#the second one is basically a study from a photo
bisexualcauliflower · 11 months
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Duality of the Phantom
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Hiiii, I loveeeee ur work ❤️
I was thinking about a head cannon of how some of the mw2 characters (ghost, soap, König, etc) would react to their partner sending them a nude photo?👀👀👀
Sorry if you did this already but I’m pretty sure you haven’t tho cuz I definitely would have read it already 😭
MW2 Reaction to Receiving a Special™ Photo from Their S/O
Warnings: 18+ (just to be safe), Non-Specific/Explicit Implications of Smut, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You', Singular Mention of Graves Throwing Himself off a Cliff, Dominant! MW2, Submissive! MW2, Dominant! Reader, Submissive! Reader, Profanity, etc.
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He will literally stare bug-eyed at the picture you’ve sent him like 👁️O👁️
Since it’s a physical photograph, he keeps it on him like a chapstick, which is to say all the time.
He isn’t risking ANYONE besides himself seeing it.
And when he’s about to embark on a mission, he keeps it tucked into his vest right where his heart is so that it’s practically part of him.
He likes to think that, somehow, you can hear – feel – his heart beating, know that he’s still alive and fighting so that he can come home and see you.
And when he returns from a mission and goes to his quarters, he has some…alone time.
You know, to really study the picture.
Not that he doesn’t know every curve and edge of your body already.
But that doesn't stop him growling your name into the pillow as he rocks against it, a hole cut into the bottom of it – a poor imitation of you.
A makeshift lover.
If anyone ends up seeing that picture – if they stole it from him, if by some act of God (because that’s what it’ll take) it slipped out of his vest or pocket – they are in for a World of Pain™.
There won’t be a time they won’t flinch upon hearing Ghost’s name, or when they see his shadow like an omen on the wall as he commandeers the halls. Prowling.
He’d feel pretty guilty about someone else seeing you how he does, even if it was only for a fraction of a second.
So he’s definitely going to make it up to you when he gets back <3
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His heart can’t take this kind of torment.
He’ll be looking down at his phone, the image of you burning into his skin like a holy artefact.
He definitely gets more jumpy around people when he has his phone on him.
Will literally clam up and shove it into the deepest recesses of his pocket if someone comes too close.
Even when your picture is safely stored behind a password-protected photo album.
He has to excuse himself from training or other commitments whenever his mind wanders back to you, and subsequently that image (which is basically all the time).
Sometimes he calls you while he’s sorting himself out.
He just needs to hear your voice – to feel closer to you.
It’s the only way he can finish.
“Engel,” he rasps, his breath stuttering, “I need you,”
And everyone just looks at him like he’s grown a third eye when he returns because, unbeknownst to him, König can’t keep quiet, and everyone who has never heard even a peep from him is suddenly aware of the carnality that lies beneath his skin, wired into his soul.
And at the centre is his love for you, boundless and overflowing so that the rest of his teammates know it, too.
Not that they mind all too much.
They all sit and think that you must be one beautiful person to evoke such a response from König.
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Will tease you back.
Sends a mirror pic of him in a tight black shirt, saying something like ‘You’ll see the rest when I get home.’
Is absolutely ravenous when it comes to you.
No cap, goes absolutely ham in the shower when the image of you in nothing flashes in his mind.
His low moans are enough of a warning for the rest of the 141 to stay away for the next half an hour or so.
Aside from that, he’ll just look at the picture because he finds you beautiful.
Stares at it while he’s in bed. Laments on how much he misses you ☹️.
He’s counting down the days until he can see you again, and with each that passes, he can feel your silhouette becoming tangible in his hands, as if you were stepping out of the photo.
Sometimes, he dreams that you’re there with him, nestled between his arms.
Other times the dreams are a little more…graphic.
But Johnny can’t help it.
He just can’t contain himself when it comes to you.
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If you thought her violent tendencies could never extend to you, prepare to be amazed.
The second this woman sees what you’re trying to do – or, rather, what she thinks you’re trying to do – she is not happy.
You could have sent that image with the purest (within reason) of intentions; just letting Valeria know that you miss her, wishing her a good day – whatever.
What she sees is you trying to manipulate her by using your body as an instrument of destruction.
Dramatic, yes. But Valeria has never been one to take chances.
She’ll be deceptively calm over text: ‘Don’t tease me, Darling. You know what happens when you do.’
All day, all she can see is that image.
Whenever she turns a corner, you’re there; whenever she’s talking to someone, you’re peering at her over their shoulder; when she’s alone, you’re sat with her – on her – trying to take her attention away from her paperwork.
Redemption is a baseless concept when Valeria returns home that evening.
You will not know rest until she’s done with you.
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“Fuckin’ Hell, Love,” he’ll say, the darkness hanging on his voice tangible even through the voice note.
“What’ve you been up to while I’ve been away, hmm ?”
Will not rest until he knows he’s got you hot and bothered.
This entails him sending increasingly risqué images of himself; first, just one of him flexing, his arms thick and crawling with veins.
The next is of his shirt raised just below his chest, the dim light of the room keeping enough of him shrouded that his identity is unknown to all but you, his wide silhouette taking up most of the picture.
And, if you decide to be resilient against his attempts to make you feel as you have him, you’ll receive a series of menacing messages.
‘Don’t get too comfortable, Angel’, he’ll say.
‘You never know when I’ll come through that door–’
He grins as he sees you’ve read his message, hanging on his every word.
‘And ravage you.’
And you know he means it, too.
Meanwhile, he’s multitasking; keeping a clear, professional head and giving orders while resisting the primal urge to drop everything and find you.
And no amount of pleading or tears will spare you from his wrath when he returns.
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Regardless of how well the military life trained his self-discipline, nothing can dampen the sheer need Horangi feels whenever he receives a special picture from you.
I’m talking: he will literally sit in silence for ten minutes because he’s got a raging issue he needs to take care of but can’t risk anyone else seeing it.
Will thunder down the hall to the nearest bathroom when the meeting’s over and take out his frustrations there.
When he calls, you’d better pick up the first time.
If you don’t, you’ll have Hell to pay when gets home.
“Baby,” he breathes down the phone, the fog already making his mind frost over, his body burning up.
“What have you done to me–”
These brief encounters are the only thing keeping him sane while he’s away; they make him feel closer to you.
And, repaying you in kind, he returns one night, in the silence of the moon hours.
He finds you, pulls you to him, clutching on tight as you begin to wake.
And, between delirium and consciousness, his voice is all you can hear.
“Shouldn’t have tested me, Sweetheart,” he says, whispering as though partaking in a secret.
“Now I’m going to have to challenge you.” His arms are snakes as they constrict you.
“Fall asleep before I’m done with you, and I promise there will be no end to your suffering.”
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Teasing a man as passionate as Alejandro is not going to end well for everyone involved.
Expect to receive a barrage of very choice texts back.
‘You have no idea what you’re doing to me’, he’ll say, followed by a photo of the tent in his trousers.
And a sinister: ‘But you will’.
If he’s away on business for even just a few days, he’ll go practically feral whenever he sees that picture of you.
To everyone else, he’ll be the leader Alejandro Vargas they all know him as – ruthless and righteous.
Yet, there’s something different in the way he walks as he excuses himself from the table, his destination unknown.
His gaze is narrowed and his teeth are grinding, rabid in disposition.
And when he gets home, no matter how long of a day it’s been, you’re in for a very long night.
He’ll appear behind you, a spectre, clamping a hand down on your shoulder.
“You shouldn’t test a soldier, Love,” he says, his grip tightening.
You don't turn around, an exhilarating fear keeping you frozen.
He leans down, his mouth just at your ear, his breath hot.
“Because you never know when he’ll snap.”
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This man is usually rather quiet and submissive when it comes to the more personal aspects of your life together.
But when you send him a picture that makes him question how long he can keep his composure for, you’re in trouble.
You’ll be receiving a phone call from a very exasperated Rodolfo, who, despite his best efforts, has succumbed to your charm.
Definitely a growler when he’s in a dominant mood.
More of a whimperer when he’s not.
At times like these, you get both.
“Darling,” he breathes, the back of his head pressed against the cold cubicle wall. “Look what you’ve done to me…”
His whining is more than enough to let you know the effect you’ve had on him.
And it’s what he says next that makes your blood run cold.
“I won’t let you get away with this.”
The husking baritone in his voice tells you he’s being truthful.
And if you try to clap back with something witty, or even an apology, Rodolfo just laughs.
“The time for mercy is long past, mi Amor,” he tells you.
“All you can do now is prepare for the Reckoning.”
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This smug idiot.
Definitely smirks to himself when he gets that picture.
Has to resist the urge to show it off to everyone in the boardroom because he’s just that proud to have you as his partner.
Yes, he is hard. Yes, he’s still going to give this presentation in front of all the major shareholders.
Why ?
Because he’s Graves. Also, because he knows he has more money than everyone else in that room, and, consequently, more power.
Will shoot you back a text like: ‘Mighty fine work, Babydoll’, followed by, ‘You’re getting a promotion when I get home.’
Yes, he uses corporate jargon when discussing intimate matters.
He’s a businessman at heart, he can’t help it.
Definitely more playful than most of the others on this list.
The type to take his time with you and make you laugh while he does so.
But when he wants to be rough (and when you want him to be), he can be.
And he gets mean when he’s like that.
I’m talking hair-pulling, name-calling – basically just bullying you, but consensually.
Does his best to take care of you, though.
If he found out that he’d actually upset you, he’d literally jump off a cliff – he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.
Expect many lavish gifts if this happens, though.
But don’t tell him that I told you that 👀.
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Will nearly drop his phone – it turns to butter in his hands.
He looks over his shoulder at least fifty times before he’ll allow himself to look at the photo again.
Poor boy’s face is turning red, his palms are sweating, he can’t think straight.
Paranoid 24/7 that everyone knows he has that picture of you.
But it doesn’t intimidate him enough for him to even try to keep quiet in the barracks when he has some alone time.
Similar situation to Soap; everyone knows to steer clear of whichever room Gaz was last spotted walking into for a while.
It would take him a few days for him to send a picture back.
More than likely, it’ll be of him in a scarcely lit bathroom in nothing but his boxers with a very prominent outline in them.
Followed by a text with something to the effect of: ‘Been thinking about you all night, Sweets’
And God forbid you send him another image of yourself. And definitely do not send a message saying ‘Aww, has my good boy been behaving himself ?’
Will literally send him over the edge.
The rest of the 141 can’t commandeer the bathroom for the rest of the day after that.
And when Gaz gets home, just know that your phone screen can’t protect you anymore.
Not when you have a man made of pure intellect and solid mass running full-force at you with all the pent-up energy seen only in a nuclear reactor.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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moondirti · 2 months
cws: creepy behaviour that leads into future dubcon. you’re not enthusiastic but don’t hate it either? idk how to tag this
a home loaning system where civilians (who pass a thorough vetting by the military) can sublet their home as a safe house for any soldier who might need it.
you’re no patriot. when you sign up, you aren’t doing it to serve those who serve your country like the website suggests. in fact, it’s a last ditch attempt to keep yourself afloat after your roommate moves out and leaves you with a rent you can’t feasibly afford yourself. sacrifice your space in exchange for your housing fully paid for and a headache gone – it’s appealing, certainly, a little too good to be true. you’d suspect it a scam if the url didn’t end in .gov.
they ask for a lot, of course. a photo. your national insurance number, passport details and travel history from the past 10 years. occupation (student, which prompts a second question asking for your school and university ID). a ‘robust’ paragraph about your living habits. family history, health details. you must black out at one point, as you find yourself hitting submit hours later with no knowledge of what to expect.
that is, if you should expect anything. a confirmation email arrives moments later, and that’s the last you hear of it.
until 4 months later. a hefty sum hits your account, set to the exact amount you specified your rent + utilities to cost. the sender is the only indication you get that you’ve been accepted: the royal army pay corps. on their dime now, and expected to act with the utmost discretion – for your sake as much as theirs. you spend that night fighting sleep on the couch, waiting for a knock by some zealot in fatigues.
no one shows up.
not immediately, at least. gratefully – and a tad surprising given your infamously cheap government – you’re paid regardless of whether anyone requires your service or not. for weeks you treat it as passive income, gauze against bleeding finances, tamping your stress so you can focus on your studies instead. life begins to look up. the air smells a little crisper every morning. you sleep deep and well.
but the knock comes. belatedly, but it comes.
at 12 am, no less. you had resolved to pull an all-nighter to study for your midterm, so you don’t miss the low rap of knuckles against your door. though at this point, you’ve long forgotten of the expectation that can be delegated to you at any time. your apartment’s a mess: laundry unfolded, dishes stacked in the sink. what’s more, your spontaneous guest scares you out of your right mind. a quick look through the peephole is enough to tell you that he is not the pizza delivery man, but a figure towering just below two metres, dressed in a balaclava and plain hoodie.
“who is it?” you call out, scrambling for an offensive weapon of any sort. you end up with a broom from the nearby cleaning cupboard.
“lieutenant riley.”
you crack open the door, poking your head out to give him a thorough once over. “you don’t look very military-like.”
“wha’ a shame.”
lieutenant riley then gives you no choice but to step aside, driving himself through the entryway through brute force. your instinct is to react with pure terror, tripping backward until the broomstick crosses firmly over your chest. yet flight rapidly switches to fight as he dumps his duffel bag by your shoe rack and rummages through your fridge.
“hey! don’t they teach you manners in basic?”
“wouldn’ last a day if they did, pet.” he tucks three water bottles under his arm, then picks his stuff off the ground once more. amidst the warmer light of your home, he stands as a herculean anomaly. shoulders that fill the foyer, each hand as large as your skull. his eyes – shadowed, framed in isolation from the rest of his face. and when he stares, unease bleeds into you. as black and void as his civic garb, forming a tightening grip over your heart.
this strange man is in your home.
this strange, large, dangerous man is here to stay for however long he needs.
he lacks all propriety and unabashedly ogles at your bare legs, adjusting himself in plain sight – and to make things exponentially worse, he isn’t uninvited. you brought this man here.
(which means you’ll have to put up with the strange violation already settling in your chest.)
“your… your room is on the left.”
he says nothing, disappearing to where you point him.
so, the lieutenant is a fucking nightmare.
whatever benefits came with having your rent paid for are immediately negated by the amount of food he consumes. groceries that last you a fortnight are gone in a matter of days, which is perplexing given that you never see him cook. you imagine he slips whatever he can down his throat before going back into hibernation, like some beast too primal for preference.
you call it hibernation because that’s what it is. he knocks out for hours, door locked, no sound or light coming from the gap underneath. you once spent half an hour just listening in after he hadn’t shown face all day, wondering whether you’d be making a call to corpse control for the dead body in your guest room. the effort had been purely motivated by concern, you swear it, however hard that was to explain when he stepped out a few minutes later to find you on your knees, cheek pressed against the floor.
the look he gave you is impossible to forget. hungry, amusement palpable behind the eyes that immediately fix onto your raised behind. you stopped wearing pyjama shorts that day. partly due to your discomfort, but mostly because the pair goes inexplicably missing from your laundry basket. a voice tells you to check under his pillow when he steps out, but the possibility is far too upsetting to seriously consider.
not like he’s above it, though. he crosses so many boundaries, you’d think they weren’t common courtesy.
of such instances: in the months since your roommate moved out, you’d gotten into the bad habit of keeping the bathroom door unlocked. while that is your fault, the terror himself isn’t blameless given his address of the situation. he should be able to hear the water running as you brush your teeth or wash your face, and yet he walks in anyway, pulling his heavy cock out to piss as you try to ignore the way it heaves between his legs, even when completely soft.
“doyewmind?” you hiss one morning, mouth still full of foam. it looms in your periphery, fat and ruddy. a trail of wild hair leading down to–
riley shoots you a blank look. “no’ at all.”
then tucks himself back into his pants, hand smoothing across your lower back as he slips out. it occurs to you to be grateful that he keeps away when you shower, up until the absolute absurdity of your standards hit you like a killing blow.
the bar is in hell.
(yet you sneak a finger between your legs sometimes, only when you’re absolutely sure you’ve locked the door, and imagine how things would unfold if he were to infringe on your most basic of rights.)
it doesn’t take long before your quiet fantasy is realised. all it takes is for you to come home particularly late one night – heels in hand and makeup a mess after letting yourself loose at the end-of-term party – to find riley waiting on you, unmasked.
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botanicalsword · 4 months
How they approach you ✧ Check their Mars Sign
Mars symbolizes our energy, desires, and pursuit methods. It's associated with our passion, sex drive, and how we chase what we need. In relationships, Mars plays a significant role. It's about how we express our desires, assert ourselves, and handle conflict.
Photo credit @le.sinex
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Mars in Aries
They're similar to determined marathon runners who charge forward with enthusiasm, undeterred by any obstacles. Just don't be surprised if they occasionally bump into a wall or two in their relentless pursuit.
Mars in Taurus They're the patient gardeners of love, carefully tending to their relationships like nurturing plants. They take their time to analyze the soil, wait for the perfect weather, and then make their move with unwavering determination.
Mars in Gemini They're the social chameleons of dating, adapting their approach to match the vibe of the person they're interested in. It's like they have a whole wardrobe of different personalities they can slip into, making them the masters of versatility.
Mars in Cancer They're the masters of dropping hints, leaving a trail of clues like a mischievous detective. They keep you on your toes with their mysterious and unpredictable behavior, making every interaction feel like an episode of a thrilling crime drama.
Mars in Leo They're the extravagant romantics, showering their love interest with grand gestures and lavish gifts. They believe in expressing themselves boldly and fearlessly, even if it means occasionally emptying their wallet in the process.
Mars in Virgo They're the undercover romantics, pretending to be cool and collected on the surface while secretly hoping for the other person to make the first move. It's like they're playing a game of emotional hide-and-seek, waiting for someone to uncover their hidden desires.
Mars in Libra They're the hesitant lovers, constantly second-guessing themselves and fearing rejection. They overanalyze every move and struggle with decision-making, like someone trying to choose the perfect Instagram filter for their relationship.
Mars in Scorpio They're the stealthy strategists, waiting in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike. They believe in the power of patience and calculated action, like a ninja plotting their next move.
Mars in Sagittarius They're the jacks-of-all-trades in the game of love. They have a bag full of tricks to please their partner, from witty banter to spontaneous adventures. They're like a one-person circus, always ready to entertain and surprise.
Mars in Capricorn They're the master manipulators, using their cunning and wit to get what they want. They play the game of love like a seasoned chess player, making calculated moves and occasionally catching their opponents off guard.
Mars in Aquarius They're the enigmatic superheroes, silently observing from the sidelines until they muster up the courage to reveal their feelings in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. It's like they have a secret identity, waiting for the perfect time to save the day.
Mars in Pisces They're the poetic dreamers, expressing their feelings in intricate metaphors and whimsical prose. Trying to understand their emotions is like converting a riddle wrapped in a love letter, but once you unravel the mystery, it's like discovering a hidden treasure.
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phas3d · 5 months
Celebrity Crush|| Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: suggestive jokes (all)
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: you're either friends or enemies and they see you freaking out over your celebrity, making them jealous. they search them up only to find out that the celebrity looks almost exactly like them
alternative :: your celebrity crush looks nothing like them
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DRACO (enemies)
Your group just watched the newest movie that came out
Ever since then, you couldn’t stop gushing about how hot the villain was
Although the villain was an awful person, you still went on rants about how fine he is
Your friends kept laughing at how out of pocket your jokes were
“I can fix him I swear, just give me a chance” you grieved as if someone died
"I'm gonna get on all fours and start hitting my chest like a gorilla if he keeps looking this fine" you said with passion, not scared of the whole school hearing you
Draco, despite not wanting to say it, was extremely jealous as he gripped his fork extra hard as he heard you
He was a dick, why didn’t you like him? Maybe he wasn’t hot enough? He’s always been slightly insecure about his appearance
The second lunch ended, he ran to the bathroom and secretly looked up the actor
But as he looked at him… he realized he wasn’t too far off from the actor
Their faces were almost completely different but, they both had short bright blonde hair, cold blue eyes, always wore green, and had similar body types
From seeing that, he smirked to himself and got an ego boost
He goes to sleep with a fat ass grin on his face
He won’t directly say the actor looks like him, but he’ll know it deep down
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TOM (friends)
Although Tom could stand being around you, he wished he could mute you out
You two were studying together in his room
Or… he was studying while you kept replaying the same edit of some random celebrity
“He could take my eggs and eat it like skittles”
Tom has literally killed and tortured people but he still widened his eyes slightly at your comment
He felt a small bit of jealousy, but he wasn’t sure if it was because he was scared of losing his only friend or because he liked you
(It’s because he likes you but he’s not that emotionally aware)
Tom has always been nosy, so he tilted slightly to see your phone
That’s when he saw a man with pale skin, brown eyes, and wavy brown hair
But beside those basic attributes, he also had the same nose as him along with a resting bitch face
He doesn’t show it, but on the inside he felt much calmer
It gave him a small sense of hope that maybe one day, he could actually be seen as attractive by someone
No one has ever confessed or even liked Tom romantically throughout his whole life due to his insane hobbies
He sleeps a little bit better with the thought that maybe someone could like him
And he really hopes it’s you :)
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MATTHEO (enemies) (I made this so long on accident... whoops)
You two clash constantly due to Mattheo’s class clown behavior and your goody-two-shoes attitude
He was always cracking mean jokes and bullying your friend group since you were kinda nerdy
You despised him and have beaten his ass multiple times (with magic) but he still doesn’t learn his lesson
But that's mainly because he thinks it's hot when you beat his ass and yell at him
Once again, he was walking towards your group to pick on you guys once more, especially you
But that’s when he heard you freak out over some random character
At first he thought it was just some lame anime character, that's how you usually are
But when you start showing your friends the photo-card in the back of your phone, he realizes it’s a real person
Instantly, he's pissed and jealous of a stupid piece of paper
He stalks you until you repeat the celebrities' name so he can google him and ruin his career
But once he looks up the idol, he sees that he also has dark curly hair with deep brown eyes
He actually researches and tries to learn about the idol more so he can take note on what you like
That's when he learns that the idol is known as a funny and protective person, just like him
He giggles to himself and decides to be insanely cocky
He prints out a photo of himself in the same pose as the idol, rounds the corners, and even puts his own signature on the back
The next day, he hands it to you and is smirking to himself
But... surprisingly... you didn't know it wasn't the idol????
You smiled widely and freak out, you thank him and quickly put it in the back of your phone case
From that, he smiles insanely widely. Not only at how cute you were from freaking out, but by also knowing he's on the back of your phone without you even knowing
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THEODORE (friends)
He's always known you were a fangirl but it was normally for weird things
You've had a few celebrity crushes over the years, but it's never been this extreme before
"GOD I WANNA LIVE IN HIS TOILET!!!" You shouted as you stared at a photo of the celebrity
Theo never understood how people got so attached but he was curious
How hot was this guy for you to like him THIS much? and why was he so jealous?
Theo has always been confident in his looks since he pulls bitches left and right
But, for some reason, he's suddenly strongly craving your validation
He asks you to show him the celebrity, only to see an almost exact clone of himself
Light fluffy brown hair, green eyes that were the same shape as his, thick brows, and a strong jaw
Theo smiles lightly and shakes his head, you perceived it as him making fun of your crush
You hide your phone from him and proceed to watch a pile of edits of this man on loop
Although he didn't get the hype of being a fangirl, he supported this one
He researches the celebrity during his free time and tries to become more like him slightly
Of course, he doesn't change anything drastically
But he might get the same shirt or shoes as him
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LORENZO (rivals?) (can you tell he's my favorite?)
