#then just SNATCH and instantly back on his feet running away
healingheartdogs · 2 years
I had a tissue stuffed up my nose because I am sick thanks selene and the runny nose is never ending, and Hermes just climbed on the couch acting all wiggly and cute and like he wanted to cuddle BUT INSTEAD HE PULLED THE TISSUE RIGHT OUT OF MY NOSE AND RAN AWAY WITH IT TO TRY TO EAT IT
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dreamescapeswriting · 1 month
Stray Kids Reaction || You Find Out You're A Bet
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2024
A/n: before i get messaged about letting them “walk all over the reader” in order for it to have a fluffy ending there needs to be some give and take. 
You weren't even sure why you were at the party in the first place, Chan told you it was just going to be for ten minutes but you'd been wandering around for almost an hour completely alone now. Pulling out your phone, you were contemplating calling a cab when you heard faint voices approaching you in the garden. Curious, you stay hidden behind the tall bushes, not wanting to intrude but unable to move away from them. The voices become clearer, and you recognize them immediately—Minho and Hyunjin, two of Bang Chan's closest friends. Hyunjin was even in your art class.
"I can't believe Chan actually agreed to that bet," Hyunjin says, his tone filled with disbelief. Minho chuckles a little and shakes his head, he never would have expected it to have happened.
"Yeah, who would've thought? But he's pulling it off. YN doesn't suspect a thing." Your heart stops. The blood in your veins turns to ice as you strain to hear more, hoping against hope that you've misunderstood what they were saying. Your stomach felt as though it was going to drop out of your ass.
"Do you think he'll actually go through with it?" Hyunjin asks, looking at Minho with an uneasy look on his face. Chan wasn't known to be mean or malicious and maybe it wasn't a malicious thing they'd set him up to do...In fact, their friend seemed happy around you.
"I don't know. He seemed pretty determined to prove us wrong. But you know how Chan is—always needing to be the best at everything." Minho laughed softly and you felt like the ground had opened up beneath you. A bet. To get with you. Your vision blurs as tears sting your eyes. You can't stand to hear anymore. You step back, accidentally snapping a twig underfoot. The sound is loud in the stillness, and you curse under your breath.
"Did you hear that?" Hyunjin says, and you know you need to leave. Now.
Without thinking, you turn and run, the party forgotten, your heart shattered. You just ran and ran until you found yourself back at your dorms.
How could he? You trusted him. You liked him. You thought he liked you too. The memories of your time together, the laughter, the stolen glances, all feel like cruel jokes now. It wasn't as though it was just a few dates, it was three whole fucking months!
You didn't know how long you'd been sitting in your dorm, wrapped in your misery, but eventually, you heard footsteps approaching before your door opened, you hated that you'd given him a key. You look up to see Bang Chan, his face etched with worry and desperation.
"YN," he calls out softly, hesitating a few feet away as if he's afraid you'll run again, the boys told him what happened and he instantly needed to find you.
"Please, let me explain." You shake your head, standing up, your stomach flipping as you try to speak without crying. You didn't want to give him that satisfaction.
"There's nothing to explain, Chan. I heard everything. It was all a bet to you. Yn, the big fucking joke," Your voice cracked at the end and Chan took a step closer, his eyes pleading with yours as he shakes his head at you.
"No, it wasn't. It started that way, yes, but it's not like that anymore. I swear." His own voice broke this time as he reached out to take your hands but you snatched them away from his reach.
"How am I supposed to believe you?" you ask, your voice breaking as tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Everything feels like a lie now." You breathed out. This time Chan closes the distance between you, his hands trembling as he reaches out to touch your arm.
"Because I fell for you, YN. For real. Somewhere along the way, the bet stopped mattering. You became the only thing that mattered." You search his eyes, looking for any sign of deceit, but all you see is the sincerity and pain he'd caused you. You want to believe him, but your heart is still raw, you didn't want him to be able to walk right over you but you'd fallen for him too.
"Give me a chance to make it right," he pleads, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that this is real...That how I feel about you isn't some kind of joke and I'm utterly in love with you. I can't lose you over a stupid mistake." You hesitate, the battle between your heart and mind raging on, your mind screaming at you not to be stupid but your heart is beating it, fighting it tooth and nail to get him back.
Finally, you take a shaky breath look at him and nod your head.
"One chance, Chan. But if you hurt me again, we're done." Your voice came out stern as you told him, there was no way you were going to let him take advantage of you in any way. Relief practically washed over his face as he nodded,
"I promise, I won't." Chan looked at you for confirmation before stepping closer, wrapping you in a gentle hug. You whimpered a little before letting yourself melt into him, feeling the warmth and steadiness of his heartbeat against your cheek. It doesn't erase the pain not even close, but it's a start and Chan was going to prove to you every single day how much you meant to him. More than some ever silly bet.
As he holds you, whispering apologies and reassurances, you just close your eyes, enjoying the closeness between you both
Tonight was your birthday party, kind of. You were sharing it with a couple of other people from your class in University and Minho had thrown it for you. It was also to celebrate your anniversary with one another. 
"I'll be right back." You whisper to Minho, quickly kissing his cheek and going to get you both a drink from the kitchen but as you walk you feel someone watching you and it doesn't take long until, Seungmin approaches you, with a look of irritation on his face. 
"Hey, YN, can we talk for a minute?" He grumbles a little and you frown. You and Seungmin had only ever talked in passing whenever you were with Minho and he happened to be around. The two of you weren't the chatting type...with each other at least. You nod, curious about what he had to say to you alone. Without another word, he leads you to a quieter corner of the garden, away from the noise of the party.
"What's up?" you ask, trying to read his expression but it was blank, almost as if he didn't want to give anything away to you. Seungmin crosses his arms, clearly agitated by something.
"Look, you deserve to know something. Minho didn't start dating you because he liked you. It was a bet. He wanted to prove he could make anyone fall for him." The words were so cold coming from his lips and your heart stopped, the words hitting you like a punch to the gut as you shook your head.
"What are you talking about?" He sighs, running a hand through his hair clearly not in the mood for this anymore. 
"It was just a stupid bet between him and the guys. But now, he’s acting all lovey-dovey, and it's like he actually fell for you. It's annoying." Did he sound annoyed at you for it? As if it was your fault, HIS friend had fallen in love.
You feel a wave of emotions crash over you—hurt, anger, disbelief, everything hitting you all at once. Why the fuck he was telling you this now was beyond you.
"Why are you telling me this?" You snap at him,
"Because it's ridiculous," Seungmin says, his tone sharp. 
"He was supposed to prove a point, not fall in love. It's pathetic." he looked you up and down in disgust and you pulled your arms around your body, trying to shield yourself as if his words were actually hitting you physically. You don't bother to wait to hear more you march back into the party, searching for Minho. You find him laughing with some friends, completely unaware of the storm brewing inside you. You grab his arm and pull him aside, the anger bubbling up to the surface.
"YN, what's wrong?" he asks, concern flashing in his eyes, his hands holding onto you as you shake your head. Taking in a deep breath, trying to keep your voice steady you stared at him. 
"Is it true?" You didn't say anything else and Minho frowned,
"Is what true, baby?" He reached out to touch your face but you moved away from him, glaring at him.
"Did you start dating me because of a bet?" His face pales, and you see the guilt written all over it, his stomach twisting itself into knots.
"Who told you that?" He whispered, not even denying the claim.
"So, it is true," you say, your voice breaking as tears spilt down your cheeks. 
"I can't believe you, Minho. I thought you cared about me." You grumbled, shoving against his shoulders but he didn't even move, he just stayed in place.
"I do care about you," he says desperately, reaching for your hand but you yanked it away from him. 
"It started as a bet, yes, but that changed. I changed. I fell for you, YN. For real. This is fucking real!" He yells at you as he reaches for you once again. But his betrayal was cutting you deep.
"How am I supposed to believe that? How am I supposed to trust you?! This whole time, was any of it real?" You were sobbing by now and people were starting to stare but you didn't care. He steps closer to you, his eyes pleading. 
"Yes, it was real. Every moment we spent together, every laugh, every kiss—it was real. I know I messed up, but please, give me a chance to make it right." His voice was soft as he begged you to let him prove himself to you. You stare into his eyes, searching for the truth, you always thought you could read him easily but now you weren't even sure. 
The hurt is still raw, but beneath it, you see the sincerity and regret written all over his face. 
"How can I trust you again, Minho?" Your voice came out weak and when he reached to take your hand in his, you let him. He stared at you as he smiled, holding your hands tightly.
"I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I'm serious. I love you, YN. I was an idiot to ever make that bet, but I swear, you mean everything to me now." He whispers, one of his hands reaching up and cupping your face in his hands, stroking your cheek gently with his thumb. You want to believe him, but the pain is still fresh in your mind. 
"It's going to take time, Minho. I can't just forget about this." You gestured between you but he nodded, laying his forehead against yours,
"I understand," he says softly. 
"I'll wait as long as it takes. Just don't walk away from us...Please" You take a deep breath, the anger starting to ebb away, leaving behind a fragile hope that this would work between you, that there was a future here.
"Okay. But you have to be honest with me. No more lies." He nods, relief flooding his features as he practically yanks you into his chest.
"No more lies. I promise."
Sitting in the middle of your history lecture, you find it increasingly difficult to focus, your new professor had a one-tone voice and you could feel yourself drifting off the longer he spoke. Sighing a little to yourself you reached into your bag for your phone. It had been buzzing non-stop for the last twenty minutes and you wanted to see what was happening. As you pulled it out a flurry of notifications began lighting up the screen. When the professor turns to write on the board, you sneak a glance at your phone, trying to figure out what was happening so much that needed this much attention on the matter.
Your heart sinks as you see a string of messages and missed calls from friends. One message catches your eye: a screenshot from an unknown number. You glanced up to make sure the professor was still busy and you caught the look of some of the girls in your class who were looking at you with pity, smiling weakly as they turned away from you.
Frowning you turned back to your phone to open the message, and your stomach dropped. The screenshot shows a group chat where Changbin discusses a bet with his friends—apparently to prove he could make you fall for him. The date on the message is from several months ago, shortly before you started dating.
Your heart races and a wave of nausea washes over you, your skin starting to sweat as you panicked more and more. You feel eyes on you as you hastily gather your things and leave the classroom, needing to get away from the prying gazes and the oppressive silence. The professor called for you but you didn't even give him a glance as you legged it down the hallway, trying to get away. It felt like all eyes were on you.
As soon as you are alone outside of Changbin's dorm, you dial Changbin's number with trembling fingers. He answers on the second ring, his voice bright and cheerful.
"Hey, baby! What's up?" What's up?! How could he even be so fucking calm about this?
"We need to talk. Now," you say, struggling to keep your voice steady. Maybe he didn't know that the photos were going "viral" around the college yet.
"Sure, where are you? I'll come to you." You could hear him moving to get his keys but you sniffled a little.
"I'm outside your dorm," you reply before hanging up, not giving him a chance to say anything else to you.
You pace back and forth, the minutes stretching out painfully. Finally, you see Changbin approaching, a concerned look on his face.
"YN, what's wrong? You look-" You hold up your phone, cutting him off midsentence, showing him the screenshot. "
What is this, Changbin? Did you make a bet about dating me?" You couldn't stop the hurt in your voice as you stared at him. Waiting for him to deny it, to say it was fake. Anything. Just to tell you that the two of you were real despite what that fucking thing said. His eyes widen, and you see the colour drain from his face.
"YN, I can explain—" You cut him off, your voice shaking with anger and hurt.
"Explain what? That our entire relationship is based on a bet? That I've been nothing but a game to you? That I'm the biggest fucking joke to you?!" You cry softly,
"That nothing between us was ever fucking real?" You finish as he shakes his head at you,
"No, it wasn't like that," he says, his voice desperate as he reaches for you.
"It started as a stupid bet, but I swear, I fell for you. For real. You're not a game to me, what I feel for you isn't a game...It isn't fake..."
"Am I supposed to get on my knees and thank you for it? I-I'm not some kind of fucking joke!" You yell at him, gaining the attention of passersby but you didn't give a shit.
"How am I supposed to believe that?" you snap, tears welling up in your eyes. "Everything feels like a lie now." He takes a step closer, his hands reaching out to you as you let him touch you.
"Please, YN, you have to believe me. I was an idiot, and I made a mistake, but my feelings for you are real. I love you." It was the first time he'd ever said those three words to you and yet it felt like a slap to the face rather than something you'd been dying to hear from him.
You turn away, trying to collect your thoughts. The pain is overwhelming, but so is the look of sincerity in his eyes, you hated him and yet you loved him all at the same time.
"Do you have any idea how humiliating this is? Everyone saw that screenshot. Everyone knows...People in class were staring at me, looking at me with pity!" You swallowed the lump in your throat as you shook your head,
"I know, and I'm so sorry," he says softly. "I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I'll tell everyone the truth. I'll make sure they know how much I care about you, how real this is between us." You take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart.
"This isn't just about everyone else. You broke my trust and my heart, Changbin. I don't know if I can get past that." He looks at you, his eyes filled with regret as he realises just how badly he'd fucked this up between the two of you.
"I understand. But please, give me a chance to prove myself. Let me show you that what we have is real." But you just left him standing there, giving yourself space to think.
Eventually, you went back to him, deciding you wanted to try and make things work between you and it had taken months of hard work from him for you to finally trust him again.
The wedding reception is in full swing, the joyous atmosphere filling the beautifully decorated hall. You smile as you watch your friends and family celebrating with each other, your gaze wandering over to your husband now who was talking to a few of his friends. Your wedding day has been everything you dreamed of and more, it was everything you'd ever wanted since you were a little girl.
As you move through the crowd, accepting congratulations and well-wishes, you overhear a conversation that stops you in your tracks, your hand resting on the lower back of someone who congratulated you but your mind is on the conversation. 
"I can't believe it all started as a bet. Who would've thought he'd actually fall in love with her and have a wedding like this?" Your heart skipped a beat, and it felt as though someone had just doused you in freezing cold water. You step closer, trying to catch more of the conversation without drawing attention to yourself.
"Yeah, remember how smug he was about it? But now look at him, married and everything," Seungmin laughs and you suddenly feel like the ground has been pulled out from under you. Your wedding day, the happiest day of your life, suddenly feels like a cruel joke between everyone there. Did everyone know it was a bet? How could he have not said anything to you? The two of you had been together for nine years now and he hadn't thought it bring it up once? 
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart, and decide you need to confront Hyunjin. Now.
As soon as you'd found him you dragged him away from listening ears and walked toward the toilets, shutting the door and ignoring the wolf-whistles from people who had seen the interaction. You bolted the door shut and Hyunjin smirked,
"Couldn't wait for the wedding night, baby?" He teases, stopping when you turn around to face him.
"Hey, what's up?" he asks, noticing the serious look on your face. He was ready to kill whoever had made you this pissed off on your wedding day of all days.
"We need to talk. Now," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. Where were you even supposed to start with this? 
"Hyunjin, is it true? Did our relationship start as a bet?" you ask, your voice shaking as you stare at him. The expression on his face was all you needed for him to confirm it was real. His eyes widened in shock, and you see the guilt flash across his face. 
"YN, I can explain—"
"All this time, everything we built, started as a stupid bet?" You whispered, almost as if you were scared someone was going to be listening outside.
"Yes, it started as a bet," he admits, his voice filled with regret. "But it changed, YN. I changed. We've been together for nine years! You think I'd marry you for some cruel joke?" He steps toward you but you take a step back, feeling betrayed.
  "How could you not tell me? How could you let me marry you without knowing the truth?" You stared at him. As if your vows hadn't included that you'd never lie or hide something from one another.
"I was scared," he says softly. "Scared of losing you, scared that you wouldn't believe me if I told you. But my feelings for you are real. They have been for a long time, nine years baby I'd...I can't be without you." Tears fill your eyes as you struggle to process his words.
"How am I supposed to trust you now, Hyunjin? On our wedding day, of all days? You could have told me nine fucking years ago and I would...I would have had time to"
"I know," He whispers, his eyes boring into yours as he shakes his head.
"I know I fucked up. I should have told you a long time ago. But I love you, YN. I love you more than anything. Please, give me a chance to prove that to you. I meant every single thing in my vows...This isn't a joke to me," You needed to believe him and you did. Nine years was a long time for a bet and you knew it was real now but it didn't stop the hurt you were feeling right now. 
"I don't know if I can just forget about this, Hyunjin. It hurts too much." You cry softly and he reaches out, wiping away the tears with a tissue trying not to ruin the makeup you were wearing.
"I understand," he says, his voice breaking. "But please, don't let this ruin what we have. We've built a life together, a future. Don't let a mistake I made years ago take that away from us." You take a deep breath, the anger and hurt slowly giving way to the love you still feel for him. 
"It's going to take time, Hyunjin. I can't just move past this overnight."
"I know," he says, relief flooding his features, holding you in his arms as he whispers. "I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. I promise." He rocks you back and forth slightly as he kisses the top of your head.
The night was going amazing, you and Jisung were at your favourite restaurant, a cosy little place with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. He told you he wanted to take you back to where your relationship started years ago, in the restaurant where you'd had your first date. He's been acting a bit nervous all night, and you have a feeling something big is about to happen, he'd made sure to let you know to get your nails done too...Jisung wasn't always the secretive guy he pretended to be.
"yn," He smiled as he reached over the table and took your hand. He looks into your eyes, a mixture of love and anxiety in his gaze, slowly he slides out from his chair and drops on one knee in front of you. Your heart racing as you giggled. 
"I have spent every single day loving you for the last four years and I wanted to spend every single day for the rest of our lives doing it the same," He tells you. But just as he starts to speak again, you hear a familiar voice from a nearby table.
"Hey, isn't that Jisung and YN?" You glance over to see Changbin who is staring at you both and you look back at Jisung trying to focus on the proposal but the following words make your heart drop.
"Remember how she was just a bet years ago? And now look, she's about to be his future wife!" His voice was full of amusement and your heart stopped. The words cut through the romantic atmosphere like a knife. You pull your hand away from Jisung's and turn to face Changbin, the shock and hurt evident on your face.
"What?" You whispered, staring at Changbin and then to Jisung who looked panicked as he shook his head. 
"YN, please, let me explain."
You stand up, your emotions boiling over as you knock into the table and knock the glass of wine shattering to the floor gaining more attention to you both. 
"Explain what, Jisung? That our entire relationship started as a joke? That I was nothing but a bet to you?" You shake your head, trying to get away but he reaches out to you, desperation in his eyes. 
"It wasn't like that...O-okay...Yes, it started as a stupid bet, but that was years ago!" You shake your head, tears starting to blur your vision, and people are staring at you both. 
