#the only work i have lined up is the most stressful place on earth that literally ended up with me in th hospital from stress after 3 shifts
exmeowstic · 1 year
art sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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natalievoncatte · 19 days
She had it. She actually had it, in her hands.
Myriad. The ultimate weapon of a dying race, brought to Earth to subjugate its people and rebuild an empire from a shattered world, possibly the key to saving this one. The key Lena needed to unlock Non Nocere and
(take over)
heal the world. End all strife. Eradicate all conflict. No more pain. No more deceit. No more greed, or cruelty, a world without malice, a peace without end.
No more lies.
It was in her hands, such a small petty little thing, barely more than a trinket.
Lena dropped it too sharply on the stainless steel lab table, took three steps, and vomited, the contents of her stomach noisily splashing at her feet. It was the effects of portal travel, she told herself- like jumping from a great height and into cold water at the same time.
(oh god what did I do)
She just needed a few moments to steady herself, collect her bearings, clean up.
(oh god oh god I hurt her what have I done)
Then, she could begin her work immediately. She shrugged out of her coat and found a bottle of vodka, hardly her weapon of choice, and took a pull straight from it to wash the
(pain away)
sour taste of her own puke out of her mouth and dull the sour churning in her stomach, because she couldn’t get the image out of her head, the image of Kara lying broken on the fortress floor with green lines of agony carved in her flawless skin and the most heartbroken look of remorse and fear in her eyes.
(Lena don’t do this)
(please don’t do this I’m SORRY)
Snatching the Myriad core from the lab table, she went to shove it into place. The final work would take only a few hours and then…
Lena stopped. Her hand hovered inches above her work. All she had to do was make the connection, but something was stopping her, as if her own arm revelled against her. She tasted puke and alcohol in her mouth and she was crying, hot tears burning down her cheeks in razor lines.
(Lena please)
No more lies.
It was heavy in her hand, the alien device suspiciously heavy and cool to her touch. Why didn’t she just do it? She was here, key in hand, ready to open the door and she couldn’t do it. Why?
Gritting her teeth, Lena took it in both hands, staring at it.
This was good. This was right. Lena had given Kara everything. Everything! Her friendship, her support, her comfort, her secret council. She killed her own brother for her and what did she get in return? Lies! Deception!
(soft hugs and kind words and powerful arms shielding her from harm and strong hands… holding her)
It had all meant nothing. It was all a lie.
It was, wasn’t it? It was! It had to be, she needed it to be! If it wasn’t, if she was wrong, then she betrayed and tortured the only person who cared about her for what? For this fucking thing?
Lena held Myriad over her head. She hadn’t even been aware she’d raised it high, ready to smash it to the ground. Bringing it down, she stared at the device and saw a stranger’s face, a distorted visage of a pale, stress-thinned woman with red-rimmed eyes.
Oh God.
The watch! There was still time. It still had the coordinates.
Lena’s hand hovered over the watch. She could push the button and erase the only way she’d ever reach the fortress again, and it would be decided. She’d make it permanent, make it real. She could finalize the destruction of the most important relationship she’d ever had. Deny Kara. Give her up.
(leave her locked in a cage of agony)
Lena pressed the button.
The portal opened behind her with a gust of wind.
She stepped through.
The first thing that hit her was the cold. She didn’t think to put her coat back on.
The second thing was a right hook from Alex Danvers that sent Lena sprawling across the floor and Myriad spinning out of her grip.
“You bitch,” Alex snarled. “I knew it. I fucking knew it. I should have put a bullet in the back of your head the first time you set foot in my town.”
Alex stood over her, boiling with fury.
“I knew it was all a lie. I knew! I know what you did. You and your little lip bites and your flirty looks and your coffee dates. Was breaking my little sister’s heart part of the plan or just a sadistic bonus?”
For once in her life, Lena was truly speechless. She stared up at her attacker, absently touching the trickle of blood from her split lip.
“I didn’t, I wouldn’t,”
“You fucking did,” Alex hissed. “How dare you come back here? Didn’t you steal enough? Was the rest of the armory too much temptation for you?”
“I couldn’t leave her,” Lena choked out.
“Alex,” a harsh voice rasped, “that’s enough.”
Kara was on her feet, clutching her side. The Kryptonite had left her pale and pallid and hunched over a little, her normally bright eyes dull.
Lena pushed herself to her feet, wobbled, and started for Kara.
“Don’t you dare,” Alex stepped between them.
“I said that’s enough,” said Kara, pushing past her.
“I’m sorry,” Lena blurted. “Oh God, I’m sorry, Kara I…”
“Shhh,” Kara whispered. “It’s okay.”
Lena’s hands seemed to move on their own, palms cupping Kara’s cheeks. God, she was cold. She was shivering. Kara was shivering. She leaned into Lena’s grasp, falling against her.
“I’m sorry,” Lena whimpered.
“It’s okay,” Kara said, gathering Lena in her arms.
“The hell it is,” Alex cut in. “Jesus Christ, she robbed the Fortress of Solitude! She hurt you, Kara!”
“I hurt her first.”
“Kara, she’s right.”
Kara shook her head.
“You can’t just forgive her!” Alex almost screamed.
Kara looked at Alex, then at Lena.
“You’re forgetting. I’m Supergirl. I can do anything.”
The tears began to flow and Lena couldn’t stop them. She collapsed into Kara’s arms and sobbed, her body shaking with exertion.
Alex bent down and picked up Myriad.
“Give me that,” said Kara.
Alex looked at her quizzically, and placed the device in Kara’s hand.
She looked at it for a moment, then looked down at Lena.
“Do it,” Lena whispered.
Without the slightest appearance of effort, Kara closed her hand and the device exploded between her fingers, circuits and alien technology clattering to the floor.
“Let’s go home,” said Kara. “I think we need to talk.”
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
Chapter 3
CW: angst, reader is a loner, reader works her ass off every day at the lab, fluff, neteyam being cute towards reader (even tho it still has weird vibes lol), mad jealous neteyam, TRIGGER WARNING for depression symptoms (such as being moody n having less appetite than the usual), stalking, obsessive and toxic behavior, also TRIGGER WARNING for reader mentioning the word “suicidal” in an internal monologue (she IS NOT actually suicidal, she just feels really sad and mentions the word. if u read it, you'll know what I mean)
Not proofread. I'll do it as soon as I can ♡ I hope it's a good chapter 🥲 & thank u to everyone who's reading this fanfic, who left a comment in the last chapter and, of course, to everyone who asked to be in the taglist I LOVE Y'ALL 😘💕💕💕
Chapter 2
Mother looking at me
Tell me, what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?
All the things she said, running through my head
All the things she said (t.A.T.u)
You woke up feeling like crap that morning.
Your last shift had been so demanding. You had to cook just so much food that you started to wonder if there was anything left in the pantry. You had gone into that room just so many times yesterday to get ingredients and kitchen utensils, your legs felt heavy and sore now, as you stretched them in your small bed.
There were just too many people to eat in that damn laboratory.
Meanwhile you, the cook, barely had any time left to eat. There was always just so much work to do. So many dishes to wash, so many vegetables and meat to cut, bread to prepare from scratch... Your head hurt just thinking about it.
You felt so stressed out that you preferred to unwind a little instead of eating, sometimes. You would find a quiet place, sit somewhere, put your headphones on and press play on one of your many curated playlists or in one of your favorite songs. Listening to music seemed to work like a medicine to your wounds and, going to the cafeteria and having to socialize, to have people all around you felt too much, so, you just tried to avoid it. You even started to lose a little weight because of it. Nothing too much, though. You were only slightly thinner than you used to be. But in the back of your head, there was always a voice saying "Please, take better care of yourself...". Despite knowing that voice was right, you were too tired and apathetic to care.
Ever since you started to Dreamwalk, it was like your whole world had changed. That old life you led did not seem to be enough anymore. It never was, in the first place. It could never compare to the heightened senses you had when you were in your Avatar, helping you smell and hear everything better.
The first time you spent a whole afternoon running alone through the Pandoran forest next to Hell's Gate, you felt alive like you had not felt in years.
But nothing gold can ever stay. Way sooner than you expected, you had to be awakened from that magical dream. Everytime you came out of the technological machine you had to lay inside of to be able to drive your Avatar, you thought "Damn! Why wasn't I born a na'vi? They're so freaking lucky to have such an incredibly beautiful Planet to call their own. If only Earth was still as beautiful as it used to be..."
When you were not in one of your free days, you would always work until you felt exhausted and fed up with everything. It was not a walk in the park to be a cook. Even though you loved cooking since you were a teenager, when you used to always mix different ingredients and spices and create new recipes, this profession forced you to spend most of your time standing up and to have little time to sit and rest your poor fatigued legs. In some days, all you wanted was to sleep for 12 hours straight. And God knows you were capable of actually doing that.
Not a long time ago, you slept so much that, when you eventually woke up, it was 2 pm and you almost got fired from the lab when you finally showed up at the kitchen you were supposed to be in since 6 am.
You promised yourself you would never do that again. You just could not afford to lose that job. And you wanted to cry just thinking about not being able to Dreamwalk anymore. Exploring Pandora was the peak of your life, currently. It was when you felt high as a kite. As funny as it sounded, it was true. You felt euphoria run through your body everytime you got to have blue skin and be over 8 feet tall.
You liked to cook and was good at it, but, you were a smart, intelligent girl who knew much more than people thought you did. Unfortunately, you could not manage to get a higher position at the lab. Your forte was not sciencey stuff. It was subjects like Human History, Languages, Philosophy... At best, you got to use your language learning skills to learn basic na'vi fast and was able to get an Avatar from the lab. At least that was a good thing that your tiring job provided you. God knows that privilege was one of the few things keeping you alive. You goddamn hated you life, your job, everything... All your days seemed to be the same. Same chores, same annoying people... Most scientists did not try to hide that they did not see you as an equal. Even though they were always really polite to you, they would not let you in in their little groups, in their upbeat conversations through the laboratory corridors. You could count in one hand how many of them used to talk to you with genuine interest in hearing what you had to say.
You sat every day next to the less valued lab employees: janitors, cleaning ladies, other cooks just like you and so on. Your race had never been good at realizing the worth that these hardworking people had, anyway. Why would they do it now? You thought it to be so sad...
Those employees were nice regular people. Even thought some of them were idiots and treated you badly, there are people who behave like that anywhere. You were thankful that most of them were polite to you and treated you well enough. You also had a close friendship with one of the female employees, a cute, humble and really kind girl called Crystal. But she was your only actual friend. You did not remember the last time you had made an actual effort to make a friend, to be nice to someone in hopes you could get to know them better and they could become a part of your life. You had to admit you had been really grumpy lately.
You could easily blame such moodiness on your lack of will to keep living that life you currently had. It’s not that you were suicidal, it's just that you wished you could live a better life.
