#translator isn't perfect so idk
cozycryptidcorner · 1 year
EVERYBODY!! look at these paintings by Vsevolod Maksymovyc
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like hi hello CAN I HELP YOU?
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bistaxx · 5 months
I'm still losing my mind over a qsmp digimon inspired au- it just feels so perfect- also please just look at this thing:
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mattynmarns · 1 year
for the live translator, since the people on the usmp are content creators and have so many hours of footage of them speaking, I wonder if the ai would be more effective in understanding what they're saying if it was trained specifically on each of the joining ccs videos. like if they can teach the ai each of those specific accents and dialects then it would probably make it more effective
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perilegs · 1 year
You often leave tags worrying about your English spelling and typos, which is ridiculous because you have better English grammar and correct spelling more than most first language English speakers
ahdjdk i know but ty, i appreciate hearing it!
#ask#anonymous#to be real for a sec i know my level is pretty good but for a long time being good at learning languages was the only thing i was good at#so since there are a lot of words i dont know the meaning of or cant use and other ppl who dont speak english as their native language do#i feel like im not allowed to not know those things bc whats my excuse. would i know what those words meant in my native language if i was#given the translation? definitely not!#and i know i make an equal amount of weird grammatical errors and typos in both english and finnish#but i feel like i will b judged harshly for making those mistakes in a 2nd language and people will look at me and think damn#at least im better than him lol cant believe he actually writes like that yikes#which isnt true but idk i just feel like it's socially more acceptable to make mistakes in your native language than a language that youve#been learning since you were a child. its ridicilous to strive for perfection especially bc im not a writer or getting a degree in english#or anything like that#idk man#and the stress i have about speaking in a perfect manner has made it so that idk how to pronounce a lot of words and sometimes#find it hard to get even a single word out bc i know im going to sound dumb bc i have a strong accent and forget words#but not only that its bc i have nearly no practice in actually speaking english bc im terrified of it bc i have no practiced bc im terrifi#you get the point#anyways saying/writing things weird on purpose helps in a weird way?? everyone else with this problem should also try it#but yea idk something about being judged in a complete different way as soon as someone finds out english isn't your native language#like i know i got all a's in english all thorough school and stuff but agh idk#i hold myself to higher standards than i hold native speakers lmaoo#im trying to learn out of it tho#ive literally done some translation jobs and notice nuances some non native speakers miss bc some things you just have to feel no matter ho#w good your knowledge is#yet im still here like sigh if someone knows one more thing than i do its over for me#which is not good lmaoooo#leevi talks
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
"The moon is beautiful tonight" bro if someone said that to me I'd choke 💀. So here's a request ig. Octavinnle and scarabia saying this phrase in casual conversation causes like. it doesn't mean anything in twst, but yuu doesnt know that. So yuu just looks at them like
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And suddenly they're being a hell of a lot more affectionate towards them specifically, which is really starting to fuck with their emotion at this point. Cause like. "I've thought of what we'd act like as a married couple a million times and you are acting exactly like that"
So now like, idk, 2 months later or something, the boys basically do a "reject me so I can move on. Or not, please not, actually"
And yuus like? We've been together for 2 months now? I thought we were taking it slow but not this slow??
He doesn't even fully remember what he said, or the context that brought it up. If someone were to offer him all the world's wealth and power he wouldn't be able to tell them what brought about this change.
If he did he might find it ironic that in your world there was a place and time where "I love you" could be translated into "the moon looks beautiful tonight." For what else could he have been trying to say?
I LOVE THIS TROPE I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH. UNREQUITED REQUITED ACCIDENTAL LOVE CONFESSION MY BELOVED. Anyway yeah sure I can do this easy. Also can someone tell me what "ig" means I am an elderly woman ☆ヽ(o_ _)o notes: they/them used for Yuu, angst with the intent of comfort, not all of them follow the flow of the prompt exactly sorry, idk if I like this one? I'm so sorry it took so long I loved this prompt but for some reason when I sat down to write it my brain fried. More fic can be found on my masterlist here.
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What He Says:
You can't actually see the moon from Octavinelle, so how the conversation topic got around to it is quite lost on you. "You just don't really seem like an astrology h- person to me?" It is all you can do to bite back a different description as you try to pretend your focus is on the silverware you are rolling and not the ever so slightly disheveled octomer across the office. You treasure these times, though you have to wonder just how intentional they are. Azul always has an aura of manufactured perfection around him, so to see him with ink stained hands and a crooked tie... you wish you were quick enough to get a picture with something other than your mind's eye.
"I could say the same about you," he smiles as he speaks in a way you want to believe is affectionate "though I suppose it shouldn't, every planet large enough to host life will have a moon." Your fingers fidget with the napkins as you wonder where to take this talk, talking with Azul is a lot like a dance at a masquerade you haven't been invited to. One small slip and he has you at his mercy.
"I was surprised your moon looks so similar to mine." You try. "It was very comforting to know it still represents my deepest, truest self."
"Then it must look beautiful tonight." Azul says softly, as if he is more testing the words in his mind than he is saying them. But still you startle and drop the silverware and make him jump.
"I'm sorry?" You stumble over yourself to pick it up and see a worried Azul standing in front of you.
"I said the moon must look beautiful tonight." He says as he bends to help, so casually that he has to call out to you again to make you realize this isn't a dream.
"It is." You pull yourself up and stand closer to him than you have ever previously dared.
When He Breaks (Two Months Later):
Ramshackle Prefect: Morning Azul ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Azul stares at his phone as if he is unused to the words on his screen. His thumb hovers over the heart as if he could reach out and touch what sits on the other side and know.
You: Morning, a bit early for you isn't it?
Not that he is upset exactly, this is a lovely thing to wake up to. But it's torture, pure torture to lack the context for any of this. When you started messaging him in the morning he had been too pleased to think critically. His mind conjures up images of how sweet you could sound when half asleep, what it would be like to hear that wish from you every morning out loud instead of on a screen. He shakes his head trying to blink back the tears as he rises, these thoughts are like one of those mirages he'd heard Jamil describe before. If he looked too hard it would disappear and leave him with nothing but sand, and there is nothing a merfolk fears more than the absence of water.
Ramshackle Prefect: (。•̀ᴗ-) Ramshackle Prefect: hehe im goin back to sleep now. Ramshackle Prefect: dont overwork urself. it's supposed to be the weekend!!!
"Supposed to be the weekend" he wants to die. His heart hammers away at his chest as reads and re-reads his messages searching for a sign of how or why he is getting these messages. It's a thankless task, he's done this every day for... it feels like years but he knows from his carefully kept notes it's only been two months one week and three days. And he does mean notes, so what if he's taken to keeping Yuu's file in his night stand it's still kept in a file which means it isn't a diary. Not that it would be a problem if he did-
Ramshackle Prefect: oh before I forget is it ok if I stop by the lounge later? I tried making a pudding and want to know if it tastes good Ramshackle Prefect: y'know to people who don't eat literal dirt
-so no he wasn't keeping a diary but maybe Jade is on to something and he should really start because he hears those are good for managing stress.
"Not that I am unimpressed with your efforts," is what Azul says out loud with a great deal of effort "but is it just me or have you been trying to cook a lot more lately?" It had started with little sandwiches and maybe a salad on days he was still at work late into the night, dropped off with the claim that Yuu was worried he wasn't taking care of himself but they never actually stayed to watch him eat it. This was new, as if they were testing the waters of something from their position on his couch, face still puffy with sleep as they settle themselves deep into its puffy cushions and watch him at his desk. Maybe they were concerned he would not want a desert and intended to stay and make sure he didn't throw it out. That had to be it, but then why visit dressed so casually? He can count on one hand the times he has seen Yuu out of an NRC uniform, and none of those allowed him a glimpse of their actual preferences in clothing.
It's like they've forgotten who they are dealing with.
"Well yeah, it's a good skill to have." Yuu looks at him with a genuine unguarded smile. "Besides it's fun to get your opinions on my food, I don't always understand how you come up with them but I feel like it helps."
"My I didn't realize you held my advice in such high esteem." He feels much more like himself now with this information. Of course Yuu has been messaging him more, they need him for something. It might sting, but it's safe. Logical. Something he can work with. "Maybe I'll just have to start charging you, can't have you taking my secrets and stealing away my customers, can I."
But for some reason this just makes you laugh. "No need to worry about that, I only really cook for you. And Grim I guess but like I said, he literally eats dirt. I mean just the other day-
"What did you say?" Azul's voice sounds strained.
"About Grim eating dirt?" You say, and Azul finally for someone so smart and so proud on his ability to read people thinks that he might have made a mistake. "He says he's making a tier list."
"Why are you so painfully human?" His smile is strange, you can't say you have ever seen him like this before, it's a strange mix of happiness and resignation. "Your heart is so- prefect do you trust me?"
"Yes." You answer, seemingly confused as if your answer to that question shouldn't have been something he doubted.
"Would you trust me with your life? Your secrets?" He makes his way out from behind his desk to stand above you, to look down at you and confirm that for some damnable reason you are still calm. "Would you trust me with your life?"
"...only if you wanted it." Finally he sees a trace of fluster in you, finally you feel as nervous around him as he does around you constantly. He places a finger under your chin and forces you to look at him.
"Then tell me how you feel about me truthfully. Because everything you have said and done up to this point has been driving me crazy into thinking I have a chance." You blink. Once. Twice. And then a look of pure confusion distorts your perfect face.
