#then again anything can be a name if you're nonbinary enough
paradoxlemonade · 1 year
an incomplete list of words I wish were names (I am going to inflict them on new characters)
Feel free to add on!
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nothorses · 7 months
#idk i have thoughts about the 'binar v. nonbinary' distinction. i think there is a reason#that trans people get degendered when they use binary pronouns#AND wrongly gendered when they use use gender neutral pronouns#for example
i'm intrigued by these thoughts would you like to share more about these thoughts
I think I'd boil it down to like... specifically the idea of "binary trans" people as a class.
I very firmly believe that the oppression of nonbinary people ("exorsexism") exists and is a real form of oppression, and I believe that experiences with it- and the ideological foundation it rests on- are unique and worth discussing. I think nonbinary people have unique experiences with oppression that are necessary to listen to and understand, and that it is to everyone's benefit to include in those perspectives in larger conversations around trans justice.
I specifically take issue with the idea that there is a group of people that can easily & universally be differentiated as "binary trans" in anything but how those people personally identify.
I think that, socio-politically speaking, the only people that are truly classed as "binary" are 100% gender-conforming dyadic cis people. When we're talking about transphobia as a concept, we're talking about a system of oppression meant to punish people who stray from the gender binary. Historically, anyone punished under this system was included under the "trans" umbrella: gender-non conforming cis people, drag kings and queens, nonbinary people, intersex people, you name it. We are all gender outlaws; we all exist outside traditional understandings of gender, and we are all punished for doing so.
Now, we can narrow the scope quite a bit; I do still have the ability to "pass" as my gender, which is not an option to a lot of nonbinary folks. I can get a gender marker that accurately reflects my gender, and I can go "stealth" in a way that doesn't cause me a lot of dysphoria. I absolutely acknowledge that there are experiences I do not have, and oppression I do not face, and I should take care to listen to the people who do face them.
The problem for me here is that like, none of those things are exclusively "binary trans" experiences either. Plenty of nonbinary people are not strictly outside of every binary gender, or outside of comfort with a binary gender presentation. Such is the enormous multitude of nonbinary identities, and the unknowable vastness of human experience.
The other, perhaps larger problem for me is that I also do not strictly have a "binary trans male" experience. I mean, least of all because I have still at this point spent more of my life identifying as nonbinary than I have as a trans man- but also because I'm still trans. In a lot of ways, I'm not actually viewed as "binary"; I am clock-able enough that I'm pretty regularly degendered by even incredibly well-intentioned cis people, for example. My grandma is confused about my gay relationship; she very much does not think it is gay or straight. Anyone who knows I'm a trans man does not think of me as a woman or a man; they think of me as something entirely outside of the binary, and they treat me accordingly.
To go back to the tag you're quoting: I think binary trans people using binary pronouns are degendered for the exact same reason that nonbinary using gender-neutral pronouns are misgendered. People don't want to recognize us as the genders we are. They don't want to validate an experience of gender that lies outside their tidy little gender binary.
Again: this doesn't mean that exorsexism isn't real, or even that "there is no such thing as a binary trans woman/man". That's not what I'm saying. I want to keep having discussions about the unique experiences nonbinary people have, and the unique ways in which transphobic society treats and targets them, and the unique oppression they suffer, and why, and how we can fight that.
I also don't think I'm the first person by far to point out that maybe the idea of The Binary Trans Experience should be problematized a little bit, and I think there's something to be said for the funky space that "binary trans people" occupy on the good-little-gender-conforming-cis-person to nonbinary continuum.
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May I request a magic yandere lady X non binary reader (fem presenting)? If that’s! Not in the cards it’s alright!
Sure thing! Magic is kind of a vague subject, so I decided to make the Yandere lady (her name is Ivy btw) a witch, I hope that’s ok! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: kidnapping, spell induced drugging, mind control, typical yandere behavior
Nonbinary! reader
Banner/divider credit goes to @strangergraphics
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Witch! Ivy who's so used to being alone. She's something of a recluse, having lived solely by herself ever since her mentor died. Her cottage is in the middle of the woods, far, far away from society's prying eyes, which unfortunately also means it's far, far away from most people. The only real company she has is her cat lavender (she's gray instead of black, despite what you may think), and the wildlife that lives around her home. Great companions, but not so great when you crave human contact. But hey, at least she has all the herbs and plants she needs for her spells!
Witch! Ivy who 's shyness was her downfall. She had never been fond of interacting with people, even as a child, so when her mentor took her in, the lack of human connection didn't bother her much. Even when her mentor died, she didn't feel as if she was missing out on anything, as sad as she was to lose her. She was just... too used to not seeing people.
Witch! Ivy's who's surprised when she finds you, unconscious in the woods, probably from dehydration, malnutrition, and exhaustion. After some deliberation, she carries you (well, uses a spell to carry you, she's not that strong) back to her cottage, placing you in the now vacant room adjacent to hers. It's nerve-wracking for her to have a stranger in her home, especially considering society isn't so kind to witches, but she couldn't just leave you there! Who knows what would have happened? There's a lot of wild animals out in the forest, and she's not so sure you'd be able to fight them off, assuming you regained consciousness, that is.
Witch! Ivy who nearly shoots out of her skin with fright when she hears you scream from upstairs. She sneaks down the hallway toward the room you're currently occupying, nervously gazing through the wooden doorway to the sight of you shivering in fear under the bed covers, having no clue how you got there. Your fear only grows when you notice her peeking around the corner, and a pang of guilt swamps her at the fact that she scared you more.
Witch! Ivy who rushes into the room, hurriedly explaining how she found you before you start screaming again. Thankfully, her words seem to calm you, understanding dawning on your face. Your fear turns to gratefulness, and you thank her repeatedly for saving you and bringing you into her home, despite the fact that you're a complete stranger.
Witch! Ivy who blushes at your thankfulness, unused to such praises. She quickly excuses herself, using the food she's been making for you as an excuse to leave the room before you can see how flustered she is. She flees down the stairs, spending the next few minutes tending to the soup she's created for you while she tries to calm herself down. She busies herself with the food in front of her, lacing it with a spell that will help you heal up quicker once you consume it. Due to how poor your condition was, it'll take a while for you to fully regain your strength, even with the spell, but after a couple of weeks, you should be back to normal.
Witch! Ivy Who brings you your food, silently gesturing for you to lie back when you make a move to get up. She sits silently beside you while you eat, mostly to make sure you're strong enough to keep the food down, and you use this opportunity to explain to her how you got in the position she found you in. Turns out you had been hiking, and decided to go off the trail. A bad idea in hindsight, but you thought it would be fun, and besides, you weren't that far from civilization anyway. But then the hours rolled by, and you hadn't gotten out of the wilderness, and then hours turned to days, and you were still lost, the only landmarks around you being trees and rocks and more trees. You had packed enough food and water for a day or two, but you had quickly run out, leading to the predicament Ivy found you in.
Witch! Ivy who assures you that you're safe now, and you're welcome to stay as long as you need to to recover. She's more than nervous at the idea of someone she doesn't really know staying in her house for weeks on end, but she can't just throw you back outside! She warns you that it'll take a while for you to regain your full strength, but you remain positive, thanking her for providing you shelter while you recover.
Witch! Ivy who spends the first week of your stay hiding away from you, only approaching your room when she's bringing you something to eat and drink. It honestly hurts your feelings a little bit. Did you do something to offend her? Is she scared of you? Why is she avoiding you like the plague? You're still too weak to get up and explore the house on your own, so for now, your stuck trying to figure out how to keep her with you for longer from your bed. You try to strike up a conversation every time she visits, but she always keeps her sentences brief, answering your questions enough so that you aren't ignored, but nothing more. It begins to frustrate you, until one day, you decide to do something about it.
Witch! Ivy who's surprised to see a sad, sullen look on your face the next time she visits. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but before she could, your voice, smaller than normal, rings out. "Why are you so scared of me?"
It's a simple question, but it throws Ivy of balance for a second. She nervously asks what makes you think she is, and you sigh before explaining how her reserved and skittish nature made you worry you had done something to scare or offend her.
Witch! Ivy who stands there silent for a moment before gaining the courage to speak. She reluctantly opens up, explaining that she's not really used to interacting with people, and in fact, is kind of scared of them in general. You can tell how nervous she is by the way she's fidgeting with the sleeve of her shirt, but she reassures you that you've done nothing wrong, she's just... not good with people.
