#this as a general plot has been kicking around in my head for what must be Years and finally it has some characters to go in it
KaF3Countdown - Other Realms
Lucifer Kane wakes up, counts five fingers on his right hand, five on his left, and five small pebbles on his bedside table. 
Good - nothing changed overnight.
Sleep demons are tricky creatures, see. They trap their victims in dreams, leaving them entirely unaware and peaceful as their bodies are dragged off to some out-of-the-way corner and their life essence slowly devoured. The trapped person rarely even notices the dream decaying around them as their brain functions shut down and death creeps closer.
It is possible to escape on your own - to spot the world falling apart around you, to fight back, to wake up - in much the same way it’s possible to shuffle a deck of cards and have them end up in perfect ascending order.
Which is exactly why Kane needs to find Feels.
He hadn’t known. 
Hadn’t known there was anything truly dangerous in that abandoned warehouse, not anything more than a moody spirit.
Hadn’t thought, as he’d suggested they split up, to better cover the whole building.
Hadn’t realised, until that awful scream.
Kane had run, tried to find them, but both Feels and the demon were long gone. Found some other abandoned place, another forgotten corner to hide in.
Blinking, Kane tried to shake himself awake. Spiralling won’t help anyone, not least his partner even now being eate-
Stop it.
He lets muscle memory get the bowl out of the cupboard and fill it with oil. He settles into the same chair he’s been working on for days (weeks?) and unfocuses his eyes as he stares into the liquid.
Scrying is slow work, and exhausting, but it’s thorough. Starting with the industrial estate he lost Feels in, Kane has been working his way through every even vaguely-abandoned building in the area, searching for signs of anything demonic, and, when that invariably turned up nothing useful, he simply widened his search area and started again.
Nothing after nothing.
There are faster methods, of course, but those are liable to miss something trying its best to keep hidden. If this had been a regular case, a different person to find, Kane would have wanted the speed. Feels, though…
Kane refuses to entertain the possibility of somehow missing where Feels has been taken to, and, more than that, he knows the man. He trusts that Feels could keep his wits about him, survive in a demon’s realm longer than some random snatched off the streets. He’s sure he’s told Feels the trick to a sleep demon’s trap-
Which reminds him, draws him out of the scrying trance with a start.
Five fingers on his right hand, five on his left. The numbers on the clock are in the right order, although five hours have passed without him noticing, so concentrated he was on the search.
The dream a sleep demon will trap their victim in is much like any other dream, if you look past the fatal aspect.
And so, much like a dream, it’s possible to gain lucidity. To test reality, and realise it’s too soft, too un-real.
And from there- well, Kane knows Feels. The man would probably find the demon and punch it.
If Feels doesn’t notice though? Well, that’s why Kane needs to find him. Why he’s been spending weeks (months?) hunched over this bowl of oil.
Careful not to spill anything on the carpet, he puts the bowl on the floor, and stands up to stretch, a movement accompanied by what sounds like every joint in his body cracking.
He nearly drops the bowl when he notices another six hours have passed him by. 
God- he definitely hasn’t been getting enough sleep lately. Losing time, thoughts drifting, finding it harder and harder to concentrate. He puts the bowl of oil safely on a table before this lack of concentration causes him to spill it everywhere.
Well, okay, yes, he’d be getting even less sleep if it was physically possible, spend even more time searching if he could, but some distant ancestor had decided sleep would be an evolutionary advantage and now he was stuck with it.
He just about has the presence of mind to put the bowl on his bedside table, wedged between the pebbles, before collapsing into bed.
Lucifer Kane wakes up, counts five fingers on his right hand, five on his left, and four small pebbles on his bedside table.
Good, nothing changed overnight.
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jacquesthepigeon · 1 year
I'm a French person so forgive me if my English isn't good.
So I just got into Miraculous Ladybug, and I must say, the disproportionately unrealistically is amusing to me.
Andre Bourgeois would've have been kicked out of office for his abuse of power around his first term. Like seriously, the show portrays the citizens of Paris as unaware and lacking a backbone, when France (especially Paris) do not take abuse of power by the government lying down. Literally a year ago the entirety of France went on a nationwide strike and threatened to burn down Paris because the government wanted to raise the retirement age by 2 years. There is no conceivable way that people in the show would just bow down to the whims of the Mayor just because his stupid daughter threw a tantrum. And after Miracle Queen, he would have his head paraded on the streets. I'll be honest, the French have a proven track record of being prepared to burn Paris to the ground over most issues. It's pretty much our go-to mode of political expression. I doubt that the mayor prioritizing his stupid daughter over the wellbeing of his citizens would go over well.
Audrey Bourgeois should be facing lawsuits. This woman has been stated many times to fire her workers on a whim. Like I said before, French people are not lacking in backbone and the Style Queen should be facing lawsuits on the grounds of wrongful termination. Also, why isn't her awful behavior all over the news? Her image should be severely affected for the reasons mentioned above.
Chloe, Sabrina, and Lila should be expelled and facing criminal charges. Not only do we see Chloe, Lila, and Sabrina commit several crimes over the course of the series (i.e. theft, wasting emergency resources, fraud, academic fraud, harassment, physical assault, slander and defamation, destruction of property, breaking and entering, aiding and abetting terrorism), but bullying itself is illegal in France and considered a serious crime, especially in Paris. If it's reported with proof it can be taken to the police and the school board and the perpetrator can face up to three years of jail time along with a fine of 30,000 euros. All it would take is a single video of Chloe and her future would be as good as ruined due to the bullying and also the criminal record that she should have.
The President should've been involved since the beginning. The President lives in Paris, yet has done nothing about the Hawkmoth and Andre Bourgeois problem??? The only form of resistance we've seen outside of heroes were the occasional police force interference and the civilians fighting in heroes day (may favorite moment of the show).
Francios Dupont should be under intense investigation or completely shut down. Why is no one concerned that the highest rate of akumitizations come from a class of high school students? What do their parents think? Why is no one of authority investigating Hawkmoth's base of operations? It would realistically be the best lead that they have to finding out Hawkmoth's identity. The parents of the students should have either pulled the kids out or called up the school board with their concerns because there is no way a normal person would think that their child would be safe in an environment that is fermenting with negativity.
This is all that I could think of on the top of my head and probably the most glaring plot holes. Really, for a show written by French people, it is as far away from French that you can get.
Urban fantasy genre and all that but it’s really funny how the creator swears up and down the show (or it’s concept in general) can’t be written by anyone non french when there’s so much bull involved
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kijosakka · 6 months
got possessed and decided i must make a post about noahs character arc in dramaturgy Immediately
ok,, so the gist is friends. this is the Give Noah Friends Arc. he starts with no friends and then he gets some.
and he also gets some character flaws. for fun. dont worry he grows he develops,, umm so noah [in this AU] as a Character is very deeply rooted in two things: his defense/coping mechanisms, and his background in the industry.
to cover: his defense/coping mechanisms. they are. Bad. his primary defense throughout the show is his nonsubstance itself — but beyond that, the way he intentionally makes himself unpalatable. he makes jokes and seemingly mean-spirited quips at peoples expense and that would be innocuous if it wasnt all he was. but he very intentionally doesnt have character beyond that.
its like advanced self isolation (and regular self isolation when he refuses to interact with anyone after he gets eliminated and generally when hes off camera). additionally (to bring in themes from my original two posts) he creates a severe disconnect between noah The Person and noah The Character and it seeps through to his perception of his castmates as well.
^ this ties back into his Industry past, which,,, kinda fucked him up?? its not like its a normal developmental setting and it shows when hes being noah The Person. he doesnt really know who he is in normal settings; hes so firm in his identity within the industry and his role in it, but in Real Life, Teenage settings? clueless. has no idea what hes doing.
his severe disconnect of person and character also affects the way he sets boundaries, which is to say, hes really fucking bad at it. entertainment industries are Sketchy As Hell, and he kept his head afloat by navigating the system and working within it, but never learned to set clear-cut, do-not-cross boundaries in his relationships as a result (smth smth setting those limits were ‘taboo’ within the industry and could limit the work you got or how many people were willing to reach out)
< tacking onto that parentheses thing, hes also wildly unfamiliar with non-transactional relationships (in this way, him and alejandro are very similar). hes grown up seeing these people around him play nice for the strict purpose of give-and-take and has very few examples for things that are not that. he constantly struggles with understanding that he doesnt have to ‘repay’ things or ‘give’ something to be treated fairly.
(also smth to be said about his ‘keep everyone away’ thing where he silently thinks that even beyond the cameras if he tried to form relationships on the show he would be treated poorly/‘trampled on’ because his nonsubstance wouldnt allow him to ‘give back’ in a way that would make those people see him as worth treating fairly.
his castmates are effectively part of the industry now, why wouldnt they treat him like hes always been taught the people in the industry would?)
^ and again, it seeps through to his perceptions. to things like the love triangle, or sierras obsessive behavior towards cody; noah has trouble understanding why people like courtney would be distraught at it, because to him he can only see it in a transactional light (amplified by it being an on-camera relationship eventually turned plot point). similarly, it takes him A While to properly understand codys distress because to him it seems like sierras giving and he should just ‘return something’ to make them even (not really hitting him that he cant ‘return’ feelings like that).
which brings be further into his overarching Arc. you know, the character one. kicked off initially by wanting to unmask alejandro as a patent fake, he gets his development in other areas too --- like finally getting some real-world experiences with kids his age instead of studio execs three decades his seniors.
it gives him proper, real point of reference as to what matters to his peers beyond a clinical sense and observation --- in short, he learns to better understand the castmates around him beyond what the industry exploits them for, and in doing so he develops past his initial stunted-ness.
< and that in turn helps him learn past his slightly (very) fucked up headspace and perception that his childhood environment created.
(and to slot in now, noahs character in the AU is perfect for consistent themes of internal conflict. how he initially builds up relationships, conflict. struggling on whether to keep the act or expose alejandro, conflict. being hyperaware of both the audience and cast perceptions of him, conflict. realizing his battle has become two-sided and alejandro and thus the cast/audience is catching glimpses of his Person, conflict. realizing hes in too deep and now the plot itself demands him from a meta-ish standpoint, conflict. just conflicts all around for this guy.)
now there is the whole... being a person on camera thing. which is in essence what the entire AU and story arc thereof is centered around: noah learns that he can Be a Person and drop the overly sterile self-regulation sometimes. im,, slightly torn on how exactly to cement this kind of shift in behavior,,
< as it makes sense in my head, noah would be more willing to relent his vice-grip on his facade for the sake of achieving his goal (being expose alejandro outright/at least see whats underneath). so therefore, for the story to progress, there would have to be those opportunities, and for it to make sense those opportunities would have to increase as the plot goes on (and, ofc, inline with alejandros own relent on his mask for the sake of going back and forth in some weird bid for who can expose the other and still keep up their own facade)
^ this is kindof what ive 'settled on' to build up the rest of the AU events on (i will have to find some way to slot in those opportunities proper uuuughghgggh) but yet again if Anyone has Any thoughts at all,, hand them over pretty pls pspspspspspsp
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drivingsideways · 2 years
Fic projects 2023  (and beyond?)
Making a list just for kicks! (So I can beat myself up at the end of the year? PERHAP.)
Cheongdam-dong couple ‘verses : 
1) Strawberry ‘verse:  Han Sung-hyun is a rockstar and South Korea’s first openly gay musician/celebrity. Park Do-won is...just some ex military guy who runs a laundrette while trying to keep his family of seven (5 daughters and 2 grandmas) afloat. After almost accidentally saving Han Sung-hyun from death-by-bullet, Park Do-won gets bullied into hired as Sung-hyun’s bodyguard. Why yes, they do fall in love, but first Sung-hyun must PROBLEMATICALLY flirt with his new LORGE employee and get social media cancelled for it, have a couple of near-death experiences, become Fraulein Maria to Do-won’s five girls, and generally be rescued from his life of fun and depravity to become a BORING DAD (spoilers: he loves it), and also maybe rescue a whale. I have lots of ambitions for this project; for one, I want to imagine what having someone like Han Sung-hyun out there between 2000 to date might have meant. I know there are a few prominent gay celebrities in SK, and I plan to read up whatever I can get my hands on about queer culture in SK as well as the music industry in the last twenty years. The latter is probably easier to access. So far all the google search on LGBT issues in SK has given me is..fairly depressing pieces that are centered around the very real homophobia and discrimination. If anyone has any recs- either in fiction or non fiction about being queer in SK, and about the music industry as such, throw it my way! Thank you. :D
2) Wooster -Sageuk verse:  Yes, you read that right. Ok, this is the one in which (JWS/Bertie) is the fourth son of the current king, and a completely useless royal. His brothers, both elder and younger are in a death match for the throne; our guy is chilling out on his small estate up north doing the bare minimum to keep the barbarians at the gates. Into his life comes one Very Brilliant Person (Kim Tae-ri/Jeeves). Now, Tae-ri isn’t a noble born AND she had the misfortune to be afab in those Neo-Confucian times but is she going to let that stop her? NO. So she wiggles her way into (useless) spare heir’s household dressed as a man, and quickly becomes indispensable to him. Meanwhile, LJJ is a soldier in JWS’ army and also a conman with a business on the side; he’s basically sticking with JWS because he figures this guy is not basically interesting enough for his life to be in any kind of real danger, so he gets his soldier’s pay as well as quietly makes money selling contraband. What he *doesn’t * know, and couldn’t possibly begin to guess is that JWS has been PINING for his low born soldier for A WHILE. So, the main plot would be around how Tae-ri, having realized that all the other princes are genocidal freaks, starts an elaborate game of thrones to put the Useless (but not genocidal) Spare on the throne of Joseon, while also solving his Love Problem (which is the only problem that Useless Spare is actually interested in solving.) I want to write this because I love Wodehousian shenangians and queering history, but I’ve also watched like- three sageuks in my entire life- so I feel like I don’t know enough about the genre or you know, actual history, to pull it off with any degree of competence. Still, it *is * one of my favourite ideas, so I’m going to keep it on the list.
The above two are probably the more “high difficulty” writing ideas, and realistically,  I’ll have time for one. At the moment, it’s going to be Strawberry ‘verse, but well, you never know. 
Other Fics:
3) Lucky Star: This is the next instalment in Terms ‘verse, and is the story of  how Do-chul and Hong-gi adopt their son, Min-woo. This fic was meant to be a bridge fic to the final instalment of the ‘verse, but quickly expanded itself in my head. I’ve been trying to crack it for some months now, and it’s not going anywhere, because I can’t seem to figure out what I want this fic to be about. I hope I can do that *sometime * this year because I love these characters so much, and I want to just keep writing in this ‘verse. 
4) Sequel to Juche/ Part 2 of The Exiles: This one feels like something I’ve made unnecessarily difficult for myself by throwing the characters into mid 1980s Patagonia, for god’s sake, at the end of Juche. I mean, I did it for Reasons (good Reasons), but I also know very little about that era, so this is basically the classic “bit off more than you could chew” problem, which, come to think of it, maybe the problem with all my fics. Still, I have a much more solid idea of where I want this fic to go than Lucky Star and I think I can fudge some stuff and hopefully get away with it, so! 
5) Christmas Fic : This is the one F/F fic I want to write about [Kim Hye-soo] and [Tang Wei], long time frenemies, who both got out of the small town where they grew up and made good. Christmas sees them back together in their hometown for the first time in many years: Hye-soo’s boyfriend has just dumped her, and Tang Wei’s fiance is looking for an excuse to break up with *her * although she doesn’t know it yet. Cue small town Christmas event shenanigans between the two women as they try to one up each other; with the stakes getting progressively crazier until everyone around them can’t wait for them to just leave; they WILL, and they’ll also kiss (and other things), and go back to their fabulous big city lives where they get even richer and make men cry. (The good thing about this one is that I don’t have to start writing this until October at least.)
I suppose there are chances that some show or movie might come along that grabs me by the hair and derails my nebulous plans for the above, but it’s unlikely. Kdrama- at least the ones I enjoy watching- doesn’t seem to trigger the fic writing part of my brain, and I don’t feel enthused by most of what I see the mainstream fandom producing either. I’ve had the most fun last year creating  these imaginary worlds that are largely untethered to any particular show/ canon, while retaining the fannish aspects in terms of world building and style of story telling. 
Fellow writers! Tell me in notes/ replies what you’re hoping to write this year, if you had unlimited time and energy.  What’s ticking inside your lovely brains? TELL ME ALL!
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Week 7: March 27th – April 2nd, 2023 // Final Count Down
It’s been such an eventful roller coaster this week! Nearing my final days in Tassie I’ve been wrapping up loose ends for van things, making an effort to check off some of the final main “must-sees,” and trying to make the most of my remaining time here.  It’s been a rather emotional one if I’m being honest.  The reality of me venturing off properly on my own is setting in and I’d be lying if there wasn’t a lot of anxieties coming with it. Between the usual worrying I’ll forget something important, to the unknown adventures and mishaps, to the general lack of expertise in so many things.  I feel as though I’m throwing myself into the deep end, and while I’m SO incredibly excited for what has been a dream of mine for years to finally become reality, there’s a healthy amount of “what the fuck am I doing” to keep me grounded? Level-headed? Who knows lol.
We kicked off this week with a true Tassie must experience!  I brought my car out to a mechanic in Triabunna to get some work done [stuff required for the safety certificate I needed – I’m going to do a whole separate post dedicated to buying a vehicle in Australia], which was coincidentally just a 10minute walk to the ferry that’ll take you to Maria Island!  Maria Island is infamous for its abundance of wildlife (Wombats, Kangaroos, Wallabies, Pademelons, etc.) and endless trails for walking and biking. I mentioned the details in a recent Instagram post https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVZbZvyTO2/ but the island doesn’t allow cars, making it an absolute dream space to properly disconnect and venture into nature (keep an eye out for a detailed post on Maria Island in the future).  Most of the island doesn’t get much service either so it really does force you to be present with your surroundings.  I turned my phone on airplane mode and used the little paper map from the information centre to get around, using mostly just my camera for capturing little moments.
The weather was perfect, mostly overcast but warm, with few breaks of sun.  My favourite moments from this day were wandering across the beach and the painted cliffs barefoot for about an hour – just taking time to really admire the beauty of the naturally formed patterns –
getting to sit with a wombat, and capture a really beautiful photo of a kookaburra.
