#transphobes don't get discourse they Just get blocked!
queerregulusablack · 9 months
Love when people just slap 'r*dfem' right in their bio it saves me so much time otherwise spent trying to figure out if that's actual transphobia or just me being Alert for the Signs, bc even if it wasn't putting that in your bio shows you're proud enough of being a huge piece of shit that blocking you is the wisest option anyway!
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littlest-bugz · 6 months
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. introduction post .
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My name is BUGZ ! I am a bodily 21 year old [polyfragmented] DID system. We collectively have ADHD, Autism, OCD and a few other comorbid disorders. They all affect our day to day, but we will likely only post about our experiences as a DID system. Collectively we use they/he/she pronouns!
Get to know us more below the cut!
[ byf and dni also below cut ]
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About Us !
Things in our system change frequently!
Currently, we collectively identify as transmasc, bigender, panalterous, omni oriented DemiAroAce, and ambiamorous ! This is an agreed upon identity the entirety of The Crew and Co. and is essentially for the body itself. Names, pronouns, genders and sexualities all vary from alter to alter individually.
On our page, you will find. . .
Lots of reblogs on random topics and hyperfixations
System Content [Mostly Text Posts and Half-baked Memes]
Original userboxes, blinkies, stamps. [The link to my hoards are below!!!]
Stimboards and Moodboards
Worldbuilding and OC talk
. . . and more!
Layout, Stimboard, and Userbox requests; Closed until current reqs finished!!!
Before you interact. . .
Our account may not be fully SFW, but we never reblog or post explicit material. I have a bad swearing problem, and due to my trauma, I have a hard time telling what is socially acceptable in regards for entirely being SFW. It's something I'm working on, so please be weary! We don't mind agere and petre engagement, just please know my blog is more skewed for mature audiences.
We almost never tag who is posting! We try, but it causes a lot of anxiety for a good amount of us. Please don't ask us to sign off our posts, as we feel it invades our boundaries. We're willing to give pronouns, but we generally try to keep our names more private.
We are endo apathetic. We honestly do not care if endos exist or not, we are just vibing in our own space. We only care about the misinfo on CDDs that is being spread. PLUS anyone is welcome on our blog as long as they don't drag us into any discourse/syscourse, aren't promoting misinformation, and/or being a generally bad or gross person.
We block liberally and without telling the blocked party. It's a force of habit that proves handy on the world wide web. We also ask you don't bother us to be unblocked.
BPD/NPD/HPD/ASPD havers are all welcome on our blog! If u believe in narc/histronic/borderline abuse, leave!!
Do not interact. . .
Basic DNI Criteria [this is a link.] [note: some of the items on this list are repeated for ease of identification]
If you intend to ask about stances on discourse. [note: I'm always willing to be open to new lines of thinking and new ideas, as well as be corrected for any misinfo I may accidentally spread, but if you're going to talk down to me because I don't know or don't believe what you believe, I will block you. Speak to me as an equal or don't speak to me at all.]
pro/comshippers and pro/comship supporters.
transid/transx/radqueer or supporters [transRAMCOA/transProgrammer blocked on sight]
“cringe culture” supporters
ageplay/ddlg [again sfw agere/petre fine, but please know this account has mature themes.]
MAPs/Pedos and Zoos
Transphobes, TERFs, Radfems, Transmeds and the likes
pro-forced birth (“pro-life”)/ anti-abortion
More will be added as time goes. . .
#important - important posts to us!
#littlest_bugz og - my original posts,,, may not be very original tho LOL
#reblogs ?! on my feed ?! /lh /j - My reblog tag!! Everything that gets reblogged should be under this tag, but I don't always remember
#you asked we answered - My ask tag! Feel free to send in asks at anytime
#so real for this - I don't know how to describe this properly, but these posts are so real.
#original userboxes/layouts/stamps/deco/art/ect - All of our original content divided into specifics! [ note: they are not all lumped together like that, just putting them all together for the sake of space, you can find most of them tagged in this post ]
#system posting - Our experiences on system hood as well as reblogs and other stuff! Was formerly 'system stuff'
#kinito posting - I am obsessed with an axolotl virus [mostly kinitopet fanart]
#stardew posting - I'm an avid stardew valley fan!!! I reblog fanart and post abt it sometimes
#lps posting - I am/was an avid lps collector!! I reblog fanart and post original content [sometimes,,, but usually text posts]
#cat posting - I reblog a lot of cat pictures and art!! cats r a huge comfort for me
#the hoard - I hoard and collect deco. If the links don't work for some reason, just click this tag
more tba . . .
Deco Collection - A hoard of all our deco, which includes stamps, blinkies and userboxes WARNING; FLASHING IMAGES, BRIGHT COLORS, AND MORE! PROCEED WITH CAUTION
pronouns.cc - has [some of] the frequent fronter's pronouns, names, and sign-offs. Only the peeps that are safe to say
personal blog - a wip but where I will post a ton of journal entry stuff! but not rn, unfortunately
art comms website - two of our hosts are artists and take comms- this is their site! comms are currently closed, except for the demented chibi heads [link]
my ko-fi - commission payments go here! The chibi head listing is on here! you can also donate if you feel inclined to, but it's 110% not expected
[note: you will probably see a linktree on some of these because I get freaked out by so many links on a page, but this is different bc tumblr is like my hub, if that makes sense?]
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simnostalgia · 7 months
The Pedophile Hunts in Progressive Spaces Were an Alt-Right Operation to Cause a Rift in Our Communities.
