#this isnt meant to be any sort of attack
fandomsnrambles · 4 months
Got like… a question for people who hate or dislike misako, nya, harumi, maya and other female characters…
Who are they to you outside of being someones love interest/ sister/ mother?
Like genuinely can you describe who Misako is without tying her to Garmadon or as a mother? She’s flawed but hating Misako to lift up Garmadon has never made sense. Can you add nuance to your takes when realising she left in order to find a way to make sure her family didnt break further? She left to make sure her husband and son didnt kill eachother?
can you give me a reason for why you hate Nya other than her valid criticisms for Jay? In fact, could you listen to her criticisms before saying ‘i hate how she makes Jay feel’ as if shes not lashing out BECAUSE of how Jay is making HER feel? Or do her feelings not matter as much as his?
Could you add nuance to Harumi that isnt calling her degradatory words like ‘sly bitch,’ ?
Why can’t you give the same grace and nuance to the female characters as you do the men? Are they just not worth the same effort and time to understand?
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jasmines-library · 9 months
Hello sugar <3! (im very sorry if theres any spelling errors, english isnt my first language <3)
I would love to request some angst/comfort with the batfam? Maybe with the reader (tw: sa, rape) struggling with some sexual assault/rape issues, something they haven't told the family yet? The reader acting different for weeks, months even, and the whole family being suspicious and noticing their sudden fear of being cornered, touches and certain smells maybe?
its totally fair if you don't feel like it, I just really really love your way of writing the characters, and your writing over all. I swear, i swallowed your whole page in the matter of a few hours, I loved every second!
Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?
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Note: My gosh im so sorry this literally took me over a month to get to, but it's here. I'm so glad you like my page and thank you for requesting! (Title name from song)
Warnings: SA, r*pe (non explicit but this fic deals with the aftermath. Please read with caution.), Panic attack of sorts.
Word count: 2.1K
Please remember, if you are ever struggling you are not alone. It may be difficult at first but there are many places for you to reach out to, many of which are anonymous and do not need the involement of of name, if you are just needing for someone to talk to. There will always be someone out there to help you. As an alternative, my DM’s are always open for a chat! Remember: You are loved and you are so much stronger than you realise.
You hadn’t meant to drift away. It sort of just…happened. And it wasn’t even something you were conscious of really. The thoughts were just constantly there and you couldn’t shake the feeling of his hands roaming all over his body; the ghostly touch of his fingers lingering flush against your skin, burning an invisible bruise into your flesh. You tried to shy away from it but it was always there, buried into the front of your mind festering away like an old, unforgotten wound oozing with pus and blood that would only create more problems the longer it was left. 
The night it happened was cold and bitter. A shallow fog had cast itself over the city as you staggered back to the manor with makeup running carelessly down your face. You shut yourself away, turning the lock on your door and burying yourself under the covers to try and  shy away from the situation. But it never left. It just kept growing, weeding its way back through the open cracks like a stubborn plant that refused to leave no matter how many times you doused it with poison. You didn’t sleep that night. And you didn’t leave your room the day after. In fact the only time anyone saw you that day was when you slunk downstairs in the middle of the night to try and revive the growling of your stomach without having to see anyone when you bumped into Tim who was finally dragging himself up to bed. The interaction was odd. At first he thought that you had just been busy all day and that was why no one had seen you: It wasn't uncommon for one of you to disappear into your room for a few days to catch up on school work or to finally get more than 4 hours of sleep. But something about you was off. You were quiet and lacking that charisma that usually shone from you. You were jumpy too, recoiling as soon as Tim rounded the corner unexpectedly. 
When you finally managed to bring yourself out of your room, you were still withdrawn. Instead of donning your normal seat next to Jason at the table, you sat at the end alone pushing your food aimlessly around the plate until someone had finished eating and you took that as a cue to leave. You didn’t mean to leave them in the dark. Really, you didn’t but the thoughts crept into your mind every time they got near. Every hand outstretched sent a shiver crawling down the nape of your neck as if someone was running an ice cold digit along your spine. The thoughts were worse. Intruding. Obnoxious. You felt so…dirty. And your mind seemed to like to make sure you remembered that. You couldn’t help but feel like somehow the whole situation was your fault, which of course it wasn’t, but you were stuck with being guilt ridden; trapped within your walls. 
Your skittishness didn’t go unnoticed. The boys tried many times to talk to you or to get you alone, but each time one of them hastily trailed after you as you slunk out of a room you would pick up your pace until they got the hint and stopped dejectedly in the halls. You had just skittered off into another part of the manor when Damian decided he had finally had enough. 
He pushed his way back into the library rather frustratedly, stomping his feet so hard against the floor that they continued to pound through the room even as he moved from the polished wood to the carpet amongst the centre of the room. His brothers were still lounging around the room, their legs slung carelessly over the arms of the chairs or folded beneath them as they engrossed themselves in their phones or an ever growing pile of books. They barely even acknowledged that Damian had even returned from his pursuit of use, besides lifting their gaze as he huffed his way back into the room. 
“Something is wrong with Y/N.” Damian declared, planting his feet into the carpet in the centre of the room and placing his hands on his hips. 
Dick felt as though he could laugh. Damian’s statement was so obvious that you may as well have had a huge, yellow sign above your head that screamed ‘i’m not okay.’ It didn't matter how much effort you put into trying to hide the bags that dropped across your skin, or the way that you couldn’t stand to be in the same room with any of them for too long without your skin crawling, they were prominent amongst your saddened features. “Yeah, No shit.”he said, looking up from his phone that he had been mindlessly scrolling on to distract himself from the feeling that gnawed at his gut.
The room fell into a pregnant silence before Damians angry scoff broke the silence. 
“That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say?” He spat. “You’re not worried?”
Jason pushed himself up onto his forearms and spoke out defensively. “Of course we’re worried… It’s just…”
“She won’t let us help her, Dami.” Tim said. “We’ve tried, but each time she’s run.”
“Well then try harder!” He said. It was unusual for the youngest Wayne to react this way when it came to his siblings. But, then again it was unusual for you to shy away like this and although Damian would never admit it, he had a soft spot for you and seeing you hurting like this killed him a little inside. 
“Damian.” Dick reprimanded sternly. 
He sighed and swallowed thickly. “I’m sorry. I just can’t see them suffering like this anymore.”
There was a general agreement between the four of them. Tim chewed away at his bottom lip as he thought for a moment. “What do you propose we do?”
The whole room seemed to think together as one for a moment. 
“We corner them.” Damian said. It might have seemed cruel, but it was the only thing he could think of that would stop you from slipping away again. “If they keep running there’s no way we’re going to be able to help, so we just have to compromise.”
You knew that Jason was behind you. You could hear his careful footsteps, evenly spaced by his long strides as he tried to catch your attention. He was loitering outside of your room, trying to catch you as you left. It surprised you to see him as you peeled open the door. You had flashed him as much of a grin as you could muster up as he greeted you, trying to draw you into a one sided conversation that you were itching to get away from the moment it started. You tried to remind yourself that it was just Jason. That he wasn’t going to hurt you. But your mind still thought it was funny to play cruel tricks on you and soon you were making up a poor excuse and fleeing down the halls. 
You didn’t make it far though before you collided with a tall figure marching down the other end of the corridor, who braced his hands on your shoulders. Yelping at the unexpected contact you spun on your heel to turn back the way you came only for your breath to get stuck in your throat when you were met with the red of Jason’s shirt. When you backed up, you collided with the eldest vigilante again. Spinning around frantically, you searched for a way out. There was none. 