Unfortunately for the van, one of the parts ordered didn’t arrive… so we were left to hope the mechanic back in Hobart would give me the safety certificate anyways…
Plot twist… they did!! Tuesday I called them up first thing to see if they could change my appointment to meet with me that day (the girl I bought the van from was leaving the next day for a 9-day trip, so this was quite literally our last chance to get everything officially and properly signed over to me).   Brought it in and 2 hours later was handed the safety certificate!  It was a super rainy day, so I spent most of it curled up in the van outside the Fitzy Castle house, working on blogs, editing my photos from Maria Island, working out some plans for my final week.  Taking it relatively easy after the big win.
Wednesday is once things really started to kick into gear.  Met up with Stefi (the girl I bought Peg from) in Sorrell to get the registration moved to my name, transferred from Queensland to Tasmanian plates, and get a Tasmanian drivers licence!  I think the woman at Service Tassie had a good laugh at us – she made a comment about how it seemed so funny to be so stoked about getting new plates and a driver’s licence – all we could really say was that it had been such a long time coming to get to this point!  Honestly, everything else for this trip has been so seamlessly smooth – I’ve been lucky to have made some really incredible connections for all aspects of my trip, the support I’ve received here has gone well above anything I could’ve ever expected – but the process for getting the van actually put in my name has for sure been as nail-biting as you could get it.  Quite literally got drawn out to the last possible second, but SO thankful it all worked out!
I’d been in need for a good climb, so once I got settled back, had some food, I took myself to the gym for a good boulder sesh.  It’s been so cool and motivating seeing the progression I’ve been making in my strength and technique.  Working through routes I would never even be attempting back home, even at my strongest.  I feel a different level of confidence building up this time around, which has been a lot of fun to navigate and witness.
Spent the rest of the evening + afternoon applying to Sea Shepherd’s volunteer photographer position.  I got really into it and ended up putting together a proper portfolio, which got me really excited and eager to look into more work and potential opportunities similar to this.  Maybe even some blogging for another company! (Any takers?)
Thursday morning, I finished up and sent off the application, then made my way to the MONA (Museum of New and Old Art).  I had been told it was a cool experience, but this well exceeded my expectations.  For starters, the grounds and architecture are absolutely stunning! So much thought went into not just a place to hold art, but to physically experience it too from the inside and the outside.  All your senses are activated when you walk through.  You begin by going down 3 or 4 floors underground, and the rest I’ll leave to you to have to experience yourself one day.  Let’s just say, I’ve spent a lot of time in museums, especially in Europe, and I think this is my favourite by a long shot.
After eating some lunch and hanging in the van in the MONA parking lot while the rain went past, I made my way to the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Garden’s.  It’s quite similar to the UBC Botanical Garden’s but is free to park and enter, and a bit smaller.  Super stunning layout and plant life, with lots of really beautifully detailed + informative little signs scattered throughout the park.  My favourites were the signs sharing how indigenous people use the plants for materials, medicine, etc.
Friday was SUCH a great day. Leah and I had been meaning to connect for a while so we spent the day out at Port Arthur’s visiting the Tasmanian Devil Unzoo, hiking Cape Raoul, and hitting up the infamous ‘Trout Party’ back in Hobart!
I was really impressed with how the Unzoo was set up. The place is meant to help protect Devil’s from contracting the illness that spread like wildfire and wiping out I think something like 95% of the population.  Thanks to efforts like theirs, the Devil’s have been rescued from extinction, but still have a long way to go to no longer be considered endangered. Check out the Unzoo website for more information: https://tasmaniandevilunzoo.com.au/save-the-devil/.
Cape Raoul was a beautiful 15.5km hike out to stunning cliff face views, similar to those of Cape Hauy, but with a lot less “up down.”
For those wondering what a ‘Trout Party’ is – one of the houses in the friend has a little bar room that is decked out to be the ultimate “fisherman bar.”  It’s just a small room off the backyard with exactly what you’d imagine!  This house is known for throwing some pretty fun parties at least a couple times a year, so everyone looks forward to them!
Saturday I managed to get in a bit of a slower morning before spending the whole afternoon with Rhys working on the van.  The van build has been such a fun learning process, getting to use power tools, brainstorming designs, figuring out ways to make the most use of our material, the many… many… trips to Bunnings (Australia’s version of a Home Depot), seeing my little home come together.   Slowly but surely.  We had a few little hiccups with the original electrical set up, but thankfully the owner of the house we’ve been using to build out of is an electrician and was super willing and eager to help get it back up and running.  I’ve actually really enjoyed the electrical part a lot.  It makes me more excited about the idea of designing a proper van from scratch in the future – one with a functioning sink and shower, and lights on dimmers, with electrical outlets. Actually use my schooling for once lol.
Sunday I made a point to get out to the Farmgate market one last time.  I really didn’t take advantage of the markets back home, and I know this is something I want to be doing more of. Supporting the small local businesses, buying your produce for the week, trying new products, gathering with friends to sit in the park or going solo and wandering leisurely.
The afternoon was spent much more of the same – meeting with Rhys thinking it was our last day of building, just to find ourselves saying “we probably only need a few more hours tomorrow.”  We definitely made really good progress today though! It was actually coming together – all the drawers fit together (like a glove I might add… every millimeter really does count) and screwed down into the van, electrical fully up n running, fridge properly set up.  The end is truly near…
Then spent the evening hanging out with the house + Sophie for dinner and watching an episode of Alone; this year’s season is filmed here in Tassie!
The final days have me feeling a whirlwind of emotions, but overall, I’m feeling incredibly grateful for my time and experiences I’ve had.  It turned out to be so much more than I could’ve imagined.  The people I’ve met and the support I’ve received has been truly wonderful.  Now I move into the last days of preparing to leave for the official big adventure, with no one but myself and Peg.  It’s a journey I’ve longed for years, and now… here we are.
Wish me luck.
Stay passionate and curious, Hunter♡
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In Defense of Platonic and Familial Love: The Webnovel
TW for child abuse
I like webcomics and webtoons. Within the scope of Korean webtoons, I especially love historical fantasy. The dresses! The characters! The backgrounds (whether they be gorgeous paintings or the same castle over and over again)! I especially like webtoons that involve heroines going from a family who hates them to a family who loves them, and the emotional healing and fluf--wait, we're at the romance already?
I have absolutely nothing against romance! My favorite #1 rec of all time, Another Typical Fantasy Romance by Wolhet, revolves around the romance between the main leads! However, often I find that webtoons of the stripe I love establish the adoption and the beginning of the arc, and then they skip a few years to get to the romance. It gets a little grating to have the thing I came for swapped out so abruptly and often. Especially since I, unlike a lot of society, don't believe that a romantic, sexual, monogamous relationship is the only path ever to happiness.
I was feeling especially spiteful about this one day, so I started writing my own webnovel where the main conceit is that this will not be the case.
From Lion's Den to Dragon's Nest follows Irenis Casmenoc, a sweet and curious little girl whose only crime was being born out of wedlock to Triolun Casmenoc, of the Casmenoc margravial family, and a maid, Esyn. Unfortunately, having a bastard daughter is very improper, but they can't punish Triolun for it! He's a nobleman! And Esyn died when Irenis was two. So all the blame lands on Irenis's head. She's treated worse than a servant; at least servants are allowed to see important guests and go out into the village on errands.
One would think that she could make allies in the household, but the maids and manservants are Not Allowed to be kind to Irenis. They must be loyal to the household, not to shames. People have tried to be kind to her, but they got fired as soon as they were discovered. The only person who's important enough to not get fired on the spot is their battlemaster (sword trainer), Calon of Druig. He steps up and becomes a surrogate grandfather to Irenis, seeing as her blood grandfather the margrave has only encouraged her mistreatment. As Calon thinks, someone has to be the only decent adult in this castle, and he has the power to do so. He trains Irenis in swordplay and aura control after hours, since her cousins push her off the field and beat her if she tries to join them.
The Casmenoc family tree is as such: the current margrave is Sethion and his wife Telin, and his older brother Kenson and his wife Bealead. (The Casmenocs have long been rotten, and one of the symptoms is passing over Kenson just for being impotent. He and Sethion are otherwise equal in matters of governance.) They're in their late sixties and early seventies. Then Sethion and Telin's four kids form the parent generation, in their forties. Triolun is the youngest son of Sethion. Their kids form Irenis's generation, varying from almost-adult knight-wannabe Aulan down to Irenis, who's twelve when the plot really kicks off.
Irenis's situation comes to a head when she becomes a sword master (a staple of fantasy action webtoons. Sort of a magic knight). The Casmenocs, instead of being proud of the once-in-a-lifetime genius under their roof, are furious at her for trying to outdo Aulan and throw her out. Actually, what they do is crueler than throwing her out: they send her off to the eastern mountains, where monsters boil out of the volcanoes and the margravate in charge of beating them back is only slightly less monstrous.
And to add insult to injury, it's Irenis's birthday.
She's sent off with a contingent of Casmenoc knights, one of whom is incredibly irritating and crude and one of whom takes steps to protect Irenis from the worst of his chatter. Sir Gurstel is a nuisance all the way through the journey, ensuring the stability of the status quo, and Sir Jacryn pushes back hard against the status quo by befriending Irenis and sticking by her side.
Then they get to the Verith stronghold and everything gets shaken up. For one thing, the Veriths are no monsters. Their margrave, a foreigner from the other side of the mountains, is no monster. He's just A Dude. The children under their care, squires and trainees, are well-fed and cared for. The margravine, when she returns from a trip, is improper enough to wear pants and a demon to fight, but she holds herself back to train with mere humans.
And the status quo keeps getting upset. Everyone is kind to Irenis. Gurstel and his enabler squad get tossed out inside of the week, and Jacryn is the only Casmenoc knight who stays on. Irenis gets all the food she wants and pretty dresses and books to devour and a kitty doll.
And we're just getting started.
FLDTDN is planned to be four seasons of sixty chapters each, and there will be very few timeskips. There might? Be romance later? But this novel was started to fulfill my cravings for a story full of platonic and familial love, so it'll take a backseat to the plot if it ever does happen.
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ppersonna · 4 years
good for me | ksj - m
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“ stay on the ground until your knees hurt. no more praying baby, imma be your preacher ” - church, chase atlantic
✹ summary- You’ve forgotten something very important and your husband, Seokjin, makes sure you never forget it again.
✹ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
✹ pairing- kim seokjin x reader
✹ word count- 2.3k
✹ genre- smut, pwp, no plot, you’d have to DIG for a plot, like............. thats all there is to it. there is nothing else.
✹ warnings- hard dom!seokjin, oral sex (m receiving), spanking, degredation, dirty talk, shower sex, established relationship, 
✹ a/n- this has been in the drafts for some time. i debated posting it because it literally has no substance LMAOOOOO but hey fuck it. here’s some hard dom jin because 🥵 i needed it. thank u to @chimoona​ for her help and for my ladies @xjoonchildx​ @ladyartemesia​ @untaemedqueen​ always giving me the hype.
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The best part of exercising is the shower afterwards. 
Sure, you enjoy the benefits of cardio and weight training, but nothing ever feels as good as a hot steamy shower after you’re drenched in sweat.  
It’s what you’re looking forward to as you climb out of your car and trudge your weary body to the front door. 
It’s late in the evening now—Seokjin’s car is in the driveway next to yours, and you figure he must have returned home sometime while you were gone. You open the door and call out to your husband, alerting him to your return as you drop your keys onto the entryway table and kick off your gym shoes. 
It’s quiet in the house, not a single reply from Seokjin, but you quickly dismiss it. He’s likely busy, or stepped outside to the backyard for a phone call. 
It’s no matter. All you can think about is turning on the shower and stepping into the spray and allowing the shower to soothe away tension and wash away the slick. 
Your body is sticky with sweat and the bra and legging combo you wore is an unattractive darker color from the moisture.  You’re peeling off the clothes as you make your way upstairs towards your shared bedroom.  The clothes land somewhere near the laundry basket—you don’t care where—and you’re completely naked by the time your feet touch the marble of the bathroom floor. 
The muscles in your body relax the instant you turn the knobs of the shower to hot, as hot as you can make it. It takes a moment to warm up, and you generously use the time to roll out your sore muscles and gaze at your figure in the mirror. 
There are still marks on your body from your last playtime with Jin. 
Some nights, you have sex with him like a normal, married couple. Missionary, soft and gentle, plenty of emotion and sweet whispered words. 
Other nights, however, you willingly allow the sadist in him to gratify the masochist in you. He takes control, demands submission, and you freely give. 
Your time with your husband last night was the latter. He bent you over the bed and paddled your ass until you cried, and your pussy drooled onto the floor below you. He was relentless, powerful, and it made you putty in his hands. There was no one else on the earth you trusted more than Seokjin. You knew he would never intentionally hurt you in a way that didn’t bring you pleasure. And it made your desire for him burn even brighter. 
The bathroom is steamy by the time you’ve finished checking out the delicious marks your husband left on you, and you slip into the shower with a grateful sigh.  The pressure feels incredible on your muscles and you allow your eyes to close as you bask in the steam and heat. 
The cascading water and intoxicating heat clouds your mind and you never notice the bathroom door open or the sound of clothing being removed. You’re so distracted that you never hear the glass door of the shower open. 
And it’s too late now. 
You’re instantly being pressed up against the cold tile of the bathroom, a hot and hard body behind you making you squeak in surprise. 
Jin has joined you in the shower, and he’s pressed your chest to the cool wall and tangles his hands in your hair. 
“Look what we have here,” he tuts. “Nice to see you showed up.”
You furrow your brow, confused on what he’s talking about. He plays with your hair as he continues to hold you against the wall, cheek turned and flat against the tile. 
“Jin, wha—,” he cuts you off before you can finish. 
“That’s not my name, baby doll.” 
His voice is distinct from his usual.
This one radiates power. It oozes danger. And your cunt is already squeezing around nothing at the sound. 
“S-sir,” you gasp. Your breathing is heavy, body overcome with desire. 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises. He lets a free hand travel down your wet back towards your ass, where he cups a cheek in his hand delicately. 
“Now, can my good girl tell me what she did wrong today?” 
His hands rub the globe gently, and you shiver. His hands feel so strong, so ready to deliver the firm swats or gentle caresses you crave the most. 
You’re racking your rattled brain as hard as you can, desperate to figure out what you’ve done wrong. 
“I—I can’t remember,” you murmur. 
He tsks, upset at your answer. 
“You better start remembering, little one.”  
His hand rubs at the skin of your ass once more, before he’s lifting his hand and bringing it back down onto your cheeks with a crack. Your body jolts in reply and the stinging of your buttocks travels straight to your core. A low whimper leaves your lips—a sound of brewing desire more than despair. 
“Don’t you want to be my good girl?” He asks as he rubs the reddening mark. “Tell me what you’ve done wrong and you won’t be punished.” 
You puff out a breath in frustration, unable to remember what you’ve done. 
Jin notices and delivers another slap to your ass, this time on the opposite cheek, and you yelp. 
“I-I,” you stutter, brain spinning desperately to remember what it is you’ve missed.  
“If you’ve forgotten how to use your voice, then please, let’s put that mouth to use.”
He turns your body, your back now pressed against the tile where your tits once were. Your eyes widen. He looks like a fucking god. He’s wet and dripping from the spray of the shower, and his eyes burn like coals, stoked by his desire for you. He steps back from you, allows you to drink in his image pridefully. 
His cock is rock hard, straining and thick against his abdomen. He doesn’t bother to touch it, doesn’t stroke or grasp it. His eyes are drilling holes into your own with intensity and you can feel your submissive nature begging you to kneel. It’s what he wants.
He knows you—knows you better than you likely know yourself.  You’re lowering on to your knees with no thought, eyes fixated on his like he likes. 
“No hands,” he speaks gently. “Dirty fucking whores don’t get to use their hands.”
His powerful hands grip your damp hair, gathering a bunch and bringing your face to the tip of his cock.
“You wanna suck daddy’s cock?” He asks, tone almost teasing. He rubs the head against your plump lips, allowing them to collect the generous pre-cum at the tip.  
You nod, big simpering eyes peering up at him.
“Please, daddy,” you beg. “Let me suck your cock.”
He rubs your lips a few moments more, before grasping your jaw in his hands and prying your mouth open.
His hips thrust forward and suddenly your mouth fills with his length.  You almost gag, almost, but you squeeze your fists tight and will it away. Jin smirks as he sees the tears build in your eyes from the pressure and continues forward until his cock fills your entire throat.
“Oh fuck,” he sighs. “Look at you take it all like a practiced whore.”
He pulls out slowly, torturously calculated and measured, before he’s slamming his length back into your throat and starting a pace.
Your mouth becomes a simple vessel for him and his pleasure. You tuck your teeth in as best as you can as he fucks your throat, cheeks hollowing as you attempt to tighten the space in your mouth, and lave your tongue over any inch of his cock you can find.  
He keeps his hand on your head, grip tightening steadily on your hair.  
“Shit,” he puffs a breath. “Best fucking cocksleeve.”
His head tips back as he enjoys the slurping, sloppy sounds your mouth is making. Saliva is sliding down the corners of your mouth where it gathers and drips to the wet marble floor below.  
Jin delights in the way you submit to him. He feels powerful, feels like a god. He loves you, every single aspect of you in the bedroom and outside of it. And he absolutely loves it when you’re on your knees, begging like a good girl. So good for him, even when you fuck up.
He peers back down at you, pushing more hair out of your face tenderly while he fucks your willing mouth.
“Mm, this is where you belong, isn’t it? This is what this hot little mouth is meant for.”
He punctuates his sentences with quicker, rougher snaps of his hips that force his cock to the very back of your throat. Your eyes spill over with tears and your throat tightens in reaction, squeezing the head of Jin’s cock.
“Ah, fuck yes, choke on it.”
He’s absolutely enamored by the way you work harder, mouth bobbing along with his thrusts.  You get off on this just as much as he does—you love to be degraded and treated like a whore in the bedroom while he treats you like the queen you are outside of it.
His queen, bowing in front of him to give him pleasure through her submission.
It’s one of the many reasons he loves you so fucking much.
He can feel his stomach tightening, core clenching as his orgasm builds. Simply watching your tears, mixed with the shower water slip down your face has his balls and heart yearning.
“You ready to swallow my cum, doll?” He asks, fully knowing the answer.  
Your impossibly beautiful and big eyes widen even further and Jin stifles a groan at the sight of you, the definition of submission personified. 
“Mm, I know you are.” He pumps harder into your gaping mouth, groaning at how wet and hot it is despite your aching jaw. “You love swallowing cum. It’s your favorite meal of the day.”
He’s gritting his teeth as his orgasm becomes more and more apparent and you bob your head earnestly to bring him off. You easily accommodate him without your hands, and he swells with pride at how good you are for him.
