stay stiff and hard.
your voice was a symphony to him. each choke, moan, scream of pleasure, whimper and whine. he could put them all into a song and it’d be one of his best pieces yet.
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arklayraven · 8 months
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...Angsty inspiration has been fueled again. (Now if only I could write it out...lol)
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olivieblake · 2 years
Hi Olivie! I am back with some praise for “The Lovers Grim”!!! I did read this in November but life went crazy (as it always does) so I am just now sending you my praise. (spoilers included). This is a bit long but most of its length just comes from me sending quotes I loved so hopefully if you just skim those it won’t be as long, I’m sorry :( 
I keep telling people that it was a lot sexier than the preceding books in the fairytale collections so that made it super fun overall!!!
Clara and the Devil: What a fun way to start! I love stories where the devil shows up and there’s temptation so I knew I was going to love this one, and I did! I love Clara, I find her super relatable to me. I keep notes in my notes app on my phone as I read your books and I just have written “this is just sexy and everyone is horny” so many times hahah (please take that as a compliment because it is). THE ENDING TOO LIKE 🥵  MY GOD I LOVED IT. Made me want to immediately go jump the WEBTOON, which I did and am obsessed with. The female version of the devil is 🥵 and I definitely have some theories on everything. I’m really liking the bargains with the universe part, I too make bargains with the universe in the hopes it will help me. I read the new update from yesterday too and ahhh so excited to see where everything goes. THE ART OF COURSE IS BEAUTIFUL SENDING MY PRAISE TO LITTLE CHMURA. 
I loved this line from the story “I’d asked him to meet me on the beach in the middle of the night, which were terms the devil readily agreed to. He was very agreeable that way, which I hated, but which I also understood. He was reliably available for my sins.”
Both the “Apple’s a bit much don’t you think” and Devil’s food cake made me laugh hahahaha. I also really liked the line “There is more to being good than simply abstaining from vice.”
Once it Happens: OLIVIE THIS STORY!!! It’s truly a story I always dreamed of wanting and just didn’t know existed so I’m super thankful you wrote it. I also did cry as well as feel a whole range of emotions (which as an emotionally repressed person is some of the highest praise I can give you). I’m a lover of the idea of being in someone’s orbit/fate drawing people together/invisible string/soulmates so this story was exactly what I needed. I consider this (and La Petite Mort obviously which I actually reread in December as a pick me up with the audiobook-also fantastic-and loved it even more the second time around.Thanks for that book❤️) my two matches made in heaven. This story actually explains why I ship certain ships, like nicolibby for example, just because I find this type of dynamic to be a super strong and important connection so it makes it hard to fathom them being with other people (for me specifically). Even the bit where “Once it happens, it can't unhappen. It can't be undone.” made me think of  “we met, so now we can’t detach” type thing. Most of my favorite ships have this type of dynamic so it made me love this story even more. This story is one I still think about 24/7 and it just made me think a lot/it said so much in so little and left such an impact on me. I think I tabbed every paragraph in this one like I loved it and could probably just sit here and write down every one and tell you all my thoughts etc but that would waste so much of your time so I shall refrain. Just know “I LOVE THIS STORY SO FUCKING MUCH” was written in my notes on this one about 100 times. Enjoy a few of my random rambles:
All the different times they could meet/that it happens and THE ICE CREAM SHOP BEING A COMMON THEME. 
“They are children together, opening gifts. They are teenagers, discovering life. They are adults, and sad ones, and when he tilts her chin up for a kiss she breathes something into his mouth he's certain is one word: Finally. He will marry her within a year.” THIS MADE ME CRY
“They live separately and their lives never cross. His children will have her smile and her sense of humor, and neither of them will ever know it.” THEY STILL HAVE THE THREADS OF EACH OTHER IN LIVES THEY DON’T KNOW EACH OTHER (this also made me cry)
The ice cream shop closing 😭😭😭 and then figuring out they grew up in the same town and they think about how they could have met a thousand different ways and didn’t, it’s funny how they came so close and she says she’s glad it finally 
Literally thank you for this story and thank you for just writing all my favorite stories and books, much love❤️❤️❤️
Captain McIver’s Ship of Souls: This one was so funny and I loved seeing Arno just be confused about humans haha but I was so intrigued. My personal favorite thing was that the finfolk crave blood and the multiple blood sucking scenes, I don’t know what that says about me but hey it WORKS for me and made me just so very happy to see. THANK YOU QUEEN. The twist in this one was also super good, I didn’t see it coming. I have decided that Eilif from the TA6 universe is one of Arno’s cousins (it is canon in my heart and that is all that matters <3) Here’s some moments I absolutely loved. 
