#they don't care about being told off. they don't care about failing exams. they don't care about detentions. they don't care about expulsion
hairtusk · 11 months
also if you're ever wondering why we as a society are descending into lunacy, it's because children no longer care about the real world because their entire lives exist exclusively online
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kiame-sama · 8 months
Scarlet Eyes- (Yandere!Alpha!Chrollo x Kurta!Omega!Reader)
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Warnings; My abo au (only 1000 or less omegas world wide), mention of kidnapping, mention of death, spoilers for the York New arc, gender neutral reader, reader is kurta so this means they have brown->red eyes as all kurta do, switching a few events around chronologically,
"I'm only going to ask you this once, where is my twin?"
Kurapika kept playing the conversation he had in the last moments of the burly spider's life. The sparse information he got from the conversation did little to soothe him or make him feel like he was any closer to finding his beloved twin. If anything, Kurapika worried that he was already too late to do anything.
He had been determined to get whatever information he could from the large man, but the man was near impossible to interrogate. The man only really spoke up when Kurapika mentioned his omega twin. There was little comfort however as the man gave a wolfish grin, bearing his teeth in a clear mocking sneer.
"Oh, the omega? Don't worry about them, Boss has already taken care of it."
The spider's words did nothing to make Kurapika feel better as it sounded like the worst has come to pass. In some ways, he had hoped that the spiders would be interested enough in finding an omega that they wouldn't hurt or sell his twin, but it seemed he was not so lucky. He would kill each and every one of those fuckers and make them pay for the pain they no doubt put his family through.
Kurapika had always hoped that he would be strong enough to protect his sibling- even from the spiders- but that was clearly not the case. It hurt his heart more than he cared to admit when he dwells too long on the fact that he failed his twin. He had dragged them away from home, put them through the gauntlet of the Hunter's exam, swore to protect them, and still he failed. Once he finished the damnable spiders off, he would begin the long journey of finding his twin.
No doubt it would be difficult and near impossible to find them, Omegas were a prized possession after all, but he was determined. Wherever they had taken you, whoever they sold you to, Kurapika would find you. He promises.
You felt an unusual chill run down your back, frowning and glancing towards the door to the abandoned church you were in. Chrollo sat next to you with one arm around you, hand resting on your hip possessively. Though you couldn't place what, something told you that a change had taken place. Perhaps it was nothing, perhaps it had something to do with the missing alpha, Uvogin.
Despite being in a group of very dangerous people, you felt rather safe. In part, it had to do with the fact your alpha was an apex alpha, and in part it was because of the respect your alpha commanded. The other spiders- minus Hisoka- respected the fact that their leader had claimed you and kept their distance from you. Hisoka was new to you and clearly you were the first omega he had ever actually encountered. He was determined to get close to you either to rile Chrollo or to get his hands on you, and Chrollo was not pleased with the jester's behavior.
You sometimes felt your mind wander away to thoughts of your twin, hoping he would never come for you but knowing that is all he would want to do. Since you both were young you watched out for each other, but it all changed when you began showing signs of being an omega. Where Kurapika had once been your equal he then became your protector and would loudly protest to you being paired with anyone or taken away from his protection. He would always be your protector and you knew it likely killed him inside to know you had been taken.
It did take time for you to settle the war within yourself that waged due to being mated to the apex alpha that exterminated your clan and kidnapped you. Part of you still hated the alpha, but another part of you adored him as your mate and that part of you was supported by your instincts. It didn't help that you once asked Chrollo why he killed everyone only for him to respond 'because I could' with a kiss to your forehead. Chrollo always seemed to know when he could bring up your scarlet eyes to control you or fluster you. Taking amusement in the simple mentioning of them being enough to quell any overly willful behavior.
For now you were at ease with the monster that claimed you, feeling rather bound to him regardless of the uneasy feeling he sometimes gave you. Chrollo was clearly content with it as well seeing as he held so securely to you and was rather indulgent of your behavior. He even used an ability that allowed him to bring your nest with you and set it up wherever you deemed appropriate. Few Troupe members were allowed near you simply for the fact that Chrollo didn't like others near his omega. Still, you could see how some members were drawn closer by your presence alone.
Beyond just being the mate of a truly monstrous apex alpha, you were getting used to others knowing you were an omega. With Kurapika you had to constantly cover your scent and hide your omega tendencies around others. You had mostly adjusted to behaving like a beta and also adjusted to others thinking you were a beta. It was odd to you that your Hunter's license- which you still thought was a joke- told others you were an omega. The secret you worked hard to keep was so readily shared with others now.
The sudden shift and movement of being pulled into Chrollo's lap made you yelp, startled by the rather abrupt motion. Chrollo seemed amused by your yelp, however. His lips slowly tracing over the mark on your neck as he let one hand brace around your waist, the other squishing your thigh appreciatively. You were confused as to why he would behave in such an open display of affection towards you, as you couldn't think of anything that would trigger this behavior.
"Chrollo, what- what are you doing?"
"Shh, my sweet (Y/n). Just indulge your alpha."
You felt compelled to obey the soft murmur against your shoulder, shivering but no longer struggling against your alpha's hold. Chrollo seemed rather content to focus on kissing your neck and shoulders, almost as if he were establishing dominance. His affectionate display was a show of dominance, reminding the Troupe that you were his exclusively and making it clear that he was still vastly interested in keeping things that way.
Unbeknownst to you and the rest of the Troupe, Hisoka was paying close attention and ensuring to gather what bit of information he could get. He would certainly share this information with the Kurta and see if he could gain you as his own omega in the process.
"I know about your twin and can tell you what you want to know about them."
The smooth words make Kurapika's eyes widen, feeling invigorated and even more determined to get whatever he could from the grinning jester. Hisoka already knew how he was going to portray this information and it excited him to think about the emotional response he would undoubtedly get.
"Tell me."
"So impatient~! Well, if you must know, they are alive and within the city limits. Don't relax too soon though, the lead spider Chrollo has taken them on as his mate and has already marked them. Killing Chrollo will kill (Y/n)."
Hisoka couldn't help the wolfish grin that pulled at his lips when Kurapika responded to his words with clear despair. Out of all of the terrifying things he had ever considered, Kurapika hadn't considered you being bound to his greatest enemy. Killing Chrollo suddenly became a dangerous option as he knew how omegas could die of sorrow if any harm befalls their mate. The last thing Kurapika wanted to do was hurt you.
"I'm sure you know that the only way you can kill Chrollo and not (Y/n) is if they have another mate by the time you kill him. I'm happy to volunteer as that replacement."
Despite how Kurapika didn't want to let Hisoka anywhere near you, he had to genuinely consider the proposition. If he killed Chrollo, he would kill you should you have no other mate to rely on. Kurapika knew how fragile omegas were and he knew how the well-being of an omega's mate could determine the well-being of the omega themselves. Either Kurapika needed to keep Chrollo alive- which was a detestable thought- or he needed to find and implement a replacement mate for you to survive losing Chrollo.
It was a lose-lose situation for Kurapika and he hated that the spiders put him and his twin through so much continued suffering. He would save you no matter what.
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dovkss · 1 year
bakugou using your mouth in the library during a weekly study date with your friends…
word count: 2.2k
warning: 18+; manhandling; blowjob (m receiving); degradation; slapping; public sex; possessive & controlling katsuki; choking & gagging; cum eating; yandere themes; poor eijiro once again :((
all characters are aged up !!
a/n: quick first drabble from my first story “dumb bitch” since a lot of you asked for a part two but I don’t want to do one, I’ll continue more drabbles from the story if asked ! enjoy ! (^_^)
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You and the girls gathered at your usual study spot in the library on a quiet Saturday afternoon. You all were preparing for an exam and knew that studying together would help big time.
Kirishima was also there, like he always was. But he barely spoke. Ever since he discovered you and Bakugou on his bed, sprawled out like heathens, things were awkward to say the least.
You, the girl he’d cared deeply for, had chosen Bakugou over him, and it felt like a dagger was plunged into his soul.
He would think back to before everything went to shit. When classes for the day ended, he would see you leaning on his car when he'd go to the parking lot. You would greet him and lock your arm with his and you both made your way to the other side so he would open the passenger door for you.
You'd beg to go get ice cream or ask if he could take you home so you wouldn't have to take the bus. He would never say no to you, only nod like a dummy. It was like you knew the scent of your perfume made you irresistible to him.
When he would go to open the driver door, the handle would be warm from your ass. The day after the next, you would be back again to do the same thing.
You wanted to apologize to him, but was shut down by Bakugou. His nostrils flared and he rolled his eyes. "He'll get over it, stay away from him. Why? Because I told you to! Don't question me, you're fucking mine."
You respected his wishes, but you felt it was wrong.
You guys settled down at the spacious table, surrounded by shelves stacked with books, each section thoughtfully curated. They housed literary classics, contemporary bestsellers, niche genres, and even rare manuscripts. The atmosphere in the studying section was calm and serene. Soft whispers and the sound of turning pages filled the air.
You opened your rented textbook, and laptop, setting down your regular coffee next to them, ready to dive in.
"God, my head is killing me," Mina whined. Dramatically, she slumped over in her chair and rubbed her temple with two fingers.
"Still? It's been like a week," Momo asked.
"I don't know what's happening to me! Maybe... I'm dying..."
"Don't say that, death isn't funny."
"I never said it was, I'm being serious!"
"You're not gonna die from a headache, Mina. Stop being a baby. Maybe learn how to swallow a pill, it'll help."
Mina groaned and shook her head. "You know I can't do that!"
"Then stop complaining!" Momo snapped back.
You shook your head in disbelief. It seemed that the girls would always find something mundane to argue about. But that was just their dynamic. If there were a day they weren't bickering, you'd be worried.
You glanced up at Kirishima who sat across from you. His head was in his notebook; he was taking notes. You watched him, observing how he studied. His handwriting was a little sloppy, as he seemed to be writing fast. His tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth a little.
He was adorable when he was focused.
He looked up, meeting your gaze. You didn't look away. His red eyes glistened in the sunlight that came through the windows. You smiled at him, being sure to show off your pearly whites.
He sighed and went back to jotting down whatever he was writing. You frowned and opened your mouth to speak up, but you were suddenly yanked up by your arm.
You gasped and dropped the pen that was in your hand. You knew that tight grip of his, it never failed to make you shutter.
"Been tryna reach you for hours, y'know?"
You giggled. "Well I can't be available all the time."
Bakugou wasn't amused. His ears flushed in anger and his jaw clenched.
He dragged you out of the library, you winced when he tightened his grip on you. He was tall, his long strides made it almost impossible for your legs to keep up at a normal pace. Looking back, you were surprised.
Momo sat silently, taking a deep breath. Mina watched in confusion as to where he was taking you and wondered if you’d be back. Kirishima just stared. He seemed calm, like he wasn't worried.
He wasn't.
“Be right back you guys- ow!” You flinched. Bakugou had yanked you by your ear, forcing you in front of him so you couldn’t look anywhere else but ahead.
Leaving the study area, Bakugou took you to an empty part of the library, all the way on the other side. Furthest away from your friends.
He shoved you into one of the shelves and stood in front of you. He towered over you, his wide chest almost caging you in that one spot.
“You wanna embarrass me?” He asked, how voice low and intimidating.
You shook your head. “No… of course not, Katsuki! What did I do?”
His infuriated state didn’t subside. Your innocent question only intensified it.
“You should know better than to ignore me,” he said.
You shook your head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m sorry, okay?”
“You always have your phone on you, I’m not stupid.”
You looked up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “My phone is in my bag, we needed to focus for this exam and I didn’t want to get distracted. I didn’t mean to worry you… forgive me?”
He scoffed at your sudden change in demeanor. You looked at him with those eyes. The very same eyes you gave him whenever you wanted him to take care of you in more ways than one.
“What a fucking whore you are.” He spat at you, his hands running down the sides of your waist.
“You know me so well—after I study, you can come over. I’ll make it up to you!” You smile softly, biting your lip.
Bakugou didn’t react, he just looked at you. It was hard to read him. You were never able to tell what he was thinking. That’s what made him stand out to you in the first place.
“Why are you studying with Kirishima?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Well, that’s how it’s always been. I can’t really control if he’s there or not either…”
“Fucking figure it out. I don’t want you around him, if that means you have to kick those sluts to the curb as well, then so be it.”
He was serious. Of course he was, there was never a moment where he wasn’t. But he didn’t actually expect you to let go of Momo and Mina did he? Your best friends since… forever!
You frowned at his words and your arms dropped from his neck. You fiddled with the hem of your sweater and looked away from him.
When you didn’t give an answer, he brought his hand up to your chin, forcing you to look at him. “So what’s it gonna be?”
You were unsure of how to answer. Obviously, you weren’t gonna stop being friends with them. They were there first, it would be unfair.
“Why do you hate him so much?”
The grin on his face became more prominent. Slowly, teasingly, his hand smoothed down your hair before he pressed against the back of your neck. “Because he wants what’s mine.”
He pressed down hard, pushing you down to your knees. Your heart sped up when you realize what’s happening.
You blinked up at him, unsure of what he wanted you to do. You were also too scared. Your hands shook a little at the thought of getting caught. That would be a nightmare.
He tilted his head at you. “You don’t expect me to do everything, do you?”
You looked to both sides of you worryingly. “What if someone comes, and we get in trouble, or worse- suspended. Or even worse! Expelled! Oh my god, I’d be in so much trouble, my parents would kill me and I would be a disgrace and they’d disown me and they’d take away everything I have, everything I love, oh my god I’m gonna have a heart attack,”
Bakugou rolled his eyes at your nervous rambling, unzipping his pants and pulling out his hard cock. He slammed your head back on the shelf which shut you up immediately, his cock in his hand, he tapped your lips with it.