You and Lorenzo were constantly at the top of your charms class within the entire school
Both of you have constantly gone head to head with each other just to compete for first place, only to tie for it together
There was no hatred or extreme feelings, just a fun rivalry that was oddly flirtatious at times
While you were in the library with a few friends studying, you suddenly start slamming your fist on the desk
Lorenzo was often in the library in order to check out new books to read in order to beat you
He looked over, worried that something bad happened
But all he saw was you on the floor, as if you melted, with your phone held high showcasing a man
He was curious as to how you got to the floor so fast despite banging on the table only 2 seconds ago, but he didn't care
Many people in the school shipped you and Lorenzo, but you both always denied it in order to not make it awkward
But, Lorenzo has liked you for ages. Despite that fact that he's a fuckboy, he would give up everything just to kiss you
"I would save his nail clippings and make a necklace out of it" You said in a harsh whisper that made all your friends hold back a laugh
Lorenzo was shocked, he's never seen you be so vulgar
He felt slightly hurt, not only by the fact that you were freaking out over some celebrity but also because he's never seen you act like this with him
"The things I would do for this man is un-ex-plain-a-ble" You aggressively whispered as you slammed your fist on the desk again
The librarian came around and told your whole group to shut up, which made Lorenzo happy
He decided to do his usual routine, he walked up to you and flicked you on the head as a joking gesture
You wince and hold your forehead, that's when he looks at your phone and sees the name of the celebrity
He repeats the name over and over and over and OVER in his head until he gets to his dorm and instantly searches him up on his phone
That's when he sees how similar he is to the celebrity
At first, he was doubting it since he didn't want to be cocky
But he told Theo and Theo instantly agreed, saying the celebrity looks just like him
Sharp jawline and cheekbones, fair skin, soft light brown hair, brown eyes, and even the same body build
He smiled to himself, feeling a bit of self love for himself from seeing how similar he is to your favorite celebrity
He's always been slightly insecure of his body build due to most of the guys in Hogwarts being buff as shit while Lorenzo was slightly more lean
But seeing the celebrity be called the heart-throb of the year made him really happy
After he knows all of this, he's much more confident around you and even finds subtle ways to bring up how he knows your type
Uses this as evidence against you to make you blush during petty arguments
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mrsbarnesblog · 8 months
new purchase
masterlist ko-fi ao3
Mob! Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You just got a new expensive lingerie set and decided to tease your mafia boss boyfriend with some sexy pictures.
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: modern setting, mafia boss bucky, established relationship, nude photos, dom bucky, smut, vaginal sex, mirror sex, lingerie kink, hair-pulling, doggy style, butt slapping, dirty talk, praise kink, unprotected sex, creampie.
Author's note: I'm back🥹 Tumblr blocked my account again, but thank God support replied and everything is fine now. put community labels if you don't want to end up like me lol. I'm returning to re-upload everything. thank you for the support💞💞
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As soon as the message from you popped up on Bucky’s screen, he was no longer involved in the conversation with his people, who were reporting on the situation that got a few men killed.
No, now his eyes were glued to the screen of his phone. To the photo that you sent him, to be exact. You were standing in front of the mirror in the new blue lingerie set that Bucky definitely hadn't seen before. 
“miss you, baby.” 
Bucky took a deep breath, studying every little thing in the photo—from your half-hidden smile to the soft skin of your legs and stomach—and noticing the way your boobs were perfectly sitting in that almost see-through bra. Fuck, to be right now on top of you instead of sitting here was a dream. You knew what effect you had on him and that Bucky loved your expensive lingerie, but he couldn't just leave now, right? Controlling Brooklyn was not easy, especially when some brave idiots tried to threaten him.
“please, Jamie…”
Another text message with an attached picture appeared in front of him, and his pants immediately became much tighter. Now it was from another angle. You were on the bed on your hands and knees, your spine perfectly arched to show your round ass in just a little piece of fabric that shouldn’t even be considered underwear. 
Flashbacks from all the times Bucky was holding your hips while thrusting into you from behind filled his head and he almost wanted to moan out loud. No, it was impossible to listen to whatever Peter was saying, especially when it was the first time you sent such photos.
“You better stay in this position, baby. I'm coming.” He typed quickly before suddenly getting up from his fancy leather chair, making the whole room go quiet. 
“D-did I say something wrong, boss?” Peter’s face became white. Bucky probably looked really angry right now, but only because he couldn't touch you and bury himself in your heat at that exact moment. 
“I didn't listen, Parker. I need to go; finish here without me. Steve, you're responsible.” Bucky took his jacket and stormed out of the room without another word. 
You were walking around the bedroom in nervousness, as if it were your first time waiting for Bucky from work. But now something was different, though. You knew that he was busy, and you hated disturbing him, but after looking in the mirror at yourself for too long, you got so confident and bold that you decided to text him with photos, which you had never done before. 
Your best friend Nat took you out shopping, but even though Bucky always gave you his card and told you to buy whatever you wanted, you never actually did it. Until you saw that unbelievably beautiful blue set. Bucky went crazy every time you had new pieces, but they weren’t as expensive as this one because you always bought them with your own money. Your friend basically shoved you into the changing room and convinced you that it cost every single penny, so you gave up and used Bucky’s black card. 
The loud noise of the slammed door came from the first floor, and you knew that your boyfriend had come home. Fuck, it has been only 15 minutes since he messaged you, and he was already there. 
You sat at the edge of the king-size bed, facing the door. And in just a few seconds, heavily breathing and slightly annoyed, Bucky stood in the door frame. If you hadn’t been dating him for almost a year now, you would’ve thought that he was angry, but the way he licked his lips and the look in his eyes while he was scanning your almost naked body told you otherwise. 
“You’re such a fucking tease, babydoll. I had an important meeting, and you just had to send me those photos, huh?” Bucky grinned at you, taking off his expensive jacket and rolling up the sleeves of the white shirt. He took small steps toward you, but you were too focused on his tattooed and veiny forearms to notice it. 
You blinked only when a soft but firm hand pressed under your chin, making you look Bucky in the eyes. The realization of how ridiculously wet you were hit you hard, and Bucky probably saw the way your cheeks blushed because his lips curled in a one-sided smirk. 
“You’re looking like the sexiest thing on the planet, but you’re blushing. God, you’re amazing, baby.” His eyes slid down your body, covered in a thin lace, and you swore that his eyes darkened within a second.
“I just thought that I became wet by just looking at your hands.” Bucky growled at your words. He took both of your hands into his, silently asking you to stand up from the bed. "Sorry for bothering you at work, I just... I don’t know.” 
“I don’t care about work as long as I can see my amazing girlfriend looking so incredible. Is this new? I know every single piece of clothing that you own; I’ve never seen this before.”
“Nat convinced me to buy this... from your card. I hope you don’t mind." Bucky chuckled at your words. 
“I told you a million times to buy whatever you wanted. My money is your money, ‘key? Now spin for me.” He lifted your hand above your head, helping you to spin around and show him every little detail of your new purchase.
The bra, which perfectly lifted your boobs, so they seemed nice and round. Matching lacy blue thongs and a garter belt that was attached to the tights sat on your waist, showing every curve of your hips. There was nothing left for imagination. You looked so soft, delicious, and sexy, but those cute little flowers all over the fabric made Bucky want to destroy you.
“So pretty, goddammit. I need you right now.” He firmly grabbed one side of your face, connecting your lips in a hot and messy kiss, while the other hand trailed its way from your neck down to your soaking wet panties. “Still can’t believe that you’re mine. The most beautiful woman on the whole fuckin’ planet.” Bucky growled into your lips, refusing to let you go. “Is that all for me? Are you so wet because of your naighty little photos or from my hands? Tell me.” Two fingers run up and down your covered folds, making you moan into Bucky’s mouth from the stimulation. 
“Both… Jamie, please. I need you.” You tried to grind your hips on his hand, but Bucky gripped your thigh and lowered his mouth onto your hot neck. 
“‘M not gonna let you get off on my hand, not today. You teased me with those sexy pictures, so I think it would be fair if I just fucked you senseless. That’s what you asked me to do anyway, right?” You just eagerly nodded, hoping that Bucky would do anything. The heat in the lower half of your stomach was almost painful, and you felt awfully empty inside, squeezing around nothing with every kiss Bucky had left on your sensitive skin. “Should I bend you over the bed? Or maybe on the floor in front of the mirror so I could see how good you feel when I fuck you?” He asked mostly himself. 
Bucky pulled away from you, admiring fresh red marks on your collarbones and neck and already knowing that you'd blame him in the morning before work. His lips were swollen and his hair was a mess, but you still bit your lip at how sexy and pretty he was. Lately, you didn’t spend much time together because of his job, and now you wanted to spend every second admiring and touching him. 
“I don’t care, Buck. I just want you, I miss you.” Your hands flew to the collar of his shirt, opening every button until his tanned chest was on full display. 
“Get on your knees and hands, doll.” Bucky mumbled, and you knew that he had lost all of his patience. 
You lowered yourself on an expensive white rug and teasinly moved your ass from side to side, looking at Bucky through the mirror. His eyes stuck on your body, and he licked his lips once again. You saw the way his pants were barely holding the hardness behind them, and your mouth instantly started watering from that thought.
“Are you going to fuck me or keep starring at my ass?” 
He smirked at your words and fell onto his knees behind you, slightly pushing his covered hips into yours and making you both moan. 
“Oh, I am going to fuck you? Don’t worry about that, doll.” The sudden slap on your ass cheek made you loudly gasp; your mouth stayed slightly open as Bucky was massaging your burning cheek with one hand and unbuckling his pants with the other. 
You felt the silky-soft skin of his cock between your legs when Bucky ran his length on your wet panties. “It’s too pretty, I don’t wanna take it off of you. ‘M just gonna push them to the side.” He took your underwear out of his way, lining the leaking tip with your wet entrance. 
You couldn’t stay steel, so Bucky had to grab your hair, raise your head, and perfectly arch your back. You whined at the slight pain from his grip, but it soon turned into a loud mixture of a moan and Bucky’s name when he pushed inside of you. 
It never failed to amaze both of you how perfect you were for each other. The sex was incredible every single time. Your body instantly adgasted for his size; your wet and soft folds gripped his cock firmly, as if your body didn’t want him ever to leave. Bucky honestly didn’t even remember the sex before you; at that time he thought it was nice, but since the first night with you, everything has become blurred, and he couldn't look at any other woman in a sexual way anymore. 
“Fuck-fuck-fuck, James!” You cried, squeezing him harder and gripping the soft material under your hands. 
“Holy shit, doll. Your pretty pussy ‘s taking me so well; she’s so greedy for my cock.” Bucky slapped your ass again at the same time as he bottomed out in you. You tried to stay focused on the reflection in the mirror, but that teasing little push of Bucky’s hips right into your g-spot made your eyes roll back. "What? You can’t handle it, baby? But that's what you asked for. You thought that you could just send me these things and not get fucked like a naughty little girl?” He chuckled, immediately increasing the speed of his thrusts. 
“I just wanted you, J-Jamie, fuck!” You cried at another slap on your ass. Red hand prints were already visible, and you knew that it would be hard to sit the next day. “I need to cum, please…”
“Already drunk with my cock?” Bucky chuckled, slightly squeezing your hair in his hand, until you opened your hooded eyes and looked at him in the mirror. “Look at you, always so perfect for me.” His blue eyes studied your reflection. Your still covered in bra tits bounced every time he pushed his cock inside of you, and Bucky felt like he became even harder because of the fact that he couldn’t see you fully naked. 
It felt like he wanted to split you in half with the power of his movements. Your skin slapped into each other, and the wet sounds of your pussy were almost too loud and inappropriate for you, but Bucky didn’t care. He moved fast and hard, mumbling praise words under his breath, which you barely understood, being too close to cum. 
“Bucky, ‘m gonna cum… Please, let me cum, ‘m so close.” You loudly moaned when your body started trembling and your hands were almost too weak to hold you up. 
“Do it, doll. I’m right behind you. Cover my cock in your cum.” Your mouth fell open, and your eyes instantly closed when you finally came, clenching around him. Bucky looked closely as your face expression changed—it was his favorite thing. 
He pushed into your tight cunt a few more times before freezing as his own orgasm came. You moaned at the feeling of his hot seed feeling you from the inside. 
“Just like that, doll. You did so well.” Bucky soothed the skin of your thigh and reddish cheek, finally loosening the grip on your hair. Your hands couldn’t hold you up anymore, and you collapsed on the soft rug with a muffled puff. 
Bucky slightly chuckled, slipping out of you, and flipped over your exhausted body so you could face him. You both were flushed and slightly sweaty. Bucky brushed your hair from your face and lowered himself to catch your lips in a slow kiss. You wrapped your arms around his strong shoulders until he fell on top of you. 
“I’ll call Nat so she can take you shopping tomorrow. Use my black card and get yourself everything that you like, because now I want to see you in every possible shade and variation of lingerie, doll.” Bucky mumbled near your ear while his hands traced the soft skin of your ribs and stomach. 
“I don’t want to spend your money, James.” You laughed. 
“Then I’ll give my card to Nat, so she can spend it on you. Because I won’t leave you alone anymore, doll. You drive me crazy looking like this.” He started kissing your neck, going lower to your chest. You just sighted, knowing damn well that there’s no point in arguing and that your amazing boyfriend would find a way to make you buy more lingerie. “Are you ready for round two? Because I really wanna put those pretty tits in my mouth.” 
Whatever you wanted to say died on your tongue with the first touch of Bucky’s wet tongue, and your brain went completely blank. 
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Pokémon AU! (Yuu & Riddle)
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Trainer looking at Grim: What kind of Pokémon is THAT???
Grim, offended: I'm not a Pokémon! I'm a TRAINER. Just you wait! I'll be the greatest Elite Four Champion ever! Myahahahaha!
Yuu: Does that make me the Pokémon in this relationship?
Riddle Rosehearts was the youngest trainer to ever become a gym leader in Twisted Wonderland, and remains one of the most ruthless.
Gym leader Riddle specializes in primarily fire type Pokémon! Which is why so many new challengers who come prepared with a full team of Water-types are so caught off guard when Riddle's partner Pokémon, Roserade, comes out! Who finishes them off with her signature move "Off With Your Head!"
Losers are enlisted to paint the hedge maze roses of the Heartslabyul gym to appear like Poké balls.
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More headcanons and enlarged photos below:
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Heartslabyul is the first gym most new trainers encounter
It is situated in the same city as the trainer school, where Riddle enjoys tutoring on his days off
His partner Pokémon, Roserade, was gifted to him by a childhood friend (Trey) back when it was still a weak little Budew
Mrs. Rosehearts belongs to the ranks of Nurse Joys and originally wanted Riddle to study medicine. To everyone's shock, obedient young Rosehearts went on to become a formidable trainer and eventually declared, much to his mother's chagrin, his intention to become a gym leader and help new trainers
Riddle is still the youngest gym leader, at 18 years old
Despite his harsh exterior, many trainers still attribute much of their success to Leader Rosehearts' insistence on practicing the basics.
If you are strong and fortunate enough to ever challenge Riddle again, his fully trained 6 team includes Roserade, Ninetails, Flareon, Rapidash, Alolan Rapidash, and Shaymin.
When pressed, Riddle refuses to answer where he met a member of the elusive Shaymin Pokémon.
Riddle can often be found racing or playing polo at the Equestrian club, riding either of his Rapidashs.
Despite all the good he does, Riddle can often be too much of a stickler to the rules and unable to see outside-the-box
He first meets Yuu when he is kicking Ace and Deuce, two new trainers, out of his gym for trying to cheat their way through his hedge maze puzzle and disparaging the idea of going to trainer school, refusing to let them challenge him and effectively ending their dreams of challenging the elite four.
It is only after Yuu challenges him for Ace and Deuce's right to re-enter the gym, and uses both lessons Riddle preaches and unusual outside-the-box thinking to defeat him, that Riddle reconsiders his black and white view of the world.
He gives Ace and Deuce a second chance, on the expectation that they first go to trainer school for a week, and asks if Yuu would consider sharing their unique battling style with the students at the school (despite these techniques not being taught in any books)
In the end, all three, Ace, Deuce, and Yuu, earn their Heartslabyul badges, and Riddle wishes them luck at the next gym.
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No one quite knows where this trainer came from.
All anyone knows is that they showed up out of nowhere with a talking feline Pokémon no Pokédex recognizes, named Grim.
For whatever reason, Team STYX keeps trying to capture Grim for some nefarious purpose.
But despite Yuu's unimposing figure and having just recently started their journey, they are actually a very formidable trainer and have managed to battle off every one of Team STYX's attempts.
Yuu meets Ace and Deuce while the two of them are being kicked out of Heartslabyul gym and a fast friendship is formed.
Ace declares that they are all rivals now, but they still travel together from city to city.
To Ace and Deuce's horror, Yuu seems to enjoy sleeping over in abandoned and haunted houses on their journey
Ghost Pokémon seem to particularly like Yuu
Yuu sometimes runs into an interesting person during their travels, a man they have nicknamed Tsunotaro
Tsunotaro seems to always show up whenever Team STYX is getting up to no good, and helps Yuu battle them off and clear out various Team STYX bases of operation throughout Twisted Wonderland.
Ace and Deuce have never met this mysterious Tsunotaro, but if they did they would be shocked to discover that he is actually Malleus Draconia, Twisted Wonderland's infamous and terrifying Elite Four Champion
But to Yuu he's just Tsunotaro, a weird but nice guy who seems to think fighting off a crime syndicate together counts as a date
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the-oblivious-writer · 6 months
Comfort Crowd
Core Four x Fem!Reader | Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
One-Shot: Social Media Au, No GF Au
Summary: Just you, the core four, and a few other scream characters being chaotic
Warning(s): Swearing, "kys" being thrown around (once & jokingly ofc), no gf au, best friend's older sister & age gap (sam is 25/26 & r is 19)
Notes: First time doing a social media au thing for a fic soo if you have any feedback lemme know. Hope you enjoy, this was honestly fun to make
3/7 for Seven Days Of Christmas
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liked by chadtheman_meeks, ambers_notafreeman, and 8,563 others
mindythegreat: can’t take these bitches anywhere @y/n @justalilguy
view all 8,432 comments…
chadtheman_meeks: I just know your asses are freezing 💀
>justalilguy: SHE THREW ME ASS FIRST
>justalilguy: LIESS
>justalilguy: GASLIGHTER
chadtheman_meeks: now they're at it in the replies 😭
>ambers_notafreeman: LMAO
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liked by justalilguy, chadtheman_meeks, and 4,127 others
y/n: we studying tf outa this exam 😤
view all 2,598 comments...
chadtheman_meeks: you spent the first 20 mins deciding on what playlist to use and then another 10 flirting with the librarian
>y/n: and you spent the first half hour giggling with liv on face time 🤨
mindythegreat: chad knows how to read??
>chadtheman_meeks: fuck you.
justalilguy: I see you've started without me 😒
samcarpenter1997: @justalilguy This is the study session you slept through?
>justalilguy: sam?? since when did you have insta?
>samcarpenter1997: Mindy helped me set up an account
y/n: @justalilguy why have you never told me that your older sister is so breath taking? that's breaking girl code 😔
>justalilguy: no. just no. stay away from her.
>y/n: I was just making an observation? btw can I come over?
>justalilguy: NO.
>y/n: so in 30 mins work? great! tell sammy I won't be long
>justalilguy: YOU DID NOT JUST-
chadtheman_meeks: @justalilguy it's a canon event.
>not_ethanlandry: she hit on my sister too
>justwes: and mine
>livvy: mine too
>ambers_notafreeman: same.
>justalilguy: @y/n you have a fucking problem
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liked by ambers_notafreeman, mindythegreat, and 8,752 others
y/n: bro's too stubborn to admit she needs help reaching the top shelf
view all 4,673 comments...
ambers_notafreeman: lmao she's so short not even tip-toeing would help her reach
>mindythegreat: rip amber
>livvy: was nice knowing you ames
>justalilguy: oh? well if I'm so short then ig I can't kiss you
>ambers_notafreeman: I didn't mean it in a bad way bby 😢
>justalilguy: there's a good way? please. enlighten me.
ambers_notafreeman: @y/n wat do I do.
>y/n: hm? oh, sry, I was too busy laughing at your ass being in the doghouse for the 3rd time this week 💀
>ambers_notafreeman: kys.
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liked by y/n, mindythegreat, and 6,732 others
samcarpenter1997: (sam? putting a caption? funny.)
view all 4,873 comments...
y/n: KSHFSKH I mean- Gorgeous as always 💕
>samcarpenter1997: Thank you! 🙂
>justalilguy: GTFO OF HER COMMENTS as for you @samcarpenter1997 wtf was that???
>samcarpenter1997: Your friend gave me a compliment. I literally just said thank you.
>justalilguy: since when do you actually reply to comments?? second of all, THE EXCLAMATION MARK AND EMOJI??? Sam. for you, that's basically jamming your tongue down her throat
>samcarpenter1997: I was just being polite, you're really overthinking this
>y/n: yeah, @justalilguy just listen to the drop dead gorgeous woman
>samcarpenter1997: @y/n Talking about yourself?
>y/n: oh!! 🤭
>justalilguy: I've died and this is hell.
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liked by samcarpenter1997, justwes, and 9,892 others
y/n: me and my fav drummer boy @juswes are back at it again
view all 8,992 comments...
justwes: anything for my favorite guitarist 😊
>y/n: ❤️
chadtheman_meeks: I better be the first to hear it!
>y/n: was there any doubt??
samcarpenter1997: That guitar looks good on you
>y/n: bet you'd suit me better
>samcarpenter1997: We could test that theory
>y/n: oh, how I'd love to
>justalilguy: what. the. actual. fuck.
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liked by ambers_notafreeman, chadtheman_meeks, and 8,968 others
mindythegreat: LMAOO guess what she just walked in on
view all 8,572 comments...
chadtheman_meeks: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT
ambers_notafreeman: @justalilguy I just got your text, I'm so sorry babe 😭
not_ethanlandry: I don't get it?
>justwest: same
>chadtheman_meeks: y/n and sam were making out and Tara saw them...
>justwes: OH...y/n's gonna be annoying asf now right?
>chadtheman_meeks: 100%
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liked by samcarpenter1997, nik, and 6,432 others
view all 5,897 comments...
justalilguy: this is my new waking nightmare.
>chadtheman_meeks: I tried to warn you
>ambers_notafreeman: you should see the look on her face rn
nik: aww, you guys are so cute together 🥰
>y/n: thank you anika<33
not_ethanlandry: you said you weren't looking for a relationship?
>y/n: with you. I wasn't looking for a relationship with you
>not_ethanlandry: noted
mindythegreat: @ambers_notafreeman pay up
>ambers_notafreeman: @y/n you couldn't have waited another week before posting how down bad you are??
>y/n: the heart wants what the heart wants
samcarpenter1997: 🖤
>y/n: 🤍
>samcarpenter1997: Are you coming over later?
>y/n: ofc I am 😉
>samcarpenter1997: Then I'll see you later, beautiful
>y/n: skhfkhfksh see you 🥰
mindythegreat: @justalilguy weren't you just telling me you think they look good together?