“That’s my perfect little slut,” he grits. He’s staving off the orgasm as long as he can, wants to soak in every moment of you gagging on his length. 
Your hand seeks purchase on Jin’s thick thighs, holding on for balance as your head bobs quickly and your throat works overtime to accommodate his length. Another quick glance up to him is all it takes for him to fall to pieces. He can never resist the way you look at him with a mouth full of cock.
His cock pulses with each groan and you whine cutely as he fills your mouth with his seed. You slow your movements and stay put, staring at him as his cock twitches.
He gently pulls his spent cock from your lips, panting as he attempts to right himself.
“Open up,” he demands in a gentle voice.
You’re compliant—mouth opening to display Seokjin’s thick cum pooled on your tongue. It makes him grin. 
“Nasty,” he winks. “Swallow, my love.” 
He rests a hand on your throat, wants to feel as you swallow his seed down. It makes his cock twitch back to life, ready to go again and again. It doesn’t matter how long he’s been married to you—he’ll always find the stamina for a round two.
“Are you ready to discuss what happened today?”
Jin holds out his hand for you, which you take gratefully to stand up inside the shower.
“Yes, please.”
Jin wraps his arms around you and pulls you under the spray of the shower. He places gentle and soft kisses up and down your neck as his hands slither up and down your wet body.
“What’s the date today?” He whispers as he kisses the shell of your ear.
“It’s the eighth--,” you start, before your eyes wide. “Oh, my god.”
He smiles and pulls back to look into your eyes.
“It is the eighth, yes, and?”
“It’s our wedding anniversary.”
Your heart sinks. In the hustle and bustle of the day, it slipped from your mind of your anniversary. He had planned an entire evening to spend together, and you had forgotten all about it, abandoned the plans for a night at the gym.
“Oh, my god, Jin, I am so sorry. I totally forgot.”
Jin kisses at your face, cupping your cheeks with his hands.
“Baby, it's okay,” he assures as he kisses your shower-slick lips. “I’m not mad. The steaks are a little cold, but…”
You cling harder to your husband. 
“God, I’m an idiot. I owe you!”
He chuckles in your ear as he wraps his arms tight around you. Anniversary or not, Seokjin is in love with you. And he can forgive a simple mistake. Especially when you make up for it so sweetly.
“You’re not an idiot, baby. You can show me how sorry you are tonight when you’re tied up to the bed and taking my cock, hm?”
You lick your lips, already excited for the delicious punishments Jin must have planned for you.
“I love you,” you murmur, standing on tip-toes to press another kiss to his full lips.
“Mmm, and I love you,” he replies. “And you’re going to be good for me tonight, aren’t you baby?”
Jin is turning off the shower as you nod.
He gathers a towel and steps out, drying every inch of your body before guiding you to the bedroom.
“Show me.”
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© ppersonna - 2021 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
🍊🍋Wen Chao and/or wen xu is a good guy and actually wants to end wen ruo jan's reign of terror (cloud recesses, lotus pier, xuanwu cave or all are elaborate ruses)
“A-Chao,” Wen Xu said. “I think our father is insane.”
Wen Chao’s eye twitched visibly, his shoulders rising up to his ears. “You can’t say that! That’s treason!”
“I’ve already made sure there’s no one anywhere around us right now, not even people I trust.”
Down went the shoulders.
“Of course he’s insane,” Wen Chao said. “Some of his orders recently…”
He shook his head.
“Not much of an empire to rule if they’re all ghost puppets, is there?” he concluded. “I think the Yin Metal is poisoning his brain.”
“I agree,” Wen Xu said. “Now what do we do about it? He’s just ordered me to raze the Cloud Recesses.”
“…when you say raze –”
“To the ground.”
“What happened to just dominating the rest of the cultivation world?” Wen Chao complained. “I liked that plan. I was going to have a really great life. A palace. Servants. Good food. Even better wine. Enough clothing to keep Jiaojiao from complaining.”
“I…don’t know if that’s possible,” Wen Xu said. “Haven’t you given her three closets’ worth already?”
“I have no idea, and I’m too attached to my balls to ask.”
“Anyway,” Wen Xu said. “What do we do about it?”
“You’re asking me?” Wen Chao said.
“Well I’m certainly not going up against him by myself! He’ll kill me!”
“You think he would hesitate to kill both of us?”
“Ugh. Is there anyone we can ask for help? Anyone we haven’t pissed off?”
They both paused, thinking.
“…no,” Wen Chao said. “But in our defense, we never thought we’d need any of them, did we?”
“I don’t think anyone is going to buy that as an excuse,” Wen Xu said, scowling. “Fuck. Isn’t there anyone?”
“Well,” Wen Chao said. He did not continue.
“No,” Wen Xu said. “No. He literally wants to cut off our heads.”
“So does everyone else in the cultivation world,” Wen Chao said. “At least we know Sect Leader Nie hates Dad more than he hates us, which isn’t something that can be said about the rest of them.”
“Fuck,” Wen Xu said. “What’s our alternative plan?”
“…become ghost puppets?”
“You do remember that I want to kill you both?” Nie Mingjue said, scowling at them.
“We were betting on you wanting to kill our father more,” Wen Chao said.
“I’m not sure,” Nie Mingjue said. “You’re very obnoxious.”
Wen Chao scowled.
“He has a point, A-Chao,” Wen Xu said.
“Shut up.”
“Respect your elders!”
“If you two are going to start fighting, I’m leaving,” Nie Mingjue said.
They both squinted at him. “Does that mean you might not leave if we stop?” Wen Xu asked.
Nie Mingjue’s scowl got even worse, but eventually he begrudgingly said “…well, I really hate your father.”
They both exhaled in relief.
“What’s your plan?” Nie Mingjue asked.
“This was about as far as it went,” Wen Xu admitted, and Nie Mingjue gaped at him. “What? If we had planning skills, we’d be ruling the world.”
“Jiaojiao wants jewelry now,” Wen Chao agreed. “Lots of it. Keeping a mistress is expensive.”
“I’ll…take your word for that,” Nie Mingjue said, looking mildly uncomfortable.
“You’re always plotting against our father, right?” Wen Xu asked.
“No,” Nie Mingjue said. “If I could plot, your father would already be dead.”
“Good point,” Wen Chao said, but he wasn’t the sort of person to let little details like that discourage him. “But surely you know someone who can?”
“Just keep in mind that I’m on a deadline here,” Wen Xu said. “I have to leave to go raze the Cloud Recesses by the end of the week.”
“You want me to come up with a plan to defeat your father before the end of the week?!”
“Uh, yeah,” Wen Xu said. “That’s what I said, wasn’t it?”
“It was,” Wen Chao agreed.
“I’m going to go get Meng Yao,” Nie Mingjue decided. “And Huaisang, too, why not, somehow he always gets his way no matter what I do. Maybe he can come up with something for this.”
“I think we’re going to need expert assistance,” Nie Huaisang declared. “I’m thinking this is Wei Wuxian levels of plotting.”
“He can plot?” Wen Chao said dubiously. “Are you sure? He took nearly a week to fight a mildly ominous bird.”
“…is that so?” Nie Huaisang said, and sighed. “Okay, fine. Meng Yao, guess it’s up to you and me.”
Meng Yao was blinking his eyes very rapidly.
“What?” Wen Chao said. “You have an awful father too, don’t look so shocked about us wanting to get rid of ours.”
“That’s just how his brain works when he’s thinking,” Nie Huaisang assured him. “He’s kicking it like it’s a sleeping donkey that doesn’t want to get to work; give him a minute and he’ll be coming up with all sorts of ideas.”
“Good ideas?”
“All sorts of ideas.”
“…any good ideas? Mediocre ideas, even?”
“Listen, we have until the end of the week,” Nie Mingjue said irritably. “You’ll take whatever ideas we give you and you’ll like it, you hear me?”
“Is it too late to get Wen Zhuliu in on this?” Wen Xu asked Wen Chao.
“He has that weird thing for Dad,” Wen Chao reminded him.
“Fuck,” Wen Xu said. “I’d wiped that from my memory through the application of a great deal of alcohol, but yes, you’re right. Okay. Hit me with your worst plan.”
“That’s worse than I thought it was going to be.”
“Shut up and just do it.”
“I will now, in the name of the Wen sect, attack –” Wen Xu grimaced. “– this cave.”
“It’s a very important cave, actually,” one of the Lan disciples muttered.
“Be quiet,” Lan Wangji said.
They were all pretending not to notice the main force of Lan sect disciples, led by Lan Xichen, carting their precious books and treasures out of the Cloud Recesses right behind him.  
“I am attacking this very important cave,” Wen Xu clarified. “Of extreme importance to the Lan sect. So important, in fact, that it is clearly the correct target for an invasion.”
They stood around a while longer.
Someone cleared their throat. “Should we fight?”
“I can have my men beat you up if you really want,” Wen Xu said.
“…no thanks.”
“Then be quiet.”
There was a bit more standing around. Eventually Lan Qiren coughed.
“Would you like a chair or something?” Wen Xu asked, then frowned. “Never mind, I probably can’t justify that.”
“Probably not,” Lan Qiren agreed. He looked pained. Probably by the whole situation, but who knew, maybe he just had a bad back and the standing around was getting to him. “You will be taking Wangji hostage after this?”
“Along with most of the heirs of the Great Sects,” Wen Xu said. “As agreed, we’ll keep them out of the way.”
“Sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest place.”
“…yeah, that. Either way, they’ll be kept out of trouble.”
“This is not out of trouble!” Wei Wuxian shouted as they ran away from the Xuanwu.
“This stretch of river has never caused anyone any problems!” Wen Chao shouted back. “Ever! You’re the one who found the fucking cave!”
“Shut up and keep running!” Jiang Cheng howled.
“I really like your hair,” Wang Lingjiao told Madame Yu. “Also, that dress.”
Wen Chao sighed.
“Expensive tastes?” Wei Wuxian asked, pouring him some wine.
“You have no idea,” Wen Chao said glumly. “My allowance can’t cover it, so I ended up putting her as a line item in the military budget.”
“You did?” Jiang Cheng said. “Did your father, uh, object?”
“He’d have to notice.”
“I wonder how many other things he wouldn’t notice,” Wei Wuxian muttered to himself.
“You’re a young master of Yunmeng Jiang,” Jiang Cheng said, rolling his eyes. “What could you possibly want to fund that we won’t pay for?”
“I don’t know,” Wei Wuxian said. “Mad science experiments?”
“Can you pay him to stop?” Wen Xu asked. “I don’t even like flute music.”
“Shut up,” Wen Chao said. “You’ve been decapitated, remember?”
“Oh yeah, ‘decapitated’. And now I’m being force-fed lots of Qinghe barbeque,” Wen Xu said. “My life is really hard.”
“Why you…!”
Wen Xu sniggered. “How’s it going with Wen Zhuliu?”
“Fine, I think?” Wen Chao said. “He hasn’t actually noticed that the ‘demons’ we’re being hunted by aren’t really demons, but that’s because he’s been mostly drinking away his weird crush on our dad. I think Wen Ning is spiking his drink with something.”
They both turned to look at Wen Ning, who shrugged.
“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person,” Wen Xu decided. “Are they attacking the Nightless City soon?”
“I think so.”
“What happens then?”
“Going to be kind of awkward when we ‘come back from the dead’ to take over.”
“I’m going to blame it on Wei Wuxian and his new weirdo cultivation,” Wen Chao decided. “We’re all sentient corpses he’s resurrected and using to puppet the Wen sect. Wen Ning, you in on this?”
“…sure,” Wen Ning said. “But only if I get first rights on ‘Ghost General’ as a nickname.”
“Oh, that’s a good one.”
“Thanks for the patricide,” Wen Xu said.
“Think nothing of it,” Nie Mingjue said. “Also, say nothing of it. Ever. In fact, let’s never talk again.”
“Can’t do that,” Wen Chao said. “Madame Yu told Jiaojiao that she got that fancy headpiece from Qinghe, so she wants to go there on a shopping trip.”
“Our economy could use the boost, da-ge,” Nie Huaisang said, and Nie Mingjue sighed. “It’s going to be a really big boost. Especially if she convinces Madame Jin from Lanling to come with her.”
“I still can’t believe they made friends,” Wei Wuxian marveled. “It must come from having more money than brains.”
“Brains aren’t exactly what I look for in a partner,” Wen Chao said. “Luckily for you, neither does your boyfriend.”
“Hey, I have brains!”
“You’re certainly intelligent,” Meng Yao – now named Jin Guangyao – told him.
“That was an insult,” Nie Mingjue said.
“When are you coming back to Qinghe?” Nie Huaisang asked Jin Guangyao, who blinked. “I mean, unless you want to spend all your time slaving away for a guy who thought Wen Ruohan was neat.”
“He’s right,” Wen Xu said. “Father or not, don’t do it. It’s not worth it. You’ll end up having to rebel and ask your worst enemies for help and it’s awkward.”
“I appreciate the offer,” Jin Guangyao said. “But I really can’t accept.”
“Why not?” Nie Huaisang asked.
Wen Chao pointed at him. “Seconded.”
Jin Guangyao grimaced at them both. Possibly it was meant to be a smile.
“You don’t have to go to the Unclean Realm, A-Yao,” Lan Xichen said.
“Thank you, er-ge.”
“You can come to the Cloud Recesses instead.”
“Did anyone ever tell the Jin sect that we were working with the Wen heirs?” Nie Mingjue wondered out loud, and everyone frowned. “Because if they don’t know, and Jin Guangshan thinks he’s being subtle with the whole trying to hire Xue Yang thing, things are going to get really awkward.”
“…well, shit,” Jiang Cheng said. “I call not being the one to tell him.”
“Cloud Recesses, you said?” Jin Guangyao asked Lan Xichen, who looked pleased.
“I’m leaving,” Wen Xu decided. “I want nothing to do with this disaster. You all have fun now, I’m fucking off back to the Nightless City to live the rest of my life as a very rich man with no life goals.”
“I want to do that,” Nie Huaisang said.
“No,” Nie Mingjue said.
“But –”
“Hey,” Wei Wuxian said. “Unrelatedly, anyone have any ideas on what should I do with the whole resentful energy seal thing now?”
“I don’t know,” Wen Chao said. “Play a giant game of keep away with it and then fake your own death?”
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Hopes and Dreams II
First of all: HOW AMAZING ARE YOU PEOPLE?! You gave me so much serotonin. All the reblogs with added tags, all the comments and favs and all the new followers, you are amazing. I will add a taglist for future chapters, so if you wanna get tagged, hit me up, and you will be added to that list. Seriously, I love you guys. ***
“Will you be able to walk?” Alcina asked and you just shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way. You walked in companionable silence for a while, which gave her the chance to take a longer look at you. You were pretty tall, even though you were still rather small compared to Alcina. She was pretty sure that you were taller than Heisenberg though, and that made her feel odd. You held yourself with a confidence she wouldn’t have expected after everything that happened in the last few minutes, reminding her again that you were not unfamiliar with the supernatural. It unnerved her to no end, and she found herself wanting to solve the mystery that surrounded you. Where did you come from? Exactly what is it what you were doing here? Would you turn into a threat or into an ally? Alcina wasn’t stupid, far from it. She knew that Mother Miranda’s hold on the Lords was slipping, Heisenberg’s silent plotting was proof enough. Did Mother Miranda know that you were here? Alcina sure didn’t, and the other Lords didn’t mention a stranger roaming the village and the surrounding woods. Although Heisenberg mentioned that an unusual amount of Lycans had disappeared. 
Her eyes roamed your figure again. Your hair was kept in a neat undercut, colored in a hideous blue that still looked good on you. You were clad in a black Hoodie and equally black Cargo pants, as if the cold didn’t bother you at all. It was the middle of the winter and yet you strolled through the cold as if it was springtime. Which made her wonder if you were really just a mere human. Everything she experienced with you implied that you weren’t ordinary and that intrigued Alcina greatly.
“You could just ask me about myself, you know?” you said and smiled up at her knowingly. Alcina flustered and wiped some non-existent lint from her long dress. So, you were aware that she was watching you.
“We usually don’t see strangers in these parts, especially ones who seem to know more than they should. Which raises the question why exactly you are here?”
“Considering that we just met, my lady, it wouldn’t be wise to reveal my whole tragic backstory. And further considering that I don’t know if I’ll see the light of day ever again if I were to enter your castle, forgive me if I won’t trust you with my motives yet. All you need to know for know is, that I am a traveler and have been for my whole life. I search for artifacts, among other things, that my benefactor can sell for good money. He took me in when I was just a child and took great care in training me. He is the closest thing I have to a father figure, although most people think me insane for the trust, I have in him. And as for why I am in Romania, I don’t really know to be honest, or wasn’t when I first got here. It was a gut feeling telling me to come here, and I find that I can trust those feelings, whenever they arise.” You said and stretched.
“I won’t keep you locked in the castle if you don’t give me a reason to mistrust you. There is a reason why no one come to these parts, so I am very wary of strangers. I have daughters to protect after all.” Alcina said, musing about what you said. If you were a traveler looking for artifacts, it would explain why you look at the supernatural as if it was a normal occurrence.
“You will have to see for yourself then, but I can assure you, that I am not here to hurt you or your daughters. My last mission… Didn’t go well and I originally came here recharge a bit, if you know what I mean. Again, forgive me if I am being too careful, but I have more enemies than I have friends, and I really like living.” You said carefully and Alcina kept staring at you. You didn’t seem dangerous to her, how could you, looking like you did, but she was still wary. She felt the sudden urge to protect you from whatever enemies you were talking about, but you were strangers. That realization hurt her more than it should, but with your past lives, it was so different. She always knew who was in front of her, whenever she met you, but this time around was just so complicated.
She felt drawn to you, even with your boyish looks you were still immensely attractive to her, and the way your blood sang to her made you all the more alluring. More than ever before if she was honest. But that is the problem, you were still familiar to her, but not as much as before and it scared her. You still had the potential to destroy her, even if you didn’t know about that.
You could practically smell the curiosity rolling of Lady Dimitrescu. She was wary of you and yet there was something in her eyes that you couldn’t quite place, even though it made your heart soar to new heights. She was as much a mystery to you as you were to her, and you felt so drawn to her. Like a moth to the flame. You briefly wondered if it had something to do with her nature. She seemed like a careful person, but considering from what you heard in the village, you totally got that. Which is why her next question caught you quite a bit off-guard: “Do you actually have a place to stay or are you just roaming around the forest, picking fights with Lycans?”
