#time to make me some breakfast it is 4pm
phantomrose96 · 4 months
Okay I have a story.
So my birthday is this Sunday (May 26th). My mom ordered some presents for me but one of them (an Etsy purchase) was seemingly stuck in transit and might not make it on time. I tell my mom all good, no worries. She gets in contact with the seller. After a long delay in response they get back with "Right we'll fix it!" It ships, tracking label and everything, good to go! ETA May 22nd (yesterday.)
During the work day I check the tracking and it says it's been delivered in/at mailbox! I double check with my mom "hey, is it mailbox size?" because if not, I don't want it sitting at the front door where anyone walking by could snag it.
She says "it's definitely NOT mailbox size." Okay. I text my neighbors in the building "Anyone seen a package delivered? It's a birthday gift from my mom and I wanna make sure it gets inside!" Success! Floor 2 David (not to be confused with Floor 1 David) had brought it inside. Inform my mom. All good!
I stop by home briefly around 4pm, because yesterday was hot-hot and I just installed my window A/C that morning in the living room, and according to my cat cam my stupid cat hasn't spent a single second in the climate controlled living room and is, instead, voluntarily baking herself elsewhere so I'm like "great" and hop on my bike to go home (10 minute ride) to check on her.
I get in the building door. Patches is crying from the top floor because she heard me. I maneuver my bike in the front hall. The ugliest fucking 6-foot-tall cat tree(?)/totem(?)/statue(?) I've seen in my entire life is just. Standing there.
My first thought is "What the fuck is that." My second thought is "Oh fuck that is for me." I look around at the floor in case there's perhaps anything else that might, in fact, be the gift.
No. Me and Cat Pole.
It's taller than me. I turn it around to face me and its face is painted and this is, in fact, uglier than it looked from the back.
Patches is crying. So I just haul it up to my level. MAYBE it was supposed to come with twine that I wrap around it (and hide its face from the world) for Patches to scratch. Maybe this is a prank. Maybe this is an inside joke, because when my mom moved into her current house the neighborhood gifted her some ugly-as-hell totem that apparently, by tradition, each newest-comer to the neighborhood is required to have and display in their window so maybe this is a very good riff on that.
Patches rubs against it. She's not afraid of this horrid facsimile of her kind.
Meanwhile SHE'S fine and the condo is a little toasty but totally liveable so I'm like "Good, cool, you're not baking. You're having a good time. Enjoy your new sister, I guess, I'll see you later."
I go back to work because this is a problem for later me.
After work, after my run, after whatever, I get home and it's like 8:00pm and Patches is so happy to see me and the totem pole is still just. There.
I text my friends like "so a bday gift is here from my mom and it's the Biggest Ugliest cat pole I've seen in my life. Is this a bit? Did my mom go 'that's so ugly haha! send!' Maybe she genuinely found it cute. How do I navigate this." My friend Sarah has the good advice to maybe text my mom neutrally like "Got the cat pole!" and feel the waters whether my mom is like "Isn't it ugly? 😂" or "Hope Patches likes it! 🥰"
My mom goes to bed early so I don't do any of that yet. Problem for tomorrow me.
This morning, Patches wakes me up for breakfast. I get her situated and I'm staring at the fucking Cat Pole again. I wonder if my Mom's been wondering all night what I thought of it.
I take a picture. I text her.
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I get on call with my mom. I ask for clarity that the ungodly horrid thing is NOT my birthday gift and is in fact a mix-up from the seller who sent me this instead of my actual gift. She's wheezing between words. She thinks I'm being too charitable for the amount of Absolute Fucking Ugly this is. I have to gently talk her out of using the word "monstrosity" while messaging the seller asking what the hell happened here.
I tell her I need to apologize for harming her dignity with Floor 2 David, who thinks this fucking thing is my mom's idea of a great birthday gift for her to-be-28-year-old daughter.
My heart goes out to the poor soul who did actually order this cat totem and is lacking it on this lovely day.
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medstudentblues · 7 months
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Happy saturday!
It’s our last weekend break (the last golden period). I worked out this morning which was gorgeous, then I went to a cafe to have breakfast, read a book, and journal. I also bought flowers for my kitchen because they looked and smelled so good this may be a weekly thing now.
An update recently.
ER was just a waste of time because there wasn't much responsibility put on us. They just thought, "Hey, let's make the kids go in," but our roles in the ER has been unclear so basically we did nothing other than saved (we did CPR and such) and monitored some of the patients.
Now we are in Psychiatry, where we take care of our mental health. Our duty is only from 8am-4pm, everyone's nice -- the residents and nurses, and we see some interesting cases (Schizophrenic patients, bipolar people in their manic phase, and so on). I'm actually a little sad that the rotation is ending next week and we'll start our Surgery rotation because in Psychiatry, there's life-work balance. People are good at listening. People know that mental health is important, and Doctors can sometimes feel things too and go through some difficulty in life. It's still not challenging for me like IM (internal medicine), but my rotation in Psychiatry has made me insightful without realizing it. The past few months had been a roller coaster because we were in IM. Our adrenaline was always on peak, but we were also mostly tired and we took the toxicness as a challenge and therefore, we enjoyed the past rotation. It is only in Psychiatry that we are finally slowing down. We are finally able to process our emotions, our mental and emotional state, where we stand, etc. Even if we didn't have our break in ER rotation, perhaps this slowness in Psychiatry rotation is just what we needed.
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danieyells · 4 months
hi there,
thank you so much for all the voicelines you post !! if it’s okay, can i request subaru’s ?
thank you again !
You're welcome! At some point I might go back and put in the ones I leave out because they don't appeal to me as much lol but since i always end up posting 99% of them anyway I think it's enough for most people hahaha. It's all of them now! Sorry for the delay.
I WAS GONNA OMIT ONE OR TWO BECAUSE OF SPOILERS but eh i'll just warm for like. extra spoilers. since after doing more code peeking it wasn't the spoiler i thought it was. SUBARU IS A SWEETIE THOUGH. I also read Subaru's chats which were put in the code recently and. Man this guy needs anxiety meds. I have a small guess as to what his stigma is, but we'll learn in a few days anyway.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting. It's wonderful to see you again."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"It looks like there's a notice for you. I'd be happy to go pick it up for you if you've got your hands full. Oh, forgive me if I'm overstepping."
oh no he's anxious about helping--
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I really am so lucky to be surrounded by so many kind people like you."
"I never thought I'd get the chance to enjoy the lifestyle of a student until I came to Darkwick. Every day truly is fulfilling here."
it feels like subaru is like. . .the only one who actually enjoys school life here. . .or who really enjoys being here period lmao. . . .
"You think I'm always smiling? Ha ha, I hear that a lot. It just happens when I'm around all of you."
"I may be the captain, but it's just in name. I think Haku is much better suited for the job than me."
"I've been working since I was four, so people often said I was mature for my age. But the truth is, I've still got a lot to learn."
that makes two characters whose parents have essentially been keeping them from normal life and normal childhood for work reasons since they were four year olds. . . .
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"I tend to just have hot water for breakfast. I know it would be better for me to eat a proper meal, but it's just so much effort."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm sorry I'm so late. The campus is so crowded I can never manage to walk in a straight line, so it always takes me longer than I think. Silly, isn't it?"
baby you're hardly the first person i've met with anxiety about crowds. you're fine.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What would I do without Haku's help? Hotarubi would be a mess without him."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I wonder if I should apply early to take out any common artifacts I might need for this mission. I'll ask Haku what he thinks..."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ah!  You surprised me there... I just got back from a small errand. Do you need something?"
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ever since I was a child, the performing arts were my only focus. Maybe that's why people always say my mannerisms are so peculiar. It bothers you too, doesn't it?"
poor boy doesn't know how to act if he isn't acting. . .he doesn't know how to exist off-script. . .no wonder he made a deal with a demon. it's probably the first thing he's ever done for himself.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'd like to go to the cafeteria, but the line is always so long. I feel bad taking time to choose while people are waiting behind me. The bar of entry feels a little high."
i am once again suggesting subaru get anxiety meds. hell go to sinnostra and get some weed, i bet they sell that. i hear it can help.
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm just about to go and meet a friend. I hate to inconvenience you like this, but if it's something urgent, could you speak to Haku about it instead?"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What am I going to do? We're supposed to be meeting up in an hour... If I cancel now, they'll hate me..."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Whew... I'll walk you back to your house, {PC}. Oh, it's no problem at all, I assure you! I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"I have an Anomalous Ecology test coming up. It's such a fascinating subject, I couldn't help but stay up all night studying. Now I'm a little sleep-deprived."
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm going to stretch my legs a little. I might not have a show to practice for right now, but I need to keep putting myself through my paces. I'll get rusty otherwise."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm sorry my phone's been making so much noise. I recently downloaded an app by mistake, and it won't stop sending me notifications..."
awww he's also technologically incompetent. . .poor guy was probably raised with such a heavy focus on his career he just. never needed a smartphone. anyone he needed to contact or who needed to contact him was probably always very close by. it sounds like he didn't even properly go to school before going to Darkwick. Somebody please take this boy on a walk. like anywhere. take him to a library. buy him a churro. can sho make churros? this is somebody who's never had any sort of normal social experience and sees how different he is and wishes it weren't the case, unlike Ritsu who assumes everyone else is like him, i think he'd like to have some more Experiences.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"... ...Oh! Hello, {PC}—I didn't even notice you there. My mind was somewhere else."
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning! Sorry? My hair's messy? You're right, it's sticking right up at the front... That's embarrassing. I'll fix it right away."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I usually have lunch in the dormitory. I do eat on the terrace with Lyca every now and then, but he seems so busy these days..."
Lyca is one of the members of Obscuary, btw! Seems like he and Subaru are friends.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I didn't take you for a night owl, {PC}. Since you're here, I suppose I'll stay up a little longer. You're sure you're okay? You're not sleepy?"
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Do you visit Sinostra very often, {PC}? I see... Oh, no reason. I was just making conversation. Ha ha."
why do you ask that. . .a certain mafioso captain wouldn't happen to be suspicious of you would he. . .or maybe you owe them money. . .or maybe you used to be part of Sinostra and moved to Hotarubi. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's getting late, {PC}. How about we finish this tomorrow? Thank you for keeping me company all this time."
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to come all the way to my room to wake me up—I'd feel terrible. I do very much appreciate the thought, though."
it's okay buddy jin already makes them do it, one more pit stop won't hurt.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, hello, {PC}. Sorry, I was actually just on my way out. I should be back by evening—do you mind if we speak then?"
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Lyca has seen my message, so why hasn't he responded to it? I hope nothing bad has happened to him..."
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Lyca will adapt well to human society, I'm sure of it. I'm so relieved that Darkwick chose to trust him. I can't thank you enough for your help."
he really likes Lyca huh? that is his dog.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You can't sleep? Then let me tell you some stories. Legend has it that evil spirits appear once you've told a hundred. Now, what number was I up to..."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I don't want to seem like I'm testing you, I just... I get really anxious sometimes... I'm sorry. I'm being weird, aren't I?"
he's the type to ask 'are you sure you love me? are you sure you wanna be with me?' after you get married and move in together and own a house and have two kids with another on the way. he's the hyper anxious 'i'm sorry we disagreed about our favorite colors do you hate me?' friend(affectionate) I wonder though, is he apologizing for seeming like he's testing you because he's using his stigma to see what you've been up to or something. . .? Probably not lol it's more likely he just keeps asking if you like him
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"There is no time like spring. Everyone seems more relaxed this time of year. It's reassuring to see."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I have some sakura mochi. I was just about to prepare some tea to go with it—would you like to join me?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"They have no control over whether they bloom, and yet they get made a spectacle of nonetheless... Oh, sorry—I was talking about the cherry blossoms."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are many different flowers growing in Hotarubi, but I think the wisteria are my favorites. This is the best time to see them, so you should take a walk around."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Hot today, isn't it? It's always raining in Hotarubi, so it does provide a little escape from the blazing summer sun, but... Ha ha. It is very humid, isn't it?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Summer makes me think of the ghost story Yotsuya Kaidan. The scene where Oiwa becomes hysterical, having realized her her face has been disfigured— incredible."
Yotsuya Kaidan is one of the best known japanese ghost stories! It's extremely violent, so read the summary at your discretion. The scene in question has Oiwa shown her reflection by her sister's boss to see that the cream she was given by a woman who was in love with her husband was actually some sort of poison that instantly scarred her face. She grabs a sword and goes to kill her, only for her to accidentally slit her own throat.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hotarubi House holds regular festivals during the summer months. If you need a yukata to wear, I'd be happy to pick one out for you."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't mind scary stories, but when that biwa in the tea room started playing by itself, it did make me jump a little..."
slight spoiler, although you can probably figure it out from this but. . .Zenji is a ghost. Subaru currently can't actually see him or hear his voice. . .only Haku, the pc, and, perhaps not so oddly, Towa can afair. All of his youtube content doesn't have him or his voice in it because he can't be recorded by cameras. So Subaru doesn't realize that the biwa playing on its own is actually Zenji playing the biwa.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"The air has gotten crisper, and the leaves are changing color. I know it's only natural for the seasons to shift, so why does it make my heart ache so much?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, these? They're some chestnuts I found. I know—I should give them to Sho. I'm sure he'll be able to make something delicious with them."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"That's another kuchikiri tea ceremony under my belt. It's an annual tradition where one cuts open a tea jar to reveal the tea that was preserved from the first harvest."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"On long autumn nights when the moon is shining beautifully in the sky, it's hard to resist taking a walk outside. Don't stay out until too late though, {PC}."
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"...Oh, {PC}. Good morning... I had a hard time getting up today. It must be the cold... Ha ha. Not very captain-like, is it?"
Jin, Taiga, and Ed are all prone to not getting out of bed. and Yuri falls asleep on operating tables when he has down time. Trust me Subaru you are perfectly captain-like.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Today, I'm going to order ingredients from one of my favorite stores so we can all make negima—tuna and scallion—hot pot together. Please, do join us."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"It's cold out today. I was just thinking about lighting the fire. Would you like to come and warm up with me?"
oh subaru you don't even know how that sounds
(between 8pm and 5am)
"People say winter makes you want to snuggle up with someone, but I find that a good blanket does a much better job."
i agree that blankets are much easier to manage than people lol. probably warmer too.
His birthday: (February 20th)
"A present? For me? Thank you... I didn't expect you to do anything for my birthday, so I'm a little caught off guard. I really appreciate it."
Your birthday:
"Um... Happy birthday.  I really hope this year will be a wonderful one for you."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. I hope I can depend on your guidance and support again this year."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Chocolate? Oh, It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Does that mean these are for me...?"
nah i just wanted you to look at them. YES THEY ARE FOR YOU BBY. why would you be showing him chocolate if it wasn't for him! On any day, not just valentine's day!!
White Day: (March 13th)
"These are for you, {PC}. I put in a special order for monaka from my favorite confectioner in Ginza. They're wafers filled with bean jam—I hope you like them."
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Earlier, Haku told me he was switching houses. It gave me a real shock— I'm very relieved that it wasn't true..."
i bet subaru made the most scared kicked puppy face and started apologizing for being such an awful captain and blamed himself for that haku would go to a different house and haku had to quickly explain it was just a prank for fear that subaru might burst into tears.
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Happy Halloween. I know it's nothing special, but I've prepared some treats for the occasion. Oh... But you're more than welcome to play a trick instead."
please don't trick him. april fool's day was hard enough for him.
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas. We already have our New Year decorations up in Hotarubi, so it has a real east-meets-west atmosphere now. I hope everyone is okay with it..."
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Everyone seems busy at the moment. Maybe I should use this opportunity to tidy the garden..."
