#tom banks
guys-moments · 2 years
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the-other-art-blog · 2 years
Fred and Amy’s courting
If you’ve read my past posts and some fics, I’ve always defended Fred and part of me shipped him and Amy when I read A Foreign Correspondent for the first time. I’ve always said that Fred truly loved Amy. However, a friend at AO3 pointed out to me that Fred’s attitude was similar to Laurie’s when he wanted Jo and that his love was not as deep as I thought. And after reflecting a while, I have to agree with her. Now I feel like a Jo/Laurie shipper 😅
So, in A Foreign Correspondent Fred and Amy meet in London and he’s immediately hooked. He spends a lot of time with her and ignores Flo completely which is actually quiet mean. They made plans to meet again in Italy but he ends up following her to Paris and Germany. Then in Coblenz, he and his friends brought her serenade.
Now, to be honest, Amy never ever gives him any sort of indication that she feels something more than friendship for him. She likes him, but only as a friend. She is grateful for all the attention but it’s not enough to make her fall for him. Remember when Jo says that Fritz is the first man she doesn’t compare to Laurie? Well, Amy can’t stop comparing Fred to Laurie. Amy writes to Marmee that Fred is blonde, but she prefers dark-haired men. She also says that Fred is the most agreeable man she has ever met... after Laurie. I believe Amy shaped her “ideal” man on Laurie
I think we can all understand why Amy decides to accept Fred’s offer at first. Regardless, as much as I love her, that is a really cold move. But Fred is not thinking clear either. When you analyze his behavior, you realize he’s quite childish. As with Laurie, this is more a fancy than real love. 
The serenade sounds very romantic and everything, but some of Fred’s behavior are a bit too much. He comes in handy cause the girls’ French is not as good as they thought, but still. Then, the day after the serenade, Fred had kept one of the flowers that they threw out of the window. Amy tells him that Flo was the one who threw that one  (not exactly sure how she knows that or if she was teasing him) and he immediately throws it away! It is such an immature gesture. I don’t know if Flo was present when he did that, but that could have hurt her. Amy even says that Fred looked disgusted by Flo, which is so shitty. Poor Flo.
In the end, both Laurie and Fred were over priviledged young men. Both ignored every single sign that told them that Jo/Amy didn’t love them. And we can add Tom in this club.
I can understand why these men thought themselves in love. Jo/Amy/Nan are interesting to them, intriguing even. They are different from the women they are supposed to marry. And as a young man, that is exciting. But it’s superficial. I wouldn’t be surprised if after leaving to Egypt, Fred realized that Amy wasn’t more than a fancy. And he ended up falling for a high society English woman, like his father wanted.
Thank god the women were sensible enough to reject them!
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
We've reached Tom and Trevor's deaths on Classic EastEnders. Which means Jamie's is not too far behind.
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bergselise · 3 months
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normafuckingrockwell · 5 months
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my two favourite white men<3
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casualhedonists · 5 months
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can i post this is this a safe space
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vanteguccir · 4 months
vante's navigation ♡
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you are welcome here, honey ♡
ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹
– about me: letícia; 20; pisces; brazilian
– here's my work: masterlist
– wattpad: I'm used to translate some works from English to Portuguese, but I also love to read many fanfics in English as well and I always add them to my reading lists, so feel free to follow me there!
– disclaimer: I'm starting to post my work here, so be patient and gentle. I really love to write, but I adore talking as well, so feel free to send requests or anything at all, I'll answer you all for sure ♡
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– status: CLOSED
– rules: please, respect it!
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galoogamelady · 10 months
What do you imagine Buttons' voice sounding like? I can't not picture him just.. sounding like Tom Cardy, but I'm really curious if he sounds a certain way in your head!
This is a question often asked! He's actually been voiced before for our Fallout 4 mod, by @voicesbyzane ! So yknow... like that:
I keep wanting to practice 3D animation to the mod lines but I can't seem to find the time for it. :')
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Welcome to my writing! Hope you find what you are looking for and if you don’t, then requests are open for business. Also just comment or send me a message if you want to be a part of any of my taglists.
Rafe Cameron | 2
Drew Starkey
Zach MacLaren
Anthony Lockwood
George Karim
Evan Buckley
Tom Holland
Peter Parker
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phoenixes-and-wizards · 5 months
might be a little late to this train but hear me out. considering there is a possibility that everything about the hunger games has to be approved by snow first, do you think he saw the jabberjay section for the 75th arena and felt ice go down his back? do you think he pretended to laugh while plutarch presented his ideas, gripping the edge of his desk as the old memories flooded back in, then went to excuse himself because that one part hit a little too close to home? do you think he thought it would give him satisfaction to watch katniss and peeta suffer like he did once, standing in the muck of their district, trying his best not to squirm as his dead best friend’s voice spilled from a hundred beaks, only to find that it doesn’t really do anything except remind him of lucy gray and sejanus plinth, sparks of a different revolution, and now all he can hear is i’m not made of sugar. are you, are you coming to the tree? ma! ma! ma! all he can hear are his ghosts.
