#tobias kowalski
chemie der illusionen
thriller von kristina schippling und matthias a.k. zimmermann
erschienen 2024
im kulturverlag kadmos
isbn: 978-3-86599-563-6
(von tobias bruns)
kara Kowalski ist eine erfolgreiche, berühmte und exzentrische berliner künstlerin, die den drogenrausch liebt, esoterisch angehaucht ist und zu wutausbrüchen neigt, die bei ihrer körperlichen statur noch beängstigender sind. ihr leben gerät jedoch eines nachts aus den fugen, als sie - noch im rausch - ihren ex-freund, der in das atelier eingedrungen ist für einen einbrecher hält, auf ihn losgeht und er dabei über das geländer stürzt, metertief auf den atelierboden knallt und sofort tod ist. statt die polizei zu rufen beschließt sie, die leiche verschwinden zu lassen, indem sie sie in einer badewanne verätzen lässt, was jedoch einige zeit dauert und in der nachbarschaft einen verwesungsgeruch verbreitet und doch die polizei in ihr atelier führt, wo sie allerdings sehr kreativ etwas anderes als quelle dieses geruchs präsentiert. sie ist vorerst einmal in sicherheit. malina ist eine nachbarin von kara und im gegensatz zu dieser ohne erfolg. seit ewigkeiten sucht sie einen verlag für ihren sehr speziellen roman und hält sich gerade so mit einem job in der bibliothek über wasser. bei ihr will irgendwie nichts funktionieren. eines nachts jedoch, als sie gerade aus dem fenster schaut spielen sich erschreckende szenen in dem atelier ab, auf das sie herabschaut. schnell greift sie zum handy und filmt alles mit. statt die polizei zu rufen beschließt sie, ihrem notorischen geldmangel ein ende zu setzen und schickt kara eine mail mit den videoaufnahmen und einer geldforderung. kara bekommt es mit der angst zu tun, ist der körper doch gerade so gut verschwunden, aber mehr noch als angst steigt gut in ihr auf. wer erlaubt es sich hier, sie, die große künstlerin zu erpressen. sie giert nach rache und rekonstruiert, von wo aus die aufnahmen gemacht worden sein müssen. sie hat einen menschen verschwinden lassen, dann wird ein zweiter wohl kein problem sein. sie hat einen klaren plan, doch kommt es immer anders als man denkt...
"psychothriller" steht auf dem einband, doch ist dieser roman tatsächlich ein psychothriller, nur weil psychopathen die protagonisten sind? es ist erst einmal eine gute geschichte, deren unerwarteten wendungen allerdings zumeist recht unwahrscheinlich sind. doch an sich kein problem, es handelt sich ja um fiktion und da ist alles möglich und die spannung wird auch durchgehend auf hohem nieveau gehalten. die vielen kleinen nebengeschichten, die ein ganz anderes literarisches genre bedienen, wollen aber nicht immer passen und führen häufig ins nichts, man fragt sich, wozu diese sein müssen, da die geschichte auch hervorragend ohne funktionieren würde - als beispiel sei nur einmal ein buch genannt, dass alles wissen und alle literatur in sich vereint, die es jemals gab, ein kleines büchlein, welches einmal aufgeschlagen eine unendliche anzahl an seiten hat, da ist die auseinandersetzung mit der wiedergeburt und deren folgen schon sinnvoller für den plot eingebaut...all das kann man dem roman verzeihen, doch was wirklich mit der zeit zuviel wird, ist das gefühl, dass die autoren scheinbar meinen einen bildungsauftrag für deren leser zu haben oder aber das bedürfnis verspüren all ihre rechercheergebnisse über bildende kunst, chemie, informatik, forensik, japan oder sonstiges in ihren roman packen zu müssen - man wünschte sich fast, diese stellen würden extra markiert, damit man sie überspringen kann, um im roman und nicht im lehrbuch weiterzulesen (es wäre vielleicht eine überlegung, sollte es zu neuauflagen kommen). das beiseite ist der thriller gute unterhaltung.
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thoughtsaboutsnape · 3 years
I read a fan theory that Queenie is Severus's grandmother and now I can't stop thinking about it.
Queenie is a half blood (according to HP Wiki) and assuming she has a kid with Jacob...maybe after the events of the first wizarding war, Queenie is banished from the magical world and leaves the US. She and Jacob end up in the North of England, change their name to Snape.
Maybe one of the reasons Tobias hates magic so much is because of his parents experiences or maybe he was a squib and resented magic?
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jaskiersbard · 7 years
Losing Your Memory - a Jacob/Queenie sneak-peek!
Tagging: @pinkdiamonddolphin
This isn’t part of my fanfic-verse – it’s an AU to that, just exploring the idea. Beware, it’s gonna be angsty!
