#the ships i honest to god had in mind while writing this. sorry
livelylambs · 8 months
On the topic of homoerotic rivalry I’d like to throw my hat into the ring and say that it’s cool! But what if sometimes it’s. Not homoerotic. Like, what if it’s not about the repression of attraction and how it manifests itself in the bickering and the fights and the vitriol. What if it’s exclusively the moments where, against all odds, they find themselves laughing together through the cracks of the facade. Where the mask of the rivalry crumbles and they find themselves doing something as vulnerable as enjoying themselves, without restriction, without judgment, with someone who seemed just as far away as they did. Maybe it’s about how vital it is for such intensely defined individuals, who are so unwilling to sacrifice any part of their personal freedom, to know they can be safe and soft in company when they want it. And that like, somehow, it’s the same individualism that makes them bicker that ultimately allows them to respect the other’s freedom more than anyone else. And it’s not about the attraction it’s just about the vulnerability and the trust and the independence and they wonder if they might be able to live their whole lives like this, adjacent to one another. Free, but with the capacity to let their guard down and still be welcomed in again. You ever think about that
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callmejod · 5 months
Yey! I love him so much but there is so little for him! Could you do a headcanon for him falling in love again (reciprocated) post potc please- if we pretend he didn't die. Pretty please.
Hohohohohohohoho this was also on my mind for a few weeks
Had to mill it over the last few days, sorry for not responding. I also wrote this for an entire day so I hope you like it.
Kinda oc reader, foreign!reader, James being down bad for the reader , reader being too good to be true
This got really long so bare with me
I don't know if I'm even able to write short fics
So the jist is :
If he didn't die and came back to Port Royal as Admiral Norrgington - he would be happy he got his career, his honor and his purpose back.
Living on the sea has changed him. He no longer could stand this uptight, fake world that Port Royal thrives in. The cravats, the paperwork, the wigs. Fuck, he couldn't breathe most of the time, always sweaty in the thousand-layer suits, head itching from both the powder and the weigt of his hats. Having to sit through those god awful formal dinners, balls that bring nothing but superficial gossip was nothing but pure torture. Don't get me wrong - he's grateful for being able to even attend them, but the honest, freeing way of pirate life has broken him out of the cage of chaperoned conversations with ladies and standoffish men making fools out of themselves. He remembers the joyous dancing, full of fluidity and life, now having to endure stiff, distant and "civilised" english dancing.
One day, while having a conversation with one of the Ports ministers he hears about a merchant who's come from afar. He knows of your stay at Jamaica. He had a few documents regarding your long stay brought to his office to sign. Your ship suffered damage in a run-in with pirates and had a lot of repairs to do. A gorgeous vessel. He wonders if the captain is as handsome as their ship. Hopes he gets to meet you before you leave. You only arrived four days ago, and already the talk of the ton. Impressive.
The men described you as lively, wild as a tropical storm. The ministers complained about your accent, your way of dressing, your carefreeness, anything they can put a pin in, they do. James feels quite uncomfortable listening to the convesation not being able to put in anything. He then sets his mind to finding out who you are - he has grown out of judging a person by word from another mouth.
That encounter came earlier than he expected. And to be frank - saved him from a horrible stack of particularily boring paperwork. Having you barge in full-force into his office steaming mad, followed by two petrified soldiers was not something on his agenda. He noticed the few things the ministers mentioned - clothes of unusual cut and style, quite tasteful if his opinion was concerned, hair and hairstyle so different from locals that there was no mistaking you. You were the eccentric foreigner. But fawning over your beauty was for another time - now he had an angry merchant going off about something he both didn't listen to for a while and frankly, couldn't really understand due to your speed of speech.
'S-sorry could you slow down a second. I'm afraid I'm loosing some of what you're saying."
'Sir they need to make an appoin-'
'It's fine gentlemen, this must be urgent if I am needed. Please, let us speak in private.'
After the guards step out, he offers you to sit and something to drink.
'I have no need for no courtesy Admiral. I need a problem fixed. You can skip this stupid charade.'
'Oh, then it is more serious than I've thought. What is the problem?'
'Those - those'
You wave your hand in the air to make him help you find a word.
'Minosters of yours'
'Yes! Those idiots. They won't let me handle my own ship the way it needs to be. It needs to be seen by - argh!'
Your frustration runs high. He smiles.
'There's no need to stress. You mean carpenters? Is there a problem with the wood of your ship?'
'Are those who work with wood?'
'Yes, so you need to hire carpenters and the dock officials won't let you? That is strange. You have registered your stay and gave us all the documents we need.'
'But they don't!!'
You grab his forearm and try dragging him out of the office. He slows you down and explains that he will talk to them, just let him take a few things. You scoff and cross your arms.
'You English and your weird rules. Wasting time and not helping.'
He couldn't agree with you more. He smiles and starts walking out. When you two make your way to the port, he has difficulty keeping his pace with you - passersby stare at you storming off to port with their Admiral desperately trying to keep up with you. You sometimes mumble curses in languages he does not ever try to understand, but you two make your way faster than he realised was possible.
There you stomp to an official, who not seeing James trailing behond you shouts:
'Ow piss of ya cunt! I won't let you disgrace our carpenters by working on a ship that carries your kind!'
James is stunned you don't rip his head off when he sees your fists clench by your sides. Anger nips at his mind, how dare he treat you like this?! When slows his pace and asks in a flat voice:
'What do you mean "their kind"? Is that how my officials treat esteemed, foreign guests? And how dare you use such language to a person that was only looking for your help.'
The man's face whites and he starts to stutter an apology, but James stops it and sends him to get carpenters. Admiral's orders. When the official slips away to fill his duty, James turns to you and starts profusely apologising for the incompetence of his subordinates.
He's horrified when you inform him, that this is not the first - ha!, only time of being mistreated because of your looks or manner of speech. Anger boils in him when he hears that not only you, but majority of your crew had to endure this for a while now, accomodation denied not by matter of the lack of, but prejudice. Before he even thinks, he immedeately offers you a place in his home - something that brings surprise to you both. He cannot stand the thought you had to sleep on your ship when there was far grater comforts available.
He flushes red and again apologises for being inappropraite, but gets cut off by your boisterous laughter. The sound hypnotises him, seeing you smile for the first time makes his heart bang on his ribs. You laugh so hard tears come to you eyes and a shortness of breath. He cares not that many are looking at you two or the impropriatey of the situation. Time freezes for him. There's only you and him.
'Oh admiral, you are funny. I cannot leave my men to sleep on the ship when I am given all comforts of life.'
James flushes again and meekly asks:
'Then would you accept a simple dinner as an apology for your mistreatement?'
He almost doubles over when you beam at him and accept. The way you look at him so amused - he would make the biggest fool out of himself just to keep that look in your eyes. You set a date for a few weeks later and James makes sure that your your crew is not being mistreated anymore than they already have. Of course, Gilette and Groves relentlessly teased him for his obvious affection towards you. They weren't surprised though, it was hard not to even tolerate you.
Over those few weeks he started to watch you closely. Both of you were invited for a few balls, and the conversations you two had were the most fulfilling he had in a long long time. Your knowledge of the sea, of literature, politics and history had impressed him and added a new dimention to your person - not only beautiful, but wise.
He saw you many times playing with children on the street, helping people in need, play-fighting with young boys, showing them your battle scars and sometimes even your handpistol or sword.
You brought an air of freshness to the stuffy, ever "proper" society of Port Royal. You smiled often, you were polite to those who deserved it, made an effort to not be a bother. Yet, you never hesitated to get you crew in line when they were causing a ruckus.
Your manner of speech was charming, that certain twang to english and he would be a liar if he denied finding your way of trying to remember words or coming up with new ones when you couldn't was not adorable. Talking with using your hands was also a thing he found endearing. He would deny it to his grave in front of you, die of embarrasment if you knew. He heard that you got into a heated conversation with your first officer, and while talking with using your hands smacked a passing lady in the face. Apologised a lot and brought her an apology gift in form of a few yards of stunning blue silk. The dress she had comissioned to be made of it was breathtaking. But nothing could ever compare to your beauty.
All this was just pulling him into your direction. And when the awaited evening came, James was so nervous about everithing being perfect. You were perfect so your expectations were not to be let down. But, you being you, as if feeling his nervousness arrived early and instead of courtsies and stiff welcomes hugged him like a family member long missed.
As the dinner went on, your conversation flowed over many topics, never ending, never boring. You moved to the sitting room, where to James' torture you sprawled yourself over a love seat and rested. He sat, watching you strech like cat, admiring you quietly. You made eye contact with him and asked :
'James, would you like me to court you?'
He choked on his spit. In a coughing attack, he flushed so red, you jumped to your feet and held his shoulder to try and help. After a while of hacking and a visit from a concerned maid, he stopped and looked at you, not knowing what to say. He saw the unceirtainty in your eyes, even hurt.
'Do you not wish me to court you, James?'
His eyes widened. After years of endlessly chasing Elizabeth's affection, you being so open about it shocked him. He knew he harboured feelings for you but never imagined that feeling would be reciprocated. He took your hands and squeezed them.
'I was just cuaght off guard, dear don't worry. It's standard for men here to ask someone to court.'
'So I'm supposed to wait forever? You have been open with your feelings, but I am an impatient person James. I do not make games.'
'Play games?'
'Is that how you say it?"
James chuckled an held a hand to your face. That prompted you to surge forward and kiss him. For a second, he froze in surprise but leaned into you, sighing into the kiss. You threw your arms over his shoulders and he moaned.
That made you break apart from him and look into the sea green of his eyes. Your warm breath fanned his face, heating it impossibly more. You seemed lost in them and made him nervous that he did something wrong. Seeing his concern, you locked your lips again in a gentle kiss. God, he never wanted it to end. He smiled into the kiss, making you giggle. You two broke apart and looked at each other.
James then spoke :
'I would very much like you to court me, if you let me do the same.'
'Finally making some sense, James.'
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rainbowwinedemon · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Arsgsggsg I LOVE THIS (maybe bc i'm a little narcissistic)
First one gotta be lovelorn and nobody knows for the HP fandom (jeverus ship actually) is a sequel for too divine for human minds exploring what happens three years after they find out they're soulmates (in this au, soulmates can read each other minds). It had my favorite paragraph I've ever written:
That was probably his favorite summer to the date. Them exploring the woods and Severus getting sidetracked picking ingredients to experiment, going into town and taking walks while holding hands, spending the night outside with Severus sleeping on his lap while he enjoyed the warm summer breeze, swimming in the river to cool down from the heat, and then making love by the shore.
I pictured this as a film reel when I wrote it, and I was soo happy with the end result. Good. I love it so much.
Second goes to i slipped, then i could break the habbit (Joukai). That fic took over my head. I sat down and wrote whole first section in like two hours, then spent a whole day sitting in front of my laptop just so I could finish it. I actually had to cut it short. The last two sections where supposed to be full fledged sex scenes, but it was getting too long, it probably would've gotten up to 10~11k if I kept writing. I loved how it ended, so I guess I made the wrote decision. Here's one of my favorite parts:
He pulls away, Kaiba had his bottom lip against his teeth, his eyes blink open when he realizes Jounouchi stopped kissing him. He smiles a little, rocking him a bit on his lap. “Hi,” he says. “Hello,” Kaiba replies.
I'm not good at kiss scenes, but this was just sooo soft. I loved it.
Third gotta be Leash. Also a joukai, and a work in progress. I started writing fanfiction back in February, after being blocked for like three years, and pretty much of the first things I wrote where really soft (tho also really smutty) Leash is letting me write things that would've made uncomfortable three months ago, and I can also explore new ways to write smut. That always comes handy.
Here's a sneak peak from the second chapter
“Fuck you, Kaiba,” he spits instead, the fingers of his right hand flexing like he wants to grab him again. “Despite what fucked up idea you have in your mind, I’m not a dog. I don’t have a leash for you to pull on.”
Jounouchi turns on his back, walking down the stairs and very pointedly not looking back when Kaiba says, “Isono, please, walk Jounouchi to the exit. I don’t need him to get lost.” Jounouchi just goes straight for the door, countering with, “Don’t worry, I can find my way out.”
Fourth: something to give each other, for the HP fandom, obviously Jeverus. I think I started writing this right after getting my muses back, me and Beth (my first fandom friend, she's writing one of my favorite fics for this ship) started doing interchanges for this pairings. And this idea, like all the other, took over me. I put work into it, looking for each character aesthetic and writing headcanons to base the world on.
Here's my favorite part:
Jesus, he even hated the way he talked, slow, dragging the words to make his voice sound deeper. As if James hadn’t heard him last week, screaming like an honest to God four-year-old when Lily accidentally chipped his nails too close to the flesh. “I’m sorry, did we ask for your opinion?” this time, James did turn on his side to look at him, Snape was wearing a dark grey baggy turtleneck, along with pair of old dress trousers. He hated him a little more for making that fit look runaway material.
Fifth is actually a tie between double take and Have the cake. Eat the cake.
Double take is my latest published fic. It's a Joukai, and started because if line that I obsessed over from a fic (New Tricks by pockyhucks). I also wanted to try writing smut in a different way, and I wanted to get into the skin of someone in the Ace spectrum and figure out how you can be interested in someone's body without being interested in having sex with them.
Favorite part from this one is:
“I like touching you,” he cuts in before Jounouchi can finish his question. That statement makes him blush, but what he says next makes his blood pump in his ears. “I like the why your dick feels in my hand, and I also like knowing that you like me touching you.” He pauses, puts on that infuriating little smirk of his and tips his head. Jounouchi is red down his neck. “Is that enough for you, or do you want me to keep going?” Jounouchi gapes, his mouth opening and closing without a single word coming out. In the end he resolves to keep it shut, clearing his throat and turning to look through the window again, because if he looks at Kaiba, he’s probably going to combust in his seat. “That’s okay,” he eventually settles, speaking again his palm. “That’s quite enough.”
Anddddd finally Have the cake. Eat the cake.
This one is my baby, the first fic I'm writing with some resemblance of plot. It's a slow burn, and isn't even posted yet. But I love it soo much, I can't even explain it. Here's one of my favorite parts so far:
The Kaibas are the last ones to get to the course, Gozaburo wearing a white cap and Kaiba with black shades. He’s only one who’s dressed in shorts instead of trousers, and it makes him look painfully young against all the old man there. He doesn’t look like he cares, though, walking with his hands in his pockets replying to what Gozaburo was saying, taking the club that was meant for his father from Jounouchi’s hands.
He doesn’t test it, just gives Jounouchi a look that says ‘if I fail, it’s on you’, then walks to the closest hole and gets ready to swing.
It’s impolite, they’re the hosts, they’re supposed to let someone else play first, but Gozaburo just smirks when Kaiba makes the swing and scores, giving three slow claps that are echoed by the rest of the execs joining him. Kaiba just walks back to him, giving him the club and moving his hand in a come-hither gesture.
“Move along, mutt,” he says. Jounouchi clenches his fingers around the stick. “I want to finish this quickly.”
Jounouchi follows him around for the rest of the game.
Sorry, this kinda turned into a rant. But I'm so happy to be writing again that I'll take any change to speak about my works
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
Heyy Krikkit! How's everything? I'd like to request number 24 “Well, that’s embarrassing", please and thank you 🙃
hey Alice! everything's alright, i hope you're well too! 🥰
this was initially going to be light and fun, but i got a different idea so i changed it up a bit. hope you like it, thank you so much for sending a prompt!! ♥️♥️
send me a number and a ship/character, and i'll write you a drabble!
