#this is a lili stan account
martyrbat · 2 years
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deathstroke annual #4
[ID: fourteen year old Rose Wilson fighting a grown man after he and his friends jumped her. She's already knocked out the others, prompting him to ask, “Are you some kind of superhero or something?” Rose responds by punching him in the nose and informs him, “Superhero? No, I'm no superhero. But thanks to my mother and her friends, I do know how to take care of myself.” Rose proceeds to briefly fight him until she knocks him unconscious too. END ID]
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squash1 · 1 year
real men (i am a woman but yk) can admit when they unfairly judged an important person in their life (he is a fictional character). declan lynch i can’t believe i ever disliked you (your brother (also fictional) has a tendency to paint you as the villian).
he got beat up and the first call he makes is to each of his brothers because he is more worried about their safety than his own injuries.
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lilydally · 2 years
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he feels like sunshine i think ☀️
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betts-cooper · 1 year
Wooowww… I’m not even going to get into Cole’s ex because if you were around at the time you would know how full of bs she is but your comment about Cole being a cis straight male is disgusting. Go outside and talk to people and you will realize that all people are complex and can be equally shitty. Yes, that means even non cis straight men. And it even means that cis straight men can be good. Your response told me all that I need to know…
I got this ask like 6 months ago in response to post in which I said “cole sprouse is probably an okay guy most of the time, but he seems like a shitty boyfriend on account of his ex saying he emotionally abused her” and I’d just like to take that back. I have had time to reflect and I now think he’s actually a massive fucking wanker and is definitely an emotional abuser. also cheating on his current gf spreading around STIs. Fuck Cole sprouse and his musky ass
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imtryingbuck · 4 months
Eighteen part two
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 2,240
Warnings: fluff, angst, heavy use of pet names.
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
A/N pt 2: when I saw the duck tattoo I screamed, no joke I screamed! Make sure you have a look it’s so bloody cute!
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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They spent the rest of the night and early hours of the morning apologising, promising to make up for their mistakes. All three guys crying when she told them how much they had broken her heart, the guilt still there front row and centre but she promised them that it was all forgiven.
Steve and Sam had begged for forgiveness for not being there for her but she reassured them that all was forgiven, that it was time to move on.
Even though all three of them had hurt her and they hadn’t done anything to help her when she needed at least one of them the most, she had forgiven them. She missed them more than anything, they were the other part of her fractured soul.
She didn’t want to hold any grudges against them.
For a whole month Y/n caught up with her boys, caused mayhem just as they did a few years ago.
It was as if nothing had changed.
They didn’t understand what was happening when they showed up to Howard’s and Maria’s house to take Y/n out for the day when she opened the door where they could see two suitcases by her side.
“Bun? You’re leaving again?”
“Yeah only for two months, going to travel with Nat and Wanda. Isn’t that so exciting?” She smiles.
“Yeah, yeah how come you didn’t tell us?”
“I was a bit busy catching up with you guys…”
“Is it going to be just you three?”
“No Pietro, Clint and Vis are coming too”
“Who’s Clint and Vis?”
“Clint’s Natasha’s boyfriend and Vis is Wanda’s”
“Will you be coming back?” Steve asked.
“Yeah of course, then I’ll start my new job. I can’t wait”
“What job?”
“You know Mr Stan? Well he’s given me a job as his accountant”
“I’m so proud of you Bun”
“Thanks Duck-“
“Y/n come on love we’ve got to go” Maria interrupts as she checks over the plane ticket and double checking that Y/n had enough money.
“Okay momma, give me a hug then boys”
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For the two next two months Bucky was out of his mind. He wouldn’t sit still for long periods at a time. He had gotten a taste of the happiness he had for years, went without for three years and then he got it back just for it to leave with Y/n once again.
“Buck she’ll be home in a few days”
“It’s been too long man”
“Are you going to tell her?” Sam asks.
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re madly, hopelessly in love with her?” 
“No I’m not!”
“Yeah right and I’m Captain America” Steve snorted from the kitchen.
“I’m not in love with Bunny. And plus she’s got a boyfriend and I’m seeing…shit what’s her name?”
Sam burst out laughing, nearly sliding off the chair and Steve shook his head “Lily, Bucky her names Lily”
“Yeah I’m seeing Lily”
“How’s that going Buck?” Sam says as he calms down.
“Great, it’s going great”
“Bullshit she told Sarah that when you two fucked you kept calling her Y/n.”
“No he didn’t!” Steve gasped. Between me and you he already knew.
“Yeah and it’s pretty much the same with every girl he’s slept with, he calls them Y/n’s name” okay Steve hadn’t heard that before.
“Fuck off man, it’s not been with all of them” Bucky weakly tries to defend himself, again just between me and you what he just said was a big fat lie.
“L to the I to the A right down to the R, guess what that spells Buck… liar.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh and plus you have a bunny tattoo on your chest” It was true. On Bucky’s eighteenth birthday he went to the tattoo studio to get his first ever tattoo, he saw it in the book as he flipped through it halting his movements as he saw the cute bunny. It was a lot smaller but he asked the tattooist if he could have it bigger which the guy said yeah, Bucky had him also add the small love heart.
Over the year he got a few more added to his body but his bunny that sat just over his heart was his favourite of them all.
“Don’t mean I’m in love with her”
“Yes. Yes it does.”
“No. No it doesn’t.”