“Are you done? Needa’ use your mouth for something more productive right now.”
You closed your eyes, letting out jagged breaths, and nod submissively. He chuckled then forced his cock between your lips, putting his entire length down your throat.
Your squeals are muffled when he thrusts into your mouth. He explores your tongue and feels the inside of your cheeks. It made him crave you even more.
“Looks at me baby- aah, shit. Look at me when your mouth is full.” He exhaled.
You did as he said without question. One thing about Bakugou, his moans were gorgeous. They never failed to make you feel special.
It always sent shivers down your spine whenever his breaths let you know how much of a good girl you were being. Your nipples became hard, almost being visible through your thick sweater. The pain at the back of your head became a distant feeling.
The only thing you focused on was him. How good he was making you feel, and how you were doing the same to him.
His breath hitched as his thrusts into your throat became more powerful. His balls slapped against your chin and saliva spilled from the corners of your lips.
“Wider,” he panted. “Open wider… deeper…”
You tried your best to widen your lips more to his liking. But you were as wide as you could go, his cock was already forcing your mouth wide open. It was hard to breathe through your mouth and your jaw started to cramp.
He leaned over you, his arms and forehead resting on the bookshelf. You could tell he was focused, his expression was serious.
You felt yourself growing more wet when you began to gag on his cock. The lewd noises were a little loud, the thought of being caught scared you but you didn’t care about that now.
He moaned more, cursing at you under his breath. It was so faint, you couldn’t hear what he was saying. But you were willing to bet it was so hot.
Hs shoved his hand to the back of your head and began forcing you down on his cock. Your eyes shot close when you started choking on him even more.
His grip on your hair tightened and you could tell he was close. You tried to be good for him and just take it. But the roughness was too much to handle.
You whined and whimpered, but he ignored you. The only thing on his mind was chasing his high. You felt his cock twitch in your mouth and you moaned.
That set him off. His body jerked ever so slightly as he released down your throat. His gasps were soft and mixed with shits and fucks.
When he pulled out of you, a long string of his thick cum mixed in with your saliva connected between his cock and your mouth. He lifted it off his end and placed it in your mouth.
You prepared your throat to swallow before he caught it and flung his hand across your cheek, your head snapping to the side. You whimper and bring your hand to your slapped cheek.
“Don’t swallow until I tell you to.” He hissed.
You nodded and stood slowly, resting your head on his chest. He cleaned himself up a bit, putting his cock back into his boxers and zipping up his jeans.
He led you back to your friends and left without a word. You sat down quietly, grabbing your phone from your bag and rested your head on the table.
13 missed calls and 22 unanswered texts.
“What happened back there? Are you alright?” Mina asked. You looked up at her. She was worried, like usual. You only smile and nod.
“Are you sure? You look exhausted,” Kirishima added. You nod again, your tongue playing with the cum still in your mouth.
You felt your eyes ready to close so you can get some rest until you felt your phone buzz. You lifted it from your lap and unlocked it.
It was from Bakugou.
“Send me a pic of my seed in you. Then I’ll allow you to swallow.”
You cringed. What if your friends saw? What would they think of you if they knew what just happened?
But you couldn’t ignore him. You’d end up in bigger trouble later if you did.
You opened the camera app and turned the camera around. Kirishima was right, you did look exhausted. Your eyes were barely able to stay open, it looked like you had been crying.
You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. You snapped a photo of your expression and examined it before sending.
It was clear as day, the cum in your mouth. It was awfully abundant and salty. Having it in your mouth for longer than three minutes would surely make your breath stink like crazy.
You sent the picture to him and awaited a response. It wasn’t long before you got a reply.
“Disgusting whore.”
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lovetei · 1 year
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The characters comforting you after you experienced an extremely frustrating day
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Warnings: Twisted feelings (Simeon), MC using their and them pronouns, grammar errors, spelling mistakes
Links: Masterlist
He went to where you are as soon as he heard Barbatos said that you're in the castle.
He looked for you in the whole palace and even called out your name.
And when he got close to the banquet area he felt your prescense and thought that it would be nice to surprise you!
So he slowly opened the door and saw you,
Standing in the middle of the room,
With all of the lights off
There's something off in the atmosphere and he can feel it...
He waited for a few more minutes but you just stood still, refusing to move.
You then suddenly sat on the ground and laid on the floor before screaming...
He rushed to your side and when he was about to pick you up he just saw your eyes
It's so tired...
Then he picked you up and hugged you.
You too just stood there in the middle of an empty room, hugging each other in a comforting silence.
Like he's willing to stop the world, if it means to end your pain...
It's alright MC, just rest.
He saw you leave a classroom with an unpleasant expression on your face and he wondered "What could have happened that even MC looses their cool?"
He followed you secretly
You went straight to your room and he thought there's nothing wrong
But when he's about to leave he heard a loud scream that might have even pierced the hearts of those in the heavens.
And it might have pierced his too
Especially when he saw you throwing your things around, not caring if the mirror you broke bruised your knuckles
Before you can even punch the broken mirror once again his tail sneaked up to your wrist and held it tightly,
Before pulling you to his chest
He covered your knuckles and healed it instantly as his gaze focused on your non-ending stream of tears.
All he can do is gulp his own saliva
He doesn't know what to say
He doesn't know what to do...
So for now, he'll continue healing you
Wishing that his powers will remove the pain inside of you too
He's an angel who takes care of himself and the people around him
His magic is one of the purest
Just like your heart
So when he saw you sitting alone in an abandoned alleyway
His heart just shattered
How can such a kind hearted feel this much pain..?
All he can do is stretch his arms to you and you to a hug
The way you desperately stood up from the ground and put all of your weight into him as soon as you hugged him...
It brought him some type of twisted feeling where he lived the feeling of you being completely dependent on him but
He knows that it's bad, he just hugged you and tapped your back as his white wings spread out to shield you from the sin of this place.
To keep you and cage you up with himself
You burst open the door
Looked at him once
And he already know damn well what you're about to do
You run full speed towards the cauldron, attempting to drown yourself on whatever is inside the large pot
"M-MC!" He called out as he grabbed you from the waits and tried to pull you back, away from the pot.
He sweats as he tried to fight your strength on trying to get out of his grasp and jump, head first, on the potion.
He then threw you on whatever surface and got on top of you before sighing and asking you what is wrong
You failed a test?
I did too!
"Ey bro dab me up!" He said and you just giggled before doing what you're told to do.
He won't give you the test paper though...
He didn't exactly failed the exam today...
That test was hundreds of years ago but... You don't need to know that!
What's important is that you both failed a test!
He asked you to help him finish this news paper since it was due tomorrow and one member of the journalism club just can't make it today...
I wonder why?
It can't be because he threatened that member to forcefully don't attend so that you can substitute because you haven't been spending time with him these days right?
Can't be.
But he noticed how pale you are and how you look like you're about to tear up at any moment given...
"MC... Are you okay..?"
That question cracked the shield you're using to conceal all your tears
They just poured out all of a sudden which made Mephisto panic, just a little bit
Just don't look at how he's sweating so much!
He has a little brother!
When he's crying... His mother picks him up and taps his back!
He ran to you, picked you up, wrapped your legs around his waist and tapped your back as he cooed at you.
Telling you that it's okay and the pain will only be temporary...
Hopefully this works for now...
He'll blush so hard if you tolf him that, that is not how you comfort someone who is crying after you calmed down.
Man's down know what to do
Let's all be honest
You're ranting in front of him about how everything just went wrong and he's just there, silent and nodding.
Occasionally, he'll hand you a handkerchief if a tear accidentally fell out
And then he'll hand you a cup of water so you can stay hydrated after a single tear escaped because apparently it makes you dehydrated.
"MC... I know that sometimes the world just feels like it's turning it's back on you but I promise everything will be alright. There are people around you, reliable people, dependable people, people who's willing to help you at anytime given..."
He randomly said after you finished your rant
And you just stood there, mouth agape.
Sure, there are depende bake people around you.
I mean, you're around, Raphael.
You just hugged him for a little and behind your back
He's smiling a little...
You know what this scenario calls for?
Psh, these boys out there thinking long ass speeches will solve problems when a bottle of wine can work the magic!
You're in a private room Thirteen managed to book
On robes, with face masks as people do your manicure and pedicure while a glass of wine is on your other hand
"Hah, MC." Thirteen randomly called out as she smiled through the wet face mask.
She told you that she can be the three types of friend for you so you wont be needing anyone else other than her!
She can be the friend who silently listens to your rants
She can be the friend who will give you solutions to your problems
And she can be the friend who'll take you out in a Friday night to get wasted
Just to make you feel better
Because she's the standard
She's your standard.
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my-owl-baby · 9 months
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Smarter Then You
Micheal Gavey x f!reafer
Summary: Your professor in mathematics had paired people up depending on their last exams scores, next thing you know, you were paired with Michael Gavey. Someone who thinks he's smarter then you, which he's not.
Words: 4k
Warnings: 18+, pussy eating, rude comments, alcohol use, bullying, slut shaming.
(Let me know if I miss anything) (part 2)
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You are smart but not rich nor poor, your parents worked and saved enough money for you to study the degrees you want learn so you can succeed in life.
You were stubborn enough to get a job to put in more money into the fundings for your college.
Oxford University basically begged you to come to their school, knowing your GPA is a 5.0.
You worked your ass off to where you are at now, you didn't live in the dorms as your friends did. You owned your own apartment with the job you had.
Couple of months in Oxford, you had no problem in the classes. Get your work done on time and passing with A's.
"Today, exams results are here" Professor Strange said holding the stack on test in his hand. Getting groans from your classmates.
"Uh...I study hard for this test" your best friend Rosie said, worry in her voice. She struggled but with your help, she seem to understand the unit.
"You'll do fine" you whispered back to her. Professor started in the right side before going to left side where you and Rosie were.
"Most of you improve, since this unit is the easiest" he said, you felt someone looking at you. Turning to see a guy with dirty blonde hair, glasses sharp nice jawline.
He looked away, shrugging it off knowing he was probably looking at Rosie about her complaining. He didn't look like he cared giving the rudest look to us before you notice him.
"I hope, I'm improving" she mumble holding both her hands close to her as if she was praying.
Rolling your eyes, knowing she was panic for no reason. The week during the test she felt good, saying she'll pass at least an 80.
Now with doubt about failing, Rosie is smart she just puts her fun first then her own work. "Ms.L/n" you looked up seeing your professor.
"Mr. Strange" he nodding at your words "you did wonderful like always" he said, handing you, your paper. Seeing that you passed with an 97 made you pround but went over the ones you miss.
"Ms.A, you improve much in this exam, you should be pround of yourself" he handed her exam backwards making sure no one saw.
Once he left our area to go up to give the other students their exam results. "I got a 80" she hugged you, thanking you over and over again for the help.
"Couldn't have done it without you" you rolled your eyes playfully to her. "Are you coming to Felix party thus Saturday?" She pretty much begging you to come since you never really gone to them.
"I can't, I have other things to do" you told her, seeing the disappointed look in her face "lame" she commented giving you a light push.
"Like it's just for one night, I heard that Kam is going to do some werid body show for the men" she whispered the drama to you.
"She's sad, her life is sad and it couldn't be me" she smiled at your comment, being friends since elementary always been opposite from each other but always complimented each other cons well.
"True, I'm waiting for the school to kick her right by the out of pocket shjt she does" she sigh putting her exam in her bag, where she couldn't lose it.
"Yea, yea, it's making the school look bad" you yawned tired from the whole day of working your ass off with classes.
"Hope's she dies soon, didn't like how she tried to get near my boyfriend" you recall the time where Kam did tired to be slutty around Rosie boyfriend.
"I thought you don't wish bad on people?" You questioned, tilting your head to look at her with an 'innocent' look.
She smiled at your response "Shut up, she deserved it and you know it" causing you chuckled at her words.
"I do" she layed her head on your shoulder, talking more crap about other people. Then paying attention to who was listening to the both of you.
"Oh, right did I tell you the letters that Felix been getting" you didn't talk to Felix much, but you and him were close enough to share secrets.
"No? I think he told me about it, about someone send him a nude picture? Or death threats?" She nodded to your words, lifting up her from your shoulder.
"Yup, isn't that crazy like how can someone do those two things to someone?" she wonder, you shrugged not knowing the answer to her question.
Mr. Strange clapped his hands getting everyone attention from their conversation. "Alright guys, we have another presentation!" Everyone groan including you and Rosie.
"Fuck I hate these presentation" Rosie mumbles, you agreed with her. Talking out loud wasn't something you weren't good at, but it had to be done.
"I'm letting you guys work in pairs" once he said those words you and Roise looked at each other, wanting to work with each other.
"But I'm picking your partners by your grades" both of you and Rosie jaw dropped at the news.
"What if you can't work with anyone else?" Rosie said outloud, getting a couple of students to speak their minds as well.
"You can't Miss.A, don't say that you have separation anxiety because it's not true" you giggle at his words, hearing Roise cursing at the man under her breath.
"Anyways, I'm starting to pair you guys up now" he said as he started to call out random students names pairing them up together.
"I can't believe it" you looked at her, she acted like it would be the end of the world.
"We'll be fine, plus I'm pretty sure your friends with everyone here" you said, earning a glare from her.
"Not cute nor nice" you both hear her name being called out, and Kam as well.
"You guys We'll be paried up for this presentation" you laughed at her reaction.
"Professor Strange can I work on this alone instead?" She is begging, but he denied her request.
"Damm, couldn't be me" she slapped your arm playfully, rolling her eyes at you. "Don't be a dick" you both glance at Kam, who looked at you both from across the room with dead eyes.
"She doesn't seem like you very much" you said, looking at Rosie who shrugged not caring.
