#to be clear it's not because i think he's a traitor i would actually like him a lot more if he was a traitor
vigilskeep · 4 months
HELLO please please elaborate on dreadful stepdad astarion
i think other people have spoken more eloquently on the matter than i ever could but personally i believe having your tav stumble into astarion wanting things to be real and then have to decide when exactly to bring up the existence of their dozen children is so deeply funny it’s almost an obligation
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rmbunnie · 2 years
While I’m on here i have to say its a goddamn tragedy that the jjba fandom went the basic portmanteau/mashup ship name route because its already full of music references so it would be really fun to get creative with it. In a just world fugonara would be called Strawberry Switchblade instead. A single tear is rolling down my face as i type.
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deadghosy · 3 months
This is one of my 1st times requesting anything so bear with me please lol cna I request some headcannons or just a scenario of Draco with a twin sister who got sorted into gryffindor. Just like how their relationship is over the years n stuff similar to that(hc wise) for a scenario maybe the slytherin boys figuring out Draco has a twin and that twin is a GRYFFINDOR.(I think I’d be funny)
(sorry if this is long)
A/N: you can look actually like Draco, or be the type of twins that don’t look alike at all. I appreciate reblogs, comments, and such as likes.
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After you got sorted to Gryffindor expect for Slytherin. You were worried your slight older twin would not deem you as his sibling. You eye the Slytherin table nervously to see him staring at you. A heart broken expression as he tries to mouth to you, only for you to be taken back at a boy with glasses and dark hair. The boy seemed nice and took you to a boy with red hair. You knew he was a Weasley. You slowly got along with the two boys
As years pass, with glances from your brother and his group of friends he made easily. You were scared that he may try to insult you, maybe not even claim you were his sister. Harry, you boy you soon learned the name of figure quite quickly that you were the twin sister of his rival perhaps. He didn’t bash you because of your brother, more like felt sympathy.
Draco, personally I feel like he wouldn’t be like “ew you’re not my sister no more you blood traitor!” Yes he would feel betrayed that you are a Gryffindor. But you’re still his sister that grow up with him and know his secrets. He can’t just toss you to the side like that.
He’s sad that you don’t talk to him much, and with the house rival it’s even worse as Hermione would just drag you from your own brother. Making Draco sneer at her. 
As of now that students are in the courtyard, mattheo noticed something about you. And he just had to say it out loud.
“Hey, that girl kinda looks like you Draco.” Mattheo says looking at you from afar. Draco looks over to see you and Harry smiling at each other. Draco’s eyes narrow with protectiveness. “What is pottah doing with her?!” Draco knew you and his rival was close, but not that close. Theodore raised a brow, “what? You like her or something?” Draco immediately gagged, and chocked on his spit.
“WHAT?! Bloody heavens no…she’s my sister.” He says. Immediately his friends stood there shook.
Congratulations! You got yourself Slytherin bodyguards. Despite the house rivalry they love you like a little sister. Since you are their friend’s little twin sister, they deem you worthy of hanging out with them.
Literally you gained a slight respect as you are the only gryffindor they like.
But it comes with cons and pros 💀
The cons are that they are overprotective of you when a guy is asking you out. Don’t matter what house the dude is in. You better believe mattheo is the one claiming he is your boyfriend to make the dude leave you alone while the rest is behind him as if this dude is the ring leader💀💀 please get mattheo before he breaks the dude’s face.
The pros are that they are comfortable with treating you as one of them. They kinda light up on the slander of Gryffindors for your sake. They give you your space when you need it. And they certainly are the best body guards in parties.
Sometimes Draco will treat you as if you were sorted into Slytherin. The pooor boy is still in denial that his beloved sister is a disgusting lion. He loves you dearly but he cannot believe that the hat made a simple mistake.
I feel like he would blame the hat and not on you.
Draco definitely is overprotective and says to his friends (mostly mattheo) to not even try to romance you.
A clear headcannon that he doesn’t want you to date Harry or Ron, or just any Weasley at that point.
You two tell each other the house password so you two can check up on each other
Draco hates to admit he finds your presence most comforting than your own parents.
Though out all this, yes your father is disappointed that you are a Gryffindor and doesn’t know what to do with you. Draco is still there for you. You are his sister. His sister that comforts him and he comforts you back.
At the end of the world, you are his lovable sister.
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Who would fight a girl vs who would never???
This would highly depend on the timeline but I think it's generally like this
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Takemichi- 100% would never dare to hit a girl, he was outraged when Yuzuha got hit and when Emma got hurt.
Mikey- ok this one is a hard one since he said he never would and technically we never do see him lay hands on a girl. But he does threaten Senju at one point and it's implied he either hit her or hit someone who knocked into her during the final fight. Is there a middle section he can be put in?
Draken- would definitely never throw hands with a girl, sees it as being a pointless thing to do (he's also seen first hand how argumentative the girls he lives with can get and wants no part in that).
Baji- Seen people argue both ways on this one but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't throw hands with a girl. His mother would kill him. (Aside from sparring at the dojo).
Chifuyu- He'd prefer to just get beat up by a girl rather then throw hands.
Mitsuya- never ever ever, not in a million years.
Hakkai- would panic and run away if this situation ever came up.
Pah- would not hit a girl, might be a bit rude to one maybe even threaten one if she didn't back off but wouldn't actually fight a girl.
Peh- no way, he looked so upset the one time he accidentally made yasuda cry so would never want to do anything to make a girl cry on purpose. 
Smiley- honestly a little torn on this one, his love of fighting and murder is very big but not sure he'd actually fight a girl. I think maybe he would but only if the girl started it and she seemed strong enough to challenge him.
Angry- he doesn't even wanna fight the guys!
Mucho- would fight a girl but only if izana or mikey told him to or she knew something about traitors.
Sanzu- would also fight a girl, literally doesn't care.
Kisaki- he's not much of a fighter but we've seen that he's 100% willing to fatally wound girls so he definitely would.
Hanma- would fight a girl but wouldn't take it seriously, feel like he'd treat it more like a game. Teasing and letting the girl get some punches in, giving her hope before he takes her down, watching the hope fade and seeing how she reacts. Doesn't go picking fights with girls though, just waits for them to challenge him.
Kazutora- would not fight a girl, he seemed outraged to find toman had been targeting girls in that one future.
Koko- would not fight a girl, he definitely seems to think girls need protecting (his comments to hakkai) so I don't think he'd want to hurt a girl.
Inui- he said it himself, he would fight a girl.
Taiju- again we have pretty clear evidence that he definitely would hit a girl.
Izana- would fight a girl if they were strong enough or got in his way, otherwise wouldn't be interested.
Kakucho- would not fight a girl, he seems to be against girls being hurt in general.
Mochi- would also not fight a girl, he seems to have some kind of moral code when fighting so probably wouldn't fight a girl? Might though if they were very strong.
Shion- wouldn't fight a girl cause he sees it as being beneath him. "This fight wouldn't be fair for you against me!"
Ran- would not fight a girl, mainly because he thinks it would damage the Haitani brother's reputation to be seen fighting girls. 
Rindou- Same as Ran but for the added reason that it would be a bit awkward for him to pin a girl down.
South- again canon evidence that he would throw hands with a girl. I feel like he doesn't care about gender just how strong a person is.
Benkei- would not hit a girl, I feel like he'd feel so guilty about it with how big he is so would never. (Aside from friendly spars with Senju where he doesn't go all out anyway)
Wakasa- also wouldn't fight a girl, sees no reason to, would likely just evade a girl if one ever tried to fight him (aside from spars with Senju).
Shinichiro- ohhh definitely wouldn't, he'd probably try hitting on her or trying to talk her around instead. Doesn't see any reason to hurt a girl and is most likely the one to teach Mikey that. 
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literaila · 8 months
could you write a really fluffy peter Parker fic for Valentine’s Day (with banter ofc)
valentine, oh mine
tasm!peter x reader
a/n: this is not cute or fun or any of the things i aspire to be. it is painful. peter dies (he doesn’t). don’t read this.
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“will you be my valentine?”
“hello, peter,” you answer, through your toothbrush. the words are deadpan. “i’m doing well, thank you. how are you?”
“better if you answer the question.”
you laugh, letting his response linger for a moment as you try to discern where, exactly, he is. your mouth tastes like spearmint, and it would be perfect to kiss him with. even though it’s monday, and almost midnight, and he shouldn’t be here.
for a whole multitude of reasons (number one being that you know he’ll keep you awake for at least a couple of hours more).
“where are you?” you ask him, listening to ruffling and a whine from the other end.
a manly whine, he might tell you, if you could see his face and make fun of it.
“stop deflecting. you don’t wanna be my valentine?” you can hear the frown.
and then there’s a horn, signaling absolutely nothing.
you spit into the sink, and put him on speaker as you rinse.
“i’ve gotta say that this is one of the more underwhelming valentine proposals i’ve gotten. you’re not even here. instead you’re…” you drawl, “where, again?”
“this is just further proof that i’m always thinking about you,” peter tells you, recalling an argument you’d had the day prior.
about how he wasn’t paying attention to you—or the conversation you were trying to have with him about one of your coworkers—but instead, according to him, thinking about you.
which did not help his case, of course. instead you’d given him the silence treatment for three minutes while he groveled—poorly.
and you doubt that he was thinking about valentine’s day when his eyes were glued to your lips the entire time.
