#they seem like a lot of fun but I havent had a chance to do so
bards-anonymous · 2 years
The Barbarian @ the enemies, immediately after combat starts:
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coldresolve · 4 months
are you a torture apologist, or are you just dumb
... said with all the due diligence this subject warrants, etc etc. i’ve written posts about this before, it’s fallen on deaf ears, people either aggressively ignore it, or they go out of their way to take me in bad faith, and when the latter doesn’t work, they fall back on ye olde reliable: tone policing. but we’ve had that conversation too, haven’t we? it’s my culturally determined value of blunt honesty versus your culturally determined value of politeness. i express my opinions in a way that’s admittedly harsh and hyperbolic, and in so doing, my intention is to treat you like someone who is mature enough to distinguish my point from its delivery, and emotionally well-adjusted enough to deal with whatever the fuck some rando on the internet has to say about what you wrote. i also do it because its more fun this way. are we still cool? ffs lol
the thing is, right, it’s fucking easy not to write torture apologia. very straight-forward and simple, in my humble little opinion. you learn what the usual arguments are, and then you try to avoid accidentally making them – a bit like how, when you learn that white supremacy is a thing, you typically then go on to try and not write some wildly racist shit. same principle.
and i genuinely don’t understand why people are so opposed to this, specifically. they don’t know they’re doing it, which is fine, but then when you try to let them know they’re doing it, on the off-chance they even acknowledge that you said anything, they’ll hit you with an “its just for entertainment,” or “it’s not that deep.” so you tell them they sure seem to spend an awful lot of time weaving torture apologia into their vapid, shallow entertainment. and they don’t like that, jesus. but what else are you supposed to say?
i figure i just havent bullied people hard enough about it, honestly. and by bullied i mean pointing out the mindless use of torture apologia as plot points in the slop everybody writes. i would happily tell all of this directly to the writers of 24’s jack bauer, but those guys aren’t here, so.
you probably won’t be surprised to learn that the majority of the myths surrounding torture are rooted in facistic, reactionary thinking. might makes right is big among people who endorse corporal punishment; the ends justify the means is in play when governments try to excuse the use of t-, ahem, enhanced interrogation tactics. allegedly.
and among a much, much longer laundry list of bullshit i’ve seen spewed – oh, not by shady governments, but by you:
torture as an interrogation method yields reliable information
some forms of torture are more sophisticated than others
torture makes people obedient
torture used as a punishment deters unwanted behavior in others
brainwashing is a thing that is possible (usually through torture)
it’s not torture unless it leaves a physical mark on the body
see to me, it’s fucking easy to rework that scene in your story where torture results in the perpetrator gaining trustworthy intel. fucking easy to reconsider that arc where a character gets rewired by torture into passive obedience. fucking easy, when writing a story, to not accidentally send the message that torture is a tool that works. but hey, allow me to really dig my teeth in.
you drumming up your torturer as “skilled” in the “art” of torture feeds real nicely into the myth that torture works as an interrogation method, here under the condition that you should at least do it properly. is that what you believe? or do just believe that there’s an extra special way to cause extreme physical or emotional destress in a person which, for vague unspecified reasons, superceeds all the other, more amateurish ways one could go about it? the former would make you an direct torture apologist – the latter, a fucking twat. ask yourself why “some torture methods are more sophisticated than others” is an idea that needs to be perpetuated. who benefits from that idea? who would feel really validated by that idea? which government on this green earth of ours, hypothetically speaking, could use this idea as a way to paint their own acts of torture as more cultured or civilized than, say, hypothetically speaking, the torture used by those other nations where the brown people live? allegedly.
alternatively, your little good boy slave fantasy seems to imply that being subjected to torture will make a person obedient. is that what you believe? is it true that might makes right? say, wouldn’t state-sanctioned corporal punishment be justified as a tool to make people obey the law, then? no? okay, hear me out then, cause this is really out there, but. could the idea that violence is a tool that makes people more compliant with the demands of their aggressors, possibly maybe perhaps, be something you only find it acceptable to greenlight as the result decades of war propaganda? naaaaah. fiction isn’t reality, and it means nothing, and victims of torture are weak and malleable and broken, and also what they say can’t be trusted cause they have no real fucking agency anyway. fuck me.
“but elias,” i hear you say, “how am i supposed to write an interesting story that features torture in a way that’s in accordance with scientific consensus on its effectiveness and/or consequences? realism and compelling storytelling are diametrically opposed to one another!”
here’s my take: you just straight up lack creativity. cope and seethe.
if you’re interested in writing about torture, read up on what it is, instead of assuming everything you’ve been told by military-sponsored action movies is true and valid. we’re talking about some pretty extreme facets of human behavior and psychology here, but ones that none the less exist in reality. the bare minimun is to not buy in to the myths and propaganda surrounding it. the next step is to write what it can look like in reality. the big boy galaxy brain move is to write torture in a way that challenges the status quo on how we culturally view torture, and how all these false myths affect victims and perpetrators alike. you just have to fucking think about it.
torture for information doesn’t work – but your perpetrator might be convinced that it does. so instead of going the easy route and proving them right – explore how they're wrong. show torture failing. show your perpetrator’s desperation as they gain nothing. they conceptualize their actions as the lesser of two evils, but whoops, there is no second evil. hows that for a change?
is there such a thing as “torture lite?” does it make any real difference whether it leaves a physical mark behind or not? where do we draw the line between interrogation and torture? is that question not interesting enough for you?
is complying with demands under threat of torture the same as genuine obedience? maybe your victim is forced to pretend in certain ways, through feelings of absolute powerlessness. their survival is pitted against the guilt that comes from following the demands of their perpetrator/s. the sense that they’re betraying themselves, the hatred they feel against their aggressor for making them obey, which is otherwise completely uncharacteristic of them. they’re never reduced to a blank slate, there’s always an internal conflict. what if they reach a point where they have nothing left to lose? real torture makes people more defiant. human beings are amazing at adapting to impossible situations. how is that not a wicked fucking cool thing to explore?
brainwashing isn’t real, but your victim’s loved ones believe that it might be. this means that their attempts to talk about their complex feelings toward the more humane sides of their torturer, or recount moments of a strenuous mutual understanding, are met with vehement denial from the people who are supposed to facilitate their recovery. “don’t talk about him like that, he hurt you.” and a desperation to get people to understand that it’s just not that simple. they’re not just saying it because they’ve been brainwashed – people just aren’t black and white, torturers included. the way they feel compelled by the pressure of their loved ones to just… keep quiet about that aspect of their trauma.
here's a fun fact: not only is torture absolutely useless at everything it sets out to do, but rates of PTSD are equally high among victims and perpetrators. the latter is something called participation-induced post-traumatic stress, or perpetrator trauma. you see it in murderers, too. nobody talks about that. and i get it, it’s a touchy subject, we wouldn’t want to portray torture as something human beings do. but, and here’s my counter-argument: maybe reality is just messy and complicated. and maybe exploring that messy complicated reality in fiction can serve as something interesting and worthwhile. emotionally cathartic. no?
if you read up on torture in psychological studies, regarding the psychology of both victims and perpetrators – and possibly also read some sociological studies about how governments have used a lot of the myths i’ve mentioned about torture to excuse their own actions (allegedly) – you start to get an idea for just how comprehensibly it fucks with people, and how effective that propaganda machine has been. real life torture is not rare. torture will continue to not be rare as long as people believe in the idea that it is useful. so maybe it’s a good idea to approach the subject with a little bit of thought beforehand, you know? we could approach fictional depictions of torture with the same amount due diligence we take with the topic of rape or child abuse, instead of, you know, literally affirming all the myths that justify its use and then brushing off criticism like mine in that aggressively uncritical fiction-isnt-reality,-depiction-isn’t-endorsement,-zero-further-introspection way.
or whatever. maybe im just a big meanie, i must be fun at parties, etc
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lavenderr-starrs · 3 months
I’m sorry to my mutuals who are watching me like disappear for a week or a month and then reappear reblog stuff and post stuff from fandoms you’ve probably don’t even know about (A lot shit on my plate that’s been burning me out lmao! I’m fine though just been busy dw!! It’s nothing bad I promise even though it probably sounds like smth bad XD)
but I’m gonna make this post before I literally lose my marbles
It’s about twisted wonderland and Madoka magica so strap in fellas this is gonna be hella targeted to probably me and me alone and maybe like one other person
So don’t click keep reading if you havent finished or started either (ESPECIALLY MADOKA MAGICA, Trust me the show and movies are so good walking into blind I’d kill a man to watch it blindly again) also warning for potentially shit grammar incoming lol
First things first-
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The similarities is the over-use of magic and negative energy polluting the energy source they use to performing these magical abilities turning them into abominations that go on a rampage and effecting the lives of those around them.