Relief (ao3 link because now it's a multichap canon divergent fic woot woot)
Characters: Levi, Hange, The 104th kids, Onyankopokon
Tags: snk 132, canon divergent, fix it fic sort of, hange is alive and well, i mean... yeah hange's alive, angst, just imagine those mechanics were better at their jobs than in canon ok? ok thx
The honest shock in the gasp that escaped Hange's lips when Levi's fist hit their chest, louder than the sound of countless Colossals approaching, burned its way into his ears and engraved itself into his memory with so much force he almost backed away then. He stopped thinking as a Captain and a soldier for a second, stopped putting the entire world's value above what their life meant to his, and almost disregarded their last order to let them go and look as cool as possible to everyone else while he alone would be stuck remembering their shaking hands and voice as they prepared themself to fly off to their death –if he even made it out alive himself.
Except Hange had been his closest friend for a decade and outstanding leader for almost half that time; Hange had been steering the wheel of this sorry army of theirs with the last bit of strength in their formidable spirit and visionary mind in those direst of circumstances, and Hange wouldn't request this of him if they hadn't thought every other possibility through and weren't past ready to cross that line.
Hange had always dedicated their heart to the cause they rightfully supported, and now wasn't the time for Levi to challenge their last command. Now was the time for him to dedicate his own, and let them go –no matter if he shattered it in the process.
"Shinzou wo sasageyo,” he recited solemnly, looking ahead, thankful for once for their mirrored injuries, and their current position that prevented either of them from seeing the other's face.
He still heard and felt the sharp intake of breath they drew in after the words had tumbled from his mouth, and for a second there when he could feel their heart starting to beat harder and faster under his fingers, could feel the cruel scorch of unrealistic hope –that those words might have made a difference, that Hange might have perceived the corrosive sting that declaration inflicted on his tongue and the meaning under it and somehow changed their mind– flowing from the veins of his left hand directly into his heart.
Their posture straightened soon after anyway, their sternum pushing back against his hand that he let fall in defeat as their feet carried them away from him and a chuckle made its way through their lips.
"Ha, ha! It's the first time I've ever heard you-
The sound of quick, human-light steps drowned the rest of their sentence and Levi's head shot up to watch Mikasa nearing their spot, her mouth opening as she closed in on them.
"Hange-san, wait! Onyankopon just said the plane's ready to go!"
Levi felt more than he saw Hange turn around again to face the kid as he took in the words she'd just spoken, praying Gods he never believed in that his ears and eye weren't playing tricks on him under the loud sound of the advancing Rumbling and the dust that was starting to saturate the air all around them.
“Are you shitting us right now?” he asked, not recognizing his own voice, not sure it even carried far enough that she'd hear him.
“Come on, hurry up!” Mikasa shouted again, before sprinting away back where she'd come from.
The faked glee faded from Hange's face and they stared at Levi like they had that day they'd reached the Jeager basement and found out about the world outside the Walls, like they needed him to confirm his relative's words.
He could be of little help to them right now, when his own brain was having trouble understanding the situation, when his mind hadn't nearly recovered from this most recent whiplash. But he still nodded their way and started moving.
The two veterans walked towards the others and the plane, and Levi couldn't help but wonder if Hange, only a few meters ahead of him, was matching his pace out of kindness to not leave him behind, or if their legs too felt like they had to move through thick, ton-weighing mud with each step.
“Guess I'm not dying today after all,” they said suddenly.
Their humorless tone made a shiver run down Levi's spine and he looked at them sharply, his hand wrapping around their wrist.
“Hange,” he called when the contact didn't prove enough to make them turn around and face him.
But they only laughed a strangled, wet chuckle that sounded so unlike them, and refused to look back at him. Instead, they shook his hold off and picked up their pace, quickly reaching the others and helping them push the repaired floating plane into the water.
He didn't hear them speak again until they were all safe sitting inside the aircraft and they turned to face Armin, still panting from the effort they'd all just put into getting out of the hangar that had now been crushed by rubble the Colossals had shot its way while advancing.
"Well, that's embarrassing after that goodbye speech but... Armin, would you mind if I back-pedalled on that Commander promotion? At least for the time being?" they asked, a familiar, playful grin splitting their face as they looked at everyone but Levi.
"Of course not!” Armin replied, blushing at the direct address. “I'm only relieved you didn't have to sacrifice yourself for us.”
Agreeing noises could be heard from the other Scouts.
"Right, me too,” they said, their smile faltering ever so slightly. “Me too.”
“Everyone, hang on tight! We're taking off,” Onyankopon warned from the cockpit.
The cabin shook and thundered, but the deafening noise and trembling floor weren't distraction enough for Levi to detach his stare from the surreal vision of Hange, still alive and breathing, settling in the seat directly across from his own.
They readjusted their cape around their slumped frame, their still shaking hands lingering against the spot his fist had touched minutes ago. He let his eye wander to their face, spotted the tensed jaw, the downward edges of their mouth now, and the tears welling up under their one iris, and he knew for sure then.
Hange wasn't relieved one bit.
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mtreebeardiles · 1 year
Trials & Tribulations, WIP
Finding little bits and pieces I can start writing and idk when I'll be done with it since I got A Lot Happening but this character started talking randomly today and who am I to ignore him? From "Trials & Tribulations," Everett Shepard's pre-ME1 story
Finding time for yourself was virtually impossible on a ship that crewed nearly 300 people. Despite a plethora of decks, messes, lounges, and quarters divided up amongst the different command chains, there was always someone somewhereeven when they probably weren’t supposed to be.
Exhibit A: fighter pilot Jordan Keens, sneaking into the officers’ mess after hours.
Exhibit B: unknown white boy in an oversized hoodie already in the mess hall, eating what appeared to be some honest to god chocolate chip cookies while he read a data pad.
And not the shitty air sealed ones Dario ordered last time.
Jordan narrowed his eyes at the same time his stomach gave an audible rumble. Either it was louder than he thought or the guy had amazing hearing, because his head jerked up a split-second later.
Gray eyes seemed to pin him to the spot, an intensity in that gaze that made Jordan hyper aware of himself in a way that bordered on uncomfortable. It eased as the scrutiny did, however, and he exhaled slowly. 
“Sorry,” he went on, flashing the stranger a lopsided grin. “Usually no one’s here, uh. I’m um. I’m Jordan Keens — Flight-Second Jordan Keens, with Torrent Squadron.”
He inwardly cursed at how jumbled his words were getting, but it was kind of the other guy’s fault for not wearing any uniform with clear rank markings. Jordan may have shown up in his varren slippers, but the rest of his uniform was technically appropriate. 
“Lieutenant Commander Everett Shepard,” the stranger replied. The words didn’t come easily from his lips, almost as if he wanted to hold them back. Jordan didn’t think much of it, too busy flashing a hasty salute the moment he heard “commander,” brain trying to remember why the rest of it sounded familiar, too. He wasn’t part of the regular Tokyocrew; maybe he was the newcomer Merrick had mentioned earlier?
“Ah, shit, sorry — erm, I mean, sir. Sorry, sir. Ah, fuck.”
Jordan was now keenly aware of his slippers, especially as the Commander finally glanced down and took note of them. 
A small smile tugged at the man’s lips, his guard slipping ever so slightly before he smoothed his expression back to neutral.
“At ease,” he murmured. “Wasn’t expecting anyone, either, if I’m honest.” His gaze flicked down to the plate of cookies before him before glancing back at Jordan, and Jordan could sense his hesitation even as he added, "did you… would you like some?"
"They're fresh-baked."
"Don't mind if I do!" Jordan knew he needed an actual snack, but a lifelong sweet-tooth skewed his priorities at the best of times and he'd been standing there long enough to pick up on the faint scent in the air that all but confirmed the guy was telling the truth -- these were fresh, still warm to the touch as he scooped one up, chocolate going deliciously gooey in his mouth at that first bite. 
"Oh mah gahd…" A hand over his mouth saved some of his dignity, though he caught the return of the small smile on the Commander's lips when he opened his eyes again. He swallowed, flashing him a wide grin of his own. "These are so good -- er. Sir."
"Thank you."
Jordan blinked, taking a moment to piece it together. A glance around the mess confirmed that they were alone, and if these were fresh, and the Commander seemed pleased that he liked them…
"…wait. You made these?"
A faint flush rose in Shepard's cheeks. "I did."
"Holy crap like -- holy crap!" He looked towards the kitchenette, spotting honest to god sugar, mixing bowls… "You made these from scratch!"
"Um. Was that a question or a statement?"
"On a ship! Who bakes on a ship?"
"Not every meal is from a box…"
"Well okay, sure, we get some good stuff every now and then as a treat but like! Not actual treats! Hey, what division are you with? I don't think I know you."
It occurred to Jordan as his mouth went off a mile a minute that he was being pretty forward, if not blatantly familiar, with a superior officer. But Shepard didn't seem to mind, another twitch of that smile tugging at the corners of his lips, and that steely gaze he'd greeted him with had eased into something almost…
Kind. Maybe even a little shy. 
"Marine detail," he replied.
"Ah, damn." 
An eyebrow cocked, and Jordan hurried to explain, "Was kinda hopin' you were with the flight crew."
"Oh." A pause. "Why?"
"Because if there's gonna be some crazy talented baker just hanging out on the ship, I want dibs on that friendship, y'know?"
Jordan's smile was back, and he waggled his eyebrows for good measure to assure the other man that he was joking -- mostly. 
"We can't be friends if we're not in the same division?" Both eyebrows were raised now.
"Welllll sure, but Marines, y'know?" Jordan wrinkled his nose for added effect.
"Traditionally assholes, sure," Shepard replied without missing a beat. He met Jordan's eye and this time the smile did more than twitch, and the next thing he knew they were laughing. Shepard gave the plate a nudge towards the center of the table, an open invitation for Jordan to take as many as he liked. The young pilot wasted no time helping himself to another. 
"But all jokes aside, these are so good -- Shepard, was it?" The Commander nodded. "And I'm not just sayin' that 'cause I usually eat that cardboard crap the mess sergeant gets us from time to time. My grandma's the best baker I've ever known, so trust me when I say I know what I'm talking about."
"Can't argue against grandma's baking," Shepard agreed easily enough. He snagged a cookie for himself, Jordan only belatedly realizing he'd already worked through three while Shepard had just finished his first, and he watched as the Commander's fingers delicately broke that one in half. 
He has really nice hands, he thought, unbidden, and shook his head. He rested his elbows on the table, cradling his chin in his hands as he observed the other man a moment. He didn't seem much older than Jordan himself -- somewhere in his early to mid-twenties, maybe? Pale-skinned, hints of freckles along a strong nose, with dark, reddish-brown hair that seemed to want to curl at the ends but couldn't thanks to how short it was cut. He looked familiar, but Jordan couldn't quite place him.
"So you new to the Tokyo?"
"I am."
Shepard's eyes met his briefly before looking down again as he carefully took another bite of his cookie. He shifted a little in his seat and Jordan shook himself again. 
"Sorry, I'm staring, aren't I? I just feel like… Maybe I've seen you somewhere before?"
The atmosphere seemed to change then, a subtle shift from something approaching friendly banter to something more…reserved. Closed off. Shepard's lips were flattened into a thin line, and there was a tension creeping over him as Jordan watched. 
Okay, stumbled on a bad tack. Jordan was just opening his mouth to redirect the conversation back to more comfortable waters when Shepard got to his feet. 
Fuck, he's tall. Probably a good head taller than Jordan was, at least.
"You, um. You can have the rest of these." 
"I --"
"Good night, Flight-Second."
"…good night…" Jordan blinked after him, bemused, until Shepard had slipped out of the door opposite and out of sight. 
It was only then that Jordan remembered he should've saluted, but then...  Shepard hadn't seemed to expect him to.
What an odd duck.
He looked down at the plate of cookies and shrugged, helping himself to another before going to search for a bag to keep them in.
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Hi, how are you? You don't know how lucky I am to find your blog. Your user name is the same like my favorite author of devil judge's fanfics. It's you right? Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful works.
Also because of your unique user name, I tried to google it and found out about killer and healer c-drama. I loved them....Really love your "Killer and Healer" fanfics. Thanks for sharing them, they're wonderful.
Dear author, can I ask why you loved "Killer and Healer" and "Devil Judge" (especially the first one)? What makes them special to you?
Your pinned post is like a breath of fresh air, I want to start all of the others. Now that I know I prefer mlm than mlw romance. Since I was little, my mum would take me to watched with her. She loved c-drama but only the het ones (either historical royalty or wuxia/xianxia). And now she loves k-drama (again the het ones).
Not until I found "Nirvana in Fire" (my first mlm ship in cdrama) and "The Untamed" (watched the drama first then read the books).
Sorry for my rambling, hope you have pleasant day.
Do you mind if I ask your favorite danmei novels and mlm novels?
Feel free if you don't want to answer the last question.
My beloved anon, hello. I'm doing well (a little stressed because of job searching) but other than that, I'm doing well. How about yourself? How are you?
And yes, I am the same person over on ao3 who wrote all of those devil judge fics. And I'm so glad you enjoyed them. While I don't write for that fandom anymore, I'm glad they still bring people joy.
And I'm so glad you like my Killer and Healer fanfics, that really means a lot. They are all my babies and I enjoy writing them immensely.
As for why I loved "Killer and Healer" and "The Devil Judge"...oh boy. This is gonna be a long one, so buckle up.
I honestly had no intention of starting Killer and Healer until after it finished airing, but I saw a few gifsets made by @tytangfei and I'm like "Well fuck it, I can't not watch this thing if they're going to fucking look at each other like that, god damn". So I started it and I was hooked from the get-go. I'm a slut for detective/doctor dynamics so that was already promising for me but then when you watch Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi interact and how their stories intertwine and how they grow to care for each other...my fucking god if it's not one of the most beautiful and tragic love stories of all fucking time. They're so in love it hurts. I love the characters, I love the story, I love the relationships between all the characters...it's just a really good drama and it has changed me, honestly. Never gonna be the same and I don't regret it at all.
As for the Devil Judge, I watched it and thought that the characters were very similar to Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi, except Kang Yohan is more willing to bend and break the rules to get what he wants. Jiang Yuelou wouldn't go to a lot of the lengths that Kang Yohan would, but they're very similar trauma wise. Like these two boys are fucked up. And with Gaon and Chen Yuzhi, they both want to help people, they're kind, they wear their hearts on their sleeves...the only difference between them is that Chen Yuzhi is a little bit more firm in his moral standings. He's not easily swayed like Gaon is but Chen Yuzhi also wasn't manipulated for majority of his life by people he thought cared about him. (If we're gonna be real honest, Kang Yohan and Kim Gaon are a lot closer to Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun, if you want to make that sort of parallel). But I liked the drama because I thought the dynamic of Kang Yohan and Kim Gaon was fascinating and the way that they're drawn to each other and the way that Gaon slowly comes to find where he stands in the whole mess of the justice system because Gaon is just too nice and wants to change the world but the world isn't just going to change overnight like how the Korean elite or Kang Yohan wanted it to. It was a good time when that drama was airing.
Oh, I'm glad you like my pinned post. Some het dramas aren't bad but they just have to be written well for me to enjoy them. I just normally don't because I'm not a fan of romance dramas. I like my action dramas, my police procedurals, stuff like that. I've watched I think maybe...two actual romance dramas, Love is Written in the Stars (I really only watched it for Ian and Patrick who were in Killer and Healer but I still enjoyed it when I skipped over the romance scenes), and Secret Royal Inspector and Joy (this one I actually enjoyed because it was well written, the cast was funny, and the romance was actually believable).
If you want some good dramas to check out, you should check out my Drama/Movie Masterlist. It has cmovies, cdramas, kmovies, kdramas, jmovies, jdramas, and twdramas (taiwanese dramas) and most of them are things I think you'll enjoy. Maybe. We seem to have similar tastes in dramas.