(13 affinity and above)
"{PC}? Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just worried because you were so quiet..."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"You're back... I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd done something to make you feel uncomfortable..."
this man shakes like a chihuahua 24/7. like you can taste the anxiety coming off of him. i love him. he's so pathetic(affectionate). i wanna squeeze his hand reassuringly and tell him everything's gonna be okay. i wanna hug him and pat his head. i wanna take him places so he learns more about the world outside of working. i wanna watch him do schoolwork excitedly because he's never really gone to school before and it's a new and exciting experience. i want him to experience the most mundane aspects of life with wonder.
good boy. yeah. get him anxiety meds /nodnod
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akiira00 · 1 year
— Jealousy
Requested by: @unohanachi
Pairing: Jealous! Sung Jin-Woo x G/n! Reader
Synopsis: Jin-Woo hasn’t been home lately because of his job as a hunter, so you went out with your friends, which led to a bit of a misunderstanding.
Genre: Slight angst if you squint, fluff ending, maybe suggestive ending.
A/n: Thanks for the request! It’s my first one and I didn’t know if you wanted hcs or a fic, so I went with this idea, feel free to request again if you wanted something else. Hope you like it!
Length: 1.5k words
Extra: Sarang (사랑) means “love”.
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It was a warm day at South-Korea, which made you wake up with an energetic smile one your face. It was a Thursday morning, in which you specifically took the day off for a date with your lover, specifically after he canceled the last two because of work. You quickly hopped off the bed as you went to complete your morning routine.
As soon as you finished cleaning yourself, you went downstairs to eat something, as you pulled out your cellphone realizing you had a message in it.
— 💙 Sarang:
Good morning… I’m sorry but I’ll be out of contact for the day, I know we had a date planned and all but the asociation wants me to complete some things. See you later.
— You:
Don’t worry! We can always go out later… Take care, sarang. ❤️
You sighed as you looked at the message, looking up to the roof as you just accepted the fact. Your boyfriend, Sung Jin-Woo was Korea’s tenth S-rank hunter, so it was normal for him to be busy, almost to the point it bothered you. You just wished he at least took a day off… Or even take you to work with him! You were an A-rank healer, so it was only rational he could use your help… Right?
He wasn’t home much time and when he was, he arrived at almost midnight and left at early hours of the morning with you still asleep. You understood that, but you realized you needed to go out a bit and maybe have a bit of fun.
You then finished your breakfast and washed the dishes, but an unexpected message stopped you in your tracks. Apparently a friend group of yours was going out to eat and have a nice day off. Again? It was the fourth time in the last two weeks… Well, you didn’t have anything else to do, so you quickly agreed, sending back a message and going up to your room once again.
After you changed and grabbed whatever you needed, you got out of your house, walking towards a park near your home, in which your friend were waiting for you.
Just as that, a fun day began. You quickly forgot about your date with Jin-Woo’s sudden cancelling as you spent quality time with your friends, a small group of two girls, three guys and you.
You smiled and greeted them, as you guys went out to dinner and later hit a bar, drinking together to wash out some stress.
By your lover’s side, he was clearing some A-Rank gates by himself as always, ocassionally taking a bit of time to peek into the eyes of the soldiers stored in your shadow, looking at how you were laughing alongside your friends, making him frown a bit.
After some hours, almost at 4pm, he found himself in a bit of a problem. He entered the supposedly ‘last gate of the day’, which turned out to be a red gate, so he ended up trapped inside for what he felt like five days, but they were just five hours on the real world, which didn’t tire him, but frustrated him because every time he peeked into his shadows, he saw you alongside one of your friends, laughing together and drinking, which made his blood boil in jealousy.
It was now almost 10pm, Jin-Woo was tiredly walking down the stairs of the association’s main office as he finished having a talk with president Go Gun-Hee after clearing the red portal.
He seemed to be a bit bothered by the day, his clothes a bit torn and a bothered expression. He then thought about you and pulled out his cellphone to text you, feeling too tired to peek into his shadows.
Hey love… I just finished the thing I told you about… See you at home. ❤️
He then walked towards your shared home, as you guys moved in together after a few years of dating. When he arrived, he opened the door, expecting a quick and exaggerate welcome by you as always happened, but he was greeted by silence and off lights.
“Hey… Are you here…?” He said in a high-enough voice, but he didn’t recieve an answer, he then went up to your shared room to still find no trace of you.
He sighed, once again using his power to see where you were at despite how tired he was.
He saw a rather odd sight for him. He noticed a park and you were with your usual friend group. But what startled him a bit was that you were resting your head on one of your friend’s shoulder, exactly the one he trusted the least. But even worse, your face was a bit too red.
He clutched his fist a bit as he stood up again, activating his skill to change places with his shadow soldier, appearing out of thin air in front of you and your friends, leaving most of them stunned as one of the strongest hunters suddenly appeared in front of them.
“I’m sorry but I’ll take her now.” He coldly said as he took a hold of your shoulder angrily, as he walked away from your group without even letting you reply.
“H-hey..! W-what’s up with you..?” You said, as you were walking a bit weirdly, but he didn’t pay attention to that. After some minutes, he stopped walking, holding you by your shoulders in front of him as he looked at your eyes.
“I know I’ve been out of home lately, but really? Cheating on me now?” He coldly asked as you were quickly shocked by his accusation, making you look at him in the eyes in pure confusion.
“What the- Sarang, did you really think that…?” You quickly laughed at his angry and serious expression, getting closer to him and pinning him to the nearest wall with the small amount of strength your dizzy self had left, leaning in enough to reach his lips, but without touching them.
“I was just out with my friends, Jin-Woo! Did you really worry that much about me~?” You teased as your cheeks were still pinkish. “Explain why you were blushing around (f/n).” He said sternly as you laughed again at his remarks.
“I wasn’t blushing, dummy.~ I may have drank a bit too much though… Maybe that made my cheeks heat up a bit.” You explained as you gave him a peck on the lips, as you looked at him.
“You’re still going to compensate me for this. Come on.” He smirked a bit as he activated one of his skills, lifting you up without even touching you as he flipped your positions around, now pinning you down to the wall and kissing you.
“Don’t ever make me worry like that again.” He demanded as you nodded, with him smirking at your currently flustered state, taking you by your wrist as he started walking, dragging you around with him. “We’re going home, and you aren’t complaining.”
You smiled a bit as you followed him around, following him towards you shared home. When you both entered, he shut the door down behind him, walking you up to the bedroom and laying down on the bed by your side.
You being as intoxicated as you were, quickly wrapped your arms around his waist, looking at him with a tiny smile as his cheeks flushed a bit at the current sight of you. “Don’t look at me like that…” He said as he deviated his sight from you, making you think he was mad at you.
“Huh? Nah, I won’t.~ Don’t you want me to at least hold you in the one time we’re home together~?” You asked as he couldn’t deny it, but he had to maintain himself composed to maybe ‘teach you a lesson’.
“Heyy..~ I’m talking to you, Sarang…” You muttered as he pulled out his phone, quickly going through sone texts as he ignored you. Oh, the silent treatment now, huh?
You tried to get him to at least look at you, shaking your hand lazily in front of his eyes to try and catch his attention, but it didn’t work leaving you to try like that for a long time.
“Come on… Don’t give me that now..! I promise I’ll tell you next time I go out… You said you’d be out of contact for the day so I thought it’d be the same if I didn’t text it to you..” You defended yourself, admitting your flaw after almost 20 minutes, which made him sigh, looking down at you with a smirk and tossing his phone out of reach.
“There, you said it. If you ever worry me like this again I’ll be truly mad… I had to see you around that idiot for five whole days in a row… But you’re right. I should use this night together to maybe teach you something…” He said as he pulled you into a kiss, smirking at your flustered sight. “Don’t back down now, Sarang.~ You asked for it.”
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pyramid-of-starrs · 1 year
Don't be Mean to Sannie
Pt 2 of stay with me
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Pairing: Clingy San x Black/Poc Fem reader
Genre: Fluffy, angst, Smut
Warnings: Jealousy, clingy boyfriend, cheating, kinda?, cursing, arguing, possessiveness, San is kinda Toxic idk lol, mentions of other idols (Wooyoung, Hyunjin and Ryujin)
Smut warning: Kissing, licking, rubbing, public sexual acts, oral sex (F and M receiving), mentions of asshole??, Hard sex, breeding (tbh it was bound to happen I love breeding lol), mentions of pregnancy, Switch San, Switch reader, uh- if im missing something lemme know
A/N: Pt 2 is finally here lol, San has been driving me fucking mad with his selfies they look so fucking good fuck.
Bad smut under the cut
Minors dni
It was around 4pm Friday afternoon, you had the day off today due to some random holiday and you were determined to go out with your friends this time because your besties laid into you last time about ditching them. Not this time, you needed to go out and experience life again, and you were going to, but the only issue? The blood sucking leech that was laying on your bed wet and covered in a towel from the waist down. San was off as well so he came over early this morning to bring you breakfast and he stayed the entire day, you let him know your plans and he agreed to back off, you got into the shower, and he of course started to feel lonely and go in with you. You were still on track to go out despite him fucking you in the shower until the water turned cold, even then when you got out, he felt the need to fuck you on top of the bathroom counter, you felt tired but grabbed a red bull from the kitchen to keep yourself awake. You got dressed in plain grey jogging pants with a cropped jacket to match it, you dried your hair and kept put on your favorite Von Dutch hat (Sans Von Dutch that you stole), and a pair of socks. Then you started to pack up an outfit and your make-up and hair supplies, your plan was simple, the more time you spent around San the more of an opportunity he had to seduce you into staying with him that night.
“Woah, woah where are you going? I thought you were going out tonight?” he said as he leaned up on his elbows.
You continued to gather all the items you needed as you replied. “I am, I’m getting dressed at Erica’s house.”
He tilted his head. “Why? What about our tradition of you letting me watch you get dress?”
“You mean the tradition of you watching me get dressed until you get horny and jealous then fuck me until I’m too tired to leave?” You turned to him and folded your arms.
“Well, yeah? It’s the best part of my Friday night.” He said smiling with his sneaky little grin.
“Well, it’s not the best part of mine, I want to actually go and experience my youth for once San. I can’t keep spending every day and night with you, I’ll go stir crazy.”
“I go stir crazy when I DON’T spend every day and night with you.” He sat all the way up at this point.
“You’ll live, I promise you will, it’s not fair that I can’t see my friends because you want me all to yourself, they want time with me just like you do. I’m sure your friends miss you too.”  You said as you placed your bag next to him on the bed to zip it up.
“I don’t give a damn about that; I only care about you.” He said giving you a duh face.
“That’s not good San, you should care! Even if you don’t I do and so do they. I’m not sure what you’re going to do tonight but I’m going, you should call your friends and see what they are doing. Wooyoung texted me earlier saying he wanted to invite you out anyways.”
“Why are you texting my best friend?” He said with a bit of irritation in his voice.
“First of all, you can’t be clingy AND jealous it’s not good, second of all, we text because you never answer the damn phone when you’re with me.”
“I can be as jealous as I want when my girlfriend looks like you, either way why are you even going out, what does a club have that I don’t? Besides your friends.” He got up to take off his towel and start getting dressed.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head “Don’t do that, don’t make this something it’s not.”
“I’m not making it anything, I’m just saying why are you getting all dressed to go to some sweaty club and be drooled over by people when you could be home with me getting drooled over.” He said as he looked at you while he buttoned his pants, he hadn’t put on a shirt yet because he knew you had a weakness for his broad shoulders and chiseled abs, even now he was still trying to seduce you.
“Maybe because there is more to life than sitting in my boyfriends face all damn day, I really shouldn’t have to explain this to you.” You had a bit of an attitude in your voice that he immediately picked up on.
“Don’t get an attitude with me.” He said with a serious look.
“I can get whatever I want with you.” You rolled your neck and bit and folded your arms, you shot daggers directly at him and he did the same.
“So, you’re really starting an argument because I want to spend time with you?”
 “You know damn well it’s not about that.”
“Then please tell me what’s it about?”
“It’s about the fact that you are suffocating me, all I want is a day out with my friends and you can’t put aside your weird ass insecurities to let me enjoy my night if it’s not spent with you. You always manipulate me into staying with you everyday and night and the shit is getting old as hell, I had a life before you, and I damn sure am going to have one with or without you.” You said, anger filling your voice.
“What do you mean without me?”
“Exactly what I just said, if I can’t go out and enjoy my life without you doing too much then…well...” you paused, trying to avoid saying something you would regret.
“Well what? Say it Y/N, say what the fuck is really on your mind. I get it, I can be clingy, but you knew I was clingy going into this relationship, even when we were talking, I was clingy and told you that. I understand that I can be a lot but don’t sit here and act like I’m oh so manipulative all of a sudden. If you want to go out and get felt up on by some sweaty guy at the club then go do that, but don’t be mad if I go do the same thing.” He put on his shirt and started to gather his items so he could leave as well.
“Fuck you San, you know I’m not going out to be a hoe, but you’re right 2 can play that game, if you wanna go and find another bitch good fucking luck. I hope she deals with all your goofy ass bullshit and when she doesn’t don’t fucking call me.”
“Whatever Y/N” he started to ignore you and walked out the room, you followed behind him.
“Whatever nothin’! If you walk out that door right now, I hope you know I’m going to do exactly what you said and act single as hell tonight.” He froze in front of the door as you stood behind him.
“What the fuck did you say?” he said in a monotoned voice. The air seemed like it got thin, and your heart started to pound, you could feel the anger radiating off of him.
“I-I said if you walk out that door, I’m going to act single as hell tonight.”
He nodded his head and licked his lips; he didn’t say another word just put on his shoes and walked out the door.
“FUCK!” you yelled as you sat down on your couch, this whole situation spiraled so far out of control for no real reason.
You decided to not let you and Sans argument ruin your night and still went out with your friends, Ericka got a section so luckily you didn’t have to be bothered. Of course, you wouldn’t want any guys talking to you, you were just saying that for argument sake. You were sitting babysitting your one drink and looking like a sad puppy.
“Come on girl get up and dance, stop being sad I’m sure San will get over it.” Your friend Katrina said as she pulled you out of your seat. You sadly danced along with her as she swayed your body back and forth. You looked off in the distance, all you could think about was-
“San?” you heard Ericka say, Katrina released you from her grasp and everyone stared in one direction, and you looked over to do the same. That’s when you saw it, the worse site ever, your boyfriend with his friends across the club sitting and giggling with a group of women, they were sitting so close, and one even had the audacity to out her hand on his thigh. You started to see red and wanted to march over there but then you felt your friends hand touch your shoulder.
“Don’t do it girl, it’s not worth it.”
She was right, and the best way to get back at him was to get even and even do a bit more.
“You’re right, lets go dance, Fuck him.” You said with a vengeful smile that your friends shared with you.
Your friend group entered the dance floor and started to dance, you attracted a lot of attention and it felt like the entire room was staring.
A group of guys walked up and offered to buy you and your friends a bottle for your section. You all gladly accepted and sat back down to mingle, one of the men specifically came over to talk to you while you were sipping your drink.
“Hello beautiful.” He said flashing a gorgeous smile.
“Hi” you smiled back.
“May I ask your name beautiful?” now that you were looking at the man, he had longer black hair wit a half pulled back ponytail and half down, he was very handsome his self.
“Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You reached your hand out to offer him a handshake.
He grabbed your hand and kissed it instead then looked into your eyes.
“Hyunjin, and the pleasure is all mine.”
He was a taller man, maybe an inch or two taller than San and had a slender and long build. He took at seat next to you.
“So, Y/N, are you seeing someone?” he asked, you looked over to the other side of the club and saw San still giggling and laughing with the woman, they seemed to be having a great time, he was giving her all the attention he usually gave you and it burned you up on the inside. You were never the jealous type but to see someone else touching all over what was yours really set a fire inside of you. There wasn’t anything you could do though, but you were single for the night, and you made sure to not let that go to waste.