"You- you don't know? But I thought- I mean you said-" And then suddenly Yuu has managed to jump out from the couch and the intensity of the moment stutters closer to comedy as Azul watches you curl under his desk like it's an octopot. "You said the moon was beautiful."
It's Azul's turn to blink. Once. Twice. He feels like he should be holding back tears, or disappointed in some way but- "I did say that... but what does that have to do with, anything?" You don't move and Azul considers his options, and decides to walk slowly to his desk and pick up the pudding before settling himself just out of sight from where you are hiding. And he waits, he waits for you to speak like his hands aren't clammy and he is not worried at all about what you might have to say.
"In my world when you say that it means something." You sound so small and alone, but still he waits. "I was really happy to hear you say it, but I didn't think... no I just didn't think. I'm so so so sorry."
"What did you think I said?" His mind is racing with the possibilities, but he has an idea because really what else could he have said that would explain all of this behavior?
"I don't wanna say it. It's embarrassing." You sound close to tears and Azul can't have that now can he? He crouches down to look at you curled under his desk and thinks that Floyd must have been wrong when he called you a shrimp, how could you be anything other than another octopus, waiting for someone who understood them too?
"As embarrassing as saying it again?" He doesn't wait for you to reply. "The moon looks beautiful tonight." He watches your breath hitch in delight as he fully invades your space and whispers what it looks like he should have just said all along. "I love you."
And gets to hear the one thing he has wanted most. "I love you too."
What He Says:
"And that is the Hero constellation." Jade makes sure to keep his hand as close to you as plausible, resting the back of it against yours as he uses his pencil to point at the star chart you are examining to avoid having to move it away from your addictive warmth. He delights in the way you try to suppress your shudders yet make no move to shake him off, what a dangerous game it is you have decided to play tonight. "Named after the Hero who dove into the underworld to fetch back his beloved from death itself."
"It looks familiar." You swallow and try to focus on the stars, Jade had been kind enough to offer you some "opinions" (because help would cost you and he has no intention to charge yet) when he saw you struggling to read your astrology homework. "But I don't think it was as important to astrology back in my world..."
"Oya? Your world also values the guidance of the stars?" Jade is always hard to read, but even more so in the dark. Something to do with his natural habitat you suppose, not that you are excited about the potential he sees you as some sort of prey. Not that you couldn't be if you knew just what sort.
"Well yeah sometimes. But I think it has more to do with the zodiac constellations and the position of the planets." You smile and hope this little bit of information is enough for Jade to take as payment instead of a favor but he simply hums.
"Yes I do seem to recall you saying something like that." He says with a smile and you desperately wrack your brain for how he could know that when you know damn well it wasn't to him.
You were only sort of right, he had been there, just out of sight listening intently as you described the differences in the mythological origins of the various signs and their importance in match making.
"Only in some cultures Ace!"
But you had made no mention of whether or not that culture was yours, which was all Jade really cared about. Not that he placed much interest or faith in the stars but if you did that was important data. But no matter how carefully he tried to poke the only thing you ever seemed to really like talking about was the moon. "The moon looks beautiful tonight." Jade says, bitterly, head full with ideas that he wants to give but cannot without overplaying his hand. And yet-
"Do you mean that?" He turns his head abruptly, blinking in confusion down at your flustered self. Jade knows right away that he has said something without meaning to, your reaction screams it but just this once- no he is always selfish when it comes to you. So in keeping with his habits, he drops the pencil and folds his hand around yours properly.
"Every word." It is all he can do to keep his teeth from showing as he watches you fold into him. Normally when Jade offers to walk you home you make up an excuse or outright decline, but when he offers tonight you are happy to accept. You even let him help you pick up your things and when he decides to push his luck and ask for your hand-
You let him take it. His brain is fried, the only thing he can think of and feel is the texture of your skin and the weight of your fingers intertwined with his. Neither of you speak on the way back to Ramshackle, Jade barely hears himself whispering you a goodnight as he swears you stare at his lips in the same way he always dreams of yours.
His mind works overtime as he walks back to his dorm, thinking and re-thinking his words and wondering if he has reached the right conclusion. Data, he needs more data on this change. You have let him get close to what he wants in moments of weakness before, but you have never let him touch and as much as he wants to throw himself into you and be consumed with his assumptions...
When He Breaks (3 months later):
He is long past collecting data at this point, he is just being a coward. Jade is fairly certain that Yuu is courting him... but that pesky doubt keeps creeping back in the longer he looks at them. Not that Jade is unfamiliar with doubting himself, or waiting to strike but you...
"Are you alright, Jade?" You're laid across his lap without a care in the world watching that damn moon again, completely unaware of him unraveling beneath you. "You've been spacing out a lot lately."
"I've just had a lot on my mind~" He caresses the side of your face and you let him, you even whine a bit when he retracts it and speed up his heart rate just enough to make him hyper conscious of his breaths. "Can I ask you something?"
"Technically you already have." You squirm to try and dodge his flick but don't seem too fussed by it. "But sure, what's bothering you?"
"Do you hate me?"
"What?" Oh that look of shock on your face is precious he hasn't seen it in a while. Slowly, giving you just enough space to run if you want Jade bends towards you, smiling wide and tootful as he repeats the question.
"I was wondering if you hate me dear Prefect. Because you see," he sniffles and tries to pretend he doesn't hear you groan in exasperation "our relationship these past few months has been nothing but pure torture for my poor self."
"Oh has it now." You don't sound like you believe him how tragic. "I didn't realize I was such bad company."
"Oh the worst sort." He whimpers. "The sort of company that takes advantage of the thin lines between you and does all sort of things to your poor heart."
"... thin lines?" Finally. FINNALY. You sound just as worried as he's been these past three months. He ceases his blubbering and looks at your embarrassed face properly. It's adorable, he'll have to ask for your forgiveness later for his lengthy pause admiring it later.
"Please be truthful." He whispers just a tad lower than is necessary. "And be gentle with me in your rejections so I can move on if I must but first-"
"We're not dating?!?!?" How rude you don't let him finish before you interrupt and try to run away. His long arms interrupt your retreat, pulling you down with peels of laughter (from him it's clear you don't find this funny) as he rolls you onto the grass, pinned directly beneath him. You look good like this, eyes focused entirely on him and no longer pining after the moon.
"There seems to have been a misunderstanding." He says and you try your best to glare threateningly up at him. "I can't quite remember anything I might have done to make you think we were together. Was it something I said?"
"You said... I'm so stupid."
"I don't seem to recall ever having said that outloud." You try to knee him in the groin but he pins your leg down with his own, such useful things though a tail would have made this entire confrontation much more efficient.
"Of course it doesn't mean the same thing. This is a different world." You look genuinely distraught, and though Jade doesn't regret his teasing one bit he doesn't want to keep you in suspense much longer. So he bends his face directly next to your ear and whispers.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." Your breath hitches and Jade rolls to his side, pulling you up onto his chest before you can go back to being angry at him. "You're right, it doesn't mean whatever you think it should here. After all if I wanted to say how I feel about you I wouldn't use a metaphor."
"And just what would you say about me?" You sound so impossibly small, just as in need of reassurance as he had been just mere moments ago.
"I would say that I love you, of course." It's hard to say out loud, but worth the reward of your warmth settling into him once more, with clarity this time and no need for cowardice.
What He Says:
Floyd has been in a strange mood lately, not quite bad, not quite good, and yet somehow very clearly not somewhere in between either. Reflective is the word you would choose yourself, but no one is really asking your opinion they just want you to fix it.
Not that you have any real clue how you are going to do that, you will be the first to admit you didn't have much of a plan when you asked if Floyd wanted to climb up to Ramshackle's roof and shoot the breeze. Not that you are really complaining it had been funny watching him try to figure out the climb.
"I though you were supposed to be good at this." You laugh from your perch waving a bag of flavored potato chips in encouragement as Floyd snorts just below you.
"I'm real good at parkour, just haven't really climbed trees before. I ain't a monkey fish." Still he manages to hoist himself up just fine and plop himself next to you with a thud that reminds you of just how much weight there is to him. He's tall and lean, his figure seems to go on forever as he stretches himself out next to you, eyes fluttering shut as he lets out a breath and holds out a hand for a chip.
You stuff it into his mouth and try not to laugh too hard when he chokes. He spits some of the chip shards back at you and tries not to smile too wide when you sputter and whine about how gross he is for spitting on you.
"Ya do this a lot back home?" It's not the first time Floyd has asked about your world, but it is certainly the most random.
"We've got stars in my world too." You snort, trying to think about just how you are going to turn this conversation around into something more cheerful. "But nah, pretty sure someone would have called the cops if they caught me on the roof at 2 am." Floyd rolls onto his side, propping himself up on his arm to really look at you as you look through your grocery bag of loot deciding which of the drinks you brought up you want to drink.
"I meant invite people to hang out real late." You stop your search to look down at him and find your words caught somewhere between your heart and your throat. Not like this. You want to say. Not for this reason. But instead you shrug and try to offer a bottle he doesn't take. You aren't avoiding the question tonight. "Ya gotta have done something for fun, right?"
"Sometimes I'd walk around a store or something." It's weird explaining stuff to a merman, sometimes they get what you're trying to say but other times they come back with "so it's like that time Jade and I got caught chasing a dolphin around the school playground and got yelled at for tying him up in seaweed" and you just have to smile and say "yeah totally" because what the hell. You're pretty sure it's not but you lack all sorts of context to try and make him understand. "Or we'd sneak out and just drive around and talk about stuff. There's- not a bunch of exciting things I know how to do I guess." If this was a normal night Floyd would roll his eyes and lie back down, whine about that's why you always make him do all the work because shrimpies have shit for brains and his plans are always so much better.
