#this is so sterek (in an unfortunate way)
soritesparadox · 7 months
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why is netflix zukka baiting us on instagram. anyway
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𝟮𝟬/𝟮𝟬 𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 — 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗸 𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗹𝗲𝘁
From this voting post to this ficlet. I hope you'll enjoy it!
summary: Due to a series of unfortunate events, Derek temporarily loses his werewolves ability... which apparently includes 20/20 vision. Let's just say Derek has Stiles' attention in a different light now (not that he's aware about it anyway). tags: attempt at humour, canon-typical sterek banters, canon-typical description of violence (mild), 'unfortunate events' are not specified/describe, au setting but sort of close to canon, not beta read
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Nobody really realised it. Not even Derek himself.
It first started when Deaton, displaying the usual cryptic persona, held out a small, opaque jar to Derek. He said that the only way to confirm it is by testing it out. But his opinion was beginning to cement itself when Derek had to squint to read the faded label when typically even the slightest scent of it should have been enough for any were-beings to know the jar contained Mountain Ash. (What they confirmed that night was that Derek was no longer a supernatural as he could easily hold a handful of Mountain Ash on his palm).
The second time it happened was when Scott unrolled a blueprint on the table, the details of the structure neatly written on the corners of the pages, it was small but it was readable. Everyone gathered around it, taking turns to rotate the paper to their direction. Derek, however, leaned in, lower than when Stiles wanted to take in all the information on it, and when that was not enough, he took the blueprints and lifted it up to his face – scanning the entire page inches away from his nose.
The pack started to suspect it then.
Scott with all his gentleness and concern was the one who voiced it out. "Is everything okay, Derek?"
Well, not the way Stiles would've said it but this was Scott. He beats around the bushes sometimes, starts a conversation with a question.
"Yeah." Derek grunted, throwing the blueprint back onto the table. And that's the thing with question, often time, people don't give a truthful answer.
Then they went on with planning as if Derek hadn't practically kiss the blueprint paper. Stiles kept his eyes on Derek the entire night.
And the day after, and after, and after.
So almost a week after the shocking revelation that Derek lost his supernatural abilities, Stiles noted a few things about normal-Derek. As normal as Derek could be, that is.
Things like, how Derek flinches when there was a sudden noise (typically Peter's obnoxious laughter), or how he would sigh in frustration when something was too heavy to be easily carried the first time (he'd still managed to carry it though, that muscle-headed beast), or how he would squint at anything he decided to focus on if it was a certain distance from him (probably because he refused another display of grabbing something so close to his face).
The fact that this had gone on for almost week was hilarious. How did anyone not notice it? Or maybe they noticed it but decided leave him be? Derek does have a habit of grabbing someone by the collar and threatening them. Stiles doubted that any of his usual 'rip your throat with my teeth' would hold any actual scariness but he also valued his life not to bring it up carelessly himself.
Stiles strategised. He always does. He chose a day where the pack had a meeting, chose time frame just after work and before the meeting, chose a location where it was public enough to ensure Derek does not misbehave but the two would still have their treasured privacy. It worked wonders, by the way, and for a split second he allowed himself to silently bask in the glory of 'people should listen to me more because my plan always works'. Who was he kidding, he took his head out of his ass and attend to the matters at hand – a grumpy Derek, unable to threaten Stiles or deter away the conversation, thus ultimately admitting that he, in fact, can't see well.
And who is Stiles if he's not prepared, right?
He slid a rectangular black box towards Derek, who rolled his eyes at the item.
"I don't need that."
"Yes. Yes, you do." Stiles was not one to give up. "Have you seen how you look just now? Trying to read the menu like it was a Mathematical problem? Who reads with that much squinting power and scowling?"
A low growl came from Derek's throat.
Stiles went rigid. Well, good to know he can still do that.
"Just wear it okay." Stiles sighed. "Since when are you the advocate of fashion and styles, anyway. Think of it this way; What if Scott needs some help but you can't clearly see which one is Scott and which one is the enemy? You ended up, oh I don't know, shooting Scott???"
That seemed to convince him.
"Fine." Derek grunted. He took the box, unexpectedly gentle with it as he carefully close it back once he took out the glasses. He glanced at Stiles first, in which Stiles held out both of his thumbs out with a grin, and he scoffed as he put on the glasses. He propped his elbows on the table, hands clasped, "Happy?"
When Stiles did not answer, Derek continued, "You didn't have to be so disgusted."
Stiles still did not answer. He was not disgusted for sure, but he can't seem to find his voice. It seemed to be stuck in his throat. He swallowed his saliva just in case. Yes, it must be something that he ate just now, he reasoned, an allergy or something. It'd explained his rising heartbeat.
Derek sighed, a hand reaching to the glasses.
In a speed of light, Stiles stumbled over the empty cup with his hands, knocking it off the table, as he hurriedly stop Derek from removing the glasses. It was an instinctual act more than anything.
The two of them stuck in that awkward position, like two separate lines finally meeting at one point, Derek sat, his fingers pinching the air as Stiles hand wrapped around his wrist, halting his initial movement. Derek observed as Stiles appeared to look panicked, his eyebrows furrowed, the upturnt lips, and the intense focus to his eyes. The sound of the bell ringing against the opening door snapped them back into the present.
Stiles released his hold, he returned to sitting, albeit fidgeting more than ever, as he clear his throat with a small 'Sorry'. Derek simply looked away.
If the new customers came in just a few seconds late, Derek would've seen the way Stiles' eyes drifted from his eyes down to his lips for a split-second. Stiles dragged a hand down his face. "We should go," he said as he stood. "They must be there already."
Derek simply nodded and followed Stiles out.
Fuck, Stiles thought. No way.
"Hey, wait up." Derek called out from behind, picking up the pace to catch up. The setting sunlight reflected on his glasses. "You forgot to pay for your drink, so you owe me now."
Fuck no, Stiles cursed inwardly, glaring at Derek before entering his Jeep.
No way in any hell I'm finding him attractive with glasses on.
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a/n: thinking of making a part two maybe...
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bouncy-dog-funeral · 2 months
Stiles Stilinski and how teen wolf fails his character and relationships
TW: mentions of charecters traumas, disibilitys not being taken seriously, toxic relationships, one sided attraction, and teen wolf hate cuz as much as I love some of the charecters… the show is kinda bad (it’s my special interest b4 I get hate)
I am just an autistic guy who’s been hyper fixated on stiles as a character for years. I am not telling you how to feel about the show or him, I’m just expressing how I feel through a long (and I mean it this is long so strap in… or don’t… I don’t control you) tumbler rant. I have not finished the show but I have done a lot of research (about episodes and seasons that I have not seen) but I’m just human. If I miss something or don’t get something right, you can just tell me!!
