#they help eachother out with and teach eachother about the games their into
jellyfiishatr · 1 year
Being friends with them!!
a/n : just some friendly hang out sessions with the great spider four >_<★!!
Characters : Miles Morales / Gwen Stacy / Pavitr Prabhakar / Hobie Brown
content : headcanon / fluff / platonic / pure silliness
Miles Morales!! (Small Ganke mention!!)
☆ study sessions with these two ofcourse
☆ ^and by study sessions I mean Miles is doing work and Ganke's been done and has been playing videos games since you came over to their dorm
☆ Miles asks for help with English, and you ask for help with whatever you're missing
☆ if not study sesh, then definitely out and about spray painting a new wall
☆ ^I can imagine late night talks with him after he's finished a piece are very heart to heart, he loves to speak his mind to you and hopes you do aswell
☆ I can imagine you meeting his parents are a little nerve wracking since he's mentioned that they didn't like ganke or Gwen
☆ so you tried to be as respectful and kind to them as you possibly could (probably also kissing up to them idk I would too)
☆ if you also do art, you guys compare drawings and give eachother advice on what you need to work on
☆ ^definitely the type to steal your notes and draw in them during class
☆ ^will also steal said notes for a week and forger he has them till your banging on his door in the middle of the night before your assignments due and those notes are very much important to you
Gwen stacy!!
☆ it took a long time for her to actually consider you a friend, a lot of the time you just stayed following her and talking
☆ ^anything you said in those few months prior to her considering you a friend, went through one ear and out the other
☆ She's definitely a teaser, making fun of you in a friendly manner
☆ movie night, or weekly sleepovers at one another's house is a must with her
☆ ^she says she's into horror/action but is really into romcoms, she won't admit that outloud though
☆ I feel like she's really bad at cooking so teaching her how better her cooking skills has definitely happened once or twice
☆ ^she loves when you make her lunches, she usually buys you lunch for the next two days in return
☆ when she's playing the drums you usually sit right outside her window with headphones because she's likes to have her room shut off
☆ ^but she still wants to hang out so she makes you wait outside for about an hour till she's done and has you back inside for dinner
Pavitr Prabhakar!!
☆ Study sessions pt2!
☆ he's a straight A, top of the class student. He doesn't really need to do homework because he does it in class
☆ he does help you with yours though, especially if you're failing
☆ early morning walks, he's an early bird and makes you walk with him because "It's good for the mind!"
☆ if you're not an earlybird, you're grumbling the entire walk about how it's a "weekend" and how "you do this everyday pavitr" and how "you need to stop making me do this"
☆ he doesn't understand whatever you're trying to say and pushes you lightly the rest of the walk (that last part definitelywasnt written by pavitr, no definitely not)
☆ he loves to rant about his girlfriend, talking about how they sneaked out and went on a late night walk that week
☆ if you have an s/o you're definitely talking about them with pavitr, telling him all about them
☆ he's definitely a dog person, he always has a dog following him no matter what
☆ you guys are walking to school? There's a dog right behind you. Hanging out at his house? There's a dog right outside his bedroom window. LITERALLY IN SCHOOL?? A DOG HAS WALKED IN DURING THE MIDDLE OF CLASS AND SAT DOWN NEXT TO HIM WHILE THE TEACHER WAS AWAY
☆ ^everyone think he just has some sort of dog treats on him always but it's really from just recognizing his face from him always feeding them, such a sweetheart
Hobie Brown!!
☆ draws on your hand a lot
☆ ^you always have faded sharpie on you no matter what because of him
☆ you tease him for his accent constantly, saying "pip pip cheerio," or "ello luv." In the most horrible accent ever
☆ You have to go to protests or big government events with him, whether you're political or not he's dragging you along
☆ Always has little trinkets for you everytime you hang out
☆ hang outs in an abandoned building are a daily thing
☆ ^he's probably made you carry a big couch for him to put in a new hang out spot because he said he "knew a place."
☆ he did infact know a place
☆ the playlist guy, he's the one with fire songs to hype everyone up at rallies/protests
☆ knows how to design, outfits, or banners whatever. He knows how to do it right
☆ you'll always have heart to heart conversations with him, early in the morning, mid-day, or late at night
☆ if you ever bring up the topic, "you think we're friends in another universe?" He just looks at you and nods (I've mentioned this before in my hobie hcs)
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lily-fics-11 · 4 months
I Can See You (Ellie Willaims, TLOU)
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I Can See You 
Inspired by I Can See You (Taylor’s Version) 
I know that Taylor Swift isn’t for everyone, but read it for Ellie
CW: *Ellie and reader are both 18* No use of y/n, profanities, anything else relevant will be at the beginning of the chapter 
*Note beta read
(Athlete!Ellie, Lacrosse!Ellie)
Every Monday morning there are new rumors about which girl, or girls, Ellie Williams hooked up with at parties over the weekend.
What you’ve heard as a senior is that Ellie spends all her time flirting with the popular girls and trying to be the class clown. That’s why her grades have started to slip, putting her starting position on the lacrosse team in jeopardy.
You are the tutor tasked with saving the Championship winning team by preventing the removal of their star athlete. 
Ellie is surprisingly smart, teaching her things is easy. Getting her to pay attention and cooperate, not so much. 
When she finds out that you are into girls she takes you on as her secret mission. The affection of a girl, though not her usual type, is more than enough to motivate her to work. For whatever reason you’ve really captured her attention. However, she would never be caught dead with you anywhere but the back of the library. 
You don’t think you mind…
Using her flirtatious nature to help her reach her goal can’t go wrong.
Can it?
Chapter 1: You’ve started tutoring Ellie and things don’t go as expected. She’s trying to convince you to kiss her to keep her doing her work. But not to kiss and tell.
Chapter 2: Ellie’s behavior towards you fluctuates and you aren’t quite sure why. You go to her lacrosse game when you need to learn more about lacrosse, she ends up giving you a private lesson.
Chapter 3: The more Ellie flirts with you, the more you see her with other girls, and you aren’t sure why. She gets jealous when other girls give you attention and starts to show that she wants you all to herself.
Chapter 4: Things heat up between you and Ellie during your secret meetings after school. Neither of you are sure where this is going but you are too caught up in eachother to care.
Chapter 5: Ellie gets a little jealous when another girl shows interest in you. You share many sweet moments as she tries to spend every second with you that she can.
Chapter 6: Your friends are trying to figure out who your mystery girl is while you and Ellie grow closer than ever. Turns out the back of the library isn’t as private as you thought it was…
Chapter 7: Ellie wants to make things official and stop hiding your relationship.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Comment if you want to be added to the tag list:)
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ellaa-writes · 9 months
Do you mind making a fanfic where König slowly falls in love with the reader that's the team medic. And can it be smut towards the end that's more vanilla than rough?
Hiii! Thank you for the request. Also sent back in November. I always get carried away with these. CW; alcohol consumption but over all its very tame and a little fluffy :)
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Working for Kortac wasn't always easy but it sure was awarding. Being the team medic/doctor had its perks. You mostly worked on base, or different outposts. You rarely experienced field work, but you weren't completely useless. The rest of the team wouldn't allow it, specially the Colonel.
You train with them, eat with them, shower with them, cause you are one of them.
As well as going out after a successful mission, when everyone is preparing for there leave. A nice hooray before a break.
You've been with Kortac for little over a year now, you made friendships with almost everyone. The Lifesaver they call you, out of respect and also taking the piss. Getting a nickname meant you were really family.
You don't talk about your personal life, no one does and no one asks questions. But it's not like you want to talk about your failures and joining the military was you lose ditch effort to pursue your dreams. Working in the hospital wasn't ideal anymore, the mundane day after day was draining you. And your tremors destroyed your opportunity to your goal as a board certified surgeon.
Wearing your civvy clothes, nothing special. Your favorite pair of jeans, a simple top and chunky boots. It's a tad chilly so you threw a warm leather jacket over it to tie it all in. Taking a cab with Roze to the local bar. Chatting about plans and wants. Roze using her leave to go climb a mountain. Telling her you wish you had her ambition and discipline. And her telling you that she could teach you some time.
The cab stopped in front of the bar, a fairly busy night. A small group of people were gathered around chatting and smoking cigarettes. Some of them you recognize as your teammates, and the Colonel. He made you dizzy, every time your eyes find him every cell in your body buzzes. Like flies to a street lamp.
Like a million butterflies in your tummy, beating against the inside tying to break out. You waving back to the ones that waved to you, making your way into the bustling bar. Leading the way to the bar, Roze close behind.
"We should find a both, I'm not being stuck at a fucking table." Roze gritted into your ear, remembering the last time you two went out with the boys. "Go find one I'll order our drinks. The usual?" you offered. She gave you a big smile and squeeze to your upper arm. "You are a doll, do you know that?" she yelled as she made her way through the crowd.
You finally flagged down the busy bartender, ordering Roze her vodka soda and your old fashion. Looking out into the crowd trying to find the others. Spotting them at a big booth in the back, a big screen rght above playing some sort of football game.
With a loud clink the bartender dropped the drinks in front, snatching the change out of your hand before turning away to help another. Carefully making your way through the crowd to the others, watching has Roze and Hutch lively convo. Setting the drink down before sliding it over to Roze who mouthed a silent thank you to you.
You slid into the other end of the both the faced out towards the bar, right up to a very tired looking Oni who looked unintereseted in whatever Horangi was saying. "What's up cool cat." he cooed to you, his big arm snaking around to give you a tight hug. "Getting drunk." you cheered raising your drink, the two cheering in agreement as they clinked their glass against eachother.
