#they're very sturdy though you can kill a person with one
nopanamaman · 9 months
we need a pic where tsar is strugglin with his guitar
got a fitting snippet from a scene i wrote a while ago
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russian OG:
- Как, сегодня будешь хорошо играть?
- Нет. На то и репетиция.
- А Катя впервые слушать будет. Покажешь ей, какой ты классный, да?
- Да мне пофиг.
- Девочку надо впечатлить. Если залажаешь, подумает, что ты чмошник. Ты чмошник? 
- Я сказал...
- Юра, завали пасть.
(переводили бы с инглиша было бы "заткнись нахуй" но shut your trap звучало в англе слишком мягко)
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koskela-knights · 1 month
An Ode to Peter Franzén's performance
Once again thinking about Peter’s acting skills on full display in Alan Wake 2 which made the majority of the audience think the Koskelas were portrayed by two separate actors (I thought it too for quite some time!)
He basically played 4 different characters and he doesn't get enough credit or praise for this so here we go!
1 & 2 The Koskela Brothers
Thinking how he managed to make them distinctly different in not just the obvious outfits and hair but posture and gesture-wise too, even their voices. Jaakko is calmer, doesn't accentuate as much as Ilmo who is very vivid and energetic, using big gestures and talking with a lot of vigor.
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(Photo by @amiracleilluminated)
Yet, Jaakko can be intimidating and aggressive. Most obvious is the jail scene but in the prologue, Cultist Jaakko comes off as a sturdy man and if you listen to the audio files on his (albeit distorted) voice, he is really pissed off.
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(like I wouldn't wanna mess with Cultist Jaakko 😳 photo by @zephyrone01)
On a final note on the Koskelas, the goofy acting of Ilmo and mainly Jaakko's obvious bad acting are a whole thing on their own to pull off. To make it believable enough without it looking too forced or awkward in a bad way. But damn did Peter deliver and nail it.
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3 The Cultist
Then u have the Cultist. Who sounds cockier than Ilmo and more seductive in a femme fatale kinda way. His gestures aren’t as grand as Ilmo’s but are still present and readable as just a silhouette. Even though we can't see his facial expressions, Peter's voice and his body language really gave this character a personality.
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4 Ilmari Huotari
Last but definitely not least u got YY Ilmari, the murderer. He speaks Finnish but even that language difference aside, he speaks so differently. More calculated and his posture is straighter than Ilmo's. In this movie, you really see the subtle facial expressions. Sometimes blink and u miss it (like the snarl) Ilmari has a predatory stance and look when he confronts Kesä.
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(These 3 different faces are maybe only a few seconds apart from each other!)
And that cool, calculated posture is fully gone when he goes into that killing frenzy a few minutes later. I screenshotted the hell out of YY and u can see Ilmari’s forehead vein poppin, he had crazy wild eyes that the Koskelas didn't have (there's a reason the Dark Presence wanted to turn them into the Huotari brothers).
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5 Bonus distinctions
Also I notice that the Koskelas and Ilmari all do the head tilt but they're all different in vibes.
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(ilmo & jaakko pics by @amiracleilluminated, Cultist Jaakko by @zephyrone01)
Cute head tilts vs determined, stalkerish looks
All characters also have noticeable changes in their attitudes
a) Ilmo: usually happy, very talkative and expressive becomes all depressed and muted and audibly grieving after Jaakko's brutal death. And during Deerfest he becomes manic and self-destructive (listen to his lines like: "stab me again, please")
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(photos by @zephyrone01 & Cinematic Gameplays on YouTube)
b) Jaakko: usually less expressive, more subtle in his reactions becomes all aggressive and angry in the jail (and in the prologue)
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(Photos by @zephyrone01)
c) Ilmari: as talked in his section, he can go from collected and cool to aggressive and a terrific murderer real quickly.
Honestly, if you make a closeup of just their eyes, even their eyes seem distinct from one another.
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How are they all Peter Franzén??!??
All in all, Peter Franzén did a stellar job with these characters 🙌 He really showed a wide range of emotions and personalities, even within the same character at times.
Of all works I've seen him play in, his performance in Alan Wake 2 continues to be my favourite work of his.
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weregreatatcrime · 1 year
I think the Hamatos all have one general reaction to changeling Karai showing up with baby Miwa and depending on how much explanation they get it ranges from "What the FUCK" to "HOW the FUCK-" But I mean they do all have some differing reactions and Karai’s changed relationships with them definitely is weird
I think Splinter, while definitely in shock, is thankful beyond belief to have his Miwa back and wishes he could claim Karai as his daughter too because this may be some ancient assassin monster but she! Brought! Him! His daughter back! At GREAT risk to herself. But he can obviously see she's like, BEYOND skittish and distrustful of any positive emotions so he approaches it from a perspective he realizes very quickly on works for anything: Miwa Needs Her.
Miwa #1 panics when her changeling isn't near because Karai is the only person she's known outside of goblins for 16 years. She's been a baby for 16 years so all she knows is Karai is Good and Warm and Hers and she throws a fit if Karai isn't in reach. #2 Miwa also didn't recognize Splinter at ALL because of that time apart (and being mutants) and while Karai is quick and easy to assure her, Miwa is still a baby with a buttload of trauma and not very keen on all these strangers.
It hurts Splinter but Miwa's slowly warming up- and you can make Karai do ANYTHING if you use Miwa as an argument. You HAVE to stay here with us, Miwa misses you! You HAVE to let us care for your wounds- Miwa is obviously upset when you're injured! You don't need to be so on guard all the time at home, Miwa picks up on it and gets fussy! It's a very obvious tactic and Karai isn't positive WHY Splinter keeps using it but he clearly loves and adores Miwa so. Whatever. She WILL do anything for Miwa, so at least SHE knows HE knows he can trust SHE isn't dangerous so long as Miwa is happy and healthy. Changeling Logic!
Splinter is just exasperated and sad that Karai is literally incapable of understanding human things like basic kindness and empathy. It's okay he'll get through to her eventually. She IS a very good guardian though, and very very loyal to a tiny baby. It's both adorable and terrifying.
Some of the guys are conflicted but it doesn't take too long for them to come to some similar realizations as Splinter when they see how she reacts around Miwa. Plus, they WERE trying to get her to join the family back when they thought SHE was Miwa. So. It got confusing at the end there but it was still the intended result?
Karai likes the turtles like you like idiot younger relatives who don't know shit. They're so innocent and naive it hurts to see. If they intend to be good brothers to Miwa they gotta learn some shit.
Raph and Donnie are her favorites just because #1 Raph is like interacting with a troll, full of honest emotions and little hesitation in showing them. And #2 Donnie is the first to Really figure out how she thinks because changeling thought processes are pretty much Overthinking As A Culture. He is smart enough to think in the sort of twisty turns that Karai does without getting tripped up, and has an easier time putting aside morals to understand what she's getting at. He still reminds her of those morals but hey he'll learn eventually. Raph just likes getting to rough house with someone who he genuinely can't hurt without serious intent. She's very tough and sturdy and not afraid to teach him how to properly grapple. It's like teaching a baby changeling their first instinctive combat skills, she's having so much fun
Leo is hilariously the one who interacts with her the LEAST because he does Not understand anything about her. She has no real morals and isn't afraid to tell them how many times she could have killed them. He can't figure out why she would say all this terrifying stuff and Karai can't figure out why he's not recognizing this vital information and training she's offering. Like Leo gets that she won't hurt any of them because they take care of Miwa, but he does not understand why or how this is when she's like. Practically threatening to kill them all the time. Silly Leo, that's how changelings show affection!
Mikey and Karai have a weird relationship that consists of him trying to love her as his new big sister and Karai, confused and baffled, running away because she doesn't understand this cheerful idiot. Changelings who act like this are the most terrifying because underneath the cheerful they're the most deadly there are. She knows he's NOT that dangerous but it is Hard To Internalize. He makes good food though. Her changeling half needs a Weird diet and it's like impossible to poison her, so she enjoys his... "cooking". Horrifies everyone else in the process
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happy-tori-friends · 5 months
Could I ask for a touch starved prompt with Splendont and specifically Shifty,with the prompt of breaking down mid-hug because they needed it so bad,please?
you got it! *hurriedly attempts to think of a splendont x shifty exclusively ship name, proceeds to realize these drabbles are starting to get longer than they're supposed to be, my brain is overworking itself these are meant to be SHORT but also i couldn't come up with any good ship names life is pain*
Work had piled up in the past week or so. Since Splendont seemed to be the most competent person at his job, others’ sloppily done projects were passed off to him, alongside his own, already abnormally heavy workload. He wasn't really even sure if it was legal for him to be given so much work in such a short time frame, but he just didn't feel like arguing. He liked his job, doing design work was fun to him, and he was pretty good at it too. Coupled with superhero work, however, he didn't really have much time for himself.
It had never really bothered him before, when he got really busy with things. The only one who he enjoyed spending time with was Splendid, and they lived together so it was never a big deal. But now, he did have other friends, and he also had two boyfriends who he loved very much - and missed quite a bit too. Sure, he texted and called Lifty and Shifty, but it didn't feel the same as seeing them in person.
Nevertheless, Splendont did not slack off, and finally, he had gotten everything finished and submitted. It felt good to be done with it all, and he finally felt he could relax.
With a sigh of relief, he flopped down onto his bed, reaching for his phone off of the nightstand. Just as he unlocked it and prepared to tell the twins he was finally free, he received an incoming call. One quick look at the caller ID - Shifty - and he answered it immediately.
“Hey, uh…” The voice on the other end sounded raspy, and almost breathless. “I know… you're busy, but… can I come over? Now? I don't even care if Splendid's around.”
“Of course, Shifts,” Splendont replied, though his brows furrowed at the deep breathing he could hear from the other. “Just you?”
Shifty made a confirmative noise. “Yeah. Just me. I'll… talk to you when I get there. See you soon.” Then he hung up, leaving Splendont in the dark.
To say that he was concerned was an understatement. The twins were not uncommon victims of the curse - it had happened many times since they had first become friends, and it wouldn't stop just because he had started dating them. It wasn't often that one survived while the other didn't, however.
It still made his heart hurt, that he couldn't do anything to save them, that they had to experience the pain of dying gruesome deaths over and over again. Splendont was sturdy, though not immune, and his own deaths were few and far between. But Lifty and Shifty were just normal people - fragile when facing such evil, succumbing to the curse's deadly whims most times they got caught up with it. There was nothing he could do without being there when it happened, but he still wished he could take it all away.