So, I need to talk about something for a minute that has been REALLY bothering me even though the drama about it is pretty much over. I'm stirring it back up because it's not sitting right on my soul. I know I'm gonna get flack for this but I don't care.
A few weeks ago someone started referring to an MTS user as a pedophile because he posted a picture of a teen sim in their underwear. However, the problem was that it was pretty much immediately a reason that he was targeted for a harassment campaign against him.
Which, no, we're not going to ruin a man's life over this. If you think I'm a bad person for that- the unfollow button is above. Block me. We Are Not Friends. Goodbye.
This isn't even about The Sims community, or at least not just about it. You've been tricked. I'm sorry but you have. This is obviously bigger than this ONE small drama but it's obvious that this is being used as a manipulation tactic on a macro level to create distrust and a way to break down people easily. And it's specifically henious since it's targeting queer people with propaganda which has historically been used to demonize them.
This sudden fear of pedophiles was a targeted effort by the far right to sow discord in the queer community and I can prove it.
Firstly, 4chan and other online arenas have been doing missions like this for YEARS. Some are successful and others aren't. They were responsible for the discourse surrounding whether or not being "bisexual" made you transphobic.
Second and MOST importantly, I NEED you to know about the alt-right group curiously named Gays Against Groomers. This group was created to undermine the queer community. They've regularly supported anti-lgbt bills and targeted schools. This group is a psyop.
The MO of these sorts of movements has ALWAYS been packaging harmful content in a way which would resonate with queer social media spheres to get them to claim it as their own and the propagate it. This is a MARKETING company. This was a MARKETING STRATEGY.
When you repeat a lot of these things, using the specific verbiage that you do, you're following the plans of people like Jamee Michell.
They specifically targeted areas that had large groups of young impressionable queer people who wouldn't already be familiar with the tactic of equating gays with pedophiles so that they would create a sort of panopticon. This is what has caused this "obsession with pedophiles" this was not an accident.
Hyper-vigilance of groomers, a hatred of pedophiles, was the place to start and then creating a ever-changing definition of what a 'groomer' was is just a long play to make things like 'being a drag queen' a stand in for pedophilia.
For people around you, in your fandom communities who are 'progressive' but seem overly obsessed with grooming. Fandom spaces are often targeted as they're overwhelmingly queer. We know for a fact that the proship debate came specifically from this sort of messaging.
Keep an eye on them. They might not be who you think they are. And if you're mad at me for saying this?
I'm sorry but I'm not afraid to align myself with some potentially terrible people to protect queer people from being falsely accused.
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
i was thinking about that ask i received the other day and how uncharacteristically upset the topic had made me when i usually just think "mh. gross!" and move on, and after mulling it over a while i realized it wasn't about the topic at all, it was the ask itself that freaked me out. i've mentioned sporadically before (for obvious reasons lol) that i used to be involved in fandom discourse when i was younger and that!! fucked me up quite a lot. between exacerbating my ocd and straight up getting cyber stalked (i almost feel guilty using that word, like i don't deserve it but. yeah that is 100% what happened to me), the topic is something I have very complex and personal opinions on but that i hate talking about in public because it still sets off my fight or flight response.
i know some people in the fandom are like "let me know if i ever rb someone who wrote/drew gross stuff" and that's entirely their choice and i respect it. but for the record, i am not one of these people. please, for the love of god, i am asking this genuinely do NOT come into my DMs about this, I don't want to know. assume I'm either living in blissful ignorance or my blacklist already covers me quite nicely & i wanna keep it that way. i vastly prefer the discomfort of stumbling into something unprepared and deciding what to do about it on my own, to the utter pit of dread i get whenever i open a message that starts with "hey just so you know-". i have blocked multiple people in the past over it. i WILL block more. be warned.
[note. this doesn't apply to people who have either hurt or behaved inappropriately with other members of the fandom, or spread bigotry and discrimination like racists and transphobes. please do let me know in those cases]
does this make sense? idk I'm kinda feverish you guys figure it out. I'm going to sleep.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
While we're talking about discourse, I want to make sure everybody's on the same page here that like, sometimes you disagree with people on the internet. Sometimes violently. I have seen political opinions I find repugnant show up on my twitter, people have said things about my favourite characters that I want to scream ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION at, people have been downright cruel in my presence and I want to vengefully go throw my water at them. A voice in your head at that point is like "you should go send a nasty anon to them".
That is the devil talking.
Like take that literally if you want, or metaphorically, but like, I have been on this internet for over a decade, and I have never seen anything good come out of rage-engaging with stuff that hurts/annoys you. Absolute best scenario is that the person you send the angry message to finds it funny and laughs at it with friends. Worse case scenarios include SWATing, suicide, people shoved back into the closet, mental health breathdowns, people losing their employment, people losing their housing— like the failure cases for engaging in anger on the internet are very very bad.
If you see something that makes you see red— happens! we all see bad takes sometimes!— the thing to do here is Block and then go like watch a favourite video or something. Do not send hate anons, do not send hate anons+ (what on EARTH people think they're contributing to the world by sending gore and porn I don't know), do not for the love of god start doxxing people (that is literally the tool of the enemy, that is what the transphobic hate mobs do, do not do that), do not engage further. Like every website lets you block people, block them and vent to the group chat if neccessary and go watch something to get your heart rate back down.
