#this won't change anything from my portrayal
luckyshinyhunter · 2 days
Fictional characters that definitely deserved better
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💪Jen Walters (She-Hulk: Attorney at law)💪
She-Hulk is one of those shows I enjoyed because of the vibes, no surprise that a bunch of dudebros were doing their usual hate on the MCU crap again, especially going after this show.
I like how the show made Jennifer relatable and likable from the start, Tatiana did such a amazingly performance as the titular character along with matching her sassiness and wit like she have in the comics.
The possibilities of She-Hulk season 2 are slim to none, but I still have hope of Jen coming back in the future.
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🛩️Andy Demayo (Steven Universe)🛩️
Even though he was kinda rude in his debut episode, but honestly, you would be confused and angry too if you see a bunch of strangers in your barn.
Besides Greg and the residents at Beach City, he rarely calls out Steven's dangerously daily lifestyle with the gems and shows that he cares about his recently known nephew.
After Gem harvest, he resolved the bittered distance and continue visiting his family, even showing at Garnet's wedding.
It was kind of a waste that Future didn't give him anything important to add, he would connect and helped Steven's dilemma with the fear of change, similar to his.
Also a hilarious fun fact, Andy's VA is Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
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🐁Splinter (TMNT 2012)🐁
Honestly one of the most tragic characters in the show, from a broken man who lost everything, to a loving and protecting father who found a new lease on life, along with a family that care for each other to the very end.
He can be strict but he does care about his family and would die fighting for them, he literally died to save them and would do it again if he have to.
Hoon Lee's electrifying portrayal speaks for itself and the critical juncture of his past that parallels him and Shredder is another reason why the show is underrated.
I hate the backlash that this character has been getting and that people are labeling him as a bad father but he's not, the show literally has moments of him caring and protecting his family from danger.
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🕸️Miles Morales (Spider-Man)🕸️
Without a doubt, Miles is one of the best Spider-Man characters of all. Pretty disgusting that people are using with the whole Miles Morales is Miles Morales crap to hate on a character that brings a new meaning for a iconic role model for kids.
Into and Across the Spider-verse done a outstanding job, making Miles's personal journey and growth so emotional and inspiring.
Sucks that the third film is going to take a long time to premiere, but at least the PS4 games also give him justice and continues shining Miles.
Miles Morales will forever be one of the best Spider-man, it just sucks that some people won't accept him continuously, but in some way at least there's some people who actually respect him as a character, knowing that he is in forever will be Spider-Man and that makes it him amazing.
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📋Lois Lane (My Adventures with Superman)📋
My Adventures with Superman is a show that should be talked about especially on how well written it is, the show adapted Lois very well, along with her budding romance with Clark.
I literally hated how Lois gets treated like garbage by a certain amount of people after the whole secret identity thing, the show does prove that Lois is flawed and complex in a good way, making her likable and relatable, she makes mistakes but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, everyone does.
The latest episode of season 2 really proves that Lois is a good character, showing her empathetic past and complicated relationship with her dad.
Also, Alice Lee's fun performance as the character is just top notch, whether she's happy or sad, she just nails Lois's character without a doubt.
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🧬Morty Smith (Rick and Morty)🧬
This boy has been through enough, with neglectful parents, a sister that does care about him but is focused on her own life, Rick cares sometimes, but can be a real jerk. Morty is more you can be his own person the truth is some things can be holding him back, mostly his grandfather.
I'm glad that Rick is trying to change for the better, I remember I hated the way he treated Morty thoughout the seasons whether using verbal or physical abuse, it also sucks when he tried to do something good yet the universe basically just throws it back at him like a giant middle finger.
I'm glad that the later seasons proves that Morty could be a badass and he can handle himself, but I hope when the new season drops, they find a way to handle his trauma because he deserves a hug.
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🎳Wade Whipple (The Sonic franchise)🎳
The Sonic films are underrated but it's problem is that it gets dunked on, especially thanks to a so-called outside of the box thinker.
But unlike the other live action films with bland and boring human characters, the human characters in Sonic are actually likable and memorable, among them is Wade Whipple.
I really don't think he's one of the worst characters in Sonic, honestly his sister and dad deserves to be on that list.
Honestly people hate him just because he have more screen time than Knuckles but one, because it's a TV show budget and Knuckles is in the show, they are acting like he never was in the show.
Two, at least it added layers and flaws that made him even more relatable and serves a purpose to Knuckles's journey.
Like with Tom and Maddie with Sonic, his friendship with Knuckles is another core example of why Knuckles work and his actor, Adam Pally's performance was great too.
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🔪Sam Carpenter (Scream 5 and 6)🔪
Sam is another character that deserves more attention and respect than before, partially thanks to her actress.
Aside her rough past and learning the dark truth about her family, Sam cares about the people she loves and isn't afraid to fight for them, even fighting her own personal demons just to do so.
Melissa Barrera is a underrated actress, though Her performance in part 5 was good, I think she was just basically outperformed by everyone else, and it didn't help that she was getting bullied and criticize by bunch of toxic fans.
Scream 6 gave Sam justice and proves that she's a badass final girl, especially thanks to the crew and cast of the films who care and was there for her but thanks to a certain company that fire her for doing the right thing, what's the point of even watching Scream 7 without her and the core four but the good thing is at least it gave her and Sam a bittersweet ending.
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🐝Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)🐝
This one is a completely personal rant, I used to be a fan Miraculous. But after watching the season 3 finale, I feel like the magic of the show just basically disappeared, and seasons 4 and 5 was a huge sign that the show fully gone off the rails.
I remember hating Chloe in the first season and I'm pretty sure everyone else felt the same feeling too, but season 2 actually did the the most surprising thing, actually gave her some character development.
It might be baby steps but still development, she might have been spoiled and selfish sometimes but they actually do show that she has flaws.
Malediktator was one of the best episodes of season 2, they were able to showcase Chloe's vulnerability and it prove that she can change and still be a useful ally like the other miraculous holders.
She protected her friend from getting akumatized again, she almost got Mayura's miraculous, and heck, She literally defied Hawkmoth's control, unlike the other akumatized victims, that is basically spells hero-worthy.
But of course as always, Thomas is just too spiteful and that thinks that Chloe is not just worthy and replaced her with a bland, forgettable and useless character who only exists just because she is "better" than Chloe.
It's honestly just pathetic that her corrupt father who spoils her and the literal villain of the show, who done some horrible and awful things get a redemption arc, but a literal misunderstood child doesn't, it just proves that the writer's room just don't even know how to handle character development nor redemption arcs.
It's even more sad that the film actually treats Chloe better than the show does.
The truth is whether do you like or don't like Chloe, it's possible that she can change, it's just that Thomas is the actual problem of the show, I hope one day somehow Chloe might actually get a actual chance to shine as a character again but maybe in the future it could still could happen.
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reginrokkr · 2 years
𝐗𝐋𝐕. Dain's corruption— a direct link to Irminsul's sickness.
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Until now, I thought that those people who became what we know as Abyss Order creatures —mages, heralds, lectors— did so involuntarily (and that later on would play in their favor as to not become unintelligent like hilichurls), all due to the negative feelings that we know Marana festers on as seen with Dvalin to put an example. However, after doing a particular quest in Sumeru I’ve come to the realization that these people are followers of King Irmin’s wish of plunging the whole world under Celestia into this desolate, land of death because it’s confirmed that the Abyss Order wants Marana to be a thing and spread everywhere.
So for this reason and following the premise that Dain doesn’t want to become like them (watching him being offended by the Abyss Herald in We Will Be Reunited is enough prove on that regard), I’ll do a small change in his background related to how he reached to the state of decay he’s in:
→ Before, I’ve established that Irminsul was the one saving Dain from being on the brink to corruption due to all the negative feelings he was having at the moment for multiple reasons. Nonetheless, with time I’ve been implementing more that the two of them have been strengthening their connection throughout the years, so the relevance of their ties wouldn’t be lost. In turn, he would have no trace of decay / corruption whatsoever on his body even after Khaenri’ah’s fall. This will become a gradual thing just as the illness Irminsul harbors due to Marana increases in gravity, so will Dain because his consciousness is directly tied to the sacred tree. Likewise, Ley Lines will slowly appear on the right part of his body as the decay increases in his body as a result of this as a countermeasure of Irminsul to keep Dain sane for as long as possible and in hopes that he, unlike Greater Lord Rhukkadevata before him, won’t lose it to Marana.
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priestvox · 26 days
So there was some discourse (idk if a while ago or recently, since I have autism and live under a rock) about Alastor's symbols being voodoo related, voodoo being closed off or ancestry based or smth and Alastor looking just too white
What if he wasn't white while alive?
Think about it
Alastor is a mama's boy, and in most of his mom's portrayals (not canon, yet still), it was his mom who was black
If he was mixed, he would have to endure the racism (it was the early 20th century after all), but he could see it as a sort of memorabilia, a reminder of his mother's side of the family tree.
And Hell is known to take aspects of people they would rather stay hidden and make it their whole thing or even making up new things to torture its inhabitants with (examples including Alastor being a deer and Husk having to fight his cat instincts)
You see where this is going?
Hell could've made him white to take away something he spent his entire life with, his ball and chain that he was proud of, and left him there, white and definetely passing
We can't also forget that as a white man who died in 1933 (to my knowledge), sinners and hellborns alike would probably assume him to be racist, even though he's the furthest from that
Imagine a jackass sinner making a black people joke, and Alastor either murdering him or having to fight the urge to do so.
It's just an elaborate form of torture
But, isn't Hell all about that?
Now, onto topic 2
His fuckass bob
As stated with point 1, I think it was part of his whole punishment ordeal
I think he had curly hair while alive and his mom helped him style it.
As in Smol Child™ Alastor sitting on a stool or smth and his mom combing his hair, sharing stories or listening to him retelling his day
His hair might've been a nightmare to maintain, but it was his, and it brought back fond memories
But now, in Hell, he is stuck with the most fuckass bob and criminal undercut ever known to humankind, and he probably lowkey hated it
Now, another Alastor's Hair headcanon that I have is that he can't change it
He tries to braid it?
