#they acted very friendly when I asked them to unlock the door to the elevator so I could leave without taking the stairs as is my custom
giantkillerjack · 1 year
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astrella-writes · 4 years
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prompt | @ssoftlydreaming​ asked: nfjsja ok from sweet home can you do lee eun-hyeok and basically he has to decide if he should risk the danger of everyone in the apartment complex or save reader who is outside and struggling to survive.
warnings | female pronouns, angst, spoilers for episode one of the netflix adaptation of sweet home, if you haven’t watched episode one complete then this won’t make much sense, panic attacks, the general horror of sweet home, eun-hyuk being a logical pain in the ass, somewhat of an open-ending.
word count | 1.7K
author’s note | i hope this satisfies your masochistic desires! i’m honestly so happy to have angst as my first request, and that isn’t sarcasm at all.
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The sound of his descending footsteps echoing throughout the concrete stairwell became background noise to Eun-Hyuk as he stared at the unanswered messages he had sent you well over an hour ago. This was strange behavior coming from you, considering you usually responded back within minutes. Not wanting to jump to conclusions, he tried to think of a logical explanation to calm his increasing worries. Perhaps your phone died on your walk home, or you had to work over-time without a chance to inform him.
He was certain some minor inconvenience caused your abrupt absence, although he couldn’t shake off the unnerving feeling settling like a burden of tense muscles upon his shoulders. Realizing there wasn’t much more he could do, especially since all the calls he gave you went straight to voice mail, he decided to wait patiently for a reply from you and try to keep his thoughts clear during the meantime.
Eun-Hyuk stuffed his phone into his pocket as he finally reached the half-open double doors that led out onto the first floor, his ears immediately picking up on the commotion before he looked over at the front entrance that was blocked by the shutters. A group of people stood dispersed nearby, talking amongst themselves and watching one resident in particular as he tried tugging on the metal bracing that barely budged. The man sighed, dropping his arm and admitting defeat as he walked away from the shutters, mumbling to himself.
‘First the elevators aren’t working, and now this?’ he thought to himself, unimpressed with the current situation, especially since he had work that night. He wasn’t the only one annoyed by the circumstances as the surrounding people openly expressed their vexation. Although, unlike most of them, he remained calm and simply observed the scene with his hands in his pockets. Multiple residents spoke loud enough for him to catch on to the fact that the security guard was missing, which made little sense considering this was an issue for him to resolve.
“Excuse me?” a feminine voice sounded from behind him, causing him to turn around and look at the woman. “Do you have any service on your cell?” Despite having just been on his phone, Eun-Hyuk was so preoccupied with his thoughts regarding your whereabouts that he didn’t notice the minor detail of whether he had any service.
Pulling out his phone and unlocking it, he immediately dialed your number, taking the possibility to hopefully connect with you and find out where you were. When his ear met with a high-pitched ringing, Eun-Hyuk lowered the phone, lost in thought for a second before looking at the woman.
“I guess not,” he said, watching as her face dropped in disappointment and she turned to walk away, but he stopped her with a question. “What’s going on here?” 
The woman hesitated, wondering if anything was even worth sharing considering she would give him more questions than answers. She went on to explain how every main exit had been closed up, locking everyone inside. Although she speculated someone was behind this, she had no idea who it was and for what purpose it was done. 
The explanation caused Eun-Hyuk to swallow thickly before turning his gaze towards the concealed entrance. He stared for a moment, silently wishing for your safety.
A shrill ringing penetrated your ear, causing you to jerk your head away from your phone and hang up on your attempt at calling Eun-Hyuk. With a frustrated cry, you threw your cellphone upon the ground, hearing the shattering of the screen as it smacked face-first against the concrete.
On the verge of tears, you made yourself as small as possible in the alleyway's corner, pulling your knees up to your chest as you rested your forehead on top of them. Your breathing grew increasingly more labored as the sensation of dread and pure hopelessness consumed your mind.
Eun-Hyuk’s words repeated in your head during times like this, when you were at risk of having a panic attack. Stay still. Take slow breaths. Think of something nice.
You squeezed your eyes shut, allowing the gathering tears to flow freely down your cheeks as they gathered at the tip of your chin. Forcing yourself to take in deep breaths, your trembling body gradually stilled. Eventually, your thoughts morphed as you focused on your breathing, rather than the surrounding chaos.
Think of something nice.
Eun-Hyuk’s face filled your mind, the sight prompting a ghost of a smile. You recalled your first meeting which occurred almost a year ago, when you had just moved into Green Roof Apartments. Someone had suddenly removed the towering stack of boxes you were carrying from your hold, and just as you were about to thank the person for helping, you realized you recognized him.
It turns out that you both used to attend the same high school, although you weren’t in the same class, your friend group interacted with his friend group quite a lot. Seeing his face brought back all those times at lunch when you would sneakily try to steal glances at him without your friends noticing. They noticed, of course, and teased you relentlessly about your crush but they were nonetheless supportive. They even proposed setting you two up on a date, because a ‘little birdie’ told them he had been crushing on you too.
Unfortunately, you were in such denial that someone as handsome as him had feelings for you, and rejected the offer. He was simply unobtainable, the extent of your relationship never surpassing polite greetings and friendly smiles until you both graduated and never saw each other again. Or at least, that’s what you assumed would happen.
It seemed fate gave you two another chance, unsatisfied with your prior silent pining and not acting upon anything. Considering you both matured immensely, talking came easy, and it wasn’t long before a much deeper connection began blossoming between the both of you.
His sister reacted indifferently when she walked out into the hallway one day, only to witness the both of you moving suspiciously away from each other, as if trying to conceal something. She caught on immediately, especially since her brother had been mentioning you quite often.
“Seriously? He’s the best you can do?” She scoffed, eyeing her brother disapprovingly before pushing between the both of you and walking off. You stared at her retreating figure in shock, oblivious to the smile on Eun-Yoo’s face as she disappeared down the stairs.
Once his sister found out, Eun-Hyuk became increasingly more open in terms of your relationship. And eventually, after a long week of his sister degrading him for not moving to the next step, he asked you to be his girlfriend. It wasn’t the most romantic of set-up’s; he had knocked on your door and asked you so casually that you wondered if he was joking.
When he assured you he wasn’t, you almost knocked him off his feet from the abrupt hug you gave him, accepting his simple proposal.
The memory faded, and the realization hit you like a truck. Eun-Hyuk was waiting for you, and you couldn’t give up on him. Taking a deep breath, you got up from the ground, trying not to focus on the screams and sounds of destruction in the distance as you lightly jogged towards the entrance of the alleyway. You peered behind the wall and looked both ways. The coast was clear; it was now or never.
You raced around the corner, narrowly dodging the attention of a nearby monster as its head popped up from one of the many dumpsters lining the brick wall of Green Roof Apartments, the location you had been trying to reach from when this all started.
The sound of metal creaking, which you quickly recognized to be the shutters descending, urged your aching legs to run faster as the darkness before you faded the closer you got to the entrance. That’s when you noticed Eun-Hyuk struggling to keep the shutters open as a distraught woman crawled towards him. He reached out a hand towards her, just as he looked up and made eye contact with you. His eyes widened at the sight, although bloodied and bruised, you were very much alive. You smiled at him, relieved, feeling safe already.
That was until you heard a rustling coming from your right, along with animalistic groans, as if something was just stirring back to life after being immobilized and ready to lash out again. A flurry of panicked voices came from the lobby of the apartment, everyone watching in horror as the hunched-over silhouette of the monster with a snake-like tongue began recovering to its full height.
Luckily for you, the monster disregarded your presence as it ambled towards the entrance. You stood frozen in fear as the shadow of its body passed over you, the sound of its languid steps lulling you into a trance as your body trembled lightly. 
It was perceptible that trying to run past it would end in your demise, leaving you stuck on what to do. Your pleading eyes drifted towards Eun-Hyuk, hoping he would come up with a plan to distract the monster long enough so you could make a break for the gap underneath the shutters he had been holding open - a perfect enough size for you to slide under.
He stared you dead in the eyes as he dropped the shutters; the metal clanging loudly against the tiled floor. You blanched, staring back at him in disbelief. A semblance of guilt took over his features, and you shook your head in denial. 
Your eyes stung with tears, and you wondered whether to cry and beg for him to help you or keep the remaining bit of dignity you had left. The monster suddenly shot its tongue within the gaps of the barred metal and Eun-Hyuk disappeared from sight as he dodged; the trance you were in instantly dissipating as you came to terms with the situation.
He left you to fend for yourself, surrounded by a horde of monsters. You weren’t sure whether to give up or keep going, considering nothing seemed worth fighting for at the moment. 
Did he regret it? Of course. Would he do it again? Without question. Eun-Hyuk would sacrifice anyone to keep his sister safe, even you, and even himself.
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nyuksw · 3 years
Unexpected Date — Sangyeon
genre: angst, smut, fluff | warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, car sex, marking
“Nope, no way.” You quickly said before your friend could even finish his sentence, starting to walk again as fast as you could.
“Y/N please!” Jacob pleaded once again, rushing after you and stepping in front of you to stop you.
You rolled your eyes, “No Jacob I’m sorry, find someone else.” You gave him an apologetic smile and started to walk away leaving him behind.
“But I already told him and he agreed.” He said, making you stop on your tracks and spin around with wide eyes.
“You did what?!”
Jacob smiled sheepishly, starting to fidget with his fingers as a soft chuckle left his lips. “I told him a few days ago and he agreed to be your date for the event.”
You scoffed, “There’s no way he could’ve agreed to that.”
“He did! You know he still l-“
“I don’t want to hear it. I’m not doing this, not with him.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest, throwing him a serious look.
“How do you plan to get another date if the event is tomorrow night?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Are you saying I can’t find a date?” You raised both of your eyebrows in surprise at him but he quickly shook his head.
“No, all I’m saying is tomorrow is friday. Most people already have plans, I doubt you would be able to find someone available.”
“Then I’m going without a date.” You shrugged but he only sighed and whined loudly.
“Y/N why are you so stubborn! You must get a date to be able to join the event. Just go with him, it won’t be the end of the world if you do.”
You were taken aback by his sudden loud voice, seeing the poor guy all frustrated in front of you. You sighed, unfolding your arms and waving your hands in the air in surrender.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
“Really?! Thank you!” Jacob picked you up by the waist on his arms and spun you around.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Just tell him to pick me up on time.” You said fixing your clothes once he placed you back down.
You glared at him one more time but broke into a smile seconds later upon seeing him happy. Shaking your head you turned around and continued walking until you made it into the elevator.
Jacob waved at you, “Oh I gave him your new number so he will contact you!” He yelled but just before you could complain and scold him again, the elevator doors closed.
You arrived back home, doing your daily night routine before getting into bed. You pushed the blankets to the side so you could get in when your phone suddenly buzzed. You took it and unlocked the phone only to find a message from an unknown number.
> Hello Y/N, it 's Sangyeon. I’m just texting you so you can save my number
> That is if you want to
> Jacob already sent me your address, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7
You rolled your eyes and threw the phone into the nightstand. How can he text you so easily and act all friendly as if nothing ever happened between you two. You inhaled deeply, getting comfortable on bed and extending your arm to turn off the light but just as you were doing it, the phone buzzed again. It was another message from him,
> Can’t wait to see you again, sleep well :)
You turned off your phone to avoid any other message waking you up. But even then you couldn’t really sleep just by thinking about seeing him again, you were nervous, not even sure why because you two broke up a long time ago. So why was he still the reason for you losing sleep?
Next day came and you started to get ready by 5pm, starting with your makeup and hair. Making sure to take your time without anyone rushing you, you haven’t decided yet what to wear, deciding to leave it at last knowing it would take you some time.
It was around 6 pm and you had already finished, only needing to pick a dress and you’ll be done, but before you could get to it you heard the doorbell ring, frowning you walked out of the bathroom and towards the front door to open it.
“Sangyeon.” You said, voice coming out as a whisper as you were surprised to see him. Of course you were expecting him but you weren’t expecting to meet this new muscular version of him.
“Like what you see?” He said tilting his head to the side with a smirk on his face.
You scoffed, the sudden happiness of seeing him again quickly disappearing, “Come in.” You simply said opening the door for him to walk in, “I need to change, take a seat. I won’t take too long so we can leave.” You glanced at him and turned around to walk towards your room.
But he didn’t stay in the living room, instead he followed you quietly into your room.
“I like the new place.” He said, surprised by his sudden presence you slightly jumped on the spot and turned around. “Why did you move?”
“The other place had so many memories and I wanted to forget everything, I wanted a new fresh start.” You simply said before disappearing into the bathroom again to get changed.
He looked at you, a flash of hurt across his eyes knowing exactly what you meant with that, you were talking about him. Sighing, he went to sit on your bed, patiently waiting for you to come out. A few minutes later the bathroom door opened again and you came out, eyes looking up from his phone only to be glued to your body. You decided to wear a black dress, matching his clothes since you two were on a date for the night, the dress wasn’t too tight but it hugged your curves perfectly.
“You are not going out wearing that.” He said, his face turning very serious as well as his voice.
“Excuse me? Since when do you give me orders?” You frowned.
“You are my date and I’m telling you, you are not wearing that. It’s too revealing, I don’t want every male’s eyes on y-“
“And what if it is? I look good on it and it’s appropriate for the event actually. So I’m going to dress like this whether you like it or not. I'm not asking for your permission and you are not my boyfriend anymore, so keep your opinions to yourself.” You snapped and grabbed your purse, storming out of the room.
The car ride was silent, you could tell he was angry by the way his hands were gripping the steering wheel, glaring at you every chance he got and eyes landing each time on your thighs, the dress slowly riding up. Not only was he already jealous that every guy out there was going to see your body looking so good in that dress, but because he still wanted you as much as he did when you were still dating. Not being able to touch you and kiss you again like he did back then, was harder than what he imagined when he agreed the moment Jacob asked him to be your date for this event.
You on the other hand also kept stealing glances at him. The way you could see his muscles even through the thick material of his dressing shirt, how he rolled up the sleeves with his forearms. The way he gripped the steering wheel, the veins on his arms became more clear every time he did. You started to feel some kind of tingling sensation between your legs and you closed your eyes quickly turning to look out the window, making sure to mentally scold yourself for getting turned on.
He noticed you were looking away and his eyes dropped to look at the way you suddenly pushed your legs together, smirking to himself and raising an eyebrow. He looked ahead of the road while moving his free hand to rest just above your knee. The sudden contact made you whip your head around to look at him but his eyes were glued ahead on the road. You didn’t move his hand away and instead looked ahead too, trying to focus on something else but failing when you felt his hand moving up towards your thigh and stopped there. Again, you turned around to look at him but he was simply driving, acting like nothing was happening. You inhaled deeply when you felt his hand massage the skin, almost squeezing your thigh.
“I told you the dress was too revealing, didn’t I? Just look at the way it rides up, barely covering you.” He clicked his tongue. His fingertips ghosting over the skin, leaving goosebumps as they moved further up until they felt the hem of your dress, tugging it slightly. “Looks so inviting.” He said moving his fingertips to caress your inner thigh, almost too close to your clothed core just to suddenly pull them back eyeing you “But I can’t do anything about it since we are not dating anymore.” smirking when you pressed your legs together again.
“Sangyeon...” you said, your voice coming out lower than expected, in a needy tone.
“What is it, Y/N?” He was faking a sweet concerned voice.
“Please touch me.” Your voice came out as a whine, but you didn’t care at the moment. You just wanted him to do something about it.
“Right now? But I’m driving.” He was playing hard to get and if it wasn’t because you were really horny at the moment you would’ve done something about it. But here you were, being at his mercy without him even doing something yet.
“Please, just use your free hand, your fingers… please.”
He licked his lips, swallowing hard. “Alright, open your legs for me.”
You did as he said and opened your legs, leaning back against the seat as his hand sneaked between your legs, pushing the panties to the side and groaning when he felt your wet pussy, running his fingers across your slit teasingly before pressing two digits against your clit and rubbing the sensitive bud, eyes still glued on the road as your moans filled his ears.
“You know what, this won’t do.” He said pulling his hand away from you, making you whimper at the sudden loss of contact.
He pulled up into a dark and empty alley between buildings, where people wouldn’t pass by or notice the activities happening inside the car. He removed his seat belt and climbed on top of you while pushing back the seat even further so that you two were laying down. He positioned himself between your legs, taking a moment to look at your exposed and wet pussy while biting his lip.
“You wore this to get my attention, didn’t you?” He said, moving his eyes to look at yours.
“Get over yourself, you’re not that important.” You rolled your eyes.
He clicked his tongue, “Don’t be a brat or I’ll stop and drive back to the party.” he slid his hand up your body to wrap around your neck firmly. “You wanted to get the attention of every male at the party, didn’t you?”
His other hand slid down his own body to unbutton his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear until his dick sprung free against your inner thigh, making you buck your hips against him but he pressed you back down into the seat firmly.
“You’re still mine, no matter how hard you try to forget me and how many guys you sleep with, no one fucks you the way I do.” He said starting to grind on you, his cock rubbing against your folds making you clench around nothing. “See? Even your body knows it.”
He leaned down and kissed you roughly, he aligned the tip at your entrance and thrusted into you, making you moan against his lips. “Only I can make love to you.” He murmured against your lips.
His thrusts were slow but deep, hitting your spot each time. His mouth was busy trailing kisses all over your neck making sure to leave marks on you. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.” His hand moved to cup your boobs and pulled down the dress and bra, immediately moving to kiss all over them and suck on your nipples, twirling the hard buds with his tongue. His head was buried in your chest, starting to move his hips faster.
He lifted his head and moved to kiss you again, “I missed this, I missed you.” You murmured against your lips. His hands took yours in his and pinning them above your head as he started to thrust harder. You wrapped your legs around him, pushing him even further against you with your feet. You were moaning softly, almost holding them back and he noticed. Sneaking a hand between your bodies until he found your clit, quickly stimulating it and moving his lips next to your ear.
“I know you can be louder than that.” He growled into your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth and pulling it. “I want you to scream my name, I need to know that you also missed me as much as I did.”
“I-I’m close.” You said between moans, starting to clench around him and you closed your eyes. Nails digging on his back as you loudly moaned his name once you reached your orgasm. “Can I cum inside you?” He asked, head buried in your neck and you nodded. He thrusted a few more times, hips slowing down when you felt him twitch inside you, feeling warm from his cum coating your walls.
He collapsed on top of you, being careful not to hurt you, both of you laying there and catching your breath. He lifted his head to look at you, placing a sweet kiss on your cheek and pulling out. He extended an arm to the backseat and grabbed a box of tissues, helping you to clean the mess. Once you both fixed your clothes in silence, he returned to the driver's seat but didn’t start the car and instead looked down to his lap.
“I’m sorry.” Was all he said. You didn’t know how to respond and before you could even think about it he spoke again, “Breaking up with you has been my biggest mistake.”
“Why did you do it? You left without giving me any explanation. Do you know how bad I felt every day just overthinking every single thing trying to tell what could’ve been the reason for you to break up with me.” You said with hurt evident in your voice but feeling like weight was lifted off from you now that you get to talk about it with him.
“I was dumb and immature back then and it wasn’t easy for me to commit in a relationship, I guess it was easier for me to leave before I could hurt you.”
“But you did hurt me in the end.” You whispered.
“I know and I have regretted it every single day since then. I realized that commitment wasn’t the problem, because I was so sure and determined to be with you. But I was actually scared because I have never felt that way before, I loved you so much. I... I still do.”
You looked at him, he was avoiding eye contact at first but the moment he turned to look at you, you could see it in his eyes that he was telling the truth. All this time you thought he simply didn’t love you enough, and truth be told you still loved him too. You tried to forget about him by dating other people but no one ever made you feel the way he did.
“I still love you too, Sangyeon.” You whispered and you saw the way his eyes sparkled when he heard those words.
“You do?” He asked and you nodded, smiling at him.
“Would you like to start again with me?” His eyes glistened with hope.
“Yes.” You smiled softly at him.
He broke into a big grin and a cute giggle escaped his lips, leaning in towards you he cupped your face and caressed your cheek with his thumb. “This time I’ll do things right.” He whispered and with that he closed the gap between you two, kissing you softly yet pouring all his emotions into it.
You pulled away and he rubbed the tip of his nose against yours, smiling to himself as he felt a wave of happiness wash over him.
“Now let’s go or we will arrive late!”
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missjaystone · 4 years
What’s up, Doc?
This is my submission for darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ ‘Watching-Stalker AU Challenge’ (And yes, after asking initially from an entirely new account before posting on a secondary blog, I’m too embarrassed to tag Roo again.)
Prompt 11: Everyone knows about celebrity stalkers, but what happens when a celebrity is the stalker? Kinks: Forced Pregnancy/Breeding, A/B/O
Word Count: 3000
Relationship: Dark!Steve x Fem!Reader x Dark!Bucky Trigger Warnings: nonconsensual/dubious consent, forced pregnancy/breeding, A/B/O dynamics, abuse of power(?). PLEASE DONT READ IF THESE OFFEND YOU (PS Everyone: I’m sorry to redirect everyone to another blog but I’m too nervous about having 'missjaywrites’ as only a secondary blog. The first blog post on miss_jay_stone with stay but that blog is officially abandoned. Henceforth everything will be posted here.)
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Being a doctor meant stressful moments, being a military doctor meant stressful days, weeks, months, or years. However, being a doctor specifically for the Avengers was an entirely new level of pressure. Being the person to patch up or perform surgery on literal superheroes made you miss working in the middle of warzones. You knew one wrong move could quickly spiral into a major issue, but you knew this when you took the job.
The choice itself wasn’t easy, there were more than enough reasons for you to respectfully decline, reasons like; despite being as accomplished as you were, you were still fairly young, the pressure was enough to age someone half a century, there were about a dozen security measures in place to make sure you said nothing to anyone, numerous contracts and NDAs to sign, and possibly the biggest reason to say ‘no’ was what you really were. An omega. You could very well be arrested because of how many official government forms you’d falsified and signed stating you were a Beta. You did what you had to do to accomplish your goals and it landed you in the medbay of the Avengers compound, often in close contact with the numerous Alphas on the team.
In your opinion, you were pretty physically average and never thought of yourself as someone that turned heads. That was more than fine by you, the less attention you had on you the better. Recently, though, you felt something subtle change, you always felt like somebody was looking at you, even if nobody else was around. The constant feeling and incessant nagging in the back of your mind sent a chill up your spine daily. There were some days where you found yourself feeling something like an internal tug towards whatever alpha was close by and now more often than not, the closest alpha was one of the two blue-eyes super soldiers. If you had listened to the alarm bells in your head, you would have left your job the moment you felt something strange.
You would’ve moved to Calgary or Portland or Dallas, but you brushed it off as silliness and an overactive imagination. And because of that, here you were, stuck in a web of your own design, your protruding stomach a reminder of the mistakes that led to this situation. Of course, you’d love them when they arrived but that wouldn’t lessen the naivete you felt for falling into their game. Their words forever holding your heart and soul firmly in a vice grip. “C’mon, doll, you can be our good little ‘mega and get everything you could ever want” “We can keep your secrets safe, we’ll make sure nothing bad can ever happen to you.” The words seem to play on repeat in your mind. You can pinpoint the exact moment a small mistake led to where you were now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 Months Prior~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Wow, where are you going all dolled up like that?” Your colleague and friend Alex asked as you stepped out of the storage room with a bundle of clothes in your hand. He paused typing his report to watch you gather your things. “I’m going to a 50s themed party with a guy I’ve been seeing and he’ll be here to get me soon,” you answered, motioning to the very-50s inspired outfit you wore. “Lucky you, kid, knock him dead but use protection,” he called with a chuckle as you left towards the elevator. You rolled your eyes at his comment but got a chuckle out of it yourself. He loved acting like he had 25 years on you instead of 10. The entire elevator ride down you were checking to make sure everything was perfect and not a hair was out of place.
