#the way they stare into the mirror in awe of themselves
witherfide · 1 year
im crying again
trans joy is so fucking beautiful
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bigwishes · 15 days
Forced Freak
Tyson was a uni drop out, nothing special about him other than his pretty face and dedication to his diet. He had no real hobbies and no real friends. The only reason people paid him any real attention was because of his body. However guys got pretty turned off after a one night stand with him when they'd wake up and Tyson would have written them critiques about how to improve their bodies and performance in the bedroom.
Tyson was the worst kind of gym bro, not because he had no real personality, but because he was an asshole with no real personality, in fact when he wasn't coming home from the gym, taking selfies in the mirror or scrolling on grinder for someone to bounce on his waist he spent a large portion of his time staring in the mirror admiring his own perfection.
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"fuck yeah, I'm probably the hottest guy alive" he'd say as he rubbed his own crotch.
His arrogant attitude had essentially transformed him into a self obsessed autosexual, whilst he enjoyed sex and having a guy put in all the work whilst he laid back in pleasure he still preferred a night to himself and his mirror.
Tyson flexed his arm one last time, admiring the perfection before him before he turned off his alarm and got up to go to the gym.
"well, I'll see you when I get home handsome" he said winking at his own reflection and snapping his underwear band.
He threw on the folded red tank top and black gym shorts he had lying on his dresser, the ones he had steamed the night before. As he walked out the door he picked up his glass from his morning water and placed it neatly in the dishwasher before turning it on and leaving for the gym.
Upon arriving at the gym Tyson walked into the welcome area where he found 3 tall bodybuilders lined up at the key scanner. Tyson rolled his eyes and tried to avoid contact with them, he hated those freaks. The guys who willingly chose to inflate themselves with disgusting amounts of muscle. Who could barely fit in their cars and he huffed and sweat like bovine beasts when they got on the treadmill.
Tyson quickly got impatient and began tapping his foot as the 3 meatheads were holding up the line.
"are you beasts gonna scan in or am I just waiting here all day"
The three turned their heads to them almost in unison
"yoo you think we are beasts huhu" one flexed his enormous bicep that dwarfed Tyson's head
"hey Ty, what up lil dude. Wanna hit bench with us today? we we can help you grow that chest"
Tyson was disgusted at the thought of working out with the three of them and smelling their terrible stench or listening to them heaving for air.
"no thanks, its hard to improve upon perfection" Tyson said with a smirk
"aw come on dude, you can always improve and get bigger, you aint even close to your limit"
"and I dont want to be" Tyson said with a disgusted frown and one raised eyebrow
There was a loud ding and the three bodybuilders began waddling and shuffling their way through the electronic gate into the gym, having to turn sideways slightly to get their hulking frames in the turn gate.
"This is what I mean" laughed Tyson
"haha, can't blame us for being absolute units man"
"But doesn't it annoy the fuck out of you being like that?"
"no way bro, being this big is fucking awesome"
the three bodybuilders all began laughing and flexing
"I'm sorry I really dont see how turning myself into a...freak would be awesome"
There was a dead silence as the three bodybuilders stopped laughing and turned to him.
"that's a bit of a harsh word bro"
"yeah man don't diss the hobby coz you aint into it"
Tyson smirked flicking as he polished his fitness watch with the edge of his jumper "dude I dont think anyone is into it"
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean"
"umm being so big you have no style because you cant fit into anything, constantly covered in sweat marks, you reek after just a few minutes of exercise, you gulp down water like an elephant who hasn't drunk in a year, can barely fit in your cars and take up so much space, plus I like when guys find me attractive and aren't grossed out by my monstrous body" Tyson turned his back placing his gym bag in the locker completely unaware that the three men he had just insulted looked so red their heads could pop with anger.
"I'LL LET YOU KNOW MY HUSBAND LOOOOVVVEEESSS MY SIZE" the bodybuilder in the middle yelled through his teeth
"whoooaa jayce" the two others said in unison as they grabbed him by the chest and stopped him taking a step forward
"don't shoot the messenger buddy but Im pretty sure your husband wouldn't be disappointed if you lost 30-40lsb of muscle, pretty sure he'd enjoy date night without sitting across from a behemoth stuffing himself so full of protein like a slob"
Jayce threw his arms up in the air and pushed his two friends off of him turning around and walking away.
Tyson ignored the interaction implying pulling his towel and drink bottle out of his gym bag.
"You know what you need Ty..."
"and what's that Mark?" Tyson tiredly asked rolling his eyes
"A real good bulk, make ya real big, that'll change your mind" Mark smirked looking at his friend who was smiling back.
"whatever" Tyson groaned as he walked off into the gym.
A few hours had passed and Tyson was in the changing room admiring himself after his workout. It was enough to pump him to that perfect spot where he looked just slightly bigger and was a little sore, but not enough to make him sweat or stimulate the sort of growth a lot of gym guys were after.
Tyson flexed one bicep and ran his other hand down his thigh feeling himself get hard.
"Oh yeah handsome, just wait till I get you in my bed" He smirked at his own reflection.
Just then he heard the sound to the changing rooms open, his hand quickly shot up from his thigh, not wanting anyone to see his moment of lust.
He watched in the mirror as Jayce rounded the corner, his massive and wide shoulders causing him to bump into subway tiled wall. A massive smile lit up on Jayce's face as he saw Tyson standing there.
"Yep" Jayce yelled out
Dylan quickly followed behind and began walking towards Tyson, not that he thought much of it.
"Grab his left Dylan?"
"No worried Jayce"
Tyson was shocked as the two hulking bodybuilders suddenly grabbed hold of his arms and used what felt like all of their strength to sandwich him between them.
"h-HEY WHAT THE FUCK GET OFF" Tyson struggled and squirmed to get out of there grip but it felt like he was being pressed between two stone walls, he was unable to do anything other than pathetically kick his legs.
Just then Tyson heard the door to the changing rooms lock as Mark rounded the corner.
"Mark!, tell your fucking boys to let me go!"
The three bodybuilder's laughed as Mark walked closer holding a strange metal container in his hand that resembled a protein shaker.
"Hey lil dude" Said Mark with a big smirk across his face
"to prove you wrong man" Jayce whispered
'w-what" Tyson continued to flounder and squirm to no avail
"you said being a bodybuilder sucked, well we are gonna prove you wrong" Dylan smirked tightly squeezing Tyson's arms
"h-how, Im not gonna start bodybuilding because you three threaten me"
"oh there is no threat bud, we have got something we want to try but dont know about the side effects wanna test it"
"ARE YOU GONNA JAB MY ASS FULL OF ROIDS" Tyson squeaked pathetically
"no dude, of course not" Said Mark
"we already know the side effects to roids" laughed Jayce
Mark grabbed onto Tyson's perfect hair and forcefully pulled his head back, Tyson couldn't see but he felt Jayce wrap his giant muscular arm around his pinning his between Jayce's bulky bicep and forearm and grabbing his cheeks forcing his jaw open.
"bottoms up pretty boy" Mark said as he flicked the cap off the contained with his thumb and shoved the mouth piece into Tyson's mouth.
"MMMMM -MMMM -MMMMMMM!!!!!!" Tyson tried to yell but his mouth was full of a strange thick liquid.
Mark dropped the contained and grabbed Tyson's nose still forcing the container to his lips
"gotta drink if you wanna breathe buddy"
Tyson couldn't hold it any longer
Tyson sucked down what was in his mouth and what continued to pour from the container, when the last drop was drunk and all he could taste was air the three bodybuilders all let go in unison and Tyson dropped to the ground gasping for air.
"How long does it take to work Mark?"
"errr container says a few minutes for a start and a week for full effects"
Tyson couldn't concentrate on what the three were talking about, his body began to feel like it was being super heated, like his muscles and bones were being fried into pudy.
Tyson's hand began to tremble, as he looked at it pressed against the cold tiled floor he noticed his thumb enlarging, getting longer and thicker, it spread to all his fingers and his hand, at first he thought it was an allergic reaction but it wasn't puffy or fat, it was hard solid and defined, like all the muscles in his hands were suddenly expanding, he watched as his handed swelled up to the size of dinner plates as veins in his arms and forearms pumped in sync with his heart beat.
His forearms stared growing outwards and he felt his already tight and pumped biceps ache as they swelled even bigger. Seeing his reflection in the mirror he looked like a bad art project as different parts of his body were swelling with size and different times, his shoulders got wider as his calves got bigger, his pecs inflated as his feet grew out of his shoes, his abs bloated into a semi roid gut as his quads quickly filled with blood, and his ass pumped up into a big meaty globe as his traps crept up his back swallowing his necks.
after just a few minutes the three bodybuilders were stunned looking down at the sweaty bulky mess that was Tyson on the floor of the changing room.
Tyson had watched the whole thing in the mirror but still he couldn't recognise himself, what had happened, what they did to him.
He looked like one of them, a bodybuilder.
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"w-what did you do to me" Tyson moaned, out of breath and out of energy
"damn, he got huge so quick, and he still has a week to go?"
"please, no, no bigger, turn me back"
the three bodybuilders began to have a conversation around Tyson like he wasn't even there as he tried to pick himself up off the floor. A few minutes passed and Tyson finally stood up. He felt uncomfortable, muscles he didn't even know where near each other rubbed up against each other like every aspect of his body was fighting for space.
Tyson looked at himself horrified in the mirror at the big bulky freak he had become.
"oh fuck..m..my perfect body" he turned to the three men behind him "please, please you gotta turn me back"
"you still got a week of growin left bud" Mark replied
Jayce smirked trying to contain his laughter
"Look dude, we said we were gonna show you how being a bodybuilder is awesome, let it go for a week and we'll check back in and if you still hate it, we'll turn you back"
Tyson turned back to his reflection and flexed, freaked out by his bicep being larger than his own head.
"see, its already awesome, see you later dude"
The three bodybuilders started walking out of the changing room
"no WAIT!!"
Tyson ran over to his bag feeling the weight of his new body with every step and feeling his hard muscles bounce. He leant over and swung his bag over his shoulder. He watched as the door closed behind the three and he ran to catch up. Every step was a chore, it was like an entire workout for just one leg to hold up the weight of his new massive body.
By the time he reached the door Tyson doubled over gasping for air, he placed his giant meaty hand on the wall and slid down the the floor, he had only run a few feet but it felt like he had just done and three hours of cardio without a break, he felt the sweat running down his back and struggled to come up with a reason anyone would want to be this big, why guys would dedicate their lives to become titans.
it took 15 minutes, for Tyson to catch his breath and stand up again and by the time that happened the three he was after were already gone, he walked through the gym defeated hoping nobody would recognise him. He made it to the turn gate and as he went to go through he felt a hard pressing against his shoulders. Not at all used to his new size Tyson hadn't adjusted the angle that he approached the gate and found himself stuck between the two steel bars. Tyson pushed with his back leg but didn't realise the power behind his colossal quads as he easily pushed himself out but he couldn't stop the moment and he came tumbling forward face first onto the floor in front and multiple gym attendants.
"woah, you okay big guy" one of them asked,
Tyson looked up and saw the other two doing their best not to laugh.
"yeah I'm fine!" Tyson tried to get up as fast as he could but the sheer weight of his frame meant it was an awkward step by step process that took almost a whole minute.
Tyson quickly raced out the doors as fast as his could but once again misjudged his giant muscles and his two shoulders slammed into the automatic doors not realising they weren't wide enough for him. A loud bang rang out and Tyson looked back as the glass automatic doors wobbled and shook, and ounce more pressure and they would have surely crashed down around him.
Tyson waddled through the car park desperate to get to his car. Swinging open the door he quickly realised why he had never seen a bodybuilder in a sleek sports car, he didn't fit, just one leg stepped in and there wasn't any more room for him to squeeze in. He tried everything, moving the seat back, moving the wheel up, but still he didn't fit. After about 10 minutes of doing everything he could think of to get in he just decided to force his way in.
Sliding into the car he felt cramped, and when he closed the driver's door it bounced off his arm and swung back open denting the car next to him. Tyson tried again leaning all the way into his car and shutting the door. It shut but as he sat back up he found himself on an awkward angle to the wheel, he tried to adjust himself to roll down the window so he could stick his arm out and get more space but as he placed his arm down on the leather seat to push his own body out the way he heard a loud tearing. His clothes didn't feel loser and he couldn't see what had torn but it sounded bad...
When Tyson arrived home he squeezed himself out of his car, it felt like being freed from a sardine can but as he turned around to shut his door he had found the source of the tearing noise from earlier, in the centre of the seat, directly under where he was, was now a large split right down the leather, seats that cost over a thousand dollars to fix split apart like paper, and that wasn't the worst of it, he looked at the lower back of the seat to see how the leather had warped and swollen from the amount of sweat that had been pressed against it.
"AW MAN" Tyson moaned slammed his car door, not realising the force his arms were able to put behind it and as the door lodged into place his hand carried the momentum behind it straight into the metal of the car leaving a large dent from his palm.
Tyson stormed over to his front door just wanting the day to end. He pulled up his keys to the front door and fumbled for a few minutes as he struggled to sort though them with his massive meaty fingers, finally he got in the door and shut it behind him as gently as he could which still resulted in a slam.
His stomach let out a loud groan, he had never felt so hungry so sudden in his life, Tyson tried to walk to the kitchen but realised it was more of a waddle has his massive muscular thighs slammed into each other. Arriving in front of his fridge he opened it up and grabbed one of his already made meals out and placed it in the microwave to heat up. He watched in spinning round and heard his stomach grumble as the 2 minutes felt like an entirety. Finally he heard the beep and opened up the microwave to devour his meal. What normally would have left him feeling full for hours didn't even make a dent in his hunger. Tyson opened up his fridge and moved on to his next meal without even heating it up, then another, then a protein shake to wash it down, then another meal and a couple apples, along with a banana or two, and of course he had to pull some of the muffins out of the freezer to defrost to have a bit later.
Tyson sat on his couch, feeling groggy and finally full. He looked around him, plates, protein shakers, wrappers and plastic containers were spread out all over his lounge room from the floor to the coffee table. He felt so heavy he didn't want to get up, he just wanted to pass out on his couch and go to sleep. As his eyes began to drift close...
The loudest belch he had ever heard forced him to jolt awake.
"aw fuc-uuuuUUURRPPP, this place is a mess"
Tyson finally realised he had trashed his lounge room in his feeding frenzy, he got up to try and clean but he didn't get very far. His body was so massive it was hard to move between his furniture and it was hard for him to constantly bend down to pick stuff up. On his second trip back from the kitchen to clean the last of the mess he finally noticed where he had been sitting, and the enormous sweat patch pressed into the fabric.
He pulled his tight tank top out from his body realising it looked like he had never washed it in his life.
"god, I need a fucking shower"
He made his way down the hall to the bathroom where he was shocked by his own reflection. He knew he had been turned into a hulking behemoth but, he looked like a completely different person now. His tank top was tight and clung to his body as his pecs hung out the sides. It was covered in sweat patches and strains from spilt protein shakes and food. His face was covered in a coat of sweat and his hair was oiler than he'd ever seen before. Tyson's gut churned as he let out another belch. He suddenly felt a tightness in his pants and he got hard.
"what the fuck..."
Tyson lifted up one arm to flex his bicep, he watched the sweat running down from his pits to his lats, he swallowed a quick gulp of air expecting maybe a small burp but was greeted with a massive room shaking belch. Tyson couldn't help it, he got rock solid staring at his sweaty body and hearing his own manly belching.
He worked his hand down awkwardly to his dick and started to pleasure himself.
He couldn't work it out, he missed his perfect body, he missed his old self, he was grossed out by being such a freak but god he was too horny to not please himself.
Right before his big moment he felt a wave of heat surge out into his body, his clothes felt tighter and suddenly the left strap of his tank top snapped as his shoulder, pec and arm practically doubled in size.
Tyson watched as his dirty tank was torn to shreds by his growing body. His shorts felt tighter and tighter, soon he felt the sound of ripping fabric. As he turned to the side to inspect his growing legs he saw as his muscled ass split his pants in the back and the fabric quickly tore through making his shorts look like a bad loin clothe prop from a Halloween costume.
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Tyson could only watch as his body continued to rapidly grow in the mirror...
3 weeks later
Tyson leant back on the workout bench groaning and gasping for air. It was the most he had ever lifted, not that he wanted to get bigger but it was the only thing he could do with his day at this point.
He heard the noise of 3 guys cheering as Mark, Jayce and Dyaln approached him.
"HEY BIG MAN" Said Mark
"oh great, what do you guys want"
"relax big guy, just wanted to bring you a snack" Dylan laughed as he pulled out a paper bag of drive through crispy chicken and handed it to Tyson.
"Dont forget to wash it down" said Jayce handing him a protein shake
Tyson didn't have the will power to hold back, his new muscle and size burnt so much fuel from simple existing he was practically starving constantly. He immediately reached into the bag and started eating as much as he could as fast as he could, washing it down with a swig of the protein shake, only taking breaks to gasp for air.
A river of chocolate protein ran down his cheek and dripped onto his XXXL tank top, which looked more like a medium crop top on him.
A young handsome gym attendant walked over to the group with a smile on his face.
"hey guys, just a reminder, you can't eat like that in here save it for outside okay" He smiled as he looked straight into Tyson's eyes.
Tyson's mind was racing, this guy was the most handsome guy he had ever seen in his life, we wanted to apologise for being such a slob, hell, he wanted to ask the guy on a date.
Tyson rubbed the crumbs and protein from his mouth away with the back of his hand and opened his mouth. Immediately he gritted his teeth and almost by instinct at this point cocked the side of his mouth open.
Tyson couldn't help but belch and burp as he struggled to get a word out.
"bro..that's nasty" the gym attendant laughed as he walked away.
Mark, Jayce and Dylan all erupted with laughter.
"DUUUUUUDDEEEE" yelled Dylan
"You aren't gonna get a date like that dude I tell you that" laughed Jayce
"They probably wouldn't date him even if he didn't burp every couple of minutes, I mean who wants to date a bodybuilder freak right guys" Mark laughed as he rubbed Tyson's shoulders
"Yeah, you're right Mark, nobody wants a freak like Tyson" Dylan chuckled.
Tyson couldn't control it, the sound of their laughter, the way the three called him a freak and a slob. His dick got hard and he felt as a mixture of pre and cum leaked into his underwear.
They were never going to change him back, he was going to be stuck as this good for nothing muscle pig, forever....
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he threw himself back down on the bench..
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prkhaven · 27 days
FEELS LIKE SUMMER -l.sh, p.js, s.jy, p.sh-
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▐ pairing: enhypen!hyung line x fem!reader
▐ synopsis: Four guys and one girl only wanted to experience the wonders of paradise beach to kick off their unforgettable summer break
▐ genre: smut minor do not interact, pwop, literally no plot whatsoever just a whole lot of p
▐ wc: 7.1k
-all warnings under cut-
▐ warnings: hyung line is very horny, all of them (besides jake) are mean, profanity, magically they are the only people at the beach, so unrealistic
▐ smut warnings: filthy, fivesome, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap the willies), degradation, praising, slut shaming, so much cum, creampies, p in v, multiple rounds, exhibition, agoraphilia, dumbification, squirting, slight manhandling, cum eating, dom!enhypen hyung line, oral (m+f rec. and giving), pussy slapping, overstimulation, throat fucking, usage of nicknames(slut, good girl, whore, etc.)
Three out of the four yelled in the car in pure excitement, the ocean smell filling the car through the open windows as the breeze swept through their sweaty bodies. Their music blaring as they past through, none of them caring for the looks thrown their way from their ruckus.
“I’ve been waiting all year this, it’s finally summer!” Jake yelled as he slapped his knees repeatedly in anticipation, “How much longer till we get there Hee?” He asked the one driving, who took a look to the GPS
“10 more minutes till we’re experiencing paradise beach boys”
This beach was said to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the costal area that barely anyone came to. It was too far out for most so no one never really bothered going with the exception of a few but in their minds it was jokes on the people who missed out on this beach.
The friend group was more than ready to do the long drive just to experience the wonders of the beach for themselves, desperate to make the most out of their summer.