"So? She can suck on my dick if she doesn't like me" you giggle at her words.
"Y/n, you'll be paired up with Michael Gavey" you looked around for a Michael Gavey but never heard of him nor seen him before.
"Behind you" you heard a voice, it was unexpected for you. Turning to see the same guy who gave the both of you a rude look before.
"Nice to meet you" you said, giving him a small smile before writing the new presentation down.
"He looks mean" Rosie mumble this time making sure to keep her voice down. "Don't judge until you know them" you told her back.
She agreed with you, but still stayed with her comment about Michael. "So this presentation you are going to explain how mathematics is use in real life situations" your teacher said, writing down on the board some examples.
"It at least needs to be 4 pages long, it would boost up your grades by 20 points which most of you need" he said, passing around a paper for everyone.
"These are expectations that are required" you got the paper and looked at it, it wasn't hard. Since many jobs and real life situations are mathematics.
"My life could be solved mathematically" You giggle at Rosie response. She seem pround of her small joke.
Right when class was done, you wrote down your number, email and your account on MySpace if he wanted to speak on either.
"I'm going to my boyfriend, and tell him how miserable this class has me in" Rosie said giving you a hug.
You hugged her back "maybe he can help you slove your miserable situation with mathematics" she pushed you, which made you laughed.
"Haha funny" she flipped you off before walking away. You turn behind you seeing Michael still packing up.
"Uh...Michael?" He looked up at you with no interest into a conversation he was going to have with you.
"Here, you can contact me on these if you like. Then we can speak about the presentation" you gave him a smile handing him a ripped up paper from your journal.
He took it and looked at the paper "why is your email, sound childish?" He said it like he ment it in a rude way but it didn't bother you.
"I made it when I was about 8 years old that's why" you chuckled, feeling quite embarrassed about it now.
He shrugged it off, as he continued to do what he was doing. "I'll contact you, bye" he said leaving you alone.
You sigh reveal about how it went, this was your last class of the day so you decided to head home and change into something comfortable.
Like into some sweat pants and a noddle strap shirt.
You opend you laptop to start writing your presentation, but you remember you had a partner.
Grabing your flip phone to see if you received any messages, which you did by Michael.
"Hello, this is Michael." He typed out an hour ago.
"Hello! Sorry I burley got home." You typed out sending it to him.
You closed your phone, walking over to your bag to do the homework you had for science, chemistry, biology, and Human anatomy.
Those were the homeworks you had to do that were due Monday. Getting started on those, your phone rang which you check and it was Michael.
"Its fine. I'll do the project on my own if that's what you want to ask". That message didn't sit right with you.
"Huh? No I want to work on it together" you typed out, wondering why he wouldn't let you help him out.
He soon replied "Oh, Alright then. When and where?" You thought about it, you didn't really want to leave your place but you had to go to the library tomorrow so might as well.
"Want to work on it tomorrow? Stop by the library then head to my place?" You sent the message, he agreed and sent a time around 12pm is when we're going to meet at the library.
You closed your phone, and did homework for the rest of the night.
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You waited outside for Michael listening on your ipod the album 'Whatever people say I am, that what I'm not' by Arctic Monkeys.
You looking around seeing tress lossing their leaves because of Autumn.
You jump from a tap on your shoulder taking your headphone off. "Hey, I thought you weren't going to show up" you smiled at him.
He was surprised you were telling him something like this, "shouldn't I be saying something like that?" He tired to act cool with a small chuckle at the end of it.
You smiled at his response "why, because im 'popular'" you quoted making your way inside the library.
He followed behind, Michael weared a red sweater along with some jeans. "Uh, yea?" He said, still following your way upstairs.
"I'm not though?" You said, glancing at him. He was confused what you ment by it "just because I hang out with people who put themselves out there doesn't mean I do the same" you explain to him.
He was surprised to actually see someone so nice and beautiful to be near his presence.
But he didn't want to denied that you might be making a fool Out of him.
"So do you know any thoughts about our presentation?" You asked siting down on a chair where it was only two chairs for you and Michael.
"Uh, well...business sounds right?" He said, he looked at you waiting for a reaction which he didn't like. You weren't fan of business so you shook your head disagreeing with him.
"Uh, I feel like a scientist?" He thought about it and agreed with you.
"What do you know about science?" He asked getting his journal out of his bag. You did the same with the taot bag you had carried with you.
"I'm actually taking a class on it, and chemistry too" you said, taking your notes out for those to classes and showed him.
He looked over your notes and seem impressed "who wrote these for you?" He asked, you smiled at his question.
"I did them myself actually" he seem impressed but didn't want to believe someone popular like yourself is smart.
"So, we can start by writing some stuff about why they are important and why it brings that specific career" you said taking out the handout from your professor.
He watched you as you did this, why did professor pair you up? Michael thought he is paired up with a dumb girl who failing the class.
"What did you get on your exam for Mr. Strange?" He said out of no where, you looked up from the paper to him.
"A 97 and you?" You thought he was trying to start conversation, but in reality Michael was surprised, he thought you might have cheated on the exam.
"I got a 95" he said straightened his poster, you responded with a smile and went back to the paper in your hand.
"So who did you get the answers from?" You glance at him, is he playing a stupid game with you?
"Excuse me?" He repeated himself waiting for the answer to be told. "I actually studied for this stuff" you chuckled shaking your head a bit.
"How? I thought professor put me with someone who got a lower grade then me" he sigh, he didn't break eye contact with you.
"Nope, I guess I'm smarter then you Michael Gavey" you smiled getting up heading towards the books.
He didn't want you to be better at him in mathematics, he took a big passion for it. He was certainly impressed on the classes you were taking for your degrees but still couldn't believe it.
He followed right behind you watching you pick out a books. "So, I'm thinking these two would help us" you said handing the man the books.
He sckem through the books "yea, these seem perfect" he mumble, putting his eyes back on you.
"You know, I can slove any numbers in my head" he said out of no where. He seemed to have a bad habit of it, but never tired to fix it.
"Oh, you can? Explain how?" You lean against the bookshelf, looking at him which made him nervous.
"Uh, well I can solve number quicker then others...test me" he said, he wasn't pressuring you but you did wanting to know more about this.
"Okay, 4789.34 multiple by 345 then divide it up by 45" you said, he followed you as he sloved without a second wasted.
"36,718.273" he said, you nodded trying to slove it yourself. You use paper to divide and multiple the numbers, in your surprised he was right.
"Wow, impressive" you laughed, getting the books from his hands placing them on the table.
"Let's plan it out before we head to my place" he nodded, he seem pround of himself that he impressed you with his mathematics skills.
He tired testing you with multiple times table but you absolutely couldn't remember your times table like he dose.
"How do you not remember you times table but remember to eat every morning?" He tired to defend his case, you couldn't help but laugh at him.
"I'm not that, that smart to have it memorize but I am smart enough to have a higher grade then you" He rolled his eyes at your reapsonse.
"You use your paper and your fingers how?" He still didn't believe it. You rolled you eyes at his comment but couldn't help but smile at the man.
He notice, which cause the poor man to blush a bit. He looked away from your gaze.
"Oh its already 3 half, shall we go?" You said, changing the topic. He agreed and gather your things before leaving the library.
It was the first time anyone your level recognize him and treated him so well.
He wanted more of it, he loved it. You were beautiful, kind, smart and lovely personality. Your basically everything he asked for in a women.
"You live outside the university?" He said looking up at the apartment.
"Yup, I don't really associate with the dorms" you shrugged making your way to your apartment.
The more he knew about you the more he fell inlove. At first when he saw you come in for mathematically, he thought you were an annoying girl like the rest of them.
But now that he sees this new side that he so deeply loved, he wanted to know more.
You opend the door to your apartment, taking off your shoes, he did the same.
"Lovely home" you glance at him, giving a small smile to him.
"Thank you" you said, he followed you to your room. You sat your bag on your desk.
"You can sit where you want, I don't mind" he nodded sitting down on your bed, his eyes were still on you. Watching your every move.
"So, we got these down...we just need four more topics to cover" you smiled at him, his adamapple swallow hard his saliva.
"Of course, I see you are a big fan of Arctic Monkeys...I am too" he pulled at smile as he looked at you.
"Really?" You were surprised but happy to finally meet someone with the same music.
He nodded his head, you smiled at his response. You looked away notice you were looking at him too much.
"Do you want anything?" He shook his head, you sat on your bed near him.
The both of you began the four topics you needed. Your flip phoned rang "Oh crap" you mumble excusing yourself out of your room.
Micheal sigh in relief, thought he was going to lose himself while you kept getting near him.
He rubbed his hands against his jeans, you made him nervous but he pulled himself together.
Your room scent was calming, he grab a pillow to cover his hard state. He is thinking too much into it, your touch, your voice, your clever smartness, it made him weak.
"Sorry, I had to call in for my job" you said walking in to your bed.
"Its...it's fine" he sigh, you notice this but decided to brush it off.
You continued to work, when you tired to get near Michael, he would move away. It was odd for you what had happened while you were taking a call.
"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" You asked, he glance at you blush appeared to his neck and cheeks.
"N-no...it's just...maybe I should go" he said, he didn't remove your pillow from his crotch area.
Then it click you, you made Michael Gavey hard. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.
"No, stay" you insisted standing up, "I still wanna figure out who's smarter" you smirk, he swallowed hard at your response.
"No, you are the smarter then me" he chuckled at the end of his words, trying to get up but you pushed him back down.
"No...don't be lame Gavey come on" you pouted your lips, he sigh taking some deep breaths. Trying to get himself together before he said anything rude.
"Fine...you insisted!" He is a nervous wreck, you couldn't help but laugh getting closer to the man.
"Boop" you touch his nose, he looked at you with confusion. It made you smile even more, "Let's take a break, I think we deserve one" you pick up the papers on your bed, placing them on your desk.
It relief the man, he still so confused why you insisted him to stay a little more longer.
"So, Michael do you have a girlfriend?" You had to ask to be sure, you didn't want to ruin a relationship.
He looked away embarrassed, shaking his head. "I don't have one, since elementary" he revealed.
You were surprised, sure he looked like a nerd but he was very cute in your opinion of course. The way he talked about a topic with passion or pure hate towards it.
"I'm surprised" he looked up at you, watching you sit near him too close where both your knees touched.
Making Michael more nervous, you place your hand on top of his where he had your pillow at.
"Wanna play game?" You moved your hand away from him, "it will prove which one of us is smarter in any state" you explain, getting up "Do you drink?" You asked him.
He stayed stun with your words, he nodded answering your question.
You nodded heading out the room to the kitchen getting a bottle of vodka and two shot glass.
Coming back to your room, sitting back down on your bed. "Okay here" you pour a shot in for the both of you.
He took it without hesitation, you laugh at his actions and drank yours. "Tell me whats 573 sum of 895 multiple by 76 divided by 9?" He looked at you, quickly looking away.
"8,130.7" he said without a second to waste again. You clapped your hands together looking at your calculator to see if sure and once again he was right.
"Beautiful, beautiful" he smiled shyly at your compliments.
"Okay, mine turn" he said siting up a bit straight legs crossed. "573 sum of 98 multiple it by 34" he saw you pull out your paper and started to slove it more longer then he could.
"3,905" he smiled at your answer, you waiting to see if it was correct "its correct" he said, you smiled even more proud of yourself.
You both shared laughs, and grew closer and closer to each other "I don't think we should be doing this" he mumble to you, you looked at him then giggle at his words.
"Why shouldn't we?" You can feel his warm breath hit your face. He wanted to kiss you and you wanted the same, Michael Gavey is giving you the horny.
He brought his hand close to your face, soon your lips made contact, he is inexperienced by the he suck on your lips and bite them. You groan as you both pulled away, he was breathless already.
"This is my first time" he mumble, looking down at you. You nodded, you always been your exs first time which wasn't a problem to you.
"Just go with the flow" you mumble back, kissing him back, your arms made their way to his hair and neck. Bring him closer to you, you spread your legs opened for him.
He moved his hands down to your waist bring you closer. He pulled away looking at you, breathing in the alcohol you both had drank.
He started kissing your neck, you moan a bit which he wanted to hear. You let the man wonder his hands all around your body, you tug his sweater upward. He listened to took it off showing his chest, he didn't disappoint one bit he kept his body maintained. He helped you take off your shirt revealing your bra "Fuck" he mumble, as he started to kiss on your shoulders and making his way down.
You unplug your bra, so he wouldn't have to struggle to take it off. Once he got to your beast, he held one massaging it while sucking the other.
It made you wet, you had to admit a nerdy boy making you feel these things is wonderful.
You moan, pulling his hair you felt satisfied by his touch, making you want more of him. He started to unzip your pants but stopped and looked at you "you don't mind?" He asked, you nodded without hesitation pushed them down along with your underwear.
He came up to you giving you kisses before he made his way down to your cunt. "Fuck Michael" you moan, as he started to move his tongue without rhythm but it felt so good to you.
"Michael...f-fuck I'm close" you moan louder, as he continued to suck and lick your pussy.
You finally came undone "fuck!" You tug on his hair hard. He came back to your lips kissing you, you tasted yourself in his mouth.
"Did I do good?" He asked, breathless. All you did was giggle and nodding to his words "you did good" he smiled kissing you back again.
You both were exhausted, he didn't get his turn but he didn't care. He just wanted to cuddle close with you for the rest of night.
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
Hi!! May I req a fic where the boys accidently say something that upsets the gn!reader causing them to cry(like how they arent home now or something about them failing,etc), how would Malleus,Riddle, Vil and Azul react?
Hi, thank you for the ask! Oof this one's gonna be a bit of an angst. Short fics for these characters too, hope you like them!
