#to me. everything else at least. i am miserable in the long run without him. these things can coexist.
aitadjcrazytimes · 1 year
It's been a good run
But it's time to bring this to a close!
The saga is over, C, T and I are all together. T and I are in the swing of it, C approves as much as it is possible for him to approve of anything, everyone knows about the blog and is chill.
C is back at his rightful place of walking his sister down the aisle.
I'm getting everything I want, and we're all free to make each other miserable until the day we die.
I'm not going to be updating this blog anymore! Nobody else involved with the situation will be submitting any more AITA posts either, because they are either not on tumblr or agreed it would be annoying.
I will say that there is some stuff on here that I've alluded to that isn't necessarily 100% in the spirit of things, so I've included some stuff below the cut for the folks who have caught onto that. I would not suggest reading it if you like how all of this played out and want to keep it that way. I know that's incredibly vague, but I'm not sure how to phrase it without making it weird?
Thank you all for listening and talking to me over the past few days! That's where I'm leaving it!
...Is everyone who wants to keep believing in the disaster polycule gone? Yes? OK!
So, this was fake. I made up the whole thing. TK and C and T and everyone else are fictional characters. Did I lie? Yes. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Q: All of it? Even the og AITA post? The followup AITA post? The screenshots?
A: All of it.
Q: Wh... Why did you do this...?
A: Well, first this all started as a Red vs Blue fanfic for the ship Chexer (Church/Tex/Tucker)-
It started as a fanfic for Chexer. However, I was already working on a different fanfic for RVB that was totalling about 15k words at this point (+ at least 90k to go), and I knew I would never have the time or energy to write this one. I thought: yknow. this would be really funny as an aita post.
Q: It was a fanfic of a Halo fanfic series.
A: Yep!
So, I submitted Tucker's perspective. I did not expect for it to get more than maybe 100 notes at most. I totally thought someone would call it out right away.
The funny part is, if I'd dedicated all this energy to a fic instead of this blog, I'd probably have about 15-20 thousand words of fic already, but whatever, can't ruin my personal day!
Also, I wanted to see how many people would figure it out/how long it would take for it to become too obvious that this was a fandom thing. I was dropping names and RvB lore since the beginning. A few people did figure it out, and I DMed them in private to let them know.
Q: But why make the blog then?
A: Because I love to lie and be a nuisance to the general populace! <3
It was always my intent to wait until Carolina's perspective got posted (i am honestly still shocked i got away with "Carey/Georgia/West Virginia/Alabama/Miss Louisiana 1988"), let it simmer for about a day, then come clean. Which is what I'm doing now!
The reason I'm coming clean now instead of dragging it out is because I don't want anyone to feel stupid or like they got duped. You're not stupid! You were a part of this story! This was, as one anon said, a creative writing project. It was a collaboration! Thank you so much for helping me!
That said, I'm sorry to anyone that finds this disappointing! I had a blast doing this, but I will not be doing it again. I have gotten my fill. I have had my taste of being an influencer, and now I can go on with my life without ever feeling like I need to start a youtube channel.
Q: How did you keep up with a consistent timeline?
A: I didn't, especially at first. But in my time as a liar who lies about things, I have found that usually people are willing to believe you when you say "yeah, i lied about that".
Q: Wait, what about the thing with your kid?
A: Yeah, I fucked up on this one. In the other fic I was/am writing, Tucker was around 33. So, when I was saying what Junior's age was, I subtracted it from 33 and got 18. It wasn't until I was showing my partner the blog and they said "Wait, he had his kid at 13??????" that I realized I had fucked up. Oops!
Q: Was it really ALL fake?
A: For the most part. I will say that I did actually drop chocolate cake all over my tits that one time and had to shower by myself like a fucking loser. That one was true. I did also get my nails done for the first time ever, which did actually affect my typing. And I am in a band (but so is Tucker, canonically)! There are a few other things as well, but I don't want to list all of them.
Q: DID you ever read homestuck?
A: Nope. And I never will.
Even the title, though I will say that the title I came up with was "Leonard "Alpha Bitch" Church's Decidedly Not Lo-Fi Beats to Get Nasty and Get Clean To: The Movie"
Q: So there was never a combination sex/bathtime playlist?
A: Maybe! But perhaps more accurately: the combination sex/bathtime playlist was inside of you all along. You can make it. There are only three songs on there that are canon to the lore of this blog. Those are No Children by The Mountain Goats, Take It Out On Me by Thousand Foot Krutch, and one unknown song from the album Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV by Coheed and Cambria (Yep, the call was coming from inside the house, I gave Church my music taste). I had intended this to be Wake Up, but it's out of my hands now. The rest is yours to fill in.
Q: What's your main blog, so I can follow you?
A: Hi, this is aitadjcrazytimes. You're not getting that.
Q: Your AO3 handle?
A: Nope, not that either.
You will never find me. And that's the way I want it. You will see me in every blog. Every new follower. Every stranger you meet on the street. You will look into your discord kitten's eyes, and you will absently wonder if he was the one behind aitadjcrazytimes. And you will never know for certain.
Q: But-
A: Let me live on in your memory. The only person who knows both who I am and the fact that I did this is my partner, who is not into RvB or commonly on tumblr. I am not a RvB blog. I am not a writing blog. I am a nobody on the fringes of tumblr society who's been here long enough to know how to remain in the shadows.
And, even if you do manage to find me, against all odds:
No one will ever believe you.
I am closing my askbox. I am also closing my messages. If you have anything to say to Tucker or Me (tumblr user aitadjcrazytimes), you are welcome to do so in the replies or reblogs, but you will not be receiving an answer. I'll keep this blog up for anyone that wants to go through after the fact and do a deep dive or what have you.
Thanks to everyone who made this into the wild ride it was! Live long and get fucked or whatever! Xoxo <3
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lifblogs · 25 days
Afliplan Diatane
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Week 13 Prompt: "Stop touching me!" // "I'm not touching you!" Alt. Prompt: Crashing Hard Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word Count: 3004 Summary: Eight weeks ago Hunter was shot, and he received life-saving surgery, and has been recovering... now with the help of a med he's no longer supposed to be taking. Hunter's body doesn't handle running out of it very well. WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Drug Dependency, Suicidal Thoughts READ ON AO3
“Stop. Touching. Me,” Hunter hissed out through clenched teeth. He was in the cockpit, hanging his head over the console, waiting for the nausea he had grown quite used to dissipate.
Tech huffed from beside him, and moved away. “Technically I am not touching you. I was about to.”
“I felt the air displace from your hand.”
“I understand you have enhanced senses, but that sounds quite ridiculous.”
Hunter couldn’t tell him it was extra sensitivity from the meds. While they dulled the signals he was getting from his nerves, they seemed to enhance everything else, especially around when his body expected a dose. He didn’t want the others to know he was still on them though. But he needed these meds. He wasn’t an addict of some sort. He needed them!
Even now with the medicine re-entering his system the pain in his abdomen was an ache that stole all his thoughts. He had in fact been groaning, a hand to his stomach, until he’d at least sat down to get some rest.
The hand at his stomach clenched, a throb going around to his hips.
Tech leaned in, and Hunter wanted to snap that he was too close.
“Are you healing well from your surgery?” he asked.
“Yes,” Hunter lied.
To him it was a lie. The Kaminoan doctors said he was fine, that he could go back in the field, but he didn’t think fine meant that it would be hard for him to walk, to sit up, to do anything. It was always there—the pain, right on the edge of his awareness, if not fully taking it over.
He was hiding the medicine from his squad. He couldn’t let them know. They’d take them away, or report that he wasn’t up for active duty. He’d be separated from them, and worse… he’d be completely useless.
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Hunter wasn’t sure he liked the dark medical exam room compared to the blinding white of the majority of Kaminoan facilities. He certainly didn’t feel comfortable being out of his armor, and wearing the drab, red clothes he’d been forced to wear during his brutal recovery.
The Kaminoan standing before him was looking over some test results at the moment, and had already lifted up Hunter’s shirt to observe the long row of puckered red scars on his abdomen that followed along on either side of a deep, long line. And in the center of that was a jagged, angry circle, a deep red that looked like his healing had scarcely begun.
“CT-9901, I am pleased to see this progression of your healing, and it is my expert medical opinion that you no longer require afliplan diatane.”
Hunter’s jaw clenched at that.
They’d already tried lowering his dose of the med, but whenever they did he was left with so much pain he could barely think, let alone walk, and function. He was managing to steal some just fine, but without it… Could he get away with stealing even more of the medicine? Now he wouldn’t have his regular dose to add to it.
“You’re sure of this?” Hunter asked.
“Physical therapy should be sufficient for pain management at this time.”
Sure, physical therapy was going great, and it was helping, but only so much. And worse, lowering a dose meant sickness. Without afliplan diatane he was usually nauseous, shaky, dizzy, and couldn’t stop sweating even as he was as cold as he was hot. It left him so miserable, and only the med could fix it. His body wasn’t ready.
I can’t… I can’t do this.
Hunter nodded his head, forcing himself to say, “I do like the physical therapy.”
“It seems it. Your scars are much more mobile than what we would expect from someone at this stage. You are clearly putting the work in.”
And he was. But he could only do it with the afliplan diatane.
The Kaminoan tapped away on the tablet, announcing, “There. I just canceled your prescription of this medicine, and you are cleared for field work.”
Hunter barely heard all the words, heartbeat speeding up from fear.
I have to get that med somehow. I’ll manage.
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Hunter forced himself to take deep breaths, telling himself the med would kick in, that he’d be okay.
“What’s up with him?” Crosshair asked of Tech, as he entered the cockpit.
“I believe Hunter is still suffering from his wound and surgery.”
Crosshair huffed. “A droid did shoot right through him.”
Now the pain was burning instead of sore, a flash of pressurized brightness, and then he had collapsed, Wrecker having to drag him to cover. Smoke poured from the wound, the acrid stench of ash and burning flesh had had Hunter throwing up, blood mixed in, as his gastrointestinal tract had now been compromised. There wasn’t blood to hold in, the wound cauterized by the blast, but dust, and dirt, and smoke had gotten inside. Wrecker had brutally packed the wound as Hunter had screamed and lost all sense of reality.
By the time he’d made it back to Kamino, riddled with fever, delirious from the agony, near-dead, it was a relief to be taken to surgery, to fall into a cloudy nothingness of sleep and medicine.
Crosshair put a hand on his shoulder, and Hunter pulled out of his grip.
He leaned back, trying to breathe.
“I’ll be fine,” he said.
“What aggravated it?” Tech asked.
The medicine. He couldn’t tell them it was because he had gone a bit longer without a dose, just an extra hour.
Panting, he wiped sweat from his brow.
“I don’t know,” he got out.
Clarity came back, like he had been looking through rippled transparisteel and now it had been smoothed.
Hunter took his first deep breath in quite a few minutes, and it was like stepping onto a planet with beautiful, fresh air, and bracing wind, and sweet relief.
In that moment, Hunter forgot that he was almost out of his med.
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Hunter collapsed mid-battle. Everything was too loud, too bright, too confusing. Where was he? Who was shooting at him? What was he even doing here?
“Hunter!” Crosshair called through comms. “Get back on your feet. The tank is heading your way.”
Oh, right!
He tried to rise, but stumbled, falling down to one knee, shaking, sweating.
He couldn’t stop sweating, couldn’t get a good breath in.
He was so hot he wanted to rip his armor off. He was so cold he wanted to lie cocooned in a heated bed.
Nausea had his vision tunneling, and vertigo suddenly took over his brain.
Hunter tilted sideways, tried to catch himself, slipped, and landed badly, right in the middle of the battlefield, probably tearing some muscles in his left arm. But that pain was nothing compared to the ruining agony in his abdomen.
His comms were so loud, his squad asking what was wrong. The dust was too confusing, the fires, the blasts, the explosions, it was all so much. And he didn’t really care about it, didn’t care about any of it.
He was too busy feeling like his stomach was getting ripped open.
Hunter had taken his last dose yesterday, and had been shaky for a day now, not sure how to get more, how to tell his squad about his problem.
And now he was crashing, hard, and he didn’t even care that he was a prime target now. Take him out! Maybe it’d make the pain stop. Please, just take him out.
Do something. Somebody do something.
Oh kriff, the awful pain. He curled in on himself, arms around his stomach, pressing, like he was having to hold his guts in like after his surgery.
“Tech, get Hunter. You’re the closest,” Crosshair called. “Echo, cover him. Wrecker, head for the tank. I’ll take out the main turret from up here. You do the rest.”
Time slowed, even as it sped up. Yet every second of this ripping, burning, sore agony was too much.
Someone was shaking him, and he almost threw up. He let out a groan through gritted teeth, panting hard, barely able to stay alive as this pain utterly destroyed him. All that existed were those moments between throbs, where the pain was incrementally less—barely, but almost enough to breathe—and then it’d throb, and his muscles locked up, and he screamed around a mouth closed tight from agony. His eyes were squeezed shut so tightly that they were starting to hurt. Hunter was clawing at himself, fingers digging into his hips, bruising. It was all he could do just to hang on, to somehow cling to life.
He was shaken again, and he groaned.
“Hunter, it’s me,” Tech said. “I’m going to get you out of here. Can you stand?”
Hunter couldn’t answer, which was all Tech needed to grab him, and start dragging him to safety. Tech wasn’t as naturally buff like the regs, or Hunter, but he diligently worked on each muscle group till they were hard, and powerful, and could do what needed to be done out in the field. Droids were closing in as Tech grunted, quickly dragging Hunter. Hunter clung tightly to his arms, armor creaking, which made him grunt again.
Tech deposited Hunter behind a ruined wall, and knelt over him, holding back the droids with his pistols.
Smoke cleared for a moment to show a clear blue sky, and Hunter wanted to sink into it, almost felt like he was, like he was floating, and falling, and he could feel the rotation of the planet, its course around its sun, and the solidity of the ground was no more, turning to liquid, and he was sinking, sinking…
“You ran out of afliplan diatane, didn’t you?” Tech asked, voice unusually hard.
“I’m not stupid, Hunter. I have been tracking your symptoms and behavior for weeks.”
“I’m not an addict!” Hunter bit out around a scream that ravaged his throat.
“I never said you were. However, your body seems to be.”
Hunter’s head was pounding, right from inside, like something was trying to break free from his skull.
He tried to lift his head up, to watch the battle, but it fell back down to the ground all too quickly, wrenching his neck somewhat.
Hunter tried curling up again, but Tech didn’t move from his position guarding him.
The world blurred, vision like rippling and cracked transparisteel, the very essence of reality unable to make it through.
Days seemed to pass, the sun wheeling overhead. Maybe it was hours. Minutes? Time was fleeting to him, especially when compared to his pain. There was no perfect measurement of it for Hunter, not when all of it was suffering, and agony.
Eventually, he was vaguely aware that he was on the Marauder. Someone had taken off his armor from the waist up, and there was an IV dripping fluids into him.
“Is this gonna help?” Wrecker asked of someone.
Echo answered, “It’s the best we can do to keep him alive till we get to Kamino.”
“You stupid kriffing idiot,” Crosshair cursed.
Oh, was he addressing Hunter?
Hunter tried to think of a response, to bite back, but all he could do was groan.
“Do we give him pain medicine?” Echo asked.
“Bad idea,” Wrecker said. “Isn’t medicine the problem here? Maybe we shouldn’t be adding a different one to his system.”
Hunter grunted as he felt the ship jump into hyperspace.
Oh no, he was going to—
He turned his head, someone helping him onto his side somewhat, and he puked into the bucket that had apparently already been used at an earlier point.
A large hand rubbed his back.
Hunter couldn’t breathe, and his abdomen hurt beyond belief, and yet he couldn’t stop—
He was choking, burning, eyes watering so fiercely he couldn’t see. That large hand smacked his back, and he could breathe again, only to—
“Remind me never to get med withdrawal,” Crosshair said.
Hunter wanted to yell at him for clearly being so judgemental, and to tell him, tell everyone that he wasn’t an addict. He wasn’t. He wasn’t. They had to know, they had to—
Oh, finally, he was done… for now. He coughed and gasped, trying to catch his breath.
Those large hands—Wrecker’s hands—helped him get comfortable again. A cold cloth was placed on his brow, another to the back of his neck, Wrecker gently lifting his head to do so.
“How much farther to Kamino?” Echo asked Tech.
Hunter didn’t hear the answer, but Echo’s groan meant it wasn’t good.
Exhausted, Hunter drifted off.
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White. Everything was white. So bright his eyes burned, so bright his head throbbed, and he tried to keep his eyes closed, but wakening and awareness told him to try and open them.
He wasn’t sure what had woken him, but then there was a sore, aching jab into his left arm. A grunt left him.
“Hey, Hunter, you with us?” Echo asked.
“Based on the machines monitoring him, he is clearly awake,” Tech scoffed.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Wrecker asked.
A Kamionan voice answered, “CT-9901 is stable.”
Hunter didn’t feel stable. His abdomen ached so fiercely he could have sworn a hole was getting punched in him.
“Am I supposed to be in pain?” Hunter asked through gritted teeth.
“Yes,” the Kaminoan responded.
Hunter sighed. “Oh. Great.”
He managed to open his eyes. He was in one of the emergency medical wings, and Crosshair was sitting on the bed beside his, checking his rifle, pretending to ignore him. The others were crowded around.
“CT-9901,” the Kaminoan said, drawing Hunter’s attention away from his squad, “when you are able, Jedi Master Shaak Ti would like to have a word with you.”
Hunter’s heart raced.
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A day later, Hunter stood before Jedi Master Shaak Ti at the balcony overlooking one of the training grounds.
“So,” Shaak Ti began, “Hunter, is it?”
“Yes, sir.”
He straightened even more, stomach aching, and clasped his fingers together behind his back till they ached.
“I hear you have been struggling with recovery from a battlefield injury you sustained eight weeks ago.”
“Um… yes, sir,” Hunter responded, hesitant, not sure where this was going, but having some idea.
“I’m sorry to hear that. How do you feel now?”
What am I supposed to say?
“Nothing I can’t handle,” he eventually responded.
“Hmm, with this med, correct? Without it…”
She left that hanging, and Hunter bowed his head, looking at his feet.
“Sir, I—”
“It is okay to have these struggles,” Shaak Ti said. “You are not the first soldier to become dependant on a medicine, or a form of treatment. It is nothing to be ashamed of.”
She’s talking to me like—
“I’m not an addict,” he insisted.
“No, perhaps not. But your body wishes to say otherwise.”
Hunter swallowed roughly, cheeks heating with shame. His stomach whirled. He forgot to breathe.
“Typically this type of behavior would lead to you being court martialed.”
Hunter raised his head, stunned, worried. “Sir—”
“But in this case, as the commander of an elite squad, such an action would leave your men without a clear path to follow. They need you, Hunter.”
“I know, sir.”
“And that means you cannot be dependant on this med any longer.”
Hunter shifted, wanting out of his armor. He was too hot, sweat sliding down the sides of his face, dotting his upper lip, and seeping into his fatigues.
He tried to be a good soldier, tried to keep in what he wanted to say, but it came out in a broken, guttural tone anyway: “The pain.” Oh gosh, he was shaking, feeling like the world was crumbling apart. His abdomen hurt. Did no one understand how painful his experiences had been?
Shaak Ti put a steadying hand on his shoulder. “I know, Hunter. The pain will fade in time. It is flaring because your body is trying to get more of the medicine. You will reach a point where your body understands it does not need it, and you will be all right.”
“Do you… promise?” he asked, broken voice quiet, feeling like he wasn’t supposed to ask a Jedi such questions.
“Yes, Hunter. You will be all right. But I have ordered your squad to watch you for the time being.”
He opened his mouth to object, and she went on, “Not that they weren’t doing so already, especially Tech, and Crosshair. Prove that you are not taking the med, and the watch will be lifted. This will all be behind you.”
“You’re talking to me like—like…”
Shaak Ti smiled, and her voice was soft, understanding, as she said, “Addicts are not bad people, Hunter. You are not a bad person. This will pass. As the leader of Clone Force Ninety-Nine, you were made to endure, and will heal from this much faster than other humans. I believe in you, Hunter.”
Hunter bowed his head again, not ashamed, but glowing and feeling hopeful with the praise, and not sure how to show it.
“Thank you, Master.”
She squeezed his shoulder.
“You are dismissed. Your squad has another mission, I believe. Hypori, as I’ve heard, is quite an interesting planet. But do keep an eye on Echo. The Techno Union has a droid factory there. I believe the situation could be… uncomfortable for him.”
“Heh, sounds like we’re all supposed to be watching each other.”
“Well, you see yourself as a family, do you not?”
Hunter smiled, his first real smile in weeks, months. “Yes, sir. We do.”
“Good. They’ll help you manage this struggle, and I know you’ll help them. You’re a good leader, Hunter. Keep going. Some pain is not forever.”
He gave her a quick bow, and left.
Afliplan diatane was still gnawing on his mind, the pain begging, and begging, scraping him raw with it, but if he leaned on his squad—his family…
I can do this.
And for the first time in months he believed it.
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darchildre · 6 months
Gentlemen and Players
(Got distracted and so didn't get to part 1 before part 2 arrived, so I am posting about both parts at once.)
Hey everybody, get excited - it's cricket time! Everything I know about cricket, I learned from E W Hornung and Dorothy Sayers. Here is the sum total of my cricket knowledge: Raffles and Lord Peter are Good At It. That's it; that's all I've got.
Thing 1:
"Cricket," said Raffles, "like everything else, is good enough sport until you discover a better. As a source of excitement it isn't in it with other things you wot of, Bunny, and the involuntary comparison becomes a bore. What's the satisfaction of taking a man's wicket when you want his spoons?
The line about the spoons is so funny to me. I realize that fancy flatware is worth stealing and fencing or whatever but it's still so funny.
Being a gentleman thief who steals jewelry: daring, classy, dare I say, 'sexy'.
Being a gentleman thief who steals spoons: just the silliest thing.
Also very funny is Raffles pouting in his terrible straw hat about the cricket not going his way not five paragraphs after saying he doesn't care at all about it. Thank god someone properly illustrated this ridiculous moment.
Thing 2: "A young gentleman of the exquisite type," huh, Bunny? Bunny my Bunny, no matter how hard you try, you are not good at pretending to be straight.
Thing 3: Oh, poor Bunny, who is now more worried about being humiliated on the cricket field than he is about committing a crime. Let's be real - I too would much rather rob someone than be watched while miserably (and inevitably) failing at a sporting event. Bunny's a better man than I, because I would probably have faked a dire illness or an overseas trip or something to get out of playing sports in front of people, no matter how in love with Raffles I was.
Thing 4: Raffles' weird moral/ethical code is so fascinating. It would be the height of rudeness to rob one's host. But if you're invited somewhere solely because you're good at cricket, then you're practically being treated as an employee which a) is an insult and b) makes you not really a guest. And therefore it's not only acceptable (if still a bit tacky) but almost compulsory to rob said host, as revenge for the insult he's given you.
Thing 5: Aww, Bunny has decided this time not to get cranky that Raffles isn't telling him things, after Raffles rescued him last time! Very cute - let's see how long that resolution lasts.
Also extremely cute is Raffles' little training regimen of fishing and impromptu games of catch. One hopes they alleviate Bunny's anxiety about sports at least a little.
Thing 6:
...we found an enormous house-party assembled, including more persons of pomp, majesty, and dominion than I had ever encountered in one room before. I confess I felt overpowered. Our errand and my own presences combined to rob me of an address upon which I have sometimes plumed myself...
Because we only ever see Bunny with Raffles and therefore almost always at some point in the commission of a crime, we always see Bunny rattled and anxious, rather than in his element. It's interesting to imagine Bunny at his ease, who is apparently charming, personable and fun at parties. Probably, were he not worried about the police, he and Miss Melhuish might have ended up having a lot of fun gossiping about everyone else at the party. Miss Melhuish is clearly having a lot of fun imagining burglars with him and thinking about whose jewelry she would steal if she had the chance.
Also, the hilarious fear-inspired arrogance of thinking that he and Raffles are "two well-known London thieves" the presence of whom the police might have been alerted to! You have pulled at most three* whole jobs together, Bunny, and haven't run into the police on any of them. You are, as yet, the opposite of "well-known thieves". Literally no one knows about you.
Thing 7: Raffles taking his shoes off so that he can pace properly without bothering other people in the house and worrying (if only a little) if smoking inside is allowed is very cute. I love how excited he gets at the idea of both observing some 'professional' criminals and also beating both them and the police.
Also very cute is Bunny replying to his "My dear Bunny" with his own "My dear A.J.", the very first time we've seen Bunny call him that.
Thing 8:
I had still enough of the honest man in me to welcome the postponement of our actual felonies, to dread their performance, to deplore their necessity: which is merely another way of stating the too patent fact that I was an incomparably weaker man than Raffles, while every whit as wicked. I had, however, one rather strong point. I possessed the gift of dismissing unpleasant considerations, not intimately connected with the passing moment, entirely from my mind. Through the exercise of this faculty I had lately been living my frivolous life in town with as much ignoble enjoyment as I had derived from it the year before; and similarly, here at Milchester, in the long-dreaded cricket-week, I had after all a quite excellent time.
A) The idea that it would be a better and almost more noble thing to actually fully commit to being a criminal rather than the wishy-washy state that Bunny currently finds himself in is going to come up more prominently in later stories, but it's interesting that Bunny is already thinking about it, at least a little.
B) Except that we are talking about Bunny 'my greatest strength is not thinking about stuff I find unpleasant until I absolutely have to' Manders, so no conclusions will be reached at this time.
Thing 9: Awww, Bunny actually does all right at cricket! Good for him. I like that he and Miss Melhuish are continuing to be house-party friends as well and that she "said pretty things to [him]" about the cricket. (Sorry, miss, he's very cute but also very taken.)
Thing 10: Awww part 2, Bunny hearing Mackenzie grabbing someone in the hallway in the middle of the night, clearly thinking it's Raffles who's been caught, and flinging the door open to valiantly rush to the rescue! I mean, it isn't Raffles needing rescuing at all, but by god, he tried. Don't worry, Bunny - someday you will actually manage to heroically come to Raffles' rescue, I promise.
And also we get our first example of Bunny being surprisingly effective at unarmed melee combat but only when he's startled/panicking.
Thing 11: And then, our first properly happy ending, where everyone gets what they wanted: Bunny gets to feel a little heroic and like he's done something good, and Raffles gets to feel clever and to walk off with the best of the shiny things, and they both presumably get enough money to continue not having real jobs. Applause all round!
Thing 12: Raffles did not in any way need Bunny for this job. He does nothing to facilitate the robbery and any help he provides in distracting or hindering the professional criminals is purely coincidental and could have been expected of any of the other members of the house party. Bunny is not useful and it is, in fact, more work to get him to the house: Raffles has to lie to his host about Bunny's cricket skills and then scurry off to clandestinely play catch with him to get him even close to faking it.
Raffles just prefers having Bunny around, is the thing. If there's a chance of something fun/exciting happening, Bunny should be around for it. And if the party turns out to be boring and there's no opportunity for crime, at least Bunny will be there to hang out with.
It's easier to tell that Bunny is smitten, because he tells us all the time, but Raffles is totally head over heels for his rabbit as well. He's just slightly subtler about it because he's not the narrator.
Both Raffles movies from the 1930s are based loosely on this story (and its sequel, "The Return Match"). I cannot in fairness recommend either of them as good adaptations - they are both so straight that they feel they have to give Raffles a girlfriend - but the 1930 version is at least kinda fun, and Bunny gets to tackle a dude in his pajamas.** The 1939 version is a remake starring David Niven and Olivia de Havilland and I love both of them but it has been hit super hard by the Hays Code - barely has a Bunny at all, and Raffles has to turn himself in at the end, because the Code didn't allow people to be shown profiting from a crime. It's a bit depressing, really.
They're not terrible movies and are a bit worth seeing as curiosities if nothing else, but maybe just watch the 1970s tv show instead.
*Depending on where you think "Out of Paradise" fits in the chronology.