“Can’t wait to get wet” Sunghoon murmured under his breath, feeling the sweat trickling off his body but Jake shoved him with a disgusted face, “Not like that you nasty freak” Sunghoon spat when he realized how Jake interpreted his words
Jake broke out into a fit of giggles before shifting to the middle seat, squeezing his arms in the middle compartment between the driver and passenger seat. “Jay! I can’t believe you’re sleeping through this awesome trip to the beach. Wake up!” Jake forcefully woke his said friend up from his slumber
“Shut up Jake” Was all Jay said not even opening his eyes as he nestled his head deeper into the head rest
“Don’t stress over it too much Jake. Jay needs his beauty sleep in order to drive back”
Jay teared his eyes opened and whipped his head, staring at Heeseung in disbelief “When did we ever establish that I was making the drive back?” Jay asked and Heeseung cheekily smiled
“Uh about 5 seconds ago”
Heeseung noticed in the mirror how Jay almost launched himself at him and he held out a finger and shook it, letting out an ‘Uh uh’. “Can’t hit me I’m the driver” Jay huffed at his friend’s response, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms in annoyance
“I’m gonna take you down the moment we get to the beach Hee”
Heeseung jokingly shivered in fear but laughed out loud hearing how Jake and Sunghoon erupted in a loud laughter.
“You guys are so annoying” Jay frowned and Sunghoon who sat behind him in the back seat snuck his hand and poked Jay’s cheek causing him jerk away and attempt to grab Sunghoon’s hand
Sunghoon laughed as Jay turned around to glare at him. “I’ll take you down too Sunghoon”
“Oh yeah? I’d like to see you try” Sunghoon raised his eyebrow, instigating his friend but they were interrupted when the car was parked
“And we’re here!” Heeseung announced and Jake was the first one to shoot out of the car and run towards the beach with a scream
The beach was in fact very true to its reputation, not seeing a single soul there other than them and he was in awe by how beautiful the beach was.
The sand felt like fresh soft snow, the clear water allowing to see the ocean floor. This beach was utterly perfect, Jake felt an arm around his shoulder and he looked to see Heeseung who closed his eyes and sharply inhaled.
“Now it feels like summer”
Jay stayed true to his words as he was quick to grab Heeseung once they all settled down and attempt to drag him into the water.
“Let go of me!” Heeseung tried to peel his friend off of him as they got closer to the water, “You also wanted to get Sunghoon! Get him and spare me, I’ll even help you!”
Jay stopped hearing at the sudden offer of help to take down the said other friend instead and he let go of Heeseung to show a sign of truce.
Heeseung sighed in relief seeing that he was spared as he followed in suit after Jay who was already marching back to the poor blanket they established for themselves where the other two friends were settled down at.
The summer sun blared against them and Sunghoon who was minding his own business talking to Jake took notice of his two friends looking at him with an unreadable expression.
“What?” He asked and before he knew it, his two friends grabbed him by the arms and attempted to drag him to the water, “What the fuck?!” Sunghoon thrashed in their hold to break free
“Jake help us! You know he’s stronger than all of us” Heeseung called out to the last friend who immediately jumped in and pushed Sunghoon with his shoulder closer to the water
And right when Sunghoon was able to manage free one of his arms from their hold, he was pushed harshly into the freezing cold sea. He landed face first and gasped loudly as he jumped up, covering his face with his hands as he panted for air.
“Thought you said you couldn’t wait to get wet Hoon” Jake teased with the previous words said in the car and Sunghoon shot a sharp glare to his friends who were laughing loudly seeing his soaked state
“You three are so done for” Sunghoon announced before taking big strides out of the water to chase after his already running friends
They were in their own world, oblivious to you, the only other person on the beach who arrived not too long after them. You frowned, ripping off your earbuds as you rested yourself up on your elbows hearing the loud ruckus on the beach.
This was supposed to be a hidden peaceful beach, so why were you hearing not one, not two, not even three but four guys screaming on the top of their lungs.
When you caught sight of the four guys on the beach, you grimaced to yourself realizing they were just like you, just trying to enjoy the summer day on the beautiful beach.
You dragged down your sunglasses to the bridge of your nose to properly get a look at them and your breath slightly hitched seeing them in their little establishment of a blanket that held all of their belongings.
Sunghoon pulled his damped shirt off and twisted it to get the water drained out of it, seeing how the stream of water fell from his favorite shirt made him frown deeply.
“Cheer up Sunghoon, it’ll dry up in the most natural way” Heeseung patted his bare back before pointing into the sky, “By the sun” Sunghoon swatted his friend’s hand away making him chuckle before giving a few more extra pats just to spite Sunghoon
As the rest of his friend were following in suit of removing their shirts, Sunghoon looked around the beach, his eyes squinting from the sun’s glare before stopping on you, he didn’t notice there was someone else besides them.
He froze up, noticing your piercing gaze on them from the opening of your sunglasses that rested midway on your nose bridge.
“Hey” He called out to garner his friend’s attention and Jake who already took of his shirt and threw it down next to Sunghoon’s was the first to react to his friend’s calling
He noticed how Sunghoon was looking off to the distance so his eyes trailed the line of sight and he finally noticed you. Jake immediately slapped Jay’s body in a haste before he could even take off his shirt and the boy was going to curse at his friend before noticing something or more like someone had Jake’s full undivided attention.
He looked to where his two friend were staring at as he saw your held up self by your elbows, your fingers holding your sunglasses down just enough to fully see them.
“What are you guys so quiet?” Heeseung laughed, not paying attention to what was happening and when he finally did
He turned his gaze from his frozen friends to you, the one that made them all suddenly speechless.
There was no denying the fact that you were beautiful. Your skin glistened from combination of sunblock, lotion and sweat as your eyes never once left them. Your eyes hoping from each of them as you drunk in their undeniable strong appearance.
Today must’ve been your lucky day, you were blessed with four conveniently attractive guys on the beach on the hot summer day.
You smirked before bringing your sunglasses up and laying back down on your back to continue allowing the sun to drown your skin.
When you finally looked away, the guys were finally able to breathe as they all turned to each other with shaky eyes. They didn’t know what, let alone why, they were feeling like this but there was one thing they all collectively felt and it throbbed right in between their legs.
“Go long” Jay shouted to Jake who ran through the sand, arms out to catch the football thrown to him
It’s been a few hours since they’ve arrived at the beach (and since they realized your presence). You respectfully kept your distance and they did the same, worried what would happen if the 5 of you got close enough.
Jake thought he would be able to catch the football but instead it slipped through his hands and fled past him only to land right next to you. Great.
You heard the thud next to you and you peered over your shoulder to spot the football that landed almost perfectly next to you. You turned to the side seeing how Jake was mumbling to himself before lightly jogging over to you with a hand up and a tight smile.
You fully turned around and sat up, grabbing the football next to you waiting until he arrived in front of you. Jake slowed down his pace, gulping down a pant that he excused to be from jogging and nothing else.
“Sorry about that, it slipped through my fingers” The guy in front of you rubbed his nape awkwardly, looking everywhere but at you
You frowned lightly before tilting your head, fully removing your sunglasses. Jake finally noticed you and he let out an audible gasp, seeing your face up close without your sunglasses blocking your face.
As weird as it sounded in his head, you had the most perfect pair of eyes he’s ever see. His eyes that stayed on your face, now lingered down your body. He threw himself into a daze as he unconsciously licked his lips as he tried to burn the sight of you into his eyes.
He realized he must’ve been staring when he hadn’t said anything and the football was still in your hand, he embarrassingly pulled his gaze back to your eyes.
You looked up to his standing figure and slightly smirked seeing the faint reddening in his ear as you realized where his lingering eyes were. You shook the football in your hand, “Make sure to catch it next time” Hearing your voice for the first time made his heart pound uncomfortably against his chest
Everything about you was perfect. He gulped, knowing if he opened his mouth he would ruin the moment. Sticking to only nodding his head and grabbing the football from you as you gave him a sweet sickening smirk, a glint in you that he caught before you placed your sunglasses back on.
You laid back down on your front with ease, your boobs slotting into the holes in the sand you made to fit them perfectly.
Jake began to walk away, trying to get his mind off of you but it was impossible, not after seeing you so up to close even hearing your voice before any of the others.
You made his mind too fuzzy to think properly that he spontaneously turned his heel and walked back towards you, calling out to get your attention.
You raised your head up again and he could feel your questioning gaze through your glasses towards him but he pushed past that as he held the football out to you.
“Wanna come play with us?”
Now what Jake meant by if you wanted to play with them consisted of you throwing the football back and forth every now and then but mainly for you to just hang around and talk with them.
He didn’t expect to have you sucking the life out of him, his head thrown back as he held back whines by how easily you took all of him in your mouth. Jay who you were sitting in between of his legs had your swimsuit bottoms pushed to the side as his fingers were buried deep inside your dripping wet core.
Heeseung and Sunghoon huddle over you, silently watching the scene before them. It was something straight of a porn video but instead it being through a video, it was happening in real life and to them.
“F-fuck, y-you’re such a good girl. Taking all of me in your mouth” Jake groaned as you continued to bop up and down his shaft in a haste, as your mouth vibrated around him from the curling of Jay’s finger deep inside you
“She’s no good girl, she’s a fucking whore” Jay spat as his fingers pumped in and out of you and he smirked wildly feeling you clenching around his fingers, “You like being called a whore? Probably because you know you are one” Jay let out as you whined around Jake’s cock, feeling your stomach tightening and Jay could feel you getting closer to your orgasm
He hastily continued to glide his two plunged fingers deeper and faster into you causing you to be a moaning mess. “Continue sucking him off, he didn’t come yet” Jay slipped out his fingers that ripped you away from your orgasm only to slap your pussy harshly making you jolt
You could feel the tears building up in your eyes as spit formed in the corner of your mouth as you tried to continue sucking Jake’s cock after having your orgasm ripped from you.
“You’ll let me use your pretty mouth right?” Jake let out almost like a plea as you weekly nodded and that was all Jake needed before he was holding the back of your head as his hips slammed against your face to chase his own release
You gurgled out chokes as you felt him deep into your throat, his heavy balls slapping your chin from his fast thrust as he fucked you like you were nothing more than just a toy for him. “Your mouth is absolutely perfect” He panted, feeling the build up in his stomach coming closer and closer
Jay who was circling your folds together, smirked seeing how you let Jake use you and he decided to be the second nice one out of the bunch and reward you. His slipped his fingers back into your gaping hole and you strained out a weak gasp, your oxygen levels dropping as you were filled from two holes.
“Taking what I give you so well” Jay hummed satisfied how you easily took his fingers back in, as if they were meant to always be buried in you
“Fuck!” Jake shouted as he stilled his thrust and his warm seed shot down your throat making sure he dumped everything in to have you swallow
He gave a few more shallow thrust before finally pulling away from your mouth with a pop, his lips shivering from the sudden hit of cold air on his wet warm cock. He weakly looked to you to see your dazed out expression, weak moans falling from your lips as Jay continued to slam his fingers into you.
Jake cooed seeing you cupping your face with his hands and rubbed his thumbs against them to ease you. You let out wet strained noises as Jake remained eye contact with you.
“Let go on his fingers” Jake’s soft voice sent jolts into your body and straight down to your stretched out hole
Those words caused you to clamp down harshly on Jay’s fingers as his other free hand found your swollen clit and harshly rubbed it. You squealed as you clawed onto Jake’s body who carefully held you.
“Give it to me like the good whore you are” Jay sneered as the stimulation was making you see stars but alongside of the usual build up in your stomach, you felt something else
You shook your head violently, realizing what he was trying to draw out of you. You tried to get away from Jay’s protruding fingers but Jake kept you in your place to continue sucking in Jay’s fingers
You screamed as the gush of stream shot out of you, drowning Jay’s finger, your swimsuit bottom and Jay’s lower body in your release. His fingers slipped out of you and messily rubbed away at your gushing hole, encouraging more of your release to burst out of you.
Your body jerked into Jake as he held you tightly, watching the scene in pure awe. He was going to need that moment tattooed into his brain.
“Shit that was so hot” Jay panted as you shivered violently from the high you were in as your body fell limped against theirs
Jay soothed your bum with his hand as if to tell you ‘good job’.
You could feel your body spent but it was far from over.
“Alright move it’s our turn” You faintly made out a voice through the ringing of your ear, you suddenly felt your body tussled from one to another with ease
You gasped and through the haze of your eyes, you looked to recognize Sunghoon, the first guy you saw on the beach.
“Hoon are you sure she can handle it? Look at her” Jake shoved his softened self back into his trunks as he pointed out your dazed expression and Sunghoon smirked before taping the side of your face with his hand
He smirked to your dazed expression as you stared at him with your teared filled eyes, “Of course she can, she’s such a good slut after all, aren’t you?” Your hole clenched around nothing hearing the words thrown to you
You let out a whimper when you felt your swimsuit bottom be pulled the side once again but this time by Heeseung as he watched your closing and opening hole. “So fucking pretty”
“Don’t even think about it” Sunghoon warned as he noticed Heeseung taking in your glistening core with hungry eyes
Heeseung peered away from you to his friend surprised as he saw a stern look on Sunghoon’s face. “I saw her first, she’s mine” He slight shoved Heeseung away from you causing your swimsuit bottom to slip from his hand and snap against you making you squeal
“Shh it’s okay, gonna make it all feel good” Sunghoon whispered in your ear before suddenly pushing you into their poorly held blanket
You had your face down being able to feel the snow underneath the blanket against your face as your ass was raised high to be displayed.
All of sudden like a bunch of seagulls, all his friend flocked around as Sunghoon pulled your bottom to the side to catch glimpse of your dripping self. The moment was embarrassing, having four guys stare directly at your exposed self like it was the best thing to ever exist(to them it was).
Sunghoon’s quickly brought his trunks down just enough to have his harden cock spring out before he protruded it into your hole not wanting to waste anymore time that prevented him from feeling the paradise he knew you were. “Fu-Fuck Jay you didn’t prep her for shit! She’s still so fucking tight”
“How come you’re the first one to fuck her?!” Jay shouted as you struggled to take Sunghoon in your hole, gasping because it was true, you weren’t nearly prepared enough to take him
“Because I saw her first” Sunghoon grunted as he was finally able to bottom out, the grip on him almost made him cum right then and there as you panted by how full you felt
Yet, you didn’t have enough time to get used to his size stretching you out as he suddenly started to slam his hips to you. Your body was sent deeper into the blanket as you gasped loudly, feeling the sand underneath your hand as you clawed at the blanket for leverage.
Your whines soon became louder as Sunghoon sent a smack to the side of your ass loudly. “Sucking me in so good like you were made for this shit”
Your mouth fell slacked, moans, whimpers and babbles mixed together as your back was being blown out by Sunghoon.
His tip soon found the bundle of nerves in you that made your fall completely apart of his cock, “That’s right you fucking slut, fall apart of my cock- Just like that-“
You felt dizzy, the wind was getting knocked out of you by each of his harsh thrust, lead by primal need to fill you up.
“Gonna milk my cock? Going to be a good slut that’ll take everything I give you?” Sunghoon gruntled out as he could feel the knot forming in his stomach daring to snap
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” You answered to his question, not having a full comprehension of what was being said but what you wanted was to milk him of everything he’s got
Sunghoon muttered multiple ‘fucks’ as his pace became brutal chasing the high, the way you tightened around him, the way that you kept sucking him back in when he tried to get even as little a more than midway away from you to slam his cock back into you.
Your hole gripped him like it never wanted him to leave as the wave of pleasure finally crashed down on you as you let out a loud moan as you came all over him. Sunghoon smirked and sent another smack to your ass, you whined loudly as his thrust finally started slowing down with grip on your hip that you knew there was no way there weren’t bruises left behind.
Sunghoon’s warm seed painted your velvet walls white, as he groaned, “Such a good fucking slut”
You whimpered as his twitching cock slipped out of you. He was covered in his and your release and he watched how his cum oozed out of you. Fuck he loved it so much.
“Out of my way Sunghoon” Heeseung shoved his friend to the side who tripped over his feet, “I drove over here, it’s only fair that I get to go second” Heeseung explained, excited to finally be getting in on the action after being deprived unlike his friends who at least did something with you
“Nu uh Hee” Heeseung felt a hand on his shoulder as he was pulled back to have Jay squeeze through behind you instead of him, “I’m the one driving back, I deserved to go second”
Heeseung mouth fell slack and the tent in his trunks twitched in desperation need as it realized that it was going to continue being deprived of relief.
Jay on the other hand, didn’t hesitate to rip out his aching self into his hand and gave a few stroke to himself, he saw how Sunghoon’s release came out of you and he felt the need to replace it with his own.
Your broken out noises turned into another loud gasp as you felt an even larger of a stretch by Jay who struggled to slip into you. “All about talking shit Sunghoon- Fuck!-But you didn’t even loosen her enough for me” Jay gruntled as your hole tried to get accustomed to the wider stretch
“O-oh my-“ You clawed harder onto the blanket as the stretch was almost too much for you to handle and Jay took notice of that
He cooed as he rubbed up and down your back, forcing yourself to arch even more for him, “Taking two cocks back to back, you really are a whore” He sneered as he tried to remain his usual composure as he moved painfully slow
You whined as you moved your hips to meet with his slow thrust and Jay smirked wildly seeing you were starting to fuck yourself on him.
Jay stopped his thrusting and let you do all the work. You weakly slammed your lower half against him trying to build up the pleasure lingering in your stomach. Jay’s hand rubbed your back as he watched his cock barely disappear inside of you from how shallow you were fucking yourself.
“Come on, you can go faster than that. Don’t you wanna come again?” Jay snarked and he could feel the pure desperation in your movements for him to take over
But he wasn’t going to take going to give you what you wished for. If you wanted him, you needed to prove that you do.
“Please” You begged, your hips not meeting his in the same fast pace you wished for, “Pl-please” Fresh tears spilled from your eyes
“Please what, I need words”
“Please fuck me, I’ll be good- Just please!” The scene before Jay was pathetic
“Never met such a cock hungry whore before, better take all I give you” And with that Jay snapped his hips hard to meet yours half wall causing you let out a loud moan
Jay didn’t have to time to waste, his fingers left indents right next to Sunghoon’s on your hip. “Tightest pussy ever” Jay groaned as all you could do was have your mouth open wide by the sheer stretch he gave your hole
You’ve never been this stretched out before and it made your mind turn into mush. “Such a fucking dumb whore who lets random guys fuck her on the beach, what if someone were to come and see?” Your hole clenched harder at the thought and Jay smirked, letting out a stifle laugh, “You like knowing that anyone could see you right now”
Your moans and sounds of skin slapping filled the beach as the waves crashed against the shore, the wetness not being able to match the wetness that gushed and stained your hole and Jay’s ramming cock.
His thrust only remained sloppy, his heavy balls slapping against your ass making you coat him in your release as you let out an obscene whine, “Perfect pussy” Jay praised as he felt you grip onto him that even almost forcing him out if it wasn’t for him continuing his raging pace.
“Al-almost there- Shit!” Jay thrust shot your body deeper and deeper, the overstimulation make your eyes roll to the back of your head wondering just how you were able to be in this position
Jay was brutal, merely using you for his own pleasures and it soon came for him as his thrust only got messier until his warm seed coated your already mixed velvet and white walls with his own release. He gave a few harsh thrust deep inside you to push his cum deeper than Sunghoon’s wanting to have his mark in you deeper than the others.
He groaned loudly, feeling the way you gripped him making sure you took everything he gave you without a single thing falling out. When he pulled out, Jay quickly shoved his fingers deep inside you to hold his cum in your hole. You squeaked feeling the replacement of his cock with his fingers. “Gotta make sure it stays in there”
You wailed feeling how your hole fluttered around his large fingers in you and how he would pump them slowly giving the excuse that there was some falling out and he couldn’t have you leaking.
However, there was a tap on Jay’s shoulder and he looked to see Jake who had a softer look in his eyes than him and Sunghoon, “Let me take care of her you assholes” Jake told as he motioned for his friend to move, seeing your fucked out expression and red filled with white hole
Jay scoffed as he harshly removed his fingers from you, seeing how it was coated beautifully by you. He admired his fingers before delivering a light smack followed by a few faint taps against your sore core making your shudder loudly.