Malleus, Riddle, Vil, Azul x reader: Let the Tears Fall
He didn't mean to cause you any harm, that was the last thing he wanted to do while you were with him. He mentioned briefly that he was happy you were with him, in Twisted Wonderland of course, saying that he doesn't "mind if you were stuck here." He meant it in the most literal sense, that he would love for you to stay with him forever, never to return back to your world because he loves you so much. But that translated into possessiveness, something you didn't want in your relationship. Malleus laughed a little when he saw your pale face, he asked what was wrong, and you didn't say anything. Instead, you sat there, looking down at your knees as the winds caused the leaves to rustle in the forest. "Did I upset you?" Malleus asked, trying to reach for you but you just shook your head. You smiled, trying to hold the tears in, looking off into the distance as if to focus on something far away. "No...nothing I just...miss my world a bit...this place sort of reminds me of it," you said. A tear slid from your eye, and you were quick to wipe it off before he saw but the fae didn't miss it. He felt a chill run down his spine, he didn't think he could ever be a source of sadness to you. He never wanted to be such a thing, not when you always made him feel warm and loved. "Y/n, I'm...I'm sorry I spoke out of line," he said, wanting to take back his words. You tried to reassure him that you were fine, but your eyes still seemed hurt. Malleus would have a hard time forgetting that.
"Once again, rose I told you it's not written in this way," he sounded pissed. Riddle was never patient with anyone, but when it came to you it seemed like he was a bit better at holding his temper. That was until today rolled by, a week before your exams and you were studying with him. You flinched as he slammed his notebook down and walked over to a chalkboard to demonstrate what he meant. You wrote down exactly what he wrote, listened to his words, but his tone kept making your heart race not in a good way. It was a panicked rhythm, something like you knew you were in trouble. This was your boyfriend for Great Seven's sake, what was going on? Riddle shouted your name again when you didn't answer him as you were lost in your thoughts. That was the last straw, you mumbled out the answer, knowing it was incorrect but not wanting to test his patience anymore. "L-look, I don't think I can do this anymore," you whimpered, and that made Riddle stop. His eyes widened, he realized what he just did. He yelled, yelled at you out of all people. He was acting like his mother, the person whom he despised so much yet ended up becoming a reflection of in this moment. "Y/n, I didn't mean to shout like that, I'm so sorry," his voice softened, he quickly went to you to take you in his arms. But you were limp, your eyes glistened with tears. While no words left your mouth, the small drops that fell onto your notebook was enough for him to understand the horrible mistake he had done.
A perfectionist at heart, he didn't let anyone escape his scrutiny. Even you, whom he always praised as being perfect in heart and body. He didn't care if you didn't have his exact look, as long as you were confident in your fashion choices he loved it. But this time, he wasn't feeling too much like himself, he had seen too many manager texts in a day, a lot of stressful classes, and now you were doing everything but taking care of yourself. You were up late studying for a test, causing not only physical health problems but also mental health problems. He wanted to tell you kindly to stop but he didn't have the energy. Grabbing your books, he snapped at you. "Get to bed, what are you trying to do sabotage yourself? I thought we went over this last week, how quickly do you dispose of my advice?" What he didn't realize was that you weren't doing that well either. You were sick, you were stressed, you were getting over a lot of hardships about being literally teleported away from home. This was the last thing you wanted to go through, and all you could do at that moment was..."Y/n? Are you crying?" Vil reached his hand to your face, lifting it up so he could see you. You tried to look away, but the tears slid down your cheeks and you made a small whimper. "I'm sorry, I don't want to cause trouble but...it's been a hard week," you try to explain. You think Vil would scold you, but instead, he looks at you with wide eyes, almost a look of fear. "No, I should be the one to apologize, it was rude of me to act this way," he wrapped his arms around you. He let you cry on his shoulder, tell him everything you wanted to tell him. Vil wouldn't let you bundle up your emotions anymore.
Azul didn't have anything against you, but he was quick to make grudges. He could cling onto random actions or phrases people said to use against them when he needed. It just so happened to be one of those cases. You were already in a tense environment with him. He didn't speak to you for a few days, and you were busy dealing with homesickness along with all of Ramshackle's issues. He casually had to bring up how you weren't helping him at the lounge, nor were you checking up on him as you usually did. What a selfish dorm leader, but you didn't have the energy to fight back. "Look, I'm just saying that as long as you're here, and Crowley remains as the headmaster, you won't be going home. Might as well toss that out the window," he said as he walked back into his office, leaving you in the lounge to clean the bar by yourself. This was the last straw for you, the one thing, the one hope you had was home and he had to jab at it. You tried to calm yourself down, but the tears just started. Soon, you were wiping the glassware while letting the tears fall all over the counter. Azul wouldn't have heard you because he usually listens to music as he's in his study, but this time he left the door open to see what you would do. Hearing slight whimpers and sniffles caused him to jump out the door, a worried and panicked look on his face. There was no way he just said something that hurt you, no he was better than those kinds of people. He went through hurtful words, he shouldn't be repeating that! "Darling, is something wrong? Was it something I said?" he asked, carefully approaching you. "Ah, it's nothing," you shook your head, trying to hide it but he wrapped his arms around you. "No, no it's absolutely something I should know. It was what I said wasn't it?" this caused you to cry harder. He started to feel tears himself. As he told you how sorry he was, he wiped your tears away and told himself he would never throw words at you.
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AITA for considering not joining my family for Christmas, even though my BIL already used his frequent flyer miles to get me a ticket?
Buckle up passengers, this is a long haul flight.
My (35F) younger sister (33F) and brother-in-law (43M) live on the other side of the country. They just had their first kid, and want me to join them, my mother (60sF), and younger brother (31M) for Christmas. They know that I don't make a lot of money, so my BIL used the frequent flyer miles he got from work related travel to get me a plane ticket. I was looking forward to going and meeting my niece (0F), but am considering cancelling because of family issues (mostly unrelated to my sister and BIL) that came up after they got me a ticket.
We have an older brother, who I will call Z (37M), who may end up being there at Christmas. Z has struggled with schizophrenia since he was first diagnosed several years ago. He has been hospitalized at least five times for his condition, and three of those times were involuntary. The most recent time was about two weeks ago in the state my sister lives in. He was there because he was going to be starting a new job, but he hasn't been taking his medication for a while and encountered a stressful situation that set off a psychotic episode.
When Z has an episode like this, I am usually pulled into the situation because 1) he can remember my phone number but not anyone else's, and 2) he trusts me even when he's having paranoid delusions. The two times he voluntarily checked into the hospital were because I drove hundreds of miles to check on him/the situation, and took him to the hospital because no one else could, or would even try to, convince him to go.
I REALLY do not want to be as involved in Z's care as I am, but don't have much choice. Other family members either fail to seek medical assistance in a timely or effective way (mom, dad, sister), have a strained relationship with Z that keeps him from trusting them during an episode (dad, baby brother), or lived on the other side of the country and could just stay out of it in the past (sister, BIL, recently baby brother).
My family also frequently ignores my advice regarding managing Z's condition and ignore the boundaries I try to put in place to protect myself. Getting into all the stories would take way too long, so I'll give the highlights. During Z's first episode, instead of getting him to seek treatment, my dad (60sM) brought Z to stay at dad's house where I was living while returning to college. This house had MANY firearms in it. I was lucky enough to have a friend near enough by that I could stay with them and still get to my final exams. During other episodes I've told family that I didn't want to be left alone with Z, only to be left alone with him for several hours where I couldn't abandon him because he was too unstable. I've told family that I didn't want to be the one to take him to the hospital, only for me to arrive at his location and IMMEDIATELY have to convince him to go with me to the hospital. By myself.
So, Z was just released from the hospital yesterday, and is currently at sister and BIL's house, which I'm told is an eye opening and alarming experience for them. Z is supposed to start his new job in a week or so, and this job provides housing. Given his current state, several of my family members doubt he will be stable enough to hold down this job by then. If Z loses the job, he will almost definitely end up back at my sister's house.
I've told my sister that if Z is going to be there, I will not come for Christmas. I already had to be his primary contact person throughout the latest hospitalization, and I know that the only way to keep my boundaries from being crossed is to not be there for my family to cross them. My BIL is apparently upset that I'm not willing to "tough it out" and that I'm wasting the ticket he got me (even though he told me when we made reservations that the ticket could be exchanged for other dates). My sister is sad that she won't see me or get to introduce me to her daughter yet, and that I would miss the baby's first Christmas. My mom has tried to guilt me using my sister's feelings, while my dad and younger brother say I'm making the right call.
TL;DR - My mentally ill older brother is coming out of a psychotic episode, and may be staying with my sister and BIL at Christmas. I may refuse to go visit for the holiday, even though BIL already bought me an (exchangeable) plane ticket, because my family doesn't respect my boundaries regarding my older brother and I fear being put in situations that range from extremely distressing to downright dangerous. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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my-rewrite-academia · 1 month
Day Five
(Warning for those who care, original characters are introduced. Don't worry, they're minor - none of them will take up much screen time. They're mostly there to expand on U.A. lore.)
So, school goes on as per usual. The teachers teach, the students... student.
Throughout the day, Bakugou is increasingly nasty towards others, calling them by names and mocking them for things out of their control, or accusing them of things they didn't intend to imply.
He calls Momo a 'Spoil Brat' who likes to flex her money, simply because she offers to buy one of those 4-litre water bottles, as Ochako mentions saving up for one. Momo, of course, feels self-concious about this as she didn't mean to rub her wealth in anyone's face, even when Ochako assures her that she wasn't insulted and was actually touched.
He mocks Denki for not understanding an English question, continuing to do so after Denki reveals to be dyslexic, and only rolling his eyes when Mic scolds him. Again, Denki is insulted and feels bad about his intellect, despite being in one of the top-ranked schools in the world, both for heroics and education.
He threatens Izuku with a smoky palm, not seeing anything wrong with it even after everyone, especially Ochako and Tenya, yell at him for it, and after Aizawa warns him to knock it off.
Bakugou doesn't get why people react so negatively, and sits by himself at lunch, waiting for someone to raid his table, only for nobody to even entertain it.
A Special Offer
At lunch, happenings happen.
Izuku, Tenya, and Ochako are minding their own business, lining up to get lunch, when they're approached by a girl with black hair braided behind her and snow-white eyes, with a red band on her upper arm. She introduces herself as Shuryou Kisai of 3-D, the Student Council President.
She specifically calls out to Izuku, already knowing his name before he introduces himself. She asks him to join the Student Council as the secretary.
Of course, Izuku freaks out, as do Tenya and Ochako, who lets out a large curse and quickly switches back to a too-sweet attitude. Izuku notes that it may just be a facade.
As they're freaking out, Kisai asks them to calm down. Inexplicably, they do. Kisai reveals that it's due to her quirk, 'Suggestion', which allows her to implant suggestions into people's minds, though she can't exactly control them, just make it easier for them to listen to her.
Izuku theorises that it's due to her vocal chord changing to release in specific waves of sound, resulting in a hypnotic tone. It's harder for her to implant suggestions if they have a stronger psyche, and if she's lacking confidence for one reason or another.
Kisai quickly explains that, due to U.A. specialising in different things, students are often more focused on their education and projects, and the secretary position is seen as far too much work. The previous secretary graduated last year, and the few people who applied for the role weren't qualified or quickly backed out after hearing about the responsibilities.
Izuku questions why she approached him, to which Kisai reveals that she approached Nedzu for a recommendation. He suggested Izuku after revealing his score for the written exam. It's the fourth highest in U.A. history, only beaten out by those whose quirks happened to increase their intelligence. 89.76%. The third ranked was 93.16%.
(This is justified in the fact that Izuku often studied at a much higher level than what everyone else was, due to needing it for his analysis. If Momo took the regular exam, she would likely score higher than that.)
Still, Izuku doesn't think he's a good choice, to which Tenya and Ochako reveal that they would have voted for him as Class President had he not backed out. He sort of freaks out about that too, believing that he would be the worst choice, that he's a nervous wreck, nothing more than a hollow null who would fail at picking up trash.
... But it was Bakugou who told him all that. And hadn't he resolved himself to ignoring him?
Kisai is smiling when he looks back to her, as if she already knew his answer, and he accepts.
The U.A. student council is known to be nearly ruthless, handling any concerns the students had, being the people to go to when you couldn't find the courage to face the principal or were too nervous to tell the teachers. They're the ones sorting out the details for festivals and specific days, as well as doubling as the disciplinary committee. They handled club issues, making sure each one was attended to as quickly as possible.
Izuku, after school, arrives in the Student Council room, which is on the third floor of the Practical Building. He is told of what his role entails as the secretary: recording the meetings which is dubbed 'minutes' and is saved to a system the Vice-President, Kiyosumi Ayame, will teach him; collecting other council members for said meetings; taking a roll call when everyone is gathered; take note of any complaints students come to him with, which the others will take care of.
As a student council member, they have to listen to student complaints and deal with them if they're not serious enough to involve a member of staff. If they are serious, they'll be taken to the advisor, Midnight. They also handle school-wide events, such as the Sports Festival, Culture Festival, Music and Play Appreciations and non-traditional events such as CosDay or Bent Day, (which will not be explained until it comes up).
They try to have a meeting every two weeks, though this can change depending on the urgency of the complaint. As for meeting length, it's roughly 30 to 45 minutes. If someone has other duties, they are welcome to attend to them. Their position will not be in danger unless they deliberately skip meetings and do not attend to their duties. While on campus, they will be fitted with a specific communicator, which is basically an earpiece that works on radiowaves, rather than satelite, with a one-mile radius, which encompasses nearly all of the U.A. city from within the school, just about missing the entrance, the USJ, and the edge of the centre (mall).