"How could you not tell me? How could you keep this from me all these years?" You whispered at him as he shook his head. His friends told him to tell you years ago when he started falling for you but he thought he could hide it. That if you never found out the way it started it wouldn't matter because you loved each other.
"I was terrified," he admits, his voice breaking as he shook his head. 
"Scared of losing you, terrified you'd never forgive me. But I love you, YN. More than anything." The betrayal felt like a weight on your chest, suffocating you as you shook your head. You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. 
"I need some air." You whispered and walked away. 
You walked and walked until you stopped at a park, holding your arms around yourself and crying softly. It didn't take Jisung to catch up to you, calling your name, but you didn't look at him as your shoulders began shaking with silent sobs.
"YN, please. I never meant to hurt you. The bet was a mistake, a stupid, immature mistake. But my love for you is real. It always has been and it always...will be, baby." You turn to face him, the pain and anger still raw as you stare at him. 
"How am I supposed to believe that, Jisung? After everything?" He knew it wasn't going to be something quick he could move past but he was never going to stop until he proved to you how true this was.
"Because I’ve spent every day since then trying to be the best man I can be for you. Because I can’t imagine my life without you. I was going to propose to you tonight because I want to spend the rest of my life proving to you how much I love you." You stared into his eyes, trying to decide if this was real or just some extension of the bet but he stared at you, his hurt and guilt clear on his face.
"You broke the trust between us...Everything feels like a lie now." You whisper, allowing yourself to hold onto him as he rubs your back softly,
"This isn't how I wanted this night to go...I fucked this all up, and I will do fucking anything to make you realise that what I feel is real..."
You take a deep breath, the anger and hurt slowly giving way to the love you still feel for him, you wanted your life with him. Your life with him was everything you'd been dreaming of. 
"This...This isn't some part of the bet?" You gestured at the box in his hand and he shook his head,
"Never...Ever," He whispered as he looked at you, you nodded and he slowly knelt back down in front of you.
"I will spend every single day making this up to you if you agree to be my wife. I will spend every day, bringing you flowers, making you songs...doing whatever it takes to prove it's real...Will you-" You kissed him before he could even finish asking you and he whined.
"I-Is that a yes?" He panted as you pulled back from one another, you slowly nodded at him.
You and Felix are sitting in your favourite coffee shop, the one where you’ve shared many dates with each other when you started dating a few months back but something felt strange today. Felix seemed different than his usual self around you today and it was starting to worry you a little bit. He was being quieter, and more jittery than normal. You sip your coffee, waiting for him to speak, thinking he would come to you when he was good and ready.
Finally, he takes a deep breath, his eyes meeting yours but there is guilt and fear written all across his face as he stares at you,
“YN, there’s something I need to tell you.” You set your cup down, your heart beginning to race. Was he going to break up with you? Is that was this was?
“What is it, Lix?” You reached your hands over the table to touch him but he pulled his hands away and looked away from you for a moment, gathering his thoughts. The boys had warned him not to do this, that it wouldn't be good to ruin what you had but he no longer wanted to lie about why your relationship had started. When he spoke, his voice was shaky.
“Our relationship... it didn’t start the way you think it did..." He coughed a little as he cleared his throat,
"It started as a bet.” The words rushed out but you heard every single one of them as your heart sank to the pit of your stomach,
“A bet? What do you mean?” He winces at the hurt in your voice, he'd been trying to brace himself for this for a few weeks now but he hadn't done it enough.
“It was stupid and immature. Some of the guys bet that I couldn’t get you to go on a date with me. At first, it was just about proving them wrong. But YN, it didn’t stay that way. I’ve fallen for you, really fallen for you. That’s why I have to be honest with you now. I couldn't keep lying about why all of this had started.” One minute you'd been so in love with him and now it felt as though someone had ripped the floor out from under you,
“So, this whole time, I was just a game to you?” You whispered, shaking your head at him.
“No,” he says quickly, reaching for your hand again.
“You were never just a game. I know it started that way, but it changed. You changed me. When we went on that first date I knew I was going to fall for you and I made them stop the whole thing. I didn't take their money...” You pull your hand away, standing up trying to get out of the cafe without drawing too much attention to you both.
“How am I supposed to believe that, Felix? How can I trust anything you’ve said?” He stands too in a rush, knocking his cup over but neither of you moves, his eyes stare into yours, pleading with you.
“Because I’m telling you the truth now. I was scared to lose you, but I realized that if I kept this from you, it would be worse. I couldn’t keep lying to you. I love you, YN. That’s real. What I feel for you? It's so real.”
Tears blur your vision as you shake your head, the betrayal cutting deep inside of you as you shook your head, this all felt like a big joke.
“You should have told me sooner. You should have given me the choice...”
“I know,” he whispers, his voice breaking. “I’m so sorry. I’ll do what I can to make this right. Please, don’t walk away from us.” You look at him and bite your lip,
“I need time, Felix. This hurts too much.” You whispered as he nodded at you, watching you walk away from him.
One evening, as you sat alone in your dorm, there was a small knock on the door. Slowly you got up to open it and find Felix standing there, looking vulnerable and hopeful. There was a huge bouquet of flowers, not that you needed any more of them. There were already twenty of them sitting all around your apartment.
“YN, can we talk?” he asks softly. Slowly you stepped aside and let him into the apartment and he sat down watching you closely.
“I’ve been thinking a lot,” you say finally. “About us, about everything. I still don’t know if I can fully trust you, but I also know that I love you. I miss you.” Your voice cracked as he jumped up, rushing to your side and took your hand gently.
“I miss you too. I know I messed up, and I’ll spend every day proving to you that my love is real. No more secrets, no more lies.” You told him as you looked into his eyes, searching for the truth. All you see is sincerity and regret.
“It’s going to take time, Felix. A lot of time.” He nodded at you, kissing your hand softly,
“I understand,” he says, his grip on your hand tightening. “I’ll be here, every step of the way. I love you, YN. More than anything.”
It was a quiet and very lazy Sunday afternoon, and you’re curled up on the couch with Seungmin. He’s napping beside you, his head resting on your shoulder, and you’re idly scrolling through his phone, looking for the photos he'd taken of you both last week when you went to the animal sanctuary, you wanted to send them to your mum since she was always asking for photos. As you swipe through his videos, one catches your eye: a familiar group of friends, with Seungmin front and centre.
Curiosity piqued, and you tap on the video wondering what it could have been. The two of you had no secrets from one another, or so you'd thought.
The laughter and rowdy voices of Seungmin and his friends fill the room in the video. You recognize the setting instantly—it’s from a few months ago, just before you and Seungmin started dating. You knew that because it was the same outfit Seungmin had asked you out in, something you'd memorised.
"Alright, boys, here are the rules," Seungmin's voice booms from the video as people cheered around him, you frowned a little.
"The first one to get YN to fall for them wins. No cheating, and you have to actually date her for at least three months. Loser buys drinks for a year." You stared at the screen as if you wished it was some kind of nightmare you were having. But as you realise it was real your heart drops. The phone feels like it’s burning your hand, and you quickly pause the video. Seungmin stirs beside you, his eyes fluttering open.
“Hey, what are you watching?” he asks groggily, yawning a little before you scoff at him.
“Oh you know, just a cute little video of my boyfriend saying I'm a fucking bet,” you spit at him, showing him the screen and restarting to video all over again. His eyes widen in horror as he realizes what you’ve seen.
“YN, listen...I can explain.” He pleaded but you were already standing up, throwing his phone down onto the sofa beside him and trying to gather your shit.
“So, I was just a bet to you? Some kind of game? How long were you going to keep it going?” You laughed dryly. The video said three months but the two of you had been together for almost ten months now. Seungmin scrambles to sit up, panic clear on his face.
“No, it’s not like that. It started as a bet, yes, but that was before I really got to know you. I swear, my feelings for you are real.”
“How am I supposed to believe that? Huh? You sat there and you-” You barely got the words out, tears welling up in your eyes.
“You made me fall for you because of a stupid bet. I thought we had something real, Seungmin.” You grab your things, throwing them into a bag as he follows you around his apartment, blocking you from going into the bedroom,
“We do! We do have something real, baby! This is real!” he insists, standing and reaching out to you, but you move away from his touch and shake your head at him.
“I was an idiot, okay? It was juvenile and wrong, and I regret it every day. But YN, I fell for you. Truly. That’s why I need to be honest with you now.” You step back, the pain of betrayal cutting you like a knife and you shake your head.
"Send me the rest of my shit," You snap before storming out of his apartment and going home.
It had been a month, a month of pure torture every time you realised you still loved Seungmin despite him lying to you and hiding something huge from you and yet you missed him. Every single day you would get a new delivery of flowers or a teddy bear with a card that explained a reason why Seungmin had fallen in love with you and he was making it incredibly difficult to hate him.
"Seungmin," You breathed finding him at your door one more.
“I’m standing here, telling you the truth...okay,” he says, tears now in his eyes as he looks at you.
“I’m risking everything because I can’t lose you. I love you, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making this up to you if you’ll let me.”
You look into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit and you can see how much he regretted doing this to you.
“It’s going to take time, Seungmin. I can’t just forget about this overnight...But I miss-" You barely had time to finish before he threw himself into your arms and hugged you tightly against him.
You’re having dinner at Jeongin’s family home, enjoying a relaxed evening with his parents and younger brother. They'd invited you over since you were Jeongin's first-ever real girlfriend and they wanted to meet the girl who had stolen his heart. The atmosphere is warm and lively, and it felt so easy to fit in with their banter. You feel completely at ease, having grown close to Jeongin's family over the months you’ve been dating. It would have been a year next month.
As you help clear the table after dinner, his younger brother suddenly speaks up,  
“Hey, YN, what did you and Jeongin do with the money?”
"What money?" You laughed softly wondering what he was talking about, behind you Jeongin had paled dramatically.
"From the bet...The one he made to ask you out." his tone was so casual but his words were like a dagger to your heart.
The room falls silent. You freeze, the plates in your hands feeling like they weigh a ton and it took everything inside of you not to drop them on the floor. Slowly you turn to look at Jeongin, who is pale and wide-eyed, clearly caught off guard by the fact that his brother had bought it up.
“What's he talking about?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jeongin's baby bother, oblivious to the tension he’s caused, continues,
“Yeah, Jeongin and his friends bet that he couldn’t get you to go to some party with him. It was just a joke, but I guess it worked out between you both, right?” You feel like the ground has collapsed beneath you. The warmth and comfort of the evening vanished, replaced by a cold, hard betrayal. You look at Jeongin, hoping for some kind of denial, but he just stares at you, guilt and panic written all over his face.
"yn..." He whispers but you place the plates down, shaking your head and heading out of the apartment needing some time to think clearly but it wasn't going to happen as Jeongin chased after you.
“YN, please, let me explain.” He begged but you stepped back, shaking your head. “Not here. We’ll talk about this at home.”
When Jeongin finally joined you back at home it was like the air was thick with tension and you stared at him,
“So, it was all a bet? Our entire relationship started as some kind of joke?” you demand, tears welling up in your eyes. Jeongin looks desperate, his hands trembling as he tries to reach for you. 
“Yes, it started as a bet. But YN, it was a stupid, immature mistake. I never meant for it to go this far.”
“That’s supposed to make me feel better?” you shout, pulling away from him. 
“I trusted you, Jeongin! I thought what we had was real.” You yelled at him and he shook his head at you,
“It is real,” he insists, his voice breaking. “I fell in love with you, truly. That’s why I never told you. I was scared of losing you. You mean everything to me, YN.” He pleaded with you.
"I never would have taken you to meet my family if I didn't love you. I wanted you to see them, to see the family that would one day be yours." You desperately wanted to believe him but everything was still weighing down on your chest. 
“How am I supposed to believe anything you say now? How do I know this isn’t just another part of the bet?”
“Because I’m here, telling you the truth,” he says, tears streaming down his face. 
"Because I'm hopelessly and dramatically in love with you. I would fly a plane and write it in the sky if I could! In fact! I'll hire someone to do it, I'll....I'll do anything, please, yn." He held your hands in his and you started at him, everything still so fresh.
“I know, Yn, I fucked up but please...” he whispers, stepping closer cautiously. 
“I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to deem me worthy of your forgiveness. I’ll prove to you that my love is real. No more lies, no more secrets.” You nod slowly, the anger and pain slowly giving way to the love you still feel for him, everything was real between you and you could tell that from his family but it didn't make it easy. 
“Okay. But you have to be honest with me from now on. No more lies, ever.”
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 4 months
I don't think you understand
The mer price fic is absolute perfection.
Like I'm talking a literal masterpiece
This fic will stay engraved in my brain forever. You're an absolutely amazing writer. Thank you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
anon, THANK you. i am actually thrilled to see other people enjoying mer Price and remora reader as much as i do. please please please let me brain dump more about Price taking remora reader back to his home reef to meet the rest of shark mer 141:
SOAP is enamored instantly because you're so fucking grabbable.
within moments of seeing you peek out from behind Price's tail, he darts around and snatches you up with greedy hands. you're so small!! so tiny and cute when you squirm. and you make noises. 
he handles you like a toy until Price barks at him to cut it out. he does (and Price makes him promise not to be so rough with you; you're fragile, he claims) but Soap is incorrigible.
he follows you for days afterward. just obsessed. he loves chasing your silver tail as you dart around the reef, trying to hide from him. when he catches up to you, you have little choice but to give in and let him manhandle you. he certainly toes the line of whatever Price meant when he said no rough play, you little shit, i mean it.
he pushes the limits of your docile nature. when you do eventually reach the end of your patience and dart out of his hands just to get a break from his grabby claws, guess what? you've triggered his prey drive and he gives chase. he catches you, of course, and then before he can stop himself, he bites you.
your squeal brings Price out into the open instantly and Soap gets an earful again. he grins at you the whole time as you hide over Price's shoulder.
after that, Soap gets a little craftier about it. he eases up just enough to figure out exactly how playful (rough) he can be before you can't take any more. he learns how to stop just shy of making you shriek again. Price is aware, but he's a little too indulgent to stop it. he's happy to let Soap have his fun as long as he doesn't break you. you just have to suck it up. that indulgent nature is how you ended up with Price in the first place, after all.
goes without saying, but Soap is the first one to use you as a sex toy.
GHOST seems to take zero interest in you at first. you're not the sharpest urchin in the tide pool, are you? you can't be if you're here willingly. he figures you won't stick around long, and if you do, you won't stay intact.
you attempt to take up grooming his skin and tail and teeth as you do with the others. he moves away from you without a word, lashing his scarred tail to re-settle himself several feet away.
if you follow and try to groom him again, you earn a deep growl.
you dart off the moment he voices that rumbling displeasure. he notes your skittishness around him and uses it to make you leave him alone.
you, however, have a job to do. you won't be scared off that easily.
after he chases you off that way a few times, you begin to find him and simply sit near him. mirroring him. no big deal. instead of grooming him, you use the time to groom yourself. can't keep everyone else clean if you're grimy, after all.
he notices you and growls to warn you off again. you pretend not to hear.
he flicks his tail in irritation, considers cuffing you over the head to teach you a lesson, but you're too far away to reach without kicking his whole big self up into the water to move several feet. so he elects instead to turn over and ignore you. you keep this up for several days. you sit a little closer every time.
one day, you finish cleaning your own tail fin and casually begin to clean his. he growls. you pause. when he stops and does nothing further, you resume your work. he growls again, and you continue grooming him as if you don't hear him. he keeps growling, but once you begin to run your claws over a stubborn patch of skin to dislodge some stuck grit that's been bothering him, his growling fades into grumbling. and then silence. he lets you keep at it. victory.
this becomes a habit. you seek him out (never the other way around) and typically find him lazing on the floor of some cave or sunning in the reef's shallows. you set to work grooming him thoroughly. all business. he grumbles and growls occasionally when you move his arm or tug your fingers through his hair, but he never stops you.
one day, Soap comes looking for you and finds you in the middle of this little cleaning ritual. Soap nudges you away, insisting you instead let him chase you around the reef. but the moment your hands leave Ghost's rough skin and he hears you protest, he opens his eyes and snaps his teeth at Soap.
Soap pulls back (and so do you) until Ghost grasps your lil wrist and drags you back down wordlessly to where you were sitting and cleaning his shoulder.
Soap smirks at him. Ghost glares back.
"you got something to say, then say it."
"here i thought you were toleratin' it for her sake. seems i misjudged the situation."
"there is no situation."
"whatever you say."
Soap leaves with a flick of his tail. you're so pleased that, when you're finished grooming Ghost, you burrow yourself between his arms as he lays on his side. you nuzzle into his neck and bunt your head up against him, practically purring now that you know you've apparently won him over.
he grabs you, pretending to be disgruntled, but then instead of releasing you he crushes you against his chest again and settles in for a nap. no, you don't get to leave.
GAZ wonders what exactly is going on inside your head. it doesn't escape his notice that your """instincts""" seem to have you by the throat in this situation. but he suspects you're leaning a bit more into that whole brainless servant thing than you're letting on.
he's perfectly happy to let you groom him, flatter him, fetch him whatever baubles or snacks he'd like at the moment; he's perfectly polite to you, too. really likes it when you butter him up. tell him he's got the sharpest teeth and the strongest muscles and the fastest tail in the reef and he'll listen to you for hours, preening in the sunlight as you clean the grime off his fins.
plus, he praises you too, and you love that. that's why it takes you so long to notice he's watching you much more closely than anyone else is.
see, you've already disarmed Price. Soap sees you as a toy more than a fellow mer. Ghost cares more about finding the best places to lurk around than understanding the little mer that shares their reef now. it's fascinating--how you've successfully passed yourself off as a silly, stupid little fish. the more he watches you, analyzes you, the more he wonders what exactly you're getting out of this.
when you groom him each day, he asks you questions. casual ones. are you enjoying the reef? what games do you like to play? how fast can you swim? how many other mer have you met? are you eating enough? what's your favorite food?
it's enough to make you wary, but then, he seems harmless. you're honest with him. it pays off, because when you tell him how much you like the taste of those little brown seabirds that dip into the reef from time to time, you're shocked the next day to find one of those very seabirds sitting dead--neck cleanly snapped--just for you in the shallow alcove next to where Price sleeps (and you by extension).
you find Gaz that instant and insist it's too kind a gift; you can't accept it. what you can't tell him is that it's not a good idea for you to eat in front of them. you eat scraps, and you eat them where of them can see. that's the deal--obviously you do what you do for these four sharks in exchange for protection and ostensibly for food, but you need to avoid looking like you're taking more than your fair share. and to sharks, a species that is notoriously food-aggressive, your fair share must be vanishingly small.
he just smiles at you--so disarmingly that you flounder for a moment. somehow he convinces you to keep the kill.
he begins to turn up--looking amused but not surprised--when you steal scraps of food after the group has had its fill of a fresh kill. it makes you nervous for him to see you with food in hand (much less to watch you eat) but he scoffs at the idea of holding it against you. 
at some point, he begins to bring you fresh meat himself. this is-- it's unacceptable. you're supposed to be the one working while he rests. he's not allowed to give you that kind of comfort. if you're not earning your keep, after all, you don't have a place here. you push his gifts away, busying yourself with some other task. he insists. you decline.
