#then again that could be the sleepiness kicking in.
aommatoskannin · 3 years
I’ve wanted to say this for a few days now. When thinking back to the times I was a part of the Creepypasta fanon fandom I always headcanon Slenderman as a parental figure. When I had an original character related to him because well everyone usually does with pastas, Slenderman was not considered the best parental figure. Literally in all edits of my original character, Slenderman was never seen as a good parental figure.
And I mean someone could point it out by saying stuff like , well duh that’s obvious, doesn’t the dude abduct kids and forces people to become proxies? Normally I would say yeah but like I gotta blame the parents on this because who doesn’t watch their young kids when going outside? The fuck is wrong with you? When looking into Slender’s origins that crowd of people image with the photoshopped Slender comes up. A bunch of those people are young adults or adults in general. The implication is that Slender has manipulated their minds to murder them, but who is them? Well based on general knowledge of Slenderman presumably children. I honestly feel as though Slender did this as a lesson. Because if Slender has retractable tendrils, able to teleport, possible telepathy, and causes static to occur near technology what is to say that Slender can’t be able to manipulate people’s memories or brainwash people? Hell Slender is probably “abducting kids” because letting a kid wander on their own without supervision is neglectful. Hell the people in that first image could’ve been neglecting their kids and Slender brain washed them to make it seem like they did a terrible deed because they neglected their fucking kids. Is that terrible? Yes. Could some of these parents been able to change themselves? Probably. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Slender basically cared for these kids and then when they grew up let them go off to better families. Honestly I feel like that would be a cool narrative.
So I made a Slenderman based idea where they in my headcanon is a German man who had turned into an eldritch horror. The man likely had lost a child and made multiple attempts to find the child and thus resulting in attempting to fill the void by taking in abandoned children and abducting them to likely replace Slender’s original kid. Why is Slender German? In a roleplay I was in Slenderman was implied to be German which I just thought as interesting and kind of neat. I also had an weird idea that the kid could’ve had like an octopus like white plushy it just some sort of white plush that ended up fusing with him when he turned into the horror. They likely has had some partners prior in attempts to have kids. Slenderman definitely knows something about carpentry because how the fuck would this fanon mansion of theirs exist and Slender definitely doesn’t have a job unless they robs their victims.
My overall thoughts are that unless you’re a minor Slenderman gives off the illusion of a good caregiver, while with much older children such a teenagers or anyone in the proxy range Slender is fucking manipulative. Slender’s like one of the most manipulative parents. Slender would keep you sheltered and provide for you but you gotta do shit in return. Like oh, you thought you were living here for free? As long as you live under my roof you do what I fucking say. Though Slender is most definitely toxic I don’t think Slender is bigoted considering a majority of the pastas in fanon are queer especially Slender themselves.
Despite the ridiculous nature of this talk, I do believe there is a reason for Slender to be presumably toxic. The reason being that although we wish for a perfect parental figure what we consider as perfect is usually flawed and seen through rose-colored glasses. Also, the fact that if Slender has had a child with a lover the child would usually resent him. Though I did this for my canon where my original character has resentment towards Slender. Slender is easy to resent as Slender is simply an archetype of an overprotective strict father in fanon. Not only that but does make teenagers work for him which he wouldn’t need as he could simply do work himself. I dunno how to end this off properly so… Stan splendor man.
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g-r-a-y-p-h-i-c · 3 years
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been awhile since ive done one of these
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1ovegf · 5 years
stephen king was right when he said that words diminish things, especially things that seem so big in your head but are only so small once you’ve said them aloud - and how they have the tendency to ruin things, because words always take away from the thing that matters most to you.
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Imagine sleepy cuddles with Steven Grant. Just him all warm, tucked up in bed first thing in the morning, reaching out to you with grabby hands in a silent plea for you to come back to bed. The cuteness would be too much!
Please this is literally such a cute idea!!! He would be so sleepy and the only thing on his mind would be staying in bed with you!!! Below the cut is a little blurb about it!! Feel free to send in more request yall!!
Sleepy Mornings
Steven Grant x gn reader
Summary: Just a little imagine about sleepy cuddles with Steven Grant
You could feel his curls tickling your face as you shifted, stretching as you were awoken for no particular reason at all. As if Steven could sense your movements in his sleep he moved impossibly closer. He had one of his hand perched on the soft flesh of your hip while the other was curled close to his chest. He was sleeping facing you as he always did, he loved the way you held him in his sleep, making him feel so safe and loved.
You yawned and shifted again trying to peel yourself out of the comfort of your shared bed to begin the day. This time it was enough to cause Steven to wake, his eyes fluttered open as he let out a yawn of his own. “Love?” He asked, voice thick and heavy from his sleepy state causing his accent bleed even more into his vocabulary. “Where ya going? Suns not even up?”
You smiled at the way he tried to stay awake for your answer, eyes slowly shutting all the way before they snapped back open as his body gave a little jolt. “I have to get ready for work.” You brushed back his mess of curls and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Go back to sleep.”
Steven reluctantly let you get up, letting you peel his hands off of you and pull the covers back over his body. He always managed to kick the sheets off of himself durning night leaving him freezing cold. Now it wasn’t as much of a problem because he had you to keep him warm but since you were leaving you picked the blanket up and laid it over him.
“Don’t go.” He yawned out, hand grabbing yours before you could leave. “Sorry.” He stuttered as he quickly drew his hand back. You leaned over and took his hand, gently running your thumb over the back of his hand. He smiled at the gesture, sleepy eyes pleading with you. “Just stay ya?”
You bit your lip as you debated with yourself, already knowing what your decision would be. “You’re gonna get me fired you know.” You joked as you sat back down on the bed. Steven stuck his hands out for your awaiting form, making grabby hands at you as you laid back down beside him. Impatient to have you laying with him again.
“Yea yea.” He mumble sleepily, a victorious smile on his face as you held him yet again.
“Yea yea?” You questioned with a laugh. “You want me to get fired Steven?”
He hummed in content as you fully relaxed next to him, his hand coming to trace the contours of your face. “If it means you get to spend all day cuddlin’ me, then I’m all for you losing your job darling.”
You laughed at his comment, letting out a content him of your own as he laid his head into the crook of your neck, pressing a kiss along your exposed collar bone. “You’re too much.”
“I think I’m just the right amount of much thank you.” He protested with an amused huff.
You let your eyes close and drift back into your comfortable sleep. The thoughts of your job long forgotten, you had other much more important morning priorities to attend to. Soon the only sound in the room was Steven’s snores, muffled from his face being pressed so close to you. What a lovely way to spend the early morning hours
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bellaramseysgf · 2 years
Tired Daddy (Stucky)
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Warning(s); DDLG relationship,polyamory,fluff.
Pairing(s); Daddy! Bucky Barnes x Little! Fem! Reader x Daddy! Steve Rogers.
Summary; Bucky promised he could handle you by himself, which he could only barely.
“I’ve got her, Steve really” Bucky said practically shoving his boyfriend out the door. “I’m just worried, she didn’t nap and she gets bratty, you don’t handle that well” Steve said and Bucky scoffed “I’ve got it, go have fun with Sam and nat” Bucky reassured.
Steve sighed and nodded leaving to join his friends. Bucky turned towards your play room walking to the door to make sure you were being nice to your toys. You weren’t there. His heart sank.
“Princess?” He called with no response “PRINCESS!” He yelled through the house as he ran up the stairs, you weren’t in the bathroom you weren’t in your room.
Bucky all but had a heart attack and there you were on his and Steve’s bed asleep. He sighed his hand pressing over his chest as he tried to calm his breathing down. Sneaky little brat you are.
Bucky knew that when you woke up and Steve wasn’t here you’d have a meltdown so, in order to help he called your favorite restaurant to order some food.
You wake up with a whine rolling over as you stretched. “Dada?” You called without a response. You shuffled off the bed sock covered feet thudding on the ground “dada!” You called louder carefully making your way downstairs. One step at a time just like daddy taught you, hold the railing, watching your feet.
“Dada!” You called again once at the bottom of the stairs “dada!!” You called louder. Bucky turned from the kitchen walking pat the living room to find you standing at the bottom of the stairs. “There’s my sleepy princess” he said and scooped you up “where’s dada? He can’t hear me?” You asked and Bucky chuckled.
“Dada went out with Uncle Sam and aunt nat.” Bucky explained “but, I got your favorite food and we can call dada once we are done eating?” Bucky prepared himself for you to start kicking and screaming but you didn’t “okay daddy!” You said and nodded.
“I’ll even give you some soda, don’t tell dada” you nodded and made a zipping motion over your lips.
Bucky thought that it was a good idea at the time, now not so much. You had been running around screaming absolute nonsense. He sighed “baby, daddy doesn’t understand what the means” you whined dropping on your butt and beginning to cry.
“Baby, hey it’s okay.” He said crouching down to rub your back you whined and smacked his hand away. “Wan dada!” You cried sniffling and hiccuping. “Okay, okay daddy will call him okay? You can see him. You gotta calm down first baby.” You shook your head “NO!” You yelled.
“Baby..” Bucky sighed. He couldn’t punish you for acting on emotions, he knew you’d apologize afterwards. This was a lot more difficult then he thought. “Hey baby? You wanna play swings?” He asked and you sniffled looking up at him.
“But…dada not here” you said and rubbed your nose on the sleeve of your shirt. “We don’t need him stand up” you did as told still sniffling the last few tears falling down your face.
“Wrap your arms around daddy” he said extending his metal arm to you, you did so holding on. You squealed when Bucky lifted you up by his arm and you giggled swinging your legs back and forth.
Bucky felt relieved that you had seemingly calmed down, he smiled watching you swing back and forth. “Alright, bath time?” He said “and then dada should be home” you nodded and he sat you back down allowing you to walk upstairs.
Bucky was honestly happy he was able to make it the few hours so Steve could get some much needed time. You had officially exhausted him, he didn’t want to do this for a while. He rinsed the soap from your hair watching your eyes.
Bucky got you dressed in your favorite princess night gown “pink or yellow socks?” He asked and you thought for a minuet “hmmm, yellow!” He slipped the fuzzy socks on you. “Daddy, can I watch Moana?” You asked and he glanced at the clock. It was already 15 minutes pass your bedtime
“Baby, I don’t know…it’s getting late” you whine “I promise I’ll be good! I’ll be still and won’t bother daddy!” You looked up at him with pleading eyes and he caved.
Bucky grabbed your favorite pink blanket and pillow, you stretched out on top of him your legs in his lap. He turned the movie on and you smiled “paci” he said and you opened your mouth as he slipped the silicone into your mouth.
You were asleep in a matter of minutes and Bucky sighed. He was exhausted, you had never been this rambunctious. He now understands why you aren’t allowed soda after 8pm.
The door opened and Steve walked in quietly closing it back. “Hey” he whispered glancing at you Bucky let out a breath looking at him. “Was she okay?” Steve asked and Bucky nodded “for the most part, there’s leftovers in the microwave if you’re hungry” Steve nodded.
“You look exhausted” he commented and Bucky laughed “I am, she’s a lot by yourself” Steve smiled “I tried to warn ya” “shut it, punk” he said and Steve carefully lifted you up. “Cmon, let’s get you to bed too” he said holding out his hand as Bucky took it.
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sorceress-marie · 2 years
by sorceress-marie
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stephen strange x f!reader
summary :: (Y/n) can't sleep when horny, and after Stephen won't help her, she helps herself. He's taken aback, and in the end he gives her what she wanted all along.
genre :: smut
warnings :: masturbation(f), very light bondage, 18+ content
author's note :: missed me? anyway this is a late christmas present dedicated to all stephen strange stans because I'm sure we're all thirsty for more content after nwh. unfortunately finals are really stressing me out rn so I probably won't be able to write anything (and post) for a bit, but I'll make sure to log in once in a while to interact with all of you. but, for now, enjoy !
rated content under the cut
"Babe, wake up, I'm horny" was something (y/n) never thought would come out of her mouth. Never. But here she was, twisting and turning, unable to silence her frustration. Meanwhile, Stephen was sleeping next to her, unbothered by her inability to sleep. 