You were trapped. 
The thought consumed you quickly, dragging you down like a ton of bricks tied to your ankles until you were drowning in the thought of being imprisoned again. It was all you could think of. It screamed throughout your mind, pumped in your blood. It was nauseating. You could see the other two approaching and panic set into your already scrambled mind. You weaved, trying desperately to spot an exit but the two vigilantes were much bigger than you and their hefty frames took up most of the corridor. 
“No. No no no.” You rambled as your heart rate skyrocketed and your breathing came in sporadic, panicked gasps. 
Tim furrowed his brow. He didn’t think you would react like this. He reached out to grasp your forearms to ease your shaking body, but you nearly screamed, yanking your arms away from him and backing up against the wall. 
“Don’t touch me!” You stuttered, barely audible between your spiralling state. Fat, hot tears tracked along your face as you sunk to the ground to bury your face within your knees which you clutched to your chest. 
The four boys exchanged an anxious glance. 
“Please…” You gasped. “Stay away from me. I-I can’t anymore… no more. Please.”
“Y/N? What's wrong?” Dick queried. “Talk to us, please. We want to help.”
“No…” You whimpered. 
Damian squatted down beside you resting on the balls of his feet before reaching out slowly towards you, ignoring the warning glance that Jason sent his way, and placing it gently on your shoulder. 
Flinching, you squeezed your eyes shut. He could feel the way you trembled like a leaf under his touch but he didn’t let go.
“It’s just me Y/N. It’s Dami.”
You registered his words, but you still felt like you were back in that room. You allowed your body to relax just the smallest amount.
“It’s just us, kid. You’re okay.” Dick cooed. 
You sniffled. The four of them were crouched around you now.
“You can trust us.”
Your body tensed as you were hit with reminders of that night. The way he had led you away to commit his act of betrayal that would cut deeper than a thousand knives. 
“That’s what he said.” You hiccuped. 
“Who?” Tim asked tenderly. “Talk to us Y/N.”
You shook your head, biting down on your lip. You didn’t want to bring up the memory stuck in your mind. 
“Kid… we can’t help you if we don’t know what’s happening.”
“He- he… took me away from the crowds… He said to trust him- and I thought I could. B-but then he-” Your voice split into an unholy sob. 
“Oh..Y/N/N…” Dick said, suddenly understanding. 
“I can’t stop thinking about it. I can still feel him. Hear him. Just make it stop please!.” You begged, sobbing into your hands.”
“It’s okay. You’re safe.” He told you, reaching out gently to place a hand on your forearm, you tensed slightly but didn’t pull away. “We’re not going to let anyone hurt you. Ever.”
“We promise.”
You peeled your head away from your arms to reveal your bloodshot, teary eyes. From close up they could see how clearly the ordeal had taken a toll on you. Not just on your body but your mind too.
It took some convincing and a lot of gentle touches of reassurance to get you off of the floor, but the four of them managed to ease you back into your room. They refused to leave you alone after that. Insisting that at least one of them stay by your side at all times until you decided on your own terms that you were ready to take the next step in your recovery and stay the night alone. It was a slow process, but each small milestone made them extremely proud of you. They were there when you awoke suddenly in the middle of the night, crying and shaking, and they were there when you managed to move forwards too.  They were there to remind you that recovery isn’t linear, and that it was okay to move backwards. It’s all part of the process. The four of them showed you a different kind of gentleness that you had never seen before, and they tried their hardest to bring a smile to your face everyday. And it was their kindness that began to wash away those feelings. It was them who made you realise that you were loved, strong and would find your way back from the darkness and into the light.
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heartpascal · 2 years
FATHER FIGURE JOEL, I’M LOVING IT. Can you make some comfort from father figure joel, pleaseeee???
so far from it
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▹— joel miller x platonic!reader
▹— summary: you get into some trouble, luckily, you know who to call for help.
▹— a/n: aghhh i don’t like it!! but gotta give yall something while you wait for the part two’s! ALSO IM SORRY THIS ISNT AS MUCH COMFORT AS I MEANT FOR IT TO BE
▹— warnings: father figure joel, violence, blood, swearing, reader gets attacked, needles, stitches, a smidge of comfort at the end
∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘
Ever since you had joined Tess and Joel’s operation, things had been going pretty smoothly. Though they had argued on multiple occasions over your age, having various disagreements over your capability in this job, you had proven yourself time and time again.
It didn’t faze you. Nothing did, really. You could shoot an Infected point blank in the head without batting an eye, could dig through dirt and muck to find supplies you needed, could travel for hours upon end and Joel and Tess wouldn’t hear a peep coming from you.
That was life in the apocalypse, you supposed, the complete lack of any remorse for what could’ve been had you just been born a few decades earlier. This was your life.
Sometimes, it was a life you didn’t particularly want, but you continued, especially after working with the adult duo for so long, it had become increasingly clear that they needed you. You could get into places they couldn’t, your small size allowing those tight squeezes, and the strength in your arms helped towards moving things away from blocked entrances.
In return for your services, Tess had formed an agreement with Joel, that you could stay at their apartment with them, sprawled over their couch, and they’d provide you the ration cards you needed to survive. A roof over your head and food was more than generous, and you had known even back then that you’d be an idiot not to take it.
Especially when considering the power that Tess wielded in the QZ, with a network of informants spreading all throughout it, and with Joel, you knew nobody would dare look to steal from you. Everybody who was anybody in the QZ knew what the two of them were capable of, and considering your affiliation with them, you were sure nobody would even attempt to come for you.
You had prided yourself on being smart for a very long time, smart enough to survive in this world, smart enough to escape FEDRA school despite having no parents, smart enough to team up with adults who held some sort of power. You had never considered that that pride would be a bad thing.
But today, whilst out with Joel and Tess, you had decided to head a little further away from them than you would usually go, determined to use your ration cards for something you wanted. It was stupid, really. You wanted a dumb book, and thought your smarts were enough to trade the dealer for it, thought you were smart enough to avoid any tricks or cheats.
You knew there was something very wrong when two men stood behind you, one leering over your shoulder as you looked down at the object of your desires, and you repressed the urge to turn your head towards him.
Instead, you kept your eyes to the table, and shoved your hands in your pockets, one going to grip on to your ration cards, the other holding the handle of the knife Tess had given you.
It was when the seller nodded at the two of them that you knew you were fucked.
Trying to pull the knife out backfired, and the blade ripped your coat as the man on your right grabbed your arm, twisting until you felt your grip involuntarily weaken, and then the seller snatched it from your hand. The man on your left grasped your other arm, squeezing so tight you felt the bruises forming beneath his hand already.
It didn’t take a genius to realise you were in some deep shit, especially after being disarmed so quickly, and so you did the first thing that came to your mind.
“Joel! Joel, help—” Your yells were cut off by the left man slapping his hand over your mouth, and you bit his fingers, spitting as he hissed and pulled his hand away. You struggled, opening your mouth once more, but you were stopped before you could even begin again, as the right man grabbed your head, slamming it into the rickety table below.
Your vision swam, and you could only just register being pulled away from the street, down an alley nearby. Your ears were ringing, like they did when you fired your gun, and you weakly tried to reach up and hold your head, stopped by the hands grasping onto your arms even now.
The duo dropped you to the floor, and you just about managed to put your arms out to stop a second blow to the head, that would most likely have ended in a concussion.
