#this sounds like blabber than a report
sonoyoung · 3 months
— Sweet noise
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neighbour!junhui x gn!reader | fluff + strangers to lovers (?) + blind attraction | 0.8k
a/n. I was watching a show and i saw this concept with siblings talking to each other like this and I thought it could be a cute pansexual kinda love story. happy birthday to moon junhui even though im a bit late here he deserves all the wishes. I hope y’all enjoy this <33
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You could understand where your friends were coming from, but it didn't bother you as much, a warning would have been nice, but you were starting to enjoy the little voice in your wall.
You noticed it in your first week in the building, most of the house was blocked from outside noises but once you entered your room, the distant sounds were hard to ignore. He wasn’t trying to be loud or bother you just minding his business living his life, humming to himself, thinking out loud but you could hear it, sometimes clearer than others.
There had been numerous instances where you had wanted to go knock on your talkative neighbour’s door to ask him to keep it down, but you never did, it wasn’t exactly his fault the walls were bad. You kept it to yourself hoping to meet him coincidentally and bring it up, it would be more casual, but that chance never came up. So you didn’t know your neighbour, but you didn’t not know him, you had heard him talk a lot, about so many things, you had unconsciously started to enjoy hearing his opinion even though it wasn’t for your ears, you were to shy to stop him so you just hoped it would be okay.
It was starting to become a routine, just accepting the noise as background music, enjoying how appeasing his voice felt against your eardrums, sometimes falling asleep to his soft singing. Then you noticed it, a strip of wallpaper had fallen off the wall and you saw the hole, it was small, tennis ball sized, netted like some sort of confessing room, but it was there. The other side was dark, possibly covered by the same shitty wallpaper; you could still hear him blabbering.
Discovering the hole made things more complicated because now it just seemed like a violation of privacy if you didn’t go report it, but you had grown a dumb attachment to the man across the wall. Getting up from your spot beside the hole you manage to knock over your whole nightstand causing a loud crash followed by your simultaneous cussing.
“Fuck!” you let the words out without realizing it, right there by the hole with your hands over your mouth hoping somehow your weak yelling didn’t get through to him.
“Are you okay?” you hear footsteps in your direction listening as they scatter around the room, he heard you clearly now he was looking for you. With a light cough you clear your throat before speaking up again.
“Oh! I’m great and you?” you blurt out, struggling to put everything back together on your side table desperately wanting to escape the situation you had landed yourself in.
“Are you like in the wall or some sort of angel?” light taps on the wall as he speaks right before a finger pokes through the hole, tearing it open, forcing you to move out of sight.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding, I thought was imagining women voices” your body moves instinctively back to look through the hole, you had been convinced he had no perception of your existence so it was quite the revelation. The net blurs out all his distinctive attributes so you’re unsure what you’re looking at until he speaks again, “You have a really cute laugh”
“I didn’t laugh though” now he’s the one laughing, it’s impossible to make out anything you see through the hole, but you are sure he’s moved away, but his voice is still near.
“I hear your voice often, it’s usually faint but it’s grown on me. you have this cute rhythmic giggle it’s… it’s sweet”
He was just as you thought he would be, even talking to you now he just says the words as they come, the slight hesitation at the end made the words touch your heart. Knowing yourself, you didn’t get swooned by compliments especially from strangers but maybe it was the familiar voice, you couldn’t help the burning sensation building up from the tips of your ears.
“Most of the time laughing cause of you.”
“I know.” it’s almost a whisper, a breath that escaped.
“Sometimes I’d say something absurd cause I knew you would laugh, I’d lean on this wall just to hear you better”
You can’t place the feeling, it felt absurd being so easily swayed by a voice that you had no face to place with. There was nothing romantic about the scene but somehow everything was romantic about the scene. Was it luck or maybe fate, you had never been one to look for connections in faces but that was all that had been pushed your way; all you wanted was something authentic.
“Is the singing for me too?” you mumble under your breath unable to keep your smile to yourself, you can hear his smile as his voice gets louder coming directly from the hole.
“Would that be too much?” its a genuine question, this is a completely new pace, for both of you.
“I like your voice.” leaning over to the hole peeking through, his smile is so evident even with the mesh obscuring your view, what a smile. “Does the voice have a name?”
“Jun’s voice.”
ty for reading feedback is much appreciated
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notsoverymerry · 19 hours
lucky trip (k.ys x reader)
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<kang yeosang x fem!reader> summary: On a particularly tiring work trip, you're forced to share a room with Yeosang; only there seems to be a problem with your sleeping arrangement… genre/warnings: smut, fluff, friends to lovers, use of pet names a/n: sure let me know anything you want! don't hold back, bby < 3 word count ~3.3k
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KQ Entertainment greeted you with a piece of great news this morning. There's going to be a trip to Sokcho Beach to film a show segment. Two days and one night, and you can try yourself out as a camera operator.
Starting out in college, you weren't so sure you'd make it. Sound and video equipment is great; you always wanted to be the one in charge of setting it and making sure it works properly. Really, it's a perfect job that allows you to use your brain, and you've got a great one at that, and provides room for creativity and exploring hobbies in a workplace. You're curious about how they do weather reports and want to keep up with sports? Try to secure a place in a news studio. Want to go to concerts for free? Welcome to the venue setting-up team. Come to think of it, you'll see a show free of charge, and they'll pay you for it. Isn't is a dream come true? Working for an entertainment company was not something you expected to pick, yet it proved to be the right choice. Sure, it took a while before your company got rich enough to grant a decent, steady salary, but the results were worth it. The team was full of talented, ambitious people, and the tight setting laid out a path for you to become a true found family. You and other staff members cared deeply for each other, always ready to offer a piece of advice or listen to your problems. The band members, Ateez, were also sweet and kind, treating staff respectfully and being friendly overall. So, when you were picked for a short working trip, you felt excitement. You're going to be surrounded by friends, you're going to do your best to help create entertaining content for fans, and you're going to see a part of Korea you haven't visited before. Win-win, win. Bonus points if there's food you didn't try yet. The ride on the bus was a little less chaotic than you expected. At first, things were pretty usual: Ateez bickered and made jokes, and you and your team laughed, sometimes awkwardly. Despite the elevated mood all were in, bad traffic and members' exhaustion got the best of them. Hongjoong was the first to fall asleep, others following suit quickly. Sat closest to them, you turned the camera off for the remainder of the ride. Now you could admire Yeosang's sleeping frame and get some rest as well. Oh, he was just so beautiful, so peaceful like this. He caught your attention first. He was so polite and sweet, and a little clumsy. When everyone was on the brink of mental breakdown before their debut, he used to stride nervously around the building, bumping into you with enviable regularity. He nearly broke your DI and stage box unit, and thus, your conversation started. You weren't mad, you get it he was stressed, and he was thankful. Like that, a friendship blossomed. During breaks, he'd ask you about your week or if you finished that show you were into. You'd ask how their recent choreo's coming together or if he'd finally discovered a new favorite dish. You'd blabber something about new lighting or broken audio cables, and he'd always pick fried chicken over anything. You found him delightful. He found that he didn't care that much about cables, but still wanted to listen to you anyway. You're really passionate about your job. Your eyes sparkle when he comments on the sound being set just right for his earpiece. You can make puns about your gadgets all day long, and if Wooyoung rolls his eyes at the third one, Yeosang considers them actually funny (are they?). You're just so vibrant and so pretty, and he wants to be around you longer. Maybe he should learn to set up and help you. He thinks it could be a good idea. Maybe he should just ask you out on a date. Seonghwa thinks this idea is better.
It took about nine hours to film the first part of the show. You tried to set things up as fast as possible. Hopefully, by the end of it, you won't be completely spent. You really want to take some time to walk around; take in the scenery, breathe fresh air, and reflect on life. The beach is wide and clean; the guide said there'll be illumination until late at night, it'll probably look really nice. The water is very clear, almost looks like a pool. You just want to admire the view without needing to control the picture frame or panic that someone might get hurt. Work-free, beer in hand, ocean gazing. What could be better?  Ocean gazing with Yeosang, probably. The whole crew settled down to have a quiet one at the end of the shift. Ateez seemed to have woken up completely, now lively chatting amongst themselves, waiting for you to put the rest of the equipment away for the night. Fresh air and cold beer will do that to you. You can feel eyes linger on your busy form. Turning around, you're met with his dark eyes. He follows your movement, not realizing that he's been caught until getting nudged in his side. Oh, now he's going to be teased the whole night. ''Wanna join them? You did great today, y/n, go have some fun.'' Your colleague tries to send you off.  You like to imagine you're smooth and nonchalant about your crush on a young and very attractive singer. Your friends, though, would use other words to describe it. What is it, let's see… Tangible? Painfully obvious? Yeah, that's the one. So they try time and time again to encourage you to confess. They leave you two in the room under a variety of excuses and give you tasks that would force you to go up to him unnecessarily often. Their efforts seem to go around both of your heads. You and Yeosang like to call yourselves very good friends. Everyone around you likes to call you fools. Just so you know.  ''It's okay. I think it's time we head to the hotel. Still plenty of work tomorrow, let's get some sleep.'' ''Yeah, about that…'' You do not like the sound of that. ''We might have got the number of rooms wrong.'' What's that supposed to mean? You're not sure you understand where this conversation is going. How can you even get the number of rooms wrong?
''Wait. No, no.'' ''Yes, you're sharing a room with Yeosang, yes.'' She sounds apologetic, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes, per se. ''He knows and he's okay with it!'' How did your sweet evening at the beach turn into a full-scale anxiety fair so fast? Of course he'd agree to share a room; he's way too nice. You should do a breathing exercise. It's just one night, and you're both tired, and you both have to get up early, so surely you will sleep. Just sleep. Nothing unusual, you'll wash up and get in bed. Yeah. You shouldn't worry about it. He probably doesn't even think of it much. Oh, god, what if you snore? With your heart beating out of your chest and your head heavy with thoughts, you got to your designated room at last. 
You don't know how much time you spent at the door, but you couldn't find the courage to enter. Maybe you'll be lucky and he'll already be asleep.  ''Oh, y/n!'' Well, shit. ''What are you doing? Did you forget your key?'' ''Yeosang! No, I was just waiting for you. To enter, you know?'' ''Such an intricate moment. I'm glad you want to experience it with me.'' Y/n.exe has stopped working. Did he mean it? You should ask what he means; you do not need misunderstandings, not with him.  But out comes, ''More like I want you to enter first to see if there's any entities present.''  Hu chuckles and reaches in his pocket for the key. The thing that comes next is something you were definitely not prepared for. You shared rooms with your friends before. The number of beds equals the number of people, right? Not today. A minute of silence hung in the air, and Yeosang let out a breath of confusion. ''Why— why are there so many beds in here?'' He asked, bewildered. 
In a relatively small room stood four twin beds. Adorned with— you do not care about artistic interior description right now. Four beds. Did you and Yeosang both get the room number wrong? You giggle. You don't know why.  ''I'm calling dibs on this one,'' you say, as you flop down on one of the beds near the window. The view is nice; you can see the waves a little afar, but you can't hear them from here. Yeosang settles on another bed by the window. You guide your eyes his way to find him already looking at you. You feel soft. Seen and appreciated. He can't just do that — to look at you like you're everything he's ever wanted. It's ufair. A soft smile is tugging on his lips, cheeks and neck tinted pink from alcohol. Suddenly, he errupts in a fit of laughter.  ''What's so funny?'' you inquire. ''We have four beds! Just for the two of us. And you're beautiful. Gosh, y/n, you're so beautiful and pretty and amazing…'' He's blabbering rather happily. It takes a moment to register what he said. You're beautiful… And it's funny. No, you don't get this man. Watching your face now very carefully, Yeosang reaches his hand for you. Too far. He can't touch you, and he's disappointed, and it shows.  ''Wanna touch you,'' he pouts. It sounds much less happy and way more needy than he had planned.  Your body moves on its own. There's an unexplainable gravity force that pulls it on his bed, a little too close for a friendship. His hands cup your face, and he sighs, relived. He wanted to feel your warmth for so long. Seeing how compliant you are, how there seems to be no hesitation in letting him near and into your personal space, and how content you look in his presence, he doesn't understand why he's never done it before. ''Yeosang,'' your voice is quiet, almost a whisper. ''What are you doing?''
He doesn't know. So, instead of answering his lips do something better. They touch yours. You can't believe it's happening. The moment your lips meet, he nearly moans. You feel so good. The kiss is head-spinning; it knocks the breath right out of your chests. He presses into you with demand, hands circling your waist to bring you closer. You don't want this moment to end. Yeosang is holding you in his arms like you'd disappear if he let go. Heat waves pulsate through your body; the way his hands linger on you makes wetness drip down your folds. You hug him back, clinging onto his hoodie like a lifeline. The room feels colder all of a sudden, and Yeosang thinks he can't let go of your hot form now. So he turns on the mattress a little and fumbles around so he can bring you to his lap. He brings your faces close once more, this time it's more heated, it's teeth and tongue and desperation. You feel his growing excitement press over your core. His mouth leaves yours to discover your neck is so sensitive for him. He's had a bit of beer, but it's your soft whimpers and mewls that get him really drunk. His hand slithers to grab and squeeze your ass. The sounds you're making are angelic, and your hands weave through his hair to tug at his strands, and it's just so right, he can't help thrusting into you.  ''Is this okay, y/n? Hmm?'' He breathes out, face back up to level with you, and his lips brush your cheek.  You nod; it takes all your brain capacity to let him know you want it too — forming words became a heavy task. Your confirmation is all he needs to lift you up and change positions, now hovering over you. He looks at you again, with shining eyes. A bit disheveled, hot, and bothered. He pushes your hair out of your face tenderly. This small action causes your heart to contract. Paitience wearing thin, you draw him back to you. 
''Do you have protection?'' ''Ye- yes, it's in my bag somewhere.'' You feel a cold prick at your skin when he stands up to roam in his belongings for a condom. It's lonely like this. All the other beds abandoned in the room must feel like icebergs, their covers rimy and uninviting. The second he's back on top of you is like a sunrise, you think. There's another kiss, the I'm sorry I had to leave kiss. He works on taking your top off. Exposed to his advances, your chest and collarbones get all the attention. His knee is between your legs, and when he bites your tender skin, you start to grind. He follows suit, now both of you groaning, trying to get rid of the rest of your clothes in a hurry.  There's plenty of great pleasures in the world, but nothing compares to the feeling of his skin on yours. To have him roam and clutch on your body everywhere he wants. You can't wait anymore; you want him, so you lean to kiss his neck up to his ear, tugging on his earlobe with your teeth. His little whimper trickles like honey down your legs. He can't seem to take his hands off you. Calling his name in a whine, your lips form a pout.  ''Please, Yeosang. I need you.'' ''I am right here, baby. It's alright, I'll take care of you.'' The nickname makes you clench around nothing. The friction that felt so good is gone; he moves his thigh away a bit so he can put on a condom. Yeosang thinks you look unreal. He wants to take his time exploring your body with his tongue, wants to mark you all over. Claim you so everyone knows. He'd spend hours eating you out, making you see stars behind your eyelids, and cry his name. He knows he can treat you right, the way you deserve to be treated. But he's so hard it almost hurts, and you look hurt he moved away from you at all. How can he ever leave his baby, even at an arm-length? So he rushes to your form and grabs your legs from under your thighs to yank you to him. You're mesmirised. You'd never think you wanted to be manhandled. But it's him, Yeosang, and it's so, so hot. His toned body glistens in the dim light coming from the window. Touching him is like heaven on earth, his muscules are tense under your fingers, and delicious sounds escape his throat. He pushes in slowly, savoring every emotion on your face. You are in bliss, hips start bucking onto him. ''Slowly, baby, I'm not going anywhere,'' Yeosang coos. 
He trusts steadily, drinking up every moan and breath you make. His own pleasure escapes him in the form of small grunts, making goosebumps run around your body. He ravishes your bare chest and collarbones in kisses and licks, wanting to mark you so badly. You are so tight and warm, your nails dig into his back, and he loses himself in the feelings completely. He speeds up and finally lets his teeth sink into the dip where your shoulder and neck meet. You mewl at the sensation; your wals flutter around his shaft.  ''What a nice little sound, baby. I think I'll bite there again.'' If your eyes didn't shut at all the pleasure he's giving you, he'd see endless dark pools your pupils turned into. All for him. Though his eyes were just the same. His lust takes over him more and more, thrusts getting deeper and harder. The way you pull at his hair lets him know you're enjoying yourself, too. The room is filled with wet sounds, skin slapping against skin, and your moans getting louder. Both of you won't last much longer.  You're a hot mess, stuttering pleas and praises and his name like a mantra. His voice is deep and full of relish, you want to record it, keep it all to yourself, and listen to it twenty-four seven. You feel so proud for making him feel this good. Your orgasm washes over like a tidal wave. It builds inside and makes you clench around Yeosang, nails leaving marks on his back. He stares at your face contorted in pleasure, feeling that impossible tightness bring him closer to his own high. ''That's good, baby, keep doing that, oh, god—'' He pulls you close so your body is pressed against his own. His hips stilling, he spills inside the condom with a groan. He's never felt so good.
Neither of you move for a moment. You need to catch your breath, and you just don't want to let go of him. Reluctantly, he tears himself off of you to clean the both of you a little. Settling into the sheets with you, he sighs and wraps his arms around you again. Your voice breaks the comfortable silence of your afterglow.  ''That was… amazing. The best sex I've had. I— I don't know how I'm gonna look you in the eyes tomorrow.'' ''Oh…'' Comes his reply. He didn't think about that. Honestly, he didn't think at all, you kind of overtook all regions of his brain. Probably even before this night.  ''I— Listen, y/n, I didn't want to do it this way. Truth is, I really like you… Shit, it probably is the worst time to ask and the worst confession you've ever heard in your life, but'' he sighs again, and there's a hint of nervousness in the way his fingers trace patterns on your arm irratically. ''Go out with me?''  He looks at you with those big, pleading eyes, lip stuck between his teeth in anticipation. Who ever told him he could pass as a doberman? ''Yeah, okay, I'll go out with you,'' you're trying to be smooth. Is it working? ''Really? Great!''  Good thing Yeosang doesn't care if you're smooth in the slightest. 
The next day starts off with a headache and a violent impulse to sleep in. If only you weren't stuck in the hotel with your colleagues. Surprisingly, Yeosang and you make it through the day without a trace of awkwardness or tension, keeping things professional and conversations light. The team is too busy working to tease you. The boys in Ateez also seem rested, even more energetic than the day before. Take the captain away from the studio to a nice beach… and he actually sleeps, huh.  On the ride back, you get a text from Yeosang asking when you're going to be free to go on a date. Your giddiness does not go unnoticed. Just then your friends decide to ask if there were any complications in your sleeping arrangement, a mischevous twinkle dances in their eyes. Time to get back at them.  ''Not at all! Our room was quite nice, and the view was great. We had four beds all to ourselves. Right, Mr. Kang?'' He offers a polite smile and nods at you and several curious sets of eyes turned his way. You're the only one to notice his eyes dart to your lips for a split second.  ''You had… four beds..?'' Your staff friends seem confused. They definitely had a different idea in mind. Hongjoong seems weirdly offended. ''Oh, so you get four beds, and I have to endure Seonghwa drooling on my arm all night?'' You definitely got the wrong room. Good for you. 
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 2 years
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Warnings: fem! Reader, mentions of bullying, weight, blood, being punched and getting punched etc.
Request: Yes.
Words: 1,795
-Riddle Rosehearts-
•You dare to bully his s/o? Off with your head! No but literally. Riddle is hunting down the person who did this to you and giving them hell in every way possible that doesn't break the school rules.
•When he'd first gotten a call telling him you were in trouble due to punching someone in the nose, Riddle was seething. Perhaps a suitable punishment would be having you read and write down 400 out of the 810 rules of the queen of hearts. Hmm, yes that sounds excellent.
•His mood got even more sour when he entered the nurses room to see them bandaging your bloodied knuckles with you crying, blabbering about how they said you were fat and how you'd get in trouble with your boyfriend.
•“Who?” It was a simple demand from him for their names or their looks. How dare they hurt his rose. Riddle had grabbed Trey from his activities to sit with you while he tracked down these students to report them to the headmage.
•This red Bakugo had borderline threatened to have Cater post online how bad Crowley was as a principal if he didn't get these students kicked from the school.
•Lesson learned: Don't mess with Riddle's girlfriend.
•In the aftermath, Riddle will pamper you. He’ll make you some tea, make you some sweets (W/Trey’s help) and take care of your injuries himself. There's a lot of reassurance that leaves your usually hot-headed boyfriend's lips. On how perfect you look, or how cute you look despite his embarrassment of admitting it.
•He’s by your side until he makes sure your mental health is fine and your injuries have healed.
-Leona Kingscholar-
•Literally busts down your door asking if you beat their asses.
•Doesn't matter how you answer. He's sending off some henchmen of his to beat their asses a second time if you've already done so. No one messes with his Herbivor. He’ll make sure to visit them for a third beatdown in his own time.
•Leona doesn't go to the teachers in the school or to Crowley for help. This is between him and the assholes that decided to beat you up and harass you about your looks. He’s giving them hell, regardless of if you wanted him to or not.
•He doesn't pamper you as much as some of the other dorm leaders would. But if you want something he'll send Ruggie out to get it for you.
•Leona cuddles you more than he did before. Fuck school, you can get back onto your studies after your well rested and in a better state of mind. He's not going to let you go anywhere without him for a while.
•Congratulations, you've unlocked grumpy bodyguard Leona. You better make sure people don't look at you for too long at one time.
•If you have any leftover injuries from the fight, Leona is surprisingly good at tending to your wounds and patching you up. Of course, he's not the gentlest person, so don't complain to him if he's holding your tiny wrist a bit too hard while tending to you.
-Azul Ashengrotto-
•Have you ever heard of blackmail? Well, he has, and he knows how to do it at an expert level. Perhaps you should start feeling bad for your bullies.
•It certainly wasn't a fun matter to receive letters stating their name, house address, and their Parents and/or siblings names, including their biggest secret. It was a well written threat: Mess with (Name) and get outed.
•Of course Azul did turn to Idia’s hacking skills to find out where they lived. It was a fun little project for him. Especially for Floyd and Jade when they were sent out by him to deal with some “Funny business.” 
•Azul is also someone who reports these kids to Crowley and gets them kicked out of the school. He understands bullying all too well due to going through it himself and he’d be damned if he sat back and watched it happen.
•He creates a potion that's like a cream to help heal your injuries at an accelerating rate. Of course you need to do nothing in return for him for this cream, think of it as your loving boyfriend helping you get better. 
•If it makes you feel better about your looks or your weight, Azul will go out of his comfort zone and crack open the picture book of him as a child. Once again, he knows how this feels and he wants you to know you are not alone in this struggle.
•Azul definitely pampers you in his own way. He takes care of your homework, makes you food, and hell if you want to see his mer form he's all too happy to let you. For the week you're getting better, if you ask he'll lay off his work for you too for a bit.