“No, well not really, he’s an idiot so now I’m here.” A little more honest than you wanted to be but that was your truth.
“Well, if he lets a beautiful woman like you out of his site then you are absolutely right, he is an idiot.”
You giggled at him, you two talked for about 15 minutes, your friends and Hyunjins friends went back to the dance floor while you two hung back. San and the girl he was talking to could also be seen still getting chummy, at this point she was damn near in his lap, as if things couldn’t possibly heat up more you saw her lean into his neck, and it took all the strength in your body not to go drag her off of him.
“You know, if you want, I can help you forget about that guy.” Hyunjin said, you focused back on the conversation.
“Huh, what ?”
“That idiot guy, I can help you forget all about him, a sexy woman like you shouldn’t be stuck feeling lonely and excuse me if I’m overstepping but a body like yours shouldn’t go a day without being taken care of.” He said as he glided his long fingers up your thigh, naturally you would have told him to fuck off at this point, but you were pissed, you were hurt and just wanted to take your mind off of San.
“How so?” you replied in a seductive voice.
He smiled and placed his hand on your other thigh to grip it and pull you closer, he was actually pretty strong for such a smaller man. He placed his hand on the side of your jaw and brought his lips to your ear.
“Let me treat you like how you deserve beautiful; I can take you back to my place and fuck you so good the only thing you would be able to think about is me.” He whispered into the shell of your ear, his smooth voice sent chills down your spine, damn maybe San was right to be worried about the guys in the club.
“And how do I know you can do that?” you gave him a flirty little smile and took your hand and placed it over his crotch , it didn’t take long for you to feel his almost fully erect length, you started to breathe a bit heavier and bit your bottom lip.
“Does that feel like something you need baby?” he said into your ear, he started to drag his soft lips down your neck, you put your neck back a bit to give him more access and closed your eyes. The feeling was new and eased the hurt you were going through, you wanted to focus on the sensation but the only thing on your mind was San, you just wanted him to be touching you like this. You started to imagine it was him starting to slowly kiss down your neck. Imagining it was Sans fingers sliding up your dress and gripping your ass, it was San not Hyunjin telling you “Let me treat you right baby.”
You shot your eyes open and jumped a bit. Hyunjin stopped and looked over to who was calling your name, it was your friend Katrina.
“Excuse me, your friends are looking for you sir I think they said they were ready to go.” She said.
He smiled at her.
“Thank you for letting me know, Y/N make sure you use my number, okay?” Hyunjin said as he got up and waved both of you goodbye before he left.
“Girl what the hell was that?” Katrina said replacing Hyunjins place next to you.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Y/N, you need to fix whatever the fuck you got going on with your dude, you can’t be in here letting randoms kiss and touch on you.”
“I know…”
“Well bitch act like it, go to the bathroom and get yourself together we are about to go.”
You nodded your head slowly and go up to walk to the bathroom.
You opted out of going to the large bathroom instead you chose to go into the single unisex bathroom. You walked in and walked up to the sink and looked into the mirror. You stood looking at yourself in silence before tears started to sit at the corner of your eyes. You fought the urge to cry at the downfall of your relationship and just sighed, you hated to admit it, but you just wished you were at home cuddling with San watching TV while he gave you little kisses. A knock interrupted your thoughts.
“Someone’s in here.” You grabbed the towel and started to rub your eyes; you must not have locked the door because you heard the door open while you had your eyes closed to wipe them. The person walked in and walked up behind you.
They did respond then pressed their crotch to your butt and hugged you from behind.
“…Hyunjin?” you said as your eyes got wide, and you looked up to the mirror to see who it was.
“Is that what his name was? I’ll remember that when I try to find him to kill him.”
Yeah, that was definitely San.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you said. He chose not to reply, he immediately started to kiss your neck, dropping his weight down on you so you had no choice but to start to bend over the sink, you butt pushing against his crotch even more.
"S-San what are-"
"Shut up."
His hands slid up your thigh and immediately went into your panties, his fingers caressed your fold roughly, you let out small moans while trying to stay quiet.
"So that little bastard out there made your slutty little pussy wet or were you just imagining it was me touching you?"
"Answer me!" he yelled and with no warning he drove his two fingers into your hole, and you covered your mouth to keep yourself from being too loud, you used your other hand to grip the side of the sink. He drilled his fingers in and out of you like you weren't in public, San has always been the jealous type so honestly his acts of possessiveness shouldn't come as a shock, he hated when someone touches what’s his.
Let's look at this from San's point of view.
After he left your apartment, he decided to call Wooyoung and take him up on his offer to go out tonight just so he could take his mind off of the fight. Once they were there for 15 minutes San was already over it and ready to get back home and apologize to you so you two could cuddle the night away with his face shoved right between your boobs and your thighs wrapped around his waist. A few girls invited San, Wooyoung and the rest of their friends over to their section and Wooyoung accepted the invite telling San it would be a great distraction. Once in the section San had one drink and a girl sat beside him.
"Can you pour me a drink?" She said smiling at him.
"Sure." San said with an expressionless voice, sure this lady was probably flirting but she wasn't you, so he didn't really care. He poured her a drink and another for himself because alcohol was the only things that would help get him through tonight. San passed the woman the drink and took the other cup for himself.
"Cheers to being young and single?" she said as she held her glass up and waited for San to meet her halfway.
San sighed because the thought of him being single made him cringe but technically you two were being single tonight, so he clinked the woman’s glass, they both tapped their glasses on the table before downing what was in the cup.
"I'm San, it's nice to meet you." He nodded at her.
"Ryujin." she said while putting the cup back down, San decided to pour himself another.
"Woah you're getting fucked up tonight what’s the occasion?" she said as she watched San drink from his cup.
"I got into a fight with my girlfriend." he said then took another drink of his cup.
"Daaaamn and here I was about to flirt with you." she said with a slight giggle.
"I guess you still can because according to her we are "acting single tonight", whatever the fuck that means."
"Oh fuck what did you do? Bitches don't just say that to say it, you had to do something."
San looked over at her and decided to say fuck it and vent to her, he told her about the fight, and she was honestly intrigued.
"Yeah, it's just like I thought, you're the problem." She said as she finished her cup that San poured her while he was talking, meanwhile he was on his 4th and feeling the effects.
"What the fuck how?" he said, genuinely confused.
"Let that girl loose a bit, you can't keep her locked in a cage and get mad when she wants to break out."
San rolled his eyes.
"Lemme see her."
San quickly pulled out his phone to go to  your Instagram, he loved showing you off every chance he got. Ryujin took the phone and scrolled through the various photos you had posted, some of you, your life and of course you and San.
"Oh, wait never mind you're right keep her ass locked up she’s hot asf."
"See!!" he said looking at her with a red face, she laughed and passed the phone back to him, San started to stalk your page as well, he didn't notice Ryujin scoot closer.
"Honestly San, you two make a sexy ass couple so I hope you work it out."
"Thanks, I do too."
She flashed a devious smile leaned into his neck to whisper in his ear.
" Cause honestly I would love to fuck you both." Sans eyes got wide, and he looked up, he was going to respond but that's when he saw you and Hyunjin and he just froze. Ryujin got up and giggled and walked back to her friends. San was stuck watching Hyunjin kiss and rub on you, just like you, San saw red, he was going to kill that man that dared to touch his precious angel. Who did he think he was? He watched the entire moment up until Katrina stopped it and you walked to the bathroom. When he realized where you were going, he let Wooyoung know that he "had to pee" and followed you. Now your here with his two digits being pushed into you erratically.
"You fucking little slut, how dare you let that peasant touch what's mine. I don't give a fuck about what little fight we got into, I don't ever want to see another man’s hands or lips or anything near you. Do you hear me?" he said while his fingers fucked you so deep and fast that you had to fully behind over almost with your head in the sink, you were a moaning mess at this point.
"You can't talk now whore? Okay that's fine." he took his fingers out of your core as it unclenched and clenched around nothing, like it was begging San to enter you again. He squatted down and pushed your dress up to your waist. He immediately shoved his face into your wet pussy and licked a few stripes from your hole to your clit. You yelp at the feeling of his cold tongue on your hot pussy as he ate it from the back. San stuck his tongue in your hole and started to fuck you with his while his big nose little brushed your asshole. You started to pant and whimper trying to keep yourself together.
A sudden knock on the door scared you but San was unmoved, he continued to fuck you with his tongue.
"Y/N you in there sis?" You heard your friend say on the other side of the door.
San gripped the front of your hips and pulled you down on to his face, he didn't give a single fuck if someone caught you two, if anything he would love it, then you couldn't deny who you belonged to.
"Y-yeah, I'll be out soon." you stuttered.
"Oh, okay then I'll wait here for you."
"NO! I mean...no just wa-ahh~ wait for me at the seeeection please."
Your friend raised an eyebrow behind the door.
"Uh- okay girl." you could hear footsteps walking away from the door and your mind focused back on San silk tongue deep inside your walls. Your knees were weak, and your mind was blanking as you gripped both sides of the wet porcelain sink and leaned into it.
"S-San p-please I can't..."
His hands made their home on both your ass cheeks as he spread them apart to bury his face deep in your dripping pussy, you reached your hand back to push him back, yet your efforts were wasted because San didn't budge.
You could feel yourself reaching your peak, your eyes were rolling to the back of your head as you tightly bit your lip to fight back the moans that threatened to fall from your mouth. Just as you started to feel yourself fall apart San pulled back, he silently breathed heavily and stood up not saying a word, you whined from being denied.
"San please- I need to cum please-" you started to beg.
"No, sounds like something a boyfriend would do, you're single remember?" he walked over to the paper towel dispenser and waved his hand to grab a paper towel from the automatic dispenser and wipe your slick from his mouth and chin. You watched him move about in the bathroom with your eyebrows arched and your pussy still pulsing, waiting for someone to finish the job.
"Call the one guy, what was his name again? Hyun-?"
"Fuck you San." you said pulling your panties back up with an aggressive attitude.
"Nope." He said before walking out the door like nothing ever happened.
You exited the bathroom to rejoin your friends and leave the club, the next morning you woke up with a throbbing hangover headache and an empty bed. Usually San would be here, especially on weekends, sleeping under you while you woke up with his strong arms wrapped around you and his plush lips kissing the shell of your ear to wake you up, but not today. You grabbed your phone from your nightstand and see no text from San but one from Hyunjin, guess you must have given him your number last night, when you opened the message, it read:
"Good morning beautiful, would love to take you out to breakfast, or have you for breakfast 😉"
you rolled your eyes, you forgot how much guys sucked, you were so used to being treated with the utmost respect by San that regular men disgusted you. You needed your man back and you needed him back now. Later in that day you decided to put your pride aside after not hearing from San and called him, the phone rang a few times before he answered, his background was noisy, and he was obviously with others.
"Hello?" you said first.
"What's up, I'm busy." He said speaking over the noise.
"I...I wanted to talk to you..." you said softly.
"Talk? What?"
"Can we talk, I wanna talk about what happ-"
"San get off the phone and come back." you could hear a female voice say, it made your stomach drop.
"Listen I gotta go, talk to you when ever bro." he said then silence, he hung up on you and called you bro? This shit was sick, you needed to do something. You texted San asking him to stop by that night if he was free so you could talk, your friends invited you out as well, but you decided to stay in since San texted you back saying he would try to stop by later. Unfortunately, later never came, you waited for hours for him to come by until you passed out curled up in your bed. You woke up feeling sad that you were on the second day without making up with San, this wasn't normal, this wasn't San. Fuck it though! If this was how he was going to act then fine, two can play that game!
And you would be the loser, a fully work week had passed and it was Friday night once again. You and San hadn't spoken since the last text, and you could put your pride aside again to reach out first, but damn was it killing you. You missed him so much and it was driving you crazy, between the overall sadness of him not being around and your horniness. You even decided to say fuck it and text back Hyunjin to pass the time, but no one could compare to San. You laid in your robe, fresh out the shower sprawled out on your bed just staring at the ceiling. Your phone started to ring next to you and you grabbed it to see who it was, your eyes got wide as you saw the 3 lettered name with a purple heart emoji flashed across the screen. You could feel your heart start to beat faster, you breathed in and out a few times before answering.
"What do you need San?" you said trying to play it cool.
"My biker jacket, I left it at your house, and I need it for tonight I'm at your door."
You got somewhat excited but tried to keep up your front.
"You got a key sir."
"I didn't want to just walk into your apartment, plus I don't know where I put it."
"Neither do I." oh but you did but let’s act coy for now.
"Look, are you going to open the door or not?"
"Fine, here I come." you hung up and speedily ran to the door as you pulled your bonnet off and fixed your hair a bit in the mirror by your door, you didn't have time to change but at least your robe was nice and short and showed a good amount of cleavage. you made it to the front door and calmed yourself before you opened it, when you opened it, you saw San standing there in a dark blue jean set with a black tank top.
"I thought you came over for your jacket you look pretty dressed to me."
"It's for tomorrow..." he said slightly annoyed.
"You're going out today and tomorrow?"
"Y/N why does that matter can I come in to look?"
You rolled your eyes and walked back toward your bedroom while San shut the door and started to shut the door behind him.
"Uh uhn, take your shoes off, you know better."
"Are you being serious? I'm only going to be here for a second."
"I don't care you're not about to be walking on my bedroom carpet with shoes on." Yes, it was only a small fluffy area rug but who cares.
He shook his head and went back to the door to remove his shoes and you both walked to the bedroom. You took a seat at your vanity, and he started to look through your closet. You started to brush your hair out to get ready for your night, you were invited out by your friends but since you and San were "single" you wanted to act just as bad as San and Hyunjin invited you over and you accepted. As San was digging through your closet, he noticed you getting ready.
"Plans with your friends tonight?” he said as he continued to look.
"No... someone else." you said as you also continued your task.
"oh... who?" he questioned
"That's not really any of your concern now is it?" you said quickly
"I guess not, must be a date then."
"Well good for you, hope he isn't clingy and annoying like I was."
"San I never said you were annoying."
"Right, you just treated me like I was."
"Oh my fucking god for someone with so much to say you sure have been ignoring my existence all week." You said as irritation started to leaked into your voice.
"Why would I contact someone that just broke up with me?" He said, knowing it was pressing your buttons.
"I never broke up with you San, you're just over fucking dramatic."
"Sorry I give a fuck about you."
"Whatever San hurry up and find your shit so I can go."
"Well get up and help me since you want me gone so bad."
You rolled your eyes once again and walked over to meet him at the closet and pushed him out the way.
"I put all your stuff in a box move so I can get it."
He moved out your way to sit on the bed and watch you, you stood on your tippy toes to reach to the top of the closet shelf to get the box, San was going to get up to help you instead of watching you struggle but your short silk robe was rising and revealing a bit of the bottom of your ass so he chose to sit back and watch instead.
"Where are you going on your little date?"
"No where, he just invited me to his house to watch movies and hang out."
"Netflix and chill? What is this guy 16?"
"Haha so funny." You said as you finally reached the box and brought it down, you walked over to the bed and placed it down next to him, you were about to walk back over to finish getting ready, but you felt a strong set of hands yank you back by your hips and pull you onto his lap.
"You're really going to go out to get some dick from some random."
You felt your face heat up, you missed the feeling of Sans touch and being able to sit in his lap, but you couldn't fold just yet.
"He's not random, it's the guy I met at the club the other day."
"Oh so you're going to go fuck him while some random movie is playing right?"
"N-no one is fucking me San, and you're one to talk, you had a girl all over you in the club and when I called you, I heard some girl in the background, how do I know you aren't fucking someone?" said while wrapping your arms around his neck and looking into his eyes, your big doe eyes could melt him right now.
"Because no one will ever be you."