Witch! Ivy who notices how much gentler you are when she enters the room, now that you know why she's so shy. You speak to her in a softer voice, still trying to engage her in conversation, but not as pushy as before. You start asking questions about her life and how she lives on her own, and she takes the bait, allowing herself to open up more and more with each conversation the two of you have. It impresses her how you've managed to draw her out of her shell, engaging her attention until you're all she can think about. There's just something about you that's so... captivating!
Witch! Ivy who thinks your the most beautiful person she's ever seen. Or, well, could ever see. Now that you're not on the brink of dying from malnutrition and dehydration, your natural features are much more prominent, and she thinks you look absolutely stunning. She lends you her dresses and blouses while you stay, and her long, flowy clothes only aid in bringing out your beauty. You've caught her staring at you on more than one occasion much to your amusement. Sometimes, she'll even work up the courage to ask if she can mess with your hair.
Witch! Ivy who starts to cling to you more and more, until almost all her time is spent with you. It's a complete 180 from how she was acting before, but now that she's gotten more used to you, she can't get enough. It's like all the years of isolation have finally come crashing down on her all at once, forcing her to seek out your company in order to squash the heavy feeling of loneliness that crashes down on her as soon as she's left alone. She spends most of her time in your room, only leaving when she needs to get on with her daily chores. It doesn't bother you, you're glad for the company, and besides, you've found that past all her shyness is a really sweet, lonely woman.
Witch! Ivy who gets so nervous when you're strong enough to get up and roam around the house, following you around as you wander like a lost puppy. Not because she doubts you've strength, but because she didn't really hide any of her witchy stuff beforehand, which means you're more than likely to discover what she actually is. She doesn't want to lose the only friend she's ever had, she can't lose you're companionship-
Witch! Ivy who nearly faints from fright when you discover her cauldron and begin questioning her, asking her why she has so many herbs and spellbooks strewn around the black pot. She doesn't answer, although she can tell by your expression that you're already figured out the answer to your own question, and she prepares to flee the cottage as soon as you inevitably begin screaming in fear once again.
Witch! Ivy who's astounded when instead of calling her a monster, you start asking her all sorts of questions about witchcraft, carefully observing all of her things with keen interest. The whiplash she gets from her own emotions is insane, she goes from terrified to overjoyed within seconds. You're not scared of her! And you think she's cool! Ivy doesn't hesitate to show you everything she can, explaining what all her tools are for, what her herbs can do when used correctly, and even demonstrating a couple of minor spells for your entertainment. You're head will be spinning by the end of it, but it's worth it to see the massive grin on Ivy's face.
Witch! Ivy who shyly asks you why you aren't afraid of her. You mention that you get what it's like to be an deemed as an outcast by some, and when she asks you what you mean, you explain how your identity isn't the most welcomed by certain groups of people, especially when your more feminine appearance makes some question your validity. Because of how removed she is from society, Ivy doesn't really understand why your identity is such a big deal to some people, especially when it doesn't affect anyone but you, but she appreciates that you can empathize with her, even if it's not the exact same.
Witch! Ivy who spends as much time as you'll let her teaching you everything she can about witchcraft. It's almost like she's taking you in as her apprentice, and in the back of her mind, she secretly thinks of you as such. the idea of you leaving no longer thrills her, in fact, she dreads the idea of such a thing ever happening. She hopes with all her heart that you'll stay here with her, learning and growing alongside her for the rest of your lives. Maybe if she shows you the powers you could unlock, you'll forget about your old life and stay with her. She'll never have to be alone again!
Witch! Ivy who grows increasingly nervous as the stronger you get, the more you start speaking of the life you've been living before this. She tries to distract you with spells and potions, even bringing you along to help with chores, but it's just not enough to keep you from wanting your old life back. Once, she implied that you should stay with her, if only for a little while longer, but you gently turned her down, explaining how much you missed your friends and family back home. She said she understood, but she really didn't. Why did you want to leave her so bad? Was she not enough for you? She could give you everything you could possibly want, why do you want to leave? Especially when the world was so cruel to you for no reason, why would you ever want to go back?
Witch! Ivy who freaks out when one day, you tell her that come morning, you'll be heading back home, using the map she has hung up on her wall. You promise her that you'll be safe and careful, but she still frets, begging you to reconsider. You remain adamant in your decision, and eventually she calms down, apologizing for her anxieties about you traveling alone. You offer to take her with you, but she refuses, citing that society would never accept her, and that she was happier here, in nature.
Witch! Ivy who watches you climb the stairs to your room, bidding you goodnight. Internally, she's freaking out, trying to figure out how to make you stay with her. She can't let you leave, she can't be alone again! You've shown her what it's like to have companionship, and now that she has it, she won't lose it. The possibilities run through her mind: She could use a spell to weaken you, but she doesn't want to risk your health, and besides, you would know she had done something if you were to get ill right before you were meant to leave. She could send you into a long, interrupted sleep, but that would be no different from you leaving: You're true presence would be absent. She could cast a forcefield spell around the property, but then you would hate her for keeping you here against your will. There was only one option left.
Witch! Ivy who insists on making you breakfast before you leave in the morning, and you agree, seeing no harm in it. She may have magical abilities, but you would never expect her to use them against you, right?
...Why is she looking at you like that?
Witch! Ivy whose eyes meet yours, sadness and a hint of regret shining in them. Uneasiness begins to rise in you as she tells you she's sorry it's come to this, but before you can question her, she says something in a language you don't understand, and suddenly your body feels heavy, like it's being weighed down by an unseen force. You can't move anything except your eyes, you can't even speak, you just remain sitting there, your empty plate laying in front of you, mocking you.
Witch! Ivy who tells you to stand up, and you do, completely against your own will. Her soft voice commands you to walk back up the stairs and enter your room, and your body obeys, completely oblivious to what you want it to do. You aren't in charge of it anymore. You're body marches up the stairs, almost robotic in its movements, and Ivy follows close behind you, guilt radiating off of her.
Witch! Ivy who starts rambling, explaining how sorry she is to do this, how terrible of a person she must be, but that she can't lose the only companionship she's had since the death of her mentor. She tells you how you've opened her eyes to what she's been missing out on, but that she can't enter society as a whole because of how dangerous it would be for her. This is the only solution she could think of. She assures you that she'll give you anything you could possibly want, how you'll always be comfortable as long as you stay with her, and how the spell isn't permanent, it's just there until you become more comfortable with the idea of living with her. She lifts it enough that you can control your body freely, but if she needs to, she can regain control once again. Ivy promises not to use it unless you try to leave, but she can see the mistrust in your eyes, even after all her words. How could she do this to you? She had been so kind, so why? Why was she adamant you stay here?
Witch! Ivy who can see the hurt in your eyes, so she leaves the room. She's fairly confident you won't try to leave, and besides, she has a detector spell set up around the house, so no one can get in or out without her knowing. She understands why you're upset, and she truly does feel bad, but she can't lose you! She wouldn't survive the loneliness returning, she needs you by her side. All she can do now is hope that one day you'll understand, and you'll stay by her side willingly.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 11 months
I am a mutual but i am embarrassed about self shipping so we go anon
If you are comfortable with it could i request the mercs with a trans man/nonbinary on their period? Like if they comfort you and how, what their reaction is (if they find it gross, if their confused as hell)
Thank youu
TF2 Mercs Comforting A Trans Man/Nonbinary Person On Their Period!
Hello Secret Mutual! Of course you can ask this, it's really cute! You asked the right guy, too, because I am a transgender. Anyways, would you believe this is my second x reader ask? Uh, I hope you don't mind that I used my lgbtq+ headcanons for this! Also, I assumed by comfort you meant general comfort but also dysphoria, I hope I didn't go off ask with that assumption
————————————————————In case you were wondering, none of these guys would be embarrassed or refuse to buy pads/tampons/any other period products for you. And even if they were embarrassed, they'd do it anyway. I will die on this hill. There's also a myriad of period products in the base already, probably all old, but they're still there. Also, none of them will find it or you gross! Some of them might not really understand what a period is, but when they figure it out, they will never make you feel like it or you are gross. Periods are natural, and at the base, no one needs to feel ashamed!
Um, light TW for gender dysphoria mentions? Nothing serious, just what the title implies. Lots of comfort and validation, though! Also uses of the words pussy and uterus!
