#there is no cannon
vestigegg · 9 months
With Percy Jackson and The Olympians Priemering Today here are some changes that would have made more sense with Greek Mythos than what Rick did (I love him but holy hell is none of it Accurate):
The big 3 would not have stopped having kids cause WWII (and I pray they change it in the show. it gives me the ick). Personally either, use Nazi's to have used Demigods as weapons against their will and have the gods agree no more kids to protect them, or WWI (it's a less fucked up idea, but aligning with countries over trade and political tensions is better than Nazi's). Also cold war could work but only to an extent. I know the prophecy was also a reason but good god let's get rid of the nazi's, please!
Athena is the virgin goddess. It's one of her epithets, Parthenos, the virgin Athena (what the Parthenon is named after). No kids, she has no time for romance. Now Artemis and Hestia? They're both virgin goddesses, with it being sacred, but Hestia being a goddess of the Family and hearth, and having kids would make sense (also fire Annabeth and Water Percy), whilst it's not clear if Artemis is 100% no romance (The Orion myth where their in love is only one retelling and it's the one I hate the most), but whether through her maidens, or as her role as a goddess of childbirth, or she's just a lesbian and sometimes they want kids, it's more likely than Athena. Honestly, the demigods of Artemis being the children Artemis helped birth from victims of assault would be a cool concept, the kids could be left at camp halfblood at an early age, and when the hunters visit, they could see their mums and aunts, whilst the mums could heal and know their kid is safe. Anyways, I'm 100% Athena is no romance, no sex, but loves friendships. She and Telemachus are besties, so she def has mortal friends. She and Paul would be good friends. New AU, Athena sets Paul up with Sally, cause she was already friends with Paul and is like "they'd be happy". Aphrodite is jealous that she didn't get it first.
Dinoysis should not be camp director, banished or not. What would make more sense: Ares camp director. The Greeks (Sparta and their colonies are the exception, not the rule) kinda hated Ares but in most of the myths he's in he's at best actually helping win wars, or at worst, the problem child (and the whole jar incident where he got trapped and Artemis and Hermes rescued him. Ares was hated because he represented the brutality of war, along with the revenge and cost with the eventual victory, whilst Athena was the tactics, strategy and cunning that brings victory. Regardless, in Mythos, Ares is a pretty chill guy (just not on the Battlefield.) Ares loves training, battle, and his kids. He is a girl dad (the Amazons are his kids, and he adores them), and would probably love any kid who showed an interest in fighting and battle, no matter the weapon. And it's in line with his character. He does something, gets kicked off Olympus for a bit, and gets thrusted to camp halfblood, and all the gods are like "Yeah lol, he hates kids, he's gonna hate it", but then he's there and he's like "I'm gonna teach you how to spear 3 horses in a row!" His kids love having him there, and he just kinda adopts the kids who's parent hasn't claimed them. He also will escort demigods home and threaten neglectful/shit parents. He will adopt kids who's mortal parent has abandoned them/died. Ares is camp father, and he's a damn good one. Though maybe he does get a little riled up by captue the flag.
I know the Amazons are in Heroes of Olympus, ha ha Amazon joke, but Amazon is an evil company and I hate it. The Amazon's also live in camp halfblood as trainers, friends, family, and loyal daughters of Ares. Most daughters of Ares get integrated into the Amazon's and they go on yearly retreats to Circe's island.
In later mythos Apollo became a god of the sun, and Artemis the moon, but Selene and Helios are still important players with interesting myths, and I know the whole "mortals forget" thing but Renaissance art did not. Have a plot about Endymion, Selene's forever-asleep boyfriend, Circe is a daughter of Helios, he could have other, powerful witches in their own right. Medea being a grandaughter of Helios is critical to her power and downfall. In mythos she never dies, merely disappears. Why is she evil? She is misunderstood and fuck Jason.
My hatred of Zeus runs deep and is too complicated to get into, but he is the true antagonist of Greek mythology, and I hate him. Everyone should hate Zeus.