"And no one can ever replace you San..."
You two gave each other a longing gaze before you both threw your pride out the window and your lips connected for a slow and passionate kiss, Sans hands still gripping your hips while one of them glided up the side of your body to rub your back and pull you in closer. The kiss progressed and you switched your position to straddle him, his other hand returned to your hips as he began to rock your hip against his crotch, a light moan came out of your mouth and entered his.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry for what I said and saying you're too clingy... this whole week all I wanted was for you to be here." you said as you cupped his sharp jaw.
"I'm sorry too, I need to learn to give you space sometimes." you both smile at each other then he pecked you on your lips one again.
"Well... does this mean we are back together?"
"Boy we never broke up." You said giggling at him.
"The way you were acting in the club I couldn't tell."
"... right... I'm sorry about that."
"It's okay Angel, but you gotta make it up to me now."
"And how would you like me to do that?"
"I don't know, he's been so lonely without you keeping him warm, so how about you say sorry to him too."
You already knew exactly who "He" was, you got off the bed and sunk down to your knees in front of San, he laid back while sitting up using his elbows and giving you full control. You unbuttoned his jeans to and shimmed them down his hips to the middle of his thigh, Sans dick was already so hard that you could see the print of if through his boxers. You cupped his length and started to rub it up and down then looked up at him with a lustful gaze.
"Did I make you this hard baby?"
"Yes, ma'am." He said as he hissed from the sensitivity.
"I need you so bad Y/N you don't understand how much I've missed you."
You pulled his underwear down as his beautiful rock-hard dick sprung out, you wrapped your fingers around his girth and pumped a few times as he continued to hiss and watch you.
"Mm, tell me how much you've missed me, Sannie."
The mix of the nickname and your hand jacking his dick was killing him but then you started to kiss up his shaft and he swore he could cum right then and there but chose to wait.
"So much baby, I couldn't even go one night without wanting to eat your sweet pussy or fuck you into this bed." You kissed your way up to his red tip that had precum drooling out of it, you cleaned it up with one long and slow stripe from the bottom to the top of his dick.
"Oh really? Why didn't you come and fuck me then Sannie? You always say this pussy is yours."
He gulped as you finally stopped teasing him and took him into your wet and hot mouth. Bobbing your head slowly as you made it to the middle of his dick and then coming back up to the tip just too slowly go back down. San whimpered a bit at the feeling, this was somewhat foreign for him. He rarely ever let you suck his dick because he loved to worship you, constantly wanting to kiss and drag his tongue across every inch of your body. When you did get the chance to suck him off it was always such an experience because San was rarely so submissive and whiny.
"Sannie, I asked you a question baby." You said to a very dazed San. "Why didn't you come and fuck me like the slut I am and put me in my place." you continued to tease him, returning your mouth to his length, and going even deeper on it, Sans incredibly adorable whimpering was music to your ears, he started to breathe heavy while his ears and face felt hot with a red blush taking over.
"I-I wanted to make you wait, s-so I could make you beg." He said biting back his moans.
You once again removed your mouth from his dick and used your hand to pump it, coating his dick in your saliva.
"And how did that work out for you? It looks like I'm about to have you begging me to cum."
Before he could reply your mouth was back on him, going deeper, his tip scraping the back of your throat, he couldn't hold back anymore, and pretty moans feel out of his soft lips. His hand flew to the back of your head to help you keep a steady motion up and down his rod.
"Fuck Y/N if you keep going, I'm going to cum down your throat." He groaned; you could feel his grip getting tighter on your hair while he rolled his hips for him to go deeper into your mouth. You looked up at him to see him falling apart, his mouth was agape as sighs and whimpers fell out, you could tell he was at his breaking point already, your eyes met and the next thing you know he said a drug out "Fuuuuuck" then hot liquid shot directly down your throat and you swallowed as it dripped out, but it started to become too much and you pulled back as you started to choke. The rest of the cum dripped down onto his underwear and down his shaft. You finished swallowing what was in your mouth then licked the remainder from off his dick.
"I guess you haven't been seeing anyone else, that was a lot." you said as you stood up. San didn't reply, he was too busy catching his breath. "Tired already baby? We aren't done yet." you undid the knot in on your robe to reveal your fully nude body underneath, it was like a cartoon the way Sans dick immediately started to get hard again. He removed his shirt and jacket and finished taking off his pants, he laid back down on his back and you straddled him, you hovered you soaking core over his hard dick as Sans hands sat on your hips, you leaned down to give him a quick peck before easing down his length, wincing a bit when you felt him enter you. San's head flew back onto the bed, and he moved back and forth between putting his head back and watching your pussy swallow him. Moans could be heard from both of you as you reached the base of his dick, even just fully sitting on San made you feel full, riding him was always a challenge.
"You're so fucking beautiful my love, but please move you're driving me crazy." He said trying to focus on anything but cumming again.
You placed your hands on both of Sans broad shoulders and started to move your body up and down his length.
"You're so fucking big San I can't take it." you said between your moans, his grip on your hips became tighter, you could even start to feel his nails.
"Yes you can beautiful, you take me so well, this pussy was made just for me right?"
You continued bouncing on him as you sped up the pace, your walls pulsing around him.
"Yes, only for you baby."
"I need more baby, I need more." San said, you were already stuffed full of him so what else could he possibly want. Suddenly you felt San lift you off of him and place you on your back next to him as he got on top of you. He place himself between your legs and placed your legs on his shoulders. Before you could even question it, he slid back into your velvet walls and started to thrust into you at a fast pace. You cried out then he leaned forward to muffle your moans with a kiss, he swallowed every cry into his mouth.
"I'm sorry baby I've missed you so much I just need to fuck into you so bad."
San was like a dog in heat the way that his strokes were fast and sloppy, he just needed to feel you, he felt crazy not having you wrapped around him for a week, he doesn't even wait that long when it's your time of the month. He placed his head into the crook of your neck as he continued to pound into you, you could hear his heavy breathing.
"You feel so fucking good baby, I want to cum in you so bad, feel you up nice and full." as the words finished leaving Sans lips your moans got louder and your pussy started to squeeze him, San being San of course noticed your reaction and decided to see how far he could go.
"Do you want that pretty? Do you want me to fill this pussy up?"
"Mm, San... please..." You said not wanting to admit to wanting it because you knew that would unleash a whole other demon you weren't sure you were ready for.
"Please what baby? You want me to cum in you and put a baby in your belly? Then everyone would for sure know you're mine, right?"
His thrusting became relentless, all you could do was moan and call his name, tears started to form in your eyes because of the amazing sensation you were feeling, you started to see the light at the end of the tunnel and Sans words only made it worse.
"Would you like that baby? Want me to make you a mommy?" he said, you tried to fight replying but you couldn't even think straight anymore, words just began to fly out.
"Fuck, yes please San, please cum in me! I want to have all your babies please Sannie, please."
San smiled and on command you started to feel his hot cum shoot into you, you swore you could feel him filling up your womb, San continued to fuck you while you felt his dick jumping inside of you, you started to cum as well. Covering every each of him in your slick, once San was done, he kept himself plugged into you and wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you so much Y/N."
You giggled at how cute he can be after rearranging your insides and hugged him back "I love you too San."
Your phone started to ring, and you reached over to grab it, you noticed it was now almost 2 hours after your meet up time for your date and he was calling. San took the phone and answered it for you.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"This is Y/N's husband, sorry she won't be talking to you anymore." San simply said as he hung up and laid his head back on your chest.
"San that was mean!"
"I don't care."
You rolled your eyes because why did you expect him to care?
After getting cleaned up and after a bath and some decompressing and Sans friends also calling happy that you two made up you and San got dressed for bed. He cuddled his head into your bosom while you played in his hair.
"Y/n, were you being serious earlier?"
"About what?"
"Do you really want to have my baby?"
"...Well... yeah"
"Like now?"
"I mean, if it was to happen now, I wouldn't be upset about it."
San popped his head up like a puppy when his owner seeing his owner come home.
"Yeah, I mean I love you and I do see myself being with you for the rest of my life so... why not?"
"Oh my God Y/N that's all you had to say! Come on let's go to the store and buy some pregnancy test and some ovulation and fertility test and-"
you interrupted his excited rambling by placing your hand on his shoulder.
"San... it's 1 am, calm down, we’ll prep everything in the next few days."
"...You're right...I'll calm down."
"But we gotta make sure you're good and pregnant, that means we have to go a few more times." he said with the cutest little smile.
"I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight." You whispered to yourself
The answer was no, no you weren’t.
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repulsiveliquidation · 11 months
Lazy Saturdays and Scrambled Eggs
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Georgia Stanway x Reader BLURB
only fluff really!
10AM, Saturday Morning
The sun pours into the bedroom carelessly, the curtains forgotten about last night as the two of you stumbled into bed after a late night out on a date. Nights like these were where you could let loose since you had the weekend off with no games. The German streets were filled with bars and restaurants to visit so the two of you spent the night out away from the rest of the girls for the first time in a while.
Georgia was sound asleep on her tummy, right arm slung over your middle. She was in her sports bra and shorts, no time last night for any sort of skin care routine as you two danced till your bones were tired. You had the same thing on, right arm being used as Gee’s pillow. Clearly the two of you attempted to cuddle but your tired bodies had other plans.
You stir first, the sunlight shining right on your face and waking you. You yawn tiredly, rubbing your eyes as you try to look around and feel Gee still beside you. You smiled softly, her mouth was open a little and you could hear soft snores leave her sleeping form. You wiggled out of her hold, she grumbled but did not wake.
You washed up, taking a shower and washing your hair since you felt grimy from your night out last night. Georgia was still asleep, position the same as you left her. A small smile crept up on your face, softly padding out of the room and walking into the kitchen. You decided on making a little breakfast in bed, wanting to enjoy your time off and making it a little special for the two of you.
Pulling out eggs and bacon, finding that Georgia had grabbed some bread from the supermarket too, you got to work. Georgia liked her eggs very differently from you, she also only ate them if you made them. She liked them scrambled, somewhere in between soft and medium and she claimed only you could get it right. With the bacon in the oven, you started the coffee pot while toasting the bread, humming along to the turntable playing your favorite album in the living room. Georgia was a heavy sleeper so you knew the noise wouldn’t wake her.
Making the plates, you gave Marlo a little bit of bacon with a smile. You quietly told him, “Don’t tell mummy okay darling? It’ll be our little secret, hm?” He trotted off a happy little boy with his treat. You slid the door open and set the food on the table. Georgia was still asleep, this time on your side of the bed with her head squished against the bed cutely. You climb back into bed and rub her back, kissing her hair softly.
“Good morning, baby. It’s nearly noon darling, time to get up.” You say softly into her ear, kissing her face all over. She lets out a low rumble, mumbling into your thigh which she had pressed her face into. “You’re lying. You left me, it’s not a good morning.” You chuckle and smack her shoulder lightly, seeing her smile as she opened her eyes and turned onto her back. “Hi you.” You say, kissing her lips softly. She kisses back, sighing softly and pulling away. Her eyes stare deep into yours, hands laced in yours softly. “I’ve made breakfast.” You say simply, getting out of bed to retrieve it as she sits up and rubs her eyes. “Oh darling, you didn’t need to.” She begins to argue but you shush her and put the tray in front of her. “I wanted to; we’ve had a busy couple of weeks so I thought we could enjoy some domesticity.” You say, sipping your coffee. It was still warm, the eggs just barely steaming and bacon still crispy. She immediately digs in, noticing her favorite eggs in front of her. You eat with her, the room filled with comfortable silence and the familiar smell of bacon grease.
It's all you could want on a lazy Saturday.  
4PM, Saturday Afternoon
“You’re CHEATING, Stanway!” you yell, grabbing the controller away from her meddling fingers. You both were playing FIFA and Georgia was cheating. She flung her leg at you and tried to mess with your fingers when you were concentrating on beating her ass. You were leading 3-1 and she was not happy.
“I will win, you watch!” she yelled back, almost sitting on you in an attempt to get you to drop your controller but she failed. Your iron grip determined to ride out the last minutes of the game, as your player raced down her half expertly maneuvering around hers.
“GOAL!!!!” You yell as the final whistle gets called, your character shooting a stunner into the top corner just as the timer came to an end. She threw her controller on the couch and huffed, arms crossed and pout on her lips. You celebrated a little more, laughing at her antics. Soon you gave up, sitting beside her and kissing her cheek.
“I’m mad at ya, go away.” She told you, not looking at your grinning face.
“Oh Gee, you’ve beat me hundreds of times. Let me enjoy this you sore loser.” You laughed at her, punching her arm slightly as you see a little smile lift in the corner of her lips which she tries hard to suppress. It just makes you grin harder, leaning in and kissing her nose. She pushes you away, trying to conceal her joy. Finally, she grabs you, pinning you down on the couch and kisses you hard. You kiss her back, tongue darting out and swiping across her bottom lip. She whines a little and you make out for a while.
She grins, pulling away. “I hate you, Y/L/N.”
“Oh please, you could never Stanway.”
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
I'm in Control Part 2 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: Today may be my birthday but I bare YOU a gift <3
Warnings: Steddie relationship and all that that implies (I regret nothing!) Eddie asserts more dominance here 🤤.
Word Count: 2823
“Y/N, congratulations! Luke called and told me he got those boys a part on that fancy show!” TJ beamed as he walked into your office and threw himself down in a chair. 
“See? Told you I could do it.”, you smile over at him. 
“I didn’t doubt you for a second.” He chuckles when you make a face at him. “Of course, with every big deal, I’m throwing a party at my house tonight.”
“Of course, but believe it or not, I have a date tonight.”
“Well bring him!”
“TJ…”, you wince at the thought.
“Oh come on. What man doesn’t want to go to a party full of beautiful people? Present company included.”
You giggle at him as you concede. “Fine, I’ll ask him!”
“Good. Now, please, on your way home can you give these to the boys and make sure they are coming. I have some people I want them to meet.”
Steve answers the door in nothing but his sweats after hearing you knock. “Hey beautiful.”
“Mr. Harrington.” You hand him an envelope with their paycheck as you push past him and enter their home. You find Eddie sitting at their kitchen table in boxers and a heavy metal shirt munching on breakfast cereal. “Mr. Munson.”
Smiling, he takes the envelope from your hands. “Sweet. Thank you, Princess.”
“My pleasure. Now TJ is throwing a party for you two since you got cast in that new show and he insists that you attend.”
 “Sounds like fun. Are you going?”, Steve leans against his kitchen counter, taking a sip of coffee from his mug. 
“Why are you both acting like it’s the morning drinking coffee and eating cereal? You know it’s 4pm, yes?”
Eddie grins as he glances at Steve. “She’s avoiding the question.”
“Yeah, I noticed that to.” He rises from the counter to take a seat next to his roommate. 
“I’m not avoiding the question! I’m just simply asking another one before I answer.”
“She’s still not answering.”
“That means either she’s not going or she IS but…bringing someone with her?” Eddie’s eyebrows raise as he poses the question before chuckling when you blush. 
“Yes. Jesus, yes. I am going and yes, I am bringing a date. You both can be annoying sometimes.”
“A new date or someone you’ve been seeing for a long time?”, Steve asks.
“Does it matter?” Your eyes squint in his direction as his head ticks to the side. You hate when he does that. Besides it being ridiculously attractive, it means he’s figured out something new to crack that wall you keep putting between them. “It’s a new guy. It’s hard for me to meet men out here.”
“Well, I find that hard to believe.” Eddie gets up from the table and tosses his bowl in the sink. “I mean, you’re gorgeous, smart, kind, and sassy as fuck. What men wouldn’t want that?”
“Man.”, you correct.
He flashes you a sly grin. “Man. My mistake.”