Demo is probably confused for like five minutes and then has a lightbulb moment,
"Oh, yeah, I remember being on the rag, hurt like hell. Medic can fix that if ya want. He took mine years ago." He had follicular cysts and good god was he thrilled to never have that pain again. (He's just like me fr!) Assuming you don't trust Medic, hate surgeries, can't get it removed, or just don't want it removed, he's understanding of your choice to keep it, and will try his best to be comforting. Anything you'll need, he'll manage to find. Heating pads? He's got them somewhere, he's sure. PMS pills? He's on his way to the lab to get them from Medic for you. If you have dysphoria from your period, he's also really good at providing comfort for that. If you're a trans man, he'll tell you you're plenty masculine and one of the strongest men he knows. If you're nonbinary he'll assure you that a little bit of blood every month doesn't change anything and that your identity is still valid as hell. He would fist fight your dysphoria if he could.
Engie is more surprised than anything. Not in a bad way! Here's the thing, he straight up forgets about periods once he got his uterus taken out. My man had PCOS, and once he no longer had to deal with unbearable cramps and sickness every month, he just never thought about it again. He's super quick to comfort you, though. In a similar vein to Demo, he'll tell you about Medic removing his. Again, I am very respectful of your choice. He will do his best to make you super comfortable and keep you happy. He'll make you special heating pads! He'll also bring you anything you need. I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to dysphoria, you will get called an insane amount of pet names. All validating your identity, of course. He understands the feeling of dysphoria and will do anything to ease the pain and sadness that comes with it. Lots of cuddles from him too btw.
Heavy is confused. Not by periods. This man grew up with three sisters. He knows what a period is by now. No, he's confused by you getting a period. He's not mean, of course! He's just going to ask you a lot of questions because he's probably just interested. He'll do whatever you need him to do to make it easier for you. He knows his sisters were miserable during their time, and he can't imagine how bad it is for you to have to deal with a period and dysphoria. Speaking of dysphoria, he doesn't really know what to say but also manages to say everything you need to hear at the same time? Like he assures you in no uncertain terms that you are super valid and no less of a man or person and that you are you and you're valid. He hugs you a lot! If you seem even the slightest bit sad, he's giving you a hug.
Medic is probably the best when it comes to dealing with periods. He understands dysphoria and knows how to ease your pain. The second you feel pain, he's handing you hot tea and pain medication. He keeps you in his lab while he works to keep an eye on you and sends Archimedes and his other doves over to comfort you whenever he can't. He tracks your period purely to make sure he can have anything you might need on hand day of. He's always willing to remind you of how scientifically you're gender has nothing to do with those pesky organs. Lots of compliments on your body if you're a trans man, commenting on how masculine you are. If you're nonbinary he's complimenting your resilience and strength. Honestly, he's great. Points taken off, though, because he wants your uterus for his ever growing organ collection, but he will respect your choices with minimal pestering.
Scout is confused all around. He doesn't get it. So you have to explain periods to him, then you have to explain being trans to him, and then you have to explain both together before it finally clicks in his mind. He's immediately supportive. Maybe to supportive. If you ask him to get period products you'll get hit with the "Alright babe, I'm in the pad isle, what's ur pussy size?" And if you make the mistake of not answering in the first five minutes he buys so many boxes of pads and tampons. You're sitting in bed clutching your stomach, and he comes in the room to dump at least seven boxes of pads and tampons on you. Hey, what he lacks for in understanding, he makes up for by being able to make you laugh so hard you forget the period cramps. You'll never feel dysphoria if he has any say in it. He will do anything to distract you from bad thoughts and will validate you until his voice wears out.
Sniper doesn't care that you have a period and doesn't care that you're trans. That sounds really mean, but I swear it's not like that. Periods are normal, and you shouldn't feel weird about them, so when it's your time of the month, he'll support you in whatever way you need, but he'll act very nonchalant about it all. With you being trans he reassures you that he doesn't care about how you were born and that you shouldn't either because your body doesn't define the person you are. Basically, this man is so supportive but in a really calm kind of way. But just because he acts all chill and nonchalant doesn't mean he isn't worried. Oh no, this man appears to be calm and collected, but he's really upset that you have to go through this. You might find yourself on the receiving end of hugs and kisses whenever you look particularly sad.
Considering his ass is on the support team, Spy is not very supportive. Well, not supportive emotionally. Physically, he'll bring you the best of whatever you need or want. He's more than happy to kill someone to get you something nice, just to see you light up or (happy) cry out of appreciation. Emotionally, however, he's not mean, but he thinks you're being ridiculous with the things you say. He wants to provide you comfort, but he really doesn't understand why you feel so dysphoric and doesn't even know where to start. He'll just reassure you he loves and cares for you. Speaks softly to you and talks more than he normally does if you prod him. Who knows, he might even sing for you or tell you stories while you lay in bed with cramps if that would make you feel better.
Soldier is confused, but he's got the right spirit. In a similar vein to Scout, has asked what your pussy size is at least once, and has at least bought nine boxes of period products. He really just wants to be helpful and make you feel better. He'll gladly get anything you need, from heating pads to chocolate he's already getting it the second you even thought about it. I'd you feel dysphoric, he'll remind you that you're an American!! (even if you aren't 😭) And you're an amazing person. So, who cares how you were born? What matters is the person you are today! Less screaming than normal, especially if you get migraines or just headaches in general. He's still really loud, and your head will still probably throb, but he's trying. It takes him a while to go from his normal 100% volume to a normal speaking volume but the effort really shows. Most of the time though, he might just lay with you and listen to you talk, if you're in any mood to. Or just take a nap with you. Literally anything you want to do, he'll do, as long as he can do it with you.
Pyro knows. Like 100% knows. They experience it every month and deal with pain and gender dysphoria. (They're the only merc who has a uterus and period, actually! They're MTF and underwent the surgeries only to realize their agender, they now have a complicated relationship with their gender where they love their body but dislike their uterus and want it removed but at the same time value their uterus) Anyways, this isn't a Pyro post so moving on! So, you two would probably sync up and deal with it together. Pyro would most likely focus on you to help them ignore their symptoms and dysphoria. They love helping you and caring for you. They have a big heated blanket that you can share to help ease pain, and they have as much chocolate as you need to make you feel better. Lots of hugs and cuddles, too! They'll talk to you for hours about their issues with gender dysphoria if you let them, always returning the favor to let you rant back at them. Finding their own way to assure you the feel the same and that you both need to realize that a blood cycle can't and won't ever define you or your gender.
I love these guys so much. It's insane. Also, I love this ask, I want to shake it around in my teeth like a dog. Anyways! I swear I'm normal. I hope you like this Anon :)
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I am a mess when it comes to labels, but I love it and I'm glad I have a few people around me who can put up with it too.
I started my life as a cis AFAB girl, and always thought I'd be one, having grown up in a queerphobic household and never thinking I'd ever be anything but cis.
Then I wasn't.
Then I started questioning. If I was cis, why did I occasionally want to present more androgynously, and why did I have dreams of being the 'man' or the dominant one in a relationship, as well as the submissive 'woman'?
Then after a year of questioning, I decided I was a demigirl, part girl part nonbinary person, and that I used she/they pronouns.
But that wasn't enough. I started to realise my gender was fluctuating between female and nonbinary, so I googled up about genderfluid people, and called myself a genderfluid demigirl.
Later, I heard of genderflux people, and then related to the concept so I stuck a 'flux' suffix onto demigirl to be demigirlflux.
I even considered identifying as bigender or nonbinary for a while, since I not sure how to translate how I felt into gender labels.
And now most recently, I decided I'm more of a genderfae demigirl with alternating she/they pronouns and feminine gendered terms, and I have changed my name to a more masc/androgynous leaning name (at least to all of the allies in my life) however that might change again soon.
All in all, don't be shocked or surprised if you keep changing your gender labels, especially if you've only just started accepting your queerness and have only just started considering yourself as LGBTQIA+, because you're probably not going to wake up one morning, decide, "Hey, I'm XXXX gender!" and stick with it for the rest of your life. The beauty of being gender non-conforming is the ability to be what you want, and not have anyone be able to tell you what is right or wrong.
Submitted May 1, 2023
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PINNED POST. READ IT. BITCH. [In process of updating!!!!]
[Minors. Ageless blogs, blank blogs, and anyone discovered to be doing predator shit will be blocked (and reported, in a few of those cases]
Don't worry, I'm not gonna do that early tumblr thing where I type in all caps and call you a motherfucker every other sentence.