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Stiles stilinski as a character, while not a revolution to tv, was a pretty iconic character. A show about werewolves and the supernatural was absolutely side stepped by the human of the series. From the moment he’s on screen, he brings a fun vibe and some pretty funny jokes but you’re not here to listen to me glaze a white guy from an early 2000s show. Too much of that on here any way so let’s get to the real meat and potato’s!
Stiles was failed by teen wolf. They failed to give him relationships (and I mean platonic and romantic relationships) that were reciprocated. His relationship with Scott is ok at best. In the first season stiles goes out of his way for Scott to help him find out what’s wrong with him and it’s seemingly the only reason he’s there other then to get Scott to go in the woods and to show that Scott isn’t friendless and what does Scott do? Kinda just ignore him to hang out with a girl HE JUST MET. This isn’t a one time thing either. Stiles goes out of his way for Scott 99% of the time. He’s loyal and honestly a really good friend. Scott does not meet him there unfortunately. This is not to say that Scott never helps stiles out or never shows care for him, he just kinda always puts his issues first. I think a famous example is season 5 episode 9. NOW BEFORE YOU SCOTT SYMPATHIZERS BOO ME I WOULD LIKE TO EXPLAIN MY POINT. Now Scott and Stiles have both gone through some traumatizing shit that no one, especially high schoolers but I can only give so much leniency. Scott is supposed to be a leader/alpha and although he’s bound to make mistakes, a good leader listens. He never really listens to stiles in this argument. He got told one story from Theo and just runs with it. He has this problem either way black and white thinking when everyone in this series is a person (werewolf’s and other supernatural creatures included) and being a person comes with not being perfectly good. Scott has this awful superiority complex when it comes to doing what he thinks is morally right. Scott through out the series proves that he is not as loyal to stiles is to him.
I’d also like to go over his relationship with Lydia cuz good god man. I don’t hate Lydia. I think she’s a great character that if not written in the early 2000s could really have potential but they make her mean to stiles (as most charecters are) and show no interest in stiles even as a nuisance and expect me to care about them as a couple. Now you could say the same thing about sterek (stiles x Derek) and you might even be typing up a comment now. Let me stop you. I think there is a key diffrance. We are supposed to root for stiles and Lydia. We are supposed to want them together when Lydia in all honesty is not intrested in him. It’s not a mutual arguing or back and forth. Stiles is deeply in love with some one who ignored his existence. As a afab person I feel bad for Lydia a little. Having the attention of a man that you don’t like all that much while you have a partner (Jackson in season 1 which he’s not a good partner but she’s still with someone) should get on my nerves and also kinda make me nervous. This is not me saying stiles is a creep or anything it’s just me highlighting the relationship that they share is kinda one sided. Now this is just personal preference and you might really like that dynamic but I don’t really want to root for a couple where it’s just pretty girl is there and she has some nerd who wants to be with her and she eventually gets with him cuz yay straight people. I know they grow and eventually Lydia is in love with him but I just can’t get behind it. It’s just nothing. The fact the he (stiles) yells at her at the school dance (season 1 episode 11) to get her to dance with him after she rejected the offer twice is weird!!! The whole speech is nice guy behavior on stiles part and it makes him seem down right disrespectful. I don’t care for the whole “no means I’m playing hard to get” idea. It makes stiles look like a dick, puts Lydia in the position where if she doesn’t say yes the audience will hate her, and it doesn’t progress the relationship in a healthy way. I think they would be really cute friends and you can even keep the “stiles has a crush on her” narrative and just make it to where he comes to an understanding that she has said no and they become friends. God knows we are lacking good platonic male/female relationships in media.
Now onto stiles and his disability. When I was in first obsessing over stiles in middle school or high school I was ecstatic to learn that stiles had adhd. I have been diagnosed with adhd since I was in elementary school. I was always an outcast cuz of it so to see a character, a fan fav at that, I was so happy. Getting any disability rep (especially from the mid 2000s) is crazy rare so I was happy to see it. Unfortunately in an interview Dylan o’brian (stiles actor) said that it was a joke. That even tho that in the series stiles says that he takes Adderall (a drug that treats adhd) he’s just like that. This was incredibly heart breaking to hear. Jeff Davis (creator of teen wolf) said that stiles had adhd later on Twitter but this isn’t a real relief to hear cuz either they wrote a “joke” that stiles might have adhd therefore dangling rep infront of disabled people’s faces while also having plausible deniability about having any rep in the show at all OR they wrote it in and just kinda ditched it at one point. They use derogatory terms for adhd to describe stiles like spaz just for him to be a nerotypical charecter??? Yeahhhhhh not a huge fan. If they actually wrote him to have adhd (which btw in my experience is like one of the most “accepted” disibiltys to portray in media so it wouldn’t even be taking a huge risk to give stiles adhd) then that would explain his behaviors, why he takes Adderall, why people other him when he seemingly does everything right. It was only ever a joke to the writers and I think unfortunately the actors. It made it to where other fans of the show can shut down the idea that stiles has adhd cuz “they don’t ever directly say it. It’s frustrating and overall makes me so sad.
Next his trauma. They put this man through a lot and just gloss over it. They do this with most of the charecters. Huge traumatic incadent then boom Scott saves the day we’re all fine!!! (Can you tell who my least fav charecter is through this rant?) it’s just annoying. Stiles was litterly possessed leaving him a broken man but it’s kinda just… there? No real ptsd. Hell he doesn’t even really have to deal with anything. They briefly go over that his mom died and kinda just became a shell of a person and that made his dad an alcoholic. It just happens. None of that affects stiles outside of that story line. Was it too much to write ptsd? Idk it just seems that anytime they have to write a charecter that isn’t a ambiguously white or white nerotypical untraumatized “normal” person, they fall flat *cough* BOYD *cough cough* DANNY *cough* what was that? Who said that? Any way it’s just weird and upsetting.
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All of this to say…. I think teen wolf had so much potential and so many good ideas that just… didn’t make it. They failed stiles stilinski, not only that! They failed all of their character’s but I’m not crazy Coocoo about their character’s and it 1:38 in the morning so I’ll leave it with stiles. If you disagree with me that’s so fine, I’d love to have a conversation about your opinions! Just from my knowledge and experience, I feel like they could have done so much better for stiles
(Like make him a bisexual neurodivergent icon but whatever)
Have a lovely day! Thank you for listening. If you ever want to talk about teen wolf, my dms are always open and I’m crazy.
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casually-eat-my-soul · 4 months
Thoughts on rivalling lawyers Sterek AU? Like, state assigned defense attorney Stiles (the free "you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you" kind) and expensive law firm, hired by the richest of the rich, prosecutor attorney Derek and they keep ending up on opposite sides of some of the same cases?
The true enemies to lovers, the common person vs rich dude.