It was unlike her to even talk about it, hence why Stephen always was the one to initiate it. He could almost sense whenever she was in the mood, so it wouldn't take long for him to tease her and eventually end up under the covers or wherever they were at the moment: they both really didn't care, as long as they weren't gonna be disturbed. Only this time, he had already fallen asleep after a long day at Kamar-Taj, practicing Eldritch magic and kicking his students' ass.
(Y/n) on the other hand had spent her day studying, meaning she was equally exhausted. Quarantine hadn't treated her right, since she has been working hard to keep up with her studies, resulting in not spending too much time with Stephen. They would occasionally check up on each other during the day, but the most time they spent together was at night, where they cuddled and talked about their day together and eventually ended up drifting off in each other's arms. 
She had to blame her neediness to a spicy dream, which led to her being unable to sleep once she woke up from it. The images kept replaying on her mind, while the pleasure lingered on her stomach and core. She could almost feel Stephen's digits still inside of her, his hand around her throat, while she begged him for her release. These thoughts were definitely too strong to ignore. 
Turning to face Stephen, she tugged his sleeve to try and wake him up and get his attention. Seeing that he wouldn't budge, she gently reached to stroke his defined cheekbone, while scooting closer to him. 
"Babe, wake up, I'm horny."
Stephen, unbothered to even open his eyes, draped his arm lazily around her body, pulling her waist gently towards him. 
"Can't this wait 'till morning?"
His deep sleepy voice definitely didn't help her, as a shiver went down her spine. 
"It really can't." she spoke softly. Stephen could sense the desperation laced in her voice, and he would have otherwise complied, as it was rare for (y/n) to be like this. But this time, his tiredness wouldn't let him. 
"Please?" she whined again, moving her hand to his chest. 
"It's too late for this sweetheart. If you're that desperate, do it yourself" he answered, his hand leaving her waist as he twisted to lay on his back to make himself more comfortable. 
Even though they were together for more than a year, (y/n) was still kinda shy to do something like that, while he slept next to her. This time though, even though she did feel uncomfortable, her urge was too strong and she finally gave in, ignoring her shyness. 
"You know what, maybe I will." she whispered loud enough for him to hear, turning to lay on her back while her hand dove into the covers. 
The sorcerer was taken aback by her boldness, but didn't believe she would do something like that, precisely because he knew how shy she still was in that matter. 
Her hand reached her core and she didn't hesitate to dip her finger into her wet folds. A quiet moan escaped her lips, reacting to the cold temperature of her digits. She then moved upwards to meet her sweet spot and soft whimpers fell from her mouth as she began slowly rubbing her bundle of nerves. She slowly but confidently kept pleasuring herself, as silent moans filled the room, almost teasing the wizard that was laying next to her, now awake and pleasantly shocked at his girlfriend's determination. He couldn't help but get turned on by the sweet sounds, finally giving in. 
(Y/n) was too concentrated on chasing her release, making her pace quicker, and didn't realize that Stephen was now awake, watching her movements and waiting for the right moment. Seconds before her sweet release, Stephen reached at her wrist, removing it from inside her underwear and bringing it together with her left wrist, binding them together with a glowing ribbon. She whined in frustration from the loss of contact, as the feeling left her core. 
"Fuck I was so close" she cried desperately, her eyelids fluttering open to face the sorcerer, as he was now on top of her, while still holding her wrists together. 
"You are really adamant when you want something..." he hummed, a smirk appearing on his lips. Seeing her state, he pushed his thigh teasingly between her legs. 
"Weren't you too tired for this?" she asked, bracing herself for what's about to follow. 
"Keep talking and I won't let you cum anytime soon." he ordered, placing her tied wrists above her head. 
He moved his hands lower and he laced his hands around her soaked underwear, taking it off completely. He then reached down at her heat, moved his thigh to open her legs wider as his digits found the entrance and pushed deeper, coating his fingers in her wetness. She let out a loud moan as a response, that made him dive inside of her again, this time curling his fingers to reach her g-spot. He repeated his movements a few more times until he finally removed them slowly and he teasingly reached higher, touching her everywhere except her aching button. 
She whined and twisted in frustration as he kept teasing her for a little longer, until he finally moved his hands where she wanted them, slowly placing feathery touches before he began to move at a more comfortable pace. 
"Let me hear you, kitten."
His fingers didn't leave her heat as he explored her senses and when he found her sensitive spot, she moaned even louder than before. He kept going, steadily increasing his speed but keeping his motions steady, while (y/n) gasped and whined at his touch. She soon found herself grasping at the headboard, her wrists still tied together, feeling herself getting closer to her climax. 
"I-I'm close" she managed to say between her moans. 
"Not until I say so. "
Without taking his fingers away or stopping his motions, he brought his left hand to her entrance and his digits dove inside her, moving in and out. She arched her back, holding her orgasm as best as she could, until it was too much to handle. 
"P-Please, this is t-too much" she whined, begging for her release. 
"Cum on my fingers, princess" he finally ordered, as he drove her over the edge and the pleasure overtook her. He kept repeating his movements as her body shivered, shaking off her orgasm, and didn't stop until she closed her legs tightly, the overstimulation being too much for her. 
Stephen brought his hands up, hugging her curves, until he reached her hands, the golden ribbon that tied her wrist together vanishing in an instant. (Y/n) brought her hands around his neck and he cupped her face in response, going in to kiss her lips passionately. Moments later both of them pulled away, panting. 
"Better now?" he asked, softening his gaze. 
(Y/n) hummed in response, a smile appearing on her lips. 
"I'll pay you back in the morning" she spoke softly, scooting closer to him as he wrapped his arms around her. She momentarily replayed what had happened moments ago and smiled wider as she realized this was much better than her dream. 
Drifting off, she couldn't help but be excited for round two that was waiting for her in the morning.
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nakunakunomi · 2 years
Purr - Leona x Reader
Another one to feed my 100% self-indulgent twst obsession. Enjoy my friends. It is extremely short. Another blurb again more than anything. 
2nd person. GN Reader. No warnings, just fluff  
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“Hey Leona” 
A low grumble, one eye opening, half a frown. This was already the third time today you’d interrupted your boyfriend to ask him something, and while he had more patience with you than any other person in the whole school, you were starting to reach the point where he’d kick you out of his room so he could finally nap in peace. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you purr.” 
He opened up his other eye, frown transforming into a look of more confusion. 
“Hear me purr? If you wanna hear purring, go find Grim, that dumb cat will purr.” 
He turned around, closing his eyes again, ready to finally sleep for more than ten minutes without you asking for his attention for any of your dumb questions. 
You pouted a little. 
“I don’t want to hear Grim purr. I wanna hear you purr” 
“Y/n... why would you think I’d purr?”
His voice was muffled and drowsy, speaking to a pillow more than you. Secretly he was hoping you’d get the hint and finally lay down with him, but your curiosity kept you wide awake. 
“Well”, you started, “You’re a lion, right?” 
A sleepy grunt and a flick of a tail was ‘yes’ for an answer. 
“And lions are big cats. Cats purr... so... “ 
“Lions don’t purr.” 
“Lions don’t purr. Smaller cats do. I don’t purr. Can we nap now?” 
He really sounded like he was done with you, and you weren’t quite sure just how far you could push him before he’d kick you out. You weren’t really satisfied with that answer, though. Sure, he could be right, and you’d never hear him purr. And sure, you’d be perfectly content giving up and napping with your wonderful boyfriend right now. But something in you still wanted to test the boundaries, tiptoe the line of just how far you could go. 
“But then... how would I know you are truly content?” 
“Are you serious?” 
You suppressed a laugh. He was so annoyed, but you knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t truly mad. The flicking of his tail, and the way he sounded more alert than ten minutes ago, made you prepare for what was coming. You knew this guy too well by now, so it was no surprise when he turned around, pulling your head to his chest, so all your concerns and questions would be muffled by his body, and intertwined your legs with his. All of this in a matter of seconds and you laughed, because it never ceased to surprise you how someone so lazy and slowgoing could be so fast and nimble at the same time.
You struggled a little, just to put up a fight, but gave in really fast. You had already annoyed him plenty, and were actually looking forward to nap and snuggle time. Yet, it didn’t escape you that he still hadn’t answered you. You were about to get back to annoying him, when he let out a content hum, louder than what he’d usually do. 
“clear enough? I like you. Love you even. No need to purr whenever you’re around. It’s best when it’s completely silent, so we can just..” 
He didn’t even finish his sentence, dozing off now that you were finally no longer trashing around or talking. It only took him a couple of minutes to softly start snoring and you smiled. 
It may not be purring, but you’d take that anyway. 
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seventven · 3 years
prompt: “you know what rhymes with drunk? sex” 
pairing: bucky x reader
word count: 1.5k+
prompt list: click here
warnings: drunk, giggly and horny bucky fluff; lets pretend he can actually get drunk lmao
a/n: this is straight up my boyfriend when he’s drunk (bless him)
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It was just past 4am when the sound of the front door closing... no, slamming shut made Y/N tear her eyes away from the screen of her laptop. The show she was watching was abruptly forgotten, the sudden but not entirely unexpected sound snatching her back to reality.
She was home alone, and after taking a long, hot bath, enjoying a face mask and pouring herself some wine, Y/N had settled into bed to catch up on her favourite TV shows. Her boyfriend, Bucky, was out for the night. From what she understood, his friend Sam had called him sometime in the early evening, mentioned something about getting dumped and requested Bucky’s presence for a night of drowning away his sorrows. For Sam, Bucky Barnes and tequila came hand in hand and both were needed that night.
It had been hours since Bucky left, and apart from one or two quick texts, Y/N hadn’t heard from him all night. This was usually an indication that the night was going well and Y/N was excited for the report Bucky was like to give her; he had a tendency to ramble whenever he was drunk and it was something that always amused her more than it had any right to.
“Could you be any louder, man?” Bucky hissed, his voice muffled by the bedroom door.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re an asshole, Buck?”
Sam’s voice was a welcome sound and Y/N couldn’t help but giggle quietly at their antics. She strained her ears to hear more.
“Would an asshole let you crash on their couch?”
“You’re still a dickhead.”
“Need I remind you that it was you who got us kicked out of the bar? The guy should’ve left you with more than just a bloodied nose.”
Sam snorted. “How was I supposed to know she was his wife? She looked more like his daughter!”
“As if that makes it any better, you ass!”
A moment of silence lingered, followed by Bucky’s voice again. “Be quiet. I’m gonna check if she’s asleep.”
Y/N could only raise her brow expectantly and watch as the door was slowly pushed open. The light from the hallway quickly filled the room, Bucky’s head soon emerging from behind the door. He scanned the room, his eyes falling upon her sitting up in bed, a smile quickly appearing across his lips.
“Hi, baby. Thought you’d be asleep by now,” he almost cooed, his usual drunken softness coming in full force. He had a habit of talking to her in a baby voice whenever he had had a few drinks, and tonight was no different. Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the sound.
“She’s awake?” Sam piped up, and suddenly the door was being pushed open completely. Sam trudged into the room, kicking his shoes off and not waiting for an invitation before collapsing onto the foot of the bed. The grin across his face was evident, as was the dried blood beneath his nose.
“Enjoy your night?” She asked with an amused smile, and Sam only nodded, melting dreamily into the duvet. To say he was plastered would have been an understatement. 
