#the moment i laid eyes on him the stars aligned
kinigoni · 4 months
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quick doodle coz i've been obsessed with icarus since day one
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fortheb0ys · 10 months
Just imaging taking Ghost's virginity. He's a busy man and never had the chance or the interest in sex. When he met you that all changed. He wants you to fuck him on any and every surface possible. It'd take him a while to build up the courage to ask you out so he'd have to rely on his wet dreams of you. That his fingers were yours opening up his ass or your tight grip around his weaping cock. Is terribly nervous to tell you that he's a virgin but you were so sweet, reassuring him that you could wait till he was ready. And he was ready. He needed it. Needed you.
Ghost is so taken back, in a good way, how different you actually were compared to how he imagined you. Your fingers were thicker and less calloused compared to his. You were way more experienced than he ever was, knowing where to touch and how. The way you fingered his prostate sent him to the stars. Hard and precise, each touch made him breathless.
You'd play with his nipples, something he's never tried but can never get enough of. Your tongue on his nipples as one hand fingered him open and the other gave feather touches on his red, swollen cock.
Once it came to your cock inside him, Ghost was shocked how big it felt. He saw how big you were. Not as big as the men in the porn he'd seen but not little either. As you guided it in, Ghost felt an aching fullness about three quarters in. It was a good aching, something he could feel all day. A feeling of satisfaction.
Each of your thrusts were nailing his prostate, feeling way better than he could ever imagine. Your hand jerking his cock in the same rythm. He hated himself for depriving himself of such pleasures but was grateful you were his first. When Ghost came, he laid there breathless. For a moment you thought you had hurt him. That you over stepped his boundaries or didn't hear him telling you to stop. When he started sobbing you really thought you had hurt him. You frantically tried to get answers from him while apologizes profusely. Only when he, in between sobs, told you that you were okay. That he was okay.
Ghost was overwhelmed how loved him could feel by a person. That not one soul on the entire planet showed him how good it felt to be so loved and treated so sweetly. He admitted his fear that you would fuck and leave or he'd run off ashamed for showing you his 'weak' side. You assured him that not something you will ever do and that he was the strongest person you know. He would look in your eyes and see nothing but adoration not a greedy lust he feared. Which, in turn, made him cry again. Aftercare is such a big part of your sex life. Ghost enjoys it just as much as the sex.
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dazai x reader
the first night dazai saw you, he knew nothing would stop him.
for his birthday!
inspired by mastermind
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osamu dazai, for all his life, had not felt the warm bliss of love. he did not have a mothers arms to lay in, or a fathers protection to shield him. he didn't have the privilege of a second family through friends, or even the comfort of loving himself. osamu dazai was not given love, not even for a moment, so he taught himself how to gain it. he was only cryptic and machiavellian because he cared, more than he wanted to admit.
so the moment he saw you, he felt a desire stronger than ever. you wouldn't require just a simple trick or a con- no, you deserved more. he laid out the groundwork, equations in his a mind a labyrinth of desperation only you could suffice.
osamu dazai wanted you.
and he knew how to get you.
honestly, who could blame him?
dazai was a master of people. he knows how to play people like puppets to get what he wants. none of it was accidental when it came to you. the coincidental run-ins at your favorite coffee shop that was at least a 30 minute cab ride for him. the times you conveniently forgot your umbrella when you swore you packed it, and dazai just happening to be passing by on your walk home. even the time you had just been dumped by your ex-boyfriend over the phone, and dazai just happened to show up at your doorstep just checking in.
maybe you should have noticed how fabricated it was at first. but you didn’t. dazai wanted you. and he made you want him.
dazai made you want every part of him. his silky hair his deep brown eyes, his honeyed voice and his suave way of walking. he made you want all of him, the good and the bad, his charm and his want for death, his desire to be good and the deep dark past of who he once was. dazai played love like a puppet show. whenever you laid on his chest, snuggled into his warmth, or when your lips were hopelessly pressed against his, dazai knew he had you. he knew he made you want him.
whether you find out or not isn't a concern to the brunette. you love him unconditionally anyway- you're his belladonna, his love, his everything. when he kisses you, the planets and stars align as if all of the pain in his life had led him here. the empty core in his heart aches at the thought of being eased, as if afraid of being happy. but your touch melts it away. you see that he is so touch starved, so deprived of love that he just had to assess the equation of you. he did this for as much for you as he did for him, knowing that he could live through even just one more day if it meant he could love you.
he needs your fingers to intertwine with his the way a chess player needs the queen. he needs your warmth like the largest gear needs the smallest gear in a machine. he needs your reassurance like the way water needs oxygen. because osamu dazai understands a lot of things well- chess, machinery, chemical compositions, and the way you love him. he knows its a need. he knows he needs your love not like his inner child wanted candy, he knows he needs your love the way the flower needs the sun.
his eyes stir awake, sunlight filtering through the curtains of your bedroom. his skin tickles, his cheek being peppered by your kisses. a smile tugs at his lips as he stretches his arms over his head and then around you, greeting you with a "good morning" in the deepest morning voice you have ever heard. dazai was usually light sleeper, but with you he could truly rest and escape into the sheets with you.
"happy birthday, 'samu." you hum, tracing your fingers down his abdomen. every contour of his bandaged yet muscled chest screamed at you to love him with everything in you. you would kiss every inch of him- starting from his hair to the very depths of his soul if you could.
"hm?" he quips, coffee eyes slightly widening.
you chuckle. "its june 19th."
in all honesty, his birthday is the last thing on his mind, especially when you're in front of him. you are so, so, fucking beautiful he isn’t even sure you’re real. not just beautiful in your absolutely angelic complexion, but you're beautiful simply when you're you. when you're on top of him, the new sunlight on the earth dancing on your skin. lips bruised from the night's fleeting passion, hair messy and soul absolutely smothered in him. you drove him crazy, and he'd gladly lose his mind for you.
"thank you, bella." he hums, lazily draping an arm over you, as if there was anyway he could possibly pull you closer. dazai would find a way if it meant loving you harder. never, in a million years, did he think his partner would drag him out of bed and to the living room. he rubs his eyes, finding the agency standing in your apartment, an excited atsushi and a begrudging but willing kunikida, surrounding a cake for him. he never thought it would turn out like this, this good. he's stunned for a moment- a rare emotion for the young prodigy. was... this also apart of his plan?
maybe not. but as he kissed you and whispered a passionate "thank you" into your ear, he decides that this wasn't planned- it was luck. and he loved it. funny how sometimes you just find things.
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zae-heeyyy · 3 months
Summary: You stargaze with Arthur. Pairing: Arthur Morgan x female!reader Word count: 1,353 Tags: fluff, shy, high honor Arthur Warnings: no warnings, enjoy the fluff.
a/n: Just a little something I thought of when I found this camp. Plus, I really wanted to draw a constellation. Fun fact, the game has accurate constellations, and Orion is one of them! I had a lot of fun reading about Orion mythology for this one. And TYSM to my tumblr bestie @littlemistey for helping me get the journal entry just right!
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stelliferous: filled with stars or bearing stars, often used to describe a visibly starry night.
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As everyone went about their business for the night, you headed to a deserted clearing just beyond camp and sat on the ground. You loved sitting alone, getting lost in the stars and the tales that went with them. Just as you were settling down, the snap of a twig alerted you to someone else's presence. The stars had aligned perfectly for you that night, putting you and Arthur in the same place at the same time.
You rose and looked around, spotting the cowboy leaning against a tree. If it were anybody else, you'd be annoyed, but seeing him there made your heart flutter in all the good ways. You loved looking at him just as much as you loved looking up at the stars. But the stars didn't make you weak in the knees at the sight of them or make you laugh until your stomach hurt. But just like the stars, Arthur always felt so out of reach.
"Things're really goin' downhill back there if a lady would rather sleep in the grass than in her tent," he said. His face was neutral, but you could see a playful glint in his eyes. You hugged your knees to your chest and tried to hide your shyness.
"Oh, hey Arthur, I was just––"
He held out a halting hand and tipped his head.
"I was just jokin, miss. I know what it's like to want some peace and quiet." He pushed himself off the tree and gave a two-finger wave. "Anyway, I won't disturb you."
You spoke out before he could leave. "It's no trouble, Arthur." You turned away from him and cranked your neck to the sky. "Y'ever wonder if it's just us out here?" It wasn't a question you expected him to answer. You were just thinking aloud. He didn't respond for a long moment but sauntered towards you, his boots appearing in your peripheral.
"I don't do much thinkin'."
You turned to glance at him again, shaking your head.
"Oh, hush, Arthur Morgan. We all know you do more thinkin' than any other fool around here."
You could tell he was fighting hard to keep the frown on his face from curving upward.
"That ain't saying much." He chuckled on his exhale, then, with a grunt, sat down beside you. "This whatchu' always doing out here? Just—" he gestured to the sky, "—looking up?"
"Don't knock it til you try it, Arthur." A soft smile formed on your face, and you waited expectantly. He quirked an eyebrow, then put his hands behind his head and laid back. A satisfied grin crossed your face, and you dropped down, too.
You spent the rest of the night pointing out stars and constellations to Arthur, sharing all the stories you knew about them. An hour crept by before a yawn escaped you. Arthur didn't show it, but your departure was the last thing he wanted. With one arm still behind his head and the other slung across his stomach, he kept his eyes trained on the sky above.
He was hooked—not on the stars, but on you. Then and there, he realized he could spend eternity on the ground, captivated by the rise of pitch in your voice when you got excited and how your eyes crinkled at the corners when your smile stretched from ear to ear.
From that night, Arthur used stargazing as his excuse to be near you, sometimes sitting so close to you that your shoulders rubbed when you pointed upward. Once, you turned to ask him a question and noticed him staring at you instead of the sky.
"It's impolite to stare, Mr. Morgan." His expression faltered, and he opened his mouth in a stuttering attempt to damage control.
He didn't need to be ashamed, though; you'd felt his eyes on you many times before. He admired you like you admired the stars, and knowing that sent waves of adoration through you.
Arthur caught up with you another evening just as you were finishing dinner. Golden sunlight reflected on his face as he glanced down at his feet, clutching his hat between his fingers. He reached nervously towards your hand, thought too hard, and placed it back on his hat. He started to speak, his words low and careful.
"Got somethin' to show you—somethin' I found— if you'll ride with me?"
You suppressed a building laugh, trying to save him further embarrassment. It tickled you that someone as audacious as him could be made so flustered by the likes of you. Your amusement was well hidden, and you reached for his hand, giving it a squeeze.
"It's about time you asked me on a ride, Mr. Morgan." He nodded and placed his hat back on his head, the brim shielding the building smile on his face. He walked you to his horse. He got on first and held a strong arm down to pull you up.
The two of you road down the Heartlands, across the Dakota River, and through Bard's Crossing. He slowed when you approached a hill outside Lone Mule Stead. Arthur helped you off the horse with one hand, keeping hold until you stood in front of a campsite that overlooked the Upper Montana River and beyond. The site was breathtaking; you could make out the lights of Blackwater, boats on the water, and the expansive night sky in all its glory. Just to the side of the spot stood a small brass telescope. When you finally saw it, your eyes widened, and you met Arthur's, your mouth agape.
"Found this out here the other day," he gestured towards it, beckoning you.
"Oh, Arthur," you ran your fingers across the smooth brass cylinder. You shook your head in slow incredulity. "I've never seen one in person, only seen 'em in books."
Arthur removed the cap on the end, letting it swing on its chain. He nodded toward the viewing device again, and you walked around to the lens, bending to look through it.
"I hope it's everything you read about, miss." His voice was comforting, like the soft rumble of distant thunder. Breathless, you pressed your eye to the lens, and a speckled blanket of black engulfed your vision. Truthfully, the stars were the same as always, but knowing Arthur had curated this moment, just for you, made the night sky more beautiful than ever. When you were done taking it in, you stood to see Arthur watching you from a few feet away. You approached the crate he was sitting on, your hands outstretched and reaching for his.
"Thank you, really," you said. The gunslinger stood and accepted your hands, his lips pressed together tightly as if opening his mouth would betray him. His eyes were strictly focused on your clasped hands. Surely, if his mouth would betray him, his eyes would too.