Jake ushered his friend to move and Jay rolled his eyes, stuffing himself back into the restraints of his swimming trunks before finally letting his other friend have you.
Jake could feel the betrayal gaze on him and he knew Heeseung wanted to go next, badly too. But Jake saw the way Jay and Sunghoon had used you and that he needed to step in and treat you the way you should be treated for, like the gifted paradise you were for them.
“Hey it’s okay, I actually got you” Instead of continuing your position and having your face down and ass up, Jake carefully flipped your sensitive body around to have you facing him
The sunlight blinded your eye sight, your chest rising and falling from how heavy you were breathing but you could feel the pairs of hungry eyes on you as you laid sprawled in front of them, your dazed out expression, your fluttering hole that leaked the releases that it held. You looked perfect in their eyes.
And Jake was going to make sure you knew just how precious and perfect you are.
Instead of diving straight into your hole with his aching hard on, he wanted to treat you. Jake slotted himself in between you, raising your legs over his shoulder, his breathing fanning over your wet core, he gave butterfly kisses on your inner thigh as he traveled down further and further until he finally made contact with your wet heat.
You gasped, the overstimulation started to overwhelm you but Jake soothed your body with his warm hands, trying to help calm your jolting self.
As he gave open kisses, through the haze of stimulation, yours hands ached to tangle in his hair, his tongue gliding with ease as he buried himself in the sweet venom of you. His nose rubbing against your clit perfectly which finally made you finally claw at his hair. Jake groaned feeling your hands tangle with his already messy fluffy hair and that sent shivers running through as it added beautifully to the sensation of his mouth.
“Taste so sweet” Jake blabbed, “So fucking good, so addicting”
Jake continued to eat you out, his tongue teasing your entrance as his lips worked its wonders on you. The dazed feeling of his open mouth to it closing, sucking everything that was coming out of you. Jake could get lost in you and he was.
The way you tasted, the way he had you arching your back, your hands pulling against his hair as he could feel you closing in on his tongue, this was what Jake strived to forever be in.
Your mewls encouraged him further and right when you could feel the same build up in the stomach that you didn’t even know you could bring out again, Jake disconnect his mouth from you.
You closed your eyes whining how your orgasm was ripped away from you and you lazily looked to Jake who was panting heavily, the bottom of his face smeared with his own spit, your mixed arousals, as he stared at your desperate self. He leaned in once more to give a kiss on your swollen clit before raising his body to clash with yours.
You felt how Jake pressed himself against you as he softly whispered in your ear, “I’m sorry angel, need you to come on my cock instead” He placed a kiss on the side of your face, making your heart twist feeling the wet sensation on your face which it soon melted you as you feel his guided intrusion stretching you out a second later
You gripped his shoulders as he buried himself in the crock of your neck, his thrust allowing him to ease in more and more, his tip pushed further into you as his thrust were desperate but slow. Jake gripped your sides when he was able to find the pace that allowed him and you to feel even more than how you already were with each other, “Such a beautiful angel” His praises made your insides turn mushy as you let yourself get used to the tender side kisses and touches left by Jake
His buried cock slipping in and out of you with a growing pace and you started to feel how he was losing his sense of direction as he started to snap his hips faster into you, “Absolutely perfect- How can you be so- F-fuck” Jake felt your tightening hold on his cock as you wrapped your arms over his shoulder, your chest meshed with his and he shattered feeling the very mounds that he couldn’t get his mind off ever since he saw them
Jake’s hand grabbed your breast in his hand to squeeze like a personal stress ball as his body was succumbing to you. The touch to your sensitive mound made you shake as he only thrusted into you at his quick pace, “I’m- I’m gonna come-” Jake whined as he placed harsh kisses against you neck almost immediately finding your sweet spot which made you break
Just as you gripped him tighter, you felt the twitch of his cock as his thrust were growing frantic for his release, his hot breathe in your ear with endless praises, the hold on your boob growing tighter as the thrust into you were finally becoming sharp thrusts.
His spurts shot inside of you which prompted your own release as yours and Jake’s mixed pleasure came together, coating each other in your releases.
You shivered feeling the new load in your already full stomach, Jake’s pants filled your ears and he continued to place the kisses all of your chest and collarbone, “You did so good angel, the best ever” Jake tried to soothe your shivering self as you heavily panted, closing your eyes, allowing yourself to get used to the warmth of his body with you but that was taken away from you as you felt Jake achingly pull himself out of you
You felt the emptiness once again as he planted a kiss to your worn out knee, a sign of affection before leaving your sore body on the blanket, your expression too far beyond any comprehension.
Jake didn’t want to leave you, wanting to continue relishing in your warmth that engulfed him but he couldn’t be selfish, not when he knew that there was someone else, his own friend who’s been patiently waiting long enough.
When Heeseung realized it was finally his turn, the weight on his shoulder felt heavier instead of lighter, he stared at you with a crazed expression knowing he had to go out with a bang.
You body still shuddering trying to come down from your high and the new addition of release inside of you. You closed your eyes trying to catch you breath when suddenly you felt your weak legs be spread open and you shot your eyes open to see Heeseung staring at your messy sticky hole coated with his friends and yours release. His unreadable expression made your heart hammer against your chest, your mind too fucked out to even try and attempt to see what was going through his head.
Yet, the only thing that coursed through his head was the thought and determination to completely fill you up to the brim.
You exposed on full display for him made him let out a dopey smile before diving his face right into you. Feeling the stride of Heeseung’s tongue on you made you squeal as you blabbed that you couldn’t take anymore, the overstimulation hazed your senes, it being too much for you.
But you could feel the smirk against your core as Heeseung gave it a few kisses and harsh pulls with his teeth making you yelp loudly.
“Come on, you have one more cock to take” Heeseung laughed as he pulled away, his thumb rubbing over your core before lightly intruding it but just as quickly as he gave you that taste, he ripped it away from you
You pathetically let out a whine even though you were complaining you couldn’t take anymore, “Shh it’s okay, I know what you want. Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you” And just like that without a moment wasted, Heeseung pulled himself out, smearing his tip filed with precum with your mess before lightly intruding your hole with his tip that slipped in with ease thanks to his friend’s and yours mixed arousal
You threw your head back into the depths of the blanket feeling the sand that was molded to you head by how much you were pressed onto it. Heeseung soon pushed his tip painfully slower into you and the stretch and his length made your mind go on overdrive and there were no more thoughts in your head. Just thinking about the paradise beach guys.
“Yo-You’re taking me so well..- Shit! You actually are perfect” Heeseung grumbled, feeling himself get lost in you by the sheer amount of pleasure you were giving him
After hearing how well you’ve been taking them, it soared your dark ego as you continued to bathe in the degradation and praises you were receiving for being just so good to them.
He didn’t allow himself to bottom out, wanting to start now rather than later as he’s been the only one deprived for so long unlike his friends. Your body melted into the more easy pace, seeming like he wanted to take his time with you, to have his cock memorize your insides and see which thrust would be able to have you see stars and crumble just for him.
Heeseung’s hands soothed your aching hips as his pelvis would meet yours with slow but harsh thrust, it made your sealed breast to move within the restraints of your swimsuit and Heeseung wasn’t having any of it. He bundled up the top of your swimsuit before yanking it down to release your held breast to witness the beauty of them bouncing with each of his thrust.
The sight of it made his pace stutter and one of his hand gripped your right one, his left hand holding your waist to continue his deep thrust into you. His fingers played with your perky harden nipples which made your body jump, shaking your head as you felt the overstimulation of the sensation mess with your soul.
He pinched your nipple hard when he finally found the spot needed that made you squeal, muttering how you couldn’t possibly take anymore. The tip of his cock kissing your insides perfectly and he darkly chuckled hearing your babbles.
“You can take it- You‘ll take it like the good girl you are” Heeseung’s deep and calculated thrust into you made sure of it, you were going to give him another one and you were going to take what he gives you
Your mind already mushy, you only nodded in acceptance. You knew your babbles weren’t true. You would take what he gives you just like how he said you would. Your cries and moans mixed with the crashing waves of the ocean.
Your hands found the wrist of his hand that continued to pull and pinch your nipple as he simultaneously matched his thrust with the pull your already hard nipple. Your face scrunched harshly from your senses being thrown away as your ears rung, only hearing the waves crashing against the shore.
And right when a large wave crashed, so did you.
You clamped down harshly on Heeseung, who groaned at the sensation of you tightening around him and he lost control as he started to slam his hips into you in order to chase his own high. Your soft moans soon grew louder as ‘uhs’ left your mouth, your boobs bouncing faster.
“S-shit, gonna take me for all I’m worth” Heeseung spat and you only chanted ‘yes’ nonstop until one final harsh thrust lead to the emptying of his balls filled of him to litter your hole with his release.
And just like his promise, he filled you to the brim that it was almost impossible to know if you would ever stop leaking after being pumped so full of cum. Your body too tired and spent as you closed your eyes and heaved heavily trying to come back from the heavy trance they left you in. Heeseung pulled out and all of the friends gathered around to watch your hole leaking out of all of their release alongside yours.
You were the perfect paradise sent their way in order to experience what summer is supposed to truly be like.
Sunghoon who held a marker in hand used his mouth to bite the cap off throwing it off somewhere into the sand as he walked over to your spent self, carefully picking up you aching leg which made you shiver and he rubbed his thumb in a calming matter, smirking at the scene before bringing the marker on your skin.
You looked down to your littered body, seeing the faint dried up splotches of cum that you didn’t know who it belonged to, the faint indents of their fingers left on your hips.
But what made your heart hammer to your chest were the four phone numbers on your body. Your left forearm having Jake’s number with a small ‘:)’ next to his name.
Jay writing his number on the back of your hand as it trailed to the bone of your wrist with just ‘J’ next to it. While Heeseung wrote down his number on the back of you calf which you had to take a picture of in order to properly see the number and the small ‘Hee’ he added with a dash next to it
While Sunghoon wrote his number in crevice on your inner thigh that was close to your fucked out hole from all that it was put through. But along with Sunghoon’s name with his number he wrote a simple note next it.
‘Call us’
The beach was indeed a paradise like its names as it now held the best memory to date of the perfect summer for all five of you.
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luvacookie · 7 months
mr steal ur girl.
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eren notices an unfamiliar face at one of his frat parties…
❥ warnings : reiner bein a dick, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap), nicknames, squirting, porn w a plot, intended use of lower case, mildly proof read, shy-ish reader, black fem coded.
❥ cookie for ur thoughts ? : my first post, my first aot idea >~< ! idk how people will respond to this. i need to write a lil sum sum for con, i will work on it…
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“pleaseee ! you never come out with me! plus you get to be around reiner.”
pieck stared at you through the floor length mirror, adjusting her black skin tight dress as you ignored her and continued to scroll through your phone. as per usual, she was going to one of her parties hosted by her friends and as per usual she was asking you to join her.
normally you declined, opting to stay wrapped up in bed, catching up on one of your hour long k-dramas episodes or looking over work you did in a lecture.
parties were not your scene and they never had been.
“pieck… i don’t know…” you responded sceptically, curling the end of your braid around your finger.
“i can set you up with reiner, he talks about you all the time you know,” pieck said walking over to your bed.
you sighed, you knew she was just using your delusional crush on reiner to lure you in and unfortunately it was working.
you pushed your glasses up, exhaling defeatedly. pieck smiled and clapped her hands together, jumping up from the bed.
“we have to make sure you look cute as fuck so shower, skincare, makeup, whatever you need to do and by time you get out i’ll have a cute fit for you!” she said happily, digging through your clothes.
you hauled yourself out of bed, grabbing your towel and headed to the shower. you cleaned up nicely, freshening yourself up for the party. you put your braids into a half-up half-down with a side parting, laying your edges with a decorative heart.
pieck had picked out a two piece pink set for you with white string heels, you matched your accessories accordingly with pink hair clips and white glasses.
she smiled at you in awe. “you look so fuckin’ good right now! you seriously need to get out more.”
you looked down shyly, “are you sure pie’? this is so out of my zone.”
“oh my god, of course i’m sure, now come on. reiner won’t wait all night,” she giggled.
she grabbed you by the hand and dragged you to her convertible, making sure to let the top down so the warm night air hit your faces. the ride there was filled with vibes and giggles, your nerves slowly disappearing.
soon enough you arrived at the frat house, the musics blaring through all the open doors and windows. people were dancing on the lawn, cars pulled up in every direction. pieck dragged you through the crowd, stopping for a couple seconds at a time to say hi to her mutuals.
soon enough you found your way into the kitchen with her where the rest of your friend group was.
“hey guys!” pieck called out over the music and they all greeted her back.
“no fuckin’ way you brought y/n,” connie said, licking his paper and putting the blunt behind his ear.
you waved at him, smiling lightly.
“well damn, who woulda thought,” annie said from beside him, holding a red solo cup.
“she finally managed to convince me soooo…” you trailed off leaning against the counter.
“you look hot though,” sasha commented, a lazy smile on her face as if she was already high.
“mmm, cheers to that,” reiner said from behind you.
you turned around, looking him up and down. he had a simple white tee on that hugged his arms perfectly, a pair of black cargo’s with a silver chain. he handed you a cup and knocked it with yours, tipping the contents of it back.
you stared at him briefly, watching his throat move as he swallowed. you followed shortly after, pulling a face as the liquor burned your throat.
everyone spoke amongst themselves, pieck catching up on all the lost drinks, leaving you and reiner to have a sweet conversation.
“why don’t i see you out enough?” he asked, looking down at you.
you turned your head to the side, the eye contact making your stomach flip, “not really my thing.”
“they should be,” he followed up quickly, “you’re too pretty to be kept hostage in your dorm.”
you looked at him, smiling. “thanks.”
“no problem sweetheart,” he poured himself another drink, refilling yours too.
“you drink a lot?” he asked, sipping on his mix.
“not really, only when i come to these things, which is basically never,” you chuckled lightly, tasting your drink.
“i’m gonna have to force pieck to bring you out more, you’re too fuckin’ pretty darling.”
“rei, stop you’re making me feel shy,” you sighed, looking at him with obvious heart eyes.
he made a noise in his throat, a cocky smirk on his face. “dance with me?”
you stared, your brain slowly registering before you nodded. you turned to pieck, gesturing that you were going with reiner and she gave you a massive thumbs up in encouragement.
reiner took your hand in his and lead you to where the music was the loudest, putting your hands around his neck as his met your waist. he stayed with you like that for the majority of the song, his eyes holding yours.
your acrylics danced at the nape of his neck, as the grip on your waist slowly became tighter. he pulled you close enough for your chests to be touching, forcing you to look up at his height.
“are you even listening ? hellooo?”
“yeah..yeah, who’s that?” eren asked, ignoring whatever armin was saying.
armin looked around, “who?”
“her,” eren said, nodding in your direction.
“oh, y/n l/n. she’s in my english major,” armin said dismissively.
eren nodded, watching how you were slowly grinding on reiner, or realistically how your tits were moving in your dress. he had never seen you before, so how did you know reiner of all people?
as the song ended you pulled reiner down to your height, muttering something to him in which he nodded. you left the room, leaving reiner to join one of his other group of friends, though he didn’t see where you left to as porco joined him and armin.
you returned to the kitchen where connie was left on his own, tapping the ash off his blunt into the sink.
“you and reiner?” he asked, his words slightly slowed.
you poured a shot, smiling to yourself. “maybe. i don’t know.”
you tipped it back as he continued talking to you. “he likes you, you know that right?”
you reapplied your lipgloss, “does he?”
“for real, he talks about you all the time,” he inhaled slowly.
“that’s cute. i like him too,” you smiled at connie.
he exhaled and turned the roll to you, “you smoke?”
“no… i’ve only hit once before,” you admitted, staring at it.
“you don’t wanna hit that shit, probably laced,” came a deep voice from behind you.
you turned to see eren leaning on the door frame, staring at you. he was wearing simple grey sweats and a white tee, his hair pulled back into a messy bun.
“fuck off yaeger,” connie muttered, rolling his eyes, smoke exhaling his mouth with a string of cusses following.
he ignored connie, focusing his attention on you. “you’ve never been to one of these before have you?”
“do i stand out that bad?” you shook your head, the sound of your acrylic tapping the glass following.
eren walked round the counter, pouring himself straight whiskey. “oh you stand out… would’ve remembered your face.”
you tip your head to the side and glance back at connie who stares at you blankly. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“means your cute, your boyfriend is lucky,” he comments swiftly.
“my boyfriend ?” you question, toying with the curly end of your braid.
“reiner. i would think so anyways after the way you were dancing with him,” he responds, a glint in his eye as if he was digging for information.
you look up and make eye contact with him. “he’s not my boyfriend—”
“not yet anyways,” connie interrupts.
you felt your face flush, unsure if you had turned a shade of red or not. you shook your head and had another shaky shot, the alcohol seeping it’s way into your bloodstream.
“what’s your name ?” eren asks, sipping vodka straight from the bottle that was left on the counter.
“y/n,” you responded. “don’t worry, i know who you are eren.”
he tipped his head to the side slightly, he liked the way you said his name.
he hummed, continuing his drink when his friend armin entered the room.
“are reiner and annie fucking or something ?” he asks, a twinge of annoyance in his tone.
you turned to look at armin, your heart slightly dropping. “what do you mean ?”
armin looks at you as if he hadn’t registered you were in the room, “n-nothing. just the way they were talkin’ and dancing and shit..”
you were sure you felt your heart drop this time. annie and reiner ? they had never gave an indication that they liked each other.
you looked off to the side, your throat slowly going dry.
connie noticed and sighed. “they like siblings, don’t stress it.”
you nodded, “y-yeah of course, i just need some air or something.”
you used that as your cue to leave, eren’s eyes following your figure as you walked past him towards the back garden.
you were slightly embarrassed, choking up in front of three boys, two of them you barley knew. you sat on a chair in the corner, taking a shallow breath and texting pieck.
y/n : i think i’m ready to cut pie
pie 🙇🏾‍♀️💓 : y ? e oksy?
you looked at her message and knew she was drunk, yet she still tried her best to check in on you.
y/n : yh dw abt me imma jus take an uber or smthin
pie 🙇🏾‍♀️💓 : olay
pie 🙇🏾‍♀️💓 : grt home sfe iky <3333
you sighed and turned your phone off, looking at the people in the garden. you heard giggling and saw reiner and annie trip over one another, clearly having a good time with themselves.
you turned your phone on and scrolled through your missed texts when you felt a person stood behind you. you looked up and saw eren’s green eyes looking at annie and reiner.
“what a prick,” eren sighed, looking down to meet your eyes.
“it’s cool. annie’s better than me by like tenfold so i’m not really shocked,” you responded, dropping your phone in your lap.
“don’t be fuckin’ dumb, reiner’s a blind asshole. he always has been,” he comforted you. “here.”
he handed you his lit joint and you took a hesitant hit, careful not to get lipgloss all over the paper.
eren watched you as you exhaled into the air, swallowing nothing. “you good?”
you nodded, “ ‘m good.”
you guys stayed like that for a while, exchanging useless comments and smoking. eren was glad that your mood had been lifted. at some point you had ended up back in the kitchen with your group of friends, high and definitely drunk.
pieck had everyone do body shots off of her stomach and made you dance round the counter like an idiot, something you were too drunk to question.
“where’d you go?” reiner’s voice said from behind you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders.
you tensed uncomfortably, though reiner was far too gone to notice. you wriggled out of his grasp, turning around to look at him. “s-sorry, i ended up getting distracted by eren and connie.”
eren nodded at whatever words mikasa was saying, his eyes focusing on the way reiner was forcing a conversation after abandoning you to fuck around with annie.
“yaeger? what were you doing with that bastard ?” reiner said, ignoring the way you rubbed your arm rather nervously.
“n-nothing, we was jus’ talking and shi—”
“fuck that, don’t hang around with that kid,” reiner cut you off, staring at you rather annoyed.
“reiner, i’m sorry he just—”
“why shouldn’t she hang around with me ? i’d say i’m a pretty fun time,” eren said lazily, sitting on the counter beside you.
reiner glared at him, “don’t start your bullshit with me yaeger.”