“It was so good,” he replied, already sleepy. His eyelids looked heavy as he blinked slowly, his lips already parting in relaxation.
“Sam got us kicked out of the bar,” Bucky admitted, shaking his head in disbelief. He still couldn’t quite believe the events of the night, and Y/N felt compelled to ask for more information. It wasn’t often that Sam Wilson appeared in their apartment with a bloody nose in the early hours of the morning.
Bucky quickly explained the situation, but it was nothing she hadn’t already overheard from the hallway when they first came in. Regardless, she nodded her head to signal she was listening and laughed quietly when the story was finished.
“Are you guys hungry? I can fix you up something to eat?” She asked, already pushing the covers off. Offers of food never went denied around these two, but as it turned out, Sam had already dozed off. He completely disregarded the fact he was still fully clothed, his face was covered in blood and that it was not his bed he was laying in. None of these minor details seemed to bother him, quiet snores already drifting past his parted lips.
“Give him a minute to sober up,” Bucky sighed and shook his head. “I’d love some toast. I’m starving.”
“Toast? At four in the morning?”
He shrugged, and Y/N couldn’t help but giggle as she pushed herself out of bed and followed Bucky into the hallway. They quietly made their way into the kitchen, and Y/N was quick to pop two slices of bread into the toaster and flick the appliance on. The quiet hum of the toaster and the warmth of the heat radiating from it made Y/N instinctively wrap her arms around herself, goosebumps rising on her skin from the coldness of the room. 
Bucky situated himself on a chair by the table and leaned back in it comfortably. His hair was a wild mess on top of his head and in the brighter lights of the kitchen, Y/N finally realised how flushed his cheeks were. It was an amusing and adorable sight; his eyes glistened with intoxication and there was adoration in his eyes as he watched her go about her business.
“What are you looking at?” Y/N quirked an eyebrow, suddenly a little shy under his gaze. Bucky always looked at her like she was something so beautiful he couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact she was real. And whilst it made her feel loved and appreciated, it also contributed to her feeling somewhat embarrassed.
“Just admiring my lady,” he shrugged, and Y/N couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling. “You look very pretty.”
“You’re drunk.”
Bucky smiled, a teasing little smile that made her stomach do a flip.
“Yeah, I am. But tomorrow I’ll wake up sober but you’ll still be the cutest girl in the world.”
He leaned back further into the chair and lifted his arms towards her. His hands did a childish grabby gesture, a babyish invitation for her to come closer. Defeated, Y/N took two steps forward until she was almost within his reach.
“You’re a dork. A drunk and immature dork.”
“Yeah, but you love me. You think I’m adorable.”
He reached out and wrapped his fingers around her wrist, pulling her to stand between his parted thighs. Her smile was wide and there was amusement and love in her eyes as she watched his intoxicated, glistening eyes and flushed cheeks. 
“Lucky for you. 
“I don’t deny that I am very lucky.”
“... and very drunk.”
Bucky tugged her in closer, and Y/N struggled to maintain her balance. He was attempting to pull her into his lap but the movement was clumsy, and Y/N only giggled at his attempt.
“Come on, baby. Give me some affection,” he pleaded, the smile across his face remaining. Bucky had a habit of becoming incredibly needy whenever he was drunk; he craved all things kisses and attention and it was rare for them not to have sex after a couple of drinks. Tonight, with his hazy eyes and wandering hands, it appeared Bucky wanted the same thing as always.
“You’re so romantic,” she teased, shaking her head in disapproval. She laughed quietly at his antics and stood her ground, refusing to slide into his lap but enjoying the feeling of his vibranium hand slowly beginning to wander down the side of her body. 
“What do you want me to do? Write you some poetry? I will if it means you make out with me.” He was so determined it was truly hilarious, the glint in his eyes making him look like a needy little puppy. “I can make it rhyme and everything.”
“Is that so?”
He nodded his head eagerly.
“You’re so freaking drunk, Buck.”
He grimaced, acting offended at being doubted. Bucky furrowed his brows for a moment and attempted to think of something witty to say. Y/N could almost see the cogs turning in his head for what felt like minutes but it was to no avail. Truth was, Bucky was no poet.
But then, just when she thought he was about to give up, he unexpectedly tugged on her wrist again and she yelped as she lost her balance and fell into his lap. A giggle fell past her lips.
“You know what rhymes with drunk? Sex.”
She laughed, shaking her head in disbelief and rolling her eyes at his persistence.
“If only Sam hadn’t passed out in our bed...” She sighed, almost ruefully, but her amusement was evident and when Bucky raised a brow, as if accepting the challenge, she looked to him expectantly.
“We can make do with the kitchen counter,” he argued, nodding towards the spot behind her. Y/N’s eyes followed his gaze and it was then she noticed the smoke coming from the toaster, drifting up into the air, dangerously close to the smoke detector.
“Shit!” She cursed, and scrambled to get out of Bucky’s lap, his cheeky proposition briefly ignored but no where near forgotten. 
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
Can you write something where Jack just came home from tour and hazel is just so happy but the next day she has to go to either school or daycare and you find her and jack in the morning begging you to let her miss one day 🥺
One more day.
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Sometimes Jack would go away on tour and you and Hazel would stay behind so that she could continue her schedule for pre-school. Of course there was the occasional visit, you couldn’t stay away from each other for extended long periods. It was hard but you were trying to get her into a “normal” routine. You both missed him a lot and you would try to make things extra special when he would come home.
Jack came home tonight which meant that you and Hazel spent all evening after school decorating the house. You tried to always make it a special event when daddy came home. You and Hazel decorated your living room with balloons, streamers, flowers and a welcome home banner that you both made together with some poster board. You also made him some dinner and Hazel made him cookies. He always pretended to like them for her sake.
Jack usually had his driver drive him home from the airport so you didn’t have to worry about things like that. You looked over at the clock and realized that he was probably going to be home any minute. “Wanna get the silly string out to spray daddy?”
Hazel nodded eagerly before running to a bag and pulling out two cans and handing you them to open.
You quickly opened them as you heard some noise outside, you assumed it was your husband. “Quick, let’s hide behind the couch” you grabbed Hazels hand and you both ducked.
When the door finally unlocked you both popped up and sprayed him with the purple silly string.
Jack laughed and dramatically fell to the floor “I’ve been shot, I’ve been shot” he yelled dramatically while the three of you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Daddy!” Hazel ran over to Jack who is still on the floor and tackled him.
“Hi Hazey!” He peppered her little chubby cheeks in kisses.
You put your hand out to help him off the floor as your daughter stayed attached to him at the hip. “Hi beautiful” he grabbed you softly by your face and pulled you in for a series of long kisses.
“Get a room” Hazel giggled.
“You listen to Uncle Urb too much when he talks” Jack laughed.
“Down! Down!“ Hazel kicked a little to let her dad know she wanted him to put her down so she could show him some thing.
“Mommy made la la lapasta?” She looked at you to see if you were in agreement, while she tugged at her dad‘s shirt to take him to the kitchen.
“Lasagna and salad” you told Jack with a small laugh “oh and garlic bread” and you motioned towards the countertop. “Close Hazel, close.”
Hazel just giggled as she pointed to her cookies “I made these.”
“You did?” Jack acted surprised as if she didn’t do this almost every time, sometimes it was cupcakes but usually it was cookies.
“But mommy said we have to eat dinner first” Hazel said in hopes that she would change her dad‘s mind.
“We’ll mommy’s right, go sit down and I’ll get your plate.”
Hazel ran and sat down at the table.
“I got you both babe, I don’t mind. Go sit down” you pecked his lips and he squeezed your butt now that your daughter wasn’t in view.
“Are you sure? I can-“ you cut him off “you’re probably exhausted, just go sit down.”
He kissed you again “I love you.”
“I love you too” you hummed as you got all three of your plates ready.
After dinner was over, you three sat in the living room and attempted to watch a movie but Jack was knocked out cold within 20 minutes. Hazel giggled as Jack snored louder and louder. “Daddy is sleepy” Hazel covered her mouth and tried to suppress a giggle.
“Jack Jacky Jack” You shook him awake softly.
“Oh wussup?” He said with one eye open trying to pretend he wasn’t asleep.
“It’s time for bed” Hazel giggled and you agreed.
Both you and Jack tucked her into her bed and said your goodnights before heading to your own room.
The next morning your alarm went off and Jack was already out of bed. You thought this was out of character for him so you wondered what he was up to. When you walked out of your room you saw both him and Hazel sitting on the floor with some of the leftover posterboard from the banner you had made him the night before.
“Good morning mommy” Hazel nudged her dad who currently had the end of a glue stick in his mouth. He took it out of his mouth quickly “Hi baby good morning” he said with a voice full of guilt.
“What are you two up to?” You laughed and looked over at Jack for answers.
“Don’t be mad” Jack stood up hiding the poster board from you. Hazel hid behind him and you could hear her giggling.
“Jackman, when you say that it instantly makes me mad” you raised an eyebrow but you were still being playful with him.
Jack turned the poster board over and said “TA-DA!”
And Hazel echoed “ta dahs!”
The posterboard was definitely DIY and 100% obvious that a four-year-old child had a lot to do with it. However the message was loud and clear and written by your husband.
“Let Hazel stay home today” is what the posterboard read. At first you didn’t say anything which made Jack turn to Hazel and mumble “plan b” and they both got on their knees and gave you puppy dog eyes with their hands clasped together.
“Pwease mommy. Just one more day” Hazel said in a very obviously coached voice as she looked at Jack for approval and he gave her a thumbs up.
You couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous they both were being.
“ Yes Hazel you can stay home! Get up you two!”
Hazel ran over to you and gave you a hug.
“Really?” Jack laughed “good because plan c was all I had left.”
“Plan C? Do I even wanna know?”
Hazel giggled, she was happy as can be that she got to stay home with you both today.
Jack whispered what plan c was in your ear and you laughed. “You’re crazy, you could’ve just asked me you didn’t have to put on a whole show.”
“Putting on a show is what I do best” Jack smirked.
You loved when he said stuff like that so you couldn’t help but blush “Ahhh, very true Harlow. Very true.”
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honeytae · 2 years
“You say the word, angel, and I’ll give it to you.”
*cough cough* erm…hi everyone. it’s been a bit but i’m back in my most natural form: being an absolute whore for kim taehyung. this was actually just going to be a domestic bliss drabble but then…you know…tae happened. anyways, i hope you guys enjoy! as always, feedback is much appreciated!
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 2k
warnings: explicit sexual content, read at your own risk.
This was, by far, the most treasured part of your day.
The time where you could finally draw the curtains, closing yourself off from the stresses of the outside world and freeing yourself from the responsibilities that came with others’ expectations.
Where you reunited with any semblance of peace, your personal safe space, Taehyung. You may even go as far as saying that climbing into bed with your lovely boyfriend was the highlight of any day you were lucky enough to be granted the opportunity.
When that bathroom light went off, you knew Taehyung was only moments away from shifting the bed with his weight and snuggling in behind you; much like he was already up to tonight.
“Missed you,” he mumbled into your neck, nuzzling his cold nose into the warm skin before pressing three little pecks of his lips to the spot.
“Oh? You did?” You teased, yelping as Taehyung pinched the skin of your hip in retaliation. Pressing your palm into the mattress, you maneuvred your body to instead face him, your favorite signature smirk greeting you as you settled back into the pillows.
“I missed you too,” You admitted, “how was your day?” you murmured, speech slightly muffled from the hand cushion you held beneath your cheek.
“Productive,” he said after exhaling a sigh, throwing an arm over your torso to pull you in closer to him. “Finished that track I told you about, started another one.”
