#they're shorter than I expect but for these ones it's okay I think
tracle0 · 7 months
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Boy nearly drowns,t hen gets possessed again
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teojira · 3 months
[I look after you.] [POTA headcanons!]
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Summary: Random acts of service I think each ape would do for you!
Characters: Caesar, Noa, Koba, Maurice Rocket, Blue eyes, Lake, Cornelius, and Dar.
Warnings: Caesar and Noa's are meant to be romantic. Dar and Cornelius are platonic as well. The others could be read as platonic or romantic, though!
A/N: These are all just random thoughts I've had today. Some will be shorter than others due to just how many characters I tried to include, so bare with me!
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Caesar has a sixth sense as to when you're gonna get hurt, it's uncanny.
Humans are clumsy and more fragile than others, he knows as such because of his grandfather and Will, seeing them trip and fall over nothing, stub their toe and curse, it's almost as if they didn't have spatial awareness at times.
His reflexes are faster than his words.
So he knows when you're about to slam your forehead full force into a wooden beam, immediately throwing a hand up to soften the blow.
You instinctually let out an "Ow!" Before realizing you're okay, your mates warm hand against your skin. The Chimp raises an eye bridge up at you, looking towards you and then his hand.
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Koba doesn't do anything nice for you without the expectation that you will do something for him in return.
One thing he will do is protect you against yourself, mainly out of pure pity.
Your center of gravity is different than his, and the woods are not meant for you, so get used to Koba yanking you back from a steep drop.
He isn't gentle about it, fist curled into your jacket and roughly dragging you backward, letting out a shrill against his knowledge.
You knock against his chest, his body immediately giving off its warmth to your own.
You're too scared to look up at Koba, knowing damn well he's gonna be glaring down at you, a comment ready to go.
Unfortunately for you, he does it regardless if you meet his gaze or not.
"Should have. Let you fall." He growls, hoping you can't somehow feet his heartbeat pumping out of his chest.
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Noa enjoys caring for you, making your life easier by any means necessary, whether it be by learning how to make you tools that help you fish easier, cooking your meat for you, knowing that your anatomy is different, to teaching you to the best of his ability how to hunt more efficiently.
It's his love language, not that he'd be aware of it. It makes him feel like a good mate, and that boosts his ego.
He gets so mad if you try and wave him off, scoffing at the thought of you not needing him.
What do you mean you're fine on your own? Nuh uh.
Has pouted before and got huffy if you get off of your horse without him helping you down, turning his back to you childishly as he sighs as long as possible.
I hate him.
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Maurice lets you cuddle into him for warmth. His fur is longer than the others, and he runs warm. He worries for you when the winters get rough. There's only so much they can do other than set a fire up and wrap you with animal hides.
Sometimes, it's not enough, and shivering yourself to sleep isn't fun.
Maurice considers you family, being the first first ape to truly take you in, he'd never turn you away from when you need him most.
Never needing permission, you quietly make your way to the Orangutan's nest, trying your best not to step on any leaves or branches.
Gingerly taking your time to settle next to Maurice, lowering your body down.
Taking a glance at Nova resting on his other side, you don't catch his eyes peering open, a hand coming up to sign slowly.
Lifting a long arm, he allows you to curl into his side, finally granting you a good night's rest.
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Blue eyes always makes sure you're apart of the conversation, if he and Ash are goofing around, and you're standing off to the side, he's gonna immediately poke small fun at you to get your attention.
The second he has it, he's gesturing you over to their little circle at the camp fire, asking you what humans think of whatever subject they're talking about.
Baby Blue will shove his shoulder into Ash if he tries to make fun of you, knowing well that you may not take it as friendly banter just yet.
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If you're gonna be with the colony, you'll need a protector, and who else is a better, more loyal one than Rocket.
No ape is being disrespectful towards you on his watch, you're important to Caesar and while that was in fact originally the reason he made it a point to keep an eye on you, he's come to love you himself.
An Ape comes up to you, asking something wildly inappropriate?
Rocket gets up in their face, making direct eye contact and puffing out his chest for them to back the fuck off, daring them to make a move, all while making sure you're well hidden behind himself.
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Lake enjoys braiding your hair for you, the different texture offering a welcome challenge compared to her own.
She's so gentle and light handed, her fingers weaving the strands to the best of her ability, fingers much too large.
It's a bonding experience between the two of you, her downtime, after working with the little ones for hours previously.
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The littlest ape prince is no stranger to clinging on to you at any point in time. Even as he grows older and gets to be too heavy to sit on your lap or climb up your back, he does it anyway. Wrapping his arms around your neck and hiding his face against your skin.
He does it when looking for comfort, but also for when he's being a little shit and his dad is searching for him to chastise.
Cornelius knows that when you're near, you're gonna spoil and baby him, and that's exactly what he wants, hiding behind you.
He is observant like his father, always in tune with your emotions and knows when you need to have company so you don't stew in your own head.
Drags you off to play with the other apes, not taking no for an answer even if you try to. He pulls those puppy dog eyes and it's damn near impossible to deny him.
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Taking on a motherly role for you comes with ease, Dar slipping into it once Noa vouches for you.
She makes sure to take you under her wing, teaching you their ways of life in the a view point of an elder, not just Noas.
Please don't imagine that she'd make you your own shawl, matching her own, literally don't bc I teared up.
She'd be ecstatic to see you wear it around the colony, staring at you. She's so proud of you from how far you've come.
Dar will blatantly introduce you to others as her child, no matter what another ape says. Which wouldn't be much to begin with, became who is gonna argue with her? She won't hear a word of it, waving them off.
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generalsmemories · 1 year
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How to take care of your lover (short life species) when they're sick
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ based on the ask: helloooo!! may i request a scenario in which jing yuan’s significant other (a short life species that isn’t a xianzhou native) has gotten sick? (jing yuan is not adept at taking care of the sick as he is a long-life species). how worried would he be? would he be ridden with thoughts of potential death?
i love ur writing btw!! - requested by anonymous
✧ contents: established relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of character death (relax, it's not as bad as it seems), spoilers for jing yuan's, blade's and dan heng's past (sorta), maybe ooc at times
✧ a/n: for humorous purposes jing yuan will have no idea what a fever is. let's say that the illnesses that xianzhou natives have to suffer are most of the time a life or death situation so the concept of a fever is practically nonexsistent for them.
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"I must say general, I didn't think of you as the type to be able to take care of a short-lived species whose fallen ill at such a short notice," Welt says, eyes wandering towards March 7th whose currently sleeping peacefully on a bed inside Bailu's clinic, the trailblazer close by to watch over. And although their gaze is not on the pair behind them, Jing Yuan can tell that they too are curious. "Oh, but I don't mean this with ill intent, I'm just surprised is all," he adds on quickly, the general merely laughing at the quick explanation.
"No worries, Mr. Yang. It's an understandable surprise. Us long-life species have other health conditions to worry about that other species doesn't need to mull over and vice versa. I just happened to have a bit of experience from before, and seeing that Ms. Bailu wasn't here to personally attend to you all and I had time to spare, it was the least I could do," Jing Yuan explains, making Welt hum in question, "Pardon if this sounds rude, but might I ask where that experience comes from?"
The general laughs, shaking his head as a silent gesture to tell Welt that he doesn't mind, "Not at all, you're esteemed guests after all, telling you a bit won't harm anyone - it's not exactly a secret either," Jing Yuan starts, "I used to have a lover when I was younger that had a shorter lifespan than I is all."
There's a moment of silence, the people before him probably not expecting him to reveal something that vulnerable as easy as he did: "They often got sick because of their curious nature that didn't work well with their frail body, I was often worried sick myself," Jing Yuan reveals with a soft chuckle, and if one had a keener eye they could tell his eyes softening significantly too when reminiscing the events.
"... How long ago?" the trailblazer suddenly asks. The question catches Welt off guard, but before he could try to dismiss it Jing Yuan let's out a low noise of contemplation, "A couple of years ago. I think just before I got appointed as a general," he answers in the end.
Oh, so it was at least a couple of decades ago.
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"Yingxing, I think [Name] is dying!" the craftsman almost slams the hammer down on his finger instead of the metal he's welding when the door gets kicked open, letting out a silent curse before directing his gaze towards the door with a quirked eyebrow.
"Kid, I can guarantee you that they don't wake up one day and decide that today is the perfect time to die," Yingxing points out, untying his apron as Jing Yuan begins to explain. "No you don't understand, today I went to their room to wake them up again, but they didn't answer! But I noticed that the door was not locked-"
"You went into their room without asking?"
"Yes? Anyway, they were still in bed, but they didn't even acknowledge me when I called out to them! But when I got closer, I noticed that their face was unusually red and that their whole body was warmer than usual. They were also heavily breathing, but even when they burning up they didn't let me cool them down-"
"Okay, okay. Stop, I already understand," Yingxing tries to placate the young solider, trying to move behind him to get your motionless form into his own arms, but Jing Yuan merely turns around. The action making you groan uncomfortably by the fast motion, "What are you planning on doing? Are they dying?!"
"No. They're either just running a high fever or been in contact with something unknown onboard the Luofu that their immune system haven't encountered yet, move them more than that and they're gonna puke all over the floor which I honestly do not want, so give them to me before you make them worse!" Yingxing barks out, rubbing his temples to get rid of the rising headache, "Do you long life species not suffer from a fever every now and then?"
"... Why would we?"
"Why did I even bother to ask, can you bring Dan Feng here to just look and see if it's not any serious illness? And then I can teach you how to take care of a short life species - seeing as this is your reaction," Yingxing says with a laugh, motioning at Jing Yuan's frantic state before cradling your body into his own arms.
Nonetheless, the Vidyadhara high elder was very rudely interrupted from his duties to get (willingly) dragged away by a distressed Jing Yuan.
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"Jing Yuan it was just a sneeze, no need to bundle me up this much," you croak out under the amount of covers stacked upon you, a clearly worried Jing Yuan by your bedside with even more covers. "If anything you're going to crush me with how heavy these are, I don't exactly have the strength to get them off at the moment either-"
"Have you gotten weaker? Do I need to get Dan Feng again to check?"
"No- he was just here 10 minutes ago to give me some medicine again, don't go- I'm serious, Jing Yuan come back this fever is no different from the other ones, I promise!" you plead, somehow managing to grab onto the ends of his cape to make him stop, "I admit it's my fault that I stayed outside in the rain too long when it started to become windy too." you reassure him, tugging a tiny bit on the cape to make him settle on the edge of the bed, to which Jing Yuan obediently does.
"You worry too much," you mumble, tugging Jing Yuan further into the bed so he can lean against the headboard while you slowly manuever around to settle between his legs before burying your face into his stomach.
"Aren't I too warm wearing my usual clothing? Do you want me to grab something first, maybe eat something? You've barely eaten anything, Yingxing said you should at least try to stomach something when you get sick, how about I try to make the congee again before you-"
"No, just stay like this. Last time you tried to make congee you almost cut off your fingers and burned down the kitchen" you mumble, turning your head to grin up at Jing Yuan who only gives you a defeated smile, "You should really worry less. You've seen me sick a few times now and I just need a few days of rest, so just take it easy here with me," you whisper. Jing Yuan could tell that you were getting sleepy from fatigue with the way your eyelids were dropping, but even while fighting off sleep you manage to remind him of one last thing, "... If you're going to try to cook after I fall asleep, at least call Yingxing..."