“To answer your question,” you quickly clear your throat as you try to get them (and yourself) on task. “Being a woman in the porn industry is kind of a double edge sword. Either men get intimated or they think I’m easy.”
“We feel that. I mean, of course, I’m sure it’s harder for women but,” Steve gives you a kind smile that warms your insides. “I would think though not being on camera gives you bonus points.”
“Nope.”, you shrug. “But I’m hopeful for this one. He seems really nice. Speaking of, I have to go get ready but I’ll see you two tonight, ok?”
TJ leans in to shake your date’s hand. “Hey there! We’re glad you could join us. Y/N’s a fine young lady. You have a good one here! Please feel free to help yourself to any food and beverages and just have fun!”
You take your dates hand as soon as your boss leaves. “I’m sorry, Malcolm! He can be a bit…energetic!”
“Oh, it’s not a problem!”, he shouts over the music. “He seems like a cool dude!”
You lead him into the kitchen, grabbing a couple of beers while you talk. After about an hour, you hear the music suddenly stop and your name being called into a microphone. 
“There she is! Everyone, this is Y/N. When she first moved down here, she was just an assistant running around helping me with things. Now here she is managing her own clients and I couldn’t be prouder.”
You blush as everyone in the room claps for you. “I love you, babe. Now since they were fashionably late, I can also congratulate our new talent, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington for getting their first big part in Luke’s production which starts filming next week!” 
While everyone clapped, you felt frozen in place as you looked them over. This was the first time you were seeing them in anything that wasn’t their lazy, thrown together wardrobe. Steve was wearing black slacks with a white button up shirt underneath. His black jacket hung on his shoulders casually but perfectly. Eddie was dressed more or less the same except with a red button up with the top few buttons undone to show off his guitar pick necklace. 
God damn, they looked delicious. 
You were startled when a hand touched your back. “Whoa! Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
“No, Malcolm it’s ok. I’m just jumpy.”
“So those are the guys you’re managing?”
“Yup, that’s, uh, that’s them.”
TJ wasted no time intercepting them after his speech, guiding the boys around the house to meet other big-name people that could help get them connections. 
“Let go outside and talk.” Your date smiles at your suggestion as you lead him to the area by the pool.
Your boss had managed to keep Eddie and Steve preoccupied for most of the night while you talked to your date. Malcolm was a good guy and to your surprise very open minded about the setting around him. You didn’t even realize how much time had passed until you looked at your watch. 
“Oh wow. It’s almost midnight.”
“Yes ma’am it is. You’re not going to turn into a pumpkin, are you?”
“Wooooow. That is the cheesiest thing I have ever heard.”, you giggle at him as he grins. 
“Ok, you can’t say that and then laugh!”
“Um, yes I can!”
Your laugh is cut off by his lips as he reaches forward to pull you to him. “I’m sorry”, he whispers. “Was that…?” You shake your head as you bring his mouth back to your own. 
The sound of a throat clearing immediately tugs you two apart. “Sorry, Y/N. I didn’t realize the date was going so well.”, TJ grins at you as you and Malcolm get to your feet. 
“Very well, it seems.”, Steve smiles as well but there’s something about it that you can’t put your finger on. 
“Hi. I’m Malcolm.” He extends his hand to the boys who shake it. “Y/N has told me all about you and your new part. That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely good at what she does.” Eddie’s smile is much more slanted than Steves as if he isn’t even trying to hide the fact that he’s upset. This time your head is the one to tilt. 
“You okay there, Mr. Munson?”
He narrows his eyes at you before glancing at Steve. “I…am just fine, Princess. Honestly, I am ready to relax and party. TJ, where are the other beautiful women at?”
Your boss chuckles as he slaps the man’s back. “I love this kid. Come on, boys. Let’s leave Y/N to her date. She’s earned some fun.”
I’m in control.
“Hey Eddie! Steven! You boys look good tonight by the way. Nice to see you out of your dad vibe clothes.”
They both stop, slowly turning to meet your cocky smile. 
“So do you, Y/N.” Steve sticks his hands in his pockets as he continues to follow TJ. Eddie chuckles, shaking his head before giving you a wink. 
By the early AM hours, you felt the alcohol doing its job as you leaned your head on Malcolm’s shoulder. He gently kisses your forehead making you smile. 
“I’m going to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He nods as he watches you disappear around the corridor. Just as you’re about to turn into the restroom, the sound of moaning grabs your attention. 
The moaning gets louder the closer you get to a door at the end of the hall that’s slightly ajar. Your breath catches in your throat when you see Steve on the edge of the guest bed with a girl between his legs. His pants were shoved down to his ankles as her manicured nails gripped his thighs as her head bobbed up and down on his cock.
This is wrong. I’m in control. I need to leave.
As you turn to leave, you bump into Eddie’s broad chest. He quickly raises his finger to his mouth in a shushing motion as he grabs your arm and turns you back towards the door. His fingers delicately move through your hair, pushing it to one side. 
“He always looks so good like that, doesn’t he?” He whispers softly into your ear as presses his chest to your back. “That should be you in there taking his cock in your pretty mouth.”
“Why is that Mr. Munson?”
“Because you so desperately want it to be you…it’s kind of pathetic.” Your breathing stutters at his words as you feel your pussy start to drip. “And I prefer Sir.” Both of his hands reach down to unbutton your jeans. “As opposed to Mr. Munson.”
As one of his hands slide into the waistband of your panties, his other grips your chin forcing you to watch the show in front of you. 
“That’s it, baby. God that feels so good.” Steve’s hand drops down to hold the back of her head. 
“He hates it.” Your eyes turn to meet his. “Oh yeah. He’s not one to praise unless someone has earned it. They’ve barely even started.” Eddie glides one of ringed fingers through your folds. 
His hand quickly flies over your mouth as you whimper when he pushes into your entrance. 
“What was that?” The girl on her knees starts to turn her head but Steve swiftly reaches out to grab her chin. 
“Probably noise from the party. Keep going, honey. Please. I’m almost there.”
She grins up at him as her mouth wraps around his cock again. His eyes meet yours through the crack in the door as Eddie pumps his finger deeper into you. 
“Did you really think he was going to let you get away with your sass by the pool?” Your head fell back against his shoulder as he inserted a second finger into your throbbing cunt. “You’re lucky I’m nicer than he is. No, no.” He lifts your head, making you look at Steve. “You have to help him, Princess. He won’t cum unless you do.”
Your eyes lock with the mans in front of you as Eddie curls his finger inside of you. His breath is warm against your ear as he presses his face to your own. 
“Are you still in control?”
His hand pushes tightly to your mouth as your body caves into his. He holds you up as best as he can as you cum hard around his fingers. You look up just in time to see Steve groan as he cums into the girl’s mouth. 
Eddie gently pulls his hand from between your legs and zips up your pants before buttoning them back up. 
“Go pull yourself together. You’re about to go back into a room full of people who have sex for a living.” He kisses your cheek tenderly before playfully pushing you towards the bathroom. 
You quickly fix your hair and adjust your make up as much as possible. You smile at your own reflection as you exhale. Jesus. You give yourself a final once over before heading back towards the living room. The girl that had been with Steve was sitting on the opposite couch talking to another girl you recognized from other sets. 
“Hey you.” Malcolm extends out his arm and you smile as you fall into his embrace. “You were gone awhile. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I swear I can handle my alcohol.” He chuckles as he kisses your forehead. 
The boys come out from the hallway at the same time. Steve flopping down next to the girl he was with, Eddie down on the floor next to her friend. 
You watched with envious eyes as they touched their faces and kissed their lips. The girl next to Steve flirtatiously touched his chest as the other girl ran her fingers through Eddie’s hair. 
“That should be you in there…”
Suddenly a thought hit you. Eddie knew that Steve wasn’t enjoying his blow job but neither of them knew when you weren’t enjoying something. They had to have been jealous to pull a stunt like the one they just did. 
Fuck them. They think they can make me jealous to. I’M in control. 
You craned your neck to look at Malcolm with big dough eyes. “Hey.”
“Hm?” As soon as he turns your lips were on his and he was more than willing to deepen it. 
You didn’t even need to glance in their direction to know the boys were watching you. You could feel their stares penetrate through your body. 
You and your date were startled when Luke threw his body onto the couch next you both.
“Luke.”, you couldn’t help but smile as he turned to deliver you a drunken grin. “You good, buddy?”
“I am and so are you it seems.”
You roll your eyes. “I date. People act like I’m a prude or something.” 
“You’re definitely not a prude.”, Eddie calls from the other side of the living room. When your eyes find his, he places the two fingers that made you cum into his mouth. He pulls them back out with an obnoxious pop. “Right, Princess?”
You narrow your eyes at him before playfully smiling. “Correct, sir.”
Eddie’s eyes look up to meet Steve’s but his are too busy looking at you. “Oh, Eds. So polite this one.” He turns to Malcolm. “She’s always calling us by our last name. Mr. Munson. Mr. Harrington. We told her she didn’t have to.”
“It’s because they’re my clients.”
“Didn’t you call their first names by the pool?”, Malcolm asks as he gestures that way.
“I have been drinking.”, you nervously giggle hoping to play it off.
I’m in control.
“Yup, that’s probably why she said ‘Steven’. Ugh!”, Steve overdramatically shudders. “I hate that name.”
“What name do you prefer?” You close your eyes and bite your bottom lip trying to contain your smile at Malcolm’s question. 
When you open them again Steve and Eddie have wide grins of their own. 
“What do I prefer, Y/N?”
He’s challenging you to play their game and you know it. You started it by calling him Steven earlier and just now by casually saying “Sir” to Eddie in front of a group of people. But did you have the guts to say what Steve liked? Sir you could explain away but…
I’m in control. Not them.
You cross your legs, leaning forward in his direction. “Hm. What DO you prefer, Daddy?”
Your date stuttered out a sigh behind you. “God damn…”
Everyone else in the room that had heard either giggled or made an “OOOOOO” noise towards Steve. Some of the girl’s eyes swiveled in his direction as they licked their lips but his eyes remained glued to yours with a small smile painted on his lips. 
“Hey, um, do you want to get out of here?”, Malcolm asked as he tried to sneakily adjust the bulge in his pants. 
You tore your eyes from Steve’s to look at your date. “I’d love to.”
He guided you out to his car and opened the door for you to climb in. As your date hops into the driver’s side, you hear a small knock on your window.
“TJ wanted me to give this to you.”  Steve leans in and hands you a piece of paper. 
“Why can’t he just come out and tell me?”
The man softly smiles as his finger grazes your cheek. “Tonight was fun. We’ll see you in a few days?”
His gentle tone was throwing you off. Mostly because it warmed your stomach at the thought that they would be excited to see you. 
Agent. Client.
“Yeah, of course.”
Steve pated the door as he backed away from the car. “Nice to meet you, Malcolm.”
Your date grinned and nodded his head as you unfolded the note that was given to you. 
Don’t sleep with him. We promise you won’t regret it.
X Eddie and Steve X
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666
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faghubby · 4 months
My name is Paul, I married Jen. Six months ago. After brief engagement and even briefer dating. We met by accident almost like one of those romantic comedy plots. I accidentally stole her shopping bag. We had both set our bags down and when I picked mine up I took hers accidentally. She chased after me yelling. She even accused me of stealing it. But after a brief explanation she saw it as an accident. I asked her to launch to apologize for the misunderstanding.
At lunch we hit it off, we laughed and realized we had alot in common. It was a whirlwind relationship. We loved spending time together. I couldn't imagine anyone else making me so happy. Within three months I proposed. And we where married six months later. But the last two months something has changed.
"Jen what's wrong? I know something had been bothering you" I asked pulling her tight.
"Paul, you are the sweetest man ever, and I don't want to hurt you but. I need something" she told me.
"What? Anything" I told her kissing her.
"I need to get fucked" she said pushing away.
"Well okay" I laughed going to pull her to the bedroom.
"Paul, wait. I need you to understand" Jen said. "I need you to take me, even force me" she explained. I was surprised but surely we could figure this out. I picked her up and carried her to bed. Where I undressed her and kissed her. We made love. As we laid there Jen spoke.
"Paul, that was nice, but not very forceful" she rolled on top of me.
"Ite like making love to my best friend" she told me.
"I don't understand" I asked.
"Role play?" She smiled as if she had an idea.
"Okay" I smiled this could be fun.
"You just got out of prison, and I am a whore you paid $50" she laughed.
"That's dark" I told her.
"Okay you are a gladiator and I am a slave girl" she told me
I kissed her "Such a pretty slave girl" I cooed
"PAUL, FUCK ME. DAMN IT RIP OFF MY CLOTHES AND USE ME!" Jen screamed. She got out of bed.
"Jen I don't think I could ever" I confessed.
"I know" she said frustrated she got dressed. She was crying when she left. I was even more confused. I texted her a dozen times with no response. I woke up when she came home 3 hours later.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Christ you're not even mad!" She spat.
"I was worried" I told her pulling her close. She burst into tears.
"I cheated on you" she told me. I just held her.
"You are the nicest guy in the world and I've you, but I needed" she stopped.
"Aren't you mad? want to know who?" Jen yelled. She hit my chest.
"I forgive you" I told her.
"What if I did it again? What if I continued and had an affair?" Jen continued obviously mad. At me or herself I had no clue.
"What can I do?" I pleaded. Jen stormed out slamming the door. She slept in the guest room. I got up in the morning and made her breakfast in bed.
"Paul you are too sweet" she told me. She patted the bed next to her.
"What if I continued to have an affair?" She asked calmly.
"I don't understand" I told her.
"You are sweet, and caring. I love you. You ate my best friend. But I need more in the sex department" Jen told me. "I don't want to lose you. I just need a man to just fuck me. Every so often" Jen told me.
"What? You want me to what let you?" I said tears forming in my eyes.
I got up and left her alone. I was confused. She couldn't be serious I thought. Was this some kind of crisis we got married to quick. She was thinking she made a mistake. I couldn't lose her. I spent the day working on all the little projects she had been asking me to do around the house.
Jen spent almost the whole day in bed. I even bought her lunch in the guest room.
"Paul, those shorts" Jen said with a frown. I changed and threw them away.
Jen came emerged out of the guest room it was after 4pm.
"Paul, come sit" she told me. I stopped what I was doing and sat down.
"Do you like when I take control?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I responded
"Do you like it when I just decide things, you always just agree and do as I suggest" she told me. I didn't see it bit I guess maybe she was right.
"It just seems to make sense" I told her.
"Your shorts, you liked them?" She asked.
"Yeah but if you didn't it's okay" I told her.
"What if I started to decide more around here?" Jen suggested. My look must of been enough.
"What if I just took over? Helped you by making decisions for you?" Jen asked.
"Like what? I mean if that's what makes you happy" I told her.
"What if I continued to have a lover and you excpted it. We could still make love but I could fuck him when I needed to cum. Not that you don't make me cum. It's just different with you it's... like a lesbian thing" she smiled.
"What?" I said surprised
"You have only ever made me cum with your tounge. Like a woman would" she giggled alittle.
"Jen, I could" I was almost in tears.
"We tried remember you couldnt" she told me her hand cupping my face comforting me. "I could help you be okay with this. I could take away all the stress and make all the decisions for you" Jen told me pulling me close. I was now crying uncontrollably onnher shoulder.
Afrer I was done I felt exhausted and fell asleep in her arms. When I woke Jen had made dinner. As we ate Jen tried to explain how things would work.
"You would be able to express your opinion but I would make the final decisions, on purchases, vacations, even where we go to eat" she told me. "Oh and sex, of course I would be happy to remove all of your stress on pleasing me, or figuring out what I wanted or when" she told me.
"Think of your shorts today, you liked them. But once I expressed my disappointment you not only changes you threw them away" Jen pointed out.
"Jen I would do anything to make you happy" I told her. She grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom. She pressed against me.