His voice sounded gravelly and spent, proof and evidence of his strenuous day.
You reached up to tuck some of his soft hair behind his ear, causing him to smile as he watched you dote over his lengthy tresses.
He was fully aware of the effect he had on you, and loved to push you over the edge. Growing his hair out just became a part of that game over the course of your relationship.
“Mm, that’s really good. ‘M so proud of you,” you responded sleepily, stifling a yawn at the end of your sentiments.
“Thanks,” he whispered shyly, scrunching his features as you gently puckered your lips against the soft skin of his cheek, letting out an exaggerated ‘muah’ along with the motion.
“How was yours?” He quickly deflected, making you hold back a chuckle at the endearment swimming in your heart for the man.
“It was fine,” you shrugged, squirming when Taehyung once again pinched your hip for your lack of elaboration.
“Ah, fine! Work was okay, kind of the same,” you answered, pausing for a moment before mentioning, “There was some drama at lunch though, I’ll tell you about it when I’m more awake.”
“Oh? Can’t wait to hear it,” He commented, a bit of amusement present in his tone.
The truth was, he really counted on hearing about it later. Tae was fully invested in your life, and catty fights at work were definitely a part of it.
You were quite literally the couple that filled each other in on everything. And you thoroughly enjoyed it; seeing a laidback man such as Taehyung with his legs kicked out in front of him on the couch, clutching a bottle of soju in one hand and your own appendages in the other as he intently listened to every word you shared, eyes widening at certain details of the story.
You swept your finger across the man’s eyebrow, a sign of affection that allowed him to lean forward to nuzzle his face into your neck.
Sleepy kisses on the skin there soon switch to suction from his velvety lips, sending shivers down to your toes when his tongue pokes out from his lips to suckle on your pulse point.
What started as a sleepy cuddling session was quickly headed elsewhere, Tae slotting his thigh between your legs and bringing you impossibly closer to the edge of sanity.
“Mm,” you sighed, wrapping an arm around his head to scratch at his scalp, soft tendrils tickling your palm as he leaned more into your touch.
“Baby,” he breathed, “how tired are you?” he drawled, hand caressing over your torso, bringing the light fabric of your t-shirt up over your skin to rest his palm on your tummy.
In place of a verbal response, you craned your neck to look down at him, the desire swimming in his irises making you clamp your thighs together.
He smirked at the action felt against his leg, happily letting you guide his face to your own to crash your lips together in a rather desperate move. You moaned as his tongue pushed past your lips, tangling hotly with your own.
Gasping as he lifted his thigh to press up into your core, the friction caused you to grip onto his rippled back muscles. What the fuck possessed this man to start lifting?
“Not so tired, anymore,” You panted against his lips, Taehyung’s jaw falling open when you drifted your hand down to palm him through his sweatpants. Smirking at his reaction, you fiddled with the drawstrings until the waistband loosened around his tummy.
Tae watched you closely, trying to anticipate your next move but not at all being able to suppress his reaction once you did.
He let out a shaky breath as you snuck your hand down his underwear, letting his forehead fall onto your own as you wrapped your fingers around his half-hard cock. Lazily bringing your hand up and down his length, you pressed feather-light kisses across his heated cheeks, swiping the pad of your thumb across his sensitive cockhead.
“Fuck, yeah,” He sucked a breath in through his teeth, warmth spreading through your body in response, feeling very much proud of yourself that you could draw out these reactions out of him.
Your smugness didn’t go unnoticed by the man, effectively wiping the expression off of your face when he dug his hand down your underwear, fingertips dipping through the pool between your folds and landing on your clit with ease.
“Already so wet, sweetheart? I haven’t even touched you,” he chuckled, choking a bit on his words when you squeezed your hand around the base of his cock.
“N-not my fault. You s- sound sexy,” you barely got out, breathless as Tae pulled, pinched, and rolled your clit between his thumb and forefinger.
You moaned his name as he scraped his nail against the sensitive bud, feeling his cock grow harder in your palm in response to the sound.
“You should hear yourself,” he mumbled under his breath, focusing on dousing his fingers in your arousal enough to dip two of them into your leaking entrance at once.
“Tae-mmmph,” you whined as your lips were once again taken by his, mewling when he bit down on your bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth.
You powerlessly allowed Taehyung to properly roll you under him with a push of his hand against your shoulder, wet kissing sounds echoing around the bedroom.
“You’re so hot,” he panted, groping your boobs over the thin sleeping shirt draped over your upper half, dipping his head down to suck on your pert nipple through the fabric, “fucking perfect.”
You could barely put words together as Taehyung thrusted his fingers into your pussy, rubbing the rough spot of your walls as he flicked his wrist over and over again. The heel of his palm ground against your clit dizzied your mind, stuttering over his name as you clamped your thighs around his wrist.
“Fuck me, please,” you begged, helplessly thrusting your hips into his hand as he tried to pull away.
“Do you want my hand or my cock? You say the word, angel, and I’ll give it to you.” He crooned, attaching his mouth to your jaw, sucking a red bloom into the skin as you picked up your hands actions, jerking his length for emphasis.
“Your cock, Tae.”
You sounded pathetic, begging for him like that. It honestly would’ve made you feel embarrassed in any other relationship, but Taehyung loved every moment of it. It was evident by the prideful smirk on his face as he withdrew his hand from your panties, tugging the garment down and off your legs.
You fully expected Taehyung’s face to resume hovering over yours, so when he started shuffling down your body, you began to pick your head up off the pillow in confusion.
Gasping as you suddenly felt Taehyung’s tongue dip between your folds, you pinched your eyebrows together in pleasured agony, tossing your head back as your hands flew to the back of his head nestled between your thighs.
“Fuck, Tae!” You whimpered as his nose nudged your clit, tongue teasingly flicking inside your quivering entrance.
“You feel like you’re gonna cum on my tongue,” he commented, lapping up your juices with a greedy tongue.
Pushing your upper half off the mattress with your elbows, you met his eyes with a definitive shake of your head.
“No, Tae, I want-”
“I know, honey,” he assured, ending his teasing as he sat up on his knees, tucked his thumbs into his sweats and brought his boxers down with them.
“I just couldn’t help myself,” he smiled, your arousal still glimmering on his lips in the dim light of your bedroom. The sight had you clenching your thighs together once more, throbbing heat erupting from the teased area.
You waited eagerly as Tae kicked his clothes off the bed, caging your body with his arms as he lowered himself atop your frame.
Dipping down, he kissed you once more, this time being much gentler with his actions as he lightly suckled your bottom lip.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt his hard cockhead prying at your entrance, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lined himself up perfectly before moving his hips forward to insert his length, inch by inch.
“Fuck, me,” you swore at the stretch, Taehyung laughing shakily at your chosen words.
“That’s the intention,” he joked, your stomachs shaking against each other’s as you giggled into each other’s mouths.
“You can move,” you nodded, giving the awaited permission after a moment of Taehyung holding himself there, bottomed out for you to accommodate his girth.
“Okay,” he murmured, tipping his chin to press a peck to the tip of your nose before drawing his hips back, a squelching sound accompanying his movements as he pushed himself back in.
Your fingers rested on the hair at his nape, supporting his neck with one hand while the other cupped his slim waist, encouraging his movements with small, manageable bucking motions of your hips.
Your desire for Taehyung was unlike anything you’d ever experienced before. A fire blazed in your chest whenever he was near, whenever he spoke, laughed, or even looked at you.
So being able to have this kind of intimacy with the man blew your head out of the water, your mind empty and mouth unable to give life to any intelligent thought.
To be fair, your mouths were both hung open in exhaled sighs and moans, getting off on each other as you stared into each other’s crazed pupils.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Taehyung picked up the pace, the sound of his balls repeatedly hitting your ass causing competition with his distressed voice.
“Taehyung,” you moaned, your orgasm quickly approaching, something he caught onto immediately as he felt your walls flutter non-stop around his throbbing cock.
“I’m gonna cum,” he grunted, watching you limply nod your head in agreement, deep moans spilling out of his lips as he brought his hand down between your legs to pay attention to your clit.
“Where?” He asked you, slowing the pumping of his hips down for a moment to let you think.
“Inside,” you moaned, watching as Taehyung’s eyes practically rolled back into his head at your answer.
Resuming his previous pace, he rolled his hips into yours again and again, your pussy swallowing his length each time and trying to cling onto it.
Fire burned in the pit of your stomach as he hit your g-spot repeatedly, high-pitched noises spilling from your lips as your hand desperately squeezed his bicep.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” you announced with a whine, Taehyung dutifully working you through your orgasm as your fluids leaked out around his cock, the tightening of your walls around him being the final straw before he splashed his warm load onto your walls.
Chests heaving, you both tried to catch your breath, leaning into each other’s embrace as you came down from the euphoria thrumming through your bodies.
Rolling over onto his side, Taehyung slid his softening cock out of your entrance, pulling your spent body with him as he laid on his back.
Taehyung’s fingers ghosted over your spine as he hugged you to him, wordlessly trailing them up and down to soothe you back to a relaxed state.
“So,” he started, “what happened at lunch?”
Laughing at his sudden and genuine curiosity, you picked your head up off of his chest to look up at him, taking a moment to appreciate his stunning features before beginning to share the details of your coworkers spat.
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celestialking · 2 years
can we have more poly!sap and punz? same dynamic as candlelight? 🥺👉👈
A blurb for you ♡
◇ NSFW◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI ◇ You will be blocked ◇
Warnings: Just some soft sleepy sex, 
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Sapnap was exhausted. He wanted nothing more than to just curl up with you in bed all day long now that he was back from the UK. Of course, he greeted Dream when he got back giving him a hug one that was from both him and all the others that were there, but he needed you. To his surprise however, your room was empty. With there being only one other place you could be he grabbed his car keys and left again. Dream had a knowing smile on his face as he watched the brunette pull out of the driveway and fly down the street. You on the other hand had no idea about the Texan rapidly approaching your location. 
It was late so Punz and you had cuddled up in bed, watched anime for a bit, and had now ended on this activity; Punz lazily thrusting his cock between your thighs. He was pressed up against your back slowly rocking into you, your thighs covered in his pre cum which make a slick noise every time his hips moved. You were both sleepy and lazy, enjoying this intimate yet soft moment. Punz's lips brushed over your neck making you shiver slightly. Every thrust of his cock brushed right up against you perfectly. 
The sound of keys and a door opening made both of you freeze. "Where are you fuckers?" A voice called out. 
You both relaxed hearing Sapnap wander down the hall to the bedroom. A grin spread across his lips as he saw what the both of you had been up to. "Make room," he said kicking off his shoes. You raised an eyebrow but wiggled to make room for him. "Mmhm between, I want between," you rolled your eyes at his demands but moved for him, Punz's cock slipping from between your thighs. 
Sapnap hopped into the bed, squirming between you both. He sighed happily at the feeling of the taller behind him pressing against his back. 
"Welcome home," Punz mumbled pressing a kiss to the back of Sapnaps neck. It wasn't enough though. 
"Cmere honey," Sapnap mumbled. 
You scooted back closer pressing against his chest, you could already feel his hardon pressing against you. Now he was where he should be, Sapnap decided. He let his fingers dip between your thighs just as Punz's cock slipped between his thighs. This is heaven in Sapnaps mind; pressed between his lovers, lazily getting off, listening to their breathy pleasure-filled noises. Nothing could be better, except maybe when both you and Punz had finally cum crying out his name. 
Sapnap turned to let Punz clean the bit of your cum off his fingers before moving to wipe off Punzs' from his thighs. You were the first to come down off your post-orgasmic bliss realizing that he had not yet cum. 
"Wait what about you?" You asked causing Punz to sit up slightly. 
