#this show seems mad corny to me
planetofthebayss · 10 months
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True but it’s hard to defend “fujoshis” that are into a series that’s basically a RoyalistxNeolib slash fic ahahskfp
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veala2 · 8 months
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fluff prompt: “I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
SYNOPSIS - The love cook is diagnosed with a heavy heart and irritable face- redness syndrome. Safe to say: the boy’s in love. Now he just needs to confess to be cured! If only it was that simple…
CW - Cheesy, corny fluff that’s good for the soul, gn!reader, Sanji having chronic nose bleeds, Zoro shows up and spoils the show, and Chopper shows up to save the day!
A/N - Ahhhh I’m so glad I managed to finish this tonight. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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Increased heart rate for periods of time.
Blood heavily rushed to the face for long periods of time.
Blood heavily rushing from nostrils for extreme periods of time.
When Chopper caught Sanji (once again) earning his title as “Mr. Nosebleed'' so affectionately given by Zoro, he first diagnosed him with the classic ‘No more pervertedness!’ and expected it to work. But in a week's time, Sanji was once again lying on Chopper's bed with his face in his hands and ears tipping off his hidden cherry face.
“We need to try something new, Sanji. It seems like Nami and Robin aren’t the causes of this. Tell me what you were doing when the nosebleeds started.”
The chef sighs, thinking carefully about the past few days.
“Well, I was making Lunch one time. Luffy walked in with Y/N, and when I asked them what they wanted to drink, I couldn’t get it out and felt the blood rushing to my face.”
Chopper quickly scribbles this down, scratching his chin at the evidence given.
“Can you give me another example?” He asked.
“Uhm… I was out giving drinks to Nami, Robin and Y/N when I just couldn’t help but feel the blood spill down my nose.”
It was then that Chopper could vaguely put the pieces together. In the stories, Y/N seemed to be a constant in both. Appearing when Sanji’s strange emotions rose. An idea formed in his head.
“Sanji, all of these instances have Y/N in common. Do you have feelings for them?”
The chef's eyes swiftly widened at the thought of his crewmate, making him stutter like a mad man.
“What? No! I don’t- I can’t say… okay, maybe I do. It won’t stop no matter how many times I try. At first I just assumed it was all of Nami, Robin and Y/N. But when it was just the two of us… I understood.”
Chopper almost felt pity for his chef. His defeated slump, his hands covering his face and his undoubtedly- but deniable- feelings for Y/N.
“Don’t worry, Sanji!” Chopper chirped, patting his blonde hair with his hooved paw, “I know your cure! You just have to tell them your feelings and you’ll start feeling better. It’ll get rid of the heavy feeling in your chest and you might stop bleeding!… as much.”
Sanji almost wanted to cry.
“No buts! You're taking up my medicine making time by pining too much. You must do this, Sanji! For the good of humanity and your nose!”
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When the morning sky falls and night comes into view, Sanji expertly makes a fantastical feast. Anything to keep him off the task that Chopper assigned for him. He knew what he needed to do.
The day that he discovered he was crushing hard on you was some random afternoon. He was experimenting with some recipes and decided to ask for your opinion.
The bright smile you had while munching on his food, cheeks a slight red and overall joy made his heart skip a beat. It’s a moment he’s not going to forget any time soon. Like a photographer, he snapped a mental picture of your face and just refuses to let it slide.
So, when Sanji once again asked for your opinion on new recipes, he tried to compose himself through deep breaths and drinking herbal tea.
“Hey, Sanji! I practically drifted in from that smell. Lemme guess: banana chocolate cake with… espresso?” You smiled, leaning on the edge of the kitchen counter with him on the other side. Making him red from the closeness.
“Uh- yeah! y-yeah, I added some in for some extra flavour. Surprised you picked up on it.” He stammered, looking away to keep his composure.
You grabbed a plate of the cake, grabbing a fork and taking a bite. Sanji closes and opens his eyes, spinning towards you and looking determined. Making you look confused.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something!” He starts. You raise an eyebrow.
“What’s up?” You asked, giving him a gentle smile.
“Look, th-there’s been something I’ve been wanting off my chest.. for a while. And it’s not the easiest thing in the world. You see, I-“
Before Sanji could confess, his least favourite man in the entire world bursted through the door, causing the kitchen to shake as a result. That said man places a hand on his three swords, an angered expression on his face.
“Not the kitchen, dining room, library or your locker! Dumb cook, where did you hide all the booze!?”
His abruptive-ness makes you giggle, only adding to Sanji’s frustration.
“Beat it, moss head! I’m busy here!”
Zoro looks over towards you and Sanji, the gears in his head turning as he realises what’s happening between the both of you. Thanks to his closeness with the little doctor, he knew about this exchange. If he did, it would be a safe bet to assume a part of the ship would be wrecked.
“Oh, did you finally grow the balls to confess to Y/N? I’ll head out then.” He bails, pushing through the double doors and effectively sealing Sanji’s fate.
You sharply turn your head towards the love- sick cook. Eyebrows furrowing together and light pink dusting your face. An obviously embarrassed face. He feels like he’s going to explode from how embarrassed he was.
You… had a theory of his feelings for you. But it was never confirmed until now.
Well, watching a man gain a nosebleed by simply handing you a drink did make you wonder. How he would only ask you to try his new recipes, how he always turned a little pink while looking at you, how you could almost see smiles he would try to hide whenever you laughed or did anything. Cute, dumb, smart, it didn’t matter.
“Sanji… you like me? Is this why you’ve been so weird around me for weeks?” You asked, keenly focusing on his sweating form.
“Uh, yes! I like you! No, sorry, I-I love you! Dammit!”
The cook sighed, hiding his face in his hands, running his back against the cold kitchen wall and sliding down. After fumbling his confession, he couldn’t bring himself to bring himself up.
Crouching down, you sigh with a small smile and move his hands away. He tried to move his face away, but moved back towards you with your gentle hands on his face.
He wanted to scream and run away. Grumble and wallow in his own self pity. Wanting to turn back time to when he could be confident and charming, swooping you off your feet like a true prince. But instead he hides and wants to crawl into the ground.
“Hey… look at me…” You whisper, so softly and so kindly he thought it would hurt if he denied you. So he turned, eyes sad.
“I… I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering… but that failed, so…”
Your heartstrings tug a little at his tiny voice. Not to mention his sad face is cute as hell.
“Sanji, it’s ok,” You start, standing him up on his own two feet and looking into his eyes.
“I thought it was perfect, no failures at all. And - for the record- I kind of knew you had feelings for me... And it’s reciprocated.”
It was almost like a light shone down from the heavens with that statement. His once glossy eyes now turn to pure joy. He smiled, an honest ear- to- ear smile.
“Really really.”
In a love- stricken haze, he leans against the wall. Almost floating in the air with how light he feels. No more heavy blushing or profuse bleeding, no. Just pure euphoria with how his confession was received. After a couple seconds, he shoots back up, holding out his arms to hold both of your shoulders. A thought rushing through his mind while you give him a bewildered look.
“Wait, that means you’ll date me! Does that mean I’m your boyfriend now? Oo! Does that mean you’re my girlfriend?”
Oh man, were you gonna have fun messing around with him and loving him.
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badaspebble · 7 months
✵ Come get me
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Summary: Bada hasn’t been paying attention to you lately, which is starting to be frustrating. At first it was fine, seeing how much work she had to put into her team. Now that SWF was over, there was no need for her to pay so much attention to them. Guess you’ll have to make her pay attention to you.
Warnings: 18+ themes, (Dom!Bada, jealous!Bada, kinda mean!Bada but she’s soft at the end, strap-on use, teasing, hair pulling, semi-public, praise, edging, choking, swearing, dacryphilia)
Word Count: 3.8k
Bada Lee x fem!reader
@ijdtfsc Here you go! I hope it’s to your liking. I know you wanted them to go home and fuck, but I felt like if Bada finally had enough of reader, she wouldn’t be able to wait.
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Bada ignored your texts for the 6th time that day. You’ve been trying to set up a date for the both of you, hoping to relieve some of her stress, but she can’t even take her attention off of the team for a couple hours. You sighed as you theee your phone somewhere before plopping face first onto the bed. Staying there for a couple minutes, you almost fell asleep. Bada’s scent invaded your nose as you were on her pillow. For a minute, you almost forgave her. Just for a minute though.
When you sat back up, you ended up getting mad again. You huffed as you looked for your phone, cursing how dumb you are for throwing it somewhere in order to be dramatic. You found it by her hoodie, along with a picture she took in a rather...vulnerable state. You remembered that day. Bada was the most jealous she’s ever been.
You blinked, mind blanking for a second before you giggled. Your plan started forming. You might have to do it again…
You picked your phone up, going on Instagram before setting everything up. You picked a baby blue lacy skirt, paired with a baby blue lace bra. Rushing through your makeup, you couldn’t wait to see how Bada will act out. Taking your phone to capture a mirror photo and another photo where you’re slightly bent over was easy, unlike thinking of a caption to make Bada mad enough.
Sighing, you pondered on it a bit. Finally, you made a..lowkey bad one but you’re sure Bada will get the message. ‘Come get me ;)’
You scrunched your eyebrows together at the corny caption, but ultimately clicked post anyway. Turning your phone over, you finished getting ready before sending a text to your friends in order to let them know you’re ready.
Hearing a ding from your phone, you picked it up thinking it was your friends saying they were here. Instead, you got multiple messages, to say the least, from Bada.
‘What are you wearing
You’re not going out like that are you?
Don’t leave like that.
Why are you showing everybody what’s mine?
I thought we talked about this
Can you take those down?
You better not fuck with me today baby
I’m not in the mood.
Call me’
More texts followed, along with numerous missed calls. You giggled before leaving her on seen. You turned your phone on DND and realized your friends were here so you hurriedly left the house and hopped in their car. The ride to the club was quick as it isn’t very far from the house.
Walking in, you were met with the smell of alcohol, sweat, and weed. You didn’t wait for your friends as you immediately went towards the dance floor, finding some cute girl to dance with. She looked older than you by quite a few years, and she had a particular tattoo on her shoulder. You bit your lip, deciding to grind on her and drink from her cup. She laughed at you before yelling something.
“What’s your name?” The stranger yelled over the loud music.
“It doesn’t matter.” You yelled back, drinking the rest of the alcohol from her cup. You threw it somewhere behind you before wrapping your arms around her neck.
“I’m Monika..” She whispered into your ear as she put her hands on your waist. “You here to let off some steam? You seem tense.” Monika teased as she squeezed your hips.
You snuggled into her neck, inhaling her scent. “Mmm, you could say that. I’ve been ignored lately.” You say with a pout.
Monika laughed…in your face. “You came here cause you felt ignored? Oh you sweet girl. Do you want me to help you?”
You looked at her with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. You were thinking of a million excuses a minute to say. (Un)lucky for you, you felt a large hand grab your shoulder. “Excuse us, ma’am. This is my ‘sweet girl’. Sorry for bothering you.”
Bada’s voice cuts through, and her grip is harsh on your shoulder. Monika looks at Bada with a smile. “She’s not bothering me at all, actually. I think we were just getting started, weren’t we?” Monika asks you, still looking at Bada.
You smirk, taking this chance like a dumbass. “We were. If you don’t mind us..” You take Monika’s hand and go closer to the middle of the dance floor. You look back at Bada, seeing her breathing heavier with her gaze turning darker every second. You look closer and see her fists clenching and unclenching repeatedly. Blowing a teasing kiss towards her, you look forward again and step closer to Monika.
Bada breathes out a laugh at your audacity, not actually thinking you’d be bold enough to do this shit in front of her. She licks her lips before biting her bottom lip. She puts her hands in her pockets and walks over to a booth, staring at you the entire time. Bada relaxes, knowing nobody will ever compare to her. You’re probably just in a mood again.
You can feel her burning stare as you move your hips, Monika’s hands guiding you against her. You don’t know how many drinks you’ve had. All you know is that you’ve been taking Monika’s whenever she gets more from her friends. A new song comes on, making the entire club hype. Gone was the sexy, slow dancing type of vibe. Everybody was jumping around, screaming and yelling as they let go. You were no exception as you let go of Monika, opting to finally let loose. Your hair bounces with you as you jump and push through the crowd.
You look towards Bada’s direction, wanting to tease her a bit more. You see her still staring daggers at you before she smirks. She leans back and manspreads, tilting her head at you.
Gulping, you turn your body around, still keeping an eye on her. You then bring a hand towards your ass and grab it, hoping to rile Bada up. Before you could see a reaction, people started jumping around again. You laughed as you joined them, momentarily forgetting your plan.
Your body takes a quick screenshot as you feel somebody grab your waist. Turning around, you felt a little relieved and also a little scared to see Bada. “Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” You said jokingly, dragging out the word.
Bada stared at you, not saying anything. After a couple of minutes, you heard her voice. “Let’s go.” She demanded, not leaving any room for anything else other than obedience.
You found some room anyways. “Nuh uh..” You said with a smile. “I’m having fun here.”
Bada turned back towards you, previously turning away so she could walk you out. “Why are you so bratty today, hm?” Bada asked, her voice filled with annoyance.
“I’m not even being bratty. I’m just here to have fun and you’re here to ruin it.” You said, looking away. Your gaze found Monika’s as she made her way over.
Bada rolled her eyes as Monika approached. She tried to take your hand to lead you out but you avoided contact.
Monika stared at you, completely ignoring Bada. “I can’t seem to take my eyes off of you. Let’s go have some fun, yeah?”
You giggled, looking towards Bada before staring back at her. “Sure. Let me get some drinks first.”
Before Monika could say anything, Bada forcefully took your arm. She bumped shoulders with her, making sure Monika stumbled a bit.
You whispered to Monika as you walked by her. “Me personally…..I would not take that.” Your goal was to rile her up and in turn, rile Bada up. It didn’t work as Monika just laughed it off, opting to walk away.