“again,” you tell him, trying to hide the sound of a smile in your voice, “i would rather you just listen to me. answer my question and i’ll answer yours,” you bargain.
“how’s that fair? i asked first.”
“i asked second.”
peter sighs, and there’s a brief pause where he breaks up. you mess with the sound settings to no avail. up or down, his voice is distorted.
“are you—“ his voice wonders. “i was gonna tell you—“ and then a pause. and then. “are you giving me the silent treatment again?”
“cant hear you,” you hum. “somethings wrong with your phone.”
“how do you know it’s mine?” his voice enters again, breaking back and forth. another honking, and silence as he puts himself on mute.
because you’re no fool, and you know that peter would’ve answered the question already—if only to get you to answer his—if he didn’t know that you’d scold him for it.
“cause i can hear the wind while you swing,” you tease, though swallow, your voice is aiding the anger you should feel—because your boyfriend is a liar, and a traitor and you kinda hate him.
but you’re not really angry. you haven’t seen him since he left your house at six in the morning, so that’s probably why.
“i—“ there’s a pause. and then his voice is clear again. “that’s my hairdryer.”
“are you lying to me, peter?”
“it might even be the connection,” he continues, idly. “may’s been complaining about the service but i’ve been too busy to check the box, so—“
“are you still lying to me?”
you can almost see him swallow. “…no?”
“i told you not to call me when you’re out.”
“so you never want me to call you?” he asks, mock hurt. “when i’m not out, i’m always with you. i thought you liked my phone calls, and my voice if my memory serves me. someone really liked it—“
“you know what i mean.”
“do i?”
“peter parker, unless you want me to hang up—“
“okay, okay,” there’s still no swinging. “i’m sorry.”
“no, you’re not,” you whine, sitting on your bed and listening closely so he can’t trick you again.
“i actually am this time,” he swears. “i won’t do it again. but this is a very important matter.”
“swinging while talking is basically like texting and driving, and if i was doing that i’d be getting an earful from you.”
“it’s so not the same thing. first of all, spider senses, please keep up,” he tells you, laughing. “and who am i going to hurt in the open air?”
“a pigeon,” you say, almost angrily. “they’re an endangered species, you idiot.”
“they’re definitely not.”
“okay, then, yourself. who’s going to be my valentine if you slam into a wall and crack your head open?”
peter would not look cute without his skull, you remain firm on this fact.
you can hear his smile. “i knew you wanted to be my valentine.”
“before i knew you were lying to me.”
“you lie to me all of the time,” peter argues.
your brows furrow. “when?”
“when you said that you don’t like it when i call you,” he murmurs, almost soft, still teasing. “i know you do. you miss me.”
“i miss my boyfriend,” you answer, biting back some other remark about how you don’t miss him at all—honestly, you’re trying to prove that you’re not lying. “but apparently i’m talking to a superhero.”
“oh, did i forget to mention that? must’ve slipped my mind.”
“where are you now?” you ask. “it’s quiet.”
and then there’s a tap on the wall to your right.
“is that you?”
“are you kidding?” you grumble, crawling on your knees to push back the curtains and open the window. you frown as you unlatch it, hands interrupted by other ones, doing the same thing. “how long have you been sitting out here?”
“since ‘are you lying?’ i think.” he says, in a terrible impression of your voice. “it’s cold.”
you pull him in by his wrist, immediately pushing him off when he tries to land on your bed on top of you.
peter pulls his mask off, smiling at you. “hi.”
“i’m mad. go take a shower.”
his fingers tip-toe up your arm, trying to get you to shiver. “are you really?” he hums.
“how can i make it up to you?”
“find me a better, non-lying valentine,” you tell him, pouting as you look away.
“is this supposed to be an answer?”
“why didn’t you just wait?” you ask instead. “if you were going to come here anyway, why didn’t you ask me in person instead of being a disappointment, and breaking a rule?”
“i don’t recall signing a contract…”
you groan, sitting up and crossing your legs as you look at him. unfortunately for you, his hair has fallen over his eyes just right, and you still want to kiss him.
“take me seriously.”
“i take everything you say,” he leans in, “very seriously.”
you push his nose. “you don’t.”
“i do!” he swears, grabbing your hand. “i’m listening. tell me what’s wrong.”
he says this condescendingly, because you already told him—kind of—but he knows that if you have to repeat it, you’ll break.
“this is why they say familiarity breeds contempt.”
peter smiles. “are you feeling contemptful right now?”
you nod.
he leans again, and you cant push him away. “how can i help?”
“you can apologize.”
peter’s smile grows softer as you look at him with eyes of steel, like he finds this version of you cute. your pout and your false anger, all bundled up into one perfect package.
just for him, you suppose.
he leans in some more, “i’m sorry,” he says, softly, just brushing your lips. “i was excited.”
you purse your lips, even while his are soft and teasing against them. it feels kind of like a feather brushing your skin, like peters got his own secret form of tickling you.
teasing you, like he always does. familiarity breeds contempt, and comfort, and confusion, and…
he kisses you fully, this time. a gentle peck. “i wanted to hear your voice,” he admits. “i’m impatient. i should listen to you more.”
“right…” you whisper, with him, as your only form of acknowledgement.
“i won’t call you while i’m out, okay? or i’ll pause somewhere.”
your brows are permanently fixed together. “don’t pause. just… get some headphones, or something.” you let your lips relax, finally, and they fall against his just as a consequence. “i like your voice too,” you admit, quietly, as an afterthought.
peters smile is bashful. “like wireless ones? not sure how that would work under the mask…”
“you made the suit,” you tell him, leaning back. “you cant figure it out, genius?”
“i’ll do it for you, i guess,” he sighs, but his fingertips trace the skin on both of your arms, simply because he’s that close.
“thank you.”
“are we done fighting now?”
you frown, pushing his hands away so you can cross your arms. “no. you really asked me to be your valentine over the phone?”
peter sighs, shaking his head. “i knew i should’ve gone with the skywriting.”
“or,” you say, rhetorically, “i don’t know, maybe a box of chocolates? flowers? a quick ‘hey, will you be my valentine?’ before you left this morning?”
“that’s so lame.”
“so is asking me over the phone.”
“i was excited,” peter argues. “i wanted an answer.”
“well you didn’t get one.”
“yes i did,” he tells you, finally grabbing your arm so he can pull you on top of him (because seriously, this is unfair).
“you said i was your valentine,” he reminds you, tilting your head up so you’re looking at him.
“you’re mine,” you tell him, rolling your eyes. “i never said i was yours.”
“wow,” peter murmurs. “that might be the worst thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“please. i called you a vermin to may the other day.”
he pouts, childishly.
“ask me nicely,” you say, after a moment.
“i did.”
“ask me nicely again.”
there’s a pause where two stubborn people meet at a head—literally, head to head—and consider the prospects of losing this battle.
but peter is softer than you are, when you tease a smile on your lips, he breaks. “will you be my valentine?”
“hmm,” you ponder, looking away. “i’ll think about it. i mean, there’s a lot of options to choose from.”
peter bites your nose in retaliation and the two of you laugh until you’re dizzy
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metalomagnetic · 10 months
I like to think Sirius actually killed the muggles. That he went after Peter, cast a Blasting Curse at the traitor, but Peter transformed in the last second, and the curse went into a gas pipe or whatever and BOOM. Twelve muggles dead, the street blown up. Peter flees the scene, the lil' lucky rat, and Sirius stands there, shocked, hysterical, laughing.
When they come for him, he says "I killed them", only he doesn't mean James and Lily, he means the poor muggles.
The Aurors check his wand, and they see the last curse he performed was a Blasting Curse. More than proof enough. They don't imprison him for being a Death Eater (he has no Dark Mark, after all) and betraying James and Lily isn't actually a crime, but they have proof he murdered a street of muggles, and he confessed to it, too, refuses to elaborate, just laughs like a maniac.
Dumbledore does come to the Ministry when he hears they arrested Sirius, but when faced with this proof- well, what is there to do? It's clear as day Sirius actually killed the muggles.
I think I'll go with this from now on; it makes the Ministry look less incompetent, it solves the dilemma of 'why wouldn't Dumbledore even attempt to ask for a trial for Sirius', and while it's still heart breaking Sirius wasted away in Azkaban, at least now he's actually guilty of something, and it isn't just incredibly unfair. Sirius spends 12 years in hell, one year for each of his muggle victims.
Even after Dumbledore learns in Harry's third year that Sirius isn't actually a Death Eater, it's not like he can overturn the guilty verdict or ask for a trial. They are well aware Sirius would be found guilty at a trial, anyway. They all know it, hence why they don't try to clear Sirius' name. Because he's guilty. So Sirius stays on the run. They decide not to tell Harry, because ...well, because he just gained a godfather that loves him dearly, wouldn't do to find out he actually managed to slaughter muggles by accident.
After Sirius dies, the Ministry decides to pardon him, since he's already dead and no longer a threat to the public, and Dumbledore convinces them to do it, as a sort of comfort for Harry.
Now, I'm gonna write a fic about it.
