book-or-bore · 5 years
Childhood Says It All
 A child who was deeply in love with innocence,
Wanted to be smart and old,
But with the toll of time and experience,
His values and morals were all sold.
 A child who was deeply in love with freedom,
Wanted to fly and be free as a dove,
But with the ravages of time,
All he wanted to be prisoned in love.
 A child who was deeply in love with virtuous feats,
Wanted to explore his zone and vicinity,
But with his growth and progression,
He was now pained to see people hiding their sins in fake beauty.
 A child who was deeply in love with music and adventure,
Wanted to dance in the rain,
But in present times,
He just wants to steal world’s pain.
   All he wants to ask,
Don’t you miss your childhood at all?
As this occurs once in life,
And we should serve best and live it all..
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I Know
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
WC: 9073 (sorry)
Warnings: anxiety (spiraling), self-doubt (very surface-y; I don’t think I get that deep into it), angst, everything ends up ok :)
Notes: this is for @lovelyspidey and @thelazypangolin‘s writing challenge! Congrats on such a huge milestone!!!!! The prompt is in bold. Thank you to @spideysstark @uselesspileofstressandsadness and @badbucky for their help!!! This is my first piece with real warnings and I hope I did the issue justice. I tried to describe how I feel when I get a wave come over me but everyone is different. It’ll make sense later. Otherwise it’s literally 100% pure fluff. As always, let me know what you think!! Also? Star Wars.
Summary: Friends can say “I love you.” Couples can say “I love you.” What does it take to get from one to the other? A.K.A. four times she said I love you and a fifth time that was a little…different.
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Y/N was a loving girl. She always told her friends she loved them without a second thought. It was nonchalant; a normal occurrence in her speaking that no one second-guessed the meaning of. She’d say it as she parted ways with friends after lunch, after school, and everywhere in between. It was her way of saying goodbye. But Peter Parker? He wanted it to mean more.
Peter liked Y/N as long as he could remember. So long, in fact, that he had been brainstorming ideas for how to ask her to their first high school dance long before the school year even started. Now, it was still a week away, but he would be ready. He wanted to be the one to ask her.
As Y/N walked down the hallway, her friend MJ told a joke that lit up her face and – as Peter saw it, at least – illuminated the entire hallway. She was a breath of fresh air; he knew it was cheesy, but after all the crime he fought around Queens, her glowing optimism and gleeful aura reminded him of the good in the world and the reason he protected New York.
Y/N met Peter’s gaze and waved with a cheeky grin as she passed his locker. Peter broke free from his trance with a start and looked down to his shoes. He shook his head and brushed his hair back with his hand as an attempt to reset. His best friend Ned, however, knew Peter’s efforts to forget Y/N were futile.
“You are so whipped, man,” Ned whispered.
Peter’s eyes darted to his friend’s smug face as he shushed him. Ned knew about Peter’s crush and badgered him constantly about it. Given that Peter knew Y/N since middle school, he was relatively used to it by that point.
“Are you ever going to do something about it?” Ned wanted to get the two of them together as much as Peter did. The issue was that Peter wanted everything to be perfect; it had to work. On top of that, he was terrified.
“Yes, Ned, remember? I told you I’m going to ask her to the dance tomorrow,” he mumbled under his breath and partly into the void of his locker.
“And you promise you won’t chicken out?” Ned asked. “I can’t emotionally handle the soap opera that is your life much longer.”
Though Peter knew his friend was joking, the butterflies in his stomach were whipping around at the thought of asking Y/N to the dance. They had been friends since he could remember, but he had to do it. He had to.
The day dragged on like any other before Peter, Ned, MJ, and Y/N found themselves in P.E. The class was going to play modified hockey in the gym and today they would be learning how to hold and use hockey sticks correctly. They stood in line to get their stick and spread out to practice their technique with demonstrations by the teacher. Peter and Ned were just behind MJ and Y/N, who stood talking while they waited for the rest of the class to get their sticks.
Feeling bored waiting, Peter and Ned seized the opportunity to act out a lightsaber duel with their hockey sticks, crashing them together as they had with actual lightsaber toys many times before. The noise was enough to distract Y/N from her conversation with MJ.
Y/N spun around, her expression both playful and devious, with her hockey stick raised. She immediately jumped in and separated the boys using her own pretend lightsaber to stop the fight.
“Young Jedi,” she voiced, easily falling into character. “Stop playing, you must. Starting soon, class is.”
She stepped back, starting to giggle as Peter and Ned simultaneously replied. “Yes, Master Yoda,” they said with bowed heads. Even with his head down, Peter couldn’t help but peek up at her one more time before their teacher blew the whistle to start class.
Y/N met his stare and goofily shook her head. “You guys are so annoying.” She turned around to face the front before glancing back over her shoulder. “But I love you anyway.”
Y/N chuckled and returned her focus to class. Ned, meanwhile, side-eyed his pining friend’s face as blush filled his rounded cheeks that couldn’t stop smiling.
Ned stopped Peter as they stood at the library door after school. They had decathlon practice after school, but that was the last thing on their minds. The day before, Peter – along with Ned’s help of course – meticulously planned how Peter would ask Y/N to homecoming after decathlon practice. This moment, standing at the library door, was the last moment they could talk before the plan was in motion.
“No chickening out,” Ned reminded his friend for the thousandth time that day.
“Not helping, Ned.” Peter’s voice was already shaking and his hands trembled. Everything was ready, but nothing could stop the butterflies still in his stomach from turning into what felt like wasps buzzing around violently.
“Dude, it’s going to be perfect. If all else fails, do this for me, ok? I’ve shipped you two together for ages.”
Peter rolled his eyes playfully as Ned opened the door and the duo headed over to the usual table and sat down with their teammates.
Decathlon practice went as usual with question after question answered correctly. Mr. Harrington hit all the subjects – calculus, history, geography, art, English, biology, chemistry, and more. Time flew by and, before they knew it, the extracurricular bell rang and practice was over. Peter caught Ned’s eyes and they both nodded; the plan was officially a go.
Peter snagged his backpack and darted out of the library as quickly as possible. He trotted out the front doors of his school, heart already pounding and nerves running rampant. He made his way to the street, down the block, and around the corner, until he finally reached the alley he frequently used to suit up. His suit spilled out of the front pocket of his backpack as soon as he unzipped it, and checking to make sure he was alone, Peter stripped down and suited up as he would any other day. But today was not any other day.
Back in the library, Ned and MJ (whose help Ned enlisted) stuck by Y/N’s side. The three of them planned to go to Y/N’s house after school to watch a movie, but Ned’s job was to stall. A few extra minutes was all Peter needed.
“Y/N, do you mind helping me with a few more questions?” Ned asked, holding her up as she was trying to pack up.
“Of course, Ned. What do you need help with?” she replied, confused as to why Ned wanted to practice extra on a Friday afternoon when normally he was the one trying to get out of there.
“I was hoping,” Ned prefaced, summoning his best puppy-dog eyes, “that you could explain the Uncertainty Principle and a little Quantum Theory to me? Please?”
“Um, sure. What specifically about those do you want me to explain?”
Ned hesitated. He wanted to give Peter as long as possible just in case the spider-boy couldn’t help himself from stopping a crime on his way.
“All of it?”
“That might take me a few minutes, but ok. For starters, the Uncertainty Principle basically says that there is a fundamental limit to the precision with which the qualities of a particle can be known. Do you want me to get more complex than that?”
“Please,” Ned replied, satisfied with his efforts to delay the trio. MJ, sitting at the other end of the table, mirrored his satisfaction and texted Peter.
“Mr. Parker?” Karen prompted as Peter swung from building to building with his backpack strapped on tight. “You have a new text message from MJ. She said, “The princess has been delayed successfully. The plan is a go. Good luck. Over.”
“Thanks, Karen,” Peter replied, his voice cracking with his nerves. “Hey, do you think this is a bad idea?”
“Based on the amount you’ve talked about her, Peter, I would say waiting any longer would be a bad idea.”
“I don’t talk about her that often!” Peter protested. “Thanks though, I guess.”
Peter shot his web to the next building, letting go of the one behind him and launching himself forward. The wind whipped through the mask and wicked away his nervous sweat as he soared through the sky, thankful no one could see the panic he felt inside.
After Y/N answered all of Ned’s questions, the group packed up and headed to the train to go to her house. They boarded, giggling about the stupid things Flash said earlier and their movie marathon plans, until the speakers finally crackled to indicate that it was time for the train to depart.
“The doors are closing. Please stand clear. Next stop: first street. The train is departing. Please hold on.”
