#they practice being normal on Cody
brightsunsmeanshello · 5 months
Hunter: Well, how was that??
Crosshair: How was what?
Hunter: I did the eye contact thing so he knew I was listening to him
Tech: Oh, that’s-
Echo: Did you actually hear anything he said?
Hunter: …
Hunter: I did not.
Everyone: …
Hunter: But I now know how uncomfortable his eyes feel on my eyes!
Wrecker: *patting him on the back* Nice job, Sarge!
Echo: No…
Crosshair: No.
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raphaerolo · 5 months
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anmaries · 5 months
I do think it’s well within reason for rogue to develop a crush on magneto (besides the obvious reasons), because being able to touch without consequence, without worry is something she’s longed for. to know that she’s real in the arms of another, to have her own emotions and feelings — it’s understandable she’d create a romantic tension out of the situation.
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that-gay-jedi · 3 months
I know and enjoy the headcanon that Cody really committed to the jetpack life after seeing Anakin throw Rex around, but.
Cody was part of the Sky Corps (jetpack clones) from early on. I hc he trained for the specialization before the war even started. He's already thinking running into a sea of droids and applying, of all things, his h2h combat training is a good idea. He's already like that. He's BEEN like that.
He was like that before he met Obi-Wan and the disaster lineage. He might not be unhinged (most of the time) or going in half-cocked, but that just means he does all this crazy stuff fully prepared and without being unhinged. He's thought it through and still decided it was a good idea often enough that now that's just how he operates.
You *could* cast Cody as brain cell holder, but not in the way that image is usually used. Understand that brain cell is being held by someone who doesn't run out of fucks to give because he never had any. If you want to chill, someone else might have to hold it.
Competent? Yes. Practical? Always. Normal? Nope.
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joeys-babe · 11 months
Joey B Imagines: Welcome To The Jungle
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summary: even nine months pregnant there’s no way you’ll miss the bengal’s first real game of the season, though joe is completely against the idea even if you’re with his family in the box.
warnings: fluff, pregnancy, birth.
pairing: joe burrow x reader
imagine universe: into the mystic
"you're 9 months pregnant baby, i don't think it's a good idea for you to go to the game.." - joe
"joe there is no way i'm missing your first game of the season." - you
"you went to all the preseason games so you'll be fine to sit this one out." - joe
"you didn't play during preseason. joe i'm going to the game." - you
"what if you go into labor and i miss it." - joe
"i'll hold them in. but i'm not due for another week." - you
"i don't know about this..." - joe
"i'm on maternity leave right now so i'm gonna be in the suite with your mom and dad. i'll have people with me just in case, not taking pictures on the sidelines." - you
"okay, just please if you do go into labor, call me. i'll run off the field mid-play if i have to." - joe
"i will, joey." - you
"i put the go bag in the car just to be safe." - joe
"you're the best." - you kissed him
"okay, let's get going." - joe
he helped me into the car, along with putting his bag in the back seat next to the baby’s car seat. if only you two knew you weren’t coming back home with that empty.
right before we arrived to the facility joe called his mom down to help me up to the suite since he wouldn't be able to.
when joe pulled in the back entrance and drove to his normal parking spot we both saw his mom was waiting at the elevator.
"y/n, you are about to pop!" - robin
"shhh don't say that around joe, he'll drive me back to the house." - you
"no he won't, don't worry." - robin laughed
"yes, he will." - joe
joe turned to me, i felt a speech coming on.
"if anything happens. and i mean anything, call me okay. i'm not missing anything." - joe
"okay, joe listen to me okay. good luck today, it's the first game of the season and i want you to know i'm so proud of you. i love you so much, baby." - you
joe smiled and placed a kiss on my lips.
"i love you too, mamas." - joe
when we pulled away, joe checked the time on his phone before sighing.
"i have to get inside, thanks mom." - joe
“you're welcome, joey." - robin
joe took a glancing look back at me, his eyes wandering down to my bump as he anxiously licked his lips. he looked away and closed his eyes for a second, trying to still his racing thoughts. once he collected himself he gave me a brief hug.
"bye, guys." - joe
"bye, baby." - you kissed him one last time
joe grabbed his bag and i watched him walk towards the players entrance.
robin encouragingly rubbed my back as we walked into the elevator. she was fully aware that if joe was nervous, you were nervous as well.
once we reached the burrow suite his brothers and their girls were already there.
codie, joe’s older brother jamie’s wife, went wide eyed when she caught sight of you in her peripherals.
"y/n, girl! what are you doing here?!" - codie
"here to watch joe!" - you laughed
"you are about to pop!" - codie
"i know.. but there is no way i'm missing the first game of the season." - you
"i don't know what joe did to deserve such a supportive wife." - jimmy laughed
i sat down on the couch and leaned back against the couch, trying to get comfortable.
"joe’s just as supportive jimmy. i think he's more nervous about me being here than he is about the game." - you
jamie was standing up next to the glass and he could see joe anxiously looking up at us after the team ran out.
"y/n, joe keeps looking up here." - jamie
i practically rolled off of the couch and walked over to the glass, holding up a thumbs up.
when joe saw me, and his anxieties were eased just a little bit, he focused back on warming up.
the fact that joe was more anxious than normal was evident to the whole family, and it went silent till joe’s other older brother, dan, spoke up.
"you can tell his nerves are up." - dan
"yeah that’s obvious, but i know he'll still do amazing." - you
*time skip*
it was after the second quarter and the bengals were up 25-12 against the bills.
it was halftime so i decided to get up and walk around to grab some food from across the room.
but when i stood up, i felt and heard a splash.
"oh… no…" - you
"did your water just break?!" - codie yelled
"oh my god! we need to get you to the car, we're going to the hospital!" - robin
"no no no! i can wait till after the game, i can't make joe leave now, they're winning!" - you
"y/n, you have to go. do you know if joe will answer his phone?" - jimmy
"no, it's off in his locker for sure." - you
"i'm calling zac." - jimmy picked his phone up
as i was being rushed out of the suite by codie and robin i felt a sharp pain in my stomach
"owww!" - you
"contraction?" - codie
"yeah" - you hissed
*zac's pov*
i was talking to the team during halftime when my phone started ringing and the name "Jimmy Burrow" popped up.
knowing that y/n was nine months pregnant with twins and at an nfl game i figured it was probably about her so i answered immediately.
"is everything okay? is it about y/n?" - zac
i tried to whisper but when i said her name, joe’s eyes shot up to me and he speed walked over to me.
"everything is okay. just please tell joe that y/n went into labor. robin and codie are taking her to the hospital. let him know she’s in safe hands, i don’t want him to worry." - jimmy
"okay, will do." - zac
before i even put my phone down joe asked what was wrong and who it was.
"taylor, what happened? who was that? is it about my y/n?” - joe
"it was your dad and he called because y/n went into labor, codie and your mom are taking her to the hospital." - zac smiled
"i- i have to go with her! can i go?" - joe
"yes, joe you can go. good luck!" - zac
joe pretty much sprinted to his locker and grabbed everything he needed before running out the door in full uniform.
"joe where are you going?!" - tee
"y/n's in labor!" - joe smiled
the whole locker room heard and erupted into cheers as joe ran out of the locker room.
(joes pov)
i ran at full speed out to the car and saw my mom and codie shutting the back seat door.
"joe, you're here!" - robin
"of course! you think i'd miss this?!" - joe
"get in the back with y/n. she needs to see your face right now." - codie
when i slung the door open and dipped my head down inside the car, i watched y/n's face lit up.
"joe!" - you
"hey baby, are you ready?" - joe smiled
"as ready as i'll ever be!" - you
"OWE" - you
as soon as i was sitting down i grabbed her hand, rubbing the back of it in a way that told her i was there for her.
"you didn't even change?" - you
"nope, i ran out before even thinking about changing." - joe
"i'm sorry for making you leave your game." - you
"you and those twins are way more important than a football game.” - joe
“i love you.. so much.” - you
“i love you more, y/n.” - joe
joe pulled his shoulder pads off, leaving him in just his tight compression shirt.
he grabbed a pair of his nikes when he had ran over to his locker so he also took his cleats off.
"i'm so happy you're here joe. i was worried we wouldn’t get ahold of you." - you
"i'm happy too, but you know i'd drop anything to be here with you." - joe
"i know." - you said before a contraction hit and you squeezed joes hand
"ouch, my hand." - joe
all three women in the car looked at him with faces that said nothing but shut up.
"joe, i love you, but shut up!" - you
"okay, yes ma'am!" - joe
*time skip 2 hours later*
(joe’s pov)
when we got to the hospital we were taken to a room which is where we would be till transported to the delivery room.
i finally got the rest of my uniform off and put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
y/n was laying in her hospital bed as i sat on the couch.
"joe, it hurts.." - you
i stood up and walked over to her bed, taking her hand in mine and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
"i know baby, you're so strong. i'm so proud of you." - joe
"i love you, joe." - you teared up
"i love you too baby, more then you'll ever ever know." - joe
i leaned down and kissed her forehead, when i pulled away a nurse walked in to check on y/n.
"how far apart are your contractions?" - nurse
"uh-" - you went to answer
"8 minutes." - joe answered
"uh okay, thank you." - nurse
the nurse asked a few more things and then left the room.
(y/n's pov)
"joe." - you
"mhm?" - joe
"i could've answered those questions." - you
"sorry.. i got a little excited i guess." - joe
"it's okay." - you smiled at how cute he was
joe kissed my head and then walked back over to the couch.
"joe, turn the game on." - you
"what?" - joe laughed
"turn the game on." - you
"wouldn't you rather watch like the office or new girl or something?" - joe
"no. it's the first game of the season, put the game on." - you
"okay.." - joe shrugged
he picked the remote up and turned the game on.
it was the last quarter and the bengals were still winning. it was 37-25 with 3 minutes left.
3 minutes later i was clapping my hands and cheering as the boys celebrated their first win of the actual season and ran back in the locker room.
i got a text from my best friend alexa, who was dating ja’marr, that's said where are you? so i decided to tell joe to facetime her with my phone.
