#they proceeded to fight some nazis
marvel-lous-guy · 8 months
Tony: okay, so we're all on the same page here?
Peter: yeah, but it's the last page of a book called 'I don't know what the fuck I'm doing'
Tony: Great! We're still all on the same page!
Steve: Let's go fight some Nazis!
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madphantom · 1 month
hiyaaa, hope you dont mind, but super randomly just popped into my mind, but how's your hair doing? i remember you bleaching it and how it turned blue or green or sth from it and i kinda had a crisis over it on your behalf, and then you had red like back in march, you still rocking that? also how much breakage are you fighting on a scale from one to ten?
not asking in a werid way, u just quit fashion colour due to employment™ and a lack if confidence against people judging®, so now I'm just invested in strangers' hair as a replacement
also please feel free to ignore me if you want !!
Aiiii I love asks remembering things about my personal posts!!
After the big bleach nightmare my hair was damaged as fuck, so I cut it shorter in the front, but then I kinda wasn't satisfied with how that looked so I just gave myself a bob. I immediately proceeded to regret this because cutting your own hair without a mirror during what could best be described as some sort of manic outburst never goes well and it looked bad, so I dyed it neon green.
The green was fucking gorgeous and long lasting so I ended up keeping it for a record time of three months while I was trying to grow back the unlucky bob, however I was in a movie in February and the director asked me to go blonde for it, so I went back to blonde.
Unfortunately my roots just looked incredibly yellow in contrast to the white hair I'd given myself previously ("like piss on fresh fallen snow" to quote my friend who soon after this quote became my boyfriend, do not make any judgement about my taste in men based on this fact), so immediately after the shoot I went to my trusty hair care store five minutes before closing time and grabbed some red dye.
The red was super cool? One of my top colours. It had this orange hue in the sun and gave off major Ziggy Stardust vibes. My hair had also grown out a bit again so I gave myself a rockstar shag and vampire bangs. However, it faded at crazyyy speeds and the faded colour was just this vague salmon and did not look good, so I switched to a more bluish red.
Well, at least according to the package. The shade was called poppy red. My bestie described it as venomous milipede pink. Cool colour, undoubtedly, but not quite my vibe. I did however briefly rock the faded pink with some bold red highlights. That looked cool.
Then I switched to turquoise! I had that colour last summer and got rid of it because I was photographed at a protest by a nazi with it and got scared to be easily recognizable. Back then I got this faded red hair because I wanted a colour that felt safe and the guy comforting me after the bad experience had faded red hair. My future boyfriend by the way, hi :) I currently have that turquoise hair and it's cool, but I'm heavily debating going lavender again. We'll see what my impulse control says:)
As for breakage: I religiously use conditioner at the moment, and as long as I stay in my hometown my hair is in perfect condition. I'm not sure what happens when I visit my boyfriend, the humidity is probably different in his hometown or something but it tangles like hell there. But all in all, 7/10, good hair:) thanks for your ask:)
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Memorials to victims of Stalinist repression in Russia are disappearing or being vandalised amid increasing attempts to rehabilitate the Soviet dictator.
For the past nine years, more than 700 plaques have been put up in Russia and elsewhere, commemorating the final residences of people who died in Stalin's purges in the 1930s.
Since May, however, dozens have disappeared in several Russian cities, according to Oksana Matievskaya, who is part of the plaque project Posledniy Adres (last address).
Police are not investigating the issue and Ms Matievskaya believes this is no coincidence.
"The memory of the Soviet terror challenges the concept of the state always being right and is, therefore, inconvenient for the Russian authorities. Especially following the invasion of Ukraine," she said.
Millions of people described as "enemies of the people" were sent to Soviet labour camps, known as the Gulag, and 750,000 were summarily murdered during Stalin's Great Terror in the 1930s.
Other memorials are also being targeted.
At least 18 monuments to victims of repression as well as foreign soldiers who fought in World War Two have been reported stolen or vandalised since February 2022. Most are dedicated to Polish nationals.
In October, a brick memorial to a prominent Polish priest was torn down and destroyed in the city of Vladimir.
A concrete cross erected in Komi republic, in memory of Polish prisoners, was also found demolished. Police attributed its destruction to bad weather and declined to initiate criminal proceedings, local media said.
Soviet authorities executed hundreds of thousands of Poles after 1939. In 1940, 1.7 million were deported to Gulag camps in Siberia and Kazakhstan.
Alexandra Polivanova of civil rights group Memorial believes the damage was ordered or carried out by authorities because Moscow wants the Soviet Union to be perceived as a powerhouse rather than an oppressive state.
She suggests the government doesn't want Russians to know the truth about their tragic past, especially now that Russian soldiers have been accused of war crimes in Ukraine.
"The authorities try to erase the memory of the crimes of that empire to cover up or justify the crimes of this one."
This is taking place alongside a resurgence in Stalin's popularity.
In July, a survey by independent pollster the Levada Centre suggested that 63% of Russians had a favourable attitude towards the Soviet leader - his highest approval rating in 13 years.
The explanation behind his rising popularity is not certain but Russian propaganda justifying the war with Ukraine has also glorified its Soviet past.
And unlike memorials to his victims, those to Stalin have increased in number.
An investigative channel on social media site Telegram called "We can explain" says there are 110 Stalin statues in Russia - 95 erected during President Vladimir Putin's rule and at least four during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Some Russians want even more. In August the private Russkiy Vityaz (Russian Knight) Foundation inaugurated an 8m-high statue of Stalin in the town of Velikiye Luki, and is collecting money for more.
Its website argues these monuments are crucial given that Russia is fighting "a real Patriotic war". The "Great Patriotic War" is how Russians describe the 1941-1945 war between the USSR and Nazi Germany. The Kremlin regularly compares Russia's invasion of Ukraine to World War Two.
Russkiy Vityaz, which is said to have been founded by the Russian Special Forces Veterans Association, has declined to comment on the reasons for its campaign.
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hobiebrownismygod · 8 months
OC/Spider-Sona Backstory: The Widow
Maitreyi Jokhar (she/her), Earth-20262, Present day, Spider-man/Black Widow variant
Part 1!
I'm planning on making this a series instead of one extremely long post, so her entire backstory up to her introduction to the Spider Society is probably going to be around two to three parts depending on how in-depth I decide to make it! Let me know if you have any feedback on my writing style or how I can make her as accurate as possible <3
Backstory & Powers:
Born in Andrapradesh, South India, she was kidnapped from her family at the age of 5 years old and never saw them again. Forced into a human-trafficking scheme, she was eventually taken into the Red Room program, better known as the Black Widow program, the same program that the MCU Black Widow was a part of before working for S.H.I.E.L.D. In this universe, the Red Room Program is an extension of H.Y.D.R.A., a Russian spy organization. From the ages of 7-14, she was trained alongside hundreds of other child soldiers to fight, kill and engage in acts of espionage and sabotage, eventually to join the army of mind-controlled Black Widows the Red Room program produced.
When she turned 15, she, along with 9 other young teenage girls, were chosen for H.Y.D.R.A's new adaptation program, where they experimented on some of their best soldiers/recruits to create a new kind of Super-soldier, after their hundreds of failed attempts to replicate the same serum used on Red Skull during WWII. Each girl experienced a different experiment, some being injected with powerful steroids, others having their DNA spliced and combined with others, etc... Understandably, none of these experiments worked. Except for one.
Maitreyi was placed into a leather chair and strapped down, quickly being injected with multiple paralyzers before being told to close her eyes and relax her arm. Doctor Hans Zola, grandson of Doctor Arnim Zola (Arnim Zola worked for the Nazis during WWII, which could be seen in the first Captain America movie), proceeded to inject her with a serum derived from the venom of a radioactive black widow spider, whom's DNA he had spent months perfecting to be able to link to hers accurately. 24 hours later, the process was completed and H.Y.D.R.A. had successfully created a super-soldier. However, this super-soldier wasn't the same kind as what they'd made during WWII with Red Skull.
Maitreyi did receive similar, but not the same abilities as the average Spider-person. She was unable to produce enough web for the daily, so she would use it limitedly, and only if completely necessary. She was flexible, fast and even acrobatic, as a result of years of Red Room training, but she did not gain the abilities of super-strength. She had to hone her strength herself after assimilating to the injection, through more time being trained by H.Y.D.R.A.'s best agents, specifically employed to morph Maitreyi into a super-weapon. One ability which was extremely beneficial for her future endeavors was her newfound intelligence and instincts. After being injected, she was able to better respond to threats, through enhanced reflexes (Spider-sense) and found that her problem-solving skills, especially those mechanical related (robots, machines, gizmos, etc...) were also amplified.
Only a few weeks later, she met Alexander Pierce. The man who took over Hydra after Red Skull's death. The man who's idea it was to turn her into a weapon. The man who was going to use her brainwashed, inhuman self to murder his own enemies until she was either captured or dead.
The missions started off small. Assassinating political leaders of minuscule movements in insignificant cities and towns. Kidnapping the children of runaway H.Y.D.R.A agents, destroying their lives, sparking fear into the hearts of the organization's enemies and even their allies. It wasn't until a few months later that Pierce sent her to the United States. He didn't disclose why she was going there. The only thing she had been given was a picture of an older man with an eye patch who Pierce claimed had something that "belonged to him." He told her that her job was to kill him. Not having a choice, not knowing that there was any other option besides compliance, she obliged. She wasn't even 16 years old.