The Kowalski Children: 
Tobias “Toby” – 15th October 1929 – 11 Daisy – 7th April 1931 – 9 (going on 10) Abel and Ruth (twins) – 20th November 1933 – 6/7 Elijah “Eli” – 28th January 1939 – 1 (nearly 2)
Okay, guys, so it’s a work-in-progress; things may change, but other than that…enjoy!
Ruth and Abel were the first to be escorted into the interrogation room by a MACUSA official, and both twins clambered to greet him eagerly; Jacob had to hide his tears at the sight of them – he couldn’t help it. The thought of not being able to remember them hurt him.
“Papa!” Ruth exclaimed, face brightening at the sight of him; she threw her arms around his middle, clinging tightly. “Are we going home now, Papa? It’s cold and boring here – don’t like it.”
He found himself swallowing, trying to think of words he could use. “Not exactly… See, things are…are kinda complicated…”
“Why are they?” She asked, frowning in confusion; she was Queenie’s mirror image, from her blonde curls to her blue eyes. “We have to go home.”
“You guys’ll go back home,” Jacob hurried to reassure her. “And your Ma, she’ll come with you…but I’m afraid I ain’t gonna be around for a while.”
Ruth looked simply appalled by this. “But you have to come home, Papa – it’s not home if you’re not there!”
“No, I know,” He said thickly; he had to keep it together, he reminded himself, had to keep it together for them. “But things ain’t that simple.”
“Is it ‘cause you’re not magic like us?” Her eyes were wide. “But we don’t care ‘bout that, Papa… Besides, you’re magic too, ‘cause you make the best pastries and you make us laugh!”
Abel had remained silent – no surprise there – but now he started to bite his lip. “Don’t say goodbye to us, Papa! Please!”
His time was running out – he could hear the guards shuffling outside – so he put his hands on each of their shoulders. “I know, I know; this ain’t fair. I’m real sorry…but you guys, you’re gonna grow up and be amazing wizards, and you’ll go to that big fancy school in Massachusetts-”
“I don’t wanna go to Massachusetts!” Ruth cried, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. “Wanna stay with you, Papa!”
“Please,” Abel begged, looking frightened. “Please don’t go!”
“I know, I don’t wanna go either,” Jacob admitted. “But I gotta, I got no choice. I need you guys – all of you – to watch out for each other…and your Ma too. Your Ma’s gonna need you.”
The two guards entered; both twins immediately knew and clung to their father desperately. Jacob wanted nothing more than to hold them tight and keep them safe, but he knew that this was for the best – it was to keep Queenie and the kids safe, his top priority.
All the same, hearing their wails as they were led away made his heart sink into his stomach.
Toby and Daisy were shown inside just minutes later, both looking rather anxious. The guards announced that they had a few minutes before closing the door behind them; as soon as the door clicked shut, Daisy was rushing forwards to embrace him, already weeping, while Toby gnawed on his lip.
“It’s not fair!” His daughter complained through her tears, shaking her head.
“We didn’t tell them anything, Pa,” Toby stated. “We were silent when they asked questions, didn’t say anything to get anyone in trouble-”
“I know, I know,” Jacob sighed, and he found himself hugging Daisy closer to himself tightly. “I told ‘em I’d come quietly… I know this is hard, but you guys, you gotta be real brave for me, alright?”
Daisy looked up at him miserably. “I don’t feel brave.”
“You’re the bravest girl I know,” He told her sincerely, wiping away her tears with his sleeve. “I know you guys are gonna look after the twins and Eli, but I want you to also look out for your Ma too. Your Ma’s gonna be sad too, and she’s gonna need you guys to be there for her.”
“This is wrong,” Toby muttered, and his eyes were glistening as he tried to stop himself from crying. “We haven’t done anything…this law is stupid and wrong.”
“Yeah, it is,” Jacob agreed, forcing himself to smile half-heartedly – for their sake. “But it really ain’t so bad. It’s like waking up…like getting washed in the rain. I won’t even know a thing.”
His daughter gave a choke. “You’ll forget us…you can’t forget us, we’re your kids!”
“Maybe you can run away, Pa,” His son said quickly, suddenly looking hopeful. “We could all run away!”
Jacob shook his head. “No. No running away. You guys deserve better than to be running all the time – it’s for the best, for everyone.”
“No, it’s not!” Daisy disagreed angrily. “How can you say that, Papa?! Everything will be horrible without you! Mama will miss you, and we’ll miss you, and it won’t be right!”
“I know, I’m sorry,” He apologized. “I guess I’m not real good with words…what I’m trying to say is that you kids, you need to be able to go to that school; you should be able to live and have fun, not running ‘cause of me.”
“We’d rather be on the run than not have you, Pa,” Toby declared, and he furiously wiped at the tears in his eyes with his jumper sleeve. “Please, Pa, there’s got to be a way.”
The door clicked open from across the room, and the two MACUSA guards entered. Daisy’s grip on her father’s waistcoat tightened and she buried her face into his stomach, as if she could hide; Toby immediately reached out for his father’s arm, as if it might deter to the guards from separating them.