"Room for one more?" his thick deep accent purred for behind you. Colonel König sliding in beside you, taking up the rest of the both. Causing you to shift over to Oni to your right. "You smell like shit." Horangi exclaimed, raising his glass towards König. Causing the giant to bark with laughter, raising his pint towards the Korean. Causing some to slosh to the side and drip in front of you.
Indistinctively making you jump back to not get any of the stinky lager to get on you. "Sorry about the doll." his rumbling voice reached your ears. Making you blush and say "It's all good sir." taking a big gulp of your drink. Shrinking back as the others talked, stopping once in a while to include you.
König's leg brushing up against yours every now and than. If you were any the wiser you'd think he was doing it on purpose. Downing the last of your drink you plopped it on the solid table with a clank. König eyeing the empty glass while he finished his own. Kindly taking it with him as he went to get another fill.
Roze gave you an odd look from across the table, you just shrugged it off. She's been trying to convince you that the Austrian has been pinning for you. You brush it off as him being kind, but he's never that kind. Small things like bringing you things he found that reminded you of him. Small like trinkets and tchotchkes, either hand delivering them himself or leaving at your door.
Always being the first on the team, even before the muscle. Having first pick over any new recruits, a small luxury. Like you said, he's just kind. And very straight forward and to the point. A confident and cocky man, that knows what he wants and always gets it. And it's definitely not you.
It wasn't long until the Colonel returned with his drink and yours, setting down a colorful fruity drink in front of you. Causing a laugh from the others, but you just blinked at it. "I think this is yours." as you shifted it across the table to Hutch. Who gladly took the free drink cause booze is booze baby. "Aw Koni pal, you shouldn't have." he nearly had it to his lips before König thick hand grabbing Hutch's wrist, giving it a light squeeze before saying "It's not yours." in his husky accent. Bringing it back to you, holding it out. "Do you not like?" he asked curiously.
You weren't sure what was happening, was this some joke that you just didn't understand. "No." you said flatly, eyeing Roze for some help but she just eagerly gulped down her own ignoring you. "Can you excuse me." as you brushed passed the giant now looking at the drink in confusion.
Going to the bar you ordered two shots of the strongest liquor they had. Taking them down like a champ you asked for another old fashion. Feeling a warm hard body brush up next to you, seeing the Colonel standing beside you with that stupid drink still in his hand.
"I'm sorry Katze, I thought you would like." he started to explain. The bartender interrupting to give you your whiskey, taking a quick sip before König moved the drink so it was next to you. "It reminds me of you, that's all." he finished. You snorted into your glass and nearly choked on the smooth amber. Huffing out a coughing laugh.
"I'm sorry sir, but how does that remind you of me?" you giggled, finally feeling the alcohol settle into your worn bones.
"It's colorful like you." he said confidently and also confused at how you dont see it. "I'm colorful?" you asked, taking the drink from his hand. Your fingers lightly brushing against his, bringing the liquid to your nose before downing the whole thing in one try. And setting it back into his hand that remained in place.
König eyes widened at your bold display, a fire burning into them as he watched you lips grip the rim of the curved glass. The way your necked bobbed as you swallowed the sweet liquid. The fire burning a path straight to his pants. Feeling himself grow to life and strain against the front zipper.
"It's nice to see you like this sir." you blurted out and immediately regretting it. Ok, last drink and your leaving, you scolded yourself. "What do you mean?" his curosity peeked. You waved his answer away, getting embarssed by your loose lips. "Dont get shy on me now." he pushed. Moving hs big body into yours more, pining you to the bar stool.
"It's just, your so human." you whispered. A little nervous to his reacton, but instead he leaned his head back and barked out a laugh. Causing people around to jump at the sudden loud sound. A few moving away from the big man.
"That was a good one Katze." he leaned further down to your face. "I like seeing you like this." his hand slowly running from your wrist to your neck, holding it in place. "Like what sir?" you mummured, eyeing his lips as they moved closer to your own. "Flustered." he breathed into your mouth, closing the gap and kissing you deeply. His hand moving to the back of your head to keep you in place. Your lungs seizing to produce air as you felt his soft lips move against yours.
He pulled away slowly, moving his hand to your face, running his thumb over your bottom lip. Your lungs screamed, finally sucking in a deep breath. You could feel the heat rise to your face, you must look like a tomato right now.
"So damn cute." he continued, looking away from you to your abandoned drink at the bar. "Are you done?" he questioned. You were buzzing, almost right out of your skin. So light headed all you could do his shake your head yes. König took that as his sign to make a move, so he lead you out of the bar into the cold night.
"This way doll." as he pulled you to the direction of the quiet street, you could spot the bmw shining under the moon light. "I'll drive us back." he reached the passenger door, holding it open for you as you climbed in. Closing it softly as he jogged to the drivers side, climbing in and the car roared to life.
The drive back to the base passed in a flash, König nearly dragging you through the building towards his own room. His high status warrants his own private quarters. A small living and dining area, followed by his bedroom and attached bathroom. He unlocked the door with haste and pulled you in. Spinning you around so you were pushed against the back of the door.
His strong body on yours, you heard the click of the lock slide into place. König lips once again on yours, nipping and sucking. Making a trail down your neck, pulling the zipper of your jacket down and off your arms. Tossing it towards his table, his hands finding your ass and hauling you up. You legs mindlessly wrapping around his waist, tugging him into your core more. Earning a low moan, vibrating from his chest.
He yanked at the collar of your shirt, a clean tear running down the front exposing your breast to his mouth. Pulling a yelp from you as he nipped at the sensitive skin. He turned you both around and towards his room, kicking the door open and dropping you on the bed.
"Sir-" you tried to let out but König's lips swallowed your words. "Shhh, baby. Let me make you feel good. Ja." he whispered into your mouth, making you melt into the bed. All you could do was shake your head has you fully leaned back, closing your eyes.
König made good with your clothes, leaving you only in your panties. You watched has he removed his shirt and shoved his jean and brief's to the floor, kicking them away as he climbed back on and slotted himself between your thighs.
Pining your spread knees to your stomach, rubbing his face against your clothed core. His big nose carding its self along your slit, building pressure against your clit. Pulling moans from you, throwing your head back.
König took his time, running his face up and down your thighs. Kissing from your ankle to your inner thigh, over your soaking core, and down the other leg. Licking path across your skin and blowing on the wetness, goosebumps spreading across your body.
Pulling your hard buds into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and sucking. His teeth grazing on the sensitive nipple and lightly nipping. Relishing in the noises hes drawing from you. Humming in approval, slowly pulling down your panties and letting them get lost on the bed.
His fingers find your center, the thick heavy digits ghosting up and down. Gathering the wetness that pushed through, pressing his wide thumb right against your clit. Making you buck into his hand more, König's mouth still on your tits.
He worked his thick middle finger into you, slowly opening you for him. Working knuckle by knuckle, whispering praises into your ear. Pushing another finger into you, making you whimper at the stretch.
"Ko, please." you pleaded with him, feeling his low chuckle. His hot mouth against your ear, cooing "Patience love." as his fingers pump in and out of you. Feeling your slick slide down your ass and onto the sheets.
Whining at the loss of his fingers, but feeling the head of his dick running up and down. Collecting your wetness and spreading it over him before the tip catches you needy hole. Snapping his hips fowards ripped a cry from your throat. Your legs clamping around him and tightening.
"Shh, shhh. Quiet now pretty girl. I'm sorry, I'll be more carefully." and he kept true to his word. His cock slowly stretching you open, your warm folds inviting him in. Squeezing and pulsing around him, König cherished every moment.
Sensually thrusting in and out, lazily rolling his hips. Making sure he pulls orgasm after orgasm from your body.
Not stopping until your begging and pleading with him. Incoherently going on about it being too much, too sensitive.
König could lose himself in you, deeper and deeper. Holding back to not scare you. Wanting to make it all about his sweet little medic. The moment he laid eyes on you he was hooked. Those sweet eyes and kind smile, how quick and smart you were. Such a soft thing, you shouldn't be in this line of field.
Finally letting himself go, he buried himself deeper. Releasing pressed right up against your cervix, shoveling as much as he could to your core. Letting out one last guttural moan as he collapsed onto you, only rolling over when you started banging against his back. Taking you with you, you settled on his chest.
König laid out completely satisfied, head back and eyes closed. He could feel you staring at him.
"Sleep" he commanded. Hearing your giggle as you continued to stare.
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chososcamgirl · 4 months
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𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 - the old heads
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m. list
background !
the five friends have been a close knitted group ever since highschool, and that didn’t change throughout college or after.
shoko graduated with valedictorian and top of the class and nanami was bitter about it for 3 days and didn’t talk to shoko at all. she completed her md and residency and now is an orthopaedic surgeon. choso and gojo both studied computer science in college however gojo just barely passed all his classes not because he wasn’t completing the work but because he was absent for almost half of them. satoru often takes advantage of the few skills he learnt in his classes and makes troll sites and leaks people’s ip on val after he loses (he shortly becomes semi-famous for this). choso, who actually paid attention in class, now works for a software company. nanami graduated with a degree in engineering and is planning to start his own company with the help of suguru who teaches with a degree in business and hospitality.
suguru, choso and satoru all live in a condo together and are all rather living pretty comfortably. whilst shoko and nanami choose to live separately and own a house each, they all live within the same block so if ever they need help, it’s just a 2 minute drive. upon graduating with a degree in business and hospitality, suguru opens up a new cafe. he has been planning this for the past year and nothing was stopping him now that he has all the expenses paid off. even though satoru is a trust fund baby and offered to give him all the money for it early on, suguru declined not because of his pride but because he needed to do this on his own for himself.
fun facts !
ᨘ໑▸ the characters included in this post are all aged 27-28 years old.
ᨘ໑▸ choso always scolds satoru about his digital footprint but that man does not GAF.