As for your final question, I don't really read danmeis or mlm novels. I've just never gotten into them. But I can give you a list of my favorite yaoi mangas, if you'd like to check them out:
[Ougi Yuzuha] Darling vol.1 [Eng]
[Ougi Yuzuha] Darling vol.2 [Eng]
[Ougi Yuzuha] Darling vol.3 [Eng]
[Ougi Yuzuha] Darling vol.4 [Eng]
[KATOU Erena, TOTSUKI Eko] Mitsumei [Eng]
[HOSHIKURA Zozo] Mahoutsukai wa Furete Hodokeru [Eng]
[SOUTOME Emu] Tenshi no Sasayaki wa Akuma wo Otosu [Eng]
[AKIRA Norikazu] Heart Strings [Eng]
[TAKAHASHI Hidebu] Stigmata – Seikon Sousa [Eng]
[SAKURADA Kyoko] Akuma wa Tengoku ni Ikitakunai [Eng]
[KAMON Saeko] Hatsujou Animal [Eng]
[NAGI Wataru] Pheromoholic [Eng] (update c.9.5) (ongoing)
[AKIRA Norikazu] Beast & Feast [Eng]
[SERIZAWA Tomo] Hime Muko [Eng]
[AKIHISA Teo] Gang no Kaikata [Eng]
[NOICHI Mikuro] Tosca no Inu [Eng]
[Hijiki] Kanashiki Ningyo [Eng]
[NATSUMIZU Ritsu] Koishite Hoshii [Eng]
[noji] Tantei Jimusho no Kainushi-sama [Eng]
[YOFUNE Shibue] Goodbye to Loneliness [Eng]
[KAZAMI Yuki] Hakuran no Kemono [Eng]
[MINAMI Fuuko, Takiba] Light of My Life [Eng]
[SAKURA Sakuya] Hisho Ikuseichuu ~ vol.01 [Eng]
[SAKURA Sakuya] Hisho Ikuseichuu ~ vol.02 [Eng]
[Jita] Double Fake [Eng]
[Ohtako Mame] Play After Call [Eng]
[NISHIMOTO Rou] Hajime no Koi [Eng]
[Uimu] Tonari no Hana wa Kyou mo Ichiban Kakkoii [Eng]
But thank you for dropping by, anon! I adore talking to you!
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nezhasriverlotus · 1 year
💮Repost from my LMK twt💮
All I Need Is You In My Arms [ A HotHeels Shipping Fic ]
Word Count: 1,129
Fic Type: Fluff
Characters: Shoe Store Guy, Redson, MK, Mei , Yang [ Redson's and Shoe Store Guy's adopted son ], Bob, General Ironclad 
-For people who don't know what this ship is HotHeels shipping is the ship between Redson and Shoe Store Guy
-Sorry for any grammar mistakes! This takes place after the events of season 4 after Redson was freed from the scroll.
-Also yeah Redson doesn't act like his cannon self very much in this but I hope you don't mind that ^^;
Extra note: This is also based off a headcanon I posted a while back where they are married and adopted a child together [ which I haven't posted yet here but I will soon ]. Also I'm still new to fanfic writing so sorry in advance-
Finally everything was back to normal, those who were stuck in the scroll of memories were free. MK would currently be walking with Redson smiling " Good to see you back Redson! I'm glad you're finally safe bud! " He spoke looking up at Redson. Redson would be walking with his hands in his pockets " Being in that scroll was certainly…interesting to say the least " he spoke before looking over at Mk " How is it that no matter how difficult the situation you deal with you always seem to come out on top? " He asked looking at MK who would give a small chuckle rubbing the back of his head gently " Not sure to be honest with you " He replied. Redson would simply shrug and continue walking with him adjusting his glasses.
That's when in the distance he saw Mei  with a familiar person to him, a turquoise haired male. He would stop walking as his eyes widened a little. MK would notice and stop as well looking over confused " Hey Redson you okay? " He asked confused. That's when Redson suddenly started running causing MK to jolt in surprise before following " Woah what's going on!? Something happening?! " He asked concerned. Redson didn't say anything soon Mei noticed him coming over and waved smiling " Heya Red Boy what's up? " She asked. She jolted though when he ran and tackled the turquoise haired guy she had been walking with in a hug " What?! " She said surprised " Do you and the Shoe Store Guy know eachother or something??? " She asked puzzled. Shoe Store Guy was at first confused and surprised by being tackled in a hug as him and Redson fell down from the momentum until he finally looked up, his eyes grew wide seeing Redson " Redson!? " He said shocked. He would quickly hug him tightly keeping the fire prince close as he teared up " Oh god where have you been!? I have been looking all over for you for months! " he spoke still in shock that he found him but also relieved that he had him in his arms. " It's a long story… " Redson replied, hugging him still before sitting up with him " But I'm here now " he added, wiping Shoe Store Guy's tears away before resting his forehead against his for a while, now just relaxing with the turquoise haired male in his arms. His turquoise haired lover would rest his head on his chest, calming down as he held onto him " I missed you so much…I thought you wouldn't come back " Shoe Store Guy said softly as he held onto him tightly, as if he let go Redson would vanish. 
Mei would kinda just watch confused unsure what was going on til it clicked and she gasped and squealed in excitement. MK would just look at her puzzled " What is it Mei? " He asked, confused. " Redson and the Shoe Store Guy are a couple! " Mei replied happily looking at MK and he was shocked by the news " Huh!?! When did they start dating?- " Mk said surprised. " We're actually married, you just didn't notice until now " Redson replied, looking at MK with a straight face. Mk would just rub the back of his head gently looking off to the side. 
" I think they are super cute together! " Mei said cheerfully as she looked at the two. Redson would get up pulling Shoe Store Guy up with him and just wrap his arms around him gently, resting his head on his shoulder not caring that Mei and Mk were watching them at this point " Let's go home " Redson mumbled holding Shoe Store Guy more. The turquoise haired male would simply nod running a hand through Redson's hair " Yeah we should '' he replied before Redson stood up straight again taking his hand before teleporting away with him in a ball of flames. 
Once back home Redson would walk with him holding his hand as he looked around the place. It felt like an eternity since he's been here even though it's only been about a month, then again being inside the scroll for any amount of time can make you forget the passage of time. As they walked through their home they could hear Redson's bull clones chatting about something. Curious about this, Redson decided to go to where they were and peaked his head into the room. In there he saw his son Yang doing what seemed to be some math problems and two of his bull clones trying to help him with it.
" Uh…what does pie mean in an equation? Can I eat it? " Bob, one of the bull clones, said trying to be funny but was just met with unamused looks by Yang and General Ironclad." Seriously Bob? " General Ironclad spoke as he fiddled with Yang's calculator to try and figure out the math problem. " I swear that last battle you were in must've knocked a few screws loose- " he added looking down at the tiny calculator " Yang why is your calculator so tiny?- " he asked Yang looking over at him " It's not tiny it's just you got big hands " Yang replied. As the three went back and forth with each other Redson was just watching them while Shoe Store Guy was beside him trying not to laugh. 
Eventually one of the three noticed Redson and Shoe Store Guy standing in the doorway, it was General Ironclad who upon seeing Redson dropped the calculator he was holding and quickly got out of his seat and stood up straight. Yang was confused by General Ironclads sudden change in demeanor before looking over and noticing both of his dad's in the doorway. His eyes widened seeing Redson and quickly got out of his seat and ran to Redson " FATHER YOU'RE OKAY!!! " he shouted as he ran up and hugged the fire prince tightly relieved his father was back. Redson hugged his son back, holding him close as he felt a wave of peace wash over him now that he reunited with his family.
Finally he was back where he wanted to be…back with his family and holding them in his arms  
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sapphicrpc · 2 years
it's also worse if you're writing a trans man & he's gay like the fetishism is next level and so pervasive that it's basically impossible to call out. like part of why i don't generally ship in groups anymore is because of the way that i ( a trans masc person ) would be asked really invasive questions about my character's body/genitals
like bad rp experiences can really shape what you're comfortable with and personally i really struggled/struggle with how to bring stuff like that up to admins because i've had admins say stuff like "well those are valid questions" "i don't think that is transphobic" or get mad at me for not interacting with everyone if i try to just back out of a ship
so if you any tips on how to approach/handle that kind of interaction, i wld love to hear them
sorry that i've sat on this for a while because i wanted to give a really thoughtful response.
first of all, if you're reading this and you're thinking that the admins are right and there's nothing wrong with those kinds of questions/actions... just think about whether you've ever asked a cis person about their genitals? would you approach a cis man and ask about the size of his dick? no. if you're a respectful person you wouldn't and therefore you should extend the exact same level of respect to trans people. go do some basic research and do better.
as for advice? my god... this is an awful situation if the admins are acting like that. you did everything i would say you should do. go to admins, etc.
honestly? my genuine advice on this exact situation? leave the group and protect your peace if you're really uncomfortable. take some screenshots and put a callout post in the tags and let the mob ruin the group for being assholes. trust me - they'll do the work for you.
however what i would do, because i don't mind a bit of a fight. i'd make it an in character problem. play your muse but anytime they're faced with a question like that have them fight the person about it, have them defend themselves in character. if there's social media in your group have them go on a twitter rant calling them out, if there's no social media post a starter where they rant about being faced with transphobia. when someone is being creepy/fetishising, call them out. have your character respond like "wow you're really creeping me out right now, would you treat a cis person like this?" i GUARRANTEE you they'd panic because they're not used to being called out.
don't rely on crappy admins, fight your own corner yourself. cause some fucking problems. out of character send links to people with reading materials about why this is wrong. send them to admins. send them to members. kick up a fucking FUSS. i'd made their lives bloody miserable until they kicked me out or changed their ways if it was me. and if they kicked me out for calling out transphobia (because that's what this is, lets be honest)
anyway... i know that my methods are not for everyone, but that's my advice as someone who has no issues with being a problem to problematic people. equally, i understand wanting a safe space online because a lot of us deal with these problems enough irl that we don't wanna deal with it online so... in which case there are groups out there that WILL give you a safe space. admins that WILL take your side on this. i don't know what platform you like to write on but i can recommend discord groups that'd protect your safe space (because i or a friend admin them and i'd go up to fucking bat for trans people any day of the week)
if anyone else has advice for this anon please respond with it
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queenshelby · 3 years
Gypsy Bride (One Shot)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Virgin!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Mention of Self Harm, Arranged Marriage, SMUT, Loss of Virginity
Total Words: 8,083 (both parts below)
·      Part One – Husband and Wife
·      Part Two – Consummating Finally
Notes: I will be writing another One Shot which will be called ‘Goodbye Marie’. This One Shot will follow on from this story but can also be read on its own.
Part One
It was 9am on a cold Saturday morning. You had been awake for several hours already and barely managed to get any sleep at all the night before.
It was your wedding day and you were nervous to say the least. This was a wedding you didn’t want, a marriage doomed from the beginning.
Your father had recently taken over the business of importing heroine into the United Kingdom from his brother who, due to unfortunate circumstances arranged by your father, was shot during police interference.
In your culture, it was customary to only form alliances with people you trust, mainly family. But, since you and your mother were both only children as a result of a curse impaled on your family decades ago, your family was much smaller than other gypsy families.
In cases like this, alliances were formed by expanding family through marriage.
You had no say in the matter and your father was determined to expand his business through such alliance.
So, today, you were to marry Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders.
You knew that Thomas Shelby was shipping heroine to the United States and had recently lost his supply from the Chinese. The deal your father was offering Thomas was lucrative and allowed the Shelby Family to reinstate most of their fortune which they had lost in the stock market crash earlier this year.
Your father, however, did not trust Thomas Shelby and insisted on a traditional bond between the families.
Thomas Shelby agreed and, since he was the only unmarried Shelby man of age, it was him, a man almost twice your age, who was going to be your husband.
You never met Thomas Shelby and you wondered what he was like.
You heard terrible things about him and you knew that he was both, a politician and a gangster. You knew that he was involved in drug trafficking, running brothels and killings. He was no better than your father who you despised.
You always wanted to turn a leaf on your life, get away from the illegal dealings and make an honest living. But, this dream of yours was now shattered. You were about to marry into the most notorious gangster family in the Small Heath and Birmingham area.
In the weeks leading up to your wedding, you considered ending it. This was the only way out. But then you met a man who was a priest. Every day you remembered his words. There was a purpose for you, you just may have not discovered it yet.
You never believed, but turned to God for advice after your encounter with the priest. You even began to volunteer at the local church community hall to help you keep your mind occupied.
After weeks of volunteering, you requested to be married to Thomas at the church. The priest was reluctant but agreed after you begged for long enough. Your request was granted.
And there you were, in the back rooms of the small church in Birmingham, preparing for your wedding.
As you stepped into your white wedding gown, tears were building up in your eyes. You were not ready for this, but you had to be strong.
You wiped your tears away with the white cotton tissue your mother had given you and pinned up your hair.
A maid was assigned to assist you, but you enjoyed to do your own hair and makeup.
Shortly after you sent your maid away and while you were applying your mascara, you heard a knock on the door.
You hoped that it was your mother, wishing to provide you with emotional support, but, to your surprise, it was a woman who you had never met.
She had dark brown hair and dark eyes. She was attractive and well dressed.
‘I am Polly Gray’ the woman said as she walked into your room.
‘I am Y/N’ you said nervously.
‘I figured’ she said with a laugh as she handed you her flask of whiskey.
‘Drink up Love, I think you need it, you are about to marry my nephew’ Polly said sheepishly as she stepped behind you and tied up your dress.
‘Thank you’ you said before taking a large sip from the flask.
‘You didn’t want your maid to help you with this?’ Polly asked surprised as she wiped away some of the smudged make up beneath your eyes which were still wet and teary.
‘No. I don’t like to appear weak in front of strangers’ you explained.
‘Showing weakness can sometimes be your strength Y/N’ Polly said before she asked you how old you were while she proceeded to help you with your make up.
‘I am 20’ you responded, your hands shaking.
’20?’ Polly said as she stopped what she was doing and sat down across from you.
‘Did you think I was older?’ you asked.
‘Your parents are older than me, so yes, Thomas and I did not expect you to be so young’ Polly said before she lid herself a cigarette.
‘Do you think that Thomas will be disappointed?’ you asked.
‘No Love. Let me tell you something about Thomas’ Polly said before taking a pause.
‘He has not shown any genuine interest in a woman since his late wife passed away. Whilst I disliked her, she was the only woman he ever loved. He didn’t choose you and he will probably not love you, but he will provide for you and ensure your safety. He expects loyalty in return, nothing else. So long as you are loyal, you do not need to worry about disappointing him nor do you need to be afraid of him’ Polly explained, causing you to feel some relief.
Despite the fact that you had never met this woman, she was able to provide you with the reassurance you needed.
‘Now, let’s hurry’ Polly said, standing up and finishing your make up.
‘Thank you, Ms Gray’ you said as she took your hand and smiled at you.
‘Please, call me Polly. After all, you will be family soon’ she said just before she disappeared to the hall.
Not long after Polly had left and you finished getting ready, your father arrived.
‘It’s time Y/N’ he said impatiently, not even bothering to compliment you.
You hooked into your father’s arm as he walked you towards the hall.
The Church was packed. You had many guests, mostly gypsies from different families.
Your heart sank into your stomach as you observed your future husband waiting for you at the altar.
He was wearing an elegant navy-blue suit which matched his deep blue eyes.
His hair looked immaculate and he had his hands crossed in front of him.
He was very attractive and you could barely believe that he was in his late thirties already.
Despite this, shivers ran down your back as you approached the altar. He showed no emotion at all. There was no smile on his face. In fact, there was no expression at all, just coldness.
As you took your place across from him, you observed him gazing over you for a moment, almost like he was assessing you. But his expressions didn’t change. There was no warmth.
You weren’t sure whether he liked what he saw or whether he was disappointed, possibly by the fact that you were much younger than he had expected or perhaps he preferred a different hair colour or larger breasts.
There was an awkward silence between you as you both starred at each other until, finally, the priest began to speak.
‘We are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to unite Thomas Shelby and Y/N Y/LN in holy matrimony’ the priest went on to say before speaking a prayer, as per your request.
Then, it was time for the all-important question.
‘Do you Y/N Y/LN take Thomas Shelby to be your lawfully wedded husband?’ the priest asked.
