#there's more bugs but i ran out of space lmao
lincolnlogsnfrogs · 6 months
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more character design stuff for that project i'm working on :333
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sodoshame · 10 months
Warnings: Feelings of not being good enough, hurt/comfort.
Pairing: Phantom/Dewdrop.
Summary: Phantom keeps messing up his parts on stage. He’s afraid he’ll never be able to fill the huge shoes he’s been put in.
A/N: Apparently all I ever write is hurt/comfort fics lmao.
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Feeling tears well up in his eyes, Phantom avoids Dew’s angry gaze. He messed up again, clumsy fingers fumbling over the strings, hitting the wrong notes. He was breathing shakily under his mask, staring out at the crowd. Phantom felt it as hot tears made their way down his cheeks; in that moment, he was thankful for the mask.
After the show, the ghouls all exited the stage, excitedly talking amongst themselves. Phantom was dragging his feet behind them, his cheeks felt wet from the tears. He could feel Dew’s gaze on him from across the hallway, but then he felt an arm being slung around his shoulder, and he looked up to see Swiss grinning through his mask.
“Great job, Phantom! You did so good!” Swiss smiled, looking down at the younger ghoul. Phantom mumbles a ‘Thanks, Swiss’, trying to make his voice sound even.
The others all headed to the dressing room, but Phantom just headed straight for the bus, going to his bunk. He sunk into it, pulling his mask off as he let his tears fall. Knowing that he had at least 20 minutes before the others came back, he just let it all out.
He felt awful; he was not doing Aether any justice- he was messing up every show so far. Phantom’s breathing was uneven and shaky as he cried, he was trembling, letting out little whimpers.
Upon hearing the door of the bus open, he pushed his face into his pillow, attempting to stifle his sobs. It wasn’t much use, he couldn’t stop himself. Phantom heard footsteps making their way to the bunk area and he held his breath, but accidentally lets out a small whimper.
“…Phantom? Is that you?”
It was Dew. His voice much softer than Phantom could have ever imagined; he breathed a shaky breath as a sob made it’s way out of his throat. Hearing the curtain being drawn, he didn’t move, keeping his face pressed tightly into the pillow as he tried to catch his breath.”
“Oh shit… Phantom, bug…” Dew sighed, seeing his new packmate cry made him feel a slight amount of guilt.
Phantom whimpered at the nickname as he slowly bought his head up, looking at Dew. Sighing, Dew crawled up into Phantom’s bunk, leaving a decent amount of space between them, shutting the curtain behind himself. The younger ghoul’s breathing was rapid and uneven as tears streamed down his cheeks.
“Okay, bug. I need you take a deep breath, alright? You’re freaking yourself out.” Dew said, his voice soft.
Phantom tried, but his breathing just got worse as he sobbed. Dew sighed again, gently reaching a hand out to touch his shoulder.
“Can I hug you, bug? Is that okay?” Dew asked, trying to calm him down. Once Phantom nodded, Dew pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around him. The younger ghoul pressed his face into Dew’s chest as he kept sobbing, his entire body trembling.
“Come on, Phantom. Breathe with me, okay?”
He kicked up a purr, making it so that Phantom could feel and hear his breathing rhythm. Eventually, Phantom’s breathing became more even and his crying slowed.”
“D-Dew, I’m sorry- s-sorry I’m not Aether.” He mumbled into Dew’s chest. The older ghoul tensed up at hearing Aether’s name, but then he sighed and brought his hand up to Phantom’s head as he gently ran his fingers through his hair.
“You’re your own person, bug. Stop trying to be someone else.” Dew muttered. He had said those words before, but this was the softest he had ever said it.
“I- I can’t do-” Phantom started, but Dew interrupted him as he kept stroking his hair.
“Yes, you can. I’m sorry I’ve been a dick to you, bug. That probably hasn’t helped, huh?”
The younger ghoul didn’t respond, just nuzzled further into him. Dew sighed, holding him closer as he continued to stroke his hair soothingly. He heard the bus door open as the other ghouls piled in, chatting loud amongst themselves. He heard Phantom whimper at the sound and tightened his grip on him, rubbing his back to soothe him.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s just the other guys, alright? Keep taking deep breaths for me.” He reassured.
Phantom takes a few deep, shaky breaths as he clung onto Dew.
The curtain suddenly opened, and Swiss was standing there, a mix between a grin and a smirk on his face, just as he opened his mouth to speak, Dew glared at him, putting his finger to his lips.
“Swiss, don’t say a word.” He muttered. Swiss put his hands up in mock defence, closing the curtain again as he walked away. Dew felt it as Phantom pressed his face into his collarbone. Bringing his hand back up to his head to stoke his hair, Dew mumbled.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you, bug.”
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pokebonkus · 1 year
pokebonkus' pokemon time,
thisll be a long ass post so buckle in babes
First off is Cirus, my lucario, male. hes my absolute baby, my unit of a man, hes about 4' something and hes an absolute dumbass <3 he likes to snuggle and if i dont give him enough attention hell shove his snoot under my arm to get pettins. hes my first pokemon and i got him as a riolu
Sylveon, male - who im slowly giving the new nickname Snorple! - is a little bastard, but i adore him to no end. sometimes hell stand over my chest and stare down at me like hes plotting my ultimate demise. he also occasionally just palps people with his ribbons and its kinda funny cuz ill be minding my own business and suddenly my face is palped by soft fuzzy tentacles. Did you know theyre carnivores?
Manchester, a little male wooper i got from my brother (he got him from a random pokemon trade), is just a funky little dude. he sometimes just. gums on my hand. which is really weird but also cute. they have small teeth so his chompins dont hurt *too* much unless he gets too excited
Theres FEESH, who's a male clodsire (also from my brother). hes basically bonded with manchester and parents him. its super cute because hell let manchester bite on his little stumpy leggies and its so sweet, theyre also almost always cuddling
Geebole, my female garchomp, is basically my #1 pokemon, her and cirus come with me everywhere, and were working on getting both of them registered as service pokemon! theyre wonderful, and thankfully geebole has sand veil instead of rough skin so shes easier to pet! i got her as a baby gibble too <3 hence her name lol
Psybeam, male dusk lycanroc. i caught him as a regular ol'e rockruff, and as he got older he got a bit more aggresive and bitey. i was expecting him to end up evolving one night, but no! he evolved at like. 5pm on a tuesday and now hes my lovely orange baby! hes named after the move he apparently knows, psybeam, which i didnt know rockruffs could learn!
Hydreigon, they dont respond to any gendered term so i call them Big Bastard. still unnamed other than that, lol. took a lot of training and a lot of repairs to my parents house to get them to not be so bitey and destructive as a hydreigon, but thats why i started working with them early as a deino! honestly at this point theyre fairly sweet, despite the species reputation. theyre a bit tempermental though, and i have to make sure i have PLENTY of chew toys and things they can tear appart else they'll use my matress or something instead. i dont want to have to replace the tv again 😔
skeeby, female arcanine. fun fact, her tera is rock, which is kinda cool! i dont remember how i learned this, lmao. but anyway, when i caught her, she was a growlithe and she deadass attacked me the second i made eye contact. immediately ran and full blown tackled me before i could react lmao, but hey now shes my big ole warm ass cuddlebug! shes a fucking space heater and i love cuddling her on cold winters
Beef Jerky, female volcarona. not a whole lot to say about her, she has -3 braincells but keeps me nice and toasty :) shes also very good at scaring the shit out of me because she learned how to play dead (thank my brother...) and so shell occasionally just Do That with minimal prompting and ill walk out of my room and have a heart attack cause shes on the floor upside down. fucking bastard bug (beloved)
Minior!! Literally JUST got them (as of editing the post), they are so ROUND and shaped and YELLOW!!!!!! god my little beloved right here. not much is known about them yet, but i got them from @teambloodmoonofficial :)
These are just my non-shinies so far! and ill be sure to update with the other non shinies i inevitably get. ill reblog with my shinies, cause i dont *really* want this to drag on forever in just one basic post lmao
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taeyamayang · 2 years
OMG I CANT BELIEVE YOU RESCUED A CAT A N D CONVINCED YOUR FRIEND TO ADOPT HIM!!!! YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD HUMAN!! I’m glad your friend was there to protect you from certain doom too omg. Running out in the middle of the road to make sure a cat wouldn’t get ran over would be how I would die tbh. To be honest I would never be in that situation because going on a jog? Yeah no. Couldn’t be me. I get winded just going up the stairs. But good for you! Be healthy!
THOMAS IS SO CUTE THO??? HE LOOKS LIKE A MODEL IN THE SECOND PIC? GORGEOUS! Oof thesis papers aren’t fun but I’m glad you had you friends to help you stay sane. I can just picture the dog being like 😐😑😐 bruh AND THEN WALKING AWAY 🤣😭
so my mom and I were chit chatting as we got the cats food. We gave Loki and Thor his food but Aria wasn’t down there. So we called for her and called for her but we couldn’t find her. So we went outside and called around but no avail. So then my mom starting calling for her again and we head these tiny, distant “mewwwws” so I look upstairs, then in the basement where the sound is coming from the loudest but it still sounds muffled. Then I hear an “OH MY GOD” from outside (my mother) and I look up to see
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MY MOM HAD TO FISH HER OUT! We think she snuck out when my lil sis left for school or my stepdad left for work. My moms theory was she was chasing a bug or something into the well…. But the bug flew away and she either couldn’t or was scared to.
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After we brought her back inside she acted like nothing happened smh. What a menace. I have more pictures that I’ll show next time because tumblr doesn’t wanna work smh
awww thank you, dear 🥰 and yes my dog's friend was disappointed THE LOOK ON HIS FACE I SWEAR LMAO
OHMYGOD??? HOW DID SHE GET THERE ?? thank the stars it didn't rain?? i mean if it rained that day then maybe she'll get stuck in there even more? THAT LOOKS LIKE A TOUGH SPOT TO FISH HER OUT OF OMG IM GLAD SHE'S OKAY THO GENDBJE
i have a similar story!! one day we were about to go to the mall so before we leave the house my mom and i were looking for momo bc we need to make sure she's inside the house before we leave bc that menance love to sneak out but at the same time she has 0 knowledge of the outside world so we had to make sure. when were looking for her calling her name and all that, we couldnt find her even the neighbors know her as the "the huge black cat" and our neighbors said they didnt see her went out so we hurried back inside the house. when we were all quiet, thinking to ourselves where she could be. a faint meow echoes from the 2nd floor SO WE WENT UP but her voice is still faint but not so distant anymore. when we all looked up to the ceiling we saw a hole bif enough to fit her through. SHE WAS IN THE SPACE BETWEEN THE ROOF AND THE CEILING AND THAT'S WHERE ALL THE LIVE WIRES OF THE HOUSE AT. momo was so afraid she was trembling and she couldnt move. we can't climb up to the juncture bc the space is sooo small only small animals like cats can fit into it unless we break the whole ceiling. so i was calling for momo and my mom's begging to her to come to hole. long story short she eventually went to the hole BUT SHE IS AFRAID OF HEIGHTS so she started frantically meowing again and she pushing my mom away (my mom had her head and one arm inside the hole momo made so she can fish her out) but my mom was able to get her out of it. we have momo back but our ceiling has a freaking hole. tho we already have it covered. btw she did that TWICE.
i have latest pictures of momo. she is loving the new cabinet.
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ALSO I HAVE NEWS! the stray cat in our garage gave birth to freaking five kittens I WILL SHOW YOU A PICTURE OF THEM i can't snap photos bc whenever i come near them or they see me they all run away and hide under the old stuff in our garage. so yeah, i'll show you next time!!
and it's been so lomg since i the last time i wrote to you! how are you? how's life treating you bubs?
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cibyf-official · 3 years
Shel: I don't like you.
Raz: Same, bestie.
Shel: No. I really mean don't like as can't stand another second with you around.
