#the tabs are right next to eachother
peachpubby · 2 years
my brain do be working like those tiktoks with the subway surfer gameplay but I switch between watching an episode of breaking bad and episodes of bluey every 10 minutes
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kaywavy · 1 year
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eiramuses · 2 months
if i ever like unlike & relike a post before reblogging it, that was my fingers on the google tab version of mobile missing the reblog button after pressing the like button, not me tryna spam u
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Mirror Image (Miguel O’Hara x Spider!Reader) ANGST
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Summary: When Miguel and Jess find a new Spider to recruit, neither of them expected to find you. Someone from Miguel’s past that was long gone…just like you never expected to see his face again.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: SPIDERMAN ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE SPOILERS, angst, talk of death, use od (Y/N), heavy angst
A/N: I didnt respond to the request cause it had two so I chose the one I liked most! Hope this meets expectations and breaks a few hearts 😈 (it also wouldnt lemme tag you 😭)
Request by @written-subs: “a kinda angst(?) fic where Miguel has lost his s/o right? And then he recruits a new spider and finds out its his s/o but in a universe where HE dies and they just stare at eachother in disbelief and lowkey wanna be with each other again but its not canon :(( and reader feels as if its betraying their miguel��
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He would like to say that each Spider person chosen to join the spider society was a methodical, long thought out process.
That out of every thousand Spidermen, one was chosen.
But he would honestly be lying.
While there was a review process, where they evaluated a Spider’s abilities on a scale, it was honestly up to who piqued their interest first.
Like right now.
Jess and Miguel looked at the screen with interest.
The current Spider they were reviewing, was a tough one for sure. Probably one of the toughest that had been considered.
They had been a Spider for about seven years. Practically forced into the position due to the war that was going on on their Earth. You were drafted, and then chosen randomly to be genetically altered with Spider Venom in an attempt to make a super soldier.
It was very Earth-199999 esque. At first it almost made Miguel turn the page. He did not want to deal with a Spider that was from an Earth similar to that one. He could not deal with that headache.
But as the war continued, they became more cruel. Being the only successful Spider-Soldier, they wanted to run tests. Take blood, push your endurance and try to make you even more super. In their search to find out why you works, they pushed you away with their cruelty.
And that's when you truly became a Spiderperson.
“They’re tough. I think they’d be a useful asset.”
“You think they could follow orders?”
Jess stood there for a moment, looking over the files Layla was able to grab off your Earth. Everything was either classified, blacked out, or destroyed by you when you went rogue. She wasn’t sure if you would follow orders. You were soldier turned superhuman, turned vigilante. That was a story that told itself. You were a free agent - literally.
But she could feel your determination, even from dimensions away.
“I think they could.”
“We’ll go when their Earth hits o’three hundred.”
You had hit a dent in your plan.
While you had taken out three outposts, it seemed like they knew the next one you were planning on hitting. In retaliation they upped their security, and strengthened their towers to jam your signals. They had you between a rock and a hard place.
So right now, you were stuck.
Grabbing one of your monitors, you let out a guttural scream as you threw it into the wall.
It practically disintegrated into a million little pieces. The wall that it had hit had a sizable dent, with small cracks forming.
Closing out all your tabs, you sighed as you started at your screensaver. You felt your shoulders drop a little as you saw your reflection in the monitor.
Would he be proud? Or disappointed?
Before you could even reminisce, you felt the hairs on your arm stand.
Clicking a tab on the computer that turned it off completely, you quickly jumped up onto the ceiling. Pulling your mask down, you took in a deep breath as you watched the door get practically ripped off its hinges.
Two people walked in, and immediately you felt fear.
They were both Spider-Soldiers…or at least they looked like it. They didn’t have the uniform or the head gear…but instead were both in brightly colored spider themed outfits. It reminded you of when you broke off, you immediately designed your own to combat against your forced conformity.
You were mostly worried about the fact that they were successful in recreating the serum that made you.
“ The tracker says they’re here…are you sure this is their base?”
“ Look around Jess, this is obviously their base.”
Your heart stopped when you heard that voice.
And while it went against everything you’ve learned, everything that was drilled into your system, you acted on emotion. Screw the stealth tactic.
Shooting a web at the female Spider’s ankle, you yanked her up fast and hard so that she was dangling from her ankles.
A quick web to the mouth shut her up.
Shooting a web at her wrists, you shot back up to tie her wrists to the ceiling as well. Hog tying her to the ceiling, you stared at her for a moment unknowingly making eye contact with her. She shook as she hung there, unsure now what to make of you.
Especially now, as your face lined up with her. You reached forward slowly, gripping onto her glasses and taking them off. She shook her head, breathing heavily as she watched you.
You moved with deadly accuracy. At first she was curious as to why her spidey-senses hadn’t alerted her to you. But as she watched you she noticed how you used your stature to your advantage. You moved like you were one with your surroundings - more so than any Spider they had recruited so far.
Were you…you weren’t even breathing!
As you descended behind the other Spider, your heart was going a mile a minute. Your own spider senses were flying off the handle, it was almost hard to concentrate.
You needed to see if it was actually him.
You were literal inches away from him when your lungs started to scream for air. You had been holding your breath for a solid few minutes. Your expanded lung capacity could only help you for so long.
The minute you had let out just the smallest bit of pressure from your chest, the Spider in front of you had whipped around.
His hand immediately went to your throat, lifting you up with ease.
With your emotions still at an all time high, you started to kick and scratch. His grip was tight, but not deadly. He was holding you to keep you in place, not to hurt you.
While still keeping you in the air, he brought you closer to his face. His head tilted as he watched you struggle, hanging onto the hand that held you tight. His senses were fighting yours. Both your frequencies screaming at eachother. He could see you flinching as well, and not at his grip.
Despite the ringing in your ears, every sense telling you to trust him you needed to see. The growing pit in your stomach felt like it was devouring every bit of energy you had and throwing out every emotion you had managed to bury in these last few years.
Reaching forward, you hand gripped the top of his mask and quickly pulled up.
As if he knew what you were doing, the minute you had a hold on his mask whatever was making him freeze pushed him into motion. He immediately threw you as far away from him as possible.
Both of you were holding the other’s mask.
And both of your hearts felt like they had stopped.
At first he couldn’t believe it. That you were standing right infront of him.
A warmth he hadn’t felt in his chest had slowly started to grow, spreading to his neck and his heart. His hands gripped themselves tightly, to keep him in place. Oh how he knew that he had to stand his ground, and cement himself in place despite the only thing he wanted to do was to run and hold you in his arms…again.
That's exactly what you wanted too. To have him hold you so so close that you were both almost one. Your heart couldn’t keep up with everything that was pumping through your veins right now. 
You thought you would never see him again. It was fact to you for the longest time. You had watched him get taken from you, slowly and painfully. He was the reason for everything. For you going rogue, becoming the vigilante that you were now and painstakingly taking down the organization that forced you to be the way that you were. They took everything from you, and you had promised to take everything from them.
You had promised him…
Just like he had promised you…
He remembers holding you, feeling your body quiver in his arms after a particularly rough encounter. You weren’t built for his world but you were in it anyway. 
He remembers wiping your tears away, the last thing he saw in your eyes was a yearning sadness.
And here he was again, like it was that terrible terrible day. Tears threatening to spill, a look of want filling them.
That made it worse. That you knew him in this world.
“Miguel..?” You called out, your voice barely above a whisper.
Oh how he missed that sound. The way you said his name.
It was the only thing he wanted to hear.
This had to be some cruel joke that the universe was playing on him. That the multiverse had decided would be his fate yet again.
He was stronger than this.
When you took a step towards him, he took a step back.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
“Spider-Soldier…We’ve..Maybe we should explain on the way?”
The woman you had webbed up earlier was now standing beside you. Her hand being the anchor you needed to bring you back to reality. Reaching a hand up, you wiped away one of your tears that had fallen.
“You’re not him are you? You’re someone else entirely.”
Nodding, you swallowed as you turned to the woman. Giving her glasses back to her, you stood up straighter as the waves of emotion you were feeling began to bottle up.
“Explain what exactly? I have very important matters to attend to here.”
Walking back over to the computer, you turned it back on to try and distract yourself.
You were stupid to think that even for a moment he was back. Nothing in your life had ever been given to you. So to think that he was back without some catch? That was a thought the old you would have believed.
Oh to be that naive again.
Miguel and Jess watched from behind, as you continued to clack away. The way you had just sucked it all in, and became strict in two seconds really reminded Jess of Miguel…it was almost uncanny.
Looking over at him, she frowned when he saw the look on his face. Now that you weren’t looking at him, he let out a little emotion. 
The sadness in his eyes alone could weigh down multiverses.
Jess came to stand next to you, and saw the same look in his eyes that Miguel had. With a heavy heart, she put her hand over yours. It was shaking with every tape of the key, and you were sure if she hadn’t take your attention again another monitor would soon meet its fate
“I know this may be…alot right now but what we’re offering you could do some real good. You could help so many other Earths if you just hear us out.”
Stopping for a moment, you looked over at her and swallowed. You had so much to do here, for him and for yourself.
“My…Earth needs me though.”
Jess took a look over your screen. She could see that you were scrambling for an answer to an almost unsolvable problem. You were backed in a corner with now way out right now. She was sure it was the reason why there was a destroyed monitor on the other side of the room. 
“It looks like you could use some time away…come back at it with fresh eyes? Plus what we’re offering could be a little release of some of that building tension?”
Looking at her, you took in a small breath before pinching the bridge of your nose. Jess would be laughing right now at how uncanny you and Miguel acted oh so similar.
You two must’ve been inseparable on this Earth.
Miguel stood there, watching with a softened gaze. He wanted to go back. Because the longer he stood there the more his resolve was crumbling.
Especially now, as you looked back at him. He felt his heart break all over again.
“What even are you…inviting me too? You’re talking about Earths and you guys are…spider people?”
Miguel sighed, as he crossed his arms and ran a hand through his hair. He couldn’t believe he was dragging you back into this.