Guys idk if any of this makes sense but I'm trying to create a storyline for her so its not like I just threw a random spider-person into the ATSV fandom and started shipping her with characters 😭. I want her to have her own backstory and reasons for her personality and stuff yk
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
Why is it soooo important to ppl that the nazis must have only been like, secretly warmongering antisemites with genocidal aspirations? When their leaders published manifesto “Why I am a warmongering antisemite with genocidal aspirations” is like, well known by name to schoolchildren everywhere? You see this on the right as well as the left btw; vaccines are the first phase in a secret holocaust-like overarching plot, just like the nazis did! etc etc
Part of it ig is that they want to believe they are fighting the nazis, here identified with some non-Nazi political movement, and they have to account for the fact that these opponents do not talk and act the way we would expect nazis to. Solution: the nazis also kept their true intentions secret, so really things are proceeding just like last time. But ofc Nazis do not exist as an object lesson in brave anti totalitarian resistance; they were a real flesh-and-blood political movement in concrete circumstances, not an abstract pattern for all future nefarious governments
Another part of it probably has to do with how many ordinary Germans could go on ignoring the gravity of their situation up until the 11th hour—an actual widespread phenomenon in the historical third Reich. It is then inferred that the Nazis’ aspirations were (at least superficially) hidden from the German public, or at least only gradually revealed. But here the explanation is less ignorance than denialism: many Germans were simply unwilling to accept the Nazis clear confession of their beliefs and ambitions
Much of it is also probably to do with viewing the death camps specifically as the true final aim of the whole regime from its inception. Which is somewhat dubious, but more plausible if you believe the party was willing to conceal its true agenda
But even so, it’s a strange conviction, given its patent falsity
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roseserpentpress · 11 months
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Rose Serpent Press: behind the name and design
I've been meaning to talk about the name of my bindery and the design I've chosen for it, but hadn't gotten around to it until today... I had originally meant to talk about it during binderary when it would be thematically appropriate and then proceeded to not do that... Anyhow, here's it now.
Rose- both to call to mind the colour and the flower.
The flower obviously represent the romance genre, which most fanfiction tends to revolve around. In fact the design of a rose has been used as an emblem by some publishing companies to specifically denote on the spine that it's a romance novel, which I partly got the idea from. The flower in the centre of the design is actually a wild rose which, of course, has its own significance with this being a non-professional bindery which is part of Renegade bindery, binding unconventional works. Also, wild roses like these grow in the area that I'm from, so it's also a nod to the geographical location I bind from.
The second part of rose which implies the colour pink, is to actually note the content as queer. Pink has been correlated with queerness since Nazi's forced those who they deemed gay to wear a pink triangle, and the colour and signia has since then been reclaimed by community. In this way I wanted to recognize that the work I'm binding is queer, especially emphasizing the history of oppression and censorship that comes with it, as well as present day issues of oppression and censorship around queer media. This is especially so as part of the books that were sought out and burned in Nazi Germany where queer books, and so I find this allusion quite apt. Part of the reason I bind fics, other than the enjoyment of the process, is recognizing both the incredibleness and the fragility of what we have on ao3; we have a huge sea of queer (erotic and platonic!) work and expression at our fingertips, like never before, but it's also not necessarily permanent, as the recent attack on ao3 reminds us. So to be able to bind these stories made with so much love, and to be able to preserve it, while also giving more love back to these communities with my own creations is a way to fight back against queer censorship and erasement (if I may be so bold and sappy...)
Serpent- yeah actually that's it for poetic stuff. This is more that I love snakes and been obsessed with oroborous' since I watched the Secret of Kells as a kid, and my previous stamp for the first few books included an oroborous on it. However, if you wanted to be poetic, it can be the recognition of the infinite queer persistence; we will and have always been here, even when oppressed. That and rose serpent could be flowery language for... Well I'm sure you can guess hehehe. Thematically appropriate for gay erotica ;D
For the design I heavily based it off of a design from a Latin and french emblem book called Imagination poetique and seeing the elements of the design and recognizing what could be implied, I immediately wanted to use it for my binderary design. I then tweaked the design until I liked it; I can't find the photo of all the original drawings I did playing with the design... I'll find it and add it later. I did the carving of the stone seals myself.
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unhonestlymirror · 10 months
"Exactly 32 years ago, the world was watching the ‘Moscow coup attempt’ unfold.
It’s a story usually told from the russian perspective: Soviet hardliners wanted to seize power & reverse Gorbachev’s reforms, but were defeated by Yeltsin & his supporters.
But events were also unfolding in the Baltics - usually presented as a minor subplot to that coup attempt.
Well, one positive from these past few year is that more people than ever before around the world are realising they’ve only been taught the russia-centric version of history - and there are so many incredible stories about russia’s neighbours that have been overlooked until now.
In reality, the Moscow coup attempt was the subplot.
Because the key catalyst and key outcome of it was the fact Eastern Europeans were breaking free from Moscow’s occupation. And arguably, the most consequential events of the ‘Moscow coup attempt’ happened here in the Baltics.
To us, it was the culmination of the Singing Revolution that had been underway for several years.
Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians were defying the attempted crackdown on re-independence and instead proceeding with the nullification of the nazi-soviet pact. Lithuania and Latvia had already both formally declared the continuation of their independence - yet faced violent reprisals from Moscow.
As chaos unfolded during the August coup attempt by soviet hardliners, Estonians seized the opportunity - exactly 32 years ago at 23:02 on 20 August - to follow their Baltic neighbours and formally declare the continuation of their independence and order occupying troops out.
Unlike today, there was no time to celebrate. Soviet paratropers were quickly dispatched to seize the airwaves and sever Estonia’s communications with the world.
It was the same playbook already used against Lithuania and Latvia where soviet forces had recently attempted coups by first attacking broadcasters & publishers - while murdering unarmed civilians in the way. That included the murder of 13 civilians during the soviet seizure of the Vilnius TV Tower.
This was ordered by Gorbachev - the guy hailed internationally for supposedly allowed the peaceful breakup of the soviet union. 🤷‍♂️
So the Estonians knew what to expect.
That’s what this picture shows. It’s ordinary Estonians ready for the battle of Tallinn’s TV Tower. They knew what happened in Vilnius. They all knew they could soon be killed.
But the Estonians had some surprises planned.
Firstly, the Estonians had figured out the comms channels that the soviets were using for their attack on the TV Tower. They launched an unprecedented information counterattack, jamming the soviet channels. It caused immense confusion among soviet forces around the TV Tower waiting to hear what they were supposed to do.
Also, Estonian defenders had secured the control room of the TV Tower. They used a box of matches to jam the only lift, ensuring that soviet troops would have to all come up the fire escape. When they reached near the top, Estonian defenders informed them that if they proceeded any steps further, then the tower’s fire suppression system would be activated. That would rapidly de-oxygenate the tower and kill both sides inside.
Both knew the Estonians would die for their freedom but nobody wanted to die for the already dead soviet union.
The soviet troops went back down, and the rest is history. It helped set off a chain of events that caused the collapse of the soviet empire. This is just one of many stories that it’s time for the world to hear about more.
Funnily enough, it’s believed that the fire fighting system didn’t actually work. It was a communist system, after all. 🙂"
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blitzkennedyrieg · 4 months
Rick. Ricky. Richter scale. I’m insanely bored can you pretty pretty please with a cherry on top give me some of ur fave ww2 facts you know please and ty🙏🙏‼️‼️‼️
EAYEYAAAAAAHHHH all my favourite ww2 facts off the top of my head GO
british spies plotted to spike hitler's food with estrogen to turn him into a woman because they thought it would make him less aggressive
the myth of carrots helping you see in the dark because of british ww2 propaganda. they were using radar technology to intercept german pilots during blackouts and didn't want them to know so covered it up by publicly stating that they were feeding their pilots carrots to give them night vision
benito mussolini had his face on the side of his headquarters like a fucking cartoon supervillain
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4. the entire ghost army thing. using inflatable tanks to successfully trick german forces
5. during the norwegian heavy water sabotage, the norwegian commandos briefly halted their mission to stop the nazis from developing nuclear weapons to help the caretaker of the facility they were trying to blow up find his glasses
6. hitler only spoke german. this memoir describes him like an afraid child who lost sight of his mother at a walmart
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7. supposedly the reason for hitler's Interesting mustache styling choice was due to his superiors in wwi ordering him to trim it so he could properly wear his gas mask
8. joseph goebbels looks like crocker
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9. a bear named wojtek was officially enlisted into the polish army. he learned how to march and salute and drink beer and eat cigarettes
ten. hitler was a vegetarian but made exceptions cause he's a ol' little bitch. one of his favourite foods was liver dumplings
11. people in the bunker were more devastated over the death of hitler's dog than the death of his wife
12. the jericho trumpets (sirens) on the skuta had the ONLY purpose of causing panic
13. hitler was asleep during the invasion of normandy. before his rest he ordered his men to not wake him up under any circumstance and they followed through
14. hitler liked multiple jewish people (eduard bloch and bernile nienau) but only considered them to be "exceptions" cause he's a ol' little bitch
15. hitler had only one ball
16. hitler and a few others played a prank on another nazi officer, ernst "putzi" hanfstaengl, sending him over an area that would mean almost certain death. this caused hanfstaengl to defect, hand himself over to the allies, and give up many, many special documents. hanfstaengl proceeded to work with president roosevelt during the war
17. the one where hitler laid his head on the lap of hanfstengl's wife and made an embarrassing attempt to flirt with her
18. in hanfstaengl's memoir he states that he wasn't fond of hitler's radical beliefs and thought he could "civilise" him. he thought he could fix him i'm criyng
19. the battle of castle itter where americans, french politicians, and nazis banded together to fight against nazis
20. hitler's nephew served in the US navy
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hamarhemmo · 2 years
A way too long analysis/rant/review of The Rocky Horror Picture Show
I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show a few days ago and then proceeded to watch it twice more in the following days. And I have very strong feelings about it. Those feelings are almost exclusively positive, so don't worry.