Next day it's back to being fuckass and whatever he used to keep the braids in place is gone
He tries to cut it?
It regrows during the night
He literally burns his hair off?
Fine and fuckass in the morning
Whatever he does, that hairstyle won't leave him alone and he hates it
But he can't do anything
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, stealing headcanons heavily encouraged
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pendarling · 4 months
The Town Theatre
Hero had to keep themselves level-headed as they watched the portrayal of their hero persona up on stage. They didn't think the town would actually take it this far, considering they were the only hero to save the citizens from Villain. Clearly, it didn't deter the townsfolk from writing a reconstruction of the events they saw into a play.
So when Hero sat down excited to view the story from the citizen's perspective, their jaw could not drop any lower.
"Oh, Villain, I know our love can't be understood," the actor that played them leaned up against the supposed version of Villain, their faces only mere centimetres apart. "But I'll do anything to be with you."
"I don't care, my love. They won't stop us."
Hero internally cringed, but looking around them, the audience silently watched with awe. Was this honestly how they saw Villain and them whenever they fought? Or were they so blinded by fantasy that it blurred the lines for them?
Hero would never act like this in a million years. Sure, there was occasional banter, but never to a romantic degree.
The crowd clapped as soon as the actors on stage kissed. They wanted to leave so badly, but curiosity kept them seated. They paid good money for their seat, and they would not waste it just not to see this through. Their hand went up to their mouth as the show kept going. They might have to barf sooner rather than later.
Hero had to wonder, however, if they could even make their appearances the same again; knowing what they know now, their interactions with Villain would have to change by force. It was the only way to stop people from making further assumptions about their relations. Besides, this was supposed to be a strictly work-related exchange, nothing beyond it.
As the play progressed, it kept getting worse. Eventually, Hero opted for a break; maybe a walk outside would do the trick. They stood from the chair and walked up the aisle to the double doors. By the time they had gotten out, the sun had just started to set.
They sat on the sidewalk's edge and stared into the sky, reeling from the dramatic play.
What were they even supposed to make of it?
"Crazy people…" They slowly shook their head in disbelief and numbly began walking back home. They would likely never recover from this again and probably refrain from fighting Villain in public spaces any longer. The risks were too high, and they didn't need the distraction.
It hadn't even been three minutes until the loud ringing of their phone went off, and as they checked their phone, it alerted them to a nearby police station in trouble. Hero worked with the police force, so for them to warn Hero directly meant trouble was up, and by the look of the locations, it was directly behind the theatre they left.
"Are you serious?" They mumbled and tapped on the screen. Villain was up to no good again and, as usual, had made their grand entrance by blowing up an entire row of police vehicles. Hero wasn't sure why Villain did the things that they did. Maybe it was for a form of satisfaction; the majority of the issues they've been causing were pointless and never led up to anything more remarkable than it.
Hero reflected on the chances of being caught out in the public's view again, especially after promising themselves a change of pace. They couldn't mull on it any longer, though; it was better to deal with it now and confront Villain about their actions. Hero spun on their heels and turned back around; whether they would be embarrassed or not was out of the question.
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weirdworldofwinnie · 8 months
A Darling Distraction
Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer x Female Wife Reader NSFW 18+ only Oneshot
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(Mood board by Selene Shelby @forgottenpeakywriter, this fic is especially for you, so I hope you enjoy! Thanks for the initial idea and support💕)
Summary: Robert's been married to you for a while and now in Los Alamos, after the last few years of hard work and a 'successful' Trinity Test, he desperately needs something he won't admit: his wife in pink satin lingerie and sexual stress relief.
Word Count: ~3,703
Warnings: Smut, unprotected and oral sex both ways, light daddy kink + breeding kink, some angst, mention of infidelity, period stereotypical gender roles, unspecified age gap (less than 10 years)
Disclaimer: Obviously NOT historically accurate to real life and is inspired by Cillian Murphy's portrayal of Oppenheimer in the film. It isn't supposed to be in total support and a complete reflection of the man's character, only my interpretation. Scroll away and DNI if you are uncomfortable or take issue with this; it is primarily for entertainment purposes only and it is just fantasy/fiction!
This is strictly a one shot story, no more will be added to it. If you want to read other Cillian!Oppenheimer fanfiction, check out my Masterlist
Tags: @happysparklingshadows (@forgottenpeakywriter wanted me to tag you), @frozenhuntress67, @immyowndefender, @szde8-blog, @bypurple, @irenethewoman, @noirrose21-blog, @gridmouse86
It had been less than 24 hours since the denotation of the gadget and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer's eyes had been engulfed in fire; the aftermath of a hot white flash as bright as a hundred suns blowing out his pupils, followed by a colorful mushrooming cloud that was somehow simultaneously beautiful and horrific. Between the hours before and after Trinity, he had thought of Jean and her influential poetry, and you of course, but now the bomb had become him and only that one vision filled his mind, haunting him.
All day he had been at the lab and offices, but mostly at the main mess hall celebrations that flowed with chatter and too many drinks shared amongst the military and scientists alike whom many believed had been witness to a great success, a miracle, but also the worst of humanity had just been born into creation. Oppenheimer had become what he supposed he had been destined to be all along: Prometheus, doomed to bring great power and advancement to humanity at a steep cost. He was the destroyer of worlds, but not technically yet, and that was the worst of it. The early morning test was exactly that; a trial, a preview of what was to manifest, and very soon would the world get to see such power he had helped birth. He desired peace, but the trick was he was only attaining that through warfare like never before. The stress was far from over and he was afraid to become a nervous wreck by the end of the decade with all these dark pervasive thoughts and doubts. Depression was nigh on the back of pressuring anxiety and there was no way anything would ever be the same again. He had changed, the world had changed, seamlessly overnight.
As he clumsily unlocked the front door to his home with slightly shaking fingers and stumbled inside, reaching up to remove his porkpie hat and hang it up on the coatrack, he called out your name hoarsely. After a beat of listening and there was no response, he sighed... Maybe you'd already gone to bed or were tucking in the children, whatever it was he didn't know and didn't care because he was too wrapped up in his own emotions. He felt ecstatic that all the hard work had come to fruition and they cemented history, but he was also at a paradoxical point of great accomplishment and great moral failure; the duality of man. But most importantly: it worked. Now what they would do with it was another matter he couldn't quit thinking about.
He reflexively twitched for a cigarette in his shirt pocket, but he was empty, so he walked to the bedroom single mindedly and fumbled for a box in the side table, yanking out the drawer and shifting through to pick up a pack of Chesterfield's.
He jumped, spinning around with a huff and hand on his hip to see you standing in the shadows of the entryway and draped in a pink robe snug around your frame and he noticed your feet were bare as if you'd just been dressing.
"Y/N, I thought you were... Are the children in bed?"
"An hour ago, they were fussy and very insistent with missing Daddy, but once I read to them they finally settled down. You've been absent all day because of the test, what made you actually come home?"
He shook his head, finding relief and refuge in taking a long drag on the cigarette and blowing the smoke out, gesturing at you with the butt of it.
"You brought in the sheets like I told you to?"
"Of course, I knew."
He moved to the edge of the bed and sat down heavily, rubbing his forehead and you noticed the tiredness he exuded for a man who usually was so attentive with higher energy levels, and how sunken in and sad his wide ocean eyes were. These past few years had taken a tremendous toll on his wellbeing more than ever... His jutting cheekbones and general gauntness were more pronounced with the unhealthy loss of weight and crinkles of wrinkles were all he truly kept gaining in eventual amounts; crow's feet, forehead lines, nasolabial folds, and etches under his eyes. His dark hair, kept meticulously cut short, was greying at the sides. Even his teeth, if inspected closely, were on a fast track to faintly showing signs of aging decay from all the smoking and drinking he did on a daily basis.
Robert was not the picture, nor rarely the temperament, of boyish youth you remembered from Berkeley.
Truthfully, you and him hadn't had proper sex in many months; it just wasn't very desirable or convenient between his never ending work that created distance between him and anyone who wasn't a scientist, the continuing socializing and parties with many other faces in town, and you personally spending days cleaning up and minding after little (often crying) children who did not have a clue of what their parents were doing out in the middle of the New Mexico desert surrounded by barbed wire fencing and uniformed men always patrolling. Life here was anything but boring, but the bedroom sure had become so. More often than not, Robert couldn't sleep soundly while you kept to your designated side of the bed and tried to ignore his tossing and turnings until eventually he doped himself up on sleeping pills to cope. He also hadn't been the same since the news of Jean Tatlock's passing and you highly suspected - no, knew - he had an affair during his trip to California once he had his security clearance approved. Of course it upset you he could be so idiotic and unfaithful, yet it wasn't shocking given his womanizing track record, but what made you more concerned was knowing how psychologically troubled Jean had been and if Robert thought he could offer her some consolation, he may have just made it worse and partly done her in. If he blamed himself for her death, you couldn't imagine carrying around that kind of guilt in addition to what he spent his time creating to end the war.
He stood now, restless, and began to pace an invisible groove into the flooring as he continually smoked and muttered to himself. You drifted away into the bathroom and shut the door, shrugging off your robe to the floor. You were completely nude underneath, coming off of a fresh bath and you had spritzed yourself with the best perfume you owned, hoping to surprise Robert, but something was clearly missing here.
Yes, and you know obviously what it is. It's his happiness, the spontaneousness that he has lost ever since he ran those calculations and went to Albert Einstein about a chain reaction igniting the atmosphere and blowing us all to bits. It was less than 0.1% chance, but it reminded him of the bigger issue... creating such a weapon with the power to destroy oneself was mighty weighty on any half decent man's conscience and even a rotten one's, for he too would be annihilated in the process if ever taken far enough. Everything these days was pure existential dread, no doubt about that, and no wonder Robert wasn't in the mood for love. His heart was being drained of it daily and you wanted to help, to fill him again even if just for once. It was difficult to watch him continually self-destruct and negatively affect those around him.
