#this is very black cat golden dog of them
veiledladie · 1 year
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summer sleepovers at auntie kims
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ellecdc · 3 months
ive been thinking about stone-faced unamused independent reader and how james and barty would absolutely love to baby her and treat her like a princess and she has none of it..until shes feeling sort of down and like she needs their love and support so she gives in and theyre both so shocked and excited theyre like little dogs wagging their tails spinning around her
hiii....I'm back to apologizing to everyone who sent me in requests 2.5+ months ago for me to hoard them until inspiration struck! hope I did it justice hahaha
poly!darksun x black cat!reader and Sirius who just doesn't Get It
CW: fem!reader, reader is maybe a little mean but obviously James and Barty are into that shit, Sirius' POV so a very unreliable narrator
Sirius Black believed himself to be a pretty open-minded person.
He believed that love was love, he staunchly disagreed with blood status and had a lot of respect for muggle-borns, and believed in the fair treatment of beasts and other magical creatures in the Wizarding World.
But no matter how open-minded Sirius believed himself to be, he could not for the life of him figure out how in the hells James Potter and Barty Crouch Junior found their way to you.
Sirius admittedly had a hard enough time finding out that his best friend was dating his semi-estranged little brother’s maniacal (read: bat-shit crazy) best friend, but this? 
This made no sense to him. 
At least when it came to the likes of Barty Crouch Junior, James had found someone who could rival him in energy and enthusiasm. James could run for seven hours straight at a gods-honest sprint and Barty was just about crazy enough to try as well. Barty never denied his more intrusive thoughts and James was morbidly curious enough to watch those thoughts play out.
And both of them seemed to love hard; even if Sirius didn’t approve of that love, even if he didn’t like that love, he could admit that it, at the very least, made sense for him.
But where James was all golden retriever energy and Barty was some kind deranged, rabid mutt straight from the depths of hell, you….
Well, Sirius wasn’t sure exactly what you were. 
Where James was sweet and Barty was enthusiastic, you were utterly unimpressed. 
Where James was excitable and Barty was chaotic, you were completely apathetic.
And where James and Barty could be…slightly codependent, you seemed wholly disinterested in having either of them (or anyone for that matter) near you. 
“Sod off; I can carry my own damned books.” You had spat at Barty as he tried to take them from you. 
And Sirius had to stand there and watch both Barty and James stare after you with a lovesick look adorning their faces as you stalked away from them. 
“Well isn’t she just a ray of sunshine?” Sirius muttered derisively, earning him a threatening glare from Barty and a frustrated stare from James.
“You’re one to talk, Pads; I watched Remus actually growl at a first year who tried to take the last pumpkin pastie at dinner last night.” He grumbled before redirecting Barty away from Sirius’ jugular. 
And that seemed to be your response to pretty much anything those two did; you elbowed James in the stomach when he held the door open for you like a ‘poncy chauffeur’, you stomped on Barty’s foot when he offered you his elbow on the moving staircase, and you never seemed particularly pleased should they wind up in your vicinity.
Yet you never made any effort to actually remove them from your vicinity, nor did you make any effort to leave theirs.
In fact, if Sirius wasn’t mistaken, he was sure he saw your shoulders relax ever so slightly when you realised the people pulling out the chair across from you in the library were James and Barty. 
They tensed right back up when Sirius and Peter accompanied them, but that's besides the point.
No, you didn’t converse with any  of them. Yes, you completely ignored any attempts at conversation from James or Barty - save taking the opportunity to correct them in their debate about their potions homework. And just once, Sirius was certain he’d heard you whisper a quiet thank you to Barty when he helped you find the page number for the answer to number 47 of your Herbology homework. 
It seemed to Sirius that no matter how staunchly you refused to allow either boy to fawn over you, you weren’t completely averse to their company. And though this amount of dedication didn’t exactly surprise Sirius coming from James, seeing as he spent four and half years of his school life pursuing a completely disinterested witch, he was confused that Barty hadn’t gotten bored yet.
It was all very peculiar, Sirius thought. 
Even more peculiar was when Barty and James had been snuggling in James’ bed as James quizzed Moony for the upcoming Alchemy test when there was a tentative knock on the dormitory door. 
Peter looked up from his Ancient Runes homework to look at Sirius, James and Barty lifted their heads to look at Sirius, and Remus turned in his desk chair to look at Sirius.
“What?” Sirius asked. “I didn’t knock.”
“You’re the only one not currently doing anything.” Remus countered.
Sirius paused in his throwing and catching of James’ pilfered snitch to look at him incredulously.
“I am too doing something.” He argued, holding the snitch between his thumb and forefinger and waving it at him. “Besides, Junior’s just laying there.”
“I’m a guest, Black. It’d be terribly improper for me to answer your dormitory door.”
“Answer the sodding door, Sirius.” Remus grumbled as he turned back towards James.
“A ray of sunshine.” James sing-songed for Sirius’ benefit, clearly still not over his passing comment of you from days ago. 
Sirius let out a dramatically petulant sigh as he stood to open the door.
Your face pinched when you saw who had answered, though Sirius had to hand it to you how quickly you corrected your expression.
Before you had a chance to tell Sirius why you were here, he looked back over his shoulder at James’ bed.
“See, I don’t think I should have to open the door for your bird!”
All that was heard was a painful sounding thump and James muttering “Barty, my glasses” before Barty materialised at the door. 
“Hi Treasure!” He greeted enthusiastically.
Sirius watched your eyes narrow as you seemingly debated whether or not to make a fuss over his nickname before ultimately deciding against it. 
“Angel!” James cheered as he, too, rounded the corner and shoved Sirius out of the way. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”
Sirius sat back down on his bed where he could see you consider your options carefully. 
Finally, after having the two sods stand there no doubt smothering you in smiles and soft eyes did you look shyly down at your shoes. “Can I…hang out with you guys for the afternoon?” You asked quietly.
Barty and James exchanged a - quite comical, in Sirius’ opinion - excited look before returning their gazes to you. “Of course!” They chorused; the volume startling you into lifting your head to look at them nervously. 
James cleared his throat and moved out of the door frame, ushering you in. “Of course you can.” He offered quieter this time, guiding you towards his bed as he looked over his shoulder and mouthed “oh my gods” at Barty who was eagerly following behind you. 
“What have you been up to today?” James asked then, clearly wondering what motivated this impromptu and voluntary visit but not wanting to chance whatever spell had been cast to get you here. 
You sat down on the edge of the bed, anxiously picking at your nail beds as each boy sat tentatively beside you. 
“I was studying in the library…” You offered, sounding horribly robotic and rehearsed in your response before you let out a shuddering sigh. Sirius watched as you visibly deflated and leaned slightly closer into Barty’s side. “I’ve had a bit of a headache all day.” You admit.
James and Barty both coo in unison as James cautiously rubs circles on your back; you let him.
“You have a headache?” Sirius deadpanned from across the room. “And you came here? To these two? Are they not the source?” 
“Get out.” Barty spat, braving himself as he tightened his arm around you; once again, you let him. 
“You can’t kick me out of my own dorm room, Junior!” Sirius argued. “Why don’t you go to your dorm room?”
“Oh, do you want to know what your baby brother and Rosier were up to before I left? Because I’ll happily scar you with that knowledge, Black.” Barty threatened. 
Sirius, who was not ashamed to admit he was perhaps more than slightly immature, simply covered his ears and started singing to drown out the sound of Barty’s voice.
“That’s it, everyone out.” James barked then; tone taking on an air of Gryffindor quidditch captain.
Remus scoffed indignantly at that as Peter - clearly the wisest of the bunch - simply began packing up his homework. “You promised to help me pass this test!”
“Oh for Salazar’s sake, Lupin; the answers are A, D, B, B, A, C, D, A, A, true, true, false, Nicholas Flammel.” Barty barked at him, causing Remus to blink owlishly at him. 
“Fine.” Remus finally said as he stood, shocking Sirius into silence at his quick acquiescence to such abhorrent demands. “Let’s go, Sirius.” 
Sirius, feeling awfully petulant, hurled the snitch towards James’ head who quickly and calmly caught it before offering it to you as Remus hauled him off the bed by his wrist and all but dragged him towards the door. 
“But it’s not fair, Moony!” Sirius pouted as he slammed on the breaks just outside the threshold of their dorm room.
“Sirius.” Remus started solemnly. “How many times did you try to convince me to snuggle with you at night before we started dating?”
“217.” Sirius answered readily, relishing in the soft smile Remus had clearly tried and failed at fighting off. 
“Right, 217 times you tried to convince me to snuggle with you; and how many of those times did I deny you?”
“Right.” Remus agreed. “And what had James done to ensure that I would relent that one time?”
Sirius let out a pained sigh as he looked to the heavens. “He charmed his, Pete’s, and your bed to the ceiling so there was only one option.” 
“Right.” Remus agreed again, softer this time as he rested his hand at the juncture of Sirius’ neck and shoulder and rubbed his thumb along the column of his throat. “So don’t you think the least we could do right now is just let them have the room?” 
Sirius looked back into the room in time to see you smiling softly at something James was saying as Barty placed what appeared to be a wet cloth to the back of your neck; your eyes closing and face relaxing in relief, leaning back into Barty as James massaged your calves and carried on in his story. 
“What did I do to deserve this?” Sirius whined then, leaning his head into his boyfriend’s chest as he watched you curl up, not unlike a cat who had finally decided to sit on its person’s lap.
“Can you maybe try to remind yourself that James deserves this?” Remus whispered into Sirius’ hair.
“For Godric’s sake, Moony.” Sirius grumbled as he stood and began storming off in the direction of the common room. “Why d’you have to be so bloody reasonable all of the time!?”
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reiderwriter · 1 year
Hii~ First of all I love your writing!
Now about the request... I really wanted one where Spencer is dating a painter who has the personality of a black cat (we all know that our Reid is a total golden retriever type) and everyone thinks that she is the dominant one of the couple since she has this more punk/alternative style, but the team couldn't be more wrong! A soft!Dom Spencer makes her obey and yield every time! ~thank u
A/N: Thanks so much for the request! I can definitely see myself making a part two for this if enough people are interested!! For now though, enjoy! ~✨
Warnings: mentions of public sex, BDSM roles, mentions of using dog collars in a sexual way, mentions of creampie.
Here's my masterlist and requests are open!~
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“I can’t believe we’re finally meeting your mystery girl tonight, Reid. You’ve been so quiet about her, we’d have never even known if Penelope hadn’t hacked your phone on a hunch.” Emily laughed at the man from her perch at the bar, raising her glass in a cheers with her fellow agents. 
“I’m not too sure she really exists, you know. I know what my baby girl said but the kid graduated from MIT, and we know texts can be doctored,” Morgan teased from the other side of the younger man. 
In response, he simply rolled his eyes and let them continue their fun and games. He’d known the two agents for long enough to know that their teasing was loving, if not entirely warranted. He’d only kept you a secret because you’d asked him to, having wanted to make a good first impression on them. He’d have gladly shouted your name from the rooftops, but you were on the shy side sometimes. 
“Oh you’re just jealous. You want me to help you take a little honey home tonight, Derek?” Emily turned on the other man this time and Reid breathed a sigh of relief that the attention was finally off of him.
“I am perfectly capable of collecting all by myself, thank you very much.” He turned an amused eye out to the rest of the bar, surveying the women in the bar like a predator looking or it’s next victim. 
“What about that one? She good enough for the Derek Morgan?” Spencer glanced up at where she was pointing at the same time as the aforementioned male did and did his best to repress his smile. Emily had glanced to the door, where you stood, outfitted in a tight black dress, chunky thigh high boots and a stoic expression. You’d carefully washed all the paint that usually adorned your hair and face away, armouring yourself in red lipstick and dog collar choker, letting the look speak for itself. 
“Now that is a nice piece of work, but not exactly what I’m into, sweet cheeks. I prefer my ladies a little bit less wild. A little more compliant if you pick up what I’m putting down.” 
“Coward. Dominant women are more fun, right Reid?” Emily smiled back at the other man, but he was looking past the two of them waving to you. 
“Oh great, you’re here. Emily, Derek I want you to meet my girlfriend, Y/N.” He grabs your hand and leads you the rest of the way to where they were standing, the grin on his face widening exponentially as the two splutter, praying to god that you didn’t just hear the tail end of their conversation about you. 
“Hi, great to meet you. And yes, Emily, I agree. Dominant women do seem to have a lot of fun,” you winked at the woman a little bit and let your boyfriend excitedly drag you over to the bar to buy you a drink. 
Recovering first, Emily pulled herself back into the barstool she’d recently vacated, and started asking you questions. 
“So, how did you guys meet?” 
“At the library actually. I was there installing a mural, and I saw him and decided I had to have him.” You smiled fondly up at your boyfriend, as he rolled his eyes and took another sip of his drink. You’d perched yourself between his legs, leaning your entire bodyweight back into his chest possessively, as he trailed a light hand over your waist. 
“You’re a painter? Wow, that’s so wonderful.” 
“Yeah, that’s the dream anyway. I also work part time at an art gallery downtown to help pay the bills. It’s where he tracked me down, so it worked out pretty well, I guess.” 
“Tracked you down?” Morgan asked. 
“Yeah, after our first… run in, I forgot to give him my number.” 
“Run in? You said you met at the library, what else did you do if you forgot to swap numbers?” Emily laughed, half-heartedly, then stopped as soon as she saw the smug grin on your face paired with the awkward panicked expression on Reid’s. 
“Shut up. No way, wait I don’t even want to hear this.” 
