#this is secretly me trauma dumping
slutisnotabadword · 3 months
A lot of people downplayed Katherine’s emotional abuse towards Damon, and as someone who is a victim of emotional abuse, I’m offended!
Katherine didn’t just reject Damon. She didn’t just hurt his feelings. She didn’t just choose his brother over him.
Let’s put some reality on this, real quick, and put yourself in Damon’s shoes (and even Stefan’s a little).
This person rolls into your life, and you’re immediately struck by their flawless looks and sparkling personality. They draw you in INSTANTLY. But oopsie, your sibling also likes them, and it seems as though the person also likes your sibling. Just when you’re about to accept your losses, OH LOOK, that person you have a major crush on?? They like you TOO. They’re flirting with you, spending time with you, seducing you in all the right ways. But why don’t you look at that, they’re doing the same shit with your sibling. Now you’re doubting and asking yourself: “Is this another person choosing my sibling over me?” Because let’s not forget that our father is a fucking asshole that hATES US. Let’s kick it up a notch tho, this crush of yours turns into the love of your life. You two are sleeping together, exploring eachother’s bodies and all that jazz. But hey! They’re also fucking your sibling, AND IT’S NOT EVEN A FUCKING SECRET. IT’S KNOWN. You’re being played like lotto but you don’t even care because at least someone loves you. And meanwhile, this person is whispering sweet things in your ear, convincing you that you two are going to spend the rest of eternity together forever. But WHOOPS, the bitch dies and your father kills you. That’ll do it. Then eventually you realize that this bitch never died fr, she must be in the damn tomb! Now, you’re pumped up and traveling to the ends of the earth, searching for a witch to get this tomb open to free your one true love. Over a HUNDRED YEARS has passed and you still have not found a way to get them out of that tomb, until now. You get that tomb open and—OH THEY AINT THERE! THEY NEVER WAS AND TURNS OUT THEY KNEW YOU WERE LOOKING FOR THEM!!!! You go into a spiral. Thousands of questions are popping in your head. Did this person ever love me? Was everything a lie? What did I do wrong for this person to do this to me? Was I enough for them? Now it’s time to get those answers answered! The “love of your life” walks through those doors after over a hundred years, and tells you in your face “I never loved you. It was always your sibling.”
I went through something similar to this in high school, and that alone made me want to die. IF THIS EXACT SHIT HAPPENED TO ME, I WOULDN’T MAKE IT PAST SEASON 2.
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futurehunt · 6 months
"You're not the person I want to explain myself to." -Eris Vanserra and his hidden motives
The story of Eris Vanserra haunts me. At this point, most of the characters in ACOTAR are an open book in terms of their backgrounds but Eris's is still so shrouded in mystery and I have to know more. Consider this the inspiration for my following lengthy analysis of all the Eris Vanserra scenes we've been given. Additional inspiration being this clip of SJM from a since deleted live stream on Instagram (still available on YouTube) :
Love that SJM says that Eris is her favorite Autumn Court character but more importantly she spills a little detail about Eris having a secret history and a secret motivation behind his character. I think most readers assumed by now that Eris is primed for a redemption arc but this simply could've been reserved to him making amends for leaving Mor injured in the woods. No, this is something more than that- something significant that affected his actions back then and is still influencing them now.
Let's start breaking everything down:
Everything starts with: Eris found and left Mor in the woods at the Autumn Court border after she was tortured dumped there by her father, Keir.
Why did he do this?
“I knew why you did it... So I gave you your freedom, ending the betrothal in no uncertain terms" - Eris in ACOWAR
After Mor slept with Cassian, Eris knew Mor did it because she wanted out of the engagement (for a secret reason- on her end- that we'll touch on in a bit) so he ended the betrothal as she wished.
But why did Eris leave her there, injured with fatal wounds? This is still the biggest point of hostility between him and the IC.
"There were forces at work that you have never considered," Eris said coldly. "And I am not going to waste my breath explaining them to you. Believe what you want about me" - ACOWAR
What are these forces?
We're given an answer to this question during a scene in ACOFAS when Mor is recalling the memory of that day at the Autumn Court border.
“No one touches her,” he said. Eris. “The moment we do, she’s our responsibility.” Cold, unfeeling words. “But—but they nailed a—” “No one touches her.” - ACOFAS
If Eris or his men provided aid to Mor she would've become their responsibility, implying that she would've become a ward of the Autumn Court essentially. This is probably why Keir even dumped her on the border in the first place, because he knew that if the Autumn Court provided her aid they would have to assume responsibility for her. It was created as a lose-lose situation for Mor: get help from Eris and be trapped at the Autumn Court or be refused help and left to suffer and potentially die in the woods.
“I take it you do not wish to live here, Morrigan.” She would rather die here, bleed out here. She would rather die and return—return as something wicked and cruel, and shred them all apart. He must have read it in her eyes. A small smile curved his lips. “I thought so.” -ACOFAS
He knew she'd rather die than live there so he acted according to her wishes, even though it was done cruelly. This scene, which we're given from Mor's perspective, shows that she heard the true reason why Eris refused to provide her aid but because of the trauma of the whole situation she likely never put two and two together.
But the situation is a bit more complex than that. There is more to the reason that Eris left her in the woods to have her freedom.
“Eris nodded to where Mor watched them from beside Feyre and Rhys, her face neutral and aloof. “She knows the truth but has never revealed it." “Why?” “Because she is afraid of it.” - ACOSF; dance scene between Nesta and Eris
Eris knows something about Mor that she's afraid to reveal. What's the only fact we know about Mor that she's been hiding her entire life? That she's queer. It seems somehow Eris was aware of this.
“Eris looked between them, smiling faintly. Secretly. As if he knew something that Azriel didn’t. "I knew why you did it" Again that secret smile that had Mor shrinking." -ACOWAR
Later on in ACOWAR, we find out the big secret Mor is hiding is that she's romantically attracted to females. Alright, so somehow Eris knew Mor was queer back when they were betrothed. It seems that this was part of the reason he left her to her freedom.
Despite the cruel nature he's described to have, Eris keeps the knowledge that Mor is queer to himself. Eris left Mor in the woods because he knew she wanted her freedom and the reason she wanted her freedom was because she is queer. Out of some uncharacteristic kindness, Eris won't share this information with the rest of the IC because he seems to not want to out her because he knows she's afraid of the truth. Refer to the quote between Eris and Nesta above for proof of this.
But what are Eris's own secret motivations in all of this?
“So I gave you your freedom, ending the betrothal in no uncertain terms.”
“And what happened next,” Azriel growled.
A shadow crossed Eris’s face. “There are few things I regret. That is one of them. But … perhaps one day, now that we are allies, I shall tell you why. What it cost me.”
This is such an important line and one that if you don't dissect it properly, you won't understand it's real meaning.