"I want you to undress me, kiss and caress me. Then please me like you do with your tounge" she cooed in my ear. I did exactly as she said. Once done "Come lay next to me" I again did as she said. She stroked my erection.
"Do you think that it's maybe your size that makes you insecure and willing to follow orders" she giggled. She had never mentioned my size before but I knee I wasn't big. Even below average according to the internet. At only a bit over 4 inches.
"Jen how big was, well him?" I asked meekly. She held her hand several inches above my throbbbing dick.
"And much thicker" she added. She continued to tease me.
"Jen please" I begged.
"But it would be my decision" Jen whispered in my ear. She then dropped suddenly took me completely in her mouth. I pumped my load inner mouth. She had not used her mouth since before we where engaged. She swallowed but then kissed me. I could taste my own sperm on her lips.
I had not agreed to anything, but Jen took control. It was slow at first but soon even picking out my clothes was no longer my choice.i knew when she met her lover. But not because she said. Because she was late and came home disheveled. Jen was always in a great mood after, but also would push my obvious submissiveness towards her.
Our sex life was never better, but we also had not made love. It had been almost two months.
"Jen, I. Well I know you get what you need from him" I stumbled over the words.
"Paul, do you want some attention?" She teased. I just blushed.
"You can't even ask. You are like a little boy" she teased kissing my forehead. She stripped me. I stood before her naked. She was fully clothed. I was so turned on. She smiled and led me to the bathroom. She filled the tub and added sweet flowery salts to it. She bathed me. Then shaved my face. She didn't say a word just worked her razor down. Soon running the razor over my chest.
"I want my little boy to be smooth all over. Little boys don't have hair everywhere, do they?" Jen teased. I found myself standing in the tub as she shaved my balls.
"It looks even smaller somehow" Jen laughed as she moved my penis to the side and finished.
"Jen I want to make love to you" I said embarrassed even as I said it.
"Little boys don't, well I guess I could make you a girl" she smiled. I had a moment of panic, but then she shaved my legs as well. When she was satisfied I had no hair anywhere on my body except the top of my head. She rubbed rose smelling lotion everywhere. She led me to the bedroom and as I finally crawled on top of her. I came just feeling her warm wet pussy against my penis.
"OH sorry" I told her.
"Lick me" she told me. I couldn't could I had just cum all over her. But I didn't want to disappoint her so I did. At first I hesitated. But then just gave in and my face was covered in my own cum as I licked and sucked her clit.
"Clean up your mess, don't miss any, do a good job you can clean up Mike's as well." She told me. She had never mentioned a name. Mike was her ex. Was she fucking her ex boyfriend?when I finished I laid next to her on the bed.
"I love this, I never thought of you as a sissy though" she told me her hands rubbing my smooth skin. I got hard again.
"You like to suck my lovers cum from my used cunt, wouldn't you?" Jen asked. I didn't answer I just moaned as she rubbed me.
"Sissies where panties while their wives get fucked by real men" she told me.
"Jen I don't want to" I wimpered.
"Okay, but I want you to stay naked" Jen told me. Jen didn't let me cum.
"Little boys also get punished for touching themselves" Jen told me. She was serious about being naked. Not only the rest of the day. But whenever we where home. I complained once and found myself wearing little girl panties. With Disney princess designs on them. I also found myself doing all the household chores.
It had been 6 months. When Jen came home after meeting Mike. She was earlier then expected and caught me watching porn and masterbating. Jen was pissed she sat on my face and fed me her lovers seed. It was not the first time. But as she sat on my face she pulled me uo towards her I thought she was going to jive me a handjob but instead she held my leg in an awkward position as she rubbed lube on my asshole. I panicked and tried to move only to be smacked hard in the balls. Then she pushed two fingers in my ass. Sh slid down sitting on my stomach as she continued to play with my ass. Soon working in another finger and even a forth. I wimpered and cried as she violated my ass for the first time.
"my little boy Is gay and likes to play with cock" she told me. Jen bought me toys so I could masterbate after that. Insisting I fuck myself with a dildo or vibrator since I loved cock so much"
Since I was obviously secretly gay, she increased the amount of time she spent with Mike.
The panties became permanent, but also my wardrobe became more femme or gender neutral. She removed anything she found masculine. Mike also became no longer private. Soon he spent many nights with her in the master bedroom as I slept in the guest room and listened.
Jsn and I where still the best friends, and loved each other. But seemed to be even closer. As she would openly talk about her sex life. Clothes and style.
One night she took me out to a gay bar, she set it up but before the night was over I was in the back alley on ,y knees sucking a man's cock. While Jen waited in the car.
"Did you like it?" Jen asked. I just nodded. Jen smiled.
"My little girl is all grown up" she rubbed my erection thru my skinny jeans. As a reward I rode a 8 inch dildo as I watched a video of Jen and Mike. She sucked his cock then allowed him to fuck her ass. Jen helped me cum in her hand. As she shoved another dildo down my throat. Then fed me my own cum.
"Never again Paul" she told me. And handed me info on hormones.
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ieatedyourcrayons · 2 months
“I’ll get that fixed up for ya darlin”
Sapnap x reader
Mentions of luke (punz) and clay (dream)
no trigger warnings and not proof read
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You’re going through your manager duties at the steak house you work at, making sure everything is ready for open. The place you work at opens at 4pm, i mean who’s going to eat steak for breakfast?
You guys finally opened and all the servers, host, and kitchen staff are in there stations chatting or getting people sat. Tuesdays are usually slow so prep was low. The first table to be sat is a table of guys in their 20’s.
An average height guy with curls and a hat on, a taller blonde with full curls, and a shorter blonde sit at a booth waiting to be served.
You strut out the kitchen and notice the group of boys sitting and chatting with one of the servers, Ally. Ally is a teen currently working to save up for her car, she always gets good comments and tips.
Some time passes and more customers roll in and tables are filling, the bar has a few people there and chatter fills the restaurant, As you’re doing your rounds chatting with tables and making sure everyone is okay the first group of guys calls you over.
“hey miss, sorry to bother you” The guy with the hat says shyly as he looks up at you.
“Oh you’re not bothering me hun, what’s up?” you assure him kindly.
He grins a little before speaking, “this steak.. is just.. not good” he says with slight disgust in his face.
A confused look falls into your face, “not good? i’m sorry hun we can get that remade for you if you’d like?” You ask him with a soft tone. The other two guys at the table eyeing you.
Sapnap sighs in relief, “yes please, i’m sorry. i don’t mean to be a bother” he says with nervous laughter.
“you’re not bothering no one. i’ll get that fixed up for you darlin, mind if i take this so i can show the chef?” You assume him as you point at his plate that has the steak on it.
He grins and nods his head, “Yes ma’am thank you so much” he says. You smile and give him a “of course” before taking the plate and bringing it to the kitchen
You walk over to the kitchen manager, whose the head chef, “Hey can you get this remade for me, i think it was a bad cut, it’s for table 43, under Ally’s section” you state as you set the plate in front of him.
He looks at it for a second before speaking up, “yeah i’ll get it remade, sorry y/n.”
“No you’re completely fine, thank you for fixing it. let me know when it’s done so i can bring it out” you assure him before walking out the kitchen to check on things up front.
“She’s a pretty lady” Punz grins to dream and sapnap. “seriously?” dream and sapnap both laugh. “What it’s true?” Punz says with fake offense before taking a bite of his food. Dream and sapnap both shake their heads at him with a smile.
Sapnaps steak gets remade and you get called over to bring it to their table, Ally waiting for follow to give them their check. “Hold on” you say to Ally as you set the plate on a table in the kitchen before grabbing the check and a pen.
You scribble down a “Call me <3” with your number and name on it. grinning as you do so. After your poor attempt of making a move you grab the plate and hold on to the check. “let me handle this” you grin at Ally with a laugh.
“Okay whatever you say girl” Ally laughs back at you as you walk away to their table.
“Hello’ thank you so much for your patience, here’s your remake and your bill for whenever you’re ready, no rush, let me know if anything is wrong!” you say cheerfully with a smile. Putting both the check and the plate infront of sapnap , sending a wink his way.
Part 2??
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tassodelmiele · 5 months
Noisy little mess
Hi sweetie⁓
Brief intro 'cause I'm so late to do everything this monday, goddammit.
CoDdammit. Lol.
That's a "dialogued chapter". I love dialogues.
I lllllove them.
Next time i'll give you some more action, i promise.
Maybe. I suck at scheduling things
DISCLAIMERS: GhostxYou yelling time; Price is so good at being a psychologist i don't even know why he's a soldier; Soap risking his life by being a little too funny; Gaz doesn't like coffee; dialogues that last halves of hours; roommates enjoyining their time alone; brain gets error 404 on how-to-behave correctly;
Sixth part here:
«I bet someone'd fought the other day»
Price appears behind you, and incredibly, it's not breakfast time: it's like 4pm, and you're not used to seeing him somewhere which is not Laswell's office.
You let the weight fall from your hand, breathing heavily; lately, gym is the only thing that allows you to not explode like a goddamn balloon in a cactus field.
You exhale: «…did he tell you?»
«Didn't need to tell me. We heard the yells»
He sighs, sitting on a bench. «Some things are better to be told under your breath. Particularly if they are personal. And above all, if they're the kinda things you were talking about-»
«You're telling me you've heard that i-!» You say almost in a hurry, immediately biting your lips. «…sorry Captain»
«You don't need to be sorry»
«No? And…what about being bewildered?»
He frowns. And you find the intimacy of the gym, combined with Price's soft eyes and his bear you're so tempted to pet, comfortable enough to open up a little.
As if you've not behaved like an open book since you'd made the first breakfast with the Task Force.
«Look» you preempt every possible objection about not being professional on a military base (since you know you're not) «I don't wanna be a burden, or cause problems. I-I know you've already got plenty of them…»
And he anticipates you with a sigh: «…but?», knowing so well you're about to stream out a flow of that sort of thing girls tell their besties at pajama party nights.
«But…but I don't know how to handle the Lt! I…just don't know. It seemed to me we got along well but, apparently, we weren't. We are not. I mean» your hands gesticulate above you to draw the speech in the air «one day he almost broke my arm, then he helped me get rid of some sort of stalker, but the day after he offended me and told me to shut my mouth. I don't know! I don't know how the hell I am supposed to-»
«Is this bothering you?»
«Yes!» You almost yell, emptying your lungs with a sigh.
Price's humming fills the silence for a while. «Ok. I'll make sure to put you under someone else's supervision-»
You bite your tongue again, and he smiles under the bear; you know he did. He was expecting your answer, but doesn't need to make you feel bad about how much of a childish behavior this is. He pats your shoulder: «Ghost speaks through sarcasm. Not that easy to handle. But if he doesn't ignore you, then he likes you. That's what we've learned 'bout him»
«What about him being touchy?»
Now you can add to your "goal list of the year" that you've made Price slightly blush; and he can't deny it, even if he hides the red under a bear scratching. He doesn't even ask you about the kind of "touchy" behavior you're speaking of, so you imagine that, somehow, he already knows…things.
«Again» he sighs. «Does this bother you?»
Fists are clenched around the thumbs, squeezing them hard, and your sight is focused on the weights abandoned on the floor. You feel some sort of heat climbing up your tights thinking about how much Ghost's touch did notbother you. But your brain doesn't allow you to admit it. 'Cause it bothers you not being able to find him bothering just enough to officially make him stop, and you're just hoping he'll quit somehow 'cause old memories and vices are frighteningly awakening in you. 
«It would be better» and saying this costs you a lot of swallowed cravings «if he stops»
It doesn't seem like he is falling for it. But he doesn't ask further.
«I'll speak to him»
And you can just give your beautiful Captain the best smile you've got.
«I just can't believe that bloody woman is a…whatever»
«People in bed are different from people in war, Lt»
Ghost glares at Soap through his fifth coffee of the day.
«Why, thank you, Sergeant. I'll engrave your pearl of knowledge on my tombstone» 
«It'll be ma pleasure»
«What is it?»
Two pairs of eyes turn at Gaz, who's peeking from the opposite side of the table. None of them is a "snack" kinda guy, but this afternoon really calls for a break.
And Ghost's drinking coffee. Again.
The Lt. gazes back at Kyle.
«You're not drinking tea anymore» he claims, suspicious.
«Are ya afraid I'll turn into a Scottish?»
Soap grins: «aha, not funny», as he rummages through the pile of recruits' tests that need to be checked. «Look, look at this, bloody Jesus, I-» He tooks away one sheet in particular, waving it around. «How the hell is she capable of runnin' like a-a...dunno!»
«Who're you talking about?»
«Our laddie» He spits out with a smirk. «Christ, she does have working lungs, look at her running test results!» 
«'Course she has, or she won't be able to yell like that»
The whole office turns silent around Price's words. He enters with a smirk, nodding at his desk full of plastic glasses.
«When did the tea party start?»
«Sorry Cap., promise we ain't eaten all the cupcakes»
He grunts, heavenly sliding on his goddamn chair (spared by the misappropriation). He waves his head at Ghost:
«I've got complaints»
That makes him say his second: «…what?» in, like, two minutes.
«Our little one» Price explains «is politely asking you to stop being…you know what»
«An asshole?» is Johnny's supposition.
«A shithead?» is Kyle's.
«Surely someone's gonna be bloody dead meat» is Ghost's ultimatum. 
«I've spoken» are Price's last words, before he stretches his limbs so hard his bones crack, making Gaz shiver with a: «damn Cap., go see a fucking osteopath»
Then a mumbling is heard from Ghost's mask, almost chomped in his teeth as he tried not to let his thoughts hiss out of his mouth. But he fails, and everyone can hear: «fucking child, not grown enough to tell me by herself»
It makes Soap almost burst into a laugh he chokes in his guts, exploding in a sudden cough. 
«Ya ok bud?»
«Aye, aye…'s just…» Johnny takes a breath, gaining some air. «'S funny to look at you two playing the “cordless phone” game»
Ghost doesn't like this. Not a bit, not a single word.
«What do you mean?» He snaps.
«Why don't you just talk frankly to her?»
«I've nothing to say»
«Bullshit. You've been yelling at each other for one week»
«You're a bloody blabbermouth»
«'M sorry, it was impossible not to hear you. Why are ye even so mean to her? You two started well»
«I'm not here to make friends»
«Maybe ye could get a girlfriend instead»
Price intervenes before Ghost decides his knife fists better in Soap's throat than in his hand. Captain gives his boys one of his gazes. 
«That doesn't have anything to do with you, so, even if you know every crumb of this shit cake…shut your holes. 'K?»
And they do it. They shut up, since they neither want a telling-off from their Cap., nor Ghost's knife in their butt.
The day was kinda ruined, though. At least, Simon's day. And he spends the rest working hours glaring back at everyone, avoiding speaking and trying to shut the echo of Soap's voice in his head. 'Cause he hates to admit it (and he wouldn't do it even under torture) but that goddamn man was right: it was just a matter of speaking with her honestly. Without being a dick.
Fuck; that last part could have been a problem.
The fact is…problems that are killing his synapsis are actually two.  
Price managed to get one of them, and maybe it's pretty obvious even for the rest of the team. But the other mental pirouette is what is really eating him alive. And he doesn't have enough teeth to clench, cheeks to devour internally, fists to smash on the door to avoid thinking about it.
'Cause one thing is liking you.
One other is wanting you. In a bad, absolutely not polite and caring, incredibly violent way.
Abstinence surely is one of the worst tortures. He's used to it, though: both to abstinence and torture. So it shouldn't be a problem, but it is, and he can't deal with it, he can't accept it, it's just unbearable and…and…
And Ghost almost starts to think everything is so overwhelming at the point of giving him hallucinations, as he hears…something.
Something familiar.
He stops next to a door, and it takes him one second to realize what door it is, and who's behind that door.