You scrunched your eyebrows together in disappointment, hoping to at least get some amount of drama. Sighing, you let Bada drag you before you decide to poke fun at her.
“Why does your face look like you’re constipated?” You teased, feeling her grip tighten as her nails dig into you. Wincing, you continue talking. “No need to get all mad. I was just having some fun since somebody can’t make time for me..”
Bada rolled her eyes, ignoring your comments as you both finally approached her car.
She stayed silent as she all but threw you into the passenger seat, slamming the door. She makes quick work as she hurries to the driver's side.
“Why are you mad? YOU ignored ME.” You say sassily, leaning your head on the window.
She continued to ignore you, starting the car. She doesn’t look at you once as she starts driving.
“I’m the one that should be mad..” You mumble. You didn’t expect her to hear it, but seeing as her grip on the steering wheel tightened with her knuckles turning white, you could tell that she was holding herself back.
You continued. “Surprised you even noticed my post instead of hanging with Tatter and them.” You specifically single out Tatter’s name, knowing Bada was especially close with her.
Bada bit her tongue, completely over it. She pulled over on the side of the road, unbuckling herself. She looked over at your confused face.
“You’ve been awfully bold today, baby.” She said, picking you up and setting you on her lap. She made sure to set her chair back a little. “I had a feeling I’d have to use this today..” Bada whispered, grinding you ever so gently on her lap, making you feel the bulge under her cargos.
Bada looked up at you, gripping your hips. “Maybe you need to get fucked, right? That’s why you’re acting like this..” Bada bit her lip and continued, making sure to keep direct eye contact. “You just needed me to make you feel good again.”
You whimpered. “Are you gonna do something or not? I think I got Monika’s number in case I needed somebody else..”
Bada breathed through her nose harshly before switching your positions, you back against the laid out seat. “Learn your place before I fuck you into it.” She leaned down and whispered into your ear. Her hot breath making you shiver. She then bit the top of it as she moved back, kneeling between your legs.
“And what’s with singling out Tatter?” Bada said casually as she started grinding her hips into yours.
“What’s with always hanging out with her and the rest of them?” You shoot back, trying not to buck your hips. You dig your nails into the seat as you shy away from her eyes.
Bada giggled in disbelief. Her hand cupped your cheek in faux innocence. “You should know by now that my eyes are only on you.” Her tone started to change as the hand cupping your cheek started to grip your jaw. “Stop being a fucking brat.” Bada spat as she stopped grinding on you, using her hands to trace the outline of your bra. “And going out like this? This isn’t even a fucking top.” She said, slapping the side of your bra-clad boob.
Your half-lidded eyes looked up at her, drinking in the way her teeth were digging into her lip harshly. “Doesn’t it look cute?” You say with a giggle before your eyes widen. The hand holding your jaw trailed towards your neck. You started to say something until you were interrupted by her giggle.
Bada was going to hold your neck, but you just kept talking. She was starting to get annoyed so she shoved two of her fingers inside of your mouth, effectively shutting you up. Her other hand trailed your body, running between your cleavage. She got to the band of your skirt, running her long fingers over the patterns. Her fingers went further down your throat, making you gag with your eyes watering.
“I love it when you’re quiet baby.” She said, focusing on your skirt. Her hands abruptly landed on your waist, turning you over so your stomach is on the seat. She unclasps your bra, throwing it somewhere in the back.
“Do you have to be this dramatic?” You sighed into the seat, moving uncomfortably. You felt her hands trail your back, almost giving you a massage with the way she was pressing into you.
“Shut the fuck up.” She said before you heard the sound of rustling. You felt her flip your skirt up, not even bothering to take it off. “You’re already so wet…this is what you wanted, right?” You felt her pause, waiting for your answer.
You turned your head to the side, making sure you could see her. “Mhm…” You said, avoiding her eyes out of embarrassment.
“Good girl.” Bada mumbled before palming your ass in both of her palms. She bit her lip, smacking it as she watched it jiggle. “Love your ass so much baby. Wanna have it on me forever..”
You whined, pushing your hips against her. That’s when you realized the rustling you heard was her moving her cargos down just enough to where her strap was out. Your body stuttered, feeling the tip of it hit your clothed cunt.
Bada muttered something you couldn’t understand. She then spoke louder as she gripped her strap. “Spread your legs a lil more baby…there you go angel.”
She held the strap in her left hand while her right hand was still gripping your ass. The tip of it teasingly poked your cunt through your panties. Bada gasped subtly, loving the string of wetness that connected them even with the fabric in the way. “God…such a needy little thing aren’t you, angel?”
You rolled your eyes, pushing your body back so she could understand what you wanted. Bada chuckled at you as you proved her right. She gave a light smack to your ass and pulled your panties aside, letting the tip of her strap hit your clit.
Bada’s eyes almost rolled back at your whoreish moan paired with your cunt very obviously clenching around nothing. She started to spread your wetness everywhere with each pass of her strap, wanting to be as sloppy as possible. She ignored your whines as she took her time. She carefully smacked your clit with the tip of her strap, making you moan into the seat.
“Wanna feel you fill me up..” You mumble, trying to look back at her.
“Gotta be patient princess. I’ll fuck you real good, don’t worry.” Bada mumbled, teasing your hole with the tip. She would put it in and pull it out, not giving you the satisfaction of actually being filled up.
She slowly eased into you, letting you feel every detail on her strap before she was completely inside you. You heard her sigh as she stayed still, not moving.
Pushing back onto her, you began to fuck yourself because you couldn’t bother to wait for her to do something. Your cunt was wet, wanting to be used, so you did it yourself.
Before you could actually get a good pace, you felt Bada’s hand snake up your back before finding its place in your hair. She pulled harshly, snapping your head up as you stopped. Your moan was loud and shameless, your cunt gushing around her strap.
“Whatchu think you’re doing baby?” Bada leaned over your body to mumble in your ear. “Hm? Who said you could fuck yourself like that?” She still hasn’t moved herself, letting you warm her strap. When you didn’t answer her, her grip on your hair turned harsher as she finally started thrusting into you. It was slow, deliberate. She wanted to make you desperate for more.
Your mouth opened as your eyes watered a little, still feeling the pain of her strap stretching you out. You bit the seat, letting yourself be used by her.
Her pace picked up, as the hand that was gripping your ass now played with your breasts. “I fucking love your body. So pretty for me. You like when I fuck you like this? Yeah?” Your moans made her go slightly faster. “I know, angel…” She mumbled off-handedly, making sure she hit your sweet spot that had you mewling.
Bada laughed as she kept fucking you. “Awe. My poor baby. You gonna cum already? Gonna make a mess all over my cock?”
You whimpered, loving that she referred to her strap as her cock. Your cunt clenched around her, feeling the grip she had on your hair tighten. Your eyes closed momentarily, trying to find something to say. “I- fuck Bada…gonna cum.” You finally moaned out. “Gonna make a mess..”
Bada hummed, speeding up. She played with your breasts gently. The difference between that and her rough fucking made your head spin. All you could hear was the sound of skin slapping, panting, and Bada’s little mumbles.
You could feel yourself about to let go, before Bada abruptly stopped. You couldn’t stop yourself from whining. You could tell that orgasm was going to be strong. Your watery eyes now let tears fall, mixing with the drool on your chin.
“You’ve been such a brat, baby. I can’t just let you cum like that.” Bada mumbled, pretending to be sad that she couldn’t let you orgasm. You didn’t say anything, opting instead to whine into the seat. You didn’t notice when she moved the both of you in the back seat, nor did you notice the way you were now on your back.
You didn’t really notice anything except the feeling of being full again. Your eyes widened in confusion at the fast intrusion, before looking at Bada. She was already looking at you with that annoying smirk of hers. Her bangs sticking to her forehead as she slowly rolled her body into yours.
“You just can’t help yourself, huh?” Bada said, making sure your eyes stayed on her. She had one hand on your waist, with the other trailing towards your neck again. Bada leaned over your body, the difference in size clear. She put her hand around your neck, slowly putting her body weight on that arm to choke you. “I love when you cry for me princess..”
Bada wasn’t looking at you anymore, but instead focused on the tears that fell from your eyes. She started kissing each drop, making sure to let her tongue come out a little too. You whimpered at her actions, hazy eyes looking anywhere but at her. The hand wrapped around your neck felt good, but you were slowly losing breath the more weight she put onto it.
“Bada—“ You had the remaining breath knocked out of you as she picked up her pace, returning back to her previous position. Bada was enticed by the way your breasts jiggled with each thrust. This made her go harder, fucking you into the seat unintentionally. Every roll of her hips into your cunt had your body moving. Your hands were everywhere, trying to find something to grasp onto.
One went towards her hair, and the other got pinned down by your waist by Bada. “Fuck..fuck angel you look so pretty like this. Love the way you look so ruined cause of me—“ Bada cut herself off as she gave a particularly rough thrust. She groaned as she did so, the other side of the strap hitting her clit perfectly.
She leaned down again, this time aiming for your breasts. Her mouth was all over you, giving kisses and sucking anywhere she could get. Her thrusts got faster, wanting to feel your breasts jiggle against her. She sucked your nipples, making sure her teeth grazed the tip of them each time she pulled her strap out. The hand holding your neck moved downwards, wanting to palm your ass.
Your long, drawn out moan showed Bada that you were going to cum…very soon. She hummed against your nipple before pulling herself up. “Gonna make a mess, hm? I don’t know if I should let you..” Bada giggled, loving the fear in your eyes.
“Please Bada…won’t be a brat again.” You mumbled breathlessly, letting out more drool. Your fucked out expression and hazy eyes almost convinced Bada. Almost.
She pretended to think about it for a second, feeling it get harder to fuck into you. “Maybe you should beg some more…”
“Please please please….I’ll do anything I swear. I’ll never be a brat again Bada. Please make me feel good. Wanna cream on your strap..”
Bada bit her lip, fucking into you a couple more times. She could feel you about to lose control, so she stopped. Her eyes sparkled as you sobbed. “Maybe if you weren’t such a brat..” Bada pulled her strap out slowly as to tease you. She pulled your body up, cupping your face in her hands. “I’ll make you feel good when we get home okay baby? Until then, we should talk about how bratty you were.”
She took the strap off, cleaned it before putting it somewhere secure. She started to clean you up, hesitating when she saw how red and puffy your cunt was. She really wanted to taste you, but she also wanted to edge you for your actions. She ended up ignoring her neediness to finish cleaning you up. Bada sat you on her lap, looking up at you.
“Are you jealous of how much time I’m spending with others? Or do you maybe feel unwanted?” Bada asked, paying close attention to your expressions.
“So now you wanna pay attention?” You ask with sass. You scoffed jokingly as she tried to make eye contact.
You avoided her eyes, opting to look at the..fogged up windows? You ignored it before you opened your mouth. “You don't pay enough attention to me…it feels like we’re not even in a relationship.”
Bada smiled and wrapped her arms around your waist, making you scoot closer to her. She put her hand on your head and guided it towards her chest. “You’re the only one I ever want, angel. I’ll make sure to spend more time with you, okay? Nobody will ever compare to you, I promise.”
“I know they won’t.” You say with even more sass, rolling your eyes. “I just don’t like how close you are with your team…especially Tatter.” You mumble into her shirt.
Bada took a deep breath, holding you tighter. “Tatter and the rest of them don’t have anything on you baby. You’re my goddess. The only one for me.”
You smiled slightly, loving how reassuring she is. “Do you promise to pay more attention to me?” You leaned up and looked at her.
Bada held out her pinky. “I pinky promise, princess.” You looked at her pinky weirdly.
“You’re so childish..” You say jokingly, hooking your pinky with hers. “Can we go home?” You asked, looking around the car in faux curiosity, hiding the fact that the only reason you wanted to go home was to finally cum.
She smirked and smacked your ass. “You’re such a naughty little thing, aren’t you?”
You both looked at each other, with Bada smirking before moving back up to the front. Bada looked at you one more time, seeing how hard you were squeezing your legs.
“Poor you…” Bada thought. She was going to have fun with you before she actually let you orgasm.
You looked towards her when you heard her giggle, side-eyeing her in distrust. “She’s definitely up to something.” You thought, sighing in disappointment at the inevitable teasing.
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A/N: Bada is an ASS GIRL and loves sloppy sex idc what you guys say talk to a wall.
Also I’m ngl, I had hella trouble writing this cause I kept giggling at the words “boob” and “jiggle” LMAO
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xxaraaq · 9 months
𝙈𝙧. 𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙜𝙪𝙮
word count | 4.5 k
cw | smut, rlly lowkey asshole Armin
Armin x Black!reader
A/N | If you see a typo no you didnt. But I hope you enjoy.
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 He was raised to be a gentleman – a sweetheart, if you will. And on the surface he is, all big smiles and boys laughs, but in reality, he's every lover girl's nightmare.
 He’ll be the first one to tell you that he loves you while he’s texting another girl, the one to take you on dates while he has five other people lined up after you give him what he wants. And he thought you would be just another number to his list, but oh was he wrong.
The first time he saw you he was at his sixth house party of the month. He was bored out of his mind if he was being honest, only here to see his friends and get shitfaced. He was in the middle of nursing a cup of god knows what when he saw you, clad in the tightest dress he thinks he’s ever seen. 
He almost chokes on his drink, eyeing you up and down. “Who the fuck is that?” He asks no one in particular. “Who?” Eren says, following Armin’s gaze. “Her.” He says, smirk already on his face. “Y/n? I don’t think you could handle that bro, trust me.” Eren says, scrolling on his phone. “Is that a challenge?” He asks, curious about the sudden doubt coming from his best friend. “No, it’s a warning. I’m telling you, she’ll have you begging for more, then act like she never met you.”  “It sounds like you’re one of her victims.” He scoffs, amused with the sudden caution. “Look, you do what you want, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Now he was really amused.