Hello, all! I'm Avie, a 31 year old nonbinary, switch, polyamorous, futchy dyke with raging AuDHD and Problematic Kinks ™️. This is a hard kink blog. Some of the contents *will* make you uncomfortable. And that's okay! If it's too much you can block me, I'm not worried about it. That being said, what you're not going to do is send me asks telling me that I'm a danger to "real lesbians' and you hope I get raped for real. Yeah, it's happened, and if you're someone who thinks that's okay to do, you need to take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself what the fuck is wrong with you. Kink is kink. Kinks between enthusiastically consenting adults are fine. If you can't handle that, don't call yourself kink positive, and don't enter kinky spaces because you're clearly not mature enough to be there.
Now that I've said that, let's jump into some of the kinks you'll find on this blog. Some of these I'd like to explore in a kink setting some day, others are strictly fantasy. Which is my business, don't assume:
Orientation play - Could be anything from being gay and trans to being ace, though I'm not into the "being fixed" flavor. Not into misgendering/detransition kinks.
CNC - soft and hard
Rape play
Age gaps (I like older people. Reminder that I'm *31* so like, 40+ is very hot to me)
Incest play (older brother, father, uncle, grandpa? Maybe?)
Forced to cheat (this is new and I'm still figuring it out)
Being made to enjoy forced stuff
Breeding and creampies
Gentle, affectionate degradation/pet names
Public sex, especially on public transit and in nature
Intox play
Monsterfucking - werewolves, tentacles, and ghosts being the big ones, but not the only ones.
Size different/size queen shit
Fucked while on the phone
Fucked by customers (long-suffering retail worker), doctors, older friends/bosses, anyone who has some authority over me.
Autism-friendly play (see * on Hard No list)
As you can see, some decently hard shit. Again, if you don't like, just block me. Despite these kinks, I'm a pretty soft person. I like it when forcing me to feel pleasure and enjoyment in things I shouldn't is at the root of these kinks, not hate or degradation. So here is my list of shit I'm *not* into:
Harsh/mean degradation
Being called worthless, stupid, etc. Lovingly saying I'm going dumb from pleasure is okay.
Misogyny, patriarchy, white supremacy.
Cutting, bruising, face slapping, beating, choking, suffocation via head until water, burning/branding, knives or guns, genital mutilation...you get the picture. The only pain I'm into is the pain of an initial, too-big stretch, but even that needs to end in pleasure. I live with chronic pain, I don't want to deal with pain in kink, too.
Scat, vomit, spit, swallowing semen
Total loss of autonomy
* anything like being forced to look you in the eyes, sensory overstimulation, taking advantage of me during meltdowns, removing comfort items, making me eat/taste things I'm averse to.
Weight/food/ED stuff
Pregnancy! Pregnancy risk is hot, breeding is hot, but actual pregnancy kink toward me is a Hard No
Bloggers beware: pro-ana/pro-ed/fatphobic blogs will be blocked immediately
Basically, I like hard kinks coming from soft places. Is that a contradiction? I don't really think so.
I welcome and LOVE talking to others! I like being a slut! That being said:
I prefer asks over dms. I repeat, I PREFER ASKS OVER DMS.
Asks can be about anything! Scenarios, fantasies, questions, anything. Again, I like openly being a slut lol
If you dm me "hey," if we're talking and I'm doing all the work to maintain the convo, if you ask me for pics (I'll give them out if I feel like it, not on request), if you're younger than 25, if you violate my boundaries - depending on the situation I'll ignore/delete it or possibly block you.
You're allowed to send pics and vids at any point, no need to ask! Also in looove with piss gifs/videos, but if you're going to send me one (yes please) I'm begging you to drink water first. Hydrate, babes!
...okay, I think that's everything. Sorry for the long as fuck post! Once more, if it's clear you haven't read my pinned I'm gonna block you. You need to learn how to respect boundaries if you're going to do, well, anything in life, but especially being in kinky communities. If you can't even read one post, you don't belong here.
Have fun, send me naughty shit!!
~ Avie
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Makoto was hinting that this would lead to the final tru--WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT.
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Ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary fineries, I believe we've found the source of the Forever Rain. That looks pretty Forever Rain-y to me.
What is this? What could this possibly be?
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Weird place to put whatever this is.
I am at a loss. I feel confident about a lot of my answers that I've devised as we've been looking around, but I have no idea what this is. What the hell am I looking at!?
I didn't. I didn't know what I expected the true source of the Forever Rain to look like. But. Still. What the fuck. What is this. What is this.
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An enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a particle accelerator.
I assume that this is the generator that powers... whatever the Mind-Cleansing Bath does. Cleanse minds, I presume. Maybe this thing can restore sanity to defective homunculi? No, that wouldn't make sense because then we wouldn't have all these defective homunculi roaming about.
Let's push the red button and see what happens. That's always a good idea.
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Okay. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that we turned this off without knowing what it does?
Maybe... the homunculi in the city are the defective ferals that killed everyone, and the rains from the Mind-Cleansing Bath are what's allowing them to temporarily keep their sanity? Until their defective regeneration or hunger causes them to regress beyond the rain's ability to help?
Like. We've established that homunculi are sensitive to sound, so it could be that the sound of the rainfall makes them dormant... or something... I don't know.
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Well, we're about to find out what the rain does, one way or another. I have a bad feeling about this.
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Okay, maybe it's the other way around. Maybe the steady sound of rainfall is deterring the ferals from coming out and killing everyone all over again.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck what did we do fuck fuck fuck
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T_T This is fine. I'm not panicking. You're panicking!
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OH FUCK, even the non-ferals are being affected by the removal of the rain. It has to be the sound. That's why it still works indoors. The sound must be soothing or something.
Hence why this is the mind-cleansing bath. It keeps the homunculi calm and dormant until a death regeneration puts them beyond help, but even then it still reduces their feral aggression.
Huesca's report said that homunculi have two vulnerabilities. The first
We need to turn the rain back on. Immediately.
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This reeks of a trap. Yuma helps Makoto climb over a pipe by taking his hand but. I'm suspicious. We don't know what Makoto's Forte is, but we Coalesce by holding hands.
I think we just Coalesced with Makoto. That was the plan, after all. He wants us to take him into the Mystery Labyrinth and now he's the most recent Master Detective to Coalesce with Yuma.
Whatever his Forte is, it must have been subtle enough for Yuma not to notice its activation. Makoto doesn't need to do anything with it, after all. He just needs that moment.
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At least Makoto did what we wanted and brought the rain back. Kurumi should be okay, as should the other homunculi in the city. The ferals are calming as we speak.
That's great. Too bad Makoto's snare is firmly affixed around our neck.
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This is it. This is the project that made Makoto's name. It was the Forever Rain all along.
I think I had it right with my correction earlier. The defective homunculi didn't kill everyone, get removed somehow, and then new homunculi were made to replace them. The people in the city are the defective homunculi that ate everyone. They made one of everyone in that lab.
They spent the Blank Week tearing apart the city and devouring every human they could get their hands on. Then Makoto built the Mind-Cleansing Bath, which stilled their minds and allowed them to regain their sanity and implanted identities.
This device and the human meat buns are the reason why the homunculi are able to live out human-like lives within Kanai Ward.
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When they regenerate, they lose their minds and go feral. This also happens if they don't consume human flesh.
They also had another flaw, but Real Huesca was eaten before he could explain it.
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Okay, so it's not the rain, but the absence of sunlight. That makes more sense, and also explains why it still works even indoors.
...so the defective homunculi went feral because of the sunlight, but what about at night? Why wouldn't they have calmed down at night?
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And memories. Okay. So they probably did regain consciousness during the night. But when the next day came, boop, all gone. That's why they didn't come to their senses for real until Makoto built the rain device.
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Hey, y'all.
Remember my Real Yuma theory?
I. I think. I think we might be Yuma Kokohead's homunculus.
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attackonwakeup · 4 months
This is a piece of nightmare prose I wrote for Pride. It encapsulates all of my fears that stem from who I am, how I've perceived myself, and the general queer hellscape of never properly being seen.
TW: S/H, Dysphoria, Body Horror
It started with my skin.
The flesh sheet over the rest of my fuckup organic machine that has never ceased to come up with new ways to fail. Medical issues are something I'm intimately familiar with. My brain, lungs, blood, and eyes don't work properly. But my SKIN? That was new. Around the 9th grade, I would stare at myself to try and figure out what exactly was wrong, but nothing would catch my eye. It wasn't anything physically wrong with it, at least I didn't think so at first.
The only real way I can describe it, even now, is a primal need to rip it all off. It didn't belong to me anymore. I was wearing some other THING over the body I was familiar with. That was the intial thought.
"What is happening and how do I make it go away?"
