#this is about ghost hunger au specifically
rivalcobalt · 2 years
I love dipping my toes back into DP and finding new ways the phandom has been unintentionally recreating Kaneki Ken
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Ectoberhaunt 2023. Day 5. Hunt and Haunt.
~Well, here we go again, good old Ghost Hunger AU~
Description: The Ghost Zone is inherently a violent place. You can hunt or be hunted, there is no other options. However, for some reason the Halfa does not understand what is happening. And no one rushes to explain it. NB! ghost cannibalism is mentioned.
Prompt after memes
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Suppose there’s a conventional division among ghosts. Some of them are potential predators capable of hunting their own kind, while others are only able to absorb the surrounding energy and therefore build up power more slowly than hunters.
So, predation is used as a method of survival in poor ectoplasm areas of the Ghost Zone, less often as a means of gaining power. Even less often hunters are created.
It is obvious that the appearance of a hunter who is the son of human ghost hunters in a haunting place without stable sources of ectolasm has caused panic in the society of the dead ones. For the newly formed ghost to have ectoblasts, fangs or ghost sense is a rarity and great luck. So the newcomer had everything and more to be a serious threat. An awful danger for the surrounding spirits…Right?
But Danny doesn’t know the specifics of his new biology ectology!
Even though he’s a hunter, he’s never had a ghost hunger. Probably because thanks to his parents he has an amazing ectoplasm concentrator in the basement. Soon everyone understands that the boy does not attack first. Those who return through the portal never report any losses at all. He does not bite or attempt to capture cores of other spirits. At first, the ghosts think it's a trap. Smart enough for a beginner. Not everyone has the tenacity to pretend to be an idiot to get close to them. But the Phantom never feeds on them. He’s…safe?
What’s more, Danny seems to think they’re a threat to the city. Which is fun and weird. Normally, there is no competition for feeding using human emotion. But the owner of the lair did not like the smell of fear in the air. Is this ghost broken?
When the ghosts who visit Amity realize that the halfa does not know that he can hunt them, rather than just guard his territory...Well, it explains a lot. Everyone agrees not to explain the situation to the boy so that the city behind the portal remains a relatively safe haven during the during a "hunting season" and other troubles in the Infinite Realms.
The problem arises when Phantom begins exploring the Ghost Zone. What if the other hunters make the boy stop being a freak?
In addition, more experienced ghosts may well attack the careless halfa. And Amity Park under the control of a more predatory spirit would be a terrible outcome. Most dead ones near the portal are used to the fact that the area before Wisconsin is open to travel and migration without the threat of being eaten.
All rational ghosts try to avoid the territory of hunters. If you can’t defend yourself, there’s too much risk of being a free meal. It’s much safer to settle down with spirits with similar energy levels at door clusters. If the hunter does not purposefully show up at your lair, you will have a much better chance of keeping the afterlife.
Those of the Ancients who have won their position and those of them who were created for it have become accustomed to isolation. Although all the Ancients have lost the need to eat 'cause they have absorbed enough energy, legends about their past are still be nightmares for all spirits. Just because they don’t need to eat other ones doesn’t mean they won’t. It is clear that a weaker hunter can also be hunted. No reason to risk.
Therefore, how freely and fearlessly Phantom communicates with Frostbite, Clockwork or Pandora is puzzling. Does he feel threatened at all? The Ancients find this experience refreshing. Lil communication without fear makes them feel sympathy for this youngling. Danny is always glad of their company. And the boy is not afraid to express his opinion. It is strange but...pleasant?
Their minions from time to time complain that they teach a potential enemy but it is very difficult to see a possible rival in Phantom. Danny is always in trouble. The youngster is silly and careless. Like a wet kitten that can’t even make a threatening hiss. So Ancients, to their own surprise, don't mind helping him. Why isn’t his naivety annoying?
For example, Frostbite’s trying to teach Danny hunting and tracking techniques because he thinks the little cub doesn’t know how to be what he supposed to be. Meanwhile Danny sees his attempts as a course of self-defense that he can use against ghosts who try to infiltrate his city.
Some insufficiently powerful ghosts mimic predators to scare away dangerous spirits and protect themselves. Skulker is quite pleased that he managed to deceive halfa:
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
Meeting the Beast
18+ ONLY Blog!!! Minors & Ageless Blogs, Do NOT Interact!!
CW/TW: Brief Mention of Period-Typical Homophobia
I've got this Beauty & the Beast AU with Ghost stuck in my head, but it has a slight twist. And it's gay. So here is the first part.
NOTE: Your father's job and your job in town is set to be specific jobs, because it will come into play in later parts, and you're going to be shorter than Ghost (simply because he's a "monster" and thus the tallest, you can still imagine yourself as being taller than the townspeople). However, everything else about the Reader will be ambiguous, so you can easily put yourself in the Reader's shoes.
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You grew up with stories of a beast living in a castle, deep in the first that surrounds your town.
These stories painted the beast in a gory, cruel manner. The adults around you, minus your father, told you all about how they've had to sacrifice one town member each year to sate the beast's hunger. Because if they didn't, then the beast would ravage the town and lay waste to the land.
It was clear, however, that the people chose town members they thought odd or freaks. Every year, you'd watch one of the town outcasts be carted off to the woods to be tied up and left to be ravished by the beast. And their friends and families, who had long since disowned them, just let it happen.
You and your father were two of the so-called outcasts.
Your father was considered an outcast, despite him being a doctor, because he tried hard to get the town's kids to read and do things that the others thought were foolish. They thought their looks and their wealth were all a person ever needed and they frowned upon their kids sticking to just reading and not doing as many physical activities as they could.
You were considered an outcast because despite being well into your adulthood, you still didn't seem to date or marry any of the women in town. This made them all think there was something wrong with you, that you were unnatural.
So when the seasons passed by and it was time for the annual sacrifice, you had gone to bed that night, worried. Your father tried calming your worries, telling you that neither you nor him would be taken because Mr and Mrs. Saxon's daughter was being far too unruly for their tastes.
And you believed him, drifting off to sleep now that your fears were eased.
You woke up in the early morning, quietly getting out of the house to go to your job because you thought your father was still sleeping. The town around you was slowly, very slowly, waking up as you walked to the blacksmith's shop.
You had been the blacksmith's apprentice ever since you were a teen and you were nearing the end of your apprenticeship, so close to taking over the shop yourself. It gave you a sense of purpose, which you loved.
So the day went on, you deep in your own world as you helped reduce the blacksmith's load of work. It was mid-evening when you heard whispers of the evening sacrificial ritual.
You never knew why, but the townspeople liked to sacrifice the outcasts in the early evening. Perhaps it was so the sacrifice's screams didn't disturb people as they went to their houses to rest after the work day.
Finishing up with the extravagant necklace you had been ordered to make, you strained your ears to try and discern who had been sacrificed. You were far too curious for your own good, it seemed.
"The town's doctor was finally sacrificed," a woman nearby whispered to her friend, said friend gasping at the gossip. "The town's council finally had enough of him trying to corrupt our children."
It felt like cold water was doused over you, your skin paling at the news.
No, no, no. It couldn't be. Not your father.
Without much though, you abandoned the work you still had yet to do.
There was still time for you to go to the beast's castle and beg him to take you instead of your father. It wasn't too late.
You ignored the sounds of your mentor yelling at you to come back as you ran all the way to your house. As you neared, you saw that your trusty horse was still tied to the post near your house.
Yes, you could do this. You could make it in time.
You quickly untied your horse from the post, grabbing the nearby saddle and making sure it was secure. Once that was done, you mounted your horse and wasted no time in nudging them into a gallop.
As you rode to the edge of town and to the beginning of the forest, people cried out as they dove out of the way, you not sparing them a single glance. You had a mission, to save your father.
The journey to the castle was long, it becoming night quickly. You pressed forward nonetheless, still convinced you could save your father. The castle came into view and you rode past the gates, ignoring the way the thorny bushes nipped at you and your horse.
