#they didnt give as much as clints idk
icedgarlic · 6 months
I finished all new hawkeye omgg
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ifandomus · 3 years
I've always wondered how different CACW would be if Zemo just gave/showed Tony the video of the Starks' deaths earlier on in the film. Honestly, I think it would have just sent Tony and an unhinged warpath to find Bucky and kill him earlier. But I've always wondered how it would have effected the teams, if anyone would have sided with Tony, at least in wanting to bring Bucky to justice (maybe Tony keeps it a secret that he's gonna kill Bucky as soon as he captures him, idk).
Thank you for the ask!!
I agree! From everything we see with Tony there is not a doubt in my mind that he would still have tried to kill Bucky. And as a billionaire with a massive amounts of resources and government ties he would have found him much easier.
Also Tony didnt give a damn about Buckys safety even before finding out. As you pointed out in an earlier ask, Tony lied about helping Bucky to manipulate Steve into signing the accords. But T’challa had already been granted extradition. Tony was never going to follow up on helping Bucky, and he was perfectly fine using his life as a bargaining chip. Which does show a certain callousness that Tony had towards Bucky.
The changes really depends on when in the movie it happens. And any other changes that might have come from that. For example, would the hydra supersoldier death squad still be a threat? Because I dont think Steve would have recruited the rest of team Cap if it was only about Bucky, so it might only have been Steve, Sam and Bucky. However judging by their past experiences I am sure the others still would have wanted to help if given the chance. I mean:
Clint was mindcontrolled and used by Loki in Avengers 1, so he could easily understand that part of what Bucky went through
Wanda is literally a telepath and was the main target of propaganda by a lot of the same politicians who were after Bucky
Scott is an ex-con, so he knows what the system is actually like
So from both that and because they are all fair minded people, I could easily see all of them wanting to help Bucky.
Now lets see team Ironman
Tony would be trying to kill Bucky
T’challa would also be trying to kill Bucky, unless he found out that Bucky was framed earlier. In that case I think he would have tried to help Bucky and make amends to him for trying to kill him like he did in the actual ca:cw
Peter already had absolutely no idea what was going on because Tony didnt tell him anything
Rhodey would probably have wanted Bucky arrested and then let the government handle it. Because he seems to trust the government, at least during ca:cw
Vision would also probably have wanted Bucky arrested and given to the government. He clearly had no idea how messed up the system actually is
(Honestly both Rhodey and Visions sense of logic were a bit strange during the movie. Just look at the air control tower. Steve and Bucky were running towards the hangar, so Vision decided to cut down an entire tower. Thankfully Wanda held it up, until Rhodey used that sound blast on her so that she dropped it while Steve and Bucky were right under it! They might be supersoldiers, but I dont think that getting buried under several tons of rubble would have been good for either of them)
Natasha is definitely the hardest to figure out. It seems like she should have at least a little understanding of what Bucky went through from her experiences, but it doesnt seem like she did. I mean she didnt seem to have any problem with Bucky getting killed in Bucharest, and she recruited T’challa knowing full well that he intended to kill Bucky. All she seemed to care about was how it would affect Steve and the team. Its also really weird considering her and Clint in avengers 1. She saw her best friend being mindcontrolled into fighting for the enemy and did everything she could to help him. I really dont understand what was going on with her this movie. (This isnt anti Natasha, Im just saying that she was written a bit strange) So Im not sure what she would have done.
As I said it depends on when in the movie, and any changes that could have come from that. What I am sure about is that Tony would still have tried to kill Bucky. There is a possibility that he would join forces with T’challa (if he still thought Bucky killed his father), but that depends on if T’challa would have agreed to it or wanted to do it on his own. Either way Bucky would have both Tony and T’challa doing everything they could to kill him, and at least most of the rest of team Ironman trying to arrest him but not seeming that concerned with him surviving (although they wouldnt have been ok with straight up murder, if he had died in Bucharest, Berlin or the airport however...).
So yeah, what I can say for certain is that Bucky would definitely have been in a lot more danger, which is really saying something. And that would have put anyone trying to help him (like Steve) in more danger.
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So for AAW this year i decided to explore some QPRs since ive never done that before (does that even qualify for AAW?). So without further ado (i'll try to keep it quick) these are the relationships that give me the strongest QPR vibes theres no particular order just a attempted color gradient
1. Joan Watson and Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
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Ive talked about these two before for AAW 2019(?) so ill touch on them briefly (and i'll put the link in the notes). Disclaimer: This is a show that i watched in bits and pieces, almost primarily from reruns. The longterm focus of this show is clearly these two's relationship. In the beginning they were stuck together, and then they chose to be together but they still had issues, at one point they stop talking to each other (like legit didnt talk one of them moved away and they didnt stay in contact), were together with issues again, and then they were primarily okay, and at one point left/fled the country together even though only one of them had to. Throughout the show there are these spoken moments that really tell the depth of their relationship, from either them or other characters. Off the top of my head theres "you named a species of bee after me," "i think shes the person you love most in this world," "i consider you to be a exceptional person. So i make a exceptional effort to accommodate you," "this is your home," "i'll stay. Of course i'll stay," and that line in the picture. They dont seem to struggle that much when it comes to describing their relationship and believe "partners" sums it up best. They live together, see each other as the most important/favorite person in their lives, and are raising a child together.
2. Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens)
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Im not sure these two count, being not human and all. In the show and in the fandom (and i assume the book) people, and they themselves, struggle to understand their relationship and on top of that they arent supposed to be on good terms with each other (one is a angel and one is a demon). Are they friends? Enemies? Boyfriends? Best friends? Crowley at one point comes to the conclusion that never having Aziraphale in his life again is worse than the end of the world. One of the definitions for a QPR is "undefinable relationship," which fits nicely here.
3. Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim)
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Disclaimer: i havent seen this movie since it was in theaters and therefore dont remember much. If i had know what a QPR was when i saw this movie it would have made so much more sense. One of the background themes is strong relationships (you cant power the robots without it) which includes familial, platonic, and romantic. These two were left ambiguous, all the shots were framed in that typical "they're gonna end up together by the end" way only for nothing to confirm it at the end. It was wonderful. You follow two different gendered strangers who become super important to each other and share all their darkest secrets and memories and give each other soft looks to not end up dating at the end. Wether or not you see it as a QPR its a movie that doesnt erase m/f friendship and thats just fantastic.
[sorry guys its 2am now these paragraphs are gonna be a little shorter]
4. Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau (Captain Marvel)
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Before Carol disappeared it was clear she was living with Maria, her best friend, and helping her raise Monica, Maria's daughter, from a young age. Its clear her "death" greatly effected them.
5. Maka Albarn and Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater)
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I recently rewatched this show and their relationship on the surface seems like Two Kids Who Are Opposites And Dont Like Each Other Are Forced To Do Group Project type relationship but its actually so much deeper. They're roommates and best friends and each think the other one is the greatest person they know. They both have arcs centered around protecting the other. Soul states on multiple occasions that he's not into Maka, and Maka compares their partnership to her parents' marriage but never actually expects or acts like Soul is her boyfriend. Its clear they're gonna stay together for a long time coming.
6. Clint Barton and Kate Bishop (Marvel Comics)
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Okay so i could say so much on this but let me start this off with a big Disclaimer: i have not read these comics, all of my knowledge comes from fan works (like the entirety of ao3 and tumblr) and wiki pages. These two. THESE TWO. Ahhh i dont even know what to say because i dont know if this is a thing where fanon versions are entirely OOC. These guys have something like a 12 year age difference, so from the outside their relationship seems weird. People (real or fictional idr) keep trying to slot them into familial roles (big brother and little sister, uncle and niece, dad and daughter) but the truth is they're friends and partners. Ya its a little weird with their age difference but if they were both 10 years older most people wouldn't even notice the age difference. Clint makes it clear to us just how much he loves Kate. She's super important to him. Just looking for pics for this post i saw so many panels displaying how close they are. Idk if its canon or not but fanfic really gave the impression Kate basically lives part time at his place. These two give me vibes that they have the kind of closeness where they could cuddle on the couch together and it wouldnt be weird. And i mean full horizontal doing a balancing act in order to get them both to stay on the couch between the backrest and the edge so they could nap. Like if one of them was married their spouse wouldnt be surprised to wake up in the morning and find them both eating breakfast in their PJs. Like these two would kiss on the mouth but it wouldnt be romantic at all just a way to express emotion. They just give me this vibe thats led to so many headcanons and idek if its canon
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Thor’s twin
Thor Odinson x twin!reader
prompt: @locke-writes: “Wait Lacey I have a headcanon idea if you’re willing to write it. Headcanons for being Thor’s twin??? Idk man I feel like that could be unbridled chaos”
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okay, i believe that odin and frigga refused to tell the two of you who was born first
“either one of you could earn the throne, but you need to prove that you can handle the responsibility” -odin
jokes on him, neither of you cared for the opportunity to rule
you two were much better suited as warriors
you were both able to weild mjölnir, which created...disagreements
“i should have mjölnir! i lifted it first!” -you
“only because you pushed me out of the way!” -thor
“will you two just rip each other apart already?” -loki
speaking of loki, his pranks always exhausted you
especially when you appeared to have woken up in your twin brother’s body
“wh-what is this? LOKI!!!”
he always got a kick out of it
and the celebrations of victory? they never disappointed
“brother! another victory on the battlefield, but was there any other doubt?” -you
“of course not, y/n! at this rate, i don’t think we’ll ever fall!” -thor
“don’t put your hammer where your mouth is” -you
you and thor were definitely unstoppable fighting together, both blessed to be literal gods
“eyes front, thor! the fight’s not over yet!”
when you walked beside each other, sometimes you’d summon mjölnir to your hand
it always annoyed the hell out of him
“give that back”
“i don’t think i will”
“y/n, i’m serious”
“come and get it”
“that’s it!”