"Arthur." His name coming off your lips so endearingly could kill him. He finally looked up, his mouth falling open to speak, but you didn't give him the chance. You rose on your toes, your lips crashing against his hurriedly. When he finally realized what was happening, his shoulders fell relaxed, and he wrapped two arms around your waist, pulling you into him. Your mouths moved in sync with each other's until you pulled away for air. Heat had built up in his face, and you saved him the trouble of hiding his blush by wrapping your arms around him tight.
As breathtaking as it was, you forwent the telescope for the rest of the night, opting to wrap yourself in Arthur's arms instead. You pointed up at a line of bright stars.
"See those three? That's Orion's Belt."
"Orion?" he asked, saying the name as if it were a foreign language.
"Orion. He was a hunter—a big and strong one. They say he was a bit of a drunk brute, too. He reminds me of someone." You didn't need to peel your eyes away from the warrior in the sky to feel the warmth of the one right next to you, a knowing, gentle smile on his lips.
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angel1cjules · 9 months
too hard, too fast pt.2
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too hard, too fast pt.2 summary - In which Jungkook has sex with you a bit too fast. But you still enjoy it. pairing - dom!jk x sub!reader, idol!jk x idol!reader word count - 671 warning - insecure reader, rough sex, breeding kink, breast play, fingering, reader crying, aftercare, hugz, lots of smoochies a/n - please read pt.1 before reading this x.
pt.1 https://www.tumblr.com/angel1cjules/737585996246433792/too-hard-too-fast-pt1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jungkook travelled further, kissing your waist along the way. He finally stopped at your panties, which were now wet with your slick. "Woah, someone's needy" he joked. You blushed and tried closing your legs but his arm only spread it further apart. "Don't be shy, baby. It's just me, your Kook." You tried to relax yourself by sinking into the mattress. Within a matter of seconds, he tore open your flimsy panty and took a moment to enjoy his view. A beautiful girl with the most beautiful body he could ever wish to see. He didn't waste time and immediately tasted your sweet pussy. You gripped the sheets hard and moaned. That only encouraged him and he slipped in one of his long fingers. You yelped at the sudden intrusion and gripped the sheets even harder. "Kook- ah... It feels..." you said, drunken by the feelings of pleasure. "Mhm baby. What does it feel like?" he said, adding another finger in and forming a 'come hither' motion inside. You wrapped your legs around his waist for support. He was sliding those fingers in and out of you like a pro, making you see stars. Two fingers became 3 and at last, you gave in to your orgasm and cummed. "There baby. How do you feel?" he asked, checking in on you. "I feel... pleasured" you manage to say, gasping for air. "If I can make you cum like that with my fingers, imagine what I can do to you with my dick" he joked. You reached out and felt his clothed dick, it was hard and erect. He took off his pants and boxers before you could even blink. "Do you want to ride me? It'll be better for you because you can control the speed you're going." You nod and Jungkook quickly flipped your positions. You were on the top and he was on the bottom. "It's gonna hurt a bit and I'll hold you, love." he warned and held your hips as you aligned his cock with your hole. He slowly brought your hips lower until his tip was in. You were supporting yourself by holding on to his shoulders. Your hole felt fuller and you looked down. Half of his cock was inside of you. "Kook, it hurts." you said as tears began forming in your eyes. "Its gonna be okay, baby. I'm here, okay?" he assured you. You felt your hole stretch as Jungkook finally puts his entire cock inside. It hurt. It hurt, bad. Your tears, which were at bay quickly fell. Jungkook noticed that you were crying and tried taking his cock out but you stopped him, still insecure of yourself. "Baby, if it hurts, we could always do it another time. I don't want to hurt you." He said in a soothing voice. "It's fine, Kook. I-I can take it" you said, unable to control your sobbing. "Baby, no. I couldn't care less if I have sex. I don't want to hurt you. It's fine, I won't love you less or anything." he tried re-assuring you. "Baby, it feels better now. Can I try riding you?" you asked, your cheeks red and stained with tears. He nodded and held your hips as you lifted yourself up and slammed down into his cock again. He thought you looked good whenever and whatever you do. Even when you're crying, even when you're mad. He loved you too much. You continued lifting yourself up and slamming back down. It felt so much better. Now you felt pleasure. Euphoric even. --------------------------- time skip (1 hour later)------------------------- Jungkook finally lifted you off of his dick, which was covered with your cum, his cum and your juices. It was messy, to say the least. He laid you down, in the middle of the bed. You grabbed his wrist, still drunken with pleasure and asked "Kook, where are you going..?". He replied "Going to run a bath for us" and slowly took your hand off of his wrist. You watched as his figure disappears into the bathroom.
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mggsv · 8 months
f! poc!black reader x Choso (18+)
summary : they say never meet your idols..well, some people just talk out of their ass don’t they?
'Cause when the stars align
You might bring the beast out
One look and your're mine
Keep your eyes on me.
“God they’re amazing in person.” You let out a breath. Sitting front row at your favorite group’s concert was truly a dream come true. They were called ‘GROUP XO’, consisting of three members: Suguru Geto, Gojo Satoru, and Choso Kamo. You’ve loved the group ever since they debuted. You’ve had countless merch others couldn’t find anywhere else. Thank the stars your parents loved you enough to buy them at the time.
What particularly caught your interest was the main lead of the group, Choso Kamo. They all had their moments and shine, yes. You’re a girl, you’ve liked all of them at some point. With your signed cd’s of Geto’s name written across them, your signed Vinyls with Gojo’s and a little personal note ending with a heart (that was a bit more expensive then you’d like to admit), and your rare photo cards of Choso that only came with first edition purchases of their latest EP. The thought made your heart warm. Back to Choso however.
He wasn’t a womanizer, no, but he did date a few women in his career time. All of them like you, beautiful brown women of color. It wasn’t often seeing someone like that especially in groups like his. And it also meant you had a chance. You’ve been plotting to meet the man since they debuted. Discovering the group your junior year of college.
And now, there you were. Hard work paying off, sitting front row as Choso’s ringed fingers held the microphone. He rocked to the beat, eyes shut as he sang one of your favorite songs. You moved accordingly to it as you have done just the night before in your kitchen. You admired him so much more now that you could possibly touch him. How his hair looked more softer than it did in person. How he wore it to the back with hairs falling over his face..His scar across his nose. The way his eyes peeled open and landed on you.
“He’s looking at me!” you heard someone scream next to you. But no..they were definitely on you. He smirks and walks closer to the edge of the stage.
I'll take you down, down can you keep it up all night
Up all night, up all night?
Want you run run run baby give me what I like
He’s in front of you, doing the respected choreography. “Oh my fucking god.” You whisper.
“You here for me?” He asks. Bodies. Hands pulling at him and he’s talking to you. It was common. Gojo did it their last concert, and Geto the one before. But as they sang backup, the spotlight was on you being lucky tonight. “..yes.”
“Aren’t I a lucky man tonight. Huh folks?” the crowd goes wild. You loved that they interacted with their fans this.. close. Your brown eyes stare up at his darker ones. He smiles at you, and reality hit. “Oh my god,” you whisper again, earning a chuckle from him as he pulled out a vip pass from his pocket. “Will I see you later?” No. Hell no.
“Yes..y-yes-oh!” You mewl around his hand covering your mouth, free of rings. Choso’s other hand held the arm of the couch, shielding your body from the world. His cock slams angrily into your juicy cunt, your ass connecting with his happy trail. “Fuck..fuck you feel so good.” He shudders, flicking his lip piercing. The sound of your moans and the sounds of your skin slapping together sent him over the edge.
His favorite position with his new favorite girl. Everyone knew after all that Choso didn’t choose a fan often. He knew he’d keep you in his corner. Someone so beautiful he couldn’t help it, picking you so early in the show. Even Gojo was shocked, he’s done it plenty of times, early on in the show, but never Choso. Choso who saw you as soon as he came on stage. Choso who noticed you were alone, but having so much fun. Choso who laid eyes on your plump brown lips and it went on from there.
It was worth it, so..so worth it. Everything underneath that outfit was just as amazing. Your curves, your beauty marks, the beautiful stretch marks. He was in heaven. That’s what he called you as soon as he gave you that pass, Heaven.
Moaning softly, he pulls out, throbbing red cock leaking over your hole. He takes his hand away from your mouth, placing it on your hip- god your hips don’t get him started. Choso loved himself a thick girl. The way your ass bounced with every thrust.. “Taking me so well, I like that.” He leans down to kiss your shoulder. His hair fanned around your neck as he slipped back into your heat. Made for him. He fit perfectly inside of you.
“You feel so good…” A mess he was, but so were you. You couldn’t believe this was happening. “I’m gonna cum. Can I cum inside of you? Hm..?” His thrusts slowly down, but get harder. Sloppily he fucked your already fucked out cunt. You didn’t miss the way his slipped out and back in, how wet he made you just from that. How his big cock touched that spot deep inside of you. How could you say no?
“Yes! Yes Choso- please.”
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shirohige-pirates · 2 months
Sing for Me
Marco x afab!reader
Word count: 3.924
CW: oral (receiving), fingering, vaginal sex, mdni
Summary: Static electricity was enough to cause a strange problem, and Marco's losing his mind over it. He can hear your thoughts, and your on his mind way more than he expected.
Random inspiration, and completely self-indulgent.
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Marco felt like he was losing his mind at first.
As far as he could tell it had just been a simple static shock between the two of you the other day. The build up of static in the current dry climate had just made the random brushing of fingers as you two worked together bite more than it should of.
Enough to cause you both to pull your hands back and shake them, laughing over it easily.
There hadn’t been anything else. No odd weather. No strange devil fruits or devil fruit users. No curses or odd alignment of the stars. Just that one unexpected crackle of dry electricity between you both.
And now he had a problem.
He could hear your thoughts.
And they were… detailed.
He was infamous for being able to keep calm. Thatch needled him all the time for how he looked on the brink of a nap every waking moment of any given day. He might be the First Division Commander, but he was easily approachable, and exceptionally laid back.
He’d worked to be that way. He didn’t want anyone to feel as though they needed to stay at arms’ length with him. But your thoughts were going to break him.
You thought about the shape of his lips. Wondered if he could transform just his tongue, and how deep it could go. You thought about the shape of his teeth against your skin, how it’d feel to have his talons at your throat. You wondered if he had a knot because of his devil fruit, and seemed fairly well convinced he could keep going all night.
He was flattered, and flabbergasted.
His second major problem was the simple fact that you were his assistant. There was no avoiding you.
Not that he wanted to avoid you, but until he could figure out how to un-hear your thoughts he was desperate for a break. He had been mostly certain you found him at least a little attractive - lucky him, he was pretty smitten with you himself, but as the commander he wasn’t going to pressure you like that.
That was less of an issue now. Your thoughts weren’t just lewd, you held him in high regard and seemed to love him dearly, but knowing all of it because of whatever this was, felt wrong. He couldn’t act on things he wasn’t supposed to know.
Two weeks later he was losing his mind. He’d even tried to create another static charge between you in the hope that it would sever whatever happened.
It hadn’t worked.
The night before last he’d been walking down the halls and gotten too close to you. There was, it seemed, a range limit, and there were plenty of places he could escape to for his own sake.
Marco, please.
He froze, standing in the hall and realizing that he was coming up on the showers.
Fuck I just want you to touch me, play with my tits. Lick my clit. I want to see those beautiful eyes looking up at me while you’re between my thighs.
He’d put his hands over his face, but that wasn’t going to block out the sound of your voice in his head. Nothing in his body wanted to move. If anything he was desperate to get closer. To give you everything you wanted of him.
Instead he stood there and listened to you fantasize about him until he could hear relief wash through you.
The way you always thought about wanting to fall asleep in his arms after you came was the hottest part of all of it. The wet spot in the front of his pants was a recurring issue, but he was able to get himself out of the hallway before you left the bath. It was everything he had in him to not just palm himself right there in the hall.
He could endure it. He had more self-control than that. He could.
He would.
He did.
Until he finally cracked.
The two of you were doing inventory for the medical supplies. Despite the size of the ship, Marco’s supplies and his office were relatively small. The crew was strong, haki stopped most injuries, devil fruits many others, and his devil fruit meant there was really only a need for major injury type supplies.
But even if the stock was small compared to the crew size, it was still important to keep it tallied and organized correctly.
You’d picked up a box of rolled up gauze spools and the thought in your head went straight into his.
I wonder if there’s enough gauze in here for him to tie me up and muffle the sounds while he fucks me stupid? Fuck that’d be hot.
He heard you sigh, soft as it was.
Marco’s amazing though, there’s no way he’d look at someone like me.