This is gonna be mostly just me rambling, so maybe not the most interesting thing to read, but I had a lot of fun writing it.
Kind of a content warning before I actually start talking about it, this post will be talking about things like homophobia, transphobia and dubious sexual consent, and include swear words and (reclaimed) slurs. So if any of that bothers you, proceed with caution.
Also I'm gonna spoil the whole movie but honestly the plot isn't as important as some other things in this movie so you should watch it anyways.
I will only be talking about the 1975 movie in this post since I haven't seen the play.
For those who either don't remember or know the plot, the film centers around four people. We're first introduced to a young couple Brad Majors and Janet Weiss who get engaged in the very beginning.
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To celebrate their engagement they decide to go visit their former teacher, Dr. Scott, who taught the class they met in. However on the way there, they get lost and a tire in their car breaks. The only building nearby is a creepy-looking castle. In the castle Brad and Janet meet the owner of the castle, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, who is a self-described "Sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania". Frank tells the couple that he's been trying to make a man (like Frankenstein) and thinks that he has finally succeeded. Frank brings a man named Rocky, who is very hot but very stupid, to life, and seemingly marries him.
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In the castle there are four more important characters: Riff Raff the butler, Magenta the domestic, Columbia who just kind of hangs around, and Columbia's boyfriend/Frank's implied ex-boyfriend Eddie. Soon after Eddie's entrance Frank kills him, "out of mercy". This will be relevant in a bit.
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Janet and Brad are brought to their seperate bedrooms and soon after that Frank sneaks into Janet's room and tries to have sex with her. After some resistance she agrees to it. Soon after Frank does the exact same thing to Brad. Janet finds out about this and has sex with Rocky while Magenta and Columbia watch and have sex with each other. Aforementioned Dr. Scott comes to the castle to ask about Eddie, and it turns out that Eddie was his nephew. At this point it turns out that Frank, Riff Raff and Magenta are aliens from the galaxy of Transylvania from the planet Transsexual. A fight breaks out and Frank turns Brad, Janet, Rocky, Columbia and Dr. Scott into statues. He then moves the statues to a theater stage in his castle and dresses them up in corsets and heels. The statues are turned back into humans and perform a song and a dance.
Also they imply that Dr. Scott is a nazi who moved to America after WWII so that's interesting.
After the performance Riff Raff and Magenta enter the room, kill Frank, Rocky and Columbia and leave back to Transsexual. Brad, Janet and Dr. Scott leave the castle and I'm assuming, head home.
Yes, that is the actual plot. Wasn't that fun?
Now we can get to actually talking about this weird-ass movie.
To me the most important thing about this movie was its unapologetic queerness. Recetly there has been a decenty chunk of movies and TV shows with queer characters and themes, but none of them have really worked for me perfectly for a few reasons. These shows and movies usually either:
a) Center around the fact that the characters are queer and are almost exclusively coming out stories
b) Have queer (usually side) characters who don't really "look or act queer"
I'm not saying that either of those are bad things, but I personally find them boring and can't relate to them. I just kind of always knew I was queer and didn't have that closeted gay teenager phase that the first types of movies are usually about. These movies often also center around relationships and I didn't date at that age. The second type of movies and TV shows don't really work for me either because I do look and act queer and it's a big part of my life. So seeing a character to whom being gay doesn't really matter that much or affect them as a person, isn't very relatable to me either.
Also most of the time gay characters in shows and movies are just boring. They're either evil faggots or cute flower boys who could do nothing wrong. But because Rocky Horror Picture Show isn't really a movie about queer people, all the characters just are very queer, they have the same amount (or even more) depth as straight characters would have in a similar "regular" movie. But a straight movie with the plot of Rocky Horror simply wouldn't work. Sure, the plot would make about as much sense (which is not a lot) but the movie would lose it's meaning. If you removed all the crossdressing, gay sex and queer symbolism from Rocky Horror, it would just be a weird musical Frankenstein adaptation with aliens, cheating women and occasional incest. Doesn't really sound like a movie I would personally love.
Without it's queerness, the movie would not have the cult following it has today. Fans don't watch the movie for the plot, they watch it for representation, hot men in corsets and heels and women finding confidence in embracing their sexuality. The movie is watched because it has been giving people something they don't really get anywhere else, especially around the time the movie came out.
At this point I would love to talk about the songs. Everything from their lyrics to symbolism to just how I personally like them. The movie has around 15 songs but it's hard to say what the exact number is, since some of the songs are so short they barely count as songs, at least one song was deleted from the final product, and at some points it's unclear if it's several songs right after each other or one very long song. But I will talk about these songs in this order in this post:
Science Fiction / Double Feature
Dammit Janet
Over at the Frankenstein Place
The Time Warp
Sweet Transvestite
The Sword of Damocles
I Can Make You a Man
Hot Patootie / Bless My Soul
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me
Once in a While (a cut song)
Planet Schmanet Janet
Planet Hot Dog
Rose Tint My World
Don't Dream It
Wild and Untamed Thing
I'm Going Home
Science Fiction
So this is the first song of movie. It is technically unrelated to all of the plot and kind of just sets the vibe for the movie while also referencing many Sci-Fi movies as a kind of tribute to them. Rocky Horror is after some kind of parody of Sci-Fi and horror movies. The video during this song is just red lips sin ging. Funny enough, the lips shown belong to Patricia Quinn (actress of Magenta) but the voice belongs to Richard O'Brien (the creator of the movie and actor of Riff Raff). Kind of a fun detail if you ask me.
During the song the credits are shown and that is really what this song is for. I personally don't care for it that much, especially since I'm not just a huge Sci-Fi fan but it's a nice song that actually makes me want to not skip the credits.
Dammit Janet
Dammit Janet is the first song sung by actual characters. The song is in the very first scene and during it Brad proposes to Janet. It's a pretty cute love song, the lyrics themselves aren't too special in my opinion. But there are a few fun details in this song.
First there's kind of foreshadowing of the fact that Brad's and Janet's relationship is going to fail. Before Brad sings "The road was long but I ran it", Janet tries to kiss him but he leans away. If that was me and my girlfriend, soon to be fiancée, tried to kiss me when I was singing, I would absolutely stop for a few seconds to kiss her. Especially since he leaned away at the last second. Kissing her wouldn't have taken any time from his song. Later when Brad gives her the ring, Janet seems to care about how pretty the ring is way more than the fact that she's going to marry her boyfriend. This is a fairly common trope but still. She also says "Now we're engaged and I'm so glad that you've met Mom and you know Dad". She isn't glad that they're engaged, she is glad that Brad has met her parents.
Also the whole songs takes in place at a graveyard adn in a church preparing for a funeral service, yet they seem unaware of that. Something something ignoring the bad signs about this relationship.
ALSO in this scene you can see people from the castle. Literally what are Riff Raff, Magenta, Columbia (?) and Frank doing there?? (Also it took me too long to realize that one of them was Frank 'cause he's not wearing any make up.) But like did they plan all of this? And if they did, why?? Is there something special about Brad and Janet? Were they just trying to find random people to trick to coming into their castle?
Over at the Frankenstein Place
I sadly don't have much to say about this song. It's honestly just a bit boring to me. It doesn't really move the plot forward or anything. Though they sing about how there's a light in everyone's life and they can seen a light in the castle. Maybe they will find the light (hope) in their life from the castle. Arriving there does change their lives drastically for the better or for worse depending on how you look at it.
The Time Warp
Honestly when I heard this song, is when I was sure I was gonna like the movie. This kind of fast tempo rock is very much up my alley, especially when the lyrics are abou ignoring time and enjoying life in the present. I have always been deeply afraid of the passage of time and forgetting about it, even for a while, is always great. Also during this song we get to see Frank's Transylvanian guests. I honestly love how they look.
We also learn a little bit of Columbia's backstory. It seems that unlike Frank, Riff Raff and Columbia, she is a human. Columbia's line also implies that Frank owns a pick-up truck which is very funny to me.
The song doesn't contribute much to the plot but it's a fun jam and also taught me a cool dance (Which based on Mgenta's line later in the movie is like a common dance on Transsexual.)