This includes people doing things you think is inappropriate to/about your streamer, this includes people stanning a guy you think is harmful, this includes harry potter stans pushing TERFdom. Report them if they're breaking TOS, and then Block, and then go watch a kitten video or something. Boosting them to your followers to dunk on them just gives their bad takes more views, and it makes everybody angry, and nothing good comes of it. Starve them of attention and go do something else. Bad takes specifically about poverty? Go donate to the food bank. Horribly racist about immigrants? Go write your MP about increasing the refugees we take in. Dismissive of a real life bad thing your streamer is going though? Go buy streamer stickers/look at good fan art. I cannot overemphasise how Nothing Good comes of feeding the anger monster on the internet. If I can impart anything from having lived through muliple mobbing-on-the-internet cycles it is this.
Just Block And Move On.
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onlyplatonicirl · 14 days
I do NOT create content that is NSFW, Problematic, or that has "Extreme" dark themes. You will never see content depicting inc*st/n0n-c*n or even vanilla NSFW or anything like that like that from me, I am not comfortable with it! I would also ask that no body discuss/bring up anything in regards to it either! i.e., please don't bring up dreamm/re, or any other severe darkships. I do not have a "dark/nsfw alt" either on any other website, I am just uncomfortable across the board. Please respect that.
I will NOT reblog problematic content. You just straight up will never see me discuss it anywhere (unless im telling people to stop talking about it LMAO)
I will reblog artwork from other artists!! I do not police or do a deep dive of a person's blog before I reblog their artwork if I enjoy it. It is up to you as a internet user to curate and navigate your experience once you leave my blog. Someone else's blog has nothing to do with me, nor does it mean i am "promoting them" ???? Unless someone is a GENUINE homo/transphobe, racist, groomer, genuine piece of shit with proof, I will block them and delete the reblog. But I will not engage with proship/antiship discourse as it has gone way too far way too quickly.
If I interact with and am friendly with other blogs who create "problematic" (mostly just dreamm/re, because of this fandom that's kinda the biggest problem here lmao) content, then that's all I'm being - friendly. I know this is crazy, but im not "supporting" people. People are not political campaigns. Being friends with people and being friendly with them does not mean I agree with and support every decision they have ever made in their life. I am being kind to them as another human being on this planet. If you don't like them that's fine, but I find it really shitty when people try to get mad at me for things that the guy standing next to me did. Again, once you leave my blog and go to another person's blog, you are on a whole ass other person's blog.
I will not engage in label discourse, I will not engage in toxicity of any kind, and I will not engage in ANY sort of drama. Keep all that shit out of here. My blog is just for me to have fun and be silly on, do not bring weird shit here. Be NORMAL!!!!!!! WHADDA HELL!!!! ITS NOT HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways the yapfest is over. Be normal and kind. or else a shadow creature will literally eat your toenails off your toes and you will wake up and they will be FLESH STUMPS.
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ftmtftm · 3 months
I do think it's worth pointing out that the crowd of people who talk about transandrophobia has a noticeable (definitely a minority, but unfortunately not so small that it can go completely ignored) subset of people who regularly engage in transmisogynistc rhetoric and cultivate an "us vs them" mentality between transfems and transmascs.
I say this as someone who believes in trans men's right (and necessity) to be able to speak on their own experiences with discrimination without feeling dismissed or ignored: I think it's important we point out when this behavior happens within the community and shut it down immediately. I don't trust anyone who talks about transandrophobia while diminishing the impact of transmisogyny in the same sentence, and I don't blame trans women who don't either.
"I don't trust anyone who talks about transandrophobia while diminishing the impact of transmisogyny in the same sentence, and I don't blame trans women who don't either."
So you are perpetuating, or at the very least enabling, in the exact same "us vs them" rhetoric by proxy then. You are legitimizing those people and their transmisogyny by treating the minority of shitheads as a reflection of the broader theory and the discussion on it - and those trans women are as well - instead of attempting to deplatform those people while also uplifting the people who aren't inflammatory and transmisogynist, and that, frankly, sucks.
I very firmly believe in not directly engaging with people like that if we are being completely honest. I'm personally very picky and choosey about who I engage with and how I engage with them because of that. I've been on the laterally transphobic end of these kinds of discussions, I'm very open about my transmedicalist history and how I've come out of it, and I speak from experience when I say engagement often makes people buckle down even more and get worse if we are being completely honest. Especially here on Tumblr. I think that was pretty evident with the transmed anon I got awhile back.
Those people who are transmisogynist are often lashing out and being laterally violent because something in their life offline is causing extreme distress. Be that dysphoria, home life, financial issues, trauma, etc. etc. there is usually something happening to make their life worse than they are open about and this conversation can be a form of digital self harm for them in many ways. Conversations on oppression usually poke open and bleeding wounds for people who aren't in stable places to begin with.
That's not an excuse for their actions, but hurt people hurt people and hurting caged animal will bite the closest, most convenient hand. That's something that can be addressed without platforming those people and encouraging others to not directly engage as well, because often? You're genuinely only making things worse for everyone by doing so.
Again, like I said earlier, in most cases, it is best to just block and move on - especially if you're not invested in having a blog of resources or discussion and you're just like... an average Tumblr user. It's not worth it to get sucked into those kinds of folks because genuinely - most of the time they need to get out on their own and that often comes with building offline community, not online theoretical discourse. Like, I have a decent number of people blocked specifically from my main but not from this blog because while I don't necessarily want to see their posts or engage with them myself, I think it's important my posts here are still seen by those people.