“Oi.” Marco says, setting down what he was working on and coming over to where you were knelt by the box of gauze rolls.
“Hm? Did you need something…” You look up and the words fade on your lips. Marco’s looking down at you with a strange expression. “… Commander?”
Marco looks up at the ceiling, letting out a long breath before he kneels down and looks right into your eyes. “I’m sorry, yoi.”
“S-sorry? Sorry for what?”
“… I’ve been able to hear your thoughts.” He begins, as you stare at him blankly for a second. “For the last couple of weeks.”
“My… how?”
“I don’t know, yoi.” He admits, rubbing his forehead. “We had that static shock a couple weeks ago and since then…”
“Since… my thoughts.” You stammer, understanding dawning on you as blush dusts Marco’s face.
“All of your thoughts.” He asserts.
Holy shit Marco’s blushing!
“Oi! Hey, stop - stop thinking!” He snaps, face burning bright red.
You clamp your hands over your mouth, even though you hadn’t said anything out loud.
All my thoughts?
Marco flinches. “All of them.”
Oh no.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner I-.”
“No it’s… it’s… I wouldn’t know what to say either.” You admit, hands on his shoulders, head down, eyes closed. “I… I should apologize.”
Your eyes open and you look up at him in surprise. He can’t hold your gaze for long before he looks away.
“You can think of me… however you want.” He clears his throat and looks back at you. “But… don’t think about yourself like that, please.”
“There’s no way he’d look at someone like me.” He says, repeating your earlier thought. Your eyes go wide, and gratefully for you both your mind goes blank. Marco smiles, it’s soft and warm and he reaches out, brushing his finger tips against your cheek. “You’re beautiful, yoi.”
“I’ve been listening to you praise me for weeks.” Marco says, his voice soft and low, eyes hooded, as he leans a little closer. “I’d be honored to… exceed that praise.”
“I - I… I…” Your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water a few times, and it’s a credit to Marco being Marco that he’s keeping a straight face.
He leans forward, cheeky grin pulling at his lips, as he moves so he can speak right by your ear. Words meant for you and no one else. Not that anyone else was in the room with you both right now anyway.
“I can transform just my tongue.”
Your hands flinch against him and you can’t stop the nervous whimper that escapes you. The stark realization of everything he had to have heard sinks into you.
Holy fucking hells.
His hands are on your arms. You could pull away if you wanted, but he wanted to make sure you knew it was okay to stay. Okay to keep your hands on him. Okay for him to know your thoughts because he wasn’t going to hold them against you.
“Take your time, yoi.” His voice is warm and reassuring. “You can just think it.”
I’m so embarrassed.
“Don’t be, you’re allowed to think what you want.”
You’re so hot it’s not fair.
The soft chuckle sends a thrill down your spine. “I’m flattered, pretty bird.”
I’m nobody, I’m just-
“You.” He says, gripping your arms a little harder and leaning back so he could look into your eyes. “Are everything.”
You suck in a breath in such surprise that you nearly hiccup. You can feel tears welling up in your eyes as emotions crash inside you. It was a whirlwind situation and you didn’t know what to think. It didn’t matter if he could read your mind, there was nothing you could even hold onto.
“I’ve… loved you… for a long time.” He says finally. “As your commander I didn’t think it was fair for me to say anything.” He explains. “But -.”
“I love you, too.” You manage to say, the words that had been stuck in your throat finally coming free. Tears spill down your cheeks alongside the words and you hide your face in his shoulder. “Don’t listen to my thoughts!”
“I can’t block them out, yoi.” Marco retorts, laughing as he hugs you, fingers against your back.
“I feel so bad,” you admit, words muffled against his shoulder.
“For what?”
“I objectified you so bad.”
“Your thoughts are your thoughts, it’s okay. You didn’t say anything unwelcome.” He assures you. “You didn’t smack my ass.”
“I wanted to.”
“I know, yoi.”
“It’s a perfect ass.”
“Oi. You’re killing me.” He sighs.
“It’s gotta be all those aerial maneuvers.”
“You’re hopeless.”
“You can hear everything?”
“Mm. There’s no overlap when you talk, and it’s not like it’s so loud it drowns out everything else.” He explains. “But it’s still your voice.”
“And since I like the sound of your voice,” he begins.
“Don’t, no, no, no, don’t say that.” It was too embarrassing.
“But you don’t moan in your thoughts.” He continues, going down a line of thought you hadn’t expected. “I don’t… yet… know what that sounds like.”
You can feel the shiver roll through your body, trembling against the hug Marco has you in. A shivering sigh, part moan part whimper, escapes between your teeth as you tilt your head up, letting the involuntary sound out right by his ear.
“That… is not nearly enough, yoi.” His voice sinks into your skin. “I want to hear more.”
“Say it.”
“Marco.” You sigh his name and as far as he’s concerned there’s nothing else in existence.
He lifts you up easily, one arms under your thighs as he almost puts you over his shoulder when he stands up. You yelp in surprise and laugh as you hear him clear supplies off the desk behind you before he sits you on the desk. His hands are on either side of your thighs, and he’s bent down enough to be face to face with you.
“Kiss me,” he commands and you lean forward, closing the small gap between you both, brushing your lips against his. Dry and warm, you lick your lips and close your eyes, leaning in again and slipping a hand around his shoulder, tugging him closer as his hands leave the desk to grip your hips.
You moan sweetly as the kisses deepen, letting the satisfied sound rattle against your ribs. His hands shift up your sides, pulling your shirt up as they move further and further up. When you raise your arms up over your head he grabs the gathered clothing and pulls it up and off, tossing it aside before putting his hands on your skin.
You lean back against the sensation, biting your lower lip and moaning.
Marco’s kisses trail down your neck and over your collarbone, his fingers undoing the hooks of your bra with unexpected struggle.
“Need a hand?”
“Nope,” he says as he finally gets the troublesome hook to let go.
He pulls his shirt off, tossing it aside, his lips barely leaving your skin. You slip the straps of your bra down, leaning back against the hand against your back, helping to steady you as he bends lower, raining kisses on your stomach as he gives you room to toss the bra aside. Your fingers dance along the back of his head as he works his kisses back up your stomach toward your breasts.
“Lean back, yoi.” He murmurs, guiding you to lay back against the desk. Your legs curl around his waist as his hands move over you. A heavy lick against your nipple pulls a sweet sound from your lips. He presses a finger against your tongue, letting you roll the muscle against the pad of his finger. His other hand teases the other breast as his mouth works against your flesh.
Moaning against his finger your mind fills with thoughts on how good it feels. How he could do this forever if he wanted. How it feels so much better than you had imagined.
“Ruthless.” He mutters against your skin, sucking the stiff nipple a little roughly as his fingers pinch the other, sending jolts of pleasure into your chest like lightning. You cry euphorically against his finger, body tensing from the delicious sensations.
“More, please, Marco, more.” You gasp as he teases you. “It feels… so good, ahhhnmmm ♥”
He straightens up a little too fast, his hips hitting against the desk roughly. You can feel his stiff cock against your thigh through the layers of clothing.
“Don’t rush, yoi.” He teases, bringing your legs together and tugging your pants over your hips and up your legs.
“He says as he pulls my pants off.” You tease, letting your bare legs fall back open on either side of his waist.
He sticks his tongue out at you, and it keeps going, long and tapered, wiggling at you as he kneels down in front of the desk.
“Oh gods,” holy shit. “Oh wait,” that’s going to feel amazing. “Marco, wait, that’s gonna be-.”
He pauses, gaze locked on yours. The look on his face makes the blood rush through you. He can hear your thoughts, and your words are at odds you know, but you don’t know what to think.
He watches you, and slowly sticks his tongue back out, pressing it right against the hood of your clit. His gaze stays on you as the tongue shifts, flicking and teasing your clit and sending delicious chills through you.
Oh I’m going to cum screaming.
“That’s the plan, yoi.” He says, taking his eyes off yours and leaning down, mouth wide as his hands spread your labia apart and give him better access.
“Fuck.” You husk the word as his lips and tongue sink into you. Your hands are against his head, torn between wanting to push him deeper and wanting to pull him off. The pleasure of his lips against yours, the twist and push of his devious tongue, the skill and motivation of his own desires left you to do little more than hold on for dear life.
Swears dribbled past your lips, broken and half-spoken between gasps and whimpers as your thoughts melted into less coherent concepts.
There, there, oh fuck!
Marco had no qualms about using your thoughts against you and assailed you with a mix of his own skill, and you’re involuntary instruction.
The first time you came against his tongue the pleasure had coiled your muscles too much for you to cry out. Your breath was frozen in your lungs as taut muscles curled your entire body for a few long seconds.
You were finally able to breathe out, a shivering whimpering sound before you breathed in deep body trembling from the pleasure as he continued to eat you out. He gave your insides a break, suckling on your clit and flicking his tongue against the swollen bundle of nerves.
“Wait, wait, please, Marco I’m gonna - gonna - HNNNGGGGH-.” Your body tenses again and you manage to pull in a breath between shivering teeth before finally crying out in pleasure.
He’s ruthless, continuing to focus on your clit as he pushes a finger in your trembling cunt.
“FUCK!” All you can think is that you’ve never cum so hard before, and never so many times in quick succession. It’s building again, and you can’t stop it, and you don’t want to stop it. He’s going to make you black out before he’s even inside you but it feels so good.
He pushes in deep enough to find the reaction he’s looking for, curling his finger inside you. Your hands slam onto the desk as your hips buck. You’re trying to move away from the pleasure, half of you wanting it, half of you worried you’ll lose control.
“Please, please, please,” you whimper the words, unsure if you’re begging for him to stop or continue. He pulls his finger out when you’re close, but you don’t have time to calm down as his tongue coils inside you again, beating against the same sweet spot his finger had found. One hand’s splayed out on your stomach, holding you as still as he can. The thumb of his other hand is teasing your clit.
“Marco! MARCO!” His eyes shift up, catching your gaze for a split second before you cum against his tongue again. You fill the room with a euphoric sound before collapsing against the desk. Heavy panting breaths move your chest up and down, but you don’t have the energy to try and raise your head to look at him right now.
He slowly pulls his tongue out, reveling in the sweet little mewls that escape you due to the over stimulation. He hadn’t meant to bring you to orgasm three times in a row. You were delicious, and sensitive, and the cheat of being able to hear your thoughts made it impossible to deny your desires.
You might just be his favorite meal.
Sweat slicked your body, cooling you in the comfortable room. Marco wipes his lips with the back of his hand before he moves over you, placing soft kisses against your stomach, making a lazy trail up your torso as you catch your breath. He’s careful not to kiss you anywhere too sensitive, and he uses his normal tongue when he licks your lips, before kissing them softly.
“You sound,” he begins, kissing against the line of your jaw as you turn your head for him. “Even better,” the lick against your neck makes you gasp quietly, moaning as he nips at the shell of your ear. “Than I imagined.”
His hand is hot against your leg, and he lifts it slowly, putting your ankle on his shoulder. He kisses your ankle before pressing against you. You can feel his cock, thick and twitching, hot and heavy along your thigh.
“How are you holding up, pretty bird?”
“I’m good.”
You nod. “Yeah, but not exhausted.”
“I’ll be gentle, yoi.” He promises, kissing you before he brings your other leg up to his shoulder.
“F-fuck me rough later?” You question, looking away from him in embarrassment. You wanted to say your thought instead of just thinking it.
“Look at me, yoi.” He commands and you manage it even if the heat in your face is making you a little dizzy. “Whenever,” He begins and you can feel the head of his cock pressing against your entrance. “And however you want.”
Marco presses in slowly, holding your gaze with his, drinking in every detail of the expression on your face as he pushes slowly into you. You’re so wet from everything else there’s no real pain, just a soft sweet ache as you stretch ever so gently to accommodate him.
He’s filling you up far deeper than anyone or anything had ever done so before, and you can feel tears welling up at the corner of your eyes. It’s not just how good it feels, it’s because it’s him. A shift of his hips is enough and you can feel him flush against you.
“All in,” he sighs, rolling his hips and shifting inside you. “You,” he gasps softly as you twitch against him. “Are perfect, pretty bird.”
That’s too much. “Don’t s-say that,” you whimper the words, covering your face with your hands.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” He questions rhetorically, pulling back slowly until it’s just his tip inside you, before pushing back in just as slow. You nod from behind your hands and Marco reaches out, pulling them away from your face.
