#there's never any room in fandom anywhere for these kinds of stories. you people will deny deny deny
v-arbellanaris · 1 year
under the cut in case tags are broken but spoilers for the game & fandom crit
i rly think some of you are just rancid for no reason btw. like i just think if u look at a queer man LI who is a canonical victim of abuse - inc sexual abuse, and the story does not shy away from it & the ramifications of that - and a deep, rich, layered story about regaining autonomy and healing and personal liberty and trying to forgive yourself for all the horrible things that you did & were while you were abused (that you were a Real monster for) and all you have to say about it is "ugh another fucking white LI ofc you're all into him" like... idk. i dont think the problem is the fact that he's white. i think there's something wrong with YOU.
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thelordofgifs · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @sallysavestheday and @grey-gazania! I was eyeing this one and hoping for a tag, some great questions here.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 51, although one's a podfic.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 250,683. More than half of which is from last year alone!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently exclusively the Silmarillion, with the occasional little LoTR ficlet.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? the fairest stars, Inflection, an ancient song, all those that follow, Ilimbë. I'm always surprised by an ancient song's popularity – it was a pretty low-effort ficlet – but a solid list nonetheless!
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, always! (Glances nervously at the pile I've accumulated in the last couple of weeks of travelling). I love replying to comments, though. It's so nice to be able to engage with all my lovely thoughtful readers and their excellent thoughts!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ever an anguish that pursued is pretty bleak. before the black gale is also a tragedy of sorts, though I'm not sure that makes it qualify as angsty as such.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Ilimbë ends quite joyfully, although while writing the final scene I did have the shadow of their unhappy future in mind! I think the cleaving's ending is also quite happy, or at the very least cathartic.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, thankfully! All my readers have been very kind and appreciative <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Three fics so far! All of which were gifts for friends, and made me push my boundaries a little. I'm proud of all of them, though! Smut is less scary than I used to think :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No, never! If I did, it would probably be more of a retelling/AU than straight-up having characters from different fandoms meet.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No – I fear I am rather too much of a control freak for this, and would rather not inflict myself and my pedantry on an unsuspecting co-writer.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Russingon... it's the forbidden romance and the doomed nature of it all and the fact that love wasn't enough to save them :( also the murders, of course.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? boats against the current, the "Maedhros doesn't swear the Oath" AU I blithely started back in 2022, is simply not going anywhere at any sort of speed. Perhaps this is the year! Let's see.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and characterisation! I'm good at emotional beats, I think.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Description... I tend to write VERY minimally and then have to go back on edits and add in some descriptive language so that the entire story isn't just two talking heads in an empty room. Always very pleased when people compliment my descriptions for that reason – they take conscious effort!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Fine if it's footnoted, I think. I tend to avoid it on the basis that all the dialogue I write has been "translated" from one of Tolkien's languages anyway; and I don't know any real languages well enough to write fic in them.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter, although I've soured on the fandom now for obvious reasons :/ For a while I used to think that I could still enjoy the books I loved so much growing up while separating them from the author, but she's so continually hateful and bigoted that I just... can't gain any enjoyment from the franchise anymore. Which is painful, but I'm glad I have the silm fandom to absorb all my creative energy now!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? the fairest stars! My weird gremlin baby, I love it so. I never expected to care about this fic as much as I did, but I've poured so much thought and heart into it that it was perhaps inevitable. And it's taught me so much about writing cliffhangers :)
No-pressure tags for @eilinelsghost, @searchingforserendipity25, @welcomingdisaster, @that-angry-noldo, @swanmaids, @echo-bleu, @jouissants, @tanoraqui and anyone else who, like me, was eyeing this one hoping to be tagged – @ me and say I tagged you!
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acourtofthought · 1 year
as a hardcore gwynriel shipper... I don't want Az anywhere near Gwyn, does that make sense?
"Try it, pretend you're Gwyn right now and have a crush on Az. But then imagine that you hear how he yearns for Mor while simultaneously jerking off to Elain's headache powder and flippantly talking about killing an ally because that ally got a bond with the third sister while his brothers are with the other two."
Like Jesus he really needs a big glow up for me. Like that anon I don't understand the hype for Azriel either and I'm not one of those ppl who wants to do the opposite of being hype and act all different on something that is hyped, no. I always want to be hyped like rest of the fandom but honestly I don't understand this one lmao. I was all confused after finishing the books and I was like this is your man? Really?
Gwyn is in top five of my fav sjm female characters, I adore her sm and I can't wait for her book if sjm wants to dive into her character so I gotta protect my baby first!! STAY AWAY FROM HER AZ!!!
I get it!
I think there are some of us who know Gwyn and Az will be good together, it's clear based on the interactions they've had and the fact that they're both competitive and while loving their friends and family, still enjoy keeping to themselves at times in quiet, shadowy places. It's also hard to ignore that his shadows respond to Gwyn is a way that's adorable to read about.
The argument doesn't even need to be, "they're afraid of Elain" or "they don't like Elain" because his shadows do all sorts of things with all sorts of people (despite Az telling us they vanish when she's around).
Really, the only thing we need to know about his shadows is that regardless of what they do with everyone else, Gwyn is the ONLY one they've responded to in the way they have. Curiosity, playfulness, singing in answer to her song.
It doesn't matter if they like or don't like Elain, they've never been playful with her the way they have with Gwyn and that's major.
We know Az is ending up with someone so it's clear to see who his match is and support that match because it's a good setup.
If I focus on the potential than it's easy to ship Gwynriel. But when I stop at look at the current reality, there are way too many hens in Azriel's henhouse and the Az right now needs to be far away from Gwyn until he gets his head on right.
I'm glad Gwyn is in the dark on how he acts around Mor and Elain. I am glad she's never been in the room with Az at the same time as the other two. I'm thankful SJM has written it where Gwyn has separation from all of that because yeesh. It is not pretty and I kind of hate that Gwyn's first romantic encounter of her choosing (unless SJM has her dipping her toes into the dating world with someone else) is with a guy that's got such a messy love life right now. She does deserve better than who Az currently is.
We know that will change and I trust SJM will do her best work to show us that Az is in a better place before moving on with Gwyn.
For now, I am glad he admires her for her hard work and skill. I'm glad he believes in her ability to make it through the Rite. I'm glad he found her irreverence charming and wants her to be happy.
But I am REALLY glad he's not shown any sexual / romantic interest in her yet (I still think he's clueless as to why the thought of Gwyn's happiness made him smile) because I'd like to see his past become his actual past and staying there while he spends a little time not obsessing over females before their story picks up.
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evelhak · 8 months
Hi ! For the character ask game, could you do 1, 7, 10, 15 and 18 for Kise ?
Hi ~~It's so funny that you sent this the exact moment I was writing my fic and Kuroko was just about to answer a phone call from Kise, thinking that he had been too harsh on him about something. (It's funny because Kise hadn't appeared in several chapters.)
Why do you like or dislike this character?
I have a soft spot for Kise, for sure. It's initially because he resembles the type of person I have a soft spot for in real life. Basically it's people who can just show up, act exactly as annoying and self-centred as they please, and yet, a lot of people just can't help but like them (some obviously and some reluctantly). First of all, because they are so pretty and charming, and second of all, because it's like they don't know better, so you feel compelled to forgive them.
On a more specific note, I like Kise because he brings a light-hearted feeling to the story where most characters could not. I like how he can decide to have his act together when it suits him, and then be a big baby with his true friends, there's something disarming about that. Even though I don't particularly love that he seems like the kind of person who can sort of dehumanise others when it suits him, I also understand that it makes sense as a defence mechanism against the overwhelming attention he gets. So, it also makes sense that he would feel more at ease with people who don't fall at his feet just like that. Um, my point was, that I appreciate that he doesn't feel like he owes anything to anyone he doesn't have a truly reciprocal relationship with.
Also, I just can't help but like people who move through the physical and social world with ease.
Okay, basically Kise is a lot of things I wish I could be but never will. :D
7. What is something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I'm a sucker for all shenanigans there's not that much room for in canon, so I love that the fandom never gets tired of putting Kise in silly situations and having him act like a goof ball with characters who have that side in them too but wouldn't have it brought out of them so often or in quite the same way without Kise.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I wouldn't say best friends, no, for that our comfort zones would be too different. Good friends, yes. There's a lot that I lack that a person like Kise can bring into my life and strengthen in me, and I'm fairly certain the same is true in reverse.
15. What is your favourite ship for this character?
I don't have any canon character I ship with Kise, since I see him as the sort of person who keeps friends and lovers separate to avoid drama. Like, his friends are too important to him to risk conflict because of sex which he can get anywhere, anyway. Possibly he's even aromantic. I don't know, I have a hard time picturing Kise at least traditionally in love. I've written him in my fics for a long time, and so far he has casually dated two OCs which both have some good chemistry with him, and I think in this little head world of mine he seems to be opening up to a closer and more genuine connection in that department, but I don't know if I see him in a long term relationship or not. So, I can't say I have a favourite ship.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
This is a difficult one, no one pops into my head as special to me. It's more like I admire an aspect of Kise's closer relationships in general, and it's how unconditionally he uplifts and admires the people he really cares about. He's not egotistical or insecure in that sense that he would withhold his admiration when he feels it, which I find very sweet and healthy. Also, he has no ulterior motive, he's just genuinely excited about his friends. Sorry if that's not a good answer, but I don't have a particular relationship that speaks to me more than others.
I hope there was something worth your time. ☆
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novelmonger · 8 months
2-4, 13, 16, and 24 for any fandoms, please?
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
I used to get kind of annoyed when FMA fans would talk about Roy Mustang being Xingese. Like, what, just because Arakawa-san drew his eyes a little pointier than other characters', that means he's from Xing? Some people just have smaller eyes, you know! Yoki looks more Xingese than Mustang, if you ask me, yet nobody talks about him being from Xing!