You didn’t even look up when you stepped out of the elevator into the lobby. You did however look up, when you collided with a firm body. Your apologies were stopped by two things; the feel of cold metal on your back thru the thin fabric of your top and the strong scent, familiar scent of cedar & sandalwood and sage & pine. “I’m so sorry about that Captain Rogers, Sargent Barnes; that was totally my fault for not looking and I’m incredibly sorry to have almost steamrolled you,” you rambled awkwardly as you hurriedly tried to step back and put space between you and them. It took several long moments before Bucky removed his hand from your back, putting both in his pockets.
“Don’t worry about it, accidents happen,” Steve said with a smile that just didn’t seem quite right. There was an uncomfortable couple of seconds where you felt their eyes raking over you and you would’ve sworn their pupils dilated. “You know, it’s funny, you look like you’re straight out of a magazine from the 40s,” Steve said with a chuckle to break the silence. “Thank you, sir, I have a date at a themed party and this is the theme,” you sheepishly replied. The blond cleared his throat to cover what almost sounded like a growl at the name ‘sir’ and his features momentarily hardened when you mentioned it was a date. His smile was quick to return “well we don’t want to hold you up, enjoy your weekend, Doc and we’ll see you around.” You politely thanked him and returned the pleasantry before stepping passed them to leave. If only you had looked back, you would’ve seen them begin an intense, hushed conversation before they disappeared into the elevator.
That little conversation seemed to be when all of this started, but it was only little things that never drew much thought. At least, it started small; things on your desk would be moved, lights would be left on when you showed up the next day, your door would be unlocked, just little things that you couldn’t definitively say you did or didn’t do and the feeling of surveillance being minute and random. Then it got bigger; clothes you’d left at the office would disappear like jackets you kept in case you got cold or a spare change of clothes if what you wore got messed up, and papers you were sure you’d put away would be scattered on your desk but the feeling of being watched was more often, and one or both of them often came around for seemingly any reason. Like when Sam came in to get stitches after a mission, Bucky stood to the side almost brooding when you only mildly acknowledged him to tend to his friend.
Then alarms started to go off in your head but you ignored it. They were celebrities, they were superheroes. There’s no way on Earth they’d give you more than a second though. Your internal alarms kept going off; you never felt alone anymore, even in your own home. Your cozy little home that you’d fallen in love with always felt like somebody else was there or had been there. You often felt like your skin was burning, especially when they were around which was now multiple times a day, you always seemed to run into them. Bucky was normally quiet when you crossed paths, always asking if you felt okay and commenting on your flushed and flustered appearance, taking two steps forward for every step you took away from him. Steve seemed to be more physical whenever you two met around the building, he’d pull you into a friendly hug before you could object and make conversation with you, often brushing hands with you or setting his hand on the small of your back.
It went on like that for two months and you’d never been more thankful for fall to turn to winter, the cold breeze helping to sate your increasingly uncomfortable temperature. You thought everything had passed when you started to feel more normal and they stopped coming around you as often.
One night you decided to stay late to get some reports finished, submitted, and filed properly. It was perfectly fine for a while but then you felt yourself heating up again. Even after removing your scrubs and changing into some clothes you stored here, you were still burning. Soon you were fidgeting in your seat, trying to find some way to quell whatever what happening with you. You ended up nearly running to the bathroom to splash cool water on your face and get something to drink but you should have just gone home.
When you took two steps back into your lab, you were immediately pulling back against someone’s broad chest with superhuman strength. On instant contact, a familiar and unnerving scent surrounded you; cedar and sandalwood. It was Bucky hold your back flush against his chest. Panic set in seconds later when you felt him pressed into your lower back, the size alone was enough to take you out of your paralyzingly-afraid state. But it wasn’t like that helped any; you were an average human and he was a Super Soldier, it took no effort to keep you in his grasp. All he had to do to keep you in line was move one hand around your throat and growl quietly in your ear.
“Easy, doll, if you move too much he may have to hurt you and that's the last thing we want,” a calm voice said, the tone almost soothing. Steve stepped into sight from where he’d been looking at some things on your shelf. “I know you’re probably a little confused but we’ve been keeping an eye out for you. Keeping creeps away at bars, making sure your train ride home goes without incident, taking care of the men you go on dates with. You’ve quite the active social life doll,” his voice was tender as he approached you, gently stroking your cheek.  By now your eyes were wide with bewilderment as your brain attempted to process this situation. “We want you to be our good little Omega, start a family with you, and give you everything you could ever want or need,” Steve continued when your attempt to speak came out in a whimper.
Just as you went to correct him, Steve stopped you, cupping your cheek “please don’t lie to me, doll, we can’t create a future built on lies. We always thought you were a cute little Beta but after running into you that day, we both got a nice strong whiff of your cleverly hidden Omega scent, made us both incredibly hard, especially in that outfit that looked like it was from our time. That little incident made us see you for what you are; a good little ‘mega perfectly tailored for us, made to be our girl and have our pups. Unfortunately, we had to wait sometime to wean you off of those nasty chemical suppressants but now that you’re on the verge of your first heat, your body is more ready than it ever will be to take us,” Steve explained in that eerily calm voice, the intimacy of the town and him gently stroking your cheek was easily beginning to jumble your mind as it told you to do what you’d been fighting for years, what you hoped to always avoid.
“Steve,” Bucky grumbled, finally speaking up when his friend paused, he’d started steadily grinding his hips against yours for friction. “I-I can’t, I d-don’t want this,” you stammered out, nearly biting your lip off to keep yourself from whimpering or moaning as you felt Bucky’s hard-on against you, so close to where you needed but didn’t want it to be. “Well, that’s why we’re giving you a choice, princess. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you and if you’re our girl we can make sure nothing bad ever happens to you. You’ll be the safest person on the planet. Alternatively, people will find out about your status and well, perjury, falsifying federal documents, and falsifying medical documents are serious. You’d lose your medical license permanently and it’ll be at least a decade in prison but that’s not what we want,” Steve reassured before planting a small but quick kiss on your lips and smiling.
“C'mon doll, you can be our good little 'mega and never have to do anything ever again, you’ll never have to worry about money, job security, gross bar creeps, medical issues. We just wanna take care of our girl,” Bucky whispered in your ear, his tone too gentle for the situation. When you began to object again, a strong cramp in your abdomen had you nearly double over with a pained moan. You’d have been on the floor if Bucky wasn’t holding you and Steve wasn’t in front of you. “We can make all of this pain go away right now, just say you’ll be our best girl,” Steve coerced as he moved a few strands of hair out of your face. You knew you couldn’t open your mouth without moaning in pain or screaming so you furiously shook your head. Steve continuing to stroke your cheek, though small, was enough to distract you from noticing Bucky untying and pushing your shorts down.
As much as you hated yourself for it, you moaned out in surprise when you felt Bucky’s cool metal fingers rubbing your clit slowly. The man let out a groan and pulled his hand back, smirking as it glistened in the dimmed lights of the lab “fuck, Stevie, she’s so wet for us.” The words renewed your sense of panic and you began struggling hard. That seemed to be all it took for Steve to let go of his restraint. He lunged forward and captured your lips in a harsh, hungry, and dominating kiss. The blond wasted no time ripping your shirt and bra away, sending buttons flying to the floor. He didn’t break away from the bruising kiss as he began to fondle your breasts, paying extra attention to the nipples. In your state of unwanted pleasure, you didn’t notice Bucky quickly unzipping his pants and pushing them and his boxers down enough to free his aching member.
An entirely new sense of panic filled you when you felt his head nudging at your entrance; you would not make it through this in one piece, they were going to split you in half. When Steve’s lips finally left yours, he haphazardly pulled his member out and pulled you down until your face was level with his cock. When you didn’t do anything, he seemed to signal to Bucky who then buried himself into the hilt and moaned out happily, his breathing hitching as he mumbled “fuck, so tight, feels s'good.” Just as anticipated, you opened your mouth in a silent scream of pain and forced ecstasy, he gladly took the opportunity to thrust into your mouth, making you gag when his tip hit the back of your throat.
It took them no time at all to set a bruising rhythm, their moans and groans combined with your muffled cries of pleasure and fear filled the moan. You hated the way you felt your body betray you, how your core ached from Bucky to go faster, how your mind was quickly falling into the role of a submissive little Omega that you’d avoided all your life. Pretty soon you were beginning to move with them, the logical part of your brain being overshadowed by the need to please the two Alphas violating you.
“That’s it doll, that’s our good little Omega, such a good girl cooperating with her Alphas,” Steve cooed soft praises as he proudly watched the last of your resolve vanish. He took one of your hands and wrapped it around the part of his cock that wasn’t in your mouth, helping you build up a good stroking motion before letting go. He held your hair in a makeshift ponytail and tugged whenever he felt you run your tongue along the veins. Bucky on the other hand had a vice-like grip on your hips as his thrusts gradually became erratic. He reached underneath you and started rubbing your clit quickly, this time with his flesh hand. “C'mon doll, cum for your Alphas, you’re gonna feel so good being our Omega,” he muttered into your ear, nipping at your earlobe.
You couldn’t stop yourself. Between his words and the way he rubbed your clit and Steve’s praises and encouragements, you didn’t stand a chance against doing what he asked. You came with a muffled scream as your searing orgasm raced through every one of your veins, leaving you in a seemingly endless state of white-hot euphoria. You could barely acknowledge the feeling of Bucky erupting inside of you, filling you with his seed. His thrusts slowly becoming more languid.
“C'mon, hurry up,” you heard Bucky say, even though it sounded muffled and far away to you. You admittedly whined at the loss of his member even though he still held you up. You coughed when Steve removed himself, finally taking in deep breaths of air. They switched places quickly, Steve emitting a groan as he entered you more gently than Bucky did. This time, you didn’t hesitate before taking Bucky’s cock into your mouth, just following the part of your brain that said to submit to them, that they alone could bring you this much pleasure and everything they promised. Steve gave a few thrusts before he pulled your hips flush against his and spilled himself with a content moan.
You all but collapsed to the floor when they were done, them being the only reason you didn’t. Bucky scooped you up bridal style after Steve wrapped his jacket around your used, naked form. You were only semi-conscious as they carried you out of the lab, barely awake enough to mumble out “where are we going?” “We’re going to our room, little 'mega, and we’re gonna keep doing this every night until we see you round with our pups and we’re gonna make sure you’re treated like a princess, our princess,” Steve said, using his soothing tone from earlier. Barely clinging to consciousness, you merely nodded. The last thing you remember before passing out into sweet, sweet dreamland was you saying “alphas know best.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You looked down at your stomach before looking back at the sonogram in your hands; clear as day, you could see two 8-month-old babies. You’d stopped fighting when the pregnancy tests turned positive, they were very clear that no matter where you went, they’d find you and bring you home. They kept their promise about giving you everything you could ever need or want and protecting you. They kept their promise to keep you safe and always be there for you. You resigned from your position and didn’t renew your rental agreement, officially moving in with them in a bigger room. Once you safely passed the second trimester, they claimed you as theirs and let you claim them as yours. You’re not sure if you’ll ever forgive how this started but it wasn’t so bad.
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jensengirl83 · 4 years
Break A Leg
Jensen x reader
Word count-2093
Warnings-Injury to reader, a little angst, fluff
Summary-Reader gets injured on set. Her boyfriend Jensen has to take care of her.
A/N-This is a request from @sutton2001​. This is a work of fiction and no hate is intended towards Danneel.
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Y/n is a nervous wreck. She has a stunt today and this will be the first time doing one of her own. The scene calls for her character to get trapped by a bookshelf falling on her leg while her and the boys are on a hunt. She has been going over it for days now, but she is still nervous about it. She has kept it hidden from her boyfriend Jensen, knowing he will try to talk her out of it if she says anything about it. She looks at her phone to see that it’s time to make her way to the set. Jensen and Jared are already there filming another scene for the episode. Y/n plays Dean’s love interest for the past few seasons. The romance on screen eventually led to romance off screen too.
She stands and walks to her sink putting her coffee mug there for later use. Y/n takes a deep breath before opening her trailer door, gathering all the courage she can to put a smile on her face. If anyone senses she is scared they will go straight to Jay. She laughs to herself at the fact he has people to keep an eye on her. She was mad at first, but he does it out of love, so how could she be that mad? Y/n makes her way out of her trailer and heads for the soundstage they are using for todays scene.
“There she is! Come here beautiful.” Jared is standing with his arms open waiting for her.
“Hello handsome!” Y/n says with a giggle, wrapping her arms around the giant of a man.
“Hey! What the hell man. She is my girlfriend, so get your hands off!” Jensen yells at Jared trying not to smile.
This was an everyday occurrence. Y/n and Jared had become great friends. It was a long-standing joke about Jared stealing her away that has never stopped. Jensen is a good sport about it. He knows that she thinks of Jared as a big brother, and he knows how she feels about him. Jared is also crazy about Gen and would never leave her.
“Boys, Boys, no need to fight for my affections. You have to learn to share.” Y/n says busting out in laughter at the look on Jensen’s face.
“I don’t think so!” Jensen grabs her and pulls her away from Jared to wrap her in his arms. “You are mine and I do not share!”
“If you say so Jay. Sorry Jared, looks like he never learned to play nice with others.” Y/n is feeling better now that she is with her boys.
“It’s ok Y/n. I’ll be here waiting when you get tired of the old man.” Jared laughs as he walks back towards set. “I’ll show you old man when I kick your ass!” Jensen yells at his back as he walks away.
The whole set is laughing at their antics. This is nothing new, she just joined in on the shenanigans when she came to the show. She looks back to her boyfriend, his face close to hers. She stands on her toes to place a quick peck to his lips. Jensen is a private person and doesn’t like people knowing or seeing his personal life. A small kiss here or there is fine but that is about it.
“You ready for your stunt babe?” He asks her as they follow Jared onto set.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Y/n smiles at him and hope he can’t see her nervousness.
He must have bought it because he doesn’t say anything, presses a quick peck to her hair, and goes to get on his mark. Y/n is glad, having him worried about her would make it harder for her to concentrate. She goes to her mark and gets prepared for the stunt. A demon is supposed to flip a heavy bookshelf over on her leg trapping her and going after the boys. The shelf is rigged to fall and catch right before it lands on her leg. It will work perfect as long as she hits her mark.
“Ready….and Action!” Bob yells and things are a flurry of limbs as the fight scene ensues. Y/n does the fake fall and hits her mark perfectly. The stunt coordinator activates the rig and the bookshelf falls. The loud snap and her screams fill the set. It takes a few seconds for them to realize she in not acting. The rig had failed, and the shelf is on her leg.
“Shit! Y/n baby look at me. It’s ok honey we are going to get this off you.” Jensen is at her side rubbing her head trying to keep her calm.
“My leg is broken Jay! It hurts so damn bad.” Y/n says through clenched teeth. The pain shooting up her leg making her feel sick.
“I know baby. Just hold on.” Jensen and Jared move to help the crew to lift the shelf off her leg.
Paramedics are already on set ready to take her to the hospital once the shelf is moved. Y/n makes the mistake of looking down at her leg when they free it. The bone is sticking out of her leg, the sight making her queasy.
“Hey baby, they are going to take you to the hospital. I will be right behind you sweetheart.” Jensen gives her a light kiss on her lips, moving to let the medics get her on the stretcher.
Jensen squeezes her hand when she cries out from the pain of being moved around. Y/n looks over to see Jared talking to the head stunt coordinator. It doesn’t look like the words are very friendly, Jared likely asking what the hell went wrong. She lays her back as they wheel her to the waiting ambulance. She should have listened to her gut this morning and she would not be heading to the hospital right now.
“I’m going to the truck now honey. I will be right behind you.” Jensen reassures her once more as they get her loaded and ready to go.
Six hours and some pain medication, Y/n is finally allowed to go home. She has a compound fracture of the tibia and is not able to go back to work for at least six to eight weeks. She has been complaining about not being able to work or do things for herself for the last hour now. Jensen is holding her hand and staying quiet as the nurse wheels her out to his truck. Jensen bends to pick her up and place her in the passenger’s seat as gently as he can. He leaves her to buckle herself as he makes his way to his side to drive them home.
“This sucks Jay. I am stuck in this cast for two months! Of course, it had to be my right leg so I can’t even drive!” She is beyond frustrated that she has to have help.
“Baby, I already told you, I am here to help you. They gave me the next two weeks off from filming and then Gen is going to come up and stay to help you.” Jensen says hoping she will calm down.
“That’s the whole point Jay! I don’t want your help!” She regrets her words as soon as they pass her lips. She looks to see the hurt look on his face. “I’m sorry Jay. I didn’t mean it like it sounded. It’s just that I don’t like needing to ask for help. I’m a grown woman who should be able to take care of herself.”
“I know babe, but you can’t do this on your own and I love you. What good am I as your boyfriend if I can’t take care of you when you’re hurt.” Jensen reaches to lay is hand on her thigh and squeeze it gently.
“Jay…You are a great boyfriend.” Y/n smiles at him, still feeling guilty about her harsh words.
They finish the drive home in silence. Jensen has his right hand outstretched to hold hers, rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. They pull up to the building of Jensen’s apartment. Y/n silently thanks the architect for installing an elevator. Jensen gets out and walks around to help her out and stand on one foot as he shuts her door and locks up the truck for the night.
“Let’s go sweetheart.” He says as he scoops her up to carry her to the elevators.
She leans her head against his shoulder and closes her eyes. The long day and pain medication making her sleepy. She keeps them closed, hearing the elevator ding and feels Jensen carrying her down the hall to his apartment. You had agreed to stay with him while you healed. He somehow unlocks the door and opens it with you in his arms, carrying you straight to the bed.
“Rest a few minutes while I lock up and I will be back to help you get changed.” Jensen whispers into her hair, placing soft kisses there before leaving the room. She smiles at how well he is already taking care of her. It shouldn’t be a bad thing that he wants to help her. She would do the same for him without another thought. Y/n decides while he is gone to let her stubbornness go and let him help her. She looks up as he comes back in the bedroom, a smile on her face.
“It’s nice to walk back in here and see a smile Y/n.” Jensen says smiling back at her, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Thank you, Jay. I know I have been stubborn and bitchy and I’m sorry. I want you to help me.” She says hanging her head down. She was a little ashamed of how much she was acting like a brat.
“You don’t have to ask babe. I want to. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than here taking care of you.” Jensen puts his finger under her chin, lifting her head to look at him.
“I love you Jay.” She says with a shy smile. It amazes her that he can still make her feel so giddy like a teenage girl.
“And I love you Y/n.” Jensen leans to place a kiss to her lips. His tongue runs softly over her bottom lip, her giving him entrance. The kiss was soft and sweet, their lips moving gently against each other’s.
Jensen pulls away and places his hand on her cheek, rubbing her bottom lip with his thumb. “How about we get some sleep?”
“Sounds good to me.” Y/n sighs, finally relaxed and ready to sleep this day off.
Jensen carefully helps her out of her clothes and into her pajamas. He lifts her back up into bed and helps her get settled and comfortable. He rids himself of his clothes to sleep in his boxers as he walks to his side of the bed and climbs in. Y/n lifts her arm to allow him to cuddle up to her and put his arm around her waist. The two of them falling asleep quickly.
Y/n wakes the next morning, the smell of bacon and coffee filling her nose. She uses her arms and one good leg to scoot her back up the headboard. The sounds of Jensen’s footsteps can be heard coming back to the bedroom. What she sees when he opens the door has her jaw dropping to her chest. He has a tray full of food. All her favorites, her coffee, and a bowl of fruit on the side.
“Jay! You didn’t have to do all this!” She exclaims. Her heart swelling with the sweet gesture.
“I know I didn’t but only the best for my girl.” He tells her with a wink. His bed head making him too adorable for words.
“If this is your definition of helping me, the next few weeks may not be that bad after all.” She says with a laugh.
“Well get used to it baby. You will be nothing but pampered for the next two weeks at least, and then again when I get home from work after that.” His smile is beaming. He loves the chance to take care of her, to show her just how much he loves her. Maybe after these two months are over, he can convince her to move in, since he knows she is the woman he sees spending the rest of his life with.
Tags: @flamencodiva​​ @sorenmarie87​​ @foxyjwls007​​ @waywardbeanie​​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @voltage-my2dlove​​ @hardcoresupernatural​​ @marvelouslysherlockedhunter​ @lyarr24​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @akshi8278​ @midsummereve1993​ @sutton2001​ @emory91​
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hotsexydorks · 3 years
I really loved your "Daddy's Boys" story from your Prompts & Scribbles Collection. Do you think you could expand a little more on that 'verse? Jordan definitely needs to join the family—as you had foreshadowed at the end—but what about another Daddy to help the poor Sheriff out with all his needy boys? I feel like Daddy Argent could be up to the task... :3c
Picked up the story from where it left off in the first one :)
Daddy’s Boys 2 : Sheriff/Parrish
The drive to the convention droned on as the pair travelled down the road. Having set out early in the morning John feigned wanting to catch more sleep by turning his head to the side and pulling back the seat. In reality the man was just plotting his next move. This power he had was his, he didn’t know how long for or what it meant but he knew what he wanted, right now he wanted a way to corrupt his new Deputy.  
 Taking the entire drive to think about his plans John could feel a part of him enjoying it and wanting more. It felt so right, so right that he could see that even just his thoughts could affect the world around him, it gave him a rush like he had never felt before. 
“Uh. Sheriff?” Parrish called out. Reaching out he touched the older man’s shoulder to wake him. Giving a gentle shake he rolled his neck and body after the quiet drive. 
All the time that John had to himself let the Sheriff come up with a plan for their weekend. His experience with his three boys already had given him enough knowledge to know that the more general the better. Starting with smaller pieces and building them up was the best way and the fastest way. After all Derek barely lasted a few days before he was his, now he was sure Parrish would be his by the end of the long weekend. 
“You know I wish you’d relax more around me when we’re not at work.” Just like all the times before John could feel the little pulse radiate from his body, the coin around his neck glinting gently on the chain. 
Blinking a few times at the reflection of the light in his eyes Parrish shook his head, swinging the tiredness off of his body and with it began shedding his old self. “Sorry John, I guess it’s just some old ranking habits from the army.” He tried to excuse himself for his overt properness that had earned him his nickname of Scout in the station bullpen. 
“It’s alright Jordan.” The boss replied, sitting up slowly and looking around at the hotel. 
“Looks like they picked out a fancy place for this year’s convention.” He said with a whistle joining in with the Sheriff’s assessment of the building. 
“As long as they’re paying.” John agreed with a chuckle. 
Getting out of the car together the pair both did simultaneous stretches, taking in the fresh flowing air and basking in the warm glow of the high morning sun. 
“Well let’s go get checked in and put our things in our room. We’ve got free time until the first meeting later on.” Sheriff said opening up the back of the car and taking his things out, Parrish on the other side doing the same. 
Entering the tall hotel they walked through the grandiose lobby. Passing various people around them John recognised a few faces in the crowds; cops that he had started with, some officers that he had met a few years into his job, even older officers that continued to help out. Following the scattered trail of people they made their way to the front desk.
“How about you go sign us in with convention and I’ll get the keys to the room and I’ll meet you back over by the desk.” John suggested with a nod in the direction of the organisation desk. 
“Sure thing Sher-- John.” Catching his own words Jordan chuckled as he corrected himself and left the older man. 
With diverging tasks John watched Parrish go off already setting his plan in motion for his newest boy. 
“Hi, I have a booking under Stilinski.” 
“Certainly sir..” With a quick flurry of the information the receptionist looked for their booking. “That’s one room with two singles.” He said asking for the confirmation. 
“Actually, there’s been a slight change, could I get the room changed to a single queen?” John asked, trying to vie for a different room without being too aggressive in his approach. 
“Let me look it up for you…” Clacking at the keyboard again he looked up with slight worry on his face. “I’m afraid we’re almost fully booked with the convention, the only room we have left available is the honeymoon suite which will cost you extra if you want to upgrade.” 
This was perfect, almost too perfect for his plans, fighting back the smirk that wanted to flash on his face. John nodded with only a small smile. “That’s okay, could you charge it to my card?” He asked, wanting to snatch up the room as quickly as possible John pushed his card across the counter giving the hotel worker the go ahead. 