Sweet Transvestite
Frank's introduction song! I love him.
Sure transvestite is technically a slur for crossdressers (is that a slur? I honestly don't know dude) but sometimes things just are like that. Also he can call himself whatever the fuck he wants. Like damn, maybe I'm a sweet transvestite too, who knows.
I'm sure many people know this already but it's pretty funny that when when you hear him say "From Transsexual, Transylvania" you would assume that he's just calling Transylvania (on Earth) transsexual for some reason. But he's just saying that he's from the planet Transsexual from the galaxy Transylvania.
Also yes, transsexual is also a slur but it fucks so I'm using it.
The Sword of Damocles
Sadly this song isn't on the official soundtrack. It's honesly great. Rocky is a silly little guy and I like hearing him sing. Funnily enough all of his songs are dubbed and that is not the actor's voice.
Rocky literally just gets born and immediately starts singing about how his life's gonna suck.
It seems like he's afraid of Frank for some reason. Maybe it's just 'cause he's a weirdo, but it could also be because Rocky has half of Eddie's brain. Maybe he like subconsciously remembers Frank literally cutting his head open.
I Can Make You a Man
When I see the title written out like that I just hear the line from Lola in my head. It's not even the exact same line, I am suffering.
This is kind of funny to listen to 'cause Frank says that Rocky weighs 98 pounds and I have literally no idea how much that is. I'm assuming it's not a lot.
Also Frank starts straight up riding the pommel horse. I sadly don't know how to make a GIF but please go watch the video, I'm begging you.
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Look at him go. Oh, how I wish that pommel horse right now. Saying pommel horse so many times in a row sounds very weird but I don't know what native speakers actually call it.
Hot Patootie / Bless My Soul
Eddie simply didn't have enough screentime. He's honestly so cool. Sure, one of the news articles says that he like killed a woman or something but shit happens. I am stupid and gay and Eddie is hot so I'm willing to forgive him.
The song, again, doesn't really contribute much to the plot but it slaps. Even the Transylvanians jam out to it.
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me
This is in my opinion pretty much the perfect song for Janet. Her whole arc in the movie is her breaking free from 70s purity culture. She has sex for the first time and realizes she really enjoys it and now she wants more. Especially the line "Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a, touch me, I want to be dirty". Earlier in the movie she was this very classic cute pure female character from a movie in the 70s and now she finally gets to do what she has probably been told not to do for her entire life.
In this song she also gets her obligatory bisexual moment, fantasizing about everyone in castle, including Magenta and Columbia.
Also someone is finally nice to Rocky :)
Once In a While
So this song was cut from the movie, at least on Disney+, but is still on YouTube and the complete soundtrack on Spotify. I don't know if the video on YouTube is the original scene but that doesn't really matter. The song is also in theatrical releases but again, I have only seen the 1975 movie.
Anyways this is Brad's only solo and it happens after he slept with Frank. It seems like he's reflecting on his and Janet's relationship and feeling quilty and/or sad about sleeping with Frank. (Apparently in theatrical versions he had also found out that Janet cheated on her.)
I don't really want to comment on this song that much because I don't know everything about it, but it does make Brad look more bisexual. In the version that I saw, there wasn't really a lot indicating that Brad was attracted to women. Of course there's Dammit Janet and the fact that they are engaged but I don't know, he just didn't really seem to be that into her. Especially with his verse in Rose Tint My World, which I'll get to in a moment. But yeah, this feels like a more genuine love song to Janet even if he never mentions her name.
Also I find it funny that Frank is just sleeping on the bed right behind him. I like to think he's actually singing this out loud in the quiet dark bedroom.
I've also seen this song being called Eddie's Teddy but it's just called Eddie on Spotify so I'm going with that.
This song really just sums up Eddie's short life. This comes a bit out of nowhere but Eddie's cool so it was actually pretty interesting to hear about his life. A very catchy song.
Also Frank implies that he's serving Eddie as their dinner so that's lovely.
Planet Schmanet Janet
Honestly I have no idea what's going on in this song but the line "A mental mind fuck can be nice" kinda slaps. So true bestie.
Planet Hot Dog
This is technically a part of Planet Schmanet Janet but it's listed as it's own song on Spotify.
Characters basically just finally acknowledge the fact that his name is literally Frank-N-Furter. Very funny if you ask me.
Rose Tint My World
My absolute favourite song from this movie. There's just so much going on. This is actually the reason I wanted to make this post.
First of all, all the characters look very hot in the corsets and heels so I definitely enjoyed that. Also they zoom in on Rocky's dick and show Columbia's titties so that is also very lovely.
Let's go over everyone's verse seperately.
First there's Columbia. She sings about how things were great when she first started hanging out with Frank but as soon as he started working on Rocky, things started to go downhill. He started giving all his attention to creating Rocky and stole hald of Columbia's boyfriend's brain. Now Frank has even killed him and Columbia doesn't have much to live for. She ends the verse with "Rose tints my world, keeps me safe from my trouble and pain". I'm assuming she's talking about the expression of wearing rose-tinted glasses aka pretending that everything is better than it actually is. At this point it's all she can do.
Second verse is Rocky's. Rocky sings about how he was born only hours ago and how the only thing he has really been taught is sex. Throughout the movie everyone just takes turns either fucking him or abusing him. And of those two things only one is widely considered to be nice. Because of this the only thing he knows to keep him safe is having sex. He ends his verse with the same line as Columbia. To him it means ignoring everything negative in his life and only paying attention to the thing that has brought him pleasure.
Brad's verse seems to be many people's favourite (that includes me). Out of the four, he seems to be the most afraid at this moment. He has found out things about himself that he did not want to know and could've lived a decent life by ignoring, but now he's forced to face the reality that he's queer. In his verse he shows disbelief that this could be happening to him. He begs for his mom to help him and wake him up from this dream, missing his days of innocence and naïvety. After falling to the floor he still says that he feels sexy, possibly for the first time in his life. To this point he has always been just an average American young man with nothing that "special" about him. Now he's dressed up in corset, fishnets, heels and make up and actually feels beautiful and wanted. He doesn't know what's come over him, since as he has probably been told, queer people are perverts, rapists and murderers and suddenly he is one of them. And he didn't get to have the slow realization and time to reflect that many others have. All of this has happened to him in one night. He doesn't sing the line "Rose tint my world" like Columbia and Rocky but it is implied. He just wants to pretend that none of this happened and everything's fine in his life. Also unlike Columbia and Rocky who just kind of stay in random poses after their verses, Brad covers himself up as seen during Janet's verse. I feel like this comment on YouTube puts it well:
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Janet's verse is pretty much the opposite of Brad's. She seems to be the only one to be genuinely thankful to Frank for opening up her world. Frank let her break free from the oppressive society and she feels more confident than ever. She also says that "[Frank's] lust is so sincere" unlike any attraction Brad has shown towards her. She also very much shows off her body in this scene, clearly enjoying the revealing clothes she's finally allowed to wear. I'm also going to mention now that in the next songs she says "God bless Lili St. Cyr". Lili St. Cyr was a famous stripper around the time. She again is happy that people like sex workers have made it more normalized to wear revealing clothes.
Don't Dream It, Be It
This is technically Frank's verse of Rose Tint My World, but again Spotify lists them as seperate songs on the ceomplete soundtrack. He starts by telling us about how when he was younger he saw Fay Wray (who was btw earlier referenced in Science Fiction / Double Feature) on TV and started to cry because he wanted to dress just like her. I'm sure this is a familiar feeling to many members of the LGBTQ community, getting gender envy as a kid from seeing an attractive person on TV.
After this he sings about how you should give yourself over to absolute pleasure, including dressing and acting however you want. He also encourages you to enjoy "the sins of the flesh". For any fellow non-Christian's out there, sins of the flesh according to Google include "sexual immorality", sensuality, orgies and "things like these". Many of these things are considered pleasurable by the vast majority of people.
After this he jumps to a pool that just is there. He tells you to be it instead of dreaming it. By it he could mean pretty much anything but I'm assuming it's just general "If you want to do something (like crossdress or have gay sex), you should do it instead of just dreaming about it and dying unhappy."
Also the floor of the pool is painted to look like Michelangelo's painting The Creation of Adam. This is slightly unrelevant but there's a fair amount of proof that Michelangelo was not straight.
After this Columbia, Rocky, Brad and Janet join him in the pool and they all start making out with each other. During this Dr. Scott manages to turn back from stone and says that they must get out of there before he also 'goes crazy' so to say. However it's too late and he reveals his leg so that the audience can see that he's also wearing fishnets and heels, becoming like Frank and the rest.
Wild And Untamed Thing
This song is still in a way part of Rose Tint My World.
Frank gets up from the pool and starts singing about how he's "a wild and untamed thing" and "a bee with a deadly sting". This part feels like it's just about Frank's personality. He is a very short-tempered nonconforming murderer. Then the rest join in on the song and now they're singing "we're a wild and untamed thing". Maybe I'm just imagining it but 5 (6 if counting Dr. Scott) bisexuals in drag on stage singing how they don't fit into society, makes it really seem like "we" means queer people.