It seeped deeper. That unfamiliarity no longer resided on the surface level, but penetrated more layers until I had to start taking physical action. Precision cuts to isolate the spread. It made it feel like I was delaying the infection to anything important. It was just skin, right? It would scab and scar and I could reclaim it as mine.
I have yet to do that reclaiming. The skin was the first thing I felt be taken, and I truly think it'll be the last thing I can feel like is mine again.
The mystery ailment that I couldn't detect with sight but could FEEL ruining my life? The plague that I still want to flay my body to get rid of?
That was my first encounter with Dysphoria.
"FUCK. I'm not a guy."
I mentally contained the feeling through those cuts. Buying myself more time until I was out of an environment that would kill me if I brought it up.
I got to college, where I lived alone and could explore.
Intense dread and panic were now my new roommates. The constant morphing of plans to mitigate this worst case scenario where any of my family found out that the son they loved has died, and was replaced with some unfathomable monster that doesn't have a name.
This is when I remember it hitting my
It was undeniable now. I wasn't a cis man. I met people that taught me new words that could use to help identify the monster.
I learned it wasn't a monster, it was a large part of me and who I am.
"I'll still think of it as a monster for a few years, don't worry."
The term nonbinary was something I deeply resonated with. Not belonging on either side of the switch. Something extra, a way to sort my actual identity from all of the trauma that came from the actual discovery of said identity and whatever bled into the middle. We're the sum of all of our parts is something that was beat into me, so it is what I applied to my own gender science.
That middle part would eventually become the most important, but we'll get there.
My nonbinary experience can largely be summed up at first as mentally toying with the idea of androgyny, but never feeling confident enough to explore it through more than hypothetical what ifs in my head. I didn't OWE anyone androgyny but myself, and I didn't want to play into this notion that my identity could be boiled down to what the nonbinary representation I found online looked like.
It got muddier than that as time went on. My nonbinary became this weird struggle with things like facial hair, but wanting to maintain this aura of not quite something that's thought of as traditional masculinity but YOU'RE REALLY PUSHING IT maybe???
someone who was standing next to a person at a punk show with a battle jacket on
That's the best way to describe my nonbinary.
The people closest to me knew I wasn't a man, and that was a really really good feeling until it was no longer enough. I felt that same creeping that washed over my skin and my brain return. It yearned for more, I thought. I couldn't recognize this force as something benevolent yet. It demanded more of that I had thought of "me" as tribute.
It took my
I do not like my family. There's exactly 3 people I care about that share the same blood as me. The rest can go to hell, honestly. My birth name was this identifier that, as I experimented with genderfuckery, transmuted into a boulder.
A term I never used because I didn't know it could go hand in hand with something like nonbinary. My newly they/them ass could not FATHOM that you can have multiple labels and flags and all of that cool stuff if you really wanted.
I thought about my favorite characters in media, and my grandparents during this time. The sexual trauma I experienced at a very young age started to come out from the murk, as well.
I wanted something different than the new gender I fought so hard for and the very notion of that was scary. I had gotten very good about keeping that infection in my skin at bay and not hurting myself anymore.
"... Am I a girl maybe?"
I NEEDED to have womanhood. I NEEDED to claw my way up a new sheer cliff to maybe finally fucking stop paying tribute to the deity in my head known as Dysphoria.
I thought about a new name for a very long time, and landed on Eileen.
From the cute mole from Regular Show, because her and Rigby's relationship is something that brought me great joy through a lot of failed ones of my own.
But most importantly, from Eileen the Crow from Bloodborne. A sad old woman, who could no longer dream but still kept fighting people who were lost to the horrors. A Hunter of Hunters.
Eileen the Crow is the most I've felt myself in a character, even though she has like eight lines total.
I'm an incredibly depressed nonbinary transfemme, and that's mostly how I got to where I'm at. I'm still finding new ways to live.
Still waiting for Dysphoria's return, wondering what they will demand as tribute next.
I think I caught a glimpse of that God when I had to come off of HRT, beckoning me back to another place of horror.
But they do it because it is the only way I'll ever be the real me. The collection of all of these trials will be the only way I can even try to feel whole. To feel like an actual person.
And so, I sometimes catch myself praying to Dysphoria. A sort of religious figure in my eyes to keep pushing my boulder and strive for the perfect me.
Thanks for stealing my skin, I guess.
Happy Pride.
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the-real-pokerider · 5 months
My name is Wolf Morgan (but just call me Wolf) and I am a traveling pokemon trainer who comes from the Drirome region! I am nonbinary, I use she/they pronouns, and I am autistic (my special interest is railroad stuff, if you were curious)! I have been a pokemon trainer since the ripe age of ten, though originally it was simply an escape from my home life. I pursued badges and battling in a rather wild effort to get away from home as quickly as I could. I traveled a lot of regions as quickly as possible, and only finally slowed down when I settled in Alola, where I stayed for about two years under Prof. Kukui's roof before I moved on to other regions. I met Interstellar, one of my best pokemon, in Paldea just a few years ago and their ability to turn into what I can only describe as a living motorcycle spurred me to decide to start traveling and fully drop the battling thing (which I'd practically already done back in Alola) and commit full time to being an explorer and just...catch and train pokemon on my own terms fully. Now I roam region to region whenever I want and simply hang out, learn the cultures, and primarily spend my time traveling around the wilder areas with my mons.
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Some of my pokemon! Silver (shiny eevee) not pictured because well. There wasn't enough space and he's more just in the background a lot of the time, poor fella's pretty anxious sometimes. This isn't ALL of my pokemon I've caught over the years obviously, I swap them around all the time because I'm very indecisive on who I wanna have on hand, but you gotta pick some pokemon to go on the card so I went with some of my favorites. Cocoa was my very first pokemon and she's my very best friend, I feel just as close with Stellar (who is apparently a pokemon called Miraidon!) despite having known them for far less time, Hathy's incredibly gentle towards me but kinda hates everyone else, Bentley's my partner in crime (different from Cocoa), and Frostbite is one of my emotional support pokemon alongside Aquali.
Like I said before, I just picked some of my favorites to go on the card, you will see me post about others alll the time, so if you see me mention one you don't recognize from this post, that's why!
Ah, I'd say I've rambled on long enough. Send me asks and interact all you please, I don't bite! Just know there will be times I'll be online all day and others where I'll barely be on at all, it's really up in the air honestly. But such is the life on an adventurer!
(OOC info below)
As my character is a heavy self insert, I share in their identity in terms of gender and name (though I don't use Morgan lol, I just go by Wolf)!
Extra info abt me:
I am poly/ace/bi
I have been into pokemon since I was a very small child, introduced by my older brother
I am genuinely autistic! And just like my character, my biggest special interest is railroads/rolling stock (stereotypical, I know, but my friends and family can confirm I'm very not normal abt trains) and my current interests related to that, but I've recently been getting really into pokemon again as of late!
My other tumblr blogs are @itsorcatime, and @railway-roundhouse
The Drirome region is based off of the Appalachian area (where I was raised and still live) and is therefore themed heavily with the culture from said states. A place where most everyone brought up there has a southern accent and most prefer rural areas over anywhere in a big town or a city, populated by unique pokemon and the region where many big country music singers come to light.
NO NSFW IS ALLOWED IN ASKS RELATED TO ME OR MY CHARACTER. Your ask will be deleted, if you're not anon I'll block you instantly, and I will definitely block you instantly if it is NOT an ask in which you say such a thing to me.