“Are you offering, my lady?” you said, wearing a Cheshire grin and wiggling your eyebrows. The blush that colored the Lady’s cheeks was worth every punishment you could possibly get from that comment. You still valued your life though, so you said: “I don’t mean you any harm. I just enjoy some friendly banter and it has been ages since I felt comfortable enough to do so. To answer your question, no, I don’t really have a place to stay. I’m helping someone with their housework every now and then though, so as a thanks they let me sleep on their couch whenever possible.”
“What kind of housework?”
“Nothing much, some cooking and general repairs.” You shrug and the smile she gave you was positively sinful when she asked, “What else are you able to do with your hands?”
It was your turn to blush and blushing you did; you even felt the tips of your ears go warm and it didn’t help at all that Lady Dimitrescu started chuckling. Still, you weren’t one to miss an opportunity so you said “Well that’s for you to find out, my lady” with a smaller voice you would have liked. How had one woman such a power over you?
“Hmmm, maybe I will, my dear,” she said and winked, making your brain short circuit. You stumbled in your steps and her hand steadying you didn`t help one bit. Sparks shot through your arm when she touched you and you felt something niggling at the back of your mind. No one ever had such an effect on you, no matter how stunningly beautiful they were. Suddenly, shivers ran down your spine, and not the good ones, so you took a protective stand in front of Lady Dimitrescu and said “Careful. Someone is watching.”
And just as you spoke the words, a shadow descended upon you and your instinct started to kick in. Your knife was out in seconds, a voice in your head urging you to protect your Lady. So, when the shadow descended upon you, you had it pinned down, snarling furiously. You felt your fangs elongating and your sense grew ever sharper. Well, seems like the cat was out of the bag now.
“Let go of me!” the girl you had pinned to the ground snarled, but her attempts to flee were futile. 
“Give me one good reason to not kill you on the spot. How long have you been stalking us?” You snarl, feeling your blood start to boil.
“Let go of her, dear. She had no ill intentions.” Lady Dimitrescu said, and against all odds, you calmed. Huh. That had never happened before.
“Is this a new plaything, mother?” the girl asked, and you started snarling again, but a hand at the back of your neck made you freeze.
“Don’t be rude, Daniela. She is our guest, and she needs some medical attention. So be nice.” Lady Dimitrescu said and the girl, Daniela started pouting and muttering something under her breath. You were still on edge, bare containing the snarl that wanted to leave your throat. The hand around your neck tightened in warning and another shiver ran down your spine. One of the good ones.
“So, I was right about you. You are not entirely human.” Lady Dimitrescu purred, and you had the sudden urge to bolt and hide away. You noticed how much she must have hold back until now, the danger rolling of on her in waves was something you never once encountered.
“I told you that something happened to me. If you promise not to harm me, I will tell you what happened. But I can promise you that I am no danger to you or anyone else, if not properly provoked.” You said and dusted of your knees. She let go of you and turned to Daniela, conversing with her in Romanian. Daniela looked at you with sudden intrigue and a nasty smile. She practically screamed trouble, and you weren’t sure if you could handle it.
“Come now, it isn’t far anymore. Daniela will alert the castle of our arrival, to avoid any nasty surprises.” Lady Dimitrescu said and led you away. And sure enough, a few minutes later you reached the castle gate, three figures awaiting you. One you recognized as Daniela, so the other two must be her sisters. One of them looked at you with mild interest, while the other one looked at you with a spark of recognition in her eyes. Had you met before on one of your travels? You were pretty sure that wasn’t the case, but let it slide anyway, since you had bigger problems right now.
“Bela, would you please prepare the sitting room in the west wing? I will need some antiseptic and bandages, warm water would be wonderful too. When you are finished with that, prepare the guest room next to mine. We will talk later.”
The one who seemed to recognize you from somewhere left in a flurry of… bugs? What the fuck? 
“Cassandra, Daniela, please prepare a light super. I will talk to you two later two. Just bring the food into the sitting room when you are finished, yes?” The order was given gently and in another flurry of bugs, you were alone again.
“You can explain yourself when I am cleaning and dressing your wounds. Come now.” She said and led you into the castle. You were still processing the abilities of her daughter, so you followed her silently into the dimly lit entryway. *** Taglist: @imdreamingblo
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 7)
a/n: aaand part 7 is finally here! however i want to warn yall that we are nearing the end of NHIE, im planning on having one more part and i don’t think it’ll be any longer, so enjoy while it lasts! lmao as always, feedback is very much appreciated!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 5.7k
warning: some slight violence? it’s the good kind, you’ll see lmao
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Sitting in your trailer you stare down at your phone longingly, rereading Harry’s last text.
“Miss you, hope everything is alright. Facetime when you’re free?”
You hate how your chest is aching at such a small and sweet thing. If you had the chance, you’d run into Harry’s arms without a second thought, but you are stuck in Atlanta while he is currently back in LA, feeling farther away than ever, in every sense.
It’s been three weeks since you left the city and parted ways with Harry. You hated it. You absolutely hated how he was looking at you and how you was about to cry in his fucking Range Rover as he was dropping you off at the airport. You tried to make it quick so you don’t get too caught up in the moment, but the moment he kissed you, it was over for you. For a split second you were ready to cancel on the whole movie and just stick with the plans you made before you got the role, but that wasn’t really an option.
Since that day, Harry has been very respectful of your will to keep some distance, he always checks in before trying to call to make sure you have time, he doesn’t text you about the most random things like he used to, maybe because you both are so busy, you basically live on set while he has left for his tour exactly a week ago, and you can tell he is trying his best to never even mention Levi.
The news that you’d have to work with your ex came as a punch in your stomach. Taiki contacted you himself to talk to you about his choice to include Levi in the movie. He has informed you that they all agreed on him at the end of the casting process, but he wanted to make sure it’s okay by you as well. What would have you said? You wouldn’t just start off a project with getting someone out of the movie before filming even started. You had no choice but to suck it up and say that it’s all fine.
Now you are stuck to see him almost every day and spend your free time with him as well since he is always the first one to show up when a little group of the cast is out and about. He has always been such a social butterfly, though now you wish he would just lock himself up in his hotel room and not show up until he is needed on set.
Levi has been trying. He’s been pushing on your nerves, always coming up to chit-chat, like there’s nothing weird or absurd about the situation, but there’s plenty. Seeing that the last time you two saw each other you threw a book at him and he threatened you to sue you if you dare to even say his name ever again. Your breakup was the definition of nasty while the rest of the world just noticed a quiet and uneventful parting, photos disappearing from Instagram and awkward smiles whenever either of you were asked about the other.
While you are all about being civil and professional, what he has been doing feels like he is trying to get under your skin, testing your patience with him, which is starting to run short.
For an outsider he is acting perfectly fine, even human towards you, but you know him all too well, you know all his little tricks and moves because you used to be an expert on the topic of Levi Hudson.
Huffing to yourself you get back to the text and type a quick reply.
“Still on set, I have two more scenes to film. Will text you when I’m back at the hotel xx”
You wish you could call him right away, you wish he was here with you and you wish you didn’t have to go back to set and face Levi once again. You really thought you’d get entirely consumed by work once filming starts and run short on time and energy to even think about Harry, but it hasn’t been the case. He is all you can think about, you always catch yourself wondering what he is doing, how his day has been or if he is thinking about you too. You cling onto your phone the moment they yell Cut! and frantically check if he has texted you. It’s taking a toll on you and you can only hope you’ll last until the movie is wrapped and you can finally join him on tour, just like you planned.
“Hey there,” Maya steps out of her own trailer when you turn the corner and she catches up with you quickly. “Wha’s up?”
“Just plotting how I can leave early,” you huff, making her laugh. You’ve become the closest to her, you right away bonded when you met at the table read and she caught you grimacing behind Levi’s back when you thought no one was looking. She came up and simply told you she doesn’t like him for literal no reason, he just has a punchable face and an alliance was formed right then and there.
“Oh Honey, let me know when you figured it out,” she chuckles, circling an arm around your shoulders as you both make your way to the set laughing.
Trying your best, you focus fully on the job on hand so you can leave as soon as possible, call Harry and go to bed. Today has been way longer than you would have liked and you just need to get away from set, despite how much you enjoy filming in general. Sometime during the taping Harry texts you that he is free whenever you are and will be waiting for your call and it just makes you even keener on leaving.
When filming is finally finished, you find yourself storm out faster than ever, already ringing up Harry as you are walking back towards your trailer. When he answers the call, his smiley face fills the screen and you feel your heart flutter in your chest.
“Hey! Done for the day?” he asks, seemingly eating something as he talks.
“Luckily,” you breathe out. “What are you eating?”
A blush appears on his pixelated face as he glances down and grabs his bowl, showing it into the camera. He is eating your pesto pasta recipe.
“I had a strong craving for it,” he shyly tells. “It’s not as good as yours though.”
“There’s nothing to do different about it, H,” you chuckle.
“I know, but it’s different when you make it,” he smiles and his words warm your chest. Just as you are about to tease him about being so corny, you hear your name being called out. Turning around you see Levi jogging towards you.
“Here we fucking go,” you mumble, not ending the call with Harry who is a little confused about the situation since he can’t see the intruder in your conversation.
“Are you heading back to the hotel?” he asks, catching up with you.
“Yeah, I wasn’t planning on sleeping in my trailer,” you answer with a frown.
“Wanna share a car?”
“Why would I?” you simply ask.
“What’s with the attitude, Y/N?” he scoffs as if he was an angel and deserved all the respect on earth.
“Why do you keep coming up to me?”
“Because I’m trying to be nice!” he snaps, but it’s all for the wrong reason. You don’t buy this shit, nice is the last thing he is trying to be and you know that for sure.
“No, you keep getting on my nerves and you know that! We don’t have to interact outside of set and I want to keep it that way, Levi!”
“Now you are being a bitch, Y/N.”
“Excuse you?” Harry’s voice is coming from your phone’s speaker and you suddenly realize that he is still there, listening to the conversation. You glance down at the screen and see his now angry expression on it.
“Who’s that?” Levi nods towards the phone with a frown, but then realization must hit him. “Is that Harry Styles you’re talking to?”
“None of your fucking business, Levi. And leave me the fuck alone.” Turning around you start marching back to your trailer that’s now so close, but once again, his voice stops you.
“You’re making a fool out of yourself, Y/N!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” you snap back at him, one hand already on the door handle of your trailer, the other one holding your phone.
“If you think he wants more than just a good fuck and some publicity out of you, you’re delusional.”
“Fuck you, Levi!” you flip him off before walking into the trailer and shutting the door behind you.
With your back against the door you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, fighting with yourself not to go back out and kick him in the stomach. This is how it has been, he starts acting all nice, pretending like he is the good buy, but when he doesn’t get the reaction he wants, he is quick to show his real, asshole self he keeps hidden.
“Angel? You alright?” Harry’s voice brings you back from your thoughts and once again, you realize that he is still in call, staring from the screen with a worried expression on his handsome face.
Taking another deep breath you bring the phone up so he can finally see your face.
“Sorry you had to hear all of that,” you mumble, feeling way more tired than you were just a few minutes ago.
“Don’t apologize, it’s none of your fault. But I gotta ask, has he been this big of a dick since the start?”
“Kind of,” you sigh, walking further inside. You put the phone to the little vanity, propping it up against the mirror as you start washing your makeup off.
“Have you tried doing something against it? You really shouldn’t let him treat you like that.”
“I’m not trying to be the whiny star who gets someone kicked out. I don’t know what others would think if I told Levi is being a jerk to me, because he is fine with everyone else. Maya is the only one who knows about it, so I’m kind of stuck.”
“Then just punch him,” he suggests making you laugh.
“I wish I could.”
“Want to talk about it? I would love to listen to you talk about how big of a dick your ex is and about your hatred towards him,” he tells you, way too excited about the topic and it makes you chuckle.
“Let’s not talk about him, I get enough of him all day. But not enough of you.”
It just slips out, way too cheesy than you intended it to be, but it makes him smile so you don’t mind it.
“Is this your way of being casual?” he chuckles softly.
“Shut up,” you grin. “Tell me about your day while I get ready to leave.”
You listen to Harry tell you about his day in the smallest details as you clean your face, brush your hair out and change into your own clothes, finally feeling like yourself again. You’re talking even when you’re already in the car, but that’s when it ends.
“Talk tomorrow, Angel?” he murmurs, now lying in his bead, propped up against the headboard without a shirt on.
“Yeah. I’ll be off around five so just call me whenever your show is over.”
“Will do. Take care, alright? And… just hang on a little longer.”
“A little?” you huff. “There are still two more months to go.”
“You can do it. Text me whenever you want to talk, alright?” You just quietly nod, ignoring the ache in your chest. You want nothing else than to crawl into bed with him, curl up against him and never leave from under the covers.
“Good night, Angel,” he smiles sweetly.
“Night, H,” you sigh before ending the call.
An hour later you are already in your hotel room, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe, lying in bed as you scroll through Instagram, aimlessly opening posts here and there. The explore page is always a mess, you like so many different things that Instagram sometimes can’t decide what to show you, but that’s just how you like it. Lately it’s been a lot of Harry on there, given the fact that you’ve often found yourself lurking photos of him when you were missing him more than the usual.
When a paparazzi photo comes up of him from yesterday, having lunch with Kendall Jenner you can’t help but feel the jealousy ignite a fire inside you. It’s not like you didn’t know they met up, he told you a week before it and even asked if you are cool with it, to which you said that you are not an official item and you’d never tell him not to see a friend, even if it happens to be an ex as well. After all, you were the last one to throw a stone at him since you are now working with yours, even if it’s a living Hell.
But after such a draining day, seeing him have a good time so far away from you with a woman who is not you, your opinion about the situation seems to be different.
You’ve never been that extremely jealous type and you are also very much aware that you have no right to feel this way, but… you do. Scrolling through the few paparazzi photos that has nothing odd on them, just the two of them sitting at a table on a terrace, enjoying their meal and then leaving in separate cars, you can’t help but tear them apart to the tiniest detail, your brain fixated to find the smallest thing that tell you that they have something more than friendship going on, when you also know damn well sure that there’s no such thing. Harry has talked to you openly about his friendship with Kendall, how they tried to make it work two times but both of them ended up the same way: they realized they are far better as just friends and that’s how they’ve been since then.
But because of the distance, your horrible days with Levi and your agonizing feelings about wanting to be with Harry but also not being able to, you find yourself letting out a silent cry as you close the app, but the pictures still haunt you.
Before you could even think twice, you are kneeling in front of the minibar you haven’t touched since you arrived, but now you’re determined to empty it out, paying extra attention to the alcoholic drinks.
You are well aware that it’s not how you should be coping with the situation on hand, but you don’t know what else to do. You were the one who told Harry not to make things official, there’s nothing you can do against the distance between the two of you and you are stuck with Levi for the rest of filming as well. You have no other choices but to somehow dumb the pain that’s been torturing you silently ever since you found out you got the role.
It’s nerve wrecking, because this role means so much to your career, you know it’s your big chance to be finally taken as seriously as you’ve always dreamed about, but does it worth it? If you lose yourself along the way and everything that’s been making you happy lately, does it still worth just to have an Oscar nomination, which is not even guaranteed, just a speculation.
It’s past one am when you run out of drinks, but because of the small portions, you are just buzzing, not really drunk. But it’s enough to make you lose your rationality and snatch your phone from the bed and open your text threat with Harry.
“I miss you. A lot, like a whole lot.”
You send the text before you could change your mind and for your biggest surprise the status changes to seen just a few moments later before the three little dots start dancing on the bottom.
“I miss you too, Angel. Everything alright?”
Harry knows you too well, you wouldn’t just text after you’ve talked on FaceTime before and you’re usually asleep by this time, since filming starts early in the morning usually.
“Do you really miss me?” you write back with a heavy sigh.
“You can’t even imagine how much…”
“Tell me. How much?”
“I’ve written three songs about you since we parted. Does that tell you how much I miss you?”
“Oh fuck!” you choke out, feeling your chest tightening. You don’t want to be in this hotel room anymore, damn the movie, Levi and the Oscar, you need Harry. Now.
“Can’t wait to hear them all.”
“There’ll be plenty more, Angel. Get ready for a whole album!”
The pictures with Kendall are long forgotten. Now you’re just lying in bed, rereading the texts over and over again until your eyelids get too heavy and you fall asleep, still clinging onto the device.
 After years of being an independent and strong woman you’ve always aspired to be, you find yourself only focusing on two men to keep your nerves stable enough to stop you from breaking down every other day: Oscar and Harry.
The possibility to win an Oscar is what you think of every time Levi is pulling on your nerves, working harder than the devil to make you burst while acting like a saint in front of everyone. His attempts of ruining your days every imaginable are getting worse as the time passes and when thinking about the Oscar doesn’t help, you reach out to Harry. You’ve felt terribly at the beginning when you kept calling him whenever you felt like screaming after an encounter with Levi, even apologized for it, but he made sure you know he doesn’t mind it, not even the tiniest bit.
“I’m happy I’m the one you come to for comfort. I like that you’re thinking about me,” he told you one night when you called him so late, but he still answered.
Today has been extra hard. Two weeks have passed since your little late night breakdown when you emptied your mini bar out and felt like leaving Atlanta as soon as possible. Luckily, the morning came with an ease, though the pain was still there, you just managed to bottle it up enough to make you keep going.
You’ve been on set since 4 in the morning, having shot some scenes during sunrise and you’ve been going since then. Now it’s four pm, you are desperate for a good sleep already, but you still have some hours to go before you can head back to the hotel.
It seems like Levi has made it his mission to make you cry today. His latest favorite thing has been throwing shade about fellow actors who end up being the talk of gossip sites because they’ve dared to go on a public date with another celebrity. So, just to be clear, he is shaming you for being all over the tabloids, people are still speculating about you and Harry and Levi doesn’t hesitate to call you out about that in a sugarcoated way.
All he has been saying all day is “I guess I’m just more careful about my privacy!” or “Everyone is different, but I like to be noticed for my professional success!” but your favorite was “I get it that women need more effort to stay relevant.”
You were shocked how no one else realized how sexist he was, but deep down you weren’t that surprised. Levi successfully brainwashed everyone to make them believe he didn’t think it seriously, when you know for a fact that even if it was just to piss you off, he really meant it. You were once one of those who couldn’t really see how wrong his beliefs are and now you can’t believe you used to ignore all these sexist comments, but now they make your palms itch.
“You know, you once were just like that. I still remember us being on the covers,” you snapped back at him before everyone left for lunch and it was just the two of you, but he just snorted, brushing it off.
“Hated it. Always felt like just a toy they like to throw around.”