You dismounted as soon as you neared the large, formidable doors that were the entrance to the castle. You stood there, about to walk up to the doors.
But before you could, a large, monstrous figure dropped down from one of the castle's parapets. It landed right in front of you, allowing you to see it clearly under the dim lights of the castle.
The beast, the same beast you heard stories about.
The beast before you was hairy, brown fur encasing his imposing figure. He stood on two legs, but his feet and hands were paws that had claws constantly extended, his natural posture slightly bent and yet he was still so much taller than you. And covering the upper half of his beastly face was a wolf's skull, his brown eyes peering back at you.
The sight made you freeze.
The beast clearly thought you were a threat, his knees bent to lunge at you. He growled low in his throat, his mouth opening to bear his sharp canines.
"Leave!" he roared, preparing to chase you out, or worse maul you, if you didn't comply.
You opened your mouth to tell him that you were here for your father and to beg he release your father, when the doors to the castle opened.
Both you and the beast turned to look at who exited the castle, a sob of relief escaping your lips when you saw your father, alive and unharmed.
"Stop, please!" Your father begged, getting in between you and the beast. He didn't seem afraid of the beast, however, turning to face him. "Please, this is my son, the one I told you about. He just came to try and save me, I swear he won't harm you."
The beast took a good look at you, taking in the similar features you and your father shared. He stared for a while before speaking.
"Your son?" he mused, straightening as best as he could. "Mm, you said he too was an outcast, yes? He can come inside then."
"Huh?" you asked, confused as you saw the beast turn and walk into the castle, leaving you and your father to follow him. "What's going on?"
Your father turned to you, shushing you gently. "{Name}, the beast you've heard about your whole childhood, is not the same beast you see before you. He doesn't eat the sacrifices those wretched townspeople give him, he takes them in," he explained, his hand on your shoulder. "The beast is an outcast too, you see. He was born like this and the townspeople banished him to this abandoned castle so they didn't have to see him. They believed him to be a monster and a bloodthirsty one too, so they used his "bloodthirst" to get rid of other outcasts. This is a safe place, {Name}, he will not hurt us."
"Come," your father continued, shivering. "It is rather late and the castle is warmer. Come inside and see, every "sacrifice" is here and alive."
With those words, your father gently led you into the castle, the doors closing behind you. You glanced back to see who closed the heavy doors and saw two outcasts that had been scarified the two previous years before this year.
As you looked around, you could see all of the sacrifices that you had seen be carted off. They were all here, lounging around the lit castle like they owned the place.
The castle was warm in both the sense of heat and how lively it was. It wasn't dreary like it seemed on the outside, tons of people laughing and chattering about. Fireplaces were lit, several people huddled around them for warmth. There were bookshelves upon bookshelves filled to the brim with books.
It felt... homely.
Your father left you to walk around, your feet taking you to the stairs. You walked up the winding stairs, an east and west wing on either side. You headed towards the west wing, sensing this was where the beast's bedroom was, since it was dark and no one else was going down the hallway.
As you walked, you saw portraits hanging on the wall, but each person's face was clawed out, like the beast had done it years ago, back when he was first banished to the castle. The sight should've scared you, should've made you fear his temper, but all it did was make you feel sad.
The beast was indeed an outcast, just like you.
"I see you're exploring," the beast said as you walked into his large bedroom, the beast not inside the lit room but rather standing on the balcony. Now that he knew you weren't a threat, his gravelly voice was softer.
Hesitantly, you joined him on the balcony, straining your neck to look up at him. "I'm sorry if I wasn't supposed to explore here," you said, your voice soft as you took in the way he seemed peaceful out on the balcony. "I noticed others don't go down here."
The beast turned away from his gazing up at the stars, looking down at you. "It's alright, this wing isn't exactly off-limits. However, those who've been here long enough know I like my privacy." His brown eyes stared into your own. "Do you like it here? You can stay, you know. Every outcast has a place here."
You thought on his offer, thinking back to your time in your little town.
Your town wasn't as accepting of you as this place seemed to be, you saw men cuddling with men and women cuddling women here. But in the town, you were a freak for not wanting to marry a woman despite being a man yourself. You could be yourself here.
Besides, you liked knowing your father was safe.
"Thank you, I think I will stay here," you replied, appreciative of his offer. You glanced at the stars before looking at him again. "Though, I do have one condition."
"What's that?" The beast's voice was full of curiosity, his eyes never leaving your face.
"I'd like to know what to call you."
The beast chuckled, the laughter being deep and rumbling in his chest. He seemed so amused by the way you wanted to know what to call him. Like you just amused him in general.
"Ghost, you can call me Ghost."
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Separator made by @une-femme-de-lettres
Oof, this was so long. Longer than I thought it would be. This is just the beginning, but I have plans for this AU.
I hope you enjoyed!
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and request something! (Check the rules in "Rules for Requesting NSFW" before requesting.)
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creative-clawmarks · 1 month
Longass Vampire AU Loredump
I feel I should preface this with the most important fact of this AU: supernatural beings are not actually a part of this world.
What I mean by this is there is no secret society of vampires, there is no chapter in the medical books on lycanthropy, and ghost hunters still have not found conclusive evidence. As far as you or I or anyone else knows the cast of MH are the only things like them in existence.
Because the Operator did this to them.
It's a parasite, and its strategy is to make people into predators then mop up the trail of bodies they leave behind.
As for why their monstrosity takes the specific forms it does? The Watsonian Explanation is that we will never really know, such things are beyond people's understanding. The Doyalist Explanation is that I have taken the character's metaphorical roles and made them literal to give myself an excuse to draw sharp teeth.
With that out of the way, here's what these freaks are actually capable of:
Alex (Vampire):
Standard package of fast healing, unnatural speed, and unbeating heart. Probably immortal but I guess now we'll never know.
Drinks blood, of course. But I like my vamps fucked up so there's a good dose of gory cannibalism for flavor.
He won't combust in the sun or anything, but his skin is especially sensitive to heat and his eyes are especially sensitive to light.
Heightened senses, especially hearing. He could hunt someone down with his eyes closed just by tracking their heartbeat.
Venomous, specifically paralytic toxins. Once he's bitten you there's no running away, you're basically screwed.
Fangs and claws are retractable. I also gave him a forked tongue because he's like a terrarium snake to me :)
"Once more I have seen the director go out in his lizard fashion."
He can purr. Because I know what the people want.
Tim (Werewolf):
Standard package of fast healing, unnatural strength, and canine features. Would rather not think about whether or not he's immortal.
Does not hunger for human flesh. If given the opportunity he might maul a deer tho.
Burned by the touch of silver. He also personally thinks wolfsbane is gross but that's unrelated.
When in human form he's mostly that, human. Sure his senses are sharper and he can grow out his teeth and claws a little bit but otherwise he's normal.
When in wolf form, on the other hand, he is DANGEROUS. I'm talking bite through steel tear you in half only thing that can stop him is a silver bullet dangerous.
The wolf form is analogous to Masky in this AU, as in he turns against his will whenever he's threatened or misses a dose and he won't remember much whenever he eventually turns back.
The only time he can change under his own power with his mind intact is during the full moon. He looks forward to it every month because without the threat of loosing control being a wolf is rad actually.
If you scratch him under the chin he goes boneless. Doesn't matter what form he's in.
Brian (Ghost):
Standard package of walk through walls, disappear, and fly. I don't think the term immortal applies to this situation tho...
You know the excuse that ghost don't just physically manifest cuz they don't have enough energy for it? Yeah he's so incandescently pissed that he's tangible more often than not.
Its actually kind of the opposite conundrum where he has to focus and calm down to actually use his ghostly abilities.
Salt circles will totally work on him, but good luck catching him first lol.
Even if you can't see him you can still sort of feel his presence, the room will get colder and the shadows will get deeper.
If you catch him on a bad day he can pull some Poltergeist TM level shenanigans.