ᨘ໑▸ the whole group meets atleast once a week - which is usually friday nights at the condo in which they all eat dinner together - choso always ends up being the cook because not only does he volunteer but because he makes knows how to make a mean dish. the night usually ends in a board game which always ends up with gojo sulking and throwing a tantrum, accusing the winner (which is nanami most of the time) of cheating and then drinking until he forgets about the whole thing and starts dancing on the table.
ᨘ໑▸ due to satoru’s antics with trolling and doxxing and his new found fame, the whole group is blew up by association.
ᨘ໑▸ suguru adopted a stray black and white cat left on the side of the road. he called her ‘spring’. he loved her until her last breath up until she died 5 years later when he was 18. he cried for a week and gojo comforted him whole time. it was bittersweet but he knew she was in a better place. this was one of the reasons the cat cafe he’s opening is going to be home to multiple strays which will be up for adoption.
ᨘ໑▸ someone made a velocity thirst edit of choso after finding out about him through gojo and it’s now repeatedly played during dinner.
ᨘ໑▸ nanami and choso hated eachother in highschool because both of them claimed to be my chemical romance’s #1 fan
ᨘ໑▸ gojo was not joking in those tweets..
a/n: if i ever make typos plz do not make fun of me </3
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synopsis ; the season of sun-kissed oceans and golden-hued moments is before you! however being a broke college student is not an ideal look to have, especially at your age. desperately seeking solace from financial woes, you and your bestfriend stumble upon an unexpected opportunity - a cat cafe. crafting lattes and pampering purring patrons seems easy enough, right? that fantasy lasts about one day before reality claws in.
🏷️taglist: @coquetteslvt @aliventboo @izakyun @luvvmae @tuihiatus @soonajeeme @ascybous @rotten1angel @catobsessedlady @myguumi @enhleui @viviennevianna @spacebaby1 @iheartlinds @haikyuu-tothetop @mua-for-now @waytootiredforthisss @j2upiters
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chiquitafresa · 7 months
I hope you don’t mind me sharing my staticapple headcanons in return-
My favorite headcanon is that Vox teaches Lucifer how to game and Lucifer is comedically bad at it . But if anyone in the shared lobby says anything, you bet your ass whoever did it is getting doxxed .
Also! I don’t think either of them can cook to save their lives . On one of their early dates, Lucifer invited Vox to his house for a home cooked meal, and realizes a tad too late he has no clue how to cook . Vox comes to see him fussing over burnt ramen . They end up ordering in . (They might learn to cook later though, who knows)
Lucifer makes a habit of showing up to places like hours before it’s time to start and just waits at the door except Vox has cameras everywhere so he notices this and ends up letting him in early (Lucifer gets pretty flustered at this the first time it happens). Vox does consider telling him a meeting time that’s later so he’s not comically early, but part of him enjoys getting to spend a few hours before schedule with his bf.
Vox doesn’t really know how to connect to Charlie at first- well he does, but it mostly involves several manipulative tactics that pray on her better nature instead of genuinely just letting her get to know him and vice versa . Eventually they bond by drawing together, even though Vox isn’t the best at it-
Also Lucifer has really horrible memory with conversations, but luckily Vox has surveillance everywhere! He can just record his bf’s conversations for him! Wait what do you mean that’s a breach of privacy? (They have a very long conversation about boundaries after this . )
I think Vox would hype Lucifer up so fucking much too . Not that it’s really necessary cause cmon, king of hell, but it’s like that meme . If I had a lame ass boyfriend I would hype him up so much, I’d be like here comes the specialest boy ever if you don’t clap I’ll blow up this whole building . That’s them . It’s even funnier because Vox is just as much of a cringefail dumbass as Lucifer is .
They talk about how much they hate Alastor but Lucifer notices that Vox is putting waaaaayy too much weight on it . I think they could actually help eachother a lot in this specific aspect because they’re both people who tend to define themselves off of their relationships, and obsess over one particular relationship to the point of it being unhealthy . (Like, I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but theres a post about how Vox isn’t really happy or excited about anything until Alastor shows up? And Lucifer is the same way with Charlie calling him! I think Lucifer having a person in his life that has nothing to do with his daughter before meeting him would be pretty welcome, and Vox having someone who can validate his feelings about Alastor without enabling him is also just soooo)
Okay yeah that’s my take on them . I really like how you draw them btw . They’re very cute <3
OH MY GOD ANON I LOVE THIS!!! Your making me cry over how cute they’re are ❤️
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I mean like they’re so cute to think about, like how would they first meet? How will Vox react to Lucifer asking him out???
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They are having me on a choke hold 😭😭😭
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sweetbans29 · 4 months
Reader is a few years older than Caitlin, was the #1 pick in her draft after leading her team to a national championship. Was super hyped up going in but struggled a lot with transitioning to the W and then dealt with some injuries before finally finding her stride in the later half of the season but at that point most “fans” had written her off as a dud. Continues to be an underrated player until her breakout season and she finally starts getting the recognition she’s been missing for the last x years. When Caitlin gets drafted and struggles/doesn’t meet peoples expectations her first few games there are some fans that can see the parallel and are like “I hype she doesn’t get the y/n treatment, neither one of them deserve(d) that” Reader gets asked her thoughts on the discourse in a post game “I just saw the tweets actually and I was wanting to reach out bc I’ve been following her game for a few years now so I’m glad you asked but yeah I don’t really think that’s a fair assessment to her game…” then goes on to praise her and talk about how there are just things about her game that you just can’t teach and how she 100% believes that when she hits her stride she’s gonna be hard to beat. Then implores fans to not count her out just yet bc the W is a whole new ballgame that ccs got to learn and adjust to but she has no doubts that she will and that she will become a force of nature once she does, they just need to give her time to get there.
Then after the post presser she sends a real heartfelt message over dms reiterating what she said and letting her know if she ever needs someone to talk to who knows exactly the type of pressure she is under then to not hesitate to reach out. Then gives her her personal number bc she maybe has been harboring a teensy crush on the younger girl and hopes she’ll be more likely to get to know her that way.
Then while Caitlin is trying to process that THE y/n l/n just gave her her number half of her old Iowa teammates send her the clip of reader praising Cait for 5 minutes straight bc she has been very vocal about being madly in love with the woman during every possible opportunity. She ends up doing a group FaceTime with Kate, Gabbie, and Jada to help her draft a thank you message over text.
Then next presser cc gets asked about it and she blushes saying 15 people sent her clips bc they knew she is obsessed. When she’s done she sees a text saying “so you’re obsessed with me?” And thus the flirtation begins with ccs response being “I could ask you the same since you’re lurking on the live”
Fans eat up all their interactions and interviews when they talk about eachother and are obsessed with asking if they’re dating or not and trying to prove it one way or another. Little do they know they already started dating bc they hit it off instantly when they met, and r is just the person cc needs in her life bc she 100% understands what she’s going through
I LOVE THIS - Keep an eye on a 'Coming Soon' 🤍
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hughesd4le · 1 year
All The Girl You Loved Before | J. Drysdale
Jamie Drysdale x Fem Reader
A/n just wanna thank @babydollmarauders again for helping me. i really appreciate it and i love you so much <3
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All Of The Girls You Loved Before | J. Drysdale
Jamie Drysdale x Fem Reader
a heart is drawn around your name. in someone’s handwriting no mine.
Jamie had relationships before in the past. he had known love from women like you had men. he had done the heartbreaking, and been the heart broken. he was terrified to love again. until trevor introduced him to you.
you have loved him with a love he’s never felt before. two words Jamie would use to describe you is loving and understanding. you understand him and his job, knowing that he will be away often, and you never make him feel bad about it. he loved how you always try to go to every game of his, to support him no matter what.
crying in the bathroom for some dude whose name i can’t remember now
you had met jamie at the bar one night during the off season, when he was home visiting his family and friends. you had been crying in the bathroom over some guy, that looking back now you couldn’t even remember the name of. you had ran into jamie on the way out of the bathroom. he had caught you before you could fall. seeing you upset, the boy decided he wanted to buy you a drink and keep you company, so he could try and cheer you up.
the boy invited you to hang out with he and his friends. all of you hit off instantly and you had one of the best nights of your life. at the end of the night you and jamie had exchanged numbers before he dropped you off at ur apartment. the two of you calling, texting, and facetiming whenever possible.
phone conversations turned into weekly dates. weekly dates turned into flying to anaheim to see him play. flying to anaheim turned into moving in with him and trevor. a little after a year, jamie knew he wanted to be with you.
your past and mine are parallel lines. stars all aligned and they intertwined.
during the off season jamie had his injury. the boy decided to take you disney and spend a whole day there with you. going on all the rides he could, shopping, eating all the amazing food the park had. after dinner, the two of you had sat beside each other to watch the fireworks and it was the best night you’ve ever had. However, after a wonderful date, full of all the amazing stuff at disney, jamie eventually stops and faces you towards him.
“Y/n, I know it took me a year to finally ask you, but you are one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. everything and everyone in our pasts had led us here. my best friend, don’t tell trevor, my soulmate. would you wanna be my girlfriend?”
it was an immediate yes from you. you knew without a doubt, that the two of you were meant to be with eachother.
the two of you were getting the chance to teach each other how real love felt and always being there for one another.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Todomomo is literally the closest you can get to a autistic4autistic t4t ship without it being canon or intentional.Shouto's dad is an abusive hypermasculine prick who's implied to be misogynistic(teaching Touya his views on women as a kid,that they're 'useless' based off their genders)and Shouto wants to grow up to be the man he never could and refused to be and dosen't care about gender at all,much less conforming to it's roles and gets called a pretty boy a lot and is way closer to his mom and sister than he is to either of his brothers,Momo is the daughter of a rich couple who adultified her to the max in order to make her the ultimate 'proper prim lady' with little regard to her emotions and mental well-being and only care about her when she lives up to their impossible expectations and she had to get that 'I have to be perfect or else i'm WORTHLESS and NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYTHING' mentality from somewhere and it's not like she wasn't isolated from her peers by not being allowed to be a normal kid in any way(her mom didn't even let her go festivals and she had to sneak off on her first one with a fear of her finding out in the back of her head the whole time!That is NOT normal behavior for your child to exhibit,Doña Yaoyorozu!!!)and she presents femininily in a way that's viewed as artificial by assholes but it's just genuinely who she's made herself to be!Shouto explicitly inhereted his mother's build and hates that he keeps looking like his dad as he gets older and Momo's said to look older than her girl classmates even disregard her body type and towers over most teen guys!!!