And what sound he had just heard. 
And in that one second of chaotic information riddling his brain…he hears it again.
A moan. A cute one, so muffled and soft that it was almost inaudible.
His eyes slid to the room door. 
That's your room. 
And, if he remembers well, the big crazy woman of your roommate is currently out on a mission. Therefore, you're alone.
All alone.
Absolutely alone.
So alone that you're, evidently, enjoying your moment of privacy a little too much.
He's about to knock at your door, or to burst in, he doesn't know, he'll figure it out somehow, but as his hands brush against the door knob there's another moan, so soft, so gentle that he thinks he's hallucinating.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
«What are you…doing?»
He jumps, his heart skips a couple beats as he jerks alarmed eyes to look at who's just appeared next to him.
He almost faints when he sees you. Thank god the mask is covering his face, otherwise you would see a jubilance of embarrassment and fear, red and deathly white.
You're standing, a toothbrush in your hand and in your feet the insecurity of someone who doesn't know if to make an u-turn and pretend you've seen nobody, or stay and wait for an excuse.
Him too, he seems to choose the "excuse" kinda behavior: he coughs, straightening his spine at his limit to stand taller, more confident. 
And he talks, but words are not as dry as he would like: «I came to see y-TO» he suddenly withdraws «to make sure you're going to be at the meeting tomorrow mornin'» the last few words become a mutter.
Silence follows. Moments of strange silence, oddly, densely fluffy, as if you're looking at the scene from above a cloud.
W H A T 
That's what your mind is flashing while you're discharging your incredulity on the poor toothbrush.
«I…» You start, with the intention of saying something sensible, really, to make the most of this occasion and let him know how fucked it's his way to handle people, sarcasm or not. «We just-like-we've almost…in your…yesterday» you start all over again «you've treated me like a wannabe whore»
He immediately hurries: «Wasn't my intention to-»
«I'm sorry if it wasn't, you'd done it» You shut him. You shut your goddamn Lt., and this isn't even the first time. «I can't hold up with this anymore»
«With what?»
«You» You spit, clenching your fist around the toothbrush. «With you, ok? I-I-look, i know this couldn't-you're my superior, I'm sorry if I'm being…disrespectful? I'm sorry» words start to rush from your lips, eyes are wandering around, in search of a cute way to avoid yelling at him again. «But you're so…»
«Unreadable. Unbearable» adjectives slip through your mouth, sharpened and straight to his heart. Or at least you hope. «I can't work with nerves at a razor's edge»
«I supposed you already knew we've to work under all conditions»
«These are not normal conditions, don't just spit the whole thing out»
«Explain, than»
«You know!» You muffle the voice. «Stop teasing me, 's like you've got some sort of dual personality! Anyway, I've already spoken with Price and-»
«He'd told me» He cuts your speech. «But I'd rather your pretty voice gives me clarifications»
«We've already fought on this point, like, five times!»
«What point»
«You make fucking fun of me!». This time you yell, then immediately bite your lips. You feel like he's teasing you, and obviously the joke's always on you. «That's the point! And all 'cause-'cause I've moaned once, and somehow now you hate me because I've made you turned on!»
«First you treat me like some kinda hoe, then you protect me from stalkers, but one minute later you make fun of-of-! Do you know» you're rushing disconnected words, and your toothbrush is pointed at his face threateningly «how fucking difficult it was for me to open up about my goddamn kink? Do you know??»
«But I've done it! I've done it 'cause you're a superior of mine, and I want, I swear to god, I WANT to respect you, to-to trust you and be at ease with you like I used to till a bloody week ago!!»   
You're breathing so heavily your lungs' movements are making your whole body wave. Stern, ice-cold eyes are locked on him, and you don't even know how you've managed to gaze at his mask for so long.
There are times in which you need to make a choice in a matter of seconds. Simple ones: putting salt first in the pot, or going first with pasta when water boils; wait a little at the coffee machine to make the espresso a long one; going to the bathroom before putting nail polish; picking up the book you're supposed to study instead of the phone with you're gonna fuck around with for the rest of the day…
Simple things. Ordinary choices.
Like biting your tongue before talking shits (that's what you're not doing), or speaking before it's too late (that's what he's not doing).
And you two face each other in a silent sights fight, spiced with rage and frustration, every muscle tensed and every fist clenched, teeth tight and cheeks chomped from the inside.
You'd like to burst into tears.
He'd like not to be a dick. For once.
And the whole situation is unlocked by another sudden, soft moan from the room. 
You instantly get red in every inch of skin; he widens his eyes, just able to say:
«What the fuck-»
«Sorry» you're so fucking embarrassed you can't even stand his sight anymore. «Sorry, i-i've…i've given Bernie some "solo-time", and she…uhm…apparently-»
«Hold on». His tone changes so suddenly, turning into a hurried, awkward question: «Is Bernadette Kelly inside?»
«Wasn't she supposed to be on a mission?»
«She was a substitute, in case Fisher couldn't do it. But he managed to go»
He's lucky the black makeup disguises his redness so well, since he can feel how hot his face is under the mask, as he wonders how it could have ended if he had rushed inside the room to Bernadette touching herself.
«…ok. Well, no. But…ok, 's ok» He mumbles to himself, allowing his brain two seconds to readjust the thoughts's stream. 
It pisses you off so much you don't know where to restart the angry mood. 
And you do it in the worst way possible, blowing out a mean: «you've thought it was me, didn't you? Were you ready to scold me again 'cause "I haven't got enough dignity to be a soldier", and then feel allowed to touch me?»
You're ready for everything, you're wearing armor in berserk mode: you can face him yelling at you, threatening, flirting, scolding, putting blame on you, taking you at gunpoint, punching you or throwing a burrito at you, you don't care.
You're ready. You're waiting.
Aaand waiting.
Aaaaaand waiting.
'Cause he's not moving, so frozen in place you're wondering if he's still breathing.
Ghost's not an evil man. He's not violent, he's not an asshole.
He's just having a metaphorical system error in his software that's reminding him he has not, in his goddamn entire life, dealt with such a duty. 
And he doesn't know how to: he doesn't know if it's better a silenced gun or a sniper, to do stealth or to burst in the house with a grenade; he doesn't know if it'll be a dangerous mission or a walk in the park kinda thing.
He doesn't' know, 'cause his only way to solve these problems is being a dick and waiting till the counterpart gets enough of him, and just leaves him alone.
But this time he doesn't even know if he wants to be left alone.
And so, with his mind blown up and just your toothbrush in his eyesight…
He left.
Without a word.
He turns his heels, leaving you in the corridor.
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academic-comeback · 28 days
Week 1: Routines
Routines. Are. Everything. But they are also completely up to you. Establishing one can be difficult, but I have found is essential to a functional life. And it doesn't require a 7am wakeup every morning and falling asleep exactly at 11pm every night (those of us with insomnia, anxiety and others who just can't seem to switch their brains off will most definitely understand how difficult that can be), but it means keeping your life as organized as possible. College-era jobs are unpredictable. So is life. I personally work in food service, where schedules are variable and not entirely up to me. One day I could be opening and getting home at 4pm, while another day I'll get there at 4pm and close, working until 11pm depending on the job hours and who stays extra late just talking. What you do outside of the uncontrollable makes or breaks you. Routines, to me, are more about organizing the time you *do* have, no matter when that is. So in creating a schedule, you need to list your priorities, no matter what they may be. You also need to be able to be flexible, especially if you're working. Even if you're not working, staying strict in your routines can make life boring, and could lower the chances that you'll stick to them. Rigidness in the things you can control makes people like me not want to do them, so we should be open to changing *when* we get things done, as long as they get done within our set time frame. So, to create the routine. List priorities. Essential priorities while in college should probably include studying, keeping a tidy dorm or bedroom, hygiene, eating, classes, sleeping. Personal priorities might include hobbies, exercise, spending time with friends, calling home, or setting some alone time. My Current Priorities:
Keep room tidy
Take a shower before bed
Study during allotted times (Monday-Wednesday, 3hrs)
Read for at least 30 minutes a day
Ceramics on Thursday mornings
Get 8 hrs of sleep a night
So, my morning routine would look like waking up at my set time, and making my bed. I might go ahead and brush my teeth, style my hair, and make breakfast or lunch (depending on how hungry I am), before heading to ceramics if it happens to be a Thursday, or reading if not. Maybe I have work that morning and I'll get ready for that. At some point during this routine, you may want to look at your planner and figure out the rest of the day. What classes are you going to? What assignments are due? Do I have a space in between classes to study, complete assignments, eat, and decompress? A lot of this might already be planned out, and you might already have a great understanding of this routine. But if you get started in thinking about it, you might feel better prepared for the rest of the day, rather than forgetting that this club meeting is happening, you picked up a shift and need to head to work straight after class, the due date for this assignment got moved or this exam is in two weeks and I need to start studying today. Or whatever the case may be.
Night time routines, for me, are more about reflecting and decompressing. Once 11:59 hits and all of today's assignments are due, it's time to close the laptop and think about anything but. This is a good time to indulge in a relaxing hobby like crochet, reading, writing/journaling, or even simply watching an episode or two of your favorite show. It's a great time to wind down, perhaps take that shower if you're a night person, and slip into some comfy clothes. Maybe this is the time that you study some more, if you're a night owl, or maybe you're already asleep if you're an early bird. Personally, a shower is how I mainly decompress. It's where I reflect on my day while also taking care of myself. I'll blow-dry my hair if it's a wash day and head to bed. Sometimes I'll read, sometimes I'll watch a show, other days I'm too tired to think and will fall straight asleep. The big picture is to know yourself and routines that work best for you. If you get work done best at night, this is the time to be doing schoolwork and studying. Take mid-day to be your time to decompress and indulge in hobbies and other activities. Early-birds may prefer to get up early and indulge in these hobbies, studying, or anything else, and leave night time for whatever else. But also, learn to give yourself grace. You aren't going to die because you overslept one morning and missed half (or all) of your classes. Or because you got a late start to studying. Or because you spent a day or two not really doing anything. In my YouTube research of people who've made their academic comebacks, the baseline is that as long as they met their goals *most* of the time, they remained successful. Strict routines are not always going to fall into place. They make life boring, and keep you from being social sometimes, which is really important for your mental health, which is most important for your overall success. Sometimes, life even gets in the way and your gym time may be overrun by a friend's sports game or performance. Maybe someone's upset and you have to tend to that. Or, a dreaded exam is scheduled for the middle of the time you've scheduled for tuba practice. Maybe this means you can't go to the gym or practice that day. Or you'll have to leave social time for tomorrow. This is not the end of the world. You are still just as successful as you were yesterday when you checked everything off of your to-do list. The Bottom Line. Establish routines. Stick to them as best you can. Give yourself grace. You are human. Academic weapons are human. We are not robots. You. Will. Survive.
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ajokeformur-ray · 11 months
Okay, so here's the routine I have been following and want to make permanent:
Wake at 3am
Get out of bed at 4am (the lost hour is for more sleep / x reader fanfics to help me mentally prepare for the day)
4 - 6.15am study (coffee machine & fridge both come in handy here, so I can eat breakfast/snack & caffeinate to my heart's content)
Leave for work at 7am, arrive 7.50am for shift at 8am.
Shift finishes 3pm, get home at 4pm.
Cook dinner/reheat leftovers, do the dishes and other small maintenance chores, shower, brush my hair - takes me to 5.30 - 6pm depending on energy levels/if I cooked or reheated.
6 - 7pm study some more
7 - 8 or 9pm - answer DMs/asks, do some writing, watch TV curled up in bed
9pm - bed.
This is what I stick to as closely as possible. Sometimes after work, I'll go grocery shopping, and if that's the case, then I won't study for that extra hour at home since that will put me 'behind'/I wouldn't get my writing time in the late evening. I also won't study in the evening if I have therapy, though I'll be discharged in a few weeks so I'll be able to drop that from the routine and take up another hour of studying.
On a day off, which I get 2 - 3 times a week (2 if I do overtime, 3 if I just do my contracted hours), then I get up when I feel like it (usually by 7am), and just study and write all day in alternative hourly chunks until I go to bed 8 - 9pm.
I think...? I can sustain this. I think. The studying in the evening is an edition you all helped me with a few days ago and I've been trying it out, but everything except that has been my routine for the last month. I'm eating more, sleeping more, and I don't feel too stressed at the moment?
I think maybe I can sustain this, but I wanted to ask for opinions since someone else might pick up on something I'm missing.
This is hard, but I'm doing my best, I really really am. And if anyone wants to tell me that a fictional beloved would be proud or that you are proud, then please feel free because honestly, I'm hanging by a thread and they're getting me through and so is everyone here.🥺
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CW: discussions of child neglect, food policing, abusing autistic children, fatshaming
I’ve always been confused why I have food insecurity trauma behaviors, but my family has always had the privilege of having enough food and money and whatever else. I was reflecting on this with one of my partners this morning, and realized that my parents had a lot of rules around eating that other people… didn’t? So I wanted to share some of them and… idk. I just don’t want to feel alone. Also, understanding that I am (undiagnosed as a child) autistic with sensory issues that sometimes explode into ARFID, is vital to this conversation and adds a whole other layer. Again, CW ahead.
We always had ingredients, not pre-prepared meals. And you couldn’t eat things bc they were an ingredient
Things like cheese you could snack on but you could only have a little. If you’re hungry, eat a fruit or a vegetable (notoriously some of the worst things for textural sensory issues.)
Pre-packaged snacks have a purpose- if we’re leaving the house, or if you want to take one to school. You may have one snack after school, but there’s a specific amount you’re allowed to have, and it cannot be pre-packaged. I was banned from goldfish for a period of years bc I kept ignoring the rule with it. (I was unwittingly self-medicating for POTS, because it was the saltiest thing I was allowed. The diagnosis came years later.)
Sugar was evil. I could have it several times a week, but only as dessert. I had no say in what dessert was or when. If I asked for it, the answer would automatically be no. Breakfast cereal, one of my only safe foods that I could count on, was not allowed to contain more than 8-9 grams of sugar. That ruled out things like fruity pebbles, my favorite cereal. Occasionally this rule would be broken for things like Golden Grahams, because my dad liked them, but not for anything else unless it was a special occasion.
If you miss your time slot during the day, you just don’t get that thing: i.e. snack time is from 3-4pm. If you don’t eat then, you can’t eat until dinner at 6. No food after dinner. No food between 8am and noon. No food between 1 and 3. This schedule was only allowed to deviate if mom deviated from it.
Also, if you don’t like what’s been prepared for a meal, too bad. Eat it or eat nothing.
In a similar vein, if you don’t eat all of your lunch at school, the leftovers are now your snack after school the next day so mom can watch you eat it. It was supposed to teach me to eat all my food at school. Instead I just learned to throw food away.
Foods other kids got a lot, we didn’t really. They were only for car trips or birthdays, so a few times a year. Things like chips, soda, cracker jacks, etc.
Since safe foods were policed so heavily, I learned to eat a shit ton when I could, so I could make it through potentially not eating anything else substantial until the next day, or even several days. This was usually breakfast cereal, which was guaranteed, and snack time food, which was usually something like popcorn or peanut butter celery (which I did like) or pretzels or yogurt. Hated trail mix and granola bars with a passion. This got me consistently criticized for “eating like a pig” or “wasting food” or “eating up money” when I would have 2 bowls of cereal for breakfast, especially in middle school and high school. But if I wasn’t really eating anything else during the day, and I ran out of energy from those 2 bowls by 10am, what else was I supposed to do but take it?
There was also a lot of competition for getting ahold of my safe foods when they were in the house- because I have 3 siblings. So I grew a habit of stealing and hoarding food in my room- even though that was strictly forbidden. I got busted often, but I was fucked otherwise. Or when we had things like pizza for dinner or other safe foods, I’d have several helpings (consequently getting fatshamed) because I wouldn’t know when I’d have a pleasant sensory experience again, or when I’d get to really eat again.