Persephone and Hades relationship is too strained, and they never cheat on each other (Thesus and Pirithous. Once again, Rick is too kind to absolute dicks of mythology). The only time they have was Adonis and that one is weird and possibly mistranslated, but yeah, only times they cheat is when Zeus...assaulted his daughter *gags*, though in other translations the results of those unions are Hades. Hades though? Has never cheated on her. If one fell in love with a mortal, the more likely (and in my opinion sweeter outcome) is polyamory. Or have Hades and Persephone be the patron gods of any and all children of underworld gods (Thanatos, Melione ect)
On the Persephone thing, Persephone being a nature goddess is...loose? Demeter brings spring when reunited with her daughter, making Persephone's role not really nature goddessey. More interestingly greeks use the title Dread Persephone, and her role in stories aligns her as an underworld goddess. If you want an interesting deep dive into this watch OSP: Hades and Persephone on YouTube, its super interesting and goes into it better. Also fuck lore Olympus while I'm here.
Aphrodite and Hephestus being together is not always present in written works of Greek mythos. In Homer's Illiad Aphrodite is unmarried and a consort of Ares, whilst Hephestaus has his own wife, Charis. Then Homer contradicts himself (tbf, might not be a real guy) and states Aphrodite and Hephaestus are married and Ares is Aphrodite's homewrecker. So not even one (supposed) guy can keep it straight. It varies from myth to myth. Hell, at the end of some retellings of Aphrodite and Ares in chains in Hephestaus's bed, they straight up divorce. This is less nitpicky of Rick because Greek mythos has no cannon and everything is a constant mess, but with all the... less than stellar relationships within the pantheon and wider worship, it's ok to have a pairing that while is thought of, have a canonical divorce.
Also, Cupid would out Nico, Eros would not, and Psyche would punch him.
Why is Medusa solely based off of Ovid's terrible interpretation?IDK I'm not particularly fond of Ovid's retellings of myth, because of his...baggage issues. I know it's the more popularised one, but Ovid's entire story of Perseus is...so fucked up. This is also my anger toward wider mythos fans who argue whether Athena did a cool feminist thing or punished Medusa for being assaulted. In the older retellings, she was just a monster and it's so less fucked up.
Where is Ariadne? If we ignore my Ares rant, why is she not with her husband? or at least frequently visiting him? And why is she not called up in Balle of the Labyrinth? She is the patron goddess of it. Give her a cookie Percy, It'll help.
I have more but they relate to specific parts of the plot of a book, but if people are interested I can and will complain more. Sea of Monsters is the main one that comes to mind, but I'm rereading the series atm, so I can make ongoing lists. Also, I do love Percy Jackson, but I cannot think of it as having any relationship to actual Greek mythos or history or I'll scream. If you want to write an AU with any of these ideas please let me know, I love Greek mythos and I love interpretations of stories told for thousands of years.
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steveyockey · 6 months
I’m just so fucking pissed off man if they can surgically airstrike international volunteer food workers three consecutive times to ensure their operation is wiped out completely what the fuck is left for anyone to say
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calamitys-child · 10 months
One of my favourite mundane weirdnesses about Edinburgh is that we set the big clock visible approaching the station to be 3 minutes fast to make sure people are on time for their trains. My Favourite mundane weirdness of Edinburgh is that we check this by firing a cannon.
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ohbother2 · 8 months
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Vox saw this man nearly dominating a powerful Angel and got a boner and had to pretend he was just happy Alastor was getting beat up
We know your secrets Vox, we know what you want
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strong martin,,,, strong martin,,,,
lil scenes in my head from my self indulgent coffee shop au lmao. def not an excuse to draw martin arms.
fanfic is in the works but who knows if ill ever actually finish it lol we’ll see🤞
i am rlly just in love with the whole “big n round” with the “small n rectangular” character dynamics. it’s so fun to draw
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
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beautiful! majestic!
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pipliekit · 4 months
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This single panel absolutely sent me the first time I saw it.
Tim Drake is an icon lmfao
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startuxi0 · 4 months
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Huskerdust/stolitz double date! Part one(you’re here), part two
I saw this lovely post by @loserschmoozer and it’s been stuck in my head ever since, so have this comic that helps me forget how much the full moon absolutely destroyed me!