I do not allow magic anons or anything that could change the character's physical body or randomly give them objects. This is their blog, and that's what it's meant to be portrayed as.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
How do I come out to my parents? I know they’re supportive and stuff but it just makes me really nervous. I tried about three years ago but I wasn’t able to talk about it, so I’m effectively closeted to them again. I’m out to all of my friends and I don’t exactly hide it to most people, I just don’t know how to work up the courage to tell my parents my name and stuff.
okay, i feel you there. LMAO. i didn't truly for real tell my family until after i started T
i came out to my mom and sister kinda sorta after i went to an lgbt pride group and learned about what being transgender was... i was lucky enough at the time to find out about being genderqueer and neutrois and agender and identified with those terms at the time. i didn't use those terms but i came out to my mom and sister and said "im not a girl or a guy i'm just a person" and let me tell you that did not stick with them. it took until a few years later when i started T and said "hey i'm a trans guy" for it to click. now i still identify as a nonbinary person but. it took starting T for me to be able to really communicate that, it was just hard because the first time around they just didn't really. get it.
i've heard that some people will write a letter to one or both of their parents, writing a letter, email, or text can actually make it a lot easier to get your thoughts across, and soften the blow, at least for you. most of the time the other person will at least finish reading the letter/etc. which means you can articulate all of your thoughts without getting cut off, stammering, losing your train of thought, having an anxiety attack, etc. etc.
if you feel that won't work for you, i would suggest seeing if maybe you can bring someone as backup that knows, if anyone irl knows like a sibling or friend so that you feel like you're not totally alone and floundering. they don't have to say anything, but just be there for emotional support
other than that, all i can really suggest is try to find a day where you're feeling confident in yourself and you actually want to express that part of yourself. if you find yourself feeling really good about your identity and who you are and just wanting to talk about it, it's probably a good time to bring it up to them if they seem receptive to conversation that day. if you are already nervous or anxious feeling you're going to have a harder time
feel free to give advice if you have any, i came out to my family after i had moved away and physically could not see them in person to talk about it so i can't give too much advice. also i'm estranged from my family in a lot of ways so i'm not particularly great with family dynamic type stuff, but i always try my best if i can!! good luck, i hope it goes well for you. take care
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hard--headed--woman · 9 months
i feel kinda messed up rn bc before i got with my ex i had been convinced by the trans community that i was nonbinary and went by them/them for ages.
but my ex was a conservative controlling male basically and started calling me by she/her and my deadname even while i was telling him not too. (but obviously not for radfem reasons lol) eventually during the relationship i got into radfem theory and it was ur post about why a lot of women identify as nonbinary that actually started me thinking about it and i realised it pretty much described exactly me.
issue is, because my ex was so controlling and a lot of people would probably classify him as absuive, i still hate being called by she/her and my 'deadname' by anyone i know. now i just associate it with a control tactic and a way to make me feel shitty. on the other hand, i feel like im betraying my own beliefs and that i should try find a way to reconnect with those identifiers, but bc the wound is so fresh rn it was a far from easy
sorry that this is so long, i'm just kinda wondering if u have any advice, and i've just been considering how many other women probably try to identify out of being female because of trauma related reasons.
Hey, I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me about it! I hope I will be able to help you a little bit!
First of all, please don't feel guilty for not liking being called by your "deadname" or referred to as "she/her". You've identified as non binary for ages, so you got used to it, and because of the abusive relationship you went through (sorry for that by the way, it's terrible and I hope you're doing better), this name and these pronouns remind you of your traumas, of the abuse you suffered, and make you feel bad. This is normal, you're not betraying any beliefs or any cause, it's is a human reaction and you're not doing anything wrong. I think most radfems would agree with me on that. No one can blame you so don't blame yourself.
Before anything else, I'll say that if you really can't hear that name and these pronouns, no matter how hard you try, don't force yourself. Maybe it's not what I should say but at the end of the day, if you try for a long time to accept this name and the female pronouns, and it doesn't work, no one would blame you for deciding to keep using your "new" name (or picking another one) and the they/them pronouns.
Now about your problem in itself. Well it might sound obvious but the best way to reconcile yourself with your name and female pronouns is to heal from your traumas due to this shitty relationship. Talk about it, for example to your friends or family, tell them how you feel, go out, focus on your hobbies and the things you like, meet new people if you feel like it, go to therapy if it helps, find a way to express your feelings... Do everything you need to do to feel better and move on. Step by step. It might take some time but you'll get there!
Same for your name and your pronouns. Do it step by step. Use them for yourself in your head first, or in writing. Try a diminutive of your "deadname" first, or going back to the full name again. Ask just one person to use she/her for you first, so you can get used to it again, and then ask more people to do the same thing. Talk with people who never had to call you they/them or by your other name, they will call you she/her and use your "deadname", it might help you a bit. In your head, try to distance this name and these pronouns from the abuse in itself, try to associate it with beautiful things and memories, or with your beliefs (like, "letting peoole use this name for me would be a feminist act", etc...). Step by step! I am sure you'll get there <3
As you said, the wounds are still fresh, it's normal that you need time. It will perhaps take some time but you will heal and you'll be able to hear your name and pronouns again, I know it. There's no hurry! Take your time. It's already amazing of you to learn radfem beliefs and become gender critical after years of identifying as non binary (and I am proud to have played a role in this haha!).
Have a good day and feel free to send me another ask/to dm me if you need/want <3
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menlove · 2 years
wait hi i’m so confused i thought only lesbians can reclaim d*ke and only gay men can reclaim faggot? so how can you use both esp if you’re masc? IM CONFUSED IM SORRY this isn’t a hate anon or some shit i’m just so behind on the fuckin. ‘rules’ of tumblr and what the general consensus on slurs are i barely know what i can reclaim my damn self
hi you're all good! and honestly that's part of why I made the post and why the modern lgbt community frustrates me so much bc there is a huge prioritization of "rules" over community, solidarity, lived experience, and just. loving each other. not a diss at you obvs just that it makes us all so nervous about what we can and cannot reclaim and makes others really hostile about it
several different answers...
by current lgbt tumblr/tiktok/twitter "rules" a lot of ppl have expanded those to include wlw and mlm, not just gay men and lesbians. I mean say two women are walking down the street holding hands, someone that would call them dykes isn't going to pause and ask if one or more of them is bisexual before using it. as I'm both a wlw and a mlm I'd fit into both. however I don't really jive w this explanation bc it hinges again on "rules" of conduct that I find reductive
another one I've seen that I find a little more nuanced is that if you have had slurs thrown at you and used against you, you can reclaim them. I've been called a dyke and a faggot more times than I can count. but again, I don't jive with this one as much bc does that mean a gay man fortunate enough to never get called a faggot cannot say that word?
the one I find to be the most resonating To Me- for decades and decades of the queer movement, queer women have been saying faggot and queer men have been saying dyke. it's only like really extremely relatively recently that it has been made taboo/wrong/crucifiable for the other group to say it. but if you look it up, there's a lot of early pictures and even well into the 90s pics of men holding up signs along the lines of faggots supporting dykes. and vice versa. this fear of saying these words in our community v much comes from the critically online crowd who doesn't actually go out and interact with their community (not saying you or everyone obviously just the people that push this shit really hard). they would rather squabble over words and slurs and labels than actually doing anything worthwhile.
and just on a personal note, like I said, I'm both a "wlw" and "mlm" although I find those words a little hallow. masculinity =/= sexuality and while I may be butch, that doesn't equate to manhood. even if it did, that's not entirely precluding me from finding community with others I relate to. but I grew up experiencing love for other women as a queer woman. I still do, even though I'm transmasc and use he/him pronouns in every day life (not on here and it's not misgendering to call me she or they, but for my safety I don't advertise any of that irl) but I don't mind being seen as a queer woman, that's deeply a part of how I learned to love in this world. and it got me called dyke. a lot. both when I was identifying as a lesbian, and when I wasn't. on the flipside, however, I am transmasc and butch. I present to the world with a masculine name and most strangers call me "sir" and use he/him for me. my boyfriend is a gay trans man (loosely, they also identify as nonbinary and his relationship to gayness is complicated but that's not my post to make). we are both on hrt and he's had top surgery. when we go out in the world together as a couple, most people see two gay men. we've been called faggots over it (shoutout to the bartender in Detroit for that one). is my experience materially any different than that of a 100% binary trans man getting called a faggot? is the way I present precluding me from being able to say I identify as a queer woman (and man) that loves women in a very queer way? if you look at me, a masculine individual with a beard that gets called a man by strangers and you say I cannot be a woman, what does that say about trans women? if you look at me and say the way that I present to the world doesn't count and doesn't matter, and the way me and my boyfriend conceptualize our relationship isn't right, why is that your business? again, not personal you but general You.
tldr gender is super fucking complicated and messy and so is sexuality and boiling it down to who can say what slurs is honestly really detrimental to our community and all of this is kind of The Point of my post.... and that is not an attack on you at all you're very lovely and I appreciate the message and how sincere it is! and you do not have to agree with me in fact I suspect many people won't. but that's okay. at the end of the day, this community isn't about agreeing with everyone. it's about protecting ourselves and our siblings from harm and loving each other.
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mlwritingprompts · 2 years
Submitted Prompt: Cosmic Loneliness
Hi, Rjalker, emberwritesinsight, it's me again, the writer for that "Cosmic Error" prompt from a year ago.
October is here, but instead of horror (as I know I can't write it at all lol) I decided to write a whole angst prompt from the prespective of my little baby concept, because I have some weird love-hate relation with making a character I write suffer so they can grow, for the better of the worse.