*swatting and wrestling in the middle of the hallway*
sometimes frigga would even catch the two of you arguing
“oh, my children. would you quit your bickering for just one moment?” -frigga
“but mother, y/n took my hammer!” -thor
“you’ll just have to learn how to share” -frigga
as the years flew by, there was always something crazy to occupy you
especially the day that thor had been banished, which hadn’t exactly gone as planned for loki
you were supposed to be banished, as well
“i suppose the future of the throne is your responsibility now, my child” -odin
“i...i don’t know what to say” -you
“but y/n doesn’t desire the throne one bit, i would have no problem stepping up, father” -loki
“we’ll deal with this later, brother” -you
you had to plan something with sif and the warrior’s three
yes, it was treason, but your brother would always be worth it. no matter how much you two argued, he was your other half
now you found yourself on earth, it was such an odd-looking place
and then you were chased by a destroyer
“thor, you must get to safety! i will not lose you again!” -you
“hi there, i’m jane...” -jane, obviously
“hello, lady jane! i’m y/n, thor’s twin!” *blocks debris* “i must go now!”
life didnt get much more simple after that, especially since loki had died (or so you thought) and the bifrost was completely destroyed, it would take a long time to fix any of the damages that asgard suffered
mourning over loki felt right and wrong at the same time, he betrayed you and your family, but you’d never stop loving him
he would always be your brother
as time went on, you had to visit earth once again because of...loki
“i should have known” -you
“yes, you should have” -thor
“you didn’t know, either!” -you
“and they call us petty?” -any SHIELD agent or avenger
loki mocked you when he was captured
“you were nothing but loved growing up, brother. what happened?” -you
“there was a shadow cast over me, thor’s shadow. don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it, either. odin only ever truly notices him and all of his feats” -loki
“you tell nothing but lies, loki. i won’t fall for them and i will not help you. you should stop while you’re ahead”
“so you agree that i’m ahead?”
threatening loki with mjölnir
ppl actually called mjölnir “thor’s hammer”
“i think you mean our hammer” -you
the battle of new york was admittedly terrifying, you knew loki had it in him, but seeing it in the moment just hurt you
it was possible you had a guilty conscience
but the avengers saved the day (mostly) and you brought loki and the tesseract home
and loki was sentenced to an eternity in prison
“hey, thor, think i’d have a shot at lady sif?” -you teasing the hell out of him
“shut up. you won’t make me jealous no matter what you say. my heart belongs to—” -thor
“the midgardian, i know”
you did sort of make him jealous tho ngl
aaanyways you pushed him to go see jane again, it had been too long to leave a midgardian waiting. their lives were short.
and you got to see her again! unfortunately you lost your mother that same day
and you were p i s s e d
murder? murder. (murder)
you may or may not have broke into the vault to get a weapon you could truly call your own
and then went against your better judgement and took loki to off-world with you
“y/n—” -loki
“shut up” -you
but you wish you had listened to what he had to say since you had the bear the loss of loki once again
now you had two family members to avenge
speaking of avenging, you steered clear of the avengers because......they were nuts
“y/n! you know, we could use another god like yourself on our team” -tony
“thor won’t help power your building, will he?” -you
“you got me” -tony
“so, you and thor are twins? who’s older?” -steve
“we actually don’t know!” -you
“oh...neat” -steve
“you know, thor was crying the first time he tried to lift that hammer of his” -clint
“i have no doubt about that” -you
“thor always talks about fighting in wars, but he never gives us any details. has he really fought wars?” -natasha
“oh, plenty of them! my brother and i have fought side by side in countless battles, you’ve even witnessed one! in new york!” -you
“how could i forget?” -nat
okay getting past all that, you focused on getting a headstart on some more *prophetic* instances that thor caught up to you on
and once you got back to asgard, you knew there was something wrong
“are you kidding me? loki? again?” -you
“hello, sibling. it’s nice to see you again” -loki
“why are you the way that you are?” -you
“that’s enough, y/n” -thor
✨going to midgard for odin who instead gave you a homicidal sister✨
hela was not nice at all. at ALL.
your heart broke when she shattered mjölnir
and loki made a bad call to open the bifrost for the whole odinspawn family
and next thing you knew, you were on sakaar
“thor? what the hell?” -you
“y/n! oh, it’s so good to see you! help me out here, please!” -thor
“i’m sorry, brother, but me and loki have been playing the loving brother/sibling act to keep it civil. this place...it’s unlike any place we’ve ever seen. we need to be smart. and we need to get back to asgard.” -you
“yes, we do. there is no doubt in my mind that hela is destroying asgard as we speak” -thor
“right, well...i don’t think loki will be joining us because, he and, uh, the grandmaster as they call him...they sort of formed a relationship” -you
trying to break thor out of prison and oh....hulk is here? that was unexpected
“y/n! y/n, that mean girl who kidnapped me? a valkyrie. a real life valkyrie!” -thor
“what?! father told us they had all died!” -you
“i think it would be safest to disregard everything father has ever told us” -thor
“i very much like that idea” -you
kicking absolute ass on your way out
you and valkyrie teamed up, so you had to say your goodbyes to loki early on, he made it clear he wanted to stay
“you will always be my brother, loki. i wish you well on your journey to find your place in this life. and i do love you, remember that” -you, giving him a hug
“...thank you, y/n. i...me, too” -loki
yet he came back for you in the end
after thor had lost his eye, he’d unlocked his true power........not to be a sore winner, but you’d unlocked yours first while he was on earth
but you two together? that should have been unstoppable
yet you weren’t
“what the hel? she should be dead!” -you
“we need to go” -valkyrie
“wait, i have one more idea” -thor
and that idea was the idea that ended asgard
but you’d create a new asgard
but then half of asgard was murdered by thanos! and you and thor were stranded in space! and loki actually died! and you were saved by space pirates! and were flirted with by half of their crew!
“thor, you need to see dmitri, you need a new weapon if we’re going to finish off thanos” -you
okay, well you and the “guardians of the galaxy” went after infinity stones instead, you knew that one day you’d have to
running into tony stark in space?????
“y/n? what are you doing here?” -tony
“i’m here to kill thanos, what are you doing here, stark? who are these two?” -you
“hi, i’m peter! that’s mister—doctor strange” -peter
everyone turned to dust after thanos escaped and you, tony, and nebula went to star-lord’s ship
and were saved by captain marvel
and reunited with thor
“y/n, by odin’s beard, i thought i had lost you” -thor
“it’s alright, i’m here now” -you
starting up new asgard and watching your brother fall into a depression that caused you to do most of the heavy lifting in this new kingdom
“are you still playing fortnite, brother? it’s five in the morning” -you
“can you pass...” *belch* “just pass me another beer” -thor
and after 5 years, you got to go back to asgard? but asgard from 10 years prior
“mother...” -you
“y/n, we have a mission” -rocket
“i know, i know...where’s thor?” -you
running into your mother while getting thor
“hello, mother. i...yes, hello” -you
“hello, my child. i hope that the future is treating you well” -frigga
“it isn’t, but thank you, mother. i love you” -you
and then you were back on earth and had to comfort thor, who was self-loathing again
but the work had been restored by a simple snap!
and you and thor were able to fight a real fight once more, summoning mjölnir again was invigorating
and there was some kind of bittersweet win here, one i’ve covered plenty of times
“it was fitting for such a great battle to be our final one for now” -thor
“you’re leaving?” -you
“i am, but i trust you’ll take care of our people like you always do. i will see you again, dear sibling. one day” -thor
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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fearlessleaderbucky · 3 years
does Bucky ever get rid of the hydra arm in the comics? and what are those comics you've been posting from, I want to catch up on some Bucky loving
his arm gets destroyed Many Many times in the comics like. honest to god lost count. but it's nearly not as.. hmmm.... Dramatique™ as the mcu made it (like giving him a vibranium arm and bucky trying to distance himself from the winter soldier) so in a way he Did get rid of the arm. just. wasn't a big deal. tony fixes his arm up and gives him back-up arms too bc bucky is so reckless he loses it so many times LOL
let me remember wtf i read bc its been blurry as hell but heres ur "catch up on bucky loving" compilation with no order bc im a mess. this part is the "bucky is here for a short time but he amuses me"
what kickstarted everything was that i read winter soldier (2018) its like 5 issues and i was weeping the whole time like nooo bucky my meow meow
thunderbolts 2016 where bucky is their leader. i sure read that. i dont remember what happens on it tho. i liked strikeforce more 😭
strikeforce which is what i posted earlier before i went to bed. very funny. i loved it. its my fave teamup and it is bc most of my favorite characters are there hehe
tales of suspense which follows clint and bucky and i cant say no to that dynamic man. theyre funny
hawkeye freefall where sam and bucky are in #1 and #4 and #5
unstoppable wasp 2018 where he shows up in #7 and.. maybe the ones after that too he was there semi often but hes my fave. My beloved. my one and only
he's in sam wilson: captain america bc of course he is from #7 to #9.. or #10...