You needed all your self-control not to laugh right into his face and then jump at his throat. Instead, you just watch him walk away and you are quick to fetch your phone from your bag to text Harry, but then you realize that he hasn’t texted you back in the past ten hours. Your last four messages are sitting not just unanswered but unread as well so you talk yourself down from sending another one. It’s odd, because he always tells you when he is about to be busy, but he didn’t this time and you wonder if you’ve said or did something that upset him with you enough to stop talking to you. But then you tell yourself that something must have just come up.
“Hey girl!” Maya calls out for you, already dressed in her own clothes since she is done for the day. “I’m heading out to lunch with Timmy, want to join? Please don’t say you’ll just order in and stay in your trailer!”
“Only if Levi is not coming,” you grumble making her chuckle.
“Don’t worry, it’s just gonna be cool people.”
You both take your car to the little diner close to set, you’ve been going there quite often, they have the best pancakes and that’s exactly what you need right now. Timmy is already there sitting at a booth, waving at you happily. Aside from Maya, he is the other person you’ve been quite enjoying spending time with on set, he is a genuine guy and helped you a lot professionally which was a huge boost along this rocky way.
All through lunch you notice that he’s been checking his phone a lot, but you don’t think much of it, he is a busy guy, that you’ve learned already. It’s nice to have some time away from set and you’re thankful that Maya and Timmy are trying their best to make you forget about Levi and that eventually you have to head back.
The three of you return to set about an hour later. When the both of them stick to your side and they keep asking if you are going back to your trailer, you start to suspect something.
“You guys alright?” you ask with a chuckle. “Where else would I go? I still have thirty minutes from my break.”
“Just making sure,” Timmy shrugs. “We’ll walk you there!”
“Yeah! Let us walk to your trailer!” Maya nods in agreement and you give them a glare.
“You guys are weird,” you mumble under your breath.
As the three of you reach your trailer you notice how excited they are acting and you are confused about what’s really happening, but it’s just until you finally throw the door of your trailer open and gasp at the person waiting inside.
“Hello, Angel,” Harry smirks at you, leaning against the wall as you completely freeze.
“Angel! Oh my God!” you hear Maya squeak behind you, but you can’t pay much attention to her or Timmy, because you are busy throwing yourself into Harry’s arm, who envelopes you into his embrace, lifting you up from the ground.
“What are you doing here?” you breathe out, face buried in the crook of his neck.
“Should I not be here?” he jokes chuckling, his hands running up and down your back.
“Well, you are not supposed to, but I’m glad you are!” you chuckle and pulling back you kiss his lips, not able to hold yourself back.
“Thank your costars,” he mumbles nodding towards the door where Maya and Timmy are standing, grinning widely and proud of themselves.
“You guys did this,” you breathe out.
“Well, it was Maya’s idea, and then I was the one to message Harry,” Timmy admits, hiding his hands in his pockets. “Wanted to surprise you.”
“You surely succeeded,” you chuckle and turning back to Harry you hug him again, holding him tight as if he could vanish any moment.
“Alright, we’ll leave you two alone,” Maya chuckles before shutting the door and giving you some privacy.
“So how long are you staying?” you ask, arms circled around his neck.
“Unfortunately I don’t have much time. I need to fly out late tomorrow.”
“You came here for less than 48 hours?” you gasp in disbelief. He has been on the road for weeks now, all the traveling has been hard on him, that you know, yet he still went into the trouble of flying here for such a short time just to be with you.
“If Timothée didn’t reach out I would have still tried to mess around with my schedule to come here. I know how hard it has been for you here, I wanted to help you.”
“Stop or you’ll make me cry,” you chuckle, leaning in for another kiss.
You spend the rest of your break cuddled up on your tiny sofa in your trailer, talking but mostly kissing, because you’ve been missing Harry’s kisses the most probably. When it’s time to head back to set, you need everything in you not to lock the door and just never leave, but your work is calling.
Walking towards set you find yourself lacing your fingers together with Harry’s, to which he smirks at you in satisfaction. You couldn’t give less shit about that people will think the rumors are true, let them! All you want is to be as close to Harry as possible.
As everyone is slowly gathering back, you lounge around the buffet tables with Harry and Timothée, just genuinely having a good time, right until Levi walks in and he freezes upon seeing you with Harry.
At first you are convinced he’s going to come up to you, but luckily, he chooses to keep his distance this time, saving you some stress about what would go down if the two of them were to talk. Harry has definitely noticed his presence as well, but he doesn’t say a word, just holds your hand tight, kissing your knuckles.
Harry sticks around the whole afternoon, watching you film scene after scene and the excitement in his eyes is priceless. He takes every opportunity to praise your work and tell you how amazing you are doing and it means the world to you since it’s the first time Harry is seeing you working.
Through the afternoon, you can feel Levi’s burning glare on you, but you try your best to ignore it. You can tell he doesn’t like having Harry around but you haven’t figured out if it’s because he is jealous of you and him or because now Harry has all the attention he usually has. Either way, he is a petty fucker and you are enjoying pissing him off for once.
When filming finally finishes at six you are one of the first ones to head out, eager to finally be alone with Harry in your hotel room and not be disturbed for the night.
“I would say to pick up something to eat on our way, but maybe we should just order room service, how does that sound?” he asks as the two of you are walking back to your trailer.
“Room service is gonna be perfect,” you smile up at him, giving his hand a squeeze.
The voice calling out your name makes you growl in annoyance. The situation is all too familiar, Levi stopping you on your way back to your trailer with the pure intention of ruin your mood.
Oh for fuck’s sake,” you mumble under your breath before turning around. “What?” you snap back at him, clearly annoyed that he is here again.
“Hey, just… thought I would introduce myself to your friend over here,” he smiles as if it was the most natural thing, but you and Harry stand there, completely confused about how he can act so casual about him meeting Harry.
“I’m sorry, you what?” you question.
“Just wanted to meet Harry,” he tells again. “I’m Levi, nice to meet you,” he nods smiling, holding out his hand and you can’t hold your laughter back. Luckily, Harry is quick to react the best possible way.
“Are you really just gonna pretend like I didn’t hear you call Y/N a bitch the other day?” he asks, voice stern and surprisingly calm, however his hold on your hand is a little tighter now.
Seemingly, Levi is taken aback and you can tell he was convinced Harry wouldn’t bring it up straight to his face, but he did. He definitely just did and you are so happy about that.
“I’m, uhh—I don’t think you have any business in that, Harry,” he chuckles nervously, still trying to somehow dominate in the situation, but he is failing miserably.
“Oh, but I think I do. If you think you can just go around and call women bitches, you are in the wrong and if you ever have just one bad word for Y/N again, I’ll definitely won’t be this calm.”
The cherry on the top is the warm smile on Harry’s lips and your mouth hangs open at how bad he just burnt Levi. If you were alone now, you’d definitely jump his bones right away.
Watching Levi you see the exact moment when he drops the act and before he even opens his nasty mouth, you already know you’ll get another taste of his real self.
“What, you fuck her once and think she is the Queen of England who has to be treated with special care?” he scoffs and your stomach drops. Here he goes with the insults, buckle up!
“Excuse you?” Harry snaps back, clearly losing his patience with him.
“She is not that big of a deal, Styles. Might be a good fuck, but she is a fucking bitch in reality and you’ll see that soon.”
“I think it was just you who made her act that way and that’s entirely your fault, m’ friend. Anyone would be that way if they had to deal with you.”
“You know what? You two deserve each other, two low-life, attention seeker celebs, I just don’t get what people like so much about you. Especially about you,” he adds, eyes snapping to you. Your anger is boiling, he is dancing on your very last nerve and you have no idea how long you can last.
Harry then turns to you, a calm expression on his face, but his eyes tell you otherwise as he simply takes his rings off and places them into your palm, confusing you about what he is really doing.
“I’m sorry in advance, Angel,” he mumbles before taking a step towards Levi and with a simple but graceful move, he punches your scumbag ex.
You gasp as you hear Levi’s groan, his hands flying to his face while Harry shakes his fist off with a heavy sigh.
“Oh fuck, this feels better with a glove on,” Harry breathes out, taking a step back.
“You fucker!” Levi spats as he straightens up. He moves his hand from his face, checking it to see if he is bleeding, but it’s just some redness on his cheek.
“Don’t freak out, princess. You’ll just have to sit some more in the makeup. But Swear to God if you ever speak about her that way,” Harry warns him pointing at him, “You won’t be able to fix it with some powder.”
And with that, Harry grabs your hand and pulls you into the trailer, leaving a shocked and raged out Levi outside. As soon as it’s just the two of you, Harry changes from the confident, protective man to a frightened little puppy as he looks at you.
“I’m so sorry, but I just couldn’t take it any longer. The way he was talking about you and I—“
He doesn’t get to finish because our lips shut him up with the most heated and passionate kiss you two have ever shared. It’s hard and messy, your fingers thread through his hair as he grabs your waist forcefully, yanking you against her tightly.
“That was literally the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” you pant against his lips.
“Yeah? So you’re not mad?”
“I’m only mad because you got to punch him before me,” you chuckle making him laugh as well.
“God, I have no idea how you could put up with him this long,” he breathes out, resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m convinced that my nerves are made out of steel,” you joke pecking his lips two more times.
“I don’t even see how you could be in a relationship with him in the first place,” he huffs.
“I was younger and dumber. Don’t worry, learned my lesson,” you laugh, cupping his cheek in the palm of your hand, running your thumb along the soft skin under his eye.
“If I’m being honest, there’s one more thing that’s upsetting me about him.”
“And what is that?”
“Please don’t get mad at me though, okay?” he chuckles softly.
“Just tell me!”
“I’m mad… because he is able to say that he has been in a relationship with you and I’m not. It’s pissing me off, properly,” he admits and your heart skips a beat. “I know you said you don’t want anything official, but I just want to call you mine and—“
You cut him off for the second time now as you kiss him again, grinning against his lips. If he didn’t bring this up now, you would have for sure before he left, because there was no way you would have been able to say goodbye to him again without having all strings tied.
“Just to be sure, was this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” you smirk, your hands holding onto the base of his neck.
“Kind of? Yeah,” he chuckles softly.
“Alright, cool. Now let’s go back to my hotel room, boyfriend.”
You watch as his eyes light up and leaning down he kisses you again.
“Just so we are on the same page, was this your way of saying yes?”
“Kind of, yeah,” you nod, using his own words.
“Great. Okay, let’s go, girlfriend.”
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 3: Kindred Spirits Always Find A Way To Assemble
Time: 5:30am
location: Louvre
Ladybug, Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir are fighting an akuma, not anything major, just Mr. Pigeon and his pigeons trying to melt the Louvre with deadly acidic bird dropings, so yeah, nothing major. Just another early bird gets the akuma kinda day...
"Looks like the early bird is trying to melt the Louvre, what say you M'lady, shall we make this swift and- *Loud sneeze* Let me now *sneeze* when I'm *sneeze* needed" - Chat Noir
"For to long our kind has been oppressed, they feed us miserable seeds, when we beg for bread, we shall show them no mercy, as our justice shall be swift!" picks up two pigeons, holds them by their legs and aims the rear cannons "Surrender your Miraculous and your justice shall be swift and painless!!" with an evil villain laugh at the end bla bla bla.
" Anyone else getting Pigeon (French) Revolution vibes? No? just me? Cause I swear he said seeds instead of cake."
"Not the time Bunnyx." - Abeille
"Oh it so Is The Time." - Bunnyx
"Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object!" - Chat Noir from a distance.
"Viva La Revolution!!!" - Trickster
"Dear Kwami, how did it come to a frickin Pigeon Revolution?!" - Ladybug
As the last line is said, Mr. Pigeon fires the -ehem- cannons at the heroes, only for them to be an illusion. In the confusion Bunnyx pops out of her burrow and wacks Mr. Pigeon on the head, effectively knocking him out.
"The Pigeon Revolution is over, we have taken back our home, and shall continue to defend it from the creepy Man of MOTH!!!!" - Bunnyx
and with that Bunnyx brakes the Akumatized object, and Ladybug purifies the akuma.
"Ok, I will admit that last speach was funny, now lets hurry back before hells bells go off." - Ladybug
" Bla bla bla, nothing important, bla bla bla bla, yada yada yada bla yada." - Mrs. Bustier
"'Viva La Revolution', that was perfect." - Whispering Alix
"It just came to me, but Chats 'Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object' line and your 'Man of Moth' speech were really well timed !" -whispering Peter
"well of course, I'm always punctual with any time sensitive joke/pun." -whispering Alix
"Will you to zip it! we can't have these simpletons finding anything out!" -whispering Chloé
"Please, they all share a broken defective regect of a brain cell, I doubt they could ever put two and two together." -whispering Alix
"Hey, do you think we should start a protest in our classroom?" -whispering Peter
"... Viva.La.Revolution!" - whispering Chloé with a mischievous grin
"No." - Maria
•~—~—~—~ Later when Mrs. Bustier is out of class ~—~—~—~•
"I just don't know what to do." - Lie-la
" You think she finally realized how horrible that hair style is?" - Alix
"After visiting Gotham a few months ago I met Damian Wayne, you might've heard about him, he's just so amazing, kind-hearted, and brave. We had a wonderful time, but then he asked me out! And I don't want to hurt Parkers feelings, I care for both of them!" - Lie-la
"Man, she must be extremely full of it to keep pulling that sh-t out of her @ss every hour or so." - Alix
"Wow Peter, didn't know your cared for Ms. Rossi like that" - Chloé said in a sarcastic tone.
" I'd rather strap her to a supersonic rocket heading for a black hole, and I'm pretty sure this Damian Wayne would do the same... he probably has the money for it actually." - Peter
" Enough plotting, we still need to get enough money, if we want that summer trip, we've already crossed off: Baking sales, becoming a mime, jobs are out unless they're fine with you leaving right after joining, and we can't just ask for donations." - Maria
" I can use my MDC mon-" - Maria
"Oh hell no you won't! You worked your butt off to get that money, you said it yourself! That money is for when you apply to college! I refuse to let you waste your money on our ignoramus classmates!" - Chloé
Thankfully by now everyone was out of the classroom.
" Oh Kwami she's serious, she never uses her big words!" - Adrien
" Then what do you suggest Chloé?" - Maria
" I'll ask daddy to pay!" - Chloé
" I can also ask my father, he'll probably do it if Mr. Bourgeois puts in a donation." - Adrien
" But- " - Maria
" No! The decision is final all in agreement say aye!" - Chloé
"Aye!" - Everyone
"You've watched to many movies Chloé, fine, but please don't drastically overdo it." - Maria
" When have I ever drastically overdone something? Name one time." - Chloé
"Well, there was the time you over did it, by not sleeping for almost three weeks." - Maria
" and after that you got so fed up with one akuma that you kicked him with the force of a thousand suns down unda, you may have scared him for life after that honestly. " - Adrien
" Oh! or the time you went overboard with Peters B-day, and the cake landed on his face! - Alix
"Well in her defense, the cake was great, but it was kinda a mouthful." -Peter
"... I said name one time. (ー_ー)" - Chloé
Sooo, after all that happened Mr. Bourgeois, Fallowed by Gabriel Agreste, gave a very generous donation, so that solves that problem.And since I'm sure you don't want to see (More Lies) boring stuff, lets skip to two days before the trip begins.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜time skip " You're welcome, I'm here all eternity." - Bunnyx〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
•—–· At Chloés Hotel ·–—•
"Ok are we sure we have everything?" - Maria
" Yes now can we please watch something already, we've triple, and even quadruple checked everything, we're good." - Alix
" I have to go out and inform Tempête and Vipère, before anything else, be back soon." - Maria then heads out calling upon the other heroes.
" So what do you need?" - Vipère
" Do you have a top secret mission for us?" - Tempête
" For the summer Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir will be unavailable, unless they are truly needed, I however will be able to travel back and forth via portals for fights. Paris will be in your care while we aren't here." - Ladybug
"It is our honor, we shall defend Paris with our lives." - Tempête
" Agreed, enjoy your summer." - Vipère
"Thank you, stay safe."  and with that Maria headed back to the hotel prepared to watch movies, only to be bombarded with questions as soon as she got back.
" HOLD UP! You know MAGIC?!" - Alix
" When were you going to tell us?!" - Chloé
"So cool, how does it work?" - Peter
" Can you teach us?!" - Adrien
" Spots-Off, yes I know magic, I swear I've told you before. Do you want a demonstration?" - Maria
They all shook their heads excitedly.
" Ok well, I'm able to Heal myself if I get hurt, but I don't wish to hurt myself just for that, I can also increase my Luck with magic, as well as Communicate/ Manipulate plants, and see peoples Souls, thanks to Tikki. I learned Protection magic thanks to Wayzz, and Illusion magic thank  to Trixx. I'm also learning Teleportation from Kaalki, which I've almost completed, and Mutitude from Mullo, which still needs work." - Maria
" If you can really talk to plants, what did we do earlier while you where out, hmmmmm?" - Alix
Maria then walks over to the roses near the couch and whispers to them, after a moment she turns back to her friends, and calmly says "Traitors."
" What do you mean?" - Peter
" You continued watching Star Wars: Clone Wars Without me!" - Maria
" Ok we believe you, but does this mean we can also use magic?" - Adrien
"Hmmm, let me see" as she says this her eyes start to glow an almost ethereal icy blue.
" Why are you eyes glowing?" - Chloé
"Looking at you souls... ok" she then claps her hands and her eyes go back to normal "Adrien, you can use slight Destruction magic on objects, if you use it on a person it would just cause them extreme pain, you can also cast Bad Luck on someone, so I guess thats good, and you can also learn slight Jubilation magic. Peter you can learn Illusion, and Protection magic. Chloé you can Learn Subjection, and Multiplication magic. And Alix, you can learn Evolution, Intuition, and Teleportation magic." As Maria finished, she saw the star struck looks in their eyes at the thought of learning magic became obtainable for them.
"Teach us!" they all bowed only to get a laugh from Maria in response.
"You would have to ask the Kwamis that, I only know what I know thanks to them." - Maria
And for most of the night they all started practicing magic. And when they woke up, they continued to practice, they had fun and were really enjoying it.
Then came the day Maria and her friends were to head for Gotham, and it was hectic, but everyone made it in one piece after an 8 hour flight, which at this point Maria was glad she sent all of her important luggage ahead of time, because somehow her luggage with only her toiletries and pyjamas was stolen, so all she had now was her back pack on her and the Miracle box in a Pocket dimension (thanks to the training from Fluff and Kaalki)
Lila was annoyed, when Maria didn't even care that she lost her bag with all her stuff (jokes on you she sent that one to the hotel 2 days ago HA!) they ended up checking into the hotel, everyone was with someone, Peter was with Adrien, Chloé was with Alix, and Maria... just had the Kwamis, yup that's right, apparently Lila has a condition that prevents her from being in any room below a quality vip room, so now she was upgrade and without a roommate, good for Lila, and Lucky for Maira, because now she doesn't have to worry about someone noticing her climbing out the window to go free-running across rooftops as Multimouce.