"y/n where are you and why did joe leave- oh hi joe." - alexa
"hi alexa!" - joe
"where are y'all?" - alexa
joe flipped the camera and showed me in the hospital bed.
"holy crap are you in labor?!" - alexa
i nodded my head and gave her a thumbs up.
"oh my god!!" - she excitedly squealed
"y'all should be proud of me! i didn't tell her that y/n went into labor!" - ja'marr
"bro do you want a cookie?" - joe joked
"are you guys excited?!" - alexa
"i am, what about you baby?" - joe
"i'm thrill-" - you started but a contraction cut you off
"that's 6 minutes after your last one!" - joe
"thanks for the observation joe!" - you fought through the pain
"i guess the mood swings don't go away during labor." - alexa laughed
"yeah i think we established that.. i'm gonna go. bye guys" - joe
"bye mom and dad!" - alexa
after joe hung up he stood up and walked back over to me.
he kissed my forehead again and grabbed my hand.
"you can squeeze my hand during your contractions." - joe smiled
"stop being so cute, i'm supposed to be mad at you for causing me this pain." - you
"hey it's not all my fault, you participated in the process just as much as i did. don't act like you didn't enjoy that process either." - joe quipped
"go back to the couch." - you rolled your eyes and dropped his hand
"you sure?" - joe
i was about to say yes when i got another contraction and grabbed joes hand, squeezing as hard as i could.
"please don't leave!" - you choked out
"im staying right here. don't worry, my love." - joe
*time skip*
"you're ten centimeters dilated, ready to start pushing?" - the nurse smiled
i looked at joe, a sudden rush of panic and excitement falling over me.
he gave me an encouraging smile so i turned back to the nurse and nodded.
i was transported to the delivery room and joe never left my side.
*time skip*
long hours of labor later i heard a baby crying and a loud gasp from joe.
a couple nurses rushed over to a corner, holding the first twin.
"be careful with him!" - you cried
not even 20 minutes later another set of cries were heard.
"oh my gosh.. they are so tiny. look how tiny they are, joe." - you basically sobbed
"i know.." - joe smiled back to you
once the babies were cleaned off just a little bit the nurses placed both of them on my chest.
"oh my god, you guys are so cute." - you cried
joe snapped a picture of me holding both of the babies.
"joe, we made them." - you smiled up at him
"we did didn't we. you did amazing by the way, i'm incredibly proud of you baby." - joe
"i couldn't have done it without you by my side, baby..." - you
joe kissed my sweaty forehead before i pulled his face to mine, kissing his lips.
after a few more minutes of bonding with the twins, they were taken away to be weighed, measured, and various other things like that.
"joe can you get in bed with me?" - you
"what?" - joe laughed
"can you lay down with me? please?" - you
i scooted over slightly and joe laid down next to me, my head leaning onto his shoulder.
"i can't believe we made life." - you
"i know, and thank you." - joe
"thank you? for what?" - you chuckled
"for carrying the babies for 9 months, and giving birth. you're a strong woman y/n." - joe
"you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world every day joe. you're the best husband ever." - you
one thing about our relationship is that we were deeply appreciative of the other, and how amazing they were.
i wrapped my arms around joe and moved my head from his shoulder to his chest.
i took a little nap till joe woke me up when the twins were given back to us because i was utterly exhausted.
my parents flew down as soon as joe called them and said i was in labor so they arrived shortly after the babies were given to us.
joe was holding a baby, and i held the other.
"you're so tiny... i love you." - joe
"you look really really good holding a newborn, shiesty." - you smiled
"look at him, he's so stinkin cute!" - joe
"we need to establish names, we can't keep calling them him and he." - you
"okay well.. we know the names so now we can just pick which ones which." - joe laughed
"okay... uhm. i think i know." - you
"i think i do too." - joe smiled
before we could even say anything the door opened and at least 4 people walked in.
it was my parents and alexa and ja'marr.
"oh my gosh!" - alexa gasped
"my baby is a momma.." - your mom teared up
"aww, momma." - you smiled
"my baby girl had twins.." - your dad also started to cry
"what are the names?" - your mom smiled
i whispered into joe’s ear for confirmation about which twin was being named what name.
he nodded and i went on.
"i'm holding Tyson Lee" - you smiled
"lee is joe’s middle name right?" - your mom
"yeah, it was really important to me that one of the twins was going to be named after one of the most important guys in my life." - you smiled
in the corner of my eye i could see joe looking at me and when i returned the look a tear fell down his cheek before a huge smile appeared on his face.
it seemed like neither of us could stop smiling.
"this is so sweet.." - alexa
"what's the other name?" - your mom
"joe, baby you can say." - you
"the baby that i'm holding is named Miles Anthony." - joe smiled at ja'marr
"wait-" - ja'marr
alexa looked at the two confused before it clicked, and her hands covered her mouth.
"you named your kid after me?" - ja'marr
"ja'marr anthony chase.. meet miles anthony burrow" - joe
ja'marr walked closer to joe and looked down at miles.
"damn bro." - ja'marr sniffled
the whole room laughed at ja'marr being somewhat emotional; a side no one sees of him.
once everyone stopped crying the twins were passed around and everyone got to hold them before they were returned back to joe and i.
when ja’marr was holding miles and alexa was holding tyson, ja’marr cleared his throat and faced joe.
“i mean we got our next qb’s they just need a wide receiver.” - ja’marr
“if you have a boy in the future we gotta train em. we gotta keep the ‘burrow to chase’ connection going.” - joe
“it’s a good thing we won’t have to wait too long.” - ja’marr looked at alexa and smiled
“what do you mean?” - joe
one of my hands went over my mouth as my other slapped joe’s arm in shock.
“i’m pregnant. with a boy, too.” - alexa smiled
“no freaking way!” - joe
“how far along are you?” - you grinned
“3 months.” - alexa smiled
“congratulations guys, that’s awesome!” - joe
they stayed for awhile longer, we talked about all the things we wanted to do with our boys once they were older before they left.
the twins were back in joe and i’s arms and soon after there was another knock on the door.
when the door opened, joe’s parents with wide grins on their faces.
robin let out a small gasp as she walked closer to joe and i.
"oh my gosh… they're so perfect. jim look, they look so much like joe.” - robin
“sorry guys.” - joe whispered to the twins
“don’t listen to your daddy guys, he’s the most attractive man in the world and a total heartthrob. tons of women have eyes on him.” - you smiled
in my peripherals i could see joe roll his eyes but the blush on his cheeks told me that he appreciated the compliment.
“the only women’s eyes i want on me are yours, baby.” - joe kissed your cheek
jimmy and robin both got to hold each of the babies before the nurse came in and said that i could leave tomorrow morning.
it was around 9 pm when everyone had left and it was just joe and i.
the babies were in their bedside bassinets and joe was laying on the couch, giving me "personal space" in the hospital bed.
"joe you can go home if you want, i know you'd like to shower and wash your hair with your fancy shampoo and conditioner." - you
"are you crazy? you think i'm gonna leave this hospital?" - joe
"i don't know, i just figured you'd want to go home eventually." - you
"the only time i'm leaving is with you tomorrow morning." - joe
"are you sure?" - you
"absolutely sure, now get some rest baby. if the twins wake up i'll take care of em', you just need to rest." - joe
i shut my eyes and fell asleep extra grateful. i had an amazing husband, and beautiful healthy twin baby boys.
authors note: fluffy imagine for friday 🫶🫶
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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ghostofskywalker · 1 month
No Such Thing As A Perfect Moment
Commander Cody/Fem!Reader
Words: 2,059
Summary: It was embarrassing really, how everyone Cody interacted with could tell how he felt about you. All that was left for him to do was just admit it, but not everything goes according to plan.
Prompt: "is it cool that i said all that?" (Delicate, Taylor Swift)
Note: this is my contribution to @cloneficgiftexchange's song lyric exchange, which i ran! this fic is for @winniethewife, and when presented with the choice i had to pick the taylor swift song :) i thought the vibes of the prompt lended itself really well to a confession of love, so i hope you enjoy!!
Clone Troopers Masterlist
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Cody was the marshal commander of the GAR, he was genetically engineered to be a powerful soldier and talented leader, and he had spent countless hours on the front lines of the war. Some of the situations he had found himself and his troops were nothing short of horrific, and he had a reputation for running headfirst at battle droids, both with and without a weapon. Point being, he could do anything he put his mind to. 
Except apparently, ask you out on a date. 
Waxer and Boil, at this point well aware of how their commander felt about the 212th’s auxiliary intelligence officer, tried their best to help, even if it sometimes felt like they were getting a little too much enjoyment at the sight of Cody’s lovestruck stuttering. But no matter how many times they tried to reassure him that you felt the same way, he never believed a word. 
Now, with the war over and many of the regular dangers they faced each day a distant memory, Cody had made up his mind. There was no excuse anymore, he had to own his feelings and finally speak them out loud. If you didn’t return them, then he could put the matter to bed, but he had to say something. 
The music in 79’s blared louder than usual, and the place was packed. Cheerful whoops and drunken laughter filled the space, with clones of all battalions celebrating the victory of the republic and their newfound freedom. There was still much work to be done to secure the best futures possible, but the bills already before the Galactic Senate were promising, and no one really wanted to worry about all that right now anyway. 
You were squeezed in at the end of the 212th’s booth, your leg resting against Cody’s as you sipped on a brightly colored drink and listened to the story being told across the table. His men had been adamant that he sit next to you, and Cody was really starting to feel the effects of his little crush, likely due to the amount of liquor he had already consumed that night and the fact that the clothes you were wearing were a far cry from the simple and practical GAR-issued uniform he was used to seeing you in. As he stared intently at a burn mark on the table, the rest of the world faded out from Cody’s view, until he felt a soft tap to his leg. 
“Is everything okay?” you asked, and he turned to see a concerned expression on your face. “Do you want to go somewhere quieter?” 
His brain stopped for a moment. Was this really the chance he had to ask you out? Half drunk and sweatier than usual, he would not have chosen this out of all the times in the galaxy. He stared at you for longer than what might seem normal before snapping out of the trance and realizing that you probably expected an answer to your question. “No, I’m fine,” he said. “You don’t need to worry about me.” 