-Kalim Al-Asim-
•Why’s his little sunflower crying? 
•Hands down, coddles you. Kalim is up your ass from the moment you walked into the room injured. His little feelings can’t take the fact someone would want to hurt his girl just because of weight or looks. He cries. Immediately.
•Kalim doesn’t hold you, you hold Kalim. It's Jamil that reports the bullies you punched while Kalim Hugs you half to death for the next three days. While he does try his best to wrap up and tend to your injuries it's also clear he doesn't know what the hell he's doing.
•In The end it's Jamil that's correctly tending  to your bloodied knuckles and the bruises and scratches on your body while Kalim grabs you some of the soup Jamil had cooked for dinner. After dinner Kalim presents you with desserts before diving head first into your chest to cuddle you.
•When hearing that Crowley wasn't going to kick out the students that bullied you, that's when things got serious. Kalim, with the help of another dorm head (Azul) Confronted the mage.
•It ended smoothly when they (Mostly Azul), had blackmailed the Headmage to the point where he had no other option but to expel the students. That or be outed on magicam about how horrible of a principal he was.
•Kalim throws a party for you at the end of it all. A “Congratulations on getting rid of your bullies party.” What a kicker.
-Vil Schoenheit-
•Someone hurt his little spuddling??
•Oh, This means war.
•Don't you worry, (Name), Rook will deal and dispose of those poor insignificant worms. Vil busies himself tending to your cuts and bruises, Blowing on the anti-peroxide he’d dripped onto the cuts to disinfect them.
•Ngl, Vil curses those peasants. Every day for the next three weeks they'll be waking up consistently throughout the night unable to get the slightest bit of rest. 
•Vil doesn’t pamper you as much as Kalim or Azul would but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t pamper you. Vil gives you gentle massages and checks up on you in between classes, making sure they don’t mess with you again. He gives you lotion and creams, and he does face masks with you. 
•Obviously those bullies didn’t have any style, because to Vil you drip looks just as much as you seem to drip food crumbs everywhere you go. Though, he doesn’t mind the mess in the end, (As much as he seems to.)
•He also has Rook secretly trail after you when he’s not around, just in case something happens again. Vil likes to be in control of the situation.
-Idia Shroud-
•This man has a set of rules. And those rules are to avoid direct confrontation by all means necessary, and to stay cooped up in his room for as long as humanly possible. In none of those rules was Idia prepared to deal with bullies. Much less bullies that are bullying his s/o.
 •When you come into his room with Ortho following you in with bandages and neosporin, he was shocked. “(N-Name) What happened!?” 
•Bullies- Something he was eerily familiar with. Of course, he won’t be addressing them directly, though hacking their devices and uploading a virus is a wonderful option. A wonderful option he follows out with.
•Idia also leaves Crowley a… less than family friendly email, along with a video of the evidence of you being harassed and being hit first. Crowley can’t pin anything on you for punching your bullies- since yours was in self defense.
•Idia games with you sitting in his lap. While making sure you had plenty of snacks and drinks, he also made sure you were getting an adequate amount of sleep and your injuries were tended too before anything else. It would be inconvenient if the cuts were to get infected.
•He forces you to do online schooling in his room with him for the week while Crowley straightens out this issue.
•Idia is happy with the extra time you both get together, all while tending to you during it. Of course, that doesn't mean he’ll stop gaming for you either.
-Malleus Draconia-
•Those bullies dared to speak bad about his s/o? More so they Touched you? Ohhhh this does not fly with Malleus.
•He doesn’t understand how such imbeciles could even dare to look in your direction. They do know you're dating one of the five most powerful mages known in history, correct?  
•Lilia needed to stop him from murdering those scoundrels, so instead, Malleus has them arrested. Yep, you heard that correctly. They were arrested. Malleus simply heals your wounds with the snap of his fingers. 
•He treats you like a princess. You get what you want and exactly what you want the moment you want it. He pampers you like he's the king of pampering. Only him and Lilia get to tend to any wounds you have.
•If you want, he will have Lilia teach you some things about self defense.
•Please lay with him and give him some nice snuggles. He’ll bring out his tail and wrap the appendage around you while you cuddle up to each other. Doesn’t mind if you hold or feel up his horns either. He’s all yours for the taking.
•Malleus will prepare you a fancy bath with petals, wine and lit candles to help relax and soothe you. This man will do anything for you, even if that's running across the world for you.
•Malleus praises you to be brave enough to punch and fight back against your harassers every day. It's something he wants you to feel proud about and know that he’s proud of you for doing so as well.
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strkie · 1 year
new beginnings. clark kent x male, older, reader
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you meet the new interns and one in particular catches your eye.
notes. this was honestly put together pretty fast bc i just finished watching the new show! but here ya go!
details. no warnings! only fluff
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Working at the Daily Planet has its ups and downs, it's good days and it's bad days, but you're glad to say ever since Lois started to intern there's been more goods than bads. Although you yourself aren't an intern and work quite closely with Perry White as a reporter, she's brought some much needed fresh perspectives to the scene and you two have become quite close friends, but even you knew she was hitting the "killer robot" idea a little too hard. You cautioned her not to bring it up, or at least be more careful with her intern title, but even you couldn't nail the point down in her mind. Part of the reason why you enjoy being around her so much, but you knew she was getting on Perry's nerves, so let's just say you weren't surprised when Perry didn't take. The doughnuts were a new addition, though.
You grab a pink frosted one, atop the boxes written in a neat hand writing "take as much as you want!" You immediately recognize it as a stranger's, and the vague reminder that there are two new interns coming in today swells in your mind. Since the break room is empty, you fill your coffee and head back to your quite cluttered desk, but before you can reach it you hear the high noise of Lois' voice talking to someone else. Curiosity killed the cat, but you walk over to the commotion.
"It'll be fun, c'mon!" And that doesn't sound like a good idea.
You rear the corner and see her with two other young men, your doughnut and coffee cup in hand as they notice your new presence. Lois squeaks and falters, recalling your insistence on not to do the story, but regains herself and beams at you. You eye the two men curiously, boys more like, and watch as they immediately recognize you for the renowned reporter you are. You push that aside and grin softly at them, remembering your days as an intern and how hard it can be.
"Y/N, just the man I wanted to see!" Lois says, bouncing over to you. "This is Jimmy and Clark, the new interns!"
"Nice to meet you." You smile at them, nodding your full hands as if in a handshake. Jimmy wobbles and sputters as he blabbers about "Y/N L/N? The reporter Y/N L/N?" but your eyes catch the blue of Clark's.
Being a bit older, you can see the obvious physical cues of his breath stunting when you lock eye contact, a subtle red blush coming to his face. You tilt your head a bit, analyzing him with a calm nonchalance, admitting to yourself that he is very attractive and (a bit more begrudgingly) taller than you, despite the difference being subtle. As Lois begins to talk about how they were just leaving, you wink at him with a more confident grin, making his face flush more and his eyes to look away in shyness. You almost laugh at the endearment of him, but focus back on Lois instead.
"We were just grabbing... coffee! You know, that new place down the street?" Its obviously a lie, but you know you can't stop her at this point, and just give her a knowing look.
"Just be careful, you three." You say deeply, and Lois seems to thank you with a small nod. You meet Clark's eyes again, smirking. "Nice meeting you two, I'm sure I'll see you around!"
Turns out sooner comes rather than later as only a mere few hours go by with you writing a document when the interns burst through the door and straight to Perry's office. Probably not a good sign. You lean against the doorway, watching keenly as Lois tries to convince Perry to make the story, but the man is practically fuming. Seeing a break in conversation just before Perry is about to fire them, steam almost coming out his ears, you speak up.
"Just give them one more chance, Boss. They can do it." You stand up for them, making them all turn to you. While not looking at him, you can feel Clark's thoughtful gaze on you. Perry only huffs, but eventually gives in.
"They better." He mutters after their dismissed, Lois following you to your desk with the camera. Clark and Jimmy follow her, and you feel the sense she probably didn't even show them around the building yet, but you only shake your head affectionately.
"Look, there's a Superman now!" Showing you blurry pictures that you can't make out, she's still excited about it so you won't damper it. As she begins to talk about the robots and the flying man, your eyes find Clark's once again with a gentle laugh.
"Superman, huh? Cute." You chuckle, not wavering off Clark, watching at he blushes more harshly at the word "cute." Cute indeed.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Kyle Brofloski/ Eric Cartman (Sp fic)
('What up with the fatass?')
/Let me slide into your DM's/ part 3
Stan's gang meet up in discussion of their future revelation.
"If we either become queermo pussies or boring ass side characters, your choice!"
Slight warning ⚠️ slurs, and well, it's a sp fic you could either expect both good or bad outcomes from it.
Btw important! It gonna get kinda gory and sensible topics are gonna be told in this chapter and the following others, so please if you're not comfortable with that type of stuff I don't recommend!
Author's note: I managed to link the chaps! So it'll be easier for u guys to switch between chapters ❤🙏🏼 again thx for the help u guys and also for the comments! I read each one of them! I'm very grateful for u guys, I'm glad u seem to enjoy my writing even if it can be a little off and confusing at points my vocabulary can be a little limited so I'm trying to expand it so it doesn't sound to iffy, ok time to read! 🤗
Second note: south park pov will be mostly Kyle's pov (technically just the gangs pov it'll be on Kyle's perpective) and north park would be Cartman's just wanted to make that clear! C:
It's the day, the day that officially declares its been a month since Cartman moved, would this count as a 'Cartman anniversary'? Kyle really didn't want to know, he just wanted to do something.
Even if that meant having a fat bitch nagging, mocking, taunting him all the damn time. His life was starting to feel hallow, empty, numb, boring..
It felt meaningless? He's starting to feel what he assumed the adults of their town were going through; a internal crisis. Why did the fatass formed such a big part of what he's experiencing now?
How can someone so annoying make such a impact on him? On his brain and heart. Or was it that Cartman had already long gone manipulated into believing that he needed him to keep that flame in him.
Manipulated all of town, fuck, even the animals were looking bored as hell.
He layyed himself whole, flat stomach against the couch, bored looking face with his cheeks squishing against a cushion, it felt like he was going through some really bad break up, like the whole town was going through one. He grabbed the remote turning on the tv.
'Breaking news‼️: citizens across the country are now voting for the most lame uncharacteristic bland ass town of America! Polls are being equally divided between California's 'I eat fist' town, Texas 'sausage' town and ofcourse recently now unoriginal town in state of Colorado dropped by 68% to 1% in less than a month, 'South park', being one of the most demolished rates in history to beat a score of lameness about 59% in half a second! People claiming they barely even recognize the name, I barely remember the town itself if it weren't for this piece of paper that reminded of it! —'
He groaned loudly as he face slammed on to the cushions, letting out a heavy frustrating moan.
Now they were being ridiculed by their whole country for not being 'exciting' or 'interesting' enough.
He hated this feeling, he couldn't help but to pinned the blame on Cartman. He grunted reluctantly taking out his phone and opening his gallery, zoning out enough to block the new reporter's blabbering.
He scrolled to his countless pictures of family, friends, events, holidays, birthdays, trips and all that crap. He tapped on the first picture that just caught his attention; just fatass hogging his phone that day, making a collage of himself with vulgar gestures and weird looking faces.
'So original' he remembered remarking to Cartman, as the other just took out his tongue teasingly.
Scrolling once more, he halted in a picture were it was just Cartman making himself a mess with chocolate ice cream all splattered over his face; an annoyed look as his eyes darted at his hands by how ice creamy covered they were, cone half done being hold by his thumb pressed against his index.
He remembers taking a snap to make fun of Cartman later on because of how funny he thought it was, but he never actually used it and in reality he didn't find it as funny AFTER; once he second and third looked at it, more like, amusing. He found the picture amusing. Amusing enough to keep it saved in his gallery but also hogging it from others to see and share that se sentiment probably taking all the special to it.
After two more pictures, he clicked on a video, it was Cartman, once again, hogging his phone:
Rec🔴 0:06 - ⏮ ⏸ ⏭ -3:46
'Dammit, jew! Don't be so stingy!' There was a lot of movement making the camera shake viciously.
'Shut up, Cartman! Give me back my phone!'
'Worried I'll take all your cloud gigs too quickly?' Half Cartman's face seen, including that childish taunting pout of his.
'Ofcourse asshole! Do you know how much I have to pay for extra cloud storage!?'
'Stop being greedy and acting like your rich lawyer dad doesn't pay for your shit'
'My dad isn't rich'
'But he's a lawyer and a JEW'
'That makes zero sense'
'You know damn well what I mean'
Cartman than moved the camera angle in a wide frame showing both boys; one frowning angrily and the other smirking casually while he slightly waved at the camera before placing it steady and walking next to, well himself, Kyle.
Looking at his fat friend in a questioning look as he keep staring at the camera while standing next to him.
'What're you doing fat boy?' Before anything else he was gut punched in the gut.
'Ha! That's what you get for being greedy and letting your guard down, Kahal! Hahahaha!'
'That does it!' He screamed furiously standing up from his computer chair and chased Cartman around his room like two foolish kids messing around. Cartman smiling wide as he'd run from a fuming redhead.
3:46 - ⏮ ▶️ ⏭ -0:00 🔁
Kyle beamed by the memory, a nauseous revolving feeling surge in his stomach.
Moments like these is were he grasped hard into the somewhat relationship he had with Cartman, sometimes it was just hard to give up on him. Even if he's proven to be irredeemable, unforgiving, unfixable. Cartman could pathetically look at him with the most sad puppy eyes he's ever seen and couldn't bare himself but cease in and try to help once more. Which was stupid. But how can he just let him destroy himself further? That kid got issues, and as a friend, a group they had to stick up together right?
He felt more responsible over Cartman than anyone else from this whole fucking town, sometimes he even believed Cartman also shared that same mentality an unhealthy dependency on him for seeking help, get him out from trouble or just checking if he was being paranoid or hallucinating too much again, which he always did.
Kyle knew it was unhealthy what they had, but it was something strong they built. Or maybe it was just he who built it..? Cartman seemed to be doing well with out him..
Maybe he was the one being a little too attached? Which was ridiculous to believe, Cartman has always obsessed over him to point he even questioned if he was definitely a percentage away on being sent to a psycho ward.
Ofcourse that never happened, but he was damn nuts and had the ginger in his mind all 24/7, and he never denied being that way.
Shamelessly admitting he had broke into his room countless times, no boundaries were set between them, they even barge into the bathroom while they were using it. By that point nothing was 'too' embarrassing for them to encounter together. Those layers of privacy were non-existant between the two, for fuck sake he had put a finger up Cartman's ass once! What's more that could up that shit? By that point he could expect Cartman to steal a kiss from him for a scheme of his and he wouldn't bat an eye to it, probably punching him straight in the face for it; but still unbothered.
It's not like he hadn't taken up worse? He's eaten shit from a Japanese man's butthole, had swim and drink pee and was forcefully driven to smell Cartman's farts for the sake of the world. Friends with a literal talking shit, friends with a literal schizophrenic psychopath and having to endure aids for that same stupid bitch. Being turned down from the basketball league because he wasn't a tall black boy, having surgery and yet still had his knees explode mid game, traumatic. Hemorrhoids, a kidney failure, a manbear pig attack, a smug storm.. countless near death experiences.
Yeah, a kiss wouldn't be torturous. Cartman could kiss him, he should kiss him to prove his point.
Maybe he was the one to be mentally fucked up?
Nah, he's fine.
Kyle headed to the bus stop, spotting Stan eating some flaming chips, something odd he'd been noticing of his friend was his binge eating. Ever since Cartman left he had been hogging food everywhere they'd go; when they go play video games, he'd go to the kitchen and look through the fridge grabbing snacks and drinking high sugary beverages like mountain dew or smoothie mixed with coca, at the cafeteria he'd steal some of Butters fries or Kyle's half eaten burger, he even picked a fight with Craig for the last piece of chocolate cake they had there, even while they walked to someplace he'd always had a bar of chocolate in hand or a pack of sweets.
It was starting to be concerning but he hasn't pointed it out to Stan yet atleast until Wendy does, he knew Wendy was already planning on making an intervention for Stan soon, she's asked Kyle beforehand to keep track of what Stan's been eating to give her a list, which is why he notice right away of Stan's problem. Maybe it was a coincidence to link Cartman's absence to it, but who else had a binge eating problem that wasn't fatass?
"Morning dude," He greeted placing himself next to the now chubby kid.
Yes, Stan also have been gaining weight by the excessive food he's been eating. It was barely noticeable for the eye, but for people as close like Kyle, Wendy, Kenny and Butters, it was damn obvious.
"Mornin'," Stan mumbled out, unfazed while munching on some chips, his fingers were all greasy and hand cheeto dust all over.
"Did you see the news?," Kyle asked, looking at the road too uninterested with the small talk.
"You mean how they all we're calling south park a bunch of 'jackin' offing losers'?" He remarked the reporter's comment in exact detail.
Kyle nodded silently, they were really being pounded down to the ground with all the insults directed their way.
"Did you also hear about North Park?," his best friend added now sparking the redhead's attention.
"What is it?," he asked now intrigued.
"It's been up the ranking of wackiness and bizarre they were offered to make a show about it, can you believe it?" Stan commented incredulous.
Kyle was bewildered, no fucking way. Not even south park were offered that privilege while having fatass in town, now.. no, that's too much of a coincidence.
"It's fatass," he blurted out, making Stan look at him surprised.
He slammed the table with his right fist, now inside the meeting being formed that same night, their usual hide out; Cartman's basement, which Kenny helped barge in the locked house even if everything was empty and piled up with dust (with the exception of the table and white board they brought while entering). They were too stubborn to look for another place to meet up in so ofcourse the hide out wouldn't change until the house is actually sold.
He looked up at the group of kids there: Craig's gang, Stan's and ofcourse Wendy's.
"I think we all know why we're here."
Clyde looked concerned to his left, "because.. of the new mermaid movie..?" He winced out uncertain.
"No, fatass! We're not here for some dumb gay fish movie!," he shouted annoyed, huffing as he paced around the room in a typical Cartman manner.
"We're here to get Cartman back," Stan chimed in his seat, a bowl of chocolaty creamy strawberries in hand oblivious eating them while a concerned Wendy looked his way.
"Why?" Craig asked in his typical monotone voice.
"Because, we're nothing with out fatass," He finally blurted out, placing both his hands on the table looking at them directly.
"S-say that again?" Jimmy spoke up more confused than being sarcastic.
"Guys, ever since Cartman left everything has been dulled," He continued, now dragging the white board infront of them taking off the sheet that covered it; revealing their plan strategy, "south park has always had an untold curse to it, we all know about the anomaly and whack shit we've have to endure by living here"
"I always thought it was because of you four," Token commented unfazed.
"Point is," Kyle ignored, looking at the board, "not having Cartman around has abruptly lower our percentage to zero," He pointed with a marker a drawing of Cartman and a field around him signaling the 'curse'.
"Isn't that a good thing?" Annie pointed out.
"No, if we want to be seen as the pussy town of Colorado with no name," He snapped back bitter.
Luckily most of the kids there agreed with him, making him seem less crazy for wanting Cartman back.
"Kyle's right, ever since Eric moved away my parents now ground me because of boredom. They don't even care if I do good in school or not they just nag about moving away to some fart smelling city like New York to get some action again," Butters added grabbing a strawberry from Stan's bowl.
"My dad sent me to Denver the other day for a gallon of milk and asked me about the weather there," Tweek also added to the pile of complaints.
"My parents sold both my sister's bike and my coin collection away and replaced them with a pile of balloon clowns," Craig added now indulge in the subject.
"My parents bought a zoo and have been living inside the gorilla habitat for two weeks," Heidi added a little ashamed as she looked downwards, probably reluctantly admitting Cartman may need to come back to solve her issue.
"My mom has bought over 300 pair of shoes in a week were almost going broke," Nichole hesitantly added.
Wendy sighed as she intertwined her fingers defeated, "My dad has been going nonstop to strip clubs and my mom has been pimping out some male colleagues of hers," she admitted embarrassed, "it's clear south park is going into a crisis."
"And my dad has been up in sales for all the weed he's sold to south park residents," Stan complained chugging five strawberries in his mouth, annoyed, "ever-veryone's hig-gh as fuck like wi-with the tegrity b-burger sales," He mumbled out, slapping Kenny's hand away from his bowl as the blonde looked at him offended.
Butters snickering next to him as he had successfully stolen a strawberry from Stan previously.
"Cartman is like a endless void," Kyle added, now circulating the drawing of Cartman and drawing a pointer down, "with out it, there nothing that can suck all of our shit down," He wrote his points up then signaled a pile of adults destroying the town, "making everthing go into an endless loop of wanting a purpose and still not finding anything while destroying what we have left with ACTUAL consequences. A reset button up Cartman's ass to restart our day, to fix our shit. Pretty much with out it the damages we make today stays, while still being so uncharacteristically damaged were basically nothing.
For some reason Cartman is that damn reset button, he takes the curse with him it just makes sense why we still put up with his shit and he hasn't been sent to jail for all the atrocities he's done. He CAN'T leave south park, everything has to be put to an end with each day, everything has to be back to normal with each common episode. If there's a long continuity it's gonna feel dragged and force it'll become boring like the Mr Garrison election, tegrity farms and the pandemic special so the curse will start to self destruct itself until it ends it.
Technically, we're in a episode with continuity.
And we're dragging it too far, being matter of weeks or days before our town becomes nothing but a running old gag people give zero fucks about, targeting their attention to something new making Cartman's curse merge into the new hole it's in.
In this case; north park," He finished finally circulating a drawing of the town and a North park Cartman on the side.
Everyone kept silent as they were captivated by the long explanation.
"Damn, dude. Have you gotten any sleep?," Craig commented bewildered.
"Does this have something to do with aliens?" Clyde chimed in now freaked out, bitting his finger nails and looking frantically between Kyle and the group.
"That, I don't know," Kyle responded tirelessly, now sighing heavily. It's almost concluding another day with out Cartman, and if his theories are right, it could be dangerous, "we need to manage to go to North park and get Cartman."
"What if Eric doesn't want to get back?" Butters spoke up, now everyone looking at him attentively.
Right, out all of them there, Cartman updates Butters everything that's been going on around his new lifestyle.
"Do you know something Butters?," Kyle inquired skeptical with a glare.
"No.." He dismissively looked Kenny's way before looking at something else, "Eric's really liking North Park that's all," he admitted in almost a whisper, after brief seconds.
Kyle walked back home with his hands shoved inside his pockets, glaring at the ground beneath him.
Cartman is liking North Park because of his curse not much because he's actually liking it, he tried reasoning with that. But it wasn't still reassuring.
He began slapping the side of his head trying to shoo away any thoughts of Cartman, but he just couldn't stop thinking about him.
'MeooOow' a distressed cat moaned, snapping him out of it; it came behind some bushes near the Steven's residence. He approached cautiously and found a old grey kitty that licked it's paw and hiss at him after noticing his presence.