"What it cost me". The cost that Eris is referring to is one that he suffered as a result of leaving Mor unaided in the woods. NOT from breaking the engagement, from leaving her. "The cost" is something that would've been unaffected by breaking the engagement (because Eris has no remorse over that) but affected by abandoning an injured Mor (because this is what Eris labels as one of the few things he regrets). Mor being left in the woods was, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential for the rest of Prythian. The only people negatively affected by it were Mor and the rest of the IC.
"Perhaps one day... I shall tell you why" when Eris says this, he means: perhaps one day he'll them why he regrets it, NOT why he did it. It's important to read this quote in the context of its surrounding passages because you'll see that he had an opportunity to explain why he left her but he instead tells Mor he's not going to "waste his breath explaining it to her."
So after breaking down those lines we know: Eris regrets abandoning Mor because of something it cost him in relation to the IC now hating him after the events at the border but "the cost" is something he's hesitant to reveal to them.
For the sake of the analysis, let's go over a few things we know Eris does canonically care about and why they are not the cost he's referring to:
His father's throne: It's not secret that Eris wants to usurp his father. Feyre even notes how startled she was to hear Eris discuss killing his father so blatantly. Also, if the marriage to Mor would've aided Eris in taking the throne then Eris would've expressed remorse at ending the engagement but he didn't. He only regretted leaving her injured.
His mother, Lady of Autumn: The text shows us that Eris is concerned over the welfare of this mother when he angles his body to protect her during the High Lord meeting scene. However at the time of Eris's betrothal to Mor, his mother wasn't miserable in her marriage the way she's described now. It wasn't until LoA's affair with Helion was revealed, which happened decades after the Eris and Mor situation, that Beron began abusing his wife. Of course, Eris undoubtedly wants his father dead because of this but we know it's not "the cost" that Eris references since it wasn't a factor at the time.
“Helion shrugged. “On and off for decades. Until Beron found out. They say the lady was all brightness and smiles before that. And after Beron was through with her. You saw what she is.” “What did he do to her?” “The same things he does now.” Helion waved a hand. “Belittle her, leave bruises where no one but him will see them.” - ACOWAR
Lucien: Eris has a soft spot for Lucien but he wasn't born for decades after everything happened so he can't be a factor in why Eris regrets his actions.
His father tortures him: It's revealed at the end of ACOSF that Beron tortures Eris after Cassian realizes Eris is injured after returning back from Autumn. We're not told how long it's been occurring and Eris is extremely reluctant to speak on the matter. However, if this was the big secret Eris has been hiding there'd be a bit more emphasis placed on the reveal. In fact, Cassian pushes him again after that to tell him the true reason he left Mor on the border (keep in mind Cassian doesn't know Mor is queer and Eris is refusing to reveal that information to others) and asks Eris for the real reason he's back the Night Court trying to make amends.
Why is Eris back at the Night Court after everything that happened, pushing so hard to build an alliance?
When pushed for the truth, Eris tells Cassian:
"You're not the person I want to explain myself to" - ACOSF
Cassian assumes Eris means Mor and tells him she won't want to hear his explanations anyway. But is Mor really the person Eris was referencing. I think not, given we've been given these lines:
Eris nodded to where Mor watched them from beside Feyre and Rhys, her face neutral and aloof. “She knows the truth but has never revealed it." -ACOSF
"There were forces at work that you have never considered," Eris said coldly. "And I am not going to waste my breath explaining them to you. Believe what you want about me"- ACOWAR
Eris says that Mor already knows the truth and has explicitly said he doesn't care what she thinks about him. He has nothing to explain to her. And aside from those two facts, which already make it clear enough that Mor is not the person Eris meant, what more would Eris gain from speaking to Mor? Assuaging his guilt? That could be a reasonable explanation if it weren't for Cassian already asking Eris if guilt is what was motivating him, Cassian realizing it's not and pushing for Eris to "give me a damn answer".
"You're not the person I want to explain myself to"
So, who in the IC does Eris want to explain himself to?
Mor? No, for reasons stated above
Cassian? No, they're speaking in that scene and if Cassian were the person then Eris wouldn't have said that
Feyre? Nesta? Elain? Weren't alive so aren't applicable
Lucien? Wasn't alive during the incident and is thus unaffected
Rhysand? We're told in ACOSF (Chapter 7) that Eris already has Rhysand's trust and allyship
Amren? I guess I can't necessarily eliminate Amren as the person Eris wants to explain himself to but let's be real, it's not her.
Azriel? Hmm....The person who arguably hates Eris more than even Mor herself. Who has such a burning passionate rage towards Eris that he attacked him during a High Lord meeting, yet also dropped everything to fly to the Continent to save Eris when he was abducted by Koschei.
Conclusion and remaining questions
Let's put everything together:
Eris is back at the Night Court attempting to smooth things over, make amends, and build an allyship. On the surface, we're told it's all because he wants the throne. But what we now know from SJM (in her interview) and our textual analysis is that Eris paid a big, deeply personal price due to the fall out of leaving Mor injured at the Autumn Court border. This cost was directly tied to the IC's perception of him. Eris lost something or the chance at something when the Night Court began to hate him. So he's back, 500-ish years later, attempting to make amends because of the same problem that plagued him all those centuries ago. We also know there's only one person he's interested in explaining himself to- and that person interestingly seems to be Azriel. Why would Eris want to explain himself to Azriel? Why go to these lengths to make amends with him? Was "the cost" Eris paid 500 years ago tied to Azriel?Is this all tied to Eris's "secret history and secret motivations" that SJM referenced? Crack theory time: What if Eris and Azriel are mates? If they are, it would seem maybe Eris knows about it but Azriel isn't consciously aware? It could explain Azriel's extreme and passionate reactions to Eris. What if when Eris became an enemy of the Night Court he lost his chance at having a connection to his mate. It would also explain why Eris is so tight lipped about his secret motivations. We know that Beron tortures Eris as he is now, imagine what he would do to Eris if he found out he was queer. If Eris is queer it would also explain his empathy to Mor and his reluctance to tell her truth to other people. This could also explain why Azriel is the one person Eris wants to explain himself to, because Azriel is the only person whose opinion he cares about. AND this would also provide an answer to the great "Azriel mate debate". I know Gwynriel is a popular theory but the text has not given us any indication that they are (yes, bonus chapter included) and Azriel had never displayed any mate-like behavior around her. Eris and Azriel also provide interesting foils to one another: flame and shadow- which is a theme that's mentioned in both of SJM's other series. We also know how much SJM loves her enemies to lovers.
"There was an icy rage in Azriel I'd never been able to thaw" -Rhysand in ACOMAF
Azriel is routinely described as icy and frozen, physically and emotionally. What better to thaw ice than fire!
If you read this far- thank you and ily.