That last part was meant to be reassuring, but he could see your face flicker with worry before you nodded in response. You didn’t push him any more, but he could have sworn he caught you glancing at him more often as the night progressed. 
You left earlier than the rest of the squad that night, wanting to get some rest before a meeting you had the next morning, but Cody could almost still feel the way your leg rested against his as he and the rest of his troops stumbled back to the barracks hours later. 
The next time he saw you, they were at a gala and you were wearing a dress, and Cody was genuinely worried that he had forgotten how to breathe. This dress was long, with a skirt that just barely grazed the floor as you moved, and it was a conscious effort on his part to keep his mouth closed. As much as he felt the true sacrifices made during the war could never truly be acknowledged in a Nabooian ballroom and that this was nothing more a useless show of frivolity, he was certainly enjoying the way you looked. 
“Are you ever going to actually say something?” a voice cut into Cody’s thoughts, and he turned to see his general standing there with a judgemental expression on his face. “Or are you going to just stare at her forever and hope she develops the ability to telepathically communicate?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cody said, trying desperately to save face. Was it that obvious how he felt about you? 
“Come on Cody,” Obi-Wan said as he took a sip of his drink, a smile on his face as he watched his friend shift nervously. “If Anakin’s men can tell how smitted you are from halfway across the dance floor, then I think the secret is out. I honestly have no idea how she hasn’t noticed yet.” 
“I’m just nervous,” Cody said, not wanting to play this game anymore with Rex. “Everyone keeps telling me that she feels the same, but what if they’re wrong? I made up my mind to say something, but no time ever feels like the right one, you know?” 
Obi-Wan smiled. “I don’t think there will ever be the perfect time to say something,” he said kindly. “If by some stroke of unluck she doesn’t return your feelings, nothing bad is going to happen. But waiting forever thinking that the ‘right time’ is going to fall from the sky may only ensure your place on the sideline if she believes you are not interested.” 
Cody sighed. His general was right. The last thing he would want is for you to move on because he wasn’t brave enough to ever tell you how he felt. There may never be a perfect time to do something like this, but he supposed there would be worse times than right now. 
After finishing the drink in his hand, Cody walked across the ballroom and approached you as you spoke to a few senators. A smile immediately crossed your face as he caught your eye, and you had closed the distance between you and him moments later. “I’m so glad you’re here,” you said, wrapping your arms around him in a hug he never wanted to let go of. “Most senators are very nice, but their default topics of conversation are far from interesting.” 
Cody laughed. “I’m glad I could be a help,” he said, as the wheels in his brain turned. Bolder than he usually would have been, he reached a hand out to you. “Would you like to dance with me?” 
After you accepted his hand and allowed him to lead you to the floor, Cody concentrated heavily on his steps. The music guided his movement and you were an excellent dancer, so the last thing he wanted was to step on your feet. You must have been able to tell that he was unsure of himself, because you began to guide him as you danced. 
This is your chance, the voice in his head proclaimed, and for once, he agreed. Maybe it was Obi-Wan’s words before, maybe it was the way you smiled as you twirled across the dancefloor, but Cody was never more ready to finally say something. 
“Is everything okay?” you asked, pulling Cody once more from his own head. 
But unlike last time you had asked him this, he found the words a few seconds later. “Of course,” he said. “I was actually-” 
But before he could finish his sentence, another senator walked up to the two of you, and you could only shoot Cody an apologetic look as you were gently pulled away from him. So much for that moment, he thought sadly as he left the dance floor in search of something to drink. 
Cody had abandoned the gala half an hour ago, and it was only an accident that he managed to stumble across a garden. The air was cool as he wandered, taking note of all the beautiful trees and flowers, some in full bloom now that it was dark outside. It was quiet and secluded, the perfect place for him to sit down and mull over every choice he made this evening. He expected that eventually others would find this place and ruin his solitude, but his plan was to head back to where they had been staying soon anyway. 
He didn’t expect the person who found him to be you, but in hindsight he should have. “Do you mind if I sit here?” 
“Finally got a chance to escape, huh?” He asked as you plopped down next to him, a teasing tone to his voice. 
“Maker, they’re so boring,” you said. “But I guess I should be grateful that so many people are interested in what I have to say.” 
Cody’s expression shifted, his curiosity piqued. “Why?” 
“Oh right, you don’t know,” you responded. “I’ve been working with Senator Amidala on the new bill that has to do with you guys. My testimonies and stories from working with you all will hopefully allow us to provide consistent stipends and free housing for all the troops of the GAR.” 
“That’s amazing.” 
You smiled bashfully. “I wish I didn’t have to fight this hard for it though. Padmé thinks we’re close, and hopefully the number of senators who have sought me out this evening to talk about it means she’s right.” 
“Well, if it means anything right now, I couldn’t be more grateful that you’re willing to fight for us, and I know every single of the men I work with feel the same way.” 
“Thanks,” you said softly, leaning your head on his shoulder with a yawn. Cody’s breath hitched, and he desperately hoped you didn’t notice. 
After a few beats of comfortable silence, you spoke again. “What did you want to tell me earlier?” 
Without wasting another moment, Cody just spoke. No warmup, no preparation, he just couldn’t hold it in any longer. “How much you mean to me. Working with you was an experience that I won’t ever forget, but now that the war is over I don’t want to stop seeing you. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but when I saw you in that dress tonight I forgot how to function for a moment, and my men have been bugging me about this for longer than I want to admit. I always wanted the perfect moment, but maybe that isn’t possible when you’re the only perfect thing in the entire galaxy.” 
There. He had said it, bared his soul to you and finally admitted that the feelings he had were more than just ones of friendship. He took in a shaky breath after he finished speaking, and he watched your face change, hoping for some sign that things would be okay.
“Cody,” you said softly, hand reaching out to his. 
But before you could speak the rest of your thoughts, it began to rain. 
A few droplets quickly turned to a deluge, and the two of you turned towards the sky in shock. Your hand tightened around Cody’s as laughter bubbled from your lips and pulled him towards building. The sound of your shoes on the stone paths was drowned out by the rain, and you were still laughing when you finally made it to an awning. 
The door back to the gala was right there, but neither of you made the move to go back inside. And when you leaned in to kiss him, Cody certainly didn’t complain. 
No more words were spoken, but the communication was effortless. His hands rested on your hips as yours wrapped around his neck, and it didn’t matter that some of the rainwater was making it through the gaps in the awning and still falling on your heads. 
When you finally broke apart, your face remained close to his. “I couldn’t think of a more eloquent answer, I hope that’s alright.” 
“Cyare, I think that was the best possible answer you could have given,” he responded, laughing as he leaned in to kiss you once more. 
Maybe there was no such thing as a perfect moment, but this was pretty damn near close.
- the end -
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“Warm Nights”
Chapter 1 - 1.8k words
Damian Priest x Black!CurvyFem Reader
Pg-13 for this chapter but much more intense spice to come!
By request for @xbutterflius-effectusx 🥰
Drop a comment if you’d like me to tag you in the updates plus I will make the whole thing into a single post when done
Authors note: I am happy to do requests for all kinds of works for a variety of characters. However, I am an Indigenous woman and that’s the perspective I usually write from so I may make some mistakes when writing other folks. If there is ever something in my writing that is incorrect, insensitive or wrong in any way, I apologize and please correct me. Please let me know and I will learn and do better. Thank you and hope you enjoy!
Now on with the story!
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Chapter 1:
**Your POV**
Sweat ran down your back as you ran the ropes in the seemingly empty performance center yet again. Your success in NXT was the result of hard work and dedication paying off big time and you weren’t about to change that approach now. No one could tell but you still felt the sting of insecurity over being a little older than many of your cohorts and it drove you to work even harder and make your time count.
“Creep!” A loud thunk and pained yelp followed by a string of curses in Spanish made you pause and turn towards the commotion on the upper level.
Damian Priest appeared, hands held up begging an unseen assailant for mercy as they chased him down the steps. Rhea Ripley came under the lights next, wielding a thick practice mat she’d been using to beat him. Only once everyone was under the bright beams of the lower level did she stop swinging. Turning to you she smirked. “Caught him lurking.”
“Wasn’t lurking perra loca!” He made a swipe for the mat she wielded but Rhea moved it out of his grasp.
You leaned against the top rope smothering a grin under your hand. The tall man had clearly had his feathers ruffled and it was fun to see the normally collected Damian flustered.
It had nothing to do with the crush you’d harbored for a while now. At least that’s what you told yourself.
“Then what were you doing?” Hand on her hip Rhea shot you a smirk. You two had fallen into a quick friendship over long hours at the performance center.
“Paul asked me to stop in and talk with the talent, same as he had Cody do last week. I just noticed Y/N practicing and…ugh, I wasn’t lurking.”
“Want some hair tips?” Damian whipped his face towards you with narrowed eyes. Your multicolored locs were the envy of the locker room after all, even if you’d always been modest about your looks.
“Yeah, that’s it. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Straightening his back and smoothing his tshirt one last time with a glare at Rhea he gave you a smile and wave on his way out the door.
It was nothing but it made your heart flutter all the same.
Rhea jumped up on the apron and leaned back, assessing you. “Been at it a while?”
Nodding you stretched before shaking the rope and making you both laugh when she nearly toppled backwards. After you’d been brought into NXT your workout hours tended to be the same as hers. Rhea had approached you one day asking for a spot while she did squats and your friendship has taken off from there. You drove each other to do your best in the gym and that had bled into the rest of your lives, making for a strong bond.
“Yeah. I wasn’t happy with my match last night, I want to work on that middle rope suplex.”
Rhea rolled her eyes.
“Not happy!? You’re making the rest of us look lazy love.” Her accent tended to make even compliments come across harsh from time to time.
You laughed and swatted her arm. “You? Never. Thanks for having my back by the way, even if it was a false alarm.”
“False? You didn’t see how he was watching you.” Casting you some serious side eye she smirked and hopped down from the mat.