…what if this took you away from him again?
“It's complicated to explain here…why don’t we take you back to headquarters, where we can show you the whole presentation.”
Crossing your arms, you looked back at the woman and then Miguel.
You desperately wanted to just run back with him. Your heart was betraying you, because all it took was one look and it felt like you were a stupid teenager again. Hiding behind the bleachers and sharing secret looks.
It was beating in your chest at the same speed it did when he had kissed you for the first time.
He must have known you on his…Earth. Your head was just barely piecing together the fact that multiverses were real. You remember one of your fellow soldiers talking about it…as a way to distract themselves from what was happening around them.
But now you had to catch up to the idea that he knew you too…or at least a version of you.
From the look in his eye that you barely managed to catch every time he would glance at you, you could tell thing had not ended well for you.
That little voice in the back of your head, the voice you usually listened to to get you through tough times started to speak up again.
That since he had known you on his Earth…maybe just maybe you could get to know him.
Like you knew your Miguel.
Miguel found himself having the same thoughts. The same shameful thoughts that your touch would be the same. Your pillow talk could possibly be the same, The way you said his name was, so why not anything else? 
Flashes of your Miguel grounded you though. That he was not yours, at least not here. You had already had your time with Miguel. And for some reason it was only that short amount of time.
You had already gotten your allotted amount of touches,
And time to just…hold one another.
“ (Y/N)...”
Looking at him, he was carefully watching you. Him saying your name in that beautifully pained voice confirmed it for you. That he had already had his time with you too.
The woman, gods you should have remembered her name he said it earlier, came to stand next to Miguel. Pressing a few buttons on her watch, suddenly a medley of light and color opened behind her. 
“It really would be easier to explain if you just came with us. I promise I will bring you back if you say no, but just hear us out.”
Tossing you a wristband, you swallowed before looking back at your computer.
It was probably best that you not be here for a few hours…at least thats what you were telling yourself just to let yourself off the hook for jumping at the chance to be with him again.
Sliding it on, you watched as the woman stepped through and it was just you and Miguel standing there with the portal painting him in a beautiful array.
Holding out his hand to you, you could see how his hand shook.
You also noticed how it stopped when you took it.
After you took his hand you knew your fate was sealed.
That whatever this “Spider Society” was…you would accept.
Just to be near him again.
Even though it would hurt. That it would feel like your heart was getting ripped out over and over again.
A part of you hoped that it would stop…or numb after a while. But in the back of your mind you knew it wouldn’t
But at least you would get to see his face again.
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waklman · 1 year
Fake it
Chapter Two: Drunk on Halloween
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synopsis: a pair of best friends, one apartment, and one fake dating ploy to get jake’s ex girlfriend back, will end well right? wrong.
pairing: jake seresin x female reader.
warnings: no use of y/n, underage drinking, mentions of binge eating, jake and reader are both 20. this blog is 18+, everyone please thank @blue-aconite for deciding that jake 6'5 :)
word count: 4.3k
college au, fake dating trope, roommate trope
previous chapter | next chapter | fake it masterlist
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The harsh sun beaming directly on Bradley’s back makes him deeply reconsider meeting up with Jake—especially on the one day he had off in his class schedule. Instead of sleeping in, like he originally planned to, Bradley’s waiting outside the student center building—that he didn’t even know existed until now. 
Flocks of underclassmen are exiting through the front doors, fresh lanyards hanging around their necks as they walk around him. A few of them even mutter an apology to Bradley, despite him clearly being in the wrong, planting himself in the middle of the walkway—with no intention to move.
Just as Bradley’s about to turn around and leave, the devil himself appears with a crowd of sorority girls in front of him—laughing as he holds the top of the door open for them to file out through. And even with Bradley’s impatience wafting off towards him, Jake doesn’t falter. 
In spite of it, Jake dips his head back down to say his goodbyes to the pack of girls, making sure to give out individual hugs as well. He then jogs over to Bradley with two energy drinks clutched in one hand, and a toothy smile plastered on his face—one that Bradley isn’t affected by because he’s not some girl seeking a temporary semester crush to keep herself going. Bradley’s just here to relay information, and to get lunch.
Ignoring the unimpressed look he’s receiving from Bradley, Jake continues walking down the cement path after passing him one of the drinks. It’s pocketed into Bradley’s sweatpants for now. 
“Untwisted Javy’s panties,” Bradley flatly states, catching up behind Jake in two long strides. 
“What?” Jake’s brows furrow, looking ahead at an approaching tour group. Stepping over to his left, Jake makes more space on the pavement for them to walk pass him as he continues on. 
Unlike his friend, Bradley doesn’t move over at all, he continues walking in a straight line—causing the appointed tour guide to visibly panic as he divides up the herd of highschoolers from their parents. “You forgot Juliet? He forbade me from seeing you.” Bradley’s face remains stoic, delivering his reminder coldly. 
“Oh, yeah,” Jake answers, mildly confused. He hasn’t got a clue where Bradley pulled the new nickname from. All Jake knows is that he can finally get through the doors for frat parties, especially now that Javy’s cooled off his case.
Both of them meet back again, walking side by side—oblivious to the wide-eyed teenage girls doing double takes at the two attractive college boys that just passed them. 
It wasn’t like Jake and Bradley were blind to the fact that they always stood a head taller than most people. As a matter of fact, they both secretly marveled at their size comparison to others—it was just hard to remember how large they both were when they stood shoulder to shoulder, making eachother look rather normal. 
Jake pops open the tab of his energy drink. He slows down his steps, permitting Bradley to gain on him as he sips on the liquid that pools around the rim of the can. 
“This isn’t me helping you two with this shitty plan.” Bradley starts, before getting to his next point. Jake nods once, accepting the preface.
Reaching a downhill slope, their pace begins to wind down. “Talked to some chick in Alpha Xi for you. She told me Kendall’s coming to that party we’re co-hosting next weekend.” Bradley mutters, regrettably. 
Opposite to Bradley’s dead eyes, Jake’s own green orbs shoot into a brighter shade at the news. 
Bradley can nearly see the cogs turning in Jake’s head. From the look on his face, Jake’s already decided on taking you as his plus one to next week’s party. 
Jake elbows Bradley’s side. “You talked to someone for me?” 
While Bradley confirmed, more to himself, that this wasn’t him helping Jake out—the slight guilt is still there. It leaves a bad taste in his mouth, knowing you’re in the thick of it all. 
Other guys would have no hesitancy when helping out a  buddy, but Bradley did. An unsensible part of him wishes you didn’t remind him of his little sisters so much. Juicing out information that obviously aids Jake’s dumb ploy feels like he’s setting one of his own sisters up for disaster. And though you were just as clueless as Jake was—Bradley’s no idiot. He might act like he doesn’t know what’s going on sometimes, but that’s only to have an upper hand on people. 
It was hard to not ignore the elephant in the room, Bradley felt he was watching two characters dodge an issue that was going to end up blowing up in their faces. But, Jake’s too wrapped up in his own delusions about Kendall to see that, and you? Bradley’s not close enough to you to put his finger on what method of denial you’ve stuck to. 
“You flirt with her to find that out, or are you just that handsome?” Jake adds on, laughing behind the can he brung up to his lips again. 
“Look.” Bradley cuts him off, making a sharp turn towards the direction of the dining hall. Jake follows alongside him, sloppily taking a larger chug than expected, caused by the change in route. 
“I have plenty of sisters, they—” Bradley presses his tongue to the back of his teeth, withholding the sappy lecture that’s threatening to spill out. Jake didn’t need to know he has that side to him, not yet. 
Bradley alternatively lets out a breath of frustration. “Just be careful,” he mumbles, stuffing his hands into his hoodie. 
Bradley watches from the corner of his eye as Jake discards the half empty can into one of the many trash bins scattered across campus. 
As much as Jake hates how much Bradley’s become protective of you, Jake also knew that this meant that Bradley liked you. Bradley Bradshaw—the guy who didn’t think twice when he stepped onto sloshed freshman that groaned under his foot—liked you.
And when Bradley extended his care to someone, he kept a close eye on them at all times. It was a tendency he fell into after becoming an older brother. Therefore, Jake made sure there would be no harm caused to you before bringing this idea up to Bradley. Because you and Jake? That’s never happening, it’s actually impossible, outrageous, unimaginable even. 
Jake knew what you liked, and that wasn’t him. Time and time again, you went for guys who were put together, guys who were as smart as you were, and guys who made your heart flutter through lame shit that Jake can’t even come up with. The few relationships you had didn’t last that long, but Jake was pleased knowing you weren’t left disrespected in the breakup. You were always the one who cut things off anyways. 
Having that knowledge made Jake confident that you’d say something if this fake dating thing wasn’t cutting it anymore. 
“Relax, Dad.” Jake claps a hand onto Bradley’s back, lightly laughing at the uptight expression dawning on his features. 
Seeing that they’ve reached the wide steps leading up to the dining hall, Jake lets the hand on Bradley’s back fall to his side again. Already dismissing their conversation, Jake stomps his way up the stairs—skipping a few steps just because his long legs allowed him to. 
Bradley sighs at his lack of awareness, following right behind Jake. Putting his hunger aside, Bradley feels something else bothering his stomach—a premonition, is what his kooky sisters would call it.
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“Quit covering your face. I’m tryna show you off, not hide you.”
Contrary to his complaint, you turn your head away from the speechless girl, who unfortunately, stumbled upon you two in a compromising position. “This is humiliating,” you groan quietly into his hoodie, listening to her scramble off with hurried footsteps.
Meeting up with Jake in the library was clearly a mistake on your part. With your search for textbooks coming up empty, Jake took it upon himself to fool around, making a show in front of other innocent students, subjecting them to a view of him towering over you. How else would everyone know you’re my girlfriend, he argued. 
You lean back against the bookshelf he’s pinned you against. 