He looks at Eren one more time before getting up. He was honestly interested to see what the hype was all about now. He sees you laughing about whatever with your friend, not really caring. “Excuse me, is it okay if I talk to your lovely friend for a minute?” He asks your friend, taking her by surprise. He sees her glance at you for approval before she smiles and leaves. “Hey country club, I was wondering when you were gonna stop staring and come up to me.” You say, a pretty smile gracing your face. “I didn’t wanna interrupt the wonderful conversation I’m sure the two of you were having.” He says, taking in your shining brown complexion. You really were fine, ass and hips showing out in your light green dress.
“Just say you were thinking of the best way to tell me that you wanted to fuck me. It’s ok, I’ve heard it all” You say, putting your drink on the counter. “Well if you say it like that it makes me seem like an asshole.” He jokes, sultry tone making you twist your legs together in want.
“I thought you only fucked with blondies with blue eyes.” You say, playing with one of your passion twists. “I swear that's a lie. Everyone’s fair game.” He says, making you laugh. “You mad corny!” You laugh, hitting his shoulder playfully. “What, you don’t like corny?” He asks, leaning in closer. “Na, I like it. Keep it up and I might let you fuck me.” You whisper in his ear, smirking. “Might?” He asks, feigning offense. “Boy you heard what I said.” You say, looking him up and down.
He doesn’t know how he got in this situation, but he’s not complaining.
He took you back to his apartment, and next thing he knew he was near four orgasms in, threatening to press crescents into you hips as he fucked you into the bed.
Fuckk, I’m gonna cum.” You moan, meeting his thrusts. “Best fucking pussy I’ve ever had.” He slurs, eyes glossed over in lust. “S’good, keep fucking me like that, just like that.” You mewl in fucked out bliss. He presses your back down in the perfect arch, reaching deeper inside you. “Oooh fuck.” You yell, eyes rolling to the back of your head. He smirks, lopsided smile on his face. “S’good baby? Tell me how good it is.” He teases, thrusting harder to make you jolt forward in shock. “S- s’good, so good.” You babble, lost in ecstasy.
He fucks you until your both shaking, mind too blurred to think about anything besides pleasure. It’s until he’s nutted for the sixth time that he couldn’t take it anymore. He thought y’all would stop after that, but you weren’t done. He was surprised when you pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him, sinking onto him like you’ve been waiting for it all night. He hisses at the over stimulation, not knowing how much more he could take. “Shh, just let me make you feel good.” You coo, placing open lipped from his neck to his sternum. You both knew he wasn’t call it quits, say it’s too much, so you lifted yourself halfway off him just to slam back down, moaning in unison.
He’s so happy he didn’t listen to Eren.
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dolliied · 1 year
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all 4 u // e42! miles morales
↳ in which miles would do anything for you, even if it meant getting into harms way for you <3
↳ fem! black! reader x 42! miles morales
↳ cw; fluff, a little angst (maybe), comfort, miles isn’t his usual stoic self here (at least around you)
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the frantic tapping at your window dragged you out your trance. you turned from your desk that was littered in homework to it, revealing a dark silhouette, one that seemed oddly familiar. miles.
you quickly hurried off to the window, opening it with a click, letting miles stumble in. “miles?” you spoke, worry dripping in your tone. he only let out a pained groaned as he basically fell onto your queen sized bed. “what happened?” you pressed, but he didn’t speak, resorting to show where his side was bruised.
“you know that guy from earlier?” he spoke, his voice strangled and breathless.
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you and miles walked through the crowded mall, just browsing and laughing as you guys sipped on your drinks, cracking jokes with eachother.
“no, and the she has the nerve to post that corny shit on her story like girl if you don’t get outta here!“ you finished, you and miles starting up again in your fits of laughter.
“hol’ on baby ima go use the bathroom real quick” he said, pressing a quick peck to your cheek as he sauntered off. you stood in front of the beauty supply, just looking at the stuff that we’re trying to lure you in from the entrance of the store.
all of a sudden, some random guy came up to you. he looked.. interesting to say the least. he looked around you and miles age.
“hey ma. i feel like i’ve seen you from somewhere.” at this point, you could tell he was trying to use some weird, desperate way to coax you into giving him your socials as you’ve surely never seen this man a day in your life, but you wouldn’t budge.
“well, i can assure you, i’ve never seen you a day in my life” you spoke, eyeing him up and down subtly. you turned away but were caught real off guard when he grabbed you by the arm to turn you back to face him.
“nah really i-“ he spoke before you cut him off.
“yo i already said i don’t know you so don’t you ever put your hands on me” you yelled. you saw miles coming out of the bathroom already so you shoulder bumped past the guy to go stand next to him.
“you good mama?” he asked, looking at you before looking at the guy
“he’s over here tryna get my number and shii and i told him no and shit and he touched me like what the fuck” you mumbled to him, frustrated at the situation.
he just mugged the guy. “if she said she ain’t wanna give you her number why you pressing her bruh. whatever it ain’t even worth it man, let’s go baby” he said, turning you guys around to keep walking.
“whatever yo bitch ain’t even fine anyways!” the guy yelled at y’all’s backs. it really seemed to get under miles skin but he didn’t do anything after that.
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“the one from the mall? yea, why?” you asked, sitting next to him on the bed.
“i saw him again on the street in my way here and he was talking mad shit to his friend about you, so i got mad and started swinging but his weak ass homeboy jumped in and started hitting me and shit. i got em both off me but the guy landed hard ass hits.” he muttered. you sighed at him.
“you shouldn’t have baby” you pouted. “i don’t care about what he gotta say. he a bum ass nigga and you not so why you focused on him.”
you walked out to you kitchen, making an ice pack for him, you walked back to your room to see him looking at a book you had just started reading a few days ago.
“here, out this on your side” you said, handing him the ice pack and helping him lift his shirt.
“damn mama if you wanted to get freaky just say that” he said, smirking.
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my first lil fic 😝
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blasphemecel · 5 months
Michael Kaiser — On Your Knees
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader WORD COUNT: 2.9k TYPE: Humor, Teasing, ERM I think y/n and kaiser might like each other 🤓 WARNING: Suggestive sorry (flirting is only verbal but explicit at times)
Kaiser always looks alright with his hair wet. Not, like, stunning or anything, but passable. Then you know it’ll start standing up in weird ways after it dries a little and he’ll ask Ness to help him with it — which, embarrassing, by the way.
But anyway. You wanted to check out the communal bath after you took a shower, figured you’d be alone because it was already bordering on late, and Kaiser followed you because why wouldn’t he. Not like you value your peace and solitude or anything. He can be such a pest sometimes.
You were telling him what Isagi told you — it’s called a sento and apparently it’s different from the more popular onsen — and he said you weren’t ‘worldly’ and that you weren’t ‘impressing him’ and then some more about how ‘everyone knows this.’ Shithead. You should spit in his breakfast tomorrow, if you remember.
Well, you like sitting in the bath, at least, so you’re not too sour right now. Even Kaiser being right next to you can’t ruin it.
“I like this Raichi guy,” you say.
Kaiser shakes his head a little to show you he disapproves. “Don’t tell me you mingle with them. Also, the guy’s always benched. He’s second-rate.”
“No, listen, he was telling me about this sexy soccer motto he has. I really wanna know what it’s about.”
“You’re embarrassing. If you’re in my entourage, you should act like it.”
“Dude, you’re just mad at Isagi ‘cause he was trending on football twitter more than you were that day,” you say.
“I’m not!”
Very persuasive argument coming from him here. It’ll take a lot out of you to take it apart. He’s fuming about it, too. Maybe it’s not so bad Kaiser came along if you can poke fun at him.
“I don’t know why you’re the favorite on the team, anyway,” you say. “They all die over your corny tattoo and not to mention how much you love showing it off. Not cool at all.”
“You wish you were me. Now you’re being jealous because no one likes you, and it’s making you look even uglier than usual,” says Kaiser, seeming to believe himself if the smug look on his face is anything to go by.
“I mean, I had a girlfriend till recently, you know.” Kaiser rolls his eyes, but you ignore him. He’s always doing this, pretending he doesn’t want to hear you. “She had this botched blue dye job and said things like ‘pussy power,’ with the crystals in her room and the tarot cards and all.”
“Yeah? Sounds great. Did you pick her up after a match, loser?”
You click your tongue and wag your finger at him just to be annoying. “No, I don’t fool around with fans. Seems more like your forte.”
He flicks the offending finger away. “I’ve never done that, you slanderous pig.”
“No, but listen, she didn’t care about football at all. She didn’t even know what a scissor kick is. Ooh, she drove me wild.” You sing the last part, looking up at the ceiling fondly as if you’re recalling a warm memory.
Kaiser narrows his eyes at you, frowning. “You’re one strange individual.” And what a pompous way to put it.
“But anyway, wanna know what kinda tattoo I’d get?”
“I seriously don’t care.”
“A skull with two guns. Hard as fuck.”
“You’re so lame. It’s appalling, and also probably why you got dumped.”
He’s taking the tattoo thing seriously. At least seriously enough to insult you over it. He’s even snickering at you in amusement. His face is always, how can you put it… snide, but he does look a touch more evil when he starts grinning and shit. What a hoot, though. Really.
“Nah, there was this guy. He wore suspenders with plaid polos and these little sweaters over them. They were sustainable. Sustainable. Can you believe it? Sustainable! I didn’t stand a chance.” You poke him on the neck, already distracted from what you were rambling about. Kaiser is going to bring up your low attention span soon, you can smell it on him. It doesn’t take any effort to reach out, though, what with him sitting so close next to you. “This isn’t such a bad spot for a tattoo, actually. I don’t know, maybe you were onto something.”
“Paws off,” he says, swatting you away like a bug. A pedestrian bug, probably, at least in his imagination. “You really wanna fondle me that badly, you’ll use any excuse to do so?”
“Paws!” you repeat, clapping. “You’re hysterical.”
Kaiser rolls his eyes again. He seems to like to do that a lot, at least in your presence. If there was such a thing as competitive eye-rolling, you wager he’d be good at it, maybe even better than he is at football.
“No, but listen-”
“God, I hate it when you say that,” he interrupts with a groan, then contradicts himself by also swinging an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer just to yawn in your face with great exaggeration. The water is way too hot for this nonsense, so you push him away. “Because I never want to listen to you.”
“You’re crazy. Insane. It’s super clinical. Like, really.”
“Yes, I’m sure, unlike me, you’d pass a psychiatric evaluation because I’m crazy and you aren’t. Of course.”
“Can you stop topic-hopping?” Kaiser asks, annoyed. See, you knew he’d bring it up. “Does your head ever hurt with how much bullshit goes through it?”
You shush him. He scowls at you like you’re some mold growing in the bath, but you disregard his expression of disdain. “Imagine you’re having a nice day, I don’t know, at practice. Then I barge in with all of my asshole glory, right, and I walk up to you, and for no reason, I say, ‘On your knees,’ instead of greeting you. Isn’t that kinda deranged?”
Kaiser stares at you. To his credit, he’s decent at maintaining a poker face, but once he’s embarrassed, there’s no hiding it, no going back. Because no matter how much he does his usual male posturing or whatever it’s called, his face is all red, the blush even going up to his ears, mouth wavering the slightest bit. “W-What? In your dreams.”
“Oh, do you like getting bossed around or something?” you ask with the sensitivity of a numb toe. “That’s so pathetic.”
It’s quite the spectacle when his skin somehow becomes even more flush. Sick of your leering, maybe, Kaiser whips around, albeit not all the way, and covers his cheek with his hand while peering at you through his fingers. Finally, he decrees, “You suck,” with too much authority.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Forget about me, though. In that situation, do you spit or do you swallow?”
It’s unclear whether you’re getting any gratification out of this besides the satisfaction of flustering him, but you smile in amusement regardless. As if you care about Kaiser sitting there, looking all pretty and nervous because of some nonsense you’d been spewing. Not like you’re crazy about him or anything. That’d be ridiculous. You couldn’t be more unfazed if you tried.
You grab your towel with what you’d call impressive swiftness, then turn around and stand, covering yourself before preparing to go on your merry way. Kaiser pulls you back by the ankle, trying to trip you or something, the menace. Hilarious guy, really.
He is staring up at you in this petulant sort of way, grabbing onto his own towel with his other hand. “Why are you leaving so soon?” he asks, sounding peeved, as if you haven’t been here with him for an unreasonable amount of time already.
“I thought I should give you some privacy since you’re all hot and bothered now,” you say (with this douchebag laugh you have for situations like these, where you’re being a douchebag — self-explanatory), stepping out of his grip. Then you try to imitate his voice, but more high-pitched, accompanying your performance with a few vulgar hand gestures. “Oh, [Y/n], you slanderous pig! I think that’s what you’d sound like.”
“You’re such a lowlife,” he says, before all but leaping out of the bath and trying to maim you right here on the spot, and the only thing to save you from your demise is that he gets lightheaded and almost faints immediately after.
You reach out to pull him up and keep him steady, holding him by the arms. “You can’t be jumping out of the bath like that, man, come on.”
The lack of response concerns you, but after a while, Kaiser gathers his wits enough to say, “I’m going to make you slip, and I’ll be praying you split your head open.”
You burst out laughing. “Do it, then. You don’t have it in you, do you?”
Instead of doing as he promised to retaliate to your provocation, he settles for letting go of you and glaring, before clutching the side of his head and going still again. If there was any medical wing in this goddamn football contraption, maybe you would’ve taken him, but alas. At least you don’t need to worry about Kaiser too much since he eventually concedes and holds onto your arm for support.
The sight of you two stumbling around towards the changing room is probably comedic — uncoordinated as hell, covering yourselves with these flimsy little towels, using the hands not clutching at the other.
“You’re supposed to drink a lot of water before getting in,” you say.
“It’s your fault! You didn’t warn me we were going.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you weren’t invited. Jeez.”