"... And you call me a worrywart."
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
Inspired by this post by @callmeloverr This wasn't what I planned on doing tonight but oh well
When Steve pulled up to Family Video for his 8am shift, he had expected a few things. The dark, closed store, maybe some trash on the sidewalk he'd have to pick up or be bitched at about, you know, normal things to expect for the opening shift.
He hadn't been expecting to see Eddie Munson sitting up against the side of the building with one hand shoved into the overnight return slot. The guy looks half asleep, although he jerks fully awake when Steve closes his car door a little louder than normal.
"You know," Steve starts, smiling as he approaches the other man, "most people drop off their movies without sticking their entire hand into the slot. Just for future reference."
Eddie flushes and scrubs his free hand over his face, and Steve just barely hears something about hands and tight spaces before the man says "Look, this is so fucking embarrassing, but I've been stuck here since last night and I really want to go home and sleep. Are you gonna help me or what, Harrington?"
Steve hums and crosses his arms. "Normally when you want something from someone, it helps to be nice to them, Munson. Why don't you try a 'please' and we'll see how I feel after that?"
He watches as Eddie rolls his eyes heavily before looking up at Steve from under his lashes. Steve's heart skips a beat under the full force of big, brown, puppy dog eyes - an established weakness that Dustin loves to exploit - and it only gets worse when Eddie says "Please, Steve? I've been stuck out here for so long, can't you please help me out?"
Fuck, now Steve is the one blushing.
He turns to unlock the door, hoping to hide the red he knows is covering his cheeks and ears, and he slips inside to the sound of Eddie's indignant "Steve? Hey!" Steve ignores it and goes to the drop off box, unlocking it with the key and opening it to reveal Eddie's stuck hand.
"Hang on, don't get your panties in a bunch," he says, grabbing Eddie's hand and coaxing it to relax from the fist it's currently curled into. He hears Eddie's soft "Oh," as the hand unclenches, and says "I think your rings are keeping you stuck, I'm going to take them off, okay?"
When he gets the OK from Eddie, he starts slipping off the rings one by one. It feels intimate in a way, as Steve devotes his attention to each ring as he pulls it off, and he wonders if Eddie feels the same way. He wonders if anyone else has done this for Eddie in a different setting, takes the thought I wonder if he leaves them on during sex and shoves it into a dark corner.
There's always been something about Eddie, something that made Steve curious, made him question himself during the darkest parts of the night. He feels the full brunt of it now as he kneels on the floor of the Family Video, slender fingers wrapped in his own and unfamiliar metal weighing heavy in his palm.
Steve tries to focus on the task at hand - take off the rings, get Eddie unstuck - even as he finds himself distracted by Eddie's fingers. They're shorter than his own, and a little skinnier, and they're rough and calloused in certain spots. Something about Eddie playing guitar flickers in the forefront of Steve's mind, and he thinks he'd like to see that, to watch these fingers glide over the instrument with an expert touch.
He expects Eddie to pull away when the last ring is gone, but he doesn't. The hand stays in Steve's, and Steve can't help but to brush his thumb over Eddie's knuckles as he pushes away the brief thought he has of brushing his lips over them instead.
Steve swallows hard and gives the hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it as he says "Try- uh, try it now." Eddie's hand slides free from its prison and Steve doesn't move from his spot until he hears the bell on the door chime.
He turns to face Eddie and genuinely prays that his own face isn't as pink as the other man's as he holds out the rings. "Uh, here you go," he says lamely, and Eddie gives a soft "Thanks," as he takes them and slips them back on.
They stand there for a moment, the air between them a little awkward until Eddie jerks his head towards the door. "I'm gonna, uh, head home. Get some sleep. Thanks for helping me out, Steve."
"Yeah, it was no problem, Eddie," Steve replies, smiling when Eddie's face gets pinker, and the man nods once before heading out the door. Steve watches him go for a moment before he catches himself, and he shakes his head quickly to get his thoughts back in order.
He goes to start his opening duties, trying his best to put brown eyes and slender fingers out of his mind, but it's only a few minutes later when he hears a thunk from the return box, and he goes over to it, curious.
Sitting on the stack of returned tapes is a little ball of paper, and when Steve unrolls it, one of Eddie's chunky, silver rings falls into his palm. On the paper is a slightly rushed phone number along with a 'Call me tonight?' and Steve grins. His day is shaping up to be better than he expected.
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can I get a frostiem boys with a super shy ™️ mc!?!? I really enjoy your hcs btw ^^!!
Thank you so much! Thank you all for reading them! I'm gonna take these hcs in more of a romantic context just be aware!
Jin is used to people, typically girls, acting all shy around him. He never expected his partner to be shy as well.
He himself isn't really a shy guy. He keeps to himself sure, but he's got too much cash money and charisma to be shy.
He doesn't mind doing the talking for his partner as well if they need it, but there are times when his patience is a little shorter than other days, so watch out.
He doesn't really like PDA so don't expect any gossip about that, he's more affectionate behind closed doors when its just him and them. What can I say, man likes his privacy.
Tohma finds his partners shyness quite cute actually. It brings out a protectiveness in him.
Seeing as he does most things for Jin, he doesn't mind adding his partners wishes onto that playe but please, give this mans a break every now and then.
He will 100% tease them and make them turn tomato red for the hell of it, let's be fair.
Here's another one that isn't necessarily into PDA but he's fine with hand holding while they both walk somewhere or carrying things for his partner.
This is one that clashes a little bit. We all know Kaito is a loud mouth so as soon as he found himself a partner, we all know he's screaming it from the rooftops. If his partner asked him to knock it off however....let's just say he'd do his best.
Kaito thinks he wants like a Disney Channel movie type of romance. Big gestures, matching outfits, pet names, etc. So I think a shy partner would be a bit of a challenge.
There would need to be a LOT of communication for him to finally tone it down to suit his partners pace. He will however listen to their criticism, doing his best not to take it to heart, and actually take their concerns seriously.
He may be a goof, but I'm sure his granny made sure he knew how to respect someone's boundaries. But when his partner isn't there, he will sing their praises, no matter what.
I think Luca would be one of the easier ones to adjust to having a shy partner. He's not really an attention seeker. He's more focused on his brother than anything else.
If anything, i think he'd be even more protective of his partner than normal. Making sure that they're okay and that they'll be okay of he's not there.
He always has his phone ringer on in case their partner needs something, even if it's small. If his partner needs help then he's gonna help damnit! Even of it's just ordering food at the cafeteria!
As for PDA, he's too proper, and I'm sure that DA has some kind of rule against PDA, so he wouldn't want to risk it. He will however hold their hand with a smile. At the end of the day he'd do anything if it meant the safety and happiness of his partner.
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yxngbxkkie · 6 months
personal trainer (s.c)
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hello, hello!! this took me quite a while to finish, but i'm glad i completed it 🤭 i hope you guys enjoy this cute piece! let me know what you think 🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself, getting out of the Uber's backseat. You quickly thank the driver and shut the vehicle's door. The driver takes off, waving to you as he drives away.
This place is huge. You think to yourself while walking up to the front door. You hike your gym back up on your shoulder, taking the weight of it off for a few seconds.
“Man, I'm nervous,” you laugh to yourself, rubbing your hands together before pressing the doorbell.
A few days ago, you found a post on Instagram stating that they're a personal trainer looking for clients. You've been trying to get back into your health kick, but it's been a little difficult. After debating with yourself for a good half-hour, you finally made an appointment.
The door opens up, snapping you from your thoughts. A man who's a little shorter than you stands in front of you, a smile on his lips. “Hi! Thanks so much for coming,” he greets warmly, making space for you to come in.
“Thank you for having me. I've never had a personal trainer before,” you giggle, stepping inside the fancy place. “I didn't realize your place would be so… stunning.”
He blushes at your words, his eyes looking around his parents' house. “Oh, thank you. It's actually my parents. I don't have a gym in my apartment, so they let me use theirs,” he mentions while scratching the back of his neck.
Your eyes widen. Oh, this is his parents' house? Wow. You think as you look around, admiring the infrastructure. “That's so nice of them,” you tell him, adoring that his parents are helping with his career. “I'm Y/N, by the way.”
The black-haired man shakes your hand, grinning at you. “It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Changbin,” he introduces himself. “I want to thank you again for reaching out. I honestly didn't think anyone would go for it.”
“Oh, really??” You ask, surprised. “I've been trying to go back to the gym, but no luck. I figure this would be better motivation for me.”
“Well, you're in luck!” Changbin rubs his hands together, leading you through his parents' place. “Our home gym has everything one needs, no matter what type of route you're going for.”
You smile at his excitement, blindly following the handsome guy. Your jaw drops when you two enter the home gym, and it looks absolutely stunning.
“Oh, wow!” You whisper, stepping further into the room. You set your bag on the floor as Changbin moves to grab a clipboard that's nearby.
“Okay, so, could I just have you fill this out? That way, I know what you're experienced with and what you're looking to achieve,” he explains while leading you towards a seat.
You sit down and take the clipboard from his hands. “Oh, so fancy,” you giggle, taking a look at the questionnaire he made.
Changbin's cheeks blush, and he hands you a pen. “It sounds okay? This is my first time having a client,” he laughs. “I just graduated a couple of months ago, and I've been so excited to start my new career. I didn't realize it'd be so hard to start up.”
“Oh, my god! Congratulations on graduating, and I'm glad that I can be the first to upstart your career,” you say to him, crossing a leg over the other. “I'll be sure to boast about you to all my friends.”
He smiles at you, breathing a sigh of relief. “You are so kind, oh my god,” he giggles, not expecting it to be so high-pitched.
Your heart flutters in your chest, finding this man in front of you to be so fucking adorable. You press your lips together as Changbin excuses himself really quickly.
“I'm going to get some water. Do you have any?” He asks you, walking towards the double doors. He leaves after you nod your head, leaving you to fill out the paper in your hands.
You start to answer the questions he asked, making sure to put your name and number at the top. You know, just in case he needs to get in touch with you. The only reason. You try to convince yourself, not minding the idea of seeing Changbin outside of the gym.
You're just finishing when Changbin walks back into the room, drinking from the bottle in his hands. “Just in time,” you chuckle, holding out the clipboard to him.
He grabs it from you, and he reads it over quickly. “Okay, great, this is good,” he mutters, his eyes dancing down the paper.
“For today, we’ll just do a quick circuit,” Changbin mentions, setting the clipboard onto the table. “And, if you're okay with it, I can make a nutrition sheet if you need help with that.”
“If you would,” you agree with a nod of your head. “What do you want me doing first?”
“I'll have you start with cardio,” he informs you, leading you towards the treadmill.
An employee drops off your acai bowl before walking back towards the counter. You hum in delight, looking down at the delicious looking bowl. You take your phone out, taking a picture of it before sending it to Changbin.
It's been a few weeks since you've started seeing him, and it's been a lot of fun. He's the type of personal trainer that's not super strict if you fuck up, which is nice. Plus, he's fucking adorable.
Your phone vibrates against the table, seeing a notification from Changbin. You take a bite of your food, rolling your eyes back at how good it tastes.
You went!! I'm so proud of you! You'll enjoy it, I promise!
Changbin wrote a few healthy places for you to eat at, and after a few sessions, you finally convinced yourself to try it out. Your cheeks flush at his texts, specifically the words, “I'm so proud.”
