#they destroyed the portal and escaped Amity
nelkcats · 1 year
Hide and Seek
When his family decided to play hide and seek, Danny always participated. He was an expert; after months of running away, coupled with the fact that he had invisibility, the game was very easy, the halfa had always been the best.
So when his family decided to team up to hide from Gotham and their heroes Danny did it too. He could see Officer Gordon searching for the "dangerous" couple and Batman tracking the "meta" but they would never find them. They were too good at the game.
Oracle would despair at their blurry, seeing corrupted images as they led the rest of the vigilantes in a circling search because it was fun.
Of course, they were so distracted paying attention to them that they forgot the other bats. No wonder Red Hood asked for payment after founding them in Crime Alley a few days later (Danny wondered if the vigilante would be willing to play with him, it was strange that he didn't accuse them)
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greenglowinspooks · 11 months
The way that I’m brainrotting over a DCxDP crossover with a Danny who’s a vengeful villain rn
Like, let’s just say that the GiW finally get into contact with the JL. They need help neutralizing a threat, you see, and they’re on their last limb trying to keep civilians safe.
They have video evidence! They have studies to back their claims! The JL have to help them!
Unfortunately, the JL believe them. They join a fight against Danny, and defeat him due to being far more experienced than he is. Danny is locked away and experimented on by the GiW.
That would CHANGE a person. Your heroes turning against you and seeing you as a monster, being experimented on for who knows how long, not knowing if your friends and family are safe.
Danny gets out due to a simple mistake on the GiW’s part; having Blüdhaven as part of their transport route.
Of course the trucks were attacked, they’re government property!
So now, whoever decided to raid the government transport trucks (the Penguin or something) has a ton of experimental weapons with no idea how they work, and a heavily traumatized teenager.
Danny knows how they work. Danny can be useful! They won’t throw him out if he’s useful! And so, now Danny is working for the Penguin, altering the ectoplasm weapons to make them work on humans.
It’s a good deal for both parties. Danny gets to neurotically imprint on the Penguin like a small baby animal, and the Penguin gets a brilliant mind who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
But eventually, Danny finds out what happened to his family in his absence.
Jazz is in Arkham. Not as a psychologist, but as a “patient.” Apparently, she snapped and completely destroyed the house, leveled a few blocks of Amity Park, and conducted organized attacks on government bases (mostly GiW) for months.
Sam and Tucker helped her, eventually splitting once Jazz was captured. Sam travels to areas of extreme pollution, completely overgrowing them with her plant powers. Currently she’s in the Amazon rainforest, engaging in an ongoing feud with logging companies. Sam is winning.
Tucker faked his death, and Danny has no idea where he is. He only knows that the death wasn’t real because of a code that the three of them made together, just in case.
Ellie’s trapped in the Infinite Realms. Danny had a failsafe in place so that if she was ever cornered by the GiW, she would be sent to her haunt in the GZ. However, with the portal destroyed, she can’t come back. Danny just hopes she’s okay.
His parents are now top GiW scientists. They’re traveling the country giving speeches. They’re working on a battery powered by ectoplasm, but apparently started “having difficulties” around the same time that Danny escaped.
None of it is fair. None of it is right.
The Justice League destroyed his life, the lives of his friends, and they’re doing as good as ever. The GiW is respected, and his parents are happily working away for them.
Danny takes up some of his more experimental weapons and breaks Jazz out of Arkham. She’s a little different now, colder and more quiet, but she still loves him all the same. It’s an unimaginable comfort to him to see his sister again.
He can’t use his powers anymore. He’s so used to associating them with pain that even transforming into his ghost form is enough to take him down for hours.
However, he understands ectoplasm more than anyone else in the world. He knows how to use it in virtually everything; how it can become a weapon, how it can be used as a supplemental ingredient in poisons and nerve agents, how it can twist and distort the mind if applied correctly.
He doesn’t care what happens to him. He’s going to take down the GiW, and destroy the lives of the JL members who helped lock him away, just as they did to him.
No matter the cost.
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justwannabecat · 1 year
“That’s it! I give up!” Phantom yelled. As though he had said something blasphemous, all fighting stopped as the participants stared in confusion. “You humans think you’re the paragon of all existence, proclaiming that anything different is lesser. Well we aren’t! We’re just as sentient as you are, and we have thoughts and feelings! You just choose to ignore it so you can justify your xenophobic actions!”
Phantom turned to Technus, who had frozen in shock as Phantom went on his tirade. “And you! Tell the other ghosts I’m done saving them, too, because none of you care! You don’t care if property is destroyed, or if humans get hurt, or if other ghosts get hurt! All you care about is your stupid Obsessions! You’re too caught up in your own mind to see what you’re doing to everyone around you!”
“But your Obsession is Protection, is it not? You’ve never stepped down from a fight-“ Technus began. Phantom didn’t let him finish.
“My Obsession is Space! If I had my way, I’d spend my nights stargazing, or maybe even on the moon! Instead I’m stuck cleaning up your messes because you can’t control yourselves!” Phantom growled. He glared at the crowd of people who had gathered, curious as to why all fighting had stopped.
“Humans are cruel and hateful. Ghosts are ignorant and careless. I’m tired of wasting my time protecting both sides from the other and being blamed for it. I quit. If anyone dies, or is captured, it’s no longer my problem.“
Like that, Phantom vanished.
The Fentons celebrated, not even noticing Technus make his own escape. The crowd murmured, worry just as prevalent as confidence. The few phones that were recording the event were put away, and later the footage would be checked. Unfortunately, most recordings were corrupted beyond recognition.
Most, but not all.
Amity Park. Ground Zero for the start of the war between the Living and the Dead. Humanity and Ghosts.
Why it had only recently escalated to this, Batman couldn’t tell. His research found that there had been a portal opened to the Realms years ago, and the laws passed just a year after that. Most of the town was stuck behind an information blackout that the government refused to give access to. Whatever happened, Constantine assured him that it was almost certainly the government’s fault.
After almost three weeks of trying to get beyond the firewalls, he finally figured it out. “Research” that claimed ghosts were nothing but evil. News articles calling “Phantom” a troublemaker. Forums that spoke about how “Phantom” ruined the town while fighting other ghosts.
A video, old and grainy but still clear enough to be used as evidence. A glowing, white-haired boy that told everyone he was done. That he was tired of fixing everything. Of saving everyone. That nobody was good, everyone was bad, and they were on their own.
They used to have a hero, but Phantom left. Without him, both sides tore at each other until there was nothing but an all-out assault. They needed to stop this, but without a mediator they would not make it through to the ghosts.
If they could find Phantom, perhaps they could fix everything before it was too late.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 263
Once More, we return to Tiamat prompts. 
It was a wonderful idea, really! If one of them couldn’t break the barrier, then surely their combined might would do it! And it had! It had worked, even if their remaining humanity was sacrificed. They’d done it, they’d made it where everyone could escape, could leave!
… Except for them. Someone had to close the portal. And it all would have been fine, if not for the remnants of the GIW. One last hail mary from the imbeciles, they all supposed. Trapping them here within the Zone. 
Separated from their families, from the pair of children they had agreed to raise. At least their siblings would watch over Ellie and Jordan. Kyle could hide them, make sure they were safe. Jazz… Jazz was gone, the final straw in this plan. 
They screamed, they raged, they destroyed in grief for those that didn’t make it, and for those who had but had nowhere to go. No portals opened, even as they tore at the green around them. They fought, any that thought they were weak, that they were merely a beast, an abomination trapped in chains of science and gold. 
There was nothing that could be done, Frostbite had said, sympathy in his voice. No way to turn back the clock with how entwined they had become, Clockwork had explained. The only thing they could do was wait, Pandora had tried to sooth, despite it doing nothing. 
They wrenched open the coffin in a hazy fury, tearing apart armies like it was blades of grass. Their maws devoured dead who had lost themselves and become mere husks and thralls, lashing tails ripping through armour like it was nothing. 
And then as titans, they clashed with the one who had once stolen the city here. There was no desperation from them this time, no armor besides scales unbreakable as flames and storms and ice and thorns ripped islands apart. There was no desperation besides that of their opponent’s. 
There was a pleasure in their victory, before it was wrenched away. What use was a crown when their family wasn’t there? When their daughter, their son, their children were not there by their side? 
Paulina laughed, hysterical as ectoplasm dripped from her maw as Kwan howled. Their body was covered in it, their rampage that had no use, no reason leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Is this what they wanted? 
Danny raised his head from the dissolving corpses to look towards the obliterated roof of the Keep, once so terrifying now turning to dust like the crown. The crown reforming above their heads, heavy and almost choking. 
They would carry this weight together. Would restructure things, would do what they had wanted to do for Amity before the Barriers. They’d work together to rebuild the Realms, make it safer, make it safe for those newly dead. 
No matter how long it took, no matter how hard it would be to fix the destruction they had wrought in this meaningless battle. (“Danny, you’re the spokesperson,” Sam spoke up, thorn-like scales ruffling. “You’re most familiar with the realms thanks to the Infinimap.” Fair. “We’ll need allies, we’re only nine people.”)
(“Let me talk to the egyptian afterlife,” Tucker sounded exhausted, hood folding back. “I’m most familiar with them… Star, Paulina, you’re both Princess Dora’s favorites-”)
(“We can do it. Just give us time.” “Maybe a to-do list.” “Clockwork. We need to talk to Clockwork, he’d be most familiar with this.” “Rest first, nerds. We’re all… exhausted.”)
(Valerie laughed tiredly, blades melting to heal a broken horn. “Time isn’t linear here Dash. You know that. I know that. For once we’re the ones with time to spare.” It would take years to get things up to snuff. Make things Safe for when they could bring their families here.)
Their eyes opened as the now flimsy chains shattered, a smile stretching across the shared face of their humanoid form. Soon. They could return to the mortal realm soon. Just a little more, and they could see their little ones.  They'd waited a thousand years, they could wait a few days more.
(also have sketch)
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@fairy-lights-and-blobs @radiance1 You both seem to enjoy my Tiamat prompts/Aus lol
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spacedace · 2 years
Got another dc x dp writing prompt blurb thing for yall (this time featuring TimKon)
Elle declaring herself Queen of the Clones as a joke because Danny is the Ghost King and she should get a fun title too and accidentally making herself effectively the god of clones across all dimensions as a result.
Elle being suddenly aware of all the clones in existence in a vague way, but able to "tune in" on specific ones, or suddenly becoming aware when a clone is in serious trouble.
Elle deciding, fuck it, she's gonna take care of all the clones that need taking care of, turning her haunt in the Ghost Zone into a place of safety, using her new abilities as God Queen of Clones to make it so whenever any of them need help they get pulled to her Haunt instantly.