The difference though is that for witches, it’s specifically middle school girls who become witches and them becoming witches have the chances of causing world ending atrocities- and in the world of puella magi most Natural disasters are due to the fact a witch is the cause of those disasters and only incubators and other unsuspecting naive magical girl know of
Whereas in twisted wonderland *So far* we’ve only seen Teen high school boys overblot and that didn’t(Besides chapter 6 and 7) have any world ending consequences in my opinion
Says alot huh? XD
Anyways that’s a point I wanna get to another time
You know what I’d love to see? a reader-insert or just a yuu from puella magi in the world of twisted wonderland!
Now this is when I start getting real self-indulgent with this XD but I wanna see like a Homura!Yuu! :)
basically a reader-insert who takes the role of Homura Akemi, right?
And the entirety of the first anime happens and Madoka goes from a 14 year old girl who made a wish to save a cat from dying by unknowingly trading her soul to become a magical girl as an energy source to a higher being
to end up becoming an omnipotent concept that saves magical girls when their gems over pollute and are about to become witches
But instead of the Rebellion Arc happening and Homura!Yuu becoming a witch and demon and all that pizazz! let’s say they “try” to keep going and just Bans themselves from going back in time again and trying to go forward for Madokamis sake and deals with those weird wraith things in the new universe
and maybe a little cherry on top they try to learn and expand the magic abilities Yuus other magical girl friends had.
Later on we move to let’s say, 17 Year old Homura!Yuu, and guess what? You’ve been isekaid bestie have fun!
During the prologue introduction, when Homura!Yuu wakes up into the coffin grim doesn’t get a moment to even open the coffin as you just kick it open ready to transform believing this is some form of a witches labyrinth and are ready to jump into a bunch of conclusions
Now, in comes a poor unsuspecting Grimm
And the first thing Homura!Yuu does upon notice of him? The same thing Homura did to Bebe in rebellion-
just one Quick grasp onto his neck and just instantly slamming him into the nearest wall before he could even say a word. Questions being shot left and right over this potential Witch-like being or a being that seems to be similar combination of a witches Familiar+ Kyubey. A thought you do not like the sound of.
Grim is quite fairly, terrified out of his mind (I’m sorry my son) But! Lucky for him in comes the headmaster to witness this display of aggression! And school hasn’t even begun yet! The nerve!
Now this can go from here in Multiple ways, but for now, how id see it going is Crowley using his whip to tie up Homura!Yuu and just yoinks up a scared grim similar to what Mami did in rebellion
you’re only reaction to this is “Ah shit, here we go again.”
Now I can see Crowley ends up kicking Grim away still since you’ll obviously deny any association with him and just questions Crowley like there’s no tomorrow and just like in canon those questions fall on deaf ears! Lol
Crowley believes that coming to night raven college has frazzled your young hormonal teenage mind into acting so aggressive and since he’s such a kind and generous headmaster does not hold you accountable for it, isn’t he so wonderful c:
Homura!Yuu ends up quietly playing along to whatever the hell is going on to get a better and proper assessment on the situation you’ve been put in. So everything continues on as normal while the students of NRC give you a strange look until it’s finally your turn to approach the mirror.
How I’d see the mirror react to a Homura!Yuu is once you give it your name, I feel like he’d go “their soul is..Missing?..” Because as you know your soul has been turned into your soul gem and the mirror has no knowledge of this so you’re not gonna be assigned any dorm, sorry not sorry c:
This, understandable, freaks everybody out.
This is when Canon plays out a usual in the story for the prologue with the headmaster taking you to Ramshackle and you’re Re-encounter with Grim.
When you do encounter grim again you transform again and start to chase after him to continue where you left off back in the mirror chamber. This leads to Homura!Yuu discovering grim to be innocent in your arrival here and just simply… wants to be able to grow stronger.. hmm why do you feel like you’ve heard that before
Upon Grim proving his innocence and quite frankly become official scared of Homura!Yuu in comes the ghosts to scare him some more! They watch you chase him down and wanted to join in on the fun.
Mind you, you aka Homura!Yuu are still on guard and still transformed so you obviously attack the ghost with grim ending believing you attacked them for his protection! You didn’t, but if it makes up for scaring the piss outta him sure 👍 well go with that.
Now we continue with canon from here with Crowley calling you a beast tamer and hiring you as a janitor yadda yadda, but Grim ends up referring to you as his Bodyguard instead of henchman in this one! Which if Homura!Yuu was going to be honest, Grim was 1,000 percent a bigger improvement then kyubey.
I totally wanna make a side writing blog and make more stuff like this if it gathers the attention of others lol, I already have it made I just need to edit it along with my other side account where I used to post art until I took them down due to tumblrs Ai update lol
Once I’m done fixing up those two I’ll make a master post with the users of all three of my blogs and my ao3 too lol
Anyways thanks for reading my weird ass ramble :) I have so many ideas I wanna talk about for this and so many story scenarios that probably no one’s gonna be interested in XDD
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so the mutant mayhem series...
look im happy to get another show and im open to watching it and i will give it a chance.
but some stuff in the trailers really rubs me the wrong way.
april saying "isnt your whole thing a costume" in reference to ...just their bodies is icky and im dissapointed her kinda being mean to them is gonna continue. like- its not an initial shock thing like with 2003 and 2012 april its just "sure we're friends but im gonna call out how different you are even though your WHOLE goal is to fit in and be accepted.". i like her design and her story seems interesting and i hope she gets a real arc unlike a lot of aprils but like- the comments are un-necessary and it feels like shes making fun of them instead of being a supportive friend. [if theres an episode where the guys get fed up and talk to her, possibly having a lesson about expressing to your friends when youre uncomfortable with what they do then ill be overjoyed because that message NEEDS to be in kids shows and it would clarify april just didnt know it bothered them and would tone it down because she doesnt wanna hurt her friends]
in a trailer the others got praise and when it was mikeys turn someone was like "oh what do you do?" and mikey doesnt have a real answer. as a mikey fan i just cannot stand the constant dismissal he gets. if the series is gonna expand on that and take it seriously im totally in though.
i didnt mind the movie artstyle. its not something i enjoy and it kinda gave me a headache in theaters but objectivly there is nothing weong with it and a lot of work and talent was put into it. the show style is...ehhh? i dont like it. i dont hate it. i dont really enjoy the color palette. its not appealing to me and an art style can really change how much i enjoy a show.
and why does leo sound so much older. i cant be the only one hearing that right? like i know thats fairly standard for the shows but the movie had all this hype about the guys sounding and acting their age so???
and structure wise i feel like this is going to feel more like kim possible and spiderman instead of tmnt? cause like ...a HUGE part has always been theyre a secret and they work in the shadows cause theyre ninjas and now theyre just in the open. im ok with change- all franchizes NEED to change and adapt but im not gonna get hopeful till i see it done well int he actual show
speaking of that this is a reminder i by no means think the show will be bad. i want it to be awesome and fun and make its mark like other tmnt shows and films have! i just had to get this off my chest cause it was bothering me. im sure the show WILL be good cause i havent watched a tmnt show i outright disliked yet. the trailers just rubbed me the wrong way.