"you're refusing me?" he asks, feigning surprise. "i thought that went against your instincts."
you fluster, ruffling up in what he assumes is a pout. he's trapped you in a catch-22. ultimately, you have to accept the stupid meat-gift because it's what he wants. you find this makes you more irritable than it should. he smirks at you, which serves to irritate you more.
he pulls you into his lap as you eat. and he thinks it's so cute the way you scowl the whole time.
from then on, whenever you act a little too stupid for his liking, he pries and pokes and prods until he draws out that other, haughtier side of you. he has a knack for frustrating you. he loves to sass you, and when you finally drop the act and sass him back, he falls a little bit more in love with you every time.
more mer au / masterlist tag
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ohimsummer · 10 months
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— minors dni, female! reader, riding toji, kind of exhibitionism, reader gets called a slut, creampie, light dumbification, cuckholding, inspired by a conversation I had with my coworker lol
wc 1.1k
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Toji’s eyes jerk open, the soft ‘plap plap’ of you bouncing on his cock overcome by the shrill ring of his cellphone. The device, having obnoxiously interrupted his bliss, vibrates restlessly on the wooden side table. Toji stares at the unknown number on his screen, a brow raised in mild concern. There were only a select few people who had his number and all of them were listed in his contacts, so he really had no idea who it could be.
Your movement slows as you notice the subtle change in his mood.” Somethin’ wrong, Toji?”
He smoothes a large hand over your waist, tightens his grip and raises your body until just his tip remains inside. “You don’t worry your pretty lil’ head ‘bout it, doll, keep goin’ for me.”
Humming and lowering your hips, Toji doesn’t have to tell you twice before you’re engulfing his cock in your needy hole again. Your hands find purchase on his spread knees, and you watch him through the window’s reflection. A hand reaches around to squeeze your breast before massaging a nipple under his thumb. Toji pinches it between two fingers, drawing a whine from you, and then tugs at the hardened bud while the other hand tucks his phone between his ear and shoulder.
“Mm?”, Toji grunts into the speaker, obviously annoyed.
The other person hesitates for a second, before asking, “Er–, is this, uh, Y/N?”
Dark eyes bore holes into your back, and your skin tingles beneath Toji’s hard, irritated gaze. “Who’s askin’ ?”
The person, some guy, stutters over the line for a few seconds and Toji grins. “Some-someone gave me their number earlier, sorry I must’ve called the wrong one-“
“Nah, nah.,” Toji quickly corrects them. “She’s right here, lemme give her the phone.”
His words barely register in your mind before Toji’s holding the phone to your ear. You hesitate, and he warns you with a particularly harsh thrust before you’re taking the phone in a shaky grasp. “Attagirl.” he groans lowly behind you. As you slur out a half-assed greeting, you notice your boyfriend plant his feet on the floor, grip fastening on your hips as Toji stills your movements. You give him a pitiful, needy glance, one he huffs a laugh at, and Toji uses his strength to hold you steady.
“H-hey–!,” you squeak out as Toji suddenly slams into you, breath snatched away at his sudden wild and relentless pace.
You recognize the voice on the other end instantly, some weirdo who wouldn’t take no for an answer when he asked for your number, so you gave him Toji’s instead. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, both in aggravation and toe-curling pleasure from the thick drag of Toji’s cock amongst your walls. You feel every vein and every twitch, every throb of his length amidst the wet heat of your pussy, and you stuff a fist between your teeth just to smother your moans.
“Hey, what’s up?,” the guy asked. “It’s Anthony, we met in the superm…”
His voice fades away instantly, all you can focus on is the way Toji’s fat dick plunges deeper and deeper with every thrust. You balance on your toes, nails sinking into Toji’s legs just to help you stay upright. He runs a hand down the arch of your back, presses you forward just a bit and leers at the gooey, white mess built up at the base of his cock. The lewd mixture of cum, slick, and precum connecting the both of you between every thrust. Just under the sloppy sound of skin against skin, Toji can still hear that prick on the phone rambling on and on, but what he can’t hear? Those filthy cries and curses you usually make whenever he impales you on his dick. And he doesn’t like that, not one bit.
“T- Toji!,” you feebly warn as his hand trails lower, stopping to lightly twist your erected nipples before making it’s way to rub rough, messy circles on your swollen clit. “Don’t–!”
“Uhh…,” Anthony mutters awkwardly on the phone. “Is this a bad time…?”
“G-give me, ah, one min–ute!”, you force between half-muffled whines before Toji shoves himself into you once more, nudging at that spongy spot inside you and a broken sob breaks out from your lips.
“You sure?”
A quick “mhm!” is all you can muster as your release threatens to tip over the edge. Moans and whimpers leak out around your fist still tightly wedged in your mouth, soaked with drool that also drips down your chin, and you opt to hold Toji’s phone at arm’s length.
He stands behind you, dragging your hips up with his own to continue his feverish assault on your body. Every thrust pounded into you lurches your body forward, the phone now dangling in your feeble grip. You clutch at his forearm, nails leaving behind angry, red scratches and you can’t hide the loud, ruined wails Toji drives out of you.
A bruising grasp on your hips, he leans over your back to mutter against your ear. “Ya still on the phone with that guy?” He laughs a low chuckle in your ear. “Ya want him to hear you bein’ a slut on my dick, huh? That’s why you givin’ my number out to random guys, so they can hear you on the phone gettin’ fucked up?” Your pussy clenches around him at his words.
And just to make a point, his teeth sink into the sensitive spot of your neck, and you groan so loud there’s no way Anthony didn’t hear it. You can faintly hear him still on the line, but you couldn’t possibly bring yourself to care at this point. Toji’s dick batters against the sweet spot of your pussy, and it has your brain turned to complete mush. Your legs nearly give out as your high comes crashing down on you in massive waves, and Toji holds you upright to fuck you right through it. His dick twitches inside you and you can tell he’s close. “Ugh, f-fuck,” he grunts into your neck, “Cummin’ angel–“ His thrusts grow stuttered, balls tightening and he slows to a grind against your ass as heavy loads of his release spurt deep inside you.
You drawl out one last moan as Toji eases out, leaving you with an empty sensation; you can feel his and your cum dripping out your fluttering hole and down your thighs. Arms limply falling towards the floor, the cellphone slips from your hand, luckily landing on the carpet with a soft ‘thud!’, and you whine when Toji plunges two thick fingers into your cunt to stuff his cum back inside. “You worked hard for this, didn’t you? Can’t waste it now.” And you mindlessly nod your head in agreement, much to his amusement. A loud round of pants and gasps for air fill the room, apparently loud enough for Anthony to hear as you and Toji both watch the words ‘Call Ended’ show up on the screen.
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kthecutest · 1 year
can u write ways that &team members being (kinda overly) protective of their s/o? thanks!!
✧˚ &team members being overprotective of you ༊*·˚
Pairing ➳ &Team members x gn!reader Genre ➳ Fluff ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ A/N ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Brain block wasn't wearing off for so long (╥ᆺ╥;)and this came out way longer than I thought cuz I got carried away; as usual ( ≖‿ ≖ ). Anyways hope you'll enjoy it!
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K : It’s been almost forever, catching up to the latest updates with your old highschool classmate. The hot coffee in your hand already loosing its initial heat, you were completely distracted in the chaotic chatter, and had forgotten that you two weren’t the only ones there. A set of dull piercing eyes were set tightly on your distracted figure and it wasn’t long before you felt an aggressive grasp on your snatched waist, turning to the side to check the situation in a surprised state. “Ah? Seems like you guys have a lot to discuss on… hopefully I weren’t much of an interruption.. right honey..~?” a soft tone spoken, anger and possessiveness dripping straight through each letter. Just that alone was enough to send out a warning to you; he’s jealous. The morning coffee cup in his hand is now being squeezed tight to the point the liquid was starting to seep out the lid. “oh babe um.. you’re done getting the coffee? Sorry I’m afraid I must take my leave now, Nicho” you quickly answered him while excusing yourself from your conversation mate trying to make best of the situation. Nicholas, your chatmate caught up to the situation fast, giving you a nod as a goodbye as he watched you both walked away with a slight stinging stare in his narrowed eyes, almost summoning invisible daggers at K’s direction.
Thankfully, you succeeded in separating you and K from Nicho but your sigh of relief was shortly interrupted by a loud thud as you were pinned to the wall of the alleyway, a tall strong figure towering above you.
“So.. finally done running that mouth honey~?”
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Fuma : The radient purple and blue dwelled on the sky canvas as nighttime falls. You were pretty bored but was also filled with a spring of energy hence why you dragged your boyfriend, Fuma all the way to the night bar with you. The original plan was to simply hang out on your seats alone with glasses of red wine in each hand and sharing kisses but it was all rudely interrupted when a sudden ‘hello’ popped out from behind you. “Ah! Euijoo..? Long time no see!” You instantly got up from your seat giving him a warm hug which he quickly reciprocated, earning a slight glare from the man beside you two. “Didn’t knew you would show up in a place like this”, you teased the young boy in front of you. Euijoo always had a pure innocent look to him. He seemed like the type of guy who have never even held a girl’s hand let alone date one and he sure is definitely not the guy to show up at a bar. “Haha I just saw you through the glass pane so I wanted to come in and join you” Somehow this statement seemed to have only pissed your already fuming boyfriend off. He came here specifically just to see you? Hell no not on my watch. You felt a hand snaked right around your waist as you felt a figure shift closer to you. “Dear~, it’s pretty late already.. maybe we should head back what do you say?” You didn’t think much of it since Fuma wasn’t a type to be jealous anyways but you only took his words as him being caring. “Sorry Euijoo, maybe we can arrange a day where we can talk properly?” “Sure! I’ll see ya soon!” You waved goodbye to the sweet boy as Fuma dragged you out of the bar in a very unusual almost aggressive manner.
The car was steadily parked in front of the apartment block as feet and shoes clashed in the door way. Your breath was directed right at Fuma’s exposed neck as he unraveled his tie. His muscular arms trapping you in between while your back stuck to the wall.
“You’re testing my patience way too much love~”
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Nicholas : You were seated cozily between the two taller boys, under a warm sky blue blanket as a horror movie played on the screen in front. The couch kept constantly swinging from the motions of your best friend K jumping and twitching at every jumpscare. “Seriously K, that was a really expected one you know” “Oh c’monnn! The face was still pretty scary though!” he defended back as he clinged onto you. “Oi you’re heavy c’mon get off” K was about to make another whiny remark when he felt the pressure of a strong hand gripping onto his. “You’re gonna end up giving her a muscle strain” a low voice followed by a chuckle arose from behind you. Still the teasing chuckle did not help on hiding the irritation in your boyfriend’s voice. The grip around K’s hand kept tightening until he finally caught up to his irritation as he let go of your shoulder, the grip weakening.
You three practically just coughed awkwardly and played it off as the movie kept advancing. It’s just been a few minutes until you felt a hand of someone on your thigh. The cold rings on the fingers sent tingles down your skin but before you could try to rule out the person, you felt a low breathy voice in your right ear.
“Don’t you think you’re getting too close to your dear best friend, babygirl?”
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Euijoo : “Yah! That’s cheating you can’t cross that area!” you screamed your hands set on the game controller moving your fingers on the keys in a swift pace. “Oops, sorry~ well you gotta learn how to work around the rules, you should learn from me” a prideful voice arose from the towering figure sat beside you. “Excuse me?!” It wasn't long until you started tickling him as he reciprocated the action. Fuma is one of your boyfriend’s close friend that he introduced to you since you two started dating. And well you’re a pretty outgoing person so it didn’t take long for you to get comfortable with Fuma in a brotherly way of course. You guys always bricker and share a lot of physical contact which you believed your boyfriend, Euijoo would not mind at all. He’s always been sweet and understanding and definitely is the furthest thing from being jealous or possessive. Well that’s what you thought until you felt a hand stop the bickering between you and Fuma, as the hand grabbed you gently but swiftly away from him. “Alright guys enough play fighting” the sweet voice of your boyfriend was heard loud and clear behind your ear and throughout the room.
You and Fuma just went silent with a pout on each of your faces. The boy sticked his tongue out your way as he turned his head back towards the screen to return back to gaming and you still a bit pissed off at the taunt, planned to do the same until you felt Euijoo’s whisper in your ear.
“Baby.. you shouldn’t keep testing my patience like this..~”
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Yuma : Even though your cat-like boyfriend could be quite chaotic most of the time but he sure does put all his effort into planning dates for you two. Except this time things didn’t went as expected. Your best friend had somewhere to be at immediately. This led to her basically yeeting her younger brother Jo right at your doorstep telling you to keep him accompanied for the time being. It’s not that Jo was a 1 year old child or anything, he’s pretty much almost 20 and a full grown adult. But he had a pretty overprotective sister who would either keep him with her or leave him to someone she entrusts so the age card didn’t really helped. And now here he was tagging along on you and your boyfriend’s well-planned date. Not that you mind it, you pretty much just noted it as a three-people hangout. He was pretty quiet and just listened to whatever you and Yuma had to say. He’s pretty much like a cute clueless little kid following you two but that same thought didn’t seep through Yuma’s head. Not that Yuma was making a big scene out of it all neither was he fuming from the head or something. But he sure was being a pouty clingy kitty.
And it wasn’t long until you felt his body heat on your back pressed up against you. You could see Jo being distracted by some kind of treat and you were glad he was. You felt a hand on your waist and fluffy hair sneaked cozily on the side of your neck.
“Hmph.. love~ you’ll need to pay me back with cuddles when we get back home~”
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Jo : The gleaming sun was already up and high in the sky. You turned to your side to check the alarm as it read 10:02am. As usual you made your way downstairs, sprinting straight to your tall boyfriend standing in the hallway with a bowl of Japanese white rice in his hands, hugging him in a whiff as he stumbled back from your sudden force. “Baby! I’m hungryyy~” you opened your mouth expecting him to be sweet enough to feed you some of his rice. Instead you opened your eyes to witness him putting the spoon in his own mouth as a cheeky smug formed across his face. Your boyfriend is the most caring one in the world but food is an exception. He’s too much of a foodie to even share which didn’t really ticked you off but still always earned a pout from you. “Hehe no worries~ your savior is here!” you heard a cute energetic tone sprang behind you as well as the wrinkling of the plastic bags containing milk buns. “Yay! You’re the best!” you whined, hugging your friend Harua instantly earning a surprised yelp from him.
That’s when you felt a sudden pull from behind as your back was glued to Jo’s chest in just a few seconds before you tasted the white rice in your mouth. Jo was tilting the spoon into your mouth with fixed cold eyes on Harua. The eyes that seem unphased but also a bit irritated in the same sense.
“No need. She prefers rice for breakfast.”
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Harua : Today was supposed to be the perfect food date for you and Harua; but things did not turned out as planned when you two decided to check out a dango stall around the corner.
Harua, your sweet boyfriend, is really keen on sweets and snacks so are you. Finally, you two came up with a plan that the very next date should be at a food market where dim lit snack stalls stand in a long line of queue awaiting for visitors. And as planned, the very next Sunday you both were at the location running left and right, an assortment of dishes sprawled out on each stall. Seeing the tri-colored dango stand on the other side of the line, the two can’t help but sprint right to there. “Hello! Can I have this, and this and that.. and-“ the orders were shortly paused when you caught a glimpse of the boy in front packing up the dango orders. “Taki!?” “Oh hey! Finally noticed me missy? Didn’t knew you would forget me that easily oh my” as dramatic as ever. “Haha jk! Anyways yea I’m just working parttime in the stall here for now, maybe you wanna grab a drink or two after work hours?” You smiled, a ‘yes’ about to leave your lips before you felt your boyfriend’s gentle hand on yours.
“Sorry, her evening is occupied.”
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Taki : Woo hoo! Amusement park with Taki! Nothing could compare to how fun that would be. Until you were proven wrong.
You two ended up running into your boyfriend’s older brother, K. You were now convinced this date which has just turned into a hangout is gonna be even more fun! I mean who wouldn’t have fun with such a funny chaotic playful K in the equation. But that same formula doesn’t apply to your boyfriend because an obvious shade formed on his face as soon as K popped up. Before you realized your feelings for your best friend Taki, you had a deep crush on none other than his brother K. Not that you had confessed or anything, but you simply moved on later onwards and you obviously did not take account or take notice that little Taki would be a bit possessive and careful about that past statement. But Taki knew about it all and he is infact not as friendly about it as you thought. And now things turn for worse when you’re smiling and giggling, having way too much fun with K at YOUR DATE WITH TAKI. He’s definitely fuming. “Taki? Baby you’re awfully quiet. Something wrong?” you finally took notice of his absurd change in behavior. Him not wanting to ruin the day and the vibes; “Yea yea, just maybe the heat is getting to me” Obviously, Taki’s lie did not get past you but before you could even reply to his excuse, you felt yourself get dragged in a whip right into one of the capsules of the ferris wheel.
“Finally noticed me now huh?”
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Maki : You never took Maki as the type to be a jealous person especially because he is always such a gentleman. The only image of him that filled your head was gentle, sweet, understanding and definitely the furthest thing away from the words possessive or jealous.
But it seems you didn’t know him well enough or he’s just too good at hiding it; he couldn’t hide it no more though, specifically when his older cousin, Nicholas paid a visit to you two. Just a simple helper who came to help out you two in your cooking session right? Except that the helper himself is a flirt; which was not helping the situation out at all. Nicholas unlike his cousin Maki got absolutely NO CHILL, and I’m talking he will rizz you up and flirt with you any chance he got, throwing smirks at Maki’s direction whenever he catches your boyfriend’s death glares. You were cutting up some Chinese cabbage when you felt a hand snaked around your waist. Assuming it was your boyfriend you turned around to find someone else. “Woah Nicho? ..what are you doing?” “Hm? Why? Can’t I just watch from here~?” a smug look on his face. Before you could recover from your shocked state, you were pulled right into a warm chest, far left from Nicho which pushed you to look up.
“No. No you cannot watch.”