Shouto has a neutral expression that looks purely deadpan and just a bit angry/annoyed and he's awful at socializing and he's insanely good at flirting with Momo but IT'S NEVER ON PURPOSE and Momo has a resting smiling face as her default look and she gets scandalized at regular teen behavior and she's an expert at navigating social situations with practiced politeness and they both take things literally and don't understand the dumb kind of norms and have a special fondness for a particular food because it gives them comfort(cold soba + tea types)BUT ALSO!!!!They have matching additional food motifs(bubble tea specifically + strawberry based things)and cordinated outfits with their own aesthetics(their sweaters,,,,,,that got turned into a running thing in the games and i believe official art too)and are canon cat people(*insert that 'All cats have autism' pic here*)and Momo is a bookworm while Shouto is a comics nerd and Momo got into alt music thanks to Jirou and has a love for desserts and Shouto writes platonic love letters to Rei and perfers the spicier/savoury kinds of japanese food AND THEN THEIR ACTUAL RELATHIONSHIP
Shouto voted for Momo because he thinks she's the best they're is but didn't verbally communicate it to her because it never occured to him he'd need to and Momo admires Shouto just as much and said it outloud to his face from the start and Aizawa being the only that helps them clear up the mix up?????His old autistic man ass that's married to audhd icon Mic?So Shouto goes into detail to Momo's face too about how cool he thinks she is and that's when they officially becomes friends and he never shuts up about her to anyone from then on,this nigga's new special interest is his best girl friend he's got a crush on,and he did notice she was sad when no one else did in an earlier part but had no clue what to do or say to cheer her up so they spend time together now that they're really buds and they both know just what to say to eachother by the War Arc and Momo finds Shouto being a fucking doofus with geeky ass tendencies and moments she could make a youtube compilation out of it if she was lil meaner to be so attractive she says he's perfect for Prince Charming as a role in a play Class 1-A did in one of the novel's.Izuku broke Shouto out of his ice,Jirou and Mina broke Momo out of her doll shell and now neither of them need to mask but what brought them together was being next to eachother at their worsts and at their bests and only thinking the latter no matter what or who said otherwise.Including themselves
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Yo! I really love your apocalypse yuu writings I keep coming back to see if it has updated.
I read the Lilia finds out part and when I read the "Epel gave Yuu an apple and he didn't know what it was" it got me thinking about it all night.
How would the first years react to Yuu not eating anything at all(probably other than bread) because he doesn't know what those foods are?
Yuus pronouns are he/him, although they're mentioned briefly
This is barely proofread so please excuse the grammar mistakes.
Featuring: Epel, Ace, Duece, Jack, and sebek (there is implied lilia at the very end but it is literally one sentence)
Warnings: Talks of starvation, Yuu's illness, and survivers guilt, so skip this if you're uncomfortable with any of that.
Also I know it's been over a month. I have no excuse. I just didn't feel like it. But I have been teaching myself how to draw so I can be a bigger simp to Jamil so that's fun ig.
Damn bro, you really don't know shit huh?
Epel was excited, to say the least.
I mean, could you really blame him? It's not everyday that you get a big ol' crate full of the apples that you were raised with.
By all means, epel should've been long sick of eating apples. Having them almost everyday for majority of his life, dried and dehydrated in the winter, and fresh and juicy in the spring and summer.
But no, no epel felmeir loves those apples. Every single one he ate seemed to effortlessly send him back to the simpler times of his childhood. Where he would send hours upon hours avoiding his siblings and playing games with his cousins in the orchards and taking naps in the sun while he waited for his meemaws infamous apple pies to finish baking. And meemaw would almost always let him have the first slice! Of the ones she wasn't going to sell at least.
He really missed her...
He'd have to ask her to bake him another one this winter.
But just getting to read the letter she had wrote, along with his parents and one of the towns kids that always followed him around like a lost baby duck, put a smile on his face.
Yeah. He'd get to see them soon, and once he graduates, he can get them more money, and be strong enough to protect them if it ever came to that.
Unfortunately, as great as his parents apples were, they couldn't fight the natural forces of time.
Dear sevens- they'd sent him nearly three dozen apples! All high quality too... it shouldn't effect sales too much. The orchards were big, and his parents would rather give up that expensive family heir loom necklace that his mother always wore than start selling spoiled apples.
But still, epel couldn't possibly eat thirty-six apples before they all started to rot. Plus, he didn't know how long they took to ship to the isle of sages, so that cut the time frame even shorter.
.....Does Jack like apples?
Should he even be considering giving Jack an apple to begin with? Their relationship was pretty vague. We're they actually friends or just study buddies?
Study buddies can give eachother gifts too right? And plus, it's food, not a 24 carrot gold ring or something crazy like that.
It should be fine. Maybe he'll give one to ace too. They were friends. Surely.
Ace trappola would say he was a good friend. I mean, he wasn't the best by any means, but he was decent.
Yeah, he could be kind of a dick. But who isn't at this point, honestly, even deuce, even cater had their moments.
But he was still someone the people in his life could go to for things, usually physically, tangible this like food or an extra ball or something, but he wasn't completely useless when it came to emotions either.
You could come to him if something was bothering you. He probably won't help you actually fix it but he can at least make you laugh.
So why didn't you want to laugh?
You had taken your mask off a few weeks ago. And like a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped on him he realized it was the first time he ever saw you eat any food here at all.
Were you eating at all before then? What about water?
Thank the seven you were only here for around a week. But surely, you were dehydrated.
(You were definitely dehydrated. Deuce gave you a water bottle and you chugged it like it was your only chance at life. Which, to be fair, it probably was your only chance at life.)
Ace didn't know what your life was like before.
Ace didn't want to know either.
He didn't do well with heavy topics, always changing the subject when one came up unless he was personally involved in some way.
Other people life didn't concern him, and that was something he lived by.
...but still.
This was going a bit too far, don't you think?
Ace shot a look to deuce, clear concern instead of the regular teasing, which caught his roomates attention faster than he thought it would.
Ok. So deuce had noticed too.
Just goes to show how obvious it was that something is very wrong here.
Now, because ace had never asked, and he probably never will, he didn't know what your relationship with food was like before you came here. But. It couldn't have been this right?
A person couldn't only survive on some bread and room temperature water, right?
You sat across from him at your guy's unofficial table in the cafeteria, drinking the water at a moderate pace, as you didn't want to deal with another scolding from a certain housewarden, doing your best to keep a careful eye on grim as he went to go get his food from the lunch line.
And thank the seven for that, really. If grim turned back and saw that you weren't watching him for even a second, who knows that kind of ruckus would result?
But all that aside, you were still scarily underweight. Seriously perfect, how were you even alive?
Ace looked at deuce again. Deuce looked back.
He sighed.
Ace never, ever thought he would do something like this.
But for sevens sake, you were one of his best friends. And Ace will be damned if he just let you do this to yourself.
So with a deep breathe, he looked at you, and then turned back to what he was pretty sure was an ex-gang member, and nodded.
And for once, deuce understood.
They had to do something.
You reminded Deuce Spade of that stray cat that his mother would always feed when he was a child.
Underweight, scared, scarred, and confused.
Always having an air if caution and paranoia, ready to react, as if anything could just jump out and grab you at any time.
But you weren't a cat, were you?
No. You were a person. Someone his age, maybe younger, that had obviously seen horrors he couldn't even understand. Which just made this whole situation even sadder.
Because if you lived like this, then what the hell was stopping him? What about his mother? What was stopping her from having the same fate?
Duece ignored the memories of his mother giving him food and taking none for herself, saying she wasn't hungry.
But he couldn't quite ignore them, nor could he ignore the pit in his stomach whenever he looked at you.
...Listen perfect, he doesn't know what you went through to be like this, but he knows damn well this isn't normal.
It can't be normal. Hiding this much food underneath your floorboards couldn't ever be normal.
The two of you were just hanging out in your room in Ramshakle. Grim was in the lounge, he was sure, and you had stared off into space before asking the date.
When he told you, you had a look of slight panic as you ripped the rug off from its place on the floor, and started pulling apart the boards.
And what for?
The reveal of a large stash of food, mostly non-perishables, but a few snacks here and there too.
Snacks that were about to expire, apparently.
You turned to look back at him, a sheepish look on your face, and what looked like a bag if chips in your hand.
Deuce didn't know what face he was making.
He just knew it wasn't one he'd want you to see
If someone were to ask Jack howl if he was your friend. He wouldn't know to to say.
I mean yeah, you helped save his entire dorms ass way back when, yeah, you and him absolutely went throught it during azuls little "episode", and yeah, the two of you had plenty of mutual friends.
But we're the two of you friends?
Jack wasn't sure.
Because by all accounts, you should be.
It didn't change the fact that you weren't. Not really. Not by his definition and not by yours.
So what were you?