“Alright then let me just change this up…” The clerk worked the system and quickly changed John’s booking around giving him the suite and swapping the rooms. “That’s all confirmed on our end, here is your key and your room is 802. The elevator is down that hallway and then the room will be left after doors open on the eighth floor. I hope you have a pleasant stay with us.“ 
Taking everything back with that same smile John nodded. “Thanks. I’m sure it'll all be perfect”  Winking a the worker John picked up the things and made his way over to the desk seeing Jordan chatting with a few other new recruits to the force. 
The male was smiling and being courteous to the strangers, an aspect John had admired about him which made him want to leave his mark behind it all even more. Take the clean interior and paint it. 
“Sheriff Stilinski!” One of the stationed volunteers called out to the older man with a smile. “I heard you were joining us with a new second this year, which must be this strapping gentleman here.” 
Parrish blushed a little bit at the praise he had received from the strangers, being polite and courteous wasn’t anything he thought was that out of the ordinary. 
“That’s right, Deputy Parrish has been a great help to the station and to me since he joined, I’m very proud of him.” John smiled at the Deputy making him blush even more. 
“John… uh, Sheriff Stilinski - “ Correcting himself again Jordan quickly made sure that he didn’t leave any dead air. “- is just being kind. I’m only helping out here and there, it’s really all the other officers that do the heavy lifting.” Trying to smile kindly he swept at the praise and looked almost pleadingly to John for a proverbial life ring. 
“He’s just being modest, our Scout here is worth every bit of praise he gets.” Laughing properly the older man patted Jordan on the back as he started to disengage the situation. “We should head up to our room though, get our stuff down and stretch out after the long drive.” 
Waving them off the pair separated from the side group and started away from the main floor towards the elevator. As the elevator rose through the floors the sound waved in the background behind them with stereotypical elevator music filling the empty space. 
“Thanks, I didn’t think they were going to let me go unless I ran.” Jordan tried to make a joke at how heavily friendly the group had been when he first went over to sign them in. 
“Trust me, if you think they’re bad now wait till you find them at the bar after hours. You need to be Houdini to get away from them.” 
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind and get an exit strategy in place. How was everything with reception? Was there any trouble?” 
Being asked about the other side of their plans John let out a soft sigh. “Well it seems like there was a mix up in some bookings so our room got changed but we’ll just have to see what it is. I’m sure we’ll be able to make do with what we’ve got. He said that they were booked up with the convention going on this weekend.” 
The elevator dinged in perfect time, opening the doors a moment later to the corridor. Following down the signs and the numbers John and Parrish traveled down the floor that had its rooms sporadically spread out. 
“800… 801…” John muttered to himself as they both looked for their room. 
“802?” Parrish called out looking at the door in front of him, stealing a glance at what was written on the key slip they had. 
“802.” Nodding in reply John smiled, lifting up the key for the door and unlocking it with a simple swipe of the card. “Home sweet home.” 
In the room it was lavishly open. It was more of a bachelor apartment than it was a hotel room. Stepping in they were greeted to an open room, neatly spread spaces that flowed into the next with ease. One corner had couches surrounding a coffee table that all faced onto a wall mounted TV. The other a small little kitchen area with high seats and a counter. Facing out over the top of the city line they had a balcony that overlooked the surrounding area which had to be one of the best views in the place. 
But the expense didn’t end there. Off against the wall on the other side was their bed, a comfortable queen sized bed, just one. The single unit bed was enough to stop their amazement of the room. 
“There’s only one bed.” Jordan pointed out as their bags came to a halt. 
“That’s no problem right? The couch doesn’t look all that comfortable but we can share, it’s got plenty of room.” John said as he truly acted nonchalant about the fact there was one bed after all he was the one that orchestrated it. “Hey Parrish, look over here. There’s a jacuzzi bath here as well.” The Sheriff called out, waving the Deputy towards him and showing the wide open bathroom. 
“Seems more like an upgrade than a mix up, but are you sure sharing the bed is okay? I don’t want it to--” 
“Relax Jordan, I told you before, didn't I? You should be more relaxed around me.” John started to slowly twist the earlier change he had made earlier in the car, glinting again around his neck the coin shone in the overhead light. 
“Right.. You’re right, Sorry John, I guess it’s just been a while since I’ve had to share a space with someone before, let alone my boss.” Straightening his clothes Jordan swallowed down with the confession the changing male looked around as he grabbed his shirt and fanned the air from his body. “Do you mind if I take some clothes off? It was a long drive and I don’t want to sweat out my clothes.” He asked as he had already begun peeling his t-shirt and dropping it to the floor. 
“No go right ahead, do what you need to do, it’s just us here after all.” John reassured him with a slight hesitancy at how fast things had begun to shift. Of course he had anticipated for things to move faster but this was still faster than even he thought. 
Disappearing from view for a moment Jordan stepped to the couch and started to hang his clothes out so that they could air without becoming stale, but he didn’t stop there. Coming back Jordan was dressed only in a pair of white briefs, cut up into his crotch; the briefs could have been mistaken for a thong if it weren’t for thinner covering over his ass. Which explained to John how the other’s ass always looked so smooth in the tight work pants of their uniform. 
“Hope you don’t mind, I’m usually just lounging in my own place. After spending time in the army you kind of get used to it, you know?” Jordan asked, alluding to the man’s own time serving. With a smile as he came back and looked around the tub. “I haven’t had a good tub in a long time, I’ve been meaning to get one for my place but they’re so expensive to run.”
 “Not at all.” John replied, his eyes eagerly taking in the other’s body. Being almost fresh off of his time in service Parrish’s body was still in peak condition. Muscles cut and strong, his skin was also smooth and soft. All of it looking like it was calling out to the man for his marks. 
Usually walking around his own apartment in his underwear Jordan’s mind began to slowly twist and form into this new Jordan that was placing John in that same space that would allow him to lower his inhibitions and open himself up to becoming one of John’s boys - one of Daddy’s boys. 
“Why don’t we try it out? After all, we’ve got time before we’re needed for anything and the opening meeting is always just a standard introductory meeting that we could skip.” John tested the hypothetical waters dipping his idea into the space with a little wave. “It would be a good way of relaxing together and building our bond.” John pushed a little more trying to shape the other’s view of it with his nudges. 
“Sounds like a good idea, as long as you’re okay with skinny dipping. I didn’t bring any swimming stuff with me and I don’t think it’d be a great idea to get our underwear soaked in the tub.” The younger male explained looking around the bathroom for things that would make their shared, essentially, bath together more than just water. 
“That was exactly what I was thinking.” Smiling at the other John clapped at Jordan’s shoulder as he passed him. Going out to the bed right beside the bathroom the older man started to take his clothes off. “Start the water so it’s good and hot.” 
Reaching down Jordan fiddled with the taps and started to fill the tub and turn on the heater as well. Putting in some of the complimentary bath lotions to give the water a little scent but not enough to fill it with bubbles and perfume. 
Once the water was one the rise Jordan pulled down his underwear and threw them onto the rack by the wall to get them out of the way so that he could get into the pool without a worry. Leaning over, Parrish bent down, sticking his hand into the tub to test the temperature of the water as it filled up and that was how the Sheriff found him. 
Naked and reaching down Jordan’s ass was sticking out behind him, an enticing sight all for him to see. Making the mental note of it being the first time he gets to see the other’s body John approached him from the side his own boxer briefs still on.
“How’s the water?” 
“Almost there, just waiting on it to fill up -- “ Turning around to speak to the other Parrish immediately noticed the other’s state of dress. “I thought we were going to skinny dip it?” He asked, now feeling a little bit embarrassed about his own naked state. 
“We are, but you know how it is. It can get a bit cold, no one wants to be the smallest in the group.” John chuckled. Reaching down he took a light grasp of his crotch and showed off how deceptive the bulge was behind the underwear. 
After gaining his first two boys and putting his own body through his own wishes John’s wardrobe went through a small change. With more fitting clothes, more prouder clothes the older man took a step into a more bold sense of style. It was subtle but enough to anyone that would have watched him in any significant way. 
The cuts were a little bit tighter, the fit was a little bit better. Wishing your own body back to its peak of fitness had its perks now he'd be able to go toe to toe with the best of the young officers. Not to mention the wishes he had for his own sex.
One of which he was showing off to the Deputy. Of course the Sheriff was already proud of his size, but a little more never hurt but that wasn’t the only thing that changed. After all, now when he had three hungry boys that begged to be filled with cum almost every hour of the day a little bit of help in that department was only logical. 
But now he was even prouder of it knowing that all the power he could want was his. 
“Come on John. There’s no need to be shy about it. The guys in our unit would compare all the time. Surely you were the same.” Jordan asked looking down at the other’s bulge the question of how big the man was starting to wave in his mind. The mental shots of his boss's body , mainly of his cock, but his body just posing in front of him.  
“You get a different view as you get older, Parrish. Besides, compared to you young ones now I’m probably not worth the second glance.” John teased through self deprecating humour wanting to see how the Deputy responded. 
“That’s nonsense, you’re in good shape.” Jordan reached out pointing at the older man’s body, his eyes and fingers dancing down the man’s chest until they were gaining on his hips. “You’ve got good definition here.” His fingers brushed past the other’s ribs all so he could quickly move next. In a flash the Deputy reached down, grabbing at John’s underwear he pulled them away in a swift motion. Dropping to his knees Parrish released the Sheriff’s cock from its prison and exposed him in an instant. 
Down at the new height Jordan was at the perfect eye level to see all of the man’s crotch in its glory. Accidentally staring at it Jordan’s eyes looked at it almost as if he were studying it but in truth it was because he felt drawn to it. 
“Jordan?” John called out to him trying to see if he could get the other’s attention. Of course, he knew what was happening, but he still decided to be safe. This, just like everything else that had happened, had all been according to the man’s plans, his wishes. 
Distracting Jordan with his cock he knew that the seeds that he had been planting were all coming to fruition now.
A moment after John called out to him Jordan finally reacted, shaking his head getting himself out of his trance for a moment. “Sorry, just.. Never seen one like yours, and I saw a lot in the tents.” Parrish laughed it off, still unable to pull his eyes away. 
“It’s alrig--” 
“It’s just so big… so smooth….” The longer Jordan looked the deeper his fascination grew, forming until it started to become an obsession. “So perfect…. It even smells so.….” Pushing forward Jordan buried his face into the crook of the man’s crotch. His nose pushed up against the trimmed pubes until he was able to rub his face against it. Unable to pull himself away from the desire that was building up in him Jordan would have been blind sided if he had noticed it but instead the more he gave into it the more it would cement itself in his head. 
“Uh… Jor-” Before John could probe the other at what he was thinking the deputy was pulling away from his musk only to enable his next thought. 
Once his face had been freed from inhaling his boss’ musk he opened his eyes, his pupils blown with lust taking in the sight before him. “I wonder what it tastes like..” Before Jordan even had a chance to blink the Deputy was already closing in with an open mouth in tow taking the soft tip into his mouth. 
Seeing the younger’s changed self growing stronger John smirked reaching down he rubbed at Parrish’s scalp. Guiding him with a gentle touch as his soft cock started to take up Jordan’s mouth, slowly starting to react to the wet tongue that was lapping at his skin. “That’s it, taste Daddy’s cock, let Daddy feed you.” 
Looking up with eager eyes Jordan showed off the new sense of self he was getting. ‘Sheriff…John…Daddy… ‘ The names flowed through his head, each one of them making more sense than the rest until he was saying them out loud. “Dad…. Daddy..” Saying the name aloud was the final push it needed. Shining brightly in his eyes Jordan’s gaze fell on the coin as it took root. 
“That’s right. I’m Daddy, and you’re my boy, and you have some brothers waiting for us back at home. But you’ll meet them after this weekend. Right now. Daddy needs to take care of his new boy.” 
Brushing Jordan’s hair back he pushed the kneeling Deputy to the side and made his way to the tub that had now filled and was ready. 
“Let’s test out the pool.”
Jordan rose to his feet in a hurry and joined his Daddy in the tub. Sitting down beside him he looked at the man while the changes started to settle in his body, the heat of the tub making him relax even more against the heat. 
“Daddy?” Pressing his body against John’s side, Jordan got as close as he could like that. His hand pressed on the man’s chest. Starting its path down his abs towards the cock he gripped it firmly giving him some assured strokes. “Can I taste your cock again?” 
 “That depends, baby. Why don’t you come sit in Daddy’s lap and answer some questions first..” He leaned back to give Jordan the room to settle against him. Taking the opportunity Jordan slid his body over John’s lap and planted himself firmly against him. It was only a moment of adjusting before their bodies were slotted against each other, Jordan’s ass on top of the man’s cock feeling the shaft between his cheeks.
“I’m here Daddy.” Jordan said almost gleefully, taking his seat and smiling. His hands began to rub against John’s body, truly feeling him and getting to know his Daddy’s body. 
“You said that you’ve compared with the other officers in your troop, did you do any more than that?” Taking Jordan’s chin in his fingers John lifted it gently so that their eyes could share the gaze. Staring at each other as it deepened their bond.
“No Daddy, we only just compared our sizes. But sometimes we would prank each other, wake someone up with a cock slap to the face.” The memories made him chuckle, his hands not stopping as he squeezed along his chest. 
“So you’ve never experimented with other men before?” His voice pushed with a slight authority. 
“Not during my service… but I did jerk off one of my friends in school.”
“That's all?” 
“I didn’t really feel like it was for me.. But there’s just something about Daddy’s that draws me to it.” He admitted eyes looking earnestly back at the man. Wide and soft showing no hesitancy for it now.
Taking his hands lower, John began his own exploration of the other’s body. “That’s because Daddy is the best, and you know it, but I’m going to show you why today.” 
“Yes Daddy.” 
The hands traveled lower and lower, trailing down his abs and around to reach Jordan’s ass. Holding the cheeks in his hands John groped at them lightly enough to only ripple gently in the water. 
Gasping at the new sensation Jordan glanced over his shoulder. He had had his ass slapped and hit in jest before but John’s hands massaging him and playing with his ass was something new entirely. Moaning softly the Deputy arched his back and pushed his ass into the boss’ hands filling them up even more. 
Smoothly their dance continued, only punctuated by the sound of moving water and soft moans of pleasure. John’s eyes took in every tick and movement that he pulled from the Deputy. Each little bit as if he were playing him like an instrument. His fingers flexed and pushed along his backside, sneaking closer and closer to the virgin hole. 
Jordan’s hands following his own song down John’s body, over his abs and back again. With his ass seated over the man’s crotch he rocked slowly in place using his cheeks to give back the little that he could. He knew that it was working when he heard the Sheriff, his Daddy, moan. With his intuition proving to be correct the new boy started to ride back more intently. Scooping his hips downward making every moment of contact that he could. Soon enough he could feel his Daddy’s cock growing hard under him, spreading his cheeks wider. Each swing of his hips alternated the contact between John’s cock and his fingers sliding against his hole making his moans grow.
“Daddy…” Jordan warned with a slight wave in his voice. It wasn’t one of hesitancy but filled with pleasure and charged with lust. With just the little teasing that they had been doing in the tub Jordan felt as if it were shaking him from his head to his toes. 
“I know Baby Boy, but we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.” Hitting Jordan’s ass, John started to push the other off of his lap giving himself the room to stand. Once he was freed he slipped backward and sat on the edge of the tub with his hard cock on display. Standing out and proud from the attention that it had been getting and the anticipation of claiming the new boy.
Kneeling with his lower half in the water Jordan was shocked at the man’s exposed cock. “It’s so big..” Needing to use both hands to cover a majority of the man’s cock he grew closer and closer to it with an open mouth ready to take him again. Jordan stuck his tongue out searching for the man’s taste past the water that was dripping off of them. 
Jordan’s tongue swiped back and forth taking him past his lips and down his throat all in the effort to taste him. The moment the taste started to emerge Jodan moaned loudly up at the man in disbelief that he waited so long to experience this. With the new taste filling his senses Jordan started to enthusiastically worship at his Daddy’s cock. 
Thinking about what he had liked done to his cock during a blowjob Jordan mimicked that and hoped that he was doing his Daddy proud. Soon light licks turned into steady swipes, gentle suckling turned into assured sucking. Jordan’s eyes were now shut, bobbing back and forth; he carefully took the man’s cock deeper and deeper until he met an unfamiliar resistance. 
There was something new hitting at the back of his throat, something that the Deputy had never felt there before and it wasn’t comfortable. But still determined to push through it, Jordan gagged and choked on the thick cock forcing himself to his limits, his mouth seeping down the length. 
A strong hand trailed down his back. Jordan’s body tingled, like pins and needles filling his skin, it made him shudder. 
“That’s it baby, just keep working Daddy’s cock.” John guided his hand further down the male’s body. Now that he had Jordan, why wait for more. His hand went further and further, leaning over John started to reach for Jordan’s ass. Pushing his prelicked fingers against the tight hole he started to tease it for what was to come.
A deep sound erupted from Jordan’s throat, muffled only by the cock in his mouth. He could feel the fingers against his virgin hole and it felt good. Mind blowing. Spurring Jordan on even further it felt like the jolts of having his ass played with revitalised him, more than giving him energy it made him long for more. Jordan pushed his legs further apart, spreading cheeks to let the fingers touch him more. 
With a grin John moved. Shuffling in closer to Jordan’s head he placed one hand behind the male’s head to hold him steady as he forced his cock deeper and leaned over the Deputies’ body to push his fingers against the rim.
“You like that, don’t you?” John’s fingers pushed deeper slowly, spreading Jordan’s hole open in a way that he had never tried before. Opening and closing his fingers against the tight muscle the Sheriff started to massage and work it open. 
Nodding along with his words Jordan’s focus started to waver. Dipping back and forth between his focus on the Daddy's tasty cock and the new feeling he got from Daddy’s fingers on his ass, Jordan started to lose track of what he was doing. 
Apparently becoming too lax for the older man Jordan’s sense came back to him when he felt the Sheriff start to fuck his mouth. The leaking cock slid back and forth with power. Spreading his throat, stretching his jaw down. John’s hold on his head meant that he had no place to escape but deeper, so he did it. 
Shoving his head into the harsh thrusts he could feel all of his muscles tightening. Gagging and sputtering with tears falling down his face Jordan gasped for air but also his body told him that his Daddy was more important. 
Surrounded by the sounds and smell of their sex John’s grunting signled the nearing ending of their first journey. Each of his thrusts splashed the water under them. Where John held Jordan’s head was at the perfect height for the waves to hit his face as well. Truly using the Deputy’s through like a toy John fucked and bashed past the other’s reflexes. 
“Take it boy.” John growled. His balls pulled up with a body filling shudder. Taking him over the edge John’s hot cum poured deep, filling him up with his very first batch of John’s charged load. Altered by his wishes John’s cum was strong, heavy, thick and most importantly there was a lot of it. Pulsing full of like John’s cock stayed hard as he threw his head back in ecstasy, there was nothing like claiming a new boy. 
Through his orgasm John groaned deeply. Rocking in place the older man had to use every last bit of his will to stop himself from filling up Jordan too much. Wanting to save the bulk of his load for later John gritted his teeth in concentration as managed to hold back from filling Jordan to the brim. 
Pulling away the older man freed his cock but more importantly Jordan’s throat. 
Sputtering and coughing for air the Deputy grasped at the side of the bath looking for his composure. With a white knuckle grip Jordan held himself up. He looked up at John with a messy face, spit and a little bit of cum splattered over his face. He smiled through his messy recovery, beaming with pride at the man. 
“Now it’s time for the next part.” John patted at Jordan’s ass, one of his hands rubbing the mess against his lips. “Would you like that baby?”
“Yes Daddy.” Jordan could put together the pieces to know what was coming next. He knew that even though he had never done it before it would be the best thing in his life. 
“Good, now let’s go to bed. Your first time should be special.” John smirked as each of the pieces started to line up and fall into place with ease. 
With a quick flash the two dried off, getting out of the tub to make the next stage come as quickly as possible.
Moving both to the bed Jordan laid on his back. Spreading his legs he lifted them up and exposed his hole to the man. He looked at him eagerly holding his legs up in place. 
“Don’t worry Jordan, it won’t hurt.” John approached his Deputy with a smirk. His cock still hard and ready to do the deed. 
“I trust you John, it’ll only feel good.” He answered happily, anxious only for the pleasure that he knew was going to come.
“Then let’s make you feel good.” Now John’s cock was pushing tentatively at his hole. Teasing him with only one thing in mind, claiming his prize. After giving Jordan a few test thrusts John could tell by how the hole gave in that the Deputy was ready.
Yelping out Jordan’s eyes opened wide as the thick cock pushed into his virgin hole penetrating him for the first time ever. “O… ooooooooo” 
Jordan’s cries were cries of blinding pleasure instead of pain. Spreading his pink hole like butter, one of John’s overarching wishes started to take effect. Taking away any of Jordan’s natural resistance to taking a big cock up his ass meant all that was left was bliss. But that wasn’t all. Like Daddy’s other boys Jordan’s body also started to go through more changes. His cheeks, already round, became cakey and thick growing until his they were like an extension of his hole giving more for the older man to fuck.
Gasp aloud Jordan eyes began to flutter. A floating feeling started to take over his body. Rocking back and forth he didn’t wait to feel the heavy cock hollowing out his insides. “Ooo.. Daddy… that feels so good…” 
By now John’s cock was pushing deeper with ease, Jordan’s rocking only helping him open the boy up faster. “That’s it boy, push back on Daddy’s cock, relax into it baby.” 
Filled to the brim with the man’s cock Jordan drooled, surrendering himself to the thick girth. Taking him over it introduced him to a brand new world that he had never even thought about and it rocked him to his core.
“Oh please Daddy, give me more of your cock.” Jordan whimpered out to the man as he begged to feel more than just the static size of his cock in him. His rocking stopped by the man’s hips acting as a barrier. 
After their little session in the tub John was all too ready to break in his new Deputy. His plan to single the male out and take him for his own was working a treat. From above John started to lean down, pushing Jordan’s legs back leaving them in a mating press. Taking Jordan’s legs in his own hands like reigns John started his trusts. 
Sliding his cock back and forth through Jordan’s newly sensitive hole John enjoyed the feeling of his cock taking the male’s hole and so did Jordan. 
With their position pushing the cock deep into his body his eye crossed and rolled back. Drooling and letting out cries of pleasure. Through those same unfocused eyes he could see the faint bump of the cock pushing up against his tightened body. Plunging deep into him with balls slapping against his ass the man’s cock rearranged his guts and forcefully made his space. 
Being able to heal any of the damage that his Daddy could do to his body didn’t mean that Jordan didn’t feel it. In fact, now, he felt it more. Every moment that the man was ruining his hole, thrusting deep in him and it felt right. His body was the cushion between the man and the bed taking all of the strength behind his thrusts going straight at his hole. 
“Cum for me.” John grunted.
At the man’s order Jordan’s eyes fell wide open, suddenly acutely aware of his rock hard cock Jordan felt the all too familiar feeling of his orgasm. Only this orgasm was different. Instead of feeling the pleasure on his cock from his hands all the pleasure he felt was all over and it all came from his ass. From his Daddy. 
Gripping tighter around the other’s cock and making his body feel even better Jordan screamed through his orgasm, calling out for his Daddy’s cock. “Ohh Dadddyyy!” His load shot between them, coating their bodies and flying around them as John didn’t stop. His thrusts didn’t let up, his fucking of his new boy went on and on. But as soon as his first was over the next came felt like it was flooding through him already. 
The onslaught on Jordan’s ass continued. A pro by now John was able to balance his power and speed while making sure he didn’t cum too early and for him that was anytime that he didn’t want to. 
Fucking Jordan through his first John quickly caused the second, then the third, then his forth. Each one rolling after the other without any breaks. His cock was milked each time until it was a constant stream.