So you plucked up the ready matching pink folded satin lingerie he'd gifted you for the fifth wedding anniversary off the countertop and slipped into it, banking on the fact that it made you look sexually irresistible... And oh, it certainly did dial the appeal up to ten. You sauntered out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where Robert was now seated on the bed, nose deep in a book and paperwork, clearly engrossed and a permanent frown was driven into his skin between his sculpted eyebrows.
"I have something for you, love," you announced softly as you leaned in the doorway, letting your body be on full display in such a loose, risqué little number.
"Hmm?" he murmured distractedly, haphazardly fluttering pages.
"Are you even reading any of that?" you asked flatly and he accidentally dropped it to the floor, hands still quivering and he tried to get up, wavering on his feet as you watched him in a strange state of both nerves cracking and drunkenness. You ached to make him better and by golly, tonight you would even if you had to throw yourself at him.
"Robert, don't you want to look at me? I have a surprise on..."
"I should pick this up and go to bed with a pill," he said to only himself, bending over and scooping the paperwork and book into his arms before standing unsteadily and he turned his back, carelessly dumping the materials onto the side table. You quickly strode up behind him and slid an arm around his waist, fingers drumming on his metal belt buckle splashed with a tinge of turquoise design.
He froze as you wound a bare leg around one of his and he reached behind his back, brushing your scantily clad silky bottom, fingers gliding over the fabric and making you moisten.
"The lingerie, you're wearing it," he stated and you couldn't quite tell if he was delighted by this or not.
"So I am, I know it's been a while since you gifted me with it, so tonight I thought I'd finally return the favor after the amount of stress we've been under, especially you."
"You-you're proposing I need... oh no. No, I don't know if I'm, uh, ready-no, I don't know if I-I can, I mean do-handle it-" he stuttered out and you fought a laugh. Oppie the great improviser, the genius, the man always in control of the proverbial cockpit was ironically clearly not thinking all that straight tonight and for once in his life, absolutely tongue-tied. You may not have much power as a housewife (that earned psychology degree had been so far deemed useless once you moved with him and had children) in this godforsaken place, but you had this way of melting your husband to molten lava that no one else was capable of. His mouth utterly agape, you ran your hands around the leather of the belt and snaked another leg around his, squeezing gently into his side as you put your lips close to his ear, murmuring.
"You know that we both need it, so just let me work my magic like a good old fashioned whore..."
He bristled, catching your hand still fondling his belt and pushing away lightly.
"I would never refer to you as that," he said, completely unamused and perhaps with a veil of disgust too that you thought seemed unnecessary.
"What am I, then, just the stoic scientific director's wife who will be at your side when you receive a Nobel for your work in stopping the world from global conflict with explosions and implosions?"
His sharp jaw clenched and in one swift motion, he abruptly fell over sideways onto the bed and you startled, leaning over and gripping at his shoulder, worried.
"Oh, Robert, are you sick? I was just being a bit sarcastic."
He closed his eyes, obviously in some sort of internal turmoil that didn't merit sharing fully.
"No, I just... We don't need to do this, not now, not when I'm having a pretty bad time. I'm fatigued, probably drunk, and I should talk to the General tomorrow about the schedule. I'll be wanting to fly to Washington soon; the President will be expecting a briefing and they need to determine the exact target and then once it's all over we'll need to settle somewhere else and..."
He began to murmur anxiously about all the engagements he was expecting (postwar and not) and you shook your head, pushing down on his chest.
"But don't you want a distraction, a temporary all consuming joy for one night?" you pressed and he finally looked up at you, really gazed at you, and a genuine buttery smile spread across his mouth.
"Come here, my love," he whispered while tugging at the lingerie panty bow unsuccessfully and you clamored onto the bed beside him. He paused, licking his lips, and then spoke too briskly.
"We'll get straight to it and once I finish, it should help me sleep naturally better than those prescriptions."
You sat up, shoving him playfully and scowling.
"That has to be the least sexist statement you've ever said to me in the bedroom. Don't you want a marathon, not a sprint? Enjoy me, Robert. That's what I'm really here for anyhow, your darling distraction."
He took this in, then rolled over on top of you, his hot alcohol and nicotine infused breath on your cheeks as he breathed heavily, and you made a cringing face.
"How many drinks have you had today? You smell of a bar and I'm thinking you should rinse your mouth out before you get the luxury of having me."
"You do, hm? I guess that's a command, Mrs. Oppenheimer," he smirked and sat up, shoving off to the bathroom and you went to go put on a record on the turntable in the living room. The classical music crackled through and you walked back to the bedroom, laying into a seductive position onto the bed, one leg propped up with a bent knee and your arm draped across the headboard.
When he came back, his eyes widened at the sight of you as though it was finally registering and he wet his lips again, unapologetically hungry. He moved to the bed, shrugging his suit jacket off to drop to the floor, taking off his black tie, and mindlessly undoing the buttons on his white shirt. That was quickly discarded as you waited for him to remove his socks and shoes, pretending to be impatient by switching position to cross your legs and checking your manicure.
"Hurry up, Oppie, I have a time limit here."
He shook his head disapprovingly, kicking the shoes under the bed and whipping off his belt, tossing it to the floor with a clunk before wrestling out of his trousers and you stared at his boxer clad skinny frame, the cock not even engaged yet... Looks like he's making you do all the work again. A petulant sigh escaped when you rolled your eyes and he pointed a finger, chastising.
"Patience, my love. Hasn't Daddy taught you anything at this point?"
You bit your lip as he leaned over and his bare chest collided with yours... You pulled him into an antsy kiss, mouths crushing each other needily and he tasted of tobacco and toothpaste, a strange combination, but better than before. You felt the slight sheen of cold water he had splashed on his skin transferring to yours and you gripped his neck, fingers splaying across the back of his head.
His own hands went to fondle your covered breasts and you pulled away from his kiss for a moment.
"You are divinely doll like in this, I love such feminine expression," he murmured in a kind of rapture.
"Shame it has to be stripped of me," you whispered with raised eyebrows.
"It's only garments, what really counts is here..." He suddenly squeezed both your breasts and you let out a spurt of high pitched noise, allowing him to remove the top, shimming it off your body in one motion and tossing it over his shoulder where the strap caught on the bedpost.
He thumbed over one nipple and then transferred to the other, teasing you to rock hard nubs. He moved to your panty, slipping it down and off to expose you, and you kicked it to the end of the bed. Then, in turn, you yanked down his underwear and his cock sprung out into your ready grip. You began to pump on it and getting him to a more erect state, rising up. He groaned lightly and you pulled the oozing tip to your mouth, parting lips and flicking your tongue out to carefully lick a strip along the length before taking head, making him grow stiffer and wetter by the minute. Your mouth popped of his length, swallowing, and he gripped your waist as he focused hard on you over his throbbing member.
"What do you want, my love? Do you want me?" he whispered huskily and you shivered in anticipated arousal.
"Yes, darling, I want you... I need you, you own me and I own you."
"Sounds like a fair arrangement," he breathed before crushing into you and began to rub, purely animalistic, all over your smooth body. His head burrowed down into your freshly shaved pussy just like how you and him liked it clean, licking at your folds and massaging your lower abdomen in a desperate frenzy. You dug nails into his hair, curling, and bucked your hips to meet his appetite when he slowly slithered on top. You groaned as you took him, all of him, and let his penis expand and stretch out your core to the fullest extent, clenching instinctively around the shaft as he thrust repeatedly until you were sent easily right over the edge in freefall.
"Mmm, Robert!" you squealed in ecstasy and he muffled you, hand slapping down over your mouth and shushing insistently.
"Shh, don't need to wake the children now. God knows they'll find Mommy and Daddy intimately together one of these days and be scarred for life at the sight." He chuckled as you whined behind his palm and grooved further at a pace you both knew very well. After years of marriage and sensual exploration, he knew all your sweet spots and sensitivities, when was too much, and yet it was taking all his self control not to completely plow you apart right now. His skin smacked against yours as he ground into you, hands everywhere at once and he peppered wet kisses all along your jaw to nape.
When his warm cum finally jetted into you, flooding in your cervix fully, you were unable to constrain a loud moan and he growled primally, his whole small frame shuddered through his own climax as you gripped his back, using his boney spine as placeholders for your fingers as he rocked further at a steady pace, not going to come out right away.
More orgasms came fast and one after the other, especially as you rolled over and he took his place beneath and you rode his cock in a fervor, letting the peak hit all over again and he watched in a dazed nirvana as you pleasured. When he finally pulled out from your used leaking hole, you could tell how satisfied he was having been able to hopefully successfully seed you and that signature smugness was so evident.
You laid panting at his side as he took up another smoke, struggling to keep his eyelids from closing and drifting off to sleep. You interweaved legs, soaking wet with combined fluids dripping onto the sheets, and he flit a free finger down to your soaked pussy, groping and nearly overstimulating you with another orgasm you didn't think could be as strong as the first. He grinned at the effect and cupped your mound with his palm, dominant of it as he spoke softly.
"Groves pointed out that I have no knowledge of birth control, which is true. By this rate, you'll be having yet another baby in nine months and I can only hope we are far from this current landscape and political climate then, never to return. You know, I'm hoping for another boy this time."
You sighed with a smile, rubbing your belly and his hand joined yours, rubbing circles over your navel.
"You make a wonderful mother," he commented in praise and you laughed lightly, bitterly, and glanced at him.
"I'm not perfect, I can barely hold it together these days when they're hungry, tired, and upset for no reason I can physically see at all... Sometimes I wish to wring their necks quite honestly. And you're very hardly the model father yourself when you are always away and hardly take care of them. I know the work is everything, but they need genuine paternal love more than your science to save them."
He shrugged, nonplussed, and then set his wispy cigarette to the ashtray before leaning his head against yours.
"We are probably horrible people, but I wouldn't have it any another way. To create life with you is more than I could selfishly do alone, for obvious reasons untold."
You laughed again at his dry humor and intertwined your body with his own, wishing you could crawl inside his skin and live in his bone structure. He was absolutely everything to you, even on bad days, and maybe his prestige and stability contributed to that, but there was real love underneath his flaws.