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
fic rec friday 58
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
The Value of a Moment by @a-fools-errand
When Lance’s previously obsolete skills in language suddenly become very useful, he finds himself wondering why aliens can’t account for the fact that humans, particularly him, need sleep and would prefer linear timelines. (Or: an Arrival AU because I love that movie)
yall OBSESSED does not begin to cover it. i have never read a fic where lance was so goddamn cool. and in like. the insanest of ways?? like of course lance is a polyglot but THIS....this is a whole new level. i havent even finished it fully yet but like god this thing is so fucking cool. if ur looking for a longfic stop looking
2. Rest Stop by @flaming-potato-arsonarson
Lance wasn't like the rest of the world. And he had never had a loving mother tell him it made him stronger for it. So he told himself, gathering up his courage and grit to face a world of winged humanity, when he, in fact, has no wings and turns into a mermaid instead. A world that wants him to die. So he'd keep this secret like a knife in his boot, a sharp weapon until he died on his own terms. Not because of who he was. Except, Team Voltron isn't so sure why Lance is all rough edges and sharp points about showing off his wings. Or acting like a member of the Flock in general. It's clear he cares for them, but he's never shown an intimate part of him. Until he has to.
oh god this has gotta be one of my CLASSIC fics. read it a few dozen times. i read it right when it came out, six ish years ago (goddamn), i can remember curling up in my old bunk bad and eating this up as the hours ticked by. i was HOOKED. my jaw was dropped my eyes were glued. could not get enough. if youre looking for mermaid lance with a twist....brother this is it
3. Looking for Rain by @thewriter2
Like most things, it starts with the little things: his smile, his confidence, his talent. Eventually, all these little things add up to one big thing that threatens to crash over them like a heavy rain. But, maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe something beautiful would come from it. A 5+1 (really a 10+1) of Lance and Keith falling in love.
oh god guys..... @thewriter2 knows how to fucking haunt you. if a 10+1 (!!) isnt enough for you, i want you to know this line has been echoing in my head since i first read: "He looks at you like you’re a storm and he’s a desert desperate to drown." UM??? EXCUSE ME???? SIMILE OF ALL TIME ACTUALLY???? keith being so so visibly obviously in love with lance is my actual roman empire shit never leaves my mind
4. Astronauts by @thewriter2
When they entered the Blue Lion, Keith was Lance’s rival--the person Lance was working so hard to surpass. But slowly, Lance found himself thinking of Keith less as a rival and more as something close to a friend. So of course, Lance’s traitor of a heart decided that it would be Lance’s kind of friend that it would fall in love with.
tags to sell you: "keith is a dork but lance loves him anyway" (dorky keith my beloved), "hunk is an a+ friend" (yes he is), "lance is a lovesick fool" (yeah), and "allura is older sister goals" yes yes YES you get it. and like....while keith pov is my favourite to write by far, lances pov as he realises he is in love....that will always hold such a special special place in my heart
5. his own worth by frogsterz
In the middle of the conversation, Lance stops talking and no one notices. It’s not like he had been leading the conversation, for he hadn’t been, but somehow the fact that his lack of input or opinion isn’t noticed tightens the grip loneliness has on his heart. He looks down at his food, his face burning, his throat tightening up.
now usually anything but team as family isnt my deal. im not big on classic langst. but keith as a knight in shining armour.....what can i say i am weak willed. deeply. also " It’s what made it worse. I miss home and I miss being held and the rain, and I loved you. I thought you hated me." got me so bad got me WEAK like i have never recovered from that line and i doubt i ever will
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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crazyk-imagine · 6 months
Part I: When We were Young
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Wife!reader
Characters: Sirius Black, Wife!reader, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew
Briefly mentioned: Sybill Tawnley, Lily Evans, Harry Potter
Warnings: Flashbacks, angst, mentions of one's trauma, flashback to when the Potters died and Sirius was taken, reader's nickname is little bird, I might have made Peter more of a little shit and traitor, this is going to gut you the more you read, Sirius protecting everyone, reader scared of being alone, Sirius and reader are a power duo, this will make you all cry, the reader having special witch abilities
Word Count: 2,357
You close your eyes, listening to the pitter patter on the roof, reminding you when you lost... everything.
You stop forcing yourself to close off your mind and let go, allowing everything you’ve been holding in, to be free.
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He stares at you with a clenched jaw.
"Don't go," you plead with him. "Please, don't leave." You clutch onto his forearm.
He stares at you with furrowed brows, upset with himself for making his little bird cry. "I have to."
“Something is going to happen- has happened. I don’t want to lose you too.”
His hand brushes across your cheeks, wiping away your tears. “You’re not going to lose me,” the corner of his lips twitch. “I’ll be back before you know it.” A lie, he knows it well enough now (James told you two the same thing yesterday).
You don’t want to force him to stay if he doesn’t want to, but you can’t let him go, not when you’ve barely had him. “… please.”
“I have to do this.” The corner of his lips tugged upwards giving you more of a small smile. He nods, as a way to reassure you, silently promising to see each other soon, partially for you but mainly for himself. He turns around, his back facing you.
“You won’t make it back to me and- and Remus. We’ll be alone. We’ll be alone if you leave.”
He pauses, his shoulders tensing at your words.
Only your friends knew of the visions, it was too dangerous for anyone to know but you could always rely on them, they just never knew the extent to what you could see.
Another reason you keep away from Sybill, not wanting to put her in danger if she knew the extent of her powers.
“Do you know what happens?” He asks, over his shoulder, letting his hair cover you from the corner of his eye.
You shake your head. “I- I only know you don’t come back. Where you go after or what happens to you isn’t clear and I’m absolutely petrified that that means you’ve died or something much worse,” your voice trails off into a whisper as you tell him your fear. “Please don’t leave me alone. We never got to tell them-”
His shoulders begin to shake.
Your brows knit together, and you think he’s crying; belly aching laughter fills the room instead of gut-wrenching sobs.
He turns around, clutching his stomach, throwing his head back as he laughs as if you’ve told him the funniest thing.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Of course, you don’t see me coming back. I’m probably going to die.” His laughter dies down a bit after actually saying it out loud.
Your face turns sour. “And you think that’s funny?!”
“A bit, yeah. Of course, I’m the one who dies. It’s only fitting after everything-” he’s cut off.
A small echo reverberates off the walls.
He places a hand on his cheek, rubbing the now sore spot. He turns to look at you.
“You think it’s funny to joke about something like this... you- you dying is funny!” You run your fingers angrily through your hair. “How- no, no-” Your hands fall past your face. Your shoulders are tense, and your fingers are spread apart in anger. You could never understand why he was acting this way. “Why would you think that?!”
“What else am I supposed to do?”
You scoff. “For one, don't joke about you dying because it absolutely terrifies me.”
“I’m sorry, little bird.”
You nod, unsure of what to say next. “We should come up with a plan, right?”
“A way to make sure James and Lily are okay before we go in there unprepared and potentially die.”
“I’ll go check on them and make sure everything is okay while you stay here and wait for me to come back, yeah?”
You blink once, glaring at him soon after. “You must be out of your damn mind if you think I’m going to let you go there alone.”
“You're staying here where it’s safe.”
“No!” You roar.
“Just listen to me-”
“You want me to stay here while you go over there without any backup. I’m not letting you go there alone.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“Like hell I can’t.”
He cups your cheeks, forcing you to look into his eyes. “You... are... staying... here. I don’t want to be distracted because I’m worried that when I turn around, you’ll be dead.”
“What about me!” You cry.
“You need to stay here.” He places his forehead on yours, enjoying the warmth and thinking of how happy you two were the day before; you close your eyes, thinking of his face when you finally agreed to go out with him and how ecstatic you both were.
You place your hands on top of his. “Please don’t go,” you plead once more.
He slowly moves towards you, hands resting on your cheeks. “I can’t wait for tomorrow and hear that my friends are dead when I knew I could have done something tonight.”
“Let me go with you. Don’t make me stay here alone,” your grip tightens, digging into his skin, clinging to him for as long as you can.
“I can do this.”
“What has James always told you?”
He understands what you’re implying. “It's best to have backup.”
“I can be your backup. We work well together. We can do this, we’re husband and wife now, we’ll look out for one another like we’ve always done.”
He shakes his head, tears pooling in his eyes, blurring his vision. “I can’t let the woman I love come with me.”
“And I can’t let the man I love go into a death trap. I can’t bear nor stand the thought of not seeing you again. Please... don’t push me away and force me into staying here. Don’t make me live here… alone, without you.”
He swipes his thumb across your cheeks.
Your vision becomes cloudy due to the tears getting trapped in your lashes as more pool in your waterline. Your heart is heavy, as if on the verge of breaking, shocking it hasn’t already broke.
“I love you, that’s why I’m doing this for us.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He removes his hands from your cheeks and steps away.
“Sirius, please. Don’t go. Don’t go.” You sob, reaching for him. You wipe away your tears, but it becomes a complicated task as you continue to cry, and more tears are stuck in your lashes.
“I will come back to you, little bird.”
"Sirius! Don't leave. Don’t leave me. Please, don't go!" You’re right behind him, hand reaching out for him.
He tries not to tear up but fails, watching as you chase after him, reminding him of when you were children, but it was him doing the chasing… except for when he absolutely pissed you off.
He can’t leave.
You didn't know what went through his mind that night but, he was brought back to the last time he pissed you off, just before he asked you out.