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
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Warnings: unprotected sex in the Twinkie, making out, playful banter, angst
It had been so long since you’d had an orgasm you didn’t give yourself that you were becoming increasingly unpleasant to be around. Even your dreams were filled with multiple scenarios of someone railing the attitude out of your system.
The slightest thing that made your heart beat a little faster, had your core clenching with anticipation. Like fighting. That’s all you seemed to be doing with the guy you hated. Like actually hated. He was arrogant and reckless and annoyingly cocky. He was the only person you’d ever wanted to punch in the face.
“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” You called over the music as JJ smirked around his cup, tipping it back and draining the beer.
“Do you?” JJ countered, grabbing the nozzle from your hand and filling up his drink again.
“You’re so annoying.” You grumble, lifting your cup to your lips only for him to flick it, making the liquid poor down your chin and down the front of your bikini top. You squealed, dropping the cup as cold liquid raced down your front and JJ howled with laughter. You growled, snatching his cup from his hand and throwing it in his face. JJ’s laughter cut off as he glared at you, his nostrils flared as beer dripped from his nose and eyelashes, even his hair was sticking to his forehead now.
“Can’t take a joke?” JJ snaps, lifting his shirt to reveal toned abs as he wipes his face. You suddenly picture yourself licking the beer off his stomach when he drops the shirt again.
“Jokes are funny. Yours wasn’t.” You counter, licking your dry lips, the cool liquid running down your stomach almost forgotten about.
“Maybe you need another way to cool off.” JJ says in a low warning voice making you lose all train of thought. Your gaze lowers to his lips -thin lips but still kissable lips - as you try to think about anything but his mouth on you. His lips tips up in a cocky smirk when suddenly he lunges, ducking down to throw you over his shoulder.
“Put me down!” You scream, literally kicking and slapping as he marches down the beach and into the water while laughing.
“Wait! Wait! My phone!” JJ stops, his hands tight on the backs of your thighs before slipping up to your shorts pocket and retrieving the device.
“Any last words, cupcake?” JJ taunts, letting his free hand rest on your ass as you stare down at his. Your heart was racing and fire was burning in your core just from the close proximity. His hands on your body made you feel overwhelmed with need. He was right about you needing to cool down.
“Please don’t! I’ll.. let you take me for a ride on your bike!” You cry, clinging to the back of his shirt for dear life. JJ chuckles, running his hand up and down the back of your thigh like he’s in deep thought.
“I can take anyone on a ride. What else?”
“Ugh, what do you want then?”
JJs hand stops, his back straightening before taking a few steps further into the water, the waves crashing against his knees now and making him unsteady. You cry out in frustration, digging your nails into his back and making him hiss.
“I want you to apologize.” JJ finally says, bouncing from one foot to the other to keep his balance.
“Fine! I’m sorry!”
“Nope. Let me finish.” He taunts, pulling you off his shoulder to cradle you in his arms. You instantly wrap your arms around his neck, drawing yourself as close to him as you can get and away from the water.
You glare at him as he nibbles that bottom lip of his, a wicked grin forming as the waves continue to rock him on his feet.
“I want you to apologize—,” He leans in, his lips suddenly brushing your ear, “—on your knees while you suck my cock.” You eyes widen and your pussy pulsing, suddenly hungry with everything he could offer. But you didn’t want him to know how desperately you needed to be fucked or how your mouth watered at the thought of tasting him.
“And what’s in it for me?” You whisper back, barely containing your excitement. JJ grins, his arms tightening around you as he leans closer to flick his tongue across your lips.
“I’ll get you wet in the way that you want. The way that has you moaning my name and ripping at my hair and soaking my sheets with cum.” Your entire body shudders in his arms as you find yourself leaning in to kiss those lips. His tongue darts out again, flicking your top and bottom lip when someone calls his name from behind him.
“Yo, JJ!” Someone yells again, making JJ growl against your lips before slowly lowering you to your feet.
“We aren’t done.” JJ whispers before turning to face whoever is trying to get his attention. You quickly stepped away from him, making your way up the bank and back to the party. The throbbing between your thighs was intense. You couldn’t believe you were ready to mount him right there in the water. It was JJ Maybank of all people.
You groan before snatching a bottle from an empty lawn chair and downing as much as you can stand. Surely alcohol would calm your pussy down.
“You look like you’re trying to forget.” A sexy voice says off to your right, making you turn to fine the source. It’s Topper, looking fine as ever with his blonde hair a mess and wearing nothing but swim trunks. He was delicious.
“I am.” You smirk, reaching out to offer him the bottle of liquor.
“I don’t know you.” Topper points out, keeping his eyes on you as he takes a long gulp of the liquor.
“Do you want to?” You ask innocently, moving closer until your legs brush his.
“Hey, Top!” JJ drawls, stumbling forward and dropping a beer bottle, a goofy grin on his face. Topper shoots him a glare and you step back, the mood soured.
“What do you want, Pogue?” Topper snaps.
“Is that your blue Jeep? I think i just saw someone hooking up in it.” JJ gasps, mocking fake surprise. Topper falls for it, jumping from his chair and making a beeline for his Jeep.
“You motherfucker.” You hiss, JJ’s drunk ruse dropping and a satisfied grin forming on his face.
“Time to pay up. Let’s go.” JJ takes your arm and leads you into the darkness covered by trees and tall grass.
“I wouldn’t suck your dick even if you paid me.” You snarl, not pulling your hand from his even as he leads you to his bike parked on the side of the road. He throws his leg over the bike and motions for you to get on the back.
“Come on or we can do it here.” You pause, noting the smirk on his face.
“Or I can just bend you over my bike and give you what you really want.” JJ counters, biting his bottom lip as his eyes rake down your body.
“What makes you think I’d fuck you?” You snap only to jump back when JJ swings back off his bike and advances on you like a hungry lion. You stumble, your back meeting a tree as JJ cages you in, his rigid body against yours.
“Because.. your pupils are dilated and you clench your thighs together every time I talk. When you do look at me, your eyes can’t decide where to look. My mouth. My body. My dick.” JJ’s hand comes up to cup the back of your head, clutching your hair and forcing you look up at him.
“You’d do whatever I told you to if it meant you got to cum.” JJ whispers, ghosting his lips over your own. You shudder against him, your mouth dry, and your core aching to be filled.
“If you don’t stop biting this lip, I’m going to bite it for you.” JJ snarls, prying your trapped lip free with his thumb. You lean into him, tracing the feel of his skin against yours.
“Come with me.” JJ snatches your wrist, leading you down the road where John B’s van sits.
“JJ.” You scoff, as he opens the sliding door and forces you inside. He climbs in behind you before slamming the door shut behind. When he turns to face you, his eyes are almost black with need and his erection strains almost painfully in his shorts.
“I’ve had it with your smart fucking mouth.” His hand cups the back of your neck and yanks you forward, smashing his mouth to yours. All your restraint dissolved and your hunger seized your body. You fisted the front of his shirt, kissing him back with such fever that your teeth clanked and your tongues collided. JJ yanked you onto his lap, digging his fingers into the swells of your ass as he grinds you on his cock.
You pull his shirt off. He unties your top and tosses it behind the seat. You tear at the button of his shorts and he cups your pussy over yours. It begins a competition of who can get there first. Your hand wraps around his thick length, making you falter for only a moment while he grinds his palm against your clit.
“Jesus, you’re big.” You admit, making him grin against your lips between puffs of breath as you began to stroke him.
“Take your shorts off.” He demands, lifting you to your feet for only a moment and yanking the material down your legs before pulling you back on top of him. Moans and pants fill the air as you touch each other, drinking each other in until you’re dizzy with lust. JJ’s fingers slide between your thighs, his palms against your clit causing you to jerk.
“Don’t tease. Just fuck me. Fill me up.” You plead, not caring how desperate you sound.
“Say please.” You bare your teeth as he lines himself up with your entrance then nudges your clit, sending sparks through your limbs.
“Say, I’m sorry for being a pain now please fuck me JJ.” JJ instructs, his grip not letting you sink down. You were so wet and desperate you didn’t care anymore.
“I’m sorry for being a pain now please fuck me.” You pleaded, digging your nails into his shoulders just as he slipped inside.
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sopiao · 1 year
i feel like there’s not enough price love on this app >:( so i wanted to request a reader that moves in across the hall from Price. and gets a little crushy crush on you 😻
LIKE OMG he helps you move in, do all the heavy lifting. such a gentlemen. always there whenever your AC breaks down. he just so happens to run into you in the complex’s laundry room. somehow always awake when you need him.
please ignore this if you want or don’t feel like it!! take care of urself boo!
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anyways- 👀
Price was a very private man, never discussing any deep or emotional issues or feelings with anyone. He hated small talk, always found it awkward or bothersome. He didn’t feel as lonely as he thought he’d be, he liked the peace and the time he has for himself. Yes, he will be polite, but would rather prefer being by himself. But he’d try his best to avoid any interaction without being rude.
That was until he heard talking and a series thuds outside. Price was always very nosy and curious so he looked through the peephole of his door and saw you standing in front of the apartment across from his, it was empty for as long as he’s been there. Boxes were scattered along your feet.
He’s not sure why, but he felt like he should help you. He told himself it was just to make a good first impression of course. He scrambled to find the nearest clean shirt he could find. Coming out to meet you, Price was awkward at first, feeling like it was a bad idea at the last second until he saw your face, a soft and welcoming smile.
“Hi! Sorry about the boxes, I’ll be quick” You chuckle awkwardly, looking at the boxes that took up one side of the hallway. A smile instantly grew on him as he reassured you that it was alright and that it wasn’t a bother.
“You need a hand? I have some free time” He offered, lying, not wanting to seem like an eager creep that’ll snatch a pair of underwear from you while your not looking.
“You sure? I don’t wanna take up any of your time” Of course you were grateful for the offer but didn’t wanna be a bother. He insisted that he helped and that he wouldn’t be late to the nonexistent plans he made up. You didn’t doubt that he couldn’t do it. I mean, just look at him. His arms alone made you drool.
He made sure to make a show of it when he helped you out. Holding a box close against his barrel chest, making sure to subtly flex his arms he knew you were eyeing. Occasionally, you’d sneak a glance of his ass when you would go back out to bring in another box.
Price even helped you bring in all of your furniture from the downstairs lobby to the second floor. Doesn’t sound like much but when your bringing in furniture up and down and up and down— it gets tiring as hell. And fortunately for your case, sweaty.
Right after bringing in the couch, he did 80% of the lifting, you plopped down across it for a little break. Price pulling up the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his neck and face, showing you what you’ve been thinking about since the beginning. He was turned to the side so it didn’t look as obvious that he was showing off for you, but you still got that full view.
Price was excited when he heard a knock on his door, even more when he saw you, if he was a dog his tail would be wagging side to side.
“Sorry to bother you again, but do you know how to fix an AC? Or a repair number I can call?” You asked, chuckling nervously, again he pretended that he had free time in between plans he didn’t really have. Plus, it took him away from his heaps of paperwork and got to be in your presence, even if it’s for a short while.
“‘Course. I have some time” Flashing the charming smile you always thought about. Following you into your apartment with a reasonably sized tool box. He couldn’t help but eye how you looked, dressed to try and accommodate the hot weather without a functioning AC. Loose black tank top and grey sweatpants.
“Thank you! I would’ve probably roasted to death if I went one more minute with out it. So sorry to bother you again” You grinned, relief washing over you, the cool air against your boiling skin and sweat woke you instantly.
“No problem at all” He shrugged, putting his tools back in the red metal box, resting his surprisingly soft hand on your shoulder.
“Feel free to call me anytime anything needs fixing” His touch seemed to linger, along with your and his gaze on each other.
Price sprang up in a second and came running into your apartment when he heard a scream, the door was unlocked. He found you sitting on your counter with a pan, clearly afraid and scared.
“What?! What happened?!” He yelled, looking around your apartment for an intruder or something, his wooden bat being held over his shoulder, ready to strike.
You stuttered, too scared to reply, even think to form a sentence.
“A spider”
“What- Wait- Seriously?” He let the bat drop to his side, laughing at how seriously afraid your expression was.
“Yes, seriously! It’s huge, John! It’s as big as my hand!” You yell, trying to get to him while he laughs.
“Fine. Where is it?” He smirked. You followed him to your bedroom where the spider was. It really was as big as an atom, he couldn’t even find it until it moved up the wall.
When John heard your knock at his door he took no longer than a second, ready to open the door and greet you. Wondering what you’d want at this time of the night. He stopped for a second, realizing that he may be a little too eager. Waiting a couple seconds, like one or two, and opening the door, pretending that he just ended a call.
“Hm?” He tilted his head, forearm resting on the edge of the door as he leaned against it. Somehow you were more charming than the last time he saw you. Looking so excited with a paper towel on your hand with a single treat on it. He pretended he didn’t see it, but was internally hoping it was for him.
“Oh, good. You’re awake” You chime happily, taking the thick brownie and pressing it up to his lips for a bite. Wanting for him to take the test brownie, but being to awkward to ask him normally. He hummed in surprise, accepting the baked good. Placing his hand under his chin to keep it from falling and leaving crumbs.
“So?” You asked a couple seconds later, he’s still chewing. He chuckles at your eagerness, nodding his head as he tried to finish up his bite.
“I- Uhh. Wow. This is—this is good. Mm, really good” He nods, taking another bite of it as he dusted of his hands. Making you delighted that he liked it. He held the last bit of it up to your mouth to take it. Biting it from his hands you looked to the side, nodding to yourself and taking mental notes.
“Good. Good. Needs chocolate chunks, a little too dry” He stares as you just talk to yourself, a soft smile on his face.
“Oh. Caramel! Or is that too thick?” You perk up, snapping your fingers and looking up for confirmation or disapproval.
“Frosting?” He adds cluelessly, knowing nothing of the science of baking.
“Frosting!” Your eyes light up, pointing your finger at the idea.
“Mocha, maybe? Or nuts?” He tried his best to help and contribute to your little brainstorming session. Nodding along with the idea you thank him and walk back to your apartment to tweak the recipe a bit.
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riordanness · 9 months
cardigan — [e.pevensie]
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wordcount: 1.5K
warnings: not technically x reader as ‘reader’ is named Belle
requested: no
“She won’t stop staring.”
“Then stop looking.”
Belle has to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the ridiculous Telmarine soldiers. They’re both clearly terrified of their mission, and are both riddled with anxiety about the entire thing. Which is hilarious.
“You could just let me go,” she says nonchalantly. “Save yourself the risk of aggravating the woods’ spirits.”
The Telmarine facing her gives her a glare. His grip on the sword across his lap tightens.
Belle decides to shut up.
“Here will do,” the other soldier says, the oars in his hands slowing. “Let's just dump her and get it over with.”
The soldiers get to their feet unsteadily. The boat rocks, and Belle wonders what would happen if she tried to tip all three of them into the water. But before she can come up with a good way to execute that plan, the Telmarine snatches her up, grabbing her roughly by the arm.
“Drop them!” An unfamiliar female voice rings out, and stories of ghosts in the woods run through Belle’s mind. She half turns, and just has time to see four figures on the shore before she’s dropped, literally, into the cold water.
Bubbles surround Belle, and she’s disoriented instantly. Her bound wrists make it impossible to swim, so she sinks, struggling furiously to get loose. Her dress is heavy and sticking to her legs. Her chest is tightening, and black is crawling at the edges of her vision.
Then, something pulls at her, arms slide around her waist, and she is yanked out of the water. Belle gasps, practically drinking the air.
She’s pulled to shore, and laid down on the sand. Something cuts the ropes from her hands. She coughs for a second, getting her bearings back. Drowning was a very awful experience. Belle did not recommend it at all.
“Are you alright?” A girl’s voice asks her, a different one from before, younger.
Belle reacts, twisting as she rises, her dagger, which was previously concealed in her skirts, at the young girl’s throat within seconds.
Shouting erupts from behind them, and Belle glanced to see three others, two boys and an older girl, all with weapons at the ready. The girl has an arrow aimed at Belle’s heart, and both boys have their swords raised.
“Drop it,” the older boy tells her, and his voice is hard and commanding, like he’s used to giving orders.
The girl at Belle’s side doesn’t look particularly scared. “It’s okay,” she promises. “We’re friends.”
Belle narrows her eyes. “How would I know that?”
“Well,” the older girl says, “we did just save your life.”
“Actually, that was me.” It’s the younger boy this time. Belle focuses on him. He has dark hair that’s slightly curly and wet. He looks about her age, and his clothes are wet too. “Don’t worry,” he says to Belle. “We are friends. We won’t hurt you. Just please let Lucy go?”
Belle takes a step back from Lucy, still watching them all carefully. “Fine. Thanks for saving me. Bye.” She turns, but doesn’t even make it three steps before the older boy calls after her.
She sighs, and looks at them.
“We don’t even know your name.” The older girl has her bow away now, but her eyes look plenty vicious enough for Belle. She doesn’t trust them; any of them.
“I’m Belle,” she says flatly. “Now can I go?”
“Why were they trying to drown you?” Lucy looks up at Belle, and her childlike innocence warms Belle’s heart. She has pretty eyes, too, Belle thinks, full of bravery and fearlessness and determination.
“Because I ran away from the castle where I was, well, a servant of sorts. Because I’m on the side of the true king. And because Miraz is a tyrant,” Belle says.
“Whoa Miraz?” the older boy asks.
Belle raises an eyebrow. “Where have you been living lately? Under a rock? He’s the sort of King? Of Narnia?”
“Narnia?” Lucy gasps. “So it is Narnia!”
Belle frowns. “Uh. Yes. This is Narnia. I’m confused.”
The four all exchange looks. “We’ll tell you,” the older girl tells Belle. “But you have to tell us your story first.”
Belle shrugs. “Whatever.”
Soon enough, the five of them are seated around a campfire. The sun is going down, and Belle’s still-wet dress is chilling her to the core. She doesn’t say anything about it, though.
“So,” she starts, accepting a toasted apple from Lucy. “I’m a handmaid in Miraz’s palace. He’s the brother of the king, but he’s basically put himself in the role of king ever since King Caspian the Ninth died. His son, Caspian the Tenth, should be king, but Miraz doesn’t want that. He wants the throne to himself, you see. Anyways, I’m on the side of Caspian and the old Narnians, so I helped him escape a few nights ago. Miraz’s wife had a baby boy, so he wants to kill Caspian and make himself the king, now that he has an heir.”
Belle takes a bite of the apple, and it’s surprisingly good. “I was going to be executed because they somehow found out I helped Caspian.”
“Yikes,” the younger boy says, throwing his apple core into the flames. “Cool story.”