Also, had to clean my plate whenever I complained about dinner. Think I got bungee corded to the chair once. Had to sit at the dinner table past my bedtime a few times because the lasagna or avocado was too much and I’d puke. And then get verbally abused for it. They stopped that with my siblings. They were allowed to have pb&j after eating 3 bites, but only pb&j. What I would have given for that when I was a kid.
Anyway. Any solidarity is unfortunate but appreciated. A bit sobering now that it’s all listed out like that.
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tracih87 · 1 year
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My Rammstein Encounter (in Bern)
After a long travel to Bern (travelling from the Highlands of Scotland is never easy) I arrived at my hotel entrance feeling extremely hot from the weather but feeling really excited about the Rammstein concert the next day, my husband asked me as we entered, “did you see the young boys standing outside the hotel?” my reply was “what young boys?” in my haste to check in and get rid of our luggage I didn’t notice them, so he went on to tell me there was two young boys waiting outside clutching onto Rammstein records, perhaps the band is staying here! I thought to myself, surely not?!
After checking in and doing all the boring unpacking we decided to head over to the stadium, I’m the kind of person who likes to know where the feuerzone line is and know the route back to the hotel when its dark. Once outside, we spoke to the two young boys and they told us the band were indeed staying in the hotel! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and seeing the young boys clutching their records with Pauls autograph did make my heart swell, it was a cute sight, they were so happy!
After doing the long walk to the stadium and being really brave and taking the tram back it was time to chill out, get some dinner then sleep ready for the concert!
We left really early in the morning and got our place in the feuerzone line at roughly 8am, there was already nearly 50 people there, the wait was long but, my god it was worth it! 4pm came we scanned our tickets and ran for the rail which we got at Richards side of the stage! It was so hot all day and it felt even hotter once inside the stadium, it took a couple of hours before the staff realised that we would need water but since it had not been pre planned they could only provide small amounts but it goes without saying that show was absolutely amazing and any tiredness/dehydration completely melted away when the music started! I could not even try and begin to explain what I felt during the show but I am quite sure it’s the same as any other Rammstein fan!
We got the tram back to the hotel from the stadium, we couldn’t enter the hotel straight away as Paul and Schneider were getting out of their car and going in, they went straight into a doorway, I am quite sure it was the staff lift which is not for guest use, after a short wait outside we got into the foyer and went straight to the bar to quench a crazy thirst! Sitting comfortably and rehydrating ourselves, we seen Anar Reiband (Tills manager) coming out of one of the lifts then we seen Jens Koch and some other crew retiring for the evening. Suddenly in came Flake with a security guard, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I got off my chair and went over to them both, I was greeted by two smiles, my heart was hammering in my chest, I could not believe I was standing in front of Flake I politely asked if we could have a photo, I looked from Flake to the security guard, Flake said “yes but please no internet”, I promised both Flake and the guard that I would not post it on the internet, the photo was taken and Flake looked lovely and smiley in it! I then proceeded to tell him how amazing I thought he was etc etc!! I kept my promise and did not post it on the internet, it was then time for bed as we had night two in feuerzone! Safe to say I went to bed grinning, I just met Flake and had an amazing time in feuerzone!
Next morning, we decided to take it a little bit more slowly, I have a dodgy heart and blood clotting issues so made sense to take it easy and not go for the rail again. We walked in for breakfast and sat at a table, across from us was Paul and Oliver with two ladies (unsure who they were) then another larger table with crew. There was something very surreal having breakfast with Paul and Oliver on the table close by which is really silly as they are human have to eat too! So I composed myself and set about having my breakfast and chatting to my husband about the show last night and what time we should go to tonight’s show. During breakfast, Flake also came in for his, he sat at the larger table with crew and I noticed Paul had gone over to sit there too (I did notice how at ease Paul is, he is like a social butterfly going round chatting and laughing with everyone, including the hotel staff 😊), we finished our breakfast and left the breakfast room, after sorting out some things in the room, I headed down to go outside for smoke (or vape my case!) I got outside to see Paul and Jens standing straight in front of me, just like with Flake my heart started hammering in my chest, I took a big deep breath and took two steps forward… “Paul” I managed to stammer out, he looks at me and smiles and I manage to ask him for a photo, he grins and says “of course” before I can say anything back to Paul, he asks, “where are you from?” I replied “Scotland” I also joked about my funny accent and Paul replied “oooohh I love your accent” and laughed, by this pointed I am shaking so badly but grinning like the cat who got the cream!! I had my phone in my hand and I’m not sure if Jens could see me shaking but he took my phone off me to take the photo, so not only did I get to meet Paul, Jen Koch took the photo!! My brain has gone to mush, there is so much I would of liked to say to Paul but I only managed to thank him so much before it was time for him to go into his car, I also spoke to Jens for a small while but I won’t go into detail about that as it was more a personal conversation about shyness, he is a very sweet man! Jens left, I walked a few steps away leaning on a wall trying to process what just happened, my husband came out the door and could see my beaming face, I had tears in my eyes, I was just so overwhelmed with happiness! (nothing was said about posting the photos on the internet but I decided not to post the photo online, even though the cat was out of the bag so speak and word had gotten out where the guys were staying, it just didn’t feel right to do so).
Back inside the hotel, still grinning, myself and my husband ordered some Coco-cola (full sugar which is unheard for me but hell I needed the sugar!) After a while we thought we better head to the stadium, he had forgotten his sunglasses so left to go to the room, I sat there for a few moments reliving my moment with Paul and Jens when Oliver appeared, he had come from the lift behind me, I stood up and said “Hello Oliver”, he looked at me and I proceeded to ramble to him how amazing he is (oops, trust me to ramble) then asked if it was okay to take a photo, he nodded yes and we took our photo, I thanked him for his time, a small nod again and he walked out the reception/bar area door! Sitting back down my inner fan girl was screaming and doing cartwheels! Never in a million years did I think I would meet a member of my beloved Rammstein and now I had met 3 of them!
My husband arrived back and after composing myself once again we decided to head to the stadium for our second night in the feuerzone! Again it was another spectacular night, it was slightly different to the first night as some of the fans around us started to argue and fall out but I was quick to zone them out and absorb myself into the show! Then back to the hotel bar for our usual refreshments before bed, we seen Flake and Anar in the bar area, then Jens arrived which I gave a small wave to him, he smiled back which was nice 😊
Next morning, we headed for breakfast in the hotel, we had the whole day in Bern to ourselves to thought it was best to fuel up ready to explore our beautiful surroundings! We walk in and see Oliver sat at a table with the same two ladies as before and the table next to them had crew and the nice Rammstein security guard that we quite often seen during our time in the hotel, there was also other Rammstein fans having their breakfast, this time it didn’t seem so surreal and we set about selecting our breakfast items. Jens came in and ate during our time and while he was leaving I looked up and our eyes locked, we both smiled and said “good morning” to each other, my husband laughed at me playfully as the huge grin was back on my face! We got up to settle our breakfast tab, as my husband was doing so, I turned round to look out the window when I seen Flake, Paul AND Schneider sitting at the window table, Schneider looked over at me and smiled, it was such a warm smile that reached his eyes and of course I grinned back and gave a small wave, Paul was sitting across from Schneider so had his back turned to me but he turned around and also smiled, by this point our breakfast tab was sorted and I skipped out the breakfast room!
A small time later, I was downstairs waiting for my husband returning from our room so we could start our exploring, Schneider and came into the bar area/reception shortly followed by Flake, I thought to myself, this is once in a lifetime opportunity so I approached him again heart hammering in my chest, he smiled so warmly as I asked for a photo to which he replied “yes of course, Flake come over for photo” Flake laughed and told Schneider he had a photo with me but he still came over and gave a beautiful smile along with Schneider. So the selfie with Schneider and Flake was taken, I felt elated and so overcome with more happiness, Schneider carried on smiling as I once again rambled how much I loved him and thought he was so amazing! Then he left with Flake into the lift. By this point it obvious the guys were leaving so we decided to hang around and watch them leave, Paul, Oliver, Flake, Schneider left, I seen Richard leave also but he wasn’t stopping for autographs or photos, we decided to go outside for a smoke as there were other fans outside too, Joe Letz was heading out the door at the same time, my husband was in front of him and I was right behind him, I felt so small compared to him, he is a very tall man!
Once outside there was about 15 Rammstein fans waiting along with a few police officers plus a couple of security guards. The fans were all clutching records and pens waiting for Till, so I thought I would join them in the hopes maybe I could get Tills autograph, we waiting for 10 or so minutes and we seen Anar coming out and going into the waiting car, then perhaps another 5 or so minutes Till came out but he didn’t stop for any autographs, he kept his head down and walked to the car but all the fans were super respectful and kept their distance, no rushing towards him just a few calling his name.
After that we enjoyed the rest of our time in Bern, I posted my photos online but I did keep one back special just for me, of course with social media you have to take the good and bad comments but I shall focus on the good comments and not let the bad drag me down.
I can honestly say it was a trip of a lifetime and I have been gifted memoires that will last me a lifetime
Thank you to my wonderful husband
Thank you Rammstein
Thank you universe
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Not sure if requests are open but...
Kanade with a reader who are in a relationship and Kanade finds the cup noodles taste better when reader makes it.
They were when you requested so here we go! And to be honest, I had lots of fun writing this one so hopefully you'll like it too hah ^^
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Kanade finds noodles tastier when reader does them
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @hakulivesformusic
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Kanade was in her room, working on newest song for Nightcord. It was already after 16/4pm and yet, she didn't had her dinner yet. Some may think it's nothing unusual as she often skips meals but this time was different... she promised not only Miss Honami but also her lover to eat properly but she just coudln't find the motivation to reach for that noodle cup knowing she can get the noodles made from heaven in just few minutes...
You on the other hand were just on your way to visit your girlfriend and see how she's doing! Unfortunely because of bad weather, you're few mniutes later than you told her... but let's just hope she won't mind!
You entered her house using spare keys she got for you and made your presence known when you saw no one in the sight, figuring the girl you're looking for must be in her room.
"Hey Kanade! It's just me!"
"I'm in my room! Just give me a minute!"
She probably just got some nice idea and wants to write it down, it happens often to everyone! So you took care of the kitchen, thinking you might need to clean some stuff but it ended up it wasn't much... that's when you began to wonder if she eats properly...
Once the gray haired girl comes out of her room, you immidietly asked her about your doubts after short greeting hug.
"Hey Kanade... just a question... did you ate today?"
"Yes I... ate breakfast..."
"And dinner?"
"Well, I waited for you..."
You only sighed in response, it was truly a sweet gesture of hers but you didn't wanted her to starve just because of you!
"I'll make you something quickly. Do you want anything specific?"
You kind of expected that honestly... you didn't put up any talk about how she should eat healthier tho, at that moment you were just happy she agreed to eat anything and take a break from her work.
Blue eyed girl handed you 2 cups of noodles, you knew she wanted you to eat properly too so you just nodded with a smile and filled them with water as soon as it boiled.
It was a calm moment between you two, when you were just enjoying your meal, sometimes not even talking but none of you really mind. And your girlfriend? She felt like she was eating noodles prepared by God himself! She made sure to watch closely but you never add anything to it... then how do you make it taste to heavinly!?
After you two were done with eating and cleaned up a little, she came up to you to ask you something that seemed like a very serious question to her.
"Y/N, I have a small question... how do you always make noodles taste so good?"
"Huh? What do you mean, K?"
"It's just that... whenever you do it, they taste heavinly but when I do my best to recreate it, it's not the same..."
"Is that why you waited for me with dinner today?"
The girl looked away with very faint blush, only assuring you that your guess was indeed correct. If that's the case, you might as well think of it some more... or maybe you already know the answer? Maybe it is love that counts?
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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switchysyphus · 10 months
Hunger kink fantasy - it’s super long oops
If you want to read it I’d appreciate it but if you don’t TLDR - my partner keeps me from having food all day, keeping me starving
I am allergic to some foods and generally am a really picky eater. In this situation I do have a partner and am working as a teacher.
Before falling asleep I make sure that my alarm is set for 7am since it’s a Monday morning but my partner has other plans. They secretly wake up before me and turn my alarm off. At 7:35am they wake me saying things like “babe! I thought you were awake! You have to leave for work in 10 mins.. come on wake up!” I drag myself out of bed and change quickly. I think maybe my partner has made me breakfast and I can eat in the car but he didn’t make me anything and it’s too late for me to make myself breakfast.
I teach my morning two classes while being a little hungry but used to not eating for 10-12 hours. During snack time while the kids are eating I try to go to the canteen to grab a snack but another teacher comes to me in a frantic rush saying that there is a problem with the printer and she desperately needs worksheets printed for her class in 10 minutes so I go with her to help her print her copies.
Oh well I think lunch is in an hour I can wait. The hour passes and finally it’s lunch time! I go to the staff room fridge and realise that I forgot to bring my packed lunch cuz I was rushing in the morning! I remember that I still have some money on my card that I can pay for lunch at the canteen! When I go down tho the card reader says it’s at zero so I have to put back the food I took! At this point I am starving… I try to order food but as I am about to press order my teacher friend reminds me that we aren’t allowed to order food cuz we need to set good example for the kids. I’m all out of options by now and soo hungry.
I just remind myself it’s only another 3 hours before I can go home and eat. I text my partner and tell him how hungry I am cuz I had to skip breakfast AND lunch! They say “oh you poor thing! Why don’t we go to that nice restaurant for dinner? You can fill your tummy with all the good food there!”
The hours pass slowly while I teach, soon enough the final bell rings so I can go home yay! By the time I come home it’s almost 4pm, starving I go to look in the fridge and there is nothing!
Partner chimes in and says “oh I cleared the fridge, I ate up the leftovers and threw away the expired stuff! Aren’t you so proud of me?”
I nod and say “I’m starving! Would you mind if we just order some pizza?”
They respond with “I’m not hungry babe, we will go to that lovely restaurant at 7 I already made the booking. I hope you don’t mind I invited some friends!”
I groan and say “ I havnt eaten since last night dinner! Is there really NOTHING I can eat now? Not even a small snack?”
They say “no baby, that homeless shelter needs snacks and you have a whole cupboard full of snacks so I donated them all… yes even the Cheetos and popcorn. Come let’s watch a movie to distract your hungry tummy!”
So we watch a Disney movie and they rubs my tummy which has started to growl, I curl up into them and hope that the times goes quickly. By 6:30pn partner tells me to go get ready and to dress pretty so I go shower and change starving at this point cuz it’s been almost 24 hours without any food. I get ready and they say “you look so thin in that dress baby, it looks so big on you!” I smile and nod. We leave for my favourite restaurant and as we are in the car they say oh shoot I forgot to tell you that “Daniel wanted to go for sushi for his birthday dinner so I couldn’t say no now could I? It’s HIS birthday after all!”
I start to cry cuz they know I don’t eat sushi and im allergic to the ginger and soya sauce they use. I ask if they can just turn around and drop me home but they say “no baby, my friends really want to see you! It’s been soo long and I already told them you would come. It would be rude for you not to come now” During dinner I am forced to sit and smile politely and tell everyone that I ate before coming when it’s been a full 24 hours of no food at this point! I get so hungry that try to take a sushi piece but partner slaps my hand and says “babe! You are allergic! You ate before coming.” I blush and keep talking to my friends. I suggest we go for ice cream but everyone is so tired and full now they all want to go home. On the drive home they keep rubbing their belly and saying they are wayy too much and are so full! I say I’m still hungry and ask again if we can pick up some food for me. Again they say “awww so cute for asking! But no baby, no food for that greedy tummy! Maybe if you wake up early tomorrow you will get breakfast!”
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