The train lurched forward, knocking some of the adult passengers off balance but failing to bother the teenagers.
“Hey, where’s Peter?” Y/N asked suddenly given that the four of them normally watched movie marathons together.
“He told me he had spider duty for the Stark internship for a bit this afternoon and would try to head over afterward,” Ned explained. After Ned found out by walking in on Peter earlier in the school year, Peter felt compelled to inform his other friends as well. It was partially a result of Ned’s begging to tell them so he didn’t have to keep it a secret, but Peter also didn’t want them to feel like he was ditching them all the time. He especially didn’t want Y/N to think he didn’t like her. Quite the opposite, actually.
As the train pulled into their stop by Y/N’s house, MJ shot Peter a second text. Getting off train and escorting princess to house. Estimated arrival in t-five minutes. Over. Karen read the text to Peter as before, but Peter this time nodded along, already in position in Y/N’s driveway. He repeated the words he wanted to say to her over and over in his head, each time stumbling over different words and requiring encouragement from Karen. Finally, his spidey sense tingled and he could hear them walking toward the house, still a block away, but approaching every second.
Y/N’s head fell back in laughter at something Ned said just as they turned into her driveway. As soon as she looked ahead again, she spotted a white fiber running up her driveway. She followed it with her eyes until her gaze landed on Spider-Man – er, Peter Parker – suited up and hanging by his feet from the overhang of her garage.
“Peter? What are you doing?” She asked, stepping in front of Ned and MJ. Ned and MJ shuddered with excitement and relief that this was finally happening.
“Y/N,” Peter started before clearing his throat. He shot out a web to the yard, pulling a poster up to him and turning it so it was no longer upside down for her to read. He didn’t need to read it, anyway; he had the words perfected and memorized. He shot a second web to the other side of the yard to retrieve a fresh bouquet of red roses. With a deep breath, he slipped off the mask and popped the question.
“Would you be my Spider-Woman and swing to homecoming with me?”
Peter held his breath – everything was perfect so far – but the most important was yet to come. Wishing for his mask back to hide his desperation, he looked into her eyes as she took in the costumed boy hanging from her roof. Behind her, Ned and MJ leaned in, straining to be a part of every word.
What seemed to Peter like minutes later – though really it was only a second or two – Y/N beamed up at her upside-down friend. “It would be an honor, Spider-Man.” She strode toward him, the smile and now-glistening eyes never fading. Peter froze with both embarrassment and excitement flooding through him. Had she said yes?
“I’d love to go to homecoming with you, Peter.” She smiled wider, hands drifting up to his shoulders to steady him as she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He blushed even redder than the day before as he flipped down from the roof and landed on his feet right in front of her, his own smile now beaming down at her.
He handed her the flowers after nearly forgetting he had them, then pulled her in for a hug. They were great friends and hugged countless times before, but Peter, heart pounding out of his chest and swelling all at the same time, still got excited every time.
“Love you, Pete,” Y/N whispered as they pulled away, cheeks straining from smiling so wide. “Does this mean you’re going to let me try your web shooters? If I’m supposed to swing to homecoming?” She taunted.
Peter grinned but shook his head as she laughed and trotted inside with MJ to set up the movie marathon and get the flowers in a vase. Peter turned to watch her go in the front door as Ned walked up behind him to catch a fist-bump before heading inside themselves.
Even with his alarm going off early on a weekend, Peter hadn’t been able to stop smiling. The girl of his dreams was going to homecoming with him. With him! He couldn’t wait. But as excited as he was for the following Saturday, he reminded himself that he needed to focus. Sunday, the Midtown decathlon team had a large competition they just had to win. Plus, Peter thought in the back of his mind, it’s another chance to see and impress her. Sure, it was a distraction, but it was also his best motivation.
Peter jogged into the auditorium as May went to park the car. It was relatively quiet other than their team and their opponents sitting up at their respective tables at the front, fitting in whatever last-minute studying they could. The seats in the crowd filled up one-by-one as the start time ticked closer and closer.
Finally, it was time to start, and the teammates standing scurried over to their seats as the moderator approached the podium. Peter took his seat, doing his best not to look out into the crowd of judging eyes.
“Hello and welcome to today’s academic decathlon between Midtown School of Science and Technology and the Queens Institute of Science.” He explained the rules briefly before rolling straight into questions.
“Question 1. What is meant by the phrase “turn genes on” or, alternatively, “turn genes off”?”
Peter snapped to attention as Y/N smashed the buzzer from the seat to his right. “Hox genes determine whether specific genes are expressed in a particular place and time,” she recited as he stuck out his hand and nudged her shoulder for a fist bump that she happily returned.
“Correct! Ten points to Midtown. Question 2. Maddalena Casulana is best known for what contribution?”
Now it was MJ who hit the buzzer and blurted out the answer with more energy in her voice than every other time she spoke combined. “Maddalena Casulana is best known for publishing the first book of madrigals by a female composer.”
Teammates patted her on the back as the moderator confirmed her answer and granted Midtown ten more points. Questions proceeded like this, with the opponents getting some along the way, throughout the competition. By the end, however, it was a landslide.
“We’re down to our final question, and Midtown leads the Queens Institute 400-90. Question 50. What economic value measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price?”
Peter jumped out of his seat as he hit the buzzer, slinking back down as he realized all eyes were on him. “Elasticity measures how much one economic variable responds to changes in another economic variable,” he explained, holding his breath such that the minor microphone static could be heard throughout the auditorium.
“Correct! And with that, Midtown School of Science and Technology wins today’s competition against the Queens Institute of Science by a commanding score of 410-90!”
The Midtown team jumped out of their seats in celebration as the home crowd cheered. Y/N nudged Peter’s shoulder for a fist bump just as he had earlier. He returned the gesture but then held his arms out wide as he smiled down at her, so proud of how successful they were. She drifted into him and he closed his arms around her as the team continued to celebrate around them, jumping up and down between their own hugs.
“You were awesome today,” he praised, in awe of her intelligence.
“So were you,” she grinned until MJ came up and grabbed her arm to have her turn to celebrate with Y/N. “Love you, Pete!” she called after him, looking back as MJ dragged her away.
Peter’s spirits shot up as he walked over to celebrate with his teammates. He couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty for the fact that his celebration was primarily due to Y/N’s words.
The week had gone by as would any other with Peter bouncing from school to decathlon practice to the Stark internship to home. He hung out with Ned, MJ, and Y/N a couple of times as usual, too. Now, though, besides the usual group texts finding times to hang out, he had an excuse to text Y/N about the dance that weekend. He’d start a conversation by asking her what color her dress was, what time she wanted to leave for the dance, and if the plan he worked out was ok with her. But then they’d keep texting and texting, Peter even pausing between criminals while on patrols to reply.
On Friday, the day before the dance, he texted her almost as soon as he was on patrol after decathlon practice. He swung through the city, building to building, when he enlisted Karen’s help.
“Karen?” he grunted as he shot out the next web and let go of the one behind him. “Would you text Y/N and tell her I can’t wait for homecoming with her tomorrow?”
“Sure, Mr. Parker. Would you like to add a smiling emoji to the end of your message?”
“Oh, yes, nice touch, Karen. Thank you!”
Not a second after the message sent did Peter spy a pickpocket on the streets below him. He swept down and shot a web at the thief along the way, attention now solely on protecting Queens.
Meanwhile, Y/N arrived home and meandered into her bedroom without turning on a single light. She tossed her backpack onto her bed and slumped into her desk chair, head immediately resting on her arms. A yellow post-it note stuck to her desk right above her arms with a note scribbled on it from her mom in black ink.
Dad and I have a work function tonight and will be home late. Get some sleep and we’ll see you in the morning. Love, Mom
After a quick glance at it, Y/N’s head fell back in her arms. With a sigh, she sat up and hefted her AP calculus textbook off the ground and flipped to her homework page. Her phone stayed in her backpack, still on silent from school.
She worked tirelessly to complete the weekend’s assignment as well as all those for the following week. The more she could get done that afternoon, she thought, the less stress she’d have the day of homecoming. The thought of it as she planned her weekend brought her own butterflies to her stomach, unaware the nerves were mutual.
As she checked the answer to the last problem – which she answered correctly, of course – she tapped out for the night. The sun set out her window; only the smallest fraction was still visible over the horizon. She stood up to go to her bathroom and get everything ready for the following day. Makeup, curling iron, and perfume – she got it all set out. Finally, she rinsed off and toweled her hair dry before slipping back into her room.