Can't really communicate like he used to, his mind is too broken and detached from what it once was. That's why all the ToTheArk videos look like that.
If you were to put a spirit box in the room with him all you would hear coming out of it is his death screams on loop.
Jay (Mortal):
He's just a guy lol, poor bastard doesn't stand a chance.
Why yes, he has read Twilight. Why do you ask?
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jimmy-j-james · 1 year
Any chance you could make a part two of Venom!Reader x Price, or a similar idea with Soap/Ghost? I think it's such a cool prompt
- Ghost x M!symbiote!reader & Soap x M!symbiote!reader
- Proofread:
- Genre: ???
- Synopsis: Drabbles on what it’d be like if Soap and Ghost had you as their symbiote, or more specifically their first impressions.
A/N: If anyone is wanting either drabbles for other characters, or full stories like Price’s, do request!
⚠️ Simon’s part is a bit graphic and more aggressive in nature⚠️
Simon had found you while on a lone mission. The task at hand was simple. Walk in, grab the valuables (this case being the illegal scientific subjects), and get out.
Of course, the Brit wasn’t as lucky as the one tank for grabs was broken, the symbiote no where in sight.
The sight was a panic alone, but what further presented as eerie was the obscene sounds of wet flesh from above.
As Simon raised his gaze, he was shocked to find a black inky blob drop down onto his face. Pained noises escaping the man as the unlabelled thing forced its way into his maw before disappearing into his body.
Panting and shaking, Simon calls in the incident, called back for evac and an immediate check up with the base’s doctors.
The checkup had gone awful. He was sweating, hungry, and aggressive. Feral, that’s how the doctors described him.
They sent him in for an MRI, which had only caused more harm. In a strange fit of rage, Simon had even destroyed the machine. God knows how he had the strength to do such harm..
The strange behaviours only continued though. From general hunger to thoughts of cannibalism.. he’d express his concerns to Price again, earning himself a necessary time in solitary.
Pounding at the walls, screaming things he’d swear was out of his control. He felt insane and drained.
Lying back against a cold stone wall, that’s when Simon met the parasite. He had thought it was trick of the eye, but no.
A slick and slimy tendril traced out from beneath his sleeve, snaking down onto the floor as grasping hold of a small mouse that had been idly picking through rubble.
Simon watched out in horror as the creature strangled the small creature. Inside he thought back to the men he had killed in similar ways, but something about the way this small mouse was slowly being killed.. it scared him.
The tendril slowly retrieved the dead mouse, dragging it up to the head it had poked out from Simon’s shoulder.
The crunch alone scared traumatized the Brit, shooting up in a panic as he banged on the door desperately. Shouting out about the alien.. something passers would ignore on claims of him being insane.
“You are scared?” A low, raspy, and grotesque voice calls out from behind Simon, another small tendril slipping up his neck, beneath his mask. “They will not help you like I can. You want love, I can be that.”
The tendril is cold to the touch, dragging goosebumps along the man’s skin. A stuttered exhale leaving Simon’s scarred lips. He can’t help the way the touches relax him, an unexplainable phenomenon.
“You like this?” The creature purrs, almost tauntingly. “You humans are such needy beings.”
To you, Simon was a needy man. He practically lived off your touch and praise. Completely and solely dependent on you.
It was such a contrast to his past shell of being. The old Ghost, the one that would berate him for being so clingy to this alien.. but to him, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was you.
He fed you his victims, devoted his life to you. Saw upon you as a god rather than a parasite. A blessing even.
No one knew if it was a good or bad change for the bloke, but one thing was certain. Don’t bother trying to remove you from his body. If you were to be removed, either you’d let the man die, or he’d let himself die. Both of you needed each other, and no one could take that from you.
John had found you after running loose within a crash site. He had happened to pass by the crash of your ship, to which you had taken it upon yourself to use him as a host, without his knowledge of course.
He hadn’t noticed until days had passed. He was constantly craving weird things.. chocolate at first but then live animals. Next was the ungodly fevers he faced. Constantly sweating, and not your average amount either. Drenched head to toe in the stench. It was so bad to the point he was forced on medical leave, forced into bed rest while studied by the many doctors on base.
All was fine until they had him in a MRI. He freaked, or more so, whatever possessed him did. It was painful and traumatic. Seeing the sickly black mess slide across the floor. The doors were immediately locked, trapping him inside with it. Better him than the whole base, huh?
It’s what caused the alien creature to reattach to his body, to the life source it needed. It was what provoked the first verbal contact with said being.
“They want to hurt us.” It echoed throughout the Scot’s thoughts. Causing the man to stammer and desperately disagree.
“M-me? No, no, no! They’re after you!” He argued in turn, accent heavy in the moments of his panic. “Steamin’ jesus- get out of my body! Out of my head!”
To anyone else, the man looked absolutely insane. Fisting into his Mohawk, screaming on into an empty room. He remained like that, all until the other being spoke again. An grotesque tendril slipping out from his wrist, wrapping around one of his fingers.
“They don’t understand you like I do, John.”
The knowledge of his name alone had Johnny choking up. He was scared beyond belief. This had to be some cruel joke, maybe even the side effects of a bad concussion? But no. This was real. The thing was real. And he was stuck with it.
You thought of Johnny as the perfect specimen. Destructive and dependent of social praise. But those things didn’t matter anymore, he had you!
You kept him alive and well, refusing to detach from the Scot without harm caused. You truly were a parasite to him.
It had taken him awhile, but he had eventually learned to accept and care for you. Truly the perfect specimen.
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
Delivery girl.
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synopsis: you’re the cute delivery girl they have a crush on.
character(s): hu tao, yae, ei (seperate).
warning(s): suggestive flirting (yae).
note(s): female reader, second POV, modern AU.
P.S: this prompt was inspired by my hunger and overwhelming desire to order food at 11 pm.
—mod angel 🎐
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Hu Tao was one to order takeout often, however in all her years of ordering from this one specific chain, she had never met a delivery girl as pretty as you before.
Lounging around in her PJs while chatting idly with a phone lodged between her cheek, she made her way over to the door and was barely even paying attention when your voice short-circuited her brain.
“Delivery for Hu Tao!”
She nearly dropped her phone at your voice, body frozen stiff as she shakily ended her call to put her focus on you. ‘Holyyyy crap is this the new delivery girl??? I’ve never seen her before…!’ She was practically gawking at the sight, drool building up in her throat as she struggled to find her voice.
“Wow, I heard our food was pretty good but I didn’t expect you to salivate that much upon arrival,” you teased. “Do you…need a tissue?”
“No! It’s okay!” That was a lie, Hu Tao was in fact not okay. “I just— I’m just hungry!”
“(Chuckle) I can see…”
Hu Tao was internally cursing herself for wearing such unflattering PJs. Why in the everliving heavens did she decide to wear this of all things? Especially her ghost slippers! The ones that had the derpy looking faces on them! Agghhh what must you think of her now?!
‘She must think I look ridiculous!’ Hu Tao grimaced.
‘Cute slippers. I want them.’ You smiled and kept on staring.
‘She’s staring at them! Oh noooooo!’ Hu Tao screamed.
“As cute as you are staring at me, can you take these inside, please? They’re really hot and kind of burning my hands.” Hu Tao snapped out of her panic and realized that you were still holding the food she had ordered. Cursing herself even more as you must’ve stood there waiting for her to take them for god knows how long.
“Right, let me just get these off your hands…” Hu Tao shivered when her hand brushed against yours, noting how soft and warm they were as if you weren’t just scalding your hands moments ago. “This is everything, right?”
“Mhm! Everything you ordered is here.” You wiped away some sweat with the back of your hand and Hu Tao swears she saw god for a moment. “Now for the bill…”
“Oh, yeah! Let me just go grab my wallet.” Hu Tao stiffly walked back inside with the grace of a nutcracker and exhaled sharply once her back was turned to you. Has– Has the house always been so warm? Hu Tao pulled at the collar of her PJs and fanned herself as she went to go find her bag. Or was she cold? It feels like her heart is pounding right out of her chest! Good gods she must be possessed!