Raz leaning closer: And ya think I meant it any other way?
Shel gulped and leaning back: Then why are you keep bugging me like a fly? (*holding his face from getting any closer)
Raz: Nice pun.
Shel shoved him away: No- just answer the damn question!
Raz: Because- (*leaning closer again until Shel's back hit the wall, hovering her) I like scaring jumpy kids like ya. Fun ta watch.
Shel: ... That's it?
Raz: Ya think?
Shel got creeped out: You're sick in the head, ain't you. (Get away from my face)
Raz chuckled while leaning back: Oh, I'm one sick guy alright.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
✨ Starry Nights ✨
a/n: hi everyone! so i decided to try out a romantic x reader fic featuring my favorite witch: Agatha Harkness! this is kinda a "trial run" just to see if anyone likes it lol
prompt: you're missing your witch
warnings: angsty? really quickly written lol; short - maybe considered a drabble? agatha is prolly a little bit ooc - make that a lot lmao; might be similar to a lot of fics on here - if too similar, plz tell me so i can take it down
word count: 741
Pairing: Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
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Many nights had started to look like this one. Nights where you lay on your bed, staring at your ceiling - wishing you could see the stars. You supposed you could get up, go outside, and lay on the grass, but it wouldn't be the same.
Not without her.
It had been a month since she left for Westview. She refused to let you come, saying the amount of power she felt was dangerous. So you stayed in your home, a small cottage hidden by lush woods and protected by runes and wards. Too many nights had passed where you lay alone in bed, Agatha's side cold and unused. Too many nights where you sat alone at the table, eating microwave dinners and cereal.
You had heard the news - a quarantine in Westview meant the military was there to provide healthcare and support. It was a load of bullshit. You knew the "quarantine" was really to do with the Scarlet Witch, or more commonly known as Wanda Maximoff - Agatha's newest obsession. For the first week, you hated the Avenger. She had taken your wife away. The second week, you were angry at Agatha - why was Wanda more important than your relationship? Now, you were numb. Your mind was filled with thoughts like she's never coming back and she was never planning on returning.
Tonight was no better. As you lay in bed, sleep abandoning you, you closed your eyes and imagined Agatha next to you. In your mind, the two of you lay in the grass, stars and lightning bugs shining in your eyes. Your head lay on Agatha's chest as she told you stories of her past, her voice soothing you to sleep. You imagined her magic wrapping around you - warming you in the cool of night. When you finally opened your eyes, you thought your mind was playing tricks on you. Purple light illuminated the walls, dancing on the ceiling and swirling around you. A soft hum caused you to sit up, gasping at who you saw.
Agatha leaned against the doorway, arms crossed as magic swirled around her. She looked tired, dark bags under her eyes, lines around her eyes seemed deeper - like she had been away for years, not a singular month. A small smile curved on her lips as she opened her arms.
"What's a girl got to do to get her wife to hug her?" You sprung off the bed, throwing yourself at the witch. She stumbled backwards before catching herself in the doorway. You shook in her arms, the feeling of safety filling your senses. But there was something else. Agatha's hug wasn't as tight, her body was practically leaning it's whole weight on you. You leaned back, cupping her face with your hands. Your eyes searched her tired blue ones.
"What's wrong?" Your soft, quiet question made Agatha let out a mix of a sob and a laugh. You went into panic mode at the sight of tears in your wife's eyes. While she was never emotionless, Agatha barely ever showed signs of weakness. And here she was, falling apart in your arms. You pulled her into the room but past the bed, causing the witch to make a confused sound. You opened the patio door, bringing Agatha to the open space of the forest surrounding you. Taking her hand, you pulled her gently to lay with you on the ground. She put her head on your chest, breaths evening out as you ran your fingers through her thick hair.
"I was so stupid my love, I really thought I could do it," she murmured against your neck, "I really thought I could take on the Scarlet Witch." You closed your eyes before craning your neck to make eye contact with Agatha.
"Where have you been? What did she do?" As Agatha told you, the pit in your stomach grew. For almost a month, your wife had been trapped in her own mind - a prison of the worst kind. After Agatha finished her story, you sighed. Continuing to comb your fingers through her hair, you leaned your head on top of hers.
"I never should have let you go alone." You whispered, Agatha making a move to protest but you cut her off.
"We can discuss everything in the morning but for now," You swallowed, your throat starting to choke up from the tears gathering in your eyes, "let's just watch the stars together."
well would you look at that, i actually wrote an agatha harkness x reader fic; fun fact: agatha harkness was the reason i got tumblr in the first place lolol - sorry this was so bad - also i hate to ask this but plz send asks, my inspiration is running low lol request rules
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flooffybits · 2 years
This Suffocating Silence
Idol: Park Chaewon (Loona)
@goldenfxre​​: Hello frend! Can I request a Gowon scenario with 13th member based on the song The Quiet? Reader goes on a longer hiatus than Haseul, and whether the ending is happy or sad is up to you! Thank you 🥺
Word count: 2.6k
Warning: angst, subtle heartbreak i don’t even know
A/n: this was given with more detail than I’m showing lmao this is also commissioned so i hope you like it :D
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Chaewon was perfectly fine.
Having debuted with people she found comfort in, she was content with her life so far. They were good, she was great, she was fine.
But whenever she would look around the dorm and see your face among the people she had to see everyday, she wasn’t exactly too confident to say that she was fine.
Park Chaewon cherished you with everything in her, from the beginning to the end. And maybe it was too early to say that she did love you because the relationship had only lasted a few months before you both decided that it was best to keep things between you professional.
For the sake of the group, you had both stated.
But for the sake of yourselves? She’s not too sure.
Your chemistry had died down into awkward tension and then worried gazes from the rest of the group. It was as though the decision only proved that the relationship would be the downfall of your career.
Then why did it hurt so much when neither of you could even say hi without things looking so awkward?
“Unnie, can we go out today?” She hears Yeojin’s voice asking as soon as she enters the main room of the dorm, and she has to pause when she finds the maknae already clinging to your arm while you were trying to finish the book you had perched on your lap.
Honestly, if it wasn’t Jinsol clinging to you, it was Yeojin. And if not either of them, it would be Hyeju bugging you or 2Jin trying to get you to join them outside. Ever since you were both more available to the rest of your members, they wasted no time in filling that free time with their own presence and you both knew that they were doing this to distract you both from the breakup.
And though it’s been months, Chaewon knew that you always meant well.
“Where do you want to go this time?” She hears you inquire and Yeojin visibly lights up because they all knew that you would accept her request by that question alone. It also just so happened that you had a soft spot for the maknae and she would always use that to her advantage, though never abusing it.
“Can we go to Lotte World? You haven’t been there yet.” Yeojin suggested and you contemplated whether or not it would be a good idea before another voice called out. “I wanna go, too!” Yerim cheered when she bounced into the room and landed on the couch with the two of you, your book falling off your lap and to the floor.
With a sigh, you picked it up before smiling and then shaking your head at the pair. “Okay, okay. Let me talk to Haseul unnie and then we’ll head out?” The two squealed in delight before they both ran off, getting ready to leave whilst you set your book aside and proceeded to find your leader.
But as soon as you saw the person standing in the hall, your heart stuttered a little before you plastered a smile to your face. “Hey, um, we’re gonna head out.” You explain, and you’re not sure why you had done so when you needed to find Haseul instead.
But Chaewon only smiled back, albeit shyly, before she stepped aside to let you pass, though there was enough space for you to walk through.
Has it always been a need to be as far from the other as possible?
She catches the faint emotion in your eyes that makes her heart clench, but she keeps her hands to her sides. Your eyes had always been expressive, one of her favorite traits.
“Go ahead. I can tell Haseul unnie for you.” She assures, and you pause for a second before finally accepting her help and then walking away, and Chaewon doesn’t look back, the same way you do.
“Why am I live? Well, I told our managers that Orbits wanted to see us, so they agreed.” Chaewon had to chuckle at that because it wasn’t a lie. But she was amused because you all used Orbits to threaten your staff about your limited freedom.
And they knew that Orbits would be ready to come and defend you all in the event that you expressed any signs of discomfort.
“I’m not alone right now. You’re all with me, right?” You ask when you read a comment asking as to why you were the only one present. “I did ask Lip unnie if she wanted to come with me, but she was too busy today. Heejin said she would try to come but as you can see…” You gestured around you with a laugh. “She’s not here, either.”
This is one of the few times she’s seen you so undeniably happy since the split, she had to admit. It was bittersweet for her because she missed it.
While it was refreshing to see you smiling and being genuinely happy, it was also painful to know that she was the reason that it hurt too much that it had been lost in the first place.
You still cared for one another, maybe showing it in your own way, but everyone else was too blind to see it. Yourselves included. Chaewon had to admit that there were days that she still dreamed and hoped to be back by your side, but you both knew it was impossible.
Not when you were both just starting and not when you both knew there were so many people that would be affected in case things didn’t work out.
You couldn’t risk that, and neither could she. So the best you could both be was to stay as friends. But it was such a struggle to look at someone who once meant the world to you and just think of them as a friend.
"I'm not lonely as long as I have Orbits with me. And when I get home, I have the members, too." She hears you say with a smile and her heart sinks a little when another memory of you popped into her head.
She used to be your home.
You spent a majority of your time with each other, if not with the other girls. So her presence comforted you when home felt a little too far away and you needed it.
Her arms became your home before you even realized it.
As she continued to watch, the same bittersweet feeling stayed and settled in her chest as you answered questions and told stories. She even smiles a little when you tell everyone a little about all the members, her included. It all continued up until you began to play songs suggested by fans when you shared your recent interest in genre.
She's tempted to type in the comment section and let you know that she's listening, but she's afraid of what that could do for both of you. For all you know, she could care less about what you did these days.
"Recommend a song?" You read aloud, eyes wide open as you stared at the screen and you had to actually pause and think of a song that seemed good.
And it doesn't take long before a hum slipped past your lips. "Well, there's been one song that I have been listening to a lot. Aside from the beat and melody, the lyrics are really deep and it makes you think about a whole lot of what ifs." You explain while scrolling through your phone and searching for the song.
But your words make Chaewon pause and the first thing she thinks of is your relationship.
Were you talking about her?
But she doesn’t understand the song entirely due to it being in english. She’s only familiar with some of the words, but she does see the way it has you looking much softer, more vulnerable.
Who hurt youuuu?
this song is so sad :(
And it’s not long after when Twitter comes up with various fans managing to trend your name along with the tag “protectY/n” that Chaewon understands that there’s more to this sad song. Her thoughts flit back to what you said, about all the what ifs.
All I want is a fight to fight, anything but quiet.
It takes her days, maybe even a couple weeks, to bounce back. But everyone could see that there was something wrong with her, even when she’s able to brush it to the very back of her mind, because the girls also know about what happened during your live, and they know about the song and the theories fans came up with.
Some of them were even close to hitting the nail, if they only knew.
“This has gone on long enough.” Chaewon frowns as Sooyoung sits next to her. “What are you talking about?” Of course she knew what she was getting at, she just had this small hope that she was wrong.
And the look Sooyoung gives her wipes that tiny bit of hope away. “You and Y/n!” Chaewon tries not to wince. “Look at you! You’re miserable and she’s, what, acting like she doesn’t care?” She had gone into a sort of rant and Chaewon bites her tongue to stop herself from saying anything, but Sooyoung was pushing it.
Sure, the older girl was protective, but it looked like she was forgetting that you were part of the group, just like she was.
“Sometimes I wonder why she’s started to be selfish like this.”
Now that makes Chaewon pause before she’s rising to her feet and then facing the latter. “You don’t know Y/n the way I do. But of all the things you could have said, selfish is not the kind of person Y/n is.”