You smiled up at the man, knowing that the way his two coworkers were imagining that first meeting was probably the exact opposite of how it had gone. Sure, you’d told the truth about approaching him first, but that was the extent of your control of the situation. You’d gone over to ask for his number, find out his name and ask if he was single. You’d returned to work an hour later with sore knees, no panties and a load of his cum dripping down your inner thighs. 
He hadn’t even allowed you to give him his number, just promised that he’d find you again, and vanished from the library bathroom stalls you’d christened in sin with a lingering kiss on your lips and a whisper of “good girl.” You’d fallen for him hard, and you never wanted to get back up. 
“Wow. And he was so desperate to find you again that he followed you to work. We taught you better than that, Reid, come on. You’re going to freak out the ladies if you come on that strong.” Morgan began teasing the man, ruffling his hair, and you bit your tongue to stop the laughter from exploding from your mouth. 
You knew from your appearances that people often came to the wrong conclusions about how you and Reid were as a couple. Your style was more alternative, though not as intense as you’d been in high school, and his was more preppy nerd, but you balanced each other out well. You knew that it irked him sometimes though. And whenever he was pissed, he took it out on you in the best way. 
After a few hours in the bar getting to know Morgan and Prentiss, and the two other lovely ladies who had arrived later, JJ and Penelope, Reid’s grip on your waist tightening made it clear that it was time for you to go home together. 
“I think we’re going to head out now, guys. I’ll see you in the office on monday.” He said and moved off, but you wanted to see how far you could push it tonight, wanting to see the lengths he would take to not show his teammates that they had vastly misunderstood your relationship. 
“But Spence, I just met them. I wanna talk some more,” you smirked up at him now, and saw his jaw clench. You were thankful you’d work the dog collar choker tonight, the thought of him grabbing it to yank you away making you squeeze your thighs together for some much needed friction. 
“We’re going now, baby. Come here.” You ignored the order for another second, and you could feel the heat in his gaze, and the curiosity in his friends as they watched this struggle between you. 
“Sweetie, did you hear me, I said we’re going now?” This time, you knew he wasn’t playing anymore, so with a quick “yes, sir,” you pushed yourself out of your seat and practically skipped over to him, a delighted grin on your face. He cupped you neck, wanting desperately to pull you in by the neck but choosing restraint instead, and brushed his lips to yours. Whenever he kissed you like that, it meant you’d caused trouble, and you knew you were going to spend the night paying for it. 
“Bye-bye, everyone, it was so nice to meet you,” you called as he led you out of the doors and into the carpark. 
“What the hell was that?” Penelope was the first one to crack, the others jaws still dropped to the floor. 
“Did she just call him sir?” JJ laughed in incredulity. 
“But-but I could’ve sworn they were…” Emily blubbered and the four of them sat there staring at the door, realising that they had underestimated their resident genius a little bit too much. 
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mellowwillowy · 7 months
Black cat reader begrudgingly letting Golden retriever Yan fuck them when they're in heat.
Like they don't even care if he cums, they just really need to get railed and he's always right there and very willing.
And the happy dog is so excited he doesn't even care that they're only using him to satisfy their heat.
And after they fuck like... well animals, he's so cuddly and affectionate and cat reader wants to scratch and hiss at him but they just had the best fuck of their life and they're exhausted so they begrudgingly let him lick and nuzzle into them.
Sorry I love this concept sm🤭😞
Big! Brained! Nonnie!
Thank you for feeding us this idea!! TwT
Like, imagine you being so pliant, so needy and so explosive. He has been ticking you off and you have given him enough scratch yet he still won't fuck off!
So? Something mutual came into mind. Why not put that cock to good use? And you did, riding on his cock like there was no tomorrow, filling the whole room with the smell of sex and your pheromones.
It was driving him nuts obviously but he never ran out of cum to fill you deep inside. Soon the table turned and you were beneath him, his chest pressed against your back while he was balls deep inside you.
He took this chance to mark you with his canines and took a deeper sniff of your pheromones, giving him the willpower and endurance to fuck yet another round into you <3
And by any chance you two were miraculously done, he would be very very very sweet in the aftercare. He would help you bathe whether you were awake or not. Of course you wouldn't let him do without putting up a fight but damn do these muscles sore!
Just a scratch and you'd let him do whatever he wanted. What a pliant cat you are!
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pileofboneswrites · 2 months
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PRETTY BOY_headcanons.strangerthings
general eddie munson headcanons.
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SUMMARY — some of my eddie headcanons :)
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eddie is adhd personified
will start 16 tasks then realize he didn't finish the first one so he will go back and then turn around and do the same thing until he's finished them all
will make himself something to eat or drink, and then go back to the livingroom/his room and get hungry/thirsty only to find thr drink or snack waiting for him because he forgot it the first time
puts things down and then 'loses' them constantly!! it's literally in front of your face pretty boy!!!
obsessed with music, and absolutely hates silence
he literally cannot function if there's silence
cleaning the kitchen? he's blasting metallica. in the shower? black sabbath on full volume and you better believe he's doing every (air) guitar solo, and singing along the whole time. getting ready for bed/falling alseep? his favourite dio album is turned down low enough it won't bother wayne, but it's playing until he either passes out and it clicks off, or he's putting on another album
isn't a music genre snob but in the same breath will tell you he'd rather die than listen to country music
despite his stance on country music, loves willy nelson and johnny cash (because who doesn't???)
loves animals and would kill if he caught someone abusing them
cries watching kitty/puppy videos, because they're so damn innocent and too good for humanity and this world
he physically cannot watch those ads about abused animals, will turn the tv off or leave the room (will still get misty eyed just thinking about the poor babies)
will steal animals he sees being mistreated, and will either beg wayne to let him keep them or rehome them to somewhere they'll be loved and properly cared for (he goes and visits them periodically too)
super flirty with people, especially if you're on the shyer side, or are an old lady
if he notices you're shy/insecure he'll lay it on thick (loves seeing people blush/get flustered)
loves old ladies, like grandma's, always tells them they don't look old enough to have children let alone grandchildren or gasp, great grandchildren
gets easily flustered when people flirt with him
he's a natural flirt, unless someone flirts first/or flirts back – then his brain short circuits and he's completely thrown off his game
very gentlemanly
holds open doors for everyone, doesn't matter if you're a man, woman, etc, also doesn't matter how far from the door you are, he will hold it if he sees you coming in his direction — respects wait staff, janitors, etc (always leaves a good tip because people suck, and wait staff deserve to be treated well and tipping is essential!!!)
is a good cook/terrible baker
loves to try new recipes, loves experimenting with his cooking, wayne taught him the basics and then eddie started cooking super all the time for them, making sure wayne was well fed
also can make delicious food out of things you would never expect!!
do not try the cookies/muffins/cupcakes/etc. just don't he doesn't realize that baking soda and baking powder are different things!!!! he will make you the saltiest baked goods you've ever tried!!!
looks like a black cat is infact a golden retriever
he is a silly, goofy, happy boy!! he likes meeting new people, making new friends, (also thinks hes a lap dog)
has zero spatial awareness
he flings his hands/arms around like there's no one else on the planet often results in accidentally hitting someone or almost hitting someone
walks into things in his eyeline that he can see are coming closer, or tries to dodge things when they get close enough instead of just moving over half an inch
bumps his head, stubs his toes a lot, trips or almost trips like once an hour
will bump into your if you're walking beside him, he has a bad habit of nearly shoving people into walls because of how close he gets
apologizes to inanimate objects that he bumps into on the regular
taught himself to play the guitar, drums and piano
when he was a kid his grandparents had a little standing piano in their living room and he'd mess around with it, and then he heard a song on the radio he really liked that had a piano in it so he sat down and over christmas break he taught himself how to play the song, and then how to play some more songs — he only ever seeks out a piano when he's sad now
wayne got him a kid sized drum set for christmas one year, and he played with it until it ultimately broke apart — he taught gareth to play drums
his love of playing guitar came from his father, who before and abandoning eddie taught him a couple chords, and gave him his first guitar — it was an acoustic but it was the only good gift his father ever gave him
cannot stay still
fidgets with his rings, taps his foot, clicks pens (until everyone around his is annoyed), picks at peeling paint, stickers, etc, doodles on himself constantly
has hearing loss from how loud he plays his music + not wearing ear protection at band practices
its mostly because of how loud he cranks his music in the van, never realizes how bad it is until he gets in in the morning for work/school and nearly deafens himself but also scares himself so bad that sometimes he dumps his coffee all over the place
has a terrible memory
writes lists/important 'to do's' on the top of his hand/wrist because he always forgets something, he always has something written down — and despite this still forgets
reuses jokes that aren't that funny but will die laughing upon every delivery
walks into hell fire weaing the same shirt as every friday session and will say "oh that's embarrassing, we've all worn the same thing" ((also not my head canon but it's so funny and i can't stop thinking about it so i had to add it))
is always reading something
be it a horror novel, a dnd manual, something someone recommended to him, he always has a book on/with him
loves thunderstorms and rain
he finds it calming, the rhythmic beating of the rain hitting the metal of the trailer roof, a kind of music in its own right
he likes to sit in the doorway and watch as it pours down, just sitting there, feeling the mist of cool water that sprays up
under absolutely no circumstances does he fuck with porcelain dolls
their eyes are creepy and they follow you, 'nough said
loves halloween more than any other holiday
dresses up every year with zero regard for what anyone thinks, loves to scare kids, always has the most elaborate set up so that he can sit out in the yard and watch/be apart of the scaring
is a lover
doesn't really have many preferences for a partner, isn't really set on a specific gender, body type, age, etc
i'm of the belief that eddie would love you for loving him
terrible at fighting
he prefers not to fight, which is why he wears rings, so if he has to at least that might get them to back off
so good at gift giving
he remembers that one thing you mentioned that one time like nine years ago and anytime he sees something that reminds him of you he gets it
prefers to make gifts for people, and always gets them something they love/need
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Can you do a Zack Addy x gn reader where reader goes to the Jeffersonian to bring him food and eat with him and everyone is confused because they didn't know Zack had a partner please?
Who's got him smiling like that?(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x reader.
Summary: while y/n has lunch with their boyfriend Zack, the Jeffersonian tries to figure out what's going on between the two of them.
A/n: sorry this took so long and that it's shorter than my usual content. I hope you enjoy though.
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Seeley, Cam, Temperance, and Angela looked down from the balcony on the second floor of the lab. They leaned against the railing confused as they watched Zack laughing with y/n while they ate the lunch y/n brought.
“gotta be a sibling” Booth said, rubbing his hands together. In his eyes Zack was just a child genius that didn't have time to date.
“all of Dr. Addy's siblings are in New Jersey, but that could be a possibility,” Brennan said, looking at Booth then back down at Zack. Something about seeing Zack laughing like that with this beautiful person made her heart swell with happiness.
“Maybe it's just a friend,” Cam shrugged.
“No. I've never seen him laugh like that, he's definitely in love with whoever that is” Angela smiled. She felt so happy seeing him laugh. She could tell all that mattered to him tight now was y/n.
--------(1st pov)--------
“So, how's work?” I asked, nibbling on the last of my fries.
Zack nodded, munching on his onion rings. “well we found some very interesting set of particulates, something neither me nor Hodgins have seen on a victim before, and the humerus…” he stopped mid sentence.
Even though I never really understood all the science mumbo-jumbo I still like hearing him talk about it. There's something about seeing him get all excited and talk about something he's passionate about.
“no, no, keep going. I love it when you talk Science-y” I said resting my chin on my fist.
“'Science-y' isn't a word… And it's fine” Zack said, putting the rapper his burger came in and his napkin in the brown paper bag. “on another note, how's everything in the animal kingdom?”
I worked at the local animal shelter in town, it was an amazing job and I got work and take care of all kinds of dogs and cats. “well… Now that you mention it…” I started and gave him an innocent look. Zack tilted his head and gave me a warning look. “no! I know that look” he said, pointing his finger at me.
“Aw, but he was so cute”
“we already have two dogs... And a cat, that cat still dislikes me” he mumbled the last part.
“It's a small dog though,” I said, giving him a pouty lip. “it's a weiner dog mix, he'll stay tiny” we already had a black lab and a golden retriever, then on top of that I brought home a white cat home three months ago.
Zack playfully rolled his eyes. He always said he admired my love for all animals and loved how compassionate I was for all of them. Not so much when I keep bringing my ‘work’ home with me as he says.
“just imagine a cute little sausage dog curled up in your lap, helping you read Science stuff for work”
Zack sighed playfully.
“I'll let you name him” I smiled and gave him the puppy eyes he can't refuse. He sighed again. “don't give me the look”
Zack groaned in a very monaton way. “... Fine”
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “thank you babe”
“what are you doing?” Hodgins asked, walking up to the others. He looked over the balcony to see what everyone was staring at. He smiled when he saw y/n and Zack together.
“trying to figure out who's with Addy,” Booth said.
“Oh, that's y/n” Hodgins smiled.
Everyone gave Hodgins a confused look as Hodgins yelled down at the couple “Hi y/n!”
Y/n left Zack's arms and happily waved at Zack's best friend. “hey, Hodgins”
“soo… Who's y/n?” Angela asked Hodgins.
“Zack's partner” Hodgins smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“your telling me Zack… Our little child prodigy is y/n's boyfriend” Booth asked, shocked but at the same time impressed Zack snatched up a beautiful person like y/n.
“trust me I didn't even know y/n existed until Zack tried to seek them in one night when he was still living with me” Hodgins said.
“Well, y/n seems to make him happy,” Cam smiled down at the couple.