Like I said earlier as well, I don't necessarily blame the average person for not wanting to engage with communities they've had poor experiences with because of bad actors or people projecting pain, but I also hope the average person has enough internet literacy to understand what a bad actor or person bleeding out looks like in the first place so they simply block and move on.
Tumblr is full of vulnerable, hurting queer people who've been taking it out on each other for over a decade. It sucks but that's how this site is and will probably continue to be. It's best to acknowledge that and learn to recognize its manifestations so you can choose how you personally want to engage (or, hopefully, not engage) for your own sake.
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mlmshark · 2 months
Introduction to Mlmshark
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Oliver, 17 yrs, trans male, gay/vincian
This is my account where I ramble about being gay and talk about my experiences as a queer man
And now because apparently I have to add this:
This isn't an nsfw account, but it is 17+ so I can be more mature without worrying about younger followers like I have on my other accounts
Fanfic acc: @sharkboywrites (dead) art acc @sharkboyoli
I will give out my discord, but only to mutuals who ask
more info below, including boundaries please read before sending messages
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This is an mlm blog
I use the labels I use/are comfortable with trans man, transmasc, gay, vincian, achillean, aroace, aromantic, greyromantic (more specific way of describing my romantic attraction) and asexual
I am autistic (maybe, I got tested and my results were inconclusive so I’m not sure what to make of that). My special interests are genshin impact and horror media (please talk to me about them PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)
My pronouns are strictly he/him, but I'm not sure about neos, feel free to use them on me it doesn't bother me
Anyone can interact regardless of sexuality or gender identity, I prefer the people who are my mutuals to be 17+, but younger people can like my posts and ask me questions. I won't follow back anyone under 17.
The main point of this account is to have somewhere to talk about being gay and find more gay people to have a community with it.
For a long time and even sometimes to this day I've been shamed for my identity, so I want my own space to be an openly gay trans man with no hate and find other people in my community. I'm also still exploring myself and the world as a trans man, despite being out for six years, and this is my space to talk about it.
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No proshippers, radqueers, zoophiles, etc.
No racism or ablesim, this is a space for all gay men/nblm regardless
My mutuals need to be 17 or older, I may be more mature at times, but not to the point of full nsfw
Do not send me nsfw asks unless they're questions about the queer experience ( for ex. asking about my experience, how to know, about my asexuality, and life as a gay/trans man are fine)
Don't send me/tag me in nsfw posts
Don't try to be homophobic or transphobic, I'll just block you
No shaming me or other people for liking men, even if you're also queer
Don't come onto my posts complaining about how you hate men
Don't try to compare my experiences with other queer people/try to make it the oppression Olympics
Don't complain to me about gay labels or flags
Don't try to invalidate anyone who interacts with this account that identifies as gay, even if you think they don't count (transmasc gay, tranfem gay, genderfluid gay, etc.)
Generally don't bring any discourse
You're free to vent in my asks if it's related to being gay or transgender, this account is for people to find community, just try not to make people uncomfortable
Don't call me the f or t slur unless you know I'm okay with it, even when I call myself it
As you can tell, this is mostly an nsfw neutral account, I'm okay with talking about it in the non- horny sense or now. this acc may be more open to it as time goes on (probably as I get older and experience more things), but for now: no <3
That's it, feel free to interact, i'd love to find some gay people in the community that I can ramble with and be a man kisser with :)
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catreginae · 21 days
You wanna know what's worse about the Ravioli ship discourse? The one throwing the hissy fit is the same person who targeted a Trans poc creator earlier this year. The one who's racist and homophobic. I don't remember their account since I have them blocked so I might go through my block list just to get their name. I straight up rolled my eyes upon learning it was them because mentally I went "this guy again??". They need to get of the internet and touch grass man
-❄ anon
I must have missed that, somehow.
But you can leave it to transphobes and the like to be constant shit stirrers. I wish they would all just leave the fandom but we can block and queer the chain into oblivion.
I like them all being male personally but they certainly don't have to be cis. 😌
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aethycom · 6 months
We've watched firsthand how callouts have destroyed people lives. Anyone on the internet has seen the witch hunts that spawn from them and the damage they cause. Oftentimes they're filled with mistruths or overstatement of harm. Some people get callouts over drawings. Some people get callouts over having friends that someone else doesn't like.
But what about the cases where someone is abusive? Where perhaps the person holds abusive ideals related to consent or hold violent beliefs?
Honestly, we still believe the culture of callouts needs to stop. Aethy is known for being tough on predators so we understand firsthand the frustration with predatory people on the internet. But callouts will never be the way to properly handle them. When encountering actual predatory people, the solution is never to signal boost them and their spaces. The solution is to always report and block them.
At Aethy, we do everything we can to prevent predatory people from interacting with us. We quickly remove their accounts from our site or disable federation with locations that platform them. We also take the time to notify governing bodies of their existence and do everything to provide proper information to have these people removed from the internet.
Callouts achieve the opposite of this. They quickly spread between well-meaning people who want to show their disdain. However, they also have the opposite effect of allowing more people to discover their existence. It allows abusive spaces to start becoming mainstream. It allows people to be manipulated into genuinely harmful belief systems. People who hold progressive beliefs have seen their families become manipulated by violent conspiracies from Q-Anon. We've watched as transphobic discourse has wormed its way into unrelated groups of people (e.g. the Harry Potter fanbase). And we've seen it time and time again with spaces related to minor attraction that push for romantic and/or sexual contact between adults and minors (i.e. abuse).