After paying you the bill –as well as a very generous tip may I add— Hu Tao shut the door with a quiet thud and practically raced to her upstairs bedroom. Launching face first into her pillow and screaming as loud as she could muffle without disturbing the neighbors. 
‘AAAAAAAAAAAAA-’ She kicked her legs up and down and had long forgotten about the food she had left in the kitchen. Her mind instead flooded with thoughts of you, your pretty smile, your face, your whole…everything! 
“She must be a fiend…” Hu Tao murmured, sinking her face into her pillow as heat began to pour from her cheeks. “What a devilish restaurant, using such a temptress to get me to order again next time…I’ve been bewitched…”
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Miko in a modern setting would totally be a Starbucks kind of girl. Ordering it every chance she gets and even having her name spelled correctly as she was a frequent customer.
However, as frequent as she may be, there are times where she is simply too lazy to drive there herself. So, she settles for delivery whenever she couldn’t be bothered to.
Though, after this one occasion, it seems like Miko will now be ordering delivery every time she gets…
Halfway through with getting her nails painted, Miko’s ears perked up at the sound of the doorbell as she remembered that she had ordered drinks twenty minutes ago. Blowing profusely on her barely even dry nails, she struggled to even open her door as she didn’t want to ruin her tedious hard work. ‘I really should’ve thought this through…’ Miko seethed, fumbling with her elbows of all things to twist the knob open. ‘At least the only person seeing this would be the awkward little delivery boy—’
Miko’s eyes widened when she saw a newer, cuter, more prettier face than the one she was already used to. Instead of some awkward teenage boy that could barely look her in the eye, a more attractive, pretty-faced woman stood in their place instead. “Starbucks delivery for Miss Miko?” you smiled sunnily. 
Of course the one day Miko wasn’t looking her best, a hot girl decided to show up. Great. 
“Yes, that is I,” Miko instinctively took up a flirtatious pose, even though it lost its effect as she was wearing pink fluffy sweatpants. “And who is the pretty lady if I may ask?”
“Oh, I’m just the delivery girl,” You chuckled bashfully. “Here’s your order by the way, Sorry for the wait, it appears that lots of people wanted to order from home.”
“D’awww, I’m not your first customer?” Miko jabbed playfully. 
“No, I’ve actually been working as a delivery girl for a week now. So of course you wouldn’t be my first.” Miko frowned at your blunt response. “Here are your drinks. Better take them fast or else they’d melt.”
“Hmm. Fine. But can you be a dear and put them on the counter for me? My nails aren’t done drying you see,” she presented them to you proudly and gestured for you to follow her inside. “Wouldn’t want them to smear after all.”
“Of course!” You slipped off your shoes and stepped inside to set the tray on her countertop. “There you go. As for the bill…”
“Oh! The bill…” a devious smirk made its way onto Yae Miko’s lips as she had an excellent idea to make you blush. “I’m sorry dear, but I seemed to have misplaced my bag. Perhaps…I could pay you in other ways…?”
That sultry tone in her voice implied something seductive. However, you didn’t comprehend it as such as you only assumed she wanted a different payment method. 
“Yeah we take Apple Pay.” You beamed innocently. “Would you like to–”
“No! That’s not what I meant…”
“...We take CashApp too.”
“No no no–!” 
Miko groaned inwardly. Her attempts thwarted by your obliviousness as she turned to not spare you another thought. “I’ll…I’ll go find my bag…” 
Sighing defeatedly, she paid you and sent you on your way. Plopping down at her kitchen counter and staring at her Starbucks drinks chilling in the tray in front of her. Damn, has her game been that bad lately? Miko wanted to bury herself in her hands in pity. In front of a pretty girl too… 
She set her head against the cool countertop and thought about how she could woo you over to make you hers. Her drinks long forgotten about as they melted under the fiery blaze of her longing for you. 
‘Looks like I’ll be ordering from home more often…’
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Since Ei can’t cook at all, takeout and delivery is basically all she eats. She’s a frequent customer of pretty much every fast food chain you could think of, yet the one chain she orders from the most is a certain bakery she loves for their sweets. 
Most often than not, the delivery drivers for that certain bakery have all delivered to Ei’s place a numerous amount of times. However, since you were a new hire, this was the first time you’d be delivering to the well-known customer, and boy was it rough.
To put it short, you got lost.
Ei was getting impatient as she had ordered her boba and sweets over half an hour ago. What was the delivery driver doing? She was getting hungrier by the minute and her craving for sweets got much stronger with each passing minute. The moment the doorbell rang, Ei ran like lightning. Nearly tripping over a couch cushion as she stumbled to reach the doorknob in time. 
‘Finally! I can see the person responsible for delaying me of my desserts–’ Ei flinched when she was greeted with a young woman breathing heavily while holding up a box of her delicious freshly-baked desserts. The smell wafted up to her nose and instantly calmed her down as she took in the appearance of the disheveled woman. Who, despite being completely out of breath, had a very pretty voice Ei noted. 
“Your…Your order…miss…” you wheezed weakly. Clutching your stomach and presenting the box of goodies like it was the head of a monster you had just slayed. “Sorry for the delay. I got a little lost around the…the neighborhood.”
Your arms shook and Ei took it as a sign to grab the box before you could drop it. Watching as you picked yourself up painfully and analyzing your features as she had realized that she had never seen you before from the bakery. 
‘So they hired a new girl to deliver to my house…’ Ei let her eyes wander across your face and took note of how oddly cute you were despite being all hot and sweaty. ‘Very pretty. Though punctuality is not her forte…’
“You were awfully late still.” Ei spoke bluntly.
“I know. I’m sorry. Please don’t tell my boss!” You winced. 
“I won’t.” Ei murmured, grabbing the hilt of your chin and tilting it upwards to make you face her. “I quite like having you deliver to me, so I want you to keep your job.”
Unintentionally, the loser Raiden Ei had made you blush. Who would’ve thought?
“I-I…erm…” Ei watched as you fumbled over your words, heat radiating from your cheeks as she still hadn’t let go of your chin. 
‘Not good with words either.’ Ei noted, ‘And her face is all warm. She really must be out of breath…’
“I will go grab my wallet,” she murmured quietly, letting go of your chin to go back inside the house. “I will be ordering from the bakery a plentiful amount of times. Expect to memorize my route by then, understood?”
“Yes ma’am…”
And as Ei sent you off with the bill and your tip, she sat back in her kitchen and pulled out a pastry from the box. Chewing on a mouthful and letting her thoughts drift to you once more. Thoughts wandering as a blush suddenly spread across her face.
‘Is it just me…or are these desserts even sweeter than before…’
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Thought about Ghost pirate AU instead of sleeping last night, so here are some of said thoughts (I really wanna make that a fic but i'd need to research some specific vocabulary since english isn't my first language and even in french i don't know much about how to describe ships and things like that) :
Copia is the captain of the Impera ship (how original, I know).
Cirrus and Aether are his seconds in command.
Phantom has tons of eyepatches that he decorates with shells Swiss picks for him, pearls Rain brings back from the deepest parts of the sea, shiny things Aurora gifts him, etc...
Sunshine is constantly up in the sails, swinging from ropes and masts, keeping an eye on the sea and the sky, always on the lookout for danger or opportunities.
Dew is an incredible shot, and he's very proud of it - likes to show off, though he knows when to prioritize efficiency over elegancy.
Rain is some kind of siren, and lures whichever ship the crew has eyes on toward them by singing. He usually swims after the ghouls' ship, when the sea is calm and he isn't needed on the deck.
Swiss has a variant of Rain's capacity, but without singing. He just...sort of hypnotize people just by talking. Like...enhanced charm. It wears off the longer the person is exposed to it, though, so he has to use it wisely.
Their ship is the fastest on the sea, since Cumulus and Cirrus can manipulate wind and basically give it a speed boost whenever.