Sweat and cum soaked into the bed around them. Splashing from their wet bodies the sweat accentuated the rhythmic slapping that had begun to speed up. “You like Daddy’s cock. But now it’s time to become one of Daddy’s boys.” Pounding down John smirked while Jordan smiled widely and dumbly as he felt his hole getting even better and better. Their thrusts all culminated finally in a harsh slam from the top. Forcing himself as deep as he could go, nestling his cock all the way to the root he growled loudly. His twitching cock began to fill up the other’s hole, spreading him deep and giving Jordan his first taste of being bred, completing his giving into Daddy’s boy. 
Spilling out the sides of his hole he was filled to the brim and beyond. Gasping through the ride of his life Jordan smiled widely and dumbly his body lay back in the afterglow of sex. Pulling his heavy cock out from the tight hole John leaned back. His cock was messy and covered in cum but it wasn’t anything compared to the aftermath on Jordan’s once virgin hole. 
Sticky and covered in thick cum the boy’s hole winked and gaped from how his Daddy had just used his hole. With cum leaking from his messy body Jordan lay there panting, his fingers snaked between his new cheeks to explore his new ass moaning at the lingering pleasure. 
“That’s it baby.” John said as he admired his own work. The wet noises squished from beneath him as each wink caused Jordan’s hole to heal more until it was trapping the man’s load inside him, rounding his stomach a little bit as if he had eaten a full meal. 
Knock. Knock.
Turning his head back to the door John patted at Jordan’s filled cheeks. “You go back to the bath and get cleaned up, we still have a lot more to teach you baby boy.” He smiled. Leaving Jordan to go back into the bathroom John went to answer the door. Grabbing a towel the Sheriff tied the small towel around his waist leaving his hard cock showing against the thick fabric while he opened the door.
“Congratulations Sir, this is the complimentary champagne that comes with our honeymoon suite.” The young staffer was fighting his eyes from looking down at the man’s obvious bulge. He thought if the towel had even been an inch away the other’s cock would be on show. 
“Thank you.” John could feel the eyes on him and even if he hadn’t he could see the other’s face betraying him. “Could I also get the sheets changed? We ended up making a bit of a mess.” The older man let out a chuckle moving his bulge with his free hand he pointed at the messy bed. 
“Certainly… uh.. Do you need anything else?” He asked stepping into the room and moving over to the press and taking out the clean sheets so that he could change them. 
“No that will be all, just let yourself out once you’re done.” John walked away from the man and into the bathroom that was opposite the bed. Dropping the towel to the floor on the way he carried the chilled champagne with him. “Come over here baby, Daddy’s cock is back.” 
That was the last thing the hotel worker heard before all he could hear was the cries of Jordan’s voice mixing with the unmistakable sounds of sex in the tub. Trying to focus on the task at hand the worker couldn’t escape the blush the entire time he worked.
When John heard the door close leaving them alone again he smirked down at the male, his hand reaching around and holding at Jordan’s rounding stomach. With each of his thrusts the man could feel the cum inside him.
“Please.. Oh Daddy… Breed me” Jordan cried out begging for more cum, a need in him wanting to be as full as possible with his Daddy’s seed.
“We’ve got all weekend baby.” The man smiled down at the other, his excitement for the rest of the trip beginning to rise even further ready for all the power he was about to feel.
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haiyuta · 5 years
live stream (m) || Felix
Summary: Finding out your new handsome neighbor is a camboy
word count: 2.7k || Genre: camboy!felix, jerking off, smut, kinda soft, 
a/n: ughhh I love Lee felix. Anyway, hope you like this took me longer than I would have liked. anyywayyy Idk how I feel about this. Can do def a part 2 thou with reader on stream lol. Update Here is part 2 
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Picking up the last box of yours and you would be officially moved into your new place. The weight of what you think your pots and pans made you cringe as you got on the elevator. The heavy box making you cringe in pain. 
Before the doors closed you saw a hand shoot out before it closed stopping it from closing. "Got it," you heard a deep voice chuckle. Entering the elevator was a male. A handsome male at that. Shifting you gave an awkward nod not knowing what to do except moving over to make room for him. 
Holding the box, you elbowed your floor number 9 holding the box. He looked at the panel to see the number and didn't press it. Was going to number 9 as well? 
"It seems we are going to the same floor," he smoothly said a small grin of his face. You noted he had an accent. "Do you need some help, with that box," he asked. 
Relief filled you "please my arms are like jelly," you commented. A small grin held on his face as he took the box from your hand smoothly. The elevator dinged lifting to the floor you stepped out as he followed. 
"Thank you that's the last box," you said going through the hallways stopping at your door. 
"Its fine got to help my new neighbor right," he smirked walking alongside you. Your eyes lingered a little longer than they should. Wanting to drink in every detail of him his hair was a smooth light brown color. Falling into his face so gently while his voice deep with a smooth accent to compliment it. 
Stopping at the door you quickly grabbed your key unlocking the door. "Oh wow you live here," he said shocked at the location. 
Nodding "yeah I do," you commented back.
"Looks like were real neighbors," he said barely coming in as he placed the box near the entrance. "I live right there," he pointed two doors down and across the hall. 
"Oh well it's nice to know a friendly face," you said "I'm Y/n by the way," you introduced yourself. 
A friendly smiled raised on his lips "Well hello I'm Felix," he said giving you a handsome smile highlighting his light dusted freckles. "If you need anything just knock on my door."
Shifting on your feet you replied, "Well, thanks for the permission now I can annoy you anytime."
Felix gave a small wave "Annoy me anytime cutie," he grinned at you. Your stomach fluttered at his words. 
"Will do," you replied mulling over the word 'cutie' for more than you should. 
"Anyway, I'll see you around," he grinned backing away sending you another dazzling smile as he went to his apartment. 
"Yeah see you," you gave a short wave back. Slowly closing the door wishing you could just stare at him longer. Felix, you repeated his name over. You already knew your handsome neighbor was going to drive you crazy. 
It’s been two months since you moved into your new apartment and life slowly become back to the normal routine. Work, socializing and doing the daily routine.   The only thing that was new and rather exciting was seeing Felix. You both traded numbers and talked about random stuff. 
Laying down on your bed all you could think was about him. His winks he would send you, his wide charming smile and he was genuine. 
"He drives me crazy," you moaned to yourself thinking about him. Right now, you laid on your bed your laptop open as you browse the web trying to forget about Felix. But he kept invading your mind. His voice did things to you it was so deep and sensual. Feeling your body stir with arousal. Your mind drifted to what you would do with him. His body was long and lean, and you wondered if he had freckled anywhere else on his body. Or what he could do with those long fingers. 
Sighing you in defeat looked at your ceiling feeling your body become flush with want. Having no significant other at the moment. You did what most lonely and quite horny people did. Lifting yourself up you went to the incognito tab pressing it. Diving into the world of not so safe for word content. The stir in your system drove you to press into the darker side of the web. 
Skimming the internet, you went to the usual places. In your opinion were quite lackluster. The normal sites were so boring so fake as you scanned the website. The pop-up ads were lewd and fake. You kept up your search as you looked for the perfect site. Shaking your head in pity you did find it funny how you needed the perfect content to get off to. 
Raising an eyebrow, you scrolled to sites looking for something to watch. Hovering over the site it was called "Cams4you," raising an eyebrow you never were into live streams but maybe it would be good. You crossed your fingers hoping it didn't lead to a virus site. 
Luckily it didn't as you clicked on the link popping up on cam screen. It was an organized and clean look to the site and was organized by genre like cosplay, exercise, and just talking. Licking your lips, you went through the streams. Half-naked girls talking to the camera some of the guys were teasing the camera. Your eyes widen this did feel personal and real rather than the intense fake other stuff. Something about looking at the camera felt so real as they read your comments and donations off. 
Pausing you tilted your head at the signup page as you quickly signed up so you could join and comment in the chats. 
Browsing through the dozens of live streams you paused on a few that did stir something inside you but didn't do much. 
Sighing you were about to give up until you landed on one live stream with about 200 people watching. Your fingers slipped off your mouse pad as you saw the person in the stream. 
Eyes widen in shock you saw Felix on the screen in front of you in all his glory. Almost a second nature, you grabbed your headphone jamming them in your laptop as you heard the familiar voice. It seemed he was already 30 mins in the stream.
In the stream, he had a loose white shirt on paired with black sweat pants a seductive smirk on his face as he held the pillow. 
Your jaw slacked in shock Lee Felix your neighbor was a cam boy. Your eyes glued on the screen to watch his next move. "Am I tired," read the comment carefully and then pursed his lips up. "yeah I'm a little tired so this won't be very long," he gave a tired smile. 
The comments spammed when he answered with 'go to sleep' 'you don't have to stream for us' kind of comments. Raising an eyebrow Felix had a fanbase you thought. 
Felix was in his room it looked like. It was light and airy his camera was top quality and he was sitting in a large desk chair attractively. 
"Oh, am I okay," he said moving his neck a little and sighed "I'm fine just a lot on my mind." Smiling he gave the camera an iconic wink "you guys are always on my mind," he flirted in a whisper. His deep voice so calming. 
Without shame, you slowly slipped your hand to your lower stomach ready to tease yourself.
"No guys but honestly can I ask you guys a question," he said smoothly. He felt so fluid on the camera so comfortable. The comments section spammed with love and praise for him.  
"Would you guys be mad if I dated someone," he paused. Your heart dropped at the confession. "I don't want to disappoint to lose you guys I just don't want anyone to be mad."
Your mind whirled with why did he ask that? what was he planning? Your eyes skimmed to the chat as hearts went out to him most saying "date who you want" "we support you" while a minority said they would feel sad but happy he was dating. 
"Hm you guys are so understanding," a lazy smirk was on his face. A dreamy look crossed his face "I've been scared to tell this person since I have the chats blessing, I might go and do it and ask them out." 
You felt your stomach drop a little but didn't faze you much. The stream went on for another 10 mins of just chatting until a donation popped up on the screen. With a sexual act attached to it. 
"Hm you want to see a kitten stream," Felix said his voice deep as ever as he rolled his eyes over in thinking. "I would be a pretty kitty wouldn't I," he teased. 
"With little cat ears," he grinned. Back his chair up to show his bottoms more. Leaning over he read another comment. "If you're tired you should pleasure yourself, you'll go to sleep better," he read out slowly. His deep brown eyes gave the camera a look you shivered knowing you've seen those beautiful eyes in person. Feeling proud at that fact.
Leaning on his chair he gave another lazy look at the camera. His fingers finding their way up his shirt revealing his slim waist. Your fingers delicately found their way past your shorts. Eyes glued to the screen you felt your slit through the fabric. 
Felix gazed at the camera biting his lip as he ran his fingers down his smooth chest. "I'm so lazy you guys," he laughed at himself as he rested his head back. The comments cheered him on talking about how he should 'take off his shirt' or how he should tease himself. 
He showed off his slim waist as he smoothed over his skin. A cocky smile lit his lips as he showed off his body. It was sensual as he played with his body. 
Reaching down to his sweatpants he palmed himself. His large hand grinding into his own hand. "Fuck I hate teasing," he cursed but knew this was for the fans they needed to see this teasing. They lusted after him. You shamefully did as well as your fingers moved on their own teasing you as well. 
As you tried to be in sync as best as possible. The lewd act of watching someone who was doors down from you made it even hotter. The chat was going egging him on telling him how attractive he looked and such. 
Eyeing Felix once again he ground harder on himself lifting his hips slightly in need. "I'm so hard," his smooth accent made the word hard to come out in a cuter way than needed. 
Licking his lips, he adjusted himself so the camera got a good look at his body and his face. His dirty talk was superior as he glanced at the camera another lazy grin lit his face. "I wish someone's warm mouth would be around me," he groaned. 
Biting your lip your inner self wish that person could be you. The comments said something like 'If I was there, I would do anything for you'. You were so close to him an easy knock at his door and you would shamelessly beg for him. 
Your mind whirled with pleasure you felt your panties already moist from your tentative touches. 
Felix knew how to play the camera as he mumbled attractive dirty words of encouragement. "Just thinking about my beauties touching themselves," he bites his lip as his hand massaged himself. The personal words hit your heart knowing that you were doing exactly as he expected. 
"Touching yourself watch me get off," he stuck his tongue out with a tease. That tongue you wanted to taste so bad. 
He moved to pull his sweatpants down revealing some dark boxer briefs. The outline of his cock made you just want to reach out and touch it. You knew you couldn't. You felt your fingers slip past your panties as you reached your core. 
His movements were causal as he pulled out his cock. It was red and smooth looking as he gripped it. Biting his lip he threw back his head with want as he pumped himself. You watched closely as your neighbor did slow to fast pumps. 
You let out an audible whine as you watched him. Feeling yourself clench with just wanting him in you. 
Pumping himself more you didn't want to take your eyes away as he let out a deep groan. A deep "fuck," came out of him 
His head was deep red, and he looked close to ready for release.  Spreading your legs wider as you hit different angles. Shivering with want you to watch him as he slowly thrust into his hand, his hips lifted as he went deeper. 
The visual of seeing him get off his deep groans made you whine with want as you came on your fingers. "Hm Felix," you moaned his name.
Felix smirked as he let himself go. He gripped himself harshly as white ropes left him. His orgasm was so beautiful to see. He stopped for a moment glancing at the chat. "Hm so pretty Felix," he hummed out a thank you for the comment and donations. Sitting up he looked at his hand as he grabbed to clean away the mess. 
"Hm I'm sorry this wasn't as good," he mumbled a small smile lit his face. "I'll do a theme next time maybe kitten like the other comment said."
You glanced at the site noting the name making sure you remembered it to watch it again.
Sighing you shut your laptop in shame putting it next to your bed. You really just pleasured yourself to someone you know. You had his phone number right now you can call him at any moment, and he'll be right over. 
Laying your head back closing your eyes "I'm so whipped for this boy," you thought to yourself falling into sleep.
Waking up the next day you sighed it was bright out already you thought. Blinking away you thought about last night a blush rose to your face. You really did that. 
With some bit of shame, you dragged yourself out of bed as you got ready for the day. It was Saturday so nothing new was for today. Laundry, shopping, and resting was the normal agenda. 
Your thoughts lingered about Felix thinking about how he was a cam boy. He seemed to like it and knew how to play the camera. And with just that stream he made over 200 dollars from donations and such. 
Grabbing a bowl, you poured some cereal in thinking about him. Would you be able to face him knowing you literally pleasured yourself to his stream? 
A sudden knock at the door made your leap in fear but you rolled your eyes it was probably just the next-door lady asking about if you see her cat. 
Opening the door with the bowl in your hand. Revealing it was the man himself Felix at your door. Shocked at his appearance you stared at the good-looking cam boy.
"Um Hi," you said brightly looking down at the cereal and back at him. "Um cereal," you offered with a grin. 
Felix raised an eyebrow but smiled. "No thank you," he laughed lightly. 
Nodding you put the cereal down on the side table "what do I owe this honor of Lee Felix to come to my door today," you tried to keep it casual. Trying to avoid looking past his shoulder knowing what laid under it. 
"I actually wanted to," he paused rubbing his neck lightly. "wanted to know if you wanted to get coffee or some food later," he asked quickly. He looked quite embarrassed. 
Your mind froze was he asking you out. Your mind put it full circle. The person he wanted to ask out on his stream last night was you. 
"Like a date," you asked buzzing with excitement.
Felix grinned "yeah like a date," he said. 
Smiling you nodded "I would love to get coffee with you." 
He put his hand over his heart dramatically "oh my thank you," he breathed a sigh of relief. 
Smiling you grinned "thank you for asking me," you replied. 
"I'll see you on our date cutie," he winked.
"I can't wait,” you winked back closing your door. Sighing you closed the door feeling your heart flutter with happiness. You were going on a date with Lee Felix.
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findingbxlance · 4 years
I love The Sims. 
Which is why I will never stop being disappointed in TS4. 
Lets do some math, and I’m going to keep this mainly between TS3 & TS4. While I did play TS2, there isn’t a lot of information readily available on what the games themselves cost at the time of release. I have some information on that, but I’m not sure if it’s 100% accurate as I was baby when they came out and my mom had to buy them for me. I’ll release it later if anyone is curious. 
TS3 launched with a base game priced at $49.99, and throughout it’s lifetime accrued nine stuff packs at $19.99 each, and eleven expansion packs priced at $39.99 a pop. This comes to a total of $669.79. 
TS4 launched with a base game price of $59.99 (that price soon dropped to $49.99 because the backlash was immediate), and introduced the new game pack. In total (as of 4/15/2020), TS4 has sixteen stuff packs at $9.99 each, eight expansion packs at $39.99, and eight game packs at $19.99. That comes to a total of $699.67. 
That’s not a huge price difference. All in all, it’s about $30 if you want to get the whole, complete collection, so why do I dislike TS4 so vehemently? 
Let’s compare a few expansion packs just to get a feel for what the difference is.
 TS3 launched the “Late Night” expansion at $39.99, and it included: 
A new world (Bridgeport) with 82 lots
Fame & reputation systems
Bars & night clubs
Apartments with penthouse suites
Breast & muscle sliders in CAS*
Zodiac signs
A fountain tool*
Height adjustment for wall objects
Groups & bands
The mixology skill
2 new traits (shy & star quality)
TS4 launched the “Get Famous” expansion at $39.99, and it included: 
A new world (Del Sol Valley) with 11 lots
Fame & reputation systems
Active acting career
Multiple ways to become famous 
Music, video station, etc.
And that’s about it. 
Now I’ll be the first person to admit that TS3 wasn’t perfect. Although it was a very full game, it struggled in areas of performance. With such large, open worlds, and detailed customization systems, it was pretty buggy for a lot of people, but we’ll talk on that more later. 
But what I want to focus on is the disparity between these two packs, as they’re supposed to be mirrors of one another. “Get Famous” is the TS4 version of “Late Night”, so where did all the stuff go?
Well, EA broke it into 3 packs. 
To get the full experience of “Late Night” in TS4, or at least something similar, you would need to purchase, “Get Famous”, “City Living”, and “Vampires”. That’s 2 expansion packs, and 1 game pack. So, to replicate the experience of “Late Night” you would need to spend $99.97. 
That’s almost $100. 
So, for an experience we paid $39.99 previously in the last installment, we’re now being asked to pay $100 for. 
Is that fair? 
Lets do another expansion pack comparison: 
TS3 launched “Ambitions” at $39.99, and it included: 
A new world (Twinbrook) with 82 lots
5 new active jobs that take you all around the world your sims inhabit
Firefighter, investigator, ghost hunter, stylist, and architectural designer
Sculptors, inventors, painters, writers, gardeners, and so on can all profit from at home work
Tattooing career
New traits (eco-friendly, good observer, weirdo, etc.)
Consignment stores
TS4 launched “Get to Work” at $39.99, and it included: 
A new world (Magnolia Promenade) with 4 lots
3 new active jobs that take place in one location
Detective, doctor, scientist
Baking & photography skills
Retail lots
Illnesses for sims
There’s definitely more crossover here, but “Get to Work” still falls short. $39.99 for a full game and all we get is a world with 4 lots? Even in TS2 “Open for Business” we had more to do.
And, that isn’t to mention the fact that “Get to Work” launched separately from the TS4 “Laundry Day Stuff” pack. So, to get a similar experience to TS3′s “Ambitions” you would need to purchase both “Get to Work” and “Laundry Day Stuff” at a total of $49.98. 
One more comparison for good measure. 
TS3 launched “Island Paradise” at $39.99, and it included: 
A new world (Isla Paradiso) with 118 lots, the most of ANY TS3 expansion
Houseboats that can move anywhere around the island
Resorts that you can either visit, or own, manage & edit
New transportation modes
Boating, skiing, and windsurfing
3 new careers
Lifeguard, resort manager, scuba diver
Diving into fully realized underwater scenes
Sims could also catch fish, explore underwater caves & find sunken treasure
Shark & kraken attacks
Missions to discover and unlock new islands
Blueprint templates*
TS4 launched “Island Living” at $39.99, and it included: 
A new world (Sulani) with 11 lots
Docks & new foundation types
4 new careers
Conservationist, diving, fishing, and lifeguard
Missions to clean up the island
2 new traits
In the case of “Island Paradise” vs. “Island Living” there are a quite a few similarities, but the disparity remains. Thankfully, this time around EA didn’t break “Island Living” into multiple packs, but imagine if in a few months we get a resort style pack? Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past EA. 
In these pack comparisons, I hope I’ve highlighted some of the issues between what should have been pretty similar packs. 
And, to clarify, I’m not saying that EA should have just copy pasted TS3 packs into the TS4 style, but for the amount of money they’re asking, the quality should remain the same. There should be a similar amount of features between each pack, but there isn’t.   
With each expansion, it feels like EA is spending less and less time working on the unique gameplay features, and pouring more time into the general aesthetics of the packs. So, while TS4 is the prettiest of all The Sims titles, it’s also the emptiest. 
Despite the shiny veneer of a good game with solid graphics, TS4 ultimately lacks depth. It doesn’t feel like a game, but rather a character creator. I spend more time building sims and their homes than I do actually playing out their lives.
All in all, I find that the “life simulation” part of TS4 is severely lacking. It mostly comes down to the little things, which is exemplified whenever I go back and replay TS2. Sims would cuddle their partner in their sleep, burglars were a real and present danger, raccoons would topple your trash can at any given chance, and friends would call all the time to ask if you wanted to go downtown. 
It’s been 6 years since TS4 came out, and, from what the dev’s have said, they aren’t planning on pushing out TS5 anytime soon, but let’s dream a little bit about what could be. 
In my perfect game, TS5 would include aspects of TS3 and TS2. The open worlds were great, but not many people’s computers were beefy enough to run them. The one thing I will applaud about TS4, is that its made with everyone in mind. We can’t all afford big, gaming computers, a lot of simmers play on their laptops, and we should all be able to play regardless of what type of machine we’re working with. 
So, instead of fully open works with 90+ lots, I would like to see open neighborhoods. If we take the open concept of TS3, and combine it with the neighborhood style of TS4, we’d get an open world of about 15-20 lots. That’s nowhere near as big as TS3, but would allow for more fun neighbor interactions, and remove the constant load screens. 
I’d also like to see a return of the color wheel. This is also a point of contention, where I understand that excessive customization really dragged down TS3 and made it unplayable for a lot of people. So instead of full customization, relegate it to just colors (instead of different materials like fabric, metal, wood, etc.,) and just CAS. 
I think a lot of what gummed up TS4 was the fact that you could customize everything. Hair color, eye color, makeup, clothes, accessories, wallpaper, paint, tiles, flooring, chairs, sofas, decorations, and on and on. Restricting it just to CAS, and in a simple color wheel would give us so much more freedom. 
A color wheel in CAS would also solve EA’s issue of diversity. While they’ve given us the ability to create trans and nonbinary sims (which is fantastic!), they’ve been really slow on any progress when it comes to skin tones. A color wheel would allow us to create sims of all colors, and give power to the players to create more realistic and diverse representations of their lives as sims. 
The last thing I would really love to see is a return to the little details. Give us more randomness. Genies, walking skeletons, ruins we can explore that aren’t just rabbit holes, more active careers, more opportunities. Don’t be afraid to give us the weird things, we love the weird things! But don’t forget about the little things. Sims sitting in the grass together and chatting, sims leaving flowers at your door after a really great date, sims scooting together to cuddle while watching a movie together on the couch. 
Overall, TS5 should just include more more, if that makes sense. 
Leave your comments & thoughts below! I’d love to talk to ya’ll about this, its really been brewing for awhile. 
*Features included in TS4 base game. 
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aeon-wolf · 5 years
Jealousy - Julie Ertz x Reader
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Word Count: 2.4k+ Pairing: Julie Ertz x Reader
Anon Request: A jealous JJ because R is very affectionate with her best friend.
Other Notes: ft. Tobin as the best friend. + Was not specific if this was supposed to be established JJ/Reader or not so they’re not in this one. I may write another with established JJ/Reader later.
You knocked on the hotel door, waiting in the hallway for it to crack open. “Hey (Y/N),” Tobin said, opening the door wider so you could walk into the room. 
“Hey Tobes.” You greeted her, wandering into her room and flopping onto her bed. “Want to get lunch later?” You asked, she nodded. 