Feel free to let me know if you have any critiques to my reasoning!
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Some Tim Drake headcanon
I did some headcanon based in canon stuff and also random things, this is more around the batkids and Tim. Please respect
Tim likes to think of himself as a street smarth, but he's not. He is academically smarth, but not a street smart kid (he grew up in a mansion with several servants, even though he is hella neglected, he wouldn't know how to survive on the streets of Gotham in the same way that Jason, Duke, Dick)
(ok I noticed some confusion with my worlds here, then Tim Drake is a child from Gotham, his way of surviving there is a little different from his brother but he still would figure it out. That's what I was saying, thanks for the comprehension)
whenever Tim needs someone to talk to he looks for Dick, he knows that Dick will listening to him and his older brother will also give him useful advice/ help him solve the problem
He's afraid of having redhead fever from his older brothers (Dick being friend with Babs, Wally, Kor'i and Roy and Jason being friend with Artemis, Roy and Kor'i), not in a romantic way or anything, he just doesn't know how to explain how Dick and Jason attract so many redheaded friends
He fears info dumping someone when he talks; Duke once commented that he liked the smell of rain when it rained on very hot days, and Tim began to explain that this was due to a fungus. Duke just listened silently and then shy smiled. And only later did Tim think he had ruined the peaceful moment, as he noticed how Duke and Cass lay quietly enjoying the rain...
His relationship with Steph isn't that complicated, they dated in the past, but nowadays they both try their best to remain good friends
He tries to plan several cute dates with Bernard, but he always ends up overthinking so he chooses the simplest route, cinema and burgers (Kon and Bart helped him choose this as perfect date)
When Tim is having problems with Bruce, he always turns to Dick, knowing that his older brother will help him with whatever he needs
Tim regrets the beginning between him and Damian, not just the assassination attempts, but Tim didn't try to trust Damian and always accused Damian's people of being bad and had an offense towards Damian's origins (both were wrong, Damian in his trauma stuff and I dislike how "his people are evil" that DC wrote at that time)
He is secretly afraid of someone discovering the bomb in Nanda Parbat, yes there were murderers there, but it was a city that also had civilians there and as a hero he shouldn't put the lives of innocent people at risk (why does DC keep writing him like that???)
There are actually several theories in Gotham about why he doesn't age, some say he's a vampire and others say he bathes in the blood of innocents, no one knows who start these theories (Dick blames Jason, Jason blames Damian, Damian blames Steph, Steph blames Bernard and Kon and Bart blames each others)
his worst nightmare is being the only survivor of his entire family (again)
Loneliness can hurt him in ways no villain could, being alone can drive him crazy. Therefore, unlike his brothers (who can work alone), Tim tries his best to work in teams
Because Bruce and Tim were born into a rich house, they are out of touch with normal stuff sometimes
he really enjoys listening to Bernard's theories and sometimes encourages him with something stupid
Tim likes to think that If his mother were alive she would like Bernard
Tim is the only one in the family who shows concern about Damian's addiction to adopting animals, afraid that it will turn into something similar to Bruce
Tim learned a lot about motorcycles because he thought it would be a good topic to talk about with Jason
Tim has and listens to his emo playlist
Even when he hates loneliness, he can disappear for a while, either because he wants someone to look for him or because of something Bruce said. When this happend, he usually comes back when he is tired of being alone or someone go look for him (man this is pretty sad...let me write something...)
There was a time when he disappeared for a while, he hid in a safehouse outside the country and when he started to wonder if anyone would miss him the door was shut down, Damian, Jon and a girl in a white mask that he didn't recognize entered
"tt if I knew you weren't in danger I would have feared more" "what?" "come on, get on the Goliath, we have to go home" "did something happen?" "Batcow. Cows have a circle of friends and they can get depressed if a friend disappears
Ok Tim knew about cows due to Kon living on a farm, but he was extremely confused about being kidnapped rescued by Damian, Jon and Nobody just because the kids were worried about the Batcow mental health
Coming back was strange, since Bruce didn't even notice he was gone, but soon he felt Alfred the cat rubbing against him, Titus licking his hand and the cow mooing at him, Tim was a little happier to come back (I'm not good to write fluffly you guys are struck with this)
Nowadays Tim is very smug because he was the first of the brothers to fly in Goliath
Some batkid headcanon: Damian || Duke || Cassandra || Stephanie || Tim || Jason || Dick
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
✶how i think txt would react if you ask them to bring you a towel when you forget it but they secretly hate you !
Tumblr media
%⋆NOTE꒷—had to modify this request a little but hopefully you'll still like it yerin!!
.... 𓋜 ⋆ ࣪ txt! ot5 x fem! reader.
goes to your room to bring you your towel but he suddenly remembers that one time you used his jumbo box of bleach to clean your toilet.
so instead of him handing your towel normally he puts like a gallon of glitter inside your towel.
has you sparkle for a week straight.
beomgyu genuinely starts believing you're edward from twilight.
he pretends he doesn't hear you because he's still sulking about that time you ate the freshly made bread that he brought.
and on top of it instead apologizing you try to pay him back.
when you start slamming on the bathroom door
he has to get up but instead of giving you your towel
he brings that towel he uses to clean his pet's poops.
brings you a fresh towel after you start cussing him out
he will probably bring you the towel but also steals your social security number.
also hides your id card.
he hates you because he caught you yawning while he was trauma dumping at 2:40 am.
he probably hates you because you used the marinating sauce for his steak to make your dry ramen snack
he doesn't know what he feels for you is genuine disgust or seething anger
so when you ask for a towel
he records a few voice message that says
"can't find it hold on,"
" ok wait im finding it"
"give me five more minutes."
and leaves the house.
leaving it up to you to figure out that it's not him who is saying all these things in real time, but automated messages.
huening kai...
even if he's angry at you
he'd probably just bring it to you
the most he's gonna do is like drop some water on it before he gives it to you.
so you don't get the satisfaction of using warm towel after a shower.
he started acting like this because he saw you walk past one of his plushies that fell down and you stepped over it.
didn't like the hostility anymore so he confronts u and you make up after you say sorry to that plushie
©ITGIRLGYU 23' ( feedbacks are always appreciated!!!)
PERM' TAGLIST ノ @impureperhaps
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cutestkilla · 2 months
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thanks for tagging me @theearlgreymage @wellbelesbian @shrekgogurt @orange-peony @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @youarenevertooold and @thewholelemon!
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
The only WIP I’m really actively working on right now is Hiding Out in the Open.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Psychology Podcast Hidden Brain + AU where Simon and Baz never got together but Simon still lost his magic and got spelled by Smith = Non-linear AWTWB-era Baz negging Simon with podcast links but actually secretly being sweet the whole time until they’re having real conversations and like, excavating some trauma until Simon figures himself out (or does he?) (He does, I’m not a monster.)