Well, you weren't friends. That was already established. And you were too close to be acquaintances (he didn't think acquaintance fell asleep on each other in the botanical gardens, only to wake up five minutes till curfew and just haul ass back to their respective dorms with smiles on their faces), so...what did that leave?
Well... I guess it left this.
"Eat it"
Jack didn't know you that well. But that didn't mean he couldn't see..this happening. And it definitely didn't mean he didn't care.
So here he was. Holding a pastrami sandwich about an inch away from your face, silently begging you to just shut up and eat it.
Come on perfect, he bought this with his own money. Just humor him, please.
You eyed the sandwich like it was the most untrustworthy thing you'd ever seen. Jack's not going to lie, it kind of hurt.
But it wouldn't matter if you ate it, so he sucked it up.
...at least he would if you'd actually take the fucking sandwich.
Seriously, it was starting to tick him off.
Jack briefly considered just varying off and giving the sandwich to ruggie or something, or just eating it himself. He wasn't the biggest fan of pastrami but who knows, maybe the school made it better.
Honestly, he probably would have done just that if the image if you leaning against the wall looking ready to pass out from, what he knew, was malnutrition.
The event itself actually happened around two weeks ago, give or take. Jack thinks the only real reason he remembers it so well is because, well, it was the moment.
The defining moment, the moment where it just clicked that something was very wrong here.
He already knew that of course, I mean, look at you.
But as it turns out, watching someone actively starve to death in front of you will keep you up at night.
His mind turned to ruggie for a split second, before forcibly shoving that thought down where all the other thoughts he didn't want to think about were.
Like that time when he was a kid with a crush on Vil....yeah, Jack's happy he got o er that one to say the least. Nothing against Vil, he's a great friend and all (they were friends right?), but them in a relationship? Yeah. No. Not happening. No thankyou.
Jack mentally slapped hi.self and proceeded to shove his weird thoughts down yet again and refocus on getting his not-quite-friend to eat.
You were leaning back a lot farther than you were a second ago, if you did that anymore you'd probably just end up on the ground.
...jack sighed. This was going to take a while wasn't it?
By the end of the lunch period, you had come to a compromise, jack you slip the sandwich with you and take the other half for himself.
You ended up splitting your half with grim, who reluctantly took it. You had actually eaten yours too!...after you took the while thing apart and inspected and obsessed over it like how he'd seen Rook do to his housewardens that one time!
But still, it was something.
It was a start. And that's really all he could ask for at this point.
Sebek didn't notice anything about you at first. And he didn't particularly care much either. He was a guard for sevens sake! He had a deep responsibility!
He had a crown prince, that he oh so admired, to protect! Not to mention silver, who he had to wake up at every given turn, and not to mention Lilia, who had recently been going harder on their training sessions.
So to waste his time with a human? With a weak little human that didn't even come close to his current list if priorities?
That's time he simply did not have!
...So why was he here?
He was supposed to be looking for his charge. His charge, who always seemed to wind up around the old, abandoned Ramshakle building and just dissappear in the nick of time.
It had been happening more and more lately, especially since that new perfect moved in.
He would be lying if he said he cared too much about him. Again, he didn't have time to be curious about some strange human boy with some strange past.
But still, he couldn't quite contain the way he jumped back when he'd first seen them.
Whoever he was, he looked so...sick.
...he didn't have time for this.
Turning back on his heel, he refocused his mind on finding his lord again, and quickl- wait- silver. Oh great sevens. Silver wake up!
Ok. Sebek really didn't have time for this.
...and yet.
Here he was, standing next to you, arms out ready to catch you at a moments notice if you really were going to collapse like he thought you were.
He hadn't been this close to you before.
And now he could see that you weren't just sick.
Great seven, you looked like you were dying...
Sebek zigbolt had always known humans were weak, fragile creatures. Never able to even light a candle next to faeries. Never able to light a candle next to him, and certainly not his young master.
But this was just pushing it.
Sebek was stronger than his human counterparts. He would long outlive them. He thought of silver for the shortest second and then quickly pushed that thought to the side. This was not the time. Buteven with those facts, sebek still knew that humans weren't made of fine glass. Even if the people in his homeland liked to act like it, Sebek still knew that humanity wasn't completely hopeless.
One strong gust of wind wouldn't knock them over.
One missed meal wasn't enough to do detrimental damage to their health.
Pulling one all nighter would barely put a dent in their day to day lives, aside from the obvious fatigue and.
But with you?
With you? Alwats looking like you could kneel over and die then and there on the classroom floor?
Sebek want so sure anymore.
Epel had eaten more apples than any normal person should ever be able to eat.
Sevens help him, his stomach.
Despite the waves of pain that shit through him every now and then, epel wasn't mad.
Yeah, maybe eating a whole eight apples in the span of two hours wasn't his smartest idea, but the sweet nostalgia that seemed to wash over him and warm his very soul? Yeah no, it was worth it.
So no. Epel felmeir wasn't mad.
And laying in a bed that was much too soft for his taste, a direct contrast from the slightly itchy blankets and the hard mattresses back home, epel glance over to the almost empty crate of apples that were sitting just under his work desk.
...As much as Epel wanted to eat them, he wanted to do this even more.
Epel sat up, ignoring his stomach pain the best he could, and began a mental list of all the people he knew. And then a silent debate over who deserved his families apples in the first place.
Ok. First up Ace.
Epel would say they were friends. Not close friends by any means, but friends nonetheless.
Epel could give him one.
Next was Jack.
...In all honesty, epel didn't know. We're they friends, or just simply homework buddies that occasionally hung out?
...he could spare one for Jack, maybe they'd be friends then if they weren't already.
Yes. Just- just yes. That day on the beach had changed their relationship forever. Duece was like a brother to him at this point.
He was goddamn getting an apple.
Epel chuckled a little at the realization that he was treating this like one of those elimination gameshows his meemaw liked.
Ok...he had two apples left after that.
Sebek wasn't really his friend was he? He certainly didn't make it seem like he was. If anything, Sebek was trying his damnedest to make them all belive the exact opposite, really.
....maybe he should just give the apple to Rook.
Or Vil.
Ok. He has one apple left.
The two of you weren't really friends. But you were friendly. If nothing else, you had been nothing but kind to him so far.
And plus, you looked uh. Half dead. To put it nicely.
And so, with a smile on his face, epel took out the crate of apples and began placing them on a bag that would make them easier to carry around tomorrow.
He couldn't wait.
It's funny how your whole life can change in a single moment, especially when you don't even know what that moment was.
Why were you here? Where is here anyway? Surely, magic didn't exist right?
The air wasn't always this clean right?
Water wasn't readily available at the turn of a handle right?
People didnt...people werent...weren't....
Heh. Heheha.
Why were you here?
Why were you here?
Why you and not one of the kids? What the hell have you ever done but use up medical supplies in a fruitless effort to keep you alive.
Why was this world so...pretty. happy. Clean.
Why this world and not your own? What had this world ever done to deserve this luxury of life.
...What had yours?
What had you?
Out of all the base commanders, the medics, the farmers, or children, or any of the other apprentice kids that you sometimes had to work with.
You were here. And they were still trapped inside of that hell.
...You didn't deserve this.
You died. You were on that beach and you died.
You woke up in a coffin, but something told you this wasn't the afterlife.
That something being the blood that you coughed up the other day.
It wasn't from internal bleeding, you k ew that much. Rather, it was from you coughing so hard that something in your throat had ripped.
It really didn't matter. You had spent nearly half an hour in a panic, choking and trying to unclog your airways, while grim and the ghosts you had come to somewhat love, stood behind you, offering what little comfort they could.
It wasn't the first time this happened after all.
You were still bedridden for a good two days after that. Thank God for the weekend.
Time passed in a blur while you were like that. It always did, mostly because you were asleep ninety percent of the time. The other twn being dedicated to medicine and a vain attempt to get food you knew you couldn't stomach to stay down.
So no. This wasn't the afterlife.
It was just a beautiful second chance that you didn't deserve.
It was so confusing.
And this was so confusing.
What..is this weird red thing being handed to you?
Epel looked at you with a hopeful expression on his face. It reminded you of the little girl you used to look after...
You take the..thing.
Glancing over to your right, you watch Ace take a large bite out of it with a smile on his face.
Ok. So not poisonous. Good to know.
You saw Duece do the same thing.
You felt Jack staring at you, but you didn't dare look at him.
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catinflight · 2 months
Got any fully charged headcanons? :>
Not any particularly interesting ones,
But I do like to think daini has a MAJOR sweet tooth
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I also like to think that because of said sweet tooth, daini picks up baking / cooking as a hobby but considers it a little embarrassing to admit,
(Although everyone knows, because he has definitely baked the odd pastry for aki and suna at least a few times)
He may or may not be taking cooking classes with gutsman
(Because who else is gonna teach him)
Other headcanons I didn't really feel like drawing include (WARNING THEY ARE KIND OF STUPID AND YAPPER YAPPINGTON CORE SO YEAH⚠️⚠️👹👹)
It'd be pretty interesting if Daini had a damaged core (like protoman, but not as severe of course) this could have been a result of dangerous training or an extreme accident he never fully recovered from, either way I'd imagine it really stunts his energy output, so he's most likely very sleepy to compensate.
Aki has made a habit of gifting people the most random things, a really cool smooth rock? It's for you! Shiny marbled on the floor that are slightly scratched up? He thinks you'll like it! An extra edition of his favorite comic serious? He wants to be able to enjoy it with you! He's sweet like that, but it can sometimes get a little much.
Suna has probably grown to be a very good engineer / mechanic. She often helps Dr. Light with his inventions or fixes up Aki / Daini after rough battles (mini appreciates the help) of course she also uses her skills to upgrade her own armor, and often handles the tougher fights that Aki or Daini might struggle on, after all, nobody is expecting to be sliced into ribbons when facing two gun wielding children.