But he doesn't. He reaches over and tugs on your leg, gently enough that you can run away if you want but clear in his desire to have you closer. So you move, expecting his hand to drop but it doesn't, not until he settles his head in your lap and he physically can't keep it there anymore.
"Ya ever talk about things that matter with those guppies?" Maybe he's homesick and that's why he's so focused on this. "Things that make ya miss them?" Maybe he's just projecting that onto you since he knows you will listen and be nice about it. But then his hand reaches up and turns your head so you can look him in his eyes.  They're glowing, you barely realize your own hand going to cup Floyd's cheek before he moves his other to keep it from going.  "You ever miss one of em in particular?"
"Not really."  How could you when Floyd looks like this?  "It'd be nice to see my friends again, sure, but it's not like there's one specific person I miss."  Floyd lets out a breath that it sounds like he has been keeping in for a long, long time.  His hands both fall to his side as he lets you look away in embarrassment, wiggling in slight happiness when you choose to rest your hands on his shoulders.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." Floyd's voice sounds sleepy and oddly content.  Your eyes immediately snap back to him, but he isn't looking at you now. There is a a slight red tinge to his ears that makes you laugh quietly as you run a finger over the shell of one.  So that's what this is about.
"It's always beautiful with you around Floyd."  And finally he is looking at you with a smile.
When He Breaks (2 weeks later):
When you gave Floyd a guest key to Ramshackle he'd been extremely happy. Sure he'd acted like it was no big deal in front of you, beyond a few teasing comments about how buttering him up wouldn't get you anywhere unless you put it in writing. But back at his dorm he had been beyond insufferable, obsessing over just what color thread he should attach to it (purple for the sea witch, teal for the eel, or grey for ramshackle? decisions decisions), wanting to keep it close at all times until he had an excuse to replace it with you.
Because that's what he needed right? An excuse? Floyd wasn't exactly... shy in showering you with his affections but you. You. Until that stupid conversation on the roof a month ago you had always been sort of shy about it, if not outright dismissive. He assumed it was because you just didn't reciprocate but now...
"Floyd?" You can't really remember the last time he knocked, even before you gave him the key he sort of just let himself in. But today he knocked, only once and waited for you to open the door in eerie silence. Even when Floyd was coming over because he was bored he still managed to drag himself through the door or a window if he was so inclined.
So why not today?
"Not having a good day?" You try softly, he walks into your lounge with an eerie quiet about him. The last time you saw him something very nice happened, so you can't exactly say you are too worried but. It still sucks to see someone you care about in distress.
"Kinda." Floyd doesn't look like he had much of a plan now that he's in your dorm. "Had a lot on my mind is all."
"Aw that's no fun." You both stand doing nothing for what feels like an hour but you're sure is only a few seconds. "Do you uh want to talk about it?"
"..." And just like that Floyd feels really silly. He wanted to see you so that's why he came, but he wants to be as far away from these painful feelings as possible. "I kind of want to take a nap."
"Oh?" You don't sound surprised, but are clearly confused. Floyd begins to head towards the guest room without looking back. The guest room feels like you just enough that it can soothe his longing and distance himself from his internal conflict. "Would you like to use my room?" Or he could just not be allowed to distance himself at all because you could just say- "I've got some stuff to do but I can join you af-"
"Are you fucking serious." Floyd's voice is dangerously low and he is dangerously close to your face like you have said something wrong. "Look Shrimpy-" He swallows, like he's really considering what it is he has to say so he breathes and just goes for it "Yuu. You're killin me with this. Humans are already so fucking confusing. I give ya a shell and you get all cold for a week, and now, now you wanna sleep with me?" He pouts at you, like your suggestion had been scandalous. "'s like you think we're together or something."
"... we're not?" That's the only thing you can think to say even though the fact you have to say it answers the question for you.
"No?" Now Floyd sounds confused. "Ya- you can't do this to meeeeeeee." Despite his protests he seems just fine with grabbing onto you and dragging you into an embrace and resting his cheek on your head so you can't see his face anymore. "There's supposed to be a process to these things ya know? I'm supposed to give you gifts, and then you're supposed to give me some back and then I tell you I love you but every time I tried that I said something stupid instead. Like 'oh wow the moon looks beautiful tonight or some shit." He huffs and he puffs and he waits for you to say something. But you don't, you take a deep breath.
And laugh.
"Is this fucking funny to you?" Floyd is taken so a back he lets go of you only to find you laughing harder. You stand and reach to cup his face. Floyd doesn't like being squeezed, but there's something about the light squish you give to his cheeks that he likes, he likes a lot.
"No- well maybe a little bit. It's just, I knew. I knew what you were trying to say." Yuu says it like it is the most obvious thing in the world, like it's something Floyd should have known all along. "I owe you an apology, I should have asked, made sure you knew. In my world, it's sometimes considered too forward to say 'I love you' so instead..." You close the distance between you once more, leaving just enough room that Floyd can back away from you if he wants, "instead we say 'the moon looks beautiful tonight.'" Floyd takes in a deep, deep breath and you wait. The anger and frustration slowly fades as he exhales, shoulders sagging as he searches your face for signs.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." He says it slowly, voice dipping low with the same strange gravity it had the first time he said it.
"It does, doesn't it?" You smile, and Floyd finally reaches for you, arms wrapped much more loosely than you ever thought possible.
"You're really mean sometimes ya know that." As if he doesn't find that attractive.
What He Says:
Sometimes you worry about Kalim. He has this way of talking about things that, if it had been anyone else who said it, should be a major cause for concern. But because Kalim seems relatively happy most all of the time and has a family with a bunch of money no one really makes much of a fuss about it.
So when he says, off handedly, completely as a joke, that you should listen to his worries sometimes you don't give him a chance to play it off. You sit up from where you had been lying down in the Scarabia Lounge and move just a bit closer to where Kalim is relaxing so he can see how serious you are.
"Of course you can talk to me if you have worries." Your voice must have been abnormally serious because Kalim doesn't respond immediately. At first you wonder if the noise of the party behind you had somehow drowned out what you said but then you see Kalim's face. He looks conflicted, as if there is something he desperately wants to say, but instead he looks at you with a smile.
"I don't really have any." But he doesn't laugh when he says it, not that he sounds unhappy exactly just thoughtful. He doesn't move away from you either.
"Even if it's something you think might be silly," you say slowly forcing yourself to continue even as Kalim looks away "of if you're able to dismiss them. If something makes you sad for even a moment, you can tell me. I won't offer my opinion if that's not something you want, or won't help, I can still listen."
"You're really insistent about this huh?" Kalim sits up now too and you turn to look up at the stars decorating Scarabia's night sky. You wonder briefly about how exactly they might have gotten that to work when he says it. "The moon is beautiful tonight." He sounds so wistful but it's gone in a blink as he reaches for your hand and doesn't let you respond to his admission. "C'mon! Let's take the magic carpet and get a better look." You try to contain your excitement as he lets you lace your fingers together and doesn't even try to let go.
What He Breaks (1 week later):
Technically, Kalim isn't the one who breaks. He notices, of course he notices, the way you are more comfortable in seeking him out. How comfortable you now are with his casual touches, how willing you are to hold his hand and even give it a little squeeze. It's heaven, like he found the treasure cave the Sorcerer of the Sands had searched so long for. If it was up to him he would have let it go a little longer.
But it isn't exactly up to him, it never is. Not that Jamil looks angry exactly, but then again as Kalim has come to accept he's not the best at reading his moods.
"I thought you said you weren't going to ask Yuu out?" No Jamil sounds confused and Kalim fidgets with his bracelet under his questioning stare because he knows what he's about to say will probably actually make him mad.
"I didn't." Jamil takes a deep breath and Kalim immediately waves his hands to try and soothe him. "Promise! I remember everything you said about wanting to know and I agree it's just... are you sure you aren't misreading things? That Yuu isn't just... comfortable around me now?"
"... it's always a possibility given just how weird the prefect can be, but no. I'm pretty sure you must have said something that's given them the wrong impression." Jamil sighs and rubs his chin thoughtfully. "It's going to be awkward, but you should probably clear things up with them and tell them how you really feel."
"You mean tell them I'm not allowed to-"
"Like I said before," Jamil actually smiles now, and Kalim really hopes it's real "it's not my place to tell you who you can and cannot date. Sure your parents might have an idea about what they want you to do, but you and I know that a political marrige would never really work for you. It's just not how you're built." And with that he leaves Kalim to his thoughts.
"Have you ever considered throwing smaller parties?"
"Haha this is a smaller party~ I only invited you and your freshmen friends." So Kalim says and so you see, but you suppose everything Kalim does comes from a rather skewed sense of small. It's nice to look out on though, Ace is amusing one of your other classmates with his card tricks while Jack and Deuce take turns at arm wrestling. Epel even manged to get Sebek to participate in something, though he might have regretted making it an eating contest. And above it all, tucked away in a little alcove, Kalim rests his head on your shoulder and hums along with the music playing through his dormitory loudspeakers. It feels domestic in a way despite the grandiose display around you.
"It's very nice Kalim." You lean your head on top of his and he sighs in contentment. "But you said there was a worry you wanted to tell me about?"