“Hey! What’s that mean!?” You wouldn’t let it get you too excited but dammit if she didn’t know what she was doing.
She backed away through the door while calling out in a sing song voice. “Guess you’ll have to get cleaned up and come to dinner to find out! Leaving in 20, hurry up!”
You stared at the swinging doors that led to the locker rooms for a long moment, slightly confused and very curious. It was tempting to stay and keep working but you were also hungry after hours of hard work and wanted to know what she meant.
**Damian POV**
I kicked Rhea under the table of the little diner and hissed at her under my breath when Y/N walked into the restaurant. I knew immediately she’d been the one to invite her. She snickered and waved Y/N down, much to my dismay. Swallowing my stress over the situation I greeted her and everyone resettled, Finn and J.D. peppering her with questions about her day and what was going on the NXT locker room.
Never before had I been so grateful for the two nosy men. It had been a near miss when Rhea caught me staring earlier. Not that I didn’t like Y/N.
No, the opposite problem actually. I liked watching the way her body moved around the ring, the way your outfits hugged her very curvy form, and the way her face lit up whenever she stepped through the ropes. More than anything I respected her passion and dedication, knowing what it was like to hit it big a little older than many. It made her absolutely magnetic.
Now Rhea kicked me and grinned before indicating with her head. Alarmed, I realized I’d been staring as my thoughts wandered. Shit.
“What?” The table chuckled.
“For a third time.” Her voice was saucy as she smirked at me and south of my belt tightened in awareness. “Do you want meat in the queso or not?”
Goddamit. “Uh, yeah sure. Whatever you guys want.”
She tilted her head slightly and smiled. “Mkay then.”
Dinner progressed uneventfully as we all fell into conversations, mainly buzzing with excitement about the upcoming draft and wondering who would be sent where. In equal parts I hoped Y/N would be wherever I ended up and the other hoped she would be sent elsewhere.
It was a hard spot to be in.
Y/N was tempting for all the rights reasons and I wasn’t going down that road. I’d been burned before making it to the WWE, back before I had everything I do now to offer. An angry part of me figured if I wasn’t good enough for *her* then I wasn’t going to waste my time now.
Problem was, talking to her more and more, the more I wanted to get to know her like that. Thought she was what I might need to see things differently again. She had me thinking about long nights on the beach, how the moonlight would look shining in her eyes, against her vibrant hair…how it would shine on her dark skin slicked with sweat while she whimpered and sighed my name.
“So Damian, when’s your flight leave in the morning?” J.D.’s voice finally pulled me out of the daydream.
“Ugh, 9 or so.”
Conversation turned to where we were going after dinner and Rhea would hear none of Y/N staying home.
An hour later and the music throbbed around us as the lights flashed over the dance floor. I liked nightclubs like this, not huge but not tiny and a little on the gritty side. It reminded me of my days bouncing and how far I’d come and at the same time I enjoyed the throngs of humanity that melded together, no one concerned with how things would look in the daylight but content to be enthralled by the low light and smoke.
I should have known it would lower my ability to stay away. Seeing her there, leaning against the bar in a simple but perfectly tight dress and heels pulled me in. Her strength was obvious but so were her femininity and grace. My heart pounded as I reached out a hand, Y/N’s eyes widening a little in surprise.
In an adorably unusual show of shyness she ducked her head. “I-are you sure?”
Taken aback I stepped in closer to make sure she could hear me, also to enjoy her scent that reminded me of big flowers and warm breezes.
“Si.” I took her hand and pulled her with me to the dance floor, not caring as she protested. A slow song came over the speakers and I spun her before pulling her close, her back to my front. At first she tensed slightly but then relaxed against me. “Eres divina niña.” (You’re divine girl)
She giggled. “What’s that mean?”
Shaking my head I wrapped my arms around her as we began to sway gently to the music. “No hablas español?”
Shrugging she swayed with me and I felt myself getting lost in the hypnotic feeling of her body pressed to mine. Was she feeling the same?
“Non mais je parle français.” (No, I speak French) The smile she threw over her shoulder made my knees weak.
“Fair enough.” I continued to sway, letting myself fall for the mood of the space as she did too, her body relaxing even further as the melody flowed through her. Some women were just gifted naturally when it came to movement and Y/N was certainly among them. “You work hard, I admire that.”
Continuing to move with the beat her arms came up around my neck and I knew she was losing herself like
I was. “Same goes.”
I wondered how she’d react if I let my hands wander. It was dangerous territory and with a few more drinks I’d have thrown caution to the wind. Instead I held her tightly, enjoying the press of her body against mine and the perfect view I had of her ample breasts. I imagined slipping her dress down just enough to taste them.
“Ask you something?”
Her voice was low and sultry. Maybe I’d let my hands slide just a little lower down her hips, just to see what she’d do.
Taking a deep breath Y/N opened her mouth to speak but never got the chance, Finn barreled into us, drunk and laughing with a group he danced with.
Anger burned through me hot, breaking the spell. Anger not so much at Finn but over letting myself be intoxicated by just dancing with Y/N.
I knew she was stung but I forced myself to walk away. Of course she followed.
“Damian, hey, is everything okay?”
Clearing my throat I gestured to the bartender and downed the shot he provided while motioning for another. A blonde at the corner of the bar caught my attention on a quick sweep.
She waited a beat but realized quickly I was done talking. With dignity I wouldn’t have been able to muster for the situation she nodded and walked away.
My heart twisted in my chest.
Approaching the blonde I put in the fakest smile I could manage.
I didn’t remember her name or anything else in the morning. I didn’t even leave a note as I slipped out to catch my ride to the airport.
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mandos-mind-trick · 11 months
Kinktober Day 25 - Edgeplay
Summary: You trust him no matter what, even when he pushes your body to its limits. 
Pairing: Cody x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, edgeplay, BDSM, RACK, pain play, bondage, electroshock, teasing, sex toys, unprotected sex, implied discussion and consent beforehand, established relationship, aftercare
Summary: Please heed the warnings on this one and do your research if you’re unsure because it’s a heavy fic that involves a lot of boundary pushing. Also going to add a disclaimer to this one, if you want to try something like this, please do your research beforehand and consult your doctor if you’re unsure. This can be very unsafe if done incorrectly and can be very dangerous for people with certain medical conditions. So please do your research and make sure you’re practicing it safely if you do try. 
Also, I didn’t wind up keeping the discussion part in the fic, but I just wanted everyone to know that their safeword is “sunshine.”
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You stare up at him as he tugs at the restraints around your wrists one last time. You’re spread out on the bed, wrists and ankles secured so you can’t pull away. The restraints are tight, not enough to hurt, but enough to remind you you’re not going anywhere. 
He turns the vibrator stuffed into your pussy up a notch, a quiet moan leaving your lips. You clamp around it, already wet from his teasing touches earlier, and the thought of what’s to come. He steps away from the bed, moving to where the rest of his tools are laid out. He takes his time looking them over, the anticipation building as excited nerves twist in your stomach. 
You watch his back, muscles flexing as he reaches out and wraps his hand around one of the tools. He lifts it high enough for you to see as he looks it over, your pussy clenching in anticipation. Your body jerks subconsciously as he turns it on, the electric crackle loud in the silence of the room. 
Your chest is heaving as he moves over to your side, that hard look in his eyes he gets when he’s focused. Your body tenses as he lowers the wand to your skin, trailing it down your sternum. Your stomach clenches in anticipation as he draws a shape on your skin, teasing you. Your heart is thudding in your chest, waiting for the inevitable jolt of electricity through you. 
It’s sudden and sharp, startling you despite the fact you knew it was coming. Your body jolts as the prickly sensation travels across your skin where he shocked you. Your pussy clenches, the low setting making it hardly more than a tickle, but the surprise makes it so much more intense. 
You yelp as he shocks you again, this time lower on your stomach. Your pussy clenches again, the electricity going straight to your clit. He drags the wand lower, pressing it right at the top of your slit. You’re expecting it, but the shock still makes you yelp, your whole body writhing from the sensation. You’re panting now, breathy moans being pulled from your lips as he circles your clit with the tip of the wand. 
You let out a strangled moan as he shocks your clit, the sensation almost driving you over the edge. It stings, but the pain blends with the pleasure coursing through your body. He watches your face, waits for any sign that you might safeword or for any sign it might be too much but you’re nowhere near that point yet. He shocks you again, your body jerking as the pleasure becomes overwhelming. Your eyes roll back, your thighs trying to close but they’re held still by the restraints. Cody ramps the vibrator up in intensity again, your body writhing on the bed as white hot pleasure sears through you. 
He watches you lose yourself in the pleasure, taking in the sight of you writing under his ministrations. Normally he’d punish you for cumming without permission, but he’ll excuse you this once. You always lose control of yourself whenever he tortures your body like this. 
He turns up the intensity on the wand, shocking your stomach again. You let out a cry as the sharp sting of electricity burns through you. The pain is threatening to overtake the pleasure rushing through you. It’s too much and not enough at the same time. His hand smooths over your stomach as he circles the tip of the wand teasingly around your nipple. You hold your breath in anticipation for the shock that might come. 
It doesn’t come, instead he drags the tip of the wand back down to your slit as he moves to stand between your legs. Your thighs clench in anticipation, body jerking as he shocks your hip. He drags the wand back to your slit, dragging it over your clit before shocking it again. You let out a moan, toes curling as the pleasure and pain burns through you. 
He turns the vibrator up again, continuing to switch between circling your clit and shocking it. You breathe out curses between cries of pain and pleasure, your pussy seeping with arousal as you get closer and closer to your second orgasm.
"You want to cum?" He asks, pressing the wand hard against your clit. 
"Yes!" You cry, legs trembling and hips jerking from the intense pleasure "Please!" 
He shocks your clit again, holding it there for a second before pulling back. Your vision nearly blacks out as you cum again, your body arching off the bed as it writhes in pleasure. 
Cody's placed the wand back in its place when you become aware again, and he's kneeling between your legs, pulling the vibrator from your spasming pussy. You whimper at the feeling, his fingers trailing through your soaked folds. He's ditched his pants, hand jerking his hard cock as his fingers brush your sensitive clit. 