People need to stop signal boosting this content. They need to stop making it more well known.
We completely disallow callouts on Aethy. At best, they're full of mistruths. At worst, they signal boost genuinely harmful people and spaces. There's just no place for them on our website and we don't believe they have a positive impact on social media in general.
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sophieinwonderland · 10 months
this is absolutely random but ( takes a rl breath )
what is with some people who insist tulpa is cultural appropriation insists it shouldn't be used ya know the whole mess
who also insist the definition of fujoshi is fetishist of gay people and actively fight that 'it doesn't matter that it is a japanese word actively still used there and that isn't it means in japanese that's what it means in english', ignores the history, uses it as an insult, sometimes even using it in the anti-trans dogwhistle way, etc etc
tulpa isn't even the same word as any actively used, barely has a history inside the language compared to outside it yet gets so much more defense that it to be dropped
it's actually way too common at least on my part of tumblr and discord
I don't know how many times I've walked into a server or got recommended posts of anti-tulpa term users bastardizing fujoshi i heavily block and it still happens so often
are you defending languages or only doing what's useful to you
could that subset of anti-tulpa be any more obvious?
I totally get if you neeeever post this because even mentioning fujoshi brings up a whole new can of hate that I'd understand wanting to avoid. I mean that's why I'm even sending this as an ask to someone instead of posting myself the last thing I need is the combined hate wave
just kinda wanted to scream it to someone who might get it that it get so shallow so fast because today was another heavy anti-tulpa anti-fujo day
Ah, tumblr. Always introducing me to brand new drama to get myself involved in!
I had a hard time parsing this originally just because I had no idea what a Fujoshi was.
Having gotten caught up a bit, let me see if I'm getting all of this right...
Fujoshi was coined as an insult to Japanese girls and women who consumed yaoi content...
It was reclaimed by that same community and became a self-identifier.
The term spread to the West and was used by yaoi fans the same way as the reclaimed version.
Anti-shippers started saying the word referred to "straight women who fetishize gay men."
Anti-shippers started spreading the narrative that the Fujoshi community was homophobic and using Fujoshi as an insult.
TERFs and transphobes also were involved in popularizing this use?
Japanese people have called out the word being twisted by antis in this way.
Yeah, that's incredibly problematic.
Anyway, since I'm dipping into this discourse, I might as well take the full plunge and say that anti-Fujoshi and anti-yaoi movements are actively harmful and dangerous to the LGBTQ community.
More works featuring LGBTQ content is a good thing. People consuming that content helps support it and ensure that more content of that nature will be created in the future. Maybe you don't like that most of the content is being made by straight people, but the content made by straight people will normalize it for queer creators as well.
A rising tide raises all ships. And the reverse is also true.
When your rhetoric results in queer people asking if it's morally acceptable to consume queer content, you are actively harming the LGBTQ community.
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Season 2: Episodes 1-10 will release on June 7, 2024!
Important stuff:
Sources to watch episodes 1-10
Sources to watch episodes 11-18
Sources to watch episodes 19-26
Earthspark Production Bible (leak)
Links to all posted storyboards
All completed transcripts (as of now, includes episodes 1-6)
Earthspark main voice cast list
Blog owner/mod: @luciolefire, aka Firefly (she/her)
----- Rules are under the cut. Please read rules before following. -----
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DNI if you are homophobic/transphobic or a TERF. I try to keep any discourse off this blog, but I do have my personal boundaries.
If you intentionally misgender Nightshade, it's an instant block.
Please be respectful in asks and comments! Rude comments will be deleted.
AI-generated content is not art, and self-proclaimed AI "artists" will be blocked.
No NSFW or suggestive content in asks or submissions please.
Note: I don't answer all the asks I get, since there are sometimes too many to keep up with or I just don't know how to respond. If I forget to answer an ask for a long time, it usually just gets deleted eventually-- I promise I'm not mad at you if I don't answer your ask!
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About Me / Introduction:
First of all, I don't work for Hasbro or Paramount! I just decided to make this blog for fun and to help people out.
Anyways... I'm Firefly! I'm an artist, aerial acrobat, and Transformers enthusiast. Twitch, Bee, and Nightshade are my favorites, and I sometimes reblog my own Earthspark art here. My pronouns are she/her, and you can find me at @luciolefire. <3
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Stuff I do:
Find free places to watch Earthspark and post them with credit
Reblog Earthspark fanart! Tagged with #(( reblogged art.
Talk about fan theories and hopes for new episodes
Answer asks-- you can ask me anything about Earthspark or the blog! (Rules apply.)
Analyze new episodes and information as they come out
Find and post plot and design leaks
Organize projects such as writing out the Earthspark transcripts
Post countdowns to the dates when new episodes release
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Established October 23, 2022
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unpinning my nice fun positivity post because I want to talk a little about this space that I've created. I think a dni is stupid because people never listen anyways, which is why I haven't had one, but I still see the value in at least telling people who this little corner is for.
you are welcome here:
- ALL queers. trans men, trans women, nonbinary, intersex, poc queers, xenogender, "contradictory" labels like mspec gays/lesbians lesboys/sapphileans (omg it's me!!), slur reclaims, detransitioners who are not transphobic, mspec lesbians, aro/ace and all variations thereupon, unlabeled, questioning, etc. I love all of you. I love the community that we have. we are family, whether or not some of us want to be, and exclusionism is Not Funky Fresh!!