Hands digging into your pockets were the next thing you became aware of, and your attempts of pushing them away went pretty much unnoticed.
“Fuck you, man.” You spat out, your voice garbled as you realised your mouth was filled with blood, and you could feel it oozing out of your lip and cheek. The metallic taste was disgusting, and it made you feel sick.
The two men pulled you to sit up against the brick wall, and you spat at the one you recognised to be righty, a glob of bloody spit landing on his knee as he crouched beside you.
“This fucking bitch,” He began, but was cut off by lefty, who shook the man’s shoulder with a sense of urgency as he looked towards the end of the alley.
You drew your gaze in that direction with some effort, and felt a grin light up your face. “Oh, you’re so fucked.” You laughed, blood still dripping from your mouth, and even the dizziness that overcame you couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face as the two men realised they’d dragged you into a dead end, and their only way out was blocked.
The fighting was a blur, if you were honest, the adrenaline leaving you as your body recognised that you were safe, Joel was here. It was only when his face was looming in front of you that your awareness came back, blood still pooling under your tongue.
“Shit, c’mon, kid. Let’s get you home.” Joel murmured, hands placed on your cheeks as he looked at your head injury, a wince on his own expression. Your head lolled, about to fall towards your chest if Joel hadn’t been holding it up, the weight feeling impossible all of a sudden.
You tried to help them stand you up, Tess having arrived at some point during the commotion, but you were likely more of a hindrance than a help. With an arm over either of their shoulders, you stumbled your way out of the alley, the FEDRA guard across the way turning his head to look away from the three of you.
You couldn’t remember much of the journey back to the apartment, which was probably good for your pride, as you could imagine it wasn’t easy. You probably looked like an idiot, unable to keep your own head up half the time, but Joel and Tess got you back safely, which you had never doubted.
“Concussion?” Joel asked Tess, after the two of them had settled you down on the couch, your neck resting against the arm of it, holding the weight of your head up for you.
“Let’s hope not,” Tess replied, handing Joel the bottle of alcohol and the rag that was left on the counter for times just like these. “I’m going back out, gonna go find those pricks and see what the fuck they were doing.” She announced, shouldering her backpack once again and frowning at you, before she turned and made her way out.
You could almost see the anger rolling off of Joel, the one emotion he never bothered to shy away from, and even as he tried to be careful, you still cringed and pulled away from the rag he was attempting to disinfect your injuries with.
“Sorry, kid, it’s gotta be done.” He grumbled, sounding the slightest bit sorry, and pressed the rag against your forehead, wiping away the blood that was still weeping from there.
You sighed, the taste of your own blood still lingering in your throat, but the wounds in your mouth had stopped flowing now. You couldn’t recall spitting out the rest of the blood, but you figured it must’ve happened on the journey back.
“Got me pretty good, huh?” You asked, your words slurring even though you were thinking of them with no problem, and you blinked your eyes shut in annoyance.
“Could’ve been worse.” Joel muttered, his hands moving your face to check it over for any further injuries. You could feel your eye and eyebrow swelling up now, and frowned at the sensation.
You should have never gone to buy that stupid book. It wasn’t smart, and you were always smart, so you couldn’t quite understand what had happened. That was childish, you realised, the feeling dawning on you suddenly, the shame, the embarrassment.
That was one thing you had always made sure to deny yourself of, those childish feelings, the spontaneous decisions that came with naivety, those were things that you couldn’t risk in the apocalypse. You couldn’t afford to — clearly, you had gotten too comfortable here, the impending doom that came with living in a world like this had started to feel far away, with Tess and Joel at your side.
It was embarrassing, having shown such a weakness, and for a moment you were worried it was going to cost you everything, but Joel finally returned to your side, having been to put away the alcohol and rag he’d used to disinfect your injuries. He was quiet for a few moments, and then started pulling something out of his backpack, the crease between his eyebrows deep.
You looked over at him, your brows drawing together when you saw the book he’d pulled from his pack, the blade of your knife stuck between the pages like some kind of violent bookmark.
The two of them were far too observant, and you swallowed nervously, frown growing deeper as you looked away from the book you had wanted so badly. That part of you, the childish part, the one that got you into this mess in the first place, wanted to reach out and pull the book from his hands, but you pushed that desire away like you should’ve done to start with.
“What? This not what you were after?” Joel asked gruffly, something like confusion catching in his tone.
“It was stupid,” You said in response, feeling anger warm your chest the longer you thought about the whole thing. From here on out, you were never gonna give in to such childish wants. “I was stupid.”
Your admission seemed to surprise Joel, if the way his eyebrows raised told you anything. He remained in silence for a few moments more, before he put the book down on the table to the side, and turned back to you. “You weren���t stupid,” Joel denied, about to continue before you cut him off.
“I was!” You said loudly, the words the clearest of any you’d said since getting back to the apartment, and you blinked away tears, blaming the head injury for making you more emotional. “I didn’t think. I put myself in danger because— because of what? A damn book? How childish is that—”
“You are a child.” Joel said, stopping you before you could continue your rant, your words getting more intelligible as you went on. You stared at him, the tears filling your eyes once more, and he carried on at your expression, “That’s not a bad thing. You’re allowed to want things.”
“I want to stay with you.” You told him, voice shaking and watery, “I don’t wanna have to leave because I act like a kid.”
“You ain’t goin’ anywhere, kid.” He spoke firmly, and with a bit of a hesitation, he reached out, moving the hair on your head away from the cut that had started to bleed once again. “Swear it. We’re gonna sort those guys out, and nobody’s ever gonna come after you again.”
You nodded, feeling the slightest bit relieved at his words, though no less ashamed of yourself.
“Alright?” You nodded once again, “Good. I’m sorry for this, kid, but that’s gonna need stitches.”
Your face fell, and he sighed through his nose, understanding your pain. He held the suture kit in his hand, and you realised he must’ve gotten it when he put the alcohol away earlier on.
He grabbed your hand, squeezing slightly, and kept his grasp on you when he started stitching, letting you grip on to him tightly each time he pushed the needle through your skin. “I hate getting stitches.” You murmured, when he was finally done, letting him take his hand back to put the suture kit away.
“I know.” He acknowledged, and ruffled your hair as he stood up. “Sit up.”
You did as he told you, swinging your legs so you were sat only on one side of the couch, and you furrowed your brows as Joel got comfortable on the other side. You finally realised what he was doing when you watched him reach over to the rickety wooden table and grab the book he’d taken from the seller.
“C’mon, let’s see what this fuss is about.” Joel grumbled, pulling the knife out of the pages and handing it to you, making you smile lightly even despite the pounding of your head.
“Thanks, Joel.” You told him, eyes still watery.
“S’alright.” He responded, letting you settle at his side as he looked through the book that had caught your attention. “Puns, really?”
You laughed at his less than pleased reaction, setting your head against his arm as you looked at the jokes in the book, laughing to yourself over some of them.
He just shook his head, pushing down the smile that wanted to rise to his lips as he listened to you laughing.
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i love how you explore different types of relationships, not just romantic ones, and i was curious if there's any dynamics between the cast that you love to work on aside from Sera and Lili? or which one you struggle to translate onto the page since relationships can be difficult to explain sometimes?
I'd say favorite relationship i like to work on besides Sera and Lili would probably be Luvart and Powers. I just love how Luvart is a genuinely cruel and vicious person but when she's around Powers she just turns into the over the top cartoonish bully because she's basically trying to impress Powers while demean her.