"Such a good girl for me." He says, shifting his body over yours. He drags his cock through your folds, your body jerking in response.
You whimper as he sinks into you, your pussy still sensitive and tingling from the electric shock and your two orgasms. "Wanna be good for you, sir." You mumble, his body flattening against yours as he seats himself inside you. 
"You're always good for me." He praises you, kissing your jaw before slowly rocking his hips into you.
You tug at the restraints, body sore and sensitive from the electric shocks. The pain and pleasure continue to mix as he rolls his hips into yours, staring down at your face as he fucks you. 
You hold his gaze, unable to do anything but let him fuck you. You love being at his mercy, you love letting him do what he wants to you because you trust him to always take care of you. 
"Gonna cum for me?" He grunts, feeling the way you spasm around him. 
"Please, sir." You beg, hips jerking against his as you get closer and closer. "Please can I cum."
"You think you deserve it?" He asks, not slowing his thrusts any. 
“Yes!” You cry out, writhing beneath him. “Please, I’ve been so good.” 
“You have been good.” He says, smoothing a hand over your face. “You can cum.” 
“Thank you sir!” You cry out, letting yourself go. 
You cum with a cry, spasming around him. He groans, burying his face in your neck as he fucks you through your orgasm, chasing his own high. It’s starting to hurt, the overstimulation burning as he finally cums, his thrusts losing their rhythm as his hips jerk against yours. He fills your pussy, groaning into your neck. 
He doesn’t move his body, keeping it pressed to yours as he reaches up, undoing the restraints around your wrists. You’re still trembling from your orgasms, your arms wrapping around him as soon as they’re free. He presses gentle kisses to your neck, wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you tightly against him. 
“Good job.” He says, pressing kisses up your jaw to your face, covering it in kisses. “You’re such a good girl.” 
You mewl under his praise, pressing yourself as close to him as you can get. You love it when he praises you, when he calls you his good girl. That’s what you want to be, after all. You always want to be his good girl. 
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Ragu List:
@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @sinfulsalutations @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips @ghostperson69 @jediknightjana @jedi-hawkins @dalu-grantkylo @cw80831
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starryluminary · 11 months
Honestly I want to know your opinion on Nemma. Because honestly I don’t like the ship either and want to see if someone agrees with me.
Oh my god hiiii nerd-chocolate!! I will GLADLY detail why I don’t like nemma. Buckle up cause I’m not exactly normal about this subject
I will preface this by saying I understand why it’s Noah and Emma. I get why if Noah had to have a girlfriend it would be someone who would match his intellect and someone he could hold a competent conversation with. Logically, on paper, I understand. It’s not so much the concept of Noah and Emma dating that I dislike, it’s the execution. The development of the relationship was a train wreck. HERES WHY!!!
From the very beginning Nemma showed problems. The Noah that couldn’t play a game of dodgeball for $100,000 and was so standoffish he could only make a good friend in Owen is now suddenly falling in love at first sight with a girl that did a front flip and I’m just supposed to accept it at face value??
You could argue that it’s been three years and a person could change in three years. I’d like to argue back: this is a cartoon. If the development happened offscreen, it didn’t happen. Noah had a drastic change in personality out of nowhere because they give us no reason to believe otherwise. This is just the beginning. It’s all downhill from here, honey.
This is very much subjective and a personal thing but do you know how irritating his face is.
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It makes me ill. Who is this.
Back on track, Noah is out of character the rest of his time competing (not that he was perfectly in character to begin with.) Both the way he treats Owen and how he acts regarding Emma is not believable to me. He’s tragically mean to Owen almost the entire time and he’s insufferably… inconsistent? When it comes to Emma? Like they didn’t exactly have pinned down how he should act when he’s in love so it changes with every episode.
[I did a bit of research regarding the more important Nemma episodes and their writers, but couldn’t draw any good conclusions from it. I did find out Laurie Elliot wrote both Slap Slap Revolution from World Tour (notorious for the most significant Noco moments of the season) and New Beijinging (where Nemma is at its worst in my opinion.) This isn’t all that relevant but it IS fucking hilarious. The writer responsible for “Cody’s got a tiny sausage!” being made to (co) write a Nemma episode and subsequently butchering it is reeeeeally funny to me.]
On the topic of New Beijinging. I cannot watch this episode uninterrupted and it’s because of Nemma. I despise it. It’s not that I don’t believe Noah would act like a bumbling fool in love… in concept. In CONCEPT, I can buy the failed one liners and the speaking your thoughts out loud and the acting out to try and impress her. In practice it’s so painful to watch. The Noah that said he’s incapable of being embarrassed in his WT biography is now spitting hot food in his love interests face and physically recoiling every time he tries to talk to her. I can’t express through text the pain and anguish it causes me.
This is ALSO after giving her a suave one liner in the previous episode. How does he go from cool and collected to cringing at her I- AAAGGHHHH.
They don’t suddenly get better when the feelings are mutual, either. They just become insufferable together and it’s tragic. This is specifically about Māori or Less and Got Venom? (though admittedly I haven’t gotten that far in my rewatch and don’t remember Got Venom? too vividly. I do know they’re annoying in it even to Owen and Kitty so.) They just become so infatuated with each other they forget the rest of the world exists and while I enjoy the CONCEPT……… it just manages to drag down both characters. At least they treat Emma with a little more respect and have her snap out of the haze to play the damn game but THEY END UP KNOCKING OUT NOAH INSTEAD. Pain agony suffering and woe. Noah going catatonic and leaving Owen to struggle is the worst it gets but he still never truly focuses on the game and even hopes to get kicked off. He won’t even play for Owen.
Do I even have to mention Owen. My poor guy Owen. Owen suffers an unnecessary amount for Nemmas development. It hurts my heart even thinking about it but I’ll list off examples. Ways Owen has suffered for the sake of the relationship include:
Being made to carry dead weight (Noah) on more than one occasion.
Being used as a flotation device, offered by Noah to Emma, after being frozen solid.
Being forced to wait for the sister team, making his team go from first place to seventh.
Being victim to Noah’s snark and insults, which he does to either impress Emma or to reprimand Owen because of something Emma related.
(Side note: have I ever mentioned that RR Noah is my enemy? I feel like I don’t mention it enough)
To wrap this up, I do genuinely believe Nemma could have been great. I don’t hate Nemma cause I thought Noah was gay, or I’m a Noco shipper, or any other superficial reason. I hate it cause it’s a terribly written relationship that had to completely destroy my favorite character of the series to try and make it work. It’s a damn shame, really. I wish I could look past how different Noah is and how badly he treats Owen and how sickly annoying he and Emma can be and just, at the very least, tolerate Nemma. But I can’t, and I never will.
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mamirhodessxox · 7 months
His Strange Addiction (Pt 7)
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6
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Cody Rhodes x Fem Wrestler!Oc (Milena Reyz)
Desc: It’s finally early October and Milena & Cody have been alerted by multiple people that Milena may be experiencing pregnancy due to an everyday sickness especially right before one of his matches, Cody notices strange behaviors within their dog Pharaoh & notices emotional outbursts from Millsc
Contents: Angst, Fluff, Arguing, Milena serving cunt, Cody being a whore for Milena, Mentions of insecurity, slightly toxic duo, Mentions of pregnancy, Smut, Edging,
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) Votes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Milena was pretty sure her & cody were sex addicted but also couldn’t be to blame since this is usually normal for newly weds especially if they are to busy for a certain amount of time that whenever Cody & Mills are given time they take that to their advantage, hence right now.
Cody was currently busy pleasing his wife in any way he possibly could, and that included breaking the bed frame while doing such, how did he succeed at doing that you ask? You’ll see exactly why.
Milena was bent over with her face snug into the pillows while cody held her hip in one hand and the bed frame in the other while practically drilling his cock into her at an unreasonable pace, the poor girl was crying into the pillow or throwing her head back against his chest “f-fuck cody!” He grinned & slapped her ass groaning into her ear before nearly pulling out & slamming right back into her pussy. The bedroom was filled with noises like the bed slamming against the wall, Cody’s heavy breathing & groans and Milena crying into a pillow.
“Feels good doesn’t it Doll?” He hummed against the shell if her ear before leaning back & wrapping his hand around her hair & giving it a tug before continuing to slam into her “Answer me.” He warned which made her roll her eyes back crying “f-feels so fucking good Cody!!” She whined drooling all over herself while cody let go of her hair and travelled his hand in between her thighs just to start teasing her clit, she couldn’t muster up any words to tell him she was close so his ego was extremely boosted when he realized she came & started sobbing into the pillows from such overwhelming pleasure while he leaned down holding her against his chest while his thrusts got sloppy “gonna take my cum like a good girl? Yeah?” He smirked while she nodded her head and tried moving her hair out of her face before he thrusted one last time completely blowing his load inside of her. The two laid there breathing heavily & rolled off of each other before he wrapped her around his arms & kissing the top of her head.
“You did so good for my sweetheart.” He hummed in her ear while She smiled and he sat up and pushed the blankets on her & headed to the bathroom to run a warm bath pouring bubbles inside before walking back to the bedroom to carry her like a princess “What are you planning hm?” She poked his chest grinning while he walked into the bathroom and set her inside the tub & got in with her “Just relax sweetheart.” He muttered and put her hair into a bun before leaning her back into his chest.
Just a few weeks after that night Milena & Cody were in new York for yet another WWE event & everyone took notice that something was off with Milena more than usual, every few minutes when the guys would try recording a Big Elites skit they would notice she would run off to the bathroom and throw up, Jey & Roman looked at each other at back at cody while Rhea & Becky would assist Mills “Cody how active are you two?” He choked on his water as Seth randomly asked him “I’m not telling you how much we screw Seth.” He shook his head but Roman got involved “No he’s serious, because if you two are constantly going at it which is..to be expected from you guys, but if you ain’t using a rubber she’s pregnant.” Cody furrowed his eyes at Roman and laughed shaking his head “She’s not pregnant calm down.” Jey raised an eyebrow “She puked like 3 times this week & today, Now I don’t know much about this shit but…That’s a sign of pregnancy uce.”