I also decided to split it into two parts, mainly because Ive already spent nearly 20 hours on this (I work like a fucking snail) and I don’t know how much free time I’ll have in the next two weeks :’) so the last lil bit should be coming sooner or later!
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castiels-undercoat · 2 months
Everytime I rewatch supernatural it reminds me that we really werent crazy about destiel. They were just THAT gay bro
Like wydm "When Castiel first layed a hand on you in hell he was lost!"
Wdym "i want you, cursed or not"
What else could "the last person who looked at me like that i got laid *wink*" even insinuate
Alls im saying is that if they didnt want us to think these two were gay they shouldnt have been saying shit like "i left but you didnt stop me"
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bookburners · 4 months
Have we ever considered that Damian “raised by assassins” Wayne and Tim “professional only child” Drake never hated each other as much as they have both alway thought of each other as brothers but have no experience with Cain instinct and just assumed it was blind, unadulterated, rage?
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gaygalore · 10 months
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Tom Katt and Shane Cannon Total Corruption 2: One Night in Jail (1995) dir. Chi Chi LaRue
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bloominglegumes · 5 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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theaceofarrows · 6 months
Welcome to the family
[Dick on the phone with Wally, while walking up the manors driveway]
Dick: I still can't believe that he got another kid! I'm gone for a few weeks, and suddenly, he gets empty nest syndrome, unbelievable
Wally: Yeah, definitely didn't see that one coming. So, have you met the kid yet?
Dick: [groans] I'm about to, not that I'm overly thrilled about this
Wally: I get it, dude. Just make sure not to take it out on the kid too much
Dick: Yeah, yeah, I'm not going to be a complete jerk. After all this mess isn't the kids fault
Dick: Ugh, I just hope this kid doesn't act like Bruce hung the starts or something-
Dick: [opens the front door]
Jason: -you really like the Frankenstein movie more than the book?! B, how STUPID can you be?!
Wally: [still on the other end of the line] What was that?
Dick: ...I'm gonna have to call you back, Wally
Dick: [holding back laughter] And then, after he threw the tire iron he said- he said "Try and catch me you big boob!"
Wally: No way! He did not say that to Batman!
Dick: HE DID!
[hysterically laughing]
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polararts · 2 years
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It's a period piece~
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7iffer · 19 days
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jeongin-lvr · 8 months
ᙏ̤̫ ˘˘˘   txt reactions when another member likes you (nsfw)
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He’s such a smug bitch about it; obviously he’s jealous but the way he shows it is surreal. He’s clingier when Taehyun is around, grabbing your wrists and waist despite protests and plopping you in his lap, making eye contact with the boy just to see his reaction. Taehyun only watches albeit longingly. Yeonjun on the other hand practically laughs in the boys face, kissing your shoulder blade just to make you squirm and hiss at him. He finds it funny that anyone would even bother to like you because he makes it so obvious that you’re his and no one else could ever have you! That’s what he thinks, of course. Yeonjun makes it a point to brag about you on purpose to Taehyun and everyone else who would listen; talking about how pretty you look when he’s fucking you, the way your eyes tear up as you gag on his dick. Yeonjun knows it makes Taehyun tick. That’s why he does it.
It’s a particular night when all the boys are together, even Taehyun, the TV playing some nonsense show that you were already forgetting. You couldn’t focus on it as Yeonjun played with your puffy, wet folds beneath the warm confines of your blanket. Your back against his firm chest, trying to regulate your breathing and stifle your moans into his arm. The other boys were either half asleep or too engrossed in the show to care. But Yeonjun catches the eye of Taehyun just as he was slipping his first finger into you, making your face scrunch and mouth fall wide. Taehyun isn’t stupid; he knows what you two are doing under the sheets, and there’s really nothing he can do about it so he bites his lip. Yeonjun only smirks and flicks his hand toward the TV, signaling to Taehyun to mind his damn business.
“Baby… almost got us caught. Little thing all pent up and whiny… shhh, Tyunnie might hear you. We can’t have that, no, no. He’d want a piece of you and I wouldn’t let him. You’re fuckin’ mine, pretty.”