**How the dude got into Bunny's pajamas, I'll never know. /Groucho Marx impression
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stalkedbytrains · 7 months
Dead Letters, Missing Wife; Letters 4 & 5
You wish you had a better excuse for why it took you almost a week to open letter number four. But really it was just nerves. There was something about the ring and everything. It makes everything feel so much more real.
You can't really picture how Siobhan looks, at least not how she would look now, with the years and maturity changing her into someone else.
But you can picture her hands. Burned, cracked, dry and peeling, looking like someone spilled acid on her hands and she's still dealing with the wounds. You don't know why that image is so stuck in your mind, but it is.
As is the image of those same hurt hands sitting down to write you a bunch of letters that couldn't be sent, couldn't be read until you did the work to get them, to open them, to choose to read them.
You spent longer than you'd like to admit, in your bed, just staring at the pile of mail that isn't addressed to you (you're trying to not look at the mail that is addressed to you).
There's this massive weight that you feel coming down upon you. Something like an ocean overhead that is struggling to remain in the air, in defiance of the natural laws and the efforts of the earth to call it home. You feel the massive weight of the water will come down and crush and drown you at any moment.
You put off the next letter a bit longer by trying to sort through the mountain of other mail of Siobhan's. You figure if you can start on a different puzzle, a less personal one, you can make progress without having to deal with that overhead ocean.
But you only get so far. You start to sort the mail by the cities that Siobhan was supposedly in. You have to stop when there's an address in your city. Close by. Super close to where you've been living your entire life. All the evidence points to Siobhan moving back to your city, only a mile away, and the dates on the postmarks seem to suggest that she was back as recently as two years ago.
And she didn't come find you.
That thought haunts you, like a spike through your soul.
You find yourself running your hands along the seal on letter number four.
You open it and read, trying to ignore the rain from the ocean above.
"My sweet,
This journey that I have sent you on must feel deeply overwhelming and I can never apologize enough.
There is something profoundly terrifying for me in doing this. I crafted this mask out of myself. I made something pretty and nice and wore it for so long. I'm afraid of letting you see what is beneath it, because it might be too much. And there are only so many secret things that I can share without revealing the things that are best left buried.
I know that part of this journey that I have set you on, must include pieces of myself, show you how I have grown and changed and who I have wanted to become all these years.
It is hard for me. The being that I am supposed to be, the thing that my father crafted me to be, is a miserable pile of secrets. That is not who I want to be, but it is the nature that has fostered me so I am working against all my better instincts.
I am sorry.
I know you disliked my father, even as a child.
I can't say that I blame you. He is an exacting man. Precise and distant and cold.
I was supposed to be a perfect little one. I was supposed to be quiet and just as cold and distant.
There was a plan. Some great architecture that we can't see when we are small.
We weren't supposed to stay in this one spot for as long as we did. I wasn't supposed to make such a good friend. I don't even know if I was supposed to have friends.
Everything changed for me on that first day in kindergarten when I was first dropped off by my father. He told me to watch and learn.
You loudly declared, "I don't like him! He's weird!" Pointing right at my father.
The teacher scolded you and told you to not say such things about the other kids parents.
As soon as she was done telling you that, you walked over to me. I thought you were going to apologize. Instead, you cupped my face and told me, "I'm sorry your dad is weird. You seem nice."
Not exactly an apology, but it did make me laugh.
It still makes me laugh.
That's when I knew you were someone special. And that was the start of us staying in one specific place for far too long.
I regret nothing, because it meant that I was allowed to stay with you for as long as possible.
I just wish it could have been longer.
But father is an exacting man. And there is a plan. I must follow the plan. Even if I don't want to be that person anymore.
I wish to simply be yours,
You close the letter and just sit with it in your hands. This whole thing is starting to get much much bigger. Much heavier.
You sit and you think.
Does Siobhan need to be rescued from her father? Is that what this is all about? Is she stuck in some weird abusive cult? Are these dead letters the only way for her to communicate with you?
With a sick feeling in your stomach rising, you reach for the next letter to grab it and open it.
If Siobhan needs to be saved from her father, from her situation, and the only way to find her is to read through the letters in sequence, then it's on you to hurry up and finish.
You break the seal of the next letter and it already feels different from the first words.
"I'm sorry my dear.
It was only after I finished writing that last letter and sent it, that the realization set on me.
I am not in any danger. My father, while he is what he is and I am what I am, is not threat to me. I am not in any danger from him any more than he is from me at this point.
I simply wanted to explain, and perhaps vent my frustrations a little bit at you. I wanted you to understand the situation I am in.
There is no abuse or mistreatment beyond the attempts to make me the perfect tool for the cyclopean plan that I am but a tiny part in and my family is but a moderately larger cog.
There is no abuse. No danger or imminent threat.
I promise.
I would have told you if there were.
It is simply like being in class. Something you have to do, even if there are benefits and positives to it, it seems hard to discern at the moment you are in it, and you are always wishing you could be somewhere else, with someone else, being happy and doing whatever your heart desires.
I'll be more careful with my words in the future,
You close the letter and you find that your heartbeat has been raging out of control.
You feel at once, reassured that there's nothing to concern yourself over, and a deep sense of worry that whatever this is will be more than you can handle.
i have a kofi with the rest of my work
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
Skin to Skin
Rated G. Words: 1,022. Language: English.
Adrien is desperately yearning for love and affection. Luckily, Marinette is there to help him,
Lots of perfectly friendly hugs, kisses and tooth-rotting fluff.
!Spoilers for Multiplication and Determination!
It was the 10th time in a row Marinette refused la bise and offered him a handshake instead.
Adrien should've gotten used to rejections a long time ago. But this was the last straw.
"Marinette, please," he said desperately, looking at her with puppy eyes. "I'm glad to hold your hand, but it's not enough."
She considered him, her eyebrows raised in surprise.
"You have no idea how touch-starved I am," Adrien murmured in a miserable voice. "Since my mother disappeared, no one gives me goodnight hugs or ruffles my hair. No goodbye kisses, no cuddles. I really need friendly touches, especially from such an amazing friend as you." He finished, looking at her imploringly.
Marinette listened to him, her expression changing gradually from confused to tender.
"Sorry, Adrien, I didn’t know how much you needed it," she said, putting her warm hand on his. "I'm here if you need me."
"Then please let me hug you and kiss your cheek sometimes," he said shyly.
There were two pretty cherry-pink spots appearing on Marinette’s cheeks.
"Of course you can do it anytime you want," she said eagerly, looking at him from beneath her pitch-black lashes.
"Would you mind me doing it now?" Adrien asked hopefully.
Marinette’s cheeks flushed even more, and she silently shook her head.
Adrien didn't waste any time. As soon as he got her permission, he immediately pulled her into a bear hug.
He could feel that Marinette was a bit tense at first, but she relaxed eventually.
They stayed like that for a moment before they pulled apart, too soon for his liking. Adrien retracted his hands very reluctantly. He wished he could hold her all day.
"Thank you, Marinette!" he said gratefully, feeling a wave of bliss running through every fibre of his body. "Wow, I feel so much better now."
"You're welcome, Adrien," she said with a coy smile. "Come get your daily dose of hugs anytime you need them."
And so he did.
In fact, Adrien took advantage of Marinette’s permission pretty often. He couldn’t get enough of her physical contact. The warmth of her hugs. The softness of her palms. The velvety skin of her cheeks. Her hot satin lips on his cheek.
He asked her to sit next to him in the school cafeteria so that he could be as close to her as possible.
He used every opportunity to cuddle with her during breaks, to place his head on her shoulder, or at least just hold her hand.
Marinette was a little uneasy at first and flinched every time Adrien took her hand, but soon the tension gave way to complete relaxation.
Unsurprisingly, their friendly activities didn't go unnoticed.
Nino was confused. Alya was ecstatic. Chloé was furious. Everyone else was nearly swooning at the sight.
Everyone around them kept asking if the two of them were dating each other. Did they really look like a romantic couple? Wasn't it usual for friends to give each other hugs and cheek kisses?
Anyway, Adrien didn't care what everyone was saying anymore. He needed Marinette in his life. She radiated so much warmth and affection. She conveyed so much love and tenderness through her touch.
Everything about Marinette was adorable, from the way she had to stand on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek to the way she ran her fingers through his hair when they were cuddling together.
Adrien counted hours and minutes until the moment he would see her again.
He started walking her home every day so that he could be with her and relish her closeness for a little longer.
Things went on like this for like a month or so until the day Adrien came to a fencing class, bringing Marinette with him.
By then, Adrien wasn't able to attend a fencing class without Marinette by his side anymore. To be completely honest, he could hardly go anywhere without skin-to-skin contact with her. Long, lonely hours at his mansion were real torture.
That's why he came to the locker room one afternoon, clinging on to Marinette.
Once there, he reluctantly let go of her tiny, warm hand. Then he finally said goodbye to her, but not before getting another cheek kiss and tight embrace from her and giving her an ever-so-soft forehead kiss in return. All in front of Kagami's questioning eyes.
A few moments after Marinette was gone, Kagami asked a question everyone had been asking them for quite a while now.
"Are you guys dating? Can I congratulate you?"
"No, it's not like that!" Adrien assured her. "She's just a friend. What you saw were just friendly hugs. I thought it was pretty normal for friends to act like that."
"Then why with Marinette? Not with any other friend?" Kagami asked slyly.
This question took Adrien totally by surprise.
Really, why exactly with Marinette?
He had so many friends who would be glad to give him all the hugs in the world. So why was he so attached to Marinette? Why didn't he get hugs from Nino? Why didn't he ask Alya to give him cheek kisses from time to time?
Adrien thought for a moment and answered in a very small voice:
"Because she's very special to me. I can't imagine my life without her."
Kagami smiled triumphantly.
"You see. That's what I’ve been telling you all the time. You definitely have feelings for her."
Adrien's cheeks flushed, and he passed his tongue over his suddenly dry lips.
"Do you think that I'm..." he stammered, trying to bring himself to say these words out loud. Then he gulped and tried again.  "Do you think that... I'm in love with Marinette?"
Once these words were finally uttered, there was no turning back for him. And he knew he wouldn't want everything to go back to how it was before.
Because this new world that has just been born—the world where he, Adrien, was in love with his best friend Marinette—was so wonderful that he wouldn't change it for anything.
Adrien looked up at Kagami with shining eyes.
"I think you're right, Kagami. I'm in love!"
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rabbithaver · 9 months
thank you for your response, i am genuinely so sorry to hear. i was staff last year, and my experiences with beau were considerably awful, but i will not go into them. i just want you to know i have seen everything you described and have been righteously angry ever since my departure 😔
i hope you feel better soon, i am so sorry if my ask had triggered any negative memories. i had just sent the ask without really thinking, but i am glad you have gotten away from the community and can hopefully find somewhere else :(
stay safe, i hope things look up for you
aughhhhhh god i am so sorry you went through that. like, Beau was an asshole to me for sure, but at least i didn't have to work with him. i cannot imagine being staff. i wanted to be but beau explicitly forbade it because he didn't like me. in the long run i'm glad i never took up that mantle because good GOD.
anyway don't worry about the ask, you're fine. the PTSD stuff and depressive episode have been an ongoing issue for me for the past 24 hours, it's not anything you did. it's actually really validating to hear that i'm not the only one who had issues with that server, and honestly? leaving was one of the best things i ever did. i got out and i grew up, and things were rough for several years but have since stabilized somewhat. as miserable as i've been tonight, i am in an infinitely better place now than i was back then.
i've found a community that offers all the good QC gave me and more with none of the bad. and the leaders of that community are actually good people who like me — weird gender and far left values and all, so... Beau can eat shit.
looking back at my experience, it's actually a little bit funny to me now... like "bro you were like 34 at the time. why were you beefing with a 15 year old who still has to ask to go to the bathroom?" he's pathetic and nasty and awful to people who don't kiss his ass. you were smart to get out, and if you ever decide to go public with your story and warn others away from QC, i'll be behind you.
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stalkedbyplanes · 7 months
Dead Letters, Missing Wife; Letters 4 & 5
[Letter #1][Letter #2][Letter #3]
You wish you had a better excuse for why it took you almost a week to open letter number four. But really it was just nerves. There was something about the ring and everything. It makes everything feel so much more real.
You can't really picture how Siobhan looks, at least not how she would look now, with the years and maturity changing her into someone else.
But you can picture her hands. Burned, cracked, dry and peeling, looking like someone spilled acid on her hands and she's still dealing with the wounds. You don't know why that image is so stuck in your mind, but it is.
As is the image of those same hurt hands sitting down to write you a bunch of letters that couldn't be sent, couldn't be read until you did the work to get them, to open them, to choose to read them.
You spent longer than you'd like to admit, in your bed, just staring at the pile of mail that isn't addressed to you (you're trying to not look at the mail that is addressed to you).
There's this massive weight that you feel coming down upon you. Something like an ocean overhead that is struggling to remain in the air, in defiance of the natural laws and the efforts of the earth to call it home. You feel the massive weight of the water will come down and crush and drown you at any moment.
You put off the next letter a bit longer by trying to sort through the mountain of other mail of Siobhan's. You figure if you can start on a different puzzle, a less personal one, you can make progress without having to deal with that overhead ocean.
But you only get so far. You start to sort the mail by the cities that Siobhan was supposedly in. You have to stop when there's an address in your city. Close by. Super close to where you've been living your entire life. All the evidence points to Siobhan moving back to your city, only a mile away, and the dates on the postmarks seem to suggest that she was back as recently as two years ago.
And she didn't come find you.
That thought haunts you, like a spike through your soul.
You find yourself running your hands along the seal on letter number four.
You open it and read, trying to ignore the rain from the ocean above.
"My sweet,
This journey that I have sent you on must feel deeply overwhelming and I can never apologize enough.
There is something profoundly terrifying for me in doing this. I crafted this mask out of myself. I made something pretty and nice and wore it for so long. I'm afraid of letting you see what is beneath it, because it might be too much. And there are only so many secret things that I can share without revealing the things that are best left buried.
I know that part of this journey that I have set you on, must include pieces of myself, show you how I have grown and changed and who I have wanted to become all these years.
It is hard for me. The being that I am supposed to be, the thing that my father crafted me to be, is a miserable pile of secrets. That is not who I want to be, but it is the nature that has fostered me so I am working against all my better instincts.
I am sorry.
I know you disliked my father, even as a child.
I can't say that I blame you. He is an exacting man. Precise and distant and cold.
I was supposed to be a perfect little one. I was supposed to be quiet and just as cold and distant.
There was a plan. Some great architecture that we can't see when we are small.
We weren't supposed to stay in this one spot for as long as we did. I wasn't supposed to make such a good friend. I don't even know if I was supposed to have friends.
Everything changed for me on that first day in kindergarten when I was first dropped off by my father. He told me to watch and learn.
You loudly declared, "I don't like him! He's weird!" Pointing right at my father.
The teacher scolded you and told you to not say such things about the other kids parents.
As soon as she was done telling you that, you walked over to me. I thought you were going to apologize. Instead, you cupped my face and told me, "I'm sorry your dad is weird. You seem nice."
Not exactly an apology, but it did make me laugh.
It still makes me laugh.
That's when I knew you were someone special. And that was the start of us staying in one specific place for far too long.
I regret nothing, because it meant that I was allowed to stay with you for as long as possible.
I just wish it could have been longer.
But father is an exacting man. And there is a plan. I must follow the plan. Even if I don't want to be that person anymore.
I wish to simply be yours,
You close the letter and just sit with it in your hands. This whole thing is starting to get much much bigger. Much heavier.
You sit and you think.
Does Siobhan need to be rescued from her father? Is that what this is all about? Is she stuck in some weird abusive cult? Are these dead letters the only way for her to communicate with you?
With a sick feeling in your stomach rising, you reach for the next letter to grab it and open it.
If Siobhan needs to be saved from her father, from her situation, and the only way to find her is to read through the letters in sequence, then it's on you to hurry up and finish.
You break the seal of the next letter and it already feels different from the first words.
"I'm sorry my dear.
It was only after I finished writing that last letter and sent it, that the realization set on me.
I am not in any danger. My father, while he is what he is and I am what I am, is not threat to me. I am not in any danger from him any more than he is from me at this point.
I simply wanted to explain, and perhaps vent my frustrations a little bit at you. I wanted you to understand the situation I am in.
There is no abuse or mistreatment beyond the attempts to make me the perfect tool for the cyclopean plan that I am but a tiny part in and my family is but a moderately larger cog.
There is no abuse. No danger or imminent threat.
I promise.
I would have told you if there were.
It is simply like being in class. Something you have to do, even if there are benefits and positives to it, it seems hard to discern at the moment you are in it, and you are always wishing you could be somewhere else, with someone else, being happy and doing whatever your heart desires.
I'll be more careful with my words in the future,
You close the letter and you find that your heartbeat has been raging out of control.
You feel at once, reassured that there's nothing to concern yourself over, and a deep sense of worry that whatever this is will be more than you can handle.
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mxldito · 11 months
Dinner Diary #8
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I left to watch the light in the sky, milky pollution swirling like poison in a glass of water above, numbers and letters in the stars, clouds, airplanes, and the strange lights that nobody seemed to notice. Sitting here on the hood of my car, in the parking lot of some park, the truth is so sharp that it cuts my eyes and I feel as though I could bleed. It stings so much that I grit my teeth. Agony. Agony. Hunger. Agony. Hunger. Hunger. It bleeds more on an empty stomach.
You’re nasty when you bleed but that never stops Dead Ones. The sweet ones don’t last long in this existence. Wise or bitter up. Sweetness never lasts. But sometimes there are sweet Breathing Ones who mistake glossy vacant stares for something more than just hunger. That’s not their fault. He saw somebody alone. He got worried. What a sweet guy. I saw him before he even approached me.
As ordinary as they come, what a lucky existence. Lucky you. His brown hair was just a little thin near the front, his skin just a little pink, and his eyes were an average brown. Some kind of salaryman with his tie a little loose and his sleeves rolled up to his freckled elbows. I could smell a wife and children on him, that powdery smell of babies and a polyester chemise he had run his hands over when he kissed her goodbye this morning. We would have envied him a few years ago. Domestic. Mundane. Reliable. These are things that are unattainable to even the most comfortable of us. We would’ve wanted to get married. Maybe even thought about having children at one point. But that’s not a possibility. We’re okay with that now. The Star was not long for this world and couldn’t see that happening. There are already plenty of trembling children in the world. Me, I find myself an icy warmongering older brother more than anything else. My soldiers are my siblings, other way around. At least we’re all willing. “Beautiful night out, eh?” He says. Taking a good look, I see him get thrown off by sunglasses, tattoos, and a Rat Fink tank top that looks more tired than him. Young, miserable, and in trouble is what he reads. “Same kind of night it is most nights. But that’s what makes it comfortable, right?” That fake sad smile. I gave him a sigh, leaning forward onto my knees. There is a moment where he’s not sure what to say. This is all terribly presumptuous, even if he means well. “Yeah, I suppose so!” Trying to sound enthusiastic. He stops again, feeling awkward as he tries to figure out what he wants to say next. “. . .I’m sorry if I’m intruding. It’s just that you looked alone. I just wanted to erm. . .” Stammering.
Smiling again, nodding this time. “No, no. You’re fine! Not a lot of people would check up on a stranger.” Here’s an idea. “I don’t really talk to anybody about a lot of things but if you want-. Could you just sit with me for a little bit? And listen?” Sounding on the verge of tears, I wanted to laugh. He hesitates for a moment but he feels strangely compelled. He felt as though my life depended on whether or not he’d choose to sit with me. Surely, this weedy looking youngster wouldn’t be able to hurt him if they tried, right? Besides, they sound so sad. This kid has nobody to lean on. I take my sunglasses off and take his eyes with mine. “Stop fucking thinking about it and come sit next to me.” Resisting me when he’s already in my grasp, he isn’t strong enough. Humans are so easy. He sits next to me without a word. His gaze locked into the empty park in front of us, “Keep looking that way and listen until I tell you you can stop.” And he doesn’t move, only sits and listens. “A gelatinous heart is the easiest to crush, you know that? I’m nice. Lucky you.” I look over his lightly aged skin down to his neck. “You were probably just going to tell me that you’ve been where I am. That I have my whole life ahead of me. That I should look to get out of it before it’s too late. Just like you and everybody and everything else on this planet that eats and sleeps, there’s only one way out. I hope you and your babies and wife never find yourselves where I am.”
Leaning in close enough that I can feel the heat of his body radiating onto my face. I submit to my feelings: “I’m jealous.” But I can’t deny: “It’s the most ordinary of you that are the kindest but you can’t stop for every sad-looking stranger you see on your way home from work. You can look away now.” Bewildered, he doesn’t remember sitting with me or a single word I just said. I put my mouth on his neck and he’s sweet. He’s comfortable. He does his best for his family, his normalcy. I won’t let him slip away, I hardly ever do. He’ll wake up feeling sick and maybe at the end of the night, I’ll still feel that envy. A confused grunt, hand flailing against my shoulder unsure of whether to push me away or pull me closer. I drop him off the car onto the gravel below, he’s unconscious. I didn’t need to but I did anyway. He would’ve come to me if I had just been patient enough. I didn’t need to but I did anyway. I didn’t need to but I did anyway. I didn’t need to but I did anyway. He won’t remember me by the time he wakes up. And I’ll probably forget about him in a few nights. - Good morning.
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twistedmusings · 3 years
Wake Up From Your Dream
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A/N: I don't even know what I can SAY to this one except...I think I was so angry at not writing that I wrote smut outta SPITE? Can I be so angry with myself that I write Malleus smut to just get something out there? I guess I can. Anyways this ask certainly let my imagination fly q wq
Warnings: Non-con making its way into dub-con, manipulation, impregnating sex and Malleus realizing that family is really important.
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You needed to find your way back to Night Raven College.
It has been so long since you’ve been back there, laughing and walking around as if there was no trouble in the world. Nevermind that you weren’t anywhere close to home and nevermind that your family was seeking you out.
As long as there was a possibility of you finding your way home, you had pretended that everything was going to be alright.
You were still a stranger to this world, you had no ties to this world and there would be no reason for you to stay once Crowley found your way back home. It was wonderful making friends with such a variety of people and watching them all grow in their own way. The way you knew you would grow from this experience as well.
Watching Ace and Deuce really come into themselves and their Unique Magic, watching the dorm leaders step into their positions of power and truly start to make a name for themselves that would help them out in their own version of the ‘real’ world. Riddle had gotten a wonderful position befitting of his family name, Leona was actually graduating, Azul was said to open a Monstro Lounge in the Coral Sea while Kalim had started investing time in his father’s trade without having Jamil help him. Even Idia was starting to take strides in his own field!
And you were proudest of Malleus. One simple conversation outside of Ramshackle had turned into a friendship you thought you would never forget. It was so wonderful to see him interact more with students, shyly following after you as you pushed him to talk more to others despite his position. That was what college was for, right? To experience new things and find your future--
You just didn’t think that Malleus would take it that far.
Was it because he was spoiled? No, even though he was born in a monarchy he still did his best to remain kind to others, especially his subjects. You were sure he was going to make a kind king in the future, even if you never got to see with your own two eyes.
You pull the hood over your head as you enter a bath house, the fae receiving you with a curious look and a smile as you hand her 2000 madols.
“Will you be booking a room tonight as well?”
“Just a simple shower and bath, that is all.”
If you were to make a guess, you were in the borders of the Valley of Thorns, a more rural area compared to the now rather modernized capital. You had stolen enough money to get you by for a few trips and you knew that places like these were the best at getting you directions. It had been a bit of a grueling trip, testing your knowledge of the fae language as well as avoiding questions about who you were and why you so desperately needed to make your way back to such a prestigious college. In a sense, you kept it minimal.
You needed to get back home.
“It’s fine. You’re fine. It’s fine. You’re fine.”
The mantra you kept repeating to yourself was whispered under your breath as you removed your articles of clothing slowly, still looking around to see if anybody had followed you in. But this is what was raising all of the hairs on your body, wasn’t it? This constant vigilance that didn’t let you sleep at night. You needed to relax, no one else would come this far.
You feel the fatigue melt as several days of walking are washed right off your body, a smile slowly creeping up on your face as you wash the dirt and oil from your hair.
It would be fine.
You would make it to Night Raven College and sneak into the Hall of Mirrors before wishing yourself back home. Crowley had said that they had pinned down the world you lived in and only after you make your wish would the connection be broken. This most likely meant that the connection was still intact since you didn’t even get a chance to to look at the mirror before you were whisked away.
Everything was going to work itself out, that’s the most you could promise yourself.
The bath is heavenly, the temperate water cooling you down from the hot shower as you look around.
There were no other patrons.
You lean back and press your head against a soft pillow of towels, enjoying the silence as you feel your worries soften while thinking back to what you would do when you were back home. It had been so long since you’ve seen some of your friends, your family was probably worried sick and you still had your own plans you wanted to get through.
If you had time, you could maybe drop by to see how your first year friends were doing?
Or were they in their third year now?
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see?
Your eyes close as you let yourself relax entirely, almost succumbing to sleep.
Only for a hand to grab your throat, the other covering your eyes as you hear a familiar chuckle that tenses your body up and breaks your heart.
“I am afraid we will have to postpone this shower.”
Tears well up in the corner of your eyes as you hear the sound of footsteps into the area, most likely the royal guard.
“You’d do well to stay put lest they chase after you.”
The hands covering your eyes pull back as you see a teasing smile looking down pitifully at your fresh set of tears.
“It has taken far too long to find you, Your Majesty.”
Lilia smiles as he leads you by the hand, the royal guard following close behind as Sebek and Silver join him.
“He might have already woken up, Father.”
“Sebek.” Lilia looks at his charge, “Quiet. Malleus might still be sleeping.”
Silver takes one peek at you, trying to meet your gaze but pulling away when he sees that the veil Lilia had put on you is blocking anybody’s stares from seeing your face. In fact, the second in command had put you in one of the traditional outfits for fae royalty, complete with a light veil that flowed down from the silver circlet placed on your head.
Lilia turns his attention to you and laughs.
“He has been absolutely miserable since you left. It was quite a surprise to all of us when you managed to leave the palace walls. None of us thought that you had really done it, especially him, and it really was a hassle to search the palace up and down to see just where our little human had run off to.”
His voice drops to a whisper as he brings your hand up to his lips.
“I’ll make sure to punish you for that later.”
The older fae leads you along as you finally reach your destination, smiling as he knocks on large wooden doors while pushing you slightly to stand in front of everybody.
An answer he was going to get by the end of the night.
No answer. He tests the doors and nods when he sees they are unlocked, opening them as he leads you to step inside so that you both could see the figure drenched in moonlight, looking out the window as if awaiting for an answer.
Lilia waits for his other charge to say anything but shrugs as he looks at you with a smile and a bow.
“We are glad to have you back, Your Majesty.”
The door closes with a loud click as you turn your eyes to look up at the imposing figure, your nails digging into your fingertips enough to draw blood as you try to hold back from screaming and shouting at him to stop acting like such a child. Yet you do not wish to anger him, at least to save yourself from any sort of harsher punishment.
So instead you make your way over to the bed--
Only for the fae to turn around, grab your wrist and slam your back into the rough stone wall. Bright green eyes glare down at you as you wince in pain, still looking away from him but letting out a yelp when Malleus’s fingers grab your chin and force you to look at him in the eye.
“Why did you run?”
He really had no idea, did he?
“Because I don’t belong here--”
Malleus tightens his hold on your wrist.
“We’ve discussed this before, child of man, you belong here just like anybody else, you are my Queen--”
“Malleus wake UP!”
You push against his hold but the fae’s hold gets tighter, most likely leaving a mark. But that wouldn’t deter you, not anymore, you were going to tell him.
“I’m not from this world! Coming to Twisted Wonderland was just an accident! A stupid, stupid accident that no one bothered to fix! And just when we were close to making it right you---you--!”
Shit, you’re crying again.
“I have people waiting for me. Just like you had a family waiting for you. I came to the Valley of Thorns thinking that I was supporting you during your coronation but you just--made a decision entirely by yourself and announced me as yours! Why did you lie to me? To them?!”