“Sure.” She agreed, sitting on the bed next to you. You shifted a bit so your head was in her lap and you were looking up at her. 
“Haven’t seen you since regular season ended, how’ve you and CP been?” You asked your best friend. Despite the 6 year age gap, she had taken you under her wing when you had joined the Thorns and she had become your best friend. 
“Things are good. It’s been nice to get away from everyone and go on vacation.” She said. You nodded, knowing she had taken the opportunity between the end of the NWSL season and the first national team camp outside of regular season to get away for a couple weeks. The two hadn’t told many people about their relationship and you were one of the lucky few that knew about it. “How ‘bout you kid? Anything interesting happening?” She asked. You shrugged, grabbing one of her hands, playing with her fingers. 
“Not really. Went home to visit my parents for a week or two before coming here.” You replied absentmindedly. You always felt calmer around Tobin, it was just the kind of energy she exuded, most of the time. And as you were often a little ball of energy, sometimes her calm demeanor was necessary.
“That’s good, I know you’ve missed them.” She said. You smiled, nodding, adjusting yourself on the bed again into a more comfortable position. 
“Yeah, nothing like my mom’s cooking. I’ve been craving it for months.” You said. She laughed. 
“You know, someday you’ll need to get me some of this world-class cooking, given how much you talk about it.” She teased. You blushed a little, hiding your face in her stomach. 
“Maybe next time.” You mumble. Tobin laughed at your embarrassment as you heard the door to the room unlock. 
“Hey, Tobes- Oh, hi (Y/N).” You heard Julie say, Tobin’s roommate for camp. You were friends with Julie in that you were on the national team together, but you weren’t super close, not like you were with Tobin. Part of the reason being that you had a crush on Julie and you were pretty sure she was not a huge fan of you. She was civil, even friendly on occasion, but more often than not, she was a bit standoffish around you and tended to keep you at arm’s length, and you respected her enough to not try to get super close to her, even though you really wanted to. 
Tobin always told you to suck it up and talk to her, but you were kind of chicken shit when it came to matters of the heart. “Hey JJ.” Tobin said, you untangled yourself from Tobin, sitting up on the bed, parroting Tobin’s greeting. 
“Didn’t mean to interrupt, I just needed to grab my headphones.” She said quickly, grabbing them from her luggage. “Going out for a jog. I’ll let you two…” She trailed off, averting her eyes from the two of you and hurrying out of the room. You frowned. 
“What was that all about?” You asked, but your friend just shrugged. 
“No idea.” 
The next morning, the team had breakfast together before getting on the bus to the practice field. You gathered a few things onto your plate, looking for somewhere to sit. You spotted Tobin, Christen, Kelley, and Alex sitting at a table. Tobin looked up and waved you over to them. You tilted your head, their table being obviously full, but she continued her beckoning so you walked over to them. She pushed her chair out from the table, patting her lap. “Really?” You asked her. She just shrugged and nodded. 
“I’m finished already, you need somewhere to sit, and I want you to sit with us.” She justified. You looked curiously at the other three occupants of the table who just shrugged so you decided to comply, setting your plate on the table after Tobin had pushed hers to the side, sitting down on Tobin’s lap, her hands around your stomach to steady you. You dropped your sports bag on the floor next to hers. She set her chin on your shoulder, continuing on with the conversation she was having with the others. You just listened, eating the omelet you had in front of you. 
You felt a glare hit the back of your head. You turned your head to see Julie cough, dropping her head, pretending that she hadn’t been glaring daggers into your skull. You frowned, going back to your breakfast. You had no idea what you had done to her but you had to admit, it did hurt your heart a bit to think you had offended her in some way. “Hey, is something up with JJ?” You whisper to Tobin. She glanced over at the blonde who was definitely avoiding looking at the two of you. “Don’t look at her.” You hissed, snapping Tobin’s head back away from Julie. 
“Hey, I don’t know. She’s been acting weird since yesterday. I tried to talk to her before bed last night and she just ignored me.” Tobin said with a shrug. You frowned, chancing a look at Julie who was still avoiding anything in your direction. You sighed. Tobin patted your thigh. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe she’s a little jet-lagged or something. Don’t take it personally.” She tried to assure you. You nodded reluctantly. 
“I guess you’re right.” 
“Or better yet, you can go over there and ask her what stick got stuck up her ass.” Tobin joked. You slapped your best friend’s shoulder. 
“How about no!” You whispered loudly. 
“Are you going to clue us into what’s going on, or are you just going to pretend we aren’t here?” Kelley chimed in and you finally remembered you weren’t alone with Tobin. 
“It’s nothing.” 
“(Y/N) has a crush on JJ.” You both answered at once and you almost slapped Tobin across the cheek. 
“What the fuck?” You exclaimed. She just shrugged. 
“It’s not news to anyone here.” She said. You frowned, looking at Alex, Kelley, and Christen who looked unimpressed by the declaration. 
“It’s kinda obvious,” Christen admitted. You groan, putting your face in your hands. 
“Great.” You said, rubbing the sides of your forehead, defeated. 
“If it makes you feel better, she doesn’t know.” Alex interjected. You looked up at her questioningly. 
“How’d you figure?” You asked but Alex shook her head. 
“Not for me to say.” She replied, not saying another word on the subject. You wanted to argue but Tobin nudged you. 
“Time to get going.” She said. You nodded, hopping off her lap, grabbing your sports bag you had dropped on the floor as the five of you headed out to the bus to practice. 
Practice went by as expected, pretty standard stuff and before you knew it, you were walking back into the hotel. After not having worked out as much while you had been at home with your parents, practice took a lot out of you and Tobin had been nice enough to carry you on her back to your room. Her hands were hooked under your thighs as your arms wrapped around her neck and your chin rest on the top of her head. 
She pressed the up button for the elevator and waited for the lift to come down. When the doors opened, Tobin stepped in, you ducked your head a bit so you didn’t hit the top of the frame. The door was about to slide shut when a voice called out for you to hold the door. Tobin pressed the open button from the inside and doors slid open. Julie slid into the elevator, looking grateful until she saw you perched atop Tobin’s back. You could have sworn you saw a look of hurt cross her face before it was gone. 
“Thanks Tobes.” She said curtly. You frowned, but didn’t say anything. 
“Yeah JJ. Going back to the room?” She asked. Julie nodded. 
“Yeah, going out with Crystal, Alyssa, and Moe tonight.” She replied, keeping her gaze decidedly away from you, keeping her vision forward, away from the two of you. Tobin nodded. 
“Okay, well I’m dropping squirt here off in her room then I’m coming by the room too.” She said, seemingly aware of Julie’s change of behavior. The rest of the elevator ride was in silence before it dinged and the doors slid open. Julie immediately got out of the lift as if there was a swarm of bees chasing her, hung a left and headed toward hers and Tobin’s room without a word. Tobin looked up at you before getting out, but making a right towards your room. 
“What is up with her?” You ask Tobin quietly. The forward shrugged. 
“No idea. I’ll try to ask her if you want?” She offered but you shook your head. 
“No, I should find out on my own.” You say. Tobin looked surprised. 
“For real?” She asked. 
“Yeah, drop me off at your room, I’ll figure out what is going on.” You said. Tobin nodded, turning around and going back the other direction to her room where you both knew Julie would be for at least a little bit.
Tobin let you down carefully in front of the door. “You sure you don’t want me to come in with you?” She asked. But you shook your head. 
“No. She seems okay-ish around you alone. It’s only around me that she gets like this. It’ll be better for us to clear the air. Besides, we need to get whatever this is figured out because we are on the same national team.” You justify. She just nodded. 
“Well, text if you need me. I’ll just go find Christen.” She said, patting your head before turning around and wandering back down the hall. You took a deep breath, knocking on the door in front of you. 
“Tobin, you didn’t lose your key again did- oh.” You heard as the door opened to reveal Julie in sweatpants and a sports bra. You willed yourself to not check her out even though to very desperately wanted to. “(Y/N), what are you doing here? I thought you and Tobin…” She trailed off awkwardly. 
“Listen, can we talk?” You asked. She wordlessly nodded, though not without some hesitation you noticed, opening to door to let you into the room. She gestured to sit on one of the beds which you did, your teammate sitting opposite you on the other. 
“What’s up?” She asked. You opened your mouth, then closed it again. You had been so ready to confront her about her behavior recently but now that you were in front of her, you were tongue-tied. She waited patiently for you, which you appreciated, while you found your voice. 
“Is there something wrong between us?” You finally blurted out. She looked a little taken aback. 
“What?” She asked. You sighed. 
“It’s just-” You paused, gathering your thoughts. “Ever since you walked in on me and Tobin talking yesterday, you’ve been acting weird.” You clarify. You heard Julie say something under her breath but couldn’t catch exactly what. 
“It’s nothing. Promise. I’ve just been a little stressed lately.” She said, avoiding eye contact with you. You huffed, deciding to get up and sit on the bed next to her, forcing her to look at you. 
“It seems like more than that.” You pressed. She tried to look away from you, but you rest your hand against her cheek, turning her face towards you. She didn’t fight you on it, in fact, she seemed to lean into your touch slightly. 
“I just…” Julie started. You nodded to encourage her to continue. Before you knew it, Julie shifted on the bed, closer to you and her lips were pressed against yours, her fingers wrapped around the wrist of the hand that hadn’t been pressed against her cheek. You were endlessly confused for a moment, but decided to give in to the temptation before you had to think rationally again and kissed her back, your hand dipping from her face to the back of her neck. 
As quickly as it began, it ended. Julie almost lept off the bed, away from you. “I’m sorry, that… I shouldn’t have done that.” She stammered before turning around and shutting the door to the bathroom. You sat on the bed for a moment, very confused about what just happened. But you got off the bed, walking to the bathroom door, knocking lightly. 
“JJ?” You asked, ear pressed against the door. “Are you okay in there?” You asked. You heard a slight sob from the other side of the door. “What’s wrong?” You continued, trying to get her to talk to you. 
“I shouldn’t have-” She said, clearly trying not to cry from the other side of the door. “I mean, with you dating Tobin and all-” You cut her off with a laugh. 
“Wait, you think I’m dating Tobin? That’s what this is about?” You asked. You heard a sniffle. 
“I mean, it's not hard to put the pieces together. I’m just not used to feeling jealous like this.” She said after taking a deep breath that seemed to even out her words. You shook your head to yourself, resting your forehead against the door. 
“I’m not dating Tobin. She’s my best friend, that’s it.” You assure her. 
“But…” She started but you cut her off. 
“But nothing. I... “ You paused but decided to plunge right in. “I’ve had a crush on you since we met. But you always pushed me away so I thought…” You ended up trailing off. You felt the door open under you, revealing Julie standing on the other side, her eyes slightly watery from unshed tears. 
“I always thought that you and Tobin were a thing, but when I walked in on you the other day and then this morning and evening, I thought it was the confirmation that I knew I didn’t want but thought I had to accept. I pushed you away because it felt easier.” She admitted. You smile at her, grabbing her hand in yours. 
“I mean, if you want to keep pushing me away, fine. I’ll respect that. But I’d love to take you on a date sometime.” You whispered to her. She grinned happily. 
“I think I’d like that.”  
A/N: Like I said, the prompt wasn’t specific on if Julie x Reader was established or not and I thought you could interpret it either way so I went with what I was inspired to write at the moment. I’ve got some ideas for jealous!JJ whilst she’s dating reader as well which I might write down sometime. 
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agent-styles · 5 years
meet me in the hallway | steve rogers
pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: you punch a sexist guy at a bar and end up with few cuts and scrapes of you own. steve offers to clean you up and that’s when poorly hidden feelings surface.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: i had a lot of fun writing this! i hope you like it (: sorry it’s a little long
warning(s): sexism, a little violence, major fluff, and a bit steamy????
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“What did you just say to us?”
As you ask the very drunk man that question, your best friend pulls you towards her because she can tell your frustration is growing. You successfully shake her hand off of your arm. You step closer to the man as he takes another sip of his beer. He has a smile plastered on his drunk face while he looks you up and down. You could not be more infuriated and disgusted with this sorry excuse for a man.
“Come on, y/n. Don’t let him get to you,” your best friend calls out to you over the loud techno music.
“Too late.”
The man sets down his beer and stands tall, “It’s not my fault you and your friend are dressed like sluts.”
“So you think the way we dress gives you the right to catcall us, as if catcalling is okay in any situation?” you challenged.
“Calm down, woman. You’re the one who asked for it, wearing those skin tight pants and all.”
You turn to your best friend, jaw dropped, and scoff. You friend starts to plead with you to do what she knows your mind is already set on. You whip around and punch the man in the face before she can even get a word out.
“Damn, y/n,” you hear your best friend congratulate you as she steps around to look at your hand. You shake your wrist before pulling it close to your chest. A friend of the man appears and hypes the other man up, spewing sexist slurs and shoving your friend back behind you.
“You’re such bitches.”
Somehow you manage to step in front so that the man shoves you instead. You slip on a spilled drink and knock your head against the bar, busting your lip. You spring back up and take on the man and his friend with your best friend close behind.
The bartender escorts you, your friend, and the terrible men to the exit. The men continue to grumble and curse under their breath at you as they stumble down the sidewalk. You hold your middle finger up as high as you can at them, a smirk on your face. Then you quickly but gently pull your right hand back to your chest and hiss between gritted teeth due to the pain.
In no time you are back at your apartment building. You push your weight through your left shoulder to move yourself away from the wall in the elevator you were using for support, not because you’re wasted but because you can feel your heartbeat in your right hand and your head is pounding. You step out to see your neighbor Steve Rogers leaving his apartment. He fiddles with his keys before finding the right one. You quickly glance up at him with tight-lipped smile before looking down again. You can see his hesitation out of the corner of your eye. His body turns towards you when he asks, “Y/n, are you okay?”
You sigh and look up at him and see that he winces when he notices your injuries.
“What the hell happened?”
He’s closer to you now, a gentle hand on your shoulder. He guides you to his apartment door before you can protest with some lie about how you’re fine. He unlocks his door, places a gentle hand on your back to welcome you inside. You can’t help but to lean into his touch a bit. It’s almost as if there is a heat radiating from his hand that warms your entire body, even through your leather jacket. It feels safe, maybe the safest you’ve felt all night.
Before you can answer Steve’s question, he asks so many more that you can barely keep up.
“Was anyone with you? How long ago did this happen? What did they look like? Did they say why they did this to you? Did you see what mode of transportation they used?”
“Steve, calm down,” you plead. “I’ll explain everything. It wasn’t some man in a suit, using me to get to you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Steve has always been concerned that some enemy of his will use your friendship as leverage, like they do with nearly all of his friends and loved ones. On the rare occasion that we’ll grab a coffee together, he’ll be sure to wear a cap and sunglasses, as if that disguises Captain America from his mostly adoring public.
His hand makes its way around your waist as he guides you to his bathroom. You lean into his side, craving the warmth. You can see his furrowed brows and worried, blue eyes looking you over when he’s not making sure the two of you aren’t bumping into anything.
His bathroom is much cleaner than you assumed it would be. The only thing out of place seems to be a dirty towel bunched up in the corner by the shower. Steve leans around you to toss it into the laundry basket. You place your good hand on his sink and push yourself up to sit on it. You shimmy your leather jacket off, careful not to bump your right hand. Steve kneels in front of you to get into the cabinet below the sink. He carefully slides your legs to the left to open the door and grab a substantially large first aid kit. Steve stands back up and places the kit next to you. Then he jogs out of the room to grab a bag of frozen peas. You watch him spin around, frantically looking for a kitchen towel to wrap them in.
You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes when he returns and stands between your legs. He grabs some gauze and wraps it around the peas and your right hand. It’s weird for him to see you like this, so vulnerable. You usually only pass each other in the hallway. That’s the safest place for small talk, smiles, and nods. There’s a distance in the hallway that allows you to see Steve as Steve instead of Captain America.
This is much different. The safety net of the hallway has been replaced with the intimate details of Captain America’s bathroom. There’s a great chance that the feelings you’ve been trying to hide from Steve are written all over your face at the moment. Your calves just barely brush his thighs, but enough that you can’t stop thinking about it and looking down at them, wondering if you moved a little closer that you would feel the same comforting warmth you felt when his hand was on your back. You shake the idea from your mind as Steve presses you, once again, to tell him what happened.
“I punched a man. He was a sexist jerk and he needed to be put in his place…” Steve’s eyes finally meet yours. “So I relocated his jaw.”
A look of relief and pride washes over Steve’s face until he glances down at your hand and then up at your lip. “Then what happened to you?”
“He and his friends tried to fight back and I slipped and hit my head on the bar.” Steve’s hand gently finds your chin, holding it between his thumb and index finger. He tilts your chin up to look at the severity of the cut on your lip. He wets a washcloth before handing it you to press to your lip.
“You know, you didn’t have to resort to violence.”
“Says the man who fought literal Nazis.”
“I’m not saying this man was in the right because he is clearly ignorant and needed to be stopped. I do wish that you hadn’t given him the attention he most definitely did not deserve.”
“Oh, like you’re some pacifist, Steve. You have no room to talk about turning the other cheek,” your eyes gaze over his shoulder at his shield propped up against the kitchen island.
Steve turns slightly to see what you are looking at and then smiles to himself.
“You’re right, y/n, I would have probably done the same thing if I were with you. But it’s clear you don’t need me when it comes to a fight.”
You tilt your head and narrow your eyes at him. He tinkers with the first aid kit, still standing between your legs. “Why do you say that?” you ask him, removing the washcloth from your lip.
“It’s clear you’ve got a mean right hook,” Steve replied.
This is when you allow your legs to move ever so slightly closer to his. “Are you flirting with me, Rogers?”
He runs a hand through his blond hair before meeting your gaze. He quietly chuckles and says, “You finally noticed?”
You lean back against the mirror and think of all the times you’ve met Steve in the hallway. He’s always complimented you and asked you to coffee, but you thought those were just casual, friendly acts, not flirting. That’s why you never attempted to flirt with him. Oh, if you had known…
Steve places his hands on either side of your thighs, wrapping his hand around the counter top. His hands brush your legs, causing that warmth to return except this time it’s more like heat. You could stay just like that, taking in every detail of his face, for hours. Against your better judgment, you decide to break the silence.
“Well now that I’ve finally caught on, soldier, what are you going to do about it?”
Steve eases his hands behind your knees and gently pulls you off the sink. You’re too close now. This is so much more than a comforting hand or a brush of the leg. You feel like your whole body is on fire as you look up at Steve.
“I’m going to get you some Tylenol and get you to bed.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, knowing he doesn’t mean what you think. He laughs and rolls his eyes at your assumption.
“I’m taking the couch, y/n. I’m saving you from the interrogation seat with your roommate by having you stay here.”
“Are you sure that’s the only reason why you want me to stay the night?”
“I also think you deserve to have someone take care of you for at least one night. After all, you did take on a sexist son of a bitch.”
There’s a twinkle in Steve’s eye when he says that last bit. It’s like he finds it attractive that you stood up to the  man at the bar, even if he’d rather it had not gotten violent. You take advantage of the moment, the adrenaline, and your newfound confidence and lean up on your toes to reach his left ear.
“You haven’t seen anything yet, Rogers.”
(send me requests!)
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thatonecurlygirl · 5 years
Navigating Nick Amaro [6]
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU     Pairing: Nick x Reader       Warning: Anngsssstttt.       Word Count: 1.9k Read more: Navigating Nick Amaro
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The sun is blinding as you step out of the hotel room with the last bag in hand. You insisted on taking out your own luggage and sent Nick to return the keys. Honestly, you just didn’t feel like walking to the lobby and back.
“Here, let me help with that.” A deep, suave voice says from behind you.
Before you are even given a chance to decline his offer, the handsome green-eyed stranger gently takes your bags, setting them neatly in the trunk of the car. He looks up at you with a smile and he nearly takes your breath away. Perfect teeth, beautiful smile and wow-oh-wow that face.
“Th-thank you.”
“Ah, it’s no problem at all, beautiful.” He closes the trunk, leaning against the back of the car. “You going to visit a boyfriend?”
“No,” You smile, shaking your head. “I’m taking my friend to California.”
“So, no boyfriend?” He asks, one eyebrow raised in question.
“Now, I didn’t say that.”
“So you do have a boyfriend?” He pouts, jutting out his lower lip. To be honest, it’s pretty damn cute.
“No, I-”
“Hey babe, you ready to head out?” Nick saunters over, interrupting you with a big ‘friendly’ smile on his face. “Oh, who’s your new friend?”
You can see it all over his face. Nick is attempting to appear friendly with that smile, but in all actuality, he is also trying to seem intimidating. It’s something he does often, especially when you are around guys that may or may not be flirting with you. This thing, whatever it is has been going on for years, since high school.
“I was just helping her with the bags.” He nods to the closed trunk. “It looked like she was struggling.”
“Thanks bud, I appreciate it.” Nick claps him on the back.
The two of them stand there, glaring at each other. You can see Nick’s teeth grinding, jaw muscles flexing under the pressure. For a moment you completely forget about the tension between the two men, lost in Nick’s good looks. The beautiful facial structure of that Amaro boy is breathtaking. 
“Okay Nick, let’s go.” You gently push him toward the driver’s seat when you come back to reality and wave at the stranger. “Thanks again.”
Mr. Handsome nods and begins walking away. Once he has slipped back into his room, you slide into the passenger seat, slamming the door closed behind you. Groaning and mumbling under your breath, you pull the seatbelt across your chest and click it on.
“Who does he think he is, just-”
“Oh, fuck off.” You growl out at Nick, refusing to look at him.
You can feel Nick looking at you, likely with the face of an innocent, surprised friend. It’s as if he hasn’t done anything at all, as if he doesn’t play the part of doting boyfriend just to ensure other guys don’t get too close. Does Nick want you, but he doesn’t want other guys to have you either. You might as well reclaim your virginity and become a nun. Can you do that?
He opens his mouth as if going to speak and audibly snaps it closed.
“Drive Nick!” You snap, pointing toward the road.
“What the hell is your problem?”
Nick dramatically throws the car in reverse, carefully pulling out of the spot and sitting there for a few seconds, looking at you before he shifts to drive and clearing his throat. An indignant chuckle bubbles from deep within your stomach at his staring and lack of driving.
“If you don’t know what the problem is, then it must be you.” You roll your eyes, folding your arms over your chest. “Just drive, Nick.”
Nick answers with a scoff, rolling his eyes, annoyed with how hot and cold you’ve been lately. It isn’t often that he gets annoyed with you, but over the last couple of days, you’ve been working his nerves.
“Where do you want to stop for breakfast?” He asks calmly, trying to ease the tension between the two of you.
“It doesn’t matter, I’m not hungry.”
Nick huffs, mumbling something along the lines of “unbelievable, pouty brat” His hand tightening on the steering wheel, knuckles going white. Which you find funny, of the two people in the vehicle, you are the pouty brat? Bullshit!
“Nick, I am not hungry. I would tell you if I was.”
“Just like you are telling me what’s wrong?” He questions.
You open your mouth, preparing to tell him off with a few strategically places choice words that would be guaranteed to further rile him up. It’s not worth it. Instead, you close your mouth along with your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
“Tomorrow we will be getting your settled into your new place, let’s not argue.” You offer.
Nick raises his right eyebrow, nods once and returns his attention to the road. His hand reaches down slowly, eyes not moving off the road. His hand stops, raised in the space between the two of you and he glances over, just long enough to make eye contact. His hand lands on the volume, turning the music up.
Nick didn’t stop for breakfast. He didn’t stop for four and a half hours and that was probably only intended for the gas that he had to pump. He didn’t speak a word the whole time and it was pretty obvious that he was pissed.
He didn’t have any right to be.
When he stopped and got out to pump gas, you went inside to stock up on some more snacks and drinks. If Nick continues on how he has been today, you’ll need them. Chips, candy, soda, water, much needed Tylenol for the headache Nick is causing. You walk to the register, depositing the items on the counter.
“Woo, your man is gorgeous.” The cashier sighs dreamily, as she nods out the window.