It didn’t – both children yelled and screamed as they were forcibly dragged from their father, struggling against the guards who were holding onto them. Jacob found himself crying at the sound of them begging and pleading, and at the fact that in just an hour or so he would have forgotten about them; he couldn’t imagine forgetting about them, not now.
Toby, his and Queenie’s eldest, who they loved and doted on from the day he was born. Daisy, their first girl and his princess, so curious and perceptive. The twins, Ruth and Abel, who were so different but still kind and loving to a fault. And then Eli…he wouldn’t be allowed to say goodbye to Eli, but their youngest son was already so loved and cherished. There would have probably been more children, and they would have been extremely loved too, no matter what.
Jacob didn’t want to forget any of them, not one bit, and it was cruellest thing imaginable to do so – but he had made the decision, for his family’s own safety. At the end of the day, the most important thing was keeping the children – and Queenie – safe.
They brought Queenie in just five minutes later; her face was tear-streaked, tired, and she was in handcuffs. He tried not to wince at the sight.
“You’ve got three minutes,” The guard gruffly told them, and he shot a look at Queenie. “You stay in cuffs.”
There wasn’t a great deal she could do, really, seeing as they had confiscated her wand but she said nothing, eyes fixed on her husband. The MACUSA official left, slamming the door behind him – and then she flew across the room, pressing herself against him.
“Oh, Jacob!” She was close to tears again. “There’s gotta be a way outta this, there has to be!”
“It’s gonna be fine,” Jacob told her weakly, though his voice was failing him – saying goodbye to the kids had been difficult enough, but Queenie? The very idea of saying goodbye to her – to this beautiful, kind, quick-witted woman who he’d been lucky enough to call his wife and have a family with – was unfathomable. “Really. Don’t worry ‘bout me, I’ll be okay…”
“No, you’re terrified,” She stated, and her shoulders were shaking as she read through his thoughts. “You…You agreed to be obliviated? Why?!”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I thought…if I came quietly, then you and the kids would be safe. I don’t want you guys in any trouble for me.”
A tear rolled down her face, and it was obvious that she was completely heartbroken. “Jacob…” She rested their foreheads together, and he carefully embraced her – it would be the last time, he knew, and he wanted to make the most of it. “This ain’t right…”
“No,” Jacob choked out, shutting his eyes. “No, it ain’t.”
“I’ll find you,” Queenie murmured, only somewhat determinedly. “Once they let me go, I’ll find you and…and there’s gotta be a way, there’s gotta be a way we can get memories back…”
“Queenie, honey,” He sighed, pulling away to look at her pleadingly. “Don’t. You’re in enough trouble ‘cause of me. Just…make sure the kids are safe, right? They’re gonna need you.”
She was crying steadily now, reaching for his hands with her own handcuffed ones. “I love you,” She told him tearfully. “There ain’t no one like you – there ain’t ever gonna be anyone like you, not to me.”
“Queenie, you…you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, you know?” He was crying too now, not even attempting to hide it from her. “You and the kids…and I’m gonna miss you so much.”
There was so much he wanted to tell her, she realized, so much that it was cluttering up his mind and making everything feel ten times worse. “You don’t need to say anything, Jacob – I know.”
Jacob made a noise somewhere between a chuckle and a small sob. “Yeah… I love you, Queenie. I love you so much…”
Queenie didn’t need to hear it – she understood his pain immediately. Instead, she leaned forwards and pressed her lips to his for one final kiss; after more than ten years of kisses, of love, of intimacy, she was going to lose him, and it hurt her in every way possible. It was strangely reminiscent of that day in the rain outside the subway station so long ago – the first time she had lost him – but it was worse now after having lived and loved, had children together.
The door burst open before they finished their kiss, the guard storming in with his wand at the ready. “Alright, time is up.”
He pulled Queenie away, sneering in disgust, and pushed her towards the door; Jacob watched helplessly, well-aware that there were other guards just waiting for him to attempt to do something foolish. “Hey, don’t hurt her!” He shouted after them, feeling utterly useless. “And…And, Queenie, I love you! Don’t ever forget that!”
She could only sob, struggling as she was led away, because alongside her own pain she could feel his too – she could feel his worry and anxiety and how heartbroken he was because of how much he had loved her and their family. She could feel the disgust bubbling up from under the guard at the sight of them kissing, his revulsion at the very idea that she would breed with a No-Maj of all things, and she wished that she had her wand so that she could hex every last one of these guards, so that she could escape with Jacob and the children, so that they could go somewhere safe.
She wanted Jacob.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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Hi everybody! In the past, I’ve done “inspiration posts” where I talk about the people/characters/historical figures and even the fancasts behind some of my MC’s (see Jacob’s, Lane’s, Carewyn’s, Jackson’s, and Bat’s at their respective links!)...and I decided why not do the same for my newest HPMA MC, my Muggle cinnamon roll, Farid Sikander?