“Steve help me out here man” Sam begs.
“I’m not getting involved. But Bucky your in love with Y/n/n”
Groaning Bucky stands up “fuck you both I’m going out to see Lucy”
“Yeah her, bye”
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“I’m sorry Y/n” Pietro says wiping her tears.
“No it’s okay, I understand honestly”
“I just don’t want to hurt you baby”
“I know Pieface just don’t die please and please be safe”
Laughing sadly at the nickname she had given him he nods with a promise that he’ll be safe.
“I do love you Y/n/n”
“I love you too Pietro”
Giving one final long hug they separate from one another, she watches as he walks through the doors to the airport wiping her fallen tears she smiles and waves at him as he looks back at her, giggles fall from her lips as he pulls a funny face to her.
“Won’t you be able to see him in a few months?” Wanda asks softly.
Shaking her head Y/n shrugs “h-he broke up with me”
“You what?”
“Yeah, he said he doesn’t want to hold me back and wants me to live my life whilst he’s away”
Pietro had told her a few weeks before coming back home that he signed up for the Army and had been accepted. Though he did love her he didn’t want her staying at home worrying about him, he wanted her to experience life and who knows when he got back they could rekindle their relationship, though Pietro knew it was unlikely. He knew that Y/n loved him but he also knew that she was in love with Bucky, and for him there was no way he was going to get in the way of her happiness even if that wasn’t with him and to be truthful he was okay with it.
“Y/n/n I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, it’s fine honestly. Let’s go home I’m missing my bed.”
“I still can’t believe you’re not coming to college with us” Nat says as she pulls on her seatbelt yanking it a little to hard when it gets stuck.
“I know but it’s just not for me you know”
“It’s not going to be the same” Wanda says.
“I guess but you two can’t get another me to add in to your friendship group or I’ll cry”
“Definitely not happening, if another female tries to be our friend we’ll kick them” Nat says seriously.
“Don’t kick them Jesus that’s a bit harsh, just say “no you can’t be our friend because we already have the bestest one” but please don’t kick them”
“I’m kicking them”
Saying her goodbyes as she’s dropped off at home her eyes start to sting with the amount of tears she’s cried. They all promise that they’ll meet up as soon as they can.
As she tells her parents of her adventures and shows them all the photos she had taken, she hands them their gifts.
“You didn’t have to get us anything angel” Howard says loving the pyramid paperweight she had gotten him.
“Alright I’ll take them back”
“Touch it and I’ll bite you”
Gasping she looks at her mom “momma did you just hear what he said?”
“I did sweetie but I have to agree your not taking these back” admiring the snow globe she had gotten, already knowing exactly where it was going, adding it to the collection she had been collecting since she was twenty.
“Where’s Antonio?”
“I’ve told you time and time again not to call me that, hey baby sis” hugging his sister he checks the bag for his gift.
“It’s not in there Tone, it’s outside”
“What have you gotten me?”
“A car”
“Holy shit! Really? I knew there was a reason why I kept you around”
“Yep come on” Her, Tony, Howard and Maria make their way outside.
“Whe-what the hell is this Y/n?”
“A car” she laughs along with her parents as Tony picks up a toy car off the ground. “I brought you a car”
“You’re such a little shit!” He laughs along. “Oh nice new tat”
“You got another one?” Maria asks wanting to see it.
“Yeah it’s a turtle his names Sid, isn’t he cute?”
“Sid?” Howard questions.
“Yeah, we went to a sea life centre and we got to meet Sid the turtle, so naturally I had to add him to the collection”
“Obviously” Tony rolls his eyes.
“Anyway I’m going to go to the boy’s apartment and give them their gifts see you later”
“Be careful!” Maria calls out.
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Panting as she knocks on the door she nearly collapses into Sam’s arms when he opens the door.
“Jesus Y/n, Holy shit guys Y/n’s back!”
“I can taste blood in my mouth is-is that normal?” She asks.
“Are you alright?”
“No Samuel I’m not alright I’ve just walked up a trillion stairs just to get here! Why do you have to live so far up?”
“It’s easier when the elevator works” he grins.
“Hey Y/n/n” Steve says hugging her.
“Hi Stevie”
The three of them hear hurried footsteps coming towards them and when they look they see Bucky rushing down the hallway “shit, Bunny you’re back! I nearly fell in the shower trying to rush to get out” he pants pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
“I-I-I’m sorry but…Ducky…”
“What’s up Bun?” He follows her eye line and he’s realised his mistake. In his rush he managed to pull on some shorts but no shirt.
Meaning that she can see the bunny tattoo.
And unbeknownst to either one, they don’t realise that Sam and Steve have their eyes trained on the tattoo she has on the top of her spine.
“That’s a bunny” she points of the obvious.
“Yeah, yeah it is”
“For you”
“When did you get it done?”
“On my eighteenth birthday”
“And it’s for me?” Watching as he nods “can I?” He nods again to the unspoken part of her question, his skin tingles as she reaches out and runs her fingers over the delicate lines.
“Oh Duck it’s beautiful”
“Your hiding your own little secret aren’t you Y/n” Sam smiles.
“What are they talking about Bun?”
“I-um-I got this done on my eighteenth birthday” she says turning in his hold to show him her tattoo.