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drunk-cryptic-witch · 2 years
You had been friends with Bakugo for a little over a year. Both starting in UA as exceptional aspiring heroes, you were together quite often. Bakugo wasn’t a fan of anything, especially not you with your loud voice and your jokes and how comfortable you seemed everywhere.
But if you were around, there’s no chance anyone can avoid being befriended by you. Everyone in your class was close to you, Shoto, Izuku, Jiro, Kaminari, you name it. You were a part of most friend groups. So it was only some time before you ensnared Bakugo in your web as well.
Surprisingly, you two got along together quite well once he tried tolerating you. It was an almost comforting friendship for him. He could have fun with all of his friends, but he felt the need to be vulnerable with you, because you were easy to talk to, or so you boasted to him on the daily.
So now here you are, wondering why the hell he hasn’t talked to you in weeks. You get it, second year is tough. There’s a lot more work and effort to put in. And you’ve been managing, so there could be no way Katsuki was struggling. Why was he icing you out?
Well, as if you’re gonna take it lying down.
“OI BAKUGO!” You yell, walking out into the cafeteria. The angry blond was sitting next to Kirishima, who was happily recounting some incident last night when the group had gone over to Bakugo’s. Something a certain someone conveniently forgot to mention to you.
The entire group looks up at you, as do multiple other students. You dramatically slam your hands down onto the table, jolting Mina’s water bottle. “What, you damn idiot?” The others look on in confusion, everyone except Kirishima that is. He looks like he has something on his conscience. If this doesn’t go well, she knew who next to interrogate.
“Okay look-,”
“SHITTY HAIR BE QUIET!” Bakugo screeched.
Now what was this bloody Pomeranian hiding.
“He genuinely just can’t-,”
“No but it’s because- I mean-,”
Now everyone turned to look at the scene. You had your hands on Kirishima’s shoulders, and you were close to shaking him a moment ago. Instead, the first thing you do is laugh. You start laughing and immediately clamp a hand over your mouth to stifle the sounds.
“That’s it? Jesus all you had to do was say it! God, and people call me a drama queen.”
Now Bakugo’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What?”
“I like you too dumbass. Yikes you really caused a scene.”
And there you go. You two were back to normal.
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
Eridave Fic Recs
im 99% sure ive already offered my fic recs for eridave but im going to do it again. i havent gone through the tag in a couple of years and it seems like its gotten more popular than it was back in the day, but heres my list of top fics
Lee Shore
by JumpingJackFlash (@jumpingjacktrash on tumblr i think?)
"I asked Egbert to ask you if you have Ampora's new contact information." "No, man, I didn't even know the old info was old. How can you not have a contact for him? It's not like he changed his chumhandle, email, and phone number all at once." "As a matter of fact, that is apparently exactly what he did. And deleted his Facebook and his photo blog." "Dramariffic." In the years after the game, the twelve trolls and eight humans have tried to stick together, because no one else would understand. When Eridan misses one of their yearly reunions, Dave makes an impulsive decision to go find him.
starting off so strong with THE eridave fic. i have reread this one very recently actually so i can tell you w complete confidence that this is the best one. this is THE one. if you only ever read one eridave fic make it this one. and then come back and read mine no but like im being so real rn its so good. eridans pretentious and a dickwipe and juuust whiny enough and daves complete no bullshit attitude with him works so well. their dynamic is peak in this, like. its everything.
Prince Unicorn (If There's Anything More Important Than My Ego Around, I Want It Caught And Shot Now)
by spritezee
After years spent mastering his job-hopping skills on the interplanetary level, a combination of chance and fortunate family ties lands one Dave Strider a job as a personal bodyguard to Eridan Ampora, prince and heir to an almost unparalleled fiscal empire. He assumes it’ll be just another job he’ll be able to leave behind when the time comes, another story to tell on slow nights where the man with the most tales is the king of the universe, but as all things in life, nothing is ever quite that simple.
spritezee writes some of the best eridave fics out there. this one in particular is my favorite. its not only a space au but its really a love letter to the scifi genre and you can tell just reading through it that a lot of care went into the worldbuilding. dave and bros relationship is a total mess in a way thats honestly really interesting, and zee always writes a great dynamic for eridan and dave. plus, you HAVE to admit thats a great fucking title
Little Brother
by spritezee
When John asked you if you were feeling any better yet earlier you told him you were fucking lonely as balls and considering changing your occupation to prostitute so you could find your own personal Edward Lewis to pay you loads of money for standing around and looking pretty. Then you told him you’d always wanted to have sex on a piano, so it’d all work out fine. The reference went straight over his head, which in hindsight should not have surprised you in the least because Pretty Woman isn’t really John’s usual genre, and even if it had been it’s not anywhere near obscure and shitty enough to catch his eye. When Rose asked you the same thing a few minutes later you told her you discovered the small store at the far side of your street carries penis-shaped candles and that you now swore by watching them slowly burn down right to the waxen ballsack as a therapeutic relaxation technique.
again, always a great eridan and dave dynamic w this author. if it wasnt really clear by the summary, this fic in particular is fucking hilarious and dave and his wandering metaphors are a lot of fun in it.
other than that, tho, all of my recommendations are just going to be more of spritezees fics, so i REALLY recommend that you just save me the time and go check out their stuff yourself. if i ever delve back into the eridave tag ill make sure to let yall know if i find any bangers
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bridgyrose · 8 months
Good morning Bridgy. For the ship ask thingy: Frostbyte? Please have a nice day.
Also, I'm gonna put in a request for the next chapter of either blind or transfer student Weiss while I'm at it, please.
(I didnt forget you. For the shipping asks, Frostbyte is a fun one for me to explore, especially in an au setting where Weiss finds out about Penny before coming to Beacon. I have a couple of ideas regarding this ship that I still havent figured out.)
And for your request:
“I’ll take you both out on a shopping trip in Vale!” Weiss practically yelled as she stepped up onto a chair. “A change of scenery will cheer you up. And we can find a few things to help spruce up the dorm.” 
Yang sighed. “We dont exactly have room for anything more in the dorm. Besides, why the sudden interest in Vale now? For the last three weeks you’ve been here, you’ve done nothing but complain about how different it is from Atlas.” 
Weiss’s smile dropped for a moment as she stepped down from her chair. “Okay, I want to try to make things right with you. All of you. I know its been rough to deal with me and I-” her voice started to quiet as she continued. “-I… wanted to try to catch some of the visiting students for the Vytal Tournament.” 
Yang rolled her eyes. “I knew there was a catch.” 
“She has a point though,” Blake spoke up. “We havent exactly had an easy time getting along with her and maybe… going into town might give us a bit of time to get to know each other better.” 
Ruby nodded. “And we should start paying attention to who the competition will be for the tournament too. After it was delayed from last year, I’m sure the teams will be different.” 
“I’ll make it worth your while too.” Weiss pulled out her scroll and started to thumb through the itinerary she made. “We’ll stop by the weapons shop for Ruby to get her a new scope for her scythe, we’ll stop by the bookstore for you and Blake, and then we can have lunch at the new cafe that opened.” 
Yang took a moment to think things over and finally nodded. “Alright, we go to Vale, follow your plan, and that is all we do. Nothing more.” 
“I wont let you regret it.” Weiss smiled a bit as she led her team through the halls of Beacon and to the landing area to take the airship back to Vale, starting to relax as she walked. For once, she felt like she could start moving on, start getting to know her teammates and let others in where she was wounded. And yet… she still found herself starting to focus on Blake and the bow she wore. A small fear in the back of her mind started to rear its head around about what could be hiding under it. She shook her head to dismiss the thought, mentally berating herself for even thinking Blake was hiding anything. 