"Mr kitty?" Kyle blurted out softly unfazed by the aggressive attitude, Cartman had left his cat?
He reached out for her, holding on to her tightly being scratched in the face in the process 'defensive instincts' he thought, wincing out by the stingy pain.
Okay, Cartman would never abandon Mr kitty like that. That's unlike him, if there's something he knew as a fact was that Cartman loved his cat even if he had a hard time admitting it, he'd always made sure his cat was home before midnight and would check if her food was place in her bowl.
Even though he'd angrily complained about the cat craving the food he'd have in hand instead of her cat food, Kyle has seen from time to time how Cartman would cease in the meowing giving food from his plate to Mr kitty. He thought it was disgusting seeing him eat from the same plate as the cat did but never bother commenting it, cause it was an adorable quality of his. Just like when he'd hand feed it letting the cat licked everything off his palm and then later off using that same hand to eat a pile of chicken nuggets with out washing his hands. It was gross for sure, but it was cute.
He winced by the thought of even considering Cartman remotely 'cute', he got home, still a rabid cat in hands. It's liked the cat hated him, but then again... it is Cartman's.
"Hold on there, mister," his mother stopped him before heading upstairs, "what is that?" She pointed at the hissing feline.
Kyle arched a brow, "it's a cat, don't worry I'm just keeping it for a while until a friend comes back from a trip." He explained, hoping that would be enough for his mom to let it go.
"Kyle, don't think I've forgotten about your chessing phase," she remarked, now hands placed on her hips, "is that it? Are you chessing?" She asked worrisome.
"No, ma. I'm serious, this is just my friend's cat," He rolled his eyes, still not believing his mother still thought he chessed once.
She arched a brow skeptical, reluctantly believing his words.
"Okay, bubbie.. but one showing symptom of it and that cat is out," she warned pointedly, as she walked back to the kitchen, "and keep that cat far from your father's office he wouldn't want to step on cat poop," she shouted after.
"Okay, ma," He responded back, running to his room as he shut the door letting the cat out of his arms, as he whined out from the stingy small war wounds (scratches) on his hands and arms somehow her nails got under his jacket sleeves.
Mr kitty hid under his bed as she couldn't escape from the window because it was closed.
He sighed as he approached his drawer and opened a cabinet, which he had a small aid kit. He took out some alcohol and began putting some on the scratches that actually had blood pouring out.
He glance to his side noticing Mr kitty peeking out from his bed but instantly glaring at him in a defensive stance as she growled.
Man, that cat really hated his ass.
Kyle couldn't help but wonder if Cartman could've trained her to hate him, but he then dismissed it as Cartman's wasn't the type to be too hyped on something that had no gained for him. He'll get easily bored by less than an hour, if plausible 20 minutes and 33 seconds to be exact.
He kneeled down and began mimicking Cartman's gay little song he'd use to lure his cat when she'd ran off from home. He had memorized it by the countless times he's heard him sing it out loud to the neighborhood with zero shame.
Singing has been such a Cartman's thing to do, he realized how both mother and son always had a thing to easily communicate by song and he wouldn't be surprised if that cat too was also taught to listen by musical notes.
One of Cartman's perks of singing endlessly since a toddler really brought fruit to his voice, so neighbors nearly complained when he'd sang out for his cat. His voice was marvelous, angelic, the type that'll lure you like a siren to a crew of sailors, a easy way to trick and manipulate people into listening to him or doing what he says. Something he definitely seen Cartman use for his advantage.
Even, as awful it is to admit, he's fallen for his curse various times himself. He'd be caught listening in his window as he'd watch from afar his arch-rival walking through the sidewalk singing to Mr kitty to come back and threatening her lastly to give her the garlic food instead of the tuna which most of the time worked, cause the cat would dash back to her owners arms after listening on not having tuna for dinner.
"Miaw miaw miaw come kitty, come Mr kitty kitty!" he awkwardly sing, as he watched the cat immediately tilted her head interested, "who's a good Mr kitty? Miaw kitty kitty miaw miaw.." he felt his voice cracked after a couple of 'miaws', he wasn't as in tune like Cartman was but he didn't think he was that bad either.
"Miaw miaw miaw miaw~
Kitty kitty kitty
Who's my Mr kitty? I love my kitty kitty~!" He never thought he'd be singing for a cat but there he was, now seeing the cat cautiously walked twoards him.
He carefully extended his hand in a welcoming gesture, expecting the cat to put her paw there but instead she smelled it before nuzzling against his hand with a purr.
Now that's awfully cute, he wasn't much of a cat person he preferred lizards or elephants, but he won't deny Cartman's cat was adorable.
He gently patted her head not knowing how cat owners tended to show their felines affection, he just knew by online critics that cats were evil cold living creatures and would prefer to not be disturb. The last time he's ever grabbed a cat was when he had to hide that damn cat Kenny would use for chessing, and he shoved it in his drawer not really caring much for it. He could've almost forgotten it if his mother didn't caught him with it.
But this one was Cartman's, she was special to him, so he had to make sure she'd be fine while fatass is away. Or Cartman could go all psycho on them if something were to happened to her once he's back.
And he had no plans on dealing with one of those episodes again.
He's learned from what happened to Scott, mitch Connor, 'cupid yee' or 'me' or whatever (he just remembers Stan commented about Cartman's little episode to him while explaining of how things lead the way it did), skank hunt (he wasn't sure to count that one, but Cartman wasn't the same at that time like if he were broken)or the 1% issue, that an emotional Cartman is a reckless 'not to be messed' one.
Cause you really don't know how'd he'd react and take it, which becomes a nerve wrecking roulette. Cartman had limits where once you pass the highest grounds, you're over. You either die, emotionally traumatized/ wound for life or spared (which is unlikely).
He remembered a kid calling him tubby it wasn't a big deal until he took it too far and 'humiliated' Cartman in the assembly. Cartman took it as if the boy was out to get him, which he technically was but his fate was counted.
Both Stan and himself knew he wasn't gonna make it to middle-school.
Surprisingly the boy was given a 'light' punishment being sent to a juvenile prison by a crime he clearly didn't commit but was then executed after three weeks cause a few inmates accused him for slaughtering another in the bathrooms.
Supposedly the aftermath had nothing to do with Cartman but both he and Stan were skeptical about it.
Then there was this other boy that had the balls to smack Cartman's ass in a football game. Yeah, let's say that one didn't last a week after the incident. For what he heard, that boy was given to pigs dismembered in bits and a bullet wound in his head. He remembered how fucked up it was for Cartman to show up to the boy's grieving parents home and gave them his condolences. It's like he gets even more gruesome with his vengeful antics each time he'd snap.
This could count as a 'group' thing but it was mostly Cartman influenced, cause it really messed them up for a period.
A fat old grumpy man almost raped him in a parking lot, it was their darkest secret yet as a group, as a whole.
He remembered that night vividly, they were at a club Butters snuck them in while he worked there, and as they were all vibing and looking at all the hot chicks there Kenny had asked if anyone had a lighter on them Cartman said he had one in his bicycle pouch, so he went out to fetched it, seemed it was more of an excuse to leave as he did notice Cartman seemed uncomfortable being at that place, and second he wouldn't offer to get it for Kenny he would straight up just tell him to go get it himself.
It took a couple of minutes and he recalls how they all started wondering if Cartman had actually ditched them, so they all went looking for him outside.
And for their horror saw Cartman sobbing uncontrollably as some man had him pinned against the hood of a blue Honda, trying to unbottoned his pants as he rubbed his crotch against his. This wasn't as with snooki, it was far worse cause he noticed bruises forming up his throat and face; weakening Cartman before the actual action.
'Holy shit' was the only thing he heard Stan blurt out in shock.
That was the night something in him snapped, and intentionally murder a man.
He remembered how everything became so blurry and slow as Stan anxiously yanked him away from the bloody body while being covered in blood from head to toes, as Kenny yelled saying he'll tell Butters to cover them up with the security footage, while Cartman whimpered and sobbed still panting frantically in the hood.
It was the most saddest shit he's ever seen Cartman been.
They dragged the body to starks pound.
Cartman was a mess, but fuck, he didn't want to ever see a friend be in a situation like that ever again.
They hid behind some cars as a police officer passed by, dragging the body with difficulty even being four boys. The man weighted over 300 pounds and with the added 'dead' weight it worsen it.
Everything seemed so surreal.
Cartman finally spoke after being so zoned out by the whole thing, they tossed the body inside a wooden boat. Took a lighter out from his pocket, the same lighter that was the whole reason they were all there to begin with.
Kenny poured gasoline all over it while puffing his last cigarette, and Cartman lit it up pushing the boat away from the edge with a small kick.
"This will be in grave a secret until we die"
That was Cartman's way of telling him 'thanks' even if it was the most devastating coldly thing he's ever done, Cartman could've use that to blackmail him or even get rid of him for good. But he never told a soul once it was all over, acting like it never happened.
He remembered he had to strip naked to get rid of his clothes and tossed it in the flaming boat, how'd he had to use some clothes from Walmart Stan had went to purchase them while he shaked tremendously by the intensity of the whole thing.
After that, they never spoked of it again and Kenny quit smoking.
He hold Mr kitty in his arms, the cat warmed up to him very quickly than he had expected her to be.
She nuzzle with a purr against his chest, he couldn't help but visualize Cartman doing it instead.
His eyes widen, he was going crazy. That's the only explanation he could give to himself with how he was acting.
Yeah, this was bad, they had to get Cartman back for everything to go back to normal again.
He recalls of the agreement of their meeting, how Bebe asked how'd they'd be able to go to north park with out their parents knowing.
They all agreed on leaving that to Stan's gang to get fatass as they were Cartman's friends but Wendy and Craig's gang will handle the shit over in south park tricking their parents into believing Stan's gang went to some force week field trip.
It's not like their parents weren't stupid enough to believe that crap but they needed to ask for permission.
It's not like Kyle hasn't disobeyed any of his parents order anyways, no matter what answer it was, he was still going to north park.
And it's definitely not their first time ever leaving South park for longer than three days.
It was morning and he woke up with an awful smell, Mr kitty pissed all over his bed, fucking gross. He's never seen that cat ever pee in Cartman's home, it'll always meow at the door for Cartman to let her out and do what she has to do or just go to her litter box, that cat did it on purpose! Or maybe he should've just put some newspaper or a box, fucking crap.
He ran to the bathroom, took a shower and put some clothes on.
Taking his pj's and bed sheets to the washing machine, what a nice start to his morning, he thought bitterly.
Once settling his clothes in the washer he went up stairs and grab Mr kitty, and then rushed straight to the kitchen fridge and grab a can of sardines.
He sat in the table and place the tuna as he rested the cat in his lap letting her just reach out for the food herself, not thinking much of how bad it was seen as 'table manners', he felt his mother scowled him from the stove but said nothing, he didn't mind by that point he was already too numb by his mother's scolding he wasn't afraid for another.
Even though, once he started middle-school his mother mellowed down some more; saying kids their age needed space and shit like that. So she began stricter with Ike the youngest and being more free caring from Kyle her eldest son.
Which he was very grateful of to an extent.
All his family were already sitting in the table and eating breakfast, his dad didn't seem to questioned the cat and his brother just arched a brow.
"Is that Eric Cartman's cat?" He asked.
Kyle munched slowly his food as he watched him blankly, "no."
"Oh Ike, don't be silly, Eric Cartman moved a month ago I'm pretty sure they took their cat," His mother spoke reassuring, "stop bothering your brother with too many questions," she warned in a more passive aggressive tone.
Again, he didn't understand his parents, or any of the other adults. Apparently he wasn't the only one of the four that their parents mellowed down with, his friends also commented that once they began middle-school their parents seemed a little loosen around the edge when it came to them.
As if they really didn't want to deal with them.
Kyle gently caressed the cat's furry head 'don't worry Mr kitty will get Cartman back' he thought reassuring while smiling softly.
"So.. mom, dad. There gonna be this trip in like two days and-" he began his rehearsed speech of why he should be let go and how'd it'll be an improvement for his still developing mind.
"It's okay, Kyle. You can go," his father interrupted eager, somewhat anxious.
"Really, it's alright buddy, do whatever you want," he reassured not even bothering to ask 'what' or 'when' 'who' and 'why', giving him a awkward thumbs up, his mother nodded agreeing sharing that same enthusiasm.
"Dammit, I wish I were in middle-school," he heard Ike cussed out in a whisper.
He definitely wouldn't, he would contradicted it if he actually wasn't in a rush to go talk to his friends and see how'd it went with them.
"Okay, cool—," he said uncertain, dragging the 'O', now placing the cat in the floor as he picked up his place, "I need someone to take care of mr-" he cut off, as he was about to blurt out the cat's actual name, "Mr poopkins while I'm gone," he finished awkwardly.
His family went silent and both his parents shared a look then looked at Ike.
"Well good thing your brother offered himself to take care of it, right Ike?" His dad then added, forcing a smile.
"Me!?" Ike asked incredulous, looking offended, "I don't want to-" his mother clasped her hand on his mouth preventing him to finish his sentence.
"Don't worry, bubbie, it's alright. Ike would happily take care of Mr poopkins for you," she beamed as Ike frowned by that.
"Cool," Kyle said grinning, ignoring the obvious glaring from his younger brother before heading to get his backpack and head out.
It was convenient for sure but it really made him feel like his parents no longer cared for him.
He shrugged those thoughts away as he went to the bus stop.
"So how'd it go?," He asked immediately once approaching Stan.
"My dad flinched cowardly as if I were about to murder him, dude. And I dunno whats their deal but yeah, they let me go," he shrugged, now chugging a bunch of chips, "can you believe Wendy last night told me I had a binge eating problem?" He continued, now crunching the bag in his hands before tossing it to the ground annoyed, "like, there's always something that bothers her, like 'Dude, chill the fuck out I can't eat some chips because NOW I have a issue?' "
Kyle scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "Well.. you do kinda have a problem Stan," he reluctantly admitted.
Making Stan looked at him baffled, "I do not!," he then looked at the ground as his gestures soften, "do I...?" He asked defeated, more to himself than to his friend.
"Hey dudes," Kenny greeted as he approached them.
"Sup, Ken. How it'd go?" Stan asked now recovering from his emotional internal questioning.
"What you mean?"
"Did you asked your parent about the 'field trip'?" Kyle gripped his backpack now remembering how fatass would just barge in and say his latest stupid fact learned from the internet or some magazine he read.
He's not missing Eric Cartman, okay? He's just missing the familiarity and the casualty of it all.
"As if I needed to ask, my parents don't give a crap. I just left them a couple of joints and three packs of beer that'll keep them out for an entire week," he said disinterested as he took out his phone that was buzzing, "fuck, it's Eric."
Kyle eyes widen as he had predicted the obvious, he gripped harder on his backpack expectantly, maybe even hopeful he could hear his voice?
"Cartman calls you?" He heard Stan ask, but he was so damn far lost in his mind he zoned out a bit.
"His calls are random sometimes, I gotta pick this up man," Kenny answered, putting some earphones on, now walking away a couple of feets apart from them unintentionally making Kyle's heart shrunk and his stomach twist.
Kyle questioned himself why he felt disappointed by that, but he shrugged it off like usual, looking at the blonde who chatted animosity as he walked in circles.
Cartman hasn't called both he and Stan not even once since his move, he couldn't be angry at them for the party right? Or were they just nothing to him?
Fuck, even Butters gets to talk to him more than either of them.
That's a douche move even coming from Cartman.
Kenny walked back to his place now phone back in his pocket.
"So what did he say?" Stan asked.
"He was telling me that he had to go to the doctor yesterday and was told he was developing 'pussy-itis' "
"What's that?" Stan asked genuinely confused.
Kyle rolled his eyes, 'my god that was a Cartman thing to say.'
"He said that it's a disease that spreads to new comers when being exposed for too long, he has like vaginas growing inside his ass and the doctor warned him that he could turn into a giant pussy if he keeps it up," Kenny shrugged, now looking at the road.
That condition actually reminded him of the time Stan got growing vaginas in his face and skin because he had stopped eating meat when they were protesting for the calves safety. It was similar as the time Butters accidentally blurted out that Cartman had sparkly cleaned vaginas in his stomach because of the huge amount of vasagsil he ingested as a kid.
And as much as he hated how fucking bizarre and impossible it is for that to happen, he couldn't deny actually witnessing and be proven wrong countless times that it WAS possible. So it wasn't unbelievable to believe Cartman got diagnosed with yet another odd condition.
"Okay, so technically Cartman wants to come back now, right?" Kyle inquired, subtly leaning forward.
"No, he was given medication so he's now 'skwel'," he made a similar impression of Cartman, "he also said to tell Stan about the uh.. something about a— gnome in the cooler or some shit like that? I didn't understand well cause he cut off immediately after that," Kenny shaked his head in disapproval.
Stan flinched, eyes wide and a blank expression adorned his face immediately knowing what Cartman meant, "HOLY SHIT," he exclaimed bewildered before running off without further explanation, leaving both friends confused ass hell.
Kyle looked at Kenny expecting more from that call, but he didn't add anything else. He frowned looking at the ground still gripping his backpack while bitting his lip.
Kenny gasped as he had forgotten something making Kyle flinched in surprise.
"Cartman said 'up your ass, jew' when I told him you called him a pretentious north park bitch," he remarked casually before looking at the school bus stopping infront of them.
Oblivious of a now beaming Kyle, both entering the bus picking a seat behind Butters.
Kyle didn't know why, but he jolted excited stomach feeling all twisted and his heart pounded loudly he could hear it inside his ears.
"I haven't told them yet," Butters said as he rubbed his knuckles, heading to class.
"Dude, why not? We're leaving in two days, man," Kenny spoke while holding on to a notebook.
"They're not gonna let me go you guys," He admitted unfazed.
"Okay, so you're planning on sneaking out," Kyle added.
"I'm not sure.." the boy hesitated saying, looking at some flyer.
"You're Eric's best friend and your telling me you're NOT going to go get him?" Kenny inquired, kinda spiteful, "it's not like you haven't sneak out before and for Eric of all people too!
Like, your stupid schemes required a little disobedience from your part to handle all the shit Cartman gives you.
You're Eric fucking Cartman's best friend! It's pretty much not even a choice to not be a little shit head, stop being such a pussy," he blurted out, extending his arms up in the air for emphasis.
"NO, Kenny. I'm NOT Eric's best friend-" he pointed accusatory at the blondes chest, poking it hard, "YOU ARE, so quit your yapping!," he shouted annoyed, causing Kenny to frowned from the tone use.
God, those two have been up their necks since Cartman left, and Kyle couldn't point out why.
Kyle stood there awkwardly as he watch the two bark back at each other like two hounds with no leash, spitting venom and acidic slurs at each other.
'They should shut up already and go make out somewhere else, fuck' he thought annoyingly tired by the dragged banter.
Oblivious of the irony of his own thoughts.
Not wanting for them to escalate any further he stood between them, like a peacemaker.
"If we either become queermo pussies or boring ass side characters, your choice!" he threatened, pointing at the pissed off blonde.
Butters sighed contemplating it, grumbled a 'why should I choose?' As he kicked lightly the ground.
"Or do you have something you're hiding from us, Butters?" Kenny inquired suspiciously, tilting his head.
Butters clenched his fist, fuming, "fuck you!" He screamed out, pushing Kyle to the side before lounging at Kenny starting a fist fight in the hall, now everyone gathering up around them.
Kenny slammed his notebook hard against Butters face while Butters pushed Kenny against the lockers.
'This was some serious shit,' Kyle thought before taking out his phone and recording the fight for later on send it to Stan.
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belaprus · 1 year
Dottore x reader: being his assistant (pt.7)
'Today is another day of work', you thought while waking up in your bed... except that it wasn't your bed.
You had woken up in a white room full of lights, hard gum-coated metal keeping your head, arms and legs in place. You knew perfectly what this meant: 'That bastard Pantalone...! Did he set me up?!'
You froze in place as you heard one clapping sound, then another, and then again, the sound getting closer and closer to the hospital bed you laid in.
"Well done, Akademiya student... What was your name again?"
You were silent. Not only Pantalone had set you up, he had even disclosed your past to a fucking sociopath. 'Speaking about worst-case-scenario, here...' your thoughts were interrupted by the harsh sound of his hands falling at your sides. He didn't have his mask on, and given the context you had half an idea it was your last time seeing him... Or anything else at all, for that matter. You couldn't help gulping as this time his whole face was looking at you, and it made it that much more intimidating.
With his malicious, wide smile on you, he spoke again: "A little bird told me you have quite the crush on me"
"So you decided to tie me up? So romantic"
"SHUT UP", his composure was already gone, along with your hopes for the future. He continued:
"What do you know about me?"
"..." You didn't know if telling him you had searched up all of Sumeru's Akademiya to find clues about him would have been better than lying, at this point. How would he react? Would he even believe you?
'Like hell she did. It must have been Pantalone's doing all along' was all he could think about. He was furious. How had he been so blind as to trust her? 'Calm down, Dottore... Gut is always right. There must be something I've been missing about... I just have to make her talk'
He pulled out a scalpel from his coat's pocket, taking it upwards along her belly to stop at her neck, pointing vertically at her jugular.
"You're in no position to stay silent, little assistant. Think carefully"
"Are you here to find an excuse to hunt your colleague down? Because if you are, it doesn't even matter what I say"
"You would already be dead if that was the case. Talk now, I'm not gonna wait any longer"
"I used to have connections with the Akademiya, and that's where I had come to know that you were back in Sumeru. I didn't know a thing about you at first, but just hearing about how you were cast out of the Akademiya for blasphemy was enough to abandon all of my other researches to come looking for you"
"Did you encounter the Traveler?"
"I was tailing him when he found your little hospital in the middle of the desert. I read all of the pages you left regarding your experiments"
"And then?"
"I got cast away, because I was found out. It was shortly after that time that Pantalone scouted me. At first, I was in charge of following the Traveler, but after the accident with your clones had happened he said you would need some company, because you were getting unstable. Only me and the Traveler, other than the other Harbingers, would know enough about you to be considered worthy of the job. And that's why Pantalone sent me to you"
"How often have you been reporting to him about my situation?"
"Once a week"
A dry laughter was his only response, as he slightly removed the scalpel from her throat. But this wasn't enough for him. He then moved it onto her left eye:
"I feel like you've already seen too much with those eyes of yours. Though I have an important question to make before I decide to act on them: why did you make it all this way, just to get to me?"