A pleasant time for him because he knew that day and, in that moment, it was time he stopped being a chicken and ask you out.
“So, why are we running now?” Remus asks, barely breaking a sweat as he and Sirius pass by their other two friends (and members).
The other two glance at one another, the lighter haired boy shrugging his shoulders.
“Padfoot, where are you going?” James shouts, falling behind because he’s confused and has no idea why they’re running.
The mother hen of the group grabs the remaining member of their group, pulling him along as he protests along the way.
The boy with the longest hair out of the group, looks over his shoulder and smiles, catching the sight of your body turning the corner. “We’re running.”
“Sirius Orion Black!” You shout.
“Run, Pads Run!” James calls out to him as he pulls Peter beside him, blocking you from getting him.
In his eyes, you looked so ethereal as you try and push past his brother, even more beautiful than Aphrodite herself.
He stops in front of you, remembering that day fondly, cupping your cheeks once more, pulling you closer, kissing you with everything he’s got.
Sirius continues to pull you closer towards him, needing to let you know he loves you one last time because you, you are his everything and being in a world without you is not a world to live in at all and he’ll be damned if he didn’t give you a proper goodbye.
You clutch onto him; afraid this is the end of your beginning even more so as your intimate kiss is powerful enough for you to see into his mind and see all of his memories revolving around you. You two part when you need to take a breath.
He can never keep his mouth shut. “Wow.”
You tilt your head, “what?”
“I mean I- I always knew you’d be good and maybe a little part of me expected you to be this amazing, because you always are and- wow.” He stares into your eyes, shifting from one to the other feeling as if he was losing more of his breath.
You smile. “Must you always be such a charmer.” Your face falls when you realize what’s happening. “You’re still leaving,” you sniffle.
He nods, “I have to.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I do.”
You ignore him. “We can- we can come up with a plan and figure out how to stop he who shall not be named and protect everyone.”
“I-” He starts off, unable to take it anymore; he can’t hear you ramble on any further. “I’m doing this for the people I care for!”
“I can’t just let you go empty handed! You and I both know it’s always best to have someone by your side.” You grab his hand, clutching it knowing this is the last chance you have to keep him here, with you. “I want to be by your side for better or for worse.”
“And I want you to come with me. Merlin knows but I can’t stay in a world where we are afraid someone is going to come after us. I want you to stay where you’ll be safe. I’ll be back before you can say I’m gone. I always come back to you.”
“Why can’t you listen? Please don’t go,” you gasp, unable to hold in your sobs.
“I have to.”
“I’m scared.”
“So am I... but as long as I know that you’ll still be here by the time I come back, I’ll be okay.” He cups your cheek, thumb brushing against your cheek. “You are my hope.”
Your bottom lip quivers. “You’re mine too-”
“Then it’s done. You’ll see me tomorrow at the latest.”
You clench your jaw, more tears pooling in your waterline. “Fine.”
He nods. “Good. I will come back to you one way or another.”
“I know... I love you,” you whisper.
A smile tugs at his lips but he resists the urge to do so. “You couldn’t admit it before until I came to your rescue back at Hogwarts and now that I might die, you admit it again. Always a stubborn one, you were,” he jokes before the humor falls from his face.
“And I love you.” He makes his way towards the fireplace in your shared apartment.
You run towards him. “You know I don’t want you to go alone or at all. But please just- just- come back to me, Sirius.”
He nods, standing in place. “I know... this is something I have to do… for us. And you know I will. I always come back to you.” He winks then he’s gone.
Your lips twitch as your vision sways; the room spinning to the side making you wonder if your body moving the same way before collapsing onto your knees.
The pain in your limbs is there but you're too heartbroken to focus on the danger that's close to you as you plead with all your might to any god, wizard; whoever might be listening.
“Come back. Please come back.” You beg, banging your fists onto the floor. Too into your head, you’re unaware of who's that’s arrived.
“Heartbreaking, truly,” said the voice.
You froze, your entire body tensing at the voice (the voice of a traitor that is).
Then came the first time you thought you weren’t going to make it through the night.
"Have I interrupted your pity party?"
Your eyes widen as he steps closer, the moonlight being the only light illuminating his figure. "Peter?" You fully turn to see your so-called friend, standing for the opposing team; how could he have fallen so far and joined the side here to ruin lives.
Peter ignores your heated and confused gaze, opting to look at the picture behind you, remembering when you all were younger. His lips twitch before curling into a smirk full of hate at the memories of the way his friends treated him. "Do you know why I'm here?"
You don't say anything, still shocked the boy you all considered a friend nay a brother, is here to kill you.
"Still speechless?" He turns, the smirk turning into something more sinister, just for you.
"Not for you." You stare at the rat.
"She speaks."
You push yourself off the ground. "You won't win."
"I think you underestimate what they have in mind... for you."
“I won’t join you,” you sneer.
“I never said anything about you joining… little bird.”
“You don’t get to call me that!”
“Why?” He feigns a hurt expression. “Is it because only your precious husband can call you that?”
You're taken back, eyes widening. “How do you-”
“It was obvious, everyone knows.” He clicks his tongue, "so much for keeping it a surprise."
A fit of laughter follows Sirius as he’s taken away to Azkaban to fulfill his sentence.
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You groan and roll over in bed, upset with the sun for peeking through the clouds, disturbing your slumber.
Continue to: Part II
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@twinkletwinklenotastar @kmc1989 @imthebadguyyy @abaker74
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anamericangirl · 2 months
For what it’s worth though, every democratic politician (that I’ve seen) has made public statements condemning the violence and wishing Trump well. Atleast the leaders of the party are speaking against the violence.
Yeah, some of them are but that’s the bare minimum they can do. But for real what do they, and you, expect to happen with the endless calls for violence they have made against Trump in the past decade? Please let’s not pretend their rhetoric doesn’t play a role in this.
Trump’s “rhetoric” was blamed for things like Charlottesville and Jan 6 even still to this day so democrats aren’t getting a pass on this. They have been calling him a tyrannical fascist dictator. They’ve been saying he’s as bad as Hitler. They’ve called him a threat to democracy and a traitor to the country. They’ve been relentlessly fear mongering about him for years telling people no one is safe with him and that Trump is the literal devil so what did they expect??
Like five days before this attempt Biden had said it was time to put Trump “in a bullseye.”
Prominent democrats, politicians and celebrities, have made numerous clear cut calls to violence specifically against Trump and conservatives and I’m not going to let anyone pretend it didn’t happen. Here’s a video of the violence the Democratic Party has been calling for for the last decade
You cannot convince me this kind of violent rhetoric and fear mongering had nothing to do with the assassination attempt on Trump.
So yeah, Democratic politicians might be condemning it now, but they’ve been literally calling for it for a decade and they don’t get to escape responsibility for it.
So, tell me, if Trump is all the things they have accused him of being, why should they condemn this attempt? If Trump is a tyrant and a fascist dictator who is a threat to the lives of Americans, like they have been saying for years, why do you think this wasn’t ok and why should democrat leaders condemn the shooter?
If it had actually been Hitler and someone had attempted to put a bullet in him at a rally would you feel the same way about it?
Either the Democratic Party is going to have come out and admit they are liars and they are the party of all the bad things they’ve been accusing Trump and conservatives of being or explain why they are condemning an American for taking a shot at someone they’ve played up to be the devil himself and someone they’ve been telling Americans is an existential threat to their lives and their country.
So after pounding those vicious lies and calls to violence I need more from them then “oh wait but don’t actually try to kill him.”
People are even dismissing the death of an innocent man, Cory Comperatore, because he was there “supporting a fascist and a traitor.” They are uncaring and unsympathetic towards the death of an innocent fellow American just because he was there specifically because of the lies and vitriol that has been coming from leftists for years.
For all the times the left cries about the supposed “dangerous rhetoric” of the right, the left actually has dangerous rhetoric with explicit calls to violence and then they go out there and commit violence and I will not accept anymore brushing it off or explaining it away or trying to make it conservatives fault somehow and you shouldn’t either.
You and I have had a few interactions on the site and though we vehemently disagree on pretty much everything you seem more genuine than most leftists I have spoken to and are a pretty decent person and at this point any decent people, like yourself, who still align themselves with leftists need to ask yourself why. They aren’t good people. This is who they are. What they say in these moments isn’t representative of who they really are. What they say on the day to day is.
The ones happy about this attempt, the ones who don’t care that a man was murdered shielding his family from bullets, the ones who wish Trump had been killed are the epitome of leftist politics today. They are what the lies and propaganda that democrats have been pushing for years inevitably leads to. Anyone who still aligns with the party of hate and violence and condemns those things needs to walk away.
There is no excuse for supporting them in any capacity from this day forward.
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salaciousdoll · 2 years
Walk Away- Mikey Sano
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━━ ༉⁩༊ Pairings : Manjirou Sano x Fem!reader, Rindou Haitani x Fem!reader
━━ ༉⁩༊ Encapsulation : Manjirou was tired of you and did the only thing he could think of, but was it worth the pain in the end?