Thumbing over the button of your denim shorts, Jake lets out a soundless breath. The metal clasp looks so tiny compared to his digit tracing it—putting Jake in a momentary trance. “My girl’s so shy, what am I supposed to do with you,” he teases, eyes still trained on your waistband. 
“I…I see why she broke up with you. You can’t keep your hands to yourself,” you grumble—face hot at the coined term. It’s embarrassing as is—that he’s starting with a public declaration of your ‘relationship’, but calling you his girl? None of your exes had even attempted to test out the term with you, because they had shame—something that Jake Seresin has not one ounce of. 
I see why she broke up with you. Right, Kendall broke up with him.
Jake’s hands drop from your figure, feeling kicked by your comment. “You think so?” He whispers, eyes trailing back up to your face. Jake fills his cheeks with air, self-conscious at the sudden reminder that Kendall dumped him out of the blue—without giving him a single explanation as to why.
Reaching up a hand to squish his face, your eyes soften. His cheeks slowly deflate as your fingers press down on his tanned skin, allowing him to blow out the excess air. “No. I don’t think so.”
After echoing back his comment to him, Jake eases up again—puckering his lips in your hands to make you laugh, which you do—quietly. The librarians were already well versed on who you two were, there must’ve been a catalog of complaints under their desks with both your names on it. 
You drop your hand from his face, forcing Jake to conceal his disappointment at the motion. “Told some girls I have a new girl today,” he moves on, eyes tracing over the lines of your face. 
It only hits him now how much you’ve aged—not like it’s a bad thing. You just look different—not like the younger version of you that Jake had in his head.
“Told em’ you’re real pretty—think that’ll get back to her?” Jake rests his palms on your hips again—maintaining the illusion.
Through natural impulse, Jake’s thumb finds itself ringing around the clasps of your shorts again. The pad of his digit circles the metal button, and occasionally drops down to trace over the teeth of your zipper. He plays with the opening of your pants so lightly, that you don’t even notice it.
You face scrunches up, pretending to wince for his ex-girlfriend. “Ouch.”
“Can’t wait to break your heart and dump you, once she comes crawling back to you,” you lightly joke, poking a finger into his chest where his heart would sit. Despite his soft jab to Kendall, you had a feeling that he’ll win her back in no time.
Jakes softly smiles at you, almost forgetting where you two are for a split second. “You wouldn’t break my heart, Princess. You’re too nice for that,” and he meant it.
When his older sisters used to complain about how insufferable Jake was during puberty, you always assured him that he wasn’t annoying at all. One could say the comradery only conspired because you were also going through puberty, but it made Jake feel validated at the time. Thirteen year old Jake was well aware that he was a brat, but he just needed to hear you say that he wasn’t. 
“I’m just the bestest friend ever huh?”
“The best a boy could ask for,” Jake’s eyes crinkle from his stretched out smile.
In the last hour that you two have spent here, there had been a layer of hushed whispers that can be heard amongst the soft clattering of hardcover books and clicking of keyboards—but there’s one familiar voice off in the distance that urges you to tune out Jake’s response. 
Turning your head in search for it, your vision zones in on a group of girls heading directly towards you and Jake. You don’t know if it was pure luck or your intuition but the voice belonged to one of Kendall’s friends. 
To your surprise, all her girlfriends are here—but she’s not with them.
Right as you take notice of the one friend, the glossy lipped girl makes instant eye contact with you. She wastes no time notifying the others around her by swatting their arms with her nimble hand. 
The air in your lungs immediately expunges once they all start to swivel their heads precisely at you. 
Alertness strikes you like a clap of thunder, prompting you to snap your head back to Jake. His smile falls once he catches your panic-stricken expression. 
Wanting to decipher what’s bothering you, Jake tears his concerned eyes off you and starts to lift his head in the direction you were previously looking at. 
If Jake were to look over there—this whole dating thing wouldn't look natural. With that in mind, you knew you were left with only one option. 
Without a warning, you cup his cheek in your hand—bringing his attention back to you. Tucking away your nerves, you clasp your other hand onto the back of Jake’s neck—pulling him down towards you.
It almost happens too fast for Jake’s brain to register what’s going on—until he feels a new warmth against his mouth. 
You’re kissing him.
Your tongue isn’t shoved down his throat, your lips aren’t slotted into his—all you do is softly press your lips against the corner of his mouth, but it catches him off guard nonetheless. 
From the sudden proximity, the distinct scent of your strawberry body-wash floods his nose and travels to his brain—scrambling all of his thoughts into one jumbled mess. 
Not knowing what to do with himself, Jake digs his sweaty fingers into your hips in surprise, the pads of his fingers practically wet your denim. This was the last thing he expected out of his visit to the library.
Slowly, you pull back only to peck him on the corner of his mouth again, to make it look believable. Deciding it should be enough, you get off your tippy toes—and withdraw the hand you hooked onto him. 
Disregarding the dizzying rush of adrenaline pumping through your veins, you look up at Jake expectantly—lashes fluttering underneath him. 
It’s fruitless—Jake’s scan to see if you’re wearing that prickling lip plumping gloss Kendall used to jabber out, the one that made his mouth sting from kissing her. Because Jake feels that similar sensation on the little spot you kissed. His lips tingle there.
“Jake? Did they see?” You ask, cutting through his thoughts. 
Jake blinks down at you, marked with confusion. “Jake.” You stamp down again, urging him to check. You were far too mortified to make eye contact with those girls again.
Jake stammers for a moment before looking off to see what you’re talking about. Finally, his sights land on the overly familiar group of girls—it’s Kendall’s best friends.
They’re all standing by a row of printers across the library floor, faces frozen in shock. Their heads almost knock into each other in a failed attempt to turn around, as if he hasn’t already caught them looking over here. 
Dismissing his heart thumping in his chest, from the energy drink he guzzled down earlier—Jake twists his neck to look back at you again, mouth parted in realization. You took the initiative to kiss him on the edge of his mouth, because they were looking—because from this angle, it looked like you were giving him a sweet little peck. One a girlfriend would give to her boyfriend.
Jake easily shakes you from the way he squeezes your hips in celebration. The boastful action pulls a weak smile from you. “You're a fucking genius, you know that?” Jake feels like he’s about to explode from the swirl of pleasant emotions in his chest, ones that he can’t even put a name to. 
Jake could give you an actual fucking kiss right now. Even if you’re probably wearing that tingling lip gloss. 
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“Get your–own! Jacob!”  you shriek, pulling your ice cream cone away from him. The soft serve was initially bought as a thank you gift, for the show you put on in the library. But you were sadly mistaken if you thought you could enjoy your frozen treat without Jake asking for a bite—which turned into two bites—which turned into half of your ice cream being gone before you could have so much of a taste.
The fight you put up is futile, as Jake’s already coming up from behind you. His large frame almost casts a shadow onto the bulletin board you’re both standing in front of. To steady your stance, Jake presses his palm against your stomach, so you don’t stumble forward.
Holding your wrist steady with his other hand, Jake lifts your hand up to his mouth to sink his teeth into the melting glob of milk and sugar. After securing a large bite, he uncurls his fingers from your wrist. “What are you gonna do about it? Kiss me?” He asks, chest rumbling behind you. 
Tipping your head backwards, the top of your head hits his chest. “No more,” you declare softly—looking at him through your lashes. 
Jake licks off the excess ice cream on the corner of his mouth. His teasing smile drops at your serious plea. “No more,” he repeats, looking down at you. 
You knew it was ridiculous to be slighted by Jake eating your ice cream, but you’ve been feeling uneasy during the past few days. And the snacks back at the apartment weren’t enough to diminish your need to stress eat. There was something in the back of your mind lately, that’s been increasing your desire to binge. 
Jake nudges the side of your foot with his own, encouraging you to eat your ice cream.
At the assurance that he’s done consuming your vanilla cone, you both bring your attention back to the array of neon flyers stapled onto the board in front of you two.
Since Jake’s hand is still pressed against your tummy, he extends his pinky to play with the button of your shorts again. “How about the outdoor movie? Maybe Kendall will show up,” he offers.
Your eyes search for the poster he’s referring to. “Jake, you’re really bad with scary movies. It says right there that it’s a horror movie night,” you point out, apprehensively. 
“Movie nights are stupid anyway,” he scoffs, setting his embarrassment aside. 
For the next few minutes, you read off the upcoming school events to Jake as he distracts himself by watching you give your ice cream kitten licks—holding back the urge to take another bite. 
“...I don’t think she’ll be showing up to any of these Jake,” you conclude, leaning back against his chest with the waffle cone between your teeth. 
Jake stiffens. It only just occurred to him now, that he made you two come all the way down here for no reason. Jake was already aware of an event you both could go to with Kendall’s confirmed attendance.
“Did you just—flex your abs because I laid back on you?” 
Yeah he did. It was reflexive for the most part, but there’s other things to be discussed. 
Jake cuts in with his new idea, “My old frat is co-hosting a party that we’re invited to. Kendall’s showing up,” he proposes, looking down to probe your reaction. 
“Oh, okay. We can—we can do that,” you untangle yourself from him, while still being careful to not drop your cone.
Jake’s brows pinch in confusion, watching you slip out from under him. “Where are you going?” 
Doing a quick turn to face him, you hand him the empty cone which he grabs from you. “That just reminded me of something—I gotta go. I’ll meet you at home later?”
Jake raises the cone to his mouth, taking a bite from it. “You don’t want me to come with you?”
“No, it’s okay,” you assure him with a faint smile. 
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When the doorbell rang through the house, Bradley swung open the door, already prepared to tell whatever girl that was there to leave. And that her boyfriend is most likely cheating on her if he lives in this house. 
Instead of finding some teary eyed girl on the doorstep of the frat house, he found you standing there digging the toe of your sneaker into the stained doormat beneath you. 
If he was given a heads up that you were coming, Bradley would’ve made an effort to tidy up his room. When he led you inside, he had to kick away the piles of out-turned shirts and dirty boxers to clear the way for you. 