Also a fun thing about this song is that by the end of it Rocky's actor can't keep up with the rest an he's unable to lift his legs as high as others or even jump. I just think that's a funny detail.
After this song Riff Raff and Magenta enter the room declaring that they're returning to Transsexual. They're also wearing fishnets which kind of makes it seem like this is a normal attire on Transsexual, but that's not really important right now.
I'm Going Home
This is genuinely the saddest song to me, partially because I know how it's going to end.
Frank sings about how when he left the galaxy of Transylvania, he didn't feel like he missed it. But now on Earth he has seen beautiful things including the blue sky, which possibly doesn't appear on Transsexual as it is described as the land of night. But he realizes that it's time for him to go home. At this point he imagines an audience on the empty seats in front of the stage, showing his desire to perform to large groups of people, even if they never say it out loud.
Sadly he is not going, home and he is killed immediately after the song, ending his life too early but completed.
Conclusion or something
I'm not crying, you're crying.
I feel like I've really said all I wanted about this movie. It's been really fun writing about this movie and why I love it. Though I'm surprised if anyone has actually read this far. This post is 4176 words long by the way. That's longer than my Finnish essay for school.
Thank you, if you read this and I sincerely hope that you'll watch this movie if you haven't already. ♥
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thefuseoftemptation · 2 years
I was picturing the Lost Boys and a disabled s/o. (I have to use forearm crutches due to spinal trauma but grew up in a dojo, so I know how to kick butt even now; it just causes me more pain when I have to.) How do you think they’d feel about having a pigheaded s/o with forearm crutches?
You got it, srry it’s late.
A/N: none.
WARNING(S): cussing.
. . .
They met when they saw you hand it to a surf nazi. You could say you caught their eyes that night. 
The had come up to you when you were leaned up against the wall. Which honestly wasn’t very wise of them since 1.) it was just you and some fuckin guys you’d never seen surrounding you and given how you grew up it put you heavily on guard and 2.) they just saw what you did to that surf nazi with crutches. And they’re gonna get that close???
“Hey hun, look—”
“Unless you’d like my foot up your ass, then leave."
They kind of just stared at you. And then simultaneously, three out of the four took a step back as you were already looking to hand it to them. Paul though, not so much. The guy only got closer chuckling at your words, and before any of the boys could pull him back, you sent a kick his way. 
There he was on the ground clutching his stomach releasing quite a few curses. And as for you, you were leaned to the wall once again, but this time—wincing.
“You alright?” The brunette asked in concern, slowly coming up to check on you
“Yeah yeah I’m alright. Don’t touch me!—”
He backed up with his hands in the air as if to show he meant no harm. He was just trying to help. 
“Is that so? You don’t look it.” The bleach blonde spoke
You sighed and looked to the them, before telling. You had crutches due to some trauma you experienced to the spine and while it didn’t stop you from going ‘bout your usual, it hurt sometimes when you did so.
They listened and nodded. Then explained that they just came to talk to you which earned them a snort followed by a response on ‘how they shouldn’t do that because you never know who you’re dealing with.’ 
“Thought you guys were going to try something.”
From there, you guys were constantly together. Every night the boys coming to look for you where ever that was at. 
You also had given your sorry to Paul, even though it wasn’t really necessary since you had warned him and he shouldn’t have kept going. He took it well though, like nothing even happened, and proceeded to commend you for your moves. Which then brought up the question of where you learned them.
You told them you grew up in the dojo. Explaining what it was and how martial arts was basically in your veins.
They were impressed.
Marko would ask you all sorts of questions, so interested in knowing what it was like and even asking how to do certain moves. Which concerned Dwayne and David because 1.) they didn’t need you exerting yourself more than you should—cue you rolling your eyes and ignoring them and 2.) Marko was already quite the fighter, they didn’t him need him learning any more things. They had pulled him from enough fights, no more please. You two were the same when it came to your stubbornness so good luck to the boys in trying to get you to listen.
Paul was interested to know too but kept a fair distance and didn’t try to provoke you. He’s seen what you could do, felt it too. Though there are nights where he does forget.... 
“That hurt hun!”
“Then why’d you try it! You think I was just going to stand there and let it happen!—”
But he also never likes seeing you hurt after, he’d end up pulling you in for a hug and then bringing you to the couch so you could rest and he could hold you.
Dwayne liked how you could hold your own, it impressed him so much. He liked how your disability didn’t stop you from nothing. But he just didn’t like how you were so fuckin stubborn when it came to it. It worried the boy so much when you would wince or suck in a breath whenever you tried something or over exerted yourself. He wasn’t trying to keep you from doing what you were used to and had grown up on, though at the same time he couldn’t help it! 
David was much like Dwayne in that sense. Though he tended to be more  subtle ‘bout it. He would reprimand you every time, expecting you to listen and take in his words. So vision his face when you just didn’t. It would fuckin send him. He wasn’t too fond of you ignoring what he says. Like, excuse him for worrying...
Your stubbornness was quite amusing and might I say, a peeve of theirs—mostly David and partly Dwayne. Just a little. 
Though I doubt any body would try anything with them nearby and surrounding you basically all the time. And if they did, well you weren’t the only one who was going to be handing it to somebody. Not only that but, that person just put themselves on a missing poster.
They care for you oh so much. 
a/n: none.
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tuesday again 1/24/2023
new england winter: very cute and picturesque until you actually have to live here
psycada by abstract, the opening track off the album hiking lung. a brief instrumental that sounds like a hazy-cicada-shimmer summer. it is a blisteringly hot day where you don't really have to do anything but even though you're out on the porch swing under the deck with a freezy pop it's not doing much. the vocals remind me very much of The Dandy Warhols once the rest of the album slides into more of a garage/psych rock vibe. a sort of understated fuzzy im-lying-down-right-now quality. i think these vocals would be background instead of lead in a more energetic track.
the album has several good tracks for the "datacore" playlist, which is full of mellow medium-paced instrumentals bc if i am alone with my thoughts while i clean addresses i will die
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i have Bullet Train on hold at the library but tbqh this section is probably going to be me gloating over various crypto crashes for the forseeable future. Molly White of web3isgoinggreat.com reports on the Three Arrows Capital guys setting up a new venture to (checks notes):
Not only that [both partners currently on the run from their creditors], but the exchange plans to focus on claims trading — that is, the trading of claims held by creditors against debtors who are undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, like FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, or Mt. Gox (throwback!). The fact that 3AC was a major catalyst in kicking off the string of bankruptcies we saw throughout 2022 was not lost on observers, with Nic Carter of the Castle Island venture capital firm commenting that the endeavor "is akin to arsonists returning to the scene of the crime and offering to charge their victims for buckets of water".
mwah. very much glass houses since castle island is also on the verge of going under due to its almost total focus on blockchain infrastructure but GOD. what a sentence.
unpaywalled bloomberg article on the wayback machine here.
this is some of the dumbest fucking bullshit ive ever read and im so fucking happy i no longer have to care about this at a professional level.
Bullet Train (2022, dir. Leitch) asks "what if you put a whole bunch of assassins all on the same high-speed train?"
this is the glass onion of action movies. now i do like a perfect little puzzlebox of a movie made by people who really love movies, but this flavor of film is so fuckin smug about itself. this movie wants you to know it took AP Lit. this movie is a long variation of the whedon effect/"well THAT happened!” effect, where characters react to payoffs with the barest and briefest of setups an hour before in the movie. 
the thing that made me have a good time is this movie was directed by the guy who directed Atomic Blonde, one of my top ten movies and one of the best action movies of the last decade. LOVE an ensemble of goons all introduced with their own setup/backstory scenes. this film is seventy percent tightly choreographed fights with improvised weapons in tight spaces.
i am a simple woman. i like a bloody, disheveled man.
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alternating very fun and very unpleasant times with my big strong boy in wolfenstein: the new order. now, i am a little bit like "wow, you find the nazi prison camp level unpleasant? how shocking!" at myself. i was not really paying attention to the global rise of fascism in 2014 when this game came out bc i was busy dropping out of college and having a mental breakdown, but the nazis in shooters i have played or watched since 2014, especially call of duty: wwii, seem defanged compared to wolfenstein.
i will probably have more and more coherent things to say once i play more of this game, bc i am just about to bust out of prison at about ~9.5 hours of playtime. apparently this is the halfway point? after the first enigma code i looked up what the other ones do, decided i don't care about other game modes, and have not been trying especially hard to be a completionist about each level/unlock all the perks by doing different kills. i am talking to everyone and looking at everything and reading all the posters, and it is interesting how such a fast-paced shooter is adapting so well to me walking around and taking my sweet fucking time at whatever difficulty level is one below the recommended difficulty level.
a note on the plot-bearing moldy concrete. like yeah mold will grow on most things, including concrete, and yeah i guess the moldy concrete will kill you slower than the nazis will, but even though i love how lived in and cozy the kreisau circle hideout feels, it gives me the heebie jeebies. mold is quite bad for you. please prioritize another railing over another couch. also what the fuck math is tekla doing here??? i could not get a clearer shot even on max settings sorry
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GOD i loved the london nautilus moon exhibit. yes i WOULD like to dual wield shotguns shooting nazis while running up and around a giant moon model. level perfectly tailored for me. HOWEVER! i would rather be shot in the head quickly and cleanly instead of trying to maneuver an EXPERIMENTAL HELICOPTER through a bunch of tunnels in creepy and wet conditions. being shot in the head would, again, be a much much cleaner and quicker death than any potential helicopter crash over the water. i hate planes to begin with but holy fuck helicopters no FUCKING thanks (ign screenshot)
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for such a power fantasy of a game there sure are a hell of a lot of stealth sections. no stealth game is ever going to hold up to dishonored but boy did i really want these sections to feel more like dishonored.
fussing around with a f/allout: new vegas courier six/veronica/christine riff on classic noir film The Big Sleep for femslash feb. it's fun to write six even bitchier than usual
“Did you want to be the detective or the lady?” Six asked.