She had been calm until now, her face a mess of conflicting emotions. She looked like she wasn't able to put all of her thoughts in order, blabbering nonsense as Dottore felt this was her perfect spot to poke on. When the scalpel was about to touch her eye, she finally spat out:
"Because I was so sick of this world. Whatever new thing I wanted to try out, people from the Akademiya would deem it as blasphemy. Machinery could have been used to help with hard labour, but it was forbidden. Psychiatry could help those who were mentally unstable to recover, but it was forbidden. And it was always “Rukkhadevata” this, “Rukkhadevata” that... I had never even seen a god. And even when I got to the other side of Sumeru, I was only met with another kind of fanatics, seeing the Village Keepers as animals despite them having saved all. I just wanted to take the best out of anything, that's the only thing I was ever good at. But just for once, I had changed plans... I wanted to find someone who could understand me, instead of the opposite. Someone just as wrong and blasphemous as me"
By the time she had finished, the scalpel was on the ground. Tears then started to fill her face, and it sent shivers down Dottore's spine: no wonder Pantalone had chosen her to be his assistant. Both of them had fallen under his trap. What was he scheming? 'Is he trying to mock me?', he thought. But his thoughts and words weren't matching up:
"You're not wrong. You wanted knowledge to help others. That's the only thing I wouldn't understand about you: you found yourself into a nest of wolves, but you aren't one of us"
She looked hurt now. He continued nevertheless:
"Do you even realize Pantalone has been using you all along?"
"I do. But if that's what it takes to be here with you, I would do it again an infinite amount of times"
His eyes opened wide as that sparkle from back when he was talking with Pantalone had returned. He knew he shouldn't have chosen to ask her. This was exactly what his guts were warning him about: feeling this good had to be avoided at all costs. He was relieved, though: such a mentally broken girl couldn't be capable of lying... Not to him, at least. There still was this stirring anxiety about what she had said earlier, but at least the worst hadn't happened: she only knew as far as Pantalone did.
When he had completely released you of your metal bands, you were full of bruises around the zones they were put on. You weren't sure how to tell Pantalone: in all honesty, you had a feeling he had already predicted, if not wanted, this.
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Playing with fire (Handsome Jack x reader)
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Originally posted on AO3 but decided to also add it here.
Word count: 4470
Warnings: none We don't count swearing, right?
The day was going as terrific as you could have imagined it. You were supposed to check some of the speech drafts for the opening of the new Eridium laboratory on Helios. Nice and easy, just reading them through and correcting when necessary. Supposedly not more than two hours of work.
“What the actual fuck.” You whispered to yourself in horror as you stared at the screen in front of you. You read the first paragraph again to make sure it was not just a bad dream, then opened the other documents quickly and read them as well. You rested your forehead on your hand, staring at the screen in disbelief.
What awaited you were pages upon pages of barely understandable blabber which nobody of a sound mind would have submitted. You had to read every paragraph multiple times to get a grasp of what it’s talking about and even then, it was still not completely clear. The choice of words, sentence structure, lack of any sort of factual basis for these speeches… It was horrible. You were reading word vomit of someone who had absolutely no idea what it was supposed to be about. Only when you pulled out the original reports and plans done for the laboratory did you finally manage to grasp what the speech was supposed to talk about.
“Are they idiots?” You were shocked and in absolute disbelief of how bad it was. The sheer amount of work that awaited you made you terrified and honestly, pissed off. It was not your job to draft these speeches, only to check them, but now you’re the one who must not only shorten them, but also write everything completely anew.
The more you’re reading, the angrier you get. The text was unsalvageable, while you could use the ideas from it, all had to be rephrased at least, at worst written anew completely. It was supposed to be submitted until the lunch break but in this state, it will take you much longer than that to present something that is not a complete disaster.
After a short swearing session to let go of the anger, you finally got to work to try correcting this disaster. You have been working for not even an hour, each minute getting more frustrated and miserable, when Jack started spamming the call button to summon you into his office. You stopped writing, taking a deep breath as you stretched your fingers above the keyboard, trying not to get more agitated. However, your boss’ timing could not have been worse. This was the last thing you needed at that moment, to have him interrupt you out of boredom while you’re having a shitty day already.
You got up from your desk and walked through the door that separated his office from your tiny working space. You went out into the spacious room and walked up through the empty space until you reached the stairs leading to Handsome Jack’s desk. He was sitting right where he always did, by the table in front of the gigantic window with view on Pandora. His back was turned towards you but as he heard your footsteps, he slowly turned around in his chair, ostentatiously checking his watch as if he was timing your arrival.
"About time, kiddo." He snorted, leaning against his desk as you walked up the stairs and stopped right in front of his desk.
“What do you need, sir? I have enough work as it is” you sighed, full of annoyance. As much as you usually entertained him bossing you around or whatever human right violation he decided to do, today was really not the day for it.
"Oh, quit whining. I'll be out for the day and you'll be in charge of the office. Which basically means I want you to sit at your desk and look pretty, like you always do." Jack grinned at you, a glint of mischief in his eyes. He seemed to be in a pretty antagonizing mood today. "You don't mind, right? Don't want you getting bored or anything, pumpkin. I mean, you always sit at your desk not doing anything anyways, so what's the difference?"
Your eyes widened in surprise and disbelief as you heard that. Was this really what he thought of you? As if you had no work to be done at all and you were only there to entrain his whims, as if you did not coordinate his schedules, correspondence and direct Hyperion requirements for him every day, day and night?!
“Not doing… for fuck’s sake, some idiot just sent me a speech that is such complete bullshit that I need to rewrite everything instead of getting on with your schedules and correspondence. You call that just not doing anything?!” you scoffed, even more pissed and now impatient to finally hear what he wanted from you. The sooner he says it, the faster you can go and finish what you had to. You will probably have to stay overtime anyway, given how it’s going so far.
Jack rolled his eyes and looked at his watch again, completely unbothered. «Jeez, why's everyone gotta be so touchy? What I'm saying is, all you do is sit at that fancy desk, looking all dolled up for me and jumping when I say jump." Jack gave that insufferable smirk, meeting your eyes with a challenging intensity. "Basically, you're on my payroll just to be my bitch.” He added in a quite menacing and playful voice, looking forward to seeing your reaction.
“Fuck you” You were disgusted at his comment, already having enough of this conversation. It was like the usual day working for him though, the bickering and the degradation. Only today your patience was running thin.
The corner of Jack's mouth curled into a smile at your comment, and he stood up from the table and walked over to your side. He leaned with his back against the table and lowered his head to around your height, his lips right by your ear. "I'd love it if you did." Jack chuckled, straightening up slowly with an overconfident smirk on his face, arms crossing on his chest confidently. In a mocking tone, he added "I know you'd love it, too, you're practically in love with me."
You take a deep breath, calming yourself down. If you entertained his bickering again, he’d keep you in his officer forever. You put on a professional and very fake smile as you look back up at him.
“Did you call me because you were that bored or do you have something you wanted me to do? Because I do have more important matters to attend to, sir.” You say sweetly, disregarding his comment entirely. Although, you couldn’t help yourself and made his title sound more like a mockery.
Jack smirked, enjoying your attitude. He pushed himself off the table nonchalantly, taking step closer to you. His face darkened and although your instinct was telling you to step back, you remained in place, watching his movements closely. "Did I call you? No, kiddo, I summoned you.” His voice was full of venom as he grabbed the back of your neck to keep you steady in place. “You should be down on your knees, grateful for the honor of even standing in my presence, practically begging for the chance to be of use to me.” He made sure the point got across as he let go, pushing you away. You take a step back to catch your balance and throw him an angry glance.
"Anyway, I'll be out of the office for the day. But don’t get too comfy, I’ve made sure you’ll have your hands full while I’m gone. " Handsome Jack then switched completely and flashed his signature smirk. “Try not to miss me too much.”
“Yeah, I will be busy correcting that shit. I swear to god, a child writes better than that idiot. Who the fuck even hired these people?” You scoffed, massaging your neck. A rant to someone was really needed as you could almost burst with anger now, especially that Jack was also pushing your buttons.
"It was me, babe. I hired them for you. You know, just to make your life as difficult as possible while I’m gone so that you miss me." Jack grinned at you, his expression and tone of voice dripping with sarcasm. He was taking pleasure in your suffering and once he got a reaction out of you, his face was twisted by a mad, satisfied smirk.
“You hired these imbeciles? What the fuck.” You looked at him with a mix of disappointment, disgust and disbelief on your face. “Do you just enjoy pissing me off that much or do you really not care about making Hyperion function well?”
“These speeches are bullshit anyway unless they come from yours truly.” Jack casually dropped himself onto the table, legs crossed, giving you that all-too-familiar, evaluating look. "You've got this fiery thing going on when you're angry; I like it." His smirk was infuriatingly smug. "And yeah, I handpicked the top-tier idiots especially for you. Just to get under your skin. And look! Works like a charm every time."
“I could kill you right now.” You whispered in all seriousness while staring daggers at him. You meant every word you just said, enraged at him taking pleasure in your suffering. If there was one thing you hated more than anything, it was dealing with stupid people and apparently Jack knew that. Jobs like this felt completely disrespectful and a waste of your potential and time.
“Come on, sweet cheeks, you can do better than that.” His honeyed voice encouraged you as his eyes were locked on your face, expecting you to get more annoyed.
“Do not bother me or I will send your confidential information to the Crimson Raiders.” Handsome Jack just raised an eyebrow and started chuckling upon hearing how serious you were when you threatened him. The threat was just empty words and you both knew it, nevertheless, his actions took you by surprise. You were completely done, you swiftly turned around, deciding that you cannot be in the same room as him anymore or you would do something you’d regret later.
He didn’t even try to stop you, as you went down the stairs and towards your own office, observing you from afar, satisfied at how he just managed to piss you off.
"Didn't peg you for the gutsy type," Jack quipped from behind you, a hint of surprise - or was it admiration? - in his tone. "After that high and mighty act earlier? Seeing you square up to me like that... Gotta admit, it's kinda hot."
You still didn’t look back but raised your hand to show him the middle finger. His laughter started ringing in the office immediately.
"Come on, admit it, kiddo. You absolutely eat up all this attention, don't you?" Jack called out to you as you were entering your office, his tone full of smug satisfaction. He knew he could push your buttons and he seemed more than happy about it, his smile becoming a downright sadistic smirk. He was your boss after all, whatever he wanted, he could have. The fact that you got away with such open disrespect towards him was only thanks to him being entertained by you and aiming exactly for that- getting a reaction out of you.
You shut the door loudly behind you, angry. Angry about the speeches you had to correct, angry that it was because of your boss, angry that he could play you like this and piss you off.
You sighed as you sat down by the desk in your tiny but private working space, trying to calm your nerves from the interaction with Jack. He made it clear that what you’re supposed to do is useless, but you also knew that if you didn’t deliver, he could have a reason to fire or punish you. That was the last thing you needed.
It was now full focus time as you took headphones out and put on some music. For the next couple of hours, you were correcting everything that’s wrong, swearing from time to time when reading something completely ridiculous and not making sense. As the time was going by, new documents and data pads were being scattered on the table for comparison and to use as resources to straighten up the facts.
By the late afternoon, you finally managed to get the texts fully corrected and edited up to your standards, although they sounded nothing like they originally did. You didn’t care. It was way better than it was, which was all that mattered. As you finally clicked the ‘submit’ button, you took a deep breath and stretched, satisfied that you’re done. You glanced to the side to check the time- it was already 3p.m.
A small break wouldn’t hurt, right? Especially that the lunchbreak was taken over by the need to finish the correction, so you basically kept working since 9 a.m. without a moment to eat something better than snacks and coffee.
You stood up and stretched some more, hearing how your back cracks from being in a stiff position the whole day. Straightening out your clothes and grabbing a data pad to continue checking Jack’s schedules, you headed out of your miniature office. Almost as soon as you stepped out into the hallway, you heard someone calling out to you in the distance.
"Get your pretty little ass over here." Jack’s voice was unmistakable. Even though it was a demand, it sounded a bit more friendly than you would have expected. Fortunately, you had managed to calm down over the past couple of hours, so you were ready for another round of Jack’s whims.
“Of course.” You rolled your eyes and turned around to head back into your boss’ office, walking comfortably, not rushing. Reading badly written texts had seemed to exhaust you extremely as you had had to actually pay a lot more attention to understand what was going on. So much so that right now you would have killed for a painkiller as reading something this bad caused you a headache.
As you were approaching Jack's desk, you noticed that he's not alone. Your boss was sitting with a man, probably someone high ranking, and talking excitedly about something. You didn’t have a chance to see the stranger’s face yet as he was sitting with his back towards you. Jack seemed completely unbothered by everything, his eyes on the executive and not paying attention to you entering. When you got a bit closer, you caught some of Jack's side of the conversation.
"No, no, it's fine, absolutely alright. No harm, no foul. They were freaking bandits anyway. Don't want them getting in the way.”
You stopped walking once you reached the beginning of the stairs, not wanting to interrupt him while he's talking to an executive. After all, that man was a lot more important than you.
The executive laughed at something Jack said a moment later. Your boss leaned on his hand as chuckled. Shortly, he realised that you arrived and smirked your way.
"Oh, and that’s the pretty little thing I got myself as an assistant. The one I have working her fingers to the bone all day long every day."
The executive turned around to see you, his sharp dark eyes looking you up and down closely. He had dark hair with golden highlights under the light, his tailored suit was also decorated by gold details. The man’s movements were more graceful and powerful than Jack’s, he emanated natural charisma.
"She's got a nice ass." The executive admitted, his voice was smooth, nice to listen to.
"Damn right she does." Jack chuckled, nodding. "The perfect little work horse, that one. A great little piece of tail, too."
You glared at him while moving your tongue over the tips of your teeth, looking to the side briefly in annoyance and then looking back at him, thinking how you should react. Suddenly, an idea popped up in your head. You knew exactly how to get back at Handsome Jack for today, you got excited at your plan potentially working out.
After all, there was one thing your boss hated more than anything else.
You let out a deep breath as you calm down, determined to make the plan work. "Now that we stated the obvious, what can I do for you, sir? You called for me." You picked up on the men’s interest, playing to that image of an assistant serving only for the looks. It may have sounded friendly, flirty and professional, but your piercing eyes were indicating a different attitude.
The executive gave a smug grin back to you as Jack laughed. "She’s one piece of work but it’s just- ah, so entertaining. I can see her trying not to explode every time I open my mouth. I mean, hahahah, the self-control, it’s kinda impressive." Your boss leaned back, getting more comfortable but watching you closely. "I just wanted you to sit in on this meeting, sweet cheeks. Since you are such an integral part of the team and all, whatever else you think you are." His voice was filled with sarcasm, and it was obvious that this was not the real reason why you’re here. While talking, he motioned you to come closer and stand beside him, clearly satisfied with being able to order you around in front of someone.
You raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing what he’s saying to be true. But if he wanted to play, so be it. He just confirmed your decision, and he just made you that more determined to show him not to underestimate you.
You went up the stairs, coming up to where Jack had told you, but you stopped right beside the executive instead, sitting on top of the desk and leaning back on your hands. You crossed your legs, the mini skirt sliding a bit further up as you sat like that. “Are we celebrating? You never bring me on private meetings.” You pouted towards Jack but glanced down at the executive, smirking lightly. Now that you were closer, you noticed the sandalwood scent around the man. “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced. I’m Handsome Jack’s assistant, (Y/N).” You gave the man a mischievous smirk and reach out with your hand. He took it gently and placed a kiss on top of it, grinning as well.
“Cassius Goldcrest. My pleasure.” He replied and looked up at you, getting a closer look at your facial features.
Jack cleared his throat, gaining yours and Cassius’ attention back to himself. "Celebrating? Ha! No, we're brainstorming on how to squeeze every last drop out of these bandit losers for our gain. Because, you know, that's just good business."
The executive nodded but looked back at you as soon as Jack stopped talking. "You look... nice. Jack never mentioned that you were this good looking.”
Jack flashed that signature smirk at the comment, then turned his gaze back to you, leaning in close like he was letting you in on a grand secret. There was that unmistakable glint of pride in his eyes — to him, you were another shiny trinket in his collection. But his arrogance? That just gave you more room to maneuver and play his game. “Come on, kiddo. Did you honestly think I kept you around 'cause I enjoy your sparkling conversation? Nah, it's all about the looks, the pizzazz. But hey, I bet a part of you always knew that, right?"
"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, sir." I say sweetly, enjoying how he's absolutely underestimating me. "Since I'm here mostly to be the proof of your impeccable taste, I wonder why you never introduce me to your... well, let's say, your extraordinary company." My sight switches from being on Jack to paying more attention to the Cassius.
Jack's expression turned smug again as he heard the flattery, glad that you were not acting up too much. "Ya know what’s the best part of it all? I get a real kick out of having someone as eye-catching as you on meetings." He leaned towards you even more. “Everyone's eyes glue to you, but deep down, they know you're off-limits. Makes the whole charade a lot more entertaining, don't you think?”
"Awww, is that how you feel about me every day? How cute." You threw a playful roast at Jack, knowing that he cannot drop the appearances with an important executive being present.
The game has started.
The corner of Jack's mouth curled up in a small, annoyed smile as you teased him with that remark. His eyes now narrowed, trying to figure out what you were up to, if you just decided to be playful or genuinely go against him. You could see a silent warning in them but decided to play dumb and ignore it. That was what he intended you to present- a dumb, sweet, pretty assistant.
Cassius, on the other hand, must have found your comment highly entertaining as he bursted out chuckling. Your boss grinned at you, seemingly relieved that your small comment was received as more of flirtation than insubordination. It calmed him down a bit and he moved in his chair, sitting more comfortably.
"See what I mean? How can I be bored with her around." Jack chuckled, opting to use the situation to his advantage.
The executive grinned back at Jack and glanced towards you. A glint of fire noticeable in his eyes as he locked them with yours. "Well, if Jack’s right about something, it’s that you captivate the whole room, sweetheart.”
Your attention was now all on the executive, seeing how he was slowly falling for the act. Or he saw your intentions through-who knows? Could be both.
“And yet I’m trapped in this office day and night.” You used the Cassius’ comment to go further, sighing deeply, longing in your voice. You turned to the side to look through the gigantic window down on Pandora, leaning even further back and showing your legs off as you switched the upper and lower one with each other.
The man tilted his head back in laughter as you said that, his voice sounding a lot more masculine than Jack's. His eyes followed the movement of your legs, you could feel that Jack’s did the same. You caught a glimpse of your boss; it was visible that he started getting more suspicious.
"What a waste. A pretty young thing like you should be out there enjoying life, seeing the universe, having fun. Not stuck in some office like a prisoner." Cassius put a hand on top of your leg in a reassuring manner, which didn’t escape the other man’s attention. "I don't know why you're keeping her here. If it was me, I'd get her outta here in a blink of an eye. She seems like a real... spark." The executive added.
“Would you do that? I’m pretty sure Jack wouldn’t miss me too much, since he keeps me here only for the looks anyway.” The question you asked the executive sounded innocent, sweet and oh so naively. Seemingly overwhelmed by the perspective that the dark-eyed man was truthful in his promise, you placed your hand on his for a moment.
This was a perfect setup.
You glanced at Jack and noticed that his expression changed the moment you got closer to Cassius, anger-or maybe disgust? - clearly visible on his face. He was drumming his fingers on the table, clearly tense.
“Ah, seriously, is this how low you got? Like, you can lick his boots as far as I care.” Your boss said nonchalantly but he was watching you attentively, wanting to see what you decide.
“Oh, come on, give her a break, Jack. She’s wasting herself out here, would it not be better to give her a chance to shine?” Before you had a chance, Cassius came to your defense.
Jack’s eyes shot right to him; viciousness now clearly visible. You have never seen him so full of rage like this up close.
“Oh, so this is what we’re doing now. You little piece of shit just want to waltz straight in and get smart with me, like I have no fucking clue about my own people. Listen up, sunshine.” Jack got up from his seat and came right above Cassius, glaring down at him. “She’s here because I chose her. You see, I've handpicked her, she's the best damn assistant I've ever had. She's got the brains, the skills, and the loyalty, and hell, what an ass as well. And if your tiny, malfunctioning brain ever suggests she'd do better with the likes of you bottom-feeders, I'll make sure your next assignment is checking oxygen levels in airlocks...from the inside."
Cassius remained silent, actual fear visible in his eyes. The confidence disappearing the more Handsome Jack got enraged.
“Now, why won’t you be a good little pet and leave my office. Right. Now.” Jack whispered menacingly and left enough space for the man to get off the seat and quickly head to the exit. Your boss then straightened out and sighed angrily, placing hands on his hips.
The air could be cut with a knife, the tension in there was that thick. You slowly started getting off the table, wanting to also get out of there as soon as possible. The fun was over.
“Nah-ah-ah-ah. Where the hell do you think you’re going.” Handsome Jack’s voice was quiet and tense, warning you. You stopped right where you were, slowly looking up at him to meet his intense gaze.
“I have to admit, you’re way smarter than I thought. You actually really, really pissed me off, kiddo, congratulations.” He chuckled sarcastically as he walked towards you, slowly, looking you up and down. There was something wild in his look.
You’re screwed.
“What’s the matter, sweet cheeks? What happened to that courage, that stubbornness of yours?” In a fluid motion, Jack slammed you against the table, hands trapping you on either side. Up close, the details of his mask were all the more menacing, his face so close you could feel the heat of his breath. His voice dropped to a dangerous growl. "Let's get one thing straight, kiddo. I'm the one running the show here. You ever try a cute little maneuver like that again, and I promise, it'll be the last thing you ever do." His fingers slid to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, a gesture that, coming from anyone else, might've been tender. But from Jack? It was a chilling reminder of his control. Goosebumps erupted on your skin. "Got it? You’re mine."
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I lay there at night, nearly every night, gazing at the metal-plated ceiling. How could I ever rest when my mind is crowded with the thought of coochie69?
I never thought I would be gay, but now I just cannot deny my forbidden attraction. Coochie69 must be the one. However........ I'm not sure if he will ever return my infatuation. Often he enters the ship and shouts about how greasy his toes are. Sigh.
The wretched, blaring sound of my alarm clock. Another day, another set of tasks. I hope the impostor shows me mercy. Frick, I have to piss so desperately. Guess I'll have to put on my cowboy hat and lab coat after I relieve myself.
The automatic sliding door opens as I step towards it, footsteps echoing beneath me.
"Possayslayer...?" a familiar voice said at the end of the hall. Oh, shit! Is that... who I think it is? Coochie69 can't see me like this.
I scramble around in circles, flat toes causing me to slip. I fall in what seems like slow motion as Coochie69 watches my humiliating failure. Tears pool in my eyes, but rather than laughing Coochie69 reaches his hand out to me.
"Are you okay?" He says, flipping his luscious locks back. I swear I can see glitter fall from his mane.
"Y-yeah... I'm okay, Coochie69." I blabber out, blushing and avoiding eye contact. I thank him swiftly and scuttle off to the restroom.
How embarrassing! I can't let Coochie69 see me like that again. I button up my coat in the mirror and shift my hat on appropriately. Time to head to Electrical.
As I make my way there, I hear a shocking sound. Almost like... a loud violin? I rush in to see what has happened. In the corridor, I harshly realize I've stumbled upon a crime.
My vision is tunneled and shaky as I lift my head to see lime's dismembered corpse and...
"Coochie69?! Did... Did you do this?"