“i’d say you’re starting problems with me braun, tellin’ pretty girls they should steer clear,” he responded.
eren looked unbothered whereas reiner had become rather agitated.
he ignored reiner, turning to you, “wanna go some where else ?”
you looked at reiner then at eren before nodding, following his lead and taking his hand as he lead you somewhere else.
“fuckin’ hell. rei just got his bitch stolen by yaeger,” porco muttered, reiner still heard it.
“you good princess?” eren mumbled, the sound of his door clicking shut.
“mhm, thank you,” you responded from his desk, untying your heels as he pushed himself up on his bed.
“for what?” he asked pointedly, his eyes locking with yours.
“the reiner thing—”
“anybody with working brain cells could see that you were uncomfortable, i was just helping out,” he dismissed, his hands resting behind his head.
you nodded, holding eye contact with him. the room went silent, the only sound being the tapping of your acrylics against the wood of his desk.
eren sighed, patting the cover of his bedsheets. “c’mere, you too far away.”
you let out a little laugh, hopping off his desk and standing in front of him. he grabbed you by your hands and pulled you on top of him, settling yourself on his hips. he was less than bother by the sudden added weight of your own body, his hands meeting the side of your thighs.
“you really are mad pretty,” he mumbled, squeezing the fat of your thighs that was closer to your ass.
you exhaled, turning your head to try and hide your smile. he grabbed your face and turned it back to him, his eyes hooded with lust.
you stared at him and your eyes dropped to his lips and unfortunately for you, he didn’t miss it. you took a deep breath and leaned forward, encasing eren’s lips in yours.
his hands instantly moved to your ass, squeezing roughly. he kissed you back hard, pushing his hips upwards.
your hands travelled to the back of his hair, your acrylics burying themselves in the nape of his neck. he sat up properly so he could flip you over, a shear display of his strength.
he bit at the bottom of your lip, taking advantage of the whine you let out to slip his tongue into your mouth. his hands wondered down the front of your top, though he pulled away, inspecting your face.
“why’d you stop ?” you mumbled, your eyes darting towards his swollen lips.
“nothin’, just checking to see if you’re actually sober. you alright with this though ?” he asked and you nodded eagerly, tugging at his hoodie.
he laughed. “you’re a desperate thing aren’t you.”
“eren, please,” you mumbled, pulling him forwards with more force.
“fuck. whatever you want princess,” he groaned, grabbing you by the neck and pulling you into a deeper kiss than before.
you moaned quietly as he untied the front of your shirt, revealing your lacy white bra.
“please tell me you weren’t wearing this for reiner,” he begged, rubbing on your tits.
you shook your head. “thank fuck for that.”
he pulled your skirt off, revealing your matching set, throwing the skirt somewhere in his room.
“fuck sake, y/n,” he muttered, eyes trailing the whole of your body.
you tugged at his zipper, “off, i want it off.”
he unzipped his hoodie with a chuckle, removing his shirt too, revealing his muscles. “makin’ demands now ?”
you rolled your eyes and pulled him back in for another heated kiss, your hands trailing down his body and palming his dick through his grey bottoms. he groaned, kissing you harder as you continued to stroke his growing hard-on through the material.
he pulled away and began kissing down your neck, leaving deep hickies as he went down, kissing all the way down your stomach till he got to the top of your lace thong.
he made eye contact with you as he placed a light kiss on your cover clit, watching as your mouth slightly dropped open. he pulled your panties down, stuffing them in his pocket whilst he rubbed on your clit with slow circles.
“you’re so fuckin’ wet for me right now angel. did you know that?” he asked, continuing with his agonisingly slow circles.
“mm fuck, eren, please—” you whined, your hands gripping his sheets.
“please what princess?” he teased, watching your body squirm under his touch.
you whined even louder. “fuck, i want more—” you cut yourself off with a shallow moan as he dipped his middle finger inside of you briefly before pulling it out.
“more what?” he teased.
you looked at him with round glossy eyes, “please eat me out.”
“that’s all you had to say princess,” he laughed, finally giving you what you wanted.
his tongue made contact with your clit and he licked eagerly, making his middle and ring finger stretch you out nicely.
“gotta make sure this pretty pussy is ready for my dick hm,” he mumbled on your clit, sucking on it roughly.
you babbled incoherent sentences, scratching as far as your hands could reach down his shoulders. your moans gradually increased in volume as his slender fingers worked your insides deliciously, finding that soft spot your own couldn’t reach with ease.
“f-fuck eren— feels so fuckin’ good,” you moaned gripping on his sheets harder.
just as you could feel your orgasm approaching, you could feel your phone vibrate beside you.
pieck was calling you, your thighs began to close but eren forced them back open. “answer it.”
“i said answer it and be quiet.”
you looked at him before doing as he said, his fingers working harder than before.
“y/nnnn! where did you gooooo?” pieck shouted down the phone.
“i-i went with— mm-fuck, eren—” you struggled, pulling at eren’s hand.
“to do whatttt? you guys are missing the party” she yelled, giggling shortly after.
you struggled to hold back a moan as eren sucked more feverishly on your clit, “ ‘m s-sorry pie’, w-we’ll be — fuckfuck— we’ll be b-back soon.”
pieck stayed silent on the other side for a moment. “ohmygodyouanderenarefucking?!”
eren laughed, the vibrations on your clit causing you to let a loud whine slip past your mouth, one pieck definitely heard.
you hung up on her and threw your phone on the floor some where, focusing back on eren. “that is y-your fault.”
he pulled up and looked at you, the lower half of his face covered in your slick. “i told you to be quiet princess.”
you rolled your eyes as he continued finger fucking you, his tongue slipping to your hole every now and again.
a strange feeling built up in your stomach, making you push him away by his shoulders. “mm— eren wait, f-feels like ‘m gonna—”
his dick twitched at the thought of you squirting from him eating your pussy, so he pushed your hands away. “stop, let me finish.”
“no— eren—”
he grabbed your arms with his free hand and held them to your side, licking at your clit more needly as he could feel your cunt clenching around his fingers. “i got you princess.”
you moaned loudly and the clear liquid drenched your thighs and his sheets, eren’s fingers still working you through your orgasm.
“f-fuck, eren— please—” you moaned desperately, tears sliding down the side of your face as you tried to squeeze your thighs shut.
“give me one more, i know you can y/n,” he mumbled, pulling your thighs open as his fingers working faster, grazing your soft spot every time.
you shook your head, feeling your second orgasm approaching harder than the first one.
“fuckfuckfuck, eren please—” you came around his fingers a second time, moaning loudly.
“there you fucking go,” eren smirked, feeling your cunt squeeze him. he slipped his fingers out and kissed your clit gently before coming back up to kiss you.
“you okay princess?” he asked quietly, looking you in your eyes.
you nodded lazily, fucked out from the two orgasms he gave you. “ ‘m good.”
“good cause i’m not done with you yet,” he exhaled, kissing you again.
he pulled his bottoms down, revealing his white calvin klein boxers that hugged his straining dick.
“this is your fault,” he said mimicking the words you said to him earlier.
you ignored him and palmed at his dick, feeling it twitch under the contact. you pulled his boxers down and let it free, continuing to rub it bare.
“fuckk—” he groaned, “shit, let me get a condom—”
“i’m clean,” you interjected, “and on birth control.”
eren looked slightly taken back. “are you sure ?”
you nodded desperately, “i need you please—”
“well shit. i’m clean too don’t worry,” he reassured you.
you nodded and continued rubbing his dick.
he moaned lowly before grabbing your face, “open.”
you opened your mouth and he stuck his fingers down your throat, the same ones that had been inside you.
he pulled them out and rubbed them on his dick, mixing your spit and his pre-cum.
next time i’ll have to get head, he thinks to himself before lining his dick up with your cunt. you moan loudly as the tip slowly pushed past your pillowy walls, hugging eren tightly.
“shit—” eren cussed as he felt your nails dig into his bicep, “you’re never fuckin’ getting rid of me princess.”
he bottomed out, making you whimper. he stilled, allowing you to adjust to his length. he watched your face for any signs of discomfort before slowly moving in and out of your cunt.
“fuck eren— you feel- so good—” you babbled incoherently, clawing deep marks down his back.
he nodded, lifting your leg to put it over his shoulder to get a better angle. he increased his speed, rubbing at your clit, making you squeeze his cock.
his hips stuttered. “stop doing that, gonna make me cum.”
“i want you to cum in me though,” you said, looking at him through your lashes.
eren scoffed and went deeper, thanks to the angle his tip kept assaulting your sweet spot.
you whimpered, “fuck eren— gonna cum—”
“no you’re not. hold it,” he grunted, gripping your hips and pulling you down to meet his base.
“eren,” you whined.
his pacing slowed down, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he neared his high.
“fuck— princess, i’m gonna cum—” he muttered into your ankle, nibbling slightly.
you squeezed around him at the sensations. he let out a deep moan, his cum painting the insides of your pussy white.
you came as you felt him empty inside of you, digging a crescent shape into his back.
“f-fuck,” you mumbled, watching him pull his dick out.
you whined at the empty feeling, though eren chose to ignore it. “imma be back.”
he picked his boxers up from the floor and pulled them on, walking to his bathroom. he walked out with a warm cloth, gently wiping the insides of your thigh.
“is your back okay? i noticed all the scratches and some were kinda bleeding…” you said sympathetically.
“don’t worry about me, i’ve had worse,” he smiled.
when he finished he put it on his desk and walked back over to you, kissing you gently.
“you good princess?”
you nodded dazed, causing eren to chuckle. he pulled you up and helped you get dressed, allowing you to fix your makeup and hair.
when you left his bedroom the party was still full swing, people dancing and drinking.
“ayeee ! there they are,” porco called out, clapping eren on the back when he sat next to him.
you were about to walk off to sit with pieck and sasha when eren grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap.
you looked at him confused when he muttered in your ear. “didn’t i tell you you’re never getting rid of me ?”
you were sure this time you were blushing, especially when he kissed the dark hickey on your neck.
“alright, we get it, you fucked, get a room,” sasha fake gagged, giggling after.
eren made eye contact with reiner. “she won’t be able to walk next time we get a room.”
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klausysworld · 2 months
I know it's a bit random, but I just had an idea for a Klaus story, which is that Reader goes on a long trip with Klaus and his siblings but they only have one car and Reader has to sit in Klaus lap due to space constraints. Reader and Klaus are kinda friends because she is Elena's little sister, but he often confidently flirts with her, but when she sits on his lap he unintentionally gets hard and that makes him super embarrassed. She notices and he apologizes quietly, trying to make sure his siblings don't notice + smut in the end
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According To Plan
The mikaelson's originally ruined my life. They crash landed into an already chaotic town and destroyed it. First Elijah, then Klaus, then Rebekah, then Mikael, then Kol, Finn and finally Esther.
They put my sister, Elena, at risk all of the time and rarely cared about anyone but themselves. They didn't even care about each other...well I thought they didn't.
Klaus and Elijah scared me for a while and put me on edge because I knew I wasn't significant enough to keep alive but when Rebekah ended up out of her coffin and in town, she seemed to take a liking to me and that got be sucked into all of their family drama.
It started because I was the only girl in school that didn't just pretend she wasn't there. Despite her having a clear hatred toward Elena, she hadn't actually done anything harmful at that point so I didn't see why we were being cruel to her first.
I didn't expect to become her best and only friend in town after that day.
Rebekah hadn't ever laid a threatening hand on me, never spoke low of me or used me for information. She genuinely wanted a friend and I could feel that. I wasn't gonna turn her away because she was Klaus's sister, not until she did something that made her awful.
So I stuck about, helped her pick a homecoming dress which she didn't even get to go to which I was not happy about and neither was Klaus which he made abundantly clear when he accused me of hurting her.
I found her a while later in Damon's dumbass basement, knew I couldn't just wake her up without consequences so made a deal with Klaus. Bex's safety for Jeremy''s safety so I could justify it to Elena and her gang. He went with it and everything worked.
Until this stupid fuck decided to stick her back in a coffin and wait it out.
Shit went down when all the Mikaelsons were up and about. Bekah had me at the mansion the night after her siblings and mother were woken. Klaus and Kol were constantly bickering whilst Elijah looked paler than...well paler than usual and very anxious but Rebekah just shrugged it off. She was just happy to have her mother.
And also to throw a ball.
I was forced to get tailored and have a colour theory assessment to figure what colour, style and fabric my dress needed to be. Elena had always been my mother's focus, she was her miracle, her eldest. So Elena got to have her hair styled, nails done, dresses designed and I would sit at home with my hand-me-downs and Jeremy's toys that I'd steal. It was kinda nice to be dressed up and pretty. I had stared in the mirror for so long, picking every detail apart trying to decide if I loved it because it was me or loved it because it wasn't really me at all. That's when Klaus appeared in the doorway.
"Everyone's arriving, love. Rebekah's downstairs greeting people and waiting ever so eagerly for her dreary date but she wanted me to make sure you came down." He explained the situation and I nodded, taking a breath and heading out the room, brushing past him as I did. The door was pushed shut and he fell in step beside me. "You look gorgeous by the way." He muttered and I rolled my eyes.
"You practicing your lines for when Caroline gets here?" I asked and he let out a breath.
"No, I meant it." He argued and smirked to himself as he took my arm, pulling it to wrap around his own and 'helping' me down the staircase.
"Sure you did. But I wouldn't say 'gorgeous' to Caroline. She already knows she is, pick something a little less common." I muttered and his brows furrowed.
"Like what?" he questioned and I shrugged.
"I don't know...maybe like....ravishing" I whispered, dramatically and sarcastically as we got to the bottom and I let go of his arm, spotting Rebekah looking moody. "Good luck" I gave a thumbs up and he hummed.
"You too."
I won't lie, I did laugh when I overheard him actually call her ravishing. Rebekah didn't get it and just complained about how great Caroline looked, to which I just scoffed and told Bex to go look in the mirror and get a reality check.
The whole dance thing came around and I ended up starting with Kol which was way too funny, he would not stop. Klaus did not look amused when we swapped partners and I was spun into his arms next.
"Believe me, love, Kol is not that funny. You're over selling it and inflating his ego." He complained, a level of bitterness in his tone which I was not expecting.
"I'm sorry, have I offended you by laughing?" I asked, scoffing softly as he pulled my waist closer.
"You haven't offended me." He muttered and that was that.
Tense night guys, tense night. Not as tense as Bekah's though when she wound up in Damon's bed. Thankfully, I woke up in my own.
After that night, there was no way I was getting away from that family.
In a few months Rebekah was a better sister to me than Elena and a better friend than the ones I'd had since kindergarten.
So when everything went down with the cure, I wanted her to have it so that she could live the human life that she had always wanted.
I cried for Kol's life when I came home to his remains on my kitchen floor and Klaus trapped in my living room. Caroline and Tyler didn't say a word as I scraped his ashes into a box and in return I didn't give any argument when Klaus bit Caroline. Instead, I just sat on the sofa opposite Klaus, staring into space as I waited for my phone to light up with some good news from Rebekah, hoping she had the cure for herself after Klaus had revealed that there was only one dose.
Faintly I heard Caroline mumbling about Klaus being in love with her, that made me laugh and dying or not, she didn't like that.
"Oh come on...I mean, he's like a thousand years old Care. He wants to fuck you, he likes the chase because when he finally gets you it feels like a win. You think a dance and a date is the same as love? What's Tyler then? Your soulmate? Is Matt too?" I was taunting a reaction really. I was still mad about Kol, we had become pretty good friends and the others new that and didn't care in the slightest. So yeah, I wanted her to hurt. I wanted all of them to hurt but Caroline always made it clear that she was better than me so having the power in that moment felt especially good.
When Klaus finally gave her a drop of blood, she was storming out of my house and dragging Tyler. Klaus only gave me a look and head nod of some sort of understanding before he gestured to the seat beside him and I moved over. I stayed against him until the barrier dropped and he was able to sort his shit out.
Rebekah didn't get the cure, Silas went crazy on everyone and life fell to fuck again.
Just when things got a little better, Rebekah came bursting through the door.
"You will not believe what my twat of a brother has gone and done!" She yelled, eyes wide and borderline shocked.
"Obviously! You won't even believe- hybrids can reproduce!" She revealed and I choked on nothing.
"Woah- wait. What has he done now?" I asked and she nodded enthusiastically.
"He got some wolf girl pregnant! They're in New Orleans right now. Keeping the baby! Elijah's there too, convinced they'll be some happy family." She muttered and I stared, completely gobsmacked.
Took a week but eventually she agreed to go too and I was beyond curious as to how this was gonna play out so took my place and kept by them.
People were dying left right and centre, wolves and witches and vampires. It was a war zone 24/7 until the day Hope was born and pronounced dead only she wasn't dead. Never had I ever been so tired. It was like a never ending game of tennis, whacking problems back and forth non stop.
And yet, somehow, no matter who had just been slaughtered, Klaus would have a comment to throw at me. Whether it be as simple as "Who are we all dressed up today for?" on a random Tuesday or as vulgar as "Christ love, do you want the whole city tearing that dress off?" when Bex and I were heading out for a fun mnight.
Touching also became increasingly common. Hands on my shoulders when he's stood behind me or my hips to keep my still. Waist if I needed to be stuck at his side, like if there was a threat, and arm with his whenever there was a dance even when I wasn't his date.
Rebekah had made many comments, Hayley too but I was a firm denier. A very firm denier for years. Years.
Hope grew up to be a far to aware child. In fact she asked at least a dozen times if I was her second mommy because her daddy and I were in love. When I told her we weren't in love, she would raise both brows and say a very sarcastic "Okaaay, whatever you say." And leave me speechless every damn time.
Even Kol was laughing. Wasn't having it.
But that stupid trip was definitely a set up. Not just by Kol or Bekah or Hayley, every single last Mikaelson and their fuckers.
Hope wanted to see the grand canyon. Somehow it became an entire family holiday/trip/plan situation to go to Arizona for a week, maybe visit California and blah blah blah.
We had two five seater cars. And somehow eleven people were going.
The car situation needed to be considerate of how many hours we would be in the cars and how likely arguments were.
"I'm not being in a car with Kol for over twenty hours." Klaus protested immediately and Davina nodded.
"Please don't put me in a car with Klaus." She muttered whilst Kol just grinned.
"I wanna go with Auntie Bekah and Auntie Freya!" Hope chimmed in and both sisters laughed in agreement.
"I can drive one of the cars?" Keelin offered and they nodded.
"Woah, wait." Hayley shook her head. "If Rebekah's there, where's Marcel? He can't be with Klaus or Elijah if we want to make it there without screaming."
I just stared, there wasn't enough space and I technically wasn't family and I wasn't dating or married to anyone there so I was ready to just stay home.
"We can drive with you, Elijah and Klaus?" Keelin replied to Hayley, reffering to both her and Freya who nodded.
"Yeah, then Kol, Davina, Bex, Marcel and Hope can go together and Hope still gets Bex. We can swap around halfway? We'll need to stop and sleep at a hotel or something anyway." Freya summarised and everyone nodded before Rebekah's eyes fell on me, I just shook my head at her to tell her it was fine but once we started our silent conversation others began to take notice.
"Y/N, you'll be in the car with us" Hayley said as though it was obvious.
"Sure but there's no room. You, Elijah, Keelin, Freya and Klaus-"
"Why's my name last?" Klaus interjected and I rolled my eyes.
"-There's ten seats and eleven of us. It's fine, I can stay here and you know...water the plants and stuff." I muttered, glancing around at the neglected, very dead plants.
"Of course not, you have to come." Elijah argued and I was slightly surprised it was him to say anything first though we had gotten closer over the years.
They all started mumbling between themselves before Kol just piped up.
"Oh come on! Just sit in my lap darling, you know I wouldn't drop you" He winked and Davina smacked her lips before delivering a swift smack to the side of his head and relishing in his yelp.
That's when everyone's eyes darted to Klaus.
"Just...sit on Nik's lap." Rebekah shrugged and I was ready to slap this bitch.