“Why are you defending her when she’s only hurting you?” Sooyoung retorts, bewildered as she stands up as well. “She isn’t the only one who’s hurting!” Chaewon shouts back and the leader’s eyes widened, being this the first time that the latter has actually yelled at her. “She might not tell you or show everyone, but she knows how to hide when she’s in pain.”
“Remember the Butterfly performance?” When Sooyoung doesn’t say anything, she continues. “Y/n might not show it, but she’s just as hurt as I am, maybe more. But you can’t see that.” Chaewon moved to grab her phone and head out the room. “We may have broken up, but that was because we didn’t have a choice.”
“Being insensitive sure is though.” 
“Why are you acting like you’re the one who got hurt?” Chaewon can’t help but ask, though they both turn to the door when they hear it creak, but there’s nothing there except for the laughter of the other girls outside.
Sooyoung let out a sigh as she shook her head. “I just think that she’s being more of a trouble than she should be.” She muttered and Chaewon’s frown deepens. “I know for a fact that you don’t really think that. You adore Y/n just as much as you are of me and the other girls.” With a deep breath, Chaewon heads for the door. “I’m done with this conversation. So when you finally decide that you’re thinking properly, you know where to find me.”
Eleven out of thirteen gasped at the news. You and Haseul were going to be absent from further activities?
The leader looked a little nervous as she fidgeted in front of everyone. “I know that we’re only starting but… I just need a break for a little while.” She breathed out and they were all more than understanding after the various times she’s approached at least one girl about her recurring anxiety.
“But what about Y/n? Where is she?” Jiwoo questions immediately while the leader frowned. “Y/n is… she’s not doing so well either. After a long talk, the company agreed to let her go home and figure herself out.”
Chaewon felt her blood run cold as everyone’s voices grew muffled in her ears. She doesn’t even hear Hyunjin when she starts asking questions, or Yeojin when she starts stating how she’ll miss the both of you.
She catches Hyeju glancing at her, the worry clear on her face, but all she can hear are your name and hiatus repeating in her head.
Without a word, she stands up and walks away, drawing everyone’s attention as she leaves the room. Jinsol was even tempted to go after her, but Kahei had stopped her by the hand, shaking her head while Haseul frowned. “Let her be. There are some things they need to settle on their own.”
The pointed look sent Sooyoung’s way confuses Heejin and Jungeun, but neither of them say anything and listen to what the leader has to say before they will proceed with whatever plans management has for them.
Chaewon, on the other hand, finds you not long after, packing your things into your bag, and she hates having to see it with her own eyes because it solidifies that you are leaving.
That single word was enough to make you look up and your expression softens when you see her standing at your door. “Gowon, what are you doing here?” You ask instead to avoid her questioning, but it was inevitable.
“Why are you leaving? I thought we were okay!”
You would have been a little taken aback by her sudden outburst much like Sooyoung was, but you had been anticipating something like this. So, in the calmest way possible, you reply. "Are we really?"
She's beyond confused by your words, but you cut her off before she even manages to make another sound. "We barely talk anymore, can't stay in the same place without things being awkward, even the girls are struggling with the two of us." You list off, sounding tired. "I know we didn't want our relationship to be the reason we all fall apart, but look at what's happening."
"They aren't saying anything to us." She tries to reason. "Are you sure about that?" You repeat, grimacing, and Chaewon's shoulders tense a little when you let your gaze fall to the floor. "They might not be saying it to our faces, but they do talk about it with someone else." You murmur and Chaewon immediately recalls the creak she and Sooyoung heard during their argument.
And that's when it dawns on her.
"Yves unnie didn't mean it." But that has only proven you right. "But you don't deny that they talk about us behind our backs." Immediately, she falls quiet as you muster a smile and shake your head. "It'll be okay, I promise. Maybe this is what we all need so we can really say that we're okay without lying about it, yeah?"
She wants to protest, stop you as you continue to pack your bags and then gather your things. But the words die in her mouth as you give her one last smile and head for the door.
"I'm not leaving without saying goodbye, so don't worry." You promise without looking back, but that's for the smile that you can't keep on your face just so she won't see you crumbling right in front of her.
But she can't even bring it in herself to move from her spot.
As she hears the door click lightly behind her, she's only staring at your empty side of the room and it feels much colder without your presence.
Though it doesn't beat the coldness that you leave behind after bidding all twelve of them goodbye and walking out of the dorm.
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
HQ Boys Calling Their S/O Clingy Pt. 1
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Character(s) included: Iwaizumi and Ushijima
Warnings: slight cursing
A/N: so imma try to make this look really pretty and shit. But if you want a pt 2 just put it in my ask box + what characters you want next! So I don’t know what to call this format thingy but anything with the line next to it (like now) is what happened the day before (when they called their s/o clingy) and everything not in that day won’t be! I also just ate like five airhead lmao. Well enjoy! Reblogs & follows are greatly appreciated! My ask box is always open to request, and if you wanna talk or just wanna say something! Please don’t laugh at my grammatical or spelling errors, I’m sorry!
My Masters List: here
My series : here
Credit: @/teesumu
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When he came home all you wanted to do was hug him. It had been almost a week since he had gotten his new job. He was stressed all the time and never had time for you two alone. So what if you want just hug him for a bit.. you deserve that much right just that much of his time? So he walked in, and your eyes lit up... he was one of the few people you felt safe around. You ran up to him with a big smile and that goofy lovable personality of yours.
“Dinner is ready and then we can cuddle and maybe watch a movie. I have it all planned out!” You smile laughing a bit just imagining how fun it will be. He doesn’t look so amused though.
“I ate already and I am going to bed, y/n.” He didn’t even give you a second to process what he had said instead he just walked away. You follow him to the room you share smiling.
“Oh okay! We can just cuddle then!” You smile a bit and hop onto the bed next to him. Wrapping your arms tightly around him, not too tight, just perfect, you smile. Till you are shoved off. He looked at you with pure annoyance.
“Y/n, can you stop being so fucking clingy. You never stop trying to touch me,” He screamed and you just sat there with tears. God damnit. He was right, wasn’t he? You never gave him space. He turned his back and you turned away too. The tears silently fell.
The morning came faster than it should have. By the time he was awake you were out of the room. He got up and walked out and entered the kitchen.
“Morning y/n, I have the day off so we can do anything you want,” he smiled as he walked in, yet you weren’t there. He searched the whole house and you weren’t there. An hour passed and you walked in.
“Uh hey y/n.. where’d you go? I mean like you weren’t there when I woke up, love?” He smiled and you just gave a soft smile.
“Oh.. um I just went for a random drive for some coffee and drove nowhere for like twenty minutes,” you lied. You love doing that but to be honest you were talking to Oikawa for a bit and ranting to him.
“Oh um.. I have the day off if you just wanna hang out? Maybe go for dinner or something?” He smiles hopefully.
“Uh sure..” you sat far from him on the couch as the movie started. He looked at you and you tried not to pay attention.
“Uh do you need something?” You turn towards him.
“Oh um.. no, never mind,” he looks back at the tv confused. He wanted to cuddle yet was too embarrassed to say so.
Thirty minutes passed by and you were quite distant. “Um do you wanna cuddle or something..?” He smiles hopefully.
“I’m good thanks for asking,” you remain glaring at the tv.
“Um y/n is everything okay.. you’ve been really distant and I know you went to Oikawa’s place yet you told me otherwise..” he looks at you.
You freeze looking at him again, you look like a deer in headlights. Frozen and shocked. You say the first thing that comes to mind which is extremely dumb. “Uh I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You helplessly smile.
He looks at you, shocked. You were a terrible liar yet you still tried to, “why are you lying? I know you were there just tell me.”
“Last night I was thinking that you are right. I am too clingy and I need to give you some space,” you keep your on him “This morning you weren’t up and I just felt like talking so I decided to head out and not bug you.” Your voice breaks as tears roll down your cheeks. Wiping them away quickly hoping he doesn’t notice but it is already too late.
“Y/n... I didn’t mean it,” he feels like absolute shit right now and he doesn’t know what to do. “I..I like how you cling to me and how you just act like yourself. I..I love the sound of your voice so you can always talk to me. I didn’t mean for me to come off so rude to you and hurt you... you mean everything to me. I am so sorry y/n for making you so fucking uncomfortable. This is your house too and I shouldn’t do that to you...” he whispers holding your hands in his as he pulls you closer. Lifting you to his lap.
You try to climb off but his grip just gets tighter in a protective way.
“I’m sorry y/n... I didn’t mean any of that. I will make more room for us to hang out...” He smiles a bit wrapping his arms around your waist. “I love you so much..”
“I..I love you too,” you make out in between heavy deep breaths
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You tried to call him multiple times, it was extremely late and you were worried. He normally would text you if he was going to practice a bit longer or he was going to head to dinner with his team. Knowing how worried you get and not wanting you to make him a whole meal when he is full. Yet he never picked up it was probably twelve thirty when he walked in.
He tried to walk in silently but soon found you awake in bed. You smile a bit getting up and giving him a hug. “Hey baby..” you mumble with your sleepy voice “where were you? I was worried sick,” you didn’t sound mad, just concerned. 
He slightly shoved you off making his way to his dresser to change. “Out.” He grumbled a bit.
“Are you hungry? I made dinner..” you smile slightly making your way closer to him.
“Can you just leave me alone? I don’t need you to be so god damn clingy! You’re not my mom and I am a grown ass adult. I don’t need you to stay up wondering where I was!” He took a deep breath calming down. You slowly backed down and just laid at your side of the bed closing your eyes. Slightly thinking about all the “problems” you have.
Morning came and when Ushijima woke up he was later than usual needing to rush a couple of things. You were on the couch, as he came in he looked for something to eat. “Y/n, do you know if there is anything I can eat?” He called out.
“I don’t know you can look, can’t you?” You look up from your computer for a split second before returning to gaze at your computer.
“Uh.. ya. Well bye!” He grabbed a banana and grabbed his stuff. Rushing out the door unsure what had possibly made you so harsh that morning. Forgetting everything he had said the night before.
When he came home it was early and you were already eating while using your phone. “I’m home!” He called.
You just smiled and returned eating. Your eyes locked on back onto your phone. Typing for a second.
“Who are you texting babe?” He smiled as he walked in.
“No one” you put your phone down. The sound of a text came up but you just ignored it walking to put your dishes away and then grabbing your phone to go back to your room.
“Uh.. y/n? You wanna hang out for a bit?” You turn and just shake your head.
“No I’m good thanks though.” You mumble before walking away. Him following close after.
“Are you okay..?” He mumbles as he joins you in bed.
“Ya. I’m fine,” you mumble as you plot your headphones in listening to some music.
He taps your shoulder and you take out one of your earbuds. “What’s going on.. what did I do?” He mumbled.
“I mean I am not your mother so I don’t understand why you need me to hang out with you and be your best friend. I mean I am just too clingy aren’t I?” You burst out.
“What?” He looks at you for a moment remembering the night before. “Wait y/n.. I didn’t me-”
“I don’t care if you didn’t mean it! You made me feel like absolute shit!” You look at him before getting up and heading to the spare room. “You can leave and go out. I don’t give a fuck just leave me alone for a bit.”
He goes to check on you two hours later. When he walks in he finds you crying. “Y/n, can we talk?” He whispered softly in his calming voice.
You look up wiping your tears. “I guess.”
“May I sit on the bed or would you like some space..?” He really didn’t want to make you feel worse then you probably already did.
“I don’t care do what you want,” it wasn’t like you to be so snappy. But you just wanted to get it out of your system. He sat down next to you and slowly reached out his arms. You slowly entered his embrace as he held you tight whispering sweet nothingness into your ear. His words are full of praise and truth.
“I am so sorry I made you feel like that. I should have texted you back. I know that you were just worried,” he rubbed your back slowly, making soft circles. “I don’t find you clingy.. and I like when you take care of me. You mean the world to me and I am sorry I made you think otherwise..”