━━ ༉⁩༊ Warnings : Angst, heavy angst, no comfort( for Mikey), cheating implied, vi0lence, small t0rture descriptions( not on reader), oc names Yasire’, chubby reader, black reader, overall just angst and hurt, everyone in Bonten doesn’t like you except Rindou and maybe Ran, Rindou is a sweetheart in this, Rindou has feelings for you, Divorce talk/ settlement
━━ ༉⁩༊ Word Count : 3.6K
( This is an old ass draft and I wanted to post it to clear out my drafts so enjoy the heartbreak 😉)
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You loved Manjiro Sano so much that you put aside anything and came to his aid, but would he do the same? Yes and No.
You were laying down on the bed waiting for your husband. You honestly were getting worried because it’s 4 am and he never is out no later than 2 am. He did call you and say that he was heading to the club with his men and that you should get some sleep, but you couldn’t help but to worry about him.
You were watching the 4am news when suddenly you saw something you wished you didn’t see, “ Breaking news, there was a violent shooting around 2 am this morning, leaving multiple deaths and 2 wounded heavily, sources says this is the effect of the gang violence between Bonten crime organization and CG crime organizat-”, The news reporter says with visuals of one of the nightclubs Bonten owns. It was a terrifying sight to see and you had to call Manjiro.
Meanwhile in the Bonten headquarters, Mikey was getting his wounds fixed while Kakucho was beside him doing the same thing. This was the worst hit they’ve gotten and they just knew someone was a traitor, and Ran was the first to point it out, it’s usually Sanzu. Bonten was secured and locked with the safety of their own club, so why would their enemy suddenly attack them when they didn’t even make it known they were showing up to the club they least visit.
Mikey was on the phone with Yasire’, his ex- wife. She was the one he truly cared and loved this entire time. Kakucho and the others even liked her more than you because she actually helped him, meanwhile to them it felt like you were a show off type of woman. They knew he needed someone like Yasire’ and not you.
“ Are you okay, Manjiro? Do you want me to come over there?”, Yasire’ says into the phone, already getting her keys.
Mikey almost smiled at that and was about to answer when suddenly your name popped up and he just let it ring as the doctor was patching up his stomach. He felt sick of you and he needed you to get out of his mind and life because you were draining him and he didn’t even have a reason for why you were draining him.
“ Mikey?”, Yasire’ asks, wondering why he suddenly showed the expression of irritation. He smiled again once he saw her face and voice on the other side of the FaceTime call, “ Huh, baby? Right, what were we talking about?”
Sanzu happily answered for him, “ Invite her over, I want some of her snacks out of her bag, the other one doesn’t carry good snacks like Yasire’ does.”, Sanzu says, earning a heavy sigh from Rindou.
Rindou was the only one who thought that you didn’t deserve this. He honestly thought you were great for Mikey. Mikey always smiles and laughs with you, but then again he does that with Yasire’ too. Only with you his smile and laugh was fake, anyone could see that but you, it seems. Rindou also thought you had a funny and beautiful personality matching your pretty ass face and body doesn’t matter what size you are either, they all needed a you in their lives, Mikey just didn’t cherish what he has.
Mikey chuckled, actually chuckled before speaking, “ Come over, we missed you.”
Yasire’ smiled before saying okay and hanging up the phone. She knew about you and still didn’t care because why would she, after all you took Mikey from her and now she took him back.
Mikey smiled at the phone and couldn’t wait for Yasire’ to come. Oh, how much he loves her. God, he wished he would choose differently.
You, on the other hand, was on your way to Bonten headquarters after getting a text from Rindou saying that they’re all okay and that Mikey’s fine and was here at the HQ. You originally texted all of them and the others ignored you or blocked you, meanwhile he didn’t.
You honestly didn’t know why Mikey didn’t answer his phone. You suddenly remembered that he doesn’t kiss you goodbye or say that he wants to take you out or make love to you like he always did for these past few months.
Maybe he was cheating? No. No. No. he’s hurt right now and you’re thinking about that, what was your problem? Is this why he hasn’t been really speaking to you, have you become insecure about this relationship with him.
You scratched the thoughts out your head and continued driving to their headquarters.
Yasire’ was already there and was now hugging everyone, “ Oh, I missed you all, how did you all get caught like this in the first place, you look like hell.”
Ran smiled while pouring himself a drink, “ That's because we were fighting for our lives cherry head, why red anyways?”
Yasire’ was about to answer when she got pulled on Mikey’s lap making him grunt in the process because of his wounds, “ Mikey! Anyways, because I wanted to try a new approach, you like it, slick back?”
Everyone laughed at her corny joke while Ran held up his glass, “ That's up for your husband to decide, isn’t that right Mikey?”
Mikey huffed before nodding, “ Mhmm, you look so damn good, I wish I could see you everyday and everynight, instead I’m stuck with her.” The way Mikey said her was supposed to offend you , but the others felt the venom from that word and felt like he was talking to them.
Mochi chuckled, “ Damn, Mikey, you really don’t like y/n, huh?”
Mikey chuckled a little before rubbing a hand over his face, “ You have no idea, she adds on to my stress and doesn't even know it. She constantly worries and nags about me like shut the hell up and just fuck me. Shit! She can’t even do that right.”
The men and the woman laughed at his response. Yasire’ spoke up, “ Why don’t you just drop the bitch, if she can’t even satisfy you why are you even with her?”
Mikey kissed Yasire’ on her lips a few times before answering, “ Why can’t I be with you? I never stopped loving you and hated that she was a temptation I couldn’t resist, now I’m trapped with the most boring and weakest person ever. Believe me, I gave the bitch a hint but she doesn’t even see it.”
Everyone laughed until suddenly they stopped when Rindou got up and paused from where he was standing looking at someone with full remorse for something he didn’t even do. Everyone looked from where he was looking and gasped when they saw you with the most tired expression they saw on your face.
You didn’t even want to cry in front of all of them because you knew they were faking with you since the night of that party. He never even holds you like that so you just silently stared at every last one of them.
Yasire’ and Mikey were too busy gripping and kissing each other to not realize everyone got quiet. They didn’t notice until Takeomi spoke up, “ Why are you here?”
You cleared your throat and walked in further with your hairstyle and clothes slightly wet from the rain outside, “ I wanted to see if you all were alright, looks like you all are, nice to see you Yasire’. I’ll be getting my clothes out of your room Mikey.”
“ Oh, don’t bother, I threw them out, I paid for them didn’t I? So you could kindly walk back out of here. Don’t make this harder than it has to be y/n.”, Mikey says with his usual threatening and dark voice.
You stepped back before taking one last look around the living room and at everyone before holding eye contact with the sympathetic eyes of Rindou. You smiled at him letting him know you forgive him and it was not his fault.
“ Okay.”, You say before turning back and heading out the door and past security. Meanwhile, the men and the woman were cheering loudly as you heard Mikey’s last words, “ Don’t let that woman anywhere near this place again, understand? If she comes back, kill her.”
You felt it, you felt the salty tears coming out your eyes as you got in and started the car. You tried to get your tears out of your eyes before you started driving, so you sat there. Just like that, Yasire’ won after all these years. She never liked you since you met Mikey and supposedly stole him from her when in reality, they were broken up. You were neutral but her—she hated you.
You seen the glimpse of admiration in Mikey’s eyes when he looked at her in contrast to his dull black eyes when he looked at you. You thought you were helping him since he was back to eating like the old Mikey and his eyebags weren’t as heavy as they were. Turns out you weren’t the one helping at all, it was Yasire’ all along.
You pulled out the driveway when suddenly Rindou came out and everyone else came out after him and started waving at you in mockery. Meanwhile, he wanted to comfort you. He was closer to you than he was to Yasire’, he was going to call you later for sure.
You hurried and pulled off with anger, sadness, and resentment filled in your heart and tears streaming down your face. You tried to wipe them as you moved down the road. You stopped at a red light and collected your tears before an expensive car rode past since it was turning at the other light, firing bullets aimed at your car. They’ve been watching you since you came out of Bonten’s HQ. They didn’t know who it was in the car because of the tinted windows, all they wanted was revenge.
Three bullets hit you, one in your arm. Another in your side and another one in your shoulder. You thought this car was bulletproof since Mikey said it was, turned out he lied about that but why? Did he want you dead that bad? Damn!
The car pulled off and someone who was walking nearby called an ambulance for you. You felt like this was your last day on earth. What a shitty way to leave this world huh? When you meet with the afterlife, you gotta ask them why they chose this death for you.
You started thinking about your family and friends.
“ Y/n would you help me with this”, your mother says while cooking in the kitchen for your birthday. You almost smacked your lips because you honestly hated cooking with her, she’s too strict in the kitchen.
“ Get that paprika out of the cabinet and put it on this meat, when you put it on the meat, sprinkle just a good amount, not too much, not too little now.”, You mother says as you did what she told her.
Your little niece and nephew came running in the kitchen laughing and playing when your mother held up the spatula cursing them out, “ Let me tell y’all something, stop running in my goddamn kitchen, y’all better be lucky I didn’t put on the cake yet. Now, would you two please go sit down somewhere.”
You laughed at them playing and hitting each other while leaving the kitchen before your mother spoke up again, “ I tell you, those two act just like you and your brother and sister did. All three of y’all irritated the hell out of me, but I love you all to death. Always remember that.”