“Bun, it’s us. Can I?” It’s her turn to nod at his unspoken words she gasps lightly when his cold fingers trace the lines, he’s so mesmerised by the details and polka dots that he simply couldn’t stop touching it. “Bun it’s so beautiful”
“It was my first tattoo, obviously”
“So was mine”
“I actually feel really left out” Sam admits wrapping his arms around Steve’s “Stevie they don’t love us”
“That’s not true because-“ she rolls her sleeves up to her elbows and shows them the tattoos she had gotten for them ‘♡ S.R ♡ ♡ S.W ♡’ with a love heart on the top of her forearms. Not batting an eye at the scars the two boys lean in as Bucky leans over her shoulder.
“Who’s who?” Sam grins “but Y/n you actually got our initials tattooed on you?”
“Your obviously SR idiot and yeah of course I did, these were my second tattoos”
“B-but we weren’t friends at the time” Steve says as he eyes the long jagged scars.
“Well you three were a massive parts of my life and the reason why I got the duck and bunny on my back was because Bucky was the first person to see the scars once they where heeled and he never once judged me so”
“Anyways you want your presents, I’m like Santa but less cool” she moves out of Bucky’s hold and makes her way over to her bag and started to pull out the gifts, laughing as Sam stands there with his eyes closed and hands out stretched. Steve shakes his head at the guy.
Bucky, well his eyes are trained on his Bunny.
He knew he was in love with her since he was fourteen and now he wonders if she feels the same. 
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“So how’s you and Peter doing?” Bucky asks as they wait for Steve and Sam to come back with the pizzas.
“Pietro, and he broke up with me”
“What? Why?”
“He joined the Army and he said he didn’t want me to be waiting around on him, that it wasn’t fair for him to do that to me so yeah”
“Bun I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, I actually understand why he did it you know? And there’s no hard feelings about it.”
When the boys got back laughter filled the apartment as the boys filled her in on what they had been up to during them two months she wasn’t with them and her telling them about her adventures.
It was way past midnight when Sam stretched and looked over at Y/n and Bucky curled up on the couch fast asleep.
“Steve, how long you think she’s been in love with him?” He whispered so he wouldn’t wake the pair up.
“I think just as long as he’s been with her”
And Steve was right.
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Tags: @cjand10 @unaxv @mcira @bisexualnikkisixx @kneelforloki @kandis-mom @sagebarness @sandyruston @scott-loki-barnes @nikkivillar @saltedcoffeescotch @scentedharmonymiracle @examinarei @sarcastickiddo @sadboiabby @unholyhuntress @8crazy-freak8 @ijustneedpopcorn @moonbeampillgoth @imcinnamoons @elmo-1066 @violetwinterwidow01 @suz7days @adoredire @ozwriterchick @randomrosie01 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @emerald-writes @justafangir1 @sibsteria @spencerreidisagorgman @sapphirebarnes @bruher @hawkinsavclub1983 @onlyonetifosi @parisadams @unabashedstarlightcrown @nash-dara @allofffmypeaches @loki-laufeyson68 @behindmygreyeyes @missvelvetsstuff @pigeonmama @lizslibrary @gloriouspurpose01
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trohpi · 23 days
Jegulily movie star au where they’re all acting in a movie together where they’re in a love triangle but they actually end up falling in love
absolutely yes, the idea of a movie w/ james acting as the lead and regulus & lily being his love interests is great
now im imagining the absolute chaos that would ensue once they announced their relationship. like, the rpf jegulus & jily shippers absolutely despise each other, they have shipping wars daily, but then on a press tour james accidentally lets it slip that theyre all dating each other and the entire fandom loses their absolute minds
im now also imagining regulus having a secret stan account thats oddly popular and the whole time hes just been fueling the fire between the jegulus & jily shippers bc he thinks the shipping wars are hilarious (he poses as a jily shipper, obviously, bc his bf & gf are hot af together and he is nothing if not supportive of them)
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albondiguilla007 · 3 months
I mostly opened this account to talk about Harry Potter with other fans. I need potterhead friends I’m begging you, take pity on me.
✨ First though, here’s a Marauders playlist:
✨ my pinterest :)
Ok, so a bit about me and this blog contents:
✨ We don’t judge here, every ship is welcome
✨But if it’s gay better
✨ I love the golden trio, I won’t stand for ANY kind of SLANDER, not of Ron, not of Hermione, least of all Harry. They are human, and they are good friends with flaws who love each other very much. They are growing up, grieving, taking care of each other and learning about life. I adore their friendship, and fanfics that give a realistic portrayal of their relationship will always be a soft spot of mine. (wholesome one shot)
✨ Hot take: If you have any fanfic recommendation where they are romantically together (the three of them, as in an actual relationship), I would appreciate it very much
✨ Drarry (please) 🥵
✨ Wolfstar (they are my parents) 🐾🌒
✨ Jegulus (depending on the mood) Jegulily thooo 👀
✨ Tomarry? I’M A SLUT FOR TOMARRY (please I need more time travel fanfic recommendations) Some very good ones tho:
Terrible, but Great.
you belong to me (i belong to you).
Of Kings, of Pawns, and of Men. (This one is not time trivel per se but its AMAZING I’m telling ya)
Wear me like a locket around my throat
(all of them are in ao3)
✨ My boy Harry is incredibly underrated on his own series. He is amazing, I love him, I wish him all the happiness in the world. WE NEED MORE FANFICS WHERE THEY PORTRAY ALL HIS MENTAL STRUGGLES AND GRIEVING PROCESSESS. (He’s gone through so much, I don’t buy the way canon just swept everything under the rug and moved on)
✨ Draco Malfoy is a power bottom and you can’t change my mind
✨ Another soft spot of mine? Fanfics where Harry time travels to a time where his parents are alive or a different dimension all together.