>justalilguy: MINDY
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liked by justalilguy, ambers_notafreeman, and 8,997 others
chadtheman_meeks: @y/n was supposed to put them in for 10 minutes...she put them in for 30 😐
view all 8,542 comments...
justalilguy: @y/n how tf do you mess that up
>y/n: I don't appreciate being attacked rn
>justalilguy: hm?
>y/n: ...I wanted them a extra crispy
>justalilguy: you're such a dumbass sometimes 💀
>y/n: actually I'm just a girl
ambers_notafreeman: @y/n aren't you always saying how you'd be a housewife for the right woman and shit
>y/n: that still stands!!
>ambers_notafreeman: how do you expect to do that when you can't even bake cookies??
>y/n: wow. I wasn't expecting such sexism from you- chad maybe but you? it's the betrayal for me 😦
>ambers_notafreeman: idk how I tolerate you
>chadtheman_meeks: um hello???
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liked by justalilguy, samcarpenter1997, and 9,896 others
y/n: Merry christler🎄❄️
view all 9,047 comments...
A/N: Tara and R in a nutshell (poor chad getting caught in the middle)
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Hi! Big fan :) You're an environmental lecturer, right? I recently got into a debate with someone about rewilding in the UK, and the clash with farmers and agriculture. To me, this is a no-brainer - I absolutely do feel for farmers losing their livelihoods, and I think there needs to be a system to help them transition to something else, but also, the planet is dying. But you explain things well, so I wondered if you have thoughts? Particularly on the Welsh side of things. Thank you in advance!
Hah. I literally have a lecture on this. Or, well, a chunk of a lecture, anyway; so yes! I have thoughts. I'll use those notes, and stick a big reference at the end in case you want to read more
I'll talk about this specifically from the Welsh perspective, okay so:
The rewilding project in Wales is the Cambrian Wildwood, launched in 2004ish by a guy who bought an abandoned farm in the northern end of Mid Wales with the express intention of rewilding it. The aim is to convert some 7000 acres, and the initial mission statement said they'd reintroduce wolves and lynx. That's the project I'm going to talk about, because it's a great case study for how to spectacularly fuck something up (and eventually realise you've spectacularly fucked up, and do something about it.)
These are the Cambrian Mountains:
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When looking at that, there are two competing viewpoints that are relevant here:
The Cambrians are ecologically depleted. Their biodiversity has crashed since the Second World War, when modern farming methods were introduced. Environmentally, there is a perception of emptiness and degradation.
The landscape is a glorious one that has been shaped by the human actions taken on it for generations, as we are a shepherding culture – culture and land are inextricably intertwined.
That's a big fundamental difference! Two people can look at that same photo, and see something diametrically opposed. But there's more lying on it, so you also need to understand the socio-political background.
Socio-Political Background
(I know! Headings! So professional)
A lot of rewilding – Cambrian Wildwood included – is taking place in areas where farming is declining for various political/socio-economic reasons, so this can be ENTIRELY FAIRLY seen as yet another threat. This goes hand in hand with rural migration and community decline, too.
In Wales, we’re mostly rural, and characterised by extensive upland livestock farming (sheep in particular). Most farms are small to medium family-run setups. ON TOP OF THAT, the vast majority of Welsh farmers are Welsh-speaking, and the right to operate a farm the ‘traditional’ way without UK government oversight is seen by Welsh Nationalists as an important post-colonial act.
Many of them didn’t even like the National Parks being set up, as they were seen as an English outsider imposition that ignored the working nature and cultural history of the land. Remember: the farmed uplands are often seen as a heartland of Welsh identity, and those have historically been intentionally destroyed by UK central government land management decisions (e.g. Tryweryn, Elan, Claerwen, etc)
“Over the past half century we have witnessed the arrival of countless environmental fundamentalists… seemingly oblivious to the fact that their new-found paradise is already occupied by people whose connection with the land is deep rooted, dates back thousands of years, and is embedded in their language and culture.” (Nick Fenwick [Farmers’ Union of Wales] 2013)
(And in my opinion an incredibly stupid idea to go and give it a primarily English name with a Welsh translation as an afterthought but that is Elanor’s Opinion and not Scientific Fact)
(But fr fr if you ever have to get involved in these sorts of projects you will go a long way if you have the basic respect of learning the Welsh names and pronouncing them right rather than lazily expecting everything to be in English sorry sorry I digress)
From the Cambrian Wildwood’s Mission Statement on their website, their objective is:
“To rewild or restore land to a wilder state to create a functioning ecosystem where natural processes dominate by carrying out habitat restoration, removing domestic livestock, and introducing missing native species as far as feasible.”
Can you see the controversial bit of the statement
Can you see the bit where they directly say they want to remove domestic livestock
Jesus Christ
Cultural Differences
‘Culture’ in Welsh is diwylliant – literally, a ‘lack of wildness’. There is no direct translation into Welsh for the term ‘rewilding’ – the closest you can get is anialwch or diffeithwch, which mean ‘wilderness’ in the sense of ‘desert’ or ‘wasteland’. So right off the bat, if you tell a Welsh-speaking farmer that you want to rewild the place, what they hear is "We want to make it dangerous and empty and degraded."
A related concept is cynefin - knowing one’s ‘patch’ and the feeling of belonging associated. The term has its roots as a description of the way grazing animals know their area of mountain land, but it is also used to describe how people come to form an intimate experiential knowledge of place - and specifically, a Welsh farmer's cultural attitude.
Basically, Welsh literature and oral traditions speak of a relationship with the land, not a separation and longing for an untouched wilderness. Farmers feel this especially keenly. Culturally, this is a big part of why they do it – they’re rooted to the land, and therefore to their identities.
“Interviewees conveyed this by referring to areas proposed for rewilding as being comprised of “a quilt of cynefinoedd: interwoven stories, the layered and collective place-making of families and individuals over-generations, co-constituted with the physical landscape” (Wynne-Jones, Holmes and Strouts, 2018)
So, to them, rewilding is erasing and disregarding these stories. To them, this is not just a land-use change, but the latest colonial attack. They've known the family who lived on that farm for generations - every birth, marriage, death, joy, triumph, loss, everything. You are saying that you are going to strip that family, all those stories, all those people out of that land, to be forgotten.
However. There is a counterpoint to this.
Many farmers taking this view have therefore identified themselves as the only “truly Welsh” people in the debate, accusing environmentalists as being outsiders. The problem with this being, most of the environmentalists involved with the project are also Welsh; so who the fuck are they to say who is or is not Truly Welsh? It's what we on the internet would recognise as gatekeeping, with a big side order of No True Scotsman fallacy.
Also this quote sums it up well:
“Sheep farming in this country goes back a few hundred years. I think if you go deep enough into our culture and ancestry, we have a really deep native relationship with wild forest areas and with the wild animals that are native to this country…I just don’t agree that sheep farming is really part of our traditional culture.” (WWLF Interview [15] 2016) (Wynne-Jones, Holmes and Strouts, 2018)
This is also a fair point. It is true that upland sheep farming, the way we now practice it, is only a few hundred years old, and at the current intensity only a few decades (since WW2).
On top of which, there has been plenty of exploration over the years of farmers as being a government-subsidised landed gentry, which I won't go into here, but it also contains some fair points.
In truth, all of it and none of it is true. It’s far more complex and nuanced than either side might want to believe.
Solutions So Far
This is an ongoing project and they're still learning and changing new things and stuff, but a big thing they did was get someone in to basically be a mediator and listen to both sides, because Jesus, those sides were not listening to each other.
But to date:
They actually worked with a first-language Welsh speaker (WHY DID THEY NOT DO THIS FIRST I'm sorry I'm fine). Originally the Welsh translation of the project was Tir Gwyllt – wild land. But given that Welsh connotations with gwyllt are something out of control or dangerous, Coetir Anian has been chosen – anian refers to a sense of natural order and creation, a sense of health and vitality. Similarly, ‘rewilding’ is being translated as ‘di-ddofi’ – ‘de-taming’. This acknowledges the labour and culture taken to tame it, and just suggests an avenue for discussing some relaxation of farming practice in appropriate locations rather than, you know, releasing packs of wolves directly into sheep pens
In online materials and in community engagement events where traditional storytellers and musicians have performed to celebrate the Wildwood, the trustees have drawn heavily from Welsh myth in the form of the Mabinogion. Enormous amounts of the Mab lovingly and respectfully feature wild woods and wild animals. The emphasis is therefore on how wilderness is also part of Welsh identity – and arguably a much older part, going back to the Celts. (This is clever, in my view, but something to approach with care - it's rarely a good idea to play the game of "What's the most Welsh". But so far it's been done sensitively)
Land purchased for the project has so far been wholly limited to that available in the public domain. The main site, Bwlch Corog, was empty and unfarmed for six years before purchase, which has been stressed in all media interviews and releases; this is important, because farmers do have a sense of "Productive land is being stolen by environmentalists".
Large predator reintroductions have largely been abandoned. Lynx and wolves are no longer on the agenda. It’s possible they’ll be included in the future, but it is acknowledged as currently impractical (both from clashes with farmers and lack of habitat).
Instead, they’ve supported smaller species reintroductions, such as the Vincent Wildlife Trust’s pine marten translocations, and some proposed red squirrel ones.
Bwlch Corog is to be managed as an experimental plot that farmers are encouraged to engage with.
Assessing the potential for new income streams (from improved tourism and educational activities) rather than just the ecological benefits – this has become central to the project, and the emphasis is on how this might benefit farming communities and keep them together. This has been huge, and has also been successful in rewilding schemes in Europe.
Tensions are a lot lower now than they were ten years ago, but ultimately the problem was a bunch of outsiders came in and decided they knew best without listening to anyone else's point of view, and that meant both sides really dug their heels in. Much better now.
Ultimately... yes, I am in favour of rewilding, in a general sense. But I think it needs to go hand in hand with supplying farmers with the necessary subsidies to transition back to more traditional and sustainable farming methods, and the two elements run side by side. You can't do one without the other, not if you want them to succeed. The Pontbren Project is a great case study for how a farmer-led scheme can successfully aid them economically while also improving environmental outcomes, and we need to learn and incorporate more lessons from it when discussing this kind of landscape-level management.
Also, with land management in general, I think you're a fucking idiot and dangerously arrogant if you think you can get anything done without all stakeholders being on board. And potentially wandering down the ecofascism path, circumstances dependent.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Source:
Wynne-Jones, S, Holmes, G & Strouts, G (2018), 'Abandoning or Reimagining a Cultural Heartland? Understanding and Responding to Rewilding Conflicts in Wales - the case of the Cambrian Wildwood.' Environmental Values, vol. 27, no. 4.
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seriiousgiirl · 1 year
Sweet Juice
Severus Snape x Alumni!reader.
NFSW! Basically (fluffy) smut with a massive plot. //! Incorrect use of Potions.
Severus is 30 years old in this fic, you are 23, minor age gap. 
Summary: Ever since your youth, you were passionate about the art of Potions. Luckily, during your time at Hogwarts, you found a mentor in the strict and cold Professor Snape. Having made a habit of spending hours after class talking to him, all of this came to an abrupt end during your final year. Leaving you in a total mystery, with no answers.  It was only years later that you took your revenge, in the hope of moving on. Not suspecting that it would bring you face to face with your deepest desires. 
A/N: I admit I could have turned this into a multi-chapter fanfic, but I figured that would break the rhythm, so enjoy this long read! This fic is inspired by ‘Sweet Juice’ by Purple Kiss, go stream it for a better life! Trust me (;
Word count: 14k. (hehe)
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"Ah- Miss Y/f/n, please accept this price. It is an honour to be able to reward young talents like yourself." The little cup was hurriedly placed in your hands.
"It is an honour to be awarded with this prestigious prize," You politely thanked the crowd.
Your eyes lingered on the name of the prize, ‘Research & Development, winner of the best potion of the year'. And without even realising it, your lips drew a somewhat smug smile. Standing upright, ready to have your photo done, to appear in the next edition of the Daily Prophet, with pride, you held the cup in your hands. In that busy room, you were the youngest. And yet, you are the one who has been praised for your achievements. Earning jealous glares from the potion makers, who coveted it as much as you did.
"Miss, can you tell us more about your potion, how did you get the idea?" You were asked, for what you guessed was now an actual interview.
"I wanted to be able to help the Wizards and Witches to unwind more easily, it is sometimes difficult to let go of work pressure and its boredom. That is why I decided to study Amortentia, and its derivations, in order to create a potion capable of releasing in us the hormones necessary to enjoy ourselves... Without the negative effects of the ancient Potions." You explained, in the simplest way possible to the journalists.
"So it's a potion that gets you aroused?" One adds.
You frowned, a little offended by this shortcut, "Yes, in theory, but it goes deeper than that. Otherwise, I wouldn't be rewarded today. But if you want to know, you have to taste it... All the reviews have been very positive." You commented, with a wink. 
To summarise months, almost a whole year of research, is almost an insult to your work. Amortentia is one of the most dangerous potions. Studying it to the point of understanding its mechanism and removing the obsession it causes, was the greatest achievement of the process. The rest was just a series of experiments, an understanding of the human body and its hormones, and it was done. 
The result was prodigious, it brought a sense of relaxation, without the risk of an eternal sleep like the Draught of Peace. Comfort and love, without the risk of being manipulated by an evil liquid. And then, depending on the quantity used, the effects could be more or less intense, but never dangerous. Quite remarkable, considering all the side effects that most Potions could provide. 
You deserve your reward tonight for many reasons, no one else has been able to do it in the past.
“Have you always held an interest in the subject?" The interview proceeded, to have some content for the beloved magazine.
"Yes, since my school days at Hogwarts. I quickly found a vocation in the subject, expressing my talents at an early age.” You paused, before continuing, "But it would never have been possible without the support of my teacher and mentor, Severus Snape, who taught me everything. His talent is second to none, and next to it, I am nobody, even after tonight." You humbly added, with another smile.
At the end of this sentence, your eyes searched for a certain dark silhouette. 
Unlike earlier, that smile was particularly forced on your lips. To say that he had supported you was a fine lie. While at first he was indeed ‘supporting’ you (more like a tolerating you), graciously accepting you to attend his prestigious private Potion club, the entirety of your last year was a failure. 
In your first years, you never had to face his wrath and nasty comments, simply because he couldn't blame you for anything. Your work was perfect, from theory to application. But to him, you were nothing.
With time, and your growing skills, things changed. There was a time when you even assumed that an understanding had developed between the two of you, you were not friends, it was impossible with such a man, but it wasn’t nothing either. Eventually, the discussions after class or the club, sharing theories and experiences, became quite regular. Sometimes up to dinner hour, and even after curfew, the time went by so quickly in these periods, as neither of you paid attention, caught up in the interaction. After all, the discussions were very entertaining, between two Potions enthusiasts, and you gained a lot of knowledge from them.
Perhaps because you had succeeded to raise his esteem for you, Professor Snape, during class, would give you one of his infrequent compliments on your methods, or provide you with advice while experiencing in the club. Over time, you came to really treasure this exclusive ‘bond’, with such a cold and distant person. It would be a lie to say that in every class, your shared private discussions weren't the moment you were most looking forward to. You felt special.
You couldn't remember exactly when or how this routine started, it had developed naturally during the end of your fifth year and lasted all the way through to the sixth. However, you could remember bitterly how it had ended. 
By the start of your final year at Hogwarts, a cold shoulder from Professor Snape had begun to creep between the two of you. He no longer commented on your work, or even dared to give you one of his rare compliments. It was simply as if you didn't even exist. This drastic change was particularly noticeable when you tried to revive another discussion after class, only to be rejected. 'I don't have time Miss Y/f/n', 'I've got too much work', 'Go, and revise', these were, obviously, bland excuses. 
You had spent time thinking about it, trying to understand this radical change, but nothing could be found. The discussions had never overflowed on personal information, at least on his side, you - You had been more talkative. And again, nothing major, just simple information like your preferences in terms of flowers, cake flavours, and favourite literature. It never looked like it bothered him to listen to you, and yet strangely enough it seemed to interest him. But, in the end, most of the talk was about Potions, nothing odd that should have ended it all brutally.
In the course of your discussions, you had always expressed an interest in a career in the field, and Professor Snape had consequently supported you (in his own way) in this idea. In all honesty, having his approval really encouraged you. Until, once again, your senior year. While you had been able to get decent, if not perfect, results up to this point, the downfall continued when you saw your grades drop for unfair reasons. You had never witnessed his unfair grading, but when you became one of his victims, he was unforgiving towards your harmless mistakes. It was as if he was trying to ruin your future career as a potion maker.
All this unjustified hatred, discouraged you, but not to the point of giving up your aspiration, otherwise you wouldn't be standing there with the precious prize in your hands. 
Was it some kind of revenge? Definitely. 
Mentioning Severus in your ‘thank you speech’ was perfectly legitimate, he had given you more than anyone else in your life. But, even though you kept telling yourself that it was already 3 years ago and it belonged to the past, your heart was still broken, disappointed. And by his presence tonight, you were hoping to finally put an end to it all. Snape had witnessed your happiness, you had won, the revenge was completed. Time to move on. 
However, it was easier to convince yourself than to apply it. It would be wrong to claim that you hadn't worked hard to impress him. Ever since that cold war between you two, no matter how strange it may seem, you couldn't get over it. 
Sometimes, in your most private moments, you would close your eyes in the hope of being able to remember. The damp smell of the dungeons invading your nostrils, your teacher's deep voice echoing within the cold walls to your ears, praising you how well you had worked. His dark eyes focused on you, and only you. In fact, the intensity of his dark gaze could suffocate you, and yet you would not care. You desperately wanted to reclaim that relationship, as someone to whom he would give his precious time, where he would share his passions anew, a time when in his mind you existed and were important. And no matter how embarrassing it was, the idea of finding pleasure in these memories was enough to make your knickers wet.
At the time, you had convinced yourself that you were not holding any affection regarding your Professor… Another fine lie from you, obviously. It had taken a few years to come to this conclusion, to get out of the denial of this forbidden love. But now it was clear and explained a lot concerning your addiction and pain. The feeling of anticipation at the end of each lesson, the way you would pour your soul into the subject in the hope of receiving a ‘compliment’... Or simply the way you kept seeking for his attention, even after years. Nothing about this behaviour was appropriate, regardless how hard you tried to maintain the classic student-teacher relationship, on your own. 
Perhaps Snape had even realised this, explaining the sudden cessation of your individual time together. 
And even though, with hindsight, you should have felt guilty, you couldn't throw away that attachment. It was as if he had put a spell on you, that the lack of contact with him since you graduated from Hogwarts had reinforced that love. 
But today was different, it was your revenge, your mourning over this period of your life. 
The sound of the camera flashes snapped you out of your thoughts. The lights blinded your eyes for a moment, and you blinked frantically to regain your sight. Hoping that the pictures would look nice on the magazine...
"Well, congratulations Miss Y/f/n, we hope to see your Potion soon on the market amongst our merchants. I can’t wait to taste it, as you have suggested." The interview ended on this note, and the journalists dismissed themselves to make room for those who wished to thank you or congratulate you in person. 
Thus, you were greeted with a new wave of questions, of praises, mostly it was older wizards and witches who were attending the event, and thus more 'experienced' than you in Potions. Their words tasted like hypocrisy, but you accepted everything with a polite smile. You actually enjoyed the attention, although deep down it was a particular Potions Master you were looking for, so it all went over your head. After a few moments you managed to escape from the conversation that had been built around the right to use the Felix Felixis at the Ministry's work, to get yourself a glass of alcohol from the buffet. 
The taste of alcohol eased your nerves, rejoicing in the moment of calm you just gave yourself after all the attention you received. But the moment was short.
“Miss Y/f/n. How fortuitous to find you here." A voice commented sarcastically on your presence at the bar. 
There was no need to look up at the person speaking to you because you already knew who he was. His deep voice was like a melody, a music composed by the finest musicians of this world. How, Merlin, you truly missed it…
“Professor Snape- Hum, or should I say Severus now that we are colleagues?” You answered him a little too smoothly for your taste, One drink and my anger is already forgotten? I need to get my act together!
“Snape will do, we are not direct colleagues. Let's keep some formality.” He replied somewhat distantly. Ouch- Years did not seem to have quieted the hatred he had against you.
You had not yet looked up to him, postponing the moment when you would be blessed with his physical presence. But you could see from the corner of your eye that he was pouring himself a shot glass of what seemed to be a fire whiskey.
"I must say that I am surprised that the award was given to you tonight... However, it would be wrong not to congratulate you." Severus began slowly, as if preventing himself from saying too much. “But…”
“But?” Your voice cut him off, a mixture of excitement and sheer joy at the thought of receiving praise from your dear Professor. This special praise you had been longing for. 
"But-” He sighed as if you had annoyed him, “I object to the fact that my teachings have led you to produce such a grotesque Potion." 
If your eyes had been glued to your glass since the beginning of the conversation fearing to feel butterflies in your stomach at the sight of Severus, you suddenly raised them, eyes wide with surprise. And in your stomach, anger. How dare he humiliate my work like that?
However, you were at a loss for words. He hadn't changed at all, he hadn't even made the effort to wear another suit for the event. He remained the same man as when you left him. Your eyes fell on his face, he had a neutral expression, as if his hurtful words were the most well-deserved ones. His eyes were on you, but because of the dim light and his dark pupils it was impossible for you to discern any judgement within. Otherwise, his hair was still the same length, falling gently over his shoulders, soft… His hooked nose made him look sterner than ever, and the crease between his over-frowned eyebrows did not seem to have increased.
He was still the same man, the one you were so fond of, and that made it more difficult. 
But it was as if you two had evolved in two different time spaces. It had only been two years since you left Hogwarts, and it was certain that the occasional times you ran into a former classmate, they all had trouble recognising you. Obviously, you have grown in maturity through your work. You were no longer a young girl, you were a woman, a lady, with stature and respect. You were even certain that if your name wasn't mentioned at your prize-giving, Severus wouldn't have known who you are. 
"A grotesque potion?” You took back his words, insulted, “You know perfectly well all the work that lies behind it. I explained it in a briefing for the association. You must have read it, right?" You tried to hide the irritation in your voice.
"I read it, of course. And although I must admit that it was all a tremendous amount of hard work... All these efforts, for such a clownish result, is disappointing."
You couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief. You were supposed to be the one to get your revenge tonight. And here you are, in the shoes of the student you used to be in your last year, being jeered for your hard work. His words were harsh, and perhaps because they came from your professor, they hurt you badly. 
"The mere fact that I am the one who taught you everything is even more terrible." He added nonchalantly, bringing his glass to his lips. 
You remained quiet, thinking of all the things you could say to him. After all, he was no longer your instructor, Severus no longer had superiority over you. What can he do now, if I snapped at him? Expel me from Hogwarts? Perhaps, it was the moment for you to confess everything that was weighing on your heart. How his coldness and distance had made you miserable. 
"I thought it was only fair to thank you in my speech." You retorted, "But as far as I can see, you don't even want to be associated with me anymore, even as a mere tutor. Your hatred of me, I don't know where it comes from, but it's all unfair. This was supposed to be my special night. But now you've ruined it.” You hesitated before speaking again, “Like you’ve ruined my seventh year at Hogwarts."
Severus’ face remained as neutral as ever, but in his posture you felt a kind of irritation, he was caught off guard by your curt reply. Well, he must understand that I won't take his nastiness easily anymore. 
However, you took no pleasure in giving him this answer. You had imagined many scenarios about your reunion... You had hoped that he would apologise, show that he felt sorry for having been cold to you, and in the more realistic scenario simply shake your hand, congratulate you and that was it. In no way, had you expected that he would remain so hostile. 