The only thing left to prep was her dress. She gingerly pulled it and the clear plastic bag encasing it out of her closet and hung it on her door. The short, navy dress was her favorite dress she ever owned. It was completely lace with a thin navy layer of satin fabric below the lace everywhere but the sleeves. The sleeves were three-quarter length and, like the entire bodice, hugged tightly. It fell more casually below the waist, loosening to drop over the hips before ending about halfway down her thigh.
As she looked at it still in the plastic bag hanging on her door, she couldn’t help feeling excited to wear it. She had never been a girly-girl, but this was an opportunity for Peter to see her in something other than school clothes or pajamas as he always did. This was an opportunity to be pretty, for once.
For no reason other than her excitement, she dropped her towel and slipped the dress on. It fit like a glove, that was for sure. But as she closed her closet door and looked at her reflection in her floor-length mirror, she didn’t feel the expected excitement as she had the first time she put it on. The dress was beautiful on the website, beautiful hanging on her door, and even beautiful laid out on her bed. Despite its perfect fit, she suddenly feared it wasn’t beautiful enough.
Y/N looked deeper into the reflection staring back at her as her mind conjured up all the possible ways the dance could go wrong. What if I do something stupid? What if everyone thinks my dress is weird? What if I fall in heels? Her worries started at a surface level but it didn’t take long before she spiraled, down further and further. She watched unmoving as her eyes glossed over, each self-criticism and worry more pointed than the last. What if everyone says I’m ugly? I already am. What if everyone hates me? They probably do.
A single, salty tear rolled down her left cheek before she could hastily pull herself away, stripping the dress off and throwing it on her desk in exchange for baggy sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. An uncontrollable urge pulled her back to the mirror, forcing her to survey her wet hair, makeup-less face, and tragically unflattering outfit. The sight tipped her spiral over the edge; she crumpled to the ground and caught her head in her hands as tear after tear streamed down the tracks on her face.
She couldn’t remember how this wave of misery started or how it escalated; the only thought that consumed her was that she wasn’t enough. Searching for some way out of whatever this feeling was, she crawled across the floor to her backpack and pulled out her phone before slumping back into the same position as before.
Across the city, Peter swung up to and on top of the Bank of Queens after stopping a robber from breaking into their vault. Thankfully, the burglar wasn’t armed, but that hadn’t stopped him from trying to take hostages and snag some cash. It was nothing Spider-Man couldn’t handle, however, and Peter easily stopped the thief and called the police before anything got out of hand.
Settled on top of the roof and spotting the sun beginning its descent, Peter realized Y/N never texted him back. This was strange given the conversations they had the previous days that week where she’d respond instantly and, if she didn’t, if was because she already informed him she was going to practice (she was an athlete too – what couldn’t she do?) or had some appointment. This time, though, there was nothing.
“Karen, did Y/N ever reply? I don’t remember hearing a message from her,” Peter asked, hoping his message hadn’t annoyed her or something.
“No, Mr. Parker, she never replied. Would you like to text her again?”
“I don’t think so…I mean, what do you think, Karen?” he asked, not having much experience in the “more than friends” department. Although it wasn’t like Karen did either, he chuckled as he went on. “I don’t want to bug her, but it seems weird she didn’t reply.”
“Based on my analysis of your conversations this week, I would agree, Mr. Parker.” Though Karen was as romantically inept as Peter himself, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of relief at her assurance. That was until Karen alerted him of an incoming message, reading it to him as it popped up on his mask’s display.
Y/N: are you on patrol
The unpunctuated and odd message baffled Peter. She had either ignored or not gotten his text, both of which seemed unlikely.
Peter: Yes, what’s up?
Casuallycool, he thought. It was a strange way for her to start a conversation but that didn’t mean that he was going to pass it up. He slipped off the mask and pulled out his actual phone, holding his breath and excitement as the three dots popped up, disappeared for a minute, and then returned briefly before the next message arrived.
Y/N: can you come over
If Peter thought he felt baffled before, it was nothing in comparison to how he felt now. He had been to her house countless times but never like this. It was usually to hang out along with Ned and MJ in tow. On top of that, it was getting late and they’d be hanging out most of the weekend. He knew she was smarter than him, so it wasn’t like she needed homework help, either. His heart sank; he couldn’t figure out what was going on and, more importantly, where his energetic, goofy, loving best friend went.
Despite his uncertainty, he pulled his mask back on and shot a web out in the direction of her house without hesitation. His mind continued jumping to conclusions with each swing. He asked Karen to tell her he was on his way, hoping for an explanation in a third message that never arrived.
It didn’t take him long to cross the city, but the suburbs just outside were a little trickier. He swung between trees like Tarzan, trotted along roofs, and hopped over fences in backyards, dealing with the occasional stumble as his mind was undividedly on Y/N.
Finally, what felt like hours later, he scaled the side of her house, traversed the roof, and used a web to lower himself to her window on the second floor. The blinds were closed and there were no lights on; if he hadn’t known better, he’d think no one was home. He slipped off the mask and inhaled as he tapped his knuckles against the glass a couple of times, then pulled his arm back and waited.
The blinds, then the window itself, opened promptly. Though the sun had now set and her light was off, the faint moonlight was more than enough for Peter to see the dried tear streaks down Y/N’s face. His own panic surged as he hopped inside and she closed the window behind him without a word.
Peter stared at her in the dark room. Her eyes fell to the floor and she stood motionless and silent – two terms Peter never before would’ve considered to describe her.
“What’s going on?” He finally asked. He stepped to her desk to turn on the lamp as he waited for her response, but she still fell silent. She bit her bottom lip and pressed her eyes together, trying to smile and fight the feelings back but failing. A second wave of tears started poking out the outer corners of her eyes, squeezed out by how forcefully she shut her eyes and by how forcefully she fought back emotions.
Peter’s eyes narrowed and he stepped closer. “Y/N, what’s going on?” He repeated. “What’s wrong?” He lowered his eyes to meet hers as she pried them back open. She sniffled and hesitated before piecing together her words.
“This wave hit me,” she sniffled again, this time accentuated with a small hiccup, “and I didn’t know what to do.” She collapsed back to the same spot on the floor, back pressed up against her bed. Peter crouched down in front to her, then decided on sitting down and took a seat beside her.
He had never seen this side of her, this expression of vulnerability. No part of it scared him away; on the contrary, he found himself drawing into her, aching to support her in her struggle. “What do you mean by ‘wave?’ What’s making you upset?” He chose his words carefully; this was uncharted territory for the boy but all he wanted was to relieve her of her pain.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled, “one second I was excited and went to put on my dress for tomorrow again and the next thing I knew…this happened,” she hiccupped again, pointing at her watering eyes. She hugged her knees to her chest and dropped her head such that her forehead rested on her knees.
Reassured by the fact she had been excited about the dance not long ago, he convinced himself to reach out and rest his hand on her rounded back, softly rubbing clockwise circles. “Do you want to talk about it? Or figure out why it happened?”
“I know why it happened,” she replied, her voice muffled as her face was still buried in her knees. “But it’s stupid.”
“Hey,” he said quickly. The hand on her back found her shoulder and pulled her up so he could see her face. “Whatever it is, it’s not stupid. You don’t have to, but you can tell me anything.” He smiled weakly, his heart breaking at the sight of the despondent girl by his side.
She took a few deep breaths while the intensity of the sniffles subsided. “I spiraled,” she admitted, getting comfortable saying the words out loud. “Seeing myself in the dress and realizing the dance was tomorrow I just…spiraled.” She paused, trying to pry out the feelings buried inside. “It started with a fear I would look stupid, or do something stupid, or say something stupid, or be stupid. It got more and more serious…I told myself I’m ugly, that no one actually likes me, and that I’m worthless.”
Though sitting up, her eyes fell shut in defeat. She struggled to blink back open, eyes unmoving and peering at a spot on the carpet as she chastised herself for saying those things out loud. Peter, on the other hand, wanted immediately to dispute everything she said. None of it was true; he couldn’t fathom how she could believe a single word. But here she was, trapped by these false claims and feeling completely alone.
“Y/N, I promise you, none of those things are true. No matter what your head is telling you, please listen to me. Nothing about you – how you look, what you do, what you say, or how you act – none of those are stupid. Honestly, I’d say the opposite. For one thing,” he pulled her shoulder up again and peered straight into her eyes, though unsure of where this newfound courage came from, “you’re absolutely beautiful, everything you do is incredible, you only say the most brilliant things, and you are one of the kindest people I’ve ever met.”
Her eyes dropped from his and looked down again as her eyes pressed closed, far more softly this time, and she forced her lips into a soft smile. He could tell it was forced and that she hadn’t internalized it and took it upon himself to keep going.