Bradley couldn’t begin to imagine Jake's reaction if he knew that you were sitting on top of Bradley’s bed right now. 
Typically when Bradley did have girls on his mattress, they didn’t look like a meek little lamb with their hands politely folded into their laps and they definitely didn’t have their legs stiffly glued together.
Directly across from you, Bradley’s manspreading in his black and white gaming chair. He’s dressed in grey sweats and a black hoodie. And the only light in his room is a desk lamp that shines down on your face.
“He definitely remembers.” Bradley squints his eyes at you in suspicion. It’s not often that you come to him for advice, so when you did, it always had to do with Jake. 
Your hands clamp tighter in your lap. “I don’t know Bradley, he looked so confused when I mentioned it in the elevator,” You’re practically sweating under the yellow light, as if Bradley’s cross-examining you. 
“You kiddin’ me? I’ve seen Seresin play Jenga when he had a pack of beers in his system. And he fucking won,” he scoffs, leaning foward to rest both elbows on his knees.
Bradley’s voice is naturally gruff, but he’s making an effort to keep a calm tone with you—because it honestly looks like you would shatter like glass, if he were to speak to you in the wrong way. “When did you say this kiss was?” 
At the question, your face scrunches up trying to remember the details. “It was at a Halloween party—we had to be sixteen or something,” you swallow thickly, recalling what follows. “I only had a few hard seltzers but Jake he…um he had a couple of his dad’s beers.”
Bradley intently nods, ensuring you that he’s listening.
“The music was so loud Bradley, I could barely make out what he was saying—he was trying to tell me something but his words were all—they were,” you pause, deliberating over the right word choice.  
“Slurred? Fucked up? All over the place?” He offers, engrossed by your narrative. 
“Yeah, and God—I had such a big crush on him at the time,” you bury your face in your hands. This had to be the first time you admitted this out loud. Never in a million years would you think you’d tell Bradley of all people.
Bradley presses his lips together and nods slowly, unmoved by your confession. He wonders what his sisters would tell you in this situation. 
On his bed, you’re taking slowed breaths. It doesn’t take a genius to get a sense on why this problem from years ago is troubling you now. But, Bradley’s not sure if he wants to be the one to break it to you.
Bradley sighs deeply, putting his hard demeanor on hold. 
“You don’t have to say anymore, I can tell how the story ends,” he says quietly, bringing a stiff hand over your knee. 
Jake had just broken up with his first girlfriend that Halloween and intentionally got shit-faced, while dressed as Ken and you as Barbie. The costume was meant for his girlfriend pre-breakup, but you took it and matched with him instead—hoping it would cheer him up. 
After having too much to drink, Jake came staggering over to you, spewing out nonsense you couldn’t even hear over the blaring music.
Then, he kissed you—right then and there. It was nothing special, the kiss lasted for less than three seconds, but it still knocked the air out of your lungs.
And right after he took your first kiss, Jake proceeded to pass out, landing straight on your shoulder like dead weight. It left you standing there, trying to keep him upright as your legs felt like jelly. 
The morning after, Jake didn’t bring it back up. Right when you knocked on his door still giddy from last night, Jake let you in and continued his complaints about his ex.
You had cried for weeks at the revelation that he didn’t remember. That he had probably mistaken you for his ex-girlfriend, given the costume and all. Jake thought he kissed her in his drunken haze, not you.
And by the time you two were seventeen, you finally got past it. Whatever romantic feelings you felt for him diminished to nothing. And you’ve already concluded that it didn’t matter anymore.
So why does it bother you so much now? 
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“…Get out…my…room,” you tiredly mumble. The words are almost incoherent as they slip out your mouth. 
Sitting on your bedside, the corner of Jake’s lip tugs into a small smile. How can he take you seriously when your face is squished into a pillow? 
When Jake came in to check up on you, he walked in on you being half awake with your front sinking into the bed and your back pointing up towards the ceiling. 
With a hand sprawled against the small of your back, Jake stretches his fingers wider to see much of your back he can cover. Then, he begins to gently caress his hand over your spine, contributing to your sleepiness. 
“Where’d you go?” He asked in a hush tone, not wanting to disturb you too much. 
Jake had gone straight home after you left him earlier in the day, but you didn’t get back until the sun had set. And when you finally got home, you looked off. 
“Friend’s house,” you short-cut your answer, a tell-tale sign that you were drifting off. 
Jake pauses his movement.
“…What friend?” Last time he checked, you had no other friends but him. 
He waits for you to answer, but he’s only met with silence. You fell asleep on him.
All he can do is sigh, pulling his hand away from you. And as he stares down at your peaceful state, Jake struggles to identify the uneasiness twisting in his stomach.
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note: after much keyboard smashing she is here! thank you for reading! and as always, reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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preciadosbass · 1 month
11/8/24 [PARAGRAPH 3 & 4!!! — draft from sunday. key & significant photo/s at end]
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woke up at 10:20 and made myself breakfast. i ate it outside with boris in the sun and tried my best to be productive while being on my phone [e.g, make a fursona/oc/journal entry etc.] but failed miserably. i just scrolled on tiktok and saved a few videos i could use for outfit inspiration. i went back inside after 30+ minutes, got dressed [skinless shirt, dark cargo jorts + matching bracelets consisting of spiked cuffs and band bracelets, motorbike socks] and looked up a couple can tab bracelet tutorials. i know that i don’t have enough for the particular design i want to make, but i’m getting there. my dad’s sister, my aunt, has multiple pepsis a day and has been collecting can tabs for me.
i went back next door with my sister after giving up on the bracelet for the moment and saying goodbye to boris. when i arrived i just sat on my own while my sister went on the swings. a group of girls my age walked past and laughed at me and after a few minutes i got called over with the other kids to make a keyring. i honestly much preferred that but i think the staff thought i was a part of the actual camp anyways so i don’t think i had much choice either way. i picked out a star shaped template and a blue floral sticker to go on it. i stuck it on, but couldn’t cut around the star completely — so i put it in my bag for another time at home where i can use one of those tiny knives to carve all the imperfections out.
once id done i went back over to the bouncy castle. this time round, only 8 people were allowed on it at a time and this younger girl was being really bratty about it, as in acting like she owned the place, which was odd, because yesterday it was fine and nothing bad happened. but kids are just like that. she kept on going around to people and launching herself onto them, she also decided to boot me over and over again on my bruised shin which was fun 😭. i tried telling her we don’t even know eachother and ive just been sitting there but she didn’t care. she kicked me and almost everyone else off using her sister that was my age so i got off and just sat beside it while people watching.
the same member of staff from the keyrings sat next to me and just exclaimed ‘panic! at the disco?’ — reffering to my panic! band bracelet. i nodded and she started speaking about liking that type of music too. more when she was younger, but she’s still into it, she said. she took out her phone and started asking me if i’ve been to see any live bands. i told her about me seeing the mcr + fall out boy tributes, pierce the veil, cavalera conspiracy, and my upcoming concerts. [slipknot, falling in reverse, possibly the tributes again but idk was its the day before fir]. she started speaking about how she has family in scotland and therefor goes to festivals there a lot and then casually says she’s seen fall out boy 4+ TIMES??? i literally could’ve curled up and died right there and then after hearing that come out of her mouth.
she also spoke to me about seeing slipknot 20 years ago, and then she showed me one of her friends instagram pages. then she came out with that that friend, has another friend, who is the sibling of someone from PIERCE THE VEIL?? WHAT THE FUCK. i was so taken aback but she unfortunately couldn’t remember what their name was because they were told years ago now — and she couldn’t find pictures of them together despite trying as the friend is a concert photographer and it’s importable to sort through the thousands of photos.
i out of interest asked if she’d seen linkin park and she said she did at milton keynes in 2008?? with jayZ?? RAAA. i got told that everyone was leaving in 30 minutes so i stayed speaking to her until people started loading themselves onto their coach and i set off for home. it was really cool speaking to that woman and its a shame i’ll probably never see her again or get to know any more info. although it was awesome meeting someone like me that was quite a lot older. when i got home i fussed boris on the driveway and had a 20 minute nap before leaving for my other aunts house [6pm]. i said goodbye to boris, and on the way to the car, my dad showed me this injured butterfly. it was a shame because it looked so young. i held it and then placed it onto a bush before leaving. [photo at end]
since the concert, i’ve been listening to the setlist on repeat. so i obviously did even more on the way to my aunts, although the drive is really short. once i got there i stayed in the living room for a bit and greeted the family of mine that was there. there was only my grandad, his fiancé, my aunt + uncle, and one of my cousins girlfriends there. that cousin in question is on holiday, the other moved out, and the other also moved out. i didn’t really know what to speak about and my parents sparked a conversation between the others anyway so i went to see what my sister was up to. she was playing fnaf security breach so i watched her.
i had my phone out ready to record her getting jumpscared and i caught a video of her doing exactly that over moondrop. i’m surprised that i’ve never watched anyone play security breach before even though i was really excited when it came out. i don’t usually watch my sister play stuff unless it’s the last of us/the evil within/silent hill at 8:30 i stopped watching jay and went for a walk with my mum, dad, aunt, + grandads fiancé. [+ archie and my aunts dog, charlie.] we couldn’t be too long because charlie has bad diabetes and can’t do much now. we came across one of my aunts friends on our way, she accidentally called me he and didn’t correct herself which made me feel SO euphoric considering i’m not out.
she spoke about lifeguarding or something and once done, we went round to this field i used to always play in as a kid. i went in the park to spark some nostalgia and my dad pushed me on a swing for the first time since i was like 7. we walked for about 40 minutes. once i got back to my aunts i went on pinterest to look at some diys. i saved a photo example of how to make a can tab bracelet, a cardboard minecraft sword, a cardboard coffin shelf, a little fairy/elf house thing made up of pebbles, a cardboard direction sign, a bottlecap tortoise, and a number of other things i dont know how to explain. after i couldnt seem to find anything else, i watched my sister play fnaf a bit more. we had to leave so i stopped and got ready for home at 12.