There was no use dwelling on what he could have done, though. If his intuition was correct, Lifty had gotten killed, and being there for Shifty was the least he could do. Splendont got up off of his bed and exited his room, descending the stairs. Thankfully, his brother was off doing his own work right now - Shifty had said he didn't care, but Splendid's presence would likely make him feel worse.
Crimson eyes locked onto the window, staring as he waited to see the purple van pull into the driveway, or Shifty himself arriving at the house. Thankfully, it wasn't long before he noticed the vehicle, and he got up to open the door.
“Hey,” he murmured softly as the green haired man approached him. He opened his arms up for a hug, a concerned look in his ruby gaze. Shifty paused, before closing the distance that remained in seconds, wrapping his arms around Splendont with a shaky breath.
He wrapped one arm around the younger man, guiding him inside, and the other closed the door behind them. Then he fully pulled the other into a hug, both for the sake of comforting him and for recharging himself on one of his boyfriends’ presences.
“Fuck,” Shifty murmured, burying his face into Splendont's chest. His voice was shaky, and he seemed to sniffle slightly. Perhaps it was being embraced that allowed him to break the dam and let tears overflow, shuddering as he let out a sob. The redhead could feel wetness on his shirt, but he didn't care. What mattered to him was being here, and comforting Shifty.
“It's okay. I'm here,” Splendont murmured softly, carefully tightening his embrace, but not enough to crush him. “It was bad, wasn't it?”
Through his tears and sobs, Shifty let out a snort and some laughter. “It fuckin’ SUCKED! You don't know how much you need somethin’ until you can't have it for a while. Bad enough that just… gettin’ it makes me cry like a baby.” He pulled his face out of Splendont's chest, letting out a sigh and wiping away tears. “If someone told me a few months ago I'd be crying because I needed a hug from my boyfriend after not seeing him for a bit, I would have laughed at them and told them to fuck off. God, being in love is weird.”
Splendont smiled slightly, though his early concern had not dissipated. Still, since Shifty seemed a lot less tense, he decided to carry on with the conversation a while, leading him to the couch to sit. “It's not a bad thing though, is it? It's probably better than being alone and keeping everything bottled up.”
“Yeah,” Shifty breathed, settling down next to Splendont, making a content purr-like sound as an arm pulled him closer. “I've let out enough of my vulnerable emotions for the month though, so don't expect too much more from me.”
Splendont laughed. “And there it is. Welcome back, sarcasm.” He took off the fedora to ruffle Shifty's hair. “You're lucky I finished up all my work right before you called. I was actually about to text you two to tell you I was free tomorrow.”
Shifty smiled for a moment before his eyes widened and he began to cough. “Shit!” he exclaimed through the coughing fit. “Goddamnit, I saw some couple hugging in the fucking parking lot and I got all emotional and I totally forgot to pick up Lifty's cold meds!”
Ah. So Lifty was fine, save for a cold, and Splendont had simply misunderstood things. It also could explain the raspiness and breathlessness he'd heard from Shifty. He gave Shifty a pat on the back and a gentle laugh. “You sound like you might be on the verge of a cold, too. How about I come with you to the store, get the cold medicine, and then surprise him? I'll probably be fine.”
“Shut up, I'm fine,” Shifty huffed, rolling his eyes. “...But that sounds nice. It might make him forgive me for taking so long.”
Splendont chuckled, standing up and grabbing Shifty's hand. “C'mon then. Best not to keep him waiting any longer than we need to.”
All's well that ends well, it seemed.
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adventuringalchemy · 1 year
What do you think would Ivor's opinion be on dragons? Before and after their old order enderdragon shenanigans.
Did he go into the fight in awe? In fright? Would he feel sour or would he pity the dragon for what happened to it? To be slain is one thing, to be cheated out of existence another.
If he were to hear about dragons or even encounter one, what would his stance be now?
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ouuu, i love this question! so there's a lot of factors that go into this and what makes ivor, ivor so thank you very much for asking!! it's his hidden emotional side, his knowledge, some of the backstory i wrote for him, and his overall personality that makes up for this!
i wanna start with the backstory -- i haven't wrote a full meta for it yet because my blog ain't exactly finished but when i finally get these shitty fucking icons done i'll actually start putting the blog together. anyway, ivor has trust issues and trauma, as seen by him keeping his emotions to himself and having difficulty believing people can be benevolent. his time with the order made him cynical, but people don't just hide their emotions. not without trauma or some sort of belief/abuse/dogma. so, i genuinely believe that when ivor was in his youth, he had an abusive mentor that taught him to be an alchemist with any sort decency, you need to stop having emotions, and put empathy aside. ivor is emotional even though he hates it, and i have full belief that at a young age he had a beautiful outlook on life and saw it as something precious. something that shouldn't be taken for granted. but with an abusive mentor it makes sense that he became so judgmental of people, and began to become reclusive with his own feelings.
with the past he's had, he would have mixed feelings about fighting it. he would know it's for the betterment of people, as the ender dragon was harming the world. his mentor taught him that to live is to judge, and that to judge is to survive. so he would believe that there aren't any second chances if people can't prove themselves. deep down though, he would feel a sense of grief for the dragon. wonder if there would have been another way to go about things so that it can live peacefully instead of being slain.
slain or not, ivor hates the concept of faulty foundation. of falseness. of lies. he doesn't want to be associated with people who are seen as fake idols. regardless of how he felt about the dragon, the sheer fact that soren and the others believed that they could get away with telling people lies made him egregiously upset. it's disingenuous, and as stunted emotionally as ivor is, his beliefs are very sound. some are judgmental, thanks to his mentor, but overall sturdy. and to have that challenged is not something he takes lightly. leaving the order was the only way to go. and i imagine, by the way soren spoke, that there had been use of the command block for a while, even in secret. i have a hunch ivor knew about it a little longer than the others. i wouldn't be surprised if they had a talk about it before the big ender dragon fight, and didn't tell anyone.
ivor would respect dragons, so long as they aren't being a danger. otherwise he would be judgmental. though his youthful view of life has been drastically shifted, he would always respect the creatures from a distance. they're powerful beings of magic proportions and he adores their beauty. but he would know not to fuck with one without being properly equipped, trained, and absolutely ready for the battle. now of course, if it began tearing the world apart and killing senselessly like the witherstorm did, then he would know that it's time to kill it.
yet ever still, there would be a deep part within him that's begging to come out, asking if there's a more gentle way to handle all this.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We are going to watch John remillard big people in town for forgiveness. And he's going to go around saying he was wrong and saying you didn't do it right after a few minutes he'll start to try and say our son did it and they'll tell him to get lost then he'll get to talk to him like he already is he's doing it already and he just will not stop this stupid ass shit
-there's a few things people should know the first is he's actually on his way out of many other jobs on Earth and it makes a huge difference because you can't get him out of this place or running for president if he's still got power. That is happening and it's happened quite a bit.
-something Trump is not aware of it's not like a massive giant guy who's into it though even goes after his son quite a bit. Tommy Allen is huge into it. Someone with the Euphrates and the Tigris meet is a big bucket of giants is a huge amount of hormones there and they collect it and they use it and they have Giants standing guard. You serve 500,000 a day and grow them to a mile each another area they're growing Giants you should be aware of it's part of the threat keeping the ships up are the islands and our son mentioned it and the fagus poking around like a amateur and lots of people talk for some reason each island has a huge amount of hormones. It's a giant amount. And yes it is why John remillard was jerking off in front of the cops. It is symbolic okay because our son made the monsters and the headless horseman is monster. And put us on high alert underneath each island is a massive pile of Frozen scrimazole and we have been tapping into it in a controlled manner to grow more it's the same under the Mediterranean Sea it's very deep. Been wondering how you can go through the middle and come out the other side of the ship it's kind of a trick the ships are in an angle or they wouldn't be able to take off we're going to publish now
Thor Freya
And by the way John remillard wants to go down there as it is like spiced ham spice to him even though he doesn't like giants he likes to be Giant and it is like eating spice
I knew it was a f**** but that's incredible
You're a darling Trump the real darling of starlet I got to tell you this is really worth something if you eat some of that cream I'm going down there and eat some myself. I'd like to be huge like galactose and have superpowers he says it might kill me I'm going to try it and tomorrow or less kill off the spremazoa or it's going to eat through your stomach lighting with ease and he says that too they're very sturdy each and every one of them
I'm more or less really curious as to if it's there we went down there and people growing really fast and that's the hormone and it makes sense what are you saying is you're taking like a sperm bath or really hormones from sperm and it's disgusting it's colitis the smell not colitis it's coletus. So I guess we're going to go down there and take a look
You f** bja we're right behind you then and a friend is laughing hysterically I guess there could be a question
I don't want to go over this bja we're using you as a forward person has nothing to do with other this dirty s*** you always talk about you little f**** I get you a little f**** ass out there and go get your pile of whipped cream
I guess I might have to go take a look he doesn't want me to cuz it's dangerous and he doesn't know how big the sperm are it could be huge at the size of a one of those fish with a sponge area is
Is a little bit of shrinkage it's only about 4 or 500 miles when erect it's like 1200 miles long and you bet you we would do it oh yeah he's controlling that one and I'm controlling the lady we had kids we don't know where the hell they are though since yeah we do that's enough for me
I don't remember any of that you miss was a blur you mess is a blur you Mass University of Massachusetts you idiots
0 notes
annbourbon · 1 year
Chapter One: Buddha lives in a prison by Damara
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Buddha lives in a prison, or at least that's the first thing that comes into my mind when the sunlight strikes me after a couple of days inside the white, sturdy but soft cell. I'm watching the fishes in the tank swim around instead of paying attention to my therapist. I don't like therapists, I want to say it's nothing personal but I would be lying. There's so much light in this room it's about to give me a migraine. But I keep my composure, getting myself ready for this round. I hate them. All of them. 
"So, Damara. You seem more calm today." Ah, playing safe. Got it. I nod, trying my best to seem disinterested. It's harder than one would like to think, especially when you love to piss them off like I do. My disinterest doesn't seem to bother this one. I'll get there, don't worry. I promise silently.
Contrary to the popular opinion, and by popular I mean everyone but me. I'm not insane. I'm not sick, and I'm not a monster. My parents put me here because I was an inconvenience for them. I still remember the frightening smile he gave me when my mom was reaching for the phone. I hope they're happy. Surely they must be, without me on the way. I just wish I had somewhere to go instead of going back to that, circus. My breath quickens as I try to gasp for air and the therapist reaches for me but I stumble backwards, out of her reach. My head turns to the tank again, it's relaxing. People say the golden fish is one of the eight sacred symbols of Buddha. There's even a legend talking about these golden fish being born through the tears that fell into the ocean floor, by a girl living in a big palace. 