At first he’s calm. He barely even acknowledges the idea when Beomgyu first confessed to him about his crush on you. Soobin simply shrugs it off and tells the younger boy to not beat himself up about it, giving him a nonchalant smile and walking off. What actually makes him jealous is the sight of you and Beomgyu together; it would’ve been innocent had it not been for Beomgyu running a shy hand along your arm, then quickly wiping something from your cheek. And Soobin has no idea why he’s so angry at this. He doesn’t get jealous— it’s unlike him. But it’s you. How could he not be? The boy is quick to come between you and Beomgyu, literally squeezing his tall frame between the two of you with a phony smile towards the younger. He clicks his tongue and turns to you, as if to give a warning to Beomgyu, telling him to, respectfully, fuck off.
When Soobin tells you all of this you’re practically laughing at him. He pouts and folds his arms over his chest, sinking into the sofa. He couldn’t help it when it came to you; he just couldn’t let Beomgyu even be near you anymore. You slot yourself over his lap, tucking your cheek in his neck, still giggling at his jealousy. You’ve never seen him like this, pouty like a little kid and visibly jealous. So you decide to take the initiative and slot yourself onto his lap, holding his cheeks before kissing away the jealousy. It was fluffy and soft until the kisses got messier and he was openly panting into your open mouth, holding you down over his bulge as he whimpered nasty thinks against your lips.
“I gotta… ah, I gotta fuck you— please, baby, don’t make me beg. Ohhh, need it— no, I need you. Need to know you’re mine.
What a little monster. He makes sure everyone knows you’re his— even if that means marking your neck so hard it hurts too much to even cover in makeup, or taking you ok the bathroom corner at someone else’s house. Was it feral and maybe even a little nasty? Yes. But he was addicted to the idea of Yeonjun, his best friend who he always caught staring at you, hearing everything the two of you did. Beomgyu saw how Yeonjun stared at you, longing in his eyes and nervous breathes when you caught his gaze, giving a nonchalant smile. Beomgyu was by no means jealous, he was cocky. Which was worse for both Yeonjun and yourself.
When Beomgyu told you that you two would be spending the night at Yeonjun’s because of some video game related event, you could already sense what he was thinking. Teasing you all night, purposely showing you off, the bites and bruises upon your delicate skin. You weren’t even surprised when he spent the first 10 minutes before walking up to Yeonjun’s apartment kissing you until you were too flustered to speak coherently. When he pulled back and saw your lips red and puffy, a mess of spit on your chin, he was satisfied. But that wasn’t the end of it at all, giving you one last peck before smirking and hopping to your side to let you out. The rest of the night was spent with Beomgyu and Yeonjun on the couch, yelling at the TV screen as they lost or won. You had forgotten entirely about Beomgyu’s behavior. All up until it was time to sleep, finally. You and Beomgyu were warming up on the couch, your eyes growing heavy until you felt his hand slither down your torso and under the waistband of your panties. Yeonjun, who was just in the other room, unknowing. You protested half-heartedly, gripping his wrist as he found your cute clit, chuckling as he could practically feel the way you gushed for him. Before he sunk two fingers into your empty hole, he whispered nasty words into your ear, telling you to stay quiet or he’d stop.
“That’s it. Oh, you’re soaked, baby. No, no be quiet. Unless you want Yeonjun to hear… that’s what I thought. Imagine what he’d think if he saw you all wet and whiny for his best friend. Hah, you’re so bad at hiding how turned on you are, babe.”
When Taehyun finds out, via Yeonjun, that Kai had a massive crush on you he laughs. His younger friend has a pathetic crush on Taehyun’s oblivious girlfriend? It’s laughable. But he doesn’t make it a point to be extra touchy with you; he isn’t kissing you extra long or holding your waist a little tighter in the presence of Kai. He does, however, opt to observe the younger male. Taehyun sees how he bites his lip and puts a pillow over his crotch around you. And you were so fucking oblivious to Kai’s perverted behavior that it made Taehyun chuckle, kissing your cheek like it was a reward for being air-headed. Taehyun often finds himself getting turned on seeing someone pine over you so desperately, so shamelessly. It’s not jealousy at all; rather it’s cockiness.