One of my single favorite aspects of the film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was the inclusion of the character of Jacob Kowalski. The Potterverse really hadn’t done much to highlight the oddly draconian split between the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds and how much that split could affect someone trapped between the two. We gather that Snape’s parents’ marriage had some turmoil because Eileen was a witch and Tobias was a Muggle, and we learn that Seamus Finnigan’s father had had no clue his wife and son had magic until Seamus got his letter, but that’s just about it. And in my own stories, I’ve tried to explore that divide further, such as with Carewyn’s backstory where her and Jacob’s Muggle father abandoned his family upon learning about Jacob’s magic. But after dwelling on how I had yet to create a single Hufflepuff-sorted MC, I started to brainstorm what that kind of a character could even look like -- and the first two things I thought of were Newt Scamander (a Hufflepuff alumni himself) and Yugi Mutou from the anime Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters! 
...Okay, that second one seems a bit out of left field, but to me, Yugi encapsulates the true heroism of Hufflepuff ideals. While his “other half” Yami Yugi (A.K.A. Pharaoh Atem) saves the day through ridiculously clever and resourceful gameplays, Yugi often ends up succeeding because of the strong bonds of friendship he’s forged, which in turn largely come about because of his kindness, selflessness, and unshakeable loyalty. In one chapter early on in the manga which is referenced later in the show, Yugi witnesses his school bullies Honda and Jounouchi getting beaten within an inch of their lives, and even with everything these bullies did to him, Yugi still barrels in front of them and tries to protect them, crying out at the boy hurting them that he won’t let him hurt “his friends.” It’s this compassion that ends up solidifying Yugi’s, Honda’s, and Jounouchi’s friendship, to the point that both Yugi and Jounouchi show the willingness to risk their lives for each other several times throughout the series. It’s this same compassion that ends up softening the ruthless heart of an ancient Pharaoh enough that he sees this small, seemingly pathetic boy who shares his body as his “partner.” And it’s this same compassion that made Yugi my favorite character in the entire show and (on a personal note) my very first anime bishie! XD
As this new character’s outline developed and began to take on shades of Newt by becoming a fellow creature lover, I found myself revisiting my thoughts about Jacob Kowalski, as well as how much more I’d wished they’d done with him in Crimes of Grindelwald. What if I could use this character I was creating as a thought experiment -- making him a Muggle and placing him in the HPMA timeline post-Second-Wizarding-War, so that he could maybe explore some untouched territory regarding the relationship between the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds post-Voldemort? I’d even already plotted out a quasi-backstory for Arif Sikander previously where his Squib brother married a Muggle and had a family who Arif was alienated from due to his magical ancestry -- this character could be Arif’s nephew! So now this character -- who I’d decided to call Farid -- was really starting to take shape. Now all that was left was hammering out the details. A Muggle in the Wizarding World would have a lot of challenges and might end up getting into some really dangerous situations without being able to use magic to defend himself, but perhaps if he had a usually dangerous and untamable magical creature at his side that could watch his back, maybe it’d be easier. And after consulting my own copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and considering auguries and dragons, I came across the passage on phoenixes and realized -- Fawkes. We never learn what happened to him after he flew away, after Dumbledore’s funeral! As soon as that thought took root, everything else came together -- why Farid was thrown into the Wizarding World, what his core storyline is, and even what his character arc should be...finding inspiration in the courage that comes so naturally to Fawkes, the way Farid’s loyalty inspired Fawkes to stand by him. 
Visually speaking, Farid’s face claim is Dev Patel. As a boy, he most closely resembles Dev in The Personal History of David Copperfield (though not from a fashion point of view), while as a young adult with a full beard, he resembles him more in The Green Knight. 
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suvarnarekha · 3 years
What is all the 46 ranking of Movieflame, sorry, im a desperate anon with no access to Youtube. And what are his opinions on all different Ron and Hermione ships?? PLZ PLZ
It's okay, I'm happy to help!
46. Voldemort and Bellatrix
45. Tobias and Eileen Snape (snape's parents)
44. Tom Riddle senior and Merope Gaunt (Voldy's parents)
43. Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange
42. Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald
41. Snape and Lily
40. Fridwulfa and Hagrid's father
39. Hermione and Cormac
38. Robert McGonagall and Isabell Ross (Minerva's parents)
37. Nagini and Credence
36. Ron and Lavender
35. Harry and Cho
34. Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies
33. Cho and Roger
32. Minerva McGonagall and Dougal McGregor
31. Cho and Micheal Corner
30. Queenie Goldstein and Jacob Kowalski
29. Ginny and Dean
28. Hagrid and Maxime
27. Kendra and Percival Dumbledore (Dumbledore's parents)
26. Micheal and Ginny
25. Angelina and Fred (I'm not sure if they were a couple tho, it was never clearly mentioned, but MovieFlame mentioned them)
24. Cho and Cedric
23. Angelina and George
22. Narcissa and Lucius
21. Leta Lestrange and Theseus Scammander
20. Hermione and Viktor
19. Newt and Leta
18. Neville and Hannah
17. Percy and Audrey
16. Draco and Pansy
15. Percy and Penelope
14. Draco and Astoria
13. Luna and Rolf Scammander
12. James and Lily
11. Alice and Frank
10. Petunia and Vernon
9. Minerva and Elphinstone
8. Newt and Tina
7. Isolt Sayer and James Stewart
6. Ron and Hermione
5. Tonks and Lupin
4. Harry and Ginny
3. Andromeda and Ted
2. Bill and Fleur
1. Molly and Arthur
*swipes a drop of sweat* Ooof and there you go!