Connor getting mortally wounded in a fight, saving the day but getting buried in rubble away from where anyone would be able to dig him out in time to save him and suddenly being Somewhere Else.
Connor getting saved by Elle and the yetis, but having amnesia from the severe headroom (he can't remember anything except maybe the face of a boy his age, dark circles under sharp blue eyes, a wry smile, the understanding that Connor was in love with whoever the boy is or was).
Elle not being able to tell where Connor is from, her Haunt just pulls clones in trouble in when they need her help, there's no sending address or anything like that. And he was in such bad shape its not like she trusts that sending him back to where ever he's from is even safe to do.
Connor being one of the permanent residents of Elle's haunt (she always tries to find the clones that end up there a place of their own, getting Clockwork to de-age them and a good family to love them for those that want that, a spot in Amity where clones don't even register as anything weird, or just back to where they came from but now with the promise of somewhere to call home and a new family of clones to care for them) and ends up with the title of her knight or champion or something along the way, looking after everyone when Elle is off traveling and generally being vice-president of Clone Club
Elle getting captured by the GIW while out seeing the world, unable to escape but at least able to alert her family that she's in trouble.
Danny and the Pham not being able to break in because of all the upped security keeping away anything ghostly or ghost adjacent
Connor and a group of the clone club rallying to get Elle out themselves, breaking in and releasing as many ghosts as they can and destroying as much as they can and oops the Justice League has shown up
Connor not having powers in the Ghost Zone and being very freaked out when he punched Superman in the face and sent him flying a hundred yards, surprising the Clone Club with his super strength and surprising the League with his surprise about his super strength and frantic apologies to Superman for yeeting him across an open field (up to this point they assumed this was another evil clone situation Lex cooked up but now aren't so sure).
The GIW ends up closing in to attack the clones who just got Elle back and need to make a break for it before the portal back closes while that's happening and Connor decides to be self-sacrificing and give them cover, so they can escape.
Connor surrendering to the Justice League before the GIW can grab him once everyone else is free and clear, because he knows Elle and the other Clones will break him out and that's gonna be a lot easier if he's not in GIW custody
Tim and the Young Justice gang losing their God damn minds because that's Connor?? Maybe?? He doesn't remember them or the Justice League or Superman or anything but it has to be him right? They never found his body, Tim had been so sure he was still out there alive somehow - had lost weeks and months to maddening grief, desperately searching for some sign that Connor was out there somewhere - and now here he is!
Connor refusing to talk to the JL, low key trying to figure out if they actually do know who he is or if it's a trick - the Pham's stories of what they've all had to deal with and his own recent raid on the GIW has left him with a healthy suspicion of anything government related and the JL may not be with the GIW but they sure as hell are still government goons as far as he's concerned.
The main league being worried that it's mind control or a clone scheme or something like that and not really being sure what to do. There's too many questions about what happened to him, where he's been, what he was doing in that raid on that government facility - there's questions too on just what kind of facility that was, and a new case has already been opened on that whole can of worms - and Connor (if it is Connor) isn't answer their questions.
So they put him in a cell with some Kryptonite to make sure his powers are suppressed - half out of concern that him surrendering to them is a scheme, half terrified that if he really doesn't know he has powers anymore that he'll accidentally destroy the Watchtower with a sneeze. They make sure it's comfortable, he did apologize about punching Superman in the face - a lot, actually, it was pretty much the only thing he had said the entire time, along with very concerned questions on if the Man of Steel was okay - and while there's something strange going on, if it's mind control then they'd rather Connor come back to himself somewhere decent.
And no one is supposed to talk to him alone, or outside of a formal interrogation or without Wonder Woman there in case Connor gets hostile - even with the Kryptonite, they can't be too careful - but that's not going to stop Tim. His best friend is alive, there isn't a power in the universe that's going to keep him away.
Connor doesn't recognize him. Except that he does. It's weird, because his only memory has been the face of that boy, but there's also just something so familiar about Red Robin and it's the first familiar thing he's known since waking up in the Far Frozen over a year ago.
For awhile it's just Tim talking, trying to get Connor to remember, trying to do anything he can to prove (to everyone, to himself) that this really is Connor. And after over an hour he's nowhere near ready to give up, but he is maybe ready to go and have a breakdown in a supply closet for a bit, when Connor finally starts talking back.
He doesn't say much - he's suspicious, even as he becomes more and more sure that Red Robin is someone to him - but he does start talking and, it's nice. Familiar.
And just as he's considering actually telling Red Robin something - everything, really, Connor's always been a sucker for a cute boy that looked one more cup of coffee away from a psychotic break - the cavalry arrives. Ghosts everywhere, causing a distraction and looking for Connor and maybe just having a little fun fucking around for a bit while they're at it.
(Constantine is trying to sneak off to smoke somewhere he won't end up getting lectured like he's a disobedient school boy, opening a door to come face to spectral bellybutton with Fright Knight. He decides maybe Bats is right and he should quite smoking as he - fruitlessly - closes the door again without a word.)
Wulf is ready with a portal and Technus is in control of the station and the cell door opens just as Lunch Box appears to phase the cuffs off Connor (and maybe steal some of that delicious rock candy that was in those cuffs for some reason, her parents won't let her have any back at home and she's helping the royal family get one of their loyal knights back, she deserves a little treat) and it's time to go.
Tim's ready to throw down, terrified that whatever the hell these things are they're going to take Connor away again, but just as he's working out a plan on just how he's going to fight something that can walk through walls, disappear and fly (and eat fucking Kryptonite), he suddenly finds himself being thrown over Connor's shoulder and being carried through a terrifying rip in space and time to another dimension.
Conner can admit, as he lands back in Elle's haunt with all the ghosts streaming in behind him as the portal closes and the Clone Club rushing forward to check on him and Red Robin still slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes (a cute sake of potatoes, though) he might not have thought this one through.
Kidnapped by his amnesiac and possibly mind controlled best friend and dragged to hell(?) aside, Tim's just happy Conner brought him with him this time. Batman and the rest of the League, still reeling from what just happened, are not nearly as happy with that fact.
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Superpham AU (part 5)
This is more of an interlude, but I figured I would get it posted for WIP Wednesday. Enjoy!
Ellie lost her phone somewhere between San Diego and Vancouver. Normally, that's not a big deal; she loses or breaks a phone every few months, and each time she just gets another of those cheap pay-as-you-go phones to replace it. She has Danny's number memorized, and that's the important one.
Except that Danny hasn't answered his phone for the past week.
For the first few days, she assumed he'd broken it in a ghost fight and Tucker hadn't got around to fixing it yet. But it's day six and Danny still hasn't answered. At first, Ellie planned to go to Amity Park, but before she's halfway there she thinks better of it. Danny's stronger than her, and if something bad happened to him, she wants to be prepared.
So instead, she's invisibly flying around the campus of UPenn, looking for Jazz and kicking herself for not memorizing which dorm the older girl is living in. There are a lot of people, and a surprising amount of them are tall redheads.
Eventually, she spots Jazz leaving one of the lecture halls. There are dark circles under the other girl's eyes, and she seems to be ignoring all the people around her.
Ellie slips around a corner to a spot no one is watching and lands, turning visible. Then she runs to catch up.
"Jazz!" she calls.
Jazz whirls around, eyes wide. "Ellie? What are you doing here?"
Ellie is taken aback at her sharp tone. "Just leaving, I guess."
"No, wait!" Jazz grabs her wrist before Ellie can slip away. And sure, she can always go intangible to escape, but she doesn't need to just yet.
"It's not safe for you here," Jazz says. "Let's go back to my room."
She's quiet as she leads Ellie back to her dorm. They get stopped in the hallway by a few other students, but Jazz extricates herself from the conversation by introducing Ellie as her "little cousin" and saying she's going to show Ellie around.
Finally, they arrive in Jazz's dorm room. It's roughly the size of a closet, and with two beds, two dressers and two desks, there's hardly any room left to stand in. It's easy to tell which side belongs to Jazz; it's the one that's actually organized.
Oh, and the picture of Jazz and Danny taped to the wall are also a dead giveaway.
"My roommate has class til four," Jazz says. "So that gives us some time." She sits on her bed, and Ellie perches on the nearby desk.
"Danny isn't answering his phone," Ellie says.
"Danny is missing."
The fear that Ellie has been trying to ignore sets in.
"Missing, like…" she trails off. Maybe "missing" just means he's dealing with Vlad, or with something in the Ghost Zone.
"Mom and Dad are dead. Their portal was destroyed. Sam and Tucker said it was the GIW. And no one has seen Danny since." Jazz sounds close to tears. "The GIW is still looking for Phantom, so we don't think they have him, but I don't know where he is. Tucker thinks he might have made it through the portal, but we don't have a way to check."
"I can check," Ellie says. "I can use Vlad's portal."
"Are you sure?" Jazz's voice is gentle, like she thinks Ellie might break. And yeah, Ellie hates Vlad and his stupid lab and his stupid house, but anything is better than sitting around and waiting for answers.
"I'm sure."
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disillusioneddanny · 2 years
This was inspired by this post. This will also be turned into a multi chapter fic on my ao3. You can subscribe here
But enjoy <3
Tw: talks of vivisection and abuse
Harley Quinn stumbled through the streets of Amity Park, newborn baby clutched to her chest as she furiously checked over her shoulder to make sure no one was following her. She had done it, she had finally gotten away from Mr. J for good just six months before. If he came lookin’ for her, she would be able to handle him on her own, especially with the help of Ives. But Danny wouldn’t be able to do jack shit against his crazed sperm donor. So, Harley was doin’ what she thought would be best. She was going to ask her step-brother and see if he and his wife could take him.
If anyone would be able to protect her baby it would be Jack Fenton, her step-brother was a hulking giant of a man and while his aim may have been shit, his wife’s wasn’t. The two were scientists, ghost hunters if Harley remembered right and they would be just crazy enough to think Mr. J was a ghost if he showed his slimy face around Amity Park.
“Don’t worry Danny, they’ll keep you safe, I promise. You’re never gonna have to worry about a crazy father tryin’ to kill you or use you for his own gain, I won’t ever let that happen,” Harley said quietly before pressing a soft kiss on her son’s head and knocked on the door of Fenton Works.
His father was trying to kill him. Danny allowed his sister to drag him out of Fenton Works and to her car, head spinning, lungs burning for oxygen. Telling his parents about his ghost form had gone bad, it had gone so, so, so bad and now Jazz and Danny were running for their lives as Jack Fenton shot another ectoblast at the siblings.