falcon & winter soldier (2020) which is just my religion basically
this is where i started being like Man bucky in the comics is just such a good guy. now i want More. so this is where its a little Longer and U Gotta Read More but its worth it bc ed brubaker loves bucky and you can tell he does so every run you end weepy over how much u love bucky
deep breath
captain america (2005) which is the official Bucky is Back run. this is where the winter soldier begins. if you're like me and you're like "man im only here for sam and bucky" you'll probably scroll down til u see them and u go AHH SHIT THERE THEY ARE. i linked you from the moment the winter soldier saga starts so :-) halfway through this turns into a bucky cap run! i am not a bucky cap enthusiast but contextually it works so well and its what the character needed. hehe
some point after bucky returns during that run he begins working undercover for fury which leads to winter kills which is like sad bucky hours BUT THE YOUNG AVENGERS ARE THERE
hes also in young avengers presents #1 which i could argue. you could skip. but i love eli and i love bucky so here he is. i wish i could order these chronologically i am just talking here
captain america and bucky for the sweet bucky pov that makes u wanna cry
captain america reborn which is just them bringing back steve. bucky is there. i dont remember much from it but its on my read list so
then its captain america #602 onwards til tje very endwhich follows bucky and zemo and all that jazz. lots of sambucky goodness imo. i dont remember if this is where the winter soldier trial begins but i think it is and then hes in siberia where he just has a very terrible not good very bad day
and then. My god. idk. shit happens. Some Event happened that i didnt read because reading comics is a lot of "and then you have to go to THIS EVENT" and im like. No thanks. so basically bucky dies, but he doesnt actually he just fakes his death so he could tie loose ends as the winter soldier. everybody mourns him even steve then theyre like Steve he didnt actually die oops. its This Issue
and then finally. winter soldier (2012) woah. its so good. Good shit. made me go through it so bad. you think you love bucky? think again. ed brubaker loves him more than you
thats p much where im caught up with bucky. he has more appearances that i'll eventually get around so ill probs update it hehe. sorry i dumped such a long list on you 😭
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snobgoblin · 3 years
heck yeah I just found this and I love it because now I have an excuse to infodump :D
I'll edit this post as the days go on, counting today as 2 bc I stayed up past midnight
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1. from my dad and the radio :D it was just popular when I was a kid. Plus, my dad had an original Demon Days CD and I would just spend hours *staring* at the cover art because I thought it was so pretty. Didn't really *genuinely* get into it until about 9th grade. It was always in my life, sure, but I didnt pay it any mind until then. The first song I my 9th grade homework playlist is Feel Good (I know its basic shh) bUT then, I didnt start getting severely hyperfixated on it until relatively recently. Not sure when, maybe toward the end of last summer
2. DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE- I love them all for different reasons okay?? They all hold very special places in my heart. But.. I guess when it comes down to it, either Ace or 2-D. Ace because I vaguely remember """getting married""" to him on the playground during first grade (because I was lonely and had no friends) so he's always just been a favourite of mine. 2-D because he's very sentimental. Also because I've once been told "you're a 2-D I can just smell it" in a Gorillaz convo from a stranger so- yeah, I've just been told by a lot of people I'm very similar to him so I guess 2-D
3. number one hands down, probably my biggest hyperfixation, ever
4. I dont have any way of knowing but I'd have to guess Feel Good purely bc that's what my dad plays when he asks "what do you want to listen to?" and I usually say "idk, whatever you want" and he knows I like Gorillaz but only knows that song so he plays it. Anyway, besides that either Humility or Sleeping Powder, I listened to ONLY Sleeping Powder for like 3 months straight one time and Humility is my comfort video
5. my favourite video is hard plz- I like so many of them for different reasons!- I guess Humility bc it gives me infinite seratonin
6. oh hands down the old one where 2-D is describing what it's like to be creative, that one is absolutely beautiful and deeply resonated with me. it's a shame he doesnt say things like that anymore
7. least favourite song.. probably either the yodeling pickle one from The Fall or Ghost Train. Gives me a headache. Also one of the last ones from the "Gorillaz" album, there's wind blowing the whole time and it annoys me. I dont like that album very much in general it's too heavy on drums (ily Russel but-) and it gives me a headache
8. favourite album.. THAT IS A LOADED QUESTION- Uhhhh I guess the SONGS I most CONSISTENTLY like come from Plastic Beach, but Demon Days is a strong contender. The Fall has some songs I really love but also some I cannot stand. I love some of Humanz but i havent listened to all of it. Also, The Now Now rocks, but it's not my favourite. Song Machine has like, 3 I like and I dont care about the rest. So, anyway, probably Plastic Beach
9. I do have merch!! along with a few loose items I have 2 tshirts, the 2020 almanac, and my favourite!! Is!! the signature I got for my 18th birthday!! I absolutely adore this thing, it's a picture from phase 2 I'm pretty sure but it has Damon Albarn's, Paul Simonon's, and Mick Jones's signatures on it! So I did some research and it must be from right around 2010 (which is the time chemical X takes place!!) because they worked on Plastic Beach the song and if I understand correctly they were part of the touring crew for concerts during phase 3! its really rad
10. hmm.. depends on the person.. I guess the most palatable for a general audience would be obviously the hits like Feel Good INC, DARE, Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood, but besides that: O Green World is really good, Sleeping Powder, She's My Collar, Humility, Tranz, and Amarillo :]
11. Even though I don't like most of the songs on Gorillaz (the album) it really is my favourite cover art, it's just so pretty and that green is so nice and <333
12. I think I'd sob violently and ascend instantly if Gorillaz covered any Jack Stauber song specifically Candy Eyes
13. Noodle would not like me at all I can tell you that right now- She's way too interesting and I'm way too awkward. She scares me and I adore her but alas she would not feel the same about me. Murdoc would also dislike me because I'm kind of a hippie and he hates them, but we might get along talking about environmentalism and old rock. I think it's hard to mess up being friends with Russ, just don't be a jerk and he'll respect you. I think I'd really get along with him, I've been told I'm kind of similar to him, maybe we'd talk about being paranoid or sm hshsh- I think 2-D is someone I have a lot in common with and in theory that would be amazing, but in practice we'd butt heads and end up hating each other, Ace would hate me for the simple fact that I am close to being a child, but I adore him. So yeah I'd probably end up hanging out with Russ at a party or sm
14. Best song to listen to when you're happy: 19-2000, 5/4, DARE, Plastic Beach (the song not the album), Humility, and People
15. I dont get sad I get hopeless depressed and vaguely angry and really wanna dance, here are some good songs for that: She's My Collar, Charger, Saturnz Barz, Tranz, Souk Eye, Fire Flies, Kids With Guns, Empire Ants, Rhinestone Eyes, To Binge, Sleeping Powder, Some Kind Of Nature, Glitter Freeze, O Green World, Every Planet We Reach Is Dead, Broken, Revolving Doors, Amarillo, PAC-MAN, Aspen Forest, and November Has Come ((JEEZ THATS A LOT-
also Sorcererz is a good one to cry in the shower to
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margokesses · 4 years
This is going to be pretty badly phrased but I just want to get these thoughts out, do you think that another reason Sam is so ignored (aside from the blatant racism) is that his most obvious traits(?? Idk what word to use) that casual viewers see are also in another white mcu character?
Like good man who just wants to do whats right? Steve/Peter. Animal powers/moniker and a suit that mimics said animal? Scott/Peter/Hope. Former soldier? Steve/Bucky. Flight? Tony/Thor/Wanda/Carol/Vision. Human with an enhanced suit? Tony/Scott/Peter. Just a human trying to keep up with super soldiers? Scott/Clint. Using guns? Nat/Quill. Steve's best friend? Bucky/Nat. Affectionate banter? Any of the white men.
I know he's a mirror for steve but it feels like the writers didnt give him anything to really stand out to the casual fan/viewer in movies post-tws packed with dozens of characters (and barely any screentime). And that translates to fandom when in fics people just replace Sam with any other mcu character or call him useless?? Again sorry if this is badly phrased I dont have a coherent thought train going on about this.
This is an interesting question! I would say yes and no?
Like sam does deserve his chance to stand out from the rest and be a more complex character and i hope the show does do that. Because currently he's just Steve's best friend that can fly and takes no shit. And i hope that does help him become more popular. And i do feel like that's one reason why some ppl think he doesn't deserve the shield. Its because it wasn't set up clearly to people who are just casual viewers. And he does deserve more screentime.
But i do feel like a huge reason why he's ignored is because of racism. Like you pointed out he has all these traits that other white characters have. Bucky and peter are both really popular characters despite not having much of a personality or story. Which are things that sam has. You can't just say "oh i love this character because of this" and ignore sam despite him having the same traits or whatever.
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jelloopy · 4 years
Here There be Gerblins Notes
Previous: Character Creation
Ep 1
The boys got the job to transport good from Neverwinter to Phandalin from Merles cousin, Gundren Rockseeker, over drinks at a bar one night. He said it was the “Last job you’ll ever need.” 
Gundren Hired Barry Bluejeans (Originally Sildar Hallwinter, but that’s a whole nother post that I already posted you should go look at it tbh) as a fighter (I also will discuss this in a post later on as I’m going through the series again) escort to Phandalin. 
The boys actually were travelling with Gundrens mutt of a dog, Ruby!  (I feel like no one mentions this or talks about it)
Merle doesn’t trust Gundren a lot
Taako got the first kill babyyyyyyy
Ep 2
Barry looks like Tom Arnold with a very built Dad bod and is described to be in late 40’s early 50’s (So you’re telling me that my baby Barry. Is almost built similar to Magnus technically? Just smaller? This opens up so many things for another post later on omfg)
Magnus “The Hammer” Burnsides (omg do you think that this could be that Magnus was “The Hammer” and maybe Julia or her father was “Tongs” from the shop he lived’/ worked at in Ravens Roost???!!! Like idk if Travis had the name “Hammer and Tongs” in his backstory and i’m pretty sure he just made up the name on the spot for funsies but like that is so fricking sad and cute omfg)
Taako casts “Charm Person” on Klarg. The spell only lasts 1 hour (This will come up later for me to delv on because currently I don't understand how the stuff later on occurs)
”Let’s turn this Bugbear, into a Hugbear” ~Magnus (I wanna make a shirt with this rlly bad)
When chastising Barry for his name he snaps back saying “Why do you think they call me that?!” (I like to analyze things a bit deeper than they need to go so I’ve already posted another thing on Barry’s name)
Ep 3
As they get back to the cart of cargo to go to find Gundren Merle messes with Ruby for a minute and Griffin jokes around saying that Ruby bites Merles hand off.  (Oh if they (Clint) only knew)
”I’ve partied pretty hard before I know I’m gonna have to sleep this one off” ~Barry (What the hell has Barry been up to? Like from a perspective of knowing how the story goes like. Is he just. Going to bars and letting him self go? I mean like same but shit dude)
“Well it’s not my first time at the whole body guard rodeo” ~Barry  (So Barry has been able to stay in this body for a while then? And has also taken other jobs as well to get some money while also searching for the Gauntlet.)
Ep 4
When they meet Killian Merle begins to try and preach the word of Pan  (Not actually Pan at the time in the podcast but for continuity's sake it was Pan damnit.) she replies with “I’m already spoken for” (So I don’t think that Killian is religious in a way that we know of so when she says this I assume shes talking about the BoB? Makes sense) 
Magic Briannnnnn!!!!!  (Love that spunky lil german man!)
Taako is from New Elfington (I believe this is just a joke overall but if you do deep dive into it just a lil then it suggests that Lucretia placed him in New Elfington after the Wipe to give him a starting place then from there he went on the road with Sizzle it up with Taako)
Magic Brian knows about the Phoenix Fire Gauntlet.  (Ima go deeper into that later on tbh)
Ch 5
“Barry loves his chicken waaaaangs” ~ Gundren Rockseeker (How long have Barry and Gundren been hanging out?)
The skeleton only has a crimson red robe on. Nothing underneath. It is also looking towards the exit/entrance to the tunnel. (Did... her clothes go with her in the lich form?)