I never understood why, until now.
"I'm... fine." I croak. Sometimes it's better keeping myself to the old patterns as much as that hurts. They knew what they were doing when they put me here.
"You can tell the truth here, you know?" Her voice is soft but it makes me feel nauseous. I hate the fake sweetness and the condescending tone in her voice. I feel ready to destroy her. With a plastic and very rehearsed smile through my teeth I blink pretending to be confused. "Tell me the truth, how do you feel? Be honest with yourself."
Yeah, the truth is something no one wants to hear. At least I learned that much. 
"I'm fine." I repeat. This time is easier. I barely remember when I started lying like that. I do remember my mom being so proud that I lied to my first psychologist. She asked me though, and now she keeps talking about it from time to time. Like it was something to actually be proud of. Helen, that's her name, shakes her head, seems disappointed. You and me both. I think. But at least my memories are somewhat intact. For now. "When I'll be out?"
"I'd like to keep you a bit more but I don't think you want that, do you? Your parents seem eager to have you back too." She says and leans towards the table looking through her notes. My chest starts feeling tight again. I want to be out but I don't want to see them. Like, ever. I wonder if he'll ever stop controlling my life. "Saturday will be. I need you to come from time to time to check out how everything is going for you and you still need to take your meds. Plus therapy. It's not optional."
I nod, semi absent. This therapist is one of the few that haven't break into tears with me or threatened me to kill me. Yet. Then again, I'll be out in a few days and back again as soon as I stop being useful for them. Either way I think most of them are relieved to see me off.
Saturday comes faster than a blink and I'm standing in the hall of the asylum with all my stuff, waiting for their arrival. I'm nervous. I don't know how my brother will behave with me. Last time I saw him he was happily closing the door of the car. I wonder who'll come for me. I've been here for years.... 
A blue car stops at the front gate and a slender woman with a coral blouse and black pants steps out of the car, smiling. The relief that goes through my body is insane and I feel betrayed by my own mind and body. How can I keep feeling she'll protect me after everything she did? How can I keep trusting her? Sometimes I wish my name would mean I am meaningless. I would be lost in time.
I'm afraid of having a nervous breakdown so I keep myself quiet and still. My stomach is hurting like hell, there's a ball of I-don't-want-to-know-what on my throat and my eyes are hurting. I'm not crazy though. I never was. I wish I was. But your parents fighting over and over again till they drive you mad it's not the definition of crazy. You're just tired, scared and hungry. No, I'm not hungry... at least not right now. I need to find a place to throw up and sit because my head is spinning. 
"Your dad really missed you, he wants you to be home already." Her sweet voice is intoxicating. And I'm about to cry, but I swallow for air. I'll think about that later. I need to reach my cellphone before crashing down again. So I smile.
"That's awesome mom." I say as happily as I can. It's not working for me, but my mom is blind and deaf to all my pain cause she smiles even wider, reaches for my bags and goes straight to the car. 
"I'm so glad! Things are going to be better from now on." She says. "How you've been sweetie?"
"Fine mom. I'm peachy as always."
Fuck... I need air.
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Notes: THIS is a work in progress, like the original chapter is supposed to be much longer. But to be honest I'm struggling a bit too much with it because it's not my usual genre (fantasy is my usual genre and this is a dystopian story.)  But I wanted to see how people would react to it, so I can keep going... cause I'm really stuck and I might need an opinion or someone to cheer me up. IDK sorry... I'm so not sure of what I'm doing with this. So if you liked it please let me know. Also, please do not copy it. Thanks! 
And thanks for reading this story<3
Post divider by @cafekitsune
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Can I get headcannons for junko, maki and Tsumugi with an autistic ultimate plushie maker reader? The reader makes plushies out of their hyperfixations and favorite characters, and makes a plushie of Junko, Maki or Tsumugi as a gift to them
Hope I did the request right
Junko, Maki and Tsumugi with Autistic ultimate Plushy maker
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•Okay first off this girl finds you adorable 
•And not just normal adorable but despairingly adorable 
•She loves you to the point that she wants to that she wants to see what it'd feel like to kill you
•But the thought of even doing that actually brings both greater despair but also a weird and sticking feeling
•Now back to her finding you adorable
•She loves watching you work on the plushies you make
•Not only are your plushies incredibly soft but they very sturdy as well so they're built to last
•And when she found out that you make plushies out the things you hyper fixated on she just had to know more about them
•Then she found out that you hyper fixated towards her
•To the point that you even took up her signature laugh and even poses to stim
•She's incredibly down bad for you and she loves it
•But when you gifted her a plushy of herself that was of a quality that put your previous work to shame 
•she knew that she was despairingly smitten with you and there was nothing she could do about it
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•Now we all know Maki is pretty much a mix of a kuudere and Tsundere
•With you though it's toned down especially the tsundere part
•She loves you and wants you to know she loves you
•After all you were one of the only people who knew her true talent and didn't scorn her for it
•She's pretty good at taking care of you
•She's had to take care of plenty of children at the orphanage and that included kids with autism
•So unlike the others on this list she was pretty good at keeping you ontrack
•Whether it's forgetting to eat or your hyperfixation leading you to forget to sleep or bath
•She's pretty much the ideal person to help you and she doesn't mind since she loves you
•So when she found out that not only did you make plushy of her but also that you do it with things you hyper fixated on
•She was really touched, you cared so much about her that you'd make something that represented it
•She was worried previously that her feelings for you may be a bit one-sided but your blew away that doubt with this simple act of love
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•This one is a bit different from the others
•Tsumugi very much loved your talent and loved helping you make plushies
•In turn you helped out with making her cosplay outfits
•She honestly doesn't mind you being Autistic or the downsides that come with it
•She's just glad that someone as wonderful as you chose someone as plain as her
•She knew that you had a tendency to make plushies of things you hyper fixated on
•After All you had an entire room of plushies of the anime characters you loved that she introduced to you
•But she honestly didn't expect you to hyperfuxate onto her
•So imagine her surprise when she received a plushy of herself from you
•And not just about ordinary one the quality of it far outshined all your others
•She honestly teared up when you told her how much you loved her and that you wanted her plushy to be as unique as you found her
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hey Salty! I made a Birb AU for yer SAM:PN
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Basically, the Player who's also a bird handler for a wildlife sanctuary happened to get into a situation where the bois turned into Birbs for who knows how long.
They pretty much constantly wear their protective bird gear as to not get clawed in by the bois who constantly try to perch somewhere on Reader, with Hank as the biggest offender.
As for reasons the kind of birbs they are;
Hank's a Harpy Eagle cause of how they're really strong and big, being known as one of the strongest birds of prey on earth.
Sanford and 2BDamned are both owls bc of their canonically similar body builds.
Sanford being a Snowy Owl cause of how they square up and win against many different opponents. Snowy Owls can and will pretty much fight against animals bigger than them.
2BDamned being a Great Horned Owl being similar to Sanford. Stronk bois and their whole vibe of being intelligent and shit. It just fits him really.
Deimos as a Peregrine Falcon cause of him being a quick lil guy yet still dangerously good at his whole killing thing yanno?
Sorry if this doesn't make much sense lol. Not the best at describing things the way I wann'em too
(Harpy Eagles are so hard to draw. Also, sorry if Deimos is a lil too bright. I'll likely try to fix it later)
Omg! This is fantastic, I absolutely love it. <33333 You were spot on with your analysis of which bird they should be, with how Sanford and 2B would be owls because of their similar body builds while Dei is a peregrine falcon because of his speed. Hank being a Harpy Eagle is just such a good idea too, considering their size and how they excel at hunting.
This drawing is also really cute too, especially since you included their masks and other unique details. They're honestly just really adorable, even if their constant attempts to perch on you could get a little annoying. I can definitely tell why the Player had to use special protective gear since I don't think having four large birds of prey on you would be very light haha.
Speaking of the Player, while I'm not sure how the boys would end up as birds, it certainly wouldn't stop their attempts to "cuddle" with you. If anything, it just might make them do it more; it's not like Doc can do any work without hands, and the boys probably aren't effective at their missions like this (unless we're talking recon, cause who'd suspect a bird of spying on them). So now you have to deal with four huge birds attempting to take your attention, usually by perching on your arms and shoulders or barrelling into your lap so you can pet them. I can also see them attempting to impress you by flying and doing some tricks they figure out (mainly Deimos, but Hank definitely isn't opposed to doing the same).
(Although, they probably wouldn't have the best grasp of flying once they're first turned. Watching them crash goes from funny to horrifying real quickly once you realize just how brittle their now-hollow bones are. Luckily for you, they're quite sturdy, but it's not like they're unwilling to play up any injuries they might get just to feel you touching them and have you looking them over for longer.)
Also, I can see them just randomly attacking grunts if you have to go out (to get them food, no doubt) and someone is stupid enough to get in your way. Like imagine just being an agent and trying to capture this target the Auditor apparently needs back, only to be swarmed by four birds; having their talons claw into you as they peck at your visual cross and screech at you. And then having to explain to your supervisor why you're covered in so many bloody scratches and without the "Player."
You'd also probably have to explain to Jebus what happened because I think he'd probably be furious to find you without anybody for protection if he visits one day. He'd understand at the look of the odd birds who hang around you though, but you might have to stop Hank from trying to mess with him once he gets too close to your personal bubble. (And don't even get me started on Tricky; it's hard to kill him as a grunt, but Hank's not above trying even if he's not one anymore.)
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heavenlybarnes · 3 years
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HIS GLORIOUS PURPOSE | 2. eighty people in two days
summary: your first encounter with the man from your dreams is less than pleasant, but at least now you know his name.
word count: 1.4K
pairing: loki x fem!reader
Your hands aren't cold anymore.
No, they're warm, really warm, and your whole body is warm, because it's him. The man with the blue eyes. The man in your dreams. The man of your dreams.
He's staring at you, jaw twitching, and you can't help but notice that, in person, his eyes are more green than blue. That his hair, while it has always looked soft, seems even softer up close. You wonder what it would feel like to run your fingers through it, to twist the velvety black locks around them like vines. To pull, just a little.
What would it feel like for him?
Suddenly you are aware of how close the two of you are, the press of your chest against his own. You step back and knot your fingers together, the heat of your blush so severe it's like fire ants clambering up your cheeks.
When you look up at him again, you are surprised to find that he is glaring at you, those wonderful green eyes narrowed in obvious annoyance.
You also notice that he is flanked by a hoard of S.H.I.E.L.D agents, six of them if you're counting, and that his hands are bound in front of his green-and-gold armor with a pair of what look to be very sturdy cuffs.