‘I do’ you said nervously, starring at Tommy.
‘’And do you Thomas Shelby take Y/N Y/LN to be your lawfully wedded wife?’ the priest asked.
‘I do’ Tommy said, his hands still interlinked with each other.
‘Then, by the power vested in me by God, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride’ the priest said, but Tommy made no attempt to kiss you.
‘We might save that one for later, ey?’ Tommy said as he saw the nervousness in your face. You responded with nothing but a simple nod as you reached for his hand.
‘Are we done here?’ Tommy asked before he obliged and took your hand into his as you both stepped down from the altar and walked towards the exit of the Church.
Your families and guests were cheering as the Church bells began to ring.
You couldn’t help it but feel apprehensive and thought that, if the reception was going to be as awkward as the ceremony, this would be a long night.
Outside the church, you and your families posed for a picture before Tommy took you to his car.
There were no white horses and carriages as you had imagined on your wedding day. There was nothing romantic about this at all.
There was an awkward silence as you stepped inside his Silver Bentley. He started the car without saying a word.
You didn’t know what to say yourself and couldn’t even bare to look at him.
Just before you arrived at the reception venue, he looked over to you.
‘I am sorry you’ve been made to do this’ Tommy said, just as he stopped the car.
‘So am I’ you said as you pushed open the car door and walked inside. The weather was dreadful and you didn’t wait for Tommy.
The reception was barely a reception at all. There was nothing but business talk and your husband ignored you for the entire evening.
By that time, you were certain that he disliked you. He didn’t want this marriage any more than you did.
After several hours of easing your pain with champaign while you engaged into meaningless conversations with Arthur Shelby’s wife Linda, Tommy told you that it was time to go home.
You couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like, your new home.
You were hoping for it to be big enough so that you didn’t have to see your husband very often and endure this awkwardness and silence between you.
The drive home was as silent as the drive to the reception venue. Tommy didn’t speak a word to you, again.
At least this gave you time to think about the task ahead.
Your mother had spoken to you about marriage and what it entails.
She had also spoken with you about consummation of your marriage, which was something you were nervous, almost fearful, about.
Whilst, in your opinion, Tommy was very attractive, you have never been with a man before and you wanted your first time to be with someone you loved not someone you just met.
You told your mother exactly that, but she explained to you how important it is to fulfill your wifely duties and keep your husband happy from the beginning and always thereafter.
The truth was that you were afraid of the pain it will entail. You knew it was going to be painful and it wasn’t as if you didn’t already have to endure enough pain on your wedding day. Your mother explained to you that you would get used to it, the pain will fade and, eventually, it becomes nothing more than a chore.
As you finally stepped out of the car and inside Tommy’s house, you were emotionally prepared for what was to come and were probably drunk enough too.
The house was larger than any other house you had ever seen. You couldn’t believe that Tommy was living in the house by himself.
Tommy took the time to personally show you the house and introduce you to the maids. That was probably the most he had spoken to you all day.
It felt somewhat surreal. This is where you were going live now, with your husband, a total stranger.
Tommy told you that you could use every room in the house as you pleased but that you were not allowed in his office or his bedroom.
‘Your bedroom? Will we not be sharing a bedroom?’ you asked, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘No Y/N, we will not be sharing a bedroom’ Tommy said before showing you your bedroom. You were relieved to say the least.
‘You can redecorate it if you like’ Tommy said as he opened the door.
Your bedroom was large, with a study desk and your own bathroom attached to it.
It was well decorated and felt warm and welcoming.
‘Thank you’ you said turning around, causing Tommy to nod.
‘I have some work to do now. If you need anything, please call for one of the maids’ Tommy said as he excused himself.
‘Goodnight Thomas’ you said, receiving no response.
After Tommy left, you changed into your nightgown and lied down on your bed. But, there was no way that you could fall asleep just yet. You still felt uncomfortable and out of place.
After about thirty minutes, you decided to get up and make yourself a cup of tea. You weren’t used to be served by maids and enjoyed doing things for yourself.
As you wandered through the house towards the kitchen, you heard noises coming from one of the hallways.
Intrigued, you followed the hallway and observed that there was light shining from the reading room which was also where the noises came from.
You carefully approached the room, glancing in from the distance.
This when you saw Tommy, still wearing his suit while being intimate with the young blonde maid Marie to whom you were introduced earlier that evening.
Keeping quiet, you couldn’t help but stare at them.
Marie was being bent over the big oak study desk while Tommy was behind her, thrusting into her harshly and almost emotionless.
He held onto her hips tightly while she was moaning, digging her nails into the solid oak.
After five minutes of observation, you had enough and quietly walked to the kitchen where you boiled the kettle and made yourself a tea.
‘Mrs Shelby, I could have done this for you’ Francis said, startling you as you poured the hot water into the teapot.
‘That’s quite alright Francis. In fact, I enjoy being in the kitchen. Perhaps, if Thomas allows it, I could cook dinner one night?’ you said, waiting for some kind of approval.
‘That would be lovely Mrs Shelby’ Francis said before you excused yourself.
As you returned to your room you couldn’t help but think about Tommy and Marie. By no means did you blame him. But you also couldn’t help it but wonder why he didn’t take any desire in you. Did he rather want to sleep with his maid than his wife?
Was it that he disliked you or was it that he was trying to be kind, not making any advances towards you because you were forced into this marriage.
The next morning you woke at 7am after spending most of the night pondering about your future as Thomas Shelby’s wife.
After you got dressed, you walked downstairs and joined your husband for breakfast.
‘Good Morning’ you said as you sat down.
‘Good Morning Y/N’ Tommy said, glancing up from his newspaper for a moment to make eye contact with you.
‘Have you slept alright?’ he then asked.
‘Yes, thank you. The bed is very comfortable’ you said shyly.
‘That’s good’ Tommy said before continuing to read the paper.
This was all you spoke as you quietly ate your breakfast.
The next few weeks were just as quiet.
Tommy ignored you for the most part and continued to engage in sexual encounters with Marie. The worst of it was that he didn’t even bother to hide it from you.
Sometimes they would do it in the reading room, sometimes in one of the guest rooms and occasionally even in the stables.
You couldn’t help it but ask Francis about her and Francis told you that she had only been employed by Tommy for the past eight weeks. She was French and her breakfast was terrible. Clearly, she had other talents which kept your husband happy.
Just as you were in the reading room yourself, looking for a particular book, Tommy approached you.
‘Do you play chess?’ he asked.
‘Do I play chess?’ you asked surprised, closing your book. He didn’t talk to you for weeks and this was the question he wanted asked you? You were in disbelieve.
‘Yes, do you play?’ Tommy asked again as he poured himself a glass of Whiskey.
‘Yes, I do, would you like a game?’ you asked.
‘Yes, I’ve been learning. It’s somewhat boring but also extremely satisfying’ Tommy said, making you laugh.
‘It’s strategic, that’s probably why you enjoy it’ you said while you brushed your hair out of your face.
‘Please’ Tommy said as he turned around the chessboard on the coffee table, indicating for you to make your first move and begin the game.
You made your move and noticed that Tommy’s eyes wandered over to you rather than the chessboard, causing you to blush.
You played for about twenty minutes and began to make conversation, which is when you realised that Tommy had been observing you and taken an interest in what you might like.
‘I am thinking about getting another race horse’ Tommy said. ‘Perhaps you could help me choose one’ he added.
‘Me? Choose a horse?’ you asked surprised.
‘Yes. I noticed that you have taken an interest in the horses and I would like you to accompany me to the upcoming auction’ Tommy said. ‘It would be in my best interest to attend this event with my wife’ he added to justify his request.
‘I would love to attend with you’ you said with a smile.
‘There will be other members of parliament attending the auction and there will be a function afterwards. You will need to buy yourself a dress. Elegant, but simple’ Tommy said as he handed you some money.
‘Alright’ you said before moving your queen. Tommy clearly hasn’t been paying attention to the game.
‘Checkmate’ you grinned.
‘Well well, you just beat me at chess’ Tommy said as Francis walked in to the room with some tea for you.
‘Your wife is a smart woman Mr Shelby’ Francis said, giving you a wink.
‘I’ve noticed. Now would you excuse me, I have some more work to do’ Tommy said, smiling at you for the very first time.
The next day you drove into town to buy yourself a dress. By that time you had already done your research on the horses available for auction and the one you had your eye on was called ‘Emerald’.
It won two races quite recently and was slightly more expensive than the budget Tommy had given you.
With that in mind, you considered it to be fitting to purchase an emerald green dress, elegant but yet simple, just as Tommy had requested.
Over the next week, leading up to the auction, Tommy and you played chess almost every day. He hated losing and was determined to eventually beat you.
Even before the auction, he demanded a game and you made sure that you were ready for him.
A gasp escaped Tommy as you entered the reading room wearing your emerald green dress.
‘Is that alright for the auction?’ you asked shyly, wanting to ensure that Tommy approves of the dress.
‘Just missing one small detail Mrs Shelby’ he said as he handed you a box covered with black satin.
You opened the box and, inside, there was a diamond necklace with matching earrings.
‘Thomas’ you said, being stunned by the pieces of jewellery.
‘You will need to fit in Y/N. After all, you are my wife’ Tommy said as you turned around and he placed the neckless onto your neck.
After you looked at yourself in the mirror, you and Tommy played a quick game of chess before making your way to the car and drive to the auction.
At the auction, Tommy introduced you to everyone as his wife but, as usual, he kept his gestures to a minimum. He held your hand once, maybe twice, for show.
You were well spoken and engaged with the other politicians’ wives. The topics that were spoken about were of no real interest to you, but you played along for Tommy’s sake.
Later, at the function, you mingled with the same women while Tommy engaged in pollical discussions with members of parliament and judges.
You couldn’t wait for the night to be over, you were bored beyond belief.
Finally, Tommy told you that it was time for you to leave. He had further business to attend to at the Garrison and you requested that he take you along.
He reluctantly agreed and, as you arrived, the Garrison was packed with drunk men.
You were glad to see Polly and Ada again as you arrived and engaged into conversations with them before their business meeting with Tommy.
But just as Tommy turned his back on you and gave some instructions to Arthur, you were approached by another patron.
‘Good Day Love’ he said, not receiving any reaction from you.
‘Woman, I am talking to you’ he said harshly after you tried hard to ignore him.
‘Sir, please leave me alone’ you said patiently as, all of a sudden, he grabbed your wrist harshly.
‘Love, I can pay well you know. So, whatever offer you have for tonight, I will double it. It is rare to find a whore as pretty and clean as you’ the man said.
‘Get your hand of me. I am not a whore’ you said as, all of a sudden, you heard Tommy approach.
‘Ay, this is my wife you are talking to’ Tommy said harshly, pointing his gun at the man.
‘Mr Shelby’ the man said with a scared voice.
‘Now apologise to her and then fuck off before I blow your head off’ Tommy said angrily.
‘My apologies Mrs Shelby, I didn’t know’ the man said with embarrassment, his pants wet before he made a run for the door.
‘Did he just piss himself?’ Arthur said with laughter as he gave Tommy a nudge.
‘Fucking hell…this is no place for woman like you Mrs Shelby’ Arthur laughed but you weren’t in the mood for jokes. The man had grabbed your wrist harshly and you were somewhat scared by his determination.
‘Are you alright?’ Tommy asked, his hands running over your upper arms.
‘I am fine Tommy. I am sure it was just a misunderstanding’ you smiled.
‘I don’t care. No one speaks to my wife like this’ he said.
‘Now let’s get you a drink, ey? What would you like?’ Tommy asked.
‘Whiskey please’ you responded.
‘Irish or Scotch?’ Tommy asked.
‘Irish’ you responded.
‘Well, we have something in common then’ Tommy said with a smile as he asked you to join him for the business meeting.
‘Perhaps we are yet to discover a lot about each other’ you said, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘Most people do this before they get married’ Tommy said as you followed him.
You stayed at the Garrison for another hour before you made your back to the house.
The drive was much more pleasant than before and, even though you may never be lovers, you had now found things to speak about with each other.
‘Will you have another glass of whiskey with me?’ you asked Tommy as you arrived at the house and he handed Francis both of your coats.
‘I suppose why not’ Tommy said as he walked you to the living room.
Tommy poured each of you a glass of whiskey before sitting down on the lounge next to you.
‘I enjoyed today, thank you’ you said.
‘And I enjoyed your company. You did well with all of these arrogant bastards’ Tommy smirked, causing you both to laugh.
‘You don’t like politicians much do you?’ you asked.
‘No, I fucking hate them’ Tommy smirked, causing you to laugh again. After all, he was one of them.
You talked about politics and horses for quite some time until you changed the topic.
‘Tommy?’ you said all of the blue, before pausing.
‘Yes?’ he asked curiously.
‘It is none of my business but, do you love her?’ you asked.
‘Love who?’ Tommy responded.
‘Marie. I know you have been sleeping with her’ you said.
‘No, I do not love her. I do however enjoy her company, although not so much for making conversation’ Tommy said with a chuckle.
‘Do you enjoy my company?’ you asked shyly, looking down at your glass.
‘In a different way, I do’ Tommy said.
‘In a different way, but not in the way a husband enjoys the company of his wife’ you said.
‘Listen, Y/N, neither of us have asked for this marriage. It was your father who insisted and the business between me and your father is extremely lucrative as you know. If I would have known that you are…’ Tommy said, and before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted him.
‘That I am so young?’ you asked before pausing, causing Tommy to sigh. ‘If you would have known, you would have forgone the deal?’ you added.
‘I would have asked your father to consider a more suitable match, a trusted man of mine closer to your age’ Tommy said.
‘Well, it is what it is Tommy. There is no turning back now’ you said, taking another sip of your Whisky, before standing up.
‘I think Marie is waiting for you’ you smirked before excusing yourself.
As you walked to your room, tears were running down your face. You couldn’t help it but, for some reason, you wanted Tommy to be a husband to you.
Were you falling in love with him, the man you were being forced to marry? Are you asking for the impossible? Being loved by a man like Thomas Shelby?
You were devastated by thoughts that he would rather be with his maid than with his wife and wondered why he didn’t see you the way you now wanted to be seen.
First fearful about being with him, you now wanted to be with him and you certainly didn’t want him to be with your maid.
As you went to bed that night, you remembered what your mother had told you about keeping your husband happy in order to achieve a fruitful marriage.
You also remembered that, when your mother and father were in disagreement about matters or your mother was worried about your father’s indiscretions, she would add a little spark to their marriage with a nice meal and paying her wifely duties.
With that in mind, you decided to take things further the following week after Tommy returns from his business trip.
Part Two
‘Good Evening Mr Shelby, how as your trip?’ Francis asked as Tommy arrived back home.
‘Fine, thank you’ Tommy said, handing Francis his coat while Marie grabbed Tommy’s bag.
‘Mrs Shelby prepared dinner sir’ Francis said.
‘She did?’ Tommy asked surprised.
‘Yes, sir. She is waiting for you in the dining room’ Francis said.
‘Do we have guests?’ Tommy asked, causing Francis to shake her head.
‘No sir, just you and Mrs Shelby and she said that you do not wish to disturbed’ Francis said, causing Tommy ponder before he excused Francis, allowing her to finish some of her chores.
‘Will I see you later Thomas?’ Marie asked, causing Tommy to nod before walking to the dining room.
As he entered the dining room, he saw you sitting at the table wearing a beautiful but yet revealing black satin dress and the diamonds he had bought for you to wear at the auction.
Your hair was open, long curls falling over your shoulder.
You were wearing dark eye shadow and red lipstick and your skin smelled like musk and flowers.
‘Good Evening Thomas’ you said with a smile.
‘Is this a special occasion?’ Tommy asked, causing you to shake your head.
‘No, I just thought I would cook something nice for my husband’ you smirked before calling Marie for some wine and telling her that she may serve dinner.