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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reinerispretty · 3 years
warm hands. (mako x f!reader) rewrite.
hello everyon!! a while ago i wrote a request called warm hands that got deleted by tumblr when i tried to edit the post on mobile :/ i’ve been on this hellsite for years and it still sucks but ANYWAY. as a thank you for supporting me and also as an apology for not updating lmao i wanted to repost a better version i wrote <3 much love to u and to mako
She turned to the man standing just a few feet away from her, surprised at how familiar his face had looked. His jet black hair, thick eyebrows, and golden eyes were from somewhere, but (Y/N) couldn’t place if she had dreamt about someone like him or had actually met him.
It would bug her the rest of the day if she didn’t say anything to him, so she had. “Excuse me,” She said, lightly touching his arm to get his attention. “Sorry to bother you, you just look really familiar to me.”
He had stared down at her silently, his brows furrowed, and in normal circumstances (Y/N) would have felt absolutely mortified...
There were dozens of libraries within Republic City, yet so far none of them had what (Y/N) was looking for. She had spent her entire day off trekking through the busy streets and bustling sidewalks, hailing cab after cab until her resources ran just low enough where she would have to be very picky about what groceries she picked this week. Sweat dripped down the back of her neck as she walked toward her destination. Summer was in full swing and it felt like the sun was after her specifically. She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. So far, she had visited fifteen libraries, and was walking up the steps of the very last, hoping that someone inside would be able to help her with her request.
She passed through the double doors and was met with a rush of cold air that sent a chill down her spine. She must look ridiculous, she thought, as she approached the information desk. An old woman was positioned behind it, her back hunched over a book. She hadn’t heard (Y/N) approach, so the young girl rang the bell that set on the counter. The old woman jumped back, a startled expression on her lined face.
“I’m sorry!” (Y/N) exclaimed, then clasped a hand over her mouth. This was a library, she had to watch her volume in here. “Sorry,” She said again, her voice lower. “I was wondering if you could help me with something? I’ve been looking all over town for books on firebending and I can’t seem to find any.”
“We’ve got some!” The woman chirped, seeming to have recovered from her startle. She rose slowly to her feet and grabbed her cane. “Although they’re not technique books, if that’s what you’re looking for. My grandson has a great firebending academy just down the street if you’re interested.”
“Oh, no,” (Y/N) said as she followed the old woman through the enormous stacks of bookcases. “I don’t need any training, I’m just looking for a fact book or something like it.” The woman nodded and silently led (Y/N) to a very dimly lit section of the library. Just as (Y/N’s) feet began to ache from walking, they stopped, and the librarian pointed her cane up at the top shelf. It was out of her reach, but just within (Y/N’s).
“That’s the one you’re looking for,” She said, smiling pleasantly. (Y/N) looked up and found an enormous book, bound in red cloth with the Fire Nation emblem on the side. She reached up and took it into her arms, nearly toppling over at its sheer weight.
“Thank you,” (Y/N) strained herself to say. The librarian nodded once more before disappearing into the stacks of books. (Y/N) waddled herself over to a table in a more well-lit section of the library and sat down.
She had never cared much for bending. Being a nonbender herself in a nonbending family, she had watched indifferently as some of her classmates developed their bending skills. (Y/N) was always able to get through life without bending, so she had never thought of it as something important. Even probending, which rocked the city with its competitions, had never interested her.
(Y/N) sighed as she turned to the first page. To think, she was going to all of this trouble for a boy.
(Y/N’s) older brother had known Mako first, when they were just kids. Both worked for the Triple Threat Triads for a number of years. (Y/N) had remembered Mako as the serious (and slightly intimidating) friend of her brother’s that would stand outside waiting while her brother tried to convince her to cover for him. He might not have been a bender, but he was as strong as a platybus bear for a boy of fifteen, so the Triads made great use of him. (Y/N) had never liked it, but she always lied to their parents on his behalf. Sometimes, she had glared down at Mako from her bedroom window, and it seemed like some nights he frowned right back up at her.
This was all years ago, of course. Once her brother went off to join the United Forces, (Y/N) had forgotten all about Mako. It wasn’t until this past spring that she had seen him again. They had been waiting for their food outside of a soup shop. It had been the lunch hour, so (Y/N) had known they would take a while, but she didn’t mind, because she liked to people watch in order to keep herself occupied. She turned to the man standing just a few feet away from her, surprised at how familiar his face had looked. His jet black hair, thick eyebrows, and golden eyes were from somewhere, but (Y/N) couldn’t place if she had dreamt about someone like him or had actually met him.
It would bug her the rest of the day if she didn’t say anything to him, so she had. “Excuse me,” She said, lightly touching his arm to get his attention. “Sorry to bother you, you just look really familiar to me.”
He had stared down at her silently, his brows furrowed, and in normal circumstances (Y/N) would have felt absolutely mortified to be having this exchange with a total stranger, but something about him was different. She felt calm around him.
“I know you from somewhere, too,” The man said then, a small smile appearing on his face. “Did your brother used to work for-“
“The Triads!” (Y/N) finished, whispering the words excitedly because you couldn’t just shout the name of one of the leading gangs in Republic City in a crowd full of people. “You’re…Mako, right?”
“You must have a great memory, it’s been years since I’ve waited outside your house for your brother to come down.” (Y/N) laughed. “If I remember correctly, you used to give me the evil eyes from your bedroom window.” She smiled.
“That was me!” She extended her hand. “I’m (Y/N). It’s nice to officially meet you.”
“Same here,” Mako said, shaking her hand. “How’s your brother doing?”
“Very well, I think! He’s with the United Forces now, so I don’t hear much from him, but his last letter sounded very promising.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“How are you doing? I’ll have to write to him about you, I’m sure he’ll be so excited to hear it.”
“Oh, I’m fine. Joined the Republic City Police, so I guess I’m arresting the people I used to work with.” He shrugged.
“Beats getting arrested,” (Y/N) offered, and Mako cracked a smile.
“It sure does.” Her order was called from the counter, and (Y/N) scurried over to pick it up. When she returned, Mako had his own food in hand.
“Before you go,” (Y/N) started, and it was like the words would come out of her mouth before she had the chance to stop them. “Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me sometime? I’d love to give my brother a detailed description of what you’ve been up to.” She was never this bold, but it was like something else entirely had overcome her. He was handsome, and it was just a cup of coffee. Nothing too scary.
Mako had agreed to the cup of coffee that week and one cup had turned into three before turning into dinner. It had been nearly eight months since they met and the majority of their free time away from their jobs was spent together. Things were surprisingly easy with Mako. He was a fantastic listener and offered her the advice that she needed to hear. He had a bit of a rough shell on the outside, but (Y/N) worked tirelessly to break through it and revealed a man capable of so much love that she came to learn very few had ever actually given him it in return.
She was always completely lost when he talked about his probending days, but she enjoyed hearing him talk about his youth so much that it had set her on a course of research. (Y/N) was at the library today to better understand firebending. It was part of Mako, and she loved Mako (even if she hadn’t admitted it), so she would learn to love firebending as well.
She read for hours, until the sun had set outside and lanterns were lit within the space. (Y/N) looked up from her book, eyes heavy and dry from reading so many pages. She had only made it about halfway through the book, so she checked out the heavy title from the librarian at the front and made her way home. Mako would be working the night shift that night, so she didn’t have to worry about any interruptions.
Mako wasn’t quite sure what had gotten into his girlfriend. (Y/N) couldn’t bend. Not that there was anything wrong with that of course, Mako respected nonbenders just as much as benders (except for, y’know, the Amon thing), but lately (Y/N) had become a walking fountain of knowledge on firebending. At first he hadn’t thought anything of it, but as it continued on he started to sense that something was up.
The first time it had happened was on one of Mako’s days off. He had slept in late even though (Y/N) had promised to wake him up. With disheveled hair and his eyes squinting at the bright late morning light, he shuffled into the kitchen to give his girlfriend a very soft piece of his mind. She was scrambling eggs in front of the stove, turning to look back at him with a smile brighter than the sun. Mako allowed himself a smirk before his face turned stern.
“You were supposed to wake me up,” He had said, his voice gruff from having not been used. (Y/N) shrugged.
“I don’t think an earthquake could’ve woken you up,” She said in her defense. “Plus, you deserve extra sleep.” She had poked him in the stomach. “Firebenders can’t firebend if they’re exhausted.” Mako had chuckled. It sounded like the sort of thing mothers told their children in order to get them to go to bed.
But a few days later, she had mentioned something similar. They had been walking down the streets of Republic City, on their way to go visit Korra and Asami for lunch, when (Y/N) stopped suddenly in front of a store display. Mako jerked backward, unaware that she had paused.
“Do you know what that is?” She asked, looking up at him with an expression that indicated that she was testing him. Mako stared at the storefront.
“A clearance sign?” He questioned. (Y/N) had rolled her eyes.
“Not that,” She sighed, and pointed her finger at the tapestry that was hung in the back of the store. How she had spotted that from the corner of her eye, Mako had no idea, so he shrugged. “It’s the symbol of the Sun Warriors,” She explained. “They were the first firebenders, after the dragons, of course. They’re extinct now, I think.” (Y/N) smiled up at him while he raised an eyebrow at her. He cracked a smile before tugging at her hand.
“I’m about to go extinct if we don’t get some lunch.”
The biggest indicator by far had been the other night, when he was getting ready to leave for work. (Y/N) had sat on the bed as he stood in front of the mirror and buttoned up his uniform. He kept spares at (Y/N’s) place now, since he spent nearly every night there anyway.
She was looking at him with an expression he had never seen before. It was like she was analyzing him. Mako turned around as he finished the last button, but before he could speak, she beat him to it.
“How do you do it?” She asked, and Mako furrowed his dark brows.
“Do what?”
“Bending.” She looked into his eyes at this point and Mako had felt his heart swell. He had a hard time transmitting the emotions that he was feeling inside to his appearance outside. If he could, he would have melted into a puddle on the floor for this girl. In a matter of a few months she had become something to aim toward, to strive for. Catching criminals and solving cases mattered to him, but not nearly as much as returning to her apartment in one piece.
He cleared his throat. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t understand it, you know? How does it happen? Do you just think about it and it happens? Or do you have to focus?”
“A bit of both, I guess,” Mako said. “When you’re first learning, it takes a lot of focus to master a new move. But once you’ve got it, it kind of becomes second nature.” He sat on the bed beside her to put on his work boots. “It’s like writing something. When you were little, you had to think about how to hold the pen, how to form the letters, what the letters meant. Now you just know.”
“Do you have to think about using lightning rather than fire?” Mako shook his head.
“It’s different movements.” She hummed, staring down at her hands as she contemplated what he just told her. Mako checked his watch for the time. “I’ve got to head out.”
“Okay,” She said as she turned toward him. “Be safe! And don’t forget to invite Bolin over for dinner this weekend.”
Mako let out an exaggerated sigh, at which (Y/N) frowned. “I’m serious Mako,” She continued. “I’ll call Bolin myself to make sure you ask him!”
“Why don’t you ask him?” Mako asked as he packed his badge and wallet.
“It’ll mean more if it’s coming from his big brother.” Mako leaned down and cradled the back of her neck with his hand, leaning for a kiss to which she happily obliged. Mako had many favorite things about (Y/N), but perhaps his most favorite was how she smiled into every kiss he gave her.
“I’ll be sure to let him know,” Mako had said as he ran out of her apartment. If he was late again, Chief Beifong would kill him.
Mako contemplated these instances as he walked back to her apartment. (Y/N) had never expressed very much interest in bending, pardoning recent weeks. He wondered what had gotten her so curious. Perhaps she listened to a new radio show that talked about it. Mako never really listened to the radio anymore—he used to, but Bolin talked over all of the stations so he just turned it off whenever he was in the car.