Hope it helped, anon :)
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auroralokidottir124 · 5 years
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(via Acolyte)
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Title: No Roots
Author: Unbreakable_Vow
Character/Pairings: Queenie Goldstein/Jacob Kowalski, Credence Barebone & Queenie Goldstein, Eileen Prince/Tobias Snape, Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald
Rating: Not Rated
Tags/Warnings: None Listed
Summary: Family defines you, but what else does when you don’t have a family?
Tobias Snape's story.
Tags: HP Fanfic Fest, UnHappily Ever After Fest, Triggers: None Listed
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writingandimagines · 5 years
Requests are open!!!!
Currently available to request:
Harry Potter: Characters include - Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Bill Weasley Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Luna Lovegood, Oliver Wood, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lilly Evans, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lilly Luna Potter, Rose Granger-Weasley, Hugo Granger-Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Wealsey, Molly Weasley II, Lucy Weasley, Roxanne Weasley, Fred Weasley II, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander, Frank Longbottom II, Alice Longbottom II, Scorpius Malfoy
Maze Runner: Newt, Thomas, Gally, Minho, Teresa
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan, Grover Underwood
Heroes of Olympus: Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Thalia Grace, Nico Di Angelo, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque
Divergent: Beatrice “Tris” Prior, Caleb Prior, Eric, Peter Hayes, Tobias ‘Four’ Eaton, Will, Christina
 Jurassic World: Owen Grady, Zach Mitchell, Gray Mitchell, Claire Dearing
Fantastic Beasts: Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, Queenie, Jacob Kowalski, Credence Barebone
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Aiden Steiner, Ethan Steiner, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Jordan Parrish, Chris Argent,
The Vampire Diaries: Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Niklaus Mickaelson, Caroline Forbes, Katherine Pierce, Bonnie Bennett, Alaric Saltzman, Elijah Maikaelson, Jeremy Gilbert, Kai Parker, Tyler Lockwood, Rebekah Mikaelson, Matt Donovan, Hayley Marshall, 
The Originals: Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson 
Detroit Become Human: Connor (RK800), Markus (RK200), Kara (AX400), Luther (TR400), Daniel (PL600), Simon (PL600), North (WR400), Ralph (WR600), Alice (YK500), Elijah Kamski, Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson 
Mystic Messenger: V, Unknown, 707, Yoosung, Jaehee Kang, ZEN, Jumin Han, 
Narnia: Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Prince Caspian
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children: Jacob Portman, Emma Bloom, Enoch O’Connor, Bronwyn Bruntley, Millard Nullings, Olive Elephanta, Claire Densmore, Fiona Frauenfeld, Victor Buntley, Hugh Apiston, Horace Somnusson, 
The Flash (Season 1-2): Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Iris West, Dr. Caitlin Snow, Eddie Thawne 
Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments (1-2): Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane, Raphael Santiago
Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1): Rip Hunter, Ray Palmer, Martin Stein, Jefferson “Jax” Jackson, Sara Lance, Kendra Saunders, Carter Hall, Mick Rory, Leonard Snart 
Once upon a Time: Emma Swan, Mary-Margaret Blanchard/Snow White, David Nolan/Prince Charming, Regina Mills/Evil Queen, August Booth/Pinocchio, Henry Mills, Ruby/Red Riding Hood, Jefferson/Mad Hatter, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Peter Pan 
13 Reasons Why: Clay Jenson, Hannah Baker, Justin Foley, Tyler Down, Zach Dempsey, Montgomery De La Cruz, Jessica Davis, Sherri Holland, Tony Padilla, Ryan Shaver, Scott Reed
What a character that isn't listed? 
At the moment there are a few fandoms that I am behind on, but I am in the process of watching them in order to catch up. Updates will be posted when I feel I am able to write for more characters. If you want a character that is not on the list currently please feel free to ask about them, I may just have missed them.
What can i request?
One shot: This a stand alone story using between 1000-4000 words (the more detail you can give me the more I’ll be able to write!)
Imagines: An imagine is a short story, around 100-400 words. They include a picture with gifs of the requested character or anything of relevance.
Headcanons: Headcanons are my interpretation of what the character would be like in a certain scenario. These are bullet pointed and will have around 10-25 points depending on request.
Preferences: Preferences are similar to headcanons but more detailed and includes at least 2 or more other characters who will also share the same scenario.