There was also Derek, the tall, cute boy you would make out with every now and then. You did not have a proper name for your relationship with him. He was always lovely towards you and you two would have really interesting conversations together and sneak around to kiss each other and do other types of heated stuff (though you never had sex with him) anytime you both felt like it. But it did not happen that often, anyway. You did not put much thought into it, to be honest. Derek was just a friend you would fool around with. You could not be farther from being in love with him or anything of sorts.
After another tiresome day, you walked fast towards your room. All you could think about was how nice and cozy your bed would feel when you would lay your body on it. Only five minutes after you finally laid down, you fell asleep. Slumber had been bugging you all day. Lately, it had always been like that.
They say you have to be careful what you wish for. That your words and thoughts have power over what happens to you. And you learned it the hard way.
In one of your infamous busy but boring afternoons, something unexpected happened to you.
Seemingly out of nowhere, a na'vi young man appeared outside of your glass window and tapped slightly on it. You almost choked on your own saliva when you saw that huge, blue creature staring at you with wide yellow eyes. A scream got stuck right in the middle of your throat, since you got so startled you could not get your vocal chords to obey the command your brain was sending them. What the hell was that na'vi doing in front of the laboratory? They did not use to come to Hell's Gate. And why was he looking at you through the kitchen window?
The na'vi boy just would not stop staring at you. His gaze was so intense it made you feel unbelievably uncomfortable. Suddenly, he pointed to the left. The big, ample door that led to the open area in front of the room you worked in was right at the same direction his four fingered hand was pointing to. You realized he was signaling to you that he wanted to see you outside of the lab.
You started to say, in your own mind: "What kind of weird situation is this?"
"Please?" You heard the alien plead in fluent English (he only had a typical na'vi accent), his voice coming through the narrow gap that existed between the glass and the window frame. His eyes reminded you of the eyes of a small kitten asking for food.
You got surprised by the fact that he was able to speak English. You wondered why he had learned it and who taught him the language.
You tried to reach for the door to try and inform someone that there was a na'vi around and ask if anybody knew who he was when you heard the alien say:
"Don't go, please! I just want to talk to you! I'm not gonna hurt you."
Your back was turned to him. When you turned around, he was smiling.
"It's incredible how you're even prettier up close."
"I'm sorry?!" You answered
"Oh, forgive me. My name is Neteyam. Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan. It's really nice to meet you." He was still smiling.
That name was familiar, Neteyam te Suli... Oh, of course! Neteyam was the son of the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya clan, Jake Sully. He was very famous between the na'vi and the humans.
Neteyam Suli was one of the most feared na'vi warriors out there. A great archer and very skilled with the knives the Omatikayas made themselves, he fought fearlessly against the recoms, including Colonel Miles Quaritch, an old enemy of his father. Quaritch used to lead the RDA soldiers when he was human, before being "revived" and given an Avatar body. He died in battle against the na'vi. But that did not mean that there was finally peace between humans and the na'vi race.
But why in hell was Neteyam Suli trying to talk to you? It is not like the na'vi liked the humans. On the contrary, they despised your race.
"Uhmm... okay. Nice to meet you..." You tried to be polite and peaceful towards the na'vi boy, like you were advised to be by your teachers, back when you were studying and training to get your Avatar "But I'm sorry, what did you say? That I'm prettier up close?" Your brows were furrowing, your face full of confusion. Despite all, you were calmer now that you knew you could communicate with him in English. Your na'vi was not the best out there.
"Yes." Neteyam's big amber eyes shone when he looked at your face. You were beyond dazed. "I've seen you before. Many times actually. But only from far away. It doesn't compare to seeing you right next to me." His voice had a weird warm feeling in it, like he was already acquainted to you. But how could it be? You did not even know who he was before he revealed his identity to you.
"When did you see me...?" Your mouth was slightly opened, so bewildered you felt
"Don't you wanna come outside so we can talk better?" He said, seeming excited.
"Unfortunately, no. I'm good, thanks." Neteyam looked sad after you declined his offer.
"Why not? I told you, I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise." He smiled faintly. You could tell he was hurt by your blunt answer.
It pained you to act like that towards him. You admired the na'vi so much. Damn, you even would choose to be born a na'vi if you somehow could go back in time, before you were inside your mother's womb and you could talk to Eywa herself. But how were you gonna trust him? There were some na'vi out there, his mother, for example, that hated humans with such a boiling passion. What if he took after his mother? You would be in trouble if he tried to kill you. Even though the na'vi were a peaceful by nature race, everyone has a limit, so, you had to be careful when interacting with them. You learned about all the genocide your kind had committed against his kind while simultaneously destroying his Planet slowly, in a cruel, despicable way. You honestly understood the contempt the na'vi felt when it came to humans.
You looked at Neteyam with honesty in your eyes and said:
"Please don't take this the wrong way but I can't really trust you. I know you told me you're not gonna hurt me, but, I'm still human. How can I know you trust me, to begin with?"
"I trust you because you're different. You're nothing like the others from your kind. You're more like my people. And I love that about you." Neteyam said, smiling at you.
"Can you please just tell me how do you know me? Because I've never seen you before. I've only heard about you because you're the Olo'eyktan's eldest son and Olo'eyktan to be. But you talk to me like you somehow... know me. I'm really confused, Neteyam." He felt his heart race when he heard you pronounce his name. Your voice sounded so sweet to his sensitive na'vi ears, making him move them somewhat to the sides. It was the same voice he heard in the forest, when he watched you talk to yourself saying how beautiful you thought some yellow, bioluminescent flower that you saw in the grass was.
"You're a Dreamwalker. I've seen you around. I love how much you seem to appreciate and respect my Planet instead of destroying it like the others from your kind do. That's why I think you're more na'vi than human." He chuckled happily and you got confused by his last sentence.
You had to admit he looked cute when his fangs escaped from under his upper lip whenever he smiled or chuckled. But you felt so weird thinking that.
"I'm more na'vi than human?" You were intrigued "What do you mean?" You laughed a bit and he continued on staring at you in an intense manner.
Neteyam heard footsteps approaching, so, he started to move just so he could hide. He did not want any other human but you seeing him. He knew he could not trust them as he could trust you.
"Wait! Where are you -" before you could finish your words, he was already gone.
The brown wooden door behind you opened and Derek appeared carrying a pile of plates in his arms.
"Hey, cutie." He walked towards the sink, leaving the dirty dishes there to be washed by himself when he would be back in the kitchen.
"Hi, Derek." You smiled faintly. You were still recovering from that odd interaction you had with Neteyam Sully.
Derek came close to your ear and whispered:
"Feel like meeting me tonight? I miss you." You sighed
"I don't know... I'm not really in the mood, sorry." You answered, uninterested
He got a little surprised by your answer and moved his eyebrows up, making wrinkles appear in his forehead but quickly remembered he had much work to do outside, so, he walked towards the door and got out of the room without saying another word to you.
Neteyam was still out there, next to the window, leaning against the wall. He was listening to the conversation the whole time. He had to use all the self control he learned to have with the years to not hiss when he heard that human call you "cutie" and ask if you wanted to meet him tonight. Who was he, anyway? And why was he saying he missed you? Neteyam had never seen you show any sign that he was your mate before. He had to find out what was going on. Neteyam would not let anyone get between the both of you. It would not be a weak human male that would be the obstacle that would make him give up on his future mate. He was used to challenges and was not afraid of another one. That would probably even be fun. Neteyam could imagine that tiny mate of yours shivering in fear when he showed him his big, sharp fangs.
Neteyam decided he was gonna find out who the hell that mate of yours was. He was sure he was not better than him. That human male would never be as strong as he was. That human would never be able to hunt fresh food for you, walking through the forests of Pandora and confronting big, dangerous animals, like Neteyam would. He knew he outbraved that human. He could never be a good mate to you like Neteyam could be. You deserved better than him.
@xylianasblog @samistars @crazy4books1 @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @explosiongamora @lik0 @your-girl-mj @darktyrantwinner @xxunnie @sereisstuff @yeosxxx @die4niyahhh @henhouse-horrors @lala-1516 @iman-lu @manumanulau @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @hana-yuri
I tagged some of you that did not ask to be tagged but left really cute comments on the last chapter that made my heart feel warm 💓 if u don't wanna be tagged, just lemme know
Also, if someone wants to be added to the taglist too just leave a comment below saying that 🤍
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the-au-collector · 4 months
The Links On Vacation
Since summer is almost here I have to wonder what kind of vacationer each of the Links are…
Wild - Does not sit down. Explores everything. Takes lots of pictures. Eats at every restaurant (rip his wallet) and makes friends with the chefs. He’s the kind to drive in a random direction just to see what he’ll find. No plans, no maps except for a severely outdated atlas, just a camera and ready to explore. You probably won’t hear from him for the whole vacation (both because he forgot his phone and because he left the boundaries of cell service 3 hours ago). But then again Wild is just Like That everyday.
Hyrule - is hanging out with Wild most of the time. Also explores places, but prefers going to natural parks and the like. Ran out of cell service 5 hours ago probably decided to camp with the bears.
Wind - glued to the beach. He doesn’t leave the beach. He’d sleep on it if he could (and he has). You’re lucky if you manage to pull him out of the sea long enough for him to eat lunch. Always covered in sand. Has a perfect tan.
Warriors - the usually over-stressed parent who’s decided that THIS is the vacation on which he relaxes. He spends 90% of his time chilling on the beach ignoring the chaos. Gets the worst sunburn known to man, cries about it for 3 days (both because it hurts and the beat red face clashes with his hair).
Time - doesn’t know how to vacation. He tells himself he’s going to properly relax this time, but he ends up doing work instead because he doesn’t like doing nothing. His preferred vacation is staying home and doing work around the house. He will enable the others’ shenanigans, though. Gave Wild $100 to drive wherever, packed sandwiches for Hyrule for when he disappears. Time also always gets the best deals on rentals. He knows people, but never elaborates on how he knows them. The Links have various theories.
Legend - the itinerary man. He’s the vacationer who has every moment of his vacation planned down to a T. Knows every place he’ll stop, every place he’ll see, the exact time of the wait lines… except Hyrule and Ravio always force him to change his plans. If he’s the one renting, he always somehow finds the most overpriced places. He’s not allowed to make the rental plans anymore because of this.
Twilight - the over-stressed parent who needs a vacation from his vacation. He’s the one making sure he knows where everyone is because if he doesn’t he’ll implode. He doesn’t actually know what he’d do on an actual, relaxing vacation because he has to worry about Wind getting sunburns, Wild vanishing off the face of the earth, and Hyrule getting eaten by bears
Four - the “sleep is for the weak” vacationer. He knows how to vacation, he just doesn’t do it. He doesn’t like to sit still, his mind is too loud, so he tends to prefer to go to huge attractions over the wilderness any day. Will take a city over a beach in a heartbeat.
Sky - the “sleeps the whole time” vacationer. His life is usually so hectic and busy, he ends up sleeping 16 hours the first day and missing out on all of the fun stuff. Then he’ll go to bed early the next because he got exhausted from trying to do so much, then sleeps too long again, then—it’s a cycle.