A heavy silence fell between the two of you. His lack of response bothered you further, so you grabbed your glass and finished it straight down. "I'm going to get some air, if anyone is looking for me." Your voice was less angry, as your throat tightened dangerously, poised to burst into tears and it was slightly audible. It was a disaster.
You took your trophy with great care, the only thing that gave you comfort, and left without even bowing to Severus. You were never going to see him again in your life anyway. 
The evening of the association for Potions makers of Great Britain (or simply those with an interest for the discipline), was held in the large manor house of the current Chairman. After escaping from the hall where the main event was taking place, you looked for a way out to the garden. Your heels clicked on the marble floor, echoing in the various empty corridors. The laughter and voices of the party began to fade with each step you took. 
You were getting away from these jealous and condescending people and above all, from Severus. Good, you didn't feel like crying miserably in front of everyone. Your hopes were already destroyed, your ego wasn't going to be the next crime. After a moment, you spotted a windowed door leading to the backyard and quickly rushed to open it, taking a deep breath of air in desperation. 
Stepping out completely, you were pleasantly surprised to discover the lovely atmosphere. The garden was well tended with bushes of various flowers and the grass was green and healthy, while lanterns lightened the path leading to the depths of the garden. You were caught up in the sense of peace and quiet that it gave you, feeling much more comfortable on your own. 
It was summer, late August, school was beginning soon, work was about to restart and the merchants would soon be back in business. But it was already late, the moon was already high in the sky, almost full, and the stars shone brightly in the country sky away from London's city lights. The air was a bit fresh, but cold enough to get your mind back in order without freezing in your evening gown, which was quite revealing… But still elegant and pretty.
Venturing into the garden you finally found a bench to settle down on and think about what just happened, alone. Your eyes lifted to the magnificent starry sky before you, and its darkness made you think of Severus... The way his pupils were fixed on you, the image replayed in your mind... Over and over. You wanted to despise him for his behaviour, he had broken your heart! Not to feed your already distracted mind with lusty thoughts. Did he, at least, appreciate the sight of me in this dress? Your mind began to wander in a dangerous area, and you needed to stop right now.  
Severus had been nothing but spiteful, he hadn't changed for sure, whether it was physically or mentally. And yet... You couldn't hate him in the slightest. It all seemed wrong on his part, as if he was forcing himself. Pushing you away. 
You sighed, it was truly a disaster, you were frustrated with Severus, with yourself. Tonight was about revenge, moving on was the main mission and now you were fantasising all over again, like the flame of your love had been rekindled. 
A tear rolled down your cheek from sheer frustration, disappointment in yourself. Then one tear broke into a silent cry. Were you doomed to love a man you will never see again, who is out of reach and seems to be loathing you? Put like this, it was as if you enjoyed suffering. 
Now, you had no desire to return to the house with the other members, the possibility of running into Snape again and worsening your mental state, made you dread the prospect. Great, he had won and definitely broken your heart. 
It was decided, you were going to stay there, with your trophy in your arms and with a bit of luck you will be able to leave unnoticed by floo powder. The plan seemed reasonable. 
But fate seemed to have decided otherwise. 
You jumped when you heard someone cough to get your attention. You were so deep in thought, your eyes fixed on the sky, that you didn't hear anyone approaching you. Your little moment of peace had been ruined, and you frowned as your eyes fell on the culprit. Severus’ brooding silhouette in the darkness of the garden lived up to his Hogwarts reputation as a bat. 
You sniffed, "What are you doing here? Go away. You've already hurt me enough, there's no need to make it worse, I heard your nasty comments once already." In your pathetic state you asked Severus rather rudely to leave. 
There was a small silence before it was broken by his voice, "Are you crying?"
You couldn't make out his face, so you concluded that he couldn't see yours either. You hesitated between telling the truth or lying before answering, “Why do you care…?” Your voice was weak, in no way hiding the truth. 
“I asked you a question, Y/n” He persisted.
Hearing his voice pronounce your first name, as he used to do when you were in private conversation, made you weak in the knees, much more than you would have liked to acknowledge. 
"I, hum... Yes." You replied, sobbing quietly. Resistance will only make things worse. 
"It's a wonder you've managed to make a respectable place for yourself in the business, with such a weak mind." But unlike earlier his voice was gentler, firm, but gentle. "I've talked a bit with some of your fellow peers, people who have been around you for the past few years. Supporting you in carrying out your work… Believing in this project of yours.” He paused for another moment. 
You didn't know what he was getting at, confusion all over your face. The people you had surrounded yourself with for work were not in attendance tonight. They were mostly former students just like yourself, who had attended the advanced Potions class. If they were absent tonight it is because in their research of Potions, unlike you, they had not managed to produce a viable solution. 
In the darkness, you discerned him taking his place beside you on the bench. The warmth of his body spreading over your arm, allows you to evaluate how close you were to each other. And the answer was easy, very close. You could smell the light scent of his fragrance, a bit musky, the bare skin of your arm was grazing against the thick fabric of his frock coat, and it was a miracle that he was still able to breathe under all those layers in this warm weather. You noticed that it was the first time he was so close to you, usually he would keep his distance. His desk or the potions station had always been a well-respected barrier between the two of you. And thus, it made you a bit timid.
"Well, talking…” He spoke sarcastically to rectify himself, “I’ve exchanged letters with them. Checking on my former students, those you are working with now. Ensuring that everything was going well for you." He emphasised the last part of his sentence. 
And Severus doesn't need to amplify his words, for you to understand what he was implying secretly. 
Severus had checked on you, taking news through his letters over the past two years. 
Each of his words hit you straight in the heart, making it pound faster each time. You thanked Merlin for the obscurity, because between your tears that must have drenched your makeup and the crimson spreading over your cheeks, the sight must be pretty dramatic. 
"Why didn't you send an owl directly to me?" Your voice was still weak, but your tears had ceased. You ran your delicate hand over your cheeks to remove the remaining tears. 
You heard Severus sigh quietly at your question. It took him a while to answer, as if he was tortured to answer honestly or lying, hesitating in the same way you did a few moments ago with his question. “It’s complicated.” Severus opted to be vague, "In any case, I've got nothing but praise for your work or even your person... They like you just the same as they did back at Hogwarts."
You didn't know if your mind was playing tricks on you by wanting to romanticise everything, but in his voice there was a faint hint of nostalgia. Severus' note brought a smile to your lips, "I'm glad to hear that, I appreciate them as well. At least they're not hypocrites like everyone else tonight..." Your honesty seemed to catch what sounded like a quiet chuckle from your former Professor. 
"I must grant you, Y/n... That my words were harsh against you." Severus' voice regained its usual firm tone, "But I must confess, that such a potion, with such utility, surprises me coming from you."
That was what you guessed, his form of apology, and you accepted the way it was. "It is true that in my youth I never showed any interest in Healing Potions. What interested me the most were Poisons... But Amortentia is a poison like any other, in its own way, and research can lead us to expand our minds, can't they?” The fact that Severus knew perfectly your preferences in the area, made it easier to explain. "And then, with hindsight, I'm proud that my invention helps people, rather than killing them."
Severus nodded quietly, indicating that he fully understood the meaning of your words, as you had hoped he would. He seemed to remember all the information you had told him about yourself three years ago. That made you more than happy.  
“‘Sweet juice’, that's how you named it?” He spoke with sarcasm, gently mocking. 
It was your turn to sweetly chuckle, “No! I had originally named it 'Aquae dulcis', from the Latin ‘peaceful liquid’... But for the promotion, I was advised to change the name to a more sales-oriented one, which would fit better with my image as a lady.”
"I was wondering why the name doesn't match you… I've got my answer." He sounded somewhat relieved, "Many people have mentioned the taste." Severus sounded less reticent over your Potion, it was even if he was aware of the feedbacks that were provided in order to boost the pre-sales. 
"Ah- yes, the taste... That's what gives the potion its reputation for being arousing." You sighed a little embarrassed to talk about this with him, “Unlike many Potions, with a disgusting taste… Mine is sweet. The liquid drips slowly down the throat, the taste hooked up everyone wishing to take it. The feeling is strange to describe, and actually I can’t… Like a flame, it all burns, it all gets on, the throat-burning sensation is taboo.” You added the last part of your sentence in a whisper due to the embarrassing nature of your language. It sounded sexual, you must admit. 
Again there was silence and you wished you hadn't said what you revealed about this special taste, fearing that you had gone too far and brought your former teacher into equal discomfort. 
But he answered with an unexpected thought, “I’m curious about the experience.” You caught your breath surprised, not even realising that you had stopped for a moment out of fear,  "No potions so far have managed to ease my nerves. The Draught of Peace made me feel like I was too tired to continue working properly, so I stopped years ago. And if there's one time when I'm extremely irritable, it's at work, or when I'm grading papers… Especially when I grade the papers.” It was as if Severus was 'justifying' himself for wishing to try it. But deep down, some peace would only do him good. 
"Only a few drops then, otherwise you'll regret the tiredness you got from the Draught of Peace when you'll feel aroused during your teaching." Even yourself was surprised by the bold words you used.
Thankfully Severus took less time to answer than last time, "Of course. I'll be careful. I'll give you a personal feedback on my impressions over the next few days following the start of term."
"Send the owl directly to me this time, it would be unfortunate if anyone found out you had an 'uncomfortable issue' because of my Potion." You laughed softly, clearly more comfortable around him. You were both adults now, fellow colleagues in the Potions discipline, you have the right to tease him about the unwanted side effects.
Well, unwanted for Severus’ case. You knew that many were looking forward to taking bigger doses... Precisely to get horny. 
“I will Y/n,” He answered in a tone that seemed to be almost as amused. 
“So… You want it, you want some Sweet Juice?” You ask him, hardly believing that you were asking Severus Snape, your cold former professor, if he wanted a stash of your own (arousing) Potion. 
"If you don't mind, as it will only be sold on the mid-September market, if I understand correctly. I will, of course, pay for anything you may want to send me." He firmly says, 
You shook your head sharply, "Absolutely not, I'll send you these for free as a thank-you. And before school starts, so everything will be ready for you to face those annoying and incompetent first years." 
Severus sighs, a mixture of exasperation and relief. Exasperation because you were strict about him not paying you for anything, relief at the idea of finally having a solution to calm his tense nerves. “Stubborn as ever, I see. You may have changed physically, mentally you’re still the same.”
His little statement had the power to make your cheeks even more flushed. So he noticed that I had changed… That I’m now a lady. “Thank you, I guess?” You had no idea how to reply to that. 
"That's a compliment.” He clarified for you, “You are, indeed, now… Excuse my choice of words- a pretty woman. But besides your appearance, you are blossoming in what you always dreamed of, with a remarkable career start. It's a good thing you've kept parts of yourself intact, fame must not go to your head. But you are a reasonable lady, I know everything will be fine." It was Severus' turn to be a bit awkward with his words.
His compliment went straight to your heart and seemed to soothe all the pain you had felt over the last few years. However, in his tone, Severus sounded as if he wanted to keep his words strictly formal, as he had always done even in your deepest discussions in the past. 
"Thank you Severu- Hm, Snape.” You hated how easy it was for you to say his first name, when he had just corrected you a few moments before. However, he didn't correct you this time, letting that minor error slide. 
You indulged in the peaceful silence that settled between the two of you. The way the conversation had progressed was comparable to the ones you had in the past, if not more comfortable. Two enthusiasts discussing about their favourite subject, trying to understand each other's opinion with respect and interest. Obviously, a formal one, Severus always maintains his distance from you, as if he was always your Professor and couldn't afford to be more. Your hopes were not high on a potential romance with Severus, he was older, your former teacher, mysterious… In the end you know nothing about the man and his job was keeping him busy all year long. However, a friend would be a good start… A rather affordable hope.
In the end, when Severus opted not to act cold, it was as if there hadn't been a rupture in your relationship. The chemistry had returned back in a flash. It made you bitterly regret those three lost years... Besides, you still had no idea of the exact nature of his past harsh attitude. Maybe even tonight was just an exception and the question will never be answered.
However, if Severus ever decided, as he had suggested with his impressions, to exchange letters, perhaps with time you would find the courage to ask him. Now, it would be a bad idea and would ruin the calm atmosphere. 
"Maybe it's time to get back to the party..." Severus offered, his voice not exactly enthusiastic about joining the festivities again as well, "The others will wonder when they notice our absence."
“Right, It would be unfortunate if they started to wonder about our connection..." You laughed lightly, mocking his constant worry about being paired with you. Severus huffed, outraged. 
He stood up, and in the half-light you saw him offering his arm to you, like a gentleman. You took it without hesitation, linking yours to his.
"It's been pleasing tonight…” You spoke quietly, as Severus escorted you back into the manor.
He inhaled shakily before answering, "Yes, I agree. And hearing from you, - personally - is always preferable. I hope this will last in your future letters." 
You smiled at his words, "Obviously, Severus." There was a deep fondness evident in your voice. This time you couldn't help it, saying his first name felt right, and he didn't correct you either. 
The October leaves had just fallen, the soft light with its morning rays of sunshine was reaching into your office. The scenery was quiet, peaceful even. And even though you had no reason to be in your office this early, you were waiting for a special occurrence. 
Sweet Juice' had been on the market for almost a month, at various shops in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley, and sales were more than encouraging. In fact, it was a real success. Some minor stock-outs caused even a panic among the sellers when they couldn't satisfy their demanding customers. Everyone was talking about the benefits of your Potion, and how it changed their life.
The money you received was considerable, allowing you to take a break. After two years of hard work, you deserved it. And a new solution cannot be invented that easily anyway. So your days were pretty uneventful, sometimes you were occupied with checking in with the producer, the one you had trusted enough to share the secrets of your mixture, and the sales. Otherwise, most of your days were spent taking care of yourself, enjoying life and, above all, waiting for Severus' letters. 
Currently in your hands, the last letter you received, already dated from the previous week. The other letters, which numbered five, were neatly folded and kept in the first drawer of your desk. Severus' handwriting was as elegant and delicate as ever, and you took great comfort in receiving them. The content was kept formal, but somewhat ‘casual’ or ‘friendly’. Which was a good development. 
The letters were quite brief and mostly structured the same way. Severus would write about his thoughts on Potions, then about his days at Hogwarts, and finally he would reply directly to the contents of the letter he had just received, making his comments on your daily life. 
In each of his answers, you could tell that he was making the effort to maintain the relationship despite the distance. When the first correspondence started, you were quite surprised to see his owl on your windowsill within less than a week. You were pleasantly surprised, expecting to receive a response within a relatively long delay. To be honest, you weren't expecting this much from him, because you know how occupied he is.
Your eyes lingered on the contents of the one you held in your hands. 
Dear Y/n, 
Thank you for the new batch of Potions you have sent me.
I would like to use it sparingly, addiction would be regrettable. So I take precautions, even though the peaceful effect it brings me is always efficient. Being able to sleep properly is, I must confess, a luxury I had not enjoyed until recently. And it's all thanks to you. 
I would say my days at Hogwarts are bearable. Work is draining, as always. 
I hadn’t found a moment to read the book you recommended. I will try to make up for it before my next answer. 
However, I am glad to hear that you are taking the time to have a break. Don't worry if the days can be boring, and you miss work, you need it. Do not become like me, please.
Yours faithfully, 
Severus Snape,
You had lost count, you must have read the contents of the letter ten times already. In fact, every letter you received from Severus was read more than once. It was a forbidden pleasure, but seeing his words specifically directed at you, gives you butterflies in your insides. 
But, you put your mind at rest with the fact that they were just letters and nothing more. It was less severe than when you were seeing him daily, in your student days. It was impossible for Severus to even guess the depth of your feelings towards him, when the only contact the two of you had was a piece of paper and a few words. You weren't likely to offend him or make him feel uneasy with your feelings towards him. So you were living your affection for this man to the fullest in the privacy of your own home. 
Leaning back in your desk chair, while your mind wandered over Hogwarts’ dungeon bat, you heard a tiny clatter against your window. Looking up, a sweet smile came to your lips. Your hands folded the current letter you were reading, folding it carefully and storing it away before standing up to retrieve the new one you had been expecting. 
Severus' owl was just like him, black plumage, piercing eyes. The only thing they did not have in common was their sweetness. When you opened your window, you were immediately greeted by a warm hooting.
“Hey, I hope the journey wasn't too long.” Your voice was almost too mellow for just an owl, and your hand gently stroked the top of its head as you greeted back. With a smile, you carefully untied the letter from its grasp. Once done, you put the envelope on your desk and collected grains to feed the owl. The owl pecked into the palm of your hand, now used to this small ritual. A hoot of gratitude indicated that the mission was accomplished. 
"Return safely to Hogwarts." With a last small pat, you gazed at the black owl as it flew off into the distance, back to its owner. 
Returning to your desk, you opened the envelope carefully and unfolded it. You were surprised to see that the content was longer than usual, twice as long. You didn't remember that your previous answer was that interesting to deserve such a detailed reply... Thus, you hurried to read it. 
Dear Y/n, 
I fear I haven't kept my promise.
I think I underestimated the side effects of your Potion, and this past week I've ‘suffered’ the consequences. A few drops was the dose I set myself to respect every night before going to bed, following your advice and the instructions for its use. Alas, after a particularly difficult day, I wanted to experiment with a higher dosage. I don't need to tell you in detail what it did to me, I think you've already guessed…
But I must, at least, keep our initial agreement, so if you don't object I will give you a report on this new experience. For the sake of the profession. 
The usual few drops prevented me from being able to experience in its fullest, the unique taste of the potion's effects. And I must say congratulations, never in my life have I tasted anything so sweet. The description you gave me a few months ago has stayed in my mind since, and I must say that you were right, nothing can describe how it feels. Heaven? Maybe. On that night, I reached heaven.
I was starving, I was out of control (or so I thought). I was almost unable to bear it, and then, it was time to awaken the sleeping madness in me... 
The hardest part is, I can't blame the Potion. It's almost cruel, but as you said, unlike with Amortentia, I had full power over my body, I wasn't intoxicated or bewitched. I succumbed to my impulses on my own. And… It feels good. 
This followed, of my own accord, a kind of addiction. The nights prior to this uneventful ‘accident’ I made a habit of taking these larger doses, for my own pleasure… Thus, I would conclude the entire experience to be more than enjoyable. 
In the future, I will try to find a balance to avoid abusing what is more than good. For the time being, I'm still enjoying myself. 
However, even if your potion is a miracle, it does not take away all the work I need to complete. 
And I must say, a thought came to my mind. In fact, Dumbledore was the one who suggested it to me years ago. And even if I was reluctant to the idea at first... The prospect feels less unpleasant if you are the one taking on this duty. 
Not wishing to interfere with your precious break, would you like to be my occasional assistant? 
You have the right to refuse, I wouldn't blame you. 
If the answer is positive, the first period I would wish to ask for your help would be mid-November, before the first exams. And that's for a few weeks, maybe for two, more or less. 
Naturally, you'll be welcomed at Hogwarts with all the necessities, a private chamber and a paycheck. But I'll give you the details in due time.
In any case, I will respect your decision and will look forward to receiving your answer, as I always do. 
Yours faithfully, 
Severus Snape,
PS: I trust you to keep this information confidential. 
Your eyes frantically scan the contents of the letter, there is a lot to take in. Your cheeks were flushed, your heart was pounding, the first major piece of information was that Severus was using your potion for his own sexual needs. And while you detected some reserve in his wording, he had admitted it without shame in that letter. You would never have thought Severus capable of speaking in such a way (at least, towards you), even if his words were formal, they were nonetheless heavy with meaning and bold.
You couldn't help it, your mind perfectly pictured Severus. At night, alone, under the pleasurable effect of the Potion. In your fantasy, his face was focused, his eyebrows a bit furrowed, some sweat rolling down his forehead because of the heat. A few strands of his hair would fall into his eyes, but his attention was so focused on the intense pleasure he was experiencing that he couldn't care less. Was he the type to moan? Or to remain silent? Or… Maybe the cravings were so powerful that he would bite his lip to keep quiet. 
At first, his hands would temptingly wander down his body, slowly, carefully, intoxicated by the rising pleasure. Touching himself was a pleasant torture, and as he said himself in the letter, he was unable to stop. Knowing how the potion would affect his senses, his skin must feel sensitive, leaving burning trails with every brush of his fingers over every inch of his skin, over all erogenous parts of his body, making him lose his mind. 
The way Severus’ hands would desperately clutched his already erected manhood, dripping precum with impatience, hoping to reach an orgasm, maybe even one or several. Seeking frantically for friction to satiate his craving, his hips bucked, his hand tightening to increase the contact pressure. The sight must be sumptuous. 
You wondered, for a moment, about the thoughts Severus might have to stimulate his mind. Was the Potion working enough to turn him on? Or was he seeking greater satisfaction with some dirty images? This left you with a real question. And you realised that even after all this time, you knew many things about him, but not at all in such an intimate setting. Which made sense, since most of the time you were his student... The first glimpse you had of this point was the letter.   
And, you're the only one who knows his nightly routine. He trusted you, beyond the fact that you were the creator of the Potion who helped him satisfy his lusts. The mere idea to be in the confidence of this secret, made your knickers wet. 
And even though it was already a lot to process, this was not the only exciting news. Severus asked you, himself, to be his assistant. He even suggested it, because the idea of working with you sounded appealing. You. Of all people, he thought about you. 
You didn't question it, it was decided the moment the information reached your brain. You were going to accept. And how could you turn down the offer when the mysterious and reserved Severus Snape admitted on his own, that he was eagerly expecting your letters…
After years of longing to feel that special feeling again, in one letter Severus had given you a lot. 
Returning to Hogwarts was a hope you never thought imaginable. However, a week ago you arrived with a suitcase packed, ready to work. The stone corridors, the moving stairs and even the staff had remained the same. The only change was that instead of sitting at your house table for dinner, you were now placed between Flitwick and Snape. And of course, that most of your time was spent in the dark, damp dungeons of the School brewing Potions, or grading papers. 
Unlike what many might think, working alongside Severus was much more manageable than they might have thought. In any case, with you, he trusted your work enough not to question it. In fact, when you arrived, you were quite worried when you saw the dark circles under his eyes, which were more prominent than you used to remember. And when you became his assistant, you understood why. Severus was a perfectionist, and his teaching methods were all tailored to ensure the success of his students. So your tasks were simple, like preparing the exams, the basics for the Potions that were going to be taught, correcting papers, arranging the ingredients... And while you were just assisting him, within a few days he had managed to find more rest. Something that made you feel better.
Apart from that, the working conditions were quiet and calm. Severus was conversing with you during the simplest of tasks, he didn't seem as tight as usual (in private, at least), what you guessed were the effects of your Potion. At times, it was simply work performed in a comfortable silence. But between you, there was no longer any sign of discomfort or coldness. It was as if it had never happened, actually. 
Well, until today. 
"I wonder..." Severus began his sentence thoughtfully, his eyes focused on the cauldron in front of him, his hands busy chopping up ingredients, "How I used to find time to work and talk to you, back then."
You had a similar task, but unlike him you looked up in surprise. Severus rarely mentioned the past between you, or even the letters you had exchanged the past month. "I don't know either... That's why you stopped in my seventh grade, right?"
You didn't particularly want to mention the subject that had become nearly forbidden with time, namely your cold war. But you felt that under the current circumstances, you were old and mature enough to take it on yourself. Even though you might never get any solid answers about his past behaviour. 
“Y/n, we both know that’s not the truth.” 