You hide your face in your hands, not knowing how much more of his cuteness you can take. You text him back real quick before going back to eating your acai bowl.
You find yourself zoning out at the table, continuing your eating. A knock on the window you're sitting beside startles you, making you jump in your seat.
Changbin excitingly waves at you through the glass. Before you have the chance to return it, he's making his way inside. He plops down in a chair beside you, letting his bag fall to the floor.
“So, how is it? Which one did you get?” He asks you, inspecting the bowl.
“I got the tropical bowl,” you tell him, showing him what's inside the healthy dish. “And, it's so good. I never should've doubted you.”
He smiles at you and playfully punches your arm, a habit he does a lot. “I told you. You should be listening to your personal trainer,” he winks at you, grinning ear to ear.
You roll your eyes jokingly and shake your head. “Yes, Changbin, I should've listened to you! I'm so sorry!” You apologize dramatically, clasping your hands together.
“You're so cute,” Changbin laughs, leaning back against the chair.
A blush dusts your cheeks, tearing your gaze from him. He thinks I'm cute? You giggle softly, tucking some hair behind your ear. “Do– Do you want to try this?” You ask him, getting some of the food onto the spoon.
“May I?” He asks politely as you hold it out to him.
You nod your head, swallowing thickly. Changbin leans forward, pushing the spoon past his lips. You continue to hold the spoon, noticing how intimate this looks.
“Is it good?” You ask in a whisper, pulling the now empty spoon back.
He hums in response, nodding his head as he chews. “Very good,” he giggles, holding a hand over his mouth until he's finished eating. “Do you want to have a quick workout session? I haven't had my workout today, and if you want… I'd like to hang out a bit longer.”
“Yeah, I'd love to!” You beam at him, finishing up your acai bowl.
It didn't take very long to get to Changbin's house, a twenty minute car ride max. You're glad that you decided to wear leggings and a tank top today. Otherwise, all you'd be able to do is watch.
“Take me through your workout,” you say to him, walking into the spacious gym behind him. “I wanna see what personal trainer Changbin does.”
He chuckles but nods his head, walking over to one of the workout benches. You follow suit, crossing your arms over your chest.
His gaze moves to you once he sits on the bench. “Do you want to guess how much I can bench?” Changbin asks, a smirk settling on his lips.
You giggle before humming, tapping a finger against your chin. You don't say anything yet, taking a step towards him. “Well, if these are any indicators,” you pause, touching Changbin's bicep. “I would guess about 117.”
His skin warms up at your touch, making his head spin a little bit. “You're close! I can bench 130,” Changbin tells you, and your jaw drops.
“130? Holy shit,” you squeeze his bicep, not expecting that number.
He smirks and flexes his muscles. “Stand back, I'll show you,” he mentions while laying back on the bench.
You giggle, noticing how the correct amount of plates is already on the bar. “Did you set this up?” You ask before he starts, biting your lip gently.
Changbin scoffs, avoiding your eyes as he grips the metal bar. “No, no, of course not,” he plays off, feeling his cheeks blush. “I must've forgotten to unload it yesterday.”
“Mhm,” you play along with his lie, finding it cute. “So, you didn't plan any of this to impress me?”
He shakes his head, clearing his throat before starting his reps. You lick your lips as he swiftly does ten reps. Changbin places the bar back on the rack, sitting up after it's secured.
“That's quite impressive,” you tell him, taking a step forward and resting a hand on the weights. “Maybe sometime you can try to bench press me.”
The buff brunette chokes on his own saliva, his wide eyes looking up at you. “W-What?” He stumbles over his words, his fingers gripping the gym shorts he's sporting.
“Oh, come on, you heard me,” you laugh, tucking some hair behind your ear. “One night when you're free, let's get together so you can bench press me.”
He watches as you chuckle, smiling cutely at him. Changbin stands up from his seat, his hands finding a place on your waist. “Will it be alright if I did more than bench press you?”
Your cheeks blush at his question, and you nod your head in answer. He brings a hand to your face, gently cupping your cheek. You look up at him, noticing his eyes glued to your lips.
“You can kiss me… if you want,” you whisper loud enough for him to hear, pressing your forehead against his.
His eyes flick up to look into yours, a smile coming to his lips. Your hands find a place on his biceps, squeezing the large muscles softly. Changbin leans forward, capturing your lips with his.
Your stomach flips as you kiss him back instantly, moving to wrap your arms around his neck. His hands travel down your sides to the back of your thighs, lifting you with ease.
“Are you free tonight?” He asks, pulling away from the kiss.
Changbin walks over towards the wall, pressing your body against it. “I'm free,” you mumble before reconnecting your lips.
“Would you wanna go out with me?” He asks another question, planting short kisses on your face and lips.
You nod your head, grinning ear to ear as you comb your fingers through his hair. “I'd love to, Changbin,” you giggle, pressing one last kiss on his lips.
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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germiyahu · 8 months
Not too thrilled that my other post is getting so many notes when I'm not satisfied with it for a multitude of reasons. Let's have a do-over, hopefully much more succinct and to the original point.
When Palestinians, actually basically all Arabs, or all Muslims, say "Jerusalem is holy to us it is the 3rd holiest city in our religion." The White Western Leftist (WWL) will say "That's so valid your religion is so interesting and beautiful Hamas did nothing wrong I love the Houthis!"
But if a Jew ever rebuts "Jerusalem is holy to us as well, it's our holiest city, basically the only one we have," the WWL will probably roll their eyes, scoff, probably say something like "Okay but like why are you still using your outdated Zionist death cult to justify colonialism? You really think the Bible justifies killing millions of Palestinians?" and start going on and on about how Judaism invented everything bad about Christianity.
My hypothesis: These people are not allies to Muslims (Palestinians). They are condescending to them. They are throwing them a bone because they feel bad about how the Muslim world has been treated, well ever since Sykes-Picot, but especially post 9/11, the Patriot Act, The War on Terror, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Drone War, Libya, Nato, The Arab Spring, the list goes on. They don't think Muslims are capable of building the kind of societies they want, not without their gracious help. They don't think Muslims should have the same ideals of democracy and human rights, because they don't expect that from the Brown People. They won't ever hold them to such a standard because "Ugh where do we get off lecturing them?" even though they would never think this of Jews.
These people are not equals to Jews, something something Sartre they think they are both superior and inferior (which makes them superior). They are not just trying to hold their fellow citizens of the world to account. They are trying to put Jews in their place. They are projecting their religious trauma onto Jews because they do not understand Judaism. They see Judaism as Power. They are trying to delegitimize Judaism as a religion (and it is a religion, including the parts of religions that give atheists the "ick," including a lot of mysticism). They are trying to caterwaul about Jews being responsible for the world's ills and that they expect Jewish People to be better than this. To evolve beyond religion and community and affiliation and identity. They want Jewish to be nothing more than a box ticked off on a census. A neat little factoid about yourself, like how your neighbor Cheryl has Norwegian ancestry.
My only conclusion is that these people find Jews and Judaism repulsive, and they find Muslims and Islam primitive. Unlike their parents' generation, they appreciate the primitive. It is noble savagery to them. Unlike their parents' generation, the comparatively cosmopolitan modern secular Western sheen of Jewry (applied to Jews against their will) is not something that we almost lost from the world, but an annoying holdover of what we almost successfully purged from the world.
Because remember, while they hate their parents and everything they stand for, they still deep down want Daddy's approval. So it makes perfect sense why the psyche would displace anger and trauma and all that caused by Christianity, and look elsewhere to place blame. It falls at the feet of Jews and Judaism. Because my culture could never, there has to be a missing puzzle piece that could explain- oh there it is. The Jews did it. And wow look how easily this can slot in with every other antisemitism conspiracy theory.
The audacity to think I could make a shorter version of that post 😂 But basically it's this: The WWL, the Zoomer Left, the Tankies, whatever name you call them... they think that they can "save" Muslims by offering up Jews, and the terrorist fascist fundamentalists like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, they're on board. They're all in. Normal ass every day Muslims/Palestinians? They just want peace, they just want rights, they just want sovereignty. The WWL is not interested in that perspective.
They have not once in their lives thought of what they could possibly do in terms of reparations. No no, tweeting and marching for a weekend are quite enough. They have not once in their lives turned inward and self reflected on the ways they benefit from and their own role in these systems of supremacy, that have harmed Muslims around the world. Jewish blood is more than enough to pay for operation Iraqi Freedom. Jewish lives are a fetching price to assuage the Westerner's guilt. You know since they have so much trouble turning inward and reflecting on their own contribution to Islamophobia, it might do them good to practice a little תשובה... but I don't know 😌
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hollandorks · 9 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter fourteen
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of her mother and grandmother, y/n is forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke her heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, she vows to get to the bottom of her former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what she’s expecting.
a/n: I'm back to posting semi-regularly, yay! Not sure when the next chapter will be finished because of the holidays but hopefully it'll be within the next week or so! This one is a little on the shorter side, but the next several will be longer I think! (Since I haven't actually written them--but I have plans and they're lengthy.)
Series Masterlist
word count: 2k
“Oh man,” Martinez groaned as his eyes flicked from Alfred, to her, to the picture, and back again. He gulped audibly. Next to him, Blake the security guard was white as a sheet. “Gordon’s gonna kill me.”
“Gordon’s gonna kill me,” Martinez said for the twentieth time as y/n poured him a cup of coffee to replace the one that was currently still on the foyer floor. “I was supposed to be the one paying attention. I was the one he trusted.” Which, he informed  her after maybe the fourth “Gordon’s gonna kill me,” that meant he was Gordon’s most trusted on her security team. He was one who was secretly supposed to make sure no one else was compromised. 
“Martinez,” y/n said for the nineteenth time. “No he isn’t. You were doing your job. You already said you didn’t leave, or fall asleep, or take a call. In fact, you did your job so well you ignored my offer of coffee.” She held out the new mug. 
Martinez was still nervously mangling the hat of his uniform. He was completely ignoring her reassurances. He went still after a second, then turned eyes that were twice as frightened to her. “Man, Mr. Wayne’s gonna be so mad too, isn’t he? This is his house.” 
Y/n narrowed her eyes. “I’ll handle Bruce. And besides–Alfred’s more in charge than he is, and he already agreed it wasn’t your fault.” Alfred had met Gordon downstairs a few minutes earlier. The elevator and entire lobby had been turned into a crime scene. Martinez and y/n were waiting to give their statements. 
Easing Martinez’s fears was much easier than facing her own. It was easy to focus on him and nothing else. Because in the short half hour since she’d first found the picture, each bit of new information was worse than the last. No one on the security detail had been harmed, bribed, or had even moved. The security cameras had been turned off for only ten minutes. Which all meant that someone had enough access to Wayne Tower and its security to get past everything extra that had been set up. 
They wanted her to know that they could get to her. 
And they were drawing it out. Instead of grabbing her, they were making her wait. Making her scared.
Y/n focused again on the nervous cop in front of her, who was still bemoaning the fact that everyone was going to be mad at him. 
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to be mad at you,” she snapped. There was a headache blooming between her eyes. 
Martinez quieted, looking like a kicked puppy with a mustache. “Jesus, I’m so sorry, y/n. If I can make it up to you at all–” 
“Just drink your coffee, okay? No one blames you.” Y/n took a sip of her coffee. Her hands were still shaking, and some of the liquid spilled over as she set the cup back down. Damn, she was wasting a lot of coffee in one night. 