But I've read some really interesting fics that explore what it would mean if he was Xingese, or half-Xingese. The implications of one or both of his parents being Xingese immigrants, legal or otherwise, can be really fun to poke at.
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
You know, if I'm being really honest, I never particularly cared about Merry from LotR that much. He just didn't interest me, compared to all the other characters. But I have to say that hanging around the Fig Tree Discord server has given me new appreciation for him, because of how much they talk about him in such glowing terms XD He's still probably my least-favorite of the four main Hobbits, but I have to acknowledge that he is one practical dude who can Get Stuff Done, and there's so much courage and angst and hurt/comfort in his scenes in the Battle of Pelennor Fields and the aftermath.
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Mmkay, so I don't ship Bucky and Natasha (mostly because I don't ship Bucky with anyone post-Winter Soldier), but I will say I can understand the appeal. Two ex-assassins who were turned into living weapons, basically, had their bodies modified against their will, carry a huge weight of guilt for the things they've done.... I feel like, if Bucky were to have a successful romantic relationship with anyone, it would pretty much have to be Natasha. She's the only one who could relate to him on that deep of a level, and she would understand his need to go slowly, know how to help him with PTSD, etc.
13. your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
I think I'd have to say prompt challenges, considering I've done three 100 Themes fics, have an ongoing one-sentence prompt challenge fic, and am currently doing my Let Me Count the Ways dialogue prompt challenge. A really good challenge will have words or phrases that immediately suggest a story, but aren't so specific that you have no wiggle room to fit it to various characters.
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
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This keyboard thing from Andor episode 7 is made from a steno machine! The little typewriter-ish device court reporters use when transcribing court proceedings! I would recognize it anywhere, and I just want everyone to appreciate the origin of this cool-looking prop.
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
The most important thing fandom has given me is virtually all the friends I have today. I've met some of the most wonderful people in the world through fandom, people I probably would never have met because of where they live (@dairogo I'm looking at you), because we wouldn't have much in common without fandom (hi @rainintheevening), or simply because we're enough apart in age and space that our paths would probably not have crossed otherwise (<3 @sergeanttomycaptain). I love being able to connect with so many different people through fandom, like most (if not all) of my mutuals here. Even though we have different perspectives on some things, we can all come together when it comes to love of a great story.
Love Your Fandom asks
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pomefioredove · 3 months
Okay I read the match up thing 3 times so I am 90% sure I'm doing this right. You want a good amount of info right? Well here you go I listed everything I thought of that would describe me and maybe affect a relationship.
It depends on who you ask but the usual summary is really nice, considerate, sweet, smart and helpful. Also being described as innocent and sheltered because I miss out on social cues, have never smoke or vaped, haven't had a partner or my first kiss, never got in trouble an am not allowed the house without some adult with me despite being 17. I only recently got permission to walk to the seven eleven across the street only with a friend. Despite all this I'm not completely clueless and have a dark sence of humor and a bunch of sarcasm used for comedy and am not bothered by cursing whatsoever in others or myself.
It depends on who I'm with but my attitude can vary like if I'm around people I'm not familiar or comfortable with I get quiet but when I'm with friends and chosen family I can get really talkative especially about my interests, though I am a introvert so any social interaction wears me down.
When it comes to confrontation regarding myself I tend to stay away as much as possible even if something bothers me if it's something I don't see as a big deal to "keep the peace". But when it comes others I'm much more willing to back them up in their confrontation or even confront someone for them if need be.
Alot of people have done those relationship tests on random people and friends, I didn't know what they were until after the test but I apparently passes the orange one?
I've also been told multiple times that I passed the "bird test" but I don't know what that is and haven't had time to Google it because I forget I don't know if it's important but I figured I'd mention it just in cade.
I like giving out random gifts to people I know and go to school with. It's usually something that reminds me of them, that suits their taste, or a craft I made that I thought they would like.
I kinda struggle sometimes with maintaining relationships that I develope in person especially when I'm not seeing them often and can sometimes like dissappear for anywhere from 2 days to a week just randomly with no warning.
My latest is origami flowers and I like making them and giving random small bouquets to people that would like them or look like they have had a rough day.
Though I love movies and i can eve. Quote and act most of the ones i like and love Easter eggs.
I write a whole bunch two especially for fandoms in involved in and have multiple pages that are dedicated for one fandom that get long 6,000 word stories every week
I love videos games, I wouldn't say that I'm a gamer cause I don't have near enough time committed or games, but I'm really good in combat games like Super Mario and Mortal combat, I also like RPGs, Games like Mr. Tomato and Ms Lemon, I am average at any kind of games like Fortnight because I'm not good at any weapon that needs to aim like guns and arrows when I need to shoot from afar but I'm really good at close combat, and good at being support and can usually manage to stay alive. I'm also really good at board games which I win at alot and card games. I don't usually have much of a temper but with games can get pretty heated sometimes.
I do a lot of crafts, like soap making, candle making, cross stitching and love cooking and baking.
I love reading as well and have been known to go through five books in the span three days
Life Style
I'm usually decent about picking up after myself and my crafts, meaning no trash in my room but because of all my hobbies there is always a bunch of clutter that I'm not bothered by and sort of organize a little to make it look decent keep the peace.
Alot of days I don't have the energy to do much other then watch movies or play video games and just hang around the house most of the time. On the few days I do have to go out that's usually when I get all my work done because I feel more productive getting one to two weeks worth of work done in a day in between talking to people and whatever favors and tasks teachers give me.
At school I'm known as sort of the go to if you need a favor or any help with schoolwork even the classes I'm not in because I have a bunch of ideas, know a lot about random stuff and when I don't know I am able to look up good material to source.
When I come home honey from those days I usually just eat and then go to bed afterwards.
I love warmth, warm showers, warm close and physical affection. I don't get much of that and am a bit touch starved but make up for it with long hot showers and usually sleeping with a heating pad.
I tend to stay up very late most nights and only go to bed at a decent time like 11 when I have to go places the next day. I'm not loud when I stay up though it's usually me listening to music through headphones and writing, reading, or playing games.
I don't know
I've recently realized my childhood was not healthy at all.
My parents were divorced by 5 and because of my dad having custody bur working late night shifts and I was left with my grandmother who homeschooled me. She had Ptsd, depression, and Biolar and should not have been left to cars for me.
I would be screamed at constantly for things that she was stressed about and couldn't control and was repeatedly told the story of my parents divorce ans how my mom legally abandoned me and didn't want me.
She would have random breakdown and panic attacks and every time I tried to console her would tense up and start yelling at me causing me to be really akward now when people get upset.
She constantly guilt trips and gaslight me and my sister even now ans combined with how my dad is a bit of a compulsive liar makes me second guess alot of what people say.
My dad was also a alcoholic and used to constantly pick fights with us, their combined behavior made me really anxious and I realized that I have anxiety because of them, at the time it was so bad I would get mine panic attacks sometimes just at the mention of going to their house. My anxiety was so bad that I threw up alot ans developed a fear of getting sick like that so I stopped eating as much as I should back then leading me to lose 50 pounds.
Now I'm much better, my dad is clean and a muc better person and we have made up but my grandmother is just as bad. My anxiety gets really bad sometimes still and in those days I lay down with my heating pad until I no longer feel like I'm going to throw up. I don't know why exactly but the heat helps. I also have a very crappie memory and can remember basically nothing till age 15 and even then those are spotty.
You probably didn't need that last bit but tldr: I am not completly mentally stable but am willing to learn and grow and change.
(No jack or Leona please I just want see myself getting along with them.)
I match you with 𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨
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The First Impression:
Azul first sees you as a threat to his business. No, really! Here you are, being all nice, offering help and doing favors for the other students for free... it doesn't matter how nice or innocent you seem, he'd be naive to underestimate you.
Why He Fell:
...Well, he's partially correct. You're definitely not as innocent as others take you for, so much becomes apparent when he hears you crack a joke for the first time. But you aren't a liar; the whole "nice and helpful" thing is genuine, and what's more is you're smart; you pick your battles, you avoid getting taken advantage of, and you're actually quite efficient and handy.
So, while you may not be a threat to him, Azul still thinks you're worth keeping around.
You grow closer over board games and long conversations. You're almost as good as him (maybe even more so, but he'd never admit that aloud) and Azul loves a good challenge, after all. Over time you both open up about your pasts and your anxieties, and he begins sharing things he never thought he would be able to. It's a comfortable, quiet sort of thing.
The Relationship:
Azul feels important with you.
Not for what he can do or what he can offer, but because he's him, and you like him (he hopes). The first time you make him a gift, he's genuinely confused. He tries to pay you, and when you don't accept, he spends an entire week thinking of ways to make it up to you. It almost becomes a little tradition, doing nice things for one another.
He's able to carve out multiple times in his week to dedicate to you. Azul is surprisingly good at finding the perfect balance between needing recharge time and needing to see each other, and the structure actually works well. Expect lots and lots of physical affection when you get to that point; Azul has been touch-starved for his entire life, after all, and he'll gladly share warmth with you.