“Jazz, where’re we going to go? What are we going to do? You destroyed the portal,” Danny gasped out once Jazz had shoved him into the backseat of her beat up, gray, ‘78 Volkswagen Beetle. He scrambled in just as Maddie shot in the spot he had just been occupying, his sister grunted as she took the shot. While she was liminal, she still had enough human in her that it was nothing more than feeling like she got an instant sunburn.
Jazz slammed the door shut, ignoring the shouts from the Fentons behind her as she got around to the driver’s seat and sped off, tires spinning against the pavement.
“We’re going to Aunt Harley’s,” Jazz said determinedly.
“My mother?” Danny squawked from the backseat. “Didn’t Da-Jack say she was crazy?”
“Jack’s crazy Danny! He had you strapped to a table-” Jazz stopped herself as a guttural growl escaped her lips. “Whatever. Aunt Harley will be the best option. If anyone can keep us away from the Fentons it’ll be her.”
Danny slumped down in the backseat and finally looked down at the giant cut on his chest and let out a groan. His mother. Jack and Maddie had never hesitated to tell Danny where he had come from. Jack in particular boasted about how his poor, abused sister trusted him of all people to raise her baby and keep him safe from harm.
Joke’s on him apparently considering he was the very person who had managed to hurt Danny the most. Danny wasn’t stupid, though, he had heard about Harley Quinn. The psychiatrist turned villain who was now in her own way a hero but remained the self titled Queen of Chaos. He knew that his mother was dangerous, each time she had come to visit with her pasty white, tattoo covered skin, chemically bleached hair, and slightly crazed look in her eyes, Danny knew. He knew that the reason Dan was a reality was because of his genes, because of where he came from.
He had done everything he could to make sure he wouldn’t turn out like his mother. And if his suspicions were correct, he would do everything to make sure he didn’t turn out anything like his sperm donor. There was a reason Danny hated clowns and it wasn’t just because of Freakshow.
“Do you think she’s going to be happy seeing us at her house, though? Or Aunt Ivy? She’ll probably be annoyed that we dropped in unannounced,” Danny said before reaching down and grabbing the metal box that held his first aid kit. He used his powers to thread a needle with fishing wire and bit his lip hard as he forced the needle through his skin and started to sew up where his parents had started the vivisection. It would most likely scar but Danny didn’t want to think about that right now. Danny didn’t want to think about anything right now except for the fact that they were going to his mother’s house of all places.
“Danny, your mom adores you. She didn’t drop you off at the Fenton’s to abandon you. She did it to protect you. Aunt Harley knew that she wasn’t capable of raising a baby and she did the most responsible thing she could think of. But she loves you, she’s loved you from the moment you were born,” Jazz told him, glancing in her rearview mirror to watch her baby brother sew himself up as she sped down the highway.
“And how do you know that?” Danny asked, a hiss escaped from between his clenched teeth as he got to the worst part of the cut and continued with his sewing.
“Because I was there the night she brought you home. And I see it in her eyes when she comes to visit us. She loves you Danny, she was just in a bad situation,” Jazz reasoned, knuckles white on the steering wheel as she sped onto the onramp to start their journey from Amity Park, Illinois to Gotham City, New Jersey.
“And she’s just going to be happy to have her sixteen year old son randomly appear in her front door? She couldn’t take care of me then, what makes you so sure she can help us now?” Danny spat out as he finally finished his stitching and tied off the thread. He reached into the kit once more and grabbed a few of the antiseptic wipes that had been packed in and cleaned the ectoplasm-blood mixture off of his chest as best as he could before taping gauze to his chest. It wasn’t the best patch job and Frostbite would probably be horrified if he saw it, but it was the best Danny could do with a tiny first aid kit in the back of his sister's rickety car as she went well over a hundred miles per hour in a seventy.
“I think so, yeah,” Jazz admitted after a few minutes of silence. Danny let out a huff of a laugh as he struggled to sit up. “There’s a shirt in this bag,” she said, tossing him the backpack that sat in the passenger seat, the go bag for if the worst had ever come to fruition. Which it definitely had.
Danny dug through the bag and found the tried and true NASA shirt folded carefully within the bag and let out a sigh through nose as he carefully maneuvered around to get the shirt on without angering the stitches on his chest too much. Even if his mother wasn’t happy to see them or able to take care of them, she’d be able to help. She was a better option than any other.
Vlad was completely out of the picture. Dani was ancients only knew where and she wouldn’t have been able to do much anyway. Sam and Tuck still didn’t even know what had happened and Danny hadn’t decided how he was going to deal with that. Aunt Alicia would most likely call mom-Maddie if she saw them on her doorstep.
Aunt Harley was their only option now that the portal was destroyed and Danny certainly did not have the strength he would need to open a portal. Plus, Gotham had plenty of ambient ectoplasm according to Tuck’s research.
When they had first made this plan, Tucker had looked into any place that came close to having the same amounts of ectoplasm as Amity Park and Gotham had been number one on the list. So at least Danny had that going for him.
“I’m going to try to get a little bit of rest, getting cut open drains a guy,” Danny said with a chuckle, pressing the backpack into the car seat and carefully laid back down. “When I wake up, we can switch and I can drive for a bit. You need rest too.”
Jazz simply hummed in response and said nothing more as her little brother settled into the backseat and allowed sleep to take over.
“I told you I could have helped drive here,” Danny muttered as Jazz pulled into a shady looking, nondescript building.
“Danny, you had to sew yourself back up in my backseat. You needed the rest far more than I did, besides, no use in complaining, we’re here now,” Jazz said, glancing back at the tired, pouty look on her brother’s face and smiled. “Aren’t you excited to see your mom and Aunt Pam?”
“Is she technically my stepmom?” Danny asked once Jazz put the car in park and shut off the engine. She got out and went around to Danny’s door and helped her baby brother out of the car.
“Technically?” Jazz said, crinkling her nose as she thought it out. Yeah, that would make the most sense anyway. “Are you okay?” She asked as Danny winced, pressing a hand to his chest as he climbed out of the small car and leaned heavily against Jazz’s side.
“Yeah, just hurting,” he murmured and shook his head as if that would get rid of the pain. “Let’s just go.”
Jazz gave her brother a concerned look but locked her car nonetheless and started to help the boy up the stairs before she rung the doorbell.
The two tensed as they listened to footsteps stomp their way.
“Look, I’m Jewish, I ain’t interested in that Jehovah’s Witness shit,” they heard Harley shout before the door swung open.
Harley’s jaw fell open as she froze in place at the scene in front of her. The two teenagers were quite the sight. Harley had never seen the usually put together Jasmine look so frazzled as long as she had known her niece. Her son was in even worse states, if the eyebags on his face, the strange blood and green stains on his shirt, and panting told her anything.
He looked up at her tiredly, the dark circles under his eyes even darker than she had initially noticed. “Hey mom,” he said with a huff, hanging from Jasmine’s shoulders.
“Aw fuck, come in, come in,” Harley said wearily, ushering the two into the building. “Ives! I need your help!”
Harley carefully moved her niece out of the way before she quickly lifted her son into her arms and started down the hallway. “It’s okay Danny, Mama’s gotcha,” she murmured, cradling the sixteen year old boy to her chest as she carried him bridal style. Jazz followed her aunt as they made it to the living room just as Ivy came out of the bedroom looking confused.
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, though, as she spotted the three before her. “Shit, I’ll get the salves,” she stated before her eyes landed on Jazz. “Come help me?”
Jazz looked between her aunt and her brother before looking back at Ivy and gulped, nodding her head once before following the eco-terrorist back into the bedroom.
“Oh sweetie,” Harley murmured, carefully setting Danny on the beat up couch. “Baby what happened to you?”
“Jack and Maddie happened,” he said with a hiss as his mother raised his shirt and took in the cuts that had been sloppily stitched up.
Harley’s eyes flicked between the incision that seeped red-green liquid and Danny’s pained face. “Jacky boy did this to you?”
Danny nodded, letting out a whimper. “It’s a long story,” he said as his mom traced a finger over the cuts, the pieces connecting in her brain.
Harley Quinn was a lot of things but she was not stupid. She may not have gotten the chance to visit her son as often as she wanted but the last time she had seen him she had noticed something was different about him. She had been around Ivy long enough to know when someone had gained powers that they barely had control over. She had noticed the way her son’s eyes would flash a startling green whenever his emotions got out of hand. Noticed the way he was colder than before and how his shoulders looked as though they carried the entire world on them.
She didn’t know what had happened to her son or what it had done to him, but she knew he was more than human now. She had seen that plenty of times before. And it looks like the Fentons had discovered this and decided that Danny was one of their new experiments.
“You’re dead, aren’t you?” She asked bluntly, recognizing the toxic ectoplasm that seemed from between her son’s stitches. “Not all the way but somethin’ happened and they didn’t like it.”
“Yeah. I uh, I was fourteen, didn’t kill me all the way, just enough for me to be considered a ghost and you know how mom-Maddie and Jack are about ghosts,” Danny said just as Ivy and Jazz came back with towels, wet rags, and salves to cover the incisions.
Harley raised her eyes from Danny’s wounds and looked her son in the eyes. “I’m gonna kill ‘em,” she snarled, snatching a wet rag from Ivy and started to better clean the wound. “I’m gonna murder them and then when they turn into ghosts I’ll give ‘em a taste of their own medicine,” she said, hands gentle as she cleaned around the wound.
“You’re going to need to redo those stitches,” Ivy said softly, sitting beside Danny’s head and taking it in her lap as she ran her fingers through the black locks, trying to distract her wife’s son from the stinging pain he was likely feeling.
“There’s no point, the wound will be closed by tomorrow,” Jazz said quietly and handed a warm, dry towel to Harley after she had finished cleaning the incisions and carefully patted the skin dry. She then took the salve and carefully coated it over her son’s chest.
“Don’t kill them,” Danny said quietly, taking his mother’s hand in his and squeezed the pale hand in his. “Just, mom, just protect me. Please?” He asked, voice cracking slightly.
Harley let out a sigh and squeezed her son’s hand tight. “Baby, I’ll always protect you,” she promised, still feeling her chest burn in anger at the fact that her step-brother, the one person on this earth she had trusted to take care of her son had caused him this much pain. Jack and Maddie Fenton would rue the day they hurt Harley Quinn’s baby.
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Danny, after losing his home in Amity Park, begins to travel not only the world but different dimensions. He doesn't really want to be tracked down so he starts using aliases made by combining the first and last names of the people he was made from and sometimes he even used the name he had chosen when he escaped the labs.
His favorite name was Danny Drake, cause not only did it have a nice ring to it but it also made him feel like he belonged somewhere. He after wondered if they would love him if they knew of him. Maybe he would know if he had more than just tiny shards of thier memories. He had enough to know thier names and a few of thier likes and dislikes, but not enough to know if they would turn him in to the government or not.