“y/n's great… Zack just seems so much happier now”
The team smiled at the couple, Zack and y/n were in there own little world talking about the knew puppy and the case Zack was working on. Hodgins was right, he was so much happier with y/n in his life, he felt more alive and human. He just couldn't help but smile everytime he was in y/n's presents.
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wheeboo · 9 months
the secret life of jun | wen junhui
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SYNOPSIS. in which jun gets set up on a blind date by his best friend. PAIRING. zoolinguist!wen junhui x gn!reader (ft. minghao, gyu the golden retriever, boo the duckling, and lil mentions of some members as their representative animals. not hybrids.) GENRE. fluff, humour, kinda strangers to lovers, magic-realism au WARNINGS. cursing, jun just being a very cute awkward shy boy :(, my first attempt at something remotely magic/fantasy WORD COUNT. 3k
notes: this is for the caratlibrary secret gift exchange event! and therefore, this gift is for @phenomenalgirl9 who also gifted a fic for me hehe. i hope you enjoy <3 this is also my first time writing something remotely fantasy/magic, so... feedback is welcome! ty to my lovely moots who read this over for me ^^
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"Jun! Can you tell your dog to get the fuck off me?" Minghao attempts to shove away the ever-persistent golden retriever pawing and licking at his face, but Jun doesn't seem to hear, seemingly engrossed on something else entirely in the kitchen.
Minghao just groans annoyedly, and just as he's about to call out for his best friend's name again, a thought crosses his mind. A sort-of stupid one that he knows won't work, but he'll try it out anyway.
He brings a hand up, watching the dog follow it with curiosity, and he points to the ground while firmly saying, "Down."
Unfortunately, the dog only tilts his head inquisitively, as if dazed and confused by the action, before relentlessly pouncing on the boy again, and all he could do is surrender himself to the attack of excitement. Right, he thinks, these animals don't exactly understand him normally.
Jun finally emerges from the kitchen after what feels like an eternity, a black cat cuddled gently in his arms, lightly running his fingers through its fur carefully. When he picks his head up, he could only chuckle at the sight in front of him. Minghao only rolls his eyes, shooting a playful glare to his best friend who only seems amused.
"Your dog is a menace," Minghao declares, wiping away the slobber from his face.
"Come on! Gyu just likes you."
"I'm not sure I share the sentiment right now," Minghao replies almost coldly, perhaps even half-jokingly, attempting to regain his composure.
Jun just sighs and sends out a whistle from his lips to get the dog's attention. And with a subtle look from just his eyes, as if sending a silent signal, Gyu hops off the couch and trots over to Jun, letting out a few barks in response.
"He says he doesn't like your attitude today," Jun translates, setting the cat in his hands down on the floor. "but he's forgiven you."
"Gee, thanks," Minghao scoffs and crosses his arms together, still trying to maintain a façade of irritation, though it's quite easy to see right through it.
He watches for some time as Jun crouches down to the dog's level, the two of them communicating in a way he knows he can never understand, but is grown to be amazed by every time. It isn't a secret that he knows that his own best friend can communicate with animals, as strange as that might sound (because... it's true), but it's a fact he's fully accepted.
Jun probably has more animal friends than human friends at this point. He's made friends with the birds at the park, the stray cats that roam the streets, a deer that comes to visit occasionally behind his place, an otter that frequents at a nearby pond, hell even one of the tigers at the zoo𑁋the list goes on.
And not to exactly complain, but he also really wants Jun to find a fucking partner.
Not that it's a bad thing Jun isn't seeing anyone, and it totally isn't the entire reason why Minghao is here right now. He has tried to set Jun up on dates, but the older boy almost always manages to find some excuse or simply doesn't show up, claiming he got caught up in a conversation with a stray cat or a butterfly on the way. Or the date ends up in disaster with a chase down the street of the neighbourhood raccoons stealing food.
But then again, that's Jun for you𑁋unpredictable.
"One more date."
Jun raises his head, and the moment he sees that particular smirk to Minghao's face, he groans.
"Oh, come on, just one more," Minghao insists. "I promise you'll like them. They're an animal lover."
"Just because they're an animal lover doesn't mean𑁋"
"You're either going to be drinking 'till you're absolutely couch-ridden on new year's because you're single and lonely again, or you could be celebrating with someone special. Your call, dude."
Jun finds his face flushing out of embarrassment, scratching absentmindedly behind Gyu's ears as Minghao's words wash over him. Then his features soften, and he lets out a sigh.
"Fine," he relents. "One more."
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Shit, he's screwed. The minute Minghao told him the date would be happening in the middle of the park where he often chatted with the local squirrels and ducks, Jun knew this already wouldn't end well.
He also had quite the love-hate relationship with blind dates𑁋or dates in general, to be honest𑁋and the thought of meeting a stranger made his palms sweat even with the cold threatening through his thick coat (he's convinced that Minghao is pulling anyone out of his ass at this point).
The park is covered with a light blanket of snow, the trees standing tall and glowing with strings of fairy lights against the grey winter sky. Jun shivers in place and adjusts the scarf around his neck, partially from the cold and partially from the impending awkwardness he anticipates.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for being late! The traffic was awful coming here and I got a bit lost..."
The voice is frantic and panicky to Jun's ears akin to his equally panicking heart, who turns around to a figure rushing up to him, covered in layers and letting out misty breaths that appear in the air.
"It's okay," Jun says, voice coming out a bit awkward. He offers a reassuring smile. "I'm, uh... Jun, by the way."
"Y/N," You say, relieved as you finally catch your breath and look up at him with a cute grin. "I'm so sorry for being late. I hope you weren't waiting for too long."
"Oh, not at all. I... just got here as well." It's a bit of a white lie𑁋he was beginning to worry you ditched him, honestly. Jun feels his hands fidget in his pockets nervously, yet he sees the ease that washes over your features at his words, and he relaxes slightly. There's something about the way you carry yourself and the slight blush on your cheeks from the cold that eases some of his tension.
And maybe, just maybe, his heart stutters a little at your smile, like a startled butterfly in his chest. Did the lights at the park grow brighter?
"Would you like to, uh, maybe grab some hot chocolate?" Jun suggests, gesturing towards the small, lit up kiosk nestled in the corner of the park that seemed quite busy with customers. "It can help... warm you up."
Your eyes light up to his words, grinning. "That sounds perfect, actually."
As you both walk towards the kiosk, the air seems to crackle with a nervous energy Jun hadn't expected. Despite the awkwardness gnawing at him, he can't deny the strange sense of hope fluttering in his stomach, somewhat like a small bird unsure of its flight. He's not the best at dates and probably never will be, but for some reason, feeling this sort of apprehension is unlike anything else he's felt. It's not uncomfortable per se, but more... exciting?
The two of you stand in the back of the line, shoulder-to-shoulder, hands tucked deep in your pockets and sharing silences punctuated by the occasional nervous giggle when your eyes meet. The line at the kiosk is surprisingly long, a mix of bundled-up families with laughing children and young couples warming their hands around steaming plastic cups.
When your shoulder brushes against his, Jun freezes for a moment, feeling a warmth spreading through him that has nothing to do with the hot chocolate. He steals a glance at you, finding your gaze already on him, and there's a shy smile that you both share before you look away first.
Then Jun notices it𑁋you're shivering.
It's almost imperceptible at first, a slight tremor running through your shoulders as you shift your weight from foot to foot. He hesitates for a moment, then a nervous breath leaves him. Fuck it.
Without a word, he unravels the wooly scarf from around his neck and drapes it over you, fingers lingering for just a moment longer than necessary as he adjusts it comfortably. You blink up at Jun with wide eyes.
"Sorry I, uh... noticed you were cold," he mumbles, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
You glance at him, surprise evident in your eyes, and then you chuckle. "Are you sure? I don't want you to freeze."
"I'll be alright," Jun just assures calmly, though the chill creeping up his neck is a bit hard to hide now.
The line moves forward, and soon you're ordering hot chocolate for the both of you. Jun pays for both, insisting with a small nod when you attempt to pull out your wallet.
As Jun and you clutch the steaming cups, the warmth radiating through the thin plastic felt almost comforting. The park bustles around you, but with each sip, the outside world seems to fade away, leaving only the diffident hum of conversation and the fluttering hope that dances between you.
"So, uh, what kind of animals do you like?" Jun asks, trying to break the ice as you both trail down an empty path close to the icy pond nearby. He's not exactly smooth with conversation, but he figures asking about your supposed love for animals is a safe bet. "I've been told you like them."
Your eyes light up as you take a swift, long sip of the hot chocolate, the warmth quickly spreading through you.
"Oh, all kinds!" You answer eagerly. "I volunteer at an animal shelter not that far from here and take care of the injured ones. I have a lot of pets at home too𑁋a hamster, a dog, a few cats, a rabbit... How about you?"
You spoke so quickly that Jun could barely register it all, but he can't help but grin at your enthusiasm. It’s almost infectious.
"Wow, I have, uh... a dog and a cat at home... Gyu and Woozi are their names," Jun replies slowly, almost unsurely.
"That's really cute!" You tell him, catching the way the corners of his lips crinkle up just slightly and how he has to angle his face down just to hide it. "My hamster's name is Hoshi! My dog is Minnie, my rabbit is Hannie, and my cats are Wonu, Nonie..."
Listening to you list your pets' names and some of the ones you've taken care of at the shelter makes Jun feel just a tiny bit lighter with each step he takes with you, and also from the way your eyes sparkle with every word you spoke. He finds himself letting out giggles at your stories of Hoshi's escape attempts and Min's stubborn streak, and for the first time in a long time, he feels truly comfortable, truly seen in a way that didn't feel fake.
Yet it doesn't take long for that feeling to falter just slightly. He doesn't know what Minghao exactly told you about him, or if anything at all𑁋how does he explain to you that he can quite literally talk to animals?
He knew that spilling the beans could go one of two ways: either you'd think he was crazy, or you'd be amazed (and maybe even a little scared). He's never exactly revealed it to any person he goes on a date with because, in the end, after a handful of mishap encounters with animals that don't mean to ruin the date, they end up leaving anyway.
Should he tell you? The words dance on his tongue, ready to tumble out, but that unwanted fear of rejection holds him back once again.
But before he can say anything, a squeaky quack pierces through the air, snapping Jun out of his thoughts. He looks down to see a small duckling waddling towards them, its tiny yellow head bobbing with each step. It stops in front of you, tilting its head inquisitively as it looks you up and down curiously, before heading to Jun's feet and quacking loudly.
It's Boo, one of the park's young resident chatterboxes who loves nothing more than socialising and the occasional spread of gossip. Jun had befriended Boo a while back, often sharing stories and snacks by the pond. But what was Boo doing here, and why does he look so worried? Jun could almost hear a frantic heartbeat echoing through the duckling's chest.
Boo lets out a series of rapid quacks. Jun strains to decipher the splurge of words, picking up snippets about stolen food and a local raccoon, and... how one of his siblings is stuck somewhere.
"Oh my gosh, you're so cute!" You exclaim, kneeling down upon noticing the young duck in front of Jun and extending a tentative hand. "What are you doing out here, little one? You're going to freeze."
Jun could only listen as the distraught duck spills its frustration on you. Yet you didn't understand anything, only continuing to coo about how cute the duckling is, and Jun watches as Boo looks up at him with pleading eyes, urging him to do something. He knew he had to act, but he glances at you, still kneeling with outstretched hand at Boo, and his mind races.
Should he explain his... ability to you and risk making you uncomfortable? Or maybe try to handle it on his own, somehow decipher Boo's instructions and lead you on a cryptic animal rescue mission that might look completely bizarre, delusional, and psychotic?
"Do you think it's lost?" You ask worriedly, glancing back up at Jun. And when his gaze catches yours, warm and hopeful in the glow of the fairy lights surrounding you, a surge of determination pulses through him.
Jun only quietly chuckles at Boo's attempts to tell you his name, his tiny feathered body vibrating with slight annoyance, but your gentle cooing and outstretched hand seem to soothe him a little. The sight stirs something deep within him, a warmth that spreads beyond the simple comfort of the hot chocolate from earlier.
"He's not lost," Jun says, his gaze meeting yours. "He's... a friend. And he's telling us a story. Oh, and his name is Boo, by the way."
Your brow furrows in confusion, a tiny crease appearing between your eyes. “You… understand ducks?”
Jun offers a hesitant smile, a knot of anxiety twisting in his stomach. There's no going back now.
“It’s a bit more than that,” he admits sheepishly, watching your expression shift from curious to intrigued. “I can, um, like... sort of talk to animals, I guess. Or they sort of talk to me, basically, yeah..."
The silence that follows is deafening. Jun braces himself for a wave of disbelief, rejection, maybe even a startled shriek. But instead, your eyes widen with awe, a growing smile forms on your lips, and Jun can't quite bring himself to tear his gaze away from you. He'd taken a leap of faith, and you, instead of running for the hills, were looking at him with... wonder?
"Wow, that's..." You breathe, voice hushed with wonder. "I-I mean I always knew that... sort of existed? Like, in research papers and ancient history, but meeting someone who can actually do it is just..."
Jun blinks, a bit taken aback by your reaction.
"You're not... freaked out or anything?" he asks cautiously. "Like... you actually believe me?"
"Jun." You turn to him, shifting so that your knees are slightly touching in the snow. "Minghao told me like... a lot of things, or tried to at least. I mean, at first I found it ridiculous, then I realised that this is Xu Minghao telling me this, and if he's vouching for you, it must be true. And, well... I really wanted to get to know you too."
Oh. "Oh," Jun mutters, cheeks flushing and face burning. Minghao, of course. He should have known his best friend with a 'credible' reputation wouldn't simply set him up on a blind date without throwing him under the bus a little bit. "I mean, it-it's nothing too fascinating. No mind-reading or telepathy exactly, just… understanding their gestures and stuff. It's kind of like learning a new language, you know?"