"Really, I'll just stay here and see the pictures." I backed out and Klaus frowned.
"What's wrong with my lap, love? You didn't protest to Kol's. I'm a much better option and much safer than a seatbelt." He defended and I sighed.
"No, it's decided. You'll be with me."
And that was that. Nothing I said was even heard after that, by anyone I swear.
Which was how I ended up telling Klaus that I was not sitting on his hands.
"Oh don't act like you wouldn't love to feel my hands holding that tight-"
"Klaus. Finish that sentence and I'm gonna smack you before sitting on Elijah's lap." I warned and he shut his mouth with a cocky smirk on his face.
Keelin was driving, Freya in the passenger, Elijah at behind Freya, Hayley in the middle cuddled up to the suited original and Klaus sat behind Keelin with my begrudgingly on his lap. His arms were wrapped round my body acting the same as a seat belt and also forcing my back to be against his chest after I tried to just perch on his knee and he called me ridiculous.
I lasted fifteen minutes of him whispering teasing comments into my ear about other ways we could end up with me on his lap before I had my headphones on to block him out.
We planned to do a stop at the services after five hours, less if Hope needed to use the bathroom or got hungry for something other than the snacks.
I got comfy after the first hour, letting myself relax against him and enjoy the drive. Three hours in he got fidgety and I paused the song to try ask what he was doing but then I felt it.
I don't think he knew my music had stopped when he cussed quietly and tried to move his hips back a bit. I wasn't sure whether shifting would make it better or worse as his cock only seemed to be getting more prominent against my ass.
I glanced to the side, seeing Hayley and Elijah both with headphones in and watching a film on an ipad before glancing up front to Freya and Keelin who were singing along to the radio up front.
Slowly I reached and pulled my headphones down around my neck and cleared my throat softly. He tensed against me and sucked in a breath.
"You okay?" I whispered, making sure to keep quiet and he placed his hand against the side of the car, pushing himself up to sit straighter but it just felt lift he pressed against me more.
"Fuck- sorry" He muttered, his voice breaking a little and he sounded weirdly panicked.
I expected him to make a flirty comment like normal, maybe even get touchy but he was actually...embarrassed?
"It's...okay" I murmured and pulled myself forward so I wasn't touching his crotch. "It's not long till we stop now anyway" I told him as I glanced at the sat nav.
We stayed like that for a while before some cry pulled in front of us unexpectedly and Keelin had to slam the breaks. I felt my body go forward before Klaus's arms pulled my straight back against him before my face could hit the back of the seat in front. My hands grabbed onto his arms as my heart rate spiked with adrenaline and my breathing sped up.
"It's alright love." he whispered against my ear whilst Keelin called an apology back to us. We stayed pressed right against each other regardless of his hard-on.
By the time we got to the services Klaus had nearly thrust his hips at least six times.
He went straight for the bathroom when we got there while I headed for the McDonald’s queue with Hope and Kol.
By the time we were getting back in the car, Klaus looked rough,.
Face pink, eyes refusing to look anywhere other than straight and had most definitely not resolved his problem. That was clear when he sat back down in the car and grimaced to himself.
I sat back in his lap and bit down on my lip. The others hadn't gotten I yet, they were swapping Freya and Keelin for Rebekah and Marcel with high hopes for no tension before we got to a hotel.
"Is there anything I can do to-"
"Please don't offer anything right now." He whispered, his jaw clenching making me hold a laugh. I sighed and turned round in his lap to face him.
"It's not a big deal" I told him and he frowned.
"It's embarrassing and we still have hours." He muttered. Honestly this was the perfect opportunity to tease him like he does me usually but he was actually stressed.
"Klaus, I don't mind. It's flattering, really." I told him gently. "Besides you can't help it, I'm just great." I shrugged and he smiled.
"Mhm, you're irresistible love." he chuckled and I hummed.
"Exactly, anyone would get turned on with my tight ass on their lap." I tease, using his words from earlier to make him laugh but it also made his cock twitch beneath me. My eyes glanced down and it made him shift. "Did you try to uh...get rid of it?" I asked, referring to when he ran to the bathroom.
"I tried to." He mumbled and turned me around so my back was to him as the other doors opened and Rebekah slid in beside us, grinning brightly and leaning over to hug me.
We chatted for the majority of the second half, Bex complained that Kol wouldn't stop singing in the other car and so on. Klaus's hands would clench every now and then if I moved too much or the car jolted but that didn't happen very often with how sensibly Elijah drove.
We got to the chosen hotel a full thirty minutes later than the others because Elijah wouldn't drive a single mile faster than the speed limit.
When we arrived we were only handed three room keys. Kol had gotten himself and Davina a room, Keelin and Freya room, Bekah and Marcel, and then another double bed room and a family room. Hope wanted to be with her mom so she came out of Freyas to go with Hayley and Elijah to the family room and Klaus and I had to share.
It would have been a whole lot less awkward if he hadn't had his erection for the entire day pressed against me but we powered through. Rebekah could be heard giggling to Marcel when they closed their door, waving at me with cocky smiles.
Klaus went straight in the shower so I put the TV on to drown out whatever he was doing (we all know what he was doing). He came out over half an hour later, face still pink as he glanced at me. I couldn't help but look and much to my surprise his cock was still pressing against his sleep pants.
"I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled as he got in bed beside me and rolled to face the opposite direction. I sighed quietly and went to the bathroom to get into my travel pyjamas before laying down next to him. The bed was definitely only a queen, we were pretty much touching the whole time no matter how close to the edge I was. I stared up at the ceiling for ages. It was so dark that I could barely see anything but I could tell that he was awake too, especially when he moved round to face me. I turned my head to look at him, my eyes squinting to make out his face with the tiny bit of moonlight that slipped past the curtains.
The silence was loud when his forehead pressed to mine and his eyes closed.
Thoughts come much easier when it's late. All ideas seem like good ones.
So I didn't really consider what I was doing when my hand slipped down to his crotch. He grunted softly when I cupped his bulge through the cotton. I looked down, watching my hand slip under his his waistband.
"Love..." He whispered before a groan left his lips when my fingers wrapped around his cock. My teeth bit down on my own tongue as I took his thickness into consideration. It was so quiet beside his heavy breathing as I stroked him firmly, his arm went around me and pulled me right up against him and his face nuzzled the crook of my neck.
It definitely wasn't a position I thought I'd end up in when this trip was planned but I couldn't say I wasn't enjoying it a bit. I let go of his length and he made a sound that closely resembled a whimper. I licked my hand a few times, coating my skin in saliva before sliding it along his shaft.
"Oh bloody hell" He muttered as his hips jumped up into my hand. I felt my eyes widen slightly at the full feel of him from tip to base. I squeezed him in my hand, feeling a sense of pride at how hard I had gotten him from doing literally nothing.
I felt his hand on the back of my head, pulling me down until our lips pressed together. His skin was warm against min and the sheets ensured that as our mouths moved in sync. His body moved like a wave to thrust his cock back and forth in my grip but I could feel him getting frustrated as he nipped my bottom lip, drawing blood.
I pulled away with a strained moan and squeezed his dick again. "Klaus, you gotta slow down" I whispered but he shook his head.
"I'm close-" he panted, "I just..." his hips kept bucking but I could tell he was struggling.
I opened my hand, letting go of him making him let out an angry cry. I knew he wanted to question me but his words halted in his throat when I moved my lips to his jaw, slowly but surely kissing lower down his body.
He went tense when I reached his cock before both his hands scooped my hair into a makeshift ponytail and I took his head into my mouth. We both took deep breathes for different reasons as he pushed my head down, I could feel my saliva dripping down his length as his head stroked the back of my mouth and teased my throat. I pulled up and his arms relaxed, letting me bob my head along his cock but taking him deeper when he pushed down. My eyes kept closing as I forced myself not to gag. I could taste him getting closer, his tip leaked against my tongue as I rolled it over the top half. His hands tightened their hold on my hair and his thighs tensed either side of me.
He held me down when he came making me gag as warm fluid hit the back of my throat. His hands dug into my scalp and I could hear him groaning as I swallowed it down.
My head shot up with a gasp for air and a soft laugh as he laid back against the pillows taking slow breaths. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and sat up.
I laid back down beside him and silence fell back over us but it wasn't as bad this time.
We must've fallen asleep sometime after because when I opened my eyes it was light in the room and my head was using Klaus's chest as a pillow.
For a second I thought that what had happened was a dream but when I pulled myself up the memories flooded in quickly and I looked down at Klaus who looked all the more ready to fuck me quite simply. Pupils blown, lips parted as he eyed me up and down like a piece of meat.
"Oh fuck." I cursed, running my hand through my hair and getting out of bed. I ignored his presence entirely and went to wash my face and get changed before leaving the room with my travel bag and knocking repeatedly on Rebekah's door.
She finally answered looking disheveled and very clearly just stopped having sex with Marcel but I didn't care.
"Breakfast now." I demanded, grabbing her arm and dragging her.
I wouldn't tell her what happened but she knew something had happened especially when everyone else arrived and Klaus just stared at me. Bekah glanced back and forth three times before raising both brows and sipping her coffee.
He seemed annoyed when I continued to ignore him for the next section of the car ride. So when we got to the services and I headed for the starbucks line, he was ride behind me. His hands were on my hips and I could feel his chest just brushing my shoulder-blades as we stood not so patiently.
"You're acting as though I've murdered your family pet, love." He murmured against the back of my ear making me sigh; I miss when he was embarrassed and quiet. I didn't reply to him and he huffed. "You weren't this rude last night-"
I elbowed him straight in the stomach making him wince before chuckling as his hands slipped round my waist. I wish I could say it made me feel uncomfortable but it just felt right in the most infuriating way. I continued to ignore him as I got to the till and made the order for myself, Bex and Hayley. Klaus got his card in before I could even reach into my pocket and I just went over to the waiting line. He was back on me in a second and pretty much breathing down my neck.
"Why are you being so cold, love? I thought we had a moment...or a few moments." He trailed and I clenched my jaw. He was teasing and it wasn't funny to me. I shouldn't have even thought about touching him like I had. He was my best friends brother for christs sake and I had to see him everyday, he was the worst person to get complicated with.
"You thought wrong." I mumbled and his hand squeezed my hip.
"Don't tell me you help out all of your friends like last ni-"
"Klaus would you just shut up? Last night was really, really stupid." I muttered.
"It wasn't stupid when you had your mouth on my cock, love." He hissed into my ear and I felt my face flush with embarrassment. Hated how the tables had turned.
I didn't bother saying anything else to him as I grabbed the drinks and shoved past him.
Back in the car we were both silent, so was everyone else. The tension was built.
When we finally got to the luxury hotel we were staying in I was quick to go to my own room, refusing help with my case and just going to set up for the next few days.
I'd just had a shower and done my hair when my door knocked. I had a robe wrapped round my otherwise bare body when I unlocked the door and opened it only to push it shut again but Klaus's hand caught it and he forced his way inside. "We have a lot to discuss."
"We really don't Klaus." I sighed as I sat down at the vanity.
"First of all-" He stared and I groaned, "last night was a long time coming. Perhaps not the blow job-"
"Klaus!" I scolded, throwing my arms up knowing that everyone's rooms were just behind a couple thin walls.
"-but the whole snapping of...lets say tension. Lets just be honest love, it's not exactly a surprise that we're attracted to each other." He chuckled and I narrowed my eyes.
"Well hold on. You're attracted to me, you're the one who couldn't get rid of his boner for an entire day. If I hadn't gotten rid of it then I would have had to've dealt with it all day today too." I defended but we both knew it was bullshit.
"Oh? So you didn't kiss me? Didn't look me in the eye whilst you wrapped your lips-"
"Why have you always got to make everything a big deal?"
"It is a big deal. I didn't ask you to do that, I didn't even tease the idea. You wanted it, you did it." He was getting angrier and it was worse because I knew I was wrong but I'd gone too far to succumb to that now.
"You could've just gone to sleep but you turned over and gave me that stupid look!" I argued and he scoffed.
"What look?"
"You know exactly what look. Your eyes do that thing."
His eyes narrowed momentarily and he stepped closer. "Oh? Am I doing it now?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.
"No." I muttered but as I glanced back up at him I could feel his gaze intensifying and the blue of them storming over.
"No?" He tilted his head and reached his hand out to cup my face. I clenched my jaw and stared at him uneasily. His fingers stroked along my jaw gently but his grip was rough as he crouched down in front of me to be eye-level.
"Stop it." I whispered but I didn't really mean it and he knew that so when he got closer and pressed his mouth along the length of my neck my protests were almost nonexistent.
"You've been cruel to me all day." He muttered as his hands pushed the fabric of my robe down. "Cold...rude..." He mumbled as he kissed the skin of my cleavage whilst his hands untied the material round my waist so it fell open.
"Klaus" I uttered, slight resistance in my tone as I become exposed to his eyes. I pressed my thighs together so he couldn't see between them as his eyes dragged down my body. His kisses kept going to my breasts alongside his hands.
"Is this stupid too, love?" He chuckled as he glided his tongue over my left nipple making my nerves light up.
"You have to stop" I whispered and he nipped the flesh in his mouth causing my body to jolt and a gasp leaving my throat.
"Why?" He chuckled
"You're Bekah's brother." I muttered and he fully laughed.
"Don't behave as if I was every just Rebekah's brother." He grinned and pinched both my nipples between his fingers making this a whole lot harder. "That second I saw you, I knew I'd have you. From that ball where you looked gorgeous whether you believed it or not...to seeing you hold my child, feeling you wash the blood from my hands, feeding me your blood when I needed it. You've always been mine." As if to make his point he pressed a kiss to my lips and slid both hands to my knees before pushing my legs apart.
I wave of embarrassment hit me but I wasn't strong enough to close them with his hands there. "I don't feel...gorgeous" I whispered, wanting to hide my body from his view.
"Well you should." He uttered back, a firmness to his voice which held no nonsense before his mouth pressed a series of kisses down my stomach before I felt the heat of his lips on my core.
My eyes drooped slightly at the sensation and my fingers slid into his hair, curling around the soft curls as my gaze met his and his tongue slid out from his soft lips to stroke my clit. He licked at me so slowly, heating my body up more and more with each delicate touch. His hands slide under my thighs and guided my legs over his shoulders so I was barely sat on the chair as his face disappeared between my legs and his mouth clung onto my pussy. My grip on his hair tightened and a series of cries left me.
His actions gained speed and pressure whilst he went. I could feel my lower stomach twisting in pleasure, wanting nothing more than to feel the high I knew he could give me.
As my eyes closed, I knew now why Klaus was as cocky as he was. Any man with this much power over a woman would be as cocky as he. I'd never felt so utterly vulnerable and yet completely uncaring for the consequences at once. The knowledge of the fact that his siblings and our friends might hear fell right out of my head as I moaned his name as loud and as often as I could as my body and mind expressed it's raw emotion to his touch.
My body went back and I pressed my hand to the chair to keep myself up as he buried into my thighs and plunged his talented tongue in and out of me without slowing. Heat spilled from inside of me, rushing into his mouth and fuelling him to suck and slurp. The sound brought an unbelievable surge of want through me; my hips ground up against his face and I felt a deep chuckle leave him and vibrate through me in response before he pulled off of me. He licked his lips and swiped his sleeve over his chin before grabbing my thighs again and lifting me up before swinging me round and tossing me down.
I felt the air leave my lungs as my back hit the bed.
He was on me before I could take a breath and the robe was dragged completely from my body. His hands grabbed my wrists and my arms were pinned above my head. I could feel my chest moving up at down, the only sound I could hear was my breathing. His lips were moving but no sound was coming out until a loud banging sound broke my daze.
Within seconds I had a sheet wrapped right round me and Klaus had me gathered behind him.
"Oh for fucks sake- We're going out for dinner! You could have waited-" Rebekah's voice shrieked and I felt hot for different reasons.
"Would you get out- we're coming!" Klaus yelled and Rebekah gagged making him scoff.
I felt him turn to me but I was just staring at the closed door. His hand rubbed down the back of my body slowly before he leant down to kiss my lips firmly but shortly.
"We'll finish this after dinner, I promise you love." He muttered into my ear before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me off the bed and grabbing my suitcase. "Let's get you dressed and get out of here before I somehow lose my clothes too" He teased.
By the time we got out there everyone was stood waiting bar Hayley, Elijah and Hope. I went to ask but Rebekah just grabbed my hand and dragged me. Immediately I went to apologise but she started before I could. "Oh my god! I mean, I thought the car ride would build some tension but I wasn't expecting it to snap so easily- did you two have sex in the hotel yesterday!? Wait no don't tell me ew!" She exasperated.
"No! We didn't...have..sex." I muttered and I could feel her staring.
"I wanna ask but I really also don't..." She whispered and I nodded.
"Good shout." I mumbled and we kept walking ahead of the others. "Hope-?" I questioned.
"Hayley took her to the restaurant early to check she liked the menu, thank god."
"Oh shut up. This is your fault. You planned this." I muttered.
"Well...me and everyone else."
I love that you can just read my moodswings through this as I just didn’t know whether to make it completely fluffy, angsty or smutty. I really loved the request but I’m not really sure I did it justice
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pepsiboyy · 3 months
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pairing: chris sturniolo x reader summary: the things that run through christopher's mind when taking you out to prom, and he finally decides to tell you he loves you for the first time. warnings: fluff !!, established relationship a/n: i NEEDED TO POST SOMETHING i hope u guys love this!! love this guy fr ):
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chris's mind never stopped racing from the moment his eyes had opened in the morning.
standing in front of the mirror to adjust his tie for thirty minutes before stomping to his mom to help him out, his face pink with anticipation at the thought of seeing you today.
when matt pulled up front of your house to pick you up and chris insisted to go to the door and greet you - his brothers had no idea that he would be invited inside.
the way chris nervously tapped his leg with his fingers as he waited for you to emerge from your bedroom, sipping at the water that your parents had offered him.
and the look on his face when his eyes met yours. or you, rather.
they ran across your hair, your shoulders, your waist, your face... every part of you.
he was so in awe and his entire face lit up when you called him out for it. "you done starin'?"
"i was not staring."
the way your fingers interlocked with his as you both walked into the building, loud music heard from outside.
your hand fit so perfectly in his, he thought.
"can we get a drink?" your voice tore him from his thoughts and he smiled at you with that look you knew all too well.
"of course. let's get you whatever you want."
chris would sit with his brothers for a little bit while you ran off with your friends and danced with them, but his eyes never left you.
"dude, are you even listening?" nick smacked chris on the back of his head, resulting in chris swinging around and raising his hand threateningly.
"you really like her, don't you?" matt spoke up.
chris let out a deep sigh of defeat, slumping slightly in his seat. "i think i love her."
nick and matt both exchanged glances before they both shrugged. "we know," they said in unison, making chris's ears redden.
"what do you mean you know, there's no possible way you know. i mean seriously, i don't make it that obvious-"
your hand rested on chris's shoulder to lean over past him and grab your drink. you didn't even know how nervous you made him.
"you guys don't look like you're having fun!" you shouted over the music.
the boys would shrug and defend themselves, but chris's eyes never left yours. the small smile he had on his face never left, even when you grabbed his hands and pulled him onto the dancefloor with you.
the way chris's hands would snake around your waist when the music died down, your own arms raising to gently wrap around his neck and shoulders. his blue eyes remain locked onto your own, that smile never leaving his face.
"why are you cheesing?" you questioned with a smile, making chris chuckle softly and shake his head.
"you look beautiful tonight," he stated softly.
you felt your face heat up. "well- you look... not too bad yourself."
"ouch." chris smiled as he moved a hand to gently cup your cheek, where you subconsciously leaned your cheek against.
"no but, really.. you look great." your cheeks heated up, and chris couldn't to do anything other than smile lovingly at you.
your eyes remained locked, both smiling brightly at one another.
the music was soft, yet loud, and the voices of the many people in the room made it hard to process what exactly was going on.
but nothing mattered to either of you.
all that you could hear was each other down to the breath, and the music seemed to fade out, of feel muffled between each of your words.