And then you remember the mission Natasha and the rest of the Avengers had left for earlier that afternoon. The reason you all are on this helicarrier in the first place.
This is Loki?
"Unfortunately, yes," Tony chirps to your left, and you clamp your mouth shut, the realization that you've said that aloud only furthering your embarrassment. "Trust me, I was disappointed, too."
Loki lets loose of your gaze long enough to roll his eyes, his mouth twisting into an irritated frown. He looks like he wants to say something, but then decides against it, and your eyebrows pinch a little. From what you'd heard of the God of Mischief, he isn't one to keep silent, and that, coupled with the near-impossible feat of ignoring the witticisms of Tony Stark, strikes you as fairly suspicious.
But you don't have time to focus on this strange behavior, or at least not the desire to, anyway. After all, you just found out you've been having dreams about a man who'd killed eighty people in the last two days.
Some pretty vivid dreams, at that.
And just when you thought your blush had started to fade.
"Time to move, Loki." Fury's voice above your head jolts you out of your reverie, and you step aside, trying to ignore the burn of Loki's eyes on you, the erratic rise and fall of your chest.
Even as he walks away, it feels as though he's watching you. Green eyes instead of blue.
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"Hey, sweets, can I talk to you for a second?"
You look up at the sound of Natasha's voice, eyes momentarily drifting from the screen you'd been staring at with Loki's camera feed. The Avengers had just finished discussing the prince's plans in the lab next door, but even if you'd been allowed in, you wouldn't have paid any attention. All you could focus on was Loki's profile, clear-cut against his glass cage; the face you had seen in your dreams every night for the past four years.
"Sure," you say, and push off the table, maneuvering past the S.H.I.E.L.D agents seated next to you. Your fingers quiver a little with nervousness. What if she knows?
And how would she respond if she does, if she'd found out the imaginary man you'd loved for so long is in fact not imaginary, and is not even two floors down from where you both are?
And if she finds out you still have feelings for him? What then?
Because you're pretty sure you do, sure that at least the sight of him makes your heart clench, butterflies flapping their wings in the column of your throat. You have said his name twice by now when nobody was around, each time flipping it around in your mouth like a square of caramel. Thought it a hundred more times.
Would she hate you, if she knew this? Because you hate yourself.
Eighty people in the last two days.
Natasha nods her head to the doors, and you follow her outside, wrapping your arms around your waist like a makeshift blanket. If anyone asks, you will say that you're cold, because it's not a complete lie. You won't mention that the prospect of lying to your sister makes your teeth chatter, the hairs on your arms stand on end.
When the both of you are outside and out of earshot of the other agents, Natasha turns to you. Once more you are struck by how relieved you are that she's okay, unharmed, despite not having given her your full attention before. The thought that you'd prioritized Loki over your own flesh and blood—not just now, but for years—makes you wilt with shame.
Your sister's hair glints dark crimson beneath the fluorescent light of the hall. "Are you okay?" These are the first words to come out of her mouth, and you suck in a sharp breath, schooling your features into an expression you hope gives nothing away.
"Of course," you say. "Why?"
"You just seemed weird before, with Loki."
"Did I?" You hesitate more than is necessary, and you know it as soon as the words come out of your mouth. Your sister does, too, and her eyes narrow, assessing you in a way that makes you squirm.
When she speaks, her voice is slow, almost accusatory. "Yes. You did."
Silence; you don't know how to respond.
"Listen." Natasha's tone is softer now, and she places a hand on your arm, the warmth of it seeping through the thin cotton of your shirt. "You don't have to be afraid of him. He puts up a tough act, sure, but that's all it is. An act." The smile she gives you is confident, assured.
You respond with a frown of your own. The pull of your lips makes your jaw feel tight. "I'm not afraid of him."
You want to say, quite the opposite. You want to say, I wish I were.
Your sister surveys you for a moment, and your chin lifts. The need to prove to her that you are just as brave as the rest of them, and certainly as capable, is so strong it is almost tangible. It rings in your ears like a swarm of bees, thickening the air to a point that makes it hard to swallow.
Your eyebrows lift at Natasha's response. That's it? "Okay?"
She nods. "I believe you. And I kind of need you not to be afraid, for the favor I'm about to ask."
"What is it?" You ask, brows furrowing. Though you pretend not to notice, your heart hammers wildly in your chest at the idea that your sister needs something from you.
Natasha's shoulders slump, as though the words that come out of her mouth next are painful and difficult to muster. "The group and I were talking," she says, slowly. "We want you to go inside and talk to Loki."
"What?" Surely you misheard.
"Talk to Loki." Natasha glances at you with a wince. Her next words spill out fast, as if she's afraid you'll refuse before she can get them out. "You don't have to do much. We just want to know what his ulterior motive is. He... we got him too quickly. Too easily. It doesn't feel right."
That must be why he was so silent before. He'd walked willingly into your hands, had you put him right where he wanted to be. Loki had done what Loki's always done; he'd tricked you.
"Why me?"
Natasha had never let you go near her missions, had always revealed as little as possible about them, and even then only when pestered. The fact that you are here with her on this one is a marvel in and of itself.
And now she wants you to talk to Loki? On your own? The shift is so extreme it makes your head spin thinking about it.
Natasha is quiet for a minute, pondering her response. When she speaks, every word feels carefully chosen, as if she has turned them around in her mind like apples, checking for rot. "The team and I thought you would be the best fit. You're approachable, likeable, and Loki doesn't know you like he knows us. He won't tread as carefully in a conversation with you. Something's bound to slip out, and when it does, we'll catch it.
"And also... he asked for you."
taglist (ask to be added or removed!): @morphoportis @fandom-strumpet @karuna11 @keepingitlokiii
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader WORD COUNT: 3.5k SUMMARY: You and Loki make a trip to the open market which leads to a flurry of thievery, arrests and an almost death. A/N: Hey hey, I guess I’m just updating this series on no porper day because I’m a bitch for procrastination wohoo! There’s so much going on in this chapter, probably a little too long but I hope you like it <3 gif from this gifset by @hiddleston-daily WARNINGS: Swearing, laser rifles, electrocution, intended execution, Loki being annoying. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERPOST ; MASTERLIST
“So, what do you propose?”
Loki questions, walking beside you through the winding pathways of the outskirts of the city of Sakaar. Stalls propped up on stilts, colorful fabric hung overhead as a shield from the blazing sun of the afternoon. He’s dressed like a Sakaarian, drapery of vivid and bright colors, similar to yours—both passing through, hiding in plain sight amongst the crowd of contrasting species.
The place inevitably stinks, living up to the planet’s nature.
Yet, it’s a world of textile mania. Everywhere he looks, there’s a pop of color, radiant and brilliant. Whether it’s the clothes of the locals, the paint that adorns the structure of their faces, or the streaks of blue and red cascading down the walls of the city in the glimmer of the sun.
Your eyes seem to glow in the reflection of the sunlight; the shawl conceals the crimson scar well enough—barely recognizable in your disguise. Your gaze meets his. “Well, I propose we steal one of the Grandmaster’s ships. They're the only ones that are strong enough to enter the Anus.”
Loki flashes you a look, “You have to stop calling it the Anus.”
Your rapid steps come to halt at the foot of a stall, an extensive table with miles of crates filled with an array of vegetables and fruits. Some wiggle their way through the crowd of customers, some rigorously examining every blemish of each fruit while others attempt negotiating the prices with the distraught-looking vendor with a face of sapphire.
It’s a pastiche of a Pieter Bruegel painting. And the two of you are seemingly animate characters at the center of it.
Loki trails closely behind you—much to your dismay— shouldering a two-headed lady by accident, both heads snapping at him with blazing eyes. He mutters an apology as she quickly disappears into the crowd. He turns and nearly loses sight of you, instantly shouldering his way to stand beside your figure as you hum with amusement, brows raised. Your head tilts, eyes on him once more. “Oh, I’m sorry. Would it help if I called it the ‘giant red hole’ instead?”
He blinks. “You have somehow made it sound worse.”
You hum once more, cautiously gazing at the hectic vendor. “It’s one of my many talents.”
With a swift motion, he follows your fingers that delicately pluck one of the odd-looking blue enlarged berries from the stand, sliding it into your stash in a matter of a split second.
He’s almost impressed.
“I suppose thievery is one of your many talents.”
It’s both a question and a statement—Said in a tone of near mockery. Loki is starting to get on your nerves with the unnecessary commentary on every decision you made that led the two of you to this very moment—a routine you’ve repeated for years before his arrival. Oh and he’s well aware of the growing aggravation towards his sheer presence. It’s a feeling he’s no stranger to. It feels like home.
Your once monotony interactions are now turned into a muse for Loki’s own entertainment.
“Look, you really don’t have to announce and narrate every aspect of your silly observations like we’re in a stupid play. Especially, when I’m doing something that’s fairly frowned upon—”
“Fairly frowned upon? Really?”
A groan escapes from the scowl of your lips. You look like you’re about to kill him.
“Just shut up, for God’s sake.”
You snatch him by the wrist, forcing your way through the sea of Sakarriaans. Your grip is surprisingly firm—he scoffs, twisting his arm out of your grasp almost in a child’s manner. “Would you stop that?” he says as you lead him away from the bustling crowd, a corner where two perpendicular buildings meet. You turn to him in a somewhat exaggerated attempt to express your resentment towards him, pulling the shawl away, revealing your face as you hold your pointer finger to him like it’s a weapon. Loki instinctively staggers back in his stance. “No, you stop that!” you hiss, advancing towards him. “I told you not to mess with my shit and what you did there, that’s messing with my shit.”
Again, he finds himself caught in the act of your fury and frustration. He quickly notes that you seem to have an uncontrollable temper, and it’s unpredictable. You’re living in a constant predicament, one slight prod and you’ll burn, spontaneous combustion and you’ll burn right through everything, God or not.
You sigh, caressing your cheek. “I’m sorry, it’s just...I’ve been alone for so long and this,” You gesture between the two of you, “I never thought it’ll be possible to experience this again.”
Loki arches a beckoning brow. “Which is?”
You blink once, then twice, pursing your lips. “Company.” you punctuate it like it leaves an unpleasant taste on your tongue—you’re embarrassed to reveal a side of vulnerability. Like you have been in a constant fight to build the walls around you, to keep your guard up at all times, no matter the circumstance or cost. Whatever happened between you and the Grandmaster, destroyed the remains of your personality, your ability to feel like a human being and coping and living with the knowledge that you will never get off this planet and never return home for years. You deserve a fraction of his reverence, not sympathy.