Prompt occurs during the "Cosmic Error" prompt, but with more of the little baby concept's thoughts and perspective.
On a side note, I realized I am aromantic and non-binary! :)
Too many awesome neopronouns to pick my new ones from though.
TW: angst, unreality, cosmic horror(ish)? existential crisis?
Child concept uses neopronouns it/its.
from Rjalker: Hello, welcome back! :D Congrats on figuring out you're nonbinary and aro! :D
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[ID: A gif of an animated flag with half the aromantic and half the nonbinary flag, flying against a blue sky, with white text beneath that reads, "Hell yeah!!!". End ID.]
Only thing that really needed editing was a common mistake with it/its pronouns:
"Its" is the poseessive ie: "That's its name",
"It's" with an apostrophe is the contraction of "it is" ie: "It's an adorable baby"
Onto the prompt :)
In the boundless vastness of the cosmos, a being slowly came to be.
What it was, how it came to existence, and what its purpose and goals, were things it couldn't care about.
Lacking the ability to comprehend what exists around it, unable to focus its attention on a single thing, as its mind was similar to that of a baby, it could only do one thing it instinctually felt was appropriate.
To look around it, a feeling consuming it to do so.
Curiosity. A desire to see the unknown was bubbling in its existence.
There was no purpose for it doing so. The being just wanted to.
Soon enough, it felt another sensation.
It didn't ponder about it, neither did it care. It just listened to it.
It fell asleep.
Slowly time passed. The being, slowly, but surely, grew.
It could feel as it no longer had to sleep every few hours, and it could feel as its attention span grew, its mind expanding.
'Cosmos. I am in the cosmos!' It giddily thought to itself, feeling a strange sensation in its being. Pride at having the slightest bit of understanding of where it is.
Just like a kid, it loved its new knowledge. It felt like it was holding a treasure.
It loved its existence.
Years pass, power grows, intelligence widens, and curiosity increases.
'I am a concept!'
'I live in a giant family of concepts!'
'I wonder how pretty this cosmos will be!'
'I wonder when my sibilings will greet me!'
Such thoughts consume its childish mind.
Even so, even with the growing knowledge it had consumed, it still couldn't realize what it was, and how it came to be. It just thought it would find out one day.
Such was its innocence.
Centuries had passed, and it finally got the insight of what it was, but it was very confused by the answer, as it only raised more questions.
'I was born from the cosmic holes? From the fragmentation of my siblings?'
It would have tilted its head, if it had one.
It could feel that the cracking of its siblings was bad, but...
'But, it gave birth to me though? Was... that bad?'
Confusion was bubbling in its still young mind.
'Am... I disliked? Am I hated? By the cosmos? By my siblings? But, aren't I a concept just like them? No! It couldn't be! I am just overthinking!'
It decided to ignore that thought process.
Yeah! It isn't hated. The other concepts are just feeling awkward. Maybe they don't know how to interact with it on their own. There is no way for them to hate it, right?
After all, it didn't do anything bad to them.
Yeah. That must be it. That must be. It isn't in denial at all.
A few more years pass, and it could feel glee in its being.
It did it! It finally found how to interact with the other concepts!
Now, it could befriend them for real and bond with them!
A stream of energy manifested by the baby concept's will, going out of its own domain.
Only to be met with a sensation that forced it to reel back.
Pain and loss.
The moment its energy exited its domain, it was deleted, as the baby concept felt as if its being was being sliced apart.
It retracted, fear and confusion consuming it.
'Why? Why did you hurt me? Do... do you really... hate me?' It thought in fear and sadness.
It couldn't comprehend why this was happening.
Why is the cosmos and its siblings rejecting it? Why did they harm it even though it just wanted to be with them?
Still, it didn't want to give up.
The idea of being alone scared it. It wanted to connect with them.
Unfortunately, the same results were the only thing it had gotten.
Had it been able to cry, it would have done so, as it realized that it better retreat to it's plane of existence.
'I just wanted to not be lonely...'
More years pass, and the child concept grows. Intelligence grows, control over its power and its understanding of it rises.
Loneliness, also grows.
'Maybe, I should just... roam the universe. At least, I am not hurt when I move my plane of existence with me as well.'
With such thoughts, it pulled its energy, and started floating as the universe kept expanding.
A long journey spanning several centuries had begun, and it ended with curiosity as the child concept felt something strange happening on one particular blue planet.
'Strange... Concepts feel... weak here. I wonder why?'
Curiosity drove it, its senses guiding it towards one of the largest amount of concepts it felt on the planet.
There was two... humans? Yes, two humans talking to each other while speaking to small cute animal-like beings?
It's instincts told it that they were kwamies.
It watched as the human woman, Emilie if what the guy Gabriel said, declared that the pieces of jewelry they were wearing, the so-called Miraculous, were dangerous, and need to be destroyed.
And so, the child concept watched in fascination as the two transformed, and then a wave of energy was unleashed, destroying the jewels they wore-
And dread and loss swallowed the being.
Confusion, then terror, as it realized it.
Deletion. Its essence, leaving it. Power, erased. Horror, consuming its being.
'No no NONONO! I- I don't want this! I refuse! I want to live!'
In its fear, it abandoned all restraints, unleashing its power. It wanted something- Anything for it to do to ensure it's survival-
And the fragment of Time contained within its being, obeyed.
Time, moved backward.
It could barely process anything as time was reversed, trying its best to calm down, as it realized what happened, and what would happen few hours later if it didn't interfere.
'No! I- I will still die! I need to- I need to stop them!'
Decision made, it hurried back toward Earth, planning to stop the human couple from killing it. It managed to Subjugate Gabriel so he will not heal his wife, barely succeeding in its goal.
Only for the being to freeze, as Gabriel stated to himself, that he will destroy the Miraculouses that took away his wife, deeming them too dangerous.
Desperation entering its being, it decided it had to rewind time again.
'This time, that Gabriel guy will not try to destroy these jewels! And I will stay alive!' The child concept thought giddily as it watched the next events.
Gabriel truly did not destroy the Miraculouses, and for few days, the being felt happy, until Gabriel had met an old man, who decided to help Gabriel, healing Emilie in the process--
And planning to destroy the Miraculous.
Once more, time was rewound.
And as the child concept was rewinding time, another sensation was felt through its being.
"Don't worry, Emilie. I will never stop trying to heal you!" Gabriel stated after being Subjucated to not abandon Emilie, and into thinking he must heal her on his own.
It didn't take a day, before his akuma had managed to bring him both the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculouses.
Gabriel, wearing both, wished for his wife to be cured.
Reality shuddered, as the cosmos was being destabilized.
And the child concept could only look on in shock as the wish was affecting it as well.
Another reset ensues.
'Why?' It pondered, a new feeling entering its being.
Sadness and annoyance.
'Why does this keep happening to me?'
It just wanted to live.
'Why can't I just be left alone?'
It just didn't want to die.
'Was this... so difficult? Answer me, cosmos!'
But, there was no answer for it to hear.
It just- wasn't this enough, already?
"No! I can't keep going the same way I was before!" A blond girl screams in her pillow, remembering the near-death experience she suffered. "I don't want to be killed. I- I must change. If only so I will not be responsible for my own and my father's demise!" her hand tightening into a fist. "I must change... even if it required being nice to others..."
A girl resolving to do better as a person, so she will not suffer.
"I am done, father! I am tired of you! And your abuse! I hate you! Plagg! Claws out! Cataclysm!"
A boy, deciding to deal with his abusive father once and for all.
"Ladybug. I- I want to say that I am deeply sorry. There's no excusing my harassment of you. And you have every right to hate me. I, I understand. I will never ask you for dates or endanger you or my friends just because of jealousy or my feelings anymore."
A hero that had gotten his act together, realizing the errors in his way, and swearing to be better.
"Enough is enough! Chat Noir! I told you, again! Over and over! I don't love you that way! I am getting tired of this, Chat! And if you don't stop, then I will take your Ring! This is your last warning!"
A girl furious at a callous partner that only adds more to her plate and ignores all her boundaries, deciding to end the whole problem.
"I- I am giving up on Adrien. No, Alya, I am serious. I am not joking around. Yes, Alix, I will never forgive you if you keep pushing me towards him anymore. We're fourteen for crying out loud!"
A teen who decided to set her priorities, and make her boundaries clear.
Why? Why is it always the same result?
Why does it always ends with its existence almost erased?
Rage slowly consumes its being.