Malleus’s hold softens as you finally let your tears flow freely, wishing to wipe them away only due to how weak they were making you look.
“...did you not say you loved me?”
“I did! I did but--Malleus after what you did I can’t--”
He lets go of your wrist only to cup your face as he leans down to press his lips on your cheek, his tongue licking up the warm tears as you grab hold of his wrists to try and push him away.
“Do you miss your family?”
You nod as he moves to kiss the corner of your eyes.
“More than anything…”
The dragon fae hums, letting his lips stay where they were a few seconds longer before chuckling as he pulls you close.
“I see--I really have been cruel to you, haven’t I?”
Your heart nearly leaps out of your throat at his words, hands clutching at his robes as you quickly nod. Maybe this was it, maybe it had taken you breaking down to let him see reason?
Please. Please!
“...A family.”
Malleus’s words are like dripped honey as a thought formed in his head, the thought taking shape and form as his hands clutched you tighter.
“Then we’ll just need to make a family of our own…”
Hands clutch at his sheets as Malleus takes in the shape under him.
How beautiful could you be? How complex? To him it was as if not a day had passed since you first met. What had been mere curiosity had delved into deep affection and blossomed into a love that Malleus would only read about in fairytales. The sort of books that led him to believe in soulmates, in happily ever after’s and the possibility of spending the rest of your life with the one you loved.
And yes, you weren’t a fae, but the power of his magic was grand enough to keep you tied to him for the rest of eternity.
His lips can’t help but seek out yours as he thinks about how he is the one who will decide when you die.
This love hadn’t started out like this. What he felt for you had been a bit more relaxed, a lot softer and dreamier. You had confessed to him after his Overblot incident and he had gladly accepted your feelings. He was still keen on finding you a way home and promised himself to not let any moment be wasted in thinking how you soon would be far away from him.
Every day was spent happily with you, the rest of the school year flying by as you both enjoyed the time you still had together.
But Malleus was still a dragon at heart, a fae that yearned and longed to take and take.
So when thoughts about you leaving started to make their way to the forefront of his mind, not even your constant love and affection could keep him from his instincts.
You would leave him to go back to your world. Go back to the normal and the familiar. As you walked your path, you would eventually find someone that enchanted you the way he had, all ending with you walking down a beautiful aisle to your now beloved.
A person that wasn’t...him.
As the days of his third year started to run to a close, his hold on you had become a lot tighter, his kisses a lot more possessive and in the end he had invited you to watch his coronation as he entered his fourth and final year.
With his announcement of making you his Queen.
“Malleus! Please I can’t--I’m not ready--!”
He let Lilia make up some story about you not returning to Night Raven, fooling Crowley into believing that you had found your future in the Valley of Thorns with him. The announcement of you taking up the role of Queen had been surprising but Malleus had woven the story in such a way that there had been talks of having it printed for others to read.
It was a wonderful ending to your love story, you ending up in his arms. But something was missing…
Malleus was glad that you had given him the answer.
Both of your knees were on either side of his waist, your hands clutching at whatever they could as his cock buried itself deep into your cunt. The veil was long forgotten as his robes and your own are thrown carelessly around the room while you wail and scream at being broken into by such a thick length. The small sight of blood on his cock made Malleus smile as he pushed in further, the tightness that was pushing him back slowly opening up for him as he watched you do your best to fit him inside.
It would be fine, you would be fine.
With a growl he finally bottoms out, two hands holding your hips and forcing you down to take all of him as the tip of his cock pressed right under your womb--
He shivers as you tighten up again, leaning down to lick up the trail of tears on your cheek before eating up your tiny whimpers with a hungry kiss.
“Here...right here is where our family will start.”
A large hand takes yours as Malleus puts it right over the small bulge on your stomach, your eyes growing wide as you realize just how deep inside he is. He kisses you again, not daring to break away as he lets a trail of saliva dangle from his lips to yours, the clear liquid disappearing into your mouth as your body relaxed and your eyes grew hazy.
“Do you love me, child of man?”
It was a simple question, but your brain seemed muddled from his kiss. Dragons tended to excrete a certain liquid as they got ready to mate, the experience painful even within his own species but being eased with the help of saliva, sweat or cum.
And with the way he was pressed against you, his sweat matted on your skin as he let more of his spit drip down his tongue and onto yours...surely the answer would come the more you two worked to start your family.
Malleus hardly gave you any time to recover as he started to move, his eyes entranced with the way he disappeared into you with each thrust. Your mind was still muddled but your body was already eagerly accepting him, your legs wrapping around him slowly before locking him in place as he repeated the question.
“Do you love me, child of man?”
You open your mouth but the only word that comes out is a plea for him to go faster.
Which Malleus gladly listens to.
It didn’t take long for him to start pounding into you at a brutal pace, every thrust having the tip of his cock slamming against your womb as your toes curled from the pleasure of taking him so deep. His cock disappeared inside your tiny cunt, shaft now coated not just with blood but with your arousal as well. The bed creaked in protest while the sounds of the bed frame hitting the wall helped him keep time, Malleus leaning back down to kiss you again as your lips this time part eagerly and sucked on his tongue while your hands clutched his shoulders and horns.
Cries turned into happy moans, your sad and abandoned look now one of pure ecstasy as your pussy flutters and tightens around him, pushing him to go harder and harder so he could---!
Your legs close tighter around him as you bury your face on the crook of his neck, your orgasm being ripped from you unexpectedly as Malleus halted his movements with a stiff body. He drops his head on your shoulder as your legs keep him in place.
He groans as he paints the inside of your walls white, the warmth of his cum filling your womb to the point that what you hadn’t taken merely dripped out onto the now stained sheets. Malleus lifts his head to look down at you, smiling as he sees your eyes staring up at him eagerly despite how much you had protested before.
“A family…”
You smile as Malleus nods, your hands going all the way to your stomach as you feel the warmth start to twist your brain even more.
“A family with you…how wonderful…”
Arms wrap around him as Malleus kisses a trail from your shoulder to your lips. He just needed to ask you one last time.
“Do you love me, child of man?”
With a hum, your answer is whispered into his ear as Malleus closes his eyes as he realizes that this is where his happily ever after would finally start.
“I love you Malleus, more than anything else.”
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cno-inbminor · 3 years
iterum vivere (childe/tartaglia)
a/n: wow, it’s been fucking forever. first genshin fic featuring childe/tartaglia!!! a very huge thank you to @suspensin​ for reading this over and being my rock and support, and i love her so fucking much. I couldn’t have finished this without her!
plot: reincarnation and modern/uni!au ft. afab reader!traveler with she/they pronouns x childe/tartaglia 
-- in which meeting childe is a bit of a dangerous game of push and pull
wc: 12.1k; angst + fluff
warnings:  DOES CONTAIN IN-GAME SPOILERS (1.5? 1.6? + story quest and idek) and NSFW MENTIONS (mdni to be safe). there’s no explicit smut but thoughts do run a bit wild here and there
EDIT: Altered ChiLumi version now posted on AO3 here!
“Haven’t we met before?”
The shine in your eyes does nothing to hide your curiosity, head even tilting a little in observation. He watches them scan his face for any recognizable features, but attempts to focus on the strange, taut string of déjà vu that pulls him toward you. In a moment of absentmindedness, he had heard a faint voice call out his name from your direction. Confusion overtook him as you weren’t looking at him, but something inside his brain said that it had to be from you. And so his feet redirected his path towards your figure in the student union building, as if on a mission.
“A fucking whale, Childe?”
“I don’t think so…?” You trail off, curiosity now replaced by perplexed feelings. “Do we have a class together?”
I think I would’ve noticed you by now if you were.
“Ah, what’s your major?” Childe asks quickly to avoid listening to the little voice in his head.
“History and anthropology, you?”
“Economics, but I’ve taken a history course for core credits. Maybe it was then?”
“With Dr. Zhong?”
“Yes!” He snaps his fingers. Part of his brain decides to usefully function and scan his memories to see if he remembers your face or head of hair in the lecture hall then. “Last year? Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11:20?”
“Actually, yeah,” you affirm in surprise. You think you would remember the relatively attractive ginger in your class, but honestly, it had all been such a blur and you were often pretty sleepy during class. Dr. Zhong didn’t quite appreciate it, but you made up for it with your exam and essay grades, as well as paying better attention in some of his other courses.
“Did you need me for anything?”
“I’d like for you to come visit and meet my family.”
He’s really not appreciating this extra voice speaking for him.
“Well…uh…” Childe stammers and looks away sheepishly, hand rubbing the back of his neck. He honestly had no reason for approaching you, and now, he just looks like a desperate idiot. Think quick, he tells himself, floundering for some shitty excuse.
“I wanted to, uh, take another history course as an elective and um, wanted to know if you had any recommendations?”
“Oh,” you blink. That’s a first. When he meets your gaze, the swirling shades of sapphire strike something deep within you. Flashes of events you can’t make out go by in the blink of an eye, but then you realize you’ve been staring for too long. Blood rushes to your cheeks because you don’t exactly want this guy to get the wrong idea from you, because how are you supposed to explain, “I’m sorry, but I think we have met before, but just a really, really long time ago, and we might’ve been more than just acquaintances because that’s what it feels like?”
“I think you’d like Teyvat Mythology,” your voice wavers on the verge of cracking. “Dr. Zhong might have a TA this time around, but Xiao’s a great teacher. Doesn’t have long, rambling anecdotes, but explains things well and gets straight to the point.”
“C-cool, I’ll look into it,” Childe replies and smiles brightly. “I’ll head out then,” jabbing a thumb over his shoulder, where he just realized he left a grouchy Scaramouche waiting by a vending machine, newly purchased Starbucks Tripleshot drink in hand. “Nice seeing you, (y/n).”
He scurries off before you both realize that you never told him your name.
“Who’s that?” Scaramouche asks, jutting his chin in your vague direction.
“Someone from my Intro to Liyuean History course last year,” Childe waves off. “Come on, let’s go before the line at the pasta bar gets too long.”
The next time you see Childe is by accident, traversing across an open field of grass that many students like to sit out on to relax with friends, sunbathe, hold events, or play casual team sports if room permits.
You had your earbuds in and were scrolling through social media when laughter rang above all other sound, causing your head to snap up and swivel around to find the source. And while it might’ve been strange to an outsider, your steps immediately slowed as you watched the man of your tiring, vivid dreams sprint in your direction, eyes pinned on a frisbee heading towards him.
He’s wearing a grey sports tank and basketball shorts, headband holding back his bangs as he makes a slight jump in the air to catch the plastic disc between his palms. His feet plant into the grass as he looks for someone to pass it to, and you watch (with embarrassment) the muscles in his throwing arm relax and tighten with practice, frisbee steadily soaring through the air in a beautiful arc towards a teammate. He then lightly jogs to get closer to his group, but then his back stiffens.
Before your instincts kick in for you to turn and bail, he looks over his shoulder and stares straight at your now stunned self.
The sole ruby earring that glints in the sunlight catches your attention, and you recall your dreams of terrifyingly dark, violet electric power, blades of water rushing toward you, and then the stomach-churning sensation of falling from great heights pours concrete into your veins—
Childe looks a little amused for having your sole focus, hand lifting up for a quick wave. And as you numbly return the greeting, your heart beats out, “Run from him.”
And so with the flight response pulsing and firing from your synapses, you abruptly speed walk away, almost breaking out into a sprint towards your dorm. You ignore his pointed, confused look, and pretend you don’t feel the two holes of imaginary fire searing into your back. It isn’t until you’re laying back in bed that you release a huge sigh of relief and pray to a deity you don’t believe in that those eyes of mirth will not haunt you tonight.
But of course, with a deity that doesn’t exist, the prayers go unanswered.
“Do you believe in any of the mythology you teach?” You ask Xiao about a few days later when you stop by his cubicle. Luckily, no one else is around for this conversation, and Xiao has always been kind enough to humor your thoughts. Granted, he might feel obligated because you had asked Dr. Zhong to be your advisor for your undergraduate Honors thesis, and Xiao was directed to be your receiver of some general questions and source of information if he wasn’t around.
A quick scan of your complexion tells Xiao everything he needs to know. Your eyes are overtaken with rumination and exhaustion, haziness clouding them as you seem to ponder over your own question. It’s not often that you ask him anything not related to your thesis or coursework.
“Perhaps there’s some sense and truth to the tales passed down,” he softly muses. “What makes you ask?”
You lift yourself to sit on the clean area next to his computer, legs slowly swaying back and forth. “It might sound crazy but...I’ve been having dreams lately. They feel too real, too natural to be anything that my mind would make up. I’ve never had the most creative imagination by any means, which is why there’s some comfort to me being a history major, but I can’t shake these.”
“So why ask me about the mythology?”
“...the Archons are there. I even dreamt that I met the Geo and Anemo Archons. And they controlled various elements, just like we were taught.”
You don’t notice that Xiao has ceased his rapid typing, fingers hovering over the keyboard before one hand removes his glasses from his face. He uses the other to rub his eyes and softly pinch the bridge of his nose before sliding the frames back on. Dark, golden amber eyes survey you as you grapple with the unfathomable possibilities of your nightly visions, at least until you shake your head in disbelief at yourself and lightly scoff.
“Who am I kidding?” You ask no one in particular. “Maybe I’ve been doing too much research and everything’s mixing together.”
“You’re ahead of schedule, if that provides any consolation.”
It takes Childe a grand total of one minutes and 53 seconds to sign up for Teyvat Mythology for the spring semester.
WInter in Liyue is only slightly miserable, being so close to the ocean. It’s chillier than usual on this dreary day, yet something compelled you to exit your dorm and shakily make your way to the campus coffee shop for a warm drink. Coffee, hot chocolate, you haven’t quite decided yet, but just as you let yourself bask in the warm building, familiar ginger hair and blue eyes wash away the comfort.
Or do they douse you in security?
They remind you of your recent dreams that now have shifted away from stress and violence to easygoing summer days by the oceanside, running barefoot in the sand while collecting beautifully patterned azure starconches. Sometimes, you thrust a hand towards an oversized four-leaf clover on a wooden stake with the power of wind and catch yourself in the air, soaring and looking around to find more of the little shells. Other nights, they consist of climbing steep cliffs, only to sit at the edge in the clouds with fatigue wracking through your system and marvel at the view before you.
Someone’s always with you though, ruby earring and maroon mask and cobalt blue gem hanging from the waist, sprinting with you, playfully tackling you down, pulling you up towards mountain peaks, laying their head on your shoulders, brushing their lips against your cheek--
You welcome the change of peace in those dreams, but only because they don’t leave you quite as tired the next day, as if you’d been avoiding an inescapable dark force.
Part of you wants the burning question of why this person, this man, in all his glory and brightness, affects you so fucking much when you barely even know the guy -- why looking at him sends your heart to lodge itself in your esophagus, why your lungs feel like they’re so close to being completely collapsed under the weight of his stare, why feeling like you’re trapped and  caught between wanting to run towards yet away from him.  It makes no sense, and you’re tired of trying to make sense of anything you don’t exactly want to remember from your dreams for some, once again, inexplicable reason.
But there’s no time to think as he quickly ambles towards you, your own feet shuffling forward to meet him in a warped reference of a distance that constitutes to “the middle” before you can stop yourself. Your shivering hasn’t quite stopped yet, and Childe seems to take notice of it.
“Pretty cold out there,”  he softly states. It’s cute, the way you’re curling in on yourself to retain some warmth.
“Y-yeah, not sure why I decided I really needed something warm to drink right now,” you reply and avoid his gaze. He watches you peer over his shoulder to squint at the menu display hanging from the ceiling, seemingly contemplating on what you should get.
“How about I get yours today? My treat for your class recommendation last time.” Anything to keep you here longer. Childe doesn’t realize how much he’s missed you, which confuses him, and chooses to ignore the fact that he’d been camping himself at the study tables in the building where the history department is located in hopes of even just catching a quick glimpse of you.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” you immediately attempt to subvert his generous offer, hands shooting out from your jacket pockets and waving in rejection. “It was nothing.”
“Please?” Childe puts on his best puppy eyes before reaching for one of your wrists, gently tugging you to the register. “Just this once?”
You want so badly to squash the tiny flare of disappointment that erupts in your chest from the newly acquired knowledge that this was just a one time thing. Do econ majors hate to feel in debt? That they must be even with everyone, or would rather have people indebted to them than the other way around?
There’s no time to think when Childe gives the cashier his order before turning to you, and without wanting to waste anyone’s time, you rattle off your usual beverage. He’s quick in fishing out his student ID to spend some of his campus currency, shooting you a boyish grin when you pout at your half-opened wallet.
“Go take that table over there,” he says, pointing to one in the corner by some windows. “I’m gonna tell my friends to go on without me.”
“I didn’t mean to intrude or pull you away from them,” you slightly panic. The sooner you can leave, the better. Right? “You don’t need to sit with me, I was just gonna head back to my dorm.”
“I insist. Go ahead, I’ll be right there.”
Why your brain takes his orders over your own is a mystery in and of itself, because before you know it, you’re plopped down in one of the lounge seats and staring off into space, mind reeling over the last two minutes. You pretend you can’t hear the way Childe’s friends nudge his arm playfully with their shoulders, wiggling their eyebrows suggestively as Childe tries to get them to stop being nonsensical.
“You’re gonna scare them off,” he hisses at them, hands pushing at their backs so they could finally leave him to his devices.
“Not before you do!” One of them laughs and Childe groans at their antics. “All right, all right, we’ll go. They’re cute though, might steal them if you don’t make a move.”
The darkening of the aura surrounding Childe is too quick for them to fully process, not before he dampens any of their fleeting hopes with a, “Don’t even fucking think about it.”
But it disappears just as fast when his and your drinks are called out, and he gives them one last shove before retrieving your to-go cups. Childe directs all his focus towards the seat diagonally from yours as opposed to the one that’s straight across, and you’re sharply ripped away from whatever reverie you let yourself slip into.
“Thank you,” you murmur, hands cupping the drink and feeling the heat seep into your fingertips. “You really didn’t have to, it was nothing big.”
“Can you blame me for just trying to find an excuse to finally talk to you?” He asks without a skip and you can’t tell if the quickening of your heartbeat is from a looming sense of doom or excitement. Those eyes, the tiny swirls of the ocean, blue like those shells buried in the sand--
It takes three seconds too long for you to understand where he was going with in his words, and part of you feels unamused at his smooth talking. You’ve always guarded yourself against guys like Childe, devilishly handsome who know their way around language semantics, ready to pull you in and just as ready to push you away. That (possibly unfair) bias, coupled with everything else you’ve been feeling for him, sounded the alarms and set the walls up around your heart. Perhaps you need to stop wearing your heart on your sleeve, because Childe immediately retracts his forwardness.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I promise I’m not looking for anything in return and you don’t owe me anything, but I really did just...want to sit and talk and...get to know you?” Childe trails off a little towards the end. Your body loosens up and relaxes just a tiny bit, feeling bad for your snap judgment. Let the guy do something nice, don’t look into it too much, you tell yourself. It’s a coffee, not a five-course dinner.
You reach out a hand towards him, small smile across your lips, ready for his to join yours in a quick handshake. “I’m (y/n), senior history and anthropology double major. It’s nice to meet you.”
The pounding of your heart against your ribcage has nothing to do with the shimmering of his eyes, nothing to do with the fact that his hand fits with yours just right, and nothing to do with the fact that an eerily similar voice from your dreams whispers, “I love you.”
You learn a number of things about Tartaglia in the four hours, like his family members and their respective interests, which classes he did and didn’t enjoy taking, certain takes on Schnezhnayan politics, his own various hobbies, crazy accidents from the occasional college parties, and more. He’s a bit of an open book, probably telling you way more than any regular person would, and definitely more than anything you revealed during all this time. Everything you tell him seems surface level, nothing too deep. The walls are still there to protect you from the unexplainable, profound feelings his presence seems to elicit, and luckily, he doesn’t prod any further. Childe feels the resistance and respects it, which just adds more brownie points in your book, and you almost feel bad for having given so little in return.
“I wish we were taking Teyvat Myth together,” he sighs when walking you back to your dorm, hands stuffed in his pockets. His ruby earring catches the light from the sunset, the shade almost complimentary to the golden amber rays that streak across the sky. “Would’ve helped having a history major in there.”
“Is that all I am to you, an answer bank?” You jokingly ask, but he watches concerningly as you shoot your gaze to the ground, mindfully stepping over the cracks between concrete slabs.
“Of course not,” a gentle sincerity reaches you, giving you the confidence to make eye contact with him. “I’m sorry for making it sound like that, it wasn’t my intention. I really just meant it as a way of saying if the professor or TA ended up being a total bore, then well, having you would make it more fun.”
“I’m sure I’d bore you even more,” chuckling, speeding up to get away. You’re growing too comfortable in whatever atmosphere Childe has created, like an enclosed air bubble bobbing gently in the depths of the sea and letting the waves carry you both to whichever ends of the earth.
“Hey,” he interjects, hand reaching out to stop you with a soft yank of your wrist. There is no resisting force from you, feet stepping backward until he meets you eye to eye. It’s unfair in the way that he can render you motionless by standing just an inch from you, arms brushing with his head tilted closer to your own. “Seriously, I’m glad we did this today. Are you?”
No, because now I don’t know what to think, I don’t know who you are, I’m not any closer to figuring out why you terrify yet leave me so enamoured with you, I’m torn between punching and kissing you and--
“Yes,” you subconsciously answer, brain immediately short-circuiting to scold yourself. “I had fun.”
His grin, charming, devilish, is so so bright, bright enough to rival the Liyue sun that sits on the pier, on the edge of the ocean, bright enough to rival the love that your fraternal twin showers you with on a daily basis. You want time to stop right here because you’re almost sick of the voice settled deep within your heart that screams, “Don’t get comfortable, you must run from him!”
“Good. Let’s do this again?” And you nod, of course you do. Foolish you. “Don’t be a stranger!” He calls out as he turns on his heel and waves over his shoulder, hand raised in the air, and you’re suddenly transported to another scene, a less refined version of the Liyue Harbor, watching as the head of ginger hair with a red mask in a flashier attire of grey and maroon walks away from you and onto a roaring, magnificent ship; big, ivory sails only seen in books and museums. It’s the same gesture of “see you later”, and just before he turns, you blink, and you’re back to seeing your campus again.
But Childe does look back once, warm and content that you’re still standing there, watching over him, and he can’t help but think about when he can spend time with you again, because suddenly, it truly feels like there’s not enough of it anymore.
“Excuse me, what’s a Red Bull?”
The last thing, or person rather, you expect to see on the last day of finals for the fall semester, is a small boy who looks way too young to be here, tugging on the sleeve of your windbreaker. He’s at most eleven, ten maybe, but he has eerily similar characteristics, as well as an accent that doesn’t quite belong to most Liyue natives. Still gathering your bearings from your own perusing of the fridges that hold all the possible beverages a college student could consume, you kneel down until you’re at eye level with the child.
“Repeat that for me? Are you looking for a Red Bull, you say?”
“Yes!” He beams and holds out a student ID that most definitely doesn’t belong to him. “My brother asked me to grab him one because he was busy with something.”
Your eyes flit over to the top shelves where the aforementioned cans of caffeine are located, and definitely too high for someone of his height to reach. “I’ll grab one for you. Did he ask for a specific flavor?”
“Nope, he said regular. Thanks, you’re really nice! Do you know my brother?” He asks, waving the ID at you so you can get a better look at the name. That’s definitely a face you recognize, but the name leaves you confused.
“Yeah, um,” glance over again, “I know...Ajax…”
“He’s the best toy seller in the whole world!”
Somehow, it suits him much better than Childe or Tartaglia, and you’re not quite sure what toys have anything to do with the matter at hand. Speaking of hands, the little boy grabs yours in sheer delight. “Can you take me back to his room? I kinda forgot the directions he told me, and everything’s so big around here.”
“Sure, just let me buy something, too, and I’ll take you.”
The cashier isn’t the least bit fazed by the little brunette at your side -- it’s always common for family members to come in around the end of semesters to pick up kids or visit, and being an open building with snacks and drinks and a stopping point of most tours, they’ve seen it all. You even let him pick out a bag of chips and a candy bar for himself for being so polite and not a complete menace, paying with your own campus currency.
Teucer, as you’ve learned in the last two minutes, likes to point out things and ask you questions. Luckily, you have answers to most of them and do your best to pad the time, enjoying the feeling of a tiny hand wrapped around three of your fingers. It’s sweet to any normal passerby, believing they’re witnessing an older sister doting on their little brother around the holidays, but to Childe, seeing the tender sweetness on your face as you nod along to whatever Teucer is rambling about to you, sets his heart aflame. He’s already constantly on the verge of wanting to hug and kiss you and never let go, but you haven’t made any indication that you could potentially like him back, and this is just torture.
“Look what they bought me!” Teucer shoves his rewards in Childe’s face as if he had extremely poor eyesight, and you can’t help but laugh a little as you set his Red Bull down on his desk, clutching your own preferred beverage while looking around his room. Finals must have gotten to him with the unusual lack of tidiness in the small space, some laundry strewn here and there, a couple boxes of eaten microwave dinners in the metal wire trash can, some textbooks left open and marked with more sticky notes than you’ve ever seen. You’d only been here once before to drop off some food that he desperately messaged you about, stuck doing a project that he just couldn’t step away from.
“Pretend you don’t see the mess,” Childe pleads, handing a kid tablet to his brother but holding on before Teucer can take it. “What do you say to our nice friend here for buying you these snacks?”
“Thank you!”
“It was nothing,” you shyly smile, ruffling his hair. “I enjoyed meeting you.”
“Wait, what’s your name again?”
“It’s (Y/n).”
“Okay, (y/n)! Wait…(y/n)..as in…”
Teucer trails off and gives a look to his brother, one that spells curiosity and trouble, before he grabs your hand and pulls you into a corner. Any movement Childe makes to leave his desk chair is immediately squashed by Teucer’s disapproval, and the older man is left to helplessly worry when you’re told to squat down so secrets can be whispered into your ear.
“He talks about you a lot whenever he calls home,” and you want to laugh at Tecuer’s attempt to sound as scandalous as possible. “All the time! I think he likes you, like, like like.”
Oh. Oh dear.
“What makes you say that?” You whisper back, indulging both yourself and him, yet also internally snickering at how troubled Childe looks.
“Sometimes, he video calls mama, but we’ll all sit around and talk, and whenever he’s talking about how he saw you or something, he just looks...happy. Really happy.”
The surprise on your face does nothing to settle Childe’s nerves and he’s about to start wringing his hands together. Whatever Teucer was telling you couldn’t be good, probably embarrassing, like the one time he unceremoniously fell on his ass while ice skating over a frozen lake, or when he tried fitting fifteen marshmallows in his mouth and nearly choked on them when their mother caught them in the act, or--
“I think he just thinks of me as a good friend,” you try to inform Teucer, not letting yourself get any semblance of hope. “Nothing more, nothing less.”
“If you say so,” Teucer pouts. But then he stops whispering and bounds over back to his brother, grabbing the tablet before plopping down on the half-made bed.
“Look, I was overconfident and thought I could execute a perfect single loop on the ice, but there was a rock and I lost balance and--”
“I wasn’t being told any stories about you falling on ice, but do tell me more,” you chuckle and take some joy in watching the blush spread across his cheeks. It’s easy to tell that he’s mentally berating himself for jumping to conclusions.
“Well, first off, thanks for buying him all that, and my drink, too,” he sighs. “I spoil him enough as it is.”
“I can see why it’s hard not to,” you smile knowingly. “So is it just him here? Where’s the rest of your family?”
“Funny story, he somehow managed to convince my parents to let him come here on his own as his first ever plane flight, so I had to pick him up yesterday from the airport. He’s flying back with me tomorrow.”
“And the RA?” You ask with an eyebrow raised.
“Ah...well...what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him? Speaking of, what was Teucer whispering to you about?”
There’s a pensiveness that overtakes you when you look at Teucer again, who’s happily playing some sort of game and completely oblivious to the rest of his surroundings. You won’t, can’t, take his words to heart, and will take them with a grain of salt at most.