Once Daini starts something, he often has trouble stopping, so much so that if he often forgets to recharge and take a break, homework? Doesn't stop until it's all finished and the answers are correct (he will make sure), chores? The house will never look less than clean on his watch (his own room does not apply). You ask him to get something from the kitchen? He does it immediately, no questions asked.
Aki, on the other hand, is very forgetful about his responsibilities. He often puts them off until the very last moment and regrets it dearly. He doesn't do this on purpose, of course, but tell me, if you had to choose between playing your favorite video game VS doing homework, would you choose the homework? I don't think so. Because of this, Aki and Daini often bump heads about tidying up.
Suna CANNOT catch a break, she constantly has to be the head of reason whenever Daini and Aki bicker when eachother, she also might catch a few strayed herself if it's heated enough, but she has the verbal artillery to be able to snap back pretty quickly, so for the most part they don't test her. Sometimes she waits things out, othertimes she has to stop them from Lord of The Flies-ing each other off of a cliff (no pig head on a stick required) but like most sibling squabbles, everyone makes up and gets over it (unless it's over food, food thieves are never forgiven /j)
And that's all I think,
If I come up with more I might come bsck
But this is getting really long so, maybe not
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dragonitepaw · 3 months
Hiii I am an absolute SUCKER for father/child dynamics and even though I know very little abt Kirby— I am in LOVE WITH YOUR ART????? I’m SO tempted to dig into Kirby lore to understand that pink puffball and knighted vampire dad’s dynamic with eachother.
ME TOO !! I literally have a list of all of the father/child relationships Ive attached onto in media on my phone notes app 😭😭
And Ahh I'm so glad you like my stuff 🥺💖💖💖 even as a non Kirby fan- I love these two guys so much 💜
Honestly there isnt really any lore surrounding Kirby and Meta Knight (at least in the games) so my art is p much all headcanon !!
The closest you can get to lore for them is from the Kirby Anime from 2002 where there IS a whole story about their species (and how they had to fight an intergalactic war) BUT it isnt canon to the rest of the series <\3
they have a somewhat very loose student/mentor relationship in the anime though, its kinda on and off between MK helping out and acting as an antagonist, though hes kinda a fake antagonist as when he does go "against" kirby its just for show and he has ulterior motives to actually help kirby out by teaching him a new attack/skill that can help him out in future battles
the context for him being an antagonist is actually bc he "works" under the most prominent antagonist -king dedede- in the show and needs to pretend to be loyal to him so dedede doesnt get suspicious of him helping Kirby out too much
also its because hes embezzeling funds from king dedede to put towards the construction of a huge battleship which he plans to use to fight the final big bad villain at the end of the show with kirbys help
I really like the anime bc it actually gives a story to the characters, and I like to build off of with it with my art <3 I like to headcanon them as father and son with my own elaborate hc lore based on before the events of the anime and the aftermath of that during and after the events of the anime!!
If you do end up looking more into their dynamic and actually end up wanting to watch parts of the show you've gotta let me know your thoughts (and I can point you in the right direction for any episodes focused on Kirby and MKs relationship cough Episode 26
Thank you so much for the message 🥺 hopefully I didnt ramble on too much haha !!
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mrfellsans · 3 months
✩Smg8 info dump✩
Btw this might take a WHILEE
Smg8 is from a different universe, technically he's like an alternate version of smg4 and smg9 also being an alternate version of smg3, in smg8s universe all the characters are different from the og universe but I'll touch up on them later. Smg8 just like smg4 is a YouTuber and he works hard on his memes and animations, while smg8 runs a meme/animation channel he also has an art channel which is his main channel where he works on his art and comics etc, he usually records him doing the art if it's painting or traditional or digital art and while he does this he does some commentary and plays music in the background or collabs with other people, he's a cartoonist so he mostly just draws cartoons on his art channel and he usually live streams gaming on his other channel too. Smg8 also has a little schedule thing for when he post his stuff on his meme channel and art channel so he has enough time to hang out with the smg8 crew and to go on silly adventures with them.
Also smg8 is best friends with smg9, they did start off as mortal enemies from the beginning where smg9 would try to copy smg8s videos and steal his art but after years of fighting they started getting to know each other better and smg9 stopped trying to steal smg8s stuff and they soon became best friends and smg8 and 9 would teach each other about there own art styles, something smg4 and 3 will never do in there universe.
Edit: they still fight eachother and stuff lmao they aren't super friendly like in this photo lol ☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟☟
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Anyways supplies! ✨
Important Supplies Smg8 has:
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Smg8's secret sketchbook has a state of the Cats lock on it which means it is literally impossible to open without the kitty key that was given to smg8 during the ending of the war of the cats arc in his universe given to him by the kitty god, also the kitty god gave him a kitty, his name is kitty and ever since smg8 has sworn to protect kitty just for the kitty god. (also wanted to say that kitty was given to smg8 in like almost the beginning of the start of smg8 and the crew, when it was only Mario, peach, smg8, and 9 and smg8 and 9 still looked like Mario)
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ArtsyMario89's Pencil is a very powerful pencil that was used to save the universe from Bowser who tried to steal that pencil to make the whole world bow down to him, this pencil has the ability to make anything you draw in air or paper come to life, like axols pencil in a way, Artsymario89 would use this pencil to make creative arts and statues for places and many other things and one night Bowser kidnapped ArtsyMario89 and took him to space where Bowser had started making a whole empire and needed artsymarios help so now artsymario was like a slave working tirelessly on the moon to satisfy bowsers evil needs, when smg8 found out about his idol being kidnapped he immediately started asking around and found out he was in space so smg8 asked Mario to do a BLJ to space and it worked, together Mario and smg8 had to go through many weird levels and stuff to get to bowsers castle and they eventually made it but since the empire was too huge everything started to form a black hole behind the castle and Bowser fought smg8 and Mario for a bit till the hole got huge and started sucking everyone in, Artsymario89 started getting sucked in and smg8 tried to hold onto him and artsymario told him to grab his pencil and draw something big enough to seal it and he also told smg8 that he believes in him to do this just for him and smg8 was crying since that's like his idol and then artsymario89 let go and flew into the blackhole dying, to make things a bit shorter smg8 told Mario to get ready to BLJ while smg8 drew a huge sealing net thing to close the black hole and then when he closed the black hole he quickly got on Mario and BLJ'd back to earth while Bowser flew back to earth in his koopa car, though artsymario89 died now smg8 had something of his to remember from him.
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Here is artsymario89 by the way :3
I'll find more little supplies that smg8 has later :3
Also another character that starts an arcade cuz of his hungry ass
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Basic info about him: tophatman is the consumer of smg4 universes, his job is to consume universes that are absolutely useless, like a universe where smg4 has a mustache in his redesign or something, obviously before he consumes universes he must kill everybody in said universe and then he eats them just to make sure they don't cause any chaos while he eats the universe lol, anyway how he starts an arc is that he gets sick and tired of eating these absolutely useless universes because he has heard that the ones that are ever so slightly Relavent taste way better so he goes to smg8s universe to kill off everyone but he fails because he gets beat up really badly so he just decides to leave but in the process he accidentally slaps smg8 and 9 into the multiverse and 8 and 9 are left in the multiverse alone and they decide together they are gonna go swim around and look for a universe that could help them and suddenly when they did they found the smg4 universe, it was in the center of the universe and they swam there knowing that they could probably get help from there and then they crash landed in the universe sadly separating from each other for a bit while they are in the universe...
The info dump shall continue someday
Smg9 belongs to: @yago-undertale
Also @izzy-the-chaotic-gremlin if you wanna know more info on smg8!
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spotlightlowlife · 8 months
The Cuphead show could teach Hazbin a helluva lot
First of all, I implore anyone who hasn't watched cuphead or didn't finish it to complete it. It is a complete story and it complements its origin, the game, only stepping away a little to expand on it.
Hazbin, watch the pilot if you haven't or rewatch it, a number of things fall off bytime the series comes about. New isn't bad but the pilot was so loaded and it's rather apparent that it is part of the cannon in how we start off as if we already know these characters. So what we can bring forward and what is no longer cannon? Has there been a time skip?
*spoilers ahead*
The story
A simple story of two humble individuals constantly having to swerve the devils attempts to take a soul he swindled fair and square.
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They have many run ins and we meet numberours other comical yet sinister opponents along the way.
Sweet rich girl uses her powers for good. She aims to help the disadvantaged and targeted sinner group by opening a hotel to rehabilitate and redeem them to be heaven worthy.
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Charlie has allies but plenty of others don't care for her plans and motives are generally unclear.
The main characters
Cuphead and Mugman, two brothers of ambiguous age who live modestly with an elder in a cottage in he woods. They simply get on with their lives, no goal.
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Cup head is immature and foolish, his antics generally land them in danger, Mugman is the more sensible but still chill, not quite babysitter sidekick, someone who could be living trouble free if they weren't dragged into the others havoc, simple association brings unwanted situations and people their way, even when chilling at home.
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We are also introduced to the devil himself, who is silly, fun and clearly a whole otherworldly entity in not only abilities but personality and actions. As amusing as his actions are, he does cruel things to people minding their business and enjoys it, he openly exploited his oblivious patrons at the amusement park, before going on to expand business and create the known casino. He has a workforce who we see working. The devil collects souls, a consequence of this is that it makes monsters out of mortals, this is a business, however this business is regulated and dispite how powerful the devil is, he still has to answer to accounts. He can be subdued with magic but ultimately, hell and earth are his playground and aside from the auditor, he answers to no peers or superiors and feels no bitterness or discomfort regarding his home and role, his struggle is simply that one that got away and keeps eluding him. His backstory being irrelevant fits with the quick pace and slapstick, however the latest addition to the game may hint at some mysterious backstory in his bonus boss fight.