To make it better
Devil’s White Knight
Across the universe
You’re somebody else
(all in ao3 except Across the universe, that’s a short story in fanfic.net)
Other recommendations
✨ My bedtime readings are hardcore Drarry smut with some very questionable dom/sub dynamics
✨ Canon Remus was a bit of a people pleaser with no personality, but I forgive him because fanon, obviously
✨Canon James Potter was a dick, but I forgive him too. He did change a bit after Hogwarts, but I keep hoping he would’ve matured more if he’d had the chance to grow up into an actual adult
✨ Aaron Taylor Johnson and every other version of James Potter is mine, no arguments
✨ NO SNAPE SLANDER. He is an amazing character, and a very complex one at that. He is not supposed to be a good person, but a complicated one with a gray set of values. Y’all do not understand that, and I’m tired of watching Marauders stans be so fucking hypocritical when it comes to him.
Crime and Punishment (an amazing severitus fic on ao3)
✨ August, Cardigan and Betty are about these three idiots (Lily, James and Regulus) and you can’t change my mind. You know the drill, if you have any fanfic recs I’m all ears baby.
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Anon here who was a former fan of Lilys when they were a kid and really into MLP. The evidence for Lily writing Stockholm is so strong that the goal posts have shifted. Now her defenders say "it doesn't matter, she wrote it ten years ago and it's fake" and use her trauma as a justification.
The thing is that if Lily came out saying she had trauma related to this subject and wrote that as a poor coping mechanism, regrets it, and hadn't done anything else wrong, the conversation would be completely different. Stockholm isn't so bad just because of its contents, which are admittedly horrible, but because of how perfectly well it slots in with everything else she's been accused of, especially relating to Courtney.
It boggles my mind that people can defend it. Even if you're someone who thinks fiction has no tangible effect on reality, not only does Lily say she does believe that and thus should be accountable by her own standards, but... how can you go around and defend her when she's accused other people of writing it and smeared them as pedophiles? Is that not the exact sort of these thing the people who excuse it should hate her for doing?
The amount of gaslighting Lily stans have to inflict on themselves is insane.
^^^^^^^ All of this.
Lily didn't write it as a trauma coping mechanism. That's just an excuse she's decided to cling on to because she's realizing she can't just keep outright denying she wrote it when there's a ton of documented proof, her own words, and many witnesses that prove she did.
And like you pointed out, this is one of those rare cases where Lily actually does write things she wishes she could do (or actually did) IRL.
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blkgrlangst · 10 months
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this is a lily fairy stan account
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lili2424 · 1 month
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Rodarte Instagram is now just a Lili Reinhart stan account lol
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the marauders & co: who would stan one direction -
James: BIGGEST STAN and loves zayn malik as if his life depended on it and cried when Zayn left.
Lily: likes them by affiliation but calls Niall a cutie and will punch anyone that talks shit about him
Sirius: A Fan, his favorite friendship was Niall & Harry so he had a Narry stan account
Remus: pretended he hated them, for him to be a HUGE fan with James, was an anti-larrie, favorite was Louis
Regulus: also pretended to not like them, to be a huge fan with Remus and James, have a one direction club and fights people on twitter about who's married to Harry Styles. (projection LMAO)
Barty: hates them, but learn the larry lore to annoyed his boyfriend because he knows Regulus is anti Larrie.
Peter: Likes them, dark larrie and also likes Liam, when his hair was long
Evan: downbad for the irish lad, hes a niall stan first and a directioner second. Also fights with James about why Zayn is his also.
Pandora: The fan that would make the "imagine if" collages and has a fan page for Zayn and Louis friendship with Dorcas
Dorcas: hated them at first, they grew on her and now she loves Zayn and Louis.
Marlene: Hates them. But goes with her girlfriend to their concerts wearing a shirt that says: my girlfriend in love with Zayn.
Mary: Loves all of them equally, immediately defends them on twitter during the directioner vs belieber fight.
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tantalizingdaydream · 4 months
i need more next gen social media aus like you know they all would be on stan twitter james sirius would be clocking the megan nicki beef and preparing a powerpoint for his parents while albus and scorpius would be all over politics and gay youtubers while lily luna would be running a bts stan account with 100k followers and insane edits
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envieuu · 4 months
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𖤐 ʾ ⠀ ❪ PASSION is the debut studio album of the first sub-unit of the girl group ENVIE, titled the same name, released on February 26, 2024 by FLEURY RECORDS. The unit consists of the two idol members Ying Jiali and Lee Kiyeon. The album is made up of a total of nine tracks, with MONSTER serving as the title track. Alongside Monster, the duo promoted two other side tracks during the period: NAUGHTY and ALL THE THINGS SHE SAID.
The album went onto be a success, ultimately. All three promoted tracks charted in the top 5 of music charts, with Monster peaking at #1 and garnering 5 music show wins, accompanying 1 win for Naughty and 2 for All The Things She Said. The music video for Monster received 20M views in the first 24 hours of its release.