In reality, students rarely approach anyone but Kisai and Ayame about complaints, so Izuku's job is basically only really based in the student coucil meetings and specific events.
After school, while Izuku is in the student council room, Bakugou is called by Aizawa. He's taken to the principal's office, where his parents are waiting.
Nedzu prompts them, saying he's sure they're wondering why they've been called in, to which Mitsuki just says she's sure it's Bakugou's fault, simply telling Bakugou to shut up when he argues against it, and informs Nedzu about his anger issues that he inherited from her and she can't seem to wrangle.
Nedzu then asks if they're aware of his perfect record, and they are. Masaru comments that it's a surprise but he supposed Bakugou simply behaved better in school and took classes seriously. Nedzu agrees, but only if he is to trust the record. His files also recorded many exams and tests coming back with exceptionally high scores. Mostly 90s. Which is why he's skeptical.
They're understandably confused, with Bakugou reckoning that the exams were a walk in the park. Nedzu reveals that Bakugou's score in the entrance exam, for the written portion, was a 70.36%, which is typical score for most hero course students, but not so much when you consider his high scores in his past exams. From the records, he should have gotten an 80& to even a 90%.
Nedzu believes Aldera doctores his results.
Of course, Bakugou argues against this. He studies, spends at least one day a week revising, does his homework. He wasn't stupid, and he didn't cheat.
Mitsuki, while rattled, tells him to shut up and calm down, because nobody was accusing him of cheating.
Nedzu agrees and says that he was accusing Aldera, not Bakugou. He is smart - you have to be in order to get into U.A. The issue is not with his academics, it's what lying about one thing means for another. The issue of his behaviour. He asks why Bakugou would behave better at a school, which isn't very profilic, than at U.A., where they have a strict policy on behaviour. He suggests that he was, in fact, worse in Aldera.
Bakugou doesn't get it. He just sees his behaviour as a truth his 'sensitive' classmates couldn't handle, or as a simply shove they 'overreacted' to.
His parents are in denial, though their arguments aren't exactly solid, and end up talking themselves in a reluctant acceptance.
Nedzu brought this up to discuss the matter of this meeting: Bakugou's placement at U.A.
Obviously, Bakugou isn't happy about this, arguing that he couldn't kick him out and that he earned his spot. In response, Aizawa states that he barely got in and has been a nuisance ever since, insulting his classmates and attempting to assault another, as well as trying to use his quirk inside class, outside of sanctioned use. He claims that if it he had taken it a single step further, he would have been expelled immediately.
(This is a bluff - the real reason is because the expulsion process is quite complicated, especially because Nedzu forbade Aizawa from expelling anyone on the spot.)
Nedzu advises Bakugou to sit down, stating that he did not say a word about expelling him, merely intending to dicuss his position going foward, and this is not helping it.
Bakugou gets intimidated, though he's a bit confused as to how a rat scares him, and sits back down.
Mitsuki all but begs Nedzu to not expel Bakugou as he's worked hard for his placement, only for Aizawa to reject that notion, saying that everyone in U.A. worked hard to get in, and effort does not mean he deserves more chances than he's already had. (Cough, cough, ironic considering his canon stance, cough, cough).
Nedzu says that he can recognise it's not entirely Bakugou's fault, as it's the teachers job to not just teach, but to guide children and make sure they grow to become good people. In that sense, it is their fault for allowing Bakugou to become this way.
That being said, Bakugou is old enough to know better. He should have come to learn on his own what is right and what is wrong. He still needs to be punished in order to learn that what he did was wrong. He says to Bakugou that he may have scored the maximum amount of Villain Points, but he did not gain a single point in any other, the most important being Hero Points.
How can he expect to blossom as a great hero is he does not act as one?
Bakugou snaps, saying that he gets that he fucked up, but Nedzu can't expel him.
"I have already said I do not intend to. Do you believe you should be expelled?"
And Bakugou think about his bottom-placed ranking in the entrance exam. He was two points away from failing. He thinks about his rank 15 in Aizawa's assessment, a single rank away from being punished. Nobody cared about how strong his quirk was. Not when one of them could make items from her fat, one could use ice and fire, one could use electricity, one could negate gravity. It didn't matter.
Nobody likes him. The extras from middle school didn't matter - they were just sheep following the strongest shepard. They thought he was cool for nearly dying. Worthless Deku saved him. Deku, who isn't good for anything but relieving anger, saved him where other heroes were content to let him die. If Deku wasn't there, he'd be dead. He'd be dead and it was Deku who saved him.
Deku, who everyone liked. Deku, who was popular. Deku, who Hobo hasn't told off once. Deku, who he tried to shove into the dirt. Because Midoriya Deku was better than him.
He thinks about it. And he nods. After all, why would they keep someone who isn't heroic?
And Nedzu grins. Had Bakugou not agreed, he truly would have expelled him. Admitting he was wrong is the first step to improvement. There is room for growth.
That being said, he is not getting away scott-free. He is banned from participating in practical assignments, such as sparring, which was something he looked foward to the most, but doesn't argue against it. He will still be allowed in physical education, as they don't want to restrict his education, but will not be allowed to duel anyone else. If he insults anyone, it will result in being kicked out of the hero course and to the gen-ed.
He will also have to attend mandatory therapy sessions with Hound Dog. It's acknowledged that this is not a punishment and, if his implied bullying is true, (which it is), it's far more than he deserves. However, it is a punishment in the fact that it will help him realise his wrong doings and deal with the fact that it was wrong and he enjoyed it.
Nedzu informs that he may not be able to punish Bakugou for what his did before U.A., but he can make actions according to his behaviour within U.A. A single infracture will lead to his explusion.
He says that there is a chance Bakugou will turn to villainy should he be expelled, but that he is far more willing to allow a villain in public than a villain in his school.
Bakugou reels from that, realising that, despite striving to become a hero, Nedzu sees him as a villain. And from the silence from his parents, so too do they.
I just want to mention that Izuku's written exam score could have been beaten by Momo, and that it was just for the Hero Course. He would most likely gain a lower score had he taken the business/management or the support exam, as those are more specialised towards those courses
Tenya also scored very high at 87.23%
I do not think Bakugou is book-dumb. That being said, I do not believe he's anywhere near as smart as canon and the canon stats tried to pass him off as, considering the amount of stupid shit he does. He does study and stuff, but he's not as smart of people like Izuku, Tenya, Momo, or Shouto
I honestly believe that I went too soft on Bakugou in this and that I let him get away a bit too easy, but at the same time, I feel as though this is a pretty satisfying consequence for him. He doesn't just get restricted on certain things and shoved into therapy, which he totally believes is for the weak, but he's shown that his entire middle school life is a failure, that he's nowhere near as smart as he thought, and that people already consider him a villain
Izuku becomes the student council secretary
Ochako is not a sweet summer child all the way through
Bakugou experiences Consequences and is banned from physical activities involving another, with a heavy restriction on his behaviour, and gets shoved into therapy
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ik it's a topic that's been done to death but, thoughts on the poor handling of consequences in mha?
The consequence handling in My Hero Academia does very much suck, but I can somewhat understand the reasoning for it.
For me, the first instance that comes to mind was the first training exercise pitting Midoriya and Uraraka against Bakugou and Iida. The instance I'm talking about is specifically the later stage of the exercise where Bakugou launched a full-power blast directly at Midoriya despite specifically being told not to.
I don't have a lot to say about this one, Bakugou ignored a direct order and - when told that the blast could potentially kill Midoriya - claimed that "he'll [Midoriya] be fine if he dodges." The exercise should've immediately been terminated and Bakugou should've been punished for:
Disobeying a direct order from the supervising teacher.
Displaying a lack of consideration or care for a fellow student.
Yes, I am aware that this was the first exercise that they'd participated in, and that rash actions/decisions are probably to be expected. But this kind of behaviour/thinking should've been nipped in the bud immediately.
The second instance that comes to mind is the Hosu incident from the Hero Killer Arc, where Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki weren't credited for taking Stain down.
Now, why did this make sense?
It gets mentioned after the incident that while their actions were ultimately a good thing, they had also technically broken the law because they hadn't been given permission to engage the villain/use their quirks. If their involvement was made public then it could've damaged their chances going forward. However, I do think that the whole thing could've been handled a bit better.
When Midoriya headed into the city with Gran Torino, it was specifically to look for villains and - in the context of the previous conversation - it was specifically so Midoriya could gain some experience fighting different types of opponents with his new technique. While it's true he wasn't explicitly given permission to engage, it was already heavily implied that he would be allowed to.
Granted, we didn't see much of Iida and Todoroki before their involvement in the fight. But, based on what we knew of Endeavor at this stage in the series, I find it very strange that he wouldn't have already given Todoroki clearance to engage especially since it was made clear that he'd already received some form of "training" before U.A. Iida, however, did very much run off on his own. But, again, we don't really see much of their sides.
The issue with arc was very much a lack of clarity.
The third instance was the final exams I believe? Now, again, this one does make some kind of sense. So this one's going to be looking at Sero, Kaminari & Mina, Midoriya & Bakugou.
So, first one up, Sero. I think the issue that a lot of people take with this one is that Sero did contribute quite a bit towards his exam with Mineta, and I do agree that Mineta would've failed if not for the help Sero provided. However, the students were informed that they would fail the exam if they were either incapacitated, or they ran out of time. Sero was incapacitated so - as much as it sucks - it wasn't entirely unfair. He just got unlucky.
The exam with Kaminari and Mina, I feel, is the midway point on this scale. It's important to bare in mind that the purpose the exams was to make the students face the areas they're weaker in and see how they manage to work around it (if at all). Nezu was a pretty good opponent as far as that goal went, however - while it was played up for comedy - I do believe he went overboard. I'm not saying he should've gone easy on them because that wouldn't have been at all helpful in the long run, but I do think he took it too far.
And then, of course, there's the clusterfuck that was Midoriya and Bakugou's exam. From the get go this exam was heavily weighted towards Bakugou's development and not Midoriya's.
Midoriya has shown a willingness to work with others since day one, we saw it in the first battle trial with Uraraka, we saw it in the sports festival, we saw it in the Hero Killer arc. Midoriya will work with anyone.
This is exactly why he was paired up with Bakugou, who - at this stage - showcased a generally bad disposition towards teamwork of any kind, especially teamwork of any kind with Midoriya. He went as far as to physically attack Midoriya during the exam, which should have been an immediate disqualification. Yes, it was an exam, but it was a simulation intended to form an idea of how the students would operate in the field at their current level. Attacking your allies is not acceptable behaviour.
Of course, he did ultimately decide to work with Midoriya eventually, but by that point he should've already been disqualified.
As far as I can tell, the only issue they really had with Midoriya at this stage was the whole "putting All Might on a pedestal" thing. And while I agree that it was an issue that needed to be dealt with, it shouldn't have been done in a high-stress situation while also having him effectively serve as a stepping stone for Bakugou's development.
It's also worth mentioning that All Might (like Nezu) went way overboard given the nature of the assignment, but the series did at least acknowledge that part, so I won't linger on it for too long.
And finally, the fight between Midoriya and Bakugou after the provisional license exam.
Quite simply, Bakugou was the one in the wrong here. He specifically instructed Midoriya to go with him, he specifically led him somewhere where he thought there wouldn't be any witnesses, and he was the one to instigate the fight.
Yes, Midoriya did eventually start fighting back. But it's important to note that Midoriya didn't start fighting back immediately, instead he tried to calm the situation down and keep out of the way, and even if he didn't start fighting back it seemed highly unlikely that Bakugou would've let him leave without dealing some damage.
I do understand why Midoriya was punished, since he did ultimately join the fight. And his punishment was admittedly lighter, though not by much considering he only did so because he wasn't being given another option.
Now, I have heard people say that the main reason Bakugou picked this fight in the first place was because of the guilt he felt over All Might's retirement, because fighting was the only way he knew how to process his emotions (which does raise some flags) and he wanted someone to punish him. And, while that does provide an explanation, it doesn't excuse his actions.
The main thing about this instance that bugs me, is that I'm pretty sure that this was the event that led to Bakugou finally being told about One For All (I could be remembering wrong because it's been a while since I watched that season, so take this bit with a pinch of salt). Yes I know Midoriya let it slip in the first season but since Bakugou didn't seem to believe him at the time, I'm not counting it.
At this stage (particularly under these specific circumstances) Bakugou had not displayed enough maturity to be told the specifics about a secret had very little to do with him (if at all), especially since All Might himself had already pointed out how dangerous it could be if too many people found out. Of course, Bakugou himself made no attempts to reveal the secret afterwards, but the fact remains that his prior behaviour - at least, as far as I'm concerned - in no way indicated that he could be trusted with that kind of information, especially not since it involved Midoriya.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
i love your writing so much i can't resist from requesting -
im an AS student and man these exams are not easy I've been pulling all nighters and its obviously effecting on me a lot and i don't have a thoma in my life T^T
can i request thoma x reader (modern AU) where she is pulling all nighters, skipping meals, etc while thoma is away on a buisness trip or something (with the Kamisato siblings) and when he gets back to home he sees her almost passed out with a fever and he takes care of her and helps her get back on her feet again ^^
feel free to ignore this <3
have a nice day/night and take care :D
Thanks, I'm glad to hear that<3
Ugh yeah, studying and exams are hard, but please do take care of yourself! That's still the most important thing to do.
But honestly, you're so right. Everyone should have a Thoma in their life. So, allow me to prepare something. Hope that it helps to relax you a bit as well<3
Pairing: Thoma x reader
Content: gender neutral reader; Modern AU; burnout; stress; exams suck; comfort; being taken care of when sick
Word count: 1,8k words
Enjoy the ride!
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Studying was hard.
In fact, it was one of the worst things on this planet to ever exist. Why do people have to go through this for multiple years in their life?