"you know something," chris whispers softly, his forehead gently pressing against yours. "in a room full of people, it feels like it's just us two."
you smiled, closing your eyes softly as you swayed your body beside chris. "i agree."
chris took a deep breath, his eyes closed as well, before he gently pulled you impossibly closer to him.
"i love you."
your eyes snapped open as you smiled widely. "r- really?"
chris's face was the deepest shade of red to exist, but he kept it up. "i love everything about you. your name, your smile, your charm, even down to your terrible... terrible jokes."
you smacked him on the arm before chuckling and pulling chris into a tight hug, which he reciprocated just as tightly.
"i love you too, dummy."
chris smiled warmly at this and pulled away from the hug to gently take your chin between his thumb and index finger. he pulled you towards him and into a soft kiss, his eyes closed as his curly bangs tickled the bridge of your nose.
your arms wrapped back around his shoulders and neck, and you two enjoyed the last few moments of the song, embraced within one another.
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⚜ masterlist ⚜
taglist;; @sturnsxplr-25 @vampiree-555 @wh0resstuff @jetaimevous @sturnioloshacker @lovesturni0l0s
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onelittlespiral · 5 months
I’ve been looking for a fraternity to join at my new college, but none of them have really been letting me in. The only one left seems to be full of horny jocks that are dumber than a bag of bricks. Think you could help me… fit in?
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As you laid it all out in front of your friend, your plans, your goals, your desires, he just kind of shook his head in disbelief:
“I know that I’ve only known you for a few weeks, but damn that’s disappointing.”
“What’s so wrong about wanting to pledge?” you replied, “It would just make getting connected the university so much easier. Plus, the parties are legendary.”
“No I get it,” he scowled, “but really? Pi Kappa Epsilon?”
“Listen, they weren’t my first choice either. I would have preferred a group a little less… dim.” I knew he wouldn’t leave it there.
“Dim? Dim still implies some light on upstairs. You can just call them what they are: brainless frat bros. They think with their dicks and muscle their way through academics. I can’t believe you’re asking me to use my power for this.” He began walking towards the door.
I called after, “Look, I’ve seen you do crazier shit than this. You turned the guy upstairs into a dog for a week.”
He stopped in the door frame for a minute to chuckle, “If he was going to call the RA a bitch he may as well get first hand experience.”
“Please dude.” I stared at him.
After a moment he relented, “Fine. But are you sure you want this? You want to change for this? A frat?”
“Yes. And I promise I’ll get you into any party you want!”
“Fine. Give me a bit. But remember, you asked for it.”
He returned in a bit and tossed me a necklace from across the room, “Here’s your frat solution. Wear this to your next thing with them at their house.”
You inspected it. It looked like a basic chain necklace like you had seen other guys wear around “And do what? What does it do?”
He rolled his eyes, “And do nothing. It will help you fit into the frat, I promise.”
“No magic words or anything?” I asked.
He grinned, “Oh come on, think of me as better than needing all that crap. Now put it on so you don’t lose it.”
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It fits well around your neck, “I’m headed over there tonight, I think it is the last event before they drop everyone. You sure this will work?”
“Trust me,” he says, “You want in the frat? You will be in the frat.”
When you arrive at the frat house, you do feel the necklace almost pulling you inside. It feels warm against your chest as you wander around, talking with some brothers and checking in with your fellow pledges. You get a sense of magnetism from it, like the necklace is pulling the frat house around it towards you. As the party kicks into gear, you focus less on the chain and more on socializing. But whatever it’s effect, it seems to be working. Brothers and other pledges are seeming to stumble over themselves trying to talk with you. Even the pledge master gives a knowing glance and tilts his head in approval. In a little under two hours, you begin to feel more at home in the house, more comfortable in the crowd. Maybe for the first time you feel a sense of brotherhood. So it is a shock when you step into the bathroom to take a piss and take a look in the mirror.
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You don’t recognize the face that stared back. You blinked in confusion, assuming you had too much to drink. But no. The stranger in the mirror stared back into your eyes, copying your every move as you tilted your head and inspected your face in awe. The trance broke as you glanced down and saw the truth. Your polo shirt stretched against your chest as two pectorals firmly pushed out, flexing with each breath. Your pants had grown tight around my quads, now a good few inches short. They hugged your ass so tightly you were surprised they hadn’t ripped. Tattoos flowed down your arms, newly ripped and well toned. You noticed for the first time the power you felt coursing through your veins. You could almost feel your skin taut against your muscles as they slowly swelled. You pulled your top off to get a better look at the action.
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‘Damn I look good’ you think as you admire the new cum gutters and still developing 6-pack. You try out a few poses in the mirror, just to see the muscles move. The necklace is no joke. No way PKE would drop you now, you looked like you fit right in. But, at the same time, you figured it may be time to get the necklace off. You didn’t want to change too much, and no telling how far it would go. You go for the back of your neck and and start to fiddle with the clasp when the necklace suddenly starts to warm up.
You feel the odd magnetism is no longer subtle. It feels as though the necklace is pulling against the frat house you, drawing it’s very essence towards you. At the same time, the growth within your body stops as the necklace channels all its energy towards your head. The sudden spike hits like a migraine, as you let go of the necklace and go to hold your temples. The necklace wants to finish its work. Your senses are sharpened to a point, as you feel the heat of the bros downstairs, taste cheap beer and seltzers, hear every footstep, see every muscle and bulge, and smell 100 horny men all at once. You feel the pure energy of the fraternity pull through your body as it shapes you. Beneath the pressure, your mind buckles as false memories push their way in. Memories of watching college football on TV. Working out during the summer to become a fucking stud. Playing the field as soon as you got to college. Meeting up with some brothers to get a foot in the door. Getting called a fuckboi for the first time on Tinder. Wearing it like a badge of pride.
Your brain throbbed as the energy reshaped your memories and personality, but your balls churned as it began to adjust your libido. They ached as they swelled to the size of golf balls. Your cock was rigid at attention as you grabbed it with both meaty hands and started to pump. Your body writhed as every stroke only makes the pleasure more intense. You are soon hot with the effort. An aura of testosterone and sweat formed around you as a frat funk sets in deep: a mixture of booze, yesterday’s workout, and cheap cologne. The smell only drives you more wild, and you start to feel your brain short circuit. Your mind, consumed by pleasure, gave into the pressure and lost any remaining will to resist. The necklace pulsed in time with your throbbing cock as it buried the old you. As you reached climax, you knew there was no going back. As you shot your load across the room, a new you was released. A dumb, horny frat bro ready to pledge PKE.
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And then the door behind you opened.
The pledge master, apparently worried by how long you had been in here, walked in on your afterglow as you tucked your cock back into your pants.
“Hey man, you okay?” he asked before recoiling a step. You watched as he smelled your rank funk and nearly gagged. You took a step closer.
“Yeah bro, better than ever. What about you? You look like you’re about to vomit.” you said, leaning in a bit closer. You flex your muscles and let your pit stench join the lingering cloud. You feel yourself start to harden again as he tried not to react.
“Bro, you are fucking rank. You smell like a… like a-”
“Like a frat house should?” you taunted. He had stopped recoiling and seemed now to be fighting a different urge.
“I don’t know bro, you should get- get that looked at.”
His eyes were focused on your muscles as you slowly flexed them rhythmically to the music downstairs. I felt the necklace pulling him closer as he fought the urges he is having. Fuck, you remembered that feeling, that pull towards desire. You knew how to help him out though. You grabbed the back of his head and pulled his lips to your pecs. As his lips connected with your flesh and tasted the beads of sweat that rolled down your chest, he wrapped his arms around you and began worshiping your muscles. As he kissed and licked every inch of your chest and washboard abs, he gently rubbed against your rigid cock. It wasn’t long before he was licking at the fabric separating his mouth from his prize. But as he reached for the elastic band around your waist, you grabbed his hair and pulled him up.
Your mind reveled in in the power you held in your hands and the pleasure your new frat bro could cause with his mouth. But you only had one thing left on you mind:
“I wanna be in the frat bro.” You said.
He mumbled as his mouth still searched for your flesh, “Yeah man, sure thing. I’ll make it happen. You can be a frat bro. Just please let me suck on your-“
“No,” you boomed. You pulled him out of the bathroom and into the nearest bedroom, locking the door behind you. You grabbed his ass as he grew limp in your hands, “I want to be in the frat bro.” You slip your hand beneath his gym shorts and begin slowly finger fucking his tight, straight hole.
He understood his place as he slipped off his shorts and underwear, leaving his cheeks on full display.
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He moaned like he was in heat, “Yeah bro. Please. I would be so honored.”
You bent him over and spat in his quivering hole before you pressed your cock against him. You didn’t wait for him to relax as you slammed your cock as deep as you could and watched him yelp in surprise. As you slowly sped up and heard him start to moan, you felt the necklace once again start to warm against my chest as its power flowed through your cock and into the bro beneath you. He too began to sweat with the funk of the frat as was remade in its image under your guidance. He was going to become just as unified with PKE as you were.
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notsosweetchan · 6 months
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Warning: Smut (Minors Do Not Interact )
Paring - Minho x Reader -
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- Ink and Affection -
Getting tattooed by her hot tattoo artist Minho, Y/N m was starting to feel a little lightheaded from the pain and his sexy voice.,"You're doing so well," Minho cooed, his voice sending shivers down Y/N's spine. "Just a little longer, and we'll have this masterpiece finished.“ His tattoo gun buzzed gently, the vibrations against her skin both calming and invigorating at the same time.
The stinging of the needle had dulled into a tolerable throb, replaced by a kind of intoxicating endorphin high. The tattoo parlor around them seemed to melt away as they worked, leaving only the two of them in their own private world.
Minho's strong hands guided the machine with practiced precision, his every movement deliberate yet artful. He was lost in his craft, the epitome of focused intensity.
Y/N couldn't help but admire the way his biceps flexed under his sleeves as he moved, or how his forearm tattoos danced along with each stroke. "Almost done," he muttered to himself more than to Y/N, the tension in the air practically palpable.
"I just need to add a few more finishing touches." As the last few lines etched themselves into her skin, Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine, less from the pain and more from the anticipation of what was to come. The tattoo gun hummed its final vibration before Minho put it down and stepped back to admire his work.
In the mirror, Y/N caught a glimpse of their reflection, marveling at the intricate design that now adorned her body. A delicate lotus flower blossomed from her collarbone, its petals extending across her shoulder blade in a sea of vibrant purples and pinks.
It was breathtaking. "Oh my god," she breathed, awe and disbelief mingling in her voice. "Minho, it's... it's perfect." He smiled, his eyes twinkling with pride. "I'm glad you like it." Their faces were so close now, their breath mingling in the space between them. Y/N could smell the faint scent of ink and aftershave on him, intoxicating and heady.
Her heart hammered against her ribcage as their eyes locked in a heated stare. It was the purest of seconds, suspended in time. She swore she could feel the electricity arcing between them, a live wire waiting to be touched. The tension was so thick, Y/N could practically taste it on her tongue.
But just as she was about to close the distance between them, Minho cleared his throat, stepping back and pretending nothing had ever happened. "Well, let's get this wrapped up and you can take a look at it properly," he said briskly, his professional demeanor returning as if by magic. Y/N felt a pang of disappointment but nodded mutely, trying desperately to hide the flush that crept up her cheeks.
Y/N has coming to his shop for the last3 months now getting 6 tattoos done by him, all for the chance to get closer to him. The most he had ever done was touch her hand once when she was wincing in pain. Maybe she was just seeing things that weren't there. “Hmm?” He looked up, a questioning eyebrow raised.
“Do you tattoo a lot of girls in here? The moment Y/N said it, she regretted it. “Why do you ask?He asked, a half-smirk playing on his lips. “No reason,” Y/N mumbled, the edge of the chair burning against her chest “I’m just curious I guess.”Minho chuckled lightly as he tied off the last of the bandage. “Y/N, I tattoo A lot of girls but none of the are as pretty as you.” heat crept into her cheeks as she looked away.
"You can't handle the truth, huh?" He sneers, leaning closer to her. She can see the tattoos on his arms and feels a shiver run down her spine. Just moments ago, he was giving her that same piercing look. Now, he's leaning over her, his arms resting on the cold armrests of the chair, his hand gently cupping her cheek. his hand and tilted her face to look at him. “I... I, I” she couldn’t get a word out, her heart hammering in her ears.
“ It’s okay Y/N, I’m into you too.” He whispered before closing the few inches between them and kissed her. Y/N's world swirled as Minho's lips met hers, soft yet insistent. His hands found their way into her hair, cradling her headas the kiss deepened. Her senses flooded with his scent, his touch, and the thrumming energy between them.
For a moment, all she could think about was him, the pain of the tattoo forgotten in the face of this newfound pleasure. Breaking away for air, Minho trailed kisses down her jaw to her neck, before whispering in her ear, "I've been wanting to do that for months." A shiver ran down Y/N's spine at his admission, and she couldn't help but smile.
"You could have just said something earlier," she managed to joke, her voice breathless. Minho chuckled, his lips ghosting along her jawline. "I like the chase," he teased. His hands found their way under her shirt, tracing the lines of the new tattoo with feather-light touches that made Y/N shiver anew.
As they remained entangled on the tattoo table, all thoughts of propriety and workplace ethics flew out the window. In this stolen moment, all that mattered was the two of them and the undeniable attraction that had been simmering between them for so long. Their movements became more urgent, fueled by months of pent-up longing and suppressed desire.
Minho caressed every inch of newly inked skin, as if committing each line and curve to memory. Y/N arched into his touch, moaning softly as he hit all the right spots. "I want you, Y/N," he breathed against her ear, his voice rough with need. "Tell me I'm not the only one thinking this is a good idea."
"God, yes," she managed to gasp, wrapping her trembling legs around his waist. "I've wanted you since the moment I walked into this damn shop.
"With that as permission, Minho wasted no time in standing her up and hiking her up on the counter, mindful of her fresh tattoo. He quickly unbuttoned her pants, revealing lacy panties that were already soaked through.
"Damn," he voice hoarsely, "You're soaked for me?" Y/N blushed in embarrassment but didn't deny it. She bit her lip as he slid her panties down her thighs and tossed them onto the floor. Minho's heated gaze raked over every inch of her exposed skin, as if he couldn’t believe she was really here with him.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he said reverently, before dipping his head to kiss her mound through her folds.
His tongue swirled around her entrance, licking her sensitive folds and teasingly circling her clit. Y/N moaned loudly, gripping the counter for support as wave after wave of pleasure courged throught her body.
Minho looked up at her, a wicked grin on his face, "I'm just getting started," he murmured before sucking on her clit hard enough to make Y/N's toes curl. Minho's skilled tongue and fingers were driving Y/N wild, each touch and suck sending her body into a tailspin of bliss. Her nails dug into the counter as she arched her back, lost in the overwhelming sensations he was evoking in her. She knew she wouldn't last much longer.
"Minho, I... I'm," she panted, unable to finish her sentence as waves of ecstasy crashed over her. He moaned her name as he continued his ministrations, driving her higher and higher until she came apart in his mouth, her entire body shaking with the force of her orgasm.
As she came down from her high, Minho stood up, wiping his face on his forearm. "My turn" she said, pushing him down on the chair and straddling his lap. She unzipped his jeans, his hard shaft springing out, already aching for her .
With a mischievous grin, she licked her lips and took him into her mouth, running her tongue around the head and shaft, savoring his salty musky scent. Minho groaned, his hands finding a way to her hair , guiding her but not forcing. He tasted different than she thought he would; better and addictive. In no time at all, she had him on the edge and he was moaning her name like a prayer.
"Y/N" he gasped out, "I'm close," he warned her, but Y/N was relentless, wanting to see how far she could push him. But he pulled her off him just in time, “bend over the table ”, he said between labored breaths.
Y/N complied, her back arched invitingly, her soaking wet pussy on display for him. Minho position himself behind her, lining up his hard erection with her entrance and with one swift thrust, he was inside of her, filling her to the hilt. With every push and pull of their hips, the tattoo table groaned under their weight.
Minho's hot body slid in and out of Y/N's, driving her crazy with desire. He grabbed her hips, guiding their rhythm as they moved together in a frenzied pace. Their moans echoed through the otherwise quiet tattoo parlor, filling the emptiness as they basked in their newfound passion. Y/N felt him hit her cervix, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body, and she mewled loudly.
"Minho," she moaned his name out, unable to form complete words. His hands found her breast, massaging and pinching the skin gently as he continued his assault on her body. She could feel his fingers tracing the intricate design on her back, following the curves and lines of the lotus flower perfectly.
The pressure added another layer to their intense connection. "Oh fuck," he groaned, his hips speeding up even more as he felt her walls clench around him. Y/N's hair flew around them, tickling their faces as they lost themselves in the moment. Their kisses were desperate and hungry, filled with need and longing.
His lips trailed down her neck again, sucking at the sensitive skin there before returning to her earlobe where he nipped and nibbled gently. Her body shuddered under him as she neared her second orgasm of the session.
"Please," she managed to whisper between breaths, unable to ask for more than that simple plea. Minho pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in with force, hitting that spot inside her that sent her spiraling over the edge once again; a scream tore through her lips as she came undone around him, her nails digging into the leather upholstery.
“That’s it baby ”, he panted, his voice laced with strain, “come for me ”. Minho didn't last much longer either, with one final thrust, he followed her over the edge, his hot seed filling her as he groaned out her name. They both collapsed on the table, panting and spent.
Neither of them moved for a moment, trying to catch their breaths and process what just happened. Y/N was the first to speak up "so, umm... not your usual tattoo session?" she joked nervously, breaking the silence. Minho chuckled, running a hand through his damp hair, "I'll say" he smirked back at her.
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lilrainbowcloud · 7 months
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Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Pairing: Jet x Earth Bender Reader
Genre: Friends to Lovers
Word count: 1.85k [masterlist]
a/n: theres not much fic for him, why? also this is based on dwoht and am currently listening to it rn.
Taking a deep breath, your foot came down on the earth, making four medium sized rocks burst from the ground.
Focusing your energy towards the wooden circular target that was mounted on a tree trunk, you let out the breath you held and along went the rocks, flying towards the target. Transforming into sharp spikes before impaling themselves into the wood.
An annoyed sigh left your lips. Two of them missed, one went into the outer ring and the other one hit the tree trunk above it instead.
"You're getting better."
Shocked, you turned around to see Jet standing a few meters away from you, in his usual armored attire and hair free from a tie. Didn't even realize he was there watching you the whole time. Didn't even hear his footsteps coming.
"No. I don't know. I guess?" Flustered by his presence and comment, you shook your head trying to clear off the thoughts and went to sit on one of the logs. He joined you right after.
"You are though. It's better than last week." He was watching you. You could feel the weight of his gaze but you just couldn't look back at him.
Were you shy? Yes you were.
To be honest, it was kind of random how you two met.
One day you were practicing your bending by the river. Setting up river stones on the big boulders and trying to hit them with your bending. But, to your luck, or unluck, one of the spikes flew straight past the head of Jet as he was walking to the city.
The day you met was the day you almost potentially killed him.
After that, you had joined his little secret club. It was awkward and it still was with him. Was it guilt and embarrassment that held you back from him? But that was months ago. It was something else here.
You just didn't want to admit it.
Your feelings for him, that is, grew over time. With every time you spent with him, with every encouragement he gave you during your practices, he made you feel safe and secure yet there was a wall separating you from him.
It was you who made that wall. He couldn't see it.
"I almost hit pipsqueak last week," a smile formed on your lips as you recalled the memory. In your defense, he was in the way.
That emitted a chuckle out of him. The sound was lovely to your ears. Your smile remained as you stared at the bonfire in the middle of the pit.
"Hey, come on," Standing up, he offered his hand to you.
Humming in confusion, you looked up at him and took his hand regardless.
"Try it on me," He gave you that smile that just tugged at your heartstrings, playing it like a harp. A melodious sound ringing in your ears.
"What? As in, fight you?" You stared at him as if it was the most ridiculous thing in the world.
"Yeah, fight me." Picking his swords up, he gave them both a swing.
Oh he was serious?
"No, I'm-I'm tired already," Rose bloomed on your cheeks as you once again looked to the ground, avoiding his eyes.