The guys nodded their heads while Cody just sat there rolling his eyes until Liv walked in after helping Rhea & Becky with Milena “Cody when was she last on her period? And is it usually on time?” And he went on his phone checking his calendar “Her last period was on September 1st to the 7th. Her period’s usually start on the first of each month.” And then it sunk in, it was the 19th of October and she hadn’t started at all or even felt the pre period cramps. “Fuck.” He muttered. Milena walked back in with Rhea while Liv pulled away Becky and immediately went to the higher ups to pause any future matches for Milena, since then Cody would notice little things that fit in the criteria of her being pregnant such as intense ranges of emotional outbursts.
A backstage segment would be filmed and cody would barely be in frame eating chips but Milena would storm by suddenly pissed off and Cody would look directly at the camera that would zoom in on him before he sighed walking off to go calm her down.
One time at their house she was getting ice into a cup and a singular ice cube fell down on the ground and she would start SOBBING. Cody would run down stairs and calm her down from such an intense breakdown over ice & then he would sit her down on the couch and have a discussion with her “sweetheart your 2 weeks late from your period, I think we might need to check if your pregnant.” Which caused Milena to wipe off her face nodding, that night Cody would have come home from the store with 5 different pregnancy tests and invited Jey, Becky, Roman & Rhea over just incase she needed support.
They would all sit on the couch together in silence, cody holding his face in his hands tapping his foot against the floor nervously while Milena was upstairs waiting for all of the results, Rhea would pace around the living room & Roman would wait against the kitchen counter while Becky was up there with Milena. All of them turned their heads towards Beck & Milena as she carried down the five pregnancy tests and set them in front of in which all of the results were positive, Milena was worried Cody wouldn’t be to happy with the results since he just silently stood up but her worries were smacked away the minute he wrapped her around his arms before he pulled away smiling “Well that was eas-“ she slapped his shoulder laughing while Jey gave him a congratulatory hug, for the rest of they night all hung out before leaving Cody & Milena alone together.
Cody cleaned up the kitchen for a bit while Mills came back downstairs in one of his T-shirts and wrapped her arms around him “Your still up baby?” She smiled nodding “Couldn’t sleep, I always have troubles going to sleep when you’re not with me in bed.” She sighed while tracing circles into his arm while he kissed her head “You excited?” She questioned while he lifted his head a bit nodding “Of course I am baby, especially if you’re the woman carrying my baby.” He smiled kissing her on the lips ever so softly. “C’mon let’s get you back to bed princess.” He breathed out & took her back to bed. They would lay down together & Milena would fall asleep but Cody would just stare at his hand on-top of her belly until he passed out.
The two had a set morning routine everyday, & I mean every, day. They both would wake up at the exact time, shower together, brush their teeth together, pick out each other’s clothes, they were literally Barbie & Ken, Cody would literally make breakfast every morning & go over the top just for her approval, but because of Milena being pregnant this would have to change slightly, Cody started waking up earlier & let her sleep in while he focused on making her breakfast in bed & talk about what they’re gonna be doing today when she would wake up, but thankfully nothing to big was happening today, it was rainy outside so He would clean up the kitchen and get back in bed with Mills & read a book, Milena would set her book down and huff “Baby ‘m bored.” He looked over at her and smiled “what do you wanna do them gorgeous?” He hummed and set his book down and just as she shrugged he got up and brought out a shoe box from under the bed which was their little “activity” box which made her smile “pick what you wanna do baby.” He sat it in-front of her while she hummed looking inside & picked out the vibrator from the box which Cody started forming a smug smile before making his way back into the bed & kissed her. He sat behind her and grabbed the vibrator but also refusing to remove his lips against her so he yanked her panties off without her noticing & then let out a chuckle when she gasped against his mouth the moment she felt vibrations against her clit.
“Cody- fuckk” she moaned against his shoulder once two of his fingers started thrusting inside of her, he hummed as a response before curling his fingers and using his free hand to press the vibrator further into her clit “f-fuckk gonna cum!” She cried and kicked her legs around but just as she was about to cum he stopped the vibrator and stopped his movement which made her cry out in frustration before he continued “Aweh princess what’s the matter hm? Don’t like it when daddy teases your pretty pussy huh?” She shook her head barely noticing he was faking his sympathy & continued doing the exact thing with his fingers and vibrator that had her close to cumming but once again he stopped all movement & vibrations which made her let out a choked sob before letting out little pleads against his shoulder while he smirked & continued what he was doing “since you asked so nicely baby I’ll let you cum.” He muttered against her hair before speeding up his pace and grinning as she moaned louder and squeezed her thighs around his wrists “mmnn Cody!! ‘M gonna cum!!” She squealed and arched her back and cried once she started cumming “Good fucking girl baby, what a good girl you are.” He breathed out and kissed her before shutting off the vibrator & tossing it aside before pulling out his fingers and licking her cum off of them while he got up to clean her up & go make her something to eat.
It was officially october 31st, Cody & Milena went to the WWE arena dressed up, Cody couldn’t find time to dress-up for Milena certainly did, she was wearing this cute little genie outfit in pink, She was looking forward to this night because that’s when she was going to go 1v1 with Tiffany as her last match since she was still extremely early into the pregnancy and you know who didn’t know of this once again? COOOODDDDYYYYY <3 the only time he found out if when she went out in the ring & Cody looked up at one of this tv screens “Jesus fucking christ no she didn’t.” He muttered while Roman stared at the tv confused “wait a minute she’s pregnant still she can’t be out there.” He questioned since nobody but them knew she was pregnant while Milena grabbed a microphone and started talking “I’ve been really..looking forward to this as my final match before I take a few months off. I really wanted to start this off with the topic of Tiffany herself, she’s got a great gig but I do have some characteristics I do not like about her..”
“First off I won’t judge her to much since I too used to be a dumb little bimbo blonde girl who would do anything for very SPECIFIC male attention, cody for example, But what I wasn’t dumb enough to do was be a Dumb little bimbo blonde girl to get a horrible, embarrassing lip filler & stiff ass breast implants & start acting like I’m the bitch who owns this rin-“ just as she was about to finish her sentence Tiffany walked out & climbed into the ring but just before they fought Cody ran down from backstage into the ring and stopped Milena from doing a damn thing “Baby I know you really wanna wrestle right now, but you’re literally in no condition to do that.” Everyone was confused and Tiffany threw her hands out as he literally just interrupted her match while Milena started yelling “Cody knock it off! I’m trying to do my job I want to do this!” He sighed turning towards Tiff “You whats your name?” She scoffed “Tiffany?” He took a heavy breath and pointed his thumb at her “Give it up for tiffany huh guys!?” Rhea & Liv sat backstage watching the mess unfold while the camera gets a shot of Milena covering her face in embarrassment “Listen wwe saw you, we saw you & your very obnoxious cinderblock breasts, Your great, barely, but Maybe just go stand in the corner or something ‘kay?” Tiffany scoffed flipping Cody the finger before he set the mic down on the rings floor and dropped to his knees in front of Mills quietly scolding her for trying to wrestle while she was pregnant no matter how many weeks, he huffed kissing her belly before standing up keeping his hand on her stomach before leaving the ring with mills & taking her backstage.
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🏷️ list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @valkyrurr @alyyaanna @niknakbucks92 @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41
xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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necroromantics · 1 year
X virus uhh uhh uhhh ye. Basic hcs of how he acts w different creeps?
🧪 — The X-Virus + Creeps
shit kid. poison tongue.
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- cody is an asocial freak. he spends his days picking out homeless or addict victims, people who wont be missed, and would rather run experiments on them than make friends.
- cody wont actively seek out interaction with other creeps, and sometimes will purposely avoid them. they just get in the way in the end.
- that being said though, he does have a few notable connections. most of which were brought to him by fate
- ticci toby. cody grew up as an only child, he never had the opportunity to experience what its like to have a brother. but he saw himself and his past so heavily etched into this other boy. the two clicked very well, like two birds of a feather. due to their jobs, they very rarely actually had opportunities to see each other, but when fate brought the two back, it was like there was never any time between them.
- they both understand what its like to be a proxy, even if cody doesn’t quite know the extent toby has gone. but they’re both killers, they’re both damned. and they spend their time together messing around in the forest, or tormenting people, or stealing candy from corner stores. they both have the same sense of humour, and they like similar things.
- in a twisted way, cody looks up to his senior and toby would slowly begin to warm up to the idea of a little brother figure. some moments, when they’re hanging out in a dark, empty park after a job, they almost seem normal. two friends having fun, doing as the young do. just two kids who made a couple of reckless mistakes.
- eyeless jack. cody knows jack through toby. and while the beast is the creeps designated medic, he definitely doesn’t help just anyone. and cody is far too confident in his abilities to seek any help from the demon. so the two’s relationship doesn’t extend further than trade of chemicals and medicine, or casual encounters in the forest.
- they don’t necessarily get along badly, but they don’t have a deep connection by any means. jack sees cody as a reckless, selfish kid, just as he does with toby. and cody sees jack as a too-quiet, ominous being who he’d like to pressure into doing experiments on someday.
- nurse ann. if cody really needs medical assistance, he will visit ann. cody has major mommy issues, and theres that part in him that’d never admit he clings to her a bit to fill that void.
- ann looks out for cody, in a scolding type of way. she isn’t interested in having some kid with an attitude make a mess of her practice. but she is definitely curious about his experiments, especially the ones he does on corpses.
- “what did you do this time, little rabbit?” “man this tweaker bit me”
- nina the killer. definitely a fun time between the two. they have each others numbers. theyre both scene/emo kids at heart, and they share the same music taste so they’ll hangout together and blast get scared or ghost town together.
- nina doesn’t kill, shes only jeff’s accomplice, so cody and her will just spend their time together tormenting random homeless folk or old people on the street. and if you throw toby into the equation, the whole town will become these kids victim for the night.
- kate the chaser. he probably first found her holed up in an abandoned hospital room, scavenging for medical supplies. his initial reaction was “oh shit-“
- kate and cody are close. not as bonded as him and toby, but god knows these two have been around the block. they smoke together, and kate will sometimes just say fuck it and do research chemicals with him.