She startled when a warm hand landed atop hers. She looked up and met Martinez’s soft gaze. He didn’t say anything else, but his presence was enough to steady her. 
“I’m so glad they didn’t shoot you,” she said after a moment. 
They shared a grin. “Hell, me too.” 
An awareness prickled along y/n’s spine.
She looked up, and there was Bruce. 
His hair was stuck to his forehead and his shirt was on inside out. Her stomach swooped. There really only seemed to be one possibility from those two clues, plus the fact that he hadn’t been home. 
Jealousy and shame spread like hot oil through her stomach. 
Bruce looked…angry. His eyes were twin blue flames where they stayed locked on Martinez’s hand atop hers. 
Martinez scrambled to his feet as if the king of fucking England had just walked in. More coffee spilled as he bumped the table. Y/n half expected him to bow for Bruce. She rolled her eyes. 
“Mr. Wayne! I’m so sorry, I swear I was paying attention, I–” 
Bruce’s eyes went cold. “And you are?” 
“Officer Martinez, we actually met back–” 
Y/n’s eyes narrowed. It was her turn to jump to her feet. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she said to Bruce.  
Martinez flinched. Bruce calmly glanced her way then went back to glaring at Martinez. 
“When the security of my home has been compromised due to incompetence–” Bruce said, still calm despite the obvious fury in his eyes. 
Y/n cut him off. “Oh shut up. Stop talking to him like that. It wasn’t his fault!” 
Bruce’s eyes flashed. “Well, it was certainly someone’s.” 
“Maybe it was yours, then.” The words rose within her on a tide of anger. God, her life had been threatened again, and he had the nerve to come home from fucking his girlfriend and act like a dick to her friend? “I mean, you’ve been letting the rest of the tower go to shit for years, makes sense that maybe security is a little lax. Especially if you don’t even give enough of a shit to ever be here.” 
They were almost toe to toe now, both breathing heavily. From the corner of her eye, she saw Martinez freeze in place, mouth open in shock. 
“I give too much of a shit, y/n. If your little boyfriend hadn’t been distracted–” 
Oh, y/n thought. Bruce thought Martinez was her boyfriend. And okay, maybe it looked like that, but Martinez actually had a great girlfriend who was in a group chat with them where they all sent memes to each other. She and Martinez wanted to set up a double date with her cousin and y/n.
The realization made the anger ebb, but then she was pissed off all over again. 
“What gives you the right to act like this?” she spat at Bruce. He was so much taller than her that her neck was starting to ache from glaring up at him. “After what you did, after what you said, you’re acting like you have any right to one, be involved in my personal life at all or two, be jealous!” 
Bruce flinched. Just like the first time it had happened two days ago, it didn’t feel as good as she thought it would. 
“Um,” Martinez said in the echoing silence. “We’re actually just friends and I–I’m going to go give my statement now?” 
Y/n barely noticed him leaving. 
She was so sick of being so afraid, so heartbroken, so…everything. 
“You’re going to apologize to him whether he’s just my friend or not,” she said, poking Bruce in the chest. He winced and tried to mask it by looking away. “I already told you, Bruce. I lost you three years ago. Stop acting like that didn’t fucking happen, because it did.” 
Bruce’s hands were clenched into fists at his sides. Now he wasn’t looking her in the eye at all. “I didn’t mean–” 
“Oh, shut the fuck up, yes you did.” But the words were bereft of the anger that had been present only moments before. She took a deep breath and a step backwards. “I’m just–sick of pretending things are the same, okay? I know you want to go all protective-best-friend thinking Martinez is my boyfriend or that he put me in danger but–I can’t just–Things aren’t–” Suddenly words were failing her. “It’s just not the same, okay?” 
She watched as Bruce softened, too. “Y/n, I’m sorry, I–” 
“Why did Martinez just run out of here like a bomb went off?” Gordon’s voice cut across whatever Bruce had been about to say. 
“Mommy and Daddy were fighting,” y/n said drily, her defense mechanism of humor kicking in. Bruce made a choking noise. “Find anything useful? Like maybe Frank Gallo?”
She could almost hear Gordon’s teeth grinding from across the room. “No.” 
“Bruce,” Alfred said from behind Gordon. “We have some things to discuss.” 
Bruce gave her one last glance before following Alfred out. 
Alone with Gordon now, y/n sank into her chair with a long sigh. She stared at the little coffee spills as if they had personally offended her. “If I spill any more coffee tonight I might kill someone.” 
“Now that would be a sight. Looked like you were about to do Mr. Wayne in already.” Gordon chuckled and took the seat across from her. He flipped open a small notebook. 
“I’m still not opposed to smothering him in his sleep,” she muttered. “Arrest me if you have to.” 
“How about I get your statement instead?” 
It didn’t take long. She was basically a pro at giving statements to the police at this point. When she was done, she said, “I’m so…tired of giving statements to the police.” 
Gordon regarded her with sharp eyes that didn’t miss anything. “We’re doing everything we can, y/n,” he said softly. 
“I know, I know. It’s just–getting shot at was scary and all, but this is my home.” Her voice cracked. She ducked her head and fiddled with her coffee mug so Gordon wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. “They’re telling me they can get to me here, too. Where I’m supposed to be safe.”
“I understand completely. We’ll get him. We’ll get them. I have a feeling he might show up on our doorstep sooner rather than later, with something bat-shaped pinned to him and a couple of black eyes and broken bones.” Gordon smirked. Y/n frowned as she realized she hadn’t seen Batman at all. Had he been downstairs? Maybe Bruce hadn’t wanted him to come upstairs. Her frown deepened. “Now, you’re going to have to help me convince Officer Martinez not to sleep in the elevator tonight. Or right outside your door. He’s pretty upset.” 
“I’m surprised he still wants to hang around, considering how much of a dick Bruce was,” y/n said under her breath. “But I’ll do my best.” 
Martinez took a lot of convincing, but eventually relented and went home to his girlfriend. He made y/n put a chair under her bedroom door handle first, though.
Bruce hadn’t reappeared by the time y/n went to bed. 
She laid down, the words of their argument–or whatever the hell that had been–replaying on a loop. Being around him made her feelings go haywire. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so angry at him. The heartbreak of three years ago had taken over her life and she had to admit that the anger felt…almost good. Cathartic. But it also made her feel out of control. She didn’t feel like herself. Being mad at Bruce went against years of instincts. She was used to defending him, or him defending her, to being on the same team together.
She was still wide awake as dawn broke over the sky hours later. 
Another thought kept turning over and over in her mind. Frank Gallo–or someone he had hired–had gotten into her home. Her very, very secure home. 
She had been afraid before, but it was nothing like this. Her safe haven had been…sullied. They knew who she was, where she lived, and had basically said right to her face that not even Bruce Wayne’s money and power could keep her safe. 
Added all together, y/n’s mind simply would not shut off in order for her to sleep.
It occurred to her again that she hadn’t seen Batman at all–had Gordon updated him on what happened? Because he had been in that photo, too. He had kept her alive, which she was certain had pissed off the Gallos. Was he a target? Maybe the picture of them together was a threat to both of them, but only given to her since they knew where she lived. 
When she rolled over, her eyes caught on all of her research piled on the opposite side of the bed. Her eyes snagged on those three words: white knight syndrome. 
She bet she had her answer about any possible feelings he might have. Even if he had shown up, he hadn’t tried to contact her, to see her, nothing. He was probably sick of having to keep her alive. He was probably leaving it up to Gordon and the police department now. 
Despite everyone who was trying hard to keep her alive, y/n felt utterly alone. 
Next Chapter
@ktficworld @grunge-n-roses5 @anon-cat-posts @projectdreamwalker @warsaur @lachillona02 @crazyunsexycool @doetic @alexiris @that-girl-named-alex @harry-bowie-mercury @vaniasagitaa @widows-writings @missing-loki @exactlyelegantwizard @miriamnox @mavenmoon @eclipsedplanet @spencerrxids @giulia2372 @katara-is-a-goddess-changemymind @janezat @incorrectmarvelquotesss @spiritdetectivel @i-have-no-life-charlie @ilovemybabes @curseyouperrytheplatypus @lightsinmycity @yondiii @spideybv28 @fictionalmansl4t
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anarchy-and-piglins · 4 months
After a mere half hour spent in the same room as these people, Philza has already been reminded of why he doesn't normally answer a summons.
The constant staring annoys him to no end. He supposes it's to be expected, what with his country's reputation for being a complete enigma. The Antarctic Empire is one of the lucky few nations that operates entirely self-sufficiently, producing all their own resources. They do not trade with other countries often. In fact, the mountain ranges that border the very south of their peninsula do not offer any convenient trading routes to begin with. And since that same treacherous terrain also cuts the empire off from the continent in such a way that passing through becomes a challenge in wilderness survival, they're mostly left to their devices. Some folks still believe Phil's nation is a myth, a story conjured up by fairytales.
So Phil coming all the way out here for Dante's attempt at diplomacy must be quite the sight. Most people will die without ever having seen the king of the Antarctic Empire, no wonder they have a hard time looking away.
That won't stop Phil from getting some satisfaction every time one of these pompous nobles cowers if he so much as flexes his wings and turns toward them. He's currently locked in a bit of a staring contest with a man across the room. Phil doesn't know if he's another royal or random noble, but he does know he can't stand the look on this fucking guy's face.
At one point the man smiles more broadly, as if pleased that Phil caught him staring. He bows his head a bit, with Phil half-heartedly returning the courtesy, tucking in his wings to keep them from flaring automatically with the gesture. However, this leaves Phil's elbow to bump into somebody trying to slide past him.
Phil didn't expect anybody to be there, the entire crowd had been giving him a pretty wide berth all evening. He's even more surprised when he sees it's a child, maybe ten or eleven years old. His fancy clothes and intricately braided pink hair with golden jewelry betray him as a prince.
"Sorry," Phil says. He reaches out to steady the boy, but the kid flinches and steps back at his attempted touch, pulling his sleeves up over his wrists. "I didn't see you there, are you okay?"
The boy looks up at him and instead of answering, his blue eyes widen a bit. "You're the emperor of the Antarctic Empire," he says. The statement is delivered in a deceptively neutral tone, especially for somebody of such a young age. Phil is used to more dramatic reactions.
"I am. Call me Phil. What's your name?" Phil smiles gently at the boy. He always had a soft spot for children.
Again, he doesn't receive an answer. Instead, the boy's gaze moves across him for a moment, pondering. He grins slightly, but it's a strange sort of expression. Almost private. As if nobody else is supposed to see. "You're shorter than I thought you'd be," the boy says. Before Phil can blink or respond, he's disappeared into the crowd.
Phil is very much left completely flabbergasted.
Curiosity ever the greatest motivator for him, Phil walks up to the man who was staring at him earlier. The guy pales three shades at seeing Phil approach him, maybe thinking his rude behavior is getting retribution after all. But Phil couldn't care less about this man anymore.
He wants to know who the boy is.
"The child I was just talking to, do you know who he is?" Phil asks, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.
"Who- Oh, he's nobody, sir." The way the man blunders and becomes overly formal brings Phil little pleasure. "Prince Techno. From the Blade family."
"From the Blade family? What is he doing so far away from home?"
"He's King Dante's ward." 