‘You know she will probably burn whatever you prepared’ Tommy said jokingly. He knew that you were very well aware that serving food and food preparation wasn’t one of her chores.
‘I am sure she’s got other qualities’ you said cheekily.
As you talked and ate together, you discovered that Tommy had a pretty bad week.
Amongst other things, he told you about a man called Mosley whom he had met in London two days ago and problems with one of the judges. After that, you moved on to discuss more pleasant matters.
‘Would you like a game of chess and a whiskey to end the day?’ you asked as hours had paused.
‘Alright’ Tommy said and it wasn’t until you got up from your chair and walked with him towards the reading room that he saw the entirety of your dress, which complimented your curves.
‘You look beautiful in this dress Y/N’ Tommy said, not sure what else to say in that moment.
‘We have been married for 6 weeks now and this is the first time you have complimented me’ you said with a smile.
‘I didn’t consider it to be appropriate’ Tommy said as he sat down next to you, handing you a glass of whiskey.
‘I am your wife Tommy’ you smiled. ‘Do you not find me attractive?’ you asked.
‘I do. But, considering the circumstances surrounding our marriage and your age, making any advance towards you would have interfered with my conscience ‘Tommy said.
‘And I am grateful for that Tommy. But, whilst I can be in a loveless marriage, I cannot be in a marriage without any emotion at all’ you said suggestively.
‘So, what do you suggest?’ Tommy asked.
‘I suggest that we consummate our marriage and give it the chance it deserves’ you said, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘Consummate our marriage, ey?’ Tommy said. He was surprised by your proposal.
‘Yes, unless you rather fuck your maid than your wife’ you said sheepishly and with a smirk. It was clear to Tommy that you were being sarcastic and he began to like this mischievous side of you.
‘Well then Mrs Shelby, shall we go to my room or yours?’ Tommy smirked.
‘Mine’ you said determined as you stood up and offered him your hand.
As you and Tommy arrived at your bedroom, Tommy closed the door behind you while you crossed to the bed to turn on the bedside lamp.
The light was just enough to show him all that he needed to see and no more than you wished to reveal.
Tommy walked over towards you as you stood next to the bed.
Leaning in from behind you, he swept your hair over one of your shoulders and pressed a kiss against the back of your neck while one of his hands dragged the zipper of your dress down tooth by tooth.
Slipping his hands beneath the fine satin, Tommy pushed the dress downward and letting it fall to the ground.
Taking a step back, he admired you, studying every tiny detail of your entire body.
Watching you turn, Tommy reached out and a smile flitted across his lips when you slid your hand into his before stepping up flush against him.
‘You haven’t even kissed your wife yet’ you said shyly before leaning in and pressing your lips on Tommy’s lips.
His lips were soft and tasted like Whiskey. He was a good kisser and it wasn’t long until his tongue found its way into your mouth.
The kiss soon became urgent and heated while Tommy’s hands moved behind your back, unclipping your bra. It landed on the floor right next to your dress.  
His hands were urgently exploring every part of you and you could feel his erection press against you.
As he ran his hands over your firm breasts and breathed deeply, it was clear to you now that he desired you.
‘Tommy?’ you said with a hasty voice as his hand wandered lower, wanting him to slow down. Your heart was pounding by that time and some apprehension had set in.
‘Yes’ Tommy said while he took off his shirt, letting it join your dress in holy matrimony.
‘I haven’t done this before’ you said with some embarrassment as you rested your hands on his bare chest while your eyes were exploring his tattoos.
‘You have never had sex before?’ Tommy asked with slight worry in his voice, causing you to bite your lip and shake your head.
‘Are you sure you want to do this tonight? Tommy asked, running his hand gently over your cheek.
‘Yes Tommy, I am sure. I want to be yours’ you said.
‘You are mine regardless Y/N’ Tommy said with a slight laugh as he caressed your face. In his mind, he had already claimed you. You were his wife.
‘Please Tommy, I want you’ you said with a smile.
‘Alright, I will take it slow then but you must tell me if I hurt you’ Tommy said concerned, causing you to nod. It’s been over 20 years since he had been anyone’s first and this was not something he expected having to encounter again.
Tommy’s touch became gentler almost immediately and you loved the softness of his fingertips on your skin.
His fingers were exploring every corner of your body, for now steering clear from your most intimate parts, while your tongues danced in sync with each other.  
After some more passionate kisses, you let your eyes rove over the expanse of his chest and down the ridges in his torso, which was an area of his body you didn’t dare to look at until then.
You bit the corner of your lip shyly as you pushed the zipper of his pants down with a single fingertip, the fingers of your other hand relieving the button.
You almost let out a soft laugh when Tommy let out a sigh of relief as the pressure lightened considerably around his bulge which was now hidden only behind the thin fabric of his briefs.
Even through the fabric, he seemed huge and for a moment you doubted your decision but then you looked up at him and every ounce of niggling doubt was erased from your mind as his blue eyes gazed into yours.
Tommy stepped out of his shoes and let his trousers nose-dive to the ground as he stepped forward, guiding you back to the bed that stood center stage in the gigantic room.
Brushing his fingertips across your cheek, Tommy rubbed the curve of your side and laid you gently back on the bed.
‘I think I got lucky, having such a beautiful wife’ Tommy said as he lowered himself onto the bed and before exchanging another passionate kiss with you.
Tommy’s lips soon made their way from your mouth to your neck and then over to your breasts.
Every little kiss or touch made your heart gallop within your chest, your blood pounding through your veins, soaring through your body at speeds greater than that of light or sound, or so it felt.
Brushing your fingers through Tommy’s hair as he explored your body, you caressed his cheek and stared down at him, your hips rising subconsciously as Tommy teased the soft skin of your abdomen with tiny kisses and nibbles.
There was a fleeting moment of second guessing when Tommy’s fingertips edged beneath the lacey edge of your panties but as soon as he kissed the skin he revealed it was gone.
Your hips were again rising as Tommy removed the scrap of dark fabric from the apex of your thighs to reveal a silky smooth mound of flesh and the now engorged rosebud of your clit.
Hearing him gasp at the sight, you blushed but followed it with a moan as Tommy leaned down and kissed it once, the length of his tongue sweeping out to take a taste of your secret delicacy.
This was something you didn’t expect. What on earth was he doing?
As you were completely naked before him and he was so close to your most intimate parts, you felt more vulnerable than you had ever been in your entire life but you didn't regret it.
Everything that Tommy did to you in that moment made you jump out of your skin in the most wonderful ways possible.
After he gently ran his tongue over your slit a few times, Tommy told you to relax as he pulled gently at your leg and you slowly let them fall open.
You tried hard not to tense up and, even though you didn't know what he was planning on doing, what he did so far felt good so you were willing to give all of yourself to him.
‘That’s it’ Tommy said after you took a deep breath and relaxed your body.
Tommy took this moment to dip his tongue inside of you gently, causing a loud moan to escape you.
His tongue was skilled, moving in and of you slightly while his hands pressed your legs apart gently.
Tommy then moved his tongue over your clit, flicking it slightly and causing you to make a high pitch noise of some sort.
‘Tommy’ you moaned at the sensation. It was almost too intense.
You closed your eyes as waves of pleasure coursed through your body while Tommy kept pleasuring you with his tongue.
When Tommy's fingers finally brushed against your entrance to join his tongue, you gasped and jumped.
‘Tommy’ you moaned but were also slightly worried about what he might do with his fingers.
Tommy’s erection was throbbing from within his briefs but he knew very well that he would have to take it very slow. As much as he wanted to be inside of you right then and there, he was aware that there was some preparation to be done.
With trembling fingers Tommy gently spread your virgin lips open and let his finger brush against your clit while his tongue continued to run through your folds.
He heard her sharp intake of breath from you when he guided his finger inside of you carefully while his tongue played with your clit.
By that time, you were soaked and he could feel the juices coating his finger.
As he pushed his finger deeper inside of you, he could hear your soft cry of surprise and you arched your back up suddenly.
‘Just relax’ Tommy said as he could feel no resistance inside of you.
He pressed you gently back to the bed and dropped more kisses against your virgin lips before circling against your clit again.
You closed your eyes tight and held your body completely still.
‘Tommy, oh god’ you moaned as he moved his finger in and out of you slowly, over and over again.
You were tight around his finger and had no idea how he would possibly fit his cock inside of you.
It wasn’t long until you moved your hips upward, showing Tommy that you were enjoying what he was doing to you.
Tommy sucked hard at your clit, loving it with his tongue as he slid a second finger inside of you carefully and started sawing it in and out.
‘Tommy’ you cringed at the pressure, causing him to slow down again and holding his fingers steady until the pressure eased.
When he could feel you relax, he began moving his fingers in and out of you again and it wasn’t long until you felt a very unfamiliar tightening in your belly.
‘Tommy, oh my god, please don’t stop’ you begged as your breathing started coming out heavier.
Unlike you, Tommy knew that you were close to having an orgasm and he increased the pressure of his tongue around your clit while continuing to move his fingers in and out of you.
Still unsure about what was happening inside of you, you grabbed onto the sheets as, suddenly, a feeling of ecstasy rushed through you.
‘Tommy, fuck’ you screamed, not being able to control yourself while your orgasm washed over you.
Tommy couldn’t help but smile against your flesh as you coated his fingers in your juices.
After you had come down from your high, Tommy slowly pulled his fingers out of you and moved up the bed to kiss you passionately.
You could taste yourself on Tommy’s lips. It was strange, but you enjoyed it.
‘I don’t know what just happened. I hope the maids didn’t hear me’ you said totally embarrassed as your lips drifted apart.
‘If they didn’t then they are clearly deaf’ Tommy laughed.
‘Oh my god, how embarrassing’ you said. ‘I didn’t expect…’ you said, and before you could finish your sentence, Tommy interrupted you.
‘You didn’t expect it to feel that good?’ Tommy asked, causing you to shake your head.
‘Well, Mrs Shelby, I will make you feel good every day from now on’ Tommy grinned before kissing you again.
‘Is that a promise Mr Shelby?’ you asked in between more passionate kisses while your hand moved in between his legs and beneath his briefs.
‘It’s a promise’ Tommy said as he let out a small groan as you began to stroke his hard cock.
He was thicker than you had expected and your nervousness returned in an instant as he took off his briefs.
‘We can wait if you want’ Tommy said as you continued to stroke his hard cock with your hand.
‘No Tommy, I want to feel all of you’ you said with a gentle voice before Tommy ran his hands lovingly over your legs, pushing them apart all the way, much further than he did earlier.
You took in a deep breath as you gazed into Tommy’s blue eyes while he rested himself in between your legs.
He smiled and kissed you softly. You knew that, what was about to follow would hurt. Nonetheless, you wanted him inside of you so badly.
‘We will take it slow, alright?’ Tommy said with a reassuring voice.
You brought your arms up around Tommy’s neck and pulled his lips to yours, kissing him softly once again.
‘I trust you’ you said, looking deep into his eyes after your lips drifted apart.
With his look fixated on you, Tommy reached down between your legs and grasped his cock in his hand before rubbing his tip against your soaking entrance.  
You moaned softly as you felt the head of his cock pressing against you. But, as soon as you could feel him push inside of you, you inhaled roughly.
‘Tommy’ you moaned as he slowly pressed forward with his hips.
 You couldn’t help it but gasp as you felt him start to enter you.
You dug your hands into his shoulder and held onto him tightly as you felt yourself being stretched.
‘Fuck’ Tommy groaned lightly, trying to force himself to go slow. It took more willpower than he had expected not to simply plunge into you as you were incredibly tight around him.
Pushing into you slowly, inch by inch, he finally felt your barrier. He stopped and looked down at you.
You gave your husband the look of approval as you tightened the hold on his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Tommy leaned down, pressing his lips onto yours just before he nudged forward and slipped past that barrier.
As your fingernails dug into the flesh on his shoulders, Tommy swallowed your moan that was different from all the others you let loose earlier that night.
It was indeed painful and some small tears escaped your eyes as he filled you completely.
Tommy kissed away your tears before cradling you against him as he paused once more, giving you some time to adjust.
It was killing him to hold still but he wanted to wait until you were ready.
As you adjusted to him inside of you, the last sliver of pain disappeared and was overtaken by pleasure.
Tommy could feel you starting to relax and move beneath him as he continued to place small kisses on your neck.
He moaned as he felt your small movements and it tugged on his cock.
It wasn’t long until he began to move himself, small and gentle thrusts to start with.
Your thighs clenched and your toes flexed, your hips rising in vain to meet his again only to be pressed back into the bed when he sank back into you.
‘Oh god Tommy’ you moaned loudly. You could've screamed right then and there, from the highest point on the face of the earth, from the insane amount of pleasure you felt.
‘You are so god damn beautiful’ Tommy said as he continued to thrust into, picking up in speed and force.
Your nipples grazed his chest every time your hips collided as your movements became syntonised with his.
Every movement he made, no matter how small, brought a new sound out of you, your voice cresting and dropping to new highs and lows that you never even thought you would reach let alone soar passed regularly.
His thrusts soon became more urgent and you pressed into him firmly, wanting him to burry himself into you over and over again.
By that time, you had lost count of how many times the pressure had built within the cradle of your hips only to explode like a weapon of mass destruction, bringing copious amounts of toe-curling, eye-clenching amounts of pleasure so great that it seemed impossible that the next surge would ever top its predecessor.
By the sounds of your moans, Tommy knew that you were getting close to another orgasm and he was getting so close himself.
He held tight to your hips as he drove hard and fast in and out of you, making you whimper with need.
‘Oh my god Tommy, yes’ you moaned and begged slamming back against him the best you could.
Your body was wound so tight you felt like your body was going to come apart any second.
Your legs began to shiver and your walls were tightening around him as your orgasm came at you like a freight train.
‘Tommy’ you screamed at the top of your lungs, sending him over the edge also.
You came in sync with each other and, with the next thrust, he filled you with his warm cum and coated your insides, flooding you just as you did the exact same thing to him.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he moaned as his thrusts became sloppier while you both came down from your highs.
Moments later, Tommy collapsed next to you before pulling you closer for a kiss.
‘Are you alright?’ Tommy asked, running his hands over your cheek.
‘Yes’ you said quietly but with a big smile on your face.
‘The next time will be easier’ Tommy said, causing your eyes to light up.
‘You know I will hold you to the promise you made me earlier Tommy’ you said.
‘I was hoping that you would’ he grinned before wrapping his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest.
‘Will you stay with me tonight?’ you said as Tommy was brushing through your hair with his fingers.
‘Yes. Tonight and every night from now on if you want me to’ Tommy said gently.
Your body felt relaxed and at ease and, for the first time in six weeks, you felt comfortable in your own bed with your husband right beside you.
That night, he showed you a side of himself you hadn’t seen before, a side you were seeing yourself fall in love with it.
With Tommy holding you close, it wasn’t long until you drifted off to sleep.
But you weren’t the only who felt relaxed and at ease.
Tommy watched you sink into your dreams and a smile emerged on his face. He felt a familiar warmth washing over him, something he thought he wouldn’t be able to feel again.
As he turned off the bedside lamp, he felt a happiness that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Unlike other nights, he wasn’t afraid to drift off to sleep because he knew that, tonight, there would be no nightmares and no memories of Grace, there would only be you.
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akirayuri · 3 years
Never in my whole life of 16 years (iyyy!! Today is my birthday!!)) Have I thought I will sympathies with the Villain of Unholy Blood.
But here I am. Yohan is living rent free in my head.....not only sympathies, I fucking rooted for him subconsciously. That fucker messed up, but he ended up setting up a well crafted stage where he played the Villain and made Hayan the heroine. That's what he did in my eyes. I don't know if l read in between the lines or people are just blind to see, but whatever he did until the end was a goddamn set up for his grand suicide plan.
I have said it before and I will say it again.
Yohan fucking Seo was a suicidal psychopathic Maniac. You can not change my mind.
That basterd lured the beast knowing full well he will be killed. And he did it deliberately.