It was already hard enough to stay focused and not get distracted by literally anything else. Even the most minute thing could normally easily steal your attention away.
Yet right now, you had to endure. A hard week was coming your way, two very important exams were approaching, with a third one being scheduled the week after.
You have been studying non stop for a few days now, but somehow, nothing seemed to stay in your head, every word you read seemed to be thrown out your head again at the next second.
So, instead of taking a break and just giving yourself even a few minutes of rest, you just studied even harder. Days became longer and longer and before you knew it, you were studying well into the night, but you couldn't help it.
Those exams were very important, it could possibly ruin your entire future if you were to fail even one of them. At least, that's what you're telling yourself.
To your (mis)fortune - however you wanna look at it now - your boyfriend Thoma, who usually would be pestering you by now to finally take a break, wasn't around for a few weeks, since he went on a trip with a few of his friends.
At first, he wanted to bail out of it, so he could stay with you and support you through these tough weeks. But you insisted that he went on the trip, said it would be good for him to get out and spend some quality time with his friends.
In the end, he reluctantly agreed to it, but he still made sure to text you every day, reminding you to take care of yourself and to not overwork yourself.
Each time you got a text like that from him, you felt guilt well up inside you, from how you so easily ignored his worries about you and your health. Yet, every time again, you pushed those feelings down again, telling you that you had no time for them right now.
You were currently deep into yet another study session again, your head already pounding from the constant stress and influx of information, when your phone gave off a text notification next to you.
The screen lit up once you looked at it, showing you a new message from Thoma and also told you that it was already almost midnight again.
'You still up?', was the message displayed on your screen. You hesitated on wether or not you should respond to him, knowing that he would most likely scold you for staying up so late again. But in the end, you decided on just answering him.
'Yeah, I am. What's up?', you replied back to him.
You waited a few seconds for his answer, but instead of a new message came the notification of an incoming video call. Confused but also pleasantly surprised, you accepted the call and were soon greeted with the handsome face of your boyfriend Thoma, which you haven't seen in quite some time. God, how did you only now realise how much you missed him?
"Hey", he said, his voice sounding a bit off thanks to the quality of the phone, but that's okay. At least you got to hear his voice again.
"Hey", you answered back with a soft smile, taking in his surroundings. He was laying on his stomach, holding his phone in front of him with one hand, while the other rested under his chin on a pillow. In the background, you could hear soft snoring.
"Is that Ayato snoring in the background?", you laughed, but Thoma seemed to be used to it at this point.
"Yeah. I'm actually not surprised you hear that, but trust me, it's so much louder when your in the same room as him. He sleeps like a stone and his snoring has kept me up so many times. Like today."
You nodded in understanding. While Thoma may not snore, your previous partner sure did, and it robbed you of your sleep more times than you could count.
"How are you, (name)? Taking enough breaks?", he asked, even managing to give you a pointed look through the camera of the phone. You briefly debated on just telling him yes so he would feel better, but you couldn't bring yourself to lie to Thoma. Not when he was so earnestly concerned about you.
"More or less..", you opted to respond, thinking it would not sound too bad. Yet, knowing you for this long, Thoma knew exactly what that meant.
"(Name)...", he sighed, pinching his nose with his free hands. But before he could go on a full blown rant, you tried changing the subject.
"Let's not talk about that, okay. I'll manage and I don't want to ruin the good mood of your trip. I hope you're having fun by the way."
Thoma looked at you for a few seconds, deciding on wether or not to just go with it. "I know what you're trying to do here. Just... promise me you won't take it too far, okay. Don't neglect yourself, take breaks and remember to eat something."
"Thoma.. I can't really promise you, but I'll try, okay?"
He sighed again, but agreed to that with a reluctant "Alright.", since he knew that this would probably be the best he would get out of you. He really hated how you had this habit to just not take care of yourself when you were stressed, which is why he didn't want to go on this trip in the first place.
But, you were right after all. He really needed this trip to get out for a bit and breath some fresh air, and he had a lot of fun with both Ayato and Ayaka. You were initially invited to join them as well, but sadly had to decline because it would overlap with your exams.
The two of you talked for quite a bit about all kinds of things. The stuff the three of them had been up to during their trip, where they went to (since it was a road trip) and stuff like that. Hearing about it, you were really sad you couldn't join them, but that's just how things are now.
Before ending the call, Thoma informed you that they probably would be back by the end of next week, which was also when you would finally be done with all your exams. Then, you could finally rest again and enjoy some much needed quality time with your boyfriend again.
"Good night, (name). I love you."
"I love you too, Thoma. Good night."
And after that, your screen went black again, and you were suddenly all alone again in your quiet room, with nothing to occupy your mind but the constant need to study and get better.
So, with a deep sigh, you got back to work.
It was finally done. The last test has been dealt with, it was over.
You arrived at your apartment, utterly exhausted. You had been ignoring the warning signs of your body for far too long, and yet you still insisted of pushing your own limits.
You started to develop a constant headache a few days ago, with the fever joining in two days ago. Yet you still pushed through, telling yourself that you were fine, that you were able to do this.
And you did do it, but now that you were falling onto your couch, finally able to relax for the first time in two weeks, you realized what you had done to yourself.
You had no strength left in you, no will to do anything at all. You were utterly exhausted and done, not being able to do anything but welcome the darkness that overcame you as you simply passed out on the spot.
"(Name)? I'm home!", Thoma yelled as he entered your apartment, using the spare key that you gave him. When no reply came back to him, worry began to rise even more. He had been texting you for the last three hours, telling you that he got back safely. But when you still didn't reply, his concern got the best of him, and he made his way over to your apartment.
"(Name)?", he tried again, while moving through the living space. Once he passed the living room, he saw you, laying on the couch, passed out. At first, thinking nothing of it, he smiled a little and made his way over to your side, crouching down next to you.
But when he saw the pained expression on your face and how sweaty you were, he instantly knew something was up. Without thinking, he gently picked you up into his arms to carry you to your bedroom, before he went to check on your temperature.
As he suspected, you had a fever.
"Damn it, (name).", he sighed. Seemed like he had to take care of you until you wake up again.
When you woke up again, you had no idea what time it was, but judging by the the lack of bright light coming form outside, it had to be either evening or night already.
Your head was still spinning a bit and when you went to touch your forehead, you noticed something cold and wet.
That's also when you realized that you weren't in the living room anymore, but actually your bedroom.
Still confused and trying to piece the missing information together, the door to your room swung open, revealing the form of your boyfriend Thoma to you.
"Thoma! You're back!", you exclaimed, trying to get out of the bed, but were quickly pushed back down again.
"Don't even think about getting up. Your fever is still way too high for you to be jumping around like that.", he scolded, which caused you to follow his instruction. Only now did you also notice that you were wearing your pyjama and not the things you collapsed in on the couch. He really took care of everything for you...
"I'm sorry..", you quietly mumbled, and you meant it. You felt bad and guilty for causing him to worry so much about you. Even worse that he had every right to do so, since you did work yourself sick.
Thoma sighed, sitting down on the bed, slowly extending a hand to stroke your hair a bit.
"Don't scare me like that again. You were passed out for hours. All I want is for you to be okay. I can only achieve that if you also start taking care of yourself."
"Okay.. I promise I'll take better care."
And he believed you. It was the only thing he could do, besides nursing you back to health right now. And you appreciated and loved him even more for putting up with you and still caring for you, despite all.
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liveinfantacy · 1 year
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pairing: jungkook & reader
warning: dirty talk, strong language, overstimulation, FINGERING, hard and rough smut.
"Baby, are you still awake, I told you to sleep right," Jungkook said while walking toward y/n, "yes, I have to study " y/n said while still focusing on her notebook. Jungkook sighed "Love you only slept for like two hours only, it's not good for your health, let's just go to sleep okay, do your study tomorrow," he said while stroking her hair softly "Jungkook please, I have exams in few days, If I don't study hard right now, I'll going to fail in the exams, so please don't disturb me," y/n said and again started to focus on the notebook, Jungkook get frustrate that why she is not listening to him, but he makes himself calm and again speak sweetly " sweetheart, don't take so much stress over a mere exam, please listen and let's go to sleep hmm," he said and try to take her notes but y/n just glare at him "Jungkook I said don't disturb me, and don't worry about me just worry about yourself, you understand, not leave me alone," she said while getting frustrated and take the notebooks which is Jungkook holding.
Jungkook stared at her, he knows she just stresses because of studying, but he was so mad cause she not caring about her health. "y/n, I am asking you last time, are you coming with me or not" Y/n got a little afraid because of his raspy voice and over that he call her by her name that means he is really angry right now but being stubborn she refuses and again started to study. "okay then " Jungkook said and walk away from there.
y/n gets a little worried now cause, Jungkook is the most dangerous mafia in the world and also the richest person in the world, he can do anything he wants. She just sigh and started to focus on her study. After a few minutes suddenly her mobile get a notification, y/n check the notification and her eyes widened "What the fuck, why do suddenly exams get postponed, how-" she started to think that how a can university cancels exams suddenly which are actually few days. finally, it clicked to her, that who is behind all this "Jungkook " she shout his name loudly, she knows her mafia boyfriend can do anything by making just one call.
Jungkook came while smirking at her, she glared at him "What is it Jungkook, why did you postpone exams, why do you alw-" stop speaking when he put his finger on her lips to make her shut "Shh baby or I will cancel the exams which I just postponed seeing your hard work" he said in deep voice making her gulp her saliva . he came close to her face "now come with me and sleep okay" he said and about to pull her with him but she stands still not moving from her place "I am not going anywhere, even though exams are postponed but still I am going to study " she said with courage, Jungkook close his eyes to calm himself, he is losing his control over his anger seeing her stubborn self. he look back at her while she look down not wanting to look at him, in the next second she was in his arms, "what are you doing " she ask while struggling to get down but he hold her tight and started to walk toward the bedroom " Jungkook leave me to put me down, I have to study" she said but he ignored and enter on their shared bedroom, he walked toward the bed and put her down gently on the bed before she gets up he hovers over her body making her shiver.
"my baby getting bratty day by day, isn't she," he said while being dangerously close to her face "Yes, so what, what will you do Hua," she said while raising one eyebrow at him, he smirked toward her bratty behavior "then daddy should punish his bratty babygirl, so she can learn her lesson and be good girl, right" he said while rubbing her lips with his thumb. she widen her eyes and try to get up but her strength is nothing in front of him.
"Jungkook-" Before she says something he cut her off by kissing her passionately, he started to suck on her lips and lick her lips asking her permission to enter his tongue but y/n refused, she started to stop him but him being strong don't let go of her. after satisfying himself he pulls out from kiss and stare at her face, she glared at him "leave me," she said with anger but he just smirks, his hand started to go down from her stomach and then in her panties "what are you- ahh" she moaned when he started to palm her fold "ahh please stop," she said and hold his hand which is in her panties." do you want me to stop" he asks while going closer to her face "yes-ahh" before she says anything he enter his meddle finger inside her pussy and stated thrusting slowly "ahh Jungkook-" she started to moan while closing her eyes "yes baby, answer me do you want me to stop hmm," he asks again and enter two more fingers and started to move in and out in fast pace. "ahhh no please don't stop , oh my god" y/n said while biting her lips and feeling intense pleasure in her body "that's what I think " Jungkook said and pull her dress strand from her shoulder , he started to kiss her neck "ahhh it feels so good , ahhh" y/n started to feel her high , Jungkook realize it when she clench her pussy walls around his fingers " are you going to cum baby hmm , cum on my fingers babygirl" he said and stare at her face ,while y/n close her eyes in pleasure "ahhh I am gonna cum-" she said and finally cum on his fingers "good girl" he said and pull out his fingers slowly while getting up.
y/n open her eyes and stare at him who is already looking at her with a smirk. suddenly he stand between her legs and pull down her panties in one go "What are you-" she is about to ask but he cut her off " Do you think its over, not yet Baby girl, " he said and spread her legs wide and went down near her pussy, she knows what he is going to do "Jungkook stop, I am sensitive please" she pleaded but he ignored her pleading and leak her sensitive bud "ahh" she moans in pain of overstimulation " it's your punishment for being a bratty baby" he said and started to eat her out "ah stop " y/n begged and started to close her legs but Jungkook hold her legs tightly and started to lick her pussy.
y/n finally came for the third time but Jungkook does not seem to stop he eating her out like its a meal "Ahh Jungkook please " Y/n said while gripping his hair in her one hand "Please what baby" he ask her while looking at her "please stop I can't " she said but he ignored her and again started to eat her out. "ahh Jungkook no I can't anymore" she begged him to stop, her eyes get teary, "you can and you will " y/n started to moan loudly, she started to cry cause of overstimulation but till she is getting so much pleasure, his tongue doing magic on her pussy, she looked down at him, he creates mess there his mouth covered with her cum, his hair is all messy but still he licking her pussy with his wet and warm tongue.
finally, when she cum fourth time in a row, Jungkook smirked proudly when he realize he make her cum fourth time. y/n started to breathe heavily. the hand gripping his hair now loosen up. he again started to lick her pussy but stop when didn't get any reaction , he look up at her and chuckled , y/n is fall sleep already. he get up and went to washroom to wash his face , he came back with towel . he again spread her legs and clean her there. after cleaning her he lay beside her and cover both of them with blanket.
"my bratty baby," he said and kiss her forehead, he take her sleeping figure in his arms and slept.
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cbncb0280 · 1 year
His Saviour Or Savage? (Tom Riddle X Ravenclaw Reader - Smut)
Author's notes:~
Warnings: short-term depression, self harm, smut, oral sex, all rights reserved (unless I give you my consent)
Also, this is ideally a 15+ post just to warn ya lot. But under 15s are allowed to interact and read dis. And I don't like using sexual words such as 'dick', 'clit' and so on cus for sum reason, it makes me wanna cringe. So hopefully, you'll know what I mean when I describe them in here. I'm also not the best at writing smut since I'm a virgin, lol.