Phil glances over to where the man is looking, in the direction of Dante himself. Techno is standing next to the king, head bowed a bit and seeming pretty disgruntled to be there. But when Dante lays his hand almost delicately on the nape of Techno's neck, the boy flinches again and forces a neutral expression on his face.
"You know how the Blade family is," the man says grimly. "Ferocious beasts of war, all of them. It's a wonder Dante has managed to secure an allyship. They even got close enough bonds to leave their son in Dante's care."
Thinking about the summons, about how Dante was a nobody three years ago who since managed to overthrow several small countries by using superior weapons and strategies - those the likes of which only the Blade nation is known for - makes several things click into place. Allyship? It makes sense. A lot of sense.
Then what is the uncomfortable feeling that seems hooked into Phil's gut?
(Maybe it's because of the flinching. Or because of how Techno seems to move around like a ghost. Or because when he pulled up his sleeves, Phil was sure he saw the faded blue and purple of bruises on the boy's pale skin.
The Blade family runs their kingdom in a similar way to the Antarctic Empire. They don't make allies. Only enemies.)
"Are you staying for the peace conference, sir?" the man is brave enough to ask, now that Phil has broken the ice. It's probably a question for many of them. Despite Dante's ruthless way of overtaking other countries, Phil's empire isn't threatened by him. He's only here as a formality. He has no reason to stay, no stakes in this game.
Dante pulls his hand away and it's like Techno can finally breathe again. Phil's eyes meet his for a moment, then the boy looks away.
"I think I'll stick around to see how things unfold," Phil says pleasantly.
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Some Much-Needed Downtime TBH
ok I kinda read these species-swap chapters quickly without commenting 2 nights ago bc I REALLY wanted to catch up to the show, and honestly I didn't have much to say? It was a fun showcase of some different species talents, and introduced multiple fun problems for the characters to solve [takes notes in DM]. But it didn't seem to move either plot or characters forward much. Some notes:
Honestly it's surprising that there's only been 1 count of food poisoning so far, when they're trying SO MANY new things. One must credit Senshi's cooking skills!
This might be the single funniest joke so far:
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I've seen multiple posts saying Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be feminine by dwarf standards, and I'm genuinely BAFFLED by that take because it is SO obvious that Senshi's elfsona reveals him to be 1. the Hottest Man You Have Ever Met, and 2. HAIRY. We have seen 0 other elves with facial hair. I dug up that showcase of different elves and 0 of them have facial hair. In the Tolkienien lore from which all modern fantasy, or certainly this sort of fantasy, is derived, exactly 2 elves in the history of the world are said to have had facial hair. Elf!Senshi has a tiny little moustache. Elf!Senshi isn't feminine, he is the HOTTEST, HAIRIEST bear in the metaphorical gay club.
...it's possible that he's more of a himbo than we realize, though.
I don't know what's up with Kensuke and I AM worried that it's being directed by the demon. I want it to be Laios's friend so bad...
It occurs to me that "the winged lion is actually the demon at the root of all of this" is probably the biggest spoiler I've gotten, and I didn't even realize how huge a spoiler it was because I DIDN'T get spoilered for the fact that, so far as the characters know, the lion is supposed to be a helpful god. Don't play with spoilers, kids! Even if you want to read the juicy meta!
This initial fight with the gargoyles is probably my new second-favorite "Laios is really quickly analytical and problem-solving in combat" moment (the living armor fight is still #1). He sees how everyone is failing, prevents more problems as he can, realizes they can't win and puts together what pieces they need to get out. In group social dynamics, he's a mediocre leader at best, but he's a superb combat tactician.
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Laios is just living in his own little after-school special, and I love him for that.
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That first panel is definitely support for the theory that the 50-60yr life expectancy of "short-lived" races like tallmen, orcs, kobolds and halffeet is shorter than it should be, relative to their ages of maturity, because the long-lived races control and hold most of the resources. It's even possible that their ages of maturity SHOULD be even older, but social conditions force them to become "adults" at a younger developmental age than dwarves, gnomes and especially elves!
Panel 3 is Marcille mentally shoving Chilchuck higher on her list of Lives to Extend by Whatever Magic I Can Learn.
I love how the way they figure out that the mushrooms' effects are easily reversible is literally by thinking through the greater social worldbuilding implications of the effects.
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^This is the single most Dad we've ever seen Chilchuck...topped only by that 'carry child like a football' a moment later. Actually, he yeets Marcille a LOT while tall - here, over the jump in the travel montage, with Laios to make a loop for the gargoyle...which I'm dead certain is an indication of how he physically treated his daughters. Those kids got casually, affectionately tossed like salad.
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...okay maybe I did have several thoughts about those 2 chapters.
"[Falin] was much tougher than I was. I hear she and our parents still write to each other" is SUCH a line for painting a picture of Laios and Falin's childhoods, and Laios's feelings on it.
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you can keep your Kabru Wink(TM)s, I am weak only for the Laios Fond Little Smile(TM).
I love how Senshi is still musing on this soul = egg metaphor, and I LOVE how both times now that we've seen Laios genuinely lose his temper, it's because someone was saying "why are you just being excited about eating monsters when Falin is in danger?!", and he's snapping because he is fucking NOT dismissing his sister in favor of eating monsters, he is doing EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to save her and it just so happens that the only plans with a smidgen of success involve leaning into eating monsters. And by trying to stop him from that, you're stopping him from saving Falin.
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Laios, how tf do you remember the Wink? I'm 99% sure Kabru never once winked in your interactions; I WAS looking for it. Was he just exuding wink energy? (I mean...yes.)
The dramatic irony jokes in this chapter are on POINT. Chilchuck: "There's no way this thing still works" [tram door slams shut on his heels, cars immediately starts moving]. "You won't find a military company in the dungeon" [smash cut to Shuro, Namari and Kabru unhappily leading the Canaries into the dungeon]. Impeccable.
Stopping this one here in preparation for going nuts about implied elf-related worldbuilding in the next chapters!
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rheian · 3 months
A collection of my Merthur fics that I thoroughly liked. This started out as a fluffy collection, how did this turn out to be a goddamn AU collection?? Also can I just say “Arlin” is such a stupid alt ship name. Glad we stuck with Merthur, christ. This list is a bit shorter than my last one, sorry about that!
If there are fanfiction you cannot access and you do not have an ao3 account then that probably means the fic is restricted, sorry! I highly recommend you to create an ao3 account.
Click “Keep Reading” for the list. ( dividers © )
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How (Not) to be a YouTuber: A Comprehensive Guide by Idiots by Imagined, Scarlet_Ribbons ( T | 7k words | one-shot )
Arthur has a gaming channel. Merlin has a gardening channel. The only thing they have in common, it seems, is the fact they're both successful YouTubers, and that their followers want them to do a collab in spite of how different their content is.
Or: In which Arthur and Merlin flirt (despite Merlin’s mysterious fiancé), Morgana dishes out the hottest gossip, Gwaine keeps trying to fight the entire internet, and their fans are maybe just a little too overbearing.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Youtuber AU, Secret Relationship, Social Media
twitterature by cominupforair ( T | 5k words | one-shot )
Arthur is Camelot FC’s star striker. Merlin is Ealdor FC’s starting goalkeeper. And the whole world thinks they’re rivals, but are they?
aka the Social Media/Football/Wedding AU nobody had asked for
Part 1 out of 3 : Camelot FC
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Football AU, Idiots in Love, Secret Relationship
Shadowlord and Pirate King by Footloose, mushroomtale ( E | 169k words | completed )
A fast ship, a good crew, a treasure, a Clan to lead -- that's all Arthur Pendragon has ever wanted. He sits on the Council, he supports his father's kingship, and he keeps an eye on the Imperial Conglomerate when they come too close to Pirate space.
One day the Conglomerate infiltrates the Clans and poisons the King. Arthur must search for a cure to keep his father alive and the Clans from civil war.
An escape route, a sharp knife, a target, the shadows at his command -- that's all Merlin has ever needed. He fulfills his assignments, he uses the Sterling to sustain his once-royal House in their exile, and wages a private war against the Imperial Conglomerate.
When he learns of an elaborate plot to assassinate him, Merlin does the opposite of what's expected. He flees onto a Pirate ship.
There's a saying among the Pirates: that one's fate is written in the stars. Destiny will always set to rights what has been made wrong.
Arthur and Merlin know that they were meant for the other from the moment they meet. They can feel it from across the galaxies separating them. Nothing can stop them from being together or from fulfilling an ancient prophecy.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Space / Original AU, Space Opera, futuristic warfare
Noodles Save The Day, Even In Mysterious Ways by Dream_Me_A_Song ( T | 12k words | two-shot )
Arthur has been having a very bad week. Arguments with his father, sister and his best friend. Just got laid of his job. And now made a fool of himself in front of the cute boy from his favorite coffe shop.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Modern AU, Getting Together, First Dates
It's Nice to Finally Tweet You by Pendragons Dragonlord ( T | 15k words | one-shot )
Merlin's eyes scan the headline.
Arthur Pendragon reveals mark in attempt to find the one.
"I pity the guy who's unfortunate enough to get him as a soul mate.”
In which Arthur is a famous celebrity, Merlin is a beloved teacher, and they break Twitter once. Well, twice. Okay so it's a whole bunch of times actually but it's not their fault. Really it's not.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Modern AU, Soulmates AU, Twitter, Angst and Humor
True Love by platonic_boner ( T | 6k words | one-shot )
AU where soulmates can’t lie to each other.
(That’s okay, Merlin wasn’t planning to lie to Arthur anyways! Haha.. ha.. ha…)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Soulmates AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings
Moonlit by TheDragon ( M | 3k words | one-shot )
Prince Arthur is a werwulf—the one thing Camelot hates more than sorcerers. He was bitten back when he was 19, and he vividly remembers spending his first full moon running through the forest, killing every animal in sight.
Nowadays, Arthur hides away on full moons. There's a corridor in the dungeons, with many cells that have certainly seen better days. Arthur spends the whole night locked and shackled in a cell at the end of the corridor, praying to any god that will listen that no one hears his snarls.
He's been lucky these past few years. Very, very lucky.
Unfortunately, it seems his luck has run out. [...]
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) | Werewolf AU, Canon-Typical Violence, Captivity
The Prince's Mistress by mayfriend ( M | 97k words | completed ) 
When Uther declared war on the Old Religion after the death of his wife in childbirth, he was warned that there would be consequences to his crusade beyond his worst nightmares. But Uther ignored these warnings, and the purge continued. If he'd known the price his people would pay for his vendetta, perhaps he would have been more wary.
Twenty years have passed since the great purge began, and Uther's subjects have grown barren. Fewer children are born with each passing year, until the very future of the Kingdom was endangered. In a final attempt to save Camelot, Uther decreed that men of the noble class were allowed to take mistresses without fear of condemnation. The social class from which the mistress originated didn't matter, as long as she was able to bear an heir - an heir that would be recognised and legitimised by the court.
Merlin, having been raised outside Camelot, knew little of these problems. If she had, she'd have thought twice before she saved the prat of a prince's life and was made his mistress as a 'reward' by Uther.