- pro Palestine!! I don't rb posts as much as I used to (I am scared of spreading misinformation) but I think I'll start doing that again! (don't forget your daily click guys)
- jewish people. I am specifically adding this one to say that because of the shitty Everything, I sincerely hope I have never spread any antisemitic rhetoric in support of Palestine, reblogs or otherwise. it is not your guys' job to educate me, but I hope it's clear that I'm operating in good faith.
- disabilities/cluster b disorders/systems/AAC users. I am not any of these things so if I say/do something out of line please tell me! but I love you guys and you're absolutely welcome here.
- proshippers (if this bothers you block and move on)
- furries. not personally one of y'all but I think you're neat and you make cool art :]
- literally, like, anyone, as long as you're not a dick
you are not welcome here:
- terfs, transphobes, exclusionists, anti-mspec, anti-lesboy, and people who think transandrophobia is "fake" or whatever. go away I don't like you (or at least be prepared to be blocked or yelled at)
- similarly to last, anyone who starts queer infighting or hates on less visible queers/strangers who don't "look" queer (I don't care if you think someone is cishet. you have no way of knowing that. let's stop hating people for immutable characteristics and start having thoughtful criticisms of people's actions thanks)
- (but also antisemites because come on now let's not do this. judiasm ≠ zionism)
- ableists, fatphobia, racists/bigots, general dickheads
- antishippers (again, you can either leave now or expect to be argued with)
other stuff under the cut bc this is already too long:
- I accept anonymous asks! and also non anonymous ones. ask me shit idk
- I am autistic and VERY gullible. if I reblog a "bait" post, or something that's clearly fake or a joke with a genuine reaction, I'm probably not playing some 5d irony chess I'm probably just stupid. y'all I'm sorry I'm trying :\
- I argue with people!! I enjoy arguing with people!! usually it's in replies and not reblogs but still. if you are allergic to discourse maybe don't follow me? I also rb "discourse" posts, mostly transmasc support stuff and callouts of transandrophobia, general solidarity stuff with the trans community or lgbt community as a whole, proship stuff, politics, current events, that kinda thing.
- I don't rb nsfw. not as, like, a rule, I just don't see the value in doing so lol. if I ever did I'd tag it and probably update this
UPDATE: thought I should clarify, I don't rb nsfw but I do rb nsfw humor, like dick jokes and stuff. hope there's no confusion
- this is, shockingly, supposed to be a fandom blog! (I got carried away.) current fandoms include: Ace Attorney (the one this blog was supposed to be about), Doctor Who (childhood hyperfixation come back to bite my ass), and Splatoon (no excuse). also MHA is basically my abusive boyfriend at this point but I'm trying to get better (not). you can find the records of my failing recovery at @alex-is-losing-sleep-over-krbk /hj (I also sometimes shamelessly rb this blog's posts over there lol)
and I guess since I'm mentioning fandoms, here are my fav ships: wrightworth, klapollo, franmaya, thoschei, pearlina, agent 24. also somehow, completely inexplicably, cuttletavio. listen I read like one really good fic and I just think—
anyways, that's about it. love you all :]
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dove-da-birb · 11 months
~ ⚘ About Me & Blog Rules ⚘ ~
⚘ Name: Dove ⚘ Age: 22 ⚘ Birthday: 06/30 ⚘ Pronouns: They/Them ⚘ Gender: Non-binary & Genderqueer ⚘ Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual (flux & oriented) ⚘ Nationality: Canadian ⚘ Ikevil ID: P26UVZVL7 ⚘ I do have a job, so I'm not as active as I once was
Busy girlbossing and Pomefioring but is a Trey-kinnie (Saki's words but they're fitting)
Got blocked? Contact tech support!
Character Bingo
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⚘ Mutuals & Guide ⚘ My OCs ⚘ Some Assorted Items (Dove lore, favourites, etc.) ⚘ My Writing Blog (mutuals get special privileges when my asks are open) ⚘ My Hoard ⚘ Tell me your birthday | Favourite Colours? ⚘ Messenger Safety ⚘ Beloved Anons ⚘ My Natal Chart ⚘ Which One of My Favs Could I Pull?
See my writing here
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Some Tags that I Use / Came Up With
⚘ dove rambles ; just rambling ⚘ dove's polling station ; where I host silly polls ⚘ gremlin hours ; when I decide to be a horrible gremlin and cause chaos and shenanigans for my own amusement ⚘ dove's edits ; where I make cursed edits to inflict +10 psychic damage to people ⚘ apple tater x spaghetti ; tag I made for Auburn ⚘ twinkle twinkle little train ; tag I made for Auburn, electric boogaloo ⚘ there's more but I don't keep track of them
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Do Not Interact (will unfollow and/or block)
⚘ The basics; homophobes, transphobes (terfs), racists, xenophobes, misogynists, sexists, ableists, pedophiles (MAPs <- same thing) / people who sexualize minors ⚘ Facists and Zionists ⚘ Proshippers (falls in line with sexualizing minors, but also incest) ⚘ People who just want to cause discourse; I don't have time for you ⚘ Bullies; also don't have time for you ⚘ People who plagiarize or promote AI ⚘ If you are under the age of 16, UNLESS you are a preexisting moot
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As a note, I do not censor tags; it's a pain in the ass to filter all of them, and is also an accessibility thing as well.