He hadn’t told her that he would be coming back to her place tonight. He hadn’t entirely been planning on it, but one of the rookies was somehow put in charge of the schedule and put Mako and a kid named Lee on the same shift. Considering Mako had the seniority, he had gotten the night off, but not before completing the copious amounts of paperwork that had piled on his desk. It was nearing one in the morning, so (Y/N) would be fast asleep, but he figured she would enjoy seeing him again. Or at least, he hoped so.
To improve his chances of not facing the wrath of disturbing her slumber, Mako stopped by a late night dessert shop and picked up some of her favorites before returning on his way. When he finally opened the door to her apartment, Mako was unsurprised to find that every light was off, save for the light that peaked underneath her bedroom door.
Mako took his shoes off at the front and dropped the desserts on the kitchen counter before quietly making his way to her bedroom. (Y/N) lay curled up underneath her covers, fast asleep, with the biggest book Mako had ever seen lying beside her. He lifted the heavy book into his arms and thumbed through the pages. Each and every chapter was about firebending. Its origins, its practices, and its faults. Mako smiled to himself. So that’s how she had become a walking encyclopedia.
He changed into his pajamas and slid into bed beside her. Startled, she opened her tired eyes and furrowed her brows at him. “Chief let me go early,” He whispered to her, reaching over her body to turn off her lamp. “Go back to sleep.”
Instead she moved closer to his body and took his hands in hers. “I was reading,” She whispered slowly, as if her brain was cranking back to life. “That firebenders can control the heat in their bodies.” She placed his hands just below her bellybutton. “My cramps are really bad tonight, can you—”
Mako pulled her into his body and kissed her shoulder, spreading his hand wide so that it would cover as much surface area as possible. She hummed as she felt the warmth emanating from his hands. “Thank you.” After a few minutes, her even breathes indicated that she was asleep.
Mako wondered then if he had been the reason that (Y/N) had a newfound fascination with firebending. While he was a great detective, he was absolutely clueless. She had gotten a whole book about firebending, had shared her knowledge to let him know that she cared about something that she had never cared about before. Mako pressed his face into the crook of his neck to hide the wide smile that no one would see.
(Y/N) wanted to know more about firebending because it was part of who he was. No one had ever taken such an interest in Mako’s passions. He had figured before, but was now certain, that he loved the girl in his arms so, so dearly.
@beifongsss , @aroyaldarknessblr , @musicalkeys , @thefandomimagines , @blondie0458 , @kairiririri , @awesomelupe , @zukosvice , @tomshollandz , @lavendercrystals , @astralsaf , @realimbo , @mycollectionofnuts , @wingeddemonclub , @gingersnap126126 , @aangsupremacy , @marvel-ing-at-it-all , @davnwillcome , @someoneovertherainboww , @sokkashonour , @breadqueen95 , @buttholland , @noodlesfluffy , @busyforkuvira , @error-loading-sorry , @bombardia , @la3divine , @just-a-teal-android , @theeavtrkyoshi , @brokennerdalert , @sukifans , @sunflower-mami ,
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svnaslove · 4 years
post-it notes ♡
characters: sugawara, bokuto
summary: it’s basically just them flirting with their s/o using post-it notes 
(i thought it was cute okay)
genre: fLUFF
warnings: be prepared for just how fluffy this is because it’s so cute omg
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You two honestly don’t even know when or how this started, it just,, started?
During classes, in the halls, face to face, it was just you guys’s thing
It didn’t take long for people to notice the cute little thing you guys had going on of passing post-it notes to each other all of the time
EVERYONE thought you were dating, truth is, you both liked each other but were both too scared to confess to the other.
One day you decided to confess but you were really nervous, you didn’t know how you would do this and you didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
But then you decided it was better to confess then to be like this any longer
Suga made you happy and he was your best friend, what could go wrong?
So here you are, holding little heart-shaped post-it notes in your hands that you had just gotten at the convenience store and your cheeks flushed because you had ran all the way there and back to try to make it back in time.
“meet me behind the gym before the game - bug”
Oh yeah, did I mention? You have post-it note codenames for each other
You were bug and he was kit-kat
this is so cute im screaming
the nicknames had come from just random moments
You were bug because your were freaking SHORT and he was kit-kat because one day you brought him one and he got so excited and he had accidently left a little bit of chocolate in the corner of his lips and you didn’t bother to mention it to him until after he had come to sit down from his presentation in front of the whole class KDJFLSDK
“i loved that presentation kit-kat” you smiled slyly at his confused face. “Kit-Kat?” Suga asked a little confused. You reached to the chocolate at the corner of his lips and wiped it off of his lips with your thumb and then licked the chocolate off of your thumb. 
Suga baby was a MESS
Baby was blushing so hard he couldn’t function for the rest of the day
Error 404 suga.exe has stopped functioning
He couldn’t look at you without blushing for a whole week
So here you were, sticking this post-it note to his locker (which you knew he would go to to get his volleyball bag), telling him to meet you behind the gym before his practice game vs. nekoma so you could confess to him how you literally fell head over heels for him
You were twiddling with the bottom of your skirt as you saw Sugawara approach you from a little distance. Maybe telling him to meet you here was mistake? Maybe you should just say that you wanted to wish him good luck on the game? no, you had to tell him, it was to late to back out now and you it was getting harder and harder to hold back your feelings. mama ain’t raise a lil bitch.
Suga held your little heart shaped post-it note with your careful handwriting up and waved it. “I got your note.” he smiled, completely oblivious to what was about to happen. How were you supposed to confess to him when he was being so cute. UGH. 
“i uhm, needed to talk to you suga-kun.” you said twiddling with your fingers now. Sugawara noticed how tense you were and decided to stay quiet and pay attention to what you had to say, he didn’t want to ruin it since it seemed important. 
“you can tell me y/n” a little smile on his face.
“uhm, okay, well, i-, i like you suga, and not just you know, friendship like you, like, like LIKE you.” you stuttered out, feeling your cheeks heat up so much it would be noticeable even if it were dark out. 
Suga walked up to you with a little smirk (he was trying to keep it down i swear he didn’t want to make you freak out more but he couldn’t help it) 
“do you have any more of these post-it notes?” he asked simply. 
“I- what? Uhm yea, i think so.” confused, you took out the pack of heart-shaped stick notes and handed it to him. 
Suga took out a sharpie from his pocket and started writing on it, when he was done he just sticked it to your forehead and walked away. (YOUR FOREHEAD, I KNOW)
You were so confused you thought this wasn’t actually happening. You took the sticky note and read it.
“i like you too dummy - kit-kat”
Your heart JUMPED out of your chest. You blushed again you noticed something was written behind it too.
“wait for me at the entrance to the gym after the game”
Karasuno had won the practice match against Nekoma which had only motivated Nekoma more to practice for a real dumpster match. You laughed at the sight of the captains of both teams trying to be as sportsman like as possible to each other failing miserably because Daichi seemed like he wanted to break out into a dance and Kuroo looked like he was about to cry.
You waited at the entrance, spacing out and looking up at the stars in the sky. Only to be brought back by the familiar voice calling your name. 
“y/nn !” Suga called.
“Hi Suga!” you called back.
He stopped in front of you and blushed.
“Let me walk you home” 
“Okay” you smiled.
The two of you walked together holding pinkies under the starry sky that night and when you two had stopped in front of your house he had given you a kiss in the cheek, making you both blush.
“Good night, y/n”
“Good night, Suga”
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lmao it started in the middle of volleyball practice
being one of the managers you had to take notes for the team for their plays etc.. so you had plenty of post-it notes
bokuto was being loud again, like always
you just walked up to him and stuck the sticky note right on his forehead
he turned it around and it said
“ssshhh, we saw it bokuto, good job”
bokuto literally stopped functioning because it was so out of nowhere and he wasn’t expecting that
he just stood there for a solid 20 seconds watching you walk away with the sticky note in his hand
akaashi was literally shook “y/n please do that more often just to shut him up”
i don’t know know what it was not even bokuto knows himself but after that he got such a big crush on you
maybe it was the way you got his attention with something so small?
so after that he got his own pair of sticky notes just to mess with you
he would write little notes to make you blush to try to get your attention like you got his, and he would be really sweet in the notes
“you look really pretty today :D “
“thank you for always helping our team :)”
yes, he drew the smiley faces too
and each and everyone of those post-it notes brought a little blush to your cheeks
not short after you ended up getting a crush on bokuto too and you would try to get him flustered with them too
“you’re doing really good today bokuto :)”
“are you a volleyball because i’d hit that ;)”
it’s safe to say that he short-circuited when you gave him that second one and just walked away and in that day, he had never played a practice match like how he did that day because he really wanted to impress you
the team had noticed you guys’s little post-it note thing and thought it was so cute
konoha and sarukui and yukie all had a game where they would watch to see the exchange of the sticky notes and laughed at how your faces would get so red after reading each others sticky notes
bokuto would try his hardest to make sure the post-it note was perfect
he would spend time on every little detail, he wanted his handwriting to be nice and the doodles around it to be perfect so he would be extra attentive to make sure it went the way he wanted and it freaked akaashi out because he had never seen bokuto pay so much attention to anything other than volleyball
no seriously, akaashi was literally freaked (in a good way) because bokuto would be silent for like 5 minutes focusing on his post-it of the day
not long after, you guys started dating and sometimes bokuto would have his arm around you and his hand would slip into the back pocket of your jeans to leave his post-it note there and he liked to watch how your cheeks would get so red, he thought it was so cute
for some reason you guys just forgot to tell the team you two were dating, you guys just thought that they thought you already were?
so uhm, this is how they found out
you were writing on your clipboard, taking notes for the practice getting the next volleyball camp set up for the boys. the team was setting everything up for practice to start and Akaashi was walking up to you to ask a question about the next training camp when OUT OF NOWHERE FREAKING BOKUTO SHOWS UP RUNNING TOWARDS YOU WITH A STICKY NOTE IN HIS HAND HE JUST SLAPS YOUR ASS WITH THE HAND THAT HAS THE STICKY NOTE AND KISSES YOUR CHEEK AND RUNS PAST YOU LIKE IT’S NOTHING. 
Mind you the whole team just saw everything and Akaashi was right there so he not only got a front row seat to the sound you made when Bokuto slapped your ass but he also could read what Bokuto wrote on the post-it note.
Your face was SO red and you reached for the sticky note stuck on your ass.
“your ass looks really good in those pants baby :)”
again with the smiley faces, i know
Akaashi knew that he liked you but he had no idea that you guys were dating so he literally yelled “what the FUCK BOKUTO” and Konoha was about to spike a volleyball at him and Yukie was about to call the police before you could stop them and Bokuto and you had to tell them that you guys were dating😭😭
“ohhh but still, whAT THE FUCK I WAS RIGHT THERE” Akaashi spluttered.
“sorry akaashiiii” bokuto said, his hair going down about to go into emo mode. you kissed him in the cheek and he sprung up with the new found energy and gave you a big hug and you giggled.
“okay! let’s get this practice started!” bokuto yelled and started jogging over to the volleyballs after giving you a little kiss at the top of your head.
Author’s note: hey i hope you guys enjoyed it, this is was my first time doing this style of writing with the bullet points and the multiple characters in one post so i hope it was cute ^^
also im doing requests now so if you guys have any requests for me to write you can ask here :)
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dekusneakers · 3 years
Mina for the character list name!! <33
hi rran!!! thank you for sending an ask about MINA MY BELOVED 💖
favorite thing about them: her unwavering confidence!!!! i love how bright and positive she is, even in the face of defeat (whether that's a test of a villain). she's the kind of person i always hoped to be and i would wanna be her friend irl so bad. she's a ride or die but always has something to cheer you up. in conclusion, mina ashido supremacy
least favorite thing about them: literally nothing lmao. the fact she doesn't have more screentime?? i want more mina always
favorite line: i could say something heartfelt, but honestly anytime she says something like "aw man!" or "no fair!" is just so cute and it makes me laugh lmao.
brOTP: anyone in the bakusquad is a big yes. i imagine she and katsuki have sleepovers where they do face masks and gossip LMAO. but also. i love when she and ururaka become partners in crime when i read fics. they're terrifying together, as a concept, and i love the idea of all the chaos they would create.