A fill from a kinkmeme prompt, which focuses on an canon AU where Merlin is a girl, Arthur's mistress, and the only hope for a waning Camelot.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Gender Swap AU, Canon Divergence, Female Merlin, Assassination Attempt(s)
a half of a whole (cannot truly forget the other) by Steamcraft ( T | 99k words | completed )
From the majority of the patients in Camelot Mental Health Institute, Colin Morgan - or Merlin as he insists to be called - seems the most normal aside from the delusions. Bradley only wishes he'd stop calling him Arthur for gods sake because now he dreams of legends.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Mental Institution AU, Modern AU, Reincarnation, Immortal Merlin, Hospital Malpractice
I Will Share Your Road by PinkGold ( E | 7k words | one-shot )
 ‘Who is this?’
Arthur’s heart was beating fast. He didn’t know what to expect, but whatever he was doing, it felt wrong. He checked to see if the doors had been properly closed, and when he looked down at his forearm again, he had a new message.
‘They call me Emrys.’
Emrys, Arthur mumbled. Weird name.
‘How are you doing this?’
The answer took a while to appear in his skin, right on the inside portion of his upper arm.
In which Arthur and Merlin are soulmates who can write on each other's skin.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Soulmates AU, Druid Merlin, Two Person Love Triangle, Insecure Arthur, Idiots in Love
leaves on a pear tree (the you're so young remix) by coricomile ( T | 1k words | one-shot )
“The magic,” Merlin says. “Isn’t it funny that it’s you with it this time around instead of me? Imagine what Uther would say.”
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Hogwarts AU, Modern AU, Reincarnation
Deeds by the5leggedCricket ( T | 6k words | completed )
Arthur is coming of age, and that means he’s about to get Deeds—marks on his body telling him of his soulmate’s greatest accomplishments. But as he tries to find his soulmate, he also makes some worrying discoveries about the kind of person his soulmate is.
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon | Soulmates AU, Canon divergence, Oblivious Arthur, Fluff
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beplerblurbs · 1 year
matching hats s.r.
pairing: unistudent!ricky x gn seatmate!y/n
genre: fluff
w/c: 2.1k
warnings: intentional lowercase, reader is shorter than ricky(?), not proofread
prompt: your seatmate ricky. reminds of you of a cat. you like to crochet during lectures and end up making ricky a cat beanie!
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you and the rest of the students scamble off the cramped bus rushing to get to your classes. there's been a traffic with freshmen moving in and parents wanting to make sure they're prepared and such.
it was a little annoying because you knew your lecture hall was filling up with every second the bus was trying to reach the university bus station through all the traffic.
eventually you reach your lecture hall along with a cluster of other students for your arts history class, not the most interesting thing on 9 am mondays...
you entered from the back of the classroom, you see the professor preparing her lesson way at the front and the back of many students as they murmur amongst themselves.
with about 90% of the seats already taken, you wouldn't be surprised if you had to sit on the stairs at this point. eyes wandering for an empty seat, blond head stood out with no one beside one of his seats.
walking down the steps to reach the mysterious guy "sorry, but is this seat taken?", oh... he's so cute
with styled bleach blond hair, thick eyebrows, curious eyes, slightly ajar lips and neck tattoo saying 'role model,' you were taken aback by his good looks.
"no, take a seat" a warm smile welcomed you to your seat before he went back to looking at his laptop to prep for class.
just as you get out your notebook, your professor starts the lecture.
"good morning class, hope the travel to class was great considering the beautiful weather today," ironic considering you're actual trip.
the professor goes through the basic course breakdown to help everyone gauge expectations. you're already writing down due dates in your notebook's calendar. the prof seems really chill and you appreciate that.
she switches her slideshow to a large text that says 'introduce yourself to your seat partner and tell them a fun fact'
"you guys see the screen... do it, i'll give you guys 2 minutes" the class giggles at her bluntness.
you put down your pen to focus on this mysterious guy. he's confident and relaxed, he avoids making the situation awkward and goes along with the professor's request.
"hi, i'm shen ricky. i'm an international student majoring in performance arts and... my fun fact is that my friends said i resemble a cat earlier today" he smiles to himself, seemingly unexpected fun fact he chose to share.
"oh? i dont see it exactly... nevermind, maybe i just need to know you more to see it hah."
you on the other hand can't seem to not be awkward, trying to smile through it "uhm anyways, i'm y/l/n y/n, and i'm a student under the entertainment management program and this is one of my electives. my fun fact is that i love to crochet, you'll probably see me do it in lecture at some point."
"ah!" you were startled by ricky's excitement, "crocheting sounds so fun, i need to learn it at some point." you turn slightly pink, seeing someone be so interested in your seemingly boring hobby.
ricky continues on, "i think that just means we have to be friends and sit in class together so you can teach me," suddenly, ricky's hand as his phone out with his new contact ready to be filled with your information.
"sure!... this isn't like flirting or anything right?" as much as you were attracted to ricky's looks, you always set boundaries for yourself for comfort. you wouldn't let some new blond guy mess that all up.
he scratched the back of his neck, "oh no, not at all, but i really apologise that I came off that way. i'm actually interested in crocheting though!" his genuine tone was enough for you to forgive him and give him your contact.
"okay class lets start with the first lesson," before you could even give him your phone to fill in his number, the professor quiet downed the class.
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unknown number: hi it's ricky, boy from arts history.
you take a bite of your favourite late-night snack, gummy worms. you had started studying a bit and took a break to go to your closest convenience store.
y/n: hi! its y/n, why are you texting at this hour? lol
you change the contact name,
ricky: sorry are you busy? I just wanted to make sure you still wanted to sit next to me in class on wednesday, if not thats fine!!
you giggle to yourself, why does he text cute too...
y/n: oh no worries, i just got my daily dose of gummy worms haha
y/n: but yeah we can meet up before class and sit together! i'll make sure i'm early next time...
ricky: lol yeah maybe to get a good seat, i'm usually in the library an hour before class
ricky: just lmk and i'll wait for you
and with that the conversation ended just as you re-entered your apartment to get back to studying.
hes seems so sweet compared to his cold appearance.
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getting up early wasn't your favourite activity, but ricky said he would be in the library at 8 am (like a crazy man) so you decided to give him some company and teach him how to crochet.
you come in the library with an iced coffee in hand and leftover gummy worms in the other. a distinct blond head and neck tattoo became proportionate as you closer. "how are you so awake at this hour?" you yawn sitting in the chair across from ricky's.
he laughs, "i try to eat a full meal, i don't know if gummies and coffee count as one," you disregard it, "yeah, yeah.”
you set down your food and pull out two small bundles of yarn and two crochet hooks. "one for you, one for me. which colour would you like?"
"green please!" (i miss rijeong) you slid the pale pastel green bundle to his side of the table, leaving you would the baby blue yarn.
an insightful and detailed lesson on crocheting and somehow ricky's chain fell apart 3 times. he was genuinely trying. you thought it would frustrate him but him seeing you giggle at his mistakes made ricky feel warm inside somehow.
you sighed and made ricky put down his hands from crocheting. "we should got go to class now, i'll teach you another time. take notes for me as a trade?" it was an offer ricky couldn't give up, in his head it gave himself a reason to talk to you even more.
ricky simply nodded and put the yarn and hook into his bag. you guys walked out of the library, heading to the library with 15 minutes to spare.
during class, you spent most of it crocheting while taking in the information and ricky took notes on his laptop. yet he was the one not really listening, he was focused on how endearing you looked simply crocheting and listening intently. you didn't notice that though.
you ended up making some cute hand rags that you needed for your kitchen. "thoughts?" you ask ricky while showing off your 30 minutes worth of time. his signature sweet smile arose "very stylish, you're so cool." his non-chalant remark made you blush and shyly put away your pieces as the professor had ended the lecture.
"same time friday?" ricky said standing up, backpack slung over one shoulder, "same time every lecture," you confidently spoke, smiling and quickly going to your next class.
you weren't even in rush, your next class was in 30 minutes. ricky stood still in the lecture hall smiling to himself.
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every lecture you began making random pieces, eventually making a sweater, a scarf, mittens, cup holders, and the list goes on. some of these for you, and some for ricky.
you stopped going to your convenience store at night, you became accustomed to ricky getting you some gummy worms the next day. in return, you got him and yourself iced coffees for the day. suddenly being awake at 8 am wasn’t so tough
as well, everyday you and ricky were texting more, hanging out after classes, usually to cafes. ricky was able to make a progress and finish a small square, but the focus needed made him want to take a break from the hobby. he said he preferred watching you crochet anyways.
this is what friends do right? hang out, talk and laugh, share sentimental stories, get each other small gifts, hug tightly goodbye, holding hands...
your boundaries were loosening up. however, with how much you enjoyed ricky being with you, you didn't mind it.
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you were tapping your coffee lid as a fidgeting habit, ricky doesn't even acknowledge it. there was a comfortable silence as he scrolled on his phone and you looked out the window with the warm sunlight yet the dead trees and snow in the plant beds. the winter made the outdoors almost unbearable as you hated the cold, but you felt warm next to ricky…
you turn your attention to ricky and his relaxed state, focusing on his screen. "hm." you made a noise that caught his attention, he rose his eyebrows as he shifted his focus to you. he put down his phone and rested his chin on his hand, elbow propping him up.
"what you thinking about?" not phased by his flirtatious antics at this point, you didn't move. "i guess you do look like a cat,” you poke one of his cheeks. now he was confused, "all of a sudden?"
"yeah! like you have big doe-y eyes and your cheekbones kinda resemble the follicle cheeks... you just need the ears and whiskers." you eye-smile at the thought of rickys 'intimidating' face with cute ears and drawn on whiskers.
rickys ears can't suppress his feelings anymore, they grow bright red and he turns away, looking outside to the bright outside. "whatever." you knew he liked it but you let it go.
"we should go to class now," ricky stands up with his bag over his shoulder, waiting for you to pack up and walk with him to class. you reply a quick 'okay' before you stand up.
ricky already has his hand out for you to hold. you intertwine fingers with him and walk to your guys' class.
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sitting in class you had some pink yarn in hand but you can't think of making anything other than those cute cat beanies you've been seeing online. mainly because you really wanted to see ricky in one.
it was simple and quick to make so you made two, matching hats make such a cute pair.
ricky was still actively committed to the deal where he does notes while you crochet. you hid the two pieces in your bag when he was focused.
"yah, what'd you make this time, i didn't even notice you finished it early"
you both walk out of class early and felt a strong wind chill hit both of your faces. ricky hides his face in the scarf you made before in class. "its so cold still, are you cold?" you see ricky's breath in the air.
"well i think this will warm us up," you smile pulling out the hats from your side bag pocket.
he makes a little happy 'o' face, ready to cherish the next crocheted piece you made. "ouu, what is it? what is it?" his eagerness made you smile big, and ask him to close his eyes.
he closes them quickly, eager to see what it is. you snuggly put on his cute pink cat beanie on his head, and then your own. "okay! open!"
ricky is completely whipped for you seeing your adorable face and a cute cat hat. "you're so cute, what about me? what do i look like?" he quickly pulls out his phone to swipe to the camera app and see what he got.
"the same one dork, aren't matching hats cute?" you can't even hide your smile, the cold was helping you look like your bright red cheeks were appropriate for the weather.
ricky had slowly begun to recognise your soft, vulnerable side had been coming out when you were with him. you were truly comfortable around him and it made him melt inside.
you suddenly felt your face smushed up against ricky's chest, a warm hug. "thank you y/n. it is cute" his little giggle came out as a vibration against your ear. you were also melting.
you look up at him and everything felt perfect. "hey ricky?"