⚘ For typed content warnings I use cw followed by the subject (ie. cw blood) ⚘ For gifs I use tw followed by the subject (ie. tw flashing lights)
I will not be reblogging content that contains slurs, no exceptions.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
⚘ Land Acknowledgement; the land that I live on is the traditional home and territory of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, and Huron-Wendat people since time memorium.
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Picrew credit; cherrybeez's character maker <- picrew does not belong to me
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^made by Saki
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^made by Vivi
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marcodiazisatransgirl · 6 months
this is a response to a post made by a troll a while ago. they decided to call me mentally unwell when I finally snapped at their harassment. If you go back in my blog, you'll be able to find the original post.
Hey so I actually have no idea if this person is still on tumblr, I just wanted to address their points because I'm petty and don't want to leave them with the last word. I vaguely remember there being some sort of drama around this but can't remember specifics. If this sort of discourse upsets you, I'm sorry to bring negativity back to your dash.
Also if you're OP and in a bad place, just don't read this. Fucking block me, pal.
First, Breastforce claimed that their entire interest in this started from Marco in a dress from St. O's. The person asking about Marco in a dress was trying to bait Adam into saying something about the theory.
I addressed this in the original reply. Breastforce is a trans woman who identified with something she saw as potentially trans coded. It was what made her first notice things in star versus. Noticing something insignificant then connecting it to other things is how fan theories are formed. People who are intelligent notice things and make connections to other things. Like how one might notice that ships dip below the horizon instead of disappearing into dots, then use that to extrapolate that the Earth is round.
And yes, they wanted him to address the fan theory, in the same way you baited Daron Nefcy without actually telling her what you were asking about.
Most people who repeat the theory do it because of the dress, not the "dysphoria" (which is actually body dysmorphic, involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance.)
Actually, since you weren't around when the theory was big, you have no idea why most people liked the theory. A lot of people joined because of the dress, others joined because Marco didn't like to see her body in the mirror, wore a towel in a traditionally feminine way, prefers to pee sitting down (something that is difficult and messy, I'm told), freaked out when she started to grow facial hair, started using feminine pronouns in certain situations, kept dressing as turdina when she didn't have to, etc. etc. etc. I've actrually already told you this in another post, here, but you ignored that.
I know that you're not going to believe any of this. It's upsetting to see you misgender anything
You can't misgender a fictional character. Literally you can't. There might be problematic and transphobic aspects of continuing on your way claiming a character is cis when they are confirmed not to be, but that's being transphobic, not misgendering. (I'm not accusing you of doing this just to clear that up)
especially when I've been misgendered so many times in the last 6 years.
I don't care. You don't get to use your own experiences to bully others for existing. Instead of projecting your shit onto others on the internet take some accountability, babes. You disliking something because of your own shit doesn't give you the right to harass people. Your options were block the tag and move on or harass and bully people obsessively for weeks. You chose to be a bad person.
Also your comments about my physical state don't help, making a joke out of it is cruel which is how I interpreted it.
I actually have no idea what you're talking about here. Sorry I upset you unknowingly (actually I don't give a shit about you or how you feel as we've established), but how you interpret my words is firmly your own problem. I have already addressed that I neither know, nor care about your physical state. Trying to emotionally manipulate me into feeling sorry for you is immature and petty, and I stand by that.
And being transphobic is another jump to conclusion that doesn't make either of us look.good. I'm not transphobic. I'm transgender and have had years of reflection on iit. Calling me transphobic is like a punch in the gut.
Good. As I've previously highlighted your behavior here is abso-fucking-lutely transphobic. You are being transphobic. You being transgender does not excuse you from being transphobic. Hope this helps. Since you spent weeks bullying my friends, I don't actually care about your feelings.
As far as Daron, all she said was that she always intended Marco to be the type of guy who wasn't hung up on doing some things that are typically feminine without any concerns for his masculinity. It seems from an experience she had when she was young with her best friend who was male. When I asked her if Marco was going to grow up and be a good male role model, she said yes. Twice she did.
Cool? Characters change in the making? Characters are up for interpretation? Ever heard of death of the author? Also what sort of question is "will marco grow p to be a good male rolemodel?" what was she going to respond? "No, actually, she's going to grow up to kill people and be a terrible parent." You asked her a childish question and she gave you a stock response. That means nothing?
Also, and here's the kicker - if Daron Nefcy came up to me tomorrow and said to me "Marco is a cis male" I would say to her "I don't care" and keep headcanoning her as trans, harming no one in doing so. She's trans because I say she is. She's trans because there is a lot of contextual clues that means she can be interpreted as trans very easily. Fuck she's probably my most heavily subtextually trans, trans headcanon. Some characters I headcanon as trans just because of vibes. I don't go into Marco Diaz main tags saying that Marco is trans and everyone is transphobic for having a different interpretation of her character. That would be stupid, hurtful, mean, wrong, nasty... exactly what you did.
I have come to the conclusion that you really haven't been around queer fandom long. The thing is, we don't get stories like this. We don't get to see main characters in disney shows turn out to be trans. We don't get to see ourselves in fiction at all until quite recently, certainly more recently than this fandom originated. Often, the only way we can have trans characters in the things we love is through piecing together subtext clues, often put in by creators throwing us a bone, or being queer themselves and unable to express anything more than tidbits. It's how we function, how we've always funtioned, and being so aggressively and vehemently against that is transphobic. If that's something that upsets you, than you need to educate yourself on queer theory and queer fandom spaces. I recommend starting with Jessie Gender or Philosophytube on youtube.