Forced into the realm of independence with no one to cry out to. Your life oddly and eerily reflects his. He can’t help but feel that maybe it’s fate that hauled him out of the Bifrost, sending him flying into Sakaar and crashing into the very home you reside within.
His mouth runs dry for the first time because there’s nothing to say. You apologize even when you don't need to and the part of you that protrudes is your honesty—a part of you that differs from himself. You’re truthful, even to a stranger. Nevertheless, he nods.
A yell from a distance captures your attention, a man on the other end of the pathway that leads to the markets, dressed in the armor of red—a Sakaarian guard, armed with a laser rifle. The guard, unfortunately, might recognize you, with your face out in the open. Your scar makes you stand out like a sore thumb. It’s every criminal’s nightmare.
You discreetly turn your head towards the wall in a desperate attempt to hide your identity even though you very well know, there’s a significant chance it isn’t going to work. Your figure is now close to his, he can almost feel the erratic beating of your heart. You’re...afraid.
The sentry on patrol nears the two of you, expression unreadable, concealed under the mask of red strokes like warrior paint. His voice is low, authoritative. “Everything alright here?”
He must have noticed the commotion during the heat of your argument, perhaps recognizing the tone of your voice which does not help with the plan the two of you are drafting to get off this planet, or maybe, he is just genuinely concerned. The latter seems improbable by the way the guard stands, hands hovering over the trigger of the rifle.
Loki decides it would be best to negotiate and pretend everything is fine. He would much rather avoid a fight because he would hate for you to end up dying as a prisoner in the arms of the Grandmaster. Well, because you’re on his way out. Nothing more.
He turns to the sentry with his usual charming smile, palms raised to indicate he means no harm. It's an image of vulnerability. The guard seems to relax at this, fingers moving away from the trigger of his weapon although his posture remains sturdy.
He’s alone, no other guards are lurking nearby. If anything were to happen, at least it will be two against one.
How foolish.
“Everything is quite alright, kind sir. It’s just one of our...common little spats, nothing more. The missus says I don’t give her enough attention and well, you would know how that turned out—”
You nearly choke at Loki’s words. Out of all the possible reasons, he chooses a lover's spat as an excuse. An incredibly absurd and petty lover’s spat.
Now, you're his fucking missus.
The armored man is unfazed by Loki’s charm; he doesn’t seem convinced. He turns to you, gesturing to your figure with his rifle. “Show your face, ma’am.”
Loki is quick to step in. “Sir, I believe that would be rather embarrassing for her. You see, she has been crying, and it’s not a pretty sight. Red all over, bloodshot eyes—you know.”
You roll your eyes. Now, all you want to do is send your palm flying across his face. Hard.
Once more, the guard doesn’t completely believe Loki’s explanation.
Loki turns to you discretely, extending his open palm to you. He whispers lowly. “Do you trust me?”
You simply shake your head.
Nevertheless, you take his hand.
Before you know it, you’re being hurled by the arm, head first and now the two of you are in a full-out sprint, spinning, and weaving from every pedestrian. Your shawl is long gone, Loki has magically switched back to his original Asgardian outfit. The sentry tails behind the two of you, close enough to hear him speak through the telecommunication device attached to his armor. “It’s the girl—Scrapper 170!”
The two of you dive down an alley, the sentry starting to gain. Loki turns to you mid-sprint with an exasperated look. “Scrapper 170? What is that supposed to mean?”
“Now is not the time, Loki!” you groan, voice trembling with every land of your quick feet against the ground. The sentry halts and aims. A flash of purple passes you by an inch. You duck instinctively, feet stumbling and your hand leaves Loki’s. The laser beam crashes into a wall, leaving a massive hole in it. You hear a woman shriek from the other side through the hole.
You round the corner, catching the glimpse of not one but three guards running after you. You instantly spin away to see Loki just about a meter ahead. You power through, catching up to his side. The alley breaks into a clearing, leading you back to the open market that teems with the same hectic and rowdy crowd of Sakaarians. Another shot fires at the two of you; it blasts like a hand grenade—the crowd screams. Loki is shoved away from you and with a turn of your head, you completely lose sight of him. Another blast of the rifle, you duck in time as it hits the crate of fruits behind. You kamikaze down the little avenues lined with vendors and shops, careening through the labyrinth. There’s a sentry at every turn, emerging from the crowd, behind the counter, tent flaps, and crates.
Amid the chase, you halt at a dead end. Behind you, the guards are catching up. At the corner of your eye, you spot Loki on the other side of the market, a few stalls away. His eyes are wide, and you’re trying to catch your breath. You step forward, ready to make his way to him when suddenly you hear something tick by your ear, then a wave of excruciating pain burns throughout your body—muscles spasms all over, you could barely control your own body any longer. Then, complete darkness as you felt your knees give out, face hard to the ground. The last thing you heard was your scream.
Maybe, you are meant to live your life filled with events of deja vu—a life of full circles and time loops. Maybe, you are meant to live a life of crime with the constant disability to learn from your mistakes, having been caught on numerous occasions because as soon as your brain awakens from its weakening of electrocution torture, there’s a familiar sense of aftermath pain, the sight of colorful grand walls, the feeling your hands cuffed to a rock metal chair and the grinning smile of none other than the Grandmaster.
You are stuck in a cycle, and you’re never breaking free.
The Grandmaster calls out your name with an almost chilling enthusiasm to his tone.
“At last, we meet again, 170! I’ve missed you, you know. You, uh, you really were something, huh? Intelligent. Pretty. Brought me lots of great stuff. Like that guy—What’s his name? Oh! Ares, God of war. He was a brilliant champion. Now, look at you. All dirty, disgusting and that hideous scar, ugh—” The Grandmaster cringes, gesturing to your figure with that melt stick of his. You flinch as he nears you, deciding how much you hate that shimmering golden robe. “Though I’ll have to admit, you are good at hiding. It’s almost annoying...Do you agree, Loki?”
He turns and you follow his gaze. Loki stands by the corner, looking almost sheepish. Your eyes are now immense, face painted with hurt and betrayal albeit you don’t necessarily demonstrate it. Loki averts his gaze to the Grandmaster. “I suppose.”
The silver-haired man laughs with a wagging finger to him. “I like you, Loki. I really do.”
You cringe at his words. He turns to you, smile gone.
“Hey, now you are going to tell me—I mean, really tell me—who exactly you are and where you’re from.”
You spot the furrow of the God's brows. His voice is faint, like the time at the market, asking you to trust him. “Is she not from Earth?”
The Grandmaster seems to be taken aback by Loki’s sudden question, narrow eyes bouncing between the two of you. Then, his mouth curves into an apparent ‘o’. “Oh, I see what’s going on. Wow. You actually believed that little story of hers? That she’s from a planet called Earth and an astronaut? Oh, you poor thing,” He speaks through his chuckles, amused by Loki’s expression of bewilderment.
So much for being truthful.
“You know, I always have the intuition for liars like you. So, there was no way you could have faked it all the way through.” His attention is on you, but you’re too busy looking at your unlikely ally or you dare say your partner's unreadable manner. Blank face. Usual posture. You hope to spot a hint of sympathy or sadness in his eyes. There’s nothing.
You can’t save yourself and neither can he.
You, after all, betrayed him in terms of your unknown identity. It’s expected he wouldn’t do the same. Yet, this is Loki getting a taste of his own medicine. If it weren’t for your imminent death, you would find this situation rather amusing.
“So, are you going to tell us the truth?”
Your gaze returns to the taller man. “No.”
You’re not sure how to feel about that single word being the last word you speak.
The Grandmaster blinks then shrug coyly. “Oh well, that’s quite a pity,” he moves around, gazing at the surrounding guards, hand on his hip. “So, uh, we’re doing this, huh?”
No one in the room moves or speaks.
He sighs, extending the melt stick to you. “Yeah, okay...See ya, then!”
You shut your eyes, ready to succumb to the pain of being liquefied. You wonder if it hurts and that the past victims you have witnessed were being dramatic as they screamed for the end of their lives rather than the pain itself. In all honesty, you’re terrified although you believe you shouldn’t be. Death is inevitable, after all, and you’ve been prepared for many years, living in hiding.
This is it. This is when you finally rest.
You miss home. Wherever that is.
Your eyes are wide open, they fly to Loki who has his arm stretched out, nearing the Grandmaster. The melt stick is inches away from your face. The Grandmaster spins away from you, attention directed to Loki. “Really, Loki? I was so close to having the pleasure of melting her!”
For an Elder of the Universe, he could erratically act a lot like a child. A child with an obsession with control and murder. Psychopathic child.
You observe the two enter an argument of whispers and dramatic hand movements. Then, the colorful psychopath in that hideous shimmering coat swivels in his stance, gaze at you as a heavy sigh escapes his lips. “Fine. I guess I don’t have to know who exactly you are. On behalf of Loki here who seems very keen on keeping you alive, you are pardoned,” Your mouth flies open in response. “But! I’m putting you on probation. 142 will be keeping a close eye on you. So, yeah. Lie to me again and I’ll have you executed for real.”
The Grandmaster walks away and your wrists are released from the cuffs of the chair.
Loki retains that darn smirk on that charming face of his.
The slave quarters seem huge from the last time you were here. In comparison to your unstable shack of a home in the outskirts of the city, anything cleaner and brighter than that shithole was enough to fulfill your heart’s desire for an ideal place of residence. It’s the same room you occupied before you fled and went into hiding. You recognize the markings on the wall, roman numerals, hidden in the corner by your bed, counting the days since you arrived on Sakaar. That was years ago, maybe a decade—you lost count.
There’s a knock on the door; it swishes open to reveal none other than Loki, dressed in a different but relatively similar outfit to his original Asgardian clothing. It’s blue instead of green. You abruptly decide you like the way it brings out the specks of blue in those irises of emerald.
You cross your arms. “So, I assume you got caught, but I want to know how the hell did you not get this thing?” You tap the obedience disk on the curve of your neck. His smile curves into a smirk. “One word: Silvertongue.”
Your snort, nearing him. “That’s two words.”
Loki simply rolls his eyes. “No, it isn’t. It’s two—it doesn’t matter.”
That deafening silence wave over the two of you. You purse your lips.
“Why did you save me back there?”
The God blinks, shoulders squaring. There’s a sudden tension in the air.
“Well,” his head tilts as he clears his throat, trying to form the right words. He wets his lips. “If someone manages to trick the God of trickery himself, maybe that someone is worth saving.”