It's hard to portray on Powers side but it's also the same for her, but a bit more subtle. you'll notice Powers typically jumps to "attack, ask questions later" with other demons but with Luvart she enjoys taunting her and putting her down because its so easy to get under Luvart's rocky skin.
Difficult to translate would honestly be Sera and Powers? Which funnily enough people have stated to be the most confusing because they don't really understand their dynamic. Their relationship is meant to be intentionally hard to pin down (hence why i beg people not to put it into a box like sibling or mother/daughter, nor do i want them to be read as ex lovers) but the big problem is that for a relationship as complex as theirs, its really hard to put it all into 4 panels. The only other example would be Powers and Prince (and yes i havent introduced prince yet so this might be confusing) but Prince is meant to be Powers sort of rival, sort of ally, but there's a noticeable bit of tension between them. but know once people catch on to that, it'll be immediately read as romantic and that i'll turn them into a couple, which isnt my intention.
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morgombie · 5 months
Hiiii. I'm just here to hear about your current favorite fantroll/fantrolls. I like hearing people infodump and I wanna learn more about your babies <3 Who's rotating in your brain rn?
this ask is from forever ago im so sorry ToT but i was waitin to answer till i had the brain capacity to think on it
rn the trolls in my brain are izmera, baster, and rhiati... i love those guys :'3 mostly thinking about rhiati at the moment
i dont explore my characters stories suuper in depth on the blog, as most of the interactions and lore talk is done on discord, but i do like rambling abt them any chance i get! and i have a lot of big feelings on the intricate detailing of each of their stories... more + extra art under the cut :]
rhiati's story was written originally as a tragedy; they were never meant to survive the virus taking over their mind and body, and they were doomed to become the monster they always feared they would. now, however, their fate is up in the air--my friends and i have spoken a lot about a potential cure, and so i might play with that :] but definitely not until after rhia has gone through everything i have planned for them JKHDG their story may have a happy ending, or it may not, but its meant to be tragic nonetheless
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i love them very dearly... i say as i put them through the horrors KJFHDGDG but its true!!!
currently in their story, rhia's moirial, aselin, is housing them in their hive on the outskirts of town. aselin is within a sort of guild that hunts shadow droppers, and rhia got involved one day by not listening to aselin's warnings to stay away. they got attacked and subsequently bit by one of the monsters, and have since been hiding out in aselin's hive as the two try their best to maneuver their situation
eventually, as rhia's infection gets worse, and it gets harder to hide the fact that theyre turning, the guild catches wind of whats going on and the two moirails flee for rhiati's life. from there, the story is less concrete as rhia's fate isnt yet decided, but they end up on the run for either the remainder of rhia's life (likely a few months before they fully turn), or until they find/make a cure :]
there's obviously a bunch of detail ive left out, but thats the general gist! these 2 make me emotional.....................
i could go on about the other trolls i have as well but... i shant or this ask will be 89474867 pages long LMAO TY FOR THE ASK <33
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ebisul · 3 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 1 Episodes 13-15
These episodes are what convinced me that maybe i just dont like pacifists in the Star Wars universe. Like i understand the ideology behind pacifism but yikes do they do it so poorly
Also I fw the Talz they just wanna be left alone
Episode 13: Jedi Crash
* Aayla Secura, Ahsoka, Anakin, and the 501st crash land on a planet, aayla and ahsoka go to find the natives leaving the 501st to protect an injured Anakin
* Aayla and Ahsoka discuss attachments and their attachments to their masters
* It seems the struggle with attachments is common in padawans
* The Natives believe the jedi only bring destruction and war, Aayla attempts to convince them to help them
* Again with the “I must do whats best for my people” except they arent making sacrifices for the health and safety of the people, they are turning away those in need.
* They agree to help the injured but they require a hostage in exchange for a healer
* They are refugees who fled to the eesert planet for safety
* Aayla and the leader of the village engage in a debate over whether defending freedom is worth the death and destruction. The native leader believes the fighting is wrong regardless of purpose
* The native leader believes that the only way to fight violence is through pacifism and that is the only way to prove the Jedi are peacekeepers which is an incredibly flawed ideology
* The jedi generally tend to fight droids and don’t attempt to invade worlds thusfar in the series. The jedi are meant to be defending the people of planets who are unable to defend themselves from the Separatists thats like their general role
Episode 14: Defenders of Peace
* Separatists arrive on the desert planet and the native leader blames the jedi, presumably the separatists don’t even know the jedi are there
* Separatists show up and declare the colony theres. The Lurmen Leader attempts to send them away peacefully and is soundly ignored
* The village is ransacked and the people shot at
* The Lurmen Leader offers no resistence to separatist occupation of the colony, the colonists disagree with the leader
* Pacifism doesn’t work in the face of an uncaring enemy, you must defend yourself
* The separatists are planning to test a new weapon on the Lurmen, the weapon destroy organic matter leaving machinery untouched, this includes destruction of plant life, fauna, and other life
* Thats like the third or fourth warcrime in just the first season
* The Lurmen are facing a potential extinction at the hands of the Separatists
* The Lurmen Leader is working off of flawed pacifism and stubbornness, putting his own people in danger under separatist control rather than fight for their own liberty
* “If it is our destiny to be destroyed in your war, so be it” not very i must do whats best for my people of you mr. Leader guy
* His pride is stronger than his love for his people
* Anakin destroys the weapon and the Lurmen civilians fight for themselves
Episode 15: Trespass
* Investigation of a GAR base on a planet in the Pantoran system
* Anakin mentions that because the planet is uninhabited and therefore unaligned while the Chairman argues that he can go where he likes bc its Sovereign Pantoran territory
* Senator Riyo Chuchi confirms that because Pantora’s moon is the only inhabited part of that solar system, it does technically belong to Pantora because its uninhabited
* Obi Wan believes The attackers of the base were not the separatists because they haven’t taken information
* The droid base is in a similar state to the GAR base
* The chairman insists that it was the droids who attacked the GAR base while Riyo isnt so certain given there are no signs of a battle consistent with droids
* Chairman is a bitch leave Riyo alone
* Obi and Ani find the natives of the planet and reach some sort of understanding
* the chairman refuses to believe the planet is inhabited, especially longer than Pantora
* He declares that the Talz “belong to Pantora” although with inhabitants only the senate has jurisdiction
* The Talz want peace but the Chairman treats them like animals and refuses to allow them to exist outside of the rule of Pantora
* Its imperialism
* The Talz are willing to remain peaceful so long as their territory is not impeded
* The Chairman declares war despite literally no one else wanting war. Its greed
* A preemptive strike is illegal? What about all of the other war crimes???
* The Pantoran assembly decided that the chairman has acted out of order and the senator and jedi have permission to step in and negotiate peace
* Orto Plutonia is granted sovereignty
War Crime Counter:
Separatists: 5
Republic: still 0 just wait until season 2
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despapillon · 9 months
making my own post on the "crazy together causing byler doubt" thing.
and i have advice: you ppl need to stop taking any symbolism or parallels or whatever too literally and seriously. like, actually look at the scenes and not just go "well they are certainly saying words".
we agreed that crazy = (romantic) love, and love makes you crazy. that is true. but its not that simple. all three instances of it, are in three completely different contexts and situations.
jonathan tries to get nancy to leave but attacks steve after he taunts him about his family and insults not only him but the ppl he loves. he’s not just defending nancy from being slutshamed.