Not really a risk worth taking.
Anyway, it was in a new world that felt weirdly nostalgic that Danny made a terrible mistake. Danny had dressed appropriately by buying clothes the desert locals were selling and was getting ready to head out into the desert when the camel rental guy asked for his name.
"Danyal Al Ghul." The man gave him a look of horror as his pen fell from his hands. Dannys smile similarly dropped, his confusion growing as this man dropped to the ground. Danny didn't know what his Al Ghul dad did to be so feared but he wasn't sticking around to find out.
On impulse he ran into the nearest tent and turned invisible before going ghost and getting out of there. He could probably fly out of the desert quick enough for it not to really matter that he was under prepaired. Probably.
In the mean time an assassin reported to the demons head about some child using the Al Ghul name. Needless to say one of the fancy ninjas managed to destroy Danny's portal gun and he's now stranded in this dimension. Uh oh.
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nelkcats · 1 year
False Identity
Danny knew that if he wanted to escape Amity and all the chaos that was his life he needed to get a fake identity, move and go as far away as possible. He could probably ask Tucker or Technus, but he felt it was something he had to do on his own.
He made arrangements, destroyed the portal, said goodbye and ended up moving to Gotham. However his hacking job wasn't so good and he was discovered in an instant by the bats.
They decided to investigate him instead of confronting him directly, following Jim's advice that not everyone was running because of something malicious, Danny didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
He seemed to be adjusting to Gotham which was weird on it's own but the strangest thing he did was get a job in Penguin's Iceberg Lounge but that was more because of his job search than anything else.
His past records also showed nothing more than a child with poor grades and troubling injuries, probably caused by neglectful parents.
Damian began to fear the worst and hid the adoption papers.
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smokestarrules · 1 year
You've mentioned something about Caleb haunting the narrative and how absolutely feral is it that he has this influence on events long after he's dead and gone (something something echoes transcend time something something the shadow is larger than the person when the sun shines on them).
I put forward the motion that this guy has the same effect:
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He hasn't been gone as long as Caleb but his impact is just as great, I think. Luz in the throes of grief, Camilla being led to consider summer camp for Luz, Azura - being the thing that shapes Luz so - as the very object that she followed into the Demon Realm, Azura as the reason Luz stays in the Demon Realm before the portal was destroyed. Azura being the thing that sparks a connection between Luz and Amity. The absolute avalanche that comes from Luz's entrance to the Demon Realm. Belos was after Eda likely for her link to the human realm, but there was no guarantee he'd get his hands on the portal, and his plans were stalled in wait of that.
Caleb might drive the narrative, but he's only flint. Manny's legacy is striking steel. The narrative has ignited. And in concept, this stands as one more parallel between Phillip and Luz. In this essay I will
something something Manny was the reason Luz got to the Demon Realm and Caleb was the reason Philip did. Something something ToH is built on relationships to the past and present and how those relationships -- and their subsequent and inevitable -- grief impact the people who were connected.
something something Luz finding escape through her grief and Philip using his own to incite hate.
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I keep adding songs to my dp playlist for very specific amvs I construct in my head (as you do)
this is an old concept I built forever ago but this song drew it back out of me, and I want to revisit it
imagine if you will, Void Danny from Reverse Trio AU, in a timeline where the Phantom of his world (in this specific scenario it's Tucker) did not succeed and was killed by Nocturn
Nocturn at the height of his power is able to use his foot in the dream realm to clip through space, aka he can make portals, at first he just uses them to spread across the world, he teaches Danny to do the same
one day he lets slip that he can make portals to other alternate universes, and that when they are finished feeding on this world, they will move to another
at this point, with Nocturn growing overconfident and complacent, his grip on Danny's mind starts to slip, Danny starts to miss his friends, he starts to regret what they've done
in a moment of gathered willpower he decides to open a portal to a world where his friends are still alive, but midway through he hesitates, what will they think of him? he killed them after all, wouldn't they hate him? wouldn't they think he was a monster? he desperately wants to see them but he can't bare to have them see him this way
the portal opens, but it opens to a world of lush green leaves, a huge tree with a girl sitting beneath it, she has her hand on the trunk, she's crying
he recognises her
the portal had found a version of his friend who would not hate or judge him for what he had done, it found a version of his friend who was just like him
he speaks to this Sam and she tells him that he can't be here, that she killed him, his body was beneath this tree, Danny was her Phantom
he tells her where he is from, that he's escaped to find the friends he lost, he says she's not the Sam he knew, but she's clearly a Sam who regrets as he regrets, who wants what he wants, he reaches out his hand and asks her to come with him, they still have one friend left to find
she takes his hand
he opens another portal, this time to an Amity buried in sand, there's a boy holding a golden staff, he stares out over the buried ruins of the city, the grave of his friends and family, one he had dug himself with the whispers of Hotep Ra in his ear and the memories of an ancient king piloting his body, Sam was his Phantom
Danny and Sam reach out, they tell him to come with them, they'll find a new home together, in a world where none of them exist, a world that none of them have broken
he takes their hands
from here they can go anywhere, to any universe, to find a place for themselves where they are away from the influences that changed them, they are still monsters, in their own ways, with powers granted to them by those who changed them
Danny cannot survive without feeding off dreams, he roams through the dream realm every night, giving people pleasant dreams but leaving them tired and drained come morning
but he thinks perhaps if he feeds lightly, takes just enough energy from just enough people, if he makes sure to feed from different people every night, perhaps he won't need to cause anyone harm
Sam needs sunshine and soil to thrive, but she still has no sympathy for the humans who destroy nature, dragging anyone who threatens her into the ground with her roots
but maybe she can use her powers for something more, rejuvenate the land she walks on, find and connect with humans who want what she wants, they're out there, she knows, she used to be one of them
Tucker uses his magic to survive, to steal food and clothes and shelter for them all, he may have left his kingdom but he is still a king, why shouldn't he take whatever he wants? who are they to tell him no? he could crush them like bugs in his fist, they were only peasants
but does he need to kill them? can't he just take what he needs and make them forget? he has killed so many already, and for what? an empty desolate kingdom? he left that place for a reason
as the influence of their manipulators wanes, the people they once were slowly return to them, they will never be the same, they have been changed far too much, but they are together, and together they remember how to be people again, not quite the people they all once knew, but close enough to count
but eventually their guardians will notice they are missing, Nocturn will follow a trail through dimensions, he will meet others whose wards have disappeared, they will come looking for their disobedient runaway children, and they will destroy whatever lies in their path to get them back
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arisu-artnfics · 8 months
“A trip to Paris” 4
Title of chapter by beta. (Still @the-oaken-muse on tumblr or The_Oaken_Muse on AO3).
Chapter: 4/12 Previous Next (First). Versión en Español
Also on: A03 || FF || DeviantArt || Facebook.
Chapter 4: “Danny Needs a Break”
Jack, Maddie, and Dani had just finished filling out paperwork in Lancer's office when, as was quickly becoming their usual, a ghost appeared. The Fentons leapt into action, joining up with Phantom and the Red Huntress, who had also detected the unwanted guest on the premises. If there just so happened to be two Phantoms in that fight, the students of Casper High were none the wiser.
After the ghost was taken care of and the Fenton family was back in Mr. Lancer’s office, Dani suggested that she should also be included in the time management plan for Danny. She would need one similar to his, if not the same, when she started studying there next year since she was a Phantom as well. Her parents and Mr. Lancer agreed.
After a few days, they fell into a sort of rhythm. Dani and her parents took the day shift, while the others were in school, with Danny helping them out on the more difficult ones. The original Team Phantom took the afternoons. At night they alternated turns, so if someone patrolled a night, they had the next night off. 
It had barely been more than a week of the routine and the new members of their team were already starting to realise just how much work really went into ghost hunting. It really did help, spreading the load evenly like that, but even with everyone pitching in, Danny was still exhausted. It turned out that leading multiple teams meant you had to do a lot of running around. Everyone agreed that a real break was what he needed.  
“You need a break? That’s easy, you should try travel!” said Dani as she popped a chip into her mouth. Sam and Valerie nodded in agreement. 
The teens were chilling in the Fenton’s living room after school. They were all there, well, almost all –Tucker couldn’t hang out because he was busy with Mayor Business™. Sam and Valerie were on the couch, with Dani sitting cross-legged on the floor next to them and Jazz was curled up in the armchair reading a book.
Danny paced from one side of the room to the other, unable to sit still. “As much as I like the sound of that, I can’t. I thought you guys of all people would understand… I can’t just leave, Amity Park isn’t going to defend itself!” 
“Danny, I love you and all, but all this pacing is starting to make me dizzy.” Sam patted the empty seat next to her, an unspoken invitation. 
Danny paused in his steps, taking in the worried faces of his loved ones before sitting down on the edge of the cushion. His foot bounced nervously, his body a coiled spring. 
Sam sighed before continuing. “What if, I don’t know... Valerie here could,” Sam gestured to the girl next to her, “protect it for a while… Your parents could even close the portal, you know, temporarily…” she suggested gently. They had talked about this before, about Danny taking a break. Maybe this time he would listen.
“I don’t know Sam… Not that it wouldn’t be nice– I mean, it sounds so easy when you put it like that.” said Danny, rubbing the back of his neck. And it wasn’t like he didn’t want to take a vacation, he just wasn’t sure if he knew how to anymore. Any other time that they went on holidays, it was to places nearby or the portal was locked, or both. He was always on call, Amity Park was never without a protector.
“Hey, I would be down for that,” Valerie chimed in. “And if your parents closed the portal while you're away, it wouldn’t even be that bad.” After all, she knew she could take care of the ghosts that used natural portals or found other ways to escape the Ghost Zone and torment the people of Amity Park.
“No, I guess it wouldn’t be too bad… And we have done that in the past… but…” Danny’s mind drifted back to the last time the portal was closed for a longer period. The GIW had almost managed to destroy the Ghost Zone, he couldn’t let something like that happen again.
“No ‘buts,’ Mister, you need a real break. No fights. That means no ghosts.” Sam crossed her arms with a stubborn look. “No portal, no ghosts. It’s that simple.”  She remembered the last time they locked the portal, everything had turned out alright then. It had been nice and peaceful, no ghosts at all! Or almost no ghosts, she couldn’t quite recall the specifics at that moment, but everything had turned out okay in the end.
Just as Danny was about to retort, Maddie walked into the living room. “Hey kids, what are you talking about in here?” she asked playfully. 