OTP: hmmm i'm not sure! i've seen her in a lot of pairings and i don't think there's any i dislike, really? super love her in wlw pairings in general and i've read some fics where she's a bg ship with kiri as bisexual disasters that are pretty cute <3
nOTP: i don't really have one? OH i guess with mineta but that's just. because i hate mineta lmao
random headcanon: she LOVES throwing/planning parties! she and momo team up for every single person in class 1A's birthdays and throw a party that is specifically aligned to their interests. i feel like she's a deeply thoughtful friend and would absolutely take everyone's preferences into account! some examples: baku gets an arcade party (they rent the place out, thanks momo) bc games, competitions, but also he can slink away from everyone if he needs some space, and the focus doesn't have to be on him constantly. they do a powerpoint party for kaminari's birthday bc they make him laugh so hard. kiri gets laser tag or rockclimbing or something equally fun and "manly". todoroki gets something different every time bc mina's trying to give him all the birthdays he never got to have <3
unpopular opinion: idk any unpopular opinions for her, really? so i'm just gonna say some more headcanons. she's the best wingman. she makes friends with every single girl she ever meets in a bathroom and i mean every single one, she's shitty at all video games but absolutely annihilates at mario cart. she once ate a live bug as a dare because some boy said she was a girl and too scared to, she then spit the bug at the boy and he ran away screaming. she also likes the color pink but is OBSESSED with electric blue and anyone that knows her knows to get her things in electric blue and electric blue only. i feel like she accidentally stole something once, like was just still holding it and walked out of the store without realizing it, and she literally cannot forgive herself. she wrote a note saying "I DIDNT MEAN TO STEAL IT IM JUST DUMB" and places it on the cashier's counter when they're not looking and never sets foot in the store again lmao.
song i associate with them: hmm, there's a lot and i'm not sure how to pick, so i'm just gonna say i think that she would listen to harry styles, MIKA, and Marina and the Diamonds (or just MARINA now? idk i'm old lmao)
favorite picture of them: this one, hands down
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send me a character!
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I require an imagine where teen Steven Universe goes all Pink Steven and spooks his easily overwhelmed S/O who runs of crying so he has to find and comfort them
Aw shit here we go again-
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Steven x Reader Imagine: Too Far
It all happened when you asked him that little question one more time.
To Steven, it felt like you had been pestering him to do stuff all the time. Like he wasn’t busy enough already with you constantly bugging him to spend time with you. But you weren’t even bugging him that much. You gave him his space plenty of times, but it felt like he was drifting away from you. As his other half, you knew you had to do something. You couldn’t let this slide.
“(Name), I already told you I can’t hang out today.” He tried his best not to get angry with you too quickly, but he was already well near his boiling point. “I booked another class for Little Homeschool today and I’m really pressed for time right now.”
You could feel the anger and annoyance practically radiating off him, but you remained persistent. Grabbing his wrist, you shot him a concerned look, “Steven, please, you’ve been pushing yourself to work too hard recently. Just listen to me!”
When he yanked his wrist out of your grasp, you frowned, grabbing it again with both hands firmly, “You know, I don’t think it would kill you to stop what you’re doing and listen to me for once! You can’t ignore me forever!!”
That was it. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Something snapped in him.
Steven grit his teeth and almost at once, his skin and hair began glowing a vibrant pink. When he turned to face you, he looked visibly furious, picking you up with sudden, immense strength by your shirt collar.
“Ignore you? Are you serious right now?? Don’t you think I have enough on my plate already without you needing something from me EVERY FIVE MINUTES?!” He was yelling at this point, his grip on your collar tightening.
You were utterly mortified right now, small tears pricking at your eyes. Steven could feel you shaking as he held you up and blinked in shock. He could see now he had really scared you.
This wasn’t right.
Lowering you back down, he retracted his hand from your shirt and his pink glow went away. He backed a few steps from you and glanced away, slightly ashamed of his sudden rage moment.
Before he could even say anything else, you were already out the door and down the steps of the beach house, tears streaming down your face at a crazy fast rate as you ran.
He ended up finding you about half an hour later way down the beach on a lonely dock. You sat at the very edge of the dock, knees pulled to your chest and head buried in your arms. You could hear gentle footsteps approaching you, but you didn’t have to look up to know who it was.
“(Name).. I-..” He started, reaching a hand out to you before retracting. He didn’t even know where to start with an apology, let alone if he could. Or if you would let him.
Your head remained in your arms as he tried speaking again. He shifted uncomfortably as he spoke with a frown, “(Name).. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lose my cool with you back there. It was wrong of me to lose my temper in front of you and I’m sorry you had to see me like that.” He rubbed the back of his neck, still feeling slightly ashamed as he put his apology together. “I can’t control it sometimes, it just comes out when I get too frustrated and-“
“Just stop.”
You lifted up your head to listen to him talk and try to make his case, but now after listening to him try and justify his angry actions against you, it only made you feel worse.
“I don’t want to hear the excuse that you can’t control it. I know you, Steven. And I know you know better than to lose your temper in front of me. You can control it, I think you don’t want to.” You turned your head to look at him, your eyes red and puffy from crying earlier.
Steven looked very taken aback at your words. “Th-that’s not at all what I-“ He stuttered, but you end up cutting him off.
“Then what is it, Steven?” You stood up and faced him, sending a cold glare in his direction. “You’ve been nothing but good to me since we started going out, but you’ve changed. The Steven I know would’ve loved to hang out with me, but every day it’s the same thing: ‘my schedule is full’ or ‘something came up’ and it’s getting old!! Seems like yesterday you were so eager to come back home from the Diamonds and spend time with your friends and family, but now it’s like all you want to do is get away from them! Away from me!”
You were close to crying again as you began yelling at him, clenching your fists until your knuckles stared turning white. Steven was speechless as you began losing your temper now, in contrast to what he did to you not even an hour ago.
Barely a few tears spilt from your eyes before you roughly wiped them away on your arm and began walking past him, teeth grit and eyes squeezed shut.
“(Name)!!” He called out to you.
“You may be able to change others, but if anyone needs changing more than ever, it’s you.” You snapped coldly. And you started walking away from him, heading down the dock and back to the beach, not saying another word.
For the first time in a long time, Steven didn’t know what to do.
Had he gone too far this time..?
Well I know I prolly went too far with this angsty mess of an imagine, lmao-
Sorry if you wanted a happy ending, anon, my heart and brain went down a dark path just now.
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linkysmommy · 3 years
frickin undone 👀
PLZ NO NOT UNDONE 😂😭 it’s a Naruto/NaruSaku fanfic from 7 years ago that I never finished dslkjf the basic plot is undoing that awful ending and SasuSaku and NaruHina. ok well here’s a snippet as promised lmao.
It was well past midnight by the time they finally stopped moving. Despite how fast and far they traveled, and how many clones spanned the area searching for any flicker of Sarada’s chakra, they found nothing.
When Naruto came to a stop, landing in the middle of a clearing of trees, Sakura looked at him with indignation.
“What are you doing?” she demanded. Sai leapt down from a tree, dirt and dust kicking up around him as he landed. He and Naruto locked eyes, and Sai nodded before pulling out sleeping rolls and starting to set up camp. Sakura glowered at him. “Sai, stop that! We’re not going to quit until we find Sarada!”
“Sakura-chan…” Naruto said softly. 
“This is ridiculous! Sarada is out there, waiting for me to find her and take her home! You expect me to stop? Every second we spend sitting here she’s getting further away in the hands of—who knows who!” 
Sai ignored her, instead focusing on starting up a campfire. Naruto sighed and ran a hand through his mussed up hair. 
“I get what you’re saying, but we’ve been going nonstop for hours. When we catch whoever took her, we can’t risk being too exhausted or weak to fight them. Besides,” Naruto said, leaning back against a mossy tree trunk, “we won’t be as effective if we’re half asleep.”
Sakura let out an angry groan and turned her back on him, but she knew he had a point. Of course, she was still just a few (seconds) away from a breakdown and couldn’t even imagine actually sleeping while Sarada was in danger, but there were other teams looking for her, and she would be more effective if they took time to rest.
She sat a few feet from Sai’s fire, which now crackled happily under the night sky. She refused to look at either of them, and when Naruto tried to get her to eat, she stubbornly turned her head away and didn’t even grace him with a response. She wasn’t sure how much time actually passed. Her thoughts were running out of control, thinking of terrible scenarios and worrying about if Sarada would be okay…
And Sasuke. Where the hell was he during all of this? Off doing some supposedly important mission out in the woods? While his own daughter disappeared and could be gone for good?
“Sakura-chan, do you mind if I sit by you?” She jumped and looked up at Naruto, surprised. She hadn’t realized how far she’d been transported by her thoughts. Sakura shrugged and gestured at the space beside her.
“Sure, go ahead.”
Naruto sat, his white hokage cloak draped in front of him like a blanket. They sat in silence for a long moment, the only sounds the chirping of bugs and crackling of the fire. Finally, Naruto let out a long breath and turned to her.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
Sakura raised her eyebrows at him. “Sorry? For what?”
“We used to be best friends and… more than that, and even though things didn’t work out, I shouldn’t have completely cut you out like that.” Naruto rubbed his forehead sleepily. “I could’ve—should’ve—been there more for you. Just because we couldn’t be together, doesn’t mean we couldn’t still be teammates. Or friends.”
“It’s a little too late for that,” Sakura snapped. The moment she said it, she regretted it. But nonetheless, she looked away, staring at the dirt forest floor. Things could never go back to the way they were, no matter what Naruto said. A few words couldn’t fix the world of hurt. Couldn’t fix the aching in her chest.
Didn’t make up for the years they’d lost together, and attempted to fill with love from others.
“Sakura, there’s… something that I need to tell you.”
She looked up, and in spite of herself, her heart began to pound. She glanced behind her at the fire, and saw Sai, curled up on his bedroll and sleeping soundly. Realization dawned on her—this was the first time in nearly thirteen years she’d ever really been alone with Naruto. Ever since the moment he ended their relationship, and broke her heart in the process.
“Okay… what is it?” 
Light from the flames reflected in Naruto’s warm blue eyes. “I swore to myself I’d never tell you, but, I don’t know. I just feel like it was so long ago, and you deserve to know the truth.”
“Truth about what?”
“Sakura, I…” Naruto trailed off, cleared his throat, looked away. “I really thought you looked beautiful on your wedding day. Sasuke’s a really lucky guy.”
“Oh.” Sakura’s heart sank. And here she was, expecting some kind of—what? Apology for breaking her heart? Love confession? She didn’t even want a love confession. She may not be particularly happy with Sasuke, but she was madly in love with him. Never mind the fact that he was always gone, and when he was home, he was always wrapped up in himself, and he barely touched her, or held her, and even when they shared intimate moments together his mind always seemed to be on something else.
It wasn’t like Naruto would be any better. From the whispers and gossip she heard from the other kunoichi, his relationship with Hinata was anything but passionate.
Naruto let out a frustrated groan and pushed himself up to his feet. “I’m going to bed, Sakura. You should get some sleep. We’re going to find your daughter tomorrow.”
“Yeah. We will.” She watched as he crossed the clearing to the bedroll besides Sai. Naruto Uzumaki may have matured from the complete goofball and knucklehead he once was, but some things never changed. And one of those things was his undying devotion and care for the things that Sakura held most dear.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
So... Now that your writing bug is back... Could we get a drabble of Belle and Byron with the sibilings theory? Go ham :)
Lmao. This was at the top of the list ahaha what do you mean
Anyway, I'm still getting a feel for Belle, but for now I'm going for a mix of Kissing Kate Barlow's montage (not the backstory- the tone. Important.) and a very, VERY light dose of Azula... mostly for the siblings thing!