Charlie, a youthful woman of ambiguous is the princess of hell and owner of the Hazbin hotel. We don't see much running of a hotel. Charlie is nice, default nice because plot tells us she's helping and cares and she clearly isn't horrible. Charlie wants to help sinners.
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First portrayed as hardworking but ill prepared, out of touch hustler, Charlie is now well intentioned, immature dreamer but this doesn't result in trouble, her carelessness doesn't get portrayed as selfish or irritating. Charlie personally has little to lose in her discision making, such as welcoming Alastor, Charlie can have what she wants because everything is set up for her and what she doesn't have is easily in reach, the meeting in heaven attained by guilt tripping her dad being a prime example, but she's not a spoilt brat.
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Charlie's other half is Vaggie, her girlfriend who we have to be explicitly told is so if you don't follow the fandom, they have known eachother for years yet Charlie hardly knows Vaggie. Vaggie's degree of interest in Charlie's dreams is unknown, even after her big revelation we still have nothing to show that she's not just the sensible sidekick managing the lead characters silliness.
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Not a main but someone very significant, Lucifer, the devil himself and Charlie's dad. He is all powerful, the leader of hell and the one who created this realm, however he is a goofy awkward dad who doesn't appear to be any leader and he hates to the degree of allowing mass slaughter the very people Charlie loves. None of this is an issue. He clearly has or had peers or superiors, he still meets with the angels who serve as the adversaries, with no issue, but this doesn't matter.
The tragic characters
Ms Chalace had it thought throughout life yet tried had to work her way up, she died unexpectedly, nobody cared, she got a second chance to be amongst the living but it comes at a price. Chalice is a charming hustler and entertainer.
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In Hazbin, it's everyone, everyone is given trauma, even privileged Charlie who could have been a great spoilt sweet character now didn't have the nice nuclear family upbringing, supportive mother who has a life and supportive yet sceptical dad whose not getting in her way.
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Everyone has some history that rendered them a loser in this story however we have yet to learn how anyone got there even though fun, interesting, passing, dismissed Mimzy remembers her life on earth fondly.
The other characters
There is plenty of room to return to this series and feature more characters, but it's no big deal if they don't. This story proudly offers us Saturday villians, only we get to know these charasmatic characters and their villainous motives individually throughout Cuphead and Mugman's misadventures.
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This series is fun and life hearted, made for all audiences, there's a lack of real drama yet it manages to not be shallow as we have focus and interactions matter, it is ultimately about Cuphead and the devil, the masses of colour characters we may meet along the way are a fun bonus to and the formula doesn't change, this person brings drama, that's that, now how do they get out of it.
Timing is arguably a major issue with Hazbin, with a big ensemble cast, drama and various plots, it will need a lot of time to cover all that it started, these things being numerous additions to the original story, most of these additions being a whole host of new characters who ultimately don't achieve anything not for lack of trying.
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Like its spinoff, this series is big on aquitting those who are there to be liked of their responsibilities and actions, handing blame to someone don't know or have been guided to not like. This strips them of content and growth while makeing their power and influence questionable.
Planning ahead
Rumor has it that The Cuphead show was a complete work of 36 episoses that and broke up into 3 seasons by the big famous platform it's on, to be honest it shows, it is very linear.
Really though, this serves the broadcaster because would keep it in the algorithm longer giving it more time to gain more traction which means more money for the broadcaster and make it look like they're good at renewing projects when this may not entirely be the case.
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Releasing the story broken up may have done this show a big disservice as many disappointed reviews were based on how much it deviated from the games and seeming censored, these may not have been concluded had all episodes been released, showing it being to return to its roots by the end.
Still, atleast the story was always going to be told.
As controversial as that situation is, Hazbin too could do with mapping out the beginning, middle and end with a clear and concise story, one with heart that answers questions, balances it's drama, action and comedy and shines some spotlight onto the stories that really need telling. They could do with this already being done or at the very least wrapping up seasons with what we were sold on being relevant.
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Planning is well and good but ideas need to be prioritized and coherent. If multiple seasons are planned, this show will need to crack down in order to guarantee them.
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furry-tronics · 16 days
Idk if the community still believes Monty is the one who destroyed Glam. Bonnie.
But if it is still the case, I'm here to prove his innocence here (JK!! I just want to share a small theory, you can take it or not)
I want to start by saying that this theory is connected with Fuhnaff's theory about security breach, where he explains stuff about the mimic and their role inside the pizzaplex, so all credits to him!
I saw the video and convinced me more that the mimic has more connections...
And remember! it's just a theory, you can leave it or take it
Books spoilers down, not big ones, but just in case
First of all, I feel and believe, the one who killed/destroyed Glam. Bonnie was the mimic.
If you watched Fuhnaff's theory about the mimic, where he talks about him (this one specifically), it shows up about a tech talking about a weird/creepy robot that was being used to work with them
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Screenshots are taken from the wiki
That means the mimic was still around the pizzaplex when the glamrocks were active, but when that guy died (the one teaching the mimic in the books died 'cause of him, so it might be the same one since he has been missing for months), the one who started to train him was Vanessa.
It might be possible that she and the company decided to use the mimic to get rid of the main glamrocks, starting with Glam. Bonnie.
It is known that the company still has bad reputation, people still remember about the missing children and all the accidents that happened. It is possible that the company just wants to get rid of the main animatronics and try to clean the company's reputation.
(Who says there wasn't a Glamrock Foxy even before the events of Glamrock Bonnie's death? And that's why we just see his older version in the cutouts?, the same happened with Bonnie's bowl, we just see him in his older version.)
But, why Glamrock Bonnie first? Why not Glam. Chica or even Glam. Freddy?
I'm not really sure people inside that universe know how Afton died or if they know he was springlocked in SpringBonnie, but i'm sure they do.
In the books, there is shown it exists a Roleplay Theater in the Pizza Plex with the SpringBonnie suit, those kids know about Afton and what he used to kill them. Maybe, in game, they do know as well, since the books and games, are paralel to eachother, the books helping to understand the lore in games, telling different stories, but with a similar meaning (not canon btw, that's what I believe it is)
People just remember a man with a bunny suit killing children... And that leads to Bonnie, being connected to a bad memory, even tho he had nothing with it.
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The company probably wanted to get rid of the bunny animatronic first out of the way, replacing him with Monty, an animatronic absolutely different from him.
But, what was he doing that night? Where was he going?
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It seems he takes TO LONG to get into the East Arcade, more than 2 hours, the same thing with him heading to Monty Golf. It is possible that the Security Report stops at 6 AM, and that's why we don't know anything more about Bonnie after him entering Monty Golf, and if he was damages, the report would have said as well (Except if it was Vanessa who wrote it, where she planned to make him dissapear that night)
But, why does he take so long to get there? It is known that the glamrocks are quite fast while moving, and they don't get that long to get to places (Recharging himself while going? I'm not sure tbh...)
I believe the bunny animatronic was looking for someone, someone reaching for help.
The mimic could have been using someone's voice to lure Glamrock Bonnie to him, and while he was looking to whoever it was, he warned Vanessa about someone was calling for help, and since he got no answer, a police officer got the message.
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What a coincidende, right? Vanessa is the one that gets the officer out and doesn't let him check around. It could have been an innocent victim crying out for help, but I don't believe Vanessa would leave them alone with any kind of communication, including a Fazwatch.
I believe Glamrock Bonnie was actually looking for that voice around and that's why it took him to different places,that's why it was taking him so long, making him take that long to take into places, ending up in Monty's golf.
Vanessa finishes working at 6AM, so if anything happened after 4:12 AM, she didn't write it down, because she was probably busy hiding Glamrock Bonnie wherever he was (I want to apoligice because I don't remember correctly where we can find him in ruin) probably leaving close to 6AM, not giving her time to write down if Glamrock Bonnie was back or not to his room.
So yeah, I'm assuming the mimic is the one on destroying him, and maybe with some of Vanessa's help.
Why I believe Monty is innocent?
First of, his claws where replaced AFTER replacing Bonnie, he seems he doesn't have claws in his 'younger' cutout
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Talking about his younger self, let's talk about what they show us for a sec.
They show us Monty wanting to be part of the band as well, where Glamrock Bonnie gives him his bass. Monty gets a "glow up" and gets into the band, giving to the children a kind of message like "Bonnie retired and gave his place to Monty, that's why Bonnie isn't around anymore".
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And that's probably their "official" way to answer the kids to 'where's Bonnie?'
We see in the Gator Golf minigame, a way to tell us that Monty hates Freddy, but I think that's a way to tell us the company is the one who hates Freddy, and they are trying to take Monty to the top.
But what if I tell ya', Monty actually doesn't want to be there, it is known by the techs that he has missed some performances before
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If he wanted to be part of the band, why would he been missing performances? Why would he go back to the catwalks in Gator Golf? Why would he destroy his own room? It is known that he has caused damage before Freddy's error, so I think it is a daily thing he does, and he is full of anger.
I believe Monty never wanted to be part of the band, and the company is just spreading lies about him "Monty wanted to be a superstar" "Monty this" "Monty that", just trying to give a new face to the company. The cutouts show a story, but the reality it's always another.
How would you feel if the place you are stuck in, obligues you to do stuff you don't like? Besides that, how would you feel if someone said fake stuff about you? How would you feel?
Monty is always found in the catwalks from Gator Golf, the tech says
"we found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty golf"
Meaning he has done it more than twice, and it's a very common thing he does. Again, why would he skip performances if that's something he wished for?
Monty feels anger, he just wants to go back to Monty Golf, originally where he was designed to be. He doesn't want to be in that room, so he destroys everything he sees. We have never seen in the messages that he tried to attack any of the glamrocks, and if he did, we would have known.