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the-other-art-blog · 2 years
Little Women saga - Parallelisms (Part 2): Jo-Laurie-Amy & Nan-Tom-Dora
A while ago (like months ago, sorry) I talked about how similar Jo-Laurie and Nan-Tom relationships are. I do not believe that neither Laurie nor Tom actually loved those women. And both Jo and Nan have very maternal feelings towards these men. They were fixations. Really, they were very damaging obsessions that were ruining these men’s lives. And the women, to their misfortune, had to deal with them. Plus, they both had more maternal feelings than anything else towards those men.
I made 2 posts about it (Chapter 41, Chapter 41: Laurie). It is one of my favorite chapters in the whole saga. And you can see that Laurie’s head is a mess. It’s actually very frustrating to see him going back and forth between accepting that he doesn’t love Jo and admitting his feelings for Amy. When you think he finally got it, he goes back to Jo. But in the process, it’s pretty clear he does NOT love Jo or that he ever did. Why? Well, if he really loved her as much as he claimed, then why did he fight so hard to remember her? And why did Amy get in his mind without even trying?
Louisa describes the moments when Laurie/Tom get over Jo and Nan in a pretty similar way.
The moment Laurie gets away from Jo, those feelings start to disappear. Sure, he spent months wailing and feeling sorry for himself, but that was an act. Once he starts working on his opera, he realizes Jo is no the heroine he once thought. He even claims,
That girl is a torment!
At the same time, he begins dreaming of another heroine that casually looks a lot like Amy and that is surrounded by things he experienced with her in Nice. The only reason why he kept forcing himself to think of Jo was because he thought it would be betrayal to forget her. 
But alas he lets her go:
Laurie thought that the task of forgetting his love for Jo would absorb all his powers for years, but to his great surprise he discovered it grew easier every day. He refused to believe it at first, got angry with himself, and couldn’t understand it, but these hearts of ours are curious and contrary things, and time and nature work their will in spite of us. Laurie’s heart wouldn’t ache.
Fastforward 25 years and Tom is going through basically the same.
Tom and Demi go away. At first Tom is still fixated on Nan and even tries to make her jealous through Dora. However, his plan backfires because he ended up enjoying Dora’s company quite a bit. She turned out to be a lovely girl who made him very happy.
LMA even describes Tom’s change in quite a similar way,
surprised to find that his heart did not ache a bit.
And just like Laurie, Tom is so excited to tell Jo he’s engaged. He’s delighted, that boy is on a cloud! (I’m imagining Jo listening to Tom and thinking “I’ve been here before”)
I spoke about Laurie’s proposals before. It’s so different how chaotic Laurie is with Jo. Meanwhile, his relationship with Amy runs smoothly. It brings him such peace. And the same thing happens with Tom,
'I declare, I feel as if a weight was off me...
Can you imagine? After all those years of chasing the wrong girl, the stress, the anxiety. Then finally, they are truly in love and those girls love them back! That must feel amazing!
Jo offers her opinion (she does know a thing or two about a boy’s fancy):
It is my opinion, Tom, that you love Dora, or are on the way to it; for in all these years I've never seen you look or speak about Nan as you do about Dora. Opposition has made you obstinately cling to her till accident has shown you a more attractive girl. Now, I think you had better take the old love for a friend, the new one for a sweetheart, and in due time, if the sentiment is genuine, marry her.'
Here’s the thing about these fancies, it’s not only about the girl they want to marry. It is about their entire life. Tom was throwing away his future just to be near Nan. He hated medicine. Once he gets over Nan, he goes into business and loves it. This is how important it is to choose your partner wisely, because they can lift you up or drown you.
Tom is basically Laurie 2.0 in this regard. They are so similar that Laurie gives him advice later on.
and Mr Laurie gave him some wise advice upon the astonishing gymnastic feats the human heart can perform, and be all the better for it if it only held fast to the balancing-pole of truth and common sense.
(I want to write a one-shot of this conversation)
But in the meantime, here it is. Finally, I finished this post that has been on my drafts since forever.
Little Women saga- Parallelisms (Part 1): Jo-Laurie & Nan-Tom
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
'I never had you down as a grass, Phil.'
Tom was ahead of his time.
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franksoceanwrld · 5 months
if villain why hot..?
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lizheartsyou · 5 months
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casting directors do one thing and that’s casting the sexiest men to play the villains.
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mst3kgifs · 6 months
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Okay... who wants to start?
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MST3K 822 ⚬ Overdrawn at the Memory Bank (1983) ⚬ 1997
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