"Don't care," he mumbled already half asleep. "Just wanted to feel you guys," 
You and Punz glanced at each other frowning. "I'm not okay with that," Punz said. You agreed before Sapnap rolled onto his back. 
He muttered something that neither of you could hear, which meant it was an insult, but watched as the Texan attempted to pull off his shorts. 
"Suck, please," 
You both chuckled, Punz moving to yank them down. Punz shuffled down the bed more taking Sap's cock in his hand, slowly stroking. "How was the UK?" you asked brushing your hand through Sapnap's hair. His hat had long been removed letting you play with the hair horns he had going on. He shivered under you practically purring. Your nails scratched against his scalp gently before brushing through it and tugging softly. 
"Was good," his sentence was interrupted by a soft moan as Punz wrapped his lips around him. His hips bucked slightly surprising the blonde. 
"You wanna tell us about your trip?" 
"Less talk more suck," Sapnap whined shaking his head. 
You hummed in response before moving down to Punz slightly. You brushed some of his hair behind his ear softly before pushing Punz's head down to take more. 
Sapnap let out a broken moan at feeling the tip of his cock press against the back of Punz's throat. You then began pressing gentle kisses on his cheek moving down to his neck, your hand gently gripped his throat, his hand holding yours there. 
"That's right, you just lay there and look pretty, we'll take good care of you,"  
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bumbleklee · 3 years
feeling the baby kick
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | baby series
pairings: diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli x female!reader (separate)
warnings: pregnancy
a/n: going back in time to write the one prompt i totally forgot to! enjoy! :,)
using this to plug my genshin discord again. you can find it in my bio and we are cool asf (16+ pls)
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Another day of boredom meant accompanying Diluc to the tavern, despite his displeasure about your presence. A rowdy bar was no place for a pregnant woman but you were having a grand time sandwiched between Kaeya and Venti at a table.
Diluc kept watch over your table more than any other table, more so to keep Venti and Kaeya underwrap than anything else, as he tended to the bar.
You reached for your glass of grape juice when you felt something weird in your stomach. A look of concern must have crossed your face because Kaeya stopped what he was doing to touch your shoulder gently, “Everything okay?”
The feeling happened again and you frowned, “There’s this weird feeling in my stomach.” Your hands ghosted over your stretched-out abdomen and soon Venti was leaning over from your other side.
“May I?” He asked, hovering his hands over your belly. You nodded and yours slipped to the side. Venti’s small hands graced your stomach gently and a smile broke out on his lips. “Those, my friend, are little baby feet.”
Little baby feet? Then, it hit you.
“They’re kicking?” You exclaimed, sitting up in your seat as a smile broke out on your face.
By now, Diluc had noticed something was going on and abandoned his bartending duties to race over to you. “What’s happening?” He asked quickly, ready to carry you to the infirmary if you needed. You ushered Diluc to bend down and took his hands in yours, guiding them to lay on your belly. Diluc’s mouth hung open in awe before he cleared his throat, “Is this normal?”
You laughed sweetly, “Yes, it’s normal. Our babies are kicking.”
Diluc’s face lit up as he slowly came to his senses. His babies, his own creations, were finally sentient enough to let the world know that they were ready to take it on. His hands roamed your belly, smoothing along the skin until he found a little thump thump and stopped, holding his hands frozen in amazement.
“Who knows if they would have kicked if you didn’t let me come with you tonight,” You teased.
Your husband rolled his eyes and stood up, dipping down to press a kiss to your forehead. He needed to get back to work now but tonight, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you.
Kaeya had never been able to keep his hands off of you before you became pregnant so when you finally did, not much had changed.
One morning, you finally snaked your way out of Kaeya’s embrace to go and sit by the window and get some sunlight. You were entering your second trimester and all you wanted to do was relax and enjoy the changes to your body.
You held an open book on your lap as the sun shone through the windows, landing on your skin and showing the world how much you were glowing.
Everything was fine until you felt a cramp in your abdomen.
You had never felt this feeling before and a wave of panic washed over your mind. You put your book down and threw off the blanket, pulling back your shirt so you could look at your belly and see if anything was wrong. And what a pleasant surprise you saw.
Right above your naval, the tight skin of your pregnant belly rose for a split second before lowering. The motion repeated and your fingers grazed your skin, a gentle smile forming on your face. “Well, good morning to you, too,” You whispered.
“Who are you talking to?”
Kaeya’s sleepy voice caught your attention and you turned to face him. “Come here,” You said, motioning for your groggy husband to walk over to you. When he did, you took his hand and replaced yours with it. “She’s kicking.”
His eyes widened in surprise when he felt the baby kick against his hand, harder than she had been kicking you. He was stunned - feeling the baby kick felt surreal. But it meant everything was coming together nicely for you two.
For a long time, Kaeya could never imagine this moment. Not that he didn’t want it, he did, but he never thought he would have given himself to someone like he had given himself to you. And now there was a bumbling little baby girl on the way that would grow up to have Kaeya all to herself, too.
The baby kicked particularly hard and snapped Kaeya out of his thoughts.
“Don’t hurt mommy,” Kaeya said softly, leaning closer to your belly, “When you come out, we can kick a ball around all you want but mommy’s fragile.”
You stifled a laugh and ran a hand through Kaeya’s loose hair. It was moments like these that you wished you could photograph and keep forever.
The biggest downside about loving Childe was his work. Being a Fatui Harbinger meant long days, dangerous jobs, and dealing with too many trigger-happy blockheads. It also meant sometimes Childe was gone all day and when he finally did come home, he was too exhausted to do anything.
Today was one of those days.
Childe trudged through the front door after a twelve hour day of training with bags under his eyes and a cut on his cheek. He barely kicked off his shoes before dropping himself on the couch where you were curled up with a blanket and a new book.
“Bad day?” You asked sweetly as Childe sighed and leaned forward, resting his head above your belly and closing his eyes. You reached a hand out to rub at his tense shoulders and your boyfriend sighed in relief.
“Tell me about it,” He mumbled.
It didn’t take long for Childe to fall asleep. You didn’t blame him - if you had a horrible day with your job, you would fall asleep the second you hit the couch too.
You closed your book and ran your fingers through Childe’s curls, opting to close your eyes and join him in sleep. It was only when something pushed into Childe’s cheek that he jolted awake. He was about to say something but realized you were still asleep.
It was dark outside but Childe sat up and rubbed his eyes anyways, staring intensely at your belly. He waited for something to happen and grinned when he saw a tiny bulge appear and then disappear. He pushed back your sweater and placed his hands on your bare stomach, watching in amazement as something hit against it.
Your eyes flutter open at the contact, “Ajax?”
“Feel this,” He said, taking your hand and placing it where his was. A tiny thump bumped against your hand and you gasped in shock. “See?”
“Was that a kick?” You exclaimed, determined to feel it again.
As if to not disappoint, your baby kicked your hand again and again and again. Childe had joined you and now your baby was kicking up a storm - you wondered if they knew it was their parents' hands?
Either way, you were ecstatic.
Sharing a bed with a hotheaded pregnant woman was easier said than done for Zhongli.
He never imagined any problems with it - you were his wife, you and him had shared a bed for years prior. So why was you being pregnant so difficult?
For starters, you hogged the blankets like never before yet threw them off the bed at the same time. Sometimes Zhongli would wake up freezing and other times he would wake up overheating, as you had smothered him in blankets. Other times, your body wouldn’t be able to get comfortable and you would flip back and forth for hours, driving Zhongli crazy.
You even suggested that Zhongli just go sleep on the couch but he wouldn’t budge, too afraid something could happen in the night and he would be too far, so he had to stick it out.
But that didn’t mean arguments didn’t happen.
“Zhongli, you're taking up too much of the bed!” You complained one night, tempted to shove your husband off the side of the mattress.
“Darling, I’m about to fall off,” He claimed. He was right, of course, you had rolled over so much that Zhongli was confined to the edge of your shared bed. He wouldn’t trade places with you, he didn’t want you to fall out and hurt the baby, but he would have appreciated some more space.
You groaned, your back aching from the long day you had, and turned so your belly was stretched towards Zhongli’s back.
“Please don’t kick me,” Zhongli sighed, “Do you really want me to get off?”
“Why would I kick you?” You defended as Zhongli turned around to face you. Before you were off on a pregnant rampage, Zhongli felt another kick. This time you noticed it, too. “See, why would I kick you?”
It felt like all the tension in the room had disappeared as Zhongli reached down with both hands and held them against your belly. His expression turned to one of joy as he realized that your unborn baby was kicking for the first time.
His thumbs rubbed against your skin and you felt yourself moving even closer to your husband, forgetting what you had said about having no room previously.
“They don’t like it when we argue,” You pointed out. The kicking had been wild during your argument and now that you were calm, it was dying out.
Zhongli kissed your forehead, “Then let’s not argue.”
taglist (if you want to be added)
@mercurysmaiden @fyodoriist @kaiswasteland @asstsumo @x-zho @crapimahuman @jahnvi-d @simpforyaemiko @kazuhaswh0re @redrosarie @yyxy27 @aestherin @irethepotato @kztura @cysperia @yuuuumiiin @poweredbyghostadventures @linearheart @tempehlust @sarahyumiko2 @xillusion @kiss-my-axe @s-is-a-rattt @sugalizard
@hosshihusshi @slo-thecat @cozykaii @lqvl3y @stratosphered @IneedtotouchgrassOwO (can’t be tagged, check settings) 
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Matanuska Thunder Fuck (Sal Fisher x AFAB Reader) 🍋
Warnings: lemon, very sour lemon(minors, dni), tw: marijuana/edibles use, unsanitary, no condom, fluids. [AN: something's been weird with tumblr not posting my updates. Guys, we're safe in Nockfell, we're just having technical difficulties, I'll try to post about it tomorrow, but basically this is an update in 'x reader's' clothing]
Word count: 2,677
Reader woke in semi darkness, warm and wrapped in arms. A strand of hair the color of shocked cornflowers hung in her face and she felt Sal pull her in closer against his body, wrapping himself around her.
They hadn't meant to fall asleep, balled up like snakes on the couch. However, Sal had found a strain of weed new to him, Matanuska Thunder Fuck. He'd said he had had no choice but to get some after hearing its name. A name like that demanded to be tried.
So Sal had gotten double his usual amount and when he and Reader had come home, he started cooking the green buds into butter, which he added to a batch of brownies, dark chocolate and salted caramel flavored! 
Sal baked the weed brownies to perfection and he and Reader each had a good sized brownie. Thirty minutes later, they were still feeling nothing, just watching YouTube in the quiet lake cabin they'd rented. So they each ate another one. An hour later both brownies had kicked in, stronger than they could have anticipated. In the end, Reader and Sal were powerless to do anything but curl up together on the couch and ride the intense high out.
They'd fallen asleep forty five minutes later.
Reader looked around from where they were laying on the couch. The windows were dark. Nightfall had come while they were sleeping. She craned her neck to see the clock on the kitchen counter. It was just visible, enough showing of the last number to see; it was 11:47pm.
Reader yawned and stretched her legs, and Sal cuddled in tighter against the back of her body. He sighed in his sleep as she snuggled back in against him, his arm, which was draped over her waist, holding her tightly to him like she was his favorite stuffed animal.
His arm snaked up between her breasts, his hand resting palm down on Reader's chest, so he could feel her heart beat. She could feel Sal's face pressed into the back of her neck, his breath heating her skin.
The Matanuska Thunder Fuck was still going strong in Reader's body. She felt floaty, her vision had a sort of dreamy quality to it, and peacefulness radiated throughout her. She was happy just to stay here in Sally's arms and go back to sleep.