Ravio - the splurger. He’s usually so tight with his money, but Ravio wastes no expense on vacation. Will be booking every trip to the spa, sauna, and hot spring he can find. Will be eating at the most expensive restaurants. Will be making Legend pay.
Malon - the only one who gets to relax vacationer. Malon refuses to let her vacation be ruined. The Links know and respect this. They also know Malon will fight anyone who gets in the way of her vacation.
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cf8wrk4u-us · 2 months
Transformers Prime/ A Quiet Place Crossover
Character Profile: Rafael Esquivel
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"I tried to warn them...they didn't listen...not till it was too late"
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 3/5
Stealth: 4/5
Stress: 4/5
Summary: Rafael was one of the first to know about the strange comets heading to Earth from NASA, with his hacking skills he had made it a hobby to look at what others might have considered less than accessible documents. And while some of these meteors were said to perhaps land closer to residential areas Raf didn't think they be that serious, scientificly most meteors breaking up once launching from Earth's atmosphere. So he wasn't worried.
That is till New York was attacked and after Raf was quick to go online. Literally doom scrolling as he looked at different military reports documenting the serious threat these creatures were and how unaffected they were by the militaries weapons. And how each land battalion was basically slaughtered, giving little hope for the country and it's people.
Raf tried so hard for days to convince his parents that they had to move, that it wasn't safe to stay in the town. Even if Jasper was small. But his father figured that it was more important to fortify their home and gather supplies.
Even when Raf showed them the evidence and tried to convince them to drive towards the nearest lake or towards the coast, given that the reports said they couldn't swim. But they still didn't listen yet.
Not till the aliens attacked Jasper.
His family stuffed all nine children into one van with lots of supplies, finally deciding to leave the town and attempt to drive state lines to the Mexican border. But unfortunately, many other people got the same idea and soon they were stuck in a traffic jam on the highway. Making them easy targets for a pack of Death Angels
Raf dosen’t like remeber that night, but if he could he say that his strongest memories were it be of the cars honking, grown men screaming, guns firing, his little siblings cryinb, and the roar of the aliens.
Out of his whole family, he was the only one to make it out alive. Quite possibly in that whole stretch of road.
Raf than made the perilous journey back to Jasper on his own, looting cars for supplies and places to sleep. Carrying only his back pack and laptop. It was a sad and lonely journey back to Jasper, the heat of the sun and the threat of the aliens/unfriendly survivors made the trek that much more dangerous. But miraculously he survived.
Collapsing in the streets of the town, waking up in the arms of a concerned June Darby where he openly sobbed.
He stayed with June and the rest of his group, while he wasn't the strongest or fastest in the group he did have clever ways of protecting themselves. Such as using lures like bottle rockets and fire works to attract the creatures away. Making a make shift surveillance system and radio.
When seeing the bots for the first time Raf is excited and wants to make contact. Though Jack is hesitant about it. Instead Raf leaves messages for the bots, ether hacking into lights to spell out messages. Or sending out messages in Morse code for them to communicate.
It's with Bumblebee that ironically helps Raf find his voice again when he yells at the Vehichons to leave the yellow Autobot alone. In a way he can understand Bumblebee. Being forced into silence, but they find strength in each other.
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luminouslywriting · 5 months
Loved your most recent Brady blurb, I mean to be fair I love them all. But the most recent one you wrote (it was the one where an anon had asked about a reader being turned on by strict Brady) I was wondering do you have any thoughts on if the roles were reversed.
For instance maybe John Brady catches you being quite strict or even angry at some fellow army officers. And he’s the one who’s dragging you off to some supply closet. He definitely doesn’t have any selfish reasons for this, he just want to help you destress. And he’s definitely not at all turned on by how attractive you look when you’re mad. 🤭😉
Meanwhile you’re just wondering what the hell has gotten into your man. Not that you’re complaining.
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Hi love! I absolutely have some thoughts on this! I'm just about caught up with requests and asks, so keep sending all of these in! I just adore talking with you all about this!
More + spice under the cut, cut for length :)
-If you're angry at someone, it's usually for very valid, very stressful reasons. As a woman, that places you in a role where men (unfortunately) are bossing you around anyways. So if a man is coming into your sphere of work and messing things up, it's a rare thing to find you as angry as when this happens.
-Now for John Brady, I think he's generally into calm women
-But the minute that he sees you worked up over something (whether it be something in the hospital wing, or paperwork related, or whatever it is), he wants to just help you feel better
-It's not that he's necessarily turned on by you being upset or angry about something, it's more along the lines (as dear Nonny said) of wanting to help you calm down and de-stress
-And his solution for that is a little carnal, but who can blame him?
-So the minute he's whisking you away into a spare storage supply closet and literally kissing the hell out of every word you want to speak, no one is complaining
-And especially if you're still stressed out and have a lot to do, his goal is to make you forget all about it enough to just have a breather and calm down
-You're getting hiked up against the door or the wall or the shelf—literally whatever surface he can find
-And that means he's absolutely putting his fingers or his mouth to work on you
-He's also going to be very direct
"Tell me where you want me. Use your words."
-It's almost mean the way that he's making you try to be competent at a time like this
-Hickies and love bites? Absolutely
-And considering the loud mewls and moans that begin dripping from your lips, he's only slightly annoyed when he has to cover your mouth with his hand
-Because being found out when he literally has his mouth on you or his fingers inside of you? Now that's a story that would spread like wildfire and he's not about that
-Has the ability to very quickly and efficiently, almost ruthlessly, draw every single thought from your mind and leave you so up in the stars of pleasure that it would take several minutes for you to come back down to earth
-At which point all stress and worries would be completely forgotten
-It's at this breathless point that he begins feathering soft kisses across your face and neck and asking if you feel better and if that was what you needed
-The answer is always yes
-And yes, this may mean that the two of you are frisky the entire day because you need each other on a biblical level and no amount of supply room rendezvous is going to make up for the whole experience
-And yes, this go-to is also something that he joyfully employs on you once the war is over
-Except in those instances, he usually just gets to have his sinful and wicked way with you haha
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elodieunderglass · 2 years
Firstly, I wanted to say thank you for finally making Moby Dick comprehensible to me over a decade after I attempted to read it and bounced aggressively off it! But the thing I actually wanted to ask and boggle about is, you get a full year of maternity leave??? I think literally the company with the most mind-bogglingly generous policy I ever worked for (I'm in the US) only gave 7 months, and the place I'm at now only gives I think 3 or so.
You're very welcome! It's very exciting to me that a line by line translation of Moby Dick can make it so much more accessible.
On your second point - yeah! I'm always happy to talk about parental leave policies etc and how different countries handle them, not in a smug "Well, in the UK..." way but in a, "here's very concrete examples of how policies can work, and the material impact they have on people" sort of way, because that's genuinely something that needs to be communicated. Just like with the environmental crises, we are all limited by our ability to imagine the Healed World and what we need to do to get there. So what are some policies that are a bit more Healed-World-ish than the reality that many people live in, and how do they actually work? You are welcome to send me asks! Rumination below the cut.
I wouldn't have had kids if I'd stayed in the USA. I've chosen to have 3 in the UK. This is directly because of maternity leave, free childcare hours for toddlers, quality of childcare, accessibility of school/daycare, flexible working policies, generous holiday leave, and other factors like that. Does that seem weird to say? Should I have moped about in floods of divine baby-desire and universal mother-yearnings and stuff, and sacrificed everything to have squidgy babies? IDK, I've never felt any of those things: I love the children a lot as people and I'm obviously terrifically glad they're here, but I wouldn't have had any desire to have them in the first place if I hadn't been sure they'd have decent childhoods. And a childhood where a parent resents them because that parent had UNFULFILLED INTELLECTUAL GOALS, or where there's always stress because of MATERIAL DIFFICULTIES, wouldn't be decent. My desire to acquire the children has been very much based in the knowledge that I can afford them (financially, emotionally, socially, career-wise, mentally) without sacrificing or martyring myself. So, literally: even though I have 2 life-defining children and one more on the way, even though I'm considered in my immediate social circles to be a real earth-mother crunchy-type, even though I work part-time to spend time with the kids and so on: if I didn't live THIS life, I wouldn't want the children. So I think it’s interesting to see how a simple piece of policy, a difference between nations, so totally impacts and directs the course of an individual’s life.
RE: the actual practicalities, it breaks down a funny way. In the UK, they hold your job for you for up to a year, usually hiring a temporary maternity cover: if they can't give you the same job back, they have to give you a similar one. If you return in 6 months it’s like you didn’t leave at all and get the exact job back. Maternity leave is usually taken for about 9 months, with paternity leave often adding an additional 3 months, and children usually entering childcare at the age of 1.
The actual way that this gets calculated is pretty complicated. My job offers 6 months on full pay, which is a "benefit" - otherwise the default is only 6 weeks on full pay. After the full pay runs out, you're on SMP - Statutory Maternity Pay - which is £156.66 per week. SMP runs out at nine months. If you want more time than that, your job gets held for a full year, but you'll be on 3 months unpaid. -> HOWEVER, you've been accruing annual leave the whole time you've been off, so when the baby is 9 months old, you might expect to have about 6 weeks of holiday that built up. Holiday is taken at full pay rates. So depending on how much holiday you have, you just return to work while on vacation and get paid again.
If you return to work at 6 months, which is sort of the minimum normal time to take off, you get your exact same job back. If you take longer than 6 months, you get that "offer of an equivalent job" but no promise of having your job back - which can worry people. So sometimes people happily choose to take only 6 months off, because they want their exact same projects back.
So what will happen with me is
6 months off on full pay, Dr Glass takes about 1 month off on full pay parental leave at the beginning to provide support
(Child2 enters age where they get 30 hours/week free childcare, daycare bills drop to basically just Child1's afterschool programs from here until last bullet point. As Dr Glass and I both work part time, this means that each day of the week will have a mix of different children, activities and work. We will hopefully be able to bank a little bit of childcare-budget to coast on for the next bits.)
3 months off where I'll only make £624 a month SMP: it’s not nothing and so should be grateful, except for the relentlessness of life. I also get £150/month from the government for having two children - nothing for the third because that would be encouraging families to rely on benefits and have children for money, or something, naturally. Dr Glass will be working, but no family can really lose almost half a wage and be cheerful about it, so we'll have to coast on savings banked from the room freed up in the childcare budget. (we thought it would just about work before the cost-of-living crisis, when we filed our plan paperwork, and gotta say, it’s looking pretty scary now.) we’ll prioritise the mortgage and utilities in cash, and should be able to coast it.
2-ish months off but "on holiday," i.e. back on full pay
Dr Glass overlaps one month off on full pay (holiday + shared parental leave) plus two months totally unpaid, i.e. Unpaid Leave, i.e. Dr Glass keeps his job and simply takes two months off, making £0 a month. Again, this will be hard to get through, but as we know it's coming, we have time to make SOME savings to live on. This allows Dr Glass to have time with his last child, which is a priority for us over debt, and gets the baby comfortably to the age that our nursery accepts.