"Possayslayer, I... I'm sorry." He frantically sabotages the doors and grabs onto my shoulders. "You can survive with me. There's only you, me, Yellow, and Cyan left."
"I... Of course, I will!" I fall into Coochie69's arms and cry tears of joy. "We can vote off Cyan and then kill off Yellow. It'll all work out."
Coochie69 nods and self-reports the body. No conversation is done as we are teleported into the meeting room. Voting has already finished, Cyan with two votes and... Coochie69 with two votes?!
"N...no!" I cry out in devastation. I quickly cover up my mouth to hide my yelps. No one is voted out, but now everyone knows it's Coochie69. All because of me.
We enter the cafeteria yet again. I dread hearing the sound of the button. But wait... Why are Cyan and Yellow not calling a meeting? Are they out of buttons?
Coochie69 shrugs at me, eyes wide and forehead sweaty. He pounces on Yellow, ripping them open. Now there's nothing to do but wait until his kill cooldown is gone.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Coochie69 slays the last crewmate. A victory for the two of us.
"We did it. We really did it." He smiles to himself, glancing away shyly. "Would... Would you like to be my boyfriend, Possayslayer?"
"Yes, of course I would! I love you, Coochie69."
He lifts me up into a bridal pose as we walk into the void toward the bright fucking sun as we kiss passionately.
The End.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 2
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The aftermath of matching with your boss on Tinder.
Word Count: 3,344
Warnings: FILTHY SMUT, boss x employee affair, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected office sex 🤷🏻‍♀️
A/N: Hmmm yes, part 2 of The Match is finally out and I hope this did not disappoint 😂
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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“Am I really doing this?”
You asked yourself in the mirror before making a face, “Of course I am.” You huffed out and adjusted your breasts inside your bra.
After your brief yet tension-filled encounter with James, you sprinted to the bathroom as soon as you reached your floor. And mind you, you did that while wearing a tight pencil skirt and a pair of heels. It really surprised you how your thirst made you do that with ease.
If there was an olympics dedicated for thirsty bitches trying to get some, you’d probably bring home the gold with how fast you moved.
You checked your watch for the time, you still had ten minutes left so you made sure to fix yourself up. Of course, the logical part of your brain was screaming for you to get a grip because really? You were going to let your boss fuck you? In his office? During work hours? You were at a damn risk here; you could get caught or even worse, lose your job. But was that going to stop you?
Hell fucking no.
Checking yourself out in the mirror one last time, you let out a deep breath and walked out. Maybe you were just being hyper aware given that you were headed to your boss’ office to get fucked, but you felt uncomfortable as you passed by your colleagues. You offered them polite smiles and tried to act normal. Thank god the elevator was just a few steps away.
“Oh thank goodness, there you are.” Your manager immediately blocked your way and handed you a couple of folders.
“I need you to make a report out of these. I have a presentation before lunch.” She explained.
You frowned, “I’m sorry but aren’t you supposed to do these, not me? Besides, Ja— Mister Barnes called requested me to see him in his office.”
Your manager used to be on the same level as you were but was promoted a couple of months ago. Why? You absolutely have no idea. She wasn’t the best at her job, in fact, you felt like the promotion should’ve been yours. Since she became your manager, she had been passing some of her tasks to you and snatching away the credit like a fucking bitch.
Your managed narrowed her eyes at you, “The James Barnes requested for you? Why?” She asked suspiciously, hands on her hips.
Of course she would be suspicious, you never worked with James before. But the fact that you were going there for a completely different reason made you sweat.
You breathed out through your nose, shaking your head and avoiding your manager’s gaze. “I...who knows? I mean, I have no idea why. He just told me to see him in his office and that’s about it. I really don’t know the reason, why would he even ask for me? Probably not a big deal, it’s very normal to ask a subordinate into your office, right? Do you know why he asked for me?” You were a blabbering mess at this point.
Your manager scoffed, “If I did, I wouldn’t ask you.” She responded before waving a hand. “Anyway, I’ll take care of him. Go and work on the reports now. Before lunch, remember.” She commanded, pointing a finger at you before walking away.
“Wait! But I...” you trailed, looking at the folders in your hand before checking your watch. Five minutes left. “...I was gonna get fucked...” you whispered in disappointment before stomping your way back to your cubicle.
The tantrums you made when you reached your desk didn’t go unnoticed. Who wouldn’t be grumpy anyway? Your manager just cockblocked you on your way to get some D, and it’s not even some regular D. James would probably be balls-deep in you now but instead, you were getting fucked by a report that wasn’t even supposed to be your responsibility.
You were typing away on your computer when you noticed the office chatter start to die down, the loud conversations transforming into hushed whispers. The HR probably paid your floor a visit, you thought and continued to work on the report.
“Any reason why you’re here and not in my office?”
Your whole body froze at the sound of James’ voice. No wonder the entire floor grew silent, he was always in his office or out for a meeting. He wasn’t one to visit his subordinates but here he was, standing by your cubicle and looking down at you with dark eyes.
You stood up and noticed that your colleagues were watching, whispering to each other and most definitely wondering why James paid you a little visit.
“I’m sorry, I uhh there was a—“
“Mister Barnes!” Your manager greeted, a little too chirpy, when she saw James. “I was just about to head to your office to tell you that she’s working on an important report. She’ll come to your office when she’s done. I’ll make sure of it.” She said, offering James a huge smile that made you want to gag.
James kept his eyes on you, completely ignoring your manager. You licked your lips and tried your best not to break eye contact.
“And when was it okay to bypass your boss’ orders?” James asked your manager, his eyes still trained on yours.
You bit back a smirk when your manager ended up sputtering out an apology while you and James continued eye fucking each other. While being surrounded by your colleagues. This should worry you actually, the attention you were getting from everyone else seeing that the James Barnes went out of his way to see you. You couldn’t care less at the moment though, not when James was undressing you with his gaze.
“She’s not doing any report this morning. I need her in my office.” James said and tipping his head, asking you to follow him.
You were out of your cubicle in a second and quietly trailed behind James on his way to the elevator, ignoring the curious looks from every colleague you passed by. As soon as the both of you stepped inside the elevator, the torture began yet again.
Standing beside James, a little bit closer now than before, you could feel your skin prickle with goosebumps. The thought of him being all over you in a few minutes was driving you insane. Shit, you were really down to fuck him.
“You know, I don’t like waiting.” He said, turning to you.
“I’m sorry, James. I really—“
“Ah ah ah.” James tutted, backing you up against the corner of the lift— a blind spot, to keep the both you away from the CCTV inside. “That’s not how you called me earlier. Why stop now?” He asked, resting an elbow against the wall caging you with his body.
You let out a tiny whimper, your eyes landing on James’ lips as he bit them. “I’m sorry, sir.” You whispered.
He hummed, leaning forward until his nose touched your cheekbone. “Good girl.” He whispered roughly into your ear.
Your hands found their way onto James’ necktie, tugging him down when you were unable to hold back your desire. But then the elevator dinged and the both of you scrambled away from each other when the doors slid open, revealing a few employees coming from a different floor.
A chorus of greetings for James echoed as they slowly filed into the elevator, pushing you and your boss into the very back. You let out a soft gasp when you felt James’ hands on your waist as he moved behind you, feeling his erection press against your back.
“Can’t wait to have you to myself.��� He whispered, sliding a hand down to you ass, giving it a firm squeeze that almost had you keening if not for the company.
Just a few hours earlier you were worrying about crossing paths with your boss whom you matched with on Tinder. Now, you were still worried but only about whether you and James would get caught while his face was in between your legs as you sat on his desk.
“Oh my god, right there...fuck...” you breathed out, head thrown back when James’ tongue circled your sensitive clit.
The moment you James’ office door slammed shut, he was immediately all over you. Pinning you to the wall as he hungrily kissed you, hands wandering all over your body, gripping whatever he could.
James was desperate to have a taste of you, his eyes showed it all. But surprisingly, he managed to make you even more desperate for him than he was for you. He pulled away from the bruising kiss, made you stand still as he walked over to his desk, plopping down on his seat.
His eyes scanned you hungrily as he removed his coat, followed by his tie and then unbuttoning the cuffs of his sleeves before rolling it up to his elbows.
“Take your panties off.” James had ordered.
Your breath hitched at the roughness of his voice. Following his orders, you reached beneath your pencil skirt and slipped off your underwear and letting it fall to your ankles before stepping out of them.
“C’mere.” James said and his voice was so tender it made you feel soft.
It’s amazing how James could go from sounding soft to almost feral, now that he was lapping up your cunt like a starved man while his subordinates went on about their work just outside.
“Let me see those tits. Been wanting to see them since I saw that bikini photo you had on your profile.” James growled, reaching up to pull down the cups of your bra, setting your breasts free.
Okay, maybe you sort of overdid your Tinder profile for someone who wasn’t really interested to hook-up. It was only one beach photo though, but now you weren’t regretting uploading it, not even a bit.
You keened when James pinched a nipple at the same time he started tongue-fucking your cunt. The entire scene was straight out of a porno, like one of those Naughty America skits minus the bad acting and terrible monologue between a CEO and his secretary.
“Keep it down, will ya? Gotta stay quiet, else we might get caught.” James warned, pulling back to watch your wetness drip down from your cunt to your asshole.
You blinked your eyes as you panted, watching James as he inserted two fingers into your sopping pussy. “Fuuuuck, James...” you whimpered.
“That’s not my name, baby.” James said, stilling his fingers and chuckling when you began wiggling your hips to get some friction.
“Sir, please...” you pleaded.
“You’ve always been an obedient one, aren’t you?” James cooed, bending down to lick a stripe against your folds while pumping his fingers in and out.
“Even doing a report that isn’t even yours, so fucking obedient.” He grunted.
Your moan was cut short when James’ phone began to ring, your eyes widening in panic when he answered it with nonchalance as if his fingers weren’t knuckle deep in your pussy.
“Hi, about time you called. You have any updates about the deal? He asked casually as he stood up from his seat.
James went on to discuss business with whoever it was on the other line. And this was all the while you sat on his desk with your skirt bunched up to your waist and legs wide open. You were about to close your legs, thinking that this rendezvous needed to be put on hold, but James was quick to grab your thigh to stop you from doing so.
You made a face at him, incredulous that he didn’t seem to have any plans of stopping. In fact, he started unbuckling his belt while keeping his eyes on you.
“Excuse me, can you hold for a sec?” James spoke into the phone before putting his mic on mute.
“Not a damn sound.” He told you and raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response.
Your mouth parted and you weren’t sure anymore whether you were nervous or aroused that your boss was about to fuck you while having a conversation over the phone. James pinched the inside of your thigh when you failed to respond.
“Yes, sir.” You quickly breathed out with a nod.
“Hi, sorry about that. Where were we?” James asked as he unzipped his pants.
Tinder never really piqued your interest that much. It was truly boredom that made you download it. There have been times when you felt like the app had its favorites; hearing your friends gush about this amazing guy they met through the app and all that shit. You almost gave up on the app that Friday night but thank goodness James appeared right before you called it quits.
If your friends were lucky for bagging an amazing guy on Tinder, it was safe to say that you hit the fucking jackpot because not only was James an amazing guy in general, but he had a very, very impressive cock as well.
You felt your pussy throb at the sight of his cock, springing free from the confines of his Calvin Kleins. It was thick and the vein on the underside of his shaft was so prominent you might as well give it a standing ovation.
James ran a tongue over his bottom lip, taking it in between his teeth when he stepped in between your legs to slide his cock along your folds. That gesture alone made your eyes roll to the back of your skull as you threw your head back from the pleasure.
James casually talked on the phone as he lined the tip of his cock to your entrance. Placing a finger on his lips to remind you to stay quiet, he watched your face as he slowly slid inside. You choked on your moan when you felt a slight sting from how his cock was stretching you out. Inch by inch, James pushed himself inside of you until he was fully sheathed.
He stretched you out so fucking good that you suddenly clenched around him, making James cough into the phone to mask the grunt that escaped his lips.
“Fuck.” He breathed out. “That sounds like a tight plan, Sam.” James said through gritted teeth, looking at you pointedly as if warning you to stay put.
James started off with slow, languid thrusts, gauging for your reaction to ensure that you wouldn’t make any noise. Unfortunately for you though, James was hitting all the right spots and it would only be a matter of time that you’d end up whimpering as he fucked you onto his desk.
He sped up his thrusts, pushing into you with more force making you slide up onto his desk every time he slammed back in. Your elbows were aching from how you were leaning your entire weight against them but fuck, you wanted to remain in that position to watch James’ cock disappear into your cunt.
James appeared to be struggling from holding back as well, seeing how his face was turning red and how the veins on his neck were starting to show up. His free hand gripped your thigh tightly, keeping your legs open as he began to speed up his pace.
One particular thrust made you see stars and unconsciously, you let out a moan that immediately turned into a gasp when James wrapped his free hand around your throat.
“That sounds great, Sam. When are you free to meet to further discuss the details?” James asked, his eyes glued onto yours as he pounded into you mercilessly.
His grip around your throat tightened each time you squeaked out the tiniest noise. You were so out of it now; James was fucking you so good that it slipped your mind that you were at work and that James was, well, your boss— the CEO of the company actually.
James could feel your pussy flutter around his cock and quickly put his phone on mute before grunting, “C’mon, baby. Cum for me, make a mess on my cock.”
His command spurred you on and your climax hit you with no warning at all. The coil in your abdomen simply snapped, reducing you into a trembling mess as you came around James’ cock the same time he let go of your throat, only to cover your mouth with his hand as you let out a long, muffled whimper.
“Great, I’ll have my secretary schedule the meeting then. It was great talking to you, Sam.” James literally let his phone slip from his hand as soon as the call ended.
He held your waist with both hands as he chased his own orgasm, fucking you harder until he slipped out and came on your mound.
“Fuck...” he panted as he jerked off his cock, milking it until your folds were covered in his release.
Holy fucking shit, your boss was truly down to fuck. And it was one hell of a fuck too.
You had just finished cleaning up yourself when you somewhat regained your consciousness. Now what? This was what you were worried about, the aftermath of fucking the CEO.
“You good?” James asked as he sat down on his chair.
You nodded and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, “Yes, sir.”
“Bucky.” James corrected.
“I’m sorry?” Wait, what?
James shrugged, “If we’re going to start working closely, I prefer if you called me by my nickname.” He explained.
You frowned, “I don’t understand?”
What the hell was going on? James sorted through the stack of his papers on his desk (most of which were crumpled when you ended up grabbing them as he fucked you) and handed one over to you.
“You’re promoted as the head of your department.” He announced with a small smile.
Now you were offended. Did he promote you for letting him fuck you? Was this his plan all along? You couldn’t understand a single thing that was going on and James was attentive enough to figure out what you were thinking. You stared at the formal letter discussing your promotion and then back up at James.
“The promotion has nothing to do with us fucking.” He reassured. “Do you think I don’t pay attention to my employees? I know each and everyone in this company, their performance and how they do their jobs. And you...” James said, standing up and walking around his desk until he stood in front of you.
“I’ve been watching you for quite a while now. You have impressive skills. Your reports are exquisite, you know how to manage a team, you’re very smart. Quite the entire package.” He explained with a shrug.
“I’m not sure how my manager will take this given that—“
“That promotion was supposed to be yours but I asked the HR to give it to her instead. You deserve being more than just becoming a manager so now you’re a department head. You’re required to directly report to me moving forward.” James bit his lip as he tipped your chin.
You were at a loss for words. All this time, you thought that your hardwork and efforts haven’t been paying off.
“What do you say?” He asked, tilting his head. “And just so we’re clear, the promotion has been decided before I even stumbled upon your Tinder profile.” He explained.
You let out a chuckle, still unable to believe what had just happened. Your boss fucked you, gave you one of the best orgasms in your entire life and also gave you a promotion. Talk about good fucking luck, all thanks to Tinder.
“Uh I...yes...I’m accepting the promotion.” You said excitedly.
“Good.” James said, taking a step back from you giving you your space back.
“The announcement of the promotion will be e-mailed in a few. Congratulations and I’ll see you tonight.” James said with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, “Tonight?”
“Yeah, we’ll celebrate your promotion. You’re not just the head of your department, baby. You’re mine now.”
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zimcard-artblog · 3 years
Do the scienctist and inscpector die or something? How does P03 gain their body?
This is gonna be a VERY long explanation, woof.
P03's origins along with the people that were responsible for creating it.
Content Warning: Character Death, Violence, Murder, Guns-- it's just a whole ride, thats all.
There are these massive ships dedicated to deep-sea mining, the one where P03 was created was on a ship called 'Botopia'. The other ships go by different names of course, all separated from eachother.
The Scientist had lots of time and materials in hand and had created many inventions, his first one called a Mimi. A Mimi is kinda like a roomba, keeping the ship clean and all that. There are a LOT of them.
The Scientist wanted to make something more than just cleaning bots, he introduced multiple ideas yet were always shot down because The Captain doesn't want The Scientist to go overboard. Said Scientist had a history of going overboard which almost caused the ship to sink multiple times.
"Alright, Captain. I SWEAR that I will never make another invention without your approval" The Scientist says.
As The Captian leaves, The Inspector- who is the son of The Scientist- comes up to his father and goes;
"You're... gonna make one anyways, huh?"
"Oh, absolutely."
"I'll help" The Inspector grins.
So they made a thinking machine! There were lots of trial and errors such but eventually they made it. Both The Dredger and The Melter end up walking in and witnessing the thing, The Inspector tells them to keep their mouth shut about the project.
It obviously didn't last long cause The Captain ends up finding out because of The Scientist blabbering his mouth. The Captain hated the machine but everyone else didn't mind it so the Captain allowed it to stay as long as it doesn't make a mess on the ship.
P03 was its name, both The Scientist and The Inspector pronounce it as P-Zero-Three while both The Melter and The Dredger call it "Poe".
The machine learned basic conversation, answering questions and soon asking them. It has a strict schedule of tests to go through- which The Inspector personally designed since he is always on time. Meanwhile, The Melter and The Dredger who tend to play with P03 are always doing silly things such as teaching P03 how to curse or gossiping with the bot to see how it'll react.
The Inspector would kick their asses for "disturbing the Machine" but The Scientist said otherwise! He found that it might help P03 understand more.
It did. It... did.
P03 sounded more... casual. Text-wise because it had yet to have a voice, just displaying Text logs on screen from it and the person it's talking to. Late at night, when The Inspector was doing his usual routine of making sure P03 stays clean and that nothing is out of place; P03 engaged in conversation.
The two would talk during those nights, mostly The Inspector telling about his day and answering P03's questions such as; "Where is The Scientist?" Or so. There were times The Inspector got a lil personal, venting a bit on how he's worried for his father's well being- especially since his father and The Captain are slowly becoming enemies; constant arguing that almost led to a fist fight.
The Inspector just laughs, "God, what am I saying? I doubt you'd understand"
P03 displays a text with dots below the other logs.
It'll... try to understand. That's what it was made for: to understand.
No one knew this but P03 had gained access to the Bogtopia's system. It's main focus was to listen to other conversations on the shop, eavesdropping and learning from everyone. It didn't take long for someone- The Inspector- to notice that P03 was displaying logs of conversations.
He... didn't wanna report it. It'll lead to more conflict and everyone would blame his father. So he kept silent about the fact that P03 can hear everything.
Months passed by and P03 was given an arm. The Scientist wanted to see if he could teach P03 how to draw. It was a mess cause P03 accidently threw a pen across the room. Oh well, it needed some tweaking. Either way, P03 had improved greatly from conversion to recognizing sound.
It would display logs such as;
> [Item Dropping]
> [Laughter]
> [Seagulls]
Some might not be accurate but it was good enough- especially with some help correcting said sound logs.
Besides the tests, The Melter and The Dredger were always found talking to P03 for fun. Once again joking around; they did notice how P03 plays along which made the conversation more... human. It did spook them a little but they got comfortable.
P03 then displays a text:
> *smiles*
The Melter laughs, "it smiles! You happy, Poe?"
> Satisfied
"Eh, same thing"
There was also a time where The Scientist tried to give P03 a voice. It would only repeat certain voices in the most garbled version ever- it once played a very distorted audio of The Inspector sneezing and for a solid week people thought the ship was haunted.
Time had passed, P03 had a functioning arm for making illustrations. It wasn't perfect, honestly, mere shapes scribbled on pinned paper. It seemed to try and illustrate the room from its perspective.
It was going so well! It was going very well! P03 could exceed this and maybe- just maybe- they can work on P03 more.
... Hey...
Where did The Scientist go?
The Scientist was nowhere to be found and late at night when The Inspector was doing a late night inspection on P03- he saw logs on its screen again. This time, it was different.
> [Gunshot]
Days had passed and The Inspector felt genuine dread, his father was nowhere to be seen and even both The Dredger and The Melter were getting worried. He tried to speak to The Captain but The Captain merely shrugged, the two never spoke properly once and... fuck, this was upsetting.
It led to The Inspector getting depressed over the possibility that his father got sent away, constantly spending more and more with P03 who was a reminder of his father. P03; what remains of The Scientist. He grew attached, making sure P03 was running well and kept it clean. Both The Melter and The Dredger noticed this and made sure to be there for him.
It didn't take long for another loss as The Melter found The Dredger hunched over in his own post; dead. The Melter fell into despair after losing his friend- no, his brother.
The Melter had an itch that something was up and had a theory that someone's gone mad and is killing people left and right. Over-the-top, yes, but he was right onto something. He started to investigate and soon found out that the Dredger might have been poisoned.
He brings it up to The Inspector and made a chart on who might be suspicious, The Inspector was skeptical at this but soon when The Melter mentioned his father; something clicked. The Inspector believed this could also solve The Scientist's disappearance.
They planned on ways to get information out of people, The Inspector then opens up how P03 has accessed the system and had been eavesdropping on the ship- he also mentions that he'd read back to the logs and find strange written logs that took place when P03 was still trying to identify sound, recognize it, and then put it in its logs.
It might be a good start.
The Melter goes to P03 while The Inspector goes to look for The Captain- having a growing suspicion on him. As The Melter enters the room where the machine was, he sees P03 still racing something on an abandoned paper that was taped down onto table where its arm is, seeing it making various of shapes non stop.
The Melter inspects it and it was a very vague picture of what looked like... The control room? He recognized how the "windows" were drawn and the supposed control panel. He notices something on the screen;
> The Captain is strange.
> The Captain is strange.
And the text repeats, filling the screen with "The Captain" over and over. The Melter froze in fear and before he could run out to get The inspector--
> [Gunshot]
The Captain stared at the lifeless body, gun in hand and all that. He lets out a shaky sigh before looking at the machine-- the abomination that remains from The Scientist.
With that, he shot the power cell that kept P03 running. It didn't take long for P03 to come back online to a worried Inspector who tried to retrieve any past logs.
> Inspector.
"...that's me." The Inspector backed away a bit, eyeing P03 to make sure nothing was out of place "...what happened?"