......and yet again I make it a set-up to a story rather than a drabble or one shot. Like some of the other stuff I've written, I wonder if there should be oneshot followups? x.x we'll see..
•🐍• Risk & Reward •🦝•
"Byron." Piper said sternly.
"That's odd. I don't remember hearing a knock.." Byron said lightly. He sat in his chair, faced away from the door, from her, from the world. "Or saying come in."
"There's been reports of the Goldarm Gang being seen around here." Piper went on. "We need to take action. Either hire more security, or outfit the building with further measures."
She heard the rustle of a newspaper page being turned. "There's no need for concern." Came his nonchalant response.
The woman placed her fists on her hips. She would not be casually dismissed like this. "You're looking at the news yourself. You know this isn't just another band of petty criminals."
Byron closed up the papers, folding it up neatly before swiveling around and turning to face Piper. "You're right. I do know that."
He was smiling, in that particular way where he knows something she doesn't. How infuriating... but begrudgingly comforting.
She sighed silently, then smiled passively. "I know there's no use trying to find out what's going on with you. I also came to let you know I'm putting in a request for a week off."
He leaned his head in his hand, frowning. "You have no faith in me, Piper."
"I have some faith in you." She smirked, "I do have matters to attend to, actually. This isn't a luxury getaway. A couple of old friends are looking to start bounty hunting. I wish to lend my support."
"I see." He muttered, looking to the side. "Very well. We'll find a way to manage without you around here. Thank you for letting me know."
"It's no problem." She said, recognizing that tone and demeanor. "If things go well, I can be back sooner?" She offered.
Byron shook his head. "That won't be necessary... You take care of your business, Piper," He looked pointedly down at the grainy quality of the main headline's picture. "And I'll take care of mine."
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The rumors were only just starting, so he figured that there would be some window of a time frame to prepare some things. Currently, he was recording inventory, and had plans over the money and several safes he had. (Even without this Golden Arm threat, he was a very careful man.)
He wouldn't be surprised if she had already started to scope the area around here. That no-good, sneaky turncoat, gold-lifting thief of a sister..!
Byron frowned, his jaw clenching and his temper easily flaring at the thought of her.
He sighed, smoothing out a part of his hair with his fingers. There was no use for paranoia or anger here. It'd only hinder him.
He focused about which modifications to his place. Piper was right, but he knew brute force wouldn't work. His sister was crafty, but still lazy no doubt. When you take the easy way out, you're bound to always be a weaselly, good for nothing...
He blinked. Focus.
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That week's work of preparation went for both sides. Belle sat with her drink as she checked out the lobby of the place. She had a more casual set of clothes to avoid detection. Jacket, gloves, no trademark glasses. She would stay low.
This place was popular for sure. Reports from other members confirmed as such.
She wasn't so surprised, considering who owned the place, but she was surprised at the ambiance. Cheery piano music, tame audience and a prim and peppy bartender. If this wasn't just a cover for anything on the sidelines, he turned out to be such a sellout!
Belle's grin was shrouded by the held to her lips. Too bad her little brother never grew a backbone and left those control freaks. For him that is. This was just a pit filled with gold just begging to be tapped. And she intended to answer those calls. The sooner, the better.
She downed her drink, and stood. She left enough to cover it and then plenty. As she passed by the performing bot, she left a generous tip for him as well. He gave a grateful bow, and continued his musical jig.
The heist pulled here would more than cover these 'losses,' but anything that goes towards bots was well worth it. Belle idly tugged at her jacket sleeve as she walked out.
They would strike soon.
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The first day of the following week, Piper returned. She hummed a tune as she walked into the bar, and headed to the back.
Things went swimmingly. Poco and Primo's friend, Amber, got her start thanks to Piper's investment. Her first job went well enough.. in the end. It was a productive week overall. The group even went out for a celebration afterwards, where, Piper recalled with a fond smile, that mysterious woman left quite an impression on her. She looked forward to seeing her again.
Her recollection of that magical night came to a screeching halt when the ruins of the place came to her attention.
"What in the..?" She muttered, looking around at the broken tables and more.
"Watch your step!" Barely advised, working on cleaning up a section of the room.
"Oh, Byron didn't heed my warning, did he?" She lifted her dress slightly to walk around the mess. "It'll do him well, if he has to learn this way." she complained as ladylike as always, "Maybe now he won't dismiss me, though I still won't think it likely. I still expect to be paid to work too."
"So that's what you really think." Byron said, leaning against a wall. He was amused, and straightened up. "Follow me. Both of you."
The robot and lady glanced at each other, but followed the owner of the place.
"We may have been hit, but I assure you that not a thing of value has been taken." He monologued as he led them down the hall. "The destruction of the place was only superficial, caused by the anger and frustration of an uncouth band of petty bandits."
Piper listened and noted they entered his office. So what kind of trick did he pull?
"Praytell, Sir. You're saying the only thing we have to worry about is the funds and time to clean up the mess?" Barley asked.
"That's right." Byron responded, a tint of pride to his voice. "I've replaced every precious gem and all the gold we've had stashed with lookalikes and Fool's. They've got nothing!"
He walked over to a section of a wall behind his desk and let a laugh escape him as he removed a frame from it. The wall behind was removable to show an empty space. "To add insult to injury, I left the most valuable item we owe in here." He reached in, pulled out the fake back cover and revealed a medium-sized box. "So it was right under their noses, and they left completely empty handed!"
"The most valuable?... Byron..." Piper frowned. "I trust you know well, but don't you think that was a risk? That precious statuette is sought after by everyone. It shouldn't be used as a trophy."
"Quite." Barley agreed. "With all my respect, Sir, you did this without even informing me." He sounded upset.
"...It's still here," Byron said weakly to his defense after a pause. He sighed. Maybe he had let more of his emotions guide his defense of their business. "I suppose.. I was letting things get personal. I'll admit it." He turned the box toward himself, and went to press the combination of numbers that would open the safebox. "Perhaps, I haven't been completely honest either. The leader of the Gold Arm Ga--" As he pressed the last button of the lock, the box lid flipped open and a light electric shock ran through his body, freezing him in place.
Piper gasped. Barley's arm reached out, roughly smacking the metal box out of Byron's hands and into the ground.
The box landed, and the only thing that fell out was a single slip of paper.
"It's missing!" Piper exclaimed.
Barley was near Byron in an instant. "Are you alright?" He asked the man leaning heavily against the wall.
The salesman didn't answer. His eyes were hyper-fixated on the single spilled content of the box. He pulled away from the wall and the service bot and leaned down to pick up the torn scrap.
'Dumbass!' was the only thing scrawled on it. Byron scrunched it up in his fist.
[ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ]
"Shelly!" Belle cheered, "Pass me our winnings!"
A young woman with dark hair and an eye patch grabbed the shining figure of a cactus, adorned with priceless jewels.
She tossed over with a grin, and Belle caught it.
The leader of the Gold Arms stepped on a chair, then the table. "Look here, folks!" She called for attention. Her bandits instantly quieted their idle buzz. "We all did great last night. That slippery eel may have thrown us for a loop, but as usual, we united prevail!! Together, we've hit the jackpot!" She held the statuette up for her crew to see and cheer on. "When they cover this, the Golden Arm Gang will be unforgettable! And if we stick together, we'll always be untouchable!"
Cheers, and their celebratory times went on. Drinking, chatting, cheerful.
Belle grinned and hopped off the table at the crowd's energy. She pocketed the figurine. Life was finally good.
She sat and eyed the bag of loot they took along despite its worthlessness.
Maybe it wasn't so bad? The false gems could be used in a scam, she supposed, Some folks didn't know how to separate reals from placeholders.
She looked through it, and noted a box that had been unopened. Oh. That might have been when they were trashing the place when they discovered a lot of the valuables were actually cheap fakes.
She clicked the simple lock mechanism of the box open, just to sate her curiosity. There was a small, square sheet that was neatly tucked into the recently-opened box that held the mystery fog.
'Dunce.' It said, written in a very neat cursive.
"Ah, shit," Belle said, feeling lightheaded. She realized far too late. "That little...." she slumped forward, out cold. Her golden arm dropped the container.
A poison fog traveled from the box throughout the room, slowly knocking out the rest of the thieves in the hideout. They were fine, but all would wake up in an hour or so with pounding headaches and heavy nausea for days to come.
Just a little gift exchange amongst siblings, nothing more.
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drstrangefictions · 4 years
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 2,558
Spoilers: Nothing.
Warnings: Death mention. Absolute tomfoolery. OOC Bucky, again, I know my bad. Absolutely just shits and giggles fic. Bucky Barnes warning lmao. Positive vibes with like one negative vibe.
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“Are you going to tell me the point of this so-called fieldtrip?” Bucky looked at her. She was bobbing her head along to the song on the radio, mouthing the words. He was almost sure she didn’t hear him. However, he did want to know why he was being dragged out into the mountains; it was something she insisted on after disappearing for a few weeks. She didn’t tell him what she was doing, just that she would be gone. He wasn’t exactly complaining about it, he was just left in the dark about the whole thing. He didn’t really enjoy the suspense of surprises. He found most of the views during their obnoxiously long drive to be beautiful, almost made him forget how agitating the drive actually was. He was even surprised his neck wasn’t hurting with having stared out the window for such a long time or having stared at her for just about as long.
She put on hand on the gear shifter out of habit. She was used to manual sports cars and driving a smidge too fast for her passengers’ comfort. It wasn’t unusual for her to drive other vehicles either, she has driven S.H.I.E.L.D issued vehicles as well as trucks, such as the one her friend lent her for this trip. “If there was a point, you would’ve been told.”
Bucky pushed the seat back, so he was laying back, and slightly more comfortable. “Well are we almost there?” He sounded as though he were whining, he would be if he were stuck with anyone else.
“Man, do you hear that? Sounds like, hm, a little bitch.” She glanced at Bucky with a smirk. “Just hold your horses and let me get us there alive.”
He closed his eyes and chuckled. “Alive would be nice.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Where is there anyway?”
(Y/N) turned up a dirt road. “Somewhere on this side of nature.” She tuned him out from then on, she was good at that. And it was good that she could do that, she’d like to be able to find their destination the first time. She paid extra attention to the road, hidden driveways along the path, and her GPS.
Bucky noticed they were passing a few cabins along the dirt path. He sat up looked over at (Y/N) who was concentrating too hard for him to ask her anything to confirm his suspicions about the fieldtrip. Even if she were to pay attention, she would still play it off. He was impressed with her ability to lie and keep this whole thing from him this whole time. She loved to talk, it was nearly impossible for her to keep any secrets or surprise him with anything. As for everyone else, Bucky is pretty sure no one even knows anything besides her name. He pulled the seat back up as they turned onto a hidden driveway and pulled up to a cabin.
“We are here! Alive!” (Y/N) parked the truck, grinning. She shut the ignition and slid out of the truck.
Bucky tried to get out of the truck only to find she had locked the doors on him again. “Just 5 hours ago, I was the childish one. Who’s being childish now?” He raised his voice at her from inside the truck. “Let me out.”
(Y/N) snickered and unlocked the truck for him while rolling up the truck bed cover. “Dumbass.” She said to herself.
“What was that, half-pint?” Bucky asked, slamming the door on accident. “I might just make you sleep out here with the bugs. You love bugs.” He walked over to the bed and started pulling out their suitcases. “Better than having to climb in, huh?”
She cringed, not offering him any other response. She fastened the cover. “I’ll still have to climb if I want to help you take everything out. I know you’re a big strong man and all, but that’s just not fair.”
“It’ll be a nice view for me.” Bucky told her casually. He walked away before he could see her reaction to place their suitcases by the door.