Your eyes were still fixed on him, and you didn't know if Severus was too focused on his Potion to realise the implication of his words, or if he really wanted to discuss the issue once and for all. But you weren't going to miss your chance, trying to summon all your courage. "Oh- Really? Those are the excuses you gave me, would you like to tell me the truth then?" You answered casually, trying to play it cool despite your racing heart. Years of seeking the answer, it was as if what haunted you most was finally going to be removed. 
However, the answer did not come as easily as the conversation had started, Severus stopped in his tracks and raised his head to you. His expression was hesitant, or perplexed, you didn't really know. "It was best for us to stop there, that's the real reason." He replies vaguely, his eyes fixed on your face where you stand across the Potion station. 
You frowned, you were an adult now, you could handle and accept the truth. Severus, on the other hand, was being vague, as if putting a finger on what had happened was forbidden. "Are you implying that in our professional discussions, we were going down the wrong path?" You didn't want to tempt him, but getting the truth out of Severus' mouth was more complicated than you expected. 
"Our discussions were nothing professional." He sounded a bit irritated with himself, indeed, the subject was sensitive on both sides. He put a lid on his Potion and dried his hands with a cloth, "We're done for the day, you can leave me." He waved you off, putting an end to the conversation. 
But you stayed in your place, it was as if your feet were frozen to the ground, you couldn't leave. "You are the one who started the conversation. Don't be angry with me." Your voice was quite composed, you weren't afraid to face him. And just like at the event, he seemed stunned by your tone of voice. 
You put the tools down and placed a lid on the Potion in the same way he had just done. "You cannot cut off the discussion and asked me to leave, Severus. You don't know how I've suffered my entire last year because of this, because of you. You can at least look me in the eye and give me a proper answer.” You sighed, as he tried to keep his eyes from looking at you. Perhaps because of guilt. 
"Severus, we can sort this out, and go back to the way things were. But I need an answer, to move on. To be free of this guilt. Did I do something wrong? Was I bothering you so much? Tell me…" You hated how your voice was almost begging. But with every word you said, you could feel it, it was like he was re-building that distance between you. You didn't want to lose him, not that quickly. 
"Severus... Please." You finally decided to move, taking a step towards him, the atmosphere in the classroom had totally changed. But even if the tension was heavy, you weren't going to abandon him, not this time. He did not move as you approached him, however, his face was tense. You hadn't seen him this cold in a while. 
"I can't answer you. Things wouldn't be the same after that.” His voice was harsh, but not offensive. He sounded frustrated with himself, “But… If you want an answer, I must admit I'm not sufficiently secure to reveal my past intentions." 
His words were odd, leaving you confused. The enigma that was Severus Snape was impossible to understand no matter how much time you were spending by his side. Can he give me an answer or not?
Several times your mouth opened in an attempt to answer, but nothing came to your mind. The problem seemed to be stuck. It left you upset. "I... I want an answer." Your words were both hesitant and confident, the statement was, frankly, a bit silly. 
This seemed to amuse Severus, who laughed silently in mockery, warming the atmosphere. “Why are you so…” He paused for a moment as if hesitating, then at last he gave in, "Endearing?” 
His words slammed into your heart, leaving you baffled. But you didn't have time to answer, Severus resumed speaking just as soon, "But, if I can manage to calm myself, maybe I'll be able to talk to you. Does that please you, Y/n?"
You hesitated, understanding what Severus was implying behind those words, 'relaxing' meant taking a few drops of Sweet Juice. And as much as you wanted to keep a respectful image of Severus, the last words written  in his letter about its use stayed in the back of your mind. But, how can I refuse?
"Fine.” You agreed, nodding slowly.
Severus seemed somewhat reassured by your agreement, the walls he was starting to build around himself to push you away, were falling down again. It was his turn to approach you, offering his arm. A habit he'd adopted with every walk you shared at Hogwarts. You took his arm, the gesture had become natural, Severus added, "Follow me."
With that, you walked after him. Severus led you, in the utmost silence. Your heart was pounding, you didn't know exactly what to expect. The path he was taking, staying in the dungeons of the school, made you realise that he was inviting you into his personal quarters, which did not help your state of mind. Every step you made, was a step towards the possible truth. 
Your recent exchange had been unclear, Severus was just as confused by his attitude as you were, you could tell with the look on his face. Torture between two separate decisions: to hate you back or accept what was happening between you two. 
Still in silence, Severus finally arrived, unlocked the door to his quarters and let you in first. It was the first time you had entered, and the surroundings seemed oddly familiar. Everything reflected Severus, with its dark tones and simple, yet elegant furnishings. Your eyes rest on the many books, all meticulously arranged, and then, a little farther away, on the bed. It was impossible to miss the three vials filled with the purple liquid that you had conceived yourself, one of them was nearly empty. The sight of Sweet Juice beside his bed only made your heart flutter, as if it was confirmation that everything he had described to you was, indeed, true.  
"Well, sit on the sofa. I'm coming up with what's needed." Severus breaks the silence as he removes his cloak, stopping your dirty thoughts dead in their tracks.
"Yes, of course." You nodded, quite flustered, and you did what you were asked as you sat down on the couch, next to the fireplace and the bookcases. Your eyes followed Severus' actions as he made his way to his bed, lighting the fireplace with his wand as he passed. 
He came back with a new bottle of Sweet Juice in his hands, and sat without discomfort at your side. "Do you use it daily as well?" He asked you, an undeniable curiosity in his voice. 
"Um... No, I just tested it on myself a while ago before I submitted the notice. I have no use for it." You looked at him blankly, you didn't know what Severus was trying to find out with his question, "So, it was only for professional purposes." You added rather quickly, in case he wondered if you too were finding sexual satisfaction through its use. 
"Well, this will be the occasion to taste it again then." His hands opened the bottle carefully, and with some skill showing how familiar he was with its use. 
You looked at him, confused by his words, "I don't intend to take it, you said you were the one who needed it to speak honestly." 
"I think it's wiser for you to take it, to learn the truth. I don't want you to get mad at me." He replied with his calm voice, "Don't you trust me?" He raised an eyebrow with his usual expertise in the motion. 
Of course you trusted him, the question didn't have to be asked. And right now, with all the tension in your body from the pressure of the whole situation, you had to agree. He was right, it was wiser if the both of you were in the same state to discuss. "Fine, but only a few drops..."
Severus nodded, "A few drops will be more than enough."
You reached for the vial, but Severus placed his hand on your chin before you could get your hands on it, and directed your face in his direction. “Open your mouth, please Y/n.” 
His eyes were fixed on you, you felt like melting under his gaze, so intense was it. You couldn't ignore the intimate intensity of the situation, your cheeks were starting to burn. The scenario was far more pleasant than anything you could have imagined in your dirtiest dreams. 
Without even adding anything, you parted your lips for him. Severus seemed satisfied with your willingness, and put the eyedropper to let a few drops fall from it. A promise he kept. And even though it was only a few drops, the taste burned in your throat, taking effect as soon as it was swallowed. It was addictive, sweet… Divine. A tickling sensation settled in your body, you felt perfectly fine, as if your body had never felt any tension. 
Severus watched your every reaction, his hand still on your chin, you felt like your skin was burning under his fingers, "Well. You seem to be reacting well."
He withdrew his hand and this gesture left you with a feeling of need. Your eyes never left him for a second as you watched him perform the same operation with himself. His previously tense face, softened in an instant. To have Severus so effortlessly relaxed was quite an exclusive sight. He trusted you enough to be so vulnerable without shame, in front of you. It made you smile.
"Y/n, I've been intending to talk to you about this for a while, it weighs on me just as much. I'm sorry for the way I acted," Severus began quietly. 
Hearing him apologise was strange, he was such a proud man. It made you happy, because while he was under the effect of the potion, he was still aware of what he was doing or saying. He was not controlled by the Potion, in front of you there was a sincere and apologetic Severus. One of the many facets you were starting to find out about this very mysterious man. 
"I apologise as well, I wasn't always straightforward." You matched his gentle tone, 
Severus shook his head, "You were not the problem, I handled the situation very poorly. It's all my fault, I hurt you." He put his hand over his face, ashamed, "When, in fact, that's all I wanted to avoid... It haunted me, until I saw you again a few months ago. I wanted redemption, to make sure you were fine without me... But, I’m selfish as I am taking a role in your life again,” He sighed hopelessly, “There's still this guilt in me.”
Hearing Severus speak with such regret, made your heart grow fonder for the man, you couldn't fault him. He had suffered the same pain from his choices, he acted in order not to lose his teaching position, in order to not deprive you of a possible 'happy' life. And even if the Potion worked miracles, guilt and pain couldn't be erased. You wanted to reassure him, to remove this pain from him, to leave it in the past. "Severus, I only wish to understand what I did wrong..." You whispered, your eyes focused on the buttons that fastened his cutaway coat.
The more minutes passed, the more the Potion worked through your body. The sensation was odd, like a kind of ache, but it was unmistakably delightful. This only served to reinforce your self-consciousness about the situation, your body tickled everywhere, straining, trembling, longing to be close to him. 
"You have done nothing wrong... As the days went by, my regard for you changed. Your radiant smile, the way your eyes brighten at my every word, the way your perfume intoxicates me when it stays in the classroom, your delicate hands working with agility... All of this, I should never have noticed, and yet, I couldn't help but feel captivated. Charmed because of what you were, and still are, in fact." 
He slowly pulled his hand away from his face. But, you didn't want to leave him in his demise, so you laid your hand on his as he lowered it, encouraging him to continue. "I wasn't blind, I knew the feeling you held for me. I believed it was for the benefit of the both of us. But after rejecting you, I was terribly missing you. Inside me, it built up a terrible guilt…” He paused for a moment before concluding, “And without realising it, I was feeling the same way about you."
Severus gently takes your hand in his, as if you were a delicate flower, or would disappear at any moment. His gaze is now focussed on both your joined hands, "Since, I haven't stopped thinking about you, night and day. Seeing you again... Was a breath of hope, I thought impossible. And even though you sounded different, like you were angry with me, I couldn't help but appreciate you. I soon realised that despite all my efforts, pushing you away a second time was beyond me... Beyond my strength."
He intertwined his fingers with yours, "You can hate me, yell at me. I hurt you and yet, selfishly you're here with me, instead of enjoying what life has to give you. I’m older, grim, and stern. I don't deserve you."
As he confessed, what you were focused on, was the heavy pounding of your heart ringing in your ears. The intensity of his emotions was heartbreaking, as you listened to him. 
Your body's reaction to his was overwhelming, everything seemed like a raging fire that neither of you wanted to quench. The sensation of his own skin against yours only made it burn harder, leaving you with an insatiable urge of need and want. Your body knew what it wanted, the heat started to build up in the lower part of your stomach.
"I- Severus… I'm sorry that I was angry with you, when you were trying to do the right thing. I had no idea how you might be feeling on your own. But today, everything has changed, I’m not your student anymore.” You spoke with all the determination you could muster to prove him wrong, “And I don't care what life has to offer, if you are older. I know what I want. And it’s you.” 
“It's only been a few weeks since I've been back with you, and I've never felt so happy. I feel alive.” Your cheeks flushed hot at your blunt words, “And to be honest, the club, the award, Sweet Juice, I did it all, to get your attention. I wanted to be special to you again."
"Come," Severus uttered in a deep, rumbling voice. His hand, the one that was already holding you, pulled you towards him, and his other hand guided your hips as he gently settled you on his lap, straddling him. The way your body easily accepted his request, was a reflection of how much you wanted to be with him, to be close to him. 
"I wanted to move on, to forget you, but it was impossible. But nowadays, as I am closer to you..." Your eyes fell on his face, Severus seemed to be listening to you with such intensity, that coupled with this sudden intimacy caused you to speak in a shaky breath, "I burn and my body is feeling new things, and the intensity is only growing, nearly out of control. I can't think anymore, you're always on my mind…- I just want to be close to you, like I've always hoped." Your voice died down near the end, admitting your deepest thoughts. You were nervous, the aching sensation started to get on your nerves, overflowing with desire for the man in front of you.
His hands gripped your clothes, as if to remind you that he was indeed there, by your side. You were taken aback by the violent wave of emotions that flashed through his eyes. Severus had said nothing after your own confession, but there was no need for him to speak in order for you to understand. His eyes were speaking for him. Need, lust, desperation, want, longing- And most strikingly, love. His hands clasped your face, leaving you no choice but to lock your eyes with his. You couldn't escape the impact of his emotions, of the intense waves crashing over you nearly suffocating you. And the truth is, you had no desire to avoid him. 
It was as if time had stopped, his beautiful face, his lovely hands, the wildness in his eyes, and the way he made you feel was beyond description. 
"I love you," He exhaled as his thumb stroked your cheek. It felt like a weight was being lifted from his chest, 
Your fingers found his shoulders, pressing into the soft fabric of his coat, “I love you as well,” You answered, the same weight disappearing from your heart. 
The affirmation of your feelings towards him seemed to ignite something new in Severus. His thumb went down to your lips, running it over them, "You know, I thought about you as my assistant not only because you're the smartest, most diligent and serious person I know to handle the task perfectly," He spoke in a low grumble that made your whole body quiver, "But also because every night as I took a stronger dose of that delicious elixir you conceived, I always find myself thinking about you. I found satisfaction only when I thought of you.” 
He sighs, "I must admit that if you're here, it's also because I couldn't bear to keep all this to myself, I had to confess. I wanted to see you again, terribly."
“I’m here Severus, I’m here for you and only you.” You replied hurriedly in order to reassure him.
He took a deep breath, your words seemed to have reached his heart, "Maybe it's a bit premature, but I should ask you."
It sent a ripple of delight through your entire body, increasing the desperation you had to be against him, “What do you want to ask me, Severus?”
Your question, perhaps somewhat naive given the situation, brought a smile to his lips, “Would you like to make love with me?” The question was phrased extremely graciously, contrasting dramatically with the ferocity of his eyes. 
Your body shivered under his powerful stare. Your reply was obvious, and yet in the warmth of his body, in the puddle of intensity that Severus was bathing you in, you were at a loss for words. He looked at you like a hunter ready to chase down his prey, your consent was all he needed for him to pounce on you. It should have worried you, but behind his raging stare were years of self-restraint and pain. You felt more than special, being loved by such a cold and distant man made you feel like you were the only one in this wide world, the one and only for him. 
You couldn't make him wait any longer, it was torture for him as much as it was for you. So you nodded, silently at first, then you found the courage to finally voice your need, "Yes, Severus, I do."
He smiled again, it was a delightful sight to see Severus smiling, and you took a moment to observe him as if to commit the image to memory. It was so infrequent, that you were pleased to know that you were the only one to be blessed by it. He was perfect, you could do nothing but kiss him. Passionately, freely, desperately. There was nothing anymore to stop you from doing it. You tasted him, setting all your senses on fire. You licked the inside of his mouth, as his tongue linked with yours in an intoxicating dance that only the both of you seemed to know. The scent and taste of him captured all your senses, and you couldn't stop humming with delight as it resonated through your chest from the pleasure of kissing him. 
In that first kiss, you feel it all. 
Both of his hands clasped your face tightly to keep you close to him as your hands trailed through his long hair, down to his neck. The warmth that radiated from him made your flesh flush, your heart pounding so hard in your chest that even Severus should be able to feel it. He tasted like heaven. 
He skillfully guides you, allowing you to get lost in his adoration. One hand gently grasped your throat, while his other hand travelled from your cheek over your neck, down to your waist where his arm snaked around to press your body against his in a secure embrace. 
Severus didn't break the kiss, as he stood up, carrying you in his arms. Your eyes were closed, allowing you to get completely absorbed in the feverish kiss, but you knew he was heading for his bed. The next moment, your body found its place against the soft fabric of his sheets, enveloping you once again in his wonderful manly scent. Wrecking you, in the most pleasing ways possible. 
You moaned into his mouth as your fingers tugged his hair a bit tighter, Severus growled at your action, searing your whole being from you body to your soul. You were desperate for more, to see him, to touch him, to feel him. Your clothes were simply a suffocating barrier that separated you from Severus. Your irritation didn't seem to escape Severus as he broke off the feverish kiss you two were sharing. 
You finally opened your eyes, to be greeted by a dishevelled and flushed Severus. You were both out of breath, panting. However, he was quick to lay another kiss on the exposed skin of your throat. Sweetly, lovingly, small kisses from the tip of his lips teasing you, all dripping with desire.
"Love, you're perfect," He hummed against your neck as he gently nuzzled his nose against it to inhale your fragrance. You were like in heaven, your blood was running through your veins, your stomach transformed into butterflies out of worship for him. 
His hands ran along your body, before undoing the button on your skirt. Your thighs were released quickly from the constraint that your clothes provided you as he dropped the first piece of fabric on the floor. Your hands hesitantly passed over his upper body, your fingers delicately unfasten the buttons of his coat. Once done, your hands grabbed the lapels of his coat to let it fall over his shoulders, quickly meeting your skirt on the floor. 
Severus certainly was consumed by an insatiable urge, never getting enough of you. His lips never leave you, trailing against your jaw, nibbling your earlobe. His warm breath left your sensitive skin tingling with delight. Your hands were slightly trembling as you began to reach for his shirt, while his hands reached for the rest of your clothes with utmost care. 
The clothes that had been a painful barrier, began to strip from your bodies, slowly, teasingly. Falling one by one on the floor. Severus leaned on his arm as he took a few steps back, your breath caught with worry and missing his warmth. His eyes roamed over your body, in an intimidating powerful manner. You had never felt so vulnerable and exposed, only covered by your underwear, his intense gaze left a heavy feeling on everything you could offer him. 
However, you didn't have time to think for long when his lips captured yours. “Perfect,” He whispered as his eyes met yours. With burning cheeks, you averted your eyes. You could not hold his gaze, so much the intensity of his emotions caught your heart. His pupils were dilated, too wild, too fiery. 
Your reaction left Severus laughing in a deep breath, "You really are more lovely than anything I could have imagined. My mind didn’t do you justice, love.” The gentle title he gave you made your heart beat faster, and as your hands were pressed against his chest you sensed the intense pounding of his as well. Both your hearts were beating in perfect tune. 
Your hands began to undo the upper part of his shirt, releasing his neck from his stiff attire. You were still shaking, but proceeded nonetheless. There was only a layer left before you could see him as vulnerable. Severus waited, letting you take all the time you needed to finish. And the next thing you knew, you were pulling his shirt off his shoulders in the same way you'd done before. 
You marvelled at the sight in front of you, your breath caught in your throat at the sheer beauty of Severus, his broad shoulders, his pale pearly skin, his strong arms were now at your total disposal. You gave yourself a moment to appreciate the one you've craved for, over the years.
"Perfect," You whispered with the same adoration he had for you, your fingers spread over his bare skin, temptingly. You were amazed at the softness of his body despite his strength, he, who held himself so rigidly in his daily life. 
"Not as much as you, love," Severus left a warm kiss on your cleavage and his hands found the clasp of your bra as your hands found down his trousers. He removed the rest of his clothes at the same time as you.
Your skin was flushed, your breaths quick and uneven with anticipation. It's a good thing you had taken a few drops of Sweet Juice, otherwise you would have been a nervous wreck. This allowed you to handle the whole experience with confidence, coupled with your trust in Severus, it was pure bliss. And this must have been the case for Severus, because behind his expert strokes, he seemed a bit unsure with himself. 
Your skin burned under his every touch, letting the fire spread over your skin down to your trembling, hot, insides. You were wet, swollen and soft. Severus sat on his knees, between your legs. The action left your body screaming with desperation, arching with anticipation for more, for him. Until now, you had not dared to lower your eyes to the level of his girth, but now it was time to get acquainted with what was about to enter you. Your breath was taken away at the sight of his long, veiny and erect manhood. That’s going inside of me?
"Love, I'll be gentle with you," Severus sensed your apprehension immediately, his hands gently resting on your knees to spread your legs leaving your body on high alert. He leaned forward, and placed a first kiss on your jaw, then another one on your breast, before his mouth wrapped around your already hard nipples to sweetly suck on it. 
You didn't know if you'd taken a sufficiently large dose of the Potion for it to play on your sexual sensibilities, but you gasped. The feeling of his soft lips over your most forbidden body parts was exhilarating, your insides tensed. Your breasts were sensitive, responsive to every lick he gave. You were blown away by the way your body fit to him, catching his slightest touch. And as if he wasn't satisfied enough with himself, he moved his hand up from your hip, running teasingly along your skin to find your nipple, toying with it, pinching it. You couldn't help but moan, the sensation strains you again, leaving you longing for more. Your mind failed to follow, a wave of pleasure overtaking your whole body. Everything felt heightened, the sound of Severus' sharp breath, his tongue, his touch, his scent. Even the cotton of his sheets was seemingly intense. 
Severus let out a long, deep growl from the back of his throat, and it made your whole body shudder. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, ready to welcome him. He understood the sign, but continued to whisper his words of adoration, of love for you. How he had dreamed of this for years, that he didn't want to be apart from you anymore. His words that met the hollow of your ear, made you feel in a whirlwind of emotions, cherished and safe. You held on to him, your arms reaching around his shoulders. 
He wanted to slowly devour you, until your rational thoughts were consumed by pleasure.  
“Sev,” You breathed out a long, deep moan as his finger slid inside you. You were soaking wet at this point, drenched for him. His finger stroked your insides, his thumb brushed against your sensitive bundle of nerves while his lips lingered on your throat, placing numerous small kisses. 
“You are perfect,” He hummed out, right by your ear, “Perfect for me,” His nose dragged along your skin, in the hope of finding a new spot to kiss. He pressed another finger into you. Your legs tightened while your insides softened further. The stretching of his fingers was astounding. “You are the only one for me, I love you,” His words shattered everything, all the common sense you had in you. You wanted him to ruin you with his love. In a manner as violent as the emotions you had for each other, giving him everything, everything you ever had. 
Removing his fingers, your eyes fell on his hand as it darted back and forth between his legs. You gasped as his delicate hand folded around the girth of his manhood. "Love, I'm here. It's going to be fine. Tell me if you don't feel well, I'll stop," he hummed softly as he laid back against you, pressing his body over yours. You nodded, and his lips found yours anew. 
You felt his body lowering, and the next instant, he was sinking inside you. You hissed from the pleasure that suddenly caught hold of you. There was no discomfort, no pain, your body adapted, moulded itself to him. Your body was being taken by Severus, and everything at that moment, finally being one with him, felt right. 
“Look at me,” He ordered you gently, holding himself up with one arm, ready to move. When your eyes met his, you were immersed in the depth of his love. You felt calm, in heaven, as you were shaped to accommodate him. He was the only one in this world, especially when he was looking at you with such worship. 
“Good,” He smiled in satisfaction when you complied. Your eyes were hypnotised by all the love he bore you. He began to draw out, slowly. And as with your skin, your insides were just as sensitive causing electricity to run through your body, sending a shiver down your spine. His gaze intensified as he began to move a bit faster, his movements always precise and well controlled, making it more intense. 
Catching his breath, Severus kept praising you, “You, are, magnifi-cent,” He growled in a low tone, between thrust as you moaned out his name in a barely comprehensible manner. You find satisfaction in being filled and stroked, to be loved in such a carnal manner, it was intense, overwhelmingly intense. He was everywhere, he was everything to you. 
“Sev-, Severus, I love you!” Your voice was slurred, your mind was unable to form a coherent thought, and yet you felt the urgent need to confess your love all over again. At your words, he quickened his pace and buried himself inside you, over and over.