"Whatever you face, I'll be here to try to mitigate it," you whispered seriously and he nodded, appreciative.
"I trust you and I love you, Y/N. It won't get easier for me, for us, and I'm afraid the future may be as horrifying as I imagine it."
"That's why we have sex, to stave off the inevitable for a little while," you told him, tears pushing out and slipping down your cheeks. He caught one with his finger and wiped it clean off, staring at the translucent wet spot at the tip of his fingernail sadly. It wasn't unusual for you to weep after sex, but this felt different.
"Kiss me," he murmured and you leaned forward as he grabbed the back of your head and smooshed in, tongues writhing together for a few seconds before you both pulled away, breathing in the same air together.
"Tonight is good enough for me," he decided and you snuggled into his neck, closing your eyes to succumbing exhaustion.
In an uncertain frightening world full of variables, you vowed to be his one constant for life.
Thanks for reading 🖤
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 4 months
Imagine if reader was a big fan of this series/movie/show or smth, that they'd see and be an absolutely die hard fan about the whole thing about it whether the chars, plot, the story's style, you get the gist yknow
So ofc along with being die hard fan mode is obv indulging in its book, movie, musical, heck, even fanfics lmaoo
Andddd when there recently was play adaptation of the story showing, reader would absolutely go fan girl mode for the starring actor/s about them and their performance/portrayal of their favorite character/s
so I'm wondering how a certain actor would react to this..
Yandere! Theatre actor x gn! Technical team! reader
What if: Reader is an otaku?
Oh god. I don't know a show that well to be that obsessed. Videogames, sure, but shows or books? Uh... Have a manhwa, I guess? Beware of the Villainess go.
SINCE the ending of the main fic had darling kidnapped, we'll change this one to where Ignatius hasn't done that yet.
Tumblr media
You were so intent on looking at your phone reading a chapter of your favorite manhwa, Beware of the Villainess. You heard it's going to have a play adaptation.
Sure, you don't know how that would work, but you know damn well you won't pass it for anything!
You don't really care for plays, but this is going to be an exception.
Especially as you pass by the panel where Nine, the male lead of the manhwa. You had a silly grin on your face as you looked at him.
A lot of people don't like the manhwa, cuz it's apparently boring, Melissa, the FL didn't have that much chemistry with Nine, etc.
You didn't care though. This is your comfort manhwa. So why would they care? You absolutely adore the characters, loved how strong Melissa is and is not a pushover, Yuri for breaking away from the stereotype of being a two faced bitch, and Nine for breaking away also from the stereotypical "cold and harsh" male lead.
This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's yours. And you're content.
As you read, your director painfully jabbed your side, making you sharply intake a breath.
"What the f... Oh." You flinched from your director's pointed look as he pointed at the stage where the actors are waiting for the lights to go out. "Sorry..."
The director rolled his eyes (unaware of somebody's gaze that was about to kill him on the spot) before berating you.
"Pay attention! We're literally on the last week of our rehearsals! You better keep your phone..." Your director grabbed your phone away from you, making you yelp in surprise. "... Away from you!"
You pouted, suddenly feeling sad before paying attention to the technicals in front of you, turning off the lights.
The scuttling of feet on the stage were heard as you put your chin on your hand, and your free hand on the lever to turn on the lights on a dim.
Hours later, when rehearsals are done, you stretched your body and snatched your phone away from the director.
Giddily hopping away, you got to one of the seats on the theater and snuggled up. For the next rehearsal set, you were not needed since all they had to practice was lines. So, more time for you to read.
As you scrolled down on a forum about the play for BOTV, you felt a presence beside you and you flinched again, not expecting company.
When you looked up, you were surprised to see the genius of the troupe.
"Oh, Ignatius." You were baffled. "Uh, hi."
Ignatius smiled calmly. His eyes didn't express that much, that's for sure. It was almost eerie how he's always so calculated. He's talented, and fools everyone with this main persona of his. But you know that he's more to it. That he's actually quite the--
"You got in trouble?" He asked in a light, amused tone. "That's new. What happened?"
You flushed red. "Ah, uh... Well, I was reading this."
You raised your phone, showing the forum you're reading.
"Well, there's this manhwa... I mean, like it's a webcomic? A Korean webcomic. It's named Beware of the Villainess and it's having like a play adaptation. It's like my favorite manhwa ever and it's so mindblowing that... Uh... Sorry."
You slowed down from babbling about BOTV when you realized you were rambling to Ignatius of all people.
But he looked like he didn't mind.
He really didn't. He knows all about your obsession with it after all. Even getting irrationally jealous of Nine.
"I know right! It's amazing. I've been reading it too! But it's kind of weird. I mean how are they going to do it? But it's quite nice to see such a cute manhwa getting a play adaptation of all things!" Ignatius started to ramble too, making you gasp in the sudden newfound camaraderie. "But it's in Broadway. It's really hard to get an audition..."
Ignatius jolted, realizing he let that slip out. "I mean.. I wasn't thinking of auditioning..."
You, in your buzzed high, held his hands tightly with a sparkle on your eye. "Yes! Audition please! You would do an amazing Nine!" You were practically beaming from the news.
Ever since you heard Ignatius being interested in the same thing as you do, you forgot that he's fake, and all you could think about is that you found a shared interest with the troupe's star.
Ignatius heart almost stopped. You were so close to the point that he can smell your scent. It smelled heavenly, and his shocked face almost cracked and slipped. His resolve dissolving as fast as salt on hot water.
"Y-yeah? You think so?" His voice, breathy and light, felt so distant from your happy ones.
"Yeah! I know you could! You're really insanely talented!" You grinned, before standing up to gush more. "You're like really handsome too, and has this air the same as Nine, so yeah! You will pass it!"
Ignatius, for the first time, clammed up from the compliments. And it's coming from you too.
"I-I will audition then! Sure, why not." Ignatius smiled, heart pounding. "I'll do it."
Then maybe you'll idolize me like those others.
He watches you gush and excitedly bounce in place.
Put your attention on me. More. More of it.
He clenches his fist.
He has to land that role. No matter what.
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hood-ex · 5 months
Your post about that dialogue from Gotham Knights (the game) made me think back on how much I miss Bruce and Dick's relationship tbh. Like obv it was never the healthiest thing ever, and Bruce was always emotionally constipated, but it always felt a little more... equal? Recently it's just felt so toxic, like Bruce will be an asshole, and Dick will be hurt by it but will still come back to him and will remove the burden of Bruce apologizing for anything from him. Like the scene between them in Nightwing 100, where Bruce is rightfully apologizing for his crap and Dick says he doesn't have to. I do like that scene (even if it was over the top), but that's not right. Like, no sir, he has a lot to apologize for lmao. But that's literally been their dynamic for so long. Whenever Bruce should be called out, Dick just forgives him and Bruce goes back to doing the same old shit again, and Dick forgives him again, and rinse and repeat.
Honestly, it feels like whoever wrote those scenes took a look at that one meme of Batman slapping Robin and said "hey, they like that, let's do that!" Like, you can't go a long time without Bruce hitting Dick. Because they think fans eat that shit up ig. They are so attached to their shock value Bruce and Dick fights and their image of brooding Bruce that they won't address their fucked-up relationship and won't change the status quo. We have gotten many scenes of them being great together and having sweet moments, but those all feel tainted by the rest of it. It's as recent as the amnesia arc where Bruce re-traumatized Dick and then didn't help him when he was living in his car and then pretty much emotionally manipulated him to become Nightwing again. Recent comics really have forgotten what Batman is about.
And it sucks, because Dick is my fave of all faves, but I also love the hell out of Bruce Wayne, and it's so sad to see him be reduced to this... only brooding, borderline abusive asshole. They won't let him grow or develop. I don't mind conflict, and I like that they have a complicated relationship. I didn't even mind Bruce punching Dick, because it's interesting. Once was fine, twice was fine, the same thing happening all the time without addressing it and with no change across years is kind of a problem. I'm only keeping up with the Nightwing run out of loyalty to my boy, but from what I've heard of the events that are happening outside of that, it seems that they are having issues again, and I'm waiting for the next Batman issue that features Nightwing to also feature another punch or something. It's always Bruce being coddled by the story and never being asked to make the step forward, it's always Dick that has to give in and make Bruce feels better about his flaws and free him of any responsibility for his actions even when it's time for Bruce to step up and grow up.
It's why I prefer the animated adaptations or the retellings. I think world's finest did a good job with their relationship, I feel like Robin: Year 1 from back in the day did too, and Young Justice animated for its many flaws has a solid dynamic between them. They still have a complicated relationship, but it isn't so dramatically awful. It allows for a more balanced and well-rounded portrayal of the character when you aren't pandering to some people by flanderizing the character ig. Anyway, sorry for ranting, you're like my fave Dick Grayson blog so I just wanted to share. Hope this wasn't a bother.
No yeah I hated that aspect of Nightwing #100. If TT wanted to do a scene like that, he should’ve built up a conflict between Dick and Bruce to give us some context as to some type of thing Bruce actually needed to apologize for. Then he could’ve had Bruce apologize, Dick accept the apology, and end it with that reconciliation.
Instead, he just had Bruce apologize like, “I’m sorry I failed you, I’m sorry I pushed you away, I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I wasn’t proud of you,” which would’ve hit much harder if, again, they had shown some kind of recent conflict between Bruce and Dick to warrant that sudden apology. And for Dick to then express his own hurt and such over said conflict. And then for them to come to some reconciliation. But yeah it’s very unsatisfying for Bruce to just list things he’s sorry for, and for Dick to hug him and just reassure Bruce. Like nooo let Bruce feel bad. Let Dick feel bad because of what Bruce did to him. Let Dick be angry. Let them both hurt. Then let them heal.
As for the amnesia arc, I feel like they really did a disservice to Bruce by not focusing enough on his trauma from the sniper incident. If they really stressed how much it traumatized him and then showed how his actions were effected by that (like giving him a dire need to have Dick return to normal bc otherwise it’s like Dick just died in his arms on that rooftop) then that is much more sad and compelling, and we can at least kind of see where Bruce is coming from by showing Dick the sniper video (though it would’ve been better if they just… hadn’t done that all).