You heard a deep voice call your name, but you just wanted to keep walking to the end of the path where the light was until you suddenly got dragged back. In reality, you were now being carried to the ambulance truck with Rindou by your side with tears in his eyes while his brother called everyone else in the background.
You felt a hand reach for your hand as they strapped you to the stretcher and multiple sayings of “hang on” and “ I’m gonna be right behind you”. You knew the voice and wanted to smile but couldn’t because you needed to breathe.
Rindou felt like he couldn’t even think because you just got hurt by the enemy and Mikey or anyone else aren’t really believing it. The only reason he knew it was because his brother had everyone on speaker.
When he heard Yasire’ giggle, he lost it, “ Ran! Hang up the phone, there’s no use in talking to stupid bitches, now let’s go before I really put a hit out on Yasire’, I’m feeling murderous right now and she’s gonna be my main target and right now I don’t give a fuck how mi-”
“ Ok!”, Ran yells before hanging up the phone quickly. He smirked at Rindou, “ I knew you liked y/n, I knew it.”
Rindou ignored him and got in their car while Ran got in the passenger seat. He pulled off thinking about you and only you. Did he like you? Only time will tell now.
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When Rindou found out you were in a coma, he went on a binge of drinking and partying. He couldn’t handle it, he wanted to tell you everything he’s been meaning to say to you the day you came back after the vacation that you and Mikey had. He could see the sadness upon your posture, but it didn’t match your facial expression which showed happiness and gleefulness.
Another thing he hated is when the guys talked about you in an I’ll manner in front of Yasire’ and other women they were around. He especially hated it when they did it in front of him too. He always leaves the room when Mikey speaks about you. He used to hide his words but later on, Mikey words became more bitter making him have to bite his lip in order to not get killed, so he just leaves the room.
He visits you everyday and was the only one to visit until now when he saw Mikey with flowers and the rest of the men he mainly be around behind him when he entered with his own flowers and stories to tell. He never told Mikey and the others anything about what hospital you were at, only his brother, which means his brother spilled the beans. He had to because of the look he’s giving Rindou now.
Yasire’ was nowhere to be seen because just a few days ago, they learned that she was the one who put the hit out on Bonten. She was working beside her husband from Bonten’s rival gang. She used Mikey and Bonten, but had to pay the price in the most nastiest way.
Her face was torn off and fingers were gone, Rindou was the one torturing her this time while her husband now has flies flying over his body from Sanzu torturing him while laughing at his pleas. Mikey was stunned that he turned away and left the room. He was double crossed and this is his first time too.
“ Y/n, look I brought these flowers for you. I was hoping you’d be awake, but you’re in a coma…Tell me Rindou, why are you bringing my wife flowers and hiding where she stays?”, Mikey asks prior to turning around to face an irritated Rindou at the entrance.
Mikey continued not even letting him get a word out, “ She’s mine. Don’t you dare think about getting with her or near her. How dare you try to hide her in a unknown hospital when we own the fucking hospital Rin, how stupid could you b-”
Rindou couldn’t respond because he was watching your fingers move and finally your strangled voice called out to someone he never thought you would say.
“ Rin.”, You say before Mikey eyes widened at his wife speaking, only calling out the wrong name. Everyone else sighed in relief when they heard your annoying little voice again. They may not have liked you but that didn’t mean they didn’t have some “respect” for you.
Rindou hurried and grabbed your hand as you turned your head to him with low and tired eyes, “ Rin? That’s you? Thank you for watching over me and talking to me. You were the main reason I held on for this long. By the way, how long has it been?”
Rindou smiled before sucking up his tears, not wanting to cry in front of his comrades and his boss, especially over his wife who he didn’t get a chance to divorce yet, “ It’s been two months, n/n.”
Everyone paused because he never called you a nickname before so why now. Did he have a death wish?
You tried to smile but ended up coughing, which made him hurry to bring the cup of water to your mouth, but you laughed because they were little coughs, “ God Rindou! I’m okay, I just need to breathe, slow down and sit down, I’ll talk to you soon.”
Rindou nodded before sitting down and moving his leg up and down anxiously. He knew he could either be turned down or shot for you. He didn’t want any of that.
You slowly moved your head to Mikey, “ You. Why are you here? You cause me this pain, look at me Mikey! Look!”
Mikey couldn’t look at you because he turned the chair to the wall and sat down, staring at it with silent tears. He couldn’t face you, not after putting you through hell and back.
“ And you all! Why the hell are y’all here, hmm? Did you come here to laugh or take pictures, which one?”, you ask, trying to keep your sentences short so you don’t have to do a lot of talking.
Sanzu being the smart ass he is spoke up, “ I mean we could have but then I don’t want anyone like y-”
Mikey stood up at the same time as Rindou and they both scared Sanzu because of the look they were giving him. Mikey pointed a finger to the door, “ Out. All of you!”
Most of them sighed before touching your covered feet or tilting their heads on the way out, meanwhile Rindou stayed where he was making his brother, who was the last one to stop to try to grab him. He suddenly snatched away from Ran and declared he’s staying no matter what. Ran sighed before stepping out and closing the door— standing right beside it just in case anything goes down between his brother and his boss, Mikey.
Mikey gave Rindou a stare that had malicious intent and you could feel it, so you spoke up, “ What could you possibly say that he can’t hear?”
“ Y/n, let’s not do this and just come home with me.”, Mikey says, taking your hand.
Rindou laughed before speaking up, “ How dare you? How dare you act like you care about her just because the other girl slipped up and fucked you over. Now you want to come back to her.”
Mikey snapped his head to Rindou, “ I’m speaking to my wife! Are you going against me!” Rindou did nothing but laughed until you spoke up, “ He's Not going against you, Mikey. Rindou, baby, can you step out for a minute? I’ll yell if he tries to strangle me while I’m at my weakest.” It was a joke but Rindou took it seriously while Mikey's facial expression dropped in disbelief and sadness. Did you always think he’ll do that to you? And why are you calling Rindou baby?
Rindou smiled when he saw you nod your head before stepping out with a smile on his face at the word baby until he was slapped in the back of his head by Ran, who was shaking his head at his little brother.
Inside the room, You and Mikey stared at each other in utter silence.
He was about to speak when you suddenly spoke before him, “ I want a divorce!”
He was stunned as he gulped down his fear that was laced as spit, “ Y-”
You shook your head, “ No, don’t argue, just agree and get out. It’s for my mental health and I refuse to be with someone who treated me like shit because let me ask if she would’ve never betrayed Bonten, would you still be with her?”
Mikey tried to walk to you but you held up your hand, so he spoke instead, “ Y/n, plea-”
“ Manjiro shut the fuck up and answer the fucking question!”, You yelled in anger and exhaustion.
Mikey gulped before looking away and nodding his head confirming not only his answer but his divorce too. He was letting you go because he knew he was bringing you pain when you said your final words to him.
“ Great! That’s all I needed. The divorce papers will be sent to your office. Goodbye Mikey, it was a glorious ride, now see yourself out please and send Rindou in.”, You say not caring about his hurt expression.
Mikey slowly trudged to the door and opened it but not before stopping to say one last thing while Rindou was standing at the door opening, “ Have a good life y/n, you were the one who made me happy all this time. I was blinded before and now I’ve gotten my happiness taken from me again.”
He then looked at Rindou with hatred and admiration in his eyes, “ Take care of y/n for me, Rindou.” On his way out he thought heavily about you and Rindou. He wanted to know what was so special about Rindou, he found out while sitting on the bench outside the hospital with tears in his dead eyes : it was the love and care he gave you that he couldn’t give you. He will always hate himself for giving you and Rindou the chance to love each other, but it’s for your own good.
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━━ ༉⁩༊ Tagging: @dejwrites @eiflawriting @simpingfor-wakasa @happygoluckyalexis @mastermindenoshimaalicia @bontens-angel @bontensbabygirl @celi-xxmoon @ushijimasslut @Nalyana @cryingchild83 @mikeys-gf @anyahlator
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Hi! I have read through all of your harry metas and I love them!!! And it made me wonder whether you had any personal head-cannons regarding him? Like any unpopular ones that are not mentioned in the books or discussed by the fandom. I found only a precious few posts regarding this matter, so yeah I would like to know yours if u do have any.
Hi, thank you so much! 💕
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I just sprinkled Harry headcanons throughout my various posts but I'll try to comprise a list of some of my headcanons that popped into my head here. As such, these are all my random headcanons about Harry, some have more reasoning behind them than others. So, here are some of them in no particular order:
1. I think Harry is gay (could be demi but I don't think he's interested in women and he is interested in men. Personally, I headcanon him as gay).
I have a whole post about it here, but I don't know how common of an opinion it is since I see mostly bi Harry and not gay ones.
2. I see some fanon Harry's portrayed as very small, but I don't think he is. In my head, he's about 5'11 (by book 7) and in canon, he can lift Mundungus by the throat with one hand so... I think he's pretty fit actually. (Though he's very thin due to malnourishment). He's just always compared to Ron, who is like, ridiculously tall. I also think he was short for his age up until and including book 4. Between books 4 and 5 is when he had his first real growth spurt.
3. I think he was born Master of Death and that a lot of his miraculous survivals are because of that.
4. Harry has ADHD. It's my way to explain his tendency to be very observant of some things and not others, his crazy good selective memory, and his tendency to fail when he starts overthinking. Idk, I have ADHD and I'm getting these vibes from him (or projecting, who knows).