"Well, can you tell me what Boo is saying then?" You quirk up expectantly, and Jun swears he cannot handle more than five seconds of you peering at him without melting completely. His heart does a little double flip in his chest, landing somewhere around his ankles.
Jun chuckles, a warm sound that feels right at home amidst the snowy air. Then he takes a deep breath, steadying himself under your gaze, before turning his attention back to the little duck at his feet.
"Alright, alright," he teases, ruffling Boo's feathers playfully. "Don't get jealous, little guy. Spill it."
Boo then goes on an insistent frenzy of quacks, and you could only watch in awe as Jun listens carefully, nodding and humming in response. There's a certain magic in the air that you can sense, as if you've stepped right into a fairytale of some sorts. The small duckling then looks up at you with begging eyes, as if seeking your help as well. Jun shoots you a quick glance, and you can see the uncertainty in his eyes.
"He's pretty worked up," he admits, clearing his throat. "He's telling me about a raccoon that stole his flock's food, and... um, one of his siblings is stuck in a log somewhere. I have some food with me, but he wants to find his sibling first. He knows the way."
"Then let's do it," You say, rising to your feet and dusting off the snow on your pants.
Jun hesitates again, staring at you in slight disbelief𑁋you want to come with him? He glances at Boo, who lets out a frustrated quack, urging him to make a decision. Then he looks back at you, your kind eyes holding his own, and suddenly the choice becomes clear.
"Do you trust me?" Jun asks softly, his heart pounding in his chest.
You hold his gaze for a moment, a thoughtful look on your face. Then a smile blooms across your lips, one that reaches your eyes and seems to chase away the worry.
"I trust you," You answer, stretching an open hand towards him.
Jun feels a warmth spread through him, and he grabs your hand in his. Relief and something else courses through him, like excitement and perhaps a bit of fear. You were in, and that was all that mattered.
Boo lets out a triumphant quack, and with him waddling excitedly at your feet, you follow Jun deeper into the park, the fairy lights casting long shadows against the snow-covered ground. It's a strange sight𑁋you walking on one side of Jun and a duckling trotting on the other𑁋but with every step, whatever awkwardness that was lingering seems to melt away.
And maybe, just maybe, something else was blossoming too.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify
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clarafyer · 10 months
Who else is with me on my theory that there is cat autism and there is dog autism.
Cat autism:
- usually introverted (exceptions can be made)
- Stare into the void and forget that you're supposed to be taking rapid notes in class
- Switching very quickly from understimulated to overstimulated
- Sleep>>>>>
- Hissing (but most of the time you have to mask it bc then people think you're weird for doing that 😃)
- "How to let someone know you appreciate them when you dont know how"
- Seen as rude and insensitive
Dog autism:
- Usually extroverted (again, exceptions can be made)
- Unintentionally loud
- "I will do anything for you fav person"
- If you give them anything even if it's a fucking gum wrapper they will cherish it for their entire life
- Blurts out thoughts
- Seen as over affectionate and emotional
- Just screaming/yelping as communication
- Gift giving
- DESPISE fireworks/any sudden loud noise
IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER IDEAS Y'ALL HAVE REBLOG I WANNA HEAR THEM (yes some of this is taken from one of Dannyphantom.exe's videos)
I know this because me and my other IRL autistic friend are a PRIME example of why I believe this theory
(EDIT: also I believe there are subcategories. Like black cats and orange cats, golden retrievers and huskies, etc)
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
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osferth x warrior!reader
summary: osferth is in love with you but you are not used to receiving this much attention from anyone.
warnings; nsfw(smut), black cat/golden retriever, slight angst, simp osferth, clueless reader.
a/n: back on my osferth bullshit bcs the movie is coming n yet my fave is de@d😻
You're not exactly sure how you got to be apart of Uhtred's team. Actually that's not true, you remember exactly how.
The four warriors were being attacked by the same Danes that had owned you silver, lots of them. It was a coincident that killing them gave you what you were owed and Uhtred and his men's freedom.
Uhtred had made it his mission then, to find out more about you, wanting to make sure you weren't a spy or threat after noticing that you weren't exactly apart of the danes not christians. After deeming you harmless (at least to them) and incredibly depressingly lonely, he decided to scout you in as one of his men, like a bored man picking up a grumpy wet soggy kitten from the street.
You made sure you were paid more silver than any of the other men, insisting that you're worth more than them by your skills itself, and soon enough, you stuck with them as if you had always been there all along.
You got along well enough with all of them, letting yourself fall gently in the warm feeling of what it's like to have a semblance of a family.
Though with all the intelligence of a skilled warrior you have, you had not noticed the baby monk Osferth's obvious attempt to pursue you for 2 years now.
You admit you like Osferth more than the others. He was respectful, kind, and has never treated you less like any woman should be treated, although some would argue you barely counted as a woman.
Did you like him romantically? You can't say, making it a principle to never yourself aim for a love like that, it's just not for you.
But when the awkwardly charming warrior monk had kissed you during the festive night of Yule eve, your instinct was to immediately push him away from you, receiving a very offended expression followed by stutters I apologies from him before he scrambled away, like a dog kicked by it's owner.
The next day, you received multiple glares from Finan, and sympathetic grins and chuckles from Sihtric and Uhtred who had found this situation all too amusing.
Osferth had started to avoid you almost completely, never making eye contact and never directly speaking to you unless necessary. And it hurt you.
You should apologize, you knew that. But you weren't exactly sure if what to say, your feelings were complicated even to yourself.
It only gets worse when you found out you'll be staying with Osferth during one of your little missions. Arranged in purpose by Uhtred for sure.
When evening arrives, you notice Osferth leaving the pub early, closing himself in your shared room. You shook off your guilt and grabbed the bottle of liquor, walking away to seat yourself by the empty corner of the loud place, seeking for some peace.
If only peace could ever exist in your life.
You tipped the bottle into your mouth again, taking a big chug from it, wishing the ale would taste a little less like shit.
Taking notice of Finan from the side of your eye, you sigh loudly and cursed him out. The man only gave a humourous laugh and sat next to you.
"If this is about Osferth again, then you shouldn't tire yourself-"
"Oh this is definitely about Osferth." He agreed, receiving a groan from you.
"Finan please-" You started, rudely being cut off. "You did a number on him lad, he's been acting like someone just killed his dog and it's been two weeks." His voice was gentler than before, the worry obvious in his voice.
"I didn't mean it." Your mumbled out meekly, eyes drooping. "I didn't mean to push him away."
"Well that settles it the doesn't it?" The Irishman concluded. "Just go apologize and hump him." You snorted at his easygoing response and shook your head.
"He doesn't just want to hump, he wants to love." You clarify. "And that's so bad, why? I've seen you staring at him like he's made of sunshine and rainbows laddie, I'd thought you'd be happy to have him feel the same way."
You wince at his words, hating the sappy description of yourself that he gave. Rainbows and sunshine.
"Because it doesn't make sense does it? Of course I'd like him, he's kind, and sweet, and everything I don't deserve, everything I am not."
You speak the last word like a curse, a bitter taste on your tongue.
Glancing towards the half drunk Irish, you almost hate yourself for saying what you did, the pity in his eyes was worse than any insult you've had thrown your way.
"You carried Aelfwynn on your back while she was sick and lied to everyone about getting sick from her just so she'd have a chance to reach the royal healers, you've put yourself in front of the lady Aethelflaed to protect her more time than anyone could count, hell you've done it for Osferth more time than he could remember.
- So if you say you're not deserving of kindness and sweetness one more time, I'll make sure to hide the biggest frogs in your bathwater as a punishment."
His voice was teasing, but his eyes were set on you, narrowing down like a nagging father, and you almost hugged him there and then.
"Yeah whatever." You shrugged and look away.
You hear him sigh loudly, as if to prove a point and tried to hide your small smile.
"I should apologize." You repeated your early statement. Rubbing your face tiredly, the liquor doing a terrible job intoxicating you. "Yeah, and you should hump-"
"Goodnight Finan, I'm not listening to you anymore!" You exclaimed loudly and annoyed while getting up on your feet to retire to your small room.
The walk to your room was short but it felt like forever, standing in front of the door, you take a moment to collect some thoughts and steady your heartbeat before turning the knob open.
You feel relieved as you step in, seeing that Osferth was still awake, sitting by his side of the bed, folding in his dirty clothes.
He must've just bathed, you thought to yourself. When you walk closer you notice that his hair was damp, confirming your suspicions.
He acted as if he didn't hear you, but you know he did.
"Osferth." You called out, voice weaker than you intended it to be, almost like you're pleading him.
The silence was agonizing before he responds, you see him stiffen. "Yes?"
You hated how much more confident he sounded than you, but you were the one who owed an apology, so you force your ego aside and placed yourself next to him on the bed.
"I um- I wanted to, apologize?" There was that stuttering now. He raised an eyebrow at you and you feel your face burn.
"Apologize. Yes, I wanted to apologize." Getting your breath under control, you try to appear more put together.
His eyes look away from you and move down to stare at the floorboards. "Whatever for?" He asks, sounding uninterested.
"For pushing you away, when you...kissed me." You answer.
You were watching for his reaction like a hawk eyeing it's prey, feeling uneasy and scared. "Oh, tis not your fault, twas' mine, I should've asked." He says kindly, his old warmth returning to his voice.
"But it's not, nothing could ever be your fault Osferth, You've no foible and if anything your flaw is being too good and having no flaw-"
"Do you think you could ever love me?" He cuts you off, a demanding tone.
You turn silent from your rant, heartbeat fastening. "But why? Why me?" You breath out.
"Osferth-" You start, standing up to face his seated self. "-You could have many lovely beautiful woman to love you the way you deserve, I'm sure of it, we've all seen how they fight for you." You insist.
His face turns into a frown and he stands up along with you, face inches apart from yours. "I don't want anyone else, you're the only lovely beautiful woman I want." He snapped.
You grow frustrated at his statement and turn to walk in circles, not meeting his gaze.
"But why? I am not beautiful or ladylike- and don't tell me I'm wrong, I hear things too- and I'm not kind enough to those around me as I should be, and I am, god, so terribly, terribly horrible in my moral compass Osferth.
- Why would you want to be with someone so miserable?", You point out with a humourless laugh, feeling so vulnerable and pathetic you could break in an instance.
You feel his hands grip your shoulders to look at him as he stops you from pacing around.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to convince you that you're all I think about, you are the most beautiful piece of art to me, and to have your heart, to be able to love you the way you deserve, is all I'll ever wish for in this lifetime."
You would've asked him if he had practiced that if you weren't so shaken by those words, so baffled.
"Don't be ridiculous Osferth, what- tell me, who you'd choose between me and Eadith, or me and that redhead from last night- or the lady Aethelflaed herself?" You hated how much self pity you were drowning in, all the insecurities you've worked so hard to push down, to look past from yourself.
"You. You, you and you." His response was quick and without hesitation. You wanted to kill him for that's or kiss him, you couldn't decide.
"I would choose you over anyone because there is no one else for me, can't you see?"
He was staring at you with stars in his eyes and his breath was hot on your face.
You couldn't remember when or how it happened, but all you knew was that one if you had leaned forwards and your lips became one with eachother's.
There was no regret in yourself, letting your fans wrap around his neck whilst he moves one arm to hold you by your waits and the other cupping your cheeks.
Your fingers move to tangle in his hair as you let your mouth open slightly for your tongues to dance together.
You pressed your faces harder if it was possible devouring the taste you've been forbidding yourself to take a bite from. His arms around your back tightens and soon you feel both his hands move down to the back of your thighs and you instinctively jump to wrap your legs around him.
He groans in the kiss, palms full holding squeezing your ass. You let a rare growl escape you as you feel yourself tighten around him.
Walking you back to the bed, you don't release your hold over him even when he lays you down on the bed.
Your hands roam wild at his body, grasping at his new tunic to be taken off. He gets the message immediately, pulling away to pull it over his head before going back to sucking lips with you.
You feel his own hands wandering around your body, exploring your untouched haven. He dips his hand inside the collar of your own shirt and rips it off easily, earning a shocked gasp from you.
"Didn't think you had that in you." You joked breathlessly. He gives a small shy smile as he pushes you to lay back down on the pillow. "You have no idea how many other things you've awakened inside of me."
His lips trail down your neck, biting and sucking at your sensitive spot while his hands have their fun squeezing and palming your breasts.
You let out a wild moan, throwing your head back, your nails, trying their best not to leave marks on his back.
"Fuck you're stunning." He swears, also rare occasion. You feel your cunt clench at his words an thrusts up your hips to meet his, receiving a strained groan from the man.
Not relenting in his torture on your tits, he releases one of them to move his hand between your legs, palming your drenched cunt between the thin barrier of your underwear.
"Osferth- please." You whined, rutting againts his hand like a dog in heat.
He only uses his hands to palm you harder, bringing you to tears as you search for friction. "That's it angel, fuck my hand." He groans out, entranced by the sight of you, glistening in sweat and fucking yourself on him in all your beautiful glory.
Both your arms are above you head now, gripping hard on the furs as you grind harder on his hand, clenching on nothing, feeling your orgasm nearing.
He rubs a finger on you clit furiously and you feel yourself explode on him, eyes blurry as you cried out his name repeatedly, a prayer answered.
Feeling yourself come down from your high, your body relaxes againts his bed and your head spins with euphoria. Osferth wipes his hand off before climbing over to lay next to you.