If I had been writing that issue, I would’ve had it from Bruce’s POV where he would’ve constantly been in a state of flashbacks. Like seeing his parents getting killed and then comparing it to Dick getting shot. And then having flashbacks of Dick when he was younger but then Bruce imagining that Dick keeps getting shot in the head in each of those memories. And all of that literally just like… pushing Bruce over the edge. And then of course when Dick wakes up and asks Bruce “Who are you?” Bruce spirals even further. And we see his descent to this very isolated and dark place where he just wants his son back at all costs. That would’ve been waaaaay more interesting. Extremely dark ofc. But interesting.
Yeah the comic Dick and Bruce relationship can definitely be toxic (and I’m not totally opposed to that bc I think it makes things interesting between them), and there are animated shows that show them in a more balanced light. The Batman (2004) is one of those shows as well. Dick was Robin then ofc, and Bruce wasn’t so dark at that point in life. But when you watch shows like that, it reminds you of the character Bruce is supposed to be, and it reminds you of what you like the most about him. So definitely nice to watch shows like that sometimes to remind yourself of the Bruce Wayne that exists outside of modern comics.
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ecruvianfancontent · 18 days
How would Ford get kicked out instead of Stan?
So, a bit ago, @ckret2 posted an essay expressing frustration about the fandom portrayal of Filbrick. Filbrick is often characterized as violently and irredeemably abusive, whereas ckret2 cites some very convincing evidence that he was a well-meaning but authoritarian father - not a good dad, but not an evil person.
This discussion was prompted because ckret2 was considering an AU in which Ford never goes to college and ckret2 prefers the smallest possible change in AUs.
I wanted to link those posts because they have absolutely gotten me thinking about the subject. The following will make more sense if you've read that essay and this follow-up about Filbrick's regret over Stan's behavior. I accept the contents as canon for the purposes of this post.
(For completion's sake, the entire discussion was prompted by a Ford as a Trucker AU, but the following doesn't actually have anything to do with that.)
Let's make Ford the kind of person Filbrick would kick out of the house
Stan's eviction is the end result of many, many years of contention between Stan and Filbrick - an earnest last-ditch effort by a desperate father to get his delinquent son to shape up, and a decision he only made because he thought Stan was legitimately malicious. Most AUs in which Ford is kicked out instead of Stan will just rewrite the Science Fair scene so that Stan has more to lose than Ford. If we're talking "smallest possible change," though, I don't find that convincing. If Filbrick was an unpredictable maniac who's ready to ditch his kids at a moments notice? Yeah, fine, any small mistake by either one of them would work. But if Filbrick has been earnestly trying to be a good father, and just didn't feel like he was getting through? One mistake, even a big one, from his less troublesome son would be unlikely to prompt a disowning.
So, my question is: what "single small change" early in life would lead Stan and Ford to develop in a way that flipped Filbrick's expectations of them?
Personality traits and how they affect the relationships
Let's talk about Filbrick, Stanley, and Ford.
So, first of all: Filbrick wants is sons to be industrious, tough, honest, and hard-working. Those are the qualities that matter to him. He makes them box so that they'll be able to stand up for themselves and others. He fights with Stanley because Stanley is a thieving scam artist. He demands the kids be profitable and successful because that is a mark of success as an adult for him. If we assume that the twins were an unplanned pregnancy, then he also firmly believes in taking responsibility for your mistakes -- in owning up.
Stanley is a born liar. Like, even his playful and friendly interactions with his family involved good-natured lies. (He reminds me of one of my uncles, who was an avid prankster up until the time he went up against me, but that's a whole story that I won't get into here.) I think in order to be on Filbrick's good side, he'd have to prove that he was honest in his own way - for example, by defending people when it really mattered even at the expense of his own reputation, or by refusing to take advantage of someone who has wronged him. I don't think canon Stan would do either of those things for anyone except family, but canon Stan is also convinced that nothing he does will ever be good enough. His last, dying words were "I guess I was good for something." He never until that moment thought he was. We need to make sure that he earns some self-respect earlier in life.
Now we need to find a flaw in Ford to exacerbate to the scale Stan had in canon. This isn't really hard, honestly. Ford may have been the less troublesome kid in high school, but he is ruthlessly ambitious, and as an adult he will steal or destroy anything to get the results he wants. I think that the reason he was the less troublesome kid is because there really isn't a good way that a high schooler can be ambitious at the expense of the people around them on a scale that matters. The stakes are just too low. Maybe Ford put down his classmates to secure a win in a spelling bee or stole an answer key once or twice, but it's hard to imagine Filbrick caring about schoolkid drama. That said, if Ford did have an aspiration - a science project, for instance - that he became truly obsessed with, it's easy to imagine him stealing or breaking things to achieve it.
So, how would we make stealing and destroying things a pattern of behavior for Ford, instead of a single one-off mistake? And how would we make Stanley's good-heartedness and self-sacrificing nature something that is visible to his father and overwhelms his tendency to lie?
Oh, and one more thing:
The big fight didn't just happen because Ford lost something he wanted. The entire Tale of Two Stans is about two twins who are very close to each other when they're young drifting apart over time as their needs, ambitions, and hobbies begin to diverge.
How do we make this separation happen in a way that flips the script?
Ford as a more isolated kid
Ford has a one-track mind.
In order to make this alternate canon work, I want to isolate Stan and Ford from each other very quickly. Filbrick might not be violently abusive, but he does ignore the kids, and Ford is already isolated from his peers due to bullying and poor social skills. If Stan isn't spending all of his time with Ford, then Ford might become more and more withdrawn. I don't think he would even be unhappy! Maybe a little lonely, but he's a bright kid with varied interests, and he'd keep himself occupied. But he might get a little... unhinged.
My Ford sans Stan is a kid that gets into trouble. A lot of trouble. Way more trouble than parents should have to deal with.
He gets arrested for disassembling abandoned cars. He gets detention for melting things in the chemistry lab. He gets stitches and tetanus shots after climbing under bridges, or ends up in the burn ward because he stuck a fork in an outlet. (I knew multiple academically gifted children who did this, what is wrong with you guys.) He might make a weapon like a nail gun because he thinks it's cool, and while that wouldn't cause as many alarm bells in 1980 as in 2020, it gould get someone seriously hurt. And, moreover, no matter how many times he's yelled at or bailed out or suspended or has his privileges revoked, he just doesn't get it. He'll express genuine remorse every time, but Filbrick will stop believing him after a while because he never changes. He never changes because... well. Because he is incorrect about what's wrong.
This version of Ford is isolated from his peers and doesn't have his brother to entertain him, so he's extremely self-centered. He doesn't think about the consequences of his actions and he doesn't think about how they might affect others. Let's say he snuck into the chemistry lab after hours, did an experiment without adult supervision, and ended up catching a shelf on fire. When he is punished, he's contrite and apologetic. He earnest in his expression of grief. He feels horrible. You'll tell him what he did wrong, and he will say, "I know," and accept his punishment without complaint. But, if you were to actually ask him what he did wrong, the answer will be:
"I used the wrong solvent." Or, at best: "I wasn't careful enough."
Nothing about disrespect for property. Nothing about breaking the rules. Nothing that reflects the fact that he is a child using someone else's resources to try a dangerous experiment without permission or supervision.
I don't think the adults around him, least of all Filbrick, would notice the communication error. Filbrick isn't in the habit of asking young boys about their feelings. Even if they did notice it, I don't think they would handle it well; this is before modern mental health science, and it might actively frighten the adults around him to realize that he doesn't understand morality in the way the kids around him do.
I think that if we start with this version of Ford, it would be very, very easy for him to screw up so badly that Filbrick felt the need to kick him out.
Some ways we can reduce Stan's influence
Option One: Stan might actually be worse off.
Usually, these reverse AUs are about Stan being the golden child and Ford being the one who Filbrick has it out for. However, that doesn't necessarily have to happen in order for Ford to be the one who gets kicked out. If Stan gets caught (or framed) for a crime big enough to send him to juvie for a while, or for Filbrick to send him off to a reform school, Ford would be left alone for years - long enough for Ford to develop the habits I just described.
This AU would fit really well with the themes of canon, too. The show is about how, even though family has its ups and downs, we're better together than we are apart. If Stan is separated from Ford against his will, and the rest of the Pines live to regret it, we address that theme head-on.
In an AU where Stan goes to boarding school, juvie, or something like that, I personally think Stan would still love Ford dearly and do his best to support him. Ford would do his best to make his own way in the world after his falling out with his father, and Stan meets up with him whenever he can. They have their own lives but remain friends.
Option Two: The ever-so-beloved Sports Stan option! If Stan ends up in a successful hobby, it might keep him out of trouble enough to curb his more dishonest tendencies. If that's the case, Ford's isolation comes from Stan having more friends (teammates!), more extracurricular responsibilities, and possibly the kind of social life that keeps him busy during school hours. I figure that in this version, Stan might stand up for Ford getting bullied, and he would be listened to, because you don't fuck with the football team. That would leave Ford with neither friends nor enemies. Ford might hang out with the sports kids for a while, but it would be really awkward, since he's just Stan's brother and doesn't have much in common with these guys.
This version leaves Stan slightly less delinquent but otherwise the same as his canon counterpart. Sports keep him out of trouble, might get him a scholarship, but otherwise leave him pretty much intact.
My problem with both of these two options is that I feel like, for maximum effect, we need to isolate Ford in middle school or earlier - I think fifth grade would do it. Sports don't really get that serious until late middle school or high school, and it's hard for a ten-year-old to get in enough trouble to get sent away.
The sooner the twins begin to separate, the better for this narrative.
Option three: Boy Scouts (or something). In this version, Stanley doesn't just have a hobby he likes - he has a hobby that becomes a lifestyle. He joins a club or meets a mentor that has a profound impact on him as a person. This, I think, would be the biggest possible impact with the smallest possible change.