(I needed more terms for this equation, a few higher powers maybe.)
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
Well, so far I’ve warned for anxiety/panic attacks, implied/referenced child abuse, mentions of cannibalism, mentions of eating bugs, AND mentions of animal cruelty. SOUNDS FUN RIGHT?
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
So this fic is titled after a Feist song. The alternate title was a combination of a Ron Sexmith song that Feist did a great cover of and the name of the fictional podcast in my story:
Secret Heart, Invisible Mind
5. ⚠️Which WIP you're most likely to finish or update next?
Oh, it’ll be this one for sure! I have nothing else even approaching any kind of written state.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Well, it’s just titled after the fic. But before I had a title and was just dreaming things up, I had a doc titled “Hidden Brainstorms”. There’s also a doc in the folder for this titled “Enemies Closer” that’s filled with research I did for an episode I have to invent…
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
“You stood him up? What the hell Basil? I cancelled my plans for this.”
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
Okay so I am an idea hoarder, I rarely fully scrap an idea until I’m done writing a story, I just park them all in a dumping ground at the end of my doc for ongoing review. But one for sure scrapped idea I had for this back in the start was that Shep would co-host a podcast at some point in this story.
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Welllllllll, I may have an entire (shared) Trello board for a fic that @artsyunderstudy and I have been excitedly talking about co-writing. I won't say much but it’s a Canonverse AU, featuring older strangers-to-lovers Snowbaz, and it’s a ghost story. Your basic SPOOKY SEXY SAD CATHARSIS type of deal.
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
Actively? One. Two if you count the Trello board which I periodically add ideas to. Three if you count the Wedding fic draft I have 20K written for and could start writing on again at ANY MOMENT.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
Well, I’m about to be struggling with writing the scene where Baz listens to the podcast episode I have to completely invent. I have a full first rough pass at this chapter done, except that part where I just copy pasted a bunch of research notes to come back to…
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
🙏YOU get a kudos, and YOU get a kudos, and YOU get a kudos!
Tags in case you wanna: @artsyunderstudy @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @facewithoutheart @skeedelvee @emeryhall @mooncello @monbons @angelsfalling16 @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @run-for-chamo-miles @brilla-brilla-estrellita @best--dress @onepintobean @martsonmars @messofthejess @ileadacharmedlife @urban-sith
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
About my response to that ask about people’s reactions to Tommy vs Eddie:
Everytime and I mean EVERY time I so much as think about using the word racism istg like the white tiktok woke (yes there is a specific brand of tiktok people who are woke until it’s racism) girls just rise from their slumber like I said their name over an ouija board just so they can be like “no it’s not racism”
Like IM SORRY?? DID YOU ever experience racism a day in your life? Like sit back down right now
1. You have no clue which posts I’m referring to so how can you tell me whether that’s what it was
2. As I said in the post that they’re replying to poc people we spend our ENTIRE lives dissecting the undertones of peoples words- not because we wanna catch someone out no because we need to know who is secretly a racist asshole because largely its the ones who ARENT flat out with it, we can sit and trauma dump to you for an hour OR you can take our words for it when we say hey that had racist undertones
Now you guys know me I don’t get angry I don’t really engage in discourse etc but dear god if one white person talks to me about racism again I’m gonna bite someone
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sincerely-sofie · 10 hours
Honestly you meantioning them makes me want to see- do you have any canon designs for any of Twig's exes?
(Referencing this post)
Two of Twig’s exes have been seen here— they’re both dittos, and the only exes Twig dumped herself instead of being dumped by them. The meinfoo-ditto was uncomfortably sycophantic towards Twig and the maractus-ditto was honestly just a jerk in general who liked to psychoanalyze people in really condescending ways. However, Twig says she has six exes in this comic. While I don’t have unique canonical designs for any of them yet, I have a handful of notes on Twig’s other four exes!
Blake the Meowstic
Kind, but also extremely lukewarm. Wasn’t really enthusiastic about their relationship and just went with the flow, which wasn’t a good match for Twig.
Knows how to yodel, pick locks, and breakdance, amongst many other assorted skills. Gets bored frequently and learns the basics of a new hobby whenever this happens.
Was incredibly uncomfortable hearing about Twig’s past and felt out of his depth with uncertainty on how to respond to it. Ultimately, he broke up with her because he was so unsettled by her backstory.
Ends up in a loving relationship soon after he broke up with Twig— he’s with a very peppy Drilbur who doesn’t mind taking charge and getting low-energy responses, which he really appreciates.
Clay the Scrafty
A farm hand who enjoys gardening. Taught Twig a lot of wildflower’s regional names when she expressed a love for them and also described what areas they’re considered weeds in.
He gave Twig the wrong address to send letters to when he moved out of Verdant Village later on in their relationship. This was an accident. Twig thinks he ghosted her after she sent a letter explaining her backstory, but he thinks she just never wrote to him because she lost interest. Some poor Machoke out there got a letter from a complete stranger explaining her trauma to what she assumed was a loved one and had to awkwardly write back “I think you have the wrong house number.”
Moved on from Twig and became a well-known local comedian loved for his physical comedy acts.
Litany the (Mega) Ampharos
Goes by a name he chose himself.
Very vain. Constantly talking about himself. Refuses to de-mega-evolve despite it clearly impacting his health to be constantly in that state because he feels it enhances his looks so much.
Twig liked his enthusiasm for literature and intensified her efforts to improve at reading so she’d be able to bring up books she read personally for them to discuss. This ultimately soured her motivation to read much at all after their break up.
Was surprisingly self-aware and mature about how he dumped Twig when she shared her story with him— he said that he was startled by how much she was willing to open up to him when he barely opened up to himself, that she deserved someone with more sensitivity to their emotions than he had so that she’d get the sympathy she deserved, and then wished her well before telling her he didn’t want to see her anymore.
After he broke up with Twig, he was really rattled and started attending counseling sessions. He’s now a lot more sensitive to his emotions and has started weaning himself off his mega stone to focus on improving his health. He’s still single and doesn’t want to date again until he can totally uproot his fear of being seen as ugly.
Picket the Charmander
Twig got along great with him, and he matched her energy very well. They were two peas in a pod.
He was secretly very insecure about being unevolved and in a relationship with Twig. Her being the physically stronger one between them made him feel inadequate. Twig kind of knew something was up, but he denied it whenever she asked.
He ended up using her backstory being “too much” as an excuse to break up with her when the true reason was because she was an evolutionary stage above him. That really stuck with Twig, and she gave up on dating after he dumped her. Thankfully, Ark wasn’t someone she had to go to a singles’ meet-and-greet to find.