The physical album features two different versions—HUNGER and ARDOR—along with a random 1 out of 2 individual posters, random 1 out of 2 duo posters, random 2 out of 4 individual photo cards, random 1 out of 2 photo books, 4 stickers, 2 coasters, 1 CD from each album—2 versions, and random 1 out of 2 member representative mood rings.
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This era was (to no one’s surprise) very successful! Except for the fact that no one really expected them to be this successful. Not even the girls were a 100% certain that their debut would be met with as much acceptance as it was. Fleury, however, knew what they were doing. Yejun put a huuugee chunk of funds into this debut behind the scenes, everyone was looking at him a little sideways. But all he told them was to trust him and he did no further explaining. Yejun knew that they were going to be big. Those are his golden girls, after all!
There were a lot of TikTok’s made. They had a lot of idols on their account doing the ‘#NAUGHTY_CHALLENGE.’ Fans often made jokes about them literally hunting down idols in the halls of music shows to record the videos. The challenge included beloved idols such as STUPID CUPID’S CHESKA with Jiali, STUPID CUPID’S VIVA with Kiyeon, PARADOX INVASION’S DASHI with both the girls, NCT 143’S LILY with Kiyeon, THE PINKETTES’ CHARMEINE with both girls, DREAMCHIC’S MICKEY with both girls, NATALIA HWANG with both girls, all the members of ENVIE, and more.
Their variety show appearances were really popular but a little limited in comparison to previous promotions. They could be found on shows like THE MANAGER, PSICK SHOW, and even had their own mukbang series which aired on YouTube.
The choreography for Naughty was a hit, by the way. The dance practices circulated a lot during this era, many people praising them for their dance skills and synchronization together. It’s safe to say the two work really well together.
All The Things She Said was also a hit. The song trended and charted extremely well. The performances also went viral for the girls’ stage presence and chemistry onstage. It seemed like they really enjoyed performing the song, really getting into character whenever they performed it.
Monster of course was a success, charting highly upon its release, but somewhere along the lines it kind of got overshadowed by the other two promotional tracks. It did make noise, as expected, but after the first two weeks of the songs promotions it ended up falling behind Naughty and All The Things She said who received separate promotions from one another—two weeks dedicated to Monster, two weeks dedicated to Naughty, and one week dedicated to All The Things She Said.
There was a tiny problem with solo stans this era. Because the album exceeded the sales of every ot4 ENVIE release, there was a division in the fandom. Avoir’s fought over favoritism from the company, jealousy within the group and from other members’ fans, and even comparing all the members’ (talents, visuals, and solo success). It was a mess.
But aside from that, it’s safe to say that Passion was a smashing success!
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The Day You Met
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: You see Sebastian in a play your friend brings you to and you catch his eyes and he can’t get you out of his head. 
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, vaginal sex, rough sex, creampie, aftercare), Sebastian being a loving dork, two idiots in love, fluff, a bit of cheesy drama
a/n: I’ve had this as a draft for a while and I decided to post it today! I hope you all enjoy!
Banner by @vase-of-lilies​ 
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You sat in the front row of a musical that your friend dragged you to. Her favorite actor, Sebastian Stan, was apparently in it. You loved her to death but you sometimes got tired of how much she talked about him. 
Yet there you were, sitting in an uncomfortable theater chair looking up at the stage. You silenced your phone but forgot to silence your apple watch. You flipped through the program with the large black print at the top saying ‘PLAYBILL’. You closed it as the music slowly started. Stephaine giggled softly as Sebastian walked onto stage and she slapped your arm playfully.
You smiled softly and rolled your eyes as you looked up. There you saw him. The man with cute fluffy hair and dressed in a white button up and jeans. You hid the small bit of excitement you got as you made quick eye contact with him. Then your watch made a dinging sound. The whole theater went quiet and you squeaked before turning it off quickly and you buried your face in your hands. 
During the whole play your face was red with embarrassment as you remember your interruption. Stephaine enjoyed the whole thing and you just couldn’t shake the embarrassment. Once the lights came back on, you were quick to stand up and scamper out of the theater. Except Stephaine grabbed your arm and pulled you to her.
“Come on! They’re letting us take photos with the cast!” She said excitedly as she pulled you backstage where a line of people had formed. Your friend practically jumped up and down as the line shortened. 
When you two got up there she started asking him a million questions, while you just stood back and played Candy Crush on your phone. You knew it’d be a minute before she finished talking. He just chuckled and answered her questions before asking her if she wanted a photo. She nodded and pulled out her phone and handed it to you. You were a bit startled but you put your phone away and took a photo of her and him. She quickly grabbed the phone after and looked at the photo with a giggle. 
Sebastian turned to you after your friend rushed off and you went to follow her. “Do you want a photo?” He asked you, and you turned around and looked at him.
“Um… not really. Sorry. I just came because my friend made me.” You said nervously, as his blue eyes were trained on you. “Y-you did good though.” You said quickly, before you rushed off to find Stephaine. Leaving Sebastian to watch after you.
You were the first girl that wasn’t completely obsessed with him. The first one who didn’t immediately ask for a picture or his phone number. You were different. Sebastian liked different. 
When he got back to his hotel room, he pulled out his phone and looked at all the photos he was tagged in and he found your friend’s post. It was five photos in one post, and he swiped through them before he found the third slide was a small clip of you and Stephaine. You two were at dinner before the show, she was taking a selfie of you two and you didn’t realize as you were taking a sip of your milkshake. She called your name and you snorted and practically spit out the drink. She started laughing hard as you called her a bitch, and Sebastian chuckled as he watched the video.