Derek is from a family of lawyers, and from the time he could speak he knew he wanted to be just like his mother, who started her own firm. Raised rich. Each member of his family is very competitive, each with their own rich S.O. Derek is currently dating (tw) Kate from the agent family 🤢
Stiles on the other hand, came from a single parent household. On a cops salary. He saw the inside of the judicial system. At first he wanted to be a cop like his father, but once he saw an innocent man go to jail, he changed his mind.
Derek had been a lawyer for five years (i know nothing about lawyers) before stiles joined the scene. And from then on they become very competitive rivals. Derek makes fun of stiles for helping criminals get off, when his father is a cop. Stiles makes fun of Derek for being a “paid whore” and that the criminals that Derek gets off are far worse than the ones stiles does.
This all comes to head when they are at a bar together and have a one night stand. Stiles cannot believe that he was someone’s mistress. Derek on the other hand is reeling in shock, as he’s never had such a connection with Kate or any passed girlfriends.
Derek tries to forget. He goes home and fucks Kate through the night. He feels nothing, nothing compared to Stiles. He knew that him and Kate weren’t soulmates but the fact that there was no feeling anymore made him forget his attraction. He breaks up with Kate the next morning. It’s horrible, they’re both screaming at each other and so on. It’s the whole “I only dated you for your money and for your families name”. Derek although has little to no feelings for Kate, is devastated at the news that someone was only with him for the money. He looks at the people surrounding him, friends and such and starts cutting out his fake friends. He realizes that Stiles was a little correct about his lifestyle, so instead of trying to forget, he seeks Stiles out at every opportunity.
Stiles on the other hand tries so hard to stay away from Derek.
It doesn’t really work.
They continue being forced to work against each other. This lead to Derek fucking Stiles in the bathroom of a courthouse, a blowjob, and three hurried handjobs. Not in that order. This leads to infrequent dates and such. Their relationship becomes hot and cold, sometimes it’s sweet and other times it’s straight up toxic.
Unfortunately, these boys could not communicate healthily at all. Then comes a bid client for Derek and his families firm. After this one big case that Derek loses to stiles, he gets pissed. He lost his family the client, and on their date that night he takes it out on stiles, saying “it’s ironic that you called me a paid whore, when you come when I call” or something along those lines. Stiles breaks up with him immediately and tells Derek that he can’t believe he was thinking of making their relationship official, especially if that’s all Derek thought of him.
Derek is shocked completely at watching stiles cry, even worse at losing the chance to call stiles his. He tries to apologize but stiles won’t hear it and leaves. Derek is still in shock and doesn’t react until the gets home and sees the coffee that stiles bought in his apartment. He breaks down at the thought of losing someone who truly cared about him, at losing stiles.
He send stiles gifts as a way to apologize, but each on gets sent back. He can barely catch of glimpse of stiles outside of work. When they are in court stiles is down right ice, there’s no more banter.
And once again a big company client, a medicine brand hires the hale law firm. Stiles represents the people suing for damages. This time unfortunately, stiles loses. He goes down to a bar to down out his sorrow, and Derek finds him. He tries to apologize, tell him that he changed. Stiles gets pissed. He laughs, something dark and cruel not believing a single word he says . And then stiles lays into him, telling him that all he wanted to do was help people. Those companies that Derek represents would barely feel the pay out, but those people today had their lives ruined.
He tells Derek that he could never be with a man who sees no problem with that. Derek is falling apart, his sister try and console him. Kate comes back and tries to get him to sleep with her again. He tells her off. But to everyone else it looked liked they left together.
It’s as if the universe hates Derek as, Stiles and Derek don’t even interact as they no longer have cases that go up against each other. It takes a month and a half until Derek sees stiles again. At Allison and Scott’s wedding.
Derek sees stiles dancing with someone else. Stiles tells him that he has no right to be after getting back with Kate. Cue the angry confessions!!!
They get back together, this times talking it very slowly, glacier slow. Allowing them to really get to know each other rather than relying on the intimacy of sex to base their relationship on. When they finally do have sex again, it’s six months into the relationship and is much more soft than before They dally madly and deeply in love with each other. And together they start a firm with each other later on.
The end ✨✨
Honestly I had no idea where I was going with this, but I hoped you liked it.

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kitchenisking · 9 months
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It's January and the new year has started! I hope everyone had a great new year and that 2024 bring only good things our way! and please remember to leave a kudos and some love in the comments to our amazing writers in this amazing fandom! love you guys😘
Children's Tales by artemis69 - (Rating: G, Words: 4,690, sterek)
Be careful, little girl. 
Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, little girl, because the Hales live there. 
Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you.
-- Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after.
Then Kate comes in. 
Tries to.
in the waiting room by CoraRochester, ravenclawkward - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 29,753, sterek)
“So, uh,” Stiles said, peeling the crust away from his toast. It was barely darkened, smeared thickly with butter and orange marmalade, just like he always liked it. “I have tattoos, which is weird, because I’m like, clinically terrified of needles. Swooning, fainting, the whole nine yards.”
That made the corner of Derek’s mouth lift into something like a small smile before it quickly smoothed out flat and neutral again. “I know,” Derek said, lifting up his fork. Stiles looked at the back of Derek’s hand and saw it was dark with ink—an elaborate full moon, stark on Derek’s skin. “I did them.”
In which Stiles has amnesia and falls in love with his husband all over again.
Sweet Tooth by Spikedluv  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 24,866, sterek)
Derek Hale had returned to Beacon Hills and the ice cream place was reopening. “Best. Day. Ever,” Stiles told Scott.
Lessons in Humanity by exclamation - (Rating: Mature, Words: 40,234, sterek)
Fleeing from werewolves, Stiles comes face to face with Derek, a werewolf human in shape but animal in his mind. Stiles is terrified of being killed, but it seems Derek has decided Stiles would make a suitable mate. Unfortunately, his idea of a romantic gift is a dead animal on the doorstep. Stiles must help Derek remember what it is to be human... and figure out how to explain his new werewolf stalker to his dad.
Happiness is Effortless by clotpolesonly - (Rating: G, Words: 5,210, sterek)
Derek just wanted an excuse to run out on his date. A very public fight with the fiance he didn't know he had is not exactly what he was expecting, but he'll take it.
come with me by buckysharons - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,657, sterek)
Derek turns his head to the loft door, messily shoving whatever he could into the large bag. He’d rearrange everything on his property in New York. In another loft, but one much nicer, one cleaned with his parents money. 
There’s a slam of a door, a slam filled with so much anger it makes Derek jump, alarmed. 
“You’re leaving?” Stiles roars. He’s not angry, no. He’s hurt. Derek could sense it on him and he had no idea why. 
He puts on the brooding mask he always seemed to have on, but this time was different. Stiles could see right through him. Though something tells Derek that Stiles has been able to see through it for a while now. 
“Why are you leaving?” Stiles continues, giving Derek no room for him to explain himself. He demands an answer. Like he’s done everything to deserve it. 
Which he has. 
“I can’t stay,” Derek says vaguely, swallowing. 