Mountain's sense of orientation is impecable. As long as you have him, you're never lost. He's like a living compass. (maybe he can "sense" the lands around them to a certain extend ?)
Aether ties and unties knots in loose ropes when he's anxious (kinda like Finnick in Hunger Games) and is the medic on board.
Cirrus is a sword master. Do not challenge her in a duel, she will win.
Aurora is an explosion enthousiast. Do not let her unsupervised around canons or powder. It does come in a handy when the goal is to blow up the enemy, though.
Cumulus is a frightenigly clever strategist. Whenever a plan needs to be made, she always come up with the best, most twisted ideas. She's also in charge of drawing the maps (she's the only one with a neat handwritting).
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 5 months
Could you maybe tell us a bit more about remnant hunger? It seems like such a cool idea
Rubs hands together evilly like a small housefly Eheheeheheh (It’s easiest to explain if I just do an in-depth explanation of my au version of remnant, so this is some of that as well. The most important thing to understand is that remnant is NOT the same thing as soul.) REALLY long post ahead.
So the way remnant works in my au is that it’s a naturally occurring metal in the bodies of most living things (like iron or something) with a simple purpose: to bind the soul to its body. It’s found all throughout the system, but is concentrated most in the brain and nervous system (and the smarter an animal is, the more remnant there is binding its consciousness). So you want to make a ghost, huh? To do that you need a soul, a lot of remnant (different surfaces like metal hold onto remnant better) and a part of their body that the process will transfer the soul from. In areas with enough remnant, ghosts can happen naturally if there’s enough remnant in whatever part of the victim binds to a surface (Evan with the brain matter when his skull was crushed, Charlie with spinal fluid when she was stabbed in the neck). Remnant also has a relatively low melting temp (its liquid in the human body) and unbinds if it heats up to its gas state.
Now, living things constantly gain and lose enough remnant in their systems through the natural process of eating, drinking and breathing that running seriously low is hard to do without already being on the brink of succumbing to hunger and exhaustion. But spirits? Whatever they possess (be it an animatronic or corpse) exists in a much more passive state. They lose remnant, but it’s harder to gain it without digestion or circulation. It takes a while, but day by day their soul slowly unwinds from their body. The symptoms tend to present themselves as an intense hunger accompanied by a lack of self control that progresses into the eventual point of completely uncontrollable aggression. You can stave it off for a while, but in the end the only way to end the hunger is to sate it with concentrated remnant- aka human flesh.
You don’t necessarily have to kill someone for it (Mike probably breaks into morgues and such for the most part), but the longer something is dead, the less remnant it has. The guard bodies they recover from failed night shifts aren’t usually very intact almost entirely as a result of the animatronics feeding, Elizabeth gets a cut of the remnant from what she catches from Circus Baby’s capture mechanism, etc. William specifically was pretty fucked up by this, since he went like 30 years without more than the occasional rat to eat, so that whole time was in a sort of hunger-driven half conscious stupor (whoever unearthed him definitely got fucking eaten) which is why he’s so unhinged in fnaf 3 and much more ‘human’ in fnaf 6.
Mike was definitely pretty hard hit by the whole thing because: A) he has to pose as a human being and get along as normally as possible in society. B) he already has a lot of internalized fear of hurting people, and having a deep desire to bite Jeremy’s face off whenever he’s hungry doesn’t help. C) guy works at Fazbear Entertainment, he’s around blood and bodies all the time and he has to physically force himself not to just go batshit crazy. Good news, he can at least access already dead bodies somewhat consistently so he’s not running around murdering people, bad news is pretty good odds he snapped and ate a coworker once and got an extra layer of trauma on top of the ever growing pile.
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koskela-knights · 8 months
My fic collection
Straight up taken from my page, but now as a post.
I write a whole bunch lmao so here some of them are, all in 1 place. Might update this post too. Always read the tags on ao3 for possible CW & TWs!
No matter how stupid
Ilmo deals with the aftermath of his brother’s death.
Without Wake
Alice is depressed since the supposed passing of her husband. Barry comes over, trying to help in ways he can.
Knitting is good for the soul
Jaakko takes up knitting as a hobby.
Off trail
Self-indulgent Ilmo x Reader. You are taken on an adventure in the National Park.
Altered World Event
Maybe down the loop, it wasn’t Jaakko who paid the price for taunting Scratch.
Ilmo and the kids visit Jaakko’s grave. As simple and sad as that.
Alan wants to do something right to the remaining Koskela brother.
Bleeding Hearts
Wake tries to make sense of the world, what happened and how to rewrite it to fix it. Ilmo is there to help along the way.
The Body Swap Accident
Somehow, the writer switches body with an unusual suspect which could turn this case upside down.
Koskela Home-Knit Sweaters for the Holidays
I wrote an ad for the Koskela sweaters, created by yours truly :P
Hot showers and the things that follow after
Ilmo and Alan return back home. Messy, tired but still kind of high on the adrenaline of escaping a deadly situation, they need to unwind and also take a shower. It’s NSFW!
Daddy Issues
Jaakko learns he’s become a father.
A drabble where Jaakko wakes up one day, realizing he’s trapped in the spiral.
Curious Case(y)
NSFW fic revolving about Detective Casey being possessed by Scratch who is very curious about the Detective.
Will it ever be okay?
Reader insert who comforts Ilmo post Jaakko’s demise.
Bear Season
The Cult of the Tree encounters a new terrifying enemy.
She’s one of us
In this reality, Saga’s daughter drowned.
The Grandmaster Returns
Ilmari/Zane if you squint hard enough.
Again and Again
A drabble where it’s Ilmo who wakes up, now aware of the loop.
Stab me again, please
Based off a Tumblr post where you see during Deerfest Ilmo yells this specific line at Alan.
Just a normal day at the Valhalla Nursing Home
A silly fic where we follow a trio of elderly ladies at the VNH. The Koskela ads are their highlight of the day and they are also very interested in a certain brother.
Mirror Mirror
Slightly experimental fic with switching POVs about Ilmo resisting the Dark Presence.
Rose’s Secret Side Business
A fic about Rose’s side business of taking care of the Taken outside.
Blood Brothers
A vampire AU about the Huotari brothers, their early life in Watery and the undoing of their lives when Ilmari accidentally kills detective Kesä in self-defence.
A collection of drabbles about reunions between brothers.
Different Ritual
Explicit spin-off/sequel to the Blood Brothers fic. Ilmari/Seine PWP.
Ilmo finally gets a hug after his brother’s death.
Private Invitation
Explicit Jaakko x m! Reader
Flesh of a Fallen Angel
Explicit Ilmari x transmasc! Reader (dub-con)
Ahma Beer!
Jaakko gifts Ilmo something once the beer deal is sealed.
Friends with Benefits and Beer
Explicit Jaakko x transmasc! Reader x Ilmo
Wolfish hunger
A werewolf AU with werewolf Koskela brothers & Rose Marigold.
Angsty drabble about Ilmo trying to fix his broken heart after Jaakko's death.
Minds Collide
Explicit Zaneling (Zane x Darling) drabble about their collaboration.
Dance with me?
My first Ilmo/Rose fic about them dancing together.
Kalevala Knight
Explicit Ilmo/Alan drabble. Something about a knight and a writer.
Smalltown Boy
A coming of age, slice of life AU where Ilmo's a closeted gay kid.
Smalltown Boy at Prom
Sequel to Smalltown Boy where Ilmo has his first prom.
Rose finds a familiar Cultist after he gets unmasked. My first Rose/Jaakko, Rose & Jaakko focused fic.
Ghost Towns
AU where Alan is a sentient doll who goes on an unexpected journey.
Underneath the skin there's a Human
An angsty CultCase fic about different POVs on echo! Cultist Ilmo.
Cigarettes x Rain
A CultCase drabble about smoking with your enemy.
Trans! Ilmo x Rose and their firsts. No Dark Presence AU
CultCase angst about tattoos and remembering loved ones.