i don’t really remember what i did when i got home, but it would’ve been the same as always. maybe a small nap, then obviously questions about boris, then i say goodnight to boris. i went to sleep at 3.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/my family’s dog
have a good day/night O_o
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im-feral · 1 year
My substitute teacher ships bunny no way?!?!
so not that long ago my class had a substitute teacher and the sub we had teaches our class often and I'll call him mr S. So me and my friend were sitting next 2 each other and we were meant 2 be doing work right but b4 I had told my friend abt how I did a sp ship tierlist 💀 and than she went on2 teirlist maker and started doing a sp ship tierlist, than mr S comes up behind us and is like "what r u ment 2 be doing" or smt I cant remember and my friend switches tabs 2 her work and she says "im just doing my work" and he says "no go back 2 the tab u were on" so she gos back on2 the tierlist and he says smt like "oh is that sp?" then my friend says "yeah I'll start doing my work now" than mr S gos "nah screw ur work" than he just clicks the tab w/ the tierlist me and my friend r just in shock and im holding back tears than he says 2 me and my friend and says like "so r these relation ships or friendships?" and my friends says "friendships" and im just sitting there wondering wtf was going on and looking @ my other friends on the table and they also look really confused and he starts going through the tierlist and see's the ship @ the very top in OTP and hes like "wats that ship?" and my friend says "its called dip" i think she said that or smt i dont know nad than he starts talking abt creek and he says "didnt that jittery kid and um stan like hav a relation ship in that 1 episode" and me and my friend were really confused 4 a second than 1 or us says "do u mean tweek and craig?😭" than he instantly says "yeah" and i thought he was gonna be like agenst the gays or smt but aparently not than he gos back 2 talking abt the ship tierlist and he surprizingly says "i really like uh butters i think and kenny" and me and my friend just stared @ eachother and btw he wasnt talking abt him liking the characters individuly he was talking abt them like as a relationship me and my friend started bursting out laughing and he just looked @ and said smt along the lines of "wats so funny?" and i maneged 2 say through tears "its nothing its just and inside joke we hav" or smt i dont know than the my other friends on my table started laughing than he said "ok get back 2 ur work now" than he walks away than we end up doing our work and a bit later while were eating lunch my friend that was also sitting on the table asks him "wats ur fav sp quote?" and he says "my fav quotes gotta be screw u guys im going home" and the whole table starts looking @ me and 1 of my friends says "hah thats wat (my name) says when they log of discord" and than my friend that asked wat his fav sp quote was says "my fav quote is oh my god they killed kenny u basterds!" and i just look at my him like u just said basterd in front of the teacher dude wtf and i thought mr S was gonna say smt abt my friend saying basterd but he didnt say anything and than we all just went on with our day and now my school just started having our schoo holiday for 2 weeks but next term were gonna hav him as a teacher for the first 4 weeks and now me and my friend that was doing the tierlist call him the bunny shipper but ot 2 his face. So that's the story of how I found out that my sub teacher watches sp and Ships Bunny and Creek 10/10.
Edit: i forgot 2 include this but he also said he thought wendy and cartman was a good ship 😭
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i’m sorry if this is annoying but i would really love to hear your thoughts or interpretations of all the namor and shuri scenes in the movies! if it’s not too much
Stop!! I love you ask for my thoughts in the first place 🥹
I wanted to answer this after I watched the movie again and let me tell you I LOVE THEM 😭😭
I'm scared Marvel may not give it to us or move away from it, but pls pls pls pls pls I want them to be together
I'll try to work through each scene they share together and add my thoughts to it. Here we go, I've put together all their scenes together below
*flexes fingers*
Namor meets Shuri by the bush and looks intrigued. Ramonda states that she found this place in her journey of letting go. She spent time by the water, so he kept tabs on Wakanda after Tchalla let's the world in on their secret. But I don't think he expected Shuri to be there. Then he thinks she just another princess because most of his dialogue is with Ramonda. She's being hostile and he's threatening her. But even in that exchange the only time he smirks is she Shuri points out his vibranium outfit. And from them on, his gaze switches between both of them. Knowing Tenoche uses his eyes a lot to convey emotion and add to the character. Namor is definitely curious about Shuri just as she is curious about him.
Now the next time they meet is in his cave. Where the people have been instructed to give her the royal treatment. All the Talokans are welcoming, even Namora herself, once Shuri accepts the garments she's excited to lead the way and for the only scene in the film, smiles. The first dress piece looks like a long tunic, it makes her look like a Talokan princess. I love the way that shot is set, right before she's about to meet him, she's nervous and so are we. But the moment she steps in the colour and setting are all in warm tones. It's welcoming, soft and safe. Shuri eases. Namor greets her, he looks nervous himself in a way. He tells to feel at ease and move about his space, which I feel only Namora was the only other person who has access to it. But other than that it's his room. He's writting letters or reports on his work desk. On it are two things that capture our attention, his message shell and his mother's bracelet. Which are his personal things compared to the other artefacts that are from his culture. He's painted most of the walls himself, he's an art collector, we see him inside his home.
He looks impressed when Shuri notes the date of the artefacts, where they've come from and deducing that his mother is human. Those were the bits he was supposed to tell her. He doesn't put anything as off limits in that scene, she says the bracelet is beautiful, he just hands it to her. He's narrating the story and she stops him to ask why he's sharing all of this and he states it's to get her to see why it's imperitive that the scientist needs to die, what he's got to save instead. I guess in all of that somewhere, Shuri is moved by the love he has for his people. She's genuinely trying to figure a way to fix it. She's coming with solutions, we'll keep the scientist in Wakanda, we'll give you protection, she gives him her word. But he shakes his head with a huff almost like it's a perfect deal except he's not willing to take a risk again. Shuri then says that he can keep her instead, in place of Riri and he's run out of things to say. As much as the other's trying to play a game, they both connect extremely well. It like two halves finding eachother, their conversation, arguments, adoration all flows so seamlessly.
She tells him she'll stay and see the kingdom. Which again is something I don't think he expected. So his immediate response is to say, hypothermia will attack you, your bones will be crushed, your blood will become toxic. He says it in such a way, I interpret it as the 'anti hero admiration', he spouts all this, Shuri looks at her dress, her collar bones peaking through, he says your bones will be crushed and looks at her body, both of them have been checking eachother out throughout the movie. He's saying the truth but it's also like he's saying you'll get hurt if you go out like that or I can't have you be hurt don't worry, I have a suit!
Many had pointed out saying, he's had all this planned because he's reusing the suit the scientists had worn before. But I think it's more to do with the idea of not leaving evidence behind. They can't have two scientists floating around with spear marks through them. So all the others had drowned and the ship snuck into the ocean. He would probably bring back things from the surface world to study them, he had the machine with him for a while before he dumped it in Wakanda.
So he's taking her, tells her to stay close and leads her to the portal to Talokan. Shuri's looking at everything that's happening, the ocean depths, the portal current, his vibranium key, the people, the city and everything, her focus is on what's happening around her. But he's always looking at her. Showing off his people, sneaking glances to see her reaction. Does she like it or not? He swims slowly, journeying along with her, making sure she's safe. Like you cannot tell me he didn't care, the man's not looking at anything else. Shuri watches the vibranium sun(which he built, showing her he's an innovator too 😩) rise from the building, BUT HE'S LOOKING AT HER before he turns away.
The second outfit she gets is much like the ones she wore at home, like shirts and pants. The proximity at which they're seated next to eachother in a WHOLE CAVE??? Like he's sitting so close I would believe they could nudge their knees together or bump elbows. He offers her his mother's bracelet out of sheer gratitude, I'm unable to see it as a manipulation tactic. He's a hoarder, loves his mom, loves his people, admires art, does good to his under water empire that he's single handedly leading. Someone mentioned he was a sociopath, but sociopaths don't have any regard for anyone else. So he doesn't fit there, that's not him. I believe that's he doing it because, Shuri says that she's admired what he's built and all that. I think he's moved by her words too.
But then there's an argument or misunderstanding, she tells him once again she won't stand for it if Riri is killed and nods his head in acceptance. Like he's reasoning with her, showing her everything he's got to lose. She's also talking to him about her grief, that's where the scene begins between them. Were joining them mid conversation, and he's listening to her. Comforting her. There's genuine appreciation between them. She's asking how she can let go or why things were unfair. He tells her that people die and there nothing we can do about it. That he doesn't have an answer to her questions, all if which are all valid. He says the most broken people become great leaders, not in a villain sense but listening to her grief. That the pain in her life will turn out to be good. That she young and he too has faced a lot of loss, but it's how he's looking at her. He feels her pain. HES A BLODDY EMPATH YOU CAN'T TELL ME ANY DIFFERENT. He values empathy the most.
She goes back to state she won't stand for it, killing Riri and he pauses. Now he's sharing his secret with her, his pain that needs to be healed. His fear that he is going to bury all his people like he did his mother over a couple resources. He wants to know if she's an ally or enemy to which she says it's madness and hes spitting out facts saying no one country would have spared Wakanda if it had the chance. That once the threat has been eliminated, he'll return the scientist. He says it in a manner I interpret it as he was never going to do so in the first place. But she objects to it, which is like rejecting him and his idea, his emotions flicker, but when he says the scientist will be killed and Wakanda will face war it's almost like that threat is fake and he's pleading with her. He does the KATE SHARMA EYEBROW CRUNCH. He wants her to listen to him, that Wakanda will not win in dire circumstances and then pleads BABY BURN THE WORLD WITH ME.
War happens and Shuri is now conflicted. She says it's beautiful but they're dangerous people, so when she shows up in her sun bird to fire on him, it's almost like he's a reluctant fighter with her. He's like fine, I'll do this, but stay away. He jumps away on the bridge, he does not want to fight her, but after coming to a point where she isn't giving up, he lands on the hull and damages the engine, like pushing her aside. I also find it fascinating that he's just slicing up the wings of the planes when he could have sliced through the pilot?? Especially the Dora milaje, he could have eliminated all of them at a go, they can definitely survive a plane crash.