(Y/N) squinted her eyes and shifted her jaw to the side in annoyance. Of course, he would look. She unlocked the door to the bed and climbed up to push everything in the back towards the front. She promised Clint that she would practice her archery while she was out here, so he gave her a target to use and she brought her bow and arrows along. She put the target on top of the cooler so she wouldn’t damage it before she got to use it.
Bucky came back and looked at her with disappointment, she practically blocked herself in unless she was planning to jump over the side and mess up on landing as she does. He grabbed the target off the cooler and her bow and arrows. “I didn’t know you did archery.”
“Clint has been teaching me with his kids. They like to see who the best is and it’s never Clint. We never vote on him.” She climbed over the side and landed on the ground successfully.
“Not surprised there.” Bucky walked her archery gear to the porch. “Are you any good?”
“Probably better than anyone else would be unless they also secretly practice.” She grabbed the cooler and set it on the ground. “This will be fun; you’ll love it out here. No Sam. No Steve. No team. No working! No one but us.” She rolled the cooler to Bucky.
“Sounds great already.” He picked up the cooler and set it by the door near their suitcases. “I’ll get the waters and the snacks you insisted on bringing. Do you really need a large box of goldfish?”
“Are you still stuck on that? The answer is yes, I do. I’m going to unlock the door now.” She made her way to the door, opened the screen door, and search her keyring of keys for the one she needs. “Not you. No, no… There ya are.” She unlocked the door and pushed it open. She reached above her to lock the screen door in place.
“Have you gotten taller?” Bucky asked, walking up the porch steps. “I feel like you got taller. You can reach things now.”
She grabbed their suitcases and brought them in the cabin, setting them down by the stairs. “Looks absolutely like I left it a few weeks ago!” She set her hands on her hips and looked around proudly. She would pat herself on the back for her cleaning skills had she not already done so when she finished cleaning.
Bucky had found the kitchen on his own and already set the case of waters down near the table and set her snacks on the table. “Or ignore me, that works just as well.”
She stepped back outside and grabbed the cooler. “Well the plan was to leave you here and never come back, ignoring you is just the first step. I decided that was a stupid plan and I’ll just leave in the middle of the night. I’m gunna pull the archery stuff in then put things in places.” She set the cooler near the waters.
“I will start putting things in places.” Bucky used her words; he watched her walk away with a slight smirk. “Alright – pantry…” Bucky looked around the kitchen until he stopped at what should be the pantry. He swung the narrow door open. “Pantry.” He started putting her snacks in the pantry. He was feeling generous, he put them lower than he was originally planning to.
(Y/N) brought in her archery gear and unlatched the screen door, causing it to slam shut. “Shit! That was loud.” She nearly jumped out of her skin. She left the other door open as the breeze was nice. She stood for a moment, with her hands on her hips again, looking around the living room – just as I remember it… sort of, she smiled sadly to herself. She quickly walked back into the kitchen to help Bucky load the refrigerator with what they brought and a few of the water bottles.
“Let me guess, you already have a shopping list?” Bucky asked, closing the refrigerator door.
She looked in every overhead cabinet. “Yeah, I do. Just wanna stand and walk around for a bit first. Explore the place, have depressing flashbacks in the process. I was too busy cleaning and replacing some things to be able to get it all out before this week.” She climbed up onto the counter to grab a plate she decorated years ago with the help of her older sibling.
“Please –.” Bucky prepared to catch her in case she fell from the counter. He hated when she got up on counters and anything she could fall off of.
She turned and sat on the counter facing him with the plate in her hands. “Y’know, I thought my parents tossed all these. They were up here this whole time.” She showed him the plate. It was white around the edges, black, blue, purple, and red created a very child-quality galaxy as a background to a rocket ship. “Always wanted to be an astronaut. Being an Avenger is close enough, right? Went to space, got my ass handed to me by a Titan… y’know. Space things.”
“After hearing about that, I don’t want to go to space. If the world is at its end and we need to leave, I will die here.” Bucky told her. He took the plate from her hands. “Did you paint yourself in the rocket ship?”
“Abso-fuckin’-lutely!” She grinned proudly. She started to turn to kneel on the counter again.
He grabbed her quickly. “I will put this up for you.” He kept his arm around her, and he leaned forward to put the plate back where she grabbed it from. He stepped back and pulled her off the counter. “Should I even ask what kind of mess you left for yourself?”
“No mess.” She laughed. “Just stuff to look at… and find. My brother was very strange, he made hidden compartments, all full of secrets probably – I don’t remember where any are.”
He rested his chin on the top of her head. “Well, I see where you get that from, Miss I-hide-everything-from-everyone. I would like to see what kind of disaster child you were that turned you into a disaster adult.”
“Secret compartments first.” She looked towards the living room, already knowing where one is, maybe I do remember... “Not sure what he hid and if anything is still in there, honestly… I just hope it’s not something gross.”
“Afraid of something jumping out at you?” He ran his fingers through her hair. He could stand here with her in his arms for a long time.
She scoffed. “Yeah, sure I am… Not.” She is.
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“I will admit, you were right to take me out here.” Bucky said, staring at the fire in front of them. It was comforting. And warm enough to where they didn’t need to sit close to each other, but they did anyway. He watched the marshmallow (Y/N) dropped in there burn up.
She smiled. “I know. You needed this. We have a whole six days left! Just you, me, the firepit, and that’s really it. Ooh, I would like to do something like this with the whole team one day. It would be so fun. White water rafting, zip-lining! Hiking!” She popped a marshmallow in her mouth. She couldn’t help herself they were right next to her.
Bucky looked at her, she was happy out here. She looked a lot happier than she usually did. He was definitely happy away from everyone. “Yeah? The whole team? Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me.”
She nodded, she knows he is right about that, but it would still be nice or just fun. Fun doesn’t have to mean nice. “Just pair up with Sam for white water rafting and push him in the water, problem solved.”
“All of my problems would be solved if I did that.” Bucky leaned back slightly, not wanting to be startled by the sudden swinging of the bench. “Just don’t tell him.”
“I’m sure he already knows that you would do anything to get rid of him.” She scooted herself unnecessarily closer to Bucky, leaving no gap between them. “I tried to get rid of you when we were just friends. I tried to sell you to Sam once, he wouldn’t pay a whole dollar. He wouldn’t even take you for free.”
Bucky laughed. He knew she was always up to something. “Of course, you tried that. Next time sell me online.” He suggested playfully. It would be wrong for him to say he didn’t try to push her away either, except he was more obvious about it.
“Well shit, I can’t do that now! I’d hate to get rid of you. I actually like having you around.” She rested her head on his shoulder.
He had his hand on her thigh. “Yeah, I believe that.”
She giggled. “Deep down I know you actually do.”
They sat in silence watching the flames dance around each other and listened to the wood crackle. There were a few times when (Y/N) passed him a marshmallow because he still hadn’t taken the bag away from her.
“Where do you see yourself in the future?” She asked randomly and out of curiosity.
Bucky’s eyes followed the smoke. “Why do you ask?”
She closed her eyes. “Just something we’d talk about around the fire when I was younger. None of us got to see those futures we saw ourselves living. The twins wanted to act. My older brother, the secret one, wanted to travel the world. I was always a little more realistic… I wanted to go to school to be a doctor. The twins didn’t make it far in life. My brother was a H.Y.D.R.A agent undercover at S.H.I.E.L.D, and I was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. And I did what I had to do. I didn’t think I’d end up in that kind of life, and then being an agent, I didn’t think I would have something like this. Now I’m here with you.” She snaked her arm around his.
“You wanna know where I see myself in the future?” He asked, she nodded against his shoulder. “I see myself with you because I can’t seem to get rid of you. Not sure if we still save the world, but if we do, I couldn’t ask for a better partner. If we don’t, there’s no risk of losing you… Where do you see yourself now that you’re with me?” He asked, looking at her.
“Somewhere I can actually call home, specifically wherever you are. This is going to sound so dumb; I am so sorry that it’s dumb… but hear me out, very Addams Family-esque life.” She smiled out of embarrassment. “Maybe not as weird as them… but you get the idea, right?”
He expected no less from her. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of it. She saw herself with him… a loving couple… with kids. A loving family is what she saw. “I get it.” He would be lying if he said didn’t want that too.
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💘 + sebora
where they first met and how: They first meet at a café in Paris!
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved: Sebastian caught feelings in about two weeks, Aurora caught feelings in about a month, and then it took them another 7-8 months to actually get together i hate them
who fell for who first: Sebastian!
where their first date was and what it was like: either their first date was spending a day together in Paris ending with a picnic under the eiffel tower or it was supposed to be dinner and turned into instead sitting in the hospital for hours after Quinn’s car accident or it was going to a drive in movie the next weekend — this is a very highly debated topic in Warbler Hall
who asks who out and how: Sebastian in all three cases!
who proposes first: I’m undecided lmao but they were definitely both planning their proposals at the same time
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away: They tell everyone right away lmao like they tell the Warblers first thing the next morning (including Blaine, and Aurora calls Wes & David) and then the New Directions find out
where the proposal happens and how: it depends on which one of htem proposes but both involve songs!
if they adopt any pets together: DUCKY AND CHICK OF COURSE!!!!
who’s more dominant: listen first of all we aren’t going into any nsfw shit with this but in general like... sebastian is better at asserting boundaries most of the time but Aurora is always ready to throw down but also in their relationship kind of neither like they’re very much equals okay 
where their first kiss was and what it was like: Paris!!!  Aurora kissed Sebastian, said thank you, ran off, and then they didn’t see each other again for like two months
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ): school uniforms lmao no but also they have dumb matching christmas sweaters and like in general they are the obnoxiously adorable dumb matching couple we love to see it they also have matching mugs and mickey mouse ears
how into pda they are: not very!  like okay they’re comfortable kissing and cuddling around the warblers but much less so around the new directions!
who holds the umbrella when it rains: sebastian lmao aurora couldn’t hold an umberlla over his head
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ): warbler hall!
who’s more protective: both of them!!
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ): idek for sex not for a long time, they share a bed the day they reunite in s3
if they argue about anything: they do and it’s usually a “I’m mad that you’re accepting someone treating you like crap” argument tbh like their biggest fight ever was Sebastian being mad that Aurora didn’t tell him (or anyone) about Kurt treating her like shit
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ): Aurora sometimes leaves lipstick marks on his cheek/jaw without meaning to 
who steals whose clothes and how often: Aurora literally constantly
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ): usually facing each other with Aurora’s head on Sebastian’s chest
what their favourite nonsexual activity is: I know this is a cliche answer but they really just like being around each other regardless of what they’re doing but also like snuggling and singing lmao
how long they stay mad at each other: like 0.5 seconds tbfh
what their usual coffee / tea orders are: Aurora: as many espresso shots as you can fit into this giant mug and then i guessss enough milk that it doesn’t burn my mouth to chug it / sebastian: lattes usually
if they have any special pet names for each other: Sebastian calls her Rory/Aurora and sometimes Princess, Aurora calls him Bas, and they both use babe and love a lot
if they ever split up and / or get back together: they break up for like an hour or two in season 4 oof
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ): it’s sort of not super organized but not a huge mess either!
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like: sebastian almost didn’t show up and aurora was heartbroken but then he surprises her and they’re just soft and living their best life
what their names are in each other’s phones: Aurora’s is probably “Bas ❤️💙” and Sebastian’s is “Aurora 💙❤️” bc dalton colours bc they’re fucking nerds i hate them
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ): not very many that aren’t inner circle warbler things but they start getting each other some sort of christmas decoration (usually tree ornaments) every year that symbolize something from their relationship that year!
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first: Sebastian falls asleep first and Aurora wakes up first she... doesn’t sleep
who’s the big spoon / little spoon: Sebastian is the big spoon — Aurora loves being cuddled
who hogs the bathroom: Sebastian tbh
who kills the spiders / takes them outside: Usually sebastian, Aurora hates bugs
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