Everything from not sending the angel of death in a group to Euntae not finding anything suspicious on Yohan's head office.
He never planned to control the humans turned vampires. Hell they never turned vampires to begin with. He only planned the vaccines. As you can already guess, that fucker lied his way to his death door.
If you have any doubts about my theory, reread the manhwa, there is clearly written that there was nothing in his office that indicates that he was going to hypothesize the public. This is on the last chapter. Euntae admitted this to Vael. In response Vael comments how much of a complicated guy Yohan was. (My fujoshi head jumped into conclusion right after....damn the author for installing my shipper head into a heterosexual romance with homosexual ships, what the fuck...)
The other question-"was he really suicidal or only petty little shit?"
Yes, he was suicidal. It hinted, back to back how much he wanted to die.
From the conversation with Levi on the episode where they had well...you know what I mean...to his repeated dialogues to Hayan, saying only to hate him. Because if Hayan does not hate him, if she becomes soft, he will do the unimaginable. And he will have to weigh yet another guilt through his whole life, there was no one capable of killing him other than Hayan.
I hope that clears up.
In my eyes Yohan was a character who made the world his stage and the people in it his puppet, only to for him to die and give Hayan a normal life. (Liam, is that you...?) I don't know what the author had in her head when writing his character, but whatever she did was fantastic if not only neglected. If only she had focused more on the characters and the story Yohan would have had a better ending. Focused on shipping and fan service had this story going. His character was made to be more complex, it was clear. The author might have neglected while rushing the story with a satisfying ending.(the end was descent, but not anticlimactic like I hope it to be) if you read the story from a different prospective will know what I mean.
As someone who loves graytoned and dark characters with tragic past (and present) I enjoyed Yohan's character more than Hayan, I am ganna be honest here. I really didn't hope him to get such... pitiful ending. His tragedy was overlooked and misread. What pissed me off was the narrative of "because he was abuse, because he the Villain his only ending was to die pitifully by the superior being called 'pure blood'". He was a abused broken kid. He needed councilling not superhuman powers. He already messed up in the head enough, the powers and the railing he got from his bullies made him snap. The thread of sanity he was clinging to was destroyed.
More importantly, the guy only wanted a sorry from his bullies, who did god knows how many awful things to him.
He was no pure blood, he was only a human with the worst situation.
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auramindedd · 4 years
I Like You - SMAU*
Part 10
CorpseHusband x FemReader - Y/N
warnings: cussing
notes: uhhh,, idk where to take this series, but ima just go w the flow igs 😭 also,, i completely give up on adding the small details like the likes, comments, replies, and the times on tweets so i’m super sorry if it bothers you lmao
it’s also pretty long,, mostly writing rather than the smau, butttt i really like this one 🥺
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“When’s Rae gonna be home?” Corpse asks, playing with his hands.
“She’ll be home tonight, I just don’t know at what time. Why?”
“Uh... I- I just... I don’t know? I’m kind of nervous?”
“Corpse, Rae is your friend. But if you don’t feel comfortable, I can get a hotel room for you not too far away from here?” You suggest, 100% willing to pay for a hotel room for him if he wouldn’t feel comfortable being here with Rae here.
“I wanna stay here- with you... If that’s okay with you, of course.” There’s a slight blush on his face, it makes you smile a bit.
“Yes, I want you to stay here, too. You can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” You grab his plate, stacking his on top of yours, taking them to the sink.
“No, no. I can be on the couch tonight, I don’t sleep anyway.”
“Corpse, I’m not gonna have you sleep on that uncomfortable ass couch. Come on, we’ll figure something out. Wanna watch a movie?” He nods his head. You grab his hand, or more so his fingers, leading him to your room.
You turn the lights off, turning your fairy lights on instead. You tell Corpse to get comfortable, fluffing pillows for him, letting him lay back.
You know Corpse would be a bit anxious and nervous, not something you’d ever blame him for. You’re surprised you’re not being awkward or nervous. You’ve been trying your best to keep Corpse comfortable here, making sure he isn’t getting too nervous.
“Can we watch High School Musical? I have the stupid ass songs stuck in my head, childish me is coming...” You ask, not wanting to torture him with such a movie. Well, it’s not a bad movie, but you’d understand if anyone’d want to shoot themselves in the head while watching.
“Of course, baby.” You can’t help the butterflies that erupt in your stomach from the nickname. You sit closer to the TV, wanting Corpse to be comfortable rather than you.
Suddenly, you feel a hand around your waist. Corpse pulls you to him, letting you lay next to him. He looks at you, smiling. You smile back.
“Corpse, can I ask you a question?” He hums, indicating for you to go on. “That one time, you didn’t answer me for two days... You told me it had been because I was too ‘pretty.’ I didn’t believe you, and I still don’t. Why didn’t you answer me, like for real?” You don’t ask this in a bad way either, you’re just genuinely curious.
“I- uh... I’m going to be 100% honest, Y/N, but I don’t wanna scare you away.” He says cautiously, hesitating to go on.
“Corpse, you could never. I’m too attached already.” He chuckles, letting out a sigh.
“I like you. Like, like like you... I liked you before even seeing your face, but after, wow.” Silence. Deafening silence. But honestly, you can hear your fucking smile. You don’t think you’ve ever smiled so hard in your life. “Y/N, baby, say something, please.”
“Corpse,” You look up at him, probably scaring him with your smile. “I like you, too. Like, like like you.” He chuckles, but it’s more of a chuckle of relief. If that’s a thing?
He pulls you close to him, letting your head rest on his chest. You listen to his heartbeat, his breathing, trying to match yours with his. You slowly drift off, your eyelids getting too heavy to keep open.
You wake up in Corpse’s arms. He’s gently stroking your side, looking down at you with a small smile.
“Good morning,” His voice is raspier and deeper than it already is. You didn’t know that was possible.
“Good morning,” You say, yawning softly. You bury your face deeper into his chest, snuggling closer to him.
“So fucking cute.” He mumbles, softly chuckling.
After a while of just laying there in Corpse’s arms, you decide to check social media and your messages. Already, Twitter is going crazy, assuming quickly that you and Corpse are dating. It’s not anything you didn’t expect, but it’d be nice if people didn’t jump to conclusions.
You decide to tweet a good morning, feeling good about today. And sadly, very unfortunately, you decide to text back the group chat - something you’ve been dreading to do.
Corpse is there, reading the messages, but you don’t mind.
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You kind of, accidentally, and very stupidly put yourself out, but it’s all good, nobody said anything besides Brooke. You all have a drunk Among Us lobby to get to.
After getting ready, Corpse getting his laptop and mic ready in another room, you join the Discord call. Corpse joins quickly after. Surprisingly, nobody says anything about you two being in the same apartment while greeting each other. You don’t doubt that someone will say something soon.
“Let’s all take a drink - to Corpse and Y/N holding hands!” Alex exclaims, clinking his glass on his mic. The rest cheer, pretending to clink their glasses as well. You sigh and laugh a bit, but nonetheless, you’re gulping down a glass of champagne.
“Alex,” You say, catching his attention.
“Fuck you!”
“Hey, hey, hey. No fucking.” Karl says, and you can hear him slap his hand to his mouth after realizing what he just said. The lobby bursts into fits of laughter, but the one you’re trying to listen for, Corpse’s. It’s silent on his end.
“Karl, how much have you had to drink?” Dream asks, slurring his words. Didn’t this game just start?
“I had like 3 beers?”
“You fucking lightweight.” You tease. “Dream, you’ve been drinking too...”
“Yeah, we might’ve pregamed an Among Us game.” He admits shamefully.
“Didn’t expect less from you two,” Rae says, adding a disappointing tone to her voice for effect. She starts the game, despite the sad protests from Karl and Dream.
You pout, wanting so badly to be Imposter. You’re a good liar to say the least, and people easily fall for your sweet, innocent voice. It’s funny, pathetic even, which is why you want at least one good Imposter round.
“Whaddup, baby,” Corpse greets you in Nav. Dream follows behind him, Karl coming in shortly after.
“Hey, my beautiful alcoholics!” You greet cheerfully, earning groans from them both. Oh, how fun it’s going to be teasing them.
“At least she called us beautiful.” Karl says, walking out of Nav with Dream, leaving you and Corpse alone again. You get back to doing your task, connecting the ship with the dotted lines and whatnot.
“Am I beautiful?” You can hear the pout in his voice, it’s cute.
“Gorgeous, stunning even.” You say before walking out of Nav, smiling to yourself.
This round is pretty uneventful, along with the next few. But after about five rounds, you’re all incredibly drunk after playing some drinking games.
“No balls,” Rae dares. You’re Imposter this round, and Rae’s made you her personal hitman. She’s telling you to kill Karl, but he’s innocently doing his tasks.
“I have three actually.” You defend yourself, not making any sense at all.
“Three what?” Sykkuno comes in.
“Three balls,” Rae answers.
“Okayyy then...” Sykkuno drawls, leaving you two alone. Corpse comes along, the second Imposter. Oh, how convenient.
“Hey, Corpseee,” You greet, making it so fucking obvious.
“Oh my God!” Rae exclaims. You sigh, facepalming yourself. “Corpse kill Karl, Y/N kill Sykkuno.”
“Woah, since when did we become your hitmen?” Corpse backs his astronaut up.
“I’m not killing Syk!” You whisper-yell.
“Okay, then you kill Karl and Corpse can kill Sykkuno.” You can hear her shrugging as if it’s no big deal, but literally, Karl and Sykkuno are the sweetest people to you.
“No, I’m not doing it, Rae...” Corpse still hasn’t said anything. He’s watching you and Rae go back and forth, whisper-yelling even though anyone would be able to hear you.
“I’ll call you two out.”
“You’d never,”
“The emergency meeting button is looking real sexy right now.” Ugh, fuck the stupid smirk you can just hear in her voice.
“Fine, we’ll do it.” Corpse says. He goes and kills Sykkuno. You hesitate killing Karl, but he already watched Corpse kill Sykkuno so, unfortunately, you have to.
You and Corpse run away, leaving Rae to report the bodies.
After you and Corpse vouching for each other the whole round, nobody putting sus on you two because well, you sound so innocent and sweet even while being shitface drunk, you two win, earning groans from everyone in the lobby except from Rae.
“To be fucking fair, Rae had me and Corpse be her hitmen sooo, you can blame her if you died.” The lobby starts yelling playfully at Rae.
After finally finishing streaming, Corpse comes into your room, plopping down onto your bed.
“Gosh, I’m gonna have the worst fucking hangover tomorrow.” He murmurs into your pillow, hugging it close to him. You jump onto the bed, sitting next to him, playing with his hair. He doesn’t mind, or you don’t think he does.
“It was fun,” You say, smiling to yourself. You love spending time with your friends. You can’t imagine how much fun it’d be if all of you got together in real life.
“It was,” Corpse yawns, looking up at you, smiling as you keep playing with his hair. He gets up, settling himself into your bed again, pulling you into him, letting you rest your head on his chest. You wrap an arm around him, snuggling yourself closer to him.
“We should probably eat something... And get ourselves some water.” You say, knowing that tomorrow’s hangover is going to be a bitch.
“I don’t wanna let go of you.” Corpse whines. You try getting up, but he almost throws a fucking tantrum. Quickly, you get out of his arms, running out of your room, giggling like a fucking maniac.
“Y/N! Please!” He shouts softly, trying not to wake Rae. He runs after you, following you into the kitchen. You run to the other side of the counter. He goes left, you go right - vice versa.
“Corpse, we need food and water.” You say, trying to grab pans out of the cupboards while he’s trying to get you. You can’t help yourself from giggling. Rae will kill you if you two wake her up.
“I wanna hold you,” Corpse pouts. Gosh, he’s going to be the death of you.
“In a sec, I can make us something real quick.” Drunk Corpse obviously equals Clingy Corpse.
“Fine,” He sighs dramatically, sitting on a stool. You grab pans from underneath the cupboards, pulling out some bread and cheese. Grilled cheese is easiest and it’ll take the least amount of time.
As you’re plopping bread into the toaster, Corpse snakes his arms around your waist, snuggling his face into your neck. There’s the slightest stubble, making you giggle.
“Corpse, I can’t cook with you on me.”
“Yes you can, I’ll help.” So stubborn...
You take the bread out of the toaster before it gets too toasted, putting it on the buttered pan.
It was a mission to finish the food to say the least. Corpse demands you eat in your room that way he can hold you. You put on The Promised Neverland, watching the TV as Corpse watches you. But honestly, you don’t mind.
You two fall asleep in each other’s arms again. And you don’t think you’d ever be able to fall asleep without being in his arms again.
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Sorry for not updating, I have to go through a bunch of posts. I’ll update in the next post.
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carmensbroom · 4 years
I've once again had 6 hours to process everything I saw in season 4 so I'm just gonna say my thoughts on it (hold onto your fedoras again folks)
first off, WE FOUND OUT GRAY'S LAST NAME?? I was so shocked and happy at the same time I love how everyone asked for player's real name and we ended up with gray's surname for some reason shsjsj. NOBODY ASKED FOR THAT BUT THEY DELIVERED ANYWAY
ALSO GRAHAM IS AN ORPHAN?? my precious boy *throws mommy's boy headcanon out the window*
the second episode really had me shipping carmivy they're so cute we got a girl's trip and I'm all for it
I think I may now be a dash haber stan but let's not make a big thing of it
also ivy eating the chocolate in the middle of a mission deserves an honorable mention because of her cute little tongue (I'm weird okay djsjsjs)
zack trying to bond with shadowsan and him having none of it was delightful
that fucking robot god damn bellum really thought of everything didn't she every time I thought it was gone it made a come back I literally said out loud "carmen is so fucked"
yall have no idea how relieved I was when I found out that photo of julia was her and her (presumably) mother and NOT a boyfriend sjsjsjs
catch me making a headcanon that julia has a single mom because her father disowned her for coming out as gay based on that picture alone 😭
carmen getting all worried when julia wasn't answering her phone was the blessed gay content I signed up for PLEASE THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER SO MUCH
never thought I'd say this but I loved devineaux this season he was funny, he improved his treatment towards julia (I don't recall him officially apologising I must have missed something djsjsjs)
the only thing I didn't like was it kinda seemed like they were trying to hint that chase and jules were into each other and I didn't really vibe with that
all that shit with dr bellum and the crown for cleo really had me thinking cleobellum was gonna be canon what a clown I am (seriously tho the way she lost it when the crown got stolen GIVE IT BACK IT BELONGS TO HER WIFE)
look all I'm saying is: tigress new outfit in the egypt episode was hot
I wish julia and gray could have met there's so much friendship potential there 😭
ngl I nearly teared up when player finally met carmen in person
I mentioned this in another post but when julia was like "don't you remember me? I'm your girlfriend friend, jules" I NEARLY FUCKING CRIED THEY WERE GETTING KINDA CLOSE AND THEN CARMEN GOT MIND WIPED
kinda shocked that paper star was hardly here I don't stan her so it didn't bother me much but still it was just strange they didn't use her this season
when shadowsan whipped out the last doll and carmen had all those flashbacks to when she was at vile I nearly started crying AGAIN
gray really confused me towards the end he kept switching sides every five minutes for the whole season I wasn't sure whether to trust him half the time dhshsjs
the way she's always been against hurting people/taking lives and then she ended up hurting all the people she loves (she nearly killed zack for god sake) really hit me hard
gray's ending was... kinda weird I understood the parallel of him not wanting to complicate carmen's life like she said about him in season 2 but it was still kinda strange that they didn't have one more conversation or get any closure
I'm obviously kinda upset that carulia wasn't canon they had so much potential imo and the show isn't about romance anyway BUT I'm happy with the content we got and THEY FLIRTED SO MUCH THEY'RE CANON IN MY HEART
kinda annoyed that carmen just straight up left zack and ivy she really just left a note and said YEET
ivy's voice crack when she read the note got me all choked up
ngl I'm still not entirely sure how it ended I had to rewatch it a few times to understand what they were trying to imply sjsjsj
would have loved to know carmen's given name but at the same time she's literally THE carmen sandiego that's who she is, it would be silly to go by a name that she doesn't connect with just because her parents gave her it
her mom being a regular citizen was kinda bittersweet I mean a plot twist would have been good but at the same time it would make the story even more complicated
*dreams of a spinoff movie where we get better closure on everything*
I know carmen didn't want revenge but I feel like chief got let off with killing her father way too quickly if I'm honest sjsjsj
I feel so bad for laughing when julia got knocked out the way the cloth fell on her head sent me but when the pole hit her head I was like "OKAY I TAKE IT BACK THIS ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE"
was not expecting julia to physically fight anyone I mean she's always been so calm and collected and then this season she was like fuck it might as well hit a few people before we finish forever
wishing carmen and jules could have hugged or had a scene together where they talked about stockholm but I won't complain it wouldn't have really made sense anyway considering they were cool with each other at the university
so glad the trailer was misleading about the coach brunt situation I really didn't want her to get a last minute redemption
another honorable mention: cleo snapping at julia "DON'T YOU DARE IMPLY THAT I AM COMMON" sent me djdjs she was just stood there like "I am but a humble history lesbian leave me be"
I think that's everything I'll probably add to it later if I think of anything or I might make a part 2 djsjsjs (I've been writing this for almost an hour now 😭)
overall I enjoyed it from start to finish. I haven't really cried about it ending yet I'm still processing everything but I'll probably have a little sob when it finally hits me djsjsjs
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
What are your hottest of hot takes on some of the booktok/trending books rn?
okay, I'm going to be honest and say I didn't even know what's trending on booktok right now. I had to google.