“Everything alright, Weiss?” Blake asked. “You’re not having second thoughts spending time with us, are you?” 
“No, of course not.” Weiss took her seat on the airship back to Vale, thumbing through her scroll to take her mind off her fears. “A little nervous, I guess, but that’s mostly since its my first time actually exploring Vale. Compared to Atlas, it’ll be like going to the underbelly of Mistral.” 
“Vale isnt some crime infested kingdom just because it’s not Atlas,” Yang said with a frown as she sat down. “We get it, Atlas is better, but Vale has its own charm. The sooner you give it a chance, the better it’ll seem to you.” 
“And I’m giving it a chance to show me what this kingdom has to offer.” 
“And what kind of a chance is that?” 
“A chance.” Weiss looked out the window of the airship as it started to take off, making its way over the forest and to the city. She had to admit, Vale had a lot more to offer in the way of scenery outside the kingdom than Atlas did, which was one of the few reasons Atlas made trips to the continent of Anima for training missions near Argus. 
Her heart started to thump in her chest as she thought about the last training mission she was on in a forest similar to the Emerald forest, her breathing starting to quicken as time seemed to slow down around her for a brief moment. Weiss gently pressed a hand to the glass in front of her, fingers shaking as she looked down, and then pulling away as her reflection turned into the White Fang member that had captured her. Red hair, horns just above a grimm-like mask, blue eyes that seemed to pierce into her the longer she stared. 
Weiss finally snapped out of it as she heard a soft alarm on her scroll, slowly fumbling through her bag for her medication and water bottle that she kept on her. It took a moment for her to open the bottle and dump a couple pills into her hand, shaking as she popped them into her mouth and washed them down with a little water. 
“You have anxiety too, huh?” Ruby asked. 
“We… we all have our own flaws,” Weiss responded as she started to calm, slowly putting her pills away. “But… yes. Though I’d prefer not to talk about it.” 
“Alright, but just know you’re in good company.” 
Not like you’d understand, Weiss thought to herself, keeping her eyes on the window of the airship as it started to make its way over Vale and to the landing pad near the far edge of the city. The first thing she noted that she hadnt noticed before was how much quieter the city seemed to be compared to Atlas or even Mantle. While there were still plenty of cars on the streets, there seemed to be more people out walking than driving. Though, what really caught her eye was seeing one of the SDC dust outlet stores with cops around it. 
As the airship landed, Weiss quickly pulled out her scroll and started to get a map app up to plot a course to the dust shop. It was on the way to the weapons shop that she had planned to take Ruby to and figured it’d be worth the look to see what was going on. “We need to take a slight detour. Something personal has come up and I need to check something out.” 
Yang sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I thought we agreed to stick to our original plan? Its not like we have a lot of time to be here before the last shuttle back to Beacon-” 
“And we’ll be able to make it in time,” Blake said as she put a hand on Yang’s shoulder. “Besides, maybe this will give us a chance to learn more about Weiss. Just like she’s been trying to do for us.” 
“It wont take long, just a quick stop to a dust shop and its on the way anyway.” Weiss started to walk down the street, glancing down at her scroll as she led her team to the dust shop. Once the dust shop came into view, she stopped and paused as she saw the damage to it. Windows were shattered, the door had been broken, and all the dust on the shelves had been lifted. 
“This is the third dust robbery this week,” one of the cops said to his partner. “No money or weapons taken, just the dust.” 
Another cop shrugged and finished taping off the building. “Maybe its a rogue huntsman trying to stock up. Wouldnt be the first time.” 
“Or maybe it was the White Fang,” Weiss said under her breath as she started to look up the other shops that were robbed. While none of the witnesses were hurt unless they fought back, the only stores that had been robbed in Vale were those that were in partnership with the SDC. Her blood began to boil as she frowned at her scroll, taking a look at a picture of a figure in the dark of one of the robberies. 
“Not everything that goes wrong is the White Fang,” Blake retorted. “All they want is to make things better for faunus and are a bit misguided.” 
“They’re a terrorist organization, Blake!” Weiss snapped. “That’s not just a bit misguided.” 
“Okay, very misguided.” Blake sighed and looked at the damage to the dust shop, her ears twitching under her bow. “If it was the White Fang, why take only the dust? That isnt exactly something they’ve done before.” 
“Because its not about the dust, its about sending a message to my family!” Weiss turned to look at Blake, glaring at her. “The White Fang are monsters. Killers. They’ve done nothing but hurt my family’s company and everyone we consider friends.” 
“Maybe if the Schnee Dust Company could quit taking advantage of faunus-” 
“We dont take advantage of them! We pay them just like the rest!” 
“And they’re the only ones your company ever sends out into the dust mines!” 
Weiss frowned. “We send more than just faunus in there. Besides, the White Fang are the ones that take things too far. If it were up to me, I’d put an end to them.” 
Ruby quickly rushed between the two, gently pushing them apart. “Weiss, why dont you and I go to the weapons shop and Blake and Yang can go to the bookstore. Then, we can meet up for lunch?” 
“Fine,” Weiss huffed as she started to walk off. “Our reservation is at one, dont be late.” 
Ruby quickly followed after Weiss. “What exactly was that about?” 
“Just putting the blame where it belongs.” Weiss felt her heart start to pound in her chest, her legs shook with each step as she angrily walked. After a few minutes, she found a bench to sit down at and started to fumble around her bag for anything to help her calm down. “The White Fang are a menace to everyone no matter where they’re at.” 
“Yeah but… they tend to stick to protesting here. Blake’s right, robbing a dust shop isnt exactly something they do-” 
“Its exactly something they’ll do if they’re willing to kill!” Weiss grabbed a stress ball out of her bag and started to squeeze it in rhythm with her breathing, trying to calm herself. “They’re the reason I’m here and not continuing at Atlas.” 
Ruby looked at her confused. “I… I dont think I understand.” 
Weiss stood up and started walking again, continuing to squeeze her stress ball to take her mind off of everything. “Forget it. Lets salvage our day and get you to the weapons shop. I still owe you a new scope.”
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valentinesparda · 5 months
eep omg so super duper cool to see another ai.tsf self shipper!! i love u date fans u warm my heart. please use this as an excuse to dump info about your insert lore or your feelings on the game(s) themselves especially with info you havent shared before!! donut be shy. have a great new year too!!!!!!!! :)
AAAAGH HI HELLO BOUNCING AROUND YOU LIKE A PUPPY!!!! i only know three other people who like ai !! date fans are almost always the coolest and funniest people you've ever met and know what they want in a man (wet and pathetic forever) and i respect the date fans. I'm not tooting my own horn btw I'm saying this for the people that will be reading this ask lol date fans are so silly. this is date btw for anyone who doesn't know what the fuck im rambling about
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gushing about the game is basically impossible without spoiling everything because the mystery is REALLY SILLY but also really well written and laid out over time. the characters in the game are very lovable and I guess pretty realistically written, not from a realism standpoint but in how they react to any given thing in the storyline. they're varied and fun and have a lot of personality to each of them, and I would literally fucking kill for any of the main cast given the chance.