P03 twitched it's hand, attempting to reach the man. The Inspector steps forward, unsure what P03 is trying to do. Did it need a pen? Some a paper?
The hand pinched his sleeve collar.
> Find The Melter.
The Inspector thought that The Melter was responsible for the damages on P03, even as far as assuming The Melter was the one responsible for the recent deaths. But P03 gives The Inspector a location on the Bogtopia and The Inspector leaves to check there.
He arms himself with hammer that he grabbed on the way, unsure if someone was out here to jump him. Eventually, he makes it to the certain area where P03 had mentioned. Yet, no Melter. Was there a flaw? Did he read the text wrong? He then notices a foul smell...
He found him.
The Melter was dead.
He runs back, needing to report this- he needed someone- who? Who can he trust? He ran and soon found himself running back to the area where P03 was.
Yes, P03. P03 knew him and he knew P03- he trusted the machine more than the flesh and blood that remains on the ship. He rushes back inside to see The Captain messing with P03's wires.
"... What are you doing?"
"H- ... Inspector."
"What are you doing to it?"
"Something I should've done a long time ago"
It breaks out to an argument and quickly turned to a fight, The Inspector using the hammer he held as a weapon.
"YOU- You are our Captain-- how could you DO this!? We all looked up to you! We all trusted you!"
"It wasn't MEANT to be like this, lad. Your poor excuse of a deranged FATHER--"
"what about HIM!?"
"He was deranged! Just like every other damned Scientist on the other ships! They're like a growing plague, taking down everyone that comes in contact with them. He- oh, he was the worst. That BASTARD MAN wanted to unionize the ships again- he and every other scientist just wants to spread their- their stupid little ideas across the land. Have they forgotten why we are on ships in the first place!? Why we grew up here!? WE did it for SAFETY, WE did it for PEACE, WE separated the Topia ships so that there would be no WAR."
"Your Father-- The Scientist wanted WARFARE. He would've poisoned every water supply- no, he would have destroyed an entire ecosystem just to prove a point."
"Stop talking"
"I pity you for having that selfish bastard as a father. You need to understand I'm doing this for a better future for the crew..."
"I said stop talking"
"He tried to kill me, lad. He told me everything, he told me how he wanted to unite the Topias again- how he wanted to share The Great Transcendence with the world but by God, lad, he wanted war."
"... You have blood on your hands, Captain."
"Sacrifices must be made, lad."
"How do you... how do you feel now? Proud?"
"I did what I had to do--"
"Do you feel bliss? Absolute pleasure? Knowing you are a goddamn MURDERER."
"Lad, please, it was either me or your father. What would happen if you found out your father killed me? Would you still look up to him? Huh?"
"He is NOT like that and you know it-"
"I WAS THERE, LAD. I was fucking THERE. I was the one he STABBED. You are a blind fool raised to stay as one- you're even growing attached to what remains of him. THIS machine. THIS soon to be weapon."
"Don't talk to P03 like that."
"Oh, now you're treating it like a human being?"
"P03 was not built to be a weapon, NONE of my father's creations were WEAPONS."
"Oh, that's where you're wrong, lad. It'll grow to be one, it'll learn to be one. THIS synthetic FREAK will prove me right one day, it will!"
"YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME, LAD. You should be thanking ME for seeing through that Scientist. YOU should be thanking ME for saving Bogtopia!"
The Captain then pins The Inspector against the door, both hands gripping his neck.
"Oh and yet you can't do it, huh? You have HIS blood- you PARASITE. I should've gotten rid of you the moment you were BORN."
Sirens went off.
The Captain froze, backing away in shock and turning around to see P03's screen displaying massive text.
That damned machine--
That moment of hesitation gave The Inspector enough time to throw himself against The Captain, causing him to fall. The Inspector quickly grabbed the recently discarded hammer, smashing it against the Captain's face.
He kept letting the hammer fall with full force against the murderer's face, yelling at the top of his lungs as blood painted the floor and on him. Splatters of red against his glasses, almost making it difficult to distinguish if the red was from the bloody pool or just the droplets on the lense.
And he stops. Looking down at the dead man with an unrecognizable face. He shakily places down the hammer, feeling his own heart threatening to jump out of his chest, and he gritted his teeth.
Sirens kept going and he...
The Inspector looks back at the machine and stands up, realizing that P03 had kept log of... everything. Even the sounds of the hammer smashing The Captain's face. He sighs and walked over to P03 while muttering apologies.
He turns the machine off.
Bogtopia had sank, it's materials either floating off or joining the ship as well.
P03, a machine with a brand new power cell, a bunch of Mimis floating along at sea and still functional, a crate that kept it afloat, and it's machinery having metal plates to keep it protected.
A seagull lands on its large monitor.
> [Seagull]
P03 built itself a body, from model to model. At first with the help of the Mimis and using the materials from the ship that ended up stranded with it- more to come soon.
It also had the help from the Mox that kept it afloat- literally.
... oh, and I almost forgot to add an important detail.
The worker bots that P03 eventually build are, of course, based from the people that P03 had been familiar with back then. The Inspector, The Melter, and The Dredger.
The Captain can drown.
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Still thinking about that time I sold a set of tea towels on the facebook marketplace because I wanted to sell them for cheap without package and meant to hand them in person in my city. The selling price didn't go higher than the incredibly huge price of 2 euros and one lady thought she would make the best profit by scamming me, so she contacted me via messenger to know if she could buy it from me via paypal
I thought okay paypal is a bit unsafe but I'm used to it so I'll be extra careful but I didn't even need to be because she proceeded to ask me to do "the double check via phone" which was something I never heard of, however it had been a while since I last used paypal so I went okay maybe it's new and agreed and then all of a sudden she called me via messenger on phone call version, and it was the voice of a man going "hello this is the paypal check service" and I had to retain my laughter because it was the most hilarious thing like, dude, you're calling me via facebook on a woman profile
But I was like, okay, he doesn't have my phone number, none of my credentials so far as I didn't even open paypal yet, and I'm on wi-fi in my home so let's do this, and I rolled with him to see how bad of a scammer he was
Turns out that having a fake profile was maybe the best part of his plan. I tried so hard not to laugh while on the phone with him.
So he asked me to go on paypal dot [insert something here that definitely was not a country domain] and the (fake) website was the UGLIEST thing ever. It tried to look like paypal but was like 'graphic design is my passion' all over the place. I pretend to fall into his trap and he continues to give me instructions, still stating that the lady who was texting me before had already gone through the 'double check via phone process' and it would only take me a few minutes. (I should have asked "What, she did it in two seconds before you called me?" but I kept going) He then asked me to click on several things but I definitely didn't and pretended that I was on the next web page that those links would likely open. He then said "Okay do you see those images of prepaid phone cards?" (me, still on home page: "Uhh yeah?") "They go from 10 to 200 euros. Well you have to click on one, preferably the highest one (lmao) and enter your credit card informations." I tried to stay polite and asked why I would do that since he's literally supposed to be the security guy. And then I just couldn't hold my laughter when he said "Oh but this is a fake website and it won't keep your information, it's to make sure that you're a real person."
Obviously I didn't answer anything else than my big laughter and he went "...Are you okay? What's wrong?" and I went "You're literally talking to me. On the phone. So I'm real." to which he obviously blabbered. I cut him while he rambled and went "Look, you're definitely the worst scammer I ever met. Your whole system is shitty. Reconsider your life."
and right when I was about to hang up I heard him go "Ma'am I work for play-- I mean paypal, and if you don't cooperate I will call the police!" hfdkjghfdjghqsdgf
He may have tried his best doing his number, what he succeeded the most to do was to make my day by making me laugh so hard. Reported and blocked but damn you are a gem sir
tl;dr selling stuff on facebook obviously is as stupid as it sound but also provides you in hilariously bad scammers
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le-poor-writer · 3 years
Serve at First Sight (Kageyama Tobio x F!Reader)
"I bet I can..." Hinata mumbled and narrowed his eyes at him.
"Hah?" Kageyama glared back. "What did you just say?"
"Uh... Kageyama, Hinata, Stop messing around or else you'll get an earful from Daichi-san." Yamaguchi tries to mediate the situation. The last time the idiotic duo did something stupid, all the first years had to run extra laps. And he was not up for that today.
"No use talking to idiots Yamaguchi." Tsukki sneered. "They have an IQ capacity of a teaspoon."
Hinata stood at the line of the court, deciding to go first. Throwing the ball into the air, he jumped as high as he could. As if he were a crow that leaped into the sky. His ball managed to land a good one meter away from line of the opposite side. A loud bang resonating the court and he beamed smugly at his tall opponent. Kageyama had a ball ready in hands as he took Hinata's place. Itching to outperformed the record set by the orange-head. Closing his eyes, he briefly replayed Oikawa's diabolical jump serve from their previous practice match. He knew he was a hundred years too early to be able to do that. Doesn't mean he won't try his luck though.
With a deep exhale, he took flight. Blocking out all sounds surrounding him, save that of his squeaking shoes and the volleyball as he slapped it forward. The stinging sensation felt on his hand causing him to grin. Not quite like Oikawa's, but still powerful. This is it, it will definitely plunge further than Hinata's. And it did. The ball flew pass that one meter mark. And hit a person. Kageyama's eyes blinked twice before the situation finally seeped through his thick skull. He had hit someone's head! Suddenly he could hear his surroundings again. Hinata panicked scream. Yamaguchi running towards the unfortunate human being who fell to the ground. Tsukki trying not to laugh at this slapstick comedy.
Kageyama sprinted towards the person. A hundred thoughts running through his mind. Is the person alright? Is he going to get in trouble with Daichi for this? Where are the third years anyway? Most importantly, when was that person there? How is it he did not notice them? What were they doing there in the first place? Surely no one would actually collapsed from that hit, right? He stood behind Yamaguchi who was trying to communicate with the seemingly unconscious person. And that was when Kageyama noticed, the person was a girl. A petite girl. He kneeled beside Yamaguchi. She seemed to be a little pale.
"Hello?" Yamaguchi tapping her shoulder. "Excuse me, can you hear me?"
No reply.
"What are you going to do now Kageyama?" Despite knowing that she only passed out, Tsukki decided to humour Hinata.
"I'll take her to the nurse's office." Immediately he carried her and jogged out of the court. Hoping not to run into anyone. Especially Daichi.
He couldn't help but glance at her face every three seconds. Wondering if she will wake up midway. But she didn't and that worried him more. If it weren't for her soft faint breaths he would have thought that he actually committed manslaughter with his jump serve. Besides, she has such a small frame. He was afraid if he really did break her. Kageyama held her closer to his body. Noticing how she fit snugly in his arms. And when looked closely, she's actually really cute. A blush spread quickly all over his face. What was he thinking? He doesn't even know her.
(Y/n) blinked slowly. Feeling slightly dazed.
She woke up late today, all because of that stupid extra Japanese literature homework that had to be submitted during first period. And because she woke up late, she skipped breakfast. She wanted to get something during lunch, but had to drop by the school library to return some books that were due today. Well what do you know, apparently everyone needed to return their books today. If she had known she would've asked her friends to at least get her melon bread. She had about 10 minutes left before lunch ended, but she ran into her senior and was reminded to submit the club activities report today.
It was so hard to focus on classes for the rest of the afternoon. She drank lots of water in hopes to delay the impending dizziness. It was somewhat working. She only needed to wait until clubs and activities time. She'll get a sugary drink from the vending machine, then tell the club leader that she's going to head home early. But karma really had to be a bitch today. Her wallet was not in her bag. (Y/n) dreaded the fact that she might have dropped it somewhere. Searching for her wallet with this now nasty migraine is really going to be such a pain. That is until she suddenly remembered she left it in her drawer at home. She had forgotten about it amidst the rush.
(Y/n) crouched in front of the vending machine. What are the gods playing at exactly. Is it really so hard to get a single bite? Is this karma for denying Mr. Snuggles his treat last week? Well it was not her fault that he knocked over her pudding off the table! She was on the verge of tears when she heard the sound of volleyballs. Oh right, the vending machine was sort of close to the volleyball court... Didn't Yachi say she was recently the co-manager for Karasuno's volleyball club along with that beautiful senior Kiyoko. There is hope. She only needed a little money to get that small carton of drink.
She stood up quickly and regretted it. God, this migraine is killing her. With every ounce of determination she had left, she dragged her feet towards the court. Swaying a little every now and then. The sounds were getting louder, The ball hitting the court, shoes squeaking and people yelling? This is a good thing, it meant that she was getting closer. This is also a bad thing, because it's splitting her skull. Everything around her blurred as she entered the hall. Shit, where is Yachi? She took a few more steps before she felt a hard impact on her head. Dear lord that hurts like hell. And she lost all control of her body before everything went black.
"Oi." a gruff voice distracted her thoughts.
She sat up immediately. Hitting her head on the bed post in the process. She has realized by now that she must have passed out and someone from the volleyball club took her to the nurses office. It must have been this boy sitting beside her. But that still didn't mean she wouldn't be caught off guard. She has always been somewhat intimidated by the male species. Especially those tall towering ones that had to bend a little to talk to her. It's one of the unfortunate things one has to endure being 4'10 and having a small frame. People often joked that she could fit in a suitcase. Though seeing her other shorter friends did brought her pleasure, it still doesn't change the fact that a lot of people around her were giants.
"Excuse me?" she glared. What's the big idea calling her an idiot out of nowhere. He was the one who surprised her. Sitting on a stool at her bedside, ain't that too close for a stranger, sir?  Who is he again? The volleyball club is pretty popular here in Karasuno after they managed to get into the finals of Inter high recently. It was unfortunate that they lost to Aoba Johsai, but everyone acknowledged what a monster the school was. Yachi said everyone felt down but it didn't dampened their spirit, for their next chance will be the Spring Tournament.
"S-sorry." the guy replied.
Dark eyes darting away from her face. She could make out an intimidating look on his face. Eyebrows furrowing sternly. Lips set on a grim line. Yet his cheeks flushed. Or was it because of the orange hue from the setting sun (she couldn't really tell), which also made his black hair glow. It dawned upon (y/n) that if he could just smooth away his frown, he would be handsome (she thinks). And if only he weren't being gruffy. Wait a minute. Tall volleyball player, black hair, intimidating frowning face but yet somehow still good looking?
"I'm Kageyama Tobio-"
"I know."
Silence... Well that was awkward.
She cleared her throat. "I'm (L/n) (Y/n). From Class 5. Um, Yachi's friend."
"Oh." Shoot. He didn't know she was Yachi's friend. What will the manager say about this. "I'm sorry. That my jump serve knocked you out."
"No no no! I was actually a little hypoglycemic. So your uh, jump serve was just the final nail in the coffin." Damn, she knew that getting hit by any ball was going to hurt. But the ball just now, it felt like it could tear her head off. Or maybe that's just an exaggeration of being starved the whole day. She realized his expression went from frowning to horrifying. "N-not that it will literally be the final nail to my coffin! It was just an expression. Maybe not a good one. Sorry I'm just bad with words when it comes to strangers. I mean not that you're an absolute stranger. It's just that- I'm sorry, I'm blabbering too much."
"Not at all!" he yelled. Ah, he got too animated. He didn't understand why. But he just thought everything about this girl is cute. From her petite stature that makes him want to shield her from the wind. To her way of talking that showed just how shy and awkward she was as how it is with him. Trying to reassure him that it was fine. He couldn't understand this sudden grip in his heart and the tingling sensation at his fingertips. Though maybe it was because he hasn't touch the volleyball for a few hours now.
Another awkward silence ensues.
"Anyways," (Y/n) was still a bit shy. She was after all talking to one of the most popular boys at school. But seeing as how he is now, she thought she could loosen up her guard a bit. "Have you seen my glasses?"
"You wear glasses?"
They rushed back together to the volleyball court. Yachi attacked her with a hug as she lamented about the news she heard from her fellow peers. Daichi scolding him to be careful next time whilst Tanaka giving him his infamous gangster glare. Hinata coming forward with his head down as he presented (Y/n)'s broken glasses. He accidently stepped on them when he was panicking, though he only realised it when she was sent to the nurse's office. Her glasses must have fallen off her head when she got hit. That hard huh. Really God, you want to test her that much today. Fine, she'll apologize to Mr. Snuggles when she gets home.
Unbeknownst to her, Kageyama felt even worse than earlier. His ball caused her to knocked out, and now it even knocked off the glasses from her head and broke it. Stuttering on his words, he apologized again. Hands balled into a tight fist. He just felt so bad. Suga noticed how dejected he sounded. But he also noticed how pink his ears were. Oh? Well even if it wasn't what he thought, there was no harm in... light teasing. Besides, they'd looked adorable together, no?
"If you really feel guilty. Then you should walk her home today." slinging his arm over Kageyama's shoulder, Suga tried to keep a neutral expression. Well there was a slight smirk, but he tried. "What if she falls down on her way home? Or run into a pole?"
"I am short-sighted Sugawara-senpai. Not blind." (Y/n) said through gritted teeth. Really these eyesight jokes should be old by now. "Besides, I will need to stop by the optic shop to have new ones made."
"All the more for him to accompany you. It will get dark soon. Might be dangerous to be walking alone with such bad eyesight."
"Oh no, I wouldn't want to burden-"
"Let's go." Kageyama interrupted. And when she declined again, he argued back. "Stop being a stubborn idiot. You still haven't eaten, you can't see well and you're so light that people can just easily carry you away."
Did he just called her an idiot for the second time in the short the period they have known each other. How rude! Not that his points were invalid. He was right. But boy does this person lack delicacy. In the end, she agreed to let him accompany her. He bought two cartons of milk from the vending machine. One for each of them, and they set off on their merry way.
"No- Okay. Once again. Osmosis only works with solvents. Simple diffusion, both solvents and solutes. So in osmosis, solvents will move from low solute concentration-" (Y/n) stopped explaining when she noticed how Kageyama's brows were almost touching. His lips formed a small pout. "You know what, we have been revising for more than an hour. Let's take 5. Then continue for another hour. It's getting late and although my mum likes you, my dad wouldn't like you being in my room for too long."
Ever since that day where he sent her home, she began hanging out more with Yachi and the volleyball club. Not that she never hung out with her close friend, it's just that (y/n) felt out of place when she mingles with unfamiliar crowds. But now that every member knew her as the girl who got hit by Kageyama's jump serve, that became the basis of her acquaintanceship with the club and she got to hang out with Yachi more. And before she realized it, Kageyama has just been around her circle. Always there. Heck he has been walking her home more often now that even her mother likes him. Then they became just friends. Or she hoped it stayed that way, because she noticed her emotions began crossing unknown territories.
(Y/n) has come to learn a few things about Kageyama Tobio over the course of their friendship. One, he is an obsessed volleyball freak. A prodigy people say. But what (Y/n) sees is a person consumed by passion for the things he loves. And that isn't necessarily bad. Two, he can be quite childish. He fails to control his frustration which later comes off the wrong way whenever he expresses them. But really he means no harm, because when he is happy, he expresses them genuinely. And three, he is quite sensitive. He may want to show that he didn't care, but he actually takes things to heart. He may feel down about a comment, but he will learn to improve from it.
"What for?"
"For having to teach an idiot like me."
"Oh stop it. Everyone is good and bad at something. We can't all be the perfect prodigy. That's just how things are. You may be bad at studying, but with your volleyball skills I bet you can represent Japan one day." noticing his eyes lit up, she continued. "So in order for you to attend your camp. Let's just try our best okay?"
Kageyama nodded. It was a little embarrassing to have her comforting him like this. But at the same time it brings him immense joy. When he first met her, he would get flutters looking at her cute appearance. Now, he just feels all warm and fuzzy whenever she talks to him. He liked that she didn't judge him or anyone she's ever met. She would scold him sometimes, but at the same time explained her reasoning. And he really appreciated that, how patient she was with him. It does make him guilty, but at the same time he wants to start behaving better. Is this what Suga meant when he said he has a crush on (Y/n)? Kageyama doesn't really know. He will need time to analyze everything.
"(L/n), do you have time during our Spring Tournament?" he tried looking anywhere else but her face.
"You want me to cheer on the club? Sure thing."
"Yes." Hearing her reply made him smile. With a steady gaze he stared straight into her eyes. "Watch me play, (y/n). I'll show you a really strong serve."
(Y/n) could only smile back as she felt butterflies in her stomach. "Then we better get back to studying."
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Hey!!! I'm so glad you liked the blurb night idea :) 💞 Can I request a blurb with Peter bumping into the reader while she's kinda lost at times square and he's dressed as spiderman so he tries to flirt with you, but it makes you laugh instead?
I loved the idea hun, thankyou sm for helping me with this idea xxx
“You’re a guy?”
Pairing | Peter Parker x reader
Summary | based on the request
Warnings | mentions of crime, brief mention of death and drugs, mention of sex
2K blurb masterlist
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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“And there was this girl. She was really pretty, but-“ May quirked her head at her nephew, hardly understanding his blabber as he sped through his words like he was racing verbally against a cheetah, though, she was manage to uncover that particular sentence.
“Whoa, slow down kiddo.” His aunt laughed lightly, bracing her shoulders on his arms as he caught his overexcited breath. “How about you start from the beginning, and take a breath?” May had much practice with calming the boy down, she sincerely remembered how that night his parents had dropped him off, how worried he had been for them not to return. And they didn’t.
Peter bobbed his head in a eager nod, doing as he was recommended by his legal guardian, puffing the air in through his cheeks, as he inhaled and exhaled normally through his nose.“I was out patrolling the city, checking out for any bad guys, and then, I saw her...” her, the girl that had captured his attention, and distracted him from his friendly neighbourhood duties. She was much like a magnet, pulling his north face into her axis spinning world, distracting him from the things that he was actually meant to be ensuring did not happen on his watch.
“Weren’t you supposed to be patrolling?” The elder of the two quirked a brow, earning a splutter of a response from the teenager under her roof. She wasn’t a strict guardian concerning his heroic antics, though, she made sure to keep him on track for his own sake. Peter had quite the tendency to become overrun with stress from the amounts of responsibilities that he took on, and him being only young did not help the situation.
“I’m getting to that!” He was fast to defend himself, huffing his chest in as he prepared to tell May his story, from the beginning. It was quite the tale, he’d say, combined with the embarrassment of his own presence entangled in the random and friendly interaction that he had felt promiscuously lulled to create.
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Queens, it was new to you. There were so many streets, filled to the brim with people that seemed to know where they were going. Unlike them, you didn’t, in fact, you’d go as far to admit that you were lost. Lost in a place that was known for the chaos that wrapped it off with a tarnished bow, and made the collateral practically fashion within its various newspapers that rounded every corner to divulge their companies’ obscure theories.
A panicked look struck your eyes, as you turned, shaking your head and pressing through the mass of citizens and finding an empty lot, scrolling through your phone, diverting your attention quickly towards google maps. It was the only thing that you could think of, it’d be a shame if you were to disturb one of the many passersby from their clearly packed schedule; you did not need that, nor berating them on your conscience.