The Umbrastaff exudes all schools of magic. (I wonder why... DUH) 
Merle is horribly rejected by the Staff and flung across the room (Lup said “FUCK U MERLE IM NOT HERE FOR YOUR OLD ASS”)
When Taako grabs the Umbra staff from the skeleton (*COUGHCOUGH*LUP*COUGHCOUGH*) it looks up at him and then it and the robe it’s wearing disintegrate away  (Leaving no bones or anything that was Lup’s... There will be a bigger post on this later on I promise)
Cyrus was head of security for the Wave Echo Cave. When the Orc Marauders came he managed to lock away all the magical and precious treasures. However to do so he had to lock himself in the vault too. This happened about 10 Years ago. (Are you kidding me? Its not like the Orc Marauders are still in Phandalin. Why didnt anyone come to find him any earlier. Like come on Gundren. If you loved and missed your dad that much then why not?)
The Phoenix Fire Gauntlet is Silverish!  (I always see it portrayed as being gold so I was v v surprised to hear this! tbh I don’t care what color it is I was just surprised to hear it described at all)
Magnus upon sight of the Gauntlet runs and highfives it  (Someone made a post i saw a while back explaining how this is hilarious because you can see Magnus’ and Lup’s relationship within that simple action. Its very cute) 
They fight some ruffians/bandits on the way back to Phandalin and they free a young Orc boy.
Ch 6
Merle calms Gundren down when they find him in Phandalin (Yo Merle and Gundren are a lot closer than they let on a the beginning. I wanna meet Aunt Blarg)
The young Orc boy (Kurtze) that they freed shot Gundren (Whoops...)
Gundren crushes Barry into the ground out of pure anger from Kurtze’s attack (Does Barry die from this? or does he just get super injured and die from the Gauntlet at the end?)
They fall into the well and knock Killian out
The entire town of Phandalin is gone and all that’s left is a circle of black glass. Only the hole for the well is open.
“Can we heal her? Its kinda what I do.” ~Merle (Oh honey... no it’s not)
Taako grabs the Gauntlet and puts it in his bag (of course he is the one to grab the relic that Lup made)
Killians Crossbow is named Billups (This is rlly frickin cute ngl)
They do be back on the way to the BoB
Next: Moonlighting, MotRPL, Lunar Interlude I,
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okay so in one of your quarantine drabbles you write about peter having a sensory overload i think and nat asks "how long?" and then she finds out it isnt long for peter and basically im saying id love to see the aftermath of peter's long episodes- maybe he like walks into a movie night where the other avengers are hanging and didnt tell him to try and let him sleep or something? idk it may be stupid i just thought it might be cute
Thanks for the prompt, babe! It’s been a while since I looked at that one ^-^ I hope you like it!
Read on Ao3
Pairings: Momma and Baby Spider. We love us some platonic Avengers. 
Warnings: aftermath of sensory overload episode, other than that, hella fluffy
Word Count: 1869
Pretty much every time FRIDAY pops up a panel in her room, Natasha doesn’t pay a lot of attention because typically it’s something she knows already.
Not this time.
The window pops up as Natasha comes out of the bathroom, twisting her hair into a braid. It shows Peter sitting quietly by himself on the couch in the common room.
“FRIDAY, is Natasha in her room?”
She expects Peter to get up and start walking towards the elevator but instead, he stays on the couch, twisting his hands together.
“…do you think she’d be okay with me going over?”
He still doesn’t get up. Oh, Peter.
Natasha sighs and tosses the comb back onto the sink. Once arriving at the Complex, she’d had a feeling that this might happen. Considering how Peter had vanished into the lab within five minutes of arriving and only now, three hours later, has he emerged, it’s less of a feeling now.
“Do you—“
“Stop stalling, Peter, and go.”
Thank god for FRIDAY, hmm? She’s pretty certain if anyone else had tried to say that to him it wouldn’t’ve worked. The screen closes as Peter gets up with an: “okay, okay, I’m going.”
Natasha sits down on the bed and presses her hands together under her chin. “How bad is it?”
“Bad,” the AI summarizes helpfully.
“Okay,” she breathes, getting up and going to the closet.
She opens the doors and reaches up, looking for the thick comforter. She pulls it down. Perfect. It’s nice and soft and thanks to being up on the top shelf it’s nice and cool. Spreading it over the bed, she straightens up just in time for the soft chime of the door.
Natasha pulls on the fluffy grey cardigan and goes to answer. Peter looks so much smaller standing swamped in his pink sweater than he did on the cameras.
“Ms. Romanoff?” Oh, dear. “Are — are you busy?”
“Come in, Солнышко,” she says instead, stepping aside.
Peter smiles — or at least the corners of his mouth quirk up a little bit — and walks through the door, glancing around the room. There isn’t anything Natasha can see, which means Peter’s not alright.
Obviously, we knew that, and we didn’t need the confirmation.
“Of course,” Natasha said. She closed the door. “What’s going on, Peter?”
'I just, um, wanted to see how you were settling in for the night—“
Peter freezes. Then he looks over at Natasha, and swallows hard. “…sorry, habit.”
“I know.” Peter hides very well behind civility and the service mask. It’s the hardest one to take off, especially when it works so well.
“…are you settling in okay?” Case in point. Natasha’s about to chide him when she catches sight of Peter’s face. “Please?”
Natasha’s known Peter long enough to know what he’s really asking. “I’m just here relaxing, Peter, you’re not interrupting anything. I just got out of the shower when you arrived.”
She reaches out, offering her hand. Peter nods. She takes him lightly by the arm and tugs him toward the bed. “Now, what’s wrong, Солнышко?”
Poor Peter looks like he’s about ten seconds from falling over. He tries to stand up and Natasha’s chest clenches when he wobbles terribly.
“Easy,” she murmurs, catching him by the shoulders and sitting him back down, “talk to me.”
“…it’s…it’s been a really long day,” Peter mumbles, “and I, um…it started at school.”
“I see.” So more than three hours.
“And, um…” Peter hesitates. Then his arms go tightly around his waist. He laughs. For one second. Then it turns into a hitched gasp. It settles like a dead weight in Natasha’s chest.
“Obviously it didn’t go as well as I would’ve liked.”
“…oh, Peter, come here.”
Every single ounce of Natasha’s body is screaming at her to cuddle the poor kid until he can’t cry anymore. She tucks Peter’s head under her chin and works her hand under the iron grip the kid’s got on his own waist to rest on his lower stomach, rubbing softly to ground him.
It starts tensing under her hand and the hitching of his breaths makes Natasha curl her arms around him. Damn, she wishes she were better at this. All she does is clutch Peter closer as he begins to shake, making soothing noises.
“I didn’t know it was gonna be that bad, I wanted—I wanted to get work done today but I couldn’t and I just wanted to—“
“Shh, shh, you don’t have to explain, shh, I’ve got you.”
It takes a while, to neither of their surprises, but eventually, Peter stills and buries his face in Natasha’s neck, nuzzling into the collar of her sweater.
“…thank you for understanding, Nat,” he mumbles.
“Of course,” Natasha replies automatically, running her hand through Peter’s hair. As she feels Peter start to slump, an idea comes to her head. Something to help him fall asleep.
“Hey, listen,” she says softly, giving Peter’s head a little shake, “sometimes when it gets bad for me, I have this ritual of sorts. Can we try it?”
“Um, what is it?”
“Will you lie down on the bed for me?”
It takes a second, which she doesn’t mind at all, for Peter to move out of her arms and crawl to the middle of the bed. He tugs his sweater around him and lays down on his back.
“Perfect.” Natasha smiles and moves closer, swinging a leg to lie over Peter’s calves, still checking that it’s okay. She reaches forward to tug at the edge of Peter’s sweater. “Can I take your sweater off?”
“What are we doing?” Peter blurts out, tugging the sweater closer around himself.
Natasha smiles sadly. Sometimes she forgets that Peter’s still in so many ways just a kid. Even though he’s in so many ways the exact opposite. And right now, he looks every bit the scared kid who just needs a hug.
“I know that you said there’s a bit after one of your attacks, especially a long one,” she murmurs, “where it’s hard for you to remember where your body is.”
Natasha leans forward and runs her hand over Peter’s cheek. “In my experience, being close to someone afterward and knowing they care about you, after everything, makes me feel a little more human, a little more like I know I..have a body.”
“Is that why you help Steve with the whole once a week thing?”
“You mean having someone take care of you and make you feel safe and loved which is very important?” Natasha smirks as Peter starts to fumble with his hands and averts his gaze. “Hmm? Is that what you’re asking me?”
“Yes. Also why I help Steve with it. Apart from the fact that he’s a big blond puppy dog with you, he’s very good at being very pure in his affections and he loves you. So much. We all do.”
And she does have to smile again with Peter giving Steve a run for his money with his puppy dog eyes.
“…what am I supposed to say to that?”
“That you love us too?”
Peter’s face changes to scared almost immediately and he scrambles upwards. “Of course I do, did I — “
“Shh, Солнышко, I’m teasing. Of course, we know.” Peter relaxes and lets Natasha lie him back down. “You don’t have to say anything.”
She can see how hard it is for him to feel like he’s okay to relax if he keeps talking.
“Or talk, if you don’t want to,” she amends.
The room feels warmer with Peter here, like it’s trying to make itself into a nest. She takes the edge of the comforter and fluffs it, making it look like Peter’s sinking into the blanket. As she works, she starts murmuring softly.
“My ritual is to have someone else just stay with me for a little bit. Just to feel a little more human. So I just want to touch you. That’s it. Physical contact, safe, soft, from someone who loves you. Is that okay?”
She gets a nod, so she takes her hands and gently places them on the sides of his ribcage.
“…I want to touch your skin directly. It’ll help ground you. You can keep your stuff on if it helps. Is that okay?”
Another nod.
She starts peeling the sweater slowly away from Peter’s body, running her hands over the material, and placing one hand on the little bit of Peter’s waist that she can see under his shirt.
“I think I know where to avoid but if at any time I hurt you or make you uncomfortable you tell me,” she says sternly, “don’t just lie there and take it, alright?” Peter nods. “I’m afraid I’m gonna need a verbal agreement for this one.”
“Yes,” Peter says, “I promise.”
“Good job, Baby Spider.”
“Please don’t touch my wrists.”
“I won’t.” Peter takes the hem of his sweater and balls it up in his fist as Natasha’s hand starts rubbing small circles on his tummy. “You let me know if it gets bad again, okay?”
“I will.”
“Thank you,” she murmurs as she stretches to put Peter’s phone on the nightstand. “Do you want me to talk or stay quiet?”
“…don’t know.”
“Why don’t I start talking,” she says as she resumes rubbing little circles on Peter’s tummy, “and then if you want me to stop, you let me know.”