- they have a chill friendship. nothing deep or emotionally charged, but something to fall back on, because having allies is better than making enemies in this world
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inkformyblood · 9 months
every colour i see reminds me of you (CWFKB #8)
Fill for lipstick kiss for @codywanfirstkissbingo Canon Universe, Order 66 Didn't Happen
“So,” Quinlan slides onto the bench next to Obi-Wan, knocking his tray against Obi-Wan’s already cluttered offerings. “Your Commander is trying out a new lip colour then?”
Obi-Wan straightens, something close to fear twisting through the pit of his stomach. His spine feels drawn too tight, a puppet with ill-fitting strings as he forces himself to glance over at the other man, ensuring that his brow doesn’t rise past the notch of mild disapproval. He pokes at the porridge with his free hand, the pale lilac surface giving way before it reforms over the intrusion. “He is though I fail to see how that is any of your business.”
Obi-Wan considers punching Quinlan. It would be undeniably childish of him and he could already hear the disapproving words of Master Windu echo in the back of his thoughts, some reactions never got easier to weather despite the fact that Obi-Wan hasn’t been a Knight for nearly two decades now and a Padawan for even longer. But Quinlan’s grin is just the right shade of sharp, honed and cultivated to imply the exact amount of knowing something that his target doesn’t that would make someone hesitate to punch him. Even if he more than deserves it. “Now, why should that matter?”
Quinlan leans forward, propping his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder. His dreadlocks swing free, and Obi-Wan catches them, abandoning his absent-minded prodding of his food to do so. There’s a faint scent of lavender that comes with the motion, a poor attempt at hiding the tang of engine oil and industrial work. He pulls the locks away as he turns to look down at Quinlan, the pair of them now nearly nose-to-nose. 
His eyes dark and his grin only widening, drawing and redrawing the line in the sand that he is determined to toe, Quinlan asks, “So, I am right?”
Obi-Wan licks Quinlan’s nose, still childish but less overtly so. Quinlan recalls, tugging against Obi-Wan’s hold on his locks, and swipes at his shoulder with a laugh. He looks younger when he’s laughing, the harsh lines of grief and suffering the war had drawn over his countenance. Scrubbing at his face with the heel of his palm, Quinlan rocks forward, tapping his knuckles against Obi-Wan’s tray. “Don’t need you to answer, Obi. I know I’m right just by this.”
His breakfast tray. It is full but Obi-Wan is intending on carrying the rest back to his rooms, their rooms now that Cody has moved in with the war resolving in a mostly settled ceasefire. Obi-Wan’s gaze skips over the small bowl of porridge, the normal cream shade tinted lilac by the addition of some fruit, then to the plate of potato. It is a new variant from a planet that has only recently opened up the trade routes and the flesh is a dark purple. He has a salad for some variety, dark leaves and curls of a paler purple carrot scattered amongst it and— Oh. Oh .
“How long have I been doing this?”
“What?” Quinlan reaches over and selects a piece of fruit from Obi-Wan’s tray, purple like all the rest of it. “Matching your meal and nearly every other choice on that day to the colour of your Commander’s lipstick?”
“Yes. Quin. That.”
“Practically since he started wearing it.”
Obi-Wan bites back a curse and stands, drawing his tray close to his chest. He’d thought that he was being careful with his crush on the other man, keeping it close to his chest and obfuscated behind several very plausible reasons for his level of attention, of care. Had Cody noticed? Obi-Wan’s crush, as it was, is his own problem to cope with. He doesn’t want to inflict it upon Cody if it isn’t returned. “Thank you for your insights, Quin.”
Quinlan waves him away, the self-shame grin plastered over his face once more, and Obi-Wan takes his leave, his tray clasped in front of him. Cody is sprawled across the sofa as Obi-Wan enteres, much the same position he had been earlier that morning, with the addition of a holopad clutched in one hand. He pauses the video as Obi-Wan enters sitting up with a grin. “Short queue?”
“Something like that.” Obi-Wan joins him, sliding the tray onto the table. Purple food, purple lipstick carefully painted over Cody’s mouth. “Can I kiss you?”
Cody blinks, smiling gently up at him. “Thought you were never going to ask.”
He leans forward and Obi-Wan learns that his lipstick tastes as sweet as it looks. 
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the-wyvern-institute · 3 months
Name: Alexander Ratcliffe
Aliases: Seven, The Thunderstorm
Age: 33
Birthday: October 1st, 1989
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Powers: Energy Generation and Manipulation
Alex is like a living battery, with his cells constantly generating great amounts of pure energy. His powers are similar to those of Viktor Hargreeves, except that Alex's doesn't rely on sound, him being his own source of power. He's able to manipulate the energy he generates to achieve a large variety of effects including flight, telekinesis, creating force-fields, electrokinesis, cryokinesis, atmokinesis (which is where his superhero name comes from), etc. His powers are practically always working, so he must use them every now and then in order to release the built up energy inside of him, otherwise he might experience severe pain and his powers may become volatile.
Because of their strenght and them being most times linked to his emotions, Alex's powers can be very unstable and they've been since he was a kid, for this very reason his father made him take pills that would diminish his powers to make them more manageable, hiding Alex's true potential from him.
He's known for being a smart guy, he can be intuitive, empathetic and even sweet but because of his job he normally shows himself as serious and strong, physically and mentally, in order to conceal some of the scars from his past growing up kinda like the back-up/secret weapon of the Institute for the most difficult missions. Because of his autism he can be pretty sensitive to certain stimuli, it also makes him focus more on details but he knows how to use them to get the bigger picture, which comes in handy in his job as a detective. He's more of an introvert with not many friends beyond his family, who he loves and cares for very much despite the many conflicts they might have.
Physical Appearance:
Faceclaim: Cody Kearsley
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leftistfeminista · 5 months
Sexual violence: the forgotten chapter of the military dictatorship of Brazil
Despite being present and constant, the sexual violence practiced by repression agents, authorized by the regime's top brass to torture any suspect, is hardly mentioned in history books and other more common records about the period. One of the challenges faced by consultants, academics and specialists who worked at CNV was precisely to bring these reports to light.
"Sexual violence is an unknown aspect of the military dictatorship. Even today, even after the publication of the CNV's final report, it is something that remains little known because it is a taboo topic and carries this extra burden when discussed", says Glenda Mezzaroba, scientist politician who coordinated the working group "Dictatorship and Gender" at the CNV and author of the book A reckoning with the future: amnesty and its consequences, a study of the Brazilian case . "
According to the political scientist, it was extremely important to conceptualize very well what can be considered sexual violence using the concepts of international bodies such as the World Health Organization. Especially because at the time of the military regime (and even today) the concept of sexual violence and rape are very focused on whether or not there was penetration. And the reports collected show that there was, indeed, sexual violence that did not necessarily involve penetration of the vagina or anus, "The majority of victims did not have the idea that being forced to be naked at the time of arrest is already sexual violence," explains. "We even observed that there were allegations of sexual violence in the book that Carlos Marighella published in 1965, reporting electric shocks to the genitals. However, there was not much clarity in the classification of this violence.
The chapter reserved for sexual violence in the final report of the National Truth Commission published in 2014, showed how the agents of repression had a macabre appreciation for the practice. In the reports, the initial act of stripping the prisoner naked and placing him in front of other agents and spectators was standard. Verbal humiliation, accusations and death threats against companions, family and friends then followed. Women were raped in front of their spouses as a way to get them to hand over information.
"I was there, I was vulnerable, completely vulnerable. Then the guy put his hand inside my clothes and then, well, like any other sexual abuse, I won't describe details, but that's what happened. His hand went through everything and I don't know what. He said: 'No, she's going to cum, with me she's going to cum and she's going to talk'. That's just normal people's stuff."
The excerpt above was taken from the testimony of Ieda Akselrud de Seixas, daughter of Minas Gerais militants, raped at DOI-CODI in 1971 when her entire family was arrested for involvement in revolutionary movements that fought against the military regime. Ieda, like several women and men, reports that it took some time to understand that the rape she suffered was also part of the military's torture method.
"But it took me a long time to realize that it was sexual abuse, do you know why? I minimized that episode because, after all, it wasn't a macaw's dick, it wasn't a shock and it wasn't a dragon's chair. That's really crazy! It's really crazy," she said.
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Maria Auxiliadora Lara Barcelos, known as "Dora", was arrested in 1969 and taken to the Army Police barracks , in Vila Militar , where she was stripped naked, beaten, and subjected to electric shocks on her breasts, vaginas and various parts of her body. She was banished to Chile in 1971, but had to leave the country because of the Pinochet dictatorship. Dora never recovered from the emotional consequences left by torture and committed suicide in 1976 at the age of 31 in West Berlin. Photo: Reproduction.
The simple fact that they were women, whether left-wing militants or not, was also a reason for the military to curse and verbally humiliate the captured women. The common sense was that they were to blame for being there, as it was far from their role as daughter, wife or mother. Gender hatred was evident. That's why they called them "whore", "slut" and any other adjective that is the counterpoint of saint. The only two roles applicable to women in the regime's view.
"Because you are a woman, you also realize that there is perhaps, sometimes, a much greater anger, I don't know if it is because of the question of thinking 'why is a woman doing this? Why is a girl doing this?' And it's a way, perhaps, of wanting to disqualify you in every way. In fact, the least you hear is that you're a 'cow' That's the way you're called," reported Maria. Aparecida Costa to CNV.
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According to the final report, sexual violence was not occasional but rather widespread as a common practice throughout the repressive structure of the regime. "In the testimonies analyzed by the “Dictatorship and Gender” working group, DEIC, DOI-CODI, DOPS, Galeão Air Base, Army Police battalions, Casa da Morte (Petrópolis), Cenimar, CISA, police stations, Oban are mentioned. , military hospitals, prisons and barracks," says item 37 belonging to chapter 10 of the final report of the National Truth Commission.