and the sequel!! the sequel is a little weak and a bit slippery and not as well put together in comparison to the first one, but it's still just as charming and you don't necessarily have to play the first game to understand what's going on - there are vague references to the lore in the first game, but it doesn't detract from the fact that this IS a new cast of characters, and i really appreciate the fact!! there's a lot going for it in terms of charm and personality, and the new characters seem to be a bit less whimsical and more grounded than in the first game (fucking looking at you tokiko shigure. holy shit)
i feel like I never do anything justice gushing about it because I will always forget something and then be like "fuck I forgor" and rush to add details so I'm just gonna leave my gushing about it at that lol
ANYWAYS!! UM. talking about my self insert under the cut :3
so. juniper is my self insert, they're from america and they moved to japan for reasons I haven't decided upon yet but they get a job at a local flower shop run by a very brash old lady whose family never come visit her and it turns out it's because she's in the middle of a yakuza turf war. the kumakura family bought out the basement space of her shop and had her under their thumb. juniper was just stupid enough to get involved in hopes to help the woman who keeps them fed, but there's no way to do that. juniper unfortunately has no choice but to cross paths with these men, but one in particular is more kind than the others, and has bought flowers from them on occasion - a specific type of iris :3c
the old woman dies shortly before the events of the first game and they've taken charge of the flower shop, and they've been meeting date upon happenstance every so often. because of the eventual discovery of the kumakura gang being affiliated with several suspects in the cyclops killings, juniper has become entangled in the case, and date actually has his reasons to suspect that jun has something to do with the case, which leads him to having to psynch with them at some point!! but they have a few other ties to the lore that could be considered heavy spoilers :)
juniper is besties with pewter!! he is their only friend for very specific reasons, and they spend time out drinking when he isn't on the job. they talk very vaguely about their crush on date and it takes pewter a whole long while to figure out that they're both talking about the other when he has to be subjected to it. he initially thinks "wow this is just like my doujins" when jun is first talking about meeting a very beautiful man at the flower shop who keeps coming around and they meet at strange times, and then it devolves into pewter going from that and happy for them to "oh you're fucking joking, THAT GUY??" when he learns it's been date the whole time
anyways. coughs. juniper has a big dumb crush on date but they go against most of his Types; i mean on top of not being a Busty Older Woman, they are a tiny nonbinary thembo and they're a bit of a punk; they've had some of their mentor's brash personality rub off on them, but they generally are fairly kind to people that come around, they just have to keep up that hard exterior to be seen as a big enough threat to the kumakura gang (moma has a bit of a crush on them but that would never come to fruition in the same way that the iris thing never did - mostly because jun is too stupid to notice that he likes them)
date likes them because of their pretty face and kind heart hidden behind their hard exterior - they're very tired of having to hold up a strong personality all the time for their safety, and simply want to make people happy with their flowers. they're sweet and a little clumsy and are kind of similar to iris and hitomi in several ways, but they're a little more um. rough around the edges and awkward i guess? not to mention their japanese still isn't completely perfect despite having lived in japan for as long as they have (over 6 years). so he finds it all endearing in a weird way but it does take a bit before he has the "ogh fuck" moment, because he's a bit superficial underneath it all
jun is suuuuper supportive of iris and is also a big fan of a-set !! they want to meet her in person at some point - and they do!! mizuki is like their adoptive daughter and eventually they do take on a parental role for her, specifically in the 6 years that date goes missing between games. ota is okay, jun and ota do not get along very well and most of that has to do with them competing for otaku of the group
umm that's about all I can wrack my brain for right now but umm thank you for sending me this ask and happy new year to you!! 💙💜💙💜
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shytastemakerthing · 11 months
hii!! U seem so cool- but anyway,, could i get a twisted wonderland match up? My grammar kinda sucks and my auto corrects off so😭
I would like for it to be more romantic, if thats ok! Also pls dont match me up with any of the 1st years since i would honestly just adopt them in twst😭
Sooo im an enfp 7w6, scorpio, green flag.. Yeahhh
But other than that,, (about to write a whole essay abt my personality) what abt my personality?
Soo im honestly kindaa uhm,, goldfish-like; i have a crap memory. and whenever in a serious situation, one where you need to stay on guard, i instantly calm down after someone cracks a joke and forget abt the whole situation.. So bcuz of that i get called "the goldfish of (gc name)" 🥲
But im really motherly and caring! I always take care of my loved ones like a nurse, so pretty much- im my friends personal nurse AND doctor (as someone who startes studying abt medical stuff when i was like 10,, young, ik) i also take care of stray animals whenever i get the chance. feeding them, taking care of their wounds, whatever! Im a good balance of childish and mature, though i fall more on the childish side! I honestly give out 'sad, wet cat' vibes at first, since i mostly spend time alone, sulking abt being alone, reading in the library alone.. but im the total opposite! Honestly kinda weird but in a good way? Super kind, and generous, and sympathetic, i always consider other peoples feelings first ofc! Honestly kind of a people pleaser🥲 softhearted person with anger issues huhu.. Also keyword 'with anger issues' because i can and will beat someone up who did one simple thing to make me mad, even if theyre like 6'2 IDGAF FIGHT ME IM 5'10 ITS NOT MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE🙄🙄 veryvery energetic or the opposite, depends. havent slept for like 2 weeks straight😇
Now I'll just say the exact words my friends said when i asked them what they thought of me-
"funny, cute, and she lavs astronomy ahhajaja" "ure the friend whos effortlessly funny but gay /j but srsly youre the friend whos funny but super girlboss whenever there are fights and uses emojis every sentence they send" "the fish i ate for dinner" "cute nmn, and fun too, but annoying sometimes😒" "youre literally just like your father but as a girl,, stubborn, charming, ignorant, brave.. And you even have the same facial feaures." "Soft girl vibes" "VOODOO DOLL SELLER IKAW"
And for my hobbies.. I have a lot tbh LEMME JUST-
Astronomy; stargazing.. IT GIVES ME SO MUCH PEACE OMG
Exploring; going to abandoned and apparently 'haunted' places brings me so much joy somehow
Dancing; practicing ballet but my friends drag me to learn the choreo of a kpop song😭
Singing; opera😻
Gaming; tbh i rarely do it anymore😭
Collecting; plushies, seashells, etc..
Thats all i think😔 I dont wanna waste ur time so thank you huhuu BYEE HAVE A GREAT YEAR MWAMWA
-lav hoshii
Hello and thank you for your request! Honestly I had a lot of fun reading over this and I believe I have just the guy for you so here we go!
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I match you with.......
Floyd Leech
🦐 You two bounce off of each other so freaking much that it is insane. At this point, you're the most interesting person in his life and he isn't planning on letting you go ANY time soon and that's a fact.
🦐 Floyd is someone who butts heads with a lot of people, and I mean, a LOT of people. He's not one to shy away from a fight, even in those ones where he is clearly out numbered. It's more fun for him. But what he really loves is how you patch him up after each and every one. Sure, you badger him about all of these fights, but it's only because you care about him, and as you place a kiss to each wrap and bandaid, he can only hopelessly grin at you...... he is smitten.
🦐 Your memory isn't the best, and while Floyd seems like the aloof type, he is actually very smart, very perceptive, and has an excellent memory. He will remember anything you can't and it greatly comes in handy when needed.
🦐 Being with Floyd, also means you will be seeing a lot of Jade. Sorry, they're a two for one package deal (Azul's words). And while his twin was highly skeptical of you at first (when is he not skeptical of someone?), just seeing you with Floyd, and all the shenanigans you both get up too and how you always take care of him, you're basically family now at this point.
🦐 He is in the basketball club! Which is perfect for you! You love basketball and you two have player 1v1 quite a lot. Just be careful, because he can and WILL get competitive. Also, if you wear his jersey to his games, he has this derpy smile the entire time and will be showing off just for you. He turns into an absolute beast on the court. You're now the good luck charm of the NRC basketball team and Ace and Jamil always make sure you're there.
🦐 He finds out early on in the relationship about your habit of collecting sea shells. Now, because of him that collection has expanded a great amount. Look, you're dating a merman, he can and will be going under the water to gather the best and biggest shells thay he can find for your ccollection. But your personal favorite is a little cream colored chipped clam shell. He brought that one back after finding it randomly on a walk and it is now the most cherished one in the collection.