Now from here, it's purely my interpretation and how it could have happened knowing these characters and their motivations. He bombs and floods the throne room and then it cuts to the scene of Shuri coming there and him turning to see them as he hovers above. We see Ramonda try to pull Riri to the surface but when Shuri comes there, the queen is in the water while Riri's out and far away. Ramonda could not have done that. Before Namor throws the bombs he sees Riri behind the queen. There is a lot of mother sentiment in that scene. Before it Riri asks to speak to her mother which touches Ramonda, so as Namor comes he watches the queen be protective of this girl, the very girl Shuri was fighting for and instead of plunging his spear into Ramonda he falls back smirking at Riri's presence and throws the water bombs.
I imagine that scene as Ramonda coming up for air but she breathed in a lot of water already, so she holds riri up and reminded of his own mother he helps Riri and places her on the floor but its to late to save the Queen? I don't know but it fit well knowing his love for his mother. Cause without an explanation, that scene falls flat or out of the blue, when we just spent such a long time trying to understand him. Cause when Shuri meets Killmonger, he's degrading her family but he says some important stuff. Her father was a hypocrite, true. He brother was too noble, true. Then instead of saying her mother's death or murder, he says it was her sacrifice, which again adds a whole different meaning to that scene and like we're missing a scene in between. He tells them off and moves on because if you've lived as long as he has, people die.
Shuri chants for wakanda, he still doesn't know she's the black panther. He looks up at her almost like he's tired of fighting her, tired of trying to prove his point that Wakanda will not win against Talokan. All this is happening and he faces off against Riri. He absolutely has a chance to kill her there but still doesn't. Just breaks her back boosters, pushing her away to get out the way. He looks like a deer trying to escape for the first time. He gets captured and Shuri jumps on board. It's only them and after everything he smiles while saying princess. Like hey it's you, you know me hahaha but she's raining fire. She corrects him, that she's the black panther and he's losing control. So his survival instinct kicks in and they fight.
Their fight was angsty, like all this happens and he stabs her. He falls back and for a second there's sadness on his face as he says things could have been different. He believes it, I believe it but what he doesn't expect is for her to come back. PLS THEY'RE SOULMATES. He pulls up his fist, she burns his back and gets everything she wants. He's looking at her almost like he's a second away from crying, that this death will be honourable in her hands cause she bested him, that's what I get from seeing those scenes. But Shuri thinks of past moments and the moment that she remembers of him is the same as when he tells her the origin of his name, that he is without love. THATS THE MEMORY SHE HOLDS OF HIM, THE ONE THATS IMPACTED HER 😭😭
She asks him to yield and he remembers his mother, so he does too. Them flying on each side together as one??? Omg chills. They are the power couple, they are the moment. He leaves that set absolutely changed, he's a man in love. He's taking about her non stop in the two seconds we get. Painting a picture of her, telling his cousin not to worry that she'll comeback to him. Um Fishboy accept your feelings.
Anyway, that is my summary on their interaction and I'm crying cause I don't know when we'll get them next 😭
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lendubsofficial · 4 hours
6, 11, 32 for the ask game
6. Uuuuh the best part, definitely, is getting to express myself but also getting to have fun with my friends XD also! I have met some of my best friends (and also a girlfriend hehehe) through dubbing comics, which is definitely also a best part XD The worst part, I gotta say, is some commenters on youtube are either stupid or awful iusdfh you can't imagine how many "when's the next ___ coming out?! I want it now!!" comments I get or people thinking I'm the artist cause they don't read, or people telling me I've stolen other people's comic dub videos because they just saw the thumbnail and didn't actually watch it iusdfh it's real stupid 11. That's deeper than I thought we'd get XD um... I think I consider romance to be two people who are there for each other on a deeper level than just friendship. Like, someone who you feel comfortable and safe with on a deep level that is more profound than how you'd feel in a friendship. Also, doing small things for eachother I think. I like the thought of doing little things for the one I love, rather than just waiting for huge events to show my love siudfh if that makes sense 32. 5! I have 5 tabs open right now uwu
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ashlyns-general-blog · 4 months
ADHD is my prison, part 01
I was on YouTube, got bored and opened another tab... I opened YouTube again... I didn't even close the first tab, which also had YouTube... Dear god, save me before my goldfish-memory-of-a-brain goes into another loop and spiral into infinite YouTube tabs
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both YouTube and Pinterest (my two most used speedials) are right next to eachother, and it doesn't help that both icons are red.
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
Day-02 !Baking And Decorating Halloween Cookies With Dabi!
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"okay now where do we start?"
dabi stood in the middle of the league's kitchen staring at the countertop that was now laden with various supplies
"Well," pulling out the cookbook your grandma had let you borrow,"now we BAKE!" you said,your hand raised above your head gripping a whisk like a sword
he smiled just a little
"okay no but seriously where do we start??"
"umm flour?"
"how about we start with the recipe?" he said a smirk on his face
"ah yea that."
you placed the book on the counter and flipped through to the section with an orange sticky tab
you'd marked it out the night before because you were excited
not to just be makin cookies with your s/o but also because you were gonna be making your GRANDMA'S recipe with him
it felt like a big step(p.s. it is)
you read it once over and looked at him with a smug expression on your face,"i was right~~ we DO start with the flour!"
"woohoo genius okay now lets ACTUALLY get started."he flicked your forehead and grabbed the flour,beginning to sift it
now it was your turn to smile
you shook your head and got your phone,snapping a photo before you went to spotify to choose a playlist
he heard the camera and turned around
"what're you doing??"
"playlist. one or two?"
"uh two?"
"good choice"
you then connected it to your little speaker and left it
you went over the recipe again and-
"WHAT?!"okay now he was worried
"we gotta sift it WITH the baking powder and salt..."
" -_-"
"okay you take over the stand mixer and I'LL sift"
"Yup im not doin that again, got flour all over my shirt.."
"there a wayy to do it without spilling you know?"
"yh yh yh okay im stayin in charge of the recipe from now on"
you mock saluted him at that "sir yes sir!"
he shook his head and went over the recipe and started on the stand mixer
and once he was done you both added the flour to the mixer in bits and mixed it till the mixture was pulling away from the side of the bowl.
next you divided the dough into halves and set it in the refrigerator for 2 hours
what did you do for two hours you ask?
you both took a nap
the couch
dont question it ,it was a goodass nap!
once the two hours had passed
he pre heated the oven to 375 degrees F and you got the dough outta the fridge
you both took a ball each and ,after dusting both the counter and rolling pins(yes the counter was cleaned properlyy) with icing sugar,rolled it out till they were about a 1/4-inch thick
then you took the little halloween cookie cutters and cut out a bunch of little ghosties,pumpkins,witch hats and of course BATSSS
after you were done you both greased two baking sheets and placed the cookies one inch apart from eachother
And popped em in the oven
• “hey cant you just,*holds hand above cookies*”
• “use my quirk???”
• “YH!”
• “let me get this straight?you want me to bake these cookies with my quirk?”
• “ n-NO there is absolutely no way in hell im letting these burn!”
• “what if you were extra careful?”
• “no💙”
• “:(”
• “😘☺️”
While you let the cookies bake( in an oven NOT powered by his quirk)
You moved onto the icing
You made icing in orange,green,black purple and white!
And after 9 minutes the cookies were done!(okay im lookin at a recipe and writin this so it says 9 mins!)
And after an hour of decorating your baked confections and also eating plenty of icing(yes you did indeed smear it on eachothers noses i dont make the rules!), you were finally done!
You let them cool down and finally when you they were ready
Twice and toga came bounding through the door
“Oooh watcha guys make~” toga cooed
“Nothing for you idiots” dabi said as he moved the tray out of her reach
“Now thats not very team-ly of you!” “Who gives a shitt?! I can make better ones myself!” Twice chimed in
You looked to dabi guilt in your eyes these two and their puppy eyes really were your weakness
He clearly didnt share the sentiment
The he finally groaned and set it down on the counter
“FINE but you can only take ONE each” he said holding up His pointer finger for emphasis
They rolled their eyes and took their cookie
Hey something was better than nothing right?
Next you waited till they cooled( in an undisclosed hiding place 🤫 these were yourr cookies you made em TOGETHER hed be damned if he didnt get to enjoy em with you too😤)
And put em into some jars which were then also hidden in an undisclosed location after youd taken the ones youd be eating then
They lasted about two days until he came upto you and suggested that you make another batch together
Was he actually 🤔enjoying it???🤔
Shhhh dont tell anyone 🤫
You MUST be wondering what you did with the little dough edges rightt???
You did bake em
And when i say “baked” i mean BURNED TO A CRISPP
You then decorated the horrible treats and packed em up realll nice
They were then shipped of to Endeavour and Family and the rest is history~🤗
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
i don't really have anything else to post so...
here’s more of colby’s tweets from 2020.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone’s tweet to him.
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
added bonus: if they have a * next to them, that means it's been deleted
April 3 - the mind can turn into a dangerous place when you’re left alone .. please take care of yourself
April 7 - guess i don’t even have to try in the mugshot trend
April 8 - can’t help someone who doesn’t wanna help themselves
April 10 - i miss going to the creepy haunted places , as weird as that may sound
April 12 - can quarantine be over soon so i can get more tattoos
the older i get the faster time seems to run away from me
i get stuck in these phases that i can’t seem to escape !