The older girl is watching Belle. “So what’s your plan now?” she asks.
Belle shrugs. “Go into the woods. Find Caspian and help him to get his throne back, I guess. We were always really close at the palace, since I grew up there and we’re not too far apart in age.”
The emotions in her voice must have been more obvious than she thought, because Lucy shuffles over to sit beside her, their shoulders touching. Belle gives the girl a soft smile, before she glanced up at the other three.
“So?” she says. “What’s your story?”
The older two exchange a glance. “We’re the kings and queens of old,” the older boy says. “I’m High King Peter, the Magnificent.”
Belle isn’t even that shocked. She’s kind of guessed it by now, even though it was impossible. “You know you guys should be about 1200 years old now, right?”
The younger boy chuckles. “I’m Edmund.”
Belle nods her head at him. “I figured. And you must be Queen Susan?” She glances at the older girl. Susan smiles gently.
“Just Susan is fine.”
Belle salutes. “Whatever you say, Just Susan.”
Edmund laughs again, but tries to hide it with a cough.
Belle stands, shaking her heavy skirts as best she can. It’s an awful material, still holding most of the water from earlier in its skirts. She lets out an angry sigh.
“What’s wrong?” Lucy asks.
“Oh, it’s my dress,” Belle sighs, sitting back down. “They didn’t let me change for the execution and I was doing heavy cleaning this morning. It’s a really terrible dress to wear while it’s wet.”
Lucy looks at Edmund. “Do we still have our school things?” she asked excitedly.
Edmund nods, slowly at first but then he seems to get the idea. “I’ll get them.” He hurries over to the rowboat, which now has a small pile of their things next to it. He brings back over a white shirt and black pants, as well as a strange black skirt.
“Here,” he hands them to Belle. “Sorry—they’re mostly boy’s things but you look about my size and Susan ruined her shirt earlier. But there’s my shirt and pants and Su’s skirt if you'd rather that.”
Belle offers him a smile. “Thank you, King Edmund.”
“No need to call me King,” he says back, as he lays himself back onto the sand. His black hair is messy and reflects the fire’s flickering light.
“I’m just going to go get changed in the tree line,” Belle tells the group. “If I ain’t back in five, panic.”
The others grin as she heads off, the clothes bundled in her arms. Behind a tree, she pulls her dress off over her head, depositing it in a bush. She then peels off her petticoats and corset, leaving only her thin under-bodice and under-shorts on. Belle then tried on Edmund’s shirt, which fits surprisingly well. It’s an odd kind of shirt though, a lot stiffer than ones she’s used to mending. She buttons it up, rolling the sleeves up to her elbows and leaving the top two buttons undone. Now that she isn’t wet, it’s a pretty warm night.
Belle decides to wear the skirt, as she is shorter than Edmund and doesn’t want to wear his pants if they’ll be too long. They’d just be a tripping hazard. She instead pulls on Susan’s skirt, buttoning it up on the side. It’s also very strange, but comfortable, and very freeing and easy to move in. It stops just above her knee. Belle runs her hands through her hair, which has long since come undone and is tangled and knotted due to the water.
Feeling somewhat presentable, Belle scoops up the clothes from the ground and heads back to the fire.
Edmund’s eyes are on her at once, and she isn’t sure if the heat in her cheeks is from him or the fire.
“Oh—“ Edmund stutters a little. “That… you look good in those.”
Belle smiles, a little triumphant. “They’re quite comfortable. Thank you, Edmund.”
“Anytime,” he replies softly. “Anytime.”
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daisyofwaterdeep · 2 months
Could I request Accidental Confessions Part Two where Femcis Reader got the antidote for Rolan and both of them just sat down & talked properly to each other after he's no longer under influence of the love potion? With apologies & a happy ending!
I had already planned to write a second part but im using your ask as a vessel to post it ╰( ̄ω ̄)
~~~~~~ Read the first part here!
Accidental Confessions (Part 2)
You stand in front of the portal, close enough that the swirling magical energy draws strands of your hair forward.
You desperately want to step forward. You desperately want to run away. You have no idea which one is the best choice.
It's been two days since the incident. You haven't seen Rolan since then, and he's all that's been on your mind. You keep replaying the last moment with him, pulled together but still deissheveled as you handed the vial of antidote to him. The way he sat on the stairs, hands shaking, head hanging, eyes never raising to meet yours. And the terse words he spoke as he snatched the bottle from you.
"Thanks. Now leave."
The words weren't angry or sorrowful or pained. They were cold, closed off. You had no choice but to obey.
Rolan knew. That was the only explanation. Everything that happened, everything you allowed to happen, that you encouraged to happen...Rolan knew that you had taken advantage of the situation, and now he hates you. As he should.
Gods, what's wrong with you?
You take in a deep, sobering breath and step into the portal. Your vision goes dark for a brief moment before melting away into the familiar scenery of Ramazith's tower. Your eyes immediately land on Rolan, his back towards a shelf but already turning as you step from the pull of the portal. Golden eyes land on you, curious at first but hardening as he realizes who his visitor is.
"I've been expecting you." Rolan blindly shelves the book he had been thumbing through and descends the stairs, straightening his robe before folding his hands behind his back pertly. "It's best we get this over with."
Having him come toward you makes you want to dive back through the portal but you stay your ground, even if your knees shake. You cast your eyes to the floor, fighting the urge to bunch your hands in your dress as the tips of his shoes come into the field of your vision before stopping.
"Go ahead. Say your piece," He says after a moment of silence, voice curt.
The lump in your throat is so large that you're not sure anything will come out when you open your mouth, but it does, even if your words are small and wavering.
"I'm... resigning from my position."
You can hear Rolan exhale softly but with your eyes on the ground, you can't quite decipher why. "Alright. I'll have your final pay ready by the end of the day."
A dark, greedy part of you recoils at that. Even after everything, there was still a delusional hope that he'd push back-- that he'd protest you leaving.
There's another small stretch of silence, and you watch Rolan's feet shift.
"Well, there's obviously more you need to say, so say it already."
There is more you need to say, but you're fighting for your life to keep tears from blurring your eyes and choking your throat. You've rehearsed this in your mind hundreds of times, thought of the best words to show your sincerity, pictured every sort of scenario...and everything is lined up perfectly. It's the absolute ideal set-up for you to apologize. But the enormity of your remorse is swallowing you, and the only thing you can think is 'don't cry, don't cry, don't cry'.
Rolan's feet shift again. You can't stand here forever, and you know it. So you take in a deep breath and manage out two pitiful words.
Despite your best efforts, your vision instantly swims and hot tears trail down your cheeks. Damnit.
"Wh-" Rolan sputters, goes silent, then starts again. "You're sorry?"
"I'm sorry," you say again, throat tight and voice high and wavering, "I didn't stop you...I could have stopped you, but I didn't." The tears are coming full force now, a hot tirade that makes your eyes feel puffy and swollen. "I'm s-sorry, Rolan." Your words are hiccuping, toeing the line of full sobbing, "I d-don't expect you to forgive me, just p-please--" As much as it hurts, you finally raise your gaze to meet his eyes. "Please d-don't hate me..."
Looking at him face-to-face makes you want to crumple to the floor and bawl. It looks as if he hasn't slept since the last time you saw him-- dark circles crescent under his eyes, his clothes are wrinkled, and his hair is loosely and hapharzardly pulled back. But more than that, he looks dumbfounded, like he's completely shocked that you're standing in front of him crying. It makes you feel even more pathetic, which only makes the tears continue.
"I don't--" Rolan reaches his hands out to you, thinks better of it, then retracts them to his chest, "I'd never hate you."
The earnestness in which he says it should make you feel better, but it does the opposite. By all rights, he should hate you-- who are you to stand here before him, blubbering and grovelling, when you're the one who took advantage of him? Resigning from your post was supposed to be a small penance from you to Rolan, but instead, he's comforting you. You're disgusted with yourself.
Your despair must be written on your face, because Rolan takes a step forward, his voice trembling around the edges as he speaks.
"Y-you know, I had assumed... that you were here to yell at me. To tell me what a horrible man I am." Rolan lets out a short, nervous laugh, "I was fully prepared to take a punch or two."
He thought that you were mad at him? The thought is so absurd that you find your tears stopping as you stare at him, surely mirroring his dumbfounded expression from earlier.
"You'd have every right to, you know." Rolan continues, his jaw tightening as he straightens his arms by his sides, "To think I'm terrible. To hate me, even. Because what I did to you..."
"It wasn't your fault," You cut him off with a croak, wiping at your eyes with your sleeves, "You weren't yourself. But me, th-there was nothing controlling me...It was my responsibility, b-but I--"
"Stop." Rolan's voice raises, anger lighting his eyes, "Stop trying to take the blame for this. You are not the one at fault here!" He stares hard at you for a few moments before his shoulders slump and the tension in his face melts away, leaving him looking tired and small. Vulnerable, even. And his voice falls too, nothing more than a whisper. "There were times of clarity...times where I could have fought against it. If I had tried harder, I could have stopped a dozen times over. But there was a part of me, a part not influenced by the potion, that didn't want to fight it." A thread of anger edges it's way back to his words, but now you understand that it's edge isn't pointed at you. "So yes, it is my fault. I'm a terrible...horrible man."
You don't know what the right thing to do is-- in such an unprecedented situation, you're not sure if there even is a 'right thing'. But seeing Rolan standing before you, askew in both looks and mind, there's only one thing you can fathom doing, damned if it's wrong or right.
Rolan stiffens as you rush forward and throw your arms around him. Your heart hammers fast and loud in your ears and you feel breathless at your own bold action that seemed to come out of nowhere, but there's no way in the nine hells that you're going to let go.
"You're not horrible," You say against his chest, voice tight and runny as your tears begin anew, "N-not in the slightest. So don't s-say such things."
Rolan's body trembles in your embrace and you worry that he might try to push you away. After a few long seconds, though, he wraps his arms around you and returns the hug.
"I'm sorry," Rolan squeezes you tight as he says it, and you wonder if it has to do with how watery his voice sounds, "For putting you through that...f-for hurting you."
The vulnerability of it all makes is terrifying, but it's also liberating. A moment of pain and sorrow shared between the two of you--it's a feeling more intimate than sex.
"I wanted it." The confession falls from your lips without a thought, and you know that you've crossed a boundary that you'll never be able to return from, for better or worse. "I wanted to hear those things from you. To have you touch me...I wanted all of it."
Rolan lets out a choked noise above you and you feel his chest hitch. "D-don't lie to me."
"I'm not." You hold him tighter, as if trying to still your trembling muscles. "Having you need me in such a way, even if it was fake...I was happy."
You can feel every inch of the shiver that runs through Rolan's body. His chin touches the side of your forehead in something close to a cuddle as the hands on your back slide down, nearly cradling your hips.
"If you're being honest...I'd like to say something." You can hear Rolan swallow thickly before continuing, voice hushed and hesitant, "But please, you musn't think any less of me."
You try to pull away, wanting to see his face as he speaks, but the fingers on your waist dig in, as if begging you to stay in place. Curious, nervous, you comply.
"I'd never think less of you."
Rolan heaves in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, the warmth of it tickling the top of your ear. "I..." He starts his sentence, stops, then starts again. "The potion. I took it."
"Took it?" You were determined to stay silent and let him say his piece, but your confusion gets the better of you.
"I drank it." You feel Rolan's body tense as he inhales sharply again, letting the rest of his words fall out on his exhale, "I knew you'd be coming, and I wanted to-- it was only a small sip, I thought it would give me a push, just enough to be honest, confident--to say the things I was too cowardly to say. But it was potent, far more potent than I had realized--"
You can't think, can't breathe. A blanket of surrealness falls over you, making everything around you feel padded and dreamlike. Because this must be a dream, right? Your tired mind has supplied this sweet little scenario for you, has tailored it to your wildest imagination.
But the shaking man in your arms isn't a dream, as much as it seems. The hurried, scared breaths puffing against your hair are real, as are the hands, anxiously holding you tight. If those things are real, then the words Rolan has said...the confession he has laid at your feet must be real as well.
The courage it took for him to admit to such a thing seems to seep into you, and you find yourself pulling your head back, forcing him to finally confront you. His eyes are glassy and drying tear streaks shine against the hollows of his cheeks. He looks devastated, terrified-- and more beautiful than you've ever seen him.
This is Rolan. Not your crush. Not the wizard. Not the older brother. Not the owner of Ramazith's Tower. This is him, stripped bare, beyond titles and prestige and pomp. This is Rolan, raw and true and baring himself to you.
You kiss him. It's a stark contrast to the kiss shared just days before-- it's clumsy, nervous, hesitant. But that's what makes it so grand. The insecurities that Rolan had tried to hide behind a potion are all there, beneath your lips, your fingers. Every brush and breath sings of honesty, of a flourishing love that threatens to build into something momentous-- of the terror such a thing could bring. The enormity of the unknown.
But as Rolan's hands relax on your hips, as his lips part and soften on your own, you know that he's offering you a chance to explore that unknown together.
And you couldn't be happier.
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How about strawhats with a reader who didn’t realise they ate a devil fruit, and they and the crew only realise when either they discover their ability or they start to drown when they accidentally fall (or get thrown by an enemy) overboard? (Tried to leave the devil fruit ability either up to you, or have the ask in a way that you didn’t have to create a devil fruit 😅)
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I finally found a way to work this old ask into a request! Sorry to whoever sent it in originally, I just could not come up with a plot for it until I got this one. Apologies for there being little to no yandere content here.
You Are What You Eat
Straw Hats x GN!Reader
1.8k words
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Loud growls echoed through the forest. Not the deafening roars of a predator about to rip you apart, no, but the rumbling of a deprived stomach demanding sustenance.
You really shouldn’t have taken off into the woods without grabbing a snack first, but you couldn’t help it. After days of being at sea, you were eager to explore the new island you’d stopped at. Robin said you all would need to split up to find the ruins she was looking for, so you took initiative and threw yourself into adventure the second the ship was close enough for you to be able to make the jump.
Thus far, you’d had no luck. You hadn’t even stumbled across an abandoned pathway or ancient tools. It’s hard to believe this island had ever been populated at some point. Maybe this wasn’t the right one?
At this point you weren’t even really looking for ruins, you just wanted something to eat. Unfortunately, this search was having similar results. Nothing. It appears all the fruit trees on this island are still in a flowering stage, and you didn’t know enough about foraging to be taking your chances on root vegetables in the ground. Restaurants were obviously out of the question, much to your chagrin.
There was some rustling in the tree above you. Your head snaps up to assess the situation, only for something to nail you right in the face. Your knees buckle and you fall on your ass, cradling your face after the blow. 
Cracking open an eye, you try to find who just assaulted you, but you were definitely here alone. Looking at the ground, you discover what your assailant really was. A fruit.
Pain is forgotten instantly as you snatch up the strange looking fruit. It’s a light blue color and reminds you of a ball of yarn with the way the skin is textured. You have zero clue as to what kind of fruit it’s supposed to be, but as your stomach growls even louder, you can’t find it in you to care.
Using your shirt to wipe it off to the best of your ability, you take a bite as you get back on your feet. Your face scrunches up instantly. The taste… isn’t great, but it’s not the worst either. If you had to describe it you would say it tastes like an uncooked spaghetti squash. The real problem is the texture. It’s completely stringy on the inside, making you feel like you’re eating a wet clump of yarn.
But… beggars can’t be choosers. You’re starving, and you don’t want to let it go to waste either, so you power through it. As you’re choking down the last bite, a chill runs down your spine, making every nerve light up in a tingling sensation. Then, as quickly as the feeling began, it disappeared.
Weird. Whatever.
“(Y/N)! Where are you?!” Luffy’s voice cut through the thick woods.
Finally! You were starting to wonder how you’d gone so long without running into anyone else. Running towards the sound of his voice, you call back to him, “Over here!”
It’s not long before he comes into view, along with the rest of the crew. Luffy grins and runs to meet you halfway, “Why’d you run off so quick? I wanted to go with you!” He lifts you up into his arms and spins you around gleefully.
“Did you? Sorry, I thought we were all gonna split up,” you scratch at the back of your head and wonder if you misheard.
“We were, but then we found the ruins Robin was looking for straight away, so we’ve just been looking for you this whole time!”
Mortification washes over you immediately and you hang your head in shame, “You’ve got to be kidding me! I ran right past it, didn’t I?”
“You sure did! Pretty dumb, huh? Zoro didn’t even get as lost as you did!” Luffy set you down, smiling the whole time while he mocked you.
“Watch it!” You swatted at him, not that he particularly cared or even reacted to it. 
“Now that you’re done being lost, we really need to get going before it gets any later,” Nami was tapping her foot impatiently, no doubt itching to find the treasure rumored to be hidden there.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Let’s go!” You wanted to move on from this blunder as quickly as possible, thank you very much. There were a few chuckles from the group as you marched on ahead, but they mercifully didn’t tease you about it anymore.
“Are you hungry? You ran off before I could hand you your lunch,” Sanji sidled up next to you, offering a sweet smile while extending the masterfully packed bento towards you. The cook shot a dirty look over his shoulder to your captain, “Don’t worry, I made sure that he couldn’t get his hands on it.”
You’re sure you missed a battle of epic proportions over your unclaimed lunch. Happily taking it into your own hands, you waste no time cracking it open and digging in as you walk, “Thank you, Sanji! You’re the best!” He puffed up in pride at your compliment, assuring you that it was no problem.
It wasn’t long into the trek when you all came upon a wide but shallow river. It wasn’t so deep that you would need to swim to cross it, but it would be enough to pose a problem for your devil fruit possessing companions.
This wasn’t a big deal, everyone knew the drill. Those that couldn’t get in the water would pair off with someone who could to carry them across. Robin was perched up on one of Franky’s shoulders, much to Sanji’s heartbreak. Luffy latched onto Zoro and was telling him to hurry up and get going so they could all see the ruins.
That just left Chopper, who hurried over to you with his arms up. You were his preferred method of transportation in situations like this. Stuffing your now empty lunch box into your bag, you scoop up the reindeer and place him on your shoulders.
Without any additional fanfare, everyone starts wading through the water. At its deepest, it comes up to your waist. Trudging through waist deep water does naturally take a bit of effort, but this felt much harder than usual. Exhausting even. Your head was swimming and you didn’t even realize you’d stopped until Chopper spoke up.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” He leaned forward to try and see your face better, but you could hardly even register what he was saying to you, much less respond to it. Your silence must have bothered him, and he started to panic, “Guys wait! (Y/N) isn’t looking too good!”