"i love you."
a moment of comfortable silence, with the warmth of his heart heating up yours, you knew what he felt too.
"i love you too, y/n"
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author's note: this ended up being longer than i expected........ i hope u enjoy the ricky fluff </3pls send in requests!!!!
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okay so lately I have seen a lot of people claim they hate mammon bc he steals from mc, and like there's nothing wrong with disliking a character lol but I don't recall mammon ever stealing from mc?? like the only thing I can think of is that one time in season 1 I think where he was going through their stuff and said he was looking for something to sell (I think?? it's been a while) and beel straight up calling him a liar lmao l'm just wondered if I missed something? or if this is just newer players who maybe misunderstood that one scene? and I figured if anyone would know it would be you lmao
I got so fucking pissed about this (not at you anon <3) cos this is the third time I got an ask like this, that I scrolled all the way down my 'Obey Me Mammon' tag to June/July 2020 and then slowly scrolled my way up pulling all the receipts I could.....I saw this immediately after you sent it and I just finished now...... turns out it takes 5 straight hours to go through my Mammon tag😶
I have answered this exact same ask twice before and I can only assume it's new people? Like honestly you can't play the game for a long time and still think this (they prove this false within the game in LESSON FOUR)
Not only does Mammon NOT steal from MC, he also:
a.) Gets legitimate/legal jobs whenever he wants to buy MC something (which is pretty frequently)
b.) Shares the money with them when he comes into a large sum of money
But anyway here are the links to the posts talking about all this:
(everything is directly taken from canon or based off canon)
A.) No he doesn't steal from MC
• Full Summary of the Lesson 4 locked chapter where he goes through MC's stuff and a compare and contrast of what we know about Mammon from future lessons, events, devilgrams
• First post talking about this, goes more into detail about him not stealing from them
• Second shorter post about how he doesn't steal from them
• They're literally Partners in Crime
• He straight up refuses the Midas touch (multiple times I believe) after realising it means he won't be able to touch MC anymore
• HEADCANON that maybe he steals/borrows their clothes, with their knowledge, to wear
• In the small introductory manga page they say the thing he likes as much as money is MC
• In S3 he admits to loving MC more than he loves money
B.) He goes out of his way to get MC Presents (which we works actual jobs to earn money for)
• Mammon at the Office Devilgram, where he gets an actual office job so he can buy MC a watch he saw them looking at
• In the Movie Date Devilgram he rents out an entire theatre for the two of them because it was the anniversary of the day they first met
• In the You Always Ride Shotgun Devilgram he rents out a pool for the two of them
• He's always giving MC presents
• Usually he buys matching things for them
• He buys them shoes in their favourite colour
• Mammon's love language
• He wants to share his winnings from a lottery with MC
• He finds a secret second map in the pirate au event and tells only MC so they can share the treasure
C.) It's not just MC, he puts the others before Money too
• In the Presents From Mammon Devilgram he buys presents for everyone
• In The Guardian Demon Devilgram he saves a 9yr old orphaned homeless human girl from a mugger, fosters her and plans to pay for all her needs until she's an adult/can provide for herself - which is why he's always in debt to the three witches who look after her for him, there's also extortion going on from them towards him
• He'd rather lose the entire fortune he won than make Luke upset
• List of times he's put others before money
• He straight up tells Luke he doesn't mind missing out on a reward as long as it means Luke is alright
• Socks for Beel
• He gets a stone for his birthday which can give him whatever he wishes for, he wishes for fortune to come to whoever has the stone and then gives the stone to a student who tried to hurt him
D.) How Mammon works as a character
• Solmare makes you form certain expectations about him and then starts breaking them within the next few lessons and it's amazing to witness
• Friendship, Actions & Reality Vs Calling MC 'Servant'
• Mammon, MC and their Friendship
• Mammon being smart and why he comes off as an idiot
• His thoughts about himself vs MC
• He's actively changing and growing as a character and he knows it
• How Mammon actually views himself
• Why there's a difference in his level of affection in public vs privately
• Jerk with a heart of gold trope but better
• Mammon and how much he cares about consent
• How outsiders see Mammon vs how people from the city see Mammon vs how his close friends and family see him
• Chasing some creep away from MC
• How his relationship with MC changes and grows throughout the season
E.) Other reasons to love him
• Examples of how much he loves MC
• How supportive he & MC are of each other
• Some of his funniest moments
• He's objectively terrifying
• Mammon being a good brother
• He's extremely ride or die for MC
• He waits for MC when they've got to stay late at RAD for other work
• Despite being an ancient being all his best memories consist of the time he's spent with MC
• He created a whole line of toys based around missing MC
• Everything he says about loving MC in his 2022 birthday event
• List of things he's good at
• The amount he loves MC
And this is just a few of my posts about mammon, his character and what there's to love about him
And look it's MORE than okay for people to dislike a character but at least dislike them for something that actually happened?
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butterfly-writer · 5 months
Punishment & Pleasure
Dabi x Female!Reader
Summary: Dabi was being a brat, always interrupting his beloved during meetings and conversations. I’m sure he deserved what she’s willing to give him as punishment..
★☽A/N: I never wrote smut in a long time.. This is like– My second time writing, and my first wasn’t exactly a satisfying one.. So I hope this one is not too bad! I might be making a separate account for smut if this one turns out okay!
Contents: SMUT
Power bottom AFAB reader, sub top Dabi – Manhandling, anal play, orgasm denial, masochism.
18+ MDNI
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· • —– ٠ 𓆩♡𓆪 ٠ —– • ·
It was a cold evening. The sun was slowly setting and the sky was a beautiful hue of orange and red. The League of Villains was having a few short meetings, all ending with Shigaraki getting pissed.
But someone was getting a lot more pissed.
That someone is Y/N L/N.
She was talking to Toga, listening to her rant about her obsession over a certain green-haired boy. And just before she was about to respond, Dabi had come behind her and interrupted her speech. She was surprised to see him, and she was a bit upset about him interrupting her. But, like the patient soul she was, she let him off easy.
But as the day went by, Dabi kept interrupting her. His continuous interruptions were starting to bother her. He continued in that manner because he wanted to see her lose her cool. She was always calm and collected, even during missions and when faced with enemies. Her personality only made him curious for her angered state.
And what better way than to interrupt her everytime she talks?
With each interruption he did with everyone she was trying to talk to, he could see the frustration flicker in his beloved's eyes, her patience wearing thin by the second. He started to feel a bit excited. Not aroused, but excited. Her face was a dead giveaway that she was getting pissed, and that’s exactly what he was looking for.
He wanted to see her enraged, maybe even lash out. He could take it, her anger couldn’t possibly be bad, right? He had experienced much worse from other people. And he was a villain, he couldn’t easily be scared by some “tantrum” from his beloved. 
Dabi couldn’t resist doing it again one last time. She was talking to Mr. Compress and she managed to talk to him for a good amount of time. But before she could talk to him longer, her response was cut off by Dabi’s annoyance.
"Hey, Y/N," he interjected, his voice dripping with mock innocence. "Did you hear about that new hero in town? Word on the street is they're cheating on their married lover.” He grinned mischievously.
Y/N's jaw tightened, a flicker of irritation flashing across her features before she composed herself with practised ease. She shot Dabi an annoyed look, but kept a smile on her face, and responded. "Yes, Dabi, I'm aware. Now if you don't mind, I was in the middle of a conversation."
“Really? I didn’t notice..” He teased with a grin. Before she could say anything else, Mr. Compress excused himself to talk to Kurogiri. She calmly said goodbye before her facial expression turned into a really pissed off one. She turned to Dabi with an annoyed look. She looked almost menacing. Steam could be seen coming out of her mouth.
He had done it! He finally got her to snap! But why did he feel… afraid? Her face looked almost scary to him, unrecognisable to him. To look composed and calm, he grinned with mischief. “What’s wrong, love? Cat got your tongue?” He cheekily said.
Dabi was caught off guard when she pulled him towards her. His body slowly bent down as he was face to face with her. She was a few centimeters shorter than him. “Are you going to behave like this all day? You think this is funny, huh?” Her voice was low and menacing.
By now, Dabi was sweating bullets. He had to swallow hard, feeling a sudden wave of apprehension wash over him. He hadn't expected Y/N to react like this, to confront him so boldly. But even as fear prickled at the edges of his consciousness, he couldn't help but admire the fire in her eyes.
He grinned a weak grin, trying to compose himself. “It.. It was just a joke, love! You know I didn’t mean any harm!” He awkwardly chuckled. But Y/N wasn't buying it. She tightened her grip on his arm, her nails digging into his skin. "You crossed a line, Dabi," she growled, her voice cold and unforgiving. "And now, you're going to pay for it."
She grabbed his arm and dragged him to his room despite his protests. While she lived in her own apartment, Dabi didn’t have the money and agreed to stay at the League’s base after Shigaraki’s proposal. She tossed him onto the bed and straddled him as she took off his shirt before taking off all of his garments, leaving him bare on the bed.
She took his belt and tied it around his arms onto the headboard. He squirmed in his place as he tried to get out of it. Y/N could see Dabi’s flames starting to ignite. She felt pissed at his attempt to escape. She slapped him harshly on his thigh, causing him to flinch.
“Don’t you dare use your flames on me.” She sneered, causing Dabi to stop his flames. She sat in between his quivering legs, she forcefully spread them open and placed them beside her hips. He tried to close them but that just earned him a slap on his thigh and a grunt out of his mouth.
She scoffed with annoyance. “You’re shivering? This was your own doing, fucking disturbing me during my conversations. You need to be taught manners.” She said before slapping his thigh again. He grunted again at the impact, the sting still lingering.
She quickly got to work, her hand on his erected cock. She stroked it slowly and painfully, teasing the tip with her thumb. His groans slowly turned into low-pitched whines, his body squirming in place. She stopped him by grabbing him tightly on the hips. “Stop moving,” she demanded with a low tone.
Despite it had only been minutes, Dabi could feel his release. But before he could even release, he felt a finger probing his entrance and a thumb covering his slit, preventing him from releasing. “Why did you-” His speech was cut off by Y/N’s lips on his. His sounds were muffled by her lips as she continued her assault on his body.
He didn’t know what was so arousing about this. He shouldn’t like this! But as she continued the same action, he could feel himself losing himself to the pleasure. Her lips eventually left his, her face close to his. “So, are you going to behave?” She whispered. And as a last attempt of keeping his dignity and ego, he smirked with his tired eyes. “Fuck off, bitch..”
“Oh? Is that how you want to behave today? Fine.” She slapped him on the thigh again before squeezing it harshly. With lube on her fingers, she slowly pushed a finger inside his entrance, ignoring his whines. “Stop..” He muttered softly, almost like a whisper. She started to finger his ass, slowly making room for two.
She looked down at his leaking cock, red and angry, begging for its release. With a random idea in her head, she flicked the tip with her index and thumb, getting a sudden moan out of the scarred man. She was surprised by his response. But her surprised look turned into a face of amusement. She flicked his tip again, getting the same response from before.
She couldn't believe how quick Dabi was to falter. His moans started too much louder and higher in pitch. Everytime he tried releasing, a thumb on his tip prevented him. She fingered around his insides, trying to find that one spot.
“Ah!” He yelped, feeling a sudden spark in his stomach. He looked down to see the massive grin on his lover’s face. She hit that spot once again, causing a moan out of him. She continuously stimulated that one spot while stroking his cock.