He nods.
So Natasha starts talking. If she’s being perfectly honest, she can’t really tell what she’s saying, she’s just kind of rambling. She’s much more focused on how her hands run softly over the scars and the marks left on Peter’s skin, and how Peter’s many masks slowly start to slip off, dozing under the warm light.
It’s somewhere in the middle of a story about something Clint did in the middle of their mission to Bucharest — not Budapest — that she notices Peter’s eyes are closed. She smiles softly and lets her voice trail off, only to frown when Peter blinks his eyes open and shifts.
“It’s okay, you can sleep. That’s part of it,” Natasha reassures, giving the upper part of his chest a little pat. Peter shifts back and his eyes close again, a sleepy little murmur quickly muffled by the comforter as Natasha tucks him in. “We love you, Солнышко. Sleep, now.”
“Good night, Natasha,” comes Peter’s little voice from the pile of blanket.
“Good night, Baby Spider. Sleep.”
Natasha continues to rub Peter’s arms softly and murmuring quiet words into the hushed room until Peter’s breathing evens out. She trails off again and this time, Peter doesn’t wake up.
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moontours · 4 years
can you talk more about Iron Man 2 Natasha versus other Natashas?? I feel pure joy when I see it <3
sure <333 ill break it up into sections by movie
iron man 2: shes literally the love of my life and the reason why i even started liking natasha in general but like outside of My personal feelings i do think this is the best iteration of natasha by far. her cover story for stark industries was SO good like do u know how clever u have to be to get around tony’s systems? and imo its literally the ONLY time in the mcu where we get to see natasha being a SPY even though thats a large part of her skillset. i loved the hallway scene in the end where she got to show off and literally singlehandedly take down all those guards and i loved the moment between her and tony before his birthday party. it was honest, vulnerable but subtle enough that it makes SENSE for natasha’s character. 
the avengers: hmm. probably my second favourite iteration of nat. i loved the beginning with her at her mission and then her manipulating bruce, i thought those scenes were both in character. also, ive seen ppl say that they hate that first scene where nat is being interrogated bc it makes her appear as weak when ?? i feel like it does the opposite ?? like shes literally only still tied up bc she wants to be, so that she can get more information. she is literally in control there, she was just waiting for the time to strike n had to do it sooner than later bc of clont getting compromised. anyways idk i like ta!nat i think shes fine but theres not much in terms of like. anything else other than Badass Character, u feel? also i HATED how scared she was of bruce/hulk. it left a bad taste in my mouth n i cant believe they tried a romance there after
winter soldier: maybe controversial but i hate her in this movie jrbjhabsjd or i guess hate is a strong word but i dont like her in this movie. like first of all the role shouldnt have even been hers??? it shouldve been sharon’s and it was supposed to be until they decided to replace sharon with her. her characterization in this movie is literally god-awful which imo led to her shitty characterization in endgame. she was genuinely humiliating when she tried to go undercover in this like idc how brief it is shes always ready (in dd v2 she literally wore a FULL disguise to visit matt as work when there was a lot of press so she wouldnt gain any attention for him. foggy didnt recognize her til she took off her wig) so the fact that she would put on a HOODIE ??? AND GO ??? TO A PLACE WHERE THERES CLEARLY CAMERAS ??? humiliating. the part where she was like 🥺🥺 would u trust me to save ur life ?? humiliating. natasha doesnt give a SHIT about what people think of her. frankly, all steve did up to that point was heavily judge her so she shouldnt care abt what he thinks. they obviously tried to make her a more emotional character in this but it just came off wrong lmao. i did like her last scenes though
age of ultron: ill keep this short—i dont like aou nat, i dont think it was a good representation of nat at all and i absolutely despise the brucenat romance with my entire heart. i did like her suit and fight scenes but thats it. theres not enough words to describe how misogynistic and wrong and disgusting it was for them to say natasha is a monster like bruce to make HIM feel better just bc she cant have children. 616 natasha sweetie.
civil war: the twist of her being the one to change sides was so lame i literally have to laugh like omg wowow the former spy ended up switching sides how unexpected i cant believe no one saw that coming. her being on tony’s side was the right call and the switch was stupid thats all lmao they just wanted her to stay with steve and sam after the team broke up which is literally stupid bc either way she shouldve been on her own. irritashun
infinity war: honestly not much to say she only had 6 minutes and all she did was Fight ppl so it was ur typical portrayal of nat. her eyebrows and hair were atrocious though. it shouldve been black hair as a nod to 616 nat’s tendency to dye her hair black in the old comics
endgame: oh boy where to even start. this is my least favourite iteration of nat in the entire mcu. i literally did not recognize her for a SECOND. before the movie came out, sc/rjo talked abt how we would see a pissed off nat ready to take action and i was really excited because THAT sounded like the nat i knew. but when the movie actually came, we saw her ?? moping ?? crying ?? eating a sad ass sandwich by herself ?? basically doing the emotional labour for the team because god forbid any of the men do it ??????? and the fact that they CUT OUT ALL OF HER COPING SCENES TOO LIKE THE TARGET PRACTICE, THE PUNCHING BAG??? i cant jbhjabsdhj it makes me SO fucking furious that they would make her some overly emotional character—like not to say that its a bad thing to be that, its not, but it’s also NOT natasha in any way. ive said this before but natasha’s grief almost ALWAYS manifests in the form of anger and u can explicitly see that in secret empire when she cries by herself for a minute, composes herself and gets ready to kill stevil. u can see that during hickmanvengers when its HER that realizes this is more than just taking sides, theres a bigger fight. i wanted so desperately to see a pissed-off nat and i was literally lied to. n then her ending lmao?!?!?!?! i dont even want to touch on that bc its going to get me so fucking mad jrbhavshgd abut i will talk abt it briefly: FUCK her ending FUCK the russos FUCK m&m and FUCK everyone who said this was empowering. it wasnt. she literally died for HER family, who she decided wasnt as important as clint’s blood family. thats BULLSHIT. its so stupid and the fact that she wasnt even able to reunite with everyone?? the fact that she died in the SAME DISGUSTING MANNER that gamora did???? like she didnt even make it to the FINAL BATTLE. how on earth do u treat ur first female hero (and one of the first female leads of the mcu in general) like that????? the fact that they didnt even give her a proper funeral bc they said that natasha is ~private~ like shes not some fucking loner or recluse. at the very least, we shouldve seen them mourning her properly (steve shedding one tear and bruce throwing shit around doesnt count) but they really said fuck women xo
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thestuckylibrary · 4 years
Group Ask 174
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
There is a fic I cannot find and need help. It takes place in an post apocalyptic world, Bucky manages a radio tower and Steve shows up, he is his ex husband. I tried the AO3 search tricks but I can't find it. HELP!
princessniitza, getstucky and Anon sent in In This Last of Meeting Places by DrowningByDegrees (complete | 44,001 | E)
jekib said:
I’m looking for a fic! The fic starts off with Bucky (who is an American solider) being captured by Hydra. Bucky ends up meeting Steve (who is German in this fic, this is pre-serum Steve). Both Bucky and Steve are experimented on by Hydra. This causes Bucky to lose his arm and get the metal one and Steve to get his post-serum body. They end up escaping Hydra together. Their both immortal and become assassins and end up raising Natasha.
whyaretheycalledpancakes sent in The Memitim* by Stellanti Nocte (lucidown) (complete | 56,469 | E) *graphic violence
luxore said:
I need help finding a fic I remember vaguely; at one point, bucky and Steve live together in a house in the middle of nowhere, and bucky goes on a walk alone and falls through some ice and gets frostbite. Help?
Anon 2 said: (/others)
hello, i’ve been looking for a fic since like. last june and i cannot find it anywhere. all i remember is that it’s a modern au where steve is in the military and he comes home for a while and he and bucky have reunion sex and at some point steve offers to invite some of his military friends for an orgy basically. i think bucky might be a college student too. if y’all could help me i’ll love you eternally 💞
Anon 3 said:
hi, i'm looking for a fic where steve was recovered by general ross and the army where they break him, they have bucky as well and both are used as government assets. sheild finds out that the army have steve and fury invites him to join the avengers. steve is under the impression that they know he's a government asset and the avengers only find out when he takes an anxiety attack on the quin jet after a mission. they soon help him and bucky and both go off to live peaceful lives.
viridianjane,  whyaretheycalledpancakes and Anon sent in Not a Perfect Soldier* by Skarabrae_stone (complete | 93,367 | M) *graphic violence, torture
telvian said:
I'm gonna try to fit as much in this as i can about the fic, which I've looked everywhere for. It's pre-serum steve, 1940's era, older Bucky, Bucky is in the mob with his family, they run their business with a funeral home as a front, it's a series of at least 3 or 4, the family is represented with a silver flower pin, a lily I believe, bucky hires steve to work for him setting appt's and had bought steve's apartment building, a man named Rosie works for bucky, bucky smokes fancy cigs. Thanks!
a-isoiso sent in Sugar 'Verse by justanotherStonyfan (series, ongoing | 31,071 | T)
Anon 4 said:
Hello, I hope someone can help me. I'm searching for a story where Winter Soldier has a job to kill Tony, the Avengers try to protect him. I remember that they were on some party and that later Steve and Bucky were fighting and destroying a hotel room.
Anon 5 said:
i've looked thru both ur and ao3's identity porn tag and still couldn't find this, and im not sure any other tags apply?? its modern, w/ steve and bucky not really knowing each other but bucky gets love letters that are just literature quotes and then ur classic identity porn plot with some angst in there. i was hoping you could help? thanks so much, sorry for adding to ur pile of asks gjfdkhgjf
Anon 6 said: (abuse, substance abuse)
Hi I've been looking for this Political Animals AU where Bucky did alot of drugs and cheated on Steve and I think Steve was in the army. And something happened to Bucky as a kid I think he was sexually abused and Steve had to help him. I think it's a WIP. I've been trying to find it. ❤❤❤
Anon sent in Snake Eyes by boopboop (restricted, complete | 159,983 | E) *rape/noncon, underage, eating disorders, self harm
Anon 7 said:
Hello! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic I've desperately been searching for! What I remember is that it's cap Steve and modern Bucky and they're neighbors (i believe in the same apartment complex) and like the government (i think) has a law that by a certain age certain people are supposed to have a master (idk if it was a/b/o I don't remember) and Steve offered to be Bucky's master. That's all I can remember! I love this blog btw!!
wayward-lives sent in Sunlight on Still Waters by cobaltmoony, sparkly_butthole (complete | 78,043 | E) - heed the tags!