Welp, despite all dis from above, enjoy everyone. >;-)
P.S. Here's a drawing of him I edited. It isn't mine, it's just been given the sunlight effect by me.
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This wasn't on. You were not gonna let him get away with this. Not your boyfriend. He was already succeeding by creating his first horcrux, killing Murtle by accident and gathering his first gang of secret Death Eaters. Now you knew that he wanted to become the darkest and most powerful wizard in the world.
You had only just recently discovered all this by reading something in his diary and his plans. Even though there was nothing in there, you just so happened to come across a note that told you everything.
The reason you had read his diary was because you were concerned about him since he had started becoming strangely distant from you. This made you curious and after you read his diary, you had began to wander if he wanted to carry on maintaining the relationship with you or not.
No. Not your most precious Tom... no... surely not...
You had both been together for about a year and had been friends ever since your second year. He was literally obsessed over you and didn't want any other boys except himself to be in your presence, ever. This is how pathetic it truly became.
Over time, you just ignored him, even when he tried to get you to speak several times. He hated the way he was failing. Passionately hated it. What was going on in that brain of yours? These were his horrible thoughts.
You questioned yourself the same thing about him, as though his mind was going absolutely insane. What were you going to do now that you had decided to ignore him completely since the past month? Just what?
Another month later, it was April and your 6th year. You had big exams coming up so life was getting very busy for you and everyone in your year.
You and your friend, Carolina, were studying Astrology predictions together in the library. Having said that, Carolina didn't believe in Astrology at all, even though both her Sun Sign, Aquarius and Moon Sign, Cancer really suited her.
This reminded you of whether Tom suited his sign, Capricorn or not. Same with Carolina as she had an obvious crush on him and you told her that you two had split up.
"Y/N, speaking of Tom, do you think he suits his zodiac sign? Capricorn, isn't it?" She squealed excitedly.
"Hush, Carol, not too loud," you answered miserably.
"Oh... okay then... well... if you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you and Tom break up?"
"Erm, never mind. Just... can we not talk about it please?"
You felt forced to hide your tears and struggled to prevent them deeply.
In the end, you just had to leave.
"Carol, can I go please?"
"Just... please..."
"Oh. Alright then."
You exited the library and ran to the Ravenclaw Common Room.
Carolina was the only person you had spoken to since your breakup with Tom and you now had some form of Depression.
Once you found your room, you shut the curtains on your bes then began to cry. Your books automatically fell off your bed and you interpreted it as a symbol of your low mood.
You also got out a knife you had sneaked from somewhere totally random, and began to cut your arms and legs for comfort. But subconsciously, it was because you wanted to see if Tom truly cared for you or not. You wanted to be his saviour and to stop him from his dreadful plans...
Thankfully, you somehow had a room of your own.
Why would Tom do this? And why would he wanna be with someone like you? A weird nerd, like yourself?
As for Tom, he was wandering why the hell you would leave him in such a way. And this time round, he was gonna make you tell him the answer. He hadn't spoken to you for over a month due to the way you acted around him. He also didn't wanna upset you.
Gah, he would never ever have been so soft around anyone else. He always gets what he wants, whether he remains a secret manipulator or not.
So this is partly what made you his greatest weakness. You were savage to him. And he wanted to rule the world with you. Just you and him, together. Everyone would bow down to you two and you would both be immortal. That was his dream.
Since he was now in the Slytherin Common Room on his bed, he was lost in his thoughts. He was reflecting on how you hang out with that crazy Gryffindor, Carolina who also loved him. Then he thought of you. How he first met you, how unusual, studious and amazing you truly seemed to him, your first kiss in the Room of Requirement (wow, that was really passionate), your secret dates roaming around the castle at night. Now he had lost you and wanted you back.
However, there was something else he was pretty desperate to do with you... perhaps... making out for the first time... no, he couldn't do that... he could easily get you pregnant and you and him would both be in a lot of trouble for that... no, no way...
But he still wanted to try it on you. He dreamed about it all the time nowadays. Also, the thought of you leaving him actually let out a tear from his eye...
In the end, he became so moody and frustrated that he just marched out of his room to go to the Ravenclaw Common Room to meet you.
He knew the password as he was a prefect.
When he found the doorstep to your room, he felt nervous. What if you didn't answer.
Bravely, he knocked on the door.
"Go away!" You shouted rudely.
Uh oh, what the hell was gonna happen now?
"Please Y/N, I wanna talk to you."
Without hesitation, you opened the door to see the face of your ex-boyfriend who you wanted back so desperately. You knew it was him all along.
It broke him when he saw your face looking so... down and depressed as if all emotion had left you.
He had never seen you in a state like that before. It shocked him.
"Y/N, please. Why have you been ignoring me?" He asked you so softly.
You couldn't answer. He'd probably go mad.
"Y/N, please. I want to know. What's bothering you?"
"Erm..." you paused as you really didn't know what to say.
"Y/N," Tom stroked your cheek while trying to comfort you.
You allowed him to continue and you desperately needed a hug, despite everything.
"Do you need a hug, Y/N?" Tom asked you gently.
You didn't answer, but instead, you wrapped yourself around him tightly and buried yourself into his neck. You were quite a few inches shorter than him, so he placed his head on top of yours.
He began to stroke your hair and give your head a massage with his hand. He shut his eyes and kissed the top of your head as he heard you cry on him.
"It's alright, Y/N. I'm not going to harm you. But I need to know. Why have you been ignoring me?"
Finally, you gave some kind of answer rather quietly.
"I'll tell you if we can do one thing we've both always wanted to do."
It was just as well that Tom accepted that. You had been in some form of depression for the past two months because of him. To overcome it, you needed to make out with him, like so desperately.
It was also not your time of the month when you were fertile either. You told Tom that and he was very relieved and pleased.
With that, both of you began to kiss really hard, the hardest you had ever done in your life. Tom gave your back a massage before lifting your shirt up as you removed his cloak.
You felt his hands touching your private part through your underwear and rubbing it ever so gently. It made you release some chemical that you had released while you imagined doing this thing with him.
He pushed you onto your bed, ignoring the open door since it was all the way upstairs and away from everyone else. Barely anyone went up there, thankfully.
So while he removed your trousers and the rest of your clothes, you did the same to him and he simply lover the sight of you.
"T-Tom... I need you..."
"Shhh, I know. I do too," he whispered in your ear.
And for the first time in your life, he began to give you a slow thrust which made you release more and more chemicals.
He heard you moan then began to kiss your neck. This made you moan even more as you felt his tongue licking everywhere and his lips slowly travelling from your neck to your breasts.
You clung onto him and as he continued to thrust inside of you, and the way he licked and sucked those ever so desperate parts of you made you need him so so much.
Eventually, he made it all the way through you while he kissed your stomach area. Yes, it did feel pretty painful, but you very bravely survived it.
A few minutes later, a sudden amazement of this new found feeling really excited you and made you kiss him hardly on the lips. Passion and movement continued as you carried on messing around with each other. Your necks, lips, cheeks and chests received a lot of kissing and along with your extra-sensitive breasts being given a lot of fascinating pleasure.
Chemicals were coming out of both of you and these funny sensations in your back were being super active. Tom kept thrusting in and out of you and this felt like... the most amazing thing you had ever felt in your whole life.
Eventually, he pulled out of you to your disappointment, but he kinda shocked you yet deeply surprised you when he slowly began to lick that part of you he messed around with a lot.
Woahhhhh.... this really was truly pleasurable. The feeling of his tongue licking that most sensitive and private area of yours?
A few of the sex chemicals did approach him, but then he came back up to you and thrusted inside of you again.
"Tom. That was amazing!" You whispered.
"You feel amazing," he smirked as he rubbed that needy area of yours and put his finger inside of it as he carried on thrusting in and out of you.
The thrusting lasted for quite a long time and you two especially loved kissing each other's necks, chests and lips in particular. Bleh, it even got a bit 'too' much...
Your nerves in your private part were perhaps more sensitive than many other girls which truly increased your desire for sex even more so than them... it felt just super nice and as though it was a drug to you...
He felt very warm and wet inside of you, yet it kinda tickled, but in a good way. You both considered it to be paradise.
Sadly for you both, you got tired and the smut eventually came to an end. But you slept together during the night after Tom shut the open door. And of course, you likewise, cuddled. Completely naked.
The next morning, you woke up in Tom's arms which were holding onto you tightly. You wanted to smut with him again. Thankfully, it was the weekend so no one would find out about what you two did last night, hopefully.
Slowly, you brought your private thingy to Tom's so that you may put yourself around it, but then he woke up and gave you a kiss.
He tugged you in even closer and more tightly than before, allowing himself to give another thrust inside of you. And flashes and flashes of excitement and pleasure came to you two.
Tom released many more chemicals inside of you and so did you around him, but then he whispered something in your ear. He actually sounded pretty afraid.
"Y/N, help me, please. I'm turning... crazy. I need you. Have you left me because-"
He was too scared to answer, and especially that you two were still having an amazing smut...
This made your tears come out with pure joy and excitement.
"Tom, I know your plans anyway. I'm really sorry but I read your diary out of concern since you were ignoring me. But I cannot approve of them. You broke my heart, like seriously. So I decided to ignore you throughout the past two months. I didn't really feel like talking to anyone except Carolina and I- I kinda harmed myself a little to comfort myself."
Tom was horrified to realise that he never noticed these cuts on your arms. So you had been self harming and in some form of depression because of him?
"Y/N! Why- why the hell would you do this?" He began to shed a few tears and hugged you deeply, burying his head into your collarbone and making his private part sink into you more deeply.
That made you and him smile a little while you both cried.
"Y/N. Listen very clearly here. I love you so very much and I can't do anything without someone like you. I don't want a plain, popular, common girl like that Carolina friend of yours. Forgive me here. But you are one unusual and perfect girl for me. You taught me to love when I have never experienced it before. I was going insane and felt that the whole world was against me. I needed to take power and control over others... until... you came along."
Tom cried on you and you couldn't believe what he just said. This warmed your heart so much that it beat really fast. You truly loved Tom and had never felt so in love before.
You massaged his back and stroked his cheek to comfort him as you kinda laughed as he released some more cum inside of you. This feeling really, really helped you as you talked to him very softly and comforting. He struggled to look into your beautiful, piercing eyes, but he eventually did during your most touching speech.
"Tom, you're everything I've ever wanted. I've loved you ever since I first met you. Your intellect, your passions, well, apart from the world dominance one, your handsomeness, your charm, everything. I've always loved you, and I truly promise that nothing can tear us apart. And when I make an actual, real promise, I never ever go back on my word."
You stroked Tom's cheek and hugged him as he smiled at you and buried his head in your neck again. Neither of you had ever felt this happy in your lives, ever.
"I love you Tom, so much. Stay with me and I'll always be here for you."
"Y/N. I love you so very much too. And I promise you I'll never leave you either, forever."
Suddenly, your lips crashed onto each other's so hardly and passionately. All your nerves in your lips were unstoppable to feel so good and then you two began to rock around everywhere.
You repeated your smut. You loved the way he licked you in that sensitive area of yours, same with sucking, licking and playing with those two 'you-know-what-I-means' on your chest. He loved the way you kissed his neck and stomach too, which even resulted in you sucking his- never mind...
After one last super-sensitive thrust which was your best and most fantastic one, you both decided to wash each other in the bathrooms were you two made out again...
This all lasted for the next few days and you two were most certainly back together again. And that was all thanks to sex.
Thankfully, Tom never got you pregnant, yet he still wandered whether to consider you his amazing, beautiful and most loveable saviour, or his savage spy who had secretly discovered his locked-up plans...
Nahhh, you were his saviour. His one and true saviour who had taught him to love.
And you were the only he would ever truly be able to love due to your magical ability to unlock his ability to release the emotion. After all, he was conceived under a love potion and had no parents to look after him. He was in a horrible muggle orphanage since the day he was born, until he escaped to Hogwarts.
Probably just as well otherwise he would never have met his saviour...
A/N: Helloooooo! Ty all sooooo much for reading. This is my second proper smut I have ever written. Sorry if it sounded kinda rushed as I do tend to want to get things done quickly at times, even while writing. But I hope y'all enjoyed it. Love y'all. :-D
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kohuruki · 6 months
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
~ ᴀɴ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ.. 📄
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[Image is from g̶o̶o̶g̶l̶e̶ hell.]
ʸᵒᵘ ᶠᵃᶦˡᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵐᵃᵗʰ ᵗᵉˢᵗ.. ᴺᵒʷ ʸᵒᵘʳ D̶E̶A̶D̶
⊱ ───── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
• ABBIE - he was very very. Horrified. He was standing there watching traumatized.. He felt himself as an 'Traitor' because you saved him last time from miss. Circle and he blamed himself for not protecting/saving you. Just like you saved him.
• ENGEL - he was also traumatized. He lost Claire. Now he lost you. He was blaming himself for not saving or defending you both from death. Whoever killed you Will be toasted if he found out. He started to have hallucinatations about you.
• LANA - she was trying her best not to scream or burst into an mental breakdown.. You also saved her from Miss. Circle and it seems she was too late to protect you. She started to feel dizzy around hallways because that's the place where you died.
• KEVIN - he was the latest one to know about your death. You were cut in half like Claire and you lose 1 eye and your heart was exposed next to your body. But whatever it takes to comfort him. He will ignore them because the scene kept repeating to he's mind.
• RUBY - the first person who saw your body. She couldn't help but scream as the teachers heard her and also saw your body in half. She was traumatized about the blood and gore she was seeing. You dint know her but she knows you and cared about you a lot.