He created me in his image
A transmasc! Reader x Ilmari, arranged wedding AU.
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silentsnowflower · 1 month
Lazy-bones versus Soft-paws
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A slice of life in ThunderClan a year after the Great Hunger, from the perspective of Speckleflight (Speckletail in canon), who was a kit during the Great Hunger. So much of her formative moons - kithood and apprenticeship were shaped by the Great Hunger and as a young warrior, having just lived through a normal leaf-bare, is beginning to see the clan recover - mostly. Except for a few cats.
In this AU, the ThunderClan family tree has been substantially overhauled. Here, Speckleflight and Tawnyspots are littermates and are the offspring of Mumblefoot and Fawnspots (Doestar’s sister), born shortly before the leafbare known to the clans as the Great Hunger. I always imagined the two of them looking similar and this way, it makes more sense to me, for Goldenflower to name her daughter Tawnykit - after her uncle, who was also Goldenflower’s mentor in this AU.
I’m also still trying to practice with Procreate (specifically with coloring and shading) and find my style. Time spent on the drawing is approximately 2 hours.
TW: Grief
Speckleflight lay stretched out in front of the warrior’s den, enjoying the warm of the newleaf sun on her fur. It’d been so long since she’d felt properly warm and she was so close to feeling bundled up in sunshine. Now, if we could just take Sunningrocks back from RiverClan. She flexed her claws, imagining sinking them into the thick-furred, oily pelt of a RiverClan warrior. She would send their warriors screeching from the gray, flat-topped stones, claiming them for herself - and ThunderClan, of course. Purring, she imagined stretching out on the stones.
“What’s got you so happy this dawn?”
Speckleflight rolled over and blinked happily up at Robinchest. The wiry brown and ginger queen stood over her, scraps of moss still clinging to her pelt. “Just enjoying the sunshine.” Her paws flexed, kneading the air happily. Stop that, Speckletail scolded herself. You’re not a kit anymore.
“It is a nice day,” Robinchest murmured, settling down next to the young warrior. With brusque strokes of her tongue, she began tidying her pelt. “Has Mumblefoot sent out any patrols yet?”
Speckleflight shook her head. “Not that I’ve seen.” Her father was sitting attentively next to Pinestar, listening as the ThunderClan leader spoke to him. “I think he’s letting the clan have a slow start today. The dawn patrol hasn’t come back yet. They’re a little late.”
Robinchest chuckled. “Fuzzypelt bet me some fresh moss that Weedwhisker asks to stop and hunt.”
“Did you take him up on it?” Speckleflight looked sidelong at the queen. She seemed happier, lighter today - like her constant grief was not weighing on her as much.
Robinchest flicked her tail as she shook her head. “No. We’re already on moss-duty today. He’s already getting fresh moss for his nest.”
“Seems a pointless bet,” Speckleflight purred. “Weedwhisker is always hungry. You know you’d lose.”
“Indeed.” A heartbeat later, the queen added, “I can’t wait until we get some apprentices. Then I won’t have to worry about gathering moss or helping the elders with their ticks.” She made a face with the last statement.
“You don’t even like taking care of your own. I’ve seen how you beg Fuzzypelt to get them off you,” Speckleflight teased.
Robinchest swiped at her half-heartedly, cuffing Speckleflight’s ear. “Don’t forget - I raised you.” Just like that, grief settled on the queen, as thick and heavy as the snow during the Great Hunger. There was a far-away look in the queen’s eyes. She was haunted by the ghosts of her lost kits. Her milk and her warmth had not been enough to save them. Speckleflight could hardly remember the three kits - two brown and one black. They’d been born tiny scraps of fur at the start of leafbare, when Speckleflight was just two moons old, and died two moons later, while Speckleflight and the rest of the clan struggled through the gray twilight haze of perpetual cold and hunger.
“I know,” Speckleflight mewed, deliberately keeping her tone light. She missed Fawnspots dearly. Too many of the clan had been lost to starvation. At least I still have Tawnyspots.
As though she’d called for him, Tawnyspots slipped out of the warrior’s den. He glanced at Robinchest and tilted his head to the side, in a question. His green eyes were shadowed with concern. Speckleflight shook her head, rising to her paws to greet him. “How’d you sleep, lazy-bones?”
“Well enough,” he meowed. “I didn’t have to go on the dawn patrol.”
“That’s just as well,” Speckleflight chirped. “They’d hear your sleep-heavy paws coming from tree-lengths away.”
“Oh - you’re one to talk.” A mischievous glint appeared in Tawnyspots’s gaze. “Every cat in the forest knows when you’ve stepped on a bramble, soft-paws.”
“Take that back!” Speckleflight ordered, a growl in her throat.
Tawnyspots danced away, his tail flicking in an invitation for her to come and get him. His ears tipped back and he crouched down. “Make me.”
Speckleflight leaped for him, paws outstretched. The two young warriors collided in a tangle of fur and paws, rolling head over tail as they grappled. “I was having a fine morning until you decided to stick your nose in it,” she puffed.
His hind paws battered at her stomach and he kicked her off, sweeping her forepaws out from underneath her in the same move. She crashed to the ground and he was on top of her, pinning her. “How about you take back your lazy-bones comment?” he meowed, thrusting his muzzle in her face.
Her gaze flickered to Robinchest and so did his. The queen was still looking lost, not paying any attention to their mock-fight. Tawnyspots exhaled slowly. “Sometimes it feels like she’s not ever going to get any better.”
“It will take time,” Speckleflight assured him, playfully kicking at his stomach. “Now, come on. Do you really think you can best me in a fight?”
“Seems I already have. I’m not the one on the ground.”
“Not like this!”
She drew her legs back and kicked his hind legs out from underneath him. Tawnyspots crashed down on her - driving the breath out of both of them. Gripping his shoulders with her paws, claws unsheathed just enough to hold onto his fur, she rolled them over, so that he was underneath her now. He twisted, trying to repeat the same move that had allowed him to pin her initially. She reared back, dodging, before diving down on top of him. He stopped her with a paw pressed against her brow, over paw poised to strike.
“That’s enough!” As quickly as the fight began, it was over. Speckleflight scrambled away from her brother, blinking innocently at Mumblefoot, who had finished his conversation with Pinestar. The dark brown tabby padded across the camp, his yellow eyes narrowed. “You’re warriors now. I expect you to act like one.”
“Sorry,” Speckleflight muttered, hoping her father did not call her out on her insincere tone. Tawnyspots said nothing.
“Now, I was going to have you lead your own patrol today, but-“
At this, Tawnyspots’s ears flicked forward. The young tom squared his shoulders, a quiet “No” escaping him, interrupting Mumblefoot.
“Excuse me?” Mumblefoot grumbled.
“Sorry, sir. I was just surprised that you were considering us for patrol leaders.”
“I was - but it seems that neither of you are mature enough to be leading one.”
“Oh - leave them be. I’ll lead whatever patrol you wanted Speckleflight to be in charge of. And she can come with me.”
Only Seedspeck. The mottled gray she-cat was Mumblefoot’s former apprentice and to Speckleflight, it seemed that nothing could scare the warrior. If I could be like her. She turned to look at the other warrior. Seedspeck’s green gaze was steady as she met Mumblefoot’s yellow one.
“Fine,” Mumblefoot grumbled, but his words were soft. “Take Speckleflight, White-eye, and Sunfall. I’ll leave it up to you to decide where to hunt.” As the deputy turned away, he continued, “because apparently no cat will listen to anything I say.”
“Only those who aren’t afraid of you,” Seedspeck meowed sharply. “You should quit terrorizing your children.”
Mumblefoot flicked his tail contemptuously.
I really want to be like you now, Speckleflight thought, staring at Seedspeck. She tipped her head towards her brother and murmured in his ear, “Will you stay with Robinchest?”
“Of course,” Tawnyspots promised. “I’ll see if I can get her to go hunting. Or for a walk. Just something to get her out of camp.”