Stiles didn’t- he couldn’t take that.
Next To You (You Tell Me What To Do) by mercury_caduceus - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6,175, sterek)
"Derek had barely noticed that he was still kneeling in a foot of water. His knees were sore and he was freezing but none of that mattered. Not now. Not when Boyd’s lifeless body was laying in front of him, his blood still on Derek’s hands. Cora was sobbing and clinging to Boyd, making his heart break even more. He hadn’t thought that was possible, Boyd had become one of his best friends and now he had killed him. He closed his eyes, he couldn’t keep looking at the body laying in front of him. Stiles hand on his shoulder was the only thing keeping him from completely falling apart, but he knew he was about to snap." ---- Stiles helps Derek after Boyd dies.
After the Smoke Clears by sffan - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,062, sterek)
Stiles needs a peaceful space. Derek gives him what he needs.
Alchemy of Attraction by ravenclawkward, wanderingeyre - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 15,893, sterek)
Once the table is set up, Stiles picks up the box and starts pulling out beakers, a hot plate, some Erlenmeyer flasks, a bunsen burner, and a bunch of other equipment and laying them out on the table. The last things to come out of the box are sealed containers with labels.
Derek is starting to get a very bad feeling about this.
Frogs? by Itsreallyjustforresearch83 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 10,694, sterek)
“Catching frogs? This far into the pack lands? I’ll give you five seconds to tell me the truth before I rip your throat out. What is it that you want?”
“YOU! Alright?! I want you!”
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Heyy, love what you do. You're amazing.
I was looking for sterek fics where Derek has a dirty mouth, even porn couldn't compare to the things that come out of his mouth when he is with stiles. ♥️♥️♥️
Cover your ears ya'll.
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A quickie in the janitors closet by pizzz_10
(1/1 842)
Stiles wanted to go lunch after class, but Derek has other ideas
Something to Remember Me By by 1lostone
(1/1 I 5,038)
At a graduation party, Derek makes some assumptions.
Stiles sets him straight.... so to speak.
Gordian Knot (Of Sex) by tourdefierce
(1/1 I 5,859)
Losing his virginity was hard enough when Lydia Martin was his sole focus. Now there are werewolves involved and this is way crazier. For one, there are a lot more dicks involved. (To be fair, in some of his fantasies, Lydia Martin had an impressive rubber cock.) Either way, Stiles doesn't know why he thought getting rid of his pesky virginity was going to be easier with Derek involved—the guy is practically allergic to doing anything the easy way and that includes Stiles. Being done. Because he's easy. What.
Things We Know, Unsaid by uraneia 
(1/1 I 6,036)
Stiles accidentally finds a trunk full of Derek's professional dom gear from when he lived in New York. They don't talk about it. Then Stiles turns eighteen, and they do.
If he thought Derek would be angry or embarrassed at Stiles finding a trunk full of quality BDSM gear in his closet, he’d have been wrong. “I used to do it professionally, in New York,” Derek says easily, and Stiles—Stiles doesn’t know how to process that. Because he’s seventeen and has eyes and an unfortunately vivid imagination, and if he lets it go there he’s not going to get any use out of any body part except his dick for several hours.
Feel You Breathing by sugareey
(3/3 I 8,400)
Derek: So, you need a distraction.
Stiles: Maybe Stiles: It’d be better if you were here to help me with that. Stiles: ;D
[Or: Sexy things start late one night when Derek gets a text from Stiles and escalate from there. A few secrets are revealed along the way.]
Melt Me Slowly Down by maichan808 (maichan)
(1/1 I 20,307)
The last thing Stiles expects when he walks into Lydia’s exclusive S&M club is to rescue a sub who’s obviously been mistreated for a long time. His name is Derek, and when he awkwardly reaches out, asking Stiles to be his Dom, the urge to shield Derek from more pain is too strong for Stiles to resist. But Derek is still recovering from his past and learning how to set boundaries, so they have to take things slow.
Incredibly Gifted Fakers by Fortem
(21/? I 76,596)
Stiles desperately needs a new scene partner and Derek desperately needs a job. They may just be able to help each other out, if they remember that this is all supposed to be acting.
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna
(21/21 I 99,128)
Derek Hale knows he as a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
Domestication by Arver7, Moit
(37/37 I 280,892)
Derek and Stiles are heat partners, but neither realises how invested the other one is. When Stiles winds up pregnant, their relationship gets more serious, even if neither of them knows how to handle it.
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lazywolfwiccan · 19 days
I only have a season 1 DVD of teen wolf like I mentioned before. But I have a question, do the first three seasons have good moments for Derek & Stiles in canon? Because I do want to watch before Malia happens, so I can pretend nothing past season 3 happened.
Good Sterek moments??? Buckle up buckaroo
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Season one:. Derek is shot with a wolfsbane bullet and goes to the school to find Scott, but even though he's delirious and sick he manages to find Stiles in his Jeep in the parking lot and collapses in front of it. Throughout the rest of the episode Derek basically threatens Stiles to not go to Derek's house while he can't defend himself but there's no hint of seriousness about it. Also Derek asks Stiles to cut off his arm and Stiles comes really close to doing it. Scott ends up running in with the bullet Derek needs but Derek passes out and drops it. Should be noted Stiles does this while trying to get him to wake up
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Season two: Derek and his beta Erica interrogate Stiles about what attacked him, the Kanima, no spoilers who the kanima is, when the kanima appears and knocks Erica unconscious. Derek immediately went into a protective position in front of Stiles.
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He tells Stiles to run before the kanima cuts the back of Derek's neck, paralyzing him. Meaning with Erica knocked out and Derek losing feeling in his body, Stiles is literally the only person who can protect Derek. And then while carrying Derek and trying to grab his phone, Stiles accidentally drops Derek in the pool.
For two hours Stiles has to hold a werewolf above water to keep him from drowning. Even diving all the way to the bottom to save Derek after Stiles finally gets his phone and calls Scott, only for Scott to immediately hang up on him.
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Season three unfortunately does not have a lot of Sterek moments, but there's a couple I really like.
One: Derek's beta Boyd is killed by Derek when the Alpha pack forces him to. Stiles comforts Derek after the fact.