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A story-idea about Adora and food
So, I had a wonderful week this past week visiting my family across the country.  After 18 long years, finally being able to AFFORD such a trip, I got to go to Arizona and see people in person I’ve only been able to Internet and phone with.  My mom cried as she hugged me... yeah....  Anyway, as a part of this trip, I got to have some nostalgic food because when you move to a new place, especially across the country, there are always going to be local joints that you grew up with and miss, some of them surprising.  You’d expect good Mexican-American food in Arizona, but would you expect.... fish n’ chips?    So, okay, there’s this restaurant that was a big part of my childhood called Ed’s Fish n’ Chips.  (If you look them up online, all you’ll get is a dismal Facebook page with a photograph of their MIMEOGRAPHED menu because they are THAT hole-in-the-wall and that technologically-impaired and un-modernized.  I love it).  We picked up some food during one of my days on the trip to take back to our hotel room - my Philly-raised mate being introduced to it and me living some pure nostalgia.  It pleased me immensely to step into the restaurant to find that it had not changed since the 1980s (I was pointing out the old pictures of the owners on the wall) and even the old video game arcade machines in the corner were still there and still broken (okay, so Galaga seemed to be working, but was play at your own risk).  Oh, my God, it was awesome!   Now, the fish they serve at Ed’s... is not what you’d call...”good” fish.  It is best described as rectangles.  They are crispy, greasy rectangles of reconstituted white fish somewhat akin to McDonalds’ Filet O’ Fish but they taste a bit different, served with thick fries and this DELIGHTFUL spicy red sauce that is like a watered-down ketchup mixed with cayenne sauce and there is honestly nothing like it anywhere, it’s like... as far as I know... a thing that only Arizona fish n’ chip shops have.  I have encountered it nowhere else and have missed it preciously.  And it’s PERFECT with the crispy reconstituted fish-tangles SOMEHOW.   It made me think about Adora and ration bars.  What I mean is, I have an idea for a fanfiction based entirely on this experience of mine.  Actually, I have ideas for TWO fanfictions based entirely on this experience of mine because I have an idea that applies to another fandom (I’ve absolutely nosedived back into Trigun lately). Anyway, the She-Ra idea has to do with Adora being nostalgic for the “objectively crappy” food of her youth - the kind of things that the Bright Moon crowd looks down their noses at, but has that oh, so unique flavor one cannot get anywhere else and having grown up on it, Adora CRAVES it.  She never minded the ration bars, she even liked them - particularly those gray ones.  Those gray ones had just this...unique flavor she cannot get in Bright Moon, Thaymore, Elberon or anywhere else.  She’s looked everywhere.  She’s even looked everywhere for something like a sauce that Commander Cobalt used to whip up to go with them.  Catra thinks she’s crazy.  Catra’s gotten to be a bit of a food-snob upon coming to Bright Moon (but she secretly misses Horde-food, too - oh, so much, but she’s trying to fit in and doesn’t want to lose face and all of her bad memories of the Horde are putting her in denial of the few things she actually liked.  Since Bow and Glimmer turn up their noses and make faces at mere descriptions of the bars, she’s not brave enough to admit to the nostalgia).  Ration bars are basic soldier’s food and are supposed to be “objectively bad,” after all.  Cheap, greasy, bland... (yet somehow...SOMEHOW they had just the right salt-content and just WORKED with this weird clandestine sauce some of the commanders would make off-orders).  There is a problem.  The Fright Zone is no more.  Scorpia and any remaining straggling Scorpioni people out there on Etheria have reclaimed it as their homeland.  It has been remade with the released magic into a fertile land where good food can be grown and whatever the Horde’s ration bars were made from no longer exists / the machines are broken / the recipe is lost.   So, Adora plucks up her courage and journeys to Dryl, where Hordak resides under Entrapta’s lab-partnership.  She must know the secret to the creation of the ration bars.  She must have one again, if even once more in her life.  For nostalgia.    
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lost-technology · 1 year
I was about to respond to someone directly on their thoughts in the ether, but I decided that I didn't want to harsh their buzz or cause a fight, so I'll just let out my thoughts here. Someone was talking about Wolfwood's grief-reaction in Badlands Rumble to thinking that Vash died. How he wrecked the red fridge in his hotel room (I also see red things and think of Vash. I've had a few things named "Vash" because they were red - good thing Wolfwood wasn't anywhere near my old tower computer). How he donned Vash's sunglasses to go to battle. Vashwooders point to that and go PROOF OF THE SHIP! and I'm like, huh? Really now. I don't think it's just because I'm an asexual. I think if people want to use that as romantic subtext, it's fine. I just think that it's proof of closeness, whatever the form. This is a problem I have with fandom in general, actually - people taking any and every interaction and making an entire thing on it and acting like people who see things differently are wrong. I am going to share a sad story now. I lost someone very dear to me this year. A found-family / chosen family nephew who was also my best friend. (An adult). This was back in January. A huge part of my grief-reaction early on was anger... like pure unfiltered rage without direction. I didn't put my fist through a fridge but I did other things. I screamed at so many people who did not deserve it. I actually had to quit the fast food job I had at the time because I feared that I was going to beat this one snide high school kid who worked there who liked to purposefully antagonize me upside the head with a greasy spatula and decided that getting therapy was better than getting an assault charge. (He did not know my situation, he was just a jerk in general, but I knew that he would be evil if he knew and I was just... not well). Another part of my grief reaction and subsequent healing has been surrounding myself with Eevees. I spent many days doing a canvas painting of a frolicking Eevee. I made careful displays of my nephew's Eevee figurines. We bought a big Eevee-plush for his memorial service that now lives on my bed. This was because my nephew loved Eevees and I associated Eevee as his icon. Either that or Optimus Prime. I can tell you absolutely that if my nephew had been murdered by a bandit rather than a random heart attack and it was time for me to go to battle to bring said bandit-gang to justice, I'd be ornamented with every Eevee-related item I have in his honor. We never banged. We never wanted to bang. We were Aunt and Nephew. We were peas in a pod geeks. And I think that is lost to people in fiction fandom sometimes - the value and importance and even the possibility of other kinds of relationships. I think it's because our society puts so much importance on romance and sex that all else is forgotten. It is perfectly okay to see certain Vash and Wolfwood interactions and reactions to each other as romantic. I know full well that my little Vash x Meryl heart SOARED during that scene in Stampede where Vash comes out of his Plant-coma and tells Meryl that he heard her (Rem's) voice through her / "I heard your voice, too." depending on whether you're watching dub or sub. I don't think it makes Vash x Meryl canon in any way and the relationship is just as easily friends / "Hey, some humans like me!" But, yes, I understand the impulse. It's just... it's not the only way to interpret it or "irrefutable proof" for all fans.
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octoberland · 11 months
I've been digesting the Loki season 2 finale and have a lot of conflicting thoughts. I'm hesitant to post here because I feel like I always end up upsetting people when I share my candid thoughts. But where else is my autistic ass gonna brain fart this shit? I feel an overwhelming need to share my love of fandom with people but it's not something I can often indulge in in real life. So here goes, in no particular order.
I ended up having to mute a particular tag here. I firmly believe that everyone has a right to ship what they want. But it was difficult for me to find posts that were just about the show or character. It seemed like every post was about that particular ship. FWIW, I don't have a particular canon ship regarding Loki. I'm ecstatic that he's bisexual but other than that he is not a character that I feel needs romance. In my fanfic I do ship him with Darcy. I'm sad they never got to meet onscreen. But not because I think they would fall in love. I just think they'd be really funny together.
Anyway, that finale. I am a fan and reader of the comics though if you quizzed me I don't know how well I would score. So my thoughts are mostly around the MCU plus a bit about Norse mythology.
I liked season 1 better than season 2. Season 1 had a very cohesive narrative both visually and with the story. For me, there was not a disappointing episode in season 1. I think that was in large part due to Kate Herron's passion for Loki and the amount of thought and research and hands on work she did for that season.
As much as I love Justin Benson and Aaron Moorehead, I think their chaotic style - combined with changes in the writers' room- led to a disjointed season 2. Some episodes were great. Others felt like they dragged.
Here are some of my chief complaints/disappointments overall of the finale and season:
Season 1 built up this romance between Loki and Sylvie as though it were a key focal point and then it pretty much got dropped in the second season. I don't ship them but I would have appreciated at least one realistic conversation between them about how he felt. Or even a conversation with someone else about how he felt. It just seemed like the whole thing was sort of abandoned? I know he looked for her and cried a bit but it was all very vague.
The crying. He seemed to cry a lot this season? And of course we do need to see more men crying onscreen but it felt like a little too much. Kind of out of character. The opposite of rage isn't crying. So if they were trying to show growth by having him cry a lot it just didn't hit that way for me.
It honestly felt like it ended on a low note. I don't just mean for Loki. Everyone seemed kind of sad and unhappy. And I know it's not a show about happiness but I guess for me there's just so much bad in the real world right now that I needed to see a message of hope. I needed Mobius on a jet ski. I needed Sylvie doing something nice for herself. I needed the people at the TVA to do whatever would be fulfilling for them.
And honestly? I needed to see Thor and Loki together even if it was just quickly. Loki had the power to go anywhere and any when and not once in all of that did he go see his brother to say a proper goodbye? Or even to his mother for that matter? I understand he loved his friends at the TVA and that's a good thing but it felt like everyone else in his life was forgotten. He never even made mention of them.
All that being said, I LOVED seeing Loki come into his power. Though it's interesting that both he and Thor only truly came into their powers after losing everything. Which leads us back to the sadness of the ending. I'm glad they didn't kill Loki. And I'm glad they didn't kill Sylvie. But I'm sad that Loki is stuck doing the one thing he came to fear most: living life alone. He has not had one single moment of happiness in this arc and I hate that.
In a way, his ending is reflective of the Norse mythos. True, he's not bound by a snake and being tortured by venom. But he is essentially trapped. And were he to let go then all the worlds would end.
So what does the future hold? I'm not sure. I think we've seen the completion of Hiddleston's arc as Loki. He might pop up here and there again but doubtful as the main Loki. I'm guessing we'll see either kid Loki or Young Avengers Loki. Personally, I'd love to see Agent of Asgard Loki. Whoever it is, they will have some big shoes to fill.