Both parents return to work. Baby will enter daycare aged 1 (Child2 remains on free hours, daycare bills go back up to mortgage-level payments, finances return to exactly where they were before Baby3.) hopefully we’ll be able to quickly pay down any debts incurred with two full wages.
You can see it's doable, but there are some scary flippin' periods and a tremendous amount of footwork. We've somehow managed during harder times; with Child1 I was the sole breadwinner for the household and was at a job where I only got SMP, so I went back to work at 6 months and Dr Glass was a SAHP for a long time; with Child2 it was pandemic and lockdown etc, and no childcare was available, so we all ricocheted around the house together for a year. So clearly something absolutely bonkers is going to happen in 2023, but if it doesn't, we might actually have one (1) normal baby-leave.
As you can see, it's NOT the Healed World, but it has aspects that you'll want to include in the Healed World. You can see the impacts on things like family design - the kids all being 3 years apart for affordability, as that's when the free childcare hours kick in - and the way that fathers are still sort of wedging themselves in. You can see how it gets cobbled together and stressful, and the bits where you have to coast over patches that could just as easily destroy a family (watch this space! We might go completely fucking broke! We’re about £200 away from it at all times as it it!) You can see that there are some privileges (having a partner, partner having a job) that materially affect the experience people have. You can see how sometimes people can take a year and others return to work at 6 months (I've done both! Both can be great and both can suck, but it's MUCH better when you choose it for yourself, rather than being forced financially.) you can see that some cruel and stupid policy decisions are meant to punish poor people in the UK for having children despite the lack of internal logic (no child benefit for over 2 kids, when child benefit is meant to help you raise citizens.) You can see places where a conservative politician could shit on one vulnerable place (like the UK’s free childcare hours for three year olds! Liz Truss was thinking about killing it!) and entirely destroy my family at a stroke. You can see that for all my stance of “I am not a martyr” for my children, I’m expecting to have spent several years of my life flippantly being marginally-waged for the sake of having them: but also, you can see the difference between the support the UK gives my stance, and the support a 20-year-old military wife in the American heartland gets with her first baby: you can see how eased the paths of my children are, how isolated hers will be. You can step back from the worldwide generational immolation of mothers, their narratives of sacrifice and drudgery, and unpack how much of that is truly necessary, and how much damage could have been resolved by simply rinsing off the TERF shit, offering a few scraps of healthcare, and giving them a few fucking months off work.
We are all worldbuilding the Healed World: it makes sense to understand the different ways it could work. I’ll longpost about any policy you guys would like until then.
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cute scenario that came to mind, Killer croc making pals with the reader during one of his stays in prison. They’re like in a cell right next to him but end up striking conversation with Waylon out of boredom, where they hit it off from there as the reader talks to him like any old Joe even knowing who he is. The reader being a surprisingly down to earth sorta person with a way of looking at the silver lining, who never really reveals why they’re in prison in the first place besides “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
sorry if this is too much😅feel free to ignore
"Sharing is caring" Killer Croc x Reader
Don't even worry about being too much! I've just been busy with life stuff which... congrats to me I got one of the highest scores on the final in class. Which. Granted it was only a 75 but that gives you an idea of how stressful this class was. And then scarecrow stuff I was working on and was really excited to show everyone. You're good!
TW: discussions of violence
When they'd first been put in Arkham Asylum for a series of terrible and stupid choices, they expected things to go south very quickly. For fucks sake, most in the criminal world knew the story of Warren White becoming Great White Shark in Arkham.
The new person. The "crazies" at Arkham and how violent they could be. By a stroke of pure luck, they managed to arrive at a time that cells were not shared due to a lack of space. No one to try and stab them in the middle of the night.
Yet their neighbor... They'd heard about Killer Croc. Crimes and atrocities committed. Some said he was trying to turn a new leaf. Didn't stop him from ended up here again.
When the new inmate found themselves bored and understimulated one night during lockup, they managed a small whisper to Mr. Jones. Asking if it's always so, so deathly quiet.
"Nah, usually it's a fuckin' laugh riot. Can't get any sleep."
"So you're sleeping now?"
"What do you think, smart ass?"
It was an exchange that could have gone poorly. Yet they ended up talking until they both fell asleep. They'd wave to one another in passing. More conversations to keep the darkness and the silence away. Then when other more famous rogues came to the facility, it was to block out the hum and buzz of disturbances in the night.
Neither of them spoke to why they were there. It wasn't really needed. There were brief comments here and there about being stupid or violent acts. Both of them on medication to attempt to soothe their minds.
Mostly they spoke about their lives surrounding the criminal. His mother and their path to making up. His grandparents and the sprawling property they sat on. Swamps and weeping willow trees. The new inmate shared personal details of their own. Bonding.
By the time an appeal got turned over this way and that and the newbie was given the chance to leave, they'd become quite close. Talked through wounds Jones was given by guards due to his "dangerous" nature and the electrified collar he was forced to wear. Advice on how to knock a man's teeth back into his throat if he got creepy or too aggressive for the newbie. A silent but obvious vow of protection and vengeance should something happen to one of them.
Waylon was quiet when it was time for them to go. Refused to say goodbye at this point.
"I'm gonna see you later, don't act all sad. Just stop doin' stupid shit and I'll see you." A promise.
Life outside of Arkham was going to get very interesting once the both of them were out...
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answrs · 1 year
not me listening to The Oh Hellos driving today and my brain snagging the line “bury me beneath the tree I climbed when I was a child” and rotating it like a fork in a microwave in my mind. so like. you know. have fun. c: EDIT: now on ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46776934
There is a world in which Arceus is not merciful to a man lost in time and space and mind, and the Lords Sinnoh are ambivalent at best. Palkia grants its warden a single word in return for his service to the Pearl Clan: ‘Unova’.
It takes decades, and as an old man, the aches and pains of injuries have caught up and he can no longer serve his Lady of the Cliffs. He’s held on to that word like a dragon its most prized treasure all these years, and for his final voyage he barters travel on a merchant ship to his far-sought land. Irida, Lian, the clan and village at large beg him stay, but he must make this final pilgrimage to the place his heart longs to be, for him to rest.
it’s a long, dangerous, stressful voyage. but the ship eventually reaches landfall and his legs follow a path of their own volition. he arrives at a small village, and though he doesn’t recognize the land or the people, something inside him that has always ached settles contentedly in his chest.
The people of Anville Town know little of this ancient stranger from a far-off land, that traveled so long to their settlement on a whim, who prays to a Lord Dragon from afar yet speaks of their Twin Deities like second nature. He doesn’t stay with them long, is often found resting his aching bones in a clearing of the woods once home to an ancient oak, felled in the King’s Great War. he carries an acorn from it in his pocket and asks only this: that when he rises no more, let his body nurture new life where death has taken another. let life return to this space when he can no longer fill it.
Centuries later, two young boys find a great, ancient tree in a secluded area of the forest that surrounds their home. They are young, bright souls, and call it theirs. deep in the earth, in the memory of roots through bone long disappeared, Ingo is content.
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elizaellwrites · 6 months
WIP Questionaire
Thank you @worldstogetlostin for tagging me here!
Rules: Answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
My ocs, but not all of them. They were part of a separate plotline that I abandoned quickly because it was terrible and cringy. Parts of them changed as they developed, but the core of their characters began here.
The originals are: Annamarie, Rachel, Jacob, Elaine, Jol (the daemon), and Natalie (Anna's mom)
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I imagine it would be like the soundtracks I listen to while writing. These include songs from Narnia, HTTYD, Pirates of the Carribean, etc. I'm no composer, so I'd trust the judgment of the music expert on the case.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
My automatic instinct is to jump to "all of them," but I'll be reasonable here and keep it brief because I could write an essay about each of them. I won't because a) that's ridiculous to do here, and b) a lot of this has to do with spoilers/stuff on the down-low. My Top 3 (these may be surprising or not) in no particular order are:
Seniar- He's more than Anna's dad, he's lived many lives and seen too much. He's a prince who stepped up to protect his people, defied expectations, and fell in love with a human, earned his place as a war hero, and did his best to protect and raise his daughter after everything he had known and cared for was destroyed in front of him. He might not be perfect, but he's dedicated his life to other people and still provides for his daughter despite carrying the burden of his past.
Roselle- The living dead, her existence shakes the very foundation of my other characters. After being introduced to the universe, nothing was the same, and it was all for the better. She also has this strange charm about her, like she demands attention. Her life and her death are quite possibly the 2nd and 3rd most influential factors in my entire plotline- only outdone by the destruction of Ariya. She's also on a team of her own with a willingness to overlook the rulebook, which makes her extremely fun to write.
Jacob- He's caring but distant at the same time, his family is a disaster, and he's a rule follower and a rule breaker all at once. He's an enigma and has been from the start. You think you know him, but do you really? He's always running from something, facing challenges like he's trying to prove something to himself. Him and his siblings are the driving force of a lot of plot lines, and for good reason. You just can't help but wonder whether he is a good person or a bad person, and maybe he's just both.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
I'm honestly not 100% sure. My inspiration to write this WIP truly started with Percy Jackson, so there could be some crossover there. Really anyone with an interest in fantasy and okay with dark subjects could find it interesting.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Writer's block. Whether it's because a character wasn't connecting with the action the way I wanted them to, or if I'm having a day that everything I write isn't something I'm proud of... I'm in college and work, so there's often a lot on my mind, and stress and creativity don't flow well together in my brain.
6. Are there animals in your story? Talk about them!
Anna(marie) has a cat named Isa(belle) who she picked up while moving around with her father. Isa is a beautiful and sweet black Turkish Angora whose personality is modeled after my childhood cat Belle. She's not a major focus, but she means a lot to Anna as one of the few beings she could connect with outside of her father.
All other animals are wildlife and have to do with worldbuilding, which could go crazy, so I'll stop it there.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex. trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
While on Earth and involved in traditionally human things, they travel in cars because their goal is to blend in and hide in plain sight.
In the list of natural (magic) Hecathian abilities, one of them is Teleportation. Characters with this ability, or in proximity to someone who is, travel this way. The challenge is it takes more energy the further you are traveling and needs quite a bit of practice and discipline to do it safely and correctly. A couple examples of characters with this power are Seniar, Annamarie (duh), and Jaleya (Cameron's sister).
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Chapter 16- near the middle of book 1.
Not even close to where I want to end this.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
I suppose the variety of aspects that appear. There is action, adventure, drama, complex characters and relationship dynamics, worldbuilding aspects, and the world and timeline just keeps expanding with different stories to tell. There's a lot to choose from, and it's all interconnected in the same universe.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I have a whole series planned, plus spin-offs and expanded stories to supplement it. I hope I have time to get through all of it because I want my main WIP and its world to someday be a complete set and no longer stuck only in my brain and scattered through thousands of notes.
Lightly tagging @my-cursed-prince, @willtheweaver, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary, @ashen-crest and anyone else who wants to tell me about their WIP!