“He’s just my pain in the ass best friend.” You swipe your card and she laughs.
“Oh honey, we all have one of them, but we still love them.” “Sure do.” You nod in agreement, looking out at him as he finishes pumping the gas.
“You have a good day.” She interrupts the daydream you were close to having, passing your bag across the counter.
“Can we stop for actual food soon?” You open the bag of gummy worms, tossing one in your mouth as you make your way across the mildly populated parking lot.
“I thought you weren’t hungry.”
“I wasn’t hungry at nine-thirty this morning, but it’s been a few hours since then. Can you stop being an asshole?” You ask over the hood of the car, tossing one of your gummy worms at him playfully.
He just sighs, batting the sugar-coated worm away as he gets in the car. He’s barely talked to you since the argument hours ago and when he does it brings the anger bubbling back. You simmer back down when he looks at you with a sympathetic smile.
“Let’s get some food.” He nods.
Wendy’s, Nick had stopped through a Wendy’s drive-thru for lunch. He claims he wanted to get to the last destination and check into a hotel. Can’t blame him, he’s been driving for days. You are getting tired of being cooped up in the car too. So, three hours later and the two of you pull into the hotel parking lot.
“I just need my small bag.” You climb out of the car and go around to the trunk.
Nick responds back with a grunt and nod as he pulls his bag out of the trunk and heads inside. You make sure the doors are locked before following him inside.
The lobby isn’t fancy, but it’s very nice. Everything is clean and welcoming. A big chandelier hangs from the ceiling and people sit, chatting on the red sofa. By the time you finally make it to Nick, he has the tow of you checked into your room. He doesn’t look to make sure you are following — hell he probably doesn’t care if you are or not. The elevator closes behind you and he pressed the third-floor button.
“You going to continue to give me the silent treatment? You ask, stepping off the elevator alongside him when it opens up to your floor.
“Silent treatment? I’m not giving you the silent treatment, I just don’t have anything to say to you.” He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.
“Shouldn’t have expected anything else from you.” You say under your breath as he pulls the key card from his pocket.
“Guess not.” He swipes the key, unlocking the door.
“What is it, Nick? What’s your problem?” You throw your hands up in defeat, shutting the door behind you with your foot.
“What’s my problem?” He chuckles, “You and whatever your fucking problem is. You’ve acted like a whiney brat all day and won’t even tell me what your fucking deal is.” He raises his voice, face going red. “How am I supposed to know what I did wrong if you won’t tell me?”
“You’re still hung up on that?” You roll your eyes, throwing your bag onto the chair. “Fine, I’ll tell you what my ‘deal’ is. We almost kiss the other night — we were so close — then you pull away and act like nothing happened. Then you see a guy around me and go about like we are dating or something.”
“You didn’t know him, Y/N!” He defends himself.
“It doesn’t matter, Nick. You’ve always pulled this shit. You can fuck any woman you want, including your freaking partner, but God forbid a guy even look at me. You wonder why I am a lonely spinster, why I don’t have a boyfriend and it’s because of you! You run them off and I am left to live vicariously through you when it comes to relationships. And truth be told, Nick, all your relationships have sucked!” Your throat stings, eyes prickling with tears. “A good thing about you being across the country is that maybe, just maybe I can have a boyfriend, get married, have fucking children of my own. Don’t you want that for me, Nick? Don’t you want me to be happy?”
You hadn’t realized that as you were yelling, explaining your hurt and frustrations, that you kept getting closer and closer to Nick. Only now, when the two of you are face to face, do you notice where the two of you stand. You can see his face visibly change, soften. His shoulders slump as he reaches a hand out toward you, cupping the side of your face and leaning in to your lips. His lips are soft, yet hard against yours. His thumb wipes the tears from your face as his other hand grips your waist and pulls you closer.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers an apology against your lips, hands roaming your body.
“Don’t tell me. Show me.” You nip at his bottom lip.
He leads you back toward the bed, stripping both yours and his clothes on the way. By the time the back of your legs hit the edge of the bed, you are nearly naked and Nick is gently laying you down across it. Climbing onto of you, he trails kisses from your stomach, through the valley between your breasts, along your jaw and to your ear.
“Are you sure?” He asks, softly and seductively.
“Yes.” You nod.
“Tell me.”  He leans back enough to look at your face.
“Nick, I want this.” You make eye contact, giving a little nod as you run your fingers through is hair. “I want you.” 
“Finally.” He smiles.
_ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . 
Taglist: @sigh-me-a-river @kaybee87 @svucarisiaddict @babypink224221 @sonnysdoll @sasbb23 @encounterthepast @breakawayfromeveryday
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kissmemando · 5 years
It’s College
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: y/n is moving into MIT and meets her dorm neighbor Peter
It was move in day at MIT, y/n pushed her cart of things to her dorm with her parents and siblings. She was undoubtedly nervous to finally meet her roomate, Paula from London. They had been emailing and texting over the summer and really clicked. As she approached her dorm room a boy from across the hall had stumbled over and dropped a box of miscellaneous objects. Instinctively, y/n stopped the cart to help the boy. She started to help pick up the dropped objects when something caught her eye.
“I’m more of a Han Solo type of girl, but Luke’s cool too,” y/n said as she handed the boy his things including a small Luke Skywalker figurine made for a keychain. She usually wasn’t this confident, but she felt the need to connect with him.
“Thanks, I’m uh Peter, Peter Parker. Luke isn’t too bad anyway, he’s a Jedi which is pretty sick.” Peter replied shaking her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Peter, I’m Y/n y/l. I gotta finish moving in but I’ll see you around, I’m just around the hall.” Y/n flashed a smile at him and he did the same causing her to blush a bit. She walked towards her family and began to help them unload her things. It looked like Paula hadn’t arrived yet so y/n got first pick on the beds. She chose the one by the window because it reminded her of home.
“We should go get lunch before we have to take the plane back home.” Y/n’s mom said. They walked out of y/n’s dorm into the hall and y/n took a quick glance at Peter’s dorm hoping to see if she could say bye. It was only about 1 in the afternoon and she was sure she’d see him when everyone at her dorm meet for their group meeting about rules and safety.
“So who was the boy you helped?” Her father asked as they headed back to her dorm building
“Uhhh Im not sure, I just met him, his name is Peter.” She answered swiping her family into the building. It was now about 3:30 and they had a flight at 9 pm but wanted to be there by 5pm because they are parents.
“We are just gonna go to your dorm and grab our things and come right out. Your dad has to give back the rental car and it’s gonna take us about an hour together to the airport.” Y/n’s mom told her so that she is prepared for their separation. Truth was that y/n had hardly been away from home. The longest she’d been away from home without her parents or siblings was probably a week for her engineering camp mentoring program. She was nervous, even though sometimes her family would drive her insane she loved them dearly.
“Yeah mom I know.” She said back her mom as she guided them back her dorm. As she unlocked the door she looked over once again to Peter’s dorm wanting him to come out and chat. She looked to the other side of the room and saw Paula’s things, but no paula.
“Alright y/n, walk us out.” Y/n grabbed her mother’s hand as she said this. It was time for her to grow up. they reached the front exit of the building and y/n hugged her siblings then her dad who told her she was meant to do great things and then her mom hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. Y/n loved her mom but they weren’t super close. She didn’t tell her mom everything they weren’t best friends but it felt like she was losing herself on this woman’s arms.
“Be good, don’t forget to call me, I love you and goodbye” goodbye stung her heart. Y/n didn’t like goodbyes they always felt terrible. Once out of her mom’s arms it felt like a piece of her heart was missing. Her mom was crying making her want to cry but she couldn’t, she didn’t want to.
“Bye I love you guys.” She said as they walked out on the verge of tears, really trying hard not the cry. Behind her, she heard a similar encounter.
“I’ll be fine Aunt May. Don’t cry cause then I’ll cry. Come on May.” She turned around and saw Peter with a softly crying woman on his shoulder. “May you dont live too far I could as come and visit and you can visit me.” Peter walked the woman to the door and they hugged goodbye, y/n stood waving bye to your family as they drove past, she could see the tears in her mom’s eyes.
“Goodbyes are so hard aren’t they.” Peter said as he stood next to her watching May get to her car.
“God, you’re telling me, it’s like torture especially with the people you love most.” He nodded his head in agreement.
“Y/n right,” she nodded her head yes, “you wanna walk back to our dorms together since they are right down the hall from another?”
“Yeah sure” they started to the elevator and got to know one another.
“So where are you from y/n?”
“I’m from y/h, born and raised. You?”
“Queens also born and raised.” Peter said and a proud smile appeared on his face. His hands were placed in the pocket of his blue jeans.
“Nice” the elevator doors opened and the two heard a girl laughing extremely loud from Y/n’s dorm. Y/n’s door was open and the two peered in to see a girl and guy on the ground laughing.
“Emilio? What are you doing in here?” Peter looked at the guy on the ground, who had light brown hair that looked orange in the sun. “Oh uh Emilio’s my roommate” Peter half whispered to y/n. She smelt his cologne off his neck when he spoke to her. It warmed her heart a bit making her forget that her family just left.
“I was just helping Paula with this box,” he pointed to a box on the ground knocked over and it’s contents on the ground. He stood up and helped Paula up as well.
“Well you must be y/n I presume, it’s nice to finally meet you, sorry about the mess.” Paula said and took out her had for to shake it. “ and you are?”
Peter took out his hand “ I’m Peter, Peter Parker, Emilio’s roomate.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Peter.”
“We better go” emilio said picking up the box and he and Peter left the room.
Later, at the group meeting you and Paula walked in together. She was tall, with mocha skin, and very pretty. She walked briskly to the meeting in the community room. The two were the first there and sat on a sofa that fit about three. Later people started to come in and soon enough Peter and Emilio showed up. Emilio sat in the arm rest of Paula’s side of the couch and Peter sat in a chair next to y/n. When he took his seat he smiled at her.
“Hello Emiliano,” Paula said in her English accent.
The RA began to drone on about rules of the dorms and Peter looked at y/n acting like he was sleeping. She giggled quietly and looked away trying to concentrate on the RA. What she didn’t see was Peter smile to himself. He liked her little giggle it was adorable. Y/n knew Peter Parker was gonna be trouble but she welcomed it.
After the RA, Hadrain, was droning on he told everyone to take the time to get to know those that lived in your building and after you may go to dinner. Instinctively y/n looked over at Peter.
“So Peter, I’m guessing you like Star Wars”
Peter rolled his eyes in a joking manner, “ yeah I guess I’m into it” he said sarcastically.
Y/n smiled at Peter and they two continued to chat, until Paula and Emilio forced them to go to dinner. As they walked Emilio and Paula were ahead arms were linked
“Did something happen that we missed with the two?” Peter ask, brows furrowed.
“ I have no idea but, it’s only the first day maybe this is just how they are, maybe it’s just like friendly.” Y/n said messing with the sleeve of her sweatshirt.
The four had finally made it too the dining hall and finished eating.
“The food really wasn’t all that” y/n said, unimpressed.
“Well it is college cafeteria food.” Peter replied
“But rich people go here.” Peter smiles and nodded his head in agreement
“Alright well I’m right to hit the sack” said Emilio and he got up from the table. Y/n didn’t have much of a chance to look at him before but now she could see more of his features. His brown hair that looked red in the light and she noticed some freckles. His eyes were green and his face was pale but she wasn’t sure if she was white, maybe Hispanic or mixed.
Y/n felt good walking with her little group of friends, because she never thought she’d have any especially at such a competitive school. Once in front of her dorm room Emilio hugged Paula by and simply said bye to y/n. Y/n galanced over to Peter who was on his phone, texting his Aunt May. She figured he wasn’t going to say by and pulled out her keycard.
“Wait, I don’t get a goodbye y/n?” Peter looked up, he sounded half joking and half serious.
Y/n blushed, “well bye mr.parker I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodbye ms.y/n I hope you sleep well.”
Author’s note
Hiii, I’m Indie! I hope you liked my first story I’ll probably be writing a part two soon depending if this is well received or not. Also if you have any suggestions or ideas please HMU! Thanks for reading ❤️
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redhoodsjacket · 6 years
Decibels - Sam Wilson
Wow two in a day yeah. So this is one installement of a serie I’m doing. All parts are stand alone, they’re only like, all in the same timeline/universe. Some of them will be more humoristic I PROMISE. (But this ain’t one of em sorry)
Mutant series masterlist
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Mutant!Reader
Genre: Drama
Word count: 2387
Summary: A nuclear accident not only leaves you mute but give you a power you never wanted.It however comes in hand when Sam is in danger
Warnings: death, semi-graphic descriptions, uh yeah.
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"She's not talking" "Maybe she's mute?" "Well, she doesn't know sign languages..." You looked down to see a paper and a pen being slid to you. The person took a seat in front of you and waited. You didn't write yet, but you decided to meet their eyes. The man was giving you a kind look, something akin to understanding. He didn't seem frustrated or impatient with your behaviour, which you were grateful for. "I know what it's like" He spoke softly. "You're safe here, but we need to understand what happened... You do realize that there aren't a lot of people who survive a nuclear explosion, right?"
You were sunk into the comfortable couches in the common room, doodling nonsense in your sketchbook. Bucky was sitting in the lazy boy across from you, frowning at his cell phone. He was probably trying to figure out a new function he discovered, which wasn't rare.  After four months at the compound, you had already spotted your favourite Avengers. Bucky was on top of the list, because he too was quiet, and he seemed to appreciate hanging out with someone who wouldn't say a word.  Clint was also on that list; he never failed to make you laugh when you needed it. That, and he was teaching you sign language.  The last person on your top friend was Bruce. He had taken you in from day one and he was someone you could actually relate to, and that could concretely help you understand what had happened to you. Five months ago, you were sure your days were counted. When the reactor of the local nuclear plant failed and fissured, most of your town got wiped out. Only a few survived, including your family, but the radiation poisoning was so intense they had all passed within two weeks. You had thought you'd be the last to go. But you didn't go. You were actually feeling physically fine. The only weird thing you noticed was your throat itching and muffling your voice more and more. It wasn't until a week later after you had encountered robbers pillaging your old house, that you had found out why your voice had been dying. You were in the midst of grabbing your family album when two masked men surprised you. So you screamed. But it wasn't any scream. It was some high pitched sonic scream that sent them flying away. At that moment, you were scared, horrified and not comprehending what had just downplayed. So you took off into the woods into hiding, where you would accidently hurt anybody and where nobody could find you. Except the Avengers, you'd know a week later when Tony Stark dropped in front of you and asked you to come with him. You were reluctant, but he said they could help. And they did.  Your hand went to your throat, feeling the soft material encircling it. Tony and Bruce had managed to come up with a device that would block your sonic scream and made it fashionable. So not only you wouldn't accidently harm someone by being startled, but you now had a very cute choker to accessorize with. "Hey (Y/N)" Bucky asked, pulling you out of your thoughts. "How do you turn on the do not disturb function?" You smiled and put down your sketchbook, moving to sit beside him. You held your hand out, taking his cell phone but leaving it in front of him so he could see. You slowly accessed the function, pausing in between every step so he knew what you did.  "Thanks (Y/N)" He gave you one of his rare smile. It soon turned into a smirk when he side glanced at you. "You know," You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. Bucky might be quiet and grumpy, but he was still mischievous as his best friends. So that look couldn't be good.  "There are other ways to get Sam to notice you than verbally" He teased, and your eyes widened.  You knew he was observant, but not that observant. You had tried to conceal the fact that you were attracted to the man, because you knew it could never happen. He was chatty and loud, and he probably wanted someone who could keep up with him, who could shoot back witty one-liners to level up with him. Even when you had your voice, you weren't that person, so you could forget about even catching his attention. "Lemme guess, you don't know what I'm talking about?" He mused, and you shrugged. Why did Bucky choose to be talkative all of a sudden? You glared at him and he stood up. "You should really let him know, (Y/N). He isn't as bad as he seems"  With that little joke, he left you alone to over think his words. ********** You didn't let Sam know. Another two weeks passed, and you put all of your focus on your sessions with Bruce and Tony. Your powers were still a wonder for them, and quite frankly for yourself too.  You leaned on the wall for support, still shaken up from the last cry you had let out. You had found out that the louder you projected your sonic waves, the harder it took a toll on you. After a day of testing, you were always left exhausted; so much that you could even not wear your dampener knowing no scream would be able to even form. Today you still decided to wear it, however, just in case. "Can you try louder?" The voice of Tony Stark rang in the isolated room.  You turned your head toward the glass panel which from behind him and Bruce were monitoring you and you shook your head no. According to them, you hadn't even unlocked 40% of your capabilities, yet, the frequency was enough to shatter bulletproof glass. Or someone's eardrum. They had tried to make you use multiple devices for wave’s concentration and amplification, but nothing worked to get your powers to the next level. You thought it was kinda a good thing, because you were afraid of what your full potential could do.  You exited the room and went straight to the end of the hallway, knowing the two scientists would get the cue you were done for the day. You pressed the elevator button and waited until your heard the ding to step forward. You halted your steps when you noticed the elevator was already occupied by none other than Sam Wilson. You forced yourself to act normal and leaned in the opposite corner. "Going down?" He asked as one of his disarming smiles graced his lips. You realized you hadn't pressed any button on your way in, so you nodded awkwardly.  "I don't see you around much" He spoke again. "How's the integration going? Starting to feel like home yet?" Small talk.  This was something you never thought you'd ever miss being able to do. You still smiled and gave him a thumbs up, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. The elevator opened, and you realized he had to get off on the same floor as you, so you fell in step beside him. "I see you made friends with Barnes" He grinned. "Do you know how hard it is? I don't even think he likes me as much and it's been a while" You chuckled silently at his words, aware of the relationship between the two. It was the weirdest frenemy dynamic you had ever encountered, but it worked for them, and it was entertaining as hell. "Hey um, we're gonna go grab dinner in an hour with the gang" He said as he paused in front of a door, his stop probably. "If you wanna join. I mean, you don't have to say yes... I mean- Not because you can't or- Shit I'm sorry" Your shoulders shook in a silent giggle. You understood what he meant, and at best it could make a harmless joke that you could take. You nodded and mouthed a yeah sure. "Great, uh, see ya later then, (Y/N)" He said and you waved. You spent the rest of the night after dinner silently squealing at what had happened. It was probably just him being friendly, but you couldn't help your joy. Good thing you had kept the dampener, finally. ************ Six months after being taken under by the Avengers, you found yourself on the field. You weren't even supposed to be cleared yet, but with injuries plaguing the squad, you felt like you had no choice but to back your friends.  You were assured that your role would be kept simple, especially since you still had control issues over your powers. Break a bulletproof three inches glass, throw the first wave of enemies on their back and get back into the quinjet. But when does anything goes to plan? Exhausted, you had made your way back to the jet escorted by Rhodey, where Bruce was waiting for you. He was there to make sure you were okay, but also as backup if needed.  You would have dropped on the floor if it wasn't for Bruce catching you and dragging you to the nearest seat. The quinjet's door was wide open and fresh air always helped you see straight, so it really was the best spot to rest up.  "You should lie down for a while" He suggested as he handed you your blocker. You were about to tie it to your neck when something outside caught your attention.  You watched with horror as an exploding device damaged one of Sam's wings and sent him plummet on the ground at the other end of the field. Agents quickly surrounded him with their guns held up, no doubt ready to take him down for real. Time seemed to slow down as you pushed yourself on your feet, dropping your blocker on the ground. You could only faintly hear Bruce's protest behind you as you ran out of the jet, feeling panic and urgency bubble up inside you.  Like your mind obeyed another force than your will, you filled your lungs with air and did what you did best. You screamed. ************** The world around you seemed to slowly fade back in as you regained awareness of your senses. First, you felt the cold temperature against your skin. It wasn't outside's cold, it was more like AC. Then, voices and various noises reached your ears. Some you recognized, some you didn't. You tried to move some muscles, and you managed to flex your fingers against your body. Nothing ached. Then you forced your eyes open, adjusting to the bright white light.  You thought for a moment that you might have been dead and in a celestial waiting room, but then a warm hand closed against yours. "(Y/N)"  Your head snapped to the side and your eyes widened, relieved to see Sam there looking very much alive and okay. The events of the mission then came crashing down on you, and your hand immediately went to your throat.  You didn't feel the soft material of you usual sonic dampener, but instead whatever device was on your throat was held in place with hospital tape.  Sam's hand squeezed yours and brought your attention back to him. He was half worried, half relieved. "It's a new one, a stronger one" He nodded to your throat. Wary took over your features, knowing what happened after you passed out must have been bad if they developed a stronger device. "You saved my life, (Y/N). Thank you" You tried to give him a smile, but it didn't quite reach your ears. Obviously, he noticed and gave another squeeze to your hand. His expression turned somber. "I just wanted to let you know that before I told you what happened. Please keep it in mind, okay?" He whispered carefully, and you nodded. "Your cry... It was nothing like you've shown before. It carried on for the mile and a half between the jet and me, and it was so loud..." He hesitated, but you urged him to continue. He looked away, and you knew that whatever you made happen, it was bad. "I'm sorry. I know you didn't want to harm anybody but... They all died. Tony said part of their brain liquefied. Hell, even with the earplugs, I still got it good." You gasped in horror as tears rushed into your eyes. You knew your cry was potentially devastating, but to cause such ugliness... It was something else entirely. You guessed it was what Tony had in mind when he talked about unlocking your full potential.  Then his last words repeated in your head. You placed a hand on his arm and he met your eyes again, so you mouthed 'you? ' to ask him what had happened to him. "I'm fine" He reassured, putting his hand over your own. "I was just a bit dizzy and wobbly on my feet, but nothing the doctors couldn't fix" You sighed in relief, but you still hated that he got hurt.  'I'm sorry' You soundlessly apologized, wiping the tears away from your cheeks. "Hey, don't be sorry for anything" He shook his head and gently squeezed your hand. "You did great. You saved my life, and you cleared the path for everyone to be back safe and sound. You're officially a hero" You smiled with him at his last word, letting a breathless chuckle escape. 'Thank you' You mouthed.  "Thank me by resting well in the next few days, so you can return to us soon" He said as he stood up. "I like having you around, (Y/N). I guess I just wanted you to know that" He shrugged.  In a moment of bravery, you pulled yourself in a sitting position and placed a small kiss on his cheek. He seemed surprised, but the soft smile that appeared on his lips was a good sign. He nodded to himself and left you to your well needed rest, closing the door behind him. As soon as it did, Sam let his smile become all wide and giddy, touching the place where your lips had kissed. At that moment, he was truly gone for the sweet quiet girl that was a lot more than the eyes met.
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jessethejoyful · 6 years
part three bc i’m weak-willed
more of this art school au that is dominating my life tbh 
read it here on ao3
Class on Monday is an unexpected balm to my stress, and I’m feeling rather pleased with myself when I walk out. The professor was very complimentary, as they always are, but this felt different. Maybe because I’d felt so unsure about the piece. The colors had felt off, and I told the professor as much, but he told me it conveyed something private and almost intimate about me.
Which is cool, but a little scary. I don’t like to convey too much about myself, not to anyone.
Dev had texted me that morning about getting lunch, and I agreed to meet him in the student union after class, where several fast food restaurants had set up storefronts. I don’t have much interest in the food, but I do get myself a milkshake and let myself enjoy it. Meanwhile, Dev sits down with a tray full of fried food, and I try to ignore how the smell makes my stomach twist. My cousin might also come from money, but he never really acts like it. It’s almost refreshing sometimes.
“So you ready for the show?” Dev asks, shoving food in his mouth like a cretin. He even talks with his mouth open. “Aren’t you taking like three pieces this time?”
I grit my teeth, fighting down the swirling stress that threatens at the edge of my mind. The art supply store in town is hosting another huge art sale party. I always attend with one piece, and am out of there before ten o’clock. That much of a crowd, milling around and talking about art - nope. My social anxiety doesn’t allow for it. But Fiona was up my ass this summer to do more (“You could be making a mint off these, Basil! What’re you doing, holing up with these at home, building yourself a nest? Don’t be such a coward!”) and I’d finally given in, if only to get her to shut up. I had three large paintings ready to go, but I still felt the nerves like a hot poker shoved into my side, burning me.