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Two. When the Nogitsune possesses Stiles, Derek tries to fight him but Void kicks his ass. Chris Argent, a hunter, immediately points a gun at Stiles and you can see Derek in the background looking like he was about to jump in front of him. Also should be noted that Stiles made a chessboard of the pack and had Derek as the king piece
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
authors who won't tag their fics properly PISS ME OFF!!! one time i read a buddie fic where buck had sex "onscreen" multiple times with an OC, and even developed feelings for the OC to the point where he was like, "if eddie didn't exist, I could really fall in love with OC" - and there was no Buck/OMC tag?!?!?! like. wtf?? i don't click on a buddie fic to read about buck screwing some OC the author is in love with?!? i muted that author. also, sorry this seems to be an increasingly controversial take in buddie fandom, but i also get pissed off when people refuse to tag for sexual stuff including Top/Bottom, and even act judge-y in their author's note/comments about people who DO want stuff like that tagged. all like, "It shouldn't matter" "it's not important" - ok if it's not important, then just please take one second to tag it so people can read what they want to read, and avoid what they want to avoid?? now i just mute authors who won't tag sufficiently.
i don’t understand people’s apprehension to tagging what is included in their fics… like i’m not claiming ot be perfect at it myself like im sure ive made mistakes but like i try my best to be as clear about everything as i can be. and i have read similar buddie fics where it feels like eddie/omc are the main ones and they’re played as this sort if “right person wrong time” think but eddie/omc aren’t tagged and im like ?????
if im reading a buddie fic unless i explicitly search for sad/unhappy or hopeful ending that fic better end with them being madly in love with each other as if there is no one else in the world but so many fics have these elements of them almost “settling” for each other snd im like a) how ooc is that, and b) do you even ship them atp???
and i definitely understand your frustration over the position tags for smut fics— personally i don’t care either way when it comes to buddie but there are other ships where i am picky about the kind of smut i read (i can think specifically of an old sterek fic i read that was a slow burn and it ended with one smut scene and it was top!stiles which… yeah that might be some people’s preference but it wasn’t mine and so i had to skip the whole chapter of that fic)
unfortunately i think people just like to bait their tags so that they get more views and it’s like…. there’s nothing wrong with wanting your fic to reach a wide audience, but if you’re writing purely for hits/clout then your already writing for the wrong reasons imo 🤷
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clotpolesonly · 8 months
In The Habit Of Having You With Me
for the Stiles Shipping Central monthly exchange!! haven't done one of these in a while, lol, and haven't written for my beloved boys in even longer 🥺 back on my unrelenting fluff bullshit, sorry not sorry, hope you enjoy uwu | Sterek | 865w | Gen | Established Relationship | Mornings | Fluff | (also on AO3)
Despite being a mythological creature largely associated with the nighttime, Derek had always been an early riser. The world was a noisy, noisy place, and early morning was the quietest it ever seemed to get. Especially when he was young, his large house crammed with an even larger family, the hour before dawn was the only option if he wanted to experience anything other than chaos, so he made it a habit to be the first one up. Call it the self-defense mechanism of the introverted middle child.
There was just something deeply peaceful about the stillness of it, the hush of a day before it’s properly begun, the slowness that precedes the scramble of business as usual.
Not to mention, he loved a good sunrise. The only thing better than standing on the porch in brisk fall weather to watch the sun rise over the treeline with a cup of good coffee in hand would be doing so with the love of his life at his side.
Unfortunately, it took a fucking forklift to get Stiles out of bed in the morning.
Most days, Derek would roll over somewhere around 6:20am with a yawn and a good, deep stretch. He would turn to gaze lovingly at his boyfriend and find Stiles face down in a pillow, completely unresponsive, snoring fit to wake the devil. He would nudge and poke and whisper and drop kisses on whatever part of Stiles he could reach. Stiles would mumble back something along the lines of “carrier twelve mirror dog” or “where’d you put the Gilligan” and fling an arm out in Derek’s direction like he was casting a fishing line. Sometimes this hit him in the face, sometimes it missed completely, and sometimes it successfully snagged Derek around the waist.
Derek liked that Stiles always wanted him close, so strongly that even his subconscious was always reaching out for him. It was endearing. Made Derek feel very loved.
However, it also prevented him from getting out of the bed. This made Derek feel very annoyed, especially when Stiles was of the opinion that “morning” didn’t begin until somewhere around 10am.
One would think that, as a werewolf, Derek would be able to extricate himself from his human boyfriend’s embrace without too much trouble, but, somehow, one would be wrong. Stiles had to have some kind of fucking were-octopus genetics in his lineage somewhere because some mornings, Derek came very close to having to chew his own arm off if he didn’t want to lie there, wide awake and affectionately trapped, for four hours. There were a lot of sacrifices that he was willing to make for Stiles, but four conscious, bed-ridden hours without coffee was not one of them.
And so Derek spent most mornings alone, on the porch of his newly rebuilt home, with his coffee and his sunrise and his silence.
It wasn't as nice as it used to be.
This particular one really was lovely, though, even if he'd had to pry himself regretfully out of Stiles’ grip to earn the privilege of seeing it. It painted the Preserve with pink and gold, a stunningly beautiful backdrop to match the charming soundtrack of the early birds cheeping to each other. There were no cars yet on the nearby road. Only the sounds of nature and—
“Cannot believe you do this every day.”
Before Derek could turn around, familiar arms wound their way around his waist. An equally familiar forehead thunked against the nape of his neck. Derek took one hand off the warmth of his coffee cup to cover Stiles’ where they clasped each other over his stomach.
“You're up,” he said. “You're never up.”
Stiles made a plaintive sound, cold nose nuzzling. “Missed you.”
Derek smiled. “Do you want some of my coffee?”
“Fuck no, I'm going back to sleep in, like, point-two minutes and you can't stop me.”
Derek's smile grew. “I wouldn't try.” 
He tapped at Stiles’ hands until he loosened his hold, then turned himself around without leaving the embrace. Stiles’ face was grumpy and bleary, pillow creases still marring his cheeks, and he only deigned to crack open one of his eyes. He was every bit as beautiful as the sunrise.
Derek kissed him. Stiles’ grumpy expression did not change, but he made another of those plaintive little noises when Derek pulled back. His fingers flexed against Derek's lower back, holding him tighter.
Derek said, “Thank you.”
“You better appreciate how much I love you, dude. I would not do this for literally anybody else.”
“I know.”
Derek turned back around and let Stiles adhere himself to his back. Within seconds, Stiles was snoring against his shoulder. Derek didn't mind. In a few minutes, he would rouse Stiles again and lead him back to bed. Derek might even join him there, read a book or something while Stiles used him as a teddy bear for another hour or two.
For the moment, though, he was excruciatingly content. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the coffee was perfectly brewed, and the love of his life was—grudgingly—at his side. He'd been right. There really was nothing better.
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eevylynn · 4 months
Six Sentence Sunday
@whimsicalmeerkat tagged me in this last Sunday, but I was deep in the trenches of getting multiple Teen Wolf event items done, so here it is this week!
It's from my upcoming Sterek future fic "Power Over Me" that I'm planning on finishing BEFORE posting (for once)
Unfortunately, they were unable to determine who the boy’s mother was, and, to the delight of Deaton at the mystery of it all, Derek honestly couldn’t think of who it could possibly be since he didn’t think he had been with anyone since right before he first got back to Beacon Hills, and that wonderfully passionate night had definitely NOT been with a woman nor done in a way that would have meant Derek impregnated anybody, if you catch his drift.