"Aw come on. You've been practicing with non-moving objects," Stepping closer to you, he lowered his voice even though you two were the only one there, "If you're worried about hurting me, don't be."
With every hit he blocked, he took a step forward forcing you to take a step back.
It was a sort of dance. Your feet mirroring his. At times you moved forward, he moved back. Neither gaining or losing as it was balanced. He matched your pace well.
The intense look of his eyes made you realize that he was learning your fighting style and movements. The moment it clicked to you that you had been using the same movements too. Smart on him but careless on you.
Your spikes and dics clashed with the sharp blade of his swords. Dust filled the air between you two as the rock burst into tiny pieces.
Pushing your arms forward, your discs flew in random directions towards him at rapid speed, more quicker than you had done before. Adrenaline pumping in your veins, you could hear your heart beating in your ears.
He blocked all of them swiftly, with every hit he moved forward closer to you but this time you didn't step back.
The last one he crossed slash it about one meter away from you. Some of the little rocks landed in your hair.
You were mesmerized by him. His chest rising and falling with every breath matching yours. His hair matted on his forehead. That was the end of that session.
For a moment it felt like time stopped. With only the sound of rustling leaves in the atmosphere, you both stared into each other's eyes. Dropping his swords carelessly on the ground beside him, he stepped towards you.
You've never been left alone with him before. This was a new situation you had to adapt to. But he was Jet. You know him to an extent, he was your friend and you were his. So why is your fight or flight reaction kicking in?
Even then, you stayed glued to your spot.
Lifting his hand, Jet brushed his fingers through your hair, cleaning the debris, "That was really good," As his eyes trained on the rocks in your hair, you had a chance to look into his. A proud smile on his face, "I told you, you're getting better."
Returning his smile, you thanked him. Silence followed as you looked to the ground again. The leaf covered earth was interesting to you out of all things. I don't know, like the boy in front of you that's looking at you with furrowed brows. But you didn't notice that because you were looking to the ground! Look up please!
"Is everything okay?" Concern laced his tone, "You're being very quiet around me lately." His voice low with the last sentence.
Raising your head, you now realize he was so close to you. So close that he was stepping into your personal bubble. You didn't move away so this was a welcomed presence.
Mouth falling agape, your mind raced to find an answer that wouldn't make him feel like you're pushing him away. You... wanted him to stay.
"What do you mean?" Crossing your arm across your torso, you tilted your head with the question.
"Well," It was his turn to avoid your eyes, kicking his shoe into the ground, "I saw you laughing with them and joking around but when you're with me you're, well," Once again he looked at you, "Quiet."
"Why?" Something in the air changed. It weighed heavy on you. Your heart beating irregularly as with that one word he stepped forward closer. The gap between you almost became nonexistent until you moved back.
Dead leaves crunched under your shoes until your back met the trunk of a tree. He saw it before you did and smoothly put his hand on the back of your head, cushioning it from hitting the hard bark. The gap now? Extinct.
To allow some control, you put a hand on his chest. That was the only little space you had left. You could push him away and he knew that. He moved no further into you and you didn't move away.
The answer didn't come sooner. Your tongue wouldn't move as you tried to focus on breathing with his chest nearly meeting yours. You felt his fingers at the back of your head slightly clutching your hair. How are you still standing up, you didn't know.
"You don't like me?" There was no place you could look except his demanding eyes. Trapped in your own world, you didn't realize it was sunset. The golden light reflecting in his iris and hair made a golden halo around him.
"I do," Emphasizing the last word, you cringe internally as it sounded desperate, "I do like you," You repeated softer.
A second passed.
"Then what? Do I make you nervous?" He was teasing you, his tone. Testing your limits, he pressed himself more into you. You allowed it, hand still on his chest.
Before it was just a single rose, now you were sure a garden was blooming on your face. Body temperature rising, you had to control your breath through your mouth. The oxygen wasn't getting to your brain fast enough, you felt light headed. You would've fell if it not for his other hand which you didn't noticed held your waist in place.
You seem to have lost your bearings with him. It was dangerous, being put under a spell that was tearing away at your guard.
"I," Almost biting your tongue to utter that one word, you gulped. Can he just stop? But at the same time you didn't want him to. If only you had the brain functions to respond to him properly.
A little chuckle vibrated his chest, you felt it in the palm of your hand. Thankfully he read your mind, because you wanted this as much as he did.
"You're adorable, you know that?" The hand that was pillowing your head came around your face as he cups your cheek. Thumb swiping over it once before he pulled your face meeting his and your lips connected.
It was soft, his lips. The kiss lasted a moment. Sweet and innocent. Your senses bursting into vibrant colors. Bright ribbons swirling all around your closed eyes. You could feel his smile against your lips as he pulled away first, still keeping close to you.
His arm that was on your waist wrapped itself around you, pulled your body to him.
Sensing you were comfortable and alright with it, the shy smile on your face told him all, he pulled you back in again. Back into a shared realm, where your heart beats in synchronized sequence, bodies fitting each other perfectly.
Looping your arms around his neck, your fingers mindlessly played with the ends of his hair. A soft hum emitted from him which made your body react in a way it never did before. The grip on your waist got tighter. You decided you loved hearing that little sound and the way his hands gripped your body.
It was you who pulled away first, him chasing your lips but you stopped him with a hand on his chest yet again. You were breathless. Looking up to his eyes as he was still trained on your lips, but he respected your wishes even though he was also out of air.
"I like you," You managed in between breaths. Smiling as you did as the relief of the invincible wall crumbled down and vanished between the space of you and him in your spiritual mind.
The space was established. Whatever force that was keeping you away from him had dissolved. Only his gravity now pulled you towards him.
He smiled too, loving the way your body melted into his.
"I like you too."
a/n: a little rusty on the writing after 2 years out of practice man.. i hope this is okay
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Joint Coping
Lestappen x Reader
Genre: Angst
Dialouge: "Help me understand."
Summary: Max helps his partners learn to cope in healthy ways
Warnings: Selh-harm, unhealthy Coping, blood, Ferrari, Max being the sane one of the group
Notes: I would like to emphasize that this is a thing that does happen. I know because I've done it. This specifically is not something to be glorified at all. Self-harm done in groups can become competitive. This is a pretty toned down version of things I've experienced and it's less toxic. THIS IS NOT REACHING OUT. Just wanted to clarify :)
This is part of my 1000 follower celebration! Requests are still open if you'd like to participate (the link will take you to the request form).
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Max knows something is wrong with his partners. It's like an itch in his brain he can't scratch. A sixth sense, if you will.
The two Ferrari drivers are struggling with their team. Every problem is their fault. They have become the Ferrari scapegoats. When they do poor, it's the driver. When they do good, it's the team and the car.
He's coming to the end of his patience. If he has to hear them self deprecate one more time he might actually consider making them stand in the mirror and say nice things about themselves. Can he fuck it out of them? Is that a possibility? He really doesn't know but is desperate and willing to try anything.
They both DNF at the next race. Max is a man on a mission through media and debrief. He needs to see that they are okay. At the very least not sitting through some kind of lecture a parent gives to a child.
He sprints to the Ferrari garage and runs into Carlos. Despite his injury that took him out of the season, he still comes to support his team and teammates.
"Carlos!" The Spainard spins around to face him. "Have you seen-?"
"They already left over an hour ago. Did they not text you?"
There are warning bells going off inside of his head. Something is clearly wrong and they aren't telling him about it. He's about to sprint away when Carlos stops him.
"Before you go, you should that there were some awful things said by their engineers and they looked really upset about it."
"Thanks Carlos."
Max is back at the hotel as fast as he can manage. He tried both their cells with no answer. It's killing him from the inside out with anxiety. He's probably just overthinking, but it'll feel better when he sees they are okay.
He keys the door open and doesn't bother taking off his shoes. The lights are off aside from the one in the bathroom. Maybe they decided a nice relaxing bath would do the trick. Max could also go for one. He pushes that thought aside for now.
He knocks gently on the door. "You two in there?" No response. Or at least - not one to him directly. There are a few hushed whispers, but nothing loud enough for him to hear.
He waits Aproximatley ten seconds before he can't handle it anymore and swings the door open. He expects to see fogged mirror and water on the floor. Instead he's met with the sight red wrists and thighs.
He's lost. Max Verstappen has no idea what to do.
They are stripped down to undergarments. Legs dangling over the side of tub. A switchblade in the hands of Charles. They both look teary eyed and doped out. Are they enjoying this?
God, he feels so stupid. Weeks of having Sex with no lights on, sweatshirts in hot weather, no swimming and doing private ice bathes away from trainers. He should've noticed. Max could've stopped this sooner. He wants to rewind and tell them to come to him instead of relying on this to get the through.
"Guess you caught us." Charles let's out a half assed laugh. "You gonna stare at us all night? Or can we get the yelling part over with? Last three partners left us when they caught it. I understand if it's to much. Not your burden."
Max had been a later addition. The two in the bathtub had been together since their teenage years. Had they been Coping like this for so long?
"Sorry about the mess. Relapses are hard. We made it all season until a month ago." She leans her head onto Charles' shoulder. How can they make this type of environment endearing? This is unreal and they need serious help. Which Max will eventually get them when he can get his act together.
He kneels on the floor in between them. Max is just now registering the tears on his cheeks. They'd been in pain for so long. It hurts him just thinking about it.
"I'm not going to yell-" he looks at one. "-I'm not going to leave-" he looks at the other. "But help me understand. I want to help."
"It's easier to do with someone else around. It's more therapeutic." The lopsided smile on the female's face is not helping Max. He has to many questions.
First, he gets them cleaned up. Neither of them flinch when he disenfects the wounds. They don't look at him as he wraps them in whatever gauz is in the first aid kit. They look ashamed as he puts the knife in his bag and rinses the tub.
The one that gets him, however, is the look of pure confusion when Max hugs them both so tightly. It's like they don't know how to respond.
They sit in a circle on the bed. It's comfortable and Max can see both their expressions clearly.
"I know the struggle." He starts. "Punishing yourself is better then someone else doing it, right? But I had Daniel there reminding me to reach out."
"It's just easier this way."
"Easier isn't better. Look at the state you're in. I'm not leaving, but I am getting the both of you help."
He followed through with this the next morning. Then looked supposed to see him when they woke up. He, and his childish mind, kissed all the cuts and scars. Every single one of them received proper treatment.
The female cried and thre her arms around Max. Charles had looked away in shame. The reasons they started this are still foreign to him, but that's not his priority.
He gets them help. All of them, mind you. They do group sessions as the three of them to find healthier ways to cope with each other.
Reasons seem to fade into the background because they don't matter as much. The important thing is that Max caught it in time. That he didn't lose them to their own minds. They are partners, and Max would be devistated to lost someone he loves to those dark places.
He rests easier now that the itch has been scratched. His partners are doing better. They smile and laugh at his stupid jokes again. A bit of confidence regained.
And Max reminds them daily that nothing is worth it if you have to destroy yourself for it. Drivers or not, he loves them regardless.
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misslovasstuff · 6 months
''To Sanji...''
summary: Your point of view on how you feel about Sanji. author's note: this is a little series I am starting ''To (character)'', sort of like love letters to characters. No warnings. Also, please support me here and commissions are always open!
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I hate the way people make me feel. I despise the prejudice and the motherless rage. But...
''What would you like for dinner, love?''
I hear your sweet little mutterings throughout the day.
''You are mesmerizing, have you ever been told how beautifully your eyes change under sunlight?''
I sense the genuineness of your smile, of your every word.
''Don't fear a thing, I'm here with you.''
I get enlightened with every gentle caress of your hand. I am in awe of the way your anger is never directed at me but is born out of every harm that comes my way. I catch myself surprised whenever you look at me with such a softened gaze. Where have you learned to be so gentle?
''You're not hurt, are you?!''
I admire your bravery and strength, but I completely crumble at how helpless you become when you see me unwell, how you lose your usual collected composure, and how, ever so rarely, I see pure fear in your eyes.
''Look, I made a flower crown! Yup, it's for you, come here...''
Scarce is the way you express your affections that run so deep within you. Like Braille, I am a victim of my blindness, so much so that I need to touch the alleys of your soul to understand the flow of your love.
''Feel this, - he places your hand on his chest, heartbeat evidently fastened. - this is what you do to me.''
My cheeks blush whenever you allow yourself to be romantic. It flusters me to be loved with such intensity. What do you see in me, Sanji?
''Has the heaven created a more beautiful soul than yours? Tell me.''
I hate the way people make me feel, that is true. But you ...
''Wait for me! You're not going to leave me alone, right?''
... I love how happy you are to see me every day. I love your view of the world and the way you talk so enthusiastically about your dream. When you prepare my favorite dessert, keeping me company when others do not even notice my presence, eyes wandering around a room, and brightening up when they meet mine. I love the way you have with words, your respectful demeanor, your need to protect and serve the ones you love...
''I'd set the world on fire if even a thorn cut deep in your skin, my dearest.''
And I hate the way I can't give it all back to you.
''Don't ever risk your life for me like that again, please.''
I hate how I can't give you all that I am. I hate how I feel like I am not-
''You are so much more than enough, love. You're so much more...''
I hate how I crumble in your arms with tears in my eyes that you wipe away. I hate how you have to deal with all my insecurities and the mess that I am.
''I love you the way you are, my precious, my precious winter flower...''
But despite all this, my heart calls your name, Sanji. It desperately needs you to pass another beat and another breath. No matter how much I hated everything, and myself, I could not hate you and the way you make me feel. I could not possibly hate the way you care for me so selflessly, the little lovey-dovey notes you leave for me throughout the day, and the gifts you get me with every chance you get in order to materialize that ethereal feeling of yours as if I did not understand it.
Instead, your love is so strong that I have found pieces of it within me. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and smile like a fool when I remember you complimenting my eyes. I accept my shortcomings and the little details of mine that make me special.
Tell me, how are you willing to love someone so strongly, that they begin to love themselves too?
''Hold my hand forever, okay?''
I'd spend eternities with you, with each day being greeted by your warm smile and going to sleep with your soft pecks on my skin.
I hate the way people make me feel, and I love how your love makes that amount to nothing.
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zzprompto · 2 months
☆ my man
yuuji itadori x ftm reader [he / him]
sypnosis : itadori comforts a dysphoric reader who he finds staring at themselves in the mirror. (meant to be viewed as romantic.)
the lowercase is intentional !
- warnings : non-sexual nudity, female genitalia mentions.
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once again, [name] finds himself infront of the mirror. he's staring at his body, the way there was two mounts of flesh on his chest instead of a flat line. he wondered if it was better that he stayed off as a woman.
despite all his staring, [name] hated it. he hated how his body looked.
all of his curves, his tits, his feminine looking features - they made him feel like less of a man. no other man had parts like his is what he always thought. he constantly put himself down because of his body, feeding himself lies due to the things he's heard spread by mouth. those words were like a virus that had settled into his mind and never left. he hated his body, and all the things that made him more 'feminine'. it was all because of other people. people that didn't understand people like him.
a small sigh escaped [name]'s lips. he was growing more and more frustrated as he stared at his body, at his chest more specifically. it made him feel all sticky, like he was strolling about on a hot and humid day, his clothes sticking to his skin and sweat pouring own his back. it was an awful feeling, and he always felt it staring at himself.
begrudgingly, [name] slips on his binder. he picks it up from the counter and slowly puts it on. he questions what the point of it was, it didn't even look like it helped him at all. it was just a contraption that squeezed his lungs and made every breath living hell. it was painful being trans. it was painful being in a body that didn't belong to you. it was painful being in a body that made you sick the more days that passed by.
as [name] was putting his binder on, a small knock on the bathroom door was heard, followed by said door opening. it revealed the one and only yuuji itadori - [name]'s boyfriend. he saw [name] struggling to put his binder on so he immediately rushed over to help. he helped the other pull the binder down, making sure it was in the correct position, covering everything.
"i take it you were having issues with your binder? that's why you were taking so long to come out?" yuuji says, a small laugh following soon after. he grinned at his boyfriend, enjoying to see him in any state - whether he was dishevelled, as handsome as ever or just about his normal day. he loved it all, and he most importantly loved [name].
[name] just sighed in response to yuuji's question. he didn't feel like answering it, mostly because he didn't want to worry yuuji. he cared too much sometimes, and as much as [name] loved it, he felt like he didn't deserve it. he felt like a fake man such as himself didn't deserve all the care and love yuuji showed him.
"yeah.. binder issues." [name] muttered as he took his shirt from the shelf of the bathroom, slipping it over his head to hide his binder. "we can go now, i've put it on now. i'm ready." he grumbled under his breath, pushing past yuuji.
however, it was clear yuuji didn't like how [name] was acting right now. he could tell something was wrong. yuuji gripped [name]'s shoulders and held him still, not letting him move. all his his training made him quite strong too, so [name] definitely couldn't move even if he tried. "i'm not letting you go until you tell me what's wrong. you seem off." yuuji states, frowning slightly at [name].
[name] sighed once more, crossing his arms over his chest to hide himself and his chest further. "i just don't get it. i don't get why you still put up with me, and i don't get why i'm stuck in a body that provides me with.. all the parts i don't want!" [name] explained his frustrations, a small groan escaping his lips soon after. yuuji seemed even more worried after hearing [name] speak.
"hey.. i put up with you because i love you." yuuji replies, ruffling [name]'s hair and grinning. he was always so cheerful, determined to brighten anyone's day - especially [name]'s. "no matter if you're stuck in this body that you hate, or a body that's the one you like. i don't care about your body, [name]. only you." the pink haired boy continued, cupping [name]'s cheeks and kissing him softly.
the trans boy looked away, a frown on his face. he pulls away from the kiss, wanting to hide away once more from the whole world. "but.. i have tits. i have a vagina. i'm not a man. i'm just playing dress up.. people will still see me as a woman no matter how hard i try and change myself." he muttered, tears forming in his eyes. "god, i'm even acting like a stereotypical woman now, huh? letting my emotions get the best of me." [name] mumbles as tears flow down his face.
yuuji wraps his arms around [name]'s body, resting his chin on the other boy's head. "sh.. sh.. calm down. none of that matters, [name]. you can have any parts, and you'll still be a man. you've worked harder than those who have been given what you want. you're fighting for your transition, for you to be comfortable in your body. that's manly as hell." yuuji mumbles, kissing [name]'s forehead. [name] looks at his boyfriend in disbelief, unsure of what to say.
"you're my man, [name]. whether or not you have the parts of a 'man', i don't care. i see you as a man, and i always will." yuuji whispered softly into [name]'s ear, kissing it after he stopped speaking. he rocked [name] in his arms too, wanting him to feel comforted by his presence.
[name] was starting to feel slightly better. sure, what yuuji said was a little and perhaps even the bare minimum, but it made him feel even better than before. he wiped his tears away, looking at yuuji with a small smile.
"thank you.. i still don't know how you put up with me.. but i'm glad you do nontheless." [name] chuckled softly as he moved back to gaze yuuji in the eyes. his eyes were now full of love, rather than the malice that were in them when he stared at his reflection earlier. "i guess i feel a little better about my.. situation." he mumbled.
yuuji pressed a kiss to [name]'s nose, still holding him close. "i'll always put up with you because you have a nice ass. exactly my type, you know?" yuuji chuckled and he winked over at [name] who retaliated by rolling his eyes.
"oh yeah, sorry. mr. 'i like someone tall with a nice, big ass.' you absolute perv." [name] muttered, pinching yuuji's cheeks inbetween his fingers. he was feeling better than before, loving all this teasing with yuuji and the playful banter. it made him forget his dysphoria.
yuuji leaned into [name], whispering into his ear. "you're my handsome man, alright? my man. i don't want to see you upset. if something is up, tell me, okay. don't stare at yourself in the mirror hating yourself." yuuji mumbled.
the salmon haired boy then kissed [name] on the lips. he held the trans boy close too, not wanting to let him go just yet. he wanted [name] to know that there was a pair of arms always willing to go around him and support him.
"i love you, my man." yuuji mumbled into [name]'s hair before kissing it softly. the other boy hummed in response and nodded. "i love you too."
and, as time went on, yuuji continued to support [name] with his transition and any dysphoria. he made sure his man was never alone.