His response startles a distinct silence from you—the silence of awe and contemplation. He says you're worthy of saving, a sentence you never thought you’ll hear from the man who crashed through your roof and proceeded to be threatened with a dagger. The man who seemed to have some sort of inclination and ambition to annoy the death out of you. It’s bizarre how life works, how two diverging lives end up intertwined with one another in the most unlikely circumstance, and how time truly heals. It mends the wounds of the lonely, the ones who were told they were never enough.
Maybe scarce and scarce turns out to be enough after all.
You see yourself in him, a complex mind and a misunderstood heart. It’s frightening how you somehow understand, and you somehow don’t simultaneously.
People are complex. Life is complex.
He watches you with that same look when he initially heard the vocals of Freddie Mercury.
You’re no Freddie Mercury, you know that.
Your voice cuts through the silence. “Thank you.”
Loki seems to snap out of what felt like forever, responding with a curt nod.
“I’ll see you at dinner then,” he says, backing away into the hallway as he readies himself to leave. “And please, wear something better than that hideous heap of trash.” He gestures to your figure; your clothes are rugged and filled with dust and sand.
It’s your turn to roll your eyes.
“We can resume our plans to getting off this planet after that,”
With a smug look, he spins on his heel and leaves. The door closes with a whirring sound. You feel heavy.
And God, you need a drink.
You quickly locate the drinking glasses, in one of the cabinets above the kitchenette. As you rummage through the rest of the drawers and cabinets in search of a bottle of something, a soft hum from the other side of the room catches your attention.
Your figure spins and you’re met by the sight of a group of materialized armored soldiers, clad in black. You heave a profound sigh of relief, a grin curving upon your lips.
“You guys finally found me! What took y'all so long? I’ve been stuck here for ages—”
“It appears to be a standard sequence violation.” one of the armored men say with an A-50 scrawled vertically on his helmet in orange.
You furrow your brows, feeling your heart stop. “Wait, what—”
“On behalf of the Time Variance Authority, I hereby arrest you for crimes against the Scared Timeline.” Hunter A-50 speaks. There’s a wave of sympathy flashes upon his expression. “I’m sorry.”
The cup falls to the floor, shattering into serrated pieces that surround your feet. Your heart begins to pound. As the other hunters grasp onto your arms, you are hauled through the translucent glowing doorway. Then, you hear the words of A-50 that struck your heart like a dagger.
“Reset the timeline.”
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kritzkrieg-kiss · 3 years
Got any headcanons for mercs with an s/o who's wicked smart and talented?
Heck yeah I do
Mercs with a wicked smart & talented S/O
Scout: Broadway Chorus Liner. Scout likes a person with bubbly energy and athletic ability, but who is also humble and laid back at the same time. They compliment him well and aid in all his shenanigans. He makes sure to see every one of their performances. Even though their name doesn't even show up in the program, they receive more flowers at the end than the actual stars of the show.
Soldier: Blacksmith. They're sturdy and stringent, much like the weapons they forge. Soldier was attracted to their sense of deep-rooted character and strength at first. But as time went on, he discovered a more methodical and precise side to them. Of course they also augment his rocket launchers. He's crazy 'bout that.
Pyro: Cake Decorator. He's absolutely blown away how someone who makes such intricate works of sugary artistry can be so nonchalant about people destroying their handiwork. That is, until he gets a bite of it himself. He learned a lot about sacrifice and love that day, that sometimes in trying to preserve an act of selfless generosity, you miss out on it entirely. He learned the best way to accept such a gift is to devour it in a fit of fanatical passion. Yum 💛
Demo: Chorale Singer. He learned to stop and smell the roses from watching them. Much like the songs they would sing to themselves, they tuned themselves to the small, beautiful things that everyone else looked over. It brought him onto a whole new wavelength. They're shy though, and only sing when they think no one's around. On a sidenote, there may or may not have been at least a few dozen times where Demoman asked to borrow Spy's cloaking device.
Heavy: Flutist, The Old Nautical Kind. Heavy grew up several hundred kilometers away from the nearest ocean, but he always held a deep fascination with it. He wondered how something can be so vast and eternal, yet distant. How it could be so full of anger and rage, yet calming at the same time. It covered a majority of the earth, but to him, it might as well have been on another planet. It was everywhere, yet elusive. Powerful, but tranquil. Deadly, and at the same time full of life. He saw a lot of himself in it. So when he met someone who could blend up every one of those feelings simultaneously and whistle them through an old flute, he was instantly enchanted.
Engie: Gardener. Engie appreciates a person who can take their environment into their own hands, who can create a space to relax and reflect all on their own. Being the type of person who can see all the intricate parts that make up everything, he admires the certain tenderness and persistence it takes to grow plants from seeds, more notably a whole garden of them. Often times he'll cook with the vegetables they grow.
Medic: Close-Up Magician. This guy is the textbook definition of a willing suspense of disbelief. Every trick they did, from the complicated illusions to the 1st grade card tricks, left him clapping with a 'Hoo hoo! Do it again! Do it again! Do it again!' Never once did they lose patience with him. They kept a deck of cards on their person at all times, ready and willing to see Medic go from a grown man to a giggling child in less than ten seconds at any moment's notice.
Sniper: Professional Swing Dancer. They asked him to go dancing with them a few hundred times before he finally said yes. He's so uncoordinated it's a danger to those around them at first. But of course, they're exactly the right person for him to follow. They're the kind of person who can loosen him up a bit and not laugh at his expense when he utterly fails on the first few tries. After the first several bumps and bruises, Snipes decided to just say what the heck and finally managed to cut back and have fun. He still wasn't very good at dancing though, the Americana just killed him. Oh, the poor Aussie.
Spy: Charcoal Artist. Honestly, Spy didn't pay them much attention until he saw their work. It had been a rough morning and he didn't feel like talking to anyone, so the cloak was on as he walked about. As he was walking, he passed by an open door. Inside was a desk. On the desk was an open book lying face down. He didn't feel bad about snooping around where he shouldn't, heck it was his job after all. He slinked in and picked up the book, only to find it full of charcoal portraits of...himself? He delicately flipped through the pages. The drawings were spot on. The form, the lighting, everything. It captured his spirit in a way he couldn't understand. His heart swelled in his chest. He'd flip through the rest later, right now he needed to come up with a way to finally make their acquaintance.
I liked this one, hope you did too 💛
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sinditia · 3 years
Tom Ford Private Blend Discovery Coffret - Review
In terms of scent and performance, I find that Tom Ford, especially the private blend collection, is much better than most other designer fragrances so I kind of understand why they're also 3-4x the price. But with how much Tom Ford charges for their juice, there's absolutely no way I was gonna commit to a full bottle without sampling it. Unfortunately, there's no Tom Ford counter in my country so I have to make do with decants and minis to try them out. I'm gonna put my thoughts on all six fragrances you get in this set under the cut.
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White Suede
This smells like a shoe. But like, in a surprisingly good way. Well, it's probably subjective. I can see people not liking it because they don't wanna smell like a shoe, but I personally don't find it unpleasant. It's definitely an interesting scent but not exactly wearable. Like that gorgeous dress with the complicated straps that's just a tiny bit too slutty and over the top for any kind of occasion short of a red carpet event. Like I kinda wanna have it, but I know for a fact I won't reach for it much. And the way this scent is interesting is also interesting in the sense that it's not interesting because it's some kind of complex, layered blend of notes. It just smells like a shoe, literally. But it's interesting because it somehow smells really good, despite smelling exactly like a shoe.
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Oud Wood
After much deliberation, I think I've decided that in terms of scent, this one is my favourite out of this whole set. The oud is deep, rich, smooth, and sweet in a dark-chocolate kind of way. I've tried a lot of oud at this point (mostly those sweet, western ouds, very few of those animalic ones) and this feels like the cleanest, simplest one. The other notes play a supporting role to the oud but none of them jump out at you. It feels like they're in the background enhancing the oud's beauty. The thing that kills me though, it's just such a goddamn fucking shame that out of the six, this is the one that performs the worst. The projection and longevity is about on par with any other old designer EDP with half the price. I love the scent of this one but by god, if I'm gonna be shilling out that Tom Ford coin, it's gotta be fucking perfect in every way. Maybe I should keep going with my oud exploration before I take the plunge on this one.
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Neroli Portofino
The various citruses and white flowers in this makes it a very fresh and bright and clean scent, which would've been pleasant if it wasn't for an additional sharp note that leans very antiseptic-y. I'm not sure where that's coming from. Maybe the lavender. It ends up smelling like a really nice-smelling cleaning product. Like stepping foot in a restroom at a fancy hotel or expensive restaurant. Like it smells really good. But it also smells like a really clean bathroom. Not really something I want to pay Tom Ford prices for, even if the bottle is a really pretty colour.
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Tuscan Leather
This is a very unmistakably leathery scent. It does not shy away from the leather, and there's also quite a lot of suede notes in there that really enhance that leathery quality. The raspberry is very faint, not something I'd notice if nobody pointed it out to me, but it's there if you look for it. It compliments the leather really well and doesn't take it in any kind of fruity direction. It smells rustic and antique, like you're in an old but well-maintained country cabin. You get the old musty wood of the furniture in the place, but also the leather equipment you might find lying around there. It's not like the refined, luxury leather of an expensive bag or pair of shoes. It's that really sturdy, excellent quality leather that's made for working the field or weathering nature. It's animalic in a clean sort of way, like it's in its pure, natural state instead of dirty and sweaty. Does any of this make sense or am I just romanticizing this scent? Because I really, really, really like it. Like the White Suede, it's not exactly day-to-day wearable either for me, but by golly it's so interesting and I love smelling it.
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Rose Prick
The full-sized bottle for this one is so ugly with that garish pepto bismol colour so I already know I'm not gonna splurge on this one. Fortunately it's not a super amazing scent either so I'm not tempted. It's a pretty standard jammy rose formulation, deep, dark, semi-sweet with that patchouli, pepper, and turmeric giving it the tiniest bit of a bitter, spicy edge in the background that prevents it from being too cloying and dizzy. I like jammy rose scents, but jammy roses are a dime a dozen I reckon, and I prefer the ones with an oud base rather than patchouli.