A Court of Thornes and Roses
Bleh. I read this book, and did NOT like it. Throne of Glass was decent enough, but ACOTAR is... not good. The relationships all give me bad vibes, or are just straight up toxic, and there's more sm/ut than I'm comfortable with. Also, the ending of the second book (which was where I stopped because agian, not a fan), is almost the exact same ending that Ms. Maas used for the end of Empire of Storms (book 5 in throne of glass). It's one thing for there to be tropes, but to essentially plagiarize yourself is an interesting thing to do.
What is it with booktok and faeries?? Is there something you people find romantic about being held against your will by a supernatural creature 10x your age??? DOES NO ONE ELSE FIND THAT CREEPY??? (ALSO Faerie myths rarely end well for the humans, and they never have good intentions. Not to mention that a very common faerie myth (changelings) is very, very ableist.)
2. Red Queen
it was.... meh. Things got dragged out 10x more than they needed to, and why can't you just kill these people who are evil and be done with it?? Also, neither of the love interest options are very good people to the main character. There's so much back and forth and backstabbing that you have no idea who's on what side, which while can sometimes turn out okay, the number of times the reader's opinion about X or Y character flip flops is just rediculous. (And again, just kill the douchebag and be done with it!!)
3. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.
This one... this one is something else. While I love the concept, in theory, I was NOT a fan of the execution. It's not nearly as good as everyone makes it out to be, and if you want to see V.E. Schwab's better writing, read the Villains series. The concept is nice, but the plot and characters leave a bit to be desired, imo.
Bonus (but tw for implied grooming and very unhealthy relationships) under the cut.
BONUS: Shadow and Bone (kind of)
While I absolutely ADORE Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom, and also loved King of Scars/Rule of Wolves, I was initially uncertain if I wanted to even read Six of Crows after reading the original trilogy. I read both *years* ago, before BookTok latched on, and I discovered that I cared 20x more about the side characters (Nikolai, Tamar, Genya, etc.) than I did about Alina and Mal. I never really cared about them or what happened to them, but I was deeply invested in the side characters stories. Hence why I'm so happy that Ms. Bardugo decided to explore them in KoS/RoW. But that's not my issue with S&B. My issue with S&B is actually a fanbase issue, not a plot issue. THE DARKALINA CREEPS. Who is their right mind thinks that the Darkling gave one rat's ass about Alina??? Who in their right mind could ship them together. Yes, you're supposed to see the Darkling as more than just an evil monolith, and that's valid. But how anyone can read those books (ESPECIALLY the tent scene near the end of book 1) and not be absolutley REPULSED by the Darkling, baffles me. Yes, you're supposed to feel emotions about him, even mourn his death, (or in my case, the death of the person he coudl have been, the person his mother wanted him to be), but dear god, he's a creep. He's also about 600 years old, and you're shipping him with a teenager. What the hell is wrong with you??? The reader is supposed to follow an arc with him, from being wary to admiring him to hating him, and maybe ending on pity. But SO many people get stuck on admiring, and it revolts me. I'm not going to lie, someone liking the Darkling or shipping Darkalina is a MASSIVE red flag, because of how blatantly abusive and manipulative the Darkling is. He's not even subtle about it, after the first 2/3 of the 1st book.
Okay, that's all. I'm so sorry for screaming at you.
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princessjungeun · 3 years
Hey Beautiful: Jennie x Reader
Request: Hii :) i have a request for jennie x femreader, where the reader is a famous idol and Jennie has a crush on her. They attend the same award show and at the end when they are backstage the reader asks Jennie for her number. Then they go on a date or something just cute stuff (fluff i guess😅)
A/N: I’ll write a continuation of this if you’d like for the date part :D
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Awards show season was in full swing and you were to attend the MAMAs tonight. It was your first time attending without a date, usually your best friend tagged along but she was working the night shift at her job so she couldn’t make it. 
You were already in your dress and your glam team was getting your hair and makeup done before you were to leave. This had been going on for hours and you were simply exhausted and hungry, the only thing keeping you going was knowing that you’d be seeing some friends of yours later in the evening. 
It took two hours but eventually your hair and makeup were finished and you were cleared to leave. Your manager sat across from you in the car, a smile on his face as she teasingly asked, “so anyone you’re excited to meet in particular?” 
You knew exactly what he meant, there was one person that had showed an interest in meeting you for months, Kim Jennie. To be honest when she said she was your fan in an interview, you were a little surprised. Despite being one of the most popular female soloists at the time, you were still shocked when you heard artists you looked up to liked you. 
Jennie in particular had mentioned on many occasions that you were her ideal type and she’d date you if she had the chance. Blinks and your fans shipped the two of you heavily as well. Most of the time you hated when you were shipped with people you never met because it made for uncomfortable times when you actually did happen to meet them. It’d happened in the past when people shipped you with a popular member of a boy group, he was to produce a song with you. However with all of the shipping flying around, you didn’t want to risk you or him getting involved in a scandal that would just add fuel to the fire. But with Jennie you entertained it, saying you’d date her too and she was your ideal type as well. Fans had been praying for an interaction for the longest and you knew you two were probably going to cross paths tonight. 
Once you’d walked the red carpet and avoided falling on your face, you were escorted inside to find your seat. The idols on the plus couch across from you were TWICE, the girls greeted you warmly, especially Nayeon who happened to be a close friend of yours. 
She scooted closer to you, and started catching you up on everything that had happened in the past month because you two hadn’t talked in a bit. You were both performing tonight, she wasn’t nervous whereas you were for the first time. 
Before Nayeon got up she nudged you gently, using her head to point you towards a familiar idol. You squinted, having forgotten your contacts at home, you realized it was Jennie, sitting with her members and talking to them. Nayeon stated, “I’m gonna call her over.” 
You panicked, “No no, not yet. Don’t call her over- Nayeon I sweat to god-” YOur friend only laughed, waving the girl down and mouthing to her from afar. You froze, trying to look everywhere but at Jennie, this was not how you wanted to meet her for the first time. Giving up, you hid your face in Nayeon’s shoulder, your face beet red as you laughed, the rest of Twice laughing and teasing you playfully. 
Nayeon patted your head, “she’s gone.” 
You peeked from her shoulder to make sure she was serious and not playing a prank, and she was. Jennie was now talking to Irene, facing the other direction and not paying you any mind. 
Nayeon told you, “you’re gonna need to work on that. She also said you’re cute...you missed it while you were hiding.” 
You smacked her shoulder and said, “I wouldn’t have had to hide if you just left her alone in the first place Nay. That was so embarrassing please never put me through that traumatizing experience again.” She sighed and said “okay fine, but you should talk to her before the night ends. She really does like you.” 
Nayeon scooted back towards her members and you focused straight ahead for the stage. As performances went on and awards were given out, you felt your heart race knowing that your big performance was coming up. 
A staff came and got you from your seat to escort you backstage during a break. Your manager was already in your dressing room with your stylist, both of them getting everything you need for your performance. Your dancers were warming up as well in a corner. 
You changed and start to warm up your vocals as well as your body, it was a new song and a new choreography which you’d never performed in front of such a large audience. The dance break was what you were most worried about because you hadn’t had a lot to time to practice in your shoes so you were afraid of messing up and hurting yourself. 
Your manager noticed the look on your face, “Hey don’t be nervous. Everyone in that crowd is your fan. You could go out there and just breathe into the mic and everyone would still lose their shit. So go out there and do your thing, I’ll be watching from in here. You’ll do great, stop worrying babe.” He always knew the right thing to say, he was like your best friend and soulmate all at the same time. 
You hugged him, “Thank you, I’ll meet you back in here when I’m done.” 
The dancers pulled you into a huddle, putting your hands together you all yelled, “1-2-lets get it.” You all broke and made your way towards the stage where a staff last minute checked your IEMs and mic to make sure they were working. 
You took a deep breath before making your way to the stage, the lights dimmed before the song started. Looking at your dancer they gave you a subtle nod, and smile giving you the last bit of confidence that you needed. 
During your performance all of your nerves melted away. You hit every note and move perfectly, gaining a huge reaction for the audience. The deafening sound of fans and other idols cheering you on only made your confidence rise, and it showed throughout your performance. When you were done almost everyone was standing up, even the idols as they cheered for you. 
After you were off of the stage you pulled your IEMs and mic pack off, handing them to your manager so you could go and change once more. Your second outfit was different, more elegant yet subtle. You changed your shoes to a pair of sneakers, relived that you could finally get out of heels. 
As your stylist touched up your makeup and hair you remembered that Blackpink was preforming in a bit. You wondered if you’d see Jennie back here, Nayeon did mention that she would probably be here when you got off the stage. 
Your questions were answered on the way back out to the audience because you ran into Jennie. The woman was passing you, looking down at her phone as she was walking. 
She looked up from the device to bow as she walked by, “Oh! Y/N hey!” she beamed as she tucked her phone in her back pocket. Although she knew she had to be somewhere she didn’t care, she wasn’t going to miss her opportunity
You looked her over and tried to not let your eyes linger on her very toned abs for a second too long. She told you sweetly, “you did amazing earlier, you looked stunning.” 
Heat rushed to your cheeks the longer she looked into your eyes, you stuttered out, “t-thanks...you’re going to kill it out there, more than me definitely.” 
Just as she was about to respond Jisoo called down the hall for her, waving her over with a clearly impatient manager. 
Jennie quickly turned to you and asked, “hey, I know this is the first time we met but can I have your number? Maybe we could go out sometime?” Her hand rested comfortably on your arm, a subtle touch that still made your heart burst inside. 
You nodded, “yeah, sure. I’d really like that.” Quickly she whipped out her phone and you put in your number, saving your name with a red heart emoji. 
Jennie smiled, “I’ll text you later.” 
You told her with a shy smile, “okay, good luck out there.” 
Jennie kissed your cheek, “thanks beautiful, i’ll see you out there.” She walked past you and to her members and managers who were waiting for her. 
You touched your cheek and smiled before following a staff member that was to take you back to your seat. When you got back Nayeon took one look at you before bursting out laughing. You frowned, “what?” 
Your friend replied, “run into Jennie did you?” 
You asked, shocked at how she already knew, “wha- how did you know?” 
Nayeon swiped her thumb over your cheek a few times before pulling away, showing you the faint lipstick stained on her skin, “She isn’t exactly the most subtle.” 
You poked Nayeon’s neck with a smirk, “Well turns out you and Jeongyeon aren’t either, Nay.” Her face flushed red as she pulled the collar of her top up and brushed her hair around her neck, you let out a laugh earning a slap on the arm from her. The two of you went back and forth playfully until the lights dimmed indicating Blackpink coming on to perform. 
You watched intently as the girls performed Lovesick Girls, Jennie staring at you as she sang that last part, winking in your direction as she made the heart gesture with her hands. You couldn’t help but smile back at her, trying to hold back how flustered the simple gesture. 
At the end of the night you were finally home and able to check your phone and as promised, Jennie did reach out to you. The message read: 
Unknown Number: Hey beautiful, I’m sorry I couldn’t see you more tonight. But I can make it up to you by taking you to that new art exhibition downtown. Are you free next Saturday?
You typed back quickly, not caring if it made you look desperate or like you were watching your phone: Don’t apologize, nights like these are hectic and unpredictable. I am free and I’m more than happy to go, thank you <3
You quickly updated her contact to Jennie and broke into a happy dance when she told you what time she’d come pick you up. You’d been dying to check out the art exhibition since you found out it was coming to town but tickets sold out before you could get the chance. So not only were you going on a date with your crush, but also to check out what you’d been dying to see for weeks. 
You flopped onto your bed and sighed, relieved that the day was finally over and that you were able to end it on a positive note. 
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Imagine reader is a spider person and is trying to fight Agatha but she is just shamelessly flirting with reader, because she think reader is cute when flustered.
Bonus if the local people ship them.
Here it is, dear! I loved writing it and I hope you like it
Slippery little spider (Agatha x Reader)
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You groaned as you evaded another purple ball of magic. This battle had already gone on too long, you had been fighting for hours (or so it felt) and you hadn't even hurt the witch. Not a single scratch.
She on the other hand, had already taken your breath away. In more ways than one, actually.
She had made you run and swing all over town, dodging her attacks (although you didn't know if you could call them that, because they really did nothing more than give you a small shock that made you shiver, but nothing more), climbing buildings, swinging from roof to roof.
But that wasn't exactly the real reason your heart was racing. No, no. That was rather due to the witch's words. It would have been easier if she had been insulting you, if she had made threats, if she tried to make you feel bad or insecure. But she hadn't done any of that. On the contrary.
She had been flirting with you the entire fight.
"And god, she knows how to do it" you thought, distracting you for a second.
Enough to be caught by the purple strings of magic. Damn it. You shuddered when you heard the laugh of the woman behind you. Too close, in fact.
"My, my. Look what the wind brought me. A little spider" Agatha chuckled, turning you around to look at her "You're slippery love" she smiled "But I'm always in the mood to play catch"
"Let me go!" you grunted, praying your blush wasn't so noticeable. Hell, up close she was more beautiful
"Now, now. Are we impatient, hot stuff?" She laughed "I guess decent people release spiders in the front yard after catching them"
You gasped when her magic pulled you so that you were inches from her. Her eyes immediately caught you, you have never seen eyes so blue and so beautiful.
"But I'm not a decent person, am I, gorgeous?" She smiled and brought her face close to yours. Too close, too far. 
Agatha blinked as you scooted underneath her, swinging toward a building. She smirked while she watched you swing away. Yup, you were a slippery and cute little spider, and she couldn't wait for your next encounter.
“Harkness!” you roared, making the witch turn to you with a smirk.
“Oh, there you are, honey” she said “I was starting to think you weren’t coming”
“Let them go” you said, talking about the bus she was making float behind her 
“Make me” she smirked
You frowned and shot one of your webs at her, tying her arms to her sides. She just laughed and dropped the bus, making you gasp and run to catch it, but it wasn't necessary.
You blinked as the cloud of purple magic engulfed the bus and set it carefully on the ground. You didn't know what confused you the most, the fact that she prevented the deaths of the people that a second ago she was holding hostage, or that said people were smiling, without any trace of fear on their faces. Shouldn't the driver have stepped on the gas as soon as I was on the ground ?!