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riordanness · 1 year
coffee… at midnight [p.parker]
1.4K wordcount
warnings: none
requested: no
Tumblr media
Thank goodness for that one boy… I think to myself as I breathe a sigh of relief as the final customer in the line walks out the door of ‘Swift Beans’, the small cafe/corner store I work at every night after school, to save for college next year.
I wouldn’t say that I hate customers, exactly, but large rushes will never, ever be something I enjoy.
Everything about them frustrates me. The stress of so many orders at once? The mess that it leaves everywhere, because you have no time to clean up during the rush itself? The lack of enjoyable chatter with customers?
Honestly, most of the things about this job frustrate me. Mostly, it’s the endless consistency. I hate routines, especially day-by-day ones. The mundane cycle makes me want to scream.
I let out a long sigh of frustration and exhaustion as I finish wiping down the bench behind the counter, and collect the empty milk cartons to take out back to the bins.
When I come back in, I glance up as the door opens and the little cluster of bells hung above it tinkles excitedly as it announces a new customer.
My face breaks into a smile against my will. If it isn’t my absolutely favourite customer. The brown haired, brown eyed boy started coming in here every afternoon at four fifteen exactly about a month ago, and it is the best part of my day, to be honest.
The boy reaches the counter, but before he can open his mouth to order or even say hello, I grin and recite: “One caramel oat milk latte, small, and a honey mustard sandwich with extra pickles.”
His honestly surprised smile is beautiful, and so worth it. “How on earth did you guess that?” he jokes sheepishly.
I roll my eyes lightly, teasing him. “Oh, I don’t know…” I muse, tapping my forefinger on the side of my jaw. “Maybe because you order the exact same thing every single day, and you’ve been doing that consistently for like a year?”
“Technically, it’s only been twenty-five weeks,” he corrects me, his smile almost a smirk as his brown eyes meet mine.
I laugh. “Exactly.” Throwing his pre-wrapped sandwich at him (I make it early just especially for him at the beginning of my shirt everyday), I make my way to the coffee machine, getting a shot of espresso ready and grabbing a takeaway cup to pour it into.
“So,” he says, stepping closer to me to talk. “How was your day?”
I make a slight face of annoyance as I reach for the red carton of oat milk. “Well, I had to go to high school all day, and then I got stuck in this dump of a shop, as usual.” I pour the milk into the shiny milk jug, and place the steam wand into the milk, the tip just under the surface of the milk.
“Hey, at least you’ve got a paying job,” the boy laughs gently.
Raising my eyebrows, I look up at him. “Oh, that’s right. You intern for Tony Stark, right?”
He nods, suddenly looking adorably shy.
“Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about,” I say. “Even if you aren’t getting paid for whatever it is you do, I bet there’s tons of kids who’d kill to be able to work for Tony Stark. Hell, I’d kill to just be in the same building as him.”
He laughs for real this time, and I feel a little swirl in the pit of my stomach. Something about the sound, about his smile, his eyes…
I blink, shake it off, and return my eyes to my milk jug, remembering that I actually have a job and need to do it. I twist the steam knob, and hear the all too familiar hiss of the hot steam coming out of the wand. I watch as the milk folds into a whirlpool, the little ch ch ch of the steam calming my suddenly rattled nerves.
I finish steaming the milk, and expertly pour it into the espresso shot, swirling the mlk around, mixing it with the golden brown creme, before bringing the top of the milk jug right up close to the coffee, and pouring a perfect heart. I bite my lip in satisfaction.
“Aw, look at that!” He smiles, and I give him an appreciative one in return. “I think you get better at latte art everyday,” he says earnestly.
I glance at him in surprise, my brow furrowing. “You really think so?” I ask. I take a lot of pains with my latte art, watching endless videos on how to improve your milk and pouring techniques, and I like to think to myself I’m improving, but no one, not even my manager has ever actually complimented my art skills.
“Yeah, ‘course,” he says, putting the takeaway lid onto the cup, and taking the first sip, the way he always did before leaving. “Mmm, good,” he says, a phrase I’m very used to.
I suddenly feel brave, and meet his brown eyes. I’ve been dying to know this boy’s name for weeks, spending hours every night thinking about him in my bed. I hadn’t fully allowed myself to believe it before, but today, I knew.
I had a crush on this boy, and I didn’t even know his name. I was a pretty shy girl when it came to talking to people I had a genuine interest in knowing. Customers, I could talk to them just fine. A new kid at school or a cute boy? I was absolutely hopeless. Okay, time to finally be fearless, I think, and open my mouth.
“What is your name?”
He gives me that smile I’ve begun to love so much. “Peter,” he says. “Peter Parker.”
“I’m y/n,” I tell Peter.
Peter smiles at me again, and slides a ten dollar bill across the table towards me. “See you tomorrow, y/n,” he says, before he turns and leaves the store.
I glance down at the money, and the note beside it.
call me, pretty girl?
That night at home, I rush through my homework faster than I ever have before. I shower, yank on my pjs, and sit cross-legged on my bed as I stare once again at Peter’s note. I gingerly pick up my cell phone, and swipe it open.
I type in the phone number Peter gave me. My thumb hovers over the green call button, however. I’m not even sure why I’m so nervous about this to be honest. It’s just a phone call. To a boy. To a very cute boy. A very cute boy who I’ve been crushing on for weeks. Who gave me his number and left me a note calling me ‘pretty girl’.
I bite my lip and press the button, hard.
Holding the phone to my ear, I hold my breath as it rings, once twice, three times.
“Hey,” I say, a little breathlessly.
“Oh, hey, pretty girl,” he says, his voice warm and soft. “You got my note, I see.”
“You basically handed it right to me,” I laugh. “If I somehow missed it, I’d definitely have to get glasses and I really do not want glasses.”
“Why’s that, love?”
My heart skips at the nickname, and an irrationally wide smile creeps onto my face. “I, um, hate how I look with glasses on. I used to have them when I was little and they looked awful.”
“Nah,” Peter says easily, clueless to the effect he was having on me. “I reckon you’d look really cute with glasses on.”
“You think so?” My voice is weak.
“Definitely.” He was not going to be swayed. “You are literally the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Hell, I go to the exact same store every day after school, even though it’s completely out of my way, just to see your smile.”
I’m smiling now, so big it almost hurts my cheeks. I flop backwards onto my pillows, staring up at the fading and peeling glow-in-the-dark star stickers on my ceiling. “I asked for more hours just to be able to serve you. I learned how to make barista coffees just so I could make yours everyday.”
“I think I’m in love with you, y/n,” Peter says suddenly.
My breath hitches. “I-I think I’m in love with you, too,” I say. “I have been for a while, actually.”
I can almost hear his smile through the phone. “I’m glad.”
We stay on the phone for hours after that, chatting endlessly. And the night after, and the night after that. He still comes into the cafe every afternoon, and I still make him his caramel oat latte. And honestly, I’ve never been this happy to have a daily routine.
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kazoo-world · 6 months
I’ve been in this fandom since March 2022. If you’re like me, you’ve read a good chunk of the fanfic that’s been published, and you have a hard time finding new stuff that’s to your taste. In honour of this, here is my rec list of the fics you definitely want to read but may not have come across!
✨My Gentlebeard/Blackbonnet Fic Rec List✨
Smutty (E)
Short (<4k)
The Good Plan by TheMewsAtTen: Stede treats Ed to some devoted stress relief, including hair brushing. A good cozy read. (4k)
Only You by gayasstheythem: Stede plunders a fancy blindfold in a raid and the sex is kinky but also really wholesome. Lots of tears and laughter and healing. (3.9k)
Mid length (4-8k)
Are You Lonesome Tonight? by RoughWinds: Ed and Stede have some kinky married roleplay sex where Stede plays a neglected housewife and Ed plays the next door neighbor that stepped up. They are achingly in love. (6.5k)
Smoke Signals by Spicy_Soldiers: Ed seduces Stede with some sensual cigar smoking. The imagery is so sexy and vivid that it’s almost dreamlike. (4.7k)
Won’t Rush It Along by camerasparring: Ed and Stede have marathon sex to figure out just how many times Stede’s magic dick can go. Very hot and silly. (6.9k (nice))
Of Oils & Jealousy by @kipli: Stede starts a line of scented olive oils (as he would) and the two of them go to the Republic of Pirates in search of a seller. They meet a pirate that’s a little too happy to meet Stede; Stede is blissfully ignorant of the man’s advances. Insanity ensues—including wild possessive sex. (4.7k)
Friendly Competition (Blackbeard Always Wins) by @cufeilidh: Stede and Ed disagree on who’s turn it is to service top and make the decision with a sex game. This fic makes me laugh every time because it’s so on brand. (4.9k)
sunflowers in the kitchen by dardreamcrash: Ed and Stede pretend to bicker like a married couple in a home goods store and then they go home and fuck nasty about it. Totally absurd and extremely cute, classic over the top in character insanity. (7k)
Long (>8k)
It Was Yellow and Pink by Bazzle: Ed confides that he misses when things were easier and simpler between them, so Stede stages a roleplay to fulfill his desire. Sweetest most healing sex ever (warning tho: undernegotiated kink). (14.9k)
A Sunday Kind of Love by WellSussed: Stede keeps trying to propose but Ed’s busy work schedule gets in the way; when their time tables finally align, Stede spoils Ed with a New Year’s to remember. Another one that makes my heart explode. (8.8k)
Spicy and Swearful
The Kissing Game by veeagainst: Set after s2ep5, Ed comes up with a kissing game as a way to take things slow with Stede. It works until it doesn’t, complete with lots of pining. (8k, M)
Other Delicacies and Delights by reddiegays: Stede and Ed spice up their married life by flirting across the bar they co-own. (1.3k, T)
Continue to Continue to Pretend by skeletonsandroundabouts: reunion fic written pre s2, but in tune with s2 tone. Stede stumbles upon a sulking Ed in a bar and they pretend not to know each other. Stede is a bombastic menace who thinks the ruse is working, but Ed is also a dumbass. Makes me laugh out loud every time I read it, and the character voices are perfect. (4.8k, T)
Permanent Ink by insidethevoid: Ed is the cool distinctly tattooed step dad. Hijinks ensure when Alma wants to be cool like him. (5.2k, G)
Thy, Sweet, Love Remembered by @kazoo-world: Ed and Stede promise to always go to sleep together. It’s always the perfect remedy for the day’s frustrations. Look, yes, I wrote this and I’m biased, but every time I read it I can’t stop thinking about how mind blowingly cute it is. (1.1k, T)
Modern AU Meetcutes
Our Tesco Means Death by shipmates: Stede gets a job at Tesco after leaving his old life and notices and is noticed by his kind and smoking manager, Ed. Reading about Stede trying very hard to impress Ed by shoplifting makes me laugh rambunctiously. (21k, G)
the happiest place on earth is here (with you) by @medievill: Stede and Ed strike up a whirlwind romance at Disney World with Ed showing Stede around his usual haunts. Equal parts heart-wrenching and heartwarming. (33k, M)
Unlocked by @festiveferret: Newly divorced Stede accidentally breaks into rockstar Ed’s apartment thinking it’s his own. They fall in love as they hang out together. Ed has two beautiful and perfect guard cats and Stede is perfectly in character levels of insane. (15.5k, T)
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theladyofdeath · 2 years
Part 2 to drunk Rowan Christmas? :)
Part II to this prompt! A/N: Thank you for your request! I love a sweet, sloppy, drunk Rowan. I hope you enjoy! T/W: language
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Rowan woke up the next morning and called Aelin. He recalled very little of it, considering his hangover was wicked, but he remembered that he called, remembered that he asked her out for Saturday night, remembered that she said yes.