"Mhm. I'm worried I said something accidentally that made you realize that I liked you." If he wasn't holding you so intimately his words would have been like ice water over your self confidence. You still cringe and Kalim laughs slightly, happily holding you just a bit closer. "Hey I didn't say that I don't like you, I just want to make sure you understand what that means. I could put you in a lot of danger you know?"
"More than half a dozen overblots?" You lightly joke but Kalim just hugs you a little harder at the thought. "We'll cross those bridges when we come to them, it doesn't make me love you any less. After all," you press a gentle kiss to his forehead and smile as he shakes in happiness "the moon looks beautiful tonight." Kalim gives a little gasp.
"Oh that's a wonderful way to say it!"
What He Says:
"I get that your world is a bit behind ours because it doesn't have magic, but really?"  Jamil's voice lacks the usual venom that would accompany his teasing if he hadn't been the one to propose this idea.  "Wanting to make a mix tape has got to make you practically per-historic."   You try to suppress your own smile as you watch him work from across the floor.
"I prefer vintage."  Your smile breaks free as Jamil finally laughs, you wonder if he knows just how beautiful he is as he swipes a misbehaving hair out of his eyes and gives his stereo another once over.  "I'll have you know making mixtapes have a long and storied tradition in my world."  You keep some of the possible implications to yourself, and try to pretend the concept hasn't been swirling around in you brain since he first suggested this.  "Why aren't you using magic to clean it?"
"Because I get to keep you here longer."  The words dance on the tip of his tongue and he forces them away with a smile.
"It's old, and I don't really want to go searching for a new one if I break something."  The lie has just enough of a trace of truth to fool you, but Jamil isn't one for taking chances.  "Aren't you supposed to be looking for stuff you like?  You won't get that by staring at me."
"Not like I'm going to find anything till your done cleaning."  You snort and finally take your distracting eyes away from him and direct them to his tapes.  "I don't know any of this stuff."  But you can still tell this collection is pretty impressive.  Some of the tapes look newer, but there are others that while well cared for are clearly old.  Album art featuring sandy landscapes and people posing is sandwiched between vaporwave cartoons and aesthetically confusing 3-d models.  This belongs to Jamil so you have a feeling it's organized, but you can't tell how.  Not that he leaves you wondering for long lightly taps your nose with a new cotton swab and nudges your pouting face towards a specific section of the box.
"Here, I set some aside based off the kind of music you said you liked."  And some that just reminded him of you, but that's nothing you need to know, yet if ever.  "Anything else you can think of?"
"Do you have any songs about the moon?"  The question pops out of your mouth before the thought that birthed it is fully formed, making you stumble over your explanations.   "Yeah go ahead and laugh there's just... this one song I miss."  It makes you think of him, from the few words you can remember.  You've written it down again and again to try and make sure you don't forget them, but the tune has begun escaping you; much like all your memories of home will one day be fragmented, not that the reality makes it hurt any less.  "I'm worried I'll forget what my moon looks like."  Jamil's amused confusion remains, but his eyes soften in response to your distress.
"Is there a specific reason you need the song?  Yo- The moon is beautiful tonight, do you need the exact song to see it?"  Jami
"N-no."  Your voice shakes.  Neither of you move to look away, what gives you the strength to move yourself to sit next to him you don't know.  But he doesn't move away and you let out a deep breath from sheer and relief and joy.  "I think I'll be able to see it just fine next to you."
What He Breaks (two months later):
Things have been going missing from Jamil's room lately. Nothing he actually needs really, the sort of little things you would take if you were really desperate to remember the feel of a person. The sort of things you would take if you were dating that person, which isn't at all the thought he would have had if he didn't know who was taking them. Not that Jamil could come up with a reason for Yuu to be taking these things, his first thought had been to take something of Yuu's the next time he visited Ramshackle, but that seemed to make you happy. "Fair game" he'd thought. "I want an excuse to see you and you want an excuse to see me."
Still he wasn't prepared for this.
"Jamil!" there is something refreshing about how calm your happiness is. You've always had a way of extending that calm to him, wrapping him in it and allowing him some space to breathe. But today, today. Today the Ramshackle Prefect has decided that he wasn't allowed peace, because yesterday they had stolen his sweatshirt, and today they have decided to wear it. "Everything ok?
"ha." Jamil wants to tug the hood of his dorm uniform over his head. He wants to run, he wants to shake you, he wants to scream. He wants to do a three act play complete with an interpretive dance because that would be easier than trying to speak. But he has to, because there's only so many deep breaths he can take before you reach out to make sure he's ok. So he takes your hand in his as you do and places it directly over his heart. "You know," for some reason he finds it easier to smile now that you know how nervous he is "you can't have taken that without knowing what people might say."
"Oh I don't know." You smile and bring yourself into his space, that strange calm he finds in your happiness begins to weave itself around him again. "Maybe I wanted to clear some things up. Make it good and clear where I belong." Jamil takes another deep breath, your arms go around him and he makes sure to look long and good into your eyes to make sure there isn't a shred of a crimson glow. That this is something you have decided of your own free will and not a dream or an accident involving magic.
"I never properly asked you out..." Technically he never asked you out at all, but Jamil would rather die than say that out loud. Maybe sometime long long in the future when he's ready to laugh at it and not now when he needs you to confirm that's what you thought he did in the first place.
"Oh! That's not-" You bury your face in his chest with a light laugh and he tries not to die in the time between the seconds until you respond. "I was so happy to hear you say the moon line it didn't really occur to me you might be worried about that."
"Who wouldn't?" Not that he's worried now, every other possibility has been ruled out so he can say exactly what he's been wanting to for so long. "Will you be mine?"
"I already was." It sounds so much better outloud than he could have ever dreamed.
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dunmeshistash · 14 days
As of... actually several episodes ago but more so on this episode, I'm starting to think there's something (a reason/correlation?) to the anime not going all out on the animation (youd think ep23 part 1 would have gotten more attention) or when its not doing a 100% panel-for-panel adaptation of the manga (ie cutting out gags and some other parts)
Its almost like the anime is slightly just a little maybe advertising the manga? but idk, you dont really get this feeling if youve never read the manga. It only torments those who have who know what's in the manga that the anime-only's are missing out on. and there's also the dungeon tidbits that dont/havent been adapted that expand more on the story.
lets be real tho, some things in the manga just would not translate as effectively into anime. (ie the manga covers that look raw as all hell)
tl;dr i have a feeling the anime is not doing the manga 100% perfect justice because animation restraints AND it wants you to read the manga as well.
I've actually been thinking about that too. But objectively I think the dungeon meshi anime is effective/overall good adaptation of the manga.
The feeling of "NOO IT'S MISSING X THING" as far as I can tell is only for people who have read the manga, everyone else doesn't seem to feel there's a lack of quality. I call it the cursed knowledge of the manga lol.
The fact is that the manga is just PACKED full of so many details an adaptation that has ALL of it is just impossible, and trigger's anime isn't necessarily bad just because it doesn't have it <- I say begrudgingly cause I wish it had all
From what I can tell they have been pacing themselves within their budget/time constraints and focusing on what the medium of animation can serve the best to compliment the manga, which is action scenes, they seem to be focusing most of their efforts into giving us BREATHTAKING animations during the action and honest I LOVE IT.
I recommend @swampjawn's animation breakdowns if you wanna really appreciate it in a more technical aspect, its so good.
But another thing I've been noticing is how much content Ryoko Kui does related to the anime? Like the merch, the blu-ray boxes the collabs. Is that something common at all? The manga author doing so much content related to the anime of their work?
Maybe it's an exception cause she finished publishing Dungeon Meshi before the anime came out but I hope that her gorgeous art inspires people to read it.
Anyway I'm not sure if trigger is on purpose doing "manga advertisement" but just where I believe they'll stop this season is probably gonna make a lot of people want to read so it's a win in my book.
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writingforstraykids · 3 months
Idk if anyone requested that before but soft thoughts on Seungmin?
Thank you @skzoologist @atinyniki and @kailee08 for your ideas, I got a little lost here😢😂
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Seungmin loves calling you silly names and making fun of you without crossing any of your boundaries, of course. Wherever the two of you are, playful bickering can be heard, and Minho once told you Seungmin became an even bigger menace than before. He's been very careful around you in the beginning, knowing some people simply don't get it's part of his love language. Hurting you would be the last thing he wants to do. So when you first teased right back, making fun of him in return his heart stopped for a second before the brightest smile spread all over his face.
He enjoys pretending to hate your loving hugs, soft touches, or your perfect skin against his. In reality, which you both know damn well, his heart skips, and his brain needs a moment to restart whenever your sweet touch graces him. Especially whenever you start pouting at him, pretending for too long, he can't deny the effect you have on him, gently intertwining your fingers and kissing your temple in a reassuring manner.
If you ask him for literally anything, he'll be the first to throw his biggest pout your way. He whines so loudly it makes everyone's head turn whenever you're at the dorms. Your beloved Minnie can't resist you for long, though, and will get you whatever you want. He comes back with a bag of your favorite takeout, shoving it into your hand and again, pouting at you. Whenever you dare to call him out on this little habit of his, it'll only get worse, and he'll pretend to sulk for another bit.
Seungmin hates public displays of affection. It feels awkward and he doesn't want others to see how you two share the love between you. He can't fight feeling all fuzzy and happy though whenever you do something small. If your fingers brush against his, you'll kiss his cheek or wrap your arms around him his heart melts and he has trouble stopping himself from blushing.