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anderscim · 1 year
another david chiem-related train of thought (wow i totally am NOT obsessed with him)
huge incoming tangent warning
as well as major ch2 part 1 spoilers
(take this theory with a grain of salt)
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just wanted to talk about david’s plan in ch2. though it had a bunch of flaws, it was probably better than any of the other options the group had
okay i’m not a david apologist or anything but let me explain my train of thought—
there’s really only a couple of ways you can take action in a situation like that:
do nothing and all of the secrets get revealed. given the fact that a lot of these secrets are specifically written to incite emotion (trauma, anger, etc) it’ll likely stir a hell ton of conflict all at once as people inevitably scramble to identify who’s secret is whose and will probably lead to a worse predicament
someone actually gets murdered before the deadline. true, the secrets won’t be revealed, but they would be trading a human life, which for obvious reasons can’t work out
everyone reveals whose secret they have, and what they are. we can already know from j/arturo and arturo/eden’s situations that having someone else reveal a secret that you’re holding close to your chest will make people react very emotionally—and will just make more conflict
or, like david’s plan, have everyone reveal what they know about their own secrets. in that case, each person would be able to explain the context behind their secret so there’s less likely of a chance they’ll be confronted for it when it eventually gets revealed, and in some cases trauma dumping can actually be good therapy for some people.
however… that’s about where the benefits end for david’s plan. it’s honestly just as risky as the others; for example, some of the cast have secrets that are horrible and seem irredeemable regardless of context. additionally, there’s cases where people retaliate especially if it’s a secret that the person holds very close to their chest / that they’re really sensitive about. we see as much for a lot of scenes in chapter 2.
but the thing is… though it is incredibly risky, it has a slightly higher chance of working compared to the other methods. in a more “better than the alternatives” sort of context.
even if david recognized that he’d essentially be gambling with this plan, and knew he probably wouldn’t get the best outcome possible (in fact i think he was aware it probably wouldn’t work), he likely decided to ignore that and roll with it anyways—besides, a 5% success rate is better than a 2% success rate.
so really, the only place where he would’ve “lied” was the way he promoted his plan. in order to get the ball rolling, he had to present his argument in a way that made the plan sound foolproof—which, given the holes the plan had, wouldn’t work unless he covered up all the possible risks and convinced everyone to blindly have faith in him.
fortunately, with his speaking skills, he could probably pull that off quite well. which leads to what happened in ep4 onwards
also, i don’t think he could’ve intentionally lied about his secret during that moment (although him slightly modifying it is possible—i’ll explain that later). whit likely never reached out to david about his actual secret so he didn’t know for sure what it was.
but the thing is, everyone else’s secret, though written in a way that took out crucial context and painted them in a bad light, was at least somewhat based on an actual occurrence, portion of their identity, and real information.
david’s secret is the most vague and was written in a way to attack his purpose and what he personally (secretly) believes his actions to entail. but, unlike everyone else, there’s no concrete occurrence, action that he’s done, or any specific detail in that secret that connects him to manipulation. additionally, his is the most open-ended. i’m going to assume guessing a secret like that would’ve been very difficult
given david’s behaviors and dialogue as well as some subtle details about his preferences and such, it’s very likely that he has depression and was desperately trying to hide it in order to keep his optimistic image. so for him, it would make more sense for his secret to be something related to depression—which is probably why he said what he said in episode 4.
that being said, i think he did half-lie a little about what he believed to be his true secret in order to preserve his image.
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note how he specifically says “family history of depression.”
this is a really subtle wording detail, but david only claims there was a tendency for depression to run through his family—he never says that he has depression himself.
as a similar example—though this may just be me—if my family has a tendency to develop certain cardiovascular diseases, though it does increase the risk that i may develop the same disease in the future, it doesn’t necessarily mean i have that disease.
david likely used this same philosophy, and by saying that depression “runs in his family,” he’s subtly implying that he doesn’t have depression (though admitting he has a higher risk for it).
and like what i said before, i’m 90% sure he’s actually struggling with depression—but he decides not to admit it here in order to keep his own “optimistic leader” image.
(and don’t get me wrong, i don’t think the family history of depression is a lie—just the way he expressed it was kind of… intriguing for me)
i may be wrong about all of this, especially that last part because that may just be my own overthinking and assumptions influencing me 😅
so as always, feel free to refute literally anything i said and i will listen.
and again, please take this with a grain of salt
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lesbianfakir · 2 months
Ok genuine question is it normal to be expected to hide/lie about your mental illness symptoms to friends? So obviously there’s trauma dumping but this isn’t about that—is it normal to just be expected to pretend you’re happier than you are because if you express that you’re doing bad one too many times people get frustrated that you’re not doing better?
I keep having friendships where I support them through difficult events so I think it’s a safe place but when I start to be honest about my depression they either get frustrated with me (more specifically frustrated that they can’t take my problems away) or distant. I know it’s hard to see a friend in pain but it also sucks to be in a position where you need to be constantly pretending to be silly and happy because that’s what they signed up for. I’m tired of being ‘too much’ for people, you know? I work hard to support my friends through their problems and I’m good at it, but lately I’ve found I just have to deal with everything on my own.
I’m tired of the stigma around mental illness because so much of my life I can’t even talk about for fear of being too depressing. I understand why it is the way that it is but that doesn’t make it any less isolating. It hurts that if I’m having a day where I’m really scared I can’t tell anyone about it because it’ll freak them out and I just have to wait for it to pass when I know just being around another person would help ground me.
Anyways ramble over I genuinely hope this is a problem specific to my situation and you all have people to help you through dark times. I truly hope we’re not all secretly left alone with our demons
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quarzy · 2 months
A few many questions for you. (No need to answer all questions)
What made you start shipping mephiles and infinite?
How did they meet, what do they like about each other?
How is mephiles still alive? (Side Note: 06 confuses the shit out of me)
Since infinite has the ruby does this take place during or after forces, or is there no concrete timeline?
Any headcanons you want to share?
kicking my feet giggling
1. a year+ ago i started pairing them up together like as a joke because i thought it was pretty funny, evil and edgy gay villains. then i thought oh wow they really match each others vibe and they seem really perfect together they should kiss about it (/j)
2-5. im actually writing a fic about them and about that rn to explain all those!! im going to dump every idea in there and i will definitely try to finish it tomorrow as soon as i get home from school
6. i do have a few!!!
skrunklies hc
- they're both old and immortal. (only while infinite has the ruby, i like to think it makes him that way).
- mephiles' body is colder than a dead person so he likes to snuggle infinite (he's really warm) a lot.
- sometimes when they cuddle mephiles gets uncomfortable when infinite's phantom ruby hits his face, so he jokes about ripping it out.
- when infinite's busy mephiles likes to plainly hide in the shadows or move around in his goopy form until he gets attention again.
- they relate to each other deeply on certain aspects, but they're severely unsympathetic and cant comfort emotionally.
- mephiles uses his words more than affectionate actions (because he still doesnt understand them and doesnt know much about it). he would say things like: "your presence always give me such indescribable ease." instead of simple i love you's.