April 13 - scary kids scaring kids
why am i trending #samandcolbyleaked
April 16 - been wearing sweatpants 90% of this quarantine
April 18 - as soon as it’s past midnight my mind automatically turns super deep
April 19 - you’re gunna wish you were never born jake webber
April 22 - i miss having those conversations that make you feel like you’re on another planet .. out of this world
i just want it to be me and you vs the world
@/brycehall: im a baby faced man
@/brycehall: twin tingz
(why didn't he actually retweeted it lol)
April 25 - you know what always makes me happy and never lets me down? chick fil a baby
@/andrearussett: oh yeah well WHAT ABOUT SUNDAYS COLBY
... shhhh
April 26 - sometimes we just take things too far
on way to the hospital
April 30 - im on focused mode right now
May 1 - i overthink everything i do
May 2 - anyone wanna move to madagascar or something and start over
May 3 - having a girlfriend in quarantine would actually be pretty nice
(i FULLY expected this tweet to be deleted lol)
never in my LIFE has anyone called me “coalbi” LMAO
fan: why does colby in blue jeans look so weird
@/tarayummy: petition for colby brock to never wear blue jeans again
thank you all for the kind words 🖤
May 4 - it’s so funny how i beat jake i’m super smash bro’s every. single. time.
@/jakewebber9: how about we settle this on twitch colby? then everyone will know how bad you suck at super smash #pikachurules #kirbysucks
sorry for the late reply, almost didn’t see your tweet i forgot i couldn’t see you in my verified tab
@/jakewebber9: you’re on, tubby
May 5 - throughout my life bands and musical artists i listen to have come and gone … but kurt cobain always seems to stick around
May 7 - i wanna see you try breaking down the walls i’ve built
May 9 - mental health over EVERYTHING
who wanna share a paopu fruit ?
fan: Wtf is that
other fan: It’s a fruit from kingdom hearts. The legend says if you share it with someone, then your destinies become intertwined. You both remain in eachothers lives forever.
May 11 - fan: Corey you always put a smile on my face no matter what I'll forever miss you
i feel sick 💔💔💔
i don’t know what to say. you are the opposite of your saying “under appreciated” and i hope you know that man. i miss you this isn’t sitting well with me at all.. just can’t believe this is actually real. love you Corey. RIP my friend
(this is all so see to all these years later...)
May 13 - it’s so beautiful seeing everyone come together in this time corey lives within all of us now, part of our hearts forever.
May 23 - i don’t get why you keep hiding from me if we’re destined to meet
May 27 - i wish that we can do it again
you guys are the best thing that ever happened to me
May 28 - seeing you hurt hurts me
June 4 - seeing all of my friends come together to support this movement is the best thing
June 7 - fan: keep the stubble
jealous of the people who can shave their head id be so damn ugly
@/andrearussett: what’re the odds u do it
you do it first then i will
who’s feelin goofy today
unicorns > ponies
June 12 - our time together never feels like it’s quite enough
June 13 - the amount of cringey things i’ve posted on the internet
Love For Hire at your service. there’s a new boy band in town
it took me 23 years to grow facial hair
June 16 - it’s been a long time since i’ve dived off a bridge where’s elton at
(oh how times have changed lol)
June 17 - please be kind to one another. we need it right now
some things never change huh
i love my true fans. thank you! i love you so much. i see you. i appreciate you with all my heart. always remember
June 19 - taking a break this week to focus on mental health. see you next friday
June 22 - i’ll never be able to fathom the unconditional love dogs constantly give. it’s such a beautiful part of life
June 23 - missed my flight hi texas
fan: @/colbybrock has truly changed my life and i will love u forever for that.
fans like you are the reason i do what i do
June 27 - fan: does @/colbybrock need anything? water, food, a pillow?
chipotle please
June 30 - you ever feel alone in a big group of people ?
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gnomeicecream · 1 year
Joy! Joyous day! I have been tagged by @scribeprotra in an ask game. Four Ships, Last Song, Current Reading, Last Movie, and Craving
4 Ships:
Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu: Two great tastes that taste great...ah no, too bitter plah plah. XD Shen Jiu has a very strong presence in the narrative despite dying on page -1. He is the protagonist of a story where things never got better up until he became the next protagonist’s villain. And Yue Qingyuan loves that for him. Did you need him to hide shidi’s body? Do you want him to sweat the sweat from your brow from beating that one child in particular?
Seriously though they have so much potential to dig into. Reveling the one key information each needs, that one event didn’t happen or happened in a different way or to someone else, great! The high charge of emotion that is bubbling like a pressure cooker! Eee!
3xun, Nie Mingjue/Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao: Just like the above ship, but now with new angles! Class struggle, legitimacy, compassion, justice, reasonably priced love and a hard boiled egg (leading to a son being thrown down like, four sets of stairs. Seriously. Meng Yao is the spice that holds this recipe together he can have whatever he wants). There is that same pressure coming from things just never meshing right because people are talking past eachother as a result of their individual upbringings and traumas.
Cloud Strife/Barret Wallace: Man. Big. Mmmmm. Cloud Strife could use some looking after, and Barret Wallace has daddy energy to spare! This one is more of a rare pair off to the side of the great Seph, Aerith, Tifa, Zack, all those other soldiers, war. They have things in common! Both are dual survivors of Shinra burnt towns, both lead Avalache, they have a tension that comes from Cloud replacing him as the leader even while they both come to try and trust eachother. Good meat to make a good story with.
Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk/Han Suyoung: Did you want to cry because of the very concept of platonic incarnations of the love that is both given and received in the act of reading, being a reader, writing, being written, being yourself within and without a character? Well it doesn’t matter if you don’t this book and ship will find your tears. The book is put together like a crystalline clock, you can see the machinations and they are only made more lovely and tragic by understanding. But in specific to this ship, they have the tension that I need to make a ship enjoyable. Big emotions. Hidden feelings.
Last Song: I’ve got a piano BGM ten hour mix on, heaven knows what any one song I’m listening to at any time is called-Oh hey wait thats Always With me (spirited Away).
Current Reading: I’ve got 6 tabs of fanfic open right now. The Power of Friendship (and This Gun I found) by Gallus cause I wanted to reread when the new chapter came out then put that off for smaller bites. Thats Not a Real Trope You Hack Author by Boom_After_Dark. It starts off haha funny, the author is stuck in his own book and encountering tropes he deliberately used incorrectly. Oh, those are feelings. He is not haha anymore. Hm, a long fic collection with Shen Jiu by blackflowetea. Stripper au Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian by pumpkinpaix. My Erstwhile Dear by ErradianWhoCantRead which is a Jiggy skips town after Guanyin Temple then writes back home fic. and Anyway, heres Wuji by kakikaeru. Very funny fic with the Lan Juniors + Jin baby.
Last Movie: Puss in Boots, the Last Wish. I had a great time! It was a well put together movie, good storylines and good art. I would rec it to people even if they haven't been keeping up with the shrekverse (goodness knows I haven't been)
Craving: Oh hm, I am pretty content at the moment. But I am always down for some sushi. Mmmm...sushi.
Tag 8
@lacertae-dreamscape @blondejaneblonde @ibijau @a-mere-dream @veraverorum @naked-bee @spicedrobot @sarah-yyy
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imgloriaa · 2 years
Thanks for answering me❤️. For the CNCOWNER who wanted a time line I have one (not very accurate tho lol).
Last spring a few fans were saying that Zab was expecting a baby but the rumors were being said by so little people without any proof so it was very much unsure.
At some point after this the future baby mama (Talitha) posted a Instagram story video of herself watching Zab play basketbal (basically acknowledging that they knew eachother). Not sure how we found this Instagram story (probably because of Zab's tagged section or Instagram homepages) but anyways we had the knowledge now that she was a girl in Zab's life. And you know that if we know about a CNCO girly we like to keep tabs.
At this point neither had said anything about a pregnancy.
But then it happened.
Talitha posted her first pregancy picture (the one from birdseye view with black top, a top bun and exposed belly).
We started panicking a bit. Because the reality of a new CNCO baby got a bit realer. So we got to investigating.
She never mentioned Zab directly but people began asking her things in the comments under this picture and from a couple of her responses we figured out that:
- She was Italian and in Italy so visit family at the time of picture.
-That baby daddy was from Puerto Rico (this was a major hint).
-That baby daddy wanted to stay annonymous.
Still nothing from Zab.
Throughout the next months came a series of "Did Zab and his family members follow this girl" "Yes they do" "No they don't" "But she does follom them" "Oh not anymore" etc.
She also started posting Instagram story Q&A's of people asking her baby daddy stuff and her basically responding with m:
-"I'm not going to say who he is because he doesn't want me to"
-"We're not together"
-"He is not involved in the pregnancy/not supportive/he is not stepping up right now/he is a bad person" (something along these lines. basically shading him).
It wasn't until the day she gave birth that we got actual confirmation in the form of an Instagram story that a friend of her took of himself (yes a diff guy), a pregnant Talitha and Zabdiel at a desk checking into a place with the words "here we go" under it (or "it's time". Something along this line).
Not sure how we found this story. Either Talitha reposted it herself or the CNCOwner detectives found it.
A couple days later Talitha and Zab finally confirmed it with Instagram posts (obviously Talitha first🙄). Zab posted the reel.
It became clear to us in the next weeks that Zab didn't like Talitha (not perse dislike but just no interection). If I remember correctly than Talitha tried to shade him again (not sure about this second shade? but im sure about the first shade back when she was peggo lol).
Shit definetly got suspicious when she recently(ish) posted on instagram asking for place to stay with Luz because her apartment needed to be fixed or something (we thought it was strange that her "babydaddy" Zab wouldn't offer en let "his daughter" stay with him).
Then came our relief.
Zab posted a video of him explaining that Luz apparently wasn't his (idk why but I'm kinda proud to be one of the first in the fandom to have seen this video. Lol that was just pure because of time difference I guess). And at the same time Talitha posted a story tagging this video and "explaining" her side.