Around 7:30 pm. everyone heads out for lunch... and they leave Maria behind.
"Of course this happens." and with that she asked the receptionist for the directions to where her class went, afterwards she went out and proceeded to get lost, after trying to retrace her steps, she just got lost quicker, and her phone was at 20% what luck.
After walking for a little bit, she had decided to take a break, and as she leaned up against a wall, she closed her eyes.
'Maybe if I search for the receptionists Soul I can find my way back.' as she was doing this, she saw souls of all colors walking by, she even noticed a dark emerald green soul, and a dark blue soul across the street on a rooftop... and then she felt her hair stand on end, a few feet to her right was a bloody rust looking soul, she could tell it was a male, late 20s, average build, and 5'11, he was targeting her. As she opened her eyes  she did a quick scan of her seroundings, noticing an alley, she started to walk again. Sensing the slight increase in speed from the man now behind her, as he got closer, she made a sharp left into the alley, she made it a few feet in before the man started laughing and walking closer, she saw the disgusting look in his eyes, and the outline of a gun in his front left pocket.
"Come on now girlie,  I just wanna talk."
" I am good thankz." she made sure to add an accent to make him feel like he had an upper hand, which seemed to work, if his sickening smile was anything to go off of.
He stepped closer and Maria (the little genius she was) decided to act nervous, which only lowered the guys gaurd even more, once he reached to grab her in a quick motion she proceeded to do this.
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She held the guy in a lock until he fell unconscious. As she stood up, she noticed a hand reaching for her, she then grabbed the hand and flipped the figure over her shoulder hard, hearing a yelp from the man as she did so.
When she realized who she had flipped over, her face turned bright red
"Mon dieu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you are you ok Monsieur Nightwing?!"
"Yeah I'm fine and don't apologize, reflexes like that are key to survival here in Gotham, isn't that right Robin.... Robin?"
When Nightwing didn't get any sound from Robin he looked over to see the boy a blushing mess, then Robin snaped out of it, cuffing the mugger, and turning his attention to the girl.
" Ehem. Mam it's dangerous to be out here at this time alone, please allow us to take you wherever you need to go." - Robin
"Oh thank you um, do you know where Wayne Hotel is? I was supposed to go with my class to dinner, but they... “forgot” me, I decided to try and meet up with them, but I failed horribly." - Maria
"Wait they just left you? and in Gothan of all cities?! What kind of teacher does that?!" - Nightwing
" An instegator." - Maria said under her breath in French, she didn't notice the slight shock on both their faces from what she said.
"Anyway lets get you to your hotel before it gets any later." - Nightwing
"Thank you again." - Maria
She arrived safely, thanks to Nightwing and Robin, she thanked them one more time and went inside, when she got to her room she found her friends pacing back and forth in the room, Chloé and Peter looking like they would soon become two people on a mission to find her, but thankfully she was back, she of course had to answer alot of questions, but that was no big deal. After answering all their questions, everyone went to their rooms, and fell asleep, they had a big day tomorrow afterall... ... and then Marias' Akuma alert went off, ok so it took about thirty minutes to defeated the akuma 2 more before she could cure anything and another 5 minutes before she could head back to her room, and it was now 2am, but she could still wake up early right? hehe (・–・;) right?
No, the answer was no she couldn't, well technically she was up on time for when the bus "should" have started getting ready to leave, BUT turns out Lila SOMEHOW, managed to get everyone on board without even thinking of her an hour early! Maria asked for directions once again, and the receptionist had a worried and apologetic look on her face, Maria thanked her again, and headed out, this time however, she made it without getting lost and without getting mugged, Yay! She even had enough time to get a coffe (Tim special was a wierd name but oh well it did the job pretty well) from a shop near by (double yay!) before entering the WE building.
" You have to start the tour! we've been here for an hour and thirty minutes already!" - Ms. Bustier
"Like I said before, I will not start the tour until your student gets back, and if they don't get back, then we better hope nothing happened to them, or else it's your fault for your negligence." - Tour guide
"Sorry I'm late, the bus left earlier than what we scheduled, why didn't you inform me about the change?" - Maira
"Lila said you were the one who made the changes and that you were just trying to get attention, I am VERY disappointed in you Maria, now apologize to your class for delaying the tour!" - Ms Bustier
"I think you mean “I'm sorry we left you behind in a city where murder happens to young kids on a daily basis” now you apologize to Your student that is Your responsibility." - Tour Guide with a glare that could kill a thousand armys
Ms. Bustier proceeded to apologise to half the class's disbelief.
"Alright then, now that thats all taken care of, Hello and welcome to Wayne Enterprise, where we focus on making Gotham and the world a better place. I'm Dick Grayson, and I'll be you tour guide for today."
As the tour went on Maria stood at the front with her friends, she took notes of everything that was said, and she ignored whatever nonsense Lila was spouting, somthing about saving or dating Damian Wayne, she didn't really care.
When the lunch break came, she sat with her friends until she needed a long overdo refill on her coffee, she walked over to the coffee machine and started figuring what combination will keep her brain working for the rest of the day.
"Press button 3 followed by 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4, 9, and 7, that is the ultimate coffee mixture, if your mortal self is up for the challenge." - Sleep deprived guy
"I accepte." she presses the buttons in the exact order and then " Wait none of the cups are big enough."
"Here, secrect cup, from beyond the mortal realm." - Sleep deprived guy
" Thanks" she grapped the very large cup, and filled it with coffee till it was almost to the rim, she put the lid on and instantly took a big sip from the scolding hot coffee (she can heal, her tongue's fiiiiiiine)
"... Not bad, taste similar to the Tim Special I had earlier, but maybe a bit stronger." - Maria
" Kindred Spirit, let us be friends, you have drank the sacred coffee and are now immortal, congrats." - Sleep deprived guy
"It was not easy, but I have come this far, and I shall go the distance with nothing but coffee in my veins." Maria said in a serious tone as they shook hands "I am Maria, keeper of all nighters, and who might you be, my kindred spirit."
"I am Tim, the keeper of sacred coffee and all that is unholy."
"It was an honor to meet you Sacred Tim, may the coffee gods guide you in your journey, sadly we must part ways, for the lunch break is over, farewell..." and with that Maria left to rejoin the group.
"Dear god where the hell did you get that much coffee?!" - Chloé
"Kindred Spirits always find a way to assemble." - Maria
"Huh, so there is someone out there who is also a sleep deprived child." - Alix
The tour continued, and Maria noticed their tour guide kept looking at her with growing concern as she slowly made her way through the lovely coffee, she finished the cup within 1 hour and 30 minutes, and most of the staff kept looking at her as she now held the empty unholy cup, that was said to put people (that weren't chosen by the coffee gods) into caffeine induced commas, but she was fine, if anything she was more awake than yesterday and today combined. So yeah Today had a rocky start, but I'd say things are only just beginning.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Bonus Art 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
This is what it looks like from Marias' normal vision, to her Soul Vision (~‾▿‾)~
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Chapter 3 completed, hope you're all having a wonderful day, and staying positive BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd Place★: @zalladane
4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th Place★: @meme991001
10th Place★: @buginetye
11th Place★: @blackroserelina
12th Place★: @jessigurl-design
13th Place★: @adrestar
14th Place★: @moon5608
15th Place★: @little-bluestar
16th Place★: @batgirljr72
17th Place★: @myazael
18th Place★: @our-preciousss
19th Place★: @wolf2118
20th Place★: @nyx-in-line
21st Place★: @kking13
22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64
24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th Place★: @kashlyn
26th Place★: @tbehartoo
27th Place★: @heart-charming
28th Place★: @solangelo252
29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
375 notes · View notes
ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - i.
NOW PLAYING : I n t e r l u d e [J. Cole]
cw; name calling, blood, mentions of murder, major spoilers
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“Fate is a very weighty word to throw around before breakfast.”
Despite the red-light district thriving through the night, it looked just as beautiful during the early morning. Yn was roaming the streets on her pedal bike for the first time since winter break as she plotted different ways to surprise her big brother at his newly opened bike shop. She had already purchased his favorite breakfast meal from the little café she worked at, and all that she was left to do was see the said man. Getting out of thoughts and returning to reality, she stopped at the side of the traffic light to press the ‘crossing’ button and to text Draken to make sure he was at work before she made the trip.
“hey there pretty girl, ya wanna come ride something more interesting than the little kiddie bike yer on right now?” some bleach blonde junior high kid called out to her, smirking as he man spread and took up most of the space on the park bench. “I know ya hear me pretty girl,” he leaned and rested his elbows onto his knees, “maybe ya want me to come over and beg for yer attention, huh? Want me to come and make ya listen to me?”
She scoffed and waited for the light to signal for her to cross, but its as if the gods wanted to punish her and traffic kept flowing out of her favor. Getting restless, she pocketed her phone and tapped on her bar handles in hopes of the cars to all be generous and let her through; of course, this did not happen and the young fuck boy in training had began to approach her alongside his friend who were hyping him up and recording the event.
“You might be older than me,” he walked up behind her and kicked her bike tire before circling around and leaning against the basket in the front, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I hit girls.” Yn had to refrain from spitting in his face because Draken always said ‘never start anything with others first, let them choose their fate.’ In other words, big bro just didn’t want her to put herself at risk due to minor inconveniences that were presented towards her.
Just as the light switched from a hand to a walking figure, yn politely smiled at the boy in hopes of him getting the hint that she did not wish to engage with him anymore, but – of course – that was just asking too much of him. He turned back and looked at the sign noticing it was their turn to cross, and he surprisingly moved out the way. Yn smiled realizing that her brother did know it best when he said that the ‘dumb young boys will leave you alone after they realize you’re not going to give them the time of day,’ and she moved to pedal across the cross walk with a large smile.
However, big bro’s words are not the golden rule amongst men and the boys did not leave her alone; in fact, they decided to run at her hit the back tire with a bat and caused her to lose control and fall in the middle of the walkway. The drivers were kind enough to wait for her to get up and cross the street with scraped knees and a dirty pull over. She turned back to glare at the boys, but their backs were already facing her as they leisurely walked away laughing. This wasn’t going to ruin her day, after all, she still gets to surprise her brother with her presence and might even have the chance to see his hot amazing friends whom you grew up around. After realizing that the former gang members might all be hanging around her brother’s workplace, she got up with a huge smile and skipped the rest of her way on the crosswalk. Once to the other side, yn hopped back on her bike without checking her bloodied shins and made her way on the quickest route to the shop.
Glancing up at the familiar billboards that danced in sky and looking down at the alleys being populated with street cats and new gen delinquents, she realized she was only a block down from seeing the man who has always put her first and raised her to strive to her fullest potential. Smiling as closed her eyes for just a second - she swears it – to bask in the excitement and next thing she knew, she was on the ground covered in coffee. She could hear faint voices but those were cancelled out by her skin screaming at her to get up and quickly remove any rubble and dirt that had entered. Moving to get up, she took note of blood staining the concrete and became slightly alarmed.
“Oi, you dumb bitch, you should watch where you’re going,” a man’s voice echoed through her head, “you got a drip of blood on my Milano’s.” Trying to get up, yn went to wipe her eyes, but as soon as she lifted her hands, she felt them share the similar sting that her knees and chin felt. “You deaf or something? Ha, lucky for you I’ll take the food in your basket and whatever is in your wallet as an exchange. Pin code for your card must be included, love.” Hearing as she was about to get stripped dry of her hard-earned cash, she shot a glare up at the well-dressed man’s body just to be sent in a more state of terror when she noticed the tattoo that decorated his temple; it was the infamous Bonten symbol.
“I say we just take her to the back alley and make her pretty throat match the rest of her bloody body,” she turned and seen a pinkette with long hair and two scars that sat on each corner of his ?beautiful? mouth. to be completely honest, he would have been very much at the top of her most attractive list if he weren’t just plotting to slice her neck right in front of her; she wondered if he ever heard of the Element of Surprise. “She hasn’t even apologized yet and it’s been at least 45 seconds, that is pretty rude don’t you think, Mochi-kun?”
“It is very rude,” the built man with slicked back blonde hair spoke up, “do you want me to take her in the alleyway?” He squatted down to meet yn at eye level and she didn’t know if it was the fact he was able to stare into her soul with lifeless eyes or the extremely structured shoulders that could break her bones if he had tackled her, but she genuinely felt that she was going to die. “You seem like a worthless kill if I am being honest, and I don’t like claiming meaningless prizes. So, if you want to live,” ‘Mochi-kun’ reached over and gripped her bloodied chin, “or are you going to be good dog and run your pockets?”
She couldn’t believe it; for all her life, death threats have never been directly shot at her as Draken and the others have always been there. Of course, she emptied her pockets as quick as she could and began wiping the man’s Milano’s with her cloth lens wipe.
“Good girl,” the man with the temple tattoo said mockingly, “but I’m gonna need you to put your pretty mouth to work since you don’t know – or rather – you act like you don’t know how to speak.” She felt her eyes began to fill with tears as she looked up from the ground; they mistook it for fear, but yn was just angry she was powerless to them. “Don’t worry, I like older women, so I won’t need your mouth for that,” he laughed loudly in her face, “lick the blood off.” Her glare returned and tears began to spill over her cheeks. “Be a good bitch, and lick my –“
“What are you idiots doing?” a man with a long pink and purple mullet-like hairstyle came from behind her. “Are you guys bullying young kids again? Oh, wait, you’re not a kid.” He stared at you through his multi-colored bangs and tilted his head, “Why are you all bloody like a sewer rat walking through the back alley of feral cats?” he pushed the girl’s forehead back, straining her neck to hold eye contact with him, “you’re not some whore, are you?” He craned his neck back to the man who has been treating her like a dog, giving yn a full view of his Bonten symbol tattooed across the middle of his pretty throat. “Neh, Koko, you do realize that if you want a girl’s attention you can’t just rough her up in hopes that she takes you to bed.” He turns back to yn before sighing, “You’re cute,” for some reason she felt herself swelling with pride, “but you’re not my type,” – well there goes her ego.
“Oh what-fucking-ever,” ‘Koko’ mumbled as he gently pushed her away, “I didn’t want some inexperienced princess anyway, so don’t get your hopes up.” He quickly bent down and took all the cash from her wallet and began to slide out the card, but a baton quickly swatted at his hands.
“Your obsession with money is crazy, but you can’t take hers if you still owe me 45,000 yen.” Yn turned to see a man with pushed back purple and pink hair holding the offending stick. Unlike the other members, his tattoo was in the same place as the mullet man – maybe they took over the organization after her other big brotherly figure, Mikey, left. She drank in his appearance, and although he was thinner than the other members, something about him just screamed ‘stay away;’ but for the first time in her life, yn didn’t want to listen to such obvious red flags. “Oh no, you’re bloodied up like a rat –“
“I have already said that nii-chan,” the mullet head said, “what do you say? Wanna jut get rid of her like Sanzu-san suggested?” The now known younger brother asks. She began to tremble but not out of fear, no, out of a weird feeling at the pits of her stomach that came about as soon as the stranger stumbled onto the scene. “Oi,” the younger brother flicked your chin, reminding your body that it is supposed to be in a state of stinging pain, “staring is rude. What are you – a deer in headlights?”
“Now, now, Ridou,” the man continued to meet yn’s gaze as he motioned for her to take his hand, “where’s the fun in hurting a good little lamb? Especially one who shows that she knows to yield to her Sheppard.” Against her better judgement, yn took his hand and allowed him to help her up. “Look at you go,” he smirked and scanned over her body through hooded lids, “such a strong little girl you are standing on wobbly legs after the big bad wolves tried to tear you down.”
She should feel offended, mocked, and appalled, but she couldn’t – not with the voids he called eyes staring at her. “T-thanks,” she weakly mumbled as she began to gather her bag back together and prop her bike back up, “I know you guys said you needed the pin number, but I can’t give it to you.” She hung her head and balled her fists; she was waiting for someone to hit her but that never came. Looking up she sees the ‘older brother’ standing in front of the brooding ‘Koko’ and the other members just staring around the streets.
“That’s fine, little one,” the older brother said, “we don’t need your card. Koko here will be fine with just the cash. But I will need payment of the sort since I did calm the bully over here, don’t you think?” He smiled at yn, quickly scanning her student ID and then turning back to her face, “You’re 18, yeah?” she nodded, and he smiled lazily, “Good, give me something of yours that is valuable. I want to talk to you again and if I take it, you are going to want to take it back, correct?”
“I – um,” she began to go through the bag and seen that the only things she deemed valuable were her phone and the spare keys to her room in the brothel, “all I have is my k-keys and phone.” She huffed out in hopes that he took mercy and just let her go already; if she kept in his presence any longer, she feared that every piece of knowledge on common sense would fly out of her brain.
“Well, no one wants a pedal bike here and your phone and keys wouldn’t be of use to me,” he spoke in a rather degrading tone, “how about, you give me that pretty little necklace that you’re wearing… hmm, ... oh! Give me your number as well. After all, how are you going to know when I want you to take back your precious gems without being able to plan a proper date?” His smile was too secretive to be comforting, but this was probably the best way to saving her own life.
“Okay,” she replied quickly, “just please, don’t break the necklace…” her hands shook as she unclasped it and placed it into the man’s hands. “That’s a gift from my brother, so I promise you I’ll come and get it whenever you ask.” Yn put her hands on her bar handles before straddling the bike.
“Thank you,” he smiled and put away the baton before fishing out his phone, “put your number in it and call to make sure you’re not fucking with me, yeah?” He tilted his head and softly hummed at the soft sound of her phone vibrating in her bag. “Thank you, yn-chan.”
“No, thank you,” she lightly coughed and waited for him to look back up at her after saving all her contact information. Once he finally looked up, she flinched but proceeded to stare him dead in his lovely irises, “May I have your name… if ya don’t mind that it.”
“Haitani Ran,” the older man laughed and shifted his weight onto his hip, “and I expect you to text me whenever you get the chance.” He turned around and the other members began to follow. For what felt like an eternity, yn finally let out a small breath, well at least until he had turned back around. “Oh!” Haitani-san smiled at her, “Leave it under ‘Ran-senpai’ so your brother and friends don’t get spooked. Don’t want the fun to end before it has barely even started.” With that, he turned back around and waved half-assed before disappearing into the distance.