Sal's legs bent, pushing against Reader's until her legs folded along with Sal's, and his knee pressed between hers until their legs were stacked, one on top of the other. Readers body followed the curve of his and she closed her eyes.
Sal's hips pressed into her ass. She disregarded it. Sal could get squirmy when he was lightly asleep, body just moving because it feels nice. Reader hugged his arm to her chest and snuggled in, ready for sleep to take her.
Sal's hips again, pressing into her ass. A little harder this time. Then he stopped, body relaxing again.
Reader waited a few seconds and sure enough, Sal's hips pushed forward again. She could feel that he was beginning to harden, thicken, as his length was pressed between their bodies, and she pressed back, offering resistance so Sal pressed himself into her harder.
A sleepy groan from behind her let Reader know Sal was awake. For how long, who knew? Sal had a habit of laying perfectly still after waking, giving no sign that he was conscious at all. His hands trailed down to Reader's hips and pulled her back into him again, definitely harder now. His lips moved along the back of her neck, trailing light kisses to her shoulder. Another thrust, his length now pressing hard along where her cheeks met, fitting the crevice there perfectly.
And then Sal's hand on her hip was pulling, turning Reader onto her back so he could crawl up over her and kiss her properly. He wedged his lower body between her legs, resuming his small thrusts, about 30 seconds apart.
Sal smiled down at Reader sleepily from under sleep tousled blue hair. Light glinted off the glass eye in his right socket, forgotten before falling asleep, its iris a light, spring green. Reader lifted her head as he lowered his and they met in the middle in a gentle kiss. Sal's hand trailed up from Reader's hip, catching her shirt on the way up, and then he pulled the shirt up, pulling away from Reader's lips just long enough to let the shirt pass over her head before kissing her again.
Sal made an appreciative noise upon finding that no bra stood in his way, and he palmed her breasts, one in each hand. After a few moments more of kissing Reader, Sal pulled away to duck his head and kiss the tip of each breast.
Sal slipped his hand down the front of Readers pajama pants and rubbed her through her panties, taking advantage of her gasp and slipping his tongue into her mouth to slide against hers.
Sal wasn't the best kisser, though he had come a long way, but what he lacked in skill, he made up for in enthusiasm. He kissed Reader until she was breathless, all the while, lightly rubbing at the front of Reader's undies.
All this while, Sal's hips had intermittently been thrusting into Reader's lower body. Reader could feel him straining against his loose flannel pajama bottoms. She kissed Sal again and shifted so she could reach and slid her hand past the drawstring of Sal's pants and pulled him free of the soft blue fabric. Sal groaned as soon as Reader's fingers touched his cock and he broke the kiss, his good eye showing Reader she wasn't alone in being high still. He smiled at her lazily and bit his lip as Reader stroked him. Sal pushed his pants the rest of the way off, balancing on one knee, and then the other as he worked them down his legs and finally off.
Reader's attention had deepened on Sal's length. When Sal straightened from pulling the pajama pants from his ankles, Reader took the opportunity to lean forward and lick along his hardness before taking it into her mouth. Sal gasped and then groaned when Reader sucked at him while pulling away, and he looked down to see her wrapping a hand around the base of him. She adjusted her body so her neck wasn't at an odd angle and so she could be comfortable, and Sal stayed on his knees. His hands went to Readers hair and he pulled it back and away from her face, holding it in a loose ponytail as she moved her mouth along his cock.
Sal had to fight not to just let his hips swing freely into Reader's mouth. Instead, he let her move, giving her full control. Sal watched as Reader pushed her mouth down his length and back up it, getting a little closer to meeting her hand with her lips each time her head bobbed down. When her mouth touched her hand, she took her hand away and slid her mouth back up his length. She flicked her tongue against Sal's tip and then took him into her mouth again, sliding her mouth down and over him. Then she reached up and covered the hand Sal used to hold her hair, pressing his hand against her head.
Sal understood immediately, braced his hand in Reader's hair and pumped himself into her mouth gently. He moaned and let his head fall back on his shoulders as Reader let him fuck her mouth. He indulged himself for just a few moments, long enough to first feel, then see Reader with her lips touching the skin and short blue hair at the base of him and with her mouth full, took a mental picture of her looking up at him like that-
"Oh fuck!" Sally exclaimed, pulling Reader's head and mouth away quickly, his hand going to his cock and squeezing. He grinned sheepishly at Reader, who was smirking at Sal from where she sat before him.
"Almost made me cum" he chuckled as he crawled over Reader, kissing her thoroughly. 
He reached down and was pleased to find that Reader had helped him out and removed her underwear and pants. Nipping at Reader's lips, Sal gave his length a quick stroke, squeezing his tip lightly and then guided it to Reader's entrance.
Sal pushed into Reader slowly, giving her body time to adjust to him. He took his time, enjoying every inch as he filled her with his length. When he reached the end of her body in on the inside, Sal pulled out a little to give himself some room and then gave a few experimental thrusts. He made minute adjustments to both his angle and Reader's until he was satisfied.
Then he started thrusting in earnest, starting with short, quick thrusts that angled up at the end. Sal wrapped his big hands around Reader's hips and pulled her into his thrusts, loving the way she writhed for him and the cute little yip she made at the end of each upstroke. Reader loved the look that Sally got on his face during these intimate moments, that look that was reserved only for her. That look that said 'Mine.' Even now, the look was intensifying.
Sal made a sound, a low growl and pulled out just long enough to turn Reader around. Now she was draped over the arm of the couch, smooth back and shapely ass pleasing to the eye and on display. Sal reached out and rubbed Reader where he was just moments ago, let his fingers find her clit and played his fingertips in her slick and across it. He rubbed the same spot with his tip and then pierced Reader again in one, long smooth stroke. Reader wiggled her hips against him deliciously and Sal bit his lip as he started pumping into her again, his hands on her hips to pull her into him with every thrust.
Soon, the room was filled with Sal's loud, harsh breathing and Reader's soft moans. Sal's hands found their way back to Reader's hair, once again pulling it up into a loose ponytail in one of his big fists. From there, Sal used the ponytail as leverage and straightened his body, pulling Reader up against his chest as he thrust into her from behind. He felt Reader's lips on his jaw and craned his head down so he could kiss her with lips and teeth and tongue as she moaned into his mouth. Reader's moans got closer together, and then almost continual as Sal's hips jacked up into her body. She danced her body around him, meeting him with thrusts of her own, and then Reader clenched around him. She cried out, sudden and sharp as her body threw itself forward and Sal wrapped an arm around her waist to catch her just as she caught herself on the couch arm.
Reader felt Sal twitch inside her as she came, and then felt him pull out. When her vision cleared, he still hung, hard and ready to go while she dealt with aftershocks from the orgasm Sal had just given her.
"No fair" she whined as she laid back against the couch, body still uncoordinated and relaxed from her release. Sal adjusted her so her legs wouldn't lose circulation and fall asleep. "You still didn't finish."
Sal smiled at her, rubbing his hand along one of her thighs.
"Maybe I wasn't ready yet" he said, face playful, but his tone was 100% serious.
Sal moved so he was kneeling on the floor, and he situated himself to kneel between Reader's thighs. He slid his right arm under her thigh, lifting her slightly off the couch and moving her forward a little. Sal looped his left arm so it did the same and Reader watched as Sal leaned in towards her most private parts, and laid a feather light kiss on the inside of her left thigh. Sal's one blue eye rolled up to look at Reader's face as he kissed her right thigh in just the same place. Then he paused, letting anticipation build before delivering a lick right up the center of Reader's core.
Reader's hips bucked up off the couch, pressing more of her against Sal's mouth and tongue and he hugged her thighs to him as he moved with her jerks and twitches.
Sal held on, anchored Readers hips as he licked and nipped at the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs. He alternated between slow but firm, long licks and bursts of quick, flickering movements along with sucks and some light scraping of teeth. He licked all of Reader's release he'd given her from her body and then replaced it when he brought her again, savoring her taste as she came on his tongue.
And then Reader had Sal's face in her hands, pulling him up from his knees. Her hands found his length as she pulled him onto the couch and into her arms. She kissed his lips with the taste of her still on them and brought a sigh from his lips with just a few gentle strokes.
Sal was underneath her as she look him into her body again, so warm. Her body swayed as she rocked above him, their bodies joined. Sal cupped both of Readers breasts, pinching her nipples between his fingers as she swayed into another thrust from his hips. Reader kissed him just before Sal let out a groan, her mouth muffling the sound as Sal's hips picked up speed. Reader matched him and trailed kisses along the heavy scars along Sal's right cheek, stopping at his ear to fill it with quiet gasps and moans, tiny little mewling sounds, and whispers of "Oh, gods, Sal… Sally, please don't stop."
And he didn't. Not until right at the end, where he fought the inevitable. Reader had buckled down, clinging to Sal like a baby opossum when he tried to pull back to regain control.
Sal's breath left him suddenly, causing him to make a harsh sound somewhere between a moan and a shout with the 1-2 punch of pleasure. His eyes opened wide, the green glass one pointing slightly off center and seeing nothing, his real, blue one finding Reader's face, which was scrunched up in release, and locking on to her visage as if she was the only thing Sal saw. His hands squeezed, his right one on Reader's hip, aiding him in anchoring Readers hips onto his length, the left one kneading Readers breast as she rode out her orgasm, her inner muscles squeezing him just as tightly. Pleasure licked up through Sal's body and flung him off the edge. He pulled his hips back to thrust into his darling one last time, and he felt his release, felt him explode inside Reader where her body held him. Reader felt him twitching inside her over and over, his hands mirroring the pulse at her hip and chest. Sal's face went slack with his release, his jaw dropping a little, mouth opening softly, eye going soft focused and a little crossed (or at least seeming that way with the glass one being slightly out of alignment). 
A low sound, a sigh and a growl mixed came from Sal's mouth as he came back to his body. Reader was curled in his lap, her forehead resting on his collarbone when she came back to herself, Sal dusting kisses in her hair. He could feel what he had left in Reader starting to slowly trickle back down his shaft, still warm from their bodies, but already cooling.
"I think I know why they call it Thunder Fuck" Reader chuckled, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. Sally grabbed his shirt and cleaned first Reader, then himself up with it, and let Reader readjust herself in his lap.
Sal's right leg twitched, a fine tremor running through it like light, rolling thunder and Sal laughed as Reader noticed it, her brow arching quizzically.
"And that's just from eating it" Sal said, reaching back to a little hideaway spot on the shelf behind his head. When he brought his arms down he held a lighter and one fat, perfectly rolled joint, "Ready to see how smoking it makes us feel? I can get some water for round two."
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snnbnny · 2 years
Hey there. Sad anon again.
I got into a fight with my boyfriend recently, he keeps saying im needy. Could you cheer me up with some fluff of Bakugo and maybe Kirishima cheering up their she/her s/o after a bad day? Thank you
note 4 anon: oh love, I'm so sorry- of course i'll cheer you up the best I can!! I don't know the situation so I can't offer advice but I can say I doubt you are to needy and he's being a jerk!!
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Katsuki Bakugou and Eijiro Kirishima Cheering up their S/O after they had a bad day!!
Characters: K.Bakugou x Fem! reader x E. Kirishima
C/W: poly! kiribaku x reader, hurt/comfort, prohero Kiri and Baku, pet names (angel, babe, princess, baby), soft baku.
Tagging: @kiribakuswife @todorollz
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『••✎Now loading,,, a little chicken soup for the hurting,,,, ✎••』
It was just one of those fucking days, everything- and you mean everything- was going haywire. It had started as soon as your boyfriend left for hero-work, the door had only just slammed shut with Katsuki's normal aggressive flare when you had violently stubbed your toe on the butcherblock.
The was only the beginning.