"only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart" - the crazy = love thing is made all romantic because the series tries to put the focus on the fact jonathan has feelings for nancy. its a tool. but theres context for it, and that is the fact that jonathan went crazy because of his love for joyce, will, not only nancy. they are treated as side characters of sorts here, though, because the show focuses on the romantic implications of that scene and how it involves jonathan and nancy, plus a character with no knowledge of jonathan’s issues making assumptions. this particular line isnt about jonathans family.
"crazy together", is another instance, and again you cant take it too literally. jonathan went after steve because of his family not just nancy but the show is trying to make going crazy symbolize romantic love specifically. they make it about jonathan and nancy for sake of this. same with byler. its a scene between the two discussing their traumas. in this instance the things that make them go crazy arent romantic!! what makes will go crazy is literally UD visions come on. and mike’s issue is feeling he sees el etc. he is just a child going thru survivors guilt. mike constantly calling el and having hope she survived isnt him being in love and peak romance. just like, i remind you, mike being devoted to finding will isnt proof of him being romantically in love with him. remember lucas risking it all to find will? yh its a weak argument. the romantic thing about it all is them saying they’ll go crazy TOGETHER.
in short jonathan sorta went crazy over joyce and will too but the duffers went for making it about jancy and the family love thing is shoved in the bg in favor of presenting the romantic love makes you crazy thing.
will went crazy over ud visions, mike went crazy over the situation with el. but thats not the romantic parts. its them going crazy together.
and third - "they do say it makes you crazy" which again isnt meant to be taken 100% srsly as proof mike loves el or whatever. context, context, it matters. this is supposed to show us that oh crazy together wasnt so friendly, mike himself mentions love makes you crazy so —-
yeah. its all just incredibly simple. watch the show, toss the youtube scenepacks to the side. pls dont listen to reddit. genuinely dont. after s3 they tried to make us look silly for just thinking will is gay. they see the show thru a different lense.
just look at s4. practically every byler scene has el mentioned at one point. doesnt make byler less romantic, right? come on
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faithlesbian · 1 year
fresh off my s7 rewatch i keep sticking on the scene after they find that potential that's hung herself in the night. buffy has to cut her down and bury her body in the garden, which is awful, but then she comes back inside to a room full of grieving, traumatised children, shovel still in hand, and says "anyone want to say a few words about chloe? let me. chloe was an idiot. chloe was stupid. she was weak."
for the rest of that scene she lashes out at pretty much everyone in some way with the reasoning that she's been "carrying them" and that they need to start pulling their weight. that scene is a tough one to watch just from how needlessly cruel she is to the potentials, watching them flinch when she throws the shovel she used to bury their dead friend is especially affecting, and while she's not technically wrong that willow and spike have both been holding back and not giving their all due to fear of their own power, verbally abusing them about it is really only gonna make it harder.
im usually a buffy stan first and a person second so watching her be so genuinely mean is hard for me, but the more i think about it the more i realise its not actually that ooc -- we know a major theme of s7 is the isolation of being the slayer, buffy acknowledges multiple times that she pushes people away and doesnt know how not to, the resolution of the main plot is her finding a way to share her power with the world. buffy's self-isolation and lashing out at her support network is an established trauma response that we first see in s2 when she's still reeling from being killed by the master. buffy in s6 had only recently started overcoming her suicidality before nearly getting raped by spike, so it's fair to say she's equally as unmoored in s7 as she was in early s2 if not way more so. in s3 she attacks a domestic abuse victim when she's struggling to come to terms with how she herself was hurt by angel, so her calling a suicidal teen "stupid and weak" after being suicidal herself actually does track. this is how buffy acts when she's at her most traumatised.
the thing that gets me about this instance compared to the others, though, is how bad a job they do at showing that. i think its pretty easy to say calling a suicidal teen stupid and weak is bad, right? doing so in front of a bunch of other vulnerable teens who are in the same boat is worse, right? no matter how unusual the circumstances, that kind of verbal abuse isnt going to help anyone "toughen up", its just abuse. but buffy doesnt apologise for any of it, willow defends her saying it, and i genuinely cant tell if she's narratively framed as in the wrong or not. buffy barely gets a chance to acknowledge just how traumatised she is this season, the PTSD symptoms she has from the rape in s6 just sort of go away after a while which is exactly how PTSD doesnt work, scenes like this get glossed over and used to build up to her friends kicking her out of her own house, which is such a majorly discoursed scene i dont wanna touch it with a barge pole but we all know that was not the ideal way to deal with any of that, right? the way she acts, which so clearly draws on how she's previously behaved when textually struggling with trauma, is never fully questioned or explored, leading to an ambiguous framing where an argument could easily be made that its meant to be seen as justified "tough" behaviour in a high stakes plot that demands it.
for the main plot to be resolved by buffy breaking the cycle that led to her original trauma, but to also fumble the depiction of that trauma an its effects, is deeply frustrating. because yes! too much had been expected of her by everyone in that room for too long! but part of the reason is her own refusal to ask for or accept help, and that distance between her and those around her is only made worse by her lashing out at them. and she deserved to process that in an emotionally cathartic way at some point before the finale
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menalez · 3 months
In regards to ppl jumping down your throat about that post (TM). 1) you're right. But 2) Like... I can see how discussing participating in sex acts with a trans woman is no different from having them with any other male is something that has merit.... But thats not RADICAL FEMINIST content. Like, is it gender critical content? Probably? Thats where it fits better. It would be more appropriate to tag it as such. But radical feminism isnt JUST gender criticality!!! Like, being gender critical is a part of radical feminism but They! Are! Not! The! Same! Thing!
And yeah, people instantly assuming that you asking "how is talking about giving a male person oral sex so explicitly (and in a way that would immediately alienate a lesbian reader... who the post is supposedly for????) is in any way relevant to radical feminism?" Meant that you were saying "female heterosexuality is unsightly and i dont want to see it and also het women need to shut up forever".
(And also the comparison of lesbians being like... I dont want posts about sucking dick to abound in the radfem tag is in ANY WAY AT ALL similar to homophobic people not wanting to see women kiss.... Like???? Thanks for being so bald-faced about your homophobia. Its not the same actually but its interesting to see that you think a minority asking an innocuous question is the same as oppression)
Dear. God. Some people on this site just fucking love to assume the worst from you and needlessly attack you about it. They bring all their lesbophobic assumptions into ANY discussion that you happen to have.
I'll tell you what a rational response could have been to the question you posed. "I think this is relevant based on gender critical beliefs that radfems hold and i wanted to share my experience with that audience"
That doesnt mean that anyone has to agree about whether or not it was a relevant post for a FEMINIST TAG based on FEMINIST CONTENT. But the way ppl responded to you was ABSOLUTELY DERANGED. Words in your mouth. Baseless assumptions. Critique based on things you didnt say. Like..... ????? HUH???
If ppl were normal the convo could have ended with you saying "actually i dont think this is relevant to radical feminist analysis. I think you should have used a different tag for this". Instead you had to have paragraphs long responses where you had to pick apart the lesbophobic rhetoric that is being tossed your way and defend yourself FOR LICHERALLY JUST ASKING A QUESTION.
You didnt even ask an inflammatory question! You didnt even ask it with intent to attack the original OP.