Now Saturday was here, and he was stressed the fuck out.
A snowstorm had hit the city in full force. The roads were covered in a blanket of white. It wouldn't stop him. Nothing would stop him from picking up Aelin, from taking her on a date, but the roads were daunting. It wasn't his first winter in Orynth, he had spent plenty there, but he had rarely seen a storm this bad.
Even as the snow buried the earth, Rowan showered and got dressed in his finest suit. His finest suit consisted of a nice pair of slacks and a black jacket, worn with a black button down shirt. He always thought that black was a nice contrast to his hair, and he wore the darkness with dignity.
At a quarter to six, Rowan was getting into his car. Although he rarely drove through the city, he decided that a first date with Aelin was a good enough reason to get his car out of the parking garage.
The only obstacle was that the second he pulled out of the parking garage...he slid. The snow was so thick as it fell from the heavens that Rowan couldn't see more than a few feet in front of him. He had no idea if anyone was about to speed past him as he pulled onto the road.
And slid again.
It took about twenty minutes to make it a mile down the road, and Aelin lived halfway across town. At this rate, he'd get to her place at midnight. He'd even left half an hour earlier than he was going to, half an hour earlier than he should have, but it didn't matter. The weather was too bad.
And bad weather meant traffic.
A lot of fucking traffic.
Being the week before Christmas, most of the radio stations were playing Christmas music, and Rowan couldn't stand it. He was constantly flipping through the stations as he sat in his car, not moving, the heat on high and nothing to be seen outside of his windshield.
Another ten minutes passed and he was officially late.
Pulling out his phone, he found Aelin's number in his contacts and gave her a call. She picked up on the third ring.
"I'm so sorry."
Her quiet laughter sounded on the other end of the line. "Ditching on me?"
"Not ditching," Rowan quickly corrected, "A little late. Just...stuck in the snow."
"Is it bad out there?" Aelin groaned. "I was hoping it hadn't gotten worse."
"It's not good," Rowan said, windshield wipers going wild. "I'm hoping to be there soon. I'm sorry it's taking so long."
"It's okay," Aelin promised. "As long as you get here eventually."
Rowan drove another two feet before stopping. "Eventually."
They hung up and Rowan turned the radio up to try and distract from his self misery. Every second he spent stuck in traffic reminded him how much he hated driving.
By the time he made it to Aelin's, an hour had passed and a few more inches had stuck to the ground. After a poor parallel parking job, he was working his way through the blizzard. He felt like he was holding his breath until he opened the door to the lobby of Aelin's apartment complex and the heat hit him.
The lobby was nearly empty and he rode the elevator up to the fifth floor alone. When he made it to 5G, he knocked on the door and waited.
Aelin's hectic footsteps approached and when she opened the door, she was in a stunning red dress and...barefoot.
"Sorry," she said, laughing as his eyes went down to her feet. "I wasn't sure when you'd be getting here and my heels were killing me."
"It's alright," Rowan said, suppressing his smile. "I'm sorry it took so long."
Aelin looked over her shoulder. "It's okay. I actually had an idea to run by you."
She nodded and stepped aside. "Come in, come in. Please."
When Rowan stepped inside, he was hit with the scent of lavender and vanilla. Aelin's apartment was tidy and sleek, but welcoming. She closed the door behind them and led him into the kitchen.
"Considering it took you over an hour to get here, the last thing I want to do is get you back in the car," Aelin said, rounding her island before facing him. "There's a pizza joint across the street. I thought we could order for pickup, come back here and eat, and watch a movie?"
Rowan looked down at his slacks and jacket, then over at Aelin's dress.
Aelin lifted a humored brow. "You don't like that idea?"
"No, that's a great idea," Rowan said, hurriedly. "I just...you look amazing. And I should've brought sweatpants."
Aelin laughed, and Rowan loved the sound of it. "It's okay to look fine as hell at home. We can still go out if you want."
"No," Rowan breathed. "I like your idea. It sounds great."
With a flip of her hair over her shoulder, Aelin turned to her refrigerator and snatched a take-out menu off the fridge. "Alright, Whitethorn. What do you like on your pizza? And yes, if you say pineapple, I will judge you."
Rowan didn't get pineapple. He did, however, get every meat known to man on his pizza. Aelin settled for a simple pepperoni, and twenty minutes later, Aelin had slipped her snowboots on with her dress and they were walking across the street to the pizza place. By the time they got back to the apartment, their pizza had gone from burning hot to warm enough. They dropped everything on her coffee table and sat on the couch.
Rowan had slipped his shoes and coat off by the door and, even though he wore some of his finest, he was comfortable.
"Can I get you something to drink?" Aelin asked, going to the kitchen and pulling out a chilled bottle of wine.
"You're sure you want me drinking after the other night?" Rowan teased.
Aelin chuckled, pulling out two glasses from her cabinet. "I think you're an adorable drunk."
Rowan snorted. "I feel like you're lying."
"Oh, I never lie."
Rowan watched intently as Aelin carried two filled glasses into the living room.
"I feel like that's a lie, too," Rowan noted as she handed him a glass.
Aelin just grinned.
Being with Aelin was easy. It had always been easy. She was his best friend - his best work friend, anyways. Then again, in adulthood, he supposed a work friend was just as good as an everyday non-work friend.
They ate and talked about anything and everything. He already knew most things about Aelin, seeing as she talked his ear off every day between the hours of nine and five, but they got into the deeper stuff the longer the night went on. Once they were finished eating and on their second glasses of wine, Rowan had heard all about her childhood and her parents that had left her far too soon. Rowan told her about the deaths of his own parents and how he had been on his own since seventeen, working his way up the ladder in their corporation - slowly but surely.
Rowan hadn’t even realized that at some point during their conversation, they had become so close that they sat with their legs touching, Rowan’s arm draped around her shoulder. He traced her arm, her warm skin just beneath the sleeve of her stunning dress. Her cheeks were tinged with pink, thanks to the wine, and her eyes bright as she looked up at him and said, “You surprise me.”
Rowan chuckled as he looked down at her. “How?”
She shrugged, and he found the gesture adorable. “You used to play the drums in a punk rock band but also read Emily Dickinson. You’re a living contradiction.”
Rowan’s lips quirked. “And that’s a bad thing?”
“No,” Aelin said, a hand sliding over his thigh. “Not at all.”
She stared at him, their eyes never breaking, and Rowan took that as a hint. Now was his chance.
He leaned down and kissed her. It was soft, tentative, but the second she responded, Rowan became undone. Aelin set her wine glass on the coffee table before wrapping her arms around his neck and finding his mouth, yet again.
Rowan dragged her on to his lap, needing to be as close to her as possible. She opened her legs, straddling him, as her tongue pushed its way between his lips.
He couldn’t help but groan quietly into her mouth as he kissed her again and again.
He had his boundaries. He wouldn’t sleep with her on a first date - even if he had known her for years. No, he’d save that for another time. Right now, this simplicity was enough.
Although he was pissed about the snow storm only hours before, he was sure as hell grateful for it now as he pulled Aelin down onto the couch and got lost in her kiss.
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
Frozen II justifies Jelsa
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okay I feel like I should explain.
First of all, the time period lines up nicely
I don’t think it’s ever explicitly stated what time the Frozen adventures take place, but given by the photograph joke at the end of the second movie, it’s set somewhere around the early 1800s.
Rise of the Guardians also never gives a date for when Jack died, but if it was 300 years before present day, that drops him roughly somewhere in the 1700s or in the colonial era. 
Putting these two together, it seems neat that they come into their spirit forms at relatively the same time, and conveniently Jack is first too.
you could play around with the idea of Jack not quite getting the hang of his duties yet by the time Elsa comes along, based on the inconsistency of seasons (especially winter) that is a motif throughout both Frozen films, even at the very end of the second one
Let’s talk about the wind!
Jack’s wind and Elsa’s wind have the same personality for all intents and purposes.
Both are fun-loving, well-meaning, playful, kind, and always willing to help.
Both are also incredibly fond of their goofy little snow spirits
okay short conversation because I think I’ve made my point 
Frozen II put a lot more emphasis on frost...? like boi was that just you trying to show off your artists or was that actually relevant?
The first movie really only stressed ice and snow as aspects of elsa’s power, but in the second movie, we start to see different things. we see less and less of the snow and ice; in fact, she only really busts those out when in stressful circumstances.
by contrast, she seems to default to frost more and more. everything she touches with her power is more or less laced with frost. she opens the mist around the forest with frost. her dress is covered in frost. she tames Nok and Bruni with frost.
also, in the very end of the second movie, when it’s supposedly winter in the forest, everything is frosted over. the trees, the rocks, the leaves, even the ice has frost on it.
either this is just Elsa discovering a new softer side of her power or. you know. we use this to justify the crackheads.
moving on!
The realm of the spirits is openly acknowledged and tangible to the audience, which is something vital to the story of Guardians
Though never directly mentioned in Guardians, there seems to be a vast number of magical forces throughout the world, relevant to important concepts in society (or nature) like holidays or virtues and stuff like that. The “spirits” featured in the movie mostly derive their power and essence from the belief that people put it them---regardless of whether or not people acknowledge their existence
there are spirits for lots of different little concepts floating around out there. We know at least that the Ground Hog is real because the Easter Bunny has beef with him or somethin. And I’m not sure how many others are “canon” but I think Mother Nature is around, along with plenty of nature spirits and other patrons of holidays. The main thing is that all of them are tied to human beliefs or practices.
In Frozen II, we’re presented with a very classic collection of nature spirits. Most everyone thinks of air, fire, water, and earth as being the fundamental elements of nature, so if we’re following the logic that the beliefs of people give them power then it would make sense that these four elements have powerful spirits to go with them. That Elsa happens to be their ring-leader is probably just a mildly forced convenient piece of writing, which provides her with a hotline to the balance of nature and the spirit realm both.
Things like the trolls would also make sense in the universe if they’re just a physical manifestation of nature’s magic and sentience
plus if there are magical beings just kinda drifting around the world then it seems perfectly reasonable for Jack and Elsa to meet one another---especially since she’s the bridge or however that’s supposed to work idk
Elsa isn’t exactly a winter spirit, per se, but she is a spirit by definition. She’s literally called the “fifth spirit” of nature or somethin. She’s still tangible and visible, because she was born human, but it’s very clear by the end of the second movie that’s she’s no longer quite... mortal... I wanna say. I’m going to headcanon that she’s immortal now. Otherwise she’ll have to be replaced when she dies and like that’s too much effort. I mean it’d make sense if she was “transformed” (to use Olaf’s word) into the fifth spirit. 