“Of course I’m ready,” I say through my teeth. “It’s in two days. Unlike you, I don’t procrastinate everything until the night before.” Dev grins at me, and he’s got a mouthful of food, and it’s horrific.
“Well, I can’t wait to see them.”
I stare at him, straw halfway to my mouth. “You’re coming? You’ve never come to one of my shows before.”
“Thought you might like some support.”
“What ever gave you that idea?” Dev shrugs and doesn’t say anything, focusing on his disgusting food again. “I… thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome, Basil.”
I head back to my apartment, my classes over for the day and with half a mind to take a nap, even knowing how it’ll ruin me later. Usually, I’d spend the rest of the night in the studio, but the sore ache behind my eyes is getting to be too much. And I’m hungry. I’m regretting not eating lunch, especially since that had been the point of meeting Dev today. My cousin had looked dubiously at my milkshake, but hadn’t commented.
In the end, I decide to go to the bakery down the street. The scone Snow had given me had been wrapped in paper with the store’s name printed repeatedly across it and it had actually been quite good, even when it was lukewarm.
When I step inside the cushy space, I immediately regret it, because there’s Penelope, Simon’s other friend, behind the counter. Another potential girlfriend? Probably not.
If I didn’t know any better, I would think this idiot boy is trying to take over my entire life. But it’s too late for me to step out, she’d called out a welcome when the door chimed, so I step over to the line. I stare hard at the pastries behind the glass without really seeing them.
“Basil!” Penelope greets me, and I’m taken aback by the friendly tone. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you in here before.”
“I’ve - never come in.” I swallow down any snarky remarks, ready to make nice. “Snow brought me one of your scones the other day, and it was quite good. I wanted to see the source.” She smiles at me, and her chubby cheeks push up her garish turquoise glasses.
“Well, you came at a good time. Just took the cherry scones out of the oven. How many would you like?”
“Ah - just two, I think.” Penelope nods and pushes the glass open, wrapping the two pastries in wax paper before slipping them into a bag and handing it to me. “How much do I -?” She’s shaking her head, and I frown at her.
“Take ‘em. I’m glad we’ve a new convert, and I expect to see you in here more often, alright?” And then she winks at me, inexplicably.
“Yeah… alright. Thanks, Penelope.” She looks pleased, and gives me a small wave as I turn to go. I leave feeling oddly warm, if a bit confused by the kindness I’ve been shown by Simon’s two friends, after the treatment I’ve subjected him to. Maybe they’re all just too nice for their own good.
My keys are in my hands, hovering by my lock, when I have an idea. I go across the hall and knock before I can talk myself out of it, and wait. Snow could easily not be home. But then I hear a thump and a grunt inside, followed by a moment of silence before the lock clicks and the door swings open. Simon is staring at me, brow quirked and glasses on, half of his hair poking up like a rat’s nest.
I try not to frown as I dig into the bag and take out one of the scones, holding it out to him. He takes it slowly, looking at the pastry and then back up at me, eyes wide. And then I turn away, quickly unlocking my door and diving inside before Simon can get a word out. I shut myself in and lean back heavily against the door, breathing heavily and closing my eyes.
What was I thinking? What the fuck was that? Simon probably thinks I’m an asshole as well as a fucking weirdo now. Not like it matters.
Safely in my apartment, alone, I kick off my shoes and wander through to the second bedroom of the flat, which I’d converted for my use to a type of studio. But it’s carpeted, so I mostly use it for storage, supplies and paintings. The three I’m planning on selling are carefully leaning against the wall, staring at me.
One of them had sprung from an absolute fit, when I’d woken in the middle of the night with the shakes, drank three mugs of tea, and shoved paint across a canvas until I was happy (or as happy as I get) and went back to bed. The other two were from this summer, when I’d spent two dreadful weeks at home, closed into the studio my father had decked out for me three years ago for my birthday. That was the only good part of going back to the family manor. That, and my little sister, Mordelia. I give her a lot of shit, but I’m quite fond of her.
Those two pieces aren’t within my usual style. One is far more colorful than anything else I ever do, with flowering branches and a fading backdrop. The other was a fluke, some error of my subconscious. It was of a kneeling figure, a dancer, in her final resting position in the bottom corner of the canvas, bathed in dim light but with darkness surrounding the edges. It reflected Snow’s animation, and I hadn’t realized it until I was through. I might have painted over it, but it was beautiful, and I ended up keeping it.
I’m ready to be rid of it. After everything that’s happened, I don’t need any more reminders of Simon Snow. There’s no way he won’t avoid me now, and I try to tell myself it’s for the best.
I should make some tea.
I’m exhausted when I get back to the apartment. The evening rush was hellish - we’d run out of filling for the eclairs, and I thought the roof was sure to fall it.
I might have been grateful if it had.
All I want to do is rip off my clothes, take a bath, and go to bed, but instead, Simon greets me at the door like a dejected dog, having another one of his stresses.
“He actually came into the bakery?” he asks, following me as I go into the kitchen to shove a piece of cake I’d stolen in the fridge. “Like, he was actually able to get through the door? I thought vampires had to be invited in.”
I look at him skeptically, furrowing my brows. “Simon - what? How is he a vampire? Aren’t vampires pale? His skin is nearly darker than mine.”
“With a widow’s peak like that, you’d doubt it?”
“He can’t help his hairline, Simon.” I’m too tired for this conversation. I continue to my room to put on my robe for the bath. Simon stays in the living room, but keeps talking to me, elevating his volume.
“Was he rude? Did he shove over the other customers in line? Did you see him put poison in my scone?”
“You ate it, didn’t you? You’re not dead yet. If you were, I’d have some peace right now.”
“It could be slow working!” I come out of my room, comfy in my fluffy yellow robe, and stare at Simon tiredly.
“He was incredibly polite, Simon. He complimented the one you gave him, and thanked me by name when he left. I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up over. He’s not out to kill you.”
“He’s a wanker, Penelope! You said it yourself, he’s endlessly contrary!” Simon leans over the back of the couch, spreading his arms at me wildly. “He’s trying to turn all the people in my life over to his side!”
“Simon, for the love of God.” I close myself in the bathroom and flick the lock loudly for good measure, making sure Simon hears it. I hear him groan, but he doesn’t keep trying to yell at me. I turn my music on loudly and start the bath water, sliding in before it’s finished filling and not minding the heat.
I glare at my nails. They’re caked with both flour and clay. That’s the struggle of being a sculptor - it’s all but ruined my hands and my nail beds. I try to let them soak in the bath, beneath the foaming fizz coming from my bath bomb, but I’m too fidgety. I dry my hands and reach for my phone, typing a quick text to Micah to see what he’s up to. Maybe I can convince him to bring me dinner.
Sure thing, he texts back almost immediately. Curry?
This new job has honestly been really good. Even if it did take me a bit to figure out the register. It kept honking at me anytime someone tried to put their card in, and it took me too long to realize it was in the wrong mode.
Anna’s been very sweet, gently reminding me of things I forget when I need it. She blushes whenever I ask her a question and it’s kind of adorable.
It’s Wednesday, and we’re decorating the store for the event this evening, another one of the big local sales. Penny has two pieces she’s putting in, and I’m excited to see the party. I know a few of the other kids from the art school will be there, and I’m intrigued to see what they decide to sell, if I’d seen any of them hanging in the halls at school.
I can’t help but wonder if Baz will be there. Baz. Basil. I haven’t seen him since Monday with the whole scone thing. I figure he’s been holed up in his studio, being a recluse and hissing at sunlight, or whatever. I couldn’t help but take in the dark circles under his eyes the other day.
I don’t imagine he’ll be here - that would mean actually interacting with people. Smiling. Selling. I can’t fathom Baz willingly doing any of those things. The thought makes me snicker.
We’re closing up at seven for an hour, so we can all run home and put on nicer clothes. I end up taking a shower, trying to tame my curls to look a little more presentable, and dress in the smart suit Agatha helped me pick out. It’s sky blue, perfectly fitted, and I push the sleeves up to my elbows so my tattoos are visible. Blank ink wings, my designs, on the insides of both of my forearms. The white button-down underneath is well-fitted also, so if I get hot (which I tend to), I can easily take the jacket off and still look nice.
Penny finishes up about the same time, stepping out of her room and coughing. I look up from my phone and feel my jaw drop. She looks amazing. Her normally frizzy curls have been tamed into a sleek braided crown around her head. She’s wearing a deep green, flower-covered dress with a very vintage feel to it, with a boat neck and a natural waistline, and a pair of shiny heels finish the look.
“Holy shit, Penny,” I say, pushing up from the armchair, “you look - amazing. Seriously.”
“Such a way with words,” Penny says fondly, going to pick up the box holding her sculptures. I intercept, grabbing the box and slipping away.
“Uh-uh, no way you can carry these looking like that. I won’t have anything distracting Micah from how good you look!”
“He’s already my boyfriend, Simon, I don’t have to impress him anymore! Give me my stuff!”
“No way! I won’t drop them, Penn, I swear.” She glares at me, hands on her hips. “Penny. Trust me. I would never, ever let anything happen to these.” She finally relents about the time that there’s a knock on the door, and she goes to let Micah in. He comes into the room, raving about how good Penny looks, and I think he must have had a heads-up on her outfit. His suit complements her dress perfectly, a navy blazer with tan trousers, and a tie the exact green of her dress.
I like Micah, but the guy always makes me feel small. I’m not short, at a hundred and eighty-two centimeters, but Micah has to be nearly two hundred.
“Looking good, Simon,” Micah says, grinning at me with his blinding white teeth. “Working man. Congrats on the new job, dude.” He offers me his massive hand, and I grip it firmly, smirking.
“Thanks, Micah. Penny kind of forced me, but I’m glad she did.”
“I’m convinced she knows what’s best for both of us at this point. I’ve stopped arguing with her.”
“That is false, and you know it!” Penny calls from her room, where she’d left her clutch. “You argue with me constantly! About everything!”
“Only to keep you on your toes, babe!” She comes out of her room, snickering and shaking her head, and Micah stops her to press a kiss to her temple as she passes him.
“Ready then, boys? Simon can’t be late.”
Micah turns to me. “Want me to take her sculptures, man? I don’t mind carrying them.”
I shake my head. “No, no, I’ve got them, don’t worry.” He doesn’t argue, going to take Penny’s arm. I step out the door first, and they follow me out, locking up behind us.
When we get to the store a bit before eight, there’s hardly anyone there apart from the selling artists. Penny told me that people who aren’t selling don’t usually show up until eight-thirty or nine, so I’m not really surprised at how quiet it is. Anna is excited to see Penny, recognizing her from last time, and Penny takes a moment to introduce Anna to Micah. I continue on ahead, taking the sculptures to the spot where Penny wanted to set up, carefully placing the two beautiful sculptures on display before continuing to the back room.
My manager is back there, a big man named Alex, and he tells me my main role tonight is just greeting and talking to people, and making sure that the hors d’oeuvres and wine don’t run out. Which is fantastic, because I’m really good at talking to people.
I return to the main room, dazzled by how posh everyone looks, and approach one of the artists. It’s a boy I recognize from school, and Penny and Micah wander up and fold easily into the conversation. When it gets to eight o’clock, the door swings open, and I look over.
And there’s Baz, standing in the doorway and staring back at me, holding three canvases very carefully, another boy following him in and nearly running into him.
“Oi, Basil, go on, mate,” Simon hears the boy say behind Baz, and it’s like he gets an electric shock. He comes all the way inside and goes to set up, obviously used to the routine. I try not to watch him, but he looks so good in a fitted green and black suit (more posh than the rest of us) that I can’t really help it. I give him a few minutes to set up and get his bearings, before I excuse myself from my conversation and start over.
Baz actually meets me halfway, leaving his companion by his paintings, hidden from my view.
“Er, hi,” I say, trying for a smile, and it’s awkward. “I’d actually been wondering if you were going to be here.”
“I always come to these.” I’m startled, then look around the room for Penny, who could have (and should have) warned me. I find her watching us, looking smug. “But you’ve never been here before.”
“Oh. Well, no. I just started working here last week, and -”
“You work here?” Baz cuts me off, and I take a half step back. “Sorry, just - ehm, congratulations. On the new job. I’m in here all the time.”
“Oh! Thanks.” An uncomfortable pause settles over us, in which Baz adjusts the cuffs of his green blazer, a faint blush on his dark cheeks. “Thanks, by the way. For the other day.” Baz looks confused, so I add, “For the scone?”
A slight nod. “Just returning the favor.”
I figure he must be shit at things like this, but he’s actually working to be friendly. I make up my mind suddenly and offer Baz my hand. He stares at it like he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do with it.
“How about a truce, Basil? It’s clear we can’t avoid each other, you seem to be basically everywhere I go anymore - and you seem like an okay bloke. Maybe not friends, yet. But not all this bickering. What do you think?”
He stares at me, so fucking cool, like he’s just mulling it over, weighing his options. Finally, like a swan lifting its head, he raises his hand and places it in mine. His skin is smooth and surprisingly cold, but his grip is solid. “Alright, then. A truce.”
I don’t know what to do with myself now. I didn’t expect Snow to be at this sale, let alone looking so fucking good in that suit. The color perfectly balanced with his skin and his eyes, it was hard to look away. I’m not ready to admit how badly I’ve got it for this stupid boy, when I don’t even know if he’s gay or not.
We parted ways after shaking hands, which had been almost too much, and I returned to Dev.
“Who was that then?” he asks, having watched the whole unfortunate exchange. “Guy turned bright red when he saw you. Nearly matched his hair.” I look sharply at Dev.
“Did he really?”
“Yeah, mate, I figured he was your boyfriend or something. Or maybe that you two were just fucking, I dunno.”
I nearly choke, but pass it off as a scoff. “Don’t be so vulgar, Dev, good lord. That’s Si-, er, Snow. He’s an animator from school.”
“He sure did seem pretty animated.” I can’t deal with this, and I leave Dev again to wander the floor and look at some of the other artists’ works. Penelope is there, standing beside two pieces that really are quite good, with a black boy who nearly dwarfs me.
“Oh, Basil!” Penny calls me over like we’re friends, and maybe we are. I step over. “Baz, this is my boyfriend Micah. Micah, Basilton Pitch. He’s a spectacular painter.”
I shake Micah’s platter-sized hand, surprised by the compliment from Penelope. I didn’t realize she was even aware of my work.
“Baz. Nice to meet you.” American.  A bit of a shock, but I don’t show a reaction. At least this confirms for me that Penelope isn’t Simon’s girlfriend.
“And you.” I clear my throat and step forward to look at the two pieces Penelope is selling, and they really are nice, but I don’t know enough about sculpture to give an educated compliment. “Those are lovely, Penelope. I can tell you put a lot of time and work into both of them.” She beams, and I think maybe I said something right for once. One of them is a smaller bust, with impeccable attention to detail, and I think she might have used Simon as a reference, because the nose and the hair look impressively familiar. The other is a bit more abstract, possibly two people embracing, but the colors are far more aggressive than the neutral grey of the bust.
I continue on, replying with a few quiet words to any greetings, but I keep mostly to myself. I’m painfully aware of Snow bouncing around the room like a hyper mutt, talking to pretty much everyone. I’ll glance at him now and then, because I’m weak, and always seem to catch him turning away, a blush spreading across the back of his neck.
Agatha shows up at some point, and she makes sure to say hi to me (and Dev, who’s awestruck by her), before going over to Penelope and hugging her and the American boyfriend.
I don’t see Snow again for another hour, when he finally wanders over, where Dev left me on my own to try his luck at flirting with Agatha, who clearly has no interest.
Simon smiles at me, shy again, and takes his time looking at the two paintings I have remaining. The flowering one sold almost immediately, to an older woman I didn’t recognize, and who gave me far more than my asking price. When his eyes slide to the dancer, I freeze, remembering where the idea came from. He goes stiff as well, leaning closer to the canvas.
“That’s -” He doesn’t continue, looking at me in alarm.
“I saw your animation reel at the student showcase.” No point in hiding anything now. “The ballerina clip… it was hauntingly beautiful.” He runs his hands through his hair, looking back at my canvas as I continue. “I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I wasn’t really thinking about it when I made this. But I realized when I finished, I’d tried to draw some of the emotion out of yours.”
He’s quiet for a long moment after I finish explaining, and I’m worried he’s going to get mad at me for plagiarizing or something. Instead, the eyes that turn to me are like pools of warm water, flickering under the surface, and I’m instantly drawn in. “Baz, this is - amazing. Really. You somehow captured - everything. All of it.” He looks back at it, and my heart catches.
This is too much of a soft moment for my cold, dead heart. “But the bit after the ballerina - two stick figures having a fight? Really? I was ready to shut the laptop off when that came up and ruined the mood.” He looks up at me, brows furrowed, but the look didn’t sit like anger.
“Two stick figures? What are you talking about? I didn’t put that in my reel.” I narrow my eyes at him, trying to figure out if he’s messing with me.
“Yeah, the clip immediately after the ballerina was two really shit looking stick figures beating the shit out of each other. You don’t remember?”
His eyes widen in sudden realization. “Fuck. Fuck! I hadn’t meant to leave that in! I’d put it in there as a joke when I sent it to Penny - I must have set up the wrong file.” He claps his hand to his forehead, bursting out in sudden laughter. “No wonder you wanted to shut it off! Christ, that’s embarrassing. I can’t believe that shit was playing at the showcase.”
I’m breathless, because watching him laugh is such a fucking gift. A gift from the universe that I don’t deserve. His whole body goes into it, his head going back and his legs tilting. I knew he was an idiot, though. Somehow, this doesn’t surprise me.
“Amazing. I’m almost impressed by your ineptitude, Snow. Such lovely work, and you manage to fuck it up.” He looks at me, ready to fight, but realizes I’m teasing and grins, breathing out a weak laugh.
“That’s me, the inept, lovely idiot,” he chuckles, and I wish I could tell him how much I agree.
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carmenlire · 6 years
Higher than the Big Trees Ch. 20
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read on ao3
Alec slips the cufflinks through his jacket, giving his sleeves a brief tug. Looking in the mirror, he likes what he sees.
It’s not an unusual sight-- fuck knows that Alec has an entire section dedicated to formal wear. Everything from tuxedos and more adventurous suits to slacks, blazers, and a dozen classic suits in black and similarly neutral colors.
His look today wouldn’t be amiss on Wall Street. His modern fit suit is hand tailored to perfection. His silk button down is in a snowy white, offering a beautiful contrast between the pitch black of the jacket and pants. His Tom Ford belt gleams subtly and his oxfords shine.
As Alec goes back into his walk in closet, he flips his collar up. He has a business meeting with one of his sponsors today, hence the extra effort, and truth be told he doesn’t really mind. There’s something to be said for his sweaters and jeans but Alec enjoys dressing up on occasion.
How fortunate for him that he picked a career where there’s always a gala or awards show or party.
His tie rack is teeming with bow ties and ties in a hundred different colors and patterns. Alec forgoes the more adventurous options-- there’s a light blue one with penguins on it that he usually wears at least once during the winter-- choosing instead a dark maroon tie.
He starts tying a Half Windsor Knot on autopilot as he moves out of his closet and back into his bedroom. His meeting is slated to start at nine and it’s half seven now.
With one last look in the mirror and a half-assed effort to tame his already messy hair, he grabs his phone, wallet, and keys and heads out into the penthouse. He takes the leather portfolio that has some reports and information his lawyer had put together with him.
He has the place to himself-- Jace is at work and Izzy wanted to spend the morning at Uptown Java, something about wanting to read one of her medical books.
As he walks to the elevator, he checks his phone. He sees a text message from Magnus and unconsciously starts to smile. It’s Wednesday morning and this will be the third day that Magnus is out of the country. While Alec had thought that things might fizzle out a little this week as the physical distance between them grew, he was pleasantly surprised to see that they talk just as much, if not more, than when they’re both in the same city.
While there are long periods between texts, they’ve kept up the same thread since yesterday afternoon. It’s something about the merits and pitfalls of public transportation and Alec chuckles in the elevator as he reads Magnus’s tale about accidentally shutting his jacket in a taxi door as he was being dropped off from a night out-- and not realizing until the driver started leaving.
Dave isn’t due to arrive for another half an hour and with that in mind, Alec walks a few blocks over to the closest Starbucks. The line is almost to the door and he messes around on his phone while he waits, unobtrusive.
It never fails to surprise him. Alec’s been in secluded boutiques and been mobbed but New York barely bats an eye most of the time. Oh, he still meets fans regularly wherever he goes, but he can also do normal things. He can stand in line at Starbucks and not worry that he’ll cause a scene.
As he thinks about how lucky he is to live in the city, he guiltily thinks about the internet snafu with Magnus a couple of days ago.
He didn’t have an excuse. While it was early as shit-- not even six in the morning yet-- Alec had been awake, training with Jace. They’d just finished their five mile race, Alec winning, when he’d walked over to his bag. Taking a few gulps of water, he’d heard his phone start vibrating. It’d been far too early for anyone to be calling him and as he’d seen Magnus’s name come up on the screen, he’d been curious. He knew that Magnus was flying out today but he hadn’t thought it was so early.
Jace had sent him a quizzical look as he’d picked up the phone, swiping to accept the call. Alec had mouthed Magnus and Jace had raised his brows, smirking.
Rolling his eyes, he’d turned away and talked to Magnus as he waited to board his flight. They'd talked for almost forty minutes and it had been chill. There’d been a few silent stretches where neither one had anything to say and hadn’t thought of a new topic yet and it hadn’t felt awkward.
Really, it made Alec content. They were both just happy to relax on the line with each other. Halfway through the phone call, though, Alec had been a little stunned to realize that he wasn’t following Magnus on anything. Especially since Magnus followed him, apparently.
He’d thrown the phone on speaker and Jace had been all ears at being the first to know what Alec’s new friend sounded like. Thankfully, Magnus had realized he was on speaker pretty quick and there hadn’t been any potential blackmail on the phone call for Jace to commit to memory.
Alec had went to Twitter first, following and liking a few tweets. His profile picture looked like it was taken in an office, dark wood walls serving as the background. He had a few thousand followers and Alec liked the mix of trivia, mundane observations, and photos.
Instagram was the same, though Alec couldn’t resist commenting on a few posts. When Magnus had told him that he regularly practiced yoga and was actually a certified instructor, Alec had almost swallowed his tongue. It was one thing just to be told that, however, and quite something else to see Magnus doing a One Handed Tree Pose (he looked it up) in nothing but form fitting black boxer briefs.
It was obvious that Magnus kept in shape but seeing him post a few workout videos not only got Alec a little hot under the collar, but genuinely made him interested in working out together. While he liked to work out alone, he also enjoyed having a partner. Alec thinks that there could be a little friendly competition going on between them and it’d be fun to see just how evenly matched they were.
Alec orders and pays with little fanfare, still marveling at how stupid he’d been. Or, not even stupid-- he’d just been oblivious for the first time in years.
Alec knows that his life is under a microscope, that the daily minutiae that is deeply uninteresting about everyone else is fascinating when it’s about him. He should’ve foreseen that his fans-- smart as hell and twice as tenacious-- would immediately noticed that he followed someone on not only one, but two platforms.
Alec might dedicate a lot of time to his fans but he’s also intensely private when it counts. He follows less than a thousand people and rarely adds to the number. His fans hadn’t wasted a minute.
After hanging up with Magnus, Alec had gone right back to working out with Jace who had mock scowled at him for taking so long. He’d just shrugged, a little helpless, and Jace had just shaken his head, clapping him on the back as they took their positions to spar a little.
When Jace had finally finished with him, he’d flopped down next to the mats and asked Jace to toss his phone over to him. Jace had gone over to their shit and in true brother fashion had unlocked his phone, scrolling through his notifications. He always acted like a kid, as if Alec wasn’t perfectly aware of what he signed up for when he asked Jace the favor but he just laid on the floor, catching his breath while Jace invaded his privacy.