Yn decided to just to walk the rest of the block because riding the bike has been nothing but bad luck so far. Once at the shop, she sighed and made her way to the back where she knew would be unlocked because no one dared walk up into her big brother’s place of work. Parking her bike, she quickly takes her phone back out with 3 texts from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey little lamb, its yer senpai <3
Unknown: yer probs with yer bro so ill call you later, mm around midnight so stay up
Unknown: text me back soon or I mite accidentally break your pretty necklace and youll have to  owe me a big favor for ignoring me :)
“what the actual fuck,” yn whispered as she quickly began typing away. She didn’t know if she be upset with his back-to-back messages treating her like she was his property, or mad at herself for feeling this little need inside of her that wants to please him. Yes, all of the gang members were extremely hot and DANGEROUS, but something about ‘Ran Senpai’ gave her the cold chills; what made it worse was the urge that she possessed to go against all her morals for him.
Yn: hi! Im sorry,, I was just trying to get to my brother’s shop
Yn: wait,, do you know draken-nii?
She tilted her head and rocked lightly from side to side, waiting for a reply instead of going in and surprising her brother like she initially had planned to do. While she waited, she changed his name to ‘Tani Senpai <3’ with a small smile as she imagined Draken freaking out over the fact that a boy has caught her interest. Of course, she wasn’t romantically interested in the man, but his face isn’t one that she would mind seeing from time to time – at a safe distance that is.
Tani Senpai <3: mhm, some good and bad history
Yn: oh?
Tani Senpai <3: you do know curiosity killed the cat, right little lamb?
Yn: you flirt a lot
Yn: how old are you ?
Tani Senpai <3: 28 years young bb
Yn: youre ten whole years older than me?? You look so,, young.
Tani Senpai <3: I have aged, but trust me, I am rather youthful in different aspects.
Yn: do you by chance,, like memes?
Tani Senpai <3: ofc, especially hornee ones.
Yn: haha.. well I gotta go,
Tani Senpai <3: mhm go ahead baby, remember. Midnight <3
 Yn: aye aye captain.
She felt another vibration as she placed her phone in her backpack, but she was finally able to see and surprise her brother and that is exactly what she planned to do. Quietly pulling the door open, she noted that the music blaring and Draken’s back was to her as he was fixing up what looked like Pah-chin’s old CBX 400F. It was a cute sight if she was being completely honest; her brother rebuilding his old friendships. She seen the other boys’ bikes lined up too: Draken’s Zephyr, Mitsuya’s little Impulse, Kazu-kun’s Rocket, Mikey’s CB250T, and even the late Baji’s Goki.
“Pah-san still has the old thing,” she decided to speak up instead of tackling her brother, “are you guys gonna give it to some younger kids?” right as she finished her sentence, draken whipped his head back and went to cradle yn to his chest. Suddenly, all of the stinging on her skin had vanished and she was giggling while circling her arms around her brother’s waist. “How are you ya wannabe greaser?”
“I’m doing fine you idiot, how are -,” draken lifted his head to get a good look at her, but all his excitement drained as he was met with a sight of dried blood and scraped skin. “Who the fuck did this to you? I’ll kill them right fucking now, what the hell happened yn?”
“DRAKEN,” he stopped and stared at you expecting an answer, “I tired riding my bike down the big hill by the park and this happened, okay? I’m okay.” She stared at him with a soft expression and relaxed once she noticed he slumped in his posture, “I know you said to stop riding down the hill because it’ll bite me in the ass one day, so I guess today was the day.” Yn laughed and draken tried to fight the small smile that was threatening to fall on his lips.
“Go sit on the counter and watch the store for a bit, I’m gonna get the first aid kit in the back and I guess I’ll patch ya up.” With that, he disappeared into the office hall and left yn to be lost in thought. She had never lied to Draken this heavy before. It might not seem like a big deal to others, but she just told her brother she fell down a hill instead of saying that some /Bonten/ men were just threatening her life 20 minutes ago and they treated her like a dog; well, she didn’t feel that bad anymore, considering that he would have gone and wasted his life against men that played dirty. “Get out of your head, I’m back.” Draken teased her before getting an alcohol wipe and wiping the dried blood, “don’t squirm too much, loser. iss’ gonna sting a bit tho, so try to not hit me.”
It went a lot more smooth than she had expected, yeah, the cleansing wipe and ointment burned, but now she was bandaged and able to not worry about even more blood staining her clothes til they go to the brothel.
“Here,” he handed her a spare shirt and some sweats, “I don’t like seeing you all beat up, makes me want to fight the side walk. You know where the bathroom is.” Draken slightly punched her shoulder before heading back to seat near the bike, “once you’re done, we can go meet the boys for breakfast. I bet yer hungry.”
“Yer the best, ya know that,” yn smiled before taking her bag and clothes to the bathroom. “It won’t be long,” she turned before entering the hall, “make sure the cute one is there!”
“Stop trying to fuck my friends,” Draken called out in an irritated tone as she walked away laughing. It was an ongoing joke yn had played on her brother, where she would pretend to have some crush on his friends and it’d just make him twenty times more protective around them; he never knew if she was serious or not so he had to be cautious.
Once in the bathroom, yn quickly changed into the clothes her brother had lent her and stared at herself in the mirror. She laughed when she realized she kind of looked like one of the main characters from her favorite psychological thrillers. Yn took out her phone and decided to message Mana, mitsuya’s younger sister and yn’s best friend from home, with a picture of her bandaged state and the caption, ‘take out my ankles next time, daddy <3.’ It honestly surprised her to get a reply that fast as Mana was always one to sleep until noon. She didn’t know what scared her more, the fact she sent it the wrong person, or the fact the person knew exactly what she was talking about.
Tani Senpai <3: you look hot like that
Tani Senpai <3: like being called daddy, but in this context arent I supposed to call you mommy or something LMAO
Tani Senpai <3: I can break your ankles with my baton
Tani Senpai <3: make you my little housewife and call you ‘Bum.’
Tani Senpai <3: don’t worry, I won’t turn into ashes ;) <3
“Yn,” Draken called out, “you okay in there?”
“Don’t worry about it nii-Chan,” she giggled in hopes of masking her terror, “just bumped into a wound. I’ll be out soon.”
“Okay,” draken slipped a pad and a tampon under the door, “don’t know if you might want these -,”
“LEAVE YOU IDIOT,” yn genuinely laughed and heard draken’s heavy chuckles through the door, “thank you though, I’ll be out soon.”
“I’ll be outside on the bike, bubs.”
After hearing draken’s foot steps vanish, she quickly began typing.
Yn: that wasn’t meant for you -
Tani Senpai <3: shame, I love killing stalking
Yn: wait,, really? 👀
Tani Senpai <3: mhm,, we’ll talk about it later tonite ‘bum ;)
Yn: .. deal :)
Despite every shitty thing that has happened to her since she got back, it felt as if they were supposed to meet; fate as one would call it. She was offering herself to one of the most dangerous men who rule the underworld, and she didn’t even find herself to minding.
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an: hi hello, hope yer all eating well :)
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 1+2]
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Original title: 地下墓地 & 強い渇き
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 8: Sakamaki Subaru [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: This is one of the few Subaru CDs I have yet to translate and it makes me sad because I want more content of my boy. ;w; The MB CDs in general are not my favorite because they’re very heavy on the blood-sucking and breathing sounds. Personally, I prefer something with a little more...actual plot, haha. It’s cute to see Subaru hold himself back for the MC’s sake though. ;w;
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
Track 1: Underground Cemetery
*Rustle rustle*
“Uu...Kuh...Where...am I...?”
Subaru slowly wakes up.
“It’s pitch dark...Am I inside my coffin? ...No, I’m not. ...Then where is this place...?”
[00:30] “...!! Is that you...? You’re here as well...?”
He tries to move closer but flinches in pain.
“...ーーUu! ...Fuck! Seems like I got hit pretty hard on the head back then...It hurts...Ugh! Fuck this shit...!”
“Hah...You want me to calm down? How am I supposed to keep my cool under these circumstances...!?”
“We’ve been locked up who-knows-where. Those guys who smacked both of us out cold...They’re of the same kind as me.”
Your eyes widen in shock.
[01:20] “Exactly. They’re Vampires. That’s why it upsets me even more.”
“Ugh...Haah, haah...”
“Haah, haah...Shit...Those bastards...Just doin’ as they please...I’m seriously pissed off they got a surprise attack on me...”
You frown.
[01:50] “...Hah? Did you think I’m completely invincible to any kind of pain or injury...? Well, it’s true that it takes more than a couple of punches to kill a Vampire, but we can get wounded or all beaten up.
You try and comfort him.
“...!! W-What...? Get your hands off me...”
*Rustle rustle*
“Hah...Are you showin’ pity or somethin’...? Pattin’ my head like that...Haah...”
[02:30] “Ugh...I can only imagine you have a couple of screws loose. I always suck your blood as I please, so shouldn’t you be...You know...happy that I’m wounded?”
You shake your head.
“Heh. You don’t feel that way?  ...Shut up!”
“...Don’t be actin’ like a miss goody-two-shoes! Ugh...Actually...You...smell kinda off...?”
*Sniff sniff*
[03:19] “...!! It’s the scent of your blood!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Don’t tell me...Did they do somethin’ to you...!? Oi, answer me! I’m askin’ if they did somethin’ to you!”
You tell him you don’t know.
[03:36] “You don’t remember...? Don’t lie to me! There’s no point in tryin’ to cover it up! ...Tsk. Those bastards...I definitely have to beat them to pulp now or I can’t rest in peace...! Kuh...I’ll wreck them...Every single one of them!”
“What’s their objective even!? They beat me up, then lock us up in here after suckin’ your blood...Kuh...I can’t believe this...”
[04:14] “They’re makin’ fun of us...I bet they’re gettin’ a kick out of watchin’ my every move...”
You wonder what they want.
“What they’re after? ...That’s obvious, isn’t it!? They jsut want to...ridicule me...Ugh...Kuh...The fuck...!? What’s this thirst...!? Ugh...”
[04:47] “Didn’t you hear me when I told you to keep your hands to yourself earlier!? Are you deaf!? Haven’t you...gone even more crazy than usual...? Is it ‘cause they sucked your blood?”
You feel offended.
“...’That’s cruel’? How so? I’m just speakin’ the truth. ...Heh! I bet it felt good for you? You’re that kinda woman. I’m well awaーー ...?”
*Crumble crumble*
“...Watch out!! Ackーー!”
Track 2: Intense Thirst
*Crumble crumble*
“...Ugh...Fuck...The ceiling collapsed...”
“Oi...Everythin’ alright...? ーー Kuh!”
*Rustle rustle*
[00:18] “...Ugh...There’s a large boulder...on top of my leg...”
“You keep still, ‘kay?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Uu...Fuck! Hahー!”
Subaru tries to wriggle his way out.
“Haah, haah...I’m stuck...Honestly, I’m out of luck...Anyway, this place...”
He looks around.
[00:49] “It must be an old building of some sorts after all...You...have no idea where we are, huh? ...Hah, of course you don’t. This is probably an...underground graveyard...One especially made for Vampires...Reiji has told me they exist in this world as well. The basement of old buildings have been turned into cemeteries. Che...Disgustin’...It’s narrow and gives me the creeps...”
*Crumble crumble*
[01:32] “Ugh, fuckーー! ...However...My power levels aren’t what they’d usually be...Like this rock on my leg...Fuck...Under normal circumstances, I’d have no issue shatterin’ it...Haah...Lame...”
*Rustle rustle*
“...I must look like a fool...”
“Say...Are you not scared...? It’s pitch black in here...Humans are afraid of the dark, aren’t they?”
You frown.
[02:20] “I don’t mind the dark...You could even say this feels extremely comforting to me...”
You grab hold of his hand.
“...? Why are you holdin’ my hand?”
You explain.
“...!? So you’re scared after all...? ...You’re in the way, let go...!”
“...Stay away from me...! Haah, haah...My throat’s...even more parched than usual...Haah, haah...Whatever! Don’t try and meddle with me...! ...Just...move away, ‘kay? Haah...Hurry!”
*Crumble crumble*
[03:14] “...I want to be alone right now. If you weren’t makin’ a damn fuss near my ear, this place would be barely any different from bein’ inside my coffin.”
You protest.
“Wha...? Aahn...? You won’t leave and you couldn’t even if you wanted to?”
“Well...I guess we’re kind of stuck in place now that the wall crumbled apart...”
[03:48] “Ah...Fuck...! This is such a pain...! If you can’t leave, then at least shut your mouth! I don’t want to hear another word from you. ...Kuh...Once I’ve recovered my strength...I’ll make quick work of these damn rocks...and we’re gettin’ out of here at once. 
Ugh...Haah...Argh...Somethin’ is off after all...I’m so much more thirsty than usual...Hah...Did they drug me in some way while I was out cold...!?”
You ask Subaru what he’s doing.
[04:40] “...You want to know what I’m doin’...? Isn’t that obvious!? I’m gonna wreck this stupid boulder...and get out of here! Ugh...Ah...Shit! Haah, haah...Che! Guess it’s no use after all...The fuck’s goin’ on...!? ...It feels like the front and back of my throat are glued together...Haah, haah...Fuck...Since you’re right next to me, it’s even worse...Haah, haah...Move away from me! The scent...of your blood is too strong...Hurry!!”
You try and scoot away a little.
[05:37] “Ah...Haah...The scent of your blood...is makin’ me feel sick...So...Aahn? What...?”
You ponder over the cause of his thirst.
“If it’s ‘cause some other Vampire sucked your blood? Cut the crap! What do you mean!? ...I didn’t...mean it like that or anythin’...”
You speak up again.
[06:11] “Shut up! Don’t make me repeat myself time after time! ...Do you want me to suck your blood or somethin’, aahn!? ...If that’s your wish, then fine by me. I’ll start by shuttin’ up that noisy mouth of yours...”
Subaru suddenly pins you down.
*Rustle rustle*
“You want me to do this, don’t you?”
He kisses you passionately.
“Do you want me to...plunge my fangs into you...and give you pain? ...Aah!?”
*Rustle rustle* 
[07:08] “If that’s not what you want...then keep your hands off me. Time after time...You come my way without bein’ prepared to deal with the consequences...Ugh! It’s damn annoyin’...!”
“Uu...Fuck...My head’s spinnin’...”
[07:39] “Haah, haah...What’s happenin’...? The thirst keeps on growin’ stronger...Fuck...Haah...Ugh...This might be...pretty bad honestly...”
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sparklekitteh · 3 years
First kiss with Jean. *Dreamy sigh* Him just being head over heels in love with you in general arghhhhh 💖
I’m sorry I keep alternating between fluff and thirst lmao. I’ve been imagining Jean losing a bet and Sasha saying he has to kiss you as his ‘punishment.’ You both pretend to grumble about it, but once you get started whewwwww boy
Ohhhhh kissing Jean would be divine, and you know what I think he's thought about it a lot, especially if you start out with a platonic friendship and he develops feelings for you.
Sasha would have the weirdest bets with Jean, like "Ha, I bet you can't go a week without licking your lips" and Jean's like... that's not something I normally do anyway, I got this in the bag. But with the thought planted in his head, now he finds that he can't stop thinking about it, he needs to lick his lips oh my god --and Sasha is actively trying to undermine him with the saltiest chips, or constantly applying lip gloss around him. He can't stand it, his lips feel so parched and cracked, and he doesn't even realize he's licked them when you walked through the door with a snacks for movie night.
Sasha crows when she sees him do it. "I KNEW YOU COULDN'T DO IT! HA!" and Jean is kicking himself because he just knew he was going to win this time and she cheated anyway, but it's not worth arguing when he just wants to be sit next to you. The hope that has kept him going all day is that maybe you'll accidentally touch his fingers when you both reach into the popcorn bowl at the same time.
"Fine, what's your punishment?" he sighs.
"Hmmm," Sasha plays at making an effort at thinking, as if she hasn't been plotting this scheme for weeks. "Why don't you give YN a smooch?"
"A... a what?" All of the color drains from Jean's face, then immediately blood rushes across his cheeks and nose. He steals a glance at you, trying not to give away the glimmer of excitement in his chest but desperate to read your face. What he sees makes his stomach explode with butterfiles -- you're smiling. Did your eyes just wander down to his lips? He pulls in his bottom lips just enough to wet it and presses them together, and ... did you just mirror him? He swears you did the same thing with you own soft lips.
"C'mon, Jeanboy, just kiss YN already so we can watch this movie, my nachos are getting cold," Sasha whines.
"It's ok, Jean, you don't have to," you tell him, noticing that he seems uncomfortable and you don't want him to feel trapped or forced. He can hear the disappointment in your voice and it gives him just enough courage to go for it.
"Actually... I ... is it ok?" Jean smiles, raising his eyebrows to emphasize that he's not weirded out by the idea.
"Yeah," you whisper, and he moves the popcorn bowl aside to scoot closer to you.
It's not quite what he's imagined; he was hoping your first kiss would be the culmination of a perfect date at some romantic location that he'd spent a lot of time and money planning. But the kiss itself is so much more than he could have hoped for.
He swears he can understand the mysteries of the universe when you look into his warm hazel eyes like that, like you're connecting your soul to his through your gaze. You rest your palm on the stubble along his jawline, caressing his cheek with your thumb. He tilts his head a little and gently presses his lips to yours -- Heaven, he thinks. This must be what heaven feels like.
Despite his self-consciousness prodded on by Sasha's mockery and her ridiculous bet, his lips are soft. Sweet. The skin is so pliable against your own, and you can't help but to part your lips a little and capture his bottom lip in yours, sucking on it gently until you hear him gasp. You blush, realizing you let yourself get carried away in the moment. He pulls away, just barely enough to focus his eyes on yours, then goes in for another kiss -- harder this time, like he's finally able to let go and give you everything he's been holding back for so long.
Sasha is giggling and clapping but you hardly hear her. You're too wrapped up in the sensation of Jean, you best friend Jean, Jean Kirschtein, kissing you like you've always dreamed he would. When he finally pulls away, swipes his thumb over your lips to brush away the saliva he left behind, you flash him a dazed smile.
"Wow," you breathe.
"You wanna go for a walk with me?" he blurts out. He's got to get out of here, he has so many things he wants to tell you before he kisses you again. He's instantly addicted.
(Heheheh sorry I got carried away again! LOL)
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The Nightwing Suit
There are some absolutely incredible artists out here on tumblr, and seeing their fanart makes me cry tears of joy. Dick Grayson, one of my personal favs, is always a wonderful contender for fanart. His innate grace and agility and flexibility translate beautifully on the artistic spectrum. Bottom line: I love all the Nightwing fanart. However, there is something I want to address with his suit. I’ve been an aerialist ever since I was 7 years old, and I’ve taken gymnastics since I was 3. Now, I specialize in Lyra, while Dick obviously specializes in Trapeze, but when it comes to costume, we’ve got many very important similarities.