“Captain,” comes the voice of Eli's first mate. He's the one who was last to jump on Eli's orders, Arno notes, and dislikes him slightly, though without any particular reason.” We love when a love interest hates a person for just not respecting their love interest!!! ONE OF MY FAVS
To Make a Man: So interesting!!! I was trying to guess what type of creatures they both were the whole time and the stakes were super high so it was so hard to put down. Marcelo has some great lines like ugh THIS MAN he was down so bad. The angst in this is god tier. I just love that they each brought a little bit of peace to each other for a time, and in my head they can find their way back together in however many years.
“Lina, Lina, Lina. You are the softness of your skin, the sharpness of your mind. You are the knife-edge of your humor, which doesn't look like humor at first because, on you, joy looks like suspicion. You are the distance you so meticulously keep between us. You are the door, the latch, the key I understand now that I am an invasion; even with my best intentions, you can only trust me the way you'd trust a flood. There's no choosing which parts of me you accept or which parts of you I want. We seep in through each other's cracks, all or nothing” I LOVED THIS LIKE MY GOD I LOVED IT SO MUCH 
“He would have traded euphoria just to keep her, to make her the subject of his tedium. To live a colorless life in the shade of her bones, in the sound of her breath, knowing and eternally recounting the monotony of her details until he grinds himself down to nothing, never learning or experiencing another beautiful thing.” STOPPPP SO GOOD 
“Someday, she thought, she would remember this for all that it was, and for all that it wasn't. She would resurrect this very moment into countless perpetuity and embrace the searing pain of it; suffer the boundless joy. Because it had been real. Every moment of it. Every blessed thread.” PAIN 
Kill the Bachelor: Another dream I didn’t think to have but like two contestants on the Bachelor ditching him and falling in love??? Amazing. The TV script set up was so cool too it really made me feel like I was just watching episodes of the bachelor. All the satire in this was A+. This one also had me laughing a bunch. Anway, men suck and women are always better (but Josh’s crush on Lauren was cute too)
YAY woman in STEM!!!
“Do you ever feel like you're in this crowd of people and nobody really sees you? Like, you're there, but nobody gets you, you know what I mean?" Yes all the time 
KARA (sympathetically)
“A sad day for all Bachelor fans indeed, Craig."
CRAIG (nodding)
"Sure is, Kara! And now, Andrew with the weather."
That made me laugh out loud 
I’ll be sending my praise for YES super soon (hopefully soon at least lol I have condense my thoughts/praise to make it not a novel like I LOVED that book and CecilyPorter have joined the crowd of my beloved ships-they are up there with nicolibby, mayracal, and aldoregan for me and by now I’m sure you know how much I love those other 3-so yeah that probably says everything you need to know but I can’t wait to express more of my love of them to you later haha). I’m currently reading “Grow Your Own Optimist!” and loving it so far! 
hahaha never apologize! I'm so happy you enjoyed the stories and I'm never mad about getting to know which quotes you liked. I agree, "once it happens" is one of my favorite stories. I feel like that one might be the olivie brand in brief summation? just... about love and life and time and fate and also blowjobs and ice cream. anyway
OH I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT CLARA POSTING AGAIN. I can't wait for you guys to see the end of this season. I mean obviously you know by now I'm obsessed with chmura's art but also I'm pretty proud of how the story ends, because I never intended to keep writing in this universe and wasn't sure I could do a sequel that felt the same way, but I think (fingers crossed) I managed it. I'm really excited to show you the finished product!
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luxthestrange · 2 years
TWST!Memes #64
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You cat lovers...
Tho after getting bingo...*Has hands full of love bites*I get it...
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piffany666 · 6 months
Me: you know i really do think the hobit is what started my love of men with Scottish accents
Brain: um no
Me:....what? Was it...pebbles asmr?
Brain: nope! Further back!
Brain: yep!
Me: Alexander anderson?!
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Brain: Alexander anderson
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shelyue99 · 2 months
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Irl Dick gets along with older women like Mrs Barnes and Stanhope’s secretary Ms Blaine, I don’t know if that’s Mennonite part of him or he has old soul(affectionate) it just feels very endearing
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Lee Brown Coye - Lover in Scarlet
(Weird Tales - January 1949)
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grim-ghosty · 2 months
Sometimes I want to be toxic, but I remember that it's better to be the bigger person.
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pigdemonart · 1 year
Cause of your art, I have accepted the Elite 4 polycule into my headcanon stuff lol. Which makes it even funnier cause I also headcanon Piers and Marnie to be Grimsley's nephew and niece... so they get two aunts and an extra uncle from Grimsley's partners lol.
i wanna draw for this one day, but i also HC piers and marnie as being Grismley's little weirdo punk relatives. Grims has very good "uncle that has been arrested" energy about him. Even better if he's on thin ice with Piers and Marnie's parents.
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