- mephiles is amused and secretly enjoys watching infinite do normal everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning or bathing
- they like talking and brainstorming ideas together, even playfully such as "make shadow the hedgehog helplessly experience his trauma over and over again." because they're just incredibly deranged like that.
- when in battle, they occasionally share sweet compliments to the others powers or moves. they dont like getting too affectionate in public because it distracts them of their motives.
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mintsencha · 5 months
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the archive-er:
》 Minto
》 28
》 they/she (secretly a third thing also)
》 age in bio pwease :3
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》 requests open, but if it sucks i'm showing it to my roommate and then deleting it lol
》i know this is a safe space but please try not to trauma dump in my inbox. girl get a mutual please
》 stop asking me for weird shit. I just want to writing regular weird shit like fucking dragonpeople with tentacle cocks
》 blog contains SAD stories for MISERABLE people
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the chives:
》Masterlist (very incomplete)
》Ficlet Masterlist
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current tomes:
》 who's ready for me to finally tackle fisting???
》 so i'm really into bistro huddy rn and i've got this 4k self insert-
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》 Just kidding!!!! I never tag anything!!!!! If you want to try to find my shit fuck you!!!!!!!!!!
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nushy · 2 years
blue jeans~~~
AN: So, i combined lana del rey and stranger things. In my head, blue jeans suited Billy so much, that it had to be done. I just had the urge to write it, so excuse any mistakes.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!reader
summary: what it's like to date Billy imo. (i do think that he is an asshole only for the public, but he is a lost soul that just want's to be loved)
warings: blood, swearing, nothing too graphic tho, death, trauma. idk
word count: 1.5k
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Blue jeans, white shirt Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn It was like, James Dean, for sure You're so fresh to death and sick as c-cancer
Billy Hargrove was one to catch the eye. He entered the room and you immediately laid your eyes on him - he was charismatic, magnetic, electric and everybody knew it. The girls went crazy about him. And somehow, he showed interest in you. it was at the Halloween party. First, he drank lots of beer, then, he made a scene with Steve Harrington, and later on, he came to you - you were not sure if it was because of the playboy bunny costume, or because you were the only one that wasn't glued to him trying to flirt. But he was there, asking you to go out with him. And, shockingly even for you, you denied. You didn't want to play it easy, especially with someone like him.
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop But you fit me better than my favorite sweater and I know That love is mean (uh oh), and love hurts (uh oh) But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby
Between being a dick 24/7 and trying to show that he is the new king of Hawkins High, Billy tried his best to impress you and to get you out on a date. And for 2 or 3 weeks, you kept refusing, until one time he caught you off guard and you said "yes". The same evening, he picked you up from your house, Scorpions' "Rock you like a hurricane" blasting from his car. You were more into Run D.M.C. and Beastie Boys, but you sucked it up and got in the car. And somehow, you met a different Billy - he was sweet, got you to a place a bit outside of Hawkins, he had planned a picnic date. He even got you flowers.
That's how you started secretly dating Billy Hargrove.
I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears?
And it was either the best, or the worst decision ever. Cause when he was with you, he was perfect. But when he was around other people, he was the same dipshit. And yet, you didn't have the strength to dump him, because you knew that he just had a shitty life - his father was an A+ asshole and because of him, Billy wanted to be a "real" man when everyone was watching. But, with you, he was just a little boy that wanted to be love. And that's why you sucked up the tears and continued to be with him, even when he hurt you.
Love you more than those bitches before Say you'll remember (oh baby) Say you'll remember, oh baby, ooh I will love you 'til the end of time
It was secret, that between you two. And that's why he was still a womanizer. You knew that, you could see the looks he gave the other girls when you were at a party together but not "together". You were with your friends, he was with his, and it was like you didn't even know each other. And he tried his best to keep his reputation of a MAN. And that made you mad. But you didn't show it.
Big dreams, gangsta Said you had to leave to start your life over I was like, no please, stay here We don't need no money, we can make it all work
After the third or forth time of this happening, you started acting up - you were cold towards him, you answered shortly. And that made him angry - it was your first big fight. He left you alone in your room and got out. You cried the whole night.
But he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come home Monday I stayed up waitin', anticipatin' and pacin' But he was chasin' (uh oh) paper (uh oh) Caught up in the game, that was the last I heard
One week went by, and he came to apologize. And you missed him so much that you just hugged him like nothing happened. And for a few days everything was alright - you were still secret, he was still asshole in front of his friends. But he was with you.
I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears?
And then something changed.
Love you more than those bitches before Say you'll remember (oh baby) Say you'll remember, oh baby, ooh I will love you 'til the end of time
it was at the time he started working at the pool. Now, you weren't jealous just from the girls at school, but from the women that went there just so they could watch him. But it wasn't just that.
You went out every night And baby that's alright I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
He changed. He was colder even when he was alone with you. He spoke mean things, one time even tried to hit you. He wouldn't stay the night anymore. He came just for a little, it was like out of habit. And you still couldn't leave him and stayed by his side.
'Cause I'ma ride or die Whether you fail or fly Well, shit, at least you tried But when you walked out that door
One time you were walking around, just pointlessly, and you saw him with his colleague - Heather, in her living room, having dinner. WTH? You went batshit crazy, but couldn't do anything. Just ran all the way to your house and cried your eyes out.
A piece of me died I told you I wanted more That's not what I had in mind I just want it like before
You tried to confront him. To ask him what was going on. What was happening with him. He wouldn't answer. It was like it wasn't even Billy at this point. Like his was possessed by something dark and evil.
We were dancin' all night Then they took you away Stole you out of my life You just need to remember
You didn't know what was happening, but one evening you were driving around Hawkins, just wanting to clear your mind, when you saw Billy's car, crashed in the mall's parking lot. Then you saw some shadowy figure inside and you quickly stopped your car and ran inside. Everything went blurry when you got inside, like your mind tried to shut itself off. You vaguely remember some things - like a big scary monster things, some kids you've seen around town, screaming, blood, fire. And Billy.
I will love you 'til the end of time I would wait a million years Promise you'll remember that you're mine Baby can you see through the tears?
You went inside just at the moment he stood up, covering a girl on the ground, face to face with that big, giant spider, that wasn't exactly a spider. In the distance, you could see his step-sister, Max, with a terrified look on her face. The monster opened its big mouth, and something like a tentacle came out of it. You screamed, but no one could hear you. The tentacle headed straight for Billy and he grabbed it, trying to save the girl behind him. You could see that Max was screaming too, trying to run to him and help, but a boy held her back. You, on the other hand, ran. But it was somehow slow run. You watched as another tentacle dug into the left side of his body, and another one on the right, and then two more, lifting his body in the air. You could see blood dripping from his mouth. A final one went straight to his chest, where his heart was. You screamed his name.