“Oh, whatever.”
You return the tiny towel to the basket, swapping it for a bigger one and making quick work of drying yourself. You’re slipping on your shirt when you ask, “Is your head all right now?”
“I’m fine.”
When you turn around to judge whether he’s being truthful or not, he’s dabbing himself in a manner which is way more laborious, examining his reflection in the mirror as if he’s in some slow motion commercial where the camera will capture a conspicuous water droplet falling down his neck, admiring his jaw from different angles. He makes you sick sometimes.
“I’m not gonna wait for you to finish checking yourself out.”
He shoos you away with a dismissive wave of his hand. Unlike his, your actions most often align with your words, though, so you do walk out of the door. You’re not even ten steps in when Kaiser reappears, now magically dressed.
“Stop rushing,” he says, pushing you out of the way — and for no reason! There’s enough space for both of you in the hallway. You end up lagging a bit behind him. “I’m dizzy.”
“I thought you said-”
“Blah, blah,” he cuts you off, untying his hair and doing a bad job of smoothing it out with his fingers.
You’re rooming with him and Ness, so you’re already headed in the same direction. As much as this stinks, your other option was Gesner and Grim. God, is fucking Gesner obsessed with dick cheese. Of all things, that’s what he’s always talking about. Grim has your condolences, but the problem is out of your hands now.
“Your hairstyle’s ridiculous.”
Kaiser turns his nose up and smiles, coming off as pleased by the insult. “You can only wish to pull it off.” Always preening like a peacock. He’s entertaining. You swear he is.
You hook one of the ends, where it’s the bluest, around your finger, twirling it around and around. “I had a dream about you recently.”
“Aww, I’m on your mind even when you’re unconscious. I could vomit right now.”
“You were in the meditation position, but you were levitating, and the rat tails were holding you up.”
Maybe you’ve committed some kind of utmost offense, because he doesn’t even bother insisting they’re not rat tails this time. “Wow, those are the kinds of things you dream about me? Your brain is defective to the core.”
“What do you want me to dream about you, then? Are you implying something?”
He faces you, and he has this way of looking at you like you’re a blight on humanity. You have an urge to press your palms against his cheeks to check how warm they get when he blushes, but resist it. “You’re so delusional.”
He’s rolling his eyes again.
“Keep rolling them, see where it gets you.”
“What, are you implying something?” Kaiser asks, mocking you, but he seems kind of happy at the insinuation. You’re not about to point it out, though, having a semblance of self-preservation.
“But anyway, your hair,” you say. “It looks good for tugging on.”
He snorts, either at your audacity to speak such things out loud to him, or at the way you straight up ignored his question.
So you elaborate, just so he doesn’t get the wrong idea, “Yeah, like, I kinda wanna grab you and swing you around till you fly outta my grip.”
“What?! As if.”
“It’d be so funny, though.”
“Maybe to other stupid people like you. Dense people who always ruin the fucking moment, for example, that type of thing.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you say, stifling a laugh before entering the room.
The lights are still on when you come in. Ness seems to be reading some kind of book, sitting upright and all. “Hey, guys. You were gone for a while.”
“We were,” Kaiser says, you assume just because he likes hearing himself talk. “All that time I can’t get back.”
You crouch down to get him a water bottle in case he forgot how dehydrated he was (or more likely decides he’s above getting it by himself). It’s rare for you to do something out of the goodness of your heart, so when you turn around to pass it and find him draping himself over the solitary bed — the one you won dibs on in an honest round of rock, paper, scissors — you swear to never do anything nice for him ever again.
“Hey, get off! It’s mine.”
“But I want it,” he whines, as if his word holds more weight than the aforementioned game of rock, paper, scissors, which, as already established, you won.
You’re about to make an earnest attempt at throwing him out of the bed until Ness comes to his defense. “Come on, leave him alone.”
Saying no to Kaiser is exceptionally easy. But going against what Ness is asking? You can’t get a read on the guy. He’s either way too happy most of the time, or is secretly plotting your murders for all you know. You toss the water bottle at Kaiser, leaving him to smirk at your relenting.
“By the way, do you mind if I turn the lights off after I do my nighttime routine in the bathroom? I’m kind of tired,” Ness says.
“Sure,” allows Kaiser. So generous and charming with a winning personality to boot, this guy.
You lean against the bunk bed and ask, “Oh yeah, why are you still up?”
“I thought it might be rude if I went to bed before you both came back, so I decided to wait.”
Damn, now you feel kind of bad for dilly-dallying for so long. You clutch your chest with a tasteful sense of drama. “You’re so perfect. Hey, Ness, you wanna take the top bunk?”
“Wow, really?”
“Why not at this point,” you say. After all, Ness came in second in the game, but gave it up to Kaiser, and he ruined everything already.
“Thanks!” He grins at you before rushing off to do his business, almost blinding you with the sweetness he emits. Your gaze trails after him until he leaves the room.
Kaiser is looking at you with a mix between scorn and disgust when you walk over to his side to retrieve your phone from the bedside table, but you pretend not to notice.
Figuring you have nothing better to do, you take Ness’s previous spot, lying down on your stomach, ready to check your notifications. In your peripheral vision, you see Kaiser take his shirt off theatrically, then he has the fucking nerve to throw it at you. He makes such a big show out of existing.
It’s probably more painless to throw him a glance now than to be stubborn, so you exhale out of your nostril in resignation and turn your attention back to him. Kaiser props himself on his elbow while reclining on his side, posing on the bed, gracing you with a bastard smile. Almost presenting himself like a Renaissance painting you’re supposed to admire in some chaste, intellectual kind of way.
“Wanna know something?”
“What?” he asks, apparently irritated since you don’t seem so appreciative of him right now.
“I think shitty, obnoxious guys like you need to be put in their place,” you tell him.
It really is way too obvious on his complexion when he starts getting shy. He’s like a breathing mood ring. It’s almost fascinating. For a second, Kaiser is incredulous, but then he turns smug again, addressing you with a sense of challenge. “Don’t even joke. You’re not really about it like that. All you do is talk.”
You think you’re gonna start having even more fun together after today.
No homo I HATE HIM 😍
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shysuccubusstuff · 2 months
lovesick! diluc pt. 1
Content: Consensual + shy! diluc + tipsy! diluc (hc he is a light weight).Non proof-reader.
Note: It was Diluc's birthday a few days ago so I thought about writing a lil something for him :)). This one was taking too long so I just decided to divide it (as always...). Hope you're waiting for the next one!
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You and Diluc had recently started dating, as you had been meeting with each other for several times, for example when you decided to work as a bartender in his taver.
He had been captivated since he met you, at first it was merely because of your pretty face, he was even more charmed when he realized that you were not only a pretty face, but you also had such a pretty soul, always helping people and trying to make people happy. That night, Paimon had decided to stay at the Serenitea pot, sleeping as she was so "tired" from the journey back home. So, why not make a visit to Diluc? Your mind had been wandering about it, as the last time you had seen each other it had been merely for business. You entered the place, the tavern as energetic as always, some men were already drunk, laying on top of the tables while others were laughing at whatever. Then, at the bar was him, his pretty red hair shining as if they were flames, his arms were slightly pressured by his shirt, making his muscles stand out a bit more. As soon as he saw you his gaze softened, his lips curving into a shy smile.
"Traveler, it's a pleasure to finally meet you again, did you have any business here?" He had gotten closer to you, but he had paused, his body showing how he was unsure of how to greet you. You smiled, as despite most times he was more like a wild bear, he now looked like a little cub, unsure of what to do. Without wasting more time, you got closer to him, your arms surrounding him and closing the hug, his warmth making you feel even more at home. Diluc got a little tense for a moment, but he quickly joined the hug, his hair tickling you a little. He slowly let you go, his face a bit red, as he didn't expect you to greet him in such a welcoming manner.
"Hello, Diluc. I came to see you actually, last time we saw each other I didn't have that much time to talk with you and... well, it's just great to feel at home." His eyes encountered yours as he returned to behind the counter, the tips of his ears a bit red, cause how was he supposed not to feel his heart pounding like crazy? The person he liked (more like loved) had just said such a corny sentence to him! He pinched himself on the arm and kept cool, trying to keep his usual poker face.
"I'm glad you feel like that about Mondstadt, traveler. How did your journey went?" Of course you could mean Mondstadt, so he tried to keep his cool and ask about a topic that would avoid any type of weird misunderstandings.
"Oh, you know, they were entertaining, some were a bit rougher, but I was able to meet great people, for example, I even met a Duke! He reminded me a bit of you, you know?" His heart dropped a little when he saw you smile wide while talking about that man who seemed to be quite charming but he tried to remain completely focused, cleaning the counter while trying to avoid you noticing his slight change of humour. Despite his attempt, you were clearly able to tell, as he almost looked like a sad puppy, trying to focus more on cleaning the perfectly clean coutner over meeting with your gaze. So you tried to push him to look at you, your hands moving towards him, touching him softly, caressing his biceps and making him almost whimper, hungry for you.
"Diluc... you're not paying no attention to me... are you mad?" You pouted, making you look way too cute for his well-being. When did you learn to make men so weak? He bit his tongue, once again trying to remain calm while what he truly wanted was to kiss those pretty lips, still shiny from the beverage that he had given you shortly after you had arrived.
"I'm sorry traveler, it's just that today has been... kinda hard." His eyes shifted, focusing on how your pretty hands were caressing his face slowly making their way down his neck, almost touching his chest, almost making him almost fall to the ground as his legs were shaking way too much.
"How about we drink together? Just to make you feel a bit better?" You got your glass close to his lips, allowing him to take a huge gulp from it, perhaps without thinking before acting as his eyes started to look a little foggy as soon as he shallowed it. Who would guess that the serious owner of the Angel's Share would be such a light weight? The tip of his ears flushed a little, and his mind started to be (perhaps too much) relaxed.
"Oh... the pretty boy seems a bit tired, can I help you a little?" You kept trying to make him mad, the vein in his neck starting to be more prominent. Diluc got out of the counter, walking (perhaps more like running) to the door, finally closing the tavern for the day and leaving both of you alone. The warm lights making you glow like some kind of God, Diluc felt his clothes a bit too tight, his brain almost working in command of whatever you said to him. He lost no time in returning back to where you were sitting, bending in one knee and resting his face on your lap, his soft red hair falling so prettily and framing his beautiful face. You lowered your head, peppering some kisses on both his hair and face.
"Traveler, I've missed you so much, I hated when you talked about that man, did you fall in love with him or something?..." Diluc started to talk, not putting too much importance on what he was saying, but you were still unfaced, the alcohol not being strong enough for you to feel any of the effects from it. "Traveler... are you listening to me?" His hands were tugging from your clothes, making him look just like a small child complaining, somehow the idea of having a small version of him made you melt, his eyes were glistening, too pretty for this world.
"I'm sorry baby, I was just trying to mess with you a little... don't get mad at me." You smiled at him, his face forming a small pout. He got up swiftly, his face looking much more serious than before.
"Were you trying to make fun of me?..." His gaze shifted, appearing much more menazing than before. He instantly took you, putting you on top of the counter and making your eyes lock with each other. Your heart almost skipped a beat, until then you had been the one that was in control, but the order had suddenly changed, making you feel all shy and fidgety, cause, how were you supposed to react to a hot redhead moving you around as if you were as light as a feather?!
"Diluc, I was just playing! I'm sorry for making you feel sad, I swear I was just playing around, yeah? We should talk about this tomorrow, I think you're a little tipsy!" You tried to run away, putting both of your hands on his chest and trying to move even just a little, but he was not budging a bit, his breath feeling hot against your face.
"No runnin' now, it's my turn to play with you, don't cha think?" His words were dragging a bit, but he was still maintaining his grip around your waist. He got closer, starting by kissing your cheek, making you giggle a little because of his hair around your neck. He stopped for a moment, quickening the pace, his kisses started to lower from your cheek to your neck, causing you to start feeling a bit hot.
"Diluc... we shouldn't be doing this here... What if someone comes...?" Your complains fell into deaf ears, as he not only kept kissing your neck, but he even started to move his hands upwards, getting rid of your upper clothing and making you feel the coldness of the place against your skin.
"This place is closed until tomorrow... so I'm sure nobody is coming. On the other side... your night just has begun, love."
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-> POC SAFE 𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Non-idol Jeongin, random, non-existent village that I made 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: It was a tradition in your kingdom for a stranger to give flowers to a person they fell for. You always get flowers from strange men and woman but none of them caught your attention. None of them gave you a good reason why they liked you until one man changed your life. 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): The reader has trust issues, he is very much hard to get but has his reasons, the reader mentions to have insecurities about their looks for a bit, mentions of looks, mentions of the word "Sexual" called "beautiful" once or twice. Called "attractive" a couple of times, mentions of food. Cursing. Mentions of bullying but not on the reader. Mentions Minho and Hyunjin once and the Lee family (Lee Felix). This is mad corny and I hate being corny and cheesy sometimes. 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: Sigh, I just need more male/gender neutral readers. I had the sudden urge to make a male reader.
Thank you for reading this blog, if you want to, please like, reblog or comment to show your love and support!
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In the kingdom of Miroh, there was a known tradition that was used many years ago. It was like courting in a way—well, most definitely courting...
Tradition for a male, female, or whatever gender you identify as being to bring a beautiful flower from the Wysteria garden up North, pick the flower they think is a perfect match for their crush, and put it on their doorstep.
It may seem strange because why would a random stranger court another random stranger?
Well, it's love at first sight until you get rejected, then it's second or third, depending on how desperate the person is.
The courting lasts for one week; within those days, it is always the same flower and then a letter about themselves with the crush responding back, until finally, when Friday hits, they are supposed to not only have a flower on that crush's doorstep but even the secret admirer to confess their feelings. Using those exact words:
"My love for you is as fresh as these flowers. Please accept my love for you!"