Regardless of the boy’s origins, Derek threw himself wholeheartedly into being a father. He would never be one of those that claimed that his child completed him or anything ridiculously self-centered like that, but seeing his love for the boy reflected back at him in those big, green eyes made him actually feel worthy of love in a way that he hadn’t in a long time.
Speaking of which, as Derek piled the last of the bacon he had cooked onto a plate, he heard Eli's heart quicken as the boy woke up.
“Eli, breakfast is ready!” Derek called, smiling softly as he heard little feet land on the floor above him before they pattered towards the stairs.
“BACON!!” Eli roared excitedly as he zoomed into sight, sniffing the air hungrily.
Oops, I didn't tag anyone...
@dear-massacre @renmackree @triskhellion @hellameyers and anyone else that wants to
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teencopandthesourwolf · 7 months
“Look, Derek, I can understand you had to become sharp as a fucking lemon to simply survive this long, after everything, and you being so very amicably-challenged—which is actually only an endearing quality to little old moi, by the way, what with your man Stilesy here being the kind of uniquely blessed individual who enjoys the more acerbic things in life—well, methinks that is just another unfortunate result of your aforementioned forced trauma-born survival mode, dude. Like, vicious cycles and all that cyclical, spherical, metaphorical shit. But seeing as we're beginning to come together as a pack now, kind of, a tiny bit, I guess, and what with you being our most fearless leader and all… Could you maybe possibly try just a little harder not to be such a monumental asshole to everybody else?”
Derek blinks, trying to block out some of the harshness of the late afternoon rain sound that's thrashing against the loft's skylight, and ponders for a moment over Stiles's huge lung capacity and the weird way he sometimes talks about himself in the third person.
Then, he says, “What.”
Stiles sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
a wee snippet of my latest sterek WIP for the very lovely @greyhavenisback <3
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violetfairydust · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by the amazing @renmackree! Thank you!
Here we have my yet to be titled one-sided Sterek from Stiles' POV. Unfortunately for everyone, Erica has been misinformed, so this is going to be a roller coaster for Stiles.
Stiles set the pen on the desk. As he ripped off his sweater, the sleeve whipped the pen a few desks away. He groaned and got out of the chair. Going around the back row, he stopped as the hot girl who usually sat in the front row picked it up with her pink painted nails. The gold necklace around her neck shimmered. It reminded him her name was Erica. She smiled as she handed it back to him.
“Thanks.” He moved back to his seat and she followed. He looked up at her as she sat on his desk.
“Stiles, right?”
His jaw fell. No words came out, so he nodded a few times. She knew his name?
“Do you have a date to the prom?”
“Uh, no.” There was no way she would ask him to prom, she was too hot and he was pretty sure her boyfriend wouldn’t like that.
She smiled as she leaned closer to him. “A friend of mine has a crush on you and he’s too nervous to ask you to prom, so I’m helping him out. Do you want to go with him?”
Stiles sighed and lost all amazement. He peered around her to check the time. Three minutes until class. He rested against the metal bar connecting the chair and the desk. “Listen, I can appreciate you helping your friend, but I’m not getting set up on some awkward date just because I’m the last person available.”
“No, he actually wants to go with you. I think he’s just a little shy.”
Stiles rolled his eyes. “That’s what they said about Greenberg and then we were left at the end-of-the-year lacrosse picnic and I was reaching for the mustard and he thought I was trying to kiss him. I don’t do date set-ups.” He bit the end of the pen anxiously.
“What if I told you it was Derek Hale?”
The pen fell onto Stiles’ lap. “Derek Hale? The Derek Hale has a crush on me?”
She smiled and crossed her legs. “Straight from the horse’s mouth.” The bell rang and she hopped off his desk. “Should I tell him you said yes?”
He was practically drawing their wedding invitation as she danced to her seat. “You’re not joking?”
She scoffed lightly. “I’ll tell him during English.”
Stiles leaned back and tapped his pen on the desk. Derek Hale wanted to go out with him. Him of all people! He beamed at the table. It had been a long four years of hoping and praying the captain of the basketball team would so much as glance at him, but he had a crush on him. And he was shy about it! What could be better than that? He felt he owed her for telling him. On the back of the graded test Ms. Fleming handed back, Stiles doodled the wedding program. Sorry, Scott, but Erica is going to be his new best man.
I softly tag: @thotpuppy @endwersed @eevylynn
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princecharmingwinks · 2 years
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Sterek Fic Rec - December 2022. Is it still December? Yes, for about 5 more hours, oops! Here is the final monthly rec list for the year. I hope everyone is doing something nice to bring in the new year (snuggling into bed absolutely counts!). 
Many times, Many ways by Jmeelee (1/1 | 3K | Mature)
He turned around and stormed toward his Jeep. Derek called out his name, but Stiles flipped him off over his shoulder. He jabbed the key into the ignition, roared the engine, and smoked the tires as he peeled out of the parking lot, but not before he cranked down the glass and screamed at Derek from the driver’s side window, “Merry Christmas, motherfucker!”
Five times Stiles and Derek ruined Christmas, and one time they fixed it.
Build A Wolf by PalenDrome (nerdherderette) (1/1 | 5K | Teen)
Derek is a romantic. He dreams of finding his mate, of connecting with that special someone who will make his heart swoon.
[Excerpt]: "Who says I need to be in a relationship to be happy?" Derek asks, his hackles rising. Besides, Boyd has it all wrong. Derek has Die Hard on his Christmas queue.
Yippee ki yay.
Boyd holds up both hands. "Not me. If you want to be a bachelor forever, I'm not one to judge."
"But I am," Erica says. "You don't date anymore. Hell, when's the last time you even got laid? Which would also be fine, except it's not, because you're miserable and it's obvious that's not what you really want."
Sometimes Derek has a hard time following Erica's logic. Unfortunately, this is not one of those moments.
"It doesn't matter," he says, digging the excess rice out from his wrap. "I'm better off alone."
Mint Condition by fairytalesandfolklore (1/1 | 955 | Teen)
He checks the clock, frowning in concern. Stiles had said he was going to change and that he'd be right back, but that was over twenty minutes ago. He's about to get up and go check on him, when the all-too-familiar tune of his least favorite song in the entire world starts playing on the stereo, and out comes Stiles wearing nothing but a jauntily perched Santa hat and a pair of the tiniest shorts Derek has ever seen — bright red satin to match his hat — and when Stiles twirls around to give Derek the full effect, he can make out the words naughty elf emblazoned across his asscheeks. Derek can do little more than stare open-mouthed as Stiles saunters toward him, sucking on the end of a candy cane in what he probably imagines is a seductive way, shaking his ass in time to the music — which, ugh. (As far as Derek is concerned, if hell had a soundtrack, it'd be an endless loop of Santa Baby…but it's Stiles, so he'll make an exception.) Overall, the effect is actually quite charming, and Derek would be lying if he said it wasn't doing something for him. And then Stiles starts talking.
lube and determination by bleep0bleep (2/2 | 4K | Explicit)
It's a holiday classic: homesick boy wants to make a pumpkin pie while studying abroad, boy realizes the only place to find vegetable shortening is a sex shop, and boy makes fool of himself in front of other boy.