You're in love with his voice and you never fail to tell him that. So once he got comfortable enough he started singing you to sleep almost every night. Sometimes when he's away, he makes time to call you and sing you to sleep nevertheless. He loves seeing you drift off slowly and relaxing to the sound of his angelic singing voice.
At first Seungmin isn't that great with openly telling you how much he truly loves you and how much you mean to him. So whenever he's sure you're asleep, he watches your peaceful form curled up in his arms and starts talking. He tells you the cheesiest shit right there, dedicating his life to you and pouring out every bit of love he has. It takes him a long time to say some of those things to your face but the way your eyes light up make it worth it.
Minnie made you a playlist to listen to whenever he's away, so you won't forget him. He's more than surprised when one day you send him a link to a playlist you made for him in return. He hasn't spend a trip away from you without it from that day on.
He always makes sure you're eating enough and feeding you snacks is one of his favorite tasks. Sometimes he's taking them between his teeth and teases you just to get a kiss. He loves kissing you so much, he can't help himself sometimes.
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@mal-lunar-28 @galaxycatdrawz @lilmisssona @silverstarburst @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @michelle4eve @lixie-phoria @xxstrayland @kibs-and-bits @mellhwang @ihrtlix @pheonixfire777 @palindrome969
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imajinxnation · 2 months
Please could you write smut with John Wick x reader with a massive size kink? (only if you're comfortable writing smut tho)
Icecream Cone
John Wick x FEM!Reader
SUMMARY // Surprisingly, eating Icecream can be very rewarding when done right..
TW // Fluff, Smut, vaginal sex, size kink, hand kink, body worship, Age Gap(though not touched on), Dom!John, raw sex(unless you want kids, don't do dat)..
this.. ooooh, this..❤️‍🔥
Writing detailed smut is amaaaazzziiinnggg
Also, idk Russian, I just used Google Translate😭 please forgive me if the translation isn't quite right!!
Pretty sure this is the longest fic I've ever wrote, and I'm pretty fuckin' proud of it!!
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You and John are out in a small town, window shopping, his hand in yours, your fingers linked together as you walk down the sidewalk of the cozy little town. The sun is hot shining down on you, but the breeze is just enough to cool you off and be the perfect day. You stop in front of an Icecream shop, your stomach grumbling at the sight of all the yummy flavours that can be seen.
John notices you staring and chuckles a bit.
"Seems like a good day for Icecream, don't you think?" He asks rhetorically, and leads you inside to buy you a sweet treat on this hot summer day.
John stands in the lineup and waits to order while you go and sit down. He already knows your favourite, so he doesn't ask you what you want before you find a seat. You wait patiently for John to come to your table with your Icecream, people-watching out the window to pass the time. Soon enough he comes and sits down across from you, handing you your cone of Icecream.
"Mm.. My favourite!" You say, taking the cone from his hand and begin to lick at the creamy treat. John chuckles at your enthusiasm and starts to eat his aswell.
"What did you get? You usually don't stray from dark chocolate," You ask, noticing the two different flavours on his cone.
"Coffee and Caramel, thought I'd try something new," he explains and continues to eat his Icecream.
John finishes his in no time, whereas you've still got a ways to go, so you decide to keep on walking through town and just have it as you go along.
At one point on your walk, John looks down at you and watches as your small pink tongue laps at the frozen treat. He licks his lips, his mind wandering to all the other things you can lick with your tongue. He growls a bit under his breath and tries to shake the thought from his head. You were in public!
You hear his slight growl and look up at him. Oh.. you knew that look anywhere. That look was the look he gave you when he wanted something.. Usually something pleasurable. You grin a bit and bite your lip, ideas swirling in your mind. You feel your stomach drop and a rush of warmth spread to your core at the dirty things filling your head.
You finish the Icecream as quick as you can and throw out the remaining napkins.
"I'm starting to get a little sleepy, we've been out all day, you know.." you trail off, a small grin on your face.
John takes the hint and huffs out a small laugh, turning you both around and walking to his car which was parked not too far away. As you walked, hand in hand to his car, John leans down and whisper in your ear darkly.
"When we get home, you're going to show me exactly what that tongue can do.." he growls into your ear before straightening up, and looking as if he hadn't just made your pussy turn into Niagara Falls.
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The moment you walk through that front door, John throws you over his shoulder and kicks the door closed behind him, taking you to your shared bedroom. He drops you onto the bed roughly and pulls you to the edge by your hips, his hands nearly covering your whole stomach.
He slides his hands up your T-Shirt and pulls it off of your body swiftly, revealing your sportsbra covered breasts.
"You see what you do to me..? You were just licking Icecream and you were still able to make me hard.." he grinds out, bringing his large hand to grip your jaw, your cheeks squishing at the contact, "моя любовь (my love).."
"Jardani.. please, I need you so bad.." you whimper out, pressing your thighs together to try and find some friction.
John groans at the use of his birth name. Only you could call him that and it would make him hard. John pulls off your shorts next, leaving you in your bra and underwear, your form significantly smaller than his. He takes his hand away from your jaw and caresses your body, his hands roaming over your stomach, hips, and breasts. He pulls off your sportsbra and squeezes your tits, his hands covering them whole.
He takes one of your perky nipples into his mouth and sucks at it, pulling at it lightly with his teeth while his hand massages the other, pinching and pulling your other nipple. You arch your back, pushing your tits further into his face and hand, and he groans when he hears you moan softly.
He pulls off of your nipple with a pop and slides his hand down your soft stomach, reaching down to your panty-clad pussy. He tugs down your panties and throws them to the floor with all your other clothes. The contrast between you being fully naked and him being fully clothed makes your core ache.
His middle finger rubs through your slick folds a few times before prodding at your entrance and slipping into your awaiting hole. Even having one of his fingers inside of you is filling enough, everything about him being thick and large. He slides a second finger in and starts to pump them in and out of you hard and fast, gentleness going right out the window. His fingers curl inside of you, his thumb rubbing your clit.
"Oh God.. John, fuck!" You moan, hips bucking into his hand.
Your thighs try to close around his arm, but he quickly pins one of your legs down with his other hand while his fingers continue their assault on your dripping pussy.
"You gonna cum for me, Маленький кролик..? (Little Bunny)" He asks, condescendingly.
You nod and moan, unable to form a sentence as his fingers pounded your sweet little pussy.
"Очень жаль.. (Too bad)" He says, his voice dark and deep as he suddenly pulls his fingers out.
"No! Please, John.. need to cum!" You whine out grasping at his forearm to try and make him continue.
John growls and climbs fully on top of you, grabbing your wrists and pinning them over your head, his chocolate coloured eyes darkening, a fire burning within them. He only needs one hand to pin both of your wrists, he grips your face with his other hand, making you look him in the eye.
"Who's in charge? Hm, Принцесса (Princess)?" He asks, a small smirk on his lips. He leans down and kisses you hotly, his tongue invading your mouth, making you moan at the sensation of his hot tongue tangling with yours.
"Hnn.. please, John.. I need you.." you moan into his mouth softly, begging and whining for his touch.
John lets out a dark chuckle, "That mouth.. that tongue of yours.. Those will be put to better use than talking or licking Icecream.." He whispers into your ear, his breath hot on your flesh.
He releases your wrists and pulls you up to stand, your feet touching the floor softly. John lets go of your body and sits down at the edge of your shared bed, undoing the button of his jeans and pulling down the zipper. He pulls his pants and underwear down, finally making it fair by making himself as naked as you are, pulling off his white shirt after his jeans and underwear, throwing his clothes to the floor with the rest.
"Get on your knees, Маленький кролик.. You know what to do, (Little bunny)" John grinned, spreading his legs for your torso to slide between.
You do as he says, knowing if you disobeyed him, it would have great consequences, uncluding him denying you your right to cum. Your small hands caress his abdomen, hips and thighs before taking his hard cock in your hand stroking him a few times. He groans at the feeling of your hand pumping his cock slowly, his hand snaking its way into your hair and tugging your head back harshly.
"Stop teasing, малышка.. (little girl)" he warns, looking you in the eye, making sure you know he isn't playing around.
You suck in a breath, your pussy clenching at the fire in his eyes. You nod slightly and kiss his leaking tip, licking away the precum dripping from his slit. You then wrap your mouth around his thick cock, taking in as much as you can without gagging, your hand helping with the rest. You begin to bob your head on his cock while your hand strokes the rest of his shaft in sync with your mouth.
John keeps his hand tangled in your hair, but doesn't force his hips up into your mouth, he may be rough, but he doesn't want to hurt you, so he lets you do what you can with your mouth. He groans and leans his head back, enjoying the feeling of your hot mouth and tongue suck and lick his cock, your hand adding to the pleasure. Eventually he pulls your mouth off of him with a sharp tug at your hair, not wanting to finish in your mouth, as if you were a whore.
He drags you up off your knees, standing up aswell, towering over you, picking you up and dropping you onto the bed once again. He positions himself between your legs, bringing one of your knees up over his shoulder to get the perfect angle. His cock prods at your entrance, rubbing his shaft in your warm slick before anything.
"Ready, моя любовь? (my love)" He asks softly, knowing his cock was big and would hurt stretching your small pussy out for the first minute or two. It always did.
You nod and whisper, "Yes.. please, love, I need it.."
He pushes in slowly and gently, groaning at the sensation of your pussy squeezing around him, tight and wet, all for him. Only for him.