🦐 The way your mood fluctuates matches how his does, and while it annoyed him at first (like, is this how Jade and Azul feel when his does that?), he was able to quickly find out what can set you off or change your mood and is able to quickly adjust accordingly. Though he will admit that you look pretty hot when you get angry and tackle someone twice your size.
🦐 He would absolutely love to go exploring with you. It can be boring, it can be dangerous, so much could happen that you just don't know and that's what makes it exciting! If you ever get bored of looking at the supposedly haunted houses, he'll happily supply a breathing potion and he can show you some really cool shipwrecks!
🦐 Overall, a relationship with the reckless eel with legs is nothing short of an adventure. You know you'll never be bored, he loves how considerate you are with him and how you take care of him. And Azul and Jade are beyond thankful that you can actually get him to focus on his work, only if you're there, though 😅
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how do you think f.f. would have interacted with dio's kids? since they were kind of influenced by pucci too
OK LETS SEE first off thank u for ur ask I always like a chance to infodump but this might be hard since I. surprisingly haven't done all that much analysis into how Pucci affected the Brando Brats™ specifically past "he was manipulative towards them and led them to their deaths in an attempt to further his goal" and also I haven't read that part of SO in a hot while so I don't remember some things
tangent but I think Pucci might have purposefully gotten them killed so they wouldn't try any shit like achieving Heaven for themselves or turning against him after all the promises of greatness he made them were all lies. cause in the end the only one benefitting from Heaven is going to be him and maybe like five other bitches all over the world who coincidentally have the same opinion as him.
or maybe Dio's kids did think that that outcome was going to be good for them too. cause we know that their lives were filled with one misfortune after the other, especially for Ungaro and Donatello, so it would make sense for them to be as desperate as Pucci and easy for him to convince them that things will not get better and that being able to see tragedies in advance is the best outcome for them, but that all depends on whether Pucci told them "this is what Heaven is" or if he just told them "I have something that will solve your pain", which I. do not remember.
I don't think FF would pity Dio's kids, but they would be able to sympathize with them somewhat. if both FF and Rikiel had lived I think they would have gotten along kind of and bonded over their shared experience with Pucci, even if he like. treated them in different ways. Rikiel was talked into being loyal to an evil person, while FF was "born" into it and Pucci felt entitled over her entire existance because he gave her conscience and it's the thing most important to her: being an individual who can think and remember.
Rikiel felt tied to Pucci because he knew his biological father and because Pucci gave him the confidence he lacked, enough to ward off some of the anxiety that plagued him his entire life and brought out potential that Rikiel didn't even know he had. Pucci made him feel important and powerful, in a way, and he successfully internalized that confidence as far as I remember- even if his stand was a big part of it.
but yeah tl;dr Foofy and Rikiel would probably get along the easiest out of the three
we don't get a lot on Ungaro and i havent read those arcs in a while so idk ab him
Donatello is a fun one cause he doesn't like anybody. doesn't like Pucci. doesn't like Jolyne & the gang. doesn't like his brothers. he mainly acts for himself as far as I can remember and he seems like he would look down on FF like Anasui did.
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arlecchno · 1 year
lmao the blonde parts are supposed to be teal but i havent had a chance to redye them in foreverr … also yes ! my xiao jacket ! its not the only one out there though LOL
the wall youre seeing is actually my best friend roofs long lost sibling , wall /j
BEFORE 6 !? i could never i always go to bed at like 12am …. im so sleep deprived on school days lol
ME AND THAT FRIEND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS IN OUR MATH/STEM CLASS LMAO we used to play genshin wish sim (im very young T_T) and say weird things to summon characters (i told the computer id help make kaeya dilucs brother again to get diluc , and BOTH OF THEM CAME HOME IN THE SAME PULL) tbh ive always complained ab stairs so ,,, i cant even take the stairs in my building anymore bc i live on the 9th floor itd take way too long 😭
we have a lot of the same top 5s , kaeya , diluc , and scara share #1 because … yes . my favorite gal is fischl i love her sm -
i have 11 5*s (not including aloy) , and im currently pulling for sir acting grand scribe himself ! im at around late 30 pity , if he does / doesnt come home i will make self ship art because i dont think he would like that >:)
GOOD TO KNOW ITS GOING WELL im actually making notes for a fic i wanna write on call w my previously mentioned friend roof LOL ive had the idea ever since the nilotpala cup event , i really wanted to make like an actual fic based off of it bc that girl from the yae publishing house was supposed to or wtv HAHAH but im procrastinating on a title so im just . UGH - yk ?
i did have a good day both the day you replied and today ! i am injured but its not bad (only hurts when i move certain ways) , i went on a field trip for school today and got to go in a ✨stream✨ and pick up a little crawfish >:D i hope youre doing good as well !! its so nice talking to you lmao youre so cool
i might start sending doodles every ask , so heres a sketch of my genshin oc !!
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my “question” issss guess what region theyre from ! or who they live with LOL the hint is that there are already playables from their region , and there are technically two regions theyre from ?? you can guess just one though ill give you the answer next ask :P
- jellyfish
i think it's because i'm already used to waking up early... even tho i'm a very sleep deprived student that sleeps at 12-1 and wakes up at 5 😔 i'm fairly a light sleeper so no matter what time i sleep, whenever my alarm goes off i'm always up by the second 🥲
and LMAOO i've played a ton of those wish sims to prevent myself from rolling whenever i'm saving up for a character, it works wonders
i didn't really expect you to like fischl!!! i like using her in events where we have her as a trial character lol using oz in her burst and flying around is so silly but i always have fun with it!
seems like we're both on the run for alhaitham :D currently have 72 pity and he still has yet to arrive... i do not have a guarantee whatsoever so the next time i pull i'm gonna be praying for him to come home 😔 i've already explored most of the new area for him
and that fic idea sounds interesting! i briefly forgot about that event so when you mentioned it i'm suddenly reminded of how fun playing with the fungi was!! hope you'll find many inspiration for your supposed title, and who knows, next thing you know you're hitting the post button for your fic 🤭
hope you're healing well from your injury also!! have lots of rest and don't overexert yourself too much, resting is very important hehe
it's nice to know that you went on a field trip :O i haven't been to one in a while so hearing it from you reminded me how fun it always is to go on one and escape school (tbf i think we can agree at least half of the students that volunteer on field trips only do it to skip classes LMAO #guilty)
i think if i had to guess, it's a mix between mondstadt and sumeru, maybe? i'm either really wrong or really right since my basic skills of knowledge on each regions' outfits are very minimal 😵‍💫
a question for you; how was your week? tell me all about it!! hehe i honestly like hearing people talk about their day and week because it's undeniably so interesting to know what others have been up to and how different some people's lives can be from ours! hope i'm not rambling too much... i just really like listening to people talk and talk about their life
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heybeyby · 2 years
character bingo !!
if u havent already, Lera, Jack, Chao Xin :D
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LERA!!! all of lovushka should have had more chances to shine imo. i think it's so funny during masters there would be frames of them watching the championships even though they had like. no relevance after their arc. idk i just think it's kinda silly /neu.
but yeah lera had a lot of potential and i sincerely wish we got to see her actually battle (not counting destroyer dome). wish there was a category of "if they were real I would like to be their friend" cause that's how I feel. She just seems super supportive and I love her relationships with her team especially Nowaguma. i aspire to have her level of confidence someday in all honesty.
highlighted "deeper than they seem" cause i genuinely believe her actions and dedication to her dream can definitely be expanded upon! considering she was the only one who had no qualms over cheating in the world championships is so interesting. all in all she's great. wish she had more screentime like most side characters in mfb
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now where do i begin here. jack is great during both masters and fury. he's very much scrunkly-coded. his theme is one of the best yeah i said it. truthfully we didn't see like his actual personality due to the arrangement fucking him up, and even then in fury we don't know if that's how he originally was pre-HADES. i guess it'll just be a mystery :/
but disregarding that jack is such a fun character?? everytime he's on screen you never know what he's gonna say, and i always love an unpredictable character like that. HIS DESIGN TOO IT'S TOP TIER. i love circus/clown themed designs so fucking much. gender envy to the max, especially in fury.
and i will say that jack's appearance in fury was such wasted potential like come on. you could have had him encounter tsubasa or zeo, yk people who actually knew him during his arrangement-era. for the more uh. questionable boxes i highlighted, i think it’s more that i want to BE him, essentially. i relate to his (albeit obsessive) need to express himself through his art, and although his way of battling is brutal, it’s super entertaining to watch. for “i like them enough to project my own issues onto them” .... im not gonna elaborate it’s elaborate
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ZHOUXING BELOVED :HEART: he is so silly. very much a scrunkle. even before my big revelation (i will talk abt that later), I always saw him as such a funny character. i love his design, even more gender envy hell yeah. 