Both Jack and Elsa strike that very specific type of winter too. We can obviously tell that winter is her favorite season, and she thrives in the chilly north where it’s always cold at least partly. Her whole aesthetic is built on the promise of winter and i think that’s a cool idea. haha. On top of that, Jack never totally struck me as the heavy snowfall kind of dude; his version of winter always seemed like the brisk flurries you get at the very start of the season. They’re made for each other, your honor. it helps that Frozen II was set in late autumn. like if that’s not a blatant message of “winter is coming!” then what is amiright. They both exude a kind of winter in its youth: something on the precipice of permanence, delicate and lively and strong all at once. Their vibes might be different, but I feel like they share the same direction of the season, if you catch me.
Anyway listen my point is just that I want them to be friends at the very least. We’re all going to pretend the age gap doesn’t exist because they are both unalive for lack of a better term and Chris Pine voiced Jack despite having a very deep manly voice that definitely wasn’t suited for a literal child. I want Elsa to be able to see Jack even though no one else can because she’s the bridge between humanity and nature and I want them to bond over wintertime and I want them to get into snowball fights and to make patterns in the frost and to chase the wind around just for funsies. I want Jack to teach Elsa to fly, which they quickly find is something she does not excel at. I want her to show him his connection to the season and his responsibility to maintaining it because he may have a good heart but he’s got no respect for rules and deadlines. I want her to convince Ana that Jack is real, so that someone else can see him too (up until that point, Elsa was talking about him like he was just Some Guy she met so Ana was going to believe her but then Elsa dropped the whole “winter spirit” bombshell and Ana thought she finally cracked so it took some convincing in the end). I want them all to have game nights on fridays. I want Ana and Kristoff’s kids to grow up always having believed in Jack. I just want Jack to have a nice lil family okay :’) one that tolerates his pranks and mischief and I want Elsa to relax and have some carefree fun moments. I want her to laugh and have crazy, harmless adventures and do goofy things just for the sake of it.
I put way too much thought into this but I saw a KRIFFTON of parallels between these two characters when I watched Frozen II so like,,, y’all get to hear about how I feel you’re welcome
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(this is for research purposes (/gen this is for an english project) but I understand if it seems weird so feel free to ignore) (also dw I don't plan to mention specific people) what drew you to paganism/polytheism?
Oh this is SUCH a fun question. I was sitting down to do some readings and saw this in my askbox and just- I'll do this one first XD I apologize in advance, I'm gonna write a huge fucking essay because it's fun. First two paragraphs are more a history and context of how I got to paganism, the rest is more the aspects of paganism that drew me in!
So, this won't be an anti-Christian rant but I feel the need to say that part of it is, admittedly, that I grew up going to church with my grandmother. I loved that church, but I knew very well that they loved the IDEA of me. I was an undiagnosed auDHD queer kid who, at the time, was severely depressed. They loved the mask I put on, not the reality of me. I hadn't found acceptance in religion. I always was aware of paganism and witchcraft because of my parents and their practices, but really I grew up Christian. But that world- at least the way I was taught Christianity- was very small and harmful to me. Paganism not only understood me, not only accepted me, but enthusiastically embraced my oddities.
For a while, it was more an occasional hyperfixation than a practice I could put any effort or trust into. Witchcraft and paganism requires being in the present moment, something that I avoided like the plague because I was so afraid of my emotions. After some pretty intense experiences (if you want a little more explanation just DM, but I'd rather not post publicly bc it's pretty dark) taught me I could handle existing in the moment no matter how intense the emotions were, it suddenly opened up my practice in a whole new way. I wasn't afraid to be real with myself anymore.
Ultimately, I think that's what drew me to my own practices and religions; it's real. No, not in the "I'm the Right ReligionTM" way, but in the sense that I can be honest with myself in my practice. I can be real. I don't have to run away from the earth hoping for heaven, I don't have to pretend that having a body and mind is evil- I embrace my whole self. Paganism taught me it's okay to be myself no matter how strange I am, that the body and the life we live here and now is sacred. I don't have to fear the parts of me I was taught to reject as a child because those are "of the devil," I embrace them and give them compassion because I should never have been told that in the first place.
It also taught me that the world really is bigger than people tell you, just like I always felt it was. In my mom's words, "I thought it made so much more sense that the animals in Narnia talked. And some part of me that I kept very very secret thought that maybe they do in this world too, if you just know how to listen." The more I learn about my personal practice as a witch and pagan, the more I feel like that. "This just makes more sense."
Also, last thing because this is a HUGE ramble I swear I just fucking love witchcraft and paganism so much: The way I work with my deities makes more sense to me than the way most religions present gods. A god that is distant, powerful, and has the power to punish me if I step one toe out of line, would be no help to me at all. That's just one more authority figure to fear. My deities are kind, they accept the parts of myself that even I don't, and hell they're even funny- they sit with me when I want to cry or when I'm angry and they also watch my silly little shows with me. I feel their presence in casual activities. And to me that's so much more helpful than a god that's impersonal. The way a lot of religious deities work just... stress me out. I would never feel seen, not truly, and how would I know that they'd accept all of me? With my deities, I know they accept all of me. They've seen all of me.
Plus, on the less emotional side of things, paganism is just fucking FUN okay. Who else gets to say they watch anime with their god? Who else gets to say that their god, who is often perceived as formal and ruthless, makes dad jokes sometimes? I fuckin' love it here.
I hope this helps at all! It's very rambly but.... ehhhHHHH my feelings on paganism are rambly bc I like it :D
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marierg · 1 year
Of Light and Darkness: Ch. 26
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!: Anxiety, Language, Angst, self doubt, death, mourning, anger, delayed stress responses....yeah it's gonna be angsty.
A/N: Ok we're getting into the meat of the mission, a lot going on here. If none of you have ever been around military or public safety types it's an interesting culture and if you're not getting ribbed or made fun of then its a bad sign. With that in mind there's going to be some good natured ribbing in this. Also along those lines most of these folks are standoffish until new people prove themselves. Once they do though you're stuck with them for life, fiercely loyal bunch. Rizzi is meant to be written as a species that is gender nonconforming, my first time doing this so pointers are always welcome.
Picture Credit: Pinterest, Motorcove.com, artstation.com (Much appreciation)
Song Credit: Roll the old chariot- sea shanty of unknown authorage
General Definitions: LZ- landing zone; Bird- aircraft; CP- Command Post/ Headquarters; Earth berm- a large hill of dirt that encircles a location to provide cover and obstruct intruders; IED- improvised explosive device; Sit Rep- situational report; KUBAR- Karked Up Beyond All Recognition.
Words: 3000 ish.... yeah its a long one
Masterlist Next
The first day had gone smoothly, each team to their task. Obi Wan led security with the flight crew. The runway and LZ overall was poorly protected with only a few ray shields and some wood fencing. To say that he and his team had their work cut out for them was an understatement. Additionally the flight tower had taken several rocket hits rendering it inoperable. By the afternoon though there was a secondary line of hidden mines, earth berm in place, and a proper observation post. Obi Wan fully admitted that he wasn't much for bandaging, but he was very good at what he DID do. A Guardian's primary duty was protection and there was something very precious to him in that Command Post.
It was also Obi Wan's first time getting to know your work comrades, a rather colorful cast of characters. Joe the mechanic was a Dug of unparalleled efficiency and knowledge, though also thoroughly colorful in both Basic and his native tongue. Everyone could hear the mighty battle between the him and the generator until finally the power was restored to the LZ.
Rizzi was a short being of well...uncertain origin? With purple hair and green feather plumage and golden eyes they were the most remarkable and beautiful looking being he had ever come across. They were kind and had been mercifully pleasant company, making him feel more part of the team and less of a nuisance. Rizzi was the ground controller for the mission, it took them a half a day just to get the tower operational again, but when it did get working you could hear the victory squawk across the whole port.
Deek and JC had both taken turns ribbing him for being a “Piddly prim puddle plopper.” When Obi Wan had inquired as to the meaning the two pilots had snickered, laughing at the inside joke, then jutted their jaws at him. Deek had snorted, “Ain't no RIC worth their salt, Jedi or no, shows up in such pretty clothes.”
“I don't think I understand?” Obi Wan was wearing his robes the same as you and Anakin.
JC had chuckled and finally put him out of his misery. “Well your duds are all new and fancy, they're gonna be toast by the time we're done.”
“Oh,” Obi Wan had nodded now understanding, “I see. I'll keep that in mind next time.”
“Eh we just figured you was showin' off for lil Commander Chaos over there.” Deek nodded to where you were overseeing the med tent movement and patient flow.
“One does try to look presentable in the presence of ladies.”
“Oh Yeah...presentable, right.” JC winked conspiratorially.
Deek belly laughed, “That ain't no lady that's a RIC!”
Hours later Obi Wan ventured through the meal line, checking in on Anakin. The boy seemed to be doing well enough, though he was disappointed to be stuck on medical duty and not working the fence line. Obi Wan chuckled, it had been precisely both of your points to keep him away from the ships and out of his comfort zone on this mission. Having talked the matter over he bid Anakin farewell and sought your company.
“That is a beautiful sunset, though not as beautiful as the woman watching it.” He could feel the tension in your signature as he reached his own out. “Credit for you thoughts Wee Commander.”
“This is bigger than we anticipated,” you sighed glancing from the window back at the table in the CP and taking his hand in your own. “I know I'm usually the one teasing you about being a pessimist, but I don't like this Obi Boy.”
“Not to worry Wee One, it'll be alright.” He tried to put your mind at ease, but the set of your shoulders wouldn't budge.
You had grunted and squeezed his hand, “We got a long way to go.”
The Second day the Hutt forces started to test the waters. First trying to infiltrate among the evacuating civilians then attacking the defense lines. They even attempted to take two of your students hostage for information. A futile effort given that one of them was Anakin, who quickly resolved the situation by the edge of his saber. To quote your Padawan, they ran screaming like Porgs. You chastised him for having been caught flat footed. “You need to be more careful. They may be skugholes, but that doesn't mean that they're stupid.”
Master Windu contacted you that evening to check in. It warmed your heart that he still did it after all this time. More than anything it was reassuring to hear his calm voice. You relayed the latest, trying to sound confident and in command, but as always there was no fooling him.
“I sense that you are apprehensive of the situation there.” Those perceptive eyes stared back across the Holo.
“Permission to ask a foolish question Master?” At his nod you continued, “How do you always know what to do? There are so many lives depending on me, I feel...”
“Not up to the Task. Like they put the wrong person in charge? Y/n I still feel that way all the time, it's what helps me to stay grounded. As for the decisions that must be made, only you know best how to answer that. Trust in the Force and in yourself, I believe in you.” It wasn't often that you and your Master had these conversations, but by the Maker he always knew when you needed the words.