“Let me see you, yoi.” He requests, pulling out and pushing back in the same slow and deliberate pace as before. “Let me hear you, pretty bird.”
“Marco, please,” you sigh, his long slow exacting movements are already driving you insane.
“The sun hasn’t set yet,” he muses, devious grin on his lips as he continues. As he leans back against you again he continues to press, leaning down over you until he’s stretched your legs back, bringing your knees nearly to your chest. “But I bet I can do this until the sun comes up, yoi.”
“Suh-someone will come in,” you moan as he pushes in again, grinding against your clit a little in the new position.
Marco grins, eyes bright with his flames. “Half the ship heard you screaming my name earlier.” He says, as your mind stutters.
“No one would dare to bother us right now.” The long slow motion is beginning to pick up pace, slowing only when his hips press against you. He takes a second to tease your clit before continuing.
“Oh gods, oh gods,” you gasp, caught between the slow build of pleasure and the mortifying realization that the ship heard you screaming your commander’s name in such a lust-filled way.
“Just think about me, yoi.” Marco asserts, catching your gaze with his as he thrusts into you heavier than before. “Feels good.”
You nod. “It feels,” your hands are on his arms as he pushes in deep, nails digging into his skin. “Amazing!”
“Don’t worry about anything else, pretty bird.” He huffs, picking the up the pace and sending ripples into your body with the deep thrusts. “Everyone can know you’re mine, yoi.”
He pushes in fast, pushing the air from your lungs and grinding heavy against your clit as he leans down and kisses you. Your legs ache a little from the stretch, but he lets up before it hurts.
“I’m yours too, yoi.” He assures you, adjusting a little until you’re crying out every time he bullies the sweet spot inside you. “You scream my name,” he huffs, desperately trying to hold out a little longer. “Because I’m yours.”
“Yeah,” you gasp, nodding as the pleasure is already coiling around you. “Mine, hnnngh, yuh-you’re mine.” Your breath is coming out hot and needy, fingers desperate to hold onto him as the pleasure builds. “Please, fuck, Marco, it feels so good. I can’t, I can’t.” It’s too much I’m going to scream again.
“Don’t hold back,” his voice is more growl than anything else. “Sing for me. Just me.”
Marco slams you into your orgasm, using every trick he knows, and guided by your jumbled and desperate thoughts. His lips capture yours, devouring the melodic cry, and swallowing the euphoric sound with his lungs. This particular song was only for him.
Someday, one day, he’d let you sing with all your might. Maybe in a cabin, set just a little ways away from the rest of a small village, where no one else but the morning birds would dare to listen.
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moonlightazriel · 5 months
Chapter 12: The band of exiles /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Azriel finally arrive at the Manor after sharing a intimate moment at the lake.
Word Count: 2,1K
Warnings: Smut!
Notes: Heheheheheh sex
Main Masterlist
Worlds Apart Masterlist
His lips were soft and warm, fitting perfectly against hers. He had caught her by surprise and it had taken her a minute to process what was happening before she leaned in against him, moving her lips in synchrony with his. She licked his lower lip, prompting him to open his mouth, her tongue invaded, as they battled for dominance. 
Her iron nails found their way to the nape of his neck, scratching slowly the skin, causing goosebumps to erupt in his body. She whimpered when his hand grabbed a handful of her flesh, squeezing her ass and pulling her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and Azriel started to guide them back to the shore. 
He laid her on the soft parts of dark sand surrounding the lake, his knee in between her thighs as he kept kissing her. His cock throbbed with anticipation to be inside her, and by the arousal soaking his knee, he could tell that she was eager too. His mouth kept kissing down to the vale of her breasts, circling her nipple with his tongue, flickering until she was a whimpering and squirming mess beneath him.
He parted her legs with his own, his hand sneaking down. He sunk two fingers easily inside her, the wetness there allowing him to do it without hurting her. She moaned, arching her back and pushing her breasts further inside his mouth, making him moan as well. He was consumed by her, her scent, her taste and her sensation at the tips of his fingers, he never wanted to leave. 
He curled his finger inside her, hitting that spot that had her seeing stars, while his thumb moved around in circles on her clit. She clenched her legs around his hand, cursing as he kept his slow pace, driving her more hungry by the second.
“Fuck Azriel, faster.” She breathed and it was the most obscene and beautiful sound he had ever heard, he wanted to hear her moaning his name forever. As the good male he was, he obliged her orders, mouthing at her nipples in synchrony with his fast fingers pumping in and out of her slopping cunt. 
The pleasure was a stretched band ready to snap, it was years since she properly had one. So she allowed that feeling to sink in, moaning loudly his name while the orgasm washed over her like a summer night breeze, making her body shake and her head fall back, hitting the sand. 
Her walls clenched on him, caging his fingers inside of her, he smirked at that, pulling them out and popping them into his mouth, licking the sweet remnants of her orgasm from his index and middle finger. 
“I need to be inside you, can I?” He asked, aching to be inside her, she looked at him, those deep eyes impossible darker, like a raging sea. She pushed him, using her legs to turn him around, hovering on top of him. She was still panting, recovering from her orgasms when she aligned his cock with her entry, sinking down in a swift motion. 
Azriel gasped at the sudden contact with her, breathing heavily as she started to rock her hips back and forth, her clit bumping against his pelvis as she rode him. A unholy sight it was, she riding him, her eyes squeezed shut, her breasts bouncing with the movement of her hips, hair glued to her forehead and some droplets of sweat running down her plush abdomen. She was a goddess. His personal goddess and certain ruin. 
He cummed hard, shooting white stripes of hot cum inside her, she kept riding him, reaching her own release again, his cum sliding down his cock, making messily easier for her to rock her hips and cum again, her walls clenching around him and milking every last drop of his spent.
She collapsed on top of him, trying to catch her breath. The best sex she had in years and that’s for sure. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
She and Azriel rested for the rest of the day, sharing the tent and some more intimate moments before  they both fell asleep, the tiredness from riding Meraxes all night finally weighing down on them. 
It was the middle of the night when they finally reached the manor, the wyvern roaring loudly to announce their arrival, Lucien quickly walking outside to greet them. Azriel got down carrying the bags, while Y/N slides down Meraxes’ leg, pulling Lucien in for a hug.
“Welcome to my home.” He said, a smile plastered across his face. “Azriel.” he greeted with a dip of his chin, while Azriel nodded his head back at him. “Jurian and Vassa are inside.” 
He guided the way towards a spacious living room. The two coaches were occupied by a male, brown hair, pale skin and brown eyes, he looked at her curiously. The other one was occupied by a beautiful woman with red hair, she had a smile gracing her lips.
“Jurian, Vassa.. This is Y/N.” Lucien introduced and she nodded her head to them. “You already know Azriel.” 
“So you are the brave little things that will end Koschei?” Vassa joked and Y/N raised an eyebrow, the motion drawing the attention to her scar, making her flinch a bit.
“Something like that.” She shrugged. “Lucien said you might help.” Vassa leaned on the couch.
“Is that so?” The male by her side silently nodded. “Then let’s have a talk while I still can.” She got up. 
The woman motioned for Y/N to follow her, going to the back of the house, towards the greenhouse that stood proudly in the yard. Various flowers and plants filled the moonlit space, their smells oddly good together, like they were selected by hand to complement each other. 
“So..” The redhead leaned against one of the tables, her blue eyes scanning Y/N’s figure up and down. 
“You tell me, you met the monster in person, not me.” The queen smiled, liking her fierce personality. 
“He presents himself as a human, everything about him seems normal on the surface, but what lies underneath, it's something with immense power.” She took a deep breath. “I was sold by the other queens to him, he promised them power in exchange for a perfect Guinea pig.”
“What did he need you for?” She inquired and Vassa shrugged. 
“He never told me, all he said was that he needed to do some research and testing on me, he bound me to the lake with him, a queen by night and a firebird by day.” Y/N felt her skin grow tighter with tension.
“What use does someone like him have to a firebird?” Vassa shrugged again. 
“I have no idea, but he made sure that I could never harm him, I can’t use my fire on him.” Y/N took a deep breath, the engines on her head working fast. “But he made me test in other things, monsters he created to see if they could survive the fire.”
If Koschei was truly a Valg, as she suspected, this made sense, he was trying to find a way to prevent getting killed, in a land full of fae with fire magic, it was only logical to protect himself from it, knowing how dangerous it was for his kind. But creating things? The only one who could create things was Erawan himself, only a Valg king could. The room temperature dropped to a few degrees and she started to shiver, it could be worse than she expected. 
“What colour are his eyes?” She dared to ask, Vassa raised an eyebrow clearly confused before answering. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Her head was pounding, too many thoughts at once, too many stories shared in a fireplace late at night, too many whispers shared in secret, all of them clashed and collapsed on top of her, but they all stated the same. 
“The witches with golden eyes were considered lucky and rare, having gotten this trait from their Valg blood, a reminder that they come from a strong lineage, a King’s lineage.” 
Azriel watched as she emerged from the bathroom in their shared chambers, a dark expression coating her frowning face. She finished getting ready for sleep, having come upstairs from her talk with Vassa silent as the dead. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, grabbing her hand as she sat on the bed, rubbing circles in her palm with his thumb.
“Everything is so overwhelming now, my head is a mess.” He pulled her closer by the waist, until her head was resting against his chest and she took a deep breath of him, his scent of night-chilled mist and cedar calming her nerves. 
“Let’s organise what we know.” He instructed and she nodded, scooting away just a little so she could look at him. 
“When Erawan crossed to Erilea, Elena was too weak to kill him, so she had to seal him in a coffin, which wasn’t the best idea as we paid the price centuries later.” Azriel nodded, encouraging her to keep going. 
“Someone bound Koschei to that lake, as he’s too strong to be killed.” 
“We don’t know who did it, but it was a long time ago.” Y/N nodded, lost in thought. 
“We have a wyrd gate atop Ramiel, and Koschei most certainly has a key to it.” Azriel cleared his throat. 
“Maybe that’s why he wants to free himself from that lake, so he can open it.” Y/N nodded.
“Could be.” She rubbed her temples. “Open the gate to the Valg dimension, to bring an army and conquer Prythian. That was what Erawan wanted to do, bring his little family to Erilea so they could enslave all of us.” 
“Family?” Azriel inquired.
“Erawan was the youngest of three brothers, three Valg Kings, the strongest of their kind.” Azriel swallowed past the lump on his throat. “This would make sense with the information that he was creating things, as Erawan was responsible for creating the rings and the collars that allowed valgs to possess humans. He also created the wyverns and other atrocities.”
“Do you think he was responsible for the ridderak?” She looked at him worried. 
“There was no other one who could do it besides me. We still don’t know who the Ridderak was after.” 
“It might be someone with immense power.” Azriel started to process all that information. 
“I was thinking about Rhysand, I can feel how powerful he is.” Azriel shook his head. 
“But what if he wanted more power?” Y/N stayed silent, letting him lead the conversation. “There’s only one thing that’s more powerful than Rhys in Prythian.” 
“What?” She inquired. 
“The cauldron.” Azriel’s expression faltered. “We both know someone who took more power from the cauldron than it was willing to give, someone who was cauldron blessed and could use its powers.”
“Nesta.” It could only be it, he wanted Nesta to use her powers. “He thinks he can free himself from that lake if he has her powers, the cauldron powers.” 
“Fuck, we need to keep her as far away from him as we can, let her know she’s in danger. If she’s what he truly wants, he won’t stop.” Azriel could only agree with it. 
“I’ll send a letter to them later. What else do we have?” She seemed to think for a bit. 
“He’s using Vassa to create a fire resistant army.” 
“Why would he need that?” Azriel asked, confusion laced his beautiful features. 
“Valgs can only be killed by fire or by a very powerful healer. Fire is quicker. And if I’m not mistaken you guys have lots of people with fire abilities.” Azriel scoffed. 
“A whole fucking court.” He jolted from his seat. “Maybe that’s it, that’s why Beron is working with him, so he can keep autumn from attacking him while he conquers Prythian. That fucker.” 
“We can deal with whoever Beron is later.” She waved her hands in dismissal. “If the information we have so far is correct, we’re not dealing with a simple Valg.”
“No?” He scratched his head.
“Koschei is a fucking Valg king.” She spat the words. “His powers, his creations, his gold eyes, that only the kings are described to have… Looks like I’ll finally meet one of Erawan’s brothers after all.” She laughed bitterly. 