“For another thing, I can’t think of a single person at school who doesn’t like you. Besides, even if someone didn’t, who cares what they think? Ned, MJ, and I care so much about you, and—”
“You do?” she interrupted, voice cracking.
“I—I mean, we—of course we do. You’re our best friend.” He looked at her again, somehow finding even more courage he didn’t know he had. “Y/N, you’re really important to me.”
She smiled, even if only slightly more genuinely this time, as she turned to him with glossy eyes. Warmed by her response, he kept going.
“Most importantly,” he started, eyes narrowing even further to gaze deeper into hers. “You are worthy of anyone and anything. You deserve the world.” His voice had dropped to nearly a whisper but it was more than loud enough for the two of them sitting side-by-side on Y/N’s bedroom floor. He placed his arm around to her far shoulder this time and rested his hand on top of it. “I’ll do anything to help you realize it.”
She blinked a few times before smiling just slightly wider than the previous time. But in this instance Peter could see a change in her eyes; a glimmer of hope that hadn’t been there minutes ago. She leaned back and rested her head on his shoulder and gently closed her eyes. Peter moved his hand down from her right shoulder to her arm, pulling her into him just slightly and gently stroking it up and down. She sniffled once more and Peter rested his own head on top of hers.
“Thank you, Pete,” she whispered. He felt her slowly putting more and more of the weight of her head on his shoulder, both literally and in trust.
“Believe me, you’re incredible,” he muttered, closing his own eyes for a second.
“Love you,” she murmured, eyes closing more heavily as her whole body pressed more heavily into Peter’s side. Hand on her back, Peter felt her heart rate slowing and breathing deepening as she drifted to sleep. He basked in their closeness and her comment before cautiously lifting his head and holding her head up while he turned to scoop her up. He tentatively rested her head against the front of his shoulder while he slid his arms underneath her shoulders and knees, lifting her up. He turned slowly and delicately set her down on her bed, taking utmost care in resting her head on the pillows comfortably. He pulled her comforter up over her and brushed a strand of hair out of her face while her body eased into the mattress.
“Love you, too,” Peter whispered, grabbing another post-it note and jotting something down. He stuck the note to the window at the end of her bed before quietly opening the blinds and said window to hop out. He pulled on his mask and smiled beneath it, content with his expression of his feelings despite Y/N’s deep sleep. He shot a web up to her roof to hang from it, closed the window behind him, and swung off into the night, thoughts focused on how to show Y/N how worthy she truly was.
Y/N woke up the following morning when the sun poured into her room through her window. She couldn’t remember how she got to her bed but remembered Peter was there. Relaxing as she thought back to him being so kind and understanding, she looked up to her window, her eyes immediately falling on a bright note stuck to the glass. She sat up and crawled to the edge of her bed, reaching out and pulling the note down with the tip of her fingers. Sitting with her legs crossed at the end of her bed, she read the note.
Y/N – I had to go home so May wouldn’t worry, but if you need anything I’m always a text away. I’m so relieved you texted me yesterday because to see you feeling upset was painful but knowing you were upset alone before I got there breaks my heart. You are and will always be one of my best friends and I’ll always be there to support you. Never forget how incredible you are. If you do, give me a call, and I’ll remind you :)
<3 – Peter -->
Y/N saw the arrow at the edge of the note and flipped it over, finding a little more scribbled on the back.
P.S. I can’t wait for homecoming with you tonight. It’s going to be a blast and there’s no one else I’d rather be going with! See you soon :)
She clung to the note and her focus drifted out the window. It felt cliché, like she was in a music video (or, better yet, like she was little and looking out the car window in the rain while listening to music), except it was real. Flooding with warmth despite the chilly morning, she stuck the note back to her window with care and scampered to the kitchen for breakfast.
Now just an hour before he needed to leave for the dance, Peter hopped out of the shower and toweled off. He shaved his nonexistent facial hair and liberally applied deodorant followed by brand-new cologne. He slipped on his navy pants – May had rented the suit specifically to match Y/N’s dress – and crisp white dress shirt, then started trying to comb his hair. Rolling curls stuck out this way and that; somehow not even his strong gel could tame them. Eventually, May came in with her hair dryer and smoothed over both the spikey hair and his nerves.
He tucked in his shirt as smoothly as possible and whipped out the tie. May found a YouTube video and the rest of the time he spent getting ready was figuring out how to tie it. Finally, he laced up his shiny black dress shoes and pulled his navy suit coat on as May smooshed down one more curl on the back of his head. He snagged the corsage from the fridge and ran out the front door right behind May.
The group was going to meet and take pictures place at Ned’s house. May had driven there enough times and knew the route without Peter having to tell her, which he was thankful for as his mouth was too dry and brain too jittery to say anything clearly. They pulled up at Ned’s and parked on the street between cars Peter instantly recognized as belonging to MJ’s and Y/N’s parents. May ushered him up to the front door which, again, he was thankful for as his legs seemed to not be working underneath him.
Ned greeted them at the door and thanked them for coming, ever the gracious host. As soon as Ned opened the door further for them to come in, Peter saw her. She faced away from him, her hair cascading over her shoulders and the laced navy dress she wore fitting her personality and style just right. She laughed then, steadying herself of MJ’s shoulder.
Suddenly both his arms were being pulled in through the door frame by May and Ned. Ned closed the door behind him while May looked Peter up and down as if checking him for injuries.
“What’s gotten into you?” May pried. Peter stared just over her shoulder like a puppy begging for a treat. May got the hint and turned around, spotting the girl behind her. She shook Peter’s shoulders lightly while Ned stood by intently. “You have to focus, buddy. It’s game time. You got this.”
Ned nodded along with her pep-talk and gave Peter a thumbs up. May stepped aside and Peter’s path to Y/N was clear. Across the room, MJ leaned down to Y/N and whispered something in her ear and pointed to Peter behind her, causing her to turn around.
Peter felt like he was in one of those videos where they show the groom seeing his bride walk down the aisle. A forceful push from Ned brought him back to reality: he was a boy with a crush on a girl he had been friends with forever and they were going to homecoming together. And maybe she had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder the night before. And maybe she had kissed him on the cheek when he asked her to the dance. And maybe she liked him, too.
Everything flashed through Peter’s mind as he stepped toward her, who now faced him with a soft but widening grin on her face. As soon as he saw her face light up, the tension binding Peter melted away and he opened his arms wide to pull her in for a hug. Neither of them knew it, but both their eyes drifted closed for just a second until they realized others were around and separated.
“You…you look beautiful,” Peter said, hands fidgeting around the corsage box. “As always,” he added with a wink, though again not completely sure where this wave of confidence came from.
“You clean up pretty well yourself, Peter Parker.” Y/N looked up at him with big eyes through her lashes. “Which is unusual for you, so good job,” she teased, giggling. He only smiled wider – he couldn’t be mad at her if he tried.
“No, really though. Y/N…you are—"
“Hi, Y/N, it’s so good to see you!” May interjected, pulling Y/N in for a hug. Peter took the opportunity to step aside and say hello to Y/N’s parents standing nearby talking with other parents. They knew him well, of course, and recognized him instantly.
“Peter! You look so dapper!” Y/N’s mom exclaimed, pinching his arm. “Your suit matches her dress perfectly – you were made to be a couple!” Y/N’s dad stepped up behind his wife. Peter had been dreading this – Y/N’s dad loved him, but every movie dad hated their daughter’s boyfriend. He wasn’t her boyfriend (yet, he hoped) but who knows.
“You do look good, kid. Thanks for asking Y/N to the dance tonight. She hasn’t stopped talking about it or you all week!”
Given his fear of how that conversation could have gone, Y/N’s father’s comments brightened Peter’s outlook for the night. If that was even possible. Shehadn’t stopped talking about him?
“Thank you, thank you so much. I’m just happy she was willing to go with me!” They all laughed until Y/N and May walked over, the rest of the kids having arrived. Everyone exchanged their corsages and boutonnieres while parents started going wild for pictures. Pictures of each kid with their date, pictures of all the girls, pictures of all the boys, pictures of everyone together, and every candid they could get. Once nearly all the possible pictures had been taken, parents began filing out.
Y/N’s dad walked over to Peter and tapped him on the shoulder on his way out. “Have a good time, kiddo. Take care of her for me,” he said with a grin, and stepped out the front door. The only parents left were Ned’s, who lived there and would be driving them to the school in their family’s minivan.