Your head finds comfort on his chest as his hands finds home around your body. It was dizzying, what just happened. And it was most probably the best hump you've ever had, not that you make it a habit to hump around.
You glace up to meet his eyes, already gazing down at you with a small smile accompanying them. "Does this mean you've forgiven me?", You jest and his smile widens as he leans forward and kisses your forehead. "Only if you promise to let me love you." He bargains.
You feel a grin making itself known and let out an unfamiliar giggle, "You're so sweet it's nauseating."
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candieduranium · 3 months
my intro post
i guess it’s about time i made one of these
(why does this have so many notes???😭/genuine)
long ass intro oml
last updated august 21, 2024
•my name is micah but i also respond to furcata and rover
•i use any pronouns. i genuinely do not care what you use for me
•im a minor
•i am a christian. i do not force it onto other people. please respect my religion.
•i make mistakes on my blog (accidentally deleting things, unbalanced polls, etc.) from time to time so please excuse if i make some errors. trying my best.
•my tag for my original posts and reblogs that add to is “micah’s owlposting” even for stuff that isn’t owlkin-related. i have to retroactively tag my old posts with this tag so keep in mind that not all of them are tagged! i will update this post when i finish tagging.
•i am an american barn owl therian, vernid othermidst, machinehearted, and pigeonhearted.
• i am a quadrobist. i started in april of 2024.
•usually the things i post are about my alterhumanity but i also post golden texts my friends and i send each other along with some other stuff. sometimes in my posts there are mentions of sex and (mild?) sexual themes
•im also a furry. furry ≠ z00phil3
•my favorite music is by greta van fleet and umbrabyte. i also just enjoy vocaloid in general, too. in fact, the original purpose i had for my blog was just to keep up with umbrabyte and her content better. here’s umbrabyte’s spotify:
•my favorite aesthetics are cybercore, mizuiro/ tenshi kaiwai, vaporwave, and rococo
•my only definite dni is if your blog is focused on nsfw, has sexually explicit images, or unsafe for minors in general. we can interact if you are in a basic dni (zoophile, radqueers, etc) but i probably won’t interact with you as much as those who arent in the dni.
•haters will be blocked unless i find them especially funny.
•im up for chatting about whatever whenever so just shoot me a dm if you feel like it (sfw, obviously)
•my hobbies and special interests are drums, classical latin, fursuit making, cosplay, and illustrating
•i’m very interested in learning how to make vtuber models and customizing ball-jointed dolls
•my main fandoms are umbrabyte, tloz, pjsk, and tadc (i know some these fandoms are known for having CRAZY and problematic fans. im not one of them)
•i have a 4 year old black cat named dumpling (i post pics of him sometimes) and a 16 year old dog named stella. i hope to get a couple of oranda goldfish someday
•i dont have a set posting schedule. i post when i post. but i generally like to stay pretty active and try to post at least once per day.
•i follow anyone who interacts with my posts positively when im not in their dni and theyre not in mine and their blog isn’t completely default/blank this is now false. i have just learned that the maximum follow count is 5k and i am already above 4k. there are too many of you for me to follow you all😭
•some random and useless stuff about me: i have mild-moderate trypophobia and a deviated septum, i’m 5’7”, my favorite color is orange, i LOVE creme brulee, and my mbti is antp-t (a for ambivert)
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mild eyestrain warning ⚠️
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how the fuck does this have so many notes??😭
vent-ish/vent-adjacent warning ⚠️
here’s a copypaste from another of my posts regarding my posting schedule and status:
hey folks, i may not be posting as much going forward because my father put my email on a lifelock account, which means that he may be alerted each time i log into my tumblr account. i use tumblr on the website on safari and i frequently log in and out because im anxious that my parents will check my search history, but they very rarely ever do. im testing if they get alerted right now by logging in to ao3 and c.ai, two websites that my parents likely wont be opposed to but would tell me and ask me about it if i got an alert. deleting my account is a last resort, but it is still on the table. this change is indefinite. i have backup plans in case my parents do get alerts from lifelock, but nothing is definite. i may continue on just fine, i might not. just giving y’all a heads up in case something does happen.
tl;dr my account may be discovered by my parents and i may be punished, maybe it wont. we’ll see
and does anyone know for sure if lifelock does send alerts about logging in tumblr accounts? please dont lie to me.
my mental health is hinging largely on my tumblr account and im praying sososo hard that i wont lose all of you wonderful, amazing people. this goes for the folks i have dmed and the ones i havent. but anyway. i love you all. thank you for the time youve given me, even if it wont be for much longer.
and heres another post copypaste:
hey folks i dont know if im gonna be posting for a hot minute because im at band practice rn but im gonna have the biggest fucking argument with my mom when i get home😍 i might get my phone taken away
so basically what happened is i told her im depressed and she blew me off and didnt believe me. she also did some other stuff. i may go into greater detail at a later date.
im sorry if this discomforts or tr_gg_rs anyone but i wanted to give an explanation and warning just in case i stop posting and interacting on tumblr
thank you all for being so wonderful, truly. i hope i can get my situation sorted out quickly and remain active.
i’ll probably update this post later on since im sure there’s something i forgot. check back with me every once in a while and i might have some new content on this post
thanks for reading 👍👍
202 notes · View notes
its me again!! For this one can it be megumi x reader, the reader is a bubbly, adventurous, curious and silly person but their extremely kind and witty. [also smart, and sassy at times] The scenario can be just them doing stuff together like baking, going to a playground, coffee date, its your choice!
— a taste of your love.
synopsis. megumi’s had his fair share of having people who’re energetic, loud and annoying— much to his distaste— though deep down, he knows he loves them; no matter how much he tries to deny it.
although, he just can't help but want a taste of you— a taste of your love.
genres/themes. megumi fushiguro x reader, fluff, golden retriever and black cat dynamic, baking with megumi!, megumi silently admiring reader LMAO, two idiots in love, megumi is learning to love the reader (precious boy omg)
yoi's notes. hello! senkyu for making this request ! < 3 i wanna feed shiro and kuro the best dog biscuits that ever exist, just wait till i summon them. (/j
... unless? LMAOO)
word count. 1.3k
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megumi was still in the process of understanding you.
now, now— don’t blame him, that poor guy has been surrounded by highly energetic people all his life— be it tsumiki, his oh so nice sister— though, sometimes too sweet for her own good— or his friend yuuji— simply a ball of sunshine, that guy was; although he was a bit… naïve at times, or satoru— his ‘benefactor’ (also the guy he didn’t like to admit was his father figure) — often regarding him as an annoying, loud idiot.
but strangely enough, megumi had learnt to love them all the same— something that came from deep within, something that was hidden under his aloof demeanour.
and oh he simply despised to admit it to himself— to admit that he actually cared.
“ ’gumi, hand me the chocolate chips, will ya?” your voice said, drawing him out of his reverie— a simple blink and he was reaching up for the ingredient in the cabinet, hands strangely having a mind of their own.
dark green eyes searching your own as he placed the container on the kitchen counter, lips slightly parted as if he wanted to say something—
yet no words came out. you always rendered him speechless, both literally and emotionally.
“aw, thanks!” watching your eyes light up in the way it always did whenever he did even the bare minimum— megumi didn’t try to notice how his heart skipped a beat, didn’t try to notice how he swallowed a lump in his throat that had formed without him realising.
didn’t try to admit how much he craved your attention— didn’t try to admit how much craved you.
“did you get the cakes for shiro and kuro? poor things, i can’t eat this infront of them,” you tut, stirring the brownie batter with practiced precision, and megumi didn’t miss how your eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly when you did so; how your teeth habitually dug into your bottom lip whenever you were focused— oh how he couldn’t help but notice every damn thing about you.
it almost annoyed him.
you turned your head to face him, the hint of a smile that was always there with you still playing at your lips— “oi, earth to fushiguro. what’re you thinkin’ ?”
keyword: almost.
“i have,” megumi answered, trying to sound stoic but even he didn’t miss the slightly hoarse undertone of his voice— making his ears turn a delicate shade of red. “don’t worry ’bout it.”
“ooo-kay, okay,” you chirped, letting out a small laugh— god, why were you even laughing?— now you’ve made his cheeks pink.
and yet, the boy wanted nothing but to hear the sound of your laughter again and again— until it would be embedded into his very soul, like some forbidden memory only he could reach.
slender fingers of his rested against the cool tiles of the kitchen counter as he turned his head in your direction as you worked, and for a moment, he couldn’t help but just stare— eyelashes fluttering so delicately against his pale skin that one might just think that he didn’t want to close his eyes.
and so he didn’t.
how could he? you were there. before his very eyes.
you and your pretty eyes which seemed to shine no matter how dark the world got, you and your kindness that stood out like a sore thumb against the crowd— you and your insufferable self—
megumi’s gaze lingered on your form, eyes skimming over the smallest of details— every little scar, every little movement of your hand that caused a vein to twitch, every little, though barely visible, freckle or mole.
and for a moment, he wanted nothing but to just step over and bury his nose into his your hair and breathe in your scent, pull you into his arms and never, ever let go—
“you’re staring.”
and oh how he turned red— his breath catching in his throat whilst he blinked, looking at you with almost a comically bewildered expression— cheeks flushing such a pretty shade of red that you secretly vowed to yourself to do anything in your wits to make him blush like that again, and again.
“i— . . . uh,” megumi stuttered, mentally cursing himself for even falling for your unintentional charms— how he loathed, yet relished in that cheshire grin of yours, “ ’m not.”
“yeahh, sure you aren’t, ’gumi,” you cooed, a small snicker escaping your lips, and ah how the boy’s ears turned a deeper shade of red as he found himself growing more and more flustered by the passing seconds.
“don’t call me that.”
he tried to ignore the way your eyes lit up even more at his half-mumbled reply— grin widening even more in a way that almost made you look so dumb with how much you were smiling— but then again, that was one of the reasons why megumi was so hopelessly in love with you.
“oh? you don’t like it, hm?” snickering, you dipped a finger of yours into the rich brownie batter— holding it out to him in a silent invitation to taste it, all the while you held that damn smile on your face.
how he wanted to roll his eyes— like he usually did whenever someone else tried to pull a similar stunt— oh how he wanted to respond with a blunt retort that was somehow always oh the tip of his tongue, how he wanted to be annoyed by your teasing.
so, of course, he quietly stepped forward— gently bringing your finger up to his lips to taste the batter— of course he wanted to feel your touch on his lips for a little while longer.
it was always different with you.
“i have a name,” megumi grumbled, eyes looking anywhere but your face— fingers reluctantly letting go of your own, his free hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. “the batter’s alright, by the way.”
“of course you have a name,” you huffed out a small laugh, transferring the brown liquid into a container, “though, i do distinctly remember you acting all grumpy when i called you megumi instead of ’gumi the last time we had a sleepov—”
“shut up,” he said in a slightly harsh tone, but you knew better than to take it seriously— partly because you were just too much of a light-hearted person to do so and partly because you knew that megumi needed time to process his feelings.
“mhm, okay,” you tittered, shaking your head as that smile never left your face— letting out a small gasp as you felt strong yet hesitant arms wrap around your waist from behind, and oh how your heart skipped a beat whilst you turned back to glance at him over your shoulder.
megumi nuzzled into the crook of your neck; dark locks spiking up in the same way which you adored so much whilst obscuring the view of his eyes in such a pretty manner that made your heart swell— arms wrapped in a tender yet firm grip, as if he was afraid to break you if he held on too tight— yet too frightened by the possibility that you might disappear the moment he let go.
“you’re so . . . annoying,” he mumbled against your skin, still refusing to meet your gaze, earning a hum from you in response.
“d’you hate it, though?” a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips whilst you tapped the container against the countertop, making the batter even out.
“yes,” he replied, but you knew better— of course you did, you always did— a pause of his movements, hands around your waist tensing up for a second before he spoke up again— “ . . . no.”
you could only let out a small chuckle in response.
“as i thought.”
understanding you and himself would take some time, he knew that.
but for once, megumi wanted to understand— wanted to know you, wanted to have a taste of you— a taste of your love.
☆ @dontcarehowlongittakes on tumblr. do not copy or post any of my works without my permission.
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komoboko · 7 months
Hi! Not a request but just curious. What kind of pets do you think the kananoko squad would have in a modern au?
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧
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ft: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, kanao tsuyuri, genya shinazugawa
These are 1am rambles brah
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TANJIRO would like to raise a dog, standard but oddly fitting for him. I think he would have multiple to be honest, he enjoys breeds that are more active so I would see him with a golden retriever or a Labrador. His pets really like you to!! Almost like he silently taught them to be just like him.
He definitely has dogs that get big but still thinks they are lap dogs 100%. Whenever you come over to his house and sit anywhere it’s a 50% chance a dog will come lay near you, next to you, or usually on top of you. His dogs are kinda spoiled to, he’ll you he scolds them but you caught him giving them treats when he was suppose to one time.
ZENITSU wants something small, not to big and easy to manage. Personally I think he own a bunch of guinea pigs. Very random choice but just hear me out. They remind me of his sparrow, he likes to hold them when he’s around the house. You may see him walking in a thick turtleneck during the summer, but that’s just because his guinea pig is resting in the next area.
They are a little stubborn though, even zenitsu doesn’t know why. They can get mad and almost bit you before, but that’s normally if they haven’t eaten. You don’t what zenitsu feeds them but he definitely has those really thick guinea pigs just for no reason at all. Well there is a reason as you have to invite his guinea pig to the table to eat with you all during dinner. Also obanai is banned from coming over is kaburamaru is tagging along.