“Nothing important. Although I did learn something new...Ajax?”
“Say my name -- fuck, say it, please--”
“I guess cat’s out of the bag,” he chuckles and looks away, absolutely unaware of the flare of heat that swirls in your stomach from the fleeting vision just now. “I came up with other nicknames as a kid to seem cooler, and they just stuck with me. Plus, the business world is full of people who just want something from you, or just a transactional relationship. I’d rather not give my real name to them, if you know what I mean.”
“That’s fair,” you nod and lean to sit on the edge of his desk. A thought pops into your head and you turn the words over in your head like a washing machine on the spin setting, teeth gnawing on the flesh of your bottom lip. If Teucer hadn’t been in the room, he would’ve been this close to kissing you.
“But if it’s worth anything,” your voice slowly, softly starts, cautious and wary of your thoughts. “I think...Ajax suits you best.”
Curse fate. Curse the legendary Archons. Curse karma and deities and spirits because all he wants to do right now is stand and tower over you, trap you between himself and his desk so you can’t escape, take those pretty lips between his until they’re bruised and swollen because of him, hear you call out his name in the throes of pleasure so he can finally replace his fantasies with tangible memories. The unnatural, magnetic pull that draws him to you is unbearable now -- he feels like he’ll lose the last tendrils of his sanity if he doesn’t do something.
You can’t stop him from slowly reaching out to grab one of your hands, lifting it towards him until he’s close enough for you to feel his breath ghost over your knuckles. It sends a shiver down your spine and blood is pounding in your ears because you can’t begin to fathom what he’s thinking about while doing this, even more so when his lips make contact with your skin and your breath hitches, stuck in your throat as he languidly peeks at you beneath his eyelashes with a heated gaze, then lowly confessing, “My name sounds best when you say it.”
Good heavens.
It’s difficult to swallow and keep your composure, especially when Teucer yells out in glee over, what you can assume, beating something in his game, and Childe drops your hand. But his dilated pupils don’t retract in the slightest, refusing to let you look away so that maybe, you can understand what he’s trying to convey to you. He’s taking the first step because he’s terrible and can’t contain his self-control anymore, pushing the ball into your court, ready for you to either play or exit into the sidelines.
When you do blink, there’s a vision of your naked body wrapped around another, limbs clinging desperately to a sturdy and panting frame. Lips, much like the ones that have seared themselves onto your knuckles, are at your neck and sucking, biting, before moving to your ear and laying filthy words into them that drive you closer to the edge. It all happens so fast that you feel you’ve just experienced whiplash, yet also feeling secondhand embarrassment at how lewd some of these thoughts have been.
You can’t stay here any longer.
“I-I have to go,” spills off your tongue before you can really think about it. The way the haze shatters in his eyes is heartbreaking in its own way, but there’s no time for you to explain. Your brain is in overdrive and eager to run, run, run. It detects danger on all fronts, but you muster out a, “H-have a good break, come find me next semester, mmk?”
And you’re out the door with inhuman speed. When the door clicks shut, only then does Teucer look up from his screen and frown at the lack of your presence. “Where’d they go?”
Chlide doesn’t seem to hear him, and Teucer has never seen his big brother look so sad and confused before.
He holds on to that last tendril of hope, because mark his words, he will find you come January.
After about a week at home, enjoying the festive time with his family and mildly unconcerned about next year’s courses because that was a problem for another day, Childe has his first, crazy, nonsensical dream.
At least, that’s what he tells himself when he snaps awake and his body aches with exhaustion. Not only are his joints in agony, he also feels like he’s sporting unforeseen bruises, which makes absolutely no sense because he hasn’t done anything that would warrant them, no matter how much he and his brothers do some rough-housing. His night of sleep was all consumed by flashes and scenes of weapon fighting, lucid enough to remember feeling his arms flex and wield bows and double-headed polearms and being cognizant of all the enemies??? surrounding him. They ranged from deranged looking monsters, floating beings with soulless masks, and large humans in electricity-padded armor, to behemoth machines in the sky that could leave you within an inch of your life thanks to a drill for a hand?!
But what’s even worse is that you seem to have managed a deal with Morpheus himself and infiltrated his dreams. You were there, too, sometimes fighting with him, sometimes against him, much to his dismay, and while it was nice, he just didn’t get it. Why the friendliness and hostility? Why was there an anger that overtook him when looking directly at you, parrying your blade and sending harmful arcs of water toward your figure?
Why did he relish the fear in your eyes when he darted towards you with electricity cracking through the air?
There’s an overwhelming sensation now to grab his phone to text you and apologize -- for what, he can’t fathom and there are no words to accurately convey what he’s thinking. “Hey, sorry for wanting to kill you in my dream :( “? Or “Sorry for being a friend but then stabbing you in the back, but then being nice to you again”?
And the only thing that really made sense was the serenity and contentment that would course through his veins as the two of you danced around on ivory sandy beaches, picking up shiny blue starconches and taking down more weird creatures; the breathlessness when you would fall back into the water and re-emerge to reconfirm his beliefs that you were one of the most beautiful humans he’d ever laid his eyes on; the love--
Hold the fuck up.
He doesn’t love you. He likes you a whole lot and he’s severely and deathly attracted to you, but he doesn’t love you. Your existence has only been made known to him for about two months, and he didn’t really start talking to you until three weeks in. So no matter how comfortable he feels with you, no matter how much he wishes that you were sleeping peacefully next to him so his nights wouldn’t feel so lonely, it was too early, too hasty, to say that he loves you.
“I’ve been wondering, why didn’t you bring them home?” His mother asks him out of nowhere during breakfast, all to add to this extremely tumultuous roller-coaster morning he’s been having. All he wants to do is eat his bowl of milk and cereal, then potentially go back to sleep before fulfilling his promise to go with his siblings to the nearby skating rink. It takes everything in him to not choke on his spoon of grains.
“Agreed, didn’t you mention they didn’t really have any family to go back to and that the move to Liyue was semi-permanent?” His father chimes in, laying a quick peck on his wife’s temple. “It’s never fun to spend the holidays alone.”
“They would’ve felt like they were intruding,” Childe replies quietly, stabbing his bowl a few times before scooping up another spoonful of cereal to his mouth. “I know we’re friends, but we haven’t known each other for that long, and maybe they’d be uncomfortable because that’s a lot honestly…”
“You don’t know until you try,” his mother sings and pats him on the shoulder. “We do have a guest room after all.”
“For them and their twin?”
“And quite a comfortable futon with enough blankets.”
Childe smiles fondly at his parents’ kindness. He can only imagine what this winter break would’ve been like now -- you and your twin floating around, trying to help out with certain chores, sitting by the fireplace and watching TV, huddled up with mugs of hot chocolate, playing board games with everyone and engaging in all the shenanigans…
Laughing. Loving. Grinning. Basking.
Handing over one of his hoodies to you as a sick way of torturing yet blessing himself for seeing how lovely you look in his clothes, standing silently in the doorway as you attempt to help out with mealtimes next to his mother, watching you run around in the backyard and dodging his siblings’ snowballs while lodging a few of your own -- how wonderful it all would be.
But he squashes it down as quickly as possible, because you escaped his grasp. You ran away from his advances temporarily and even though you gave him permission to seek you out come the spring semester, he worries that you might take it back. Something will wake up inside of you to keep him out of your heart and your life, and he’s not confident enough at this point to believe there’s a good chance you will come spend the holidays with him and his family next year.
“Maybe next year, ma,” he sends her a hesitant, yet somewhat broken purse of his lips that’s just the least bit curved. It tells her everything he’s thinking, and the quick patting of his cheek lets him know she understands.
Half an hour later, Childe finds himself curled up on his side under the sheets, phone in hand as he stares at a blinking cursor. It shouldn’t be so hard to send a text to convey his holiday greetings, because that’s all it is -- part of him is becoming desperate and aching for some interaction with you, even if it’s just a text sent back for conventional social pleasantries. He’ll take it for now, right?
Before he can totally chicken out, his thumbs quickly type a, “Happy Holidays, (y/n) :)”, and it’s a little embarrassing how quickly after he hits the ‘send’ button that he tosses it over his shoulder so he’s not directly looking at it anymore. His heartbeat is too quick and he prays for no phantom vibrations or phantom sound notifications to avoid any disappointment of thinking he got a reply. It was a harmless text, yet he’s treating it like he just got assigned on a mission to go and murder someone for the first time. What will he do if you never text him back? Does that mean you really don’t want to talk to him? Are you dead in a ditch somewhere? Did you change numbers and not tell him? Did your twin get all the details and make the executive decision to block his number? Will he never get a chance to talk to you again, even if it’s about something in the Teyvat Mythology class next semester? Will you--
His shoulder screams in protest when he quickly flips himself over at the text notification sound, hands shakily unlocking his phone and opening up your conversation again. His heart rate significantly decreases, reaching back to its normal pace, especially as he reads the little words on his screen.
“Happy Holidays, Ajax ^^”
There is hope.
“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?”
You’re huddled under the comforter of your twin’s bed, phone just peeking above the edge as you stare at it with a brightness in your eyes. For the most part, you had been sulking there, apart from meals and going back to your own room to sleep, and mentally berating yourself for the way you reacted to Childe the week before.
“He just texted me to say happy holidays,” shrugging to put on a facade of indifference. It’s stupid that you’re trying to hide your feelings from your twin of all people, who could pick apart and identify your emotions in a heartbeat. A roll of his eyes lets you know that you haven’t fooled him at all.
“So you think that whatever comment he made, which was very suggestive and indicative of clearly non-platonic feelings, was just something...friendly? Remind me again how you came to that conclusion?”
“I don’t know what I was thinking!” You whine, looking around to see if there was anything you could toss at him. “It’s just, with everything, all the dreams and stupid gut feelings, I just -- I don’t know, okay?? I can’t tell you enough how much I wish I had just kissed his stupid face and see where it goes from there.”
“Okay, gross, but don’t beat yourself up. Though...I do have a good idea on how to maybe get a good reaction out of him. You wanna go to the New Years’ celebration at Xiangling’s?”
“I think she’d threaten me with a knife if I didn’t. She wanted to go shopping at some point, too.”
“I’ll drop the overprotective brother act for one night, okay? One night, just to let this happen, and for your peace of mind.”
He does a fair amount of conspiring with Xiangling, a friend they met one time at a restaurant a couple years ago, even tagging along on the shopping trip. Together, the three of you find yourself a dress that Xiangling swears would make any person drool over you, including Childe, because at the end of the day, he was a person with the possibility of being attracted to you.
You think it’s a bit silly, but honestly, what do you have to lose at this point?
At 11:57PM on New Years’ Eve, Childe is standing outside in the freezing cold with his family, arms lifting up bags of sparklers and fireworks. They’ve driven out closer to the wild like they do every year, and everybody excitedly gets lighters ready, making sure someone’s got a clock out there that tells the seconds. As the younger kids open up the packaging and argue over which one to set off first, Childe’s phone vibrates in his coat pocket.
It’s 11:58PM when he manages to fish the device out and thank himself for buying gloves that are touch-screen friendly, excited to see that there are two texts from you, the latter reading, “Happy New Year!”. It doesn’t matter that you’re a little early, but he’s mainly intrigued by the fact a photo came before it. In his mind, you’re probably curled up with your twin brother, hopefully a selfie because wow, he misses your face.
He gets something else instead, and he is so glad that it’s dark outside and the electric lamp they have is too far away from him to draw any attention.
You have your arm around your brother’s waist and another girl’s that he doesn’t recognize, but it’s a full frontal view of your outfit, one that hugs your curves beautifully and shows more cleavage than he’s ever seen from you, sophisticated and elegant, yet fun and leaving enough to the imagination. There’s a bright smile coming from all of you, and you look like you’re at someone’s house or apartment with plenty of other people milling around in the back, but they don’t matter, not when all he can focus on is you.
Gorgeous, breathtaking, arousing, mind blowing, and gods, he wishes he could teleport to Liyue at this moment, find you, and kiss you right at midnight. Fuck the fact that he doesn’t exactly believe in superstitions like, “Kissing your significant other at midnight means you’ll last forever!” but he’s willing to take the chance with it on this night and the ones after, if he’s allowed. He tries not to think too much about pinning you against the wall and letting the world dissolve -- wants to be the one with the privilege to drag down that zipper and feel his bare skin on yours, and --
As Teucer starts yelling there’s only a minute left, he instinctively locks his phone and shoves it away out of anyone’s view. The last thing he needs is his family teasing him about ogling at your photo for a straight 50 seconds, wide-eyed and pupils on the verge of dilating, the visible breath leaving his mouth just a smudge more dense and prominent than usual.
The only thing he can do to distract himself from popping a boner in front of his parents is to join in on the countdown, making sure all the fireworks are set up correctly and grabbing a sparkler for himself. He waves it around with Tonia and promises to fulfill her wishes of taking one of those pictures right as she draws a pattern in the air. Their excitement is palpable and addicting, and even though the larger fireworks set off a few seconds after midnight hits, the nostalgia fills his lungs with fond memories and future wishes that they only continue this tradition for as long as possible, and hopefully, with you at his side.
When it’s 12:04AM, you get a picture message back of Childe bundled up in a black paletot coat, matching beanie and all, a gloved hand holding a sparkler and lips curved upwards, with a caption that says, “Happy New Year’s! See you soon :)”. You show it to Xiangling and your brother, both taking it as a win in their books, although the former does tipsily protest that there should be a better indicator of Childe’s brain breaking at how amazing you look right now. Maybe she’s prophetic, because another text chimes in and the words set you aflame, as well as suggestive whoops into your ears.
It’s a simple, “You look incredible btw”.
If you didn’t want to properly savor this moment, you would’ve found the nearest shot of the strongest liquor and tossed it back with abandon. But you want to remember the warmth in your veins that wasn’t from the alcohol or the heating, the fluttering of your heartbeat, the teeth-baring grin that you couldn’t fight off, the constant re-reading of those four words -- because they’re so different from everything you had been feeling before with him, the need for protection, the need to escape. Instead, you’d like to be in his arms right now and see for yourself how he’d look at you in this moment, and if he would take any action.
You want him to. So, so bad.
Childe spends his last week at home hating the fact that you’re just sitting around somewhere in Liyue, doing whatever you’re doing, probably doing some light preparation for your last semester of classes, and he’s not there to take advantage of all this free time and hang out with you. When classes start, it’ll be busy and hectic. You still have your thesis to finish and revise, and while that won’t eat up all your time, it’s still some that he’d want to fill in with his presence if he could. He debates whether or not he should ask for your schedule and compare it with his, maybe set up meetings every other day or propose that they all eat one meal together every day. Childe’s not quite sure of what you plan to do after graduation, as it hasn’t come up in conversation yet, but either way, he’s determined to stay in contact and make things work out. Long distance isn’t ideal, but with technology now, he’ll take it.
He feels a little bad for how excited he probably looked to be leaving home, uncharacteristic for the most part. His older siblings have already gone back to their respective homes, and it’s mainly Teucer and Tonia that worry and tear up when he starts packing his belongings. Tonia finds it unfair that Teucer got to meet you first and the latter makes sure to rub it into everyone’s faces. It’s hard for Childe to sleep on the plane because he’s thrumming with excitement, yet somehow even more nervous than usual when the plane hits small bouts of turbulence, and he doesn’t seem to relax until he sets foot back on campus.
He’s here. It’s January, and you’re physically closer to him than ever in the last two weeks.
“Found you.”
On the first day of classes, you’re sitting alone with some salad greens in a bowl, poking your fork at some scraps while you watch something on your phone, earbuds in and back towards the entrance of the canteen. It would explain the unannounced entrance of the very person who’s been at the forefront of nearly every thought in the last 96 hours, his fingers gingerly removing an earbud to surprise you as best as possible, and you startle in your seat.
Your heart kicks into overdrive when he hands you back your earbud and pulls out the seat next to you, setting his own plate of food down as he plops down in his chair. But then he says nothing afterwards, instead choosing to send you a cheeky grin before digging in. You’re left to slowly phase out of your state of shock, stuck between either running away or frantically texting your twin to come and save you even though he was off on a date with Keqing.
It’s not that you weren’t elated at the fact that Childe had done exactly as you told him last month, you just weren’t...prepared? It’s a shitty excuse and a cop out -- you’re mainly just having trouble with racking your brain to find the right words. What are you supposed to say? What should you do? Is it socially acceptable to lean over and kiss him on the cheek because that’s what you’d like to impulsively do at this very second??
“So you did,” you settle and steal a roasted potato wedge from his plate. It’s his turn to be taken by surprise, but he gets over it much quicker than you do. In fact, he spears two wedges and drops them in your bowl, smiling at you as best as he can with a mouth full of food. You give them your thanks before the silence settles in again.
“Did you have a good break?” He asks before his next bite.
“I did. You?”
“It was nice. My parents said I should’ve brought you and your twin home to spend the holidays with us. Can’t say it didn’t cross my mind before finals.”
Holy shit, what? “We couldn’t intrude like that, but that’s really nice of you guys.”
“That’s okay, there’s plenty of chances to visit later.”
You tilt your head and furrow your eyebrows. “But we graduate this semester?”
Childe challenges you with one of his own eyebrows raised. “And? Are we never gonna see each other again?”
Honestly, the possibility had occurred to you. You aren’t entirely sure of Childe’s plans after graduation, and if that meant he was staying in Liyue or going back to Snezhnaya or even moving to Inazuma or Mondstat. While people preach on and on about how lasting friendships and relationships are often formed during college, you believe it’s more common to slowly drift apart as life gets busier. And if Childe moved away, or if you did, it’d be hard to consistently keep in touch with 10 hour workdays.
The thought saddens you, regardless. You like him so much and you’re glad that he was even in your life to begin with, because as unbelievable as it sounds, seeing him was almost akin to the feeling of coming home. Amidst all your nerves, your confusion, your spiraling thoughts, something deeply sated in your heart was a comfort that you found with very few people in your life whenever in his presence.
The thought of leaving and never looking back somehow doesn’t feel new -- it’s bittersweet, but the air in your lungs feels like it’s surrendered to something, like it was to be expected.
“You can’t just leave without telling me--”
“It was last minute! I had no choice!”
“You could’ve written up a message, anything--”
“Can you imagine the position you’d be in if the message got intercepted? I wouldn’t have been safe, she’d make you come after me--”
“As if you’d be any safer in Inazuma of all places! That’s the one place I can’t easily get to!”
“I can take care of myself, Childe, I don’t need you to protect me.”
“This isn’t about me protecting you, (y/n) and -- stop walking, will you?!”
“Then what is this about?” You spin on your wheel with eyes aflame. “Why are you so angry with me? It’s normal for me to disappear for weeks at a time, why was this any different?”
“Because you could’ve died!” He yells back in despair, chest heaving. Your silence is his cue to continue. “You could’ve died and I wouldn’t have known until much later. You could’ve died and all I’d ever think about were the things I never got to say to you, and how I wish I had treated every day with you like it was our last.”
It isn’t hard to tell that you’re stunned and at a complete loss for words. Childe often hides behind facades of charm and wit, and only when he is truly weak does he choose to be this vulnerable, baring his heart for you to see.
“I only have two nightmares in this world. One, my family being harmed in any way. Two, reading in a report or hearing from an agent that you’ve been captured and killed.”
“I like to think that we will.”
His hand reaches out to lay on top of yours, giving it a quick squeeze. “Well, let’s make the most of it this semester.”
Conversation afterwards is easy, filling each other in on holiday activities. Childe speaks extensively about several family traditions and you listen with rapt attention, basking in how fond he is of all of them. Even as you both bring your dishes to the return belt and leave, he immediately offers to drive you both somewhere to get boba, noticing your reluctance to part ways. But boba shops have to close, and you both have class tomorrow morning, and you’re both finding any excuse to keep talking, even if that means sitting outside your dorm building on a nearby bench.
You eventually bid each other good night’s and see you later’s, him refusing to walk away until the heavy door locks shut behind you after you swipe your student ID, and you looking over your shoulder to watch his figure disappear into the night.
True to his intentions, Childe makes great efforts to meet you at least once a day, and he can’t get enough. Each parting from you tugs and tugs at his heart, as if there’s a high possibility you’ll never want to see him again the next day, and he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Your twin and Childe get along well for the most part, and he even meets Xiangling on one of her shifts at her regular restaurant, who sends you a salacious wink and an eyebrow wiggle over his shoulder that nearly causes you to burst from embarrassment.
February rolls over without a hitch, even if you’re a little disappointed that Childe didn’t make a move for Valentine’s Day. Granted, you two still spent time with each other and he’s so darn physically affectionate and he bought you a carnation from the event his dorm held, but you wish you had the guts to fess up and just kiss the man.
It’ll happen some day, you tell yourself. You have time before graduation.
Two days before the end of the Friday that would signal the start of Spring Break, you wake up in a cold sweat, mind reeling and head splitting, heart so so heavy, as a connection is made between your present and your dreams. Not long after, there are tears streaming silently down your face and into your open palms placed in your lap, and you sit in shock as everything comes back to you. Memories are such treasured burdens, you realize.
For the most part, you had gotten used to the dreams, choosing to take charge of what you know and feel now with Childe over succumbing to some strange neurological premonitions. Especially in your dreams when many people’s faces were blurred over and hazy, and the only things you could rely on were voices, touch, and other physical features. You thought that maybe your mind was just playing tricks by transposing Childe’s hair onto a body that was also strikingly similar to his, but for the first time last night, you could see each defining feature on his face as clear as day.
The sight of his figure arching gracefully over yours, the water arrows that appeared out of thin air, the back that protected you from some military men, the voice that said, “Hey girlie, hold still.”
And that was when you had snapped awake to your current state.
Past the initial shock and uncontrollable tears, you soon bent over as sobs wracked your chest, overwhelmed by all the emotions and the pain the memories brought you; losing your twin, finding him to only be left with even more questions after roaming for decades and decades, meeting all your loved ones throughout Mondstat and Liyue, fighting yet falling so hard for Childe, feeling the fear when facing his Foul Legacy form, hating him for Osial, loving him, breathing heavily as the tip of your blade was pointed at his neck and his own just centimeters from yours, tendrils of water inching closer and closer--
Everything makes sense now.
When you meet your twin for lunch at the cafeteria, you pay no mind to the fact that you’re in public and hug him harder than you ever have in years. He’s already a little alarmed that your eyes seem swollen and you look like finals came two months early, but when he asks what’s wrong, all he gets is a shake of your head and nothing more than, “Just a bad nightmare. I love you, y’know that?”
“I love you too?”
“Don’t sound so unsure, now let’s go and get in line before they run out of Jueyun Chili Chicken.”
Even when you meet Xiao later in the early evening to talk about your thesis, you find yourself holding back more tears just two minutes in, reminded of his past and his own life, and he’s moderately concerned, hesitantly handing you a tissue from the corner of his desk when a stray tear escapes. “Is everything okay?” He hesitantly asks, really hoping that he didn’t do anything to make you cry.
“No,” you almost wail and sniffle while dabbing at your eyes. “Sorry, it’s just been a really long day.”
Xiao’s inquisitive gaze softens, remembering how hard undergraduate life could be sometimes. Graduate school was a whole other level, but that shouldn’t discount your own personal difficulties. Plus, in all of the year and a half that he’s known you, you’ve never broken down like this before in front of him.
“You work really hard, Xiao,” you continue, and he’s not sure where this is coming from. “You’re always so helpful and willing to work with me and answer my stupid questions and like-- you practice self-care, right?”
Xiao nods as a white lie, but it seems to comfort you. Maybe too much because you pull him in for a quick and unexpected hug, and you both decide to reschedule this meeting for tomorrow.
As per usual, you wait for Childe to join you for dinner since you finished up earlier than expected. It gives you more time to think about everyone from Mondstat -- Kaeya, Diluc, Lisa, Jean, Amber...funny to think that some things never changed as you compared their past version to the ones you know now.
“Mora for your thoughts?”
There’s a peace that warms your heart when you hear Childe’s voice, one that forces you to smile at him as he sits down next to you. “Just thinking about old friends.”
“I have to admit, I’ll be a little jealous if it’s another guy taking up more space than me in that pretty brain of yours.”
What a flirt. This man isn’t good for your heart. “Who said you had any to begin with?”
He dramatically places a hand over his heart. “You wound me, (y/n). How will I ever recover?”
“You’re ridiculous,” you snicker. Childe reaches over to pinch your cheek and you bat at him in protest. Easily, he grabs one of your hands and simply pulls you towards the food lines, knowing that you’ll stop fighting back soon.
Part of it feels strange now to feel and see his hands with no leather gloves on.
“Childe,” you start halfway through your meal, continuing after he hums back in reply. “Do you believe in reincarnation?”
He freezes briefly, but recovers so quickly that if you hadn’t been watching so closely, you wouldn’t have noticed. “I think it’s neat, the idea of having past lives. Why do you ask?”
What he really wants to ask is if you’ve been having those dreams, too; if he’s starring in your nights like you have been in his.
“Just a thought, especially since you’re taking Teyvat Myth now, too.”
“Do you...do you think if there was a past life, that we knew each other?”
There’s something about the look of content on your face before you meet his gaze -- he thinks that you know more than you’re letting on but you’re holding back for some reason. He wants to know what’s going through your brain right now, why the fondness in your eyes sends a jolt through him like he’s been searching for it all his life, if you know anything about this magnetic pull between you two.
“I like to think that we knew each other well.”
Even though the first day of your returned memories was somewhat eventful, you couldn’t help but feel yourself wanting to pull back from Childe -- at least, until you can successfully compartmentalize which emotions belonged to you past self and which ones belonged to your current mindset. You didn’t quite agree with his duties and his affiliation with the Fatui back then, even if he had his reasons that did make sense, to some degree.
The killing, the threatening, so intent on stealing Rex Lapis’s Gnosis in the name of the Tsaritsa, summoning Osial as a mean to an end -- and you definitely can’t forget how stubborn he was in not listening to your protests, so caught up in his brain that you had betrayed him and sent you plummeting to a near-death experience despite his earlier promise of no intention of killing you specifically.
Everything had been toeing a faint, thin line with Childe then. Undeniable chemistry and tension, guarding yourself for yours and Paimon’s safety, slashing at Fatui agents, whispering out pleas and affirmations of “I’m yours” while riding him, sometimes having to sneak out in the mornings…
The only thing you don’t remember is how everything ends -- maybe it’ll come back to you eventually, but for now, you think you’re okay not knowing.
If Childe still doesn’t remember anything from back then, you think it’d be unfair to spend time with him in all your conflicting emotions, even when it’s spring break, where you have so much more hours in the day to be with each other than normal. Fun plans around Liyue had been made, like a two-day one-night trip to Yaoguang Shoal, and you’re this close to cancelling on him.
But he had been looking forward to it so much, even made most of the preparations for it. Who are you to rob that joy from him when it was you who couldn’t figure out your own shit? Are you self-destructing?
Before you know it, you’re sitting in the passenger seat of his car, staring out the window at the scenery. Somehow, it pleased you to see that the nature of Liyue had been carefully preserved over the many centuries despite its development into the modern age. You get lost in picking apart the differences between then and now that you don’t notice how quiet you’ve fallen and Childe looks over worriedly when you show no reaction to your favorite songs playing on the stereo.
Even when he calls your name once, twice, nothing gives as you clearly have tuned everything out. So he leaves you be until there’s about half an hour left on the drive, unable to hold back and succumbing to reach over for your hand. You startle so strongly that he almost feels bad for having done it unannounced. But what’s even more disturbing is that this isn’t really the first time.
You’ve been talking to him less, often sitting quietly and staring off into another world that he can’t seem to reach. His texts are answered less frequently and with less wit and enthusiasm, so much so that he just appreciates you still show up to see him. Each time he asks if you’re okay, you always affirm that you are. He’s had a hard time believing you, but Childe believes you’ll tell him when you’re ready, surely.