I'm going to use Boy Scouts as my example, even though I can't really imagine Stan joining a troop without Ford. Just know that this is a placeholder, and it could be anything: he might find a car repair shop with a kindly and avuncular war veteran mechanic, he might fall in with a volunteer group, et cetera. If we go with the boy scouts, though, here's what happens:
Stan is bored and frustrated and has too much energy as a prepubescent or barely pubescent kid. He ends up hanging out with some boy scouts, and they do things that he thinks are really cool. They're the first kids he meets who like boats as much as him, and they know all the rigging knots. Maybe one of them tells him all about how to take care of lizards, and that other kid knows how to light a fire using a flint.
He convinces his parents to let him join the troop. At first, he doesn't fit in at all. All of the other kids have been doing this since first grade, and he's bad at making friends. However, one of the troopmasters becomes a mentor to him: this man intentionally gives him attention, spends time with him, asks him about his interests, teaches him skills that he's missing, et cetera.
If you've ever been or known a young kid who didn't get enough attention and then, suddenly, met someone who made them feel included, you know what happens.
Stan would sell his soul for this guy.
Stan memorizes his handbook, he attends all the functions, he mentors the cubs, the whole shebang. I think Stan would have a blast, too. Boyscouts make up bullshit to tell the little kids constantly. They play pranks on each other and the troopmasters. They haze the new kids. The develop complex internal mythologies for their troops. They get up to all manner of ridiculous shenanigans, oftentimes with the help of knives, ropes and fire. Stan would love it.
By high school, he's working hard toward his Eagle Scout badge, and that means he isn't just attending troop functions. For those who have never been scouts, the whole program is supposed to be about leadership training. The Eagle Scout status is one you earn by doing a project of your own - usually some small but tangible improvement to your hometown, such as building some benches or making an improvement to a museum. So, in the Sports Stan version of events, Stan is busy because of regularly scheduled team sports; in the Scouts Stan version, he's spending a huge chunk of his own free time planning, fundraising for, and building his project.
But there's another thing at play here.
Boy Scouts have a strict code of honor. If Stan was a gung-ho boy scout, he would probably become exactly the kind of person Filbrick wants him to be.
And, well,
I think he'd also become judgemental as hell.
Yeah, he still loves his brother, but here Stan is living his best life and being a good citizen who contributes to society, while Ford's out there... drawing pictures of ghost he insists he saw? Reading about mermaids? Catching the chemistry lab on fire?
Like, seriously bro, you need to get a real hobby.
You know how by the end of high school, Ford was treating Stan as an immature and ignorant kid with no real aspirations who wasn't going to amount to anything in life? You know how Ford was so sickened by Stan's relative lack of ambition that he really believed that Stan would deliberately sabotage his science fair experiment just for a chance to hang out more?
Now imagine that reversed.
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dimonds456 · 29 days
Hey Dimonds, now that you are not making a second chance SU AU.
Does Spinel “pull a Bismuth”, because she’s afraid to Steven might “Abandon” her for Connie in the future.
Also because also the fact that it’s after pearl told everyone that Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond, (Spinel’s best friend who left her for 625 years). Causing Spinel to question her and Rose’s/Pink’s time together as “Friends”.
So it's been years, but if I remember correctly, what I meant by "pull a Bismuth" was that Spinel attacked Steven for a VERY similar reason Bismuth did. It's less that she believed that Steven was Pink Diamond, and more that the gemstone won't ever change. Iirc.
She poofed from heartbreak when she discovered that Rose and Pink were the same person.
See, part of her history is that Pink Diamond got her from the garden and brought her to Earth, which Spins was excited about. Rose realized that just convincing Spinel to join the Crystal Gems wasn't going to work, because she was literally MADE to be Pink's friend and would stick by her no matter what, so they devised a plan; Pink Diamond would become just as horrible and nasty as the CG propaganda made her out to be, while Rose Quartz then swoops in to save Spins.
This culminates in a meeting. Pink spends years ignoring Spinel no matter what, and eventually just banishes the gem from her court in front of everyone. Spinel runs into the trees, heartbroken, and poofs. Pearl finds her gem and brings her back to the Crystal Gems, where she decides to join them. Rose shows her unending kindness and support (though she was still kinda uncomfortable around the gem, now Spinel had WAY more friends, and so that made her easier to tolerate to Rose), and Spinel found a home there.
...So when she discovered that they were the same person, she had a crisis. Anger, rage, jealousy, betrayal, hurt, ALL of it built upon itself until she once again poofed from heartbreak. And when Steven and Pearl came back with Sapphire, she'd reformed into an appearance similar to canon Spinel's movie form.
She attacks Steven because she has it in her head that Steven isn't who he says he is, either. Maybe he's not Pink, but also maybe he is! Who knows! Since she's so good at PRETENDING anyway!
It takes Pearl explaining that Rose just wanted to help her, despite not really wanting to be her friend anymore, that pulls Spinel back down. She was still lied to, and she is allowed to be angry about that, but Rose didn't do it just to fuck with Spins' head or anything. Rose genuinely wanted Spinel to be in the Crystal Gems, and once she was, she found a good home. That's all Rose wanted.
In Future, Spinel still has a LOT of mixed feelings about her. She's come to realize she can still appreciate the good memories, but those bad memories are valid as well, and it's a good thing they aren't friends anymore, no matter the method. Their personalities didn't mix well, and that's okay. At least they were kind to each other. Spinel can appreciate that, even if she wished Rose would have just talked to her instead. But hey, that's just who Rose was. She kept secrets.
Part of my goal with ASC was to keep in line with Pink/Rose doing things she felt was right, but was just the wrong way to go about it. Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Sorta. She's a complex character, and I wanted to try and express that further in ASC. She realized she shouldn't have left Spinel in the garden and gets her, which is good! But then she lied to her several times, which was bad! It was "for her own good," sure, but who decides that? (quote, Miles Morales.)
I hope I did both Rose and Spinel justice in my portrayal of them. That was always a point of anxiety for me, especially people were SO quick to villainize Rose no matter what she did. She wasn't a villain, but she wasn't a perfect saint, either. She was, well. Human. Ironically enough.
OH OH BEFORE I FORGET. YES. Spinel acted that way towards Connie because she was afraid of Connie taking Steven from her, just like Greg took away Rose and the Diamonds took away the Crystal Gems. She's tired of loosing friends, and Rose's passing caused her to WAY overcorrect and hold them WAY too close. This is why, despite having rocky relationships with the other CGs in Season 1, she still clings to them. There's good memories. She cannot let them go.
I hope this makes sense lol
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oleander-nin · 10 months
Writing advice(hopefully)
advice under cut
Before you write something, flesh the ENTIRE thing out. I don't mean like kinda do a couple word summary, I mean write the basics before you write how the basics go together. You want to write about a picnic? Flesh out things they might say during it, what their bringing, who's making the food, etc etc.
Examples from my own writing doc for my most recent posted fic->
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As you can see, it's long, and tells me most of what I need. It's also not organized, and many things are misspelled or grammatically incorrect. This is because my main goal was to get a basic plan out, not to make it look pretty. I also had three slightly different ideas I could go with before deciding on which I wanted. The more you have down, the easier it will be. I also color code mine, but that's not necessary, it's just ease of use. I can explain my color coding if needed, but I won't until asked.
2. Write in chunks. Do you have that really specific scenario already planned out? Write it first. You can make the rest around it, but once you get at least that small bit out, the rest can come naturally.
3. Keep yourself occupied. I get bored easily if I'm just writing, so I have to be doing other things at the same time. Just make sure it's something simple so you don't get distracted. I personally use my cat as to keep my stimulated(?) enough to continue. You could mimic something like this by putting on music/shows in the background, or writing multiple fics at once.
4. Don't force yourself if you can. I know I said I do earlier, but that was mostly a joke. I write to deal with stress, so writing in itself calms me down. It's difficult to do something if I'm not perfectly in tune with it. If a request is proving to be difficult, or an idea isn't doin what you want, change it up a bit until it fits into the puzzle better. You'd rather have a changed fic than no fic.
5. Use prompt generators for ideas if you're stuck. I personally have a big tin of cookie fortunes and verbs/nouns so I pick two up and create a story around that. It helps get your brain going. And you can keep doing this until something sparks.
6. Stay as focused as you can. Close other tabs, keep your eyes on your writing, stuff like that. I know this may seem to conflict with the 'keeping yourself occupied' one, but you really have to find the right balance for you. For example, I can't have music playing, but I CAN talk to other people while I write. Play around until you find your zone.
7. Try not to edit as you go. It's okay to fix a word or two as needed, but once something takes over 5 minutes to fix, you should skip it and move on. Your main goal should be able to get it all down so you have something to edit eventually.
8. If you forget a word, don't dwell on it too much. Just put something as a safeholder(ie: Elephant, Jumanji, etc), highlight it, and move on. You can shoot a friend a text to help find the word, but don't stress if nothing matches what you're thinking of. You can figure it out after, or find a new word.
9. If you get stuck while writing, go back about three to five sentences and read it over. See if you can continue going, or find what you need to change. It doesn't have to be a huge change, it just has to be enough to get you going again. And if you can't figure it out? Skip it and write the rest and figure out the transition later.
10. Use references throughout you're writing. Whether it's on the world, injuries, dialogue, emotion portrayal, or anything in between, do research and find references. It can help make connections in your brain as well as make it easier to write. For many fanfics, if you look up the fandom's wiki, their personalities will be included in their character's article.
I think that's it for now, I might add more later. I really hope this make an inkling of sense, I got frustrated after Tumblr deleted half of what I wrote the first time around. Apologies for the rambles, I am neither good with words, neither with explaining myself in a coherent manner. If anyone needs/wants extra clarification, don't be shy to ask. And my sincerest apologies for not saying this in a reblog @itsyagurlchip, but it was starting to get long and I hate how you can't collapse reblogs so I put it here. If you need me to, I can copypaste and put it as a reblog.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Any thoughts on FCG's first commune with the Changebringer?
I think my initial frustrations with FCG are extremely well-documented, but I've been a huge fan of FCG exploring faith - as I've said elsewhere, for all this is a robot flipping a coin, it's genuinely one of the more thoughtful portrayals of how grappling with religion as an institution and a philosophy actually looks like. Like, for all FCG has professed so much belief, his first question is "are you real".