In her hands was a plate of freshly baked cookies, still hot from the oven. The kids had been meeting up at their house more and more lately, and while the Nasty Burger would always be their favourite hangout, it was easier for them to talk about ghosts more openly here. Maddie loved having them around, and she always tried to keep their favourite snacks on hand.
She offered the plate to Valerie first.
“Oh, thanks Mrs. Fenton!” she said after taking one. Valerie had quickly learned to love Maddie’s homemade cookies.
“Thanks, Mom!” Danny and Jazz said at the same time, both reaching for the same cookie. Danny glared at his sister while she just rolled her eyes and then they each grabbed a different one. 
When it was Sam’s turn to take one, she simply shook her head with a polite, “No, thank you.” She wasn’t sure if this batch was vegan or not. 
Mrs. Fenton seemed to realise her mistake and drew back the plate, winking at Sam, “Don’t worry, dear, I have some special ones for you in the kitchen. I’ll bring them out in a moment.” Lastly, she offered the plate to Dani before setting it on the coffee table.
“Thanks, Maddie!” said Dani, biting into the cookie. “Well… we were talking about closing the portal while Danny is away.”
“What?” Maddie’s step faltered briefly as she walked back to the kitchen to grab the second batch of cookies. “And where exactly is Danny going?” she asked, offering one to Sam. She was getting better at those vegan recipes, if she did say so herself. 
Sam accepted the cookie with a smile this time.
“We’re trying to tell him that he needs a real vacation. He needs to travel, to get away from Amity Park this summer...” Valerie was the one to answer.
“Oh...” said Maddie with dawning realisation, then, more dreamily, “A real break… that would be nice.” She put the plate of vegan cookies down next to the first one.
“Yeah, a real break,” Jazz finally spoke. She turned to address her brother and sister, “Now that everyone here knows about you two, and Valerie here is more than capable of stopping all kinds of ghosts, even you…”
“Hey!” protested Danny, raising his hands in mock offence.
“No, no, she’s right. I’ve kicked your scrawny ghost butt plenty of times,” said Valerie, with a teasing grin.
“Oooh! Now that’s something I have got to see!” Dani joined in the ribbing.
Jazz cleared her throat, “As I was saying little brother… You know what I mean. She’s good, very good, maybe even the best on our team. She certainly gives you a run for your money.”  
“Yeah, okay…” said Danny. He was still insecure about it, but Jazz had a point.
“Listen, this whole year has been one thing after another, right?” she asked.
Everyone nodded. 
“So, everyone is exhausted, right?” 
Again everyone nodded, wondering where she was going with this.
“And you know that breaks are supposedly for breaks, right?” asked Jazz one more time, getting a last round of nods.
“Tell that to the ghosts,” Danny huffed. A real break was nice in theory, but it was easier said than done when you had the restless dead attacking the city every day.
“And that’s why I’m here, dummy,” said Valerie, teasing just a bit. “You don’t have to do everything by yourself, you know.”
“Me too!” said Dani, grinning “That’s why I said travel, and far away, and I mean it! Far, far, far away… So far that none of the ghosts will be able to bother you.”
“Definitely!” Jazz agreed. “It has to be far enough that you wouldn't even try to fly yourself back here.” She knew full well that her brother would try something like that if they let him.
“How far does that need to be?” Maddie wondered aloud. She knew that her son was strong, but just how strong was he? What kind of flight range did he have? How was his stamina? Her scientific mind whirled with questions.
“Well,” said Sam, almost without thinking, “once we travelled across the whole country in three days–”
“You did what?” Maddie cried, cutting off Sam. She doesn’t remember Phantom or any of them travelling that far. 
“I mean, I’ve travelled all over the country, too…  but it took me a lot longer than that. You know, stopping here and there… but… meh.” Dani shrugged. When she told them that she had been places, she meant it.  
Maddie looked at her youngest with new eyes. The United States was a big place, to think that Dani had been out there all alone… If they had known, they would have taken her in a long time ago.
“We had transportation,” Sam explained, breaking Maddie out of her musings. “It wasn’t just Danny flying us. And it was an emergency.” She had forgotten that nobody actually knew about that, since Danny used the Reality Gauntlet to make it so nobody but the three of them remembered it.    
“Then we should probably try going even further, visit someplace outside the country… like Europe or South America… although it’s getting cold down there now, so it wouldn’t be as much of a summer vacation…” mused Jazz, thinking of different options. While the northern hemisphere was getting hotter, the southern half of the planet was gearing up for winter. She supposed it might be a nice escape from the sweltering heat though.
“Europe could be nice… We could finally go to Paris… ” said Maddie, considering the possibilities and letting herself become cautiously excited over what she thought was an old, dead dream of her high school self. She also conveniently forgot about the apparent cross-country trip her son and his friends had been on. 
“Woah, woah, woah!” Danny put his hands up as if to ward off this topic of conversation. “Are you guys for real?” Everyone seemed to be on board with just leaving the country, and Amity Park, unprotected. This was getting out of control. 
“Well, yeah, of course we are!” Valerie said. “It’s not just your sister who’s worried about you, we are too. We’re your friends, Danny, we care about you. And even with us helping you,  you still look like you’re about to pass out all the time. You need a break, a real one. I have to agree with Dani, travel would be good for you. Paris, like your mom suggested, should be lovely right now, and it’s nice and far.” 
Valerie smiled. She could very easily imagine how beautiful Europe would be this time of year. There was once a time in her life when she could have easily taken a trip there, back before her dad lost his job. A few months ago she would have blamed her turn of fate on the ghost boy, but now that she had learned the whole truth, including about Cujo… Well she blamed her dad’s company for that. Why they would just “get rid of” the dogs like that, is a mystery and cruelty.  
“You know what, Paris sounds perfect! I could probably pay for everyone to go on the trip, even you Val,” Sam offered. The two girls hadn’t always gotten along, but since Valerie had officially joined the team, Sam had been putting in the effort to make her feel included.  
“What?” Danny’s voice had an edge of panic to it as he looked between everyone in the room. They all seemed to be seriously considering this trip, and not only that, they looked happy about it. 
“Or not...” said Sam, remembering how her boyfriend could be sometimes. 
“Better not, or Mr. I-won’t-leave-Amity-if-it-isn’t-protected here will never relax,” said Valerie pointing her thumb at Danny. As much as she appreciated the offer, she couldn’t accept it. A trip like that would be expensive, and she wasn’t going to let Sam pay for everything, as nice as that sounded. 
“You’re no fun, Danny!” Dani pouted. “How about this: you relax, I stay.” She put a hand to her chest, proudly. After all, she was a Phantom, too.
“What? No! You’re family, Dani! You should come too! We- we only just found you…” he ran a hand through his hair, causing it to stick up wildly. Then, unable to sit still any longer, he abruptly stood and resumed his pacing.
“I know, I know,” Dani replied, trying to calm her brother. “But, look, I’ve had plenty of travelling lately, I wouldn’t mind being a bit of a homebody for once. And, no offence, but I could use a break from you guys. Don’t get me wrong! I love you and all, but this family is kinda overwhelming, especially when you’re used to being on your own.”  
“Danny darling, you’re pacing again,” Maddie pointed out gently. “It’s very sweet that you want your little sister to go with you, and that you trust Valerie to protect Amity Park while you’re gone, but I was about to suggest that you kids go and your father and I stay behind instead. Even with the portal closed, which yes, is a good idea, someone should stay, you know, to monitor it… make sure the Ecto-Filtrator is still good…”
“I can monitor the portal!” Dani excitedly cut in. “It can’t be that different from Vlad’s, right? And it was one of my chores to change the Ecto-Filtrator. After his first portal blew up his mansion, he was really paranoid about that sort of thing, so he made sure I knew how to do it! You and Jack should get to go, you were just talking about how you’ve always wanted to go to Paris, and you guys have been working really hard! You deserve a vacation.”
“Then it’s decided,” Jazz clapped her hands authoritatively. “Valerie and Dani will stay behind to keep an eye on Amity Park and the portal, and the rest of us will take a much needed vacation. Now, I’m going to go find Dad and let him know the plan.” Jazz left her book on the side table, her reading had been non-existent since the casual planning started- well, not that casual. Everyone needed a break, including her. She headed for the lab in search of Jack, muttering to herself about passports.
“Great idea sweetheart!” Maddie called after her. “Tell your father that if he doesn’t come up here to finish discussing this together, he won’t get any cookies!”
“Okay, Mom!” Jazz shouted back and kept going down the stairs.
In a quieter voice, Maddie addressed the rest of the kids, “I’m going to go grab my laptop from upstairs so we can start checking everything that we need...” 
Just like that, Danny, Dani, Sam and Valerie were left alone in the living room. 
Danny finally stopped pacing, sighed, and sat back down next to Sam. The girls exchanged relieved looks, it seemed like Danny had finally accepted the possibility of travelling for real.  
“He wouldn’t get any cookies?” Valerie asked softly. She looked down at the plate. Surely Mrs. Fenton didn’t think they would eat all these before Mr. Fenton could get any, right? 
“It’ll help get his attention...” Danny explained, rubbing the back of his neck self consciously. Sam nodded along, after all she had known the family for many years and was well aware that sweets were the best way to get through to the man. 
“Ah!” said Valerie, an understanding smile lit up her face. She had seen Mr. Fenton working while eating before, and at that time he had been helping build a very important machine that saved the world.
“Any snack works, but fudge is his favourite...” Dani added, feeling embarrassed as well. She wished Jazz was there too. It wasn’t fair that she got to miss out on the kind of quality sibling bonding that happened over being embarrassed by their parents.  
“I’ve had your mom’s fudge, I can see why it’s his favourite!” Valerie giggled. “Okay, while we wait for the others to get back, I’m gonna call my dad and let him know that we’ll be having Dani over for a while.” That could be a good option to help out. She picked up her cell phone and began to dial.  
“But I can stay here...” Dani tried to protest. She had just started thinking of her room as her room, instead of the guest room. She had finally gotten used to living there and thinking of FentonWorks as her home. She was also used to being on her own, fending for herself, staying where it is home shouldn’t be that much of a problem by comparison. 
“Normally, yes, but with the FBI and CPS on the Fenton’s case… I don’t think that’s a good idea...” said Sam delicately, knowing that it's a sensitive topic, especially for Danny. 
Danny made a thoughtful face, looking a bit disappointed with himself, but didn't comment. That interview with both representatives defending his parents was a wild time.
“Oh right, you guys told me about that… ” said Dani, remembering the explanation the Fentons had given her not that long ago. They had gone over the whole interview with her, from start to finish, it had played a major role in Vlad’s sentencing. 
Meanwhile, Valerie was remembering a similar, though less detailed, explanation. She set her phone back down, realising she’d gotten ahead of herself. Even though her suggestion wasn’t a bad idea, they should decide what to do first, as a group.