It’s a little ironic yet fateful that Childe planned to bring you here, of all places. In the past, you had spent many days and nights running around in the sand with him, fighting slimes and hilichurls and collecting starconches for him. You remember laying on a large towel next to him as you both looked up into the sky, pointing out stars and constellations while sharing endless kisses away from prying, spying eyes.
“I’m sorry, I must’ve zoned out,” you sincerely apologize.
“It’s okay, I just wanna make sure you relax while we’re here. This is supposed to be a vacation.”
“You’re right,” you agree and squeeze his hand. “Let’s make the most of it before we become adults who are too busy to have fun like this again.”
And you do. Childe rented a small beach cabin (rich boys) closer to one end of the shoreline, just big enough with two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small kitchen with a dining table. You help him bring in your bags and some groceries bought the night before, setting them down quickly so you can peer out the window again to take in the view. Childe picked a good time, too. Although it’d be a little chilly at night, the day was still warm and mainly overcast with clouds.
“What do you say we change into our swimsuits and head down to the water?”
Childe hadn’t really been expecting for you to step out in a large, casual tee and gym shorts, one shoulder exposed. He might have been hoping to see a little more skin, but his mother didn’t raise a chauvinistic pervert for a son.
The light in your eyes as you both approach the water is everything he had been missing the last few days, your excitement and joy contagious. As soon as you place everything down on the sand, you kick off your flip flops and leave him behind to step into the water, giggling at feeling the waves crash over your ankles and bring sand between your toes. Childe approaches you from behind and starts smearing sunblock on the back of your neck, to which you just grin beautifully at him in thanks and he has to fight off the desire to kiss you right then and there.
You’re too caught up in embracing the ocean afterwards to feel the shrinking distance between you two, mistaking his warmth for the general spring air. It isn’t until he’s done with your shoulders that he hands you the bottle to leave you to do the rest of your body, and when you turn to thank him, he’s much closer than you remember. His eyes are gentle, holding your gaze and almost daring you to look away first.
But if there’s one thing you can place without a shred of doubt, it is the unmistakable look of love, because you had seen it many, many times before without knowing until later what it meant.
How so incredibly lucky you were to have Childe back in your life now, loving you all the same, and with no life-threatening barriers. Fate or the Archons have given you a second chance, and you’d be damned to take it for granted.
Childe welcomes your lips against his, wasting no time to bring you into his arms so you’re pressed against him as much as possible. He can’t care for the overt public display of affection because this is everything he’s wanted for months now, waiting patiently for you to give him permission to make you his. Your lips are incredibly soft and pliant against his as you first kiss him patiently, then applying more force and desperation to taste more of him. He mirrors you, one hand cradling the back of your head and the other on your neck with a thumb extended to your jawline, teeth moving to nip at your bottom lip. It’s dangerous, the way you smile against his lips, and when he sinks his teeth in deeper before pulling back, your quiet mewl nearly drives him over the edge.
But you’re in public, and this was an amazing first kiss. You two have a beach to enjoy and a fun night planned, and now that he doesn’t have to hold back on his affections, it’ll be even better.
His lips part from yours regretfully, his eyes languidly opening to meet yours. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a blue starconch in the sand and freezes.
It’s not that he’s never seen one before, but something clicks. You. The shore. Starconches. Starry nights. His dreams. Monsters. Gods. Fighting. So much fighting. Training. His family. Dragons. You. Falling. You falling. You fighting him. Yelling. Kissing. Loving. Chasing. Him chasing you before you disappear at a teleport waypoint that somehow you only can operate. The abyss. Your twin.
Oh, Archons.
“ -ou okay, Ajax? Ajax?”
He snaps to look at you again. How does he go about this? How does he ask?
“(Y/n)...have you ever heard of the Fatui Harbingers?”
He has to admit that it’s a bit amazing to be able to identify all the emotions that cross your complexion, from curiosity to realization to conflicted. You’re actively trying to piece everything together without revealing too much on the off-chance that you’re wrong, that Childe hasn’t regained his memories and is just asking about something from class randomly and completely out of the blue.
“You haven’t reached that material yet in class,” you whisper, heart in your throat at the realization. Could it really be…
“I was once Tartaglia, eleventh Harbinger of the Fatui, who possessed a Delusion and used my Foul Legacy Transformation with you several times,” he murmurs back, tucking a stray tendril behind your ear. “Is it too late to apologize again for summoning an ancient god and letting you fall about five floors with no warning?”
He should’ve been prepared for you wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight embrace. “No, never, but I spent weeks after kicking your ass so you’ve been long forgiven.”
Childe burrows his face into your neck, breathing in your scent and basking in this moment. There was so much to talk about, but you two arguably had more time in the world than ever with nothing holding you back. There was no impending war looming over, no one on the run, no opposing forces. His silent wish for a different life with you seems to have been answered finally. If running into you had been the event to set everything in motion, he only wishes he’d done so earlier.
All that matters now is you’re here together in this plane of existence, given a chance to love again, and experience everything you couldn't before.
As written in the stars, take my soul for it is forever yours.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Epiphany. Yan Albedo x Reader
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Warnings: General yandere themes, implied unhappy previous relationship, and spoilers for Albedo’s story. Word count: 2k.
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It wasn’t fair. 
A snowstorm, unlike anything you’ve ever seen rages outside, shards of lustrous ice falling from the sky with the intent to kill. The Dragonspine’s traditionally somber ambiance contorts into something far more sinister. Numerous hues of grays and dark blues blur together, obscuring your view of the mountainous region. It’s difficult to see anything outside Albedo’s workshop save for the storm. 
“Your shaking won’t stop unless you sit by the fire.” 
His matter-of-fact declaration startles you. Albedo hadn’t spoken in some time, his attention devoted to a specimen he had discovered prior to the storm. You would’ve shared in his enthusiasm if not for the overall situation and company. Sighing reluctantly, you stand from your spot, hugging yourself to stave off the biting cold. It’s impossible to settle on which is worse: staring at the blizzard or staring at him. 
Albedo’s fair skin glows from the light of the crackling fire, sandy blonde hair tousled around his face without care. As he studies the new specimen, his lips purse, eyes focusing on nothing but the work before him, like nothing else mattered. This is how you’ve always known him to be. Even if the world was falling apart around him, Albedo would never falter from what catches his interest until he felt sated. 
Sensing how you’re fixating on him, his attention flickers briefly to you, an unidentifiable emotion gleaming in his eyes. You’re the one to avert your gaze first. Sucrose is going to owe you majorly for this one, why did you even accept her request in the first place? Thinking about it now and cursing your past self does nothing yet you still occupy the time by doing just that. She had come to you panicked, pleading that you take this letter to Albedo in the Dragonspine, claiming it’s urgent. In the heat of the moment, your judgment lapsed and you caved. She spoke of needing to continue her research in Mondstadt or else she would’ve done it herself.
Look where your goodwill has gotten you now, you think. She owes me a week’s worth of dinner. 
You lament giving credence to his advice, but your stubbornness concedes, the cold too miserable to withstand any longer. The fire is right by his side to add insult to injury. Did he do that on purpose to spite you? It’s unlikely, yet your mind wanders to the worst-case scenario. If any other citizen of Mondstadt were privy to your suspicious thoughts, they’d think you unreasonable, as Albedo has established his reputation well. He’s a known eccentric, sure, but a genius one. A few quirks on his behalf that anyone else could overlook. 
Quirks that you used to overlook yourself.
“Would you please grab my bag,” he doesn’t look away from his prized sample but motions to the general area it’s in. “I need to write down my observations.” 
You follow through with what he asks. There was a time you’d have been over the moon to participate in his process, you used to practically trip over yourself to do anything he needed. That enthusiasm has long died off and been replaced by apathy. It’s when he reaches out to take the bag from you that you snap from your trance-like reverie. Whatever remnants of obedience that lingered in your subconscious are brushed away, as you decide to finally challenge him.
Inhaling sharply, you hold the bag just out of his reach, finally earning his recognition for more than a millisecond. 
“I’m not your assistant anymore.” Among other things, you think. 
The words come out more childish than you intended. What you had meant to communicate was your new, critical view on him — he’s a person just the same as anyone else — who held no authority over you. You hold your breath awaiting his response. Albedo doesn’t have an intimidating presence, not in the traditional sense. It’s his mind that you’re wary of. There’s no guessing what sentiments run through his head, yet that’s never stopped you from trying to unravel the mystery that is his thought process.
He gives you a long, hard stare. “I’m aware of that.” 
Where were you going with this again? Albedo doesn’t need to point out your needlessly spiteful behavior with words, his mildly irate facial expression says it just fine. His thin eyebrows threaten to furrow together and the corners of his lips curl down into a frown. You’re unsure of what bothers him more. What you pointed out, or that his work is being interrupted for even the slightest moment. 
The budding confidence you had is all but crushed beneath the weight of his unblinking gaze. Clearing your throat, you decide to take a new approach, straightening your posture in an attempt to be taken more seriously.
“Then tell me, why do you still act like I am?” Your question comes from a genuine place of confusion. Ever since your arrival, you’ve begrudgingly done the odds and ends he’s asked of you, almost like clockwork. You had fallen back into the rhythm that was your life up until a month ago. There was just something about the silent authority he carries that makes it impossible to say no. 
That is, until now. You’re determined to clear up the problems that have plagued your mind. Albedo’s had his time to be nonchalant like nothing happened between you two, but you’re not having it anymore. 
“Force of habit,” he nods his head towards your hand that holds his possessions captive. “Now, would you please…?” 
Your grip tightens and you shake your head defiantly. “No. Or at least, not until you give me a better explanation. Not just about that. How you act in general… none of it makes sense to me.” 
It wouldn’t take much effort from his half to wrangle his bag from you, you’ve seen him in action before after all, so it comes as a surprise when he instead gives in. You blink, gaping when he takes a seat by the roaring fire, and motions for you to do the same. An opportunity like this is hard to come by. The past few weeks, it’s been your code of conduct to avoid any interaction with Albedo, but your frustration can no longer be repressed. 
You take a seat by his side but intentionally leave some distance. 
There’s so much you want to say. Insults, questions, demands, anything. Anything that could give just a hint of closure that he refused to offer himself. It doesn’t help that this familiar area brings memories with it — good and bad alike — painful nostalgia eating away at your heart from the inside out. While you battle with your inner thoughts, he observes you in silence. For a time you hear nothing but the crackling of the fire and wind howling outside.
Finding the courage to speak up, your throat tightens as you force a question out. “Did I… mean so little to you?” 
It’s rare that Albedo ever looks taken aback, but your inquiry managed to do just that. His eyes widen ever so slightly, confusion etching onto his face before he manages to compose himself. Lots of intimate discussions had gone this way. You’d spend hours prepping yourself, meticulously going over what it was you wanted to say, only for the words to die on your tongue when you saw him. 
“I don’t understand what you mean.” He appears genuinely perplexed and you can’t help but feel silly. It may have served you better to think long about this, you realize, but now it’s too late. You rush to explain yourself in hopes of making better sense. 
“When I said I wanted to, er, part ways,” you can’t help but cringe at not knowing the proper label for ending whatever was going on between you two, “You just seemed, I don’t know, indifferent…?” 
In your head, this went down in such a different way. 
Your cheeks are set ablaze by the humiliation his silence brings. It’s not the first time you’ve felt this exact way when bringing up your feelings to Albedo, yet it’s just as awful. Archons, does he always have to look at you like you have three heads? 
When he finally gives you an answer, you wish you had never asked. 
“I knew you would come back to me eventually.” 
Now it’s your turn to give him an incredulous look. He says it without an ounce of hesitation, never once breaking eye contact, his resolve holding firm. Sensing a need to clarify, he attempts to do just that. 
“I considered a variety of variables,” he raises his hand and brushes his knuckles over your face, the unexpected tenderness making you shiver. “I know how your mind works very well. When you told me that’s what you wanted, your physical mannerisms didn’t line up with what you were saying.”
Your heart drops but he doesn’t stop there. 
“Biological responses never lie. It wasn’t anxiety that kept you from looking me in the eye then, it was reasonable doubt. You know it as well as I do. There’s something about me that you can’t place, and the natural human response to the unknown is caution.”
He stops caressing your cheek. “So, tell me [First], and maybe then you’ll reach the conclusion you’ve been searching for. Why are you afraid of me?”
Everything feels wrong. How he’s whispering such horrifying ideas into your mind, leading the conversation with expertise. Is it charisma? You don’t think that’s the proper word. No, it’s how damn certain he is, how he never once leaves room for argument. 
Albedo appraises your silence coldly. 
“See? You’re not sure yourself. Thus why I knew you’d return to me,” he retracts his hand and leans back, but the ghost of his touch leaves your face tingling. “When you don’t understand something, you study it. That’s who you are. It’s why I picked you to be my assistant, that quality of exhausting curiosity, much like the one I have myself.”
He’s hypnotizing you with his words, his even tone, his silent authority. You’re drawn in like a moth to a flame and trapped in a verbal standoff. Whether it was a result of your Vision flickering subconsciously resulting in the fire diminishing or some other cause, you realize what little warmth in the cave is disappearing, your breath materializing in front of you as a result. 
But it’s only yours. 
That’s when it clicks deep inside the recesses of your mind. Apart of what always bothered you about Albedo was this sense of uncanniness. Whenever you thought you were understanding him better, new mysteries would arise, leaving you worse off than when you started. This combined with his workload and the emotional distance you felt between the two of you is what led to your separation. 
Albedo’s face is but a few inches away from yours. He’s patiently awaiting a response or anything you could muster to challenge him with, though both of you are aware that no such thing exists. 
You manage to surprise him again by asking another question. “Why… why are you not breathing?”
And how could you never have noticed until now?
His long eyelashes flutter shut. “Relationships truly are troublesome. There are unspoken rules and expectations, both of which take effort to satisfy. I hadn’t mind trying to do so to keep you happy, but that approach didn’t work as intended.” 
Had it not been for the hammering of your heart and how lighthearted you feel, you’d challenge him on his definition of trying. Instead, you watch without so much as moving an inch, too in awe to utter a single word. 
“You always asked me to be more romantic, but I guess the phrase you take my breath away won’t suffice here,” he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I’ll tell you, but once you know… well, I don’t think I can ever let you leave my side.”
“I hope you won’t mind keeping me company a bit longer than you intended to.” 
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Hellow! And once more here I am haha!
So I would like to request some (fluffy) Headcanons with a female reader and her being pregnant (unplanned). S/o telling her boyfriend/husband and their reactions please.
The characters are: Law, Kidd, Marco, Koby and... Rob Lucci! Guess these are nice characters for the idea.
Thanks a lot and take care of yourself! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Thank you for requesting!
Except for maybe Marco and Coby I don't really see any of them being too thrilled on becoming a father 😂. Pirates value freedom and a baby, as harsh as it sounds, is in the way of said freedom....😶 Hope you enjoy it anyways!
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Law is confused as to how this could happen (even though he is a doctor). He is always very thorough when it comes to protection and he knows that there is always a possibility for the condom to rip or the pill not working or both but he kind of refuses to accept it. He has neither the nerves nor the means to support his partner and a baby.
He doesn’t seem like the type of person who would want to become a parent – at least not at the moment. He wants to follow his dreams first before he plans a family and a family is quite frankly not his top priority.
He won’t be mad at them but he won’t be thrilled either. He won’t straight out tell them to get an abortion but he will make it clear that the kid will be mainly their responsibility if they choose to keep it. He sounds like an asshole but his life comes before the life of an unborn baby.
If his partner insists on keeping the baby he will tell them that he will try and support them but he 1. Won’t be there for the most time and 2. He will not, under any circumstances, have a baby on board his submarine. So, unless his partner is willing to wait for him and live like 90 % without him this relationship, as much as he loves his partner, will be more or less over.
He will, however, be there for the delivery, doing it himself and he might fall in love with his kid when he holds them, looking into their bright little eyes and tiny, tiny feet. But the chances are still slim, don’t bet on it!
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The moment his partner tells him that they’re pregnant he makes sure to get the f*ck out of there and never come back. He has no interest in becoming a parent, not even in the future. He will tell his partner that they better get rid of the little pest cause otherwise he’ll be gone. He is even harsher than Law, telling them straight out that they’re gonna be completely on their own with the child.
He doesn’t want to leave his partner alone, feeling some sense of loyalty towards them but he is more determined to become the pirate king and he won’t let a child get in the ways of his goal.
Being a pirate is dangerous and (even though he will never admit it) he doesn’t know if he will live to see his partner and potential child again. He’s already lost one arm, who says he will come out of the next fight this lightly?
He loves his partner but like Law he does not want to have a baby on board his ship! He probably won’t even be there for the delivery If his partner chooses to keep the baby, already chasing his dream of becoming the king of pirates again.
If his partner chooses to terminate the baby their relationship won’t be the same again; especially if he kind of pressured his partner to get rid of it. He will become more distant, not wanting to sleep with them that often due to the fear of another accident (cause the first time his partner got pregnant most definitely was an accident).
If they got an abortion on their own free will he will be more open with them but still a little hesitant when it comes to sex, being careful that it won’t happen again (first time actively thinking about protection cause, let’s be honest, his partner will be the responsible one in the relationship).
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Depending at which point he is at his life when his partner tells him that they’re pregnant he will be either happy or concerned. If Whitebeard is still alive he will be concerned since he really does want to be with his partner and his kid but he will not leave the crew. After all, the Whitebeard pirates are his family and he does not want to leave his family behind.
But at the same time his partner and future kid are his family as well and he does not want to leave them behind either. His partner will have to tell him (if they want to keep it) that it’s okay if Marco chooses to continue his journey with Whitebeard and that they will wait for him until he comes back, no matter how long it takes. Marco will feel guilty after all but I can see him feeling a little bit more miserable if he stays with you.
If, however, we are talking about post Whitebeard he is more than happy. Him and his partner will probably already be married by then and he will be so excited and take personally care of his s/o and their needs, making sure that they have everything they need and keep a close eye on the pregnancy.
He is so ready to become a father and he will be such a great one as well. Like Law, he will help deliver the baby and he instantly falls in love with his child. He will be a proud and an amazing dad.
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Coby will panic. He thinks he is too young to become a father since he’s just a little baby himself lol. But after his partner has calmed him down (they’re probably the more level headed person in the relationship) he will feel happy. Not overly happy but the feeling builds up over time.
The more time passes the more he gets used to the thought of becoming a father. It also helps that he is a marine and that he and his family will be taken care of safety- and financial-wise. Since Coby is such a nice bean I can imagine him being fairly liked by his fellow marines. That’s why he and his partner will be overloaded with presents and most likely won’t have to buy anything themselves.
He doesn’t even think that they might want to get an abortion and if they do and tell him he will be devastated. He was so thrilled on becoming a father (after a while) so he doesn’t want his partner to get an abortion (might be a little selfish). He just can’t understand why they wouldn’t want to become a parent as well.
If they get an abortion (after he has already been getting excited about the pregnancy) their relationship will change and he might want to break up with them. There will just be something between them from then on and he simply can’t live with it in the long run.
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Rob Lucci
“I don’t see why this concerns me, Y/n.” honestly, what did they expect? He does not want to become a father. At all. He has no use for a child, especially a baby. They’re dirty, babble nonsense and only cost money. It’s a miracle he’s even in a relationship at all so if they want it to stay this way they better get an abortion.
Rob Lucci will not cut back on anything just because his partner is pregnant. He will insist on sex, especially rough sex with lots of spanking and scratching and biting and all of that. If his partner is not in the mood once, it’s okay. If it happens more often due to the pregnancy he will bash on them and then leave.
Don’t expect him to take care of them during their pregnancy either. He gave them the option to get an abortion so don’t come crying to him when this pregnancy gets uncomfortable. But this is all assuming he stays with his partner. The more likely outcome will be him leaving them behind and looking for someone else.
He is just not cut out to be a father. He knows it, they know it. And I don’t even think they would want him to be the father of their child. Let’s just put it like this: he won’t be the most caring father, if you know what I mean….
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Coming Home
third owl fight attack! This one’s prompt was “Hunter and Luz being siblings”, and I kinda ran with it
Summary: Saying that Hunter was worried for Luz would be an overstatement. He wasn't worried, he was just...vaguely curious. He knew that she'd take some time in the human realm, to be with her mother, but...well, it'd been almost two weeks, and nobody had heard a single thing from her. So, really, breaking and entering was an entirely reasonable reaction.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now, Hunter knew, on some level, that Luz would be in the human realm for a while.
To be fair, he hadn’t had much time to think about it, what with  everything  going on. There was the Grimwalker revelation, which was also a kind-of clone revelation, and Luz offering an outstretched hand, and sitting on the ground in the human realm with the portal flickering and pulsing angrily, the dust settling as he held his uncles broken mask in his hands--
He’d been more than a little preoccupied, to say the least.
And Luz had gone through the portal the second it had all finally calmed, when there was nothing left to fight, with goodbyes he couldn’t remember. He wasn’t sure exactly when, everything had gone pretty numb by that point.
He just knew that after the first two days, when he was finally dragged out of his miserable wallowing in ditches by a very exasperated palisman and Owl Lady, Luz wasn’t there.
The others noticed her absence and the slight hole she left, he knew they did, but they never really commented on it. What with Bonesborough falling apart in a literal and metaphorical sense, everyone was kinda busy trying to patch all of it up. Like dealing with that one demon who kept talking about ancient magic, who was apparently the small rat demon's dad. And making sure Kikimora stopped escaping prison for five minutes. And dealing with the other Coven Heads. And apparently there was some people  mad  that the old wild witch ways were coming back--
Nobody really had the  time  to wonder about Luz off in the human realm, seeing her mother again.
And for the first week, he  didn’t  worry. He had an existential crisis and bothersome witches to avoid like the plague. His days were spent distracting himself by making everyone's lives miserable, since they kept insisting on holding him captive in the Owl House instead of letting him decompose in the woods for some reason. And honestly, Luz knew  way  too many people, because he’d stopped bothering to keep track of everyone by the fourth hour of being in that house. 
After he realized trying to run for it or annoying everyone into kicking him out wouldn’t work, he mostly hid in the dark corners where nobody would see him for hours at a time. Used to be for days, but apparently the Owl Lady was just as nocturnal as him, and they’d run into each other early in the morning when trying to grab a snack.
He had Rascal for company, at least. Say what you will about the little guy, but he was as loyal as he was stubborn.
But, after the first week, Hunter was starting to  really  notice a severe lack of annoying humans running around.
Apparently, so was the others, because he was noticing a few of them beginning to get a little antsy. He would’ve brushed it off, but he could hear a distinct influx of mutterings that sounded like ‘Luz’ and ‘portal’ and ‘human realm’ from his hiding places, when they thought no one else was around.
It was almost halfway through the second week before he knew it, and that was  far  too long for Luz to be away without so much as a note. 
And she was  probably  fine, he reasoned. But Luz being away without even a call was suspicious enough,  two  was downright concerning.
By then, Hunter was somewhat starting to recognize the faces that filtered in and out of the Owl House, and he began to plan. 
Somehow, he managed to wait until he saw a girl with familiar purple hair step in through the doorway, speaking words he didn’t bother to listen to as she sat on the couch he was hiding under. 
Rascal had, of course, chosen to perch himself on the head of a chair across the room, where barely anyone would care to notice him.
She was talking to some small illusionist he saw earlier (he may recognize faces, but names were a whole other matter. He’d never had to memorize names unless they were important to Belos, and if they weren’t, they were irrelevant. He should probably work on remembering their names), something about buildings and repairs or something, it wasn’t his problem. When the illusionist stepped away, off towards the kitchen to grab something, Hunter decided to poke his head out from underneath the couch.
“So what's the word on-- ow!”  He yelped, jerking back under the couch when he got a foot kicked into his nose.
“Titan,  don’t  do  that, you prick!” Amity snapped, inching a little further to the left as Hunter peeked out only one eye from under the couch this time, giving his best spiteful glare. “Why are you even  down  there?”
“Because nobody bothers me,” Hunter growled, holding his nose as he began to wiggle out. “Everyone’s so  clingy  in this house, it’s maddening.”
“Do you actually mean clingy, or are you referring to basic kindness?” Amity raised a brow, narrowing her eyes as he stood and brushed himself off from the dust bunnies that gathered under the couch.
“Irrelevant. Why hasn’t the human returned yet?” He demanded, leaning against the arm of the couch as Amity sat at the other end, giving a reasonable distance between them.
“Luz?” Amity blinked, clearly taken aback by the question.
“Yes, is there another, different human that you have to bring up every five minutes I should know about?” Hunter snapped, and got a curled lip and bared teeth from Amity in response.
“What, getting bored of the rest of us?” Amity snarked, crossing her arms. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, barely any of you were entertaining to begin with.” Hunter huffed. “Now do you know why the human is avoiding us or not?”
“Avoiding?” Amity frowned. “Luz’s not  avoiding  us, she’s just visiting her mom.”
“With radio silence for almost two weeks,” Hunter said, doing his best to stamp down his impatience. 
He  really  would have rathered asking the Owl Lady about this, but he’d learned from the last time he tried that she’d twist any conversation regarding Luz to be about him, so the next logical best bet would have to be her incessant, chattery, girlfriend. Titan, Luz had the weirdest tastes.
“She’s been away from her mom for four months.” Amity said, rolling her eyes like this was some concept he wasn't understanding. “She’s not gonna see her for a day and then come right back.”
“But still!” Hunter threw his hands in the air, ignoring Rascal’s minorly concerned chirp from across the room. “You think someone like  Luz  would go without contact for almost  two weeks?  She would’ve at least popped in to say hello, or go on some ramble about what’s going on in the human realm. She’d feel guilty about leaving you guys to repair everything on your own by the second hour.”
“It’s just...taking her a minute,” Amity said, and that was the first small crack in her resolve he saw. Had she not seen him at his lowest the first time they spoke, he would’ve been proud of the fact he could chip away at her far easier than she could at him. “Luz wouldn’t avoid anyone out of the  blue,  that’s not like her.”
And he  knew  she was right on that, as infuriating it was to admit it. Luz wouldn’t  abandon  people, she’d be more likely to keel over on the spot from spontaneously growing a bile sac. And perhaps a part of him  was  being a little over dramatic, but there was just this little twist in his chest that curled tighter when he considered going back to hiding in empty rooms and letting everything continue on,  waiting  to see if anything would change rather than  making  it change.
“Besides,” Amity continued. “As Luz’s girlfriend, I think that I would  know  if--”
“Oh  Titan,  just  forget it.”  Hunter groaned, tugging on his ears as he stepped away from the couch. “Whatever, you’re useless about this, anyway. If  you  don’t know when she’s coming back, and the  Owl Lady  doesn’t know, then nobody will.”
Amity stayed silent for a moment as Hunter stormed off towards the doorway that led to the staircase, Rascal flying off his perch to land on his shoulder with soft, almost melodic chirrups.
He contemplated if he could steal something from one of the spare rooms up there. Everyone was fluctuating between them the last few days, but they often left their stuff in there for him to take. It was fun watching them get so riled up about their missing junk.
“We,” Amity started, and Hunter paused in the doorway, one ear pricked. “We were planning on going into the human realm,” She admitted, voice quiet. “If we didn’t hear anything from Luz by the end of this week.”
Hunter turned around then, noting Amity had one hand bunched up on her leg, fisting the hem of her shirt and rubbing her fingers between it in a nervous tick. She avoided his gaze, and he saw, for just the briefest of moments, the uncertainty spilling off of her, possibly having been doing so for far longer than when he’d noticed the same signs from everyone else.
“Well,” He said, and she looked up at him then, and the vulnerability was gone in a snap, replaced by a curious, slightly accusatory, expression. It unnerved him how familiar it looked. “By all means, don’t go telling  me  about your super secret rescue missions, not like  I’d  want to join.” He muttered.
“Count it a blessing that I told you at all,” Amity hissed, ears flicking back. “Maybe if you promise to be nice, we’ll let you come along.” She taunted.
“Maybe if you people hadn’t  kidnapped  me, I wouldn’t be causing so many  problems.”  Hunter growled back through gritted teeth, breaking eye contact for only a moment when Rascal lightly bit and tugged on his ear, trying to urge him away.