• SKELL - the second latest one to know. Your body is an sword to stab him and he can't handle the things he saw today. He started overthinking and lost focus on itself.
• PETUNIA - you guys hate each other but. She felt very ashamed seeing you dead. She regret saying you should never 'borned' and she was too late to apologize and somehow.. Confess her feelings.
• LIZZY - she's the one who burst into an mental breakdown. As petunia comforted her she can't help but cried with trauma.
• MISS SASHA - she was trying to handle herself from crying. You were her favorite student but now her 1st favorite student is dead and will never come back as her teaching became an bit more quiet.
• MISTER DEMI - you were also he's favorite student. He started to have more anxiety and cried when he's alone. It seems he lost an angel
• MISS. CIRCLE - when you failed the math exam she can't help but got furious and accidentally killed you.. She was surprised.. And.. Regretted being mad.. You were the only student that was very kind to her and kept answering her questions, full marks.. But she looked at your dead body and rushed off trying to forget what happened but what she did traumatized her.
• MISS GRACE - when she first saw your body. It was similar to claire's death.. When she called the ambulance. She would dare to visit your grave.. Every single.. Day..
• MISS EMILY - she dint look at the body because she dint like claire's death and she don't want to see your DEATH now..
• MISS BLOOMIE - the latest teacher to saw your body but she knows who did this.. But she's not sure if it's really alive, miss thavel or.. Miss circle.. You were also her favorite student and now. The student she cares died.
• MISS THAVEL - ouch that body stabbed her across the chest. You were like an golden throphy she just won but it seems like it's shattered... For now.
• ZIP - you were supporting her and praising her and she sees you as an very very very nice and important friend. But that body of yours made her traumatized and cried at the corner
• EDWARD - you guys werent really friends at all but.. He felt guilty for prank and yelling at you when he saw your body cut in half like claire's.
• CUBBIE - he started to be clumsy and clingy towards objects because sometimes he though it was you
• BUBBLE - she dint know... Because no one told her as she though your just sick and can't go to school.
• ROBBY - he also dint know..
• RILEY - she started to became more than an troublemaker and started laughing at hallways with tears so you cannot tell if she's crying or laughing.
ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴛʜᴇ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀs ᴀʀᴇ ɢᴏɴᴇ. ғʟʏ ʜɪɢʜ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ.
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acoraxia · 5 months
You have my sympathies for both your loss and your college being lil bitches.
a small update: my biology professor has not gotten back to me. it has been 6 hours and I know her office hours were available from Friday at 8am to 2pm. it is not 3:55pm and I had to email my advisor again just so I can find another option for taking my summer term classes.
mind you i don't care about having a low GPA or failing a class because I am more than happy to retake it, do better, get better grades, etc. but what pisses me off is the fact that i told this professor i wouldn't be available until after April 29th. and she doesn't even give me proper instructions for how to schedule my exam?? and now i've lost my finacial aid. so. yippee.
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kaahgyuya · 2 years
Overflowing paper
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| Info - overworked fem! reader x Scaramouche - VERY LONG. 💀
Tevyat Timeline
you sat down as you looked at your clock.
"6:45 am? It's that early? Well.. it won't be fun to do stuff later so I'll just all do it on one bunch!" You giggled.
You took out your list to see the commissions and work you had to do from the Akademiya. The sunrise shines through the window. Until Scaramouches voice rings through your head.
"Remember to take a break off your work every now and then. You won't get it done in a full day you know? If you rush then you won't get a good grade." He scolded.
"I'm sorry, but I just wanna get it all done, you know?" You pestered.
"When will you listen? If you don't take a break and eat breakfast then you'll starve! And then I won't be able to feed you." Scaramouche raised his voice.
"You don't understand! The Akademiya needs the reports! They asked for it and you don't go to the Akademiya anyway!– listen, the reports are due next week, if I don't get them done then I'll fail you know! I can't fight about this now!" You fought back.
"Why are you so stubborn?! Just listen to me once! Remember how you literally almost got killed by a ruin guard?! I told you to be careful out there and you lost track of time!" Scaramouche raised his voice more and made you flinch.
You felt like crying, but you couldn't hold back.
"I'm sorry that I'm too busy for my work! Listen, I need to get this done asap. And if I don't then who knows—!"
"And that's the problem! The problem is, is that you don't take care of yourself properly! Now go to bed it's late!" Scaramouche scolded again.
"But then–"
"But then what?! You haven't even ate breakfast and it's already this late! You haven't even slept for the past 2 weeks too! What's next, huh?!" Scaramouche yelled.
"I'm sorry—!"
"Just shut it. And go to sleep." The paper report that Scaramouche held in his fist, threw it at you and turned around.
"And when I get back, I better not see you still studying for your exam. But it's not like you'll listen anyway. It's not like I care." Scaramouche scolded you as he went to his bedroom upstairs.
You stood there in defeat as your eyes followed him. You frowned and turned around back to your office.
"Tch, whatever, he said that it's not like he cares so what?" You talked to yourself as you laughed it off.
"Alright, time for work!" You sat down in your chair as the big room was slowly being lit up by the sunrise.
2 hours later therapy sessions with Nahida /hj
| "You know..."
"Know what?" Scaramouche swung on the dendro swing as he looked at the tiny white-haired girl with a beautiful green of Tevyat's surface.
"That girl, ____ right?"
"Yeah.. what about her?"
"She's tempted on overworking herself because she believes that getting the knowledge she needs is closer to being successful."
"Her family was full of sages, they were so successful and rich in everything. So then they passed that down onto their generations until it hit hers."
"So then why are you telling me this?"
"You like her, right?" She looked at Scaramouche as he froze.
"Don't worry, I can read your mind as plain as day." Nahida giggled.
"If she's so stubborn about it, then I'll just leave her. It's not like I care about her." He looked down at his shoes as his hat was on a rock.
"No that isn't true. Your heart's mind is much more talkative than your brain's. So deep inside you do care for her, don't you?" Nahida teased.
"H-hey that isn't true!" Scaramouche yelled as he looked at Nahida red as a plum.
Nahida giggled.
"That girl amazes me." Nahida says.
It was quiet for sometime..
All the necessary sounds around them were the light chirping of the birds and little crystalfly power.
"No, but it's true."
"Hm?" Nahida looked at Scaramouche.
"I do like her. In fact, I wanna...." He paused.
"You wanna be with her until the end, don't you?"
"..." He did a slight nod. He blushed, a lot.
"Then go for it."
"Go for what?"
"Go and tell her you love her."
"No, never." He looked the opposite way.
"But you can't deny it, it's true that you love her more than anything. You love and care for her—"
"Okay okay, I get the point it's all true now shut up!" Scaramouche yelled.
"Go now."
"Just go." Nahida smiled as he and her jumped off the dendro swings.
"Fine." Scaramouche picked up his hat and left the labyrinth.
"Go and tell her you love her." Nahida whispered as she left the labyrinth aswell.
At ur house
"How many, how many.. 1, 2.. 4.... 10.... 18!" You proudly said.
You heard a faint knock.
"Coming!" You put your drafts back together again and you went for the front door.
"Hello! Me and the traveler came to stop by!"
"Oh hello, Paimon and Aether!" You waved.
"Do you look okay?"
"What do you mean?" You said.
"You have... big eyebags..?" Paimon questioned.
"Oh! Nevermind those, anyways what made you guys come here?"
"Someone wanted to deliver these fruits here." Paimon gave you the basket.
"Oh... I don't remember anything about ordering such fine fruits like these! Are you sure you're at the right address?"
"Yes! Look" Paimon gave you the little sticky note that said your name, last name, and address.
"Oh.. umm, okay... Maybe from a friend! Tell them I said thanks!"
"Right! Now the mora?" You said.
"Mora? They said you can have it for free." Paimon said.
"Oh for such fine and sweet fruits! Thank you Paimon and Aether." You thanked them.
"Oh, if wasn't from us. It was from—" Paimon got cut off by Aether.
"It was from Nilou." Aether glared at Paimon.
"O-oh! Right...!" Paimon looked sweaty.
"Are you okay Paimon?"
"Y-yeah, anyways mind if we–"
You realized you were off track your work and you panicked.
"Oh, I'm sorry you can't bye!" You shut front door and ran back to your office. You set the basket of fruits on your desk.
"Right, right, right... oh no! It's gonna take forever for me to concentrate now ughh!!" You groaned.
2:38 am
"Therefore we update the posts regularly on the daily commission board to be delivered separately by the Adventure guild. Hmm, that doesn't seem right.." you complained.
"After that, 160 materials will be delivered by then, but then we'll have to make more plans..."
"It's confirmed that in March, the trader roads will be closed in Liyue Harbor meaning that we won't get our order until summer."
"But then, the Akademiya needs those materials to test and study ruin guards, they can–... no I'm getting off track!" You whined quietly.
You felt so sleepy and drowsy, but you needed it done before next week. You couldn't stop.
"No no, ah I know!" You scribbled down on your notes and wrote on your 26th draft of the delivery and trades of the Akademiya and Liyue Harbor posts.
"It looks perfect!" You held out your draft feeling proud.
"Next... ah! Where's the paper?" You looked around your desk, the fresh fruits were still fresh as you put a potion on it for it to stop rotting and to stay as fresh as possible.
"The condition of recent lotus nectar... yes that's the one!" It was the one you had been working on for the past month. It took you forever to study and know lotus nectar knowing it's very useful for future Akademiya projects.
"Alhaitham is going to kill me if I mess this up!" Even though you had more knowledge and intelligence than Alhaitham, he was more experienced and more sorted out, Unlike you.
And the Lotus nectar was also the paper that Scaramouche was holding, tightly.
You could feel his anger as you touched its wrinkled parts.
You stared at the paper as you felt like passing out. You closed your eyes for a split second and you already felt like you were going to sleep.
"No no, I mustn't sleep! Not now.." you scribbled down on the draft for 30 minutes.
Your hand writing got a little more messy as you felt yourself drifting away.
You heard the door slam open.
You looked up to see Scaramouche staring down at you with terrifying eyes.
"Scaramouche I'm sorry, please! I didn't intend to stay up! I lost track of time I swear, I swear!"
Scaramouche looked pissed.
"How long have you been writing drafts and how many did you write?"
"Um.. I dunno... maybe 8 hours and uhh... 26?" You looked away slowly as your voice got quiet.
You heard shuffling as Scaramouche picked up a draft.
"Recent lotus nectar has been continuously converting itself into ley line roots, if you damage those ley line roots then you'll get rotten nectar. Rotten nectar can be dangerous and spread throughout of all Sumeru and can be a deadly sickness. We want to prevent animals and the recent storms in the rainforest to damage them. Therefore we cannot get the needed lotus nectar, but we have other options." Scaramouche read quietly. He got silent after reading that.
"You've worked long enough, you're coming with me."
You looked at Scaramouche as he pulled your hand and left your office.
"Wait but I'm not done yet! Just 50 more minutes!" You begged.
You reached his bedroom and he threw you on the bed.
"Go to sleep."
"My bedroom is the opposite direction you know?"
"I know. But you're sleeping with me."
Scaramouche put his two hands on your shoulders as he looked down on you. His hands gripped them.
"Go to bed." His voice was irritated.
You tried to acknowledge what was going on as you blinked tiredly.
"Cmon, go to bed." His voice softened aswell as his grip.
"... right." You quietly said, you looked to the left of you to break eye contact.
Scaramouche took your hand and went to his bedroom.
He pushed you towards his bed and threw you on there.
"Hey, that hurt you know?!" You rubbed your head as he got in bed with you.
"Now sleep."
"I don't want to." You said.
"Go to sleep."
You looked at his eyes and the moon shine made his eyes look majestic. Your hands were incredibly cold.
"Why are your hands so cold?"
"I don't know." You said tiredly. He cupped your hands with his hands, his was slightly warmer than yours.
You closed your eyes.
You could feel his glare on you as you slept uncomfortably, but comfortable at the same time. You knew he was there for you, always there. And you also knew how much he cared for you. He just never showed it, ever.
"Too bad you didn't eat the fruits I gave to you," Scaramouche mumbled as he slept with you.
"Too bad I guess." He said.
@xyouami 3/11/23 11:00 pm
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ya-boi-haru · 10 months
Giving some irl advice I wish I was told, cause you never know who needs to hear it.
1) If you are in (high)school:
It. Does. Not. Matter!
I remember being told this when I was in school and thinking "Maybe it was easier for you. You don't understand the pressure I'm currently under"
And now I know it truly doesn't matter.
I knew I wasn't going to do well in my HSC (final exams) and yet I was going for an ATAR anyway. I could drop down, out of ATAR maths cause I knew it would fail me more. And low and behold, for the first time in 6 years, I didn't dread going to math class.
I went for my ATAR INCASE I went to Uni (college) it's been 5 years and it's the last thing I want to do. Not that It would have helped, cause it was so low.
My highest test scores (Band 3 & 4) was for the 2 classes I actually cared about, and that's what I was happy with.
Lesson: Dont stress yourself out with highschool, that amount of stress and anxiety wasn't worth it for me.
Also cut off/block all the bitches that you went to school with, they aren't worth your precious time.
2) When going for a job interview:
Ask them why they're hiring.
I've worked at a couple places where I've thought "No wonder they're understaffed"
Ask them why they're looking for people/ what happened to the last lot.
If they say they moved on to other opportunities that may be true but maybe ask if there was anything else, just to safe. If they say that had to be fired ask why so you can learn from mistakes/ know what to expect.
I went to work for a company for 3 months and I've never been fucked around so hard in a job (that's a whole other story for another post) and later I had another women telling me she lasted a week before she quit.
Lesson: know what you're getting into
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