He found your instagram account through a tag on that video. He clicked the link and your face filled up his screen. He found out that you liked to travel quite a bit, your last trip was to Athens and you posted photos of you and your friends drinking and pictures by the beach. Then a video of you dancing to some music on the beach and you swayed your hips to the beat while drinking your mixed drink. 
He watched your hips and your dress sway as you danced and once you saw your friend filming you giggled and snatched your phone, then the screen went black. He sighed and turned off his phone and slumped against the couch.
“You’re being a stalker, Sebastian.” He sighed and ran his hand over his face before getting up. He wanted to find you but it was probably impossible. Probably.
You woke up the next morning with a killer headache, then you remembered that you did Vodka shots every time she mentioned Sebastian. Really bad idea. You were shitfaced within an hour. Now you were paying for it.
You sighed and grabbed your phone and the bright light made you groan and roll over into your pillow. You turned your head and unlocked your phone, you saw a billion notifications on your DMs. You quirked your eyebrows before you looked at the notifications, you saw that Sebastian Stan followed you on Instagram. Then the DMs were all of your friends asking you a million questions on why he followed you.
You mumbled a few curses before you turned off your phone and tossed it on the bed. You got up barely and started making yourself some coffee and you popped two Advil. Stephaine rushed into the room and squealed as she hugged you tight. 
“Omg! Did you see?” She asked excitedly as she pulled away and took out her phone.
“Steph, I just woke up. What did I miss?” You asked as you poured yourself a cup of coffee. 
“Look!” She squealed and held up her phone. She had twitter pulled up with a tweet by Sebastian.
It read; ‘So last night at the musical, I met the most interesting woman ever. She was the first woman ever to not be completely obsessed with me and now I wanna get to know her. If you know her let me know. She was the one who’s watch went off during the show. Thanks!’
You looked at it and your jaw dropped a bit as you read it. “Son of bitch.” You muttered before taking a sip of your coffee.
“Isn’t that amazing?! He’s totally obsessed with you!” She giggled as she did a little spin.
“So what?” You shrugged and she frowned. “I don’t need a relationship right now. I have a flight to Capri tomorrow and I don’t need commitments.” You said as you turned on the lights in the bedroom.
“Come on, girl! This is a once in a lifetime thing. He could get any girl but he picked you! And I mean any girl-” She started rambling, but you rolled your eyes.
“Thanks, Steph.” You deadpanned as you grabbed your suitcase.
“You know what I mean! I’m just telling you, give him a chance.” She sighed and plopped on the bed, as you started packing.
“Sorry, but it's not happening.” You shrugged as you folded your jeans.
“You’re no fun.” She huffed and you rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
“And you’re dramatic.” You stated before you laid on the bed next to her. “Does it seriously matter that much to you?”
“It does.” She said with the puppy dog eyes and you sighed.
“Fine. I’ll text him.” You said with a sigh as she giggled and hugged you.
“Thank you!” She smiled and hugged you like a bear. She was lucky that you loved her. 
So there you were sitting at some taco truck outside of the city. You sat across from Sebastian as you two ate your tacos. You two talked and laughed at each other’s jokes and stories. You saw a new side of him. A kind, funny, and handsome side of him. He was a complete gentleman from the minute you two sat down. You hated to admit it but you were starting to fall for the guy. 
After the date, you two walked back to the hotel talking and smiling. This was your first date in years and it was the best one you’ve ever had. You figured out that he was two years younger than you, you two went to the same college, and you two worked at the same agency for a year. It was a small world. 
You couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was. From his fluffy brown hair, to his piercing blue eyes, his thick chest and arms, and you practically drooled at the sight of his thick thighs. Also you two were staying at the same hotel just he was a floor below you. 
You two took the elevator up to your room and you unlocked the door and invited him in. Then suddenly your lips pressed to his in a heated kiss and he picked you up against the wall. You smiled against his lips as he pinned you to the wall, his hands gripped the backs of your thighs and pressed you up against him. 
He carried you to the bed and laid you down and he towered over you. He pulled back to take off his hoodie and you unzipped your dress and you slithered out of it. He pulled off his shirt and unbuckled his belt. You reached up and grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him down. You kissed him passionately as his hands snaked up your back and unhooked your lace bra.
“Just so you know, I’m not usually like this.” You murmured against his lips, as you tugged on his pants.
“Neither am I. I just can’t help it.” He mumbled as he pressed your bare chest against his. You scooted back against the pillows and leaned back on your elbows. He unbuttoned his pants and slid them down so he was only in his boxers. You could see that his rock hard cock was fighting against the fabric. 
He crawled onto the bed and hovered over him and he leaned down to kiss your lips. You pulled him closer while wrapping your legs around his waist. His hands went up to your breasts and he rolled your hard buds in his nimble fingers. You let out a mewl against his lips as your back arched into his hands. 
“Sebby, please. Just fuck me.” You whined needily and nibbled on his bottom lip. He chuckled softly before he helped you take off your panties, pressing kisses down your thighs. His once blue eyes now filled with lust and need. He kneeled in between your legs and he spread them slowly. 
His eyes got wider as he gazed upon your glistening folds. He groaned at the sight and moved his hands down your inner thighs to caress your pussy. You whimpered and your hips jolted up against his warm hands. 