“Like you need an excuse--”
“Uh, am-am I interrupting?”
The two turned their heads, realizing that the small illusionist, he’d figure out the kids name later, was standing in the living room again, a box of juice in his hands as his eyes flicked between them.
“No, Golden Boy was just leaving.” Amity waved him off, leaning back against the couch.
“You weren’t even clever with that one, Blight.” Hunter sneered, rolling his eyes as he turned to leave.
“Call me that again and I’m ripping your teeth out.” Hunter threatened, pointing a finger at her as he backed out of the room.
“No name,” Amity amended, sticking her tongue out at him.
“You are on  thin ice.”
That night, Hunter was opening the window in Luz’s old room.
His escape attempts had never really worked before, the weird tube demon in the front door took his job of keeping him contained  very  seriously. Everyone else just liked watching the show and tapping in when needed.
However, he  also  knew, from the mutterings that Luz had told him in those few snatches of time in the days that they had talked before everything went wrong (or right, depending on who you asked), that she’d snuck out through her window  multiple  times without the demon realizing. Apparently she had bribed him once or twice, and now he barely reacted to the sound of her window opening, sort of like a reflex.
He’d meant to use it for his next escape attempt, just to see if it’d work for him, to run for the hills if it worked, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He’d be  damned  if they left him out of nabbing Luz from the human realm.
So Hunter tugged his cloak tighter across his shoulders, despite it being torn in many places, he had yet to rid it completely, and slowly opened Luz’s window.
He waited, tense, Rascal just as silent from within his hood. When there wasn’t the sound of a piercing voice after a few seconds, he cautiously poked his head out.
Either the bird really  had  grown to have no reaction to Luz’s window opening, or he was just as tired as everyone else. Or off eating bugs, that was plausible.
He slowly edged out, only having a moment to peer down at the ground below until he swung out of the window, hands gripping the windowsill as he edged himself down.
He hung in the air for a moment before releasing the windowsill, dropping to the ground below in a crouch. The perks of the Emperor’s Coven were few and far between, but hey, living there had made him an  expert  at being quiet.
He darted around the Owl House, crouching so as to avoid being seen through the first-floor windows, because there was always  someone  awake, no matter the hour. The portal to the human realm had been moved not too far away, but far enough that it couldn’t be, you know, automatically seen by anyone approaching the building.
He spared one last glance towards the house before he booked it off towards the woods, already mentally cursing himself for wearing a  white cloak  in the middle of the night. Why did he think that was a good idea,  why  did he think that was a good idea--
He made it to the cover of trees, somehow, without anyone sounding the alarm. He ducked behind a tree, catching his breath for a moment as he waited for shouting to arise.
Upon realizing he was in the clear, he pumped a fist in the air with a soft  “yes!”  and got an encouraging whistle from Rascal, who he gave a quick scratch on the head to.
He then hurried a bit further into the trees, soon faced with branches, vines, and bushes all stretched out across the beginning of a slope before him.
He reached out, grabbing one of the vines and yanking it aside, revealing the structure of the portal to the human realm, its soft humming mostly muffled by everything covering it. He ran his hand down the exterior of it for a second before pushing more vines aside, allowing a small enough space for him to crawl through.
He’d been to the human realm before, technically. Belos’s wrath had only just begun to reach into the human realm before he had managed to be stopped, and Hunter had a few moments out there, feeling the grass and seeing the trees. They really  were  green, and he couldn’t help but see it all and know with certainty that there was no magic within any of it. Hollow. It was a feeling he was familiar with.
But this time was different, and he inhaled for a moment before giving Rascal what he hoped was his best determined look.
“Alright,” He said. “Let’s see what’s been keeping her.”
He spent about half an hour in the woods of the human realm until he managed to find Luz’s house.
She’d never really said  where  she lived, just that it was the closest house to the forest. Nothing about directions, so he spent his time wandering about trying to find a house that wasn’t falling apart.
Rascal gave up and eventually flew off at some point, returning about five minutes later, chittering loudly and pulling on his hood. Hunter knew better to argue, and had followed until he came across a house that actually looked  lived  in, as opposed to the one he’d appeared in.
“If you led me to a random person's house, I  will  throw you into the sea.” Hunter warned, only getting a cheery whistle in return as he walked around the house.
He eventually found a window on the first floor, and pushing on it, was delighted to find that it was unlocked. He opened it, hoisting himself inside as Rascal darted in.
He realized the window was right over a kitchen sink, and lightly stepped a foot onto the counter beside it. He slowly swung himself inside, not even bothering to shut the window behind him as he dropped to the floor. He might need that escape route later.
Rascal was off exploring without a second thought, so he allowed himself to stalk throughout the kitchen, eyes flickering over photos and magnets stuck to the fridge. He saw ones that looked like letters, colors, and even saw a photo of a woman and a young, crazy-looking child.
He peeked around corners as he darted through the house, cracking open doors before continuing through hallways. One of the doors he opened  looked  like a bedroom, but he saw something with a scaly tail poking out, so he let that room be. The human realm was bound to have its own oddities.
The other bedroom he saw did have a person sleeping in it, but she didn’t look like Luz, much too old, so he quietly shut that door again and tried a different one.
He opened the last one, at the end of the hallway, already preparing to snap back that Rascal had brought him to the  wrong house,  when he took in the bedroom.
He only needed to see it for half a second to see the immediate resemblance to the mess that was Luz’s room in the Owl House. He slipped inside, leaving the door open just a crack in case Rascal showed up.
He crouched, eyeing the posters along the walls, shelves full of random junk, books strewn across the room. The figure sleeping in the bed was practically twisted backwards, blankets already halfway on the floor. He approached it, slowly standing up as he loomed over them, searching their face.
“Oh thank the Titan,” Hunter breathed, stepping back as he pressed a hand to his chest. That was Luz, for sure.
She stirred, slightly, hand twitching as she mumbled incoherently in her sleep. At least she wasn’t actually kidnapped or something, he reasoned.
“Hey, human,” He said, a little louder, but enough that he hoped the others down the hallway wouldn’t hear, shoving at her shoulder. “Wakey wakey.”
Luz mumbled in her sleep again, one eye barely cracking open before she turned over and tried to bury further under her covers.
Hunter grabbed her leg poking out from the blankets and yanked her off.
Luz’s yelp was cut off as he smothered the blankets over her, pausing as she fumbled around trying to get it off, ears pricked as he waited to see if anyone had heard.
“I’m  awake,  Vee, I’m  awake--”  Luz pulled the blanket off her head, her glare almost immediately replaced with shock.
“Hey,” Hunter grinned, flashing fangs. “Miss me?”
“Hunter?”  Luz exclaimed, before immediately covering her mouth with her hands, eyes darting towards her door like she expected someone to be there.
“Oh don’t sound  so  surprised.” Hunter scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You oughta step up your game if you think you can escape me in another dimension.”
“What are you  doing  here?” Luz whisper-yelled, scrambling to her feet as she looked wildly around her room. “Did-did the  others  come?” She asked, giving him such a scared look he was a little put off by it.
“No? I mean, they  will  be, I just got ahead of the curve.” Hunter shrugged off her odd reactions. “Made sure I got to you before they did, didn’t feel like being left behind on the ‘let’s drag Luz back kicking and screaming’ plan.”
“Oh no, oh no,” Luz shook her head, one hand on her head as she began to pace. “Are-are the others  looking  for me?”
“Will be by the end of this week,” Hunter said, watching her curiously. “Why? This a bad time or something?”
“Yes! Yes, this is a  terrible  time!” Luz exclaimed, barely managing to keep her voice down as she whirled towards him.
“Did you get grounded?” Hunter narrowed his eyes. “Because if so, let me just say, I know about fifteen different ways to lessen the extent of the grounding, and twice as many ways to sneak out, this place isn’t even all that fortified--”
“No! Well, I mean, I kind of am,” Luz winced. “But that’s not--you can’t--you need to  go.”  Luz said, gesturing back towards the door. “You can’t be here.”
“Do you need a body disposed of? Because I also know a lot of ways to--”
“I’m touched, but no.” Luz gave him a withering look. “Don’t even wanna know why you know that. You have to  leave.”  She insisted, beginning to shove him towards the door.
“Aw, but I came all this way to see you,” Hunter whined in a dramatic tease, slowly leaning back, therefore putting more strain on Luz as she tried to push him out. “You don’t want to see me?”
“Believe me, I’m  very  happy to see you’re okay,” Luz assured through gritted teeth, offering the smallest of smiles. “And I’ll bother you later. But now is  not the time.”
Rascal took that moment to poke in through the crack in the doorway, landing on a shelf and eyeing the two with what felt like judgement. Hunter promptly dropped all his weight on Luz, nearly crushing her. 
“Damn,” He whistled when Luz’s knees refused to buckle. “You got some muscle hiding under those skinny bones?”
“That, and you weigh as much as a half-filled sack of lumpy potatoes.” Luz muttered, already pushing back up to her full height as she took Hunter with her.
“You’re  impossible.”  Hunter huffed, standing back up onto his feet and snickering as Luz stumbled with the lack of weight. “Seriously, what’s the hold up? Are you getting bored with us already?”
“No,  first of all, I’d never do that.” Luz pointed a finger at him. “And I’m offended you thought I ever would be.”
“It’s a reasonable assumption.”
“It’s not. And second of all,  I’m  serious, you  cannot be here.”  Luz stressed, grabbing his shoulders, a movement that instinctively caused him to flinch, just the tiniest bit. “If my  mom  sees you here, she’s going to  freak--”
“Luz?” A groggy voice called, and Luz stiffened so quickly with such  terror  crossing her face that Hunter tensed as well. “Creí haber escuchado algo, are you--?”
Hunter saw the door to Luz’s room open, and immediately threw an arm out in front of Luz, giving a quick whistle that Rascal had learned to recognize by now. In a flash, he was holding his staff in his other hand, Luz pushed behind him as he pointed his staff towards the figure in the doorway, ears pressed back and fangs bared in a low, warning growl.
The person froze, eyes going wide, one hand still clutching the door handle.
He recognized it as the older woman he saw in one of the bedrooms, hair still mussied from sleep, the glasses on her face smudged from someone having grabbed them clumsily. The sleep had vanished from her eyes the moment she saw him, a faintly glowing staff pointed only a foot away from her.
“Hunter, Hunter, no, stop!” Luz was quick to grab Hunter’s arm after barely a second of tense silence, shoving the staff down. “She’s my mom, she’s safe!”
Hunter paused at that. Granted, his experience with biological family (as biological as Belos could be) wasn’t the best, but he had heard a few stories, here and there, about Luz’s mom. And Luz would go into a Slitherbeast den for anyone who asked nicely, but hey, he still thought that if someone was willing to fight  Emperor Belos  for them, they had to be something special.
“Oh, sorry.” He said, all hostility evaporating as he drew his staff back, holding it at his side. “Reflexes.”
“Luz,” The woman said, slowly, and Hunter was so instantly reminded of when the adults dealing with him were trying so hard to not lose their shit that he halfway raised his arm to shield Luz again. “Por qué hay un chico extraño en tu habitación?”
“Puedo explicarlo!” Luz was quick to exclaim, clutching Hunter’s arm, and he looked blankly between them. He’d heard of other languages in the Isles before, often ones spoken by demons, but this was a new one on him.
“Oh estoy segura de que lo harás!” The woman snapped back, hands on her hips now, not bothering to keep her voice low. 
“What’s she saying?” Hunter whispered to Luz, eyes still darting between the two. “Is this a ‘we’re about to start fighting’ situation or a ‘you’re grounded for life’ situation?”
“No te puedo creer.” Luz's mom grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Okay, so, uh,” Luz clasped her hands together. “I promise, mami, this is  not  what it looks like.”
“What does it look like?” Hunter blinked, giving Luz a concerned expression now. “It doesn't look like I’m a robber, right? Because this place has nothing  near  worth stealing.”
“Please stop talking,” Luz hissed out of the corner of her mouth, never taking her eyes off her mother. “Mami, this is, uh,” She faltered for a moment. “This is Hunter.”
Her mother cracked open an eye from where she was rubbing the bridge of her nose, sending such a seething glare that both kids shuttered. 
“You know what,” Hunter said, letting Rascal transform out of a staff and back into his usual self, letting the bird land on his shoulder as he clapped his hands together. “I can see that you're busy, so I think I’ll just be--why is she staring at me like that?”
The woman was staring at him now, well, Rascal, eyes locked on the cardinal on his shoulder like it had suddenly grown five heads. He flicked an ear in confusion, turning to Luz to ask what her mom’s problem was, only to see Luz immediately face-palm.
“Estoy atascado con un idiota,” Luz mumbled under her breath, and Hunter could pretty easily guess what the last word had meant, and bristled at it.
“Okay,  so, Hunter,” Luz kept her hands pressed together, using them both to point towards him. “Thank you for the visit, really, but I think we’re done here.”
“We,”  Luz’s mom finally managed to speak, and Luz cringed with a sheepish smile. “Are going to have a  talk.”  She growled, though it lacked any of the reverberating sounds an actual growl would have. He always wondered how humans ever got the last  hit  of their point across without growls or clicks or hisses. He realized now that tone had a  lot  to do with it.
“And that includes  you,  young man.” The woman added, turning her glare towards Hunter, and he wouldn’t be ashamed to admit he wilted a bit under it. She could’ve disintegrated Kikimora on the spot with a look like that.
“Yes, ma’am.” Hunter ducked his head, and ignored the quiet snickers from Luz that she quickly tried to smother.
The woman stepped to the side, allowing the two of them to shuffle out of the room. Luz went out first, giving Hunter an expression that was somehow both  ‘sorry’  and  ‘I told you so’  and  boy  did he want to punch it.
Hunter hurried out after her, one hand cupped over Rascal protectively, unable to fight back the urge to hide him from everyone and everything new, that he’d be broken in half the second anyone got close.
As he passed her, he knew she was staring at him with a far sharper gaze than she had Luz. He glanced out the corner of his eye, and she was staring at his ears, at Rascal, and just as he stepped into the hallway, her eyes narrowed in on the scar along the side of his face.
He’d had people stare at his scars before, it wasn’t new. Scars weren’t uncommon in the Boiling Isles, but ones as big and prominent as his were generally expected of witches far older than him, far more known for their battles and their victories.
He growled in the back of his throat, briefly twitching his lip to flash a fang. It was near-instinctive at this point, a quiet reminder of who he was, of who shadowed over him, and that it was impolite to stare, to mind your own business.
Luz’s mom jerked back at it, a far stronger reaction than the ones he was used to getting. He was used to a quick aversion of the eyes, hurrying to turn their heads the other way, a simple glance to elsewhere in the room. She stared at him with even more apprehension and worry than before, like she was confronted with a wild animal in her home.
His ears pressed down and he hurried off down the hallway, almost stepping on Luz’s heels from how close he walked behind her.
He noticed an eye peeking out of a room up ahead, and Luz gave a weak, almost teasing, salute to whoever was inside. He saw a flash of scales and what might've been a pitying look until they slipped out of view.
Luz stood off to the side as she exited the hallway, and Hunter stood next to her. He gave her a questioning look, one she nearly missed from how much she was staring at her feet. He nudged her shoulder, gaining her attention, and Luz gave a weak, nervous smile.
Alright, so he was  definitely  missing something here with his woman.
“Kitchen table,” Luz’s mom said, pointing, and the two obeyed. Hunter had no real reason to, he knew this. She was human, he could just leave, and she wouldn’t be able to stop him. But she was important to Luz, clearly, and he knew, tragically, that he’d feel guilty if he left Luz alone.
Luz sat in one of the chairs at the round table, and Hunter took the one next to her. Her mother eyed them for a moment before taking the one across from them.
“Can I just say, that I did  not  invite Hunter here--”
“Oh, so  that’s  how it's gonna be?” Hunter whirled his head to her. “Throwing  me  under the bus? Sorry I wanted to  check in.”
“I am telling it  as the truth.”  Luz insisted, glaring at him. “Would you rather I tell her that I purposefully invited you here at,” She turned towards the wall, squinting at a clock hanging there. “Two twenty-three? Why did you come here so  late?”  She demanded.
“Technically, it’s early.” Hunter corrected. 
“I’m actually going to punch your teeth out.”
Rascal cheeped from his shoulder, and Hunter nodded sagely like he had said something. Rascal  could  talk to him, of course, in words that only he could hear, but he often didn’t. And the best part was that he could never prove to anyone that Rascal wasn’t shit-talking them.
“Enough,  both of you  . ” Luz’s mother said firmly, hands placed on the table that had them both straightening to attention. “Luz,” She turned to her daughter, rubbing her temple with one hand as she gestured with the other towards Hunter. “Explain him, please.”
“Like, life story, or why he’s here, or what he is, or--”
“Just  please  tell me he’s not from where I think he’s from.”
“Oh,” Luz glanced between Hunter and her mother, gears turning in her head. “He’s...not?”
“Dios ayúdame,” Her mother groaned.
“You told me to say he wasn’t! Actually,” Luz frowned as she turned to Hunter.  “Do  you count as someone from the demon realm, biologically? I don’t know how that whole, er, Grimwalker thing worked, like are you a direct clone, or--”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, because I’ve been avoiding dealing with that whole situation for the past two weeks, and I’m not about to start now.” Hunter raised a hand to cut her off.
“You…” Luz narrowed her eyes at him. “You need a therapist, dude.”
“You’re the fifth person to say that in the last week.”
“Why,”  Luz’s mother cut in again, silencing their conversation. “Is there a  demon boy  in my house?”
“I’m a witch,” Hunter corrected.
“Don’t you count as, like,  half  a--”
“What did I  just  say, Luz?”
“Right,” Luz snapped her mouth shut. “Uh, so, I’m assuming he broke in--”
Hunter groaned, gripping his head in his hands as he slouched over the table. Rascal chittered gently as he hopped off his shoulder and onto the table, nudging his arm.
“--but he wasn’t going to cause any trouble!” Luz added quickly, seeing her mothers expression continue to sour. “He just-he wanted to make sure I was alright.”
The woman eyed the two of them for a moment, and Hunter refused to look up and meet her gaze.
“Hunter, is it?” The woman said slowly, cautious, suspicious, but not accusatory. 
“Yes, ma’am.” Hunter sighed, relenting to lift his head, messy hair hanging in his face.
“How old are you, exactly?”
“Sixteen, ma’am.” He mumbled, resting his cheek in his hand.
“And…” She hesitated for a moment.  “How  old is that in witch years…?”
“...sixteen?” Hunter gave her a perplexed look.
“They age the same as us.” Luz assured, and her mother seemed to relax just a bit.
“Gracias a Dios por eso,” Her mother mumbled. “Alright, and how did you get in?”
“Window,” He tilted his head off towards the one in question, still open over the sink.
“Of course,” The woman muttered under her breath. “The  one  time I didn’t lock it. Okay, now what is  that?”  She gestured towards Rascal on his shoulder, and he raised his hand to let the palisman hop onto his hand.
“My palisman,” He said, settling the bird down on the table, but keeping him a far enough distance from Luz’s mom that she wouldn’t be able to grab him. “I call him Rascal. Which reminds me,” He nudged Luz’s shoulder. “Where do you keep those seeds you have for your palisman? She keeps screaming at everyone and the Owl Lady doesn’t know how to make her shut up.”
“Is she okay?” Luz straightened.
“Yeah, little jays fine, she’s just being a pain in the ass.” Hunter grimaced.
“Watch your language, young man.” Luz’s mom leveled a finger at him, and he eyed it for a moment. “Now what do you mean ‘Luz’s pailsman?’ What in the  world  is a palisman?”
“Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing important, really. Just, like, staff things.” Luz said quickly, and Hunter and Rascal shared a look. Luz loved her palisman, as bratty as she was. And he knew from experience that Luz didn’t think of palismans as ‘nothing important.’
He drew a hand around Rascal and scooted him a little closer towards himself.
“Okay, okay,” Luz’s mother inhaled a steadying breath, as though to keep her cool. “And you are breaking into my house, early in the morning, to see my daughter.”
“Really just to make sure she didn’t, like, get kidnapped on the way up here.” Hunter shrugged. “Everyone's worried about her, so I took one for the team, and all that.”
“Everyone?” Her mother frowned.
“Her...friends?” Hunter gave Luz a sideways look, and she avoided his gaze.
“Mija, you have friends in the  demon realm?”  Luz’s mom balked, with the tone of someone who didn’t quite believe it, who almost felt as though they were being tricked.
“I told you a bit about them…” Luz mumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
“You,” Her mother chuckled, shaking her head, the first sign of anything lighter than what they’d had so far. “You really can’t help but be friendly to everyone, huh?” 
“It’s how she got stuck with me, it’s a real problem.” Hunter said, and got an elbow jabbed into him for his troubles, wheezing as he clutched his side. 
“Well, you certainly are an...interesting acquaintance,” Her mother said slowly, eyeing him, and he barely resisted the urge to briefly flash sharpened teeth when her gaze lingered on the scar across his face again. “And you showed up, by breaking in...just to check in on Luz?”
“Yeah?” Hunter managed to cough out, cracking open an eye to give the woman a confused look compared to her suspicious, searching one. “Why else?”
“...alright.” She said, and her gaze went back to her daughter. “I wasn’t aware that there would be... situations  where the demon realm followed you  back.”
“Neither did I, really.” Luz was quick to assure, hands raised.  “Hunter  of all people being worried about me is the most confusing and touching thing that’s happened so far.”
“I was not  worried.”  Hunter whirled to her. “I only came here because everyone  else  was, and they were going to leave me out of the rescue party.”
“Rescue party?” Luz’s mother startled, and he should really learn her name.
“Aha, he doesn't mean that.” Luz waved her hands quickly. 
“I do?” Hunter narrowed his eyes. “The others were planning on busting out of the portal to come find you by the end of this week. I didn’t want to be left out, so I broke in ahead of time.”
“There are demons coming  here?”  The woman exclaimed, jumping to her feet.
“Pretty sure the little rat dog is the only demon coming along.” Hunter corrected. “The others are witches.”
“You  know  his name is King.” Luz grumbled.
“Yeah, but it's way more fun to call him a rat.”
“Luz, cariño, are we going to have  more  witches breaking in?” Her mother stressed, stepping away from the table and already beginning to pace.
“Not-not when Hunter gets back to them!” Luz said, also standing. “He can tell them to hold off, that I’m fine, and all that.”
“And deal with them getting all pissy I broke out?” Hunter demanded, scooping Rascal up in his hands as he, too, stood.  “Hell  no, either they hear from me with you there, or I don’t tell them shit.”
“Watch it,” Luz’s mother warned him again, this time only giving a quick glare. “And Luz is  not  going back there.”
“Then you have two to twenty witches, plus one demon, knocking on your door.” Hunter shrugged. “What’s the big deal?”
“Luz, what did you get  into  while you were in the demon realm?” Her mother groaned, rubbing her temples.
“I mean, you didn’t ask a  lot... ” Luz tried, hovering about two feet from her mom.
“You have two to  twenty  magical demon people ready to break into our home to make sure you’re okay,” Her mother said, turning towards her daughter. “You didn’t...you didn’t tell me you had  friends  there.”
“I feel like I just said this,” Hunter squinted. “I told you Luz has friends in the Boiling Isles, isn’t that expected? She makes friends with  everyone.”
Luz rubbed her arm and looked down at the ground, and her mother’s mouth twitched downwards for a brief moment. He felt like he was missing something.
“Are all of your friends like him?” Her mother said after a moment, gesturing with a hand off towards Hunter.
“I resent what that implies,” Hunter huffed, ears pressed down as he tucked Rascal between his neck and cloak.
“I mean, personality wise? No, he’s the biggest brat of them all.” Luz assured, and Hunter visibly took offence. “Well, Matt was  also  a brat, but he’s a friend of a friend, and I think he’s calmer now.”
“They  are  annoying, though.” Hunter piped up, and prided on barely reacting under Luz’s seething glare.
“Well they can’t come  here,  your first friend has already caused enough trouble.” Her mother said firmly, and Hunter rolled his eyes at that.
“Please, breaking and entering is tame for me.” Hunter scoffed, and got an even more worried, and possibly judging, look from the woman.
“You're not helping.” Luz whispered, immediately turning back to her mother. “I’m sure we can figure this whole thing out. I can probably get Hunter to tell them to calm them down without me having to go back, Rascal can bully him into it, he likes me.”
“That’s a  low blow,  human!” Hunter hissed, a low, drawn-out sound that had the woman tensing and Luz only rolling her eyes. “I do so much for you, and  this  is the thanks I get?” He ignored Rascal’s gleeful chitters that sounded suspiciously like laughter.
“We’re  even  on that front and you  know it.” 
“This is  serious,  Luz.” Her mother said, and Luz’s mouth clicked shut. “Christ,” She sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d made  friends  in the demon realm?”
“You didn’t ask…?” Luz said slowly.
“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Hunter said, leaning against the island counter. “I drag Luz back, she hangs for a day or two to calm everyone down, and she comes right back to have quality family time, or whatever you guys call it, until you’re all finished.”
“Absolutely not,” Her mother said instantly. “Luz will not go anywhere  near  that portal.”
“It’s not gonna blow up, it’s stable.” Hunter raised a brow, not noticing Luz freezing up. 
“Luz is  not  going back to that demon realm,” She insisted, and he was sure she would be growling if she could. “Listen, could you please just tell the other witches to stay back? I don’t want any trouble from that realm coming through here.”
“Ouch,” Hunter said dryly, twitching an ear as he crossed his arms. “Why’s this got you in a tizzy? I came here to bring back Luz anyway, why is this an issue?”
Luz and her mother met eyes for a brief second, and Hunter knew then he was missing something, because it felt like a conversation passed between their eyes and Luz ducked her head again, ashamed.
“Luz,” Her mother spoke in soft tones, though she was rubbing at her face. “You didn’t tell your  friends--”
“I was going to--”
“Luz, honey, you can’t  omit details  from people--”
“I know, I swear I was just busy trying to see you--”
Hunter set Rascal down on the island counter and gestured towards him. The palisman fluffed his wings before proceeding to peck incessantly on the counter, making a loud clinking noise. It got both humans mingling words to come to a stop as they both turned towards him.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I’m still here.” Hunter said, scratching his bird's head to get him to cease once he had their full attention. “What am I missing?” He asked, pointing between the two.
“I apologize Luz hadn’t informed you earlier,” Her mother started, and Luz gripped her arms and looked away from them both, shoulders hunched. “But she won’t be going back to the demon realm.”
He stared. He blinked once, twice. He could see Rascal staring too, just barely in his line of sight.
“Come again?”
“Luz had been trapped there for so long,” Her mother went on. “And-and she was surrounded by  demons  and rain that scalded skin and-and Vee told me of Emperor’s and experiments,” 
Hunter flinched at that, ears pressing flat as he turned his head to the side.
“It’s clearly not a safe place,” She continued, and her eyes dropped to his notched ear. “And...there’s much to catch up on, to talk about.” She said, in a polite tone that told him not to press that particular matter. “Surely, you can explain this to them?”
Hunter stayed silent for a moment, aware of Luz peeking at him with guilt across her features. He didn’t meet it, he knew he’d get more riled up if he did.
“Yeah, so,” Hunter said calmly, clasping his hands together. “That’s  not  happening.” 
“Excuse me?” Her mother reeled back a bit.
“Listen, Miss...what are your last names again?” He asked Luz, though he still didn’t let himself fully look at her.
“Noceda,” She said, sounding confused now.
“Ms. Noceda,” He continued. “I can speak from personal experience when I tell you that the Emperor and any experiments he had are  far  beyond gone,” He said, bitterness dripping from his words. “And I--  we  have your daughter to thank for that.”
Her mother startled for a moment, opening her mouth to speak, but he plowed on.
“Half the things that made the Isles dangerous, including the very reason your daughter was late coming home, are either burnt to a crisp or in the ground.” He said, holding her gaze. “And I can tell you this, with one hundred percent sincerity, that if I go back and tell Luz’s friends that she won’t ever be coming back, you’ll have witches and demons in numbers nearing the thirties knocking on your front door.” 