“All right, we’re here!” said Jazz. Everyone turned their attention to the doorway as she walked in with Jack not far behind. 
“Same here,” said Maddie, laptop in hand. “I almost couldn’t find it! It was under a pile of laundry for some reason.” She shrugged. 
Jack sent her a guilty look, then, noticing the plates of cookies, made a beeline for the coffee table. "So, kids, Jazzy–pants here has been telling me that you’re planning a little trip!" He picked up one of the vegan cookies and took a bite, making a face when he tasted it.
"Here, dear," said Maddie, giving him the tray of regular cookies. "Actually honey, it's more like a proper holiday. You know, we haven't had one in a very loooong time." She opened up the laptop and turned it on.
"Mr. Fenton, Danny needs a vacation, a real one, all of you do. When was the last time you had one, a real–real one?" asked Sam, crossing her arms and fixing the man with a stern glare. She knew very well that the last proper holiday was supposed to be the trip that didn’t happen, the one that they cancelled at the last minute. 
"Well… we went camping, and me and Danno went on that fishing trip and, uh… Hey Mads, where did you and Danny go that last time? Or was it the time before that one…" Jack muttered as he drummed his fingers against his chin. He was beginning to confuse himself.
"Jack, those trips were more like short bonding time with the kids, not a real family vacation. And in those cases it was just me or you with one of the kids… well, except that time we went camping… and that was…" Maddie looked at Danny, asking silent permission to talk about it. She knew that hadn’t been their best moment as parents, the way they hadn’t believed in Danny. In the end it was just a ghost problem, a ghost that only kids could see. That fact had been hard to learn and accept. 
Danny sighed, "Don't remind me, please. Even Jazz thought I was crazy." He ran a hand down his face.
"In my defence, I didn't even know he existed, let alone the fact that we wouldn't be able to see him!" said Jazz, trying to defend herself again after all these months.
"Well, maybe if you’d acted your age…" Danny crossed his arms and sent Jazz a bit of a mean glare.
"Danny… It's alright now. Let it go," said Sam. She quickly grabbed Danny's hand and gave it a squeeze, trying to stop the argument before it could really get going. 
Valerie was the one to break the awkward silence, "All right, so… back to planning?" she  asked. She didn’t know the full story, but she could tell that it was getting personal, and fast.
"Oh yeah!" said Jack enthusiastically. He turned to the others with a huge grin, "So, Paris you said?"
"Well, yes honey, I mean… I’ve always wanted to go there… and it's too far away for Danny to try to fly back. You know how he is." Maddie explained.
"You could fly here from France?!" Jack asked, excitedly. He never thought that would be possible even for Danny. He was about to ask a million questions when Maddie cut in.
"Jack, dear… the idea is for him not to do that. It’s supposed to be a time for us to relax," she said.
"Well…" said Danny after a couple of seconds of silence, a thoughtful look on his face.
"Don't encourage him, Danny,” Jazz scolded. “You know he won't stop if you get him going." She knew well enough how that would go and then they’d never get this vacation planned. Boys. If it weren’t for her and her mom, they’d never get anything done.
"I'm not! I'm just saying… I don't know… maybe?" He shrugged. They hadn’t tested his abilities in a very long time and he’d gotten stronger since then, so it could be possible, but he didn’t have a good answer for his dad. 
"Look, I wanna know how strong I am just as bad as you do,” Dani piped up, “and there will be plenty of time for that later, but you’re so worn out that any tests you guys run won’t really be accurate anyway, you know? And we’ve got more important things to think about right now, like figuring out where I'm staying," she said pointedly. 
"Well, I know that my dad won't mind at all if Dani stays with us while you’re gone,” Valerie said. She pulled out her phone to check her messages. “But I should probably wait to call and let him know until after you guys know for sure when you are going… and all that.” She put her phone back into her pocket. 
"If you won’t let me pay for the trip, at least let me pay for your hotel,” Sam blurted out. She put her hand up to stop Danny, “And before you say anything, I could even go with you if I paid for it. My parents wouldn’t mind. They’re always trying to get me to go on fancy rich people trips to Europe anyway. I already have a passport, and it won’t be hard to get the rest of the paperwork taken care of. I have it covered. It would be just like the last vacation when I got to travel with you guys… Although, that never really happened did it? Sometimes I really hate that we used that ‘reset button’…" She sighed. Yet another reason for them to take this trip, Danny needed to have a real break, he deserved it. If that meant using a good portion of her family money, so be it. It wasn’t like they couldn’t afford it.  
"What? Do I want to know?" asked Valerie, confused by Sam’s statement. She didn’t remember hearing about a trip that never happened. If they had mentioned it before, she had definitely forgotten.  
"No, you don’t. Trust me…" said Jazz. She waved her hand, “Alternate reality. You’ll just get a headache.” She had learned what happened and it still confused her. She didn't know which deadly situation –specifically for her family– was the worst. Maybe it was the one where they all died, although she could swear that the other one with reality changing couldn't be much better.
"Sam, sweety, you don’t have to do that! We’re more than capable of paying for the trip ourselves,” Maddie said, trying to steer the conversation back to planning. They were so easily sidetracked… “but thank you for offering.” 
"Oh, it’s really no trouble at all, Mrs. Fenton! And I want to do everything I can to help Danny," she replied with a smile.
Maddie paused to consider Sam’s offer, she knew how determined the girl could be when it came to doing what she thought was right. They would probably end up allowing the hotel payment just because this seemed like something she was very passionate about and probably wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
“Are you sure your parents would be okay with that?” Jazz asked pointedly. She knew that Sam held a certain amount of disdain for her family’s wealth, and had a bit of a personal vendetta with her parents.
“I’m sure,” said Sam. “This is one thing they’ll agree to no problem. Well... I might have to dress up and take some pictures for the family social media while we’re there, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
"We could take some pictures together," said Danny, suddenly warming up to the idea of travelling. “Paris is called the City of Love, after all.”
Jazz cleared her throat, getting them back on track. "So... Mom. Have you looked up plane tickets to Paris yet?" she asked, gesturing to the laptop. 
"You guys will probably need to fly out of Chicago," said Valerie. That’s what she’d always had to do since the Amity Park airport only handled domestic flights.
"She’s right, you know," confirmed Sam.
"So, we’ll need to fly out of Amity and then take a connecting flight to Paris…" mused Jazz, thinking aloud.  
"That's what the online booking system says," announced Maddie, reading her findings from the laptop. There wasn’t even an option for a direct flight from Amity to Paris, all the options include travelling to the O’Hare International Airport in Chicago first, as that was the closest international airport.
"Wait… is everyone here going?" Jack asked, completely lost. He understood that they all needed a break, but nothing else other than the possibility of his whole family going to Paris–probably a sign that he needed a break, too. 
"No, honey,” Maddie replied gently. “Dani is staying behind with Valerie to keep an eye on Amity Park and the portal, even though we’re going to be closing it while we’re gone. Danny has made it very clear that he wouldn’t be able to really relax if we left the city completely unprotected.”
"Oh, right… that makes sense… I think…" said Jack, processing the information. He was a bit unsure about just the four of them going, but looking around, everyone else seemed to be in agreement. He hoped it all worked out for the best.
“We’ll need to round up everyone’s passports…” Maddie said absentmindedly as she continued researching for their trip, then she realised something. “Oh, I suppose it’s good that Dani volunteered to stay, her passport hasn’t even come in yet.”   
Danny was feeling a bit more confident about travelling, but he was still worried about Dani. He turned to Valerie, “Are you sure it’s alright for Dani to stay at your house?" he asked. He knew it would be okay with Valerie, but what about Valerie’s dad?
"Don't worry! My dad won't mind at all! Actually, he would probably be thrilled to know I'm bringing friends over, you know? Or just a friend…" Valerie said with a bit of a bittersweet smile. After she had been kicked out of the A-listers, she had thought she’d never have friends again. She shook herself out of her thoughts and winked at Danny, “Also, you know, he knows.”
“And not only about Danny,” said Jazz, “but about yourself as well. And that’s saying something. Nobody knows about you. Well, other than us, of course!"
"But he doesn't know about me," said Dani. How would they explain the fact that she is also a halfa, and not just any halfa, but Danny’s clone. Although, it wasn’t like anyone was going to say that detail, right? 
"Don't worry, Dani, Valerie's dad should be all right. He knows about Danny because he was there helping with the machine in Antarctica," Sam explained what Valerie had implied. She knew that Dani didn’t know exactly how many people, or who, were in the know about Danny’s secret. They weren’t thrilled that a bunch of people knew, but it was in the past now. 
"Exactly!" said Valerie. “My dad’s seen some pretty crazy stuff. I mean, he’s been dealing with my ghost hunting for a while now… It takes a lot to faze him, you’ll be fine.”
"So,” said Maddie with a single clap of her hands, bringing the attention of the kids back to planning, “considering that you kids are going to be on summer vacation in about a week, we should get our tickets for next Monday… That will give us the weekend to pack." She typed in the new travel date. It also helped that flights were cheaper during the week. They had been saving money up for a big trip like this for years, but the less they had to spend on plane tickets, the more they could do once they got to Paris.
“Oh, that’s a brilliant idea, Mads!” said Jack, looking over her shoulder so he could see the laptop screen.
“But we still don’t know if Valerie's dad would be all right with Dani staying with them… And Dani is family too…” Danny tried one more time; it was a weak argument, even to his own ears. Family was important, but sadly without a passport Dani wouldn’t be able to travel anyway. He was going to miss her a lot, a fact he would be keeping to himself, otherwise his sisters would tease him endlessly. 
“Oh, Danny-boy, it’s all right, your mother and I will call him afterwards, but your mom here is finding good offers to go to Paris right now. Although I don’t get why it has to be with a connection...” Jack wondered aloud looking between Danny and the laptop screen, taking a bite out of another cookie. He hadn’t been paying much attention during that part of the conversation. 
Maddie sighed, “Jack, dear, you know Amity Park doesn’t have an international terminal,” she reminded him, “and please don’t get crumbs on the keyboard.”
“Yeah, Mr. Fenton, the closest international airport is O’Hare in Chicago,” Sam picked up the explanation. “Did you know that it sees more international flights than any other airport not on the East or West Coast?” 
“How do you know that?” asked Valerie, raising an eyebrow. 
“Probably because her parents like to travel a lot, and maybe they mentioned it before...” Danny trailed off, worried that it would sound like he was bragging about Sam’s family. He knew Valerie wasn’t as well off as she used to be, and he didn’t want to sound rude.
“It’s true,” Sam confirmed with a shrug, “and little pamphlets full of fun facts are better company than my parents when their flight’s been delayed.”