You were consumed by him, by his love, by your love for him. You were his, and he was yours. Entirely, irrevocably, ineluctably. There was no other way. Severus was breaking everything you owned, and it felt right. With every push, with every pull, with his loving hands, with his loving words, with his hungry breath, he was breaking you.
“Please,” You pleaded for him, a moan escaping through your sore lips. His movements became powerful, irregular, hasty. As if to satisfy you as much as possible, even if he was exceeding all your wishes, pushing your mind to the edge of depravity with each of his thrusts. 
“Love,” He growled in a feverish manner, as if he had been entrusted with the most valuable mission possible, to please you. He shoved in so deeply that your eyes rolled back and watered from the sensation of being nothing but completely filled. You back arched in pleasure, welcoming the emotion in its fullest. 
“Awh-” You gasped as he started to pace harder, faster. Your legs were quivering from the pleasure, your lungs burned from your moans. He held onto you tighter, in order to be able to dig into you with more vigour. Over and over. It was relentless. His need for you became beyond desperate and engulfed him into the same depravity. 
“I love-, you,” He moaned darkly under his gruff breath, “I can’t-” He growled this time, in a low rumbling. His movements became irregular, erratic. 
You kissed his neck, inhaling his sweaty scent and the taste of his skin stirred in your mouth. “Me too-” You whispered, in a rather dark tone, meeting his love and distress at the same time. 
“Y/n-!” He growled, and after a split second, you felt him growing within you, as his whole body tightened, hardened. His cock shifted faster inside you, pounding against your inner walls. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and moans his release before his movements come to a slow halt. 
Ripples of heat mingled with the throbbing of muscles and the warmth of the skin inside you. You held him close and marvelled at the sensation of your orgasm, of being filled and being enough for him to reach such a fierce release. To be enough for him to love you, to be enough for him to be so intimate with you. 
You caught your breath, you were in a state of pure bliss. The last waves of pleasure take over your body, making the pleasure last longer. Severus withdrew from you, leaving you with a longing that he satisfied by taking you in his arms enjoying your post-orgasm state.
He placed a kiss on your sweaty forehead as he affectionately snuggled you pressing your body against his. After the intense encounter you'd just experienced he still longed to feel your burning skin against his. “I love you,” He said it again, as if he needed to prove it to you, but you knew by now that his affection towards you was wrenching. 
"I love you more," you lay your head against his chest, letting the sound of his heart lull you to sleep as it only started to calm. His soft laughter vibrated through his rib cage, 
"I doubt it, love, but this is not the time to talk about it. Tomorrow is another day, a day when I can finally enjoy you without any rules or barriers," Severus sounded enthusiastic, he pulled the blanket over both of your naked bodies and took his wand to stop all sources of fire from making any light. 
His uncharacteristic lively tone brings a peaceful smile to your lips, you are now the one that makes Severus eager to wake up in the morning, to carry on with his life. He was your source of happiness, and you were his. 
After years of trying to understand everything between the two of you, you were now in his arms. 
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mikobeautifulheart · 3 months
hey sweetie!! its meee again!! (the one who requested the drunk megumi fic lmaoo)
ummm can you do megumi again??
so basically after a super tiring day, the reader and Megumi decided to chill in megumi's room. they get cozy and then they get intimate…. (no smut please!, JUST A STEAMY HOT MAKE OUT SESSION like before (with tongue [this is embarrassing now…]) AARRGHH!!.. and can you like, drag the make out session?? i mean, make it longer.) ummmmm then, gojo happens to pass by his room. he hears noises 👀👀(of smooches ofc)… he dramatically sighs like a proud dad considering how much megumi has grown and changed over time. (since he raised him). he then teleports into his room and takes a photo of them without them knowing(??) (idk the photo part, write whatever feels good!) he then teases megumi about it!!
and ofc do it only if it feels comfy for you!!
thanks a lot in advance!!!!!!!! <3333333333
Tehehe I almost jumped when I saw ur request anon, ASK AND YOU SHALL RECIVE.
Megumi and you getting caught up in the moment.
(And on Gojos phone)
TW: THERE WILL BE A MAKEOUT SESSION BUT NOT SMUT. and probably second hand embarrassment.
Maybe 800-900 wordsssish
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You went over to Megumis dorm after training to study for your up coming tests. Why do you even have tests anyway your a sorcerer. Whatever any excuse is good enough of you get to hang with Megumi. You guys did actually study for a bit until the sun went down. That's when Megumi started to wrap things up. Even though it had been a few hours you were still hot and bothered from training, and Megumi knew that.
"My shower room is next to my bed room if you want to clean up." He said as he got up to put his study matierials back on his shelf. The best thing out having a small amount of students at Jujutsu High is how good the dorms get.
"If you don't mind."You said going to walk to the room. You paused
"Uh maybe not I didn't bring any clothes and my dorm is across campus..." You mumbled
"You can borrow some of mine" Megumi said hearing everything.
"Oh thanks" you said. Just thinking about being in his clothes makes you heat up.
You opened the bathroom door, spotless, as expected of Megumi. You suddenly felt him behind you making you turn around only to look right up at him.
"Sorry...but here the clothes" he said handing you a shirt and pants.
"Towels are in the corner over there" he mumbled before walking away.
"Thank you" you said going into the room and closing the door behind you.
What was he doing? He knew he wasn't supposed to have anyone in his dorm after 9:00 pm, let alone you. If he gets caught he would be doomed. He flung himself onto his bed, face in pillow and sighing loudly. The tips of his ears were red. He knows he's breaking the rules but...you...you were in his bathroom right now and you'll step out wearing HIS clothes. The image in his mind makes him groan. What was he going to do? You definitely weren't going back to your dorm, not that he wanted you to. And even if you tried to then you would get caught and he would just feel guilty.
Megumi would be lying if he said he never wanted this. He just hoped you did to. Just as he almost suffocated himself in his pillow he heard the bathroom door open. Footsteps filled his mind as you finally came into his view. He sat up and looked at you speechless. The way his clothes nearly slowed you whole made his heart explode. You rubbed the towel against your hair trying to get it as dry as possible before you set the towel aside and joined him on his bed.
There was an akward silence as it was taking everything in Megumi to keep his composure.
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone before Megumi" you asked out of the blue.
It obviously caught him off guard as he moved over to the other side of his bed to give you more space.
"Well...yeah I guess." He said rubbing the back of his neck starting straight at the wall infront of him. He could feel your eyes on him.
"What dose it feel like? Because I think I like someone right now." You said cheek flushed pink. You were nervous. You've been crushing on megimi for a while now but you didn't know how to take it out of the 'friend zone' so you figured that you should just go for it.
"Well it's like your having a heart attack." He starts.
"Then it makes you feel like you want to gently play with their hair" He says reaching out and taking a strand of your hair in-between his fingers.
"And then it makes you feel all hot and embarrassed but it dosent really matter when their so pretty."
You blush harded meeting Megumis gaze and refusing to look away.
"But when you reay like someone, it's love. And love makes you want to do this." He said hand letting go of your hair only to go behind your head and pull you into his lips.
You kiss. You kissed?
He pulled away for a moment letting out a hot breath.
"And it makes you tell them how much you need them and how you would die with out them."
He gose back into the kiss, but this time he slowly put his other arm around your back and lowered you gently onto the bed as the kiss deepened.
You part for a second and said
"Megumi I've never done this before, but I think I like it and I like you"
"I think I like you to" he said
He kissed you again but on your neck, making you groan.
Meanwhile when you guys were at the hight of your night a white haired menace walked by. He has 6 eyes there's nothing you can keep from him, that's why he was disappointed in Megumi because he thought he would have known that by now.
He decided to give Megumi a pass thinking it was iust Him and Yuji haning out until he heard a higher pitched groan. He opened the door slightly and looked into the room to see MEGUMI??? ON TOP OF Y/N???? A thousand thoughts went through his mind. Is he a womaniser? Is that the only thing Megumi learned while he was raised by Gojo? But he's only a kid! So are you...But your not kids anymore...but THATS HIS SON! And he was proud? A grin spread across his face as he closed the door and teleported beside Megumis book shelf, that was facing away from you guys.
"Y/N... I...I need you" Megumi said
"Megumi-" you said, your lips parting perfectly, almost irresistibly. So he went in again, this time he slipped his toung in making you gasp.
Gojo was mortified on one hand, he raised his son well, on the other hand he didn't know if Megumi should even be doing this... Eventually he settled on the 'do now consequence later' method. Before he left he snapped a picture and quickly teleported away.
"Hm. What's wrong Megumi?" You asked as he pulled away and looked around his room.
"It was nothing, I just thought I heard something" He said before going back down.
AUTHOURS NOTE: Thank youieee for the request my most loyal anon and I hope this time I did better (Romance wise) i mean be honest with me, I want to write what you people actually want so your going to have to be honest. Anyways im going to sleep now Gn. and thanks for reading.
You guys were heating up so much that the window started to gain condensation. Megumi deepened the kiss even more taking your breath away. You to were impossibly close together but craved to be closer. You put your arms up and wrapped them around Megumis neck making him go deeper into the kiss again.
One of your hands couldn't help but wander into his hair, playing with it while being high off love. He trailed kisses down your neck leaving a hicky here and there, tounge swiping over each one giving you chills.
"Megumiii~ " you groaned voice sounding like heaven to him.
"Mmm" He said in-between his bites
"What if someone sees them?" You say.
Honestly he could careless about who ever saw them, right now he only wanted you.
"Let them." He said before lifting is face above yours.
" I don't care who sees. Do you?" He asked
You shook your head as a 'not before he smirked and crashed into your lips again.
The next day after traning Gojo took Mefumi aside to talk.
"Look son-im so proud of you, you've grown so much from the mini Megumi I knew" Gojo said pretending to wipe a fake tear from his eye
"Yeah, well word of advice form an expert, I get you'll die without her but you gotta be quieter and don't have your make out sessions when IM on night watch at YOUR dorms okay?"
"What the hell are you talking abou-"
Gojo pulls up the picture of Megumis face hovering above yours.
"YOU CREEP WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY DORM" He yelled trying to take the phone off Gojo.
"DELET THAT!" Megumi yelled
"No, It's going in your photo album" Gojo said turning on his infinity so Megumi was no match.
"And maybe for her birthday you should get her a scarf to cover those 'bed bug bites'"
Across the field you saw Megumi yelling at Gojo, throwing things at his infinity when Yuji suddenly snapped you out of your distraction.
"Hey Y/N maybe you should get a new Marree, those bed bug bites on your neck look really bad." He said out of genuine concern.
"Uh YEAH ILL DO THAT" you squeaked turning read and pulling your collar up to hide the red marks on your neck.
"You and Fushiguro sure got the bed bugs bad" Nobora smirked looking at you knowing that no way in hell was that a bed bugs work.
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wellfine · 2 years
HII I love your art so much it's so expressive and it feels like theres so much movement in it! I was wondering if u had any tips or advice to help with that? I practice anatomy and expression so much but it seems like everything I draw on my own is so stiff!! Anyway I hope you have a great week :)) <3
Hi there! Firstly, thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot that you would take the time to tell me!
Second- my advice is to take everything you've learned about anatomy and THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!!!!!!!
... For now. Just into the front yard so you can keep an eye on it. But I have seen many artists concentrate chiefly on studying anatomy only to feel like their art ends up too stiff. My own experience has been to treat anatomy as a tool best used to correct an image in the later stages of construction rather than as your driving foundation.
If "correct" anatomy (however you choose to define that) is the priority of your undersketches, I find that you end up with a sort of Skeleton Song approach to drawing - y'know, the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone, etc etc. Whatever energy, emotion, or intent you wanted your drawing to convey is getting lost each time you split it into another anatomical segment. By over-focusing on individual parts, you lose sight of your image as a whole.
The key to conveying dynamic movement in motionless art is to ensure every element of your image agrees on and communicates the same action, the key to which is something called the line of action.
A line of action is simply that - an implied "line" with wich you lead the viewer's eye and communicate movement. Think of it as the core of your figure's action, simplified to its rawest form. By knowing this, you know what to emphasise and what to de-emphasise.
Well, art is a visual medium and I am better explaining with drawings than words or I'd never have picked up a pen in the first place, so:
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Images can have multiple lines of action, lines of action can complement and contrast each other, and a line of action isn't always as obvious as something like running. Imagine you're tring to make your art more "aerodynamic" to the eye. Since I draw a lot of One Piece fanart, I assume you're also familiar with it, and you can probably imagine how Oda uses "lines of action" when composing panels of Luffy punching something, Zoro slicing something, Sanji kicking something- etc etc. He's really good at selling the "oomph" of action shots by reducing visual clutter so that the impact of the action is greater.
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(The Monster Trio's abilities are all designed in such a way that allow for REALLY striking lines of action... you can tell Oda loves studying manga fight scenes and wanted to create a world where he could push these concepts to the limit, and it's no wonder One Piece caught the eye of animators even before it was serialised by Toei)
You're probably already noticing how line of action also feeds into composition and silhouette when it comes to conveying movement in an image. Basically put, once you've isolated whatever action it is that you want to convey, the more visual clutter you can streamline away from that action, the stronger an impact that will have on the viewer. A firm line of action, an uncomplicated silhouette for your figure, and a readable overall composition of your image/panel are all ways to minimise visual clutter.
You can also use this information to achieve the opposite effect! Sometimes the ideal action you want to convey is not fast, or powerful, or confident, and you can use the same principles.
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In fact, you can apply line of action to images that don't have any "action" in them at all. You can make a drawing of someone simply standing there feel more lively by applying these same principles to their body language:
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You can develop an eye for how to simplify movement down to its "lines of action" by studying real photos and other people's art. Try simplifying a figure to its silhouette, and then simplify that silhouette further to a stick figure. And honestly, a lot of this could be boiled down to "see your image as a whole and not just a collection of individual pieces". Set anatomy aside during the composition stage and bring it back in when you start building up the sketch.
Moving away from the line of action, my second piece of broad advice is simply to exaggerate more. Lots of artists subconsciously hold themselves back from pushing motion, expression, etc. out of concern that it will look "too much". Well, maybe it will- but you won't know that unless you try! You can always walk it back if you think you took it too far, but I think you'll be surprised by how far you can push your art before you hit that point.
My final piece of advice is to work on line confidence. Even if you follow the rest of this advice, if you have hesitant and scratchy lines, you're undermining the flow and punch of your art. The best way to improve line confidence is simply by practicing! Do a lot of quick, timed studies, and use a permanent medium like a ballpoint pen or marker. Focus on unbroken lines wherever possible even if it makes your studies look like garbo. I find traditional studies are best for improving line confidence, but if you'd really rather stick with digital then just don't let yourself use the eraser tool, and try using a chunky brush with limited pressure sensitivity.
And that's it! Don't stress about it too much though. Loosen up with your art and, like any other skill, you'll improve with practice, time, and analysing what you like about other people's art. Good luck!
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herozdiary · 6 months
Simon x Reader
This diary entry contains…some suggestive stuff | making out | drinking | smoking | established relationship | I thought of this last night while having a Simon brain rot😵‍💫 | basically just attractive things about Simon and attractive things he does🤗 | short 😓
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Simon was probably one of the most attractive people you had seen in this shitty town.He had seen you as some type of angel when you first talked to him.His eye bags and his half lidded sleepy eyes did something to you that nearly made you do a triple flip onto his lap.
Or the way he would nod and let out a hum as you would explain the most complicated thing on earth to you.by the time you would be done explaining your topic he would be able to repeat it back to you perfectly because he’s such a great listener.
Once you two became a thing you would tell him how you found him so fucking attractive that you wanted to ask to marry him the second you opened your mouth.he was in shock but felt like a little teenage boy who just held hands with his crush.
You love the way how messy his hair looks and his facial hair…whenever he cuddles up to you and has his face buried into your neck you nearly start to giggle from the way his facial hair rubs against your neck.
For his hair you could play with it for hours.it felt soft surprisingly and he finally fessed up his secret that he uses dry shampoo.
We all know Simon is a smoker but good god how attractive he makes it.you remember how one time you decided to spend the night with him and the two of you stayed up for most of the night just talking.He never really liked smoking around you but you didn’t seem to mind.
You felt your stomach do backflips as he brought the cigarette up to his chapped lips and messed with his lighter for a couple of seconds.the way he inhaled before blowing it out and looking at you with that lazy look in his eyes made you scream inside.
Speaking of his eyes the way he looks at you makes you sweat and blush like crazy.his eyes would follow your every move and would study your features like you were his favorite book.his eyes were most of the time half lidded when staring at you knowing that was your main weakness.(men with lazy eyes make me go CRAZYY😵‍💫😵‍💫)
When Simon get drunk,He’s a stumbling,mumbling mess who always says the most random but cutest things.He always tells you how pretty you look and how he’s madly in love with you.he gets extremely pouty also.He denies everything by the time he’s sober again.
When you guys make out his hands are always somewhere on your waist,hips or ass,Squeezing the areas as he bites at your bottom lip.
He makes you his Lock Screen on his phone mostly because he can’t always see you.he has a photo of you in his wallet that you took on his camera.he found it silly and got it printed and put it in his wallet.its like his own way of having you with him at all times.
His cuddles are the best as he doesn’t mind being the big spoon or little spoon,you laying on top of him or him laying on top of you.he’s up to try anything new with you as in the end he might like it.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Harsh Lesson to Learn
Pervy Professors!WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Darcy x F!R (Brief interaction)
Warnings: Insecure R, Mentions of Blackmail, Gaslighting.
Smut: Spanking(R/Specialty paddle), Strap (R—N), Oral (R—W). Mommy (W), Daddy (N), Degradation.
18+ | Minors DNI
3,925 Words
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As Natasha went to fill out the board to map out today's joint lesson with none other than Professor Maximoff—her wife, and close colleague she froze in place at the sound of laughter. Normally the affairs of her students before class began didn't bother her, but since it'd been a week since you last chose to attend she was intrigued, but more so she was furious.
Turning around only made her ten times as such, the sight of you with your hand on the bicep of Darcy Lewis—the campus 'fuckboy,' with your head thrown back as you forced out a laugh at one of her lame jokes was a sight meant to be nonexistent. Not only was she mad that you even dared taunt them with another, but you were also breaking one of their core rules by showing up in such a reserved outfit. They didn't make you go out shopping for all of those low cut crop tops, and mini skirts for you to wear a turtle neck and slacks to their class.
Natasha and Wanda were strategic when selecting you to be their precious girl all those years ago when you decidedly chose Russian to meet your university language requirement. It'd been a decision based on a whim, your friend who was a second year advised you to do it because the professor was hot, and the other languages offered were "boring," and "basic." You were sold the moment she said hot, and accompanied her words with the evidence.
As that first semester drew closer to the end you found your school girl fantasy of sleeping with your professor was far more based in reality when she bent you over her desk during your 'mandatory' meeting about your future in her department. With your mind in a haze, she'd actually managed to convince you—an Economics major, to minor in Russian studies.
Which is how you found yourself stuck in this dreadful hybrid class with the women. Wanda taught Russian Literature, while Natasha taught every language course offered, and the university allowed them to combine courses. Every Monday you would go to Russian 4, where Natasha taught that weeks vocabulary. On Wednesday's you'd review the literature that corresponded well with Natasha's lessons piece by piece with Wanda. Then come Friday you'd spend three hours being taunted by the both of them as they connected their lessons, then gave a corresponding quiz or assignment.
These beautiful women who managed to rock your world on a regular basis, while also being absolute nightmares to deal with have trapped you in their intricate web of thought out lies. For two years now they'd promised to take you on a proper date, to show you their whispered words during sex were true, but they always found a way to evade your requests, and it usually ended with them fucking you senseless enough to momentarily forget your woes.
They had every intention to take you out, but then they received an anonymous photo of the three of you leaving class together. Innocent in nature, but the sender clearly had an eye for subtext because the "😉" attached wasn't an accident. If they were to take you out now they run the risk of losing their jobs, which to them wasn't even the main concern; if you were to all be outed you'd be bumped from the university.
Funny enough, your relationship isn't even a forbidden one, it's highly frowned upon sure, but with the proper paperwork submitted, and the lack of campus based fraternization—like taking a class, it can be done without penalty. However, the women never wanted to tell their employer—the university, of their private business, and now it's too late to try. Leaving them in a position where they have to keep you in the shadows of their life instead of showing you off to the world like they truly wanted to.
Because, if they could do that, then that bitch Darcy wouldn't be leaning in to kiss your cheek, and you wouldn't be giggling, humoring the girl, but really doing it as you stared back at your perverse professor who was staring daggers into your classmates head., "Ladies, take your seats, this isn't the proper space for such delinquent behaviors, or have you confused my class for the likes of Mr. Stark's?"
Darcy, suave as could be took her seat, but in doing so she brought you down with her, and the involuntary whimper you let out drew the redheads attention back to you immediately. The brunette beneath you was packing, that much was obvious to her, and it enraged her to see her obvious intentions personified. Judging by the look on your face you were shocked, but she could also see the clear regret in your eyes.
Firstly, you'd only planned to tease the women you adored, because you loved them far too much to step out on them, but as they'd been throwing you to the side for so long you felt they needed to remember you had options. That you wouldn't wait around forever for them to treat you like their partner, and not just a set of holes to fill. Secondly, you were only lazily flirting with Darcy, this wasn't meant to get to such places, and now she's got it in her head that she'll be having her way with you tonight, and that just isn't the case.
Especially not when Wanda walks in to see the tense situation., "Miss Lewis, you're dismissed, maybe come Monday you'll return with sense.," the girl scoffed, but quickly fixed her face once on the end of Wanda's glare, the head tilt adding the extra touch of intimidation needed., "Come on Y/N.," Darcy murmured while lifting the both of you up, but a hand gripped you by the forearm and spun you from the girls hold.
"Please, don't tell me you forgot how to listen, I only dismissed you.," Wanda chillingly relays, her hand subtly tightened around your arm causing you to wince as fingernails dug into the skin through the sleeve of your shirt., "Miss Y/L/N here has already missed a weeks worth of content, plus I saw how you pulled her down, and her face was nothing short of stunned.," the brunette, for the sake of professionalism, held back her smirk at Darcy's fallen features.
Darcy stormed off out of the classroom, and as soon as she was out you saw Natasha heading towards the door with a paper in her hand. You gulped as soon as she taped it to the outside of the classroom, following it up by pulling the curtains, and locking the door tightly shut., "Miss. Romanoff, wh-what are you doing?," you feigned cluelessness, but the mask slipped once Wanda's hand collided with your face, and you groaned when your knees hit the floor.
"Cute stunt you tried to pull kotenok.," Nat chuckled darkly, you knew better than to lift your gaze from the floor, but you were more than intrigued by the sounds of shuffling., "Didn't think we'd embarrass you, hm?," you chuckled dangerously., "I knew you would."
Wanda's fingers curled around your chin, harshly digging into the flesh as she lifted your mischievous gaze up to hers., "Oh?," she smiled down at you devilishly., "The whore was testing us, and it seems she underestimated us Natty."
A loud whirring noise came from your left, you tried to shift to see it but Wanda's grip never relented, the hairs on your entire body stood as the fear of the unknown descended over you., "What a silly little thing she is Wands.," she entered your eye line as she spoke and your body desperately tried to back away upon seeing her smirk, but she held you tightly by your shoulder while passionately kissing her wife for an unnecessarily long period of time.