Anon 8 said:
a fic where steve is sexually active and bucky often catches him with a man and goes to that man to get them to have sex with him after they’re done w steve bc he wants “a piece” of steve? Thanks
aley-nag and getstucky sent in Secondhand Source by elise_509 (complete | 17,382 | E)
Anon 9 said:
Hello! Could I please have help finding a fanfiction? Buckys at a carnival thing and his ex (Brock) and his friend are trying to kill him so he asks Steve, who he didnt know, to pretend that they know each other, and Steve hugs Bucky? I'm pretty sure its part of the summary, and it's on ao3. Many thanks!
Anon 10 said:
Hello, I’m trying to find this fic I read ages ago. It’s set post civil war and Steve rewrites Bucky’s journals. Bucky gets angry afterwards because Steve left out that they were in a relationship. Thank you 🧡
btsbubbies said:
Hi!! Hope you’re well! I’m looking for a fix where Steve and Bucky are bffs (I think 5+1) and one time Steve walks in on Bucky getting some self love and he’s like my bad and Bucky is like nah just wait I’m almost done and finishes and gives Steve whatever he needed and Steve leaves and (Clint?) is like bro what- pleas help :):):)
princessniitza, getstucky and Anon sent in 5 times Bucky and Steve were Unnaturally Comfortable Around Each Other, and the 1 Time They Weren’t by WhatTheBodyGraspsNot (oneshot | 5,238 | M)
Anon 11 said:
so i'm looking for a story. i went through everything under your ctfa/wwii tag and either it's not on there or i don't recognise it by the summary; if that's it, i'm very sorry. it's set during/after the bar scene with peggy in the red dress. bucky, at the bar, a mess, bitter&ptsd, says sth like "i'm turning into you". then he leaves for the back alley. steve follows and then bucky "teaches him how to flirt" and guess what they kiss. there's a bottle of liquor & love confessions; it's sweet.
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foggyjamgod · 5 years
The Russos Fucked Up
Ok, so I know that a lot of people have already made posts like these and pointed out the major mistake the Russos made, but here’s my take.
Reasons Captain America Should Have Stayed
He finally saved his best friend and can live out the rest of his life with said best friend, after attempting to do so his entire trilogy.
He made a life for himself in the present/future.
He had seven years to come to terms with the loss of his past life, (he woke up in the future in 2011, Peggy died in 2016, Infinity war took place in 2018), plus another 5 if we include Endgame. So he’s had a total of twelve (12) years to come to terms with losing his past.
He accepted it. He moved on.
He found a new family.
James Buchanan Barnes.
Sam Wilson.
To mourn the death of his partner in crime in the present, Natasha Romanoff.
To mourn the death of Earth’s Best Defender, Tony Stark.
The Starks.
He accepted the loss of his past.
Bruce Banner/Hulk.
Clint Barton.
He accepted the loss of his past.
Nick Fury.
To teach the new Avengers.
He accepted the loss of his past.
Peter Parker.
Everyone listed above needs him.
Daniel Sousa (aka Peggy’s husband).
“Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers we’re inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield.”
“I’m with you ‘till the end of the line.”
Reasons for Him to Go Back
Promised Peggy a dance (I’ll give them this one).
ThAt’S wHaT hE aLwAyS wAnTeD (idk if we watched the same movies or not, but he pretty much got over Peggy and spent most of his time in the present (and past for that matter) trying to find and save Bucky? so like, he always wanted to be with his best friend?? Not a woman he knew for like three (3) years??? Instead of the man he knew and loved (platonically or romantically, however you wish to see it) for his entire life?????)
For the girl he kissed...... once........ in a car........ in front of their boss..... after knowing her for 3ish years........
Idk??? To see the Howling Commandos?? Even though he barely mentioned them in the present?? When he spent more time with them than he did Peggy??????
So, in conclusion, the Russo Brother royally fucked up.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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intoafandom · 5 years
So I just watched endgame and woah! I wanna make a list of my thoughts.
Thor slicing off thanos' head was EPIC
The reason Tony went to help is because he needed Peter back and im MELTING. He literally had the picture framed guys i CANT
One of the first things he said when he got back to earth was "I lost the kid"
Everyone's acting was amazing. RDJ was perfect, literally perfect. Tom's acting during Tonys death scene might be his best work. They way he made his voice all shakey shattered me.
Thor being FAT was hysterical
I loved that so many characters were in it. People i wouldnt even expect like the shield- hyrda guys, the old sorcerers supreme lady, thor's mom etc.
Thor talking to his mom was so sweet I loved it
Natashas death scene was so heary breaking. She sacrificed herself for Clint amd everyone else cuz they were her only family
Tony getting to talk to his dad and find out what his dad really thought of him was so touching. He basically forgave him so Tony literally had no burdens when he died.
Cap getting to see Peggy was so cute and as much as I would've loved from him to not be old at the end, im still happy for him
Dr. Strange bringing everyone through the portals was SO COOL
Wanda kicking the crap out of Thanos slayed my life
Thor going crazy with that lightning slayed my life
Steve kicking the crap out of Thanos with Thors hammer slayed my life
All of their reunion scenes were so cute but
Peters all "hey mr stark remember when i got dusted back there i might have been dreaming but u weren't there and dr strange opened the portals and-"
And Peter just goes "this is nice" MY HEART.
The fact that Peter saved Tony right before too
Peter activating instant kill mode! He hammered those fools!
Dont worry guys peters got it
Nvm he doesn't
"Hey queens!"
^loved it
Peter crawling into a little ball on the ground while he's all beaten up was so cute and sad at the same time. Shows he's still a kid and it really gives my spiderman hoco vibes.
Peter's little convo with captain marvel was so cuuuute
Peter's just there like (¤.¤) woah
The only thing i didn't like about that scene was that Natasha wasn't in it. But it's the next gen, the ladies following in her foot steps so I guessss that makes up for it
Carol not even flinching when Thanos hit her was COOL
Also thank u Carol for saving Tony at the beginning
This movie was so freaking funny yall
Thanos getting snapped will forever be the biggest "oh how the tables have turned" right next to the video of the jonas brothers
"I am Iron Man"
Is Tony Starks last living sentence in the mcu.
We got so many iconic quotes in this movie "i am iron man" avengers assemble" "dont do anything stupid till i get back" "how can i youre taking all the stupid with you" "i can do this all day" "On your left" etc etc
Caps reaction to seeing himself was SO FUNNY
Tony idk what you're talking about, caps ass looked great lol
Tony and his daughter were literally so freaking cute
"I love you 3000"
Tony didn't have a cheap death and im so glad about that. When characters die, I always get so angry cuz I feel like their deaths are stupid. But Tonys is good, as much as I didnt want him to die. He had forgiven his father, he created his own family, brought back everyone else he loved, and saved everyone he loved. Seeing him there with half his body burnt was heart breaking but Tony Stark saved everyone. He died saving everyone and thats AMAZING.
Peter's reaction to seeing Tony dying was the saddest scene I've ever scene. The way he ran up to him and was like "no mr stark we won sir we won" and the fact that he finally called Tony by his first name. Peter was literally bawling and it was so....sad. no other way to describe it
Pepper holding a crying peter
Pepper telling Tony its ok and that he can rest now
The funeral scene was so sad. They really had to put his arc reactor in the center
"Proof that Tony Stark has a heart"
Cuz when that thing stopped glowing u can bet my tears were flowing
I love that everyone was at the funeral. U can tell Peter was trying so hard! Not to cry
Tony started this journey with basically no family and he ended it with a wife, best friends, teammates, a daughter, 2 kids he basically fostered lets be honest, and a world forever greatful to him.
Morgan and Happy talking was adorable but!! I cant be the only one who noticed the cheeseburger thing. As soon as she said that my mind instantly went back to the first Iron Man movie when he comes back from his kidnapping and hes like "cheeseburger first"
She gets it from he dad.
Peter and Neds hand shake and hug was adorable.
The only thing that I didn't really like was that Steve made Sam the new Captain America. I feel like it should've been Bucky.
This movie was amazing and I will forever love the characters and the actors. This is Marvels best movie.
P.s. I would've done the 'see more' thing but I dont know how to do it and I needed to get this out of my system. Also feel free to add on. Also someone needs to write a fix it fanfic where everyone lives. My Peter Tony heart needs HELP.
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itsjustashipperlife · 5 years
So here it is. The longest post I’ll ever write, so bear with me. (I’m not kidding, this is HUGE).
I watched Endgame at 7 pm yesterday… Came back home at 11. And I posted that I would try to sleep and make this post today. You know how many hours I slept? Four. And I finally fell asleep at 3.30 am.
I will try to say all my thoughts on this post, so if I miss something, I’m sorry. (Note: although I like more characters, the IronFam, pepperony, irondad… Will be the main concerns here, so anti Tonys, get the fuck out)
I will try to say things that I liked first, then the ones that I didn’t like, and then we’ll get to the OG6 ends, okay? Okay.
The whole movie has that atmosphere that this was it. The Endgame. And it really makes you anxious for the characters. 
Clint’s first scene with his family is heartbreaking
Tony being so soft (a dad) with Nebula was fucking everything
Although it was expected,  Carol rescuing Tony and Nebula was great. (I guess it’s because the message for Pepper was received… because then why was she waiting there?)