Peter stuck his arm out for Y/N as they walked outside and hopped in. The two of them clambered into the back row while MJ, her date Abraham, and Ned’s date Betty sat in the middle. Ned sat up front with his dad and controlled the AUX, a role he claimed to be “destined” for.
It would only be a few minutes before they got to the school as Ned lived only minutes away. Still, Y/N felt once again like she was in a music video, staring out of
the car window as Ned’s music blasted from speakers in all directions. Peter glanced over at her, a wide smile already on his face. The glow from the traffic lights was enough to see her and the at least partially-restored hopefulness in her eyes compared to the night before. Her hands sat together in her lap, her head relaxed a little off to one side as she watched the city around them.
Peter reached over and placed his hand on top of hers, instantly pulling her attention to first their hands and then to Peter’s face. She looked at him expectantly, her eyes somehow delicate but strong. Music too loud for any real conversation, Peter mouthed, “doing ok?” to which she nodded and smiled softly. Just as he was about to pull his hand back in case she was uncomfortable, Y/N laced her fingers through his and beamed at him across the backseat with excitement twinkling in her eyes.
All too soon, the van pulled up outside the school. Ned hopped out and slid open the automatic door for Betty while MJ opened it for herself on the other side. Abraham clambered out behind MJ with Peter and Y/N close behind. The teens thanked Mr. Leeds and walked into the school, chattering and laughing all the while.
They walked through the hallways and eventually reached the gym doors. The main gym lights were off but spotlights flitted around; a disco ball hung from the center and reflected moving beams of light throughout the space. A DJ up front was already playing a new song with the dance floor just in front of him. On the opposite side there was a long table with drinks and a few snacks, and in the middle of the room, there were tables and chairs with some worn-out students taking a break.
All six kids immediately made a run for the dance floor as some pop song from the radio boomed through the speakers. The kids all jumped up and down in a circle, everyone having fun with their friends. Song after song came on and they all had a blast, all slightly out of their comfort zones but enjoying good company.
Eventually, the floor got a little hot and Y/N stepped away to grab some water. Peter followed, sitting down with her at a table while they sipped refreshments.
“Are you having a good time?” Y/N asked.
Slightly taken aback as he hadn’t even questioned it, he chuckled. “Of course! Are…are you?”
Y/N beamed back at him. “I’m having a blast.”
“Y/N! Y/N!” MJ and Betty ran up to them hand-in-hand and somewhat out of breath. “The guys are taking a break – come dance with us!” Their dates came up behind Peter and plopped down at their table with lemonades.
Y/N smiled and looked from her friends to Peter, eyebrows raised minutely as if asking for permission. Peter felt her gaze and turned to her, eyebrows furrowing. “You don’t have to ask me,” he laughed with an encouraging nod toward the DJ. “Go!” MJ and Betty pulled Y/N’s arm and dragged her off. She turned briefly and grinned at a glimpse of Peter giving her a thumbs up and a wink.
Ned, now alone with Abraham and, more importantly, Peter, jumped on the opportunity for interrogation. “Dude!” he punched Peter’s shoulder excitedly. “You and Y/N? Tell us the deets!”
“I don’t know, Ned,” Peter said, his crooked smile never leaving his face. He peeked at the dance floor and saw Y/N having fun with her friends. “I just…really…really like her…and…and I think she might like me too.”
Ned nearly jumped with joy. “Finally! I told you! What made you see it?”
“I just…I guess I just talked to her a lot this week? We texted every day after school, late at night, all the time. She’s kind and funny and easy to talk to and—”
“That’s great, but, gotta go!” Ned bolted off, as did Abraham. Removed from his reminiscent trance by Ned’s abrupt departure, Peter looked around, confused at first until he heard the characteristic slow song now melodically flooding the room. He stood up and saw Y/N immediately, standing out from the crowd like a cliché movie. He cringed at the thought but, deep down, was in love with the moment.
He walked over to her and shyly stuck out his hand. “May I have this dance?”
“No,” she said sternly, staring off into the crowd for just a second until she could no longer suppress her laughter at his panic. She turned back to him with a cheeky smile and took his frozen hand. Filled with relief, Peter moved his hands to her hips while hers snaked up around his neck.
“Is this ok?” he asked, his face only a few inches above and in front of hers. She nodded and quietly hummed along to the music while they swayed back and forth in the sea of teenagers.
“Peter?” She turned to him and met his gaze, which had yet to leave her face. “I…thank you. For everything.” The chorus of the slow song echoed off the walls of the gym. “For taking care of me yesterday and for letting me have a fun time tonight. I’m really sorry I kept you up last night and for needing you to check in on me. I just—”
“I just really trust you, and I’m so thankful to have you, and so thankful we got close this week, and—”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Peter, I just—”
“Y/N!” It was her turn to freeze now, nervous words no longer rambling from her lips. The corners of Peter’s mouth tilted upward, quickly stretching ear to ear as she scanned his face.
“It’s ok,” he assured, leaning his head toward her just slightly. “Please, you don’t have to thank me. You know I’d…I’d do anything for you. I’d…I’d even force Spider-Man to put his duties on hold so I could come see you.” Her eyes pressed shut and her head fell forward, resting on his chest for a moment as she snorted. His heart pounded beneath her forehead and he hoped she couldn’t tell. She lifted her head and met his tender gaze, soft smiles gracing both their lips as they snickered.
“I really would do anything for you,” Peter sustained, “I…I love you.” A weak yet desperately hopeful smile formed on his face as he held his breath and stared at her. As usual, she smiled.
“I know,” she replied, deadpan.
Peter’s heart sank for a split second before it occurred to him. “Did you…did you just Han Solo me?” It only took a moment for her to break character and for both of them to laugh it off. “You’re so annoying. I love you,” he hesitated, wanting to cement it more. “Like, I love love you.”
This time, she smiled. Her grin spread ear to ear, cheeks rounding as she bit her bottom lip on one side and, as Peter would describe it, glowed. “I love love you, too, Peter Parker.” She clarified, smiling wider and wider with each word.
He looked back at her, elated, just as the slow song ended and more dance music swept over them. Sticking together, they meandered through the floor to find the rest of the crew and enjoyed the rest of the night awkwardly jumping up and down to the music with their friends.
An hour later, the DJ announced the last song and the dance floor began to open up. Feeling wiped out themselves, the six friends made their way to the parking lot to meet May who was on pick-up and after-party duty. They somehow squeezed into just four seats and sputtered along home, already reliving the fun night.
At the Parker’s apartment, everyone changed from their suits and dresses into pajamas. Since it was late and everyone’s parents were comfortable with the other kids, everyone was staying at Peter’s, boys in the Peter’s room and girls in the living room. Once changed, they made their way back to the living room for games until the energy from the dance wore off.
They started with charades and broke into three teams of each person and their date. Round after round, Peter and Y/N got far more answers correct than either of the other teams – even doubling their answers one time.
“You’ve got to be cheating!” Ned and Abraham nearly shouted, happy Peter was doing well with Y/N but not happy enough to be ok with losing.
“Nope! Peter and I are just on the same page,” Y/N teased, looking over to Peter with a cheeky grin and wink. Peter reveled in it – celebrating their wins every single round, high-fives, hugs, joking, and teasing the others – it was perfect. He watched her react to Betty struggling to guess Ned’s obvious clue and sat back in his seat, realizing that, more importantly than how his night went, she was back. Y/N seemed like herself again.
As the charades intensity began winding down, Peter suggested a movie. He clicked on Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back and half-sat-half-laid into the left arm of the couch. Everyone else found places around the room and Y/N scampered over right next to Peter. Once the movie started and sound took over the room, she scooted even closer to Peter and tapped on his shoulder.
Peter nearly leaped up thinking something might be wrong, but her calm air told him otherwise. Y/N pointed to his shoulder again and he opened his arm and ushered her in. Her head pressed down between his shoulder and chest and he wrapped his arm around her such that his hand rested on her back.
A bit into the movie, Han Solo delivered the line they joked about earlier – he told Princess Leia he loved her only for her to tell him “I know.” Y/N smirked up at Peter and he titled his head to gaze down at her eyes reflecting the movie light. She nestled in tighter, head almost in the crook of his neck, and draped her arm up and around his torso. He sighed as she held him tight and let her eyes drift closed, breathing deepening with every minute of the movie passing by. Peter felt himself nodding off, but not before he peered down to see Y/N somehow still grinning, muscles relaxed and heavy as they pressed into his side. More comfortable than ever, he lay his own head on top of hers and let himself start to go.
“I love love you,” Y/N suddenly whispered, catching him just before he slipped.
“I know,” Peter giggled, hand gently tracing circles on her back. Y/N felt his chest rise and fall as he laughed. “And I love love you, too.”