In addition to the emotional scars that the torture left on the victims, there are still some who carried great guilt for having given up information about their companions during the torture sessions. This issue was also addressed by the team coordinated by Mezzaroba. In an anonymous statement, a woman reports the great guilt she felt after not having resisted the pain during torture and revealed information to the military. She was arrested at 19 years old.
"(…) We can hear in the speech of many of those who have gone through the experience of imprisonment and torture, referring to themselves, expressions such as “I resisted”, “I didn't inform on”, “I didn't turn anyone in”. Or, referring to others, expressions like: “he didn’t open anything”. (…) Expressions that, on the one hand, reflect the feeling of pride and honor of those who say them, also carry with them, implicitly, even if subtly, a painful accusation against those who say them. who, for some reason, didn't resist. Maybe they don't understand their pain," said the victim in her report.
Mezzaroba says that the owner of the above statement carried a load of guilt, apart from the inevitable psychological consequences of anyone who was a victim of torture promoted by the State. "She brought great pain, embedded in this logic that you should resist and not give anything away. In fact, everything that happens from the first violence in torture, nothing becomes the victim's responsibility after that. (…) she was the victim of unspeakable and incapable of measurement violence. Nothing that happens under torture is the responsibility of the victim. There, the human being no longer has control over his or her body. which is really important."
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
Kitsune!Anakin Anecdotes Pt.2
More Kitsune nonsense? More Kitsune nonsense! I haven’t bullied Anakin nearly enough with this even after having him change species. Why you ask? For the fuck of it. Context for this AU here.       
Heightened Senses Anakin is now especially susceptible to flashbang grenades - light sensitivity and his highly sensitive hearing. It actually makes him throw up the first couple of times as the over-stimulation makes his body go haywire. This is a problem when you are on the frontline of a war. Cue Kix trying to wrestle his General into wearing some goddamn ear plugs when on an active battlefield.
Anakin: Doesn’t this just remove the advantage of my extra hearing?! Kix: I’d rather have to yell for you to hear me than have to watch you stand completley stunned and stationary in the middle of a battle again!
Additionally, Anakin and Ahsoka have to travel ahead of their troops in the dark because the light of their helmet torches would blot out their night vision. But if they happen to be lurking in a dark room and a trooper walks in, it scares the shit out of them because of the reflective retinas swivelling to stare back at them.
Cody: Why do you have motion activated lights on everywhere? Just use the switches Rex: Listen, the General and the Commander are damn quiet when they want to be, I like to know what I'm getting into when I enter a room Cody: Oh for god sakes. The Jedi are not that bad. Rex: Alright, Cody. Come back to me when your Jedi's eyes start glowing in the dark.
Familial Group Foxes don’t have packs but do operate as a familial unit. I can see Kitsune following the same trend, keeping close within the same bloodlines and the Kitsune with the greatest number of tails would be the highest in the heirachy of that family tree (usually this would also be the oldest member). The irony being, Anakin would already outrank the majority of the Kitsune population before the war even ended with his five tails.
The adult Kitsune urge to pick up cubs that have wondered off too far would creep up on him sometimes with the younglings in the Temple. Grabbing them with his teeth on the back of their robes and carting them back to their assorted rooms happens more often than Anakin would like to admit. He does it to Ahsoka as a joke. He does it to Obi-Wan as a threat.
Anakin: Go to bed. Obi-Wan: I will go when this is finished Anakin: [hauls him up] You will be going now.
More Transformation Pros and Cons Being able to shift just parts of his anatomy at a time takes a lot of practice but it comes in useful when he needs the extra grip claws grant him when climbing. Bigger ears to vent out extra heat like Fennec Foxes when in desert regions, or changing his limbs to furry, clawed apendages so as to avoid frostbite in the cold. Boots start rubbing the wrong way so Anakin takes them off and transforms just his feet into paws. Immediately steps in the bog without the protection of shoes.
Anakin: Ah. This is worse actually.
Having to deal with sensory hell on a new level when things get inbetween his paw pads. Suffering.
However, trying to hold Anakin prisoner now would be incredibly difficult. This bitch can turn himself into the most fidgety tiny fox known to man. Binders won't hold him because he can just slip straight out of them, any aircent not smaller than a datapad will just become an easy escape route, and manhandling him comes with the risk of having your hand bitten off.
Ventress throws him into a small cage at one point and Anakin doesn't want to risk going back to his normal size in case it damages him more than the cage. He spends the entire time glaring out from between the bars at his captors waiting for someone to try and get him out again. That or trying to gnaw his way through the bars.
Its like looking at an unexploded bomb. A very angry looking unexploded bomb.
Ventress: Nobody wants to unpack this, so let’s just throw the whole thing away.
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knightprincess · 2 years
I Want To Remember (Captain Rex x Fem Reader)
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Words: Just over a thousand
Warning: None just a little fluff Synopsis: Rex returns to Coruscant with the hope of seeing a certain medic again
Returning to Coruscant was always one of Rex's favorite things. Not only for the down time, and seeing his brothers getting the much needed time to rest and relax. But because it also gave him the chance to rendezvous with a certain medic. The one Kix and Fives often teased him about. It had been a coincidence when the Captain of the 501st met her, or so he thought. Fives and Echo had insisted he join them for a trip to 79's, both Arc Troopers refusing to take no for an answer, even when Rex had tried. When they got there, the club was bursting with life, music loud and the lights blinding. The dance floor packed as normal. Jesse was at the bar with Kix and Tup. 
*~* Flashback *~*
Kix was talking to a woman, seemingly entranced by her, although that quickly changed the moment Fives waved to him. Kix's expression had instantly turned to one resembling mischief, where as Jesse and Tup seemed to be making a wager between them, no doubt more plans to cause havoc, as was normal when alcohol was involved. 
"That's Rex, the one I was telling you about" whispered Kix to (Y/N), a wicked grin appearing on his lips, as he went through with trying to set Rex up with someone special. With the help of Fives, Echo, Jesse and Tup, he'd settled on (Y/N) being that person. Finding her kind nature and sense of humor somewhat perfect for the great Captain. 
"Remind me again why you're setting me up with your captain?" asked (Y/N), finding herself lacking confidence. It had been years since she'd been on a date. Even before the war, she'd never considered herself good at the dating game, if anything she was terrible at it. Her last serious relationship had ended after her partner had cheated on her. He had the nerve to blame her for it, saying she was too boring, saying her stubbornness was the problem. 
"You deserve better than your last boyfriend and our captain needs to find a life away from the battlefield" responded Jesse, putting himself on guard duty. It was no secret her ex was still sniffing around, hoping for another chance now his toy had wizened up and left him. He'd tried several times over the last few weeks, although she'd made it clear it was over and she have no intention of putting herself through it all again. 
"Boys, Ma'am" voiced Rex upon joining the group at the bar, Fives winking as he always did and Echo offering his normal friendly hug. Rex of course noticing, silently questioning whom (Y/N) was and how long she'd been on friendly terms with several of his brothers. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't recall seeing her at 79's before. 
"Rex this is (Y/N), medic for the 212th Legion" spoke Kix, introducing the beautiful medic to his friend and Captain. Rex couldn't help the surprise to flash across his features. Cody had spoken of her and her talents as a medic, but never said she was so beautiful, or a conscripted medic. He'd never mentioned her name either. 
"Nice to finally have a face to go with the name" voiced (Y/N), her voice slightly raised, so she could be heard of the booming music. Cody had spoken of his legendary friend, like with the others, the Commander had spoken highly of Rex, Wolffe had too when he was around to add his opinion. 
"You've heard of me?" asked Rex, feeling proud, such a beautiful woman knew whom he was. "You just got to look around to my fellow brothers, to know my face" commented the Captain, receiving a chuckle from (Y/N) in response. Rex offered a smile, as pride bubbled up. Jesse close by rolling his eyes at the same old comment. A pick up line he'd practically begged Rex to never use again. 
Minutes later, Rex had lead (Y/N) over to a booth to the side of the dance floor. The others losing sight of the pair, although each of them had a cheeky grin placed firmly on their lips. Soon enough their other mischievous plans of helmet switch-a-roo would be in motion. 
"Another drink?" asked (Y/N), upon noticing Rex's empty glass. She'd found herself with nerves, although it was settling slowly. Rex on the other hand shook his head, leaning back with his brown eyes locked on the beautiful woman before him. "What?" nervously asked (Y/N), beginning to feel self conscious, wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to cover herself up. 
"Nothing. Just trying to take a picture of you in my mind" whispered Rex, determined to memorize every little detail about the medic in his company. Her beauty was something equal to a rare jewel to him. "I want to remember" added Rex leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. Asking her questions in an attempt to get to know her better. All while being oblivious to Fives, Echo and Jesse, keeping (Y/N)'s ex away from the pair. 
"You want to remember me?" questioned (Y/N), a cheeky grin appearing on her lips, as she unwrapped her arms from around herself, moving to rest against the table, ignoring her ex, attempting to get her attention. 
"I'd be a fool not to" replied Rex, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek, hearing a sweet giggle in response. Happy to continue the night, and making a metal note to thank the boys later. 
*~* End of Flashback *~*
Ever since that night, Rex looked forward to returning to Coruscant, even more so when the 212th were back at the same time. He knew he'd be gifted with more moments with (Y/N), his not so secret love. 
He wanted to thank her, as he did every time he was granted the chance to see her beautiful face again. She'd become the reason he'd continue to fight during the war, she'd become the person his thoughts drifted to during the quiet moments. Whenever he seen something in a market, he'd always think of (Y/N) and if she'd like it.
As of recent though, something else had entered his mind. Despite the war seemingly never ending, the captain had found himself thinking about the future. His future and what it could possibly look like. He hoped to retire in peace, farm somewhere like Cut had. He dared hope (Y/N) would be at his side, offering him the same love she often dotted him with. Just as he dared hope his brothers would also find peace and happiness in their own way, whatever that would look like. 
"Meeting up with a certain medic?" Jesse's voice broke the train of thought, the laughter of the others shattering it further. Rex shook his head, shaking away the cobwebs and the image of (Y/N) the night they met. Hoping to burn a new image into his mind that night. 
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