“It won’t happen again.” Azriel promised. 
“Oh it won’t, we know what we’re dealing with now, we’re going to kill the asshole.” She gritted her teeth, feeling the anger bubbling inside of her, she wouldn’t let it happen anywhere else, not again.
“You should rest, I’ll send a letter to Rhys and we can talk to Lucien later.” She nodded, watching as Azriel got up and grabbed a piece of paper. 
Her body felt heavy and her mind agitated, everything was too much to handle, so when slumber put her away, she didn’t fight against it. The only problem was that she was stuck in a nightmare where Azriel was taken from her by Valg kings and vingative ex lovers. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Taglist: @fieldofdaisiies @blackgirlmagicforever @a-frog-with-a-laptop @going-through-shit @asweetblueberry2
@roses-r-red54330 @mis-lil-red @sheblogs @hibye02 @impossibelle
@glitterypirateduck @zeroangelo13 @sekiro1310 @nelapeach14 @annamariereads16
@just-here-reading @celestialend @donttellthecats @scatteredstardustt @snoopyspace
@asterinblacksword @tsumudoll @georginat12 @skyjasper @anuttellaa
@willowpains @quinzzelx @amysangel @fightmedraco @puttyly
@lees-chaotic-brain @thisblogisaboutabook @esposadomd @stained-glass-eyes0708 @brujitafantomatico
@a-cup-of-nightshade @faridathefairy @bubybubsters
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hollowtakami · 9 months
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Keigo Takami x GN reader
CONTENT; pure fluff, waking up with my fav birb, pet names (duckie, baby bird, dove), comfort w/ some reverse comfort too.
AUTHOR NOTE; im so sorry I’ve been gone so long!! :( life really got in the way and i’ve been unable to write from lack of motivation and stuff. i wrote this little drabble to try and get back into the swing of things, i’m quite proud of it but i’m still a little rusty. i hope you’re all doing well during the run up to the new year! remember to drink water and take care of yourself, you’re so loved <3
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Mourning doves cooed out their quiet songs as the sun stretched out into the sky, wrapped in blankets of clouds. Its light slithered under your curtains and ran its warm ray of fingers over your face. You stirred, your face scrunching up as you reluctantly greeted a new day and turned to your side to be met with a comforting, red warmth; the fiery plumage of Keigo’s wings, his primaries spread over the thickness of your duck-feather duvet. You rub your eyes as you feel a hand stroke the hair from your face. Those hands trail down to rub your shoulders, massaging gentle circles of comfort into your skin.
“Morning, dove,” A voice croaks out.
“Good morning,” You reply, opening your heavy eyes to a sleepy Keigo, shirtless with the rising sun highlighting him like a halo through your curtains.
He smiles at the sound of your voice, amber suns pinning as the dark holes of his eyes dilate to twice their size. He stretches his wings out again as he shuffles closer to you, his hand on your shoulder raising to your face again, the pad of his thumb making circles on your cheek.
You feel yourself melt into the warmth of his touch, leaning in slightly. The comfort of the blankets and duvet were one thing, but when Keigo was under them with you, it was like the stars had aligned so perfectly. You knew that if he could, Keigo would align the stars for you, paint a sky full of the stars he knew you loved so much.
“How’d you sleep?” Keigo asked, never taking his eyes off you.
You shrugged, your throat still a little hoarse. You only leaned Keigo’s chest, the heat of his skin setting your cheeks on fire. You couldn’t tell if it was that or the brush of red that bloomed over your face, but Keigo was happy to still have that effect on you, after all this time.
He planted a kiss on the crown of your head, resting his chin. You hummed to yourself happily, half asleep. The two of you laid in comfortable silence for a moment, the sound of each other breathing like a lifeline. Keigo ran his hands through your hair and draped a wing over the two of you like a blanket of red plumage - warm and cosy, with his safe, familiar scent.
Your eyes failed you, growing heavy again. You yawned, face scrunching up. Keigo would always laugh and tell you how cute he thought you were, kiss your nose softly and leave you a melting mess to resume whatever he was doing. This time was no different.
“Still tired, baby bird?” Keigo chirped, cupping your face and pecking your nose with a gentle kiss, smiling to himself as your soft blush only grew in intensity. “You’re so adorable.”
However many times he’d kiss you, it always felt like the first time. There was something about the love Keigo gave you that was so familiar yet so fresh. It set your weary heart at ease, it made everything okay.
You look up at him, your eyes like stars as they refracted the morning light. Keigo felt himself melting, choking back a stray chirp that dared to jump up his throat. His plumage fluffed up slightly, the perking of his primaries ruffling the duvet a little. You cupped his face with one hand, using your free hand to haul yourself upwards slightly as you kissed Keigo's nose, your cheek scratching against his stubble slightly as you sank back down into the sheets.
His eyes pinned, the gold of his irises almost completely taken over by black. He nervously smiled, his face redder than his wings. He was the one who gave affection, he was never one to be good at receiving it. The Commission had almost completely trained that out of him, oiling his heart with apathy instead of love. So, you always made sure to remind Keigo that he was loved, that he was worthy of love; after all, he did the same for you.
“I love you, Kei,” you cooed, beaming.
That repressed chirp regurgitated up from Keigo’s throat, a nervous laugh not far behind. You smiled, tracing his jawline with your thumb. Nicknames were the man’s weakness. Call him Kei, and he’ll melt.
Keigo beamed back, shining like a star.
“I love you too, duckie,”
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saturnville · 9 months
yes, mr. snow.
pairing: young!coriolanus snow x black fem oc (illia furdoix). warning: book accurate snow, arranged marriage, toxic!coriolanus. trigger warning: choking. content: coriolanus and illia are in an arranged marriage. coriolanus seems like a decent man to the public, but behind closed doors, she sees a different side to him. an: I saw someone say that wanted to see a more accurate description of coriolanus based on the books. and in the books, the man is an unhinged, classless, selfish human being. here we go.
tags: @snowlandsontopp @babyzzlove @hlstead @rosewine-5 @unicornqueen05 @thegabbyh @neeville @fastlikealambo @urfavesimto keep your spot on the tag list, you are expected to interact!
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She cursed the day she was born. She'd spit on the birth certificate and burn it in the coal-infused fireplace if it meant her existence was a mere wrinkle in time. If the conception of her very being had been unsuccessful, she would have been saved. Saved from the monster that bore the name Coriolanus Snow.
He was just that indeed. A man with the nature of Zeus--arrogant and proud. Expectant of his subjects to adhere to his every command. To fall at his feet like peasants and utter his praises with each breath he took. Like Medusa, his eyes were cold and struck fear in the souls of those who were brave enough to look into them. She never looked in his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of blue, yes, but they were deadly. Stone-cold and deadly.
From their childhood, they were destined to marry. A North magnent and a South magnent forced to attract though they were born to repel.
Her husband was a mean man. How had she been stuck with him, she wondered. Why did the stars have to align the way they did. She carried the name of a monster and laid next to a man she feared. Surely, that was never how marriage was intended to be. It was to be loving, honorable. She was supposed to be adored by her husband as she supported him in his endeavors. What did she get though?
A man who trudged home during the early hours of the morning, clothed in anger and misery, an aroma of scotch and lingering cologne following him with every step he took.
Even still, as time went on, she found ways to love him. He had his moments where she had hope. When he made her soup when she fell ill, how he had a tulip garden put on the roof because he knew they were her favorite flowers. They were rare moments, but she found ways to cherish them.
Illia was afraid to speak as his heavy footsteps echoed throughout the bedroom. His features were frozen in place; furrowed eyesbrows, a deep frown, and a clenched jaw. A walking manifestation of bitterness.
Her eyes were stuck on his swift movements as he floateda around the like a moth. His chest was exposed, as he unfastened the buttons on his short journey up the stairs and to their bedroom. Lean and strong. He tossed his crimson coat on the ottoman on the farthest side of the room. She winced. That was a gift she had made for him.
The sigh he released was heavy. He uttered words beneath his breath as he continued to pace around the room, searching. For what? She did not know.
"You're staring." His voice was low. Icy. Illia jumped and dropped her eyes. "What are you thinking about?"
How you don't come home. Why don't you touch me like you care for me? Will you ever learn to love me? "Where were you, Coriolanus?" Hardly a second passed before flames rose in his eyes. Who knew a simple question could turn a cub into a preying lion an instant.
However, her husband had a keen sense of self control. So rather than yelling like she assumed he would, he instructed her to stand in front of him. "Come here." Her legs carried her to him. They were close in height so her eyes were almost adjacent to his. Their lips, so close, that she could feel the ghost of them.
Slowly, Coriolanus dragged a hand from her bare thigh, up her stomach that was covered by a lace slip, to her breasts which he gave a tight squeeze. It finally landed around her neck. Coriolanus hummed and cocked his head to the side. Illia's breathing was heavy, her lips were parted, and her eyes fluttered closed.
Until he tightened his grip. She gasped in horror. Coriolanus ignored her fingers scratching as his hand as he brought his lips to her hear. "You don't question me, do you understand? I come home when I come home. All that matters is that you are here when I arrive. Do I make myself clear?"
The fear in her eyes would make any man retract and beg for her forgiveness. He was not any man. Illia let out a strained yes, tears welling in her eyes.
It was not enough. "Yes, what?"
She coughed. "Yes, Mr. Snow." He released her from his grip and watched as she fell toward the floor in agony. She crawled away from him in fear. He stared at her with those icy eyes, emotionless and bare. Her husband, he was indeed. The monstor who bore the name Coriolanus Snow.
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ragingbookdragon · 10 months
The sight is typically considered a blessing. To see what the one your soul is tied to sees? There were some amazing stories in the history books. Yet, they rarely covered the ones where your sight was met with pain, grief, and sorrow. Yours was. Colored red like your soulmate’s father’s hands, pulling away from the face of an obvious child who long ago learned how not to cry in front of the man. The sight began to give you nightmares. Whatever your soulmate did for a living, he was met with the hands of evil. Not once in his life did he ever seemingly know peace.
You wondered if you would ever see a moment of happiness. Sometimes, there was a semblance of calm. Usually, it was moments before whatever storm he dove headfirst into, but your hearts aligned, beating in one, and you knew he felt a solace in violence.
As the years grew, so did the violence, however, you saw fewer moments of hell through his eyes. It gave you some moment of relief to know he wasn’t in the hands of some evil anymore. He spent a lot of time looking up at the stars though. And in the dark. Alone. Quiet. He didn’t speak much. You learned he was a man who had little to say and much more to do. He stopped showing gruesomeness. His sight became so much softer for you. Laughter peeling from his friends, words on pages, every day, mundane life. You knew he was a man who underneath all his obvious solemnity, was simply a man who longed for a normal life. You wondered if things would’ve been different had you met as children.
Some never met their soulmates. Some spent a lifetime searching for a love that never found them. Yours seemed to be blessed. Somehow the same city had come into view. The same landmarks. The same sky. You knew where he was. You wondered if he knew where you were.
It happened in the hall on base. Sleep hadn’t come to you the night before and you were dragging yourself back to your quarters after training. The new squad you were being conditioned for was ruthless. Survival of the fittest, the strongest, the mentally tough. Somehow, you’d managed to last longer than most did in the first five weeks. Twelve more to go, and your battalion had dropped from fifty recruits to twenty-three; you wondered who was going to stand in the end and be the newest members of the one-four-one.
It's when you blinked, overcome by the familiar fuzzy sensation in your vision, and saw your own head tipped down, walking towards yourself. Your head snapped up, eyes wide as you met the steely gaze of your Lieutenant; “Ghost,” they called him, and you had seen firsthand why. No words left your flapping mouth, all traces of weariness gone as you two stared at each other, one in shock, the other calm.
“It’s…it’s you.” It sounded so fucking cliché to say it, but what else could you say?
All the sudden you remembered how cold and distant this man acted to almost everyone, and you readied yourself for some type of negative words, damning you and your bond with him, anything, and yet, he simply guided you into an empty conference room and laid a warm hand against your cheek; you never knew such hands could be so gentle.
“I’m sorry,” was all he said. You knew what it meant; he was sorry for all the things you had to see for the last thirty years. The pain, the torture, the grief, the brokenness.
Soldiers weren’t supposed to cry, but you couldn’t help the tears welling in your eyes as you shut yours and leaned into his hand; his thumb brushed the tears dripping down from your eye.