He ended up releasing all over Y/N’s hand, aching his back as he felt his release. Her smile grew even bigger. “Now, this.. This is going to be fun.”
He knew… He was in for it now..
· • —– ٠ 𓆩♡𓆪 ٠ —– • ·
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Can you do when yn treats the house elves like their her children and the boys (ominis,sebastian, gareth,and amit) or the girls (poppy,natt,imelda, and Anne) get jealous or you can put whatever reaction!😊 please do this I'm begging 😭
A/n: I love this!! Some of them are shorter because I didn't know how to expand on their general opinion. I tried so hard to not repeat myself!
Characters: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natty Onai, Imelda Reyes, Anne Sallow
Honestly, he's kind of annoyed.
Like the treatment of Elves is infuriating, sure, and he agrees with being kind obviously. But do you really have to cancel a date because Ticky the Elf wants to perform a dance for you?
And why do THEY get forehead kisses every day and he only gets them when he's sitting down? Maybe it's because he's just tall but HEY.
At first the elves are scared of him, and he hates it. He goes out of his way to show he means no harm but didn't intend to get roped into the mess.
Why do they want him to come see the room MC had them decorate in the room of requirement?
Why the hell is one asking him what MC prefers: Vanilla or Chocolate? They want to make her a cake? Okay...but he expects a piece.
Slowly he comes to love them as MC does, like a dad with a kitten.
My boy is...confused? But delighted.
The Gaunts had a house elf! Her name was Cinder, and she was more like a mother than Mrs. Gaunt. He always treated her with utmost respect and the way his parents treated her made him sick to his stomach.
His whole Hogwarts career he has tried to be very polite to the elves, letting them know someone cares.
And when you show him your army of elf friends, he is delighted!!
Asks them all their names and some more general questions.
One of them learned a new song or something of the like? He is listening with a patient smile on his face even though it is the worst thing he has ever heard.
They don't really understand his blindness actually. They're supporting but ask him tons of questions. I think Ominis would really like educating them about how he experiences the world as long as they aren't being patronizing.
He adores listening to you interact with the elves!!
He asks them so much advice and input on how to show Cinder he appreciates her. Like...does he give her a gift? Will this upset her? Is this too much?
Also, he remembers like everything. Tries too at least. You come into the common room late, telling him about how you were helping an Elf read a muggle book? He asks you if you've gotten to his favorite part. That particular elf tends to like the romance novels, and chapter nine is when the hero gets the girl.
In short, he loves the elves almost as much as you do!
He's so dumb. I love him.
Coming from a poorer family, Garreth had never seen a house elf until Hogwarts. They were strange creatures.
And then you have a whole crew?? Okay, but he wasn't expecting it.
He...he has trouble seeing them as sentient beings. I hate to say it, but he does! Of course, he respects all they do for the castle, but at first, he doesn't understand why you like them so much. He treats them not unlike a pet.
You tell them to be polite and introduce themselves, and he is so weirded out by each one introducing themselves and shaking his hand.
They pick up on his hesitation and come to you with their worries and after a lecture from you, Garreth is ready to try again. Reluctantly, but he is.
Is it possible to embarrass yourself in front of a house elf? If it is, Garreth does it. He's so scared of saying or doing something wrong that he ends up embarrassing the hell out of himself.
He grows to see them as they are: intelligent and sentient creatures that have a lot to offer. After a while he is comfortable enough to give them high fives in the hallway, or gift them things (mostly prank items, and then he has to teach them it is meant to be funny and not an attack-)
He honestly has learned not to think twice about anything when it comes to you.
So, when you ask him to meet you in the room of requirement and you're surrounded by elves? A little strange, but it doesn't deter him from asking if you got all the notes down for DADA.
The elves scatter when he speaks, running to look like they are working. It surprises him, and even more so when you hush him as you coax them all out.
They do NOT like him at first because he comes at inconvenient times and how are they supposed to prepare you hot chocolate before bed when you're off looking at star charts??
And meanwhile poor Amit is working hard to get their seal of approval because anything you like he does too. It's very important to him!
Well one day they mention that they like the Gramaphone and the pretty music but the Gramaphone isn't working as of late. It gives you an idea, and now Amit is standing in front of a mini crowd playing his little violin heart out.
The elves kinda overwhelm him with how many there are and how needy they are to you, but it amazes him how you are so patient with them.
If there is a house elf language, he is learning it. Both to impress you and try to win over your little army.
Basically, he is slightly intimidated by the elves, but he loves you so he tries his best to get along with them. He definitely is no longer taking the food at dinner for granted, that's for sure.
She's so sweet.
At first, worries that the elves might have malicious intent because of how often they were pulling you away. But quickly she realized it wasn't the case.
The elves already adore her as she has always been incredibly sweet to them. Plus, in third year she saved a baby house elf which sparked her interest in them as more than servants.
She's more like their friend than parent, though, she thinks it's incredibly sweet how loving you are towards them.
Gets them ALL christmas presents. every single one. Doesn't tell you about it and holds you when you're overwhelmed by the kindness!
They will all follow her around, and she responds to every one of their jokes and makes sure she never leaves them out of conversation.
Makes funny faces at them from across the hall just like she would any other friend and it makes them feel welcomed.
After late nights in the vivarium, Poppy is dragging you to the kitchens. Even though you don't have to be dragged there. You two sit on the counter and recount your adventures to the elves while they busy themselves making you a snack. If there are dishes to be done she offers to help even if they decline.
Always up for some adventure! Finds the elves fascinating honestly.
"Theoretically, if a master gives you a sock to wash, are you free? Can you choose your own clothes? Wait, if you can, are you allowed to shop for them? That would be so-" "Natty..." "Right, sorry."
She treats them like she would treat anybody else tbh. In her home country, she never had house elves and the concept of having someone thanklessly serving you makes her sick. So, she does her best to show her appreciation.
However, the elves will NOT take time she wants to spend with you away. They want to talk to you? Fine, but Natty is there too.
Tells you later how cute you are when you're interacting with something you love.
She gets the elves to help make you a GIANT Christmas present.
She and the elves see each other as equals and are friends!
Another jealous one. Omg.
Sure, elves are mistreated. It's wrong. But maybe they deserve to be kicked around a little when they KEEP YOU FROM QUIDDITCH PRACTICE!
Would never harm the elves or speak harm about them, but they have come to recognize her glare meaning "Hey, it's MY turn with my partner."
One elf in particular is pretty snippy and Imelda gets into fights with him almost every time they see each other.
Oh, the elves know to keep your broom in pristine condition. It seems to make you happy that it never needs work, and they have an agreement with Imelda. A polished, clean, and ready broom for your nightly rides means another hour where she doesn't come in and bother them.
She is NOT above coming into the kitchens just to annoy the house elves. They unfortunately know this.
Imelda would never ever see the house elves as anything less than what they are, but she doesn't hesitate to use her advantages.
She taught a group of the younger elves to swear. You still haven't quite forgiven her for it.
I love Anne sm :)
Your relationship with the elves...doesn't surprise her in the slightest.
She doesn't understand, as Elves aren't anything special in her eyes. They're sentient creatures that have feelings and thoughts, just like humans do. Why would she treat them differently than anyone else?
The elves are very sweet, but c'mon. She was going to teach you to garden Hemlock without poisoning yourself!
Honestly, she doesn't mind that you baby them, but she definitely has sat you down and explained they don't need babied.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
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logan-lieutenant · 2 months
i didn't win the wheel: episode 2
much shorter episode this week! probably because it consisted mostly of golf so they decided between this and team torque they would have mercy on us and cut most of it. still lots to work with though. obviously. because it's them.
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love a little throwback to episode one, we've got "genuinely trying to go along with the program and introduce the gist of the show" and "so completely zoned out you'd have better luck getting the attention of a cat chasing a laser" except this time it's switched up. i'm pretty sure alex does like a maximum of three introductions out of the whole series, if that, so you just know they said, "Logan, do you want to go first?" and he put on the most nonchalant amiable expression and said "Hmm... I think Alex should go first since I did it the last time" and then alex just glares daggers at him but knows he can't throw a fit about it in front of the crew and logan's smiling ear-to-ear like "what you gonna do about it?" oh, and also, last week they were even leaning back on the same couch and literally giving "two bros chillin in a hot tub five inches apart cause they're not sure if the other is gay" BUT here we are standing up no couch no excuse and logan's just "you're my new center of gravity now". okay. okay sure.
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Alex (already done with this, looking GENUINELY distressed): "It's windy out here, we don't have real golfballs so it's gonna go everywhere..."
Logan: "You're a lot better at golf than me, so I expect you to do well."
WHOA alright. first of all from everything we got so far (not a lot) the main dynamic seems to be: logan acting confident and cocky and arrogant just to annoy alex and also gazing at him with the most endearing/loving/shit-eating expressions, and alex being awkward and out of his comfort zone and taking it too seriously but eventually losing his focus because he can't help but smile back at logan. which i LOVE. but alex is already getting frustrated before the challenge begins and logan is like what... comforting him? reassuring him? boosting his confidence? "i expect you to do well" whole body turned completely to face him. like dammmn alright breaking the theme a little but that's honestly so sweet... also should i mention that we are literally less than thirty seconds into the video and they're already facing AWAY from the camera and TOWARDS each other. and in a few seconds they'll literally turn around to talk to each other looking at the game setup like this is not how you do media you guys know this and yet
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(Golf session ends, Logan wins because Alex spent the whole time grappling with the wind)
Logan: "Alright, well... as you saw, little bit of a dominant display there..."
and then he has to abandon that sentence immediately because they both start laughing, like straight up giggling almost breathless like "wait did i really just say that out loud" "did he really just say that out loud" and logan turns RIGHT into alex AGAIN because he's watching every possible reaction plain on alex's face 😂 like alex is both startled and amused and endeared and very incredulous. at one point he straight-up looks at the camera and raises his eyebrows like "oh yeah? WAS it though? can you BELIEVE this guy look at him he doesn't even believe himself" like I CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP. honestly i'm just gonna have to make a gif of it because it's so- it's just so obvious.
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oh my god, that's just– this is just adorable. this is gonna be my lockscreen i swear because look at them. alex is still laughing trying not to but that earlier comment just threw him off and logan is leaning into him purposely pushing his arm against alex's (he does it twice) and he's just so happy he 1) made alex laugh 2) made alex FLUSTERED jesus christ get that boy some water and 3) got away with it. this is what i meant about logan being alex's turnaround point. he literally lost at the golf game just like he was worried he would and yet here he's the most happy and comfortable he's been all video
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okay let's round it off with– alex what the FUCK is this posture. i was going to take a ss already because of how close he leaned into logan (we know you can see the goddamn ipad alex you aint slick) and THEN he did this. shoulders slanted. hand on the hip. face like the gay best friend about to judge the shit out of the guy you're falling for. what in the actual fuck is going on here i mean i was so not ready for the amount of cunt that was served in a literal shift of position. also can we talk about how alex is literally built like a spaghetti noodle and the height difference is very very obvious but here he's throwing out ✨that hip✨ and they're definitely closer to the same height? that is both adorable and just absolutely ridiculous and i'm loving every second of it. the fact that logan is entirely oblivious just makes it funnier.
the smiles, guys. the smiles. i'm breaking my own heart rewatching these but god fucking dammit james vowels i'll take what i can get.
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