“Maybe Goosefeather will have something for her,” Speckleflight meowed.
Tawnyspots shrugged. There was no love lost between him and the strange medicine cat. “I don’t think herbs will help.”
“Herbs won’t,” Seedspeck murmured, joining their conversation. “Just time and weather and new, good memories will help.”
“She’s supposed to go gather moss with Fuzzypelt today,” Speckleflight added, suddenly remembering what the queen had mentioned earlier. “Maybe you could take her, Fuzzypelt, and another cat on a patrol to gather some moss? Sparrowfur or Moonflower?”
“I’ll do that. Just be careful that Mumblefoot doesn’t hear you. He might think you’re wanting his job,” Tawnyspots purred, turning away to slip into the warrior’s den. “I’ll send White-eye and Sunfall out to you.”
“Tell them we’ll be waiting in the ravine,” Seedspeck called, padding away.
With a glance at Robinchest, Speckleflight followed. Her ears and tail drooped as she thought about the sorrowful queen.
“You can’t help her - not any more than you already are.” Seedspeck paused before the bramble barrier, her gaze lingering on Robinchest as well. “Caring for you and Tawnyspots is why she’s still here today. I’m glad you’ve never forgotten about her.”
“She’s like our mom,” Speckleflight explained, ducking through the thorns. “I spent more of my kithood with her than with Fawnspots.”
“I know.” Seedspeck stretched, hooking her claws over the top of one of the many boulders scattered along the ravine. Her back arched and the she-cat purred. “But don’t spend too much time worrying about her. Or dwelling on the… on the last leaf-bare. It’s a nice new-leaf day, and I, for one, want to enjoy the sunshine.”
“Maybe we could hunt by Sunningrocks?” Speckleflight suggested, hoping the older warrior would at least consider her suggestion.
“Sure!” Seedspeck nodded. “This way, we can scout out the best sunning spots before ThunderClan retakes Sunningrocks.”
Surprised, Speckleflight broke into a purr. She wasn’t the only cat dreaming of warmth.
Cats featured, in order of appearance/mention:
Speckleflight (Speckletail) - golden spotted-tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Robinchest (Robinwing) - light brown she-cat with ginger patches and amber eyes
Mumblefoot - long-furred dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Pinestar - large, dark reddish-brown tom with green eyes
Fuzzypelt - long-furred black and white tom with green eyes
Weedwhisker - pale ginger tom with white fleck and yellow eyes
Tawnyspots - broad shouldered brown tom with lighter, tawny spots and green eyes
Seedspeck (Seedpelt) - mottled gray she-cat with darker flecks and green eyes
White-eye (One-eye) - very pale gray and white she-cat with one blue eye and one cloudy, blind white eye
Sunfall - slender dark ginger tom with a lighter ginger tail and green eyes
Goosefeather - long-furred pale gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Sparrowfur (Halftail)- dark brown tabby tom with a stump of a tail and amber eyes
Moonflower - silver-gray tabby she-cat with dark stripes and very pale yellow eyes
Fawnspots (Deerdapple) - pale ginger spotted tabby she-cat with green eyes
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loreleilarai · 2 months
I had a brainstorm in less than 10 minutes, let me share a piece of my brain with you about the Au "I see you" (No, I'm not going to change the name, I have no idea what to call it)
I rambled on about YN quite a bit, now it's time for world building and other characters.
First, I want to talk about Ian, the guy gets a lot of attention in a lot of fanfics as the cheating ex, well I'll change that, you, the player, never said yes. You two were never in a relationship, that doesn't mean you don't care, just that you have bigger concerns than being in a relationship. There was never any infidelity, but you and Ian still grew apart because of his acting role. Although when you were young Ian played along with you and all those imaginary things, now that you are older he thinks it is nonsense, so you don't really bring up that subject with him.
Second, Shaun, my boy, my beautiful boy, is busy most of the time and is the only one who vividly believes that you see ghosts and weird things. He has been a constant support, he usually seeks advice and inspiration from you when talking about designs, he has the bad habit of taking you to cemeteries and haunted places so that you can then draw on a sheet of paper what you saw. He can be a jerk sometimes, but he never let anything happen to you. Whether it's in movies or not, he knows very well how to ward off evil spirits.
Third, Jack, the most important one here, he was definitely human, he went from Joseph to Jack, he died on the scene and now he is some kind of entity, only, after thinking about it, if he is a ghost that spends his time stuck to you it is practically a red flag in a ring full of bulls. If you look at him, talk to him, or touch him, nearby spirits will know that you can see them. So, Jack really has to be as strong as possible to protect you.
I was thinking about the types of spirits in the world, where Jack would fit in, and he would be way below.
The lowest category are those ghosts of people who have forgotten their death or simply do not want to finish what they left behind in life, so they haunt a specific place. Whether they are aggressive or not depends on the ghosts, but they are friendly most of the time and quite weak.
Then there are the wandering souls, these spirits have a task to fulfill, their hunger for revenge moves them. Or on the other hand, they are spirits who choose their goals, and they continue just for that.
The third and most dangerous type are those who are older, have lost themselves and only seek to harm whoever they can.
Similar to the game, as Jack said "I can't do anything you don't want me to do" These spirits feed on people's thoughts and feelings. If they move things and cause damage, these people will think that the ghost will hurt them and the spirits will become stronger to effectively harm them. If you enter a haunted house it is better to be brave, if you are afraid of that ghost you will make it stronger.
Following these laws, Jack would actually be the second type of spirit, unless he scares people secretly to become stronger. Because even if he really adores his Sunshine, His love only makes him more clingy but not exactly ready to fight with spirits full of teeth and disfigurements.
So! Let's add one more category, demons.
Yes, angels also exist but they don't get involved in human trouble.
Jack spent 40 years on the VHS, alone, it was hell itself. A punishment for his actions, an innocent sacrifice.
Then he is granted another chance to redeem himself. He doesn't get any guidance on what to do, he doesn't really know he is a demon is until he meets you. He can't see himself in mirrors or anything but he feels his wing and tail, he thinks the horns are too much.
Jack, like the player, saw spirits from a young age. And he's confused, but he clings to you and protects you as much as he can. He's seen what all those spirits can do, he won't let them touch a hair on your head. He's very overprotective.
He decides pretty quickly that that's his purpose, he's to redeem himself by leading you down the right path, leading you through all those spirits. You're practically him, alone, no parents, with a shitty job and struggling to stay afloat. So he'll offer you his hands to lift you up no matter what happens.
The fact that he falls in love is just a side effect, he is here to stay by your side until the end of days.
Jack can take a big, scary form as an eldrich monster because we don't have enough eldrich jacks here. So I'll fix that myself, it's still scary, preferably he hides it from his Sunshine, he really doesn't even know what he's capable of and he doesn't want to hurt you by accident. Of course that happens a couple of times.
Edit: The reader becomes a boy named Gabriel, but feel free to replace him with your Ocs or self inserts. It's just easier for me to refer to a "she-her/he-him" by a name than to leave everything ambiguous.
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jackdaw-sprite · 11 months
May I ask about the Spider Brains and/or Adoption wips? (Tbh all of your wips seem super interesting!!)
Certainly! Anon is asking about this ask game.
These are both actually two of my very oldest WIPs, or fragments of them. Spider brains has a few completed, unposted things, and a few other WIPs in other programs. Adoption is similar-ish--it has a few outlines in other programs.
For Spider Brains, the idea of the AU is derived from this Quanta Magazine article I'd seen a few weeks before. Specifically, ghosts in this AU work along the lines of:
Ghost cores are little bundles of unstable energy (think eddies in a stream) that are mostly instinctual and can sustain themselves through obsessive concentration on a single topic, but this isn't effective long term. This isn't a death sentence, though, because
Ghost cores can also slowly build lairs. These lairs can help (and eventually completely manage) to reinforce the ghost core itself, and their structure also supports the development of more complex powers, higher level, thinking, etc.
So while a ghost's existence is tied to their core, their personality, abilities, etc. are tied to their lair.