“You lost or something?” A voice asked, making your shoulders jump as a figure, twisted in the colours red and blue, with a seam of black fell from the roofs above. Your heart rate imploded, more so when you realised who the mask wearing vigilante was. The wearer, although unknown, was infamous for the successions of saving lives that they had participated in, including defending the galaxy against outside threats.
It was Spiderman, the neighbourhood dubbed avenger, that tried their utmost to return stolen or lost bikes to their rightful owners, and protected banks from armed and overnight robberies. There was known to be something different about this particular hero, they were young and clearly had time to improve their skill set, for they were quite the clutz, and spoke significantly more to those he faced off against than what was necessary.
But this one hero, stood out amongst the rest. Not only was their suit designed by Stark technology, as you had written about in a work article, but it was far more concealing, and not to mention restricting, for the person beneath the red concoction to wear. Yes, you were in town for a new job, specifically to delve into the details that regards the world of heroes, and exploit all possible angles to how they deserved as much recognition for their stunts, as the president received for his noble speeches.
“I-“ you paused, think back over what you were preparing to say. It was without a doubt, that you had not expected the vigilante to appear in your spectacle gaze the first time that you stepped foot on the premises that he roamed, and protected. But here the spider enthusiast was, leaping down to stand beside you, burdening you with more knowledge that you could use, such as the person beneath was not as tall as you had expected, and there was definitely no way you could see their true eyes through the shallow white cases that covered them.
That was something you could write about, and make various descriptive theories about. ‘Seeing in white vision, sparked by the purity that glazed their unknown signature irises, Spider-Man halts all with the sparing of their true self. They may have reasons for shielding their eyes, much like Daredevil, not needing to see when they are overcome with various other senses that convulse their body into attentiveness,” -no, that sounded absolutely terrible.
And not to mention, if you spread that horrid writing about, Murdoc would be ashamed of ever deciding to get your aid in uncovering the route of the villainous underworld, that had take over Hell’s Kitchen and turned it into their own ring for drugs and more. The battle of New York had many repercussions, that being one, another influencing you into the career choice of being said reporter that you now proclaimed yourself as.
“Yeah, I am.” You responded with the company of a smile, and Peter swore he could feel his heart convulse beneath his suit. It’s pace was vaguely rapid, disheartening him from thinking of any more to say, he was practically speechless. “I’m looking for New York Times, you ever heard of it?” Yes, he most definitely had, it was the average run of the mill newspaper company, though, he did not know that you intended to change that into something much more.
“Funnily enough I have.” He scratched the back of his head, his arm subconsciously flexing as he did so, feeling like he had failed as your eyes remained focused on the wideness of his suit’s intense eyes. “It’s about three blocks from here, I could take you there if you want, I have nothing more to do.” From his proclamation you quirked a brow, crossing your arms amusedly.
“Don’t you have a city to watch over?” You asked, watching as Spider-Man’s false eyes widened, and he visibly panicked, realising that you had been right. “I’ll find my way, I’ve been to New York, many a time, Queens is bound to be a piece of cake. Also, a map is always handy.” A shrug rippled off your shoulders, Peter watching and walking closer as he thought of something more to add to the initial acquainting conversation.
“I’m Spider-Man.” Inwardly, and beneath his mask, Peter cringed noting how his voice rose, and it could be perceived as boasting. That though was definitely not his intent in the slightest, but he worried of how it may have come across to you. He wasn’t sure how you may have read it as, but a swarm of relief filled his lungs as he watched the corner of your eyes crinkle up, humoured by the tone of his that had significantly heightened. “Im a guy by the way.”
He felt the need to state that, especially considering people’s perceptions in the past. But instantly after saying it, he was regretful, through, he had to admit, he enjoyed listening to you laugh, it was like a melody that he wanted to listen to until the end of time. “You’re a guy?” You released a dramatic gasp, aiding your phoney response. “Yeah, no. I completely thought that you were a girl.” Sarcasm, he had well gotten used to frequency of it thanks to Mr Stark, who... well, he wasn’t around any more.
“You’re funny.” He smiled, shaking his head whence he realised that you could not see his hidden expression. “I don’t know, maybe, would you like to go to coffee with me, if you have time before you have to get to the news place? I mean, I don’t drink that much coffee, I get told that if I have too much caffeine that I get a little hyper, but I mean, I’m trying to ask you out and I have a really bad track record of-“
“Sure.” You spoke, ignoring the map that had finally loaded onto the screen of your phone. It was to your luck that you weren’t required to make your presence known at the business until tomorrow, and there was always time to kill, so you thought screw it, and decided to find it so that you didn’t get lost the approaching day. “Are you going to be wearing that, or you know, take it off?” You pointed at him, making peter surprised.
“It’s not that kind of date.” He quickly responded. “I meant just for a drink, not to hook up in the back of an a- oh, you meant the suit, didn’t you.” With a roll of your eyes, you nodded, pursing your lips together, as Peter felt the rain of relief once more. “Oh, that’s good, not that I wouldn’t want to, you’re gorgeous, that just wasn’t my intent and I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
“Basically.” You wrinkled your nose, with a laugh, the way you scrunched it up was adorable to Peter. “So I’ll meet you here in two hours, I’ll let you finish up your duties, and change into something that doesn’t make you look you’re wearing a thong, because I can tell you from experience that those things are not comfortable. That good for you Spidey?”
“That works.” He spoke, trying his best to contain his overflowing excitement, biting his lip to do so. “That definitely works.”
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“Hi.” The familiar voice of Spider-Man spoke, and you turned around, watching as a young man, not much different in age from yourself rounded the corner. He was clothed in a blue and white chequered flannel, and grey jeans, and you had to say, that whilst the amazing Spider-Man was quite the sight, this was something else.
“Oh, I was waiting for a girl actually.” You informed him, clearly messing with him, as you walked closer, a stretching smile pinning up the corners of your lips. “But I guess you’ll do webslinger.” He could feel his heart racing, but he walked closer, watching as you eyed him, a stranger met with the sight of a vigilante unmasked. “Where to, red and blue?”
“There’s this really good place on main, they sell the best sandwiches. And trust me, once you buy from there, you won’t stop...” the two of you began to walk away together, and towards Peter’s secret destination, where the two of you learnt the others real name.
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moonctzeny · 4 years
Work for it
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Part II: Promotion
pairing: coworker! johnny x reader
other members as background characters: haechan as johnny’s assistant
genre: smut
warnings: explicit smut, semi-public sex, spit in mouth, pussy slapping, throatpie (omg I got so embarrassed writing this down)
word count: 5,792
summary: “One of your co-workers, the supervisor of the Sales Department John Suh, is arguably the hottest man you’ve seen in your life. You try to act on your crush but he is just plain oblivious to your efforts, but you won’t stop until your fantasies come true”
Work for you was living hell and no, it wasn’t for the normal reasons. You had a nice job as an intern in the Financial Department of a company, and with your hard work getting recognized, you were looking forward to being offered a permanent position soon.
Today was no different. You had made sure all your files were organized, calls made and deadlines in check. All you had left to do was look over a report in the office of none other but the man who was causing your suffering. Mr. Suh.
Mr. Suh, or Johnny as he insisted on being called, was the supervisor of the Sales Department but he didn’t let it get to his head. He was extremely friendly, willing to help his subordinates and brought a smile to everyone’s face. Working with him would be amazing if there wasn’t one little problem. He was the sexiest man you had ever seen.
Now, now, you weren’t some middle schooler. You came into this company committed to get the position you deserve, not beg for some man’s dick. But when he first welcomed you in the main elevator, tall height, hair pushed back and with a face of godly facial structure, you almost pressed the stop button so he could take you right then and there.
You brought some files along and ascended the stairs that lead you to his office on the top floor. It would be more convenient if Mr. Suh sent the report downstairs with his assistant and your best work buddy, Donghyuck, but you insisted on paying him a visit, saying something about how a little work out never hurt anyone.
When you saw Donghyuck at his desk, he didn’t even look up from his laptop, pointing at the door instead.
“Put your panties back on. He’s on the printing room”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, used to his teasing about your crush on mr. Suh and headed out for said room at the end of the hall. Johnny was hunched over a machine, shaking it from side to side.
You knocked lightly on the already open door to announce your presence, and he turned around, flashing you his killer smile.
“y/n, hello! I was just trying to get you a copy of the report, but the damn printer seems to be broken again.”
You tried to tell him that it’s okay, that you can use the printer from your floor downstairs, but then he bent over trying to locate the cause of the malfunction, giving you a perfect view of his ass in his fitted tracksuit. Rutting the machine around, he thrusted his hips forward, letting out the occasional grunt, and you took a mental picture for later. He must have shaken something a bit too hard, because ink started to spill out of the cartilage.
“Aww, it’s dripping everywhere”
He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, and you couldn’t help but stare at how veiny and strong his arms looked as he pushed down. Your mind wandered off, imagining how nice it must feel to have him on top of you, applying this kind of pressure with his pretty hands around your neck as he-
“y/n? Are you ok?”
“Uh-um yes! Sorry Mr. Suh, it’s been a hard day”
It’s been your cute ass that made it hard for me to function around you was what you actually meant. He winked your way, and you were almost sure he did a double take on a skirt you wore that he had complimented before.
See, it’s not like you never thought of making a move on Johnny. You knew he was single, and he even told Donghyuck that he thought you were cute. Romantic relations between coworkers was not a rare thing, but the way everyone around here respected him made you nervous to approach him. No matter how many people fell for his charming personality and his visuals, he was never part of the company’s gossips and you knew the reason. The guy was denser than a brick wall.
You tried testing the waters with him, taking the light flirting a bit further, but he never seemed to catch the point. Maybe he was so used to getting this kind of attention that he dismissed your attempts as just friendly banter.
But you weren’t ready to give up.
“Sometimes I like coming here to relax. This place is usually so nice and quiet. It gives you privacy to do so many things”
What you said must have piqued his interest, since he gave up on the printer and turned his attention to you instead.
“Things, that the company wouldn’t approve of doing in here?”, he said in a lower voice than before and your throat felt dry when you answered him.
“Yeah. It’s just, we wouldn’t get caught in here, you know?”
“Oh, I know exactly what you mean”
He took two steps towards you before lowering down to whisper closer to you.
“I actually know a place that has even more privacy than this room. I usually go there alone, but it will be so much more fun with you”
Droplets of sweat had collected on his temples as a result of his physical activity earlier, making his words sound so much more enticing. He looked around, checking if anyone was standing in the hallway, before whispering again.
“This will be our little secret, ok?”
You swallowed hard and nodded, ready to get your world rocked by John Suh. He reached for something in his back pocket, but instead of a condom, he whipped out something you’d never expect.
A pack of cigarettes.
“I told everyone I’d quit but the stress gets too much sometimes, you know? I didn’t remember you smoke, though”
Oh my god. Oh my god, you were so stupid. All this time you thought you coaxed him into a steamy, clothes-on, ass on the printer quickie and he meant sneaking you out for a guilt-drenched cigarette break??!!
“Right! You didn’t remember that I smoke because.. because I don’t! ...Anymore. I mean, I quit, just like you. And you know what Mr. Suh, we shouldn’t succumb to the needs of the flesh! Fight back to our bad habits and get healthier! Together!”
He was frozen in place, dumbfounded by your sudden anti-smoking monologue.
“Wow y/n I didn’t know you were so serious about this. Very impressed by your spirit though.” He patted you on the back before picking up the report from the printer and getting to the door. “I’ll tell Donghyuck to print this for you and deliver it to your desk. Won’t take too long, alright?”
And just like that, he managed to leave you in the printing room alone, horny, and one report down.
 The next morning at the office was as typical as any other, with the difference that it was raining cats and dogs. The low that was centered over the area caused continuous storms, the rain and moody atmosphere making it impossible for you to keep your eyes open.
You headed over to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, already the second one of the day, when you saw a very familiar someone occupying the coffee machine.
“Mind if you make me a cup too Mr. Suh? I hear you make the best coffee in the office”
He chuckled at you, instantly recognizing your voice.
“It’s my pride. I do love coffee” After turning on the machine he looked at you finally, a serious look on his face. “Listen, y/n, about yesterday, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tried to drag you down with me like that. You were right about the cigarette thing. I’ll quit for good”
You blinked at him, trying to grasp the ridiculousness of the situation and feeling a bit sorry for guilting him like that.
“It’s ok Mr. Suh don’t worry about it. No big deal”
“Oh and, please, call me Johnny. You make me feel a thousand years old. I’m not that much older than you.”
“Yes Mr.- Johnny”
Just at that moment, a lightning struck, making you jump in place. You glanced at the window, or rather the stormy mess outside, and sighed.
“Chose the wrong day to forget my umbrella huh?”
“You want me to drop you off?”, he offered, immediately making you panic.
“No no! It’s okay. The metro station is really close. It’s fine if I get a little wet anyways, I won’t melt, I’m not made of sugar”
You cringed a bit at your nerve-induced blurting, but it would all be gone in a second.
“You’re sweet like sugar though”
He poured the now brewed coffee on both your cups and you just stared at his movements in shock. Did he just? Initiate the flirting? And called you sweet?
Ok, this is it, you thought.
“Do you like sugar?”, you asked him seductively, making your arms touch. You had to take advantage of this opportunity. The ride home suddenly didn’t sound like such a bad idea.  
“Oh no thanks I drink my coffee black”
Looking at the clock on the wall he picked up his cup and took a sip, striding out of the kitchen and leaving you speechless, much like yesterday.
“I’m late for a meeting. See you later, y/n”
You groaned as you watched him walk away, pouring an excessive amount of sugar in your drink.
“That’s not what I meant...”
 Meetings usually meant making sure you had enough battery on your phone to silently play your favorite game, while you heard some old guy in a suit blabber on and on about the most boring topic on earth. Usually you’d be complaining about why they just had to take away valuable time of your day to talk about an issue that could very easily be briefed in a mass email, but not today. Because today, the man of honor who got to do all the talking, was Johnny.
To anyone else, you looked like the most eager intern in the company, taking in every single word that came out his mouth. In reality, you were just immensely turned on by his fluent English, his new suit, and his ability to capture everyone’s attention. You had no idea what he was talking about, but you could listen to him talk all day about how “Results are important” and “Taking a more aggressive strategy is vital”.
A sudden noise made everyone turn to the exit door, only to see that it was just the cleaning lady that had dropped her bucket as she was going down the stairs. You felt Donghyuck, who was sitting next to you as always, nudge you with his knee.
“Oh look, she brought a mop for your drool, how nice of her”
“I’m not drooling”, you whispered back with a glare, shoving him with your elbow.
“Right”, he chuckled, “you’re ready to get on your knees for him right now”
It was really hard to get the picture that Donghyuck had painted out for you off your head for the rest of the meeting. You pathetically rubbed your thighs together to get the slightest feeling of relief, and tried to mute out Johnny’s sexy voice with no avail. When the meeting was finally over, you walked out of the meeting room along with everyone else, when you saw Johnny catch up with you.
“Hey y/n”
“Hi Johnny! Nice presentation up there”
He beamed up at your compliment and you wanted to coo at him for looking so cute. His aura changed a color when he replied to you, turning solemn.
“Thank you. Glad to see you’ve finally dropped the formalities with me”. I can drop my panties too if you want, you thought to yourself, but you only smiled at him when he managed to leave you speechless once again. “Is it wet?”
Wet? Fuck, was Donghyuck right? Were you really so caught up on eating Johnny up with your eyes that he noticed? That he realized you were so turned on by him? He saw your confused expression and tried to futilely explain.
“Is it wet? Down there?”
You were losing it. Was he really asking you that in front of all your coworkers? Your face couldn’t possibly get any hotter, feeling as if you were burning up with a high fever. You realized you hadn’t said a word back.
“E-excuse me?”
“Wasn’t the cleaning lady going downstairs earlier to mop? I figured you’d know if the floor was still wet. Since your office is on the bottom floor”
Get your mind out of the gutter, y/n. Quick, say something already! Stop staring at him like a lost puppy!
“Uhh no I don’t know actually. I’m sorry, I have to go”
You turned swiftly on your heel to walk away from him, and save yourself from any further embarrassment.
If Donghyuck was here to witness this, you’d never get to hear the end of his teasing.
 You didn’t expect an email like that from the Sales Department. You were at your desk, minding your business when you got the notification, almost choking on the gum you were chewing on.
I have something very confidential to show you in my office. I think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised. Bring your sexy ass over here at 16:00 sharp.
Johnny Suh
 You must have re-read those 30 words about a thousand times to ensure you weren’t making things up. You freshened up your makeup, thanking the gods of sex that you decided to wear cute underwear this morning. All the things you were daydreaming about since your first meetup at the main elevator, were finally about to happen. Fidgeting around in your seat, you felt yourself getting wetter thinking of all the nasty things Mr. Suh was planning on doing to you in his office.
It was 16:25 when you walked up the stairs, not brave enough to make a man like Johnny wait. All his assistants were gone, probably send off somewhere to avoid having them hear your little unprofessional tête-à-tête.
You walked into his office, the door slightly open. He was sat on his chair, the back turned to you and you started to feel nervous. You didn’t notice he had changed his hair. And wasn’t he wearing a different suit this morning?
“Um Johnny? You asked to see me?”
He tsked at you, turning around.
“16:28? I thought you had more of a backbone than that, y/n. Also thought you’d come in here naked. Disappointing.”
The smug smile, the teasing voice. Donghyuck.
“The email was fake wasn’t it?”
“Luckily for you, yes, I was the one who sent it. I mean, seriously. This ugly brown suit for a dick appointment with Mr. Suh?”
When you graduated university with honors, you didn’t think you’d one day be charged with the murder of a company’s assistant. But right at his moment, as you grabbed the stapler from the desk and walked over to him ominously, you thought it was all worth it.
“Lee Donghyuck, after I’m done with you the only dick appointment you’ll make is with the ER doctor, to get these staples off your balls”
He got up, panicking, and started to back away from you.
“Somebody save me, please, mom!”
You were ready to grab him by his tie and fulfill your threat, when you heard someone clear his throat at the door. And this time it was the real Mr. Suh.
He had his arms crossed, a smile appearing on his face as you shoved your friend away and immediately dropped the stapler from your hold.
“You know, you two are always wasting time over here, messing around. Maybe I should punish you”
Oh god yes, please do.
It was Donghyuck’s deadpan expression that made you realize that you had actually said that out loud. Johnny raised his eyebrows incredulously.
“Oh, so you want the overtime?”
“S-sure why not? Not like I have anything better to do on a Friday night”
Your friend rubbed his palm over his face, cringing at the situation you got yourself in.
“Please, stop talking, I beg of you”, he murmured, when Johnny spoke up again.
“Well in that case, will you leave me and y/n alone to discuss some details?”
Donghyuck nodded, closing the door behind him and it seemed like he took all the oxygen along with him.
Johnny sat on his desk, whipping out some files for you. It might sound stupid, but the email, though fake, had put you in a certain mood, and having him sit so close to you wasn’t helping your situation.
“I will only give you the run down but please ask the supervisor in your department to explain further”
You tried listening to him talk about your overtime, you really did. But the way he was sitting on his armchair with his legs spread out, was practically begging you to do what Donghyuck had suggested yesterday and get on your knees already. You’d tell him to continue his work, challenge him to try and keep typing on his laptop as you’d palm him through his slacks. You’d wait for him to get a bit impatient, licking him over his clothed cock until it felt like it would rip from the fabric. He was definitely big, and you wondered whether you could take him. You’d put him in your hand and start sucking on the tip, then lick your way down to his base. Maybe he would have to take a call, and you would make it a goal to distract him by fitting him all inside your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. His little office slut.
“y/n. Get under the desk. Right now.”
His voice brought you out of your daydream but his words triggered another one. It felt like the world around you was shaking. Did he just ask you to get on your knees under the table? Could he read your thoughts? “y/n can’t you feel the earthquake? Get under the desk”
When you realized what was happening, you wished that the earth would just swallow you whole already, taking away the embarrassment with you.
Donghyuck met you outside. He had evacuated the building along with everyone else, happy that the small earthquake got them an extra five minutes of break.
“Did Mr. Suh pick you up in his strong arms like your knight in shining armor and save you?”
“Don’t talk to me I’m still mad at you”
He turned you around to face him, his lips pouting at you cutely and it was really hard to resist his doe eyes.
“I’m sowwyy I was just trying to help you out!”
“Help me out with what?”, you sighed, tuckered out, “he clearly doesn’t want anything more with me”
“Oh yeah? Is that why he hasn’t stopped checking out your ass ever since you left the building with him?”
You turn your head to Johnny’s direction, just in time to see his eyes shift from you and Hyuck to the floor. Maybe your friend was right. Did Johnny actually like you after all but was really just that oblivious to your crush?
“All I’m saying is”, he continues, “that you need to be clearer with him. He is the supervisor of another department than yours, he obviously won’t act out anything unless you give him the green light”
You nodded at him, a feeling of determination coursing through you. His words reverberated in your head until break time, planning out your seduction. You knew that there was no way you would be able to concentrate at work unless you gave it a shot with Johnny, even if it goes terribly wrong. Tomorrow, you promised yourself.
 And tomorrow did come, finding you right outside his office door. Taking long, confident strides, you walk past Donghyuck who for once, was speechless, eyes widening at your appearance.
Johnny’s favorite skirt hug your hips, garters barely peeking under it. Your shirt was a bit tighter than usual, an extra button undone, revealing your cleavage. The room was filled with the clicking sound of your high heels, that were as uncomfortable as they were sexy. It was barely considered work appropriate but you didn’t care. You hoped you’d manage to at least grab his attention, then let your talking do the rest.
Taking a deep breath, you knock at the door, slowly opening it. Johnny was typing away something, looking delicious as always. Your voice was way more sensual than you’d usually let it be in the workplace.
“Johnnyy~, good morning. I’m here for that file I need?”
He had his eyes still glued on the laptop in front of him, his tone as bright as ever.
“y/n! I would send Donghyuck over you didn’t have to- “
He finally looks at you, his eyes quickly moving from your chest to your skirt, only to stay for a bit longer on your legs. He seemed a bit taken aback, his breath hitching in his throat but he shakes his head lightly, regaining his stature.
“-you didn’t have to come all the way up here”
“I know”, you mewl, picking up a pen from his desk and clicking it closed, letting the tip rest on your bottom lip, “I just missed you”
You saw him stare at your mouth before he cleared his throat, coolly sitting back on his chair.
“I think you’ll take this back when you stay for your overtime tonight”, he laughed, too friendly for your liking.
“No, no. I would never get tired of you, Johnny. Besides, I have a great stamina”
“That’s good! Being mentally strong is very important in this business”
Ugh, take a hint already!
“Well, yeah, but physical strength is important too. You know, I’ve followed your footsteps and started working out. I can go on for hours”
His eyebrows lifted up at your statement, “Yeah? And you followed my footsteps?”
“Well, everyone in the office has noticed you’ve been hitting the gym lately, especially me. Maybe, you could show me some of your workout exercises later?”