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Fucking Fabulous
Okay, I gotta admit, this is pretty fabulous. But is it fucking fabulous? Hmm, I'm not so sure. It's lovely, don't get me wrong. The longevity and projection is really great on me too despite being a creamy scent. It's a nice semi-sweet vanilla that's more on the fresh side than gourmand. I think that's the tonka bean lending it that bright, slightly grassy vibe to it. The leather emerges as the scent settles but it's not something that screams leather like Tuscan Leather. It just something that gives a solid, earthy support to the fresh notes up top. It's really beautiful. It's kinda like what I wish Rochas Moustache was like. Vanilla sweet with an oomph. It's too bad it doesn't come in Rochas prices. The thing with Tom Ford fragrances is, it always just comes down to whether it's worth the price. And unfortunately, for this one, despite how much I like it, it's a no from me dawg. It's still not unique or special enough. I feel like a lot of other perfumes, while not identical, evokes a similar sort of vibe.
check out my fragrantica account
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fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
Writing Exercise 2 // AssClass x Tower of God AU - Reunion
Writing Exercise // AC x Tog AU - Catching up
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Summary: In their 10 years of climbing the Tower together nonstop, Team END should have known by now that anything could happen so suddenly.
However, a reunion with an old teammate was certainly not what most of them have in mind.
Word count: 2.3k words
• ▪ • ▪ •
Nakamura was exhausted.
Well actually, all of them are. But yeah, she's exhausted.
Team END had recently just cleared the final floor test that allowed them to arrive at the 30th Floor, which was basically a more brutal take of the Capture the Flag game, that lasted them over 8 hours to finish.
Injuries barely treated, bodies aching, sleep lacking, and stomachs starting to rumble, the last thing they'd want to happen was to encounter another trouble the moment they had been transported to the next floor.
"Oi Nakamura, are you sure we should be heading this way..?" Okajima barely squeaked out, frozen at his own spot as he fearfully stared at the sight before them.
"That's what it says on my lighthouse!" She hissed quietly, glaring at the glowing blue cube floating beside her.
Chiba should have been more specific about where his goddamn house is located in this floor.
He had told her before that he has his own residence here at the 30th Floor, somewhere beyond this swamp-like forest thingy, which he had given Team END the permission to reside in for the next 20 Floors until they become C-Rank Regulars.
Yet he never said anything about dealing with dangerous creatures along the way.
Nakamura had discreetly messaged him through her Pocket minutes ago, which he had replied to not long after.
"Wait, I just got off from work. I'll be right there." - Ryuunosuke
It had been 15 minutes since then.
Nakamura is surely going to give him a good slap the moment she sees the Spear Bearer. Well, if she can still recognize him, that is, since the dude had that annoying black cloak nearly hiding his entire body when she first bumped into him at a marketplace at the 21st Floor three years ago.
So here they all are, standing frozen before a sort of gigantic forest creature (who looks hungry, by the way), too exhausted and injured to put up a fight, let alone save themselves.
A Green Mulso, Kurahashi had informed them, is a shinheuh that resembles a gigantic Water Buffalo meant to guard certain areas in a swamp forest from outsiders. There are two types of Mulso, a green one and a brown one. The brown ones are much smaller and friendlier apparently.
Kurahashi then oh-so helpfully told the team that Green Mulsos are wild, incredibly sturdy, and cannot be tamed at all, even by the most talented Anima.
So in short, unless they still got enough stamina to spare, they're doomed.
I swear to god, Ryuunosuke. If I die here right now in the most pathetic way I will fucking haunt you for eternity-
A flash of bright blue from a distance had cut off Nakamura's thoughts, her eyes widening as she watched the water-like shinsu pierce through the wild beast before them at a frightening speed, killing it instantly.
A chorus of surprised yelps were let out at the sight, some where even full-out screams.
Everyone then instinctively moved away when the now dead green mulso had fallen to the ground, it's large size causing it to shake for a moment.
"Oh my god what was that..." Maehara breathed out, his hand clutching over his chest.
Some of them tentatively stared at the dead giant creature before them, some where eve cautiously approaching it to see the wound, while others chose to avoid looking at it.
Nakamura just stayed at her spot, the gears in her brain already working to find answers. A blast of water-like shinsu was what killed the creature, which could have been done by a Wave Controller from just the shinsu's form itself alone. Yet the blast itself looked too thin compared to what Nakamura usually saw what Wave Controllers do.
Not to mention it looked like it had come from a very long distance, which is a range that not even Rankers could reach, as once clarified by Koro-sensei when they were still at the 2nd Floor. A range like that is something only Spear Bearers could do.
Nakamura then frowned at the thought.
But are there even any Spear Bearers who use water-like shinsu to shoot? She knows about Lightning and Ice users who make their own spears, there have been plenty of Regulars and Rankers who were known for that after all, but a Water user Spear Bearer is unheard of.
This would be the first time she sees one if she was correct.
"Woah I got here just in time, thank goodness..." A familiar voice spoke out at a fair distance.
Nakamura's eyes then roamed around the tall trees surrounding them, assuming the guy was somewhere perched up at one of them, based from where she could hear his voice coming from. "Well, you sure took your sweet time to get here," she huffed.
A wave of murmurs and whispers gradually built up and Nakamura could make out some of them wondering how she seemed to know the voice that was talking just now.
"The town was especially busy today and I can't just jump between rooftops, you know that..." He sighed out. "On another note, I didn't think you guys would actually go to this part of the forest. This place is inhabited by Green Mulsos after all, you know how wild those things are."
"And yet it only took you a single shot to kill one," Nakamura raised an eyebrow, her eyes darting everywhere, still trying to look for him.
"I live around here. You just get used to them."
A flash of light and suddenly an overwhelming pair of bright maroon eyes were right in front of her, along with a wide smile gracing the face those eyes belonged to.
Nakamura hesitantly took a step back, giving the tall figure that had appeared before her a once over. Sharp maroon eyes, tall nose, plump lips, strong eyebrows, and long dark hair pulled up in a high ponytail with fringes widely parted at the middle ー a pretty one yet there's a tinge of manliness to it with that long brown coat over a white polo and black pants combo.
How handsome.
Nakamura then narrowed her gaze. Something about this person is ridiculously familiar to her but she couldn't recall anyone with this appearance or at least close to having it.
Hey wait a minute. Nakamura frowned even further. If that was Chiba who I was talking to just now and this person showed up then-
The person's smile dropped then raised an eyebrow at her instead. "What's with that look?"
A scream ripped itself from Nakamura's throat.
• ▪ • ▪ •
"Wow you changed a lot!"
"You think I'd still look the same after 10 years?" Chiba incredulously asked.
30 seconds of dodging mild embarrassment and composure regaining, Nakamura then revealed to the rest of the team that the person who had appeared before them was Chiba, their former teammate who had been seperated from them 22 Floors below.
After that sudden reunion, but not without a strong slap on the shoulder by Nakamura, Chiba soon led the whole team towards the place he is residing in, which was beyond the forest. The route they are currently taking was much farther away from where they were at previously and less closed off.
There were less trees around them and the pathway is much clearer and if they look even further ahead, they can see a wide clearing at a distance.
The walk was fairly quiet, as the whole team was too exhausted from the previous Floor Test to even make enough noise. Some even start to doze off and are just being carried by lighthouses instead of walking, and some of the Light Bearers in the team had just went inside their respective lighthouses.
Kurahashi in particular was fast asleep on Cattus' back, a cat-like cactus creature she had befriended back then, currently in its giant form as it cutely marched beside Chiba and Nakamura, who were walking ahead of everyone.
"Water spears are definitely the last thing I thought you'd use," Nakamura remarked. Unlike the majority of them, she still has enough energy to engage in a conversation. "I was kinda expecting you to wield a sniper rifle or something."
Chiba let out mellowed chuckles. "I actually do own one. But I only use it for specific types of Floor tests," he professed.
"Oh really?" Nakamura blinked at him im wonder. "Where'd you get it?"
"Ah I won it at the Workshop Battle I participated in 4 years ago."
Nakamura nearly faltered at the name almost bitterly but then quickly recovered. "I see," she forced a cheeky grin. "Probably gave them hell, huh?"
"That was Miki," Chiba rolled his eyes though his smile never left his place. "Anyways, water spears. I've always known how to make them but I've only started to utilize them even more around the time I came to the 12th Floor."
Nakamura hummed in response. "So like... 8 or 9 years ago..?"
"Nine years ago," he confirmed. "Enough time for me to solidify its reliability in battle and learn more ways to utilize it."
"I believe this is the first time I've heard of a Spear Bearer who uses Water shinsu to make their own spears," a golden-litted lighthouse suddenly flew in front of the two. "I apologize for abruptly joining in but I am personally intrigued by this discussion, if you don't mind, Chiba-kun."
"Oh Asano-kun," Chiba's smile widened. "You'd be surprised to know that I'm actually not the only one who does this."
"Is that so?"
"But you're still right," Chiba slightly moved away from Nakamura and faced the two of them, bringing his right arm out.
A small bang of water-like shinsu started forming on his palm then suddenly sprouted into a very long shaft that is twice the height of Chiba himself less than a second after. Its blade forming into a drill-shaped head with small flows of water spiralling around the shaft almost prettily.
With a proud smile, Chiba momentarily spun the newly formed spear around. "I'm the only Spear Bearer in the family who had managed to make it sturdy enough to be a main weapon of choice."
He doesn't need to elaborate for both Nakamura and Asano to know what he meant by 'family'.
Ryuunosuke is from the Great Family of Chiba, whose Head was one of the Great Warriors who had first climbed towards the top of the Tower along with the King himself. Anyone tied with the Chiba bloodline is automatically a Water User by default, unless they chose not to use the water-manifested shinsu, as the heritage is that strong.
Chiba himself is not a direct descendant of the Head, making him one of the less important members as the Family Tree is ridiculously huge that a random Regular could actually meet at least 2 Chiba members in each Floor.
But from what he implied just now, his unique standing as a Spear Bearer might just make him stand out in the vast sea mostly full of Wave Controllers.
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't intentionally trying to get my name out there in order to be respected in the family as my own person and not be seen as 'just another Chiba'," he admitted with a determined look. "After all, I was born thousands of years after my greatest grandmother had become one of the Great Family Leaders in the Tower."
He then grinned almost challengingly. "But hearing what both of you said just now is just making me want to work even harder."
Nakamura smirked anticipatingly, trying to bury down the nervousness that had shot throughout her body. That frightening display just earlier and yet he's saying such things like this right now... damn he's grown out of our league...
A seemingly amused chuckle had suddenly come out out the golden lighthouse floating beside them. "It's almost admirable to see how very self-assured you are despite the strong clutches of your influencial family name. I can respect that."
Equally amused, Chiba had vanished the water sphere and turned to the giant glowing golden cube. "Well I suppose my conviction is new for someone who is the only descendant of the Great Lord Asano," he remarked.