Everyone knows those exact words and always uses them in hopes of getting accepted. One person thought it was dumb, which is [Male Reader].
Of course, you didn't think of that at first. When you turned 18, you were honestly excited to be courted. You would rather have the person court you, so you get to know the reasons why that person likes you.
You didn't find yourself to be quite charming like the other boys or girls, so you kind of didn't expect to get one until you opened the door to find a beautiful rose bouquet waiting for you.
You were so excited—you were even thrilled that someone out there liked you until you didn't.
Friday came along, and [Male Reader] got ready in hopes of seeing their future lover. When you opened the door, the man looked quite older than you; however, he was not bad-looking.
He extended his hand to you, almost shoving the flowers against your chest, then said those exact words to court someone when you finally met them face-to-face.
"My love for you is as fresh as these flowers. Please accept my love for you!"
The man's voice was soft, and you couldn't help but smile. Even though you were happy, you were curious about why he had chosen you. When you questioned him, the man stood there like a fool.
When he explains it to you, your smile slowly turns into a small frown. His explanation icked you, sending the flowers to his chest.
"You only like me because you find me attractive? Is that all? I'm just sexually appealing to you, is that all? What other reasons besides liking me? Those responses I made didn't attract your interest."
You shouted at him as he just looked at you in shock.
"What else is there to like?"
What else is there to like?
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You are now 21.
Those are the exact words you hear every time someone tries to court you. They only liked you because you were attractive. They didn't even try to read the response you made, so you became less interested in the stories in their envelopes.
What's the point of reading it if they are not interested in your life story, only your looks?
You rejected every piece immediately, not even giving the poor secret admirer a chance.
Now that's a tradition for you.
Every time they give you their reason, it's always the word attractive, to the point where you feel uncomfortable hearing that word.
Just because of that, it became a challenge for others in the village to get you, and honestly, it annoyed you even more.
You told your friends, like Minho and Hyunjin, who both thought it was a good idea to just smack and run, and honestly, you don't feel like dealing with more drama, but they were still there to show their support and help you as much as they could.
Months have passed, and the dumb challenge has withered down a bit as they have grown tired of trying to court you.
They even add some sly remarks about you, which, honestly, you didn't give two shits about; however, you were honestly happy that people have given up on you, and you might have even given up on love as well.
Until you arrived at your house at night to see a bouquet of flowers in front of your doorstep.
You sighed, yet it intrigued you since no one has ever given you flowers around this time.
You looked around, but you saw no one but other houses with their lights turned off. You just assumed it was left there when you left to go hang out with your friends in the morning.
You grabbed the bouquet and tossed it to the side to show you were rejecting it without even looking at what type of flower it was. You assumed it was another bouquet of roses as you unlocked the front door and went inside to take a shower and sleep.
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You assume this secret admirer was persistent.
Every night you hear a knock on your door, and you open to see a bouquet of flowers on your doorstep. You always toss it to the side until Wednesday, when you finally just keep it inside, even taking the ones you toss.
You notice how each flower is different.
Monday: Pine
Tuesday: Heather, but it was lavender-colored.
Wednesday: Pink Rose
Thursday: Iris
Each has its own separate meaning; you learned about this since you volunteered for community service as a garden helper.
You even notice how this person only sends poems, not an introduction. It was short, yet you couldn't help but feel cheesy on the inside.
You even feel slightly happy that there was a change and not just the same pattern.
As expected, you waited by the door in hopes of encountering this secret admirer since, as per tradition, Friday is where you meet face-to-face but you didn't hear any knock.
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The flowers that the secret admirer is slowly losing lose their shape and color, just like you are losing yours.
The only thing that has withered is the pine that was placed in the bowl with other decorations. You felt yourself losing touch with everyone around you.
Maybe you just weren't meant for love.
Or maybe
People weren't just meant to have you.
You don't even know.
It's silly to feel this way about a secret admirer. It never affected you like this before, so why does this dumb secret admirer affect you now?
You know why.
Their different.
The flowers are different, the poems are different, and even the time is different.
So you assumed that this person was different.
Just that, maybe you found the one for you.
But they still haven't shown up. Not a single flower, not a single poem, not a single thing. It hurts your heart; it really did, so you cried again.
How pathetic to cry over a secret admirer—a different one, to be exact.
You kept crying until a knock was heard in front of your door. You stop crying as you quickly get up, hoping it was the admirer, until you open the door to see just a random delivery woman smiling at you.
You tried to smile back, but the pain didn't let you.
"Here you, Mr. [last name]! I hope you have a good day!" You waved at her as you walked back inside, tossing the mail on the dining table.
You didn't even bother looking at it as you grabbed some water to cool you down.
You walk back to the dining table and look down to see the mail. It was just newspapers and marketing until one envelope caught your eye.
The handwriting.
You recognize that handwriting anywhere, the poet.
You quickly opened the envelope and read what was inside.
Dear, [First and Last name]
Hello, how are you?
First, I want to start with an apology. I didn't mean to ignore you for four days; things have happened on my end, and I have gone to the hospital because of that. But have no fear; I am alright. Just a fractured leg, but it will heal!
Second, in hopes of having a way to get you to forgive me, please visit me at the Wysteria garden you used to work at.
I know it sounds strange, but I really want to meet you face-to-face so please give me another chance to redeem myself for you.
If you don't wish to see me, that is fine. I respect your decision, but please consider this offer!
Love, Secret admirer
You couldn't believe what you were reading. First off, you quickly got worried when this person mentioned being in the hospital.
Second, did this person know you before?
You tried to think, but nothing came, but you did want to meet this person. You got up, quickly changed into your best outfit once again, and walked out to Wysteria Garden up north.
You felt almost scared, yet excited.
You feel yourself shaking as you continue walking through the gravel road, ignoring everyone around you as you just keep on thinking about the secret admirer.
As you reach your destination, You notice how the garden still looked the same when you were 18 years old.
The same design, the same flowers, and probably the same wooden swing set up the hill where the cherry tree was.
You look around, but you don't see anyone.
You look up at the hill; you don't really see anyone up there, but you didn't want to think that since it was quite high to see what's up there, so you walked up the hill.
As you climb, you see clearly that, in fact, the cherry tree with a swing set connected to it is exactly the same, just like you said.
You made it up, but you don't see anyone.
You frowned a bit as you walked up to the swing, sitting yourself down as you rocked back and forward on the swing, signing a bit until you heard footsteps coming behind you.
You quickly got off and turned around to see a man, almost young but probably not younger than you.
You even notice that one hand was behind his back while the other was placed in his chest.
His face was turning red as he shyly scratched his neck while looking at you. His face always looked like a fox, which you thought was quite cute.
You waited for him to say something, but it seems like he couldn't, so you step in.
"Um, hi? Are you the one who gave me the flowers and poems?" You questioned. The man slowly nodded as you watched him try to calm himself down.
"Hey, it's alright; I don't bite unless you are doing this just for this dumb challenge."
The man quickly shook his head while shouting "no" at you. He quickly shuts his mouth, then finally opens it again to speak.
"N-No! Of course not! I would never! This is real; my feelings for you are real! You want to sit down?" The man stutters but still finds a way to finish his sentence.
You just nodded as you sat down on the ground and watched the man carefully set himself down, biting his lips to ignore the pain from his leg.
"Are you alright?" He quickly just nods as he looks at you.
You looked at him back, even though it was very awkward. You didn't know what to say, so you just waited for him.
"Well, sorry, um. I should introduce myself since I didn't do those introduction papers. Um, my name is Yang Jeongin. I'm part of the Yang family; you might know me from my father being a priest or my mom being a baker with the Lee family."
You nodded as you said his name in your head.
"I'm 22 years old, so it should be a fine age for you to probably date me." He said it shyly as he pondered what else to say.
"I like to help people like mom and dad with stuff. I like to sing, um. My favorite color is green. Yeah, uh, sorry, this is my first time doing this tradition!" He quickly apologized and bit his lip again.
You smiled.
"It's okay; take your time."
He nodded until his eyes opened wide, almost like he forgot something. He quickly extends both of his hands to show you a flower—a red chrysanthemum flower, to be exact.
Love and passion
Then he says his words:
"My love for you..." He mumbles a bit, almost like he couldn't decide what to do or say.
He sighs as he sits up confidently and looks at you with a serious face as he extends his hands comfortably and gently this time.
My love for you...
"My love for you is not like the others. Yes, it's fresh, but it's new, and I want to be the right one for you! So please, if you like, accept my love, [male reader], and be the love of my life!"
He shouts as he shuts his eyes, waiting for the rejection to come; however, he didn't hear any.
He opens your eyes to see you in shock.
Those words, you repeated them in your head. It wasn't the same as that stupid, repeated sentence in those traditions.
It was new; it was different.
He is different.
But you didn't let that affect you for now, as you were curious. You always are; you wanted to know why this stranger, Yang Jeongin, liked you.
He could be different, but his reasons might be the same as others.
You didn't want that.
"Well then, Yang Jeongin, tell me, why do you like me?"
You assume he was going to hesitate and say something about you just being attractive, but none of that was said by him.
"Because you helped me. I know it's dumb, and you might not remember that back when we were 14 or 15, you were there when those bullies treated me. They disliked the way I looked; they feared me. Almost everyone did, but you didn't. You didn't fear me; you stuck up for me. I felt protected when I was with you, so when I saw you again at the bakery, my heart couldn't stop fluttering. I loved you when you first helped me. You protected me, and now I want to protect you from the people who hurt you. You are beautiful. A beautiful mind, a loving personality, even the confidence gave me a boost of life, so place, accept my love so I can cherish you each night and day."
You were stunned; you didn't even notice that you were crying.
Jeongin quickly reached out to you, but when he did, you quickly grabbed him and kissed him on the lips. He froze in shock until he gave in, kissing you back. He was almost dropping the chrysanthemum flower from his hand.
You pulled back as you noticed how red he had become.
"I'm quite sad that I managed to forget you. High school really took a toll on me, but I'm so grateful and happy. Thank you! Not only that, you don't even know much about me. We can change that." You smiled as you grabbed him by the arm as you both carefully walked down from the hill to the garden house for the both of you to talk and get to know each other.
You felt loved.
And honestly, you felt lucky to find someone like him.
Your flower boy.
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I don't know if I should tag them (if they want to be tagged, honestly wasn't sure) or just reblog their post but I wanted to tag them since I'm not the one who made the dividers nor gifs! Thank you!
Dividers credits: @v6que and @florietas
Gif credits: @yang-innie
Again, thank you for reading!
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issillage · 10 months
Sanzu — Borderline Psychopath.
TW : drug use against your will, forced kiss, mention of blowjob and its further implementation.
You know better than to get involved with a man who is on the verge of psychopathy, right? Wait, are you on your knees already?..
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Sanzu doesn’t consider you special. On the contrary, you seem boring and ordinary to death — so much so that he even became interested.
Seriously, you're so corny—always with the same face at the reception desk and smile stiffly politely at the residents all your shift. There’s not an ounce of madness in your eyes, your words are memorized and of the same type.
On one of the monotonous working days, your superiors have sent you to the top floor of a residential complex, where wealthy people live in penthouses. But you didn't expect that instead of listening to the domestic whims of a rich resident, you’d be roughly pushed inside and the door would close with a piercing click.
“I'm wondering how many pills I need to feed you to make your healthy psyche crack at the seams?” Haruchiyo was pressing you against the wall, your shoulder blades aching from a rough collision with a hard surface. While his palm was pressed tightly into your mouth, his gaze didn’t leave yours, followed every breath and tremor. “You're too normal, it's completely tasteless. Tell me, what should I bring you to?”
Like a Cheshire cat, he smiled broadly and slyly. Just the thought that you’ll be dependent on him and lust after him—makes Sanzu’s heart beat faster, scroll through color pictures in his head.
“I have to see this pretty face of yours grimacing with pain and pleasure at the same time. Y/n, how do you look when you're high?” Sanzu watches with perverted interest how your eyes widened when his knee gets between your legs and pushes them apart. ”It's especially nice to spoil everything normal, don’t you thing so?"
He put the pill into his mouth and leaned his head back, closing eyes. The vein in his neck swelled, and lips stretched in a smile of pleasure. Turning his attention back to you, Sanzu’s already dilated pupils were running over your face, and tongue pressing against the inside of his cheeks—as if the movements of his tongue subtly (thickly) hinted at what you’re going to do this night.
“After this magic pill, an unusual hunger appears. And I'm not just talking about food.” Sanzu removed his palm from your mouth, but before you could take a breath, your lips were enclosed in a violent kiss. The knee between your legs rose higher, teasingly touching the intimate place while men's hands inquisitively led over your curves. “Swallow it.”
In addition to his tongue, you felt another foreign object in your mouth—a drug that he gave you through a kiss—promising to engulf you in a fit of madness and passion. Placing his palms on your cheeks, Sanzu deepened the kiss and pushed the pill further with the tip of his tongue—forcing you to swallow it.
“Well done. But that's not all, Y/n. You still have an incredibly boring expression on your face.” with a defiant smack, Sanzu reluctantly pulled away from your lips, letting you catch your breath. He leaned into your ear, a whisper escaped from him. “Be a good puppet and get on your knees. Show me how you work with your mouth.”
Sanzu hates normal people, because he’s never been one. And you’re so ordinary and boring that he attends to spoil it with pleasure—Sanzu will stain you in a thick resin of addiction and madness
art cr : muun._.k on ig
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cosmoeticss · 1 year
The Pact | Aegon Targaryen Modern!AU (part one)
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Words: 4.3K
Pairing: modern!Aegon Targaryen II x reader, slight Dalton Greyjoy x reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI Cheating, caught cheating, swearing, underage drinking, eventual smut. this is my ‘rom com’ fic so please expect rom com level corniness.