“Is that a threat?” The woman managed to get out first. 
“With all due respect, Ms. Noceda, it’s a promise.” 
“Thank you,  Hunter.” Luz was suddenly at his side, seizing his arm in a grip that felt like he was losing circulation. “That’s  enough,”  She said, giving him a warning look. “I think she gets the message.”
“Luz, what in the world is he talking about?” Her mother asked, eyes back to her child.
“It-it’s a long story, but he’s right about the Emperor!” Luz added quickly. “He’s...he’s gone, and-and I don’t think he’s coming back.”
“He won’t.” Hunter said, and left it at that.
“Luz, cariño, I’m sure we could work something out with your friends.” Her mother assured. “I’m glad a man like Vee had described is gone, but I’m sure they would understand.”
“That her mom won’t let her come back?” Hunter scoffed, and Luz tugged forcefully on his arm.
“Hunter,”  She hissed, and he looked at her then, and saw the fear practically  radiating  off her. He wondered if it was something she’d picked up from Amity or vice versa, to be brimming with emotions, but leaving them largely unnoticed until someone actually  focused.
“Look, I…” Luz hesitated for a moment. “I  promised  that I’d stay with her…” She mumbled, and the last piece clicked in his mind.
Luz had promised she’d stay, to a likely terrified mother, and Luz was never one to skimp out on promises. She either kept them or agonized over trying. And it’d make sense why she wouldn’t want to tell anyone, she promised she’d  leave forever,  and no plans or compromises from the residents of the Owl House could sate a mother worried for her daughter. 
Also made sense why she wanted him to leave. Her mom did  not  seem to like the place, and him being there had to be somewhat breaking the little ‘promise’ of interacting with someone from the demon realm at all.
“Oh,” He said, instead of all that, ears pricking slightly. 
“I’m sorry to have it all sprung on you without warning,” He heard her mother saying, though he wasn’t looking at her much in that moment, but she sounded genuine. “But the demon realm doesn’t necessarily seem to be...the  safest  of places.”
“It’s not,” Hunter confirmed, slowly straightening to face the woman again. “But hey,” He shrugged, feeling Luz letting up her grip on his arm. “It’s home.”
Her eyes dropped to his scar again, just for a moment, and he didn’t bother to hide his eye roll this time.
“Trust me, I’m an outlier in how deadly the place  actually  is.” He muttered. “These,” He gestured broadly to his face, not quite feeling the satisfaction he assumed he’d feel when he saw her wince. “Were caused by something  outside  the Boiling Isles, something that never should have been there in the first place. He’s gone now.” He rumbled a growl. “We made sure of it.”
She looked apologetic, and he’d give her that. But she shook her head with a sigh all the same.
“I’m sorry, truly, but Luz and I agreed, it’s not safe. I’m glad she could make friends there, I really am,” She said, and he wondered what kind of friends Luz had had in the past, because she said the word ‘friends’ like it could have five different meanings. “But it’s not safe for her.”
“And?” Hunter threw a hand out in a broad gesture. “It was never completely safe, no place is. You gonna look me in the eyes and tell me Luz would never sneak back out? I’m giving her another week at best.”
“Look, I’m  really  just trying to wrap this whole complication up,” Hunter sighed unsympathetically, aware of Rascal chirping and head-butting his arm. “Unfortunately, I  know  you, and I know you’d rather wallow in a chasm for eternity than never go back to the Isles. And as entertaining as watching a whole drama unfold would be when your mom would eventually find out, I  really  don't want to deal with that headache.” He grumbled.
Luz looked to her mother then, and her mother looked back. Luz’s hand was still clutched in his sleeve, watching her mother worriedly as she met her confused gaze.
“Luz?” Her mother said slowly, and Luz fiddled with Hunter’s sleeve.
“Mami, I...look, I didn’t...my friends, they...I don’t…”
“Hi, sorry, can-can I butt-in?”
The three whirled around, Hunter automatically putting an arm in front of Luz and taking a step back at the sight.
A basilisk lay in the doorway to the kitchen, tail curled somewhere out of sight. It was a young one, about the size of Luz. That’d work, he’d taken on bigger before, not like he had any magic for a basilisk to steal--
“Vee,” Luz’s mother breathed. “What are you doing up?”
And of  course  she was someone they knew. Amazing, wonderful, he loved being out of the loop that there was a  basilisk  casually within the house, that wasn’t unnerving at all.
“You guys aren’t very quiet,” The basilisk--Vee--shrugged as she slithered in, and Hunter took another step back, his arm in front of Luz causing her to be pushed back as well. “Hey there, uh, new guy.” She offered a small, shy wave to Hunter, and he eyed her before hesitantly returning it.
“Vee, I think you should go back to bed, we were discussing--”
“I know, I heard.” Vee brushed off Luz’s mom. “I actually have an idea for, y’know, this predicament. No offence, but I can't really sleep with you guys arguing.” She said, the wringing of her clawed hands the only sign she was nervous, stopping only when she was between them, with Luz and Hunter on one side, Ms. Noceda on the other.
“Should I be worried about this?” Hunter whispered to Luz.
“Nah, she’s cool.” Luz whispered back.
“What if, and hear me out...we all sleep on this,” Vee said, palms pressed together. “We think it over during the night, and when it's actually  light  out, we talk about Luz wanting to go back to the Isles and the rules that would have to be put in place. And also nobody breaks in.” She tacked on quickly.
“So you  do  want to go back?” Luz’s mother turned to her, and he saw the hurt and shock in her eyes.
“I…” Luz looked like she had a ‘no,’ at the back of her throat, and he truly did believe she would’ve said all her mom wanted to say. But he nudged her side, and she looked up at him, and clearly he was doing  something  with his face, because the empty assurances died out.
“Y-yeah, I do.” She mumbled, looking back to her mom. “I...really,  really  want to see them again, back in their realm.”
And he avoided looking at Ms. Noceda’s face, because the shock and pain increased significantly.
“Well, I, for one,” He said, ducking around Luz. “Agree with the lizard's plan. Sleep on it, talk in the morning with Ms. Noceda, yadda yadda, all that fun stuff.”
“Camila is fine,” The woman murmured, sounding a little dazed.
“Lizard?”  Vee hissed, tongue flickering out as she narrowed her eyes on him.
“Right, sorry, snake fits better.” Hunter said before he could stop himself.
“You have permission to beat him up.” Luz said casually, ignoring Hunter’s indignant shout of “traitor!”
“I, yes, yes,” Luz’s mother--Camila--sighed, stepping back and bracing herself against the kitchen counter. “Tonight has been...a hectic one. It’s far too late to be talking about things like this.”
“Does this mean I can go?” Hunter asked, pointing with his thumb behind him. “Preferably without alerting everyone that I snuck out?”
“I don’t know  how  you got past Hooty,” Luz sighed, tilting her head and beginning to walk towards the front door with a quick, affirming glance with her mother that both had barely managed to make, Hunter immediately following.
“I escaped through your window.” Hunter said simply, and he noted Camila looking up slightly at that, until Vee approached her, murmuring in soft words he knew better than to try and eavesdrop on.
“Of course you did,” Luz grumbled, opening the front door and practically shoving Hunter outside. 
“Alright, alright, I get it, I’m leaving--”
Luz stepped out onto the front porch with him, leaving the front door open just a crack, enough so that she could be seen through it, and in turn could see Camila and Vee talking back by the kitchen.
“Am I going to get a personal lecture?” Hunter asked cautiously, crossing his arms as his ears flicked down. “Look, in my defense, you didn’t exactly explain a lot of things to  me--”
Luz lunged, and he stepped back and raised his hands defensively. Instead of a mean left hook he was expecting, he got arms wrapped around his sides, squeezing the air out of him.
Hunter wheezed, and would’ve doubled over if Luz wasn’t in the way. She didn’t let up on her hug, and after a moment of trying to get his thoughts in order, he slowly drew his arms around Luz, chin tucked against her head pressed into his chest.
“I’m glad you're okay,” Luz muffled into his shirt, and Hunter may have clung on a little tighter, aware of Rascal watching this all from his shoulder.
“Feel like you said this already.” He managed to get out.
“I know, I just wanted you to know I meant it.”
And if Hunter tilted his head down to press his face into Luz’s hair then, she didn’t say anything.
“Good to see you still kickin’, too.” He mumbled. 
“Miss me?” Luz teased, throwing his words back at him as she pulled her head back slightly, and Hunter quickly did the same to look down at her.
“Hardly,” He huffed, clearing his throat to hide how it cracked halfway through. “I just didn’t want everyone leaving me out of all the fun.”
“Uh huh,” Luz raised a brow. “So you just  happened  to drop by to make sure I was alright on the one night you  actually  managed to escape the Owl House without being caught?”
Luz laughed, and Hunter sputtered over his words. He growled and pushed her back and off him, knowing his face was flushing as he turned away and crossed his arms. Luz’s laughter didn’t stop at that, and Rascal sounded like he was laughing, too.
His ears drooped down and he half-heartedly bared teeth, in what may have been an attempt to hide a smile.
“You’re such a massive pain, you know that?” He growled. 
“I do,” Luz grinned, laughter calming down to giggles. “I learned from the best.”
“That, you did. That Owl Lady couldn’t be more overbearing if she tried.” Hunter muttered.
“She’s got a bit of an empty nest syndrome, you get used to it.” Luz lightly nudged his shoulder. “It’s her way of welcoming you to the family.”
And he didn’t even have the time to process  that  whole sentence, because Rascal was fluttering onto Luz’s shoulder, cheeping as Luz raised a hand to scratch at his head.
“Make sure they know not to worry too much, okay?” She continued, looking up at him. “I’ll try and sort this out.”
“Does that mean you’re coming back soon?” Hunter paused, tilting his head. And maybe there was a tone of hopefulness in his tone, maybe.
Luz hesitated for a moment, frowning slightly in thought. She looked back towards the front door, though he couldn’t see if Camila or Vee were anywhere near it, what with the angle being off and Luz blocking most of it. He wondered if they could hear their conversation.
“I think so,” She said, quieter this time as she turned back to him with a small smile. “I... hope  so.”
“So do I, they’ll be insufferable without you.” Hunter teased. “Have fun thinking up how to explain to them your apparent promise.”
“Don’t remind me,” Luz groaned, throwing her head back. “Look, it was a panicked situation, and I didn’t want her any more scared than she--”
“Save it,” Hunter said, not unkindly, raising a hand to silence her. “I’ve made worse spur-of-the-moment decisions. Contrary to popular belief, I know you well enough that you’d never stay away for long. You have a habit of being a people-pleaser.”
Luz relaxed, and raised her hand to let Rascal hop onto it. She offered him back to Hunter, and he took the bird into his hands.
“Still, I’m sorry.” She said, wringing her hands together. “For all of this.”
“If all goes well, you’ll get to tell them that yourself.” He said, and attempted a smile.
“Hopefully,” Luz said, glancing back towards the door. “So, that means you’re willing to tell them what happened?” She asked, a pleading note to her voice.
“As in, I tell them that I broke out of the Owl House in the middle of the night, escaped to the human realm, found you when I  knew  they were going to do the same thing, and then came back to the demon realm  without  you, just to tell them you’ll  probably  be back soon, but I don’t know when?” Hunter said, ears lowering more and more as he spoke, raising a brow.
“...yes?” Luz tried, hands clasped behind her back as she looked up at him with wide, puppy-dog eyes.
“...I don’t know  why  I put up with you.” Hunter groaned, relenting as his shoulders slumped, letting Rascal fly up onto his shoulder.
“Because you care about me,” Luz teased in a singsong tone, her relief immediate.
“Unfortunately,” He muttered unthinkingly, before the words processed in his head. He tensed right after, eyes locked on the wall behind Luz.
She looked surprised for about half a second before she practically  lit up,  beaming excitedly at him.
“Anyway,”  He said quickly, voice higher than normal,  knowing  he was flushed up to his ears. “I should be off before your mom gets even more pissed at me.” He said, sharply turning on his heel.
Rascal was most definitely laughing at him now, and he pulled up his hood before shoving the bird into it, silencing him. He leapt down the stairs leading up to the porch, instead of walking down them like a normal person.
“Well, in her defense, you  did  break in.” Luz reminded, though there was a certain giddiness to her tone as she watched him leave.
“Like you  haven’t  done it!” Hunter scoffed behind him, beginning to hurry back towards the forest, head ducked low.
“Yes, but we don’t need to  tell  her that!” Luz hissed, voice notably quieter as she fearfully glanced back. 
“No promises!” He called back, a grin forming as he picked up the pace. “Call it compensation for throwing me to the wolves!”
“Wh--Hunter!” Luz squawked indignantly.
He turned on his heel for just a moment, giving Luz a mocking salute before ducking between the trees of the forest, cackling as Luz’s calls of “don’t you  dare!”  faded behind him.
“Alright, Rascal, prepare yourself.” He said, hearing his palisman chitter from within his hood, with a hint of annoyance to it. “We’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
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emmyhem · 4 years
always (l.r.h) part two
a/n: hi everybody! here is always part two, this is actually one of my favorite writings and one that I was looking forward to writing and posting a lot. it’s another angsty piece but with a sappy happy ending :) also it’s unedited but what else is new. i’ll probably post again tomorrow either a bestfriend!calum piece or a roomate!luke piece that are titled in my masterlist. i hope everyone enjoys and is having a wonderful day. i definitely am after that livestream today. (i would say that i didn’t cry because of how good and happy they all looked but that would be a lie) anyway i hope you enjoy and as always my messages are always open to chat or whatever and feedback and comments are always appreciated. thank you - emmy <33
pairing: luke hemmings x fem!reader 
summary: it’s time for you decide whether or not luke’s mistake is worth losing the love of your life. 
warning(s): mentions of alcohol, cursing, angst (but with a happy ending), self doubt, insecurity, mention of throwing up 
word count: 2.9k
pt. 1
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The longer you watched the window the more you were convinced mother nature was taunting you. The rain droplets that cascaded down the glass mirroring the tears that hadn’t stopped falling since you left Luke speechless in the driveway. It had to be for your benefit, I mean it was Los Angeles. California was in a drought for god’s sake. 
Despite the fact that nature was mocking you, you couldn’t dare pull your eyes away. The alternative was to face the endless voicemails waiting for you on your phone that glowed dimly beside you. You knew you would have to hear them eventually but right now you knew that even a breath, let alone full sentences from Luke would break you in every sense of the word. You feared the sound almost as much as the content behind it.
 You weren’t ready to be okay, you needed to wallow in your pain for a bit longer. As bad as that sounds you knew it was the only way you could convince yourself to let him back in, to forgive him. It was also the only way you could forgive yourself. Your body needed to feel how tortured you were without him, how much you needed his affection, his love, and him. Not his money. 
Part of you knew deep down that Luke didn’t mean what he said, the part that awakened the butterflies that had taken permanent residence in your stomach since he had entered your life. The part that caused all your senses to align when Luke kissed you the night you finally understood what it meant to love someone with everything you have. The same part that was clawing at your heart right now as your mind replayed the look of pure devastation that was painted on Luke’s pretty features as you drove away from him. That part was itching for you to run to him, to cuddle into his embrace and say “I forgive you. I’ll never leave you again. Love me?” 
But, it was the other part of you that was causing the problems right now, the part that snuck up on you each time you felt secure in yourself and tore it all down in seconds. The part that told you there was no way you were good enough for your boyfriend when you stared at your reflection in the mirror for even a second too long. The part that Luke was typically the one to silence when it overwhelmed you in a crowded room, with just a tender kiss to the forehead, or squeeze of your hand. The same part that constantly craved for Luke to be proud of you the way you were of him in anything he decided to pursue. That part was completely shattered last week when, whether intentionally or not he showed you that not only was he not proud, but also felt burdened by your lack of brilliance. 
“Y/n,” your friend called, breaking you from your self-loathing thoughts as she approached your brittle body, enveloped in every single fuzzy blanket you could get your hands on. 
“Hi.” you croaked, pulling your stinging eyes from where they had settled on a particularly large rain droplet that had stolen your interest as you wondered how much more water it could withstand before it burst from its flawless embodiment and shattered to the sill below. You wondered the same about Luke, how much more of your insecurity and emotional baggage would it take for him to burst. How much more of your mediocrity could he compensate for before you began to strip him of his excellence? 
“Have you talked to him yet?” she inquired, eyes going soft as she looked at you with sympathy. 
“No.” you groaned, pulling yourself up. “Do I have to?” 
She shook her head, dismissing you. “You know that you’re welcome here as long as you want, but anyone could tell that you’re completely miserable without him, even if he is being an epic prick.” 
You sniffled and wrapped your arms around your best friend.
“Am I an idiot for wanting to forgive him?” you spoke into her hair. 
She returned the embrace and settled next to you in the bed, “I think if he really is sorry then you’re incredibly strong for it. And you’re never an idiot, that would be your blonde haired beau.” 
You laughed softly at her innocent dig, the giggle catching slightly in your throat as it had only been releasing pathetic pleas, and broken sobs for the past few days. 
Y/f/n handed you your phone, the photo of Luke and Petunia sitting by the pool being almost completely covered by all the missed call notifications that had taken over your lock screen. 
“I think you should at least hear what he has to say babe, for your sake if not for his.” 
You let out a heavy sigh and accepted the phone, wrapping your favorite blanket around your shoulders and dragging your feet to the bathroom for some privacy. 
You took a seat in the empty bathtub throwing the blanket across your body. You reasoned it was the perfect place to listen to the messages because as soon as Luke’s voice flooded the room you would be completely submerged in him and you didn’t trust your legs to hold you up. 
You clicked the most recent voicemail, time stamped from 1:28 am last night. As you selected the speaker option you allowed your eyes to fall closed and without noticing or trying you held your breath. 
Only one word in you could immediately tell two things without a trace of doubt. One, he’d been crying, and two he was drunk. If you had to guess you would say tequila, it had always been his favorite and he had a bad habit of nursing his wounds in the liquor cabinet. It shattered your heart to think of him broken, and vulnerable and as he continued to speak you found yourself wrapping your arms around your body for comfort. 
“I miss you and I’m sorry. I-” his voice cut off as a sob played through your phone. You released a matching one while squeezing  your eyes tighter, a shaky hand bringing your phone closer as if it would bring him as well. 
As he continued, your mind began to paint a vivid picture. You saw him sitting on the kitchen floor, an old ratty sweatshirt struggling to keep him warm, damp tear stains spoiling the sleeves. There was a half empty bottle to his side and the tip of his nose was red as it peeked out from the hood. You shook your head in an attempt to rid yourself of the image that felt like your personal nightmare.
“I-I can’t live without you, really I don’t think I can. I need you and I love you. I love you so much. Just please come home to me, please baby.” he spoke through gasps of breath that caused worry to spread across your body.
You paused the message as a dull ache creeped up from the bottom of your stomach and to your throat which was tightening by the second. You tossed your phone onto the blanket which you had kicked off as your body heated up, and sprung out of the tub landing firmly in front of the toilet. Gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail in your hand you hunched over and retched into the bowl. Y/f/n burst through the door as you gagged and coughed repeatedly, she took your hair from you and rubbed soothing circles on your back as you tried to focus your breathing through your nose. This wasn’t the first time you had cried yourself into throwing up during your stay so she knew what to do to calm you down and settle your stomach. 
As you finished the glass of water she had poured from the sink while you brushed your teeth she held your car keys out to you. 
“Please go see him. I can’t see you like this anymore.” 
You nodded accepting the keys reluctantly and made your way to your car.
 Once outside you noted that the rain had started coming down harder, it seemed fitting as your situation reached its climax. By the time you got into the car your hair was wet and stringy, dripping onto Luke’s shirt that you had been wearing since the night you left. You quickly tied it back and drove away, hoping the sound of the rain could calm your nerves before you got back to your house. 
When you got there the sun was setting and the rain was still falling steadily, you grabbed a jacket from the back seat and held it over your head as you ran to the house. The jacket didn’t give you much protection from the water and you were soaked by the time you reached the door. Taking one big breath, in through your nose, and out from your mouth as you had been repeating the whole ride there, you raised your quivering hand and knocked three times. 
Expecting it to take a few minutes for him to reach the door you were shocked when it swung open in just a few seconds. Your heart sunk as you took in Luke’s appearance, although you were sure you looked just as bad if not worse. Deep dark circles sat beneath his bloodshot eyes, his stubble had grown in a bit longer than he typically liked it and his lips were chapped and bitten down. Guilt panged in your chest, how awful of a girlfriend were you to let it get to this point? The thought made you question if he would even want you here. 
Apparently the time apart had completely fucked with your ability to read Luke’s face because even frozen in shock, his eyes began to fade into that special soft color of blue they only got to around you. He felt as if a giant weight had been lifted from his chest and just as it had been since the moment you left the only word running through his head was “y/n.” 
He didn’t see your messy, wet hair or the ratty tshirt that swallowed your figure. He didn’t see your eyes puffy from crying or your bitten down nails that you were bringing back up to your mouth in that moment as your nerves got the best of you. All he saw was y/n. His y/n. You came home to him and as far as he was concerned you looked like an angel. Warm, sweet, and perfect. So fucking perfect. 
Your eyes ran over his face anxiously, waiting for him to say something, or invite you in, or even slam the door in your face. Anything. After a minute of silence you gathered up the courage to speak first. 
“Sorry I never called you bac-'' your words were knocked from your mouth when Luke took a step forward and wrapped you up into the tightest hug you’d ever experienced. Your limbs fit together perfectly, and the second your bodies met you felt recharged, as if everything was in place once again. And Luke felt like for the first time in a week he could breathe. 
“I don’t deserve you.” he sighed as you pressed your nose into his chest deeply breathing in the smell you could only describe as home. “Thank you for coming back to me, I don’t work without you.” 
From your position in his arms you could see the mess splayed on the floor behind him. It was just as you had pictured it earlier, a thin blanket and scratchy throw pillow were scattered on the floor in front of the sink, a bottle lying on it’s side just next to them. Guilt inched up your spine when your eyes made contact with a framed picture of the two of you on top of the blanket. 
“I’m sorry.” you sobbed into his chest, your hands clawing at the material of his sweatshirt. 
He pulled back quickly, keeping his hands on either sides of your waist, “No baby, why’re you sorry. This is all my fault, I was awful. You...you’re perfect.” he pressed as you shook your head in distress, unable to stop your tears. 
“N-no I stayed away for so long, even when I knew I wa-wanted to forgive you. I was embarrassed and...and selfish.” you struggled to speak over your tears while Luke looked down at you sad and confused. 
“What’re you talking about, love?” 
You sniffed and dropped your hands from Luke’s chest, “I j-just wanted you to be proud of me.” the end of your sentence was nearly lost in your sobs but Luke understood. And in that moment he regretted going into music instead of engineering, or science, or whatever would’ve helped him to invent  a time machine so he could go back and beat the shit out of whoever or whatever had possessed him last week. 
His hands moved to cup your cheeks, his thumb tracing lightly over your bottom lip. 
“I am proud of you baby.” 
He leaned in slowly, and hesitantly, almost as if he was testing the waters, like this was new. As if he hadn’t kissed you thousands of times before. You looked up at him through your lashes littered with unshed tears and nodded your head slowly. He still had so much left to say, you still had so much left to say but you both had been needing this for as long as you’d lost it. He pressed his lips to yours gently, afraid that even one wrong move and you would decide that you had made the wrong choice in coming back. He wouldn’t survive that, he couldn’t lose you twice. 
As he went to pull away you snaked a hand around the back of his neck pulling him back towards you. This time when your lips collided his body sagged into it, both arms wrapping around your back and lifting you up to the tips of your toes. Your eyes drifted shut and you reveled in the feeling of him pressed up against you like this. When the kiss broke you kept your faces close enough that your noses were touching, and opened your eyes to see Luke’s still closed, his eyebrows furrowed as he pressed his forehead to you. 
“You’re what I’m most proud of.” he exhaled, his eyelids still shut lightly. “My greatest achievement is getting you to love me and I can’t believe I almost blew it.” 
You brought a hand to his face and stroked his cheek lightly, the feeling of his overgrown stubble foreign to your fingers. 
“It would take a lot more to get rid of me.” you assured. “I think m’too in love with you.” 
He opened his eyes, locking them with your own, and spoke firmly but with a softness that was and would always be reserved for only you. 
“I want to make it clear that you do not in any way leech.” he dragged the last word out, laced in disgust as if it were hard for him to say. “I lucked out. I actually just seem to keep lucking out, my job, my life, and you.” He placed a hand across your jaw and tilted your chin up before continuing. “I completely lucked out with you. I have lots of money, more than I need actually and it makes me feel fucking incredible that I can take care of you. That’s all I wanna do for the rest of my life.” 
Your mouth broke into a smile hearing him verbally commit to a lifetime with you. 
“But, with that being said I know you don’t need me-” 
“I do need you.” you interrupted. 
Luke threw his head back at your words, a toothy grin overtaking his face before he pressed a chaste peck to your forehead. 
“Y’know what? You’re too fucking cute. I meant financially baby, m’trying to apologize here.” 
You nodded for him to continue, struggling to contain your own beaming smile. 
“Anything you decide to do occupationally or otherwise could never, ever let me down. You’re physically incapable of it. I’d be a lucky guy if you let me stick around for it all and I promise to never forget that again. I’m sorry I did in the first place.” he took a deep breath before finishing his rant. “M’only able to give you the world if you let me. Let me?” 
You answered his question by attaching your lips once again, desire and need radiating off of the place where your lips met. As your taste buds reacquainted themselves with Luke’s mouth you wondered how you had gone even a day without him. 
Luke felt like he was flying and he couldn’t wrap his head around how anyone in the world could live without, seeing you, knowing you, and kissing you. He also knew that he would do anything to ensure that he never had to go a day without you for the rest of his life. 
“How long does it take to get an engagement ring sized?” he wondered to himself. 
If he could’ve read your mind he would’ve seen white gowns, tiered cakes, and little blue eyed, curly haired monsters running amuck. 
“I want everything with you, the whole world.” you affirmed when you pulled apart for air. 
“Yea?” he responded. 
You hummed against his lips, “Always.” 
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Prologue}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both Shelby and I’s blogs! >> @snelbz​
We hope you all enjoy. :)
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Cassian knew very little about Nesta Archeron, but he knew one thing for certain: she was hot as hell.
He had sworn he’d never go on another blind date, but Rhysand had begged, over and over again, for him to go out with the eldest sister of his girlfriend. So, to shut his brother up, Cassian agreed.
Reluctantly, but nonetheless. 
He took a quick shower where he bathed himself in a new bottle of body wash before stepping out and towel-drying his hair. Considering Nesta was Feyre’s sister, he felt the need to make a good first impression, although he wasn’t sure what a good impression was to Nesta Archeron.
He was hoping he was sufficient enough.
He dressed in his usual attire of jeans and old boots, but decided to wear a button up for once, rather than one of his go-to t-shirts. Still, he pulled on his leather jacket and grabbed his keys before hurrying out the door.
He typed the address Rhys had texted him into his gps, seeing the drive was going to take him nearly twenty minutes longer than he’d anticipated, thanks to an accident on the interstate.
He swore under his breath, throwing his truck into motion. He hurried across town and parked in front of Nesta’s townhouse, fifteen minutes later than he was supposed to. Flipping down his sun visor, Cassian ran a quick hand through his loose hair and was heading up to the front door, knocking twice.
Or he would have, if the door wasn’t pulled open the second his fist made contact with it.
Suddenly, in his jeans and leather jacket, he felt extremely underdressed.
Nesta Archeron wore a beautifully fitted dark blue dress that fell only a couple inches above her knees. She wore heels, and her hair was curled. A silver clutch was gripped tightly in her hand.
She eyed Cassian, from the top of his head to his toes. For once, even though he was half a foot taller than she, even in heels, Cassian felt smaller than shit.
“Hey,” he said, at last, once the silence became unbearably awkward.
“You’re Cassian?” she asked. 
“Were you expecting someone else?” he shot back.
Nesta’s lips thinned. “You’re late,” she said, instead. 
“At least I came,” he grinned. “Hungry?”