After a minute or two Jace had handed the phone over, merely saying, “I never get used to how many notifications you have.”
Alec wasn’t in the mood to deal with it, so he’d just opened his messages, confirming lunch plans with Izzy and getting caught up on a few emails and calls.
He’d finally checked his phone in the early afternoon after lunch and had been surprised at the number of engagements. Even for him, it was high. When he’d tapped into the apps and seen the root of the damage, though, he’d wanted to kick himself.
He should’ve known.
He’d texted Magnus as soon as he put the pieces together, hoping that his few moments messing around on social media wouldn’t be the end of things between them. Alec’s very cognizant of the fact that his life isn’t for anyone and he’d promised Magnus discretion two weeks ago. This was the very definition of indiscreet.
He’d sweated it out, knowing that Magnus was still flying. He’d spent a couple of hours preoccupied, distracting himself with fine tuning the song he and Catarina had worked on. Thankfully, Magnus had understood and he’d ended up abandoning his song for almost an hour as he texted Magnus in a flurry.
Alec had taken the rest of the afternoon afterwards, messing around on his piano until the sun started fading and he was playing more by feel than sight. He’d finished the day cooking dinner for the three of them and Clary, retiring back to his bedroom by eight and falling asleep reading.
Alec’s pleased to realize that his writer’s block is officially over. All of those months of trying to string two sentences together, not finding the right chords or note runs and it seems to be a thing of the past. He’s not churning them out but he’s making steady progress. In addition to the collab with Cat and his song tentatively titled Angel, he has two or three others that are brewing in the back of his mind.
He’d really just been fucking around on his piano, a Steinway & Sons K-132. It had been one of his first large purchases and it’d been ages since he’d had time to play for fun, trying out chords and arrangements or playing some of his favorite pieces for pure, simple enjoyment.
The past few days had been quiet, especially without Magnus to potentially see. He’s spent that time writing half a dozen songs. While he wasn’t concentrating too much on the content-- really he was just writing whatever came to mind-- the tone was undeniable.
His last album had racked up the awards for being gritty, dark. He’d written about the price of fame, about one night stands and one city lovers and jaded ennui. There’d been one or two softer songs-- one he’d collaborated with another artist for, another that he’d written with Jace and Clary in mind-- but overall, An Arrow in the Dark had been cynical and cutting with an overlay of sensuality that the public had loved.
So far, this album looked to be forming as the total opposite. The songs were softer, sweeter, and Alec couldn’t help but notice that he was drawing on these burgeoning feelings inside him for source material. He thought of how easy things were with Magnus, how much he was enjoying making a new friend and learning about an incredibly interesting man. Then there were those fucking butterflies that wouldn’t leave him alone when they touched accidentally or he learned something else entirely endearing about Magnus.
He’d say Magnus was his muse but their arrangement was too platonic for that. You couldn’t write an entire album about a friend, after all. He refuses to look too closely at the fact that the only real thing that's changed to break his block is meeting Magnus. He doesn't think he could handle it-- not with everything else the man brings out in him.
As Alec walks back to the front of his building, he sees Dave pull up right on time. Dave gets out and heads to the rear door of the Lincoln town car, nodding as Alec approaches.
“Right on time, Alec. That’s what I like to see.”
Mock affronted, Alec holds out one of his coffee cups as he asks, “When am I ever not on time?”
Dave doesn’t respond, just hums as he accepts the drink and takes an appreciative sniff.
“Vanilla latte, my favorite.”
“You’ve been my driver for almost eight years. I would hope I’d have your order memorized by now,” he says, grinning.
Alec climbs into the back seat and spends a few minutes relaxing. The upcoming meeting wasn’t anything intense but his lawyer, Underhill, wanted to pin some numbers down and Alec wanted to brush up on the details before they walked into the boardroom.
He opens the portfolio, taking out a few handouts and skimming them as a refresher. He’d gone over everything when it was first sent but it never hurts to review things one more time.
Alec had a healthy relationship with sponsors. There were those for his tours but also a handful of companies that wanted his name and his face on their products. This morning’s meeting was to discuss a renewal of his Nike contract and Alec was looking forward to it. While the company might be sweating a little, Alec and Underhill had already talked things through and knew that they’d be walking out of the room partners for another two years regardless of Nike's offer today.
Traffic is brutal as ever in the early morning rush hour and Alec almost spills his coffee twelve times, taking ill-timed sips just when traffic slows to a stop. Still, Dave knows what he’s doing and they make it to the corporate offices with ten minutes to spare.
He gets out, without assistance, and waves Dave off with a mutual confirmation to return at two.
As he walks towards the glass and steel doors, he sees a familiar figure walking towards him.
“Hey, Alec,” Underhill says as he nears. His five thousand dollar suit looks impeccable and he look ready to do business.
“Morning, man. How’s Adrian,” Alec asks as the two move in for a handshake.
Underhill turns towards the doors, smiling and opening the one closest to him, gesturing for Alec to go through first as he answers.
“Adrian’s great. We have a vacation planned for next month in Aspen. He’s already got a dozen trails mapped out for us to try.”
“Yeah? Are you still going through with it?”
The two of them share a knowing look as the secretary calls for her boss.
Looking both giddy and unnerved, Underhill smiles. “Of course. I’ve had the ring for six damn months. I think it’s time that I actually used it.”
Alec claps him on the back just as one of Nike’s lawyers meets them in the reception area. There are a round of handshakes before they’re being guided to one of the conference rooms.
The room is utilitarian. Four walls of glass show a large conference table where six people are already sitting.
Underhill has shed his easy going demeanor. Instead, he looks serious, ready to do business and get Alec the best deal possible.
There are no pleasantries and as the three of them take their seats, Alec opens his notes up, face impassive.
He may not have gone to college, but he’s no slouch. He knows that Underhill has his best interests at heart-- has for four years now-- but you don’t get to be in Alec’s position without being screwed over a time or two, in both his personal and professional life. Alec spends not an inconsiderable time reading up on a variety of topics on a routine basis. Among those are music, business, and law. He may not be ready for his LSATS but he’s read through every piece of business that crosses him. The terms they’ve offered are a fair counterpoint to what Nike had initially given them and the next few hours promise to be lively if nothing else.
Underhill remains cool under pressure, no less intimidating for being one against six. While Underhill had his own firm with a range of junior partners, interns, and paralegals, he was always Alec's representative.
The room breaks after a few hours, reaching a bit of a stalemate. The opposing team offers it as an excuse for a quick bite to eat but when Alec’s and Underhill’s eyes meet, they know the truth.
They're going to the other partners to see if they can accept the new deal.
The two of them go to a close cafe where they each get a smoothie, drinking them as they walk around a park across the street. They return to the room when the thirty minutes are up.
Everyone sits down and it’s quiet for a minute before the partner in charge of this deal stands, buttoning his suit jacket, before reaching a hand out first to Alec and then Underhill.
“I’m pleased to say that the other partners agreed that the proffered terms are acceptable. We’ve reached an agreement and are pleased to announce that you’ll be partnered with our company for the next two years, continuing our contract without issue."
As he hears the words, Alec stands and there’s a few minutes as he and Underhill shake everyone’s hands. Alec is given a Montblanc pen and scrawls his signature a dozen times on a contract as thick as a book.
Just a few minutes later, they’re leaving. They wait until they reach the sidewalk before looking at each other and laughing, half relief and half pure amusement.
“Our terms were hard and I have to say that I’m a little surprised that Nike accepted them. You’re getting eighteen percent more up front with a two percent rise in your kickbacks. They must really like you.”
Alec shrugs, playing coy. Though really, he’s surprised at their luck, too.
“You know how much buzz they got for signing an openly gay man to represent their company. Those commercials went viral as soon as they were released. I am proud of you, though! They definitely thought we were going to back down first.”
Underhill shakes his head. “If only they knew that we would have accepted what they offered last week.”
Laughing, Alec says, “Another win for us.”
He takes a step back and looks at his watch, sees Underhill do the same.
Underhill waves his briefcase a little, saying, “I’ve got to head back to the office and file these. Plus, I think I’m going to try to meet Adrian for a late lunch. I’ll talk to you later but you should be good for the next few weeks on everything from my end.”
Alec nods, taking out his phone. “Sounds great man. Thanks for today-- you crushed it.”
The two of them smile at each other before heading off in opposite directions. Looking down at his phone, Alec sees that they let out about forty minutes early and he calls Dave to let him know that he’s not needed.
Alec takes the opportunity to do a little shopping. He’s not the most avid shopper but once in a while when he has some free time, he likes to kill some by poking into stores. He usually just ends up buying stuff for everyone else but it’s a nice way to spend an afternoon every six months.
He ends up buying a necklace for Izzy and phone case for Jace who insists on never using one despite the fact that he’s had to replace his iphone at least twice this year alone.
It’s calming, really. Alec spends most of his time with people, though he gets his fair share of time solo. There’s just something about walking around a city alone-- even his hometown-- that makes him feel like just Alec, anonymous. A free agent.
He’s walking down the street, heading towards the subway station, when he sees a cameraman headed his way. Sighing internally, he resolutely keeps walking.
“Hey man, it’s TMZ. How are you doing today?"
Alec smiles but it’s his public smile. Which isn’t to say that he doesn’t genuinely enjoy some interviews and promo. But sometimes there are certain reporters, or companies, that he’s not a fan of and so he has to use his public persona a bit more.
“I’m good, man. What about you,” he responds easily.
“Can’t complain. What do you have there?” He aims his camera at the few bags in Alec’s hand. There’s one from a jeweler’s, another from a small boutique, and a last bag from an independent bookstore around the corner.
Shrugging, Alec says, “Nothing much, just doing a little shopping.”
“Who are you shopping for, Lightwood? Do you have a special someone that you’re buying gifts for?”
Alec looks at him drolly. “My sister.”
TMZ guy nods along, still looking like he’s going to get the scoop. “We heard you followed someone on Instagram this week. What about him?”
Inside, Alec seethes but he keeps the bland expression pasted on his face as he continues walking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think his name is Magnus? He’s a professor?”
Hoping the camera doesn’t pick up on his clenching jaw, Alec returns, “He’s a friend I met a few weeks ago.”
“Oh? Is that all there is or should we be worried that the music scene’s most eligible bachelor is finally taken?”
Alec smiles, though it feels more like a grimace. “No, I’m still single and unattached. There’s nothing going on there except friendship.” No matter how much I might want that to change.
The reporter looks at him like he’s digging for more information before turning to another topic. “What about your music? With your tour wrapping up, do you already have plans for your next album?”
Here, Alec can relax. The tension eases out of him at the familiar question. This, he knows. He grins a little but still remains facing forward as he approaches a crosswalk.
“I’m just in the studio seeing what we have. Every album has a different vibe and I’m having fun coming up with the concept for number seven.”
“Can you tease anything?”
Alec thinks for a minute. The words are on the tip of his tongue but he bites them back as he thinks about possible repercussions. In the end though, he decides to go for it. Even if he ends up completely scrapping what he has so far, this is where he’s at right now. Plus, it’s never too early to start building buzz.
“I think this album will be the best I’ve ever written.”
“Yeah? Why is that?”
“I’m experiencing something new for the first time in ages and I can’t help but write about what I’m going through. I think this album will explore a source bank I’ve never tapped into before.”
“What’s new with you?”
Alec declines to answer as the reporter asks a few more leading questions. After a minute, the TMZ guy backs off, throwing out a goodbye.
Alec returns it and continues on his way home.
He makes it back to his apartment twenty minutes later. The sun is starting to dip in the sky and the penthouse is washed in golden light. He sees Izzy on her phone in the living room. She looks up as he enters.
“Hey, hermano.”
“Hey, Iz.”
He tosses one of the bags at her and she stills for a moment before sitting up and opening it. When she takes out the necklace, she studies it for a few minutes. It’s a double tiered piece. The top is a choker but the second layer falls down, several inches longer. It’s gold with different colored stones every few centimeters. It’s colorful and unique and perfectly his sister.
Izzy must agree because she’s grinning. As Alec nears her, she leans over and hugs his middle.
“Thanks, Alec. I love it and can’t wait to show it off. You didn’t have to, though, you know that right?”
Alec just looks at her. “That’s half the fun of shopping for me. You know that. I saw this in the storefront and felt like spending money. It works out for both of us.”
Alec sits on the other end of the couch and the two of them relax in the quiet for a little while, both on their phones. It’s a companionable silence and one that Alec misses when he’s on the road.
After a while, though, Izzy looks up, excited. “You know what we should do?”
Alec doesn’t answer, remaining engrossed on a game on his phone.
Izzy kicks him and he groans before asking, “What.”
“We should go out tonight!”
lec must not look enthused with the idea because she glares at him. “What? It’s been a month since you last went out-- when’s the last time that happened?”
Alec opens his mouth to argue but abruptly closes it, realizing that she’s right. Alec might like to stay home with his book or piano but he also likes having a good time and usually goes out at least once a week. There are periods when he’s parties for days on end, passing out just to go out again a few hours later. Huh. This is different.
As he thinks, Alec just pictures Magnus. They’d only hung out a few times but any time spent with him was valuable and there was no contest between talking to Magnus or going out to the latest club.
A friend shouldn’t affect him like this. A friend shouldn’t change his patterns so thoroughly and so gently that Alec doesn’t even notice-- doesn’t even care.
Decision made, Alec looks over at Izzy and nods. “Alright, then. We’ll go out. Is everyone going?”
Rolling her eyes, Izzy stands up. “What do you think I was doing on my phone? Clary has an art class that runs late tonight but Jace can go.” She smiles as she starts walking toward her bedroom. “It’ll just be the three of us, like old times. Now I have to go get ready. We’ll head out at ten?”
She doesn’t wait for confirmation, just goes to her room, shutting the door with a resounding click.
Alec finishes the text he was writing to Magnus, relaxing against the couch as he presses send.
It had been ages since just the three of them went out. There was always a date or Clary or friends or it was for a special occasion. While Alec hadn’t planned on going out tonight, the idea doesn’t sound hideous. He’ll go, have a few drinks, dance with a few people.
Maybe this is what he needs. He needs to shake Magnus. Maybe if he meets someone else, he won’t be so hung up on Magnus’s eyes and his intelligence and his everything. He needs a distraction.
Maybe if he gets laid Magnus won’t get under his skin so damn much.
Alec stands up, stretching his back.
If Magnus is just his friend then by God Alec will get this thing out of his system one way or another. Something's gotta give and Alec is a master at distraction when he needs to be.
That thought in mind, he heads to his room.
He needs to get ready.
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puppetwritings · 7 years
City Witches || Seungcheol || Oneshot
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Word Count: 1991
Genre: fluff, witch!au
Summary: What’s worse than witches? City witches. They are just so gosh darn charming.
Minghao // Woozi // Mingyu // Wonwoo // Junhui // Hoshi // Joshua //
Witches are bad. City witches are even worse. That is what your parents had told you since you were born. If you went into the city, be on a look out for witches, and when you saw them, turn the other way. How would you know if they were a witch? Well, you couldn’t. Witches in forest and witches in towns or villages would wear cloaks or have an otherworldly feel to them. City witches just acted like regular people. They had assimilated. They could charm you and you wouldn’t even know!—says your father.
And you believed them. Why wouldn’t you? You had never been to the city. And sure, the witches that you saw were usually harmless—most of the time friendly. But everything in the city was different. People were grouchier, things were faster. Who knew what that could mean in a witch. Maybe they weren’t as hospitable. Maybe they were like the evil witches in the stories. They would definitely not be doing God’s work by living it rich in the city.
But you would never go to the city! So why would you worry about that?
Your last thought about city witches had been when you were ten and your dad had had a bad run-in in the city during a business conference with a city witch. Now, you were in college in the city and you hadn’t even considered city witches. You did notice, however, that there weren’t people walking around in cloaks that covered the tattoos of their patron animal on their back or arm or any other body part. It was strange to you. Like you had stepped into a different dimension.
But the strangest thing might be that regular people had tattoos. Not just witches. Any old Joe could have a tattoo and it wouldn’t be because they were a witch! Which, probably, made being a witch easier in the city. If you showed your patron animal like it was no big deal, some schmo would walk up to you and say “Hey, nice tat!” instead of giving you a suspicious glare, wondering if you were Satan’s helper or God’s messenger.
Anyway, the last thought you had had about a city witch was when you were ten, so when you walked into the café on your campus beside the library, you hadn’t had a second thought about the barista with a cobra tattoo that wound down his arm.
As you watched the barista enter in your order, you couldn’t help your eyes being drawn to the tattoo. It was very detailed, down to the very last scale. The tip of the snake’s tail poked out from his collar but the cobra head was inked into the back of his hand first before snaking and coiling back. And the cobra’s eyes…seemed to stare into your soul.
You looked up, startled from your thoughts. “Yes?”
“Oh, right! Right, I’m so sorry,” you flushed, fumbling in your wallet for your card.
He chuckled and shook his head, “No, it’s fine.”
You finally pulled it out and handed it to him. Your eyes landed on is nametag, unable to stop your curiosity. Seungcheol. His name was Seungcheol…
“Here you go, miss.”
“Thank you,” you took it back and tucked it into your wallet before stepping off to the side.
You watched as he worked, your eyes still concentrated on the cobra head on the back of his hand. Its eyes seemed to wink at you, alive and able to read your mind. You frowned. You wanted to get a closer look. You wanted to ask him where he got that tattoo from. Not that you wanted one. But it looked too realistic…it was almost as if it were alive…like the tattoos of the witches’ patron spirits.
Seungcheol pulled away finished making your drink and stood at the counter, calling your name. It took several calls before you were pulled from your thoughts. You walked to him, gave him a faint smile, and thanked him.
He grinned. “Thank you. I hope you come again.”
You nodded and then turned, leaving the café with an unsettled feeling in your gut.
You grunted as you struggled to move the boxes into the apartment complex. You cursed the several people that passed by, ignoring your obvious predicament and even whispering about how much you struggled. You let out a sigh as you finally reached the elevator but stared helplessly at the buttons. You were holding two boxes that were heavy. How were you going to press that?
You frowned and slowly began to lift your leg when a hand came out and pressed the buttons for you before swiftly swooping one of the boxes up. You let out a gasp of surprise and looked over. It was that barista from Monday. Seungcheol.
He gave you a friendly smile. “You live in this complex too?”
“I—yeah! You too?” the words slipped from you before you realized what you had said. Of course him too. He was the one that asked you first.
Seungcheol chuckled and nodded as the elevator arrived. He stepped in. “Which floor?”
“Oh, um, third.”
His eyes widened. “Are we neighbors? How come I haven’t noticed?”
“I just moved in a few days ago,” you replied, watching as Seungcheol reached out his hand and pressed the number three. The cobra head still shone brilliantly.
“Ah, that must be why then,” Seungcheol said with a bright smile, visibly relaxing. He glanced at you and raised an eyebrow when he found you staring at his tattoo. He tapped his fingers against the box and you turned your attention back to his face. “Do you like it?”
“Yeah,” you said, your voice trailing off. “It just looks so real.”
“Does it?” Seungcheol turned his hand slightly, looking at the cobra head. The cobra suddenly seemed disgruntled. You frowned a little, your brows furrowing. Were you just imagining it? Seungcheol chuckled, turning back to you. “My friend did it. He’s pretty talented, isn’t he?”
You nodded slowly. “Very.”
It didn’t take long for the elevator to arrive to your floor. Seungcheol took your second box as you unlocked your apartment and carefully handed them both back to you.
He gave you another charming smile. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
You nodded and watched as he headed back to his own house. The door opened before he had the chance to unlock it and he stepped back. You heard a snippet of his conversation with his roommate (Jihoon?) and watched as his roommate walked off, his posture slouched. Seungcheol looked worried but he walked back into the apartment and closed the door.
Well. That was none of your business.
The one thing you hated about the city was walking home at night. You always had an anxious feeling crawling up your back as you did it. It felt like something would come out at any moment and grab you. You had heard rumors that vampires lived in the cities. It was easier to write it off as murder here rather than a vampire attack like it would be called in the towns and villages. You shuddered at the thought of running into a vampire and quickened your pace.
You walked by a group of young men who walked quietly and spoke in low tones. They looked young, maybe in their late teens or early twenties. And they looked beautiful. Their skin was porcelain and smooth and…unnatural.
Your eyes met one of theirs and your heart froze. His eyes were red.
You bowed your head and continued walking, your heart racing. Could they hear that? You had heard of vampires who could smell blood and hear their prey’s heart race. Was that a myth or was it true—
“There you are!”
You jolted at the voice. You stopped and turned to find Seungcheol jogging up to you, past the trio of young men who had developed a hungry look in their eyes. He gave you a charming grin, his hand easily slipping into yours as if it were second nature and he pulled you closer, kissing the top of your head.
“I told you to wait by the park! Why would you run off?” Seungcheol asked, affectionately tapping your nose.
Your eyes widened and you stared at him before shyly glancing at the three young men. “I…forgot.”
Seungcheol chuckled, wrapping an arm around you. “It’s fine. At least I found you again before anything bad happened. Night life in the city is terrifying.”
The three young men wrinkled their nose in distaste, glaring at Seungcheol. Seungcheol turned and raised an eyebrow and you noticed the cobra on his arm had taken on a metallic glow, its eyes burning a fiery red. The vampires scowled at Seungcheol one more time before turning to leave, searching for another unfortunate victim.
You let out a sigh of relief and slumped against Seungcheol, your legs shaking.
“Whoa, you alright?” he asked, holding you up, his eyes wide with worry. “They didn’t do anything to you, did they?”
“Th-those guys—they were vampires, weren’t they?”
Seungcheol stared at you, his mouth open. “You…you knew? How?”
You frowned at him. “What do you mean how?”
“Most people don’t…people here don’t notice…” Seungcheol fumbled for the correct words before bluntly stating, “City people are dumb to magical creatures.”
“I was raised in the countryside.”
Seungcheol’s face contorted in confusion before he nodded slowly, understanding passing through his features. “Oh. Oh, well, then…that…makes more sense.”
Seungcheol slowly released you as you regained more of your footing and the two of you began walking back to your apartment complex. “You’re a witch, right?”
Seungcheol nodded. “Don’t tell anyone though.”
“Of course not,” you said, smiling happily now that you got confirmation for your suspicions. You glanced at him, “But…what did you mean when you said city people are dumb to magical creatures?”
Seungcheol thought for a moment, a frown retaking over his handsome features. “They’ve been far away from nature for too long and they don’t want to believe in magic because it interferes with their way of life.”
You nodded slowly in understanding and then looked at him with new interest. “Then…since you’re a witch…do you have any special powers?”
“Of course.”
“Really? Can you show me?”
Seungcheol thought for a moment. “My specialty is poison but…”
You watched him curiously as he closed his hand and stared at it before opening it, a flower blooming from palm. Your eyes widened as he held up the fully formed forget-me-nots. He held out the small flowers to you with a grin and you took them carefully, afraid that they’d melt in your fingers before you had the chance to fully appreciate them.
“That’s so cool!”
“It’s a basic trick,” Seungcheol said proudly.
“Thank you though,” you said, smiling still.
“Ah, wait,” Seungcheol took the flower from your finger and carefully tucked it behind your ear. “Now that’s prettier.”
You blinked at him and laughed shyly, turning away. “Are you flirting right now?”
“Maybe just a little bit,” he said with a shrug.
The two of you walked in a comfortable silence until you got to your apartment. He walked you up to your front door and gave you a pleasant smile.
“Well, thank you for saving my neck today,” you said sincerely. “And for this,” you reached up and touched the flower.
Seungcheol shrugged, “A small gift for a cute girl.”
You rolled your eyes. “You know if you keep talking like that, I’m going to think I have a chance with you.”
“Well, then, you can keep thinking that,” Seungcheol said, smiling softly. “Will you be going to the café tomorrow?”
“I will be now,” you confirmed with a nod.
“I’ll…see you tomorrow then, Y/N.”
You grinned. “See you tomorrow, Seungcheol.”
You closed the door and carefully pulled the flower from your hair. City witches…weren’t that bad.
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