Love you more than those bitches before Say you'll remember (oh baby) Say you'll remember, oh baby, ooh I will love you 'til the end of time
Billy fell on the ground right when you got to him. You didn't care that the monster wan above you. Hell, you didn't care about anything at the moment, you held his hand in yours and cried. He tried to speak, but only blood would come out of his mouth. Suddenly, the monster started to shake and collapsed on the ground near you. Part of your brain registered that, but your eyes were only looking at Billy. Max ran to you, falling on her knees on his other side. He looked at her too, this time tears falling from his eyes. He coughed out some blood and managed to say something. You could hear a low "i'm sorry" to Max, before he turned his head to you. "I love you" he told you, taking his last breath. Both you and Max cried, repeating his name, begging him to wake up. But he didn't.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Today’s I’m talking whump with the amazing @lonesome–hunter!
(this blog and the recommended pieces contain NSFW and are 18+)
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump! Would you mind sharing a little about yourself?
Howdy! My name is Sarah but everyone usually calls me Lonesome. I'm an elder here in the community lol. I love thrifting, smoking pot, birdwatching and Disney World (I live so close to it). My favorite colors alternate between black, various greens and burnt orange. I truly love all animals. There's no way I could pick just one. I am particularly fond of moths, owls, elephants and exotic birds. 
I'm a big stoner goth aunt and I love connecting with people. So feel free to come talk to me anytime!
What does whump mean to you? 
It's absolutely an outlet for me. When I was a kid I couldn't figure out why I liked seeing people tied up in people's basements in movies and on TV so much but it never left my mind. Those feelings are there, the excitement. When I started writing in fifth grade I realized I could produce those feelings by writing the stories myself.
And trauma dumping through fictional people is almost therapy lol.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
During the first season of Supernatural I got on live journal and found other SPN communities. Then I fell down a rabbit hole that led me to whump. I finally had a word and a whole bunch of people who felt the same way which felt validating after being told I'm weird from teachers and family members.
During the pandemic I reconnected with it when I was in a dark place and really got into what everyone was doing. I thought "maybe I can do this". The rest is history.
Do you think your view on whump changed since you joined in terms of trope enjoyment or consumption style?
My view on whump has always been the same really. No one is hurting anyone and with proper warnings we can write the darker stuff some of us really enjoy.
I can't really say there are any I changed my mind over. Any trope can be good if it sucks you in with the writing. 
And your favourite whump tropes because it’s guaranteed there’ll be more than one!
 Ooh wee here we goooo lol. I dig dehumanization, whipping, sadistic whumpers, noncon, water torture, stress positions, begging. So many.
Time to share your awesome writing. Do you have a favourite piece you've written? 
So my first main series “The Devil’s Highway” has been my baby for three plus years and I’m excited to rework it now that I have more tools at my disposal. That being said, I really am proud of what I did with “Bury Me Beneath The Weeping Willow Tree”. It features some heavy TWs so be mindful of that but that almost stopped me from wanting to do it. Would showing Big Boy and Darlin’s graphic murder be too far? Probably lol. But I really dug deep in and got emotional writing it honestly. And it shows Ezra that this weird love Josiah has for me won’t protect him like he thinks it will. It didn’t work for Big Boy. Those two guys are secretly my favorite and I’m most excited about reworking that particular story.
Your imagery is deliciously brutal and creepy. I’m obsessed with it, it’s that good! Do you have a writing routine or is it more when inspiration strikes?
Definitely a night owl. I can’t focus until it’s dark out. Gotta have water and a little sweet drink to keep me focused. I tend to write when something strikes, lately it’s been extremely dry for me creatively but I’m trying to stretch my legs again and get back into it.
And do you find that it’s easier to write some things over others?
I can write the hell out of dreams, surrealism and atmosphere. That’s always been my favorite thing to do writing wise. Also death fics are fun lol.
Dialogue is my least favorite and it probably shows but can’t get better without practice.
Is there anything you're working on at the moment?
Been working on the rework of The Devil’s Highway, started a fun little prompt series about a bunch of masked men and I have another forced to fight series with slow burn romance than I’ve ever done before.
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
I wish I could remember the dad joke my customer told me last night that sent me into a coughing fit but I have another one for you.
"What do you call a factory that makes okay products?" "A satisfactory."
That got a laugh out of me! Is there any writing advice you’d like to share?
Just have fun. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself and just write for yourself.
And tag your stuff!
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone one up here!!!
Oh man there's so many I could be here all day but these folks have truly helped me so much over the years and I would die for them lol
@knivestothroats, @galaxywhump, @girlsjustwannadrawwhump, @evermetnotforgotten, @redstainedsocks, @coldresolve, @whumpshaped, @whumpfigure, @ephemeral-phosphorescence, @whump-me-all-night-long, 
Anything you'd like to add?
Save Florida from Facists!
So good to have you here today, @lonesome--hunter! 
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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estellardreams · 5 months
Sometimes I have random plot thoughts on stories that I like reading or am writing and I just wanna talk about a few that keep squirming around in my mind.
Tachophobia AU: Random Idea... In an attempt to stop his friends from reverting Niko back to Sonic, Starline secretly takes them into the facility and starts manipulating them in similar but also different ways. They could interact if he wanted, but it'd be a "Psych Ward" situation.
Imprisonment/Cybernetic AU: I have done a lot of messed up shit to characters before, and this isn't any different. Just look at my Cybernetic AU because jeez Issue 4 went hard on Sonic's trauma. It was actually my favorite to write and draw. I also got all of the work done in FOUR DAYS. (strange record. Was going to see a friend soon and I cranked out 11 pages and finished right before midnight the day before)
I actually wing a ton of my writing, and many plots don't get off the ground unfortunately because of it. So to shoutout some of those abandoned comics... "Not So Different" (A short mini between Canon!Shadow and Cybernetic!Sonic bc I noticed how similar they were), that one mlp x sonic pony comic I only got one page done for and don't have a name for, another mlp x sonic crossover comic featuring the Paradox Prism I only got to the cover art for, and that Imprisonment AU comic I completely forgot about and... Unfortunately abandoned but idk might come back to it.
Shadow Prime AU: I've always wanted to make a comic adaptation of the fic, and I might come around to it eventually once I decide what I wanna do. The main issue is the art style... Do I want it fully colored, black and white, or selective coloring? Not too sure but I'm kinda leaning on fully colored. But I still gotta finish Cybernetic but it's on hiatus due to burnout.
Sonic Cybernetic AU: I've actually wished for a game adaptation of the comic. Or at least... Working models people could use for other games to add them. I just think that'd be neat, but I can't code or model for anything.