Nesta took a deep breath as she lifted her chin. “I suppose so.”
“Good,” he said, gesturing toward his running truck. “Let’s go. I made reservations.”
She locked her door and followed him down the sidewalk. “Are we going to be late for those, too?”
Cassian elected not to answer her, pausing at the passenger door and opening it for her. He let out a sigh as he rounded the truck to his own seat.
Something told him this was going to be a long night.
He was absolutely right.
Not a single word was said on the way to the restaurant across town, and, by some grace of the Cauldron, they made it on time for their reservations.
They were set at a table by the entrance quickly, and once their server arrived, Nesta ordered a glass of wine, while Cassian stuck with his usual beer.
“So,” Cassian began, clearing his throat as they waited for their drinks to arrive. “What should I know about you, Nesta?”
“That’s it?” she asked, brow raised. “That’s the question you’ll begin with?”
Cassian’s head fell to the side. “What question should I have gone with?”
Nesta took a moment to look around the bustling restaurant. “Well, you’ve yet to tell me how beautiful I look, or ask me how I’m doing tonight.”
Cassian couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fine. You look nice. How are you?”
Nesta snorted. “Well, I waited twenty minutes for my date, thinking he wasn’t coming. Other than that, fine, I guess.” 
“You don’t do this often, do you?” Cassian asked. There was nothing accusatory in his tone, just simple curiosity.
“Do what?” Nesta asked, the words nearly clipped.
“Date,” Cassian replied, simply. “Go out with someone for the first time.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “No. I don’t particularly have a lot of free time to waste.”
Cassian’s eyebrows rose at her choice of words. “You don’t have to be here, you know?”
The server quietly returned to the table, setting their drinks down, before hurrying away, sensing the tension between the two. Nesta’s eyes didn’t leave him the whole time. She picked up her wine glass, taking a long drink, before she asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you clearly would rather be anywhere but here,” Cassian replied, leaning back in his seat. “I’d hate to waste your time.”
She was about to reply when a voice came from their left.
He looked over his shoulder to find an old friend - a term that he used very, very loosely. 
Tanwyn and he had a very complicated relationship. They were friends - at least, they had been at one time. It had all become very complicated the first time he had invited her into his bed.
And the second time.
And the third.
And every time after that.
He smiled at her, almost hesitantly. “Hey, Tan. What are you doing here?”
“Here with some friends,” she grinned, approaching their table. “And you?”
“Here with…” Cassian’s voice trailed off as he looked across the table. “This is Nesta Archeron. Nesta, this is Tanwyn-.”
“Nice to meet you,” Nesta said, words clipped. “If you’ll excuse us, we’re on a date.”
She blinked, taken aback at Nesta’s cold greeting. “Right… Sorry to interrupt. I’ll see you later, Cass.” She nodded to Nesta. “Nice to meet you.”
She was gone before Cassian could say another word, and he looked at Nesta incredulously.
She raised her glass before putting it to her lips. “So when is the last time you slept with her?”
Cassian was stunned, shaking his head. “She’s a friend, there was no reason to be rude.”
“My question still stands.” Nesta folded her hands on the table, her eyes on Cassian’s.
“How do you even know-? What are you, a psychologist?”
“No, I’m a chef,” she said, glaring at him. “But you show everything on that pretty little face of yours. It was easy to read.”
He closed his eyes, dragging a hand down his face. “We just need to…start over. This is all going wrong.”
Nesta stayed quiet before finally nodding. “Fine.”
The server picked that time to return, the two of them ordering their food, and the awkward first date conversation began again.
“I have to be honest,” Cassian began. “I’m not sure where to even begin.”
“Your name would be fine,” Nesta said, sipping from her glass.
Cassian watched her for a moment to make sure she was serious before saying, “Cassian Nazari. Childhood friend of Rhys’.”
“And your occupation?” she asked, in all seriousness. 
“I’m a bartender,” Cassian said.
Nesta stared at him for a moment before asking, “Seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously, and before you make any judgements, bartenders make damn good money,” Cassian said.
“Interesting,” Nesta said, watching him intently. 
“Right,” Cassian muttered. “Now, will you give me some insight into you or should I beg?”
Nesta rolled her eyes before saying, “I’m Nesta. And, yes, lie I said, I’m a chef. I’ve got a little restaurant in the Square”
“That sounds…interesting,” he said, repeating her words. “And your Feyre’s sister?”
“I am,” she said, pausing as the server brought out salads and she began to eat hers, without any dressing.
Cassian, on the other hand, nearly drowned his in ranch dressing. He watched as she ate her plain lettuce. “That looks…boring.”
“Salad dressing is fattening. It negates all of the goodness of the salad.” She took another bite, chewing and looking at him, then his salad swimming in ranch. “You look like you take care of yourself, I’m surprised you don’t watch what you eat as well.”
He scoffed. “I work out, but I’m not going to be miserable and eat rabbit food.” He gestured to the bowl in front of her.
She rolled her eyes, but continued to eat her rabbit food.
Silence grew between them but neither of them attempted to break it. It wasn’t until their main courses arrived that Cassian nodded toward the cursive ink on the inside of her wrist. 
“You have a tattoo,” he said.
She eyed the ink that swirled around his arms, up beneath his rolled up sleeves. “I have a few,” she confessed. 
“What are they?” he asked, starting to cut up his steak.
She took a bite of her salmon, chewing it slowly before deflecting his question with one of her own, “What are yours?”
Cassian glanced down at the swirls and marks of black ink that covered his forearms. “They’re Illyrian tribal marks. They all mean something different, but I would be lying if I told you I knew what every one of them meant.” 
Nesta snorted. “Then why have them?”
Cassian met her eyes. “My mother was Illyrian. I grew up in Illyria, with her tribe.” 
It seems the answer nearly took her back, but she ended up nodding, curtly. “How is your steak?”
“Too done,” he said, shrugging as he took a bite. “I like my meat red.” Her nose crinkled slightly. He asked, “What?”
Nesta shrugged. “I don’t eat meat.”
He blinked and watched as she took another bite of salmon. “You’re…eating fish.”
An eye roll was her reply. “I don’t eat red meat,” she clarified.
“So you’re a vegetarian?” He asked.
“No, I just don’t like to eat red meat. Chicken, pork, fish,” she gestured to her plate. “I like that. But I just prefer not to eat red meat.”
“Hmm.” It was more of a non-answer than anything, but before she could say anything, a man appeared, standing next to their table. Cassian glanced up at him. “Can we help you?”
He wasn’t looking at him though. He was looking at Nesta, who was pointedly not looking at him.
“What are you doing, Nes?”
She took a drink of her wine, draining the glass. “This doesn’t concern you, Tom.”
“Bullshit,” he spat. “We take a break and less than a month later, you’re on a date?”
She finally looked at him. “We’re not on a break, I broke up with you.”
Cassian cleared his throat. “Is this where all exes gather?” He looked around again to see if he saw Tanwyn, but she was gone.
“Leave,” Nesta said, plainly. “I can’t enjoy my dinner with you standing over me like the controlling bastard you were in our relationship.”
Cassian’s lips nearly fell open.
The woman had balls.
He respected that.
“I hate to break up this little reunion, but this is awkward as hell,” Cassian muttered, popping a spoonful of garlic mashed potatoes into his mouth. 
“This doesn’t concern you,” Tomas said, looking to Cassian, using Nesta’s own words.
Cassian chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll give you two choices here, Tom. Either I call someone to take your ass away from our table or I make you leave, myself.”
“Tough guy, huh?” Tomas asked, putting a hand on Nesta’s shoulder.
Nesta brushed his hand off the second it made contact with her skin. “This is ridiculous. I’m calling over the server. We’re leaving.”
Cassian was inclined to agree. This date had been a catastrophe so far, but he was hopeful that maybe if she invited him in, he could salvage it.
Tomas seemed to take the hint, looking back to Nesta. “I’ll call you tomorrow. We’ll talk about this entire situation then.”
She flagged down the server, but said to Tomas, “Don’t waste your time or mine.”
He walked away, muttering something under his breath, but the server returned and after a quick explanation from Nesta, she was off to get their check.
“Well, that was awkward,” Cassian said, clearing his throat, taking a drink of his beer, planning to finish it off.
“No more awkward than running into your fuck buddy,” she replied, pulling her lipstick out of her purse to re-apply it.
Cassian managed to swallow the mouthful of beer before he spewed it all over her. He coughed quietly. “You don’t tiptoe around anything, do you?”
Her answer was curt. “No.”
The server returned, standing the check book on the edge of the table, and Cassian elected to let the conversation drop at that. He reached into his back pocket to grab his wallet.
And froze.
It wasn’t there.
He checked every other pocket he had on him.
“Fuck,” he breathed, patting himself down.
Nesta arched a brow. “Issues?”
“I have to run out to the truck,” Cassian said, quietly. “I can’t seem to find my wallet.”
Nesta froze from where she sat behind her half-eaten salmon. “You forgot your wallet?”
“It’s probably in the truck-.”
“I didn’t see it in the truck-.”
“Then the glove box, maybe,” Cassian snapped. “Just, give me a minute.”
“Don’t bother,” Nesta bit, reaching across the table to grab the check.
Cassian got to it first and held it outside of her reach. “I can pay for it. I took you out, I’m paying.”
Nesta scoffed. “Spare me your holier than thou male bravado.” 
Cassian stood. “I just need to run out to my truck.”
She was on her feet, snatching the check book from him and looking at the total. Without another word, she reached into purse and laid down a series of bills, before closing it and heading for the door.
Sighing, Cassian followed her, his cheeks heating. Never had he let a woman pay for his dinner, and he’d sure as hell never let her pay for the first date.
He didn’t say a word as he unlocked her door, opening it, and closing it after she’d climbed in. He rounded to his own door, immediately looking around the cab for his wallet. It was nowhere to be seen. He reached across, opening the glovebox, pulling a few things out.
His wallet wasn’t one of them, but Nesta didn’t fail to notice the gold foil wrappers. And how many he had. She scoffed, buckling her seatbelt and looking out the window.
“I’ll pay you back,” he said, after he’d started the truck and had pulled onto the main road.
“No need,” she snapped, staring out the passenger side window. “Dropping me off and leaving me the hell alone will do.”
The words were barely audible. She spoke the words under her breath. And yet, Cassian felt them like a slap in the face. 
He was mortified.
He was at a loss for words.
He just wanted to go home.
He also wanted to make a move on Nesta Archeron.
There was something about the head-strong, independent woman that made Cassian swoon.
Not that it stopped the car ride back to her home any less silent and awkward.
“You’re Feyre’s sister,” Cassian said, randomly.
Nesta blinked, looking toward him. “Yeah. Is there something wrong with that?”
“No,” Cassian said quickly. “It’s just that, you’re so…” Different. Cruel. Different. Opposite. Different. Vindictive. Different. “Not the same,” Cassian finished, at last.
“I am my own person,” she snapped, as he stopped in front of her townhouse.
“I know you are, just-.” He sighed, turning to look at her. “This has been a mess from the start. Can I come in? I’d like some time for us to talk, just the two of us. No ex’s, no servers, no interruptions. I just want to get to know you.”
She laughed once.
The sound infuriated him.
“You mean you want to fuck me,” she said, unbuckling her seatbelt. He was, once again, caught off guard by how blunt she was. She pulled open his glovebox and removed the strip of condoms, holding them up. “Forgot your wallet, but made sure you didn’t forget these.”
Cassian slowly looked at her. “That’s not fair.”
“Not fair?” she repeated. “What are you, a child?”
Cassian couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Are you fucking kidding me? I’ve tried to be the perfect gentleman tonight, alright? Yeah, I forgot my wallet, but-.”
“And we also ran into your fuck buddy, don’t forget about that,” Nesta said, with a vindictive grin. She opened the door, grabbed her purse, and hopped out.
Cassian was close behind her, following her up her walkway. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Nesta spun around. “What the hell is wrong with me?” she laughed, humorlessly. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?” Cassian asked, as she approached her front door.
“Yet you’re still following me to my door,” she said, not looking back at him. She unlocked the door, opening it and stepping inside. Turning back to him, she held the door in one hand, the hand holding her purse propped on her hip. “Thank you for a truly unforgettable evening, Cassian, but I don’t think this is going to work out.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, letting his gaze slowly drag from her head to her toes and back up again. He watched as her cheeks heated, anger lighting up her eyes. “Yeah, I think you’re right. You’re too stuck up for your own good. Too bad.”
She groaned before slamming the door in his face, praying she’d never have to see Cassian Nazari again.
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
today’s happiness
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member: sunwoo genre: fluff, angst word count: 3,416 synopsis: when you receive a terminal diagnosis, you only have one wish: for the remainder of your life to be happy. your final wish is heard and sunwoo’s duty is to grant it before you die.
a/n: inspired by “doom at your service” (ft enhypen’s sunghoon)
Cancer. It was something you’ve heard about your whole life but something you never expected to be diagnosed with.
You looked back on the past 21 years of your life, wondering what you could have done differently. Or perhaps it was inevitable and just another part of your wretched fate.
3 months. That was all the time you had left in this world.
You spent your entire life working hard. Working hard to show your gratitude to your aunt who took you in after your parents died. Working hard to attend college on a scholarship. Working hard to pay for your younger brother to study abroad.
Now, it all felt futile. What was the point in living so miserably if you wouldn’t live to see the fruits of your efforts?
You regretted choosing to study instead of hanging out with friends. You regretted all the food you didn’t eat in the name of dieting. You regretted not buying that cute dress last week.
Frustrated, you sighed as you overlooked the city view from the hospital rooftop. The sky darkened as clouds quickly formed over your head.
“You couldn’t have given me just one wish?” you yelled into the air. “Can’t you at least allow me to be happy until my last day?”
A loud clap of thunder responded to your resentment. Slightly freaked out, you jumped in surprise. You didn’t get to dwell on the weird feeling for long. Rain began to pour down without much of a notice.
“Really? Rain on top of everything else that sucks in my life?” you mumbled under your breath.
Raising your hand above your head to block the thick raindrops, you turned around to run back inside. Except you ran into someone’s chest instead.
You looked up to see an umbrella over your head. Then forward to see a cute guy.
“You called and I answered,” he grinned.
Brushing him off as a weirdo, you awkwardly walked past him. When he followed after you, your pace quickened. By the time you reached the staircase, you were now officially creeped out and annoyed. With a huff, you confronted the stranger who was looking at you with an innocent look on his face.
“Why are you following me?” you demanded.
“Because I’m here to make you happy,” he said as if it was obvious.
Dumbfounded, you scoffed. You asked who he was and he pondered upon the question.
“Well, I don’t have a name,” he confessed. “And I’m not exactly sure what I am. I’m just some sort of… being? A being that exists to grant human wishes.”
“So like a genie?” you raised a brow.
“Not really. I don’t come out of a lamp after a rub. Nor do I grant 3 random wishes. I appear to humans in their most desperate moments. When a desire is great enough, I’m summoned to fulfill it,” he explained.
Now you were really dumbfounded. He had to be crazy to think you’d believe anything he said. Sarcastically nodding, you continued down the steps.
“You don’t believe me,” he mused.
“Would you?” you asked.
“Even if I can make your brother come home for summer break?” he challenged, knowing your soft spot.
You hadn’t been able to save enough money to afford a plane ticket. Hence, it had been a full year since you last saw your brother. You were both disappointed but you tried your best to not let it show. You wanted him to live his life and have fun in New York.
“How do you know I have a brother?” you suspiciously eyed the male. “And that he’s not currently in Korea?”
“I told you. I exist to make you happy. Therefore, I know your heart’s yearnings.”
Still skeptical, you told him to get lost before making your way back home. Tired from the long day, you nearly forgot all about him. That was, until you awoke to a pounding on your door and opened it to see your brother.
He really was home. Standing in front of you. And holding a huge suitcase.
While he unpacked, you stepped outside to make sense of things. There was no way that stranger could have predicted this. But it was bizarre how your brother was suddenly offered a free last minute flight to Korea from a friend.
“Believe me now?” a familiar voice startled you.
Shocked, you gaped at how the stranger just popped out of nowhere. Your eyes widened as you tried to figure out he got to your rooftop home without using the stairs.
“Coincidence,” you hesitantly stated.
“Must I really do something grand for you to finally believe me?” he pouted.
And he did do something grand indeed. The next day, you received an email saying that your student loans were paid off by an anonymous donor. You stared at your phone screen, still in disbelief.
As if he could hear your thoughts, the stranger once again appeared at your side. This time, you let out a yelp.
“Why do you keep doing that?” your hand rested on your chest, trying to calm your heart down.
“Do what? Grant your wishes?”
“No, emerging from thin air!”
He nodded in belated understanding and made a mental note to stop surprising you with his arrival.
“Well, I’ll leave you to catch up with Sunghoon. I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/n!”
Before you could question how he knew your name as well as your brother’s, he vanished yet again. With Sunghoon calling for you from inside the house, you had no choice but to put all confusion on hold.
With no more debt on your shoulders, you treated him out to beef. You smiled in content as he inhaled the food, not waiting quite long enough for the meat to cook entirely.
You nagged at him to slow down, to which he said yes but didn’t actually listen. As you watched him eat, you felt a wave of sadness hit you. You only had a few months left to spend with him.
You hated the thought of leaving him alone. With your aunt in Sydney and him studying in America, it saddened you to think that your family would be separated.
Sunghoon still had a few years before it was time for him to begin his career. Without you to financially support him, you worried about how he would manage on his own.
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You stared at the window that was being hit with rain. Sunghoon had left a couple hours earlier to hang out with his friends and you wondered if he remembered to take an umbrella with him.
“What’s up with the rain again?” you sighed.
At that moment, you heard a knock at the door. Without a second thought, you swung it open and saw the stranger standing there. Proud of his choice of appearance, he welcomed himself into your home.
“W-What are you doing?” you sputtered as he took a seat on the couch.
“I told you. I’m in charge of your happiness until your time comes.”
He picked up a photo frame from the table and observed it. It was the last family photo you took before your parents died.
“Don’t tell me you still don’t believe me?” he smirked.
“How do I know you’re not just some rich stalker?” you crossed your arms.
“Because I can do this,” he said as he pointed at the window. Your jaw dropped to see the sun shining in a clear, blue sky. Any signs of previous rainfall were nowhere to be seen.
“You don’t like the rain because it dampens your mood. You like sunny days,” he smiled.
Now you were truly at a loss for words. You had no possible explanation for the current situation. All you could do was be crazy and just... accept it.
Still wary, you took the furthest seat from him and scrutinized the male. He was fairly tall. He had big eyes and plump lips. There was something mischievous and playful about his aura. But he didn’t seem threatening.
“I understand it’s a lot to take in all at once,” he shrugged. “But trust me, I’m probably the best thing to ever happen in your life.”
You rolled your eyes at his confidence. You continued to stare at him as he played with a fidget toy he found on the floor.
“Your name. Let’s start with your name,” you stated.
“Huh? I told you I don’t have one.”
“That’s why I’m saying we should give you a name. I don’t know what to call you.”
He seemed excited at the idea. He had always been envious of humans for having names and having people to call them by their name. But he never once thought of naming himself. In fact, no one ever cared to ask how to reference him.
“Sun...woo? Sunwoo. How’s Sunwoo?” you suggested.
“Ah because the sun is today’s gift?” he hummed. He thought about it before smiling. “I like it!”
And that was how the story between you and Sunwoo began.
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The next time you saw Sunwoo, he stayed longer. He greeted you with a bouquet of flowers on your way to work.
“What is this?” you asked.
“What for?”
“I promised you one happy memory a day. This is today’s happy memory.”
He followed you to your part time job at a cafe near campus. He enjoyed people-watching as you worked your shift.
He couldn’t understand why you were still going on with your life as if nothing was wrong. Why you dealt with snappy customers. Why you stayed quiet when your boss yelled at you for a mistake made by the new employee.
Every other human he had encountered jumped at the chance to change their life. They wanted luxurious cars, fancy dates, and brand name items. It was their way of compensating for all the unfairness they suffered.
Yet you didn’t have a selfish wish in your body. Other than having your loans paid off, you didn’t desire any financial gains. Your heart only wanted things for your loved ones.
You were a fascinating human to Sunwoo. He looked forward to finding ways to make you smile each day.
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2 months. You had just 60 days left on this earth.
A month with Sunwoo proved to be interesting. The guy who was once a handful was now your best friend. Of course, he was still a lot to handle.
He didn’t fully comprehend human emotions and was overly optimistic. The amount of times you had to explain sarcasm to him was more than you could count.
But he was right about being the best thing to happen to you. He took you on trips to Busan, Jeju, and even Disneyland. That night in front of Magic Castle was better than what you had dreamed of.
As time passed by, your body was becoming weaker. However, with Sunwoo holding your hand, you at least didn’t feel pain. You appreciated being able to spend your last days outside of the hospital.
“Hmm you’re like a charger,” you commented as you laid in your bed.
Sunwoo was sitting at the edge, his fingers still intertwined with yours. He had caught you just in time before you fainted on your way to work. He carried you home on his back and demanded that you rest.
“Because of this?” he chuckled as he held up your hand.
“That too,” you smiled. “But you always find me just before I feel drained. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. Right when I’m about to think that I’m having a bad day, you show up and make me laugh.”
“That’s what I’m here to do.”
His words brought silence between you two. You had come to see him as a good friend but were now wondering if you were nothing more than an assigned duty. Surely, you weren’t the first person to have their wishes granted by him.
Shifting in his seat, Sunwoo noticed that your mood was off. He racked his brain to come up with an idea to make you feel better. As if a lightbulb turned on, he beamed as he propped you up.
“Let’s go to Paris!” he suggested.
“Paris?” you repeated, confused.
“Yes, Paris! I’ll leave the room so you can change. When you’re done and you open the door, we’ll be there,” he left before you could get another word in.
Chuckling, you got up to rummage through your closet. Visiting Paris had always been on your bucket list. You never imagined that you’d be going with Sunwoo. Then again, you never imagined meeting him.
You picked out a monotone outfit and extended your hand to grab the doorknob. Teleporting still felt unreal.
You were amazed once again when you stepped through the door and ended up on the Eiffel Tower. You let out a gasp as you admired the night view.
Sunwoo watched in content as you excitedly pulled out your phone to take pictures. Tugging on his sleeve, you motioned for him to enter the screen.
To be honest, he still couldn’t grasp why humans were so eager to take photos. Was it to save the memory in their head? But the humans he had met all had a deadline approaching. What was the point if they wouldn’t be able to see it later?
Instead of trying to figure it out on his own, he decided to ask you. The question caught you off guard but you thought about it before answering.
“These photos aren’t for me, but for those I leave behind. Once I’m gone, my family will only have pictures to remember me by. I know I won’t be around to see it but they will,” you eyed him before turning your head to look at the stars.
You felt your heart rate increase as you contemplated saying your next words.
“And you will,” you continued. “To you, I might just be another human passing by your long life but to me, you’re a miracle. You’re my light. My sun. And I want you to know that. So hopefully one day, you’ll look back on these photos and remember me fondly.”
Sunwoo couldn’t pinpoint the emotion he was feeling. It wasn’t pity. It also wasn’t pride. He felt both sad and happy.
“Basically, I’m saying that you better not forget about me,” you joked as you awkwardly laughed.
He softly grabbed your hand to make you face him. His eyes, full of sincerity, stared into yours as you felt your cheeks heat up.
“I won’t ever forget you,” he affirmed, making your heart beat faster than it already was.
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One month left.
Sunghoon hadn’t taken the news of your diagnosis well. He bawled in your embrace for over an hour. He ended up falling asleep on your lap after crying himself to exhaustion.
Sunwoo helped you move him to the bed and waited outside as you remained by your brother’s side. Stroking his hair, you were reminded of the times when you had to comfort the crybaby. You were only 2 years older than him but always took your role as the older sibling seriously.
Once he started snoring, you lightly smiled as you covered him with the blanket. Sighing, you quietly left to join Sunwoo.
“You’ve lived a great and meaningful life,” Sunwoo stated. “Though it’s regrettable that you have to leave so early, it’s amazing how many hearts you’ve touched at such a young age.”
Embarrassed at the compliment, you jokingly nudged his arm.
“You don’t know it, do you?” he asked matter-of-factly. “Sunghoon’s not the only one you’ve inspired. You give your aunt the motivation to live her best life. That new employee you always cover for at work? She looks up to you a lot and always hesitates about expressing her gratitude. Even that elderly lady on the street loves you. Not just for always buying out her stock of vegetables so she can go home, but for warmly greeting her every night.”
You were speechless. You had always felt so alone in the world and never knew that you impacted others’ lives.
“And me. I was a nameless being whose only purpose was to fulfill human desires. But you treated me like I was more than just a genie or angel. You even gave me a name,” he said.
Suddenly, it felt like you were back on the Eiffel Tower. There were no lights to shine on him but he was still all you could see.
“Anyway, here’s today’s happiness,” he laughed as he presented a tub of your favorite ice cream.
You stared at the dessert. Then at him.
“Can I ask for something else?” you blurted.
“Is there something you want?” he tilted his head in confusion.
You hesitantly nodded before pointing at him. More specifically, his lips. Taken aback, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
You didn’t know where the sudden burst of confidence came from but you inched forward to take the initiative. Your hand slowly reached out to close his mouth before you leaned in for a kiss.
And in that moment, all the emotions Sunwoo had been feeling became clear to him. Love. It was love. He loved you.
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Before you knew it, you only had a week left. Reality was beginning to hit as you prepared for the end. Most of your belongings were organized in boxes, ready to be donated.
You stared at the photo booth sticker on your palm. It was the first photo you and Sunwoo had taken together.
A knock interrupted your train of thought and Sunwoo entered the room. He looked over your shoulder and felt melancholic after seeing what you were so intently looking at.
“Here. Keep it,” you insisted as you handed over the picture.
“Don’t get ready to say goodbye already,” he frowned.
“Well, the time is coming,” you forced a smile.
He felt a lump form in his throat. He could do a lot of things but he couldn’t do the one thing he really wanted. He couldn’t save you.
He could teleport, go into your dreams, and grant wishes but he couldn’t change your fate.
If he could, he’d trade places with you. He’d rather end his long life than live it without you. Eternity was meaningless if it meant being alone.
“I’m sorry,” Sunwoo whispered as he hung his head.
“Hey, hey, it’s not your fault,” you assured as you hugged him. “The rest of my life would’ve been painful and dreary if it weren’t for you.”
He buried his head in your neck, not wanting to forget the feeling of having you in his arms.
“Y/n! Sunwoo!” Sunghoon called out from the living room. “Hurry up, Auntie’s plane lands soon!”
Your aunt was finally returning to Korea. Though you couldn’t wait to see her again, you braced yourself for the nagging. She would definitely be crying and yelling over the fact that you waited until this late to tell her about your condition.
To your surprise, she only pulled you in for a long hug. She then rushed the 4 of you to a picnic at Han River.
You appreciated the normalcy of your last days. While you watched your aunt scold Sunghoon and him whine, you couldn’t help but chuckle. When your eyes finally landed on Sunwoo, you were filled with a warmth you could only describe as happiness.
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3 years had passed since you were put to rest.
Yet, memories of you were still clear as ever in Sunwoo’s head. The 3 months he spent with you felt longer than the 3 years he spent mourning over you.
Unable to directly involve himself in human affairs after his finished assignment, he lingered around your neighborhood. He would occasionally check up on Sunghoon and secretly take care of him in little ways.
The younger male never suspected how the convenience store always had just one of favorite coffee milks left or how he always had a seat on the bus ride home.
Looking back on all the pictures you took on Sunwoo’s phone, Sunwoo finally understood why humans so desperately left traces of themselves. Once they were gone, pictures were the only proof of their existence left in the world.
You, however, would live on in his memory. Through Sunwoo, your legacy would never die.
Smiling, he took one last glance at the photo booth sticker in his hand before carefully placing it back in his pocket.
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a/n: sorry @cuppasunu​ i promised you a sunwoo angst before my sunwoo fluff hehe >:D
tag list: @geniejunn​
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