I've loved all the explorations of religion on Critical Role, to be honest, and have found that they've covered a wide range of experiences - but until this campaign, it's always fallen into two categories:
people who have been followers of a deity since childhood (Pike, Jester, Caduceus)
people who have been rescued by or made a promise to a deity for something incredibly important (Vax, Yasha, Fjord; to a lesser extent Vex and Scanlan; this is also where Deanna falls)
FCG is just here because they're exploring! They're here because they didn't know how to feel about the fact that they were, demonstrably, put on this planet as an assassin, and killed many of their friends, and the same person who told them about the Care and Culling also said "hey, change and reinvention and finding a different path are possible; I believe this utterly, and here is the token of my belief." He's not really asking for anything other than "is there someone out there who sees me as more than what I think I am." Honestly, while it frustrated me earlier that he had no source for his powers? It means that this is truly entirely coming from him. Like, I don't think it lessens the devotion of other characters that they have gained benefits or abilities from their gods or feel they owe them something. But it's also fascinating that FCG is not (for example) like Fjord, trying to find a way out of a bad deal, or like Vax, trying to save someone he loves, or like the characters who have had cleric powers reliant on their deities from such a young age that it is central to their identity. This is purely voluntary.
In some ways, it's the most realistic depiction of real-world religion because like...man, I don't know if anything's out there. I do not believe there is an old dude in the sky, and I think religion, when it is at its best, is a consolidation of a community-oriented philosophical and moral framework that we hang on a made-up anthropomorphic entity because abstract concepts are hard and concrete things are easy and ritual is grounding. I don't think I will be struck down by lightning if I eat bacon, and especially as someone who has something of a "do what feels right" approach to what practices I follow I in fact know I won't be struck down by lightning if I break some. And yeah, it's an arbitrary accident of birth and circumstance that I am the religion I am. But also, I don't get Guiding Bolt out of it, so it's a wash.
However, unlike me, or any of the many people who fall neither on the "I believe this utterly" or hard-line atheist scale but rather somewhere in the vast in-between, FCG worships a god we know is real and actually gets to ask them some questions. And when they do all they ask for is whether the Changebringer is real, and sees them, and what they can do, and that's an incredibly beautiful moment. Commune is one of those spells you can use to try to just get answers and none of this is about that. It's just about a connection. And particularly in the wake of what FCG has just witnessed, and the fact that the gods have withdrawn slightly, it says a lot that this worked.
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no-face-no-shame · 13 days
Ok. I said I will write some of my thoughts on Disco Elysium a few days ago, and I'm finally in the mood to do so, so here we go.
First things first - it's one of the most unique, incredible games I've ever played. It just feels different from anything else that I know. The world, the characters. It feels real. The worldbuilding is spectacular. As someone from a post-Soviet country, the atmosphere of the whole game hits too close to home. Even stupid things like architecture - I've seen it all before. I've seen these buildings, those streets. DE is the kind of game that will make you laugh until the full meaning reaches you, and then there is no laughter left.
Staying on the topic - the art style and animation blew my mind. The portraits are beautiful, painted in a very characteristic way. The animation of the game itself perfectly translates the atmosphere of the drawings into 3D. Extremely detailed backgrounds and locations, just a beauty overall.
Great soundtrack. The boat song made me cry. Literally. It just paralysed me. The whole OST is spectacular, but there is something so etheric about this particular track and its placement in the game.
There are no fully good people there. And I love it. I love how complex everyone is. It's one of the aspects that make DE feel so real. Everyone has some shit going on, everyone has some stupid opinions, everyone has fucked something up. Just as in real life. It doesn't make the characters any less sympathetic or likable. Quite the opposite - it makes them feel human in a very touching way.
Harry is a fascinating protagonist. He has so much good in him, and so much evil. It depends on how you play him - from the same background you can obtain such different people. Just like in real life, it's up to you to interpret his past and make a future out of it. Will Harry become bitter and hateful towards everyone? Will he start hating women and pouring his frustrations out on minorities? Or will he see the hope in the future and not give up on himself, letting the world welcome him back? The only chance for him is in love. Yes, you can choose the path of a hateful bigot who scares everyone. But this is how you get the weakest version of Harry. He can't build himself up, create a new himself out of violence and hatred. It only ruins him.
The way DE deals with the topic of addiction is one of the best takes I've seen in any media. The drugs will give you bonuses on checks, so you want to do more of them. Everything seems easier. Before you know, you take something before every check. And we're back at the beginning. I did my playthrough without taking anything, and I'm thankful for that. I like how especially alcoholism isn't shown in a profound, elegant way it is often in media. It's ugly, it's embarrassing, it reeks, it makes you stupid. Nothing elegant about it. Quite the opposite. It's a humiliation. No romanticising.
DE also has one of the best takes on politics I've seen recently. This is a very political game, it's one of the most important mechanics. To cover this topic more fairly, a separate post would be needed, but it's really refreshing to see such a complex portrayal of such a complex topic after being regularly exposed to, well, social media takes on politics. DE seems to be mocking all political fractions equally, however the reality quickly shows that they aren't the same.
Leftist Harry is the only one who has a chance to make some change - not only in his own life, but in the world around him as well. Yes, he's cheesy. Yes, he says stuff that sounds naive. But the thing is - he's right. The naive dreams about justice for the weak are right. It reminds me of that one quote, I can't recall the author, who says that children are naive in their belief that everything should be fair and that life should be good, and they are right in their belief. Things won't change immediately, especially not for Harry. But there is hope.
Centrist Harry never does anything and lets his life remain bad. Just as real life centrists, he sees harm, injustice and suffering, and is indifferent to them. But he's also indifferent to the good of the world. He's stuck in limbo which he will never leave.
Fascist Harry is a miserable rubbish that will probably die soon. He hates everything and everyone, and himself the most. There is no hope. The fascist route is the one where Harry gives up, collapses into the darkest chasms of his own mind. Everything is ugly, everything is violent, and the world will fall apart. Harry takes no pleasure in his views - they literally hurt him (by taking away his morality points), but he can't stop making himself and everyone around miserable.
Now, into the supernatural. I'd classify Disco Elysium as magical realism (one of my favourite literary genre.) Many times it reminded me of South American literature, with its smooth mixture of brutal reality and magic that's just right outside your grasp. There are so many moments in DE when you're wondering if something is actually happening, if this world is magical or not. And you never get the answer. Once again, spectacular worldbuilding and atmosphere.
The Pale is an intriguing, unique concept. A mixture of science and something supernatural. The End, Death, Freedom and Oppressor of the world. There are people who travel through it, yes, but they never come back the same. Some don't come back at all. The whole concept is linked to the side plot with the whole in the universe and the scientist woman. It was one of those parts of the game where I just sat in my chair and thought very deeply about not only the reality of DE, but also about ontology in the context of our world.
Dolores Dei and her becoming one with Dora in Harry's mind. What can I say. The dream was so eerie. I find it interesting that it happened towards the end of the game. "I will see you tomorrow, Harry." He’s not free from her. Will he ever be? The figurines won't win her back. Nothing will, because she's gone. The innocence and war criminal at the same time. The love of his life and his nemesis. With a crown on her forehead and an ugly suitcase in her hand.
I could talk about a million more things, but I think this post is already long enough. My final thought is - if you haven't played Disco Elysium, do it. It's one of those games you won't ever forget. I believe that there is a piece of it that detaches itself from the rest and buries somewhere deep within you, not allowing you to ever forget what you've seen.
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godae · 2 months
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                                             𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐎𝐑 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍?
                  Uncover the truth about Sonic's arch-rival... Shadow.
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Hello, & welcome to my writing roleplay blog, which if not already obvious, features the iconic anti-hero; Shadow the hedgehog. He is, technically, my first character I've ever written as. At the ripe, little age of eight years old. I usually wrote cringe fan fictions of he & I becoming friends (I was that kid.) & eventually transitioned to forum rp around twelve. Soon after, to Instagram between the ages of fourteen and eighteen... the, I brought him to Tumblr in late 2014. I apologize for such a wild introduction, Shadow is just a very near & dear character to me; with that being said, I do tend to pick apart what I portray him with. Even fan media of the franchise, were it to inspire me & give me room to expand Shadow's ever changing story!
I'd like it to be made apparent first & foremost, this is primarily a true-neutral ending Shadow the hedgehog. With a basis from Sonic Adventure 2, Battle & Heroes. His own game (ShTH 2005) is used primarily for his backstory & a rough guide to his decision making. I tend to write Shadow being selfish & siding with neither the heroes or villains of his story. He does everything for his own benefit, & disposes of anything that doesn't benefit him. However, I do have a small summary of a more villainesque route within my Carrd.
I am 100% alright with duplicates, as multiverse exists, & Shadow has dozens of imperfect android clones of himself walking around. This can be fun to play around in, so if you come across my blog, being a Shadow writer yourself, feel free to stop bye in my Dms & let me know if you'd like to create something together. <- Adding to this, I just ask you do not use any personalized headcanons I make up for Shadow to fit my own world & vision. I find that disrespectful & rude.
Due to Shadow's nature, along with the story molding him into who/what he is, some heavy topics will be featured here. Such as, but not limited to: Death, PTSD, Suicide mentions, heavy depression, descriptive blood/gore, mature language, artistic nudity & descriptive sexual encounters. <- Shadow is over 21 years of age, & an immortal being. However, anything sexual in nature will be reserved for people I am fully comfortable with, such as those who are my 'affiliates'. This offside mature jokes are alright to throw Shadow's way, although he will more than likely brush it off or find your character annoying.
More on mains/exclusives/affiliates: I do not partner with just anyone. I'm very particular about who I tend to have heavy association with, as I personally believe most do it to have a badge of popularity on their blogs rather than genuine connection between the writer & their blog Canon. I apologize if this seems like a wild reach & assumptions, this is from personal experience who used to actively participate in affiliations, etc. However, this doesn't mean I won't open up others outside my immediate friends.