Drabbles: A Drabble is based on a prompt. You chose up to 3-4 prompts from a list along with a character and I’ll write about it using the prompts you give.
How do i request?
Just send it to the ask box, whatever the request may be.
How long will my request take?
Some requests may take longer than others, especially since I’m at college for most of the week. This means that the longer requests may take up to a week to complete, while shorter requests should be around 1-3 days.
A/N: Please note that  I prefer not to do anything personalised as I prefer to make my writing available to everyone.
Remember the more detail you can give me the better and feel free to ask any questions if you are unsure of anything :) - 🌸
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requiemhqs-blog · 5 years
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anonymous said: what are some of your mw ya lit characters?
MY BRAND ! cracks knuckles, alright lads, let’s just dive in ! my answer is gonna be under a readmore because it’s super long. this is why i shouldn’t be allowed to answer stuff like this ... i go waaay beyond the acceptable amount.
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, gale hawthorn, haymitch abernathy, primrose everdeen, johanna mason, enobaria, president snow’s granddaughter ( who would probably have to be played as an oc ), finnick odair, mr. everdeen, president snow, brutus, chaff, seeder, mags, maysilee donner, mrs. everdeen, alma coin, rue, glimmer, clove, cato, marvel, foxface ( the hunger games ), richard campbell gansey iii, ronan lynch, henry cheng, noah czerny, adam parrish, declan lynch, matthew lynch, mr. gray, maura sargent, calla johnson, persephone poldma, jimi, neeve, orla, artemus, gwenllian, piper greenmantle, colin greenmantle ( the raven cycle ), jason grace, piper mclean, grover underwood, leo valdez, frank zhang, hazel levesque, silena beauregard, charles beckendorf, will solace, nico di angelo, bianca di angelo, calypso, rachel elizabeth dare, drew tanaka, reyna ramirez-arellano, may castellan, sally jackson, meg mcaffrey, katie gardner, travis stoll, connor stoll, kayla knowles, paolo, carter kane, sadie kane, zia rashid, walt stone ( rick riordan books ), nesta archeron, elain archeron, rhysand, tamlin, cassian, azriel, amren, lucien vanserra, kallias, viviane, nuala, cerridwen, queen vassa, tarquin, cresseida, varian, miryam, drakon, helion, thesan, the suriel ( a court of thorns and roses ), draco malfoy, lucius malfoy, narcissa black, andromeda black, ron weasley, george weasley, angelina johnson, fleur delacour, bill weasley, charlie weasley, minerva mcgonagall, albus dumbledore, peter pettigrew, james potter i, emmeline vance, marlene mckinnon, emma vanity, lavender brown, seamus finnegan, neville longbottom, alice fortesque, frank longbottom, rubeus hagrid, horace slughorn, sybil trelawney, delores umbridge, percy weasley, audrey weasley, molly weasley ii, lucy weasley, fred weasley ii, louis weasley, hugo weasley, arthur weasley, blaise zabini, millicent bulstrode, vincent grabbe, gregory goyle, evan rosier, rabastian lestrange, rodolphus lestrange, newt scamander, tina goldstein, queenie goldstein, jacob kowalski, gellert grindelwald ( harry potter ), bella swan, edward cullen, rosalie hale, jasper hale, alice cullen, emmett cullen, carlisle cullen, esme cullen, charlie swan, renesmee cullen, jacob black, seth clearwater, leah clearwater, jane, alec, aro, caius, markus ( twilight ), jude duarte, taryn duarte, cardan greenbriar, vivienne, oak ( the cruel prince ), tris prior, tobias eaton, caleb prior, jeanine matthews, christina, tori wu, uriah pedrad, peter hayes, will, al, marlene, lynn, zeke pedrad ( divergent ), kaz brekker, nina zenik, inej ghafa, jesper waylan, wylan van eck, matthias helvar ( six of crows ), jace herondale, alec lightwood, magnus bane, simon lewis, emma carstairs, julian blackthorn, livvy blackthorn, ty blackthorn, dru blackthorn, tavvy blackthorn, mark blackthorn, helen blackthorn, jem carstairs, will herondale, tessa gray ( the shadowhunters books ), aelin galathynius, rowan whitethorn, aedion ashryver, lysandra, evangeline, evalin ashryver, roe galathynius, elide lochan, sorscha, dorian havilliard,yrene towers, chaol westfall, manon blackbeak, asterin blackbeak, manon’s thirteen, lorcan salvaterre, sam cortland, ansel of briarcliff, fenrys, gavriel, kaltain rompier, marion lochan ( throne of glass )
i’m gonna leave it at this because it’s a LOT of names tbh ! i really want to see ALL of these characters here, truly. 
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stagsmindpalace · 6 years
Tag game
Thanks to @diemetzgermeisterin @brokenfannibal @catatonicemotions @crazystaglady for tagging me :3
I am also late buuut here it is~
Rules: Post your ten favorite male characters from different fandoms and then tag ten people.