Halfas can get away with using their human physical structure for many of the same purposes.
But get away with isn't really healthy.
There's more to it! I spent a while just rapidly rotating the mechanics of the world obsessively, but that's a decent enough summary of the idea.
Adoption is actually another AU that's heavy on alternate ghost mechanics! It's derived from asking myself 'so if ghosts don't have cores, how does that work?' It ends up involving ghost hunger, of a few different flavors. But instead of getting into that, I'd actually like to talk about the setup!
It's a Livin' Large AU! No, no, don't run away yet, I promise I'm going somewhere with this.
In the previous episode, Undergrowth managed to cause what looks like literal billions of dollars of infrastructure damage to the area, not to mention some kind of plant zombie apocalypse thing that got averted by one of the local ghosts (Danny) managing to scrape together a victory against him.
It doesn't seem like the US government would be best pleased about that.
In fact, it seems pretty reasonable they'd do whatever it took to try and get a lid on the ghost problem for once and for all...
including forcing the Fentons to sell Fentonworks and everything in it, to get sole access to the portal that seems like the source of all these problems. (no, they aren't gung ho about selling their lives' work here)
And it works! Whatever the GIW do in Fentonworks, ghosts stop showing up outside it.
The Fentons are left to scrape together a new lab with the money they got from being effectively eminent domain'ed out of their house
And Danny is left to face building worry about just what the GIW are up to in the increasingly hostile husk of Fentonworks, and increasingly unstable emotions and irrational urges...
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cozage · 1 year
1,500 of you! Wow!!!
Shewwww! There sure are a lot of you now! Hi everyone!!
I'm not quite ready to do another event, BUT we are going to do 60 questions for 60ish hours. For the next 60 hours (so this will end on Thursday 13th at 11:59 pm) send me questions! You can send me other questions too, but I promise I will answer these! Questions are below the cut, red questions have already been asked!
(just a quick note...please do NOT send me requests. They are still closed. You can send me questions about my writings and fics, but don't ask me to write anything extra right now!)
Get to know me as a…
What’s your favorite color?
What’s your favorite food?
What’s your favorite drink?
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
What book are you reading right now?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite TV show?
Do you have any siblings?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any scars?
Do you have any birthmarks?
Do you have any tattoos?
What video games do you like to play?
What’s your relationship status?
What are you listening to right now?
Do you believe in ghosts?
When you’re not writing, what do you like to do?
What’s something that gets on your nerves/something you hate?
What’s a show that reminds you of childhood?
How often do you write?
What app do you write on?
How do start your writing process? 
How do you edit your writing?
What fandoms have you written for in the past?
What do you write for now?
Who is your favorite person to write for?
What’s your favorite way/POV to write?
What challenges you as a writer?
How long does it take you to write a request?
(you can ask about these fandoms: OP, Demon Slayer, MHA, AOT, Naruto, HxH, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Stranger Things, Legend of Zelda)
What was the first fandom you were a part of?
Top five anime?
What fandoms are you still actively a part of?
What is your favorite One Piece (or other fandom) Episode/Arc?
What’s your most/least favorite thing about One Piece(or other) fandom?
Current OTP (of One Piece or other fandom)?
What’s your favorite AU?
Headcanon you have for _____(character or fandom)?
What’s a fandom you’re in but have no ships from?
What's your unpopular anime opinion?
Random things:
A specific color that gives you the ick?
Coolest place you've been?
Favorite form of potato?
What animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
On a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice? 
Anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? 
Do you think you’re dehydrated? 
Rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
Your boba/tea order?
Favorite Disney princess movie?
What does your emotional support water bottle look like?
Do you wear jewelry?
Best memory you could think of?
How long is your hair?
Whats something that always makes you smile?
When was the last time you saw a wild animal and what was it?
What is your favorite scent?
Play any instruments? 
If you could time travel what decade would you go to first?
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
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governmentofficial · 1 year
NAME: Harry
PRONOUNS:  he/him
BEST EXPERIENCE: That feeling when not only does a rp partner actually engage in plotting and follow through by replying to the thread, but they send me plot ideas first. It happens so rarely that it really stands out.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  Tumblr IM until I know someone isn’t going to ghost my plotting IMs, and then Discord. I send IMs for plotting to all new mutuals nowadays. If you’re a new mutual and you haven’t got an IM, check your inbox, because I have reached out (and if there still isn’t something in there, it’s glitched so send me an IM to let me know haha)
MOST ACTIVE MUSE AU: Probably the Hunger Games stuff, mainly because @imprvdente sent so many ideas for it lol. I’m also always a sucker for writing any stuff with younger Mycroft, be it him as a kid or his early career days.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS:  11+ years on Tumblr (all on Mycroft, no hiatuses 😎), probably 15+ years in total across all platforms.
RP PET PEEVE: When people don’t contribute to plotting, when people stop replying to IMs the second I try to plot, when people clearly haven’t read the rules and/or about page, no about page... I could go on 😅
PLOTS OR MEMES: Plot with me first, even if it’s just a basic “okay so this is how our characters may know each other, and this is how they feel about each other”, then ideally both. I love plotting specific things, but I also love how memes can start scenarios that I wouldn’t have suggested via plotting. If I’m reblogging memes, it means I have time to write some new threads so would like to get things started, so people shouldn’t hesitate to send them in if we’ve done the initial plotting.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Define long lol. I like threads to be a minimum of 3 or 4 paragraphs. I do enjoy super long, 10+ paragraph threads, but they take a while to reply to so I don’t want to write things that long all the time. 
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Yes. I’m willing to admit it, Mycroft and I share some traits. Hopefully not all his traits though - the man’s a bit of a dick haha.
Tagged by: @imprvdente Tagging: @giildedcage @gilesian @samhlaiocht @threecardtrick
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
okay you've got me fucking obsessed with vampires again holy shit I love this au so much! could I request some more specific head canons on how you think vaxs first time drinking from Keyleth went and then the first time after everything with the clasp happened?
i am highkey OBSESSED with vampires and i'm just so happy so many ppl are on this ride w me
okay so this drabble is his first time drinking her blood but obv i end it before he finishes so. i imagine it is a deeply erotic experience, a little pain and a little pleasure and a little holy fuck what is this, and that's for both of them. keyleth had never imagined that she could feel good while having someone drink her blood, and even though she was riddled with guilt about it happening when her best friend is a literal vampire hunter, it brought her closer to vax in such a profound way, she couldn't bring herself to regret it.
vax, for his part, felt over the fucking moon. it was such an expression of trust, and he was just so thrilled that he was able to show her that he was worthy of that trust, that he'd never take more than was necessary, that he'd stop the moment she'd ask, that he cared far more for her safety and happiness than for the satiation of his own hunger. he'd had something similar with gil, but he knew it was easier for gil to trust, that it really meant something that keyleth would let herself be vulnerable like that.
after the clasp...oh boy. i think it took a long time, but longer for vax than for keyleth. there was the memory of pain in keyleth's body, ofc, the ghosts of other teeth in her flesh, but for vax, it was the intense need for her not to trust him. it was her trust in him that led to her getting hurt in the first place. i think vax actually does everything in his power not to consume any blood around or in front of her, bc he's terrified of any reminder of what he is.
but then, keyleth thinks that he thinks she's tainted, that bc others have tasted her, he doesn't want her anymore. which obviously could not be further from the truth but neither one of them want to say what's actually going on out loud. and i think it takes a full breakdown from keyleth, just like full-body sobbing out of nowhere, for the ice to break between them and for the truth to start coming out. and keyleth wants him to feed from her because she loves him and wants to be the thing that keeps him alive, that keeps him around, and because it was a connection that she'll never be able to have with anyone else. and vax fights so fucking hard bc he's a stubborn prick and bc the idea of causing her any pain, even pain accompanied by pleasure, makes him want to vomit. it takes a lot of negotiation and a lot of reassurance and a lot of crying for him to agree to try again.
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