"But enough about me, I want to hear your story." He gestured a hand towards him (or the cube) and grinned further. "How did the only child of the strongest Light Bearer in the Tower end up travelling with an old team of mine after that initial claim he had of taking no absolute interest in them?"
Nakamura, who had just been attentively listening to them the whole time, suddenly let out an evil cackle. "Oh man do I have the perfect story to share..."
"No! Her so-called 'perfect story' is nothing but exaggerated lies! Do not listen to her!"
"What exaggerated lies?" Nakamura laughed out loud, her grin even wider. "I literally got a lot of proof saved inside my lighthouse!"
She then gasped dramatically. "Maybe I should just send them to him!"
"Don't you dare!" Asano warned.
Chiba just owlishly blinked at the incredulous sight of Nakamura and a floating golden cube bickering. He was sure it wasn't that long ago when Nakamura had told him about Asano and Sakakibara temporarily joining Team END for a while. Yet the display before him made it seem like their newly formed alliance wasn't that recent at all.
Yeah, there's a lot of catching up for me to do alright...
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ambersky0319 · 4 years
"Character A: Are you sure this is safe? Character B: I sincerely doubt it, but hey, I’ve been surprised before" with Roman and Remus? Maybe in the Imagination and they're on an adventure together. All I can imagine is absolute chaos happening a few lines afterwards...
This ended up being really short- hope you enjoy anyway tho!
Pairings: Creativitwins + implied Intruloceit in the background
Warnings: Mentions of PAST injuries which include burns, being shot by arrows, stab wounds, and broken bones; lmk if I need to add anything else!
"I know it's rich coming from me, but are you sure this is safe?"
Roman looked up from where he was tying a rope for a really, really old bridge. He tilted his head at his brother, then glanced back to the massive canyon that stretched on for miles. The bridge was definitely not very sturdy.
"I sincerely doubt it, but hey, I've been surprised before." Roman finished securing the bridge. "Why're you concerned, though? I'd figure you'd be itching to dance across this while it was still broken."
"Normally, yeah, but I promised Dee and Lo I'd come back without many injuries."
Roman laughed, grabbing his share of their things. "Really?"
"Apparently I gave them both heart attacks when I came back from our last adventure." Remus shrugged, stepping onto the rope bridge first. It creaked under his weight.
Roman remembered their last adventure well. The twins had gone to an abandoned castle to find one of King's lost treasures, were separated, and when they found one another again Remus had been hit by a dozen arrows, broken an arm, and was bleeding heavily from what appeared to be a stab wound.
Roman hadn't been too much better, having run into moving statues that were intent on killing him, plus he nearly fell into lava, and had to jump through flames to get to the other side to continue, burning any exposed skin at the time.
They still got the item, of course, but everyone was very worried when they returned, laughing in triumph through their pain.
"Well, let's hope we don't crash to the bottom of the canyon this time, then." That's also happened before.
Remus rolled his eyes, taking careful steps. "Comforting, Roman. Real comforting."
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ziracona · 4 years
Hi! I just realised I havn't popped in in awhile. Do you have any headcanons u feel like sharing about the newer survivors?? (I love them all, they're so cool but I think imma have to say cheryl is my bby gurl. she's tired. let her rest.) also. i am. going insane. from a toothache :) - Sleepy
Hey! Hope your tooth pain clears up! I’m so sorry—that’s one of the worst. : /
Hmmm, I do, but I’m trying to think of ones I haven’t said in asks before. 😬 Unfortunately my memory of fictional characters is great, and my memory of what I said in asks is shitty. :’-]
I don’t know the newer survivors—except Nancy and Steve—as well as I do the older ones, because I’ve never written them, and I haven’t played Silent Hill. I like Zarina, Yui, and Cheryl a lot though. Poor fkn Cheryl can join Quentin in the “Please God, just one good day?” Existence. Rip to them both. 😭
Poor kid gets out of hell once, and ya throw her back in. :’-]
Let’s see—headcanon I am fairly sure I haven’t already shared. I think Yui and Min would get along really well, and Jane and Zarina would too.
Yui hates the serial killers especially, from her own personal experience, and goes to bat hard against them every time.
Ash flirts with everyone to a point it’s even more than Ace does, and for a while it becomes a competition between them to see who can flirt more and better than the other (not in a shitty way—everybody knows they have the competition going on and it’s more a ‘I can act better than you’ than a ‘I can win more hearts’ one.) Ace is declared the winner in class, Ash the winner in sheer quantity he’s able to churn out, and they agree to call it a semi-draw. It’s actually a really fun week for everyone, because they’re all constantly being complemented and flirted with in a way they know is performative and seeks 0 real actions from them in return, so essentially they are just showererd with ‘drunk girl in a bar bathroom’ levels of praise for seven days.
Felix and Nancy are the only two with significant others waiting back home, and they bond over talking about their wife/boyfriend and sharing stories and having someone around who understands that specific brand of pain and can encourage them that they’ll make it back home.
Tapp is a dad, so he gives Felix a lot of advice on stuff since he was an expecting father. Not so much “do this” advice, since his relationship with his family didn’t go so well, and he feels like he’s in absolutely no position to teach—more like “It’s okay. Women have been giving birth for thousands of years. She’s gonna make it just fine even if you’re not home yet, and you’ll get back to them. And I’m gonna teach you some of the tricks so you’ll be ready when you do. You can even surprise her by already knowing how to change a diaper and warm a formula bottle. I’ll show you how to do it,” and talking him through some of the stuff he would have been able to learn from infant care books. It’s sweet, but Tapp almost dies when Jane says its “Very heartwarming” and teases him, so they cut him some slack. Felix is really appreciative. Laurie has taken care of a ton of kids, and gives him some advice too, and so does Nancy, who had two younger siblings.
Steve is a disaster who suffers from “I like you and you are a girl, so *pigeon meme* Is this falling in love?” syndrome. Gets shot down hard by Laurie, who is ridiculously pissed at him for bringing it up during a trial when their lives are on the line, but after he gets over being super awkward around her, and she reaches out to be like, ‘Look, dumbass, why did you even like me?’ And he’s like ‘...because you’re, uh, really cool? A-and pretty? And...’ and eventually she’s like ‘Buddy, you don’t even really know me. You’re just lonely. You’re not in love with me, you just want to be, because you want to be in love with somebody, and that’s not gonna cut it, for me, or anyone. Be in love with a person—not with the concept of being in love. And for that to happen, you have to know them first.” And since Steve is good af self-improvement, he realizes she’s got a real point, and tries to find his worth outside of needing a girlfriend, and becomes both a lot happier, and one of Laurie’s closer friends. (Side note—this extends probably only to my initial Steve ideas. I had the idea batted around that in that universe, Stranger Things /is/ an existing show, but it’s based on a mix of urban legend and history from the 80s, and Nancy and Steve are the version from the actual 80s, and I think in that pitch Steve is dating Barb, who is still alive, and already worked through this specific issue, because many things happened differently for wild comedic ‘But in the show’ effect, becuase both them repeatedly going “WELL REALITY WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT” when like, monster hunting shit from the show won’t work on the Demogorgan, and *Spit take* “THEY HAD ME HIT ON ROBIN?” “Ewwww” “YEAH ewww! She’s basically my lesbian little sister! We’ve been best friends since grade school! What the fuck :’-]” make for amazing joke potential. )
Cheryl starts having nightmares where she sees things from the Entity’s eyes she was never meant to see, and finding out dangerous amounts of information this way. The Entity decides at some point this is too big a threat, but because it’s proud, it doesn’t want to just kill her, as that would be admitting a human is a threat, so it starts having killers gun for her mercilessly to try to get her to give up, and the poor girl is in agony.
Zarina documents stuff form the realm constantly, and has a careful scrapbook collection of all notes and paraphernalia from past survivors. She also keeps conspiracy pages tacked together trying to figure out who they were becuase they deserve at least the justice of people somehow knowing how they died and what they went through. Laurie is a big help with this, and so is Claudette, who has been keeping stuff for a long time.
Yui is very no-nonsense, and protective. She gives off strong big sister vibes. She especially also loves board games/puzzles/other games like Shogi or Go and such, and Dwight and Adam create game pieces for her to play Go with when she mentions how much she used to like that kind of thing, and Yui is incredibly touched, and makes several other ones for people to play with too, and it becomes a very enjoyed pastime between trials. It’s engaging and competitive, but much more relaxed and low energy than sports or training or going for a run, so it’s a great alternative. Meg gets super into making puzzles, and all the artists do too, and take turns painting pictures on boards, cutting them into puzzle pieces with extreme painstakingly slow care, and then doing puzzles together. Jake is invaluable in the actual cutting pieces out area, but actually enjoys to do it.
Felix knows a lot more than anyone else about the Entity when he’s taken, so he spends a bunch of time with the research team trying to recall whatever he can from his childhood and sharing any information he has, then just stays on it because he wants to. He’s desperate to meet Benedict Baker someday himself, becuase that man seems to get around, and he really wants to know what happend to his father.
Everyone becomes protective as fuck of Cheryl when the Entity starts targeting her, and someone—I think Kate and or Meg—probably both together—as a one-off joke call themselves her knights at some point, becuase they’re running such dedicated protection detail, but it becomes a whole thing, and several more start to do it. They’ll like ‘fist clasped arm across chest at attention, quick bow’ when they see her, and it’s goofy as fuck, but it helps a lot making Cheryl’s reality more bearable. Plus, it’s really sweet. Nea gets in on this and comes back one day with a little daisy chain she made cause she was bored, sees Cheryl, it clicks, runs over and offers it as a ‘favor’. Zarina sees and comes back later that day from a trial and kneels and presents Cheryl with a rescued toolbox with a brand new part. This becomes increasingly common and extravagant, and Cheryl /cannot/ deal, but it’s like, genius, becuase it takes exactly this level of surreal goofy friend bullshit to distract from the hell she is living. She ends up just regularly having someone come back from a trial or trip to the woods, salute with an arm across their chest, bow, and present her with anything from a pinecone or pretty rock, to flowers or a medkit, to a salt statue or key, to a painting or hand made bracelet, to a makeshift weapon or a pillow. Everyone always tries to outdo each other, so the gifts tend to be extravagant. Zarina considers herself Cheryl’s righthand woman/personal knight by chocie, because she wanted a cause to fight for and has found one she truly loves, and she makes Cheryl her favorite gift so far, coming up to her at the end of a long day, after a very bad trial where Cheryl was mercilessly and slowly killed by the Pig, kneeling, and offering a thick shard of stained glass from the chapel, made sturdy and held in place with a few chunks of soldered and wrapped iron along the blade and down the grip, forming a razor sharp and reinforced stained glass knife.
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