INOSUKE probably wants a really unconventional pet, like I bet he tried to convince you to let him get a boar before. In the end he sticks with a dog like tanjiro. Just the breeds are different I bet he wants have to have a doberman or a German Shepard. He wants to train those dogs for war I tell you.
You refused to enter his house for a bit until his dogs get to know you, you preferred keeping in your feet and not getting tackled by his dogs. He likes to play fight with them always playing fetch with them outside. Although besides this you to went a farm that was mixed with a shelter where they have this really small boar. Every time you go there inosuke always spends time without. He named the lil dude megatron.
KANAO I feel like would have a bird of some sorts. A really well trained one as well. Not like a usual house pet but those really expensive exotic birds. She’s trained it and had help from professionals to train it now, it’s at this point where you can almost have full fledged conversation with it. It knows both of your names, the food it likes everything.
Sometimes the bird is unusually smart.. like the time you brought snacks that you and the bird can both eat but kanao never wants you to. When she can back you had everything hidden and the perfect fool proof lie created. Until the bird “coincidentally” said your name and the beaks brand right after. You were the one getting in trouble and her bird face no repercussions.
GENYA is pretty straightforward he just wants a cat. He likes how they’re more chill and calm and sometimes just hang by themselves or with him. also because the cat owning trait was subconsciously influenced by gyomei’s love for cats. It just grew on him eventually. I think I can see him with one of those black and white bicolor cats but I doubt he would care about the breed.
You tend to compare Genya to his cat a lot because of how similar they look in the face. For some reason Genya’s cat just looks mad, all the time. He could be giving it treats and it would just have the more monotone expression on its face. The cat doesn’t mind you though, Genya could be calling it thinking it’s asleep. Only to find it trailing after you while you go to sit on his couch.
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dirksawesomesprites · 6 months
editing / fixing sprites + my headcanons
Part 1: Beta Lowbloods
Aradia Megdio
without bag
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with bag
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she uses she/they and is demigirl and bisexual. her horns are covered in a layer of dust from scavaging for fossils and living in an underground hive. she wears a messanger bag that she uses to keep all of her fossile hunting materials and other things. she uses the fossils to decorate her hive and shes goth (original i know). her matesprit is sollux and her moirail is feferi.
Tavros Nitram
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he uses he/him and is a cis guy (just is slightly feminine) he is mlm/gay. he loves fairycore and his favourite dog breed is a golden retriver (speficially the human version dave showed him, not alternian.) his robot legs will occasionslly malfcution, causing them to either get locked in place, squeak loudly, or get sticky joints. dave constantly has to call dirk over to fix his legs. his matesprit is dave, moirail is gamzee, and he has a black crush on gamzee (not very "black" though, mostly a "i can fix him" mentality but it ends up being "i can fix him but itll make me worse in the prossess) type stuff. its a pale leaning black thing.
Sollux Captor
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he uses they/he/she and is bisexual and bigender (original i know but its kinda funny concidering my headmate with a sollux source is bisexual and bigender so im stealing that). hes emo and has a johnnie guilbert shrine in his hive he swears is ironic. he is colour blind (blue colour blindess specifically) so he sees voilet/purple as a ugly brown thats why he calls eridan ugly so much. he plays the synthesizer. hes double jointed and likes to gross his friends out with it. his shoes were orignially both white but he lost the second one but was too lazy to find it so he just wears the same brand shoe but different colours. theyre vans shoes. his matesprit is aradia , his moirail is dave , his kismesis is eridan , and his auspistice is karkat.
Karkat Vantas
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he uses they/he, theyre nonbinary / transmasculine (has top scars and is technially transmasc but is also nonbinary i dont know if im saying this right) and is unlabeled for sexuality (they kiss guys but is unlabeled take with that what you will) they are punk even if they dont particualerly dress like it. their sweatpants are too big and their sweater is too small / tight so theyre a small gap of stomach showing. he purrs when happy, sleepy, or comfortable. when he gets scared their voice cracks and squeaks. when theyre alone listening to music in their hive hell jump around bouncing off stuff pretending to play the guitar and screaming / singing at the top of his lungs to the song. his matesprit is gamzee, his moirial is eridan, his kismesis is dave, and they aupistice for eridan and sollux.
Nepeta Lejion
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she uses she/meow and is girlflux, catgender (original i know), grey romantic, and asexual. when she paints on her shipping wall she tends to get paint all over her and it has since stained her jacket. she has had her hat since she was very little and its very streched out and worn. same with her tail as its not part of her, it drags on the ground behind her and gets dirt, sticks and leaves caught in it most of the time. she likes to play the xylophone, read warrior cats, and play animal jam with equius. she purrs when she his happy / sleepy / comfy like karkat. her matesprit is feferi and her moirail is equius.
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ttkinnie · 1 month
Tokyo Revengers characters as animals 💖 (for no reason)
Kazutora: let's start with the most obvious one, our resident tiger. Which is funny considering he gives 0 tiger vibes. Or maybe rescued declawed tiger from an abusive circus. Wait a sec... Hanma and Kisaki have a circus theme going on... why did I never notice this? This starts well. Saddest tiger pic I could find
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Baji: A black gray wolf of course. 'nuff said
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Chifuyu: A cat. Kitty kitty meow meow. Not crazy enough to be orange, but he's gotta have green eyes and a kind face. This tuxedo:
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Koko: Talking about cats, here he is. Most obvious choice I've ever made. Black cat of course, very fancy, will knock shit off the counter and eats only the most expensive wet food
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Inupi: second most obvious one because you've gotta pick the race of the dog too. I say he's the only serious golden retriever you've ever seen.
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Takemichi: A mouse. He is squeaky and scared, looks like he eats cheese. Very cute. Big eyes.
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Hinata: A doe, beautiful and kind but will ram into you if you touch her loved ones
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Naoto: a buck because I am unoriginal. he does give off buck vibes tho
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Hanma: I know the official art makes him a caracal but I love being contradictory so maned wolf it is. Plus look at its long legs and creepy demeanor, it's him
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Kisaki: Listen, I am not the most partial person when it comes to him. He's my little meow meow, I wanna put either cat or bunny ears on him and squish his cheeks. But! Let's be honest, that boy is a snake. The deadliest snake in the world, the saw scaled viper, not the most venomous but highly aggressive. He eats mouse Takemichi for breakfast. Also look at its scales, they remind me of his adult hair.
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Mikey: A honey badger, small and cute but will bite your balls off and kill your family for fun.
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Draken: A lion, beautiful mane and a symbol of strength. Lives among a tribe of lionesses (lucky him)
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Mitsuya: I do not like spiders. At all. But an animal literally producing silk is the only choice for Mitsuya. However I am not masochistic so i won't put a spider image, just the web
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Taiju: Great white shark. Very smooth skin. Anyone who tells you they have sandpaper skin is lying.
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Hakkai: A seal, same eyes, same innocence, favorite prey of the great white shark
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Yuzuha: An orca, beautiful but deadly. Only predator of the great white shark. Also eats seals but let's not comment on that. I support women's wrongs.
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Pah-chin: it's too cliché to put warthog here, so i won't. He's a cane toad, one of the stupidest animal on Earth, one of their most common cause of death is eating shit they shouldn't because they stuff their mouth without thinking. They also hump anything, including dead animals from another species, and lay their eggs anywhere, which leads to a high mortality rate among their offspring. Why did I give so many facts? I don't know. Look at it.
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Peh-yan: A tarsier. it's the eyes.
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Sanzu: Arctic hare, crazy eyes and a gift for divination if you can understand his language
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Senju: a cutie baby. Bunny x2, will kick you.
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Takeomi: a rat. I am not a hater, rats can be cute, but this guy definitely gives off rat vibes
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Wakasa: So very pretty. White leopard of course.
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Benkei: A bull. I always thought his tattoos were a bull, but I was wrong I just looked it up. Still a bull.
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Shinichiro: This one was though, but I'd say a koala. I'm partial about it, but I feel like he would give his children poop to eat, and their reproductive habits are also not a good look on them.
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Emma: Japanese dwarf flying squirrel because I play favorites and that's the cutest little furball ever. it looks like it's wearing eyeliner
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Izana: Another small but deadly thing, the Australian box jellyfish, found notably along the coast of Malaysia (I feel so clever right now)
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Kakucho: Fiercely loyal dog, he's a Rottweiler. Don't tell me Izana and him don't have some kind of puppy play going on.
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Ran: Secretary bird. Canonically hates Kisaki which explains why he stomps snakes to death. Wears killer eyeshadow and looks like they hate your fashion style
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Rindou: Did you know a group of male Pacific tree frogs is called a chorus? me neither, which is why Rindou is a Pacific tree frog. Peace of music, yeah
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Mucho: Polar bear, cold and aggressive. Plus arctic hare and polar bear, there's a theme
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enmi-land · 14 days
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정원 ៸៸    JUNGWON     ꗃ
🌸  ⁞ ً    JUNGWON + MiLA = WONMi . . .    black cat      &      golden retriever    ﹆ 〴   affectionately named , bobaz ❪ their eyes looks like boba ❫
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﹟ WONMi THiNGS ‣ back hugs, cheek pokes & pecks, late night walks, random weverse lives, using weverse comment sections as a chat room, dimples appreciation, matching phone stickers, oversized hoodies, playing with each other's hair
hers = 부인 ❪ wife ❫
his = 고양원이🐱🩷 ❪ kitty-wonie ❫
﹟ TRiViA ‣
i.   they met as trainees. jungwon forgot his wallet while at a convenience store and mila happened to be right behind him, so she offered to pay for his food. ever since then, he's had this sort of puppy crush on her.
ii.  mila was the first one to reach out to him, and ever since then he would follow her around everywhere.  she would be like "wonie, let's go to __" and he would be like "okay" without second thought.
iii.  she's absolutely whipped for him: loves to cuddle him because of how fluffy he is, and kisses his cheeks every chance he gets. she literally showers him with affection.
iv.  he gets really sulky when she's not paying attention to him. is the type to bother her in subtle ways like playing with her hair/poking her/laying his head on her lap while she's talking to other people.
v.   despite being older, she's more of an escape than a role model — and he prefers it that way, because it makes them feel closer than simply noona and a dongsaeng. she's his comfort person, for sure.
희승 ៸៸    HEESEUNG     ꗃ
🌸 ⁞ ً HEESEUNG + MiLA = SEUNGMi / MiSEUNG . . . she  fell  first & he  fell  harder ﹆〴 affectionately named ,  cardz ❪ he’s the ace and she’s the wildcard ❫
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﹟ SEUNGMi THiNGS ‣    head pats, making playlists together, neck kisses, height difference, linking pinkies,    afternoon naps,  arcade dates, couple bracelets, eskimo kisses,   cheek-pinching, bear hugs, sleeping in while everyone tries to wake them up
hers  =   나의 사랑 😘  ❪ my love ❫
his  =   희뜽이 오빠 🐹🩷  ❪ heeddeungie-oppa ❫
﹟ TRiViA ‣
 i. they met as trainees through kiara, who introduced them. she was pretty shy around him at first (because she had a lowkey crush on him). but he had a girlfriend at the time, so she tried not to interact with him too much.
ii.  the first time they really bonded was when mila wanted to learn more about the technical side of music, and he offered to teach her. they spent every other afternoon in the music rooms messing around with all the instruments there and became really close.
iii.  he’s very protective over her. is the type to get defensive if someone even looks at her the wrong way. you would think he’s her bodyguard in public because of how he shields her from fans.
iv.  she subconsciously follows him around like a puppy and when someone asked her why, she said she doesn’t really know she just likes to be around him.
v.  he has cuteness aggression with her, and almost always has an urge to squeeze her in a really tight hug. also baby talks her, most of the time without even realising it. he’s always the first to fold at her puppy dog eyes so he can never be trusted to scold her.
제이 ៸៸    JAY     ꗃ
🌸 ⁞ ً JAY + MiLA = JAYMi . . . sunshine & sunshine  protector ﹆〴 affectionately named ,  chaebolz ❪ they’re both the only child from very wealthy families ❫
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﹟ JAYMi THiNGS ‣    forehead kisses,  shopping dates,   couple clothing,  gift-giving, cooking meals together,   handfeeding each other, massages, dinner dates, hand kisses, showing each other off/bragging about each other
hers  =   천사  ❪ angel ❫
his  =   hubby 💍🩷
﹟ TRiViA ‣
i. they also met through kiara. mila found him intimidating at first just because he gave off that "bad boy" aura. but he always treated her really sweetly, so she got over it and and warmed up to him quickly.
ii.  jay was the first person she told about a major back injury that made her quit cheerleading, and since then he always looked out for her. offered to give massages when she was feeling sore and did heaps of research about what sort of things to eat or drink to make it feel better.
iii. he's the first person she goes to for comfort when something goes wrong or when she needs to vent. he's just a really soothing presence and has a way of making her feel less burdened.
iv.  he is so whipped. cannot say "no" to save his life, because he folds as soon as she pulls the puppy dog eyes on him. and whenever he looks at her, he has the gooiest look in his eyes.
v.  she's his number one fan. talks about him like he's the best thing to happen since instant ramyeon, and always defends him from the member's teasing.
