#this is what i have to deal with
I was having a therapy session talk with my friend and I was vomiting everything that had been bothering me recently and I kinda went on and on about this show that threw my life in the whirlwind and she finally asked me 'so what show is it?!' and I said 'Young Royals.' She looked excited for a second 'oh it's about love between two guys, right? I watched that recently! It's really good!'
Imagine the rollercoaster of my emotions when she proceeded to describe the plot of RWRB movie 😭
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apassingbird · 5 months
bre @magentamee who has known me for almost two years and has heard me speak swedish and has my swedish adress and knows i live in sweden: so.... are u swedish or what lol
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mr-leach · 7 months
Mal: [learns about 'cursed' dice with two 1 faces and 'blessed' dice with two 20 faces]
Mal: Ooh! I want a 'blessed' dice set! That would be good to have as a DM.
Me: Why. No. You don't need that.
Mal: Why not?
Me: You do not need to roll better against our party as the DM are you kidding me.
Mal: [laughing] What do you meeeean?
Me: What do you mean what do I mean!?
Mal: [laughs]
Me: It's not called Blessings of Strahd.
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multikore · 1 year
My friends on discord already saw this bUT I JUST WANNA SAY HERE- BC TUMBLR SO-
Story rant thing beneath cut ig???
My mom’s sick or something now so she asked me to get some food, and she also asked to make carrot sticks for her-
So I’m in ze kitchen getting her rice and fish cause she wanted that too,
then my dad comes in asking like “Oh you’re eating again?” And I said “Not it’s not for me I’m making food for Nanay” (Nanay is just mom in another language)
So he like helps me, he gets the fish for me and puts it in a small plate and I put the rice and fish to the side while I get a cutting board and I’M JUST CUTTING CARROTS AND HE SOMEHOW TRAILS OFF TO LIKE- HOW BEING YOUNG AND HAVING MONEY IS THE ONLY IMPORTANT THING??? AND I’M THERE LIKE- JUST EXISTING?? TRYING TO CUT CARROTS?? (I’d like to say that it isn’t and you’re perfect the way you are anyone who’s reading <3 )
Anyways she ended up getting her carrot sticks thankfully :D (She put salt and vinegar on them as well, and tbh it seemed kinda good but I didn’t get to try them -w-)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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artkaninchenbau · 6 months
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A h-heartfelt reunion..?
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batcavescolony · 3 months
*Talia visiting Damian*
Talia: Damian, how are you? *glares at Dick*
Damian: I am doing well mother
Dick: *from behind him* *mouthing: why the fuck are you here?*
Talia: oh that's great! I see you have a new pet? *Mouthing back: to see MY son*
Damian: this is Haley, Grayson's dog, she's staying with me while he goes on a mission.
Dick: *flipping Talia off where Damian can't see* yep, he's so good with animals
Talia: I'm aware *throws a knife at him*
Dick: *throws it back*
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Springtrap making friends in Dead by Daylight,,
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
The sound of John Constantine’s incredulous voice entered the meeting room before his body did. “Fight an Infinite Realms ghost? Are you insane?! Do you want to get us killed?”
Zatanna spun and almost snarled at him. “What would you have us do then, Constantine? Maybe you’re okay with sacrificing people sometimes, but we’re the heroes. We can’t just let it keep wreaking havoc. There’s no reported deaths yet, but we don’t know how long that’ll last.”
He leaned against the wall nonchalantly and lit a cigarette. “Well, what’s it yelling about?”
He took a long drag before continuing. “Realms ghosts– they’re basically immune to our magic, but they’re easy marks if you know how to deal with ‘em. They all have some sort of Obsession. Just work with that and they’re remarkably simple to manipulate.” His voice turned to a grumble, “Doesn’t mean they can’t be a huge pain in the fucking ass sometimes though.”
Tapping some ash off his cigarette, he looked straight back into the room again. “So… what’re they yelling about?”
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arcane-gold · 6 months
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i can’t be in love with a man with blonde hair i can’t i can’t i can’t i can’t
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
I made a post a a few months ago about a coworker and the position, well I calmed down and now there's a new problem...
So, they're hiring his replacement and finally found someone and he's starting soon but the District Manager is already swooping him up by wanting him to work at the branch the last one was transferred to...so wait a moment. He applied for a branch that has its own application and you want him to go to a branch that also has its own application that he didn't apply for, both needing people but one is apparently more important?