I won't deny I love the character a lot. I won't deny that some of the crew liked that some people saw themselves in Marco. But even if you look at the storyboard that everyone points to, it was a doll of a persona Marco already distanced himself from except for a royalty payment of $650. It was a capitalist business deal and nothing more. That's all the merch was ever about. A way to give Marco spending money during adventures. It wasn't about some secret "he's going as a she" behind everyone's back. It was all about the money. If Marco really cared about it on the level you theorize, he wouldn't have taken money out of the profits and would have done it in the best interests of the girls.
That's your point of view. You say it was about money and only money, but you can't tell me Marco wasn't emotional when she gave it up. You can't tell me that my icon isn't Marco showing real attachment and emotion towards the Princess Turdina persona. And when she finally gave that persona up, when she felt guilty about "lying", why did that come back after? Why wasn't that the last we saw of Turdina?
It's up to interpretation, which is something you have willfully ignored the whole way along. You might come back with the argument Marco likes drag, and she's just a feminine boy. But that's just one interpretation.
In conclusion I see this is misgendering. While it is a fictional character, some of the ways you've interacted with me have also been along the same lines, about me being transphobic and making light of my physical problems which is hitting below the belt.
No, it's not. It's the only way that queers could see themselves in fiction for years. Also you're projecting the rest. I didn't even know you were trans or had a disability until you brought it up.
At the end of the day, you never addressed my points: feminine men in western cartoons are a dime a dozen, trans women are nearly non-existent. We are harming no one by enjoying a theory that does have evidence to back it up. You, meanwhile, harassed and attacked people for weeks. Not just theorists like me, but people who were just posting fanart. Then, when people got fed up with you, you turned around and announced that I had mental problems.
I hope in the time since this initial drama you've grown up a bit. I hope I'm writing to a ghostblog, the owner of which is vaguely embarrassed about their actions. I hope you've found other characters to relate to, and that you've learned a bit about queer fandom. I hope you have found a canonically cis female character to interpret as a trans guy. I hope you've found real queer rep, since it's become more available. I hope you're doing well, and that you're no longer an internet bully.
Also I'm Australian, mate, swearing is part of my culture.
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pastelprince18 · 10 months
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✨Hello their my beloved little fellas, Names Ray [Nicknamed not real name]! I usually post my art weather being doodles, wips, sketches, paintings or finished pieces being fandom stuff or my own  projects [which is rare because I am so shy to share my very own content and don't know how people will act, maybe someday I will talk about it] I would appreciate if you do see my art anywhere to DM me and NOT harass anybody <:] , but if you do share my work PLEASE CREDIT ME!!I IT WILL ME A LOT TO ME /Gen✨
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✨ Short Info✨
💖Ray [Perfered] , Raylin, Pastel
💖White Irish Puerto Rican
💖 Demi Girl [She/They/Her/Them]
💖Lesbian, Ace
💖#Kbyeart is my arttag 
💖Self-Taught Artist 
💖Can Be a bit too talktive </3
💖Gamer [if you like to add me on switch lmk CLOSE FRIENDS ONLY!!
💖COMMISSION CHART HERE If intrested please dm on my platforms: Instagram, Tumblr, Discord, Deviant Art, and Twitter all under the same name :]
💖Can get anxious meeting new people either too shy or too excited 
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🌸Mario Rabbids Series 
🌸Rabbids Invasion
🌸 Pastel, Hospital, Nostalgic Core Aesthetic 
🌸Regular Show [Been a while but I still love it <33]
🌸Pretty Blood 
🌸The Bad Guys 
🌸Happy Tree Friends 
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Basic Racism,Bigots,Homophobics, Transphobic 
Art Thief
Discourse Accounts 
NFT’s Cryptic 
Cringe Culture [Ya know the people who say “THATS CRINGE EW”]
You harass me or any of my friends/ mutuals. That is automatic block
Also Spamming inbox + Dms will be blocked 
Dream SMP Fans 
Fetish Artist 
Vizpop Fans
HH and HB stuff, I don’t wanna hear nothing of that shit, please block me or i’ll block you I don’t nothing to do with it or see it on my damn feed /srs
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As stated before I do talk a lot, I usually ramble about my own HC, Oc Stuff, Ships, Ideas or even things I really enjoy from games, shows movies ect. I hope you are prepared on what I will share here. And just know it is for fun and I would love for ya’ll to also share your ideas <3 
I tend to have depressed episodes sometimes, if you do see me writing things on here mainly at night, its where I can show during that time since I feel bad for venting too much to friends. I feel bad even venting out just to let steam off, sorry for advance :’]
I open request when I feel like it weather being I am art blocked, have no ideas or no motvation. IT IS A RARE MOMENT, PLEASE DO NOT SPAM MY INBOX!!! IF I HAVE NOT DONE UR REQUEST I WILL GLADLY DO IT WHEN I AM FREE 
 Speaking of the first one. Do not spam inbox please, I have gotten that lately and I tend to get anxious or annoyed since I can't always answer stuff, I do have a job and I tend to get sidetrack, even if I am not in the best mental state please do not be on top of me, I do not like that.
My art takes quite a bit to post weather being a painting or digital art, I work 5 days a week and usually it drains me where I am at. usually cause of that my motivation drains fast. I know I say I promise to do things and I will keep that promise, even if its months too late I'll try to work on it <3
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Thank you all for dropping by and hope to get to know most of you all :’]
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