That is basically it for all we know about this mad rollercoaster. Please feel free to add anything if i forgot anything :)
talitha didn’t repost the story at the hospital check in desk, we found out because she was hanging out with this guy (who’s a gay friend of her from italy that visited her before the birth i guess to see the birth of luz) and we were just stalking him lmao
anyway the rest it’s so on point and correct, thank you! if you search up talitha on my profile you might find the translation of the time she shaded zabdiel in january 👀
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carli-meows · 9 months
i think Thinking_Computers Machintosh is different from One Cloud Gang Machintosh
in a sense that in the album Mac is mainly told from the perspective of how Sam and Yün know him; a calculated hustler who knows how to solve problems within making more, but is quicl to state that he's in control
which now that ive been pondering the rest of his story, that's not who he is
but Sam and Yün dont really keep tabs on him like that since cyborg folk tend to have objectives that span for decades
Mac falling in love with KangolLeen in 1990 is what drives him to buckle down more seriously, that happens before the album, since his disposition got more protective overall her and that's the side his friends often see
he's trying to hide this girl from his profession as much as possible to the point where they move away to the coast and live happily
until around 2004 where he is seized by apple for an update, where he's literally dragged away from KangolLeen and loses his claw and that's all she has left of him
during this time she stops dpeaking and moves back to her native planet and spends her days making music underground and moping around the many alleys of the Greay Scale
meanwhile Mac is fighting Apple directly with the help of Sam and Yün, who work on hurting business not knowing Mac is trying to assassinate his creator.
In 2014 he does take down Steve Jobs by his own hands, strangling him to death and tossing his corpse from a Apple office building.
He then spends 5 years in prison before being let out due to being pardoned by the Task Management Programmes, who's main goal is to replace Apple in the advertising world (they didnt need Mac, but they definitely needed to wipe any proof that Apple's poster boy went to prison)
the Programmes offer him to be freed and 30 million dollars, to which Mac asks for his own radio station and the rights to Daisy Bell which was previously owned by his distant cousin at the time.
he then spent the next 10 years working with radio djs and occult members to try to get the song to play far enough out of the universe hoping KangolLeen will hear the song they used to share together... one day
the year is 2029, one lonely night while listening for samples on her radio, KangolLeen hears it, Daisy Bell being played on the loud speakers outside her box
all the way down every alley on every radio, it's Daisy Bell being sang
she is shaken and tunes into the news to find out what is happening only to see that a wave of Humans have managed to make a portal on Ringling Row and by request are playing Daisy Bell everywhere.
there's reports of humans asking around for her, but the Jyezters fear they are hunting her, since she never seemed to bother anyone and the sudden invasion in the middle of the night is not exactly smiled upon in Cloune Towne
So a gang called the Pinz gather to keep her hidden and safe from the invaders, to which she constantly tries to investigate them all to piece together why would they use that song? why on every speaker?
after a month of asking around and getting shooed away, one of them knocks on her box's door after narrowly making it around her security
she opens the mail slot and sticks out a hand for her mail, only to be greeted by Macintosh, who asks "You seen a small Cloune with purple skin and white hair? she looks like this." as he's talking she opens the door with tears running down her face as she tries to say his name but her voice is gone.
they share their first hug in 25 years
the search stops and Mac sends the humans back to Urthe, finally leaving all of it behind and being with KangolLeen once more, and promising to stay with her for as long as he lives
the crying lessens as time goes by for Kangol, and everytime she does, Mac is there for her, she will never have to cry alone again
after a while, they begin to heal, somethings are irreversible but they stay determined to help eachother. Mac tries to help KangolLeen speak again or at least communicate in a understandable fashion and takes care of her
Kangol mends and fixes up Mac who has excessive wear and tear all over. eventually Mac changes his last name to Kangol's to fully cut ties with his past
now he and Kangol make music and live a simple married life between cyborg and clown
... that's too much writing
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silentmoths · 3 years
🌊 - hehehe, okay so we all know that sex can be super awkward and as someone who loves a good fluffy laugh and cute moment between something serious and intimate, genshin men having that one awkward or funny moment during sex that just makes them laugh.
i just want me some soft genshin characters and smut with feels-
ehehehe this one goes out to all the awkward flounderers!
Ft: Diluc, Zhongli, Childe & Thoma!
Nsfw, smut, general chaos, Bully Ayaka hours
¤ For the most eligable batchelor in Mondstadt, Diluc is only one thing and one thing only, something you don't find out until he takes you to bed.
¤ Two words: awkward. virgin.
¤ you both are in fact. oops.
¤ "Y-you're a...? o-oh!" it's said in synch as you both sit up, stark naked, staring at eachother. You know what they say about assuming, and apparently you'd both assumed that the other had some semblance of an idea of what to do.
¤ So now you're both stuck in this little...situation, horny and clueless.
¤ You expect that to be that, that you'd both calm down, re-dress and call it a night, try again next week maybe after you've both absolutely raided the library on resources; you're not sure why but the thought makes you snicker.
¤ You're also not sure why but your snicker breaks something in Diluc, who cracks with a wheeze, and before you know it, you're both laughing, laughing until your sides hurt, and then you'd look up at eachothers tear-stained faces and lose it all over again.
¤ Somehow through it all, once the laughter has subsided, you both end up falling back into the sheets, bodies intertwined, with the silent conviction that you'd figure it out from there.
¤ Diluc personally brings you pancakes with ice cream the next morning, he's a sweetheart like that.
¤ He'd made sure the night was perfect, of course he had, it's Zhongli.
¤ Lovely dinner, serene walk along the docks, candles, glaze lily petals, the whole nine-yards, because he'd been courting you for nearly a damn year and the moment you'd told him you were ready, he began planning.
¤ You were so very pliant under his gentle touch, you'd already admitted that pleasure was something you'd scarcely felt, and never with someone else, but your reactions were lovely.
¤ He was absolutely meticulous with it all, keeping tabs on every little reaction, it had been a very, very long time since he'd last taken a mate, he wanted this experience to feel as good for you as it did him.
¤ so your comment comes so wildly out of left field that it has him stopping dead in his tracks.
¤ It's as he finally sheds away the last of his clothing, you'd been naked before him for so very long now it seemed unfair to leave you alone like this. You knew of his past identity and all that came with it, the reasons he always covered his arms and hands, to hide away the marks of an archon who'd toiled the land with his people for centuries. You also knew of his more carnal form, which is why it really shouldn't have surprised him, but considering how breathless and wanton you'd been just moments before...
¤ "Huh....No ridges....oh...oh I said that out loud didn't I?"
¤ Your eyes meet in silence for a moment, you look absolutely embarassed and terrified; you thought that of all the things that may have carried over into his new human vessel, apparently a ridged dick had been one of them.
¤ So it comes as a welcome relief to you when Zhongli laughs, pure, hearty, a very rare sound, and yet here he is, with his forehead pressing into your shoulder, knelt between your legs, laughing. If Zhongli's laugh was one thing, it was contagious, and soon your worries melt away with the laughter.
¤ To his credit, he does offer to change up his form a little if ridges are what you desired, easily shifting the mood right back into a heady, intimate state.
¤ You think, at least for tonight, perhaps a human dick would be the better option.
¤ Childe is no stranger to getting down n dirty in the sheets, the ol' horizontal tango, the beast with two backs- whatever you wanted to call it.
¤ You however? Not so much, hell when you told childe of your inexperience (not total but like...shit the last time you'd fucked was...god way too long ago and it wasn't great the dude had no idea where the clit was-)
¤ Childe takes it in stride, if the last time you got down with someone wasn't great, that was simply a challange to him, he'd make sure this time was amazing.
¤ And he was making great headway on it to, knowing just where to touch, how hard, he needed no help finding and absolutely abusing your clit, like the asshole he is.
¤ What pauses the mood is when you suddenly sit up right as he's moving up your chest to kiss you, your heads colliding with a painful crack that sends both of you reeling; you back into the pillow and poor Ajax rihgt off the bed and to the floor.
¤ "O-oh god Childe! are you okay!?" you screech as you scramble over to check on him.
¤ Except he's pressing a hand to his forehead with the biggest fucking grin you'd ever seen, laughing his ass off while toppled unceremoniously off the side of the bed.
¤ "Talk about excitable, eh?" He chuckles as he shiffles his way back upright before climbing back into bed. You'd expected the sudden and unexpected pain to totally ruin his mood but oh, this is the point you find out that Childe perhaps enjoyes a little pain in bed, because you swear he's harder than he was before, oops.
¤ It wasn't often you and Thoma got so carried away that you lose track of time, but seems today is one of those days.
¤ He's always super cuddly and smoochy in the morning specifically, and today is no exception, he always makes a habit of gently waking you with slow, loving kisses and gentle massage, though today seem's you'd both needed a little...extra.
¤ Those slow kisses turn deep and heated, tounges rolling against eachother and hands grabbing at any exposed skin. You enjoyed when Thoma was riled like this, he was a master at making you feel good, whether it be with his words, his hands, his mouth, or his cock.
¤ It's right as you're on the cusp of begging him to finally fuck you proper, body quivering as you whimper with desire, arching into every little touch he offers that he finally concedes, about to give you what you want when-
¤ "Thoma? are you awake yet?" A familiar voice comes wafting through the thin sliding door, stopping Thoma in his tracks, you immediately slapping your hands over your own mouth.
¤ "Y-Yes lady ayaka! I-I'm sorry I'll be out in a few minutes!" He responds, trying not to sound too strained, but nothing gets passed the lady of the house.
¤ "Thoma...are you alright? you dont...you don't sound too well, are you sick? do I need to call for a doctor?"
¤ "N-no lady Ayaka! I'm fine! no need for concern!!"
¤ "Then why do you sound so...out of breath?" ¤ You really shouldn't have, but Thoma looks at you with such a desperate look in his eyes, something, anything to get her to go away that you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
¤ "He's uh...occupied at the moment Lady Ayaka!"
¤ It takes a second before you both hear the flustered little 'oh!' and then the "M-m-my Sincerest a-apologies!" and the quick footsteps as the poor lady flees from the door, face likely burning red with shame.
¤ You and Thoma look at eachother a moment before you crack first, his own laughter following close behind as you try to keep it as quiet as possible, you felt horrible for flustering her like that but oh archons.
¤ "Shall we finish this quickly?" You ask once you've both settled, only being met with a loving kiss.
¤ "I think that would upset poor Lady Ayaka even more, if she thought that I'd finished too soon to keep her from waiting."
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