Note: This is probably gonna run for about 4 or 5 parts depending on how I lay it out but I’m so excited to share it with you. Also aegon isn’t show canon aegon obviously, I’m just very in love with tgc I pulled it from another random idea I had wrote out months ago with no plot line and made it into this. I hope y’all enjoy it.
my masterlist
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The summer you turned seventeen had seemed never ending while you had been living it. The hot nights were spent next to your best friend, sneaking out to parties, stealing bottles from Aegon’s fathers liquor cabinet, and climbing out of bedroom windows to stargaze and ponder what the future would hold for you both. It wasn’t until that fateful August night – the night of his older sister's wedding – when you both had exhausted the dance floor and small talk with distant family members and friends, that you felt in the air that it was coming to an end.
You were sitting at your assigned table, music from the reception blaring as you finally discarded the sandals that had been hurting your feet all night, when you felt fingers brush your shoulder, grabbing your attention. You snapped your attention to the culprit, none other than Aegon Targaryen moseying past you, a bottle of Casterly Rock red wine tucked discreetly behind his back as he beckoned you to follow. You gave him a lopsided grin, jumping from your seat to grab on to his arm as you both made a break for the exit. 
“Did they just let you take that?” you exclaimed, the excitement of getting caught jumping in your chest.
“I snuck in the kitchens while no one was paying attention,” he explained, arm linked with yours as he led you to a patch of soft grass outside the gardens of the Red Keep. 
“And no one saw?” you raised an eyebrow at him, stifling a giggle as you both found your place on the ground next to each other. 
“Don’t act so surprised, I can be sneaky,” he furrowed his brow, feigning offense. “Like a ninja.”
An earnest laugh bubbled in your chest as you took the bottle from him, making quick work of breaking the seal and attempting to remove the cork. “Of course, because the first thing I think of when I look at you is ninja.” 
“Let me,” he snatched it back, rolling his eyes as you struggled. He winced as he tugged at the cork with all his might, letting out a breath of relief at the satisfying ‘pop’ as he finally freed it. “I’ve never had wine before. My mum drinks it all the time, though.” He admitted, passing it back to you.
“Alicent is a woman of taste. This isn’t just wine, Aeg,” you said, mimicking a dramatic posh accent as you lifted the bottle to your nose to breathe in the bitter, fruity scent. “It’s very fancy, expensive wine for very fancy, expensive people.”
Aegon chuckled, eyeing her as she sized up the thick, deep red liquid.. “Well tonight, we are very fancy people, so bottoms up, mate.”
You took a deep breath, raising the bottle to your lips and grimacing as the liquid reached your taste buds. Coughing at the flavor, you reluctantly swallowed the large swig you’d taken down, gagging in disgust as you handed the bottle back to Aegon who was already in stitches. 
“Don't laugh!” you whined, only slightly embarrassed as you laid back in the grass. “It’s disgusting! I thought it was supposed to be good, your mum is mad if she drinks that all the time.” 
“What happened to her being a woman of taste?” he took a big swig, handling it with much more grace than you had but expression still twisting with distaste as he spun the bottle to read the label. “Yeah, that's rank.” 
“I told you.”
“Maybe we’re drinking it wrong,” he took another drink before setting it down and laying back with you, bringing his arm to rest under his head. 
You rolled your eyes half heartedly. “How can you even drink something wrong?” you poked, fingers weaving through the blades of grass between the two of you.
“I dunno, maybe we’re not fancy or expensive enough,” he teased, his hand falling from his stomach to scoop yours up, fiddling with it as you both admired the clear sky above you, the smell of fall air just lingering in the distance like smoke.
You giggled sweetly. “Yeah, that’s it,” he hummed at your response. “I’ll stick with my good ol’ Vodka Cran’s, thank you very much.”
He groaned in mock annoyance. “You and those Vodka Cran’s.”
You pointed your joined hand at the bottle sitting unevenly in the grass. “They taste better than that, I’ll tell you what.” 
He shrugged, smirking lightly at your defensiveness. “Cheaper too, I suppose.”
“Right,” you teased.
“Right,” Aegon squeezed your fingers as you two fell into a comfortable silence, the boisterous sounds of Rhaenyra and Harwin’s reception muffled by the distance and the chirping of nearby crickets were the only noise filling the air.
“I can’t believe Breakbones really cried when Nyra came down the aisle,” Aegon mused softly, breaking the pause. “I can,” you shook your head fondly at the memory of earlier today, as his fell to the side to look at you as you spoke. “He’s all big and tough on the outside, but on the inside the man is nothing but a softy, I swear it.” 
“Do you think you’ll ever get married?” Aegon pondered, studying your vague expression, brows furrowing as he tried to decipher what you were thinking. “What?” He pressed as you didn’t answer straight away, lost in thought.
You snapped out of whatever trance the question put you in, finally meeting his gaze. “Um,” your eyes averted, blowing raspberries through your lips as you thought. “I dunno. I hope so.”
“What do you mean you ‘hope so?’”
You shrugged shyly in what felt like defeat. “I mean I want to someday, it’s just,” you paused, feeling a bit silly about what you were about to admit. “Seeing your sister and Harwin today, like they really love each other.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, still confused at where you were going with this.
“I just have a hard time believing anyone will ever love me that much,” you huffed, and his face softened. “Like I can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to be with me like that. I just don’t see it ever happening for me.”
Aegon shook his head in disagreement. “(Y/N), I’m saying this as kindly as I possibly can, but that’s complete bullshit,” you veered your attention back up to the stars, and hoped Aegon wouldn’t see your cheeks burning red. “You’re gorgeous, and like, the best person I know. There’s no way you’re gonna end up alone.” 
“You think?” you frowned, holding back the tears that we’re pricking at your eyes. 
“I know it,” he insisted. “Anyone who doesn’t see it is stupid.” 
“Thanks, Aeg,” you fell into another silence, this one less peaceful than the last. 
“I’ll marry you,” he muttered and nudged you then, causing you to chuckle.
“Would you now?” you rolled your eyes.
“I would!” he sat up slightly, shifting to his side and looking down on your jovial expression. “What? Do you think I wouldn’t be a good husband?”
You burst into playful laughter, softly hitting his chest with the back of your hand. “No, I’m sure you’d be a brilliant husband,” you jested, sarcasm evident in your town.
“I’m serious,” he raised his eyebrows at her, his bemused smile outing him entirely.
You put up your hands defensively. “I’m sure you are.”
“I think we’d be a great married couple,” he offered, rattling off the next few things that came to mind. “We already spend every day together, and they always say you should marry your best friend. Our wedding should be half as big as this one, though. It’s more intimate that way. With more dancing and better booze.” 
You beamed at him in awe. “You’ve just got a pros and cons list, have you?”
“It’s been a very tough decision, but everyone else is insufferable so I might as well marry the one person who isn’t,” he affirmed, very matter-of-factly.
“And you’re so sure that I would want to marry you?” 
His eyes fluttered over your face in admiration, your fingers still intertwined between you as he toyed with them thoughtfully. The action made your breath catch in your throat as you suddenly took note of how close you actually were.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Aegon rasped, mulling something over in his head a moment, thinking it through before putting it fully out there. “If we’re both not married or in a serious relationship when we’re twenty-seven, we’ll marry each other.”
“Ten years from now?” your eyes widened. 
Aegon smirked. “Yes seventeen plus ten is twenty-seven,” he chaffed, causing you to smack him on the chest again.
“Thirty,” you wagered. 
He shook his head softly. “Twenty-seven.”
“Twenty-eight?” you raised an eyebrow, he pursed his lips as he pondered your bargain.
“Twenty-seven and a half,” he detangled your fingers to offer out his pinky, you eyed it a moment before interlocking it with yours.
“Deal,” you whispered breathlessly. “Stamp it.” You twisted your hand to press your thumbs together. 
“Uh-oh,” he grinned. “That’s legally binding now.” 
“Uh-oh,” you busted out in a genuine laugh then, throwing your head back as he joined in with you, lying back down on the ground next to you and wrapping you up in his arms and pulling you into his chest. “I better make quick work of finding a husband if I want to get rid of you.”
“Silly girl,” he dropped a chaste kiss to the top of your head as you both drank in the night sky and the sweet dwindling of summer warmth. “You’ll never be rid of me.”
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The second you had woken up that morning, you knew it was going to be a strange day. Strange was one way to put it. It had been the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you had noticed while only half awake that morning, that hadn’t gone away no matter what you did. You weren't hungry, nor did you feel sick like you were going to spill the contents of your guts at any sudden moment, it was just that ever present sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that followed you the whole day.
That sinking feeling, combined with the staleness in the air at The Golden Stag – the pub where you worked – and the King’s Landing summer heat swallowing you whole was what you thought really did you in. There you were, hunched over the cash register taking deep breaths. Her back was turned from the mild crowd, one hand gripping the POS monitor and the other twisted in a fistful of hair to keep it off your shoulders.
Gods, a shower would fix most of my problems right now, you thought, the thin layer of sweat covering you was only making things worse. You were almost so wrapped up in trying to will your ailments away with your mind that you didn’t notice your shift leader, Cassandra Baratheon, approaching from behind to use the register you were currently hogging. 
As if on cue, you finally felt her presence, jolting from your spot to lean on the bar next to the register. “Sorry, did you need this?” you mumble as you do.
Cass cocks an eyebrow at you, “No worries,” she says as she begins punching in an order, her warm green eyes only leaving you to check the screen.  “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You don't look so good, lovey.” 
“I’m probably fine,” you brush her off. “I’ve just been feeling a little off all day.”
Cassandra doesn't seem convinced. She looks over her shoulder, scanning around the room before bringing her attention back to you as you picked up a plastic laminated menu and began fanning your glistening chest with it. “Y’know we’re pretty dead,” she reasons. “If you wanna head out, no one would be mad.”
“What if it picks up?” you try, not wanting to sound too eager to bail so early in the night. Cassandra lifts up her wrist, her watch screen illuminating her face as she does.
“It’s almost one, love. I’m sure if we were gonna pick up we would’ve by now,” she pinched your elbow playfully. Gods bless this angel of a woman.
“I’m sure we’ll survive two more hours without you.”
You sent her a grateful look. “I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.”
Cass rolls her eyes playfully at this, “Yeah, yeah. Just get out of my bar and go home,” she grins as she says it. “Make that himbo boyfriend of yours take care of you, I want you better by 6 tomorrow, missy.”
“Dalton? Coming anywhere near me while I’m sick?” you scoffed in spite of yourself as you collected your purse and keys, imagining it. “I highly doubt that will ever happen.”
“Jerk,” she frowned. “Tell him I said hi anyway, and be safe going home, would ya?.” 
“I will,” you called over your shoulder, shuffling out to the street and starting the five block trek back home. You had met Dalton Greyjoy at work, a couple months after you and Aegon had first moved into the city after university four years ago. He was a regular at the Stag, and hit on you relentlessly for weeks until you finally took him up on his offer to let him take you on a date. Everything fell into routine after that first date, two months later you were official, and eight months after that you were moving out of yours and your best friends shared flat and into Dalton’s one bedroom down the street from your work.
Though it was a complete change of pace from having spent nearly everyday together since you’d met, Aegon didn’t mind. Sure, he wasn’t Dalton Greyjoy’s biggest fan but, he wanted you to be happy, and you seemed happy enough. It wasn’t like he particularly needed you to help with rent. He would have used his trust fund for the both of you to live there if you had allowed it, but you weren’t one to take handouts even from him. So your nightly chats under the starlit Westerosi sky turned to weekly chats and sometimes took place over the phone after a long weekend shift. And your days spent always together became midday coffee runs a few times a week, and tipsy visits while you were bartending with whoever he was seeing this month. 
The newest one was called Sara, who despite her passive aggressive jealousy whenever you were around each other, seemed good for him. You didn’t know if this one would last, as they often didn’t, but had hoped regardless for Aegon’s sake.
The walk home had not been as bad as you had set it up to be, it was the rickety elevator in your building stamped with a neon yellow ‘out of order’ sign that was the real bitch. On any other night, the five flights up would be nothing, annoying at most, but now you were considering making a new home for yourself on the second floor landing. You paused as you made it to the third floor finally, bracing yourself against the wall as your chest heaved to give yourself a break. 
Gods, all you wanted was your bed and some peace and quiet, and it was so close, almost right in reach. “Come on, (Y/N).” You mumbled to yourself, forcing your legs to continue on. When you finally reached your door, you pressed your forehead to the hardwood, dropping your purse from your shoulder and fumbling around for your keys before your fingers grazed the familiar plastic souvenir keychain Aegon had got you on your summer trip to Dorne last year. You unlocked the door, before stepping inside and pressing your back to the door to shut it, taking several deep breaths. Your lungs were putting in overtime, as if you’d just run a marathon. 
As you finally steadied yourself, you moved to slide down the door to sit on the floor and finally remove your non-slip sneakers. As your fingers fumbled with the laces, you heard a muffled sound coming from your bedroom, almost as if your boyfriend had left the TV on in bed. “Babe?” You called out, ears perking to listen for a reply that didn't come. You furrowed your brow, eyes narrowing on an unfamiliar purse on the kitchen island in front of you.
Your breath caught as you halted the unlacing of your shoes and your gaze traveled to the ground next to you to find a pair of women's trainers that certainly weren’t yours. 
No. You thought sharply, that sinking feeling that had been plaguing you all day gathering as bile in the back of your throat. Absolutely not.
You stood slowly, not fully registering what you knew you would find on the other side of your bedroom door. Your steps were achingly slow as you approached, fingers reaching out to graze the door handle, your eyes falling shut as the muffled noises became clearer. You swallowed the dreadful acidic feeling and mustered all the courage you had in you to twist the knob and push open the door.
They didn’t notice you at first, Dalton and the pretty brunette underneath him that he was rutting into, the girl who was certainly not you. The bile rose again, as you finally were able to find your voice. “What the fuck is this?” You spat, nausea taking over as the girl gasped and your boyfriend halted his actions, cursing as he pulled out of her and covered himself.