“I never would’ve wished my sight on you. On anyone.” He sounded so defeated, not elated like most were when they met their other half. “I’m sorry you’ve only ever seen fighting in my eyes.”
You shook your head and opened your eyes, taking in the masked man before you. “I tried to show you love through mine all these years so we would both be loved enough. I’m sorry I didn’t do more to save you from your fights.”
His eyes showed a softness, maybe he was smiling underneath his mask; his hand left your cheek, arm wrapping around your neck as he gently pulled you into him. “S’alright love,” he murmured. “I’m glad you never had to see my fights in person. Through my eyes was more than damaging.”
You pull back enough to look up at him. “Was the sight in mine…?”
“It was enough,” he said, and met your gaze. “It’s…always, been enough for me.” He sighed. “I don’t know if I’m good enough for you though. You’ve seen my life. You know it all.”
“I do.”
“I don’t know if you’ll be happy. With…with me.”
You feel a sense of longing in his voice, but at the same time, you know he’s offering you an out. Giving you the chance to walk away. You don’t take it.
“I’ve spent my entire life seeing yours, Lieutenant. I want to see it together now.” You cut him off before he can even say it. “I’m prepared for wherever this life takes us. I’ve always been there for you, and you for me. I won’t change it now. I’ll see it until the end of our days.”
You see yourself now, there’s a relief flooding your veins from his sight. For once in his life, you now know, that this broken man, has met a moment of peace.
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tojisblade · 10 months
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cw: unprotected sex, established relationship (married), fem!aligned pronouns (she/her), pet names (good girl, princess, baby, sweetheart, angel, love), oral (fem recieving), overstimulation
a/n: my requests are open! please refer to this post!
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nanami had perfected the ability to get you to a headspace where all you can think of was him and his cock inside of you. he’d have that little, sneaky smile on his lips when he would lean back against the couch and you’d sit in front of him on your knees with your arms on his thighs, basically looking at him with hearty-eyes.
“aww, look at you princess. you’re so pretty on your knees for me”, he praised you with a soft and gentle voice, as he softly caressed your cheek. “come on up, sit on your throne, love.”
he patted his lap with his other hand and his smile brightened as you happily sat down and wrapped your legs around his waist. as you leaned down to kiss your perfect husband, he raised his finger. “what do we do when we want a kiss, sweetheart?”, kento asked, voice turning a little bit stricter.
“i ask first”, you replied, pouting, “can i have a kiss, ken?”
“of course, sweetheart”, he replied with a genuine and bright smile, before he buried his hand in your hair and pulled you down to deliver one of the most passionate kisses he had in a while.
“mhm, god, kento”, you whined against his lips. “i missed you so much.”
“aww, angel, i missed you, too. this trip to tokyo made me realize how much i adore you, angel. you’re my everything”, he mumbled, still pecking your lips over and over. “i want to make you remember how much i really do. how does that sound, sweetheart?”
you nodded frantically, your pussy throbbing at the insinuation of him wanting to fuck you.
as said – he perfected the ability to get you to a headspace in which all you can think of was him and his cock buried deep inside of you.
“aww, sweetheart, i can feel you throbbing already. god, you’re so beautiful”, he mumbled as he planted gentle kisses over your jaw and your neck. “i love you so much.”
kento slowly grabbed your shirt’s hem, pulling the thin fabric off your skin and leaned down to plant sweet and gentle kisses over your collarbone. as he slowly laid you down on the couch and leaned over you, you couldn’t help but turn your head away in shyness as you saw his intense gaze on you – it only had been a week since you last saw him and his gaze made you crumble like you did when you first started dating.
considering you were married now, it was incredible to kento as he noticed how you’d still back away your gaze as he took in your beauty.
“look at me, princess”, kento slowly pulled your lacey bra down to wrap his lips around your nipple. “god, you’re so adorable when you get too shy to look at me.”
you couldn’t help but giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck as your back arched with the sudden stimulation on your nipple, your husband knowing your weaknesses fully well by now – which was totally understandable, he had made you see stars in more ways than one more often than somebody could possibly imagine.
and he was intent on delivering tonight, too.
“please, kento, don’t tease”, you whimpered. “i’ve been such a patient girl for you, waiting for you to come back.”
“oh, yes you were, angel. let me reward you for that, hm?”, he mumbled, as he slowly kissed down your stomach and unbuttoned your shorts to pull them down along with his panties; he almost immediately dived into your cunt with his tongue, sucking and licking so desperately, obsessed with your taste.
“god, you taste so sweet, angel”, he groaned against your folds, turning into a pussy-drunk addict. kento wasn’t one to lose his cool in any shape, but the moment he’d have his face buried between your legs? he was a goner.
“mh- oh, god, kento!”, you cried out, hips twitching and arching at the pleasure and stimulation coursing through your body. “god, it feels so– ah, good, don’t stop.”
“i wouldn’t dare to stop, angel”, he groaned, stopping for a moment to look up at you, “i’m too addicted to the way you taste and to the way you still try to suffocate me with your pretty little cunt. will you come for me? hm? be a good girl and come for me, baby.”
like it was a command, your body convulsed as he dove right back in, tongue playing with your clit, and your eyes were rolling back as the first orgasm since a week had your hips twitching and body shaking. “oh, my god”, you breathed out softly as you finally calmed down again.
the sound of his belt unbuckling had you return to reality again, your pussy throbbing as you felt him slap the tip of his cock against your clit. “ready for me, baby? been waiting for this for too long”, he asked for your consent as he wiped off your slick from his mouth with his other hand.
“mhm!”, you nodded excitedly, to which kento tsked disapprovingly.
“your words, sweetheart. i need to hear your words”, he said with a strained tone, his patience thinning with each second his cock was not buried in your warm folds.
“please, fuck me, kento. i’ve been waiting for this for too long”, you whined, before a squeaky cry left your throat as he rammed his cock inside, eyes rolling back in pleasure as he immediately started with a rough pace, where the sound of skin slapping against skin had you almost cream around his cock almost immediately again.
“god, fuck me”, you cry out, trying to rile him up even more to get him to be even rougher, you were craving his frustrations, his need for you after being forced to go on a trip. “i missed you, please just fuck me.”
“you want me to fuck you? mh, what happened to you being my sweet little girl, baby?”
“screw that”, you cried as he delivered a particularly hard thrust, body jerking up as he had you see stars. “screw being sweet, just fuck me like i’m your dirty slut.”
“mh, no, baby, see”, he slowed down a bit, thrusting into you deliberately slow, “what did we say? my baby shall never call herself bad names, didn’t we? only i get to do that.”
“‘m sorry! god, stop teasing me”, you whined desperately.
“good girl. now…”, he pulled out before he turned you around and had you on all fours. “be a good slut for me and take my cock like one.”
the slaps of his hips against yours as well as him spanking your ass had you creaming around his cock finally. your body shuddered in overstimulation when he didn’t stop, in fact, he watched the creamy slick cover his cock with each thrust and form a white ring of cum around his cock’s base.
“such a good girl for me, cumming so good for me, hm? does it feel good, angel?”, he asked, his thrusts becoming much rougher and more aggressive with each second he got closer to his own release.
these were the only moments kento would ever lose his temper.
with a final thrust, he buried himself deep inside of you and finally came deep, making you feel all warm and giddy, being full by his cum, and god, was it a big load. he watched his cum leak out of your used, twitching hole once he pulled out and smiled, scooping it up with his two fingers and pushing them inside.
“mh, baby, you’re so full of me, aren’t you? don’t worry, i got a lot more of that to deliver. don’t even think about sleeping. for tonight, you’re all mine to pleasure and fuck. all. night. long.”
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So Much (For) Blitz —An exclusive reveal of the star of Fall Out Boy’s latest album cover
Fall Out Boy’s latest effort So Much (For) Stardust) has been critically acclaimed and lauded by fans as some of their best work to date. The album artwork, prominently featuring a doberman, has left some puzzled and looking for additional context as to the dog’s identity and how the artwork came to be. The Bad Habits Collection is proud to bring you the exclusive reveal of the dog featured on the cover of their eighth studio album alongside the full story of how they were discovered.
When Fall Out Boy officially announced their eighth studio album on January 18th, 2023 and unveiled the album artwork for So Much (For) Stardust, there were a lot of opinions to be had. Some of the fans immediately felt connected and claimed it as their own, some compared it to Fiona Apple’s 2020 release Fetch the Bolt Cutters, and some downright found it revolting. Overall, most agreed that it was polarizing to say the least. Donned in an all black background, the front cover features both the name of the band and the album itself in the work of Omar Mroz (hereinafter referred to by his online moniker Mr.Oz). The text is covered in glitter and written out in the same style featured earlier in the rollout of FOB8’s album cycle with A Claymation Fall Out Boy Celebration, dropped as a surprise present from the band on Christmas one month earlier. The headlining attraction of this sideshow was in fact just a simple square box, containing a swirling artistic depiction of a doberman barking in the presence of a froth of bubbles.
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From the moment I first laid eyes on the iconography of Fall Out Boy’s new era, I had just two questions in mind: Who is the dog? & Why choose the dog? A few obvious possibilities were immediately ruled out. Solely based on what’s been posted to social media, this dog did not belong to Pete, Joe, or Andy. Patrick has remained dormant online for years at this point, but still the odds felt slim. I did my best to brush it off, but ultimately I kept coming back to the thought of WHY? If you’re familiar with my previous work on the history of Take This To Your Grave’s album cover, you already know this type of sentiment means a lot to me. After a while of waiting for the band to bring up the topic in an interview or statement, I had essentially given up hope on any type of official explanation. It was at this moment, just 3 days before the release of the record, that I accepted the reality of the situation. This wasn’t a hot topic within the fandom. And no one was going to provide me with the answers I was looking for. If I wanted to know more, it was solely up to me. So… I got to work. — 
To take a step back, the artwork for So Much (For) Stardust first hit the internet on January 11th, seven days before the official reveal. Posted alongside the name of the first single Love From The Other Side, our barking pup friend was featured on the home feed of FILTER | NEWs on VK, a Russian social media site that I’ve been told is comparable to Facebook. The artwork was watermarked with a subtle, transparent white logo for FILTER in the background. Despite this post being up for five days (a millennia on the worldwide web), it wasn’t until the 16th that the fandom at large made this discovery, with many claiming it was an outright fake.
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However, the *stars* started to align proving this leak to have a dose or two of authenticity. Mr.Oz’s claymation video from earlier in the rollout followed the story of a similar looking doberman, who just so happened to pose in the final frame in a style strongly resembling the leaked cover. 
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Beyond that, a post from lyricist and bassist Pete Wentz’s Instagram dating back just two days earlier was quickly dug up. On the 4th slide of the carousel, there it was: a selfie of Pete with a Santa hat on and propped up on the shelf behind him... the physical painting of the doberman seen on the leaked cover.
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All but confirmed at this point, one last clue presented itself online. The freshly created Twitter account “@muchstardust” popped up out of nowhere, making itself known by following myself and a few other notable hardcore fans in this space. @muchstardust made just one single tweet before being suspended (for reasons unknown). 
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The post featured three images, the watermarked cover, Pete’s selfie, and notably, a compressed form of the actual photo taken of man’s best friend —the same one the leaked cover features an oil painting rendition of. 
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—  As we all know now, this leak was indeed real and confirmed as the album artwork just a few days later by Fall Out Boy themselves. But that’s when the trail went cold. Later promotional photos featuring the band and taken by their long time collaborator Pamela Littky included another doberman, but clearly not the same one once examined a bit closer. On March 21st, the Chicago rock group posted “What do you think the dog’s name is? 🫧”, but never followed up with the answer. It’s as if they were taunting me specifically with how vocal I had been about wanting to solve this mystery. Just before the album’s official release, I was tipped off by someone with an early copy of the CD that the liner notes of So Much (For) Stardust credit Safia Latif for the cover painting and Jen Patterson for the photograph the cover painting was based on. With new pieces of the puzzle in play, my search for the dog in question was reignited. However, my leads proved of little to no help. I could not get in touch with Safia and could not properly identify Jen Patterson online for the life of me. Taking the hunt back to the drawing board, I reverse image searched the photo @muchstardust had originally provided, which even at this point, months later, was our only source of the actual photograph. Littered with results of the album artwork naturally, I did come across one potential connection. Once again, I found myself on the public timeline of someone’s VK.com profile. “dextromethorpan 3” had included the same photograph in a gallery of different doberman puppies posted on December 21st, 2020. This was…something. Sure, this photo likely did not originate from the VK profile I had unearthed, but at least now I knew it had been around the web for a few years. Scratching my head, I wondered how Fall Out Boy had originally come across this image. Was it something that came up on one of their feeds? Or perhaps just a keyword search? Taking it to different forms of social media, I found a potential match on the /r/doberman subreddit posted 10 months ago. Titled “Cool pic of us playing with bubbles”, the dobie in question featured strikingly similar features and color patterns, and was of course, playing with bubbles. 