"She must've been desperate to be ruined.," the redhead carelessly lifted you by your shoulder, then spun you around and slammed your front to the desk. Surveying your clothes she once again found herself enraged at the modesty., "Breaking all our rules.," she growled, using her ungodly strength she tore your turtle neck in half, tossing the fabric in her hands away as the front of it fell off your shoulders., "Better."
"Would be even better if these were gone too.," Wanda grimaced, her distaste for your brown slacks clear as day., "They're hideous, and have no business hiding our precious cunt from us."
Natasha wordlessly agreed with her, and rather aggressively showed as such by wrapping her hands around the sides of the fabric, yanking it down and ensuring that her sharp nails dug into the skin harshly enough to draw blood.
It was moments like these that confused you the most, because a huge part of you found this painfully arousing; the way they spoke of you like you were nothing more than an avenue to their pleasure turned you on immeasurably. The other part of you found it disheartening, as if all their whispered reassurances of love go down the drain with their heartless actions.
"Now listen up brat.," Wanda seethed, her hand was quick to yank your face up to meet hers by the roots of your hair. You gulped too once meeting her fiery gaze, anger and hurt prevalent., "It's about time you finally received a punishment for your recent behaviors."
The loud whirring was back, a sickening smile gracing Wanda's face as it sounds behind you., "Daddy had these custom made.," she giggles, but the humor is more so daunting as you feel a cooled leather against the back of your thighs.
"If you behave, this will be quick, and painful.," she smirks when your eyes widen., "Misbehave and the process will be tedious, and twice as painful.," and with a wink she was forcing your head back down and standing back upright.
"Thirty sound good to you moya lyubov'?," Natasha loudly asked her wife as she hovered above your ass, the leather pressed firmly against your thigh as she leaned into you.
"Thirty could work, but only if the results are deep enough.," you whimpered at the vaguely aired out words, the leather now stuck between Wanda's body and your thigh telling you this isn't the taunting, and spanking you're used to.
Natasha and Wanda shared a sloppy kiss, your body trembled with need as their lips smacked loudly, leaving you to crave a similar affection., "None of that, you knew what you were doing.," Natasha growled, their hands harshly yanked your thighs apart so you couldn't alleviate the ache in your core., "Don't forget to count and thank your mommy and daddy for each smack; mommy will be the odd hits, I'll be the even."
With a contrasting touch Wanda's hand softly ran across the swell of your ass, her fingers dipping down and teasing your entrance just enough to get you to squirm in desperation., "Maybe if you can fucking listen to the rules you'll get your pretty little pussy attended to.," she chuckled when you whined., "Hush now."
Natasha nodded at her wife, they'd decided to wait a second, leaving you in suspense for the first hit. Your body lurched at the harshness, and you cried out at the abrasive feel of the whip, it was like nothing you'd ever felt before; you couldn't place if it was pleasurable or not.
"One, thank you mommy.," you managed to get the words out, and as a reward you were met with another, much harsher smack that brought you to tears., "Two, thank you daddy."
Each hit was methodically executed, the ridges of the leather would only take to the unmarred skin if the hit was made in the same precise spot on your butt cheek every time. Normally the women would oscillate the whip between handlers, painting your backside in a gorgeous array of slashes, without any need for control. This time however required precision to ensure the word etched into your backside rose up.
They laughed with every cry that emerged from your throat, there was immense joy taken in your pain here, a punishment that fit the crime.
"Twenty-one, th-thank you mommy.," you pitifully hiccuped, and the women almost felt bad enough to stop, but the memory of Darcy's lips on you flashed through the redheads mind and the paddle came down with a sickening echo., "Twenty-two, thank you daddy.," you sobbed uncontrollably as the pain spread through your body., "I-I'm sorry, please stop..."
"Aww, we know you are baby.," Wanda gently kissed your cheek to offer you a fleeting sense of comfort., "But that's not how this works, take your punishment and stop whining."
"Twenty-nine.," you barely managed to grit out., "Ah-ah.," Wanda tutted, and you softly whispered your faux gratitude, the wives shared a smile, deciding to let you off for it., "Thirty, thank you daddy.," your body wracked with violent sobs as relief flooded your mind.
It was over, thirty painful paddling's later and your backside was no longer under attack, or so you thought, because the women shared a sick set of smiles that you couldn't see before they were rearing their arms back in sync., "3, 2, 1.," your body tensed at their cryptic countdown, then it jerked so violently forward that your abdomen met the desk, effectively knocking the wind from your lungs, and leaving you gasping.
Natasha and Wanda stepped away from your sides, smiles gracing their faces at your whines of dissatisfaction. Even with their perverse ministrations you still craved to have them close, and that delighted them beyond belief. They'd been worried they were losing you, but you just remedied their hearts greatest fears.
While you basically hyperventilated against the desk the women ogled your backside, watching in real time as their hard work slowly came to fruition. The welting process was already well underway, and it made them feel rather giddy.
Once your breathing returned to a normal enough state they returned to your side, both of them laid soft kisses to your exposed hips, and their hearts fluttered when your body relaxed.
"Pay close attention now, say the letter that I'm tracing.," Wanda softly murmured, but it was a false sense of serenity because as soon as her finger lightly trailed over the irritated skin of your ass you were a whimpering disaster., "Stay still.," she commanded through gritted teeth then began to trace over the welting skin.
"What is it baby?," you whimpered., "B"
"Good girl, so smart and so pretty.," she coo'd, then her finger slipped over to the next letter., "R.," she hummed in satisfaction, then she harshly squeezed the raw ass cheek, making your body lurch away and for you to cry out.
"Daddy's turn...," she smirked as you tensed.
Natasha wasn't nearly as nice, whereas Wanda simply used the pads of her fingers, Natasha grazed her nail over the torn up skin., "A.," she smirked devilishly at your pained response.
"Mhm.," her finger moved to the last letter, she drug it across, then down ever so slowly, making you cry with every bit of pressure she would suddenly inflict upon your skin., "T."
"Yes, and what does that spell, hm?," Wanda asked in a condescending manner, the couple chuckling softly from behind as you struggled tremendously to use your voice., "Brat..."
"Look at that Natty, she missed a week of school but she still manages to use her brain."
"All hope isn't lost.," Natasha taunts, then in an unexpected move she lifts you off the desk until your back is flush to her front, you groaned as your ass rubbed against her skirt's fabric, but a squeak of need followed when her strap was pressing into your backside just the same.
"You did so good for us kotenok.," her lips nip at the thin skin of your jaw., "You ready for a reward?," she smirked against your neck as your head bobbed above hers., "Words baby."
"Yes daddy, I-I'm ready, please...," she gripped your hips even tighter as a wave of arousal ran through her at your breathless begging., "Shh.," Wanda pressed her lips to yours., "No need to beg us now love, we'll take good care of you."
"You always do.," your soft muttering only made them more desperate to please you, the brunette dropped to her knees, using her hand she guided her wife's strap to your entrance then as Natasha entered you from behind her tongue teasingly licked at your spasming clit.
Their pace was slow, a stark contrast to their earlier ministrations, in this moment they wanted to make you tremble, to remind you that nobody else could ever love you so well. Nobody would ever know every precise angle that made you scream for more as your body racked in a sort of silent plead for it to stop.
"Are you sorry kotenok?," Natasha grunted as she thrusted a fair bit harsher into you, the leather of her top dragging over the throbbing welts on your ass, making you moan brokenly., "I'm very sorry daddy, please forgive me.," your hand fell into Wanda's hair as she began to speak into you, causing the build up within you to reach a blinding level., "'m sorry mommy, I-I love you so much, please forgive—Oh."
Wanda cut your pleading off with a harsh suck to your clit that paired with her wife's thrust., "Let go brat, it's now or never.," the redhead threatened from behind, her voice thick with rasp telling you she was on the verge of bliss herself. Something about that knowledge, and the sight of Wanda rutting against her hand as she ate you out alongside her wife sent you head first into your earth shattering orgasm.
Screams of pleasure tore from your throat, but were quickly muffled behind Natasha's hand. Your slick soon drenched Wanda's lower face, and the maroon strap between Natasha's legs, leaving the woman in awe. Natasha bit into your shoulder not even a second later as the coil within her snapped, her rutting into you only ever increased as she desperately chased that high. Wanda's ministrations never ended either as she chased her own, so as she moaned against your sensitive clit upon her own release you were thrown head first into a second one.
Natasha slowed her thrusts down as your body began to tremble uncontrollably, the second wave crashing over you thrice as hard, and it showed in the way that your slick now covered Wanda's breasts, and ran down Nat's thighs.
"Fucking hell detka, you made quite a mess.," Wanda panted as she gazed up at your face, your eyes were the type of hazy they preferred. You were always so pliant when they fucked you dumb enough, and that was today's plan.
To make you forget why you were mad in the first place, so that they can spend all weekend long reacquainting themselves with your body. Then come next weekend, if you were their good girl again they'd drive you two towns over, and treat you like the princess you are.
"What a shame detka.," Natasha breaks the silence with a pout to feign sympathy., "Had you not acted out like this all week, you'd be able to sit, and we wouldn't have had to cancel the dinner reservations at Benihana tonight."
"I-I can sit.," you tried, but whimpered just as soon as Wanda slid the tight, red leather skirt over your bare ass, it barely reached mid thigh, and you were beyond mortified at the thought of your fellow students seeing your nudity.
Natasha chuckled as her hands slid beneath your skirt just to prove your words wrong, she kneaded at the sensitive flesh, then pressed her lips to yours to catch your groans, they were this perfect balance between pained and pleasurable that left the women desperate to get you back home to destroy you further.
"No need to lie detka.," Wanda giggled from behind you, she swatted her lovers hands away from you, then in a show of genuine affection she cleaned the welting skin, then afterwards she gently applied a numbing cream to the skin, and you thanked her with soft moans.
"Feel nice detka?," she lowered your skirt, then placed a few kisses to your shoulder blades., "Mhm, thank you mommy, I love you."
“We love you too detka.,” she whispered, then softly tilted your face to the side so she could kiss you with feeling., “More than you know.,” Natasha added, her lips quick to take Wanda’s place as you naturally returned to look at her.
Your panties had been drenched, and therefore stuffed into Natasha's briefcase with a glare to hedge off your weak protests, because in the end their twisted obsession with you aroused you plenty more than it ever frustrated you.
That being said, normally you would put up a fuss for the sake of being a brat, but Natasha's eyes lit up when she saw the fight in you hardly existed., "Good girl.," she beamed, then pecked your lips with genuine affection. These marks that now adorned your once smooth skin were like badges of honor really, painful as they were you morbidly cherished them.
"Keep acting like this and we'll be able to make that dinner happen soon detka.," Wanda said from behind, sandwiching you between her and her wife once again., "We swear to it."
"No more excuses, you'll be ours to show off."
Natasha held your face to her chest, allowing you the moment to cry out all of your pent up feelings. The couple lightly swayed you, and whispered the sweetest of assurances to you, and pressed their lips to your skin in the hopes of comforting you as you let it all out.
"Head to your next class moya lyubov'.," you whimper at the command, your legs felt heavy, and the idea of sitting in one of those hard plastic desk chairs felt daunting, but you knew better than to argue with the brunette, so you savored her parting kiss, and turned back to Natasha when Wanda's warmth left you.
Natasha too kisses you rather passionately., "We'll be at home waiting for you detka, this was our only class today, don’t be late.,” she slapped your ass, laughing maniacally as you groaned and glared at her retreating form.
“Leave that attitude behind detka, we have an arsenal of new toys back at home, don’t give mommy and daddy a reason to punish you.,” she winked at you, then left through the door as her wife had just done seconds prior.
“These women are going to be the death of me…,” you whispered in faux annoyance, then after waiting an appropriate amount of time you left the classroom with a prominent limp, and a festering need in the pit of your stomach.
Natasha and Wanda still weren't going to come clean to the university, no, because that would discredit all of your hard work thus far in your minor studies, and they'd have to miss seeing your sweet face in their classes going forward.
Instead they chose to use their free time this week, that normally would've been devoted to doting on you, to find that Darcy was not only the one blackmailing the three of you, but that she was also regularly sleeping with an advisor. This is more than enough evidence to ensure your relationship stays under wraps for good.
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December Prep 2
Let's look into a couple of things this week The first is how to properly study, research and gather information and the second is the various kinds of prompts you will see in the challenge throughout the year.
The basic steps in any research process are
Identify and develop your topic (we will have multiple so it will be important to follow the same steps for each topic.)
Preliminary search for information - we will be gathering a list of resources for everyone before the challenge begins including websites, a list of recommended books, and more.
Locate the information/ materials - Gather all your sources into one place! A folder on your pc, or a bookmark bar in your browser can go a long way to helping you keep this organized.
Evaluate and use Discernment on your informational sources.
Take notes! - self explanatory. Using the resources at your disposal, take notes on your selected topic, gather all of those notes, and keep them organized. You don't need to think of this in exact terms of a research paper, but the idea is the same! All of your notes will be helpful in actually filling and creating the pages for your grimoire! But, you also can just keep the notes as they are in your grimoire!
Now lets get on to the types of prompts you will see!
Meditation/ Journal - these will generally be the end of every week and after every practical prompt, so you can look back at what you've done and learned, in order to help you process what you'd done and how you feel and think about it.
Research/ Study - these will include things like herbs, gems, types of magical practices and topics, tools, history
Practical/ Hands on - at least one a week, where you get your hands dirty, so to speak, and really perform some magic or do the work you're studying.
Submissions - I encourage everyone to share their thoughts, ideas, and physical progress within the challenge. You don't have to share pictures, if you're not comfortable, but thoughts and ideas and a short post about what you accomplished!
Holiday/ Seasonal posts - We'll have posts for the typical holidays and some that not so common.
Divination prompts - On occasion we'll have a divination prompt. It won't necessarily require you to perform any divination if you're not comfortable or don't know how, but the option will be there!
Cooking prompt - We've all seen those cool witchy inspired cooking posts on this site. So why not do one? Why not learn to make bread? Or mead? Or cute little pastries? Or anything. This'll be a new prompt, one I encourage everyone to take part in and share!
There may be more of these added as we go, but in general this is all of the types of posts we'll be seeing!
What else is there to do?
Well if you’ve already got notes somewhere (a notebook or files on your computer or what have you) you’re gonna want to actually design a grimoire right? And this is a grimoire challenge right? So let’s look at different design and style options!
If you’ve seen the video I posted of my grimoire pages, they’re very scrapbook/ junk journal styled. Which is a fun and totally customizable option.
Let’s look at some note taking methods, to help us take notes as well as design our grimoire pages, and some scrapbook supplies and ideas for ways to decorate our grimoires.
These are just a few links for some ideas.
Your grimoire should suit you, no matter how you choose to design and decorate it. It could be a scrapbook like mine, a bullet note journal, or a leather bound tome with thick ink lettering in a cipher that only you can read. However you want to design it, it should be an expression of you and your practice.
I am excited to be running this challenge again, and to be helping all of your find inspiration for your practices and grimoires!
Good luck and happy crafting!
Mod Hazel
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Chapters From An Old Book
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Sebastian Vettel x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: alcohol and the consumption of, being cheesy, mentions of pregnancy and birth, britta being over seb’s nonsense, horner mention lmao, jenson being a little match maker, a trip down memory lane, mentions and references to sex, it’s giving anti ferrari for a slight second there, mark cameo + lance and sara cameo!, heart felt conversations, talks of his retirement. 
Word Count: 6.8k
Author’s Note: once again, i'm writing a flashback fic and are we surprised ? no. also shut up i’m emotional over this 35 year old german guy. -- based on this ask - one
italics are flashbacks! 
The door to the girls’ bedroom shut behind you quietly, you made your way down the stairs slowly so it wouldn't creak. 
“Sebastian?” You called into the empty house, he was somewhere around here. He had been ‘nesting’ so to speak; trying to figure out what’s to come next. 
This was a big decision and it had been weighing heavy on him. 
You can hear the thumping coming from the basement and a groan, you follow the sound down to find your husband sitting on the floor with a bunch of storage containers and boxes. 
"Hi honey,” he glances at you, patting the spot next to him. 
You join him on the floor. “What’s all this?” You ask, peeking into the box in front of him. He pulls out a stack of photos, held together with a rubber band. 
“Just going down memory lane.” 
Sebastian wasn't one for looking to the past, good nor bad; so you knew something was up if you found him down here. 
He was flipping through the pictures when you found a CD in the box. “What’s that?” He asks, you make your way over to put it into the DVD player you had in the basement. 
“No clue, but we're about to find out.” 
You hit play and return to Seb, the two of you looking at the screen.  It’s a copy of his first win, Monza 2008; there’s a few scratches on the CD because it jumps a bit but you glance at your husband. 
“That’s one of the greatest moments of my life.” He smiles, his eyes fixed on the screen. 
“Why only one of the greatest? Why not the greatest?” 
Sebastian turns to face you. “That might be the one that started it all, but I won four championships, and don't forget that I met you and we got married, and we have children. Those are the greatest moments of my life.” 
You can’t help but smile, your hand cupping his jaw, “I love you.” 
“I love you,” he smiles, leaning over to kiss you. 
He flips through some of the photos in his hand when he stops on one of them, showing you. “Remember this ?” 
The photo was of you and your best friend, Lia, squished in between Jenson and Sebastian outside of a club in Barcelona. 
“How could I not remember that?” You laughed, taking the photo from him and you glanced down at the picture. “That was the night we met.” 
Barcelona, 2009. 
The club was packed; drivers, crews and other partygoers squished into the building. Your best friend, Lia, pulls you onto the dance floor with her when her favourite song comes on. 
You weren't even supposed to be in Spain, you should be home studying for your midterms during your reading week. Lia’s parents were huge fans of F1 and her father’s side of the family came from money so they always attended races. Lia and Jenson met earlier in the season and hit it off, they weren’t officially a couple yet but they basically were. 
So when Jenson invited her along to the Spanish GP, of course she brought you along. Not that Jenson minded either, he was always a ‘the more the merrier’ type of guy. 
Jenson had done remarkably well that weekend, starting in pole and ended up winning the race with his teammate, Rubens, in second which gave Brawn a 1-2. 
You were trying to cram in a little studying; how boring of you honestly. 
Jenson and Lia had other plans, basically kidnapping you from your room and dragging you to the club with them to celebrate Jenson’s win. 
Lia and you were on the dance floor for a bit before she dragged you back up to the booth they had, finding Jenson talking to an extremely blonde guy who clearly caught your attention and your friend noticed as much. 
“That’s Sebastian,” she tells you, sitting next to you. You glance over at her, “okay so ?” 
Lia laughs, nudging you with her shoulder. “I can see the look on your face, you’re into him.” 
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes. 
Across from you two stood the two drivers, Sebastian kept glancing in your direction and Jenson noticed. He gives the younger driver a smack on the arm, “don’t look at my girlfriend like that.” He teases. 
Seb gives him a smile, taking a swing of his beer. “Who’s the girl with her?” 
Jenson follows Seb’s line of sight, “that’s y/n, her best friend.” The Brawn driver puts two and two together; even if he was currently drunk, he wasn't stupid. 
Sebastian was into you. 
“C’mon!” Jenson shouts, grabbing Sebastian’s arm, “I’ll introduce you two.” 
Sebastian tried to pull away from Jenson but it was too late. The two of them sitting next to you and Lia, you and Sebastian next to each other. “Hi,” you look over at him. 
He smiles, “hi.” 
“Y/n, this is Sebastian Vettel. Seb, this is y/n.” Jenson gives you two a quick introduction and he’s off to the dance floor with Lia, the two of them beyond drunk and shouting the lyrics to the song.  You and Sebastian sit there for a while, looking around a bit before you end up locking eyes. “So uh, what team do you race for ?” You ask, you didn’t even know this man and Jenson left you with him. “If you do race.” 
“I race with RedBull.” He says and you hum, nodding. “So you’re Mark’s teammate?” 
“Most people know him as my teammate.” 
“Oh, that’s cocky of you to say.” 
“It’s true,” he says, flashing you a smile. 
You laugh, shaking your head. “Whatever you say, Sebastian.” 
The two of you ended up sitting there, chatting for the rest of the night over a half full bottle of tequila. When it finally finished, you went looking for Lia and Jenson. 
No surprise that they were outside, making out. “Okay, break it up.” You push Jenson off of her.  He rolls his eyes but quickly smiles when he realizes you were with Sebastian. 
“Let’s take a picture!” Lia shouts, handing her camera off to some random guy standing outside the club. You get pulled by Lia into her side, Jenson to the left of her and Sebastian to your right with you and her squished in the middle. 
“Smile!” The man calls from behind the camera. 
All of you are messy, skin sweaty and sticky, there’s a weird orangish glow from the street light, a bunch of smiles and nothing but good memories behind the photo. 
“I can’t believe how cocky you were.” You nudged him with your shoulder and Seb rolled his eyes, “I was not cocky!” 
“Oh, they know him as my teammate,” you mocked your husband, earning a laugh from him. 
Sebastian doesn’t take you on, he knows you get enjoyment out of teasing him. You had always been that way,  even when you two had just started dating and kept things pretty low key, you still found ways to tease him. 
“Oh my god, look!” You showed him a picture.
Sebastian's hands rested on your butt in the picture, the man holding you up against him with your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms over his shoulders as you kissed him. 
It was taken by the Red Bull photographer at the time, just as Seb returned to the garage post championship win. 
Abu Dhabi, 2010. 
Lia and Jenson were still dating, you often joined her for races but you found yourself sneaking away from them. The nights when they offered for you to join them, you did one of two things. 
One, you joined them and headed back to the hotel earlier than they would; or two, you didn’t go at all. 
He had you wrapped around his finger and frankly, he was wrapped around yours. 
You found yourself spending more and more time with the German driver, hanging out with him after races, the two of you hidden away in a hotel room; away from all the nosy reporters and flashing cameras. 
Just the two of you in your little bubble. 
Of course, you and Lia sat in the McLaren garage; Jenson and Lewis now teammates and Sebastian still at Red Bull.
It was the final lap of the final race of the season, you were standing next to Lia, her hand in yours as she searched out for Jenson. The two of you followed out the mechanics and pit crew, climbing up on the fence to watch them cross the line. 
While they were all looking for the silver and red car, your eyes were fixed on one car; the navy blue car that just crossed the line. 
Your heart was pounding out of your chest, the screams and cheers of the RedBull crew just one garage over warmed your heart. Proud didn’t even begin to explain how you felt. 
The sound of Lia screaming pulled you back to reality.
Lewis crossed just behind Sebastian and Jenson followed which gave McLaren a double podium alongside the race winner. Lia pulled you down with her to watch the podium, Jenson blew her a kiss when he stepped up onto the podium and you looked over at your best friend, the girl watched her boyfriend like a love sick puppy; it was adorable. 
You were almost certain you had the same look on your face. You wiped away the tears you felt on your cheeks when you stared up at Sebastian, the smile on his face whilst the German anthem played was like none other. You were proud, he was proud, the team was proud. 
Proud as an understatement. 
Sebastian broke records tonight. 
He is the world champion. 
He’s also now covered in champagne and being hoisted up onto the shoulders of the two McLaren drivers as he does his signature one, have a laugh as he looks out into the thousands of people cheering him on. 
Nothing beats that feeling in that moment. 
Everyone was making their way back to the garages, attempting to pack up as quickly as possible so the party could begin. Lia had run off to congratulate Jenson, you followed behind her and gave him a quick hug. You stopped and congratulated Lewis as well before you stepped out. 
Despite it being nighttime, the heat sticked to your skin as you wandered over to the RedBull garage. You peeked in, the place packed with everyone who worked for them. 