So these are just some of my thoughts. Not gospel. Just one person's feelings about the show. I will say, ironically, I do feel inspired to write which is something I haven't done in a while. Ironic because of him becoming the God of Stories. Though I gotta admit, the way he kind of sneered at Ouroboros for being a writer stung!
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What's your favorite kind of car?
Do you like video games? Which is your favorite genre? Specific favorite game?
Favorite dog breed?
What's your morning routine?
Favorite writing space?
Best fictional character of all time?
You have a microphone that makes you heard around the world. You can say one thing. What will you say?
Okay, I honestly don’t… care much, for cars. They’re just meh to me. I like bikes better :D
I used to play Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros Wii alllll the time when I was little, and to this day they’re still incredibly nostalgic and hold a lot of good memories. I think I was… six, when I played Mario Galaxy for the first time. My dad played Mario and I played the little player two star—it was freaking awesome, and always something I looked forward to. One of my favorite things to do was collect star-bits for my dad, and freeze enemies. It was just… awesome. So much fun.
However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve liked video games less and less. My brother is the video game guy, and he is a hekkin nerd about it XD
I don’t really play any video games now, and haven’t played any for years, BUT! Zelda Breath Of The Wild has amazing cutscenes and a great story and ZELDA IS VERY LIKABLE and LINK OH MY GOSH LINK MY BELOVED!!! HE EATS ROCKS FOR FUN!!!
I went through a phase a year or two ago where me and my sister came up with loads of fanfic ideas for BOTW, and I still want to write them!! I think it’d be really fun! I’m just preoccupied with DSMP at the moment :)
So long story short, I’m not a video game person, but I really really like BOTW for the story (and also Tears Of The Kingdom).
Favorite dog breed oh goshhhh
I love golden retrievers (special dogs, and also the same breed as Shadow from Homeward Bound, which is my Most Nostalgic Movie and I need to see it again) and I also like golden doodles (same breed as my dog Ginger <3) and I also like german shepherds (really cool dogs they look so awesome) and I also like great pyrenees (giant fluffy darlings the lot of them and they protect sheep)
But I also really really like wolves :D
I don’t have much of a morning routine, to be perfectly honest; I’m a night owl, and mornings haven’t ever been my thing 😅
I guess they’re… chill? I don’t know, not much happens. I don’t even eat breakfast, most of the time.
FAVORITE WRITING SPACE I LIKE THIS QUESTION!!! Okay, so until just a couple months ago, I didn’t have much of a writing space. If I wanted to write, I usually wrote on a very uncomfortable chair in the living room, or sometimes in my bed.
But at the start of this year, I (somehow) got into a writing routine; every day at 8-8:45pm, I’ll sit down at the tiny table in the kitchen, where I stay until 10pm. It’s been my writing place for a while now, and it’s gotten to the point where I feel wrong when I write anywhere else 😅
So definitely that! Actually here’s a picture:
Tumblr media
Now you get to read part of my romance story ajsgajsvjav I honestly had No Idea what I was doing as I wrote it
I can and have written other places—a park bench, a cabin, the notes app on my phone—but I much prefer the kitchen table!
Best. Fictional. Character. Oh boy. Deathy. I will probably ramble. Oh boy.
I gotta start with Ghostbur, of course. My beloved, the ghost of all time, lover of the color blue and sheep, Innocent, weirdly relatable, wearer of yellow sweaters… the perfect guy <3
The way cc!Wilbur treated him is criminal. cc!Wilbur needs to be tried for his crimes and found guilty of malicious intent, murder, enjoyment in other’s sufferings, and Far More.
AND THE FANDOM!!! DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE FREAKING FANDOM!!! People either see Ghostbur as an overgrown toddler who can’t understand anything, or they see him as this strange mystical Being who is serious all the time and never smiles and is always sad and depressed.
Neither are true! Stop it! It’s annoying and terrible! Freaking stop!
Ghostbur didn’t deserve what happened to him, and he doesn’t deserve the awful fandom interpretations.
Ghostbur deserves the whole world, and all the sheep in the world, and the softest sweaters imaginable <333
I also really really like Wilbur, Tommy, Tech, and Maul :D
Oooh… hm. That’s a tough one.
I think I’d say…
I’d want to say something about Christianity, but there’s so much to say, and I’d want to make sure people understood and didn’t get confused, and I wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing and give people wrong assumptions.
Oooh… maybe I’d share some of my story, like when I dealt with doubts about my faith. That might help people. Oooh :0
Thank you soooo much, Deathy!! This was quite fun to answer :D
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savedpeople · 10 months
//✒️ the muse's canon //🌌 canon divergencies //🌓 crossovers //💟 the fandom's most popular ship that involves my muse //💙 crack ships //💌 multishipping //🗝 selectiveness in the RPC
Send an emoji and I'll tell you my opinion | Not Accepting | @wexarethewalkingxdead
We all know I have issues with certain writing decisions on the show, but I wouldn't have fallen in love with Negan as a character if not for the show's canon (he's the reason I decided to read the comics, if I hadn't liked him on the show I may have never read them), so I overall can't complain too much. I love the journey Negan goes on throughout the series.
I think canon divergence is inevitable in RP. Unless you stick strictly to canon events and canon dialogue without writing anything new, you're eventually going to canon diverge in some way, even if just a little. So I think it's fine. The only times I personally dislike it is when 1. their personality is changed so much that they're no longer recognizable, or 2. they're canon divergent in a way that directly affects other characters' storylines too, and the mun doesn't state this anywhere on their blog, so muns writing those other characters aren't able to know ahead of time.
Crossovers can be fun! I used to do them a lot more when I was newer to RP, nowadays I'm more picky about it. There's honestly so many characters from other fandoms I'd love to interact with, but I'm not comfortable crossing my muse over into other fandoms unless I know the fandom really well and can figure out a good way to fit him into the story, but I always welcome others to bring their muse into the twd universe (but I still likely won't interact if I don't know the fandom their muse is from.)
I'm not even sure what the most popular ship for Negan is anymore. I see Negan/Maggie, Negan/Rick, and Negan/Lucille a lot, those are probably the main ones. I love the latter two, I'm not as fond of the first one but I still see the appeal. There's another ship that I've seen a lot, but it makes me really uncomfortable so I'd rather not talk about it.
I think crack ships are fun, but idk if the meaning has changed over time? I've always understood crack ships to be ships that are super out there, ridiculous/funny, and/or technically impossible, like shipping characters from two different series. But nowadays I see people defining it as like... any ship considered unlikely. I've also never personally viewed "crack ship" as a negative term. Honestly I kind of miss when people would ship the wildest things just for fun lol.
I like multishipping, whether in RP or just fandom in general. Sometimes there'll be a ship I think just makes sense and I can't imagine those characters with anyone else, but I still love seeing what ideas other people have. And in RP, I'll never be single ship again, I had too many bad experiences with it. Multishipping just makes things easier and leaves room for more writing opportunities and exploration in my opinion.
Selectivity is perfectly okay. Every roleplayer is selective in some way, no one is going to want to RP with every single person out there. We all have our preferences, boundaries, and finite time to RP, and it's important we respect that.
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starrybouquet · 2 years
for the ask game, i please ask for s, o, c, k, and another s.
- a completely mysterious and random anon
I have absolutely no idea who this is. It's definitely not @agentkalgibbs , I'm 100% sure of *that*! 😅
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
There are about a hundred of them. Glad you asked twice. 😂 Let's see...truth serum/in vino veritas, fake relationships of any kind (undercover, wedding date, mistaken for a couple & it's awkward to say they're not, accidentally married, marriage of convenience, and every other variation I missed), kidfic
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
I have these great plot ideas that never go anywhere. Anything I actually finish starts & ends with the characters. Basically I just put them in a room and set them loose and whatever happens, happens. If I had time, I'd like to see if I could fit those scenes into a slightly plottier story, but unfortunately I don't usually have much time for writing so as soon as I have ~1000 words of randomness (sometimes less) I just publish it so at least y'all get to see it. Even if they're all pointless oneshots.
C: What character do you identify with most?
Jack O'Neill!!! (Pretty sure you already knew that but it's true lol)
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
For Stargate, there's 300 words of Sam grieving Jack that will never see the light of day. For other fandoms, I've had actually-unrequited unrequited love (not mutual pining), and major character death. But none of that ever makes it to the page, let alone fics I actually publish.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? (Again)
What have I missed? There was only one bed is a fave. In terms of structure, I love five times fics. I dunno. In non-Stargate fandoms I like time travel or time loop fics. (I like time travel on SG too but I think fewer people write time loops because WoO exists canonically.)
send me asks
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artzee-bee · 3 years
End of all things [1] | Chat Noir x witch!reader
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug (Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir)
Summary: Y/N had been Chat Noir’s friend and moral support for a long time now. Even though she had magical powers too, she never liked getting involved with akuma attacks, but now, as Hawkmoth’s gotten control of the miraculous of creation, she couldn’t stay indiferent anymore. She had to save her friend and Paris!
Genre: Mostly angst? A little fluff
Warnings: canon typical violence, mentions of death/dying
A/N: This was requested, but as I was writting it, it got very long and I’ve decided to post it in 2 parts. I’m not gonna post the request just now, so as to not spoil the rest of the story but Part 2 will be coming out on friday!!!
Part 2
Chat was pacing around the room, waiting for you to be done with your potion. You had heard from your parents that there had been a new akuma attack today, but as the news reported, the two parisian heros took care of the problem in no time. For this reason, Chat’s presence at your house felt unusual. Normally he would stop by when he needed to rant, when he was in need of comfort and reassurance but the fight today went well, so what could possibly be bothering him?