"Ah! John! So fucking full.." you moan in both pain and pleasure, your nails digging into his broad shoulders.
He grunts and grips your hips, his hands nearly wrapping around your whole waist. His fingers dig into your flesh, trying to control himself, to stop himself from just pounding into you with no remorse. He takes your other leg and places it on his shoulder along with your other one, making him slide deeper into you.
Your eyes widen at the sensation, and you gasp, moaning at the feeling of his cock, deeper than ever.
"Please.. move, John. And don't hold back.." you pant out, a shaky breath leaving your lips as your pussy adjusts to his thickness.
John grunts and nod, doing as you say, fucking into your small, tight pussy with little remorse. You moan loudly at the feeling of his cock slamming into you, throwing your head back at the immense pleasure. With every harsh thrust, your tits bounce, and John is mesmerised. He wasn't going to last long tonight.. but neither were you.
You cling to John's body as he fucks you fast and hard, your nails scratching at his back and shoulderblades, your body contorted, your knees practically over your head as they rest on top of his shoulders. Who knew you were so flexible..
John fucks you as if fucking a toy, his hands pushing you onto his cock further as he thrusts into you desperately, his large form covering yours, your body looking absolutely tiny compared to him, as if you were his little.. doll..
"Gonna cum for me, Принцесса? (Princess) Gonna cum around my cock, like the good Маленький кролик you are..? (Little bunny)" he growls out, grunting, removing a hand from your hip to rub his thumb violently on your clit.
You scream at the sensation, your stomach bubbling with immense pleasure, the band in your stomach about to snap at any second.
"Yes! Fuck, John, wanna cum so bad! Please let me cum, I've been a good girl for you, haven't I?" You stutter out, the knot in your stomach getting tighter as his thrusts and his assault on your clit continue, starting to become sloppy and losing their rhythm.
"Then fucking do it! Cum on my cock, let me feel you.." he growls and presses his thumb harder onto your clit.
That was enough to make the band snap. You scream out his name and spasm around his cock, legs twitching, your head thrown back in a silent moan, losing your voice in the pleasure.
John roars your name and gives one last hard thrust before pulling out and cumming on your stomach. He slumps over your body, bringing your legs down gently on the bed from off his shoulders. His body covers yours, his arms wrapped around your shoulders, stroking your hair as you both come down from your highs.
"Fuck.. моя любовь, you are absolutely amazing, (my love)" He praises, kissing your forehead, taking in your sweet, post-coital scent.
"You're tellin' me.. holy shit. I think that's the hardest you've ever made me cum.." you say, letting out a breath, a sigh of relief.
"I can tell. Maybe next time I'll make you squirt.." John suggests, kissing your cheek with a playful smirk.
"Oh, I'm looking forward to that day.." you reply, grinning. John chuckles and leans down, kissing you sweetly. That was a promise.
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buckyhad · 1 year
Teaching time
Pairing: Boyfriend!Max Verstappen x reader x Bestfriend!Charles Leclerc
Summary: Where Charles is your bestfriend,and teach Max,your boyfriend how to fuck you.
Warnings: oral (f), alcohol, google translated french and dutch, idk what else
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Charles was looking for a movie to watch for what felt like an hour, your mood not being the best this days, you started to get frustrated with your best friend.
"God, Charlie, choose one already" you barked.
"Gid chirlii" He mocked you. "Why are you in such a mood lately?" He asked then.
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"Yes you do" he laughed "I know you very well, now tell me" you always loved Charles' accent, and hearing it sothed your mood a little.
"I can't tell you" you mumbled.
Charles let it be, being your best friend for ages now, he knew that you would cometo him later.
You friendship with him went through all the phases, friends, best-friends, friends with benefits, back to best-friends when Max, one of his friends, told him how much he liked you.
Max, your now boyfriend was the sweetest man ever, hot, caring, loving, funny, think of something good, the guy has it.
But God, he wasn't the best in bed, you really wanted to cry, tore beetwen hurting his feelings or not cuming for what felt like an eternity.
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"Chaaarlesss" a very drunk Max slumped next to him on the couch.
"Maaaaxx" an ecually drunk Charles answered.
"Im so fuck mate"
"What happend?" He answered fast, the guy loved to gossip of course, but he also knew it has something to do with your mood.
"You know that I dont doubt that she loves me a lot, but I think she's pretending her orgasms" Max said.
Charles laughed, he was drunk, it wasn't his fault that Max decided to talk about something serious when they both where that drunk.
"Im so sorry mate, no more laughing" he stoped when he saw Max's face. "Why would you think that?"
"You saw how grumpy she is, why do you doubt me" he covered his face "Stop laughing mate, I feel you shaking" he growled.
"Did you talk to her?"
"Don't know how, what if she isn't and I make her feel bad?"
"Charles?" Max looked up to find that he was alone "Great"
Fifteen minutes later, Charles was back with you by his side, probably as drunk as them.
"My loove" you smiled, sitting on Max's lap.
"Max said you can't cum when you fuck"
"Charlie!" "Mate!" You two talked at the same time.
"What? Im trying to solve a problem here" he shrugged.
You paused for a moment, what better time to have a serious conversation than while drunk?
"I'm sorry Max, you're right" you faced him "I didn't want to hurt your feelings"
"I'm the one whos sorry love, I just don't know how" he answered with his face burning red, having a intimate talk while Charles was looking at them wasn't in his plans for the night.
"Charles go away" Max whined.
"No! I helped, I wanna listen"
"God, you're the biggest gossip I know"
"But you are also friends with Pierre?" He asked confused "I just wanna help you two" he pouted.
"How could you help us?" You asked while laughing.
"I don't know" Charles shrugged "I just cant stand you with this mood".
"Hey!" You said hitting his arm while laughing.
"Wait" Max said "He can teach me!"
"What?!" "I'm a great teacher, you know"
"No way, no fucking way"
"Why not? You've already fuck him, he knows you, he knows me, we can cross threesome from our list, it's perfect!"
"You are really drunk Maxi" you said "You will regret saying that tomorrow"
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Max, in fact, didn't regret it, and after some talking and setting some bounderies, there you were, Charles, Max and you in your bed.
"This is fucking crazy, I hope you know this" you said to your boyfriend
"And you like it" he shrugged.
"I like it too" Charles said.
"You are even crazier than him".
"Why chèrie? Because I can make you cum?" Charles murmured while getting closer to your lips "It's that it?" He said nuzzling his nose agains your neck "Come here Max, kiss her" he got away from you.
Your boyfriend did was he was told, kissing you fiercely. Placing his big hand in your thight and giving a squeeze, earning a quiet moan.
"Go to her neck now, slow" Charles commanded .
You started to lay down, with the dutch on top of you and the monegasque watching.
"Open more your legs love" Max said in between kisses and peeling off your summer dress.
"Kiss your way down" your bestfriend couldn't take his eyes of yours.
Max started his trail down to your breast, taking your bra so he could suck on your breast.
"Fuck, you're so pretty my love" he said making you moan.
"More Maxi, please" you whined, you didn't need that much preparation, having him and Charles watching you was enough. He continued his way down, hooking his thumbs on your panties, pulling it down your legs, and throwing it somewhere in the room.
"Bite her thights".
Max earned a loud gasp from you after that, and your hand tucking his hair.
"Please" you whined.
"Please what love?"
"Eat me out, please" he started with a light kiss, that made you grunt and open more your legs, and then he finally licked your pussy, making you cry out "Fuck, feels so good".
"Mate" Charles whined "Can I touch her, please" he beg watching you.
"Yes please, I want him too"
Max looked up to you, nooding his head, and that was enough for Charles to kiss you. He was hungry, missing being with you wherever he wanted.
"Fuck, i've miss this" he whispered while entering a finger in you, Max just kept licking you.
"It's too much" you cried.
"I know you can take it love" the blonde said, watching your abs start to contract and your legs shaking.
Some more thrusts from Charles' fingers and some flicking of Max tongue, you came.
"God you look so hot like that" Charles growled.
"Can't believe I've been missing this view".
"Our turn now, chèrie".
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A/N: finally, here it is, enjoy. Happy almost spain gp!
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thesmpisonfire · 2 months
I haven't read lea's statements yet so this isn't specifically about her but I hate how people treated q for speaking his native language while talking about an actual legal matter?? Of course he is going to speak it?? He needs to be careful with his wording so yeah he's going to speak the language he knows the most. I am not saying he doesn't know English but as someone who is bilingual, I feel much more confident speaking in my first language than my second, we know that q feels the same as he literally said so.
I have seen people say that "he should've put English translations so lea would understand it!" But like, he is not obligated to do that? Why would he sit down and translate his *legal* statements?? If he fucks up in the translation then that can be used against him in court? Not to mention there are people willing to do translations, there is an entire twt account dedicated to doing them (quackitysubs) i also saw people doing live translations. It just seems like an excuse to get mad at q when you can get mad at him for the lack of communication, you don't have to make up reasons to get mad at him??
Lea took a wrong translation and went with it, she fucked up and that's okay. Lea is not perfect, you shouldn't feel the need to make racist remarks to "defend" her. I feel like people have this weird bias, lea spoke french in a lot of her tweets regarding the situation and that is okay but if q speaks about the situation in Spanish then he is "trying to hide his statements from the french" (ignoring the fact that english isn't a language every french person understands)
Idk it's very weird.