“Oh… ” said Valerie. Even though she had just offered to pay for the Fenton’s hotel a few minutes ago, it was so easy to forget that Sam actually had money, or, well, her family did. She never acted rich, and it was hard to tell from looking at her, what with the whole punk goth thing she had going on. Valerie wouldn’t judge her for being rich anyway, but still. 
“All right!” exclaimed Maddie, drawing the kids’ attention away from their fun facts about travelling. “I think I found something! There’s a flight from Amity Park to Chicago at 6:00am Monday morning, then a connecting flight at 8:00am that will take us to Paris!”
“That sounds perfect!” Sam commented. In the past, before they had finished the Amity Park Airport, it had been a bus trip to Chicago, and a much earlier morning. 
“Doesn’t it?” Maddie said, very pleased with herself. She continued reading the travel details to the others, “The flight from here to Chicago is about a half hour in the air, so even if we have a delay, that gives us plenty of time to get from one gate to the other once we land at O’Hare… And then it’s another eight hours to Paris… Which means we’ll get there around 11:00 pm Central European Time! 
“Wait,” Danny said excitedly, “I could fly us to Chicago!” He knew that it would be so much easier and faster, and then they wouldn’t have to worry about their plane being delayed. 
“No!” Jazz cried, a bit louder than necessary. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, “Danny, the whole point of this trip is for you to have a break. Doing crazy things like flying a family of four across the state is not taking a break. So please, give the powers a rest, okay?” She looked at him with pleading eyes.
“I hate to agree with Jazz,” Sam ignored the other girl’s shout of indignation, “but, Danny, you have been doing a lot lately, even now that you have help.” She squeezed his hand a bit and gave him a worried smile.
“Yep!” said Dani, dramatically draping herself over his shoulders. “You’re like, the king of micromanaging, bro. You need to learn to take a chill pill.” She hid her worry behind a mask of teasing. She had been standing for a little while now, but she didn’t think Danny had seen her until she laid herself on him.  
“Et tu, Dani?” Danny asked in mock offence. She’d only been living with them for a short time, and she was already on his back as much as Jazz, and even more literally.  
“Oh, wow...” Valerie murmured. She understood that he was worried about Dani, but she seemed happy. Valerie wasn’t really sure what was bothering him so much.
“Oh, c’mon Danny, don’t be like that! We’re not ganging up on you just because we feel like it, you really do need a break. You know Dani can take care of herself, and she’s learned a lot about taking care of others from watching you. You’ve done so much for her, and for everyone here,” Sam gave his hand another squeeze, “let us do this for you.” She knew that Danny needed a bit of a push to let go of the extra worry.
“She’s right, you know,” said Jazz, giving him a small smile.
“Yeah, Danny, I know I'll be alright, and I’m super excited to show you just how much I’ve learned! Mom and Dad will call Mr. Gray—” 
Dani was interrupted by Maddie and Jack gasping loudly. 
“What? What did I say?” she asked, confused at their reaction.
“You called them ‘Mom and Dad’… without even thinking about it...” Jazz said proudly. Dani didn’t usually call them that, but when she did, she had to make an effort at it. 
“Oh… yeah I guess I did!” Dani said and smiled a big smile. She hadn’t even noticed, but at some point she’d stopped thinking of them as ‘Jack and Maddie’ and started thinking of them as her parents. The Fentons had shown her what family really means, and that was so special to her.
Danny finally smiled too, “All right, I guess we’re going to Paris! Mom, Dad call Mr. Gray now please...” That way the last of his worries would finally disappear.
“With pleasure,” Maddie wiped away a happy tear, “but we should finish booking our flights at least before we talk with him.” She turned her attention back to the laptop.
"Good idea Mads!" added Jack, wiping away a tear of his own and looking at the laptop screen, too.
"If you find a good offer, take it before it changes. My parents complain about that all the time; you’ll never find the same offer twice, but might find a similar one if you’re lucky. Not that they need it anyway, but you know how they are…" Sam rolled her eyes with a shrug.
"Mmmmm… true,” Maddie hummed, keeping her eyes fixed on the screen. “We should have searched on incognito, at least we could have compared prices better…" She knew what Sam was referring to, the theory that airlines use cookies to track which flights you look for, increasing their prices. 
"But what we have here seems like a reasonable price, right?" asked Jack, pointing out the details of the flight on the screen.
"No to interrupt or anything,” Valerie cut in, “but do you guys have any idea how long you’ll be gone?" She had texted her dad while the Fentons were focused on the travel details. He didn’t have a problem with Dani staying with them, but wanted to know how long they would be looking after her.
"I thought you said it would be alright!" Danny cried out, his anxiety spiking again.
"It is, but it would still be nice to know ahead of time," Valerie snapped. She could tell by his tone that he was worrying again, but he was really starting to test her patience. 
"Oh, right… sorry." Danny rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"It's alright," Valerie sighed, she felt a bit bad for letting her temper get the better of her.
"I’m so sorry, Valerie, we completely forgot about that!“ Maddie gave her an apologetic look. “Well, we’re leaving next Monday, and we’ll want to have at least a week there…" 
Danny blinked at that information. "You haven't decided how long we’ll be gone yet?" he asked incredulously.
"Well, we have a couple of tabs open to compare prices for that…” Maddie said, Jack nodding along, “and it looks like it would be worth it to take two weeks." After all it seemed like there wasn't that much of a difference between some of the prices, and it looked like round trip tickets were slightly better than one way.
"Oh… yeah, that sounds okay…" said Danny. At least two weeks didn’t sound that bad, even though he didn’t know what he was supposed to do for that long, not yet at least. 
"Then that's the plan!" Maddie nodded decisively and clicked ‘confirm’ to purchase four round trip tickets. 
"We’ll be getting back to Amity Park late on a Friday night, two weeks into your summer break," Jack informed the kids. That is, if he was reading along right.
"Great, now we have an answer for Valerie’s Dad!" Jazz said with a smile. She knew that taking a two week trip to Europe wouldn’t leave her with much time to finish getting ready for university, but it was going to be worth it. 
"Yeah, that works!" said Valerie, typing up a text to her father with the more detailed plan.  
And just like that, Maddie and Jack booked their flights from Amity to Chicago, and from there to Paris, France. The Fenton family was going on an adventure, and they couldn’t be more excited. Before they could celebrate, however, they needed to talk with Valerie’s father, after all, they needed to finish sorting out Dani’s stay.
Thankfully, Mr. Gray was pleased to have her over, Danny had done so much to help their family in the past, and he was more than happy to return the favour. Although he insisted that wasn't the only reason that he accepted, he was also very proud of his daughter for making a new friend. It was just like Valerie had said it would be.
With all the big things sorted out, everyone started to go their separate ways. Jazz returned to her book after helping Maddie find their passports. Valerie announced that it was about time for her to head home, it was getting late, and she would need to rest up for the coming days. She gave a final wave to Dani at the door, she would be keeping a close eye on the girl, even if she thought she was too old for it. And finally, Dani was left to her imagination, already fantasising about taking care of the house and fighting the ghosts that, if any, came with a closed portal.
Sam gently reminded Danny that they had homework, forgotten in favour of planning an international trip, and the two of them decided to go up to his room to work on it. She took his hand as they climbed the stairs, giving him a warm smile. She was so glad that he had finally relaxed and warmed up to the whole travel idea.
Jack and Maddie began looking for hotels that were in their budget, but paused their search to cook dinner. 
That night, after the meal, Sam was invited to stay over – it wouldn’t be the first time either, even though those old times were with Tucker in the room too and they had all been just friends. Sam did accept the offer of course, after all sleeping there wasn't new for her, and she always loved to just enjoy spending extra time with Danny. To be continued :D :D
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ecto-stone · 2 years
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Friend From the Other Side AU?? or FFOS!AU for short
Is created originally as a One shot comic “ Biology Lesson” Base on the Idea of What if Vlad is a Teen and a Ghost that turn half Human ,the total opposite from Danny Human to Ghost.
Latter grow into a full AU as it some how gain a lots of attention.And as a result of it rapid unplanned growth it share alots of it lore with it brother AU My Blood. So thing like
-Hivemind Demons Spectra, Unworld Dimension, what is Elsewhereness,The Dark Dragon Family Drama, Evil Observants, ect ... ect ..Advance Rework of DP original power system is expected.
Main Protag
Danny (Daniel) James Fenton Age: 14 (when turn Halfa) , 15 (when AU story started) Height: 167 cm Personality: Shy and Quiet, stoic a bit of a Loner, but Quite Bold as Phantom
Core Element: Ice      Soul Element: Water-Air Alias: Phantom, Inviso Bill, The White Haired One (by the Yeti), Ghost Boy. Backstory After the Portal didn’t activate. Mr and Mrs Fenton cut the power to the portal and go back to check the blue print and the calculation to see what could possibly be wrong. Mean while Danny and his friend who is over for a Sleep over ,coming down to the basement for some nice mad science theme photo shoot. Each of them coming down through the portal ladder to take a pic, Sam, Tucker, But when it Danny turn he jump down mid ladder to a loud thunk to look cool.
But then the portal Suddenly glow Bright, sound of electric hissing and buzzing through air, turn out Synth Ecto Plasm is a great Energy storage substant. There was a big Flash, and young Danny stuck in the portal hole unable to escape in time suffer the full blash.
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Time of the accident Amity Park, Fenton House hold, 2:25 AM,  30/8/20xx Danny fall into a 4 month coma afterward, result in his social life get ruin. As his accident get on the new and while the fenton parent blame Sam for the Idea, Sam parent threatened to sue the Fenton for threatening their children life by letting them come into a Dangerous lab unspervised.
Result in Sam is Ban from ever coming close to the Fenton again. While the Foley stay quiet and avoid the issue entirely. After woken up from the coma, Danny start developing Ghost Power. And starting his work as a Ghost Hunter as he found out the portal open caused the entire town to suffer from a horrible ghost infestation.
Phantom first sighting is on May 5
Vladimir Judy Plasmius/Fenton/Masters. Age: 13 (in ghost year when turn halfa), 14 (when AU started) Height: 159 cm Personality: Sassy,Mischevious and hyper, with a hint of abandonment issue
Core Element: Fire --evo-->Electric   Soul Element: Earth --evo--> Metal Alias: Little Wisconsin Ghost, Plasmius, Fated Dark One (by the Observant council) Backstory After the great ghost and human war that ended back in the 20s with a truce thank to Agent W (Will Walker). The Portal and the GIW agency is dissolve. Until recently.