“Shitshitshitshit,” he hissed, frantically scrambling to find his boxers. “Babe, this isn’t what it looks like.”
Don’t cry. 
“I’m gonna be sick,” you uttered, turning quickly on your heel to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before the contents of your stomach spilled out of you. You gripped the bowl tightly, hunching over and retching, as your body finally relieved itself of that nauseating, sinking feeling. You were left gasping for air when you were finally done, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“(Y/N)?” Dalton whispered, fingers barely reaching your shoulder before you smacked them away harshly.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you hissed, using what was left of your energy to push yourself to your feet.
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
“Babe,” he rambled desperately, following her through the apartment as you hastily made your way to the closet. “I swear it’s not what it looks like. I don’t even really know her, it was just a one time thing.”
The girl, still tucked under your covers didn’t dare move or interject as you gathered any article of clothing in arms reach of you and stuffed it in an overnight back. “Oh, it was just a one time thing, was it?” you exclaimed, sarcasm dripping like honey from your lips.
“Yes! I swear!”
“Fuck you, Dalton. Is that supposed to make a fucking difference?” you shoved past him, and back into the bathroom to gather all your toiletries and stuff them haphazardly into the bag.
“Please, (Y/N). Let me explain,” he was right on your tail, a pitiful look on his face that made you want to bury your fist into it. “Can’t we talk about this?”
You scoffed. “There’s nothing to explain, I understand perfectly what’s going on here.”
“What are you doing?” 
“Leaving.” you stated, matter-of-factly.
You barked out an insincere laugh. “I don’t see how that’s any of your fucking business, Dalton.”
His expression changed then, to something almost angry at the flip of a switch as you brushed past him to the door. “Oh, I don’t even have to ask, do I?” “I’d prefer if you didn’t, you fucking asshole,” you grabbed your spare pair of shoes by the door, making it the last thing you grabbed in your rage. “Besides, I don’t think you have any room to be patronizing me about Aegon when you were just fucking someone in our bed!” Your hand grabbed hold of the doorknob. “Fine, leave then,” Dalton threw his hands up dramatically. “Run home to your little boyfriend.” 
Your head snapped, over your shoulder, stricken with disbelief as you shook your head. You wanted to say something clever, something just outright mean, something that would really hit him where it hurt. You wanted to be brave and put him right in his place, but no words came to you. You just stood there in the doorway, frozen in place, and utterly dumbfounded. 
When you finally came to, you simply turned back to the door, opening it swiftly and slamming it shut behind you, stumbling down the five flights and into the street.
You finally let the tears fall then, a strangled sob erupting from deep within you as hot tears flowed freely and mascara ran down your cheeks. You took off walking through the city without a second thought – a babbling, crying, mess – to the only other place you wanted to be.
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The sharp chime of the doorbell rang through Aegon’s townhouse a little after two, followed by a pounding on his door. He groaned, curling deeper into his covers in annoyance. “I don’t wanna,” he whined, hoping the assailant would get the picture and leave. It was to no avail though, the bell rang twice more, followed by that same hastened pounding. 
He practically growled as he gave in, throwing the covers harshly off of him, making his way to the door. “Alright, I’m coming!” Aegon shouted frustratedly, not bothering to check the peephole to see who was waking him at this hour as he unlocked the door and flung it open. “Seven Hells, what?” 
Aegon’s temper diffused at the sight in front of him. You stood pitifully before him, hands full, hair disheveled, eyes rung red and mascara running down your swollen cheeks from crying. “(Y/N)?” he pulled you through the door frame without a second thought, tense worry painted over his face. He shut the door behind you and helped to drop your bags to the floor. “What on earth is wrong, sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” you hiccupped as he took your face in his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears that flowed freely. “I didn’t know where else to go, Dalton, he–” 
Aegon’s jaw clenched when you couldn’t bring yourself to finish. “Did he hurt you?”
“No,” you shook your head frantically. “He didn’t touch me.” 
“What did he do?” Aegon tried to remain calm at the state of you. 
You sniffled, bringing your fingers to wrap around his wrists. “I walked in on him with another girl in our bed,” you sobbed, breaking Aegon’s heart as he pulled you into his chest.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he stroked the back of your head and rubbed circles into your back to comfort you as you wept. “I’m so sorry,” he muttered over and over.
“I was sick all day, and they sent me home from work early,” you lifted your head from his chest to look up at him. “I didn’t know what to do. I just came straight here.” 
“It’s okay, I’m glad you did. Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you cleaned up,” he brushed away the hair stuck to your damp cheeks, taking your hand and grabbing your overnight bag as he gently led you to the bathroom. “Before I drive over there and kill him myself.” 
Aegon wet a washcloth under cold water, handing it over to you to clean your face off. You accepted it gratefully, the cool sensation washing over you as you ran the rag over your face and neck. His lips dropped to your hairline, his hand coming to rub your arm softly. “I’ll grab you a sleep shirt.”
“Thank you,” you muttered hoarsely as he disappeared into the hall. You dug through your bag and the random things you remembered to grab during the fight. Aegon returned after you had nearly finished brushing your teeth, dark green t-shirt in hand. 
He handed it over, leaning against the sink as you rinsed out your mouth. “I haven't touched your room in ages,” he admitted carefully. “Not since you left.” 
Three years. Aegon hadn’t done anything with your room for three years.
“It’s empty then?”
“You took your bed when you left.” 
You nodded thoughtfully, eyes glued to his chest. “I can take the couch and figure things out tomorrow.” 
He shook his head softly. “No need, you can just sleep with me.” “Aegon,” you started. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You didn’t ask,” he shrugged. “And neither am I, come lay down with me. You need some rest and we’ll talk about everything in the morning. It’ll be a slumber party, like old times.”
“I’m not feeling very party right now, Aeg,” you chuckled humorlessly, looking over his facial features cautiously. “And coming from personal experience, I’m sure Sara wouldn’t be pleased to find me snuggled up to her boyfriend.”
If you call what you walked in on ‘snuggling.’
He pressed his lips together, shaking his head. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not her boyfriend anymore then.”
Your eyes widened at his admission. “Aeg, why didn’t you tell me?” you moved to wrap your arms around him in comfort.
“It just happened last night,” he pulled you away to look you in the eye. “It’s alright. We’ll talk about it in the morning though.”
“Aegon—“ You protested as he pulled you carefully by the wrist towards his bedroom.
“In the morning,” he hushed you, straightening out the pillows and blankets that were splayed across his mattress to make room for you next to him as you changed into the shirt in his walk in closet.
When you emerged, clad in only his oversized ‘Hightower Family Reunion’ shirt, Aegon was already nestling under the covers. He gave you a sweet smile when he saw you, throwing them open to beckoning you in. You crawled into the spot beside his, the tension in your shoulders dissolving on the cloud he called a mattress. A sigh of relief slipped from your tear swollen lips, Aegon’s fingers found their home in yours between the two of you and he squeezed them three times, lulling you into relaxation.
You hummed softly, your eyes fluttering closed. The warmth of his bed and the smell of his cologne wrapping around you like a tender hug. “Goodnight, Aegon,” you mumbled sleepily, sinking deeper into the sheets.
“Goodnight, sweet girl,” he whispered, fingers drawing soothing circled into your palm. “I’ll see you when the sun is shining.”
next part
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flmer · 1 year
mmh could it be... something soft for pomefiore? with a mc who likes to make them laugh maybe? :0
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making them laugh
character/s. vil, rook, epel.
includes. gn!reader, fluff, corny pick up line on epel's part <3
cw. none.
note. yipeee I love me some good fluff
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He adores how hard you try just to see his real smile and not his fake and practiced smile that he shows to other people (except close people to him)
The way you find such unique ways to make him laugh is enough to set butterflies ablaze on his tummy.
whenever you mention to him how he's much more prettier and cuter when he smiles... he just... melts. (internally of course) and he believes you because how can he not when he can see your efforts just to hear his laugh?
you're lucky that vil adores you even if you make corny and lame jokes, he'll laugh at them because he doesn't want your effort to go to waste although he would tell you about it being corny....
“That was such a corny joke my dearest.”
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If you try to make him laugh... he just chuckles and returns the favor by making you laugh instead and it always ends with some sort of fight or challenge to see who makes the other laugh more... (whenever vil sees you and rook doing this, he just shakes his head at the childish-yet-endearing-scene and continuing to walk gracefully towards wherever he's going.)
If you tell him that you love his laugh he'll make sure to laugh, chuckle, and giggle around you more and he always takes note of the fact the sides of your lips seem to twitch upwards whenever you hear his laugh.
He's very grateful for you because whenever he's in a sour mood you always manage to cheer him up with your ways of making people laugh
he makes sure to praise you for the effort you put into making his day brighter and he always makes sure to make your day 3x more brighter!
“My sweet sweet bow... why did the chicken cross the road?”
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I like to think that whenever epel's real laugh comes out it doesn't sound 'graceful' It's like a snort but whenever you hear it, you know he isn't fake laughing at your jokes.
his cheeks become rosy like an apple whenever he smiles widely or laughs and it's so adorable and grrr (you'll have the urge to squish it but I advise you don't or he'll get mad at you >:T )
something he has in common with rook and vil is that he always appreciates it whenever he's feeling a lil insecure about his masculinity and you try to crack jokes just for him to cheer up and it always works
you guys 100% have sleepovers secretly in his dorm room and try to be quiet because it's past his bedtime curfew and you don't want rook or vil barging in on you two in the middle of a tickle fight on a awkward position....
I imagine that whenever Vil's around you try to make jokes that would surely make the farm boy wheeze so hard and he is BUT THEN HE SEES VIL AND SHOOTS YOU A SIDE EYE
he's trying so hard not to let his real laugh come out because he doesn't wanna get lectured again and waste the spare time he wants to spend with you :((
the both of you like to tell lame and cheesy pick up lines with each other and every time it gets more cheesiest and corny but that's what makes the both of you crack up and fall in love deeper with each other
“You're the epel of my eyes, applepie.”
“And you're as sweet as freshly picked epels, epel.”
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
My Fav Bad Girls
#PrettyHeiressDiaries: BGC Edition 🎀
tiara - bgc 7
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“i’m the sh*t! look at me, then look at you! look at your hair, then look at mine!” ❤︎︎
bougie girl down! the hair and makeup were never not on point (tbh this is the reason i like most of these girls)!
real and pretty. never hopped on a bandwagon simply bc it was popular.
so freaking funny! and effortlessly too. she never came across as try hard.
my number one fav!
ashley - bgc 6
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“i’m establishing my own dominance and these b*tches can’t f*ck with me!” ❤︎︎
if tiara is my number one fav, ashley is a close number two!
very girly girl and i love that in anyone.
cute little playboy bunny.
so authentic and never gave snake or try hard.
took an entire house on and was not scared to stand alone.
danni - bgc 8
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“i’m not scared of no b*tch! whoop my ass today, whoop my ass tomorrow! i don’t give a f*ck how big you are! if i wanna do something i’m gonna do it and none of these b*tches are gonna stop me! so i’m glad you whooped my ass! that was the biggest fight in bad girls club history and it ultimately made us the stars, so, THANK YOU!” ❤︎︎
if you pay attention, danni was never the issue. she just always had her sisters back unconditionally. as someone with three sisters, i love that.
she and her sister WERE the entertainment of season 8.
knew she couldn’t fight and walked into the lions den unafraid. tbh i don’t care about a girl that “fights”. that is NEVER the reason i like someone. it’s corny.
danni was very clearly aware of the bigger picture and simply did not care about taking a hit. it’s not that deep.
camilla - bgc 8
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“b*tch you’re just mad that another cute, hottie chick came up in this mug, and looked AMAZING!” ❤︎︎
gorgeous!!!! doesn’t get enough credit as one of the prettiest bad girls.
as someone that has been bullied in real life it was so fulfilling to see the way she handled it. she didn’t let ANYTHING shake her.
said exactly how she felt when she felt that way.
girls were jealous and she knew it.
sarah - bgc 11
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“there’s no lying or sugar coating it! i do what i say and i say what i do!” ❤︎︎
my fav bgc blonde of all time. better than kate, kristen, and jada in my opinion.
yeah she talks a lot but she’s real and isn’t scared of anyone.
i would love to be friends with her she seems so sweet and caring. she reminds me of the girls that took me under their wing when i started at hooters.
called out stephanie’s irrelevant ass at the reunion, checked mehgan as soon as she heard shit talking + anyone who beats gigi’s ass is a fav in my book!
her signature piercings, bows, and blonde hair was so bimbo i love it. + that iconic reunion look!!!
unfortunately didn’t get enough time to shine on that raggedy season of hers but she was definitely the star of season 11 so i’m glad we got to see more of her on BGASB and season 13.
jelaminah - bgc 14
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“i don’t feel like i’m better than nobody!… but i’m comfortable with who i am because it’s taken me a lot!” ❤︎︎
dominance at its finest. she said it’s the jela show and manifested that down. she had girls stuck in her face, but talking behind her back. that’s because they knew it wouldn’t fly.
her signature look oozed of feminine allure. educated! believed in having her own life and goals AND not entertaining men that weren’t up to her standards.
she kept her space clean and was disgusted by mess and filth.
able to cope with lots of personalities and get along with everyone.
proud to be black and didn’t tolerate racism.
the clermont twins - bgc 14
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“you know, certain things i can’t help. i feel like i’m not just cute; like i got a lot going for myself and i’m smart. so like when you’re that strong of a person, you’re a bad b*tch!” -shannon
“i just look so damn good, and it’s so hard to meet other girls who are just as confident as i am! -shannade
“b*tch, SHUT UP!” ❤︎︎
vain black barbies and i’m here for it.
as much as people seem to think otherwise, they weren’t mean girls or bullies. they just spoke up for themselves when getting unsolicited harassment from the other girls.
every look for for me was a ten. i loved their aesthetic back then.
smart girls. they capitalized on their appearance on the show and now they’re two of the most noteworthy and wealthy bad girls ever.
unshakable confidence. the other girls wanted them humbled so bad and they just didn’t waiver. luvs it.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 18 days
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"Holy crap, you're even more beautiful in person," Richard told his Tinder date, Michelle.