“Both of them were pretty cold fish.” It was very stupid to wait when she could have this immediately. Veronica flipped the covers back on her way over. 
“Harsh words to throw at a woman, especially when she’s already in your bedroom.” Christine clutched at Six’s silk pajama lapels as she was tipped back up. Six’s other hand dropped to play with her dressing gown tie. 
“Now, baby, a fish is–” They were never ever going to let Six live that one down. 
“You know,” Six said with as much dignity as anyone groping her wife’s ass could have, “being shot in the head — twice! took all the memories of fish from my previous aquatic life as a Shi Town mermaid.”
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ofwraithsandwords · 1 year
Sees: "This sort of goes into my headcanon on how Integra's father has influenced her conduct with her subordinates and her position as director, but that's another subject entirely."
May you please explain more about this! (same anon btw). I am very interested! I feel like it might be in the minority of thinking she's not a very good leader/director. Her go-to solution to most things is to send Alucard out. Which always leads to a mess. Even her father realized that using him too much could've been bad. Not sure why or how he came to that conclusion. Or if ever learned from it in his later life… But I do find it interesting that his daughter proceeded to use Alucard for everything involving vampire extermination. Even gaining a replacement for alucard in seras during the 30-year gap.
More likely, stuff like that was written for cool set pieces/fights rather than show questionable leadership choices. Thus some of my confusion comes from whether this is sloppy writing or was actually intended in some way. Also, I should end this by saying this isn't a knock on her character. I just like to overthink ideas in this manga too much.
Hey again, Anon! Sorry for the delay!
Yeah, I do feel like Integra's leadership skills are definitely lacking in certain situations, but like you said, this is likely more of a way to showcase Alucard's abilities and violence in the anime as opposed to showing how Integra is kind of an incompetent director.
But here's the thing: you have to remember that Integra was given the organization when she was...14, I think? So she basically had 7 or 8 years to learn all the ins-and-outs of not only vampires as a species, but occult/supernatural-related subjects as well AND has to direct, supervise, plan, and mitigate any incidents/operations thrown her way. All the while keeping this secret sector of the English government totally under wraps. So...no pressure?
Like you, I don't think less of Integra as a character if she's seen as a faulty leader. In fact, I think it makes sense in certain cases and makes her characterization more complex and nuanced.
Anyways, as far as my headcanons about how her father shaped some of her mannerisms goes, I think it was his more clandestine behavior is what really effected Integra the most. The womanizing, drinking, smoking, fraternizing with other officials and superiors, keeping the true nature (or at least part of) the Hellsing Organization from his only daughter - the list goes on. Being around this behavior is going to have an impact on a child, especially seeing how her father probably treated women as little more than arm candy and a means for pleasure.
I think this might've been part of what drove Integra to dress in suits, to smoke cigars, and go by "Sir" in order to be on the same pedestal as her male counterparts. You could argue that it's because only knights could join the Round Table of Protestant Knights and not dames, but honestly? It's not like they couldn't make an exception. They wouldn't have had a choice. Regardless of what your opinion is, Integra chose to go by "Sir". No one calls her Mistress Integra, Lady Integra, or Dame Integra - there's only one person that refers to her with a female title and it's the Nazi war criminal himself with "Mein Fräulein".
I also have a headcanon that until Seras showed up, Integra was very in the closet and had a good bit of internalized misogyny. I mean, she grew up around and was raised almost exclusively by men, most of which who implicitly benefited from their patriarchal government. I'm sure a few of them had a few choice things to say about women and minorities in general despite Integra being half-Indian.
Anyway, once Seras was introduced and she and Integra spent the next 3 decades together, I like to think that Integra really unlearned quite a bit of the prejudice that was put on her at an early age and came to be proud of her identity as a half-Indian woman.
Most unsavory comments are met with criticism or a good glare from her which ended up causing quite a rift between her and some of the other knights. But most of them are maggot food at this point, so it doesn't really matter.
I will say though, despite her being much more respectful than her father, she's been known to put on the charm in front of a pretty lady once in a while.
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a-tale-never-told · 9 months
History of Novoselic (Part 3)
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So the 1930s rolled in, and the question of who would succeed Josip was in debate. Zoya had most of the qualities to lead but did not have military experience. Paul, by comparison, had a few issues with ruling as a king, but was exceptionable in military tactics, specializing in air warfare and guerilla tactics, and had a keen eye for talent within the youth. But the debate raged on untill eventually, a solution was found: They would vote on it at the Rastek.
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It was tough, but everyone in the Rastek and the public decided to vote for who would be the new monarch. After some complications and sorting out a bit, in March of 1932, the first queen of Novoselic, Zoya Nevermind was elected as the new Monarch, by a vote of 143 to 139 in the Ustek, or electoral college. As for Paul, he was appointed as the Novoselic ambassador to Great Britain.
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Zoya right off the bat, started to show some strange behavior, such as exhibiting near-dictatorial power, banning free elections and the press, and cracking down on those who spoke up. Created a secret police, called the Auslejc, who proceeded to patrol the streets and arrest people on the accusations of them being "Communist" and "Stalinist sympathizers" Hundreds, even thousands of people were arrested and were purged from the start of her regin untill the end of the war. Propaganda was used extensively to promote Zoya's regime as a golden era and she would like to star in films a lot, often ones that were really bad. It was so bad, that she starred in more movies rather than leading the country, which was in the hands of her ministers.
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Back home in Britain, Paul was horrified by the news, but he couldn't go back. Zoya had postponed his flight back to Novoselic indefinitely, no doubt in an attempt to hold onto power. And so Paul stayed, already trying to mend deteriorating relations with Britain and France as Zoya courted Fascist Italy, and now Nazi Germany too. Zoya had taken a liking to Hitler, supporting his policies, especially against the Soviet Union and Communism, even calling for a genocide of ethnic Russians. Paul, on the other hand, was making friends with people like Winston Churchill of all people, who was a key figure in getting Paul back to Novoselic.
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As the 30s progressed, Paul was becoming more friendly with the British, though was frustrated at Parliament for hesitating against Fascist aggression in Africa and Europe, like the incidents over Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia. He demanded they stop trying to appease the Germans, claiming that starting a war was what they wanted, and it was already happening, saying that they wouldn't just stop at the German lands. And he was right. On September 1st, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, starting WW2.
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Paul knew this would happen and so talked to Churchill, by now the prime minister, about the possibility of sending him back to Novoselic to lead an insurgent movement against Zoya. Churchill was a little hesitant at first because Paul would have to go through Greece, which was neutral at the time. However, in 1941, the Germans invaded the Balkans in support of Italy, who were getting their ass destroyed by Greece and Yugoslavia. With aid from Novoselic, the Germans invaded and conquered Greece. Since Greece was now part of the conflict, Churchill finally agreed to send Paul back to lead the resistance against the Germans, Italians, and Zoya.
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Paul's plan was to fly a plane to occupied Greece in the middle of nowhere, and then drive several miles through tough terrain to head to Novoselic, where he would meet Novoselic partisans fighting the Axis and be their leader. Accompanying him were a few British commandos in disguise, sent by the British as bodyguards to protect him on the way. And so on July 8th, 1941, Paul flew to North Africa and then from there took off to Greece. Once in Greece, Paul wasted no time finding transport, eventually seizing an Opel Blitz that had been left abandoned by the Germans, and drove to Novoselic. The journey was tough, they had to stop for food, water, and gas frequently and were almost detained by the SS, but eventually, he made it to the town of Cara, where the British intelligence said the rebels were there.
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Upon arrival, Paul wasted zero time taking charge of the rest of the group and broadcasted his voice to other rebel groups in the country, telling them to unite under him in a coordinated effort to bring down the Axis. Eventually, he untied the rest of the Novoselic groups around his cause by 1942 and went on a guerilla campaign against the Axis. What made Paul special, was that he was great at fighting and leading a rebellion even more than his own father. He would sabotage the tanks and select where to fight, either in the dense forests or the high mountains and hills. He also started the first command pose, which was to show authority in the line of duty.
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By 1943, Paul had expelled the Italians out of the mainland, by capturing their field commander during the battle of Ostos. With Italy suing for peace soon after, Paul was left to combat the Germans and Zoya alone. By the middle of 1944, the rebels had taken most of the South of the country and were advancing North. The Germans, by this time, were fighting on all fronts, the Eastern Front had fallen apart and they had to pour resources into fighting everywhere, and fighting Yugoslavian partisans didn't help matters either. Eventually, the German commander in charge decided to give up, and by late 1944, issued a withdrawal into Czechoslovakia.