제이크 ៸៸    JAKE     ꗃ
🌸 ⁞ ً JAEYUN + MiLA = YUNMi . . . shameless flirt & easily flustered ﹆〴 affectionately named ,  aussiez ❪ they’re both from australia ❫
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﹟ YUNMi THiNGS ‣    intense eye contact, low whispers in each other's ears, study dates, hand appreciation, couple rings, skateboarding lessons, playing the chapstick game,   constant impromptu proposals
hers  =  Baby ❤️
his  =   boyfie 🐶🩷
i.  they met during i-land. from the get-go you could tell they were attracted to each other. but they didn't become as close as the other members until debut.
ii.  he felt kind of jealous seeing how close mila was to the other members compared to him, but as soon  as she learnt this, she did her best to spend more time with him, allowing their bond to deepen.
iii.  he would flirt casually with her, but because she has zero dating experience, she didn’t realise. when she did notice his advances though, there was no stopping him from making her a blushing stuttering mess.
iv.  she feels like a lovesick schoolgirl around him. like just looking at him makes her feel butterflies in her stomache and she will act all giddy.
v. they’re literally the definition of that couple that everyone hates because they make everyone else feel single. it’s just expected now that you find them whispering and laughing together like they have a secret no one else knows.
성훈 ៸៸    SUNGHOON     ꗃ
🌸 ⁞ ً SUNGHOON + MiLA = MiHOON / HOONMi . . . sun & moon ﹆〴 affectionately named ,  ddalhaez ❪ the korean words for sun and moon ❫
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﹟ MiHOON THiNGS ‣    ice rink dates turned ice skating lessons, playing with each other's fingers, couple necklaces, working out together, taps on the chin, holding hands at random times, princess carry, discrete lingering touches
hers  =   나의 공주 🤍  ❪ my princess ❫
his  =   王子 👑🩷  ❪ prince ❫
﹟ TRiViA ‣ 
i.  they almost met as trainees through kiara. mila thought he was handsome, but his social awkwardness made it difficult to really befriend him. he thought she was a nice girl, but a bit too hyper all the time. in other words, completely opposites.
ii.  their friendship started when one day, they ended up competing to get a penguin plushie from a claw machine game at an arcade near the company. he ended up winning, but after seeing how sulky she got, he gave it to her as a gift, and she named it after him.
iii. he teases her because he finds her cute, and because he knows he's one of the only people who can get a reaction out of her. similarly, she provokes him because its her way of getting him out of his shell.
iv. she acts as if they're enemies because of how much he teases her, but gets sulky when he doesn't pay attention to her like he usually does.
v.  he doesn't openly display affection, but he watches out for her for her from afar and pays attention to a lot of things that most people would miss.
선우 ៸៸    SUNOO     ꗃ
🌸 ⁞ ً SUNOO + MiLA = SUNMi . . . chaotic  cutie & chill  enabler ﹆〴 affectionately named ,  03z ❪ they were both born in 2003 ❫
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﹟ SUNMi THiNGS ‣ skincare routines, midnight snacks,   styling each other's hair, cheek charges & biting, sharing lip balm, watching dramas, sharing jewellery, sneaky kisses on set, outfit coordination, communicating with eye contact, affirmations, late night convos
hers = 💖별라💖 ❪ star-la ❫
his = 心肝 ☀️🩷 ❪ other half ❫
﹟ TRiViA ‣
i. they met during i-land, and their friendship just kind of clicked into place, like it was always meant to be. but despite their similar personalities, she definitely has a more chaotic streak, and he likes to watch with a smile as everything goes to flames.
ii. they become closer behind the scenes, where they would pour their heart out to each other about their feelings and struggles. she definitely has more of a chaotic streak, and he likes to enable it.
iii. she is his lifeline. off-camera, he can be a lot more subdued. so he always feels at ease around her, since she adjusts really well to his moods. always making him feel loved when he needs even when he doesn’t ask.
iv. she sometimes gets flustered whenever he shows his more serious side, and finds it attractive. her favourite thing to do is have lat night talks while staring into his fox-like eyes.
v. they're soulmates, without a doubt. people think they were lovers in their past life. they always seem to be in their own little world when they're together.
니키 ៸៸    Ni-Ki     ꗃ
🌸  ⁞ ً    Ni-Ki + MiLA = MiKi . . .    tom    &    jerry    ﹆〴   affectionately named , koiz ❪ they have matching koi fish tattoos ❫
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﹟ MiKi THiNGS ‣ pillow forts, height difference, piggyback rides,   dancing in the rain, taking photos, tickle fights, watching anime, walks in the park, sneaking out, surprise kisses, ice cream dates, couple tattoos, kabedon
hers = ミミちゃん ❪ mimi-chan ❫
his = 我的男 😈🩷 ❪ my man ❫
﹟ TRiViA ‣
i. they met during i-land, but knew of each other before that because of their reputations. they first saw each other at her favourite sashimi restaurant, and kept bumping into each other, though they never talked until i-land.
ii. he was originally kind of shy around her, but after spending so much time together in ground, he started to come out of his shell and showing his more mischievous side.
iii.  he doesn't call her 'noona,' and just calls her by name to tease her. whenever she asks him for something, he will complain, but secretly feel happy that she relies on him.
iv.  she likes to spoil him discretely, knowing that he doesn't really liked being babied. she will buy his favourite foods and little gifts whenever she goes out.
v.  they bicker a lot, but it's clear that they have a unique bond. they got couple tattoos of koi fish on their wrists that. when put them together, looks like they're circling each other. that perfectly sums up their relationship.
키아라 ៸៸    KiARA  ꗃ
🌸 ⁞ ً KiARA + MiLA = MiRA . . . social butterfly & social recluse ﹆〴 affectionately named ,  girlz ❪ they’re the only girls in the group ❫
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﹟ MiRA THiNGS ‣    spa days, girl's night outs, unhinged weverse lives, dirty jokes, inside jokes, laughing whenever they make eye contact, sharing clothes & jewellery, judging people silently, gossiping with stylists and makeup artists, tmi with engenes
mila’s  =   우리 미미 ❪ our mimi ❫
kiara’s  =   one and 언니 🦁  ❪ unnie ❫
﹟ TRiViA ‣ 
i.  they met as trainees, kiara being the one assigned to show mila around the company. mila really idolised her in the beginning and used her as a role model for what she should become.
ii. even though kiara was a bit aloof, mila continued to follow her around to learn from her, and kiara eventually adopted her. in her words, mila was "the little sister i never asked for."
iii. kiara becomes really maternal with her because of how young and lost mila seemed when they first met. she feels like she raised her and is proud of who she has become after watching her grow up in front of her eyes.
iv. mila always mentions kiara first whenever she talks about her gratitude for the members as her first and only unnie. mila can be a bit of a brat, but she will always listen to kiara no matter what.
v. they're sisters in all but blood. kiara's family practically adopted her, and likewise mila's family will always send gifts to kiara in the mail.
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makeitmingi · 4 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 45]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 4.2K
You hummed to yourself as you walked on the streets, after your psychologist appointment. There was a lot to unpack, especially trying to navigate how you feel after cutting ties with your fahter, so you always liked to take a walk on your own.
A crowd and big sign caught you attention as you passed by the park. You saw a big fenced pen set up with dogs jumping around, barking while people looked at them.
"Hello, miss. Are you interested in getting a dog?" A young guy came up to you, a little too enthusiastically.
"I don't support pet shops..." You cleared your throat.
"Oh, that's great to hear actually! We're actually not a shop, we run a local shelter and to prevent overcrowding, we do events like these to get our eligible dogs out there. " He explained.
"I see." You nodded your head slowly. Yunho had recently been watching puppy videos, it's his new obsession.
"D-Do you have golden retrievers?" You asked. He nodded, leading you over to the pen where there were adult, teens and puppies, all golden retrievers. When you bent down, some of them stood on their hind legs, curiously trying to sniff you. They barked enthusiastically, spinning in circles.
"Golden retrievers are very popular. We just got a litter surrendered to us, that's why we have a lot of puppies." The guy explained. You nodded, scanning all of them.
"If you'd like to meet any of them, let me know and I'll get them out for you." He continued.
Then you saw her. She was sitting slightly behind the rambunctious group, an enthusiastic smile on her face, staring at you with puppy eyes.
"Her." You pointed, melting slightly. The worker went in to pick her up and she immediately tried to climb into your arms. The puppy put her arms around you, her tail wagging happily.
"Hello there, precious." You whispered. She let out a yelping bark and licked your cheek, rubbing her head against your skin.
Just like what Yunho does.
"It's like matchmade in heaven." The worker smiled. You couldn't help but agree with him. Even though she was enthusiastic, you knew Whiskey would warm up to her soon. Like how you warmed up to Yunho's enthusiasm.
"Where do I sign the papers?" You asked, keeping her in your arms. After signing the papers and paying the small fee for the microchipping and vaccinations, you took your puppy home.
"Whiskey, I'm home~" You called out to your cat. Whiskey loved you but like you, he wasn't very enthusiastic.
"I got you a friend. Be nice to her." You said to the cat who jumped down from the cat tree.
"Hold on." You held the puppy and sat down. Whiskey leaned forward to sniff the puppy and the puppy did the same, a little more happily of course. Whiskey leaned back, casting you a look.
"What? You'll love her, soon enough." You raised an eyebrow, knowing Whiskey was questioning your decision at this point.
With that comment, Whiskey turned around and walked away, climbing up his cat tree, which was able to put him far away from the excited puppy. The puppy whimpered and looked back up at you, almost showing her disappointment in Whiskey not wanting to play with her.
"Don't worry about Whiskey, hmm? He's just unfriendly." You scolded. The only golden retriever Whiskey has grown close to was Yunho. They're almost inseparable now.
"(y/n), are you home?" Speaking of the devil. Yunho's voice was heard from the doorway.
"I'm her- What's that?" Your tall boyfriend stopped in his tracks, seeing the golden ball of fur run around the place.
"This is our new daughter. I got her for you or us." You chuckled, seeing the puppy run to Yunho and jump around his feet, sniffing him curiously. Yunho bent down, fingers stroking the pup's head.
"Wait, why?"
"You've been watching those puppy videos a lot recently. Plus there was a shelter adoption thing I went past." You explained.
"I see." Yunho chuckled. He came over to you, bending down to kiss you on the head before sitting beside you. The puppy clumsily ran over to play with Yunho. She climbed into Yunho's lap, hoisting her front paws on his thigh.
"And doesn't she remind you of someone?" You teased. Yunho rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the puppy. The puppy jumped out from Yunho's lap and came to you.
"And Whiskey's okay with this?" Yunho raised an eyebrow. You shrugged, pointing to the cat tree.
"Aww, Whiskey. Your mum brought an intruder to your house?" Yunho went over, cooing at Whiskey, who meowed in response.
"Grow up, you two." You scoffed. Yunho scratched Whiskey's chin and he ate it up, rubbing his head affectionately against Yunho's knuckle, licking his finger.
"We need to name her and pick up puppy supplies." You said to Yunho.
"What did you have in mind?" Yunho asked.
"You should name her. I named Whiskey, it's only right that as a felow golden retriever and president of the puppies, you name her." You fell backwards, laughing and holding your stomach. Yunho sent you the dirtiest look ever. The puppy excitedly came over to sniff your face and lick your cheek.
Of course you knew when's Yunho's birthday. But when you found out from Mingi that Yunho's birthday is actually international puppy day too, you ate that up. Yunho has never hated his best friend more.
"Oh, you think that's funny? Huh?!" Yunho came over to tickle your sides, making you squeal. The puppy only grew more excited.
"Yunho! Stop!" You said between laughs.
"I know... What about Willow?" Yunho stopped tickling you, sitting back on his heels as he suggested. You laid on the ground, trying to catch your breath.
"That's so cute. Whiskey and Willow." You smiled. Yunho nodded, reaching over to wrap an arm around you.
"When do you start work?" Yunho asked.
"Next Friday." You replied, leaning against him. He hummed and kissed the top of your head.
During the last dinner of the vacation...
"Excuse me. Just let me take this." You stood up to answer your ringing phone, walking away. Yunho cast you a puzzled and slightly worried glance, he could hear you greet the person on the other end in your 'professional' voice.
"Hello, is this Miss (y/n) (y/l/n)?" The person on the other line asked.
"Yes, speaking?" You replied, leaning against the counter top.
"Good evening, Miss. I am representing the talent acquisition team at Anne Sophie Pic's group of restaurants. Is this a convenient time for you to talk?" He asked. Your eyes widened.
"Wow... Anne Sophie Pic? Yeah, of course. What can I do for you?" You tried your best to hide your surprise.
Anne Sophie Pic is a decorated chef in the world. She was famous and one of the top 3 female chefs of the current culinary industry.
"With the closure of our Singapore restaurant, we are going to open a branch in South Korea to maintain our presence in Asia. So we were wondering if you would be interested in working with us."
"Me? Really?" You couldn't even contain your shock.
"Yes, really. We are aware you have a team of 3 other chefs with you. If you and your team are interested, we would like you to head our team during the weekends. From Friday to Sunday, where we are at our busiest. As weekdays will be less crowded, we will not need the extra hands then." He explained.
"I understand, that actually works out for us. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Let me discuss with me team and I will get back to you as soon as I can." You said.
"Of course, I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hopefully with good news. Have a nice evening." He wished.
"You too." You replied and hung up. Seonghwa stood his feet, coming over to you. You threw your arms around his neck, making you him stumble back.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I-I... That call... We've been asked to work at Anne Sophie Pic's upcoming restaurant... They're opening a La Dame in Seoul and need chefs for the weekend." You looked at him.
"Wait, all of us?! Working at La Dame?!" Wooyoung and Jongho stood up, making their way over to you and Seonghwa. You nodded your head in confirmation, throwing your arms around them to hug them too. The others at the table was confused.
"What's going on?" Yunho asked.
"Anne Sophie Pic is this really great, famous chef. Fancy French restaurant and they just asked us to be in their weekend crew." You informed with a big smile.
"That's amazing! Congratulations." The boys all stood up and exchanged hugs. Yunho hugged you last, kissing your head.