“Y/n!” Mark shouts, hugging you when he sees you. “Hi!” You smiled, hugging the Aussie back. 
“I know you’re not here for me,” he laughs, an arm over your shoulder before he points towards the middle of the crowd. “He’s over there.” 
You smile at Mark, thanking him as you step through the crowd to find the new world champion. 
Sebastian’s back was turned to you, race suit hanging off his hips and you can see how his fireproofs were soaked; champagne or sweat? Probably both. 
You touched his back softly and he turned, he recognized your touch faster than you expected. "You,” he smiles when he turns to face you. His arms wrapping around you. Sebastian picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist and the stickiness of his fireproofs cling to your bare legs. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you tell him, a hand on his cheek as you smile at the man. 
“Thank you,” Sebastian tells you, holding you in the middle of the Red Bull garage like you two were the only two in there. The cameras are constantly flashing and neither of you care, Sebastian’s hands rest on your ass as he holds you against him and you lean into your boyfriend. 
He kisses you; it catches you off guard.
Not that he kissed you but that he kissed you there. 
Publicly announcing to the world that you two were a thing.
He lets you down, his arms still wrapped around you and yours wrapped around him. “Champion of the world.” You laughed in disbelief. 
You were 100% sure in Sebastian and his skills but it felt so unreal. 
He nods, smiling. “Champion of the world.” He says, leaning down to kiss you again. 
“I never heard the end of it, they teased me all the time.” Sebastian complained and you laughed. “I know, I told them to tease you.” 
The man rolls his eyes, something he did often in your presence. Not that either of you took it seriously. You were flipping through a few more pictures from another box while Sebastian re-stacked those into the box they came from when you found another picture. 
You show your husband, “I always wondered where that shirt went.” He says, eyeing the RedBull polo you had on in the picture. 
“Forget the shirt, do you remember how pissed Britta was?” 
Sebastian laughs, “yeah but it was worth it.” 
He pulls you into him, kissing you once more. The picture falls beside the two of you onto the floor as he pulls you onto his lap. His hands sliding down to rest on your ass, mimicking the picture on the floor. 
Brazil, 2011. 
The track where magic happens as you had deemed it.
It's the final race of the season and it’s race day. 
Sebastian wanted to head in extra early, he needed to go over race strategies with his team and you were trying to get him to relax. You two are holding hands as you walk in, cameras flashing and people shouting for him as you pass by. Seb has got on his usual red Bull polo and a pair of shorts, sunglasses pushed up in messy hair. You've got on a little black skirt and one of his RedBull polos with his name on the back and number one in the middle. 
“Seb, baby. Don’t stress yourself out. Your hair will fall out and you’ll look like an egg, but not even a cute one.” You joked and it fell flat. 
Your boyfriend looked worried and you weren’t even sure why. He stopped you in the middle of the paddock, turning to face you. “Do you think I'll win?” 
“Sebastian, I know you’ll win. Do you need me to tell you the stats so you stop asking?” You laughed but his eyes met yours and you sigh softly; there’s security in numbers. 
“You’re currently at 374 points going into this race. Jenson is behind you with 255 points. Regardless of if you win or if you DNF, you will be world champion this year. Don’t stress yourself out.” Your hand rests on your chest, looking at him. 
Sebastian nods, sighing. It’s almost like you can see the tension on his shoulders. “One hundred and nineteen.” You say to him and Seb’s brows furrow. 
“119 -- that’s how many points you have over Jenson.” 
Your boyfriend smiles, pulling you into him. His hand rests on your ass and you just know the stance is like tossing blood to sharks, you can hear the shouting and feel the cameras flashing behind you. Sebastian kisses you, “thank you.” He mumbles against your lips and pulls you a little closer. 
This isn’t the first time they’ve caught you and him like this. You had sorta become the IT couple; that’s what happens when you’re dating the world champion. If the photographers weren’t hassling you two, it was Lewis and Jenson with their girlfriends. 
You and Sebastian had become quite the staple couple in the paddock, always together. Not that you clung to him, Seb always hid from press duty by hanging out with you. 
He’d stop what he was doing to pass by just to get a kiss from you.
Sebastian was cheesy like that. 
The hand on your ass pulls you even close, the skirt hitching up a little too high to be suitable for work. Nothing except for your thigh was exposed but imagine the scandal it would be. 
Or it had already become. 
You and Sebastian didn’t have a care in the world, he was a shoo in for the championship and he did win that year. Despite his teammate, Mark, winning the race, Sebastian was far enough ahead that he won regardless. 
It wasn't until after that Britta caught wind of the scandalous picture going around. 
She gave you both a lecture about behaving yourselves in the paddock to which Seb just laughed and you nodded along, trying to listen to the woman but between all the championship press, the picture got lost and all was well in the world. 
You get up and Seb’s eyes follow you, “where are you going?” He asks, watching as you sit in front of a storage container you pulled out of the closet. 
“I think I still have that shirt, I know I saw it somewhere.” 
Digging through the container, you find the shirt and pull it out. You hold it up against yourself. “I don’t think it’ll fit now but I knew I had it.”  
Sebastian smiles and you two tumble through a few more boxes on your own. You reach into the container and pull out something that feels like papers. You thought it was more photos you hadn't found albums for but turns out it wasn’t. 
In fact, it was a manual for a toaster oven. 
“What is that?” Sebastian calls, you toss it over to him. 
“A toaster oven?” He reads the pamphlet, flipping through it. “Why do we have this?” 
You try to think of how that ended up in the storage container and it finally pops into your head. 
Monaco, 2012. 
"Where should I put this?” He asks, carrying in a box into the kitchen. 
You and Sebastian have just moved into your first place together. It was day 6 of unpacking because you two kept stopping because you were either too lazy and couldn’t be bothered or Sebastian’s wandering hands caused you two to end up in bed. 
Sebastian holds up the box to show you, “that’s not mine.” You tell him, brows furrowed. 
“It’s not mine either.” He says, “why would I own..” he peeks over the box to read it, “a toaster oven?” 
You notice an envelope taped onto the side when Seb puts the box down. You pull it off and open the envelope. There’s a card with a note inside of it. 
‘Woman at the store said this was a good thing to get, so enjoy it! 
xo, JB and Lia.’ 
“That’s the most random thing I've ever gotten as a gift. We already have a toaster,” you tell Sebastian, showing him the card. 
Sebastian was already tinkering with it, plugging it in as he unwrapped the plastic around it. “How does it work?” He asks you, opening the little door. 
“I’d assume it's just a toaster but like.. oven style? I don’t know, let me see.” You check through the box for a pamphlet. 
Sebastian doesn’t wait. He sticks a bagel in there and hits 4 different settings whilst you read over the pages of the pamphlet. The toaster oven starts to smoke and the kitchen smells like burnt bread. 
“Seb!” You laughed, opening the window whilst fanning the thing. Sebastian unplug the toaster oven and opens the little door. The bagel was now black and hard like a rock. 
He holds up the bagel, it clicks in his brain that it’s hot and the circular piece of bread falls to the floor. “Hot!” He flings his hand around and you chuckle, grabbing his hand and blowing on it before kissing it. 
“Better?” You ask and the man puckers up, leaning towards you. Rolling your eyes, you give your boyfriend a kiss. 
Sebastian smiles, satisfied. “Better, though I don’t think we can eat the bagel.” 
“Jense and Lia sent us a toaster oven when we moved into our first place,” you remind him. His mouth forms an O, tossing the manual into another box as you rejoin him by his side. You lean into your husband’s side, his arm comes around to rest over your shoulders. 
You were a picture hoarder, you couldn't bring yourself to let go of photos so they all sat in your basement. There had to be thousands of pictures spanning over the last 15 years. 
There’s a few stacks of pictures from races and what not, some from his championships and from other races as well. From your vacations to the kids’ first day at school, family trips, random pictures taken throughout the house. Not all of them were taken by you. The photographers always gave you a big stack of pictures at the end of the season so you kept them all. You couldn’t bare to sort through them and get rid of some. 
Sebastian was always looking forward but you loved to look back.  
There’s one in particular that caught his eye. “I didn’t know you had a copy of this,” he shows you the picture. You had the same one framed in your bedroom; Sebastian was leant over and kissing your stomach, your hand on his cheek and you smiling at him. 
Germany, 2013. 
Sebastian’s home race, you were beyond nervous. Not like it was any different than before. 
His focus was on winning. 
It always was. 
“Are you okay?” Mark rests a hand on his back when he finds you at the back of the garage. You glance over your shoulder, looking back at the man. “Fine, just nervous.” 
“He’ll be fine. Well he won’t be.. when I win.” Mark says and you laugh, “okay Mark, whatever you say.” 
Sebastian was walking back into the garage when Mark lets you go, Seb eyeing the two of you for a moment as you walk over. Your boyfriend wraps an arm around you, pulling you against him. He was looking behind you and at Mark and you smack his arm softly, the man looking at you now. 
“What?” He asks. 
“I have to tell you something.” You whisper to him and Seb pulls you off to the side of the garage, the two of you hidden away by a wall. Sebastian looks at you, “what’s up baby?” 
You had to laugh at the phrase, the word making you giggle. 
Seb eyes you, “what?” 
You blurt it out, there was no other way to say it. “I’m pregnant.” 
Sebastian was quiet, your eyes fixed on his face, trying to read for any sort of reaction. Finally he says, “you are?” 
You nod, looking at him, still waiting for a reaction. Sebastian picks you up and spins you around, your arms over his shoulders as you laugh, the man putting you down before pulling you into a kiss. 
A hand rests on his cheek, “I take it that you’re happy ?” 
“So happy.” He says, his forehead rests against yours. 
It was still early, you decide to keep it to yourself for the time being. You were only a month along so there was no need to make a big deal yet. “Be careful, okay?” You tell him, kissing him. 
You give him a hug, wishing him good luck before he walks off to get ready for his race. You were settling in beside the mechanics when Britta came looking for you. “What’s wrong?” You ask her, she shakes her head. 
“Nothing, he’s asking for you.” 
You follow her to the grid, your boyfriend already in the car when you got there. You bend down, looking at your boyfriend. “What’s wrong love?” 
Sebastian pats the side of his helmet, they were minutes away from lights out and  your boyfriend was asking for a kiss. You laugh, leaning over to kiss the side of his helmet where his cheek would be. 
There’s a little red kiss mark on the side of his helmet and you pat his head, Seb reaches up and gives your hand a squeeze before letting you go. 
You and Britta get back to the garage just in time for lights out. Lewis was on pole with Seb in P2 and Mark in P3. Your fingers were crossed hoping your boyfriend can fight his way into P1 over the course of the 60 laps. 
Within the first corner, Sebastian was able to gain the lead and hold it for the entirety of the race, coming across the checkered flag victorious. 
Everyone was pushed up against the gate, looking up at the German driver on the podium, the smile on his face shines brighter than the sun; nothing beats winning his home race.
The man winked at you, tipping the champagne bottle in the direction of the team before taking a swing. 
Once everyone returned to the garage, your boyfriend found you the moment he got back. You were by the pit wall, talking to Christian when he hugged you from behind, swinging you around. His skin sticky and wet, the race suit soaking the back of your shirt. 
“Congratulations, baby.” You smile, turning to face him when he puts you down. 
At this point, you two are in the middle of the pit line, his hands resting on your lower back when he leans down and kisses your stomach. 
Of course, the photographers around were eating this up. Sebastian kissing your stomach points towards one thing and one thing only; you were expecting.
“Ted said that’s when he knew we were in love.” You tell Seb, looking at the picture. 
Sebastian laughs, “he told me the same thing. Said before was puppy love and this was real. Having a kid always makes things real.” 
“Oh so we were fake before?” You joked and Seb rolled his eyes, “that was a terrible joke.” 
“You’re terrible at jokes, you started telling dad jokes before I was even pregnant!” 
There’s a few more pictures from that race in the stack, you come across a picture of him waiting in the garage after practice. You studied the pattern on the matte black helmet that sat on top of his head like a mushroom from Mario. The gold ran along the sides and the top, the RedBull insignia stood out against the black and gold in a shimmery red. There’s a single red and black stripe across the top, blended in with the gold to make up the German flag; something Sebastian almost always worked into his helmet designs. 
“Do you still have this one?” You ask your husband, showing him the picture. 
Sebastian gets up and pulls a few more boxes from the closet you had, opening a few before he pulls out a large dust bag, you see the smile on his face when he peeks into the bag. 
He pulls out the black and gold helmet, showing you. “It’s one of my favourites.” 
“Mine too.” 
Sebastian sets the helmet down on the table, looking back into the box before pulling out something. “Is this yours?” He holds up the blue dress, holding it against himself. 
“Looks like it’d fit you.” You smile, earning a chuckle from him. “Yeah, says maternity on the tag.” 
You try to think back to when you would have worn that and it pops into your head, making you laugh out loud. 
“What?” Your husband looks at you, confused as to why you’re laughing by yourself. 
You take a breath, regaining your composure. “We went to headquarters after the last race, when I was pregnant with Meg, remember ?” 
Sebastian tosses the dress at you. “You gave me a heart attack that day.” 
“Please, I was preparing you for fatherhood.” 
England 2013.
Today you were officially 26 weeks pregnant, which was roughly around  6 months. You were under strict orders by your OB that you are not allowed to fly anymore. So the flight back to England would be the last for the next little while. 
You had begged your OB to give you the clearance to join Sebastian for the last race of the season and she did; you joined him for the Brazilian Grand Prix and you watched him win his 4th championship. 
Nothing made you more proud than seeing him up on the podium. 
After the stop in England for a few days, Sebastian would be driving you two to Paris for a few days of relaxation before he drives you two back to Monaco to wait for the birth of your baby girl. It was a seven hour drive to Paris from England and then another nine hours from Paris to Monaco. Your mother-in-law and OB tried to talk you into staying in England and having the baby there but you were dead set on having the baby in Monaco like intended. 
Sebastian gave in to you because you had him wrapped around your finger. 
He held your hand as you two walked into the building, they were doing a little thing to thank the team and to show off the new trophies they brought home over the season. 
“Oh good, you’re here!” Britta calls, walking over. 
“Sebastian, you’re needed in the head office. Y/n, come with me.” The woman was already pulling you away from your boyfriend and you glanced over your shoulder at him, he just smiled and waved you off. 
The team had put together a little basket for the baby; Well wishes attached to the baby clothing in the basket. Shirts, shorts, sweaters, shoes, hats, all in various sizes and the bull embroidered into all of them with different variations of the RedBull logo. 
You thank the team, walking around the building with Britta for a bit as she showed you some of the things in the front foyer. You were drinking some water and a bit of it spilt on the floor when you cracked the bottle open, the water splattered on your dress but you didn’t bother drying it out because it was water, it’d dry itself out.  
“Babe!” Sebastian shouts, running towards you and you turn to face the man, confused as to why he looked so full of concern. Christian was right behind him when Sebastian reached for you and you were really confused now. 
You glance between the men and Britta, “what?” 
“Did you water break? Do we need to go?” Sebastian asks, looking down at the floor and your dress. 
You follow his line of sight and put two and two together. “Oh!” You laughed, Britta realized what he was freaked about and started laughing. 
“I spilled some water, it’s fine.” You wave him off. Christian peeks out from behind Seb, “so just to be clear, you’re not in labour ?” 
“No, I'm not.” You laughed. 
“God, both you and Christian were mortified, so worried that you didn’t let me do anything for the rest of the afternoon.” 
“We were just worried,” he pushes some of the boxes into the closet again. “It's possible to go into labour that early.” He tells you. 
“Possible but unlikely.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “that’s why Christian said you aren’t allowed to visit while you’re pregnant anymore.” 
You huff, arms folded across your chest as you looked at the man across the room. “I didn’t get pregnant for the rest of your RedBull days though.” 
“Surely you remember the next time you got pregnant,” he says, making his way over to you. The twinkle of mischief in his eyes says that he fully well remembers how you ended up pregnant the second time. 
“Yeah, whose fault was that?” 
Sebastian drops down next to you, pulling you by the chin to look at him. “Mine.” 
“Glad you know.” 
Hawaii, 2018. 
Things were good in terms of the championship. Sebastian was second in the standings going into the break and you knew he needed a break, physically and mentally. 
He had a habit of being hard on himself but he was always laughing and smiling, no one ever noticed that something was off. You were his wife, you knew him like the back of your hand. You talked him into taking a little vacation, just the two of you. 
Megan was with your parents while you two spent a week in the sun, trying to relax and decompress.
It had been the last three days just rolling around in bed. Since you two have checked in, you've barely left the room to eat, even then it was just going to the door to get the room service. It had been nothing but rolling around in bed, room service and piles of clothes scattered throughout the room; you weren't even sure why you bothered to get dressed at this point. 
“C’mon,” you groan, pulling your husband by the arm. “Let’s go to the beach.” 
Sebastian sits up, pulling you to him. You’re standing between his legs as you look down at him and you feel his hands on your ass, pinching the exposed flesh. The little green bikini didn’t cover much, not that he minded. 
“We only have a few days left, we should do something other than have sex, Sebastian.” 
“Why? The sex is great.” He pats your ass, making you roll your eyes. 
“Sebastian, c’mon. Just a few hours.” You pull away from him but he grabs your hand, and you’re right back where you were moments ago. 
“Once more,” he mumbles against your stomach, kissing up to your chest. Your hand tangled in his short blonde curls as you pulled his head back so you could look at him. “Then we can go.” He says, smiling. 
He was so handsome, he knew you were wrapped around his finger. 
“Fine,” you sigh, letting him pull you into bed again, his hands making quick work of the strings on your bikini. “Just once more.” You tell him, your tone is serious. 
Sebastian nods, “just once more.” 
“It’s late,” you say, getting up. “We’ll clean up tomorrow.” Your hand stretches out for his and he gets up, the two of you making your way up the stairs and onto the first floor before making one more check of the house, double checking all the doors and windows are locked. 
Sebastian’s voice catches your attention as you head up the stairs towards the bedroom. 
“I wish I could’ve done more, with Ferrari.” He says, following you up the stairs and you hum. 
You knew your husband’s feelings towards the red team, it broke your heart to think about how they made him feel about himself. 
Like he had failed. 
“If I had won a championship with them-” “You have four, Seb.” You remind him before he gets the chance to spiral. 
“I know,” he sighs, “I had set out to win one with him and I feel like I failed. I should have won.” 
“You didn’t fail, Sebastian.” You turn on the step to face your husband, holding his face in your hands. “They failed you if anything.” 
The sadness on his face makes you want to light a match and toss it at the factory but you hold back the urge to say the bitter words that come to mind. 
“You are a four time world champion, Sebastian. Things don’t always go to plan but you have a legacy, you left behind a mark that will always be there, regardless of how it got there. I will always support you and always love you but don’t you dare, even for a second, think you failed; because you never did.” 
Sebastian kisses the palm of your hand, “thank you, for everything.” 
“No need to thank me, baby.” 
You two make it upstairs and Seb checks on the girls while you head into the bedroom. You were changing when your eyes caught the green frame hung on your bedroom wall. 
There’s a collage of pictures in the large green frame from the first official Aston Martin pre season photoshoot. 
England, 2020. 
You watched as your husband posed for the camera, both you and Britta holding back laughter from how uncomfortable Sebastian looked. 
He was sitting on a chair in his race suit, foot propped up on a tyre. “Mrs. V,” the photographer calls, “go and join him.” 
You shook your head, “no, no. I’m good.” 
“Oh c’mon. I’ll send these to you plus, I've got some time to kill until Lance gets here.” He nods towards Seb and you give in after Britta nudges you off to him. 
How ironic that you just so happened to wear a green sundress that morning.
“Where do you want me?” You ask, looking at the photographer. “Uh - try the tyre. If it's uncomfortable, we can move.” 
Sebastian moves his foot and you sit on the tyre, fixing your dress before your husband leans in his seat to rest his chin on your shoulder, your hand coming up to rest on his cheek. The two of you are smiling and the camera flashes a few times. 
“Give us a kiss!” The photographer shouts and you laugh, Sebastian shakes his head. “Come on! It’ll be cute!” He shouts from behind the camera and Sebastian looks at you, waiting for your go ahead. You smile and he takes it a yes. 
He pulls the hat he had on, off before leaning in to kiss you but at the last second, just as his lips meet yours, he holds the hat up and blocks the two of you from the camera. 
You can hear the photographer laugh and your eyes meet Seb’s. “I love you.” He whispers. “I love you.” You smile. 
Lance and Sara arrive a few moments later and the photographer gets a few group shots. You and Sara lean over your boyfriend and husband’s shoulders, one of the 4 of you standing together, and he even manages to talk Lance and Seb into giving you two their race suits for a photo, posing back to back, Charlie’s angels’ style. 
Seb’s hand touches your back as he walks in and you smile at him, joining him in bed. He looks over at you when he gets into bed with you. 
“Do you think I did the right thing?” He asks, ever so cryptic. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Retirement; did I do the right thing?” 
Sebastian had announced his retirement the weekend before summer break and you supported him 110%. You knew he had been thinking about it since the end of his Ferrari days. 
“You’re the only one that can answer that question.” You tell him and he hums, looking at you. You take that as your chance to go on; “but I know you love this sport. It’s given you so much and you put everything into becoming the driver you are and have always been. You are formidable, my love.” 
Sebastian lived and breathed racing. It was in his blood, his DNA; it’s the way he was wired. It meant everything to him and you knew that. 
Anything he wanted to do, anything he set his mind to, you stood by him and supported him as much as humanly possible. 
The retirement decision was weighing heavy on him. You knew his feelings once he joined Aston Martin. He loved the team, they gave him his happiness back, he was at ease. 
Sebastian had always looked towards the future then looking back and unlike you, he knew when it was time to go. The time was now. 
He felt like he needed to step aside to make room for other drivers, he had gotten 15 amazing years from racing, and while it was his whole life, life also keeps moving regardless of what you want. There was more than just racing in his life now; he had a wife, kids, a family. They deserved the love and focus he put into racing. 
There was more to life, and that he was missing out on you and kids’ lives by being away so much.
Of course he will always be a champion to you, and to millions of people out there. 
“It’s time.” He says softly, reaching over to hold your hand. “My life is here.” 
You smile, nodding. Sebastian chuckles, his own internal dialogue making him laugh. “Maybe I'll make a comeback in a few years, when I get bored; like Michael or Kimi, or Fernando.” 
“Maybe you could take Christian up on that offer to rejoin RedBull hm?” You laughed. 
“You'll be the first one I talk to if I do it.” He says, smiling at you. 
Nudging him with your shoulder, you say; “the car’s a fricking rocket ship, you’d definitely win number five.” 
“Five championships for driver number five does have a nice ring, doesn’t it?” 
“It does.” You smile, leaning over to kiss your husband. 
taglist: @diorleclerc​ @timetoracewrites​ @lickmeleclerc​ @halsteadssneakylink​ @dragon-of-winterfell​ @benedictscanvas​ @elisaa-shelby​ @hnmaga-blog​ @czechoslovakiandisco​ @dr3lover​ @troybolton14 @Lovingroscoee @compulsiveshit​ @somanyfandomsbruh​  @damnyoulifee​ @barzysreputation​ @vickyofalltrades @yeolsbubbles​ @barzysreputation​ @thybulleric​ @valkyrie418​ @ricsaigaslec​ @idkiwantchocolatee​  @sessgjarg @molliemoo3​ @bisexual-desi​ @sunf1owerrq​ @alwaysclassyeagle​
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