Not only is gender critical and radfem tumblr just.... Fucking radioactive with lesbophobia, but people *specifically* attack you with SO MUCH hostility and treat everything you say with so much bad faith. Like???? Its fucking exhausting to just read, i cannot imagine how fucking irritating it must be to experience it constantly. I wonder if perhaps... Hmmm.. there might be a specific form of oppression you face that might make you more likely to face these attacks.... Hmmm... i think it starts with "race" and ends with "ism". I have not seen white lesbians with similar politics to you facing the same backlash on EVERYTHING they say.
And accusing you of faking anons???????? HUH????? Yeah no, you -- a blog with thousands of followers who regularly gets anons -- MUST OBVIOUSLY have to send urself messages to show ppl agree with you and your opinions 🙄 maddening.
u said it all perfectly anon 😭 and yeah funnily enough it’s very clear people treat me differently, like even if ppl want to argue i’m an obnoxious drama queen or whatever, women who are that & worse still don’t get treated the same way. but if i point out maybe there’s some sort of prejudice underlying ppl treating me differently then i get mocked and belittled further 🤭 oh well. that whole interaction was just insane bc she straight up just lashed out at me & put a bunch of words in my mouth simply bc she saw that i’m a lesbian. funnily enough these things happen even when i word things in the mildest least confrontational way possible so i don’t even know what to do to to get ppl to chill out
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Actually, forget part 2 of the Heiress Rose AU for now. I'd like to see part 2 of the Title of a Grimm AU before that.
Ruby sifted through the stones at the ruins of Evernight, her hands shaking as she uncovered the small cellar door she hid the lamp in. No one would’ve thought about looking for the relic there, and while she didnt want to take the relic from its hiding place, she needed to know what Salem meant. Surely the grimm wouldnt become uncontrollable if Salem was gone, there had to be something else.
She winced as a sharp rock cut the palm of her hand, and she froze when she watched her blood drip down onto the rocks. The blood that dripped from her wasnt the red it normally was, instead black and almost oozing out. Still, she took little concern about it and bandaged up her hand before continuing and opening up the cellar door. A faint wind burst through as she took a few steps in before pulling out her scroll to give herself a bit more light. A few of the stone steps creaked as she walked down and made her way through the passageway until she came to the locked cabinet she stored the lamp in. Carefully, she unlocked it and picked up the relic, taking a deep breath as she spoke a single word. 
Blue smoke started to pour out of the relic as time seemed to stop around Ruby. A figure finally appeared as the smoke started to condense, and Jinn spoke calmly. 
“You know you dont have any questions left this era. So tell me, why did you come for me?” 
“I was hoping that maybe you could make an exception this one time,” Ruby said, her voice growing soft. “When Salem was defeated, she told something concerning and I… I wasnt sure exactly what she meant.” 
Jinn looked Ruby over, noticing this wasnt the same huntress she had met before. “And what knowledge are you looking for?” 
Ruby paused for a moment as she tried to find the right words. “Salem… Salem told me that the grimm cant be left unchecked, that there always has to be someone over them. And since then, the grimm have become more aggressive. But… that’s… that’s not all that’s been going on. My aura seems to be… gone. And I hear voices in my head from nearby grimm. What’s happening to me?” 
“That isnt knowledge I can impart to you,” Jinn said. “However, I know where you can find the answers you seek.” 
“There’s a book that was in Ozpin’s office. Assuming it survived the attack that happened on Beacon, it’ll give you everything.” 
“That’s it?” Ruby asked with a glare as purple sparks came from her fingertips. “That’s all you can give me? That I have to find the answers I’m looking for in a book?”
“I’m unable to give you anything else-” 
“Then what use are you?” Ruby paused for a moment as she started to hear the voices of the grimm inside her head again. She dropped to her knees as she felt the voices start to overwhelm her, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. “I… I need to stop this… I need you to give me answers.” 
“And you know the rules I’m bound to. You will have to wait until the next era until I can give you any more knowledge you seek. Until then, I’ve given you what I can.” 
Ruby opened her eyes and watched as the smoke started to clear away as Jinn disappeared back into the lamp. She covered her ears in a failed attempt to keep the voices out of her head as they seemed to get louder. 
“*Rip. Feed. Hungry. Anger. Destruction. Need.*” 
“Quiet!” Ruby yelled out into the empty passageway, her heart thumping in her chest as she took a few breaths to try to calm herself. Even as the voices of the grimm quieted in her mind, it still raced with questions of all sorts, questions she still wasnt getting answers to. 
Once her mind cleared, she stood up and started to walk through the passageway and out of the cellar, making her way to Salem’s old quarters. She wasnt sure when she knew where it was, or why she needed to head there, but something told her she’d find the answers she wanted there. Her head started to clear for a bit as she made her way through, skin starting to pale as purple sparks danced around her body. Finally, she made it to Salem’s old quarters and she picked up a small diary. She flipped through a few pages and paused when she found one that seemed to describe what she was going through. 
Day 1
Ozma sent my team and I to deal with Salem and we managed to defeat her. He seems confident that everything is taken care of, however, I’m not so sure. Salem said something weird to me when we defeated her, something about the grimm needing her. Maybe its just me being paranoid, but my team and I will be resting now that we’ve taken care of her. We lost Porter, and we still need time to grieve and prepare a memorial service for him. I just wish we could’ve recovered his body.
Day 10
My aura seems to stay drained and I’m starting to take cuts and bruises more often on missions. I’ve talked to Ozma about it and while he wont say it, he’s worried about something. Maybe it has something to do with the purple sparks that zapped out of my fingers the other day when I fought an ursa. But that’s not the only weird thing to happen: A couple days before that, a few beowolves listened to me. Maybe my semblance is evolving to give influence to grimm too and not just people. Though, people tend to be easier than grimm. They dont whisper to me.*\
Day 37
Its been a little over a month since I’ve defeated Salem and Ozma has been watching over me, concerned about how I’ve been acting. My eyes have gone from silver to black and red, and I have powers I never could’ve imagined. Ozma is certain I’m changing, but I’ve never felt better. Though, the voices I’ve been hearing havent exactly been… calming. The grimm are getting restless and I’m not sure how much longer I can hold them off. I think I understand what Salem had gone through.
Day 50
Ozma sent another group of hunters to deal with me. He knows what this curse is, he knows what is going with me and he’s scared. Scared enough to try to deal with me instead of helping. If he wants “Salem” gone, then he’ll have to work for it. I feel sorry for the next person he sends. This… curse… isnt something I wish on anyone.
Ruby slowly put the dairy down as she tried not to ruin any of the pages, her heart sinking with what she had learned. Ozpin knew what was going on with Salem, knew there wasnt a real way to defeat her, and yet, she sent her on this mission anyway, asked for her help to defeat Salem only to turn her into the very thing she was. With a heavy sigh, Ruby sat down and started to flip through the book again. If there was an answer to fix this, then it had to be somewhere here.
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thank you for the add on! didnt know they are actually official,, in case you were adressing me personally (lowk flattered) i did end up redoing my commentary tags haha, my thought process is that comics have progressed quite a bit from their conception to now and are taking themselves a lot more seriously... which is something i think majority of comic fans on tumblr actually like because the focus is on actually expanding these characters into multi-faceted ones with good and bad aspects and (imo) WFA takes away from that a bit.... i rlly like WFA as a pick me up actually and i think silly comics can act as a sort of filler-episode-adjacent force in comics but not all the time, ykno?
honestly? most of comic tumblr shits on the mcu in part for them incorporating a lot of silly scenes into their movies and all comic tumblr would do is complain if comics suddenly became 100% silly again, haha..