“Baby doll, you look so good. I just wanna spend hours in between these thighs.” He growled as he leaned down to kiss up your chest. “Such a pretty little pussy.” He whispered, making you blush and kiss his lips softly.
“You’re so sweet.” You whispered as you tangled your fingers through his hair. 
He smiled softly before he pulled his boxers off and kissed your lips passionately. You reached down to stroke him slowly before lining him up. He groaned at your hand around his cock before he slowly started pushing into you.
You cried out as he slid into you, his girth stretching you to the max. Your back arched against his chest as your walls pulsed around him. He kissed your neck softly as he linked his fingers through yours and he pinned them above your head. You smiled a loving smile up at him as your eyes rolled back into your head. You looked up at him as he slowly started moving in and out of you and he rocked his hips back and forth as his teeth nipped on your neck making you purr and lean into him. He let go of your hands to pull up your legs around his waist and he moved up to kiss your lips as you ran your fingers through his hair. You pulled him closer into the hungry and messy kiss and his large hands rubbed up and down your thighs. 
“Baby, you feel so fucking good. I don’t know how long I’m gonna last.” He growled against your lips as you arched against him and he moved his hips a little faster as you tugged him closer to you. He gripped the backs of your knees as he started to pound into you. You let go of his hair to grasp the sheets next to you as your body writhed in pleasure. 
He let go of one of your legs and brought his hand down to rub your sensitive clit and you cried out his name as your walls clenched and throbbed with your impending orgasm. “Sebby, m’so close. M’gonna cum.” You whined needily as you looked up at him with tearful eyes. You’ve never felt as much pleasure in your life. His cock hit all the right places inside of you, making you moan and writhe under him. You were so close, you could feel the coil tightening in your belly. 
He moved faster and harder into your already sensitive cunt and the coil in your lower belly snapped and you cried out his name as you came hard on his cock, your walls pulsing and throbbing as your thighs started to shake. 
He growled as he felt your warm and wet walls pulse and clench repeatedly around his cock. His thumb kept rubbing your clit, helping to prolong your orgasm and you cried out as he helped you through it. He nuzzled into your neck as he groaned out your name as his own orgasm washed over him and he pumped you full of his warm and hot cum. You moaned as you felt his warmth filling you up and you whimpered quietly as he thrusted a bit deeper into you, thrusting his cum deeper into your awaiting cunt. After regaining his breath, he rolled over onto his back and pulled out of you before he plopped down beside you on the bed. 
You smiled as you looked over at him, “That was so good.” You whispered as you caressed his stubbly cheek with a warm smile as he leaned down and kissed your lips. 
“It really was. You were amazing.” He smiled before he pulled away and grabbed his boxers from the floor and slid them on. “Let me go grab something to help clean you up.” He whispered before he stood up and walked to the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth. He kneeled in between your spread legs and you blushed as he cleaned you up. He pressed light kisses to your inner thighs as he helped you get clean. “Do you want me to grab some panties for you?” He asked as he set the cloth on the side table. 
“Yeah, my suitcase is over there.” You nodded to the chair by the window and he walked over and grabbed a pair of your soft boyshort panties and came over and helped you slip them on. He laid next to you on the bed and pulled you to his chest as he covered you two with the blanket. “I really needed this.” You sighed as you laid your head on his chest and he chuckled before nodding. 
“Me too. I just needed to let loose.” He sighed and you smiled as you kissed his jaw softly. 
“I’m glad I could help you.” You smiled and he held you close, “Goodnight, Sebby.” You whispered and he smiled and kissed your head as he rubbed your back. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He smiled as you two slowly fell asleep, cuddled up with each other.
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horrornlghts · 9 months
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just a list of ships i wanna do. please take into account that i have a few of these fcs as well as not having any of them on my muse list. however, i am willing to play ALL of these faceclaims, so if there's a ship you want to do, give this a like & i'll come to your for plots. i'll then more than likely create a reserved muse just for our ship ! this will be CONSTANTLY updated.
benjamin wadsworth / shelley hennig.
benjamin wadsworth / kristine froseth.
benjamin wadsworth / grace van patten.
benjamin wadsworth / jenny boyd.
benjamin wadsworth / sadie soverall.
daniel sharman / adelaide kane.
daniel sharman / danielle rose russell.
scott eastwood / josephine langford.
drew starkey / kristine froseth.
drew starkey / jenny boyd.
drew starkey / lily collins.
hero fiennes tiffin / josephine langford.
hero fiennes tiffin / kristine froseth.
hero fiennes tiffin / grace van patten.
dylan o'brien / selena gomez.
dylan o'brien / jenny boyd.
dylan o'brien / kristine froseth.
dylan o'brien / grace van patten.
dylan o'brien / nicole wallace.
dylan o'brien / madelyn cline.
dylan o'brien / lily collins.
dylan o'brien / abigail cowen.
dylan o'brien / jessica alexander.
bill skarsgard / lili reinhart.
bill skarsgard / lily collins.
bill skarsgard / nicole wallace.
bill skarsgard / phoebe tonkin.
bill skarsgard / alisha boe.
manny montana / selena gomez.
manny montana / priscilla quintana.
manny montana / nicole wallace.
manny montana / kristine froseth.
chris evans / ana de armas.
sebastian stan / daisy edgar jones.
sebastian stan / zoey deutch.
sebastian stan / ana de armas.