He stayed silent for a moment, like he was contemplating his answer and you swore you saw the faintest blush on his cheeks. His answer, however, would disappoint you.
“I was thinking of organizing an online group aerobics class, actually. I think Yuta from my department might be interested in hosting it”
The feeling of defeat was written all over your face. You were done. Smiling politely, you told him it sounded like a nice idea and asked for the file. You felt so angry at yourself for listening to Hyuck’s advice, every painful jab your heels gave your feet seeming deserving.
Donghyuck saw you leaving the room and would follow you to comfort you but he fully understood your frustration. Since you left the door open, he had witnessed everything, and boy was he furious.
He barged into Johnny’s office unannounced, scowling at him. Boss or not, he had to give him a piece of his mind.
“Are you seriously that blind?”
Johnny blinked at him, surprised at his unexpected appearance.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you seriously telling me you didn’t get that y/n was flirting with you?”
“R-right now?”
Donghyuck licked his cheek with his tongue, getting gradually more and more frustrated. “Yes! Right now! The hottest woman in the office was basically throwing herself all over you and you didn’t even ask her out?”
Johnny was shocked, fumbling for an answer, “I thought- I thought she was just being nice”
“Nice??”, the younger man screeched then took a deep breath to calm down, placing both his hands on his boss’s desk.
“With all due respect dude, but either you fuck her, or I will”
 Nothing could make the horrible feeling you felt from your embarrassing incident earlier worse right? Wrong. Because it was Friday and you still had to go through with that overtime you had stupidly agreed with.
All your coworkers from your floor were gone, no one crazy enough to willingly work on a Friday night. You saw them all leave one by one, internally cursing them for their luck. The office was especially hot tonight and you were suddenly glad for choosing that skimpy outfit to wear today, even if it didn’t fulfill its original purpose.
In your deep concentration over the files scattered on your desk, you almost didn’t notice the shadow next to your office’s door. You could recognize these broad shoulders from miles away.
“Johnny, you didn’t go home yet?”
“I’ll leave soon, just wanted to give you some tips your supervisor noted for the work you’ll do tonight”
He smiled warmly at you, but his eyes held something you hadn’t seen before. Slyness, mischief maybe? You didn’t have much time to think about it anyways, because in a moment he was standing over you, next to your desk.
“You see, the loss of this week’s sales…”, he started, lifting the sleeves of his shirt up and revealing his veiny arms that you so adored, “...it’s much bigger than you think”
You gulped, your throat suddenly dry. His voice was deep, seductive, eyes staring right into yours.
“Yes. Doing all this paperwork, it’s very… hard. And it’s so hot in here, right?”
He kept his gaze on you, loosening the tie he wore around his neck. Was this your mind playing games with you again? You weren’t sure but he looked so good you couldn’t help your body from responding to him.
You got up from your seat, resting the side of your ass on the desk to be closer to his height. “If I got it right, you suggest that maybe you need to stay around for a bit? Help me out?”
He nodded, coming closer to you. You couldn’t stop gawking at the way his chest filled up his shirt so nicely, not caring if you were being obvious anymore. He was standing almost between your legs, and you could feel his breath fanning your face.
“It’s going to be tiring, but if you follow my orders you’ll get to finish. Think you can take it?”
Was it his suggestive words or his plump lips that made you feel so lightheaded? Either way, you wanted to dive in, to finally taste him. But you just had to ask.
“That’s my name”
“We aren’t talking about finance, are we?”
He stepped even closer, situating himself between your thighs that you gladly opened for him.
“Fuck no”
The way your hands grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss, was almost animalistic. Johnny kissed you back with almighty force, open mouthed and breathing heavily. With the dominance that characterized him and a bite on your bottom lip, he pulls you up on your feet by the ID that was hanging from your neck. He tasted like smoke and mint gum.
“I thought you’d quit smoking?”
You felt his right hand grab your throat and he broke the kiss, forcing you to look at him. It wasn’t the pressure to your air flow but his eyes that had you on edge. The usual golden flecks adorning his orbs were hidden behind his dilated pupils. “I’m just a man. There are some things I can’t resist”. He dipped his tongue into your mouth, making you feel like you’re in a fever dream with the way all your fantasies were coming to life. “Open up”, he growled against your lips and you obey like you promised to. He spit in your mouth, in a manner so dirty it had your knees shaking.
You started unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to see more of him. Starting with running your hands over his raging heartbeat, you continue down his abs and end up fumbling with his belt. Johnny helped you, springing out his cock and, damn, he may be half hard but that was the biggest dick you’d ever seen in your life.
He chuckles at your widened eyes but instead of making some cocky remark like you expected he leans down, leaving soothing kisses on your jaw. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you”. He continued his kisses to your neck, all the while unbuttoning your shirt. Leaving it on you, he pulls your boobs over your bra and starts playing with your nipples. The tingling on your breasts was tightly linked it the one on your heat and you decided you needed more.
You took his fingers from your chest and placed them between your folds. Johnny cursed out with how wet you were for him, and started rubbing circles over your clit, occasionally dipping the tips in your entrance. He kept at it, relishing in your moans and he would have ripped his tight little skirt off of you if you were in his bedroom. The build up sexual tension along with the semi-public setting made you close to losing yourself in him. You just needed a push, and Johnny was more than happy to give it to you.
“You’re gonna cum for me. That’s what you wanted wasn’t it? Why you got all dressed up like that?”
“Yes, for you, fuck Johnny”
“Come on, let it all out. Cum so I can fuck the hell out of this tight pussy of yours”
You came all over his fingers, grabbing his arms for support. He gave you a moment, wiping the tears off the corners of your eyes while kissed you slowly. When you started kissing him back with a refuelled passion, signalling that you were ready for what he had to offer, he was back, rougher than ever.
He petted your pussy, collecting your wetness and spreading it all over your folds. You jumped up when you felt him slap over your clit, the lines between pain and pleasure from the overstimulation blurry.
You knew Johnny was strong, but the easiness with which he lifted you from the desk onto your armchair shocked you. Spreading your knees as wide as the cushioned seat allowed you, you stuck your ass out for him. He gave your ass a little slap while you waited for him to slip on a condom. He came prepared, you thought, probably planned on doing this from the moment he stepped into your office.
Johnny filled you up completely, your hypersensitivity making you feel his thickness in all its glory. He started off slow, careful of your tightness, but as he picked up the pace, your vision was all stars and constellations of pleasure. You must have moaned too loudly, because he stopped his thrusts and, in a moment, you felt him shove his tie inside your mouth.
“There’s still some people in the building, remember? Or do you like my cock so much that you don’t even care if they hear?”. You couldn’t muster an answer so you just kept drooling through the fabric your teeth bit into. Your pussy was dripping onto the leather, your wetness allowing Johnny to sink even deeper inside you. The feeling was so overwhelming that you opened your mouth wide in a moan, almost dropping his tie in the process.
You reached out your hand behind you to grab one of his arms in desperation. “I’m so close, so close, don’t stop”. He stared back at you with a crazy look on his face, and pinned your hand back on the headrest in front of you. Lifting one of your legs in the air, he starts fucking you so rough you thought the chair was going to break.
Your second orgasm hit you hard, your trembling body making it clear his size got too much for you. But there was no way you’d let him leave this office without cumming.
You climb down from the chair and got on your knees in front of him. Grasping his cock from the base, you started leaving open mouthed kisses on his balls first. You suck one in your mouth and glance up at him with the most innocent look you could muster, the contrast to your actions driving him insane. Johnny leans his weight on his hands positioned on your desk, letting you work your magic.
Returning on his tip, you ran your tongue in kitten licks on the slit, teasing him. An eyebrow raise from him compelled you to behave, pushing him all the way down at once. It was almost as if you pressed a button at the end of your throat with the way it triggered a guttural moan from him. He weaves one hand through your hair to keep you in place for a second longer and you gag. His dick pulls out, and the string of saliva falls over your white shirt making the fabric look see through. The sight of your lipstick on him, your watery doe eyes and your nipples poking through your now wet shirt was divine. He pushed past your lips again, and this time you made a good use of your tongue. You quicken your pace, his shaky groans and sharp gasps letting you know he was nearing his release.
Grabbing both his flexed thighs, you concentrate your breathing though your nose and deepthroat him again. Johnny growls, hips stuttering and eyes fluttered closed in delight. Warm liquid runs down your throat, almost choking you, but you take it all, relishing in his grunts and the way he moans your name.
After you catch your breath he bends down, planting a gentle kiss on your lips and offers a hand to help you up. You buttoned up in an awkward silence, not exactly sure what should be said after a session like that in a place like this.
“So, I’m guessing Donghyuck told you about my little crush on you?”
“Yup. You should thank him”. He smiles at you sweetly, pinching your cheek lightly and then moving his thumb in circles over the skin. “You also should have told me”
You rolled your eyes, “Not like I haven’t tried to! How much more obvious did I have to be?”
“I’m sorry! It’s just- you’re so pretty and I didn’t wanna be another one of the creepy guys that probably hit on you in the workplace”
Smiling at his thoughtfulness, you chose to forgive him and reached up for another kiss. He engulfs you with his long arms, and you push some hair off his eyes, admiring their softness.
“How about, I let you finish up here and we go for dinner after you’re done?”
“I’m not sure how I’m gonna concentrate after what we did”
“I’ll cover for you, but I can’t promise you that I’ll stop myself from distracting you”
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
I love your writing can we get a part 2 of red entirnity I really want to see what happens next
Tw: female reader, non-con, implied non - con, implied somnophilia, hints of misogyny, slight mention of military, stepcest, love/hate dynamic, possessive/obsessive behavior, angst
Some days were longer than others. The previously spacious and bright room now seemed so tiny and suffocating, maybe because someone else held the key to it. Back in time when you could leave anytime you wanted you always found an excuse to stay at the castle and now that you were stuck there, you wished to see the outside world so badly, if only just to take a breath and feel the warm sun on your skin.
You realized early on there really wasn’t much to do in your room. You used to hate all the stupid fancy meetings and tea ceremonies, the unnecessary small talk with people whose names you didn’t even know and the uncomfortable tight dresses you had to wear, but now you actually missed them. Ever since your step – brother took over the palace lost its usual spark, gleam and joy. There wasn’t time nor money to spare for lavish balls or elegant midnight parties now that Phillip was focusing all his energy and the state treasury on military training, soldier camps and troops. Apparently he was preparing to attack the South.
You used to be interested in the geopolitics of your kingdom, but there was no point in keeping up anymore. The three guards seated in front of your door at all times refused to tell you any details about the country’s situation and the former prince stopped by too rarely for you to be able to piece any information together. And even then, when the all-mighty found time to actually come and visit you, it usually led to catty fights and heated arguments, and you would be damned if you were to show interest in his daily life as a ruler. But these conversations weren’t your biggest issue with the new lifestyle you had been forced into. Sure, you weren’t allowed to talk to your friends and simply mentioning the duke’s name set the monarch off into terrifying yet childish fits of rage. You couldn’t take a part in the decision – making for the country you had sworn to protect on your mother’s deathbed, your fiancé could be sent off to war and you wouldn’t be able to bat an eye. You couldn’t speak to another human being or even move around the room without it being reported to the king. And yet the scariest part of your confinement laid somewhere else.
It was the absolute power in your brother’s bloody hands and the knowledge he could do anything he wanted with the snap of his slender fingers. You could hear his loud footsteps as he entered your room late at night, drunk and angry, desperate for human warmth. The daunting hulking sound of the silver keys unlocking the latch echoing, the only thing separating you from your worst nightmare. He would walk slowly, agonizingly so. The king would first stroke your hair gently and brush it aside to expose your neck, just so he could make sure the crimson red marks were still present on your soft skin, then he would make new ones anyways, licking and biting the bruised flesh. His next move was always fast and aggressive, his open mouth on yours just for a second before he sunk his sharp teeth into your sweet lips. Phillip smelled of cigarettes, wood and rich mead, his touch felt so hot and piercing with his big sweaty hands on your bare back once he had ripped through another satin nightgown. Some nights you kept your eyes closed and held the tears back, pretending to be asleep in desperate hopes for the pain to end quicker. Other nights the moon was too bright, the music from the nearby village too loud and too similar to the tunes in your memories, and you just couldn’t stop your cries. The prince didn’t seem to mind your pitiful sobs though, quite the opposite, they always seemed to stir him up into rough kisses and breathless moans.
 “Now that I have taken your only token of worth you belong to me, princess.” Phillip had whispered cruelly the first time he touched you, back when you were still fighting and shouting at the top of your lungs, so keen on letting the others know just how cruel their ruler was. You should have known that the knights’ undying loyalty was too strong to shake, especially when the victim was already so useless and pathetic, or so everyone thought of you. “You are going to spend the rest of your life hidden in the castle like a withering flower but you will remain mine until your very last breath.” The king had hissed under his breath and tugged at your hair as he had thrust into your heat over and over again. You had been too tired and overwhelmed to protest the spiteful threats falling from the man’s mouth with every harsh move against your cervix. Your fists were rubbing at your puffy red eyes, full with unshed tears, your throat felt raw from the miserable screams. “I won’t let anyone steal you away from me, princess, I’d rather die.” The man had blabbered incoherently while kissing your swollen red lips hungrily, like a starved beast in front of a lamb.
You couldn’t recall his last whisper before he finished in your tight channel, leaving you thoroughly used and abused, alone in the darkness and sick to your stomach with a small stream of fresh blood falling down your thigh, but you remembered the way his voice broke at the end and the salty taste on your tongue. Thinking back you could hear his words clearly in your head. “I don’t know whether I love you or hate you.” Phillip had stated coldly upon closing the door, then, just for a split second, he had turned to look you in the eyes. “What I know for sure is that I can’t stop my heart from wanting you.”
And for once, you weren’t the only one crying.
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s parent teacher conference
Warnings: IronStrange, Supremefamily, bullied Peter, dick head teachers, anxious Peter and homophobia.
-Peter POV-
"Hey Bambi, why didn't you tell us about your parent-teacher conference tomorrow night?" Pops asked sitting next to me on the living room couch.
"I didn't think you would've wanted to go? Dads not the one for school or teachers and you're -well- you." I explained tentatively.
"I'll take that as a compliment. Just so you know, we'll be there for around 5 so just after your decathlon meeting. It'll just be me and your dad so no need to be embarrassed." Pops told me.
"Thanks. This'll be the first parent-teacher conference I would've ever been to." I told him.
"Same kid. It's a first time experience for us all." Pops smiled at me.
"Not many times that happens." I commented resting my head on his shoulder.
"No it's not Bambi, no it's not." He smiled putting his head on mine.
-Next day at 5 o'clock-
"Hey Penis, what're you still doing here? This is a thing for kids with parents." Flash taunted walked passed me in the gymnasium as I waited for my dads.
"Shut up Flash, you know nothing about my family." I told him.
"You better watch your tone Parker or you'll have another black eye." Flash threatened getting really close to me.
"If you would be so kind as to step away from my kid, it would he greatly appreciated." Pops' voice spoke from next to me. They must've just arrived.
"Oh my God! It's Stephen Strange! And Tony Stark!" Flash all but yelled making the whole room fall silent.
"It's Stephen Stark actually. I didn't spend thousands on a wedding for people to not recognise my changed last name." Pops corrected.
"I'm so sorry. I'm such a fan of both of your works." Flash blabbered composing himself.
"Eugene! We've been looking everywhere for you!" A man, who I presume is Flash's father, scolded walking up to us with a woman trailing behind.
"Sorry father but look who I found. The Starks." Flash excitedly announced.
At this point I slowly slipped away from him and walked up to my Dad who gladly greeted me with a hug. I could feel the warmth of the arc reactor on my chest and it gave a strange comfort. After a few moments we let go but I didn't move very far, being so close to Flash made me really anxious.
"Underoos you okay?" Dad asked me worriedly trying to look into my eyes.
"Yeah I'm fine, just tired. I was up late finishing a piece of homework last night." I lied hoping Pops wouldn't say anything as I fell asleep on him last night.
"Wow Mister Stark. I must say I'm a big fan of your work. If you haven't noticed I try to style myself off of you." Flash's father said showing off his black tailored suit and aviator sunglasses and reached out for a handshake.
"I'm flattered but I don't do handshakes. I'm not the biggest fan of touching." Dad told him trying to give a convincing smile.
"Then why've you got an arm around Pen-Peter?" Flash asked making both my Dads give him the 'Bitch WTF' look. I hate that look. Dad was about to say something but I decided to cut in.
"So, why don't we do what you came here to do and speak to my teachers? Sounds great, let's go." I spoke grabbing Pops' hand and dragging him and Dad to one of my teachers.
"Who was he?" Dad asked in a demanding tone.
"Nobody important. Look Mr. Harrington's free. Let's go and talk to him." I rushed and pulled my dads towards Mr. Harrington's table.
"Ah, Peter and Mr. and Mr. Stark. Lovely to meet you, I love all you've done for the world." Mr Harrington spoke as we took our seats.
"Thank you Mr. Harrington." Pops said.
"No problem. So, I teach Peter Physics and I've got no problems. The only thing I would say is that he is often on his phone during lesson and doesn't listen that much. However with that being said, he's never got below an A+ on his tests. You should be proud of him." Mr. Harrington smiled.
"We are. Is that all?" Dad said ruffling my hair slightly.
"That's all thanks." Mr. Harrington announced and shook Pops' hand before we walked away.
"That was a really good report but who're you texting during class? It better not be one of the others or your dad." Pops asked and gave Dad a pointed look.
"No it's this guy I met online. His names Harley Keener and he seems really nice." I explained as I lead them to my history teacher.
"Harley Keener?" Dad asked shocked.
"Yeah. Why? Do you know him?" I questioned.
"Sorta. I'll explain when we get home." Dad dismisses before turning around to face my history teacher Mrs. Keens.
"Wow, this is a shock. It's not everyday the Starks turn up to a parent-teacher conference. How are you both?" She rushed out slightly flustered.
"We're doing fine thank you. How is Peter in this subject?" Pops asked, straight to the point as always.
"Peter is amazing, always hands his homework in on time, always listens in lesson and has never received less than an A on a test. You should be proud of him." She informed smiling at me.
"Wow, our little goody-two-shoes." Dad teased ruffling my hair slightly.
"One thing that you may or may not be aware of is a boy called Eugene Thomson. He seems to be bullying Peter for whatever reason, I've caught him a few times throwing paper balls at Peter or sliding him malicious notes. I'm not sure if it's friendly or not but I felt you should know. Thank you." Mrs. Keens informed, may the ground swallow me up now.
"We will also discuss this later on." Pops told me sternly, oh no.
We left Mrs. Keens with a slight wave and headed back to the main area to find another teacher. My eyes landed on my English teacher who didn't seem very happy, this is not going to end well.
"Oh look, it's your English teacher." Dad commented and pointed to Mr. Malory. Fuuuuuuuuck.
"How do you know my English teacher?" I asked worriedly.
"Research department, making sure my son has the best education he can. Let's go to him now while he's free." Dad brushed off and started to walk towards him. God save me.
My English teacher hates me for no reason, always turns a blind eye to Flash, always nitpicks my assignments and finds any reason to not give me a good grade. He's also quite homophobic and has expressed on many occasions his hatred for my Dads and anything to do with them. He even leads a group called the 'Freedom from Starks'. This is so not ending well.
"Peter, didn't expect to see you here." Mr. Malory commented not looking up from his clip board.
"Well, this is a parent-teacher conference and I, as his parent, would like to speak to my sons teacher about his school work. If you'd be so kind." Dad said, his words oozing sarcasm and sass. He really did his research.
Mr. Malory picked his head up and stared Dad dead in the face. The distaste clearly shown on both faces as the three of us took our seats, Pops took Dad's hand, probably as a way to calm him down. This is worse than I thought.
"Well, if I'm being honest, Peter is the worse student I've ever taught. He's disruptive in lessons, throws paper at a wonderful student called Flash Thompson, slides Flash malicious notes and seems to find any excuse to blame Flash. His work is simply upgradable and I couldn't thing on a bigger lost cause than your son. Any questions?" Mr. Malory spoke and Dads face got redder and redder with anger.
"Really, then why did the last teacher we speak to say it was the other way around, that 'Flash' was the one throwing paper and passing notes?" Dad questioned leaning forward in his seat.
"Look, I don't know what happens in other lessons and quite frankly, I don't care. All I know is Peter is a major distraction and it's bordering bulling with Flash." Mr. Malory told us.
"What about his work is so upgradable? Is it his handwriting or the content of what he's writing?" Pops asked placing his other hand on top of Dads. This is getting serious.
"The content. The ludicrous stories of the Norse Gods and his 'adventures' with them are beyond reason. His stories are beyond the realm of possibility and are just ludicrous." Mr. Malory told them.
"His stories about the Norse Gods, does this involve Thor putting his hammer in inconvient places or Loki and black widow being kind and caring to others?" Das asked.
"Yes." Was Mr. Malory's short response.
"Well, it is within the realm of possibility as it happens. Every single day at the compound or sanctum." Pops spit out trying to keep calm.
"Oh well, maybe he should learn to be more creative with his stories." Mr. Malory spoke silently challenging Pops.
"Thanks sir." I hastily said before dragging both my dads out of their seats and walking off.
"No Pete, I would like to hear more about how much of a bad student you are." Dad argued challenging Mr Mallory.
"And I will be glad to provide. Mr Park-"
"Stark." Dad deadpans.
"Mr Stark is highly disruptive not only to Mr Thomson but is also always on his phone, sleeping in class or just straight up not listening. Honestly, his behaviour is a reflection as to why you people shouldn't be allowed to have kids, you simply don't know how to raise them." Mr Mallory continued to explain. Dad went red.
"What do you mean by you people?" Pops asked scarily calm as be placed a hand on Dad's knee to soothe him slightly.
"Gays. You shouldn't be allowed children because there's not a mother to properly raise them, I never had these issues when Peter lived with May. I honestly think it would be in his best interest to place him back in her care."
Oh my god. He knows May is dead. He knows that I can't be 'placed back in her care' and It was the same when I did live with her, nothing changed.
We were all stunned into silence, including some of the surrounding parents and teachers who were stunned. Well, we were silent until Dad blew up at him.
"How dare you," he began, "I take as good care of my son as any other parent here does, I give him as much as I can and do everything I can to be a good parent to him. If he's sleeping in your classes or being distracted then maybe you should make your lessons more interesting and not be blind sighted by your homophobic, bigoted and downright dickish beliefs. Your head may be crammed so far up your ass you can smell your lungs but maybe once join us in the real world and see that just because people are different doesn't mean they're not as capable. I will be putting in a formal complaint and if I were you, I'd start looking for new places of employment seeing as I am one of the biggest donators to this school. Come on Pete, we're going home."
Dad then grabbed Pops' hand and my arm before storming out of the building towards the car. You could see the steam coming out of his ears as Pops tried in a desperate attempt to calm him down.
I think I can safely say that this night was a disaster.
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