Little talks by Vendelin (1/1 | 5K | Mature)
“Your favourite is here,” Danny says, smirking. “I tried to steal him away by giving him some extra attention, but he just looked uncomfortable.”
Stiles snorts, though he’s secretly pleased by his regular rejecting Danny. “He always looks a bit uncomfortable. I bet he’s married with a kid and a permanent guilty conscience when he’s here.”
It had been quite the surprise for Stiles to realise that he had a regular. A pretty young, hot regular, on top of that.
In which Stiles is a stripper, and Derek is the always-polite regular at the club where he works.
Depth of Field by midnitekween (1/1 | 7K | Explicit)
Stiles loves taking pictures of his pack.
Kiss It Better, Kiss It Back Together by crossroadswrite (1/1 | 3K | General)
For the tumblr prompt: stiles is cursed by a witch to forget the person he loves the most so everyone thinks it's Lydia but it's not and the only way to get the memories back is through a kiss
i see forever in your eyes by hufflepuffbaby (1/1 | 1K | Teen)
Stiles looked at his big bad Alpha, with his blush and his thumbhole sweater, and Stiles found he didn’t care if it was a bad idea, he was going to relationship the fuck out of Derek for as long as he was allowed.
Flufftober Day 5 : "Oh, no, you're a morning person"
Make You See It by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemryn), thatnerdemryn (1/2 | 2K | Mature)
Stiles didn’t say anything and Derek was grateful for leaving him speechless.
“Your mind, the way it pieces together every last puzzle piece, the way it connects dots that the rest of us didn’t even know were there, it’s--” Derek let out a breath against Stiles’ ear and reveled in the chill it sent through Stiles. “You are the most powerful of all of us.”
no matter how far away you roam by elisela (1/1 | 2K | General)
Stiles regrets not getting a tree.
He hadn’t been feeling very festive—decorations were reminders that he was spending the holidays alone, so he’d decided not to put them up, but now it’s Christmas Eve and there’s not even a strand of lights around the room to cheer him up. Watching Die Hard hadn’t worked, neither had The Grinch, and Derek hadn’t answered his phone the last three times Stiles had called him today.
It’s 7:34pm on Christmas Eve, and Stiles is ready to give it up and call it a night.
princecharmingwinks special mention (Oh my gosh I love the smut in this and the humour and everything else.)
Come Fly With Me (Or Don't) by stilinskisparkles (1/1 | 15K | Mature)
Stiles is overworked and stressed out when his flight home gets delayed due to copious amounts of snow. He finds entertainment with one Derek Hale, whom he hasn't seen since high school but really doesn't mind getting reacquainted with.
Especially when it turns out Derek is surprisingly hilarious and will reluctantly play snap with him. And can walk on his hands.
Made it through another year team, well done one and all. Happy holidays and see you in the new year ;)
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badcaseofcasey · 1 year
call me, maybe?
When Derek gets a call from an unknown number at 3AM, it sets of a chain of events that leads to Stiles Stilinski would become a major part of his life. He's only kind of mad about it.
Or, five times Stiles talked to Derek on the phone and the first time they meet in person
Read the full fic on AO3
omg it's my first Sterek fic in years, I'm so excited. big thank you to kali, who won my Fandom Trumps Hate auction and prompted me to write this fic. I can honestly say I had so much fun writing it. The entire fic is posted over on AO3 (linked above). I hope you all enjoy! ☎️☎️☎️
There were a lot of perks to being a werewolf - and Derek means that with no sense of irony, even if it was something that had brought a lot of inconvenience into his life. It was definitely a perk to be able to tell exactly when his annoying neighbor was out in the hallway so he could avoid running into her and getting sucked into a twenty minute conversation about the condo association’s latest schemes. It also certainly came in handy as a firefighter that he could use his senses to tell if there was someone still left in a burning building that he and the team were trying to put out.
But there was one thing about being a werewolf that was unavoidably annoying, and that was super-hearing. It pretty much only came with downsides. Derek had overheard more conversations he never wanted to be a part of than he could count. (It was genuinely shocking the kinds of comments people felt comfortable making about his appearance when they assumed they were out of earshot.) Right now, though, Derek would like nothing more than to ignore the phone vibrating on his bedside table and get a few more precious minutes of sleep. Unfortunately, the soft buzz of the phone against wood was enough to jolt him awake.
He sighed and turned to look at the lit-up screen to see who exactly he was going to be yelling at for waking him up at 3 AM (God, really? He’d only fallen asleep an hour ago), but was surprised to see it was an unknown number. He debated answering for a few more moments before deciding that there was a chance it could be one of his sisters or betas calling from someone else’s phone, so it was worth it to at least check.
“Hello?” he answered the phone, voice still gritty with sleep.
“Scott! Oh my god, it worked. Okay, sorry to wake you, but I stayed up late finishing my final paper for Munroe’s class, but then I couldn’t fall asleep, so instead of doing my usual midnight snack routine, which I’ve been avoiding since I accidentally set a tiny fire in the microwave and woke the whole building up with a fire alarm, I decided to wander the halls, you know, as you do at 3 AM, and lo and behold, there is an honest to god payphone. I didn’t even know these things still existed! So of course, I had to go back and grab some quarters and try it out.”
Derek’s eyes had fluttered closed as soon as he heard the rapid fire voice, hushed to not disturb the quiet hours of the early morning. It was clearly a wrong number, but he was way too tired to try and interrupt the steady stream of words flowing out of his mystery caller. He was seconds away from hanging up and rolling back over when there was a pause on the other line.
“Scott?” the voice asked. “You usually interrupt me by now, did you fall back asleep?”
“Not Scott,” Derek replied, eyes still mostly closed. “But I was almost back asleep after being rudely awoken at 3 AM.”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” the voice on the other end of the line rushed to apologize. “I swear to god I dialed my best friend’s number - it’s my first time using a pay phone.”
“You don’t say,” Derek said, voice sounding surly even to him.
“Okay, I’ll hang up now - sorry again, so sorry.”
Derek dropped his phone back onto the table and rolled back into bed, his eyelids heavy. He had nearly fallen back asleep when the phone rang again. He growled lightly when he saw the same unknown number flash across his screen.
“Still me,” he answered in lieu of a greeting.
“Oh god,” the voice said, clearly embarrassed. “Sorry again - I know what I did wrong this time, though! Your number must be one off from Scott’s - I was debating between it ending in 8845 or 8846- annnnd you definitely don’t care about that part. The good news is now I know, so you shouldn’t be hearing from me anymore.”