That was the last thing you heard before collapsing into the rushing river. Logically, you knew you should be freaking out. You were underwater and had dropped Chopper in with you, you know you should be flying into action, but you weren’t. You felt listless. Like a puppet whose strings just got cut. The world around you was rapidly fading to black and you felt powerless to do anything about it.
Just before you could fully pass out, arms lock around your torso and wrench you out of the water. You coughed and gasped for breath. The relief of getting your head above water was palpable, but you still felt weak.
You were carried to the other side and gently sat down against a tree by a very concerned Sanji. His hands were clamped onto your upper arms and his eyes raked over your body looking for literally anything that could explain what just happened, “Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
Everyone else was crowding around you, too. Chopper wiggled his way to the front, fur still wet from his unplanned dive. Despite that, though, he was in doctor mode, “Give them some space, we need to figure out what happened!” 
While he was checking your pulse and breathing, you found it in you to speak again, “I’m sorry about that, didn’t mean to drop you. I don’t know what came over me.” 
“Were you already not feeling well? It’s not like you to just collapse like that.”
“I felt just fine until I got in the river. Did anyone else feel weird after getting in the water?” You asked. Maybe there was something in it that makes people sick?
Everyone shrugged off the question, saying that they all felt fine. Chopper wasn’t happy with the lack of any answer for why this happened. Making a quick decision, he stands up and announces that he’s going to take you back to the ship for now.
“No, I’m fine! Give me a minute, and I’ll be good to go, I swear!” You try to plead your case, but no one entertains it.
“You don’t need to force yourself to go on, I’ll help you and Chopper get back to the ship,” Sanji held out his hand to help you to your feet. Reluctantly, you accept the help and wait for him to pull. 
He does, but you don’t move. Your hands are still joined together, but your arm is… oh god.
Several things happen at once. Sanji looks down and sees a bunch of blue strings connecting your now disembodied hand to the rest of your arm. Sanji screams at the sight, Chopper faints, Usopp is just straight up gone, and you feel like you’re about to throw up.
“What is wrong with your arm?!” Nami shrieks, looking about as nauseated as you felt.
“I don’t know!”
“Did you eat a devil fruit recently and not tell us?” Robin was the most outwardly calm, but was still visibly disturbed by the turn of events.
“No? How would that- Wait. Hang on. I might have,” everything suddenly clicks in your mind. The out of place fruit, the weird feeling you had after eating it, the water, and now this. You absolutely ate a devil fruit and didn’t even realize it.
“What do you mean ‘you might have’?” Everyone shouts in unison.
“Well, you see, it’s a funny story. You’re gonna laugh,” the unamused expressions on their faces told you otherwise. You continued, “While I was off on my own, I got really hungry. Then I got hit in the head by a weird fruit, so I decided to eat it.”
“You ate a random weird looking fruit and didn’t think that MAYBE you should mention that to us???” Nami looked like she wanted to throttle you right about now.
“... Yes?”
Nami exploded and started laying into you for your transgression, and you were helpless and just had to take it. Until you felt a weird tugging sensation from your arm. Looking over, you see Luffy experimentally poking his hand through your strings with a look of wonder on his face.
“Luffy, get out of there!” Sanji yells while trying to kick him away. 
This devil fruit thing is going to take some getting used to.
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luvrkay · 1 year
Soon, I promise
-Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
-aged up katsuki(22), established relationship, fingering, oral(fem!rec) crying, begging, orgams denial, orgasm control, unprotected sex, creampie, cum eating, overstimulation
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Katsuki can be so mean, especially when he pushes your legs back, feet dangling in the air near your head, and slowly sinks his cock into your warm, wet walls once again. Your eyes shut, fist clenched by your sides as your walls are stretched out by Katsuki’s fat cock.
He’s been edging you on for the past hour, snatching away your orgasms as quickly as they come.
It doesn’t matter if his head has disappeared between your legs, blonde hair peaking out, you don’t hesitate to run your fingers through it, trying to keep his head there when you feel yourself get closer to the edge, but Katsuki is bigger than you, stronger than you. The second he feels you clenching down on his tongue he’s gripping both of your wrists in one of his hands and forcing your hands away from his head.
He could have three fingers stuffed in your cunt, fucking them in and out of you quickly, but the second your moans start to get louder, and your slick walls get impossibly tighter around his fingers, he’s pulling out. He ignores your whines and pleas, begging for him to let you cum just once.
But he doesn’t.
Instead, he’ll coo mockingly at you, thumbing away the tears that threaten to fall down your pretty face.
“feel s’good baby” he huffs out, teeth biting at the sensitive skin on your neck. Katsuki pulls out, leaving nothing but his tip in before he’s snapping his hips against yours. Your eyes snap open, a loud high pitched moan falls from your lips, instantly meeting Katsuki’s bright red eyes. He stares deep into your eyes as he continues to fuck deep into you.
“kats, please” you beg, tears flood your lash line as you feel yet another orgasm approach, heat pools in your stomach as the familiar tightening returns. He gives you a quick peck on the lips before the same sinister smile from earlier is returning. A whine falls from you unconsciously.
“soon princess, I promise” he says again, he made that same promise three denied orgasms ago and its starting to get to you. You’re covered in sweat, skin damp and sticky, strands of hair clings to your forehead and you can barely form coherent sentences at this point, all you can do is whine and cry. “just a little while longer. Can you be a good girl and wait just a little longer?”
You nod immediately, despite wanting to shake your head repeatedly, because you’re a good girl and good girls take whatever is given to them.
He smashes his lips to yours in a heated kiss. The kiss is wet and messy and when you finally pull away for air, there’s a strand of saliva connecting your mouths.
Soon comes sooner than you expected because moments later Katsuki is rubbing fast circles on your clit. His lips travel over your neck and jaw, leaving wet, open mouthed kisses on the soft skin.
“cum for me princess” that’s all it takes for your orgasm to rip through you, your jucies gush out of you, white cream coating katsuki’s dick as he fucks it right back into you. Two more thrusts and Katsuki is coming deep inside of you, dick twitching as he finally empties his heavy balls.
you're not expecting Katsuki to move between your legs again, your body jerks forward suddenly as his tongue pokes out through his pink, plump lips to lick up and down your slit, cleaning up the mess his made. your hands find his blonde hair once again, as his tongue pushes its way past your entrance, making sure to get every drop of cum.
AN: I’m bored so I’m taking requests! Please don’t hesitate to send some in!
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fayes-fics · 1 year
Cat-Nip [Drabble]
2k Celebration Masterpost
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader
Summary: A new being joins the My Cottage household.
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Warnings: none really, very minor injury. Otherwise it's all fluff.
Word Count: 863 (250 words, tsk honestly...)
Authors Note: the fourth of my 2k follower celebration drabble request fills (ask here). Unbetaed. Enjoy! <3
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“What have you got there, my love?” Benedict asks warmly as he wanders in from painting in his studio for the afternoon.
“Oh, I just found this little moppet out in the garden; the poor thing was shivering,” you explain, scritching behind the tiny cat’s ear as it purrs so loudly it vibrates in your lap.
It’s all large eyes and tabby fluff—only a few months old, at a guess. Maybe abandoned by its mother. You were drawn outside by piteous cries that disturbed your reading. Now, after a quick but undignified bath in the scullery sink, some milk and leftover ham, it looks much perkier. And very happy to be with you. It has not stopped purring since.
“We have a new mouth to feed, don’t we?’ he sighs, walking over and touching your shoulder lightly, indulging you.
You look up at him through your lashes, knowing you have already won. “We have no choice; look at this little face?” you point out, your voice going high pitched and syrupy.
He rolls his eyes affectionately. “Does it have a name?”
“I believe it is a boy, so I was thinking… Anthony…,” you end with a giggle.
“Anthony? You want to name a tiny, useless ball of fluff after my elder brother? He will be mortified,” he points out, bemused.
“I know. That is why I like it, husband dearest,” you laugh louder, hugging the cat closer into your lap.
Benedict shakes his head and reaches down to pet the cat. Unfortunately, the little thing seems bewildered by a new unknown person touching it, and you watch horrified as it whips its head around and sinks its teeth into Benedict's finger, hissing at him.
“Oww!!” Benedict yelps and snatches back his hand. “That little scamp!”
“Anthony! No! Bad kitty!” you chastise, picking it up and scowling into its face. 
It at least has the to look a little contrite, and your heart melts a little at its pleading expression, even as Benedict huffs a laugh.
“Well, I must say, I will find great amusement in you admonishing anything with that name,” he states drolly. “Even if does not warm to me.”
“He will,” you assert. “He is just a little overwhelmed, that is all. Who could not love you, Benedict?” you point out, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
You put Anthony down into a basket you have padded with a small throw pillow, and he instantly seems to curl up, basking in the warmth of the fire nearby. Then you twist to look properly at Benedict and inhale sharply. There is a little trickle of blood running over his knuckles.
“Lords alive; I had no idea he had injured you so much! Why did you not say? We must get you fixed up right away!” you fret, jumping to your feet and dragging Benedict by the arm towards the kitchen, where you know the staff keep some medicinal supplies for knife-related injuries.
“Darling, I’m fine,” he chuckles at your concern.
“We are fixing you up!” you insist, pushing him down into a chair at the staff table with hands on his shoulders.
His face quirks into an amused expression as you open and close various cupboards in rather an agitated state until you make a tiny triumphant noise and pull back, holding a bottle of iodine, a roll of cotton bandage and some clean muslin squares.
You take a seat next to him and grab his large hand, mopping up the trickles of blood and then applying iodine to the puncture wounds from the little fangs.
“You are such a good patient, not even a hiss as I applied the tincture,” you tease lightheartedly.
He laughs and catches your chin with his good hand, tilting it so you look up from tending to his injury. Even after many months together, he can still make you flustered when he looks at you so intensely, so devotedly.
“I have the very best nurse there could ever be, that is why,” he smiles handsomely, and you know you are definitely blushing now.
“Stop it,” you demure. That just seems to encourage him, a rakish crooked grin breaking out.
“Never,” he whispers, “I live to make you blush, wife.”
“You are such a cad!” you scold, flicking a clean muslin square lightly against his arm.
“I know,” he responds fondly, leaning in and kissing your cheek. “But I have to be an even better husband now that I have competition for your affection.” 
“Anthony?” you giggle.
“Anthony,” he confirms with a gentle lilt just as you finish wrapping his hand in a bandage.
“Well, then, I think you had better make friends with him, my love. Because Anthony has my heart as much as you now,” you add with a wink, standing up and sashaying out of the room to check on the little creature.
“You had better be talking about the cat!”
“I love you, Benedict,” you singsong and blow him a kiss from the hallway.
“That didn't answer my question….” he calls after you, in a playful tone, and you laugh so loud it echoes up the walls.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine
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lizhrs · 2 years
Could you do a high school bullies version with Levi, Eren, or Jean pls?
a/n: I was going to make high school bully levi but the thought of captain levi being an immature tyrant towards poor cadet y/n was too good to ignore so my bad
warnings: non/dubcon, bullying, physical abuse
They rule the school halls. Everyone sees them as the perfect duo. Guys try desperately to be them, girls want to be under them and even teachers will do anything to appease them.
It's nauseating, the contrast of how everyone views them versus how you see them. The way you know they are. They're not godly saints, or this generation's future with their good looks and charms. No they're something that follows you constantly, haunts you and pushes you to limits you didn't even know existed.
They're tyrants.
Always pushing and pulling and dragging you every which way like a rag doll. Knocking you into the walls, stealing your lunch money and homework like a bunch of children. Standing over you every chance they get, like they're entitled to every aspect of your life.
Take now for example, Eren is leaning against your shoulder, hands clenching the back of your chair as he stares at your phone.
You're usually more aware of your surroundings, unfortunately due to the many years of hell he and lackey have put you through but you were too engrossed in your texting to hear his booming footsteps making their way towards you. "Who are you texting?" He asks causally, hot air hitting your shoulder.
Your fingers clench around your small device, remembering the last time he saw something on your phone he didn't like, how he smashed the small object into a million pieces. It took you nearly a year to save up money for a new one. "No one."
He's taking it out of your hand before you can stop it, not that you had the guts to anyway. "You're going to a party tonight?" He hums, shamelessly reading your messages. "That's very new of you." He smirks.
"Give it back." You mutter, hating how weak you sound.
"How can you do my homework if you're gonna spend the night partying like a loose slut?"
Your cringe at the words. "I have the entire weekend to do it..."
He stares into you, those strikingly icy eyes that have been the cause of too many nightmares to count digging into your soul. "I should go with you, just to keep you on your feet."
"W-what? No!"
It's your friend's party. He graduated a few months ago and invited you to a college kegger and usually you would've said no but after the horrible week you've been through, getting drunk was a great way to start your weekend. It's out of town so you would've been away from Eren for a few hours which is all you can ask for.
"I don't remember asking." He's typing. Probably texting himself the address on your phone like the prick he is.
You grab the device before you can think, snatching it away. "You're not going, don't you harass me enough?" You grab your bag, quickly walking away from the table before he can make you regret your actions but of course you don't make it very far.
You slam into a chest and the way hair instantly rises on your skin tells you immediately who it is. Your hands dig into the strap of your backpack as you slowly look up, Jean's taunting eyes stare back at you. "Are you already running away from us babe?" He coos. "The day has just ended."
Of course, you should've known. They spent the entire school day ignoring you, a usual sign they're going to make up for it once that final bell rings. You should've just ran home instead of cooping up in this library.
"J-just let me—" Fingers are grabbing your hair from behind, yanking and pushing you into the wall. You wince as your shoulder hits it, hoping the librarian will come back from her break soon...not that she would do anything to help.
"You don't tell us what to do y/n. You should know this by now." Eren smiles as Jean slings an arm around his shoulder, both laughing as if this situation is hysterical.
"I-I'll do your homework Eren, just let me—"
He rolls his eyes. In front of you in a flash as he pushes his knee between your thighs. Your eyes widen at his brazen actions, instantly squirming to get out of his grip. He's been brass before, touching and teasing you as he pleases but you never get used to it. You doubt it's something anyone can really get used to. His palm rests on the space next to your head, breath fanning over your lips due to how close he is.
"You talk way too much." His finger slowly trails down your cheek before softly gripping your chin. You crane your neck to the side, cringing at his callous fingers touching you, digging into your uniform.
Jean's closer too, hands in his pocket as he watches the scene in front of him, always having that mischievous grin on his face whenever Eren plays with their favorite toy.
It's sickening.
"You can do that later pretty, right now we need your full attention." Jean whispers in your ear. "Can you do that for us?"
They follow you home.
Both walk behind you like a pair of pesky mutts, laughing and talking to each other as they watch you grip your books to your chest, trying not to have a full blown panic attack as you get closer to where you live.
You reach the trailer in the next thirty seconds, swallowing a lump in your throat as you look back at them. "G-goodbye."
Jean laughs, throwing his head back. "You think we came all the way here just to leave?"
Your teeth dig into your cheek, tearing it a little bit. The pain is nothing compared to the knots twisting in your stomach right now. "W-what, you can't come in." You whisper, knowing it's futile.
No one would help even if you screamed bloody murder. Your trailer is inconveniently parked in a neighborhood that could care less about others, too busy trying to pay bills and not starve. And they know that. They know your mother won't be home until midnight due to picking up double shifts at the diner and even then, she could spend the night at her boyfriends. They know everything about you and it's frustrating.
"You can't come in." You say again, seeing the looks on their faces. You turn around, running towards the trailer and opening the door.
Eren is behind you just as you're about to slam it shut, palm slamming against the door as he pushes it open. "You are so dramatic." He rolls his eyes, stepping in.
He grimaces at the dirt on his palm."Jesus, y/n would it kill you to clean every once in a while?" He wipes the grim on your uniform, hands shamelessly touching your breasts.
You gasp, taking a step back. Jean walks in, closing the door behind him. He snorts as he looks around. "The inside is just as shitty as the outside."
They've walked you home numerous times, taunting and harassing you every second of the walk. But they've never gone inside of your house...the fact you're alone with these psychos is settling in, tears gathering in your eyes. "What do you guys want?"
"Can't we just hang out? We have been friends for years after all."
The turmoil in your head and bruises littering your skin beg to differ.
"You have any food?" Jean is opening your fridge before you can say anything. Thankfully, it's empty. It would be worse if the asshole ate the scarce food your mother leaves every blue moon.
"How can you live like this y/n?" Eren asks, tsking at the stray gallon of milk in the fridge. "You should be happy you have us."
"Happy?" You scoff.
"Here we are, walking you home to this pigsty of a neighborhood so you don't get hurt and all you can do is stare at us like that." He feigns hurt, hand over his chest. "It really stings."
"You're delusional." You want to walk to your room, take a nap and forget about this horrible day but to turn your back on them for even a second is a disaster waiting to happen.
"When's the party starting?" Jean asks, sitting on a stool.
Of course he told him.
"I'm not going anymore. So you guys can leave now."
"Of course we're going. Our first party together." Eren plops down on the couch. "Come watch a movie with us, pet."
You roll your eyes but grudgingly walk over, fearing for what will happen if you refuse. You sit as far away from him as possible, nails digging into your thighs as he turns on the television.
Jean unexpectedly sits next to you, startling you as your shoulders touch. You quickly scoot away which just puts you closer to Eren. You're trapped.
"Didn't know you liked me so much?" Eren chuckles, swinging an arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer.
"Don't touch me!" You scream, voice shocking you more than them. Your palms are bleeding now, small cuts now visible. Your eyes widen, frantically shaking your head as you try and force out an apology.
But it's too late.
The patience he's uncharacteristically had for you all day has finally vanished as he grabs your chin, harshly forcing you to look into those dark eyes. His flip in personality is eerie, one minute a playful bully and the next resembling a full-blown sociopath.
"Why are you being so mean y/n?" He sighs, nails digging into your chin. You cry out, tears falling onto your thighs.
"I'm s-sorry." You hiccuped, shaking at the change in the atmosphere. Things always got worse when he was angry, even Jean couldn't control the brunette when he was in one of his fits and you couldn't handle that tonight.
"It's okay." He smiles, after a few seconds of silence. You blink through the tears, confusion evident in your eyes but his lips are on yours before you can question anything.
You gasp at the action, his hand softly resting against your throat as he pushes you back against the couch, lips devouring yours. What?
He's never...ever kissed you before. You can handle the insults and the hits and the unwanted touches but this is a whole new territory. You shake your head, attempting to get away but Jean holds your wrist down like the loyal pet he is. "Calm down, we're not going to hurt you." He says like that is any comfort with the way Eren's lips are trailing down your neck.
"Jean...please." You plead, trembling. You don't know why you did, maybe because a part of you knows he's not as brazen as Eren, as deranged. But he would still do anything the other asked of him.