“What the-”
“Is that a new mask, love?” the witch asked, landing behind you, freeing herself from your webs “I like it”
“I-” What?! You did wear a new mask, but so far, no one on your team had noticed or said something about it (which hurted you to be honest, because you worked so hard on the design), and here she was, saying she liked it? This was confusing as fuck.
“I mean, i liked the other one too, but this one” she smiled, approaching you and caressing your cheek “This one shows a little more of your precious face, love” 
You blushed and cursed her on your mind. She shouldn’t be making you feel like this! She was evil! She was supposed to hate you, not flirt with you! 
“I- I have to go” you said, stepping back.
“Aren’t you going to arrest me?” she smirked, stopping you
“Are you going to stay in jail?” you crossed your arms, already knowing the answer “Besides..you didn’t hurt anyone, nor destroyed anything. I guess there’s no crime here” you said and frowned.
Actually, now that you think about it, that was strange. Why would she make an entire bus fly, just to land it carefully the moment you arrived? And no fallen buildings? No murders? Anything? What was the plan here?
“Are you free tomorrow, hon?” she asked suddenly, interrupting your thoughts
“What?” You blinked
“Well, i was thinking about hijacking that store over there and taking hostages tomorrow. But if you're busy, I can do it another day. I don't want someone else to be sent to deal with me” She admitted.
“I- What?!” you asked, more confused than ever “Why would you tell me this?”
“Isn’t it obvious dear?” she smirked 
“What?” you asked and frowned, she just laughed.
“You’re too cute, little spider” she said, kissing your cheek quickly “See you tomorrow, love” she said, flying away and leaving you with more questions than answers.
You walked to the store and asked to talk with the owner. A woman smiled and approached you, asking what she could do for you.
“You need to leave” you said carefully, making her blink and smile
“Why would i do that, dear?” she asked
“Because there’s an evil witch who’s going to hijack your store” you tried to explain. 
The woman chuckled and shook her head, making you frown. What was so funny about this? Didn’t she understand that she was in danger?
“My darling, don’t worry about it” she assured you “We’ll be fine. She promised to not hurt anyone and we’re more than happy to help” 
“Wait, what?” you blinked “Ma’am, i think you don’t know what-”
“Oh i know, dear” she interrupted you “Everyone around here knows, don’t worry, you don’t have to act here” she said before she turned to another customer that was also smiling at you.
A young man approached you and took you by the arm, pulling you out of the place. You frowned but before you could ask anything, he spoke.
“Sorry, i just needed you to know this” he said quickly
“Know what?”
“The reason why everyone here helps Agatha” he said
“Help her? Is she controlling them?” you asked, already making plans to stop the witch
“No” he laughed “She’s not controlling anyone”
“What? Then why is no one afraid of her?” you asked
“Because she’s not hurting us. In fact, she asks us first before she does something” he assured you 
“What?” you whispered, then remember the people on the bus “Wait, they knew she was going to make them float?”
“It was their idea”
“Listen, we don’t know what’s going on between you two, but everyone here wants to see you two together” he said
“Shhh” he pressed a finger on your lips “You two fight like an old marriage, and we all ship you, to be honest. She was confused too, but she seems to like you and started asking for our help. Now we’re all in a contest to see where you two will share your first kiss. So do me a favor and kiss her tomorrow, because that’s my grandparents’ store and I want them to win” he said and smiled before walking away, leaving you alone and blushing.
She liked you. 
Agatha liked you.
You started to panic and quickly swung out of there, repeating that thought over and over again. She liked you. And you had a date with her tomorrow. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit-
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yourmcu · 4 years
Mesmerized (ii)
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
@lostaurorax​ said:
hii!! i love ur writing i was wondering if u could write a natasha x reader fic were reader is part of the guardians of the galaxy and they come to the compound and natasha is just starstruck but reader plays kinda hard to get and then just a bunch of fluff !
Word count: 2,551
A/n: basically a day out with Natasha. you like having her around. she likes having you around. Part 2/? (more notes at the end of the fic!)
Warnings: mostly fluff, but ending’s pretty angsty (help), some thor fluff in the beginning, jealous!nat if you squint
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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gif not mine!! credits to the owner^^
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After Natasha left your room she immediately goes straight to hers. She barely falls asleep.
She stares at the ceiling, absorbed in her own thoughts. She tries to shake away the heat rushing to her face whenever the moment you kissed her on the cheek replays on her mind. All it took is someone like you to get one of the toughest people in the compound turn into mush.
She never believes in the ‘love at first sight’ bullshit because, well, it is bullshit. It’s impossible to love someone you just met. But who knows, right? You might just be an exception.
No, Natasha frowns. I just like her... a lot. It’s different.
The next morning, her run consists of her planning out the date day with you, where she’d take you first and stuff. She stops by the front gate of the compound, suddenly worrying. She wants to impress you. But what if you don’t like what she had in store? What if you think she's boring?
You're the type of person that almost likes everything and you’d express it kindly if you don’t. Boring you should be the last thing on Natasha’s mind.
Natasha walks into the kitchen to hydrate herself but halts once she saw the mess you and Thor had all over the counters.
“Wait, hold on- no, that’s - oh god, Thor, that’s too much batter!” You smack him on the arm and laugh, tilting your head a bit to figure out how you’d get the large pancake out of the pan.
“Oops,” Thor says sheepishly, turning around to put the bowl back on the counter, noticing Natasha’s confusion. “Oh don’t worry, Natasha, we’ll clean up after we’re done.”
The mention of the redhead makes you turn as well. “Good morning, Nat.” You beam. Normally, Natasha would sent a glare to anyone who calls her that, someone who isn’t a close friend, but with you... instead of a glare her eyes light  up. Giving you a small smile, she greets you back.
“I thought you were going out?” She questions, passing by you to reach the fridge.
“We were, but IHOP’s closed, under maintenance they said,” Thor sighs and you hum in response. “It’s quite alright. I heard you guys are going out anyway-”
Natasha lowers the water bottle from her lips, staring at him. “You heard?”
You spin around to clean up after turning off the stove. ‘I didn’t tell him anything,’ you mouth to her, which makes her think Steve somehow knows of it already.
Thor lets out a laugh, grabbing the whole pan and twiddling his fork, “you two have fun.” He winks and walks out of the room.
“They were so cute,” you look back at the newly engaged couple near the window of the restaurant. “And really, you didn’t have to pay. I can pay you back.”
Later that afternoon the both of you headed out. Natasha parked her car somewhere and since it was a nice day, not too hot or anything, you both strolled around the city to find a place to have brunch.
“Y/N, it’s fine. I’m the one who asked you out.” Natasha chuckles, remembering the way you pouted in there begging her to let you pay at least for your own food.
You huff, smiling. “Fine. But I’m getting you back.”
So far you were having a good time with her. You got to know each other more, she told you stories about some of the team’s missions from other countries which were relatively rare, her first encounters with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, and in return you told her some about your out-of-this-world missions with the guardians.
And no you didn’t tell her about the history of moon rocks or some shit, nor did you promise to bring her back some. Who even collects those nowadays? Natasha was more interested about your early life, on Earth, which you were thankful for. You were taken away from your father (the only parent you preferred and loved) who was pure human one day by your alien-freak of a mother which you inherited your fire powers from.
You don’t like talking about it. But with her you're surprisingly comfortable.
Natasha smirks. “So we’re going out again sometime?”
“Of course we are.” After two seconds of pure confidence you wish you didn’t say that out loud. “Well, you know, I won’t force you to something you don’t want it’s - it’s your call.”
You're in the middle of telling her about your favorite bar and diner, the one your father always takes you as a child and you even paid a visit there the last time you were on Earth.
“Huh. Isn’t that the one that just closed?” She recalls
“No, really?” You drag out the ‘no’, sighing. “They’re the best. They make their own iced tea and beer and stuff... and - oh!”
You feel something rub against your ankle: a fluffy dog who's looking up at you with its tongue out and its tail was wagging wildly. Natasha raises her eyebrows, her eyes trailing to the abandoned leash behind it.
“Hey there,” you kneel down to pet it with caution just incase its intention is to bite you. But it seems to be happy and tame. “Look, Nat, s’adorable.” Natasha chuckles briefly and starts looking around for a person who looks frantic and is finding, calling a dog. 
“This fella belongs to the animal center.” You caress the dog behind its ear while you read the information on its collar.
It isn’t that far, it seems like the dog just escaped as well because the guy running the center was unaware of its absence.
“Thanks!” Said guy smiles in appreciation, reaching out to take the leash out of your hand. Natasha’s mind is focused on how the guy looks at you for the first time. It's the exact same look she gave you that night. Mesmerized, as if it was love at first sight. She doesn’t miss how his hand brushes yours, completely intentional. “I don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t returned him. The pups here just grew out of their mom’s milk and are very hyper. It’s a lot of work.”
You're completely oblivious to this, you’re just glad the dog is back to where he belongs.
“No problem, he’s very sweet.” You smile politely. “Are they up for adoption? It would really help you out if they were, you know, and this one here is well behaved.”
At this point Natasha’s just eyeing the guy like he’d pounce on you any minute now. He’s definitely into you and she doesn’t like it.
“You’re welcome to stop by anytime,” he grins, ignoring your suggestion. “Can I have your number?”
“Oh, I don’t have a phone...” you trail off.
“That’s right, she doesn’t.” Natasha steps in and she catches the guy off guard and surprised that the Black Widow is actually with you the whole time. Natasha intertwines her hand with yours, pleased with his dumbfounded reaction. “We’ll be on our way now.”
You didn’t expect that but you weren’t complaining. Her hands were soft, and it brought this comforting feeling you couldn’t explain. But you clear your throat once the both of you are a few blocks away from the center.
“Sorry, he gave me an off vibe,” Natasha mutters and removes her hand from yours.
“Don’t be, I appreciate you looking out,” you smiles. Her car was getting into view now. “If it helps you sleep at night though, he wasn’t my type.” You joke.
Turns out you weren’t completely oblivious.
Natasha merely scoffs, getting in the driver’s seat and starting the engine.
After the dog incident you both drove around different parts of the city. You went to a different mall to stroll around, commenting on anything you both saw that would somehow lead to a stupid story that happened at some point in your lives.
A local artsy bookstore, not gonna lie Natasha liked reading a good book when she had the time. So did you. It was nice to know that she’s the type of person who liked reading. Quill always got annoyed with you whenever he saw you reading silently in the ship (but when was he not annoyed with you?). The only ones that was willing to try and read back in space were Mantis and Gamora, bless her soul.
“These are good,” you mutter to Natasha. “All my books are on the ship, I think, but if I get to them I’ll let you read my favorite one... if you want.”
Last stop of the day. Natasha claims it’s a surprise.
“I don’t do well with surprises,” you whine, holding back a smile. “Just tell me.”
“No. And besides, we’re already here.” Natasha chuckles.
Your eyes light up on how stunning the scenery was. An edge of the cliff and below is a beach that doesn’t look like it’s visited by people everyday. The beautiful sunset, the sky made up of purple, orange and almost pink magnifies the calmness of the waves crawling gently to the shore.
“I always come here whenever I need to,” she says silently and exhales, walking over to you. “It’s the perfect place to go whenever those idiots get on my nerves.” You laugh lightly at her reasoning.
Natasha pats a spot on the grass beside her. She holds her gaze on you as you sit down, sighing. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” she manages to stop staring at you and look up at the sky instead. It's getting darker by the minute, the orange and pinkness started to fade as the sun went down, all of it replaced by light purple, darker shade of blue.
You're used to different colored skies. It would always vary and depend on what planet you were on, plus you always see those stars shimmering up above, so your focus is on the water and the waves. The way they move calms you.
“Thank you for today,” you murmur. “I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t expect any of this happening.”
Natasha hums. “I hope I wasn’t too boring.”
“Of course not, I think you’re very interesting and you’re fun to be with.” You say genuinely.
Once the sun is fully down and the moon had taken over the sky, the both of you get up to head back to the compound. “Eating out here would’ve been nice but Steve’s in charge with dinner, he wouldn’t be too happy if he knew we already ate.” The car ride back is silent, but the good kind. A content, comfortable one.
Okay so, your stay took more than a few weeks. 
You grew close with the amazing group of people, plus your good relationship with Natasha just kept growing and... just got better.
Thor stayed too because he didn’t have a choice, but he didn’t mind. Rocket left one pod for both of you to use that’ll send you to wherever Quill’s ship was up there. 
You and Natasha went out when you had the chance, taking turns treating each other to stuff. You learned that Thor included your books when he packed you a bag, and now Natasha was borrowing one of them.
Sometimes you’d join them on missions. You did a great job every time, not wanting to be a burden to a team you weren’t officially in. Sometimes you’d join Steve into a sparring session at the compound’s gym.
Speaking of which, he’s treating both you and Natasha as if you’re dating.
“Would you look at that, your girl managed to give me a bruise. She’s a keeper.” Steve tells Natasha.
“You totally deserve that.”
You also started sparring with Natasha. And Tony caught on with the whole ‘dating’ thing from Steve.
“Oooh, am I interrupting something here?” Tony smirks. He's going back and forth visiting the compound and coming home to his wife and daughter at their cabin. It's working out though. “I think the mat’s unsanitary. Take this to the bedroom.”
“Oh shut up, Y/N was just working on her tackling.” Natasha grunts, leaving you sprawled  on the mat, exhausted. “It’s getting sloppy. We’ll go again in a minute.”
“Y/N,” The devastating tone of Natasha’s voice makes you look up. “Quill’s calling. He’s looking for you.”
“What?” She doesn’t answer but instead motions you to follow. In her office is a hologram of your fellow half-human and he looks distraught.
You step in front of the hologram so he can see you. 
“What happened to a few weeks, L/N? It’s been almost three months!” Quill says. “Look, come back, bring Thor with you. Our distress signal goes off almost every day and we can’t keep doing this without both of you.”
“Alright, how much time do I have before you lose your cool?” You reply sarcastically, but you're also worried and didn’t want to leave. You know better than to argue with the guy.
Natasha doesn’t want you to leave so suddenly. There’s limited communication between you and her once you go back up there. She grew attached to you.
Quill gives you an obvious look. “As soon as possible! Just - just get back here, please?” Then he abruptly ends the call.
You roll your eyes and left the room to pack, barely noticing Natasha hunched over, visibly sad and anxious that you’re leaving.
She loves you, and now you’re leaving without that knowledge.
You told Thor about it when he passed by the open door of your room. He didn’t look thrilled to be leaving so suddenly. After packing everything up (on his part it wasn’t that much) he offered to carry your bag for you as you said your farewells.
“Sorry guys, duty calls,” you sigh, hugging everyone. “Seeing as Tony’s not here just tell him I’ll miss him or something.”
“Will you come visit soon?” Wanda asks as she pulls away from your hug.
“Definitely.” You turn your head when Steve nudges you, nodding his head to the direction where Natasha is shifting, pacing, avoiding any eye contact.
You walk over to her. She tries holding back tears as you did. She grew attached to you and now you’re leaving. “Hey Nat,” you cup her face, trying to get her to look at you. “I’m sorry. I don’t wanna leave either, not right now, but-”
Natasha kisses you, pulling you close to her as much as possible. Tears fully streaming down her face. She’s never felt this way before, about anybody, for a long time.
But let’s face it, you both know you loved each other. Maybe the both of you just knew that if you got together, it’ll be extremely hard for your relationship once you left. The long distance relationship thing. Even if you aren’t, it's already too painful for Natasha, like she's caught off guard or something. None of you knew that today's your last night on Earth.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Natasha whispers after pulling away.
You smile sympathetically, wiping her tears away with your thumb. “You know I’ll come back, right, pretty girl?” Natasha exhales shakily and pulls you into a hug.
“You better.”
I found a song for this fic-series whatever, please I’m so proud of myself the song reminds me of this story
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