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Zoya, pretty much alone at this point, tried to escape with them, but was found by the partisans. She was captured, tortured, and then executed on Paul's orders. Paul felt guilty at having to order the death of his sister, but it was either her or the nation, and the nation mattered far more to him than his sister, who betrayed the people to the fascists. The following year, British forces coming from Greece arrived in Novoselic, already having self-liberated itself. With Zoya's death, most of the generals surrendered or went into hiding. And so, Novoselic became united again, with them electing Paul as king shortly afterward, and proceeded to do away with Zoya's rules.
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But now, Paul had to lead the nation into a new era, against a familiar rival and in a world more spilt the last...
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secretgamergirl · 1 year
Can we talk about this sniveling little worm for a moment?
So I’m still locked out of my twitter account (and consequently bleeding followers on Patreon and probably going to freeze or starve to death soon) but people keep posting fresh examples of the new CEO finding new and innovative ways to run the whole thing into the ground, and while I’d love to check the actual ratio, of what I see, something like 80% of the statements people are pointing and laughing at come not just from standard out there posts, but stuff he’s saying in the replies of this particular little worm here. Which is odd for a number of reasons, but the thing is I have a pretty involved history with this particular random nazi loser that makes it feel extra surreal.
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Once upon a time, starting around the summer of 2014, there was a big ol’ nazi uprising on the internet. Which came weirdly close to coinciding with when I started this blog, especially after I nuked some of the earliest posts for safety reasons, and as I certainly hope everyone knows I got pretty heavily involved in countering nazi BS, both independently and networking with other people fighting that particular good fight.
Somewhere in there, I wound up as part of a sort of combination support group/think tank/resource center for major victims of nazi crap, and that’s where I first encountered this particular little worm... and if it wasn’t clear I’m going to continue to refer to him as such for purposes of not coming up if he goes vanity searching. Among other things he has a history of stalking me which I’d like to keep as just history, you know? Anyway, the hell of a thing with it is he DIDN’T first come to my attention as a gross little nazi, but as an anti-fascist activist beyond reproach.
So that angle makes this tricky to talk about because it makes someone else look real real bad and I don’t want to go starting THAT fight, but there was an individual who was a major early target people were aware of and had a lot of faith in, and who frankly was an absolutely terrible judge of character and particularly vulnerable to flattery. So this little worm wrote some messages to that major target, who proceeded to present him to everyone else working to do anything about the whole mess as “one of the few good reporters out there on this” and later because of course this came up, talked him up as a “former nazi” when in reality there was nothing former about it, and he was just using this person’s susceptibility to boot-licking as a way to undermine anti-nazi things and/or make himself feel important by proximity to people who were in headlines.
Anyway, I’d never say anything this cruel about someone who isn’t a literal, wrote a high school essay about how much he loves Hitler nazi, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who was as generally worthless and oblivious as this little worm. Like, in the brief period where I interacted with him, I remember him coming to me for advice because he’d boot-licked his way to editor at a very minor game review website (I’ve held such a position) and a woman was complaining about being harassed by a coworker. Totally taken off guard by the only sensible advice anyone could give there, fire the creep. He instead wanted some magical trick to make this woman just somehow be OK with it. Shortly thereafter, there was basically no staff left, he’s trying to hire someone new to write for the site, and is deeply confused that nobody’s interested in committing to writing... I want to say it was 8 thousand-word articles per day, 7 days a week, for a grand total of 80 dollars a month. He was also thoroughly thoroughly convinced that all political unrest in the country would just stop completely the day a video game he was looking forward to was released.
I’d speculate on how he managed basic tasks to get through the day like meals and hygiene, but he’s highly infamous for ranting about his bed, keyboard, and various other things being covered at all times in ants and being at a complete loss as to what to do about it besides just crush them by sleeping/typing right on them. So, there’s that. Look him up and you’ll find plenty of other stories of just how jaw-droppingly bad at just existing and having thoughts this guy is.
This guy who the rich idiot running Twitter into the ground is discussing every single move he makes with. It’s just weird, right? He’s still this generally clueless, still an outright self-applies the term even nazi, still in deep last I checked with outright child sexual exploitation sites, and here he is playing evil vizier. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say he’s playing Brainy Smurf. So far as I can tell he’s just repeating all his bad ideas back to him and trying to rephrase them into something sensible enough to get a “yes, exactly!” back. I’d say bootlicking is the one thing this guy is good at but... no. People who are actually good at that sort of thing get something out of it, materially. This weird little clown just stays in the spotlight with no real benefit.
But the important thing is that yeah, the current head of what’s left of Twitter is actively palling around with a notorious neo--nazi and is enthusiastic about all his feedback. Heck of a thing to see.
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sonofcoulson · 1 year
1944 Captain America: The Invaders
We should learn more about Hydra and how they operate. Introduces the Invaders team.
Build up the relationship between Cap and Stark, as well as Cap and Peggy and Cap and Bucky. Also Cap and the Howling commandos.
Peggy should get to kick butt in this movie.
This takes place after D-Day. The allies are beginning to turn the tide of the war. Our heroes, however, are fighting a different battle.
Now that Red Skull has shown his true colours, his experiments are becoming less tolerable to the Third Reich. Hydra is a massive threat to the whole world and so Cap and the others are engaged in a somewhat secret battle in France.
Because of where we ended the IAC version of First Avenger, Cap and Peggy are still estranged. The last time she saw him she shot at him!
We open on the scene where Peggy sees that Cap has a picture of her in his compass from the propaganda film, but now from her point of view. This could be proceeded by an actual newsreel on D-Day.
Peggy: Where was that video taken?
Howard: Somewhere in the French countryside I think.
Peggy: Let's find an assignment in France, shall we?
We see Cap, Bucky and the Howling Commandos (HC) following a lead to a small Hydra factory, manufacturing one type of component. This is not the first one they have discovered.
They destroy the factory, wondering what Hydra are building. It is obviously some kind of weapon, but it is hard to tell what kind from the limited number of factories and components they have found.
Meanwhile Namor and his Tri Team have been pursuing Merrano and destroying experimental tesseract powered U-boats and other Hydra naval forces along the way.
Jim Hammond (The Human Torch) has been after Master Man. He has been destroying experimental tesseract powered air support and other Hydra air and ground forces along the way.
Peggy and Howard are now in the countryside, investigating whole squads, allied and German, that seem to have been beaten to death. They find one survivor who is embarrassed to tell them that it was a woman.
They surmise that it was Julia Koenig and that she must have gained her powers from the phase 2 super soldier serum in the lab accident from the Human Torch movie.
In the debris of another battle they fine no survivors at all. Allied and Nazi soldiers bodies alike, in no fit state to send home to their mothers, as Howard puts it. There is earth overturned and scorch marks everywhere, huge tank tracks in the ground...
They wonder if Red Skull has outgrown the Nazis. They follow the trail.
Namor's team pursue Merrano to a river based field laboratory where Cap's team have also traced their next components to.
Namor: The famous Captain America. I believe our meeting is long overdue. Now we shall see if you are as great a warrior as they say.
Steve: Pleasure to meet you Prince Namor. Please, call me Steve.
(Namor proceeds to call him Captain for the rest of the movie)
After a big laboratory fight including brainwashed Talokanil and experimental tesseract weapons the heroes triumph. Namor's team captures Merrano and rescues his people and Cap's team has their new component and new leads. They destroy the factory.
Namora and Attuma head home with Merrano and the freed Talokanil. Namor joins Cap to track down the next component.
In the countryside Master Man is supposed to be marrying Warrior Woman. A propaganda wedding to please the Führer. Master Man (aka Willie Lohmer) is quite excited about it, Warrior Woman…is not. Peggy and Howard arrive at the church in disguise as guests. Peggy, of course, speaks flawless German. She has told Howard to keep his mouth shut.
They manage to overhear that not only does Julia not want to go through with the wedding (not into arranged marriages or Willie) but her powers are on the fritz. Her super strength and agility come and go as a result of getting her powers in an accident, though she keeps her enhanced physique.
All very useful until Howard forgets himself, opens his mouth and soon they are running across the countryside with shots fired after them from Hydra and the Nazis present. Howard gets caught by Master Man but then The Human Torch shows up and challenges him to a fight. Willie can't back down in front of Julia. Jim keeps him busy and then Colonel Phillips and his troops arrive. They engage the enemy and Howard is freed. Cap, Bucky and the HC arrive (they were in the area obvs) and mop up the remnants. The whole wedding party (excluding Julia) is captured. Cap and Peggy are reunited.
The prisoners are relocated to their European base. One, Lotus Newmark, appeals to Howard. She says she started working for Hydra because they could get her family out of their detention centre in New York. Two years later, the centres are still intact and her parents still interred. If they can get them released, she will take them to where Schmidt's super weapon, Panzer Max ('Panzer Max? Sounds a little patriotic for Schmidt…'), is being built. She doesn't know what it is exactly, but it is meant to end the war. It sounds like the kind of machine that could cause the horrific scene that Peggy and Howard found in France.