One of your newer acrylic nails broke off, one of your normally well behaved pets had peed on the floor, one of your coworkers had cussed you out over text for taking the day off which forced them take over your shift due to being the only one available, you had accidently consumed some soured milk in your cereal which you had decided to be your lunch, your phone charger wasn't working properly, you could go on and on about the relatively small things that caused you to believe the world was against you.
By the time your boyfriends would normally come home you were unraveling on the couch, holding a squishmellow and listening to MCR while waiting expectantly for them to come home- you needed the comfort that their very presence provided for you. In fact it's over an hour past their usual arrival time and there wasn't even a text message saying they were on their way home.
You were stressed out as it is, which caused your mind to go on over time. With the way your day was going, you were worried something utterly terrible had happened. You couldn't bring yourself to actually text them or their colleagues or check the news- instead you sat their for another hour brewing in your own thoughts and already prepared grief.
By the time the rather large apartments front door creaked open, you were so lost within yourself and your music that you didn't even hear it.
The two buff heros were beat and worn, covered in dirt and superficial wounds. They trudged threw the door and threw some of their gear and other items around the entry way, uncaring of causing a mess or anything at the moment. The mountainous red head in the rather revealing hero costume nearly toppled over his blonde partner who was covered in more black soot then he was.
"Angel, we're home!" Eijirou called out softly, not wishing to wake you up if you had called it an early night. The thing about hero work is that even though they only work like 4 days a week but those shifts are long and grueling so even if they arrived home on time they normally would, it would still be 10 at night. So it was now midnight, and you (they had thought) had been at work all day so it would only be natural for you to be sleepy enough to go to bed by now.
They both looked at each other when the call got no response, they shrugged it off as reasons stated above, Bakugou couldn't help but vocalize his complaint, "I was looking forward to seeing their little fuckin' face." His speech was slightly slurred with exhaustion. The tanned red riot nodded in agreement as he kicked off his boots and began going further into his home with the aim of checking on his girlfriend- something felt off inside of the man, he was worried about her despite not having a particular reason for it. Katsuki was close behind him, sharing that unnerving feeling in his bones.
They didn't get that far in before they heard it, heard you body shaking sobs echoing threw the halls originating from the living room. They all but ran to the room, fear spiking surging their body with enough adrenaline to get them back to full operational capacity dulling the ache in their muscles.
They couldn't see you over the back of the couch, so they didn't stop behind it- instead Bakugo sped past his boyfriend and jumped over the couch like it was a hurdle. The blonde landed in front of you, it was finally enough to jostle you back to reality, looking up to be met by piercing crimson eyes full of concern.
You scrambled into his arms and cried louder, babbling out their names in the process. Your movements dislodged your earbuds and sent the purple squishmellow flying along the L shaped couch. Katsuki was a little stunned but was quick to wrap his thick arms around you and hold you so tight that if your bones could scream they would.
Eijiro towered over the plush piece of furniture and watched the ordeal, unsure of anything except for his love for the two sat a top the cushions. Instead of jumping over the back, he made his way around the arm and gently sat behind you. He took the opportunity to gently rub your back.
"Princess, what's wrong?" Kirishima coo'd, placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder and hugging you from behind while sharing a look with his other partner whose neck you hid in.
"We're sorry we are so late babe," Bakogu soothed. "There was a small villain attack down town, but everyone is ok-" he felt your grip grow tighter with one arm while your other hand gripped one of the faux red heads. When you finally pulled out of the crook of your blonde lovers neck he pushed his rather greasy forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes in search of any hint of what happened to upset you so badly.
"I-I was so scared," you sobbed, your death grip on the two tightening some how. "Today's been so terrible, I was scared that my bad luck was an omen- When you guys didn't come home-"
You were going to hyperventilating, Kiri noticed that right away and pulled you back into his chest, Katsuki let you fall back into the red headed lover and draped your legs on top of his. Baku rubbed soothing patterns into your thighs over the fabric of your leggings. Kirishima was an unreasonably strong man, which translated physically to having a strong broad chest with the hint of plushness due to his quirk and age.
"Princess, I need you to breathe for me. Can you do that?" You nodded frantically at the tanned man behind you's instructions. Your gasps and exhales audible enough to soothe the men as they listened to you calm. "That's it, angel. We got you, everything is ok now. Alright? We're all ok."
Katsuki kept your eyes on him using his own, they weren't as piercing as normal but instead they were warm and buttery- full of love. It took a moment for you to pull away from that gaze to look at you other partner who, turns out, held the same expression as the blonde. You freed your hand for Eiji's to touch his face, dragging across his jaw feeling the 5'o clock shadow and a couple familiar scars coupled with a newer cut. You learned up and kissed the fresh wound gently. He contorted his head in order to peck a couple kisses on the corner of your mouth as soft as the gentle giant could which made you giggle.
"There's my baby," Kirishima whispered lovingly before kissing your lips slowly, with a warm and tender passion as if he pulled away he would burst into flames but if he was to intense or rough that you would shattered like a vase against a wall. You felt Bakugou get up while you preoccupied, shuffling came from somewhere before he returned.
"Shitty hair, let'er breathe," Kat chastised, tsk'ing as he pulled up but not out of the cherry haired man's arms. "Look at me baby... That's it, no more of this bad day shit, ok? We aren't going to let anything else bad happen."
You nodded, the blonde held a box of tissues one of which he used to dry your face. He had put your legs around him in order to sit as close as possible, his long appendages were around Kirishima's larger sturdy base. Said man used your head as a rest for his as he watched Bakugou kiss you with much more spontaneity then he had applied, teeth clashed as his tongue danced with yours. The blonde pulled back to softly kiss your shared boyfriend.
"Tell us about this bad day of yours," the blonde all but whispered, falling so his side was supported by the backrest of the couch.
"It's dumb, really. You guy probably-" You began before the Pomeranian like man growled only to be cut off by the mountain behind you.
"Baby, don't fight us. We wanna know," he coo'd, using a strong hand to pinch the flesh belonging to your hip.
"Fine, jeez, y'all don' t have to be my rocks all the time." You joked.
"Have you even looked at the cute idiot behind you for one fucking second? He is literally our rock," Katsuki snickered. You couldn't see it, but you knew Kiri's face matched his hair.
The three of you spent the night entangled with each other and venting. Your boyfriends coddled you more then usual, getting you anything and everything that you even mentioned you wished for. They made sure you knew that they were going to make everything better for you, they love you so much how could they not. You had the whole next day waiting for you, and they planned a day of pampering for you- one of which you weren't quite ready for.
But you slept in their arms filled with only ignorance and the chicken soup Bakugou made for you, "chicken soup for the hurting." He had said it was something his mother used to say.
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 years
Silco Headcanons 🦈
Silco headcanons because Crime Shark Dad is gnawing my brain with his sharp teefs again. Beware horribleness. Slight tw: for covert narcissistic features, I guess? 
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A flair for both writing and oratory. Definitely of the Angry Young Man persuasion. The pen is mightier than the sword - and he ain't afraid to stab a bitch with it. (Literally, once).
Contrarian to the core. He is That Asshole™ who enjoys playing devil's advocate just to learn his opponent's triggers - then pushing for the sadistic satisfaction of seeing them explode. 
Arguing with him is an exhausting endeavor akin to getting arrested. Everything you say will be weaponized against you. Better to zone out and engage as little as possible until he grows bored and leaves you alone.
Rage levels on par with Vi's pre-betrayal. Rage levels on par with Jinx's post-betrayal. Either way, that's a loooooot of rage. He's learnt to flick it on and off like a switch - but it's always there, beneath his surface sophistication, bleeding into all of his choices.
Different types of alcohol bring out different sides of his nature. There is a story behind each glass of whiskey on the rocks (keeps him mellow), highball of red wine (makes him nostalgic), shotglass of tequila (makes him belligerent), snifter of bourbon (makes him downright murderous before he blacks out.) 
Excellent at chess - but loses to Jinx because she makes wildly unpredictable moves with no pattern for him to second-guess and plan ahead.
Neptune in Gemini, for all y'all astrology lovers. 
Keeps his salon appointments like clockwork. Enjoys haircuts and manicures, and the overall sensation of being served. Reminds him of the privations of his youth, and how the Undercity deserves better.
Not that he's sharing, mind you. Charity is not in his vocabulary. Janna helps those who help themselves.
His laugh is nearly as creepy as Jinx's. One time they both burst into laughter at an awful joke - and every lackey within earshot thought the Drop was possessed by poltergeists. 
Surprisingly good dancer. Snappy footwork and a keen sense of rhythm. Also executes a mean hitch kick. 
His wardrobe costs more than his entire family could ever make in ten years. Every so often, he remembers this. Then he goes out and buys another suit.
Talks during sex. You’ll get a running commentary of all your best and worst attributes. Rip.
Has a weakness for Jazz music. Billie Holiday, Sinatra and Miles Davis leave his mood sentimental, upbeat or brooding, respectively. 
Master of the backhanded compliment. 
His style of seduction is negging you until you’re in tears. You’ll wake up in his bed the next morning, wondering Wtf just happened?
When he and Vander were teenagers, they hotwired an Enforcer's patrol-car and crashed it at the edge of the Sumps. Ranks as one of his five happiest memories. 
Oral fixations. If there's no cigarettes in range, he will gnaw pencils, straws, ice cubes, chicken bones. Younger, he used to chew his own fingernails, and learnt to wean himself off the habit because it telegraphed insecurity.
Those crooked teeth are sharp af. 
Code-switches seamlessly. His Piltie accent and mannerisms were acquired after spending time in Piltover’s academy on a Fissures’ scholarship. But if he’s drunk, angry or sleepy, the coarseness of the Lanes resurfaces in his speech patterns. 
Uses diminutives as a way to put people in their places rather than as a show of affection.
Speaking of affection - he grew up with little patience for physical displays. Then he met Jinx, and realized that a cuddly child climbing into his lap was maaaaybe not so bad. He'll indulge in it, but only up to a certain point. He's a busy man with a hundred things to do.
His love language is quality time + words of affirmation. He is also adept and welding them as weapons to get what he wants.
Can cook. i.e. can make edible food out of inedible food. Never particularly cared for fancy cuisine; he eats to live, not the other way around. Jinx changed that. Her horror at the blandness of his daily menu (fry-up for breakfast, boiled mutton for lunch, slurry mulch for dinner) motivated him to diversify his palate. Now he can whip up the spiciest stew and ice the cutest cupcakes. Sssh. It's the Undercity's best kept secret.
He enjoys being near bodies of water. Regularly goes to the Pilt - sometimes with Jinx, sometimes alone - to wade through the waters that nearly claimed his life.
Still capable of roof runs. Sadly, he's not as swift as during his youth. The injury to his eye has also screwed with his inner-balance; narrow spaces give him a queer sensation of vertigo.
A natural storyteller. Knows almost all the urban legends and folkore of the Undercity. He’d use them to entertain or soothe Jinx if she was upset.
Vander taught him to throw punches as a boy - same way Vi used to share her moves with the other sumpsnipes. The lessons still exist in his muscle-memory. He's deceptively spry and can pack a nasty right hook. 
He also fights insanely dirty. 
Consummate showman. Has an entrepreneur's fire in his belly and can charm you into forking over cash for the shittiest object - simply with how he dresses it up with his words.
A confrontationist with authority figures. As a teenager, he’s gotten into trouble with Enforcers on multiple occasions. Older, he's no different. He's simply traded his belligerence for a finely-concealed contempt. Also: bribes.
His favorite color is blue (because: Jinx).