With warm smiles decorating their faces, they drifted off to sleep, no dream nearly as magical as reality.
taglist: @hollandbabesblog @starksnack
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uglypastels · 6 years
✏ I am always cold, as in my hands and my feet are super cold! And the title is October AND YES CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!! Have a great day💖
Thank you so much!!! 💖💖 Sorry, it took me so long! I hope you like this. 
October // Harrison Osterfield
“Honey! I’m ho-ome!” Harrison said in a sing-songy voice as he closed the door behind him. The house was silent. This made the blond a bit uneasy. Usually, when he came home the house would be full of life. It was either the music playing loudly from the living room, the tv showing some random channel, or in general, the amazing sound that was (Y/N)’s voice.
“Babe?” Harrison knew she was home. What else would she be doing on a Saturday morning? Maybe she was still asleep. There was only one way to fin do out. He put down his things, took off his jacket and shoes, then walked to the living room. To Harrison’s surprise, (Y/N) was sitting on the couch, wide awake. She was cuddled up in multiple blankets, her laptop on her knees and headphones around her head. She was typing away fast. The lip bite of centration and the look in her eyes was what did it for Harrison. As much as he enjoyed watching his girlfriend, he had to make his presence known.
He cleared his throat loudly. (Y/N) screamed as she jumped up almost dropping her laptop to the ground. She looked up at him, taking off the headphones, hiding her face in her hands as she started to laugh: “Fucking hell, Haz. You scared the shit out of me!” He had expected a little more enthusiasm from his girlfriend for coming home after two months of being away.
With a pout, he said: “Is that all I get?” He spread his arms for her to come to him. He wanted - nay needed - a hug. The need to touch her was so bad. He needed to embrace her in his arms. He missed her too much to wait for another second. He had missed her soft skin. He missed how her hair always smelled like coconut. He missed how her lips tasted like Cherry Coke from that lipbalm she was practically addicted to.
But still, there was no response from her. Instead of getting up, she slid down into the sofa, throwing one of the blankets over her face. Harrison could hear a muffled groan of discomfort. Something was not ok.
“What’s wrong, love?” Now concerned out of his mind, he speeded up towards her, squatting down to be at eye level with her. “Babe?” Now getting really worried, he pulled down the blanket that was covering (Y/N)’s beautiful face. The moment he pulled it off of her, she opened her eyes and a loud “BOO!” made Harrison’s heart fall out of his chest. He lost the balance on his legs and fell backward, his head bumping on the coffee table. At the sound of his skull touching the wood, (Y/N) finally got up. Her mouth covered by her hands. Not clear if she was hiding an expression of worry, shock or amusement. Though by her muddled laugh, Harrison understood it was the former, but at the same time, also the latter.
“Oh my god, baby, are you okay?” She sat down next to him on the ground, cupping his face in his cheeks. Harrison’s hand went up to the back of his head where one spot specifically was throbbing in pain.
“Yeah, I’m fine. What d’you do that for? I was really worried.” He tried to laugh off the pain so she wouldn’t have to worry now.
“What do you expect from me, Haz? It’s Spooky season after all!” Still holding his face in her hands, she placed a soft kiss on his lips. Harrison, as much pain he was currently in, still smiled widely after she pulled away and whispered to him: “I’m so glad you’re back.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that, love?” He smirked, pulling her into his lap. She giggled. Her soft hands let go of his cold cheeks and wrapped themselves around his neck instead. She was straddling him, mirroring the smirk Harrison was perfecting.
“Well,” she kissed him once more, “I’m not tall enough to hung up the pumpkins.” she pouted her lips a little, leaving Harrison confused. This was not what he expected her to say.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Even when I’m standing on a chair, I’m not tall enough to reach the ceiling and hang up the Halloween decorations. I need a pair of strong big arms to help me.”
“Strong big arms you say?” Harrison chuckled while (Y/N) nodded and squeezed one of his biceps.
“Yeah, so could you call Tom?” She looked dead in his eyes for a few seconds before starting to laugh hysterically. “Before you get mad, you know I was only joking, right?”
“Yeah yeah.” He tried to sound mad, but he couldn’t do it. Harrison was just too happy to see her again to even try to pretend. As much as he wanted to keep looking into her perfect eyes, Harrison took a look around the room. It was exactly the same as it was when he had left two months ago.
“I don’t see any decorations,” he commented on the lack of pumpkins, cobwebs, and monsters.
“Well, duh. I told you - I’m too short to hang up most of it, so I gave up. Then, I wanted to do the rest later, but without you, it’s no fun.” The way her eyes sparkled made Harrison almost deaf. Too mesmerized by the beauty in front of him. He just smiled and nodded as she talked. “So what do you think?”
“What?” he shook his head, finally brought back to earth from the galaxy in her eyes. “Sorry, what were you saying?”  
“I said…” she giggled, “that, if you’re not too tired, we could do it today. Then later, I will make some cookies that we can eat while watching a scary movie. How does that sound?” She was still straddling his lap. Their faces so close to each other that Harrison could see every little mark on her skin. Before he had left, Harrison had tried his best to memorize every part of her, but no memory could hold up to when she was right in front of him.
“That sounds great!” He gave her a tight squeeze around her waist. “But there is one problem.”
“And what is that, Harrison?” She raised her eyebrow.
“Why are you the one that will make the cookies? Don’t I get to help?” The response he got was definitely the one he deserved. (Y/N) started to laugh, falling over from his legs to the ground.
“Oh, Haz, you’re lucky that you’re cute because you can’t cook for shit.”
“Hey, what about my revolutionary poached eggs.” He crossed his arms, feeling a bit hurt at the rude comment.
“Fine. I’ll give you that one.” Still giggling, she got up. It wasn’t the most graceful action, but neither of them cared. When she was finally standing stable on both legs, she held out her arms so Harrison could grab on to her and pull himself up. This didn’t go as smoothly as planned. His feet slid back on the slippery wooden floor and to not hit his head on the table again, Harrison tried to break the fall with his hands. The only problem was, he was still holding on to (Y/N), so she fell right on top of him. They groaned in unison.
Between fits of laughs, she said: “I missed you, babe.” Finally, the words he wanted to hear from her. His hands found their way back around her body. Her cheeks immediately turned pink. With a swift move, he flipped them around, so she was the one lying on the ground and he was hovering above her.
“Let’s try this again, okay love?” She simply nodded. This time, Harrison got up first and easily picked (Y/N) up with him. “Do you have everything ready?” Like a child in a toy store, (Y/N)’s eyes immediately widened in excitement. “Yes, I’ll go get it.” and she ran off to the corridor. Not a minute later, she came back with a giant box. From the top various decorations were already spilling out, making it look like a pumpkin patch had exploded in there.
“And we have two more in the bedroom.” She said proudly before putting her box down on the dining table. She looked at Harrison, who was still staring at her in admiration. “Well…”
“Oh, right.” he made his way to the bedroom to get the other two boxes. Just like (Y/N) had said, there were two cardboard boxes, even bigger than the first one. Not being bothered to go back and forth twice, Harrison picked up the box on the bottom and very slowly made his way back to the living room. Fortunately, for once, he had managed to keep his balance through the whole trip and didn’t drop anything.
“Oh great!” he could hear his girlfriend, but not see her. The boxes took up all his vision. “Put them next to the first one.” He did as instructed. His muscles relaxed when he put down the heavy cartons. (Y/N) was already busy on untangling some fake leaves. The concentration from before was back in her eyes and once again, Harrison couldn’t help but just admire her for a moment.
“Care to help?” she showed him the leaves, which were all in a big knot. Probably a bigger one than when she had started.
“Of course.” He said with a big smile. He sat down next to her and took the big pile of fabricated leaves from her hands. From up close, it even looked like more work than he thought before. This was going to take a while.
And it did. The decorating took much longer than both of them had thought it would. Before they knew it, it was already getting dark outside, and they hadn’t even finished putting everything up in the living room. Most of the delay came from all the stolen kisses and hugs that Harrison tried to sneak in.
Still rather satisfied with the work they did do, together they fell onto the couch. Harrison pulled up one of the blankets (Y/N) had been wrapped under when he came home. She snuggled herself into his side, her hair tickling his neck with every move.
“Why do you have three blankets out, anyway?” he questioned, as (Y/N) took one of the remaining two, to wrap over her legs. She gave him a look as if it was the most obvious thing in the world: “I was cold.”
“You’re always cold,” he laughed.