“Ok, I’m done” you said, screwing the cap on the little bottle and placing it on your shelf “Wanna talk?” you asked, to which Chat gave you a shy smile
“Yeah, a little”
You made your way to your bed, motioning for him to follow you. You got under your covers and passed him his favorite plushie, a cat to no one’s surprise
“So what’s up? Is it about the fight today?”
“Well no it’s more like a...personal problem?”
“Claws out” in a rush of light and electricity, the infamous hero vanished before you, transforming into Adrien Agrest
“Well, what is it?” 
Adrien revealed his identity to you months ago. You first met him as Chat, but when you really got to know each other, he decided you needed to know all of him. Well, he needed you to know all of him.
You listened to him rant until way past midnight. Until you were both too tired to stand up straight, so you laid down in your bed, covers up to your necks, muffled stories told in between yawns. You listened carefully, giving him your full attention. He fidgeted with the collar of the stuffed toy and you used your magic to make 2 hot chocolates. Eventually, everything that needed to be said, was said. You offered Adrien to watch a movie, since that always cheered him up, but he refused
“It’s late and I have a photoshoot early in the morning. My makeup team will be angry with my dark circles anyways, better not make it worse” he joked
Adrien transformed back into Chat and you cast a safety spell on him, which you did every time he left your house late at night. He always teased you about being ‘too protective’, but deep down he found it sweet how much you cared and wanted to know that he would get home in one piece.
“Night Chat” you said, wrapping your arms around the hero
“Good night Y/N!”
The next few days went by quietly. You hadn’t run into Adrien at all, but you texted a bit back and forth. Sunday evening however, things took a toll for the worst. You turned on your tv, ready to catch up with your show when you heard Nadja Chamack’s voice doing the news report
“It seems as though Rena Rouge and Chat Noir are struggling to stay on their feet! They have taken shelter under a fallen bus, leaving Ladybug alone to defeat Hawkmoth'' your pulse skyrocketed. As you watched the screen you could see Chat and Rena off to the side, struggling to catch their breath. Rena seemed to be in pain while Chat was trying to help. Ladybug was using her yoyo the best she could in order to protect herself from the supervillain, who was wielding his cane like a sword over her head. The fight was clearly going in Hawkmoth's favour! You grabbed your jacket and ran out the front door and onto the empty streets of Paris, towards the Eiffel Tower, where the fight was taking place. 
People screamed at you from their balconies to go home, warning you about the fight and the danger you were putting your life in but you didn’t care. All you could think about was how they needed you. Chat needed you! Every late night talk and every inside joke shared between you two replaid in your head like a broken record. Behind Chat’s tough mask, his alter ego of hero and protector, was the fragile figure of Adrien Agreste. The young blonde boy who cried during romantic comedies, who liked to have his hair braided and forgot how to speak when someone complimented him. If you didn’t help, the heros would loose and he would most likely die! Alongside Ladybug and Rena who, even though you didn’t know their real identities, were still young girls. As you ran down the street, you heard kids crying inside one of the homes. You ran past but at the last second you heard Nadia’s voice coming from their tv
“Ladybug was akumatized”
You approached the Eiffel tower from the side, where you could see everything going on. In front of the tower, right next to Hawkmoth, stood Marinette Dupain-Cheng, dressed in a tight, dark red suit, darker than Ladybug’s. Black butterflies replaced the dots of the heroine's suit and the purple butterfly mask of Hawkmoth’s control was shining over her face. Marinette was Ladybug! She did, in fact, get akumatized. On the other side, you saw Rena and Chat, struggling to stay up right. They were obviously in a lot of pain and extremely tired, but Hawkmoth was merely mocking them.
“After all this time” Chat spoke up, but his breaths were shallow and rapid “I thought you’d know one thing about us! We don’t give up without a fight. Never will. Especially not against you” and with that, the two ran at each other.
“It doesn’t have to end like this, you know?” he said “We don’t have to fight to death. I wouldn’t want to have that on my conscience. All you have to do is give me your miraculouses willingly. The town will be safe, you will be safe! It’s the most heroic option you’ve got. You won’t be any good to Paris if you are dead”
You knew this was not just another fight between them. This was it. Either the heros won or everything they’ve worked for would be lost. Hawkmoth would win and get his hands on both miraculous and god knows what kind of destruction that would bring not only upon Paris, but the world. You focused all your energy in one spot in the air, right between where Chat and Hawkmoth were supposed to clash but before they could reach each other, you sent a wave of energy that blew both of them apart, like a bomb. Hawkmoth flew back into the Eiffel tower while Chat hit the pavement with a thud. Confused and certainly disturbed, both of them began looking around for an answer as to what happened when, finally, Hawkmoth’s eyes landed on yours.
“Aha, miss Y/L/N. What a spectacular honor to finally meet you!” you didn’t reply, instead you stood tall, maintaining eye contact
“I know a lot about you. Seen a lot. Felt a lot of your emotions. None of them can compare to the powers I’ll have with the two miraculouses. With Ladybug’s earrings and the guardian under my control, I’d say my mission here is almost over’’
“Y/N get back!’’ Chat screamed but you were too involved now to run. This was your fight too.
“It is time you give up Hawkmoth. Paris is not yours, neither are the miraculouses. We will destroy you, no matter what it takes!”
“Listen to yourself, kid! <<Destroy me>>? The most you can do is pull a rabbit out of your hat…” before he could finish his sentence, you snapped your fingers in his direction and instantly, the ground around beneath Hawkmoth and akumatized Marinette, fractured. From within the cracks, many tangled plants came out, encapsulating the 2 villains. You sprinted towards Chat and Rena, ignoring the signs of struggle coming from the prison of weeds.
 Alongside the two superheros, you hid inside a corner coffee shop, which was now empty.
“Y/N, you need to leave!! You are putting yourself in too much danger!” Rena told you, as she collapsed to the ground from exhaustion
“Stop with that already! I am here and I’m not going anywhere!”
“Yes you are!” Chat looked at you. His voice was calm and yet, his eyes were filled with disappointment “You are not a superhero. This is our job!”
“You need help”
“No we don’t!” Chat had never, in all your years of friendship, raised his voice at you, let alone yell “ You need to stay safe! You could die! Hawkmoth doesn’t care about anything if it helps him get what he wants! I am ready to take that risk. Rena is too” you both turned to the red headed hero, only to see her slowly nod “But I can’t allow you to take it”
“You can’t tell me what to do”
“I don’t want you to die!” he screamed again “I love you and I will never forgive myself if you don’t come out of this alive!”
Before you could say anything, you saw Hawkmoth and his minion, through the cafe window, cutting through the last of the plants and escaping your trap. You grabbed Chat’s arm and pulled him to the floor, from where you could not be seen
“We’re in this together now” you said in a stern voice, looking the blonde kid right in his eyes “Whether you like it or not '' this time, he simply nodded.
You stuffed your hands into the pocket of your jacket and pulled out 3 little bottles, containing a mate, green liquid. You had prepared one for each of the heros, now you’d only need two.
“Here, drink this!” You handed each of them one “Regeneration potion. Should put you back on your feet.” as soon as they finished drinking the brew, you could see color coming back to their faces
“Where’s Marinette’s akuma??” 
“Her necklace” replied Rena “It’s a gift from her kwami”
“Got it. You deal with Hawkmoth. I’ll bring Marinette back!”
Chat and Rena exited through the front door, grabbing Hawkmoth’s attention. He called out to Marinette to attack, but before she could take a single step in your direction, you had snuck up behind her. Using a simple invisibility spell, you managed to exit unnoticed behind the two heros. It finally felt like the fight had truly begun. From the corner of your eye you could see Chat and Rena doging Hawkmoth’s attacks while you, were doing your best to get your hands on the stupid necklace! Even though she couldn’t see you, Marinette seemed to almost always know what your next move was. She would expertly block all your attack and would keep you an arm’s length away at all times. Finally, you had enough and in one swift motion, you pinned her back to your chest, ripping the necklace away. A wave of black and purple took over the both of you and when it vanished, all you were left with was a half unconscious Marinette in your arms. You dropped her to the ground slowly as she was coming back to her senses. You wanted to talk to her but your thoughts were driven away as you heard Chat scream bloody murder.
On the opposite side of the platza, you saw Hawkmoth rip Chat’s ring off his finger, forcing him to detransform. The exhausted figure of Adrien Agreste fell to the ground with a thud. Hawkmoth had, indeed, gotten his hand on both the miraculouses.
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slimestudy · 3 years
Nothing is as funny to me as seeing new users go "How do I get famous on this platform" only to be met with a bunch of people sitting on a metaphorical wasteland of different flavours of trash made out of content that's been circulating here since 2007 while adding some new and fresh things on top of it, eating something that vaguely resembles food and staring at them blankly.
And it always makes me imagine the actual conversation go like this if it was in a story or comic:
N: How do I become famous on tumblr?
O: Why would you want to become famous anywhere? Its exhausting.
N: So I'll be popular and people will want to befriend me
O: Honey... What you want isn't fame or popularity, what you want are loyal friends who understand and listen to you. And for that you'll need to step out of your own head and talk to people. Or alternatively you can attempt to create a connection via reblogging something from someone else and gushing on that thread, that sometimes does the thing.
N: But that's so much work!
O: Making and maintaining friendships is a full time job.
N: But I want a lot of people as my friends and I want them now! I want to be famous and cool! I want everyone to love me!
O: Cult. You're thinking about a cult. And those are not good, they radicalise too easily, they go south even faster, not worth it.
N: What? No? I want to be popular and famous!