"Fuck, you're so hot when you beg." Eren pulls away, sharp canines grinning at the sight of you.
He's called you many things but that has certainly never been one of them.
His fingers slowly go under your skirt, eliciting another scream from you. “Stop Eren! You’re fucking crazy!”
He kneels down. “After everything you’ve done to me, this is the least you can offer me y/n.”
“Done to you? I haven’t done anything to you!”
“Of course you have.” His hand grips your thigh. “From fucking day one when I saw you on that playground with that pathetic tattered dress. You were so dirty, like a fucking dog and somehow.” He laughs mirthlessly. “Thought you were better than me.”
You sob as his fingers latch around the ribbon on your underwear, pulling and tearing the cheap fabric in half. “I never—never did that.” You cry, trying to kick him away.
“Of course you did.” He counters. “Smiling at everyone but me, being friendly with nearly every loser in our class but me. Acting as if I was some monster.”
“You are.” You grit through your teeth, glaring at him. “You’ve always been the pathetic one here Eren. You think you’re so much better than everyone when in reality you’re the worst of them all.” You sniff.
He hums, spreading your thighs apart and pulling you closer. “I am better than everyone, love.” Is all he says before a hot, eager tongue drags along your slit.
The severity of this situation dawns on you as more sobs leave your lips. You’re stuck in here with them with no one to care about your weak protests and screams. These bastards can do anything to you and no one cares.
“I hate you!” You kick and writhe and struggle but both of their strong hands hold you down.
This only seems to spur him on as he sucks at your sensitive clit, lapping up the mess he’s making of you. The shame is almost too much to handle as you drip onto the cushions, nails digging into the sofa as you try and hold in the noises that are begging to be let out.
He’s merciless. The pleasure is aggressive as he drinks you down like a mad man, stretching you open with his tongue as his finger thumbs at your clit. You couldn’t help as your hips followed the movement of his tongue, lifting up and down the couch as you tried to contain the shameful pleasure brimming inside of you. He was finding new places to abuse, places you’ve never even thought of touching and it was driving you insane.
“Eren…” You moan, instantly biting down on your tongue.
He laughs, pulling away only to replace his tongue with two fingers. “Ah!” You arch your head into the sofa as he curls them, coating them in slick. He scissors them inside of you all while his thumb is rubbing harshly against your clit. It’s too much, your body reacting to his ministrations no matter how much you don’t want it to. The aching fire in your core grows and grows until you’re heaving, tears streaming down your cheeks and it’s not long until you’re releasing all over his fingers and onto the cushions.
He pulls away, standing up as he looks down at his fingers, a malicious grin on his face. “You’re so fucking cute.” He whispers, staring at you with a look you’ve never seen in those eyes before. Like you’re a priceless treasure, like you’re his. He looks completely infatuated, obsessed.
You cringe as he brings the fingers closer to your face. “Lick it off.”
You furrow your eyebrows, “Fuck you.” The tears are still falling and you wonder how long until you pass out from the amount of crying you’ve been doing all day.
He rolls his eyes, forcing his fingers into your mouth and making you taste yourself. You cringe, instantly pulling away. “Get off!”
He stares at you like this is a simple tantrum and you need to be disciplined, like he didn’t just assault you. He’s about to say something but the ringing of his phone thankfully saves him. He sighs, staring at the device before groaning and walking away. “I’ll be back.” He disappears down the hallway.
Further inside your house.
You sniff, wiping the tears away and closing your legs. You can barely breathe. Jean finally speaks up, voice sounding like nails on a board. “It was probably important. To have him run off like that.” He says casually.
You don’t say anything. Eyes staring at nothing as you try and process what just happened…what will probably happen next. “Why are you doing this to me…” You whisper.
Jean is silent for a minute before sighing. “Because Eren always gets what he wants. And he’s wanted you for a long time.” He doesn’t sound all too happy about those supposed facts.
You clench your jaw. You’re expected to believe all these years of bullying was due to you never returning Eren’s feelings? Feelings he never made clear in the first place. You were terrified of him when you saw the other for the first time. He was brash and rude and loud, everything you hated and even then you tried to be friendly with him, no matter how insincere you were. Why is he acting like you kicked sand in his lunch box?
“I hate you both.” You grit through teeth. You ponder if you can run out the door fast enough but even then…they would find you the next day and the punishment would probably be worse.
“You seemed to be enjoying that.”
“Fuck off.”
Jean gets closer, tilting his head to get a better view of you. “You say you hate him but it didn’t seem like that. It never seemed like that.”
“You were always attracted to him, weren’t you? Just too afraid to ever do something about it…you’ve never looked at me the way you look at him.” He mutters, like you’ve done him some great injustice. “Not even once.”
“Don’t worry, I hate you both equally.” You finally muster the words up. Especially after tonight.
Jean huffs as he grabs your wrist to which you immediately pull away as if he burned you and the action is enough to have clenching his jaw, eyes darkening. “I’ve been so patient.” He murmurs, the words almost sounding like a plea.
“So patient with you and him but he…” He runs his fingers through his hair. “He wasn’t supposed to do that. At least not yet.”
You back away, trying to stand on your shaking legs but he grabs you. “It was supposed to be me. It’s supposed to be only me who gets to make you feel that way y/n.” He stands up, hands clenched into fists.
“You were supposed to be mine only.”
The words only make you nauseous. You were wrong, they’re both equally insane, equally deranged. You need to get out of here, need to go to the police and have them both locked up for their sick perversions.
Footsteps have you both tensing up, slowly looking towards the hallway to see Eren coming back. He laughs, shoulders shaking as he walks over. He doesn’t look angry but then again, he can switch his emotions in a second.
Jean looks almost scared, not bothering to say anything even as Eren mockingly pinches his cheek. “Jean, don’t be so selfish.” He puts an arm around his shoulder, leering at you. Both looking like sick predators.
“We can always share her.”
Life in the Survey Corps is disastrous enough without constant berating and belittling from someone who's supposed to be encouraging you.
And if not encouragement, then at least not outright bullying from the Captain.
You don't know what it is but from day one, he's held a strong sense of...well you don't want to say hatred but as the weeks go by of your training, it seems like he would rather have you six feet under than learning from him.
From the moment he saw your expensive clothing and fancy shoes, he had decided then and there you were a no good rich girl who only wanted to join because of some half assed rebellion you were having. And that pissed you off. You didn't join because you wanted to rebel against your parents nor because of guilt of having more luxurious amenities than your fellow cadets. You wanted to fight for your home and people.
But he had made up his mind about you and well fine, you could live with him not respecting you but to go out of his way every time his demeaning eyes landed on you was proving to be too much.
Take now for example.
Back in your prestigious academy, you were top of your class, being graced with renowned resources that your fellow Outer Wall cadets have never even heard of but here it seems you were a fish out of water. Especially with him staring at you like you were nothing but dirt under his shoes.
To be skilled at 3DMG you needed flexibility, a sense of determination. Boldness you simply don't have when Levi is standing a few feet away from you, already having made up his mind that you suck at this before you even get into the gear.
But it seems he was right as you struggle to remember the demonstrations shown to you just a few minutes ago. You kick and lash and thrash around but your limbs never find the hold they're looking for. It's fucking embarrassing, made even worse as yells from the crowd now formed around you increase. "Center your core!" Krista yells, trying to help but only making the humiliation worse.
You're upside down now, panting as you try to catch your breath. It's pointless. You groan, what is he even doing here? Since when does he train the students in 3DMG? You bite your tongue at the fact the reason he suddenly decided he wasn't above this is because he knew it would be your first day on this field and he couldn't pass up an opportunity to see you fail.
How did she even get into this Rank?
She's bringing us down.
Her daddy probably paid someone off.
You can hear all different kinds of demeaning whispers from the crowd, from people who are supposed to be your comrades. Levi finally speaks, taking a break from staring at you with that blank expression that you just know is hiding a look of disgust. "Everyone back inside." He demands, arms crossed over his chest.
"But we're not done yet!" Ymir scoffs, glaring at you.
"We are if I say we are." He tsks. "Annoying brat." He mutters under his breath before walking over to you.
It's hard to get away when you're stuck upside down but that doesn't stop the hairs from rising on your skin, anxiety threatening to eat away at you as he walks closer and your comrades walk away. Leaving you fully in his mercy.
Just fucking great.
He's dropping you from the gear in a flash and you ungracefully land on your hands and knees, winching at the hard contact you make with the grass underneath you. You quickly stand up, not wanting to give him the satisfaction but you can already see the corner of his lip twitching.
"You are truly a disgrace, y/n." He mutters.
You say nothing, knowing it will only make matters worse as he stares at you. You ignore the dread in your stomach as he stalks around you, "How can you expect to go out into the real world when you're this pathetic?"
You clench your jaw. "Others did worse than me!" You burst out before you can stop yourself, hands clenching tightly.
He walks back in front of you, raising an eyebrow at your childish outburst as if bullying a cadet isn't the mere definition of immature.
"Why do you only ever have an issue with me? It's annoying." You should've stopped from the second you exploded at him but like always, he just infuriates you too much. "You knew I wouldn't be ready after twisting my ankle the other day but you still made me do this, I know you enjoy torturing me but—" A shriek escapes your lips as his fingers suddenly grip your hair, tightening around the strands as he pulls.
"You think too highly of yourself. I am not bullying you, you insolent little brat. I am making sure you don't get my cadets killed because you were too weak to fight because of what, a twisted ankle? His laugh sends a shiver down your spine. "Soldiers have lost limbs and you're complaining about your stupid fucking ankle?" He throws you on the ground and before you can collect yourself, his foot is hovering over your ankle.
Your eyes widen but before you can even let a word out, he's stepping on it. You quickly bite your lip, holding the scream that's threatening to leave your mouth and embarrass you even further. Fuck, it hurts.
He twists his foot, applying more unbearable pressure to your injured ankle. "Does it hurt?" He sneers. "You know what hurts more? Being torn apart by drooling freaks."
Your nails dig into the dirt, lip tearing from you refusing to cry out. But he presses and twists his foot, until you’re shaking, until a small cry escapes your lips. Until he wins.
"Stop!" You scream after your defeat, struggling to get away from his hold.
He scoffs, finally relenting. "Go muck out the stables."
Despite the burning hatred deep in your guts and the aching pain in your ankle, you're fine. You don't considering mucking out the stables a punishment despite that being his intention.
You love seeing the horses, it's the only silver lining in this dark path you've chosen for yourself. You smile as large, dark eyes blink at you once you get closer to the stables, taking in the sheer beauty. Back home, riding horses would always be your favorite hobby.
It was the one time a day you felt happy, free from all the stress and responsibilities your parents put on you.
You run your hands along his blonde hair, taking in how elegant and striking he looks. For a second, you ponder taking a saddle and riding him. It would be just like old times and heavens knows you need it. Before you can entertain the thought even more, you hear footsteps behind you.
You tense, fearing it's Levi but you let out a sigh of relief as Armin walks up. He's holding an apple and for a second you think it's for the horse but he hands it to you. You blink down at the fruit. "Thanks?" You mumble as you take it.
"We both know he won't be letting you eat tonight."
Your eyes widen, already knowing who the he is. "How'd you know?"
He chuckles, awkwardly scratching his neck. "I'm an observant guy and well Captain Levi doesn't really seem to like you. Well he never likes the new recruits but he seems to really...have an issue with you." His cheeks are blushing furiously with every word that comes out of his mouth.
"And I've noticed sometimes he takes your meals away when you mess up during training which is..."
"A lot?" You scoff, rolling your eyes.
He quickly shakes his head. "No, I wasn't going to say that!"
"It's okay." You sigh. "I know I suck but I'm improving! But he acts like I'm the worst freaking cadet and it's so freaking annoying." You groan, hand clenching around the apple. "I mean, would it kill him to say great job once in a while or at least not look at me like I'm worse than the damn Titans?!"
Armin seems to be pitying you as he pats your back, a comfort he seems to immediately regret as he yanks his hand away like he's just been burned. "S-sorry!" He gasps, taking a step back.
You laugh, "I'm not contaminated, Armin."
"I know....obviously you're not! It's just...well..."
You raise an eyebrow, realization slowly dawning on you. Back in Mitras, you were quite popular—a stark contrast to your life here. And with popularity comes the pack of lovesick boys who just have to profess their crush for you. And every single one of them had the same look that's currently resided on Armin's face right now.
"Armin." You start, doing nothing to stop the shameless smile now forming on your face. "Do you have a crush on me?"
It seems that was the absolute worst question to ask. His breath hitches, frantically shaking his head. "What?" He wheezes. "Where did you get that idea from? I don't—I—"
You stifle a laugh, walking closer to him. "It's okay." You try to reassure him. "You're cute." It's a shameless and pathetic attempt at flirting but it's not like you have many romantic options here. Half the boys in your class are useless and the other male population you're even allowed to interact with are off fighting Titans. And it's not like you can bat your eyelashes at your superiors.
"I am?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah." You smile, walking over to where the saddles are, knowing it's a bad idea but still placing it on the horse. You're going to get punished tomorrow anyways for whatever Levi deems is unfit so might as well actually have some fun before the asshole comes. "Do you want to join me for a ride?"
"Uhm...yes?" He chokes, watching as you lead the horse further out of the stables.
You straddle him, looking down at the blonde. Armin looks like he's about to pass out, cheeks a dangerous shade of red as he tries to muster up some words. He's seconds away from taking your hand and getting on the horse but the sound of footsteps have you both freezing in your place.
All the color drains from your face as you look up to see Levi standing there, “Stealing Survey Corps property is a crime.”
You get down from the horse, throat dry. “I wasn’t stealing.” Is all you can say. Armin is right besides you, about to come to your honor but the Captain waves his hand. “Leave Arlert.” He says, sounding almost bored but you can see the fury in his face. No matter how hard he tries to hide it.
Armin looks over at you, obviously not wanting to leave you in the mercy of the man everyone in this damn city fears but it’s pointless. When Levi gives an order, you obey.
He slowly retreats, head cast down as he starts walking away. “Don’t be too hard on her.” Is all he squeaks before leaving.
His eyes burn into your skin and you conveniently ignore his gaze, keeping your head down. You hope this tantrum will be a fast one, you don’t have it in you to deal with another discipline so fast. You weren’t going to steal a fucking horse if that much wasn’t obvious enough but he could care less about sensible facts whenever it comes to you.
“Instead of taking responsibility for your thievery, you make excuses.” He walks closer, arms clasped behind his back. “You can’t fight, can’t use the gear correctly, and now a liar and a thief. Not to mention acting like a whore around your comrades.”
You ears perk up at that last comment. “Excuse me?” You glare into his eyes.
“Was that how it worked for you back then? You would bat those eyelashes and everything would fall into your lap?” He sneers.
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know you’re a brat. A spoiled one at that.”
“And what about you?” You ask, not caring at how rude you sound. “You’re always spewing insults at me when you’re the worst of them all. Harassing a innocent cadet who’s just trying—”
“You’re barely a cadet.” He snorts.
“And you’re nothing but a bully!”
His infamous agility is used before your own eyes as his fingers wrap around your throat, pushing you against the wall. “Clean the fucking stables, that’s all you had to do. But instead you decide to disobey me and run off with fucking Arlert and now you’re insulting me? Do you want to get kicked out, huh brat?”
Scrambling to get away from his punishing grip on your throat, your nails dig into his hands. It’s quick, how easy it is to be on the brink of passing out. He knows exactly what correct pressure point to press as he squeezes. You gasp out, practically clawing at his knuckles now. “L-luh-let go!” You manage to get out.
Black dots form in your vision and despite all the struggling, it’s useless to win against this brute. “Levi!” You cry out and it seems the gears in his head finally start working again as he lets go.
He steps back, letting out an annoyed sigh as he stretches his fingers. You fall onto your knees, heaving onto the ground.
“You’re infuriating.” He says more to himself. “Why can’t you ever listen? From day one I told you that you didn’t belong here.”
“But instead you pay no attention to my words. Instead you stay and drive me fucking insane. Instead you flirt with everyone who has a pair of balls in this fucking place.”
You stand up, palm on the wall for support as you rub your aching throat. For a minute you’re too scared to talk, for how he’ll react and for the sound that will come out of your mouth but then you remember that frankly you don’t give a shit. “I wasn’t flirting, you asshole! I was having a simple conversation with a friend, something I know you aren’t familiar with but doesn’t mean you have to take your anger out on me.”
He just stands there, jaw clenched as you’re forced to stare into depths of blue-gray. They’re chilling, the way he looks at you. It’s always enough to have you second guess your actions, have goosebumps forming and your legs shaking.
He’s moving closer, terrifyingly so and there’s no way to run. You’re stuck between him and the wall, your body hitting it with a loud thud. Your nails scrape against the wall. “Why do you even care who I talk to? I’m trying to get better. I’m training day and night and a little nudge in the right direction wouldn’t hurt every once in a while but all you ever do is belittle me. It’s so—”
“So what?”
His eyebrows furrow, eyes looking sharp enough to murder someone as he responds. “I’m not mean.” He replies, as if that’s the worst thing you could’ve possibly said to him.
As if he hasn’t been the one tormenting you since the day you met. “You’re just spoiled.” He says like it’s the simple truth. “Never went a day without someone caring for you, doing everything for you. No one has probably even raised their voice at you.”
You bite your lip, hating the way those are true. Why should you be ashamed of that? You were cared for as a child, it’s not something that should be used against you but the way Levi talks, it makes you feel like you’re nothing but a spoiled baby.
“I’m not mean. You’re just weak.”
You refuse to let the tears form, instead letting out a shaky sigh. “At least I’m trying to get better. To fight for my people. At least I’m not an old man attacking—”
“No, you’re just a shameless whore.”
Your mouth gapes open, landing a singular punch on his chest without thinking twice. You should regret it…you think you already do the second your fist makes contact with him. You’re already ready to bolt out of there but he’s grabbing you by the wrist. Stopping you in your tracks.
It’s not as harsh as it could’ve been. His fingers just stay there, wrapped around you.
“Why do you care who I interact with?” You ponder aloud, snatching your hand away from his hold. Is he really not going to retaliate for that punch?
“I don’t want you distracting my cadets.” He answers, eerily calm. It’s a bullshit excuse and you can see right through it.
“By being friendly?” You scoff, ready to accuse him of being an idiot but you stop in your tracks. “Would you rather it was you I batted my eyelashes at Captain?” You don’t know where the bravery came from. You’ve said countless questionable things to the Captain but never something as…suggestive as that.