Tony saying “I lost the kid” killed me, and then he finally calms down when Pepper hugs him
Tony’s kiss on Pepper’s cheek
Tony cutting out Steve’s bullshit had me going “Yeah, honey! That’s it”
Seriously, he looks (and feels) like shit. And he gets the strength to get up, rip off his IV, and call him out before his body can’t stand anymore
What’s left of the team trying to fix it all, going to Thanos without second thoughts and killing him once and for all (okay, maybe not “forever”, but you know… Thor finally went for the head)
That “5 years later” gasp, seeing how the world is “moving on” after the decimation
Everyone’s fucking done, and tired, and hopeless (e.g. Nat, Steve, Rocket and Nebula, Rhodey, Clint…)
Nat’s break down, trying to stay positive about Clint, and about everything (also, Rhodey helping her, looking for Clint… Because in this blog, we love and respect Colonel James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes)
Scott getting back from the quantum realm after (for him) 5 hours, to finally reunite with his now grown up daughter
Tony “moving on” (kinda). He has the life he said he wanted since AoU, with Pepper as his wife and his daughter, and living on a beautiful farm, away from everyone
Tony being the BEST DAD the MCU will ever see (no hate on Clint or Scott tho, it’s just my opinion). He loves her so much, and she loves her daddy too (3000
Morgan with the Rescue helmet
Tony kissing it
He carrying her inside to have dinner
The team getting to his house for help, cause he’s the only one that can do it
That shot of Tony pouring drinks for everyone in which we see his wedding band (because, of course, and like RDJ, Tony is that kind of man)
He being selfish about trying what Scott said. He has every right to be. Although Peter’s not there, he has Morgan. And he wants to be there for her. He’s allowing himself to be selfish for the first time in 15 years (being 2023 in the MCU right now… I think… technically…)
But… he’s Tony Stark. The selfless man the world will ever know. He can fix it, and he will
Nat, Scott and Steve talking with Bruce… or Hulk… or Proffesor Hulk (let’s call him Bruce)
Tony being domestic: doing the dishes, tucking his daughter in, the “I love you 3000″, and him being so cute with Morgan like… “whoa, honey, that’s a lot… that’s more than ‘tons’"
Him resolving the problems of the “time-travels” in a couple of hours… I stan one man… Also, Morgan seeing her daddy work and getting ice-cream before going to sleep. Again, the best dad
Once again, Tony being domestic talking with Pep (aka his wife, aka the love of his life, aka the mother of his daughter, aka his goddess, boss and queen), asking her what should he do, and Pepper, like always, being his voice of reason
Scott and Bruce trying to work with the quantum realm 
Tony driving to the compound like the badass he is (also, while being a badass, still being a dad and putting toys and a teddy bear out the way of Cap’s shield)
Bruce and Rocket looking for Thor, the appereance of Valkyrie, Korg and Miek, and Thor playing Fortnite. (I found all of Thor’s scenes very funny, but at the same time I didn’t feel like it was okay to laugh about it. He’s clearly depressed during the whole film, and every character-like every person- deal with depression and ways to cope in different ways… so I don’t think that laughing at Fat Thor was nearly okay)
Clint being a badass
His scene with Nat, holding hands
Rhodey with the best fucking idea of the movie (go back in time to baby Thanos, and… you know the rest). Again, I love this man
Bruce freaking out about it. And explaining the way the MOVIE works
Clint being succesful on the first try
The WHOLE scenes of the “domestic” team, getting up ideas of how they’re going to recollect the stones (Loved every single one of them, and I would gladly watch a film that was all about Nat, Tony and Bruce lying on a table and talking)
Jane Foster making a come-back (kinda)… Also, Thor is me when I’m doing a presentation 
Rocket calling Scott “puppy”
The team prepared. The whole “you know your teams, you know your missions” speech
The “unseen” parts of Avengers 1, after they got Loki
Scott giving 2012-Tony a heart attack and 2012-Thor helping with Mjolnir. All while actual-Tony gets the tesseract (for a while)
All of Rocket-Thor scenes in Asgard
Rhodey and Nebula laughing at Quill
2012-Cap vs actual-Cap (+America’s Ass), and the elevator scene
The ancient one and Bruce conversation
The whole thing with past and present Nebula
Stan Lee’s cameo
Tony and Steve going to 1970. Tony (aka Howard Potts… I died when his wife’s name is the first one that comes to his mind) talking to Howard Stark, having a dad to dad conversation, and Edwin Jarvis cameo. Meanwhile, Steve seeing Peggy.
Nat sacrifice for Clint. Clint crying afterwards…
The team decided to not let her sacrifice be in vain (+Bruce’s reaction)
Bruce undoing the snap
Past-Gamora helping actual-Nebula (+killing old-Nebula)
Thor, Steve and Tony fight with Thanos (while the rest of the team is trying to get the gauntlet)… (+THAT scene of Steve and Mjolnir)
Rescue and Iron Man fighting back to back like the power couple they are
Rescue-Mom giving Spiderman and the gauntlet a ride
Tony and Peter reunion *sobbing* (+Groot and Rocket, +Hope and Scott, +Quill and Gamora)
THAT SCENE WITH ALL THE WOMEN FIGHTING TOGETHER (Pepper being the badass she fucking is!!)… The only woman I missed was Nat… *sobbing again*
Thor going with the Guardians (+Quill looking for Gamora)
Clint with his fam
Scott with his fam
Steve giving the shield to Sam
(this is kinda)-> Steve going to Peggy
In conclusion: MY HEART IS FUCKING BROKEN FOR THIS MOVIE, but nontheless I “loved” it
Okay… so now that we are done… Let’s talk about what I didn’t like:
I needed more Pepper/Tony moments, and more Pepper “mommy” moments
Uncle Happy was great… BUT WHAT ABOUT UNCLE RHODEY!
Steve, get out of the fucking way! Tony doesn’t need you now (at the begining of the movie). He needs Pepper, and Rhodey, and food, water and sleep 
Rhodey not getting a hug with Tony at the begining of the movie
Not May/Tony conflict/crying over their ‘son’
I don’t know if I like Howard’s and Tony’s talk… I do like it, but idk. I guess that in the movies he wasn’t physically abusing to him… But at least he gets to talk with his dad and he realizes he’s a very good dad with Morgan (aka, his “little girl” *sobs*)
THAT FUCKING CHEESEBURGUER LINE (I swear, I will never get over that fucking line)
Steve getting to live his “endgame” with Peggy, leaving everyone behind (aka Bucky and Sam, but mostly Bucky) and being FUCKING SELFISH (in my eyes… and for what I’ve read, in a lot of actual Cap’s fans too)
How come that “the man who lays in the wire” is the one that leaves, and “the man who would cut the wire” is the one that fucking LAYS ON IT (again)
Alright. Now I’m going to talk about the OG6 ends. Although I have leave my points of view up… But I still want to talk about it more thoroughly:
Clint: Finally, Clint got his protagonism in the team. He’s going to do “whatever it takes” (and he means WHATEVER) to bring his family back. I liked his end, there’s nothing more to discuss about it.
Bruce: Yeah, Bruce finally got the best of both worlds, the mind and the strength… But what’s he going to do now?
Thor: Thor’s end was okay (IMO)… He doesn’t have the strength to be the king anymore… But Valkyrie does. And he has great chemistry with the Guardians, so I didn’t mind him going with them.
Nat: Nat’s ending was great. Let me explain. I didnt like that she died. But I felt it very on character… She has no family, her family are the avengers. And she wants to bring them back. Clint is like her brother (I’m a little into Clintasha tbh, but I accept that they give them that brother/sister relationship long ago. It proofs that not all the male/female friendships have to end in a romantic relationship), and she did anything she could to undo the snap during 5 fucking years.
Steve: Hated it (him). Yeah, you “loved” Peggy… Whatever. (The Russos trying to put Steggy as the Royal ship when everyone KNOWS that that title belongs, AND WILL ALWAYS BELONG, to Pepper and Tony). He’s just looking at the past, he has never moved on, and he never will. He let Tony gave up his family (at the age of 53… god, he had a lot to live for) and then he left Bucky behind (and the whole Hydra mess too), when he always was so nuisance about him all these years…
Tony: Hate/Love it. I love it because it’s the way of fully close the circle of this whole journey, and he’s the SAVIOR of the fucking MCU, now and always. Haters can shut their mouths now after what he did…
I hate it because… He’s my baby. He finally had the life he craved for all these years. Married to Pep, with his baby girl; trophy husband, doting father… and now he’s… gone. He’ll never see Morgan grow up (her first day at college, her first bf/gf, her graduation, her wedding, his grand-kids… any of it), he’ll never see Peter go to college either. Pepper will see all of that alone (not completely, because Happy and Rhodey will always be there, but someone will be always missing). Morgan won’t ever doubt that her daddy loves her, but still he won’t be there to kiss her goodnight, nor to tell her shitty bed time stories. (God, I’m crying again… and I really want to say I am joking, but I’m not).
Tony fucking DESERVED BETTER. 
Rhodey hold his head and pet his hair, with tears in his eyes that he refuses to let out. Peter calling him Tony for the first time ever… “We won” 
Also, Pepper is the STRONGEST WOMAN IN THE MCU. No one will EVER change my mind. She went into battlefield to help her husband, to protect their kid, and she hates violence. She fought beside him, helped defeat Thanos… And, when Tony (her Tony) was dying… She kneeled next to him, to reassure him that they would be okay, that he “can rest now”. And she didn’t break until he was gone. So the last thing he would see was her being the calm, competent person he knows she is. SHE FUCKING WAITS TILL HE’S GONE. SHE HOLDS HER TEARS AND HER SOBS SO HE WOULD FEEL OKAY. SO THAT HE COULD REST. And then, when the light of his arc reactor is out, and his hand is no longer in hers, she let it all out. She kissed his cheek one last time and sobs with her face buried in his neck… And I can’t deal with it.
Tony’s last message… “I love you 3000″ is another heartbreak. And the “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart” is the best… But the fucking cheeseburguers… If I weren’t sobbing and trembling during all that, the cheeseburguer was the charm that made me explode. It was over. It was really over. And that line made it true.
And the point is… I can’t read fanfics now. Nor see fanarts, fanvids, edits, you name it. Hell, I don’t think I’ll be able to watch any movie with Tony in it with the same eyes anymore… Any of the Iron Man movies, Homecoming, Civil War… It’s just too much. I won’t be able to watch Iron Man 1 again the same as I did before… with the cheeseburguer, and Pepper tears because she “hates job hunting”, Yinsen and his question about family, or the first time Tony flies out of his garage, with that huge, happy smile on his face.
Every time that I see 3000, I get fucking sad. And I was crying when I got home yesterday. When I calmed down a bit, I entered Instagram and Robert posted that photo of him and Jimmy Rich “holding” the A of Avengers and the tag #iloveyou #3000 and I fucking cried again… Fuck, I’ve been crying while writing all of this post.
I’m not even able to read some fluff fanfic from a couple of years ago… Pre-Infiniry war era to cheer me up. It just makes me sadden.
And… I think that’s it… I hope someone will read aaaaall my rant, but I can’t sum anything up.