Maybe Monty knows what happened with Bonnie in Gator Golf, and comes back to find clues to see where they hid Bonnie, trying to bring him back to stage and bring everything to normal, I just made this up, I'm not really convinced with this
And well, that's all I have to share, for short, I believe Monty feels anger because he doesn't want to be the bass, he wants to go back to his old rutine back in Gator Golf, so he is mad at everyone, and destroys everything he sees to try calm his anger. And the one killing Bonnie was the mimic with some special features Vanessa gave him, the mimic lured him into making him believe someone needed help, taking him to that closed room in gator room, he then destroying him.
Again, this is just a theory, take it or leave it, thanks for reading <3
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 1 year
sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs
• ℍ𝕪𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖
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➷ BANG CHAN (AiChan)
• Father-Daughter
• EnglishRacha
♡ His contact name: Channie❣️
♡ Her contact name: Baby Kangaroo💗
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From the moment he saw her talent, he knew that she had to be apart of SKZ. Was the only one out of the boys to fully believe she could make a name for herself being the only and youngest female member. She looks to him for guidance and always follows his lead to a T. Channie was the first person besides her childhood friend to see her cry, and ever since, he's always been the person she goes to whenever things get overwhelming.
During ISAC, Aiko was spotted sleeping on Channie's lap as he rubbed her head gently which melted the hearts of many STAYS
During the Food Wars episode of SKZ CODE, Aiko was on Chan's team and when he, Ai and Felix were crowded around a pot complaining in english with eachother which earned them the name 'EnglishRacha', Chan got 'annoyed' with her and called her by her korean name
In the 5-STAR Intro video, when the topic of 'Youtiful' was brought up, Aiko said she had wrote it with a double meaning, one of those being a reflection of her relationship with Chan
During a concert during the MANIAC tour, when Chan had jumped on the platform to perform 'Charmer', Aiko jumped after him and while she struggled to get up, she still did, STAYs nicknaming her 'Baby Kangaroo'
During a Channie's Room where Ai was a guest, a STAY asked if Aiko could replicate Chan's accent, Aiko asked what word do Aussie's use most often to make it believable, and before Chan could answer she made sure to say 'A word that's appropriate'
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➷ LEE KNOW (MinKo)
• Brother-Sister
• Dance Better-Speak English Better Duo
♡ His contact name: Cat hoarder™
♡ Her contact name: Leader of Paboracha©
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Hated eachother from first glance. Okay not really but they didn't really hit it off when they met. Even so, they stayed civil until the Survival Program. They had been forced to spend time together since they were eventually going to be bandmates. She enjoyed his comfortable silence, and he made her laugh, while she didn't push him to speak out. Ever since then, the two were close. Today they've become to what some STAYs call 'Unrelated siblings'. They are always at each others throats, some thinking that the two actually hate eachother.
In 2021, Aiko had collapsed on stage due to a new diet JYP Staff had put her on, and Minho was the first one to rush to her side
Only one other than Jisung he trusts with his cats, and during the 'Two Kids One Room' she said she'd kidnap them one day
On multiple accounts, Aiko has been the one to help Minho with his english and even japanese, and she gets so happy whenever he gets sentences right
When he was struggling to read japanese letters during a live she was silently laughing at him and when he looked at her with an annoyed as fuck look she lost it and started laughing
During the Variety Game where they couldn't say english words, Aiko was on Minho's team and when he said an english word she tackled him and jokingly said she regretted teaching him english
During a stage during the MANIAC tour, when they got to FAM and it was Minho's turn and verse Aiko lightly pushed Minho as a joke, he escalated the gesture and pushed her harder then the two started to play fight on stage and when his verse finished, he put Aiko in a headlock and begun to sing his part while dragging her around in the headlock.
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• Chaotic Shorties
• RapRacha
♡ His contact name: binnie🐽
♡ Her contact name: kukuma🐈‍⬛
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Thought she was okay when they first met. Didn't really get to know eachother too well since he was busy with 3Racha. But as time progressed, they realized they had something in common, they were both the shortest members. While the others and STAYs tease them about it, they've bonded over it and there are many moments of them being chaotic together. He always helps her perfect her rapping skills since in her eyes, Binnie's the best rapper she's ever heard.
During SKZ-X LOVESTAY live, when Binnie said he was the tallest out of them all and everyone stood up besides Aiko and immediately started laughing
Also during the live when Binnie was asked if he liked having tracks written by JYP, Aiko suggested that he hold up the X and have the staff edit it out since the two both have a strained relationship with JYP
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➷ HYUNJIN (AiHyun)
• Enemies to lovers
• Padoracha leaders
♡ His contact name: Cupid💕
♡ Her contact name: Muse💓
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At first, they were anything but a happy couple. Always getting into petty arguments and going at each other for the littlest things. It was when Minho and Felix's elimination when the two had begun to grow close. Ai had major survivor's guilt, and she felt like if she hadn't been made part of the project so late, then the two would've been safe. Hyunjin had felt bad for the youngest member and decided to comfort her. Officially became a couple in 2020, and in March of 2023, their three year long relationship had been revealed.
During the MANIAC tour, Felix and Channie had begun to 'fight' over who's maknae Aiko was, and before she could process life, Hyun went behind her and picked her up, claiming that she was his maknae
When they went to do the event with baby Rowoo, Aiko was very hesitant since she wasn't really great with small kids, but when she saw the baby with Hyun, she got a bad case of baby fever
During the SKZ CODE where they went to the haunted school, when the lights had gotten cut for a few seconds and Hyun went to hug the maknae line, Aiko immediately clung to him and when the lights came back on, Aiko was clinging to his waist
On a recent IG post, Hyun posted him and Aiko on a date, with the caption 'no one can replace you, my muse❤'
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sizeableunderground · 2 months
Three childhood friends - Kris, Chara, and Frisk, have fallen down recently, into an underground full of rather... curvaceous monsters. This is an undertale AU combining the Deltarune and Undertale universes, with as a result some changes. For starters, all characters have been aged up to be 18+, and the universe has changed to reflect that (for example, the school Noelle and the others go to has been changed into a college). Some other changes include Toriel teaching the college instead of alphys (who instead is still royal scientist), as well as asriel still being alive (as chara never dropped in, asriel never got impaled). And, of course, all characters are extremely thicc.
RULES: - 18+. no minors allowed. - Please forgive me if I do not respond to RPs. I have a very poor memory, and probably forgot. Don't be afraid to shoot me a DM. - The main kinks of this blog are Hyper sizes, Casual Hyper, and AUs. There also is a minor focus on Lactation, jiggle physics, giantess, and weight gain.
UNDERTALE CHARACTERS Toriel A kindly teacher teaching at the underground College. She used to be married with the king of the underground, ASGORE, but the two have since parted for unknown reasons. She's very sweet and motherly to her students, though Ref:
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ALPHYS The royal scientist. Shy and nervous, she oftentimes hides behind her love of anime and video games. But she harbours some sort of dark secret... Refs:
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Weight ref, butt ref
UNDYNE The captain of the royal guard, unmatched with a spear. She primarily uses ranged attacks on account of her limited mobility, such as throwing spears. Don't underestimate her actual abilities, however. Ref:
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MUFFET A spider that inhabits an outcove in Hotland. She creates large amounts of milk from her chest, that she sells together with various baked goods as "spider bake sales". Ref:
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SNOWDIN SHOPKEEPER A motherly and gentle bunny, running a small shop in Snowdin. Ref:
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MEW MEW A plush of a famous anime figure posessed by a ghost, mew mew acts unlike her original appearance by having a penchant for being rather rude on occasion, and complaining a lot. She currently lives with Alphys. Noticable is the amount of jiggle her curves have, defying physics by following "anime physics". Ref:
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SHYREN A singer living in waterfall. Her head and body are detatched from one another, allowing both to move about independently from eachother. She's really good at singing, but her nervousness makes it hard to do so. Ref:
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BRATTY One of a pair of lesbian shopkeepers running close to the MTT resort. Huge fans of mettaton. Ref: (left)
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CATTY One of a pair of lesbian shopkeepers running close to the MTT resort. Huge fans of mettaton. Her chest produces a fair amount of milk, which is usually bottled away. Has beef with Catti. Ref:
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ASRIEL DREEMURR The god of Hyper. It's due to his actions that the world shifted and changed to the manner it is now. Now he travels the underground, helping out where he can. Ref:
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DELTARUNE CHARACTERS NOELLE A deer girl currently studying law in college. With very wealthy parents, which allowed her to attend in the first place, partially due to her... lower half. In a relationship with Susie. Ref:
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SUSIE A large, loudmouthed, and brash dinosaur. Standing at an impressive 12' in height, she works as a taste-tester at "Cooking with a Killer Robot". Refs: left = body ref, right = boobs ref
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CATTI A goth cat. Acts perpetually bored. Despite her (relatively) small size of her chest, she produces extreme amounts of milk that she hides away in her house. She's a little embarrased about it, especially when it makes it harder for her to do her job as a waitress. Ref:
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RALSEI A bustyboy prince of the dark, a second kingdom existing within the underground. However, the two have been at peace for a long time, and borders are open and free. He's always willing to help, and frequently interacts with his subjects. Most of his power he leaves to his co-ruler, Queen. Ref:
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TASQUE MANAGER One of Queen's servants, she is in charge of the beasts (especially cats) in the region. She often wields a whip, working hard and demanding everything in the palace remains orderly. Ref:
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QUEEN The queen of the dark, and the true ruler of the Dark World. Jovial and happy, she often flies around on her specially-modified bed in order to visit others. Refs: left = boobs ref, right = rest of body ref
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