It gives the ick for sure, yk when it hits that feeling of "Oh yeah. These people are european"
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kahlieleith · 2 months
I think people in the fandom get confused with the stat charts, more specifically some have no idea what words means and it gave space to a lot of mischaracterization. First of all, wisdom is not equating to intelligence.
The definition of wisdom :
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While it is linked intelligence it is not the same thing at all. It is more close to knowledge, so with this in mind it's most likely to refer to the characters literal wisdom and/or their knowledge as someone staying in Eridia. Remember that knowledge is a currency there. It doesn't make Mhin stupid to have low wisdom. They are most likely the youngest of the bunch, AND an outsider so low wisdom makes perfect sense.
As funny as low wisdom Leander stat chart sounds, I have to reind you all he is a mage and magic is taught. He grew up in Eridia in a rich family and was meant to enter the Senobium. Do you really think he'd be low on wisdom ? I think not
Also on Kuras' low "empathy" stat : it doesn't make him devoid of morals, and it's stated in the description that he isn't going out there killing people nilly willy. He has a hard time understanding humans as an other-wordly being, nothing more nothing less.
I know media literacy is dying but please at least READ. Words have meaning, thank you
Edit : I know and understand some of us aren't native English speakers and sometimes gets a word's meaning wrong or lack vocabulary (I'm not an English native speaker for example) and that maybe not everyone of us double check or know where to look for accurate translations (Google translate sucks I know). But there is a difference between this point and my point being about media literacy and jumping to conclusions way too quickly.
Also because I don't gatekeep, what I use for single words translation are Word Reference and Reverso. They're good and have a handful of languages (tho from what I've seen it's mainly for Latin European based languages) ! Idk if there is other sites with more languages available tho, but if you look around there might be some !
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bl-sensei · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel songs review: Stayed Gone
This song doesn't have a French title, but if it had one it could've been "Regretter d'être rentré" (lit. Regret coming back).
Vox sings "You're not welcome down here anymore" (Say hello to a new status quo), I don't know why they didn't keep "status quo", but I like the translation;
Vox sings "Say goodbye to radio / We prefer video / we want sounds and images in Hell" (While he hid in radio / We pivoted to video / Now his medium is getting bloody rare) there isn't the idea of him being a coward, but I like that he says that people prefer video;
Alastor sings "For a while, you've been demanding / a stylish media / that offers quality" (yes I know it's been a while / since someone with style / treated hell to a broadcast) I like that he says that people asked for him to come back and that he's qualitative unlike Vox;
Alastor sings "Vow gonna regret / Playing" (Your status quo / Will know it's race is run) and I like that he threatens him.
I love Alastor's French va, Maxime Hoareau , he's awesome. I didn't even realize it was him, I didn't even know he could sing! I can't say how happily surprised I was! I love his energy, he was perfect, so it's a pro.
In French Vox doesn't call Alastor a coward;
In French Alastor is far more familiar, so it was surprising when I learned that apparently him saying "fuck you" to Lucifer was the 1st he'd swear in English. In this song, he sings (Instead of one of his mediocre whorish little TV shows) (instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast), the word he used in French is dated so it suits him in a way, but hearing him say "whorish" was quite a shock tbh; he also calls Vox a French equivalent of "loser" but far more familiar, so this one was quite a shock too;
We lost the idea of Vox being insecure and thriving only thanks to Valentino and Velvette; but instead, they call each other useless so I guess it cancels out?;
Alastor's French va has a bad tendency to not do the rhymes in [e] and [ə] (ex: tolerate is pronounced / ˈtɒl.ə.ɹeɪ̯t/ [tbh idk if that really helps]). We can often switch the two pronunciations (usually it depends on the region) so you can make them rhyme as long as you pronounce it correctly, which he tends not to do. Not a huge problem but it ticked me;
We don't have the parallelism "I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone", instead we have "let me remind you who I am", which is good too but I love figures of style;
Alastor sings "Because my voice / Is your friend" (Tune on in / When I'm done) and I don't think he could really be called a friend lol.
It was really complicated to rate this song because the lyrics changed a lot. As a whole, the song is not great, but not terrible either. The translation is very different, but the ideas stayed more or less the same. I'd say the song is OK if you only speak French, but it's better in English. I give this song a 6/10.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Heyo, Idk if you still do sagau but I hope you do 🙏🙏 anyway, this is lowkey wholesome but imagine one of acolytes were trying to communicate with a child but then they realize the child is deaf but reader so happened to be nearby. So then, whatever the character is saying the reader translates into sign language and its just a wholesome sight to see. Btw srry if this isn't what you usually write 😓 add anything to this if you want
(*update: im so stupid i thought ur sunglasses pfp was a anon and didnt look any closer💀i aint livin this one down)
(Spoiler: i do plan to do imagines for other fandoms bc i have such niche AUs or ideas for them, a lot like this whole language stuff for Genshin Sagau :D )
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Also srry its kinda short i just could only think of this cute little scenario- 😗
Rest in peace bc i have a whole fat post i wanna make about neurodivergence + general accessibility issues in Teyvat and their countries
Like where r the ramps babe
Where r the non-narrow ass doors
Why r we just constantly made to hike up mountains when we dont have to
And dont come at me with that,
"Theyre in their medieval age! They cant make stuff like that!"
Yeah, u right, they cant.
If they dont be ✨️creative ✨️and they dont use their fucking ✨️magic ✨️
Liyue got floating rocks and they cant make a goddamn disability elevator?? Bitch tf?
Literally almost no one gets sign language in Teyvat
(despite the fact that in my perfect teyvat, sign lang. is superior bc everyone could make it the universal lang. ESP if we go by the cool AU of diff countries have diff languages, like Germanish lang for Mondstadt, Frenchish for Fontaine, etc.)
Off topic again srry-
But you took a class once!! Or even checked out the alphabet and casual convo on ur own time :D
So u just chillin with Kazuha, Thoma, Sara, Gorou, and Kokomi (they vistin the main island to see u!! :] )
Meanwhile a little girl is walking around nearby, and is kinda going in circles
Almost like shes scared to go too far one way or the other,
So being the caring soul he is, (rlly all these boys here rn would notice and help lol)
Thoma comes up to her and squats down trying to talk to her :)
Yeah, she didn't say anything, just kinda,,
Motioned with her hands??
She looks like shes doing some kind of code to them..
Thoma finally recognized this, its that hand language!! lmao hes got the spirit
so he asks Kazuha to try and see if he knows it or can even figure it out-
Nope. Nada de nada.
Then Kokomi, Sara and Gorou (whos a sweatin nervous mess he doesnt know how to act around kids esp kids in distress he seems like the type lol)
They all fail, Kokomi looks concerned bc she thinks the kids lost, but there no frantic parents nearby, Sara is trying to slowly understand what motions mean what i.e. points to a rock = learn sign from child etc,
Kazuha is trying to get the wind to help locate upset guardians nearby, and Gorou...
... is just 🧍‍♂️
So after a minute of this (bc u had originally been away at a street food vender, hey those dango were rlly good dont judge urself)
U come back, and see this mild flavor of chaos-
And are just like
"Oh ffs- just shoo, i got it guys"
And just, slowly, go thru some signs with the little girl to get the keywords at least
She lights up and is like bouncing, she goes hella fast at first but slows down when she gets ur hearing
Either way, she looks a lot happier now
U explain for her to the others to confirm her parents got seperated from her
She got lost and where she last saw them
u finally help escort her to the street she last saw her parents on :] !!
Meanwhile the whole allogene group, shopkeepers, and Inazumans around you:
Kokomi is holding back a squeal, shes gotta keep up her image, ahem-
Sara is like,, minutely vibrating?? Lmao
Kazuha is watching u like a fireworks show, intensely and yet fascinated
And Thoma just looks like a puddle of affection, just absolutely melted (he loves kids + he secretly loves you = dead Thoma)
Other people look weirdly, proud? Like theyre like "yeah thats our god, fuck yeah, knowing diff languages, go off, Your Grace 💅 " LMAO SORRY COULDNT RESIST and also some fascination
Anyway, 2 very stressed looking dads see yall and the girl and one of them run up to hold each other
She starts rapidly signing, explaining to her dads the adventure she had and the cool people she met <3
The dads look at u and r like 🤔😶😱 "YOUR MAJESTY??!!" (VIGOROUS HAND MOTIONS)
They sign like,
"We're terribly sorry about you seeing us like this, we usually are much more together than this, a crowd just swept her off, its very busy today. Thank you so much for helping our girl, my Lord!! 😭😭"
Theyre like almost crying, oh geez, u reassure them and sign back that it happens to any parent at some point and that is matters more that they tried to get her back :]
Meanwhile the rest of the group and the citizens are just watching yall like its the most amazing Olympic level tennis match in the world LMAO
Heads all in sync, watchin yall like 👋👍🙏LMAO IM SORRY
🎵 Hi, it's me. I'm the problem, it's me. 🎵
That is to say none of yalls asks r eaten up, at least im pretty sure? Dw abt it im chugging along having the time of my life hehe >:)
Hope yall r having a good weekend and have no hw if ur in school, or i hope ur shift goes good tomorrow! :]
Love yall!!