It was unfair.
It didn't deserve that. It did nothing to deserve suffering that kind of punishment.
'But, you don't care about me, do you? Answer me, Cosmos!'
It was tired. So tired of the attitude the cosmos was taking.
'You did nothing when the concepts were shattered. You did nothing when humans enslaved fragments of the concepts. And yet!'
It was really difficult to calm itself down.
'Yet, when I gain life. When I was born, from your own carelessness and negligence, you decide to let me be erased? Don't make me laugh!'
Determination was filling it.
'If death is the fate you decided to me, fine! I don't need your reality!'
'I reject it! Your reality! I will make my own! A reality where I and similar beings don't need to fear the Deletion you tried to force on me! A cosmos where everyone and everything can coexist. This is my promise!'
Good for it! :)
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00katrinka00 · 2 years
Landcaster Legacy Gen 6 Update #12
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The following morning Mad, Jackie, and Parker all decided to go to the farmers market together. "So, you aren't going to see Ethan today?" Jackie asked.
"He's going to visit his family," Mads told her.
"And you didn't want to go?" Parker questioned.
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"I did, but we just started dating yesterday. It'd be weird to bring your significant other home to meet your parents the day after you two make things official," Mads explained to her friends.
"She has a point," Parker admitted.
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"Ethan!" his youngest sister Adelyn yelled as she ran out of the house to give him a hug.
"Hey Addy, how are you?" Ethan asked hugging his sister back.
"Never leave me with just Tyler again, got it?" Adelyn said seriously.
"You had our moms," Ethan reminded her.
"Never again."
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Ethan took the time to hug both of his mothers and tell them how much he'd missed them. Soon after his mother, Ember, lined the three kids up for a photo.
"Say cheese!" Ember exclaimed.
"Mom, do we have to?" Ethan asked.
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After their reunion most of the family sat down in the living room to catch up, while Ember decided to get started making lunch for everyone.
"How's school going?" Nicola asked.
"Good, excited to finish after this term,"
"Do you have any friends that aren't girls yet?" Tyler said
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"I always have," Ethan said. "My friend Parker is nonbinary."
"Good for them," Tyler responded. "I bet you still can't get a girlfriend, though. Remember in High School when you asked Lilian Wheeler to prom, and she said no then laughed in your face?"
"No... I don't recall"
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"Tyler, that's enough!" Ember yelled from the kitchen. "Stop teasing your brother."
"I do actually have a girlfriend" Ethan said. He'd been waiting years to say that. Tyler had always teased him about not being able to talk to girls.
"What?" Both his mother's exclaimed in unison
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"You're lying," Tyler quickly said. "Where is she then, didn't want her to meet your charming family?"
"No," Ethan said. "Mads and I just started dating yesterday."
"Mads Landcaster? The girl we met at the Reed's charity gala?" Nicola asked. "Wasn't she dating Whitman Reed?"
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"Ha!" Tyler laughed. "That's how I know you're lying. Nobody in their right mind would break up with Whitman Reed for you."
"Whit broke up with her," Ethan muttered a little sheepishly.
"So, what's wrong with her then? Does she dress like a randomized townie or something?"
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"She doesn't dress like a randomized townie," Ethan said sharply. "She's actually a legacy heir."
"A legacy heir, really?" Tyler asked dully.
"Her last name is Landcaster," he told her.
"Like Lacy Landcaster? She's one of the most famous actresses like ever!" Tyler exclaimed.
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"Lacy is Mads' Great Grandmother," Ethan explained.
"If you guys get married then the watcher will make sure you guys live in a nice house, and you'll be rich, you will have to take her last name though" Tyler began rambling.
"If Ethan's going to be rich, can I live with him?"
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"You're not going to live with anybody other than your mother and I," Nicola said quickly.
"Please, please, please?" Adelyn begged.
"No!" Nicola said more sternly.
"Uh, I never said anything about marriage. We just started dating yesterday," Ethan quickly added.
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"I'm telling you though, that's what the watcher has planned. especially if she made Whitman Reed break up with Mads to be with you," Tyler explained. Ethan thought about that for a while. He really didn't mind having to marry Mads, he decided that maybe he actually wanted to.
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writingforfishes · 5 months
(requests anon again 😭) sorry i thought of this immediately after submitting the last ask but this is probably the last thing?? if u write any of those please keep the ages like 18-25ish; the characters themselves within 3 or so years of each other but within that general range. yeah *that* should be it now loll
So firstly I apologize for taking so long responding to this.
I'm posting this ask specifically because the previous ask mentioned fandoms and ship names and I'd rather censor those to prevent fans from finding this blog.
You'd requested S/tranger T/hings fiction with S/teddie. I, unfortunately, haven't caught up on the show, though I am aware of the ship.
You'd requested a S/pider M/an and D/eadpool fiction. I'm also not familiar enough with either of their characters (to the extent I'd feel comfortable writing them) especially as you'd said you preferred a more of-age (understandably) P/eter P/arker from the comics.
You'd also requested a sort of sapphic story. Something that was two femmes or a femme and a nonbinary person.
less specific suggestion uhh, if you're okay writing girlxgirl or girlxenby, girl or fem/androgynous enby has the kink *and* a case, their gf is very aware of both...silly stuff ensues. could also have multiple gfs, one also having a case, if you're okay writing polyamory andddd if u use any of these, they can be fluffy or smutty (not terribly explicit but still nsfw if u want), can include drinking (alcholic or other), food, stuffing, sick/comfort, vore, and/or praise; would rather not include other bodily function kinks (or really any other bodily function at all except for like sneezing or coughing, i guess, cuz they're kinda related to hiccups and im not comfortable with the rest [especially emeto please avoid anything more than passive mention of emeto or avoid it entirely]), bodily fluids other than blood, and graphic depictions/descriptions of anything (can hiccups be graphically depicted?? if so then that's ok tho) lastly preferred hic specifics if u do any of these...anything that is fast/frequent, long-lasting, hard (not extremly painful but like hehe forceful), shakes the entire body or torso or just makes stomach/shoulders/chest jump. any volume (however i will generally suggest the combinations of "barely audible/inaudible but absolutely rocks their body each time" cuz thats cute asf and "not much movement but loud and strong" cuz that's hottttt). no preferences on how noises are described but i really like the basic short onomatopoeias like hic, hnk, huck, mphk, hmk, or any mixture of those letters yeah thats it lmao...can elaborate on stuff if neededdd hopefully these could at least give some inspiration or somethin
I do want to think about this request more. Right now my mind is stuck on Otto and Atticus. But I do have another character who's female that gets the hiccups (Cindy) but she doesn't have a hiccup kink.
(Also, I like those onomatopoeias too!)
As far as age goes, I will never write any character under 18. And I prefer writing characters over their mid-twenties. So no worries about that.
I really appreciate the request and I apologize that I'm not really adequately informed enough about the fandoms to fill the first two. I will keep the last one in mind. If you can think of any specific situations that you've always wanted to see don't hesitate to share them!
Actually, this ask has sort of inspired me to add a REQUEST section to my pinned post. It might help to let people know what my guidelines and comfort levels are!
This being SAID.
If anyone who is inspired to write hiccup kink fiction sees this post and wants to use the requests my anonymous follower has sent me to inspire their works, feel free! I'd love to see other people writing more fiction!
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corvids-calling · 6 months
I've decided. I'm not telling my parents I'm nonbinary. Not in the "I don't have to have this big coming out if I don't want to" way, but in the "Even if I tell them, it's not gonna change anything" way. My mom literally told me "If any of y'all (my siblings and I) use they/them, I won't use it bc I'm an English teacher 🤪". It's the way grammar is more important to her than the happiness of her own kid. She'd rather "not cause any confusion!!" than make her own kid feel more comfortable in their already incorrect body. I just know she wouldn't use he/him for me because "you're not a boy!!" and I absolutely will not use she/her. I can only imagine the way she'd play the victim if I told her I use a different name than the one she gave me. "What's wrong with it??" It makes me uncomfortable, I'm sorry! I didn't choose to be nonbinary! Honestly, if I could, I'd probably not be! I hate crying because my body feels wrong and there's a disconnect when I look in the mirror! And yet she'd spin the whole thing to be about her and how I'm hurting her and blah blah blah. Like sorry you're hurt that I didn't trust you enough to tell you this for the past 2 and a half years, but after your reaction I think I'm justified. I already came out as a lesbian, not of my own accord btw, my mom forced me to tell her, and that whole shit show convinced me I don't want to come out again.
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