“Well, if my boyfriend leaves me for two months so I can’t cuddle him to warm up, then yeah, I’m cold.” she wanted to push away from his grip, but Harrison was hugging her too tightly. He gave her a light kiss on the forehead. “I’m sorry, babe. But I’m here now.”
“Thank god.” Her words were mumbled but still clear enough for Harrison to understand. For the next ten or so minutes they stayed like that, cuddled up in the blankets, not saying anything, just enjoying each other’s presence and the soft music that had been playing since they started their decorating adventure.
“Do you still want to watch a movie?” (Y/N) asked after a third or fourth (or maybe twelfth, who kept count anyway) shared kiss. Her voice was softer than before, a bit sleepy.
“I don’t know, without any cookies?”
“We can make some tomorrow,” she suggested. “So, movie? Yes, or No-hoo..” her sentence ended in a yawn, making Harrison chuckle.
“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep?”
“Yes!” she sounded stern, but her tired face said something else. “Go make some popcorn!” She did her best to push him off the couch. Harrison gave in and went to the kitchen, but didn’t bother to make any actual popcorn. He poured himself a glass of water before walking back to where he found his girlfriend peacefully asleep. The two blankets were halfway to the ground, revealing her back to the cold air in the room. Slightly shaking his head, knowing that this would have happened, he quietly walked over to tuck her in. When he grabbed one of the blankets, (Y/N) jumped up, yelling out: “Boo!” Harrison took a step back, spilling his water all over himself.
“Really, babe? Again?” he rolled his eyes.
“I can’t help it. It’s Spooky Season.”
Spooky Season, Harrison thought, smiling. The best time of the year.
The End 
> my masterlist 
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cas-backwards-tie · 5 years
Friendsmas Is A Tradition
Peter Parker x Amy 
Summary: Celebrating her first Friendsmas with the gang, Amy hopes she won’t be intruding on their traditions. 
Warnings: Anxiety, Teenage Awkwardness.
Words: 2,244
Beta: @flyonlittlewinchester 
A/N: This is for @hollyjollyholland‘s Secret Santa! This is my present for @thelazypangolin , who is an absolute sweetheart and I hope you had an amazing holiday season. Also, if you couldn’t tell by the fic I’m 100% the anon who asked you which artists/musicians/bands you liked awhile back, lol.
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Approaching the door of the apartment, the one Amy has come to know belongs to Peter Parker, she checks her wristwatch. Right on time, she thinks to herself while adjusting the box tucked between the crook of her elbow and her side. Amy counts the number of gift bags sitting inside the box to double check she’d brought one for everyone.
Her knuckles rap against the cream colored door, only to emit quiet knocks. Stepping back, she takes a deep breath to try and keep her worries at bay. What if they don’t like the gifts I got them? What if they don’t want me here? Maybe I shou- “Amy! I was hoping it was you,” Peter’s welcoming voice greets her. His arms immediately open for a mandatory hug before Amy’s allowed inside.
“Who is it?” The sound of MJ’s voice brings Amy ease as she fully embraces Peter with her unoccupied arm. He smells like gingerbread, Amy smiles at her thought.
“Didn’t you just hear him basically announce to the whole neighborhood that Amy’s here? You must’ve missed it in the bathroom,” Ned’s voice floats into the hallway making Amy and Peter chuckle. A hint of red coats Peter’s cheeks before he straightens his posture; stepping back into the apartment he gestures for Amy to come inside.
“I can take that for you,” Peter says, swiping the box of goodies out of Amy’s hold before she can protest. “No worries. I’ll just put them over here,” dismissing any worries Amy might’ve had, Peter places the box on the coffee table next to a few other presents. A small glittery green box is neatly wrapped with a golden bow atop it. Next to that there are three others: a small rectangular box wrapped in newspaper, a cylinder wrapped in blue wrapping paper with Santa riding a unicorn printed all over it, and lastly a red and white wrapped box resembling the colors of a peppermint laid next to your box.
The smell of gingerbread and cookies fills the room. Amy looks over to see Aunt May putting some sweets into a Tupperware container before stuffing a cookie in her mouth while the Tupperware goes into her purse. “Peter you know the rules, you know my number. Don’t call unless it’s actually an emergency this time, okay? Make sure everyone gets home by ten, I don’t need another call from Liz’s parents again.”
A smile makes its way across Amy’s lips as Aunt May gives her a small wave with her free hand. “Hey, Amy! Merry Christmas, I gotta go, be good.” Amy gives Aunt May a salute before laughing.
“Will do, will do, Ms. Parker.” Aunt May leaves with reassurance that they’ll be fine. The door creaks as it closes; the lacking sound of the latch causes everyone’s heads to turn.
“Oh, and Amy?”
“Yes?” Amy curiously awaits Aunt May’s response.
“Aunt May is fine. None of this- ‘Ms. Parker’ nonsense. I’m not that old.” The woman mocks offense before giving Amy a smile and waving goodbye to everyone. This time the door latches as it closes and everyone’s focus returns to the presents smack-dab in the center of the coffee table.
Ned sits on the right-hand side of the couch with his hands clasped in his lap. MJ sits on the left-hand side of the couch with her head resting in the palm of her hand, arm leaning against the armrest. Liz sits a few feet away from Ned on the carpeted floor in front of the coffee table, sitting on her shins as she eagerly eyes the presents.
A clap brings Amy out of her thoughts as her attention, along with everyone else's, is brought to Peter. “Now that everyone’s here, we should start!” He gestures for Amy to take the seat on the couch between MJ and Ned, but she just stares at him blankly.
“No, it’s okay.”
“You’re the guest,” Peter persuades as he tilts his head toward the seat, eyeing Amy intensely.
“Then why is Liz on the floor?” Amy retorts with her eyes narrowed at the awkward boy.
“Uh- because she chose to sit there? Now that everyone’s here,” Peter draws out his words as he urges Amy to sit on the couch before he continues. The girl finally accepts and sits between MJ and Ned on the plush brown couch. “We can begin!”
Peter drops to the floor and spreads his legs out in front of him as he rests his weight on his hands behind him on the carpet to prop himself up. “Who wants to start? We can just give everyone each other’s presents and then open them all at once? How’s that sound?”
“Sounds good to me,” Michelle responds first, followed by agreements from everyone else. “I can start!” Michelle reaches for the blue wrapped cylinder with Santa riding a unicorn on the paper. She hands the cylinder to Ned. “This is for you.”
“Oh, haha, thanks.” Ned smiles as he grabs the newspaper wrapped box and hands it to Michelle. “I’m actually your Secret Santa, too!” Liz hands the glittery green box with a golden bow to Peter, who lightly shakes it with his ear pressed against the box. Amy hands Liz a bag with a penguin sledding on it, the gifts shielded by red tissue paper.
With everyone’s gifts in their hands, they all sit back in their spots opening their respective gifts. Amy looks around the circle as she hasn’t gotten a gift; Peter’s eyes are on Amy as he slides the peppermint-colored gift box across the coffee table. “This is for you,” he offers a soft smile in turn.
“Thanks,” Amy’s voice comes out quieter than she’d meant for, yet Peter nods in response.
Ned receives a tube of slime from Michelle, and she receives a Funko Pop from Ned; a favorite cartoon character of hers. Liz receives a nice sweater and necklace from Amy while Liz gifted Peter a Spiderman poster probably with consideration of how much he raves about the hero. Peter smiles while Ned bursts out in laughter. “Now that’s amazing!” The comment from Ned has Peter sending him a ‘look’.
Ripping into the wrapping paper on her gift, Amy slides the box out of the paper and onto her lap. ‘Old Navy’, the label reads. “Oh! It’s not actually from Old Navy, we just didn’t have any other boxes.” Peter comments while his eyes remain on the poster he received, along with a box of Poptarts that were hiding before. His words leave Amy curious as to what really is inside the box. Lifting the top off, Amy is met with: A burgundy beanie, a small bottle of vanilla scented lotion, and two tickets to see Shawn Mendes.
Amy’s jaw drops open as she gawks at the gifts. “You got tickets to see Shawn Mendes?!” The shrill pitch of Amy’s voice causes MJ to cringe beside the girl.
“Yeah! I know you like him, and the tickets were a pretty good deal! I thought maybe we could go together? U-unless you want to use the ticket on someone else, it’s your gift, it’s cool. Whatever you want.” Peter clears his throat and smiles awkwardly as he averts everyone’s gaze to focus on his hands playing with the carpet.
“Yeah... yeah. Thank you, Peter.” Everyone thanks their Secret Santa in their own ways. Liz begins to pick up the scattered wrapping papers and trash. Ned opens his tub of slime, beginning to play with it.