Idk there was something about him that drew me towards him that the other wang hu zhong members didn’t have. not saying I don’t like the others! I think it’s just because Zhouxing has a such a different personality compared to the others, and his off-screen growth that happened after they fought Gan Gan Galaxy leading to his camaraderie with the Beylin temple bladers, idk i think there’s a lot to think about him. Like he’s not a bad guy, he just started a bit of a douche but he got better. It’s funny cause normally i’m not the biggest of the flirty charismatic man-type of character but he’s an exception lmao.
now abt the revelation, which i talk abt here. basically the english dub indirectly confirmed that zhouxing MIGHT be an orphan and adopted. it was literally just a throwaway line (which may not even exist in the original dub I can’t find subs but I expect it doesn’t). now I know there’s a lot of technical stuff there but it gave me the chance to REALLY think about zhouxing’s past. ill probably make a separate post on it but I have A Lot of thoughts about this dummy
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ghoulfr13nd · 1 month
hi!! op i care you too 🥺🥺 im making us a friendship bracelet as we speak it shall have a ton of music notes!! 🎶 fgsdjk
aspect playlists are really so much fun! it combines classpect analysis and music! the best of two worlds! :D me and my friend made a shared playlist for every aspect and that was a blast! (and as it turns out we have the most music in rage aspect even though neither of us are rage we just listen to rage-y vibes a lot fsdgh) also pls tell me what's your classpect i need to know! 👀
omg im glad you had fun but also so sorry for the parking incident (honestly, felt that, i scraped my car in front of others too i know how you feel ;v; i shake ur hand in solidarity 🤝) and ooooh! hope you also had fun on other concerts too seems like you did! and you know? i actually havent considered earplugs! maybe it'd be good to test it, especially since in 2025 Billie Ellish will be on the tour and will visit my country (where a chance like that doesn't happen often! :O )
oh my god excuse me while i let myself to go on a little longer rant here gfjksdfh you mentioned Matt and Kim being a required listen to know you, and well, if i'd have to point to any band that would be the same for me Rammstein would probably be the one, it has so many memories attached to it and it's Up There in my fave bands ranking! fgsdjf for recommendations though: Links 2 3 4, Sonne , Amerika, Moskau and Rosenrot are my absolute faves! :D (<- i'm holding myself from recommending like 20 songs here fgdjfksa) oh also! Rammstein is a german band so if you'd be curious about their lyrics there are probably translations somewhere! of course it's not necessary to enjoy their music but i think they're totally worth looking into in free time, they add a lot, i love their lyrics! gdfjsdf (i mean Equilibrium is german too but honestly i listen to them mostly for the vibes and they also sing in english so- shrug fgdfsd) speaking of! for Equilibrium I'd reccomend Met, Karawane and Tornado! :D pls let me know what you'll think im curious!
have a good day/night!
music anon 🎶
alright music anon 🎶 the wait is over — thank you for being patient!!
i haven’t made any of my own aspect playlists in the time since we spoke last but i’m keeping it on my to-do list!! i would love to hear some of the songs you chose for yours, and i’ve had a great idea that i’ll circle back around to!
i LOVE talking classpects though! i put a lot of effort into choosing mine back in the day, and identified as Witch of Void for a long time. however, I wasn’t sure if I identified with that anymore, so I wanted to re-take the quiz before I answered you. I got Maid of Breath or Maid of Light this time, and both seem very fitting, but I’m not sure how strongly I feel about either.
(If you’re curious — for YEARS I have sworn by this quiz combined with this classpect analysis. I ignore the non-canon classpects on the quiz, though, personally. If I went by that, I’d be a Star of Blaze, which sounds pretty cool but I don’t know what any of that means, so…)
Also you MUST tell me your’s!!!! I at one point made all of my friends, including the non-homestuck ones, to figure out their classpects, I am so serious about it. its my favorite personality test that I am perhaps a little intense about. uh. anyway.
SHAKING YOUR HAND IN SOLIDARITY YOU GET ME !!!!!!!!!!!! this is also re: your other ask but i love that we are both bpd scratched-car twins. what a pair, us.
I HOPE YOU GET TO GO SEE BILLIE!!!! And that it isn’t overwhelming for you! For me, seeing artists I love, live, is a very personal thing. Being able to sing and cheer and dance with the rest of the crowd is a spiritual thing for me. Especially if it’s one of my gender-playlist artists! I’m only half-joking when I say I think I just need to see every band on it live and then I’ll finally evolve into my final form.
And on that note, that brings us to your required listening. Music anon, I have taken this so seriously. I’m holding these songs in my hands. I want to do right by you.
So. First impressions. I have to admit to you, anon, German is so foreign to me that I could not help but find it a little silly at first. That being said, the longer I listen to it, the more I ease into the sounds. I did this initial listen-through at work, when I first got your ask (which I received a full 23 hours after you sent it! I checked!). The sounds are fun!
However, I didn’t want this to be the entirety of my experience with them. Which comes to the part that took me so long to get around to — looking up the translated lyrics, and re-listening to all the songs with a little more context. This was an important step to me! I want to understand what you love about them!
My favorites from Rammstein were Links 2 3 4 and Sonne, and Karawane was my favorite from Equilibrium. Links 2 3 4 was the first one I listened to and the one I thought “german sounds so strange” about, but I really enjoyed it my second go around!!
Do you have any particular thoughts about the songs you chose? I’d love to hear what you’re thinkin!
Also, to circle back around to the idea I had — I know you were hesitant about sharing actual playlists with me, but how about sending me lists of the songs and letting me put the playlist together myself? I actually already started one with the songs you recommended!! Let me know what you think, and don’t be afraid to tell me no if you’re not into it.
I hope you have a very good day/night as well, anon!!
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oni-verse · 3 months
just here to blab cause i havent been having much fun drawing lately, and ive been sick a lot which is abnormal for me, and i got them chronic headaches,
but at least i can project thoughts on silly gay characters and pretend like theyre the main characters in the shows and movies i watch
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reviewing past ideas this week since its nice when i dont have anything else i want to do. its nice to go back and see their beginnings again which is mostly just gil being unreadable and emotionally distant and cas being so desperate to keep gil in his life that he ignores all those red flags & pines painfully.
but i write pretty much everything down, so i have all those random thoughts like Domestic Moment #4306 and What If They Were Strangers, or the alternative, What If They Got Together Much Earlier. yknow how it goes. being my own fanfiction writer.
i like writing gil as being inexplicably alluring and its usually just because of small things like how he talks or his body language, on top of the fact he's tall and hot in a grungy way. and cas, even though he's gil's oldest friend, has such a hard time reading him because of gil's unique brand of being guarded (never being vulnerable or transparent). it all adds to the mystery and people (/cas) wanting to get in close for a chance to figure him out.