No particular order!
Guybrush Threepwood - mighty pirate
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Will Graham - what a surprise :D
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Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy - Dammit Jim!
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Jacob Kowalski - They went that way, officer!
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The Doctor! - you know wibbly wobbly ~
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Bobby Singer - Idjits!
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Tony "I am Ironman" Stark
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Dr. Tobias Curtis - Quintis!
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Fred and George - mischife managed!
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Gav.. Greg "Not my Division!" Lestrade
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Already 10? ..ok 11 but hey they're twins, i won't choose T.T
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restlessmelodrama · 6 years
favourite fictional characters?
Oh boi, you started something.
I’d say my all time favourites are:
Niles (The Nanny)
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best shade-thrower of all time.
the equivalent of a savage
speaks sarcasm fluently
always has a pun up his sleeve
I ate up his love-hate relationship with C.C
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
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the hottest momma on da block
King of Character development
not as shitty of a boyfriend as he thinks he is
I don’t trust you if you don’t like him.
Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things)
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smarter than you
swears all day long cause he gets what’s going on
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
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took  “going to hell and back for the family”, WAAAAAY to literal
just wants the people he cares about to be happy, although that means him getting hurt himself
best taste in music
deserves all the happiness in the world
Fiona Gallagher (Shameless):
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finished her education while raising 5 kids, caring for her drunken mess of a father and working her ass off to have some kind of income, so you can too!
dated the shittiest people in history
makes the best out of the shittiest situation
was a shitty person herself for a while, but learned from her mistakes and turned her life around
never lost her sense of humor through it all
owns a house and a cute dog (who ate a lady) now
Nick Miller & Schmidt (New Girl):
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can’t do life without each other
“Panic Moonwalk Away” or “Schmidt Happens”
messiest person alife and a guy with major OCD sharing a loft? Um, yes, please.
need a douchebag jar to notice they might do some things wrong
Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games):
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most dramatic backstory
“If we see something sweet we better grab it quick”
been through this shit show since he was 14 and is absolutely done with it
knows what the fuck is going on
always trying to help
sacrificed himself for the greater good
Spoiler Alert! The good really wasn’t greater.
Tyler Hawkins (Remember Me):
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He broke something inside of me
starts a riot, because some random guy named Micheal (like his dead brother) was treated unfairly by the police
pisses the cop off and gets arrested for it
starts dating the abusive cop’s daughter to piss him off even more
accidentally finds the love of his life in her
knows that he and his roommate are assholes, still sticks around
casually quotes Gandhi
stands up for his sister
also to his dad
made a difference in his little world but never got to enjoy it
Kimball Cho (The Mentalist):
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looks like he has no emotions
only has one facial expression
doesn’t get zoos
doesn’t give a damn about what people think
I’ve never seen anyone drinking a smoothie sassier
never lucky with the love thing
Gina Linetti (Brooklyn 99):
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human form of the  💯 emoji
pizza is who she is
just follows her passion by dancing at work
was part of a dance group called Floor-Gasm
queen of social media
doesn’t feel the need to say I told you so
Ray Holt (Brooklyn 99):
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fed up from day one
also no facial expressions
pretends he hates you but actually cares a lot about you
collects antique globes
broke up with his boyfriend over a statue of a duck once
Jim Hopper (Stranger things)
Max Mayfield (Stranger Things)
Joye Byers (Stranger Things)
Will Byers (Stranger Things)
Lucas Sinclair (Supernatural)
Gabriel (Supernatural)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Bobby Singer (Supernatural)
Ellen Harvell (Supernatural)
Ian Gallagher (Shameless)
Lip Gallagher (Shameless)
Mandy Milkovich (Shameless)
Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Minerva McGonagall  (Harry Potter)
Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter)
Fleur Delacour (Harry Potter)
Glenn Rhee (The Walking Dead)
Peter Parker (Marvel)
Tony Stark (Marvel)
Michelle Jones (Marvel)
Ned Leeds (Marvel)
Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
James Buchanan Barnes (Marvel)
Matt Murdock (Marvel)
Foggy Nelson (Marvel)
Frank Castle (Marvel)
Peter Hale (Teen Wolf)
Kira Yukimura (Teen Wolf)
Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
Allison Argent (Teen Wolf)
Chris Argent (Teen Wolf)
Nick Miller (New Girl)
Alice Cooper (Riverdale)
FP Jones (Riverdale)
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale)
Chris Miles (Skins)
Cassie Ainsworth (Skins)
Tony Stonem (Skins)
James Cook (Skins)
Freddie Mcclair (Skins)
Katie Fitch (Skins)
Emily Fitch (Skins)
Eggsy Unwin (KIngsman)
Benjamin Engel (Who Am I)
Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts)
Jacob Kowalsky (Fantastic Beasts)
Queenie Goldstein (Fantastic Beasts)
Violet Sanford (Coyote Ugly)
Kevin O'Donnell (Coyote Ugly)
Marty Mcfly (Back to the Future)
Noah Foster (Scream)
Lolita (Lolita)
Tris Prior (Divergent)
Four/ Tobias Eaton (Divergent)
Cinna (The Hunger Games)
Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Josh Levison (Being Human)
Sally Malik (Being Human)
Ally Craig (Remember Me)
Caroline Hawkins (Remember Me)
Tony Dinozzo (Navy CIS)
Ziva David (Navy CIS)
Dr. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Patrick Jane (The Mentalist)
Wayne Rigsby (The Mentalist)
Teresa Lisbon (The Mentalist)
Richard Castle (Castle)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99)
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fefefernandes80 · 4 years
Drone Awards anunciou as melhores fotografias criadas com drone em 2020
Jim Picôt
Drone Awards 2020 anunciou os vencedores da competição de 2020. O grande vencedor foi Jim Picot da Autrália com uma linda foto de natureza. A galeria com as melhores fotografias é realmente fascinante e só comprova que a junção de tecnologia e arte sempre gera resultados interessantes. São 10 categorias abordando desde casamento até abstrato. Esse ano inclusive com uma categoria sobre a rotina com a Covid-19. Foram milhares de inscrições com fotos de 126 países. Veja os vencedores desse ano.