It’s in the dorms when Taehyun hears the most interesting sound; what sounded to be a whiny Kai in his room— what shocks him is the fact that he’s moaning your name, the wet sound of his cock in hand making Taehyun’s eyes widen and heart race quicken. He immediately smirks, silently strutting down the hall to find you sitting unknowingly in his bed, innocently playing with your hair as he approaches with meaning in every step. You didn’t even protest when he quickly grabbed your jaw and forced your lips onto his, raking his hands up and down your waist. He’s mumbling into your mouth as he pulls you down, your bodies flat against the other as things instantly get messy. It’s like you’re floating when he doesn’t even wait a second to lift your leg over his shoulder and rub his bulge against your hot pussy. The sound of Kai in the other room isn’t as audible from where you two are; it’s just the fact that Taehyun knows what he’s doing behind those walls. Thinking about you while he gets you all to himself gives him some sort of weird power trip and all he can do is groan. You hear Kai whining behind the wall too now, and you would care if you weren’t being fucked brain dead by your possessive, perfect boyfriend.
“Babydoll, you’re all for me, yeah? Kai is in the other room thinking about you— meanwhile, I get the real fucking thing. I own this perfect pussy— it’s mine. He’s pathetic thinking about you like that, right, sweetheart?”
Hear me out… Kai is the most jealous of them all!! Kai hates it when other men even look at you, he hates it when they stare because he knows what goes on in their brains. But it’s the worst when he finds out Soobin has the biggest crush on you; it drives him mad. Kai is a sweetheart, but he’s a jealous sweetheart. He will find ways to cut between you and Soobin if he thinks you’re getting too close. Kai will press you to his chest and even grope your ass if he’s feeling extra bold. There’s been instances when the group would hang out and Kai would whisper to you that Soobin was staring at you— to which you reply with a pitiful smile —and soon enough he’d sitting you on his lap to cover his boner. He can’t help it! All he wants to do is show him you’re his! Kai is jealous and a big pervert in situations like these. He knows it and you know it and, honestly, neither of you are ashamed.
Kai pressed you down onto the cold marble of your kitchen, his belt loop cold against your hot skin. The two of you had barely gotten into the apartment when he was kissing your neck and pulling your clothes off. It was a long night out with the rest of the boys— all of you had gone to an Internet cafe, you opting to instead sit on Kai’s lap and watch everyone play. But Kai couldn’t focus when your ass was rubbing against his cock. He is too down bad for you to not get hard the moment he feels you like that; especially when right next to the two of you sat a silently longing Soobin. His big eyes on the two of you as you squirmed on his lap. Soobin saw the way you situated yourself lewdly on Kai’s pretty thigh, hiding you flushed face in his neck as Kai silently wished for an excuse to leave with you. The worst part is Kai knew the entire time of Soobin’s wandering eye and it made the entire situation hotter, at least to him. It wasn’t a surprise when the two of you quickly ran out of the cafe, exclaiming about an emergency before you were off. But Soobin knew, he saw the entire thing! Kai pressed you harder into the marble at the thought, gritting his teeth and pressing his stomach to your back, sweat clinging to the two of you. He was nasty with his words, entailing and describing every little detail about how he wanted Soobin to watch the two of you; how he wanted to invite him over to see how good you are for him and how you could only take Kai’s cock because you’re his little slut. His perverted fantasy seems to be mutual when you squeeze around him so tight he felt suffocated.
“Oh, yeah? You like that? Soobin coming over to w-watch you get fucked? Maybe I should call him, huh? You’re so nasty, baby, love it. F-fuck, he saw how you were grinding down on me earlier, baby… he liked watching y-you like that.”
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[ 𝗆.𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ] 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾:𝗂 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗍 𝟦 𝖺𝗆 𝖻𝖼 𝗂 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽𝗇𝗍 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗅𝗆𝖿𝖺𝗈𝗈 😭
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