Sometimes I accidentally enforce personal headcanons or personal experience to my writing... This happened recently with the "Rollercoaster" fic from the Tachophobia AU (reminder: I just like it. I did not create it. That belongs to @boom-fanfic-a-latta and @the-sky-queen.) Because I unintentionally drew from my own experiences from an amusement park. Although they were exaggerated a bit, they're still oddly close to my original memories. When I was younger, I liked going to the County Fair, and for the longest time I hated fast rides. I'd always panic on them, and my favorite ride was this caterpillar one (it was also slow paced and kinda bumpy). And Niko's experience, albeit shifted to be more like his character, was exactly how I felt on my first fast ride... Absolutely fucking terrified. I also sometimes have a nervous stammer and suffer from anxiety issues, so... I might've unintentionally written Niko to feel similarly to me at amusement parks when I was younger.
Anyway, just some random stuff, wanted to info-dump too. Cool? Okay, bye!
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limeinaltime · 2 years
Burdens you all with my Uzi/N headcanons because I know they’ll never be real but they will always be real to me
- They are in so much denial of the fact that there’s any feelings between them early on, mainly due to their own trauma and isolation when it comes to socializing. Uzi shouts at the world that she only sees N as a friend in order to drown out the fact that her chest does back-flips every time he smiles, while N silently vibrates in a corner when it comes to his own feelings. The repression is strong. The eventual blowup and confession is delicious, and ends with a lot of blushing and stuttering, but the two eventually decide to give it a try.
- Both of them are too shy to ever initiate anything, and usually end up stumbling into hand-holding and the like together, awkwardly avoiding direct eye contact and hiding their blushing faces. It’s a work in progress.
- It takes forever for them to get used to physical contact (especially with N since the physical contact he’s used to is quite... painful) but god they’re so touch-starved that even simple things like friendly pats on the shoulder are desperately yearned for. Uzi eventually stops being so rough with N like how she is in Episode 2, instead opting for nudging him instead of outright smacking him and pushing him around.
- N wants to hold Uzi’s hands so much it’s driving him insane they’re so small but they’re both shyyyyy
- N often carries Uzi on his shoulders when she’s tired, and that eventually leaves an opening for surprise forehead kisses once Uzi gets a little bolder.
- I have this headcanon that Uzi’s actually decently strong (Workers are built for heavy labor, and girl straight-up bent a wrench with her bare hand) and she can also carry N, which is a surefire way to reduce the guy into a stuttering wreck.
- The two occasionally trauma dump on each other, although Uzi tries not to let stuff slip about her home life and her dead mom and all that while N just says shit about his time with his squad and all the fucked-up things J and the company did to him and that makes Uzi go 😬 and then he just brushed it off like it’s fine because he was built to think that. I never said their relationship would be smooth sailing these two need therapy so bad.
- Uzi likes to play with N’s hair. It starts as a subconscious habit she picks up, but eventually becomes an act of comfort and endearment for both of them. Sometimes she’ll let N just lie on her and she’ll play with his hair while he doubles as a weight blanket. N especially likes when she runs her fingers through the hair on the back of his head and gets all flustered and shy when she does it.
-On the other hand, N sometimes just buries his face into Uzi (usually her neck or her hair) and if that doesn’t turn Uzi into a flustered, shouty mess then nothing else will.
-Both infodump on each other a lot. Neither one knows what the other is talking about, they just like hearing each other talk.
- For all her tough talk, N does make Uzi genuinely happy, and he’s someone she can let herself be vulnerable to without being dismissed or made fun of. If anyone can get a hardass goth girl to crack an actual smile, it’s N.
- I will die on the hill that Uzi secretly has a really nice singing voice and N’s chest definitely did something weird the first time he heard her sing.
- Somebody To Love (the Glee duet cover) is 100% their song
- Neither of them ever say “I love you” outright (Uzi because she has enough emotional constipation to give a gastroenterologist a heart attack, N because he doesn’t want to seem lame to his best friend) and refuse to. Saying it seems like promising something that might one day be broken, because the people in their life always seem to get sick of them and push them away. Who’s to say they won’t be any different?
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candikin · 1 year
Woo, hopefully nobody gets mad at me for this like Picsart would for this, but welcome to...
How I think my main OC would interact with other OCs!
(reminder that it says think, not actual. I am not the creator of anybody mentioned here other then Lexi Mary. I am also apologizing for the people who got @'ed)
Accordion and Violin (OCs by @bluetorchsky)
I don't think they'll get along super well. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think they'll be enemies but I just don't see them really being friends. She'll probably be too scared to talk to them anyways as she's a big coward and I mean... look at them compared to her, they could absolutely destroy her if they wanted too. She'll probably wave when walking pass them once she warmed up to them though!
Jay Benson (OC by @jaytoons7)
Hmm, probably would get along a little bit. There's nothing Jay can really do that could scare off Lexi, and Lexi canonly has friends who are kinda like Jay. I just don't see them seeing eachother that often, and they probably wouldn't have that many special interactions. Just some casual acquaintances that could develop into a tiny friendship
Scottie Anderson (Also by @jaytoons7)
Lexi would 100% be scared of Scottie at first. I am not sure if they would ever be friends because Lexi can be a bit... annoying at times. I don't see them being complete enemies though, specially since Lexi is almost never at the kitchen and Lexi always tries to make things better by helping
Amelia Copperbottom (OC by @androidcharles)
Oooh! I see them getting along very well! Lexi never gets scared from children, so there's no way she'll be scared of Amelia. They have quite a lot in common. The only problem is Lexi is in desperate need of a friend who also isn't a stickfigure/human, so she might vent dump to Amelia on accident
Danny Felizima (OC by @capturecharlesau)
It HEAVILY depends if Lexi overhears about the curse before meeting him or not. If she does, as she most likely is as she's secretly very nosy, she would HATE him. She would absolutely blame Danny and constantly fight Danny for no reason other then the curse. And probably lose... everytime. Well until she finds out Danny has motion sickness, then he's screwed
If she didn't, they would probably would (and surprisely) become friends. They do have some stuff in common, it's just nobody expects Lexi to have that side of her when everybody thinks she's innocent (have fun guessing because I am not going to explain how they are kinda similiar). They would probably have secret conservations, specifically with letters because Lexi doesn't trust saying things out loud. Lexi would try to convince Danny to stop his dangerous actions. She would probably feel too bad to leave the friendship if she ever hears about the curse at this point
Benjamin Suave (OC by @fluvvie)
They would probably be acquaintances, despite Benjamin working for the government. Not enemies but not really friends... until she hears about his trauma. It doesn't matter if it's because Benjamin told her or if she overhears it, she'll feel terrible. She knows what is it like to have a very terrible family member. She will basically start getting really attached to Benjamin and protect him at all costs, expect at times where she knows she'll get in big trouble with the Toppat Clan.
I'll probably make a part 2, I just ran out of OCs that I know enough info about
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