When it comes to aerial, we want as much mobility and flexibility as possible. So here are some things that absolutely will not be on his suit.
1. Shoulder Pads. I will scream it from the rooftops if I have to. The Nightwing suit WILL NOT have shoulder pads!! Red Hood? Definitely. Red Robin? Those shoulder pads are important for bo staff strength and support. Robin? Damian probably doesn’t need them, but they won’t hurt. Nightwing? No way. To me, one of the most important parts of my body when practicing and performing are my shoulders. They pull me into hangs and holds, let me rotate myself around, and basically support the rest of my body. This is partially due to user preference: I prefer arm-based stunts and hangs rather than leg based. But it honestly doesn’t matter that much. Nightwing will absolutely need 100% use of his shoulders. Him being able to freely rotate them can be the difference between life and death with his style of fighting. Shoulder pads will just hamper that flexibility. I will admit that shoulder pads look badass, but in this one hero’s scenario? Shouldr pads are a no-go.
2. Sleek Arm Braces. Nightwing, while being well recognized as a solo hero, does often work with a team. And on a team, he isn’t the type to huff angrily and say he can do this by himself. Emotionally? Yes, of course. Physically, and in a fight? He takes all the help he can get, with absolutely no would to his pride. When performing his flips and tricks and such, the other partner will grab hold of him by usually his hands or his arms. I’m just going to straight up say: catching someone by their hands is a Bad Idea. You will not believe the speed we travel when we go through the air, and catching by the hands will lead to dislocations and pain. For a few stunts it’s okay, mainly for the visual aspect of a performance. But when it’s life and death combat? Hands are a last ditch effort if you can’t catch someone by the arms. Because that’s what really counts. The forearms. When Dick is fighting with someone, and that other person has the strength to catch him/throw him from a drop or a flip, they will catch him by the forearms. If Dick’s wearing sleek ‘n sexy arm braces, he’s going to slip right out of their grip. I prefer to keep my forearms bare, but in regards to protective armor, the fabric around the arms better have a grip.
3. Extra Fabric. This one is a given. However, I want to get into the specifics. When you’re in the air, momentum is your most powerful ally, and if there’s anything opposing or hindering that momentum, that spells trouble. Extra fabric can sometimes be good, such as around the legs. Not too much, obviously, but wearing loose or baggy pants while fighting with Nightwing’s fighting style works (as long as you can, you know, actually fight in them and not trip over the extra cloth). Around the middle? Nuh-uh, nope. Anything looping around your waist, hips, or rib cage is a liability if it’s not skin tight. The belt that Robin often wears is okay, as long as it’s wrapped pretty tight around him and doesn’t move. For the kind of stunts that Dick pulls off on a daily basis? I don’t think anything but a skintight bodysuit will help. For arms, extra fabric is ~okay~ but not preferable. And anything strapped to his back, as long as it’s securely in place, will actually help his momentum (so his escrima sticks or any other weapon/item you want to put in there is fine). Nothing around the neck, at ALL. That one issue in Batman where Dick wears a scarf is hot as hell, and sort of makes sense because they’re in the desert. But on missions, at the speed Nightwing fights and flies through the air, anything around his neck will choke him. This entire section definitely wasn’t an excuse to say you should just keep Dick in a skintight outfit, nope, not at all.
4. Spandex. While we’re on the subject of skintight outfits, I just want to point something out that isn’t necessarily important or anything. It’s just a general preference for me. I prefer costumes with a little weight on them. The adrenaline rush is intense for some of my more advanced stunts, and those are things that I bet Dick would consider basic. I prefer something with a little substance/weight/texture to it. Nothing too serious, and nothing too restricting, just something to keep me grounded and focused. We all know how much Dick likes being in the air, but I’m willing to bet he also needs a little extra touch to keep his head in the game. So if you’re designing a serious Nightwing suit, not for crack or fun headcanons or anything, I would steer clear from the spandex, gauze, and showy-light-gossamer fabrics. They do provide extra mobility and flexibility, but that’s because they’re one drop away from naked.
5. Joints. Okay this may seem a little contradictory based on the last point, but around the joints, especially hips and shoulders, the protective padding needs to ease up. It’s one of the hardest areas on the body to injure, after all, even for a professional. And second, I know I’m sounding like I’m repeating the obvious, but flexibility is of utmost importance. If the fabric doesn’t bend with Nightwing, then there’s no point. It can’t chafe, it can’t grind against itself, it can’t break. The material around major joints needs to be malleable.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about what you can absolutely add to Nightwing’s costume to give it either a little pizzazz, or just your own personal touch.
1. Boots. Yes yes yes, boots are an absolute must! And it’s not just me thinking thigh-high boots are cool. Coming out of a big drop and other major stunts requires rolling on your back and then onto your feet. But Nightwing doesn’t fight with the one-hit-and-done style. (That’s more Jason’s thing. He plants himself like a tree and puts power behind a punch, kinda like Bruce, which is why boots-especially boot soles- are important for them.) Nightwing gets in a punch and flips away, then bounces back and gets in a kick and flips away, then bounces back and gets in another kick and flips away. You see where I’m going with this. Dick is constantly on the move, constantly on the verge of flipping back. The main way he does this is with his feet: landing lightly on the balls of his feet to absorb momentum before using that to hit back. Boots with fricion-specific soles are important, he cannot slide or skid. Also, ones that go higher up aren’t bad either: extra support is always welcome. As long as they don’t cover his knees and allow for ankle flexibility, they’re good to go. They may even help stop ankle dislocation. Anything you want to add to the boots? Go ahead. As long as it’s not gauzy ribbon or something too extra, or something that can easily get caught in something else, it’s good to go. In my performances, I like to cover my shins with something, it can range from simple high socks or performance boots to go with my costume. I particularly like Damian’s long lace up boots, especially in Super Sons. It’s a cute outfit, and it won’t hinder his fighting at all. As long as Dick double knots, he can wear those, and any other variants of boots.
2. Gloves. I’m not actually sure if Dick has ever been called “Fingerstripes” in canon, but I’ve seen it in fanon plenty of times. Regardless, it’s one of my favorite nicknames for him, and it does have a basis. The stripes on his gloves are an awesome artistic choice, and useful too. Assuming they have a different texture than the rest of his gloves, those fingerstripes could help with grip. Grip is one of the most important tools an aerialist can have. I have had grown men look at me with shock when they shake my hand because of my firm grip (and the calluses, ugh). I firmly believe that Dick Grayson has one of the strongest grips in the DC non-meta world, and I bet you he surpasses even a good amount of metas. Having a good, no-slip grip is essential, even if you’re just swinging from the surface for a second, or if the surface is another partner’s hand. Gloves, once again as long as they’re not too restricting, would be awesome with helping with that.
3. Wrist Braces. I said before that Dick can’t have arm braces because of the whole partner-grip thing. But with the amount of force and pressure Dick exerts on his hands on a daily basis, dislocations and sprains should be as common as a bruise. Hell, I’m sitting here typing this and my left wrist is sprained. Fanfic writers, here’s a helpful tip: you can write Dick with a sprained or dislocated or just a plain sore wrist anytime at all, and having him rub his hands with a grimace, rubbing lotion onto them, or doing wrist exercises in his free time is a go-to for if you need anything filler. Or, you know, it could even be part of the plot. Wrist braces help with this, they keep the joints in place and add a little extra stability to his movements. As long as they’re not interfering with wrist mobility, wrist braces are a very very good idea. When you think how long, think about the length of Peter Parker’s handmade web shooters. Long enough to be there, but not immediately noticeable. Also, make sure the material is something cloth, wrap, or gauze based. Anything too hard could scrape against the skin, cause cuts and bruises, and even cut off circulation. Unless it’s armor, it’s not comfortable or easy to do aerial maneuvers with.
4. Back Harness. To be honest, I have no idea what the official name for this piece of equipment even is. But the thing that holds Nightwing’s escrima sticks to his back. The thing that holds Deadpool’s katanas (in the movies, not the comics). The back-strap-harness thingy. That’s a go-for-it when it comes to costumes. Not only does it look badass and hot when it’s on your costume and you draw your weapons from it seamlessly like a boss, it’s practical and doesn’t interfere with your fighting at all. As I said, a majority of Nightwing’s moves rely on momentum. The back harness thingy won’t harm that at all. As long as it’s strapped to your back, unmoving and steady, it stays out of the way and may actually help you with your momentum. Drawing weapons from it is easy and seamless, and one of the quickest moves you can perfect, aside from drawing your weapon from thigh/calf holsters. But as I said before, Dick would probably stick to the back because, once again, momentum.
Okay this got much longer than I thought it would. But regardless, I hope this helps if you’re ever drawing or writing about the Nightwing suit and need specifics. Or hell, if you’re a cosplayer and need some information on how to make an accurate costume, here you go. Now I need to take a breather and chill, because while I considered myself a pretty recreational comic reader and not much of an analyzer, I had no idea how much I picked up about Dick’s individual fighting style and how that fits in with my own aerial experiences.
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snackhobi · 4 years
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prompt: “Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”
thank you to my darling @yeojaa​ for sending this in and thank you to my darling @hobi-gif​ for beta reading it for me, you are both such lovely stars in the night sky of my life xoxo
pairing: seokjin x reader / word count: 1.9k / genre: fluff (sfw/general) / warnings: none!
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single woman in possession of a hot roommate, must want to jump his bones.
Like. C’mon. Kim Seokjin is nothing if not easy on the eyes. It’s not enough that he has the body proportions of a god—broad shoulders, lovely thighs, everything in its place and perfectly in line with his height and his poise—he has a beautiful face, too. Those lips. That jaw. Those eyes. You don’t want to wax lyrical but it really is like God decided to take his time making Kim Seokjin and everyone else (like you) was just left with the dregs; the stuff that wasn’t good enough for Jin and was thrown aside.
The worst thing, though. The worst thing. The absolute worst thing about Kim Seokjin is that he is A Nice Person. 
You’d barely known each other, only a month into your cohabitation when he’d come across you crying into a tub of ice cream in the kitchen, sobbing over the guy who’d finally grown bored of stringing you along with promises of eventually becoming your actual boyfriend and had just cut you off altogether after one final lay. You were utterly heartbroken and entirely mortified when you noticed Jin standing in the kitchen doorway as you clumsily tried to dig your spoon into the still-hard vanilla, but he’d just slid down onto the floor next to you with a spoon in one hand as the other came to rest on your shoulder. He’d listened to you snivel and sniffle, quietly eating the weirdly chemical-flavoured chocolate ice cream in the own-brand Neapolitan tub you favoured—your least favourite and the one you always left till last.
Once a guy’s seen you crying your eyes out on the kitchen floor in old pyjamas, and you’ve seen him eat five pots of super hot instant noodles on the trot and chase the whole thing down with an entire box of doughnuts, you sort of get to know each other as people—both things are revealing in different ways—and it’s hard for that to not lead to friendship.
You could have dealt with Jin if he was just hot. But he’s hot and nice and funny, utterly ridiculous; he doesn’t take himself seriously while also knowing how to rein himself in when necessary to not overwhelm people and basically you’ve been crushing on him in a major, major way for a while now.
And like. Seokjin is single, so technically you have a chance. But you also have absolutely no chance at all, because? Hello? Kim Seokjin? You? You? Kim Seokjin? He’s so far out of your league he may as well be in another galaxy. And he’s also probably the best roommate you’ve ever had (cleans up after himself, doesn’t microwave fish and stink up the place, likes the same TV shows as you so there are no arguments over the remote), so you’re not about to throw a wrench into the mix by doing something stupid like confessing that you like him.
“Right, I should be back around ten,” says Seokjin. He’s all dressed up for a noraebang night with his friends—well, not dressed up really, they’re just gonna get drunk while wailing songs at the top of their lungs in a small room so it’s not like he has to go all out, but Seokjin makes everything look good. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”
Seokjin is nice and hot and funny and friendly. Honestly, he’s just a dreamboat of a roommate and a man, with great friends too. Normally you would have leaped at the chance to spend a night out with Seokjin and the other guys, but you’d spilled your drink on Yoongi last time and were still convinced that he was plotting your imminent demise. Even if Seokjin insists otherwise, you want to give Yoongi a wide berth for a little while longer in the hopes he’ll suddenly suffer a bout of amnesia and forget that you spilled a very boozy and sticky Oreo and Baileys cocktail(/glorified milkshake) on him and ruined his shoes.
“I’m good,” you say. “But make sure you don’t have any fun without me and you have to let everyone know that it’s because I’m not there.”
Jin laughs, a wet squeegee of a sound, and it goes straight to your heart. “I’ll pass on the message,” he promises, blowing you a tiny kiss as he goes. 
(Ugh, he’s so cute. You hate him.) (No, you don’t.)
You seem to be setting a trend for yourself in the drink-spilling department, though. During an ad break you decide to get yourself a drink, and even though it’s just a Boys Over Flowers rerun that you’ve seen multiple times, you rush as you pour yourself a glass of orange juice—you don’t want to take too long and miss anything. Suffice to say you Fuck Up and end up with a shirt and trousers covered in juice and pulp and you miss a bunch of the episode as you clean it up, huffing dramatically to yourself the whole time, before scarpering towards your bedroom for some new clothes. 
At least, that’s the plan. You pass by Seokjin’s open door and pause, taking in the sight of a few discarded bits of clothing on his bed and across the back of his chair, things he’d clearly decided weren’t worth wearing out tonight. The one that’s caught your eye is the vibrant pink shirt strewn over his duvet, one of your favourites, one you haven’t seen him wear in a while. It’s one of your favourites because he just looks so cosy in it—Jin ends up with a lot of oversized clothes so they can fit over his shoulders, but he practically swims in material when he wears this shirt, flapping the sleeves at you and then laughing at his own antics. He could wear it as a dress if he wanted to, probably.
… so could you, if you wanted to, probably.
… but you shouldn’t. Like, that’s weird. Jin is your roommate and even if he’s made it clear that he has an open door policy, going in through said open door to get a bit of his clothing is weird. Definitely creepy.
But… you’ve already kicked off your dirtied outfit and you’re just in your underwear so you can’t be blamed for being worried if you’re going to get cold, right? You’re just grabbing the closest bit of clothing, aren’t you?
… You’ll take it off before he gets back and put it in the laundry with everything else; he won’t notice. You’ll just take this awful awful secret to the grave and never tell anyone about your invasive actions.
Oh, man, the shirt smells so good. You share the same laundry detergent but Jin had clearly tried this on before discarding it, the scent of his cologne lingering in the air as you end up swamped in the shirt (/shirt dress), and you don’t regret this. Well, you do, but also you don’t. It’s like being wrapped up in Jin’s arms. Jin’s not shy about giving you hugs but there’s something altogether different about wearing someone’s clothes.
You end up curled up on the sofa as you watch more Boys Over Flowers, knees to your chest and revelling in how cosy and small Jin’s massive shirt makes you feel. You have to hitch the material up so that your hands peep out the ends of the sleeves. Sweater paws are cute on everyone, even yourself, and you giggle as you fumble for the remote so that you can check how many more episodes there are before it turns to something else. You can indulge yourself for a bit. As a treat.
“Unbelievable, I can’t believe Minji did that,” you mutter, so caught up in the drama of it all (as if you haven’t seen this episode four times) that you don’t hear the key turning in the lock, nor do you hear the footsteps that are heading towards you—what you do hear, however, is the sudden sound of Seokjin’s voice, freezing like a rabbit caught in headlights when you do.
“I forgot my wallet,” he says. “I—”
And that’s how he catches you, wide-eyed as you stare back at him, wishing that you could bury yourself between the sofa pillows so that he can’t see you. His keys are still in his hand and his mouth is open around an unfinished word as he takes the sight of you in, scrunched up against the armrest in some ridiculous attempt to shrink yourself small enough that he would have missed you.
He stares. You stare. You both stare. And then—
“Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”
“No!” A high-pitched shrill of an obvious lie. “No, uh, nope. Nuh-uh. Haha, oh, Jin, always such a jokester, you.”
You want the sofa to suddenly develop sentience and swallow you whole, just so you can be out of this situation. So you wouldn’t have to watch as a smile starts to spread over Jin’s face, the way there’s a little glint in his eyes, the way he opens his mouth and says—
“You know, you didn’t have to turn down noraebang just so you could wear my clothes. You just had to ask, I would have said yes.” He doesn’t seem creeped out, just amused, which is—well, it’s better, but, what? He’s laughing at you? You don’t know if that’s worse, somehow, actually.
“I didn’t! I spilled orange juice on my shirt and then I saw this shirt and you weren’t home—”
“Aha, so you admit it, it’s not your shirt,” Jin proclaims. He looks smug.
“Oh my God, I am full of regret,” you groan. “My life is a disaster. Can we pretend this never happened? I will pay you literal money. Please.”
At this, Jin’s eyes turn soft. “Do you really want that?”
“I—wuh? Do I really want us both to pretend you didn’t walk in on me wearing your shirt like some weird stalker or something? Absolutely. Yes. Let’s do that.”
“I wasn’t joking about letting you wear my clothes,” he says. There’s a note to his voice, something a little doughy, yielding and warm for you, and—you know what your gut is screaming at you, but— “I always thought you’d look cute in them, and I was right.”
You splutter. Jin thought you’d look cute—he’s been thinking about you wearing his clothes—the sort of thing that, you know, couples do. But this is Kim Seokjin you’re talking about. There’s no way he’s attracted to you in the way you’re attracted to him.
… but he is looking at you in a way that’s soft and tender, the same look you give him when you think he isn’t looking.
“Jin,” you say, slow. “Are you…”
“The most handsome man alive? Yes, I am.”
You make a face at his interruption and he laughs at your expression before going quiet, eyes so big and lovely and warm as he smiles at you, and you continue to speak. “Are you saying you want to, y’know. See me wearing more of your clothes? Or, uh... Less clothes in general?”
You can feel the blood rising in your cheeks as you say this, and you can see the red that starts to tinge the top of Jin’s ears, exquisite and wonderful. “I’m saying that I’m happy to give you what’s mine, including my clothes,” he says. “And my time. And love.”
You end up pulling the excess material of the shirt over your head as you turn into some sort of bright pink turtle, overwhelmed and in disbelief but so happy.
Judging from Jin’s laughter and the warmth of his hands reaching for yours in their too-long sleeves, he is, too.
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