Joseph Cheires
Dmitrii Viliunov
Martin Harvey
Khanh Phan
Tomer Appelbaum
Tomasz Kowalski
Bachir Moukarzel
Hong Jen Chiang
Alessandra Meniconzi
Paul Hoelen
James Rushforth
Mehmet Aslan
Mohamed Azmeel
Lukasz Rajs
Krzysztof Krawczyk
Roberto Corinaldesi
Mark Carwardine
  Mehmet Aslan
Pawel Zygmunt
  Boyan Ortse
Md Tanveer Hassan Rohan
Tugo Cheng
Rafal Ganowski
Tobias Froehner
Dominic Lemoine
Davide Lopresti
Azim Khan Ronnie
Brad Walls
    The post Drone Awards anunciou as melhores fotografias criadas com drone em 2020 appeared first on FHOX.
Texto Original Publicado em: – Fhox
Via: Blog da Fefe
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jaskiersbard · 7 years
So you told us about the future of the Scamander children...but I'm interested in the Kowalski children. Especially in Daisy:))
Ooh, good question! I’m still working out their futures, such as spouses/children, but here is what I’ve got so far!
Toby - he goes on to become a Quidditch player (Chaser) for the Wimborne Wasps (Wimborne is in Dorset, where the Kowalskis moved). 
Daisy - she became an Auror like her Auntie Tina; at first she worked in Britain but later transferred to work under MACUSA after Rappaport’s Law was repealed.
Ruth - she started off by working as a shopgirl in Madam Malkin’s but then went on to study medicines to become a Healer - she’s a loving/caring person, and she wants to help people. She married
Abel - with his intelligence and Legilimency, he worked his way up in the Ministry of Magic and became Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic. He never married but he was a great uncle to his nieces and nephews, and he was happy.
Elijah - he moved back to America and started working for the Department for Magical Security - and he campaigned for a repeal of Rappaport’s Law up until it WAS repealed in 1965. He was a key player in the campaign. He later married a woman called Emily, and they eventually had a son - Quentin Kowalski.
Lucy - she’s adventurous, a bit of a tomboy, which puts some off because it kinda contrasts her blonde hair and beauty (you know, stereotypes and all that). She travelled and wrote for the Daily Prophet. She married an Aurologist called George and they had a daughter called Lisa and a son called Peter.
Penny - she’s the child that Jacob and Queenie adopted, just one year younger than Lucy; she's a muggle and loved just as dearly as the other children. She went on to become a ballet dancer until an accident left her unable to dance again; she then settled into teaching dance.
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ao3feed-snape · 4 years
No roots
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Wszh3H
by Unbreakable_Vow
Family defines you, but what else does when you don’t have a family? Tobias Snape's story.
Words: 2590, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of FB into the Potterverse
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Queenie Goldstein, Eileen Prince, Severus Snape, Tobias Snape, Credence Barebone
Relationships: Queenie Goldstein/Jacob Kowalski, Credence Barebone & Queenie Goldstein, Eileen Prince/Tobias Snape, mentioned, Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald
Additional Tags: tobias snape story, omniscent author, POV Severus Snape, POV Queenie Goldstein, pov eileen prince, no happy ending, can be read as a stand alone story
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Wszh3H
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justanotherindie · 4 years
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Moonbootica feat. Nathan Nicholson – Get Closer [Tech House, Melodic Techno] Гамбургский дуэт диджеев-продюсеров Оливера Ковальского и Тобиаса Шмидта (Oliver Kowalski and Tobias Schmidt), известный как Moonbootica…
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auroralokidottir124 · 5 years
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(via Acolyte)
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