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 3 months
Link Click Musical update 141 🥳🧡💙
(it's Shu Rongbo AND Wu Yihan's birthday! Have trivia abt them)
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Check Encore Musicals weibo for the birthday clip 🥳🌟
Since you were curious about Shu Rongbo & I already had Wu Yihan trivia on hand, I thought their birthday would be a perfect time to share it all 💙🧡
Big thanks to my sweet @chocolatexiaoshi who researched Shu Rongbo on my request 💗
(side note: srb is a young, rising actor, so sorry that the amount of information I have here isn't proportional :< )
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Shu Rongbo (23 yo)
Born in 2001, March 10th, in Leshan in Sichuan Province
Graduated from Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts in 2018
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audience members compliment his beautiful voice and acting skills that noticeably improved over the course of LC Musical
since he's from Sichuan, where the earthquake actually happened his CXS is praised for wanting to 'fullfil regrets very conscientiously'; meaning his performance during the earthquake plotline feels authentic for the audience
he used to play Stevie in Mio Fratello musical (the mafia one where WYH plays Sonny Boy & lady Florence), turns out the picture below is from his last performance of that character (not a uni graduation like I thought first ^^')
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Intermission: This glorious pictures are from srb's weibo. It was a photoshoot for 'Love' /#音乐剧致爱# musical. They (and Bai Zhuoming too btw) play the same character.
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Wu Yihan (27 yo)
his mbti type is INFP
Wang Haonan, friend from Mio Fratello cast, did a Q&A with him. Through an abysmal method of screenshotting chinese subtitles and image translating I've learned that: he isn't fond of doing 'stage door (sd)' interviews and usually prefers to go home immediately after the performance (I'm not 100% confident what he said, I'll link the video so you can try fact check it)
he has a cat named Yǎo咬 (which I think means 'Bite'); wyh's friend was catsitting him once and posted those pictures, saying the cat sleeps just like his owner.
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to which WYH replied with this:
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+ other actor friends commented these:
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(idk I just loved this exchange)
he smokes (don't smoke kids, it'll never be as aesthetic as WYH anyway)
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Okay, so atp there aren't many posts from their March 10th night performance, bc it ended not too long ago and now it's a late night in China >< I'll make another post about it when I gather enough materials o7
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sunenjoyswriting · 5 months
Hello! How are you? I hope well<3
I thought of something like the boys seeing the MC being VIL's personal maid, you can choose the characters! The ones that are most comfortable for you, ok?
I'm sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language, I hope you are well and you can count on me for anything
Kisses Kisses…⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
Epel, Neige, and Rook reacting to MC/Reader being Vil’s personal maid
Writers note: I hope you don’t mind that I added in a few things… you didn’t give me the most to work with, so I ended up having to add some stuff to make it work nicely. But this was very fun to write!! And there wasn’t any spelling mistakes in your ask, so don’t worry :)
Possible warnings: I think Rook himself classifies as a warning… but other then that, no warnings! (Reader is Yuu in this by the way)
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- He is... not amused, or happy, that Vil has another dedicated follower... Wasn't Rook enough?
- You followed Vil around whenever possible, and cleaned up everything for him... Really, you're just Rook 2.0 at this point.
- And you still had time to make sure you looked perfect as well... Probably because Vil had told you to look better when you're near him (all the time). What? Is your last name Hunt?
- He probably has suggested multiple times for you two to switch places. You get to be in the same dorm as Vil, and he gets to be in a dorm without Vil (even if he has to stay in a safety hazard of a dorm)! It's a win-win situation, isn't it? But you just berate him for his lack of appreciation for Vil whenever he tries to suggest it...
- You'll be the end of Epel at this point...
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(I couldn’t find a better image for him, sorry…)
- He tries to befriend you. You do not like it because he is the enemy, and making friends with the enemy would take your time away from Vil.
- But no matter how direct you are, he continues to attempt to befriend you... Just like with Vil...
- He admires your dedication to Vil! 
- Wouldve added more for him but idk anymore stuff to add for him. I just wanted to add Neige in this.
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- “Dont you not write for him?” Notice how I didnt ask for your input? I can do whatever I want!! I still don’t accept requests for him though.
- He tries to help you. You decline (unless Vil instructs you to let him help) as to make sure everything is done to exact way wanted by Vil.
- You two are practically one in the same (excluding the stalking thing. Probably.)… I think multiple students are convinced you two are related in some way. Perhaps siblings. (“But dont they know Yuu/reader is from another world?” No I have a theory that most the school is unaware of the Isekai thing, in which I am adding here.)
- While Vil is out modeling or something you just. start helping him instead of Vil (after making sure everything is perfect for when Vil is back of course), because you have no idea what else to do. And he’s friends (or perhaps something more homosexual- why am I adding this I don’t even like the ship) with Vil! That means he’s important to Vil, and that means that Vil would be fine (or maybe even happy) if you helped him!
- Teaches you French if you don't already know it. I will not elaborate on this, as I have no idea why. I just know he would.
- His nickname for you is probably Roi du soubrette/Roi du maid (I forgot if his nicknames are fully in french so two versions… I used google translate for the fully french one) or something like that.
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mike-haters-dni · 3 months
Scalding, unnecessary take that I'm going to use as an excuse to yap about my hyperfixation characters more than anything, but El's character is actually impossible to stick into coffee shop fanfiction No Supernatural Shit AUs. That's Jane you're writing about. Jane and El are not the same person. At all. And like, Jane is interesting to think about, don't get me wrong. I have thought about Jane. I love Jane. She's adorable and vaguely autistic. But Jane != Eleven.
Eleven is the way she is almost entirely because of her experience/trauma of growing up in the lab and having supernatural murder powers. Her main characters traits are being a self-sacrificing hero and not being sure who she is due to the fact she grew up in an isolated sterile inhuman environment. Unless you're directly translating those things into something unsupernatural (like growing up in a fucked up cult or something and like fighting her way out and now she'll fight to protect other people from similar experiences or something idk) you're writing about Jane the normal gorl who got to grow up with a normal personality in a normal world. And like, you can do that. It's fine it's fandom do whatever u want. But personally, the first thing I come up with when I birth an AU is what crazy powers and fucked up backstory we give Eleven here. Also how do we make her and everyone else really fucking cool but that...might be beside the point idk.
The powers have to basically ruin or have had ruined her life at one point. They have to be a curse that she either reclaims or gets rid of at the end. If she isn't tortured she isn't Eleven Stranger Things lmao
And then yeah yeah my next step is to figure out how Mike AND THE OTHERS OK but mostly Mike get involved in this. Which brings me to my next point: Jane and Mike have no real reason to talk to each other. Mike x Jane is just Normal Gorl x Normal Boy which is like, fine sure if that's what you want, but also you kinda just erased everything interesting about their dynamic. You wanna know what makes El and Mike's relationship so compelling? Objectively? I'm objectively right about everything I'm about to say here? Ok their dynamic is this: Eleven is the most important person in the world, and Mike is the only boy who will ever love her. And yeah that second one sounds really sad but 1. yeah it kinda is :) 2. its not really true that's just what El thinks which is like a major theme for her character TO ME, her underestimating how 'normal' she is esp in her later years 3. it also is kinda true because he's the only boy romantically interested in her who actually understands and experienced all the supernatural/lab trauma bullshit and is actively fighting beside her through the plot of the show, and 4. he's literally perfect and also the only boy she'll ever love and need so it all works out.
And to explain the first one, I mean, you know she's saved the world twice right? She kinda literally is the most important person in the world considering its up to her to stop the apocalypse probably in the end? But its not the being important exactly that makes Mike love her ok, that's more of a meta character thing. Like she doesn't have to literally be the key to saving the world and the most powerful being in the universe. Its more that she has to have something really special about her that draws Mike specifically to her and binds him to her permanently and inseparably and he belongs to her forever and ever and they die in each other's arms. Like she deserves. In canon I imagine objectively and correctly that it went like this: Mike is a natural outcast collector and protector due to his pervasive unconscious need to be needed and his fear of losing the few people who like him, who meets the ultimate outcast girl who literally has nothing and needs him in a very real way, and this gives him an excuse to just pour his entire self into her, fulfilling one of his deepest interpersonal needs. The best part is that she's super selfless and amazing and she loves him the same right back so its actually a beautiful thing they get going. Basically the idea of being anything less than perfect for her is so sad and horrible due to how fucked her life was that it drives the already caretaking Mike into overdrive to make her happy. Not at the cost of him still being an individual person, mind you. But that's the vibe. Also let me just say, all the self-sacrificing vibes and obsession and desperation can become toxic under certain circumstances and that is absolutely a feature not a bug. Sorry you don't like watching your faves yell at each other but we are not the same.
Anyway what the fuck was I talking about? AUs? Yeah ok so when translating Mike (AND THE OTHERS...and the others) into other stories there's more flexibility u kno because he's mostly just Some Guy. He really just needs (TO ME) an excuse to be fighting with Eleven (she has to be fighting something with the powers I know you gave her). He shouldn't be directly involved with whatever gave her the powers but he should generally know of and be somewhat affected by it. Or become aware of it/involved with it over time. Like in the show. You get it. Honestly his only real consistent character traits are being kinda moody and being the leader of the party in whatever vague or not way. And being intelligent. Like he has to be leader for a reason. I guess that's a decent base for a character right there.
oh right side note: you have to do something fun with her name. like she was basically branded Eleven by the freak that gave her the powers so u gotta take that energy and translate it into another branded name that has el in it because she needs to get the nickname ofc. unless its a cyberpunk au in which case Eleven is a pretty normal name and she can just go by that lmao.
So the point ig is Jane and Mike break up when they go away to different colleges and don't talk to each other again until their next high school reunion, while Mike and Eleven are...well you should know by now.
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