#thinking about anarchy
trash-rat-art · 1 year
Did I mention that I'm accident prone 🤠
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beeimeem · 1 year
Does anyone else get a random urge to prepare for the apocalypse? Like, you’ll be eating breakfast or rewatching your favorite show when the idea hits you. For example:
Me: *Calmly eating cereal and watching TV.*
Also Me: “…”
Still Me: “You know. An apocalypse CAN happen-“
Is this just a me thing? Do other people feel a random need to keep a survival kit on them?
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thepinkaccount · 1 year
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heaven would become very superfluous if anyone could talk to God.
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This has been on my mind lately:
What Radicalized You?
What experience that you had absolutely formed hardcore anarchist/humanitarian/socialist beliefs in you? What experience led to the “fuck the system” mindset for you personally?
For me:
It was realizing and coming out as Queer for the first time with my family.
When I realized I was bisexual I was so excited that I had finally found a word to my experiences and emotions. I was 12 and so happy that I could now share and explain the feelings that I had. I called my mother while she was at work. It was about four hours before she’d be home. I called her on the land line, and when she picked up I went “Mom. I think I’m bisexual! I think I’m bi!” I was ecstatic! There was silence. “You think you’re…what?” I repeated myself and was promptly told we would talk about this when she got home. I hung up and felt.. weird. I expected her to be happy for me. She wasn’t. I got a lecture from both my mother and stepfather on how that was a sin. That Homosexuality was abnormal and that God would abandon me. In front of my parents, I disowned God. Said I didn’t care for a religion that didn’t want me. I was hit with a bible. My mother nearly cried. My step father was furious.
I never expected that. I expected my family to be loving and warm and happy. They weren’t. The idea that my own family could see me as a freak, and there on out try to force it out of me- made me realize that I would do anything to prevent that experience for anyone else. If there was a system that wouldn’t accept anyone for whatever reason then it’s one that we need to abolish.
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"Speak truth to power? Why would I do that? They already know the truth, there lying about it, that's kind of the point."
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minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
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Middle school, especially Gotham Academy, can be the worst but they got each other.
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
My favorite argument against literally anything like "it's not natural" or something along those lines is simply I Don't Care
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vampirechatroom · 2 months
today i am thinking of the fact that prisoners in the united states were put on lockdown during the eclipse. imagine not being allowed to look at the sky. i am thinking about how nat turner witnessed the land plunged into darkness by a solar eclipse in 1831 and took it as a sign from god that he should begin one of the most significant slave rebellions in the history of the so-called united states. i am thinking about how the next solar eclipse will not occur until the 2040s and hoping that we see all of our peoples liberated by then. our ancestors have watched the sun darken for millions of years. there are those of us who have always fought for liberation. things do not have to be the way they are now. we were free once, we can be free again. let this be our sign.
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cuubism · 2 years
as much as i love traditionally married dreamling - and do i - i also have this bruised softness in my heart for 'what we have is outside relationship constructs, define it at your own peril' dreamling, for 'drifting in and out of each other's orbit with each other as perennial anchor point' dreamling, 'i haven't seen you in sixty years but what's that to an immortal, you are always in my heart' dreamling, 'our lives are not quite one but neither are they apart' dreamling. drop in on me, i am always ready to welcome you. and i will always let you go.
hob as a fixture, a constancy, a hearth, and dream as a wild creature coming in from the cold. it cannot be kept, and you would commit no such sin of trying to, but it can be held, warm, before the fireplace for a while. let it go, and trust that it will come back.
hob as a wanderer, life to life to life, and dream as an ancient, enduring kingdom whose protection is reachable just by closing your eyes. continuance impossible in the waking world but offered as easily as a kiss on the cheek.
there is no keeping a dream, is the thing. and dream does not want to be kept, but he does want to be held, held and let go and held again with those arms always open to him. there is no keeping an adventurer, either, and hob is an adventurer at heart, always ready to see, do, the next thing, but adventurers need a home, too, one that doesn't mind when they come back a little bit different.
go where you need to, when you need to. carry my love with you. and come back to me.
that kind of dreamling.
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incesthemes · 4 months
"their relationship is romantic" "their relationship is familial" "their relationship is platonic" you're thinking too narrow. their relationship goes beyond labels. the family is inherently queer. their platonic love is romantic. the erotic is familial. each one is the other and the other is them
#.txt#i've gotten to the point of relationship anarchy where i no longer understand the obsession with labeling relationships#there's a post floating around like 'it doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic the point is that they love each other'#and i get the message. however may i propose that distinctions such as that don't even have to matter. consider#bold claim probably. but whatever i didn't have the choice to think about love in a normative way and as a consequence i have thoughts#of course i am thinking about wincest but it applies everywhere. jopzier even#jopson views crozier as a surrogate parent but in an inherently queer way. does that mean he want to fuck his mom? probably not#but the fixation and need for redemption turns the traditionally familial relationship into something far more#do you understand#once you leave the normative behind labels become useless#do sam and dean love each other romantically or platonically or familially? consider: it doesn't matter. there are no words to describe it#their love is queer in the sense that it extends beyond normativity. society holds no sway over them. they are ungovernable#i find it ultimately unhelpful to discuss fiction in normative terms when the characters themselves exist outside of normative society#shows like supernatural and the terror are perfect examples. sam and dean were never normal and franklin crew left normal behind#the arctic doesn't care if you fuck your mom. the impala doesn't care if you kiss your brother#this isn't really about anything i just saw that post the other day and i was like. why doesn't this Hit for me. well this is why#however it IS helpful to discuss fiction set within normative society in relation to normativity. it's relevant!#most stories are not however set within the bounds of normativity. that's kinda the whole point of a lot of fiction#baby i explore relationship anarchy in ways that you couldn't even imagine#<-tldr#i have a tendency to write essays in the notes every time i post something. sorry about that. it feels safer here and i am skittish
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trash-rat-art · 1 year
Girlboss 💅
Im just a bunch of rats inside a skin suit 🙂✨💗
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
“Kreia is one of the most nuanced and best-written characters in Star Wars” and “Kreia’s philosophy is flawed and an unhealthy way to live your life” are two statements that can coexist actually
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thepinkaccount · 1 year
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xbomboi · 2 months
i’ve got a question to ask out of curiosity about the eah community’s general consensus
since the books and the show have different continuities and also within the world of the supplementary Ever After High media, the books themselves differ in continuity depending on series/author, i have a feeling this answer could vary depending on one’s bias…
i’m not adding an “other” option because you’re crazy if you think they met in infancy/as toddlers or if you genuinely believe the beginning of canon in the show (start of legacy year) is legitimately when they first meet.
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boopshoops · 4 months
me: ahaaha pshh i'd never have kids :/
Also me: what if i adopted all of my friends and mutuals
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spamming tags tag spam story time shoopy lore
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columboscreens · 1 year
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