“Hey, kid?” Derek interrupted.
“Yes?” came the nervous voice through the phone.
“Get some sleep,” Derek replied. “And maybe, since you know the payphone works now, you can spare your friend the 3 AM wake-up call?”
“Good call,” he said. “Sorry again.”
Derek was already asleep by the time his head hit the pillow.
When he woke up the next morning, he saw a text from an unknown number. Confused, he opened it and saw a message from the kid he spoke to last night.
Unknown [4:37 AM]: sorry again for waking you up in the middle of the night! have a coffee on me if you need the extra caffeine today.
Beneath the text was a link to a Starbucks gift card. Derek rolled his eyes; if he was secretly grateful for the extra caffeine as he headed to the fire station that morning, well, nobody needed to know but him.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
I need to thank you for opening my eyes to something as well as showcase reading a point of view matters, even if one doesn't realize it. The Stiles as the main character stories has flooded ao3 so much that when I started my own W.I.P I didn't even question the elimination of Scott. And even when I added him I didn't question my dismissal of him as important. Becoming a member of the Scott defense squad I see now that that is a very bad way to go. Even if the focus gets sift to Stiles as a main character it does not take away the fact that the main character is the main character and has importance. And unfortunately a trinkle down effect of reading so many stories that tell a particular story It causes the readers to have a mindset of what a character is like even if they don't realize why that character was written that way in the original piece that portrayed him that way. And even worse when they don't take in the source material it paints a picture that doesn't showcase the character in the best light. Even though I saw the source material and loved it It did not stop me from going down this route because of everything that I had read. So again I thank you, and the rest of the defense squad for opening my eyes.
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Let me make things perfectly clear: there is absolutely nothing wrong with writing a Stiles-centric story. There are no ships involving Stiles that should not be written or explored. My involvement with End Racism on the OTW isn't because Stiles will never be my favorite character. It's because there is a vast majority of people who claim to be Stiles fans, Derek fans, Sterek fans, Steter fans, or fans of any other ship which involves white characters who are not actually motivated by those characters but instead by racist fury because Teen Wolf never pretended to be anything other than a story about a Latino teenager.
It's not about one story. It's about all of them together. It's about the fact that the OTW's policies for AO3 aid and abet a large part of my fandom to indulge in racist fantasies without regard to the parts of the fandom damaged by it, and they do so by hiding behind a screen of polite indifference and pearl-clutching about freedom. And from everything I've read and seen, it's not just my fandom.
Teen Wolf is simply the fandom in which I witnessed it. Look at that picture up there from Night School (1x07). It's a pretty classic horror shot, no? Now think of the majority of stories on AO3 where
Peter's murder sprees and selfishness are excused because of the fire.
Derek's terrible decision making and massive trust issues are excused because of what Kate Argent did to him.
Stiles's lies and outbursts are excused because of his mother's death and the nogitsune.
Isaac's brutality and indifference are excused because of his treatment by his father.
Yet, Scott is dismissed as 'whiny' and 'ungrateful' because he didn't immediately see being a werewolf as a positive thing. There was an untagged story yesterday which has Stiles wishing Scott would get his head out of ass and realize all that being a werewolf had done to him was cure his asthma, get a girlfriend and make first line.
What's the difference between these five characters? This isn't one story, or ten stories, or a hundred stories, but literally thousands of stories that contain these tropes.
Hey, remember when Peter literally beat Derek into submission and savaged Lydia to get Stiles to cooperate?
Remember when Derek tried to murder Lydia for something she didn't do and drive Isaac away by throwing glass at his head?
Remember when Talia Hale covered up her brother's and son's involvement in the death of a young girl and badgered a woman to carry her child to term?
Remember when Scott told Stiles that it was wrong to kill the victim of a mad scientist's experiments and lying about it and maybe he should go talk to his dad?
And yet, I can guarantee you that there is only one of those four alphas who is portrayed consistently as an obtuse tyrant. (Hint: it's not the white ones) And this isn't one story, or ten stories, or a hundred stories, but literally thousands of stories that contain these tropes.
And it's not just the lead. Let's take a look at how the fandom treats secondary characters on AO3:
Talia Hale (1 episode): 5190 stories
Laura Hale (2 episodes): 8760 stories
Jenna Geyer (mentioned once; name is fandom generated): 617
Claudia Stilinski (1 episode; impersonated for 8 episodes): 3079
Derek Hale's Father (never appeared or mentioned): 843
Noshiko Yukimura (16 episodes): 470
Ken Yukimura (20 episodes): 261
Satomi Ito (3 episodes): 284
David Geyer (5 episodes): 351
See a pattern? You should. As I said, it's not one story, it's thousands.
No one's saying that you or anyone else shouldn't write fictions that focus on Stiles or Sterek or even stories where Scott is a terrible person. It's the trends. If transformation is what AO3 and OTW tout as their purpose, and that transformation is about variety and exploration, why is it always the white characters that get the benefit of it? When it comes to transformation, why do characters of color get erased, caricatured, or robbed of their narrative roles?
Don't tell me that it isn't damaging.
Do you know how many times I've encountered a person who entered Teen Wolf fandom through AO3 and Tumblr who believed that the characters of color are either terrible (such as Scott and Deaton and Braeden) or unimportant (such as Boyd or Mason or the Yukimuras)? More than I or anyone else should be comfortable with. But this is part of the mechanism. There aren't little racism fairies that visit people in their sleep; it's not a bacterial infection; it's not the work of a secret cabal. Cultural racism is maintained by institutions, and it is transmitted by institutions, and this is one example. OTW and AO3 are two such institutions.
Thanks for writing. I'll take what you told me as a compliment.
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Hi, I’m looking for this fic that I can no longer find. It’s one of those “the pack pushes Stiles away for his own protection” fics, and like after Stiles learns that, there’s a scene where Derek asks something along the lines of if they’ll be okay again and Stiles replies that he’s not sure. It just stuck with me, that that would make a lot of sense, that Stiles would no longer be sure if he could trust the pack after they did that to him, even if it were for his own protection
Hiya! looking for a fic: stiles wasn't doing so good I think, but teaching himself magic. at some point for whatever reasons he and some of the pack are at deaton's, and deaton asks stiles to like... Ignite a candle or float a pencil? or something? to demonstrate how he's doing with the magic. only deaton didn't expect stiles to perform the way he did, saying that igniting a candle without a spell and ingredients and setup is pretty much unheard of and that's how stiles learns he's a little more magic than he thought. unfortunately I don't remember any more specifics, it was probably sterek but even that im not sure on... really hoping someone else has this specific scene memorised as well :')
thank you!
Hi anon! @merchymynydd says it's this one.
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It seems wasted now by DaaroMoltor
(12/12 I 48,618 I Teen I Sterek)
It's been months. Months of lonely days and lonelier nights. And Stiles can't understand what he did wrong.
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