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ninetailedfoxmanchi · 2 years
Mafia! BTS - You're Pregnant and Have Morning Sickness
Warnings: mentions of sickness and nausea, otherwise none
A/N: I'm thinking of doing a pregnancy / domestic life thread because it has been widely requested since I started this blog which is basically a year ago so HAPPY ANNIVERSARY everyone!! <3 <3
I feel a bit better, a bit more rested and spring is finally here so my general mood is improving with the sunshine. Still, I make no promises on how much I will be able to post or how often. But I do want to thank each and every single one of you for reading my fics and just for being here <3 I love you guys!!
You jumped out of bed late in the morning, throwing Jin's hands off you before you ran for the bathroom. Jin sat up immediately, startled by your actions. You knelt at the toilet and threw up, holding your barely noticeable baby bump.
Jin ran in after you and pulled back your hair, his hand gently rubbing your back.
"No, don't touch me," you breathed, "It's just making it worse." Just as you finished the sentence, you had to vomit again. Shocked, Jin took his hand off your back immediately, but he did not let go of your hair. For one of the rare times, he did not know what to do to help. His heart was beating fast in his throat as he watched you struggle.
When you were finished you realized little drops of sweat had gathered on your neck and forehead. Your top was sticking to your back and you were exhausted.
"Princess?" asked Jin carefully but you only murmured in response as you were leaning against the toilet seat.
"Should I run you a bath? It will make you feel better," he suggested and brushed the small strands of hair from your forehead. You nodded and murmured a 'thank you'.
"You shouldn't be sitting on the tiles, come on, I'll carry you to bed." You protested but once your head hit the pillow you were more grateful than anything.
Jin ran you a bath with salts and prepared you a soothing drink with ginger to relieve your nausea. He sat and watched you with big concerned eyes, his brows furrowing into a frown.
"This is not right. You shouldn't be feeling this way," spoke Jin gravely.
You rose your sleepy eyes to his own, frowning yourself. "Jin this is exactly the way I'm supposed to feel... I'm pregnant, remember?"
"It shouldn't be this hard for you. I'm calling your doctor," he decided and got up from his seat. You caught his hand though and stopped him on his tracks. His big brown eyes looked down into your own as you tugged on his palm. Jin knelt down beside you and caressed your cheek.
"Just stay here with me..." you asked, your eyes closing as his thumb brushed your cheek.
"Anything," said he and kissed your forehead. "I'll do anything for you, Y/N."
You were having your breakfast when a deep nausea kicked into your stomach and then your head. Suddenly, little drops of sweat gathered on the back of your neck and your temples.
"Baby, are you okay?" asked Namjoon with big worried eyes. "You look pale," he said as he touched your clammy cheek but before he could even reach you properly you were already sprinting to the bathroom.
You just managed to reach the toilet when you threw up all that you had had for breakfast. You had not even noticed when Namjoon had gotten into the bathroom but he already had a wet towel in his hand that he placed against the back of your neck. You felt a sudden relief although you were not sure why it helped but it did.
"I'm sorry..." you murmured exhausted when you leaned against Namjoon's torso.
"Shh, there's nothing to be sorry about, angel. Just breathe... Nice and easy, that's it..." soothed Namjoon as he drew circles into your shoulder and steadied you against him until you recovered. He helped you back into bed and made sure you did not budge for the rest of the day.
Namjoon made you have some light dishes and lots of natural nausea remedies even after you had already felt much better. He drew you a nice long bath in the afternoon and towards the evening, you went for a short walk in the park.
As you went to bed, Namjoon pulled you closer to him and spooned you, gently caressing your tummy and kissing your hair.
You suddenly felt nauseous mid-breakfast and immediately ran for the bathroom. You were too late though. You dropped to your knees in the middle of the hallway and threw up despite yourself. Yoongi came running behind you, always on your trail. He pulled back your hair and whispered soothing words to you yet all you could think was that you made a big mess just because you could not control your body better. And worst of all, you did it in Yoongi's perfect Vogue apartment, right in front of his eyes.
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," whispered Yoongi as you clutched to your tummy and he drew gentle circles on your back.
"I'm so sorry, Yoongi," you could not help but cry. You felt exhausted physically and the toll did not stop there. You were emotional and could not control your body in any way.
"What are you talking about, love? Come here," said Yoongi soothingly and pulled you into his arms. You leaned your head against his shoulders as he held you between his legs and peppered kisses on top of your head.
"It's okay, I'll clean this up and draw you a nice hot bath, okay?" he whispered but you could not help but protest.
"N-No, I should... I should clean it... I'm sorry, it's... it's disgusting," you sobbed quietly, feeling an ache in your chest.
"Absolutely you're not," Yoongi assured and made you look up into his eyes. He brushed the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs and kissed your forehead. "You're taking a bath and I'm cleaning this, then making you something soothing for your tummy. I'm taking care of you whether you like it or not, love."
You nodded, feeling another wave of tears in your eyes as you sniffled.
"Good girl," murmured Yoongi and kissed your forehead once again.
You had no idea why your doctor warned you about possible morning sickness when it happened morning, noon and night. You had been tossing and turning since you went to bed and no matter what you did, you could not find a comfortable position. Your tummy was upset and your head hurt but no matter how much ginger tea you drank and how many crackers you ate, you were still nauseous.
It was early in the night when Hoseok found you sitting at the kitchen counter with what seemed to be half the local pharmacy in front of you. You were leaning your head against your forearm, caressing your upset tummy with the other.
"Baby? What's going on?" asked Hoseok and softly caressed your back. You rose your head, your big sad eyes looking up at him.
"I'm nauseous," you whined and leaned against his warm chest.
"Maybe I should call the doctor, this isn't-" began Hoseok but a sudden flush of dizziness came over you and you knew you had to run to the bathroom or you would not make it.
You pushed Hoseok away and stormed to the bathroom, leaning over the toilet just in time. Although taken back by your sudden burst of action, Hoseok was right on your trail. He grabbed your hair without any hesitation and rubbed your back. You thought he must have been disgusted with having to witness it yet you could not have been more mistaken. To Hoseok, this was the most natural thing in the world. You were pregnant with his baby and he was not even remotely disgusted although he was worried to see you this uncomfortable.
"I'm going to call the doctor. She needs to give you some medication or something."
"No, Hoseok don't-" you began but you threw up again before you could finish the sentence. "Don't call the doctor, I'm... I'm fine..." you breathed exhaustedly.
Hoseok frowned. "You're not fine and don't pretend you are, Y/N. I'm calling your doctor and she is doing something about this first thing in the morning," insisted Hoseok as you flushed the toilet and was able to sit on your own. He grabbed a towel and ran it under cold water before placing it gently against your neck and forehead. His worried brown eyes traced the paleness in your cheeks, the drops of sweat on your skin. Hoseok could no be persuaded otherwise, determined that something must be done to relieve your discomfort.
You had a whiff of cooking inspiration out of the sudden which did not happen of late. An appetite made your tummy happy but the moment you had a scent of food, it disappeared immediately. Sickness and nausea filled your stomach instead and you went dangerously pale.
You hurried to the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet, waiting for the sickness to come through.
"Kitten?" you heard Jimin's voice echo through the empty apartment. He must have just returned from work.
"In here," you called out but it was a mistake because the pressure from speaking caused you to vomit at last. Your hands were shaking from feeling so sick and there were drops of sweat gathering all over your upper body.
When Jimin pushed the bathroom door open and saw you, he dropped the flowers he had brought for you immediately and rushed to your side. He took your hair from your hand, holding it back for you as he stared wide-eyed and concerned.
"What happened, kitten? Are you okay?" asked Jimin gently when you were able to catch a breath. You shook your head and rested your head against your forearm.
"Come on, let's get you to the doctor's," said Jimin and there was no room for arguing. You simply nodded and leaned against his body as he scooped you up into his arms and carried you to his car.
Most of the nausea had left you by the time you reached the doctor's office but you were still feeling very weak and uncomfortable. Your doctor explained that since it was your first pregnancy you might experience more difficulties than if it were your second or third even. She gave you some medication based on natural ingredients and Jimin would not let her dismiss you before doing every type of check-up there was to make sure you will be alright. He held your hand securely throughout the entire appointment, asking you if you were alright more times than even the doctor did.
"Tae... I don't feel too good," you confessed in the middle of the night, running your fingers across Taehyung's back. He stirred in his sleep and murmured something before he realized what you had just said. Tae sat up immediately and flicked on the light. It was close to morning, nevertheless, it was still dark outside.
"What? What's wrong, princess?" asked Taehyung and caressed your cheek. His eyes were big and wide, his lips parted ever so slightly. His palm reached from your face to your tummy before he pressed a soft kiss on your pyjamas.
"I don't know... I feel sick," you shook your head. Your skin was pale and you were sweating. Your doctor had warned you you might experience sickness and discomfort yet it had never happened before tonight so you could not help but worry.
"Wait here, princess. I'll make you some ginger tea, okay?" said Taehyung and kissed your forehead before he jumped out of bed and hurried into the kitchen. It was too late though because you were already feeling the nausea in your throat.
You pushed yourself off the bed and hurried into the bathroom. You threw up last night's dinner and some more. Tae could hear you from the kitchen and dropped everything. He burst into the bathroom to find you leaning against the toilet seat, resting your head against your hand.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" he asked startled. You nodded to yourself but you were not ready to get up yet.
"I'm going to draw you a bath and then you can have some tea, princess," concluded Taehyung. He let the water run whilst he helped you get out of your sweaty pyjamas. You let the warm water soothe your irritated body and gladly took the ginger tea Taehyung prepared for you. He could not help but kneel beside you, caressing your cheek and pushing back the loose strands of your hair.
"Are you sure you're alright? I can take you to the doctor's immediately," he asked gravely.
"I'm okay, I promise... but I could never do this without you," you confessed, a glimpse of sadness creeping into your eyes.
"I'm not leaving," assured Taehyung as if he knew what you were thinking. You nodded to yourself and let him kiss your lips.
You were moaning in your sleep, your hand wrapped around your tummy. Jungkook heard you and woke up, flicking on the light. He saw you are as pale as a ghost and your hair was sticking to your forehead.
"Kitten, wake up," he spoke, "Y/N, wake up. What's wrong?"
You stirred awake from the strange daze somewhere between being asleep and awake. Your chest hurt as if an elephant were sitting on top of it.
"Y/N, what's going on?" asked Jungkook once again and caressed your cheek.
"I... I don't know... I think I'm going to be sick," you murmured and tried to get up. You felt as if you had never walked a step before in your life as you stumbled to the bathroom but luckily Jungkook was there to support you. You dropped to your knees when you reached the toilet seat and threw up all you had eaten the day before. Your hands were trembling against the toilet seat whilst Jungkook held back your hair. Your eyes were filled with tears from how rotten you were feeling.
Jungkook stared at you, taken back by the sheer pain and discomfort you were in. For a mere moment, he thought it might be better if you had not been pregnant. Not because he would not want to have a baby with you but because his heart broke seeing you like this.
When you recovered for a moment, you nearly slipped into Jungkook's embrace, your head leaning against his strong chest. Jungkook held you close, kissing the top of your head over and over again as he caressed your arms.
"It's okay, everything's okay, kitten," he whispered soothingly although he himself was not entirely sure of himself. Jungkook had not had much experience with pregnancy. He was an only child himself and did not even see his own mom pregnant. He knew, however, that 'morning sickness' was normal yet he could barely stand it affecting you. Jungkook hated seeing you in pain and uncomfortable and would do anything to help you.
That's why he took you to your doctor the following morning where he pressured her into doing everything that was possibly in her power to relieve your discomfort.
When the two of you returned home, Jungkook vowed to do anything to make you feel better and took care of you every single moment. He made you take a nice bath, cooked meals for you and stayed by your side every single moment of the day, completely disregarding his work when it came to your health.
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