chris wood / madelyn cline.
chris wood / lily collins.
robert pattinson / lily collins.
robert pattinson / grace van patten.
jamie dornan / lily collins.
jamie dornan / ana de armas.
jamie dornan / josephine langford.
jamie dornan / nicole wallace.
theo james / abigail cowen.
theo james / ana de armas.
theo james / selena gomez.
cody christian / danielle campbell.
cody christian / marlo kelly.
lorenzo zurzolo / nicole wallace.
lorenzo zurzolo / danielle rose russell.
lorenzo zurzolo / abigail cowen.
ben barnes / nina dobrev.
ben barnes / abigial cowen.
ben barnes / ana de armas.
ben barnes / josephine langford.
ben barnes / margot robbie.
ben barnes / adelaide kane.
ben barnes / lily collins.
ben barnes / alycia debnam carey.
penn badgley / lily collins.
logan lerman / lily collins.
jonathan bailey / abigail cowen.
jonathan bailey / florance pugh.
jonathan bailey / adelaide kane.
jonathan bailey / simone ashley.
gabriel guevara / nicole wallace.
gabriel guevara / abigail cowen.
gabriel guevara / madelyn cline.
gabriel guevara / kristine froseth.
garrett hedlund / ana de armas.
garrett hedlund / kristine froseth.
garrett hedlund / alycia debnam carey.
garrett hedlund / shelley hennig.
logan lerman / alycia debnam carey.
logan lerman / abigail cowen.
finn wittrock / mia goth.
finn wittrock / ana de armas.
finn wittrock / margot robbie.
finn wittrock / alice pagani.
finn wittrock / nicole wallace.
alisha boe / lili reinhart.
diana silvers / daisy edgar jones.
shelley hennig / danielle campbell.
jenny boyd / danielle rose russel.
kaylee bryant / emma mackey.
abigail cowen / danielle campbell.
madelaine petsch / margot robbie.
selena gomez / nicola peltz.
jessica alexander / nicola peltz.
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seek--rest · 1 month
I'm a mixed race woman who looks racially ambiguous (I'm often labeled as Latina, Southeast Asian or North African). So I understand Z not wanting her character's race to be a central theme in the movie claiming to represent the experiences of Black Americans in tennis besides a couple mentions. It's presented that she's close to her family and her family didn't have the economic resources of Art and Patrick's plus they didn't want to send her to a boarding school as a minor even if she got a scholarship because they were very protective. And she talked about asking for the caregiver for Lily be changed from a babysitter to Tashi's mom because Z understood that Tashi would not leave her daughter with a stranger and the people that she would trust would be her family. And her parents would be interested in helping her out to take care of her kids
Some Black critics have for years said that Z is not really a black woman and that she shouldn't take roles that are explicitly black. That sort of thing explains Z not wanting to make Tashi's blackness a central theme, but just one that would inform certain decisions
Also that Variety question about how she identifies with Tashi being in an interracial relationship was heavily edited and they posted a longer answer. In the longer answer she explains how she didn't identify with Tashi being in a relationship in which she would be relegated to simply being a wife and how Tashi fights to retain an identity of her own. Variety has engaged recently in several micro and not so micro aggressions against Z (basically blaming her for the Euphoria delays for being a diva that didn't want to accept the storylines for her character), so I would be very careful when using their written interviews with her as evidence of what she actually said. It's noteworthy that the Challengers official account did not repost the Variety Challengers cover even though they repost basically everything about the movie). Zs interview with Black media outlets are more informative
I knew the Zendaya stans would come out with knives at the most mild of critiques lmao. Regardless of any “evidence” given from interviews or what social media managers decide to highlight, the text itself was not a nuanced, layered attempt at exploring Tashi’s Blackness beyond instances that are so subtle that someone who isn’t keyed in could miss it (as people clearly have AND stands in sharp, distinct contrast with the queer subtext which is so blatant it can barely be called subtext). As a text, Challengers creates 3 messy, complex, nuanced characters with one of them being Tashi— a mixed woman in the very white world of tennis that the movie itself does nothing with, except for a cringe worthy line that was so clearly written by a white man and that no one thought to question it.
I am not beholden to the parasocial relationships of evaluating Zendaya’s entire body of work, life, or relationships to feed speculation of what she might or might not feel or what others have to say about her might affect what she does or doesn’t do. I don’t really give a fuck what Variety says or what ANY of them say in their press tours— it’s interesting, it can help articulate what it is they meant to do, but it does not remove what we actually saw in the text which is that while the text might not care about acknowledging Tashi’s race and identity in that world beyond the most surface level acknowledgement, she still is a mixed woman in a predominately white tennis world.
I’m not into solely blaming an actress, much less a woc, for the decisions a director and a writer makes but in Challengers, Zendaya is a producer. She could’ve done more and chose not to. Why that’s the case? I don’t really care. (And fwiw, I think it’s odd to argue that Variety should be dismissed for micro aggressions while casually being anti-Black concerning Black critics and their valid critiques. What little I DO know of Zendaya’s body of work, she has expressed an understanding of that sentiment herself).
What I DO care about is that surface level approach has made the audience/fandom response— of which would’ve already been racist as shit— even more ground work to erase, ignore and diminish Tashi.
Challengers is a fantastic movie but it doesn’t mean it’s perfect. I’m not the person that’s going to take a parasocial lens in critiquing it.
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