O: What for? What benefits would fame give you? Nothing. You'd have no space to move nor breathe in, all the eyes would be always on you, you'd be unable to act like you normally do, there would be no moment of rest for you, you'd have to be perfect, become the golden standard, and stay perfect forever. There would be no room for error of any kind no matter how minor, the second you slip it's all over and you'll be left in the dust as humans would find someone else to worship and idolise until that person, too, breaks.
O: By the way you don't get famous on tumblr from anything. Everyone here just goes on with their lives, talks about things they like, dislike, shows, things that happened, funny things, sad things, art, music, videos, memes, writings, if something blows up, it's never the thing the person wanted to blow up. Like something they wrote while high that they'd rather forget having ever happened. Because people find these things to be funny or relatable. You gain nothing from trying to act opposed to who you are and you gain even less from attempting to fish attention in hopes of it boosting your ego and giving you some perks. Because this is the website where people come to get away from the rest of the social media.
Then again... What does it really even mean when people become famous on tumblr? What do these people mean when they say that they wish to become tumblr famous, really?
Do they mean that they want people to talk about them on tumblr? In that case, they should become a content creator that makes something that people enjoy, use interesting concepts in their works, be passionate about the said work, post it on webtoon or YouTube or some other media where it can be found. But then again, the people will then talk about your work and not you necessarily, which can be a good thing. If they want to specifically be talked about... Well... I am afraid that you'll either have to become an actor, a politician or a living example of how to not be like.
Do they mean it as... Having all of their posts blow up..? If so then... Honey... Darling... Sweetheart... You won't really get famous from that either and you will never get the posts you want to blow up to do that. If you are part of a dedicated fandom, sure, your posts will gather up notes, but that is only as long as they are related to the fandom. If not... Then you'll just need to make sure that you're consistent with your posts I guess.
Look, I flee at the first notion of a post getting traction because I get anxious if there's too many notifications, and especially if it ends up derailing one of my blogs from their main reason for existing (I've had two of my study blogs get taken over by two different fandoms, first one because people thought that I was role-playing as a character because I used a childhood nickname as URL without knowing that the character's name in English was exactly that, second because I analysed outfits in a series to find the approximate time it took place in while also dropping info on when stuff like pocket watches and cameras were first created and popular. It was a nightmare. Truly).
By the way you won't learn any rhyme or reason for why and how certain blogs here get a huge following. Some provide information about stuff like animals (especially the less conventional ones), some are just shitposts and memes (then again people do like to laugh), others are literally related to helpful stuff like art/study/life tips (that actually are helpful), few are educational on some level while using certain media as a way to help explain things like languages (think of it as Game Theory but as a blog), couple are literally just sharing weird/funny/cute/confusing/food/animal/building/fashion/art images without any caption safe for the source.
That's literally it.
You can't become an influencer on this website because people here just... Want to have a good time, relax and soak in their respective ponds made out of niche content and vibes. And more over you cannot become an influencer on this site deliberately. You can't plan it. Also using thousand very specific tags won't help you, maybe 4-5 first ones are the thing that helps the system to archive it but that's it.
We have some actual celebrities and influencers here, like Neil Gaiman, Markiplier, Thomas Sanders, etc but they aren't here to get any fame or anything, they're just vibing, taking part in the fandom experience (or in Mr Gaiman's case, answering sometimes questions in rather delightful way and learning how to meme).
So relax kid. Relax and stop chasing for popularity for a bit, you'll just stretch yourself thin and forget how to enjoy yourself and things you like if you keep running in that wheel endlessly. It's okay to not be well known blogger/content creator/influencer on every site you stumble upon.
Sometimes, you just need your own little corner and piles of things that you enjoy, take a deep breath, and concentrate on those for a while. To rest, take it easy.
It's okay.
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
Him [2] | Tony Stark x Male Reader
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Fandom: Marvel Pairing: Tony Stark x Male Reader Summary: How exactly did (M/N) become Tony’s husband? The avengers find out.
Fist Part
A long time ago,
Tony walked down the hall of the student dorms. All around him he heard gawks and whispers, students and parents alike looking at him in shock. His own parents weren’t there with him since they were away on business. Arriving at his room he used his key to unlock the door, he was greeted to a rather large room...and another person.
In the room, another boy was already setting his stuff up on one side. Tony wasn’t sure what was going on, he thought he was getting a room by himself. He coughed to get the boy’s attention. The boy set down his things and smiled as he saw Tony. He moved over to him and raised his hand. “Hi. I’m (M/N). You must be my roommate.” Tony didn’t move to take his hand, only looking at him questionably. Why wasn’t he freaking out like anyone else would? “Sorry, I just thought I was getting my own room. So this is confusing for me.”
(M/N) dropped his hand but didn’t let his smile falter. “Well you’ve got yourself a roommate now. Don’t worry I’m not too bad.” (M/N) turned back to his own things but Tony wasn’t done yet. “Sorry. I just like my own space...want my own space. What do I have to pay you to find another room?” That got (M/N)’s attention again. “I’m sorry. WHO exactly do you think you are? I’m not going anywhere. If you want your own room, YOU can leave.” (M/N) fired back, now instead of a genuine smile there was a fake grin.
Tony hadn’t expected such a passive-aggressive response, especially from someone being offered money to get a different room. “I’m sorry, but I’M not leaving,” Tony said, dropping his bags. (M/N) smiled before sitting on his bed. “Well, then I suggest you get used to the idea of having a roommate. (M/N) pulled up a book and began reading it, Tony could tell he wasn’t actually reading it though. With a sigh, Tony spoke again. “I’m sorry. Look I don’t know if you know who I am, but I’m Tony Stark and I can get you whatever you want if you just leave.” (M/N) smirked and looked at him.
“No. I like this room, I was here first, I unpacked all my shit. I’m staying. So I suggest if you want to be alone YOU go somewhere else.” With that (M/n) lifted up his phone and began scrolling through it.
“Unbelievable. I will literally give you anything you want just go somewhere else.” Tony said once more. M/n took a quick glance at Tony. “Hhmm? Sorry didn’t hear you.” Tony rolled his eyes and threw his bags on the floor before jumping onto his bed. “You’re going to be a pain in my ass aren’t you?”
“Whatever could you mean Anthony?”
Tony heard M/n chuckled and let out a groan before pulling out his own phone.
Months passed and M/n and Tony had become rather good friends. While Tony was his playboy self, M/n made sure to let him know he wouldn’t put up with it. M/n also got to know Tony’s friend Rhodey and quickly became friends with him as well. Both boys were very similar, especially when it came to keeping Tony out of trouble.
Tonight seemed like one of those nights.
M/n was sitting at his desk working on a book report when his phone went off. Answering it he heard loud music and talking in the background. He could tell it was some kind of party. “M/n! I need your help.” Rhodey.
“Why? Are you at a party?”
“Not important. It’s Tony, I need your help with him. He got a little drunk-”
M/n snorted. “What’s new. How large is the little tonight?”
He could practically hear Rhodey roll his eyes through the phone. “Not funny M/n.”
“Fine, sorry. What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s drunk and I mean DRUNK drunk. I’m trying to keep him grounded and out of trouble but he’s just...he’s just Tony!”
M/n sighed and stood up after saving his work. “I’m on my way. Make sure he doesn’t get into any tro- into any MORE trouble.”
“I’ll try my best.” M/n could hear some crashing in the background of the call. “Please hurry.”
It didn’t take long for M/n to get to the party. All he had to do was follow the sound of Loud music and shouting students. Entering the house, he pushed through the crowd of people. Some people shouted at him to watch where he was going but he didn’t care, he just wanted to get back to the dorm.
Upon finally pushing through the crowd he found Rhodey. The boy smiled and let out a sigh of relief upon seeing his friend finally arrived. “Thank god. I’ve been trying to keep him out of trouble and clean but…” Both turned to see Tony taking another drink before grabbing another out of a guy’s hand. The guy looked pissed but Tony didn’t seem to care. “That’s my drink dick!” The guy grabbed Tony, glaring at him.
M/n sighed and gave Rhodey a look. “Gotta go save his ass again.” Rhodey nodded as M/n walked over to Tony and the guy. He tapped the guy’s shoulder. “Hey!” When the guy turned his head he was greeted with M/n’s fist, knocking him out.
“M/n! That was so hot! Here lemme- OW!” M/n pinched Tony’s ear, dragging him out of the house and away from the party. “OW! Let me go!” M/n did as Tony asked before wrapping his arm around Tony’s shoulder, still leading him back toward their dorm. However instead of Tony still struggle against him, he was surprised to feel Tony give up and follow his lead.
Once both of them returned to their dorm, M/n helped get Tony back to bed. He didn’t say anything to the other boy before turning back to his desk and returning back to his Essay. “I’m sorry-” He heard Tony say rather quietly from his bed. “Do we have to make this a habit Tony? Because I’d rather not fail my classes because I have to bail you out.” M/n said with a sigh.
“You don’t need to you know? I can handle it.” 
Tony almost didn’t hear it because M/n had said it so quietly. “No. But I will for you.” With a smile, Tony closed his eyes and fell asleep.
M/n opened the door to the dorm and let out a sigh. “UGH! Today sucked!”
Throwing his backpack onto his bed, he went to sit down but stopped as he took in the dorm. It was...clean. The dorm was actually, spotlessly, clean. It was normally never clean, at least not from Tony’s side. Speaking of Tony, there was a note. Picking up the note M/n gave it a read.
“Put on something nice and meet me on the roof.” M/n just stared at the note for a bit more. “What?” 
Doing as the note had instructed, he had put on something ‘nice’ as the note said and went up to the roof to meet Tony. “Tony? You up here? I swear if you try to kill me I’m going to get you first.”
He stopped speaking as he took in the sight in front of him. There Tony was in a nice dress shirt next to a table for two which was...very finely decorated with fancy lights around them. “M/n table for two now ready.” Tony said pulling out a chair.