You wandered over to join Obi Wan in the observation post for a shift to give the young people a break. “Hey how goes the watch here?”
Obi Wan kept his eyes on the treeline, “Too good and too calm. I think you may have been right.”
Handing him a thermos of stew you took up the watch position so he could eat. Sighing, you grimly sucked your tongue between your teeth, “Believe me when I say I really wish I wasn't.”
The tickle of his beard brushed along your cheek as he deposited a soft kiss, “I know darling.”
The Third day is where the real trouble began. Torrential rain kept all teams sopping wet and miserable while continuing the evacuation. Glitch and Anakin were slogging back and forth through the muck escorting the civilians to the ships. Anakin had a bored and sullen look on his face, Glitch on the other hand was merrily singing in the rain.
“Oh we'll be alright if the wind is on our wings
we'll be alright if the wind is on our wings
we'll be alright if the wind is on our wings
and we'll all fly on all night”
“How can you sing at a time like this?” He was looking at his friend like she was a madwoman.
“The Gods send the rain, who am I to question their will? Besides if it ain't rainin' we ain't trainin'.” Glitch shrugged and continued her singing.
“Oh We'll be alright if we make it past the stratosphere
we'll be alright if we make it past the stratosphere
we'll be alright if we make it past the stratosphere
and we'll all fly on all night!”
There was no way to get completely dry and with the droids and mercenaries attacks ongoing all the teams could do was focus on getting the civilians out. The cold, the damp, the fear, it wore on all of you. In the afternoon that day a group of the Hutts' hired muscle sent a speeder careening into one of the barrier walls near the boarding check point. Before Deek could stop them, a few of the young Responders went over the wall to move people through, only for two of them to be killed by the speeder borne IED.
Arriving from the Command Post you saw the bodies gently carried on the stretchers and loaded onto the transport. Glitch was part of the recovery crew, kneeling over each of the departed in prayer. While the pink haired girl may have been the most unconventional of beings, she believed in her gods with a ferocity not often seen. She came over to give the sit rep, wanting to give the others time. As she finished Glitch glanced at you, seeing a kindred mourning. “It'll be ok Boss. My grandfather will guide them to the halls of victory, the Gods will welcome them home.”
Nodding at her words you continued to survey the scene. Deek was besides himself, JC was consoling him by the little bird. There was nothing you knew to ease his ache, so instead you sat and mourned together. You called the family's yourself that night, it was your duty as the commander for the mission. For what little time was left before the next terrible dawn you tried again to find a reason for their deaths, some meaning to their loss.
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The Fourth day:
Anakin was trying to do the morning checks before the first group of transports arrived at dawn. He was ensuring the medications were running, reassuring the frightened that they would be safe soon. One of the injured slated for the first run was Leena, she still had shrapnel embedded in her shoulder from the day before. They hadn't been friends in class, but none the less Anakin felt a deep pit in his stomach wishing he could do more for her.
“Hey Leena, how you feeling? Ready to get off this rock?”
“Anakin,” There were tears streaking her blue Pantoran face, “I didn't think it would be like this.”
“Hey, don't cry. You got those people away from the crash, you saved them. You did so good.” Anakin held her hand, trying his best to comfort her. “The crew will get you to the med bay and have you fixed in no time. Then you can get me caught up on that Holo series you always tell the other girls about.”
“You heard us talking?” Seeing him nod Leena sniffled a little. “Yeah we can even watch a bit later, got the last two episodes on my data pad.”
Anakin smiled, pleased that he could divert her mind from the situation, even if only for a moment. “I'll get some of Master y/n's snacks for you, deal?”
“Deal.” Her face fell again as she looked at the others in the staging area. “Anakin why did they have to die? Why not me?”
“I don't know.” It was a whisper of a reply, Anakin had never felt so uncertain in his life. Leena's eyes were pleading with him for answers that he just didn't have, may never have. “What I do know that you're meant for something great and I'm really glad you made it.”
“Hey Kid, I'll take over. Boss wants to talk to you.” JC took Anakin's spot by Leena, giving a nod. Anakin wiped his eyes once out of sight, thanking the Force for the reprieve.
They had to be karking kidding...Command had lost it's minds! You had received the transmission and double checked it, but still you refused to believe it. Per the Senatorial oversight of this rescue after tomorrow before mid day (not the evening), there would be no further transports or support; you were to completely pull out. Obi Wan had tried to calm you with little success. You'd raged, cursed a blue streak, sent a chair flying across the room you were so frustrated. In the end there was nothing you could do to change the order, all you could do was get the last of these people off world.
The crews were already taking risks overloading the crafts to the gills and flying evasively to avoid rockets and small arms fire. Even with the hot loads and quick drops from all 4 craft this was going to be cutting it close.
“How do they expect us to get everyone out?”
“Truthfully I don't think that they do. We may also have to face that harsh fact,” Obi Wan was looking at you from across the holo table. “You're doing all that is possible, no one can ask for more.”
“No, that's unacceptable, I gave my word to these people they would be safe soon. We are not leaving anyone behind!” You slammed your hand on the table. “We have a mission and we WILL accomplish it. Just have to get a little creative...”
“Master you wanted to see me?”
Glitch popped in the same time as your Padawan. “Boss Lady, Deek said you wanted me?”
Obi Wan turned to them both, “Ah, just the creative minds we require.”
“Said the spider...” Glitch raised an eyebrow at Obi Wan.
“Oh wait till you fully see the web little fly.” Obi Wan rather enjoyed the sharp mind and conversations that the young woman kept up. It was refreshing at times, especially under present stress. He well knew the sharper edge of her tongue though having caught her ire earlier during unloading when supplies had been damaged.
You shook your head at the whole KUBAR situation that the crew found itself in, “RRC has given the order that before midday tomorrow we are to pull out. We need to find a better way to protect the transports and buy more time.”
“Perhaps I can be of assistance?” A deep voice came from the back of the room. Mace stepped up to the table.
“Master Windu.” Obi Wan bowed greeting the older Jedi, well and truly happy to see him. “Welcome to our little soiree.”
Mace smirked, even in the worst circumstances Kenobi's humor never failed. “Saw that the guests have been making a mess of things.”
You walked around the table and crushed him in a quick hug, “Thank you for coming Master.”
“What is the situation?” Mace saw the deep circles under your eyes. All of the RRC group was dirty, damp and disheveled. When the bird had landed his spot on the drop ship was quickly taken by the wounded. Fear was rife within the ranks here.
Pulling up the map you pointed to the enemy encampment, specifically where they were entrenched firing rockets at your craft. You'd be damned if those kriffing bastards took anymore of your crew, so it was time to take the fight to them, loath as you were to make that call. “We have no choice, it has to be done or we're all fragged.”
“I believe the best course of action would be for Master Windu, Anakin, and I to take out these positions while the rest of the group holds security here.” Obi Wan stroked his beard contemplatively.
“I don't think so my guy,” Glitch stepped up to the table and zoomed the view back to the entire compound. “Look at the topography, how we have two high flanking hills. Even if we haven't seen movement, you can bet those Karkholes are just waiting for us to change flight pattern and put the fish in a barrel. They know we know where they are, this too obvious. I say me and Speedster take care of this. The evac crew need you and Master Windy here.”
Mace chuffed at the young person's tone, “An interesting perspective young one.”
Obi Wan sighed, the girl could be amusing, but had little regard for authority. “Glitch I appreciate what you have brought to the table. However I believe it would be best if this was left to someone...”
“What, you think that just cause I'm young I won't have the heart?” Friendly expression becoming stony.
You saw Obi Wan take a deep breath, trying to gather his composure if not reign in his temper. “It's not a question of heart, lives are on the line.”
“No shit Sir. I put two of our students in body bags yesterday.”
“Glitch calm down a minute, ok.” You snapped her attention back to your direction. “Going out and getting yourself killed won't bring them back. If you still want to go out there then fine, tell me your plan.”
“There's still fuel and some stuff in the ground keepers shed at the LZ. I say we give these Sleamos a taste of home cookin'.” Pink hair hid the expression in her eyes, but Glitch's tone was deathly.
“You can't be serious, you'll blow yourself to oblivion.” Obi Wan was stumped that you might even entertain allowing such a course of action. “Please say you're not going to allow this?”
“She has a background and training in special weapons and tactics, plus HAZMAT. She knows what to do”
“She could die.”
“All of us might if we don't act soon Obi.” Your eyes pleaded with him to understand.
Glitch had caught her second wind, “Look I get you've been at this longer, but those were my students and friends..”
“No.” Obi Wan would not allow this while he thought there were other viable options. “You will not go about mixing dangerous chemicals in the middle...”
“But Master Obi Wan we still have 1500 beings to evacuate and we're running out of time. This can work, we can do this for you.” Anakin tried to break in.
“Padawan Skywalker it is out of the question...”
“Why? Last I checked Boss Lady was in charge.”
“Enough!” The last of your patience was gone, the edge of your voice clearly reflecting that. You were in Command, so it was time to command. “Glitch has a point, I'm sorry Obi Wan. If I though any other way would accomplish the task I would nix this idea in a heartbeat, but I can't. We're running out of time... these people are running out of time. We need the stronger leaders here.”
Anakin had waited for another opportunity to speak, “You taught us well and we will get this done, just say the word.”
Obi Boy and Glitch were still glaring at each other, if not for the scrutiny of others you would have laughed at the abject ridiculousness of the situation. Desperate times though call for desperate measures. “Be as safe as you can and use the protective gear we have. Both of you get back here in one piece. No stupid shit and no heroics, just do the job and get back.”
Looking again at Obi Wan, and acutely aware of Master Windu's presence, you tried to apologize gracefully while still holding the authoritative edge of before. “Obi Wan I'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled... Commanders shouldn't lose their tempers.”
He nodded, acknowledging but still not wanting to accept that the situation had become so desperate. Heaving a great sigh he came over to stand beside you, “I know Y/n, forgive my insubordination. I should not question your orders in front of the others.”
“I'll let it slide this time Kenobi, but if ya do it again you'll be scrubbin' stretchers till doomsday.” Snorting you gave his shoulder a pat. “We'll make a RIC outta you yet.”
“I suppose I should go check the LZ for any more surprise packages from our friends.” Obi Wan headed out then, leaving only yourself and Master Windu.
“Do you think I'm crazy too Master?”
Mace chuckled in his throat, “Yes, but I've known that for a while.”
“I'm not leaving anyone behind Master. If I have to strap beings to the wings, I won't leave them behind.”
“I know you won't Y/n. I have brought something to help get more bodies up to the Haulers overhead.” He was amused again to find your brows raised at his use of lingo. “You don't think that Melri and I went on all those missions not to learn a thing or two?”
“Some days I forget.” Shaking your head you finally took a sip of the Kaf that had been sitting on the table. It was cold and bitter, a reflection of what you tried not to feel.
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