5. In my head, the epilogue isn't canon, so Harry breaks the curse on the DADA position, like, 5 years after the war, and starts teaching it. Until then, McGonagall just made sure to hire teachers only with one year contracts.
6. I headcanon the Potter family had more estate than just the cottage in Godric's Hollow and Harry finds out about them at some point after the war. I mean, they are reasonably rich, have a Wizengamot seat, and had more family members until very recently. They have to have more houses.
7. I think Harry and Kreature actually become friends after the books. I think they could've during the books too, Harry finds Kreature's sense of humor funny even as back as OotP:
“. . . Smells like a drain and a criminal to boot, but she’s no better, nasty old blood traitor with her brats messing up my Mistress’s house, oh my poor Mistress, if she knew, if she knew the scum they’ve let in her house, what would she say to old Kreacher, oh the shame of it, Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves, poor old Kreacher, what can he do. . . .” “Hello, Kreacher,” said Fred very loudly, closing the door with a snap. The house-elf froze in his tracks, stopped muttering, and then gave a very pronounced and very unconvincing start of surprise. “Kreacher did not see Young Master,” he said, turning around and bowing to Fred. Still facing the carpet, he added, perfectly audibly, “Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is.” “Sorry?” said George. “Didn’t catch that last bit.” “Kreacher said nothing,” said the elf, with a second bow to George, adding in a clear undertone, “and there’s its twin, unnatural little beasts they are.” Harry didn’t know whether to laugh or not.
(OotP, 107-108)
I just see a lot of sassy potential in their dynamic.
8. Before he was hit with the killing curse, he and Lily had the same eye color, a deep, bright green. After Halloween 1981, Harry's eyes are always the shade of the killing curse, which is similar to before, just slightly lighter and brighter. It's barely noticeable unless in certain lighting, but Sirius was sure he was hallucinating from exhaustion on a few nights in Grimmauld Place where he looked at Harry, and his eyes shined just a little off, a little too brightly, the wrong color for just a moment.
9. He had at least 1 too sexy dream about Tom Riddle, and he never told and never will tell anyone if it's up to him. He tries to pretend it didn't happen tbh.
10. Same as number 9 about Sirius, honestly...
11. His animagus form would be a Raven. (Although I can see a few other forms as possible as well)
12. Sometimes, when I draw Harry, I add a little white streak of hair from his scar because I think it looks cool. Also, white hair and death connotation, so, yeah. I'd like to think that the white tuft became larger after he died and came back in the forest.
13. I usually imagine his scar going down through his eyebrow to around his right eye, basically I like it when Harry is very obviously and clearly marked by the killing curse. Unfortunately, canon contradicts this by him being able to cover the scar with his hair, and Snatchers in Deathly Hollows believed him to not be Harry Potter when he made shit up, so the scar probably isn't that noticeable. I'd like to think it is larger with very few lines going below his forehead, and just very very pale and almost invisible when Tom isn't angry over something.
14. He's short-sighted. Aka, his glasses are for looking at things far away, and if he wants to read, he can do so without the glasses, assuming he's holding the page close enough to his face. Actually, contrary to fanon opinion, I think Harry can see without his glasses, it's just really hazy, but if you stand close enough he would recognize you without his glasses. His sight isn't that bad.
15. I think throughout the series, his wardrobe slowly becomes more wizardy (and it could be really cool to implement something like that in the TV show). Basically, in year 1, he's always wearing his school robes over Dudley's muggle clothes, but through the years, he ends up buying random wizard clothing artifacts. So, in later years, he occasionally wore jeans under his robes, but sometimes he wore wizarding shirts. Sometimes, in books like 4 or 5, he could wear muggle sneakers with a casual wizarding robe on the weekend. Like, idk, I like the idea of this gradual change in his wardrobe and by book 7 when they are actively on the run from the ministry he's finally really looking the part of a wizard, but he isn't part of their society because of the war. Like, I just like this arc to his fashion that I made up in my head.
16. The one thing I might agree with the epilogue on in my headcanoned future, is that Harry declines going back for 8th year. Except in my head, he doesn't immediately go to Auror training, instead, he tries to take some time to figure his life out after everything, realizes he wants to go back to Hogwarts and that he doesn't know how to just sit down after 17 years of running on adrenalin and he ends up returning to the optional 8th year like 3 months late.
17. Harry's patronus is never going to change. He isn't going to allow that piece of his father to die, so I don't think it would change.
18. Like what I mentioned above about his eyes being just slightly off from Lily's eye color, I think his resemblance to James is like that too (and the books support me on this). In SWM Harry mentions how James has a longer nose than him and a different eye shape, and I think if you looked closely at James and Harry side by side, you'll see more and more of these differences. They look the same when you don't think about it, but once you look, they don't look like carbon copies of each other at all. I think Harry has James' eyebrows and jaw structure though.
19. For some reason, I headcanon Harry was born on the evening. Like, around 7 or 8. I really don't know why.
20. Harry doesn't know it, but he is attractive. I mean, I'm not sure I mentioned it, but girls in books 5 and 6 start looking at him, and sure, he is the Boy-Who-Lived, but if he wasn't attractive there wouldn't be that many attempts to dose him with love potion. Also, he is the son of James and Lily, so the potential there is high.
21. I'd like to think he keeps the ability to speak Parseltongue even after Voldemort dies and the Horcrux is gone. I like to think the Horcrux wasn't the only reason he could speak it. Like, in my headcanon, Lily is a descendant from a Gaunt family squib line and that's why Voldy's soul triggered the Parseltongue gene that was already there. So, in my version of the books in my head, Harry could still speak it even after book 7.
Like, these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
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luthientheliterati · 2 months
why stiles always spots the traitors
Teen wolf head canon #5: there’s a reason Stiles can always spot imposters/manipulators, and its the same reason he’s so forgiving of his friends’ occasionally losing it due to their werewolf side. It’s tied to his mom’s illness. At that point, young as he was, he had to come up with a way of understanding what was happening. A way of separating a person’s actions from their intention; convince himself that it wasn’t his mom, it was just the disease. He applies that same vision, the same logic to his fiends, starting with Scott in season one. Not that he thinks being a werewolf is a disease; but he understands that their actions aren’t in line with their intentions/who they are. The separation between inner conviction and outer choices was clear to him. That pattern applies to his friends in a ‘inner good/outer bad’ way, but also to manipulators/imposters in reverse: their actions are fine, but their inner intention is evil. I think Stiles sees through it because he’s used to separating that barrier. Certainly, he’s more used to it than any of his friends are. Scott in particular sucks at it, frankly, but Scott’s pretty socially oblivious in general. On the hand, this occasionally causes Stiles to take stuff from his friends that he shouldn’t. If you’ve manipulated him, he’ll keep his guard up; but once you’re in the friend camp, he’s inclined to forgive for everything, even acting like there’s nothing to forgive. Take season five; he apologizes to Scott for their disagreement, but Scott apologizes for nothing, not for believing Theo, not for failing to be there for him when his Dad was hospitalized. And Stiles seems to expect no apology. (Side bar: I am still salty at Scott about that.) Anyway, I think that’s part of why things play out the way they do. (Side bar: This sympathy for his friends and reluctance to blame them for things only increases post season 3b, when he feels like he’s the only whose ‘losing it’ actually cost the pack members, while the others ‘losing it’ was manageable. (In actuality he has far less guilt, because someone else was in control of him…while the others, if not fully responsible, at least have some responsibility for their actions since their wolfness is part of them. But he would definitely feel like he has no grounds to accuse anyone. You can see this a little bit in his speech to Malia I think – he realizes that the other pack members can’t change what they are, and they shouldn’t.)
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annabelle--cane · 2 months
htn act four thoughts:
-> genuinely surprised that judith is still alive, good on her for surviving being mega stabbed. also condolences to her for losing her cavalier without even getting to eat her, gotta be one of the worst case scenarios for this kind of relationship.
-> if god felt the damage done to harrow's temporal lobe from touching her face, then surely mercymorn must have noticed as well, right? but when she touched harrow's head to try and figure out why she kept calling the saint of duty "ortus," it didn't seem like she came away with a clear answer, nor detected anything that would point her towards such an answer. hmm.
-> I think god believes that harrow couldn't have actually broken into the tomb, but I do not buy that reality for a second. similarly, cytherea was 100% under harrow's bed and either ianthe is up to something or that was non-hallucination ghostly apparition.
-> god's characterization is scratching some itch inside my brain because there's a lot that makes me want to like him. he speaks kind of awkwardly and uses metaphors that don't work. he quotes dead memes and even deader literature for no reason. he's in a weird situationship with his lyctors. harrow tells him about the greatest shames of her life and he tells her they're not her fault and she has nothing to feel bad about. but also his reactions when harrow came to him about "ortus" made me Violent. "yeah I know being constantly brutalized isn't fun and I don't like it but it's a display of loyalty to me so cope ig" "he's a stand up guy, that doesn't sound like him, idk maybe try being normal?" I'm going to bone construct chest explode you.
-> the Big Mysteries heading into the final act: what's up with the second person speaker, what's up with just how wacky the flashbacks are, what's up with the sword, why does "ortus" do any of the things he does, cytherea ???, who's the traitor judith mentioned, and whom the fuck stabbed harrow in the prologue.