She shot him a humored smirk. "Thanks.... um, not sure how to say this, I'm flattered, but....... uh..."
"I swear I'm not even trying to be corny, you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. It never ceases to amaze me as a doctor the results trans girls like you get when you go on blockers and start high doses of hormones in your teens. You look phenomenal."
Michelle blushed. "Dr. Klein......."
"Please, just call me Richard. We're here to have fun, not be professional. And you look like a girl who knows how to have fun. Those breasts are just divine! And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see that pathetic little one-inch cock of yours. When I saw those pictures on your profile, it looked so feminine and cute. Sorry to gush like this, I just--"
Michelle giggled, suddenly pulling down her pants, shifting her legs, showing she had a thick, ten-inch erection. "I'm sorry I forgot to delete my Tinder. Ummmm, soooo....... I stopped estrogen like four months ago......"
"Oh.... my. Look at that growth. Why did you stop, darling?"
She bit her lip sexily, eyeing him confidently. "I'm detransitioning."
"What!? But why? You're so gorgeous, Michelle."
"It's Michael now," he lowered his voice, which began to crack and drop shortly after stopping estrogen. "What? Surprised? My profile had no updates for like six months, dude."
"Oh, shit. I didn't notice. I was so enamored by the videos of you flaunting those breasts, stroking your tiny cock, and talking about your transition and how happy you were to be a girl."
Michael stroked his growing cock, looking around to make sure nobody was looking. "Shhhh, yeah, I'm lazy, I really need to update that. I hope you aren't too disappointed."
"Not at all, you'll make a very handsome guy, that's for sure. What made you change your mind? You seemed so proud to be female."
"Well, I've always been a guy," he curled his voice naughtily. "I dunno..... one of my trans friends, a fakegirl named Lucy, just as hot as me, breasts almost as big, too. She detransitioned out of the blue and loved being a man. He started having sex with all these cute girls, going to parties, topping soooo many hot college girls. I got mad jealous. I figured it couldn't hurt, so I stopped my hormones. Male puberty happened in, like, the blink of an eye! I have a full beard now and everything, wanna see?"
"Sure. Might as well, darling."
Michael let go of his cock, which remained rock hard out in front of him as he very femininely took a makeup wipe from his bag and removed the foundation and concealer on his chin and neck. "Tada! See? Pretty cool, huh? My mustache is coming in, too. Wish it'd grow faster but oh well."
"I still can't believe my eyes.... What a shame, you were so gorgeous!"
Michael shrugged. "It's not a big deal. Anyway, I've done voice training," he said, back in his girl voice. "So I can sound like a girl if you really want..... And I still have these oversized boy boobs for another few days."
"You're getting top surgery?"
"Uh.... duh! Why would I keep them? I'm trying to see what it's like to be a guy, plus detransing is just so much fun I can't help myself! My cock is legit hard 24/7! See?" He stroked it a few more times, softly moaning in his girl voice for him. "I can't believe I was missing out on this for so long. When I cum I feel like I'm gonna pass out it's so intense! I don't care how much I pass or how pretty I am, as soon as I saw Lucy get such a big cock, get all muscular and hairy and, well..... so manly out of the blue! God.... it's all I can think of, giving up on being some pretty little fake girl and becoming a man!"
"Well, you certainly seem to have your mind made up. Would you do me a kindness?"
"Sure, sorry I didn't delete the app and dragged you out here. I'm happy to be a girl for you, if only for the day!" Michael playfully tugged on his cock, giggling in a perfect girl voice.
"Good boy, but let's have some more fun than that."
"OK....? What do you wanna do?"
"All day, I want you to pretend to be my trans daughter, who I'm forcing to detransition."
Michael blushed hot red. "Ummmmmm, er...... wow! I....."
"Flustered? Poor boy. I want to introduce you to as many affluent, wealthy men here as possible. I'll tell them you transitioned in college, and now you've come home, and I'm forcing you to take testosterone and become a guy. Of course, I'll fuck your ass in front of them, telling them what a pathetic sissy I have for a son, showing off those flabby breasts, telling everyone I'm forcing you to have them chopped off this week. And you'll serve all these men, and ask to be treated like a naughty femboy who needs to be punished for pretending to be a girl. How's that sound?"
"Richard...... I mean Daddy, just one question."
"Yes, my confused little angel?"
"Can we make it the whole weekend instead of just today? And..... maybe we can do this again after my boobs get removed?"
"Of course, darling. Now let's find some wealthy men to flaunt that big fat fakegirl cock in front of."
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mcflymemes · 8 months
PROMPTS FROM HITCHCOCK'S STRANGERS ON A TRAIN *  assorted dialogue from the 1950 film, adjust as necessary
oh, excuse me!
i beg your pardon, but aren't you [name]?
i certainly admire people who do things.
i suppose you think it's corny.
it must be pretty exciting to be so important.
people who do things are important. i never seem to do anything.
wish i could see you play.
there i go again. too friendly. i meet someone i like and open my yap too wide. i'm sorry.
that's all right. forget it.
you'll have to drink both of them.
when's the wedding?
what would anybody want to go there for?
do you know if there are any vacant seats in the dining car now?
sure, i went to college. three of them.
nobody thinks i'm anything special.
my father hates me.
i want to do everything. i've got a theory you're supposed to do everything before you die.
i'm not like you. you're lucky. you're smart.
i'm your friend, remember? i'd do anything for you.
let's not talk about it any more.
i may be old fashioned, but i thought murder was against the law.
my theory is that everybody is a potential murderer.
you can't go around killing people just because you think they're useless.
i'm afraid i haven't time to listen.
what's your hurry?
i got over being jealous a long time ago.
let's talk in there.
it's pretty late to start flirting.
do you know, i think you're hansomer than ever?
what are you trying to say? come out with it.
you always smile when your picture is being taken for the papers.
so it's really serious between you two?
keep your voice down.
i never want to see or hear of you again.
who would believe you?
i know how you must feel.
you're so restless lately.
you have that "look." i can always tell.
you can always make me laugh.
i do wish you'd take up painting. it's such a soothing pastime.
don't you stay out too late.
what are you doing here? at this time of night?
you don't seem very pleased to see me.
it was all over in no time.
we planned it on the train together, remember?
we'd both be arrested for murder.
you think you can get away with that?
you've got me acting like a criminal!
don't you call me that.
i've been a fan of yours for a long time. in fact, i follow everything you do.
just two more days left.
i've got to get some sleep.
when a murderer is caught, he must be tried. when he is convicted, he must be sentenced. when he is sentenced to death, he must be executed.
you seem very interested in the subject of murder.
i suppose i'll have to get a gun from somewhere.
what about a little poison?
let me show you what i mean.
you're a mad, crazy maniac and you ought to be locked up.
come on. pull yourself together.
have you got a car here?
what did i have to do with it?
i want you to tell me.
i'm sure this thing must be some practical joke.
i wish i understood what this is all about!
don't just stand there... do something!
the killer is here tonight.
i've never seen this man before in my life!
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adorejungkook · 2 years
Baby got Back!!
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Synopsis; Jeon Jungkook has the fattest fucking crush on you meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung don’t find you too hard to look at either. Now Jungkook has to find a way to confess his feelings, maybe even show you, before the other two find their way into your pants during your “staycation”. 
Warnings; series, eventual smut, pining, the boys are horny they talk a bit raunchy about you, big dick!jk, you canonically have a nice booty <3, still exposition but expect smut within the next two chapters... maybe, this chapter seems shorter so I may also update tommorow
chapter. 1 , 2, 3
Jimin somehow felt like the worst friend at the moment, but also the luckiest man alive. He couldn’t decide if having his hands around your waist was better than the look on Jungkook’s face when he pulled you closer.
 “Hyung,” Jungkook said flatly, lip between his teeth as he lifted your bags into the trunk of Jimin’s van, “Come help me with the bags for a second,”
 “Oh wow, the gym rat can’t lift a few bags? I’m comin’,” Jimin chuckles, squeezing your sides one more time before strolling over to the back of the car.
“Thanks for letting me ride with you guys, I was not trying to drive,” You laughed, peeking your head around to give Jungkook a wave and a smile. You don’t notice the shade of red his ears have turned when you look away.
“You can’t get mad when we’re around her if you don’t even talk to her,” Jimin sighed, nudging his doe-eyed friend who was still staring at the place you had been standing, “You’re like the only guy who can cockblock yourself and everyone around you at the same time!”
“Holy shit, can you be any louder?!”, the younger boy hissed, slamming the trunk closed. 
“Yo, do not fuck up my car cuz you wanna act like you’ve never met a girl before,” Jimin warned, pushing him toward the front of the car. 
“I’m sitting up front this time, Kook,” Taehyung called out, waving him off when he came towards the door.
“Oh. Okay!” 
Oh, not okay. You were in the back of the car so obviously, he couldn’t be back there! Jungkook was sure that if he even looked at you while you were both sitting back there he’d either nut or die…probably both at the same time. 
This was so weird. He’s known you for the longest and he’s been into you for just as long but for some reason, he could barely give you a hello when he saw you lately.  He knew he had to get over it before Park fucking Jimin eats your ass or somethi-
“JK, I got peach gummies anddd barbeque chips!” You say excitedly, shaking the gummy bag before popping a ring in your mouth.
Your warm voice brings him back to earth and makes him realize he was the only person not in the van. Way not to draw attention to himself, right?
“W…wait for me!”
About ten minutes into the car ride, Jungkook started to relax a little bit. He was still a nervous wreck, but he managed to push out little jokes albeit very corny jokes but at least now he had a reason to be staring at your lips.
[Tae-Hyung 🤠] : Ur Stuttering btw😶(Sent 9:46 AM)
[Me]: Focus on the road pls? 😐
[Tae-Hyung🤠]: Jimin is driving not me hehe 
[Me]: EW you typed out hehe
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Thank you all for the love on the first chapter of baby got back! please anticipate the third chapter :)
@yourbobaeyestell @coralmusicblaze @koikooky @jjkrinvgs @distinguisheddestiny @theladyblue @yopjm @jungkooksseuphoria @hollowtree10 @livorna @slutforwwh @hopewxride @namjoonimtheman2 @kooscameras @treethatswithpetra @canarystwin @idkreallys-blog @daisies-and-dandelionpuffs @jalexd @emeraldjade23 @jaehyunsbreadbasket @thatfatbussy01 @bigbootyjoonie @jiimtaee @boys0verflowers @kooklovesu @petalsofink @tornparts @telepathytae @jkjeon9709 @uarmyhopelover @multilingual-kpop @swga-recs
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utopians · 11 months
I mean s1 was deffo better than s2 but why do you say that it wasn't good? /gen
mannn honestly it would take ages to enumerate all my problems with it but these are the main ones
just a massive, massive tone problem. this show just has no clue what it wants to be and it's bad as hell as a result. the wilderness scenes in this season had some of the darkest stuff of anything in the show (eating jackie + shauna miscarriage + shauna beating lottie) and having all that next to like... misty's quirky reddit boyfriend just absolutely defanged it. the show doesn't want to commit to being either a quirky mystery/comedy or a gritty survival horror and because of that it fails to effectively be anything at all
misty's reddit boyfriend in general just sucked so bad. like what was that
the escalation from 'we're hungry' to 'let's draw cards and murder whoever gets the wrong one' occurred over the span of ONE EPISODE. one SINGLE episode without ANY NEGOTIATION. literally not one single scene of the characters even TALKING about it before it happened. what a joke. what an absolute joke. they had an entire season to build to it how'd they fuck it up this bad
this is a problem I had with the first season as well but the survival threat feels so told and not shown. like we're told all these characters are Soooo Hungry but none of them are ever actually like. fatigued. or ill. or Dying. like how the fuck is coach ben still alive man. it just makes the escalation to killing people that much more abrupt and the whole situation seem so contrived when it doesn't actually feel like they're in danger
just in general the show like. refuses to let any of its characters feel anything at all. shauna straight up killed an innocent man that she was having an affair with last season and the extent of the emotional fallout of that act is her making quirky Oh Whoopsie comments about it. like that would be an insane traumatic thing to go through and you'd think it would be the kind of thing the show would want to explore. but no. not on amc's yellowjackets
on that same topic. shauna beating lottie had weirdly little emotional fallout. like ik they didn't like each other but shauna almost beat lottie to death with her hands and seemed just like. kind of sad and apologetic afterwards. like you'd think that such an act would have some sort of extreme ramifications for her relationship with the group and her own emotional state but nah
in the same vein: this season did adult taissa SO dirty. all the little plot threads that made her story difficult and compelling last season have completely been dropped -- her wife and son were literally written out like 4 episodes in and we don't see any of the emotional complexity of her leaving behind those relationships. additionally the last season ended with her being elected senator (sth that could cause a lot of conflict and drama bc of the increased responsibility on her shoulders + surveillance and scrutiny of her life) and it literally just. never comes up again? like her wife is in a coma and her son is just left fully parentless and she walks away from her job as a US STATE SENATOR and not only are there no consequences she also just literally does not seem to care. I feel like the writers just had no clue what they wanted to do with her and so they just gave her... nothing. no conflict no emotions just nothinggggg
okay they did give her one thing. they gave her an evil alter ego. which is mad corny imo. last season it was weird and ambiguous enough that I enjoyed it but this season it was just so literal and on the nose and I did not enjoy it One Bit
similar to the cards thing lottie deciding that they needed to kill one of them at the end was so damn abrupt and stupid. like literally so pointless and out of nowhere
natalie's death was so silly and contrived that it actually made me laugh
adult van is not butch enough ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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