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iron--spider · 5 years
My Endgame writeup or whatever
I’m gonna try to go in order of what I can remember. I might not hit on everything. Up front I will say—it played better than actually reading the spoilers did. But is that even saying much? I don’t know. I have a very strange feeling about all of it and I absolutely have not processed it yet. I just keep coming back to this thought—I just don’t know. I genuinely don’t know
- I loved the Nebula and Tony bits on the Benatar. He was such a sweet, sweet calming dad. I wanted more of all this. They rushed through it.
- Uh. How did Carol know. Why did they skip her finding out where he was? I need more lol. I also wanted the scene where she originally arrived. Don’t assume shit about us, Marvel, just don’t skip important scenes.
- Side note: the pacing in the beginning is....bad. Really bad lol.
- I liked the Tony arriving back bit. I like everything about Robert’s performance here. How he said “I lost the kid” with such emotion (though does Steve know who he’s talking about?)
- Next scene was some of the BEST work I’ve ever seen out of Robert. Seeing him so skinny like that was horrifying. The look on his face when he saw Peter on the screen. Ripping out the IV, everything he said to Steve, pulling out the housing unit and dropping it in Steve’s hand and then collapsing. Oscar reel. That’s my baby and I’m proud. Damn.
- “up until a couple minutes ago I thought you were a build a Bear” lmfao
- uhhhhh the killing Thanos.....yeah whatever. It was weird. And annoying.
- If I could rewrite this movie, the five years later is exactly where I would start :) A misstep, in my opinion. I don’t believe Tony would trust himself to have a child after losing one.
- “your mom never wears stuff I get her” lol
- kid is super super cute but not a good actress. I had no idea what she was talking about most of the time because she spoke so low.
- Paul Rudd fucking nailed every single scene he was in. He was amazing and a star player to me. His face in the Cassie scene. So good.
- Nat was great in every moment she had.
- The scene with the photo. God. Tony was so absolute in his opinion—he was not going to do this time travel heist. It was risking too much. No way. Get out of my house if you’re gonna talk that way. But then that picture. He takes one look at it, this dead kid that still holds such a big piece of his heart. And the next scene he’s cracking time travel.
- Pepper probably always knew this was a possibility. Their conversation made me cry.
- I hate professor hulk. It’s so stupid. Hate it lol.
- Thor just...made me sad. He wasn’t a joke to me. He was so obviously devastated and sad and just....not himself. He couldn’t forgive himself. It hurt to see him like that.
- Love when Tony drives up so fast and gives Steve his shield back.
- Here comes my favorite parts of the movie honestly. I love the whole team figuring shit out stuff once they were all together again. Tony and Nat laying on the table together with pillows. Everyone eating snacks and talking. This is the kind of shit I wanted ALL. ALONG.
- I felt offended when they were trying to explain the time travel to the audience. It’s so obviously bullshit. It creates massive, massive plotholes and it’s bad. Bad.
- But I enjoyed it lmao. The 2012 stuff was so wonderful. The Hulk getting mad and wanting to smash the elevator and Tony being like “stop, stop” lmao. Tony checking out Steve’s ass. Steve checking out his own ass. 2012!Steve saying “I can do this all day” and our Steve being like “yeahIKNOW”. Scott giving 2012!Tony a mini heart attack and 2012!Thor being so concerned lol.
- Steve and Tony journeying to 1970 was great and I adore them being a team a lot. But I’m not here for the redeeming Howard. Don’t like that guy. Don’t. Like him. Only glad it gives Tony a bit of closure.
- Uh Nat and Clint killed me. I was a wreck. They were my original ship and that just....I really miss her and she didn’t deserve that. My beautiful girl.
- The scene when they’re back and discussing her death was so hard. Thor particularly hurt me with how he couldn’t accept it.
- I knew the whole last bit was coming and it just felt like this sense of impending doom. I hate that it happened, I hate that that dickhead came out of nowhere right when they were fixing shit.
- Okay. The last battle was really good. Steve with the hammer was great. But I wanted Tony to do more. They didn’t let him do enough there at all. I loved the shot of the big three looking at Thanos before they started to approach.
- Everyone cheered and freaked out when the dusted started coming back. Peter got the biggest cheer.
- That little sweet angel running over to Tony and picking him up. Starting rambling on about what happened because he’s got to fill his dad in. Tony looking at him LIKE THAT, just....struck by the fact that he’s back, unchanged, right here, in front of him. His kid. The kid that made him want to have kids. The hug was gorgeous. So sweet how Peter was like “this is nice”.
- Loved the ladies bit and Peter just like :o
- Pepper in her suit. So cool. I wanted more.
- Peter protecting the gauntlet. I love you angel baby. He was so good.
- The whole fight for the gauntlet right there in the end was so tense. I thought I would hate Tony’s last line because reading that felt contrived but it worked because of the way he said it. I didn’t like how long it took Thanos and his army to dust away. I thought it took away from Tony a little bit.
- The death was. Awful. It was better than I thought it would be, because he did get to whisper “hey babe” to Pepper, hold her hand, smile a little. Peter broke my fucking heart. But I hate the whole “you can rest now”. Pepper would fight for her man to the ends of the earth. It’s clear to me that they wanted to do this for shock and to subvert our expectations. It didn’t need to happen. It really didn’t. Like someone wrote on here, he could have lost his arm and it would have been shocking but we could have still.....saved him. It was so hard to see him like that. I was crying so hard I couldn’t really see much of it honestly lol. But I saw enough. It hurt like hell. It’s one of the worst if not THE worst death I’ve ever witnessed on screen.
- I went kinda catatonic after that. I don’t remember details. I was really mad that they put those words in Tony’s mouth about happy endings and not always getting that even if you want it. Fuck u russos and writers. Was Peter in the room for the message? Idk. He should have been.
- Annoyed they tried to make Thor be funny after that goddamn memorial.
- “proof tony stark has a heart” lord they really had to......hurt me in that way again.
- Uh the Steve ending is a huge, huge disservice to him. He’d never. He’d never lol. That means he ignores all these events he could stop. Yes, Russos, it fucking does mean that. That’s what u did to captain America.
- Like I read on @jess-b-thot’s blog, this movie should have fucking ended with Tony’s face, not Steve’s. It’s Tony’s story. Not Steve’s.
Ummmm when RDJ’s title card came up the whole theater stood and clapped. I was still crying. I cried so loud it was so embarrassing. I don’t really know how I’m feeling now. @whimsicalethnographies has said the word ‘adrift’ and that feels right. It definitely had some moments I enjoyed, but it was not a worthy ending. Tony was spectacular throughout and continually reminded me of why he’s my favorite and why I’ll just MISS him so desperately. Everything he says is memorable, everything he does is important. I want to etch every expression on his face into my heart. He also looked so beautiful and I just cried whenever I saw him because I can’t imagine that beautiful, precious man being gone. It’s a horrifying thought. He’s just so important, the beating heart of this universe, and they killed him for an emotional shock. That’s why I can’t accept it or accept this movie. They shouldn’t have done it. He deserves the ending Steve got. And since this was his last movie, he should have gotten WAY more to do in that last battle. That was a Steve fest. Moral of the story, Tony deserved better. But that was always the story. Tony deserved the world but the world didnt deserve him.
And yes, Iron Dad is canon. Tony would have stayed in that life he made, but he saw that picture and he couldn’t. If there was even a chance of bringing the kid back, he had to take it. Tony’s love for Peter saved the universe. I hope Peter knows that the whole world was saved because of him. Everyone is back because of him. And Tony is gone because he loved Peter enough to change the fabric of time and space to get him back.
They deserved more time.
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cutekitten6 · 5 years
Avengers Endgame Spoilers
you’ve been warned
The Good
STEVE ROGERS YIELDING THE MOTHERFUCKING MJOLNIR I CANT BELIEVE THIS!!!! it was totally insane and i knew what was happening when it started moving but holy shit it was just amazing everytime he used it!!!
and we almost got to see if peter was worthy of the hammer too but fucking dakjhfkasldhj
IRON DAD SPIDER SON HUG WAS SO PURE!!! i very fucking cried like yes tony, you guys are at the level of a hug and <3 <3 <3
Everyone coming back at the end fight scene was honestly just jaw dropping. You’re lifted with so much hope when all the magic portals open and you see all the heroes who vanished returned. It was so so so good
Tony and Nebula’s friendship couldve been shown more :( like the opening scene was him and her playing and they were so cute!! like for real they did us dirty by not showing us that they became good friends
I said it to my friends and I’ll say it here: I knew for a fact that Scott’s family wasn’t dusted. He was too chipper in the trailers so I knew his family was A-Okay.
Tony and Steve checking out Steves ass was comedy gold and so valid. Especially after Steve fought himself and went “yeah you right”
the female team up to protect peter parker was so fucking great i loved it so much.
The Sad
Our main Marvel trio reunited/saw/talked with people they loved who died during their time travel mission and oof it hurted.
Thor being one depressed dude(tm) and having a talk with his mother on the day she was going to die was v heartbreaking
Tony having an actual adult conversation with his dad was a big sad moment, esp when he realised that Howard Stark really did love his family
STEVE SEEING PEGGY AGAIN DDDD: that shit hurted a lot and I knew that when we was putting the stones back that he would stay with her. How that doesnt create a ripple effect in time because he changed the timeline idk. Russo bros i just want to talk
When tony snapped his fingers, the entire cinema applauded and cheered. meanwhile i was sobbing and clutching my mouth because I knew what that would mean for him. I don’t think Tony should have been the one to be sacrificed. He had finally found his happy place and he didn’t deserve to be taken away from that. The only solace i have is that Pepper and Peter were with him and tried to ease him into death.
Black Widow sacrificing herself was hmmm. Like i knew between her and Clint, she would be the one to die because Clint had family to get back to and she would never have let him die and give that up. But like really? Really?? im a bit bitter but not so much.
The Confusing
As I’ve mentioned before, wouldn’t steve’s choice to stay in the past and grow old WITH PEGGY have effects on their future? She had married someone else and I think even had kids (not sure about that tho). Don’t get me wrong, them slow dancing in their house happy and in love was a good way to end the movie but still.
the time travel stuff was confusing to begin with. like yeah they try to explain it with the ancient one, but it didnt help that much.
like Nebula KILLS her past self. even thought that past self is brough to the future, wouldn’t she die too?? they tried to explain this in the movie but it wasn’t done v well.
also the entire thing about the two nebulas sharing a memory hard drive like?? im not sure thats how computers work but go off.
all in all, great movie. it didn’t go the way i was expecting, but the conclusion was pretty satisfying for me. i am still sad, but not as emotionally devastated as i was last year.
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