Howard falls for it, no mind control necessary, and gets the crew together. They all head out to this rather large but otherwise unassuming factory back in the French countryside.
When they arrive the factory is empty save for something big covered in canvases up the back and a series of workrooms and offices behind that. They smell a rat, but Lotus is gone. From a safe distance, she mind controls them to fight eachother. It is clear she is toying with them, she could have them kill each other. Cap does get shot but it is fairly superficial.
Steve and Namor are able to resist due to their powers, Jim is unaffected as he is synthetic. They are surrounded by their friends and allies. Namor is happy to kill them all but Cap and Jim won't let him. They prepare to fight.
Lotus releases them and (psychically) tells them that her part is done, and that the allies are a-holes for the way they treated their own citizens.
Then, as everyone is recovering, Panzer Max rises from the canvases. At full height it nearly reaches the ceiling. It is ridiculously decked out with minigun hands and missiles on it's shoulders. Oh and a tesseract powered laser.
Zola, Warrior Woman, Hydra goons and the Red Skull are piloting. This is the second field test, the first was unsatisfactory as it only contained two opposing military companies and some light artillery. Red Skull is disappointed that Herr Rogers didn't bring more firepower. Panzer starts to lay into our heroes. They warm up the laser.
Dugan says reinforcements are ten minutes out. Cap says they have to hold out till then.
They assault Panzer from different angles to make themselves difficult to target. Cap, Bucky and the commandos try to damage the tank treads. Namor and Jim take to the air and try to break into the cockpit.
It appears to be impervious to conventional weapons, even Cap's shield. They have also made it fireproof and waterproof to combat Namor. Peggy and Howard hit it with rocket/grenade launchers from cover (crates or something? idk), the plating holds.
The laser finally fires and hits close to the crates. Peggy and Howard go flying but survive with minor injuries.
Red Skull is disappointed as it takes the laser a long time to charge. He shoots the goon operating and takes his seat. He asks for time to get it warmed up again.
Namor gets his spear to make a dent but it gets jammed in the plating. He gets hit with a flame thrower taking him out. The group are tiring and the blasts/bullets are getting closer.
Morita gets the call on the radio, reinforcements are here, open a wall and clear a blast zone. The Torch makes the hole and the others get clear. Cap helps Namor.
Panzer takes a volley from missiles, tank shells and mortars. It is unscathed.
The laser is ready. Red Skull retaliates and takes out a tank division with the laser and some missiles.
RS: See? It's not so hard to shoot a laser.
Dying goon: '…'
Then the mini guns go on the advancing infantry. Things are not going well for the heroes. But the distraction for Red Skull gives them a chance to regroup.
Howard and Peggy have some ideas. Howard thinks that the vibranium in Cap's shield could redirect the laser to the shoulder missiles causing them to explode. Peggy didn't like that one as it puts Steve in danger. She reasoned that the operators need to breathe so their must be an intake or exhaust somewhere and they have a powerful and sentient flamethrower.
Steve says they should do both to maximise their chances. Peggy and Howard get Namor to a workroom at the back of the factory.
Surviving reinforcements start arriving at the factory and immediately start getting picked off.  Steve makes his presence known and goads Red Skull into concentrating fire on him. He has a hard time avoiding the miniguns but his agility just keeps him from any serious harm.
Jim quietly searches behind it for an intake or exhaust. 
The laser warms up, the miniguns fall quiet and Cap stands his ground. Taking up his shield at the strategic moment, he redirects the laser. It is difficult, and the heat is almost unbearable but he manages to get it back to the rockets before Schmidt manages to shut it off.
An entire minigun arm comes off.
Meanwhile the Torch has found an opening and concentrates his flame in there. As the operators frantically try to assess the damage from Rogers' strike, the fierce flames disable the operating system and spread to the cockpit.
Realising the experiment has failed Zola suggests they are now outnumbered and should retreat. The Red Skull says he will deal with Zola's design failure later and they exit with 49 Hydra goons as cover. They head for the back rooms!
As the allies head for the back rooms, Panzer explodes and Jim is caught in the blast. He is thrown into the brickwork and gets buried in rubble.
Cap, Bucky and the commandos pursue Schmidt's party to an underground tunnel. The commandos engage Schmidt's personal goons while Cap and Bucky take on Red Skull.
Zola has quietly made his way to the tesseract powered high speed underground rail transport and is frantically trying to get it started.
Schmidt manages to grab Bucky and puts him between him and Cap. This gives him an opportunity to get on board the transport but with Cap in hot pursuit. Cap manages to get Bucky clear. Schmidt uses that distraction to force Steve off as well and the transport disappears into the distance.
Meanwhile, Julia discovers Peggy and Howard protecting Namor from some goons. She goes for Peggy and Howard tries to be all manly and get in the way. She says she never got the chance to thank him properly for ruining her wedding and she means it. But then she starts to strangle him. Peggy tries to intervene but Julia easily sends her flying. Peggy picks up a wrench and knocks down the goons and stands with it. Julia derisorily asks what she means to do with it.
With a wry smile she knocks a nearby water pipe open and it floods the room. Julia realises what this means too late and is soon in a pitched battle with a revived Namor. The goons recover and keep coming for him until Julia gets the upper hand. Peggy goes to intervene again and Julia hits her but it only lands as a normal punch.
Peggy: What's the matter? Powers on the fritz? 
Peggy decks her and, being in a weakened state, she is knocked out. Namor bests the goons. He is impressed with Peggy. Probably tries to flirt with her because…Namor.
Then a debrief back at their European base. Colonel Phillips congratulates the allies for ensuring that Hydra didn't turn the D-Day invasion into a failure.
Howard has charmed some Locals into giving a crate of champagne. He starts passing out glasses and bottles as Phillips speaks. When he finishes, Howard proposes a toast to his favourite Invaders (too on the nose?).
Cap should have a moment with Peggy and with Bucky while Jim is welcomed to the gang by the Howling commandos. They ask where Namor has gone. Jim says he went home to have a party of his own.
Cut to Namor having a lavish ceremony to celebrate the capture of the traitor Merrano and the return of the kidnapped Talokanil. Big celebrations!
Then we track down to the prison where Merrano can hear the celebrations. But instead of being sad, he is SMILING…
Post credits:- Lady Lotus complains to the Red Skull that her parents haven't been released yet…"You said you would free them all, raze the internment camp to the ground".
Schmidt has realised that if Steve Rogers can resist her then he can too and he needed some insurance that she would stay and carry out the next part of the plan. He will need her talents very soon…
Panzer Max idea inspired by this article:
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hydrasstormfront · 2 years
The Asset
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triggering mentions such as mentions of torture, rape, drug use, chronic illnesses, and other below. Reader discretion is advised.
The Handler:
Canon History
The past of Klara Risinger is shrouded in mystery. Although she appears to be in her late 20's to early 30's, she physically ages at a much slower rate to a normal human. She was born in Berlin, Germany in 1919. According to her, she had an overbearing, snobbish mother named Adele. By 1933 Klara Risinger was seen to be in social gatherings of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) members, including Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels. During her time in Germany, she was married to Frederick Vought, who gave her the first successful injection of Compound V along with a daughter, Chloe. This made her the first supe in the world.
After moving to America with her husband as part of Operation Paperclip near the end of World War Two[3], when the US Government Took in leading Nazi Scientists [4], Klara adopted the name "Adele Vought" (possibly to hide her real identity due to anti-German sentiment at the time) and operated under the moniker of "Liberty" as early as the 1970s. During this time, she committed at least one racially motivated murder. In 1972, Liberty stopped a black man named Myron Hunter (the brother of Valerie Hunter) on the road during a rainstorm. She wrongfully accused Myron of being involved in a robbery in a fit of racial profiling and proceeded to punch his jaw off.
At some point around this time, Klara was a member of the Church of the Collective, but left after they became racially inclusive. As Liberty, she took part in commercial endorsements for Budweiser beer and Autumn Breeze feminine hygiene products. By 1979, Liberty disappeared from the view of the media and her fans. It is unknown where she was and what she did all these years. It can be assumed that Vought gave her at least one other superhero moniker between 1979 and 2020.
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The Winter Soldier Program went through various stages over the decades. Through that end, Hydra needed handlers to monitor potential defectors who were strong enough to neutralize them. Being the first successful female super soldier. Klara enthusiastically accepted the offer to be an "asset handler." Bucky was the Winter Soldier who'd seen the most missions out of all of them. At his side, Stormfront watched and ensured his missions were carried out.
She took pleasure in what Hydra called "Conditioning Hour." A daily routine where she and other handlers brutalized, raped, and tortured Winter Soldiers before they were prepped for their mission. Bucky quickly became her favorite victim. Out of the Soldiers that had been conditioned, Bucky was one of the few who fought back.
Taking thrill in how he defected the longer he was out of cryo, Stormfront would extend his missions, using that time to for her own pleasure. She goaded him into fist fights, only to later use that to fuel her torture during conditioning hour. Her sadomasochistic tendencies fueled her interest in Bucky. When left unattended, Stormfront took unauthorized measures on Bucky to subjugate him. She often would take him out of cryo secretly, using his Cryo-haze to overpower him or coerce him into various acts. Bucky has little memory of the encounters that weren't vividly violent.
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