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Imagine being such close besties with someone that your entire world knows about it. Just. Sirius Black and James Potter being so close that literally nobody questions that Sirius was the Potters’ Secret Keeper, even when he immediately went after Peter in a very public way, instead of laying low like any sane person would do after they were just revealed a traitor and their precious Lord died (although, they did think Sirius went mad, so it makes sense in a way). But of everyone in the Order, no one once questioned the Potters making Sirius their Secret Keeper, despite his prejudiced family, despite the Prank, despite any number of ways in which Sirius wasn’t perfect. Everyone in the Wizarding World still saw Sirius and James, and thought, “yeah, there’s no way it was anyone else, even if the betrayal makes their friendship seem so much less deep”. There was no reason for Remus to question it because he watched James and Sirius be the best of friends for a decade, he knew Sirius was Harry’s godfather, he knew James would have trusted no one more, that Lily loved Sirius and thought the world of him. There really was no other choice for the Potters, to anyone.
Which makes Peter being Secret Keeper that much more awful because it was such a genius move! Sirius was actually so smart to try this twist, to suggest making Peter the Secret Keeper. He knew everyone knew how close him and James were, how close he’d always been to the Potter family, he knew they’d come after him and Sirius would’ve DIED rather than betray his friends, his godson. He would’ve died to protect Peter too, so that nobody would know who the Secret Keeper really was. There was no reason to suspect Peter when there was Sirius Black, known Death Eater hater and unendingly loyal to his friends, RIGHT THERE. If Sirius really HAD died, he would’ve gone out thinking his friends would still be safe bc once Voldemort discovered he wasn’t the Secret Keeper, it would’ve jumped to Remus or even an older Light member like Moody or Dumbledore. Sirius damned himself knowingly, before ever finding out that Peter had gotten the Potters killed.
Sometimes I think about how Sirius managed to convince James and Lily to use Peter instead of him. They both must’ve known that Sirius would be killed immediately once it was determined that he didn’t know the Secret, so Sirius must have used Harry against them, said that they needed to do ANYTHING to keep their little boy safe, even if it meant Sirius offering himself up as a target, a sacrifice for their safety. Sirius must have thought he was so smart, because he found a way to keep his friends and godson safe, even though he wasn’t the Secret Keeper, and he didn’t put them at risk by trusting “potential spy: Remus Lupin”. He must have argued with James and Lily for ages about it, convincing them that it was the right decision, some misdirection to keep them safer for longer, another line of defense between their little Harry and the monster who wanted to destroy him.
It’s already wild to me that Sirius even held enough power/voice in this discussion to even suggest Peter as Secret Keeper. Like, the level of trust James and Lily must’ve had in him, to entrust their lives AND their son’s in Sirius’ plan? Nobody can ever say that Sirius wasn’t loved and trusted to the ends of the earth by James and Lily. They wanted HIM because there was nobody they trusted more, even with how reckless Sirius is shown to be, even years later. Trying to imagine Sirius in Azkaban all those years, knowing he basically handed his best friends over to Voldemort with that plan? Hell on earth, literally. He speaks on it maybe once to Harry in the entirety of the series, and it’s so clear that he is completely derisive about the plan. He despises the fact that it was his plan that got his best friends killed, that caused Harry to lose his parents. He blames himself (and Peter), but he had over a decade to sit in prison and think about the what ifs of that plan, to remember that it was his idea that killed James and Lily.
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bananaman-mp3 · 6 months
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[ID: A screenshot of a reblog with the blog's url and profile picture scribbled outin red that reads: "...conditionally and only if you never disagree with them? O.o"
the tags underrneath read: "#it never stops baffling me #how fandom turned these two into some idea of love #when the story is literall Naruto obsessign over Sasuke who is not interrsted #and then beating him almost to death because Sasuke doesn't think genocide is good pooitcal move actually #like FFS pls read more mangas people" End ID]
are you serious... if naruto only loved him conditionally why did he risk everything to save him, even when everyone else was set on killing him for being a traitor to konoha?
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the guy threw his dignity away, in the eyes of everyone, to defend public enemy #1
he always called sasuke his friend, he never stated that he would only consider him a friend only if he returned as a konoha ninja.
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loves him conditionally my ass.
and like- the idea that naruto can only love people that never disagree with him is so fundamentally against his character it's almost comical. if that were true naruto wouldve simply killed nagato. he wouldn't have tried to understand him or talk him out of it the way he did, once he heard his story. he wouldn't have tried talking to obito either. or even neji, konohamaru and inari, as small as those moments look in comparison.
the obsession part would make more sense, given how much he thought about him and wanted him back, to the point even his friends and the girl who was in love with sasuke thought it was too much.
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yet the part about naruto beating sasuke up is... weird. they do realize naruto was fighting him because sasukes idea of a revolution meant to martyr himself for the sake of peace, the way his brother did, right?
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they do realize that sasuke wanted to kill him at that point too, right? that it wasn't naruto beating a defenseless sasuke, right?
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if anything, naruto was leaning on the defensive side and sasuke was the one trying to beat him up. but the were pretty fucking tied in terms of power. thats why he came close to killing sasuke (and viceversa. stop treating sasuke like a weakling.)
now, that doenst mean naruto is completely in the right to simply undermine or ignore konohas wrongdoing just because it only fuels the cycle of violence. naruto himself is victim of konohas shit system, and he has acknowledged many of the problems it caused. he promised to nagato that hed help amegakure when he became hokage.
of course you could argue that narutos methods may not be as effective for change as sasukes more aggressive plan, since systemic change is rarely if ever achievable by working within it. but im not that good with politics so i dont think im the best to talk about it, and that already goes beyond the topic here.
sasukes violent reaction to konohas mistreatment of the uchiha was completely understandable and anyone in his place wouldve don the same. lets make that clear here. i think saying he was highly justified is not a controversial take, at least here. konoha and the shinobi system ARE fucked up.
also, love that 'sasuke is not interested' bit. op, why did sasuke want to kill naruto? tell me.
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me when im not interested:
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so yeah i think that's a pretty inaccurate take on sasukes feelings towards naruto.
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akoyaxs · 10 months
Just a thought that occurred to me last night about Tìyora:
Aonung thinks that he wasn't clear enough in telling reader that he loves her, and he comes rushing in a panic and blurting out all his feelings at once because he's scared she didnt pick up the fact that he's absolutely head over heels for her.
(Of course, reader thinks he's an absolute adorable idiot 😊)
Aonung bursts into your marui, eyes wide and face flushed and looking slightly out of breath. He’s carrying an assortment of random things in his arms, which he chucks unceremoniously on the floor before rushing towards you.
“Skxawng,” you grumble, looking irritatedly down at them. “I just cleaned- now you’re dumping your shit all over my house-”
“Syulang,” he says quickly, gripping your arm tight.
“Yes?” you ask in surprise, brows furrowed in confusion at his newfound panic. The nick name was a little unfamiliar too, given that just a day before you had still been forest girl, but in the rut and conversation that followed, it seemed suitable. Plus, it was pleasant in a way that made your stupid, traitorous cheeks want to blush.
“I like you,” Aonung spills out. “I do not just like your tits and your mouth and the beauty and attraction of you – of course I like those too – but I like every other part of you too. Like the way your nose scrunches when you smile, or how you pretend you aren’t smiling when you are, or how you shout at me when you notice me noticing you smiling. I like that you speak your mind and you don’t give a fuck about who I am, and no one can ever get you to do what they want you to because you are just ridiculously stubborn and I-”
“Aonung!” you say loudly, trying to hide your amusement, and also the ever-growing blush on your cheeks. “What are you…”
“I had to make sure you knew,” he says, still looking breathless and flustered and worried, as though terrified you would reject him, and he was just blurting out everything possible under the whole moon. “That I like everything about you, even everything that used to drive me crazy, everything you don’t like, every freckle and scar and frown. I mean, I like you so much that I hate it, but also it’s so addictive that every moment that isn’t spent with you is just a waste of time and all I want is just you.”
At that you blink. Then you scowl. Then blush and squint at him. Then blink several more times. Finally, once you’ve discerned that you actually aren’t getting pranked, that he is dead serious and waiting nervously for any sort of response, you find there’s only one to give.
Thoroughly non-verbal but overwhelmingly enthusiastic, before either of you can process what’s happening, you’re pouncing onto him, legs wrapping tight around his waist, arms looping around his neck and peppering his face with delighted kisses. Your affection takes you both by surprise, but Aonung shifts so he can hold you up against his solid chest, one hand brushing your hair from your face so he can press his nose and forehead to yours, heart beating rapidly, breath gratified beside one another.
“So it’s a yes?” he asks slowly, sounding completely lost, or maybe just disbelieving. “You… like me too?”
“You are the most stupid, infuriating, squid-brained skxawng I’ve ever met,” you whisper against his lips, a helpless smile curling at your own. “You are seriously the most brainless person ever.”
“Hey,” he protests, furrowing his brows and nudging your nose gently, and your smile fades somewhat as you take a deep breath.
Your answer is clear as you press your lips to his, hands tangling in his hair, giggling like a fucking child against his smiling mouth. Even someone as stupid as Aonung can figure out what that means.
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