Why else would he care so much? The bullying part yeah whatever he thinks you’re useless and spineless but why the hell should he care if you’re flirting with someone? Unless the old man has some weird crush on you.
It’s a ludicrous thought.
But you know it’ll piss him off. And that’s enough to act on it.
He grabs your chin in a flash and you’re already preparing yourself for the hit that’s going to come but nothing happens. Instead he just stands there, softly holding you as he tilts his head. Were you actually right??
His lips hover over your jaw and cheeks, never touching but you can feel his breath on your skin. Your pulse is pounding, heart hammering to the point you can’t hear anything. What is he playing at? You gulp, shivering a bit as his lips ghost over your ear. You wait anxiously for his next words, not liking the way you’re not entirely disgusted by his touch.
“One week of stable duty for your attempt at burglary, brat. Another for hitting a superior.”
He pulls away but only slightly, he stares like he’s eager to see the reaction you’re going to give. You’re in utter disbelief at the audacity of this bastard but to give him a visible reaction after he’s been torturing you all day is not on your to do list. “You keep abusing your power and I’ll have no choice but to go to the Commander.” You try to sound hardened but he’s left you a breathless mess.
He backs away, smiling at you. “One more week for backtalk.”
“That wasn’t backtalk!”
“Another week for more backtalk.”
You scream, hands clenched into fists as you try to not say a word.
He’ll always find a way to get the reaction he wants out of you, like it is some depraved need. “Screw you.”
He rolls his eyes. “Get back to work. And no more flirting with the comrades.” He walks away.
You stare daggers at his retreating form, wanting nothing more than to chuck the horse shit at him.
But despite the rage that’s seconds away from exploding inside of you, the thought of his fingers wrapped around your chin come back to haunt you, how his lips were inches away from making contact with you. How you weren’t pushing him away, disgusted with his actions. You don’t understand why you were so paralyzed.
It angers you more than anything the Captain has ever done.
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addicted-to-dc · 11 months
AK!Jason Todd x Catwoman's protégé! Reader - Just for tonight, Kitty
Gotta love it when inspiration strikes. Not promising anything after this, but I'll use this *possible* series to work out my writer's block.
Warnings: Drugging, kidnapping, mentions of torture, guns, and manipulation/mind control... you've been warned.
You knew something was wrong the second you took a gulp from your drink, the bartender darkly watching you unknowingly seal your fate. Whatever it was, it was fast-acting, dulling your senses just in time for a hand to wrap around your waist.
“You don’t look so good, Kitty.”
The familiar nickname makes your blood run cold, memories flooding back into your mind despite the many drinks you’ve used to drown your sorrows. It can’t be him, not like this.
You’re urged to your feet and led out of the crowded bar. The hand around your waist tightens every time you try to rip yourself away, never faltering until you’re shoved into a vehicle directly outside of the door. You land harshly on a seat, mustering the courage to look at the man doing this to you.
No, it can’t be him. Jason Todd is dead, the Joker made sure of it with a bullet and a warning to the rest of Batman’s little helpers.
“J-jay? Wha’s going on?”
You reach for your bracelet, but he snatches your wrist before you could send out a signal. He removes it from your wrist and tosses it out of the window. The car begins to move.
“Can’t let you ruin the surprise,” Jason replies, pulling you closer.
You’re overwhelmed on all fronts, your mind hazy and confused by everything going on. His hand slips into your pockets, emptying out their contents as he whispers in your ear.
“How has my girl been doing? You miss me?”
Of course, you missed him. It’s been five goddamn years of trying to recover from his death. Your brows furrow together at the question. Your eyes look outside the window, finally noticing that you’re entering a tunnel. His fingers gently guide your attention back to him, a much darker version of the boy you knew.
“Missed you,” you say sluggishly, staring at the new scars marring his face.
Tears begin to form at the sight of the ‘J’ burned into his skin, only a small piece of the suffering that the mad clown put him into. You’re glad the bastard is dead, the world free from the monstrous acts he’d continuously commit.
A smirk crawls onto his face at the reply, but not the carefree one that would appear after he convinced you to sneak out. No, it’s something else. Borderline malicious, but not directed at you. You used to read him like an open book, but now Jason is a mystery to you.
A large bump sends you into him, his arms wrapping around you instantly. He guides you to lay down on the seat, your head resting on his thigh as the car continues to drive on a much smoother path than before.
“I know you did, sweetheart,” he smiles, dragging his fingers over your lips. “I missed you, too.”
“W-why… Wh-where are-”
Jason shushes you with his finger, “You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep asking questions. We’re almost there.”
You’re so tired, barely able to move a finger as you fade in and out of consciousness. The combined efforts of Jason’s warmth and the rumble of the car is enough to finally lull you to sleep. It’s the best sleep you’ve had in years. No nightmares, terrors, or the clown taunting you from beyond the grave.
You awaken slowly, an overwhelming warmth keeping you from moving. It feels like home, something you haven’t had in a while. After what feels like forever, you finally open your eyes. A nearly barren room faces you, too militaristic with a suit of armor laying across a table. The currently deactivated mask captivates you, a nearly faceless… bat?
Your curiosity gets the better of you, slowly getting up, leaving the warmth behind, to see it. Cautiously, you walk over to the table. You pay no mind to the warning bells wringing in your head as you reach for the helmet.
“Still as curious as a cat, huh, (Y/N)?”
You wrench your hand away and turn around. A gasp leaves your throat before you could prevent it. Jason Todd is alive. There is no doubt in your mind, not when he’s standing right in front of you. He’s not the boy you fought with and against, nearly crossing so many lines to be with each other. A bat and a cat, something only Bruce and Selena could understand. They couldn’t stop it, just like they couldn’t stop themselves from falling in love.
You nod, “I am, but you’re just… a mystery to me. What happened? How are you alive? Does Bruce even know?”
The final question has him closing the distance between the two of you before guiding you away from the armor. You sit back down on the bed, but he remains standing.
“Did Bruce tell you what happened?”
Your throat dries up at the thought of the video that Joker sent. He looked and sounded broken, both inside and out. Bruce tried to pause it, to keep you from the pain of the truth, but you blocked him. You’d never forget Jay’s last moments on the video, the gunshot, how he just laid on the floor lifelessly…
Jason swipes the unwelcome tears from your face. Your head slowly tilts up, his hand guiding you to look into his eyes. “I saw the video, but you’re here?”
You look into his eyes, a million questions going through your mind. The memories last night were fuzzy, but you remember him saying something about a surprise. You took a sip from your drink… there was something in it.
Standing up, you wrench out of his grip and put some distance between the two of you. “What the hell is this? Did you drug me? Where the hell are we, Jason?”
Your voice wavers at the last question, but your hand already weakly pointed towards the mask and the militaristic armor alongside it. His eyes meet the helmet, and they darken.
“I need your help, (Y/N),” he says, finally moving to turn on the mask.
As soon as you see the eyes light up your stomach drops, everything clicking into place. You’ve been keeping tabs on Deathstroke for the past few years, watching as he’d train new recruits for a militia. You now realize why the armor struck a nerve. The Arkham Knight.
“I don’t like this, Jay,” you whisper, backing away from him, “but you know that.”
You’ve heard only whispers of what the Knight is capable of, his ruthlessness drilled into you through the horror stories from the militiamen. How could he be the Arkham Knight? He can’t be. He couldn’t. Not your Jay.
He sighs and places the helmet down. Your eyes shift to the helmet that was hidden in the corner, blocked by his own. Jason picks it up, holding it in front of you.
“I need you to get something for me, something I know only you can do,” he begins, taking hesitant steps forward.
With each step closer you can see the Knight, how he stalks towards you like prey. You gulp at the sight, clenching your hands to try and stop yourself from shaking.
“What is it?” you ask, flinching when he places a hand on your cheek.
He’s warm, too warm for a cold-blooded killer. You close your eyes, too weak against his touch. His hand drifts down, finding a home on your lower back.
“We need you to acquire some files at Stagg Enterprises. Off the record ones.”
The best kind, you think automatically. There’s something that makes you hesitate, a gut feeling telling you that there’s more to this. Something bigger than just you and Jason.
“Who am I doing this for? You? Or the Arkham Knight?” you ask, fearing what the answer will be.
He remains quiet for a few moments, until his answer breaks the silence. “Depends on if you’re going to do it willingly.”
You tense at his words. The Arkham Knight has spoken, using your connection with Jason against you. Everything is telling you to run, to fight back and try to leave, but there’s a reason why he brought you here. You can only assume it’s a fortress, something that is meant to keep people out and prisoners within.
Just as you try to take a step back, he pulls you closer to him. Jason’s grip is too strong for you to break. You finally look up at him, eyes widening as he shoves the helm onto you. You’re only able to struggle for a moment until you made the mistake of opening your eyes. Your body goes slack as you recognize the tech.
You had a past run-in with the Mad Hatter. That experience was enough for you to know behind his silly delusions of Wonderland, his mind control tech was terrifying. Your lack of movement is enough to tell him that the tech is working. Jason adjusts the helmet on you, tightening the straps so it won’t go anywhere.
“Just for tonight, Kitty. Go get dressed, your suit’s waiting for you.”
Thankssss for reading! Interact, leave a comment, reblog if you enjoyed the fic!!
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
I apologize if I sent this already but I honestly can’t remember, if it’s alright could we please have the scarecrows when they get jealous??? 🙏🏼🥺
A/N: no worries, you're all good you haven't sent it in yet! And I have no doubt these wee boys can be quite envious lol.
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Jealousy Scenarios w/ The Scarecrows
Arkhamverse Scarecrow: 
Jonathan thinks that, much like fear, he’s above jealousy.
Which is exactly why he’s not…jealous of you spending time with the Arkham Knight.
He’s mostly confused, you should be by his side…he’s the orchestrator of this whole night. 
Jonathan will likely think he’s hiding his displeasures, but he actually makes it painfully obvious. 
Jonathan insists…almost demands you stay with him. He finds tasks for you to do…he even begins being more physical with you.
You know you shouldn’t push it, but you enjoy the idea that he cares enough to be jealous in the first place. 
And you don’t miss the soft lool on his face when he notices you staying with him more often. 
Nolanverse/Murphy Scarecrow: 
Jonathan didn’t want too think much of the new psychologist at Arkham Asylum.
He didn’t…at first until they began openly flirting with you. 
Jonathan could barely swallow his resentment when he saw you smiling and laughing with them.
He’d grit his teeth and clench his fists. 
You were far too kind and welcoming for your own good. 
Jonathan makes an extra effort to be more present at Arkham. 
You’re surprised to see him more often, but you’re enjoying having him with you more. 
He sneaks kisses on your cheek and whispers compliments in your ear…
However, you can’t help but wonder where that new doctor went…who has been missing for almost a week now. 
Batman The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Jonathan aways knew it would be a bad idea to allow you to meet his more…eccentric colleagues. 
But he didn’t think it would be because they were trying to charm you off your feet.
Jonathan is silently seething in the corner, steam about to burst out of his ears. 
Jervis made you giggle. Edward made you blush…
It took everything for Jonathan not to drag you away and keep you to himself again. 
But he didn’t want to take any chance to upset you, so he silently seethed.
Until you come over and hug him…showing appreciation in him trusting you to meet his friends.
Jonathan instantly melts when you kiss his cheek, instantly comforting him without you knowing. 
The New Batman Adventures Scarecrow: 
This Scarecrow…was always weary of someone better coming your way. 
You are so bright and joyous, you deserved better than him.
It was only a matter of time, until the proper partner for you came along. 
He’s unsure what to do when he sees you hanging out with a co-worker. 
Jonathan wants to snatch you away, make your co-worker undergo a terror they’ve never imagined…and just keep you to himself from now on. 
Just before he could dig himself deeper into his envy, you show up with your bright smile and a welcoming kiss. 
You love him openly, unconditionally every time…and this dissipates the gnawing jealousy in his heart.
Fear State Scarecrow: 
Like other Scarecrows, this Jonathan is incredibly observant. 
He’s aware of you being extra cheerful or distracted lately. 
It doesn’t take long for thoughts and assumptions to come up in his mind. 
Some childhood friend of yours has come back to town. Possibly some feelings being re-kindled as well. 
Ironically enough, he feeds himself into his own fear of losing you to someone else. 
He will come up with a plethora of excuses to get you to stay, or have you run errands to keep you busy. 
Anything to keep you near him, but not hinder his plans. 
It’s obvious to you what’s happening, and you can’t help but find it a tad bit amusing. 
Year One Scarecrow: 
Jonathan is extremely protective and defensive of you.
You’re the first bit of peace and happiness he’s found in anyone.
He sure as hell isn’t going to lose you to anyone.
Jonathan gets jealous easily, moreso than either of you like to admit. 
Actively drags you away from someone else and tries to take up your time.
He’s just really used to being abandoned or abused and…he’s not sure he can go through that again with you.
But every time you reassure him, you continue to stay by his side. 
Jonny grows more secure in the relationship and less jealous…eventually.
Masters of Fear Scarecrow: 
Like earlier Scarecrows, he tries to ignore it. 
He knows you’re faithful, he knows you love him and wouldn’t leave him…
But just so everyone knows you’re his…
Jonathan will always keep a hand on your person. 
Whether it’s your hand, your shoulder, or the small of your back. 
He will conveniently come up with plans so you couldn’t go out with someone he feels threatened by. 
It doesn’t take long for you to notice his jealousy. 
You’re quick to reassure him that he has nothing to worry about
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Definitely tries to hide his jealousy.
But masks it….terribly.
He can’t help it…he adores you, but he knows other people like you too!
How could they not want to spend time with you?
Jonathan tries not to show his discomfort, but you can tell from how fidgety he is. 
His fiddling with his hands, he’s shrugging, and is less sure of himself…more than usual. 
You try to includ ehim, if you can’t, you assure him that you two will spend some quality time together. 
Jonathan instantly perks right up and doesn’t learn why he got jealous in the first place…
Until he gets jealous again.
Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo Scarecrow: 
Likely believes he’s too old or mature to ever get jealous.
Unlike other Scarecrows, you’re likely to try and make him jealous than do it by accident.
Just to see what he’s like…and maybe prove a point out of spite.
Not much works, since he can tell you’re trying to get a rise out of him.
When he does get jealous, it's when you least expect it. 
Jonathan becomes clingy and more physical; holding you, pulling you closer to him.
His attention is now on you tenfold, but he also steals glances at whoever it was that set him off…
This is the closest you will get to seeing him jealous, and you’re absolutely enjoying it before you rub it in his face.
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billlydear · 2 years
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W.C 913 - INBOX (please request !) - GIF CREDIT TO OWNER
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For a few days each year, you enter a state of frantic cleaning. You keep your living space relatively tidy, but every once in a while your brain won't let you rest until you've done a deep cleaning. You're hours into that deep cleaning now, looking at a clean floor, six trash bags, and barebones furniture. Everything that was on your desk is packed away into a box, all of your books in organized piles, and your nightstand is bare. The new layout you've chosen for your room is on a piece of paper that's balanced on your mattress, and the first thing you'll have to move is the bed.
The only problem is, this is your first time attempting a room makeover by yourself. When you were eight and wanted your bed crammed by your bookcase to make extra room to play, your father had scooted the shelves across the floor for you. At twelve when you decided your nightstand needed to be at the foot of your bed instead of beside it, your mother had taken one end and you'd helped her scoot it across the carpet. But today they're both working, and you're not about to give up now.
You give the end of your bed an experimental tug; nothing happens. You plant your feet on the floor, brace your hands on one side, and push as hard as you can, really putting your back into it. Not a centimeter of movement.
The exhaustion that seeps through your muscles feels like defeat. You've got your entire room ready to be refurnished, and you can't even move the bed.
Calling movers sounds exhausting and pricy. However...
You're wearing a tight shirt. A tank top that dips in a v-neck, so low-cut that it falls level with your bra. It's cropped, too, and shows off a sliver of stomach. Your shorts aren't much more modest, tight and miniscule. You blame the Indiana heat, but you secretly thank it for what you'll be able to use it for.
There's sweat beading at your collarbones, dripping between your tits. You're a sight, you look fucked-out and flushed and you haven't been doing anything but cleaning.
It just so happens that your neighbor is lifting weights outside. You'd heard shouting inside that morning, and he'd lugged them to the front porch, you presume to get his anger out. He's smoking, and the muscles in his arm flex with every pump of his elbows.
You snatch a $5 out of the box where you'd stashed the contents of your nightstand, and lean out the window.
He lets the weight drop to the deck, and you're surprised it doesn't crash through. He glances around suspiciously, but his eyes land on you when you wave.
Instantly, you've caught his attention. You're not sure his eyes ever meet your own, but they certainly trace your cleavage.
"$5," You wave the bill at him enticingly, "Help me move my bed."
He's jogging across the street with a smirk on his face in seconds.
He runs right up to your window, and you're grateful for the view of his toned arms as he hoists himself up and over the sill. When he lands, he raises an eyebrow at the state of your room, "Are you moving?"
"No, just rearranging," You point at the paper on your bed, then grab the footboard, "Help me turn it."
He's a showoff. He flexes his arms more than he needs to, runs his tongue over his lips, grunts and groans, anything he can do to keep your attention on him and not the task at hand. But you're equally cunning, keeping your arms tucked in so your tits pop.
it's a game of peacock while you move the rest of the furniture. You're both showing off, trying to entice the other, and when you're finished with the heavy lifting, he leans back on your bookshelf with a heavy sigh, wiping sweat off of his forehead with the hem of his shirt. You don't even bother to hide the way you stare at his abs. He lifts his phone out of his pocket, and you know exactly why it seems more pointed at you than angled towards his face.
It's nice unapologetically ogling each other. There's no playing pretend, no sneaky glances or concealed smirks. You turn away only when he lets the hem of his shirt fall, grabbing your phone to pretend to be busy.
"Bed's in a nice spot now," Billy muses, pinching the corner of your sheets between his fingers, "Y'know, I think we should break it in."
"No thanks." You shake your head nonchalantly, keeping your eyes on your phone, "Your $5 is on the nightstand."
"Seriously?" His mouth drops, an incredulous grin curling at his lips, "You've been staring this whole time!"
"Window shopping," You shrug, "Get out, Hargrove."
"No bedside manner," He scoffs, turning back to get one last look at your boobs with the same shit-eating grin he'd bore the entire time, "If you change your mind, call me."
"I won't," You assure him, "But I saw you take that picture of my tits. When you jack off to it later, leave your window open so I can watch."
"Deal," He snickers, "But you owe me the panties you soak while watching." He holds out his hand, brows poised in a challenge.
"Deal," You smirk, relishing the feeling of his rough skin on yours, "Now get lost, perv."
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