even in high school, cas wouldnt always be aware of what was happening in his best friend's life. gil's guardedness manifested in his teenage years as keeping the secret of his father's abuse, whether he was just scared of the consequences of others knowing, or he's embarrassed for his own circumstances, but cas' ability to look closely and be a friend without making gil feel bad about himself is part of why they were best friends. that, and cas being (at the time) a good cishet ally boy that respects his friends ;0
while this isnt what happens in their lil story, i do also like to consider what itd be like if cas was brave enough to recognize/act on the feelings he wouldnt admit he had for his friend, back when they were teenagers. cas thought he was straight for many years after high school, but i could also see a reality where ~ally~ cas becomes "experimenting doesnt inherently mean anything". hehe. would make their separation all the more heartbreaking for lil cas.
then, in a universe where they don't meet until theyre adults with separate lives, how that could look. like because of everything above, maybe it'd be expected that gil wouldn't give a person like cas a real chance, that he'd be especially difficult because the lack of history makes it that much harder to break down his walls. but then, what about exhausted gil, alone for the same reasons as usual, choosing it & all his connections with other people usually not extending beyond a single night. this guy, meeting someone who responds to gil's flirtation without going the obvious route and taking gil home for the same reason as everyone else-- but instead, just talks to him, and is oddly the nicest and easiest person to be around. gil's experiences creating expectations thatre shattered by a lil punky guy who doesn't make gil feel alone or like he's around for only one thing.
commitment-phobe gil meeting cas in his mid 20s and somehow agreeing to a date because his curiosity is honestly piqued by this surprise encounter. it seems like it shouldnt be shocking to have a decent conversation with a decent person, but a messy person can somehow manage to completely avoid any positive people. especially if they surround themselves with stoners, dealers, and club rats.
ive said it before but ig they really do have a "i can fix him" dynamic but it actually sorta works? gil isnt as messy, eventually lol. kinda the point.
but i love a circumstance of a guy being all "i don't do relationships, i don't believe in love, bachelor lyfe 4eva, ima fuck this whole city" and then going completely mushy because someone is patient and committed to him. gotchu now bitch... u DO relationship.. u DO believe in love, you are settling down and fucking one man only. i would say sorry but youre happy now bitch ✋caught in 4k
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f0point5 · 4 months
im just getting into f1, but i find the whole thing of what drivers do you root for? what team do you root for? really interesting in sports in general. like i dont really care who wins. id be happy for like 2/3 of the grid if they managed a win, and i dont really have any opinions about this one team is *my* team. like, red bull seems to have it together (except for the 2nd driver conundrum theyve gotten themselves into) and ferrari seems a mess. but i do find myself really respecting williams and albons project with them. like that they havent thrown seargent out yet and are trying to get him experience and develop him, even if that does lead to nothing. and that albon seems to be really collaborating with this team and helping drag them into the midfield. like if you know that you have no chance at winning because of RB and max dominance, why not find yourself a project that you find satisfying and can bring you fulfillment?
I think how you pick an F1 team is quite interesting, because people rarely pick the team based on its country. I think people mainly pick drivers and then support the team, unless you’re a Ferrari fan lol.
I’m a Red Bull fan because I just like their vibe. Kind of shit stirrers, like a bit of fun and a bit of drama, but also very switched on, and there’s a lot of loyalty in the team which is quite cute.
I think with the Williams thing, it’s admirable that Alex is thinking about the big picture and collaborating with the team, but at the same time, Alex has the perspective of having taken a year out. He had that time to think about what the sport means to him, and also to really have that talk with himself about what he’s able to achieve. Most drivers, they need to believe they can beat Max in order to find the motivation to keep driving. Alex has a more circumspect point of view, the same way Daniel does. Alex has also been Max’s teammate so I think has been long disabused of the notion that there’s any beating him. I do admire what he’s done with Williams, but I think the mentality has come from his experiences that other drivers haven’t had. Also, Alex is going to be in high demand when his contract is up…I would be very interested to see if he sticks with Williams once the big teams start reaching out. Because both RB and Ferrari are likely going to need second drivers very soon.
Also, sorry to say it, but Sargent needs to go imo.
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spacedhead · 10 months
homestuck reread #13 act 6 p4
still in these conversations where the kids reveal their true feelings about each other except not TO each other but to someone else. this dirk one is so true though roxy has been the goat of their session and the one fucking thing holding them all together. god i love roxy
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wow so cool they all ascended at the same time! surely nothing bad will happen immediately after
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theyre finally arriving. holy shit . theyre COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW. JOHN AND JADE
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yeah ok so jade showed up and her and jane immediately got turned evil
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this is a CLASSIC dave/karkat mess around. if you know, you KNOW . shit had me ROFLing.
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holy davesprite . i havent seen this mf since like RIGHT AFTER cascade. literally its been eons
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TRUEE i think its a strider lalonde thing they looove to go on and on about random bullshit
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hey its these bozos what up yall
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waitt theyre being friendly to each other? breath players CAN get along!!! this is huge news. especially for me.
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this actually would be a hard ass shirt fr i need that shit
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this is the reaction i get when i bring up minestuck to my friends... and im like guys please its actually fun i promise... .(im lying)
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yo its the fan trolls what uppppp
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okay nice meeting you
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this is all very silly :D
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YES!!!!!!!! OKAYYYY TAVROS!!! stand up for yourself girl you are serving like crazy right now. i think maybe this is more meaningful than when he tried to kill her, cause that was just a too little too late type of thing where he wouldnt have actually accomplished anything by succeeding, and also had no chance of doing so. BUT realizing his CONFIDENCE and his FREEDOM actually is meaningful and it will accomplish things later on!!! :D YAY TAVROS
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insane behavior
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i think i agree with john here, i dont think it is out of line for him to hesitate in giving you the life ring. you dont have to be a good person to be a hero. but you do have to do... heroic things? like, ever? maybe once in your fucking life? when is the last time ANYTHING you did could be considered "heroic?" when you were alive, all you did was make everyone around you suffer. they had to kill you just to make sure you didnt doom them all. when youre dead, sure youre hunting down a weapon to kill the big bad monster, but you dont even seem to care about the millions of troll lives you are mind controlling against their will to be bait for your big mission. who the hell are you trying to save? the heroes that are alive in this story literally NEVER encounter the version of the villain that you are trying to stop. whats more, this big plan to use the your ghost army FAILS because the one who was doing basically ALL the legwork mind controlling most of the ghosts ditches you, and the only reason you still have an army by the end is because the guy you fucking bullied the whole time when you were alive (and a lot of the time you were dead) BAILS you out by ACTUALLY being a hero and a genuinely good person that doesnt need to MIND CONTROL PEOPLE to get them to follow him. look. i understand everything you are saying. about not having time to deal with the morals and ethics of what you are trying to accomplish. because the ends justify the means. but the thing is that NONE of it matters. YOUR PLAN FAILS. YOU GIVE UP and have an actual SATISFYING character arc. then it gets retconned and the main version of you goes back to being Worse. and then her plan...? succeeds? i guess? if succeeding means literally EVERY ghost in the army gets obliterated, the secret weapon deploying the four beta kids who are almost all killed by LE, and randomly davepeta being the one to throw him as well as themself into a blackhole. i guess if that counts as success, then congrats. you didnt even get to see that happen though, because you got ejected from the fight frame one. HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!
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anyway... what was i doing. oh yeah look at this. this is a bit sad
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okay this is pretty real. even if it is nonsensical, and maybe a little bit problematic?
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me talking about myself three images ago
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i like this panel. poor john cannot find his friends
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this is a very cool panel as well
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my worst nightmare
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fucking scary ass motherfucker please get a grip. also brown contacts .
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well. things are pretty bad right now! jade is evil jane is evil everyone is on random planets with no memory of how they got there john is missing. if i didnt know any better this might seem like the beginning of something really bad . but what do i know. anyway catch you on the next one. or catch me? joff i will see you next time. ok joff bye joff
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