BTW!!! this isnt meant as a slight or diss or anything!!, im just very interested in this whole conversation (quite literally shaking with excitement to talk abt it lool)
sorry if this is invasive in any way!
No no problem at all!! Yes I was responding to you at the beginning of that haha and I do agree that, while I love WFA, it's not great as like a main content intake for Batman or superheroes in general, definitely more for filler-episode material. When it first came out I was really excited to see it since in the comics they'd just killed Alfred (bad choice) and in movies they're... still learning how to portray Batman lmao, but I hope it being so popular will allow Batman movies to become at least closer to what we see in the comics!
I also agree that it is a good thing that comics grew into taking themselves seriously!! Knightfall is one of my favorite comics ever I can't even count how many times I've read it, and things like The Killing Joke will always be so iconic for a reason. But my favorite parts of those stories are still the characters relationships with each other and how they're being affected (when Bruce tucks the lock of hair behind Babs' ear when she wakes up in the hospital AAHH I cry every time). Comics have definitely found a good balance of serious and lighthearted that I think superhero movies are still searching for, Hollywood kind of realized all at once that superhero stories are worth being taken seriously but then they sort of tipped the scales too far in the other direction, you know? There's very little place for that fun rompiness and they go pretty far out of their way to try and make things "realistic" which is pretty silly to try and do to superheroes of all things haha
BTAS, STAS and Young Justice will probably always be my favorite superhero shows because they managed to achieve the same balance we see in comics themselves! I just have my fingers crossed Hollywood will learn to let heroes have some fun again too
Thank you so much for this ask I also really love discussing this!! I'm glad you didn't think I was attacking you because I really really wasn't trying to
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plasticfangtastic · 11 months
Pssst... Try not to take what they say in interviews too seriously. Sometimes things will be intentionally vague or an outright lie to confuse or appease people or throw them off from something. Ennis is infamously known for that although I don't think everyone realizes he does this, but he's also working on the show with them.
They said Marie surviving "wasn't as simple as them needing her alive" and it's kinda funny to see fans take it one way or the other when that can be so many different things in context of The Boys universe and especially what we saw in Gen V.
"Plans to kill Homelander" is Billy every season without success, but even if he did, I think we'll see him getting haunted by Homelander big time after the fact. I still want Hughie to be the one who kills Billy but maybe it's beyond the grave Homelander who's there as Billy is dying instead of Becca. I think that would be fitting and Billy honestly deserves it.
There's definitely an element of groundwork they are following from the comics which has been pretty consistent but what I really suspect will happen is that the control virus will end up used on Homelander by someone to purely weaponize him. I think we'll see him become an attack dog and fully efficient berserker without getting to enjoy any of it and having a different sort of mental break after.
The comics sort of rob you of the gratification Homelander's death could give and I think they want to recreate that effect for the show but who knows.
The scary part for me is all the genocide apologism that is going around but The Boys is sort of meant to unmask people and have us reevaluate the way we think so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Still hurts though.
As far as Cate "going too far", he's technically right. Not because Shetty wasn't a complete scumbag who wouldn't deserve death, but because she'd been completely neutralized with Cate's powers.
Neutralizing someone by killing them and killing someone who has already been neutralized are two very different things. Just jail her and let her suffer and stew in her own anger and actions knowing she lost at that point because death is the easy way for someone like that. She asked for them to just make her forget but Cate should have forced her to remember or even live through the memories of her victims.
Actually, if they wanted to make Billy fail and survive with Homelander permanently haunting him I'd be completely down for that because fuck that genocidal shithead.
Lol I don't know if this will make you feel any better but just things to think about I guess.
I could see Homie being a ghost haunting Billy as Billy already hallucinates Homelander for some reason that they still havent explained but he its a cash cow for Amazon and they might not just give us 5 seasons so I doubt the execs would want to get rid of him... the writers ans Kripke might hate HL but audiences have proven he its likable and profitable and frankly the idea that all of HL fans are maga type fascist its absurd bcuz my gay brown ass sure as fuck isnt maga and i adore him.
Its getting clear that they will copy the comic to some degree like Homie building an army to have a coup and Billy wanting to use a virus to commit genocide.
Will disagree on Cate v Shetty cuz absolutely nothing she did was wrong in my opinion and yes am being an apologist but i dont feel anything for killing child abusers like absolutely nothing. this bitch was Voguelbaum lite and everybody in the woods deserved it. My only issue its just how jarring the writing and ediring made the whole scene play out but its likely the shortened ep count and time per ep did that.
My ideal ending its Homelander winning and realizing it didnt fix anything and that now he its even more alone than before. I think bad guys winning its the most subversive thing for the stale af genre of superhero media. I want him to win not bcuz i love him but bcuz it would be more devastating for the narrative and shocking to the audience if he did.
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asterashley · 1 year
i love Ian Malcolm from jurassic park
this is not a character or movie analysis this is just me posting about a character i love again, there is no order or reason to this post, i just rewatched the first movie and he is such a little gremlin of a man while also being the sanest person in the room somehow that i just gotta. like he cant go five minutes without causing some sort of trouble but he's right about it.
he barely gets to be on screen before he starts laughing/growling at the same time like an idiot after asking in Alan and Ellie dig up dinosaurs. John starts to talk about how he's never been able to explain why he thinks the park is dangerous and Ian just goes for the little knee grab move where you dont know if youre meant to laugh or cry when it happens to you.
when Genaro says "things are a lot different than we had feared," implying the park is not so bad and all he has to say is "yeah, it's worse." the part about Hammond wielding genetic power like a kid with his fathers gun is really true once you see the whole movie, about how the power Hammond has wasn't earned with discipline, about how JP as a whole doesn't approach the genetic reconstruction with responsibility because most of it was someone elses work first.
"your scientist were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didnt stop to think if they should" is pretty much the premise of this entire franchise now. then John brutally misses the point and says Ian would have no problem if he were making condors rather than dinosaurs but Ian just isnt having it. he's a firm believer in just letting the world do its thing, comparing what the people at JP are doing to "the rape of the natural world." (which yuck i wish i didnt have to type that)
then the streak of bad luck with the dinosaurs no-showing, which is just a thing that can happen at a safari park zoo thing whatever JP has going on and he starts tapping at the camera going "you uh, you do plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? hello? hello hello?" then hissing at the camera and sitting back in his seat all proud of himself or whatever. starts talking about the essence of chaos and how the Rex doesnt follow any park schedules, doing a little dance too.
the entire scene for the rex breakout, where he starts with "boy do i hate being right all the time" before the rex attacks the car with the kids in it and Alan goes to distract it where he shows a different side of himself, almost dying getting eaten by the rex to protect kids he doesnt know and i get the vibe he kind of doesnt like either.
the next time we see him, buried in the destroyed toilet hut asking Ellie and Muldoon to "remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend" then they bring him to the jeep then he hears/feels the stomps of the rex coming back and kicks into full panic, which to be fair he did almost just get eaten. "c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, we gotta get outta here, gotta get outta here, now. NOW, RIGHT NOW, go, go, go, let's go" before he lets out this silly little "heeyyy" all the while motioning for the other two to get to the car and GTFO.
of course after getting injured he kinda leaves the movie's spotlight so here just a list of other little quotes i love but have nothing to say about - "i refuse to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction" - "do you just go about looking up dinosaur skirts?" - "hand flat like you're a hieroglyphic" - "now here i am talking to myself, that's chaos" - "that is one big pile of shit" - "i'm always on the lookout for a future ex-mrs. Malcolm" - "but John, when the pirates of the carribean breaks down the pirates don't eat the tourists"
and of course yes it is partially just because i love seeing hot men lie about with their shirt ripped open.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
i mean, hey, pavo and esti seem to be on your mind so, assorted emojis for them both and you can choose which is more interesting for you to respond with.
hhhh thaeym.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Pavos greatest secret that only Esti knows is that he like, Legitimately enjoys eating raw eggs. When Pavo is in a mood that man is just going to down some egg. Esti likes pancakes with sausage and pretending he isnt seeing what Pavo is doing.