Well, it's not full time, it's just part time here and part time there. That's hard on a new hire especially, but he said "We'd just tell him it's mandatory." which very well could drive him away and also sets a bad precedent. But then my manager brought up "Hey, woah, that wouldn't be fair to offer him that opportunity over someone who's been here a year already." meaning me.
So that's all fine and good, I thought about it and I was about to say no but I figured I'd explore it thoroughly and my manager said that it'd be like once a month on Saturdays. Which really isn't bad which changed my mind a little but then he said this- That the district manager is thinking about making this mandatory for all employees to chip in for the employee shortage and that it might make my own branch open on Saturdays as well as it doesn't currently.
This is sending me into a spiral because first off, if I accept, they're going to make this new guy do it and not give him a choice, I can't be the one that makes the decision for both of us especially when he's not even here yet. Nextly, I'm not going to be the one to bring Saturdays to my branch. Thirdly Turdly, there's barely anyone on Saturdays, they wait until the final half hour and then that's the day so I'd just be bored out of my mind.
I've thought about giving them ultimatums. "I'll do it but you have to pay me X amount" "I'll do it but once it becomes mandatory then I'm not doing it anymore." "I'll do it but if Saturdays become a thing then you're going to have a higher shortage problem because I'm outie." but the probability is low on me actually pulling those off, and I can't even say that the District manager has ever even had a proper conversation with me in a whole year, let alone this new guy, he just doesn't pay attention to anything (which I've explained before) so I can't be as open to him or even direct to him as I am my own manager.
The biggest factors tell me no, I mean, after I get home and take a shower and eat, I have about 3 and a half hours before I go to bed, that's not a lot of time and I spend a lot of it playing catch up so weekends are really the only time I have to get things done and also rest and to take away one of those means everything, it would have to be a choice, not a demand, I work my 40, I play my piece and I play it well but you asking me to do more is all that's ever going to be. Asking. To make such a thing mandatory, to steal a weekend away will be the death of this whole operation, I will make sure of it.
But on the other hand, then I start thinking that this is the exact sort of thing that I was complaining about a few months ago and now they're giving me the opportunity and I don't want to be shut out of future opps. But then there's the fact that this DM considered this new guy that we've never even met yet over me in the first place making it disingenuous and really irks me the wrong way....
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Amity Parkers are super good at dealing with superhero and villain battles, getting out of the rubble, helping others get out, etc.
This doesn’t shock anyone. There’s so many cities that consistently deal with superhuman battles that millions of people around the world are used to it and know what to do during a battle. Hell, there’s even government standard safety drills in schools about villain attacks now.
They didn’t stand out for a long long while among crowds of other city goers trying to flee a battle scene.
That was until a green glowing android appeared out of nowhere defeating heroes and villains alike because their abilities were rare enough to be hunted by this mysterious newcomer. So far no known weapon is able to hit the being while intangible.
That is until one unassuming citizen pulls out a strange wrist ray contraption that seems to actually stun the creature for a few seconds.
NOW all eyes are on these citizens that once lived in Amity Park
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sandflakedraws · 17 days
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re : how each brother reacts learning that they can't go back
you'll have to pry the "all the Brozone Bros knew what happened at the tree" headcanon outta my cold, dead dead dead hands.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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I’m sure Dumat being defeated the same year andraste was born means nothing
I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that andrastes mother was part of a tribe who helped the grey wardens fight and defeat dumat the same year she was born, meaning that she could have been a fetus affected by the taint in the proximity of a dying arch demon
And the fact that nobody knows which grey warden killed dumat, as seven wardens died from injuries from his death throes, and therefore we cannot actually identify a warden who absorbed his soul, means nothing
And I’m sure it is a complete coincidence that andraste had dreams and visions of the being later referred to as the maker her whole life, and behaved strangely, talking about hearing lost voices and seeing strange auras. That absolutely doesn’t sound like anyone else we know
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bugcatcherkit · 2 months
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Man that sure is a Situation where two 14 year olds push the limits of each other’s trauma responses until they both reach extreme breaking points. and then they deal with the aftermath basically all by themselves. Isn't that super awesome and totally not kinda fucked up at all.
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