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So I did what any other sane fan would do… and sent a private message to the Redditor the night before the album dropped with Jen’s photograph. “/u/drc55555” responded Saturday morning agreeing that the dog did look a lot like their own, but that they didn’t recognize the photograph. I woke up in a cold sweat seeing the glimpse of the Reddit notification on my iPhone and replied informing them of the cover of Fall Out Boy’s brand new release and asking if the user was the Jen Patterson credited in the album’s booklet. A day later, they replied once again noting that they weren’t Jen, but that this has sparked a memory of another DM they had received in the fall of last year from an Elektra Records personnel, Fueled By Ramen’s distributor who Fall Out Boy had publicly rejoined the roster of just this January. Indeed, 200 days ago from this very conversation, a marketing representative from the label had reached out to the Redditor through the same platform letting them know that an artist they work with had come across the very same photo I myself found and that the artist had fallen in love with it, hoping to use it as part of the artwork for an upcoming project. /u/drc55555 had conceded that they regretted not responding at the thought of how their dog could have become famous. This is when I knew, I was HOT on the trail. Either a member of FOB discovered this photo of their dog while scrolling Reddit or had specifically sought out the same search terms as me, which meant the actual photograph used on the cover could have potentially been found through the very same method. My search accelerated and within a few hours I had run a variety of similar terms by Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, really any social media site I could get my hands on. Nothing had come up, but I hadn’t called it a day quite yet as one of the more obvious sites remained: Instagram. Heading to the explore page I have barely used in my own time on the platform, I typed in the same keywords that brought me to the pup’s uncanny match on Reddit: “doberman bubbles”. And there it was, exactly 60 rows down, right in the center, the original image of the dog I had been looking for all along along with an alternate photo of the same dog in the next slide in the same setting captioned “BUBBLES!!!!!”, posted —you guessed it, in 2020. 
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—  With this case officially closed, I’m beyond stoked to introduce Blitz the Doberman to other fans of Fall Out Boy. At the time of publication, Blitz has 12.8k followers on his public Instagram account, which lead me to question how this match hadn’t already been made. Blitz’s bio reveals he was born on February 27th, 2019 and lives in Las Vegas with his human, one Jen Patterson.
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In a beautiful twist of fate, within the hour of finishing the final draft of this piece, Blitz’s humans responded to my inquiry from earlier in the week. I spoke with Jen at length who was happy to share her story exclusively with The Bad Habits Collection. Similarly to the Redditor from earlier, a marketing rep from Elektra Records had reached out to her through Instagram on September 20th, 2022 inquiring about using a picture of her pup for one of their artists’ work, a message she initially regarded as spam. Eventually, she came to an agreement with Elektra, however, this story ended there for her. Up until Jen read the direct message I sent to Blitz’s account, she had not the slightest idea that he was featured on the cover of the new album of one of the biggest modern rock bands left in the world. I was shocked to hear this, but Jen on the other hand was incredibly excited to learn of the breaking news. I shared a photo with her of her name printed in the liner notes of So Much (For) Stardust, a cool moment for us both. Jen told me “I never considered myself a photographer, but that’s amazing!” When I asked about how Blitz already had such a huge following on Instagram, she told me all about how she’s networked with others in a doberman group and has kept a steady stream of posts coming on the daily. In discussion of what she’d like for others to take away from this article, Jen simply hoped others would get to know Blitz’s name —my entire goal of this investigation all along. Half-joking, she expressed that she’d also love to have gotten her hands on some merchandise with his face on it. Infinitely grateful for her responding to my DM and taking the time to talk with me, I’ve personally sent Jen physical copies of So Much (For) Stardust in both vinyl and CD format. I’ll be sure to update this write-up with a photo of FOB’s newest mascot posing with his album cover when they arrive! Closing out our conversation, Jen let me know that she “felt like if you hadn’t reached out, we would not have known.” To be honest, there were times in this journey that I thought it might be for the best if I gave up the search for this pup as to not invade anyone’s privacy. I figured if Blitz hadn’t already made himself known publicly, maybe there was a specific reason behind not doing so. I would have never guessed that reason was because his family were simply unaware of his new-found fame. I feel honored to have been the one to share this discovery with Blitz’s owners and again want to thank them for their contributions to this piece. Jen has also graciously shared the original photograph of Blitz the cover was based on in its full resolution, uncropped:
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After scouring the internet to to uncover this story, it all leads me to just one final question: Why Blitz? What’s the connection? Moreover, what’s the intended meaning here? Jen let me know that she herself was unaware of how and why the photograph was found and selected, but we can naturally draw our own conclusions. Discussing this topic with other longtime fans of the band, all have come to the same conclusion that Fall Out Boy’s latest effort features some of Pete’s bleakest lyrics in a long time paired somehow ever so perfectly with some of Patrick’s most uplifting and dance-worthy melodies to date. As my partner pointed out, the album artwork depicts a breed known for their usage as guard dogs with a tough exterior, but shown playing lightheartedly with what’s usually associated as a child’s toy. In the words of fellow Fall Out Boy historian and Bad Habits Collection collaborator Tommy McPhail, the cover displays “the epitome of boundless joy and simplified bliss amongst chaos”, a phrase that perfectly sums up the entire feeling artistically and masterfully expressed in So Much (For) Stardust in my own eyes. Fall Out Boy’s newest full-length studio record So Much (For) Stardust, produced by the legendary Neal Avron, is one of their strongest statement pieces in years and is now available everywhere music is streamed or sold. You can follow Blitz’s adventures on Instagram: @blitzdoberman —  “The kind of pain you feel to get good in the end. Inscribed like stone and faded by the rain: ‘Give up what you love before it does you in.’” Written by Alex Toor for The Bad Habits Collection
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welcomeabyss · 2 years
When The Stars Didn’t Align, Part 3
This chapter goes a little bit to the past. We get to suffer explore the ways Mc became the third wheel, after the new girl had settled in. Asmo, Beel and Belphe are going to be in the next part!
@gatorcatally @gayassfuckinghomo
Themes: Angst, Replaced Mc! Au
“So, is there anyone you like?” The pretty woman had asked Mc out of nowhere as they were cooking together. Mc was surprised by that and stopped to look at her for a moment: She was sparkling, with her perfect flowy hair and bright eyes. Mc couldn’t believe that she had just woken up from a nap.
“N-no not really”, Mc lied. The new girl had lived in the house of Lamentation for a couple of weeks now and they had gotten well together with Mc. They didn’t want to open up to her about more personal stuff to her yet though.
“Oh c’mon Mc! There’s got to be someone”, she teased. Maybe it was the way she giggled after her question, or the way they playfully hit Mc’s arm, but suddenly Mc felt safe in her presence. Mc started to think about how nonjudgmental the new girl has always been, and how kind and trustworthy she seemed. Maybe, I can tell her?, Mc suddenly thought to themselves. Then they opened their mouth to speak:
“Lucifer”, Mc blushed a little. They had gotten a crush on him immediately after they had laid eyes upon him. He was not only powerful, but also a caring personality. Lucifer wasn’t afraid to show what he was after. It was magnetizing, really.
The new girl was a little surprised by Mc’s answer, but soon giggled nervously: ”Really? He’s a little scary don’t you think?”. Mc wanted to go on a rant about how he wasn’t a one dimensional scary demon. That he was actually very sweet and protective, and quite honestly; his scariness was also something Mc found attractive at times.
Mc blushed a little, but then responded: ”Yeah, he can be a bit scary sometimes, but only when it’s necessary. He’s actually very sweet!”. The new girl giggled wholesomely again: “Well, it sounds you really do like him a lot!”. Before Mc could ask, if she had a crush on anyone, Beel came in to interrupting, asking hastily about his missing pudding.
After a couple of days Mc was enjoying their evening by listening to music and cleaning the house with the newcomer. Mc and she had decided to try to make Lucifer’s day better by cleaning his private study. So they knocked on Lucifer’s door. He welcomed them in. He appreciated their willingness to help him, so he let them go at it. As Mc and her were dusting the shelves, Lucifer spoke:
“Mc, could you go and take these boxes to the music room? They are very delicate and need to be handled with care, I trust you are able to do this?” Mc was delighted: Lucifer entrusted me with his important property? Mc nodded quickly, smiled and took the boxes to themselves, starting to carefully carry them upstairs.
Mc wanted to make Lucifer even more happy, so they decided to tidy up the music room a little before heading downstairs. It took a while before Mc was properly done with the place, but soon they went back to where Lucifer and her were at.
Mc walked gleefully towards Lucifer’s room again, noticing that the door was left slightly open. Mc was about to walk in, until their heart stopped. Their widened eye was now peeking through the gap. What is going on?
The new girl was looking up in a surprised manner, her pretty lips slightly parted and her cheeks were faintly red. She was holding her hands tightly together, as the tall figure was confidently leaning down on her, pinning her against the wall. Did he order me to go to the music room, just to get me out of their way?, Mc gulped. Lucifer had the same look on his face, that Mc well recognized, because that was the reason, why they adored him in the first place: He never hesitated to show what he was after.
Before Mc could answer her question, they were interrupted by Asmo and Satan arguing about something. The conversation from before was left in the forgotten, which Mc was secretly happy about. Otherwise they would have definitely splurged out, how they had this massive crush on Mammon
Mammon was endearing to them, so fun to be around, but also protective. Mc found it kinda sweet, how he always got jealous easily, but also struggled to admit that he enjoyed the human’s company.
Things continued on as usual, until one day there was a big game night at the house of Lamentation. They were asking questions and daring each other to do dumb things. Mc was enjoying their time, occasionally glancing if Mammon was looking at them.
“Okay, sweetheart, I have a question for you”, Asmo was speaking to the new girl in a teasing manner. She flinched in surprise, but then asked, what Asmo wanted to ask him. “Would you kiss Mammon?”, Asmodeus continued. Mc was a little shocked, and even more so, when they looked up at her: she was completely flustered, almost like Asmo had confirmed something. Revealed her secret. She kept looking down, as an embarrassed smile creeped on her face. Don’t you dare, Mc’s heart demanded. Don’t you dare
“Y-yes. I think he’s kinda adorable . . . I wouldn’t mind kissing him”, she blushed heavily. As the brothers let out surprised noises, Mc felt their heart sank: But there is no way that Mammon would like her back right? Not after all this time.
But as Mc now turned to look at Mammon, their heart ached even more: the way he was now staring at her, his face softening. The way Mc would have done anything to know what he was thinking, when his mouth slightly started to turn into an adoring smile, which he quickly tried to hide.
”I like Levi”, Mc quietly muttered out. They felt closest with him. They had a lot similar interests, and Mc reallt enjoyed hanging around Levi. Mc loved his shyness, humour, but also his kindness.
”Levi? Well I guess I’m not that surprised, you guys do spend a lot of time together”, she thought to herself out loud in wonder. ”So, do you have a crush on anyone?”, Mc then asked. She was about to answer to them, until they both noticed smoke coming out of the oven and the previous subject was forgotten.
Mc, Levi and the newcomer were playing games in Levi’s room one night. They were laughing along, as they competed with each other. After the new girl had won a round against Levi, he was flabbergasted.
“How- HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! I have been playing this game for years!?”, Levi questioned her. She was giggling and then instinctively started to ruffle Levi’s hair as an apology: “Sorry Levi! I can let you win the next round!”
Mc knew she didn’t try to do that in purpose. To make them jealous. Mc was sure that she had no romantic intentions behind her actions. So why did Levi’s blush and his softening eyes make them so jealous? Why did his panicked reaction and mumbling words feel so different this time?
”Satan”, Mc tried to hide their smile by changing their expression, but the attempt was useless. How could Mc not like Satan’s curiosity and charm? Mc loved to trade books with him and they both seemed to like each other recommandations.
”He seems like your perfect other half”, she finally answered them in a kind manner, after Mc fought so hard not to show their flustration. Mc got even more flustered at her words, trying to not look too embarrassed as they were making the food.