“What is this?”
“What’s what?” Tony said with a smirk.
M/n sat down in the chair, Tony pushing him in. “This.” M/n motioned at the table. “All of this. What are you up to?”
Tony sat across from him at the table. “Well…You see-” It was then that M/n saw just how nervous Tony actually looked. It was strange he never acted like this. “You’re acting strange. Are you okay?”
Tony chuckled at that and smiled at M/n. “Do you always have to read me so well?”
“It’s one of my many talents,” M/n said with a smile before leaning in closer and taking Tony’s hand. “Seriously though Tony, are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just...nerves.”
“Nerves? What could you be so-”
“Would you be my boyfriend M/n?” Tony blurted out, squeezing his eyes shut.
M/n was shocked at the confession and question, to say the least. Just when Tony was about to let go out of embarrassment he felt M/n’s hand squeeze back and heard him giggle. “And here I was thinking you were going to talk me into doing your end-of-term essay.” Tony opened his eyes and saw M/n smiling at him, a genuine smile. “Yes, Tony. I’d love to be your boyfriend.”
“Wait- really!?”
“Oh well, I can always say no if you wanted that answer?”
“No! I-I mean. I’m glad you said yes.”
“Me too.”
“So you two met in college?”
M/n and Tony nodded as they finished up the story of how they met to the avengers. “Yup. It all started when he tried to kick me out.”
“Hey! I OFFERED to pay you to leave. You just declined.”
“And aren’t you glad I did now?”
Tony blushed but everyone could see the little smile growing on his face.
“So how come we haven’t heard about you before?” Clint asked.
“Well I prefer my privacy, plus I’m rather busy running the different charities and organizations I’ve started.”
That seemed to gain their attention.
“What kind of charities do you run?” Steve asked.
Tony just watched as his husband talked with his team. He smiled realizing just how proud he was of his husband and couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
A/N: PHEW! Oh man, that took FOREVER for me to write. I literally started this in November. If that doesn’t show how out of writing I’ve been idk what does haha. But hopefully, this will help me get past that block!
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Falling in Love again.
Fandom- Bleach
Ships- Kisuke Urahara x Reader
Warnings- Some language, Implied Sexual Assault, Past sexual Assault.
Summary- Imagine a tally mark appearing on your skin every time you fall in love. When your tally mark is Red then it's onesided, Black then the love is returned. If it is scarred then your love ended traumatically.
You have a scarred tally mark and a red tally mark, the red one being for Kisuke Urahara.
Word Count- 3,928
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You led in bed staring down at your wrist where a single red tally mark decorated your skin. In this world, a tally mark showed your love. People who fell in love easily were littered with marks, whereas the people who were only in love with one person would have one. If the mark is red it's unrequited, if it was Black then the person you love returns your feelings.
Your singular red mark was for Kisuke Urahara, a friend of your friends. You went to his shop with your friends whenever they needed something from him seeing as that seemed to be your only excuse to see him. You didn't want to come across as weird for visiting on your own. Especially when you have no real powers like the others.
Annoyingly you had one other mark on your arm, a scarred tally mark, one from your ex. In this world a scarred tally would mean that your love for them ended very abruptly and traumatically. No one knew about that tally, you were very good at keeping it hidden, whether it was with a well placed bracelet or a long sleeved shirt.
Rolling onto your side you let out a huff. It hurts, it shouldn't but it does. Knowing that the one man you love doesn't feel the same way. You barely get to see him since your friends don't visit that often. But you'll take whatever time you can with him even if you don't get to talk.
Well, only time will tell.
"Y/N!!!" A fist slammed against the door multiple times as Ichigo's voice yelled your name. "C'mon man! We've gotta get to Hat 'n' Clogs!" Sleepily, you raised your head taking a glance out of your open window.
"Wh-what for?" The early morning rasp in your voice made it a note or so deeper than it actually was. You stretched out and hopped out of bed throwing on the nearest clothing you had, which happened to be a (f/c) long knit sweater, a pair of black leggings and some brown boots.
"Y/N! We haven't got all day, move your ass!" You shook your head and ran out of the house not brushing your hair, figuring you could comb it down with your fingers on the way there.
By the time you got there you realised there was no point fixing your hair until you got inside in the first place. It was so windy outside that your hair just kept blowing around which made it worse than before. "Hey, come in guys." You froze for a moment as heat rushed to your face, you brushed a small amount of hair over your face, hoping he didn't notice it.
Quickly yet quietly you walked into the shop following behind Ichigo whilst you brushed down your hair. Kisuke stopped you briefly "You missed a spot." and with nimble hands, he began to flatten down your hair. "There, done." He gave you his signature grin, placing a hand onto the small of your back leading you to the rest.
Once Kisuke leads you to your friends he then gets down to business. “So, I am assuming you guys are here for the training grounds, right?” The ginger he questioned nods his head. You didn’t have any special abilities at all, but your friends knew you were great moral support and a generally good person so they let you in on their secret.
Most of the time you find days like this one quite boring, sure you’d get to see Kisuke but you usually have nothing to do. On some days you would help Tessai, Jinta and Ururu with their work or well, in Jinta and Ururu’s case, you would do their work for them.
When your friends finish training and all head home Kisuke typically gives you something for your time. At first he would give you the equivalent of minimum wage for the amount of work you do but recently (due to finding out your love for (favourite collectable)) he would end up getting you those instead.
The boys and Orihime go down into the training room, leaving you upstairs in the shop with Kisuke. “So, um… Is there anything you need me to do today?” you asked in your typically meek voice. Being with Kisuke made you so nervous you could barely talk, so being able to say that was a blessing.
Kisuke tilted his hat back with his thumb as he thought about things you could do around the shop. “Not that I can think of, for once Jinta and Ururu did the work I assigned for them.” You fake gasped at his comment. They finished their work… Early?
“No way, Jinta and Ururu finished their work? Damn that never happens.” Kisuke laughed at your comment and squeezed your shoulder. Yeah, when you did hang out with Kisuke alone you did have a lot of fun, but you still don’t like to intrude if you don’t have a reason to.
“Tell me about it.”
“Well what am I meant to do then?!” You dramatically waved your arms in the air in exasperation. When you did so Kisuke caught sight of the two tally marks and promptly grabbed your wrist.
“A Scar and a Red tally mark. I’m sure those are both fun stories.” He lightly massaged the scarred tally on your wrist making you flinch. He looked up at you in concern, dropping your arm. “Sorry.”
“It is fine, I’m just- No one has ever seen that before, as you can imagine I’m not particularly keen on anyone seeing that one..” You explain, rubbing the scar to try and ease some of the emotional turmoil.
“Does anyone know? Ichigo? Orihime? Chad?” He listed off some of your friends and to each one you shook your head. No one knew this, and you were planning on keeping it a secret from everyone, not even Kisuke was meant to know. “Would you mind telling me?” You shook your head once more. You didn’t even want to remember the scar, much less the asshole who caused it.
Kisuke rubbed your shoulder, trying to soothe your pain with a small smile on his face. "It's fine, you don't have to talk about it. But if you ever need to, I'll be happy to listen." Tears start to pool in your eyes, you've never spoken about it to anyone outside of your family, maybe it would be good. But not now.
You gave Kisuke a tight hug, the tears in your eyes spilling out. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." You kept repeating over and over into his chest. Kisuke was shocked at first but wrapped his arms around you, rubbing his fingertips up and down your spine to calm you down, his cheek pressed into your hair.
Both of you stayed that way for a while until you finally calmed down, letting go of the tall, green clad man. "I'm sorry about that- I should probably head home." You scrubbed at your eyes with the sleeve of your jumper with an appreciative smile on your face.
"Hey, it is fine." Kisuke messed up your hair with one of his hands. "It is nothing to worry about, just know that I am here if you need to talk. Just because you don't have powers doesn't mean you can't come here whenever you want to." He cups your face in his hands with a grin "YOU are an absolute pleasure to have here, okay?" You nodded your head, still too upset to really speak properly. "Good."
Kisuke walks you to the door once you calmed down enough and saw you out. "Hope to see you here soon, Y/N." You nodded your head.
"That will probably be when they come here again." You smiled at him, waving your hand as you walked home.
------- Timeskip to a week later. -------
You walk home from the shops as you keep looking down at the shopping list, making sure that you have everything. Your mother had asked you to go down because she forgot some ingredients she needed. It was getting a little dark and it was kind of scary being by yourself, but at the same time you did enjoy the peace and quiet.
"Ohhh, Look who it is." Your face paled, you knew that voice anywhere, he was the reason for the scar. "Why do you look so scared, don't you remember the fun we had together?" You bit your lower lip harshly, weighing out your options. Urahara's shop wasn't that far away so you could make a break for it, but you knew he was a fast runner.
With a groan you made your choice and dashed to the shop. "Oi! Get back here you stupid cunt!" Of course, you could hear the sound of heavy footfalls hitting the asphalt behind you, this was inevitable. But if you got close enough to the shop you knew that you'd be able to at least get someone's attention, whether it was Jinta, Ururu, Kisuke or Tessai.
"Oh, Y/n I knew you enjoyed our time together, you remembered how much I enjoyed the struggle. Although you were so much more compliant when you slept." You stopped dead in your tracks, you hated him, you hated thinking about him... About the things he has done and the fact that you loved him once. He laughed at your stop, you were almost right outside of the shop by this point, but that didn't matter.
"Do you finally agree with me Y/n? Do you finally see that it is all you're good for?" You were trembling by this point, not from fear, oh no; from pure hatred. You dropped the bag you were holding in your dominant hand and with a quick turn you put all of your anger into your movements and punched him in the face, knocking him to the floor.