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- author's note : hope you guys enjoy this :) for any trans guys out there - you are loved and totally valid <3 don't feel like you are alone! there are people like you around the world. you are never alone.
- navigation : masterlist : request
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koisuko · 7 months
Could I request the Lin Kuei Trio with a God reader? For more context, Reader is the god of the moon and the Lin Kuei could be a clan who worshipped them? And one day, reader decides to descend to aid Liu Kang for something and the boys end up meeting the god they worship
This took way too long, couldn’t find the motivation. It’s 1 am and suddenly it hit me >:)
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Tw: none, fluff, these boys are smitten on sight, gn
It had long been known, for centuries the Lin Kuei worshipped the god of the moon, the night, and the sign of change. The god represented the ways of the Lin Kuei, how day by day they served their purpose with grace and power, never once failing a task. The clan never knew, but the god was watching them, a smile on their face as they heard their prayers.
You watched for centuries as the clan grew, in number and in strength, serving alongside Liu Kang in the protection of Earthrealm. You offered help where you could, assisting from the background and keeping your distance from the mortals themselves. You knew all to well how easily corrupt mortals could become, fearing your reveal could lead to a catastrophic end to the clan.
A gentle voice rang in your ears, an all too familiar god of fire sending a prayer for your assistance. Knowing Liu Kang, he would only request direct help from you if the need was drastic. He was capable of doing many things on his own, but required your aid on rare occasion.
You swiftly left the safety of your temple. Your attire flowing elegantly on the ground behind you, cascading down your back in a watery display of silk. You felt the rays of the moon touch your porcelain skin, fueling the ethereal glow in the intricate patterns imbedded into your arms, a visible representation of your power displayed in inky artistry.
Two pillars stood before you, orbs sat atop the pillars illuminating the room in a dim white radiance, resembling the moon itself. You wave your hands, moonlight rays flow from your fingers, forming a bright portal between the pillars, swirling in a mesmerizing display and humming a song of the night.
Stepping through, you were greeted with a familiar smile, "Lord Liu Kang, it's a pleasure to see you old friend." He tipped his head as a sign of respect and greeting, causing you to mirror his welcoming gesture. "y/n, I truly appreciate your aid in my cause, shall we discuss?" He moved to the side, sweeping his hand and gesturing to the academy behind him.
Upon entering, the ground once bustling with activity, now fell silent as you and Liu Kang walked side by side. The monks pause their training, turning to pay respects to your presence with a bow. "There are a few who wish to meet you." He kept the comforting smile on his face, his eyes directed in front of him as we neared the main temple, "I look forward to it, Liu Kang."
The grand doors of the temple creaked open, behind it revealing the familiar faces of the Lin Kuei. The sudden thump of your heart hammered against your chest, worry masked by a calm and stoic expression. That fear of corruption once again lurked in the back of your mind, shadowing the confidence you harbored for the future. “Bi-han, Kuai Liang, Tomas,” Liu Kang gestures to each man before you as he spoke, “this is y/n, the god of the moon.” You watched each of their reactions individually, carefully studying the surprise and awe in their eyes.
You could see the excitement masked by their need to remain professional. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” you placed a hand over your heart, bowing your head slowly. When you lifted your head back up, you were met with the three of them knelt on one knee, with their heads low in respect. Of the three, it was a surprise to see Bi-han so quick to kneel before someone with no sign of reluctance. “Please, there is no need,” your voice rang in their ears like wind chimes. They were sure to remember your face, your beauty and elegance.
As they all rose, all except one gave a stoic stare. Tomas, his eyes averted elsewhere, darting around rapidly to avoid eye contact. His features were graced with the hues of a blush. It made you giggle, causing him to blush even deeper.
Clasping your hands in front of you, you sighed, breathing in the comfortable silence. “Now,” Liu Kang suddenly cut in, “shall we continue?”
Note: apologies if this is short, it’s been in my drafts for ages and I wanted to finish it the best I can despite losing motivation for it.
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misteria247 · 20 days
I need professional help at this rate I'm gonna end up writing an actual fic based on this bullshit when will I learn smh-
When Timmy loses his memories everyone reacts differently.
Spongebob is immediately upset and actually ends up breaking down. Because Timmy's one of his closest friends and his fellow free spirit of their team. So having essentially his other half of fun look at him unsure or uneasy like hits the sponge right in the chest. Despite his heartbreak over Timmy and his condition, Spongebob is the first one to try and reconnect with the magic user. He'll talk and ramble and recall events that they all experienced. In the vain hope that it might spark Timmy's memory and help him. But alas magic isn't always fair but that doesn't stop Spongebob from trying. Even when late at night when Timmy's gone to his room and everyone's retired for the day and he goes to his room and just sobs over the agony of losing Timmy, SpongeBob will continue to try to help for Timmy's sake.
Danny's reaction on the other hand is rage. Rage on behalf of Timmy, his little brother. Rage towards the threats that caused all this devastation amongst them. He's already planning on making them suffer in a nasty way. Because no one hurts his family and gets away Scott free. Other than anger, Danny also can't help but grieve. In a sick twisted way, Timmy not remembering any of them is like seeing his little brother die. To look at his guarded blue gaze is like looking at a stranger wearing Timmy's skin. And when Timmy flinches from Danny, it's like having a bucket of ice water thrown on him. Because Timmy has never done something like this. Never shown fear to the man who's partially dead and who has urges that can hurt someone when he's a ghost. It's an awful and bone chilling experience for Danny that makes him stare into the bathroom mirror wondering if Timmy had always been afraid of him that entire time. He doesn't go to Timmy right away, but he does become more protective of him.
Cosmo and Wanda's reactions is pure devastation. The two fairies can't help but grieve and torment themselves over Timmy's condition. Because they're his parents, they're supposed to protect him and instead they failed him. Wanda will hover around him, always keeping her distance to not make him comfortable. She's always fretting a bit, not wanting Timmy out of her sight. Cosmo on the other hand takes up the role of reassuring everyone that'll it'll be okay. Putting on a brave front for his wife and scared son because they need the support even if one of them doesn't realize it. Both fairies are scarily protective of him now, and work tirelessly to try to figure out how to help their son.
Yet out of everyone Jimmy takes it the hardest. He's immediately filled with guilt and frustration over the situation. Guilt for not being on top of his game and failing as a leader, and frustrated that Timmy Turner once again put himself in harms way to protect someone else. Timmy losing his memories essentially knocks Jimmy's world off its axis. Everything feels wrong and Jimmy suddenly feels so very alone as it becomes painstakingly obvious how much space Timmy took up in his life. He'll find himself lost on how to approach Timmy, not wanting to have him look at him like he's expecting Jimmy to hurt him. Experiencing it once was enough to last the genius a lifetime of haunting nightmares. He'll lock himself up in his lab, researching nonstop to try and fix it. In a way Jimmy will throw himself into denial about how bad this situation is because facing the reality is just too much for Jimmy to process properly. He works himself to the point of exhaustion because nothing is more important than Timmy. He'll literally tear the multiverse apart if it means saving Timmy's memories. He refuses to think about the other option. The possibility that Timmy will never remember them.
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derekhighwaytf · 1 year
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I loved the Cha Cha Room.  It was as exclusive as it was expensive, but hey that’s the price you pay when you’re a social media sensation.  Being Trey, the sexy instagram model wasn’t without its downsides, however.  The worst thing was when guys who should’ve known that someone of my caliber wouldn’t be interested in them tried to hit on me.  Sure, I fucked my fans regularly, but only the ones that shared my dedication to beauty.  I couldn’t help that I was born gorgeous.
My entourage, an aesthetically curated group of other models (all only slightly less attractive than myself) walked into the Cha Cha Room, ready to be gawked at, each of us oozing beauty and charisma. The crowd parted like the Red Sea, their eyes filled with awe, desire, and, my favorite, envy.
But amongst that sea, there was one guy that forced me to do a double take.  Doug, rounder and balder than anyone else, didn't fit the usual demographic that came to Cha Cha. It was a mystery how he must’ve slipped his way in when security wasn’t looking, because there was no chance they’d ever willingly allow someone who looked like that to enter such exclusive premises.  And, to make matters worse, when he caught me staring at his odd appearance, he began to make his way toward me, a small, devious smile playing on his lips.
"Can I buy you a drink?," he asked.  I raised an eyebrow, my lips curling into a smirk.  Sure, he was far beneath my standards, but I loved teasing my inferiors, especially when it comes with a free drink.  "Well, aren't you a sweetheart," I replied, trying to hide my disdain for his smelly, musky demeanor.
As we talked and I pretended to listen, he must’ve farted at least three times, but I wanted to be nice, so I held my breath and counted the seconds till I could rejoin my way cooler group of friends.  However, when Doug began flirting, I couldn’t help it.  A chuckle bubbled up from my chest and I shook my head, saying "Doug, was it?  No amount of drinks in this club could make me think you're anything but fat, smelly, and bald."
“And what’s wrong with that?” he said earnestly.  “This is a bar for fat, smelly, bald guys after all.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.  Just as the words escaped my lips, I noticed something strange. As my eyes scanned the crowd, I realized that everyone, even my formerly flawless friends, looked just like Doug. They’d grown beards, their hair on their head was gone, and they all had guts the size of bowling balls.  I felt a chill run down my spine as I started to walk away.
“I must be in the wrong place.  I don’t belong here,” I said, just barely missing the door.  But before I could free myself from this hellhole, Doug stopped me and said, “Yes you do.  I think you fit in perfectly.”
Suddenly, my Gucci shirt felt tight around my midsection, and my once firm arms now felt doughy. As I turned to leave, a full-length mirror on the wall revealed a shocking transformation.   I reached up and where once were lush and thick chestnut locks, was now greeted the cold, bare skin of a rapidly receding hairline, retreating with alarming speed, creating an expanding dome of skin I’d never seen before.
Clumps of my hair began to detach themselves from my scalp, falling gently to the club floor. Each strand felt like a piece of my identity, a piece of Trey, falling away to reveal the bald truth underneath. I watched in frozen terror, feeling each follicle detach until all that remained was nothing but a smooth, shiny surface. I was as bald as an egg.
And then I farted.
I was disgusted with myself for only a moment, until I started to let a hearty chuckle much deeper than my old voice.
I looked in the mirror again, my face so much more different than it was ten minutes ago—familiar, but not the one I had painstakingly maintained for the world to admire. Suddenly, the world seemed to shift as a flood of memories washed over me. I wasn't Trey, the Instagram sensation. I was Tom, a twenty-something, bald, overweight man who didn’t shower, farted every five minutes, and fucked anyone who’d have me.  This was my bar and I was gonna make sure all my fellow cubs had a good time
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As the rock music blared and the crowd at Tommy’s Den started to become increasingly alluring to me, I was suddenly hit with a wave of unfulfilled desire, a need for cock.  So I pulled Doug aside to the bathroom and…well you can guess what happened next.
I was Tom now, and, honestly, my life was so much better…
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hockeymenarehot · 9 months
"Prove it." feat. Bill Kaulitz
bill kaulitz x fem!reader
warnings: smut, riding, p in v, unprotected, hinted inexperienced reader, innocent? reader, corruption kink, degradation, name calling (slut), semi-public sex (nobody hears you two), outdoor sex, fem masturbation, implied oral at the end, not proofread i got lazy, let me know if I missed anything!
you're wearing a dress in this, here's the inspo pic: [pinterest link]
summary: bill kaulitz is known for being the leader of a garage band popular in your small town. he's always piqued your interest, and your friend is able to get you into one of his shows. problem is, he's way hotter than you imagined.
wc: 2.1k
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You've always lived in a small, relatively quiet town. You're the "girl next door" type, always willing to help those in need, putting others before yourself. But you do carry your flaws, one of those being your insatiable appetite for the bad boys. One specific bad boy has recently caught your eye, and your lust and desire for him is becoming almost unbearable.
Bill Kaulitz, the man every father in your town knows to keep his daughter away from. He's the leader of his own garage band, Tokio Hotel. Him and his band are the only thing disrupting the peace in your quiet little town, and you find him and his black eyeliner unspeakably hot. You love how he breaks the rules, but what you really want him to break is you.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" you almost whisper. "Completely positive." says your best friend before she grabs your arm, dragging you to her room. Your best friend had just revealed to you that she knew where your favorite band, Tokio Hotel, was playing tonight. They don't give the location out to just anybody, and they typically play in relatively secluded areas, only making a true show of themselves when they want to get caught and chased for the adrenaline. Tonight they just wanted to play, and your best friend knew the address. "But what if he sees me?" you exclaim, still being practically dragged up the stairs. "That's the whole point, and also why I'm here to make you look as hot as possible. Honestly I'm doing you a huge favor." "But I don't own anything that's-" you trail off as the two of you enter your bedroom, and your eyes widen as you see the skimpy dress laid out on your bed. "Oh no no no, this is not happening!" "Why not? You're already smokin', you just need something to show it off! Plus, if you're serious about this, you need something to grab his attention. Now put that dress on and sit down so I can do your hair and makeup." You contemplate for a second, weighing the outcome of your decisions, before you decide that you've been abiding by the rules for far too long now. If you wanted Bill to notice you at all, you needed to bring yourself up to his level. So, you grab the dress before motioning for your friend to turn around.
The dress was a little bit tight around your waist, but you assumed it was to accentuate your curves. It sure as hell did the job though. The dress was perfect, a cute black and white dress that screamed "I'm sweet and innocent" and "Fuck me" all at the same time. As you stared in awe into the mirror, your friend let out a small giggle "I told you it would look great on you. But also we don't have much time, hurry and sit down so I can finish you up." You glared at her for her tone, but complied and sat down.
It took around 2 hours for her to do your makeup and hair, finishing with a glittery yet smokey makeup look and cute updo. Your overall outfit was very you, but also super sexy. Before you knew it, your friend was dragging your arm again, except this time you were being drug away out the door and to her car.
You and your friend had been in the car for 45 minutes, blasting music to try and ease your nerves. You were admittedly very fidgety, your main worry being rejected or not noticed at all. Hell, what if he ignored you? If that happened, you were sure you would buy the next flight to the other side of the country. "Hey," your friend finally spoke up, "You're shaking the entire car, ease up, won't you? You look amazing, he's going to notice you, trust me." "And if he doesn't?" She gives you a quick smile "He will."
After an hour in the car you finally pulled into a small grassy lot in the middle of the woods, where there were about 30 other cars and a bonfire lit in the distance. You could already hear the blasting of music. Your friend pulled into a parking spot, well more like made her own, and you two got out and started walking towards the crowd of people and the fire. You kept trying to pull your dress down, it seemed to have a mind of its own and kept riding up your thigh as you walked. Your friend grabbed your hand, "The more skin, the better. Trust me." and gave you a wink. You two entered the crowd of people, and the music rung in your ears. The smell of alcohol was pungent. It wasn't long before your friend saw somebody she knew, and she said a quick "I'll be right back" and darting off before you could complain. You stood there for a second, before deciding that you definitely didn't come all this way for nothing, and you were no longer going to be a pussy. You elbowed your way through the crowd, getting some rude glares and a couple "watch where your fucking going"'s before you finally reached him. It was your first time really, truly seeing him. Him and his band were surrounded by people, and to be honest, his music was amazing live. It didn't compare to the SoundCloud quality you were used to. You were able to get a front spot, unbearably close to him. You could practically smell him. Standing there for a while, you were able to take in the full sight of him. He was wearing tight skinny jeans, a black & red shirt, and a black leather jacket. His spiky hair was perfect, you had to stop yourself from taking a couple more steps to reach out and touch it.
You had been full staring at this man for a while before he glanced over at you, and you locked eyes with him. You swear you could actually feel your heart pound against your ribcage as he looked you up and down like you were his next meal. He gave you a subtle smirk before continuing his song. You were still staring at him, your face heating up. Except this time you weren't imaging how soft his hair would be to comb through, rather how nice it would feel to pull and tug on it while he ate you out. You could feel yourself becoming wetter and wetter in his presence, and the dull ache forming in your stomach was becoming more and more unbearable. You knew you couldn't go on like this, you might actually explode. You quickly shifted around and sped walk through the crowd again, making a break for the woods, trying to find the tallest tree to hide behind.
You honestly couldn't help it, he was just too fine. If you really thought about it, the predicament you were currently in was totally his fault. Your fingers were knuckle deep in your pussy, trying to curl your fingers into the right spot. Your dress was rode all the way up to your stomach, your panties moved to the side. You were trying to do anything to alleviate the knot in your stomach, but maybe your mind was telling you how much this was not a good idea. You stopped caring as you found a good rhythm, your other hand coming down to rub your clit in sync with your fingers, coming closer and closer to bliss. You were so lost in your fantasies about you and Bill that you didn't quite catch the stopping of the music, the cars driving away, and you certainly didn't catch the way you moaned loudly moaned his name.
This went on for a while, your eyes screwed shut and your fingers just not being enough before you became frustrated. You pulled your fingers out and opened your eyes. At first, you thought it was just your eyes adjusting to what little light there was, causing you to see things. But you could actually feel yourself stop breathing when you realized Bill was quite literally standing in front of you.
"Well what do we have here? Are you having fun? Well, by what I've seen you haven't been able to hit the edge have you?" He spoke in a tone full of lust. "I-..." But you stopped yourself, realizing you didn't have an excuse for what you'd been caught doing. You looked up at him with pleading eyes, not wanting him to tell anybody. You would've missed his very prominent boner if it weren't for him palming himself through his jeans. "C'mon now, don't be shy. You can't get me all hard like this and not talk to me. What is it you want?" You thought for a second before responding "You. I want you." he smirked, taking his belt off before he said "Prove it."
That was how you found yourself in your current predicament. Bill was sat down, his back to a large tree, while you tried your best to ride his cock. "Come on, pretty. I know you can do better than that." he breathed. You grabbed his hips, trying your best to lift yourself up. You had been going at this for quite some time now, and your legs were shaking, your pussy spent. Your hair was dishelved and you were practically sticking to him because of your sweat. His cock was insanely large, you had never felt so full in your life. "Please-! I can't take it, please just fuck me!" you begged. He let out a small laugh before grabbing your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him. "Didn't I tell you? You have to prove yourself. Are you already so cockdrunk you've lost your memory, or are you really just that dumb of a slut?" You could feel tears welling, but because of the pleasure you were feeling. You clenched hard around him at his filthy words, finding new strength to bring yourself up before you slammed back down onto his cock with a loud moan. "Wow you really are a slut, getting off to me calling you names. What a bad girl you are." You moaned again at his words, and even more as he started thrusting his hips up to meet your new found rhythm, obviously wanting to cum from waiting this long. You tried your best to keep up, slamming down onto him harder and harder, feeling that sweet spot being brushed every so often. You had never felt a sensation like this before, never felt so full. You were beginning to leak onto his pelvis, leaving a glistening spot. The air was filled with grunts and moans, and chants of his name. Bill began growing more and more impatient, and eventually decided you and proven yourself. He muttered a "Good girl", making your walls flutter before he flipped you over and you found yourself on all fours. "Ass up," he ordered before he started pistoning into you at an ungodly pace. His name fell from your mouth like a mantra, and you only had the strength to hold yourself up on your elbows. Bill watched as his cock disappeared into your willing pussy over and over again, admired the way your ass bounced a little each time he would enter you. Your moans became louder and louder, and you screamed as he abused your sweet spot, feeling the pleasure ripple through your body. He could feel the way you squeezed around him and reached down to pinch and rub your clit stimulating you even more. "Just like that," He moaned at the sensation of you squeezing him, and you could feel him twitch inside you. The pleasure was unbearable and you continued to moan his name, your vision becoming fuzzy and little stars forming. He gave one last deep thrust, brushing your cervix before you came hard, screaming his name. He came with a grunt, shooting his load deep inside you.
He rolled you back over, lifting you up a bit to keep your body safe from the elements of the woods. You smiled up at him a bit for the small gesture, your forearm covering your forehead. You watched his heaving chest as it glistened with sweat before he spoke,
"You honestly thought that was enough to prove yourself?" Before he sat you up on your knees.
Thanks for reading! Remember to take care of yourself. :)
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