“I thought we had a budget?” Ned speaks to no one in particular.
“Did we?” Peter laughs nervously as his hand rakes through his brown locks.
“Well I know we said that we were only getting gifts for the one person, but my Mom and I made cookies this week and I thought I’d bring you guys some.” Amy forgot to mention that there were indeed smaller little gifts inside as well: simple things she’d picked up at Five Below.
“Ooh! Your cookies are the best!” Liz hurriedly makes her way back from the kitchen where she’d thrown away the wrapping paper. A big smile makes its way across her face as she eagerly waits for Amy to hand her a bag. “Thank you, Aims, I love these! My thighs might not love these but I do and it’s the holidays so who cares?”
“Go figure,” Michelle jokes as a smirk displays itself across her lips. Receiving her own bag from Amy, Michelle puts the gift on the armrest of the couch alongside her other gifts.
“Speaking of your Mom’s famous cookies, Aunt May left us some gingerbread men in the kitchen! I actually should go put the other tray in the oven.” Peter is on his feet in an instant and already halfway to the kitchen.
“Thanks, Amy!” Ned gives the girl a quick smile before returning his focus to the wad of slime slowly descending toward his lap. Using his free hand to catch the drooping slime, Ned wads it into a ball and tries to keep it from sticking to his hands. “You can just leave it there,” Ned awkwardly laughs as Amy had been holding the bag out to him just watching the entire situation unfold.
“Yeah, no problem.” Amy puts the bag of cookies on the coffee table in front of Ned, her attention shifting toward the kitchen.
“Wanna come make cookies?” Michelle asks as she pokes her head out of the doorway. “Might wanna hurry though, Peter might eat them all by the time you get there!” Her loud taunt is directed toward Ned.
“I’m stuck!” Ned cries out, making Michelle roll her eyes and chuckle. Michelle decides to go help Ned while Amy makes her way to the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, Amy stands in the doorway with her shoulder resting against the frame. Liz sits on top of the counter in the right-hand corner while Peter puts a timer on the oven. He leans back against the counter smiling when he sees Amy’s joined the scene.
Liz gasps; everyone’s attention pans to Liz in question to what the problem is. “Guys!” Liz squeals excitedly as she smiles, slightly squirming in her seat. With the pointing of a finger, Amy finds the reason for the girl’s excitement. “You have to, it’s tradition!”
Amy looks from the mistletoe hanging above her in the doorway to Peter who stands a few feet before her. Peter seems calm, his hands in his pocket as he stands there quietly. “What do you say?” The boy gulps, his stiff posture not helping to exude anything but the anxious he truly feels.
“Well,” Peter starts slowly, “we wouldn’t want to break tradition, would we?” A small smirk dares itself to make an appearance upon his lips. Taking a brave step forward, Peter begins to close the space between himself and Amy.
Amy simply nods, unable to voice her feelings and the fact that regardless of the mistletoe, it would be something she’d want. She finds herself looking up at Peter soon enough, only a few inches separating them now. “Liz?” Amy finally finds the confidence to speak.
“Yeah?” Liz watches from the counter with a big grin on her face, hands clasped in front of her chest as if in anticipation of the ‘event’ before her. The girl’s brows are quirked and the mere nonchalance she admits causes Amy to question whether her request is rude or not.
“Could you, uh, turn around please?” A nervous smile is what greets Liz as Amy pleads with her eyes for Liz to comply. Liz looks shocked for a moment before slipping off the counter and making her way toward them.
“Uh, yeah! No problem. I won’t look, as a matter of fact, I should probably see what Ned and MJ are up to.” Liz heads off down the hallway leaving Amy and Peter alone in the kitchen doorway.
“So…” Amy bites her lip in anticipation, “tradition, huh?”
Peter swallows his nerves and fear, “Yeah,” he replies quietly before his eyes are staring into Amy’s. Within a moment, Peter leans down while Amy brings a hand up to Peter’s cheek. Placing his lips on her cold ones, Peter closes his eyes while a hand snakes its way around Amy’s waist. His soft lips press against her own, softer than she could ever imagine. Amy smiles into the kiss, her hand slowly making its way around his neck, joined by her other to hold him close.
Eventually, it becomes hard to breathe and they both retract slowly. Opening her eyes, Amy’s arms fall to her sides as she stands there awkwardly, one hand coming up to hold her other arm.
“I’ve wanted to do that for awhile now,” Peter’s quiet confession causes Amy to do a double-take.
“What?” Amy wants to make sure she isn’t hearing things.
“I, uh, I probably shouldn’t have said that.” Face-palming, Peter grimaces. “I just ruined the moment, didn’t I?” A laugh erupts from Amy, who shakes her head.
“No…. no, that was perfect, Peter.”
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jasntodds · 5 years
It's something that you love to break
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Ya know what, YOU’RE right. It’s my favorite thing to do lmao
Dare You To Move Chapter 8
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acastleintheair · 5 years
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Are You Really There?
Now I need someone to hold Be my fire in the cold
For the lovely @thelazypangolin as a part of Louise ( @grandmascottlang )’s secret Santa exchange.
This isn’t your first relationship. No, you had been with someone just last year. You thought they were the One.
(you two had met on Christmas; sparks flew. you would wake up with them next to you and smile. it was a relationship full of the cliche gooey romanticness you thought had only existed in cheesy Hallmark movies. but that makes sense, considering the two of you got together on Christmas. what a cheesy beginning to a cheesy relationship.)
But they left you behind. You woke up on New Year’s Day to an empty bed and a stripped apartment. Everything of theirs, down to the mug they would always use, was gone.
Now you have Peter. And your relationship isn’t perfect.
(he’ll ‘forget’ date night, leaving you with canceled plans and nothing to do. sometimes he refuses to touch you, and if you press him into giving you a hug, he’ll wince as if he’s in pain.)
You’re left wondering what you don’t know.
And that’s why you’re curled up by the fireplace all alone. You need time to think.
On the one hand, your relationship is nothing like your past one. (a good thing, a voice in your head whispers. perfect things don’t last.)
On the other, Peter’s hiding something. How can you give him your whole heart, if you can’t trust him? How do you know he’ll stay? Or that he really cares?
You shake your head at that. That’s too far, even as shy as you are about entering another relationship. Peter cares for you. It’s in his eyes when he smiles at you. It’s in his actions when he makes you hot cocoa with too many marshmallows, even in the middle of summer, because you feel sad and it comforts you.
It’s in that kiss you two shared for the first time yesterday when he walked you home and snow started falling and you were struck by how the snowflakes caught in his hair and in his eyelashes. (and then all you knew was the soft warmth of his mouth on yours, the tickle of the hoods of your coats against your cheek, the strength in his arms wrapping around you)
So maybe you don’t need time to think?
Peter is still hiding something. But he just might be here to stay.
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sweetlysilent · 5 years
These jellyfish are really so pretty djdkshnxkdnd
ikr i seriously love them so much😍
when i traveled last summer to north carolina we went to the aquarium there and i had never been to one before and i was so excited and it was so beautiful and they had jellyfish there and sjsksksk i took a picture and they’re just so pretty
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stealth-spiderr · 5 years
biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch im blushin!!! you stop that right now 🙈
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I'm a switch too, HIGH-FIVE!!!!
HIGH-FIVE!!!! Hell yeah!!! I feel less crazy now!!! It’s nice to be both, right?
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We’re having a sleepover!!
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raspberryparker · 5 years
i’m fucking crying ily
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I might take a birthday selfie later but here's one to be going on with 😉
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(i don't remember if you've seen this or not but if yes, you're seeing it again. you're welcome)
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book-or-bore · 5 years
Love is not what make syou cry, it is what makes you feel grateful to have a lot of people in your life who care about you , who think about you, whose breath would be taken away if they got to know what you are going through...
Think about, these people before you take your life....
Think about your mother, who took every pain to keep you safe for those nine months and after.......
Think about your dad, who spent his hours working, sweating ,to pay for your that little favourite toy....
Think about your sister, who cried with you when you felt your heart break....
Think about your brother who made you laugh at the time you felt empty and depressed....
Don't take your life, because with it, you take other's life too.
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dtftomholland · 6 years
Next, Ranbir Kapoor
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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uglypastels · 5 years
I know right! I have no idea where all of this is coming from. I’ve been posting so much lately it is actually insane - though don’t expect that for the rest of the year. 
and don’t worry about it love. read when you have the time and feel like reading it. just don’t forget to tell me what you think of it 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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spiderrrling · 5 years
I don't want you to go anywhere honey!!
Good because I am not leaving 
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jasntodds · 5 years
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