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Time of the accident Wisconsin, GIW Omega Base, 2:25 AM,  30/8/20xx Portal Status: Destroyed Casualty: 143 Capture subject: P1-A5-M1115 Power rating: Extremely Dangerous (X) Tranfer to containment Base Delta 5 on Dec 12 Current Status: Escape (self contain) Recent Sighting: Dairy King Castle, May7                            Amity park, July 13.
How they meet: Behind a Wisconsin Denny as Danny is on a Family visiting trip. As Danny encounter a rouge ghost and assume Vlad to be the rouge ghost Only to get his Ass toss like a Salad by this Feral looking Ghost that just eat trash straight from a dumster. To which Danny later offer a burger as a peace treaty and a deal to help capture the rouge ghost. Vlad later followed Danny back to Amity Park to play role as an annoyance, before actually teaming up to aid in ghost hunting to get more Snack from Danny per deal.
What the story about?
It’s about the forming friendship of two unded boi from two different world.
and their Adventure in Both Realm.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Different anon here! About your post about the owl house, just out of curiosity, how much do you think is forgivable due to how Disney screwed them over? I do agree, the arcs feel impatient and couldn’t dedicate the time to the middle of the arcs, but that’s also in part because of how Disney cut the show prematurely short and they were scrambling to tell the story.
No. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Jack Shit. How many more ways do I have to put this: The cancellation is NOT why the show has writing problems. The show has writing problems because the writers are bad storytellers who have no clue how to actually do plot. For just the most obvious, basic example, let's take the end of S1. Belos presents himself as the big bad. Eda, Lilith and King are almost killed because of him and Luz destroys the portal door to make sure his plans cannot come to fruition. By all means, the show is ready to start its story and Luz is ready to start facing off against the Emperor's Coven.
She won't until Hollow Mind. Now you might disagree with me on this because Shifting Tides has her face off against the Golden Guard, Escaping Palisman is Golden Guard and Kiki, Eclipse Lake is Kiki and you even have Terra showing up in Falls and Follies. What are the character's goals in those episodes? Hunter is a surprise villain in Shifting Tides while Luz was just looking for cash, in Hunting Palisman, the two literally had no clue about the other until Luz was accidentally abducted and fighting them is just saving the palisman, not standing up to the coven. In Eclipse Lake, the coven just happens to be here at the same time as Amity, Eda and King and in Falls and Follies, they aren't standing up to the coven... They're getting Eda's love interest back.
The idea of Belos being evil and of facing him AT ALL... Happens in Hollow Mind. And Luz brings it up right after Eda's old wild witch pal says no to fixing Luz's magical cloak. Which, you know... Has problems for WHY Luz is now deciding to yell in public about how evil Belos is.
Instead, that time is spent on Hunter, who really has a very minimal effect on the plot overall. Like... Besides giving screentime to Belos where we still aren't learning anything about him, his relevance is just very low. We also Lumity which NEVER has plot relevance and King gets a few episodes episodes but still not much despite easily being the most important character in hindsight as far as the plot goes. Raeda and angst about that is given at least half as much screentime though and the closest you can come to justifying that is the failed plan of the CATs.
If you REALLY need something not from S2, then just look at Amity. She was already 99% reformed by the time Adventure in the Elements happens, if not Lost in Language and those are her fourth and fifth major appearances. Worse yet, their treatment of Boscha and her friend group is effectively the EXACT same as how they treated Amity's parents. Just an obstacle to be blown aside for Lumity to happen. The flaws in how TOH is constructed from a basic level are there even in S1, it's just easier to ignore them because the show was willing to be fun back then.
None of this even gets into the Collector, who was explicitly chosen to be moved forward in their plans when the show was cancelled. Instead, you know... Not. Just not introducing a character you have NO TIME to do anything with.
Then there's the condemnation of S3's creative decisions. If they REALLY had a plan for all of this stuff, S3 should feel like it's constant payoffs without proper build up as they wrap up loose ends, deal with the threats that are unresolved, etc. like that. Instead, S3 is so desperate for ideas to fill its runtime that the finale starts with a 7 minute dream sequence that actively goes against the character arc, shit as it is, Luz went through during the time from Hollow Mind to Watching and Dreaming.
If the shortening could be used as a real excuse, you shouldn't have been able to cut 80% of S3... And lose nothing. TOH is not bad because of the shortening. It's bad because because the writers are bad storytellers. (Yes, this was technically asking about the arcs but I decided to focus on how they just wasted time in general, especially on characters or elements that didn't matter. I still stand by the idea that TOH either NEVER wanted to end or that it wanted five seasons to cram literally every idea it had into it. Shortening S3 doesn't change the flaws of either approach.
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danny-and-hisshadow · 2 years
Phantom prompt:(danni Danny angst)
Danny's clone danni decides she wants a family,and wanting to be part of Danny's family danni reveals one too many of Danny's secrets to his parents while he is at school. Her existence as his clone,his half ghost secret, the fact that a ghost(she doesn't tell on vlad )has tried to kill Jack on numerous occasions, that Danny knew and never told them, that their inventions are what made Danny what he is, that Danny has been fighting all the ghosts coming from the portal, and Danny is afraid of telling them anything.
Danni's desire to be closer to Danny brings a series of events that see a wedge driven between Danny and danni.
with Danny being all but placed on house arrest after the reveal , going so far as to preventing him from fighting ghosts, making it so he can't turn into his ghost from til they can 'cure' him, banning Sam and tucker from being Danny's friends after they learn of the dare they gave him that lead to the accident, and taking his phone,they decide to homeschool Danny 'for his own good'.
During this they adopt danni. Danny feels unjustly punished, being unable to turn ghost and protect the town leaves him falling on his second obsession with space to protect himself from going crazy. He avoids danni, resentful of her upending his life, while his parents act like he is being unfair to danni and being childish.
Danny can't get his parents understand that there is no cure,that separating his human and ghost side won't work. He feels trapped,both from being literally not allowed to leave the house to not being able to turn into his ghost half and from not being allowed to be friends with Sam and tucker anymore.
Jazz is both sympathetic to Danny and danni, but tells Danny that he should have told them sooner so something like this whould not have happened. She ends up losing Danny 's trust.
Danny, feeling alone and alienated, after a few months, ends up finding a way to reverse the thing that prevents him from turning ghost and leaving the house. He escape,but because he had to 'switch' his obsession, no longer desires protecting people as much, preferring to watch the stars, perhaps even going into space to get away from it all for a short time.
-during Danny's house arrest and him being able to fight ghosts and protect people,the town has been invaded by ghosts of all kinds(from ghosts like box ghost, to blobs, to trouble makers, prankster ghosts, ghosts that inconvenience people, ghosts that want to be left alone, animal ghosts, to more dangerous ghosts that if provoked can cause massive property damage.
Everyone in town practically has to tip toe around ghosts
(the Fentons have stayed home, watching Danny so aren't ghost hunting like they usually do, have the ghost portal locked. Doesn't stop ghosts from showing up though. Danny senses them,and many ghosts like to taunt him. They purposely don't destroy stuff but they do pick on humans,be annoying,and disrupt daily life in amity park. The town is in chaos, the Fentons don't answer
-vlad isn't mayor. He might have been told what happened by Jack.
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deconstructthesoup · 7 months
Was just thinking (again) about how in season 1 and season 2 of The Owl House, there are clear parallels in the premiere, quarter-season, mid-season, three-quarter-season, and finale episodes, so I thought I'd break them down
Premieres: A Lying Witch And A Warden/Separate Tides:
The "do not underestimate me/now eat this, sucka" speech is said at the very beginning, followed by an immediate tone shift (ALWAAW has the scene from the Good Witch Azura that leads into it being Luz doing her book report, ST has Luz facing off against Garlog before it being revealed that he's just a tiny gremlin)
Luz and King go on a dangerous mission together (ALWAAW has them sneak in and steal the crown, ST has them chase after the Selkiedomous)
"Us weirdos have to stick together" is said (you guys know the context)
We meet and fight a member of the Emperor's Coven, who kinda deviate from our expectations (Warden Wrath turns out to have a thing for Eda and is later revealed to be kinda sad, The Golden Guard is shown to have a cocky side and is later revealed to be... well, Hunter)
Quarter-Seasons: Covention/Through The Looking Glass Ruins
Cool lore details are revealed about the academic side of the Isles (Covention shows the Hexside kids working to join covens, TTLGR shows how cutthroat Glandus students are)
The clear flaws in the coven system and how magic is viewed are addressed (Covention shows how high-status the EC is, how the covens seal away your magic, and how Amity's need to succeed is wearing down on her, TTLGR shows the stigma around illusionists and how physical magic is valued over others)
The "show don't tell" rule is applied with a character who's been called strong showing off just how powerful they are (Eda and Lilith show off an incredible amount of skill in Covention, Gus goes full horror movie in TTLGR)
Lumity milestone (Luz and Amity reach an understanding in Covention and see a different side of each other, TTLGR has the cheek kiss)
Mid-Season (Escape of the Palisman/Yesterday's Lie)
Luz has to reckon with a mistake that she made and faces the consequences (EOFP sees her recklessness cause Owlbert to get hurt and she has to jump through hurdles to make it up to him, YL sees her finally tell her mother the truth and see how her leaving really did have consequences)
Very sad lore about a seemingly scary demon is revealed (The Bat Queen is shown to protect the lost Palismen due to having forgotten and lost her last owner, Vee shows a different side of the basilisks and tells Luz how they were made and experimented on)
Three-Quarter-Season (Understanding Willow/Hollow Mind)
A mishap leads to Luz and another character venturing into another character's mind (UW has Luz and Amity go into Willow's so they can fix the fire damage, HM has Luz and Hunter go into Belos's mind by mistake after the CAT plan fails)
The person's Inner Self initially manifests as something else (Willow's Inner Self is a fire monster at first before being revealed to just be overtaken by anger, Belos's inner self pretends to be a lost child before... yeah)
HUGE character-specific lore is revealed that completely changes the game (Amity shows us just how bad her home life is and how her parents pressured her into ditching Willow, Hunter finds out that he's a Grimwalker and Luz finds out that Belos is Philip and he's working with The Collector)
Finales (Young Blood, Old Souls/King's Tide)
The "with this spell declared" motif comes back (Lilith splits the curse in YBOS, Eda uses it to tell her she'll be all right in KT)
Eda nearly dies and loses a part of herself (petrification and loss of magic in YBOS, draining spell and loss of arm in KT)
Luz and Belos fight and Luz not only gets a hit in but thinks her way out of a situation (YBOS has Luz hitting Belos in the eye and cracking his mask, as well as double-crossing him with the portal, KT has her insult his fashion sense and brand him with the seal)
The portal is destroyed (you know how that shakes down)
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