Later that evening Mc was going to the library. They were hoping to run into Satan, because they had found a perfect book from the human world to give him. Mc was holding the book close to them as they approached the room. A warm light escaped from the slightly parted doors, as the furnice had a fire burning in it.
Mc heard a conversation coming from the library. They heard Satan’s laugh echoing: “Really? A book like that really exists in the human world?” Who could make Satan laugh like that? So wholeheartedly?
“Why would I lie about that?”, her soft voice was like dagger to Mc, for reasons they could not explain. Then they heard her continuing: “Here, I can lend it to you”. Mc couldn’t help, but peek through the doors. It was exactly how they expected: the flame really did make the room more beautiful, with this orange glow that spread to everything it touched. Not even Satan or her could escape it, as they were both sitting on the couch facing the other way from Mc. It was almost like the time had stopped to capture this moment, as their hands had accidentally touched each other, but both hesitant to move away. Mc noticed scarily familiar look on her face: she was falling for him.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Stars aligned- Simon "Ghost" Riley
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F!Reader, fluff, angst?
"I love stars" she once said
"I love a star" His eyes fixed on the last remaining hope he had.
"It's late, y'know?" He leans over the frame of the door, staring at you as you, once more, finish another book. "Smoking kills, you know?" You, do not once look up to meet his gaze, the smell of his cigarette penetrating the smell of your room. He walks to your bed, "Think I care about the effects of smokin', love?" His body is now laid on your mattress. "No, think I care about the time?" You finally closed the book, what brilliant minds were old astronomers.
"You should care, it's almost time." He looked at his watch, knowing exactly the time you two had to be outside on your lawn, eyes trying to catch glimpses of stars, looking for life out there. You grab your coat and head out as he walks behind. He was never the one to care for such things. Secretly, on lonely and cold nights he would spend in the desert, he'd think of you and the stars. How one precious thing can create life.
You and he sat on the green lawn, staring at the stars, the comfort it brought him when the nights became those of terror memories. In a way, he thanks you like this, agreeing to sit and watch as you smile at the stars, millions of them dead but still alive as their death hasn't reached us quite yet.
"You know, I think we'd be fools if we think we are the only intelligent life out here." You look at him and he looks at you, "I think it's beautiful to think we aren't alone...in many ways than one." His voice is soft as always when speaking to you, you didn't know this of course. Ghost was a soldier, Simon was a simple man, with simple needs. You were not a want but a need, he needed you like stars needed nuclear fusion of hydrogen to keep themselves from collapsing.
He, unlike you, was never textbook smart but when he was with you, under the stars and you carefully explained the way they worked he, for a moment, understood. You were his nuclear fusion of hydrogen to keep him from collapsing under his own weight.
"I always have loved stars," you mentioned, looking back at the starry night. "I love them too," his gaze not leaving your beautiful face. "You think one day I could become a star?" It was a silly question, one he loved to answer. A hand at your chin, making you look at him, "Darling you are already a star...the most special star of them all."
From that night on, it was him, you and the stars. Never one without the other. Supernovas could be an exaggeration of the sensation you felt when you kissed the other. How he'd hold you close on the cold nights as you two asked the question, "Is life out there?"
Blanket covered your bodies, telescope on your left while he and you argued over what star theory was the best. Simon, the man who was hidden for years and years, finally unmasking while you watched and held his hand. Tattoed small stars on his ribcage, the same ones you drew on a sticky note he took to his artist to copy.
"I love you..."
"I love you too, r/n."
"You think one day I could become a star?"
"You are already a star," he whispers as he looks down at your tomb. Been four years, time to move on others say but how could he when the one thing that kept Simon from collapsing is gone?
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watercurtaincave · 9 months
𖤓 !! — A Hero and A Warrior and... 000 | prologue
"Summary"! I once met a friend who told me you cannot run from destiny, for density will always seek you down and strike when you least expect it. She told me that density is a constant, a circling force that drives the planet in the way it was meant to and there is no changing its fate or its course. So I say these next words as an apology of sorts, though I’m sure the sin I’ve committed could never be tarnished and cleaned from my soul nor the blood will be scorn off my hands as it burns to touch: “I’m sorry.” And I could only hope you can take that apology and find it somewhere in your hearts to forgive me, to forgive the person I’ve become, and everything I have ever done to hurt you. Please, may you forget the memory of me and anything that is related; Maybe, in another life, in a different time, when destiny was on our side and the stars aligned, everything would be so much more different.
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Sometimes there’s a wandering thought that crosses my mind, one that sparked several curiosities about those who I’ve befriended and the life I used to live. These thoughts usually struck themselves in my mind when I’m alone, more prevalently in the windy night where the moon was full and sparkled off the icicles that had been stricken up. Their frosted bases hold all of the world's secrets, despite never reflecting them back at me when I stared. Maybe there was a point in life, at least at one point I knew there was a point in my life. I was meant to be with someone, or be near someone, or simply just be their acquaintance for a short period of time before I left; Being as wandering as my thoughts, being as mysterious as those secrets held in the ice. Maybe I would have given people advice, maybe even gifts of knowledge and relished in their success from a far before they came to seek me out again and thank me. Maybe I would have beckoned them to come and stay for a while, in a place where time seemed to freeze and everything seemed right for a moment.
Maybe I was meant to be someone, instead of being no one. That was curious thought upon itself; The thought of having a name and identity that was to be known instead of trailing behind the one person who still remembers who I am, who I used to be. Was this meant to be my destiny? To be another nameless face in a plan, someone who stood behind another like a scared little mouse to only be used when the time was right, when all the pawns were laid out on the table. Sometimes that thought crossed my head too, but I never endorsed its stay. Oddly enough, sometimes it was better just to accept what was happening right now at face value, to simply do as I was told without complaints. After all, who would even listen to a person they once knew yet now no longer knew? Especially one who worked for their sworn enemy, the one who planned to destroy the world and created it to perfection–and who promised you the life you were always meant to have: One of peace. I would like that very much.
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“No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny.” Despite the pounding fear in his heart, the ragged thoughts that raced through, and the rush to grab the staff MK heard these words loud and clear. They were spoken in an icy cold voice, one that was almost mystical if it was not for the evil that had spoken them. And yet, they made him falter all the same. He stood in front of the staff, the one weapon he believed in the most to grant him the courage to face the Lady despite everything that had happened; It shone, whispering his name in a calling tone. “I don’t know if all this happened because it was destined to,” MK breathed out, taking a moment to glance up at the Lady. His voice quivered, his eyes faltered and found their place back to the staff, “but I have to believe I found the staff so I could use it for good. To help people, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to take my staff and protect the world!” And there was an odd sensation that made MK’s heart beat rapidly, despite the clanking of metal in the background. There was a rush of thought that filled his head, the worry of not being good enough subduing for a moment as he grabbed ahold of the staff. He heard the whispers crawl up his skin, moving towards his ears as he dug his feet into the ground and– The staff was stuck. Yeah, of course it could never be that easy! MK cursed to himself as he soon tried multiple ways of freeing the staff, mostly out of pure spite. He would yank it, kick the ice, jack hammer it (with a jack hammer he didn’t even know he had!) and even bite it off. Nothing would work, go figure.
“Ah, sweet child, can’t you see?” The eerie whispering voice of the Lady Bone Demon returned to taunt MK, “Sun Wukong couldn’t best me. What could you hope to accomplish when he has failed!” An echoing laugh paired with MK’s terror as he heard a body slam to the ground behind them, and MK knew Macaque was down for now; The time they had tried to buy for MK was up and MK didn’t even have the staff, it was stuck in the pillar of ice. “Cast aside your stubbornness and face your demise with honor!” Wukong’s armor would clank with his uncharacteristically heavy footsteps, slowly drawing closer upon the wishes whispered to him through his ear; The infecting parasite giving him, the real Wukong, no change to control his own body, not even a smidge. Even so, MK knew that he was trying to fight it, shouting and yelling for MK to get out of the way, to go and run. Yet, MK couldn’t do that. He couldn’t abandon a friend who needed his help, and Wukong needed his help right now! “If you really do believe that destiny can’t be changed you wouldn’t be using every ounce of power you have to keep him contained!” MK shouted up at the Lady, clenching his fists at her taunting and pitiful giggles towards the current battle. She thought she had the upper hand, that’s where MK would prove her wrong! She would not win, not on his watch; And he saw the way she recoiled away in disgust at his accusation yet there was a crack in the vessel she was using. Checkmate.
The heavy footsteps of Wukong continued towards MK, and Macaque hoped that this kid's crazy plan would actually work; Or else he would have a lot of explaining to do when this whole situation was over. “The Monkey king I know will never stop fighting you!... And neither will I.” A beat, and there was a pause in time. The Lady glared down at him with a widening smirk, despite the crack in her vessel, watching as Wukong drew back his fists and feet. Watching as Macaque winced as he tried to stand up to rush and stop Wukong, but being unable to even get off his knees due to the beating he endured earlier. She couldn’t help but cackle as Wukong flung himself forward, intending the ground and bulleting right towards MK with a full-power fist ready to strike. And yet her smirk dropped as soon as the smoke cleared, “Thanks for not giving up on me bud,” and Wukong’s voice rang out to snuff some of the flame of the Lady’s destiny. “No!” Lady Bone Demon breathed out, off put at the sudden change. “No!”
MK snickered as he glanced over at Wukong, nodding as he grabbed the staff along with Wukong, “Time for the hero stuff.” The hero stuff, MK’s favorite part! Without missing a beat, strengthening his own pose along with Wukong, they would roughly pry the staff from the ice. And it felt so surreal feeling the energy of the Monkey King, of the staff, rushing around Wukong and MK; darting back under their pores and skin, filling their whole being, before swirling up and shooting upward with unbelievable power. MK felt his stance give for a moment, heard the whispers from the magic, yet was quickly supported by Wukong; Who got a sneak shot of the ring that shot out toward the Lady, forcefully slamming her into the wall of her own mech. He couldn’t help but snicker, even after the power cleared and left Wukong with the sickening feeling of the small scraps of the Lady’s power under his skin. It still made him shutter. Yet, the sight of the Lady huffing with weakness against the wall of her own creation made that thought leave for a moment; That was until MK rushed over to Wukong, celebrating his return, and Macaque grunted as he got up pointing at the sudden release of magic.
Yeah, maybe this isn’t the best time to be celebrating. Especially since Wukong didn’t notice the Lady suddenly draw forward, the feeling of her power quickly swirling back to the host. His eyes widened as he quickly swiped MK behind him; “Predictably, unpredictable fools!” Lady Bone Demon shouted, screamed, and dare say even threw some sort of a tantrum. The vessel she was using began to crack and splitter, split away with the surging magic,  I’m not one to rush destiny but I will not be undone by a troop of headstrong simpletons!” And then it broke and Macaque rushed forward to grab the girl. And MK took a step back in witnessing the true form of the Lady Bone Demon. And suddenly everything felt off to Wukong. Something that caused his hairs to stand up, his joints to stiffen as he glanced around at the sudden surge of oddly familiar power he was sure he had never felt before. Someone else was here, there was another piece in the game that no one had even detected before; Someone who held all the power of a god yet Wukong was sure he had never met a god such as this one before, despite the way his heart gave a flutter upon feeling it. Macaque felt it all too. “You think this is over?” The Lady Bone demon laughed, staring down at the group of three with her void eyes as she floated above dauntingly, daringly. “This isn’t over, until I fulfill my destiny! I’ve been planning this for too long and it won’t go wrong this time. Do you hear me?!”
There was no chance to respond, not even a second to breathe, as a large hand slammed itself on the top of the mech followed by the Lady’s laughter. Wukong felt his blood run cold. “I have erased one god from this world and I will continue to do so until things are perfect!” She would taunt as the demonic hand behind her slowly rose into a monster, one similar to Macaque’s yet made out of some sort of godly essence and boiling hatred. It loomed above like thundering clouds as a threatening, undefined smile, etched upon its face. This wasn’t the magic of the Lady Bone Demon, that Wukong and Macaque knew for sure; It did have some essence of her control, of her buffing, yet it was not hers fully like Wukong’s had. No, despite all the hatred that laced the outer layer and the crackling godly magic that contained no vessel, it had such a different underlying presence that it felt so out of place; So oddly out of place, yet so oddly familiar and calming and alluring… “Say hello to your lover, Monkey boys, because I bet you don’t even remember them.” And that’s when it clicked.
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𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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