"I knew others would see how amazing you are." He whispered, smiling down at you.
"Thank you. I can barely believe it myself. But it's also good news for your restaurant, Yun." You said, holding his arms. Yunho tilted his head in confusion.
"Being part of the weekend crew, we'll only be at La Dame from Friday to Sunday. That frees up Monday to Wednesday for us to work as usual at the restaurant." Jongho explained. You, Seonghwa and Wooyoung nodded. Yunho's eyes widened, he didn't even seem to realise it until Jongho mentioned it.
"So that means you all can still work at the restaurant?" He asked. You nodded again and everyone cheered, Yunho lifting you up.
"We'll find people to work the weekend when we're not around." Seonghwa said.
"That's great. See? I told you it'll work out, love." Yunho tucked your hair behind your ear, leaning in to give you a kiss.
"Let's get some drinks to celebrate!" Hongjoong declared, making you groan. Looks like it would be another night of you taking care of the 8 drunk babies.
The moment all of you got home, the 4 of you found some friends to help cover the weekends when your crew was not around. Opening night at La Dame Du Pic was next week and you've been ecstatic, especially since Anne Sophie was flying in to open it..
"Ah! Willow!" Yunho's exclaimation pulled you out of your flashback. He quickly got some paper towels to wipe up where Willow had peed on your floor.
"We should get some puppy things. I don't think Whiskey will appreciate Willow invading his space." You giggled.
"You already invaded his space by bringing her home." Yunho pointed out.
"But who can say no to this face?" You cooed, lifting Willow up. Yunho threw his head back in laughter. It was funny that he was 'siding' with Whiskey while you 'sided' with Willow.
"Ah okay." You let Willow go as she squirmed in your arms. She ran to Yunho, who ran and let the puppy chase after her.
"That's more like it." You leaned back on the couch. Whiskey came over and curled up in your lap, resting his head on his front paws.
"They can wear each other out." You chuckled as you stroked Whiskey's fur, making him purr in contentment. Yunho's laughs and Willow's puppy barks were heard throughout the apartment as the two golden retrievers ran around. The two black cats just sat on the couch, watching them.
"Oh, love. You went for your appointment, how was it?" Yunho came and sat by your side, remembering why he came over in the first place. You nodded with a hum.
"Come here." He hugged you, moving your body so it laid over his own. He stroked your head as he held you.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"I don't even know what to talk about. I barely know what to feel after everything that happened with my dad..." You sighed, burying your face in his chest.
"It's okay. It's a big thing, it'll take time to mentally come to terms with it." He patted your head.
"You're just like Whiskey when you lay on me like this. It's cute." He chuckled. You pinched his side, making him howl in pain.
"Oh, we should go get stuff for Willow before going to Hwa's place." You got up. Tonight, Seonghwa invited everyone over to his parents' house for dinner in the backyard. More like, his parents invited everyone over to celebrate the new job at La Dame Du Pic.
"Are we bringing her?" Yunho asked.
"Yeah, we should? Dinner will be in the backyard so it'll be fine to let her run around. Plus, I don't trust her to not annoyed Whiskey while we're not around." You said, going to the room to change.
"Right." Yunho got up too. Yunho kept his house since the others boys went over to game from time to time. But he mostly stayed at yours.
"I got the wine to give to Hwa's parents and- What are you doing?" You asked, seeing Yunho cradle Whiskey.
"I'm saying goodbye to Whiskey. He may feel left out, you know?" He reminded, swinging Whiskey from side to side like a baby. You raised an eyebrow.
"If that's what you think, Yun. I bet Whiskey loves having the house to himself." You chuckled and went to find Whiskey's old crate.
"Willow." You called after putting a small blanket inside. Willow tilted her head and stared at you. You held her and put her in the crate, closing the gate. She settled in surprisingly quietly, probably feeling tired from all the running around. You filled Whiskey's food bowl and water before going to him.
"I'll see you later, baby." You kissed his head, scratching his ear, and he licked your finger.
"Come on, love." Yunho held his hand out to you, his other hand holding the crate with Willow. You slipped your hand into his and headed out the door with him.
"She's so cute when she's sleeping." Yunho cooed, lifting the crate to take a good look at the sleeping puppy.
"You hold her, I'll drive." You said.
"Yay, passenger princess." Yunho cheered. Just as he was going to put the crate in the back, Willow woke up momentarily, whimpering and pawing at the gate.
"Alright, alright. You can sit with me." Yunho said and let Willow sit in his lap, in the blanket.
"Look at you warming up to her." You laughed. You stopped outside the pet store and grabbed a cart, walking ahead while Yunho was supposed to be trailing behind you. But you guessed he wasn't because he suddenly ran up to you with Willow in his arms.
"(y/n) don't leave me alone again. These women keep staring at me... It's scary." He whimpered, practically gluing himself to your side.
"You're a good looking with your tall, prince-like self and carrying a puppy. People probably fantasize about 'ideal' boyfriends and see you." You pointed, poking his chest.
"Okay, firstly, I like that you call me good looking and all the other stuff. And secondly, how is that my fault?" He whined.
"Consequences of being handsome. Welcome to the real world, buddy." You patted his arm.
"This should fit." You grabbed the puppy harness.
"Can you not ignore how I am feeling victimised and objectified right now?" Yunho pouted. It was hard to take him seriously with Willow in his arms and him being all childishly whiny.
"What do you want me to do, Yun? There's no way I can make you un-handsome." You shrugged.
"Give me a kiss. Stake your claim." He demanded. You raised an eyebrow at his demand, leaning your head back as you shot him a weirded out look. But Yunho wasn't going to take no for an answer so he used his free hand, grabbed your chin to bring you close and pressed his lips against yours.
"Ah, enough. I think they get the message." You chuckled when you pulled away, reaching up to wipe the lip gloss that smeared on the corner of his lip.
"Kisses for you too, Willow." You smiled and kissed her head. She licked your cheek, the ticklish feeling making you laugh.
"You give kisses to Willow and Whiskey so generously. I call favouritism." Yunho said.
"You shouldn't be jealous of our kids." You chided and picked up a bag of dog food. Even if you said that casually, Yunho's cheeks grew red when you said 'our kids'. The prospect of it made him flustered.
"Here. Let me." Yunho passed Willow to you and picked up the heavy tray of food.
After getting some other essentials and a dog bed, you and Yunho headed for the checkout. Seeing the girl smile sweetly at him, Yunho grasped your hand.
"Do you want me to hold Willow, love?" Yunho smiled at you, emphasizing the pet name.
"I'm good, Yun. Thanks." You kissed his cheek. Fine, if it makes him feel better, you'll play along. Yunho had a smug smile as he paid for the items. For you, it was amusing seeing the cashier's face fall at Yunho's very obvious display of love and affection for you.
"Let's go." His eyes were only on you. You nodded and walked out with him. He put all the items in the back and sat in the passenger seat again. You placed Willow on his lap.
"Sure you don't want me to drive? I don't mind while you hold Willow." He asked.
"I'm good. Plus, the Park's doorman recognises me." You said. Yunho's eyes widened as the mention of a doorman.
"How rich is Seonghwa hyung's family that he has a doorman?"
"Uh, rich? I don't know." You shrugged. It was odd to drive to that area, considering your father's house was only two doors down from where Seonghwa's was.
"Woah... That house is huge! Is that Seonghwa hyung's house?" Yunho asked in disbelief, nearly pressed up against the window.
"No... That's actually my house. Or the house I grew up in." You cleared your throat.
"Oh, wow." Yunho didn't know whether to react in awe or disgust. He was truly amazed at the size of the house, an indication of how you grew up. But then he remembers how you told him you were always forced to go for dinner parties and events so he already sort of knew that your family was wealthy.
"You don't have to react negatively, Yun. It's just a house. I won't be mad." You chuckled, already knowing him well enough to know his internal conflict. Yunho was always so thoughtful.
"Shall we go to Seonghwa's place now?" He turned to you. You nodded and began to drive.
"Mr Kim! It's me!" You rolled down the window and waved to the camera. The gate opened, the doorman recognising you.
"Wow. This house is huge too." Yunho said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. You nodded and got out of car, running up to a couple who was at the front doorstep. Yunho watched you hug them both.
"And they didn't even come out to greet me." Seonghwa came out with his arms crossed.
"Be jealous." You stuck your tongue out, happily hugging Seonghwa's parents. They were practically your parents too.
"This is my boyfriend, Yunho. Yun, this is Mr and Mrs Park." You stepped aside to introduce, taking Willow into your arms so he could shake hands with them. While they exchanged greetings, Seonghwa came to you.
"Who is this? Since when did you get a dog?" He asked, letting Willow sniff his hand.
"New daughter. Just got her today. Say hi to Uncle Hwa, Willow." You said, as if she was really a child that could talk. You lifted her arm to flap her paw at Seonghwa.
"Whiskey must not be impressed with you right now." Seonghwa raised his eyebrows, shaking his head.
"Whiskey is never impressed with anyone except Yunho. But I couldn't resist, she reminded me of Yunho." You rolled your eyes.
"Well, the universe works in mysterious ways." Seonghwa said. You tilted your head, confused by his sudden statement but he just laughed and walked into the house.
"Come in!" Mrs Park ushered all of you in. Mr Park walked with you. Yunho watched as you greeted all the staff with familiarity.
"Mr Kim! I missed you." You hugged the older gentleman in a suit.
"She's the only one that would greet the staff and thank them. Most people don't even bother to acknowledge the staff." Mrs Park smiled, turning to Yunho. Yunho nodded his head with an affectionate smile as he watched you. He was about to go up to you but Mr Park stood in the way and cleared his throat, staring Yunho up and down.
"Appa, stop being so protective of her. He's her boyfriend." Seonghwa scolded, holding Willow in his arms. Mr Park ignored his son, leading you out to the back, alone. And away from Yunho.
"Ignore him. She's the closest thing to a daughter that he has so he's overprotective." Seonghwa said.
"Understandable. They should catch up with one another." Yunho chuckled. The two went out to where the others were chilling.
"Who is this?!" Wooyoung squealed, seeing Willow.
"Her name is Willow. (y/n) saw her at some shelter adoption this morning and brought her home." Yunho explained. Yeosang grinned and stroked Willow's head.
"I'll let her down to run if that's okay? We have a fence around the backyard anyway." Seonghwa asked. Yunho nodded in approval.
"We'll bring the food out soon. Grab a plate and help yourselves." Mrs Park said to everyone. Yunho saw you sitting with Mr Park, a little separated from the group, the two of you talking about something. He gave the two of you privacy.
"Hey." You came back over. Yunho wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. You watched the boys all play with Willow, cooing at how cute she was.
"Come here." Jongho squeaked one of the puppy toys that Yunho took out from the car.
"Everything okay?" Yunho asked, kissing the top of your head.
"Mhmm." You hummed, not offering any details about what you talked about. Yunho wouldn't push. He just rubbed your back.
"Food's here!" Hongjoong called the two of you. You went to the table to see the spread that Seonghwa's parents got the chef to prepare. There was so much food.
"Isn't it funny that the black cat and golden retriever couple adopted a black cat and a golden retriever? Plus, (y/n) gets along with Willow more while Yunho gets along with Whiskey." San chuckled.
"That's why I said, the universe works in mysterious ways." Seonghwa nodded in agreement.
"We can hear you, you know?" You raised an eyebrow while Yunho sighed and shook his head. You and Yunho have just learnt to accept the others calling your relationship with Yunho the 'black cat and golden retriever' dynamic.
"It's cute. It's like fate giving you the animal versions of yourselves to take care of. The two of them will get along just fine." Yeosang pointed out, making everyone laugh.
"I only believe that because of the way Willow and Yunho were happily chasing each other around earlier." You laughed.
"Yeah, like how you and Whiskey lounged on the couch and just watched." Yunho rolled his eyes.
"Grab a champagne flute everyone. We would like to make a toast before we eat." Mr and Mrs Park gestured. You stood with Yunho, arms around each other.
"Ah, omma... appa..." Seonghwa facepalmed in embarrassment but Mrs Park shushed him.
"Seonghwa hyung's parents make good toasts. Take note, Yunho hyung." Jongho teased. Mingi, who overheard, snickered at his best friend while Yunho threatened to kick Jongho.
"Thank you all for coming today, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. I know you're all under the impression we wanted to do this to celebrate (y/n), Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho receiving the job offer to work at La Dame Du Pic. Yes, congrats to them, we're proud of all 4 of you." Mr Park smiled.
"Aww, thank you." The 4 of you smiled.
"But it's also to congratulate and celebrate the rest of you too." Mrs Park added, making the others look at each other in confusion.
"Hongjoong, for receiving new projects for your custom fashion pieces. San and Yeosang, for being offered trainer roles at the gym." Mr Park spoke.
"Mingi, for being a great friend and supporting Yunho even before the restaurant opened. As well as all your efforts towards the restaurant to keep it going." Mrs Park smiled.
"And last but not least, Yunho. You're the reason this family was brought together in the first place." She turned to the tall male.
"Yes, we are a family. And always will be." San agreed.
"You've all done great work, together and on your own. We wish all of you nothing but continued success." They said.
"Cheers to all of us!" All of you raised your glasses. You looked up at Yunho, who looked down to meet your eyes. Yunho wiped the stray tear that slipped down your cheek.
"I love you." You smiled tearfully at Yunho. You wouldn't ask for anything more. Each of the 8 boys with you, especially with Seonghwa being on one side and Yunho being on the other, Whiskey and the newest edition to your family, Willow.
"I love you too. Forever." Yunho smiled softly, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
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