🏊 SWIMMING - can they swim? or are they afraid of water? how well do they swim? how do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
They both can swim but neither are ever happy to have to. Esti especially fucking Hates it and will go out of his way to avoid having to swim or be in any water that wasn't drawn up for a nice bath. He doesn't like the smell and amount of creatures he has to share with in a natural body of water. Pavo has seen the ocean but never swam in it and probably wouldn't mind the experience while also not being the sort to crave doing it again. Esti hasn't seen the ocean and would have a sobbing panic attack if he felt 1(one) piece of seaweed touch his leg while swimming in it.
🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it?
Pavo said learning an instrument would help curate and exercise Esti's mind. Esti does know how to play the harp fairly well because of that, but he also knows how to make a harp disappear and never be found again because of it too. Pavo never tells him he did the exact same thing as a young man because that would devalue the lecture Esti got about it.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
Pavo has a few basically identical sets of prosthetic eyes, but only one travel case for them. It can only hold a single set and it was rectangular box when he first got it as a child, but now the edges have been worn so much and it's been patched so many times it looks more like it's meant to be a weird rounded octagon with four long sides and four short. It's not particularly special, but it's still weirdly important to him and he refuses to get a new one. He doesn't tend to value items at all, he'll collect expensive things to keep around but that's more a flaunting of wealth than any real attachment to them or their aesthetics.
Esti has a dagger that was his birth father's, it's very plain and not at all remarkable, but it's the only thing he has of the man since he died before Esti was born. He holds it close and carries it with him but doesn't really ever use it for anything more likely to damage it than cutting a piece of fruit might. he's not the sort to become attached to items either, but when he does it's usually because the item reminds him of someone or something important to him.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Pavo was born with significant deformities. He's the older of him and his brother, and he adores Truthahn, he really does, but there's a part of him that resents all the love and opportunity Truthahn gets that was denied to him because of his looks and blindness.
Truthahn is king, and Pavo doesn't even have a real title. He's always been playing second to his little brother and knows he was the spare that was kept around just in case something happened to Truthahn. That's about 90% of the reason hes as nasty as he is. He needs to prove he's the better of the two in one arena, and ruthless conquest just happens to be the thing Truthahn has no interest in being directly responsible for.
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froggymagician · 5 months
Alr time to talk the other somewhat sane characters I've created
Onel- A witch (Everyone is supernatural in this world) who was worked her ass off studying and working her entire to just to get to the top. She finally get there only to get her science team to betray her one day when conducting on an experiment with a mutant spider , in which they enclose her in the room with the creature and try to kill her by combining it with her since they thought she couldn't possibly survive it.
Unfortunately for them she did survive and bad news for them spider onel did not take being combined with a person lightly and kill all of them in the process and kinda destroyed the building. (Spider Onel is not actual Onel the are 2 separate people emotionally). Police then arrive since the alarms in the building went off once spider onel went on their rampage, cops didn't get to them in time because another group else got to her first.
This group then tranquilized and snatched her body up from the crime scene to then take her to an undisclosed hospital sort of place which is also the place where she ends up waking up after the sedation wears of, she wakes up with no memory of the attack whatsoever or her first name (Onel isnt her real/first name) but does remember being thrown under the bus by her team. This group that ended up taking her tells her what happened which onel does not believe at all until News of the rampage breaks out on TV and give full face proof that she killed all those people and basically a wanted criminal because bad news for her, the fucker that pushed her into the enclosure is the one that ended up surviving and snatched her out. Onel is distraught because she basically lost everything she has worked for but the group that took her has a proposition for her.
They say about theyre a special group that specializes in those who were wronged/humiliated/betrayed and takes them under their wings to give them the chance to show those people they shouldnt have messed with them by teaching and training them at an academy to be the people they were meant to be, Villains. The only catch is that they can't visit or see anyone from their life before, they can't leave under any circumstances unless it's for mission or training and do whatever it takes for the mission to succeed. Onel with no other choice left she takes te offer and officially joins the organization and leaves the life she had behind.
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cogbreath · 9 months
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dump of my unorganized migraine riddled thoughts and feelings about recent things
maybe a lot of mistakes were made with the recent stuff with the callout stuff. i dont know. personally i never called anyone a pedophile or tried to insinuate anyone was and its distressing to hear about those accusations getting thrown around the way they were (are?) i dunno. people trying to develop some sort of epsteins list type thing it seems. fsct of the matter in terms of my own personal thoughts are that well its clear who is and isnt and really i just dont like the racists on here i dont like the way people came at some of the black users on here about it myself included. i cant speak for anyone else or say if they meant harm what they said but nonetheless lot of you folks are too eager to harm and attack black people regardless if they deserve criticism for what they said or not. tbh i dont even know what the situation is as it stands or where its gone. its become a mess that i dont like and cofnfuses me greatly. it should be simple. dont be transmisogynistic dont be racist and really you shouldn't claim people to be pedos unless you really are certain of that. i think leave people alone now to be honest unless theres really any risk of danger you know
ive tried to say what ive felt is the right thing and i still generally feel i did , there are people though who i will never like ans never forgive due 2 their racism. im not giving them support because of that. simple as. really its my right to.
really though im just one person
i hate the way people seem to act liek theres some sort of faction loyalty about this treating it like goddamn skyrim civil war
we all know how posts spread around here and its just illogical to say that all who ever reblogged a thing from someone means they r a supportyr of that person and their beliefs
though i think if its found out if that op isn't a safe person u should delete the post stop that shit from spreading i dont know why its suddenly hard for pepple to think this way when its undrrstood anytime a post from a fascist starts getting spread around
really im honestly backing out of discussions about what is and isnt okay or acceptable for anyone to sexualise or have a fetish for outside of the obvious things of its not okay to do that with non consenting people animals you know its literally simple easy stuff
whether or not someones into pregnant tf scenarios or mpreg or is a DL or any thing like that i really dont care and im not really interested in dissecting what it means or doesn't mean
im not an expert of sexual psychology and neither are you and i think you should leave people alone about it
i will never fw raceplay though and i have that right
and well honestly i think everyone has a right to not fw any kink its not illegal to dislike a kink or to be grossed out by it
and someone being grossed out by ur kink itsnt any form of hate on you as a human being either
just be nice 👍 everyone
and make sure everyone is safe
rememebr people generally mean well and generally dont want to hurt others needlessly
peoppe on here are quick to assume that every time someone does hurt someone on here its because they love it and are filled with hate and bigotry for their kind or something like that
i think because of the nature of the situations it is extra important to not assume the worst but rather ask people to clarify ?
i dont know
you people are smart and i think you know whats right and whats wrong pretty well
i hope
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