Regarding relationships in the romance department: Shadow is multiship. I mention this briefly in my Carrd, despite this being my route for Shadow, he does have a canon romance with Yuri's Rouge the bat. While she is on indefinite hiatus with this character, her portrayal of Rouge & the story we've built with the two are going to remain. However, this will not apply to other Rouge blogs; Shadow sees those versions of Rouge as either a co-worker, or an enemy. Depending on how we collaborate on their interactions.. So, please do not worry about my headcanons or myself pressuring you into a romantic ship with my Shadow.
Regarding relationships in the romance department part ii: Every relationship would be heavily slow burned. Meaning, achieving such a status with Shadow can take months, to even over a year. Were each party invested enough - although, there will not always be a guarantee that Shadow catches feelings for your character, despite how long they're in a slow burn. Sometimes it doesn't work out, & that's okay. It doesn't mean anything, other than that our characters are incompatible. They can remain coworkers, frienemies, or acquaintances... Whichever the flow of things takes us, really. Please don't take it personal if it doesn't work out with Shadow- I assure you, it's not that deep.
A note on blocking/soft blocking/unfollowing: I don't just unfollow or softblock, I always out right block. I don't like being questioned on it, as my reasoning for doing so is such a long list. However, it's almost never personal... If I don't vibe with you anymore, don't enjoy your tone of speaking, overly aggro in your own guidelines pages, try to police people on how they write or what they write (i.e.; saying they should end their life over something fictional... yeah, no.) I will block, too, if you are overly dramatic, meaning, you like to stir the pot for no other reason than to do it & get clout. If you share callouts, or try to tell me who I can & can't talk to. I'm pro-free mind, as in not following the crowd on harassing someone over a callout. I block if you're a person who genuinely believes what media someone likes is a direct reflection on their own views & morals... grow up. I will also block, if I'm just simply not interested in your blog or character.
I think that's all, so here's a little bit about me: My name is Archeon, "Ark", 1995 is my birth year. I am a Polyamorous lesbian who uses primarily masculine pronouns, however I don't care much for what you refer to me to. I've been together with Yuri 6 years as of May 2024... She is my everything. My favorite color is red, my favorite Pokemon are Gengar & Umbreon. I also write a few characters, mostly known for Makima, Dame Aylin, Mei Raiden & Dante... Currently, I am casually re-learning & learning the following languages: Spanish, Japanese, Chinese & German, along with going through a weight loss journey - as of typing this, I'm 6 months in!
Special notes**     i.    I am against users who create art or feed writing/roleplay responses with the use of AI, or artificial intelligence. Please refer to this post for further info ->    ii.    blog psd: (c) | icon border/overall edits: me.
Thanks for checking out my links & reading this far, I look forward to writing & chatting together. & Please give this post a "like" just so I know this page was at least visited!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
can we have the brothers + diavolo reacting to deaf!mc? like when diavolo greets them for the first time here in devildom but mc cant hear him
Hey, anon! I don't know how long it has been, but finally I got time to write your request. I'm sorry you had to wait, I hope you enjoy!
the brothers and diavolo with a deaf mc
-> brothers and diavolo x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
important: while I have done research on this topic, I'm still not confident my portrayal is 100% accurate. If you notice anything 'wrong' with this post, let me know.
content warnings: feelings of being alone, mild violence mention
lucifer would know already if it was stated in your files
he also knows how to communicate through sign language, if that's your preferred way of communication, he's willing to use his ability whenever he can
if you ever feel isolated from others due to your condition, lucifer will take you to his room and pour you a nice cup of tea to calm you down
mammon isn't very educated on the topic and doesn't know sign language, but he tries to communicate with you in certain unique ways
for example, he has come up with certain expressions that mean something
also, mammon will talk to you by writing on paper, sadly his handwriting is either readable or messier than the average doctor handwriting
he thought you were ignoring him when you first met, he was speaking to you but you kept looking in another direction
when you explained you couldn't hear him, he felt ashamed and started going on one of his self-deprecation speaches, little did he know you could read lips
levi will try to learn sign language for you, but he keeps messing signs up in the beginning, still sweet of him to try
he knows how to do sign language, and he is lowkey glad he can use his skill now
honestly, you being deaf doesn't change much for him, you can still do all the same things as a hearing individual
he can still take you to cat cafès, or read books together
if some demon at rad dares to poke fun at you, they will face the wrath of satan
asmo doesn't know sign language, you two can still communicate through writing or you reading his lips, but he found that full on conversations were a little hard like that
so, he decided to learn it, like levi, he messed up a lot at first
eventually, asmo got tired of making a bunch of mistakes, he went home early frpm rad to study sign language until he got it down well enough
lucifer wasn't happy, but it was worth it
beel isn't very educated either
when you actually grow closer, he will get this desire to protect you since he's scared you might get hurt, so he'll kind of stick by your side a lot
it's sweet, but you can look after yourself perfectly fine, he apologises when you explain this to him
beel will also learn sign language for you
belphie is way too lazy to learn sign language at first, he figured he could just communicate through writing either way
but, when carrying a notepad became a pain, and he got more attached to you, he felt like he had to know how to use sign language
unlike his other brothers, belphie won't mess up a lot in the beginning, he's a fast learner
diavolo was confused on why you didn't seem to react to him at first, he forgot thd reason was in your files for a second
he doesn't know sign language himself, and writing everything out would take long, so he got lucifer the translator to help him out with welcoming you
during your stay, he will learn how to properly communicate with you, though
he likes you, and wants to know you well after all
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liyazaki · 2 years
well, I'm seething: right after singing the praises of the new Community Labels update, I added a mature label to my VegasPete love scene set to test it out.
within minutes, the post went from being in the tags- where it's been for months- to being flagged.
this is the example Tumblr gave in their own post (edit: they took. it. down. I-) in what kind of adult content was acceptable, as long as it's under a Mature label:
"a graphic 50 Shades of Grey edit."
you're telling me that VP's sex scene is more graphic than 50 Shades, which features whips, toys, tits & ass galore? I really don't want to go there, but based on a couple other flags myself & mutuals have gotten, it feels like a fair question to ask: are enthusiastic portrayals of sex only acceptable when they're hetero?
I could've left that post as it was, but I wanted to show my support for the change & out of consideration for my followers who maybe don't want to see spicier stuff.
at least for now, Community Labels seem to be a formal way for creators to volunteer content they'd like flagged & not much else.
also, this cracks me up (again, from Tumblr's own post):
What if I have a ton of posts with community labels? Like... all of my posts. Will I get in trouble? No, simply having a lot of posts with community labels won't get your blog terminated or anything like that. We may even thank you for diligently labeling your posts 💖 [I'm feeling very thanked, Tumblr!]
update: 45 minutes later & I already won the appeal, the post is supposedly findable & if I didn't have hellsite trust issues before, I sure as hell do now 🙃 moral of the story: label at your own risk.
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alpinefrsh · 3 months
What are your thoughts on C!Wilbur now? Anything changed?
I’m asking for reference because I’m honestly having a hard time figuring out what to think. I was never really attached to ccWilbur in the first place and what he did was absolutely shit so the decision to stop supporting him wasn’t hard. But dear lord the character he played was so well-crafted(again I don’t support him at all). I just really don’t know where to draw the line between the story and the writer, if that should influence my admiration for this really well-crafted character or if me still liking c!Wilbur counts as support to the creator.
(sub question: how is this gonna affect how you write the c! character in the future, if you write him at all?)
Support Shubble!🫶
Heads up, probably gonna get a bit long and ramble-y here, I haven't really gotten to think or talk about this much yet.
I'm still not entirely sure where I stand with c!Wilbur at this point in time- because on the one hand, whenever I see a drawing of Wilbur with a white streak in his hair I go "Ah, c!Wilbur" and don't feel particularly strongly about it. While the character and the streamer are unequivocally linked and I'd rather avoid writing about c!Wilbur in the future, they're still not the same person in my mind.
Yeah, I mean, I liked cc!Wilbur well enough before all of this- but my primary reason for watching him was definitely Tommy (didn't really watch many of his streams if Tommy wasn't also there kekw). I consider myself rather fortunate in that I've already gone through getting a little too dependent on a streamer for comfort who then turned out to be a really shitty person ages ago, so now I'm much more careful to keep a stronger degree of separation. No parasocial relationships here, thank you very much. Been there, done that.
I think the only person I would genuinely have some level of difficulty with dropping at this point is Tommy. Ooh, big shocker coming from the person who writes almost exclusively Tommyinnit-centric things, I know.
But yeah, back to Wilbur-- regarding c!Wilbur in fanfics, I unfortunately can't just remove the influence he's had over c!Tommy- just like I can't remove the impact c!Dream's had on c!Tommy's life. I also can't change c!Tommy's perspective of c!Wilbur, so at least regarding TomTurtles, Tommy's still going to mention Wilbur, and he's still going going to think of him his older brother and someone that he cares about.
However, as the writer, I will be far less merciful in how he's portrayed, regardless of c!Tommy's biased perspective (c!Wilbur isn't going to show up- that was never in the cards outside of a now scrapped idea for a non-canon fic in the series where c!Wilbur has actually been living in the same America as Tom and the turtles and they find each other again)
After I'm done writing the crossover series though, I don't think I'll be including him in anything else. Which is a shame only because it means I can't use c!Tommy.
Sure, most of my portrayals of Tommy will probably still draw heavily from c!Tommy but I probably won't be able to take him straight from dsmp anymore.
Upside to scrapping all of my ideas that included Wilbur- I can completely replace him with Technoblade AKA, more bedrock bros content \o/ (That being said, most of my fic ideas at this point in time are just various AUs getting Tommy to interact with the cast of rottmnt ahaha-)
All that is to say: While I ultimately view c!Wilbur and cc!WIlbur as different, the second I've finished writing this series, he will most likely never be mentioned or shown again in any of my fics after that. Might as well give any roles he might've played to someone more deserving.
And support Shubble, I'm so incredibly grateful that she decided to speak up about all this.
Thank you for the ask, I hope you have a nice rest of your night/day.
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