Your body, however, was still shaking. You wanted to hurt him, you wanted to hurt him bad. How was it fair that he got out of the relationship with nothing yet you with a heart full of anxiety and fear. You readied yourself to hit him again with the fist that already had blood on it since you broke his nose when you heard a voice call out to you.
"Y/n? Y/n? Are you okay?" Your head turned towards the store, and stood in the doorway was none other than Kisuke Urahara. You didn't even look down at him. You sprinted as fast as you could to Kisuke, pushing him inside of the building before sliding the door shut.
You led your back against the door as you slid down it, landing yourself on the floor. Your eyes were wide, frightened- Kisuke has never seen you with that expression, you looked terrified. Knowing something was up, he locked the store up and left the room, coming back with a warm cup of tea, sitting next to you.
He handed you the cup and spoke with a quiet voice, trying not to scare you. "What was all that about? Are you okay?" You shook your head, keeping your face directed towards the cup in your hands, which were still trembling. "Did you want to talk about it once you're calmed down?" You nodded your head, Kisuke was silent for a few seconds, as if contemplating whether or not he should say anything. "Did you want a hug?" You nodded again.
Kisuke wasted no time wrapping his left arm around you to pull you into his side, he used his thumb to rub little circles into your side as his head rested on top of yours. "It'll be okay, Y/n. You'll be okay, just breathe. Whatever happened won't happen anymore, you're safe here." He kept whispering to you.
Eventually, you finished the drink he made you and hugged him back. His face was now completely in your hair as he kissed the top of your head. "Are you feeling any better?"
"Y-yeah, thank you..." You stuttered out, tired from what had just occurred.
"Good, if you want I can run you a bath and get you some fresh clothes. You can stay the night if you don't feel safe to head back, okay?" You nodded your head, but then you remembered your mother. As if reading your thoughts, Kisuke spoke up again. "I'll phone your mum while you're in the bath and fill her in, how does that sound?"
"That sounds good, thank you Kisuke." He rubbed your head and stood up, offering you his hand.
After your bath you had calmed down considerably, no longer shaking and being able to speak. Kisuke left some of his clothes folded up in the bathroom for you to change into (which you did). You sat on Kisuke's bed cross legged, trying to comprehend what happened today when there was a knock at the door. "Come in."
Kisuke walks into the room with your phone in his hand. "So I spoke to your mother, she said you could stay here for the night and that I should walk you home at some point tomorrow, or whenever depending on how long you want to stay." He sits next to you and continues. "She also told me who that guy was. Nothing about what happened, she just said that he is the scum of the earth."
You laughed "Yeah, that sounds about right. Due to what happened I don't ever call him my ex. Whenever anyone mentions him we just call him twat." Of course, Kisuke was very confused as to what happened but he already asked a few times so he didn't want to push it, but the look on his face told you everything. "I'll tell you what happened."
"You don't have to." He protested quickly, not knowing if it would upset you to talk about it.
"It is fine, I just have one condition. This is a very touchy subject for me so I was wondering if you could um--- how do I put this?" Kisuke chuckled, knowing what you meant, sitting back with you on his bed, pulling you into his side, much like when you were against the door.
"Take your time."
You took a deep breath and began. "He was my first boyfriend, if I can call him that. He was controlling, manipulative and abusive in more ways than one. He didn't let me talk about any guys, if I played a game wrong he would stop me from playing it. If he was horny I'd have to do something about it and so on... Well anyway, it got to the point where I-- I didn't want to do anything like that. He said he was fine with it... But-" Your breathing got heavier the further into explaining, tears began to form and fall from your eyes. You hated remembering this, but you were hoping that maybe this would be good in the long run.
"Hey, look at me." You hear Kisuke say gently as he turns your face to him. "I know it may not mean or do much but you're safe here, nothing is going to happen to you, I'll look after you, okay? There is no need to worry while you're here, but I do understand why you are." He rubs your head affectionately, hugging you tighter. "Like I said, take your time."
You relished in that hug and composed yourself before continuing. "He said he was fine with it, but one night I woke up and his hand was somewhere it shouldn't have been and his other hand was--- y-yeah. He was with me for a while after that since I was too scared to break up with him. Then I met someone I really liked who was so nice to me, and I realised that I didn't want to be stuck with someone like him."
Kisuke made a noise of understanding. "So that is the red mark then, it is hard to believe that someone would be so thankful for a red mark."
"Yeah, I know. But I really am, and I'm thankful for the help from him too." You smiled, running your finger delicately along the red tally mark.
"Doesn't the red tally mark hurt though? That the person who saved you from that twat doesn't feel the same?" He asked, and yeah it was painful.
"Yeah, it is really painful. But I always think to myself I would rather have this red tally mark and be friends with him than have none at all and still be with twat. Anything is better than that even if it is not reciprocated love." You shrugged your shoulders trying to come across as nonchalant when all you wanted to do was tell Kisuke that the mark was him, but you decided against it. You let out a yawn that caught Kisuke's attention.
"I should probably let you sleep then." He gets up from his spot and you huddle under the covers. Kisuke grins at the sight, fixing the blankets over you and kissing your forehead. "Today has been a rough day so if you need anything just shout, okay? Even if you think it is dumb." Despite everything that happened you slept well that night.
----Time skip 3 days----
"Y/n! Let's go! Hat n Clogs is waiting!" Ichigo yelled up to your window, pulling you from your sleep. You rush to get dressed, throwing a jumper on with leggings like before and you ran from the house.
You opened the door and outside waiting for you was Ichigo and the gang. "Well? Come on!" With that you all went back to Kisuke's shop. Over the 3 days you and Kisuke got closer, he'd constantly phone your mother to check up on you. (since he phoned your mum before and not you so he knew her number) It bugged her so much that she gave you Kisuke's number so she wouldn't be bothered anymore, which was sweet.
Everyone walked into the shop and greeted Kisuke. "Ah, Y/n!" He wrapped his arm around your shoulder playfully, a smile playing across his lips. "Everything okay?" You could see his eyes from the angle so you knew what he meant and you smiled back at him.
"Yeah, I'm okay." He let go of you and began talking to the others about Gigai upgrades. As you tidied around the shop you heard the bell chime indicating someone had come in, you looked up and that someone was twat. Your eyes went wide as you dropped the broom you were holding, alerting the others.
Kisuke's carefree smile and attitude completely dropped when he saw who was there. He grabbed your shoulders, pushing you towards your friends, they noticed something was up there and they stood in front of you. "Get out." He shakes his head, walking around the store as he was being stared at by everyone. "I said get out."
Twat laughed, "I'm a customer here, you can't tell me to get out, I want to buy something." Kisuke got closer to Twat, who was starting to clearly become intimidated by your friends.
"I have the right to refuse people. Customers are typically human, and sadly you don't qualify for one of those, so get the fuck out of my shop." With each sentence Kisuke got closer to him until eventually he got so intimidated and fled. Kisuke locked the shop door and ran over to you, avoiding the strange looks from the others.
"Are you okay?" You appear to be in a state of shock, you feel like you can barely move or speak, you just stood there, trembling. Kisuke continues to ignore the others as he wraps his arms around you, holding you close. "I am going to tell them if that is alright, just make any sound for a yes, okay?" He heard a small sound come from you so he begins to explain to your friends what happened.
By the end of the explanation you came back to reality, since you weren't paying attention to anything other than Kisuke's arms around you, you were able to pull through pretty quick. Your friends all looked really mad at him for everything he did and thanked Kisuke profusely for helping you out through this. After a while, the others finally leave, giving you a hug and giving you a word of advice, they even offered to teach you how to fight which you decided to take up.
You sat with Kisuke in his room as you usually do after something like that happens. You were talking about nothing in particular when Kisuke stopped you. "Um- Y/n, that person- they return your feelings." You laughed
"No they don't, the proof is in the pu---" You lift your sleeve to show the proof when you noticed that he was right. The telly mark was Black now. You stare at the mark in utter shock. "I- What?" Your eyebrows furrowed together. "That is impossible, why would he like me?" Kisuke smiles at you, messing up your hair like he normally does.
"Probably because you're a fantastic p-" He stops dead in his tracks when he stops a completely new mark on his arm, the arm that was totally clean, in all of his years of living he has never fallen in love. You look up and wonder why he went quiet when you notice him staring at his arm, he must have realised who that tally mark is for. "That-" He gestures towards your mark. "That is for me, isn't it?"
You flush, you never thought you'd end up in a situation like this one. "Y-yeah it is." You bite your lip in worry, you knew he liked you as well, I mean you could literally see it, but that doesn't mean that he would want to be with you. Kisuke smiled softly at you as he ran his fingers through your hair.
"I always thought you were pretty, and I knew that I would absolutely fall for you, I could feel it. So I'm honestly glad it is returned. But um- We don't have to be in a relationship yet if you don't think you're ready for one." Kisuke was the sweetest and that is why, without a doubt in your mind, you knew that you were ready.
"I am ready, I've wanted to be with you for a long time now, I love you Kisuke." You blushed heavily. You think those words often enough but you didn't think you'd ever say them out loud to him.
"Since we have that sorted- can I kiss you?" Kisuke asked, his thumb running across your jaw, your skin tingling from his touch.
"Yeah, you can." His thumb moved, holding on lightly to your chin to pull you close. You were a hair's width away from kissing but he stayed there for a few moments with a look in his eyes that said 'You can still back off if you want to' but you didn't. He took your stillness as an invitation to continue and planted a soft kiss to your lips, his hands moved to cup your cheeks while your own remove his hat so they could rest in his hair. After a few moments of his soft kiss Kisuke pulled back, only to kiss you one more time.
"I love you too, Y/n. I'll make sure nothing bad will ever happen to you again."
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